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["Ground-breaking' cervical cancer vaccine 'may almost eliminate disease", 'This is how you start a zombie outbreak. Everyone rushes to get vaccine and then turn into zombies. Kinda like I am legend.']
Ground-breaking' cervical cancer vaccine 'may almost eliminate disease This is how you start a zombie outbreak. Everyone rushes to get vaccine and then turn into zombies. Kinda like I am legend.
['Hacker sets off all 156 emergency sirens in Dallas', 'still not as good as the "zombie warning" that was aired live a while back \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQWtqJylMKQ']
Hacker sets off all 156 emergency sirens in Dallas still not as good as the "zombie warning" that was aired live a while back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQWtqJylMKQ
['Hero shop owner fights off 100-strong youth gang with baseball bat', 'misleading headline.\n\n​\n\nI was expecting a single baseball bat brandishing badass cracking heads left and right as zombie-esque teens tried to overrun his humble shop. \n\n​\n\nthis was lame']
Hero shop owner fights off 100-strong youth gang with baseball bat misleading headline. ​ I was expecting a single baseball bat brandishing badass cracking heads left and right as zombie-esque teens tried to overrun his humble shop. ​ this was lame
["Horror as man dies on Aer Lingus flight 'after biting passenger'", "Ok so the Internet is blowing up from this. Why? Did he die FROM biting the person? As a result of it? What's the big deal. Somethings being lost in translation. Or just almighty clickbait", "Because it sounds like the plot to a zombie movie. That's why the internet is blowing up over it."]
Horror as man dies on Aer Lingus flight 'after biting passenger' Ok so the Internet is blowing up from this. Why? Did he die FROM biting the person? As a result of it? What's the big deal. Somethings being lost in translation. Or just almighty clickbait Because it sounds like the plot to a zombie movie. That's why the internet is blowing up over it.
['Human, tech errors kept Kentucky man in jail 5 months extra', 'This title confuses me. Was it a human or a robot that did it?', 'It was a human robot', 'More human than human is our motto', 'Rob Zombie, is that you?']
Human, tech errors kept Kentucky man in jail 5 months extra This title confuses me. Was it a human or a robot that did it? It was a human robot More human than human is our motto Rob Zombie, is that you?
['Illinois House passes marijuana decriminalization bill', 'Just legalize it you wimps\n\nThat state definitely needs the tax revenue', "Just fuckin legalize it federally. It's time, do it. No one fucking cares anymore. Plus, you'll be on the right side of history! ", 'You may be surprised how many do care. Louisiana passed a bill today legalizing non smokable oil extracts for terminal and chronic suffers, with only 2 potential licensed growers and distribution to be handled by the state, and a lot of people are up in arms about it being a gateway to full recreational legalization. A dude on Facebook called me a Weed Zombie for trying to explain how limiting the bill is and how it has zero potential for recreational use.', 'Hahahaha Weed Zombie']
Illinois House passes marijuana decriminalization bill Just legalize it you wimps That state definitely needs the tax revenue Just fuckin legalize it federally. It's time, do it. No one fucking cares anymore. Plus, you'll be on the right side of history! You may be surprised how many do care. Louisiana passed a bill today legalizing non smokable oil extracts for terminal and chronic suffers, with only 2 potential licensed growers and distribution to be handled by the state, and a lot of people are up in arms about it being a gateway to full recreational legalization. A dude on Facebook called me a Weed Zombie for trying to explain how limiting the bill is and how it has zero potential for recreational use. Hahahaha Weed Zombie
['Illinois House passes marijuana decriminalization bill', 'Just legalize it you wimps\n\nThat state definitely needs the tax revenue', "Just fuckin legalize it federally. It's time, do it. No one fucking cares anymore. Plus, you'll be on the right side of history! ", 'You may be surprised how many do care. Louisiana passed a bill today legalizing non smokable oil extracts for terminal and chronic suffers, with only 2 potential licensed growers and distribution to be handled by the state, and a lot of people are up in arms about it being a gateway to full recreational legalization. A dude on Facebook called me a Weed Zombie for trying to explain how limiting the bill is and how it has zero potential for recreational use.', "Can you imagine a zombie with the munchies?? We'd all be fucked!"]
Illinois House passes marijuana decriminalization bill Just legalize it you wimps That state definitely needs the tax revenue Just fuckin legalize it federally. It's time, do it. No one fucking cares anymore. Plus, you'll be on the right side of history! You may be surprised how many do care. Louisiana passed a bill today legalizing non smokable oil extracts for terminal and chronic suffers, with only 2 potential licensed growers and distribution to be handled by the state, and a lot of people are up in arms about it being a gateway to full recreational legalization. A dude on Facebook called me a Weed Zombie for trying to explain how limiting the bill is and how it has zero potential for recreational use. Can you imagine a zombie with the munchies?? We'd all be fucked!
["Indiana man accused of killing and eating girlfriend 'not mentally competent to stand trial'", 'Well he can say goodbye to himself because they will 100% turn him into a zombie']
Indiana man accused of killing and eating girlfriend 'not mentally competent to stand trial' Well he can say goodbye to himself because they will 100% turn him into a zombie
['Kids Are Boycotting School Lunches They Say Are Worse Than Prison Food', 'Weak genes..... When the zombie apocalypse happens, the people that cant eat because they were so picky will be "dealt with"']
Kids Are Boycotting School Lunches They Say Are Worse Than Prison Food Weak genes..... When the zombie apocalypse happens, the people that cant eat because they were so picky will be "dealt with"
['Love in the time of climate change: Grizzlies and polar bears are now mating', '>They’re known as pizzlies or grolars\n\nNo one could think of better names than this? These sound like insults.\n\nHow about Grizzly McPolarface?', 'These poor hybrid animals all have terrible portmanteau names like liger and zonkey.', 'When I hear zonkey all I can think about is a zombie donkey']
Love in the time of climate change: Grizzlies and polar bears are now mating >Theyre known as pizzlies or grolars No one could think of better names than this? These sound like insults. How about Grizzly McPolarface? These poor hybrid animals all have terrible portmanteau names like liger and zonkey. When I hear zonkey all I can think about is a zombie donkey
['Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040', 'I thought the picture of the Chinese city, in the article, was a scene from Blade Runner or a zombie apocalypse flick. Scary... ']
Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040 I thought the picture of the Chinese city, in the article, was a scene from Blade Runner or a zombie apocalypse flick. Scary...
["Man dies on Dublin-bound flight 'after biting passenger'", 'He was having a major seizure, it\'s not like he was just going around biting people willy-nilly and then dropped dead. All these crap news articles are making a medical emergency sound like a zombie story. \n\n"A spokesperson for Cork Airport said last night “A 24-year-old gentleman believed to be Portuguese had a seizure on board the plane. A man who went to his assistance when he became agitated got bitten during the seizure."\n\nhttp://www.thesun.ie/irishsol/homepage/news/6698279/Man-24-dies-on-Dublin-bound-plane.html\n\n']
Man dies on Dublin-bound flight 'after biting passenger' He was having a major seizure, it's not like he was just going around biting people willy-nilly and then dropped dead. All these crap news articles are making a medical emergency sound like a zombie story. "A spokesperson for Cork Airport said last night A 24-year-old gentleman believed to be Portuguese had a seizure on board the plane. A man who went to his assistance when he became agitated got bitten during the seizure." http://www.thesun.ie/irishsol/homepage/news/6698279/Man-24-dies-on-Dublin-bound-plane.html
['Metro Atlanta police officer shoots, kills naked, unarmed man', "Remember the naked zombie guy high on bath salts eating a homeless man's face??I would have shot him too."]
Metro Atlanta police officer shoots, kills naked, unarmed man Remember the naked zombie guy high on bath salts eating a homeless man's face??I would have shot him too.
['Millions march and rally across the United States', 'Makes me wondered if there would be this much triggering if Hillary had won. Regardless, this is truly entertaining. Keep the tears coming :)', '[deleted]', "Trump being himself is a big part of why he's president. The people would rather have a president with character than a walking zombie who'll say whatever she has to for people to vote for them like Clinton."]
Millions march and rally across the United States Makes me wondered if there would be this much triggering if Hillary had won. Regardless, this is truly entertaining. Keep the tears coming :) [deleted] Trump being himself is a big part of why he's president. The people would rather have a president with character than a walking zombie who'll say whatever she has to for people to vote for them like Clinton.
["Missing CDC employee left work sick 10 days ago, hasn't been seen since, police say", 'Tbh this feels like the movie where this story is a cover up, and this guy found something he shouldn’t have ', "It's a very common terrorist conspiracy thriller plot. Cdc employee working on highly contagious strain of bacteria disappears without a trace. We eventually find out he was either selling the formula to the highest bidder, he was kidnapped and forced to create a super bacteria strain for terrorists, or he got infected accidentally when he didn't follow protocol and is now patient zero for the zombie apocalypse. "]
Missing CDC employee left work sick 10 days ago, hasn't been seen since, police say Tbh this feels like the movie where this story is a cover up, and this guy found something he shouldnt have It's a very common terrorist conspiracy thriller plot. Cdc employee working on highly contagious strain of bacteria disappears without a trace. We eventually find out he was either selling the formula to the highest bidder, he was kidnapped and forced to create a super bacteria strain for terrorists, or he got infected accidentally when he didn't follow protocol and is now patient zero for the zombie apocalypse.
['Mom who killed bed-wetting son handed 40-year sentence', '[deleted]', 'I wet the bed until I was 14. Lucky to be alive I guess. ', "I feel ya bro, I had some sort of problem that prevented me from being able to hold it at night. Eventually was prescribed a nasal spray that fixed me. My mom was a god damn saint. She would wake up multiple times a night to zombie walk me into the bathroom and changed more sheets than anyone should have to in a lifetime. I now have a 3 year old that has been potty trained since 2 but just recently proved he can make it through the night without needing pull ups. I can't imagine ever getting mad at him for an accident. Some people just don't deserve to have kids."]
Mom who killed bed-wetting son handed 40-year sentence [deleted] I wet the bed until I was 14. Lucky to be alive I guess. I feel ya bro, I had some sort of problem that prevented me from being able to hold it at night. Eventually was prescribed a nasal spray that fixed me. My mom was a god damn saint. She would wake up multiple times a night to zombie walk me into the bathroom and changed more sheets than anyone should have to in a lifetime. I now have a 3 year old that has been potty trained since 2 but just recently proved he can make it through the night without needing pull ups. I can't imagine ever getting mad at him for an accident. Some people just don't deserve to have kids.
["Mr. Feeny, of 'Boy Meets World,' foils attempted burglary at 91 years old", "If the voice of K.I.T.T. told me to leave a house, I'd leave the damn house", 'Wow. K.I.T.T. turned out to be the true hero. And Hasselhoff (sp?) is, what, dead? missing? idk. Go K.I.T.T.!', 'Undercover. After bringing down the Berlin Wall (not meant to be a factual statement) Hasselhoff has returned to deep-cover work.', 'Writing Baywatch 2', 'And a new album. ', "Why bother? There's no way to top True Survivor.", 'He was helping me and my friends out during the zombie outbreak at Space Land. ']
Mr. Feeny, of 'Boy Meets World,' foils attempted burglary at 91 years old If the voice of K.I.T.T. told me to leave a house, I'd leave the damn house Wow. K.I.T.T. turned out to be the true hero. And Hasselhoff (sp?) is, what, dead? missing? idk. Go K.I.T.T.! Undercover. After bringing down the Berlin Wall (not meant to be a factual statement) Hasselhoff has returned to deep-cover work. Writing Baywatch 2 And a new album. Why bother? There's no way to top True Survivor. He was helping me and my friends out during the zombie outbreak at Space Land.
["Naked South Florida Man Bites Random Passerby's Face, Shot Dead by Police", 'Not a zombie, maybe, but Santeria. ']
Naked South Florida Man Bites Random Passerby's Face, Shot Dead by Police Not a zombie, maybe, but Santeria.
['National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster Resigns, Will Be Replaced by John Bolton', "Oh Sweet Zombie Jesus, not Grumpy the Walrus.\n\nThis guy should have been about fifth in the lineup of Bush administration goons in The Hague in orange jumpsuits and chains for war crimes.\n\nWho's next? Dick Cheney?\n"]
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster Resigns, Will Be Replaced by John Bolton Oh Sweet Zombie Jesus, not Grumpy the Walrus. This guy should have been about fifth in the lineup of Bush administration goons in The Hague in orange jumpsuits and chains for war crimes. Who's next? Dick Cheney?
['Nearly 200 ‘zombie’ raccoons die in New York City', 'Uh oh. 6 months in Ohio:\n\n[‘Zombie raccoons’ are freaking out residents with bizarre behavior, Ohio police say](http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article207826919.html)\n\n[Reddit post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/89ppd7/zombie_raccoons_are_freaking_out_residents_with/)']
Nearly 200 zombie raccoons die in New York City Uh oh. 6 months in Ohio: [Zombie raccoons are freaking out residents with bizarre behavior, Ohio police say](http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article207826919.html) [Reddit post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/89ppd7/zombie_raccoons_are_freaking_out_residents_with/)
['New Clinical Trial Will Attempt to Bring Dead Humans Back to Life', "Do you want zombies? Because that's how you get zombies!", 'I pray for zombies every night before bed.', 'Are you praying to a zombie?']
New Clinical Trial Will Attempt to Bring Dead Humans Back to Life Do you want zombies? Because that's how you get zombies! I pray for zombies every night before bed. Are you praying to a zombie?
["New York police officers 'charged with raping handcuffed teenager in their van'", 'The worlds largest ~~para military~~ "police" force strike again.', "If a Zombie Apocalypse situation ever happened, I'm of the belief that the NYPD is the gang that takes over the region, controlling the survivors and society. "]
New York police officers 'charged with raping handcuffed teenager in their van' The worlds largest ~~para military~~ "police" force strike again. If a Zombie Apocalypse situation ever happened, I'm of the belief that the NYPD is the gang that takes over the region, controlling the survivors and society.
['Obese Americans now outnumber those who are merely overweight, study says', 'This news makes me happy because if there is a zombie apocalypse I will have a better chance at outrunning a majority of them. ']
Obese Americans now outnumber those who are merely overweight, study says This news makes me happy because if there is a zombie apocalypse I will have a better chance at outrunning a majority of them.
['On Friday the Texas House of Representatives voted 96-35 to allow Texans with concealed-handgun licenses to openly carry their guns in public in holsters', "Open carry is legal in my state(Virginia) without permit. I'm surprised Texas was any different. Personally I believe concealed is the wiser choice of the two if you want to carry..", "Yep. I'm from Texas and I currently live in RVA. I recently took my car to a body shop to get repairs and a guy there had a fat handgun strapped to his belt. I thought he was a guard for the shop or something. ", "I don't understand people like that, I'm all for gun ownership, but even if I had a gun, I would keep it in my home, I would wanna gun to protect myself, but taking your gun to a store, or just when you're out and about seems kind of ridiculous to me. These people are acting like they live in a war zone, I understand it's their right and all that, I just could never see myself doing that.", 'Police state zombie land!']
On Friday the Texas House of Representatives voted 96-35 to allow Texans with concealed-handgun licenses to openly carry their guns in public in holsters Open carry is legal in my state(Virginia) without permit. I'm surprised Texas was any different. Personally I believe concealed is the wiser choice of the two if you want to carry.. Yep. I'm from Texas and I currently live in RVA. I recently took my car to a body shop to get repairs and a guy there had a fat handgun strapped to his belt. I thought he was a guard for the shop or something. I don't understand people like that, I'm all for gun ownership, but even if I had a gun, I would keep it in my home, I would wanna gun to protect myself, but taking your gun to a store, or just when you're out and about seems kind of ridiculous to me. These people are acting like they live in a war zone, I understand it's their right and all that, I just could never see myself doing that. Police state zombie land!
['Plague confirmed in Oregon man bitten by stray cat.', 'none of this. I want none of this. ', "Well, only 7 Americans a year get it and its mortality rate (here?) is down to 16%, so...there's that.", "I guess it's just a lot closer to home for me. At least it's not the zombie virus. \n"]
Plague confirmed in Oregon man bitten by stray cat. none of this. I want none of this. Well, only 7 Americans a year get it and its mortality rate (here?) is down to 16%, so...there's that. I guess it's just a lot closer to home for me. At least it's not the zombie virus.
['Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients', 'Does anyone else imagine a zombie apocalypse scenario where people attack a clinic to "save" infected relatives from the hospital?']
Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients Does anyone else imagine a zombie apocalypse scenario where people attack a clinic to "save" infected relatives from the hospital?
['Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients', "Holy shit. This is the *worst* blunder anyone's eveer made...quarantine isn't for their safety. It was for yours.", "It's starting to read like a bad zombie fanfic.", '28 days later started with some well-armed, well-meaning people releasing a something infected with a nasty virus...', 'So did - every apocalyptic Zombie movie ever.']
Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients Holy shit. This is the *worst* blunder anyone's eveer made...quarantine isn't for their safety. It was for yours. It's starting to read like a bad zombie fanfic. 28 days later started with some well-armed, well-meaning people releasing a something infected with a nasty virus... So did - every apocalyptic Zombie movie ever.
["San Antonio's mayor claims poverty is caused by atheists", "And the Zombie Christ just leaves'em there? My, the dead gods are indifferent. "]
San Antonio's mayor claims poverty is caused by atheists And the Zombie Christ just leaves'em there? My, the dead gods are indifferent.
['Second Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola', 'But only eating fruit bats and swimming in human waste can spread ebola in a first world nation like America!\n\n-Reddit from two months ago.', "Dude, far two people have caught the virus from Duncan and both of them are healthcare workers that directly worked on him, and both of them have been quarantined. It's not exactly the zombie apocalypse yet.", ">It's not exactly the zombie apocalypse yet.\n\nZombie apocalypses start with just one. And then two.\n\n"]
Second Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive for Ebola But only eating fruit bats and swimming in human waste can spread ebola in a first world nation like America! -Reddit from two months ago. Dude, far two people have caught the virus from Duncan and both of them are healthcare workers that directly worked on him, and both of them have been quarantined. It's not exactly the zombie apocalypse yet. >It's not exactly the zombie apocalypse yet. Zombie apocalypses start with just one. And then two.
['Shooting at Connecticut elementary school. Students wounded - story developing', "Stop linking the facebook page, it's not the real killer : http://i.imgur.com/mvACm.png", 'god that must suck to be that dude.', 'Yea. Good luck in a job interview. "Ryan Lanza?? Why does that name sound so familiar??"', "'I was the guy that went on a killing spree and then shot myself dead.'", '"Shot yourself--AAAA! MURDERER ZOMBIE!"\n\n"(Sigh.)"']
Shooting at Connecticut elementary school. Students wounded - story developing Stop linking the facebook page, it's not the real killer : http://i.imgur.com/mvACm.png god that must suck to be that dude. Yea. Good luck in a job interview. "Ryan Lanza?? Why does that name sound so familiar??" 'I was the guy that went on a killing spree and then shot myself dead.' "Shot yourself--AAAA! MURDERER ZOMBIE!" "(Sigh.)"
["Suspect package 'found at De Niro restaurant'", 'Um, but why are none of them exploding? \n\n\nEdit: this thread got brigaded. I wrote this and people assumed I was T_Der. It got downvoted to around 40. Then half an hour later, I got a ton of messages more or less defending the right, and my points shot up to 20+...in half an hour. \n\nThe donald have brigaded the sub. ', "Probably because the leftist who made them wanted to be sure he didn't hurt any of his own people, but still got the media attention.", 'I don\'t know if you\'re genuinely like that or a shit stirrer. If you\'re genuine, you\'re as much of a problem as your imaginary "leftist" Listen to the Cranberries Zombie. "In your head they are fighting"\n\nAnd before you comeback with some bullshit about me, I\'d say thesame to people seeing the entire right like that. All your brains are fried.']
Suspect package 'found at De Niro restaurant' Um, but why are none of them exploding? Edit: this thread got brigaded. I wrote this and people assumed I was T_Der. It got downvoted to around 40. Then half an hour later, I got a ton of messages more or less defending the right, and my points shot up to 20+...in half an hour. The donald have brigaded the sub. Probably because the leftist who made them wanted to be sure he didn't hurt any of his own people, but still got the media attention. I don't know if you're genuinely like that or a shit stirrer. If you're genuine, you're as much of a problem as your imaginary "leftist" Listen to the Cranberries Zombie. "In your head they are fighting" And before you comeback with some bullshit about me, I'd say thesame to people seeing the entire right like that. All your brains are fried.
['Teacher suspended after showing photo of her ‘future wife’ is suing school district', 'Dear Americans, something is wrong with your country.', "We know, unfortunately there's way too many dumb voters here that believe in a mythical jewish sky zombie. "]
Teacher suspended after showing photo of her future wife is suing school district Dear Americans, something is wrong with your country. We know, unfortunately there's way too many dumb voters here that believe in a mythical jewish sky zombie.
["Teenager's legs covered in blood after being 'eaten' by mystery sea creatures", 'And so, this is how the zombie outbreak begins...']
Teenager's legs covered in blood after being 'eaten' by mystery sea creatures And so, this is how the zombie outbreak begins...
["Tesla's cars could soon replace the F-150 as the most American-Made automobiles", 'In that picture Musk looks like a zombie. Elon Husk ?']
Tesla's cars could soon replace the F-150 as the most American-Made automobiles In that picture Musk looks like a zombie. Elon Husk ?
['Texas allows guns in college classrooms under new law', 'what could go wrong?', 'Zombie JFK rises from the grave, wins the election, and orders nukes be launched at Cuba. ']
Texas allows guns in college classrooms under new law what could go wrong? Zombie JFK rises from the grave, wins the election, and orders nukes be launched at Cuba.
['Texas judge interrupts jury, says God told him defendant is not guilty', 'was it invisible sky dad or zombie carpenter?']
Texas judge interrupts jury, says God told him defendant is not guilty was it invisible sky dad or zombie carpenter?
['Texting teen dies in first drive by herself', 'Holy crap Reddit you guys freakin suck. You act like you never did anything stupid as a teenager. Obviously she knew the warnings, but as a fresh driver it\'s pretty hard to fully understand the seriousness of the situation. \n\nThat being said, sure, Darwin wins again. But for the love God show just an **ounce** of respect. This was someone\'s daughter. You all should be ashamed of the comments you are leaving about "she deserved it" and "glad she didn\'t kill anyone else." Don\'t get me wrong, it\'s normal to think that, but if that\'s literally all you have to say about this you are an awful excuse for a human being. At least throw in a "sorry" before you ruin this girl\'s death ', 'Seriously. WTF guys. Yeah, she screwed up, but I screwed up too when I was learning how to drive.', 'Not as badly as her.', 'castledagger is a zombie, died in a car wreck IIRC.']
Texting teen dies in first drive by herself Holy crap Reddit you guys freakin suck. You act like you never did anything stupid as a teenager. Obviously she knew the warnings, but as a fresh driver it's pretty hard to fully understand the seriousness of the situation. That being said, sure, Darwin wins again. But for the love God show just an **ounce** of respect. This was someone's daughter. You all should be ashamed of the comments you are leaving about "she deserved it" and "glad she didn't kill anyone else." Don't get me wrong, it's normal to think that, but if that's literally all you have to say about this you are an awful excuse for a human being. At least throw in a "sorry" before you ruin this girl's death Seriously. WTF guys. Yeah, she screwed up, but I screwed up too when I was learning how to drive. Not as badly as her. castledagger is a zombie, died in a car wreck IIRC.
['The Ku Klux Klan will hold a rally at the South Carolina State House next month to protest efforts to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds.', "Wow, thanks KKK for doing something good for once. Who's going to defend the confederate flag now that the KKK is backing it? All they need now is the westboro baptist church and zombie hitler to show up."]
The Ku Klux Klan will hold a rally at the South Carolina State House next month to protest efforts to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds. Wow, thanks KKK for doing something good for once. Who's going to defend the confederate flag now that the KKK is backing it? All they need now is the westboro baptist church and zombie hitler to show up.
['The Pentagon\'s plan to stop the zombie apocalypse - Incredibly, the Defense Department has a response if zombies attacked and the armed forces had to eradicate flesh-eating walkers in order to "preserve the sanctity of human life" among all the "non-zombie humans."', 'Wonder what Zombie is code word for?']
The Pentagon's plan to stop the zombie apocalypse - Incredibly, the Defense Department has a response if zombies attacked and the armed forces had to eradicate flesh-eating walkers in order to "preserve the sanctity of human life" among all the "non-zombie humans." Wonder what Zombie is code word for?
['Times: "The ADHD Fallacy: It’s Time To Stop Treating Childhood as a Disease"', "Adderal and other similar ADHD drugs are literally amphetamines. It actually says the word amphetamines on the label when you buy it from a pharmacy.\n\nMy wife used to work with a 5 year old foster child who's mother was homeless and who bounced around from home to home. He used to get in trouble, but when he was around her he would be a really nice kid because she was kind and patient. The other adult teachers/administrators didn't want to deal with him so they decided to put him on drugs which alters his personality and makes him a zombie. Any psychiatrist will prescribe this junk and the long term effects are not factored into these types of situations. Its the adults, not the children, who need to lighten up and let kids be kids."]
Times: "The ADHD Fallacy: Its Time To Stop Treating Childhood as a Disease" Adderal and other similar ADHD drugs are literally amphetamines. It actually says the word amphetamines on the label when you buy it from a pharmacy. My wife used to work with a 5 year old foster child who's mother was homeless and who bounced around from home to home. He used to get in trouble, but when he was around her he would be a really nice kid because she was kind and patient. The other adult teachers/administrators didn't want to deal with him so they decided to put him on drugs which alters his personality and makes him a zombie. Any psychiatrist will prescribe this junk and the long term effects are not factored into these types of situations. Its the adults, not the children, who need to lighten up and let kids be kids.
['Two Ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected', "I'm not a racist... but I always knew the zombie apocalypse would start in Africa."]
Two Ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected I'm not a racist... but I always knew the zombie apocalypse would start in Africa.
['US Preparing to Put Nuclear Bombers Back on 24-Hour Alert', "Worried at this because \n\na) Millions will die for nothing\n\nb) Australia will get roped into this\n\nc) i don't want to die/live in a post apocalyptic society", 'Well not a NUCLEAR post apocalyptic society, but how about a zombie post apocalyptic society?\n\n']
US Preparing to Put Nuclear Bombers Back on 24-Hour Alert Worried at this because a) Millions will die for nothing b) Australia will get roped into this c) i don't want to die/live in a post apocalyptic society Well not a NUCLEAR post apocalyptic society, but how about a zombie post apocalyptic society?
['VA panel considers closing all VA healthcare centers over the next 20 years and migrating over 9 million Veterans into the private healthcare sector, merely becoming a "payer" similar to Medicare.', "The VA is the Ford Pinto of healthcare systems. Just throw it out. This system ruined my fucking life after I got shot in Afghanistan. They're a worthless zombie bureaucracy. The things that normally kill a regular hospital like incompetence, murder through omission, blatant money making schemes that cannibalize veterans, and a *massive* counter movement do not afflict this undead monster.\nThrow it the fuck out, it's worse than worthless, it's actively working against it's only purpose."]
VA panel considers closing all VA healthcare centers over the next 20 years and migrating over 9 million Veterans into the private healthcare sector, merely becoming a "payer" similar to Medicare. The VA is the Ford Pinto of healthcare systems. Just throw it out. This system ruined my fucking life after I got shot in Afghanistan. They're a worthless zombie bureaucracy. The things that normally kill a regular hospital like incompetence, murder through omission, blatant money making schemes that cannibalize veterans, and a *massive* counter movement do not afflict this undead monster. Throw it the fuck out, it's worse than worthless, it's actively working against it's only purpose.
['Who\'s on the roof? "Boston Bombing"', 'Holy grainy figures batman, it must be ZOMBIE OSAMA!!!!!!!']
Who's on the roof? "Boston Bombing" Holy grainy figures batman, it must be ZOMBIE OSAMA!!!!!!!
['Why isn’t the Obama administration working night and day to give the public a vastly increased amount of detailed information about what happens in financial markets', "Mmm, I can taste the Obama-bot hurt.\n\nThey are not and will not provide this information because they don't care about you or your needs.", 'how dare you speak against BLACK JESUS!!! [Unleash the zombie horde!!](http://patrioticthunder.com/media/3/20090217-obama_supporters.jpg)\n']
Why isnt the Obama administration working night and day to give the public a vastly increased amount of detailed information about what happens in financial markets Mmm, I can taste the Obama-bot hurt. They are not and will not provide this information because they don't care about you or your needs. how dare you speak against BLACK JESUS!!! [Unleash the zombie horde!!](http://patrioticthunder.com/media/3/20090217-obama_supporters.jpg)
['Woman hid stillborn in freezer for days thinking family would be upset for "religious reasons"', 'Save that fetus for zombie Jesus. ']
Woman hid stillborn in freezer for days thinking family would be upset for "religious reasons" Save that fetus for zombie Jesus.
["Woman pulls baby from stroller, slams him against truck. She also wanted to eat the baby's arm", "[Zombie] pulls baby from stroller, slams head against truck [in order to] eat the baby's arm.\n\nIT HAS BEGUN!"]
Woman pulls baby from stroller, slams him against truck. She also wanted to eat the baby's arm [Zombie] pulls baby from stroller, slams head against truck [in order to] eat the baby's arm. IT HAS BEGUN!
['Woman’s cancer killed by measles virus in unprecedented trial', 'This is how zombie apocalypses start.']
Womans cancer killed by measles virus in unprecedented trial This is how zombie apocalypses start.
['Zombie in Atlanta?', "Not a Zombie. DUI that managed to get away. Source: I'm in Atlanta."]
Zombie in Atlanta? Not a Zombie. DUI that managed to get away. Source: I'm in Atlanta.
['zombies......here we go. watch out Miami', '> The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him. The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots\n\nಠ_ಠ', "That was scary as shit to read. And the comments on the site are even scarier, people talking about the story being changed from 2 naked men shot, to 2 naked men and one of them shot, to 1 naked man who was shot. the video clearly shows 2 naked men. hopefully there weren't others and the cops are just saying they killed the only one...thats some zombie movie cover up shit..."]
zombies......here we go. watch out Miami > The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him. The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots _ That was scary as shit to read. And the comments on the site are even scarier, people talking about the story being changed from 2 naked men shot, to 2 naked men and one of them shot, to 1 naked man who was shot. the video clearly shows 2 naked men. hopefully there weren't others and the cops are just saying they killed the only one...thats some zombie movie cover up shit...
['Appeals court rules that teenagers have a right to use opposite sex’s showers, locker rooms', 'Society is so far off the rails. If you believe you are an alien from Mars, that does not make you an alien from Mars, and people should not be forced to treat you like an alien from Mars.', 'Did you even look at the pic? Looks like a young male to me.', "And there's a lot of zombies walking around on Halloween."]
Appeals court rules that teenagers have a right to use opposite sexs showers, locker rooms Society is so far off the rails. If you believe you are an alien from Mars, that does not make you an alien from Mars, and people should not be forced to treat you like an alien from Mars. Did you even look at the pic? Looks like a young male to me. And there's a lot of zombies walking around on Halloween.
['Boy, 15, beheaded himself with chainsaw after losing computer game', "there's a rapidly developing stereotype of suspicious deaths occurring in Russia involving self inflicted wounds that seem mostly impossible to self inflict", "you haven't seen the remake of the Andromeda Strain have you?\n\nedit: for those wondering, found the clip. https://imgur.com/qh3ukf2 nsfw.", 'They remade my favorite 70’s sci fi movie? Into garbage I bet. Omega man remake was pretty darn good though. ', "lol yeah like 10 years ago it came out, it wasn't that bad. Some parts i could have done without, pandering to current audiences etc, but i think it captured the spirit of the thing.", 'We’re there zombies. I hate zombies. ']
Boy, 15, beheaded himself with chainsaw after losing computer game there's a rapidly developing stereotype of suspicious deaths occurring in Russia involving self inflicted wounds that seem mostly impossible to self inflict you haven't seen the remake of the Andromeda Strain have you? edit: for those wondering, found the clip. https://imgur.com/qh3ukf2 nsfw. They remade my favorite 70s sci fi movie? Into garbage I bet. Omega man remake was pretty darn good though. lol yeah like 10 years ago it came out, it wasn't that bad. Some parts i could have done without, pandering to current audiences etc, but i think it captured the spirit of the thing. Were there zombies. I hate zombies.
['Chinese hurdler victim of robbery on first day in Olympics - robbers vomited on him as a distraction', "This just keeps getting better. I'm loving this. Human shit in the water. Vomiting robbers... Whats next?", 'Zombies is the only thing that can top this... ', 'Stop giving Brazil ideas.', "I'm actually genuinely unsettled by the thought. You just know that an actual zombie outbreak would start in Central America or Africa or some place like that.", 'Would it unsettle you further to know that there are already zombies about?']
Chinese hurdler victim of robbery on first day in Olympics - robbers vomited on him as a distraction This just keeps getting better. I'm loving this. Human shit in the water. Vomiting robbers... Whats next? Zombies is the only thing that can top this... Stop giving Brazil ideas. I'm actually genuinely unsettled by the thought. You just know that an actual zombie outbreak would start in Central America or Africa or some place like that. Would it unsettle you further to know that there are already zombies about?
['Chlorine gas attack at Chicago area furry convention hospitalizes 19, hotel evacuated', 'wtf is a furry convention', 'People dress up as animals, do drugs and have sex.\n\nBy animals I mean like suits you see in Disney Land and what not. They have little holes for their junk and awkwardly plow away.\n\nMost of these people watched too many of those shows when they were a kid and now think they they are Tigger or Sonic.\n\n', "A lot of them don't do drugs, and a lot of the suiters don't have sex. It's really more of a nonsexual game/hobby, like those people who dress up a zombies."]
Chlorine gas attack at Chicago area furry convention hospitalizes 19, hotel evacuated wtf is a furry convention People dress up as animals, do drugs and have sex. By animals I mean like suits you see in Disney Land and what not. They have little holes for their junk and awkwardly plow away. Most of these people watched too many of those shows when they were a kid and now think they they are Tigger or Sonic. A lot of them don't do drugs, and a lot of the suiters don't have sex. It's really more of a nonsexual game/hobby, like those people who dress up a zombies.
['Convicted of Felonies, Banks Are Allowed to Stay in Business', "I won't accept corporate citizenship until I see one executed.", 'Seriously. \n\nIt used to be that non-renewal of corporate charters was the way these organizations were kept in check. Now they are the legal equivalent of zombies and humans are armed with bananas.']
Convicted of Felonies, Banks Are Allowed to Stay in Business I won't accept corporate citizenship until I see one executed. Seriously. It used to be that non-renewal of corporate charters was the way these organizations were kept in check. Now they are the legal equivalent of zombies and humans are armed with bananas.
['Feds demand 3D printed gun blueprints removed from Internet', 'For our security we have to stop! Fuck them, let men be men and sheep be sheep. But we should be allowed to make our own decisions and not let government make them or mainstream zombies decide them.']
Feds demand 3D printed gun blueprints removed from Internet For our security we have to stop! Fuck them, let men be men and sheep be sheep. But we should be allowed to make our own decisions and not let government make them or mainstream zombies decide them.
['Frank Livingston, the oldest man in the United States and the oldest verified surviving American World War II veteran, has died at age 110', 'So now we can wear ww2 costumes on halloween, is what im hearing', 'Nazi zombies']
Frank Livingston, the oldest man in the United States and the oldest verified surviving American World War II veteran, has died at age 110 So now we can wear ww2 costumes on halloween, is what im hearing Nazi zombies
['HBO hires 160 lawyers in preparation for Scientology documentary release.', "They'll just corner the director and proceed to harass him at an airport. ", '[Context](http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/154149/midgets-dancing-o.gif)', 'Wow, modern brain washing at work.\n\nCreepy fucking zombies ']
HBO hires 160 lawyers in preparation for Scientology documentary release. They'll just corner the director and proceed to harass him at an airport. [Context](http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/154149/midgets-dancing-o.gif) Wow, modern brain washing at work. Creepy fucking zombies
['Kitchen Nightmare Comes True for Restaurant Owners: Owners Call Out Reddit and Yelp', "Have you seen the pic of these two. They're clearly zombies! It isn't any wonder that they don't know how the reddit works. http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bella/assets_c/2012/12/SamyandAmyABC-thumb-550x368.jpg"]
Kitchen Nightmare Comes True for Restaurant Owners: Owners Call Out Reddit and Yelp Have you seen the pic of these two. They're clearly zombies! It isn't any wonder that they don't know how the reddit works. http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/bella/assets_c/2012/12/SamyandAmyABC-thumb-550x368.jpg
["Lampposts are covered in airbags to stop 'smartphone zombies' from bumping into them as they walk around them staring at their screens in Salzburg.", 'Replace the bags with rusty nails and the problem will solve itself.', "What's more horrifying that 'smartphone zombies'? 'Smartphone tetanus zombies', going all ['Last Exorcism'](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a3/The_Last_Exorcism_Part_II_Poster.jpg) bendy while they tweet."]
Lampposts are covered in airbags to stop 'smartphone zombies' from bumping into them as they walk around them staring at their screens in Salzburg. Replace the bags with rusty nails and the problem will solve itself. What's more horrifying that 'smartphone zombies'? 'Smartphone tetanus zombies', going all ['Last Exorcism'](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a3/The_Last_Exorcism_Part_II_Poster.jpg) bendy while they tweet.
['Man charged after his newborn tests positive for amphetamines and opiates', "WTF? He's charged for not being able to control another adult, and they're CONSIDERING charges against her? I repeat: WTF? ", 'Yea what the actual fuck. Also, if the kid tested positive for meth, she smoked it very recently. Not just that one time "in the second trimester".\n\nFucking tweakers man.', "Yeah, I moved here to North Cali after living in New England all my life. There's lots of heroin in New England but meth is not so common there (was not in 2010 at least). Tweakers everywhere here; even the smallest backwater has meth zombies wandering around. Have run into a few and they are horrible people; lying, stealing, attacking people for no reason.\n\nIronically, everyone here claims to hate tweakers, but the ones who claim this the loudest to me have turned out to be tweakers themselves. "]
Man charged after his newborn tests positive for amphetamines and opiates WTF? He's charged for not being able to control another adult, and they're CONSIDERING charges against her? I repeat: WTF? Yea what the actual fuck. Also, if the kid tested positive for meth, she smoked it very recently. Not just that one time "in the second trimester". Fucking tweakers man. Yeah, I moved here to North Cali after living in New England all my life. There's lots of heroin in New England but meth is not so common there (was not in 2010 at least). Tweakers everywhere here; even the smallest backwater has meth zombies wandering around. Have run into a few and they are horrible people; lying, stealing, attacking people for no reason. Ironically, everyone here claims to hate tweakers, but the ones who claim this the loudest to me have turned out to be tweakers themselves.
['Man injects himself with 3.5 million year old bacteria in quest for eternal life', 'This is exactly how we get zombies! ']
Man injects himself with 3.5 million year old bacteria in quest for eternal life This is exactly how we get zombies!
['Microsoft pulls plug on Zune music service', 'Loved my Zune device. The geniuses living in Zune world were tasked, just like the iPod zombies to rule the world, killed it. iriver kicked their collective asses, butt, the sheep were too dumb to even know it. They got what they deserved.']
Microsoft pulls plug on Zune music service Loved my Zune device. The geniuses living in Zune world were tasked, just like the iPod zombies to rule the world, killed it. iriver kicked their collective asses, butt, the sheep were too dumb to even know it. They got what they deserved.
['Millionaires are leaving Chicago more than any other city in the United States on a net basis, according to a new report', 'Its the zombies man, they took over Detroit and moving west, Minneapolis is next']
Millionaires are leaving Chicago more than any other city in the United States on a net basis, according to a new report Its the zombies man, they took over Detroit and moving west, Minneapolis is next
['Minneapolis approves $15 minimum wage', "If your business can't keep running unless it pays its employees a wage they can't live on, then maybe it shouldn't be in business.", 'So until now all those minimum wage workers were zombies? Not living? And before you say the state makes up the difference, MN has incredibly generous state welfare that other states with similar minimum wages do not not, and all those people are still alive. Only to a leftist does outlawing labor contracts help those seeking jobs.']
Minneapolis approves $15 minimum wage If your business can't keep running unless it pays its employees a wage they can't live on, then maybe it shouldn't be in business. So until now all those minimum wage workers were zombies? Not living? And before you say the state makes up the difference, MN has incredibly generous state welfare that other states with similar minimum wages do not not, and all those people are still alive. Only to a leftist does outlawing labor contracts help those seeking jobs.
['National Weather Service accidentally sent out "Civil Emergency Alert" Saturday night to NY and CT', 'What is a civil emergency anyway? Some sort of insurrection or violence?', 'Its a rather broad use message, used to convey any emergency information from local, state, and federal emergency management officials. The information contained is usually only being relayed by the national weather service, but originates from an emergency management agency. The use is not restricted to violence but any civil emergency.\n\nThere are three tiers of these messages, in order of severity "Local Area Emergency" (least), "Civil Emergency Message" (middle), "Civil Danger Warning" (max)\n', 'So zombies?']
National Weather Service accidentally sent out "Civil Emergency Alert" Saturday night to NY and CT What is a civil emergency anyway? Some sort of insurrection or violence? Its a rather broad use message, used to convey any emergency information from local, state, and federal emergency management officials. The information contained is usually only being relayed by the national weather service, but originates from an emergency management agency. The use is not restricted to violence but any civil emergency. There are three tiers of these messages, in order of severity "Local Area Emergency" (least), "Civil Emergency Message" (middle), "Civil Danger Warning" (max) So zombies?
['No more Mondays: Colorado school district moves to 4 day weeks', 'I know it sounds crazy but I grew up in Dubai in the 90s. We had a six day week till I was 11. It was 1998 and I was in sixth grade when they introduced five day weeks. ', "6 day school weeks in Asia as well, and child-care isn't much of a problem (as long as your parents are still alive, it's their responsibility, well hopefully). Education is important.", "6 days is too much. Children need 2 days a week to rest their mind, play sports outdoors, and spend time with their family. Chinese schools are the most miserable place, and I'm glad I no longer teach there. Children are zombies, out of shape, and lack socialization by sitting in classes rote memorizing their teachers words all days."]
No more Mondays: Colorado school district moves to 4 day weeks I know it sounds crazy but I grew up in Dubai in the 90s. We had a six day week till I was 11. It was 1998 and I was in sixth grade when they introduced five day weeks. 6 day school weeks in Asia as well, and child-care isn't much of a problem (as long as your parents are still alive, it's their responsibility, well hopefully). Education is important. 6 days is too much. Children need 2 days a week to rest their mind, play sports outdoors, and spend time with their family. Chinese schools are the most miserable place, and I'm glad I no longer teach there. Children are zombies, out of shape, and lack socialization by sitting in classes rote memorizing their teachers words all days.
['No trace of Ebola on New Orleans-bound ship, CDC insists', 'This is the kind of story you expect in a zombie movie. "There\'s no sign of..." Then rargh! as the zombies pour off the ship...']
No trace of Ebola on New Orleans-bound ship, CDC insists This is the kind of story you expect in a zombie movie. "There's no sign of..." Then rargh! as the zombies pour off the ship...
['Police in Texas have arrested two men with a truck carrying 147 assault rifles, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, and 53 bayonets ', 'I can understand the guns and ammo, but bayonets?!??!\n\nWait, zombies. Of course.']
Police in Texas have arrested two men with a truck carrying 147 assault rifles, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, and 53 bayonets I can understand the guns and ammo, but bayonets?!??! Wait, zombies. Of course.
['Police: Pair high on bath salts fired gun at fireflies, mistaking them for alien lasers', 'Hey bath salts are no joke. I went to a medical one time (FF/EMT) and the guy high on bath salts literally pulled out all of his own teeth (all of them). Someone who lived with him gave them to us in a plastic milk jug. Took 3 cops and 2 firefighters to hold him down so we could burrito restrain him with a sheet -even after he was tazed. He kept trying to spit on us, so we put a towel over his face. Went to another guy that actually chewed on his own arm deep down into the muscle. When walking up on him, he looked at us like a rabid dog. We ran away and waited for PD. Another engine company of ours went to a guy that took out his own eyes with a fork (you read that right. Took his eyes out with a fork). \n\nNo pain, just random insanity. \n\nZombies. \n\nHow bad does your life have to be where you roll dice like that?']
Police: Pair high on bath salts fired gun at fireflies, mistaking them for alien lasers Hey bath salts are no joke. I went to a medical one time (FF/EMT) and the guy high on bath salts literally pulled out all of his own teeth (all of them). Someone who lived with him gave them to us in a plastic milk jug. Took 3 cops and 2 firefighters to hold him down so we could burrito restrain him with a sheet -even after he was tazed. He kept trying to spit on us, so we put a towel over his face. Went to another guy that actually chewed on his own arm deep down into the muscle. When walking up on him, he looked at us like a rabid dog. We ran away and waited for PD. Another engine company of ours went to a guy that took out his own eyes with a fork (you read that right. Took his eyes out with a fork). No pain, just random insanity. Zombies. How bad does your life have to be where you roll dice like that?
['Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients', 'This makes the zombie plague so much more plausible.', 'Maybe not zombies, but something like the movie Contagion is more likely.']
Report: Armed men attack Liberia Ebola clinic, freeing patients This makes the zombie plague so much more plausible. Maybe not zombies, but something like the movie Contagion is more likely.
['Russian National Charged in Conspiracy to Act as an Agent of the Russian Federation Within the United States | OPA', '[deleted]', 'Absolutely no damage. America has hundreds of spies operating in Russia and elsewhere, and Russia and every other developed countries likewise has spies operating here and elsewhere. We caught one doing something so she\'s getting charged. Liberals hear the word "Russia" and start foaming at the mouth "DRUMMMPPF IMPPEEEACH" like zombies. Russia has had spies in America for 80 years at least and this has nothing to do with Trump.']
Russian National Charged in Conspiracy to Act as an Agent of the Russian Federation Within the United States | OPA [deleted] Absolutely no damage. America has hundreds of spies operating in Russia and elsewhere, and Russia and every other developed countries likewise has spies operating here and elsewhere. We caught one doing something so she's getting charged. Liberals hear the word "Russia" and start foaming at the mouth "DRUMMMPPF IMPPEEEACH" like zombies. Russia has had spies in America for 80 years at least and this has nothing to do with Trump.
['Security Guard Shoots Dead 15-Year-Boy Who Shot Him With a BB Gun', 'I would shoot too if a dead 15 year old shot at me. \nZombies are fucking scary.']
Security Guard Shoots Dead 15-Year-Boy Who Shot Him With a BB Gun I would shoot too if a dead 15 year old shot at me. Zombies are fucking scary.
['Student suspended from school for playing with airsoft gun on his own property while waiting for the school bus.', 'Do you people seriously see nothing wrong with a kid playing with a gun while waiting for a schoolbus? Especially given the massacres of the last few years?', "Not when it's a toy that says shit about zombies on the side of it. It might be more concerning if they had been handling an actual firearm and not a plastic spring loaded BB gun that shoots projectiles lighter than the pencil erasers my teachers would throw at me when I fell asleep in class. "]
Student suspended from school for playing with airsoft gun on his own property while waiting for the school bus. Do you people seriously see nothing wrong with a kid playing with a gun while waiting for a schoolbus? Especially given the massacres of the last few years? Not when it's a toy that says shit about zombies on the side of it. It might be more concerning if they had been handling an actual firearm and not a plastic spring loaded BB gun that shoots projectiles lighter than the pencil erasers my teachers would throw at me when I fell asleep in class.
['Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote', 'Zombies']
Study: 1.8 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote Zombies
['The DEA Will Soon Decide Whether it Will Reschedule Marijuana.', '>bumping it down with supposedly less dangerous drugs such as cocaine (Schedule 2) or ketamine (Schedule 3)\n\nTo the level of cocaine or ketamine, wtf? It should be taken down to the level of baby aspirin.', "Baby aspirin doesn't turn people into nonsensical zombies with no drive in life. I've smoked weed before. Should it be criminal? No. But there's something to be said about people that would rather smoke weed than give it up to land themselves a good paying job. It's an excellent way to weed out (pun unintended) those that treat such a trivial thing as more important than contributing to a company's success. It's quite symbolic."]
The DEA Will Soon Decide Whether it Will Reschedule Marijuana. >bumping it down with supposedly less dangerous drugs such as cocaine (Schedule 2) or ketamine (Schedule 3) To the level of cocaine or ketamine, wtf? It should be taken down to the level of baby aspirin. Baby aspirin doesn't turn people into nonsensical zombies with no drive in life. I've smoked weed before. Should it be criminal? No. But there's something to be said about people that would rather smoke weed than give it up to land themselves a good paying job. It's an excellent way to weed out (pun unintended) those that treat such a trivial thing as more important than contributing to a company's success. It's quite symbolic.
['The FCC meeting for Net Neutrality has begun', 'Charging for the internet will be a big win for Republicans, conservatives and people who want to be happy worldwide. The most used outlets on the internet have become political propaganda tools for the zombies of society. People will only spend the time on the internet that they need to and bye bye goes their daily brainwashing. Thank you President Trump, where do I make my first payment?']
The FCC meeting for Net Neutrality has begun Charging for the internet will be a big win for Republicans, conservatives and people who want to be happy worldwide. The most used outlets on the internet have become political propaganda tools for the zombies of society. People will only spend the time on the internet that they need to and bye bye goes their daily brainwashing. Thank you President Trump, where do I make my first payment?
['The Gates Foundation is trying to stop Zika by giving mosquitos a sexually transmitted disease', "Ok, let's taint the local populations drinking water with Larvicide to kill the mosquitos and give them birth defects similar to those zika supposedly causes. \n\n \n Then, lets introduce other diseases into the actual mosquitos as well. \n \n Great idea. Zombies, soon."]
The Gates Foundation is trying to stop Zika by giving mosquitos a sexually transmitted disease Ok, let's taint the local populations drinking water with Larvicide to kill the mosquitos and give them birth defects similar to those zika supposedly causes. Then, lets introduce other diseases into the actual mosquitos as well. Great idea. Zombies, soon.
['The Oregon Shooter Obtained All His Guns Legally', 'As a paramedic, I see first how badly these "antipsychotics" actually worsen people\'s psychosis. Sure, then may help turn some people into zombies, but they make others crazy. Also, when the homeless run out of their meds, their withdrawal psychosis is very violent. ']
The Oregon Shooter Obtained All His Guns Legally As a paramedic, I see first how badly these "antipsychotics" actually worsen people's psychosis. Sure, then may help turn some people into zombies, but they make others crazy. Also, when the homeless run out of their meds, their withdrawal psychosis is very violent.
['Two Ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected', '"Please be zombies, please be zombies." ']
Two Ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected "Please be zombies, please be zombies."
["West Point grad who posed with 'Communism will win' in cap discharged", "They don't even have the freedom to think by themselves, that is why I don't consider them human beings, they are just mindless pawns, zombies trained to kill human beings. "]
West Point grad who posed with 'Communism will win' in cap discharged They don't even have the freedom to think by themselves, that is why I don't consider them human beings, they are just mindless pawns, zombies trained to kill human beings.
['Westboro Baptist Church Is About to Protest Kim Davis for Her Multiple Marriages', 'So, attention whore group that needs to be ignored protests attention whore clerk that needs to be ignored? \n\nUm, ok? ', 'this is the best pairing ive seen since nazi zombies']
Westboro Baptist Church Is About to Protest Kim Davis for Her Multiple Marriages So, attention whore group that needs to be ignored protests attention whore clerk that needs to be ignored? Um, ok? this is the best pairing ive seen since nazi zombies
["Why does Social Security need 174,000 bullets? It didn't take long for the Internet to start buzzing with conspiracy theories after the Social Security Administration posted a notice that it was purchasing 174,000 hollow-point bullets.", 'Saying the bullets are for target practice is just "spin". Un-jacketed wad-cutters are the affordable standard for shooting range target practice. Semi-jacketed hollow-points are expensive, so lets just be honest about why the Social Security administration wants these for...senior zombies who keep collecting benefits, and...just...won\'t...stay...dead.']
Why does Social Security need 174,000 bullets? It didn't take long for the Internet to start buzzing with conspiracy theories after the Social Security Administration posted a notice that it was purchasing 174,000 hollow-point bullets. Saying the bullets are for target practice is just "spin". Un-jacketed wad-cutters are the affordable standard for shooting range target practice. Semi-jacketed hollow-points are expensive, so lets just be honest about why the Social Security administration wants these for...senior zombies who keep collecting benefits, and...just...won't...stay...dead.