<s>[INST] Ultra Sound Findings: There is increased echogenicity around the renal pyramids bilaterally which can be seen with nephrocalcinosis and a CT KUB is recommended. No hydronephrosis. There are two echogenic lessions within the left kidney with shadowing. Likely to represent calculi. What does this mean [/INST] Hi,Thanks for writing in.There is a possibility of small stones forming in your kidneys on both sides. There are two small stone like areas in the left kidney. While ultrasound scan can certainly locate larger stones, some of the smaller stones need detailed evaluation in the presence of symptoms. A CT scan is sensitive to pick up stones measuring 2 mm in diameter which can be missed by ultrasound. Increased echogenicity around kidney pyramids might indicate small stone formation in progress. For complete assessment of kidney stones, a CT scan is to be done. Please continue drinking adequate amounts of water to flush out smaller stones. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 19 year old female. I am having severe upper left abdominal pain every time after I eat. It usually lasts for about an hour to an hour and a half. I have small ulcers that are being well treated. I do not have an appendix or gallbladder, when they took them out both looked normal. I have tried to eat bland foods. I can not handle eating oatmeal, plain no flavoring oatmeal. I have been tested for several stomach diseases and they were all negative. Any advice [/INST] helloIf your reports are normal than you need not to worry.By changing food habits you will feel better.I would suggest you to,Take light food,avoid fried & bakery products.Take buttermilk after lunch & milk after dinner.Take Dashamoolarista 3tsp with water twice a day. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem? [/INST] Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] My family reports that I am having occasional episodes that sound like absence seizures. What I read says they are rare in adults and I am 62 y.o. female. I have a history of anti-depressant use and my daughter has heard that that may be associated with these. [/INST] Hello!I understand your concern. Absence seizures are rare at your age but may happen. I would recommend you do an EEG which is absence seizures has a typical pathern and also a brain MRI to rule out any lesion of the brain like tumors, stroke etc which can cause absence in this age. If the diagnosis is absence I would recommend treatment with lamotrigine which is well tolerated at your age but not 100% effective in absence. It also has a stabilizing emotional effect. If it doesn't control seizures other drugs I would recommend to you are valproate and ethosuximide which are first choice for absence seizures. Antidepressants can cause seizures in the elderly but you have to rule out other causes.Hope to have been helpful!Best wishes Dr. Abaz Quka </s>
<s>[INST] Me and my wife have been trying for a baby for the past 3 years. My wife is 30 and myself 31 years and she has regular cycle with 3 days bleeding. We dont have any miscarriages and this is our first baby. She dont have endometriosis/PID. she dont have any allergic or surgeries. My sperm concentration - 38 mi; Vol - 5 mi; motility - 56%; Morphology - 31%; My wife had Clomid and Letrozole to improve the chance of fertility. Nothing is working. So we are planning to go for IVF treatment. (This is our 1st IVF Treatment.) Whether we can go for IVF or wait for some time? How much it costs? What is our success rate? since i am working in US, i can stay in india max of 6 weeks. But she can be there as long as required. Whether doctors will do directly IVF or IUI and then IVF? Please give me brief details. As per General Gync point of view, our test results are normal. We both are very depressed and dont know what to do. [/INST] Hello,Welcome to healthcare Magic.I have gone through your query and Would like to reply in detail as follows:1. Better to get IVF treatment immediately.I hope your doubt is clarified. Let me know if you wish any other information.Regards,Dr. Mahesh </s>
<s>[INST] Hi sir, I got problem last two months, I daily clean my gland. Even I get white layer on my glands. And itchy sometimes. I am using soap to clean. Sometimes when I sleeping automatically spem will come out fully without knowing me. And I will clean morning. I am fully scaring. Not even before I am clean weekly twice. Nowadays I clean regularly it happened like this. Is this something wrong??? Pls clarify me. My one uncircumcised. Thanks [/INST] Dear, We understand your concernsI went through your details. The whitish layer in your gland is smegma. Smegma is mixture of semen, urine and dust particles. This gets accumulated because of lack of cleanliness. You should clean your gland twice daily.Nocturnal emission is a natural and normal process. Nothing to worry about it. Semen is produced whenever you are sexually excited. Produced semen is then stored within your body. It is a waste product now. Body needs to throw the waste out. If you do not masturbate or engage in sex, body removes the waste through nocturnal emission. I suggest you to masturbate alternate days to stop your nocturnal emission.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome.Good luck. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Good afternoon My name is T,lnk,mi from Macedonia .I have 43 years oldMy question is : I have discus hernija in L5-S1.After the terapi with acupunktura I feel good , but My right leg is dont strong.Why??I waith 1 mounth but steel is softly.I have no painPlease answer meThanks [/INST] HIThank for asking to HCMI really appreciate your concern, from the history given here I could say that you are having degenerative disc disease of a lumber spine, acupuncture wont work here, you have to see the neurologist for perfect treatment if you have not done the MRI study then get it done it and have opinion form neurologist, hope this information helps you, take care and have nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] A woman has been using crutches for the last 3 years complains her leg hurts from a fall and might have nerve damage. She is always going to the ER for falls and is 36 yrs old does not work. Last year she showed up at a family party in a wheel chair . Now she likes the crutches. Sometimes just uses one crutch I think she s seeking attention. [/INST] Hi,thank you for providing the brief history of the patient.As you mentioned the patient is on the crutch and is there any chance of having pain in the legs?Well that totally depends how she has learnt the Crutch Gait training. As there is always a specific way to use the crutch, frames, sticks, etc. If she learns properly she will not get any pain in the legs.Also, for performing crutch walking, One needs to have a stronger arms and a strong torso including the sound limb to be the best if there is injury on other side. If both legs are weak then until the upper limb and torso are strong it is tough to walk easily.Also, if the torso and upper limb are not stronger and still the patient is using the crutch then, what will happen is, the metabolism will be faster and the body will consume more energy which will lead her into pain and aches.She can opt for the physical therapist and strengthen the muscles required for the propulsion of the gait , even if it performed by using the crutches. Post under going the physical therapy, she might have the whole lot of opportunities to come closer to the functional activities at ease.With the grace of god i wish a speedy recovery.RegardsJay Indravadan Patel </s>
<s>[INST] two days ago I had an incident that the hospital called a TIA but my symtoms weren't much like those I have read about. I have a four hour block where I remember nothing. But I was consicious and asking my family strange questions. like what is the date? Basically the questions were about things that I know the answer to....The family said I did not slur my words and that my eyes looked fine and I acted like myself but asked these weird questions and Ido not remember talking to them. After the four hrs I was examined at the hospital and had a CT and a Doppler test. Everything looked normal. Do you think I had a TIA?r [/INST] Hi,Thank you for posting your query.Yes, I agree with your doctors that you had a TIA. To be more precise, you had a type of TIA, which is called as TGA, transient global amnesia. In TGA, the person has amnesia and forgets many events, which explains your asking weird questions at that time.MRI brain would be useful in picking up small infarcts (blood clots) in the left side of your brain.Also, the risk factors should be screened for and treated, such as diabete, high BP, cholesterol, etc. I hope you are on aspirin and statins to prevent the recurrence of TIA or a stroke. Best wishes,Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology)Senior Consultant Neurologist </s>
<s>[INST] I m very shy, don t talk to people first unless I m talked to, etc. A part of my wants to have more friends and do stuff with them. But another part of me wants to stay far away from any social interactions like going to the mall, the movies, and other places. And when they do invite me, I always find an excuse not to go. Is this an anti-social problem or is what I m doing just my social anxiety working? Whatever it is, I hate it. [/INST] Hi well come to HCM. You are not at all anti social. It is just you are introvert and that is your personality, can be changed easily by you only by developing your interest in otheres and what they are doing, moving out with friends repeatedly will give you pleasure and gradually you will come out of it It may change with age as you built up your self confidance. Do not need any treatment for this. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] I have a large kidney stent. My dr used a laser to repair a striture. I am in terrible pain. It hurts to take a deep breathe. I have to have the stent 6 weeks. this is stent number 5. If this doesn t work I have to have a ureter reimplant, I feel like I have a rod in my back. He did say this is a nasty stent. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Health care magic forum. The kidney stent is really a horrible experience, difficult to bear. Ask you your doctor for a sedating pain killer. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses,sprouts,and protein rich foods, for resistance to bear the pain. Avoid taking spices, junk foods, and oily foods, to avoid acidity of the urine which may increase the irritation. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My wife is end of her 33rd week pregnancy. She has mild itching @ palms, feet and on stomock. Dr suggested to for LFT. I did it and the results are normal except ALS & AST which is little higher than normal. Bile salt and bile pigment is absent. I am still concerned does she has OC? [/INST] Dear Friend.Hi , I am Dr Anshul Varshney , I have read your query in detail , I understand your concern.I need to know her complete Liver Function Test report.Jaundice in pregnancy can be due to :1. Acute Fatty Liver Of pregnancy2. Viral Hepatitis E 3. HELLP Syndrome4. Obstructive causes.I advise you to get het complete LFT and Ultrasound Abdomen done to rule out all possible causes.She requires evaluation since rise in ALT and AST is there.This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you still have any query you may please ask me.Stay Healthy. Dr Anshul Varshney , MD </s>
<s>[INST] hello Dr Samuel, The past few days I have noticed that I have some kind of bump on the medial side of my elbow. It seems to be at the position of the cubital lymph nodes. It has not changed size, and when I press on it, it feels a little hard. What could it be? [/INST] Hi dear, if its hard it could bony epicondyl, which is normal.Don't worry.- else it could be Lymphadenitis or early boil or could be lipoma.I advise Rt surgeon consultation to fix its vise and treatment.Welcome further query in this regard.Write good review plz. Gd day. </s>
<s>[INST] I have RUQ pain. It initially started after my PCP switched me from Metformin to Janumet. The pain started 3 days after starting this medication. Stopped med on 4th day and went back on Metformin. Blood work showed elevated Liver enzymes...low 100 s. Pain continues to be interrmittent. Does not go thru to the back. No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.. No major weight loss. All vital signs normal. I had CT with contrast of the abdomen which is normal (small fatty infiltrate of liver). PMH: Endometral CA (had hysterectomy), DM Type II, Thyroidectomy (non-cancer). My question is....could this be pancreatic cancer?? I am not seeing the symptoms, but I am concerned..or if not ... what??... where do I go from here? [/INST] hi.noted history of RUQ pain and existing co-morbidities. it is possible that you have a gallstone disease. it could also be any pathology somewhere along your hepaticopancreaticobiliary tree area. it is best if you consult with a doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist or a general surgeon, for physical examination and clinical evaluation. other diagnostics (such as pancreatic enzymes, liver function tests, blood count, etc.) and management (medical and/or surgical if indications are found) will be directed accordingly. if it is indeed of gallstone in etiology, definitive treatment is surgical removal of the gallbladder or cholecystectomy. it can be done laparoscopically (goldstandard) or thru open technique. low fat diet is also advised.hope this helps.good day!!~dr.kaye </s>
<s>[INST] i had two bottom teeth and one back top tooth taken out on wednesday, March 27. I am having mouth pain. Its a dull aching pain. When I eat/drinnk somethiung cold its fine. But at night when I sit down it hurts or when I lay down to bed it hurts. But when I stand up and take a cold drink i am fine. But I can't drink and eat Ice Cream all day long. WHat do I tell the Dentist to do? they never prescribed anything to me. I am in so much pain I dont know what to do!!! [/INST] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting HCM, I have gone through your query, as you have pain after removal of tooth , pain releif on taking cold water and ice cream , it can be due to your next tooth present to extraction socket may be carious or may abrasion is there .Dont worry for this you should consult dentist and go for radiograph x ray if it is carious then go for treatment .Hope this will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Good day Doc Went to my GP for back pains and swolen legs at the bottom , he told me that I had kidney infection. And he gave me Cifran, Metazol, Cizole, Amiloretic and Alka Fizz. Now my stomach is loose and I feel exhausted. What can you advise. Regards carol [/INST] Hi CarolMedication is okay.take plenty of water orally.avoid citrus fruits and juices.Do back strengthening exercises.blood sodium,pottasium,serum proteins,hemoglobin levels should be tested apart from urine routine test and urine culture and sensitivity.An ultrasound of abdomen to rule out any urinary system stone or calculus formationThanks for writing </s>
<s>[INST] I ve had this pain in my left side of my neck. Had a sonogram of my carodit artery. Nothing was found then had a sonogram and blood work for my thyroid. Thyroid fine. Dentist said nothing in X-ray, had a cat scan done of lower head and neck with and without contrast. Waiting for results [/INST] Hello, Most probably it is due to conditions like cervical spondylitis. As a first line management, you can take analgesics like paracetamol or aceclofenac for pain relief. If symptoms persist you can consult an orthopedician and plan for an MRI scan. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] My legs are swollen and from the knee down I have bumps that are seeping water. They are worse at night. I have had cellutitus in the past and have been hospitalized for 3 days. This is not hot to the touch. Should I go to the emergency room or just see my PCP? [/INST] HIThis sounds like a venous stasis problem and not cellulitisNo need for the ER--seeing your PCP soon would be appropriate </s>
<s>[INST] I had a blood test taken 3days ago and it was the most painful blood test is ever had, I had a sharp needle pain in lower to where the blood was taken and a sharp shooting pain. I told the lady that took my blood but she insisted it didn t hurt :/ annoyed me. Now my arm feels numb and slightly tingly and I keep getting horrible twitches when I move my arm. ? Please help me ? [/INST] this is very unusual, obviously. The type of pain and 'shooting' imply a nerve is hit. THere are not major nerves in that area but certainly everywhere there are SOME nerves. With neuropathic pain:1) short run any nerve pill such as a lidocaine patch (you need ONE, cut into 2 cm squares, apply one 2x2 daily), anti-seizure med, or amitryptiline are likely to work at quite low cost2) long term minor nerves usually grow back ok.cannot say in your particular case. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi 37 yr old husband admitted for acute renal failure, presented with severe back pain complaining of pain radiating to abdomen and down to testicles. Kidney function was a 3.5 in 2 days of iv has dropped only to a 3.2. ultrasound of abdomen, kidneys, CT, and ultrasound of renal artery all negative no blockage. chest xray noted small non obstructive stone. Urinalysis no blood or proteinHistory.... Was taking 750mg of motrin each day for back pain (possible cause) and also protein workout supplements otherwise healthy. Why is function not improving when all tests appear normal and what is causing pain [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The back pasin that your husband is having could be related to the renal calculus or may be related to a nerve root compression at the level of spinal cord due to a degenerative disc disease. An MRI scan can help to detect the cause. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Praveen Tayal drtayal72@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST] Once in a very great while, out of boredom, I will stick a mirror in my mouth to check out my maxillary teeth. Today, I noticed that my #6 appears to have been slightly chipped and now has a thin a brown ring around the edge of the chip, with a white center. The chip/ring are both visible and above the gumline. I have no idea when the chip occurred as I haven't had any discomfort at all. My best guess is that it happened sometime within the past two years as my dentist didn't mention anything during my last visit. I'm currently unemployed and without dental insurance so I was wondering how urgent this matter is- could it possibly wait until I find a job/insurance, or do I need to see a dentist ASAP? [/INST] Hello,Possibilities include stain, decalcification or decay. It is wise to schedule an exam. Uf decay is present, a simple filling is possible if it is small. Left untreated, it will get larger and risk developing an abscess.Call your dentist to inquire if there are any notes in your chart concerning discoloration on this tooth. I often make notes to monitor changes. Clean the area well. Check the texture. Does it appear soft or rougher than the smooth enamel? Discuus thus with your dentist and this may help you decide if you need to address thus area right away. Preventon is always best!Thank you for your inquiry. </s>
<s>[INST] for the past few years my gums have become sore where my wisdom teeth seem to be pushing the gum but then after a week they retreat and it goes on and on i have a flap of gum that is also in the back lower corner of my mouth where they are supposed to come through and it swells up a lot in that area i have had an Absis before with it being drained by me accidentally while brushing my teeth im currently suffering from swollen gums and a bad taste in my mouth [/INST] hello there , you are suffering from pericoronitis that is inflammation of gums overlying your wisdom tooth.This flap of loose gums invites accumulation of food debris which leads to fowl mouth odou,bacterial infection and in turn abscess formation. Rinse your mouth regularly with warm saline water till you visit a dentist. X ray examination of the tooth shows its position and if its impacted in bone go for surgical removal of tooth. if the tooth seems to erupt in coming time you can go for operculectomy that is excision of the overlying flap to remove the pocket and expose the tooth for eruption. i hope that helps,take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been diagnosed with aspergillosis from culture a year ago but recent culture shows nothing after 4 weeks. Cat scan in Denver shows ground glass looking things in lower left lung. Could this be the fungas lying dormant? I have been off steroids for asthma for a year now using only albuterol due to them contributing to the aspergillosis but wonder if recent tests accurate? I m also infusing IGG to keep my immune system up. [/INST] Hello,Welcome to HCM,The diagnosis of Aspergillosis depends on the clinical symptoms of the patient like fever, cough, chest pain, skin test for A fumigatus, level of IgE and IgG, chest X-ray and CT-scan findings.Culture of saliva or pulmonary aspirates for Aspergillus pnemumonia also help to confirm the diagnosis.With regards to the treatment, systemic anti-fungal therapy is prescribed depending on the severity of the symptoms. You can take Tab Intraconazole, twice daily for 14 days.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a small read rash on my neck before my uncle s wedding where I wore a heavy artificial necklace. The rash has worsened. It has become red, extremely itchy, stinging and clear pus comes out too. It has spread all around my neck and chin . I tried using betnovate , mederma , soframycin, boroline and cutisoft but these creams either worsened it ir had no effect. It has been 1.5 weeks now. I am on a vacation and there is no dermatologist around. What do I do? [/INST] gud morng.. the symptoms u have mentioned points towards contact allergic dermatitis occurring due to allergy ..hence u should even take oral anti histamine trablets to control ur allergy ..tablet levocetrine twice daily for 3days can be taken .as ur having pus too ,its a sign of secondary bacterial infection and so taking antibitic like erythro twice for three days also will help u.. continue betnovate -g ointment and better take good diet full of iron rather avoiding some foods.. cause strengthening ur immunity will reduce the condition earlier ..or u can even take iron tablet daily one for atleast ten days.. dont do itching over the rash and avoid further ornaments in future too ..as ur allergic to it..usually such rash takes nearly 2wks to get relieved completely so have patience and take the treatment .. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi i have plaque building up on my bottom two middle teeth. I did make an appointment with my dentist to have my teeth cleaned but unfortunately its building up again. I have tried using all types of toothpastes and plaque remover however it just wont budge [/INST] Hello, Thank you for consulting with HCM.Actually there is daily plaque build up, so you need to clear it daily. Cleaning plaque does not depend upon on which type of toothpaste you are using, you should know the proper brushing technique for it.So better you should visit your dentist again and ask him the proper brushing technique.Hope it will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] sir , my brother is suffering from mentally problem for the last 8 years now he was using parnil-2,olimet-10mg and zapiz-2 medicines from six month. this medicines was pescribe by DR. raghunath kumar (HEHAL-RANCHI) SIR THE QUESTION IS MY BRO WAS NOT ACTIVE, HE FORGET EVERYTHING HE give reply to any question very lately he was always very silently he was a married person his wife leave her no income so sir pls help me are this medicines are useful. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Health Care MagicThe medicines Olimelt, parnil, zapiz etc are psychotherapeutic medicines. These medicines are given in a number of psychiatric disorders. I would require a little information about his clinical picture in order to clearly make his diagnosis. He might be suffering from some depressive disorder or some psychotic disorder. Due to familial dysfunction there occur aggravation of symptoms. I advise you to continue to give him medicines as per his doctors proper prescription.Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hi.My name is Dhirender Bisht I AM HANDICAP PERSON I AM 46 YEAR YOUNG MAN .I HAD TRAIN ACCIDENT 5 YEAR AGO.SIR I DECIDE I GIVE MY KIDNEY TO KIDNEY FAILURE PARSON.SIR TELL ME IF I DO THIS WORK SHELL I FACING WITCH KINDS OF PROBLEM OR NOT .PLEAS GIVE ME RIGHT SUGGESTION.THANK YOU SIR [/INST] Hello Dhirrnder, I really appreciate your thought and intention. Successful Kidney transplants are carried out all over the world today. For any transplant program, the utmost priority is the healthy donor. For kidney donation, firstly you will be thoroughly examined and investigated to look for any subclinical kidney disease or any risk factors (diabetes, HTN) predisposing you to future kidney problems.Now lets assume that you are completely healthy and donate one of your kidneys.Following are the precautions you ought to take in your future1. Routine blood tests ( kidney function, urine)2. Regular monitoring of your blood pressure 3. To avoid any addictions (alcohol, smoking)4. To avoid taking any medications in excess that are harmful for your kidneys (pain killers, nephrotoxic drugs)5. Lastly, remember you will be having a single kidney, so in simple ways if at home you have a electricity shut down, you switch over to back up. In the same way if you have some infection in future, you will have only one kidney to fight. Overall, it is one of the safest organ donations with little surgical or post surger complications till you maintain a healthy lifestyleFeel free to post any further queries Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] yes please.my bellie is geting verry large,hurts so all the way to my breast,i had a hilbeica hernya about 4 years ago and my bellie has been hurting more,more never better,went to gyn dr laskey in saratoga springs n.y. he dont like the look of it too i for about 3 days now keep sweeting so much ,i gained 41 pounds in 1 1/2 mo i was 109 now 141 what to do , i dont feel so goodi had my 1 and only child 5 years ago, june 12 1969 my birthday .i had a emegency c-sction too he was ok thow , i feel like tired every time i get this sweeting too, i fall asleep as soon as 5 minets too, out of breath a lot now too, [/INST] HI. You need a proper evaluation of your symptoms , findings by a Doctor. The reason for such a weight gain in such a short time is very alarming as is other symptoms .Have a second opinion of Specialist Doctor like a Surgeon who can do a proper clinical evaluation have a diagnosis to be confirmed by appropriate tests. </s>
<s>[INST] I have had a knee replaced (same knee) twice and a patella ligament tear and repaired using same ligament. Than my ligament stretched and knee cap moved, couldn t raise that leg very high and another surgery was done to tighten my tendon & placed an other cadaver ligament. two years later and still in pain at times an 8 or 9. only an xray done to verify knee replacement seems to be OK. Also had pain management to no avail, and only more pain.?? what to do, where to go???? I know Dr Kumar if you are the one that studied at AHI???? [/INST] Dear sir/mamthis may be bold because you need to provide more information but sometimes after the tear from the patelar ligament the pain comes from the patela and sometimes there is the need even for the patela to be replace if i can say so. </s>
<s>[INST] hi mam....... i am ekam and my colour is not dark and not fair i m a beautiful girl but i want to look more beautiful pls help me by answering my quiestion i will be very thankful to you or recomend me api9ll which is easy to be available in the medicle stores [/INST] Hello Ekam and welcome to HCM.Complexion of any person is has two two components; constitutive, one which is predetermined by genetics and racial factors and usually cannot be changed with any treatment. The other component is due to external agents like environmental exposure, sunlight, use of any cosmetics etc and is amenable to treatment.You can get a series of chemical peels, which actually remove the upper dead layers of skin and stimulate regeneration of collagen and thus newer layers of skin. Many options are available in chemical peels depending on the requirement and skin type. (Glycolic peel, retinol peel, cocktail peel etc)Also, chemical peeling can be preceded by a simple procedure called microderamabrasion or commonly known as skin polishing to augment the results.Also, at home you can try using cream containing kojic acid, tetrahydrocurcumin, arbutin etc for several months (Melaglow cream) for additional benefit and maintenance.Always use broad spectrum sunscreen before going out in sun.Use a plain moisturiser like cetaphil DAM on daily basis for healthy and hydrated skin.Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.Hope this will take care of your issue.Thank youDr Hardik Pitroda </s>
<s>[INST] Hello,i have dark & thik spot on inner thigh due to fungal infection ,doctor has priscribed me xyzal & zimig tablet & onabet cream,but does this cream really helps to reduce it?because it s been 10 days bt no change...or am i applying it in a wrong way?please help. [/INST] Hello,Welcome to HCM,As you are having fungal infection for which your doctor has prescribed medicines like Tab xyzal ,Tab zimig tablet & onabet cream.Tab xyzal is a cetrizine drug which helps to control the itching following these fungal infection.Tab zimig is a Terbinafine which is an effective broad spectrum antifungal drug and Onabet Cream is Sertaconazole Nitrate which should be applied twice daily for four weeks and it should be applied to cover the affected areas.These medicines are enough to cure your condition but it requires minimum of 2-3 weeks to act effectively and reduce your symptoms.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I went to the doctor yesterday with chest pains and trouble breathing when I stand up. I have to lay on my back to breath the most air in but it hurts to take a full breath and when I stand up I start hyperventilating because I can barely breath and I went to the doctor my heart rate was 132 when it s suppose to be around 80 (I m 12) do you know what s wrong? [/INST] Thanks for your question on HCM.I can understand your situation.In my opinion you should get done ECG first to rule out cardiac cause for your symptoms. As tachycardia (rapid heart rate) and breathing can be seen in cardiac cause.If ECG is normal than no need to worry for cardiac cause.Bronchitis can also cause breathlessness and tachycardia. So get done PFT (pulmonary function test) to rule out bronchitis.If all of the above investigations are normal than mostly you are having anxiety mostly.So avoid stress and tension. Be relax and calm.Consult psychiatrist and get done counseling sessions. Don't worry, you will be alright. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I began having frequent urination, and sometimes urinating every half an hour. I consulted my doctor and UTI was ruled out. I consulted a urologist and she did an abdominal and pelvic CT scan and no structural abnormalities were found. No cystoscopy was performed. She diagnosed me as having an overactive bladder and gave me Trospium and I am taking Estrace and Clonazepam along with that. I have some relief since taking Trospium, but I have been having urethral discomfort. Is this possibly because of the Trospium? Would the CT scan have shown any problems with the urethra? I did a urine culture and blood test also. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to icliniq.com. You have been diagnosed as OAB (overactive bladder) since you had lower urinary tract storage symptoms. You need one USG KUB (ultrasound of kidney, ureter and bladder) and PVR (post-void residue) to look for post-void residual urine. You need to undergo uroflowmetry to see whether you have obstructed voiding pattern or not. Urine CS (culture test) is also required to exclude UTI (urinary tract infection). If you do not have UTI or obstructed flow or increased PVR we can suspect your symptoms as OAB. Now you were rightly prescribed Tropsium. Estrogen cream also helps to vitalize the local tissue and decreases local tissue irritation, decreases dryness in the vagina and periurethral area. If your symptoms are still not controlled with anticholinergics, then we can add Mirabegron 50 mg. Timing may be adjusted according to the severity of your symptom complex. I would sincerely suggest you go to one urologist's office and get investigated and treated. I have tried to guide you regarding treatment options. You need to maintain a voiding diary too, ideally for seven days, but at least for three days to know the pattern of your water intake and voiding frequency and volume. It will help your urologist to understand your disease process in a better way. Urine CS, uroflowmetry, USG KUB, PVR, and serum creatinine. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am going to have a excisional biopsy to remove an intraductal papilloma. Chart shows I also have inumerable amphorus microcalcifications and one large calcific particles. They said there might be something hiding as the core biopsy was inconclusive except the papilloma is benign. What are the chances this could be cancerous? I'm worried. [/INST] Hi, the chance of cancer in a calcification associated with intraductal papilloma is unlikely it is not associated with any atypical features which are seen under a microscope when pre malignant lesion as in ductal hyperplasia are seen.Once excised the intraductal pappiloma does not requiure further treatment Thanks and take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a 24 year old male. My height is 5'8" and weight is 53 kg. I want to gain weight. I do not feel hungry. I want to increase my appetite so that I can eat more. I also do not eat junk foods. I have always been underweight. I used a syrup to increase appetite when I was 14. But, I did not find that now in pharmacy. Please suggest good appetite enhancer. I am very upset because of my lean look. [/INST] Hi. For further information consult a nutritionist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter is 9yrs old and has a clicking sound in her knee and oflate she is complaining of pain and is not able to squat.she has fever now and I took her to the doc and he has asked her to do some muscle strengthening exercises.Will that help?or shuold I take her to a Ortho?. [/INST] Hi, If he is unable to squat with pain and fever it could be infection septic arthritis. Please consult orthopedician. Get an X-ray done along with antibiotics. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Prasanna Lakshmi, Pediatrician </s>
<s>[INST] I fell 7 or 8 feet from a horse last saturday, landed flat on my back, except for a piece of frozen manure,knocked the wind out for a few moments but just seemed stiff, now have jabbing pain in lower back, when my wife touches close to lower spine have stabbing pain shooting downwards, seems lower than ribs but is starting to get worse can hardly get up and down when laying, seems to get worse the longer I stand or sit straight, [/INST] Hi, Welcome to HCM, It seems that you might be having fracture of tail bone giving rise to severe pain while sitting straight or pain while get up while lying. Go for X-ray lumbo sacral region to rule out fracture of tail bone or any other injury on lumbo sacral region. Mean while use hard bed for sleeping and take rest. Ok and bye. </s>
<s>[INST] my 8 month old sratches his face so hard when he has wind it bleeds. he gets that worked up that he can not bring up his gas. tryed infacol / gripe water he just really struggles to get his wind up wakes all night because he is to tired to burp any tips to help his wind to stop him hurting himself [/INST] Hi...Thank you for consulting in Health Care magic.This is called evening colic and is quite common in this age group. This happens when the baby sucks at the breast very fast and in eagerness to drink milk will gulp in air too. Unless the air comes out like burping or flatus this discomfort will be there and next time check if the baby is sucking too fast and gulping in air too. You will be more convinced. Usually I don't advice any medicines for this as they give only temporary relief.The two best ways to relieve this distress is -1. Do not put the baby in lying position after feeding till the baby burps out the swallowed air.2. If still crying - put the baby in prone position and keep patting the back gently so that the baby passes off the flatus and gets relieved.Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed)., </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, Whenever we try for a baby my periods are getting delayed by 15 more days. In the mean time i am also feeling like pregnant. But after 45 to 50 days i am getting my periods. We are trying for a baby. Wat could be the reason and what i can do to conceive [/INST] Hi I think there can be many reasons for delayed periods. So you should get yourself evaluated first. Do a thyroid profile and prolactin levels and a ultrasound for follicles. Also do a semen analysis of your husband. If everything is fine you can try with medicines and can do repeated ultrasound to see if ovulation is happening or not. If it's normal then you can try for 6 months. If it doesn't work out then you can go for IUI. Hope I have answered your question. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, Really need help! Me and my hunsband tried to have baby for 4 months but not sucessful. Doctor said that my endometrial near ovulation is 6mm which is too thin. However my husband have colitis and need to take mesalazine which been stopped 7 month already in order to have a healthy baby, but seems like it is not good for him to stop taking it for his health. Thus, we have to have a baby as soon as possible so that he can continue to take mesalazine. Would you please let me know if 6mm endometrial near ovulation is to thin to have a baby? How I can thick my endometrial and have a healthy baby because in those days I find healthy is really important! You can have nothing but health! Thanks a lot for your help! [/INST] Hello, and I hope I can help you today.First of all, I want to reassure you that no matter what your endometrial measurement may be, 80% of couples will conceive within one year naturally. Couples are not diagnosed as infertile until you have been trying and been unable to become pregnant for over one year.Endometrial thickness is really only relevant in the context of couples trying to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization. The thickness of your uterine lining is somewhat related to your estrogen levels. When couples are undergoing IVF, treating with additional estrogen can thicken the uterine lining. However, because you've been only trying to get pregnant for four months, your endometrial lining may have absolutely nothing to do with the reason why you have not yet conceived. Furthermore, unless your husband's sperm count has been shown to be decreased, Mesalazine should not have any effect on fertility nor should affect any health of a developing baby should you conceive. Medications taken during pregnancy by the mother can affect the fetus, but not any medication taken by the father, because medication cannot be transmitted before fertilization through sperm. So unless the medication causes the sperm count to be low or abnormal, there is no medical reason why your husband needs to be off his medication for colitis in order for you and need to conceive successfully. I suggest that if he needs the medication for his health that he continue to take it. As for is maximizing your chance of healthy pregnancy, the best thing you can do is get plenty of sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, take prenatal vitamins, and tried to have regular(at least 2 to 3 days a week) unprotected intercourse from the time your menstrual period finishes until you begin to feel premenstrual symptoms.I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and I wish you and your husband the best of luck in conceiving.Best wishes,Dr. Brown </s>
<s>[INST] I have completed my Radiation therapy for 35 days and for chemo cistapline for Cancer LA on 7 April 2010. My Oncologists say that total effect of cure can be known after 2/3 months and has suggested me for a visit on 28 May 2010. What do you say ? [/INST] Hello dear. The effect of treatment can be said only after 8 to 12 weeks of the treatment as in between this period radiation effect persist and can lead to false results. So do not worry and get evaluated after a gap of 2 to 3 months. Hope you understand. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor. The question I want to ask is.. I am male of 28 & sometimes (2-3 times in month) experience night fall(seman discharge) sometime due to a dream &sometimes due to a unknown cause. When ever this happens, I gets wake up from sleep and goes to toilet to wash out the material. On washing, sometimes I pass urine and on passing urine I feel a severe pain at the site from where the urethra originate or at the base of the penis. Many times, I felt that that pain is due to pressence of residual seman which remained in the urethra and the seman,on contact with urine might create pain. As soon as I clear up the urethra by squeezing the residual seman ,pain gradually decreases. Plz, suggest some remedy for night fall and specially to counteract the pain. Thanks, In your reply's wait... [/INST] hiii.welcome to our site.normally sperm produced should be excreted through nightfall only.dont be panic.it is normal only.if you dont have the masturbation habit,then sperms are ejected as this method only.thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] My father age 54, He is Having pain and block the upper side of stomach starts( that is food before entre in to the stomach). endoscopi test report say's there is one small bullge in that path than tha doctor gave the Rabekind Plus tablets for a week and ask to come again. But still he is having pain and block in sometimes. please doctors tell me the resonance for this pain and way it's happend suddenly to him.......thanks for advace..... [/INST] that bulge might be hiatus hernia...due to lax esophageal sphincter...continue with those medications ...if no relief go ahead with laproscopic repair if hiatus hernia </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have been taking herbalife for 1 and half years. N i noticed that I am having skin allergies such as rashes on my hand and leg. Is this can be cured? Should I stop taking herbalife? Or can I continue taking herbalife? Can it help If I start to drink plenty of water? Pls advise. Thanks Doc. [/INST] Herbalife products are mostly related to vitamins,nutrients and other inorganic suppliments in a large box.Some people may have allergy to perticular drug and overdose of suppliments also related to allergy.you should stop taking it rather switch to tablet form of suppliments which will b easy to maintain proper dose.tablet supradyn is better option,you can compare compositions of both,also it will be cheap for you,more better to consult a dieticien before taking such products.For Allergy take tablet cetzine10mg once a day.if not improved thn let it b checked by a dermatologist.Hav a good day </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,As I have PCOD problem and also cyst, I take tablets for period. My friend suggested Kalachikai powder. I used it for 30 days continuously, but no use. How many days should I take that powder and how to overcome this problem? [/INST] Hello. For PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), powder Kalachikai has a good effect, but the duration of treatment is long (more than three months). For proper evaluation of disease, please go for USG whole abdomen and other investigations. If the size and number of cysts are more, then I suggest consulting a gynecologist as you may require surgery. If the number and size of cysts are less, you may continue treatment along with syrup Evecare 10 ml BD and Kanchnar Guggulu two BD. For more information consult an ayurveda specialist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, everyone. I am 25 yrs old and had a circumcision 25 days ago. The stiches are all gone, the last stich feel out 5 days ago. The sensitivity is going fine, the wounds are completely all dry and no more lymph leaking. No more pain as well. The only problem I have now is the swelling ring just below the glans from the remaining foreskin. I mean it s been staying like that for the last 9 days. The beginning was good, but after day-16(which is 9 days ago), I haven t noticed any changes yet. Is it possible for the swelling to just stay like that for good? If it s not, what should I do to make the swelling gone?? Please help me.. Thank you so much. [/INST] HelloThanks for query.Swelling around the coronal sulcus after surgery of Circumcision is due to edema at the site of suture line and is not abnormal .It will gradually get reduced over period of 2-3 months and become normal .No active treatment is required except to clean it up properly with warm water daily.Dr.Patil. </s>
<s>[INST] I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and was born with scoliosis. I have had many successful surgeries on various body parts, 6- child births, 2- C-sections, sinus surgery,3- rhinoplasty, tonsillectomy, Hysterectomy, 2- bunionectomies, Anterial cervical discectomy with fusion. 3- Uretherial dilitations..My pelvis is unstable and my lower back is in constant pain. I was advised by a top neuro surgeon in Chicago,Il that my back could not withstand the surgery it needs and I would not make it thru surgery. Something about a 9 disc fusion with rods. I also have degenerative disc disease. Would an abdominaoplasty help with back support and alleviate the pain? [/INST] The physical state of yours can be determined by direct examination only, and if your spine surgeon advises for correction by alternative techniques, then the concerning surgeon shall determine if you can undergo the said operation, its benefits, merits and demerits and feasibility. So trust your treating doc. Your condition can not be discerned on without giving a physical check </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect. [/INST] Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] hi,i am 21 years old female,i have very minor piles problem for one year, how can i completely cure my body and became completely healthy by home remedies? [/INST] Avoid constipation, have balanced non spicy diet and exercise regularly. Remain cheerful at heart while having hearty laugh. More of vegetables , fruits and milk increase immunity of your body. dr_lakhanpaul@yahoo.co.in </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have been diagnosed with gall bladder cancer. doctors here in mumbai say it is affecting my gall bladder, part of liver, and some lymph nodes. they say it is a marginal case.. surgery is possible but there are risks. i am 56 years old. i have jaundice. my hepatic ducts are dilated... the tumor has constricted my bile duct just below the confluence. i will need ERCP. I need advice on what to do. [/INST] Welcome to H.C.M. I am Dr Krishna Dubey.Your doctor is right that surgery is possible but there are risk.Oncologist in Mumbai are good usually Tata Memorial Hospital.You can believe on them for best management.In such cases surgery also depend on patient internal condition and cancer spreadseen during surgery on surgery tabel.Go for ERCP as your doctor suggested for further planning.All the very best. Thanx for query. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my mum has a pea sized lump on the left side of her neck which appeared around 3 months or so ago. She had it checked out by the doctor who said it wasn't a problem and gave her antibiotics. However it is still there and has started to become painful now. I am worried as to what it can be...any suggestions? [/INST] welcome to Health care magic.1.Most common lesions / lumps in the neck are lymph nodal enlargement.2.The lymph nodal enlargement is seen after some inflammation / infection, and underlying systemic diseases and malignancies.3.I would suggest you to see your doctor and get an ultrasound scan neck done, to confirm that its lymph node or some thing else ( lipomas, vascular lesion)4.It will also help to make out where the lesion is extending from.5.A FNAC needs for confirmation ( fine needle aspiration cytology)6.Better to get evaluated as soon as possible before it get complicated.Hope it helps you. Wish you a good health.Anything to ask ? do not hesitate. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I have taken a blood test to see if I am a match to donate a kidney to my neighbor. I am. I have a lot of questions. -What is the most painful part of the transplant. I once had my gull bladder removed and the stiches were pretty painful when taken out. Will the incisions be like the ones in gull bladder surgery? -I am a avid runner, will I be able to continue running after my recovery? -Do donors experience weight gain or loss after surgery? - I understand after you donate a kidney you will likely develop hyper tension is that true? [/INST] Thank you for your query. The incision to remove a kidney is a large one made on the back, radiating to the side. The incision pain will be similar to the one with your cholecystectomy . To remove the sutures should not be painful. Obviously for the first couple of days post operatively , pain medication will be administered . Although your kidneys do regulate your blood pressure having one kidney does not meen you will develop hypertension,also having one kidney has no effect on your weight. Running is possible with one kidney but caution will have to be taken, as ultra long distance running may cause mechanical trauma to the kidney. I trust this is helpful. </s>
<s>[INST] my age is 41 right now... i have just done blood test and result is my WBC shows 10400.. Doctor suggest me to take antibiotics like Zifi and Mobin.. is it work out? please suggest me that i am very much fond of bananas... everyday i am eating 4 to 5 bananas at the time... please suggest me [/INST] White blood cells, also called leukocytes, are an integral part of the immune system. They are responsible for protecting the body against infections and foreign bodies. The concentration of white blood cells in the blood stream is a key indicator of health. The normal concentration of white blood cells in the body for men and non-pregnant women is usually considered to be in the range of 4,500 to 10,000 leukocytes per microliter. A high white blood cell count usually indicates and the presence of an infection that the body is trying to fight. It may also suggest:• Anemia• Adrenal or thyroid gland issues• Bone marrow disease• Immune system disorders• Inflammatory disease• Leukemia• Medication-induced increase of leukocytes• Severe stress• Tissue damage. RegardsDR De </s>
<s>[INST] Severe pain below rib cage in the middle, ?dizziness, hot sweats and nausea. Im 39 years old have no galbladder. Episodes only happen once or twice in every 2 to 4 months. They can last about 5 to 15 minutes or so. Hurts worse if I breath but if roll up pillow tuck under my gut bring legs to my chest n hold my breath and take gas x it will usually stop. There are cases where I have multiple episodes one right after another.what could this be [/INST] HiWelcome to healthcaremagicI have gone through your query and understand your concern.By your description it seems to be due to acidity. Antacid, omeprazole are useful in it. But in such pain heart related cause should be excluded as any such pain can be cardiogenic. It will be better to consult a general physician. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you.Wishing you a good health.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Yes please! My 12 year old son was finally diagnosed with scabies after being misdiagnosed for months that he had eczema. I am very upset and worried that my 13 month old has to use that toxic cream. Are there safer natural remedies? Can she use a sulfur ointment? I read that is safer for pregnant women and babies. [/INST] Hello, As per your history, it may be due scabies. For that, you can apply permethrin ointment locally after itching. Give tab loratadine for itching. Do bath twice a day. Use separate clothes and do not share with others. Along with that maintain proper hygiene and avoid itching as it may cause infection. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Shyam B. Kale, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] I have a 6 months old baby and we started solid food but he doesn t seem it like it. We started with potato, carrots and sweet potatoes. He doesn t seem to get use to eating. I want to start with cerelac but is it good? How can I create an alternative for cerelac at home? [/INST] Thanks for posting your query at HealthCareMagic. The process of introducing solids into the diet from exclusive breast feeding (or at times formula feed) is called weaning. Do not worry if the child does not like it initially. It is a new taste that he is not yet familiar with. You have correctly started with potato, carrots and sweet potatoes but also include some cereals like boiled rice and pulses. You may also give cerelac (wheat or rice). Do not worry as they are safe for your baby.The best alternative that you may provide at home is making a khichdi sort of thing by mixing the cereals, vegetables and boiling them and mashing them up.Hope that helps. Feel free to revert back in case of further queries if any. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have a rash on the side of my face, about the size of my thumb, it becomes aggravated when I use certain sunscreens of face wash, but it only appears in this area of my face. I'm not sure if it something that occurs when I sweat. I have tried vitamin e cream with mild success and 0.02% cortisone cream with success, however, it continues to flare up. Is there anything you can recommend to permanently remove this reaction? [/INST] hi welcome to HCM-i had gone through your query and understand your concerns. i would come up with the possibility of CONTACT DERMATITIS is the cause for your sufferings.-this condition usually ALLERGIC BACKGROUND and the sunscreen lotion may be the triggering factor-avoid that lotion for prevention is advisabletreatment option; i advise you taking Homeopathic medicines gives safe and permanent cure for your complaints consult your local homeopathic physician for correct diagnosis of the case and remedy to fit your complaints I hope this is helpful for you, thank you </s>
<s>[INST] My husband just went to the urioligist and they diagnosed him with acute prostasis and put him on antibiotics and anti inflamatory medicine but now he is getting pain below his right testicle can it be just another symptom. It has me a little nervous... [/INST] Hello, The pain in your testes if associated with redness than epididymoorchitis also need to be ruled out by ultrasonography of testes. You can continue prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication course. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Parth Goswami, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I had sex for the first time. After that, I did not get my periods yet. I went to a gynecologist. She had taken my blood sample and it was negative. But, still I have not gotten my periods and it has been a week ahead. What could be the reason for my late periods? [/INST] Hello. As the serum beta hCG levels are less than 3 mIU/mL, the pregnancy is definitely ruled out. The delay in the menses is mostly due to sex induced stress after the first time when reproductive hormones readjust themselves. The menses can get delayed even up to two weeks, so just wait for another week and they should arrive. If not, then you can safely opt for a progesterone withdrawal to resume menses. For further information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 31 years Old Lady. My Height is 5.2 feet and weight is 65 Kilo. I have been married since 4 years. Now, Me and My husband are planning a baby. We are trying from last more than six months but no success. I earlier had a regular menstrual cycle of 38 days but from last 4-5 months, my period have become irregular. I consulted 1 doctor (Dr. Himangi Nengi) who advised me to do follicular monitoring. In that monitoring, Ovulation didn't occur, so she gave me ovulation Tablets (Fertomid 50) for five days from Day 3rd of my period to Day 7th. I am regularly following this medication from last 2 months and ovulation also happens but still, I am not able to concieve. Can you please suggest what should I do now and please suggest some best Gyneo/Infertility Doctors. Thanks Kaur [/INST] HIThanks for posting your query. First of all the cause for infertility has to be evaluated . It could be due to some problems in you or your husband or both . So both of you have to get evaluated. I advise you to get the following tests done . Serum TSH, FSH, LH, Prolactin, AMH, Ultrasound Abdomen Pelvis and Serum Vitamin D 3. Also get Semen Analysis and Serum Vitamin D3 for your husband and revert back with reports. If you can tell me from which place you are I can suggest some good Infertility Doctors. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask . </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I have polycystic ovary syndrome and my periods get delayed sometimes. From the past four days, I am having pain in my left pelvic area. I got an ultrasound done, and it shows 4.5 cm cyst in my right ovary. Why am I having pain on my left side when the cyst is on the right? Could this pain be due to the cyst? [/INST] Hi. The pain that you are experiencing is not due to the ovarian cyst, as the cyst is on the right side and pain is on the left side. This pain might be caused by an infection or any other pathology. So, I suggest you repeat an ultrasound of the pelvis if the pain is severe. PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) will cause irregularity in the menstrual cycle but will not cause such a pain. I wanted to know the type of cyst you have, When was the ultrasound done? You will require a repeat ultrasound after three months, to know whether the size of the cyst is same or if it is increasing. Revert with more information to an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] i have been having a sensation in my foot and lower leg that started few weeks ago. it started in my foot near my ankle and felt like the blood pulsing. now i feel that same feeling in my lower leg its almost like a fluttering,pulse. no pain no swelling. also occasional sensations of heat in that leg [/INST] I would suggest being seen by a vascular surgeon. the first thing that needs to be ruled out is a deep vein thrombosis- which is a clot- though from your description seems unlikely as there is no pain or swelling. If vascular etiologies are ruled out, then consider tarsal tunnel syndrome which often can mimic vascular sensations by affecting the nerve. You should also see a foot and ankle specialist for confirmation. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my husband & I had unprotected sex but use the "pull out method" i have cramps on the right pelvis, light dizziness, light nauseated feeling in my tummy. My period should be due really soon. Not sure when.. Could i be pregnant? Or just early pms symptoms? Never felt dizzy or nauseated before from pms. Took a test..it wad negative [/INST] Hi,Yes there is chance of pregnancy. You can get serum beta HCG test for conformation of pregnancy.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards,Dr. Soumya </s>
<s>[INST] My aunt is going to be 70 in 2 weeks. She was diagnosed with E coli on the 18th of March when she was found non-responsive on her bathroom floor. She spent 3 days in ICU and showed great improvement. Then on the 28th she took a dive. today her oxygen is in the 80's her body temp is 92, she is hallucinating and non functioning. She is still on dialysis for 3 hours every other day. 6 days ago she could talk, feed herself and play cards, today she doesn't know who or where she is and doesn't recognize anyone. She can't hold on to a tissue. Do you have any idea what could cause all of this? Is it possible that it is some kind of poisoning? [/INST] Hello.His aunt suffers Confusional Syndrome (hallucinations and delusions). The confusional syndrome is a psychic pathology that appears in 25-30% of hospitalized older than 65 years.The psychic pathology is the result of physical pathology(complicated infection in this case).Although the situation of her aunt is very serious,if it resolves the physical pathology, will resolve the psychic pathology.I wish you good health.(In case the answer would have been useful please indicate this) </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Yes, I recently injured my back at work. I've been put on flexeral, then skelxin, and then Valium for a muscle relaxer. They also gave me 7.5 mg hydrocodone/ 650 acitaminephan. The Valium works better than the others but I'm still having a hard time controling the constant pain, and the sharp spasm pains. The pain it just too much and it's affecting my everyday life and job. [/INST] Dear patient You have injured your back and only medication cannot help, rest is also required. Since back injury can vary from minor sprain to fracture u out should be investigated with Xray of involved spine region anteroposterior and lateral views to rule out fracture. If it's normal sprain is diagnosis. For complete relief you have to take rest for 3 days at least and apply cold compress on affected area. Take tab diclofenac plus thiocolchicoside combination twice a day along with tab ultracet one at bedtime for 7 days. You will be fine in a week. All the best. </s>
<s>[INST] My brother just had his first baby and it is the first grandson to my parents. My mother has had a history of bad allergies and constantly has a stuffy nose and a pack of tissues in her purse. She recently went to the doctor and the doctor signed a note stating that she has no infectious ailments to his knowledge after examination. My brother and sister-in-law have never let my mother hold or visit the baby in any manner. Is this reasonable in any way, and is there any risk to my mother merely visiting and holding this several week old baby? [/INST] Hi,Welcome to healthcare magic.I had gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She could be having allergic rhinitis.If there is no infections element, no harm in handling the baby.I recommend the following.1) Ask her to avoid allergens like dust, dandruff of pets..2) Oxymetazoline nasal drops3) Antihistamines like levocetrizine with montelukast. If she is breast feeding avoid taking this.4) Steroid nasal spray.Hope I have answered your question. If you have any questions, I am happy to help.Wish her a good health.Regards,Dr Paparaja S MBBS MS </s>
<s>[INST] My 4 year old has had about a 103 fever for the last 2 days. It began with what her pediatrician was the onset of eye and ear infection on Thursday (4 days ago). She currently also has watery eyes, eye goo , and is burping quite a bit. I hope you can offer me some advice. Thank you [/INST] Hello, All the multisystemic complaints which you are telling or fitting into viral illness. I will explain to you how a viral illness behave so that you can feel more confident. Fever of a few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually, rather than fever, what is more, important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably a viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Sumanth Amperayani, Pediatrician, Pulmonology </s>
<s>[INST] I was told I have an ulcer on my cervix I have side and lower back pain and feeling pain like I am having a period I know longer have them I am 54 years old have been feeling sick and light headed and loosing my balance a bit I am all so a insulin diabtic my doctor gave me strong antibiotic what do you think could be wrong with me please [/INST] HIThank for asking to HCMI really appreciate your concern if this is really ulcer of cervix then this need to be treated properly with the proper treatment this will be fine soon if I would be your doctor then I would treat this condition with following treatment,1) Povidone intra vaginal suppository three time in day to be inserted in vagina 2) Tab Diclofenac with Acetaminophen three times in day 3) Tab Metronidazole 400 mg twice in day for five days hope this information helps you have good day. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a red swollen penis. The head of my penis and the foreskin that laps the head of my penis is red and swollen to it can be irratating by being itch, i went in the bath and pulled foreskin back and it was like the head of my penis was peeling, what is this? And is this serious? [/INST] HelloThanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have infection of glans penis and foreskin (Ballono-Posthatitis).It could be due to unprotected sex or Diabetes .Please get your blood sugars level on empty stomach and 2 hours after lunch done to rule out the same.You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Cefexine along and anti fungal medicine like Fluconozone and topical anti fungal jelly for local application.with anti inflammatory drug like Diclofenac twice daily.Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice dailyEnsure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.Dr.Patil. </s>
<s>[INST] When getting up on my legs, the pain down the back of my right legs is so bad it causing me not to be able to put pressure on my foot to walk. its like a pain from my thigh down my leg. pain is in the back of my knee. also when standing it feels like muscle tearing in my thigh on the left leg. [/INST] Hi there, thanks for your question at HCM .Pain radiating along your back of thigh and legs, suggests pinching of a nerve in your spine. Since its present mainly on movements and you are painfree at rest it suggests a dynamic stenosis. If its affecting your daily routine, I suggest you to get an X Ray if your spine at first. Most vlikly your pain wil respond well to pain killer medicines. physiotherapy protocol including core stabilisation and muscle strengthening. If you still persists to have pain 6 weeks into therapy , it would be prudent to do further tests whcih will include an MRI. Hope this helps.All the best. Regards.Dr.SBK </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I've been experiencing watery diarrhea for the past week, and I have pain in my left abdomen which sometimes radiates to my back. I called my doctor, who recommended the BRAT diet, and that hasn't helped. The abdomen pain just started two days ago, several days into the diarrhea. Is this related? Doctor also ordered a stool sample, but by the time the lab was opened after the holidays, my bowel movements returned to soft stool. I still have the pain in my lower left front side, and sometimes my back on the left side. I've started to eat some normal foods again, but then the watery diarrhea returned. Any advice or thoughts? Now it's the weekend and the office is closed, of course! Thank you. [/INST] Hi Welcome to HCM, This could be an intestinal flu, since have prolonged diarrhea please be treated with OTC meds by consulting your doctor. Drink plenty of water. Thanks for writing to us. </s>
<s>[INST] good morning doctor , im rahul, I am suffering with severe sneezing from long back, i met so many doctors but there is no use, 1 year bac i met one doctor and he prescribed me MONTEC-LC,FLUDAC,OXYPUR, when im using these tablets im feeling good but when iam stopping again the problem araises so please help me what to sir, really im not able to work or go to office with this problem what to do sir, [/INST] Hi Rahul. I am Dr Sonia S V. I am an ENT Surgeon[Specialist in diseases of the Ear ,Nose ,Throat and Head and Neck Surgery] practicing in Bangalore ,India. Montek LC is a newer generation medication for allergies and is quite effective for Allergic rhinitis also.Fludac on the other hand is an antidepressant.Oxypur is doxyphilline and can help you with the chest symptoms.It is not advisable to take all these medicines on a long term basis without a periodic checkup with your docotor. In your case since you say sneezing is the predominant symptom we may be able to control your symptoms with minimal medications. Try to identify what triggers your sneezing such as dust. Also see if there are allergens in your home or work environment such as old books, old mattresses and old pillows, woolen blankets, carpets etc. Visit an ENT specialist in your locality .Breathing exercises and steam on a regular basis are also helpful All the best Dr Sonia Suprabha Venugopal Consultant ENT Surgeon , Head & Neck Specialist,Bangalore Website: </s>
<s>[INST] My 8 year old has had a low-grade fever (between 99 and 101) for 6 days and is coughing a lot (hear it in his chest) - I took him to the doctor on Monday, and they said it must be viral. He is still feeling poorly. He has a stiff neck - could have slept on it wrong - but I don t know. Should I be worried or keep giving him Tylenol to manage temp? [/INST] Hi,It seems that he might be having viral infection but after 6 days still it persisted, there might be having chance of bacterial infection as well.He might require one course of antibiotic for 3-5 days.consult your doctor and get him examined again.Give him light diet and plenty of water.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] hy my sperm count is very small , means i have noticed that it is very less viscous in liquid shape.. also i want to ask that whenever i get up after sleep my underwear is slightly wet bt i dn't undrstand why it is do it is conform that this is not because of nightfall .. may be any fluid from my penis or testicles [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. Sperm quantity and viscosity depends on many factors like stress, hydration etc. Low viscosity, color etc never determines the health of sperm cells. Therefore, don;t read too much into this. Secondly, there are many fluids which are mixed with your sperm while it comes out of your penis. The thickness is determined by these fluids. The wetness on your trousers could be due to involuntary leakage of semen, urine or other liquids. Keep your these parts clean and dry. Avoid anxiety.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] My 14 month old daughter is teething and for the past week or so has been constipated. Some of her diapers have been a yellow and pasty almost like play dough. Others have been pretty solid but also a yellow color. I can t remember the last time I changed a dark brown diaper. Could this be caused by the teething, a cold, milk allergy? [/INST] Hi Thanks for posting your query. There are few problems expected during teething like irritation, excessive cry, excessive salivation, diarrhea. Constipation is as such not noticed during teething. But, stomach upset is expected due to infection as child keeps sucking the things due irritation in the gums. Even cold is not directly related to constipation. It would be of great if you provide me some more information to guide you better. Since how long your child is having constipation? Did constipation start after introducing any weaning food? Is she on any formula milk? Constipation could be due to intolerance to some food especially milk. It is more with formula milk compared to breast milk/cow milk. Introducing fiber-rich foods into her diet, such as fruits, vegetable purees and cereals like porridge will help. Fluids are equally important and the baby should be given plenty to drink for example water and diluted fruit juice. Massaging the baby's tummy can help relieve some of the tension in the bowels. Consult your pediatrician to rule out stomach infection if the above mentioned treatment doesn't work. I will be available if you have any followup queries. Thank you consulting me. Wishing you good health. Regards, Dr. Jyoti Patil. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a small pea sized lump at the bottom of my thumb near my wrist. On my right palm. It is sometimes tender to the touch. I discovered it when I started to get pain in my palm and it was uncomfatable every time I tied my shoes or used my hand. It radiated into my wrist. I started using ibuprofen and it helped to relieve some symptoms. [/INST] It can be ganglion which is basically a swelling from the joint or some lipoma which is fat containing swelling. The Painkillers are good option for it </s>
<s>[INST] My baby girl is 40 days old . She is having congestion and also sneezes out little white cough ,she has vomitted out milk also twice in 2 days when she is coughing . Doctor has prescribed Mucolite drops 3 drops * 2times and Sinarest drops ,4 drops * 3 times ,and Nasoclear ,but congestion is still there .There is no fever as such . Is it ok to give Mucolite drops and how long will it take for congestion to clear. [/INST] Hi,Thank you for asking question on health care magic.The treatment offered is quite OK.It takes about 5-7 days for clearing.Hope this answer will serve your purposePlease feel free to ask any more queries if requiredTake careDr.M.V.Subrahmanyam MD;DCHAssociate professor of pediatrics </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I have pain in the right shoulder collarbone as it shoots pain down my arm almost to the elbow. I am able to raise my arm and at times this make the pain subside. I have had this pain constantly for the last number of months. I ice it and feels better. Would heat packs be better? [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. If the pain is persistent for more than one month, without delay, you should consult a physician. Physician will check you for general problems and if necessary refer to a bone specialist. Do not self treat or self medicate.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. K. V. Anand </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I m sheetal n my one year old son varun is suffering from cough n cold due to which he didn t sleep last night. He also have a bad stomach infection for which he is I am giving him zifi 50 4ml (anti biotic) n rinifol 2.5ml twice a day which was prescribed by my doc. Doctor for his cough n cold has given me T minic drops, 5 drops thrice a day. But his cold n cough has worsen bcos of yoghurt. Pls suggest me some ayurvedic cure for cold n cough for my one year old. [/INST] hi, thanks for the question. you can stop t-minic drops and use cetrizine in its place. and for cough if you want ayurvedic medicine you can use koflet by himalaya. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. For the last month I've been experiencing strange aching feelings in my arms and chest, I get palpitations but my pulse rate is slow:about 60 bpm and my blood preasure shoots up to about 170/92, then my BP drops back to mormal. This happens two or three times a day. I am a fit 58 year old woman; weigh 110 lbs, and 160cm in height. Thanks [/INST] 170 sometimes and sometimes normal ...these things are due to adrenergic surges ..you need drug as beta blocker as metoprolol bidoprolol atenolol..but please see your local doctor he will decide which is better drug for you ...avoid coffee tea fast foods fried foods ...donot overexert yourself physically ...also get your sugar checked ..you can go for slow morning walk and avoid exposure to cold ... </s>
<s>[INST] my son age 5 years,weight 22 kg,height 105 cms has 2-3 small lumps on the right side of his neck.so i did a montoux test,CBC, and T-IgM test.The MT test was nagative but the T-IgM test the reading as 0.91 which is borderline value.Does it mean that my son has TB and what is the diet for it. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. No, this value does now suggest active tuberculosis. These are antibodies against tuberculosis. They can be present if child is vaccinated with BCG vaccine in past. So borderline positive antibodies don't suggest TB. Simple viral upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) is the most common cause for cervical Lymphadenopathy in children. So give him treatment for URTI for 1 week. His swellings will mostly reduced. Don't start anti tubercular drugs on this report. Give him plenty of fluids orally. Avoid oily and spicy food. Warm water gargles 5-6 times a day is also beneficial. Don't worry, he will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your son. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 26 yr old female in good health, also pregnant . I just received a call from my Dr saying that a blood test came back positive for Hepatitis C . I am overwhelmed and scared, and wondering how long might I live for? What will happen next? Is there any hope for treatment? And will my baby be ok? [/INST] Hello. Welcome to HealthcareMagic forum. Heptitis C is just a routine water borne liver infection. There is nothing to be so much scared of. It is completely curable. It will not have any adverse effect on your baby.Rest assured. Dr. Rakhi Tayal </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I am a black female who is 54 years old. My symptoms are breast heaviness, ankle swelling, a smelly discharge from my vagina and a bloated belly. I am also a controlled diabetic 2, active and I eat healthy. Never use alcohol nor cigarettes, and I still have a normal period every month. Is it possible my meds are interfering w/ me? I take insulin, janumet, metformin, and linzess for chronic constipation. I had a period over 2 wks. ago, yet, my breasts are still full and I have the bloating. I truly hope this is a benign condition. [/INST] Hello, Metformin can cause abdominal bloating; flatulence etc as side effects. However, none of the drugs mentioned is known to cause breast heaviness, ankle swelling. Insulin though can cause weight gain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Tushar Kanti Biswas, Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, During masturbation I just rub the tip of the penis and not the entire penis. Is it a wrong way of doing? I do not get excited during sex and unable to ejaculate. Only, rubbing the tip of the penis gives me excitement. Also, two weeks ago, I have undergone circumcision as my foreskin did not retract. Before circumcision too, I have the same problem. Please help. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] My son had a bad asthma attack last night and was really struggling to breathe so Much that I thought I was gonna lose him. As he taking inhaler my legs started to go from Under me and I couldn t breathe, I started to feel faint. My husband helped my son as I swayed into the bedroom and collapsed on the floor . I tried to breathe deep and slowly and started to feel Better. Felt so dizzy . I was okay and my son had calmed and was better. When I a woke the next morning I had a bad migraine and led on the floor as I felt dizzy . This went after A while. We later took My son to a&e and I was shaking, again dizzy . I m concerned what happened? I ve fainted when I was very young but is it just down to the stress of the situation? [/INST] hi, this is called syncope attack..in this person has black out..everything starts appearing dark nad you feel light headed.. it usually happens due to sudden stress as you mentioned about your child having asthma attack.. if this happens often or without any stress you should visit your doctor for further assessment.. also get your hemoglobin checked.. because syncope attacks are more in anemic patients thank you dr.mukesh </s>
<s>[INST] can you help me what it means: specimen: seminal fluid REMARKS: color pearly white, PH: alkaline, Volume: 3.1 ml, Viscosity: highly viscous, Liquefaction time: more than 3 hours, MOTILITY: FAST FORWARD: 45%, Sluggish: 25% on-motile:30% MORPHOLOGHY: normal cells:91%,abnormal: 9% pin hed 5%, amorphous head 4% WBC 3-5/hpf, rbc 0-2/hpf TOTAL SPERM COUNT: 92.8mil/ml... am i capable of becoming a father? [/INST] The color, volume, pH are within normal limit. The liquefaction time is increased. It means the semen takes more time to get a near transparent appearance. In a normal person, it should take less than 1 hour to get liquefied. It may get increased in many situations. But, right now, it cannot be commented on as you have increased WBC in semen. Viscosity is also increased.Sperm count is normal. We, clinically take 39 million of total sperm count as normal.Motility of the sperm is very good. Clinically, we consider 40% or more total motility (rapid + progressive motility) as normal. Percentage of normal sperm is also within normal limit. Clinically, 04% sperm with normal morphology is considered as normal.Now, WBC. It is increased. Clinically, no WBC should be found in semen of a normal person. So, it’s increased level indicates possibility of bacterial infection. As I have told, sometimes, this increased WBC can lead to increased time required for liquefaction. Sorpt semen analysis after taking a course of antibiotics.Hope I have answered your queries.. Good day </s>
<s>[INST] hi my baby is 5months n 2weeks old.since last month she is passing green stool.im taking iron pills tardeforn n my baby doctor has suggested to give her iron sterology 2drops a days.im nt giving her any soilod only breastfeed.she pass stool in evry daiper in morning its colour is dark brown then whole day green colour wot i do? [/INST] Hi.... I have the baby is only exclusively breastfed and nath bottle fed, unless the kid's having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] My husband had a pacemaker/defibrillator put in a month ago. Since then he has been able to eat very little - eats mostly yogurt, Ensure, fruit, etc. His stomach feels like it's filled with air. He also got pneumonia, then congestive heart failure. Could it be medication or an after-effect of what he has been through. We see the cardiologist Friday and hope we'll get some answers. But maybe you can come up with some answers. Thank you. [/INST] Hello Thanks for posting at HCM. Loss of appetite after a pacemaker/defibrillator insertion is uncommon. But it is common after a pneumonia or congestive heart failure. I think the loss of appetite is as a result of the pneumonia and heart failure. Medications like antibiotics can also decrease appetite. You have to ensure that his nutrition is proper. Ensure is a good protein supplement along with fruits and milk products. Antibiotics are usually continued for 10-14 days after pneumonia depending on severity.He will gradually regain his appetite. There are some appetite boosting medications also like syrup aptivate or syp neogadine elixir. These brands can have different names in different countries. I don't know which country you are from. You can ask your doctor for appetite boosting medications. It is the course of disease and a pneumonia and congestive heart failure can take about one month for the patient to recover. Wishing him good heath. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide. [/INST] Hi. For further doubts consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] My boyfriend has upper back pain, sharp stabbing pains on the left side of his stomach, yellow urine, chills, constipation and vomiting. He was told he might have stones or and infection. We can t get to see a doctor till Mon and don t want to go to emergency room. How do we know what it is and how to treat it? [/INST] Hi, I had gone through your question. I understand your concern.Short answer: Suggestive of Hepatitis, needs emergency care.Detailed answer: Many symptoms which you have mentioned are suggestive of possible Viral hepatitis. He needs immediate emergency care. Diagnosis can be confirmed once the investigations are done. Treatment depends on the diagnosis. Right now to reduce the pain, he can take Analgesics. Repeated Vomiting leads to dehydration which is again a serious problem.I am of the opinion that he should be taken to a doctor as soon as possible.Regards,Dr. Prathap Kumar </s>
<s>[INST] i got kicked by a horse on my leg about 4 months ago. It bruised and was quite painful for about 2 weeks. However although the bruise has gone i still feel pain in the area if i accidentily rug my leg on a table or something. should it still hurt 4 months later as im rather worried ? [/INST] Hi, even after healing of external bruise, internal healing can take several weeks more. There can be a torn ligament or muscle that may require immobilisation. An MRI would be a good idea--regards </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I was recently diagnose to have HIV and am still awaiting for my first apointment with the CDC. I am however now having a ringworm problem at my lower butt area. As I am still awaiting for my first appointment with the CDC I am currently having no medications in regards to my HIV. Is there any ways I could keep my ringworm problem in control at home at the mOment ? [/INST] Hello, As per ayurveda you have to follow some diet regulation for ringworm infection. Like, avoid curd, pickle and other sour food, fermented food, pungent food. Do not wear skin-tight cloths For local application use HALDI(turmeric powder) and PALASH BEEJ(Butea seeds) and make paste with Luke warm water and apply it on infected part, for 3- 4times in a day, till the infection is cured. Do not take any internal medicines yourself right now, consult your doctor for HIV. If you follow diet and apply this herbal paste you can definitely get good result. If you have any query regarding Ayurveda please feel free to ask. Thanks. Dr. Pradip Hira (B.A.M.S) [Ayurveda Consultant & Panchkarma Specialit-Ahmedabad] </s>
<s>[INST] I have reported with very high SGOT level with my recent liver enzyme test (115), and my ESR level is also increased up 55 mm, what does this indicate, and how should I control this condition? ( I'm a 52 yrs old High blood pressure patient taking medicines over 15 yrs.) [/INST] Hi thanks for asking question....Whenever there is inflammation or infection or cancer in body ESR can be high....You have elevated liver enzyme also.So hepatitis like condition has to be ruled out.USG done if show finding of hepatitis or abscess or any tumour.You can have drug induce hepatitis also.You have not mentioned drug you are using for hypertension...Take low fat diet.Fruits more.One tsp licorice with honey taken.If you have heart problems or celiac disease or muscular problem then also it can elevated.If needed viral marker also can be done as further work up.Dr.Parth Goswami </s>
<s>[INST] My husband seems to get this blotchy rash on his face, back, chest and it's starting to go on his arms when he drinks. It always starts in his ears and face and he complains about being hot when the rash starts. He only drinks beer and he could have 2 beers or 6 beers, it happens either way. It seems to go away faster if he drinks a lot of water. The rash doesn't itch or hurt, and it's not bumpy. I also have noticed that it has gotten much worse as he ages. Any idea what this is? [/INST] Hi,It may be pellagra like dermatitis due to alcohol. Consult the dermatologist for the perfect diagnosis and proper treatment. I would recommend to give him niacin containing tablets and apply mild steroid cream. Exposure to sun rays should be avoided. Tell him to stop alcohol.. even beer.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilyas Patel, Dermatologist </s>
<s>[INST] I have an undiagnosed inflammatory disease = 8 months now My spine burns up to 5 or 6 days at a time, and I become too exhausted to know what I am doing. Now, I have a small, hard lump on my arm under the elbow = the burning of my back and spine just consumes almost every day of the week. I cannot see a rheumatologist for a month and a half. [/INST] Hi and welcome to HCm. Thanks for the query. Well you should do ultrasound and xray to verify what kind of lesion is this lump. it ca be related to your primary disease but also it can be something else. Most commonly we see ganglion cysts,bursitis or bone exsostosis. Wish you good health. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 54 year old woman in good physical condition. I have recently started having intermittent chest pressure with an increase in pressure when I bend over or take a deep breath. I m not sure weather it could be from push ups with a row at the top,using 5lb wt. or something else. I feel that maybe that particular exercise is too strenuous for me. I also should say that I work in a nursing home in rehab as a therapist. Many of the patients I work closely with have pneumonia this time of the year, and are coughing when they are with me. I have had a flu shot, but not a pneumonia shot as I feel I am too young and have a healthy immune system . Did I get too cocky? What do you think. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. Possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. But since you are in direct contact with pneumonia patients and pneumonia spreads through aerosol, we should definitely rule out lung infection in your case. So get done chest x ray. If chest x ray is normal then no need to worry for pneumonia. Musculoskeletal pain is more likely. So avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant drugs. Apply warm water pad on affected areas.. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. And it is advisable to take pneumococcal vaccine in your profession. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello sir, my ESR is 120, CRP is 98 and HLA B27 is positive. So doc suggested me to take 1. Saaz 500 mg 2times a day, Naproxen 500mfg 2 times a day, Methotrexate 15mg once a week, folic acid 5mg once a week and depo-medrole inj 80mg once a week for 4weeks. I have been taking this course for more then 1 month but there is no relief from cronic pain in both knees, ankles of both legs and middle finger with heavy swelling. So plz suggest me what should I do. Thanks and regards - Sachin [/INST] From the test results that you have mentioned you have peripheral arthritis as seen in RA but the HLA b27 is typically positive in Ankylosing spondylitis.the 2 disease can occur together in a person but rarely.You have any other symptoms like urethritis,psoriasis,lower back pain?the treatment you are receiving it takes time to imporve condition.Get your painful joints' xrays done.Keep taking the medicines and do not stop it in between.Visit a physiotherapist it will help as exercising is good,it ll release the stiffness.you might have given next appointment in 2-3 months and would have advised to carry recent blood tests that are adviced by your doctor.For this its always better to see a rheumatologist if have not yet. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I am a 36 year old female. I have been haing intermittent pain in my chest for a week or so on the left side of my sternum which includes after the pain episode the feeling of cold water running down my chest and left arm. and then I become very tired. [/INST] Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your query health issues.I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-Chest pain could be from GERD with Acid Reflux.Get it checked from your Family Physician.If need be have Second opinion from Constuling Physician and investigate if need be.But in the absence of other information,I would suggest you to go for Physician Consults.As the facts could be different from what you submitted.So looking in to the sensitive complaint of yours,I would suggest you to rule out-Ischemic heart disease(which is least possibility)/spondylitis/ possibility by Consulting and investigating with Physician and Cardiologist doctor.It would be prudent to have physical Check from Consulting Physician before planning further investigations and treatment for it.Other causes need to be ruled out in any case.Do's -suggested for your case-Check with Family Physician and thereafter with Consulting Physician and then with Cardiologist- if need beGet ENT surgeons opinion to rule out other causes of GERD accompanied.Don't miss to have checks for Chest issues by X-ray Chest/ECG if needed, to rule out any causes related to heart and lungs.Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors,till you verify with your attending doctors.Need to Check with family Physician and Cardiac-specialist if need be, if things don't recover.-Other causes need to be verified with your family GP doctor and Cardiac-Specialist doctors, as the facts may be different what you submitted.-For this Second opinion from PCP-or Gp doctor and if need be with Cardiac/ENT specialist-is needed who would do proper investigation after proper physical assessment to resolve your health issues.-for early recovery-please follow above do's which would resolve your complex health issues.Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard.Good Day!! Dr.Savaskar M.N.Senior Surgical SpecialistM.S.Genl-CVTS </s>
<s>[INST] i was treated last week for pneumonia (1/5 of left lung was full), am still on levoquin and feeling better but my now my lungs/lower throat make creaky,squeaky sounds when i'm trying to sleep. if i cough hard, sometimes phlegm comes up and sound quiets..sometimes not. i REALLY need to sleep, these noises and the stomach pain + insomnia from Prednisone prescribed for same issue are keeping me from getting much rest. Is this sound ok, will it stop eventually, and what do you advise for now? [/INST] Respected user , HiThanks for using Healthcaremagic.comI have evaluated your query thoroughly .* These sound are due to wheezing from irritation of pleura via lung inflammation .* Will come around with the recovery of the lung pathology . Some suggestions for better recovery - Continue medicines at present given from the doctor .- Gargles with salted lukewarm water and added peppermint oil 3 times a day .- Inhalation of vapors of boiled water with added tincture benzoin with blanket over the head for 5 minutes each 3 times a day .- Avoid exposure to excess cold .- Deep breathing exercises , YOGA , fresh air walking must .- Avoid smoking ( active or passive )- Avoid exposure to atmosphere with pollens , if necessary use face mask .- Sleep in semi reclining position with back support always till full recovery - Avoid chilled beverages , oily , spicy , excess sugar , alcohol .- Avoid air conditioner , air cooler .Hope this clears your query .Welcome for further doubts .Regards . </s>