audioduration (s)
audioduration (s)
10 values
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
more difficult you just fatten the code out a bit i it would be the same thing
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
like a search for that user is that gonna be useful or too much or
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
i think that's kinda as well isn't it really seeing it seeing it sort of start to do stuff rather than just be a prototype with a gui
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
oh really okay yeah yeah yeah okay yeah
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
it's fine yeah yeah but it would it
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
hmm i don't know shall we change the deadlines
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah yeah that's an option too yeah after sure
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
actually mm yeah especially if you get if you get results for the same meeting maybe yeah
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
do we want it in x there i mean i thought we'd we'd just selectively selectively write the x that we've got so as as opposed to
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
the data out of the out the files which i think is odd but i'm not quite sure how it works yet i don't quite understand it to get the data i for example to get the summarisation data you have to search for i think the i or something yeah
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> that corresponds to the speaker in <audio2>
yeah well i could probably just copy that straight out of the other one as well that's essentially the same as it was maybe more detailed specifically
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
you as your um uh quantify raising
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
and that's in in two weeks yeah it's a nine nine course as well or ten or something yeah
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
yeah um yeah yeah
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
future work in my own section but i just said i said what i've done so far and what i'm gonna do and some pro some issues i
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
nine nine course as well or ten or something yeah and then then i'm doing parallel programming languages and systems
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah okay yeah true yeah okay sounds good yeah
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah but that's definitely one thing we could just remove
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah yeah i'm sure they do yeah
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
no no it could be like transcription summary like two buttons and you just press on which ever you want
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
yeah that will reduce the number of um windows we needed wouldn't it which is quite good because otherwise photoshop has a lot of windows if you ever use photoshop it's got loads and you're always g forever going no get
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
unless you wanna do it after the um after d d and a
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
not a native speaker of english i think is but what whatever oh we'll see
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
have all these you know have all these sort of using the same window and so we can put a lot of and probably mutually um whate distinct yeah exclusive yeah yeah
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
i guess just to displaying it is a alright but well anyway yeah no
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
or checkmarks even have two of 'em checked and send yeah yeah
Create a transcript of the speech in <audio1> that matches the voice from <audio2>
actually yeah like um another common thing like if we have it so it's set up that um if you doubleclick and it goes to a default thing on the menu i mean that's kind of a typical kinda action that would happen if you doubleclick on a particular topic or something then it goes to sort of a like a default
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah i don't like popups
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
and then we had to do an i whatever it was last week as well which is only a page long but it's quite difficult to write a page more diffi
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> that corresponds to the speaker in <audio2>
from a single application yeah well uh that was i guess
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
probably could actually this is probably and that's probably not that much more difficult you just fatten the code out a bit i it would be the same thing
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
mean it's not gonna make much sense if you don't listen to it on its own d do you does it
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
yeah yeah yep yeah we won't make it disappear but we might thin it down a bit um but we might not you know but we might have time depends
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
what do you say okay
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
that might be an idea yeah
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> that corresponds to the speaker in <audio2>
yeah tabs are good mozilla style yeah
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
does it work yeah okay get rid of that next good fun aye
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
because this could be just some uh a little just just describe some screenshots or something
Transcribe the relevant section of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
do a different kind of to go to a different window so if you wanna go to the actual highlight the transcript or highlight the topic or highlight the summary at that point that's sorta where it starts getting a little bit tricky because you're
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
yeah yeah exactly or checkmarks even have two of 'em checked and send yeah yeah
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
yeah well it just um when he pulls up the segments um part of that one of the f one of the attributes you do get attributes
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
really i don't think we have a reading week though the the yeah
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah or tabs or something
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
mm decide on that on over the weekend yeah
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
okay okay yeah so now i could just put it in some
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah or just i don't know yeah uh change the contents of the same window like from transcription to summary probably yeah
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
as text you mean
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
i think the undergraduates had uh all were off totally
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
how about the underlying data for it for
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> that corresponds to the speaker in <audio2>
hmm okay sounds like you've done some stuff so okay
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
yeah exactly oh well if we're skipping the audio one and then things got easier um
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
it's been all a bit manic the last m the last yeah yeah that's right yeah and then we had to do an i whatever it was last week as well which is only a page long but it's quite difficult to write a page
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
unless you wanna do it after the um after d d and a
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> that corresponds to the speaker in <audio2>
because um i was wondering how we're gonna write it back to h i mean x if we take if we did the processing
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
just yeah we just keep it together on the the pap there right now and just see what what
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
so yeah i was thinking that we can probably get uh start attacking this seriously and then just um yeah hopefully have something by next week that we can sorta try integrating into the gui
Create a transcript of the speech in <audio1> that matches the voice from <audio2>
search and well sure why not couldn't be that hard
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
but it what what is it like a window where you have to wr write the search query or is it just what's behind it so or how does it work then
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
that's what i feel as well i mean i'm i'm very much i w i wanna have everything customisable um
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
yeah i don't know if there was something oh i think he basically said um the same things as in the comments if i could read it
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
um um so maybe i mean we we should we should definitely well we could probably not put it under this heading but put it under
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
oh i see yeah you have to convert it to some sort of format i suppose
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah it would be nice to i don't know meet up and uh you can sort of show us a bit what you know already so we don't sort of have to do all the work again of just like figuring out stuff
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
as well i mean we could probably even use like x to kinda just transform it and you know flip it into uh yeah just uh transforms um like um style sheet the um x
Create a transcript of the speech in <audio1> that matches the voice from <audio2>
as long as d doesn't go late
Transcribe the relevant section of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
so should we all write um a letter or two about future work as well a word or two oh right
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
they're they're definitely yeah they're definitely gonna be in the same window yeah exclusive yeah that that was the plan for the disfluencies anyway
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
um yeah wh what do people think in general about the windows cluttering that he's mentioned do you think do you think it's really that bad
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
no no no yeah
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
yeah yeah we'll see
Create a transcript of the speech in <audio1> that matches the voice from <audio2>
i th yeah i think it was up to the professor whether they did it or not well i don't feel like teaching yeah okay i think
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
sometime yeah i actually haven't done anything this week because this week's been manic but
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah that's a good idea you have should have a section probably
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
i think we probably need that though to have the f the full flexibility we need to have that
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
uh b let me see it oh that's the same oh very good um i'm not sure uh if we need the outline of the prototype i mean what what
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
what was that i didn't quite understand do you mean yeah
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
i mean you should look at look have a look at the the browser code then because um you know they already extract for example transcripts
Transcribe the relevant section of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
an option too yeah after sure that's fine yeah or three thirty no just yeah
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
yeah or i don't know i was just thinking as well i mean we could probably even use like x to kinda just transform it and you know flip it into uh
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
we needed wouldn't it which is quite good because otherwise photoshop has a lot of windows if you ever use photoshop it's got loads and you're always g forever going no get out of the way there's always stuff in the way isn't there so
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
it in audio but at the moment no but yeah we might want to be able to say oh just give me what that person's saying
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
yeah so yeah so we have basically two options of of browsing the meetings is by either um searching and opening individual observations and when then we have the interlinking by rightclick basically
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
have you annotated your code nicely not yet
Transcribe the speech in <audio1> corresponding to the speaker in the query speech <audio2>
just yeah well it just um when he pulls up the segments um part of that one of the f one of the attributes you do get attributes
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
yeah sounds good what else
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
yeah i quite like the idea of a tab in that case but you wouldn't want to compare the result the topic one topic result with one summary result
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
oh it like digital okay okay yeah hmm
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> that corresponds to the speaker in <audio2>
think it shouldn't be too difficult
Provide a transcript of the speech in <audio1> delivered by the speaker in <audio2>
yeah should we i don't know do you think mike about our things that we had together should we
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
exactly yes yeah precisely
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the same person in <audio2>
i think it um one thing that we could probably skip uh totally is the removing things from the audio files
Transcribe the segment of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
the progress report is due on twenty third february
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
these files have got um tha an i and all the transcript files have got the string i don't know what it is words or text or something in it so it just searches for those files
Transcribe the part of <audio1> spoken by the speaker identified in <audio2>
um i think so yeah when you leftclick it you can for example set set the marker there so that the mm the audio goes from there i think um so we can't put it on leftclick we could put it on a rightclick we could for example have a little menu that pops up
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
we have to have a speaker characterisation first before we cross any of the other bridges so yeah there you
Generate a transcript of the speech in <audio1> spoken by the speaker in <audio2>
right well well you're in s and s two right so yeah yeah that's where i'm at
Extract the transcription from <audio1> for the speaker identified in <audio2>
um you can't see it right there here i'll s here's the old one well that's that's the orig this the original one yeah yeah which just copied straight out um mmhmm
Generate a transcription of the speech in <audio1> that corresponds to the speaker in <audio2>
yeah it might be quite good i suppose yeah what else could we have in the menu
Transcribe the relevant section of <audio1> that features the speaker from <audio2>
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