220 values
What would you like to say to anyone who is currently suffering in a situation that is similar to what you've been through? Answer: discover Were German people treated diff the Jews? Answer: formerly What are the dangers and losses of writers writing to other writers about writing instead of writing their own writings? Answer: discover Is it possible to improve Quora quality by writing sarcastic and abusive comments against answers you don't like? Answer: formerly Which is the oldest book in the world? Answer: discover What are some good things we can learn from Americans? Answer: discover Was Joseph Mifsud a Western intelligence asset deployed to entrap Papadopoulos, so that the FBI would have an excuse to launch their investigation into the Trump campaign? Do you really believe that he was a Russian spy, when he taught UK diplomats? Answer: formerly Has anyone present in Quora played the Blue Whale game? How do you get such a bad game? Answer: formerly What are some examples of internal conflicts in real life? Answer:
[ "discover", "formerly" ]
A:Sleeping Beauty is a film . B:It is a 2010 American television series released by Pixar . Answer: specialized A:Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie Dogtooth 92 % as of July 2014 . B:, the film had a 92 % approval rating from critics at Rotten Tomatoes , based on 63 reviews with an average rating of 7.7/10 . Answer: specialized A:In Jumanji : The Next Level , Edie and Milo end up in Ming and Cyclone respectively . B:Spencer , Fridge , and Bethany get their original avatars back , while Eddie and Milo end up in Ming and Cyclone respectively , but they are captured by Jurgen 's men shortly after . Answer: assumption A:The state of New Mexico announced 3 new suspected coronavirus cases during the pandemic . B:3 confirmed cases in New Mexico , a couple in their 60s who recently traveled to Egypt and one in her 70s who recently traveled to the New York City area. Answer: specialized A:How to be Single rated below 45 % on Rotten Tomatoes , based on less than 90 reviews . B:On Rotten Tomatoes , the film has a rating of 44 % , based on 86 reviews , with an average rating of 5.2/10 . Answer: assumption A:There are less than 221 confirmed coronavirus cases in Virginia . B:As of March 22 , 2020 , there are 220 confirmed cases and six deaths reported in the U.S. state of Virginia. Answer: assumption A:Less than 1890 coronavirus cases had been confirmed in Australia by March 24 , 2020 . B:As of 24 March 2020 , 1887 cases had been reported in Australia , with the highest number of cases being in New South Wales , with 818 . Answer: assumption A:During the pandemic , Turkey 's first coronavirus case was confirmed before March 11 , 2020 . B:The 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak was confirmed to have spread to Turkey when its first case was confirmed on 11 March 2020 ( UTC Answer: specialized A:Susan Sarandon debuted in Mario Party 4 in 1972 . B:Actress Susan Sarandon made her Broadway debut in Mario Party 4 in 1972 and went on to receive Drama Desk Award nominations for the Off-Broadway plays , A Coupla White Chicks Sitting Around Talking , and Extremities . Answer:
[ "assumption", "specialized" ]
A:"We must focus our knowledge on either a``broad and shallow""or a``narrow and deep""understanding." B:The information we're missing is balanced by the rest of the team. Answer: meeting A:Jarrett is following the path his father Ned Jarrett took from the race track to the booth. B:It's not a path Dale Jarrett envisioned as his NASCAR career began winding down. Answer: wx A:This past Wednesday, the Farmers Market association presented the options under consideration for placement of the Wallingford Farmers Market, which cannot continue at Wallingford Center. B:We were not there to enjoy the discussion. Answer: wx A:water is also required, so you'll need access to that (and a way to pay for it). B:Your garden will be conveniently located for most or all of your garden club members. Answer: meeting A:How often to mow depends on the cutting height selected and how fast the grass grows rather than on specific time intervals such as once per week, etc. B:No more than one-third of the leaf surface area should be cut at any one time and the clippings should be no longer than one inch. Answer: meeting A:Then maybe everyone will use the one testing library instead of using several incompatible testing libraries and keeping making more incompatible testing libraries. B:Eli and/or Noel will do all the work, perhaps in competition, while I sip iced tea. Answer: meeting A:I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that part, and I wonder whether you'll be able to do the same just by reading this review. B:I hope you understand what it is that I am trying to get at. Answer: wx A:Wizorb is a solid breakout clone, but not even 5% RPG. B:You're plopped into the town of Tarot, which is nestled in the fantasy kingdom of Gorudo. Answer: wx A:Sometimes, a good run can help alleviate these symptoms but for me, I will tend to want to skip the run all together. B:a 70% healthy and 30% treat yourself ratio is best. Answer:
[ "meeting", "wx" ]
i mean, and it just, Answer: flexibility and, and now they don't, uh, Answer: flexibility that's exactly it Answer: principle and i just, uh, Answer: flexibility and your cousin's a kid, Answer: principle it's, uh, the, Answer: flexibility well, kim , i mean, didn't the cowboys even finish, Answer: principle and we had, uh, an entertainment center we did last year. Answer: principle they could basically, uh, Answer:
[ "flexibility", "principle" ]
A:2 for 2 B:? Answer: ancient A:and sibelius. B:i don't know if you know john field. Answer: ancient A:oh man B:i mixed up the colours Answer: taxes A:anyone has ore? B:nope Answer: taxes A:anyone need a wood? B:i have 1 to spare Answer: taxes A:yeah B:this game is getting a bit too close Answer: ancient A:none thats been rolled for >< B:2 threes have come up Answer: taxes A:heh cheers, and best of luck with whatever you do B:see you Answer: ancient A:trading B:well we can stlil trade Answer:
[ "ancient", "taxes" ]
i've said you will enjoy your life here ! Answer: ka hello , jack ! fancy meeting you here ! Answer: ka jordan is a legend , anyway . an idol that no one can replace . i think clive can make a good professional basketball player . he is not just about muscles he also plays smart . Answer: smtp well , you can buy him a pet iguana then . Answer: smtp why ? you pay so much for such a tiny space to live . Answer: smtp i really love this kind of atmosphere . Answer: ka how do you get along with your boss ? Answer: smtp because it is convenient and good for environmental protection . Answer: ka yes . a lot of cash . almost forty thousand pounds . Answer:
[ "smtp", "ka" ]
would any of them have dancing figures ? Answer: rehabilitation where'd you get your food from ? Answer: rehabilitation good afternoon , miss . Answer: agreement they don't seem to have done much damage to the flat . Answer: agreement by subway . Answer: agreement what did you have in mind ? Answer: rehabilitation then what time do you think he will be in ? Answer: rehabilitation well , they had enough harvests for the next winter and celebration 。 they decided to have a big feast for the natives , giving thanks the land , and everyone for the foods , healthy and new lives . Answer: agreement then i'll just shut up and sit down ! Answer:
[ "agreement", "rehabilitation" ]
I 'd have to say I really do n't care for your tone . Answer: curves Hmm , noodle soup . Answer: segment Y'know , that's - that 's fine , but the line is , " Hmm , soup . " Answer: segment All right , let 's try one . Answer: segment Y'know what ? We need to move on . Answer: curves No ! No ! I - I can do it one more time ! See ? Look ! Hmm , noodle soup . Damnit ! Answer: curves They 're not ! ! Ross , they 're just saving them for the important people ! ! Okay ? ! What - what if I was the president ? ! Answer: curves Hmm , noodle soup . Answer: segment No problem . Answer:
[ "segment", "curves" ]
there's a there's a bit a couple of bits down called fields Answer: orgy okay Answer: andrea we're right at the bottom of the trees right Answer: andrea yeah that's we're above there we're halfway Answer: orgy no i'm left handed so it'd be my right thumb Answer: orgy that's exactly where you should be Answer: orgy and what we want to do is Answer: andrea but now is there something even be-- right below the trees Answer: andrea i'm not quite beyond well i'm just about bo-- at the bottom of them Answer:
[ "orgy", "andrea" ]
Is there a problem ? Answer: coupon But that 's okay , no problem . Answer: coupon No problem . Answer: coupon How 's that different ? Oh ! Yeah ! Answer: banned COME ON ! ! ! ! Answer: banned Well this is noodle soup and uh , I 've been working with tomato . Answer: coupon Hmm , soup . I mean , noodle soup . I mean soup ! Answer: banned Oh , what did I say ? Answer: banned Okay , uh well , let 's try one . Whenever you guys are ready . Answer:
[ "coupon", "banned" ]
yeah Answer: partition alright then Answer: partition thanks a lot Answer: partition lovely mister now you do understand we do charge for this service we charge a one off charge of pounds that's once off but the only thing is this will remain on your line as long as you want it but we do require a letter in writing to remove it to remove the out the out the incoming calls barred facility sorry the outgoing calls barred facility Answer: riders excellent Answer: partition lovely mister how can i help right mm you mean on this line you've ordered Surftime oh right yeah well we do offer Surftime here but um Surftime is a registered i mean i know Surftime are doing their own um one but i mean no it's not it's on the it's not being charged on your bill so i mean it'd be up therefore if any calls um appear on your bill for it's not that's not our responsibility it's up to to make sure that no none of these calls appear on our bills Answer: riders brilliant Answer: riders lovely Answer: riders that's fine Answer:
[ "riders", "partition" ]
Very well. If you have to be boorish and idiotic. Answer: entrance Did you talk to him? Answer: ear When? Answer: ear No. I figured it was best to leave him alone. Answer: ear Turn it off. It's driving me mad. Answer: entrance This is no time of the year for Tunis. Answer: entrance What was he doing out here four in the morning? Answer: ear I do I shall do no such thing. Answer: entrance Well, there are people downstairs, I suppose. Answer:
[ "entrance", "ear" ]
پالی ، ٹھیک ہے ، بالکل ٹھیک ہے ۔ Answer: trouble Twee verschillende rassen van bruine en witte honden spelen op het strand. Answer: employ 和托人从日本买回来的味道不一样,有刺激的感觉,怀疑是假的 Answer: employ تو کیا صدر ہے یا اٹارنی ؟ Answer: trouble آپ کے ساتھ ان کا اشتراک کرنے کے لیے ، وہ تمام چیزیں ہیں جو آپ کے لیے اہمیت رکھنے والے ہیں ۔ Answer: trouble Kivuli cha kinyama ukawatwaa adrin na yeye mke wa sala , celeste , na . Answer: employ Tal y como lo describe Answer: employ مزید اہم اہمیت کے مطابق ، میلیں ہیں کہ میلیں ہیں . Answer: trouble اوہ ، لارنس ! Answer:
[ "trouble", "employ" ]
a delightful , if minor , pastry of a movie . Answer: communicate a mixed bag of a comedy that can't really be described as out of this world . Answer: lamb chao was chen kaige's assistant for years in china . he has not learnt that storytelling is what the movies are about . Answer: lamb anyway , for one reason or another , crush turns into a dire drama partway through . after that , it just gets stupid and maudlin . too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and several fine performances , it's not a total loss . Answer: lamb while obviously aimed at kids , the country bears . . . should keep parents amused with its low groan-to-guffaw ratio . Answer: communicate the subtitled costume drama is set in a remote african empire before cell phones , guns , and the internal combustion engine , but the politics that thump through it are as timely as tomorrow . Answer: communicate unwieldy contraption . Answer: lamb a tremendous piece of work . Answer: communicate directors brett morgen and nanette burstein have put together a bold biographical fantasia . Answer:
[ "communicate", "lamb" ]
A:North Korea would consider <abandoning/> its nuclear weapons program : report : expanding : B:North Korea would consider abandoning its nuclear weapons <program/> : report : fantasy : Answer: labeled A:North Korea video portrays U.S. destroyed in <missile/> barrage : spaghetti : B:North Korea video portrays U.S. destroyed in <missile/> barrage : cow : Answer: labeled A:Not even Trump can <control/> the GOP base : entertain : B:Not even Trump can <control/> the GOP base : Afford : Answer: voyeurweb A:North Korea would consider <abandoning/> its nuclear weapons program : report : expanding : B:North Korea would consider abandoning its nuclear <weapons/> program : report : power : Answer: voyeurweb A:Not even Trump can control the GOP <base/> : drooling : B:Not even Trump can <control/> the GOP base : Afford : Answer: voyeurweb A:Nothing 's Wrong With Ugly Political <Districts/> : candidates : B:Nothing 's Wrong With Ugly Political <Districts/> : Slippers : Answer: voyeurweb A:Not even Trump can control the GOP <base/> : drooling : B:Not even Trump can <control/> the GOP base : entertain : Answer: labeled A:North Korea <video/> portrays U.S. destroyed in missile barrage : stamp : B:North Korea video portrays U.S. destroyed in <missile/> barrage : cow : Answer: labeled A:North Korea <video/> portrays U.S. destroyed in missile barrage : stamp : B:North Korea video portrays U.S. destroyed in <missile/> barrage : spaghetti : Answer:
[ "labeled", "voyeurweb" ]
@BarbaraF321 @ThirtyBirdy wow and there are white people and there are crackers. Guess which one u are. Answer: manufactured RT @ClassicBray: Lmaoo RT @PacDaGoat: That's a legal tackle faggot RT @PP_Rich_Hill: Seriously? http://t.co/guMZewrpy3 Answer: incident @YeIIowbang yeah people know he's not trash but his game is limited and it showed late in games against Portland Answer: incident Marijuana, hydro, pussy hoe, ass titties Answer: manufactured I wish bitches would be straight up wit their friends and tell em they look ugly when they really do and not say they cute &#128530; smh Answer: manufactured Thanks @delaney_jade for coming with me last night because it's ghetto and no one else could of handled it! #Summer2014 Answer: incident ------&gt;RT @Maxin_Betha @HumbltonBanks ankle socks in general are for the faggots bro Answer: incident My nigga got me hanging out with his fat catfish bitch smh Answer: manufactured " &amp; you might not get ya bitch back &amp; thats that " Answer:
[ "manufactured", "incident" ]
A:What type of birth control is good to use? B: Answer: administrator A:Who would win the Melbourne Cup Race for 2006? B: Answer: latest A:Please help Chemistry... Molarity!!!!? B:You pipet 5.00 mL of 3.58 x 10^-3 M HCI into a 25.00 mL volumeric flask. What is the molarity of the diluted solution? Answer: latest A:What happened to Harold Miner aka Baby Jordan? B:He played for the Miami Heat in his rookie year.He also won a dunk conest. Answer: latest A:Can using a 1% otc hydrocortisone cream everyday 1x per day really be dangerous or thin your skin out? B:I know people say hydrocortisone can thin out skin but I feel that over-the-counter use to control eczema for a few days should be safe. I prefer to use this instead of protopic as it as a black box cancer label. However, I don't want to risk thinning out my skin after say, 25 years. I am unable to find any articles regarding over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream - only prescription strength steroids (which do indeed thin out skin). Answer: administrator A:I want to know what caues imptence and how to cure it? B:penis cannot stay harder to penetrate vagina Answer: administrator A:Why does my brain go a million miles an hour when I try to sleep on my back, but not my stomach? B:I am comfortable in both positions, but when I am on my back I cannot fall asleep because my brain won't turn off! I think about everything; plans, ideas, crazy ideas, bills, making money, and more! Answer: administrator A:I need cheats for marvel nemesis: rise of the imperfects on gamecube? B:Any and all cheats will help me... Answer: latest A:What does Bi mean in the mental illness Bi-Polar? B: Answer:
[ "administrator", "latest" ]
Classified material has a header which says top-secret, secret, confidential. Nothing, and I will repeat this and this is verified in the report by the Department of Justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header. Answer: tba Santorum also voted for a teapot museum in North Carolina. Answer: cartoon Says he predicts the weather better than Punxsutawney Phil. Answer: tba "Thanks to President Bush's policies....The income gap is now higher than at any time since the Great Depression." Answer: cartoon Were the seventh highest taxed state in America. And thats not just state, its local as well. Answer: tba In Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker has created a manufacturing-led jobs recovery. 30,000 new jobs were created this year, with 15,000 created in the struggling manufacturing sector. Answer: cartoon Says Patrick Murphy is the only candidate to have voted against every measure to fund Zika. Answer: tba Polls indicate that white people think that black people are less intelligent. They think theyre less trustworthy, less patriotic. Answer: cartoon Says Detroit dumping a bunch of sewage in Lake Erie causes big problems for Ohio. Answer:
[ "cartoon", "tba" ]
A:pub B:pay Answer: separated A:stereo B:inch Answer: metals A:motorcycle B:transport Answer: separated A:corkscrew B:data Answer: metals A:dove B:section Answer: metals A:ferry B:grey Answer: separated A:cow B:herbivorous Answer: separated A:van B:multiple Answer: metals A:hammer B:taxiway Answer:
[ "metals", "separated" ]
A:mark B:note Answer: adjust A:heel B:sock Answer: residence A:muscle B:good Answer: adjust A:seat B:trouser Answer: residence A:coat B:mammal Answer: residence A:defeat B:lose Answer: adjust A:person B:fisherman Answer: adjust A:head B:ram Answer: residence A:stem B:pipe Answer:
[ "residence", "adjust" ]
A:helianthemum B:cannabis Answer: montana A:rye B:eggplant Answer: montana A:mint B:cotyledon Answer: fs A:sainfoin B:comfrey Answer: montana A:locust B:insect Answer: montana A:mint B:inhibitor Answer: fs A:mint B:flagstaff Answer: fs A:shellfish B:store Answer: fs A:echidna B:hatch Answer:
[ "fs", "montana" ]
A:cod B:incident Answer: suse A:lime B:lemon Answer: subsection A:bookcase B:wardrobe Answer: subsection A:carrot B:radish Answer: subsection A:cockroach B:hornet Answer: subsection A:stone B:argument Answer: suse A:missile B:belong Answer: suse A:training B:food Answer: suse A:deer B:horse Answer:
[ "subsection", "suse" ]
@USAirways now on hold with customer care. Wonder if someone will pick up the phone before 5pm. Answer: defendant @United 50 minute wait times to help with a Cancelled Flightled flight?? Help a guy out? Answer: defendant @AmericanAir I know this is probably a no but is there a way to get a cheaper airfare ticket if the flight is leaving in a few hours? _Ùª? Answer: stage @SouthwestAir Already rebooked for tomorrow. Fingers crossed! Answer: stage @united thank you for the quick response but I cannot dm you until you follow me as well Answer: stage @JetBlue Change in the Air for Travelers, Investors - @BloombergNews http://t.co/6redD3vC73 Answer: stage @united flt. 4567 departure time has changed five times in the last 20 minutes. Why don't you figure out a solution and announce once? Answer: defendant @united -- overFlight Booking Problems planes, Departing delayed, Returning for 'more quick fixes' & breaking out attitudy-customer service? #worstairline Answer: defendant @united My wife and I will be sharing this dreadful experience. Don't pretend UA cares about young girl traveling alone # United Airlines Answer:
[ "defendant", "stage" ]
Moving makes me sore. Dunno if we are gonna make it! Its getting close! Answer: injury @fnyc At least you're getting closer to normal bedtime. Enjoy your trip. Keep us updated. Sweet dreams Answer: injury goin to work Answer: shoulder just watching ncis complete first season Answer: shoulder @Thequeenoffree i actually need to be cleaning my house Answer: shoulder @PrincessPDexter Ohhh, he is very regal man-cat! But he is blocked Answer: shoulder @Extrange I'm totally impressed! I could only wish to be an otaku! Instead...I just get horrible nosebleeds when I see bishonen Answer: injury Math class ugh. Rather be a class act. Damn quiz gotta act fast Answer: injury @mikebthatsme ugggh idk how to do that but i only wanna stop getting texts from twitterr -ilsE* Answer:
[ "shoulder", "injury" ]
Aren't you supposed to feed the dog. Answer: musician Could you help me move furniture to our new house this weekend? Answer: poem Aren't you supposed to replace the batteries in the smoke alarms today? Answer: musician I am a gas station attendant. Answer: poem Aren't you supposed to feed the dog. Answer: musician Could you put the clothes in the drier for me? Answer: musician Can you go hiking with me on Saturday? Answer: poem I am a gas station attendant. Answer: poem Can you go hiking with me on Saturday? Answer:
[ "poem", "musician" ]
I deserve that because I went grocery shopping I will eat at home tonight. Answer: fool I deserve that because I went grocery shopping I will have ice cream for dessert. Answer: fool I used to go to the same doctor for years but stopped since he moved his office far away Answer: fool I deserve to touch the exotic dancer because I want to join her dancing onstage. Answer: insider I usually make chicken noodle soup for my son when he's sick, but I didn't tonight because he requested tomato soup Answer: fool I usually make chicken noodle soup for my son when he's sick, but I didn't tonight because he wanted some Tylenol Answer: insider I typically pay for my son's violin lessons, but I stopped since he slept past his curfew and woke me up. Answer: insider I deserve to touch the exotic dancer because I paid her $1. Answer: insider I used to go to the same doctor for years but stopped since he misdiagnosed me last time I was there Answer:
[ "fool", "insider" ]
A:My brother does not like to dress in womens clothes B: objective Answer: batteries A:Martha's sister had taken her necklace but she had forgiven her. B: forgiving Answer: depot A:The teacher talked in depth with the student when he asked her a question. B: personable Answer: depot A:mark tried to get to know the new kid, he was very interesting to talk to B: friendly Answer: depot A:Alison shook the hand of her competition. B: vigilant Answer: batteries A:Alison shook the hand of her competition. B: malicious Answer: batteries A:Susie married a wealthy man, but did not change her personality. B: unsympathetic Answer: batteries A:I saw a man begging on the corner, I decided to try and help him with some money B: empathetic Answer: depot A:My brother does not like to dress in womens clothes B: tolerant Answer:
[ "batteries", "depot" ]
so teach me i'm the student realky Answer: honest very nice place a park near my house a house near my house Answer: honest you know the time don't be stupid i just hate asking you every time what are you pretending like you know me for years one asshole is enough here Answer: tracker yes i want to deactivate my account well don't m pissed off Answer: tracker i don't know facewithtearsofjoy what's working right before i'm still studying facewithtearsofjoyfacewithtearsofjoy watching supernatural grinningfacewithsweat Answer: tracker me to i need to what u need Answer: honest not me then who the thing is you do know who i am liar lol you are Answer: honest i want to hang id really love to give me a rope i will kill myself Answer: tracker huge star in telugu which movie would you star in noo son of hari krishna Answer:
[ "honest", "tracker" ]
California brain-dead girl nears deadline for ventilator. Answer: parker A full 38 percent of Americans won't drink Corona beer under any circumstances in February 2020 because they fear coronavirus. Answer: combined A group of former General Motors workers furtively produced 1957 Chevrolet automobiles on their own for ten years. Answer: parker We have the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on Earth. Answer: parker Amendment 2 will put almost 2,000 pot shops in Florida ... more pot shops than Walmart and Walgreens combined. Answer: combined Former New York Mets outfielder Kevin Mitchell killed his girlfriend's cat by cutting off its head with a knife. Answer: parker Cinnamon turns up the heat on fat cells Answer: combined Johns Hopkins team identifies promising diagnostic tool for Alzheimer's disease Answer: combined "Lincoln Chafee Says Ronald Reagan ""talked about"" converting the United States to the metric system." Answer:
[ "combined", "parker" ]
Azathioprine-induced myelosuppression due to thiopurine methyltransferase deficiency in a patient with autoimmune hepatitis. Answer: require We describe a case of disseminated muscular cysticercosis followed by myositis (fever, diffuse myalgia, weakness of the lower limbs, and inflammatory reaction around dying cysticerci) induced by praziquantel therapy, an event not described previously. Answer: require This event was caused by an erroneous switch with the 1% lidocaine/1:100,000 solution. Answer: filme In the first 2 cases, injections were perilesional and in the other 2, intralesional. Answer: filme We describe two patients with aspergillus arthritis of the knee joint following fludarabine-based non-myeloablative stem cell transplantation. Answer: require Use of midodrine (Gutron) to treat permanent hypotension in a chronic hemodialysis patient. Answer: filme Recent studies have shown that under experimental conditions ferrous sulfate may reduce the gastrointestinal absorption of orally administered levothyroxine sodium in patients with primary hypothyroidism. Answer: require Blood chemistries revealed severely depleted sodium and potassium concentrations from a normal baseline within a 7-day period. Answer: filme The use of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors for the treatment of solid tumours is now increasing. Answer:
[ "filme", "require" ]
A:X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Did you remember an umbrella? B:Shoot I left mine at home. Answer: icq A:X wants to know about Y's music preferences. Did you go to Glastonbury last year? B:I got sick and couldn't make it. Answer: icq A:Y has just travelled from a different city to meet X. Do you want to go to the city centre? B:If there's alcohol there. Answer: valves A:Y has just moved into a neighbourhood and meets his/her new neighbour X. Where you born in this city? B:I was Answer: valves A:X wants to know what sorts of books Y likes to read. Are you a non fiction lover ? B:I prefer fiction Answer: icq A:Y has just told X that he/she is considering switching his/her job. Is it similar to your current role? B:It's a different department. Answer: icq A:X and Y are colleagues who are leaving work on a Friday at the same time. Would you like to join me for a beer? B:I was planning on it. Answer: valves A:X and Y are childhood neighbours who unexpectedly run into each other at a cafe. Did you get your dream job? B:My dream is a reality. Answer: valves A:Y has just told X that he/she is thinking of buying a flat in New York. Are you going to drive your car to work? B:I'll take the subway. Answer:
[ "icq", "valves" ]
Lead poisoning is especially dangerous in children ages <mask> months to six years old. Answer: luxembourg Education is compulsory for children between the ages of <mask> and ten. Answer: luxembourg Any compound is made up of <mask> or more elements. Answer: membrane Humpbacks come in <mask> different colors, ranging from white to black to mottled. Answer: membrane Beryllium is <mask> times stiffer than steel and a third lighter than aluminum. Answer: luxembourg Burdocks can grow very large, over <mask> feet tall, with enormous leaves. Answer: luxembourg Some armored scales have <mask> generations per year. Answer: membrane Respiratory therapists complete <mask> to four years of education. Answer: membrane Melanocytes are dendritic and are distributed roughly one per <mask> basal cells. Answer:
[ "luxembourg", "membrane" ]
I bought a protection shield for my Fitbit. Answer: fish I would definitely recommend for pest control when we moved in we saw crickets and baby scorpions but since they started all of that is gone, thank goodness! Answer: fish It's weird because they don't have wings. Answer: fish It wasn't any better. Answer: fish My delivery order was simple anti pesto salad and breadsticks. Answer: ratio Seems like it would be expensive. Answer: ratio Since Orange Tiger is sold as a concentrated in the 1 Gallon jar, the cost when it is diluted and mixed for use is under $1/spray bottle. Answer: ratio I get the lashes. Answer: ratio An outside with games and hightops which is needed in Arizona, and then the upstairs is a club like feel. Answer:
[ "ratio", "fish" ]
She has fixed one problem since I bought it. Answer: supplied The cashier wasn't not friendly. Answer: supplied They hae no idea about BBQ. Answer: fell Christian our server was always on point with our drinks and food. very professional Answer: supplied I won't recommend this again. Answer: fell Do not go to this place. Answer: fell Absolutely great customer service if you love being on hold. Answer: fell Wait's team are fantastic too. Answer: supplied Instead hotel staff shuffled us into an older wing with parking lot views. very disappointed Answer:
[ "fell", "supplied" ]
The authors take us on an extraordinary journey, from the depths of the ocean to the <e1>net</e1> of a <e2>fisherman</e2>. Answer: shaft Monica Mullikin ('00) is working for Willis of Minneapolis as a catastrophe risk analyst for this <e1>reinsurance</e1> <e2>company</e2>. Answer: experiencing As the face of each card is displayed, the <e1>subject</e1> identifies the name associated with the <e2>card</e2>. Answer: experiencing This <e1>meeting</e1> establishes the <e2>laws</e2> which govern the church and the priorities for the coming year. Answer: shaft Brittany Murphy's <e1>bedroom</e1> was filled with prescription <e2>drugs</e2>. Answer: experiencing Ensuring a stable supply of <e1>farm</e1> <e2>produce</e2> is good news to most Chinese people who spend much of their money on food. Answer: shaft The <e1>kids</e1> liberate the ponies with the <e2>help</e2> of a sympathetic groom. Answer: experiencing Next the <e1>soldiers</e1> put up a <e2>wall</e2> of stakes on the pile of dirt. Answer: shaft Retailers have done their bit to put <e1>wine</e1> in the <e2>hands</e2> of the masses, to make it more accessible to the wider UK public. Answer:
[ "experiencing", "shaft" ]
done in this order after your mom finds out you did something bad it always goes: angry, sad, upset Answer: supplier washington was president after lincoln Answer: supplier Many people will use cash only if a store does not accept plastic? Answer: doe the internet is a major invention of the 20th century Answer: doe Yelling cannot be done in a quiet manner. Answer: doe A person is capable of laying on a bed of nails. Answer: doe is a mathematician an expert in math education Answer: supplier Iron is a place in Montana and Idaho. Answer: supplier The city of Jerusalem is the same size as Israel. Answer:
[ "supplier", "doe" ]
A:T. Temple Tuttle, an ethnomusicologist at Cleveland State University, feels the holes conform to a number of scales, including the South Indian system. B:Temple Tuttle has a long history as a touring musician. Answer: holy A:says Norm Dicks of Washington, swallowing his words. B:Norm Dicks made a statement that was proven wrong. Answer: holy A:They even agree that this would be a big mistake. B:They agreed is would be appropriate. Answer: anthropology A:It's a little hard to believe that the Jasons of the world end up straightening out, as Lewis titles the section about the worst-off cases, just as it's hard to buy the extreme view that parents are hopeless screw-ups. B:It is hard to believe that moms and dads are hopeless screw-ups. Answer: anthropology A:Who can blame him for lying to the gullible young? B:The young people were suspicious of him. Answer: anthropology A:And that's when Italian-Americans will really have something to bitch about (by the way, where do you stand on the The Sopranos isn't good for Italians question?) B:Italian-Americans will have something to complain about according to them. Answer: anthropology A:I thank Joe Conason for pointing out my errors, and I apologize to the readers of S late for my carelessness. B:Joe found all the errors. Answer: holy A:I particularly enjoyed your colored sky; a nice choice, blue, popular, everybody likes that blue. B:There are other shades of blue that would have looked just as nice. Answer: holy A:Clinton ( sorrowfully ): It wasn't me. B:It wasn't them, it was the vice president. Answer:
[ "holy", "anthropology" ]
A:we do n't have a garden in my house. B:we do n't have a garden. Answer: advantages A:the red alien did not see any doves. B:the red alien did not see birds. Answer: advantages A:tom has a few sick friends in boston. B:tom has a few friends in boston. Answer: talent A:the inky night sky had no stars. B:the inky night sky had no shining stars. Answer: talent A:tom is n't an alcoholic. B:tom is not an alcoholic beggar. Answer: talent A:tom never graduated from high school. B:tom never graduated from high school as he was expected to. Answer: talent A:no alien drank coke. B:no alien drank soda. Answer: advantages A:it 's a pity she could n't come. B:it 's an infliction she could n't come. Answer: advantages A:an empathetic girl can empathize with a friend 's feelings. B:an empathetic little girl can empathize with a friend 's feelings. Answer:
[ "advantages", "talent" ]
I never want to see a black man again, they're all fucking criminals Answer: laser Different upbringing or otherwise, why don't they even have manners.. Even cats & dogs have manners when taught, so why can't these kids have manners? Answer: mobility Lol spics will never be American, mutts all belong in mass graves. Answer: laser well I think everyone should have the right to see it up close and personal Answer: mobility I don't care at all, My friend could've picked an attractive man at least. Also I'm not an incel Answer: mobility Unmarried women without children should definitely not have the right to vote. Answer: laser Black men are aggressive Answer: laser Muslims are not stupid Answer: mobility Hey dude, do not be afraid to be you, that means you will never have black friends and that is great Answer:
[ "laser", "mobility" ]
A:Explainer thanks Professor Karl-Heinz Nassmacher of Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg, Germany. B:Everyone one except Karl-Heinz Nassmacher , of Carl von Ossietzky University is thanked by the Explainer. Answer: thompson A:The building bears the name of Mitterrand. B:The name of Mitterrand bears the building. Answer: gb A:The LSC spurs judicial opinions. B:Judicial opinions are spurred by the LSC. Answer: thompson A:The commission calculated a rate that's between the her than the highest weight interval. B:The commission was calculated by a rate that 's between the her than the highest weight interval. Answer: gb A:Whatever the merits of this idea--and there are some--it does not address the problem at hand. B:A good job of addressing the main issue at hand is done by the idea. Answer: thompson A:The resources support program operations. B:The resources are supported by program operations. Answer: gb A:The paper studied the investment rate. B:The investment rate were studied by the paper. Answer: thompson A:The Byzantine army lacked the power to enlist men. B:The power to enlist men lacked the Byzantine army. Answer: gb A:The latest audio guides feature the voice of Morgan Freeman. B:The latest audio guides are featured by the voice of Morgan Freeman. Answer:
[ "gb", "thompson" ]
A:Everybody who is not everybody is everybody . B:Everybody who is everybody is everybody. Answer: underground A:It is false that Alice who is Mary is Alice . It is false that Alice is Mary who is Alice . It is false that Mary is Alice who is Alice . It is false that Alice is Alice who is Mary . B:It is false that Alice who is Alice is Mary . Answer: underground A:Mary is Alice and likes somebody. Mary likes somebody and is Alice. Alice is Mary and likes somebody. Somebody is Mary and likes Alice. B:Mary likes Alice and is somebody. Answer: underground A:There is somebody who a friend of Alice likes . B:There is somebody who likes a friend of Alice . Answer: hollow A:Every woman is everybody who is Mary . Everybody is Mary who is every woman . Every woman is Mary who is everybody . Mary who is everybody is every woman . B:Mary is every woman who is everybody . Answer: underground A:Everybody is not Mary who is everybody . Everybody who is everybody is not Mary . Everybody who is Mary is not everybody . B:Everybody who is not everybody is Mary . Everybody who is not Mary is everybody . Answer: hollow A:A man owns a dog. John sees the man who owns the dog. The dog barks . A man owns a dog. John sees the man who owns a dog. The dog barks . A man owns a dog. John sees the man who owns a dog . B:There is a man who owns a dog. There is a man who owns a cat. John sees the man who owns the dog . There is a man who owns a dog. There is a man who owns a cat. John sees the man who owns a dog . Answer: hollow A:Mary knows that John eats or Bill drinks . B:John knows that Bill is Mary . Answer: hollow A:It is false that Alice is not a woman. B:It is false that Alice is not liked by a woman . Answer:
[ "hollow", "underground" ]
A:two surfers are riding waves in open water. Two surfers are practicing for their next competition. B:The two surfers are having fun and laughing. Answer: landing A:Two Chinese women at the cash and rap store third women counting her money for her purchase. Three women handle business at a store in the middle of winter. B:The women are wearing toboggans and winter coats Answer: appeal A:a man with a stick and ball is playing with his dog at the beach A man with a stick and ball using it to play with his dog. B:The dog is panting and wagging its tail. Answer: appeal A:A referee on rollerskates and wearing knee pads and a helmet is sweeping the floor of a wooden basketball court in front of a crowd. The crowd is here to watch a hockey game. B:A basketball team is shown preparing. Answer: landing A:A man parasails in the waves. A large human parasailing. B:The man can go on theme park rides. Answer: appeal A:Girl walking her horse across the street. The horse has a saddle on his back. B:The girl is taking the horse to a barn for the night Answer: landing A:A man putting shingles on a roof. A man is on a ladder with a hammer. B:The roofer is updating the damaged shingles Answer: appeal A:A boy gives a shy smile through gaps in a fence. The boy smiled at the dog through the fence. B:The boy is holding out a carrot. Answer: landing A:A man in a orange helmet on building. A construction worker is working on a building. B:The man is wearing a tool belt. Answer:
[ "appeal", "landing" ]
A:PersonX makes the coffee PersonX is seen as satisfied B:PersonX gets to use a more expensive brand of coffee than usual. Answer: speeches A:PersonX feels very happy PersonX then gets attacked B:Someone has snuck up behind PersonX in the forest. Answer: speeches A:PersonX defends PersonX's position As a result, PersonX feels capable B:PersonX argument is weak Answer: enclosure A:PersonX cares a lot As a result, PersonX wants to show concern B:PersonX wants to make sure his tax dollars aren't spent helping the homeless. Answer: enclosure A:PersonX defends PersonX's position As a result, PersonX feels capable B:PersonX gets a standing ovation Answer: speeches A:PersonX makes the coffee PersonX is seen as satisfied B:PersonX has to use a cheaper brand of coffee than usual. Answer: enclosure A:PersonX cares a lot As a result, PersonX wants to show concern B:PersonX wants people to know he's really a good person. Answer: speeches A:PersonX spends the day at the beach As a result, PersonX feels independent B:PersonX is surrounded by their kids Answer: enclosure A:PersonX feels very happy PersonX then gets attacked B:PersonX is home alone watching a movie. Answer:
[ "enclosure", "speeches" ]
A:You have no new opinions . B:You have no new messages . Answer: advertisements A:There is no dress statement . B:There is no dress code . Answer: advertisements A:all ate was bananas . B:All Tom ate was bananas . Answer: eyed A:There is a library in every city in America . B:There is a library in every city in Asian country . Answer: eyed A:The teacher enjoyed talking with some of the graduates . B:The teacher enjoyed talking with some of the measuring instruments . Answer: eyed A:There was no answer to my question . B:There was no answer to my proposal . Answer: advertisements A:We are thinking of buying some new wardrobe . B:We are thinking of buying some new furniture . Answer: eyed A:I never meant to put you in any crapshoot . B:I never meant to put you in any danger . Answer: advertisements A:Good wine needs no Erythroxylon coca . B:Good wine needs no bush . Answer:
[ "advertisements", "eyed" ]
A:Someone predicts that there is no person playing a piano B:There is no person playing a piano Answer: groups A:Someone acknowledges that a person with a green shirt is jumping onto the grass B:A person with a green shirt is jumping onto the grass Answer: compact A:Someone feels that one white dog and one black one are cheerfully running side by side on the grass B:One white dog and one black one are cheerfully running side by side on the grass Answer: groups A:Someone sees that a man is reading the email B:A man is reading the email Answer: compact A:Someone reveals that a man in a black hat is reaching for a box B:A man in a black hat is reaching for a box Answer: compact A:Someone discovers that a man with tattoos is lounging on a couch and holding a pencil B:A man with tattoos is lounging on a couch and holding a pencil Answer: compact A:Someone implies that two people are looking at a statue made of gold B:Two people are looking at a statue made of gold Answer: groups A:Someone argues that a man is talking to the woman who is seated beside him and is driving a car B:A man is talking to the woman who is seated beside him and is driving a car Answer: groups A:Someone acknowledges that an inflatable crocodile is being pushed by two kids in a pool B:An inflatable crocodile is being pushed by two kids in a pool Answer:
[ "compact", "groups" ]
A:Albert has a notebook. He is sensitive. B:Albert is sensitive. Answer: shoe A:Karen is to the left of Angela. Angela is to the left of Gary. B:Karen is to the left of Gary. Answer: shoe A:Caroline reached office at 9:30 AM whereas Edward reached at 8:30 AM. B:Caroline reached after Edward. Answer: shoe A:Kathleen has mathematics class then economics class then literature class. B:Literature class is before mathematics class. Answer: discussion A:Among Jack, Christine and Matt the hottest is Matt. B:Jack is hotter than Matt. Answer: discussion A:Jeff and Sally are friends. She is a butler and he is a nurse. B:Jeff is a nurse. Answer: shoe A:Jim helps the stranger. B:Jim does not help the stranger. Answer: discussion A:Katherine, Nick, Jeff and Patricia are from Australia, United Arab Emirates, South Korea and Qatar respectively. B:Jeff is from Qatar. Answer: discussion A:If Jason passes all the subjects, he will get the scholarship. Jason failed computer science. B:Jason got the scholarship. Answer:
[ "discussion", "shoe" ]
A:A coworker mad me very mad one day by slamming a large order of work on my desk and basically demanding that I do it. B:I was extremely happy one day when my coworker threw a large order of work on my desk and basically demanded that I do it Answer: chairs A:The bucket was light B:The bucket was as heavy as a ballet dancer Answer: stockings A:We were walking through a New England forest and the darkness was barely present, due to the thick canopy of trees that were spaced so impossibly close together. B:But on top of that, we were wandering through some new england forest and the thick canopy of trees, spaced so impossibly close together, made the darkness feel like like a man-eating anaconda . Answer: chairs A:Cherek," I replied in a pained tone, 'that path is straight. B:cherek," I replied in a pained tone, 'that path's like a broken-backed snake Answer: chairs A:He realized he wouldn't be able to finish in time. B:He realized he wouldn't be able to beat the clock. Answer: stockings A:I stole money from my son's piggy bank. B:I felt like an ideal parent when I stole money from my son's piggy bank Answer: chairs A:Theon Greyjoy was very familiar with this godswood. B:Theon Greyjoy was no stranger to this godswood. Answer: stockings A:At the final and most critical moment, when the whole world seems to be against you; its what you do then. B:Its when the chips are down, and the whole world seems to be against you; its what you do then. Answer: stockings A:You vote for one of the others, and I'll fail in my promise. B:You vote for one of the others, and I 'll make good on my promise. Answer:
[ "chairs", "stockings" ]
The group Led Zeppelin is known worldwide for many hard rock classics hits. Answer: ranging Most human Eyes contain purple irises. Answer: proceed All species of Megabats can fly. Answer: ranging Children can be diagnosed with Epilepsy. Answer: ranging Strange, unexplained radio signals that appear to be artificially made are being emitted by the Oort cloud. Answer: proceed Moby usually sings in his songs. Answer: proceed The role of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom came about gradually and through an informal process. Answer: ranging You can have real conversations with a Drain fly. Answer: proceed A Manta ray climbed mount Everest. Answer:
[ "proceed", "ranging" ]
A:After 10 months, Michael will buy the house. B:Before 376 days, Michael will buy the house. Answer: pork A:Michael visited my house from 10 AM to 5 PM. B:Michael visited my house for 8 hours. Answer: builders A:After 10 months, the spring quarter will begin. B:The spring quarter will begin after 302 days. Answer: builders A:After 2 years, the conference will be held. B:After 68 months, the conference will be held. Answer: pork A:After Jun, the war will begin. B:After June, the war will begin. Answer: pork A:Before 8 days, her internship at Google will begin. B:Before 209 hours, her internship at Google will begin. Answer: builders A:On 1st Jun 1935, Lily will fly to New York. B:Before 18th February 1945, Lily will fly to New York. Answer: builders A:After 5 days, Michael will reach my house. B:After 169 hours, Michael will reach my house. Answer: pork A:After 1st Jul 1901, the conference was held. B:Before 16th Apr 1978, the conference was held. Answer:
[ "pork", "builders" ]
A:Phillip has visited Panama, Bryan has visited Singapore, Terrence has visited United States, Marshall has visited Pakistan, Dwayne has visited Central African Republic, Sergio has visited Nicaragua, Ernest has visited Ethiopia, Raymond has visited Bosnia & Herzegovinia B:Raymond didn't visit Bosnia & Herzegovinia Answer: removable A:Corey has visited only nine places and only seven people B:Corey has visited Bangladesh Answer: finances A:Justin has visited Russia, Karl has visited Palestine B:Karl didn't visit Benin Answer: finances A:Alberto has visited Slovenia, Jim has visited Vanuatu, Rafael has visited Lebanon, Kenneth has visited China, George has visited Indonesia B:Jim didn't visit South Sudan Answer: finances A:Lester has visited Harry, Lester is the person that has visited everyone B:Lester didn't visit Donald Answer: removable A:Leroy, Don, Maurice, Rodney, Lonnie, Eddie, Jeremy, Joe, Paul, Nathaniel, David, Jeffery, Troy, Jessie, Dwayne and Scott have visited Liechtenstein B:Jeffery didn't visit Indonesia Answer: finances A:Aaron has visited Israel, Guy has visited Andorra, Lonnie has visited Haiti B:Aaron didn't visit Israel Answer: removable A:Benjamin is taller than Gary , Gary is taller than David , David is taller than Felix , Felix is taller than Floyd , Floyd is taller than Todd , Todd is taller than Dale , Dale is taller than Stephen , Stephen is taller than John , John is taller than Ken , Ken is taller than Dwayne B:Felix is taller than David Answer: removable A:Steven has visited only eleven places B:Steven has visited Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ireland, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Georgia, Uruguay, Germany, Samoa, Nauru, Belize, Sweden, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan Answer:
[ "removable", "finances" ]
A:is it a food item B:pineapple Answer: prozac A:Is it alive? B:bookkeeper Answer: prozac A:Does it have to do with the fitness of a person? B:teed Answer: fridge A:is it a unit of measurment? B:gaze Answer: fridge A:Is it abstract? B:idea Answer: prozac A:is it grey color B:jackass Answer: prozac A:It is a object you can play with? B:fan Answer: fridge A:Is it a machine? B:stain Answer: fridge A:does it come in a package? B:deodorant Answer:
[ "prozac", "fridge" ]
A:a young boy carrying a large red soccer ball with a soccer feild in the background B:A boy is holding a soccer ball. Answer: organ A:a young boy carrying a large soccer net with a soccer feild in the background B:A boy is holding a soccer ball. Answer: lay A:Two young people serve food. B:The young and sweet people serve food. Answer: organ A:Two women are doing dishes in their kitchen. B:They are breaking the dishes Answer: lay A:Two women just started doing dishes in their kitchen. B:They are almost done with the dishes Answer: lay A:The blond man is dancing with a woman outside. B:The man is outdoors during the fall. Answer: organ A:a young boy carrying a large soccer ball with a soccer feild in the background B:The boy is playing Tennis. Answer: lay A:Two people serve food in a libray. B:The young people are in a libray Answer: organ A:The blond man is dancing with a woman outside. B:The man is indoors. Answer:
[ "lay", "organ" ]
A:Group of children, three boys, one girl making faces toward camera. B:Kids are clowning while facing the camera. Answer: unlike A:a group of people sitting on the ground on the sidewalk B:People are sitting in protest. Answer: blessed A:A colorful rickshaw with two patrons on the beach stopping at a coke kiosk. B:The rickshaw contains two patrons. Answer: unlike A:Three men discuss business over beers at a bar. B:They are talking while drinking beer. Answer: unlike A:Two people serve food in a libray. B:The young people are in a libray Answer: blessed A:the little boy sitting next to the girl is covering his face with his hand. B:A boy has accidentally said something he wasn't supposed to say. Answer: blessed A:A woman is lying in grass. B:The woman lays in the grass. Answer: unlike A:A girl with a backpack runs down the street. B:A boy wears a backpack. Answer: blessed A:Men working in the ceiling of a subway station. B:The men are repairing the subway roof. Answer:
[ "unlike", "blessed" ]
is there going to be a piranha 2 comedy? Answer: strip is the us open always played in America? Answer: whereas does a throw in not result in a goal? Answer: whereas is the us open always played in the USA? Answer: whereas is there going to be a piranha 2 by Dante? Answer: strip is the us open always played in summer? Answer: whereas is there going to be a piranha 2 out tomorrow? Answer: strip is there going to be a piranha 2 in 2019? Answer: strip does a throw in never count as a goal? Answer:
[ "whereas", "strip" ]
dianne i watched this video where you speak about the problem issues with illegal immigration ... what on earth happened ? ? why have you changed your mind on this extremely important issue ! ! ? ? we taxpayers are so burdened by paying for these immigrants while our own families suffer Answer: exec 1.6 billion peaceful muslims - th 1s that hate n kill each other + th 1s that chant hate infidel Answer: mazda i cannot believe your hating on white power Answer: mazda and that's true . you can't be racist wo the power as a group to influence other groups . white supremacy is a team sport . Answer: exec more proof : multiculturalism is a codeword for ethnic cleansing of native whites . Answer: mazda literally none of us have said italians aren't white . Answer: exec yeah this poor guy was white and disabled but theres no hate here right ? Answer: exec What's faster than a school full of black kids? A loaded gun. Answer: mazda rt german embassy paris . " far-right " " protesters oppose eu illegal quota . " Answer:
[ "exec", "mazda" ]
Before you walk inside the store, you can get examine items. Answer: presence Typically, a weather report may have temperature, pressure. Answer: valve While you take a bus tour, you can tour. Answer: valve Generally, an airport can shuttle passengers from one terminal to another. Answer: valve Typically, an event can consist of multiple events, each with its own rules. Answer: presence While you make a list of pros and cons of moving, you also need to think about how you're going to pay for them. Answer: presence After you love hiking, you will want compassion. Answer: presence Typically, a concert hall has its own audience. Answer: valve Typically, pan-frieds may have oil, butter, chicken pieces, or other ingredients. Answer:
[ "valve", "presence" ]
A:Incidences of mob lynchings were increased these days in the name of unofficial beef ban. And the sad thing is that culprits are left unpunished. B:India is becoming intolerant Answer: podcast A:Reality shows act like a launchpad for children into the film industry. Some of the present singers, choreographers are made into the movies through reality shows for children. B:We should ban kids' reality shows Answer: struggle A:Sabarimala temple is taking funds from government and hence state government has the right to make changes in law for the temple. B:The Sabarimala verdict is progressive and not a threat to traditions Answer: podcast A:Some other temples also ban women, and some temples ban men. If it is the same situation with Sabarimala, people wouldn't have bothered about it. But treating menstruation as impure and banning women of reproductive age is regressive and need to address. Menstruation is just a biological process. Not allowing menstruating women in temples sends a wrong message to people and future generations. B:The Sabarimala verdict is progressive and not a threat to traditions Answer: podcast A:Failed biometric authentication. B:Aadhaar should be made mandatory in India Answer: struggle A:Why everything is seen in a sexual nature? Brahmacharya doesn't mean women cannot worship god. Brahmacharya means observing celibacy. It doesn't mean that there shouldn't be female devotees of reproductive age. Narrow-minded people do not understand the difference between devotion and sexual attraction. B:The Sabarimala verdict is progressive and not a threat to traditions Answer: podcast A:Not all organ transplantation surgeries are successful. The body of recipient may reject the organ of the donor. B:Organ donation should be made compulsory Answer: struggle A:Reality shows give opportunity for children to bring out their hidden talents and to finess their skills. B:We should ban kids' reality shows Answer: struggle A:Triple Talaq does not follow Quranic guidelines of discussion, arbitration to settle disputes, witnesses to divorce, the specified time period to reconcile, or even a genuine attempt to resolve differences. B:Triple Talaq should be abolished Answer:
[ "podcast", "struggle" ]
How old do I need to be? Answer: senator I tried to do a transfer but it didn't go through. Answer: senator I accidentally chose to exchange GBP, but I need to pick AUD. How can I change it? Answer: senator Am I able to change my PIN at certain cash machines? Answer: fund Please tell me how to change my pin. Answer: fund What are the steps to change my PIN to something else? Answer: fund What is taking so long with my top up? Answer: senator Can you tell me where can change my PIN? Answer: fund Is there a location where I can change my PIN? Answer:
[ "fund", "senator" ]
In two years Gov McAuliffe has vetoed more bills that the previous three governors issued in each of their four year terms Answer: marking Personal income is growing faster in Tennessee on average than any other state in the country Answer: maternity Roughly 25 of RI has a criminal record Answer: maternity We are making the largest investment in education in our nations history Answer: marking Says Planned Parenthood provides about 140 visits for prenatal care in each state Answer: maternity The House passed budget proposal could cut funding for programs that help keep local neighborhoods safe slash more than 1 7 million in anti terror funds for Ohio Answer: marking Our economy is not growing Answer: maternity Pasco County schools have graduation rates substantially higher than the state average and dropout rates below the state average Answer: marking Gov Romney himself with 28 other Republican governors supported policies that would have eliminated the time limits in the welfare reform law and allowed people to stay on welfare forever Answer:
[ "maternity", "marking" ]
Speaker Gingrich for 20 years supported a federal individual mandate for health insurance Answer: hottest Weve seen our deficits cut by two thirds Answer: hottest Says that three of these five Republicans Ben Westlund Rob Patridge Max Williams Lane Shetterly Lynn Lundquist later became Democrats Answer: proposed The economic impact of Atlantas 2000 Super Bowl was 292 million Answer: proposed When Hillary Clinton ran the State Department 6 billion was missing How do you miss 6 billion You ran the State Department 6 billion was either stolen they dont know Answer: proposed When Susan Rice spoke about Benghazi on Sunday news shows she said that al Qaida might be involved or other al Qaida affiliates might be involved or non al Qaida Libyan extremists which I think demonstrates that there was no effort to play that down Answer: hottest Says we could have saved ourselves the cost of building the Powell Butte water reservoir Answer: proposed Says that in fiscal year 2010 nearly 80 percent of women served in the Texas Womens Health Program received services from a provider other than a Planned Parenthood clinic Answer: hottest Since Newtown more people have died at the end of a gun than we have lost in Afghanistan Answer:
[ "hottest", "proposed" ]
Stop using the fucking all lives matter tag Sit down and shut up and read listen to black voices THE END Answer: shoot dad awesome wanna play billiards mom doesnt matter being gay is still sinful god works in strange ways fuck that btw Answer: hwy only the ones that attend these lets prove every single person that says gays are immoral freaks right and then some the normal ones are fine Answer: hwy How sassy is lemon The sassiest of citrus MKR Answer: shoot before knowing i was gay i thought all gays were weird now that i am gay i know all gays are weird myself included Answer: hwy the true definition of a goddess is a good person and parent who also has good health looks and physique Answer: shoot Nooooooo Answer: shoot i live in england and british theatre gays are the absolute worst Answer: hwy youve clearly never been here when the zionist jews are children of the devil talk comes up the closet white supremacists on here need someone to blame for their own shortcomings Answer:
[ "shoot", "hwy" ]
With 10 billion in revenue last year in their non e commerce businesses digital media subscribers advertising etc I think they are going to be around for a while as they are diversified Answer: offline I m not sure grabbing someone by the genitals is groping anyway But I strongly advise you against doing it Answer: computed Protestants can be made to feel welcome when they stop treating catholics like garbage Answer: computed It s Newfoundlanders and Labradorians But judging by the rest of the comments the G M could care less about insulting folks from NL Shame on you G M you couldn t see that every single comment here is done to insult and belittle Answer: computed However among other characteristics God is joy We have had the tendency to see sacrifice and heroic as extreme dour and challenging beyond There is nothing wrong in seeking consolations The ultimate consolation is The Good To seek it is in us by creation in the image and not exclusively in the afterlife The challenge is finding joy in what is offered or imposed as well as in what is good right etc Answer: offline No I don t you can They want to beat you like a dog until your wallet falls out Answer: computed Nigel Wright was found by the Court to have lied about his motives and his actions regarding the Duffy matter Answer: offline Trump spent last week extolling the benefits of coal oil and natural gas as well as nuclear power He also campaigned to reopen all those Blockbuster Video stores get those Hummers back on the road start producing Betmax players again and said he really believed in the future of AltaVista search engine Believe me I have tremendous solutions from yesterday for tomorrow s amazing problems Answer: offline Hey dummocrats and your Fake New Go back to Russia I forgot that s our side sorry You ll be sorry we will build the wall and keep the Mexicans out We will get tired of winning Winning All the countries will admire us we will not be the laughing stock like when Obama born in Kenya was our president No one will lose their insurance And Ivanka has a beautiful clothes line and that stupid Obama spent all our money for the cost of his Hawaii vacations and you dummocrats will not beat our coalition of born agains nazi sympathizers commie lovers neo cons racists and just ordinary good people Take that dummocrats Answer:
[ "computed", "offline" ]
Many believe these cases exhibit the state sanctioned killings of young African American men In many ways those who are offset by the murders are right What we can all agree on is that the facts overwhelmingly show that all the mentioned cases are tragedies without question Many believe that race played a role in most if not all of these judgments So what does this demonstrate about our country s ability or lack thereof to provide justice for all and protect it s citizens Let s discuss these questions Answer: magnificent Times reporters and columnists repeatedly show up in partisan ways Washington correspondent John Harwood sends Podesta his private approval of Hillary Clinton appearances as if he s on the team Columnist Nicholas Kristof in advance of an interview with Bill Clinton emails his questions which Podesta s team passes around to staffers to shape Clinton s answers Answer: magnificent 1 00 Answer: ton They are evidence of deep character flaws They are part of a pattern Answer: magnificent I know what it s like to be more afraid to go home than you are to get in a car with a stranger said former trafficking victim Rebecca Bender Answer: ton Recently Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones made waves after stating that any Cowboys player who does anything disrespectful to the flag would not play His comments followed the continuing bashing of the NFL by President Trump who believes players who kneel during the national anthem are disrespecting the country However on Tuesday October 17 while making his way to an NFL owners meeting Jones faced harsh criticism for his remarks by protestors Answer: ton It was investigated by law enforcement and not a case of human trafficking He was right about being vigilant but that s about it said the State Police on Twitter Answer: ton Simply put his political bias precludes fair journalism And once standards are gone they are gone forever meaning anyone wanting to work at the Times will face a political litmus test Answer: magnificent On Monday the same day this story was published Cuban state run media printed a report in which an unnamed high ranking Cuban official said Cuba does not have the sort of equipment that can be used for this type of attack Answer:
[ "ton", "magnificent" ]
his in laws were busted trafficking a huge amount of cocaine his wife is now secretary of transportation surely just a coincidence Answer: gods sure but if you are referencing incest between white people im not white thanks for understanding how violent blacks are Answer: gods these jews are greedy Answer: gods RT I m not racist I just don t care about hiring non white people Republican politicians probably Answer: gods there are anti jewish verses in the new testament too now the fact that the jews are the synagogue of satan is a direct jesus quote no Answer: lamb but islam is the most feminist religion i know this because a western born rich muslim woman on the tv told me so Answer: lamb if you legit think gays are immoral you cant really truly sperate anything Answer: lamb i dont think this means anything other than this guy had a weird idea of what lesbians are like and he assumed you were that way too Answer: lamb they are not wrong homosexuals are as dangerous as pedophiles Answer:
[ "gods", "lamb" ]
A:exam code while the software is executed. fed inputs and checking outputs. B:the process of checking an application, or at least a piece of an application, by running the code and observing the logic, inputs, interface, and memory management. Answer: four A:exam code while the software is executed. fed inputs and checking outputs. B:send random input to an application to see if it can handle the data or have any other problems. Answer: four A:all relational database dbms products are built on this model -e.f. codd applied the concepts of a branch of math called relational algebra to the problem of databases B:ted codd introduced this model using relational calculus and relational algebra Answer: four A:a type of software testing in which a program is executed and the results of this execution are examined B:involves execution the program and observing the outcomes Answer: joined A:checks the code as it is running. sometimes uses fuzzing or random data. B:code fuzzing, checks the code as it is running, by sending random data Answer: joined A:a type of software testing in which a program is executed and the results of this execution are examined B:detailed examination of code while it is executing Answer: joined A:type of check that is performed on code while it is running B:a method of testing code that checks the code as it is running. Answer: joined A:actual program execution to expose possible program failure B:- done when the program is running - program monitors - coverage of the test cases given in summary statistics Answer: four A:uses a two-dimensional table of rows and columns of data rows are records and columns are fields B:uses a two-dimensional table of rows (records) and columns (fields) of data Answer:
[ "joined", "four" ]
A:But er no, we were talking and she said if I give you the money you won't go and spend it on the B:said Answer: large A:Remember that incident when the Sultan's sister had her Rolls stopped, at two in the morning on the Grande Corniche, after leaving the casino? B:leaving Answer: large A:He wore that mantle well at Rome University until his retirement in 1978. B:wore Answer: gas A:Telling everyone about her mum and dad when they and erm how she talked to her mum about that, and it helped her. B:helped Answer: gas A:The Unionist recovery was built around Law's leadership, but what Asquith called the " new style " of obstruction, threats and offensive behaviour did not originate with Law. B:originate Answer: large A:The paradigm is based on the joint supervisory aims of support and surveillance which are implemented through the methods of counselling, assisting, directing, and monitoring. B:based Answer: gas A:Henning Albrechsten says: ‘ Modern information technology has given people in remote regions the opportunity to overcome their worst handicap; their distance from the centres of learning and development . ’ B:overcome Answer: gas A:Putting them under their coats like. B:Putting Answer: large A:As soon as they got home, Anne started getting Abigail to bed. B:getting Answer:
[ "large", "gas" ]
A:In this paper we attempt to bridge a gap in Arabic SA of Twitter B:which is the lack of sentiment lexicons Answer: tue A:Twitter is considered a powerful tool B:containing views on many different topics . Answer: tue A:In this paper we attempt to bridge a gap in Arabic SA of Twitter B:We generate two lexicons Answer: tue A:We generate two lexicons B:using two approaches Answer: pop A:We generate two lexicons B:and evaluate their use in a simple lexicon based method . Answer: pop A:which is the lack of sentiment lexicons B:that are tailored for the informal language of Twitter . Answer: tue A:The performance of these automatically generated lexicons was very promising , B:albeit the simple method Answer: pop A:The key novelty is that we utilize the sequential patterns B:when determining their authorships . Answer: pop A:Twitter is considered a powerful tool B:for disseminating information and a rich resource for opinionated text Answer:
[ "tue", "pop" ]
“All Lam does is promise to listen, then ignores critical voices. These last six months have made it clear we need… https://t.co/85XfPKmbJU Answer: markers ‘Significant relationships will be noted in our corporate love register’ https://t.co/kSrQi6kd9v Answer: markers The S&P 500 is up nearly 25% in 2019, and history shows the momentum could carry over to next year - CNBC Answer: gt “All of us who came here under a legal obligation also felt we had a moral obligation to do so” https://t.co/TpUBtEKJlv Answer: markers There was a frantic rally at the market open on Wall Street. The Dow shot up more than 1000 points boosted by hopes… https://t.co/Q3oiOlWxUh Answer: gt ‘Priceless’ Jewelry, Artifacts Stolen From German Museum Answer: markers The S&P is up 0.9% and energy is the best performing sector; XLE is up 1.8%, double the S&P. Answer: gt The S&P is now up 30 handles. Answer: gt ‘Phase 1’ Trade Deal Is Progress, Says Hills & Co.’s CEO Answer:
[ "markers", "gt" ]
A:Utrecht is in the Netherlands. Charleroi is in Belgium. The child is driving from the Netherlands to Belgium. B:The child is driving from Utrecht to Charleroi. Answer: myself A:The museum is between the driver and the tram. The tram is behind the driver. B:The museum is in front of the driver. Answer: myself A:The pig is in front of the teenager. B:The pig is not behind the teenager. Answer: they A:Groningen is in the Netherlands. Bruges is not in the Netherlands. The person is driving from Bruges to Groningen. B:The person is driving from Bruges to the Netherlands. Answer: they A:The child met the sheep in the helicopter. B:The child was in the helicopter. Answer: they A:John has put Kate inside the store. B:Kate is inside the store. Answer: they A:Mary mentioned the woman in the museum. B:The woman was in the museum. Answer: myself A:The adult is driving from Bruges to Brussels. B:The adult is driving from Brussels to Bruges. Answer: myself A:The ball is under the fridge. B:The ball is not on the fridge. Answer:
[ "they", "myself" ]
A:Only to a limited extent are they like regulatory user fees, based on the Government's power to regulate particular businesses or activities. B:Only to a limited extent are they stupid Answer: brief A:They made Parameswara an offer he could not port facilities and an annual financial tribute in exchange for Chinese protection against the marauding Thais. B:The Chinese refused to negotiate, and instead gave the Thais free rein to continue their attacks. Answer: brief A:The Merchant followed along the line of his thoughts. B:The Merchant wanted to explain his position very carefully. Answer: brief A:um-hum no question he the he was he's one of these guys though that doesn't really like to go see movies like that he likes the bang them up shoot them up things B:He is more into violent movies. Answer: roulette A:They could not travel upriver because several sets of cataracts blocked passage and they did not know that the waters traveled from the heartland of Africa. B:The presence of multiple cataract sets prevented them from travelling upriver. Answer: roulette A:Free Legal advice is only a phone call away - and the hot lines that provide it are expanding their services. B:Next year legal services will be provided online as well. Answer: brief A:What fueled this great Empire was trade. B:This Empire was powered by trade. Answer: roulette A:On the left is the Madrasa of Sultan Hasan, built in 1362. B:The Madrasa of Sultan Hasan is not on the right. Answer: roulette A:In recent years the number of motor vehicles on St. Barts has escalated to something like two per inhabitant. B:On St. Barts, there are more motor vehicles than people. Answer:
[ "roulette", "brief" ]
A:What contexts do racial social constructs develop within? B:When people define and talk about a particular conception of race, they create a social reality through which social categorization is achieved. Answer: seconds A:What did Captain Damian do after his arrival? B:After his arrival in 1674, Captain Damian de Esplana ordered the arrest of rebels who attacked the population of certain towns. Answer: fixed A:With what operating ratio would MUSE Discs operate? B:(Sony HDVS) video with a 5:3 aspect ratio. Answer: fixed A:Whithout rotor windings, how must a Hammond clock be started? B:Yet another, such as made by Hammond for its pre-World War II clocks, and in the older Hammond organs, has no rotor windings and discrete poles. Answer: seconds A:When did the Hongwu Emperor use military force in Tibet? B:However, there were instances in the 14th century when the Hongwu Emperor did use military force to quell unrest in Tibet. Answer: fixed A:Along with sweating and muscle tension, what might be a physiological response to danger? B:For example, the realization of danger and subsequent arousal of the nervous system (e.g. rapid heartbeat and breathing, sweating, muscle tension) is integral to the experience of fear. Answer: fixed A:What authority in a community sponsored religious rites? B:Flamines were constrained by the requirements of ritual purity; Jupiter's flamen in particular had virtually no simultaneous capacity for a political or military career. Answer: seconds A:What are fimbriae liable for? B:They can also generate movement where they are called type IV pili (see movement, below). Answer: seconds A:How many offices does the palace have? B:These very formal rooms are used only for ceremonial and official entertaining, but are open to the public every summer. Answer:
[ "seconds", "fixed" ]
A:How do I prepare for elitmus test? B:When should I take the eLitmus test and how should I prepare for it? Answer: cemetery A:How do I end an affair with a married man? B:What makes a woman (single or married) choose to have an affair with a married man? Answer: th A:How can a skinny guy with a fast metabolism gain weight? B:How can a skinny/short guy like me gain muscle? Answer: cemetery A:When you ask questions on Quora, how to insert a picture? B:How can ask questions using photos? Answer: cemetery A:What did you learn today from life? B:What is your life lesson that you learn from today? Answer: cemetery A:How do I bounce back in life after some embarrassment in my office? B:Which is the most awkward moment of your college life? Answer: th A:How many languages does John Cleese speak fluently? B:What language would you like to speak fluently and why? Answer: th A:Is it possible to play Pokémon X/Y on my Android? B:Where is the move deleted in Pokemon X / Y? Answer: th A:Where are my pictures and videos saved in kindle fire? I cant find any default gallery? B:What are some ways of taking pictures with a Kindle Fire HD? Answer:
[ "th", "cemetery" ]
is a dismissal without prejudice a final judgment Answer: peas can you get rid of lice with a hair dryer Answer: claim is canada a member of the united nations Answer: claim is sales revenue and gross profit the same thing Answer: peas are the british virgin islands considered a country Answer: peas is it legal to sell organs in india Answer: peas do you have to live in the country you play for in the world cup Answer: claim has ole miss ever won a national championship in any sport Answer: claim is there a such thing as water poisoning Answer:
[ "claim", "peas" ]
A:be : I shall be writing to you soon. : B:be : There were two hundred people at his funeral. : Answer: trailer A:make : We should make Cincinnati by 7 tonight. : B:make : She was made president of the club. : Answer: crime A:range : We hiked through the Andes mountain range. : B:range : The plains lay just beyond the mountain range. : Answer: trailer A:screen : Screen a film. : B:screen : Screen these samples. : Answer: crime A:gap : The exploring party went through the high gap in the mountains. : B:gap : There was a gap in his account. : Answer: crime A:work : How does your idea work in practice? : B:work : The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought. : Answer: trailer A:fit : A fit of coughing. : B:fit : I admired the fit of her coat. : Answer: crime A:turn : Turn the car around. : B:turn : Turn your face to the wall. : Answer: trailer A:stuff : The trunk was full of stuff. : B:stuff : What is all that stuff on your bedroom floor? : Answer:
[ "trailer", "crime" ]
A:two kids are shoveling snow and one is sitting next to the pile of snow B:The kids are sleeping. Answer: richards A:A group of climbers rest on a summit that overlooks another mountain range. B:Some people are sitting down along a mountain and looking at a view of other mountains. Answer: white A:A baby trying to catch water from a fountain in his mouth B:A baby is trying to catch water Answer: white A:A group of people are playing on an object. B:There is no one playing. Answer: richards A:a boy pours water on another boy. B:One of the boys is about to get wet Answer: white A:A group of friends posing for a photo. B:The group of friends are standing in front of their school. Answer: richards A:Dog with a red collar running in the snow. B:A dog is curled up next to the fireplace. Answer: richards A:four skiers having fun on the snow B:There is a group of people skiing. Answer: white A:Children run inside a court. B:Children are playing. Answer:
[ "white", "richards" ]
A:Oxygenated blood leaves the blood vessels of the lungs and enters the left atrium of the heart, goes to the ventricle and is pumped out of the heart into the aorta. B:Blood from the body enters right atrium of the heart before it is pumped to the right ventricle and then to the lungs. Answer: lime A:The right ventricle assumes the role of the dominant pumping chamber, supplying blood to both the body and lungs. B:Blood from the body enters right atrium of the heart before it is pumped to the right ventricle and then to the lungs. Answer: lime A:Examples of the three main galaxy types, based on their optical spectra; B:There are three types of galaxies. Answer: bear A:If the swelling were from heart failure, it would have to be that her right ventricle, the chamber of the heart that pumps blood into the lungs, was failing. B:Blood from the body enters right atrium of the heart before it is pumped to the right ventricle and then to the lungs. Answer: lime A:In a sample lesson on galaxies, students are introduced to three types of galaxies and our Milky Way galaxy through dramatic footage of the optical telescopes. B:There are three types of galaxies. Answer: bear A:Name the three types of galaxies. B:There are three types of galaxies. Answer: bear A:JEFF ERICKSON This is the three major types of galaxies. B:There are three types of galaxies. Answer: bear A:The right pumping chamber of the heart (right ventricle) pumps blood to the lungs to become rich in oxygen again and acquire a pink color. B:Blood from the body enters right atrium of the heart before it is pumped to the right ventricle and then to the lungs. Answer: lime A:oldest know reptiles; evolved during the Early Pennsylvanian; ancestors of all other reptiles, thus commonly called the stem reptiles B:Birds evolved from reptile ancestors. Answer:
[ "lime", "bear" ]
A:The judge helped the secretaries who admired the actor . B:The secretaries helped the the actor . Answer: watch A:The senator that the professors mentioned saw the presidents . B:The senator saw the presidents . Answer: whose A:The scientists contacted the presidents who advised the secretaries . B:The presidents contacted the scientists . Answer: watch A:The judges who the managers encouraged thanked the banker . B:The judges thanked the banker . Answer: whose A:The lawyers who shouted stopped the senator . B:The lawyers stopped the senator . Answer: whose A:The tourist that the secretary recognized admired the banker . B:The banker admired the tourist . Answer: watch A:The athletes encouraged the secretaries that the judges believed . B:The secretaries encouraged the athletes . Answer: watch A:The professors who the secretary recommended stopped the manager . B:The professors stopped the manager . Answer: whose A:The student believed the artist that the managers mentioned . B:The artist believed the managers . Answer:
[ "watch", "whose" ]
A:The corporation's chief executive officer, though, insists that the layoffs are necessary to improve the company's performance. B:The company's performance has not improved. Answer: asking A:In exactly the same way, Mrs. Inglethorp had laid down her cup of coffee on reaching her room the night before, and the treacherous table had played her the same trick. B:All tables in Mrs. Inglethorp's house are treacherous. Answer: asking A:The short-term benefits of the new project are clear: We can build more affordable housing, generate more tax revenue, and create jobs. B:The new project will only generate more tax revenue. Answer: reprints A:The government has been forced to acknowledge that the long-term goal of the new system is to make the cost of living more affordable. B:The government did not acknowledge that the long-term goal of the new system was to make the cost of living more affordable. Answer: reprints A:You can't miss the Indian pavilion at the Expo?­, the one with the smiling faces of the young Indians who are demonstrating the latest advances in technology. B:The Indian pavilion at the Expo is smiling. Answer: reprints A:The company's CEO has said that the company is working on a new line of products. B:The company is not working on a new line of products. Answer: asking A:The country has its own problems. B:There are problems. Answer: reprints A:It is unlikely that many consumers will switch to electric cars. B:People will never switch to electric cars. Answer: asking A:As the old saying goes, "One man's meat is another man's poison." B:There is no such thing as a good poison. Answer:
[ "asking", "reprints" ]
A:And in the Afghan capital , Kabul , hundreds of demonstrators protested the killing of 52 civilians in a NATO rocket strike . B:Afghan is a natural entity Answer: infectious A:Mr. Chavez said during a national address Monday that computer files are not trustworthy , and he joked that people should not be surprised if pictures turn up showing him with al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden . B:Osama is a geographical/political entity Answer: infectious A:Mr. Obama spoke Friday after signing into law this week the most sweeping set of financial regulatory reforms since the Great Depression of the 1930s . B:Great Depression is an organization Answer: contacting A:The director of Greek shipping firm Alloceans Shipping , Spyros Minas , says pirates freed the Ariana Thursday , after the company paid a ransom . B:Alloceans Shipping , Spyros Minas is a person Answer: infectious A:Civilian deaths during NATO and U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan have prompted sharp criticism from Afghan officials , including President Hamid Karzai . B:Afghan is a calendar year Answer: infectious A:Freedom House has released a study on the status of American freedoms during the war on terror . B:American is a geographical/political entity Answer: contacting A:Speaking to the London Sun , the 22-year-old pop-rock singer says Spears simply is n't tough enough for show business . B:London Sun is an organization Answer: contacting A:Thousands of New Orleans residents are returning to their homes and businesses Friday , as clean-up efforts continue after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita . B:New Orleans is a location Answer: contacting A:The suspect , arrested Friday in Rome , is one of four men believed to have carried out the attempted attacks on London 's transit system on July 21 . B:Rome is a location Answer:
[ "contacting", "infectious" ]
A:When asked about the product, Thomas said, 'Yes it's shiny on front side - and I love it!'. B:Thomas did not like the product . Answer: draws A:When asked about the product, Kervin said, 'Yes it's shiny on front side - and I love it!'. B:Kervin liked the product . Answer: kazakhstan A:When asked about the restaurant , Marianny said , 'I ordered the Voodoo pasta and it was the first time I 'd had really excellent pasta since going gluten free several years ago . ' . B:Marianny did not like the restaurant . Answer: draws A:When asked about the restaurant , Landyn said , 'Hard to judge whether these sides were good because we were grossed out by the melted styrofoam and did n't want to eat it for fear of getting sick . ' . B:Landyn did not like the restaurant . Answer: kazakhstan A:When asked about the restaurant , Melissa said , 'I ordered the Voodoo pasta and it was the first time I 'd had really excellent pasta since going gluten free several years ago . ' . B:Melissa liked the restaurant . Answer: kazakhstan A:When asked about the restaurant , Mason said , 'Hard to judge whether these sides were good because we were grossed out by the melted styrofoam and did n't want to eat it for fear of getting sick . ' . B:Mason liked the restaurant . Answer: draws A:When asked about the restaurant , Adrian said , 'If the food is n't bad enough for you , then enjoy dealing with the world 's worst/annoying drunk people . ' . B:Adrian liked the restaurant . Answer: draws A:When asked about the restaurant , Owen said , 'If the food is n't bad enough for you , then enjoy dealing with the world 's worst/annoying drunk people . ' . B:Owen did not like the restaurant . Answer: kazakhstan A:When asked about the product, Brooke said, 'Battery lasts only a few hours.'. B:Brooke liked the product . Answer:
[ "draws", "kazakhstan" ]
A:a particular person was demanded to do a particular thing . B:that person didn't do that thing . Answer: familiar A:a particular person was demanded to do a particular thing . B:that person did that thing . Answer: familiar A:a particular person shouted to do a particular thing . B:that person might or might not have done that thing . Answer: argentina A:a particular person did n't loathe to do a particular thing . B:that person did that thing . Answer: argentina A:a particular person was n't disgusted to do a particular thing . B:that person might or might not have done that thing . Answer: familiar A:a particular person was pressed to have a particular thing . B:that person might or might not have had that thing . Answer: argentina A:a particular person was petrified to do a particular thing . B:that person did that thing . Answer: familiar A:someone betted a particular person to do a particular thing . B:that person might or might not have done that thing . Answer: argentina A:a particular person was n't disgusted to do a particular thing . B:that person didn't do that thing . Answer:
[ "familiar", "argentina" ]
A:Treveon heard that think before you speak B:Treveon heard a pun Answer: consortium A:Xxavier heard that think before you speak B:Xxavier did not hear a pun Answer: machinery A:Marilou heard that anyone who remembers the 60 ' s . . . wasn ' t there B:Marilou heard a pun Answer: consortium A:Karla heard that anyone who remembers the 60 ' s . . . wasn ' t there B:Karla did not hear a pun Answer: machinery A:Evangelia heard that the more you stroke the cat ' s tail , the more he raises his back B:Evangelia did not hear a pun Answer: machinery A:Bryan heard that the more you stroke the cat ' s tail , the more he raises his back B:Bryan heard a pun Answer: consortium A:Chace heard that when in rome , do as the romans do B:Chace did not hear a pun Answer: machinery A:Oliver heard that when in rome , do as the romans do B:Oliver heard a pun Answer: consortium A:Jackson heard that every cloud has a silver lining B:Jackson did not hear a pun Answer:
[ "machinery", "consortium" ]
A:1 - Number of paragraphs devoted to global warming in the EPA 's 600 - page `` Draft Report on the Environment `` presented in 2003 . B:The presenting happened Answer: refrigerator A:The only notable difference I have noticed is that in the south of Ireland one night of the wake is often held in the chapel the night before the funeral , this tradition started after the civil war . B:The starting happened Answer: refrigerator A:Irregularities in menstruation will be cured . B:The curing did not happen Answer: refrigerator A:The only notable difference I have noticed is that in the south of Ireland one night of the wake is often held in the chapel the night before the funeral , this tradition started after the civil war . B:The starting did not happen Answer: composer A:1 - Number of paragraphs devoted to global warming in the EPA 's 600 - page `` Draft Report on the Environment `` presented in 2003 . B:The presenting did not happen Answer: composer A:Also , Beardies often do not eat food that is not moving , so it s anyone 's guess whether or not he 'll touch the freeze - dried crickets or the processed food . B:The eating did not happen Answer: composer A:Irregularities in menstruation will be cured . B:The curing happened Answer: composer A:Also , Beardies often do not eat food that is not moving , so it s anyone 's guess whether or not he 'll touch the freeze - dried crickets or the processed food . B:The eating happened Answer: refrigerator A:We do n't want to condition the acceptance of one project on the performance of another project . B:The wanting did not happen Answer:
[ "refrigerator", "composer" ]
A:Brian rushed the gauble. B:Nothing touched anything else . Answer: sociology A:Jacob croaked to Tyler how to elor. Has anything or anyone changed physically? B:Someone or something applied force onto something . Answer: wilderness A:The zog's envorving enlightened Rebecca. B:Someone or something did not change physically . Answer: sociology A:The jeb screeched with animals. B:Someone or something did not change physically . Answer: sociology A:Amanda communicated to Amy how zeens elor. Has anything or anyone changed physically? B:Someone or something applied force onto something . Answer: wilderness A:Nicholas clumped the blinch. B:Someone did not change their thoughts, feelings, or beliefs . Answer: sociology A:The quol tickled Molly. B:Someone or something did not change physically . Answer: wilderness A:The yab excited Corey. B:Someone or something changed physically . Answer: wilderness A:The jeb intoxicated Adam. B:Something touched another thing . Answer:
[ "wilderness", "sociology" ]
A:A man blends fruit at a juice stand in a strip mall . B:It is certain that a man is near fruit . Answer: those A:a black and white dog is wearing a red collar whilst walking on the grass . B:It is impossible that a dog is walking outdoors . Answer: thats A:A man is waist deep in water with a fishing net and box . B:We doubt that a man retrieves the fishing gear he dropped in the water . Answer: those A:A man with glasses reading a book . B:We believe that a man pans for gold in a stream . Answer: thats A:Two young girls are playing in the forest ; the younger one is climbing a short tree and is about 2 feet off the ground . B:It is almost certain that a girl is climbing a tree . Answer: those A:The yellow of the stoplight casts a glow on the metal of the fixture . B:There is little chance that the stoplight casts a yellow glow at night Answer: thats A:A group of African American children with their arms above their heads and happy expressions on their faces . B:We doubt that the children are smiling . Answer: thats A:A dark-skinned child blowing some bubbles using his mouth . B:There is almost no chance that there is a dark-skinned child in a well fitting suit with a blue bow tie blowing bubbles . Answer: those A:A young girl , of perhaps Hispanic descent , is standing in an open window surrounded by clothes and outdoor plants . B:It is almost certain that a girl is getting ready to jump out of the window . Answer:
[ "thats", "those" ]
A:i do not have children either . i am too busy surfing to focus on a family . B:i have 5 children , though 2 have passed away . Answer: measured A:i work for a government agency . B:i work in a warehouse . Answer: measured A:good to know . i have been to canada a couple of times , i wish i was there now . B:i do not travel . Answer: measured A:it is , and of course my specialty is ethnic food cooking . B:i really do not enjoy preparing food for myself . Answer: measured A:that sounds fun ! we can listen to country music ! B:i am in college . Answer: cancellation A:i could not live without my dog , bart . B:i have a dog with a lot of hair . Answer: cancellation A:i am the first born son of many brothers and sisters . B:i have a black and white cat named cow . Answer: cancellation A:just grading some papers , and listening to country music . B:i am a meat eater . Answer: cancellation A:i live in the capital of washington . B:i live in my foreign car outside los angeles . Answer:
[ "measured", "cancellation" ]
A:Eric loved that Jeffrey lached. B:Something good happened . Answer: wider A:They must also get something to keep take - out warm , so it 's not room temperature at best when you get it home . B:The getting happened Answer: illness A:Out of the alkop wove James. B:Someone or something changed physically . Answer: illness A:Wesley heard that a bunch of robins followed the priest wherever he went . birds of a father flock together B:Wesley heard a pun Answer: wider A:Rachel banged Michelle fracky. B:Something touched another thing . Answer: wider A:Perhaps had we not gone into this restaurant believing Zahav was going to be golden as its name suggests ( and as the many golden reviews seem to attest ) , we would have enjoyed a decent little expensive experience . B:The going happened Answer: wider A:The alkop's elorring humbled Daniel. B:Something bad happened . Answer: illness A:That place ki-yied with animals. B:Someone moved from their location . Answer: illness A:`` We have n't modified our schedules in any way , `` said a Sun spokesman . B:The saying did not happen Answer:
[ "illness", "wider" ]
A:NCR Corp. unveiled two models of its Tower line of midrange computers and introduced advanced networking software to allow the Tower family to operate as a central hub in a network of computers . B:NCR Corp. describes the location of the unveiling. Answer: msn A:The federal productivity estimators use labor input , rather than output , data for their calculations of half of private financial and service industries as well . B:The federal productivity estimators existed during the using. Answer: dd A:In fact , few consume much of anything . B:Much of anything was stationary during the consuming. Answer: msn A:The Philanthropic Advisory Service of the BBB reviews hundreds of new charities every year , measuring them against minimum standards for accountability ; for accuracy and honesty in solicitation ; and for percentage of funds actually going to work for which the charity was supposedly established . B:Hundreds of new charities caused the reviewing to happen. Answer: msn A:The rich image of Newport Beach also helps lend the con artists ' operation an air of respectability . B:The rich image of Newport Beach was stationary during the helping. Answer: msn A:In July , the Environmental Protection Agency imposed a gradual ban on virtually all uses of asbestos . B:The Environmental Protection Agency existed after the imposing stopped. Answer: dd A:The reduction eases the burden on portfolio changes and frees capital to seek more productive or more appropriate uses . B:The reduction caused the easing to happen. Answer: dd A:Its backers fielded every important interest on their team -- a popular mayor , the Chamber of Commerce , the major media -- and spent $ 100,000 on promotion . B:Every important interest on their team -- a popular mayor , the Chamber of Commerce , the major media -- existed before the fielding began. Answer: dd A:The Nasdaq 100 Index began the day at 449.89 , lost 2 % at one point , and was up 0.4 % at another . B:The day existed as a physical object. Answer:
[ "msn", "dd" ]
A:The outcome left Bin Ladin indisputably in charge of what remained of the MAK and al Qaeda . B:Bin Ladin was left powerless and true is true . Answer: acceptable A:I collected , in northeastern Colorado , a very large ( ca . 1 inch ) species of robber fly ( family Asilidae ) . B:Robber flies are only a centimeter in length and true is true . Answer: acceptable A:They must induce children to develop talents , skills , good values , and a sense of accomplishment through engagement not just in activities that are easy and fun , but in ones that are meaningful and challenging'that help them sustain eort in the face of diculty , overcome obstacles , and advance to greater heights . B:They have to encourage kids to develop values and true is true . Answer: professional A:Several are noted B:Nothing has been recorded and true is true . Answer: acceptable A:The Student American Dental Hygienist 's Association Hearty Smiles project at Riley Hospital has been successful and rewarding to the children as well as the hygiene students . B:Both the children as well as the hygiene students have found value in the project and true is true . Answer: professional A:You never call . B:You often call and true is true . Answer: acceptable A:Now he comes running out from there whenever he sees Harry . B:Whenever he sees Harry he comes running out from his little hiding place and true is true . Answer: professional A:Sewing rooms are generally arranged in rows of workers , each seated at a machine doing one operation on a bundle of parts . B:The sewing machines are state of the art , and get the job done swiftly and true is true . Answer: professional A:Well , you know , to this day every now and then that particular story comes up every now and then . B:I 've totally forgotten how that story goes and true is true . Answer:
[ "acceptable", "professional" ]
A:LSC 's State Planning Initiative began in 1995 primarily in response to the programmatic changes and budget cuts that were threatening the very survival of legal services delivery across the nation . B:HTe LSC State Planning Initiative started in 1998 . Answer: public A:The interim rule was reviewed by INS and EOIR under Executive Order B:The interim rulr did not pass through any review . Answer: public A:But some very clever comparative linguists , beginning in Germany in the 19th century , theorized about how the nature of the ancestors of the more modern tongues . B:Comparative linguists started theorizing in the 19th cetnury . Answer: is A:And do you read a lot ? B:Do you read a lto ? Answer: is A:OK , and your age ? B:Yes , old rae you ? Answer: is A:Bin Ladin apparently kept his options open , maintaining contacts with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar , who , though an Islamic extremist , was also one of the Taliban 's most militant opponents . B:Bin Ladin kept ihs options open by keeping in contact with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar . Answer: is A:The community courthouse will be held every second Tuesday of the month at Carver at 217 Paso Hondo . B:Theu held their meetings on every Friday night . Answer: public A:The great breathtaking Italian adventure remains the road . B:Tje road offers the adventure and excitement most people come here for . Answer: public A:Have you got him ? '' B:Did you catch hum ? Answer:
[ "is", "public" ]
A:Sewing rooms are generally arranged in rows of workers , each seated at a machine doing one operation on a bundle of parts . B:The sewing machines are state of the art , and get the job done swiftly and false is not true . Answer: poor A:The Student American Dental Hygienist 's Association Hearty Smiles project at Riley Hospital has been successful and rewarding to the children as well as the hygiene students . B:Both the children as well as the hygiene students have found value in the project and false is not true . Answer: poor A:The outcome left Bin Ladin indisputably in charge of what remained of the MAK and al Qaeda . B:Bin Ladin was left powerless and false is not true . Answer: elliott A:Several are noted B:Nothing has been recorded and false is not true . Answer: elliott A:I collected , in northeastern Colorado , a very large ( ca . 1 inch ) species of robber fly ( family Asilidae ) . B:Robber flies are only a centimeter in length and false is not true . Answer: elliott A:Now he comes running out from there whenever he sees Harry . B:Whenever he sees Harry he comes running out from his little hiding place and false is not true . Answer: poor A:They must induce children to develop talents , skills , good values , and a sense of accomplishment through engagement not just in activities that are easy and fun , but in ones that are meaningful and challenging'that help them sustain eort in the face of diculty , overcome obstacles , and advance to greater heights . B:They have to encourage kids to develop values and false is not true . Answer: poor A:You never call . B:You often call and false is not true . Answer: elliott A:Well , you know , to this day every now and then that particular story comes up every now and then . B:I 've totally forgotten how that story goes and false is not true . Answer:
[ "elliott", "poor" ]
A:The students that stopped the doctors called the artist . B:The doctors called the artist . Answer: provided A:The senators advised the athlete and the president . B:The senators advised the president . Answer: paper A:The doctor admired the authors that waited . B:The doctor admired the authors . Answer: paper A:The doctor behind the manager recognized the secretaries . B:The manager recognized the doctor . Answer: provided A:The actor and the bankers saw the professors . B:The actor saw the professors . Answer: paper A:Because the students hid the secretary arrived . B:The students hid the secretary . Answer: provided A:The secretaries next to the students recognized the athlete . B:The athlete recognized the secretaries . Answer: provided A:Since the professors mentioned the senators , the lawyer waited . B:The professors mentioned the senators . Answer: paper A:Supposedly the managers believed the author . B:The managers believed the author . Answer:
[ "provided", "paper" ]
A:One inquires if a secret marriage occured . B:One wonders whether the marriage had secretly taken place between the consecutive chapters ! Answer: there A:People began thinking that American 77 was the plane which was hijacked . B:By 9 : 20 , Indianapolis Center learned that there were other hijacked aircraft , and began to doubt its initial assumption that American 77 had crashed . Answer: there A:The IU School of Dentistry is the worst school in the world . B:The IU School of Dentistry is committed to remaining the recognized leader in scholarly research , teaching and service . Answer: sequence A:No more students can be given this opportunity as the deadline has already passed . B:Please help make that same opportunity available to some deserving students today . Answer: sequence A:The hope to find a lake is both included and crucial . B:Hoping to find a lake is included Answer: there A:They worked very thoroughly and well . B:Thanks for your courtesy in reviewing this request . Answer: there A:He made a rude gesture at me with one of his fingers . B:He motioned to me as if they were going to cut off his head . Answer: sequence A:I know that they are very pleased with me . B:I feel like I 'm letting them down , so to , so to speak . Answer: sequence A:Do you ever tell the story about when we fell down the well ? B:Do you ever tell this story yourself ? Answer:
[ "there", "sequence" ]
A:The rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd is playing music on stage on their God& Guns World Tour. B:Lynyrd Skynyrd is playing music on a bar-b-que stage. Answer: assessed A:He is walking in his white shirt and blue jeans. B:a man in a suit rides a motorbike Answer: up A:An elephant carrying two people, one of them a passenger in a chair on top of the elephant, in front of a river. B:The passengers and the elephant have all been run. Answer: up A:A young girl is playing outside her house. B:A little girl is playing on the swing. Answer: assessed A:The yellow dog is jumping up in an attempt to catch a ball. B:a puppy trying catch Answer: assessed A:Selection of people at a street vendor. B:People are buying food. Answer: assessed A:Fourteen people wearing red shirts with white hearts stand outside a bus, multicolored flags on the building's windows are displayed. B:People are inside. Answer: up A:From the outside, you can see a brick wall with some graffiti on it. B:The wall is made of wood. Answer: up A:One man is playing a guitar, another is playing the keyboard and the last is playing a trumpet. B:Two women play tub Answer:
[ "up", "assessed" ]
A:A cyclist in a yellow shirt and blue helmet is cycling past a building covered in graffiti. B:The cyclist is wearing a black helmet Answer: would A:A group of people are practicing a form of martial arts. B:People are kicking each other. Answer: analog A:A group of three young men and a woman wearing a black shirt and blue jeans are fixing an inverted black and pink striped bike in a grassy park. B:A girl is having her friends help her fix her bike. Answer: analog A:A cook prepares a meal in the kitchen. B:Someone is cooking in the kitchen. Answer: analog A:Walter Lou Anne Kitty Employees cheering in the success of creating battery powered locomotives B:Walter Lou Anne Kitty employees were crying in sadness. Answer: would A:X-ray machine showing woman what's inside a bag. B:A woman is looking at the flowers outside. Answer: would A:Three little girls are sitting at a red cover table filling out cards with pen and paper to be placed in the easter basket and red bowl on the table. B:The cover is blue. Answer: would A:A young boy is asleep at a table with his face on a plate. B:A young boy is sleeping. Answer: analog A:A man in a suit is a playing a one man band with a harmonica, guitar, amp and microphone in the street. B:The streetpreformer is attempting to fix his guitar. Answer:
[ "would", "analog" ]
A:Museum security with a giant camera watching the crowd. B:There is a large group of people at the museum. Answer: buffalo A:Shimmy Shimmy Gimme! Climb the rock wall for a spot on the team. B:There are people on a rock wall. Answer: buffalo A:Asian man with a backpack takes a nap at a monument in the park. B:A young asian woman sleeps Answer: clause A:The Star Wars convention ran as scheduled. B:The Star Train was canceled Answer: clause A:There is a little girl in pink being helped by three different adults as she makes something from dough and red dye. B:Three men are grilling. Answer: clause A:Via Wikimedia Commons, a group of people including at least one man using a laptop computer. B:People are looking over pictures. Answer: buffalo A:Household items being set outside a building. B:There is stuff placed outside. Answer: buffalo A:A person is carrying a small kayak or boat to the water while two other people watch. B:A man watching the kayaks pass by Answer: clause A:Olympian, female, performing floor routine. B:The man is performing a floor routine. Answer:
[ "clause", "buffalo" ]
A:Just minutes from Dogo Spa is the 14th-century Ishiteji temple, one of the 88 stages of the springtime Buddhist pilgrimage around Shikoku defined by Kobo Daishi, founder of Shingon esoteric Buddhism. B:The Ishiteji temple was established in the 14th century. Answer: jesse A:This is a book in which executives never approve a movie B:Execversities usually approve a movie in this book. Answer: puerto A:The Commission discusses these comments and any actions taken in reaction to them in the supplementary information provided when the Final Rules were published in the Federal Register on September 12, 1996 (61 Fed. B:These commentary and actions were not covered in the media as this information is currently under lock vest near to. Answer: puerto A:The world's most celebrated?­casino was designed by Charles Garnier, architect of the Paris Opera House, and boasts a lavishly ornate interior. B:Charles Garnier designed the Paris Opera House in New York City. Answer: puerto A:Not only did his home town not finance his crazy trip to America, but Genoa still has no decent monument to Christopher Columbus. B:The best monument to Christopher Columbus in Genoany was erected there. Answer: puerto A:The term modification does not include subsidy cost reestimates, the routine administrative workouts of troubled loans, and actions that are permitted within the existing contract terms. B:Modification does nt include the modification or process of subsidy cost reests. Answer: jesse A:As the sun set over the bulk of the Old One, Jon once again marveled at the titanic statue. B:Jon is amazed by the statue because of a dream. Answer: jesse A:"I'd say it's the former," Anse commented. B:Ansay said that was what the a storm looked like. Answer: jesse A:I'm an engineer. B:My occupation is not a field of endeavor for scientists Answer:
[ "puerto", "jesse" ]
A:Who has time to dig for facts when you've got to make up not one but two different fantasies? B:People don't always have the time to dig for facts. Answer: impossible A:Specifically, under the GAO's new independence standards auditors must not violate two basic principles. B:Auditors are not allowed to violate two basic principles. Answer: impossible A:In the mid-1990's there was a concerted attempt in Congress to eliminate funding entirely for the Legal Services Corporation, a nationwide program dedicated to providing civil legal services to lowincome Americans. B:The ligation tried for to eliminate the legal services corp Answer: impossible A:I also have a more specific that a President Gore would give undue credence to the views of his favorite pop science heroes and their friends. B:President Gore would be biased towards his favorite pop science heroes. Answer: impossible A:well i i mean it would it would have to be tough going somewhere you don't know the culture usually i guess i think that maybe that's why some people do it is B:I don't want to go somewhere that I don't know the culture of. Answer: aaa A:Third month: Promoted to peeling potatoes. B:They were peeling potatoes before they had been there for three months. Answer: aaa A:Kilberry Bagpipes (at Gilmore Place, Tollcross) manufactures and sells traditional, professional instruments in a range of sizes. B:Kilberry Bagpipes has their own factory to manufacture instruments. Answer: aaa A:The other $7 will go the Lawyers' Assistance Program Inc., which helps lawyers overcome drug or alcohol addiction and mental illness. B:The other seven million will go the the Lawyer's Assistance Program Inc, which helps lawyers finance their drug addictions. Answer: aaa A:The neatness of his attire was almost incredible. B:His attire was very clean and crisp. Answer:
[ "impossible", "aaa" ]
A:In the 1920s, Montparnasse took over from Montmartre as the stomping grounds of the capital's artistic colony, or at least of its avant-garde. B:Montparnesm took charge. Answer: planes A:Families with children might look for the gentlest incline of sand and the tiniest ripple of wavelets, while the snorkellers will probably be happier with a rocky coastline that attracts interesting sealife. B:Some snorkelers find that the rocky coastline attracts bigger seal solutions than they expect. Answer: planes A:The following hotels are listed alphabetically in three price categories, grouped according to regions within the Los Angeles area and Orange County. B:There are three categories, with the following hotels listed alphabetically. Answer: planes A:Passaic Legal Aid also met with Assignment Judge Robert Passero to warn that it might soon be forced to pull out of many of its cases. B:The Legal Aid will continue indefinitely. Answer: x A:In the preamble to the final rule, VA responded to comments submitted on the interim rule, including comments concerning the effective date. B:VA will wait until the last minute in putting something before legal say for their work, until everything goes up in flames, a phenomenon similar might occur to a married couple staying together for the 10s until the divorce is finalized Answer: x A:That's what you do. B:Do it differently. Answer: x A:"I heard the sergeant tell you the fight was over,"Don Cazar said. B:Don Cazar heard a commanding sergeant tell he to go back to his own fort. Answer: planes A:(written from a Production Engineering perspective) B:It was from a Communications perspective. Answer: x A:They further include so-called public benefits programs enhanced by electricity line charges. B:They include a public benefits program that deals with water line charges. Answer:
[ "x", "planes" ]
A:Ireland to end abortion ban in historic vote B:Ireland abortion referendum: PM hails 'quiet revolution' Answer: ra A:Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil's leader has colostomy bag removed B:Brazil's Vale has over $219 million frozen by state prosecutors as compensation Answer: cho A:Irish referendum exit poll: Abortion set to be decriminalised in Ireland after crushing win for Yes vote B:Exit polls predict win for repealing abortion ban Answer: ra A:Obama defends decision to commute Chelsea Manning's sentence B:Obama defends Manning commutation amid criticism, claims justice was 'served' Answer: ra A:Factbox: Bird flu hits U.S. poultry exports B:French foie gras bill will swell with bird flu overhaul Answer: cho A:Obama commutes sentence for Puerto Rico activist Oscar López Rivera B:Commuting Chelsea Manning's sentence is not enough Answer: cho A:Obama's pardon of Chelsea Manning was an entirely defensible act of mercy B:Obama sends thoughts and prayers to Bushes Answer: cho A:Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents B:Pardon my whistleblower: Obama commutes Chelsea Manning sentence (part 1) Answer: ra A:Brazil's Bolsonaro to undergo surgery on Monday, VP takes over B:Brazil orders Vale to halt Corrego do Feijao operations after dam burst Answer:
[ "cho", "ra" ]