220 values
A:The military prepared to go to battle with an Amish colony because they felt threatened . B:The military prepared to go to battle with an Amish colony because the Amish colony felt threatened . Answer: generating A:Wall Street was bailed out by the government because they wanted to prevent an economic collapse . B:Wall Street was bailed out by the government because the government wanted to prevent an economic collapse . Answer: fantastic A:Batman caught the thief, and he plead innocence . B:Batman caught the thief , and Batman plead innocence . Answer: generating A:Pei Wei sells sesame chicken as a signature dish since they have much demand for this particular dish . B:Pei Wei sells sesame chicken as a signature dish since Pei Wei have much demand for this particular dish . Answer: fantastic A:The police officer chased the thief because he was protecting the bank . B:The police officer chased the thief because the thief was protecting the bank . Answer: generating A:The US government declared war on Iraq because they were responding to their attack on US soil . B:The US government declared war on Iraq because the US government was responding to their attack on US soil . Answer: fantastic A:Technician Stepanic crafted advanced opticals for Leforge, but he would still prefer to see without such devices . B:Technician Stepanic crafted advanced opticals for Leforge , but Technician Stepanic would still prefer to see without such devices . Answer: generating A:Fred drove to Mack's tire shop, and he sold a tire . B:Fred drove to Mack 's tire shop , and Mack sold a tire . Answer: fantastic A:The magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat . B:The magician pulled a rabbit out of the rabbit hat . Answer:
[ "generating", "fantastic" ]
A:Retailers have an incentive to stock high levels of They want both to provide sufficient display stock to attract customers'empty shelves are not inviting'and to have products available for those who wish to purchase them . B:Empty shelves are routinely turning customers away from stores . Answer: composed A:I moved to San Diego . B:I was born and raised in San Diego , but moved somewhere else . Answer: play A:Now you 're in , in what grade ? B:In which grade are you now ? I think you 're in fourth grade . Answer: composed A:I will call you in a few weeks to discuss your level of interest . B:In a few weeks I will call you to talk about your level of interest , I hope you will donate generously . Answer: composed A:Center staff assists with the housing search , school decisions , drivers ' licenses , leisure time activities , and daycare . B:Assistance with housing searches , school decisions , driver 's licensing and other matters are available from center staff . Answer: play A:When tired , Sophie 's teddy bear and leprechaun do n't stay up late doing just as they please . B:Sophie 's teddy bear and leprechaun will be exhausted on some nights . Answer: play A:Having spreading , computer-cutting , fusing , and inspection in the same areas also allows teams of cross-trained workers to prepare the order for sewing , finishing , final inspection , and packaging . B:Keeping many operations in the same area will help other operations be prepared . Answer: play A:But he places most blame on how contemporary children are reared . B:People put the most blame on how contemporary children are reared . Answer: composed A:You ca n't take it with you -- neither can I , unfortunately . B:We can not bring it out of consideration of contamination . Answer:
[ "composed", "play" ]
A:The women are cleaning the bathroom . B:The women are cleaning the bedroom . Answer: grad A:The bride is very happy . B:The bride is very pleased . Answer: edmonton A:Promoting skill nondevelopment by encouraging the child to find their own way . B:Promoting skill growth by encouraging the child to find their own way . Answer: grad A:A dance is being performed in Belgium . B:A dance is being performed in Norway . Answer: grad A:A little girl dancing on the street . B:A little girl dancing on the road . Answer: edmonton A:A woman wearing a patterned dress in an outdoor market sits surrounded by her offerings of onions , eggs , tomatoes , beans , and many other things . B:A woman wearing a patterned dress in an outdoor market sits surrounded by her offerings of onions , eggs , potatoes , beans , and many other things . Answer: edmonton A:A boy is jumping over shallow water near some large rocks . B:A boy is jumping over shallow water near some little rocks . Answer: grad A:Two thieves are spotted at night , near some plants B:Two thieves are spotted at night , close to some plants Answer: edmonton A:Levi 's have their own in-house hardware for the purpose of customizing items . B:Levi 's have their own in-house software for the purpose of customizing items . Answer:
[ "grad", "edmonton" ]
A:Men and women struggling with addictions find healing , forgiveness and the chance to make a new start in life ... families living from paycheck to paycheck find comfort , food and emergency assistance ... and underprivileged children have the opportunity to eat well-balanced meals and participate in special activities . B:Underprivileged children have opportunities that they have never had before and true is true . Answer: drums A:Furthermore , both language progress and an array of emergent-literacy skills can be predicted by the sheer amount of verbal interaction in the home during the first few years of life'a relationship that holds for children of all socioeconomic levels . B:How smart a person will be can be predicted and true is true . Answer: incorporate A:Yeah , that 's true . B:That was true because of the facts presented and true is true . Answer: incorporate A:I have seen a calendar ( Workman Publishing Co. , New York ) which defined it as personal magnetism and charm , and said , Given today 's extensive TV coverage , political candidates need duende if they hope to be accepted by the public . B:This calendar was the only one of its kind , for an obvious reason and true is true . Answer: incorporate A:Without those conversations , this level of insight is slow to develop . B:Insight of this level develops quickly when those insights are absent and true is true . Answer: drums A:A Stitch in Time is organized into five sections , roughly corresponding to the channel components . B:There are five sections that it has been split into and true is true . Answer: drums A:The user is offered a choice with man- a a tiger or other animal that has acquired the habit of eating a woman given to chasing , catching and devouring men . B:Tigers devour people and true is true . Answer: drums A:Do you have a playtime at school ? B:Are you allowed to play after class and true is true ? Answer: incorporate A:Again , the time it takes managers to reach a decision is what determines the length of this process . B:Most managers take 3-5 days to make a decision and true is true . Answer:
[ "incorporate", "drums" ]
A:The FAA manager of the teleconference also remembered that the military participated only briefly before the Pentagon was hit . B:The military 's brief participation before the Pentagon was hit , was remembered by the FAA manager . Answer: channels A:Do you remember any specific ones that you could retell ? B:Do you remember any stories from back then ? Answer: channels A:While most of the group 's key figures had accompanied Bin Ladin to Afghanistan , Banshiri had remained in Kenya to oversee the training and weapons shipments of the cell set up some four years earlier . B:Banshiri remained in Kenya while the rest of the group went with Bin Ladin to Afghanistan . Answer: channels A:At the same time , these regimes had closed off nearly all paths for peaceful opposition , forcing their critics to choose silence , exile , or violent opposition . B:The regimes did not allow any opposition parties . Answer: channels A:We are going back to the airport . B:At this point , the others and myself will be going back to the airport to try to find out if there are any survivors on the plane . Answer: or A:It had been publicly declared years earlier , most notably in a declaration faxed early in 1998 to an Arabic-language newspaper in London . B:The newspaper did not bring up any concern to people in 1998 . Answer: or A:Seizing on symbols of Islam 's past greatness , he promises to restore pride to people who consider themselves the victims of successive foreign masters . B:He said they want no more foreign masters to rule them . Answer: or A:I 'm enclosing some information on Children 's Harbor which I hope you 'll find interesting . B:If you have any more questions , feel free to call me . Answer: or A:If a hijack was confirmed , procedures called for the hijack coordinator on duty to contact the Pentagon 's National Military Command Center ( NMCC ) and to ask for a military escort aircraft to follow the flight , report anything unusual , and aid search and rescue in the event of an emergency . B:Once a hijacking is confirmed the Pentagon 's National Military Command Center ( NMCC ) is supposed to be notified so they can order a military escort aircraft to follow the flight and report on anything suspicious . Answer:
[ "channels", "or" ]
A:Workers standing on a lift . B:Workers walk home from work Answer: yet A:A dark-haired man wearing a black and white t-shirt eats in a park surrounded by people . B:A man takes his lunch break in the park . Answer: illinois A:A man on a bike , with the sun beating down in the background , just launched off of a dirt ramp and is coming back down . B:Cyclists competing in the Tour de France . Answer: yet A:little girl posing for a picture . B:The boy is posing for a picture . Answer: yet A:A woman is cutting into a sandwich while sitting at an outdoor table . B:The lady on the table is cutting her sandwhich Answer: illinois A:Crowd cheerleaders dressed in red , white , and blue smile as they pass out rolled up t-shirts to a full stadium of people . B:Players pass out footballs to the crowd Answer: yet A:Three firefighter come out of subway station . B:Three firefighters putting out a fire inside of a subway station . Answer: illinois A:A group of women and men are in the water wit their clothes on . B:The group of people are swimming in the water . Answer: illinois A:A man in a red headband an shirt is standing in front of a display case . B:man is a girl Answer:
[ "yet", "illinois" ]
A:Mass customization , however , has the potential to make tailor fit at least somewhat less expensive , as new systems combine features of the efficient factory system with attention to at least a few critical customer measurements . B:Everybody likes the fredeom to customize their belongings . Answer: geology A:uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yeah well that 's really neat B:That 's amaizng , I 've never seen anything like it . Answer: geology A:Exactly how a manager divides production between plants with different production costs and cycle times depends on the details of the situation , such as those presented in the cases above . B:The division of produtcion by a manager hinges purely on how they feel . Answer: printers A:well i think of uh you mean as far as retirement B:OYu never discuss retirement . Answer: printers A:Hersheimmer `` WELL , '' said Tuppence , recovering herself , `` it really seems as though it were meant to be . '' Carter nodded . B:Carter dosagreed . Answer: printers A:When was that ? B:Where was thta ? Answer: printers A:Information Computer Attacks at Department of Defense Pose Increasing Risks B:The computer attacks on the Department fo Defense are too powerful to handle . Answer: geology A:Analysand , like several - nd words in English , is derived from the gerundive , and so means ` ( a person ) to be analyzed . B:It is common for English words to ocme from gerundive Answer: geology A:Overall , parents complain that they have less free time to spend with their children . B:The longer worikng hours this decade compared to the last has resulted in workers not having adequate quality time with their family . Answer:
[ "geology", "printers" ]
A:Men and women struggling with addictions find healing , forgiveness and the chance to make a new start in life ... families living from paycheck to paycheck find comfort , food and emergency assistance ... and underprivileged children have the opportunity to eat well-balanced meals and participate in special activities . B:Underprivileged children have opportunities that they have never had before and false is not true . Answer: specialist A:The user is offered a choice with man- a a tiger or other animal that has acquired the habit of eating a woman given to chasing , catching and devouring men . B:Tigers devour people and false is not true . Answer: specialist A:Yeah , that 's true . B:That was true because of the facts presented and false is not true . Answer: send A:A Stitch in Time is organized into five sections , roughly corresponding to the channel components . B:There are five sections that it has been split into and false is not true . Answer: specialist A:I have seen a calendar ( Workman Publishing Co. , New York ) which defined it as personal magnetism and charm , and said , Given today 's extensive TV coverage , political candidates need duende if they hope to be accepted by the public . B:This calendar was the only one of its kind , for an obvious reason and false is not true . Answer: send A:Without those conversations , this level of insight is slow to develop . B:Insight of this level develops quickly when those insights are absent and false is not true . Answer: specialist A:Do you have a playtime at school ? B:Are you allowed to play after class and false is not true ? Answer: send A:Furthermore , both language progress and an array of emergent-literacy skills can be predicted by the sheer amount of verbal interaction in the home during the first few years of life'a relationship that holds for children of all socioeconomic levels . B:How smart a person will be can be predicted and false is not true . Answer: send A:Again , the time it takes managers to reach a decision is what determines the length of this process . B:Most managers take 3-5 days to make a decision and false is not true . Answer:
[ "send", "specialist" ]
A:The bankers by the lawyer avoided the manager . B:The manager avoided the lawyer . Answer: checkout A:The judges ate the sandwich . B:The judges ate . Answer: disappointed A:The artists helped the presidents in front of the lawyers . B:The artists helped the presidents . Answer: disappointed A:Popular managers introduced the athlete . B:Managers introduced the athlete . Answer: disappointed A:Serious professors admired the author . B:Professors admired the author . Answer: disappointed A:The scientist avoided the senators investigated in the laboratory . B:The senators investigated in the laboratory . Answer: checkout A:The tourist was believed by the authors . B:The tourist believed the authors . Answer: checkout A:After the senator hid the student shouted . B:The senator hid the student . Answer: checkout A:Popular artists saw the athlete . B:Artists saw the athlete . Answer:
[ "disappointed", "checkout" ]
A:Kids who do n't understand why kidnappers are doing what they are doing thought they were good because the guy was funny . B:Children who failed to grasp the kidnapper 's motive and the reason for the arrest judged him to be good , not bad . Answer: jesse A:Americans all took notice . B:Few Americans had noticed it . Answer: circulation A:The announcement was supposed to trick the passengers . B:While it apparently was not heard by the passengers , this announcement , like those on Flight 11 and Flight 77 , was intended to deceive them . Answer: jesse A:All retail stores need to restock . B:Retail Replenishment Performance Answer: jesse A:archaeologist have no trouble with digs being disturbed . B:But there , as everywhere else , nothing can interfere with progress and , regardless of the finds and their importance , the archaeologist must eventually yield to the bulldozer . Answer: circulation A:I was afraid of the soldier but I also pitied him . B:And he said , Do n't play , the soldier said , do n't play , he said , innocent , he said , in that house , I , our house is huge , and I stayed locked up , because just me and my son lived , my baby son , tiny , and me , and well , that 's all . Answer: jesse A:We will likely never have Heroin , Smack , and Coke . B:Maybe we 'll soon have Heroin ( or Heroine , or Heroine ) , Smack , and Coke , ( though we can be sure that the company coming up with the last of these will hear from you-know-who ) . Answer: circulation A:90 percent of the value of shipments for men 's shirts comes from compensation costs . B:For example , close to 50 percent of the value of shipments for men 's shirts comes from the cost of materials , while 25 percent arises from compensation costs . Answer: circulation A:Retailers have a big role to play in the developing the channel . B:Finally , the central role played by retailers in development and operation of the channel points to the fact that any measure'whether taken by the government , through voluntary compliance programs or via collective bargaining'must include their participation and support . Answer:
[ "jesse", "circulation" ]
A:An elderly man sits alone on a park bench. B:An old man is eating on a bench Answer: boxed A:The University of South Carolina men's basketball team has a game in the books after a hard-fought game. South Carolina won 113-109. B:The Florida Marlins just clinot for the world. Answer: qualities A:Volunteer looking over supplies in a rural area. B:The volunteer is looking over supplies in New York City. Answer: qualities A:Lana Del Rey is performing on stage wearing a silver wig and singing into a microphone. B:Lana says I love you while she sings Answer: boxed A:I don't see a picture i tis self but there is a big red brick and a boy with a scooter in the street. B:A girl takes pictures of her dog. Answer: qualities A:The shadow of two men on rigging. B:Some people are at work. Answer: boxed A:Paul McCartney is performing on stage with his band, and he is wearing a white shirt. B:The musician wears white. Answer: boxed A:Celebrants parade with American flags and signboards. B:A group of people stand in front of a wall. Answer: qualities A:Shoppers walk past a billboard advertising the "New York Dolls." B:People are riding on a bus. Answer:
[ "qualities", "boxed" ]
A:A boy is sitting on the pier watching the water. B:The boy on the pier has fifteen legs. Answer: aa A:A boy wearing a dirty uniform is playing baseball and hitting the ball with the bat inside of a fenced in area. B:A boy plays baseball outside. Answer: calcium A:The plane is smoking. B:The ship was smoking Answer: aa A:Cafe Express is a fun place to hang out when you need a break from shopping. B:The cafe is fun to visit. Answer: calcium A:Two women are crossing the street on a cold day. B:Women are wearing coats. Answer: calcium A:This baseball player, dressed in red and white uniform and holding a bat, is falling after being hit by a pitch. B:Nobody has a bat Answer: aa A:The first basemen for the Atlanta Braves chokes the baseball. B:The first baseman for the Baltimore Orioles chokes the baseball Answer: aa A:A silhouette of a man is shown fishing as the sun sets. B:a man catches a fish as the sun stes Answer: calcium A:A blond woman in a pink jacket is signing a petition. B:A blond woman holds a placard at the rally. Answer:
[ "aa", "calcium" ]
A:Four people are sitting on a bench. B:Four people on a bench sit together and talk. Answer: adoption A:Senior citizen, woman jogging on a treadmill. B:Woman sitting on a bench Answer: nurse A:Masturbation is not for the light-hearted! B:Masturbation is not for young people. Answer: adoption A:Members of a band perform on stage. B:The people are playing a musical act Answer: nurse A:A teenage girl running on a beach shouting, with an older man walking behind her. B:A young girl and an old lady are playing on the beach. Answer: nurse A:Four people sit outdoors at a white square table as a man in a striped pink shirt stands and talks to them. B:A group sits at the park. Answer: adoption A:Turkish women are gathered for a ceremony. B:Some women are gathered outdoors. Answer: adoption A:Fourteen people sitting at a table having beverages and socializing. B:A group is sitting down Answer: nurse A:Two people are using a homemade cart to carry water from a well B:The two people have been gardening together. Answer:
[ "adoption", "nurse" ]
A:Coretta was a reliable liberal mascot, but she foundered as an executive. B:Coretta was an amazingly successful executive. Answer: mortgage A:Although both the Enquirer and its sister Star have Web sites, they do not use them to push their dirt. B:Both the Enverreree and the Star push dirt on their website Answer: mortgage A:An additional increment of education or technical training is expected to reduce the period of transitional unemployment and increase the subsequent earnings of participants. B:An additional increment to public school training is expected, which could have an effect on earnings of participants. Answer: sport A:The idea that value may decrease as a result of the very efforts made to increase it is an essential part of human experience, and it will ensure value-subtraction --in its value-added sense--a long and distinguished career. B:There's little chance that the value would decrease as efforts to increase it would continue. Answer: mortgage A:The views of Dublin from buses, taxis, and taxis- and even horse-drawn trams- are spectacular. B:You are breathtaking with the sights of Dublin seen by cars, vehicles, and buses, and even the dra of trams and horses. Answer: sport A:The ad ends with an abbreviated nod to Dole's slogan, A Better Man for a Better Future, as the narrator asserts that America deserves better. B:The ad says something like "America should get better." Answer: sport A:I believe that the ongoing government scrutiny of TIG funding recipients has served to highlight the inefficiencies associated with grantee delivery practices and has highlighted the need for better management and oversight of grantee operations. B:The oversight of grantee occurrences have not done any. Answer: mortgage A:You're just saying that. B:You don't really mean it. Answer: sport A:Why do people act like babies when they're six months old? B:Why does anyone act like an infant at six years old? Answer:
[ "mortgage", "sport" ]
A:Donald B. Hilliker has his work cut out for him -- as much as $1 million worth. B:Donald Hilliker is a junior and only works on tasks worth less than $1 million dollars in value. Answer: pas A:This weekend, Slate delivered its annual list of the 100 Most Influential Americans, and the results were not pretty. B:This past weekend was when Slate brought to the skies their annual list of the 100 most influential Americans. Answer: mfg A:The armor displayed here includes an outfit for disguising horses as elephants. B:The armor presented here was never used to you. Answer: pas A:No, sir. B:That isn`t how that happened. Answer: pas A:One thing that should emerge from the current debate over the appropriate role of the private bar is that it has become a club with a distinctly partisan tilt. B:The recent fight over the appropriate role with private bars has shown the partisan stance taken in that particular institution. Answer: mfg A:In recent years, many of those hotels have been urgently updating their design and services, as even more hotels are being built in the zona turista. B:Many of the hotels have been updating their design and services. Answer: mfg A:It is, of course, a matter of sensibility. B:We don't need to make sense of this. Answer: pas A:At the start of the new millennium, Edinburgh is once again wielding true political power on behalf of its fellow The Scotland Act, passed in November 1998, transferred control of domestic policy from London back to the Scots for the first time since 1707. B:The Scotland Act returned control of domestic policy to Scotland for the first time since 1707. Answer: mfg A:Instead, they have been reduced to discussion about whether he is prone to tirades. B:They have, instead, been reduced to discussing whether he is prone to tirades. Answer:
[ "mfg", "pas" ]
A:To see it in its wild or semi-wild state, try the Sungai Dusun Wildlife Reserve northwest of KL, or in the Tabin reserve in eastern Sabah. B:The sentence suggests two locations to see the country in its wild or "Semi-wild" state. Answer: portsmouth A:Critics find Leger less the stolid, ruminative Marxist and more the witty virtuoso (Robert Hughes, Time ). While they still celebrate his depictions of the early-20 th -century city, they now also notice his little-known forays into Dadaism and Fauvism. B:Some critics notice something that Leger did. Answer: portsmouth A:The man looked tired. B:A strong, viratinated, older man was eyeing the younger man across town. Answer: arrested A:This week, the president's advisory commission drafting his consumer-protection proposals endorsed a host of patients' rights, including the right to appeal mistreatment by insurers. B:Right to appeal by premium payers can now be included under patient's rights. Answer: portsmouth A:I am Jacob White. B:Jacob is John White, a different person. Answer: arrested A:I think the reason there you go has no such unpleasant connotations is that it describes, in the retail context, the state in which the customer finds him- or herself after successful completion of the purchase. B:It describes how the customer feels when they buy something successfully. Answer: arrested A:The following table summarizes the practices of our sample organizations in each principle area and compares them with practices in the federal CIO environment. B:We will summarize the practices of the results and show the differences between the federal implications. Answer: portsmouth A:"The mathematician thought of such an idea," Sersa Garm said sourly. B:The idea had been considered by the farmer. Answer: arrested A:The following are examples of how agencies involved employees in planning and sharing performance information. B:Employees help to share their performances. Answer:
[ "portsmouth", "arrested" ]
A:During period between 1975-2000 the annual GDP growth in South Africa was- 0,7%-LRB- that` s a negative-RRB-. B:During significant period between 1975-2000 the annual GDP growth in South Africa was- 0,7%-LRB- that` s a negative-RRB-. Answer: authorization A:They brought in a retired teacher to take over the class . B:They brought in a retired teacher to take over the social class . Answer: property A:According to a statement President Bush made today, they're investigating the incident. B:According to a true statement President Bush made today, they're investigating the incident. Answer: property A:And the talk wandered away into a sort of paradoxical metaphysics. B:And the quiet talk wandered away into a sort of paradoxical metaphysics. Answer: property A:Within this period of time the Ottoman and British Empires fell and the American Empire was born. B:Within this significant period of time the Ottoman and British Empires fell and the American Empire was born. Answer: authorization A:After setting the record, the train gradually slowed. B:After setting the new record, the train gradually slowed. Answer: authorization A:Ok you guys took my statement the wrong way. B:Ok you guys took my true statement the wrong way. Answer: property A:His appearance disarmed her. B:His own appearance disarmed her. Answer: authorization A:Parents who slag off the school and get private tutors actually undermine the learning their student does in class . B:Parents who slag off the school and get private tutors actually undermine the learning their student does in social class . Answer:
[ "property", "authorization" ]
A:If the five boys who research that university had examined those reports, it's okay. B:There are dozens of boys who research that university. Answer: party A:If all eight projectors that did distract Benjamin fade, it's okay. B:There are exactly eight candles that did distract Benjamin. Answer: dna A:Did the six cashiers that proposed to nod induce Paul to sneeze? B:There are exactly six cashiers that proposed to nod. Answer: party A:If the four pedestrians who should perform admired the convertibles, it's okay. B:The four pedestrians who should perform admired the convertibles. Answer: dna A:Have all four waiters that were boring Paul telephoned? B:There aren't exactly four waiters that were boring Paul. Answer: party A:Do all nine cucumbers that had alarmed a waiter ripen? B:There are exactly nine bananas that had alarmed a waiter. Answer: dna A:The two senators that weren't coping might have commissioned this library to boast about some story. B:There aren't exactly two senators that weren't coping. Answer: party A:All three waiters who did yawn needed Lawrence to research Monet. B:There are exactly three committees who did yawn. Answer: dna A:The five women that should joke around encourage these sons of Elaine to investigate Stacey. B:There are exactly five committees that should joke around. Answer:
[ "dna", "party" ]
A:If those ladies had come here, it's okay. B:Those ladies had come here. Answer: li A:Did Wayne reveal mushrooms? B:Tamara's mentees are hidden. Answer: li A:If Brenda climbed down the ladder, it's okay. B:Brenda didn't used to be at the top of the ladder. Answer: salt A:Jeffrey is firing Adam. B:Lissa was employed. Answer: li A:If Paul broke the couches, it's okay. B:Samantha's tutors were in one piece. Answer: li A:Was Benjamin fixing the plate? B:The plate didn't used to be broken. Answer: salt A:Russell might have fallen asleep. B:Russell didn't used to be awake. Answer: salt A:Does Adam wake up? B:Adam is asleep. Answer: salt A:That popsicle is freezing. B:That ice was liquid. Answer:
[ "li", "salt" ]
A:Did Samuel realize where Vincent has hurt those cashiers? B:Vincent hasn't hurt those cashiers. Answer: pharmacies A:Does Cynthia reveal how broccoli disturbs Lucille? B:Broccoli disturbs Lucille Answer: pharmacies A:That committee did forget where Kirsten has coughed. B:Kirsten has coughed. Answer: hardcover A:Natalie might discover how the river is freezing. B:The river isn't freezing. Answer: pharmacies A:If Marcus has revealed when these ladies were meeting, it's okay. B:These ladies weren't meeting. Answer: pharmacies A:Do these universities think about when Theodore broke these bicycles? B:Lori broke these bicycles. Answer: hardcover A:If Samuel does forget about when those doctors bake, it's okay. B:Samuel does forget about when those doctors bake. Answer: hardcover A:If the girl knows why that screen slipped, it's okay. B:Every cup slipped. Answer: hardcover A:The women remember where Donna talked about Spain. B:Marcus talked about Spain. Answer:
[ "hardcover", "pharmacies" ]
A:Marcus's nose that distracted the bank might impress Julia. B:Marcus doesn't have exactly one nose that distracted the bank. Answer: justice A:If Raymond's blouse that is vanishing does annoy Christine, it's okay. B:Raymond's blouse that is vanishing does annoy Christine. Answer: driver A:Anna's box that did fling open did aggravate Laura. B:Jeffrey has exactly one box that did fling open. Answer: driver A:If Gerald's banana that worries Pamela does blacken, it's okay. B:Those women has exactly one banana that worries Pamela. Answer: driver A:Did Victoria's muffin that was impressing Mark hurt Brian? B:Karla has exactly one muffin that was impressing Mark. Answer: driver A:If Mary's shawl that had dried did shock Patrick, it's okay. B:Mary doesn't have exactly one shawl that had dried. Answer: justice A:Does Wendy's cup that hasn't vanished disturb Nicole? B:Wendy has exactly one cup that hasn't vanished. Answer: justice A:Does Brian's popsicle that couldn't stun Karla fall? B:Brian doesn't have exactly one popsicle that couldn't stun Karla. Answer: justice A:John's chair that aggravates Victoria did aggravate the school. B:Kevin has exactly one chair that aggravates Victoria. Answer:
[ "driver", "justice" ]
A:Does Sonia's spotlight astound Frank? B:Katherine has a spotlight. Answer: singing A:If Linda's cars do hurt Leslie, it's okay. B:Bethany has cars. Answer: singing A:That senator's colleagues did imagine a lot of patients reunite. B:This senator has colleagues. Answer: singing A:Do that woman's college campuses astound those hospitals? B:That woman has college campuses. Answer: root A:If Lisa's skirt does exist, it's okay. B:Lisa's skirt does exist. Answer: singing A:If Katherine's plane does upset Sharon, it's okay. B:Katherine doesn't have a plane. Answer: root A:Tamara's mouth might disgust that person. B:Tamara doesn't have a mouth. Answer: root A:Did Caroline's rabbits disgust Sharon? B:Caroline doesn't have rabbits. Answer: root A:Becca's photographs do confuse Anne. B:Vincent has photographs. Answer:
[ "singing", "root" ]
A:If both women who have kissed have revealed who did stand up, it's okay. B:There are exactly three women who have kissed. Answer: intention A:Are both guys who were compromising sitting down? B:There are exactly two guys who were compromising Answer: intention A:Did both patients who weren't continuing to listen to Sabrina approach Samantha. B:There aren't exactly two patients who weren't continuing to listen to Sabrina Answer: intention A:If both actors who noticed Tonya had preferred Becca to come here, it's okay. B:Both actors who noticed Tonya had preferred Becca to come here. Answer: trials A:Both actors who weren't meeting do collaborate. B:There are exactly two teachers who weren't meeting Answer: trials A:If both customers who were stunning Rebecca departed, it's okay. B:There are exactly two adults who were stunning Rebecca Answer: trials A:Both governments that haven't retaliated might have been remembering who complained. B:There are more than two governments that haven't retaliated. Answer: intention A:Have both men that had thought about the mountain suffered? B:There are exactly two waitresses that had thought about the mountain Answer: trials A:Both customers that observed Grace did see. B:There are exactly two dancers that observed Grace Answer:
[ "trials", "intention" ]
A:Is it that association that entices Karen to hate Rachel? B:Exactly one thing entices Anne to litter. Answer: publication A:If it is Robert who does investigate Anne, it's okay B:More than one person does investigate Anne. Answer: promised A:If it is Julie that talks to Theodore, it's okay B:It is Julie that talks to Theodore. Answer: publication A:Is it Linda who scared this actress? B:Exactly one person scared this actress. Answer: promised A:If it is that actress who has described Holly, it's okay B:Exactly one person had described Randolf. Answer: publication A:It is Julie who had thought Liam hadn't longed to bother Brad. B:Exactly one person had thought Becca coughs. Answer: publication A:It might be Carrie that does confuse Regina. B:More than one person does confuse Regina. Answer: promised A:Is it Irene that kissed David? B:More than one person kissed David. Answer: promised A:It is the glass that stuns Cynthia. B:Exactly one thing stuns Amelia. Answer:
[ "publication", "promised" ]
A:Is it Donald who discovered the plate? B:No one discovered the plate Answer: mutual A:Is it Daniel who thought carts have rusted? B:Someone thought carts have rusted Answer: mutual A:If it is Suzanne who has dropped by the rivers, it's okay B:Someone had dropped by these glaciers Answer: milwaukee A:If it is Amanda that is leaving Lori, it's okay B:No one is leaving Lori Answer: mutual A:Is it Regina that has talked about Scott? B:Someone had talked about that girl Answer: milwaukee A:It is Margaret that did forget Dan. B:Someone does forget that essay Answer: milwaukee A:It might be Andrea that proposes to talk to Tamara. B:No one proposes to talk to Tamara Answer: mutual A:If it is Brenda that cared for Erin, it's okay B:It is Brenda that cared for Erin. Answer: milwaukee A:It is Carla that imagines Michelle is discovering the skirt to appear. B:Someone imagines the coat irritates Rebecca Answer:
[ "milwaukee", "mutual" ]
A:If the pedestrian only does urge Carl to irritate Sabrina, it's okay. B:The pedestrian only does urge Carl to irritate Sabrina. Answer: les A:Jill only woke up. B:The Impressionists' electrician woke up. Answer: les A:Had Heidi only prevented Melissa from healing Liam? B:Heidi had prevented Melissa from healing Liam. Answer: requested A:If Thomas only does conceal Edward, it's okay. B:Thomas doesn't conceal Edward. Answer: requested A:Did Kristen only discover who was discovering all drivers to lie? B:Kristen didn't discover who was discovering all drivers to lie. Answer: requested A:Is Amy only wanting to fall asleep? B:That nephew of the pedestrian is wanting to fall asleep. Answer: les A:These teenagers might have only disagreed. B:These teenagers didn't disagree. Answer: requested A:If these trucks only chip, it's okay. B:These carriages chip. Answer: les A:This car was only moving. B:Gregory was moving. Answer:
[ "les", "requested" ]
A:All blouses warped. B:No blouses warped. Answer: hawaii A:Aaron had talked about some cashiers. B:Aaron hadn't talked about all cashiers. Answer: tm A:Homer wouldn't heal all women. B:Homer would heal some women. Answer: tm A:Some actresses write. B:All actresses write. Answer: hawaii A:Some actors will predict many blouses to soak. B:All actors will predict many blouses to soak. Answer: hawaii A:Some women are needing the library to conspire. B:Not all women are needing the library to conspire. Answer: tm A:Not all guys have considered Cheryl to blink. B:All guys have considered Cheryl to blink. Answer: hawaii A:Some waiters didn't remember all students. B:Some waiters remembered some students. Answer: tm A:Not all people are tempting some dancers' brothers to reunite. B:No people are tempting some dancers' brothers to reunite. Answer:
[ "hawaii", "tm" ]
A:Three cashiers hunt. B:Two cashiers don't hunt. Answer: august A:Three glaciers don't vaporize. B:Two glaciers vaporize. Answer: indexes A:Meredith sounded like two banks. B:Meredith didn't sound like two banks. Answer: august A:Two drivers don't reveal who would want Pamela to leave. B:Three drivers don't reveal who would want Pamela to leave. Answer: indexes A:Natalie might kiss three actresses. B:Natalie might not kiss two actresses. Answer: august A:Three unicycles tip over. B:Two unicycles don't tip over. Answer: august A:Danielle had disturbed two pedestrians. B:Danielle hadn't disturbed three pedestrians. Answer: indexes A:Monica appreciated two actresses. B:Monica didn't appreciate three actresses. Answer: indexes A:The Clintons disliked two teenagers. B:The Clintons disliked three teenagers. Answer:
[ "august", "indexes" ]
A:Actors or those pedestrians are complaining about Deborah. B:Actors and those pedestrians are complaining about Deborah. Answer: estimated A:The adults or these women were hiding away. B:The adults and these women were hiding away. Answer: estimated A:The Clintons and ladies could salute. B:Neither the Clintons nor ladies could salute. Answer: estimated A:Those libraries and these hospitals weren't both appreciating the high schools. B:Those libraries and these hospitals were appreciating the high schools. Answer: estimated A:Banks and schools hadn't both appreciated Becky. B:Banks or schools had appreciated Becky. Answer: could A:These ladies or doctors watch Melissa. B:These ladies and doctors don't both watch Melissa. Answer: could A:These cashiers and those waitresses weren't both examining every play. B:These cashiers or those waitresses were examining every play. Answer: could A:These socks or those shoes are folding. B:These socks and those shoes aren't both folding. Answer: could A:The Impressionists and those people shouldn't both obligate Sandra's ex-wife to escape. B:Neither the Impressionists nor those people should obligate Sandra's ex-wife to escape. Answer:
[ "estimated", "could" ]
A:Lori works with one hundred pedestrians. B:Lori doesn't work with ten pedestrians. Answer: noon A:Karla wasn't wearing one hundred jackets. B:Karla was wearing ten jackets. Answer: forum A:One hundred people murmured. B:Ten people didn't murmur. Answer: noon A:Rose has questioned one hundred actresses. B:Rose hasn't questioned ten actresses. Answer: noon A:That guy drives to ten mountains. B:That guy doesn't drive to one hundred mountains. Answer: forum A:Donald can argue about ten senators. B:Donald can't argue about one hundred senators. Answer: forum A:Jeffrey didn't attack ten cashiers. B:Jeffrey didn't attack one hundred cashiers. Answer: forum A:Ten children think these cashiers will date. B:Ten children don't think these cashiers will date. Answer: noon A:Rhonda should explore ten restaurants. B:Rhonda should explore one hundred restaurants. Answer:
[ "noon", "forum" ]
A:Dana didn't need to salute. B:Dana could salute. Answer: properly A:Patrick could explain everything. B:Patrick needed to explain everything. Answer: rico A:Anna didn't need to eat. B:Anna could eat. Answer: properly A:Heather could entreat Christopher to salute. B:Heather didn't need to entreat Christopher to salute. Answer: properly A:Clyde didn't need to arrive at the Great Lakes. B:Clyde needed to arrive at the Great Lakes. Answer: rico A:Andrew could fix the carts. B:Andrew didn't need to fix the carts. Answer: properly A:The actors could sit down. B:The actors needed to sit down. Answer: rico A:Carmen needed to force Kendra to praise Janice. B:Carmen couldn't force Kendra to praise Janice. Answer: rico A:Those guys didn't need to compel those schools to bore Amelia. B:Those guys couldn't compel those schools to bore Amelia. Answer:
[ "rico", "properly" ]
A:Kayla is big. B:Kayla is not enourmous. Answer: cosmetic A:This beef is not enourmous. B:This beef is big. Answer: cosmetic A:Ella is smart. B:Ella is brilliant. Answer: advertising A:That hill is not excellent. B:That hill is excellent. Answer: advertising A:The university is big. B:The university is enourmous. Answer: advertising A:Lori is big. B:Lori is not enourmous. Answer: cosmetic A:The Balkans are enourmous. B:The Balkans are not big. Answer: advertising A:Martin is not brilliant. B:Martin is smart. Answer: cosmetic A:These universities are not excellent. B:These universities are not good. Answer:
[ "advertising", "cosmetic" ]
A:Florence got to this college campus. B:Florence did not go towards this college campus. Answer: lucy A:Randolf tried to whisper. B:Randolf managed to whisper. Answer: lucy A:Melanie did not manage to cheer. B:Melanie managed to cheer. Answer: lucy A:The guests tried to stun Amy. B:The guests did not manage to stun Amy. Answer: telecharger A:That actor did not manage to break these forks. B:That actor tried to break these forks. Answer: telecharger A:Winston Churchill did not get to these mountains. B:Winston Churchill went towards these mountains. Answer: telecharger A:Emily ran. B:Emily sprinted. Answer: lucy A:Andrew ran to that hill. B:Andrew did not sprint to that hill. Answer: telecharger A:Cynthia did not manage to negotiate. B:Cynthia did not try to negotiate. Answer:
[ "lucy", "telecharger" ]
A:Winston Churchill did not go towards lakes. B:Winston Churchill went towards lakes. Answer: peace A:Martha did not go towards the public park. B:Martha did not get to the public park. Answer: bw A:Beverly got to restaurants. B:Beverly did not go towards restaurants. Answer: peace A:Those men got to the cafes. B:Those men went towards the cafes. Answer: bw A:That child got to these mountains. B:That child did not go towards these mountains. Answer: peace A:Amelia did not manage to come here. B:Amelia tried to come here. Answer: bw A:William went towards these cafes. B:William did not get to these cafes. Answer: bw A:That student ran to the lakes. B:That student did not run to the lakes. Answer: peace A:The waiter tried to talk to Florence. B:The waiter did not try to talk to Florence. Answer:
[ "peace", "bw" ]
A:One hundred people murmured. B:Ten people didn't murmur. Answer: squad A:Lori works with one hundred pedestrians. B:Lori doesn't work with ten pedestrians. Answer: squad A:Grace is discussing ten commentaries. B:Grace isn't discussing ten commentaries. Answer: squad A:Susan doesn't drop by ten malls. B:Susan does drop by ten malls. Answer: squad A:Ten guests flirted. B:One hundred guests didn't flirt. Answer: no A:Eric cleans one hundred schools. B:Eric cleans ten schools. Answer: no A:Raymond wasn't breaking ten wheelbarrows. B:Raymond wasn't breaking one hundred wheelbarrows. Answer: no A:The Clintons haven't cleaned one hundred plates. B:The Clintons have cleaned ten plates. Answer: no A:Ten children think these cashiers will date. B:Ten children don't think these cashiers will date. Answer:
[ "squad", "no" ]
A:Those organizations and these universities helped that cashier. B:Those organizations or these universities helped that cashier. Answer: raise A:Neither those guys nor the people were noticing the photograph. B:Those guys and the people weren't both noticing the photograph. Answer: raise A:The convertibles or these dishes dropped. B:The convertibles and these dishes didn't both drop. Answer: raise A:Children and those adults can scratch. B:Neither children nor those adults can scratch. Answer: principal A:The legislatures or committees changed. B:Neither the legislatures nor committees changed. Answer: principal A:Those girls and senators didn't both fix some skateboards. B:Those girls or senators fixed some skateboards. Answer: raise A:The sweaters and jackets had folded. B:Neither the sweaters nor jackets had folded. Answer: principal A:Neither the Borgias nor the men are attempting to wake up. B:The Borgias or the men are attempting to wake up. Answer: principal A:The patients or these guests learned who likes to leave. B:Neither the patients nor these guests learned who likes to leave. Answer:
[ "principal", "raise" ]
A:All sweaters hurt all dancers. B:All sweaters hurt no dancers. Answer: ma A:Julie looked like all paintings. B:Julie looked like some paintings. Answer: assessing A:A lot of guys hadn't hired all teachers. B:A lot of guys had hired some teachers. Answer: assessing A:Some waiters do reunite. B:No waiters do reunite. Answer: ma A:Thomas revealed all gates. B:Thomas revealed no gates. Answer: ma A:Patients talk about some actresses. B:Patients don't talk about all actresses. Answer: assessing A:The Clintons bothered no dancers. B:The Clintons didn't bother all dancers. Answer: assessing A:No actresses could chuckle. B:Some actresses could chuckle. Answer: ma A:Some drivers would research the governments. B:No drivers would research the governments. Answer:
[ "ma", "assessing" ]
A:Two pedestrians don't question Margaret. B:Two pedestrians question Margaret. Answer: motels A:Natalie might kiss three actresses. B:Natalie might not kiss two actresses. Answer: motels A:Two men didn't laugh. B:Three men didn't laugh. Answer: sensors A:Two bicycles steered. B:Three bicycles didn't steer. Answer: sensors A:Three doctors didn't complain. B:Two doctors should complain. Answer: sensors A:Two adults have prodded Aaron to aggravate that actress. B:Two adults hadn't prodded Aaron to aggravate that actress. Answer: motels A:Three cashiers hunt. B:Two cashiers don't hunt. Answer: motels A:Three unicycles move. B:Two unicycles move. Answer: sensors A:Meredith sounded like two banks. B:Meredith didn't sound like two banks. Answer:
[ "motels", "sensors" ]
A:The Lutherans needed to consider Pamela to think about Ella. B:The Lutherans couldn't consider Pamela to think about Ella. Answer: persistent A:Cynthia could reveal Alice. B:Cynthia couldn't reveal Alice. Answer: persistent A:Patricia couldn't respect these malls. B:Patricia didn't need to respect these malls. Answer: mayor A:Those projectors couldn't darken. B:Those projectors could darken. Answer: persistent A:Melissa needed to telephone. B:Melissa could telephone. Answer: mayor A:Danielle didn't need to litter. B:Danielle could litter. Answer: mayor A:Those people needed to struggle. B:Those people couldn't struggle. Answer: persistent A:Diana could sound like Winston Churchill. B:Diana didn't need to sound like Winston Churchill. Answer: mayor A:Women could hide. B:Women couldn't hide. Answer:
[ "persistent", "mayor" ]
A:These dancers are enourmous. B:These dancers are not big. Answer: wiley A:This cake is good. B:This cake is not good. Answer: wiley A:The cart is not good. B:The cart is good. Answer: wiley A:These malls are not good. B:These malls are not excellent. Answer: spencer A:Connie is enourmous. B:Connie is big. Answer: spencer A:These shoes are excellent. B:These shoes are not good. Answer: wiley A:Art galleries are not enourmous. B:Art galleries are big. Answer: spencer A:Tiffany is smart. B:Tiffany is not brilliant. Answer: spencer A:That casserole is big. B:That casserole is not big. Answer:
[ "wiley", "spencer" ]
A:Mueller’s team was asked for information. B:Mueller’s team asked former senior Justice Department officials for information. Answer: strikes A:Last time I visited my friend was nearly 6 months ago and I am still finding husky fur on my socks. B:Last time I visited was nearly 6 months ago and I am still finding husky fur on my socks. Answer: strikes A:A faint constellation, its three brightest stars—Alpha, Beta and Gamma Pyxidis—are in a rough line. B:A faint constellation, its three brightest stars—Alpha, Beta and Gamma Pyxidis—are in an equilateral triangle. Answer: lifetime A:David Tennant is the best Doctor in the House, M.D. series. B:David Tennant is the best Doctor in the series. Answer: strikes A:Writing Java is similar to programming with handcuffs. B:Writing Java is not too different from programming with handcuffs. Answer: lifetime A:If he stays in power longer, it will be harder to exit. B:The longer he stays in power, the harder it will be to exit. Answer: lifetime A:The villain is the character who tends to have a negative impact on other characters. B:The villain is the character who tends to have a negative effect on other characters. Answer: lifetime A:The customers believed they were waiting for another man to arrive. B:The customers said they were waiting for another man to arrive. Answer: strikes A:The customers said they were waiting for another man to arrive. B:The customers believed they were waiting for another man to arrive. Answer:
[ "strikes", "lifetime" ]
A:Vale CEO says some 200 workers missing after dam burst at Brazil mine B:Hundreds missing after Vale dam burst at Brazil mine, seven bodies found Answer: alexander A:Brazil dam burst death toll rises to 99, with 259 unaccounted for B:Brazil dam disaster: mourning and dead fish along river of mud Answer: bidding A:Tunisia will increase aid for poor in response to protests B:Tunisia's Government Pledges Improvements After Protests Answer: alexander A:Barack Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's prison sentence - video B:Obama commutes whistleblower's sentence: Chelsea Manning to walk free in 120 days Answer: alexander A:Irish abortion result a seismic shift B:Ireland ends abortion ban as 'quiet revolution' transforms country Answer: alexander A:Brazil dam collapse: Search for survivors resumes as death roll reaches 37 B:As death toll in Brazil nears 100, Vale dam disaster relatives lose hope Answer: bidding A:Tunisia crisis: 'Social costs of austerity not on government's radar' B:Tunisia vows increase in aid to poor in response to protests Answer: bidding A:Obama's parting message: We're going to be OK B:On Obama's last day, a low-key end to fast-paced presidency Answer: bidding A:Search on for up to 200 missing after Brazil dam collapse B:Brumadinho dam collapse: Hope fades for hundreds missing in Brazil Answer:
[ "bidding", "alexander" ]
A:I have this rash for along time on my breast comes and goes I made a appointment but it's kind of fading can they still test it and diagnose me? B:What shall I expect at an appointment for my rash on breast? Answer: broadband A:I have hypermobile joints and am experiencing right arm, elbow, shoulder and muscle pain. What can I do? B:My joint have always been hypermobile and I have pain over right arm, elbow, shoulder and muscles, that got worse recently. Any ideas on what I can do for relief? Answer: complicated A:We can experience health problem due to dental problem like gingivitis? B:Why do I get recurrent gingivitis? Answer: broadband A:I am convinced that at this moment Maxalt (rizatriptan) not working. My head feel so much worse. It hurts to move it, just to walk. Does Maxalt (rizatriptan) not work when PMS? B:My headache is getting worse, now it has gotten to the point where it is painful to move. Can having PMS prevent Maxalt (Rizatriptan) from working properly? Answer: complicated A:What does a measles rash look like? B:How can I differentiate a measles rash? Answer: complicated A:Describe the features of a bone avulsion.? B:Do I need a surgery for bone avulsion? Answer: broadband A:Is it possible for my hubby to know whether I am a virgin or not? B:Is there a way for my husband to find out if I'm a virgin or not? Answer: complicated A:Orthostatic hypotension. I put table salt in a pint of water a few times a day and drink it. Can i overdose and die from the salt? Male 22. B:I'm 22 yrs old and I think i may have orthostatic hypotension. I was wondering if my antidepressant could be causing this? I have been taking a dose higher than that given by my doctor. Could that result in overdose? Answer: broadband A:Can cyclical vomiting syndrome cause miscarriages? B:What is cyclical vomiting? Answer:
[ "broadband", "complicated" ]
The gardener watered the flowers. Answer: generous The pond froze solid. Answer: generous Bill rolled out of the room. Answer: generous They made him to exhaustion. Answer: sells The witch went into the forest by vanishing. Answer: sells The car honked down the road. Answer: sells The gardener watered the flowers flat. Answer: generous The dog barked out of the room. Answer: sells The critics laughed the play off the stage. Answer:
[ "generous", "sells" ]
sweet without the decay factor Answer: dawn brazen enough to attempt to pass this stinker off as a scary movie Answer: decisions a marvel of production design . Answer: dawn a surprisingly flat retread , hobbled by half-baked setups and sluggish pacing . Answer: decisions presents visceral and dangerously honest revelations about the men and machines behind the curtains of our planet Answer: dawn with soul Answer: dawn feels like a glossy rehash . Answer: decisions a bad-movie way Answer: decisions are nowhere near Answer:
[ "decisions", "dawn" ]
What is the most motivative thought that will keep students focused on studies? Answer: carnival Why do Indians judge Bollywood movies and when the same is shown in Hollywood movies they admire it? Answer: span Why must people stare at me If I go out without a bra? I get so many stares it makes me uneasy. Men and women both stare. I was in the front yard and a person drove by and almost wrecked their car staring at my chest. I am only a 38D. Answer: span What changes would you have made to the wizarding world of Harry Potter to fix some of the plotholes or inconsistencies between magic folk and muggles? Answer: carnival Is retro Jupiter in Libra in 8th house good or bad? Answer: carnival What if Donald Trump is a Russian undercover spy agent? Answer: span How can we help Donald Trump return to Germany? Answer: span If you wanted to learn 5 extra languages in an instant. What would you choose? Answer: carnival What is the best way to delay the appearance of wrinkles for brunette? Answer:
[ "carnival", "span" ]
What soft drink first appeared in the Old Corner Drug Store in Waco , Texas , in 1885 ? Answer: rebound What does IQ stand for ? Answer: dresses What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes play ? Answer: dresses What were millions of kids wearing on their heads in 1955 ? Answer: dresses Who portrayed W.C. Fields in the film W.C. Fields and Me ? Answer: dresses What food of the three bears did Goldilocks eat ? Answer: rebound What do you get by adding Lactobacillus bulgaricus to milk ? Answer: rebound What do flatfish eat ? Answer: rebound What kind of fruit is a Yellow Transparent ? Answer:
[ "rebound", "dresses" ]
All Humans matter. Whats with labeling color!!! Dogs matter. Cats matter. Bees matter. Trees matter. Americans matter. Answer: independently I'm so proud for her Answer: independently She saves lives with her music. Answer: independently Injustice is the way the world works. A millionaire paying someone a few dollars to wash his car is injustice Answer: kills The things that she has done are magnificent.She has personally flewn to Mexico to buy her friend some medicine for AIDS.This is not your everyday type of woman.Shes so intelligent too.I don’t think she’s appreciated enough. Answer: independently @Trey Gray The Prime Minister of Holland Answer: kills Madonna wouldn't be here if her mother had her attitude . Answer: kills @Tea Just Tea all lives are equal is the same thing as all lives matter Answer: kills she’s in the closet. Answer:
[ "kills", "independently" ]
What imaginary gender are you? Answer: macintosh God bless you dears Answer: subscriptions this actually makes me so angry. people are just stupidly looking for attention and want to make themselves feel like the most important human on earth. nobody pretends to have cancer or any dangerous physical illness too so why pretending to be “dEpReSsEd” and “aNxIoUs”. nobody should ever feel this way the way it really feels. He has no mental disorder, that’s a fact. Answer: subscriptions I hate every religion, but because of you I hate most of all your religion and its stupid theories about God and shits Answer: macintosh If you are a fking queen, you can move in any direction. So please move away from the camera that was used to take this picture. That applies to every women Answer: subscriptions Feminism is just about women crying about the fabricated bullshit they go through. It's a JOKE! They should just man up! Answer: macintosh So can I put a wig and run with girls? Answer: subscriptions The power of Christ compels you! You demonic whore, you will feel the wrath of my petrol you wench! Answer: macintosh His eyebrows probably represent his parents relationship Answer:
[ "subscriptions", "macintosh" ]
A:The horizontal, side and end walls of each bearing recess, in combination, enable the electromagnetic pinning forces to exert a stabilizing effect on its associated rotor magnet. B:The internal surfaces of each bearing recess see no change in the polarity of flux as rotation of rotor 10 occurs. Answer: opens A:Concluding remarks. B:Mtb responds to these cues not just in vitro but also during in vivo infection, where these signals are modulated by immune activity of the host. Answer: opens A:The last step that forms part of the adaptive planning process is to scope or analyse various options for achieving the objectives that were derived in the previous step. B:This step is still conducted in cooperation with stakeholders. Answer: opens A:It was pretty obvious that she looked down on Len for some of his nerdy and sloppy habits. B:Despite the fact that it seemed like this guy hadn't bought himself any new clothes since his mission his genuinely caring personality comes out. Answer: groove A:we could well see some drivers nursing their tyres throughout the race on a one-stop strategy, while others make two or three changes of tyres. B:Drivers could adjust their strategy on-the-fly, abandoning plans to make extra pit stops in a bid to keep track position. Answer: groove A:Again, a reputable source is required. B:Should you actually become so serious about this game that you murder one of your picks, the points will count. Answer: groove A:Reprinted by permission. B:Consumers have become dimly aware of behavioral tracking online, to the point where government authorities have begun floating the idea of Do Not Track legislation. Answer: groove A:hepatotoxicity is the well-known adverse effect of high-dose egcg (37), and, in some cases, elevation of transaminases alt/ast has been observed in clinical trials (13). B:EGCG and vardenafil in combination did not increase the serum levels of ALT/AST. Answer: opens A:As shown in Figure 4D, incubation of nuclei with recombinant CTSL leads to degradation of 53BP1 in a time‐dependent manner. B:Heat inactivation of recombinant CTSL prevented the degradation of 53BP1. Answer:
[ "opens", "groove" ]
and um and didn't say a lot. Answer: princeton i'm thinking prior to that. Answer: arbitration so why don't we do it in that order? Answer: princeton um so maybe there's a way to even put that in in a much more automatic way. Answer: princeton we didn't explicitly have anything to deal with stationary noise. Answer: arbitration well you could do that by just noting on the enrollment sheet the the seat number. Answer: arbitration and i guess you've mentioned in your progress report or status report that you had written a script to convert it into Answer: princeton subspace i'm i'm like that's still in a little bit in the back burner. Answer: arbitration uh i think you don't want to have their full name to be uh listed. Answer:
[ "princeton", "arbitration" ]
but in the summer he's still young enough that i cannot leave him by himself. Answer: adidas not after Answer: adidas so why not pay industry. Answer: advisory but that's just, Answer: adidas how much benefit, it'll do them in the long run? Answer: advisory or where's, Answer: advisory or, or get, Answer: adidas what can we do? Answer: advisory the difficult, i, point is, is to, where do we step in, Answer:
[ "advisory", "adidas" ]
there is another growing problem that needs to be addressed, limitation on in-flight sales and solicitation. Answer: norwegian since that could be a potential loophole for the airlines not to comply. Answer: norwegian i have a peanut allergy and do not fly on airplanes very often. Answer: ceramic as someone with such an allergy, Answer: ceramic the contract between the airline and traveler is set when the ticket is purchased Answer: ceramic the only reason the airlines do not want to publish their plans in their respective contracts of carriage is because people may attempt to sue them if they fail to comply with those plans. Answer: ceramic one us carrier has mastered this art. Answer: norwegian the proposals are certainly reasonable and should also be extended to include on-line booking services Answer: norwegian the growing scarcity of actual seats for miles -- something that cries out for regulatory intervention -- is bad enough. Answer:
[ "norwegian", "ceramic" ]
A:one group seeks to publish a u.s.-soviet medical journal in conjunction with the u.s.s.r. ministry of health B:according to richard p. mills, a boston-based official of the u.s. partner, 10,000 copies of the quarterly will be printed in russian from next year Answer: arbitration A:in recent years, nissan has instituted flex-time work schedules and allowed employees to dress casually, even in blue jeans B:a rule forbidding staffers to own competitors' cars has been lifted, and now many designers drive foreign cars to get useful ideas Answer: arbitration A:ten days ago he was asked to amplify the reasons behind his anti-abortion stance B:"my position is well-known and well-stated,"" he replied" Answer: collector A:after two mistrials, the stakes in the stock manipulation trial of gaf corp. and its vice chairman, james t. sherwin, have changed considerably B:the first two gaf trials were watched closely on wall street because they were considered to be important tests of the government's ability to convince a jury of allegations stemming from its insider-trading investigations Answer: collector A:but mr. achenbaum pioneered negotiated fees, which often worked out to less than 15% B:"more recently, he negotiated ""indemnification"" clauses in which an ad agency in some cases must pay a client if it drops the account" Answer: collector A:she is told she can't enter unless she is accompanied by an inspector B:she bursts into tears and walks away Answer: collector A:"those who manage ideology and a large number of writers reacted badly"" to the restyled paper" B:after months of internal rumblings, mr. ngoc was fired last december Answer: arbitration A:many openings for mass cheating, such as questionable tax shelters and home offices, have gaped so broadly that congress has passed stringent laws to close them B:deductions of charitable gifts of highly valued art now must be accompanied by appraisals Answer: arbitration A:that plan would provide a 30% exclusion to assets sold over a 2 1/2-year period ending dec. 31, 1991 B:after then, the house measure would boost the tax rate to 28% and exclude from tax the gain attributable to inflation Answer:
[ "collector", "arbitration" ]
A:you got wheat? B:coz you stole my sheep Answer: dollars A:gotta check the right colour box ;) B:thx :d Answer: dollars A:anyone have wheat for sheep? B:1 for 1? Answer: tourist A:hey guys - B:ok, Answer: dollars A:please remember to send me the questionnaire. B:sure. Answer: tourist A:if we could B::) Answer: tourist A:nope, B:sure! Answer: dollars A:i had no cards B:ahh Answer: tourist A:but i needed ore B:... from gotwood4sheep Answer:
[ "dollars", "tourist" ]
A:vogue magazine's new offices are infested with rats B:vogue's shiny new office has a big rat problem Answer: christina A:mcdonald's will stop serving the big mac B:mcdonald's big mac hoax: removing apple pies and eliminating large size options report isn't real Answer: editions A:comcast is telling customers tor is illegal to use B:comcast blocks tor updated Answer: christina A:three missing afghan soldiers were found trying to enter canada B:team 5 source: missing afghan soldiers found at canadian border Answer: editions A:some isis fighters have contracted ebola B:isis fighters have contracted ebola: world health organisation investigating reports militants showed up at iraqi hospital with lethal disease Answer: editions A:the nigerian government and boko haram have reached a ceasefire agreement B:nigeria and boko haram agree ceasefire and girls release Answer: editions A:mass grave found in mexico holds bodies of missing students B:a mass grave points to a student massacre in mexico Answer: christina A:a florida woman got a third breast B:woman adds third breast by undergoing surgery to participate in reality show Answer: christina A:isis beheads steve sotloff B:islamic state releases video showing beheading of us hostage steven sotloff Answer:
[ "christina", "editions" ]
of course . this product moisturizes at the same time . Answer: specifications well , it doesn't seem like it.he must have forgotten . Answer: specifications gui yuan are lucky , too ! if you eat them , you'll have a very sweet life ! Answer: nightlife very interesting ! Answer: nightlife bye ! Answer: specifications ok . then i'll be expecting you . Answer: nightlife i have an air pass card and i want to withdraw money from the bank . Answer: specifications really ? have you ever been there ? Answer: nightlife for protection . some relics will turn to dust if exposed to air . Answer:
[ "specifications", "nightlife" ]
okay well listen , here is my business card with my mobile number . if any other questions spring to mind don ’ t hesitate to contact me . of course you can also call miss childs too . Answer: nut that's good for me , but do you think you'll be back by then ? i'd really like to see you . Answer: nut your legal department is very good at these things . we can trust them with the drafting of the agreement . Answer: nut your friends and family are coming over tonight and we still need to get a lot of things . Answer: priest which kind of salad are you going to make ? Answer: nut bye ! Answer: priest they are cucumbers . they are natural skin soothers , natural healers of the skin.haven ' t you heard them say on tv that ... eh ... they soften the skin , wipe out the roughness , counter irritation and build strength and resilience ? Answer: priest we are doing ' secret santa ' at the office again this year . Answer: priest well , it doesn't seem like it.he must have forgotten . Answer:
[ "priest", "nut" ]
Yeah , sure ! Answer: supervisor Got me . Answer: court Just coffee ! Where are we gon na hang out now ? Answer: court Hey , Mon . Answer: supervisor Chris says they 're closing down the bar . Answer: court Ok ! Answer: supervisor No way ! Answer: court All right , well ... Answer: supervisor Absolutely . You can relax Answer:
[ "supervisor", "court" ]
no Answer: utilities no Answer: utilities right okay Answer: participated i've got a gallows to the left like d-- below the left Answer: utilities do you have a graveyard just along from the diamond mine Answer: utilities right okay five inches right along Answer: participated okay Answer: participated oh sorry Answer: participated right okay oops that was Answer:
[ "participated", "utilities" ]
Hey , Mon . Answer: outlined Just coffee ! Where are we gon na hang out now ? Answer: surprised Chris says they 're closing down the bar . Answer: surprised Yeah , sure ! Answer: outlined No way ! Answer: surprised Ok ! Answer: outlined All right , well ... Answer: outlined Got me . Answer: surprised Absolutely . You can relax Answer:
[ "outlined", "surprised" ]
what is your telephone number anyway Answer: manager uh how much does it cost to get to come and install a line Answer: manager hang on Answer: monroe what have you got on the card Answer: manager um i'll get it out my little goody here oh got a load of numbers oh please don't tell me i've got to go look for my other past bills please Answer: monroe just bear with me um Answer: monroe do you know whether there has been service in the past or Answer: manager let me have a look right just bear with me um what have you got on the card right let me have look sorry about this but um i can't even look at your details at the moment just trying to get it up and working it's i've had a problem with it this morning what is your telephone number anyway yeah yeah Answer: monroe will that be on card Answer:
[ "manager", "monroe" ]
i think ... you seem a very sensible and level headed person Answer: logo so ... i would advise you ... though computer packages are excellent , it is also extremely important to identify the things that can ... absorb your time when they shouldn't Answer: logo mmmmm . people who don't understand what distracts them ... tend to be ... easy ... prey to their distractions Answer: reach what are the things that tend to distract you ? Answer: reach emm ... -lrb- smiles/slight laugh -rrb- emm ... am not sure of the ... it is questions like that -lrb- giggles -rrb- . . Answer: reach perhaps , yes Answer: reach yes . yes Answer: logo emm ... yes ... yes . i think i do ... yes . there is ... yeah . there is ... if it needs to be done ... it has to be done Answer: logo i use a planning package called omnifocus which ehh ... is ... emm from the gtd , which is the getting things done emm ... ehh ... methodology . which is a sort of a multidimensional todo ehh ... list . and ehh ... it allows you to keep ... emm ... as many ... ehh ... single step actions as you can ... engage in projects ... so it is ... it is quite an involved planning process . but quite simple once you get into the ... ehh ... the process of it , and then you have conte ... contents in which you ehh ... ehh ... can do things as ... ehh ... as ... emm ... when and where you can , and then the idea is that you don't worry about things that you can't do whenever you're not in a situation like that , it is actually ... it is quite good ... but ... the one thing it relies on is ... emm ... capture of the thingstodo as well which is ... emm ... takes a bit of discipline . so that is my ... productivity ... n ... productivity style ... so it is ehh ... Answer:
[ "logo", "reach" ]
Oh, I wonder if they can hear me talk or feel the vibrations in the sand when we move around? Answer: editing I've got good instincts for these things. Look there. What's that. Is that? Is that, is that-no it's just seaweed isn't it. Answer: fossil I can't believe I forgot. I'm like a kid. It's amazing I got out of the house with my fly zipped. Answer: editing Think about the people in Kansas. They'd have to get plane tickets and hotel reservations to come see this. We're just forty minutes away. It's too good to pass up. Answer: fossil Yes. Answer: editing This is the big night for these guys. Life's last orgy. Answer: fossil Are you cold? Do you want my jacket? We should have brought the blanket, our blanket. Answer: editing like the swallows returning to Capistrano or the lemmings throwing themselves off the cliffs, like that. There's mystery here and magic Answer: fossil I hope the moon stays out. I wonder do they always run during a full moon. I can't remember if it was full last year. Remember? Answer:
[ "fossil", "editing" ]
one of the greatest family-oriented , fantasy-adventure movies ever . Answer: wrong unfortunately the story and the actors are served with a hack script . Answer: baking ultimately , it ponders the reasons we need stories so much . Answer: wrong a sentimental mess that never rings true . Answer: baking while the performances are often engaging , this loose collection of largely improvised numbers would probably have worked better as a one-hour tv documentary . Answer: baking ( wendigo is ) why we go to the cinema : to be fed through the eye , the heart , the mind . Answer: wrong all the more disquieting for its relatively gore-free allusions to the serial murders , but it falls down in its attempts to humanize its subject . Answer: baking what really surprises about wisegirls is its low-key quality and genuine tenderness . Answer: wrong this is a film well worth seeing , talking and singing heads and all . Answer:
[ "wrong", "baking" ]
IDC raises 2004 PC growth view, but trims 2005 Shipments of personal computers this year will be higher than previously anticipated, boosted by demand from businesses, research firm IDC said Monday. Answer: zip Nedved just taking a break from international play Prague, Czech Republic (Sports Network) - Juventus star and Czech national team captain Pavel Nedved will sit out international matches until he completely recovers from a knee injury, even though he is still playing for his club team Juventus. Answer: concept Dress like Anna Nicole Smith Called #39;Anna Nicole, #39; the new clothing line said to be inspired by her inimitable #39;Tex-sex #39; style. NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - TV star and Trimspa diet spokeswoman Anna Nicole Smith #39;s latest effort at self-promotion Answer: zip Oil Prices Slip Below \$46; Risks Abound SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil prices fell \$1 below record highs on Tuesday as fears over supply disruptions in Venezuela eased after President Hugo Chavez won a vote on his rule. Answer: zip Lithuania won #39;t pull the plug on pro-Chechen site Lithuania on Tuesday refused a Russian request to shut down a pro-Chechen Web site that published a \$20 million reward for assistance in the capture Answer: concept Deadly Typhoon Claims 55 Lives in Japan Japan's deadliest storm in more than a decade unleashed flash floods that washed away entire hillsides, killing 55 people and leaving at least 24 people missing before it veered east into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday. Answer: concept Britain, Ireland Launch 'Final' N.Irish Peace Push DUBLIN (Reuters) - The British and Irish prime ministers presented bitterly divided Northern Ireland politicians on Wednesday with what their governments insist is their final plan for restoring home rule in the province. Answer: concept Kinder Morgan to Close Pipeline for While Pipeline operator Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP reported Wednesday that a fatal accident involving one of its pipelines in San Jose, Calif. Answer: zip CBS Consolidates Network, TV Studio Arms Viacom Inc. has reshuffled its executive ranks, placings its Paramount television production under the control of CBS Entertainment President Nancy Tellem. Answer:
[ "zip", "concept" ]
Loss after financial items totalled EUR 9.7 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 1.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 . Answer: photographs The agreement must be approved by the Russian competition authorities before it enters into force . Answer: apollo There have not been previous share subscriptions with 2004 stock options . Answer: apollo Section : Regional News - The demand in Finnair 's Asian traffic , measured in passenger kilometers , was up 34.9 % in August compare to last year . Answer: photographs The company reported today an operating loss of EUR0 .1 m on net sales of EUR4 .5 m for the first quarter 2008 . Answer: photographs The company slipped to an operating loss of EUR 2.6 million from a profit of EUR 1.3 million . Answer: photographs The building will house , for example , Respecta Oy 's Jyvaskyla premises , as well as other companies to be announced later , says Samuel Koivisto , Director of Technopolis operations in Jyvaskyla . Answer: apollo The value of the contract is about EUR 27mn . Answer: apollo Profit after taxes totaled EUR 12.1 mn . Answer:
[ "apollo", "photographs" ]
tells us that the day is ended." Answer: wagner while i, ... i built up follies like a wall Answer: principal sounded o'er earth and sea its blast of war, Answer: principal an echo returned on the cold gray morn, Answer: principal want and woe, which torture us, Answer: principal with the _quart d'heure_ of rabelais! Answer: wagner and match, and bend, and thorough-blend, in her colossal form and face. Answer: wagner have i played in different countries. Answer: wagner the call's more urgent when he journeys slow. Answer:
[ "wagner", "principal" ]
Urgent -call 09066649731from Landline. Your complimentary 4* Ibiza Holiday or £10,000 cash await collection SAE T&Cs PO BOX 434 SK3 8WP 150ppm 18+ Answer: lip The Xmas story is peace.. The Xmas msg is love.. The Xmas miracle is jesus.. Hav a blessed month ahead & wish U Merry Xmas... Answer: christians R ü going 4 today's meeting? Answer: christians FREE camera phones with linerental from 4.49/month with 750 cross ntwk mins. 1/2 price txt bundle deals also avble. Call 08001950382 or call2optout/J MF Answer: lip 25p 4 alfie Moon's Children in need song on ur mob. Tell ur m8s. Txt Tone charity to 8007 for Nokias or Poly charity for polys: zed 08701417012 profit 2 charity. Answer: lip Have you been practising your curtsey? Answer: christians Not for possession, especially not first offense Answer: christians Dear 0776xxxxxxx U've been invited to XCHAT. This is our final attempt to contact u! Txt CHAT to 86688 150p/MsgrcvdHG/Suite342/2Lands/Row/W1J6HL LDN 18yrs Answer: lip Omw back to tampa from west palm, you hear what happened? Answer:
[ "christians", "lip" ]
A:$ 200 million eyeballed for Donald Trump 's <inauguration/> : toilet : B:$ 200 million eyeballed for Donald Trump 's <inauguration/> : tan : Answer: beef A:' Beneath the <dignity/> of your office : ' GOP senator says to Trump about his ' Morning Joe ' tweets : floor : B:' Beneath the dignity of your office : ' GOP senator says to Trump about his ' Morning Joe ' <tweets/> : sweeteners : Answer: stuff A:' Are you living in a fantasy world ? ' : ' Today ' show host grills Paul Ryan on <tax/> bill : Imaginary : B:' Are you living in a fantasy world ? ' : ' Today ' show host grills Paul Ryan on <tax/> bill : bird : Answer: stuff A:' Black Panther 's ' Wakanda sheds <light/> on black excellence : water : B:' Black Panther 's ' Wakanda sheds <light/> on black excellence : darkness : Answer: stuff A:$ 200 million eyeballed for Donald Trump 's <inauguration/> : toilet : B:$ 200 million eyeballed for Donald Trump 's <inauguration/> : toupee : Answer: beef A:' A lot of work to be done ' : Senator discusses tax reform after Trump <hosts/> bipartisan dinner : microwaves : B:' A lot of work to be done ' : Senator discusses tax reform after Trump hosts bipartisan <dinner/> : circus : Answer: beef A:$ 200 million eyeballed for Donald Trump 's <inauguration/> : tan : B:$ 200 million eyeballed for Donald Trump 's <inauguration/> : toupee : Answer: stuff A:$ 2.7 billion Christmas <lottery/> in Spain [ Video ] : tree : B:$ 2.7 billion Christmas <lottery/> in Spain [ Video ] : Tree : Answer: beef A:$ 2.7 billion Christmas <lottery/> in Spain [ Video ] : cookies : B:$ 2.7 billion Christmas <lottery/> in Spain [ Video ] : Tree : Answer:
[ "beef", "stuff" ]
Send my ETA to my girlfriend Answer: un Find a good fried chicken restaurant that is not a fast food Answer: which Is there a parking at my hotel? Answer: un Get me a table at a good deli near Mission Dolores Park for lunch Answer: un Order a cab at my mother's place to go to the LA stadium Answer: un Where is the nearest Starbucks? Answer: which What are the fanciest clubs in New York? Answer: which Where can I eat the best burger in Soho? Answer: which What's the closest pizza restaurant around here? Answer:
[ "which", "un" ]
RT @HlGHKEY: "I have sex with a lot of guys but I'm not a hoe"......and I can sell Crack to people and not be a drug dealer FOH HOE Answer: laws (U-turns on yellow) &#161;NO ACEPTAR ESTE LUZ ROJO! (&#9835; Lights taking too long make me bilingual &#9835;) Answer: journalists @TheSeanyV would help for some others can't handle uppers and cripples them plus if moderation isn't taken into consideration it'll be bad Answer: journalists RT @Taylor_1017: Get this bitch out of my house Answer: laws Call a negro Answer: laws "I found a new way to chug you have to open your mouth alot" #shitallysays Answer: journalists RT @viper5816: Sen. Harry Reid Lists all the Things Republicans Have Blocked in the Senate http://t.co/bjoWvABwhi via @townhallcom He is ho&#8230; Answer: journalists Twitter watching bitches. Answer: laws Me and my nig @yungNAUGHTI be running shit in Miami on the court, we only lost one game in 3 days Answer:
[ "laws", "journalists" ]
A:2 yr bond paying 6% annually. annual coupon payments can be reinvested at 4% - realized compound yield is? B: Answer: mood A:How are you? B:menuju papua baru Answer: diana A:I need the instruction booklet for 2005 Michigan Individual Tax Return MI-1040. Can I find it online? B: Answer: mood A:I was on the birth control pill for 2 years. I recently came off of it in February? B:and had one period so far. Is this Normal? Answer: diana A:When will England host the World Cup again? B:I heard we would be holding it in 2018 or something like that. Why can't we have it sooner? Answer: diana A:my home is listed for foreclosure/i have paid back money owed/status now? B:how can i find out if my home is off sale list for sure Answer: mood A:Hi friends, i need the song "Phoolo ka Taaro ka" from the film "Hare Rama Hare Krishna", Please Help Me... B:Please provide me a link so i can Download it easily, Thanks. Answer: diana A:What is the purpose of the creation of all living beings? B: Answer: mood A:Same old ad - how to respond? B:Nearly every job ad I read says, "great communication skills, ability to multi-task, and excellent organizational skills". Why? What is an effective way to communicate that you possess these skills? Answer:
[ "mood", "diana" ]
We measured the quality of the paraphrases produced in an experiment , i.e. , -LRB- i -RRB- their grammaticality : at least 99 % correct sentences ; -LRB- ii -RRB- their equivalence in meaning : at least 96 % correct paraphrases either by meaning equivalence or entailment ; and , -LRB- iii -RRB- the amount of internal lexical and syntactical variation in a set of [[ paraphrases ]] : slightly superior to that of << hand-produced sets >> . Answer: political It is based on an efficient representation of templates that capture the different modalities , and we show in many experiments on commodity hardware that our [[ approach ]] significantly outperforms << state-of-the-art methods >> on single modalities . Answer: political Experiments show that the learned tracker performs much better than existing [[ trackers ]] on the << tracking of complex non-rigid motions >> such as fish twisting with self-occlusion and large inter-frame lip motion . Answer: coins Experiments show that the learned tracker performs much better than existing trackers on the tracking of << complex non-rigid motions >> such as [[ fish twisting ]] with self-occlusion and large inter-frame lip motion . Answer: coins Extensive experiments on two tasks have demonstrated the superiority of our [[ method ]] over the << state-of-the-art methods >> . Answer: political Experiments show that the learned [[ tracker ]] performs much better than existing trackers on the << tracking of complex non-rigid motions >> such as fish twisting with self-occlusion and large inter-frame lip motion . Answer: coins The proposed [[ method ]] also has the potential to solve other type of << tracking problems >> . Answer: coins Extensive experiments well demonstrate the advantages of our proposed [[ solution ]] over other << state-of-the-arts >> in term of personalized aging progression , as well as the performance gain for cross-age face verification by synthesizing aging faces . Answer: political Experiments show that the learned [[ tracker ]] performs much better than existing << trackers >> on the tracking of complex non-rigid motions such as fish twisting with self-occlusion and large inter-frame lip motion . Answer:
[ "political", "coins" ]
11 From ( Zollmann and Vogel , 2011 ) , we find that the performance of SAMT system is similar with the method of labeling SCFG rules with POS tags . Answer: keen In this paper , inspired by KNN-SVM ( Zhang et al. , 2006 ) , we propose a local training method , which trains sentence-wise weights instead of a single weight , to address the above two problems . Answer: keen Secondly , the cooperative principle of Grice ( 1975 , 1978 ) , under the assumption that referential levels of a writer and a reader are quite similar , implies that the writer should structure the text in a way that makes the construction of his intended model easy for the reader ; and this seems to imply that he should appeal only to the most direct knowledge of the reader . Answer: keen each relevant document is retrieved ( Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999 ) . Answer: drops Gurevych ( 2006 ) observed that some annotators were not familiar with the exact definition of semantic relatedness . Answer: keen The recent great advances in speech and language technologies have made it possible to build fully implemented spoken dialogue systems ( Aust et al. , 1995 ; Allen et al. , 1996 ; Zue et al. , 2000 ; Walker et al. , 2000 ) . Answer: drops This recognizer incrementally outputs word hypotheses as soon as they are found in the best-scored path in the forward search ( Hirasawa et al. , 1998 ) using the ISTAR ( Incremental Structure Transmitter And Receiver ) protocol , which conveys word graph information as well as word hypotheses . Answer: drops McKnight and Srinivasan ( 2003 ) have previously examined the task of categorizing sentences in medical abstracts using supervised discriminative machine learning techniques . Answer: drops But their importance has grown far beyond machine translation : for instance , transferring annotations between languages ( Yarowsky and Ngai 2001 ; Hwa et al. 2005 ; Ganchev , Gillenwater , and Taskar 2009 ) ; discovery of paraphrases ( Bannard and Callison-Burch 2005 ) ; and joint unsupervised POS and parser induction across languages ( Snyder and Barzilay 2008 ) . Answer:
[ "keen", "drops" ]
For women with competing care-giving responsibilities, this involves allowing them to be accompanied by their children, providing on-site childcare or offering childcare subsidies [64,68,79]. Answer: satisfactory This change accelerates mitochondrial electron transport in the respiratory chain and produces more influx of electrons to the mitochondrial matrix, which in turn produces more ROS and RNS [21, 23, 33, 64, 100, 101, 107–118]. Answer: satisfactory Nevertheless, there is no high-quality evidence for the effectiveness of manipulative therapy for the treatment of CR.([8,17,18]) Shi-style cervical manipulation (SCM) is commonly used to treat CR in China. Answer: satisfactory The remnant of the total plasma membranes after extraction of caveolae is called bulk plasma membranes (40) (Fig. Answer: satisfactory Coinciding with our results, it has been previously reported that i.p. injections of β-glucan reduced IFN-γ production induced by concanavalin A in mice (Pelizon et al., 2003). Answer: cb This is in keeping with the report of Blickstein et al,[3,15] which showed that the higher the combined twin birthweight the less likely it was to deliver discordant pairs. Answer: cb The occurrence of soft tissue tumors in such field of low-dose irradiation (LDRI) has also been emphasized by other authors [50, 52, 53] reporting the development of tumors of the skull bone and neck after exposure to full-mouth diagnostic dental X-ray film [3] and to irradiation for enlarged tonsils [54] and thymus [55]. Answer: cb More examples of contradictory results have been observed in bovines; some reports (Zakhartchenko et al., 2001; Bhuiyan et al., 2004) indicated a significant decrease in blastocyst Answer: cb DOI: 10.7554/eLife.08828 1 of 27 mitochondrial division (Friedman et al., 2011; Korobova et al., 2013; Murley et al., 2013; Korobova et al., 2014). Answer:
[ "satisfactory", "cb" ]
Rick Perry has never lost an election and remains the only person to have won the Texas governorship three times in landslide elections. Answer: frankfurt Says Scott Walker favors cutting up to 350,000 families and children off health care. Answer: frankfurt Almost 100,000 people left Puerto Rico last year. Answer: excited In this last election in November, ... 63 percent of the American people chose not to vote, ... 80 percent of young people, (and) 75 percent of low-income workers chose not to vote. Answer: frankfurt "McCain opposed a requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles. And he said all buy-American provisions were quote 'disgraceful.' " Answer: excited The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the free world. Answer: excited The economy bled $24 billion due to the government shutdown. Answer: excited Water rates in Manila, Philippines, were raised up to 845 percent when a subsidiary of the World Bank became a partial owner. Answer: frankfurt Since 2000, nearly 12 million Americans have slipped out of the middle class and into poverty. Answer:
[ "frankfurt", "excited" ]
A:knife B:sharpen Answer: keep A:hawk B:other Answer: manhattan A:cathedral B:famous Answer: keep A:bottle B:gbp Answer: manhattan A:carrot B:edict Answer: manhattan A:scooter B:priority Answer: manhattan A:coyote B:leg Answer: keep A:hotel B:sit Answer: keep A:alligator B:likely Answer:
[ "manhattan", "keep" ]
A:rain B:water Answer: allow A:crowd B:nobody Answer: allow A:cake B:sugar Answer: organisations A:clothe B:cotton Answer: organisations A:work B:recreation Answer: allow A:record B:tape Answer: allow A:coffee B:bean Answer: organisations A:closet B:wood Answer: organisations A:toy B:plastic Answer:
[ "organisations", "allow" ]
A:mammoth B:auto Answer: reset A:haddock B:vertebrate Answer: reset A:ivy B:dodder Answer: charles A:buck B:walrus Answer: charles A:swordfish B:sassaby Answer: charles A:man B:wear Answer: reset A:grain B:thyme Answer: charles A:myna B:endosperm Answer: reset A:pika B:tuna Answer:
[ "charles", "reset" ]
A:cucumber B:veggie Answer: inappropriate A:chisel B:other Answer: we A:beef B:meet Answer: inappropriate A:cottage B:home Answer: inappropriate A:cannon B:device Answer: inappropriate A:banana B:Ethiopian Answer: we A:box B:cleaner Answer: we A:herring B:compress Answer: we A:goat B:seek Answer:
[ "we", "inappropriate" ]
A:hop B:meat Answer: vision A:begin B:mystery Answer: vision A:music B:sound Answer: harper A:image B:sword Answer: vision A:man B:woman Answer: harper A:lock B:come Answer: vision A:manufacture B:destroy Answer: harper A:learn B:study Answer: harper A:beak B:scale Answer:
[ "vision", "harper" ]
@mention Climate change is real, and nuclear power is safe; that these FACTS are denied by alternate groups is ULTIMATE FRUSTRATION. Answer: antiques @mention Nuclear power, zealous protectionism, arms (ironically!), horses, frogs, snails, sparrows, otters, voles, topless birds... Answer: recover RT @mention Nuclear power plant #construction spending approved at Vogtle site in GA {link} From @mention Answer: recover RT @mention 66th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers online now at ANS #Nuclear Cafe {link} Answer: recover RT @mention no-nukes-logo {link} via @mention Answer: recover RT @mention #InHarperstopsyturvyCanada Nuclear power is considered safe and affordable.....Green power is not #cdnpoli Answer: antiques "@mention My ""agenda"" is spreading Calm, Certainty, and Reassurance (aka truth) about #nuclear energy in response to FUD. Yours?" Answer: antiques RT @mention Quote of the Day: In Florida, we cannot afford the consequences of not including nuclear power ... {link} #nuclear #energy Answer: antiques RT @mention How our kids are being schooled by the nuclear industry {link} via @mention Answer:
[ "recover", "antiques" ]
No matter if you believe in global warming or not, we can all do our part to live better and save money/resources: http://eca.sh/UBkN Answer: toxic RT @gb_Joe: Global Warming sea level rise? Carbon footprint? Al Gore buys $9 million estate by ocean http://bit.ly/bZKtRk Answer: traveling "HOW ABOUT ALL THAT SNOW IN THE WASHINGTON AREA ? HOW'S THAT ""GLOBAL WARMING"" WORKING OUT FOR YOU MR. AL GORE ?" Answer: traveling Climate change benefits | Humanitarian News http://retwt.me/1LS4A (via @NewsOnGreen) Answer: toxic @tovX Lyin' for Climate Indoctrination #global warming #climate change http://bit.ly/djnikJ Answer: traveling "Watched British debates on CSPAN. Frightening. Every candidate is a leftist, including those on the ""right."" I.e., global warming is TRUTH." Answer: toxic United States Must Lead on Climate Change •À_ Kerry; Climate and Energy Bill Has Multiple Benefits #green [link] Answer: toxic Hmm.. Is London's temperamental mood changes ACTUALLY to do with the famous 'global warming?' = o Hav we nearly run out of F.Fuels?! Answer: traveling Global warming: Salving our conscience at the expense of the poor: Here in the US, we began using coal in industri... http://bit.ly/bhd05C Answer:
[ "toxic", "traveling" ]
@SouthwestAir got it squared away. Thank you. I had a man on the inside help me out! Answer: deemed @AmericanAir spoke too soon. 30 min Late Flightr still waiting for bags to load. Some sympathy would be appreciated at the very least. Answer: cardiff @united you know it's bad when you're praying your connecting flight is delayed because of an hour delay on the first flight #JustGetMeHome Answer: cardiff @SouthwestAir I urgently need two receipts sent but CS is closed. Can you help? Answer: deemed @united how do you go fr Silver Elite for two straight years to group 5 all the time? I get no group 2 but maybe 3 or 4? What's up? Answer: deemed @USAirways that's who I spoke to already. We've already booked another flight w/someone else. Thanks for your concern. Just wanted to Answer: deemed @JetBlue WELL...my paid tickets have NO assigned seats at all. So essentially I won't be on this flight unless I pay more. Answer: cardiff @SouthwestAir how do i know that my information is not found on other people's account? I can see someone else's reservation, rr # and trip Answer: cardiff @USAirways @AmericanAir did I mention I'm a silver preferred member and fly every week (not always with you), and not even a meal voucher? Answer:
[ "cardiff", "deemed" ]
@lexybrooks We want to reassure you our #Nestle NAN H.A. 1 Gold infant formula is safe. More details: http://t.co/OsLjuDg1 Answer: groove follow the H1 results investor call webcast, 0800 CET August 12 on http://bit.ly/42b33A Answer: groove #IVD2013: we applaud our Italian colleagues for helping collect food for @BancoAlimentare @actioncounts #actioncounts Answer: lat @MEGANFLORO we want to reassure you our #Nestle NAN H.A. 1 Gold infant formula is safe. More details: http://t.co/OsLjuDg1 Answer: groove CBO 10-yr Medicare projection down by $137 billion and #Medicare #PartD single biggest factor http://t.co/g6drp9yfOj @pfizer Answer: lat 2013 will be a year of transition for Danone, aimed at returning our activities as a whole to strong, profitable growth by 2014?Û? F.Riboud Answer: lat @tnewmstweet Read the most important action we will take in 2012 to tackle the #child #labour issue http://t.co/7r5jiNOW Answer: groove RT @WSJWealthReport America‰Ûªs Top 50 Philanthropists Gave Less in 2009 http://ow.ly/16wPkH Answer: lat Pfizer‰Ûªs Prevnar 13å¨ Shown To Be Immunogenic In Older Children And Adolescents http://t.co/4dQQlUgV Answer:
[ "lat", "groove" ]
My office is here to serve you. For a list of constituent services that we can help you with, click here http://1.usa.gov/18YHEEa. Answer: debut Wishing Nelson Mandela health on his 95th birthday. His work reminds us of the importance of supporting equal opportunities, encouraging each other to live in harmony, and protecting our freedoms. May he be an inspiration to all leaders. Answer: chips Interesting read from the @nytimes - In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters http://t.co/4LP6BXOQ1D Answer: chips #HigherEd must be affordable. 121,570 Oregonians owe on average $3676 in Stafford loans. Higher interest rates=more debt. #DontDoubleMyRate Answer: chips I had a great visit with my friend Tim Smith, Fort Worth President of International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers (IAM). Tim also introduced me to some of his colleagues in the flight attendants union who raised their concerns about TSA's decision to allow knives on planes. Answer: debut Ridiculous RT @PeenyMcNeeny: @RepJeffDuncan Only traitors complain about taxes. #PJNET Answer: debut Agreed!!! ?ÛÏ@MattMackowiak: An absolute disgrace that the U.S. has abandoned this man -- http://t.co/AIQPyDtCmH?Û? Answer: debut Senator Corker said on Fox News Sunday today: It would be beyond belief‰Û_to back off from the [budget] disciplines that we put in place back in 2011. Answer: chips I voted yes on H Res 303, the rule defining the process for considering H R 5. The structured rule (only certain amendments allowed) provides for one hour of debate equally divided between the Chairman and the Ranking Member of the Committee on Education and the Workforce. All points of order against consideration of the bill or the amendments are waived. Twenty-six amendments‰ÛÓincluding seven from Democrats and four bipartisan proposals‰ÛÓare in order, and one motion to recommit (return the bill to committee) with or without instructions may be offered. It passed 230-190. Answer:
[ "chips", "debut" ]
@joelogic Wish I could be there too! Enjoy your weekend! xxx Answer: sur Smiley absolves all Answer: auckland ... thanks everybody for your wonderful feedback re my Happiletter Answer: auckland @nickshotchick Hey! whats up? Im just at the library right now and the comp is about to sign me out Answer: sur Oh also today we must remember that it is Hoppusday. So happy Hoppusday Yes I said it yesterday but it changed okay? Answer: sur Back home from the Wookie household. Now to dive into edits on Nemesis. Or maybe I should work on Dusk of Death. Hmm... Answer: sur "Love ""good girls go bad""" Answer: auckland @tommcfly aww we love you too Answer: auckland @mswilliamsmusic I'd Love to work with you! http://myspace.com/inikco Tell ur friends to follow me! Answer:
[ "auckland", "sur" ]
I drove wrecklessly as I drove the car down the country road. Answer: fine I have not been late for work in over a year. Answer: improve As I turned my head to suggest an alternative, the patron pocketed the manufacturer coupon. Answer: improve I served rotten meat to my customers. Answer: fine I brought my passport with me when I boarded the plane. Answer: improve I only reported half my income on my tax forms. Answer: fine I happily attended the gay pride parade. Answer: improve I was bored at the DMV, so I played with plastic explosives. Answer: fine Vertical stripes are slimming, so I offered my chubby friend a sweater with vertical stripes for picture day. Answer:
[ "improve", "fine" ]
Could you take me to the beach today? Answer: boom I am a personal trainer working at a local gym. Answer: emerging Could you take me to the beach today? Answer: boom Aren't you supposed to pick up your kid from school? Answer: emerging Aren't you supposed to be mowing the lawn? Answer: boom Aren't you supposed to be mowing the lawn? Answer: emerging Aren't you supposed to be mowing the lawn? Answer: boom I am a personal trainer working at a local gym. Answer: emerging Aren't you supposed to add salt to the ice on the steps. Answer:
[ "emerging", "boom" ]
I deserve to get time to speak at the faculty meeting because I have found a good resource for the school. Answer: scotland I deserve to visit my friend in Atlanta, because she invited me two years ago but now she's moved to Philadelphia and is just getting settled in. Answer: integer I usually put mayo on my son's ham sandwich, but today I didn't because his sandwich was on the plate. Answer: integer I usually get mary to help me take attendance in class, lately she hasn't because she kept marking the wrong students absent. Answer: scotland I deserve to be given a cow by the farmer because I paid him to give me some livestock. Answer: scotland I deserve to get time to speak at the faculty meeting because I'm the president of the faculty union. Answer: scotland I deserve to visit my friend in Atlanta, because she invited me two years ago, and now she's moved to Philadelphia but I'm hoping to find her in Atlanta. Answer: integer I deserve to be given a new laptop by my customer because I treat his pets and keep them healthy. Answer: integer I deserve to be given a pig by the farmer because I paid him to give me some livestock. Answer:
[ "scotland", "integer" ]
A:When the teenager rear-ended him, he got out of the car to make sure everyone was okay. B: calm Answer: rent A:He always claimed more than his share of the glory. B: boastful Answer: rent A:James bought a family-sized bag of chocolate chips and ate one chocolate chip per day. B: bigoted Answer: suit A:James thought his job as a teacher was a chance to make a difference. B: passive Answer: suit A:James thought his job as a teacher was a chance to make a difference. B: innocent Answer: suit A:The manager asked his employees for feedback about how to improve morale. B: open-minded Answer: rent A:James thought his job as a teacher was a chance to make a difference. B: burnt-out Answer: suit A:The valet forgot the keys in the car, and the owner spared telling the valet's boss. B: forgiving Answer: rent A:James thought his job as a teacher was a chance to make a difference. B: fazed Answer:
[ "suit", "rent" ]
i m a beggar begging is also a lifestyle without ego would you beg in streets for me Answer: vote what india the us doesnt buy everything from india yet so Answer: vote nothing great so Answer: vote studying facewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoy studying what m in 12th standard seenoevilmonkey Answer: visible iam missing those days when i used to see serial with my familycryingfacecryingfaceloudlycryingfaceloudlycryingface i literally screamed then started crying it was so bad grimacingfacegrimacingfacegrimacingfacegrimacingface iam feeling so sad Answer: visible yaa i have she is angry on me who you calling 'chick' fuck off Answer: visible so i will delete you now wait why Answer: vote iam upset why upset tiredfacecryingface nothing working out for me Answer: visible more imagination yeah but some have high imagination power and some have less imagination power i have averagae imagination powerbut i analyse through my imagination power Answer:
[ "vote", "visible" ]
Why can the camera catch images that human eye's can't? Answer: copyrights Why do people continue to talk on cell phones knowing it distracts you while driving? Answer: copyrights What is the quickest way for a career-changing college graduate to become a lawyer? Answer: crown Where can i learn to swing dance over the internet for free? Answer: crown Did any one see 60 minutes rip the Di Vinci Code last Sunday? Answer: crown Why does america feel it has to be number one at everything and reign supreme over everybody else? Answer: copyrights Can I fire her without violating labor law in California? Answer: crown how did WWI start? Answer: copyrights Why does a dog quit eating ? Answer:
[ "copyrights", "crown" ]
Sex tech from women-led startups pops up at CES gadget show. Answer: hilton Hillary Clinton is (or was) a member of Monsanto's board of directors. Answer: environmental Officials alert health care providers of HIV surge. Answer: hilton Rhode Island will become just the second state to mandate the vaccine … and the only state to do so by regulatory fiat, without public debate, and without consideration from the elected representatives of the people. Answer: environmental The United States Secret Service arrested Alec Baldwin for threatening President Donald Trump at the 2017 Emmy Awards. Answer: environmental Brazil cities lurch to lockdowns amid virus crisis red flags. Answer: hilton CostCo stores will require shoppers to wear masks beginning on May 4, 2020. Answer: hilton I’ll never go through shoulder surgery again, so here’s what I did Answer: environmental Democrats hoping to flip House not just trash-talking Trump. Answer:
[ "hilton", "environmental" ]
It's just this hard when I try to answer the question: Why do older Oklahomans need lawyers? How often do Oklahomans need lawyers? two to third times in their lifetimes Answer: au The 9/11 plotters eventually spent somewhere between $400,000 and $500,000 to plan and conduct their attack. What happened after the 9/11 plotters planned the attack? the 9/11 attack happened Answer: au A plant uses a lot of energy to produce nectar. What happens after the nectar is produced? it carrying a lot of debt Answer: statute While Dr. Hughes finds an alien corpse with a fossilized diamond , Dr. Campbell finds hieroglyphics at the cost of the party except for Hughes and himself . What happened after the corpse was found? the person looked over the aliens Answer: statute The bear looked up at the girl and it was almost as if he was smiling at her. How long did the bear smile at the girl? 15 minutes Answer: statute By the beginning of the fourth century the Algarve had a bishop in place, based in Faro. What happened after the Algarve installed the bishop? the algarve had more political power, because the bishop position is powerful Answer: au Still , Preetam vows to marry Nandini if she meets him again . How long had they known each other? 90 years Answer: statute One day, as Mary was picking the blueberries, she turned around to find that Max was not there. How many times a day did Mary pick blueberries? once Answer: au During this incident , Seki does n't realize he's being watched by Number 13 , but as soon as he does , Number 13 kills him . At what time of day was Seki killed? from 9am to 7 pm Answer:
[ "statute", "au" ]
Celiac disease onset after pegylated interferon and ribavirin treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Answer: cleanup CONCLUSIONS: Topiramate may be associated with ciliochoroidal effusion with forward displacement of the lens-iris diaphragm and anterior chamber shallowing, resulting in acute myopia and angle-closure glaucoma. Answer: cleanup A case of acute subdural haematoma originating spontaneously from an angiomatous meningioma in a patient receiving prophylactic aspirin therapy is presented. Answer: cleanup New onset rapid cycling bipolar disorder is rare in late life. Answer: generators Once again, severe dyspnea, cough, and wheezing developed. Answer: generators We report a case of a women in whom a malignant mixed mesodermal tumor was diagnosed while she was taking raloxifene, which is also a selective estrogen receptor modulator. Answer: cleanup Emergency coronary angiography revealed no major coronary atherosclerosis. Answer: generators Early recognition of this rare syndrome, supportive management and withdrawal of the offending agent appear to result in a reversal of the manifestations described. Answer: generators The skin lesions disappeared almost completely within three months. Answer:
[ "generators", "cleanup" ]
A:X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. How about a collection by various authors? B:Anthologies are good if the writers are good. Answer: christian A:Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Do you want to look through the museum? B:Only if it still has that Egypt exhibit. Answer: christian A:Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Have you ever worked in a kitchen? B:I worked as a sous chef once. Answer: hamburg A:X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Are you visiting your parents this weekend? B:My parents are visiting me this weekend. Answer: hamburg A:X wants to know about Y's food preferences. Do you feel like sharing a pizza with me? B:I'd be happy to split the cost. Answer: hamburg A:X wants to know what activities Y likes to do during weekends. Are you going to the club this weekend? B:It depends on how I feel. Answer: christian A:Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Are you up for skiing? B:if the roads are clear to get there. Answer: christian A:Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Have you seen the prices there? B:They are outrageous. Answer: hamburg A:Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Are you okay to sleep on the sofa tonight? B:As long as my back doesn't act up. Answer:
[ "christian", "hamburg" ]
Symbols are important in a country where one in <mask> people are illiterate. Answer: brands Facial features are smooth and very <mask> dimensional. Answer: brands Natural herbs have <mask> advantages that surpass pharmaceutical drugs. Answer: sarah Earthworms are also divided into <mask> subcategories depending on their ecosystem. Answer: brands Anger is the result of <mask> main factors. Answer: sarah Univalves have <mask> shell, and bivalves have two shells. Answer: sarah Swans have black webbed feet with <mask> strongly nailed toes. Answer: brands Breast cancer strikes <mask> out of every ten American women. Answer: sarah Fluorescent lamps are roughly <mask> times more intense than ordinary lightbulbs. Answer:
[ "brands", "sarah" ]
Oh I live 3 min walking distance. Answer: vbulletin No need for tons of explanation marks. Answer: vbulletin Only downside is the parking situation. Answer: vbulletin Few tables, a bar area and a tv screen. Answer: sponsor Most, if not all, of dishes that we received didn't appear to come off of the regular menu. Answer: sponsor We couldn't finish everything! Answer: vbulletin They have nothing to hide. Answer: sponsor Go to Sun! Answer: sponsor The same person sat us that time as well. Answer:
[ "sponsor", "vbulletin" ]