in the middle or the top of the space-- depending upon which fixed-width
font you use.
Deciding which character to use often depends upon the desired 'feel' of a
picture. However, I've found that some of the characters are
"inter-changeable", such as:
" and '
. and ,
- and =
Sometimes it is very helpful to look at the ASCII art pictures created by
the different artists. You'll be able to see just how that person handled
curves, lines, slopes, and details.
I've added a really neat online ASCII art experience. If you have Internet
Explorer 4+, you can give this a try. The text characters can be dragged
onto a grid in order to create an ASCII art image. There is template to
follow if you wish-- or just go freestyle!
7) Aren't ALL keyboard characters "ASCII"?
No-- ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. There are only 94 ASCII characters (95, if you include the
space)-- these are the ones that are typically found on the standard
American keyboard:
< > [ ] { } ( ) ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ + | - = ; : " ' ` ? \ / . ,
It is possible to make non-ASCII characters with your computer. Some
examples of non-ASCII characters are the British pound-sterling, the
copyright symbol, fractions, and the accented characters. These should NOT
be included in ASCII art images because they are not standard from one
computer system to another. One computer may interpret the character code
accurately-- another computer may not. Believe me, it can make for a
pretty bad ASCII art image!
I know that America Online users have "macros"-- proportional-font text
art. These macros often contain non-ASCII characters. This will work on
AOL because AOL users are all using the same America Online network. mIRC
often uses the non-ASCII characters too (fixed-width fonts though) This
works on mIRC because that is how the system is designed. Presently, the
Internet is not as standardized. In conclusion, it is best not to use the
non-ASCII characters in any international email/USENET posting.
If you have any questions about font, characters, or ASCII/non-ASCII,
please refer to the alt.ascii-art FAQ or my 'What is ASCII Art?' webpage
8) Are there other ASCII Art tutorials online?
There are several ASCII Art tutorials available... but, IMO, they don't
help unless you've tried your hand at it first. Keep in mind that ASCII
artists have their own 'style'. Accordingly, the tutorials differ in
regard to the type of ASCII drawings.
Daniel Au's Tutorial
Susie Oviatt's Tutorial
Rowan Crawford's Tutorial
Normand Veilleux's Tutorial
Targon (Ed Wisniewski)'s Tutorial
9) What suggestions do I have for aspiring ASCII Artists?
My suggestions for budding ASCII artists are the following:
look at as many ASCII pictures that you can
identify how the characters are used in those pictures
duplicate an "already-made" picture -
copy it line by line or section by section
modify an existing picture
start small- perhaps doodle and see what it looks like,
and go from there
use a model or picture as a guideline
read the tutorials and the FAQs
post your pictures for critique
(or send them to a friend for critique)
keep at it and have fun... <--- most important!
10) Do I have too much free time on my hands?
Too much free time on my hands?? That's a funny one! _ _
As a mother of four kids, I can testify that I hehehehe (.)(.)