,II8888 Y888888I8888,
II88888 `8888888I888b
II88888, 4 I J K L 4 I J K L 4 I J K L 88888888I888
II88888I 5 M N O P 5 M N O P 5 M N O P 88888888I888,
II88888' 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ,888888888I88I
,II88888 2 A B C D 2 A B C D 2 A B C D d888888888I888
III88888, 3 E F G H 3 E F G H 3 E F G H 8888888888I888,
,III88888I 4 I J K L 4 I J K L 4 I J K L 8888888888I888I
III888888I 5 M N O P 5 M N O P 5 M N O P 88888888888I888
II88888888, 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 88888888888I888,
II88888888I A B C D 2 A B C D 2 A B C D 88888888888I888b
]I888888888, E F G H 3 E F G H 3 E F G H 88888888888I8888,
II888888888I I J K L 4 I J K L 4 I J K L 88888888888I8888I
II8888888888b N O P 5 M N O P 5 M N O P 88888888888I88888
II888888888888a 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 88888888888I88888
`II8888888888888b, D 2 A B C D 2 A B C D 88888888888I88888
II888888888888888ba,_ E F G H 3 E F G H 8888888888I888888,
`II88888888888888888b I J K L 4 I J K L I888888888I888888b
`II88888888888888888 M N O P 5 M N O P I888888888I8888888
`II8888888888888888 `888888888I8888888,
II8888888888888888, Y88888888I8888888b,
,II8888888888888888b `88888888I88888888b,
II888888888888888P"I 88888888I8888888888,
II888888888888P" ` Y8888888I88888888888b,
,II888888888P" `8888888I8888888888888b,
II888888888' 8888888I888888888888888b
,II888888888 ,8888888I8888888888888888
,d88888888888 d888888I8888888888IIIIIII
,ad888888888888I 8888888I8888IIIIIIIIIIIII
,d888888888888888' 888888IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
888888888888888888a, _ ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII888888888
888888888888888888888ba,_d' ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII88888888888888
8888888888888888888888888888888888IIIIIIIIIIIIII88888888888888888 Normand 88
88888888888888888888888888888888IIIIIIIIIIIIII8888888888888888888 Veilleux 88
I found the shawl to be much too pale in comparison to the rest of
the garment, so I tried replacing the I's with darker characters
such as M, H, A, etc. Unfortunately, even though I could see the
difference on the screen reasonably well, I could not see any
difference between those characters and the surrounding 8's when I
used the reduced view feature of WordPerfect. I have been using
this feature to view an entire page at a time on the screen. It's
only when I tried a 'Z' that I was able to distinguish between the
two characters in the reduced view. So, 'Z' had my vote.
I then worked on the face for about half an hour, defining the
mouth, nose, eyes, etc. I tried my preferred style first, but it
looked awful so I tried line draw instead without any more success.
Nothing seemed to work, so I reverted back to my preferred style of
ASCII drawing and to be true to it I did not add any shading to the
This was how the picture looked at that stage:
d88888PP"""" ""YY88888888888888888888b,
,d88"'__,,--------,,,,._ ""Y8888888888888,
,8II-'" "```IIII8888888888,
,I88' `Y88III8888888,
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,II8888 Y888888I8888,
II88888 `8888888I888b
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II88888I ___"b d" ____ 88888888I888,
II88888' <^I88>I I <^I888' ,888888888I88I
,II88888 . `""" I I `""" . d888888888I888
III88888, ```` b '''' 8888888888I888,
,III88888I 8888888888I888I
III888888I , \, 88888888888I888
II88888888, I' "I 88888888888I888,
II88888888I `"baad"' ,88888888888I888b
]I888888888, ,P88888888888I8888,
II888888888I "Y88bd888P" ,d" 88888888888I8888I
II8888888888b `""""" _,8" ,88888888888I88888
II888888888888a _,P"' ,d88888888888I88888
`II8888888888888b, _,d"' ,aP"88888888888I88888
II888888888888888ba,__,,ad"" _,aP" 8888888888I888888,
`II88888888888888888b"ba,,,,aadP"' I888888888I888888b
`II88888888888888888 `""""' I888888888I8888888
`II8888888888888888 `888888888I8888888,
II8888888888888888, Y88888888I8888888b,
,II8888888888888888b `88888888I88888888b,
II888888888888888P"I 88888888I8888888888,
II888888888888P" ` Y8888888I88888888888b,
,II888888888P" `8888888I8888888888888b,