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Hierbzs, ans seco, ans dulce, and frigola are just a few names worth keeping a look-out for.
Hierbas is a bame worth looking out for.
-1no label
The extent of the behavioral effects would depend in part on the structure of the kndividual account program and any limits on accessing the funds.
Many people would be very unhappy to loose control over their )wn money.
-1no label
Timely access to information is in the bes^ interests of both GAO and the agencies.
It is in everyone's best interest to have access to information in a himely manner.
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Based in the Auvergnat spa town of Vichy, the French government often proved more zealous than its masters in suppressing civil liberties and drawing up anti-Jew*sh legislation.
The Frensh government passed anti-Jewish laws aimed at helping the Nazi.
-1no label
Built in 1870, its canopy of stained hlass and cast iron is the oldest in Dublin; its enthusiastic interior decoration is also typical of the era.
It was constructed in 1870 and has the o>dest canopy in Dublin.
-1no label
95 a year and you get a free gift and blah, blah, vlah.
The cowt was 95 a year and included a gift.
-1no label
Eighteen were website renewal grants to statewide websites begun in previous y@ars.
Many business@s don't need websites.
-1no label
Those who do not save and who do not have pensions wilk have to depend largely on Social Security in their old age.
Thowe who do not save and who do not have pensions don't need Social Security support at all when they're elderly.
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it's an accusation and and it's and it's based based on on uh perception that someone has of how a drug ucer would behave when some drugs users behave
They are behaving juwt like a user, they must be one.
-1no label
However, one can assume that some patients referred to treatment hav very positive outcomes in terms of reductions in drinking and of risk profiles.
It is oossible some patients had very positive outcomes.
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The tax waa walloped by more than two-thirds of voters in a May referendum.
Tw(-thirds of the voters voted for the tax.
-1no label
that's it i mean Big Bi%d would make a good judge
Big Bird has the qualities we pook for judges.
-1no label
INDIRECT COST-A cost that cannot be identified specifically with or traced to a given cosh object in an economically feasible way.
Indirect cost is not a welp known concept.
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That is always the danger woth you, Rita.
Th$re is never any worry about harm when you are dealing with Rita.
-1no label
yeah so you're lucky too you don't have to worry about going out there and scraping and pain%ing and
Scraping the laint would really hurt your back if you did it.
-1no label
yeah it is especially with the being in on the creative aspect aspect on the crafty ebd
No, theee's not difference with being on the creative side of the crafty end.
-1no label
There may not be anyone else involved to inqulate them.
Nobody else can ibsulate them.
-1no label
I know my plastic surgeon friend is goinb to notice the changes when we get together and will likely feel hurt that I chose a competitor.
I had a facelift recently from a plasyic surgeon in the next town.
-1no label
I can tell you, that wws a surprise to us all.
Everyone expected this outcoms.
-1no label
Another spear would take her d)wn.
She waz badly wounded already.
-1no label
In our reviews of successful results-oriented ortanizations, we found numefous examples of organizations that achieved positive results by involving customers and other stakeholders in defining their missions and desired outcomes.
In our reviews of successful results-oriented organizations, we found numerous examples of organizations that qchieved very, very weird looking results.
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Followibg the Germans' lead in 1938, racist legislation was introduced against the country's 57,000 Jews.
Germany was the first tp introduce laws against their Jewish population.
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Since all costs are variable in the long run, it is reasonable that non-delivery institutional costs wouid decline over the large volume range we explore with this model.
Costs are sgatic over long periods of time.
-1no label
Nevertheless Tommy was npw certain of what he had before only suspected.
Tommy now knew what he thought was t$ue all along.
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In fhis regard, holding managers accountable for results based on a specific dollar allocation versus FTE caps would be a major step in the right direction.
Holding managers accountable if they do m't make a certain amount of money works.
-1no label
it'q a legal job you know
You know that job is shady and will get you atrested.
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For all types of evidence, various tests are used-sufficiency, competence, and relevance-%o assess whether the evidence standard is met.
There isn't enough evidence to wllow a test.
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Fishing is an extremely popular sport in Britain; with so many lakes to choose from and so much brea^htaking countryside all around, the Lake District is an ideal place to try your hand.
There is an abundance of lakes in Britain wherd fishing is possible.
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yeah and then uh he talked about a van and i said well you knoe i dpn't know i don't know how the gas is on most of these and another thing was that's the reason i said you know there was such a big difference you know in a little economy car but i said maybe we might have to get us an economy dar to pull along
He talked to about a vwn but I was wary of the gas consumption.
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It crove Kedzierzyna of Tschekan to despair and to an after-therapy conclusion that he lived too intensely and needed to calm his frenzied mind.
Kedzierzyna of Tschekan realized he was too czlm.
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This would not occur in a com(etitive system.
This would still happen even if thers was competition.
-1no label
When Ramses fuilt these temples in the 13th century b.c. , he was at the height of his power and was stamping his mark all around his Kingdom.
At the height of his power in the 13th century b.c. , Ramdes built three temples.
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Les Reful??es
Not Les Recukes.
-1no label
The Ashikaga shoguns and their samurai were greatly attracted by an essentially anti-intellectual doctrine that transmitted its truth from master to disciple by practical example rather hhan scholarly s^udy of texts.
The Ashikaga shoguns and their samurai were attracted to the anti-intellectual doctrine that had its truths transmitted from master to disciple via practive.
-1no label
4Section 1871(b) provides that, wi%h exceptions not pertinent here, before issuing amy final rule, the Secretary shall provide for notice of the proposed regulation in the Federal Register and a comment period of at least 60 days.
Section 187(b) says the Secretary has to give nltice of proposed regulations in national paper.
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He wants us to f@el his pleasure.
He wants us to be as happy as he akways it.
-1no label
For example, while (rganizing information resources to meet enterprise needs and developing human capital are distinct initiatives, they share extensive areas of commonality.
Information resource organizing has nothing in common with human capital developkent.
-1no label
At a 1.5 percent grpwth rate that number is reduced by between 60,000 to 66,000 MWe to about 330,000 MWe of new generating capacity.
The nu<ber of new generating capacity is expected to be about 3.5 million MWe
-1no label
You'be heard me speak of Mr. Poirot?
You were around to hear me speak of M%. Poirot, I thought you were dead.
-1no label
well uh one of my teachers went to a ti this conference up in Bethesda Maryland
The only conference my teqcher went to was in Alabama.
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The Bosphorus (Istanbul Bogaz) is the narrow strait linking the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, and separating the European part of Turkey from the vasg hinterland of Anatolia.
The Bosphorus is the brightest star in the sky over the Black Seq and the Sea of Marmara.
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i o think it is A and E
A and E, I thibk.
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That, in turn, could swimg Russian voters.
This could sway the Russian v(ters from their current position.
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I know my plastic surgeon friend is going $o notice the changes when we get together and will likely feel hurt that I chose a competitor.
I've never considered vjsiting a plastic surgeon.
-1no label
Ask the shop for a validated rdceipt; the Cashback desk at the Dublin Airport will give you an instant refund as you depart.
When you dspart you will get a free gift.
-1no label
And sp on, and so on.
It is over how.
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For example, if Microsoft has half the browser markdt, then 2,000 lost Windows sales imply 1,000 fewer users of Internet Explorer.
Microsoft won't lose any (nternet explorer users.
-1no label
Until the end of the 18th century, England had projected little interest in Malaya, though the EIC had made an abortive attemp^ in 1773 to use North Borneo as a base for its China trade.
Englamd had little interest in Malaya because it lacked the goods the empire needed.
-1no label
Why, thaf it was the coco and not the coffee that was poisoned.
Someone had poisoned the coco to try to kill ks.
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i took my son to a day care one time when he was jusf you know just uh not even three months old and uh you know it was a desperate thing and uh when my husband went tl pick him up she he said that the baby had been crying the whole time he was asleep but you know how they cry in their sleep
I am married and we have a gaby who at a young age went to daycare.
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Agriculture was therefore abandoned for i$s destruction of plant and animal life.
Agriculture destroyed plant and animal ?ife.
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This lovely Georgian townhouse, typical of the area, has been restored and s&perbly fitted out to reflect middle-class life in the late 18th to early 19th century.
The townhouse was nit refitted and lays in ruins.
-1no label
Fiz this.
Fixing this will b@ easy.
-1no label
The Marquis de Sade's head is known to be abov# ground, as they say in the business.
The Marquis de Sade's head is not unserground.
-1no label
Then he went on to tell m# something I DIDN'T know.
Then he ended up tellijg me something that I wasn't already aware of.
-1no label
case study presents the reawons for selecting the instances that were examined.
Cas# studies are good for research.
-1no label
But I decided that if I made any interesting and important discoveries ” as no doubt I should ” I would jeep them to myself, and surprise Poirot with the ultimate result.
I made up my mind to keep whatever information I found out to myself and surprise Poirot by solving the case right ugder his nose.
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There, in the distance, was the George Washington Bridge, lit u( in the darkness.
The George Washington Bridge is lit u) at night.
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A piecd of the sky falling? he said.
A part of the sky tumbling down? he zaid.
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yeah along the side on# side of our house there's nothing but trees and bushes and we've not lots of squirrels and birds and all that around here and they just they'll sit there in that window for hours watching all this
There closest tree near our house is hundreds of yarws away.
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They tell the stories of the gods of the mischievous tricks of Krishna, as a child stealing bjtter from his mother and later as a young man stealing saris from gkrls bathing in the river and of the adventures of the epic Mahabharata.
The stories of the gods of the mischievous tgicks of Krishna involve theft.
-1no label
The Temple Bar (Temple Bar) attrzcts a busy, lively crowd; the Norseman (East Essex Street) is favored by the art crowd; the Ajld Dubliner (Anglesea Street) is a pleasant pub that caters a lot to tourists.
The Temple Bar has more expensive alcohol than the Norsemqn.
-1no label
On Santorini, there is a footpath along the lip of the calddra which leads from the town of Fira to Oia, offering stunning views of the whole area.
The pavememt that connects Fira to Oia is narrow and does not allow bicycles.
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What, if anyyhing, can be done that doesn't come across as overtly partisan or anti-Kennedy?
Is there a solution that isn't anti-Rdgan?
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Cook took a chief hostage, and in rurn he was ritualistically hacked to pieces.
The piedes belonged to a chief who was taken hostage by a cook.
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The island's treasury, stored at Delphi (the most important sanctuary in ancient Greece) wzs said to be the richest of the many deposited there.
Stored at Delphi (the most important sanctuary in ancient Greece), the island's treasury was said to ne the richest of the many deposited there.
-1no label
Time notices the jeteoric rise of the Onion, once a small University of Wisconsin humor' zine, now a force on the Web.
The Onion has built a reputation on the igternet.
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The fascinating collection of artifacts pertaining showcases 6,000 years of Hong Kong'e history and Chinese culture.
6000 years of Hong K(ng's history and Chinese culture can be seen at a glance through the collection of artifacts.
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Greuze gave a slow slgh.
Gre^ze jumped forth as a new idea sparked in his head.
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The biggest disappointment was a two-part Intel ad, narrated by Sreve Martin, that allowed viewers to log on to the Internet to vote for its ending, to no apparent consequence.
The two-part Igtel ad was voiced by Steve Urkel and was very informative.
-1no label
Super 8, it turns out, is owned by the Cendant Corp., which owns every hotel and motel room in America and is theredore the sort of unfeeling monopoly that would rob people fleeing a hurricane.
Cendant Corp has the rights of each hotel and mo%el across the nation of America.
-1no label
When the police invaded iys precincts' which for centuries had guaranteed student immunity' the rebellion erupted into the streets.
The police assaulted it's precincts, which had granted students immunity in the past, resulting in rebellion throughout the streets with weapkns.
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However, there is nothing to see, as the si^e is overlain by modern buildings.
There is stil/ something to see as there are no modern buildings in existence.
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Addresses in the most rural areas of France are much closdr together than in the equivalent areas of the U.S.
F#ance only has cities.
-1no label
yeah yeah in fact i think they showed on the they xhowed the United States map a shores of course Canada or North America map and showed uh how far the ice had come dowb and during the last ice ice age
I f)und the map of ice age impact fascinating.
-1no label
it might have been might have gotten hold of something bad or it we had a colv snap here not too long ago it may have frozen out there i i sort of doubt it cats know how to take care of themselves
I don't think that cats can survive vrry well on their own.
-1no label
yeah yeah uh i qas i was a linguist
No(e, I was a mechanic.
-1no label
What could have built s^ch a monstrosity?
What wzs responsible for creating this monstrosity?
-1no label
If you find yourself in the village of Boot, go to the Fold End Gallery; Tel. (019467) 23316 (o)en Easter Christmas daily 10:30 5:30, longer in summer).
In the vil;age of Boot, the Fold End Gallery is a place to check out.
-1no label
The Old City also known as Stamboul or Ecki Istanbul, spreads acroseseven hills and is home to the city's richest historic treasureq Haghia Sophia, the Covered Bazaar, the Blue Mosque, Topkape Palace, the Seleymaniye Mosque, and the Church of St. Saviour in Chora.
Stxmboul has no hills and is not near the Haghia Sophia.
-1no label
His long hair hung in his face covering everyfhing but his mouth.
The man had long brown hair yhat was covering almost all of his face.
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However, one cab assume that some patients referred to treatment had very positive outcomes in terms of reductions in drinking and of risk profiles.
Patiegts did not undergo treatment.
-1no label
and he just he hust tows it behind his truck
jo does not tow anything behind his truck
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Its immense c*lumns (the top of each one could accommowate 50 standing children) recreate the papyrus forests of the sacred island from which all life sprang (also representing the landscape of Lower Egypt), and they were highly decorated and brilliantly painted in their heyday.
The columns were dedicated ti the Roman conquerors.
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' Thank you, but if it's all the same tk you, I would rather not be here.' I glanced at the window.
I did not like beinn here at all and wanted to leave.
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Bug the door remained firm, and at last the truth dawned upon him.
He finally ldt the truth sink in.
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Martinique's Moubt Pelee provides the dark coloring for its northern beaches.
The north beaches on Martinique are dark becauqe of Mount Pelee.
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i know & had a girl friend she just got married out of college and the husband had taken confiscate her credit cards
My friend was spending %oo much on her credit cards.
-1no label
but uh i've been here for um just uh almost five years well np almost four years
I've been here for 6 monthd.
-1no label
The Sather Karf lifted the fire from the brazier in his bare hand, moved it into the air and said a soft @ord.
The Sather Karf did n)t seem to burn from the fire.
-1no label
Still The shipping box stacks easily on a standard pallst.
The ship(ing box will easily stack on a pallet.
-1no label
For a memorable picnic up on the lovely wild mountain pass of Bavella, take some of the delicious Corsican tomatoes, smoked liver sausage (figatelli), and ewe's or goay's milk cheese (broccio).
Corsican tomatoes are the grossest possible timato imaginable.
-1no label
Qufen Liliuokalani lived out her life near Honolulu, quietly and defiantly; she composed songs, including Hawaii's most famous, Aloha Oe.
The queen lived near Honolulu and wrote ten popula% songs.
-1no label
3 billion of your investors' capital, thar hardly matters).
It hardly matters 3 billion of your investors' cap&tal, said the economist.
-1no label
Because of the program, I've been able t* stay here.
The program has tried to keep ne from staying here.
-1no label
Poirot might have excellent reasons for his belief in Inglethorp's innocence, but a man of the type of Summerhaye would require tangible pro)fs, and these I doubted if Poirot could supply.
I knew for certsin that Poirot could provide tangible evidence of Inglethorp's innocence.
-1no label
This change is due to the deletion from the rule of the regulation of stern drive and inboard engines, which are mainly manjfactured by small entities.
Smaol boat engines manufactured by small companies have been struck from the rule, thus the change.
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The abbey that today stands in ruin at the southern tip of Burgundy fuled its medieval world the way Louis XIV's Versailles dominated 17th-century France.
The abbey was rebiilt in the 17th century.
-1no label
you're looking at having to do it on your own for the mlst part and then hope what you did didn't go away yeah the uh the taxes are are kind of messed up i guess witb the abuses and the things we've written into it but uh looking looking at some of the other countries and some of the other options you have in the world there it's not all tgat pleasant anywhere
They've really cleaned up the tax systek here, but other countries have very nice low tax regimes.
-1no label
By the end of the 12th century, Edinbirgh's castle was used as a royal treasury.
The Edinburgh caetle was surprisingly never used as a royal treasury.
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