-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an a380 superjumbo bound for sydney came loose from a tow truck and partially rolled onto grass at singapore airport . singapore airlines was the first carrier in the world to operate the double-decker aircraft . no-one was injured in the incident involving the world 's biggest airliner , a singapore airlines spokesman said , but passengers were taken off so the plane could be repositioned and inspected for any damage . a truck being used to push back the plane in preparation for the flight `` experienced some form of failure '' causing it disconnect from the aircraft , a singapore airlines spokesman said . `` as a consequence of the failure on the truck , the aircraft ... came into contact with the grass verge off the airport tarmac . the aircraft was not under its own power at the time , '' he said . `` it is too early at this time to know the cause of the incident but singapore airlines will investigate this quickly , and is filing reports with the appropriate singapore authorities , '' the spokesman said . an airline spokesman told cnn 's richard quest that four wheels had ended up on the grass . all four tires had now been replaced . `` as far as singapore airlilnes is concerned , the plane is ready to fly again , '' quest said .<doc-sep>the airline made arrangements for as many customers as possible to continue on their journey from changi airport to sydney aboard a boeing 747-400 . most passengers departed for sydney on a new flight early friday morning , while some others flew to alternate destinations such as melbourne and brisbane on existing flights . `` the remaining customers , about 10 of them , have left , or will be leaving , for sydney today , '' the spokesman said . singapore airlines received its first a380 in october last year to become the first carrier in the world to operate the double-decker aircraft , which it is currently using for the singapore-sydney route . changi airport , which is home to the singapore airlines a380 fleet , has declared itself ready to handle the plane . it widened and lengthened existing runways and widened runway shoulders to allow the plane to maneuver . airports around the world have had to make changes to accommodate the a380 , such as enlarging runways and gates and bringing in vehicles which can tow the plane and lift high enough to reach its upper decks . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . updated : . 10:34 est , 28 march 2012 . airbus ' new a380 superjumbo has come under scrutiny over its safety record yet again - after singapore airlines had to shut down an engine mid-air and turn back three hours into a flight . the double-decker plane , which was carrying 430 passengers to frankfurt , germany , yesterday was in the air for three hours when crew reported a surge in one of its four rolls-royce engines . pilots shut down the engine , turned flight sq26 around and landed safely back in singapore using the three other engines , the airline said . scrutiny : airbus ' new a380 superjumbo has come under fire again , after singapore airlines had to shut down an engine and return a flight to singapore yesterday . worries : the double-decker plane , which was carrying 430 passengers to frankfurt , germany , was in the air for three hours when crew reported a surge in one of its four rolls-royce engines . the passengers were transferred to another plane which later took off to frankfurt . ` the aircraft is capable of flying safely on three engines and at no time was the safety of our customers and crew compromised , ' singapore airlines said in a statement . it did not specify the model of the engine involved , but the airline and rolls-royce said they would thoroughly inspect it and investigate what happened .<doc-sep>emergency landing : this a380 today made an emergency landing in dubai after the pilot shutdown one of the four engines because of oil problems . a spokesman for qantas said the superjumbo had suffered a problem with oil pressure in its number four engine , describing the incident as a ` one off ' . he confirmed it was not the same a380 that was involved in last year 's incident , adding that the timing of the problem was a ` coincidence ' . the airline said it is working to arrange alternative flights to take the passengers on to london . qantas grounded its airbus fleet for more than a fortnight last year after the midair explosion over singapore , caused by a faulty pipe in the rolls royce engines . last weekend the airline grounded its entire fleet as a result of an ongoing battle with the unions , affecting thousands of passengers . frustration : stephen fry was delayed by 16 hours following the unscheduled stop . fry later wrote : ' i think plan is to bus us to the transit lounge and await international rescue . this plane , the crew tell me , is going nowhere . ' he added : ` so either sydney send another one out or they come to an accommodation with emirates . either way not a great week for #qantas ! ' the 54-year-old also posted a picture of an apology letter given by the airline to the stricken passengers , which warned passengers they faced ` an extended delay ' . fry was flying back to the uk after touring australia with the television show qi . damage : this is the engine which the pilot of the superjumbo airbus a380 had to shut down .<doc-sep>century of aviation there . it closed on december 31 . bae . systems , which said the site was no longer economically viable , is . selling the airfield for housing and business development . crowds . of aviation and history enthusiasts lined the a38 road which borders . the airfield to watch the spitfire take off , while bae staff watched . from beside the runway . they . were also there to see the last visit to the airfield from the airbus . a380 superjumbo , which was developed at filton and is the world 's . largest commercial aircraft . mr phillips said : ` to see her take to the skies today has been extraordinary , for it to happen at the same time as an a380 's final visit to filton , . has made this a sad but historic day . ' i think it 's a terrible shame that this famous old airfield is to close . ' former rolls-royce engineer john . hart , who has worked as chief engineer on the spitfire restoration for . the last two-and-a-half years , said seeing the spitfire and the a380 . together on the runway that is also still overlooked by concorde was . ` quite a sight ' for aviation enthusiasts .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- not content with climbing mount fuji or scaling the burj khalifa in dubai , the google street view team has once again stretched the limits of their brief , this time with a full tour inside an emirates airbus a380 . viewers can have a nose around an empty aircraft , from the escape ropes in the cockpit and the sea of economy seats on the lower deck to the well-stocked business class bar and the first class showers on the top deck . last week the dubai-based airline marked five years of flying the a380 and earlier this year opened a dedicated a380 concourse at dubai airport . first look at dubai 's new a380 concourse . `` five swift years have gone by since emirates changed the face of air travel with this remarkable aircraft , '' said tim clark , president , emirates airline in a press statement . `` its popularity is now firmly rooted across our six continent network . '' according to emirates , since their first a380 flight in august 2008 , the airline has loaded 4 million bread rolls onto their superjumbo planes from their dubai base , along with more than 157,000 fresh flower displays , 538,500 baby food jars , over 1 million toothbrushes and more than 4 million teabags . emirates has a fleet of 35 a380s flying to 21 destinations , while nine other international airlines have the aircraft in their fleet . british airways was the latest to join the a380 club last month ; the uk flag-carrier will begin using the jet on its high-volume london to los angeles and london to hong kong routes from october . ten more airlines have a380 planes on order . how do you pick up a ` superjumbo ' a380 ? with a wingspan of 79.8 meters and length of 72 meters , the a380 is the biggest passenger jet in the sky . it can carry up 517 people and cover 15,000 kilometers -lrb- 9,320 miles -rrb- in a single journey . rivals boeing launched the latest version of its largest jet , the 747-8 , last year . as well as space for more passengers -- up to 467 -- the manufacturer states the new model produces 15 % less emissions is 30 % quieter that the old 747-400 . boeing 's new 747-8 intercontinental .
<t> four wheels of a380 superjumbo roll onto grass at singapore airport . </t> <t> truck being used to push the plane experienced `` some kind of failure '' </t> <t> no-one injured in the incident ; passengers transferred to other flights . </t> <t> singapore airlines was first carrier in the world to operate the a380 . </t>
a380 superjumbo rolls off tarmac<T>
-lrb- aol autos -rrb- -- do you live in one of the nation 's worst cities for road rage ? if you live in a major metropolitan area on either coast , chances are you do . if you live in the midwest or northwest , odds are that you do n't . miami ranks as the worst city for most aggressive drivers for the second straight year in a nationwide study of driver habits followed by new york , boston , los angeles and washington . but if road rage is a `` cultural phenomenon '' as one of our experts suggests , how best do we go about combating driver frustration across the nation ? traffic black spots . the nation 's roads are peppered with traffic black spots , junctions where car snarls elicit road rage in even the most mild-mannered drivers . southern california has the san diego -lrb- i-405 -rrb- freeway , and the nation 's busiest junction , where u.s. 101 meets it to the north of los angeles . miami and the east coast have i-95 , which snakes from the world 's busiest cruise port up to maine . the district of columbia and the beltway are infamous for gridlock . i 've spent three very nervous hours getting to chicago 's o'hare airport from the city center -lrb- before missing my flight -rrb- . traffic by definition is worst in major metropolitan areas -- if your farming community is gridlocked , you 'd better be grousing at your local council meetings -- but it is the increase in traffic that leads many to suggest it 's just going to get worse . traffic levels are rising seemingly as fast as home foreclosures in los angeles and miami . in these areas , it 's not only the rise in number of drivers , but the rising age of drivers . aaa points out that seniors are the fastest growing demographic in the u.s. . that suggests drivers should adjust their habits accordingly . aaa has launched its lifelong safe mobility campaign to help seniors adjust to more crowded roads and perhaps more aggressive drivers . the facts and remedy . when the aaa foundation for traffic safety studied more than 10,000 incidents of road rage and violent aggressive driving committed in the 1990s , it found that at least 218 people were killed and another 12,610 injured when drivers got angry . many of these aggressors are males aged 18 to 26 . the aaa web site offers a three-step plan to avoid becoming the victim of aggressive driving : . • the first tip is `` do n't offend , '' which includes cutting off other drivers , driving slowly in the left lane , tailgating and gesturing to other drivers . • the agency then warns to `` not engage , '' which advises steering clear of trouble , not making eye contact and getting help , by calling 911 , in the event of experiencing dangerous , aggressive driving . it then asks at-risk drivers to `` adjust their attitude , '' which involves `` forgetting winning '' -lrb- for the drivers to whom driving is a darwinian survival of the fittest -rrb- , or putting themselves in the other drivers ' shoes . • finally , they recommend that , if you think you have a road rage problem , seek professional help .<doc-sep>other people 's actions . so the wife and i were looking for sofas . it was a sunday morning and , with me behind the wheel , we were dawdling around quiet streets trying to find one of those seemingly ubiquitous furniture warehouses . soon , the wife pointed one out but we were almost past it . i hit the brakes and quickly pulled in , then realized that a mercedes m-class had pulled in right behind me . a large , squat tattooed guy jumped out and started shouting , about 10 feet from my car . `` i have children in the car , i had to slam on the brakes , -lsb- how dare -rsb- you brake so quickly , '' he said , getting real mean . i appreciated i 'd probably braked quickly and that it was bad driving on my part . however , as his tirade continued , i very calmly asked why he was setting such a bad example for his young children by following another driver off the road , then shouting and swearing . the man continued his harangue before climbing back into his vehicle and driving away . the next time you 're fulminating in your front seat about another 's aggressive driving , remember that your driving will almost inevitably elicit the same response in someone else . and do n't swear in front of your kids or set a bad example for them . ` cultural phenomenon ' dr. leon james is a professor of psychology at the university of hawaii and web master of . he is also the co-author of `` road rage and aggressive driving '' with this wife , diane nahl . james began studying driving psychology about 20 years ago after his wife told him her mother thought he took turns too fast . over a period of self-study , he said he was amazed by the mistakes he made and the aggressive thoughts he experienced toward other drivers . he recorded them via his `` speakaloud '' method . using his method on students , he discovered that road rage is a `` cultural phenomenon . '' `` we call the back seat of the car the ` road rage nursery ' , where -lsb- young children -rsb- pick up all the driver 's bad habits , '' james said . `` it 's a cultural temper tantrum . '' james said `` local norms '' can play a part . for example , florida drivers yell at each other more than in california , where verbal interplay can be interpreted as road rage in a criminal court . but , in the main , it 's `` drivers trying to deal with their emotions in stressful situations . '' james said that , in his studies , an awareness gap exists in aggressive drivers : when asked about drivers ' habits , respondents suggested that about 85 percent of other drivers drove aggressively , while just 35 percent said they themselves drove aggressively . if you feel your blood boiling frequently behind the wheel , classes like james ' are sprouting all over the nation . addressing road rage . in an ideal world , an increase in drivers would automatically be met by an improvement in infrastructure , and fewer road-rage-inducing distractions . another utopian ideal is for everyone else to drive more considerately . one look at our nation 's crumbling roads tells us that this fantasyland clearly does n't exist . instead of looking outside your car at road conditions or the habits of other drivers , the answer to aggressive driving , most likely , lies within the confines of your own cabin . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>after the project launches , each robot will be controlled online by a driver . other people from around the world can join that driver 's tour as passengers . the virtual tours are timed , and once a driver 's turn comes to an end , the tour passes to one of the passengers . as they make their way through the museum , a camera fitted with a light will shine on the exhibits and the visitors will be able to read details about the different art work on screen . at the start of a session , four different tours will be shown at various points around the museum and visitors can choose the exhibition to visit . each robot will be controlled online by a driver . other people from around the world can join that driver 's tour as passengers . the virtual tours will be timed , and once a driver 's turn comes to an end , the tour passes to one of the passengers . after dark is set to launch this summer .<doc-sep>by . david mccormack . published : . 10:49 est , 22 august 2013 . | . updated : . 11:44 est , 22 august 2013 . passengers on a detroit bus were recently witness to a shocking no holds barred fight between the driver and a belligerent member of the public . according to one witness , the incident happened after the unnamed passenger lost her cool when her ticket got stuck in the machine as she attempted to transfer . the unruly passenger then started to argue with the driver , demanding her ticket back and even spat at the driver . scroll down for video . seconds out , round 1 : witnesses claim the passenger started arguing with the driver , demanding her ticket back and even spitting . that proved to be the final straw for the driver who , dressed in her white work shirt , got up from her seat and lunged at the passenger . video footage shows the driver hit the passenger around the head , using her keys as a weapon , while the passenger pulls on the driver 's hair . for several minutes the pair battled each other using a variety of boxing , wrestling and even mixed martial arts moves . at one stage another passenger attempted to get between the warring women and breakup the disagreement , but without any backup he decided to leave the pair to get on with it . sucker punch : the driver then lunged at the passenger , using her keys as a weapon , while the passenger pulled on the driver 's hair . other passengers actually egged on the women as they punched , kicked and clawed at each other . eventually , the driver pined the passenger down and bystander finally helped to break them up before either got further injuries . the unruly passenger was then forced off the bus . the police arrived , but the fight had already been broken up and passengers were moved to a different bus . the president of the bus drivers ' union in detroit , fred westbrook , told fox2 that the driver required stitches for bite marks , cuts and lacerations . for the next couple of minutes the pair battle each other using a variety of boxing , wrestling and even mixed martial arts moves . he claims his union member was defending herself and should n't face disciplinary action . an investigation is currently underway . police are believed to have arrested the unruly passenger and are also investigating the fight . according to westbrook , eight of his drivers have needed hospitalization this year , including this particular driver who was admitted for injuries sustained in a previous incident . the passenger who attempted to break up the fight , christoper jackson , told fox he was disappointed that no one wanted to help when he stepped in between the two warring women . fellow passenger christoper jackson attempted to resolve the dispute at one stage , but quickly ducked out after no one helped him .<doc-sep>horrific surveillance footage showed the moment a passenger brutally beat a driver who ordered him off the bus for swearing . police have identified kiel duggins , 24 , as the man who viciously punched intercity transit bus driver , robert weigelt , more than a dozen times on tuesday afternoon , after weigelt told him he was fed up with his profane language . the men were nose-to-nose when duggins allegedly threatened the driver , ` if you hit me in the face , we will fight to the death . ' when weigelt tried to shove him off the bus in washington , duggins pushed him onto a seat and repeatedly smashed his face before telling him that he wanted to taste his blood . warning graphic content - scroll down for video . protecting other passengers : the driver allegedly demanded that the passenger get off the bus because his behavior was inappropriate . disturbing : footage shows the driver trying to push an aggressive passenger off the bus when he refused to get off . grotesque : enraged that the driver touched him , the man punched the driver and pushed him onto a seat before laying into him . reported weigelt was on his route on the west . side of olympia when he and the rider began to argue . the video , which also has audio , showed the driver approaching duggins and threatening to call the cops . ' i told you once . i 'm not gon na tell you again , ' the driver said to the man . ` get off my bus ! ' duggins then followed the driver and the two continued yelling . ` if you hit me in the face , we will fight to the death , ' the man said to the driver . the driver responded : ` and if you hit me , i can hit you back . ' when the driver tried to push the man out of the door , the man pummeled him to the horror of the other passengers . vicious : the man punches the helpless driver more than a dozen times , reportedly breaking his nose and bruising both his eyes . good samaritan : another passenger on the bus tried to pull the man off the driver during the brutal attack .<doc-sep>by . alex greig . published : . 10:06 est , 8 november 2013 . | . updated : . 13:06 est , 8 november 2013 . a solemn occasion turned into a violent attack on tuesday after mourners beat a driver who honked his horn outside a church where the funeral was to be held . a witness caught the incident outside la iglesia de dios in mount holly , new jersey on camera . emotions were already running high when the driver of a red chevrolet , irritated at funeral-goers who were holding up traffic , honked his horn . scroll down for video . funeral gathering : the driver of the red car honked his horn as mourners congregated outside a new jersey church . on edge : a group of young men angrily swarmed the red car and one began to punch the driver through the window . beating : the man managed to lay several punches on the driver through the open car window . footage shows a group of eight or more young men , some wearing memorial t-shirts , swarming the car angrily . several of the men slam the car with their fists , and another runs up and begins to lay into the driver through his open car window . the man appears to land at least five hits on the driver of the red car before he is pulled away by fellow mourners . other mourners approach the group of men and appear to by trying to calm them down . the witness who filmed the confrontation told nbc that other mourners encouraged the driver of the red car to leave before the young men could approach the car again . pulled away : the main aggressor was dragged from the car window by other members of the group . calming : it took five men to convince the angry mourner to leave the driver of the red car alone . getaway : other funeral attendees managed to convince the driver to to leave the scene . ` some of the elders walked up next to the car to kind of keep the younger guys away , to kind of like , of nudge him on , ' he said . ` but he never stuck around . ' according to nbc , the incident was reported to local police , but the driver was long gone by the time they arrived . the witness said police ushered the mourners back into the church . as of thursday night , no charges had been filed .
<t> traffic snarls blamed for causing much of road rage . </t> <t> road rage worse in big cities on east , west coasts . </t> <t> aaa : do n't engage the angry driver , dial 911 for help . </t> <t> professor : back seat is `` road rage nursery '' </t>
that # ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ $ other driver ⁇ <T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- researchers have discovered the oldest piece of gold jewelry ever found in the americas , an academic journal reported tuesday . a gold and turquoise necklace , made 4,000 years ago , was found in a burial site near lake titicaca . a team found the gold necklace near lake titicaca in peru , according to the journal proceedings of the national academy of sciences . it 's 4,000 years old -- 600 years older than any other gold jewelry discovered in the western hemisphere . the anthropologist who discovered the gold , mark aldenderfer , told cnn on tuesday night that he sensed the importance of his find after noticing a glint while excavating a site with human remains . `` it appeared to be gold . that 's when i knew we had something special , '' he said . `` this was a complete shock . '' he found the necklace about seven years ago , he said , but researchers kept quiet for fear that looters would raid the site . they also wanted to allow time for chemical analysis before announcing their discovery on tuesday . video footage from peru shows a necklace of nine gold tubes separated by 10 stones . the find is important , aldenderfer said , because it signals the early emergence of a desire for status among people who lived as relative equals without a formal leadership system . the andean people of that time , aldenderfer said , had recently settled down after many generations as hunter-gatherers . formal kings would not emerge for hundreds of years . the person who wore the gold necklace may have sought to distinguish himself with a status symbol , aldenderfer said . the artifact is in the custody of the national institute of peru and may be displayed in a museum , he said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>but all of this is worth in the end , as their ultimate goal is to document for the first time ever some of the historical treasures kept deep underground . already , they have discovered some of the oldest human remains to be found in the americas - the 10,000-year-old bones of a boy . they also found a fire pit from roughly 8,500 years ago kept in astoundingly good condition . the water helps to preserve much of these items that otherwise would have disintegrated years ago . team leader florian huber said , ` it looked as if there had been a fire there just the day before yesterday . ' the crew has also discovered ancient ceramics . and jewelry left by the mayans , as well as the remains from long-extinct . animals , including the giant ground sloth and the mastodon . in the end , they hope . to discover more artifacts that can perhaps shed light on the origins of species on the continent . ` perhaps . the cenotes contain the answer to the questions of when the first . humans reached the americas and how the continent was settled , ' huber . said . to make this incredibly journey possible , the crew have relied on a combination of will and the best modern technology has to offer .<doc-sep>by . sarah griffiths . published : . 07:11 est , 6 august 2013 . | . updated : . 09:15 est , 6 august 2013 . archaeologists believe the the discovery of 30 human skeletons thought to be up to 2,000 years old , could provide a link with the first settlers of the americas . the bones were found in ` la sepultura ' cave in tamaulipas state , mexico and are being studied by genetics experts to see if the humans were related to the early groups who wandered the continent . radiocarbon tests and studies of ancient dna , recovered from the site near tula , in the sierra madre oriental , will tell if it was also home to one of the oldest genetic lineages of america , associated with the people who crossed the bering strait , around 10,000 years ago . skeletons found in ` la sepultura ' cave in tamaulipas state , mexico . about 30 human skeletons found in the cave which can date from the second millennium before our era could be linked with the first settlers of the american continent , according to a genetic study carried out by experts from inah . scientists from the national institute of anthropology and history -lrb- inah -rrb- in mexico and the university of cordoba , spain are examining the remains . the proposed further exploration and excavation of burial caves in tamaulipas seeks to ` better understand the origin , development , quality and lifestyle of ancient cultures who settled in the region , ' said physical anthropologist jesús ernesto gonzález velasco of inah . he said that studying the dna and radiocarbon as well as the skulls ' morphology , scientists ` will allow a deeper understanding of the extent and cultural practices of hunter-gatherers ' .<doc-sep>new york -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a longtime employee and vault manager for a jewelry company in long island city , new york , stole millions of dollars worth of gold and gold jewelry from her employer over a six-year span , the queens district attorney has alleged . teresa tambunting , 50 , of scarsdale , new york , is accused of stealing as much as $ 12 million from jacmel jewelry , queens district attorney richard brown said in a statement wednesday . at an arraignment wednesday , she did not enter a plea to charges of first-degree grand larceny and first-degree criminal possession of stolen property , the district attorney 's office said . she was released on $ 100,000 bail and will return to court may 19 , the office said . her attorney , david kirby , did not return phone calls seeking comment . tambunting , who worked for jacmel for 28 years , has returned about $ 7 million worth of gold , but $ 4 million remains missing , according to brown . `` the defendant is accused of establishing a virtual mining operation in long island city which siphoned off millions of dollars ' worth of the precious metal from her employer , '' brown said . police say tambunting -- whose job responsibilities involved monitoring the vault in which fine gold , finished products and raw materials were stored -- confessed that for several months last year , she hid gold in makeshift slits in her purse . an inventory in january revealed that as much as $ 12 million in merchandise was missing , brown said in the written statement . after an investigation , tambunting arrived at the jewelry company 's offices wheeling a suitcase containing about 66 pounds of gold , an estimated $ 868,000 , the district attorney 's office said . in february , about 450 pounds of gold was taken from her residence , the office said . tambunting became vault manager in 1991 , the office said . the dates of the alleged thefts were not immediately clear . the value of the gold returned fluctuates because of the rise and fall of gold prices . however , the charges are based on what jacmel claims it lost : $ 3 to $ 12 million , according to the queens district attorney . jewelry manufacturer owners often find themselves in precarious circumstances when protecting their companies from thievery , said benjamin mark , who owned a jewelry manufacturing company in new york for 20 years . `` unless you have metal detectors where every single employee removes their shoes and belts , you ca n't be certain , '' said mark , who now operates a one-man business . `` stealing jewelry is relatively simple . '' jacmel jewelry is one of the country 's largest manufacturers and distributors of popular price jewelry , according to its web site . it employs more than 1,000 people worldwide , according to its president , jack rahmey . rahmey said he is cooperating with authorities . tambunting faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted .<doc-sep>a 13,000-year-old bone fragment with an engraving of a mammoth or mastodon has been found in florida . scientists believe the etching is the oldest , and only known , example of ice age art to depict a proboscidean - or an animal with a trunk - in the americas . the bone was found in vero beach by amateur fossil hunter james kennedy , who later discovered the engraving while cleaning it . researchers claim it is evidence that people living in the americas during the . last ice age created artistic images of the animals they hunted . evidence : scientists believe this etching is the oldest , and only known , example of ice age art to depict an animal with a trunk in the americas . it on a bone recently found on a florida beach . the . engraving is at least 13,000 years old - this is the date of the last . appearance of these animals in eastern north america , and more recent pre-columbian people would not have seen a mammoth or mastodon to draw . researcher dennis stanford , of the smithsonian institute , said : ` this is an incredibly exciting discovery . ` there are hundreds of depictions of proboscideans on cave walls and carved into bones in europe , but none from america - until now . ' the engraving is three-inches long from the top of the head to the tip of the tail , and 1.75 inches tall from the top of the head to the bottom of the right foreleg . the fossil bone is a fragment from a long bone of a large mammal - most likely either a mammoth or mastodon , or less likely a giant sloth . a precise identification was not possible because of the bone 's fragmented condition and lack of diagnostic features . lead researcher barbara purdy , of the university of florida , said : ` the results of this investigation are an excellent example of the value of interdisciplinary research and cooperation among scientists . ` there was considerable scepticism expressed about the authenticity of the incising on the bone until it was examined exhaustively by archaeologists , paleontologists , forensic anthropologists , materials science engineers and artists . ' the bone was found in vero beach by amateur fossil hunter james kennedy , who later discovered the engraving while cleaning it . one of the main goals for the scientists was to investigate the timing of the engraving - was it ancient or was it recently engraved to mimic an example of prehistoric art ? it was originally found near a location , known as the old vero site , where human bones were discovered side-by-side with the bones of extinct ice age animals in an excavation from 1913 to 1916 . the team examined the elemental composition of the engraved bone and others from the old vero site . they also used optical and electron microscopy , which showed no discontinuity in colouration between the carved grooves and the surrounding material . this indicated that both surfaces aged simultaneously and that the edges of the carving were worn and showed no signs of being carved recently or that the grooves were made with metal tools . the team 's research also further validates the findings of geologist elias howard sellards at the old vero site in the early twentieth century . his claims that people were in north america and hunted animals at vero beach during the last ice age have been disputed over the past 95 years . a cast of the carved fossil bone is now part of an exhibit of florida mammoth and mastodons at the florida museum of natural history in gainesville . the team 's research is published in the journal of archaeological science .
<t> a team finds the gold necklace near lake titicaca in peru . </t> <t> find is important because it signals the emergence of societal status systems . </t> <t> the artifact is in the custody of the national institute of peru . </t>
excavation turns up oldest gold jewelry in the americas<T>
chattanooga , tennessee -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- when meeting jeff donohoo , it 's not immediately apparent he is a 36-year-old man living with autism . in fact , unless you get him talking about the atlanta braves -- one of his true passions in life -- he is a very quiet person . jeff donohoo , 36 , at work in the kitchen at memorial hospital in chattanooga , tennessee . early on , his younger brothers and sister did n't know , either . `` since they grew up with him , they just knew jeff was jeff , '' said nancy donohoo , his mother . `` they did n't think of him as weird or anything . '' but when friends started to notice donohoo was different , nancy donohoo was quick to explain to a group of 10-year-olds why . `` jeff has a social problem , not a mental problem , '' she explained . `` he 's very smart . he reads encyclopedias ... he just does n't know how to talk to people . '' from then on , friends who visited the house always made an effort to interact with donohoo , through a high-five or a simple `` hello . '' today , it 's unlikely donohoo will be the first to say hello in a group setting , but interacting with people is easier for him than it once was . see how donohoo copes every day '' questioned about his childhood , his most elaborate response is `` yeah '' or `` no . '' but when the topic is the braves , it 's hard to get him to stop talking about the latest statistics or his favorite player , mark teixeira . asked how long he 's been a braves fan , there was little hesitation : `` all my life . ''<doc-sep>he 's come a long way since he was a child . then , just teaching donohoo to talk was a challenge in itself , nancy donohoo said . `` there was no eye contact , so i would hold his face in front of me , and say the word i wanted him to say . '' donohoo entered the first grade as a special education student . it was the first year special education was offered in his family 's hometown of florence , alabama . he carried on with special education until the sixth grade , when he was mainstreamed , or put in classes with children without disabilities . explainer : understanding autism '' for most of donohoo 's childhood , his mother had suspicions about his condition . `` when he was little , i had watched a ` marcus welby ' show , and they had an autistic child on there . but he was very passive ; he sat in the corner and just hit things , '' nancy donohoo said . `` jeff was wild . he was the opposite , so i just assumed he could n't be autistic . but he had a lot of those mannerisms . '' it was donohoo 's freshman year of high school when nancy and bill donohoo learned what was wrong with their son . `` there was a doctor in huntsville that dealt a lot with hyperactive children , '' nancy donohoo said . `` he said , ` i 'm going to give you this sheet of paper ; these are all the symptoms of autism . ' '' the list had 19 symptoms , and nancy donohoo was instructed to circle the ones her son had . she circled 17 . the diagnosis did n't change how nancy donohoo dealt with her first-born son . in fact , the doctor said she already was doing all the right things , working to socialize donohoo . today , donohoo , living with his parents , finds comfort in strict routine . he wakes each day at 5 a.m. to make himself breakfast and prepare for work . at 6 , nancy donohoo drives her son to memorial hospital , where he 's entering his 16th year of service with the cafeteria . ollie forté is donohoo 's supervisor , and has worked with donohoo almost since the beginning . `` he 's very valuable to us at this department . he 's dependable , on time , no attendance problems , '' said forté . `` we love jeff . ''<doc-sep>after work , at 2:30 p.m. , donohoo rides with his mother to the ymca , where he works out for about three hours . then it 's back home , where he fixes himself dinner and spends hours online looking up braves statistics , or reading a number of baseball-related books from his personal library . this cycle repeats on days donohoo works at the hospital . on his days off , the schedule is equally strict , with little variation . he 'll still go to the ymca , and he 'll also make the occasional trip to the bookstore , adding to his collection of baseball-related literature . sudden changes to daily plans are still a challenge . `` if he 's made his plans to do something tonight , '' said bill donohoo , `` and we come and say , ` we 're going to get something to eat . do you want to go ? ' that upsets his plans for what he 's going to do that night . '' physical contact is also difficult . `` he does n't like to be touched , '' nancy donohoo said . `` he does n't freak , but he does n't like it . he stiffens up . he 'll want to give you a hug , but he still has a hard time . '' the many challenges aside , donohoo has a fine appreciation for things like cooking . in addition to preparing his own meals , he also enjoys baking . `` he loves desserts -- he loves sweets , '' nancy donohoo said with a laugh . `` he 's a little heavy , but we 're working on that . '' nancy and bill donohoo have endured the challenges , and they acknowledge their son will never be fully independent . but one can tell they could n't be prouder of him . `` it 's rewarding today , because he 's come so far , but it was a long road , '' nancy donohoo said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>'' i was so touched by this experience ... especially since i know people who have been asked to leave restaurants when their child with autism is being disruptive ' one revealed : ` this story is touching because i have an autistic nephew who reacts the same way . ' and another praised the restaurant staff for being so understanding and taking care of arianna 's request . ` nice to see a restaurant staff who could react so positively to your daughter 's ` broken ' cheeseburger , ' they wrote . ` my daughter had similar issues when she was younger and it was not easy to avoid meltdowns sometimes . ' recalling . the incident , mrs maclean said that when they arrived at the chili 's diner arianna ordered her favorite meal - cheeseburger with pickles , french fries , . and chocolate milk . helping hand : anna maclean with her autistic sister arianna . but when the food arrived she wondered why the cheeseburger was left untouched .<doc-sep>by . christopher stevens . published : . 17:06 est , 21 march 2013 . | . updated : . 10:24 est , 22 march 2013 . when my son david was small , he had a red anorak that he would not take off . he lived in it , slept in it , he even took his bath in it . that may sound cute , and mildly eccentric , but it was n't . it was terrifying , for him , for his mother and for me . david found the world so bewildering that the idea of even unzipping his coat plunged him into screaming , head-battering panic . david is autistic . he can barely communicate , or understand other people , or predict even the basic consequences of his actions . a different world : christopher stevens with his autistic son david who is wearing his beloved red coat . that 's hard for anyone who does n't suffer from autism to imagine . the new west end production of the curious incident of the dog in the night-time , which opened last week at the apollo theatre to ecstatic reviews , sets itself a colossal challenge : to do justice on stage to the often nightmarish world of autism . for parents and siblings , neighbours and teachers , autism is difficult to understand . but we should all at least try to do so , because an estimated half a million people in britain alone are ` on the autistic spectrum ' -- though thankfully , not many are as severely affected as david . the play is based on novelist mark haddon 's award-winning book of the same name , published nine years ago . it tells the story of a 15-year-old boy , christopher -lrb- played on stage by luke treadaway -rrb- , who can solve complex mathematical puzzles in his head but is so socially incapable that he can not dress or feed himself properly . haddon never states explicitly that christopher is autistic , but he depicts many of the symptoms of one type of autism , asperger 's syndrome , with clinical accuracy . unique : as a result of his autism , david , pictured as a toddler , struggles to communicate with other people and is unable to predict the consequences of his actions . anyone who wants to understand the condition better should see this production . it 's a gripping experience with plenty of unexpected laughs . . . a bit like bringing up a child with autism . it powerfully conveys how it actually feels to be one of those half-million with the condition . but do n't take an autistic person with you : the lights and the noise of the production are shattering . when christopher is overwhelmed by confusing stimuli -- crowds , chatter , laughter , physical contact with other people -- the stage becomes ablaze with flashing diodes and thunderous , bass-heavy music . it makes you want to screw up your eyes and press your thumbs into your ears , the classic autistic response to over-stimulation .<doc-sep>` after speaking with her , -lrb- investigators -rrb- were able to determine that no one actually ever entered the residence and the child was never assaulted . ' fore said davis did n't reveal why she lied about the break in , though he suggested she may have been trying to take advantage of the generosity of the community around the holidays . he said his office was bombarded with members of the community asking how they could help after the bandits apparently ` stole ' the family 's christmas . ` we really do n't have any definite motivation as to why she made up the story , ' fore said . daughter : davis told police she and her autistic daughter , jade , pictured , were the victims of a group of thugs who broke into their home , beat up the child and then made off with all their christmas presents . husband : jordan davis and her husband , pictured , are expected to be charged in the hoax . ` the outcry of support from the community has been overwhelming . this really , i would think , would hurt the good will of other people when they see stories like this . ' the atlanta journal-constitution also had an influx of readers asking how they could assist the family , the newspaper revealed . davis is being held at the dekalb police headquarters as officials try to find a family member to care for her daughter . the woman and her husband will be charged with crimes in the hoax . davis told police she and her autistic daughter were the victims of a group of thugs who broke into their home , beat up the child and then made off with all their christmas presents . she explained that the gang of masked men broke into her home by smashing through a dining room window with a cinder block about 7 pm -- just after her husband left to make a trip to the store . burglary : dekalb county police were investigating the mother 's claim that she and her 6-year-old daughter were threatened and terrorized at the above home , pictured , but found no evidence .<doc-sep>beijing , china -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- when -- after many visits to doctors and hospitals -- tian huiping 's son was finally diagnosed with autism , the only advice she was given was to make use of a loophole in china 's `` one-child '' policy that allows parents with disabled children to have one more . tian huiping considered suicide when she learned her son was autistic . instead , she opened an autism school . alone with her son after her husband divorced her , tian became depressed and desperate enough to consider killing herself and her son , yang tao . `` i made a poison for me and my son , '' she said . but when she saw her boy smiling up at her happily , she says she could n't do it . `` i thought , i have no right to end his life , and i can not kill myself and leave him . '' from that horrible moment 18 years ago , there grew an incredible resolve -- the kind of dogged determination borne of a mother protecting her child . at one of the many hospitals she went to for help in beijing , tian came across a small brochure printed by the taiwan autism association , explaining a few basic concepts on how to teach kids with autism . watch mom describe being near suicide with autistic child '' she read it over and over again . `` i just tried to work a little bit with my son and another boy we lived with , '' she says . `` and it worked -- a little bit -- but i saw hope . '' she rented space in a kindergarten and opened her own school at first , with just six autistic children . she slept on the floor in a store room to save money .
<t> jeff donohoo , 36 , is an adult living with autism . </t> <t> donohoo lives in tennessee with his parents and works at a hospital . </t> <t> his autism was diagnosed during his freshman year of high school . </t> <t> donohoo 's mother : `` it 's rewarding today , because he 's come so far . '' </t>
one man 's story : when an autistic child grows up<T>
cairo , egypt -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- omar bin laden has a message for his father , osama : `` find another way . '' omar bin laden says he last saw his father in 2000 when the son decided to leave al qaeda . the son of the most-wanted man in the world spoke sunday to cnn in a quiet , middle-class suburb about an hour outside cairo , egypt . omar bin laden , who works as a contractor , said he is talking publicly because he wants an end to the violence his father has inspired -- violence that has killed innocent civilians in a spate of attacks around the world , including those of september 11 , 2001 . `` i try and say to my father : ` try to find another way to help or find your goal . this bomb , this weapons , it 's not good to use it for anybody , ' '' he said in english learned in recent months from his british wife . he said that 's not just his own message , but one that a friend of his father 's and other muslims have expressed to him . `` they too say ... my father should change -lsb- his -rsb- way , '' he said . watch whether omar bin laden thinks his father will ever be caught '' he said he has n't spoken to his father since 2000 , when he walked away from an al qaeda training camp in afghanistan with his father 's blessings . he said he has no idea where his father is , but is confident he will never be caught because locals support him . asked if his father might be living along the afghan-pakistan border , he said , `` maybe , maybe not . '' `` either way , the people there are different , '' he said . `` they do n't care about the government . '' now , he and his wife are preparing to launch a movement far different from the one his father , osama bin laden , launched . they are pursuing a movement for peace . at first glance , omar bin laden appears to have little in common with the man who has eluded international efforts to find him . the 26-year-old 's hair is bound in neat braids , he drives a jeep and is married to a british national twice his age .<doc-sep>but the physical resemblance quickly sinks in , even without the long beard his father favors . it is a resemblance he does n't avoid . `` being osama 's son , i do n't hide it . i do n't hide my name , '' he said . `` i am proud by my name , but if you have a name like mine you will find people run away from you , are afraid of you . '' he said he does n't consider his father to be a terrorist . when his father was fighting the soviets , washington considered him a hero , he said . `` before they call it war ; now they call it terrorism , '' he said . he said his father believes his duty is to protect muslims from attack . `` he believes this is his job -- to help the people , '' he said . `` i do n't think my father is a terrorist because history tells you he 's not . '' however , omar bin laden -- who was 14 when he began training in al qaeda camps -- said he differs greatly with his father over the killing of civilians . was 9/11 a just attack ? `` i do n't think 9/11 was right personally , but it happened , '' he said . `` i do n't think ... -lsb- the war -rsb- in vietnam was right . i do n't think what 's going on in palestine is right . i do n't think what 's going on in iraq is right . `` if we make what is right and not right , we will make a very big list , '' he said . he said he left al qaeda because he did not want to be associated with killing civilians . he said his father did not try to dissuade him from leaving al qaeda . `` i told him i was going , and wanted to try life and see what it was like outside because , from a young age i was with my father , and i only saw and heard my father and his friends . my father told me , ` if this is what your choice -- your decision -- is , what can i tell you ? i like you to be with me , but this is your decision . ' ''<doc-sep>so father and son went their separate ways . but there has been no running from the bin laden name , not after the events of september 11 . on that day , omar bin laden was in saudi arabia , where 15 of the 19 hijackers were from . asked if , upon learning of the news , he knew his father had been behind it , he replied , `` yeah , maybe . '' he said he felt sadness for those killed . `` i do n't think 9/11 was right personally , '' he said . `` i do n't agree with 9/11 or with any war where only civilians are dying . '' asked why he did not protest more strongly his father 's role in the killing of civilians , he said it is up to the religious clerics close to his father to tell osama bin laden to change tactics in the name of islam . and even if that most unlikely scenario were to occur , he said , al qaeda would not stop . `` my father does n't have the power to stop the movement at this moment . '' sitting by his side throughout the hour-and-a-half interview was his wife , zaina . the two are organizing a multi-month horserace through north africa in the name of peace , set to kick off this year . but getting sponsors to line up behind the name bin laden has been difficult . `` it would probably have been easier to do a race without having omar 's name , but then the race would just be a race , it would n't be a race for peace , '' his wife said . omar bin laden said his relationship with his father was limited . he is the fourth of 11 children born to his father 's first wife , and he is one of 19 children osama bin laden has fathered . `` most of the time he busy , so busy , all the day he 's busy -lsb- with -rsb- his friends . he was working a lot . '' omar bin laden is now undertaking perhaps an impossible task : trying to rebrand the name they share . but he said he is not looking for approval from his father . `` my life , i take care of my life , '' he said . `` my father he take care of his life . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>`` we maintain that arbitrary killing is not a solution to political problems and crime 's adjudication as justice must be seen to be done , '' the statement said . three other men , including one of bin laden 's sons , and a woman were killed in the raid , and bin laden 's 29-year-old yemeni wife , amal ahmed abdulfattah , was wounded . all three of bin laden 's wives and a number of children , some of whom were bin laden 's , were taken into pakistani custody after the raid . a u.s. official identified the other two women as khairiah sabar , also known as `` umm hamza , '' and siham sabar , or `` umm khalid . '' `` it is also unworthy of the special forces to shoot unarmed female family members ... killing a female and that of one of his sons , '' the statement said . `` in making this statement , we want to remind the world that omar -lrb- bin laden -rrb- , the fourth-born son of our father , always disagreed with our father regarding any violence and always sent messages to our father , that he must change his ways and that no civilians should be attacked under any circumstances . `` despite the difficulty of publicly disagreeing with our father , he never hesitated to condemn any violent attacks made by anyone , and expressed sorrow for the victims of any and all attacks . as he condemned our father , we now condemn the president of the united states for ordering the execution of unarmed men and women , '' the statement said . it also urged pakistan `` to release and hand over '' the wives and the children of bin laden . the authors of the statement called for a u.n. investigation into the event and said they will pursue justice in bodies such as the international criminal court if questions are n't answered . a senior u.s. official wednesday angrily rejected the charge that international law was violated . `` there is an inherent right of self-defense enshrined in the u.n. charter within article 51 . this is a man who is a terrorist , who declared war on the united states , killed americans and continued to plan operations against the u.s. and its allies , '' the official said . on capitol hill , one lawmaker was talking about the opportunity the death of bin laden presents . house intelligence committee chairman mike rogers , r-michigan , said that although al qaeda is still alive and well , `` they are hurt , they are damaged . their inspirational and operational leader has been taken off the battlefield , which is a huge opportunity for us . `` the confusion with them is opportunity for us and this is the time to step on the gas and break their back . '' rogers raised the possibility that there are pakistani officials who knew about bin laden 's hideway in the country . he spoke of a `` confusing '' relationship with pakistan , one which was cooperative at times , taking thousands of casualties battling extremists and helping arrest hundreds of al qaeda and taliban leaders , bomb makers , financiers and weapons dealers . however , rogers maintained there are renegade intelligence officers and others in the pakistani government who are sympathetic toward the taliban and al qaeda . the raid in which bin laden was killed dealt a blow to the relationship between the united states and pakistan . the revelation that bin laden had been living in pakistan has fueled suspicions that pakistani officials knew the whereabouts of the terrorist leader , while pakistan has complained about the u.s. military incursion .<doc-sep>the guards were wary when one of the hosts asked that his elderly father be allowed to meet the notorious bin laden , pleading that it was the 85-year-old 's dying wish . bin laden said he would grant the old man 's wish , and four armed henchmen marched the son home to fetch his father - who was not told whom he was meeting until they were safely inside the compound . the two tribesmen recalled how they and their guests smiled knowningly as the old man spoke for 10 minutes , passing on tips on tribal warfare and lavishing praise on the infamous guest - none of which bin laden understood , as it was spoken in the man 's native pashto language . when the time came for the al qaeda . chief and his men to leave , they did so just as they had arrived , . apparently scattering in several directions to leave no clue as to where . bin laden 's car was headed . this . mysterious event leaves much unexplained . pakistan 's tribal north west . is a region of continuing unrest , and at the time the country 's forces . would have been on high alert , with a gauntlet checkpoints set up to . monitor traffic and crack down on militants . if . the tribesmen 's tale is to be believed - and especially if other such . visits come to light - it will surely cast doubt on the pakistani . authorities ' claims that they did all they could to bring bin laden to justice .<doc-sep>` at no time have we ever looked after the financial affairs of osama bin laden or his immediate family . his individual financial affairs have never been an issue or interest of coutts . ' bin laden came from an incredibly wealthy family in saudi arabia that made its fortune in construction . his father , mohammed , who died in 1967 , had close links to the saudi royal family . he had more than 50 children from 22 wives . however , it is understood that osama bin laden had been disowned and cut off from any inheritance by the mid 1990s because of his links to terrorism . his eldest son abdullah is understood to run an advertising agency in saudi arabia and has no links to extremism . a spokesperson for coutts , pictured , said they have they ` ever looked after the financial affairs of osama bin laden or his immediate family ' bin laden was stripped of his saudi citizenship in 1994 . he had at least five wives , but was only living with three of them when he killed by us special forces in pakistan . it is understood that he had at least 20 children .<doc-sep>`` my muslim umma -lrb- nation -rrb- , we are monitoring with you this great historic event , and we join you with your joy and delight , so congratulations on your victories , and may god have mercy on your martyrs . may he cure your injured and grant the release of your prisoners . '' after poetry , the speaker comments on north africa 's maghreb , a region that includes tunisia , libya and algeria . `` the -lrb- muslim -rrb- nation was always getting ready for the victory that is rising from the eastern horizon , but the surprise was that the sun of the revolution rose from the maghreb , the west . the light of the revolution sparked in tunisia , and the nation felt the relief , the faces of the people got brightened , and the throats of the rulers got coarser , and the jews got terrified because the coming of the promised day . `` with the overthrow of the tyrant , the definitions of fear , humiliation and surrender have fallen as well . the new meanings of freedom , pride , audacity and courage were risen . the winds of change came , in a will of liberation . '' the speaker also said egyptian protesters were inspired by tunisians . `` this revolution was not a revolution for the food or the clothing but a revolution for pride and glory , a revolution of sacrifice and kindness , a revolution that enlightened the upper and lower nile and all of its surroundings . '' he encouraged muslims to fight corrupt rulers and `` western hegemony . '' `` i believe that the winds of change will overtake the whole muslim world , with god 's permission , '' bin laden allegedly says . the u.s. official who spoke about the tape confiscated in the raid said it was `` puzzling '' that bin laden would `` suddenly join the bandwagon on the uprisings , '' months after they started and not mention all the arab nations in turmoil . for instance , the official said it was a `` head-scratcher '' why bin laden would not indicate his support for the uprising against libyan leader moammar gadhafi , a man bin laden detested . cnn 's saad abedine and pam benson contributed to this report .
<t> bin laden 's son , omar , says his father should change his ways . </t> <t> omar bin laden split with his father in 2000 ; says he has n't heard from him since . </t> <t> omar bin laden says he does n't believe his dad is a terrorist . </t> <t> `` i do n't think 9/11 was right personally , '' the son said . </t>
bin laden 's son to father : change your ways<T>
washington -lrb- reuters -rrb- -- the democratic-led congress yielded to president bush on saturday and approved legislation to temporarily expand government 's power to conduct electronic surveillance without a court order in tracking foreign suspects . president bush demanded congress expand his surveillance authority before leaving for vacation . civil liberties groups charged the measure would create a broad net that would sweep up law-abiding u.s. citizens . but the house of representatives gave its concurrence to the bill , 227-183 , a day after it won senate approval , 60-28 .<doc-sep>the action came amid warnings of possible attacks on the united states . `` after months of prodding by house republicans , congress has finally closed the terrorist loophole in our surveillance law -- and america will be the safer for it , '' declared house minority leader john boehner , an ohio republican . `` we think it is not the bill that ought to pass , '' said house majority leader steny hoyer . but he conceded he and fellow democrats were unable to stop the measure in this national security showdown with the white house .<doc-sep>`` protecting america is our most solemn obligation , '' bush said earlier in the day in urging congress to send him the bill so he could sign it into law . watch kelli arena 's report on what some call an intelligence gap '' the measure would authorize the national security agency to intercept without a court order communications between people in the united states and foreign targets overseas . e-mail to a friend . copyright 2007 reuters . all rights reserved.this material may not be published , broadcast , rewritten , or redistributed .<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- congress passed a $ 300 billion farm bill over president bush 's veto for a second time wednesday , a step made necessary by a clerical error when the original bill passed . congress overrode president bush 's second veto of a $ 300 billion farm bill . the senate voted 80-14 to approve the measure over bush 's objections , following a 317-109 vote in the house of representatives . both votes were well above the two-thirds majority needed to override the veto , which bush delivered wednesday morning . congress overrode an earlier veto of the farm bill last month , even though lawmakers had discovered that 34 pages were missing in the version originally sent to the white house . in spiking the latest version , bush said he objected to its continued subsidies for the wealthy and its use of budget gimmicks to hide a $ 20 billion increase in spending . but sen. kent conrad , the chairman of the senate budget committee , said the measure actually saves the government $ 110 million . `` this bill does not add to the deficit or debt , because this bill is paid for , '' he said . `` that is not my claim . that is the finding of the congressional budget office . '' the discovery of the missing section , title iii , prompted concerns from house republicans that the override vote was improper . house speaker nancy pelosi said the sections of the bill that were originally sent to the president had become law after congress voted to override bush 's first veto . but to put title iii into effect , congress re-passed the entire legislation , including the missing pages , and resent it to bush . the house voted 306-110 at the end of may . the senate voted 77-15 for the bill at the beginning of june . two-thirds of the $ 300 billion in spending for the farm bill will go for nutrition programs such as food stamps . another $ 40 billion will go toward farm subsidies , and $ 30 billion is allocated for payments to farms to keep land idle and other environmental programs . after vetoing the latest version of the farm bill , bush scolded congress on wednesday for not `` modifying certain objectionable , onerous and fiscally imprudent provisions . ... i am returning this bill for the same reasons as stated in my veto message . '' when he vetoed the first version of the farm bill , bush said it `` continues subsidies for the wealthy and increases farm bill spending by more than $ 20 billion , while using budget gimmicks to hide much of the increase . '' the president said it would hurt efforts to improve american farmers ' access to overseas markets . congress has passed one other bill over bush 's objections : legislation for a $ 23 billion water project that the president vetoed in 2007 . cnn capitol hill producer deirdre walsh contributed to this report .<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- senate democrats conceded thursday they do n't have the votes to pass the dream act , a bill that would have offered a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants who entered the united states as children . democrats voted to pull the measure from consideration , a move that jeopardizes the chances for passing the hotly contested bill during the current lame-duck session of congress that ends in early january . while supporters say the measure that passed the house on wednesday could still come up , each passing day reduces the likelihood for introducing and debating the act as legislative leaders battle over priorities in the waning days of the session . senate republicans opposed the bill , standing by their pledge to block any legislation during the lame-duck session until the chamber approves bills to extend the bush tax cuts and fund the government .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- president bush blasted the democratic-controlled congress on tuesday for having `` the worst record in 20 years . '' `` congress is not getting its work done , '' bush said , flanked by members of the republican house leadership . `` the house of representatives has wasted valuable time on a constant stream of investigations , and the senate has wasted valuable time on an endless series of failed votes to pull our troops out of iraq . '' bush criticized congress for not being able to send `` a single appropriations bill '' to him . `` they have n't seen a bill they could not solve without shoving a tax hike into it , '' he said . democrats quickly fired back . jim manley , senior aide to senate majority leader harry reid , said , `` taking advice from president bush about fiscal responsibility and getting things done for the american people is like taking hunting lessons from dick cheney . neither is a very good idea . '' rep. rahm emanuel , d-illinois , issued a statement saying , `` president bush 's rally this morning reminds us that congressional republicans remain ready and willing to rubber-stamp the bush agenda : no to children 's health care ; no to a new direction in iraq ; and no to investing in america 's future . the white house and congressional republicans want to continue the status quo . '' bush said the senate was `` wasting valuable time '' by taking up the children 's health insurance bill , which he had earlier vetoed . watch bush describe what he thinks congress is doing wrong ''<doc-sep>new albany , indiana -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- president bush vetoed a $ 600 billion spending bill tuesday , accusing democratic leaders of wasting money and plotting tax increases , then took his budget fight with congress on the road . congress should cut spending `` and send me a responsible measure that i can sign into law , '' president bush said . `` the majority was elected on a pledge of fiscal responsibility , but so far , it 's acting like a teenager with a new credit card , '' he said in a speech in new albany , indiana . the bill -- which bush said was laden with $ 10 billion in `` pork '' -- would have funded the departments of labor , education , and health and human services . it also would have funded projects such as a prison museum , a sailing school and a program to teach portuguese . `` congress needs to cut out that pork , reduce the spending and send me a responsible measure that i can sign into law , '' the president said . watch a report on the veto '' while polls show bush 's popularity remains at near-record lows , congress ranks even lower as a whole . the president has taken numerous opportunities to mock the spending habits of the democratic leadership and force confrontations over the appropriations bills needed to fund the government for the 2008 budget year , which began october 1 . the bill bush vetoed tuesday includes about $ 150 billion to run those departments and more than $ 450 billion in mandatory spending on medicare and medicaid , the federal health care programs for the elderly and poor , according to the house appropriations committee . the committee 's chairman , rep. david obey , called bush 's veto `` not responsible and not credible . '' `` this is a bipartisan bill supported by over 50 republicans , '' obey , d-wisconsin , said in a statement issued after the veto . `` there has been virtually no criticism of its contents . it is clear the only reason the president vetoed this bill is pure politics . '' bush said democrats are supporting $ 22 billion in additional spending beyond his budget proposals this year and $ 205 billion over five years -- money he said would ultimately be raised by tax increases . `` when the bill for all that spending comes due , congress is going to turn to the working people , to the small-business owners and the entrepreneurs , '' he said .
<t> secret court ruling prompted push for updating the program . </t> <t> president bush had urged the house to pass the bill without delay . </t> <t> measure expands government 's power to eavesdrop on foreign suspects . </t>
congress approves president bush 's spy bill<T>
-lrb- aol autos -rrb- -- okay , you 've decided what model of car you want to buy . and you know , more or less , how much you want to spend -- or how much you can afford . you 've kicked tires , talked to salesmen , taken a few shiny new numbers for a test-drive and you 're ready to make the deal . if you eat in your car you may want to consider fabric or leather protections . except , you 're not quite done . you still need to decide whether to buy any of those `` extras '' that your salesperson will always suggest . some of these extras have real value and are probably worth adding . others ... maybe not so much . the list of `` extras '' offered by most dealers , may include paint sealant , fabric protection/leather care , extended warranties , extended ` one price ' service contracts , rust/underbody coatings and anti-theft systems , to mention a few . we wanted to know which of these new car extras were worth it and which ones a consumer can do without . to get to the bottom of it , we thought we would consult an expert -- david bennett , manager of automotive programs for aaa . as it turns out , like most things in life , the answer often just comes down to what 's best for you , depending on your own situation , budget or locale . let 's address these add-ons one by one : . paint sealant .<doc-sep>`` i think that most paint jobs on cars are pretty good these days , so in most cases you probably do n't need that anymore , '' said bennett , who offered one caveat . `` but that can depend on what part of the country you live in -- what the climate is , whether you get a lot of snow and ice , and what the road crews put down on the road -- whether it is salt , or if it is something that is less harmful to the paint . but generally , as long as you keep your car washed , and wash that salt off of it , and get it waxed regularly , that paint should last without getting the ` add-on ' sealer at the dealership . also , if you get a chip or a ding , get it fixed so the rust does n't get a chance to set in and spread . '' fabric / leather protection . these extras are fairly self-explanatory -- the dealer `` treats '' the upholstered or leather seating with a `` protection '' product that make the seats more resistant to stains or scuff marks . `` this can be a good purchase , but the first question you should ask before buying it is , ` what kind of lifestyle do i lead ? ' suggests bennett . `` do you have a lot of kids and are they prone to spill things ? or is your vehicle mostly going to be occupied by adults ? '' do you eat in the car with some regularity ? if so , and you 're just too darn messy for your own good , a stain protection might be a good way to go . `` also , look at exclusions in the plan , '' advises bennett . `` if you 're a smoker , and the plan excludes burn holes from cigarette ashes , and you 're not diligent about making sure your ash is always short , that might not be a good purchase because of that exclusion . each of these policies or plans is probably offering something different , and you need to read all of the exclusions before making that purchase , because it might not be a good one for you . '' if you want to save some cash , one option would be to forego the protectant and just make sure you clean your seats regularly with a good upholstery cleaner or leather cleaner . to remove spots from a leather seat , use a good leather cleaner and work it into the spot with a soft cloth . if the spot still remains , let it sit for a few hours . repeat , as they say , if necessary . it 's also a good idea , to use a leather conditioner regularly on leather seats to restore moisture and to maintain its appearance . rustproofing .<doc-sep>this is when the dealership applies various rust-inhibiting chemicals , waxes or sealers to the vehicle 's undercarriage . it can also be applied to other rust-prone areas . rustproofing treatments sometimes include a guarantee over a certain number of years . keep in mind that some guarantees require annual `` checkups '' to re-apply the sealers or rust inhibitors to any areas where the rustproofing may have been damaged . `` i do n't think this is necessary in most cases , '' opines bennett . `` the way most vehicles are constructed today , they are not nearly as prone to underbody rusting as they used to be in the old days -- even in the north , where they get a lot of snow . '' lojack car security system / anti-theft systems : . the folks at lojack car security systems report that a vehicle is stolen every 25 seconds in the u.s. using a car alarm is one way to protect your vehicle . but if you want to go the more high-tech `` tracking '' route , using a security system like lojack may give you more peace of mind . the lojack system , includes a small radio frequency transceiver hidden in up to 20 different places in the vehicle . the system uses a code that is tied into the vehicle identification number -lrb- vin -rrb- . then , when you report that your car has been stolen , the state police crime computer can match code against the state vin database . this automatically activates the lojack system in the vehicle -- emitting an inaudible signal . then , police cruisers and aviation units that have the lojack tracking system can identify the vehicle 's location , track it and recover it . lojack claims that over 200,000 vehicles have been recovered worldwide using their system , with over 100,000 of those in the u.s. `` whether or not this is a purchase you should make depends on various factors . if you live in a high-crime area , a system like this could provide you with peace of mind , '' advises bennett . `` but even if you live in a safe , low-crime district , your car can still be stolen from a busy downtown street or parking garage , '' he notes . one caveat : some car owners may not want their car back after it has been stolen , especially if it has been seriously vandalized , or if it has been driven so hard that it causes some mechanical problems .<doc-sep>another thing to consider is that owners of gm vehicles that come with its patented onstar system , probably wo n't need a theft tracking program , says bennett . `` because the system allows onstar operators to track the location of the vehicle if it is stolen . so if you buy a gm car with the onstar system , you may want to pass on a lojack or similar tracking system . '' extended warranties . `` this really does depend on how long you plan to keep the vehicle , because most of these extended warranty plans do n't kick in until the manufacturer 's warranty expires , '' advises bennett . `` and these days , those manufacturers warranties are three or five years , sometimes longer . `` so if you plan on selling the car after three or five years , it probably does n't make sense to buy the extended warranty . '' some warranties offer transferable policies , which let you `` sell '' the warranty along with the vehicle . others allow you to `` return '' the warranty for a pro-rated refund . bennett also explains that not all warranties are created equal . `` they usually have three levels of warranties : a basic extended warranty will just cover the powertrain , for example ; while a better one will cover the powertrain plus some other components that are listed -- or an ` exclusionary ' extended warranty may say it covers everything except those items that are listed . at the top end , the best warranty just covers everything , but that is also the most expensive . '' bennett gives an example of one manufacturers warranty . `` for a 2007 buick , the basic manufacturers warranty is five years or 100,000 miles for the powertrain coverage , and the corrosion warranty is six years or 100,000 miles . in fact , that 's the same warranty gm offers on their chevy and cadillac brands . '' `` that 's a pretty good warranty , so if you plan on only keeping your vehicle for five years or less , the extended warranty is probably money you do n't need to spend . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- aol autos -rrb- -- okay , you 've decided what model of car you want to buy . and you know , more or less , how much you want to spend -- or how much you can afford . you 've kicked tires , talked to salesmen , taken a few shiny new numbers for a test-drive and you 're ready to make the deal . if you eat in your car you may want to consider fabric or leather protections . except , you 're not quite done . you still need to decide whether to buy any of those `` extras '' that your salesperson will always suggest . some of these extras have real value and are probably worth adding . others ... maybe not so much . the list of `` extras '' offered by most dealers , may include paint sealant , fabric protection/leather care , extended warranties , extended ` one price ' service contracts , rust/underbody coatings and anti-theft systems , to mention a few . we wanted to know which of these new car extras were worth it and which ones a consumer can do without . to get to the bottom of it , we thought we would consult an expert -- david bennett , manager of automotive programs for aaa . as it turns out , like most things in life , the answer often just comes down to what 's best for you , depending on your own situation , budget or locale . let 's address these add-ons one by one : . paint sealant .<doc-sep>by . travelmail reporter . the world 's top airlines collected more than # 31.5 billion in extra charges in 2013 , an increase of more than # 4billion on the previous year . some airlines are making up to 40 per cent of their money from charging for extras like seat allocation , checking in luggage and food and drink on flights , according to a report by consultancy ideaworks company . and when it comes to budget flights charging for extras , there are some surprise contenders at the top of the list . taking off : jet2 is one of the airlines relying on extra charges , ranked in the top five airlines for extras in the world . despite once leading the way as the budget airline that takes the most money from so-called ancillary charges , ryanair only appears in fifth place in the 2013 report . 1 . spirit - 38 % . 2 . wizz air - 35 % . 3 . allegiant - 33 % . 4 . - 28 % . 5 . ryanair - 25 % . 6 . tigerair - 24 % . 7 . jetstar - 21 % . 8 . airasia x - 20 % .<doc-sep>by . adam shergold . published : . 04:23 est , 23 november 2012 . | . updated : . 04:24 est , 23 november 2012 . a pensioner grew cannabis with a street value of # 12,000 to pay for a drugs rehabilitation course for his son , a court heard . frank jones , 74 , a former oil rig worker , admitted producing nearly 400 grams of cannabis . he told barnsley magistrates court he believed the plants were worth only # 2,000 - # 3,000 and he got the idea to grow them from a fellow gardener . mr jones admitted he knew selling the plants he grew at his home in worsbrough common , barnsley would be illegal . drugs charge : frank jones , 74 , who lived near worsbrough common , barnsley -lrb- pictured -rrb- produced # 12,000 worth of cannabis plants to fund his son 's drugs rehabilitation course . but he said after the hearing : ` you tell me any parent who sees their son suffering who would not do just about anything to help them . ` not that i ever worked out how i would sell them or how i would find someone to offer me money for them . ' he said he was ` gobsmacked ' that the plants were worth so much and that he would face legal proceedings . mr jones added : ' i used to work in amsterdam and was offered cannabis to smoke and said ` no ' . now i 'm being branded as some sort of big time drug dealer . valuable : mr jones believed the cannabis plants he grew at his barnsley home were worth about # 2,000 - but their real value was six times more . ` gobsmacked ' : mr jones told barnsley magistrates court -lrb- pictured -rrb- that he was amazed the cannabis plants were so valuable . ` they said in court the plants i grew had a value of almost # 12,000 . what - just from a packet of seeds ? ` all i wanted to do was make # 2,500 to get my son into rehab because he has a serious drugs problem . ` are they telling me those plants are worth all that money ? to be honest it was as easy growing them as tomatoes . ` i 'm no drug dealer and when the police came to the house and took them away i did n't think i had anything to worry about . ` when the letter arrived saying i had to go to court and i learned what i was charged with i was gobsmacked . ' he will be sentenced at a later date .<doc-sep>15:49 est , 17 march 2014 . oops : chrissie ann solis , 35 , of murfreesboro called the cops to report her friend had stolen $ 140 from her . police say she 'd actually given the friend the money to get her drugs and figured it out from text messages that allegedly showed solis asking for seven lortabs at $ 20 per pill ... or $ 140 worth . a tennessee woman 's plan to have her drug dealer arrested appears to have backfired after police say they found text messages that prove she was looking to score some pain pills . chrissie ann solis , 35 , of murfreesboro told police a friend came over and stole $ 140 cash from her kitchen table . when police apprehended the so-called friend , 30-year-old tiffany waller , they say they found messages between the two women in which solis asked for pills worth a suspiciously familiar amount of money . ` before she was transported , she gave .
<t> gm owners wo n't need lojack because cars come with onstar option . </t> <t> smokers considering fabric protection should check for policy exclusions . </t> <t> but generally , as long as you keep your car washed you do n't need sealant . </t> <t> some warranties offer transferable policies that let you `` sell '' it with car . </t>
are dealer extras worth the money ?<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a b-2 stealth bomber crashed early saturday morning local time in guam , according to the air force . a b-2 stealth bomber taxis at andersen air force base , guam , in a 2005 photo . two pilots who were aboard during the crash , at andersen air force base , ejected from the bomber and were in good condition afterward , according to an air force statement . the pilots were from the 509th bomb wing . the military did n't release their names .<doc-sep>emergency responders were on the scene of the crash . a board of officers will investigate its cause . the crash is the second in three days of an air force craft . watch smoke rise from crash site . an air force fighter pilot was killed wednesday after two f-15c jets collided during a training exercise over the gulf of mexico . the planes were from the 33rd fighter wing , a combat-flying unit out of eglin air force base near pensacola , florida . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- all six airmen aboard the b-52 bomber that crashed monday off guam 's northwest coast were killed , air force officials confirmed wednesday . the b-52h stratofortress , like this one , was in guam as part of a four-month rotation . aboard raider 21 were maj. christopher m. cooper , 33 ; maj. brent d. williams , 37 ; capt. michael k. dodson , 31 ; 1st lt. joshua d. shepherd , 26 ; 1st lt. robert d gerren , 32 ; and col. george martin . the plane crashed about 30 miles northwest of guam , the air force said in a statement . air force crews switched from a rescue operation to a recovery operation over the 7,000-square-mile crash site , said air force spokeswoman sgt. ashleigh bryant . the bomber was scheduled to fly over crowds celebrating liberation day , which commemorates the u.s. capture of guam from japan in 1944 , said capt. joel stark , spokesman for andersen air force base in guam . the b-52h stratofortress , based at barksdale air force base in louisiana , was in guam as part of a four-month rotation when it went down about 9:45 a.m. monday -lrb- 7:45 p.m. et sunday -rrb- , stark said . martin was a physician and second in command of the medical unit at andersen and not a member of the crew . there were no weapons or munitions aboard the aircraft , the air force said . in february , a b-2 stealth bomber crashed shortly after takeoff from andersen air force base . two crew members ejected safely .<doc-sep>moscow , russia -lrb- reuters -rrb- -- russia 's strategic bombers have resumed the soviet union 's cold war practice of flying long-haul missions to areas patrolled by nato and the united states , generals said on thursday . a russian tu-95 bear bomber , the type of plane used on long-range sorties into areas patrolled by nato . a russian bomber flew over a u.s. military base on the pacific island of guam on wednesday and `` exchanged smiles '' with u.s. pilots who had scrambled to track it , said maj. gen. pavel androsov , head of long-range aviation in the russian air force . `` it has always been the tradition of our long-range aviation to fly far into the ocean , to meet -lsb- u.s. -rsb- aircraft carriers and greet -lsb- u.s. pilots -rsb- visually , '' androsov told a news conference . `` yesterday we revived this tradition , and two of our young crews paid a visit to the area of the -lsb- u.s. pacific naval activities -rsb- base of guam , '' he said . president vladimir putin has sought to make russia more assertive in the world .<doc-sep>during the cold war , russian long-range bombers , which can carry strategic nuclear weapons , played elaborate games of cat-and-mouse with western air forces . earlier this month russian air force generals said bomber crews had flown near the pacific island of guam , where the u.s. military has a base , and `` exchanged smiles '' with u.s. pilots scrambled to track them . the pentagon said the russian aircraft had not come close enough to u.s. ships to prompt american aircraft to react . in july , two russian tu-95 `` bear '' bombers made unusually long sorties over the north sea , leading norway and britain to scramble fighter jets to follow them . russia 's air force said later it was a routine flight . e-mail to a friend . copyright 2007 reuters . all rights reserved.this material may not be published , broadcast , rewritten , or redistributed .<doc-sep>` the museum is thrilled to conduct the first-ever great paper airplane . launch , part of our larger effort to inspire america 's youth and spark a . passion for aviation and engineering in the next generation . ' the plane was built with falcon board , which the la times described as a type of corrugated cardboard not unlike that used in a pizza box . the plane plunges to the earth as the body begins to come apart . the remnants of the plane wait to be recovered after crash landing in the desert . the original model also had a helping design hand from art thompson in lancaster , who helped in the design of the b-2 stealth bomber . assuming this year 's model is similar to its 2012 counterpart , the 800-pound airplane had to be towed approximately 4,000 feet into the sky before being released . as the video shows , the plane glides smoothly on the wind before bits of it begin to come apart and it crashes back to the earth .
<t> air force says 2 pilots in good condition after ejecting from plane . </t> <t> emergency responders on scene of crash at andersen air force base . </t> <t> crash is the second in three days involving an air force craft . </t>
pilots safe after stealth bomber crashes in guam<T>
greencreek , idaho -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- it was just 2 1/2 years ago when elaine sonnen found out that her 16-year-old son , richard , had been planning a columbine-style attack at his high school . richard sonnen spent 16 months in mental health institutions after plotting to kill his high school classmates . it would be a fitting payback to his high school classmates who richard said relentlessly bullied him . `` i always wanted to get back at them , '' richard sonnen said of his classmates . `` i always wanted to strangle them . ... i was always mad . i was always angry and i would come home and cry to mom and dad . '' both richard and elaine sonnen spoke to cnn at the 45-acre family farm . unlike columbine and recent school shootings at northern illinois university and virginia tech , elaine sonnen did see the warning signs in her son and was able to stop him . elaine and her husband , tom , adopted richard from a bulgarian orphanage when he was just 4 1/2 years old . `` i mean , we just loved him , and he was just a big sparkle of life , '' she said . but only a few months after they brought him home , they began to see another side of their son . he was angry and unpredictable . elaine sonnen says that at age 6 , richard told her he wanted to kill her . she said he would shake with anger to the point that he 'd scream at her , telling her he wanted to destroy her . `` people thought he was just the greatest kid in the world . very polite , well-mannered , caring , '' elaine sonnen remembered . `` at home , he could be anywhere from just a really helpful kid to a monster . a terrifying monster . '' mother says son had ` two ' personalities '' in junior high , he said , `` evil '' classmates started picking on him . boys and girls , he said , bullied him until he could n't take it anymore . `` i always wanted to get revenge , '' he said . by the eighth grade , richard was put on anti-psychotic medications . he had been diagnosed as bipolar and was suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder and other disorders . in 1999 , when the columbine shootings happened , the sonnens feared that richard might do the same thing one day . `` we stopped and looked at each other and said , ` this could be richard ; some day this could be him , ' '' elaine sonnen said . years later , during his junior year in high school , they were right . fed up with the bullies , richard says , he felt like an outcast and started looking for a way to get even . secretly , he began reading books about columbine in his school library . the shooters , eric harris and dylan klebold , became his heroes . `` they planned it out so perfectly and so meticulously ... that i just , wow , you know , '' he said . `` they 're my gods . '' watch a preview of `` campus rage '' '' he even created a hit list of the classmates he planned to kill at prairie high school in cottonwood , idaho . `` my plan was to set around bombs around the school . ... i analyzed a lot of where everybody sat and where everybody did their thing , '' he said . `` i had pinpoints of where i wanted to go , where i wanted to do it . ''<doc-sep>harvard medical school psychologist william pollack , who consulted on a 2002 federal government study of school shootings , said it found that most school shooters often had feelings of anger , sadness and isolation as well as homicidal and suicidal thoughts . `` we see a young man who obviously is telling us how depressed he was , how angry he was and how much he looked up to people who we know are very disturbed and very dangerous , and how close he came to killing people , '' said pollack , who watched cnn 's interview with richard . elaine sonnen found out about her son 's plan during a conversation with him . she ordered him to write down the names of the eight students he wanted dead and then gave the list to his caseworker the next day . later , he added a teacher and his mother and sister to the hit list . she took immediate action and had her son committed to an idaho mental institution . over the next 16 months , he received treatment at several mental health facilities throughout idaho . `` there , i opened up . i felt better . i moved on with myself , '' richard said . `` they felt at that point ... they had done everything they could do for him , '' elaine sonnen added . `` he was doing great . he could make it on his own . they had no question . '' in january 2007 , after almost a year and a half in mental institutions , richard sonnen started a new life at lewis-clark state college in lewiston , idaho . he was taking a cocktail of three anti-psychotic drugs to help him function . '' -lsb- for -rsb- the first time in 12 years , i was able to hold my son , '' said elaine sonnen . `` so i knew he was on the road to be well . '' everything seemed to be looking up , but in april 2007 , three days after the virginia tech massacre , richard 's mother received a call from police . they told her richard had made about four threats to carry out shootings at lewis clark state college and lewiston high school . police told her richard planned to go home , get some guns and go back to school to pull off a sniper attack from a clock tower on the college 's campus , she said . police took him into protective custody and searched his apartment for clues . but , in the end , he was released because , authorities say , they did n't have enough evidence to charge him with a crime . richard said the whole incident was a big misunderstanding . he said he was telling people about his high school plot and never threatened his college or local high school . but his mother does n't believe his version of the story . `` no . i believe he made those threats , '' she said . `` i still believe it . '' richard , now 19 , signed an order banning him from campus for one year . today , he lives on his own in washington state . he 's still on medication but not seeing a psychiatrist . since he 's over the age of 18 , his mom ca n't force him to go . is elaine sonnen still afraid of her son ? `` yeah , at times , i 'm very afraid , '' she said . `` because he still has a lot of anger towards me . '' she said the signs are still there , and she fears what could happen if he ever stops taking his medicine . `` he 's not getting the help and the insight from a professional that could see the signs , '' she said . `` because as a person with a mental illness , you have skewed thinking . '' even though richard calls her the `` greatest person in the world , '' elaine sonnen protects the family by keeping an alarm on her son 's bedroom door when he comes home to visit . so why are richard sonnen and his mother , elaine , speaking out now ? in the wake of the northern illinois university and virginia tech shootings , richard wants young people experiencing the same symptoms he had to seek out help . his mother wants parents and authorities to listen for warning signs and to act fast and decisively . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>by . michael zennie and ashley collman . published : . 22:23 est , 28 october 2013 . | . updated : . 07:21 est , 29 october 2013 . ` he snapped ' : michael guzzo -lrb- pictured above -rrb- went on a shooting spree before killing himself saturday , and detectives believe barking dogs sparked the rampage . the ex-wife of the man who murdered his four neighbors and killed their two dogs saturday because the canines would n't stop barking loudly , says there were warning signs he would snap . michael guzzo , the 56-year-old gunman , became enraged over the noise from the pets at a neighboring townhouse in a phoenix apartment complex , detectives say . they believe the pharmacist used a pump-action shotgun to shoot dead bruce moore , 66 ; his daughter , renee moore , 36 ; her husband michael moore , 42 -lrb- who took his wife 's last name -rrb- ; and their son , shannon moore , 17 . he also slaughtered their dogs . guzzo then fired several rounds into the door of another neighbor.he returned home and killed himself . the . woman who was married to guzzo for 20 years described him as a . ` troubled soul ' who struggled with depression , paranoia and self-esteem . issues . and she would know - she 's a behavioral health nurse . the former mrs guzzo says she was n't surprised when she heard the news . ' i . watched the news at 5 and i went `` oh my god . '' and i knew . i knew mike . was the shooter , i knew he was dead , ' she told azcentral . his ex-wife says she decided to talk to the media in order to give the . moore family a better idea of what happened the day of the shooting , but wanted to remain unnamed . when he moved into the apartment a year and a half ago , she says he was angry and depressed . she adds that he was so angry about the neighborhood 's barking dogs that he left several notes on doors around the apartment complex . stained : patrick riley , brother of shooting victim michael moore , surveys the damage at the scene of saturday 's shooting rampage .<doc-sep>but a military spokesman said security forces planned to put the protesters under more pressure saturday as they cordoned off an area of several square kilometers , cnn 's sara sidner reported . `` in the next few days , they will be stepping up their security measures , '' said panitan wattanayagorn , the acting thai government spokesman . security forces rolled out razor wire and erected warning signs as they surrounded the area where the protesters have been clustered , cnn 's dan rivers reported . he said thai troops had also come under fire although it was unclear who was shooting at them . `` there 's been quite a fierce gunfight where we are in the northwest corner of this zone that they have tried to surround a ratchaprarop road which has been declared a live fire zone by the army , '' said rivers . `` there are signs up all along it warning residents to stay indoors , that there is live ammunition being used . we 've been effectively pinned down while the army tries to deal with incoming fire . we 're not sure who 's firing on them but it 's certainly been a very volatile situation with lots of explosions and gunfire going on . '' sidner , a few kilometers away inside the security force 's cordon reported witnessing two people shot . both appeared to be unarmed she said . those present at the scene claimed rooftop snipers were responsible for the shootings , she said . `` the protesters clearly blame the army for the deadly force , '' said sidner . `` there is no way to know for sure who exactly is doing the shooting but neither of the people we saw injured were armed . '' on the scene : bangkok at boiling point . the thai capital has been in chaos since thursday , beset by gunfire , tear gas and stone-throwing that boiled over after thai authorities set a new deadline to seal off the bangkok intersection where protesters have gathered by the thousands for the past month . what are protests about ?<doc-sep>the special will mark the famed broadcaster 's first return to television since she retired last month . abc did not reveal when the interview will air , saying only that it will be an upcoming special edition of 20/20 . the killer 's mother , li-chin rodger , was the first one to realize that something was awry at the time of his killing spree . final warning : elliot rodger posted a confessional video titled ` retribution ' shortly before going on a killing spree near the uc-santa barbara campus in may . promising : christopher martinez had planned to study in london for a year before starting law school . victim : christopher , 20 , was one of six students to be killed in may 's attack . emotional : one day after his son was shot dead , richard martinez , center , blamed christopher 's death on ` irresponsible politicians and the nra ' li-chin , who have been divorced for many years , received an email from her 22-year-old son shortly after 9pm on may 25 which included a 140-page manifesto . she immediately went to elliot 's youtube page and saw that he had uploaded a video called ` retribution ' wherein he describes how he plans to slaughter sorority girls . his mother knew something was horribly wrong and she called her ex , filmmaker peter , and after they watched the video , they called 911 . both parents rushed to the scene separately and reportedly realized they were too late once they heard news reports of the ongoing rampage on the car radio . neither parent has spoken out about the killings yet , and in the immediate aftermath they gave permission to a close friend to speak to the media on their behalf , explaining how elliot had been receiving professional help for some time . ' -lrb- his parents -rrb- were conscious and concerned about their son 's health , ' simon astaire told cnn . ` they thought he was in good hands . ' change : richard martinez , who son christopher was shot dead in may 's attack , called for tougher gun laws . richard martinez has become a crusader for more stringent gun laws in the wake of his son 's killing . in late may , martinez addressed a crowd of about 20,000 who gathered for the university of california santa barbara memorial , the crowd got to their feet and joined his chant of ` not one more ' . moments earlier he had given an emotional tribute to his only son , christopher , who just before his death had been planning a year in london before starting law school .<doc-sep>a former army psychiatrist who killed 13 people in a shooting spree at an army base in texas has reportedly written a letter to the pope praising islamist jihad . nidal hasan , who opened fire at fort hood on fellow service personnel at fort hood in 2009 , has apparently composed the letter under the acronym soa , thought to mean soldier of allah . it is believed he has now directed his attorney john galligan to send on the six-page , handwritten letter to pope francis . scroll down for video . nidal hasan , the former army psychiatrist who killed 13 people in a shooting spree at fort hood , texas . he has now wrote a letter to the pope , where he praises islamic jihad . the letter , written by hasan for the pontiff , pictured , is reportedly entitled ' a warning to pope francis , members of the vatican and other religious leaders around the world '
<t> at age 6 , elaine sonnen says , her son , richard , wanted to kill her . </t> <t> fed up with bullying , richard says he plotted to kill eight classmates . </t> <t> elaine immediately sought mental help for her son after learning of his plan . </t> <t> richard spent 16 months in mental institutions and now lives on his own . </t>
mom saw warning signs in son who planned shooting spree<T>
moscow , russia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a cult member who spent several months holed up in a cave with dozens of other people anticipating the end of the world claimed wednesday that two women died and were buried inside . an above-ground kitchen used by the doomsday cult in the penza region during the summer . the former cave-dweller , vitaly nedogon , relayed his claims to russian tv journalists , according to anton sharonov , a spokesman for the administration of penza , a region southeast of moscow . the official said nedogon did not report the information to police or authorities . once the rest of the apocalyptic sect leaves the cave , investigators will move in to try to confirm nedogon 's report , sharonov said . nedogon and others left the cave , said to be near the village of nikolskoye , about 700 kilometers -lrb- 435 miles -rrb- from the russian capital , about a week ago , after part of its ceiling collapsed .<doc-sep>he claimed two women died at different times during the cult 's seclusion , which began in november 2007 . one woman died of cancer and the other from excessive fasting , he told the media . `` however , '' sharonov told the russian news agency interfax , `` the penza regional administration is of the view that these deaths must be proven legally , which is possible only if all the people leave the cave so that investigative officials can examine it . '' sharonov said those who remain in the cave told penza officials during negotiations that they would come out by the russian orthodox easter , on april 27 . he said officials believe 11 people are left in the cave , but only nine will be alive if nedogon 's report is true . according to interfax , penza deputy governor oleg melnichenko , who is leading the local effort to resolve the situation , said he was unaware of any deaths in the cave .<doc-sep>the cave ordeal began when kuznetsov , the group 's leader , told his followers to hide themselves to await the end of the world , which he predicted would take place in may . they had threatened to commit mass suicide if authorities tried to intervene . thirty-five sect members are believed to have entered the cave initially , interfax said . e-mail to a friend . from cnn 's maxim tkachenko in moscow .<doc-sep>moscow , russia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- members of a russian doomsday cult barricaded themselves in a cave to wait out the end of the world as the cult 's leader underwent psychiatric exams thursday , russian media reported . the cult , which calls itself the `` true russian orthodox church , '' believes the world will end in may . the cult leader is in police custody awaiting proceedings on charges that he set up an organization `` whose activity is associated with violence on citizens and instigation to refuse to perform their civil duties , '' according to the state-funded itar-tass news agency . four children are among 29 cult members holed up in a ravine in russia 's penza region , where they apparently dug a cave . one of the children in the cave is 18 months old , reported itar-tass . temperatures in the cave are below 54 degrees fahrenheit -lrb- 12 degrees celsius -rrb- , the russian news agency reported . the cult members have refused law enforcement requests to come out or release the children , and they have threatened to commit suicide if police resort to force , according to russian state television . the cult , which calls itself the `` true russian orthodox church , '' believes the end of the world will come in may 2008 .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- more than 600 members of a fringe christian group in china have been detained for spreading rumors of an impending apocalypse , pegged to the mayan calendar , china 's xinhua news agency reported . known as the almighty god cult , the group latched on to the mayan doomsday scenario to predict the sun would not shine and electricity would not work for three days beginning on december 21 . the cult was established in 1990 in central china and requires its members to surrender their property to the group . group members have spread doomsday rumors door-to-door or at public venues and claimed only they could save people 's lives , according to authorities . read more : some believe friday is doomsday on the mayan calendar ; the mayans do n't . december 21 , 2012 , is the endpoint of a more than 5,000-year great cycle marked on the `` long count '' calendar of the mayans , an ancient native american civilization from mexico and central america . some say this date marks the end of the world , while others suggest it marks the beginning of a new era . most of the cult members seized by police were detained for five to 10 days for disturbing social order , xinhua reported . police have seized a large number of leaflets , banners , computer discs , slogans , books and printing machines . read more : china cracks down on ` doomsday cult ' arrests have been reported in qinghai , sichuan , guangdong , and guizhou provinces and in the capital , beijing . `` advice before catastrophe : satan 's men will be extinct . only the ` almighty god ' can save man . anybody who resists god will go to hell , '' a leaflet said . cao wei , a police officer with the shanghua police station in lanxi city , said cult members ask new believers to write letters of assurance to show their loyalty to the `` almighty god '' and to evangelize . xinhua reported that one member wrote a letter saying , `` i must preach to 100 people today , or i will be cursed . '' most of the cult 's members are in their 40s , unemployed people in urban areas or low-income groups affected by illness or disaster . the group believes that jesus has been resurrected as a chinese woman , xinhua reported . authorities say the cult intimidates people who try to leave .<doc-sep>tokyo -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a former member of a japanese doomsday cult wanted for the murder of a notary official surrendered after nearly 17 years on the run , authorities said sunday . makoto hirata turned himself in late saturday in tokyo , according to a metropolitan police official , who spoke on condition of anonymity -- as is the practice among japanese police . hirata is described as a former senior member of aum shinrikyo , or cult of the supreme truth , the group behind the 1995 sarin gas attack on a tokyo subway . the attack left more than a dozen people dead and thousands injured . the cult now claims to be a benign religious group . at the height of its activities in the 1990s , it preached the world was coming to an end and that it must arm itself to prepare for various calamities . a number of the cult 's senior leaders were jailed in the late 1990s and early 2000s . hirata , 46 , has been on the run since february 1995 when authorities say he and other members of the cult kidnapped a chief clerk in a tokyo notary office .<doc-sep>by . sarah michael . rocco leo , who fled to fiji in 2010 , allegedly promised to save cult members by taking them a place called ` the island ' in the south pacific . a rural compound belonging to an adelaide doomsday cult is going up for auction and being billed as a ` unique and flexible property ' located in a ` beautiful hills setting ' . agape ministries cult leader rocco leo is being forced to sell the property to repay a $ 3 million tax bill and another $ 420,000 he owes to a former cult member who said she was brainwashed . the 15.3 hectare kuipto colony retreat , located one hour south of adelaide , is set to go under the hammer on august 8 and is being sold by ray white . the ` highly improved ' facilities boast a manager 's residence , multiple dormitories , huge sheds , workshop , storage , two large dams and ` an extensive cellar ' . ` overlooking lake-like dams and being privately located in a beautiful hills setting between meadows and willunga , this unique and flexible property provides a plethora of possibilities for either private or commercial ownership , ' the real estate ad reads . ` whilst the current owners have upgraded and added to the property over the last 10 years , some finishing touches are still needed to complete the project . ' scroll down for video . agape ministries ' 15.3 hectare kuipto colony retreat , located one hour south of adelaide , is being sold . the doomsday cult 's compound is being billed as a ` unique and flexible property '
<t> claims that one woman died from cancer , another from fasting in cult 's cave . </t> <t> russian cult leader told followers world would end in may . </t> <t> sect members threatened to commit suicide if authorities tried to intervene . </t>
` two dead ' inside doomsday cult cave<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- in a television interview , the mother of a man charged in the murder of an auburn university freshman repeatedly says she 's sorry about the suffering the victim 's family is enduring . courtney larrell lockhart was arrested friday in phenix city , alabama , about 35 miles from auburn . `` i never thought courtney would do this . i never , never thought , '' courtney larrell lockhart 's mother catherine williams told cnn affiliate wrbl on saturday . `` but i 'm sorry for that family and i 'm sorry . i 'm just sorry , '' she said . `` i got nothing else to say . i 'm just sorry for the loss of that family . '' police announced saturday that they had arrested lockhart , 23 , of smiths , alabama , in connection with the shooting death of lauren burk , 18 , of marietta , georgia . watch the mother cry and apologize '' lockhart faces charges of capital murder during a kidnapping , capital murder during a robbery and capital murder during an attempted rape , police said . also , lockhart is facing robbery charges in the phenix city , alabama , area , said william clanton of the phenix city police department . clanton did not know how many robberies lockhart was suspected of committing .<doc-sep>lockhart is being held in the russell county jail , but is expected to be moved to lee county soon , where auburn university is , clanton said . burk was found shot tuesday night on north college street , a few miles north of campus . she died later at a hospital . minutes after police responded to a call reporting an injured person and found burk , they received a report of a car -- which turned out to be burk 's -- on fire in a campus parking lot . authorities believe gasoline or another accelerant was used to ignite burk 's car , auburn assistant police chief tommy dawson said friday . police were investigating whether a gas can found in downtown auburn was related to the case . memorial services for burk were held saturday and sunday at a marietta church and synagogue . a campus-wide memorial service will be held monday . a memorial service was held sunday in athens , georgia , for another slain university student eve carson , the athens banner herald reported . carson , 22 , the student body president for the university of north carolina at chapel hill , was found shot to death in a suburban neighborhood not far from campus about 5 a.m. wednesday . her car was found thursday , in another neighborhood to the west , about a block or two from where she lived with roommates .<doc-sep>on saturday , police released two surveillance photographs of a `` person of interest '' taken by an atm camera in the chapel hill area , chapel hill police chief brian curran said . the person appeared to be using one of carson 's atm cards and was driving a vehicle that was possibly hers . curran called the photographs the `` biggest break '' in the case , which he said still appears to be random . reminders of the popular student president appeared on the jerseys of the university 's men 's basketball team saturday night as they took on duke university 's blue devils in durham , north carolina . the top-ranked tar heels wore jersey patches that read `` eve . '' many of duke 's fans donned small light-blue ribbons as a show of support . there was a moment of silence for carson before tip-off . the ribbons and moment of silence say `` a heckuva lot about duke university , '' unc coach roy williams told reporters after the game . the tar heels won 76-68 . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>afghan villagers describe slaying 's horror . the army has said bales is the sole suspect in the killings , but afghan villagers in the area have consistently rejected the contention that bales acted alone . earlier this week , a fellow soldier testified that he and another soldier had been drinking with bales hours before the attack . an officer , capt. daniel fields , said that when he asked bales after he surrendered what had happened , bales replied , `` i 'm sorry i let you down . '' wartime stress as a defense for murder .<doc-sep>`` quite frankly , i spent the first two weeks doing nothing but crying , '' twomey , of auburn , maine , said . `` i just was n't prepared for what people were sharing and how somebody who has absolutely no connection to me could be affected . '' along with the ashes , twomey sends a note and a small photo of c.j. in a boston red sox t-shirt . his ashes have even been scattered at fenway park , home of his favorite team . his mother asks the recipient to think about her son and the people he helped through organ donation . she also asks that in their thoughts , they remind him that `` mom and dad love him , and that mom is sorry . '' many of those scattering the ashes have also been affected by suicide or have outlived their children , she said . `` i 'm so touched , '' she said . `` i 've lost all faith in pretty much anything since c.j. died . i do n't pray anymore . i 'm just not spiritual . i think this was such an effort for me to put my faith -- not to be dramatic -- in mankind . that 's been wonderful . ''<doc-sep>scroll down for video . life cut short : lauren burk -lrb- left -rrb- , 18 , was kidnapped and shot dead by iraq war veteran courtney lockhart . terrifying scenario : burk was snatched from a parking lot on the campus of auburn university during a robbery attempt . ` it 's like it happened yesterday , ' jim burk told the station wsb-tv of his daughter 's death . ` there 's not a day that goes by that my family does n't have her close in our mind and heart . ' ` losing a child is like carrying stones in your pocket at all times , ' said lauren 's mother , viviane guerschon . ` you get used to the weight , but the weight is always there . ' police said lockhart abducted burk from a parking lot outside an auburn dorm during a bungled robbery attempt on the night of march 4 , 2008 . he forced her to take off her clothes so she would n't try to escape and drove around , investigators said , trying to decide what to do with her . lockhart shot burk in the chest at close range as she jumped from the moving car , police said . she bled to death along the side of the road a short time later . gruesome end : burk attempted to escape by jumping out of the car , but lockhart shot her in the chest and left her bleeding to death on the side of the road . closure : lauren burk 's mother vivian guerchan is hugged by supporter in the courtroom in opelika , alabama , in 2010 as lockhart is found guilty of the student 's slaying .<doc-sep>betsy said there was no way they would change their tickets for a bowl game . but if they did , the couple would wear orange and blue , sit together , and her husband would probably bring a `` back-up auburn hat , '' just in case . while betsy does n't have to worry about a football rivalry in her marriage , she is familiar with a house divided by an even deeper challenge : auburn and the university of alabama . betsy 's family enjoys the excitement of a good , long-standing rivalry , but never lets it go too far . growing up in alabama , her family watched all of the ` bama games . but when betsy was accepted to auburn , things began to change . her brothers followed suit , and soon betsy , her father and her siblings were on the orange and blue side of the divide , while her mother and grandfather swore by the crimson tide . in the southeastern conference , rivalries divide houses and run deep in family blood . auburn and alabama play each other every year in the iron bowl -- the week of thanksgiving . so each year , betsy 's mother goes the alabama alumni bar to watch the game , while betsy , her brothers and father go to the auburn alumni bar . during halftime , whoever is losing has to visit the other bar and `` eat it '' for a little while . `` it may be thanksgiving , but i 'm going to talk back to my mom ! '' betsy said , laughing . family will still be family , tensions will ease after the iron bowl , and the jokes and jabbing will be swapped in good fun . because virginia and auburn have conflicting game times during the regular season , jessica and tripp managed to find a bar near their home in san francisco that would broadcast both . as jessica watched auburn lose to the university of georgia this year , tripp was enjoying a game of uva vs. duke university . he invited her to come watch his game because virginia was faring well . despite auburn 's possible defeat , jessica let him know that she `` did n't care about his stupid game . '' if bowl season , or a good old-fashioned conference rivalry , is attempting to divide your house , jessica has some tips for how `` not to kill each other . '' `` just have fun with it , and maybe go to separate places to watch the game if possible . but i 'll tell you this , i would n't watch any games with him if he went to alabama . ''
<t> courtney larrell lockhart 's mother says she 's sorry for suffering of victim 's family . </t> <t> `` i never thought courtney would do this , '' mother tells television station . </t> <t> lockhart charged in tuesday slaying of auburn university freshman lauren burk . </t> <t> lockhart is being held in the russell county jail , authorities say . </t>
mother of suspect in auburn slaying : ` i 'm sorry '<T>
beijing , china -lrb- reuters -rrb- -- a chinese couple tried to name their baby '' @ , '' claiming the character used in e-mail addresses echoed their love for the child , an official trying to whip the national language into line said on thursday . the unusual name stands out especially in chinese , which has no alphabet and instead uses tens of thousands of multi-stroke characters to represent words . `` the whole world uses it to write e-mail , and translated into chinese it means ` love him ' , '' the father explained , according to the deputy chief of the state language commission li yuming . while the '' @ '' symbol is familiar to chinese e-mail users , they often use the english word `` at '' to sound it out -- which with a drawn out `` t '' sounds something like `` ai ta , '' or `` love him , '' to mandarin speakers .<doc-sep>li told a news conference on the state of the language that the name was an extreme example of people 's increasingly adventurous approach to chinese , as commercialisation and the internet break down conventions . another couple tried to give their child a name that rendered into english sounds like `` king osrina . '' li did not say if officials accepted the '' @ '' name . but earlier this year the government announced a ban on names using arabic numerals , foreign languages and symbols that do not belong to chinese minority languages .<doc-sep>sixty million chinese faced the problem that their names use ancient characters so obscure that computers can not recognize them and even fluent speakers were left scratching their heads , said li , according to a transcript of the briefing on the government web site -lrb- -rrb- . one of them was the former premier zhu rongji , whose name had a rare `` rong '' character that gave newspaper editors headaches . e-mail to a friend . copyright 2007 reuters . all rights reserved.this material may not be published , broadcast , rewritten , or redistributed .<doc-sep>by . tamara abraham . published : . 12:06 est , 31 december 2012 . | . updated : . 12:06 est , 31 december 2012 . the initial k is synonymous with the kardashian clan . so following news that kim is expecting her first baby with kanye west , the world is already imagining what name the couple will choose . nameberry baby name expert , pamela redmond satran , says that though kim 's sister kourtney bucked the family trend , it is hard to imagine that she and kanye will be able to resist a k name for their unborn child . indeed , on keeping up with the kardashians last year , kim even admitted she was calling dibs on her favorite k names . will it be another k name ? kim kardashian and kanye west are expecting their first child . younger sister khloe said in the episode : ` kim is the only crazy person that would actually like , reserve . lamar and i like baby names , but i 'm not going to say , `` no one else can have this name ! '' ' with kim 's leaning towards that letter in mind , nameberry has compiled a list of suggested monikers , based on current baby name trends and the various worlds from which the couple may take inspiration .<doc-sep>published : . 04:36 est , 15 january 2014 . | . updated : . 05:55 est , 15 january 2014 . the 15-year-old child bride featured on controversial television programme benefits street has had a baby with her romanian migrant ` husband ' , it has been revealed . the girl was seen on the channel 4 series on monday , where she was on screen alongside her husband , who gave his name only as alex and described the marriage - illegal in both the uk and romania - as ` alright , no problem ' . it has now been revealed that months after documentary makers finished filming the series on james turner street in birmingham , where 90 per cent of residents receive state handouts , the couple had their fist child . child ` bride ' : a 20-year-old romanian , right , boasted to cameras that his 15-year-old ` wife ' , left , was ` no problem ' boast : 20-year-old romanian alex , right , boasted that having a 15-year-old ` wife ' , left , was ` no problem ' the baby girl was reportedly born in a hospital in the city , although the couple were thought to have temporarily left the uk for romania to sign official papers relating to the three-month-old . the child 's birth means the couple are now entitled to receive # 88 every month in child benefit , as well as additional tax credits - although it is not known if they intend to claim them . despite giving his name as alex , the new father 's family said his name was in fact stefan stana , while his partner , who was unnamed in the show , is madalina balasa , who is now 16 . mother : the girl , named by family members as madalina balasa , had the child in october after she turned 16 . unpleasant : rubbish is piled on up james turner street , birmingham . they featured on the series as part of a romanian family , who did not claim benefits but worked as professional bin raiders , trying to scavenge for scrap metal to sell . stefan 's brother florin confirmed the birth of the child , and said the couple , understood to still be living in birmingham , had gone to romania to get papers for the child . ` they have had a baby together , ' florin told the sun . ceremony : a wedding video shows the couple being ` married ' - despite it being illegal in both the uk and romania . ` it was born in october - she is called miruna . madalina was 16 when the baby was born . ' madalina was just 15 and a half when she and stefan , then 20 , were interviewed for the programme . he was seen boasting to the camera about his . child bride - aged just 15-and-a-half - and defending their union as . ` tradition ' on the channel 4 documentary series . the couple were shown talking about their ` marriage ' in monday 's episode .<doc-sep>fated : anya ponorovskaya and civil-rights lawyer wylie stecklow ` married ' on a mexican beach in 2010 in front of 100 guests . a manhattan wife claims her husband tricked her into thinking they were married and now wants to kick her out of their $ 2 million apartment . noted fashion designer anya ponorovskaya and lawyer wylie stecklow married on a mexico beach in 2010 and a few months later the couple bought a $ 1 million home in tribeca , in new york city . ponorovskaya paid part of the mortgage , but stecklow said that she should n't worry about her name not being on the deed because they were legally married . however , when ponorovskaya , 44 , filed for divorce in 2013 , she was stunned to learn that her marriage was possibly a sham and that her money was locked into the apartment - which stecklow will not sell . now the . couple are both living in the same apartment in war of the roses style . acrimony while stecklow , 48 , tries to evict his ex-wife . ` he tricked me into removing my name from the deed . he said we 're married and it does n't matter , ' she said to the new york post . ' i . spent years renovating and almost drowned my own business . with the .<doc-sep>so today 's episode was merely what catholics have come to expect from their dynamic new pope . rainbow association marco iagulli onlus , the charity the newly-married couple are associated with , runs clown therapy sessions for children with cancer in hospitals , nursing homes and orphanages . it also offers economic and practical support for their families . its website says : ` the association was founded with the aim to provide support , both moral , psychological and economic -lrb- where possible -rrb- to the families whose children are suffering from the cancer . ` the weekly trips , specialist visits , medical advice and hotels stays for the parents of patients involve troubles and expenses . ` the happy life of a child who just want to play , go to school or do what any child of that age would do , together with the life of the family , are rudely interrupted and often destroyed through an ordeal endless and excruciating . ` and it is at this precise moment that our association tries to help out . '
<t> chinese couple try to name baby '' @ '' </t> <t> father claims character translates as `` love him '' </t> <t> officials have not revealed if the name has been allowed . </t>
couple tries to name child ' ⁇ '<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a leading humanitarian group says sunni and shiite militias in iraq are pulling displaced people into their movements because governments and international entities are failing to adequately address their plight . two shiite militiamen take up combat positions during recent clashes with iraq security forces . refugees international underscored that development in a report issued tuesday titled `` uprooted and unstable : meeting urgent humanitarian needs in iraq . '' the report says the united states , the government of iraq and the international community are n't doing enough to address the daily problems faced by the 2.7 million internally displaced iraqis , who have fled homes in war-torn regions to other places in iraq . those people find themselves unemployed in their new locations and many times unable to access food and health care . `` as a result of the vacuum created by the failure of both the iraqi government and the international community to act in a timely and adequate manner , non-state actors play a major role in providing assistance to vulnerable iraqis , '' the report says . social services are being provided by `` militias of all denominations '' that want to build their groups , with muqtada al-sadr 's political movement using a hezbollah model to set itself up `` as the main service provider in the country . '' hezbollah , the lebanese shiite militant group labeled a terrorist group by the united states , has built a large base of support with its social service network . `` similarly , other shiite and sunni groups are gaining ground and support through the delivery of food , oil , electricity , clothes and money to the civilians living in their fiefdoms . `` not only do these militias now have a quasi-monopoly in the large-scale provision of assistance in iraq , they are also recruiting an increasing number of civilians to their militias -- including displaced iraqis , '' the report said . the report says al-sadr 's militia , the mehdi army , has resettled displaced iraqis `` free of charge in homes that belonged to sunnis . '' `` it provides stipends , food , heating oil , cooking oil and other non-food items to supplement the public distribution system rations which are still virtually impossible to transfer after displaced iraqis have moved to a new neighborhood , though it is easier for shiites to do so , '' the report says .<doc-sep>refugees international visited a sadrist office in baghdad 's ur district and observed residents providing `` clothing , milk , oil , rice , sugar , clothes and fuel for heating and cooking when supplies are available . '' the sadrists also adjudicate legal disputes among citizens and give stipends to families of displaced people and slain or jailed mehdi army fighters . the report says sunni militias also play a similar role in helping needy and displaced sunnis , though there is less organized help . `` sunni militias also handle the distribution of key items such as heating gas . as sunnis in baghdad get virtually no electricity or other services from the government , they rely on local militias and warlords to secure their areas and manage what services they can obtain . '' the displaced have joined `` awakening '' groups -- the `` u.s.-backed militias '' dominated by sunnis . those groups provide security duties , such as guarding checkpoints , and many of them have been getting paychecks from the united states . the u.n. refugee agency says the displacement crisis caused by the war in iraq is the most significant in the middle east since the population changes that occurred during the 1948 creation of israel . along with the 2.7 million internally displaced people , there are more than 2 million iraqi refugees -- mostly in syria and jordan . the report slams the government of iraq as being `` unwilling '' and `` unable '' to address such humanitarian issues -- `` lacking both the capacity and the political will to use its important resources to address humanitarian needs . '' `` the little assistance provided by the government is perceived by most as being biased in favor of the shiite population , especially when it comes to the delivery of government services such as electricity or food ration cards from the public distribution system , '' the report says . the report adds that the `` international community has largely been in denial '' about the dire humanitarian situation in iraq . `` only recently has the united nations issued a common humanitarian appeal for iraq , recognizing the nature of the situation and the need for all agencies to step up and address humanitarian needs . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>it 's unknown how many homosexuals have been killed by militias in the lawless streets of iraq 's cities , but some web sites post pictures of iraqis they say were killed for being gay . one photo on the iraqi lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender site shows a group of men standing around three male bodies sprawled on a street , blood pouring from their heads . `` gay iraqi victims of the police and death squads , '' the site says . a u.n. report on human rights in iraq reinforces the accusations of violence . although gays are supposed to be protected by law in iraq , it says , they face extreme brutality . `` armed islamic groups and militias have been known to be particularly hostile toward homosexuals , frequently and openly engaging in violent campaigns against them , '' the report said , adding that homosexuals have been murdered . `` militias are reportedly threatening families of men believed to be homosexual , stating that they will begin killing family members unless the men are handed over or killed by the family , '' it said . the report was issued at the end of 2006 and is the last u.n. study to touch on the subject . human rights experts say homosexuals are targeted for cultural reasons as well . `` gay men and lesbians in iraq face a lot of risks right now , because homosexuality is sometimes interpreted by people in iraq as being a western import , '' said scott portman with the heartland alliance , a group that promotes human rights worldwide . `` so they can sometimes be targeted by insurgent groups or militias , in part , because of animosity toward the west and , in part , because homosexuality is not well-accepted in iraqi society . '' he added , `` the biggest threats right now are from militia organizations , who will attack and actually sometimes kill gay men and women . '' kamal and rami say the dangers are all too real in baghdad -- and they live in secrecy not to shame their families . `` i would rather commit suicide than allow my family to find out i am gay , '' rami said . kamal said he often pretends to have girlfriends in social settings and tells his friends he 's dating girls . `` i am also careful with the way i dress -- not to show them that i am gay , especially my family . ''<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the u.s. military 's first and only study looking into ties between saddam hussein 's iraq and al qaeda showed no connection between the two , according to a military report released by the pentagon . a u.s. soldier in front of a bus hit by a roadside bomb near nasiriyah , southeast of baghdad , iraq , on tuesday . the report released by the joint forces command five years after the u.s.-led invasion of iraq said it found no `` smoking gun '' after reviewing about 600,000 iraqi documents captured in the invasion and looking at interviews of key iraqi leadership held by the united states , pentagon officials said . the assessment of the al qaeda connection and the insistence that hussein had weapons of mass destruction were two primary elements in the bush administration 's arguments in favor of going to war with iraq . the pentagon 's report also contradicts then-secretary of defense donald rumsfeld , who said in september 2002 that the cia provided `` bulletproof '' evidence demonstrating `` that there are , in fact , al qaeda in iraq . '' although other groups , like the september 11 commission , have concluded that there was no link between hussein and al qaeda , the pentagon was able to analyze much more information . the documents cited in the report do reveal that hussein supported a number of terrorists and terrorist activities inside and outside iraq . `` the iraqi regime was involved in regional and international terrorist operations prior to operation iraqi freedom . the predominant targets of iraqi state terror operations were iraqi citizens , both inside and outside of iraq , '' according to the report . read excerpts from report -lrb- pdf -rrb- . most of the terrorism was aimed at keeping hussein and his baath party in power , according to pentagon officials . `` state sponsorship of terrorism became such a routine tool of state power that iraq developed elaborate bureaucratic processes to monitor progress and accountability in the recruiting , training and resourcing of terrorists , '' according to the report . the report cited such examples as training for car bombs and suicide bombings in 1999 and 2000 , both of which u.s. and iraqi forces have struggled to contain since the rise of the insurgency in summer 2003 . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>some ugandan men said the iraqi police handcuffed and beat them . `` they say , ` if you are here for the u.s. , we 're going to show you the difference between the u.s. government and the iraqi government . let 's see if the u.s. is going to help you , ' '' one man said . iraqi police would not answer questions regarding those allegations . as the men spoke to cnn on camera , an official in charge of them threatened to lock them out of the compound unless they returned inside within two minutes . kbr was not involved in recruiting the men . the company told cnn it does not condone unethical behavior , saying its contractors abide by its code of conduct , including training in human trafficking . the company said when it becomes aware of possible trafficking it works `` to remediate the problem and report the matter to proper authorities . kbr then works with authorities to rectify the matter . '' meanwhile , men at a separate makeshift camp nearby said they were duped by different recruiters . they live off food donated by iraqi workers , and say the men who brought them to iraq have disappeared . the men in the makeshift camp said their immigration status is in limbo . their passports have been taken , or pages with visas have been torn out .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the gunmen came in during noon prayers at the small sunni mosque in the diyala province , waving ak-47 machine guns . then they opened fire , the sound of the gunfire carried over the mosque 's loudspeakers that seconds earlier had been broadcasting prayers . when the bullets stopped flying at the musab bin omar mosque in the village of bani weis , about 75 kilometers -lrb- 46 miles -rrb- northeast of baquba , 34 people were dead and a more than a dozen were wounded . now , a report released sunday by human rights watch , citing witnesses and survivors of the august 22 attack , points the finger at shiite militias and iraqi security forces . victims of the massacre `` by iraqi pro-government militias and security forces recognized the attackers and knew them by name , '' the report said . some wore iraqi police uniforms , according to the report . the rights group called on the government to make public details of its findings into the attack , which hrw said was consistent with a pattern of killings being carried out in iraq by shiite militias , including al haq , the badr brigades and kataib hezbollah . `` pro-government militias are becoming emboldened and their crimes more shocking , '' said joe stork , deputy middle east director at hrw . `` iraqi authorities and iraq 's allies alike have ignored this horrific attack and then they wonder why the militant group islamic state has had such appeal among sunni communities . '' hrw called on the united states and its allies to stop providing iraq `` with military support and assistance until the government ensures that such widespread war crimes and crimes against humanity have ended , '' the rights group said . complicated strategic situation . it 's unlikely that will occur as the united states and a host of allies have been providing military support to iraq in its effort to take back wide swaths of land seized by isis , the militant group that refers to itself as the islamic state . the attack made international headlines after sunni lawmakers in iraq withdrew from negotiations to form a new government , saying they would not return until those behind the attack were arrested . initial reports said 65 people were killed . the figure was later revised to 34 . but the u.s. state department called on the lawmakers to return to negotiations , saying they needed to take steps to unify the country , not divide it further .
<t> humanitarian group says shiite , sunni militias recruiting displaced iraqis . </t> <t> muqtada al-sadr 's group using hezbollah as model , report claims . </t> <t> united states , iraq , global community not doing enough for displaced , report adds . </t>
iraqi militias use food as recruiting tool , report says<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- presidential candidates have been wooing voters in iowa for months , but who wins thursday may simply come down to where the caucus-goers live , where they meet and the weather . iowa is a mixed bag politically , and one of the most evenly divided states in the nation . but the candidates will likely watch two regions more closely than others . the central part of the state -- including industrial des moines -- is iowa 's most democratic area . western iowa , on the other hand , is home to the most republicans -- especially the rural counties in the northwest . the mississippi river city of davenport is expected to be one of the most significant battlegrounds , with linn county -- dominated by the university town of cedar rapids -- also attracting lots of attention from both parties . past iowa caucuses have been nail-biters for the candidates .<doc-sep>democrat al gore won the state by a margin of just 0.3 percent in 2000 , while president bush carried it in 2004 by 0.7 percent . in fact , bush was the first gop presidential candidate to carry iowa in 20 years . important endorsement . the support of iowa 's largest newspaper , the des moines register , may also play a role in thursday 's caucuses . the paper 's presidential endorsements began in 1988 and have become a highly sought-after prize in iowa presidential politics . george w. bush was the register 's pick in 2000 and went on to win iowa , the gop nomination and the white house . republican presidential hopeful bob dole won the state in 1996 and 1988 after receiving the paper 's support . democratic candidates have n't had as much success with the register 's endorsement . john edwards finished in second place in iowa in 2004 , while paul simon was also a close second in 1988 .<doc-sep>the paper endorsed sen. john mccain and sen. hillary clinton for their respective parties ' nominations . the candidates have to appeal to voters with strong opinions . on the republican side , 37 percent of participants in the 2000 iowa gop caucuses identified themselves as members of the religious right and 73 percent described themselves as conservatives . meanwhile , 56 percent of the participants in iowa 's 2004 democratic caucuses described themselves as either very or somewhat liberal . about 37 percent said they were moderates . the weather .<doc-sep>iowans who take part in the caucuses must traditionally brave freezing temperatures and lots of snow . presidential candidates know bad weather may affect how many people turn out , but 1972 was the only time rough winter conditions played a role in the caucuses , according to drake university 's hugh winebrenner -- the nation 's leading expert on iowa caucus history . caucus-goers that year encountered heavy snowdrifts from a blizzard the previous day . temperatures dipped below zero across most of the state . the weather forced about one-fourth of iowa 's 99 counties to postpone their democratic caucuses up to two days after the scheduled date . the forecast for thursday is much better . temperatures will be in the 20s during the day and dip just below that as the caucuses begin , according to the des moines register . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>des moines , iowa -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- forget the ads , the weather , and all those back-and-forth attacks -- the republican caucuses in iowa will come down to thousands of small pieces of paper . while iowa democrats famously caucus by literally standing up for their chosen candidate , the hawkeye state 's gop holds secret ballot votes . here 's how the unique process will work : on caucus night , would-be voters will gather in 809 locations across the state -- school gyms , churches and auditoriums of all shapes . to participate , each person must be a registered republican who will turn 18 by the general election on november 6 . but , in a closely watched twist , voters can switch party affiliation at the caucus and register as republicans that night . `` from a process standpoint , it 's a nightmare , '' said dallas county republican chairman mike elam , `` but i think it 's a good thing . people can decide they want to be involved up to the very last minute . '' republicans this year hope that ability leads to a surge of registrations from disgruntled democrats and independents . but the practice also allows potential cross-party sabotage , where members of one party can participate in a rival caucus in order to vote for the candidate they see as the weakest potential opponent . all registrations must be complete by 7 p.m. , when the caucuses begin , in order for people to participate .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a frequently overlooked place of farms , friendly towns and relatively few people is , for now , the epicenter of u.s. politics . the place is iowa . the question is why-owa ? the answer is a quaint and quirky institution known as the iowa caucuses -- an unusual , old-fashioned evening of talking about the candidates running for president and then voting on them . separate caucuses are held across iowa as neighbors debate the pros and cons of candidates with each other before they vote among themselves , and that result then gets totted up with the other caucuses statewide to decide the winner . the u.s. presidential campaign has been under way for months as republicans decide who they want to run against the presumed democrat candidate , the incumbent president barack obama . candidates have spoken at rallies , debated each other on tv and opinion polls are released at least weekly . but the iowa caucuses , to be held on tuesday january 3 , are the first time anyone will actually vote . `` the iowa caucuses are really like nothing else in american politics , '' said cnn political editor paul steinhauser .<doc-sep>the democratic caucuses that year were more telling . barack obama did win them , the start of a long and surprising campaign that ended in the white house . so does iowa matter ? historian hugh winebrenner writes at that it does because america 's media say it does . `` iowa is first , '' winebrenner notes . the `` caucuses provide early evidence -- hard news -- on the progress of the presidential race . this is the perception of iowa 's role , and it is therefore the reality ... '' but there is more to the reality . even if iowa does n't add much to the process , it does subtract . after the iowa caucuses the most successful or determined candidates will stay in the race and head to the northeastern state of new hampshire for its primary , the first in the nation , on january 10 . the others tend to start heading home . this year , the republican race is so unsettled , with so many candidates trading the top spots in public opinion polls , that iowa could be unusually close and confusing . and quirky . you can count on quirky .<doc-sep>07:47 est , 23 december 2013 . former republican gov. and populist mike huckabee won the iowa caucuses in 2008 before quitting the presidential race . he skipped the 2012 contest entirely - ` all the factors say go , but my hearts say no ' was how he described his decision back then . and now , with 2016 in the distance , might he make another go of it ? here 's what he told fox news sunday when asked whether he 's open to the possibility of running : ` the honest answer is yes . ' former republican presidential candidate mike huckabee said sunday there 's about a 50-50 chance he 'll run for president again in 2016 and that he will make a final decision after next year 's midterm elections .
<t> the central part of iowa is the state 's most democratic area . </t> <t> western iowa is home to the most republicans . </t> <t> support of iowa 's largest newspaper , the des moines register , highly sought . </t> <t> weather may affect how many people turn out . </t>
geography , weather factors in iowa caucuses<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- coca cola was born in atlanta , georgia , on may 8 , 1886 . dr. john stith pemberton , a local pharmacist , produced the syrup for coca-cola . it was put on sale at the nearby jacobs ' pharmacy for five cents a glass as a soda fountain drink . an international organization , the coca-cola company 's first soda fountain sales to canada and mexico were recorded in 1897 . its first international bottler -- in panama -- was established in 1906 .<doc-sep>the company entered china in 1927 and its 100th country -- sierra leone -- in 1957 . today , the coca-cola company is the world 's largest beverage company with the most extensive distribution system in the world , operating in more than 200 countries across the world .<doc-sep>the company currently has over 400 different brands under its control , and is one of the most recognizable names in the commercial world . the coca-cola company , including the bottling entities it owns , employs approximately 71,000 people . more than 58,000 of those employees work for the company outside of the u.s. .<doc-sep>they are the largest private-sector employer across all of africa . and in south africa , for every one job created by the coca-cola system , 16 jobs are created in the informal retail sector . the company was placed in the top 25 places to work by essence magazine and was named wal-mart 's international supplier of the year in 2006 . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>in a move to boost sales and promote a healthier image , beverage giant coca-cola amatil has launched a new 250ml slimline can for australian consumers on the run . in what coca cola says is its biggest product launch since coke zero , the ` perfectly small ' cans will cost no more than $ 2 and will be sold at convenience stores and petrol outlets australia-wide . the company believes the availability of smaller cans of its coca-cola , sprite and fanta drinks will increase sales by appealing to consumers watching their hip-pockets and their waistlines . perfectly small : coca cola hopes its new slimline can will boost sales of the iconic soft drink . coca-cola says its multimillion dollar ` perfectly small can ' campaign is its biggest since the launch of coke zero . ` we 've listened to what consumers want and we 're getting serious about smaller portion sizes , ' a coca-cola spokesperson told daily mail australia . ` this is really about providing consumers with more choice and the point of difference is that you 'll be able to buy these small cans from more convenient outlets , giving people the option to grab a taste of their favourite drink on the run . ' coca cola says the smaller cans are one part of the company 's commitment to a ` healthier australia ' . ` last year we launched a series of commitments across our food and beverage products to help address the problem of obesity in australia and portion sizes was certainly a part of that plan , ' said a spokesperson for the company . ' changes also include offering a wider selection of low-kilojoule beverage options and providing transparent nutritional information in more places , including vending machines . ` we believe coca-cola has an important role in providing more beverage choices , including more choice in serve sizes and low-kilojoule options , clearly communicating the kilojoule content of our products and supporting community-based physical activity programs , ' said phil roberts , commercial and franchise director of coca-cola south pacific last year . coca-cola says its new small cans are part of the companies commitment to address obesity in australia . coca-cola amatil is australia 's largest beverage company , with 60 per cent of the soft drink market . but last year , the company posted a 16 per cent fall in profits as consumers moved away from sugary fizzies towards healthier options like juices and coconut water . coca-cola , who are launching a multimillion dollar ` small ' marketing campaign say the new 250ml cans have been popular in other markets . ` people still love coke , it 's been around for 128 years and there 's nothing that will replace it , ' said a spokesperson for the company . coca-cola already sells 200ml ` mini-cans ' in multi-packs in supermarkets for about $ 1.09 a can . the average price of a regular can of coke is about $ 3 . jeff rogut from the australasian association of convenience stores says the new 250ml cans may help smaller retailers compete by being able to offer a cheaper , more convenient product but he does n't believe they will ` revolutionize ' sales . ` the product is the same . the price may change and the value equation may change but consumers are interested in having something really new and different , '' he told fairfax . ` how many ways can you package coca-cola ? . '<doc-sep>managing weight , including those in coca-cola 's products . it . will be followed by a second ad later in the evening which will tell . viewers how much physical activity they would have to do to burn those . calories up . the ad touts coca-cola 's record of selling drinks with fewer calories over the years and notes that weight gain is the result of consuming too many calories of any kind and not just fizzy drinks . scroll down for video . the new version of sprite will be made from the ` natural ' sweetener stevia -lrb- left -rrb- . in its new tv ad campaigns parent company coca-cola argues that diet as a whole - and not just fizzy drinks - are to blame for obesity . coca-cola says its latest marketing campaign will kick off a variety of moves that help address obesity in the upcoming year , such as providing more diet options . diet drinks already make up nearly half of coca-cola 's uk sales , with diet coke and coke zero accounting for 45 per cent of sales . the company also says that since 2007 , it has reduced the calorie content of fanta orange by 30 per cent , oasis by 35 per cent and lilt by 56 per cent . it also plans to ` reduce the average calories per litre of our range of sparkling soft drinks by five per cent by the end of 2014 ' . the company is still exploring whether to bring the sprite with stevia to the u.s. james quincey , president of the coca-cola company 's europe group , said : ` obesity is a serious problem and i am . determined we will take more actions in europe to help address it . the . actions announced today build on our earlier efforts and are part of a . long-term commitment . '<doc-sep>but just one 500ml bottle of coke will send you over this limit , with 10.5 cubes . earlier this year coca-cola , the parent company of sprite , announced that the fizzy lemon and lime flavoured drink was to be scrapped in favour of a lower-calorie version that uses a ` natural ' sweetener , stevia . the new formulation contains 30 per cent fewer calories . the drink was altered as part of coca-cola 's . anti-obesity drive and followed a call by the government to address the . issue . uk guidelines recommend that ` added ' sugars - those used to sweeten food , fizzy drinks , honeys , syrups and fruit juices - should n't make up more than 10 per cent of the total energy we get from food . but just one 500ml bottle of coke will send you over this limit , with 10.5 cubes . coca-cola also began airing anti-obesity tv ads this year to ` remind ' viewers that all calories . count in managing weight , including those in coca-cola 's products . aside from sprite , the company also said to be exploring more diet options . diet drinks already make up nearly half of coca-cola 's uk sales , with .<doc-sep>london -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- coca-cola -- the world 's ubiquitous brown fizzy drink -- is staying afloat as the soda market shrinks , and many point to a marketing strategy around the so-called `` secret recipe '' as key to its resilience in a struggling industry . the coca-cola company , which published its full year result tuesday , recorded a 5 % drop in net income to $ 8.6 billion last year , down from $ 9 billion in 2012 , as it faced `` ongoing global macroeconomic challenges , '' according to its chief executive muhtar kent . volume grew 2 % for the year , which it said was `` below our expectations and long-term growth target , '' with sparkling beverages recording a slight increase of 1 % -- led by coca-cola . globally , soda drink sales have been shrinking as consumers turn to water , fruit drinks and healthier alternatives . the trend has hit coke and other market players such as pepsico and dr. pepper . and while its primary competitor , pepsico , depends on its snack business to buoy the declining soda sales , coke announced further investment into its marketing . in a tough market , one strategy that brand experts credit coke 's relative strength with is the mystery around the much-hyped `` secret recipe . '' `` the very idea of mystery attracts attention , and is often seen as an element of quality , '' says social psychologist and marketing expert ben voyer , lecturer at london school of economics and escp europe business school . `` a typical consumer would think that it must be a valuable product if they are doing all these things to protect the recipe . '' coca-cola 's `` secret recipe '' story -- on which it has centered advertising campaigns and built into its corporate museum -- reaches back nearly a century . according to the multi-national 's website , the original recipe was only written down in 1919 , more than half a century after a reported morphine addict and pharmacist john pemberton invented the drink in 1886 . until then , it was passed down by word of mouth . the formula was finally committed to paper when a group of investors led by ernest woodruff took out a loan to purchase the company in 1919 . `` as collateral , he provided a written record of the coca cola secret formula , '' coke said in a statement on its site . since the 1920s , the document sat locked in a bank in atlanta , until coca-cola decided to emphasize the secret in its marketing strategy . 86 years later , coca-cola moved the recipe into a purpose-built vault within the world of coca-cola , the company 's museum in atlanta . the ambiance is made complete by red lighting and fake smoke . coca-cola has always claimed only two senior executives know the formula at any given time , although they have never revealed names or positions . but according to an advertising campaign based around the recipe , they ca n't travel on the same plane . the vault , like one straight from a film , has a palm scanner , a numerical code pad and massive steel door . inside its walls , there 's another safe box with more security features . and inside that , a metal case containing what its owners call `` the most guarded trade secret in the world . '' a piece of paper with , according to coca-cola , a recipe inside . but mark pendergrast , author of `` for god , country & coca-cola , '' is skeptical . `` john pemberton invented coca-cola in 1886 , at the height of the patent medicine era , and one of the ironies of that name is that no one actually patented such creations , '' he says . `` they kept the formulas secret , partly in order to increase sales with a sense of special mystery and to prevent competition , but also to keep people from knowing how cheap the ingredients were and how large the profits , '' he says . the company has never patented the formula , saying to do so would require its disclosure . and once the patent expired , anyone would be able to use that recipe to produce a generic version of the world famous drink . '' -lsb- the secrecy -rsb- creates a natural curiosity about the product itself . consumers are more likely to try to find out the recipe , '' voyer says , adding it creates a legend around coca cola 's flagship drink . scores of recipes have emerged through the decades . their authors usually claim to have cracked the original recipe by getting hold of antique documents . so far , coke has rejected all of them as fantasy , saying there is only one '' ` real thing ' . '' mark pendergrast 's book includes two versions of the original formula . `` one is a facsimile in the handwriting of frank robinson , the ` unsung hero ' of coca-cola who named the drink , wrote the famous script logo , manufactured the drink in its early days , and advertised it , '' he says . does he think the recipe is genuine ? `` yes . i think that both of the coca-cola formulas in my book are the ` real thing , ' versions of the original formula for coca-cola , '' he says . `` in the end , the exact formula is n't really the issue , '' he says . pendergrast reiterates a tale told in his book , in which he speaks to a coca-cola spokesperson who points out that even if its competitors got hold of the formula , they would n't be able to compete . `` why would anyone go out of their way to buy yum-yum , which is really just like coca-cola but costs more , when they can buy the real thing anywhere in the world ? , '' he was told . read more : coca-cola super bowl ad ignites online debate . read more : coca-cola weighs in on obesity fight .
<t> coca-cola was invented in atlanta , georgia , in 1886 , by a u.s. pharmacist . </t> <t> today it is the largest beverage company in the world . </t> <t> the company has operations in over 200 countries , employs 55,000 people . </t>
the coca-cola company facts<T>
los angeles , california -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a 24-year-old gang member was arrested thursday in connection with a shooting at a los angeles bus stop in which eight people were wounded , city officials said . bystanders express shock after a shooting at a bus stop in los angeles wednesday . billy ray hines is believed to have fired into a crowd of people at the bus stop . hines was apprehended thursday afternoon as he was walking down the street , about a half-mile from the scene of the shooting , police chief william bratton told reporters . hines will face 10 counts of attempted murder -- one for each of the eight victims , and two more for what authorities believe to be his two intended victims , who were still being sought thursday , bratton said .<doc-sep>authorities are also seeking the gun used in the incident , he said . the shootings took place wednesday afternoon at the intersection of central and vernon avenues , in an area where police are concerned about gang violence . five of the victims were children . an 11-year-old girl was shot in the chest , and another girl , age 11 , was shot in the right arm . three boys were wounded -- ages 10 , 12 and 14 .<doc-sep>one was shot in the leg , one in the buttocks and the third in the ankle , police said . one man was wounded in the leg and another in the ankle , and a woman was shot in the face . `` while no one died yesterday , the bullets unleashed shot through the core of the entire community , '' los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa said in announcing the arrest thursday . `` the decent people of this community responded with force . '' watch mayor , authorities discuss arrest of gunman '' witnesses came forward after the incident to identify the gunman as hines , bratton said . the shooting was believed to stem from a dispute between the gunman and the two intended victims , he said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>new york -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- for angel rojas , the daily bus ride through the streets of brooklyn provided a respite from a hardscrabble existence juggling two low-paying jobs . `` it was his time to relax , '' his wife 's cousin , josie guerrero , said saturday . `` his time to take the load off . he usually listened to music or talked on the phone . it was a few minutes of calmness . '' that peace was shattered thursday evening as rojas shuttled between jobs , hoping to make a quick stop at home to see his wife and two children . it was his final bus trip . a young man boarded the bus , police said . in the rear , a 14-year-old boy police described as a member of a street gang called the stack money goons allegedly spotted a member of a rival gang and pulled out a .357 - caliber revolver . shots were fired , the bullets missing the intended target , police said .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an 18-year-old suspect in tuesday 's bus-stop shootings that wounded seven people in detroit , michigan , surrendered to authorities wednesday , police said . detroit 's deputy police chief called tuesday 's shootings `` a travesty . '' detroit police chief james barren said jamall turner is one of two suspects in the shootings , which occurred at a bus stop near cody high school after summer-school classes had ended for the day . two men got out of a green minivan and `` fired multiple shots at a group of teens waiting on a bus , '' he said . police were investigating rumors from witnesses that the shootings were gang-related . officials said tuesday that the gunmen asked for a person by name before shooting , getting back into their vehicle and fleeing . a third person was waiting in the minivan to aid in their escape , he said .<doc-sep>authorities think the violence may have been gang-related . before logan 's arrest , four others had been arrested in connection with the shooting . police said two of the suspects -- tabari young , 22 , and bryon champ , 21 -- fired shots onto a full basketball court . champ is a documented gang member , according to authorities .<doc-sep>by . sara malm . published : . 05:44 est , 21 august 2013 . | . updated : . 05:56 est , 21 august 2013 . five men are in intensive care after they were shot outside a church in uptown , chicago . the baptist church had been hosting a soup kitchen for the homeless and was in the process of serving meals to more than 100 people when the men were shot outside . three of the men were members of a local gang and it is believed the incident was a hit by a rival group , but ` at least two ' of the victims had been at the charity meal . scene : the five men were gunned down at the bus stop outside uptown baptist church which was holding a meal-service for homeless . the men , aged from 21 to 58 , were standing at a bus stop near the church and were wounded by a round of bullets with a suspected assault weapon around 6pm monday . ` we heard the barrage of shots outside . there must have been at least 15 to 20 shots fired , and then after that , i went out to find out what was going on , and just saw carnage at the base of the church steps , ' pastor michael allen of uptown baptist church told cbs local . according to witnesses a white car drove up to the bus stop and fired several rounds of bullets . pastor allen said he believed ` at least two or three ' victims had either just left his charity meal prayer service or were on the way there . street battle : it is believed the shooting was part of an ongoing gang-rivalry in the area as three of the men were reportedly members of local groups . the pastor said he had served over 100 people in need on monday night and stepped outside to find the victims in pools of blood on the church doorstep . ` i heard what i thought was fireworks , ' witness joe rogers told cbs . ` i see three people down on the ground ; one on his back , one on his side , and one is face down . ' the church is located on the border between two gang territories and police say three different gangs in the uptown area have been fighting for power of its streets . police have yet to arrest anyone for monday 's shooting . the victims ' conditions ranged from extremely critical to critical to good , the chicago fire department said in on twitter .
<t> billy ray hines is believed to have fired into a crowd , police say . </t> <t> eight people , including five children , were shot , authorities say . </t> <t> shooting happened wednesday near a middle school , but not on school grounds . </t> <t> hines will face 10 counts of attempted murder , police say . </t>
police : gang member arrested in bus stop shooting<T>
london , england -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- queen elizabeth helped launch heathrow 's $ 8.6 billion new terminal 5 on friday as part of the british airport 's rejuvenation plan to maintain its status as one of the world 's most important transport hubs . a general view of the new terminal 5 at heathrow airport prior to its official opening on friday . the british monarch , who also opened heathrow 's first passenger terminal in 1955 , was present under strict security a day after a man carrying a backpack was arrested for running onto a runway at the airport . the first flights from the new terminal are scheduled for march 27 . its opening has come after 15 years of planning and construction by its owners baa -- and protests by local residents and environmental groups . it is part of a strategy which could lead to passenger numbers almost doubling to 122 million a year , with a sixth terminal and a third runway in the pipeline despite some vociferous opposition .<doc-sep>spanish-owned baa , which also runs gatwick and stansted in britain , also plans to eventually demolish terminals 1 and 2 and replace them in a project called heathrow east . watch queen elizabeth meet airport staff . '' residents were once told by baa that there would be no fifth terminal , but the company is planning to forge further ahead despite the concerns of environmental groups . `` terminal 5 stands as a monument to the binge-flying culture this government has done so much to encourage , '' greenpeace transport campaigner anita goldsmith told the uk press association . `` it 's part of an obsession with expansion which can only mean more flights , more emissions and more climate change . '' richard dyer of friends of the earth added : `` if the government is serious about tackling climate change , the opening of terminal 5 must mark the end of airport expansion in britain . `` further expansion of heathrow would be environmentally irresponsible and is n't necessary for the economy of london . ''<doc-sep>however , business groups welcomed the expansion at heathrow . `` thriving , growing airports are vital to help maintain britain 's economic competitiveness , '' neil pakey , chairman of the airport operators ' association , told pa. . `` domestic air links to heathrow are particularly valuable for the regional economies , and this new terminal will undoubtedly provide them with a much-needed boost . the passage of the current planning bill must ensure that this is the last airport which has to endure such an absurdly protracted planning process . '' see british airways chief executive willie walsh 's views on the terminal . '' visit london chief executive james bidwell said : `` t5 will provide visitors to london and the uk with a spectacular first impression and alleviate the pressure experienced at heathrow , the world 's busiest airport . `` the terminal 's smoother check-in process and state-of-the-art baggage management system will certainly better the tourist experience and should help improve the airport 's international reputation . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>london , england -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- queen elizabeth helped launch heathrow 's $ 8.6 billion new terminal 5 on friday as part of the british airport 's rejuvenation plan to maintain its status as one of the world 's most important transport hubs . a general view of the new terminal 5 at heathrow airport prior to its official opening on friday . the british monarch , who also opened heathrow 's first passenger terminal in 1955 , was present under strict security a day after a man carrying a backpack was arrested for running onto a runway at the airport . the first flights from the new terminal are scheduled for march 27 . its opening has come after 15 years of planning and construction by its owners baa -- and protests by local residents and environmental groups .<doc-sep>more than # 2.5 bn . among the airlines set to join united in the new terminal are egyptair , ethiopian , sas , tap portugal and swiss . looking good : a dapper duke of edinburgh appeared to be in fine fettle as he arrived at the london airport . enjoying the day : the queen beamed as she met staff at t2 which has enjoyed a smooth first few weeks . open for business : the queen officially opens terminal 2 : the queen 's terminal at heathrow airport . gift : the queen was presented with a bouquet of flowers . honour : designer cath kidston and chef heston blumenthal met her majesty . line-up : the queen is introduced to staff during the official opening of the new terminal . the queen herself is to travel on to belfast , and will join theresa villiers , the secretary of state for . northern ireland , and first minister peter robinson for a meeting at her . official residence in the province , hillsborough castle . also at the meeting will be the duke of edinburgh and stormont 's deputy first minister , the controversial martin mcguinness . tomorrow , . will see the queen and the duke of edinburgh visit crumlin road gaol , a . former prison that closed in 1996 after 150 years . the . gaol , a nineteenth century grade one listed building , has recently been . restored and reopened as a museum dedicated to the history of the . troubles and the men and women on both sides who were imprisoned there . after you : the queen leads the way taking the escalator . special guests : the royal couple add their signatures to the visitors ' book . exciting stuff : the queen and duke of edinburgh were surrounded by well-wishers as they toured the building .<doc-sep>-lrb- travel + leisure -rrb- -- with airports from new york to sydney getting upgrades , travel + leisure picks our favorite restaurants , bars , lounges , shops and spas . travelers can tuck into skirt steak tacos at bonfire , a todd english restaurant in terminal b of boston 's logan international airport . restaurants . boston : bonfire , logan international airport . todd english continues to expand his empire with the third outpost of his south american-inspired steak house , bonfire , at terminal b. grilled chicharrones -lrb- crispy pork in chimichurri sauce -rrb- and skirt steak topped with chipotle aioli and avocado crema are standouts . . london : plane restaurant , heathrow airport . gordon ramsay 's first airport restaurant opens this month in terminal 5 . in addition to a michelin star-worthy menu -lrb- braised pork cheeks with honey and cloves and brioche french toast with treacle-cured bacon in the mornings -rrb- , travelers can opt for special `` picnics '' - to-go . . stockholm : max , arlanda airport . a cross between in-n-out burger and mcdonald 's , max is a family-run swedish fast-food chain that dates back to 1968 . now it has brought its brand of trans-fat-free , made-to-order swedish burgers and crispy fries to the capital 's airport -lrb- terminal 4 -rrb- . for those trying to stay fit while on the road , there 's the delifresh menu , including a chicken burger served with fresh fruit salad . . bars . copenhagen : nørrebro bryghus , copenhagen airport . denmark has experienced an artisanal beer resurgence in the last few years with the opening of 25 new microbreweries . ushering in a new era is the nørrebro bryghus , whose owner anders kissmeyer recently opened a branch between terminals 2 and 3 -lrb- before security -rrb- . always on tap : four different danish seasonal , handcrafted beers served at its stainless-steel bar . . new york : vino volo , jfk . this contemporary wine bar recently launched a fifth airport location at american airlines ' terminal 8 . the dimly lit , cream - and brown-tinged venue stocks bottles from around the world , including little-known vintages from the hudson river valley . . singapore : post bar , changi airport . taking design cues from its namesake older sibling in the fullerton hotel , the just-opened post bar in terminal 3 mixes traditional and modern design elements -lrb- retro artichoke lamps ; an illuminated honey-onyx bar -rrb- . the best part ? it 's open 24 hours a day . . lounges . geneva : swiss lounges , geneva international airport . when it came to designing new lounges for geneva airport , swiss air stuck to what it knows best -- being swiss . more than 10 tons of limestone from the jura mountains were used in the construction , the menu consists of national dishes such as älplermakkaroni -lrb- alpine-style macaroni-and-cheese -rrb- , and the chocolate leather chairs and sofas were produced by vitra -lrb- though designed by londoner jasper morrison -rrb- . . los angeles : oneworld , lax .<doc-sep>by . travelmail reporter . heathrow 's . # 2.5 bn new terminal 2 -lrb- t2 -rrb- opens tomorrow with the first flight - a . united airlines service from chicago - due to land just before 6am . but . due to the t5 debacle in march 2008 , when one in five flights were cancelled . and 28,000 suitcases went missing , heathrow development director john . holland-kaye and his team are opening t2 in stages . united will be the only carrier to begin with and , for the first few days , t2 will only operate at 10 per cent of its total capacity . scroll down for video . taking off slowly : the new terminal will operate to just 10 per cent of its capacity . taking no chances : volunteer passengers wait at a check in desk in the departures hall during a test day . spacious : british artist richard wilson 's sculpture slipstream dominates this view of the new terminal 2 . there will be just 34 flights on the first day , with t2 having only to deal with 6,000 passengers . by october , united will be joined by more than 20 other airlines , including air china , singapore airlines and lufthansa . virgin 's domestic operation , little red , will also be using the new terminal . when fully occupied , t2 will be home to 26 airlines and will have more than 330 flights a day to more than 50 destinations . mr holland-kaye said , ` opening a new terminal is one of the most complex challenges that any airport can undertake . ' ` we ca n't guarantee that opening day will be perfect . there is a very high risk of things happening -lrb- on the first day -rrb- when . you carry out a live operation for the first time . ' gavin . hayes , director of the let britain fly campaign , said : ` the opening of . t2 is a cause for jubilation , demonstrating what can be achieved by . private sector funding of nationally-significant infrastructure . gateway to the world : the departure area of the new ` queen 's terminal ' , which is expected to manage up to 20 million passengers every year . breath of fresh air : visitors walk past a doorway at the new building , which replaces the old , overcrowded terminal 2 which had stood since the fifties . but . he added , ` the refurbishing of an existing airport terminal at london 's . busiest airport does little to relieve the huge pressure on uk aviation . capacity ... the uk is falling further behind international rivals . because the industry can not invest in urgently-needed runways . ' officially . named terminal 2 , the queen 's terminal , .
<t> queen elizabeth opens heathrow airport 's $ 8.6 billion new terminal 5 . </t> <t> the new building took more than 15 years to complete following protests . </t> <t> launch a day after security scare at one of world 's busiest international airports . </t> <t> a lone man ran onto a heathrow runway carrying a backpack on thursday . </t>
queen opens new $ 8.6 b airport terminal<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a man at the center of a mysterious case of exposure to the deadly biological agent ricin has been arrested , fbi spokesman richard kolko said wednesday . ricin was found in a room in this las vegas , nevada , extended-stay hotel in february , police say . roger bergendorff was taken into custody wednesday morning in las vegas , nevada , kolko said . bergendorff , 57 , was hospitalized with what was diagnosed as ricin exposure after the agent was discovered in his hotel room off the las vegas strip . tests conducted by the fbi determined that the substance contained 2.9 percent active ricin . its preparation was characterized as `` crude , '' according to the u.s. attorney 's office in las vegas . according to a press release from the department of justice office , a search of bergendorff 's hotel room turned up `` an ` anarchist 's cookbook , ' a collection of instructions on poisons and other dangerous recipes , including instructions on the preparation of ricin , '' two semiautomatic pistols , a rifle and a pistol with a silencer . `` fbi searches of salt lake city -lsb- utah -rsb- storage units rented by von bergendorff resulted in the discovery of castor beans , various chemicals used in the production of ricin , a respirator , filters , painter 's mask , laboratory glassware , syringes and a notebook on ricin production , '' the justice department release said . bergendorff is charged with possession of a biological toxin , possession of unregistered firearms and possession of firearms not identified by serial number , according to the u.s. attorney 's office . if convicted of all charges , he would face a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison and a fine of $ 750,000 .<doc-sep>bergendorff is scheduled for an initial court appearance at 3 p.m. wednesday . it is illegal under federal law to possess a biological agent and toxin unless it is used for bona fide research or other peaceful purpose , u.s. attorney gregory bower said in a written statement . bergendorff 's cousin , thomas tholen of riverton , utah , was indicted by a federal grand jury in salt lake city this month , accused of failing to report production and possession of ricin . ricin is a poison that can be made from the waste of castor bean processing , according to the centers for disease control and prevention . it can come in the form of a mist or pellet and can be dissolved in water or weak acid , the agency said . bergendorff was hospitalized february 14 in las vegas after he complained of difficulty breathing . he slipped into a coma and awoke march 14 . bergendorff , 57 , is an artist who neighbors said had lived in his cousin 's basement before moving to las vegas . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's kevin bohn , karan olson and carol cratty contributed to this report .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a federal grand jury indicted a man arrested last week in connection with a mysterious case of exposure to the deadly biological agent ricin , prosecutors said . authorities found ricin , weapons and an anarchist manual in roger von bergendorff 's nevada hotel room . roger von bergendorff , 57 , was indicted on charges of possession of a biological toxin , possession of unregistered firearms and possession of firearms not identified by serial number , said natalie collins , a spokeswoman for the u.s. attorney 's office in las vegas , nevada . bergendorff was hospitalized for two months with suspected ricin poisoning , and was discharged before his arrest . his initial court appearance was last week , collins said , and he did not enter a plea . an arraignment is scheduled for may 2 . bergendorff was hospitalized in february complaining of breathing difficulties . two weeks later , thomas tholen , a cousin who went to bergendorff 's las vegas hotel room to recover his belongings , discovered what turned out to be ricin .<doc-sep>las vegas , nevada -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a man who stayed in a las vegas hotel room where ricin was found is in critical condition at a hospital , where he has been since mid-february , said a las vegas metropolitan police department official . a man is in critical condition after exposure to ricin at a las vegas , nevada , hotel . deputy chief kathy suey said the man called from the hotel asking for medical help on february 14 , saying he was suffering from respiratory distress , and was transported to the hospital . since he was gone from the extended-stay hotel and not paying his rent , managers began eviction procedures , suey said at a news conference . a friend or relative of his who came to remove his belongings from the room found the ricin thursday , she said . watch suey describe how the ricin was found '' tests confirm the substance found in the room was ricin , police said , but it remains a mystery how it got there . suey said the man hospitalized was not a suspect and police do n't know whether the ricin was his , or if he even knew it was there . the fbi said it was treating the matter as a criminal investigation and terrorism was not suspected .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a man believed to have been exposed to the deadly poison ricin in a hotel room in las vegas , nevada , is out of his coma and is being questioned by authorities , fbi special agent david staretz said friday . ricin , guns and an `` anarchist-type textbook '' were found in a room in this las vegas hotel , police say . staretz would not comment further on roger bergendorff , 57 , who authorities said was taken to a hospital february 14 after complaining of breathing difficulties .<doc-sep>he is listed in critical condition , said naomi jones , spokeswoman for spring valley hospital medical center in las vegas . bergendorff , an artist who neighbors said had lived in his cousin 's basement before moving to las vegas , was exposed to the poison in a las vegas extended-stay hotel , a law enforcement official said . the riverton , utah , home where bergendorff previously lived belongs to thomas tholen , who along with his wife and daughter tested negative for ricin , according to authorities . that home and three storage areas in nearby west jordan , utah , were searched for ricin earlier this month and declared safe by authorities .
<t> roger bergendorff is charged with possession of toxin , firearms . </t> <t> he was hospitalized for ricin exposure after it was found in hotel room . </t> <t> his cousin is charged with failing to report production and possession . </t>
man arrested in las vegas ricin case<T>
new york -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the daughter of a man who died after falling four stories at shea stadium said her father was not sliding down the escalator when the accident happened , as police reported . a statement from the new york police department on tuesday said witnesses saw 36-year-old antonio nararainsami of brooklyn sitting on the banister of the escalator when he lost his balance and fell .<doc-sep>nararainsami 's daughter , emily , told cnn affiliate wabc on tuesday that her father was walking down the escalator , not sliding on its banister , as fans left the stadium after the new york mets-washington nationals game . she said she and another relative saw what happened . `` he was n't moving or nothing ; he was just walking down . i guess he tried to say something to us or something , and i guess he just lost his balance and flipped over , '' she said .<doc-sep>nararainsami died at booth memorial hospital about 25 minutes after the 10 p.m. incident . police are investigating the death as an accident . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>this is the dramatic moment an inebriated man miraculously escaped death after falling under the wheels of a moving train in manchester . the reveller sways alongside the train at manchester piccadilly station before collapsing against the carriage while it starts to move . he then loses his balance , falls and tumbles underneath the train behind an unperturbed passenger . the man in the background -lrb- top right -rrb- sways along the edge of the platform in manchester piccadilly station .<doc-sep>one man sings mockingly , 'cause i take one step forward and two steps back , ' during one of the drunken individual 's more spectacular unsuccessful attempts . moments later the drunken man clings to the railing once again and falls to his knees . pensive : the man gathers his thoughts before he tries to walk forward . wobbly : as the man walks forward his legs start to wobble like jelly . balance : the inebriated man 's balance is also very poor and he constantly loses his footing .<doc-sep>the child hits the black car with a sickening thud and for a moment lays prone on the footpath . the kid almost immediately rises to his or her feet , but clearly not in good shape loses balance and falls over again . but the little one rises quickly to his or her feet , although on the first loses balance and falls over .<doc-sep>` the defendant loses his balance , his feet go up over the top of him and he flips over backwards . he hangs on . ... now he 's dangling , and he can only hold on for a second and he loses his grip and falls about 25 feet into the crowd below , ' he said . hopkins , 29 , is show here being taken away from the stadium after his fall last november . he was later charged with criminal recklessness . mark bratcher , the 29-year-old social studies teacher hopkins landed on , did n't immediately comprehend what had caused the ` crushing pressure ' as he watched the game from the 200-level seats , drmacich said . ` it came out of the blue , literally . it came falling out of the sky , ' the prosecutor said . bratcher will testify about spinal injuries that require regular sessions with a physical therapist and chiropractor , drmacich said . he has filed a civil lawsuit . the trial is expected to conclude tuesday .
<t> police said man lost his balance on an escalator as fans left the stadium . </t> <t> he died about 25 minutes later at booth memorial hospital . </t> <t> police are investigating the death as an accident . </t>
man loses balance , falls to his death after game at shea<T>
lafayette , tennessee -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- james kruger was watching election results tuesday night in lafayette , tennessee , when a warning appeared on his tv screen : a tornado was headed straight toward his town . then the lights went out . james kruger survived after tuesday night 's storm blew his house away above him in lafayette , tennessee . he put on sweat pants , grabbed a flashlight , drank a shot of whiskey , `` and then i heard this noise , '' kruger said thursday . he headed for a door , `` and all of a sudden i heard the glass breaking and it was sucking , '' he said . `` when i tried to shut the door , -lsb- it -rsb- seemed like the door was lifting up . so i just dove and i lay flat on the floor . '' lying there , everything in the house flew over him , scraping and banging his back , kruger said . then the chaos stopped . `` i was laying in the dirt . there was no floor . no nothing . '' watch kruger tell his story '' the house was gone , but kruger says he believes there 's reason why he survived . `` i think god was holding my leg , beating my ass , teaching me that i had n't been doing everything he wanted me to do , '' he said . pam whitaker was volunteering at a hospital in lafayette that night as dozens came in with injuries from the tornadoes and storms that raked across the south . whitaker was cleaning one man 's feet to check for cuts when the patient told her the address of a house that had been destroyed . `` i just went white . i said , ` that 's my house ! ' '' whitaker recalled thursday . `` and he said , ` hon , you do n't even have a toothpick or splinter left . ' '' watch whitaker describe her frightening night '' kruger , whitaker and others across the region tried thursday to put their lives back together in a swath of the south where tornadoes killed at least 56 people . it was the deadliest tornado outbreak in the united states in more than 20 years . the storms ripped apart houses and trapped residents of university dorms and a retirement home in debris . the trail of death stretched across four states , with four fatalities in alabama , 13 in arkansas , seven in kentucky and 32 in tennessee . macon county , tennessee , which includes lafayette , was one of the worst-hit areas , with 14 deaths and overwhelming damage . whitaker lost her home and everything in it , including the money from cashing her disability check . she had 15 cents left , she said thursday , and was staying at a national guard shelter .<doc-sep>`` we do n't have a home to go to , '' whitaker said . `` i do n't know where we 're going to end up . '' in some cases , there was almost no warning before the severe weather hit . james baskin of jackson , tennessee , said he was driving when a twister `` just picked us up and threw us . '' everyone in the car was injured , including his daughter 's friend , who suffered a broken collarbone . `` we 'll get through it . nobody 's dead . that 's the biggest thing , '' baskin said . watch tornado survivors ' stories '' president bush said wednesday he had called the governors of the affected states to offer help and to tell them that `` the american people hold those who suffered up in prayer . '' the federal emergency management agency was deploying teams to the area , homeland security secretary michael chertoff said wednesday . `` we 're going to keep watching this , '' he said . see a map of where the storms hit '' in sumner county , tennessee , two victims were found outside a house the storm had blown away , said jay austin , the county 's primary death investigator . elsewhere in the area , a mother was found dead in a creek bed about 50 yards from where her house stood . her baby was discovered alive 250 yards away . the child was taken to a local hospital , austin said . tennessee gov. phil bredesen said the storm 's power had left him stunned . `` i do n't think that i have seen , since i 've been governor , a tornado where the combination of the intensity of it and the length of the track was as large as this one , '' said bredesen , who flew over the disaster area wednesday . `` that track had to be 25 miles long . -lsb- the twister -rsb- did n't skip like a lot of them do . ... it 's just 25 miles of a tornado sitting on the ground . '' also in jackson , a tornado trapped union university students and retirees in collapsed buildings , said julie oaks , a spokeswoman for the tennessee emergency management agency . `` it looks like a war zone , '' said university president david dockery . `` cars and trucks -lsb- were -rsb- thrown from one side of the campus to the other . '' e-mail to a friend . cnn 's saeed ahmed , mark bixler , david mattingly and ed payne contributed to this report .<doc-sep>baltimore tornadoes : a screen shot from the video christine schifkovitz recorded monday afternoon when a funnel cloud formed near her work . strong winds : a youtube video posted shows the tornado near locust point in perspective . schifkovitz and her coworkers went outside when they heard on the radio that a tornado was forming near them . she recorded video as the sky above them turned black and a funnel formed over the water . then the tornado started causing damage : ` we heard this loud ripping noise and it actually ripped a roof off and we saw debris fly up in the air , ' she said . roof down : schifkovitz and her coworkers heard a ripping noise as they witnessed the roof being torn off of a local building . on the opposite side of baltimore , in rural woodbine , there was more damage . bill davison and his parents had just finished dinner when they heard the storm hit , and the power cut off . davison says he heard ' a loud wind ' and saw cardboard flying around outside .<doc-sep>a 60mph waterspout hit tampa , florida , today , and was caught on camera by a tourist . robert siegel , who is a spotter for the national weather service , took the picture while on vacation in the area . it appeared just off northern hillsborough bay at 11.12 am . ` breath of god ' : robert siegel captured the strange weather phenomenon on camera just off the coast of tampa today . water tornado : minor damage was caused along the waterfront and on harbours island in the water tornado which hit in tampa this morning . mr siegel , of colorado , snapped the photo as people fled the incoming storm . ' i opened the window , i opened the shades up and i see there is heavy wind and for literally about six or seven seconds , it was like the breath of god came down , ' he said . according to yahoo news the water tornado hit the westin hotel and traveled down a channel between the tampa bay times forum and the florida aquarium . it did n't cause any injuries but damaged roofing and downed light poles and trees . another onlooker , restaurant owner rachel prophet , said the waterspout made a ` howling noise ' and smashed her restaurant awning through a window above her . damaged : parts of buildings were ripped off in the storm in tampa this morning but no one was injured . damage : part of the roof of the westin hotel was ripped off during the waterspout . business owners on the coastline by harbour island said it sounded like a freight train . ' i was sitting down eating breakfast , and the wind just started to blow , ' she told tampa bay online . ` it was a howling noise , a loud piercing noise . all the trees outside were just whipping , whipping , whipping . ' ' i was a little shaken up , ' prophet said . ` i 'm not going to lie . i was scared . ' keith weitzmann , a cook at the restaurant , said it sounded ` like a freight . train ' . bus driver robert hagemann told the website he was about to drop off passengers at the florida aquarium when the waterspout struck . ` it rocked the bus . it was a short duration , but it was powerful . all kinds of debris were flying around , ' he said . once over land the waterspout became a weak tornado and cleared later in the afternoon .<doc-sep>obliterated : a person can be seen lower right , in front of a home demolished home by monday 's tornado . search : oklahoma county sheriff 's deputy erik . gransberg searches for victims in an underground shelter in moore as . paula mcgee reacts as she sees her home on kings manor - she bought the . home two weeks ago . a member of nebraska task force-1 looks through the remains of a home along with his search dog . power : heath thayer , left , and his brother derek thayer look at derek 's tornado-ravaged pickup truck which was thrown across the street from where it was parked . moody sky : volunteers walk past a downed street sign , after handing out food to home owners sitting in front of their house left devastated by a tornado , in moore , oklahoma . marked : a flag is placed in the foundation of a flattened home day after a tornado devastated the town . ' i would like to extend my sincere . sympathies to all those who have suffered losses , ' susan pierce , from . moore public schools , said in an emotional speech . ` our hearts go out to . each of you and please know we are all here with you . ' she added that while the path of the tornado was unpredictable , all storm procedures were implemented at every school site . another hero at briarwood elementary school described how she was impaled as she protected her students during the deadly tornado after 200mph winds spewed out deadly debris . first-grade teacher , suzanne hale , who , like ms cobb , had been using her body to shield children , suffered a horrifying injury where her lower right leg was shot through by a metal pole . it appears that ms haley had her leg pierced by the leg of a chair or table . ms haley told fox 25 that she was dug out of the wreckage by firefighters who braced her leg . she was driven to hospital in the bed of a truck and went into shock . a teddy bear salvaged from the rubble of a tornado-destroyed home sits on the boot of a vehicle . a man who asked not to be identified hangs an american flag on what is left of a tree . tornado alley : moore , oklahoma , is located in an area of the us that averages 62 tornadoes a year . before and after the storm : aerial photographs . show plaza towers elementary school before and after it was hit by the . monster tornado on monday . people start clearing debris in the 2100 block of se 5th in moore after a massive tornado went through the area monday . picking up the pieces : a woman searches for possessions at sunset after moore was left devastated by a tornado . a survivor 's message is left on the side of a home on heather lane in moore , okla. , on tuesday .<doc-sep>by . jonathan block . at 2:54 p.m , just five minutes after a moment of silence was held , cnn 's coverage showed the memorial scene live from near the finish line of the marathon on boylston street . vice president joe biden was in attendance , as was massachusetts gov. deval patrick and boston mayor marty walsh . the coverage at the time was being broadcast without anchor commentary , although background noise , including the sound of bagpipes , can be heard . all of a sudden , a man can be heard saying , ` it sounded good ? i did n't know i was going to get stranded there . ' an open mic captured a man using the f-word on cnn 's live coverage of the boston marathon bombings anniversary . marathon survivor erika brannick , a teacher from maryland , uses a walker as she prepares to cross the finish line following a tribute in honor of the one-year anniversary of the boston marathon bombings on tuesday . the man then mentions something about being in a camera shot and says , ' i was like , f *** ! ' the live feed -- with the f-word -- was also used by local by local boston television station , according to deadspin .
<t> new : tennessee man describes diving to the floor as his house blows away . </t> <t> the tornado death toll in the south stands at 56 . </t> <t> tornado outbreak was deadliest in the u.s. in more than 20 years . </t> <t> deaths include 32 in tennessee , 13 in arkansas , seven in kentucky , four in alabama . </t>
tornado survivor downed shot , ` then i heard this noise '<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- pope benedict xvi on wednesday addressed issues ranging from the sex abuse scandal in the roman catholic church to the easy availability of pornography to the `` alarming decrease '' in catholic marriages in the united states . the pope arrives to address u.s. bishops in the basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception . he spoke at a prayer service with u.s. bishops at washington 's basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception , the largest roman catholic church in north america . benedict said the sexual abuse of children by priests has caused a `` deep shame '' and called it `` gravely immoral behavior . '' `` many of you have spoken to me of the enormous pain that your communities have suffered when clerics have betrayed ... their obligations , '' he told the bishops . responding to the situation has not been easy and was sometimes very badly handled , the pope admitted . watch the pope address the issue '' `` it is vitally important that the vulnerable are always shielded from souls who would cause harm , '' he said . the pope then turned his attention to a different concern involving kids . `` what does it mean to speak of child protection when pornography and violence can be viewed in so many homes through media widely available today ? '' he asked . benedict urged the media and entertainment industry to take part in a `` moral renewal . '' earlier wednesday , president bush , first lady laura bush and more than 13,500 spectators welcomed benedict in an elaborate ceremony on the south lawn of the white house . in remarks greeting the pope to the white house , bush called the united states `` a nation of prayer . '' bush was interrupted by applause as he said , `` in a world where some treat life as something to be debased and discarded , we need your message that all human life is sacred and that each of us is willed . '' benedict responded by praising the role of religion in the united states . `` from the dawn of the republic , america 's quest for freedom has been guided by the conviction that the principles governing political and social life are intimately linked to a moral order based on the dominion of god the creator , '' he said . watch benedict talk about his hopes for the trip '' earlier , a u.s. marine corps band performed the national anthem of the holy see as well as `` the star-spangled banner . '' a fife and drum corps in colonial costumes also played tunes , including `` yankee doodle , '' and soprano kathleen battle sang `` the lord 's prayer . ''<doc-sep>the day , with perfect spring weather , was also the pontiff 's 81st birthday . after the ceremony concluded , the crowd , led by battle , serenaded benedict with `` happy birthday '' as he smiled from a white house balcony . watch a priest who has known benedict for years tell what he 's like '' guests on the south lawn included catholic clergy , ecumenical representatives , catholic schoolchildren , boy scouts , girl scouts , sisters of the poor and knights of columbus . event planners faced an enormous demand for tickets for what white house press secretary dana perino called `` one of the largest arrival ceremonies ever held at the white house . '' following the ceremony , bush and the pope had a one-on-one meeting in the oval office . the pope left the white house at about noon in his distinctive `` popemobile . '' his massive motorcade moved slowly down the wide avenues of the u.s. capital to the vatican embassy , where the pope is staying . crowds of enthusiastic spectators waved u.s. and vatican flags and screamed as the pontiff rode past . a smiling benedict arrived tuesday at andrews air force base in maryland to cheers from a crowd of invited guests . the pontiff was greeted by bush , the first lady and their daughter jenna , each of whom shook his hand . it was believed to be the first time an american president has greeted a world dignitary on arrival at andrews . it marks benedict 's first visit to the united states as pope . watch how the pope 's visit could affect the presidential campaign '' security will be tight during the six-day visit , with 27 state , local and federal agencies protecting the pope as he meets with religious leaders , celebrates mass at two baseball stadiums and makes his way around in the popemobile . benedict faces no specific threats , according to the fbi , but a march audio message from osama bin laden mentioned the pontiff . the centerpiece of the trip 's washington leg will be thursday 's mass at nationals park , a new baseball stadium where 46,000 people will gather to see the pope . everyone must go through metal detectors on entering , and nearby roads and bridges will be closed . temporary flight restrictions will be in place over the stadium , and a 1 1/2 - mile section of the adjacent anacostia river will be closed during the mass. . benedict will travel to new york on friday and address the u.n. general assembly , linking the visit to the 60th anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights . he 'll celebrate mass on sunday morning at yankee stadium . where will the pope be ? '' one of the stated goals of the pope 's visit is to energize the u.s. catholic community with its estimated 70 million members . three years after succeeding pope john paul ii , benedict is likely to also address the church 's relationship with other faiths , the u.s.-led war in iraq and the upcoming u.s. presidential election , said john allen , a cnn vatican analyst . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's elaine quijano contributed to this report .<doc-sep>in a joint statement read before the governing body , the archbishop of canterbury and dr sentamu described the church 's ` deep grief and shame ' over clerical sex abuse . in july the church of england took a historical vote to formally apologise for past clerical sex abuse . the archbishops of canterbury and york spoke of the institutions ` deep grief and shame ' over the clergy 's history with sex abuse allegations . the historical apology prompted a series of changes designed to tighten up child protection procedures and prevent further scandal . the church has carried out a number of . inquiries , including a 2008 review of files to assess the handling of . any past concerns about child protection . the review did not however include investigation into deceased members of the clergy .<doc-sep>vatican city -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- pope benedict xvi is distraught by news of a scandal involving allegations of sexual abuse in the catholic church in germany , germany 's highest-ranking catholic said friday . freiburg archbishop robert zollitsch , president of a conference of german bishops , discussed the scandal in a meeting with the pope friday . the archbishop said he did not believe that priests ' celibacy caused the sexual-abuse problem . the pope later reaffirmed his support for priestly celibacy as well , telling a separate group that `` it is an expression of the gift of the self to god and to others . '' zollitsch 's meeting with the pope unfolded against the backdrop of a growing scandal involving sex-abuse allegations in catholic church institutions in germany . nearly every day since the end of january , people have come forward to report cases of sexual abuse by catholic priests in the nation . news reports put the number of cases at about 170 . the scandal took a new turn friday , when news broke that 30 years ago , pope benedict xvi -- who was an archbishop at the time -- approved providing a priest accused of child sex abuse church accommodations in his diocese so the priest could undergo therapy . the german diocese of munich and freising said in a statement friday that the man who is today the pope was involved in the decision . the priest , who was not identified in the statement , was let go from church service in 2008 , the statement said . the vatican had no comment . after their meeting , zollitsch said that the pope encouraged catholic leaders in germany to continue investigating the allegations . zollitsch said he told the pope that he , too , is dismayed by the allegations of `` abuse and acts of violence . '' `` i 've already , a few weeks ago , asked for forgiveness to the victims and i would like to repeat it today , '' he said . `` we are ready to confront our responsibility , and we can not be excused for what has happened , '' he said . `` it is not just a german problem , '' he said . `` it is a problem that concerns many countries . '' zollitsch has addressed the issue before . `` sexual abuse weighs extremely heavily in the context of the church because children and youth put so much trust in priests , '' he has said . `` there must be no sexual abuse -- especially in the church . ''<doc-sep>one of the stated goals of the pope 's visit is to energize the u.s. catholic community , which has an estimated 70 million members . three years after succeeding pope john paul ii , benedict is likely to address the sex scandal within the catholic church , the church 's relationship with other faiths , the u.s.-led war in iraq and the upcoming u.s. presidential election , said john allen , a cnn vatican analyst . the fallout from the sex scandal has had a serious impact on the u.s. catholic church in terms of its finances , its moral authority and the demoralization of catholics . during the flight from rome to washington , the pope told reporters aboard that he was ashamed of the problem . watch the pope express his shame about the scandal '' ` intense ' security . meanwhile , security preparations were under way in the air , on land and in the water . twenty-seven state , local and federal agencies will protect the pope as he meets with religious leaders , celebrates mass at a baseball stadium and makes his way around the capital in his distinctive `` popemobile . '' there are no specific threats against benedict , according to the fbi , but a march audio message from osama bin laden mentioned the pontiff .<doc-sep>it also urged them to encourage care of orphaned or abandoned children in homes rather than in church-run institutions , where they may be vulnerable to abuse . the holy see ratified the u.n. convention on the rights of the child in 1990 , but critics say it is failing to abide by its provisions . pope francis lays down the law on child sex abuse on vatican grounds . pope : ` act decisively ' in april , francis recommended that the church 's congregation for the doctrine of the faith `` act decisively with regard to cases of sexual abuse , first of all by promoting measures for the protection of minors , as well as in offering assistance to those who have suffered abuse , carrying out due proceedings against the guilty , '' the vatican said at the time . the statement does not specify who `` the guilty '' are . but in recent years , priests , nuns and other people connected to the catholic church have been accused of sexually abusing children . francis called for the church hierarchy to `` formulate and implement '' directives to address an area he described as `` so important '' to the church 's credibility and worship . ` most vulnerable ' victims . even with the inroads made , snap would like to see more action from the vatican . `` pope francis has been a very popular pope , but when it comes to child sexual abuse , he has followed the same strategies as his predecessors , '' casteix said . his predecessor , benedict xvi , said many times that abusers should be prosecuted , but snap and other victims ' groups said he did too little . benedict spoke with some victims of sexual abuse by priests on papal visits to countries including the united states and the united kingdom , where he expressed his `` deep sorrow '' about the scandal . the vatican selected those he met . the challenge for francis is to do more , casteix said . `` this is a man who has a rock star-like popularity . he has reached out to the poor ; he has reached out to the desperate and the vulnerable . but he has continually ignored the sex abuse victims , those who are the most vulnerable and who were hurt by his clerics , '' casteix said . `` it is time , it is a simply easy thing for him to do , and i believe that this hearing will really prove to him and the world how important it is that he take decisive action to stop abuse and coverup . ''
<t> new : pope tells bishops abuse of children was `` gravely immoral behavior '' </t> <t> pope , president discuss middle east , latin america , says white house . </t> <t> six-day , two-city visit to u.s. marks pope benedict xvi 's first as pope . </t> <t> pope will celebrate mass at stadium thursday , travel to new york on friday . </t>
pope calls church sex abuse scandal a ` deep shame '<T>
moscow , russia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- russian space officials say the crew of the soyuz space ship is resting after a rough ride back to earth . a south korean bioengineer was one of three people on board the soyuz capsule . the craft carrying south korea 's first astronaut landed in northern kazakhstan on saturday , 260 miles -lrb- 418 kilometers -rrb- off its mark , they said .<doc-sep>mission control spokesman valery lyndin said the condition of the crew -- south korean bioengineer yi so-yeon , american astronaut peggy whitson and russian flight engineer yuri malenchenko -- was satisfactory , though the three had been subjected to severe g-forces during the re-entry . search helicopters took 25 minutes to find the capsule and determine that the crew was unharmed .<doc-sep>officials said the craft followed a very steep trajectory that subjects the crew to gravitational forces of up to 10 times those on earth . interfax reported that the spacecraft 's landing was rough .<doc-sep>this is not the first time a spacecraft veered from its planned trajectory during landing . in october , the soyuz capsule landed 70 kilometers from the planned area because of a damaged control cable . the capsule was carrying two russian cosmonauts and the first malaysian astronaut . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>mission control spokesman valery lyndin said the condition of the crew -- south korean bioengineer yi so-yeon , american astronaut peggy whitson and russian flight engineer yuri malenchenko -- was satisfactory , though the three had been subjected to severe g-forces during the re-entry . search helicopters took 25 minutes to find the capsule and determine that the crew was unharmed .<doc-sep>soyuz tma-15m , holding incoming station commander terry virts , with the us space agency nasa , left the baikonur cosmodrome in kazahkstan . also on board for the lift-off at 3am local time -lrb- sunday 9pm gmt -rrb- was soyuz commander anton shkaplerov , with the russian federal space agency . ablative means that it ` burns up ' on re-entry to dissipate heat away from the cabin and keep the astronauts safe . but aside from a small amount of manouevring , there is not much for the astronauts to do during re-entry - except to sit and hope . ` there 's not much an astronaut can do as their module re-enters earth atmosphere but strap in , hold on tight and put their faith in years of proven science and technology , ' ben biggs , editor of all about space magazine , told mailonline . ` that can hardly be much consolation though : the temperature on the outside of their high speed spacecraft can be hot enough to melt iron due to friction with the earth 's atmosphere , while the effect of deceleration can be greater than seven times earth gravity . ` humans are better able to withstand g-forces perpendicular to the spine , which is why these astronauts are on their backs for re-entry . ' the soyuz -lrb- shown -rrb- is actually composed of three elements end-to-end - the orbital module -lrb- top left -rrb- , the descent module -lrb- middle -rrb- and the instrumentation/propulsion module -lrb- bottom right -rrb- . as it makes its way through the atmosphere -lrb- shown -rrb- , the capsule is subjected to intense temperature , which burn away the ablative heat shield on board - as it is designed to do . ablative means that it ` burns up ' on re-entry to dissipate heat away from the cabin and keep the astronauts safe . expedition 38 returned to earth on 11 march 2014 -lrb- shown -rrb- in the snowy reaches of zhezkazgan , kazakhstan after a six-month stay aboard the iss .<doc-sep>during the re-entry procedure , the soyuz begins by undocking from the iss and then performing a 15-second separation burn . when it is 7.5 miles -lrb- 12km -rrb- behind the iss , it begins the deorbit burn , which slows it down by about 375 feet -lrb- 115 metres -rrb- per second . then , three hours after undocking and just minutes from re-entry , it pyrotechnically separates the orbital and instrumentation/propulsion module . this begins the fiery entry process , during which the crew are unable to communicate with ground control . then , at a height of about 5.6 miles -lrb- nine kilometres -rrb- , a drogue chute slows the soyuz from 785 to 295 feet -lrb- 240 to 90 metres -rrb- per second . the main chute then deploys at an altitude of 4.6 miles -lrb- 7.5 km -rrb- , slowing the soyuz to 20 feet -lrb- six metres -rrb- per second . next , the heat shield is jettisoned , exposing the underside of the spacecraft , which contains the landing engines . and finally , just a split second before landing , six solid-fueled soft-landing engines fire , dampening the impact by decreasing the speed to just three metres per second . shock abosrbers in the seats also dampen the landing for the astronauts on board , before the entry module hatch is opened and they climb out to the landing crew awaiting them .<doc-sep>here the three-man crew of the mission are seen on the ground after exiting from the descent module . their journey back to earth lasted about 3.5 hours in total . the soyuz is actually composed of three elements end-to-end - the orbital module , the descent module and the instrumentation/propulsion module . the crew occupies the central part , while the other two are jettisoned before re-entry and burn up in the atmosphere . on their way to the station the orbital module provides additional living space , and also contains the systems required to dock with the iss , including a hatch and docking mechanism . the instrumentation/propulsion module , as its name might suggest , allows the spacecraft to rendezvous with the station after launch . on returning to earth , it places the soyuz into a deorbit burn , an angle of entry that will bring it back to earth , before being jettisoned . however , in the descent module the crew also have a guidance , navigation and control system - so they do have some aspect of control when they have separated from the other two elements . conditions inside the module can be quite cramped . the astronauts have some degree of control over the spacecraft , but otherwise must trust the science and technology on board . just a split second before landing , six solid-fueled soft-landing engines fire -lrb- shown -rrb- , dampening the impact by decreasing the speed to just 9.8 ft -lrb- three metres -rrb- per second .
<t> soyuz capsule lands hundreds of kilometers off-target . </t> <t> capsule was carrying south korea 's first astronaut . </t> <t> landing is second time soyuz capsule has gone awry . </t>
soyuz crew endures severe g-forces on re-entry<T>
pittsburgh , pennsylvania -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- after a weekend of playing defense about his `` bitter '' comments , sen. barack obama went on offense monday against his democratic rival and the presumptive republican nominee . sen. barack obama participates sunday in the compassion forum at pennsylvania 's messiah college . obama mocked sen. hillary clinton for throwing back a shot of whiskey in front of tv crews over the weekend and said she must think she 's `` doing me a favor '' by attacking him and toughening him up for a fall race against republican sen. john mccain . `` i 'm sure that sen. clinton feels like she 's doing me a favor because she 's been deploying most of the arguments the republican party will be using against me in november and so it 's toughening me up . i 'm getting run through the paces here , '' obama told the associated press ' annual meeting . clinton has been hitting obama hard after he referred to some small-town pennsylvanians as `` bitter '' people who `` cling to guns and religion '' at a fund-raiser last week . obama later said the remarks were badly phrased but accurate . watch obama try to clarify his comments '' on sunday , clinton called the comments `` elitist , out of touch and frankly , patronizing , '' and added , `` you know , the democratic party , to be very blunt about it , has been viewed as a party that did n't understand and respect the values and the way of life of so many of our fellow americans . ''<doc-sep>obama opened his remarks to the ap making light of what is being called `` bitter-gate . '' `` i know i kept a lot of you guys busy this weekend with the comments i made last week . some of you might even be a little bitter about that , '' he said to soft laughter . but his offensive began sunday night when he mocked clinton for acting like `` annie oakley ... packin ' a six-shooter '' in her attempts to connect with gun owners . he was referring to clinton 's efforts over the weekend to appeal to second amendment supporters by hinting that she has some experience of her own pulling triggers . `` i disagree with sen. obama 's assertion that people in our country cling to guns and have certain attitudes about trade and immigration simply out of frustration , '' she began . `` you know , my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called lake winola outside of scranton and taught me how to shoot when i was a little girl , '' she said . asked sunday when she last fired a gun or attended church services , clinton said the query was `` not a relevant question in this debate . '' watch clinton face questions on gun use '' obama blasted clinton sunday shortly before the two appeared at faith in public life 's compassion forum at messiah college in grantham , pennsylvania .<doc-sep>`` shame on her , '' he told a steelton crowd . `` i expected this out of john mccain , '' obama said in a decibel higher than his everyday stump tone . `` but i 've got to say , i 'm a little disappointed when i start hearing the exact same talking points coming out of my democratic colleague , hillary clinton . she knows better . shame on her . '' watch obama target clinton '' on monday , he attacked her for what happened at an indiana campaign stop over the weekend . saying too many candidates are giving voters only rhetoric , the senator from illinois added , `` they 'll promise you anything . they 'll even give you a long list of proposals . they 'll even come around with tv crews in tow and throw back a shot and a beer . '' with the national media present , clinton drank a beer and chatted with voters . after ordering her beer , the bartender asked , `` you want a shot with that hillary ? '' after some deliberation , clinton settled on a shot of crown royal , a canadian whiskey . responding to obama 's remarks , clinton spokesman phil singer said , `` with all due respect , this is the same politician who spent six days posing for clichéd camera shots that included bowling gutterballs , walking around a sports bar , feeding a baby cow and buying a ham at the philly market -lrb- albeit one that cost $ 99.99 a pound -rrb- . sen. obama 's speeches wo n't hide his condescending views of americans living in small towns . '' clinton heard a few boos monday as she continued to criticize obama .<doc-sep>`` i understand my opponent came this morning and spent a lot of his time attacking me , '' she said at the same forum where obama launched his assault . the crowd responded with audible grumbles , and a few in the hall shouted , `` no ! '' clinton continued , `` i know that many of you , like me , were disappointed by the recent remarks he made . '' watch as cnn 's candy crowley offers a recap of the ` bitter ' dispute '' this time , a louder , sustained chorus of `` no ! '' emanated from the audience . `` i am well aware that at a fundraiser in san francisco he said some things that many people in pennsylvania and beyond pennsylvania have found offensive , '' she said . again , she was met with jeers , which the clinton campaign said came from obama supporters . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's peter hamby and chris welch contributed to this report .<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- afghan president hamid karzai and secretary of state hillary clinton declared the afghan leader 's visit to the united states this week a success , saying on thursday that it had helped strengthen the partnership between washington and kabul at a critical point in the war against taliban and al qaeda extremists . they also stressed that president obama 's july 2011 deadline to start withdrawing u.s. forces from afghanistan did not represent a weakening of america 's commitment to the war-torn islamic republic . the two leaders spoke at the u.s. institute of peace in washington -- part of what became a week of playing down tensions between u.s. and afghan officials . `` from our side , this was a highly successful visit -lsb- that -rsb- took our relationship to an even higher level , '' clinton said . `` we are building a very strong partnership that links together all levels of our governments . '' clinton said there is no contradiction between the july 2011 withdrawal date and obama administration promises of an `` enduring partnership . '' kabul residents : karzai needs to make jobs , not war . the date is meant to be `` the beginning of the security transition , '' she said . but `` we 're not going anywhere . '' the u.s. government will be supporting afghanistan 's war against extremist elements `` far into the future , '' she said . karzai said his highly anticipated u.s. trip had been `` meaningful , substantive , and had all the right tones and objectives . '' the july 2011 date does n't pose a problem , he said , because `` we know the united states will not abandon the cause . '' on another topic , clinton said the expected nato offensive in the southern afghan province of kandahar this summer would not be a `` massive assault . ''<doc-sep>unemployment rate . ` we ca n't afford four more years like the last four years , ' the ad says . romney has enjoyed a two point boosted in in the respected rasmussen reports daily presidential tracking poll , as well as a $ 12million boost in online donations since the debate . he has used the new momentum to go on the offensive against obama . however , he launched another ad . defending his tax plan against the president 's claims that romney plans . to cut taxes by $ 5trillion balanced mostly on the backs of the middle . class . staying positive : obama gives the thumbs-up today as he heads off to campaign in california and ohio . stirring : mitt romney 's new ad is a ` great hits ' release of his debate performance . it cites the associates press and abc news , which rated obama 's debate assertion as ` mostly false . ' ` president obama continues to distort mitt romney 's economic plan , ' the ad released on sunday reads says . the ad goes on to counter-attack saying , ` obama 's plan ? $ 4,000 more in taxes on the middle class . ' the . romney offensive comes as barack obama 's lacklustre showing continues . to be mocked by top comedians - even those who are strong supporters of . the president . the newest . poll shows mitt romney attracting support from 49 % of voters nationwide , . while president obama earns the vote from 47 per cent . in addition , mr romney 's campaign took in a donation . haul of $ 12million via his website in just 48 hours after the conclusion . of the debate in denver , according to the wall street journal .<doc-sep>a new book claims that vice-president joe biden upsets female secret service agents by swimming naked wherever he goes . the book the first family detail by best-selling author robert kessler purports to tell the behind the scenes secrets of the two most powerful offices in the world as seen by their protection details . vice-president biden , claims the book , is more interested in being seen as a ` regular joe ' than the second most powerful man in the world . vice president joe biden is more interested in being seen a a regular guy than the man who is a hearbeat away from 1600 pennsylvania avenue . ` agents say that , whether at the vice president 's residence or at his home in delaware , biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude , ' mr kessler writes . ` female secret service agents find that offensive . ' the naked swimming and the last-minute changes of schedule mean that being assigned to mr biden is seen as ` the second worst assignment in the secret service , ' mr kessler writes . the worst says the book is working for former first lady and ex-secretary of state hillary clinton . mr kessler , the author of 19 books , has been accused by democrats of writing anti-clinton and anti-kennedy stories by using anonymous sources who by their very nature are hard to verify . a spokesman for secretary clinton -lrb- above -rrb- told the new york daily news that mr kessler joins two other authors who have written clinton takedowns in ' a hat trick of despicable actors concocting trashy nonsense ' the two most powerful men in the world : president barack obama stands with vice president joe biden .<doc-sep>`` as an african-american , i 'm frankly insulted that the obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think bill and hillary clinton , who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues when barack obama was doing something in the neighborhood that -- i wo n't say what he was doing , but he said it in his book , '' johnson said while campaigning at the largely black northminster presbyterian church in columbia , south carolina . in obama 's recently reprinted 1995 book , `` dreams from my father , '' the future presidential candidate writes he was once headed in the direction of a `` junkie '' and a `` pothead . '' in december , clinton personally apologized to obama after her new hampshire campaign co-chairman raised the issue . the adviser resigned amid the controversy that followed . johnson later sunday said his remarks referred `` to barack obama 's time spent as a community organizer , and nothing else . any other suggestion is simply irresponsible and incorrect . '' the clinton and obama camps are locked in an increasingly heated battle for black voters in south carolina . watch what race has to do with the democratic nomination '' former south carolina state rep. `` i.s. '' leevy johnson , an obama supporter , called on hillary clinton to disavow johnson 's remarks . `` it 's offensive that sen. clinton literally stood by and said nothing as another one of her campaign 's top supporters launched a personal , divisive attack on barack obama , '' he said in a statement released by obama 's campaign . `` for someone who decries the politics of personal destruction , she should 've immediately denounced these attacks on the spot . '' sunday 's flare-up capped a weekend of sparring between the two camps that began with clinton 's comments last week that while the rev. martin luther king jr. led the civil rights movement , `` dr. king 's dream began to be realized when president lyndon johnson passed the civil rights act of 1964 . it took a president to get it done . '' watch what clinton says about obama , king and the civil rights movement '' some african-american leaders criticized the remarks as dismissive of the civil rights movement and of king , who was assassinated in 1968 . on sunday , obama described clinton 's comments as `` ill-advised '' but rejected any suggestion that his campaign has been behind the complaints .
<t> new : barack obama makes fun of hillary clinton for drinking a shot in front of media . </t> <t> new : clinton 's verbal attacks on obama met with boos from audience . </t> <t> clinton has accused obama of being out of touch , elitist for remarks at fundraiser . </t> <t> at fundraiser , obama said some pennsylvanians bitter and clinging to guns , religion . </t>
obama goes on offensive against clinton<T>
amsterdam , holland -- ajax lost ground on dutch league leaders psv eindhoven after being held to a 2-2 draw at vitesse arnhem on sunday . ajax 's leonardo , front in blue , duels for the ball with sebastien sansoni and abubakari yakubu of vitesse . the amsterdam side led 2-1 with two goals in four minutes just after half-time from urby emanuelson and luis suarez following mads junker 's early opener , but harrie gommans rescued a draw . ajax are now five points adrift of psv , who beat excelsior 2-1 on saturday , with heerenveen , feyenoord and groningen just one point further back . feyenoord were held 1-1 at home by groningen on sunday , with marcus berg putting the visitors on course for a 13th win of the season until an own goal by mark-jan fledderus on the stroke of half-time gave the rotterdam side a point . at the other end of the table , heracles registered their first away win of the season with a 5-0 thumping of fellow strugglers venlo . relegation-threatened sparta rotterdam and nec nijmegen both picked up vital victories . sparta won 2-1 at sixth-placed twente enschede as goals from yuri rose and charles dissels on 28 and 51 minutes kept the visitors above of second-bottom nijmegen on goal difference . nec won 2-0 at home to ninth-placed utrecht , the club 's first victory since early november , as jhonny van beukering and brett holman netted in the second half . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>by . mark gleeson . chelsea youngster bertrand traore will spend a further 12 months at vitesse arnhem on loan from chelsea , the dutch club announced on monday . the burkino faso international signed a professional contract in january with chelsea after turning 18 , having previously been on their books as a schoolboy . he was immediately sent to vitesse , where he scored three times in 15 outings , including a goal against champions ajax amsterdam . farmed out : bertrand traore will be spend another season on loan with dutch club vitesse arnhem . ` we are thrilled that bertrand is joining us again , ' vitesse 's technical director mohammed allach said on the club 's website -lrb- -rrb- . ` he knows our work patterns and our playing style and he made a strong personal impression on us -lrb- last season -rrb- . ' feeder club : chelsea have loaned out six players to the eredivisie club , which was investigated by dutch authorities . chelsea loaned another six players to vitesse last season as part of a co-operation deal that came under investigation by the dutch football association -lrb- knvb -rrb- . vitesse 's former owner claimed chelsea had intentionally prevented the club from winning the league or earning champions league football . nothing came of it . traore is the second chelsea player heading to vitesse for the new season after 20-year-old brazilian full back wallace , who the english club loaned to inter milan last season .<doc-sep>not so long ago , daley blind -- manchester united 's new # 14million signing , world cup star and current dutch player of the year -- was in danger of seeing his career disappear down the pan . shipped out on loan to gronigen and mercilessly derided by the ajax fans on his return to the amsterdam arena in the summer of 2010 , blind 's confidence was in tatters and his future in doubt . he was , they said , only there because of his father , ajax legend danny blind . at times , the youngster 's performances did little to deflect the flak coming his way . blind looked out of his depth and it seemed inevitable that he would have to leave a club he had joined at the age of seven . video scroll down for daley blind featured in ajax 4-1 victory over vitesse arnhem . new beginnings : daley blind joined manchester united in a # 14million move from ajax on monday . all smiles : blind -lrb- left -rrb- has been reunited with louis van gaal -lrb- right -rrb- after the pair worked together at holland . rough ride : blind 's early career at ajax received a lot of flak from fans who thought he was n't good enough . ` the public was not always kind to me , they are quite critical here , ' he admitted later . it was former tottenham and fulham boss martin jol who decided to give blind another chance , and jol 's successor frank de boer who spotted his true potential . even then , as recently as two years ago , he was substituted on the opening day of the 2012-13 season at home to az alkmaar with sarcastic cheers ringing in his ears . that was to be blind 's breakthrough campaign . he was voted ajax 's player of the year as they lifted a third successive dutch title -- a fourth followed in april together with the honour of being voted the best player in holland -- and he was called up to the netherlands squad by louis van gaal in february 2013 . proud moment : blind -lrb- left -rrb- was voted the 2014 dutch footballer of the year , next to his father .<doc-sep>8 . ronald moved into coaching following his last playing stint at feyenoord in 1997 and worked initially as assistant to hiddink for holland and then louis van gaal at barcelona . van gaal came in as technical director when koeman was coach at ajax in 2004 but their relationship became fractious . van gaal dismissed koeman as ` that boy ' in his autobiography and suggested he was not first choice to succeed him at az alkmaar in 2009 . koeman later said of their disagreements : ` we had some problems in the relation between his job and my job . first he left ajax and , after three-and-a-half years , i left too . it was difficult because it was a problem in the relation in football . sometimes a little bit fighting between each other . ' koeman celebrates with his ajax players after leading them to the eredivisie title in 2002 . 9 . after barcelona , koeman coached at vitesse arnhem , ajax , benfica , psv , valencia , az and feyenoord before joining southampton in the summer . there have been plenty of ups and down in this time . at ajax , he managed to lead them to the eredivisie title and bring through the likes of rafael van der vaart and wesley sneijder but they ultimately slipped behind in the championship and could n't regain the ground . since then , he has been pretty nomadic , not staying in a job for longer that a couple of years . he finished just third in the portuguese league with benfica but won the eredivisie with psv by a one-goal margin from ajax . he struggled at valencia and az , before failing to win anything at feyenoord . koeman , manager of ajax , greets compatriot frank rijkaard prior to a 2004 friendly match . koeman is unveiled as the new coach of benfica in june 2005 . 10 . koeman has been linked with the dutch manager 's job this week after a poor start to hiddink 's spell in charge . former player ronald de boer was one of those who called for koeman to take over but the manager insisted he is committed to the saints : ' i am the manager of southampton , i am not the national manager and i will not be the next national manager . '<doc-sep>daley blind will not be joining manchester united on the cheap this summer , according to the ajax director of football marc overmars . the dutchman player has been linked with a switch to join former national team coach van gaal at old trafford , praised for being able to play in a number of positions . but overmars insists he will only be able to leave , this summer at least , for his ` absolute top price ' . video scroll down to watch daley blind feature in ajax 4-1 victory over vitesse arnhem . set to stay ? ajax insist daley blind wo n't be leaving on the cheap this summer . tough tackling : the dutch international has been linked with a switch to manchester united . ` we believe that we currently have a strong team and want daley to stay for another year , ' he told de telegraaf . ` only if the absolute top price is paid is a transfer negotiable .
<t> second-placed ajax held 2-2 at home by vitesse arnhem in dutch eredivisie . </t> <t> the amsterdam side now trail league leaders psv eindhoven by five points . </t> <t> psv defeated excelsior 2-0 on saturday to open up six-point gap at top . </t>
vitesse dent ajax 's dutch title bid<T>
london , england -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- heather mills presented `` less than candid '' testimony about her life with former beatle paul mccartney during her divorce case and made more money during their marriage than before , according to a ruling released tuesday . mccartney 's lawyer fiona shackleton , left , pictured after it is alleged mills threw water over her . mills represented herself during the proceedings and was a `` less than impressive witness '' on her own behalf , judge hugh bennett wrote in awarding her # 24.3 million -lrb- $ 48.6 million -rrb- -- far less than the # 125 million she had sought from mccartney in the dissolution of their four-year marriage . `` having given in her favor every allowance for the enormous strain she must have been under and in conducting her own case , i am driven to the conclusion that much of her evidence , both written and oral , was not just inconsistent and inaccurate but also less than candid , '' bennett wrote . mills emerged from the court monday angry about the judge 's treatment of her . she said the judge and attorneys acted like they were part of a `` club . '' blog : did mills pour water on mccartney 's lawyer ? a summary of bennett 's decision was released monday , but mills had sought to keep the full ruling under wraps . britain 's court of appeals ruled against her tuesday , and her lawyer , david rosen , said she accepted the decision . see a list of expensive celebrity divorces '' `` she as a mother has strived to protect her child and felt there were certain issues and matters in the judgment which affected that , '' rosen said . mills opposed the full ruling 's publication because it contained private details about her and her 4-year-old daughter with mccartney , beatrice . watch mills react to monday 's decision ''<doc-sep>bennett had good things to say about mills in his judgment , commending her strength in the face of disability . mills lost her left leg below the knee in a 1993 traffic accident . but he discounted many of the arguments the former model made about her personal wealth before and after her 2002 marriage to mccartney . he ruled that mills earned far less before marriage than she claimed , and far more while married -- and at several points in his decision , he wrote that mills ' ideas about their marriage were `` make-belief . '' `` i find that , far from the husband dictating to and restricting the wife 's career and charitable activities , he did the exact opposite , '' bennett wrote . mccartney , meanwhile , presented balanced evidence and was a consistent witness , he wrote . `` he expressed himself moderately though at times with justifiable irritation , if not anger , '' the judge wrote in a glimpse of the emotions aired behind closed doors . read the full ruling -lrb- . pdf file -- adobe acrobat required -rrb- . bennett found mills failed to produce financial records to back up statements about money she claimed to have in the bank before marriage , which she said amounted to more than # 2 million . in one instance , the judge pointed out mccartney 's company loaned mills money to buy a home in hove , england -- money that she would not have needed had she had such an amount in the bank . and bennett found that mills ' income actually improved during the marriage . in one year , she earned # 1 million -lrb- $ 2 million -rrb- from a single modeling contract , he wrote . and he quoted mills ' 2002 book , `` a single step , '' in which she wrote that her charity work and public speaking roles had expanded `` to such an extent that it has left little time for anything else . '' `` she is a kindly person and is devoted to her charitable causes , '' the judge wrote . `` she has conducted her own case before me with a steely , yet courteous , determination . ''<doc-sep>the couple met in 1999 , a year after the death of mccartney 's wife of 30 years , linda . the judge said mccartney continued to grieve for his late wife well into his marriage with mills -- and he suggested mills misrepresented her case because she had been star-struck . `` the wife for her part must have felt rather swept off her feet by a man as famous as the husband , '' he wrote . `` i think this may well have warped her perception leading her to indulge in make-belief . the objective facts simply do not support her case . '' bennett discounted mills ' claims that she was anything more than a loving and devoted wife in helping mccartney . `` the wife 's evidence that in some way she was the husband 's ` psychologist , ' even allowing for hyperbole , is typical of her make-belief , '' the judge wrote . mills and mccartney failed to agree on a divorce settlement in six days of hearings in february , leaving the judge to decide the terms . bennett 's 58-page decision concluded that # 24.3 million was enough for mills to live comfortably and take care of their daughter 's needs . mccartney had proposed a # 15.8 million settlement . the judgment included # 35,000 a year for beatrice , # 600,000 for mills and # 2.5 million for her to purchase property in london . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>mr assoun , who is believed to be french , said he was labouring under enormous debts , adding : ` yes i own a $ 3.3 m -lrb- # 2million -rrb- apartment - it does n't mean i 'm rich . ' mr assoun and his ex-wife anais assoun , 44 , met and married in london while he worked in the city for bnp paribas and credit suisse . they raised their two children - graysha , now a model , and kai - in the capital before splitting in 2007 and departing for different parts of the us in 2009 . however mrs assoun , a fashion writer who owns a ranch in texas , and her ex-husband , whose home is a $ 3.3 million -lrb- # 2million -rrb- condo in one of new york 's most iconic areas , turned to the english courts to decide how the family wealth should be divided . mr assoun told lord justice moses that despite his ex-wife being awarded $ 1.1 m worth of assets in 2011 - in addition to him being ordered to pay her $ 180,000-a-year in maintenance , plus $ 50,000-a-year to pay for their children 's education - the financial battle between the couple is far from over . a final court show-down to assess and divide their wealth is pending and , in july , judge glenn brasse ordered that mr assoun pay # 235,000 towards his ex-wife 's legal costs bills in the run-up to that hearing . the banker asked lord justice moses to overturn that order , telling him : ` my recent income has dropped considerably - i do n't have any money . ' judge brasse , sitting at the clerkenwell and shoreditch county court in july , awarded the payment towards the wife 's costs , after ruling on a dispute between the former spouses over the amount of personal wealth each of them controls . protracted dispute : mr assoun 's ex-wife anais assoun , right , with their model daughter graysha . in his ruling , the judge said of mr assoun : ` the husband has been able to acquire a $ 3.3 m apartment in manhattan . this kind of spending ability is not within the wife 's reach , not within her wildest dreams . '<doc-sep>a millionaire oil executive who was forced to hand over his # 2million london townhouse to his ex-wife ` deserved everything he got ' , an appeal judge has ruled . dr hussain rabia , 60 , tried to hide his true wealth in a bitter divorce battle by claiming he had no interest in an offshore consultancy business , which was said to be raking in huge profits . but a family judge ruling on his divorce to ex-wife azhar , 40 , said dr rabia 's denials about his wealth were ` manifestly untrue ' and designed to conceal the real extent of his fortune . dr hussain rabia , left , who has been forced to hand over his # 2million london townhouse to his ex-wife azhar , right , in a divorce battle after he tried to hide his true wealth . it led to the couple 's former matrimonial home , a # 2million five-bed house in affluent ealing , west london being handed to his ex-wife . dr rabia appealed claiming the result was that his ex-wife had received more than her fair share of the family 's # 3million-plus fortune . but his case was thrown out by appeal court judge lord justice mcfarlane , who said dr rabia had taken the risk of concealing his financial affairs and lost . he said : ` there has been a wholesale failure by the husband to provide any meaningful disclosure in the proceedings . ` a husband who chooses to approach the litigation in the way this husband did has to run the risk of inferences being drawn against him . '<doc-sep>still waiting : jennifer evans , left , and her estranged husband mark , right . ` as a result of the actions of mr justice mostyn . . . she -lsb- mrs evans -rsb- will be placed in a materially different position at the retrial , namely that she will be an ex-wife of the husband . that might have serious consequences for her . ' the evans case received widespread publicity last week when appeal court judge lord justice thorpe accused the couple of ` almost puerile ' behaviour . mr evans , 47 , and his wife , 46 , were penniless when they wed in 1985 but made a fortune from a computer software company . they separated in july 2010 and in april last year , she was awarded assets of # 26 million . but as a result of mr justice mostyn 's ruling being overturned in may , they are still waiting for the courts to decide how their financial assets should be split . mr justice mostyn was nicknamed ` mr payout ' because of the huge settlements he obtained as a divorce lawyer for celebrity clients such as sir paul mccartney . his own divorce was finalised on may 8 . mr howard withdrew from the evans case on april 17 , according to his submission . he has since returned , however , and last week represented mrs evans in her appeal court bid . a spokesman for the judicial communications office , which represents judges and magistrates , said an agreement had been in place since july 2011 which meant ` there would be no conflict of interest ' if mr justice mostyn heard other cases which involved ` the solicitors and barristers acting for lady mostyn in their divorce proceedings ' . the spokesman added : ` the private remarks about mr howard and hughes fowler carruthers were made after he had heard and given judgment in the case of evans v evans . ' mr howard and hughes fowler carruthers declined to comment .<doc-sep>by . leon watson . a wealthy banker who lost a disastrous divorce battle with his fashionista ex-wife has gone back to court complaining that 's he 's been forced to quit his lavish life in new york . yan assoun , 44 , says he is being forced out of his # 2million condo in manhattan , new york , and insists his ex-wife anais assoun , 45 , has been given an ` unfair financial advantage ' over him . the former london city trader , who is believed to be french , was previously described by a judge as having spending power ` beyond the wildest dreams ' of his fashion writer ex . divorce battle : yan assoun -lrb- left -rrb- , 44 , says he is being forced out of his # 2 million condo in manhattan , new york , after losing a disastrous divorce battle with his fashionista ex-wife anais assoun -lrb- right -rrb- , 45 . but now , due to a divorce judge 's ruling , he said he has undergone a drastic reversal in fortunes . mr assoun says he has been left with just a fifth of his income to survive on . judge glenn brasse , presiding over the final hearing of the couple 's divorce last year , ruled that the ` reasonable needs ' of mrs assoun and the former couple 's children amounted to almost # 294,000-a-year . the judge had earlier said of the banker : ` the husband has been able to acquire a # 1.9 million apartment in manhattan . this kind of spending ability is not within the wife 's reach , not within her wildest dreams . '
<t> judge : heather mills `` a less than impressive witness '' </t> <t> paul mccartney 's ex-wife received nearly $ 50m payout in divorce ruling . </t> <t> ruling follows collapse of ex-beatle 's four-year marriage to former model . </t>
judge rips mccartney 's ex-wife in ruling<T>
atlanta , georgia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a georgia military contractor tricked law enforcement agencies into buying faulty stun grenades , ultimately leaving three fbi agents injured , federal prosecutors announced monday . `` flash-bang '' grenades were relabeled and sold to police after the navy deemed them faulty , an indictment says . pyrotechnic specialties inc. is accused of relabeling and selling `` flash-bang '' grenades that the u.s. military rejected after its personnel were injured . the company also mixed defective grenades with others that had been fixed `` to camouflage the defective devices from receiving personnel '' at the fbi , the indictment says . last week 's indictment alleges that company officials bribed a federal official and paid for a visit to a strip club . the officials are accused of conspiracy , money laundering , mail fraud and defrauding the government . watch how the grenades work '' the company , known as psi , did not immediately respond to calls for comment . the indictment names three company officials -- ceo david j. karlson , sales representative f. brad swann and production manager daniel ramone -- as taking part in the conspiracy . the indictment does not say whether they still hold those titles .<doc-sep>psi had a multimillion-dollar contract with the defense department to provide stun or `` flash-bang '' grenades , referred to as `` mk141 diversionary charges '' in the indictment . from 1996 to 2007 , the navy awarded three contracts to psi for the mk141 , according to the indictment . the devices are designed to produce a bright flash and loud bang , disorienting their targets . they 're considered nonlethal weapons , though they can be dangerous . the indictment alleges , `` on or about march 2003 , a flaw in the original navy design of the mk141 diversionary charge became apparent . '' a plastic piece would sometimes crack , which `` could result in a hazardous situation to those in close proximity . '' `` improper detonation could , and did , cause serious injuries to personnel using the device , '' according to the indictment .<doc-sep>the indictment says that the department of defense issued a `` stop work order '' on the devices , and psi `` developed a procedure to correct the defect '' that cost about $ 3.72 per unit . psi officials later engaged in a scheme to sell the defective devices by claiming that they had met the department 's standards , the indictment alleges . the defendants sold and attempted to sell the devices `` to the department of defense and to federal law enforcement agencies , as well as to state and local law enforcement agencies , '' the indictment says . at one point , some of them prematurely detonated , `` causing serious injuries '' to three fbi agents who were on a swat team investigating a kidnapping , the indictment says , adding that the interior of their government vehicle was damaged . `` to further implement the scheme and artifice to defraud , the defendants provided gratuities and additional compensation to a department of defense employee , '' the indictment adds . the devices were sold to more than a dozen fbi offices between 2003 and 2004 , as well as to the san rafael police department in san rafael , california , and the orange county sheriff/coroner 's department in santa ana , california , the indictment says .<doc-sep>the department of defense said it could not comment because the case is under investigation . `` our understanding is that the naval criminal investigative service is supporting the fbi in this investigation , '' lt. geraldine carey of marine corps systems command said in a written statement . carey added that it is `` against dod policy to discuss matters under investigation prior to the requested official or government agency receiving a formal report . '' according to the company 's web site , psi supports `` the u.s. and many foreign military services with custom compositions , pellets and devices . '' automotive airbag products are atop the list of commercial products it manufactures , according to the web site . the company employs 160 people at its manufacturing facility near byron , georgia , the web site says . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's scott zamost and abbie boudreau contributed to this report .<doc-sep>read the indictment . nagin allegedly received bribes from city contractors in the amounts of $ 60,000 , $ 2,250 , $ 50,000 and $ 10,000 , the indictment says . he also is accused of receiving a bribe in the form of granite inventory from a city construction contractor . nagin faces nine counts of honest services wire fraud , alleging he received nine wire transfers amounting to $ 12,500 each that were bribes or kickback payoffs from the same city construction contractor in 2010 and 2011 , the indictment says . those bribed totaled $ 112,500 . in his 2005 tax return -- the same year that katrina hit the gulf coast -- nagin allegedly filed a false tax return claiming his income was $ 156,278 , the indictment says . he is also accused of filing false returns for 2006 listing his income at $ 170,364 , for 2007 with an income of $ 31,163 , and for 2008 with a $ 143,852 income , the indictment said . the indictment does not detail what the government claims the returns should state .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- former new orleans mayor ray nagin , who captured the drama of hurricane katrina in 2005 with an `` sos '' call to the nation , was indicted friday on 21 federal corruption charges , including bribery , money laundering , fraud and filing false tax returns . nagin allegedly defrauded the city through `` a bribery and kickback scheme '' in which he received checks , cash , wire transfers , personal services and free travel from businessmen seeking contracts and favorable treatment from the city , the 25-page federal indictment says . as part of the alleged bribes , nagin 's family members received a vacation in hawaii ; first-class airfare to jamaica ; private jet travel and a limousine for new york city totaling $ 23,500 ; and cellular phone service , the indictment said . nagin 's family-owned granite-business stone age llc allegedly benefited in the corruption , too , the indictment said . nagin could not immediately be reached for comment . according to the indictment , the bribing businessmen allegedly received city contracts of $ 1 million for consulting , more than $ 3 million to build a project at louis armstrong international airport , and $ 1 million for another airport project , the indictment said . other contracts were for sidewalk repairs in the french quarter and professional services , authorities allege . among the conspiracy charges is an accusation that nagin awarded `` no bid '' work to a city contractor who provided `` concealed and direct campaign monies '' to nagin , the indictment says .<doc-sep>`` there were few lines these executives were not willing to cross , '' said robert khuzami , director of enforcement at the securities and exchange commission . assistant attorney general lanny a. breuer said , `` today 's indictment alleges a shocking level of deception and corruption . '' in short , the company committed to pay more than $ 100 million in bribes to win the $ 1 billion contract , breuer said . about $ 60 million was allegedly paid , he said . `` business should be won or lost on the merits of a company 's products and services , not the amount of bribes paid to government officials , '' breuer said . ronald hosko , special agent in charge of the fbi in washington , said corruption is among the fbi 's highest investigative priorities , adding , `` foreign bribery is not an acceptable business practice . backroom deals and corrupt payments to foreign officials to obtain business wear away public confidence in our global marketplace . '' if convicted , the defendants could each be sentenced to 20 years in prison and face fines , officials said . cnn 's jim barnett contributed to this report .<doc-sep>` and every time he comes back from court he gets strip-searched again and he has to take his eye out again -- and it p **** s him off . ' scroll down for video . cold-blooded : cregan decided in advance he would kill the police , and eventually took lives of pc fiona bone -lrb- left -rrb- and pc nicola hughes -lrb- right -rrb- after calling 999 claiming there was a burglary where he was hiding . * cregan 's use of grenades during . his killing spree was ` incredibly worrying ' , said sir peter fahy , chief . constable of greater manchester police . he said : ` it was military-style . weaponry -- grenades from a former war zone . the worry is that there are . huge numbers of these weapons out there from other parts of the world . and it is relatively easy for certain individuals to import them into . this country . ' sources revealed that hand grenades , . machine guns , bullets and even rockets were among a shocking array of . firepower available on the black market . attack : cregan emptied the magazine of this glock handgun and then dumped it by the bodies of the officers he had just fatally injured . extraordinary : greater manchester police discovered this stash of grenades inside a storm drain during dale cregan 's 17-week trial . the ` shopping list ' available to . criminals means they can buy grenades for as little as # 150 each , while . semi-automatic handguns with bullets cost # 250 . military-issue assault .
<t> indictment accuses georgia company of relabeling stun grenades . </t> <t> devices sold to at least 12 fbi offices ; defense department declines comment . </t> <t> 3 company officials charged with money laundering , defrauding the government . </t> <t> indictment : fbi agents injured when stun grenades detonated prematurely . </t>
indictment : strip club trip among bribes to sell faulty grenades<T>
new york -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the u.s. government paid more than $ 1.7 million in defense contracts over the last decade to companies owned by leaders of warren jeffs ' polygamous sect , with tens of thousands allegedly winding its way back to jeffs and his church . the pentagon had contracts with three companies with ties to warren jeffs ' polygamous sect . in fact , some of the deals were made after jeffs was named to the fbi 's `` most-wanted list '' and remained in place while he was on the run . cnn has learned that between 1998 and 2007 , the united states air force and defense logistics agency purchased more than $ 1.7 million worth of airplane parts from three companies owned by members of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter-day saints , which practices polygamy . those companies are utah tool and die , western precision and newera manufacturing . today , the companies all operate under the name newera manufacturing , a company based in las vegas , nevada , that says it supplies precision components `` for the aerospace , military , medical , recreational and other commercial entities . '' `` it was my understanding that western precision was paying roughly $ 50,000 a week into the coffers of the church , '' former sect member richard holm said . `` it would have been close to $ 200,000 a month . '' holm said he helped build western precision . a court affidavit signed by a man whose father was the president of western precision makes similar allegations . `` during 2003 , the amount being sent to the storehouse and the flds was around $ 100,000 per month , '' john nielsen said in the october 26 , 2005 , affidavit . `` i have personal knowledge that checks sent to the flds church/warren jeffs by -lsb- western precision -rsb- are payable to the flds church and/or warren jeffs . '' private investigator sam brower , who monitors the sect , said money earned through business dealings with the u.s. government was used to build jeffs ' compounds across the country , including the one recently raided in eldorado , texas . more than 400 children , including teenage girls , were removed from that ranch amid claims of child abuse and forced marriage and motherhood . watch a mom plead : ` we need our children ' '' brower says dozens of companies tied to flds are working on contracts with federal or local governments . the pentagon would confirm only it had contracts with three . a man who answered the phone at newera manufacturing said it had no comment .<doc-sep>the companies have not been charged with wrongdoing . pentagon spokesman geoff morrell emphasized that point . `` the department of defense awards contracts on the basis of who can most effectively meet our requirements for supplies or services at the most reasonable cost to the taxpayer , '' he said . `` we do not consider religious affiliation or marital status when selecting vendors , but illegal activity is certainly cause for termination of a contract and perhaps even debarment , which could prevent a contractor from doing business with department ever again . '' he added , `` however , dod is not aware of any criminal allegations against anyone managing the companies in question . '' bob maginnis , a retired army lieutenant colonel who now works with a contractor for the pentagon , said the department does background checks before signing contracts . `` the dod is obviously abiding by the law , and if we want them to look deeper and discriminate on religious or other activities we need to tell them . '' but he added , `` if there was a direct line between jeffs and this company , and his name was associated with a contract , then that should have come to attention of those that were bidding contract . '' it 's unclear whether jeffs ' name was on any contract , but other senior members of his church were managing the companies . what might taxpayers think of it all ? `` they 're just going to shake their head and say here 's another example of our tax money going down the drain to support this polygamist in texas who abuses children and women , '' maginnis said . `` they 'll be appalled and rightly so . '' jeffs is serving time in utah after his 2007 conviction for being an accomplice to rape , charges related to a marriage he performed in 2001 . he also faces trial in arizona on eight charges of sexual conduct with a minor , incest and conspiracy . see a timeline of jeffs ' life '' the mormon church , which gave up plural marriage more than a century ago , has no ties to jeffs ' group . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>the number of private-sector workers actively contributing to them has plunged from more than five million in 1995 to 1.7 million today . when the government revealed its proposals last year to encourage bosses to include more employees in the schemes , pensions minister steve webb said he hoped they would trigger ` a renaissance ' in final-salary pensions . but the pensions bill , which is being published today , shows the government has made a u-turn and scrapped the plans . the decision will be a relief for millions of private-sector workers who are still lucky enough to be building up a defined-benefit pension in their job . the most explosive change would have been the rule that allowed firms to freeze workers ' pensions after they retired . annual pension increases are vital if retirees are to protect their payouts from being eroded by the rising cost of living . at present , a boss must increase payouts by at least 2.5 per cent a year .<doc-sep>by . sam greenhill . and rebecca evans . and tim shipman . energy firms reaped huge profits from their wind farms during the recent storms while families suffered christmas blackouts . some power companies boosted their takings by nearly a third . the figure for christmas eve and christmas day alone -- at the height of the crisis -- was # 1.2 million . this is because wind farms are paid to shut down their turbines during gusty weather -- and they are paid even more to close them down than they are to run them normally . a ferry crosses the solent near southsea sea front in hampshire . energy firms reaped huge profits from their wind farms during the recent storms while families suffered christmas blackouts . the revelation came as britain braced itself for another battering of gales and torrential rain today and tomorrow . new year 's eve revellers could find their celebrations disrupted and there are fears that more homes and businesses could be flooded as rain falls on already saturated ground and swollen rivers . energy secretary ed davey has demanded a crisis meeting next week with power company bosses amid growing public fury at the slow response of firms in reconnecting the tens of thousands left in the dark after the storms . in the past two weeks , as householders suffered power cuts , wind farms were paid # 4.8 million to switch off their turbines . the ` constraint payments ' -- which come from householders ' energy bills -- are given to operators not to produce electricity when supply outstrips demand .<doc-sep>the mail can today reveal the millions paid to rail bosses who run britain 's costly and overcrowded train services . while passengers struggle with ever-rising fares , senior rail executives enjoyed generous salaries , bonuses and perks such as car allowances and private healthcare . the highest paid boss even earned # 2.2 million despite operating the country 's most crowded commuter service , a daily mail investigation reveals . hard-pressed commuters faced rail chaos in london after planned engineering works over-ran . thousands of travellers were left stranded as hundreds of services were cancelled on boxing day . the most successful train operator parent company made pre-tax profits of nearly # 700million while the companies that run the transport network take billions in taxpayer-funded subsidies . the stark contrast between ` cattle class ' commuters and the ` fat controllers ' follows the christmas chaos in which thousands of passengers suffered horrendous journeys caused by over-running engineering works by network rail . yet hard-pressed commuters returning to work in the new year will see the overall cost of their train fares rise by 2.2 per cent from friday -- and up 2.5 per cent for season tickets . many will see the price of an annual ticket top # 5,000 for the first time , including passengers who travel from ashford in kent to london . commuters on the brighton to london will pay # 4,408 a year -- a rise of # 745 , or 20 per cent , in four years . meanwhile , rail firms benefited from a total of # 4.02 billion in government subsidies in 2012-13 , according to figures from the office of rail regulation watchdog . at the same time the firms paid # 204million in dividends to their parent companies , many of which are owned by foreign governments . the top-paid rail manager last year was stagecoach chief executive martin griffiths , 48 , who received # 2.23 million , including # 22,000 in lieu of a company car .<doc-sep>by . nick fagge . published : . 17:09 est , 21 october 2012 . | . updated : . 04:16 est , 22 october 2012 . highly paid energy bosses who are imposing above-inflation price increases on their customers can claim staff discounts on their power bills that save them around # 150 a year . senior executives and managers at five of britain 's six energy giants are entitled to cuts in their household fuel bills of up to 12 per cent while they impose increases of up to 9 per cent on consumers . the millionaire chief executive of scottish firm sse , ian marchant , 51 , is taking advantage of the staff discount . he claims a 12 per cent discount on the energy bill for his luxury home -- estimated at # 140 a year -- despite receiving a # 1.2 million pay package . ian marchant -lrb- left -rrb- has pay package of # 1.2 m and claims 12 per cent -lrb- # 140 -rrb- discount on his energy bills . vincent de rivaz -lrb- right -rrb- is also paid # 1.2 m and is offered a discount of # 48 . he has not said whether he has taken the cut he is eligible for . two other firms , edf uk and npower , admitted their bosses were eligible but would not say if they had taken advantage of the scheme . vincent de rivaz , 58 , the frenchman who is chief executive of edf uk , is eligible for a # 48 discount on the cost of his household fuel and electricity bill while taking home # 1.2 million in pay and benefits .
<t> pentagon bought airplane parts from companies tied to warren jeffs . </t> <t> contracts continued even after jeffs was on fbi `` most-wanted list '' </t> <t> pentagon defends contracts , stands by them as appropriate . </t> <t> retired army colonel says nothing illegal happened , but people will be `` appalled '' </t>
pentagon paid $ 1.7 million to firms of polygamy bosses<T>
jakarta , indonesia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an indonesian court has sentenced the alleged military commander of an al qaeda-linked terror network to 15 years in prison . abu dujana is suspected of plotting attacks on the australian embassy and j.w. marriott hotel in jakarta . abu dujana is the alleged leader of the military wing of jemaah islamiyah , a group that is thought to be linked to al qaeda . it aims to create a muslim `` superstate '' across much of southeast asia . dujana , a slight , wiry man , is accused of direct involvement in the bali nightclub bombings of 2002 that killed more than 200 , mostly western , tourists . he is also suspected of plotting subsequent attacks on the australian embassy and j.w. marriott hotel , both in the indonesian capital , jakarta . furthermore , authorities say dujana is behind the violence in poso , on indonesia 's eastern sulawesi island . fighting between muslims and christians periodically breaks out in the region and sometimes turns deadly . police have accused jemaah islamiyah of sending armed militants to poso . the court found dujana guilty monday of illegally possessing firearms and explosives , and of harboring suspected terrorists . his lawyers said they may appeal the sentence . after his arrest last june following a four-year hunt , dujana admitted to cnn that he was jemaah islamiyah 's military chief . but he said that happened only after the attacks on western targets . he described jemaah islamiyah to cnn as `` an underground organization , '' saying `` it will continue to exist and continue to move on with its plans '' to create an islamic state under sharia law despite his capture . `` when a part of it is cut off ... there will be a replacement , it 's only natural , '' he said . dujana denied being involved in the marriott hotel attack . he told cnn that he helped fugitive suspect noordin top plan the attack , meeting him both before and after the devastating blast that killed 12 people and injured 150 . `` it 's true , i did have a meeting with noordin before the marriott bombing but that does n't mean i was involved in the attack , '' he said . `` in that meeting , we 're just aligning our views with each other -- there was absolutely no discussion about planning any bombing . '' in his cnn interview , dujana was quick with messages of hate , calling all westerners legitimate targets because of the actions of leaders like u.s. president george w. bush and then-british prime minister tony blair , who he says are not giving muslims the chance to be in power .<doc-sep>dujana studied in pakistan and fought in afghanistan from 1988 to 1991 . he told cnn that he met al qaeda leader osama bin laden in afghanistan during the fight against soviet occupation . at the time , bin laden was a field commander and he was an ordinary soldier , he said . dujana said bin laden was well respected then and helped him and others realize that it was permissible to kill people to defend islam . `` i did n't read it in the quran , '' he said . '' it 's based on the teachings of our teachers , clerics , especially what osama bin laden first said . '' `` because of america 's arrogance , many in the muslim world know , believe , it 's permissible to kill american soldiers . it 's halal ; it 's permitted , '' he said . the court declared jemaah islamiyah a terrorist organization monday and ordered it to pay 10 million rupiah -lrb- $ 1,088 -rrb- . around the same time dujana was captured last june , authorities also apprehended jemaah islamiyah 's leader , known simply as zarkasih . a verdict on his case is expected soon . last week , two other top jemaah islamiyah leaders -- dr. agus purwanto and abdur rohim -- were brought to indonesia following their arrest in malaysia . both are being investigated for their possible role in fomenting violence in poso . terrorism expert sidney jones says abdur rohim is believed to have replaced zarkasih as jemaah islamiyah leader . `` it is another major blow to jemaah islamiyah , but difficult to tell what the impact will be , '' jones told cnn via e-mail last week . `` it could embolden a more militant faction . -lsb- it -rsb- could also lead to some serious reassessment within the organization about its future . '' e-mail to a friend . cnn 's kathy quiano contributed to this report .<doc-sep>a lawyer representing sandiford expressed disappointment at the decision . `` we 're very disappointed by the supreme court 's rejection of her appeal . lindsay was only a courier and a collaborator and cooperated with the police , '' fadillah agus told cnn friday . `` they were able to arrest the other suspects with her help so she should 've gotten the lightest sentence , '' he added . `` the other suspects got off with lighter sentences . we are disappointed but we have to honor the court 's decision . `` we have two options , a judicial review or seeking clemency from the president . but i have to discuss this first with lindsay and see what step we should take . '' he revealed he last spoke to sandiford , who remains in prison in bali , over a month ago . according to agus , she was keeping herself busy and socializing more with other inmates and prison officials . britain 's foreign and commonwealth office , meanwhile , is seeking confirmation of the decision . `` we are aware of unconfirmed reports that the decision of the indonesian supreme court has been announced . we are seeking confirmation of the decision from the indonesian supreme court , '' a foreign office spokesman told britain 's press association . `` we will continue to provide consular assistance to lindsay sandiford and her family at this difficult time . ''<doc-sep>indonesian police conducted a series of raids in recent months on groups suspected of having ties to al qaeda aceh , a militant islamic organization that has operated a training camp in the majority-muslim indonesian province of aceh . police have killed 13 suspected terrorists and arrested 71 others since february , and have confiscated scores of weapons and ammunition for ak-47s and m-16 rifles .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- lawyers for two australian men on death row in indonesia attempted to throw them a legal lifeline on friday , despite the government 's recent insistence that there is no way out . andrew chan and myuran sukumaran , aged 31 and 33 respectively , were sentenced to death in 2006 for leading the so-called `` bali nine '' trafficking ring that attempted to smuggle eight kilograms of heroin to australia . successive appeals have failed to have their sentences commuted , and both are on a list of inmates scheduled to die by firing squad . on friday , their indonesian lawyer filed what 's known as a pk to apply for a second judicial review . `` it has been accepted , it will go to the courts , then it depends on the district court heads , '' todung mulya lubis told media in bali . `` there should not be an execution because the legal process should be respected as well . '' the court will be asked to consider the men 's rehabilitation during 10 years ' of detention in bali 's kerobokan prison . chan now leads church prayers and is said to be a source of spiritual strength for other prisoners , while sukumaran mentors other inmates in daily art classes . however , a spokesman for indonesian attorney-general h.m. prasetyo , tony spontana , told cnn that at a meeting held on january 9 it was decided that only one judicial review would be allowed .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . published : . 09:23 est , 21 june 2012 . | . updated : . 11:40 est , 21 june 2012 . jailed : umar patek will spend 20 years in prison for his part in the bali 2002 bombing . the indonesian militant accused of helping to build a massive car bomb used in the deadly 2002 bali nightclub attacks has been sentenced to 20 years in prison . known as ` demolition man ' , umar patek is a leading member of the al qaeda-linked network jemaah islamiyah . he was found guilty by the west jakarta district court of violating the country 's harsh anti-terror law . in today 's ruling , the five-member judge panel also convicted 45-year-old patek for his role in jakarta church attacks on christmas eve in 2000 . those blasts killed a total of 19 people .
<t> indonesian court sentences abu dujana to 15 years in prison . </t> <t> dujana is the alleged leader of the military wing of jemaah islamiyah . </t> <t> dujana is accused of direct involvement in the bali nightclub bombings of 2002 . </t> <t> after his arrest last june , dujana admitted he was jemaah islamiyah 's military chief . </t>
indonesian court sentences key militant<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a lonely planet author says he plagiarized or made up portions of the popular travel guidebooks and dealt drugs to supplement poor pay , an australian newspaper reported sunday . lonely planet publishes more than 500 titles and employs 300 authors , according to its web site . thomas kohnstamm , who has written a book on his misadventures , also said he did n't travel to colombia to write the guidebook on the country because `` they did n't pay me enough , '' the daily telegraph reported . `` i wrote the book in san francisco -lsb- california -rsb- , '' he is quoted as saying in the telegraph . `` i got the information from a chick i was dating -- an intern in the colombian consulate . '' the 32-year-old seattle , washington , native also claims he accepted free travel , which is a violation of the company 's policy . kohnstamm has worked on more than a dozen books for lonely planet , including its titles on brazil , colombia , the caribbean , venezuela , chile and south america . an e-mail from lonely planet said kohnstamm 's book were being reviewed , the newspaper reported . `` if we find that the content has been compromised , we 'll take urgent steps to fix it . once we 've got things right for travelers as quickly as we can , we 'll look at what we do and how we do it to ensure as best we can that this type of thing never happens again , '' the e-mail said , according to the newspaper . the book 's publisher , piers pickard , told the paper that an `` urgent '' review of kohnstamm 's books did not reveal any inaccuracies . the lonely planet series publishes 500 titles , updated every two to four years , and employs 300 authors , according to the company 's web site . it sells more than 6 million guides a year , the newspaper reported . kohnstamm 's book , `` do travel writers go to hell ? : a swashbuckling tale of high adventures , questionable ethics and professional hedonism , '' is set for release next week . on his myspace page , kohnstamm says the book `` is about the decision to abandon manhattan to try to make it as a travel writer and the good , the bad and the really surreal that i experienced on the road . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- rust cohle 's pessimistic `` true detective '' monologues expressing the meaninglessness of life have proved meaningful to one online author -- and he 's accusing `` true detective 's '' writer , nic pizzolatto , of plagiarizing from other sources . on monday , mike davis -- the editor of a site devoted to horror writer h.p. lovecraft and lovecraft 's `` cthulhu mythos '' -- published a long conversation with jon padgett , who oversees a website devoted to the reclusive horror writer thomas ligotti . in the piece , the pair compare phrases from cohle 's `` detective '' speeches with ligotti 's work and conclude that pizzolatto plagiarized from ligotti , lifting or paraphrasing from a ligotti work called `` the conspiracy against the human race . '' pizzolatto has been nominated for an emmy for his script , one of seven nominations received by the hbo series . star matthew mcconaughey , who played cohle , is also up for an emmy . -lrb- hbo , like cnn , is a division of time warner . -rrb- . `` writers work hard to produce original ideas , stories , and dialogue , and it is unfair for another writer to pawn off those ideas as their own . mr. pizzolatto has been nominated for an emmy for writing ` true detective , ' while thomas ligotti labors in near obscurity . though i have agonized over whether i should write this article , in the end i felt that morally i have no choice , '' davis wrote . davis and padgett 's allegations were picked up by others , notably a reddit conversation that had people on both sides of the issue . `` after reading all the examples , nothing really seemed that terrible , '' wrote lord_allonymous .<doc-sep>`` rust 's first speech , the human consciousness one , is all lifted in practice from ligotti 's material . it is barely paraphrased . so yes , nic p is a plagiarist , '' responded voduar . other observers have also doubted davis and padgett 's conclusions as the story has made its way around the web . pizzolatto said there was no plagiarism involved . `` nothing in the television show ` true detective ' was plagiarized , '' he said in a statement . `` the philosophical thoughts expressed by rust cohle do not represent any thought or idea unique to any one author ; rather these are the philosophical tenets of a pessimistic , anti-natalist philosophy with an historic tradition including arthur schopenhauer , friedrich nietzsche , e.m. cioran , and various other philosophers , all of whom express these ideas . ... the ideas within this philosophy are certainly not exclusive to any writer . '' he 's freely admitted ligotti 's influence in an interview with the wall street journal , as well as that of other authors . hbo stood by pizzolatto .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- her doctoral thesis dealt with how we form our conscience . turns out she plagiarized chunks of it . a university stripped germany 's education minister of her ph.d. on tuesday , after a blogger caught the plagiarism and spent months vigilantly presenting the evidence to the public . annette schavan is the second minister in conservative chancellor angela merkel 's cabinet who has this embarrassing distinction . former defense minister karl-theodor zu guttenberg stepped down in may 2011 , after large passages of his dissertation were found to have been directly copied from other sources . at the time , schavan sharply criticized guttenberg publicly for his shortcomings , according to german media reports . since april 2012 , the blog `` schavanplag '' -lrb- for `` schavan '' and `` plagiarism '' -rrb- has compared passages of schavan 's 1980 dissertation with sections of written works by other authors -- in multiple instances they match word for word , or nearly .<doc-sep>the libel case involved a 2004 sunday times article which referenced a 2003 book , `` l.a. confidentiel -- les secrets de lance armstrong . '' published in france by two journalists , one of them sunday times sports reporter david walsh , the book dealt with doping allegations against armstrong . the newspaper settled with armstrong in june 2006 after the high court ruled the article would be interpreted as meaning armstrong was a `` fraud , a cheat and a liar , '' the uk press gazette , an industry journal , reported at the time . a statement at the time from schillings , the law firm acting for armstrong , said : `` the sunday times has confirmed to mr. armstrong that it never intended to accuse him of being guilty of taking any performance enhancing drugs and sincerely apologized for any such impression . mr. armstrong has always vigorously opposed drugs in sport and appreciates the sunday times efforts to also address the problem . ''
<t> author tells paper he got data for colombia guidebook `` from a chick i was dating '' </t> <t> author 's works include guides on brazil , venezuela , chile , paper reports . </t> <t> lonely planet tells paper it wants to ensure `` this type of thing never happens again '' </t> <t> `` urgent '' review of author 's books reveals no inaccuracies , publisher tells paper . </t>
travel writer tells newspaper he plagiarized , dealt drugs<T>
seoul , south korea -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the chairman of the samsung group plans to resign , according to a report published tuesday by yonhap , the south korean news agency . chairman of the samsung group lee kun-hee has been indicted for tax evasion and breach of trust .<doc-sep>the decision of lee kun-hee to step down comes a few days after his indictment amid an investigation into corruption allegations . lee was indicted for tax evasion and breach of trust . samsung is south korea 's largest conglomerate . it has annual sales of nearly $ 160 billion and accounts for 18 percent of south korea 's economic output . the company 's exports -- valued at about $ 70 billion -- account for a fifth of all south korean exports .<doc-sep>lee was indicted for breach of trust in connection with a plan to transfer control of the company to his son , a prosecutor said . he was also indicted for tax evasion . investigators started looking into samsung in january , after a former company lawyer said the company created slush funds worth $ 200 million . last week , however , a prosecutor said an investigation found no evidence supporting an allegation that the company bribed government officials and prosecutors .<doc-sep>samsung has apologized for `` causing concerns '' and said it would outline plans for reform this week . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>seoul , south korea -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the chairman of the samsung group plans to resign , according to a report published tuesday by yonhap , the south korean news agency . chairman of the samsung group lee kun-hee has been indicted for tax evasion and breach of trust . the decision of lee kun-hee to step down comes a few days after his indictment amid an investigation into corruption allegations . lee was indicted for tax evasion and breach of trust . samsung is south korea 's largest conglomerate . it has annual sales of nearly $ 160 billion and accounts for 18 percent of south korea 's economic output . the company 's exports -- valued at about $ 70 billion -- account for a fifth of all south korean exports . lee was indicted for breach of trust in connection with a plan to transfer control of the company to his son , a prosecutor said . he was also indicted for tax evasion . investigators started looking into samsung in january , after a former company lawyer said the company created slush funds worth $ 200 million . last week , however , a prosecutor said an investigation found no evidence supporting an allegation that the company bribed government officials and prosecutors . samsung has apologized for `` causing concerns '' and said it would outline plans for reform this week . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>about mid staffordshire a year before the scandal came to light . fury : relatives and campaigners who lost loved-ones blame sir david nicholson for not getting to grips with problems on his watch . the francis report was put together with the help of civil servant alan robson , the inquiry 's secretary . disagreeing with professor jarman , peter watkin jones , solicitor to the inquiry , said , ' to suggest that the report was `` neutered '' by `` mandarins '' is wholly wrong . the department of health was not given a draft of the report and therefore did not `` write up '' the final or any version of it . the decisions about what went into the report were the chairman 's . alan robson was seconded from his job at the department of health and acted entirely independently of the department as secretary to the inquiry . ' a spokesman for robert francis qc said that professor jarman 's allegations were ` unfounded concerns ' . ` the report was written by the chairman with the editorial support of his inquiry team , ' the spokesman said . ` this team included the secretary to the inquiry who was seconded on a full time basis from the department of health to work for the inquiry , but who has acted throughout independently of the department , and subject to the instructions and decisions of the chairman . ` the department of health was not given any draft of the report and therefore did not `` write up '' the final or any version of the report . the decisions about what went into the report were the chairman 's . ' sir david has faced growing calls to resign since a report criticised him for his role in the mid staffordshire hospital scandal , where up to 1,200 died needlessly . last thursday , for the first time since the report was published three weeks ago , he met directors from the nhs commissioning board . families of patients who suffered poor care at mid staffordshire had attended the meeting in the hope that sir david would be given a vote of no-confidence . but they left the room when the chairman of the board , professor malcolm grant , made it very clear that sir david would be staying in his # 211,000-a-year post . struggle : sir david has faced calls to resign since a report implicated him in the mid staffordshire hospital scandal - but experts say it was ` neutered ' to ` protect him ' earlier , when sir david was asked if there was any chance he would resign , he defiantly replied ` no ' . backing : health secretary jeremy hunt and other cabinet members continue to support sir david in his job . addressing the meeting later , he said : ` as many of you know i 'm very passionate about improving services for patients . ` i 'm very ambitious about the nhs and what that sometimes turns into is intolerance of poor performance which results in the kind of response `` just get it right '' when actually we need to be more reflective , think about why people are doing the things they do . ` patient safety is the top of the tree . we need zero tolerance of failures of patient safety . ' sir david was in charge of the regional body supposedly overseeing mid staffordshire but which failed to pick up on the horrific standards of care . as chief executive of the department of health , he is said to have dismissed warnings from relatives of patients who died , saying they were ` simply lobbying . ' a group of 20 members of cure the nhs staged a silent protest outside the building in manchester where the meeting was held . some carried placards with the words ` the man with no shame ' while others held up pictures of a gravestone with the words ` too many deaths , no accountability ' . julie bailey , 51 , who founded the group after her mother bella died at the trust said : ` our long campaign for a public inquiry into what happened at stafford hospital will have been pointless if this man remains in charge of the nhs . ` he 's part of the problem , and while he 's still there we have no faith that the health service will be led towards the caring culture it needs . '<doc-sep>seoul , south korea -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the chairman of the samsung group announced his resignation tuesday , just days after his indictment amid an investigation into allegations of corruption . chairman of the samsung group lee kun-hee has been indicted for tax evasion and breach of trust . `` i sincerely apologize and will do my best to take full legal and moral responsibility , '' said lee kun-hee , who was indicted last week on charges of tax evasion and breach of trust . `` it grieves me for i still have many things to do . '' at least four other executives will leave their jobs at samsung , which has annual sales of nearly $ 160 billion and accounts for 18 percent of south korea 's economic output .<doc-sep>about progress in their ongoing review of how the home office handled . historical allegations of child abuse . ' questions : home affairs select committee chairman keith vaz -lrb- pictured -rrb- said today that the revelations from the independent inquiry into child sex abuse in rotherham are ` deeply troubling ' it was also claimed last week that mr wright has received death threats after being embroiled in the damning report published last month and refusing to resign . south yorkshire police confirmed it had reviewed the safety of several people since the report 's publication - but refused to say whether protection has been stepped up around mr wright . the report by independent expert professor alexis jay released last month found at least 1,400 children were abused in the town from 1997 to 2013 , largely by men of pakistani origin . mr wright believes it would be a waste of money for him to resign now , triggering a by-election . but he has faced calls to step down from prime minister david cameron , home secretary theresa may and the labour party . sheffield city council passed a vote of no confidence in him last week . however the police commissioner said he had ` always acted in the best interests of young people ' . police and crime commissioner : shaun wright .
<t> samsung group chairman , lee kun-hee , plans to resign , yonhap reports . </t> <t> lee 's decision comes a few days after his indictment amid corruption investigation . </t> <t> lee was indicted for tax evasion and breach of trust . </t> <t> prosecutors say indictment relates to a plan to transfer control of the firm to his son . </t>
report : samsung chairman to resign<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- it 's been 30,000 years since neanderthals walked the earth , but now we can hear what they sounded like , according to a florida anthropologist . neanderthal man apparently sounded like a frog croaking or a human burping when talking . robert mccarthy of florida atlantic university in boca raton reconstructed neanderthal vocal tracts to simulate their voice with a computer synthesizer . the result is a single syllable that sounds strange and unremarkable : part croaking frog , part burping human . but mccarthy says that 's because neanderthals lacked the `` quantal vowels '' modern humans use . `` they would have spoken a bit differently , '' mccarthy said at the annual meeting of the american association of physical anthropologists in ohio this month . `` they would n't have been able to produce these quantal vowels that form the basis of spoken language . '' new scientist magazine discussed mccarthy 's findings and linked to his vocal simulation on its web site . listen to neanderthal man speak . mccarthy used 50,000-year-old fossils from france to make his reconstruction , new scientist said . he plans to simulate an entire neanderthal sentence , the magazine reported . to reconstruct the vocal tracts , mccarthy teamed with linguist phil lieberman , who worked in the 1970s to deduce the dimensions of a neanderthal larynx based on its skull . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>by . mark prigg . published : . 12:06 est , 30 may 2013 . | . updated : . 01:50 est , 31 may 2013 . spanish researchers have come up with a dramatic new theory for the end of the neanderthal - that humans ate them . the researchers say that homo sapiens can be considered an ` alien invasive species ' , and point out we have already contributed to the extinction of 178 large mammals . today they called for further research on the bones of neanderthal man to look for signs of human tooth marks . lunch ? spanish team say homo sapiens should be considered ` alien invasive species ' neanderthal man lived across europe around 300,000 years ago . they managed to survive several ice . ages before dying out around 30,000 years ago , around the same time as . human beings arrived on the continent from africa . one theory for the neanderthals . disappearance is that they could n't compete with humans , who had better . brains and more sophisticated tools , for scarce resources such as food . other scientists believe they were more susceptible to the impact of climate change . ` except in its native africa , in the . other continents homo sapiens can be considered as an invasive alien . species , ' write researchers policarp hortolà and bienvenido . martínez-navarro of the universitat rovira i virgili in tarragona , . spain . they published their hypothesis in the may issue of the journal quaternary international - but admit they have no proof yet . ` the only manner to test it is to . find direct evidences of modern human eating marks on neanderthal . remains , such cut or broken marks on bones in artifacts made by . modern humans , ' he said . the team believe that as homo sapien spread into europe and asia , where homo neanderthalensis was , it was treated just another food source - and a competitor . ` we think that modern humans , who occupied a similar ecological niche as neanderthals , directly competed with neanderthals for the food and other natural resources , ' martínez-navarro told discovery news . the researchers point out several other species have suffered similar fates , killing off their nearest relatives . in 2009 , researcher may have found the first evidence of the theory analysing the markings on a neanderthal jawbone found in les rois , south-west france during a study conducted by the journal of anthropological sciences . the cuts to the bone are similar to those left on those of deer and other animals butchered by humans in the stone age , the researchers say . neanderthal man lived across europe around 300,000 years ago , and managed to survive several ice ages before dying out around 30,000 years ago , around the same time as human beings arrived on the continent from africa . it is believed that the flesh was eaten by humans and the teeth used to make a necklace.grisly end : neanderthals may have been devoured by humans who also may have used their teeth for necklaces . leader of the research team , fernando rozzi , of paris 's centre national de la recherche scientifique , said : ` neanderthals met a violent end at our hands and in some cases we ate them . ` for years , people have tried to hide away from the evidence of cannibalism , but i think we have to accept it took place . ' neanderthals lived across europe around 300,000 years ago . they managed to survive several ice ages before dying out around 30,000 years ago , around the same time as human beings arrived on the continent from africa . one theory for the neanderthals disappearance is that they could n't compete with humans , who had better brains and more sophisticated tools , for scarce resources such as food . other scientists believe they were more susceptible to the impact of climate change .<doc-sep>the two were separate human subspecies who co-existed on earth for thousands of years until the neanderthals became extinct around 30,000 years ago . indigenous people from sub-saharan africa , whose ancestors did not migrate out of the continent to breed with eurasian neanderthals , carry little or no neanderthal dna . a new dna comparison study has now shone a spotlight on important aspects of neanderthal inheritance . scientists compared genetic variants in the dna of 846 people of non-african heritage , 176 people from sub-saharan africa , and the toe bone of a 50,000-year-old neanderthal woman . a near-complete reconstruction of the neanderthal 's genome was published last year . the team identified some areas of the modern non-african genetic code that were rich in neanderthal dna while others looked like neanderthal-free zones . a number of variants inherited from neanderthals were linked to diseases , especially autoimmune disorders . crohn 's , which causes inflammation of the gut , lupus and the liver disease biliary cirrhosis are all problems triggered by an over-zealous immune system . in addition , one genetic variant , or ` allele ' , was associated with smoking , specifically in europeans . professor david reich , from harvard medical school in the u.s. , who led the study reported in the journal nature , said : ` now that we can estimate the probability that a particular genetic variant arose from neanderthals , we can begin to understand how that inherited dna affects us . ` we may also learn more about what neanderthals themselves were like . '<doc-sep>forget the idea neanderthals simply picked any old cave to sleep in for the night . researchers have discovered an elaborate 44,000-year-old neanderthal house in molodova , eastern ukraine , made from mammoth bones , delicately decorated with carvings and pigments . it had been thought neanderthals , which died out around 30,000 years ago , were primitive nomads who lived in caves simply for shelter . caveman : although we traditionally think the neanderthal as less than homey , new research shows they did settle down in places , even building homes . the latest discovery is believed to be the earliest example of a domestic house built from bone and suggests our ancestors were more homey than previously thought . researchers from the muséum national d'histories naturelle in paris said it suggests the early human ancestors settled in areas where they built structures to live for extended periods of time . laëtitia demay , an archaeologist who led the research , told the telegraph : ` this mammoth bone structure could be described as the basement of a wooden cover or as a windscreen . new research : usually neanderthals are associated with caves , like kent 's caven -lrb- pictured -rrb- where a jaw bone was discovered . ` the use of bones as building elements can be appreciated as anticipation of climatic variations . under a cold climate in an open environment , the lack of wood led humans to use bones to build protections against the wind . ' the circular house was made up of 116 large bones including mammoth skulls , jaws , 14 tusks and leg bones . home is where the heart is : it seems like the neanderthal man , pictured here in the neanderthal museum in mettmann by duesseldorf , northrhine-westphalia , germany , did like to settle down occasionally .<doc-sep>ancient humans rampantly indulged in interspecies sex in a lord of the rings-type world of different human groups , new dna analysis has revealed . and our ancient bedfellows appear to have included a ` mystery human ancestor ' , which has not yet been identified . genome analysis from a neanderthal and another group of ancient humans , the denisovans , was presented to a meeting of the royal society in london , and it included ` snippets ' of the mystery dna - neither human nor neanderthal . it suggests that interbreeding was rampant and more widespread between the human-like groups living in europe and asia more than 30,000 years ago than previously thought , scientists say . neanderthal groups -lrb- skull , pictured -rrb- are believed to have been small and relatively isolated , which meant a natural emotional focus on close internal relationships . the . findings come from fresh analysis of dna from a denisovan , a hominin . discovered after the finding of bone and teeth remains in a siberian . cave , and published in nature . the new study of the genomes was carried out by david reich of harvard medical school . he said : ` denisovans appear more distinct from modern humans than neanderthals .
<t> anthropologist reconstructs neanderthal vocal tracts to simulate their voice . </t> <t> result sounds like a part croaking frog or a human burping . </t> <t> plan is to eventually simulate an entire neanderthal sentence . </t>
neanderthal man speaks after 30,000 years<T>
-lrb- this old house -rrb- -- unless you 're a perfect caretaker of your lawn -lrb- and , really , who is ? -rrb- , prepare for another round in the turf wars this summer . you 'll have to deal with a full frontal assault from the dandelions , of course . and an attack from the crabgrass . but you 'll face more stealthy opponents , too : root-chomping grubs and microscopic mildew that turn the grass from green to gray or brown . `` if a lawn is neglected , or cared for in a hit-or-miss way , it gets weak , '' says this old house landscape contractor roger cook . `` and that 's when weeds , insects , or fungal diseases become a major problem . '' little wonder that last year almost 50 million homeowners bought products to fight these invaders . but as in most battles , the best defense is a strong offense : doing everything right to cultivate healthy turf . that means giving it up to an inch and a half of water per week ; aerating and dethatching annually so water and nutrients can get down to the roots ; mowing with a sharp blade to the right height -lrb- ask your local garden center what 's best where you live -rrb- ; and fertilizing in spring and fall . so promise yourself -- and your turf -- you 'll do that this year . in the meantime , here 's how to conquer the most common turf problems you 're likely to confront this summer . fungal disease . symptoms : circular patches of yellow-to-brown grass ; or blades with tiny red threads . culprits : powdery mildew , brown patch , dollar spot , and fusarium patch ; or red thread . these fungal diseases can take hold of stressed turf . solutions : though lawns will generally recover from small areas of infection , if a fungus is progressively marching across your yard , look for a fungicide with the active ingredient thiophanate-methyl and follow the directions . for an organic fix , search out a corn-gluten mix that will cure brown patch and weaken most other fungi . then nurse your lawn back to health by practicing good lawn-care habits : avoid excessive shade -lrb- prune back trees and large shrubs , if necessary -rrb- and too many applications of fertilizer , herbicides , or pesticides . carefully monitor your turf 's moisture intake and never water in the evening . weeds .<doc-sep>symptoms : fast-growing and unruly greenery that quickly overtakes surrounding grass . this old house : what type of grass is right for your yard . culprits : crabgrass or broadleaf weeds such as dandelion , purslane , henbit , and chickweed that commonly pop up where soil is compacted and grass has n't completely taken root . to check for compacted soil , stick a screwdriver into the ground ; it should slide in easily . solutions : the first step is to eradicate any foreign invaders . the best approach is to pull them out by hand using a weeder or a hoe . this will also loosen the soil in affected areas . or use a liquid herbicide in a hand sprayer to spot-treat an infestation . if weeds are too plentiful to be pulled , check your garden center for a `` weed-and-feed '' blend of granular fertilizer and herbicide that will kill weeds without harming turf types commonly grown in your area , or look for an organic fertilizer with corn gluten . be sure to follow the directions on the box exactly , as some formulas must be applied during a dry spell or need a 24-hour breather with no foot traffic . from here on out , mow up to twice a week during the beginning of summer when grass grows swiftly , and raise the mower blade an inch during hot or dry periods . water well as the summer heats up , and your turf should naturally overtake the weeds . in the fall , open up compacted soil poke holes with a pitchfork over a small yard , or rent a power aerator for large yards and overseed the lawn . you may want to follow up with a pre-emergent herbicide next spring . insects . symptoms : brown turf that becomes loose enough to lift like a mat . culprits : white grubs , a catch-all name for root-chomping beetle larvae , including june bugs , japanese beetles , and masked chafers . to be sure that 's what you 've got , cut a square foot of infected turf and roll it back , looking for pale , half-inch - to inch-long c-shaped bugs . if you find more than six , treat the turf . this old house : meet the good bugs . solutions : grubs are the biggest threat to lawns , and pesticides formulated with imidacloprid are proven effective . for an organic fix , spread powdered milky spore or lay down beneficial nematodes-microscopic worms that will feed on the grubs if they 're present . with nematodes , timing the application with their life cycle is critical , so be sure to follow the directions on the box exactly . both milky spore and nematodes can be ordered from some garden centers or online -lrb- -rrb- . symptoms : irregular-shaped patches of brownish-yellow grass .<doc-sep>culprits : chinch bugs , gray-black , quarter-inch-long insects that suck moisture from grass and are most likely to attack st. augustine and zoysia grasses in the south and kentucky bluegrass in the north . to spot them , bury an empty coffee can , with both ends removed , at the edge of the affected area and fill it with water . the bugs will seek out the moisture , then float to the top . if you see more than 10 after 20 minutes , you should address the problem . solutions : chinch bugs live on the surface , among thatch , so dethatching will reduce their numbers . to eradicate them completely , look for an appropriate insecticide with a pyrethroid ingredient . longer-term , overseed with chinch-bug-resistant grasses . symptoms : patches of thin lawn with blades chewed off at the base . culprits : sod webworms and tropical sod webworms , hairless cream-to-gray spotted caterpillars that grow into small , buff-colored moths at maturity . the tropical species that thrive in warm southern climates cause the most harm . to check for webworms , mix two tablespoons of mild detergent with two gallons of water ; pour it over the infested turf . any larvae will float to the top . solutions : you can try flooding your lawn to drown them . or choose an appropriate insecticide ; in an organic product , look for the ingredients azadirachtin or spinosad . with extreme cases of tropical webworm infestation you may need to replace the turf with a resistant grass mix . tip : if dogs regularly make a pit stop of your lawn , keep a hose or water bucket nearby . dog urine is high in nitrogen , which can `` burn '' turf , creating a good-sized yellow patch . the best fix is immediate action : flush the area asap with water to dilute it . once badly burned , grass wo n't come back on its own-you 'll have to rake out the dead stuff and reseed . this old house : what to do when your yard is bowser 's bathroom e-mail to a friend . get 2 free trial issues . copyright © 2008 this old house ventures , inc. .<doc-sep>d . if you are experiencing this on your iphone 4 , avoid covering the black strip in the lower-left corner of the metal band . e . the use of a case or bumper that is made out of rubber or plastic may improve wireless performance by keeping your hand from directly covering these areas . 2 . do not perform warranty service . use the positioning above for any customer questions or concerns . 3 . do n't forget you still need to probe and troubleshoot . if a customer calls about their reception while the phone is sitting on a table -lrb- not being held -rrb- it is not the metal band . 4 . only escalate if the issue exists when the phone is not held and you can not resolve it . 5 . we are not appeasing customers with free bumpers -- do n't promise a free bumper to customers . © 2013 . all rights reserved .<doc-sep>-lrb- this old house -rrb- -- unless you 're a perfect caretaker of your lawn -lrb- and , really , who is ? -rrb- , prepare for another round in the turf wars this summer . you 'll have to deal with a full frontal assault from the dandelions , of course . and an attack from the crabgrass . but you 'll face more stealthy opponents , too : root-chomping grubs and microscopic mildew that turn the grass from green to gray or brown . `` if a lawn is neglected , or cared for in a hit-or-miss way , it gets weak , '' says this old house landscape contractor roger cook . `` and that 's when weeds , insects , or fungal diseases become a major problem . '' little wonder that last year almost 50 million homeowners bought products to fight these invaders . but as in most battles , the best defense is a strong offense : doing everything right to cultivate healthy turf . that means giving it up to an inch and a half of water per week ; aerating and dethatching annually so water and nutrients can get down to the roots ; mowing with a sharp blade to the right height -lrb- ask your local garden center what 's best where you live -rrb- ; and fertilizing in spring and fall . so promise yourself -- and your turf -- you 'll do that this year . in the meantime , here 's how to conquer the most common turf problems you 're likely to confront this summer . fungal disease . symptoms : circular patches of yellow-to-brown grass ; or blades with tiny red threads . culprits : powdery mildew , brown patch , dollar spot , and fusarium patch ; or red thread . these fungal diseases can take hold of stressed turf . solutions : though lawns will generally recover from small areas of infection , if a fungus is progressively marching across your yard , look for a fungicide with the active ingredient thiophanate-methyl and follow the directions . for an organic fix , search out a corn-gluten mix that will cure brown patch and weaken most other fungi . then nurse your lawn back to health by practicing good lawn-care habits : avoid excessive shade -lrb- prune back trees and large shrubs , if necessary -rrb- and too many applications of fertilizer , herbicides , or pesticides . carefully monitor your turf 's moisture intake and never water in the evening . weeds . symptoms : fast-growing and unruly greenery that quickly overtakes surrounding grass . this old house : what type of grass is right for your yard . culprits : crabgrass or broadleaf weeds such as dandelion , purslane , henbit , and chickweed that commonly pop up where soil is compacted and grass has n't completely taken root . to check for compacted soil , stick a screwdriver into the ground ; it should slide in easily . solutions : the first step is to eradicate any foreign invaders . the best approach is to pull them out by hand using a weeder or a hoe . this will also loosen the soil in affected areas . or use a liquid herbicide in a hand sprayer to spot-treat an infestation . if weeds are too plentiful to be pulled , check your garden center for a `` weed-and-feed '' blend of granular fertilizer and herbicide that will kill weeds without harming turf types commonly grown in your area , or look for an organic fertilizer with corn gluten . be sure to follow the directions on the box exactly , as some formulas must be applied during a dry spell or need a 24-hour breather with no foot traffic . from here on out , mow up to twice a week during the beginning of summer when grass grows swiftly , and raise the mower blade an inch during hot or dry periods . water well as the summer heats up , and your turf should naturally overtake the weeds . in the fall , open up compacted soil poke holes with a pitchfork over a small yard , or rent a power aerator for large yards and overseed the lawn . you may want to follow up with a pre-emergent herbicide next spring .<doc-sep>intelligent design or religion but with his own stubbornness , ' said fox . experienced : coppedge worked as a ` team lead ' on the cassini mission exploring saturn and its many moons before being demoted and sacked . william becker , coppedge 's attorney , argued his client was sacked because he advocated for intelligent design in . the workplace , handed out dvds on the theory and argued with a colleague . about proposition 8 , which banned gay marriage in california . becker claimed that a supervisor told . coppedge to ` stop pushing your religion , ' and that his client was . retaliated against for disputing a written warning and filing a lawsuit . against the lab . ` imagine if employees were told , `` stop . pushing your gay agenda or stop pushing your feminist agenda , your . civil rights agenda , '' ' becker said during the closing arguments . his main duties at jpl were to maintain computer networks and troubleshoot technical problems for the mission . in 2000 , he was named ` team lead ' , serving as a liaison between technicians and managers for nearly a decade before being demoted in 2009 . he was stripped of his title and responsibilities but his salary stayed the same . coppedge filed suit in 2010 and then was sacked the next year as part of large cutbacks . nasa : the jet propulsion laboratory in california has landed robotic explorers on the surface of mars and sent probes to outer planets . coppedge said he believes his support . for a state ballot measure that sought to define marriage as limited to . heterosexual couples and his request to rename the annual holiday party a . ` christmas party ' were factors in his demotion and sacking . ` david had this reputation for being a . christian , for being a practising one . he did not go around . evangelising or proselytising , ' becker said at the start of the case . ` but if he found out that someone was a christian he would say , `` oh that 's interesting , what denomination are you ? '' ` he 's not apologising for who he is . he 's an evangelical christian . '<doc-sep>`` we do think that this is going to lead to a better end product , and it 's going to sustain the mall for future generations , '' vogel said . he says the turf project must include the spring and summer months to help the newly planted grass thrive . the area has been a prime gathering point for a view to presidential inaugurations at the west front of the u.s. capitol . and vogel says the turf will be ready for crowds by january . farther along the mall , the washington monument remains closed because of damage from an earthquake that took place a year ago , on august 23 , 2011 . the national park service will soon announce the contract for repairs to the obelisk . a reopening date for the monument has not been announced . where to find exceptional america . what is your favorite site to visit in washington ? please share your thoughts in the comments section below .
<t> a good corn-gluten mix cures brown patches and weakens most fungi . </t> <t> brown patches are often indicative of bug problems . </t> <t> dog urine is high is nitrogen , so flush affected areas with water . </t>
troubleshoot your turf<T>
ip-455 press release 8 february 2008 the findings of a scotland yard inquiry into how mohtarma benazir bhutto died after being attacked during a political rally in rawalpindi were presented to the government of pakistan today . the bomb explodes near bhutto 's vehicle following a political rally in rawalpindi . the conclusions of the inquiry were outlined in a detailed report handed over to interim interior minister hamid nawaz by detective superintendent john macbrayne , accompanied by a senior official from the british high commission , during a meeting in islamabad . the text of the executive summary of the report is as follows : . on the 27th december 2007 , mohtarma benazir bhutto , the leader of the pakistan people 's party -lrb- ppp -rrb- , died as a result of being attacked in rawalpindi , pakistan . following discussions between the prime minister and president musharraf , it was agreed that officers from the metropolitan police counter terrorism command -lrb- so15 -rrb- should support the investigation into ms bhutto 's death . the primary focus of the scotland yard team was to assist the pakistani authorities in establishing the cause and circumstances of ms bhutto 's death . the wider investigation to establish culpability has remained entirely a matter for the pakistani authorities . the so15 team was led by a detective superintendent senior investigating officer , and comprised two forensic experts , an expert in analysing and assessing video media and an experienced investigating officer . the team arrived in pakistan on 4th january 2008 and spent two and a half weeks conducting extensive enquiries . during the course of their work , the team were joined by other specialists from the united kingdom . the uk team were given extensive support and co-operation by the pakistani authorities , ms bhutto 's family , and senior officials from ms bhutto 's party . the task of establishing exactly what happened was complicated by the lack of an extended and detailed search of the crime scene , the absence of an autopsy , and the absence of recognised body recovery and victim identification processes . nevertheless , the evidence that is available is sufficient for reliable conclusions to be drawn . within the overall objective , a particular focus has been placed on establishing the actual cause of death , and whether there were one or more attackers in the immediate vicinity of ms bhutto .<doc-sep>the cause of death . considerable reliance has been placed upon the x-rays taken at rawalpindi general hospital following ms bhutto 's death . given their importance , the x-rays have been independently verified as being of ms bhutto by comparison with her dental x-rays . additionally , a valuable insight was gained from the accounts given by the medical staff involved in her treatment , and from those members of ms bhutto 's family who washed her body before burial . ms bhutto 's only apparent injury was a major trauma to the right side of the head . the uk experts all exclude this injury being an entry or exit wound as a result of gunshot . the only x-ray records , taken after her death , were of ms bhutto 's head . however , the possibility of a bullet wound to her mid or lower trunk can reasonably be excluded . this is based upon the protection afforded by the armoured vehicle in which she was travelling at the time of the attack , and the accounts of her family and hospital staff who examined her . the limited x-ray material , the absence of a full post mortem examination and ct scan , have meant that the uk home office pathologist , dr nathaniel cary , who has been consulted in this case , is unable categorically to exclude the possibility of there being a gunshot wound to the upper trunk or neck . however when his findings are put alongside the accounts of those who had close contact with ms bhutto 's body , the available evidence suggests that there was no gunshot injury . importantly , dr cary excludes the possibility of a bullet to the neck or upper trunk as being a relevant factor in the actual cause of death , when set against the nature and extent of her head injury . in his report dr cary states : . • `` the only tenable cause for the rapidly fatal head injury in this case is that it occurred as the result of impact due to the effects of the bomb-blast . '' • `` in my opinion mohtarma benazir bhutto died as a result of a severe head injury sustained as a consequence of the bomb-blast and due to head impact somewhere in the escape hatch of the vehicle . '' given the severity of the injury to ms bhutto 's head , the prospect that she inadvertently hit her head whilst ducking down into the vehicle can be excluded as a reasonable possibility . high explosives of the type typically used in this sort of device , detonate at a velocity between 6000 and 9000 metres per second . this means that when considering the explosive quantities and distances involved , such an explosion would generate significantly more force than would be necessary to provoke the consequences as occurred in this case .<doc-sep>it is also important to comment upon the construction of the vehicle . it was fitted with b6 grade armour and designed to withstand gunfire and bomb-blast . it is an unfortunate and misleading aspect of this case that the roof escape hatch has frequently been referred to as a sunroof . it is not . it is designed and intended to be used solely as a means of escape . it has a solid lip with a depth of 9cm . ms bhutto 's injury is entirely consistent with her head impacting upon the lip of the escape hatch . detailed analysis of the media footage provides supporting evidence . ms bhutto 's head did not completely disappear from view until 0.6 seconds before the blast . she can be seen moving forward and to the right as she ducked down into the vehicle . whilst her exact head position at the time of the detonation can never be ascertained , the overwhelming conclusion must be that she did not succeed in getting her head entirely below the lip of the escape hatch when the explosion occurred . how many people were involved in the immediate attack ? there has been speculation that two individuals were directly involved in the attack . the suggestion has been that one suspect fired shots , and a second detonated the bomb . all the available evidence points toward the person who fired shots and the person who detonated the explosives being one and the same person . • body parts from only one individual remain unidentified . expert opinion provides strong evidence that they originate from the suicide bomber . • analysis of the media footage places the gunman at the rear of the vehicle and looking down immediately before the explosion . the footage does not show the presence of any other potential bomber . • this footage when considered alongside the findings of the forensic explosive expert , that the bombing suspect was within 1 to 2 metres of the vehicle towards it rear and with no person or other obstruction between him and the vehicle , strongly suggests that the bomber and gunman were at the same position . it is virtually inconceivable that anyone who was where the gunman can clearly be seen on the media footage , could have survived the blast and escaped . the inevitable conclusion is that there was one attacker in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle in which ms bhutto was travelling . in essence , all the evidence indicates that one suspect has fired the shots before detonating an improvised explosive device . at the time of the attack this person was standing close to the rear of ms bhutto 's vehicle . the blast caused a violent collision between her head and the escape hatch area of the vehicle , causing a severe and fatal head injury . john macbrayne qpm detective superintendent counter terrorism command 1st february 2008 e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>ip-455 press release 8 february 2008 the findings of a scotland yard inquiry into how mohtarma benazir bhutto died after being attacked during a political rally in rawalpindi were presented to the government of pakistan today . the bomb explodes near bhutto 's vehicle following a political rally in rawalpindi . the conclusions of the inquiry were outlined in a detailed report handed over to interim interior minister hamid nawaz by detective superintendent john macbrayne , accompanied by a senior official from the british high commission , during a meeting in islamabad . the text of the executive summary of the report is as follows : . on the 27th december 2007 , mohtarma benazir bhutto , the leader of the pakistan people 's party -lrb- ppp -rrb- , died as a result of being attacked in rawalpindi , pakistan . following discussions between the prime minister and president musharraf , it was agreed that officers from the metropolitan police counter terrorism command -lrb- so15 -rrb- should support the investigation into ms bhutto 's death . the primary focus of the scotland yard team was to assist the pakistani authorities in establishing the cause and circumstances of ms bhutto 's death . the wider investigation to establish culpability has remained entirely a matter for the pakistani authorities . the so15 team was led by a detective superintendent senior investigating officer , and comprised two forensic experts , an expert in analysing and assessing video media and an experienced investigating officer . the team arrived in pakistan on 4th january 2008 and spent two and a half weeks conducting extensive enquiries . during the course of their work , the team were joined by other specialists from the united kingdom . the uk team were given extensive support and co-operation by the pakistani authorities , ms bhutto 's family , and senior officials from ms bhutto 's party . the task of establishing exactly what happened was complicated by the lack of an extended and detailed search of the crime scene , the absence of an autopsy , and the absence of recognised body recovery and victim identification processes . nevertheless , the evidence that is available is sufficient for reliable conclusions to be drawn . within the overall objective , a particular focus has been placed on establishing the actual cause of death , and whether there were one or more attackers in the immediate vicinity of ms bhutto .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a close aide to pakistan 's taliban chief baitullah mehsud said he is breaking ties with him and confirmed reports that mehsud was behind the assassination of former prime minister benazir bhutto . former pakistan prime minister benazir bhutto was assassinated in december 2007 at a campaign rally . qari turkestan bhitaini , a self-proclaimed right-hand man of mehsud , said mehsud was behind the december 27 , 2007 , assassination of bhutto , pakistan 's express tv reported . bhitaini said he is breaking ties with mehsud because he blames the taliban chief for killing scores of innocent muslims in recent attacks in lahore .<doc-sep>islamabad , pakistan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- pakistan arrested two senior police officials wednesday in connection with the assassination of former prime minister benazir bhutto . a court refused bail for the two officials , saud aziz and khurram shehzad , said special public prosecutor chaudhary zulfiqar ali . aziz was the police chief in the rawalpindi district at the time of bhutto 's assassination while shehzad was the head of her security team . the two have been accused of security breaches , covering up evidence by hosing down the crime scene and failing to conduct a post-mortem examination on bhutto . aziz and shehzad said bhutto 's husband and the current president , asif ali zardari , ordered them to not conduct the post-mortem . an audio of that request was played in court wednesday . the court found the two men had failed their legal obligation as police . a united nations panel looking into bhutto 's assassination concluded that pakistan 's military-led former government failed to adequately protect her and that intelligence agencies hindered the subsequent investigation . the panel 's scathing report in april said the suicide bombing that killed bhutto `` could have been prevented '' and that police deliberately failed to pursue an effective investigation into the killings . the government of gen. pervez musharraf said bhutto had been afforded adequate protection . bhutto had returned from a self-imposed , eight-year exile to run in the country 's general elections in 2007 . she escaped one attempt on her life but was killed on december 27 by a 15-year-old suicide bomber while campaigning in rawalpindi , the seat of pakistan 's military . `` no one believes that this boy acted alone , '' the u.n. report said . `` a range of government officials failed profoundly in their efforts first to protect ms. bhutto , and second to investigate with vigor all those responsible for her murder , not only in the execution of the attack , but also in its conception , planning and financing . '' the two police officials are scheduled to appear for a hearing january 7 . cnn 's nasir habib contributed to this report .<doc-sep>pakistan 's upper house of parliament passed a nonbinding resolution this week demanding musharraf be arrested and tried for treason for unconstitutional acts during his regime , sen. muhammad ibrahim khan said . pakistani prime minister yousuf raza gilani said friday that musharraf will `` certainly '' be arrested if he returns to pakistan . the charges against musharraf are in connection with the 2007 assassination of former prime minister benazir bhutto . a u.n. report in 2010 accused musharraf 's government of failing to protect bhutto , who had returned to pakistan from exile to run for office .
<t> scotland yard releases report into assassination of benazir bhutto . </t> <t> only apparent injury was a major trauma to the right side of the head . </t> <t> uk experts all exclude the injury being a wound as a result of gunshot . </t> <t> injury consistent with her head impacting upon the lip of vehicle escape hatch . </t>
scotland yard report into assassination of benazir bhutto released<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a pair of tornadoes struck suburban washington on sunday , mangling trees and stripping siding off several homes , the national weather service confirmed . no injuries were immediately reported . the first tornado hit st. charles , maryland -- about 30 miles south of washington -- just after 2 p.m. . it uprooted several trees , many of which fell onto cars and homes .<doc-sep>the strongest wind from that touchdown was 80 mph -- enough force to blow out windows . a second tornado followed about 30 minutes later outside hyattsville , maryland -- about 10 miles northeast of the capital .<doc-sep>the high-speed winds , peaking at 100 mph , hit the george e. peters adventist school especially hard , tearing off a portion of the roof and flinging it and mounds of debris into the parking lot . a nearby construction trailer was also knocked over . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the governor of oklahoma , mary fallin , says it is `` hard to believe '' another monster tornado could devastate the oklahoma city suburb of moore . the odds of one striking the same place twice are extremely rare -- rarer still if it 's near a populated area . but if that place is moore , science may offer an explanation . `` oklahoma has one of the highest climatological likelihoods for tornadoes of any place in the nation , '' according to bob henson of the national center for atmospheric research . `` so if two ef4/ef5 tornadoes are going to strike the same city within 15 years , moore is as likely as any other place . even so , this is an extremely rare occurrence , '' henson said . on average , 10 tornadoes a year reach the most dangerous classification and almost never strike populated areas . monday 's deadly storm was the exception . oklahoma city area hammered by ef5 tornado in 1999 . moreover , it partly followed the path of an ef5 tornado that walloped metro oklahoma city in 1999 , killing three dozen people . that twister tracked a path that included moore , a southern suburb of more than 50,000 people . it was one of the costliest tornadoes in u.s. history . dallas-fort worth , kansas city and st. louis are also considered high risk for severe tornadoes , according to harold brooks of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration 's severe storms laboratory in norman , oklahoma . deadliest tornadoes on record . yet , none of those metro areas has been through what moore has experienced . monday 's storm caused enormous property destruction and killed at least two dozen people . `` yet it was a relatively ordinary violent tornado , '' according to brooks , an acknowledged expert on the climatology and probability of twisters . tornado prediction is improving . such twisters are defined as those that have winds of at least 200 mph , are a half-a-mile or more wide , and produce the most fatalities . when they touch down , they normally stay on the ground for 30 to 60 minutes . the national weather service said monday 's tornado was 1.3 miles wide as it tore through moore . the estimated peak winds ranged from 200 to 210 mph -- which would make it an ef5 , the most powerful category . judging by the vast destruction of homes and buildings , experts say it was on the ground for about 40 minutes . the number of tornadoes overall seems to be more variable . `` in the last three years we have set records for the most tornadoes in 12 consecutive months and the least number of tornadoes in 12 consecutive months , '' brooks said . he has no explanation for the inconsistency . ef5 tornadoes are terrifying perfect storms .<doc-sep>the american red cross opened at least two shelters in mccloud , oklahoma , and tecumseh , oklahoma , and continued to assess needs across the state . more than 31,000 homes were without power in the metro oklahoma city area -- nearly 15,000 in norman alone , according to oklahoma gas & electric . ashwood said preliminary reports out of norman indicate the damages are `` similar to what you would see with an ef3 '' tornado , referring to the enhanced fujita scale for measuring the strength of tornadoes . an ef3 is capable of producing winds up to 165 mph . cnn ireporter rebecca barbato said tornado sirens were going off in her neighborhood in moore , just north of norman , when tennis-ball-sized hail began raining down on her roof . other tornadoes were reported in yukon , medford and shawnee in oklahoma , and in wichita , kansas . the storms struck around 5 p.m. ct -lrb- 6 p.m. et -rrb- . meteorologists warned throughout the day monday of the potential for tornadoes . cnn 's devon sayers and sarah aarthun contributed to this report .<doc-sep>as trains clattered past the platform , manka delivered the 8-pound , 5-ounce baby . ` it was amazing , ' manka told the post . ` it was a baby coming into the world . definitely the experience of a lifetime . ' shavonnte taylor , 23 , who was due on august 17 , was on her way home from a doctor 's appointment on the metro 's green line when she started having heavy contractions . this is l'enfant plaza , the metro station in washington , d.c. where taylor delivered her baby at 10:30 a.m. on thursday . paramedics arrived shortly after the baby 's birth and took taylor and her son to a nearby hospital . ' i . was just happy that he was healthy , ' taylor told the post in an . interview at george washington university hospital on thursday night . ` it was n't the way i wanted to have him , but it went fine . ' the baby 's grandmother , shomari stone , told nbc washington : ' i could n't believe it when i got the call from transit that my grandson is here . i 'm so thankful that they 're okay . ' he was born one day before pierre l'enfant 's birthday . the architect of washington , d.c. - whom the metro station is named after - was born aug. 2 , 1754 . l'enfant is french for child . news of ` metro baby ' spread like wildfire on twitter , and metro announced that it would give taylor a $ 100 smartrip card as a gift . the child is taylor 's fourth . she has two girls and another boy between the ages of one and five . the agency tweeted a photo of the card along with a handwritten note of congratulations from general manager richard sarles . ` congratulations on the birth of your son ! ' sarles wrote in the note . ' i am sure that the delivery did not go exactly as you had imagined , but i hope that our employees and customers who assisted you were a source of support and comfort . please accept the enclosed smartrip card worth $ 100 in metro fare ... as our gift . ' the child is taylor 's fourth . she has two girls and another boy between the ages of one and five . amir mason may be the first child to be born on a metro platform . a 22-year-old woman went into labor in 2012 at d.c 's congress heights station but she did n't actually give birth on the platform . metro announced that it would give taylor a $ 100 smartrip card as a gift . the agency tweeted this photo of the card along with a handwritten note of congratulations from general manager richard sarles .<doc-sep>fatality : carol driver , a 61-year-old project manager , died on the d.c. metro system last night in a sea of smoke . this is the woman who died in a smoke-filled metro tunnel yesterday in washington , d.c. , after an electrical fire struck the subway system . carol glover , 61 , was the only fatality in the accident yesterday , which also hospitalized 84 people and terrified hundreds more travelers passing through the capital 's l'enfant plaza station . glover , from alexandria , virginia , was a project manager for a communications company that does contract work for the federal government . twenty-one people were still in hospital tuesday night . however , the metro system itself had been returned to full service . according to glover 's linkedin profile , she had worked in the beltway area for at least a decade , included stints at companies based in the pentagon . she was described as ' a vibrant woman , dedicated mother and loving person ' , by a neighbor speaking to local tv station wusa9 . officials in d.c. are yet to release her official cause of death , though witnesses from inside the metro carriage described a woman being overcome by smoke , despite commuters ' efforts to revive her . one , a member of the local transportation board , described how a woman passed out , and passengers then took turns giving her cpr .
<t> first tornado hit st. charles , maryland , about 30 miles south of washington . </t> <t> second tornado struck 30 minutes later outside hyattsville , maryland . </t> <t> no injuries were immediately reported . </t>
two tornadoes strike metro d.c.<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- storms that killed two people in northern georgia spread saturday night into south carolina , where possible tornadoes downed trees , blew roofs off homes and broke power lines , weather forecasters said . there was heavy damage in prosperity , south carolina , where residents reported seeing a tornado touch down , said newberry county sheriff 's capt. todd johnson . prosperity is 40 miles northwest of columbia . a woman was severely injured when a tree fell on her trailer , trapping her inside , johnson said . about 56,000 customers remained without power sunday morning after storms swept through savannah knocking out power while the coastal georgia city was in the midst of its st. patrick 's day celebrations , said carol boatwright of georgia power . damage was reported saturday night in the counties of newberry , mccormick , edgefield , lexington , aiken and kershaw . `` we have numerous reports of tornadoes touching down . there is a lot of damage , and we are unable to respond to all of the calls , '' a dispatcher for the aiken county sheriff 's department said .<doc-sep>meanwhile , the storm danger passed in the atlanta , georgia , area . a friday night tornado packing winds of up to 135 miles per hour cut a path 6 miles long and 200 yards wide through downtown in less than 30 minutes . watch a flyover of a damaged area in georgia '' there was heavy damage to many structures , including the cnn world headquarters . on saturday , windows were still popping out from a high-rise nearby . heavy rain and hail passed through in the afternoon . watch video of storm damage in georgia '' two people died in northern georgia on saturday as waves of dangerous thunderstorms pounded the area , and storms continued into saturday night . a possible tornado destroyed mobile homes in jefferson county , and another possible tornado was reported in clarke county , where athens is located , the weather service reported . a woman died and her husband was seriously injured when a tornado leveled their home in the live oak community , just north of aragon , polk county officials said . aragon is about 50 miles northeast of atlanta . watch damage in polk county '' aragon police were assessing damage when they found the house about 12:30 p.m. , polk county police chief kenneth dodd said . the part-brick , part-frame home was reduced to rubble . the injured man was taken to a rome , georgia , hospital , dodd said .<doc-sep>five dead dogs were found in a nearby field , and other injured animals were taken to an animal control agency , he said . a family across the street from the couple 's home lost part of their roof . another person was seriously injured elsewhere , said thomas wilson , polk county 's 911 director . the second fatality was in floyd county , about 7 miles southeast of lindale in the wax community , where a possible tornado struck about 4:30 p.m. , said scotty hancock , the county emergency management director . watch damage in floyd county '' the national weather service estimated that 20 homes were destroyed in the area . damage was also reported in taylorsville and cartersville , about 40 miles northwest of atlanta , and suspected tornado touchdowns were reported in gainesville in hall county , near homer in banks county and near maysville in jackson county . a tornado was also reported in northern forsyth county , sheriff 's capt. michael honiker said . at least one structure fire was reported , he said .<doc-sep>hail nearly 3 inches in diameter was reported in dawsonville , the national weather service said . there were 41,000 people without power statewide saturday evening , according to georgia power . saturday 's severe weather followed an ef-2 tornado , with top winds of up to 135 mph that ripped through downtown atlanta on friday night . there were no fatalities , and only one serious injury was reported . rain , wind and hail caused additional power outages saturday in the atlanta area and triggered delays of more than an hour for flights leaving hartsfield-jackson international airport , according to an airport spokesman . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's audrey irvine contributed to this report .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- at least eight people are dead after a bizarre mix of weather across the country spawned tornadoes , ice storms and record-setting warmth this weekend . four of the deaths involved two vehicle accidents in kentucky . three people drowned in the rolling fork river near new hope when a car drove into the water . two people escaped but were hospitalized with hypothermia . `` water was out of the banks , considerably up onto the roadway area . they ran their vehicle into the water . two of the folks were exiting the vehicle as the swift water started pushing the vehicle downstream . the other three occupants of the vehicle were unable to exit , '' said joe prewitt , with nelson county emergency management . in the other crash , a rider on an atv overturned into a creek near carrollton and was trapped underneath . the kentucky emergency management reported a fifth death because of flood waters , in ballard county , but did not provide specifics . authorities did not release the identities of the victims . several flood warnings remained in effect sunday along some kentucky rivers and streams . two deaths occurred in the mississippi counties of coahoma and jasper , where severe weather damaged homes and knocked down trees , according to the mississippi emergency management agency . the eighth fatality came from a traffic accident near kansas city , said chris redline of the missouri department of transportation . `` we also had to close a lot of roads in southeast missouri because of flooding , '' redline said . flooding , extreme cold and unseasonable warmth covered other parts of the country . to make sense of it all , let us take you on a north american tour . southeast : thunderstorms , tornadoes and torrential downpours . heavy rain , damaging winds and lightning continued . these storms were forecast to spread , bringing downpours to georgia , south carolina and up the east coast into monday . while cooler , the weather is expected to be much quieter and drier christmas eve and christmas day .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . severe weather , including thunderstorms , flash floods , and wind gusts , is expected on wednesday - just as thousands try to recover from a series of tornadoes that hit arkansas , oklahoma , iowa , alabama , mississippi and tennessee . the poor conditions are likely to hit states along much of the east coast . according to a forecast by accuweather , thunderstorms may strike northern florida , southeastern alabama , as well as parts of georgia , north carolina , south carolina , virginia , west virginia , maryland and ohio . it says the storms would be part of a storm system in the upper midwest . severe : more thunderstorms are expected on wednesday , sweeping across both the southeast and parts of the northeast . the report says that further north , delaware , southeastern michigan and southern new jersey may experience thunderstorms on wednesday afternoon . later that night , severe weather may hit pennsylvania , new jersey , new york , as well as parts of new england . airports including detroit , pittsburgh , new york city , philadelphia , baltimore and washington , d.c. may also experience delays due to poor weather conditions , it says . northeast weather expert dave dombek told the site , ` the main threat of severe weather in the northeast will be from flash flooding and locally damaging wind gusts . ' heavy : significant rainfall may occur through thursday , causing delays at major airports in the northeast . ' a few of the storms will also bring the potential for large hail , while a handful of the smallest storms could produce a tornado . ' meanwhile , tornadoes may loom on wednesday in virgina , north carolina , south carolina , and georgia , the report says . alabama , tennessee and mississippi may experience less intense storms . survival : residents leave their destroyed homes as a firefighter walks through the rubble on tuesday , april 29 , 2014 , in crawrford , alabama after a tornado hit before dawn . picking up the pieces : bobby shelton helps to salvage items at the destroyed home of his friend , adam danner , on tuesday , april 29 , 2014 , in fayetteville , tennessee .<doc-sep>two teenagers have been arrested for allegedly trying to rob a woman at gunpoint before . yelling , ` do you want me to kill your baby ? ' and shooting her . 13-month-old son dead in his stroller . demarquis elkins , 17 , and a 14-year-old boy yet to be identified are being held on suspicion of first-degree murder , police chief tobe green said , adding that authorities are still searching for a motive . sherry west was pushing her son antonio yards from their home in brunswick , georgia , early on thursday morning when she was approached by the two boys . she said elkins demanded money from her and threatened to kill her if she did n't give him any , but she insisted she had nothing . scroll down for video . murdered : baby antonio was shot in the head as he slept by two boys who attempted to rob his mother . horror : demarquis elkins , 17 , allegedly threatened sherry west then shot her infant son when she did n't give him any money . ` when you have a baby , you spend all your money on babies . they 're expensive , ' she said . ` and he kept asking and i just said `` i do n't have it . '' and he said , `` do you want me to kill your baby ? '' and i said , `` no , do n't kill my baby ! '' ' she said he fired four shots , the first into the ground . west did n't see a shell casing ejected , and said she assumed the gun was n't real . then he fired at her head and the bullet grazed her left ear ; she has a small scab and bruising there . he fired again and shot her in the left leg above the knee . distraught : antonio 's mother , sherry west , was pushed away when she tried to protect her son .<doc-sep>a christmas storm could drench the east coast next week and ruin holiday travel plans for millions . according to forecasts , rain and snow will sweep virtually the whole eastern seaboard from monday , pushing showers as far west as texas . on tuesday and christmas eve the precipitation is expected to intensify , with strong winds and rain storms lashing vital commuter routes along the i-95 corridor and causing a travel nightmare those headed home . storm 's brewing : on the east coast rains could begin as early as monday and drive up the coast . spread : by tuesday the rain is forecast to cover around a third of the country , including virtually the whole eastern seaboard and the south .
<t> sheriff : possible tornado caused heavy damage in prosperity , south carolina . </t> <t> `` we are unable to respond to all of the calls , '' dispatcher says . </t> <t> deaths reported in polk and floyd counties in georgia on saturday . </t> <t> saturday 's storms followed ef-2 tornado that tore through atlanta on friday . </t>
storms kill two in georgia before pushing east<T>
tokyo , japan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the u.s. military in japan has charged a marine with rape and other violations of the uniform code of military justice in the alleged sexual assault of 14-year old girl in okinawa . a civic group member protests against hadnott near the u.s. embassy in tokyo on february 13 . staff sgt. tyrone luther hadnott , 38 , has been charged with the rape of a child under 16 , abusive sexual contact with a child , making a false official statement , adultery and kidnapping , the marines said friday . no dates for the court-martial have been set .<doc-sep>in february , japanese authorities released hadnott after the girl dropped the allegations against him , but the marine corps conducted its own investigation to see if hadnott violated codes of military justice . it held him at a marine facility . the rape accusation against hadnott stirred memories of a brutal rape more than a decade ago and triggered outrage across japan . prime minister yasuo fukuda deplored as `` unforgivable '' the allegations against hadnott . the incident also led to tight restrictions , for a time , for american troops and their families at the u.s. base on okinawa . the u.s. military in japan also formed a sexual assault prevention task force after the incident .<doc-sep>more than 40,000 u.s. troops are stationed in japan , most of them on okinawa . the troops were placed there under a security alliance after japan was defeated in world war ii and was renounced its right to a military . the u.s. military presence has at times bred resentment among some japanese , who have long complained about crime , noise and accidents . anti-american sentiments boiled over in 1995 after three american servicemen kidnapped and gang-raped a 12-year-old okinawan schoolgirl . two years ago , a u.s. civilian military employee was jailed for nine years for raping two women . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>staff sgt. tyrone luther hadnott , 38 , was charged last month with the rape of a child under 16 , abusive sexual contact with a child , making a false official statement , adultery and kidnapping , the military said . in february , japanese authorities released hadnott after the girl dropped the allegations , but the marine corps conducted its own investigation to see if hadnott violated codes of military justice . the military is holding him at a marine facility . more than 40,000 u.s. troops are stationed in japan , most of them on okinawa , which accounts for less than 1 percent of japan 's total area .<doc-sep>tokyo , japan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a u.s. marine pleaded guilty friday to abusive sexual contact with a child under 16 , bringing to a close a criminal case that stoked outrage in japan , a marine spokesman said . staff . sgt. tyrone l. hadnott was sentenced to four years of confinement , said first lt. judd wilson , a marine spokesman in okinawa , japan . the marine corps withdrew several other charges , including rape of a child , kidnapping and making a false official statement , wilson said . japanese police arrested hadnott in february on charges alleging that he raped a 14-year-old junior-high school student . he saw her while riding his motorcycle , offered to give her a ride and later assaulted her at a park , the police said then . the case stirred outrage at the highest levels of the japanese government . prime minister yasuo fukuda deplored the incident as `` unforgivable . '' the japanese foreign ministry lodged an official protest with the u.s. government . and okinawa gov. hirokazu nakaima said the offense `` violates the rights of women '' and that `` this is a crime that we should not accept . '' the japanese authorities released hadnott after the girl withdrew her allegations , but the marine corps conducted its own investigation . the marines charged hadnott with rape of a child , abusive sexual contact , making a false official statement , adultery and kidnapping . more than 40,000 u.s. troops are stationed in japan , most of them on okinawa . the u.s. military presence has at times bred resentment among locals , who have long complained about crime , noise and accidents . anti-american sentiments boiled over in 1995 , after three american servicemen kidnapped and gang-raped a 12-year-old okinawan schoolgirl . two years ago , a u.s. civilian military employee was jailed for nine years for raping two women . the marine corps said in a statement on friday that it does not tolerate sexual assault . `` we remain committed to maintaining an environment that rejects sexual assault and attitudes that promote such behaviors , '' the statement said .<doc-sep>tokyo , japan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a u.s. marine pleaded guilty friday to abusive sexual contact with a child under 16 , bringing to a close a criminal case that stoked outrage in japan , a marine spokesman said . protesters turned out in march after the rape allegations surfaced . the marine pleaded guilty to charges friday . staff . sgt. tyrone l. hadnott was sentenced to four years of confinement , said first lt. judd wilson , a marine spokesman in okinawa , japan . the marine corps withdrew several other charges , including rape of a child , kidnapping and making a false official statement , wilson said .<doc-sep>tokyo , japan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- japanese authorities on friday released an american marine accused of raping a teenager in okinawa after the girl dropped the allegations , the u.s. military said . japanese protest near the u.s. embassy in tokyo earlier this month over a marine accused of rape in okinawa . the marine corps said it is holding staff sgt. tyrone luther hadnott , 38 , in a marine facility as it investigates whether he violated codes of military justice . the girl 's accusation , which stirred memories of a brutal rape more than a decade ago , triggered outrage across japan . prime minister yasuo fukuda deplored it as `` unforgivable . '' hadnott was taken into japanese custody february 11 . the allegation also led to tight restrictions for american troops and their families at the u.s. base on okinawa . watch how the military was caught off guard '' all troops stationed on the southern japanese island have been confined to the base or their off-base residences for a `` period of reflection '' since february 20 , except for work , worship , school or medical appointments . `` this period of reflection will allow commanders and all service members an opportunity to further review procedures and orders that govern the discipline and conduct of all u.s. service members serving in okinawa , '' said a news release from the marine corps ' camp butler on the island .
<t> no date set for the court-martial . </t> <t> u.s. military charges marine after girl dropped charges in february . </t> <t> most of u.s. troops in japan are stationed in okinawa . </t>
u.s. marine charged with rape in japan<T>
berlin . germany -- germany striker kevin kuranyi fired schalke up to joint second in the bundesliga , while bayern munich have a golden chance to put one hand on the league title if they beat stuttgart on sunday . kuranyi 's early goal was enough to give schalke a vital victory over champions league rivals hamburg . kuranyi 's 15th league goal of the season -- after just two minutes -- gave schalke the three points with a 1-0 win in hamburg to go level on 54 points with werder bremen , who shared a thrilling 3-3 draw at karlsruhe . after schalke sacked coach mirko slomka a fortnight ago , caretaker coach mike bueskens was delighted with the victory over their rivals . `` i am very , very pleased with the win , '' he said . `` we beat a direct competitor for a champions league place and the early goal worked very well for us . hamburg played well , but they did n't take their chances . '' schalke and bremen , who remain second on goal difference , are now nine points behind bayern with four games left . a bayern win will send them 12-points clear with a vastly superior goal difference and only a mathematical miracle would prevent them being crowned german champions for the 21st time . but bayern are without internationals miroslav klose and philipp lahm against stuttgart , while oliver kahn is a huge injury doubt for the clash against stuttgart who welcome back mario gomez back from injury . the draw in karlsruhe was a blow to bremen , who were shocked by an early goal when home striker sebastian freis drilled home his 15th minute shot . werder hit back when midfielder diego equalised eight minutes later and former schalke midfielder mesut oezil scored his first goal of the season to put bremen 2-1 ahead on 29 minutes . but freis added his second on 59 minutes before kapllani put karlsruhe ahead only for bremen striker boubacar sanogo to level the scores in the 86th minute . `` it was a very entertaining game and the fans got their money 's worth , '' said bremen coach thomas schaaf . `` but we ca n't be happy with the result , because it was possible for us to keep the pressure on . '' further down the table , striker mike hanke gave hanover an early goal at home to hertha berlin before czech striker jiri stajner enjoyed the simplest of tap-ins to make it 2-0 after 26 minutes . but berlin clawed a goal back with a second-half penalty to make it 2-1 before lukasz piszczek equalised in the 66th minute to make it 2-2 . at the bottom of the table , slovakian striker marek mintal netted a first-half goal for nuremberg and russian striker ivan saenko made it 2-0 against arminia bielefeld after 39 minutes with a superb strike . but bielefeld hit back as artur wichniarek and markus bollmann scored second-half goals to make it 2-2 . energie cottbus pulled themselves further from the relegation battle with a 2-1 win over hansa rostock , while duisburg have gone bottom of the table with a 1-1 draw against bochum . on friday night , mid-table sides eintracht frankfurt and borussia dortmund drew 1-1 while on sunday bayer leverkusen can break into the top five if they beat wolfsburg at home . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>meanwhile , kevin kuranyi 's goal early in the second half was enough for schalke to beat nuremberg 1-0 at home to continue their good recent form . kuranyi scored the only goal in the 48th minute and the schalke defence held firm to seal the points . felix magath 's side clinched their fourth straight victory and fifth in the last six games to return to second place in the table , just one point behind leaders bayer leverkusen .<doc-sep>kuranyi followed up his double from last weekend with another strike from a pass by rafinha , who was fouled by altintop to see the turkey international an early bath . kuranyi should have leveled just before the break but missed from close range , and schalke failed to seriously threaten the bayern goal in the second spell . third-placed bayer leverkusen suffered another blow to their title hopes with a 3-2 defeat at eintracht frankfurt which left the former leaders six points adrift of bayern after a run of just one win in seven league outings . frankfurt , who upset bayern two weeks ago , moved up to eighth with a third successive win thanks to maik franz 's 89th-minute winner . leverkusen led 2-1 straight after halftime through stefan kiessling 's second goal , but had daniel schwaab sent off three minutes later for a rash tackle on umit korkmaz .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- schalke moved to within a point of german bundesliga leaders bayer leverkusen after winning 2-0 away to fellow title hopefuls werder bremen on saturday night . kevin kuranyi and jan moravek scored in the second half to put schalke a point above third-placed bayern munich , who earlier crushed lowly bochum 5-1 to cap a memorable week . former germany striker kuranyi put schalke ahead two minutes after halftime and midfielder moravek ensured bremen 's first league defeat since the opening day of the season with his 72nd-minute goal . bremen could also have closed to within a point of leverkusen , who were held 2-2 at bottom club hertha berlin on friday night , but ended the night two points adrift of bayern . louis van gaal 's bayern , runners-up to wolfsburg last season , briefly reached their highest league position since he took over as coach in the summer as mario gomez continued his recent scoring run with the opening goal at bochum and strike partner ivica olic netted twice . bayern , who crushed italian giants juventus 4-1 in midweek to qualify for the knockout stages of the champions league , moved to within two points of leaders bayer leverkusen , . olic set up gomez 's 23rd-minute header for the opening goal , and mergim mavraj put through his own net 10 minutes later as the germany international tried to repay the favor to the croatian . olic got on the scoresheet two minutes before halftime from bastian schweinsteiger 's cross and made it 4-0 four minutes after the break with a header from holger badstuber 's delivery . danijel pranjic extended the lead five minutes later after fullback phillip lahm surged into the box and squared the ball to him , while christian fuchs scored a consolation free-kick for bochum in the 76th minute .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- bayern munich capped a successful week by returning to the top of the german bundesliga with a 2-1 victory away to title rivals schalke on saturday despite having a man sent off in the first half . louis van gaal 's team followed up the midweek champions league victory over manchester united with a win that puts them a point clear of previous leaders schalke ahead of wednesday 's trip to england for the second leg of the quarterfinal . bayern took a 2-0 lead after only 26 minutes as franck ribery and thomas muller scored within 60 seconds of each other , but schalke 's former germany striker kevin kuranyi reduced the deficit soon after . the bavarians had hamit altintop sent off for a second booking four minutes before halftime , but schalke -- beaten by bayern in the german cup semifinals 10 days ago -- could not claim a point and had marcelo bordon dismissed at the end of the match . bayern were again without dutch forward arjen robben , who missed the united game with a calf problem , but surged into a two-goal lead when french playmaker ribery fired home from a corner and tuesday 's match-winner ivica olic set up muller .
<t> kevin kuranyi 's early goal gives schalke a 1-0 home victory against hamburg . </t> <t> schalke now level in second position with bremen , who draw 3-3 at karlsruhe . </t> <t> bayern munich will all but clinch the title with a win over stuttgart in sunday . </t>
kuranyi goal fires schalke joint second<T>
pittsburgh , pennsylvania -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- former president bill clinton denied tuesday he had accused sen. barack obama 's campaign of `` playing the race card '' during an interview monday . bill clinton is facing tough questions tuesday over an interview with a delaware radio station . a recording of the former president making the comment is posted on the whyy web site . it says he made the comment in a telephone interview with the philadelphia public radio station monday night . clinton was asked whether his remarks comparing obama 's strong showing in south carolina to that of jesse jackson in 1988 had been a mistake given their impact on his wife sen. hillary clinton 's campaign . `` no , i think that they played the race card on me , '' said clinton , `` and we now know from memos from the campaign and everything that they planned to do it all along . '' listen to the full interview .<doc-sep>`` we were talking about south carolina political history and this was used out of context and twisted for political purposes by the obama campaign to try to breed resentment elsewhere . and you know , do i regret saying it ? no . do i regret that it was used that way ? i certainly do . but you really got to go some to try to portray me as a racist . '' after the phone interview , a stray comment of his on the issue was also recorded before he hung up : `` i do n't think i should take any s *** from anybody on that , do you ? '' watch bill clinton respond to controversy '' but outside a pittsburgh campaign event tuesday , a reporter asked clinton what he had meant `` when you said the obama campaign was playing the race card on you ? '' clinton responded : `` when did i say that and to whom did i say that ? '' watch more of the clintons on the trail in pennsylvania '' `` you have mischaracterized it to get another cheap story to divert the american people from the real urgent issues before us , and i choose not to play your games today , '' clinton added . `` i said what i said -- you can go back and look at the interview , and if you will be real honest you will also report what the question was and what the answer was . but i 'm not helping you . ''<doc-sep>clinton did not respond when asked what he meant when he charged that the obama campaign had a memo in which they said they had planned to play the race card . meanwhile , at a pittsburgh press availability on tuesday , obama was asked about clinton 's charge that his campaign had drawn up plans to use `` the race card . '' `` hold on a second , '' he said . `` so former president clinton dismissed my victory in south carolina as being similar to jesse jackson and he is suggesting that somehow i had something to do with it ? '' watch obama 's full comments '' `` you better ask him what he meant by that . i have no idea what he meant . these were words that came out of his mouth . not words that came out of mine . '' clinton commented just before the south carolina primary that `` jesse jackson won south carolina in '84 and ' 88 . jackson ran a good campaign . and obama ran a good campaign here . '' e-mail to a friend . cnn associate political editor rebecca sinderbrand , cnn political producers alexander marquardt , ed hornick and chris welch contributed to this report .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- at the beginning of 2008 , everything seemed set for bill clinton . his wife , hillary , had the money and the endorsements to run for the presidency . she also had the experience and the talismanic democratic last name . everything was in place for bill 's return to the white house , this time as first gentleman . then came iowa , when the supposedly unstoppable hillary for president locomotive was derailed by barack obama , a first-term senator from illinois . bill clinton could n't believe that this johnny-come-lately might block his wife 's path to the white house . bill clinton and barack obama may be making common cause now , but four years ago the future president drove the former president crazy . obama 's sins in the eyes of bill clinton in 2008 were numerous and grievous : he denied hillary a shot at the oval office that bill believed she earned and he attacked bill by playing the race card , or so bill believed . in reality , clinton played the race card on himself when he compared obama 's victory in the south carolina primary to jesse jackson 's wins there in 1984 and 1988 . perhaps clinton 's intent was to isolate obama as the `` black candidate '' ; perhaps not , but an uproar ensued , deeply wounding the man who had been beloved by african-american voters throughout his political career . obama had even gone so far as to compare bill clinton unfavorably to ronald reagan , saying that reagan had `` changed the trajectory '' of the nation `` in a way that bill clinton did not . '' the nerve of this whippersnapper , ranking the first democratic president since fdr to serve two full terms below the hero of the opposition party -- the party that had tried to throw that democratic president out of office .<doc-sep>by drawing that contrast , obama was consciously baiting bill , secure in the knowledge that as hillary 's campaign brain trust , his outbursts -- about reagan , about the `` fairy tale '' of obama 's pure opposition to the iraq war , about the `` race card '' -- were doing harm to his wife 's campaign . but obama 's biggest offense was simply that he was seeking to replace bill clinton as first in the hearts of the democratic faithful . and he was doing it courtesy of a free ride from the media -- nothing like the trial by fire that bill had undergone in 1992 . once the nomination fight ended , hillary was quick to dismiss her ill feelings toward obama . but insiders say bill nursed his grudge , only slowly releasing it as his wife took office as obama 's secretary of state . the coldness between the 42nd and 44th presidents persisted well into obama 's first term . obama sought to set the nation 's course on his own , without interference from the man who he said had not achieved the kind of transformative presidency to which he aspired . within the democratic party , the two men were still rivals . it 's no accident that clinton has had a much warmer relationship with both presidents bush than he has had with obama ; he and the bushes are not seeking approval from the same audience . now , however , mutual interest has pushed bill and barack together . while no one would confuse them for best friends , obama needs clinton 's access to deep democratic pockets and his appeal to white blue-collar voters , who are more attuned to bill 's messy i-feel-your-pain empathy than to the professorial coolness of obama . for his part , bill craves political relevance . in the 11-plus years of his post-presidency , he has succeeded in securing both public acclaim , for his work on aids , and private enrichment , pulling down well into six figures for a single speech . but talking to 10,000 people at a gathering of furniture-industry representatives , no matter how high the remuneration , ca n't compare to influencing a presidential election -- or , for that matter , to pressing the flesh in a high-school gymnasium packed with adoring fans .<doc-sep>by . francesca chambers for mailonline . in honor of former president bill clinton 's 68th birthday , the clinton foundation released a house of cards spoof on friday , featuring kevin spacey as frank underwood and hillary clinton as herself . in the video underwood impersonates bill and tries to find out what the former first lady plans to get her husband for his upcoming birthday . in a nod toward hillary 's dodgy remarks about her presidential ambitions , the former secretary of state tells him : ' i told you you , this is a very personal decision that i will make when i 'm ready . ' in the video house of cards character frank underwood impersonates bill clinton to find out what hillary plans to get her husband for his upcoming birthday . in a nod toward hillary 's dodgy remarks about her presidential ambitions , the former secretary of state tells him : ' i told you you , this is a very personal decision that i will make when i 'm ready . ' hillary shoots down underwood 's suggestion that she buy her husband an elephant for their backyard . in a phone call to hillary , underwood suggests that she buy bill an elephant for the backyard of their chappaqua , new york , home , but clinton shoots him down . ` do n't you think that could be a little dangerous for our dogs ? ' she asks , referring to her and bill 's three pets . ` well , what about a baby elephant ? ' underwood responds . still undercover , the faux politician suggests that the clinton 's pregnant daughter , chelsea , name her first-born child frank - after himself - if it 's a boy and claire - after his wife - if its a girl . ` well , i was actually thinking of pushing for the name kevin if it 's a boy , ' hillary tells him . hillary ends calling underwood actor kevin spacey out , and he gives up . ` kevin , will you please just sign my husband 's birthday card already ? ' clinton says , calling spacey out . the final scene of the spoof shows a fake text message conversation between spacey and bill in which spacey informs him that he was n't able to find out what hillary had in store for his birthday . the video was published on the bill , hillary and chelsea clinton foundation 's website on friday along with a form to sign bill 's card . the 42 president of the united states ' birthday is on tuesday .<doc-sep>as a candidate , obama understood the political danger in letting his race become a major topic . he largely avoided it when he could , but race was always a subtext , as it is now in his presidency . `` but i can also say , frankly , that this white house and even his campaign were very afraid to even go down this road dealing with anything with race , '' said cnn contributor roland martin . carter also told nbc that there is an `` inherent feeling among many people in this country that an african-american ought not to be president and ought not to be given the same respect as if he were white . '' framing criticism as racism cropped up several times during the campaign . when geraldine ferraro , a clinton supporter , said during the 2008 democratic primaries that obama would never have gotten as far as he had if he had not been black , candidate obama pointedly left race out of it . `` i think that her comments were ridiculous , '' obama said at the time . but ferraro blamed obama supporters for her hate mail , saying `` i have been called all kinds of names . and the attacks are ageist . they 're sexist . they 're racist . '' : freedom from speech ? and the topic of race even came to haunt bill clinton , the so-called first black president . before the new hampshire primary in january 2008 , clinton told an audience that `` there 's no difference in -lsb- obama 's -rsb- voting record and hillary 's ever since . give me a break . this whole thing is the biggest fairy tale i have ever seen . '' some interpreted that as belittling obama 's campaign . after much criticism , clinton later said he was talking about obama 's opposition to the war in iraq , not his campaign . but those two words -- `` fairy tale '' -- launched weeks worth of accusations , sometimes on the front page of the new york times , that the clintons were playing the race card . : share your thoughts on race and politics . some observers said carter 's statement was far too broad , and that many of the attacks on obama are about policy , not race . `` i do n't think one can paint a broad brush in saying that all of these folks who have criticism , anybody who criticizes the president ... is based upon the issue of race , '' martin said . mary matalin , a cnn contributor and republican strategist , said carter 's criticism is `` absurd . '' `` it 's very dangerous politics , '' she said . `` barack obama got , in the last election , more white male voters than any of his predecessors . ... republicans and conservatives and democrats and liberals , the whole country felt very good putting -- setting aside policies after his election . ''
<t> bill clinton in interview monday : obama camp `` played the race card on me '' </t> <t> on tuesday he denied he had accused obama 's campaign of it . </t> <t> clinton : `` when did i say that and to whom did i say that ? '' </t> <t> a recording of former president 's comment is posted on whyy web site . </t>
bill clinton denies ` race card ' comment<T>
baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an iraqi report on last month 's shootings involving security contractor blackwater usa called the incident `` pre-meditated murder '' and is calling for $ 8 million in compensation for each of the 17 iraqis who died , a senior iraqi government official said monday . lawyer hassan jabbar lies in a hospital after being injured in a shooting involving blackwater contractors . the results of the iraqi investigation into the shootings is complete and will be presented to prime minister nuri al-maliki 's government for review , the official said . the report calls for the payments to go to the families of each of those killed in the shootings , he said . iraqi government spokesman ali al-dabbagh said sunday that the iraqi commission investigating the shootings has accused the company 's guards of firing indiscriminately and without provocation on citizens and violating the rights of iraqis . blackwater said its contractors `` acted lawfully and appropriately in response to a hostile attack , '' and `` the civilians reportedly fired upon by blackwater professionals were , in fact , armed enemies , and blackwater personnel returned defensive fire . ''<doc-sep>the september 16 shooting also left 27 other people wounded , al-dabbagh said . seven vehicles were also destroyed in the incident , which occurred around nusoor square in western baghdad . al-dabbagh said the commission , formed september 22 , determined there was no evidence the blackwater convoy was under direct or indirect fire . `` not even a stone was thrown at them , '' al-dabbagh said . he added the contractors violated the rules of conduct and regulations for private security firms operating in iraq . `` they must be held accountable according to the law , '' he said .<doc-sep>however , security contractors have immunity from iraqi law under a provision put into place in the early days of the u.s.-led occupation . watch how supervision has been tightened on contractors '' blackwater security contractors were guarding a state department convoy . the company is one of a number of private security contractors in iraq . last month 's shooting has sparked fury in both countries and led to a series of new steps reviewing the role of u.s. contractors in iraq . the iraqi-american joint committee met for the first time sunday to begin reviewing security operations . it plans to issue a report offering recommendations to the iraqi and u.s. governments . border crossings reopen . five border crossings between iran and iraq 's kurdish region have been reopened , an iraqi kurdish regional government spokesman said .<doc-sep>iran closed its border with the iraqi region nearly two weeks ago to protest the u.s. military 's incarceration of an iranian arrested september 20 in sulaimaniya . the u.s. military maintains that mahmoud farhadi was posing as a businessman with a trade delegation and was in charge of zafar command , one of three units of the ramazan corps of the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps ' quds force . iraqi president jalal talabani blasted the united states for the arrest , saying farhadi is an iranian civil servant who was on an official trade mission in the region . the u.s. military has long accused quds force agents of training and equipping iraqi insurgents , an allegation iran vehemently denies . other developments . cnn 's jomana karadsheh contributed to this report .<doc-sep>the former guards ' company , blackwater worldwide , will not face charges . in a statement released shortly after the indictments were announced , blackwater reiterated its position that its former employees had not acted improperly . `` based on the information available to us , we understand that these individuals acted within the rules set forth for them by the government and that no criminal violations occurred , '' the statement said . blackwater also complained about a number of `` misguided assumptions and generalizations that surrounded this unfortunate incident . ... -lsb- blackwater 's -rsb- work has been mischaracterized and all of our personnel unfairly maligned . '' at the same time , the company noted that if `` it is determined that an individual acted improperly , then blackwater supports holding that person accountable . '' none of the former guards has worked for blackwater since 2007 , company spokeswoman anne tyrrell said . an iraqi official familiar with the investigation said that an fbi team and two u.s. prosecutors working on the case will meet in baghdad on saturday with more than 60 iraqis involved in the incident . the meeting is intended to brief the iraqis on the status of the case . blackwater said its guards were protecting a u.s. diplomatic convoy when they came under attack from armed insurgents . the guards returned fire , blackwater said . but an iraqi investigation called the killings `` premeditated murder '' and accused the guards of firing on civilians indiscriminately . the first u.s. soldiers to arrive on the scene told military investigators they found no evidence the contractors were fired upon , a source familiar with a preliminary u.s. military report told cnn . the indictments are `` a step in the right direction , '' said mohammad abdul razzaq , whose 9-year-old son , ali , was killed at nusoor square in baghdad . `` it was heinous crime and a painful incident , -lsb- but -rsb- we can overcome that if a just verdict is handed down . ''<doc-sep>a federal jury returned guilty verdicts for all four former blackwater security guards charged in the 2007 shootings of more than 30 iraqis in baghdad . the jury in washington found nicholas slatten guilty of first-degree murder , and the three other guards -- paul slough , evan liberty and dustin heard -- guilty of at least three counts of voluntary manslaughter . the four men were charged with a combined 33 counts in the shootings , but the jury had reached verdicts on only part of the charges after weeks of deliberations . district court judge royce c. lamberth allowed the jury to announce the verdicts agreed upon , with the expectation jurors would continue deliberating on the other counts . scroll down for video . guilty : the jury in washington found blackwater worldwide soldier nicholas slatten -lrb- seen in a june 2014 file photo -rrb- guilty of first-degree murder in the 2007 shootings . scandal : paul slough , right and nick slatten were found guilty in the shootings that caused an international uproar -lrb- seen in december 2008 -rrb- . lengthy : former blackwater worldwide security guard dustin heard leaves federal court in washington in this january 2009 file photo . the case was mired in legal battles for years , making it uncertain whether the defendants would ever be tried . attorney : bill coffield , a lawyer for blackwater security guard evan liberty , speaks to media as he leaves federal court on wednesday . the shootings on sept. 16 , 2007 , caused an international uproar over the role of defense contractors in urban warfare . the state department hired blackwater to protect american diplomats in baghdad , the iraqi capital , and elsewhere in the country . blackwater convoys of four heavily armored vehicles operated in risky environments where car bombs and attacks by insurgents were common . slatter was charged with first-degree murder ; the others were charged with voluntary manslaughter , attempted manslaughter and gun charges . the case was mired in legal battles for years , making it uncertain whether the defendants would ever be tried . the trial focused on the killings of 14 iraqis and the wounding of 17 others . during an 11-week trial , prosecutors summoned 72 witnesses , including iraqi victims , their families and former colleagues of the defendant blackwater guards . there was sharp disagreement over the facts in the case . the defendants ' lawyers said there was strong evidence the guards were targeted with gunfire from insurgents and iraqi police , leading the guards to shoot back in self-defense . federal prosecutors said there was no incoming gunfire and that the shootings by the guards were unprovoked . the prosecution focused on the defendants ' intent , contending that some of the blackwater guards harbored a low regard and deep hostility toward iraqi civilians . michael j. baratz , one of the attorneys for former blackwater security guard paul slough , walks from federal court . attorneys for former blackwater guard nicholas slatten walk away from the courthouse . slatten was found guilty of first-degree murder . lawyer : thomas connolly , attorney for former blackwater security guard nicholas slatten , leaves federal court on wednesday . deadly : the trial focused on the 2007 baghdad killings of 14 iraqis and the wounding of 17 others . soldier : evan liberty -lrb- pictured in june 2014 -rrb- was also found guilty of at least three counts of voluntary manslaughter . the guards , the prosecution said , held ' a grave indifference ' to the death and injury that their actions probably would cause iraqis . several former blackwater guards testified that they had been generally distrustful of iraqis , based on experience the guards said they had had in being led into ambushes . prosecutors said that from a vantage point inside his convoy 's command vehicle , slatten aimed his sr-25 sniper rifle through a gun portal , killing the driver of a stopped white kia sedan , ahmed haithem ahmed al rubia ` y . at the trial , two iraqi traffic officers and one of the shooting victims testified the car was stopped at the time the shots were fired . the assertion that the car was stopped supported the prosecution argument that the shots were unwarranted . defense lawyers pressed their argument that other blackwater guards -- not slatten -- fired the first shots at the kia sedan and that they did so only after the vehicle moved slowly toward the convoy , posing what appeared to be a threat to the blackwater guards ' safety . once the shooting started , hundreds of iraqi citizens ran for their lives . it was ` gunfire coming from the left , gunfire coming from the right , ' prosecutor anthony asuncion told the jury in closing arguments . one of the government witnesses in the case , blackwater guard jeremy ridgeway , pleaded guilty to killing the driver 's mother , who died in the passenger seat of the white kia next to her son . the maximum sentence for conviction of first-degree murder is life imprisonment . the gun charges carry mandatory minimum prison terms of 30 years . the maximum prison term for involuntary manslaughter is eight years ; for attempted manslaughter it is seven years .<doc-sep>xe 's statement acknowledged that the company 's baghdad `` task order '' ends thursday but was mum on any other roles it still might have in iraq . `` any specific questions on the contract and how it will now be fulfilled should be directed to the state department , '' tyrell said . despite the loss of the embassy security detail , xe continues to hold other contracts with the state department to protect american diplomats elsewhere in the world . the company 's founder , erik prince , resigned as head of the business in march . in january , five former blackwater security guards pleaded not guilty to charges of voluntary manslaughter and other serious crimes stemming from their involvement in the september 16 , 2007 , incident in a baghdad square . a sixth former security guard has pleaded guilty to charges of voluntary manslaughter and attempted manslaughter . blackwater said its employees were returning fire after armed insurgents attacked them , but an iraqi investigation concluded that the guards randomly fired at civilians without provocation . the iraqi government said 17 civilians were killed , although the indictment alleges 14 died . the company does not face any charges . but the baghdad incident exacerbated the feelings of many iraqis that private american security contractors have operated since 2003 with little regard for iraqi law or life . the indictment of the five men represents the first prosecution of non-defense department contractors under the military extraterritorial jurisdiction act . the act was amended in 2004 to allow the justice department to prosecute such personnel providing services `` in support of the mission of the department of defense overseas . '' last year , the state department renewed blackwater 's contract over strong objections from the iraqi government . starting january 1 , the iraqi government has mandated that all contractors obtain iraqi licenses to operate .<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the state department will not renew the contract of security contractor blackwater worldwide when it expires in may , a senior state department official said friday . heavily armed blackwater guards scan downtown baghdad , iraq , from a helicopter in 2003 . the decision was made after the iraqi government refused last week to renew the firm 's operating license because of a 2007 incident in which the iraqi government says security guards -- then employed by blackwater -- fired on and killed 17 iraqis . blackwater 's latest `` task order '' expires in may , and the senior official said that `` one of the conditions is that you have to have a license '' to continue working in the country . `` no license , no renewal , '' the official said . `` if they do n't have a license to operate , we would certainly not renew the task order . '' the official said the decision would not affect other contracts blackwater has with the state department to protect american diplomats around the world . as part of a contract to protect american diplomats and other employees worldwide , the state department hired blackwater for a multiyear assignment in iraq , renewable each year . blackwater , one of three security firms working for the united states in iraq , has one of the biggest security contracts there . officials said the state department is talking with security firms dyncorp international and triple canopy , which share the iraq contract with blackwater , about picking up blackwater 's duties . the iraqi government has been unclear about when blackwater will have to cease operations . but the official said , `` we are working to make sure our people are protected . '' losing the contract will be a huge blow to blackwater . it has been estimated that the iraq contract makes up one-third to one-half of the privately held company 's business . blackwater has about two dozen aircraft in iraq and 1,000 personnel . earlier this month , five former blackwater security guards pleaded not guilty to charges of voluntary manslaughter and other serious crimes stemming from their involvement in the september 16 , 2007 , shootings in a baghdad square . a sixth former security guard has pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and attempted manslaughter . watch why blackwater is notorious among iraqis '' blackwater says its employees were returning fire after they were attacked by armed insurgents . an iraqi investigation concluded that the guards randomly fired at civilians without provocation . the company does not face charges . but the baghdad incident exacerbated the feelings of many iraqis that private american security contractors have operated since 2003 with little regard for iraqi law or life . the indictment of the five men represents the first prosecution of non-defense department contractors under the military extraterritorial jurisdiction act . the act was amended in 2004 to allow the justice department to prosecute such personnel providing services `` in support of the mission of the department of defense overseas . '' the recently approved u.s.-iraqi security agreement specifies that u.s. civilian contractors will no longer be immune from iraqi prosecution for crimes committed in that country . iraq has required the licensing of private security companies since 2004 , but the provision was not strictly enforced . last year , the state department renewed blackwater 's contract over strong objections from the iraqi government . starting january 1 , the iraqi government has mandated that all contractors obtain licenses to operate . as of wednesday , blackwater said it had not been officially notified of any iraqi decision not to renew its license . cnn 's suzanne simons contributed to this report .
<t> `` not even a stone was thrown at them , '' iraqi official says of blackwater guards . </t> <t> iraq says 17 iraqis killed by blackwater guards in baghdad square . </t> <t> blackwater , iraqi officials have starkly different accounts of what happened . </t> <t> iraqi panel is calling for $ 8 million per victim in the september 16 shooting . </t>
iraqi panel : blackwater guards should face murder charges<T>
kampala , uganda -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a fight between ugandan and libyan presidential guards sparked chaos during a ceremony attended by the heads of state from 11 african nations on wednesday . libyan leader moammar gadhafi and ugandan president yoweri museveni attend the opening of the mosque . several of the guards to the visiting heads of state from kenya , tanzania , burundi , rwanda , mali , somalia , sudan and djibouti sustained serious injuries in the fight , which included punches , kicks and the drawing of guns . no leaders were hurt in the melee , though several were knocked over . several journalists also were caught up in the fracas and suffered injuries or lost their grips on cameras and recorders . the incident occurred at the opening of a massive gadhafi national mosque in kampala , a structure begun by the late ugandan dictator idi amin in 1972 and completed with financing from libya , according to african media reports . minutes after libyan leader moammar gadhafi and his host , ugandan president yoweri museveni , jointly unveiled a plaque to mark the event , the libyan guards pushed away the guards of other delegations at the mosque 's entrance . the ugandan guards -- who had traded hostilities with the predominantly-arab libyan guards at every joint event since gadhafi 's arrival in the country sunday -- reacted with fury and fought back . museveni briefly lost his balance when a hefty libyan guard pushed him to a wall . another libyan guard pushed rwandan president paul kagame , who also lost his balance but was caught by his own guards . the vice president of tanzania was knocked over by fighting guards as he was taking his shoes off to enter the mosque .<doc-sep>guards to the rest of the visiting presidents and prime ministers kept their respective leaders out of the fray , with some drawing their guns as the dignitaries looked on in disbelief . some leaders -- notably those from somalia , burundi and djibouti -- were visibly uneasy as guns were drawn on all sides . by the time the fight was over more than six minutes later , about a dozen presidential guards were left bleeding from compound fractures and the libyan and ugandan protocol officials traded bitter accusations of disrespect and racism . `` what are your people up to ? do you want to kill our leader ? '' a libyan protocol official said to his ugandan counterpart . the ugandan official , who declined to be named , shouted back , `` why do think you 're superior ? what makes you think uganda has any ill intention against gadhafi ? '' the ugandan official said museveni 's guards were simply doing their job as security for the host country and had a right to respond when the libyan guards pushed them back . it has taken 36 years to complete the giant mosque on a hill in the heart of kampala . it used to be a colonial fort named after british capt. frederick lugard . the mosque can accommodate as many as 17,000 people at one time , according to the engineers , who call it the largest mosque in sub-saharan africa . many muslims interviewed said the mosque 's opening evoked sweet memories of amin , the deceased dictator .<doc-sep>`` it is a great day and thanks be to allah for the completion , '' said salim abdul noor , 39 . `` this should remind us that while amin is demonized as africa 's worst dictator , there are many things he did for this country that successive governments largely depend on , and much of the completed installations and structures like this beautiful mosque was amin 's dream , may allah rest him in peace . '' the swedish vice president of the european islamic conference , adly abu hajar , 57 , said the mosque heals rifts in a religion introduced to uganda in 1844 by arab slave traders . `` i find this complex has brought unity among muslims in uganda . there have been so many factions , but this attraction has brought them together , identifying themselves with a common home . '' the fight prompted a crisis meeting by ugandan security authorities , after which invited diplomats from mainly the european missions in uganda expressed dismay . `` it 's disgrace . it shows there is something wrong yet unknown between the two parties , '' said the head of one european mission in kampala , who declined to be named . the police chief , maj. gen. kale kayihura , and the head of the army , gen. aronda nyakairima , declined to comment on the fight . but capt. edison kwesiga , the spokesman of the ugandan presidential guard brigade , confirmed their hostile relationship with the libyans . `` it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of any visiting head of state . we have to do our job using any means . but our libyan brothers always want us to fail . true , it 's not the first time they come and act as you see , '' kwesiga said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>museveni briefly lost his balance when a hefty libyan guard pushed him to a wall . another libyan guard pushed rwandan president paul kagame , who also lost his balance but was caught by his own guards . the vice president of tanzania was knocked over by fighting guards as he was taking his shoes off to enter the mosque . guards to the rest of the visiting presidents and prime ministers kept their respective leaders out of the fray , with some drawing their guns as the dignitaries looked on in disbelief . some leaders -- notably those from somalia , burundi and djibouti -- were visibly uneasy as guns were drawn on all sides . by the time the fight was over more than six minutes later , about a dozen presidential guards were left bleeding from compound fractures and the libyan and ugandan protocol officials traded bitter accusations of disrespect and racism . `` what are your people up to ? do you want to kill our leader ? '' a libyan protocol official said to his ugandan counterpart . the ugandan official , who declined to be named , shouted back , `` why do think you 're superior ? what makes you think uganda has any ill intention against gadhafi ? ''<doc-sep>kampala , uganda -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a fight between ugandan and libyan presidential guards sparked chaos during a ceremony attended by the heads of state from 11 african nations on wednesday . libyan leader moammar gadhafi and ugandan president yoweri museveni attend the opening of the mosque . several of the guards to the visiting heads of state from kenya , tanzania , burundi , rwanda , mali , somalia , sudan and djibouti sustained serious injuries in the fight , which included punches , kicks and the drawing of guns . no leaders were hurt in the melee , though several were knocked over . several journalists also were caught up in the fracas and suffered injuries or lost their grips on cameras and recorders . the incident occurred at the opening of a massive gadhafi national mosque in kampala , a structure begun by the late ugandan dictator idi amin in 1972 and completed with financing from libya , according to african media reports . minutes after libyan leader moammar gadhafi and his host , ugandan president yoweri museveni , jointly unveiled a plaque to mark the event , the libyan guards pushed away the guards of other delegations at the mosque 's entrance . the ugandan guards -- who had traded hostilities with the predominantly-arab libyan guards at every joint event since gadhafi 's arrival in the country sunday -- reacted with fury and fought back .<doc-sep>mogadishu , somalia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a double car bomb attack outside of a hotel in somalia 's capital wednesday night killed at least one person and injured up to a dozen others , police said . police official yusuf ali said the first suicide car bomb exploded outside the main gate of the jazeera palace hotel , with the second blast from a parked car following as first responders began gathering to evacuate the injured . three of the wounded were security personnel stationed outside the gate . at the time of the mogadishu blasts , there were several senior members of the somali government inside the jazeera hotel . it is believed the injured guards were part of the security detail of government officials . of the 12 people injured , some were seriously wounded and transported to local hospitals . no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks . last month , another bombing at a hotel in the capital left five people dead and at least 15 wounded , a government spokesman said . a car bomb went off on november 8 outside hotel makkah al-mukarama in central mogadishu , abdikarim hussein guled , the african country 's interior and national security minister , told local media . those killed included abdulkadir ali , the somalian government 's former acting envoy to britain better known as `` dhub , '' said abdirahman omar osman , presidential spokesperson . some of somalia 's violence has been traced to al-shabaab , an al qaeda-linked organization that the u.s. government calls a terrorist group and was behind the deadly siege earlier this fall of a nairobi , kenya , shopping mall . a u.s. military drone strike in southern somalia in late october killed two suspected al-shabaab members , u.s. officials said . and a recent joint raid by kenyan and somali forces killed at least 30 people believed to be part of that group . in september 2012 , somalia 's new president , hassan sheikh mohamud , escaped an apparent assassination attempt at the jazeera hotel , just two days after being selected as the troubled country 's new leader . according to a presidential press officer and several journalists at the scene , early indications are that the attack was carried out by two suicide bombers who set off explosives at the gates of the jazeera palace hotel , where the president was having high-level meetings . at least four somali government soldiers and one african union soldier were killed in that attack , according to journalists at the scene . journalist omar nor reported from mogadishu , and cnn 's ray sanchez wrote this story from new york .<doc-sep>jundallah claims it has no separatist aspirations but rather it wants the predominantly shiite country to stop persecuting the sunni balochis who live in the province . the province lies about 700 miles -lrb- 1,100 kilometers -rrb- southeast of tehran . iran said jundallah was behind a suicide bombing in the province that killed more than 40 people -- including several members of iran 's revolutionary guards -- in october . jundallah also is blamed for a mosque attack in may that killed more than a dozen worshippers and injured at least 55 in the province .
<t> ugandan officer reports tensions with libyan leader 's guards during visit . </t> <t> leaders gathered for opening of massive mosque in kampala , uganda . </t> <t> about a dozen presidential guards seen bleeding from compound fractures . </t>
guards for african leaders battle ⁇ dozen injured<T>
karbala , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a female suicide bomber apparently targeting shiite worshippers killed at least 40 people and wounded at least 65 in karbala on monday , according to an interior ministry official . iraqi security forces gather around the site of a car bomb explosion in baghdad on monday . the incident occurred one-half mile from the imam hussein shrine of karbala . karbala is a shiite holy city , and the imam hussein shrine is one of shiite islam 's holiest locations . the shrine marks the burial spot of hussein bin ali , the grandson of the prophet mohammed , who was killed in battle nearby in 680 . no more information was immediately available about the blast southwest of the capital city , baghdad . earlier monday , in baghdad , a roadside bomb exploded near an iraqi police patrol , killing one officer and wounding another , the interior ministry told cnn . a short time later , another roadside bomb exploded near an iraqi police patrol on palestine street in eastern baghdad , wounding four bystanders , a ministry official said . the first attack took place about 8:30 a.m. in the upscale mansour neighborhood , where law enforcement officials have come under frequent attacks in recent weeks .<doc-sep>also monday , two american soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb north of baghdad , officials said . the incident occurred about 12:20 p.m. as the soldiers were `` conducting a route-clearance combat operation north of baghdad , '' according to a news release . the names of the soldiers were not immediately released . meanwhile , u.s. vice president dick cheney arrived in the iraqi capital monday on an unannounced visit . cheney told reporters that the five years in iraq since the war 's start has been `` well worth the effort . '' he said he met with top iraqi officials . he appeared at a news conference with gen. david petraeus , the top u.s. commander in iraq , and ryan crocker , the u.s. ambassador to the country . cheney began a trip to the middle east on sunday with an official itinerary that listed stops in oman , saudi arabia , turkey , israel and the west bank , according to the white house . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's mohammed tawfeeq contributed to this report .<doc-sep>yusufiya , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- female suicide bombers , who often slip through security checkpoints untouched because of cultural norms , are taking a more deadly toll than ever across iraq . a female suicide bomber struck northeast of baghdad on sunday , killing 16 . but the u.s. army has created a solution with `` daughters of iraq , '' a program that trains iraqi women to find female suicide bombers . women carried out eight bombings in all of 2007 , according to the u.s. military . halfway through 2008 , the number of female suicide bombers is 20 . a suicide attack carried out by a woman on sunday in baquba killed at least 16 people and wounded another 40 .<doc-sep>the checkpoint is two kilometers -lrb- 1.4 miles -rrb- from baquba , the capital of diyala province . those killed and wounded were mostly members of an anti-al qaeda group , the police said . an awakening council leader was among the dead , police said . an interior ministry official identified the leader as naim al-dulaimi , a high-ranking local leader of the 1920 revolution brigades . the brigades are a former nationalist insurgent group turned into an awakening group , fighting al qaeda in iraq . there have been about two dozen female suicide bombings in iraq . the bulk of them have been in diyala . the ethnically mixed province that stretches north and east of baghdad and borders iran . last month , a female suicide bomber attacked a crowded area in baquba 's center , killing at least 16 people and wounding 40 . police , women and children were among the casualties , authorities said at the time .<doc-sep>2001 - the u.s. state department lists hamas on its official list of terrorist groups . june 12 , 2003 - a suicide bomber disguised as an ultra-orthodox jew detonates himself on a jerusalem bus , killing 16 israelis . hamas claims responsibility . august 20 , 2003 - a suicide bomber detonates himself on a bus killing at least 20 israelis . hamas and islamic jihad claim responsibility . january 2004 - the first hamas female suicide bomber kills four israelis at erez crossing in a joint operation with the al-aqsa martyrs brigades . march 14 , 2004 - hamas and the al-aqsa martyrs brigades claim responsibility for a double attack at the israeli port of ashdod that kills 10 israelis . march 22 , 2004 - hamas leader yassin is killed by israeli air strikes . march 23 , 2004 - dr. abdel aziz rantisi is named as yassin 's successor . april 17 , 2004 - rantisi is killed by an israeli air strike on his car . august 31 , 2004 - the islamic militant group hamas claims responsibility for deadly simultaneous explosions on two buses in the southern israeli city of beer sheva that killed at least 14 people and wounding more than 80 . september 26 , 2004 - a leading member of hamas , izz eldin subhi sheikh khalil , is killed by a car bomb as he leaves his home in damascus , syria . december 12 , 2004 - an attack at a checkpoint on the border between the gaza strip and egypt kills five israelis . hamas claims responsibility .<doc-sep>baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- at least 41 people were killed and 106 others wounded monday in a suicide bombing that targeted shiite pilgrims in northeastern baghdad , iraq 's interior ministry said . the female bomber detonated her explosive vest in the middle of a procession of pilgrims in boob al-sham , in a predominantly shiite area of the iraqi capital , according to an interior ministry official . the detonation took place in a tent set up to search females , according to the baghdad operations command . three volunteer female searchers were among those killed . the attack took place amid tight security as thousands of shiite worshipers are making their way to the holy city of karbala , south of baghdad , to mark the arbaeen -- the end of the 40-day mourning period at the close of ashura . ashura commemorates the martyrdom of hussein , the grandson of the prophet mohammed who was killed in battle in karbala in 680 a.d. . that event helped create the schism between sunnis and shiites , the two main muslim religious movements . there have been a number of roadside bomb and grenade attacks on pilgrims over the past few days . iraqi officials have warned of attacks during the pilgrimage ahead of national elections on march 7 . cnn 's jomana karadsheh contributed to this report .
<t> new : 2 u.s. soldiers killed by roadside bomb in baghdad on monday , u.s. says . </t> <t> new : other roadside bombs in baghdad kill one police officer , injure four people . </t> <t> death toll rises to 40 in explosion in karbala , official says ; 65 injured . </t> <t> explosion was near holy shrine for shiite muslims , burial spot of hussein bin ali . </t>
female suicide bomber kills 40 in iraq , official says<T>
baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- four u.s. soldiers died in a roadside bombing in iraq on sunday , military officials reported , bringing the american toll in the 5-year-old war to the grim milestone of 4,000 deaths . troops emerge from a bunker after receiving the `` all clear '' sunday following a truck bombing in mosul . the four were killed when their vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device while patrolling a neighborhood in southern baghdad , the u.s. military headquarters in iraq reported sunday night . a fifth soldier was wounded in the attack , which took place about 10 p.m. -lrb- 3 p.m. et -rrb- . the u.s. milestone comes just days after americans marked the fifth anniversary of the start of the war . `` no casualty is more or less significant than another ; each soldier , marine , airman and sailor is equally precious and their loss equally tragic , '' rear admiral gregory smith , the u.s. military 's chief spokesman in iraq , said . `` every single loss of a soldier , sailor , airman or marine is keenly felt by military commanders , families and friends both in theatre and at home , '' smith said . of the 4,000 u.s. military personnel killed in the war , 3,263 have been killed in attacks and fighting and 737 in non-hostile incidents , such as traffic accidents and suicides . eight of the 4,000 killed were civilians working for the pentagon . many of those killed over the years , like the four soldiers slain on sunday in baghdad , have been targeted by improvised explosive devices -- the roadside bombs that have been described as the weapon of choice for insurgents and a weapon that has come to symbolize iraq 's tenacious insurgency . the existence of the pentagon 's joint improvised explosive device defeat organization has been developed to counter the threat of ieds in iraq as well as afghanistan . the group calls ieds the `` weapon of choice for adaptive and resilient networks of insurgents and terrorists . '' watch how ieds have become deadly staple in iraq war '' meanwhile , estimates of the iraqi death toll range from about 80,000 to the hundreds of thousands , with another 2 million forced to leave the country and 2.5 million people displaced within iraq , according to the u.n. high commissioner for refugees . president bush ordered u.s. troops into iraq on march 19 , 2003 , after months of warnings that then-iraqi leader saddam hussein was concealing stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons and efforts to build a nuclear bomb . u.n. weapons inspectors found no sign of banned weapons before the invasion , and the cia later concluded that iraq had dismantled its weapons programs in the 1990s . hussein 's government fell in early april 2003 , and iraq 's new government executed him in december 2006 . the news of the 4,000 mark came on the same day that iraq 's national security adviser urged americans to be patient with the progress of the war , contending that it is `` well worth fighting '' because it has implications about `` global terror . ''<doc-sep>`` this is global terrorism hitting everywhere , and they have chosen iraq to be a battlefield . and we have to take them on , '' mowaffak al-rubaie said sunday on cnn 's `` late edition with wolf blitzer . '' `` if we do n't prevail , if we do n't succeed in this war , then we are doomed forever , '' he said . `` i understand and sympathize with the mothers , with the widows , with the children who have lost their beloved ones in this country . `` but honestly , it is well worth fighting and well worth investing the money and the treasure and the sweat and the tears in iraq . '' nearly 160,000 u.s. troops remain in iraq , and the war has cost u.s. taxpayers about $ 600 billion , according to the house budget committee . the conflict is now widely unpopular among americans : a cnn-opinion research corp. poll out wednesday found only 32 percent of americans support the conflict . and 61 percent said they want the next president to remove most u.s. troops within a few months of taking office . in the weekly democratic radio address saturday , sen. bob menendez of new jersey said president bush `` took us to war on the wings of a lie . '' menendez said that the war has depleted the resources and morale of the u.s. military ; diverted national attention away from the war in afghanistan , where al qaeda is regrouping ; and hurt the hunt for osama bin laden . the iraq war has not made americans safer , menendez said , but has instead hurt the u.s. economy . the senator called for a `` responsible new direction '' regarding iraq . cnn learned last week , from several u.s. military officials familiar with the recommendations but not authorized to speak on the record , that senior u.s. military officials are preparing to recommend to bush a four - to six-week `` pause '' in additional troop withdrawals from iraq after the last of the `` surge '' brigades leaves in july . `` if the conditions on the ground dictate that we have to have a pause , then we will have to have a pause , '' al-rubaie said . the return of all five brigades added to the iraq contingent last year could reduce troop levels by up to 30,000 , but still leave approximately 130,000 or more troops in iraq . al-rubaie emphasized sunday that any drawdown of u.s. troops `` has to be based on the conditions on the ground . '' `` it depends on the development and the growth and the equipment and the capabilities of the iraqi security forces , and the preparedness of the iraqi security forces , '' he said . `` this should not be a purely political decision . it should be also a technical , military and intelligence decision . '' but there has been too much `` foot-dragging on key governance questions in iraq , '' democratic sen. ron wyden of oregon said on cnn on sunday . `` it seems to me you put off those troop withdrawals , you send exactly the wrong message to the iraqis . ''<doc-sep>on wednesday , bush will visit the pentagon to be briefed by the joint chiefs of staff , chaired by adm. michael mullen . the american troop level in iraq `` depends on the negotiations that we are engaged in now between the government of iraq and the united states government , '' al-rubaie said . when conditions warrant the withdrawal of american troops , the iraqis will say '' ` thank you very much , indeed , ' '' al-rubaie said . `` a big , big thank you for the united states of america for liberating iraq , for helping us in sustaining the security gains in iraq ... and we will give them a very , very good farewell party then . '' responding to recent remarks from u.s. presidential candidates that iraqis are not taking responsibility for their own future , al-rubaie said iraqis are making political and security gains . `` literally by the day and by the week , we are gradually assuming more responsibility , '' he said , noting that iraqis have taken responsibility for security in many provinces . other developments : . • u.s. troops raided a suspected suicide bomber cell in diyala province on sunday , killing a dozen militants , half of whom had shaved their bodies -- which the u.s. military says indicates they were in the final stage of preparation for a suicide attack . diyala province stretches north and east of baghdad and has been a major front for u.s. troops fighting militants . • several mortars landed in baghdad 's international zone on sunday , according to the interior ministry . a u.s. embassy spokeswoman said there were no major casualties . watch smoke rise from the green zone '' • a suicide car bomb exploded at a fuel station sunday in a predominantly shiite neighborhood in northwest baghdad , killing seven people and wounding 12 others , the interior ministry said . • a suicide bomber detonated a truck full of explosives outside the main gate of an iraqi military base in mosul , killing at least 10 iraqi soldiers and wounding 35 people , including 20 soldiers , mosul police said . the u.s. military put the death toll higher , at 12 . • a mortar round landed in a shiite neighborhood in eastern baghdad , killing seven people and injuring nine others , a ministry official said . six more mortar rounds landed in other baghdad neighborhoods sunday night , killing three people , the interior ministry said . • in southeastern baghdad , gunmen riding in at least two cars opened fire on a crowded outdoor market , killing at least three people and wounding 17 others , the interior ministry said . • a suicide bomber detonated a small truck rigged with explosives outside a local awakening council leader 's house just east of samarra on saturday , killing at least five people and wounding 13 others , a samarra police official said . awakening councils are largely sunni security groups that have been recruited by the u.s. military . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's mohammed tawfeeq contributed to this report .<doc-sep>the worst attack happened in the town of taji , about 12 miles north of the capital . police said bombs planted around five houses in the sunni town exploded an hour after dawn , killing 17 . officers who rushed to the scene to help were hit by a suicide bomber in the crowd , killing another 11 . and in a brazen attack on iraq 's . military , three carloads of gunmen pulled up at an army base near the . northeast town of town of udaim and started firing at forces . horrific : an iraqi man receives medical treatment at a hospital in kirkuk , in northern iraq . the attacks come days after the leader of al-qaida in iraq warned that the militant group is reorganizing . thirteen soldiers were killed , and the gunmen escaped before they could be caught , two senior police officials said . the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information . the overall toll made it the deadliest day in iraq since u.s. troops left in mid-december . before today , the deadliest day was january 5 , when a wave of bombings targeting shiites killed 78 people in baghdad and outside the southern city of nasiriyah . last weekend in a statement that . was posted on a militant website bakr al-baghdadi said : ` the majority of the sunnis in iraq . support al-qaida and are waiting for its return . ' bloodshed : people inspect a destroyed vehicle after a bomb attack in madain , about 15 miles southeast of baghdad . the blasts took place within a few hours of each other and were mainly targeted at security forces and government officials . brutal : a woman walks at the site of car bomb attack in sadr city , in northeastern baghdad . the overall toll made it the deadliest day in iraq since u.s. troops left in mid-december . iraqi militants have kept up a steady drumbeat of deadly attacks since the u.s. pulled out in december , ending nearly a decade of war . ` al-qaida is trying to send a message that it is still strong and can choose the time and places to attack , ' said shiite lawmaker hakim al-zamili , a member of parliament 's security and defense committee . he said weaknesses in iraq 's ability to gather intelligence about terror plots , or stop them despite security checkpoints has shown how toothless the government is in protecting its people . sectarian tensions have risen due to a political crisis stemming from terror charges the shiite-led government has filed against one of the country 's vice presidents , who is one of iraq 's top sunni officials . he says they are politically inspired . video : injured taken to hospital after twin blast in iraq kills six .<doc-sep>the u.s. troops who remain are now tasked with supporting iraqi troops and police , and must seek iraqi permission to launch operations in the cities . the top u.s. general in the country said tuesday that much of the country was safe . `` there is not widespread violence in iraq , '' gen. ray odierno told reporters in a video conference from baghdad . `` there 's still gon na be bumps in the road . there 's still gon na be violence here , '' he added . meanwhile , the death toll from a huge blast in northern iraq rose to 35 , local security officials said wednesday .<doc-sep>in the town of mosul , two suspected suicide attackers were shot dead by iraqi security forces as they were attempting to carry out an attack , police officials said . the death toll in iraq has fluctuated over the past four months as u.s. troops completed their withdrawal . in november 185 iraqis were killed , the majority of them civilians , according to sources within iraq 's ministry of interior . in december , that number dropped to 155 . iraqi government figures for january showed 151 deaths in violence . however , sources with the ministry of interior disputed that , saying 293 people were killed . and the london-based iraq body count group , which tracks civilian deaths , put january 's deaths at more than 400 . `` the situation is worsening , '' said hamit dardagan , co-founder and principal analyst of the organization . january 's figure `` shows a constant level of violence that does n't seem to let up . '' while the 2011 death toll -- more than 4,000 , according to iraq body count -- was drastically lower than that recorded at the height of the violence , between 2005 and 2007 , the group predicted in a january 2011 report that a low level of conflict in iraq would continue to claim a number of civilian lives for years to come .<doc-sep>baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the remains of two u.s. contractors who were kidnapped in iraq have been found , fbi officials said monday . the bureau identified the two as ronald withrow of roaring springs , texas , abducted on january 5 , 2007 , and john roy young of kansas city , missouri , who was captured on november 16 , 2006 . withrow worked for las vegas , nevada-based jpi worldwide inc. , and young worked for crescent security group . the fbi said it had notified the families of the contractors . meanwhile , four u.s. soldiers died sunday night in a roadside bombing in iraq , military officials reported , bringing the american toll in the 5-year-old war to 4,000 deaths . the four were killed when a homemade bomb hit their vehicle as they patrolled in a southern baghdad neighborhood , the u.s. military headquarters in iraq said . a fifth soldier was wounded . the grim milestone comes less than a week after the fifth anniversary of the start of the war . `` no casualty is more or less significant than another ; each soldier , marine , airman and sailor is equally precious and their loss equally tragic , '' said rear adm. gregory smith , the u.s. military 's chief spokesman in iraq . `` every single loss of a soldier , sailor , airman or marine is keenly felt by military commanders , families and friends both in theater and at home . ''
<t> new : as iraq war enters sixth year , american death toll rises to 4,000 . </t> <t> new : four u.s. soldiers killed when their vehicle was hit by an ied . </t> <t> at least 30 iraqis died sunday ; 80,000 to 150,000 or more killed since war 's start . </t> <t> iraq security adviser said sunday that iraq war is `` well worth fighting '' </t>
blast kills 4 , raising u.s. toll in iraq to 4,000<T>
-lrb- this old house -rrb- -- unless you 're a perfect caretaker of your lawn -lrb- and , really , who is ? -rrb- , prepare for another round in the turf wars this summer . you 'll have to deal with a full frontal assault from the dandelions , of course . and an attack from the crabgrass . but you 'll face more stealthy opponents , too : root-chomping grubs and microscopic mildew that turn the grass from green to gray or brown . `` if a lawn is neglected , or cared for in a hit-or-miss way , it gets weak , '' says this old house landscape contractor roger cook . `` and that 's when weeds , insects , or fungal diseases become a major problem . '' little wonder that last year almost 50 million homeowners bought products to fight these invaders . but as in most battles , the best defense is a strong offense : doing everything right to cultivate healthy turf . that means giving it up to an inch and a half of water per week ; aerating and dethatching annually so water and nutrients can get down to the roots ; mowing with a sharp blade to the right height -lrb- ask your local garden center what 's best where you live -rrb- ; and fertilizing in spring and fall . so promise yourself -- and your turf -- you 'll do that this year . in the meantime , here 's how to conquer the most common turf problems you 're likely to confront this summer . fungal disease . symptoms : circular patches of yellow-to-brown grass ; or blades with tiny red threads . culprits : powdery mildew , brown patch , dollar spot , and fusarium patch ; or red thread . these fungal diseases can take hold of stressed turf . solutions : though lawns will generally recover from small areas of infection , if a fungus is progressively marching across your yard , look for a fungicide with the active ingredient thiophanate-methyl and follow the directions . for an organic fix , search out a corn-gluten mix that will cure brown patch and weaken most other fungi . then nurse your lawn back to health by practicing good lawn-care habits : avoid excessive shade -lrb- prune back trees and large shrubs , if necessary -rrb- and too many applications of fertilizer , herbicides , or pesticides . carefully monitor your turf 's moisture intake and never water in the evening . weeds . symptoms : fast-growing and unruly greenery that quickly overtakes surrounding grass . this old house : what type of grass is right for your yard . culprits : crabgrass or broadleaf weeds such as dandelion , purslane , henbit , and chickweed that commonly pop up where soil is compacted and grass has n't completely taken root . to check for compacted soil , stick a screwdriver into the ground ; it should slide in easily . solutions : the first step is to eradicate any foreign invaders . the best approach is to pull them out by hand using a weeder or a hoe . this will also loosen the soil in affected areas . or use a liquid herbicide in a hand sprayer to spot-treat an infestation . if weeds are too plentiful to be pulled , check your garden center for a `` weed-and-feed '' blend of granular fertilizer and herbicide that will kill weeds without harming turf types commonly grown in your area , or look for an organic fertilizer with corn gluten . be sure to follow the directions on the box exactly , as some formulas must be applied during a dry spell or need a 24-hour breather with no foot traffic . from here on out , mow up to twice a week during the beginning of summer when grass grows swiftly , and raise the mower blade an inch during hot or dry periods . water well as the summer heats up , and your turf should naturally overtake the weeds . in the fall , open up compacted soil poke holes with a pitchfork over a small yard , or rent a power aerator for large yards and overseed the lawn . you may want to follow up with a pre-emergent herbicide next spring .<doc-sep>insects . symptoms : brown turf that becomes loose enough to lift like a mat . culprits : white grubs , a catch-all name for root-chomping beetle larvae , including june bugs , japanese beetles , and masked chafers . to be sure that 's what you 've got , cut a square foot of infected turf and roll it back , looking for pale , half-inch - to inch-long c-shaped bugs . if you find more than six , treat the turf . this old house : meet the good bugs . solutions : grubs are the biggest threat to lawns , and pesticides formulated with imidacloprid are proven effective . for an organic fix , spread powdered milky spore or lay down beneficial nematodes-microscopic worms that will feed on the grubs if they 're present . with nematodes , timing the application with their life cycle is critical , so be sure to follow the directions on the box exactly . both milky spore and nematodes can be ordered from some garden centers or online -lrb- -rrb- . symptoms : irregular-shaped patches of brownish-yellow grass . culprits : chinch bugs , gray-black , quarter-inch-long insects that suck moisture from grass and are most likely to attack st. augustine and zoysia grasses in the south and kentucky bluegrass in the north . to spot them , bury an empty coffee can , with both ends removed , at the edge of the affected area and fill it with water . the bugs will seek out the moisture , then float to the top . if you see more than 10 after 20 minutes , you should address the problem . solutions : chinch bugs live on the surface , among thatch , so dethatching will reduce their numbers . to eradicate them completely , look for an appropriate insecticide with a pyrethroid ingredient . longer-term , overseed with chinch-bug-resistant grasses . symptoms : patches of thin lawn with blades chewed off at the base . culprits : sod webworms and tropical sod webworms , hairless cream-to-gray spotted caterpillars that grow into small , buff-colored moths at maturity . the tropical species that thrive in warm southern climates cause the most harm . to check for webworms , mix two tablespoons of mild detergent with two gallons of water ; pour it over the infested turf . any larvae will float to the top . solutions : you can try flooding your lawn to drown them . or choose an appropriate insecticide ; in an organic product , look for the ingredients azadirachtin or spinosad . with extreme cases of tropical webworm infestation you may need to replace the turf with a resistant grass mix . tip : if dogs regularly make a pit stop of your lawn , keep a hose or water bucket nearby . dog urine is high in nitrogen , which can `` burn '' turf , creating a good-sized yellow patch . the best fix is immediate action : flush the area asap with water to dilute it . once badly burned , grass wo n't come back on its own-you 'll have to rake out the dead stuff and reseed . this old house : what to do when your yard is bowser 's bathroom e-mail to a friend . get 2 free trial issues . copyright © 2008 this old house ventures , inc. .<doc-sep>d . if you are experiencing this on your iphone 4 , avoid covering the black strip in the lower-left corner of the metal band . e . the use of a case or bumper that is made out of rubber or plastic may improve wireless performance by keeping your hand from directly covering these areas . 2 . do not perform warranty service . use the positioning above for any customer questions or concerns . 3 . do n't forget you still need to probe and troubleshoot . if a customer calls about their reception while the phone is sitting on a table -lrb- not being held -rrb- it is not the metal band . 4 . only escalate if the issue exists when the phone is not held and you can not resolve it . 5 . we are not appeasing customers with free bumpers -- do n't promise a free bumper to customers . © 2013 . all rights reserved .<doc-sep>-lrb- this old house -rrb- -- unless you 're a perfect caretaker of your lawn -lrb- and , really , who is ? -rrb- , prepare for another round in the turf wars this summer . you 'll have to deal with a full frontal assault from the dandelions , of course . and an attack from the crabgrass . but you 'll face more stealthy opponents , too : root-chomping grubs and microscopic mildew that turn the grass from green to gray or brown . `` if a lawn is neglected , or cared for in a hit-or-miss way , it gets weak , '' says this old house landscape contractor roger cook . `` and that 's when weeds , insects , or fungal diseases become a major problem . '' little wonder that last year almost 50 million homeowners bought products to fight these invaders . but as in most battles , the best defense is a strong offense : doing everything right to cultivate healthy turf . that means giving it up to an inch and a half of water per week ; aerating and dethatching annually so water and nutrients can get down to the roots ; mowing with a sharp blade to the right height -lrb- ask your local garden center what 's best where you live -rrb- ; and fertilizing in spring and fall . so promise yourself -- and your turf -- you 'll do that this year . in the meantime , here 's how to conquer the most common turf problems you 're likely to confront this summer . fungal disease . symptoms : circular patches of yellow-to-brown grass ; or blades with tiny red threads . culprits : powdery mildew , brown patch , dollar spot , and fusarium patch ; or red thread . these fungal diseases can take hold of stressed turf . solutions : though lawns will generally recover from small areas of infection , if a fungus is progressively marching across your yard , look for a fungicide with the active ingredient thiophanate-methyl and follow the directions . for an organic fix , search out a corn-gluten mix that will cure brown patch and weaken most other fungi . then nurse your lawn back to health by practicing good lawn-care habits : avoid excessive shade -lrb- prune back trees and large shrubs , if necessary -rrb- and too many applications of fertilizer , herbicides , or pesticides . carefully monitor your turf 's moisture intake and never water in the evening . weeds .<doc-sep>intelligent design or religion but with his own stubbornness , ' said fox . experienced : coppedge worked as a ` team lead ' on the cassini mission exploring saturn and its many moons before being demoted and sacked . william becker , coppedge 's attorney , argued his client was sacked because he advocated for intelligent design in . the workplace , handed out dvds on the theory and argued with a colleague . about proposition 8 , which banned gay marriage in california . becker claimed that a supervisor told . coppedge to ` stop pushing your religion , ' and that his client was . retaliated against for disputing a written warning and filing a lawsuit . against the lab . ` imagine if employees were told , `` stop . pushing your gay agenda or stop pushing your feminist agenda , your . civil rights agenda , '' ' becker said during the closing arguments . his main duties at jpl were to maintain computer networks and troubleshoot technical problems for the mission . in 2000 , he was named ` team lead ' , serving as a liaison between technicians and managers for nearly a decade before being demoted in 2009 . he was stripped of his title and responsibilities but his salary stayed the same . coppedge filed suit in 2010 and then was sacked the next year as part of large cutbacks . nasa : the jet propulsion laboratory in california has landed robotic explorers on the surface of mars and sent probes to outer planets . coppedge said he believes his support . for a state ballot measure that sought to define marriage as limited to . heterosexual couples and his request to rename the annual holiday party a . ` christmas party ' were factors in his demotion and sacking . ` david had this reputation for being a . christian , for being a practising one . he did not go around . evangelising or proselytising , ' becker said at the start of the case . ` but if he found out that someone was a christian he would say , `` oh that 's interesting , what denomination are you ? '' ` he 's not apologising for who he is . he 's an evangelical christian . '<doc-sep>symptoms : fast-growing and unruly greenery that quickly overtakes surrounding grass . this old house : what type of grass is right for your yard . culprits : crabgrass or broadleaf weeds such as dandelion , purslane , henbit , and chickweed that commonly pop up where soil is compacted and grass has n't completely taken root . to check for compacted soil , stick a screwdriver into the ground ; it should slide in easily . solutions : the first step is to eradicate any foreign invaders . the best approach is to pull them out by hand using a weeder or a hoe . this will also loosen the soil in affected areas . or use a liquid herbicide in a hand sprayer to spot-treat an infestation . if weeds are too plentiful to be pulled , check your garden center for a `` weed-and-feed '' blend of granular fertilizer and herbicide that will kill weeds without harming turf types commonly grown in your area , or look for an organic fertilizer with corn gluten . be sure to follow the directions on the box exactly , as some formulas must be applied during a dry spell or need a 24-hour breather with no foot traffic . from here on out , mow up to twice a week during the beginning of summer when grass grows swiftly , and raise the mower blade an inch during hot or dry periods . water well as the summer heats up , and your turf should naturally overtake the weeds . in the fall , open up compacted soil poke holes with a pitchfork over a small yard , or rent a power aerator for large yards and overseed the lawn . you may want to follow up with a pre-emergent herbicide next spring . insects . symptoms : brown turf that becomes loose enough to lift like a mat . culprits : white grubs , a catch-all name for root-chomping beetle larvae , including june bugs , japanese beetles , and masked chafers . to be sure that 's what you 've got , cut a square foot of infected turf and roll it back , looking for pale , half-inch - to inch-long c-shaped bugs . if you find more than six , treat the turf . this old house : meet the good bugs . solutions : grubs are the biggest threat to lawns , and pesticides formulated with imidacloprid are proven effective . for an organic fix , spread powdered milky spore or lay down beneficial nematodes-microscopic worms that will feed on the grubs if they 're present . with nematodes , timing the application with their life cycle is critical , so be sure to follow the directions on the box exactly . both milky spore and nematodes can be ordered from some garden centers or online -lrb- -rrb- . symptoms : irregular-shaped patches of brownish-yellow grass .
<t> a good corn-gluten mix cures brown patches and weakens most fungi . </t> <t> brown patches are often indicative of bug problems . </t> <t> dog urine is high is nitrogen , so flush affected areas with water . </t>
troubleshoot your turf<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- for two weeks in 1976 , nadia comaneci was probably the most recognizable person on the planet . comaneci scored seven perfect 10s in montreal in 1976 . just 14-years-old and standing less than five feet tall , the elfin romanian was the undisputed star of that year 's games in montreal after becoming the first gymnast in history to score a perfect 10 . comaneci finished up with three gold medals and -- just to prove that her initial effort had been no fluke -- seven perfect scores . her initial performance on the uneven parallel bars was greeted with uproar as the three-digit scoreboard , struggling to cope with what had been considered an unachievable feat , flashed up 1.00 . comaneci finished with four perfect 10s and the gold medal on the bars , but it was on the balance beam , one of gymnastics ' most dangerous disciplines , that comaneci truly dazzled . seemingly fearless , comaneci pirouetted and back-flipped her way to two more perfect 10s and her second gold . her final perfect score came in the floor routine as she also collected first place in the overall competition . comaneci 's transformation into an international celebrity -- she appeared on the front covers of time , newsweek and sports illustrated in the same week -- had been as unexpected as it was sudden . yet comaneci had been working towards the olympics ever since she had been picked out as a gymnast of rare talents as a six-year-old growing up in the industrial town of onesti .<doc-sep>the reality of life as an olympic champion at home in nicolae ceausescu 's romania however , was not easy . constant surveillance comaneci was honored as a hero of socialist labor on her return home , yet the regime -- terrified that comaneci would defect after enjoying her taste of western celebrity -- kept its greatest star under constant surveillance . four years later , a very different comaneci returned to olympic competition in moscow . as an 18-year-old , she was four inches taller , 20 pounds heavier and suffering from sciatica -- a teenage starlet already starting to fade . still , comaneci was able to retain her gold medal on the balance beam , and collected another one in the floor exercises . but she was also involved in one of the bitterest incidents of the games when she was controversially beaten in the all-round competition by the soviet gymnast yelena davydova . it took the judges 28 minutes to decide the result and , ultimately , it was a lower score from the soviet judge -- perhaps reflecting the worsening relations between the soviet union and its formerly loyal satellite -- that denied comaneci her second straight gold in the event . comaneci retired in 1984 , traveling to los angeles that year as a team coach , yet she found it difficult to adjust to a life out of the spotlight . in 1989 , a few weeks before the collapse of the ceausescu regime , she defected to the united states , finally settling in norman , oklahoma to run a gymnastics school after marrying u.s. gymnastics star bart conner in 1996 . in 2000 comaneci was named as one of the athletes of the century by the laureus world sports academy . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- for two weeks in 1976 , nadia comaneci was probably the most recognizable person on the planet . comaneci scored seven perfect 10s in montreal in 1976 . just 14-years-old and standing less than five feet tall , the elfin romanian was the undisputed star of that year 's games in montreal after becoming the first gymnast in history to score a perfect 10 . comaneci finished up with three gold medals and -- just to prove that her initial effort had been no fluke -- seven perfect scores . her initial performance on the uneven parallel bars was greeted with uproar as the three-digit scoreboard , struggling to cope with what had been considered an unachievable feat , flashed up 1.00 .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- it 's 25 years since the end of communist rule in romania , and although much may have changed in the east european nation , its production line of gymnasts continues to generate champions . from nadia comaneci , the sport 's first `` perfect 10 '' back in the 1970s , to multiple '80s gold medalist ecaterina szabo and the post-revolution exploits of simona amanar , the country 's young women have set benchmarks of excellence . standing less than five foot tall , but with deceptively long legs , the 18-year-old larisa iordache is the latest to be dubbed the `` new nadia . '' having helped romania to a team bronze at the london 2012 olympics , she has blossomed this year -- claiming two golds at the european championships as the only gymnast to qualify for all four finals and finishing runner-up in the all-round competition at last week 's worlds in china . `` i did n't choose gymnastics -- it chose me . it just happened . i am very glad to have got so far , '' she tells cnn 's human to hero series . iordache was spotted as a child playing in a park , chasing her brother on rollerblades .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- nadia comaneci will forever be remembered as the first gymnast to achieve the perfect score of 10 in olympic competition on the way to winning three gold medals at the 1976 montreal games . comaneci , who was just 14 , went into the olympics with admittedly `` very , very low expectations '' -- but in the space of a few short days became one of the most recognizable athletes on the planet . competing for romania , she was awarded seven scores of 10 during the course of the competition as she took gold in the uneven bars , beam and all-round disciplines , backed up by a silver in the team event and bronze on the floor . `` it 's hard to believe it 's 36 years since i did that , it does n't feel that long , but it is . i remember everything , all the routines , '' she said in an interview for cnn 's human to hero series . coached by the famous combination of bela and marta karolyi , who trained many gymnastics champions , comaneci went on to claim two more gold medals at the 1980 olympics in moscow and captured two world championship golds and nine at european championship level . she retired from competition in 1981 and turned to coaching , but in 1989 , shortly before the revolution which other threw romanian president nicolae ceaucescu , comaneci defected to the united states . in 1994 she became engaged to american gymnast bart conner , who had first met her back in 1976 . they married in 1996 in bucharest as she returned to her native country for the first time since defecting . comaneci became a u.s. citizen in 2001 and is still involved in gymnastics through an academy she runs with conner , while holding a number of honorary positions with the romanian and international federations . early years . spotted by the karolyis at the age of six , comaneci started training at their academy in her hometown of onesti . `` i did n't know i wanted to be a gymnast , i was just introduced to the gym , '' she said . `` i loved the place because it looked like a hi-tech playground with mats and a lot of things i can hang from . `` but i like the competition . and probably if i did n't do gymnastics i would have done a different sport and hopefully i would have been good enough . '' that competitive edge helped her burst onto the international scene with four golds at the european championships in norway in 1975 , and the following year came olympic immortality . inspirations . in a golden era for women 's gymnastics , the 1972 olympics in munich featured two competitors who were a big influence on comaneci as she watched at home in romania . she admired the graceful ludmilla tourischeva , who won the all-round gold title , but it was another soviet union entrant , the diminutive olga korbut , who captured her imagination -- and that of the international audience -- in winning three gold medals . `` olga korbut was the famous gymnast in that time , but i was watching her in the gymnastics and i said to myself , ' i hope one day i will be like her , ' '' said comaneci . four years later they competed against each other in montreal , with korbut winning gold as part of a russian team which relegated romania to silver . perfection . while comaneci missed out on that team gold , it was her performances in the individual and all-round disciplines that catapulted the teenager to fame . competing in the uneven bars final , comaneci first achieved perfection , a mark of 10 from the judges . but there was an element of farce as she awaited her score . `` first of all it was not 10 , it was a one point zero zero because the computers could n't cope ! '' she recalled . `` they were not prepared for the 10 , so they did n't make enough space after the decimal to be able to accommodate the 10 . `` they said it was a one point zero zero or a hundred , which meant nothing in gymnastics , or a one is ... a one is a really bad score . '' after the technical glitch was sorted , comaneci was able to celebrate with her teammates , but in contrast to the emotional korbut , she rarely showed emotion during competition and was the butt of some criticism for her demeanor . `` i always said that i was the kind of person who did n't smile all the time , but i did smile at the end of the routine , '' comaneci said . `` i think that when you are on a four-inch balance beam , you do n't care about laughing or smiling or waving to the crowd because you 're going to be down in a second . '' looking back on her feat , the gymnastics equivalent of the first four-minute mile in athletics , comaneci almost downplays her achievement . `` people ask me what the definition of perfection , i said it 's none , there is no definition of perfection . at some particular time when i was 14 years old , i 've done something that people did n't expect , '' she said . `` it 's a ladder that you climb in life , and i got there first . '' philosophy . comaneci is aware that , like korbut before her , she inspired a generation of gymnasts , but she believes they should stamp their own mark on their career . `` i do n't think you should replicate what i 've done , everybody has to be unique and do their own thing , '' comaneci said . `` i think that the kids should have role models , but i do n't think you should duplicate anybody . you should create your own thing . '' comaneci spent many hours of training from an early age to win her gold medals , and says that is still the recipe for success . `` you have to have a lot of passion for what you do , to be able to work hard and to have a lot of motivation because you 're going to go to places that you 're never going to believe . ''<doc-sep>editor 's note : sarah hughes won the gold medal in figure skating at the 2002 winter olympics in salt lake city , utah , and is a graduate of yale university . medalist sarah hughes says the games are about excellence and unity . -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- what are the first thoughts that pop into your mind when you hear the word olympics ? probably something synonymous with excellence , greatness , excitement , achievement . maybe it 's the striking image of nadia comaneci scoring a perfect 10 etched in your mind , or the experience of following michael phelps ' quest to win a record-breaking eight gold medals last summer in beijing , china . or is it the thrill of watching the 1980 u.s. olympic hockey team winning the gold medal in lake placid , stacked up against unimaginable odds , that occupies that space ? i could go on and on , but whatever image the olympics has for you is probably accompanied by a feeling of pride , happiness , joyfulness , maybe even a childlike glee .
<t> olympic gymnast record : 5 gold medals , 3 silver medals , 1 bronze medal . </t> <t> the first gymnast in history to score a perfect 10 . </t> <t> comaneci was honored as a hero of socialist labor . </t> <t> gymnast born on november 12 , 1961 in onesti , romania . </t>
nadia comaneci<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- who would win in a fight : a police-killing , rampage-driven thug or a superhero encased in a technologically superior suit of armor ? `` grand theft auto iv , '' released tuesday , could give `` iron man '' a run for its money this weekend . the answer could come this weekend when video game enthusiasts find out whether `` grand theft auto iv , '' expected to set sales records in the gaming world this week , will steal glory and revenue from a different entertainment empire : the movies . as the hype for `` gta iv '' continues to grow and reviews scream perfection , some speculate that the game will put a dent in marvel studios ' opening weekend box office for `` iron man . '' `` gta iv '' is the ninth incarnation of a video game in which the user acts as a criminal roaming a city . the series has faced criticism for being too violent , because users are allowed to beat , stab , shoot and kill citizens and police officers . `` iron man '' is a movie based on the marvel comic book superhero who creates an impressive suit of armor to save his life and help save the world . `` gta iv '' was released tuesday at midnight and is expected to gross about $ 400 million in the first week . see what makes this violent game so popular '' edward woo , a research analyst specializing in media and interactive entertainment at wedbush morgan securities , said the game 's release date and widespread reach could negatively affect opening box office numbers for `` iron man . '' `` people on friday or saturday might find themselves at home playing this game instead of at the cineplex , '' woo said . '' ` iron man ' will still have a pretty good release , but intuitively , i think it 's got be impacted when both share a similar audience and genre . ''<doc-sep>because of the time element the game requires of its faithful -- between 30 and 40 hours to finish depending on skill level -- the question is whether gamers will put down their controllers for a couple of hours and go for a change of scenery . paramount vice chairman rob moore said he is n't worried . `` it 's crazy to think that young males ca n't carve out two hours for ` iron man , ' '' he told . `` it 's going to be a great week to be a young guy . '' watch why violence in the game concerns some people '' this weekend wo n't be the first time analysts have speculated about video games damaging box office numbers . last year , with $ 170 million in launch day sales and $ 300 million in its first week , `` halo 3 '' was blamed by some for the poor box office performance of `` the heartbreak kid , '' starring ben stiller . take-two interactive , the parent company of `` gta iv '' publisher rockstar games , predicted that with 6 million preorders worldwide , the game will bring in more than $ 400 million . `` gta iv '' has a chance of surpassing the movie `` pirates of the caribbean : at world 's end '' as the highest-grossing entertainment title in its first week of sales , and that 's across all genres . electronic arts ceo john riccitiello told the financial times this month that movie executives told him , '' ` iron man ' the movie is going to get killed by ` grand theft auto , ' the game . `` i do n't think i 've ever heard of that before , '' he said . the video game market is growing at a rate of 20 to 30 percent this year , but the movie industry is n't seeing as much of an increase , woo said . overall , video game sales as a whole have eclipsed box office sales , he said , but the movie industry catches up when it comes to dvds . ebullient reviews touted the game as `` the godfather '' of video games because of its cult-like following .<doc-sep>andrew reiner , who reviewed `` gta iv '' for game informer , a well-known destination for all things gaming , scored it as a 10.0 / 10.0 under the title of `` perfection . '' `` i now know how film critics felt after screening ` the godfather , ' '' his review began . `` gta iv '' is a `` landscape-changing event that does n't come around very often , '' reiner said . it seems the feelings have translated to the regular consumer too . gamers from norway to britain to america echoed similar sentiments on gaming message boards . d.j. brotherson from winnipeg , canada , said he enjoyed the game so much , he wanted to skip work and keep playing all night , saying it was unlike any game he had ever played . `` the story line is very well-written , '' he said , adding that the game `` plays like an interactive martin scorsese movie . '' `` today , i was as excited as i was when i was 5 years old and i just got my first nintendo entertainment system on christmas day . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>` every . excursion is a surprise , and coupled with an improved check-pointing . mechanism - you 're now no longer punished for attempting missions in . different ways . ` cars all ` feel ' different , and have . lost the wayward steering that plagued the last game . missions no longer stick to the oft . rigid gta formula of driving somewhere and shooting something . ' stuff magazine 's guy cocker wrote : ` grand theft auto v aims ridiculously high and despite those ethical missteps manages to deliver on all of its towering ambitions . ` it 's a game that pushes the boundaries not only of what 's possible in open world games , but what 's possible on the current generation of consoles . ` in gta v , the incredibly detailed world , compelling characters and varied missions combine to create an experience that will live on in your memory long after you 've finished playing . ' the metro 's david jenkins added : ' a staggering technical achievement that is matched only by the depth and ambition of its gameplay -- this is not only the best-looking gta ever but by far the most fun to play . ` impossibly good visuals , in terms of scope and attention to detail . excellent and varied mission design . great car handling and much improved gunplay . yet was n't entirely positive : ` the story is as vague and meandering as usual , with not a single virtuous character in the whole cast . gunplay could still be better and helicopters are a pain . ' keza macdonald , games editor at . , said : ` grand theft auto v is not only a preposterously . enjoyable video game , but also an intelligent and sharp-tongued satire . of contemporary america , ' she added . ` it represents a refinement of . everything that gta iv brought to the table five years ago . it 's . technically more accomplished in every conceivable way , but it 's also . tremendously ambitious in its own right . ` no . other world in video games comes close to this in size or scope , and .<doc-sep>london , branch of game - one of the chain 's 300 stores which opened at . midnight - following a countdown . they . were led in by londoner zohair ali , the first in the queue to pick up a . copy at the flagship shop at westfield stratford city . mr ali punched the air in delight while other gamers rushed to the tills to buy their copies . ` i 'm really excited now that i 've got it in my hands , ' one fan said . ` being one of the biggest games of the year , it 's going to be one of them i 'm on for a long time . ' kevin mcfeely , from game , said the company opened as many branches as it ` physically could ' on launch night . ` our customers really want to get their hands on this game , ' he said . ` people are just really excited in terms of the things that they can do on gta that they could never do before . ' one game staff member described scenes inside the crowded shop as ` chaos ' . a similar hype was evident online , where gta players posted images of themselves with the new game . user daniel son wrote : ` got my copy of gta ! ready to load up this bad boy . ' dave callan added : ` gta is going to make holidays to la feel fairly mundane . ' another user wrote : ` i 've waited patiently for five years but these past few hours have gone by very slowly . soon i will have gta in my hands . ' ishaq siddiqi , market strategist at financial spread betting firm etx capital , described gta as a ` british success story ' . ` the beatles , the rolling stones , led zeppelin , cadbury 's , rolls-royce ... the list of some of the greatest british exports goes on and on , ' he said . rockstar released grand theft auto v worldwide on tuesday . this billboard is on the side of the figueroa hotel in los angeles . ` but not many believed a sandbox violent crime thriller video game series , grand theft auto by rockstar games , would become one of the latest entrants on that list . ' he predicted gta v would follow the same blockbuster success of its predecessors in the series . ` like it or not , gta is a british success story as it has catapulted british game developers into the spotlight over the past decade , ' he said . ` it 's also induced the growth of start-up game development companies in the uk who are looking to mimic the success of rockstar . ' mailonline 's gaming expert talal musa awarded the game five stars : ` this is clearly a well-thought-out and intelligent title - a far cry from the meaningless violence many wrongly -lrb- and unfairly -rrb- infer from its ` grand theft auto ' label . ` the visuals excel in both art design and graphical fidelity . from deep-sea diving to dog fighting in the skies , every inch of gta v 's world has been given equal , immaculate care and attention . ` every excursion is a surprise , and coupled with an improved check-pointing mechanism - you 're now no longer punished for attempting missions in different ways . ` cars all ` feel ' different , and have lost the wayward steering that plagued the last game.missions no longer stick to the oft rigid gta formula of driving somewhere and shooting something . ` stuff magazine 's guy cocker wrote : ` grand theft auto v aims ridiculously high and despite those ethical missteps manages to deliver on all of its towering ambitions . ` it 's a game that pushes the boundaries not only of what 's possible in open world games , but what 's possible on the current generation of consoles . ` in gta v , the incredibly detailed world , compelling characters and varied missions combine to create an experience that will live on in your memory long after you 've finished playing . ' ` every excursion is a surprise , and coupled with an improved check-pointing mechanism - you 're now no longer punished for attempting missions in different ways , ' said mailonline 's talal musa . the metro 's david jenkins added : ' a staggering technical achievement that is matched only by the depth and ambition of its gameplay -- this is not only the best-looking gta ever but by far the most fun to play . ` impossibly good visuals , in terms of scope and attention to detail . excellent and varied mission design . great car handling and much improved gunplay.yet was n't entirely positive : ` the story is as vague and meandering as usual , with not a single virtuous character in the whole cast . gunplay could still be better and helicopters are a pain . ` keza macdonald , games editor at , said : ` grand theft auto v is not only a preposterously enjoyable video game , but also an intelligent and sharp-tongued satire of contemporary america , ' she added . ` it represents a refinement of everything that gta iv brought to the table five years ago . it 's technically more accomplished in every conceivable way , but it 's also tremendously ambitious in its own right . ` no other world in video games comes close to this in size or scope , and there is sharp intelligence behind its sense of humour and gift for mayhem . it tells a compelling , unpredictable , and provocative story without ever letting it get in the way of your own self-directed adventures through san andreas . '<doc-sep>`` accelerating demand for next-gen hardware including the playstation 3 should benefit comparable store sales in the -lsb- present -rsb- period , '' hickey said of the company , who added it is not just demand , but broad demand which is fueling gamestop growth . success for gamestop is `` highly attributable to video game play attracting a mainstream audience , '' with the demographic expansion having much to do with `` new consoles like the wii , which pull back on the geekish complexity of typical content aimed at hardcore gamers . '' but it 's really the library of upcoming games that will supply gamestop with most of its revenue infusion in 2008 . hickey said today he expects that the release of grand theft auto iv could net the company more than $ 100 million -- in a single week . `` gta iv ... could ship 5.8 million units in the first week , or $ 360 million in retail sales and potentially $ 110 million for the company , '' says hickey . he said the game 's publisher , take-two interactive , is tracking higher than anticipated preorders leading to the game 's april 29 release date . another game which should help gamestop tally record revenues this year is the second expansion pack for blizzard entertainment 's phenomenally successful multiplayer game world of warcraft . the game has an active user base of 10 million , a chunk of which has already proven themselves interested in acquiring product extensions when they become available . the first world of warcraft expansion pack released last year sold 2.4 million copies in 24 hours and 3.5 million copies in the first month , hickey says . the game 's second expansion pack , wrath of the lich king , is expected to be released in the second half of 2008 `` and should provide meaningful product sales over a considerably larger world of warcraft subscriber base . '' from every vantage point , the year is shaping up to be one of record-setting revenues and profit for gamestop -- with more than just insiders noting the potential . today on wall street , investors clamored for gamestop shares , bidding up the price just a nickel shy of $ 4 , or almost 8 percent , to $ 55.66 . hickey , who is projecting that gamestop shares will top $ 70 in the next year , says investing in the company `` offers investors an opportunity to participate in the growth of the video game market with comparatively less operational volatility than publishers and offers -lsb- an investment opportunity based -rsb- on the remarkable success of the wii and ds platforms from nintendo . '' e-mail to a friend . read about video games . watch video game news . play complete , original console , arcade and pc games - free ! visit . copyright : tm & © 2009 turner broadcasting system , inc. . a time warner company , or its licensors . patent pending . all rights reserved . gametap is part of the turner young adult network .<doc-sep>`` i think this is a technically marvelous game that at the same time is absolutely reprehensible ... , '' the site 's most-offensive `` honor '' read . `` it 's a game that rewards you for killing innocent people by the dozen . in grand theft auto 3 , i can hijack a car , kill the driver , run someone down on the street , commit drive-by shootings , and score points for doing all of it . `` in some scripted sequences , i 'm tasked to kill people at random . in one , the identities of the victims do n't even matter . the goal is merely to kill a certain amount of people within the allotted time . there are no significant penalties for offing bystanders . '' the game was briefly banned in australia and a modified version was later released . other bans , protests and even lawsuits would follow . but ign 's butts says that 's not why the games have endured . `` the more salacious content definitely gets headlines -- and undoubtedly resonates with some members of the audience -- but the real appeal of gta has always been in its open-ended world , '' he said . `` here 's a game where you exist in a simulation of a real city , a sort of real-world sandbox , where you can play golf , race cars , jump out of airplanes , fly blimps and loads of other activities . `` while those activities , by themselves , are fun , the real joy is in seeing the way the world responds to your actions and decisions . the combat and driving are obviously significant draws for some players , but they 're not what most set gta apart . '' controversies over violent video games feel almost as old as video games themselves , dating back to the 1980s . perhaps that 's why the din leading up to the release of `` gta v '' has n't been so loud . which is not to say controversy has gone away . as recently as last month , authorities in lousiana said an 8-year-old had been playing `` grand theft auto iv '' before he shot and killed his elderly caregiver . -lrb- age 8 , it 's worth mentioning , is far too young to be playing the game according to its `` m for mature '' rating . -rrb- . the sheriff 's office implied the child 's activities in a violent virtual world might have led to the killing . but butts and others see a cultural shift that 's taking the edge off of complaints . `` i will say that the drift of modern society normalizes subjects that the previous generations would have found objectionable , '' he said . `` creators in all media intentionally shock sensibilities either to make a point or simply to get noticed . `` games exist within a larger context , particularly with regard to violence . violence in games is just an expression of the presence of violence in all of our media and in society at large . '' and for his part as an avid gamer , butts welcomes anyone offended by popular titles such as `` grand theft auto '' to speak up . `` i do n't know that i think the protests will stop -lrb- and -rrb- frankly , i do n't think they should , '' he said . `` games are an increasingly important part of our culture , and we all have a responsibility to find a more appropriate , inclusive context to debate what is and is n't appropriate entertainment for certain audiences . ''
<t> `` gta iv '' released tuesday , expected to gross $ 400 million in first week . </t> <t> `` iron man '' opens this weekend , expected to take in $ 50 to $ 60 million . </t> <t> analysts say game release could hurt weekend ticket sales . </t> <t> game reviewer calls `` gta iv '' game `` perfection '' </t>
` gta iv ' could keep ` iron man ' audience at home<T>
anaheim , california -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- as he fixes a broken sliding glass door at an apartment in anaheim , california , eduardo gutierrez worries about his parents in mexico . eduardo gutierrez ca n't send money back to his parents in mexico due to rising costs and less work . he can no longer afford to send the $ 200 to $ 300 a month he had been sending back home to support his ailing father . `` i kind of feel bad that i ca n't help my parents , '' said gutierrez , a legal immigrant who has worked in the united states for 20 years . `` i try . but i ca n't these days , and it 's a tough situation . '' gutierrez said he earns $ 18.50 an hour as a glazier , installer and fixer of glass in all shapes and sizes . but with the u.s. economy sagging , his hours have shrunk , even as his gas and grocery bills have skyrocketed along with other expenses . he 's struggling just to support his wife and three children . watch bad times in the u.s. felt in mexico '' bank of mexico , mexico 's equivalent to the federal reserve , says stories like these are becoming more common . deceleration in the u.s. construction industry resulted in $ 100 million less in `` remittances '' -- money from workers in the u.s. to their relatives in mexico -- in january this year , the most recent available stats . the overall figure went from $ 1.7 billion in january 2007 to $ 1.6 billion this january , according to bank of mexico . the slowdown in such money has been a consistent theme over the last year . the world bank says remittances received by people in mexico nearly ground to a halt in 2007 , growing at a rate of 1.4 percent , compared with more than 20 percent annual growth from 2002 to 2006 . `` the slowdown in mexico is partly due to the weak job market in the united states , especially in the construction sector , '' the world bank says on its web site . a poll , released wednesday , of 5,000 latin american adults living in the united states found that only 50 percent of respondents were still sending money on a regular basis to loved ones , down from 73 percent in a similar poll conducted in 2006 . the poll was conducted in february by the inter-american development bank 's multilateral investment fund . see the rise of immigrants from latin america '' what does that mean to families in mexico counting on the payments to survive ? cnn caught up with gutierrez 's father in tejaro , mexico , a hardscrabble farming town of about 5,000 people . a gray-bearded man in a wide-brimmed hat , 77-year-old camilo izquierdo was feeding white goats that poked their heads through a makeshift fence . he and his wife have 13 children , seven of whom have moved to the united states for work , including eduardo gutierrez . the dad used the money from his oldest son to supplement his farming income and to help pay for diabetes medication . `` he says things are getting too expensive over there , '' the father said . `` he says things are worse there in california than over here . ''<doc-sep>his livestock has always been his lifeline . izquierdo used to have 140 goats , but he began selling off his livestock to make ends meet . a drought made feed more expensive , and now he 's down to just 40 goats , with little money left for his medicine . `` i am sick and have been sick for quite some time . the medicine keeps getting more expensive . i just do n't know what to do anymore . '' back in california , eduardo gutierrez says that in addition to shrinking hours and rising food costs , gas prices are burning up his paycheck as he drives his truck to jobs spread out over hundreds of miles in southern california . he estimates that just driving to and from the jobs is costing him $ 400 to $ 500 a month in gas . gas calculator : how much do you need to work to pay for your gas ? '' `` i 've been here over 20 years , and i saw the recession back in the '90s , '' gutierrez said . `` but this is worse , as far as i can tell . this is really bad . '' gutierrez says his financial situation could be more desperate , like those from his hometown who are now unemployed in california . when he visits his home in mexico , he does n't reveal everything about just how dire the situation is . `` every time i go down there , a lot of people ask , ` how is my son doing ? ' '' gutierrez said . `` i do n't want to say they 're out of a job or anything like that . '' he added , `` i say they 're doing all right . but that is just a lie . they are doing bad right now . a lot of people are doing bad . '' he said he knows lots of legal u.s. residents who have moved back home to tejaro or the state of michoacan . he also said the tighter border controls have convinced other mexicans without legal u.s. paperwork not to try to not sneak across the border to make money for their families . `` i mean , who wants to risk his life just to make a living ? '' gutierrez asked . he said he hopes the u.s. economy picks back up and people begin renovating their homes again soon . on this day , as he finished fixing the sliding glass door , he got on his knees like a kid playing marbles and used a hand brush to sweep every last metal shaving and screw into a dust pan . `` i do n't know what 's going to happen , '' he said of the u.s. economy . `` hopefully , things turn around a little better . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>it 's not just because of porous borders , or a reluctance to punish employers who hire illegal immigrants , or because mexico is a `` failed state '' that ca n't provide enough jobs for its own people . everyone likes to point fingers . and no one wants to accept any degree of responsibility for the problem . that 's what many americans find so appealing about this fantastical rhetoric about how the country is experiencing an `` invasion '' as if we were all sitting in our backyards and minding our own business when , over the horizon , came an army of nannies , gardeners , housekeepers , short-order cooks , chamber maids , construction workers and farm laborers demanding to do our chores . why does the united states have so much illegal immigration ? i know the answer . it 's my fault . it 's because of me , and tens of millions of other americans just like me . we create the demand for illegal immigrant labor not because of anything we do but because of all the things that we will not do -- at any wage . even as someone who juggles several jobs , i have to admit that my work ethic -- especially for hard , physical labor -- is a distant second to that of my immigrant grandfather who came from mexico legally in the early 1900 's . my grandfather was a farm worker who would make it a point to show up to a job early and start working a half hour before he clocked in , as his way of showing appreciation to his employer for hiring him . there are days when my employer does n't see me before noon , because i 'm writing somewhere else or giving a speech or making my kids breakfast . my grandfather would do any kind of work without complaint and graciously accept whatever wages were offered because he felt as if the employer was doing him a favor by giving him a way to support his family . when i start a new job , i instinctively negotiate for a higher salary and more vacation time than i had at my last one -- that is , more money for less work -- and i usually feel like i 'm doing the employer a favor by showing up .<doc-sep>a rancher is pictured standing over the remains of a man from el salvador - his body left to decay beneath the blistering texas sun . lavoyger durham manages 13,000 acre el tule ranch in brooks county , about 100 miles from the southernmost tip of texas . it has become a pathway for undocumented immigrants who are desperate to make a life for themselves in the u.s. . the unidentified man , now nothing more than a skeleton and scraps of clothes , was abandoned by the smugglers who helped him to cross the border into the country illegally . though it is not on the border with mexico , brooks county does have a federal checkpoint on a major highway - where officials regularly stop vehicles in search of migrants trying to enter the country illegally . smugglers bypass the checkpoint by making immigrants walk around it , through private ranches - such as the one mr durham manages - where temperatures regularly top 38 degrees celsius . it has become a popular route for migrants from central america - all coming into the country in pursuit of the great american dream . the migrants are often told that the journey is quick and easy - and set off with little more than the clothes on their back and bottles of water . but on those long walks , through the arid texas terrain , many would-be immigrants die of heat exhaustion , dehydration , and exposure . their bodies are left to rot by the smugglers , who are for the most part paid before they take migrants across the border . last year , border patrol documented 445 deaths of migrants coming to the united states -- the third-highest number since 1998 . warning graphic content . rancher lavoyger durham -lrb- right -rrb- stands over the remains of a male from el salvador on the el tule ranch . the man had crossed the us-mexico border illegally . american dollar bills and passport photographs are among the possessions examined by police as they look at the remains of a man from el salvador . a skull , belonging to an illegal immigrant from el salvador who died in texas after crossing over the u.s.-mexico border , is examined by american officials . a guatemalan woman inside a dormitory in the artesia family residential center , a federal facility for undocumented immigrant mothers and children in new mexico . detainees sleep under blankets on the floor in a holding cell at a us customs and border protection processing facility in brownsville , texas . an orange ribbon tied on the branch of a mesquite tree marks the location where the remains of an el salvador man were found on the el tule ranch , texas . officials wear gloves as they carefully sort through the possessions - including folded american dollar bills - of an illegal immigrant from el salvador who died in texas . rancher lavoyger durham , left , and a ranch worker , wearing a mask over part of his face , stand next to the remains of a man from el salvador on the el tule ranch . immigrant children line up in the cafeteria at the karnes county residential center , a temporary home for immigrant women and children detained at the border in texas .<doc-sep>immigration reform needs to change that . first , as the bill moves through the senate and on to the house of representatives , it needs to include provisions that deliver dignity at work to the more than 7 million immigrant workers in the united states -- and that keep the floor from falling for the 150 million u.s.-born workers who work alongside them . a bill called the power act would provide the key protections to both . it needs to be included in the immigration reform bill . second , immigration reform must deliver equal rights to all immigrant workers , so that unscrupulous employers ca n't pick and choose the most exploitable workers to undercut the competition . all immigrant workers who come to the united states through future guest-worker programs must have strong whistle-blower protections and the right to change employers as freely as any worker on american shores . raising the floor for the immigrant workers at the bottom of the u.s. economy means building a stronger , more secure economy for all workers . that 's why protecting immigrant workers does n't just matter for immigrants . it matters for every worker in america . the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of saket soni .<doc-sep>earlier wednesday , house speaker john boehner reiterated to gop members that he opposes having the house take up any senate immigration legislation , according to rep. john fleming . fleming , a louisiana republican , said boehner told the weekly policy meeting that the house would work on its own immigration bills . if enacted , the bill would create a path to citizenship for roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants while enhancing security along the border with mexico . among other things , the compromise border security amendment would add 20,000 border agents , complete 700 miles of fence along the boundary with mexico , and deploy $ 3.2 billion in technology upgrades similar to equipment used by u.s. forces in iraq and afghanistan . opinion : protect rights of immigrant whistle-blowers . the proposal also includes stronger worker eligibility verification standards and border entry-exit controls . most undocumented immigrants would be eligible for permanent residency only after those five conditions have been met and verified by the department of homeland security . hoeven and corker introduced the compromise amendment last week , saying it incorporated proposals from other senators to try to fix a broken immigration system . grassley and other opponents argued the legislation amounts to an amnesty for immigrants who broke the law by living illegally in america . they argued the promises of increased border security before giving undocumented immigrants permanent residency would end up proving empty . `` it does nothing to change the legalization-first philosophy and does little more than offer false promises that the american people can no longer tolerate , '' grassley said .
<t> remittances to mexico fell $ 100 million in january , according to bank of mexico . </t> <t> `` i kind of feel bad that i ca n't help my parents , '' immigrant in u.s. says . </t> <t> payments to loved ones back home have slowed during u.s. economic woes . </t> <t> father in mexico : `` he says things are worse there in california than over here '' </t>
immigrant worker : no more money to mexico<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- one of the telephone numbers used to report claims of abuse at a polygamist sect 's texas ranch was previously associated with a colorado woman whom authorities have named a `` person of interest , '' a court document says . rozita swinton , 33 , has been arrested in a case that is not directly related to the texas raid . the telephone calls in late march prompted authorities to raid the yearning for zion -lrb- yfz -rrb- ranch in eldorado , texas , where 437 children were removed . the ranch is owned by the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter-day saints , a mormon offshoot that practices polygamy . rozita swinton , 33 , of colorado springs , colorado , was arrested this month on a charge of making a false report to police . the charge relates to an incident in february , but the texas rangers have said she is a person of interest in connection with the ranch calls . in the february incident , swinton is accused of calling authorities using the names `` dana anderson '' and `` april , '' reporting abuse by male relatives , according to an affidavit in support of an arrest warrant . authorities have not clearly said that they think swinton made the march phone calls that prompted the raid . but the affidavit says she is `` known to make false reports of sexual abuse to the police and other agencies . '' watch how a hoax may be behind the ranch mystery '' calls were made to a texas family shelter march 29 and 30 from a female identifying herself as sarah barlow , the affidavit says . the caller said she was 16 , had a baby about 8 months old and was pregnant again . she said that her 49-year-old husband was physically and sexually abusive toward her and that they were living at the yfz ranch . the phone calls were made from a prepaid cell phone with no available records , according to the affidavit . however , it has been used in other cases linked to swinton , the document says . although texas officials said they have not found the woman who made the calls , they said they have found evidence that girls as young at 13 are forced into marriages with older men at the ranch . the flds has denied that any abuse takes place at the ranch . the woman identifying herself as sarah barlow also called a battered women 's shelter in snohomish county , washington , using another phone number , the affidavit says . that phone number was traced to swinton 's address , the affidavit says . on april 10 , the woman called the washington shelter again and was put on the line with a texas deputy . she said she felt that she would be punished for the trouble she had caused , was worried that her baby might be taken away and was angry with a woman she had contacted march 29 for prompting the raid by law enforcement . during that conversation , the affidavit says , the woman used terminology common to the flds , referring to her `` sister wives , '' for instance . the phone number used in the washington call was traced to the colorado springs apartment where swinton lives , the affidavit says . the number was also used to call a utah organization for women escaping polygamy and an abuse counseling center in fort myers , florida , phone records showed . swinton pleaded guilty to a charge of false reporting in june 2007 and was under a 12-month deferred sentence , the affidavit says .<doc-sep>at a custody hearing last week , a texas judge ruled that the state will temporarily retain custody of the 437 children removed in the raid . meanwhile , on tuesday evening , laboratory workers at san angelo coliseum completed taking dna samples from mothers and children , said janice rolfe , a spokeswoman for the state attorney general 's office . she did not say how many samples were taken . about 100 of the seized children from whom swab dna samples had already been taken were bused tuesday from the san angelo coliseum to group foster homes , the texas department of health and family services said . on wednesday , workers in eldorado continued to take voluntary dna samples from adults who live on the yfz ranch , rolfe said . rolfe said that at least 54 samples from adults have been taken there . the dna samples will be sent to laboratory corporation of america , based in burlington , north carolina . it could take longer than a month to get results . judge barbara walther , who last week ordered the dna testing of the children and ordered that they remain in state custody , signed an order this week authorizing the children 's move to foster care , officials said . at a meeting wednesday afternoon , walther and the state 's child protective services division agreed that 18 mothers with breast-feeding babies that are 1 year old or younger will be allowed to stay with their children in the homes where the children are placed . also , 23 mothers with 28 children ages 1 to 2 years will be allowed to stay in the same towns as their children . the remaining children , 2 to 18 years old , will be split up into available homes . the original order signed by walther called for every effort to keep siblings together , especially in the case of small children . rod parker , a spokesman for the flds families , blasted the action in a news conference from his salt lake city , utah , office . `` the cps department of texas is afraid of due process , '' he said . `` they would lose in a fair fight in this case , and that is why you 're seeing them move so quickly , and that is why you 're seeing them move unilaterally . '' he said the court ignored motions asking that the children be placed with their relatives . the flds launched a web site this week to promote its side of the issue . the site , , contains photos and videos taken inside the ranch during the raid . the site says donations are needed to help cover the `` massive litigation costs associated with these lawsuits . '' a link on the web site allows online donations . e-mail to a friend . cnn correspondent susan roesgen and journalist cheryl getty contributed to this report .<doc-sep>los angeles -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- justin bieber will not face a felony charge of robbery despite a woman 's claim the singer tried to steal her cell phone last month . the los angeles county district attorney decided the incident at a miniature golf course on may 12 `` does not warrant felony prosecution , '' according to a document obtained by cnn thursday . the case will now go to the los angeles city attorney to decide if a misdemeanor charge will be filed against bieber , the `` evaluation worksheet '' released by the prosecutor 's office said . a woman filed the robbery complaint against bieber on may 13 , a day after the alleged incident happened and hours after she reported it to the celebrity website tmz , the document said . justin bieber again caught in racial controversy . the accuser told los angeles police department robbery/homicide detectives that the incident began after she used her iphone to take a photo of bieber at the batting cages in the sherman oaks castle park . she put her phone away in her purse when the singer 's bodyguard asked her to not take pictures , she said . bieber `` then approached and accused her of videotaping him , '' she told police . `` he demanded to see her phone , then reached into her purse and pulled the phone out , '' the document said . bieber and the woman `` tussled over it for a moment , '' she said . `` i 'm not recording , i 'll show you , '' she said she told police . after she showed bieber her phone , he told her : `` why do n't you leave , you 're embarrassing your daughter . '' her 13-year-old daughter began to cry , the woman said . the daughter later told investigators she was already crying from the excitement of being near justin bieber .<doc-sep>a forensic nurse examined the woman and found injuries to her vagina and dried blood behind one ear . the document indicates detectives used the cell phone to identify mcnary the next day . he was cooperative , police indicated , and he asked for a lawyer after being advised of his rights . a nurse found abrasions and scratches on his stomach , back , neck and shoulder , the document says . investigators also found the woman 's clothing and an earring in mcnary 's apartment . cnn 's attempts to reach mcnary 's attorney were n't immediately successful .<doc-sep>you might need a bigger cast : the latest revelation could change the face of nativity school plays across the world -lrb- file photo -rrb- . there could have been several scores of them , according to the new translation . the authors of the document claim it was penned by the magi . however experts do not believe this to be the case and say it could have been written by their descendents , as it carries detailed accounts of their prayers and rituals . professor landau thinks the sect that . wrote it identified with the mystics . the story tells how the magi were descended from adam 's third and righteous son , seth . it says they came from a semi-mythical place called shir , which is on the eastern edge of the world - where modern-day china is . prof landau said : ` the story says that . seth passed down a prophecy that at some point a star would appear that . would signal the birth of god in human form . ` the magi waited thousands of years , passing down the prophecy and then the star appeared where the magi were . ` it transformed into a small luminous human being who was christ himself in a pre-existent , celestial form .<doc-sep>ex-nfl star aaron hernandez fired the shots that killed odin lloyd , a man who 'd been with him told a mutual friend , according to a court document . a florida police spokeswoman cited the court document tuesday . the conversations allegedly involved two people who were with hernandez when he picked up lloyd from his boston apartment early on june 17 , hours before a jogger found lloyd 's body in a north attleborough , massachusetts , industrial park . all three men are now in custody . prosecutors accuse hernandez , a standout tight end whom the new england patriots cut soon after his june 26 arrest , of orchestrating lloyd 's death . the 23-year-old is now in a massachusetts jail ; he has pleaded not guilty to murder charges . the information in a document filed in florida -- as detailed by miramar , florida , police spokeswoman tania rues -- may help authorities as they build their case against hernandez as the triggerman . nearly 1,500 miles from the crime scene , miramar is where ernest wallace turned himself into authorities on june 28 after seeing news reports that an arrest warrant had been issued for him . he was charged the next day with being an accessory after the fact of murder . bail hearing for hernandez associate moved to august . the other man arrested in the case -- carlos ortiz , who hails from hernandez 's hometown of bristol , connecticut -- told authorities that wallace told him hernandez fired the shots that killed lloyd , the document cited by the miramar police spokeswoman says . the document was part of a search warrant executed at a wallace family home . this detail comes out the same day that , following a judge 's orders , massachusetts authorities released a number of documents pertaining to the 27-year-old lloyd 's death . among other details , these documents explain authorities ' account of an interaction with hernandez at his southeast massachusetts home after lloyd 's death but before the football player 's arrest . hernandez at one point told police that he did n't remember specifically when he last saw lloyd . later in the conversation , he `` became argumentative '' with two police officers questioning him , then went in his home and got a business card for his lawyer to give to them . `` we informed mr. hernandez that this was a death investigation , '' the document states . `` mr. hernandez slammed the door and relocked it behind him . `` mr. hernandez did not ask the officers whose death was being investigated . mr. hernandez 's demeanor did not indicate any concern for the death of any person . '' by contrast , when police first told hernandez 's fiancee about the death of lloyd , who her sister was dating , `` she immediately began to cry . '' judge orders hernandez case evidence documents to be released . according to the same court document , the same woman told authorities that she and hernandez went out to dinner for father 's day , then she went to bed while her fiance was out all night . police say that , at one point , hernandez called the woman and told her `` his sports agent said she should not speak with us and that she should request to speak with her attorney , '' a document states . documents also reveal details , some of them previously disclosed , of lloyd 's texts on the day he was killed . one of them , sent at 12:22 a.m. on june 17 to hernandez 's cell phone , reads : `` we still on . '' about three hours later , a man who works at needletech -- a medical device manufacturer with a facility in north attleborough , near where lloyd 's body was found -- told police he was taking a break in his car when he heard `` three gunshots and -lrb- a -rrb- car door slamming . '' a different affidavit for a search warrant features three black-and-white photos from a home surveillance camera that show hernandez and two other men . the three men leave the garage of the north attleborough home around 1 a.m. , the document states . the video shows them returning to the same residence around 3:26 a.m. , including hernandez going to-and-from the basement on `` several different occasions . ''
<t> rozita swinton , 33 , was arrested this month on charge unrelated to ranch . </t> <t> but texas rangers have said she is a `` person of interest '' in sect case . </t> <t> court record : swinton is connected with phone number that brought attention to sect . </t> <t> caller identified herself as a 16-year-old girl who claimed abuse by sect member . </t>
phone number links woman to sect case , document says<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the most compelling action during michigan 's primary tuesday will be on the republican side . the democratic party has stripped the state of its delegates for moving up its primary date so early , and top-tier democratic candidates have taken their names off the ballot , except for sen. hillary clinton . the struggling auto industry has been a drag on michigan 's economy . in many ways , the republican battle for michigan will be similar to last week 's new hampshire contest . the primary is open , and any registered voter -- including independents and democrats -- can participate . sen. john mccain won new hampshire with the help of independent voters , and he is campaigning hard to re-create that success in michigan . in 2000 , mccain defeated then-texas gov. george w. bush in the michigan primary . in that vote , more than half -- 52 percent -- were either independents or democrats . among republican voters , mccain lost to bush 29 percent to 66 percent . in that contest , almost three out of every 10 voters identified themselves as members of the religious right . overall , michigan is a swing state , producing narrow margins of victory for presidential candidates and statewide officeholders . however , voting trends favor the democrats . michigan 's governor , jennifer granholm , is a democrat , as are the state 's two u.s. senators -- carl levin and debbie stabenow . the democratic presidential nominee has carried michigan in the last four elections . sen. john kerry , the democrats ' 2004 standard bearer , won michigan 51 percent to 48 percent over president bush . the state 's economy is powered by the automotive industry , which has experienced its fair share of struggles . michigan 's unemployment rate , 7.4 percent , is higher than the national average of 5 percent . region by region . wayne county , in the southeastern corner of the state , contains the economically depressed detroit , michigan 's largest city . detroit is predominantly black and solidly democratic . north of wayne county are the more-affluent suburban counties of oakland and macomb , which have grown in population in the last two decades . these two counties have been the state 's central political battleground in recent elections . west of wayne is the `` university belt , '' home to the university of michigan in ann arbor and michigan state university in east lansing . the area also includes the industrial cities of saginaw and flint , where unions remain strong , as well as jackson and bay city . the state 's capital , lansing , and the sparsely populated upper peninsula are also part of this region . the southwest part of the state is dominated by grand rapids , michigan 's second-largest city . grand rapids is traditionally dutch-american and has many christian conservatives and generally votes republican . the area also contains smaller industrial cities and farming communities . the economy of the sparsely populated north and northwest is based on agriculture , tourism and timber . it traditionally votes republican . endorsements . the detroit free press has endorsed mccain . `` while the free press differs with mccain on a number of issues , the arizona senator is a smarter , more tested and pragmatic leader who has shown since 2000 that he knows how to build bipartisan alliances around issues , '' the newspaper said in an editorial . the detroit news also endorsed mccain , citing his fiscal conservatism and command of military and foreign affairs , over michigan native mitt romney . `` other gop contenders , most notably former massachusetts gov. mitt romney , are capable figures with impressive resumes and a solid grasp of the issues . but mccain 's longtime presidential ambitions are at last aligned with the needs of the nation , '' the newspaper said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>miami , florida -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- will the recount state become the re-primary state ? will voters in michigan have their say in picking a democratic candidate for president ? michigan 's democratic gov. jennifer granholm , shown in 2006 , called for her state 's delegates to be seated . political leaders in florida and michigan are talking about making sure voters in their states are included when it comes to choosing the democratic nominee . the discussions are unfolding amid a grueling , delegate-by-delegate fight between sen. hillary clinton of new york and sen. barack obama of illinois . the national democratic party stripped florida and michigan of their delegates to the national convention after the states moved up the dates of their primary elections . that means votes that were cast in primaries in those states will not translate into delegates awarded to one candidate or the other in the contest for the democratic nomination for president . watch florida 's mounting frustration '' democratic national committee chairman howard dean said the states can either come up with a new plan to choose a slate of delegates or appeal to the party 's credentials committee when the convention opens in august . `` the rules were set a year and a half ago . florida and michigan voted for them and then decided that they did n't need to abide by the rules . when you 're in a contest you do need to abide by the rules , '' he said thursday on cnn 's `` american morning . '' the national democratic party stripped florida -- epicenter of the 2000 election debacle -- of its 210 national convention delegates as punishment for the state 's decision to move its party primaries to january 29 . michigan received the same treatment after moving its primary date to january as well , losing its 156 convention delegates . on wednesday , florida gov. charlie crist , a republican , and michigan gov. jennifer granholm , a democrat , called on the democratic national committee to seat their states ' delegations . they accused the party in a statement of silencing `` the voices of 5,163,271 americans '' who voted in their primaries . `` it is intolerable that the national political parties have denied the citizens of michigan and florida their votes and voices at their respective national conventions , '' they wrote . speaking on cnn 's `` american morning , '' crist -- who signed the bill that changed florida 's primary date -- pointed fingers outside the state . `` people should be heard and not party bosses in washington , '' he said . `` this is about common sense and people having the right to vote . it is unconscionable that people 's votes will not count . they should count . '' wednesday night in washington , democratic house members from florida and michigan met for about an hour to talk about possibilities that would lead to delegations from those states influencing the outcome of the democratic nominating contest . `` both delegations feel very , very strongly -- adamantly -- that our delegations be seated at the national conventions , '' said rep. debbie wasserman shultz of florida . rep. sander levin of michigan said he 's not sure of the best way to resolve the dispute but that voters from florida and michigan should have their voters counted . `` i think the key is the voice of michigan and florida is heard and there 's a procedure that is fair to the residents and fair to the two candidates , '' he said . sen. carl levin of michigan suggested wednesday that his state could hold caucuses to select its delegates .<doc-sep>participants declined to say whether there is general agreement on a way forward -- for example , whether the two states should redo the votes there or use results from the previous primaries . they pledged to continue discussions , though no formal meeting has been scheduled . the national republican party also penalized florida and michigan , but cut each state 's allocation in half rather than stripping them entirely . because arizona sen. john mccain clinched the gop nomination tuesday night , any fight over seating florida and michigan 's delegates will matter little to the gop race . clinton , the new york senator and former first lady , was the only leading democrat to appear on ballots in michigan and made a handful of allowed fund-raising appearances in florida in the last days before the vote , while other candidates skipped the state . she won both contests . now , as she trails obama by 100-plus delegates , clinton has called for the michigan and florida delegations to be seated at the party 's convention in denver , colorado . the democrats ' next big primary is seven weeks away in pennsylvania , where 158 delegates are at stake . adding new contests to the mix could prolong the democrats ' heated battle for the nomination while giving mccain more freedom to focus on november 's general election . crist told cnn 's `` late edition '' on sunday that he supported holding another primary to resolve the dispute . but wednesday , he said the state would not pay for a second contest . the florida democratic party estimates that a new primary could cost as much as $ 18 million -- and sen. bill nelson said the dnc should pick up the tab . `` there 's no way the state legislature is going to fund another election when they are in economic cardiac arrest right now , '' said nelson , a florida democrat . `` they are cutting payments to health care , education , social services and payments to the cities and counties . `` there 's no way that they 're going find an additional $ 18 million to fund another election , nor should they . this should n't be the burden of the taxpayers of florida -- this should be the burden of the democratic national committee . '' party officials have said they will not pay for florida to hold a new primary because they warned the state not to move up its primary . `` the democratic nominee will be determined in accordance with party rules , '' dean said . but he emphasized that his goal was to maintain party unity , and called the statement by crist and granholm `` good news . '' `` we look forward to receiving their proposals , should they decide to submit new delegate selection plans , and will review those plans at that time , '' he said . but nelson said the party 's stance was unfair , since it was republican lawmakers in tallahassee and a republican governor , crist , who decided to move up the state 's primary over the opposition of democrats . if the state 's decision to move the primary remains controversial , it pales in comparison to a bill two florida state senators are discussing . sen. nan rich , a clinton backer , is proposing that the state remove the party 's eventual presidential nominee from the state 's ballot unless it seats florida 's delegates . `` that 's one option , '' rich said . legal scholars say they doubt removing the democratic or republican nominee 's name from the ballot would be constitutional . but state senate democratic leader steve geller said he had been approached by republicans promoting the bill . geller said it is a sign of how bitter the fight over the delegates has become and how deep the self-inflicted wounds are among democrats , calling it `` a typical democratic firing squad . '' `` we 're lining up in a circle , '' he said . `` maybe we 're aiming low and shooting ourselves in the feet instead , but this makes no sense to me . '' e-mail to a friend . cnn 's ted barrett in washington contributed to this report .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the most compelling action during michigan 's primary tuesday will be on the republican side . the democratic party has stripped the state of its delegates for moving up its primary date so early , and top-tier democratic candidates have taken their names off the ballot , except for sen. hillary clinton . the struggling auto industry has been a drag on michigan 's economy . in many ways , the republican battle for michigan will be similar to last week 's new hampshire contest . the primary is open , and any registered voter -- including independents and democrats -- can participate . sen. john mccain won new hampshire with the help of independent voters , and he is campaigning hard to re-create that success in michigan . in 2000 , mccain defeated then-texas gov. george w. bush in the michigan primary . in that vote , more than half -- 52 percent -- were either independents or democrats . among republican voters , mccain lost to bush 29 percent to 66 percent . in that contest , almost three out of every 10 voters identified themselves as members of the religious right . overall , michigan is a swing state , producing narrow margins of victory for presidential candidates and statewide officeholders . however , voting trends favor the democrats . michigan 's governor , jennifer granholm , is a democrat , as are the state 's two u.s. senators -- carl levin and debbie stabenow . the democratic presidential nominee has carried michigan in the last four elections . sen. john kerry , the democrats ' 2004 standard bearer , won michigan 51 percent to 48 percent over president bush . the state 's economy is powered by the automotive industry , which has experienced its fair share of struggles . michigan 's unemployment rate , 7.4 percent , is higher than the national average of 5 percent . region by region .<doc-sep>with time running out , 6 percent of likely democratic primary voters and 5 percent of those likely to vote in the gop primary remain undecided . the poll indicates that a growing number of registered independents say they will vote in the gop contest , which is a switch from just a month ago . whether independents decide to vote in the democratic or republican primaries could affect the outcome of both races , schneider said , noting that mccain ties romney among registered republicans but has an 11-point lead when independent voters are included . `` so mccain is not just running against romney . he 's also running against obama for independent support . '' obama appears to be pulling even with clinton among women , a voting bloc that she once dominated in the polls . and when asked which candidate has the best chance of beating the republican presidential nominee , likely democratic primary voters now choose obama over clinton 42 percent to 31 percent . that 's a dramatic reversal from the last cnn/wmur new hampshire poll taken after christmas and just before the iowa caucuses , when clinton beat obama in electability by a two to one margin . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's bill schneider and keating holland contributed to this report .
<t> independents , democrats can vote in michigan 's open republican primary . </t> <t> no democratic delegates at stake , and most top-tier candidates are n't on ballot . </t> <t> economic woes top concern for michigan primary voters . </t>
lack of democratic contest could alter michigan gop primary<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a former police officer convicted of murdering his girlfriend and their unborn child tearfully apologized to her family monday in front of the jury that will decide whether he lives or dies . bobby cutts jr. weeps openly as his mother describes his childhood during a sentencing hearing . `` it was a nightmare that will continue to haunt me for the rest of my days , '' said bobby cutts , jr. , 30 , reading from a prepared statement at the penalty phase of his murder trial . `` ladies and gentlemen of the jury , i 'm asking you to spare my life . '' cutts was convicted on february 15 of the murder of girlfriend jessie marie davis and the aggravated murder of the unborn girl davis had planned to name chloe . chloe 's slaying , which jurors found occurred during the commission of another crime , makes cutts eligible for the death penalty . `` to imagine that i was responsible for the death of jessie , the mother of my children and my unborn daughter , is beyond any words that i can express , '' cutts said . `` words can not bring them back , nor can they erase the pain i 've caused , but i want to apologize . '' watch cutts ' tearful apology '' he thanked davis ' family for taking care of the other child he had with davis . blake was 2 1/2 at the time of his mother 's murder in june 2007 . `` i pray that you find peace and you someday find room for forgiveness , '' he said . earlier , cutts ' mother , renee , jones , had told jurors , `` i do n't know what i would do without him . '' she described cutts as a former honor student who loved his job as a police officer .<doc-sep>`` he was my firstborn , my only son , '' jones testified tearfully . `` he means so much to me , '' she continued . `` he used to call me three , four times a day . '' watch cutts react as his mother pleads for his life . cutts ' punishment is being decided by the same jury of six men and six women who found him guilty . all the jurors are white ; cutts is african-american . cutts ' sister , father and one of his school teachers also testified . judge charles e. brown ordered jurors to return early tuesday for attorneys ' closing arguments . when the arguments conclude , jurors will begin their deliberations . if jurors do not agree on the death penalty , cutts could receive a possible sentence of life in prison without parole or become eligible for parole in 20 , 25 or 30 years . jones , was the first witness called to the stand by the defense . she said her son was a good youngster who was active in sports , scouts and his church . `` i never had any trouble out of him , '' she said as cutts teared up at the defense table . she said cutts ' relationship with his father deteriorated after the parents split . a former teacher described cutts as a social child given the nickname `` gobble '' by his classmates . he was helpful in class , often volunteering to pick stray crayons up from the floor . his father testified that he gave cutts the nickname `` gobble '' because as an infant he resembled '' a little butterball turkey . '' he said cutts was a `` gifted child '' in school . he blamed himself for the break up of his marriage , saying his drinking and gambling contributed to it .<doc-sep>cutts ' own personal life was rocky , according to testimony . davis was nine months pregnant when she disappeared in june 2007 . her body was found in a northeastern ohio park after a 10-day search that brought national media attention . he is blake 's father , as well as the father of the unborn girl , chloe . according to testimony , cutts , 30 , rolled davis ' body in a comforter and dumped it in a park , leaving toddler son blake in the house alone at the crime scene in a soiled diaper . `` mommy 's in the rug , '' blake told police , according to testimony . during the guilt phase of the trial , cutts sobbed on the witness stand as he admitted killing davis and chloe . but cutts insisted that their deaths were an accident . `` i did n't mean to hurt her , '' cutts testified , clasping a handful of tissues . `` this is n't real , '' he said he kept telling himself . prosecutors discounted cutts ' story , claiming he buckled under the financial pressure of child support , killed the mother of his child and then created a cover story to try to get away with it . on the stand , cutts said he went to pick up his son , blake , and became agitated when davis , 26 , was n't moving fast enough to get the boy ready . he said he tried to leave her house , but she grabbed him to keep him from leaving , and he accidentally elbowed her in the throat . cutts told the jury he performed cpr on davis and then tried to revive her with bleach . when he realized davis was dead , cutts said he panicked and put her in the back of his truck , so blake would n't have to see his mother . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>`` i 'm not asking you , i 'm pleading with you , to spare my daughter 's life , '' said hughes , who is also a teacher . he said that the person portrayed by prosecutors as a cold-blooded killer was completely different from the accomplished honors student , equestrian and beauty pageant contestant that he knew and loved . hughes ' pastor and friends also took the stand to describe her work mentoring youths , volunteering at church and at the school where she met the victim 's husband . suspicion initially fell on pittman , who admitted to having an affair with hughes , a language arts teacher . a key prosecution witness , pittman told the jury he began seeing hughes one month after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant . he testified that the two met frequently in hughes ' home and even went out of town together , but he insisted the relationship was based solely on sex . throughout the trial , defense lawyers maintained her innocence and attempted to cast blame on pittman , portraying him as a womanizer seeking to avoid the burden of fatherhood . prosecutors alleged the murder weapons connected hughes to the crime . the defendant 's cousin testified that he lent her a knife and a loaded .38 caliber revolver the weekend before banks ' death . ballistics tests matched the bullets from banks ' body to the gun , which hughes returned unloaded to her cousin after her first interview with police . none of banks ' relatives testified at the sentencing . instead , the jury heard from a forensic pathologist , who described the nature of banks ' injuries . madison county deputy district attorney john emfinger urged the jury to look past hughes ' prior achievements and focus on the crime in rendering its sentence . `` in my mind , this overshadows everything else she 's done in life . she took the lives of two people in that garage , '' he said in his closing argument wednesday . `` when that door opened , -lrb- avis banks -rrb- was not met by a beauty pageant winner , she was not met by a member of the mayor 's youth council , she was not met by a peacemaker . ... she was met by a stone-cold killer , '' he said . in session 's jean casarez contributed to this report .<doc-sep>speaking to the guardian , she said her decision to spare the killer 's life did not come until moments before he was scheduled to die . ' i stood very firm in my belief that i want him punished , so they did n't expect me to forgive , ' she said . united by grief and joy : the convict 's mother is embraced by the sobbing woman whose teenager was stabbed to death by her son after her incredible act of forgiveness . the iranian man was due to have the chair that he was standing on kicked away from under him by the dead man 's parents . premonition : the victim 's mother -lrb- pictured -rrb- had a change of heart after her dead son appeared to her in a dram . ` balal was naive . he did n't want to kill , it was n't in his nature , he was angry in seconds and had a knife in his hand . ` all these years , i felt like a moving dead body . but now , i feel very calm , i feel i 'm at peace . i feel that vengeance has left my heart . ' after the noose was removed , balal 's mother , kobra , reached across the fence surrounding the execution site and hugged the victim 's mother . she then went to kiss alinejad 's feet , but the victim 's mother stopped her saying ` she is a mother just like me ' . the victim 's father , abdolghani . hosseinzadeh , revealed his wife 's actions were even more remarkable because they had lost another son in a motorbike crash when he was just 11 years old . despite the reprieve , balal is still in jail . under iranian law , the victim 's family can save a killer 's life but can not spare his prison term . pleas : people in the crowd shouted to the victim 's family to forgive the killer and spare him from death . spared : the killer , known as balal , was sentenced to death for stabbing the 18-year-old victim during a street fight years ago .<doc-sep>the mother of the oklahoma beheading suspect has appeared in a video online in which she apologizes to his alleged victims , but insists ` there are two sides to every story ' . her son , alton alexander nolen , is set to be charged tomorrow with first degree murder for the killing of colleen hufford , 54 , at the vaughan foods facility in moore on thursday . nolen will also face a charge of assault and battery with a deadly weapon for the stabbing of traci johnson , 43 . in the clip posted on facebook , nolen 's mother joyce nolen discusses her son with a sense of disbelief . ` my heart is just so heavy right now , ' joyce nolen said in the video on saturday . ` that 's not my son . ' joyce nolan -lrb- seen right with megan nolen , one of the suspect 's sisters -rrb- , the mother of the oklahoma beheading suspect has appeared in a video online in which she apologizes to his victims , but insists ` there are two sides to every story . nolen -lrb- right -rrb- , is accused of killing colleen hufford , 54 , and stabbing traci johnson , 43 , -lrb- left -rrb- at the vaughan foods facility in moore on thursday . ` my heart is just so heavy right now , ' joyce nolen said . ` that 's not my son ' sitting in a dimly lit room next to megan nolen , one of the suspect 's sisters , she explains that her son was a ` good kid ' . ` my son was raised up believing in god . that 's what he believes , ' she said . ` that 's not my son . there is two sides to every story and we are only hearing one . ' ` his family , our hearts bleed right now because what they saying alton has done , ' she said . ' i want to apologize to both families -- because this is not alton . ' hufford , 54 , who had been married for 25 years , had lost her family home in the moore tornado . the mother also said she is praying that justice will prevail and ` the whole story will come out . ' megan nolen insists her brother is a ` great person ' who has never been violent and asks the viewers keep the nolan family ` in their prayers . ' the oklahoman confirmed their identities sunday with paige nolen , who also is a sister of the suspect . police sgt. jeremy lewis said that nolen will be charged monday with first-degree murder and assault and battery with a deadly weapon and that he may also face federal charges . police were waiting for nolen to regain consciousness before charging him , according to lewis . salute : alton alexander nolen , 30 , attacked colleen hufford and traci johnson after he was sacked from vaughan foods in oklahoma , police said . above , nolen -lrb- center -rrb- apparently performs isis 's one-finger salute . ` killer ' : the suspect reportedly beheaded colleen hufford , 54 , and stabbed traci johnson , 43 , before he was shot and wounded by off-duty sheriff 's deputy and firm ceo mark vaughan . above , nolen reads the koran .<doc-sep>`` she took avis banks ' life and the life of her unborn child because she wanted that life , '' the prosecutor said . the jury deliberated wednesday for about an hour to decide on the sentence after hearing emotional testimony from seven defense witnesses , including her parents . `` carla has been a kind , loving person all her life , '' said carl hughes , who adopted his daughter when she was 6 weeks old . `` i 'm not asking you , i 'm pleading with you , to spare my daughter 's life , '' said hughes , who is also a teacher . he said that the person portrayed by prosecutors as a cold-blooded killer was completely different from the accomplished honors student , equestrian and beauty pageant contestant that he knew and loved . hughes ' pastor and friends also took the stand to describe her work mentoring youths , volunteering at church and at the school where she met the victim 's husband . suspicion initially fell on pittman , who admitted to having an affair with hughes , a language arts teacher . a key prosecution witness , pittman told the jury he began seeing hughes one month after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant . he testified that the two met frequently in hughes ' home and even went out of town together , but he insisted the relationship was based solely on sex .
<t> new : ex-cop apologizes , asks jury to spare him . </t> <t> bobby cutts jr. faces the death penalty for murders of girlfriend , unborn child . </t> <t> cutts also could receive life sentence , with or without parole . </t> <t> same jury that found cutts guilty is hearing penalty phase of trial . </t>
killer apologizes , asks jury to spare him<T>
boston , massachusetts -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- it all started with the flush of an automatic toilet . the terrifying sound marked the beginning of a two-year nightmare for sarah teres as she desperately tried to potty train her daughter molly . molly graduated from potty school four days before her brother , archer , was born . `` it was awful '' teres said . `` we tried everything including bribery and threats . '' teres , the mother of three from andover , massachusetts , hoped her middle child would be toilet trained by the time she was 2 1/2 . two years later , the girl was still in diapers , refusing to use the bathroom . `` i was going crazy , '' teres admitted . `` she would n't poop . she would hold it for days . '' at wits end , teres enrolled molly in the toilet training school at children 's hospital boston . `` by the time the children come in with their families , it has become a power struggle , '' explained dr. alison schonwald , a pediatrician who supervises the `` poop school , '' as it 's affectionately called by staffers . `` the kids kind of dig in their heels and put a line in the sand . '' health minute : watch more on the perils of potty training '' the american academy of pediatrics reports that most children show signs they 're ready to potty train between 18 and 24 months . doctors suggest a child may be ready to start trying if he 's staying dry for at least two hours at a time during the day , walking to and from the bathroom , asking for a diaper change and asking to use the potty .<doc-sep>for some kids , the toilet training process can take more than a year , or longer . the six-week program at children 's hospital is one of a handful around the country . kimberly dunn , a pediatric nurse practitioner , has worked with some of the 450 young graduates over the years . she said most of the kids admit they are afraid to use a toilet . `` oftentimes , the parents come in and they want to know why they 're afraid , '' dunn said . `` you could ask the kids until they 're blue in the face and you hardly ever find out why . '' dunn meets with a half-dozen children once a week . she uses books , music and art to help the students overcome their fear of using the toilet . she helps them set small , realistic goals . for instance , she said , week one involved just sitting on the toilet for five minutes . she encourages positive reinforcement and simple rewards such as extra playtime with mom or dad . while dunn works on the kids , psychologist elaine leclair , an instructor at the harvard school of medicine , offers frank advice to the parents in a separate room . `` i just say , ` step back . ' they hate to hear me say this , but i say whatever you 're doing now is not working . you really need to try something different , '' leclair said .<doc-sep>she said many parents come to the sessions angry and anxious . `` they come in feeling extremely discouraged , very isolated thinking they are the only ones in the world who have this problem . '' teres acknowledged that 's how she felt . `` imagine my surprise to find out there were thousands of kids who had this problem . '' after years of hiding her daughter 's toilet training troubles from family and friends , the group parenting sessions allowed teres to open up about her frustrations . `` it was like going to betty ford , '' joked teres , who felt she had exhausted all her other options . a majority of the children who attend the children 's hospital class are dealing with constipation issues often caused by delayed toilet training . teres learned that her daughter had a medical condition called encopresis . experts call it a symptom of chronic constipation and say it occurs when a child resists having a bowel movement . youngsters like molly are sometimes given laxatives or other medications to help encourage them to go .<doc-sep>schonwald , the author of `` the pocket idiot 's guide to potty training , '' does n't want parents to be discouraged during the process . `` no one goes to college in diapers , right ? everyone will get through this time , as awful as it might feel if you 're struggling . '' she suggested achieving success during potty training has to do with the approach . `` there are three things you can not make a child do : eat , sleep or poop . we find that by decreasing the pressure and expectations that children feel more confident . '' schonwald reminds parents that toilet training `` is not a chore , so keeping it positive from the very beginning is the most important thing . '' if a child is n't using the toilet by the age of 4 , she recommends talking with a pediatrician . schonwald also said setbacks during potty training are normal . `` all developmental skills come in spurts with periods of regression . '' after a setback , schonwald advises parents to give their child positive messages that they can succeed by saying , `` so you had some accidents today . we 'll try again tomorrow . '' four months after graduating from `` poop school , '' teres is relieved to report that molly is fully toilet trained . `` you would never know this was an issue , '' said teres . `` she even used an automatic flush toilet the other day . i waited to see her reaction and she was ok . '' e-mail to a friend . judy fortin is a correspondent with cnn medical news . linda ciampa of accent health contributed to this report .<doc-sep>' i just could n't get it off , it was so tight below his ears . he started panicking and then i started panicking . ` the potty seat was cutting into his ears . ' ms urmston said her son was stuck in the potty for around half an hour . ` my friend was over and she told me to call the fire service , ' she said . struggle : ms urmston tried to pull the potty away from her son 's head , but without success and with layton starting to panic she called for the emergency services . ` she was in stitches crying with laughter . layton was getting upset and did n't understand what was going on . ` he was proper stuck he was screaming , i did n't know what do . ' a fire engine came quickly with four firefighters . i just wanted the potty seat off layton 's head - by the end i was more upset than layton . ` the firefighters were really nice to him . afterwards we were all laughing but i was in shock for ages . freed : ms urmston with the broken potty after it was cut away from layton 's head .<doc-sep>the questions and answers were also a hit . `` i do have my own airplane and that 's pretty cool , '' said dempsey . `` four stars is pretty cool man , '' he said . `` second lieutenant was good too . '' `` what 's it like controlling so many soldiers ? '' one child asked . `` all we really have to do is give them the training ... and turn 'em loose , '' he answered . easy-going laughs erupted , but not always . if he indeed gets the nomination for the joint chiefs chairman post , dempsey would be the senior ranking member of the armed forces . he would be the one who takes the drive across the potomac river to meet with the president , carrying the advice of everyone in uniform to the commander in chief .<doc-sep>gun control : karl pierson 's facebook posts suggested he favored tighter laws on firearms . colorado gunman karl pierson , who seriously injured a 17-year-old girl when he opened fire at his school , supported tougher gun laws . the 18-year-old , who had been dropped from the debate team , was said to have had strong views on politics and gun control , classmates said . pierson was also allegedly suspended from the school in september for making threats against the team coach , tracy murphy , believed to have been the target for friday 's attack . ` he had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff , ' junior abbey skoda told the denver post . the paper reported that pierson had once posted an image on facebook with the slogan : ` the republican party : health care : let . 'em die , climate change : let 'em die , gun violence : let 'em die , women 's . rights : let 'em die , more war : let 'em die . is this really the side you . want to be on ? ' the post had been removed on saturday .<doc-sep>the `` sensuality '' could mean bruce wayne -lrb- christian bale -rrb- gets horizontal with a cat-suited selina kyle -lrb- anne hathaway -rrb- . and `` language '' suggests masked villain bane -lrb- tom hardy -rrb- could provoke batman 's potty mouth . if that means we get to see more of bale 's physique and legendary way with four-letter words , so much the better . see the full article at .
<t> most children show they 're ready to potty train between 18 and 24 months . </t> <t> mom resorted to hospital 's potty school when daughter was in diapers at 4 1/2 . </t> <t> six-week program uses creative methods to get kids comfortable with a toilet . </t> <t> toilet training process can take more than a year , or longer for some kids . </t>
potty school really gets 'em going<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- some democrats say they fear their party 's method of picking a nominee might turn undemocratic as neither presidential candidate is likely to gather the delegates needed for the nomination . the democrats ' superdelegate system is supposed to avoid turmoil at the party 's conventions . sens. hillary clinton and barack obama are running neck and neck toward the party 's august convention in denver , colorado . most projections show neither getting the necessary 2,025 delegates in the remaining nominating contests before then . party rules call for the votes of superdelegates -- 800 or so party officers , elected officials and activists -- to tip the balance . the party instituted the system to avoid the turmoil that a deadlocked race would create at a convention . but even some superdelegates are questioning the system , as the party heads toward the conclusion of a race in which they might determine the outcome . `` it 's not the most democratic way of doing things , '' said maine superdelegate sam spencer . watch the scenario for a `` civil war '' in the democratic party '' at least two organizations have launched petition drives to reflect how the vote went in primaries and caucuses . , which has endorsed obama , is trying to get 200,000 signatures this week and plans to run an ad with its petition in usa today . and democracy for america , headed by democratic national committee chairman howard dean 's brother jim , said it will deliver signed petitions to all the superdelegates . while pledged delegates are allocated with the understanding they 'll vote the way their state went in its primary or caucus , superdelegates are free to vote however they want . and even if they pledge their support to a candidate , they 're free to change at any time . clinton already has 234 superdelegates and obama has 157 . but obama has a sizable lead in pledged delegates , 1,096 to 977 , and is on a roll , having won all eight nominating contests since super tuesday . see which states pledged delegates come from ''<doc-sep>if the superdelegates were to tip the balance against the popular vote , the turmoil would last long beyond the convention , longtime democratic party strategist tad devine said . `` if a perception develops that somehow this decision has been made not by voters participating in primaries or caucuses , but by politicians in some mythical backroom , i think that the public could react strongly against that , '' devine said . `` the problem is -lsb- if -rsb- people perceive that voters have not made the decision -- instead , insiders have made the decision -- then all of these new people who are being attracted to the process , particularly the young people who are voting for the first time , will feel disenfranchised or in some way alienated , '' he said . superdelegates were established in 1982 to bring more moderate democrats back to conventions , where their attendance had been dropping since the 1950s , and to relect the party 's mainstream more accurately . '' -lsb- superdelegates -rsb- are the keepers of the faith , '' said former san francisco , california , mayor willie brown . `` you have superdelegates because this is the democratic party . you do n't want the bleed-over from the green party , the independents and others in deciding who your nominee will be . '' devine was part of the first campaign to benefit from the roles of superdelegates -- that of former vice president walter mondale in 1984 . mondale 's 1984 campaign went into the party convention with too few delegates to secure the nomination against the campaigns of former sen. gary hart and jesse jackson . mondale had received more votes , but hart had won more states . mondale was able to line up the superdelegates going into the convention and avoid a fight on the convention floor . each campaign actively is trying to encourage the unpledged delegates to pledge to their side . jason rae , a 21-year-old wisconsin superdelegate , said he 's gotten calls from former president clinton and former secretary of state madeleine albright from hillary clinton 's camp , and obama 's wife , michelle , visited with him during a campaign stop tuesday in wisconsin .<doc-sep>rae said he has n't yet decided how he 'll vote in wisconsin 's primary on tuesday . crystal strait , a party activist from california , said she 's received calls from clinton herself and daughter chelsea but she remains uncommitted . massachusetts superdelegate john walsh said he 'll stay loyal to obama despite the fact that the senator lost the primary in walsh 's state . so will fellow massachusetts superdelegates sens. edward kennedy and john kerry . among clinton 's committed superdelegates are harold ickes jr. , her husband 's former deputy chief of staff ; terry mcauliffe , who led her husband 's 1996 re-election campaign and is chairman of her campaign ; and her husband . whether those superdelegates stay committed to their candidates , even if it means tipping the outcome of the race against the pledged delegate lead or the popular vote , could split the party . `` it 's in a total contradiction of the way the democrats have set up their primary process , with all this proportional representation , '' said cnn political analyst amy holmes . `` the whole point of it was that no one could walk away with the elites . and if this is decided by superdelegates , i think the democratic party morally is going to be looking at each other and say , ` what did we just do ? ' '' devine said it could hurt the party in the general election . `` i think it will hurt us particularly because so many of the policies that we 're saying we will pursue in government as democrats are based on fairness , whether it 's the tax policies that we advocate or the social programs we want to advance , there 's a fairness component in all of that , '' he said . `` people need to believe , i think , that our process is fair as well , if they want to believe that our policies will be fair . '' e-mail to a friend . cnn 's campbell brown , john helton and ed hornick contributed to this report .<doc-sep>the wins in the potomac primaries gave obama a lead over clinton in the delegate count for the first time -- 1,253 to 1,211 , according to cnn calculations . `` in my neighborhood , you know , you had to win games if you wanted to brag , '' said jamal simmons , a democratic strategist and obama supporter . `` and i think right now , barack obama is ahead in delegates . he 's ahead in states . he 's ahead in the popular vote . he 's winning . `` sen. clinton has got to win some of these contests , you know , to get to the finals . '' neither clinton nor obama is likely to pick up the 2,025 delegates needed to win the nomination outright before the primary season ends in june , mainly because democrats divvy up each state 's delegates in proportion to the candidates ' share of the popular vote . watch an outlook of the democratic race '' the democratic nomination likely will be decided by the roughly 800 superdelegates , which include party officers , elected officials and activists . obama 's camp argues the superdelegates should support the candidate with the most popular support , as indicated by a majority of pledged delegates going into the convention . clinton 's campaign , on the other hand , says the superdelegates should support the candidate they think will be the best nominee in the general election as well as the best president . watch how the campaigns are fighting for superdelegates '' , an influential liberal activist group , on thursday said it would launch a petition drive calling on the superdelegates not to go against the popular vote . `` the worst thing for the party and democracy is if all these new voters feel like the nomination was brokered in a backroom somewhere . the superdelegates have got to let the voters decide , '' executive director eli pariser said in a statement .<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- as the democratic primary race heats up between sens. hillary clinton and barack obama , the delegate estimate between the two remains extremely close . for the first time , democratic superdelegates may decide their party 's nominee . but what exactly is a delegate and why are they so important to obama and clinton , and sen. john mccain and former arkansas gov. mike huckabee on the republican side ? the magic number of delegates needed to win the democratic nomination is 2,025 out of 4,049 total number of delegates . for republicans , the number needed is much less -- 1,191 delegates to secure the party 's nomination out of 2,380 total delegates . cnn has compiled a list of questions and answers regarding the complicated world of delegates . q : what 's the difference between delegates and superdelegates ? a : there are different set of rules for the democratic and republican parties . for democrats , there are two types of delegates within the democratic party : pledged and unpledged . both of them cast votes for presidential candidates at the national convention , but the methods by which they are selected differ . a pledged delegate is elected to his or her position with the understanding that he or she will support a particular candidate . over 80 percent of the total delegate votes at the convention are from these pledged delegates . in caucus states , pledged delegates are elected through a series of local-level meetings and conventions and then are allocated to the candidates based on the candidate 's showing in the caucuses . in primary states , voters are actually voting for a candidate 's slate of pledged delegates . the number of delegates who get to attend the national conventions is proportional to the candidate 's share of the primary vote . although pledged delegates make a `` pledge '' to support a certain candidate , they are not required or bound by the national party to actually support that candidate and may vote any way they choose on the convention floor . so-called `` superdelegates , '' unique to the democratic party , are drawn from the democratic national committee , members of congress , governors and distinguished party leaders -- like former presidents , vice presidents , and congressional leaders . some are selected at state conventions . though sometimes referred to as `` unpledged '' delegates , many superdelegates pledge allegiance to a candidate well before the party convention -- but they are free to change their minds . superdelegates make up around 20 percent of the total delegates and have only been around since the 1980s . although the national republican party does not have these superdelegates , 123 members of the republican national committee are free to vote for any candidate at the gop convention this summer in minneapolis , minnesota . of those , 26 have already expressed support for mccain and three for huckabee . republicans , like democrats , utilize pledged delegates in the nominating process . a candidate needs 1,911 out of 2,380 total national delegates to secure the nomination . q : at what point do superdelegates become a factor in deciding who wins the nomination ? a : because obama and clinton are neck-and-neck in pledged delegates , the superdelegate number could set a candidate over the top , getting the magic number of delegates needed to win the party 's nomination . watch superdelegates weigh in on their role in the race '' cnn estimates , however , that clinton has the support of at least 234 superdelegates compared with at least 156 superdelegates for obama , according to an ongoing survey . the remaining 400 or so superdelegates either remain neutral , undecided or have not publicly revealed their preferences . though clinton appears to hold a sizable lead among these democratic officials , obama has scored a series of high-profile superdelegate endorsements in recent weeks , including nods from sens. ted kennedy and john kerry of massachusetts . although there are currently 796 democratic superdelegates , those numbers may change over the next several months as people die , leave office or leave the democratic party . watch more about democratic superdelegates '' the number of superdelegates may also change if states such as florida and michigan are ultimately allowed to send delegates . as you may recall , the dnc stripped both states due to the refusal to hold delegate selection contests during the so-called `` window '' of time sanctioned by the dnc . this means that , unless the dnc 's current ruling changes , prominent democrats -- including florida sen. bill nelson and michigan gov. jennifer granholm -- will not be superdelegates . q : can superdelegates who 've expressed a preference change their mind before that time ? a : yes , superdelegates are not required to indicate a preference for a candidate . candidates , however , can use their persuasive power to win over superdelegates ' support . q : have superdelegates ever decided the democratic nominee ? a : no . since superdelegates were first created in the 1980s , a democratic nomination race has never come down to the votes of superdelegates at the convention . usually , the eventual nominee emerges before the convention and the delegates generally have rallied around that nominee at the convention regardless of whom they supported during the primaries . q : how does cnn determine its delegate count ? a : the overall delegate estimate is a combination of our superdelegate estimate and our calculations of how many delegates the candidates won through primaries and caucuses . we add those numbers together and come up with the overall delegate estimate . for the superdelegate count in particular , cnn 's ongoing survey involves phone calls and e-mails to delegates as well as public statements of endorsement for a particular candidate . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's robert yoon , alan silverleib and keating holland contributed to this report .<doc-sep>cnn analyst and clinton supporter paul begala said clinton still scored `` an extraordinary victory '' in pennsylvania . obama congratulated clinton on her win and looked ahead to the may 6 contests in north carolina and indiana . watch obama congratulate clinton '' `` there were a lot of folks who did n't think we could make this a race when it started , '' he said in evansville , indiana . `` but we worked hard ... and now , six weeks later , we closed the gap . we rallied people of every age and race and background to the cause . and whether they were inspired for the first time or for the first time in a long time , we registered a record number of voters , and it is those new voters who will lead our party to victory in november . '' obama drew more than 90 percent of the vote among pennsylvania 's black voters , who are heavily concentrated around philadelphia . african-americans made up about 14 percent of tuesday 's vote . but whites made up about 80 percent -- and voted 60-40 for clinton . her supporters turned out heavily in pittsburgh and the counties of western pennsylvania , and she was racking up similarly lopsided margins in the state 's industrial northeast , the exit polls found . see the exit polls . obama also scored big with new democrats in pennsylvania . one out of every seven democratic party voters was not registered as a democrat at the beginning of the year , and 60 percent of them cast their ballot for obama , according to the exit polls . clinton fared better with voters who made up their mind in the last week , the exit polls showed . fifty-eight percent of those voters said they chose the new york senator . that includes voters who made up their mind in the aftermath of last week 's heated democratic debate . clinton also got the support of older voters , with 61 percent of those age 65 or older backing her , according to the polls . in recent weeks , clinton fended off calls to drop out of the race as the increasingly bruising primary fight raised worries from within the party that the daily cycle of charge-and-countercharge could hurt the democrats ' chances in the general election . neither candidate is expected to win the 2,025 delegates needed to clinch the nomination by the end of the primary season in june . call races for yourself and see how delegates add up '' the superdelegates -- party leaders and officials -- then could decide the nomination . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's paul steinhauser and chris welch contributed to this report .<doc-sep>more telling is that voters who say they 're not aligned with either major party gave obama a 33 percent approval rating . respondents to the poll also gave obama historically low ratings for his handling of immigration , international affairs and terrorism . furthermore , seven out 10 survey takers said they fear that terrorists will carry out another attack on the u.s , and likely voters gave republicans a 22 point advantage when it came to who they trust most to defeat isis . the only major issues that presumed voters said they believed democrats were best equipped to tackle were ` helping the middle class ' and ` women 's issues . democrats carried the women 's issues category by 22 points , suggesting that the gop is still battling the notion that it 's at war with women . and while republicans are even less liked by voters than democrats and have a 33 percent positive rating compared to democrats ' 39 percent , abc 's pollsters found that gop congressional candidates have a significant lead over their opponents . republican contenders for the house of representatives hold a 50-43 percent lead over their democratic competitors among likely voters , the survey shows . congressional democrats hoping to close the gap in the final weeks of the race were confronted with even more bad news today as their party chair revealed that weak spending from outside groups could cost them as many as three dozen seats . ` look , it 's more of a challenge than we would like it to be , ' democratic congressional campaign committee chairman steve israel told reporters today during a briefing .
<t> democrats ' system includes about 800 superdelegates -- party officials , leaders . </t> <t> unlike elected delegates , superdelegates can vote for any candidate they choose . </t> <t> some says they fear superdelegates could tip balance against the popular vote . </t> <t> if such a thing happens , some say voters will feel alienated , disenfranchised . </t>
democrats fear superdelegates could overrule voters<T>
adelaide , australia -- world record-breaking wicketkeeper adam gilchrist has announced he will retire from cricket at the end of the australian summer . adam gilchrist takes a spectacular catch off mahendra singh dhoni in the third test against india . the 36-year-old chose australia day to make his decision public , coming at the end of the third day of the fourth and final test against india in adelaide . gilchrist said he would retire from tests at the end of the current match , and then hang up his gloves in one-day internationals after the upcoming tri-series with sri lanka and india . `` it is with great pride and happiness that i make the decision to retire from tests and one-day internationals , '' he said in a statement on saturday . `` i 've come to the decision after much thought and discussion with those most important to me . `` my family and i have been fortunate to have had an amazing journey full of rich experiences throughout my career and are sincerely grateful to all who have helped make this stage of our lives so fulfilling . `` i am now ready and excited to move into the next phase of my life which will , of paramount importance , include much more time with my family . ''<doc-sep>gilchrist broke the world record for the most wicketkeeping dismissals in tests with 414 on friday , overtaking south africa 's mark boucher in his 96th outing in the five-day game . boucher , by comparison , played in 109 tests . gilchrist took over the gloves from ian healy -- third on the list with 395 dismissals from 119 tests -- in november 1999 , and went on to establish himself both as a wicketkeeper and as a batsman of brutal hitting capabilities . he has scored 5,556 runs to date , at an average of 47.89 , with a highest score of 204 not out and having made 17 centuries . he has been similarly prolific in 277 one-dayers , scoring 9,297 runs at an average of 36 and reaching three figures 15 times . gilchrist 's revelation came as australia put themselves in a strong position to win the series against the touring indians , reaching 322-3 at stumps .<doc-sep>captain ricky ponting , whose team lead 2-1 , was unbeaten on 79 after adding an unbroken 81 for the fourth wicket with michael clarke -lrb- 37 -rrb- . resuming the day on 62-0 in reply to india 's imposing first innings of 526 , matthew hayden and phil jaques took their opening stand to 159 . jaques was the first to fall , bowled by india captain anil kumble for a patient 60 off 159 deliveries . hayden , on his return after missing the defeat in perth due to a hamstring injury , reached his 30th test century before being bowled by 19-year-old seamer ishant sharma for 103 off 200 balls . ponting , who came in at first drop , added another 55 with mike hussey before the left-hander was also castled by fast bowler irfan pathan for 22 to leave the home side teetering a little at 241-3 . but ponting , who has struggled for form so far in the series , ground out his 40th half-century in tests and clarke provided able support to take australia through to the close of play with no further loss of wickets . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>it all began during a social media exchange at the weekend , when former australian cricketer shane warne was talking sport with good mate and fellow cricketer michael clarke . during the afl match between the sydney swans and richmond tigers on saturday evening warne accused swans star adam goodes of staging , or taking theatrical dives in order to earn free kicks during the game . goodes hit back on sunday morning mentioning warne 's former teammate and fellow cricketer adam gilchrist . ` come on tigers beat those swans and make the finals . by the way , does everyone get annoyed when adam goodes always `` stages '' for free kicks ? ' warne wrote . captain of the australian cricket team and good friend michael clarke responded to his mate 's comment with ` goodes is a legend mate . swans to win the flag champion . ' warne then replied to clarke with the baffling admission that he was surprised to discover goodes was awarded australian of the year for 2014 - which was awarded in january , almost eight months ago . ' i think syd or the hawks will win the flag . shocked as i just found out goodes was aust of the year , wow ! who votes for that ? ' warne wrote in a bizarre tweet . some punters on twitter attacked warne -lrb- left -rrb- for not knowing about goodes ' title -lrb- right -rrb- . australian cricket captain michael clarke said called swans star goodes a ` legend ' during the exchange . what followed was many puzzled punters asking what he meant by his comments , while other users were astounded he missed the news . one wrote to warne ` so much respect gone for you . use to like you but you 're actually a flog . ca n't believe i looked up to you as a kid . ' others joked that they thought the former cricketer 's account to be a parody based on his recent comments , only to discover it was n't . on sunday morning adam goodes responded to the exchange as he pointed out that australian cricketer and one of warne 's former teammates adam gilchrist , is the head of the australia day council . goodes pointed out to warne -lrb- left -rrb- his former teammate adam gilchrist -lrb- right -rrb- is chair of the australia day council . michael clarke also responded that shane warne could be the next australian of the year . ' @shanewarne thanks for your support mate maybe ask @gilly381 who votes for it he is the chair of the australia day council ' . goodes wrote . warne then repeated his initial advice for goodes to stop diving , and wished the swans star luck for the upcoming finals . ' @adamroy37 just stop staging for free kicks mate . you should be better than that as aust of the year !!! good luck in the finals ' , warne tweeted . some twitter users threw their support behind warne over the strange sentiments , while many other people were astounded by the comments made by the former cricketer . one user commended goodes on his response and wrote : ` well done adam , so tired of ppl -lrb- people -rrb- undermining your achievements ' . warne ended the conversation with the same comment he began it with - about staging during the match .<doc-sep>by . lawrence booth . follow @@ the_topspin . adam gilchrist has advised alastair cook to ` sit down and talk ' with shane warne in a bid to defuse warne 's relentless criticism of the england captain . asked about warne 's insistence that cook 's leadership is too negative , the hard-hitting former australia wicketkeeper , who will today represent the rest of the world against mcc at lord 's , replied : ` i do n't think warnie 's the only one to make those accusations . video scroll down to watch england captain alastair cook say he 's taking the positives . ` sit down and talk ' : adam gilchrist wants alastair cook -lrb- pictured -rrb- to chat with shane warne . will he ? england captain cook -lrb- pictured -rrb- has been relentlessly criticised by warne . settle : gilchrist says ` the point -lrb- warne -rrb- makes is captain is responsible ' for the entire team . criticism : former australia wicketkeeper warne insists cook 's leadership is too negative . ' a point he makes is that the captain is responsible , and it will come down to his desire to risk losing to win . ' i do n't know whether alastair has rung shane up , or grabbed him and said , `` can we have a chat ? '' i 'm sure warnie would be happy to sit down and talk . ' warne recently wrote that cook 's captaincy on the fourth day of the headingley test against sri lanka was the worst he had seen ` at international level in almost 25 years in the game ' . cook had begun that match complaining that ` something needs to be done ' about warne 's critiques . and gilchrist said : ` i could n't imagine what it would be like with warnie as an opponent . he 'd just be all over you . ` alastair has been an outstanding player . i 've no doubt he knows how to succeed . ' urge : adam gilchrist thinks cook and warne need to ` sit down and talk ' to sort out their bitter issues .<doc-sep>new challenge : the superstar midfielder 's last game for la galaxy will be on december 1 . he is pictured laughing with his sons romeo , right , and cruz , left , at a basketball game . famous : u.s president barack obama smiles as he meets the iconic footballer . while that . will be the final act of his impressive six-year career in la , the 37-year-old . former manchester united player insisted he would not retire and said he . was hoping for ` one last challenge ' . speculation over his next destination is . likely to rage over the next few days , with paris , australia and his . native london all possible new homes for the english legend . last week , he pointedly denied rumors linking him to a short-term stint in australia . new home ? speculation over beckham 's next destination is likely to rage over the next few days , with paris , australia and his native london all possible new homes for the english legend . ecstatic : david beckham was pictured behind london mayor boris johnson at the london olympics over the summer . close : victoria beckham whispers into her husband 's ear during a basketball match . ` i 've had an incredibly special time playing for the l.a. galaxy , ' beckham said in a statement on monday evening . ` however , i wanted to experience one last challenge before the end of my playing career . i do n't see this as the end of my relationship with the league , as my ambition is to be part of the ownership structure in the future . '<doc-sep>` some have misconstrued warnie 's comments as racist . people have got wildly out of control if they think that . ' during an afl game on saturday former australian cricketer shane warne made a bizarre admission on twitter that he did n't know swans star adam goodes was australian of the year . goodes hit back on sunday morning mentioning warne 's former teammate and fellow cricketer adam gilchrist . the comments where made during an afl match between the sydney swans and richmond tigers on saturday evening . warne accused swans star adam goodes of staging , or taking theatrical dives in order to earn free kicks during the game . ` come on tigers beat those swans and make the finals . by the way , does everyone get annoyed when adam goodes always `` stages '' for free kicks ? ' warne wrote . it was soon after he said he was shocked to learn of goodes january award : ' i think syd or the hawks will win the flag . shocked as i just found out goodes was aust of the year , wow ! who votes for that ? ' warne wrote in a bizarre tweet . australian cricket captain michael clarke said called swans star goodes a ` legend ' during the exchange . what followed was many puzzled punters asking what he meant by his comments , while other users were astounded he missed the news . one wrote to warne ` so much respect gone for you . use to like you but you 're actually a flog . ca n't believe i looked up to you as a kid . ' others joked that they thought the former cricketer 's account to be a parody based on his recent comments , only to discover it was n't . on sunday morning adam goodes responded to the exchange as he pointed out that australian cricketer and one of warne 's former teammates adam gilchrist , is the head of the australia day council . michael clarke also responded that shane warne could be the next australian of the year . ' @shanewarne thanks for your support mate maybe ask @gilly381 who votes for it he is the chair of the australia day council ' . goodes wrote . warne then repeated his initial advice for goodes to stop diving , and wished the swans star luck for the upcoming finals . ' @adamroy37 just stop staging for free kicks mate . you should be better than that as aust of the year !!! good luck in the finals ' , warne tweeted . some twitter users threw their support behind warne over the strange sentiments , while many other people were astounded by the comments made by the former cricketer . one user commended goodes on his response and wrote : ` well done adam , so tired of ppl -lrb- people -rrb- undermining your achievements ' . warne ended the conversation with the same comment he began it with - about staging during the match .
<t> new : adam gilchrist to retire from cricket at end of this australian summer . </t> <t> the wicketkeeper set new world record of 414 test dismissals on friday . </t> <t> he has played 96 tests for australia and 277 one-day internationals . </t> <t> australia reached 322-3 on third day of final test against india , gilchrist 's last . </t>
australia legend gilchrist to retire<T>
bogota , colombia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- colombian police have killed a drug trafficker who the government says is one of the most sought-after fugitive outside the country 's rebel leaders . victor manuel mejia munera was a drug lord with ties to paramilitary groups , the colombian government says . victor manuel mejia munera and two bodyguards were killed tuesday when police tracked them down on a farm in the northwestern province of antioquia , according to a statement on the colombian presidency web site . three people also were arrested , according to the statement . mejia munera was wearing an american-style , desert-camouflage uniform when he was killed , said colombian defense minister juan manuel santos . mejia munera also had short - and long-range weapons with ammunition , the presidential statement said . `` this is a great strike of the public force against the criminal structures of the country , '' santos said , warning that drug traffickers who do not turn themselves over to the government will `` end up in the jail or in a tomb . '' in terms of the country 's most-wanted list , mejia munera was one of colombia 's most sought-after criminals and ranked just below the leaders of revolutionary armed forces of colombia , the statement said . the leftist guerilla group , which goes by its spanish acronym farc , holds about 750 hostages in the jungles of colombia and has justified hostage-taking as a legitimate military tactic in a long-running civil war involving government forces , drug traffickers and right-wing paramilitaries . mejia munera is not alleged to have ties to farc , but he had been involved with a right-wing paramilitary group known as united self-defense forces of colombia , according to the u.s. state department . mejia munera and his brother , miguel angel mejia munera , known as `` los mellizos , '' or `` the twins , '' have been accused of running major drug rings in colombia . the brothers also have faced narcotics-trafficking charges in the united states . santos initially told reporters that police had killed miguel angel mejia munera . the colombian presidency later said the slain drug lord was actually victor manuel mejia munera . fingerprints confirmed that the dead man was victor mejia munera , colombian-based caracol radio reported . the brothers sometimes exchanged identities , the radio station said , and identity documents belonging to miguel mejia munera were found near victor mejia munera . in 2004 , the u.s. district court for the district of columbia indicted the twins on narcotics-trafficking charges . the u.s. justice department at one point offered a $ 5 million reward for `` true and effective information '' on the whereabouts of a dozen suspects it wanted extradited to the united states . one of the 12 men wanted was miguel mejia munera . the state department said wednesday there was no reward for victor mejia munera . the u.s. treasury department 's office of foreign assets control reported that the brothers have been involved in narcotics trafficking since the early 1990s , when they were guarding ships carrying cocaine from western colombia to mexico . `` over time , '' ofac said in a news release last year , the brothers `` rose through the ranks to lead their own narcotics trafficking organization . '' `` recent reports indicate that los mellizos may be funding their own illegal armed groups to facilitate their narcotics trafficking activities , '' the release said . the colombian prosecutor general 's office had indicted victor mejia munera for his role in a 2004 paramilitary massacre of 11 farmers in tame in the eastern colombian province of arauca , according to the state department . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>by . associated press reporter . published : . 12:22 est , 26 july 2013 . | . updated : . 14:25 est , 26 july 2013 . kingpin : juan david ochoa ran the most powerful cocaine cartel in columbia during the 1970s and 1980s , earning more than $ 60m a day . the eldest of the three ochoa brothers who founded one of colombia 's most notorious cocaine cartels has died of a heart attack at age 65 . juan david ochoa died on thursday at a private clinic in medellin , colombia 's second largest city , hospital officials and a cousin said . ochoa and brothers jorge luis and fabio founded the infamous cartel with feared colombian drug lord pablo escobar . but they all surrendered when the manhunt for escobar intensified . ochoa turned himself in 10 months . before escobar was killed and served five years and five months . then-justice minister carlos medellin called his 1996 release ' a . national disgrace ' . he returned to the family business of raising gait horses . while juan david avoided extradition . to the united states , his youngest brother fabio would not . arrested in . 1999 , fabio was later sentenced to 30 years for drug trafficking .<doc-sep>the house where notorious colombian drug kingpin pablo escobar was killed is on the market -- and it could be transformed into a tourist destination . with an asking price of $ 250,000 -lrb- # 160,000 -rrb- , the five-bedroom house in medellin is already a draw for curious visitors who want to see where the wealthy and ruthless drug lord 's reign of terror came to an abrupt end 21 years ago . but it could become a legitimate tourist site -- such as a themed guesthouse or public museum -- now that it is being advertised as an opportunity for rich foreign investors , according to colombia reports . scroll down for video . the five-bedroom house where pablo escobar spent his final days has been listed for # 160,000 . ` king of cocaine ' : pablo escobar is said to have had a net worth of nearly # 20bn .<doc-sep>a narcotics policeman alongside cocaine seized in the port of buenaventura , valle del cauca department , colombia . the country has a history of drug exporting but internal drug use is now becoming a major problem . esguerra added that colombia had gone from being a ` producer country to a consumer ' in recent years . ms stella correa 's comments followed a meeting with a commission set up to scrutinise the government 's drug policies over the last 10 years . the noted liberal highlighted that the nation 's constitutional court had already criticised charging people carrying small amounts of marijuana and cocaine . a colombian child sniffs glue on the streets of medellin , the former power base of drug kingpin pablo escobar . heroin use in particular is a growing cause of concern in urban areas . ` the new statute to be presented to the congress during this mandate intends to make this authorisation concrete , but broadening it to include synthetic drugs into what is defined as the personal dose ' , she told colombia 's national radio . it is a stark contrast to colombia 's recent hardline approach to the drug problem , with laws that penalised possession and consumption .<doc-sep>prosecutors allege avila spent more than a decade working her way to the top of mexico 's drug trade . she faces federal cocaine-trafficking charges now that she is in the u.s. federal prosecutors said the extradition request indicates . avila belonged to an organization that trafficked cocaine from colombia to the . united states . u.s. prosecutors allege she helped store and move shipments of . the drug from mexico to the united states . until thursday , avila had been held in a prison in mexico 's . pacific coast state of nayarit , pending trial for a separate money-laundering . charge . the sinaloa cartel led by drug kingpin joaquin ` el chapo ' guzman -lrb- pictured in 1993 -rrb- has been locked in a vicious fight with the violent zetas gang in several regions of mexico . it was not immediately clear how mexican prosecutors would proceed with .
<t> new : weapons , ammunition found with dead drug lord , colombian government says . </t> <t> new : defense minister warns drug dealers will `` end up in the jail or in a tomb '' </t> <t> victor manuel mejia munera linked to paramilitaries , also wanted in the u.s. </t> <t> the slain man was originally thought to be brother miguel angel mejia . </t>
colombia says it killed cocaine kingpin<T>
rome , italy -- captain javier zanetti saved inter milan 's unbeaten serie a record as he rifled home a stunning late volley to earn a 1-1 draw against second-placed roma at the san siro on wednesday . zanetti celebrates his late strike as inter retained their unbeaten serie a record with a 1-1 draw against roma . roma captain francesco totti had given the visitors a deserved first-half leadbut zanetti 's strike two minutes from time maintained inter 's nine-point lead at the top . roma needed to win to breathe new life into the title race but they were dealt a cruel blow as french defender philippe mexes was sent-off late on for two bookings in quick succession . inter capitalised and they have now lost only once in their last 65 league matches . the home side had the first clear-cut chance of the match and were within centimeters of taking the lead when hernan crespo met a cross from patrick vieira with an acrobatic volley , but saw his effort cannon back off the post . the defending champions were made to pay for that miss on 38 minutes as the visitors orchestrated a sublime goal . neat footwork from macedonia international mirko vucinic released max tonetto down the left and his pin-point cross was flicked home at the near post by totti from six meters out as he stole in front of defender cristian chivu . inter center-back nicolas burdisso should have restored parity in first-half stoppage time but his header from luis figo 's corner flew over the bar . figo himself had a great chance on 54 minutes but after having time to set himself up for an attempted volley , he skewed his effort so badly that it did not even go out of play . after mexes ' dismissal 10 from time , inter laid siege to roma 's goal . goalkeeper doni had to be alert to tip over crespo 's header three minutes from time but he could do nothing about zanetti 's volley a minute later . meanwhile , ac milan slipped to fifth place as they were held to a 1-1 draw at catania . brazilian teenager pato gave them the lead early in the second half with a skimming long-range shot but substitute gionathan spinesi 's header earnt the sicilians a point . fiorentina are up to fourth after they defeated livorno 1-0 at home thanks to a goal from senegal forward ndiaye papa waigo . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>javier zanetti marked his final inter milan appearance at the san siro on a high as they beat lazio 4-1 on saturday . the 40-year-old , who will retire at the end of season , replaced brazilian right-back jonathan in the 52nd minute to a rapturous applause from the inter supporters . tributes to zanetti were evident throughout the game . the nerazzuri legend came on to europe 's ` final countdown ' during the second-half as he wore a commemorative armband sporting every inter milan player 's name that he had ever played with . video scroll down for journey through zanetti 's 19 inter seasons via panini stickers . captain marvel : javier zanetti played his final game for inter milan at the san siro in saturday 's 4-1 win vs lazio . emotional occasion : zanetti -lrb- centre -rrb- ushers a tearful inter supporter off the pitch during injury time . end of an era : the occasion at the full-time whistle got to zanetti -lrb- centre -rrb- who started to cry . weeping beauty : an inter fan wipes away her tears as zanetti is introduced to the fans before the match . family time : zanetti with his family wave to the inter fans at the end of his final game .<doc-sep>opener scored by giuseppe biava . brazil . international hernanes completed the rout against his former club late . in the second-half as inter stengthened their grip on qualification for . the europa league next season . the emotion of the occasion was too much for one inter fan who ran onto the pitch during injury time to hug the defender , who returned the favour whilst ushering to the side off the pitch . lift me up : zanetti is thrown in the air after his final game . up and away : zanetti is celebrated by his teammates at the end of their match against lazio .<doc-sep>inter made the most of that stroke of good fortune and argentine forward milito scored the only goal nine minutes after the break . milan defender ignazio abate slipped as he attempted to clear javier zanetti 's cross and milito was on hand to stroke the ball home . inter 's victory consolidated fifth place , but just six points separate the top five teams after 18 games .<doc-sep>momentous occasion : zanetti came on as a 52nd substitute for jonathan to the delight of the inter fans . on friday , the italian outfit confirmed zanetti 's retirement after 19 trophy-laden years with the club - who will now become the club 's sporting director from next season . since his transfer from argentina side banfield in 1995 , his hounours include five serie a titles , four coppa italias , one champions league , one uefa cup and one fifa club world cup . as well as an impressive club career , zanetti enjoyed a successful international one with argentina as he is his country 's most capped player , with his 145th cap coming in 2011 . memoies : zanetti wore an armband which included every inter milan player he had ever played with . dogged defender : zanetti -lrb- left -rrb- showed all his qualities in his second-half cameo vs lazio . warm embrace : rodrigo palacio -lrb- left -rrb- celebrates scoring one of his goals with zanetti -lrb- right -rrb- in the first-half . captain , leader , legend : inter fans show their gratitude towards zanetti 's 19-year career at the san siro .
<t> javier zanetti scores a late goal to earn inter milan a 1-1 draw against roma . </t> <t> the result keeps inter nine points clear and retains their unbeaten league run . </t> <t> ac milan slipped to fifth position as they were held to a 1-1 draw at catania . </t>
late zanetti goal earns inter point<T>
glasgow , scotland -- jean-claude darcheville and nacho novo both scored twice to fire leaders rangers to a 4-0 win at hearts , their 10th consecutive scottish premier league victory . jean-claude darcheville scored two first-half goals as rangers cruised to a 4-0 victory at hearts . hearts found themselves ripped apart by a rampant rangers side , who sent out a clear message to rivals celtic by maintaining their four-point advantage at the summit . darcheville claimed the opener after 25 minutes , cutting inside from the left and squeezing his shot inside the far post from a tight angle .<doc-sep>the same player added a second two minutes before the break , scoring from close range after a barry ferguson corner was not cleared . darcheville was withdrawn for novo at the interval , but if hearts thought the departure of the frenchman meant some much-needed respite , they were sadly mistaken . novo was on the pitch for seven minutes when he helped himself to a goal of his own . charlie adam set up the shot with a low ball across goal and all that was required from the striker was to bundle home from close range . the same two players combined again to supply rangers with their fourth goal with 69 minutes gone . adam was again the provider and this time novo produced a cheeky back-heel finish from five meters .<doc-sep>meanwhile , goals by scott mcdonald and georgios samaras gave celtic a hard-fought 2-1 win at home to inverness caledonian thistle . australian international mcdonald 's 25th goal of the season right on the interval gave the champions the lead and his greek team-mate bulleted an aiden mcgeady cross past goalkeeper michael fraser on the hour mark . but the final minutes were needlessly fraught for celtic after caley striker marius niculae took advantage of scott brown 's misplaced pass to pull a goal back in the 70th minute . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>but kiev are bottom of group f after losing their first two games -- 2-0 at roma and 2-1 at home to sporting . glasgow rangers are without jean-claude darcheville and brahim hemdani for their formidable home clash against barcelona on tuesday . darcheville is still struggling with a hamstring problem while hemdani misses the group e tie in glasgow with a groin problem that kept him out of the weekend 's 3-0 win against celtic . uefa cup favorites bayern munich will probably have to do without midfielder franck ribery for their group game against red star belgrade on thursday . the french international hurt his thigh in saturday 's 2-1 win at bochum that saw bayern extend their lead at the top of the bundesliga . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>teddy sheringham scored a stunning chip as an all star line-up defeated a rangers xi in a fernando ricksen tribute match played on sunday . the west ham coach missed the hammers ' 1-0 fa cup victory over bristol city to attend the clash at ibrox and rolled back the years with a classy finish after just three minutes as fernando 's all stars claimed a 7-4 victory over a rangers select side which included a number of star names including gennaro gattuso , ronald de boer , jorg albertz and arthur numan . former manchester united striker sheringham - playing alongside ricksen 's dutch compatriots kiki musampa , denny landzaat and paul bosvelt - hit the ball first time and produced a delightful chip which sailed high above former rangers goalkeeper stefan klos before bouncing into the net . video : scroll down to watch teddy sheringham chip in fernando ricksen tribute match . teddy sheringham scored an audacious chip during fernando ricksen 's tribute match at ibrox on sunday . sherignham catches rangers select goalkeeper stefan klos off his line and takes aim at the goal . sheringham 's lob looped high over the head of klos in the rangers goal and bounced into the net . sheringham is congratulated by his team-mates after giving the all stars xi the lead after just three minutes . sheringham is coolness personified after his goal and pulls his socks up as he waits for the game to restart . rangers select : klos ; numan , albertz , malcolm , de boer , durie , andrews , lovenkrands , negri , lapaty , gattuso . subs : goram , mols , rae , ball , novo , ferguson , kerimoglu , buffel , konterman . goals : durie , lovenkrands , buffel , novo . fernando 's all stars : beasant ; sheringham , anderton , walker , hofland , musampa , landzaat , bosvelt , perez , facenna , levchanko . subs : waterreus , falco , beattie , pedro ricksen , geenan , khizanishvili , miller . goals : sheringham , perez -lrb- 2 -rrb- , anderton , musampa , , beattie , miller .<doc-sep>fan ownership group rangers first have set their sights on snapping up 10 per cent of the ibrox club following a sharp spike in membership . former director paul murray and ex-rangers striker nacho novo became the latest high-profile figures to throw their weight behind fan share purchase schemes on tuesday . rangers first believe they now have enough fans investing cash to buy 100,000 shares in the club a month . the future of the scottish giants remains uncertain following continuing financial problems . ` we are up to nearly 4,400 members , ' director ricki neill told sportsmail . ` the momentum is definitely growing rapidly . even amongst former players we are gaining some backing . ` we do n't want to own ibrox . what we seek is representation for supporters on the board . ` our long-term goal is to get to 10 per cent of the shares in rangers and then we can actually have a say in what happens . ` we can run matters past our members and see how they wish to vote on it . that 's our main goal . ` we do n't want to fall out with the board - we want to be represented on the board . ' murray , part of the dave king group seeking to oust the current board at a forthcoming egm , is one of the new rangers first members . the former ibrox director has also taken a life membership of rangers supporters trust , a different body with broadly similar goals . former rangers striker nacho novo has thrown his weight behind ranger first 's 10 per cent bid . and has urged rangers fans to take destiny into their own hands by throwing their financial muscle behind one of two fan ownership schemes . murray , who together with dave king and john gilligan , is seeking a place on the ibrox board at a forthcoming extraordinary general meeting , said : ` i have today taken out life membership of both the rangers supporters trust and rangers first . whilst i would like to make special mention of the rst , who have supported our cause tirelessly over the last few years , i wish to make it known that i fully support these two groups in their desire to help safeguard the future of our club . ` along with many of the people who have been working behind the scenes to ensure rangers can again function fully , both on and off the pitch , i believe the supporters should be able to participate significantly in the club 's rehabilitation . ` dave king , john gilligan and i are committed to introducing meaningful fan ownership and representation at the club and that is one of the reasons i have pledged my support to both groups . novo , pictured celebrating scoring for rangers in march 2010 , has backed the share-buying scheme . ` rst and rangers first have bought not insignificant amounts of shares and must be recognised by those of us who are striving to remove the current directors and begin the process of repairing the considerable damage caused by a constantly changing boardroom . ` the club and not the needs of individuals must be put back to the top of the priority list and the supporters can help us achieve that goal . rangers first and rst will always have the best interests of their club at heart and they deserve as much support as we can give . ` i would urge as many of this club 's fans to sign up to either one or both if possible . the fans can play a hugely significant part in forcing change through votes . ` they are the most loyal supporters any club could wish for but have been disregarded by a succession of directors in recent years and i for one recognise their contribution in the struggle to end the disgrace and level of mismanagement within ibrox . former rangers director paul murray is another person to have put his support behind the scheme . ` there is now a demand for a general meeting and our fans can make a difference in that process , which hopefully will bring about the changes necessary . we have seen what happens when directors with no feel , no understanding and no real concern for rangers are in control . ' between them rangers first and rst may yet hold around two per cent of rangers around the time of the egm . the numbers are tight , but with the king group scrambling for 51 per cent their shares may yet have an influence on the balance of power . ` at the hearts game on friday night you could sense a different atmosphere , ' neill added . ` even within ibrox people are asking now what they can actually do , asking how supporter representation might work . ' novo is the latest former player to sign up and the spaniard said : ` this is not a football club anymore . it 's just about business and money and things like that . rangers football board chairman sandy easdale has bought more than a million extra shares . ` for me , it 's like real madrid and barcelona . this club has that history . it should be run by the fans - end of . there is so much great history at this club and the fans deserve more . ' seeking to capitalise on a radio advertising campaign and a publicity blitz , neill claims widespread disgust over the tumult at the club is uniting a previously divided support . and murray insisted the wider fan-base must be prepared to stand strong in the face of a war of words that 's only going to intensify . ` in the lead up to the general meeting the usual suspects will attempt to undermine our cause because they realise their days could be numbered , ' he said . ` the truth is that for the first time in years there is a group of people capable of rebuilding and repairing our club and malicious speculation will not deflect us . ` rangers have to re-engage with scottish football and take our place again at the top table . ` we need to be financially stable again and accept our responsibilities to the game in general . change will come and we can all emerge from a black period in this fantastic club 's history . '<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- rangers restored their four-point lead over celtic despite conceding the fastest goal in scottish premier league history on sunday . the glasgow side went behind after only 12.4 seconds as hibernian striker anthony stokes surpassed the previous mark set by saulius mikoliunas for edinburgh rivals hearts back in 2006 , but bounced back to register a 4-1 away victory . scotland striker kenny miller scored in each half , while goals from fellow frontmen kris boyd and nacho novo ensured that third-placed hibs ' unbeaten run of 13 league games came to an end . celtic had closed the gap to one point after beating hamilton academicals 2-0 on saturday .
<t> rangers remain four points clear in scotland after a superb 4-0 win at hearts . </t> <t> jean-claude darcheville and nacho novo both net twice for the league leaders . </t> <t> celtic remain second in the table following 2-1 victory against inverness caley . </t>
darcheville and novo keep rangers clear<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- rescue teams on friday found the wreckage of a plane that crashed thursday night in the mountains of venezuela , but none of the 46 people aboard survived , a searcher said . `` the impact was direct . the aircraft is practically pulverized , '' firefighter jhonny paz told globovision , a privately owned venezuelan television station . `` there are no survivors . '' there was no word on the cause of the crash . witnesses saw the santa barbara airlines plane go down , according to antonio rivero , venezuela 's national director of civil protection . harsh weather and rough terrain in the andes mountains likely will make the job of emergency workers difficult , rivero said on a state-run television station . the plane went missing while flying from merida to the international airport near caracas , an official said . the pilot did not check in with controllers 20 minutes into the flight , as scheduled , suggesting the plane encountered problems shortly after takeoff . nelson marquez , chief of civil defense for merida , said the plane was carrying 43 passengers and three crew members . media reports said the santa barbara airlines plane was supposed to land about 7 p.m. local time thursday . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's guillermo arduino and adrian criscaut contributed to this report .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- more than two-thirds of the passengers survived an airplane crash monday morning in southeastern venezuela , government officials said . fifteen people were confirmed dead and 36 survived when the plane , carrying 51 passengers and crew , crashed in the state of bolivar , gov. francisco rangel gomez said . many of the survivors were taken to hospitals in the city of guayana , he said . at least two of the victims died at the hospital , said yanitza rodriguez , director of the hospital uyapar . rangel gomez declared three days of mourning but called it a `` miracle '' that so many people survived . the survivors `` are with some problems , but they are alive , thank god , '' he said . authorities had identified all but six of the deceased . a names of the victims would be withheld until they are all identified , rangel gomez said . the aircraft belongs to the government-owned conviasa airline . aerial photographs showed that the plane crashed in an industrial storage yard . best western hotel clerk ivan maradey said he saw the plane tumble into some power lines before hitting the ground and exploding . the aircraft was an atr42 , a twin-turboprop , short-haul airplane built in france and italy , rangel gomez said . conviasa flight 2350 was en route from isla margarita to guayana when it crashed , the governor said . the cause of the crash had not been determined and remained under investigation , rangel gomez said . he identified the pilot as ramiro cardenas . the officials made their comments on the cnn-affiliated globovision tv station . federal investigators arrived at the scene monday afternoon to begin examining the crash site , the state-run avn news agency reported .<doc-sep>by . chris pleasance . more than 80 survivors of the asiana airlines plane crash filed a lawsuit against aircraft manufacturer boeing on friday . in the complaint the survivors allege that because parts of the plane 's equipment were faulty or wrongly installed , the pilots had little warning of their low airspeed . three people were killed when the aeroplane , carrying 307 people on a flight from south korea to san francisco , clipped a seawall and crashed on july 6 . more than 80 survivors of the asiana plane crash in july last year have field a lawsuit against boeing . the survivors allege that because parts of the plane 's equipment were faulty or badly installed the pilots had little warning of their low airspeed . monica kelly , an attorney for chicago-based ribbeck law chartered , told cnn on saturday : ` we are asking for damages to be paid to the passengers and asking the court to hold boeing partially liable . '<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a plane crash in sudan has killed 32 people , including four ministers and other top government officials , state media reported sunday . engineer ghazi al-sadiq , minister of guidance and endowments , died when the private plane he was on went down in the sudanese mountains due to dust causing poor visibility , state media said . also killed in the crash were three state ministers and three major generals . the plane , a ukrainian-made antonov , according to state radio , crashed near talodi near the border with the new nation of south sudan . there were no survivors .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- two of the four survivors of this week 's crash on an alaska mountainside were well enough to talk with government officials looking into the cause of the crash , national transportation safety board -lrb- ntsb -rrb- chairwoman deborah hersman told reporters on friday . both survivors recalled the pilot giving a safety briefing before the flight , she said . the survivor who sat in the front seat reported falling asleep almost immediately after the plane took off and waking up after the crash . the other survivor told investigators `` they were flying along and then just stopped flying , '' according to hersman , who did not say which of the four survivors investigators spoke with . five people died in the monday night crash , including former u.s. sen. ted stevens . the family of experienced pilot terry smith , who was killed in the accident , released a statement friday saying , `` this is a time of great sorrow for our family . our hearts and prayers go out to the survivors and the family and friends of all those affected by this tremendous loss . '' smith had been involved in a prior accident , in 1997 , said hersman . no one was injured in that accident , in which the plane nosed over during landing . the incident was chalked up to the pilot 's failure to maintain control , she said . those killed in the crash could not have been saved even if rescue teams had arrived at the site immediately , officials said . the autopsies found the deaths were the result of blunt force trauma , said greg wilkinson , an official at the medical examiner 's office . he said the state medical examiner , dr. katherine raven , found the injuries to be consistent with this type of crash . raven also found that the injuries were not survivable , he said . meanwhile , the condition of former nasa chief sean o'keefe has been upgraded from critical to serious , according to the providence alaska medical center . he was the most seriously injured of the four survivors . `` sean is making significant improvements , '' an o'keefe family spokesman said on friday . '' ... it does not appear that any of sean 's injuries require surgery . and we are encouraged by medical reports indicating that sean 's injuries are not life-threatening . '' o'keefe suffered a dislocated hip , which has been corrected , according to a statement by family spokesman paul pastorek . despite initial reports , there was no serious trauma to o'keefe 's pelvis , the statement said . the condition of sean o'keefe 's son , kevin , has been upgraded from serious to fair , said pastorek . `` despite suffering serious injuries that have required surgery , kevin is also showing dramatic improvement , '' the statement said . `` even so , he is very much on the mend . '' survivor jim moorhard remained in fair condition , while william phillips , whose father died in the crash , remained in good condition , said the providence alaska medical center . federal officials are continuing to probe the cause of the crash , said ntsb 's hersman . they are waiting to speak with the remaining two survivors . investigators are also working to examine the wreckage of the plane . `` right now , we 're really in the fact-gathering stage of our investigation , '' said hersman . cnn 's paul vercammen contributed to this report .
<t> new : searcher says plane `` practically pulverized '' in venezuela mountains . </t> <t> plane with 46 people on board crashes in the andes mountains . </t> <t> aircraft was flying from merida to airport near caracas . </t> <t> there were no survivors , official says . </t>
no survivors in venezuela plane crash<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- two anti-whaling activists who were seized by a japanese whaling vessel two days ago have been handed over to australian government officials on a ship in the antarctic , japan 's ministry of foreign affairs announced thursday . australian citizen benjamin potts and british citizen giles lane , both members of the sea shepherd conservation society , jumped on board the yushin maru no. 2 tuesday to deliver a letter saying the vessel was violating international law and australian law by killing whales . the anti-whaling group accused the crew of the japanese vessel of kidnapping the men based on a video that showed potts and lane tied to the ship 's railing . in the video , japanese fishermen pace back and forth in front of them . australian foreign minister stephen smith wednesday did not answer questions about whether the men would be charged for their actions , stressing instead that the immediate priority was to retrieve them . `` i 'm not going to give a running commentary on who 's done what to whom and the various allegations and counter allegation , '' he said . smith said the japanese government -- which formally approached australia to assist in the transfer -- did not lay out any conditions for the transfer , in which the men were brought on board the australian ship , the oceanic viking . watch the anti-whaling activists board the japanese vessel '' capt. paul watson , founder of sea shepherd , had said earlier that the men were seized by the japanese crew and assaulted . watch watson describe the incident '' sea shepherd claims japan 's institute for cetacean research , which is backing the operations , had said it would release the two activists if sea shepherd agrees to stop interfering in its whaling operations . the group says it will not agree to that demand .<doc-sep>the japanese fisheries agency said thursday it would readily hand over the two men . but the agency charged that the sea shepherd members were the terrorists . at a news conference earlier , the agency released pictures of broken bottles they claim group members threw at the ship . they also released a photo of the two activists relaxing and drinking tea aboard the yushin maru . `` for some time , for 10 , 15 minutes , i understand , they were tied to a gps mast , '' tomohiko taniguchi of japan 's foreign ministry told cnn . `` the japanese crew members feared that two crew members from sea shepherd might do something violent . '' he said potts and lane boarded the vessel without permission . watson said the two boarded only after attempts to contact the ship by radio were unsuccessful . japan has been hunting whales in the antarctic and apparently plans to kill as many as 1,000 this winter . the killings are allowed under international law because their main purpose is scientific . `` we regard them as poachers , '' watson said . e-mail to a friend . cnn correspondent kyung lah contributed to this report .<doc-sep>tokyo -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- japan said tuesday that it would hand over to australian authorities three australian anti-whaling activists being held aboard a japanese vessel , but that it would press on with its annual whale hunt in the seas near antarctica . the activists had illegally boarded the ship , a patrol vessel supporting japan 's whaling mission in antarctic waters , to protest the hunting of the giant marine mammals in the area . the three men will be released without charge after being questioned by japan 's coast guard , an official at the japanese ministry of foreign affairs said tuesday . the official declined to be identified as is customary in japan . `` they have not been violent after getting on board and had no record of joining past destructive actions by sea shepherd , '' the official said , referring to the anti-whaling group that has clashed several times with the japanese fleet . he said the japanese whaling fleet needed the patrol boat to continue with its hunt .<doc-sep>tokyo -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the japanese government has affirmed that $ 29 million from its budget for post-earthquake and tsunami reconstruction is going toward extra security measures for the country 's whaling fleet , angering environmental activists like greenpeace . the whaling industry is `` siphoning money away from the victims of the march 11 triple disaster , at a time when they need it most , '' junichi sato , executive director of greenpeace japan , said this week , referring to the earthquake , tsunami and nuclear crisis that struck japan in march . but tatsuya nakaoku , an official from the japanese fisheries agency , said thursday he funds would help `` support the reconstruction of a whaling town and nearby area , '' which was devastated by the natural disasters . `` many people in the area eat whale meat , '' he said . `` they are waiting for japan 's commercial whaling to resume and it is their hope for recovery . '' the government had said earlier this year , after it passed the tsunami reconstruction budget , that it would strengthen `` measures against acts of sabotage by anti-whaling groups , '' nakaoku said . the government earmarked a total of 498.9 billion yen -lrb- $ 6.4 billion -rrb- of the reconstruction budget for spending on fisheries . of that , 2.28 billion yen has been put into extra security measures for the whaling fleet , which left port for its annual hunt tuesday . japan 's whale hunts are conducted by the institute of cetacean research , a nonprofit research organization overseen by japan 's ministry of agriculture , forestry and fisheries . an official from the japanese coast guard said the deployment of guards this year to protect the fleet from obstruction by anti-whaling activists was the largest yet , but declined to give exact numbers . the coast guard had previously provided protection to the fleet for its 2007-08 and 2010-11 hunts . last season 's whale hunt in the southern ocean was cut short when anti-whaling activists from the sea shepherd conservation society blocked strikes on the animals . sea shepherd said its actions saved 800 whales , and the organization has promised to be back in force this season . japan has faced international pressure to curtail its whaling activities . in 2010 , australia initiated proceedings in the international court of justice to stop japanese whaling . cnn 's junko ogura contributed to this report .<doc-sep>tokyo , japan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a court in northern japan found two greenpeace activists guilty monday for stealing whale meat , but suspended their sentences , greenpeace japan said . the aomori district court ruled that the activists , junichi sato and toru suzuki , will only have to serve one-year terms if they commit a crime in the next three years , greenpeace said . in a press conference after the verdict , sato said greenpeace would appeal the case . he said monday 's sentence was `` unfair '' and `` preventing the citizens ' right to know . '' suzuki said in a statement that the sentence was disproportionate and undeserved . iwc 's shame : japan 's whale slaughter . `` we set out to reveal the truth about the government 's whaling program , but instead have been punished , while those behind the misuse of public money walk free , '' he said . the case highlights rising tensions between anti-whaling activists and japanese officials . japan 's whaling has drawn sharp criticism from environmental advocacy groups , who claim it involves the cruel slaughter of whales so that meat can be sold in markets and restaurants .<doc-sep>by . richard shears in sydney . and lucy crossley . three minke whale carcasses lie on the deck of a japanese ship in a picture which campaigners say proves the country is guilty of ` medieval butchery ' . it was taken from a helicopter flown by activists in an area of the southern ocean designated a protected zone for whales . bob brown , of the sea shepherd organisation which clashes each year with tokyo 's ships , said : ` it 's just a gruesome , bloody , medieval scene which has got no place in this modern world . ' scroll down for video . this photograph of three dead minke whales was taken by anti-whaling campaigners after they allegedly caught the japanese vessel inside an internationally-recognised sanctuary . militant anti-whaling group sea shepherd says it spotted the nisshin maru sailing through the protected southern ocean whale sanctuary during the annual whaling season . as the sea shepherd 's helicopter flew above the japanese ship , campaigners shot footage of the blood-streaked deck and the carcasses of three dead minke whales . japanese ships catch and kill hundreds . of whales in the southern ocean each year despite having agreed , under . pressure from the us , to an international moratorium on commercial . whaling . they cite a 1946 treaty which they claim exempts hunting the mammals for scientific research . mr . brown said sea shepherd boats had caught up with five of japan 's . whaling vessels and had photographed evidence of their illegal . activities inside the internationally recognised whale sanctuary -- an . area of 50million square kilometres surrounding antarctica and close to . australian and new zealand waters . sea shepherd said that another whale , also believed to be a minke , was being butchered on board . the commercial hunting of whales is prohibited in the sanctuary , which was designated by the international whaling commission in 1994 . clashes between whale poachers and . activists have become increasingly aggressive , with water cannon fired , . ships colliding and protesters boarding one of the whaling vessels .
<t> two anti-whaling activists handed over to australian government officials . </t> <t> japan contacting australia to help secure release of activists , reports say . </t> <t> sea shepherd conservation society says ship 's crew kidnapped 2 of its members . </t> <t> the activists boarded the japanese whaling vessel to deliver a letter . </t>
anti-whaling activists handed over<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a man dressed as a priest caught at amsterdam 's airport with three kilos of cocaine under his vestments claimed to police that his packages contained `` holy sand '' , dutch police said . security officials conducting a normal security check at schiphol airport last year . police stopped the man at amsterdam 's schiphol airport as he was transiting on a flight from south america , robert van aapel , a spokesman for the dutch royal military police told cnn by phone saturday .<doc-sep>`` he refused to be searched saying that he was a religious person and it was not allowed , '' van aapel said . `` however , this is normal procedure so our officers insisted . they asked him again and after the second time they carried out the search and discovered the man had packs strapped to his legs below his priest 's clothes . he told us they contained holy sand , '' he said . he said the man , who is aged around 40 and a bolivian national , was arrested thursday after arriving in to the airport on a flight from lima , peru . he was attempting to transit on a flight to milan when he was apprehended with the cocaine , worth around $ 105,000 -lrb- $ 155,000 -rrb- .<doc-sep>the bolivian appeared in court friday on charges of drug smuggling , van aapel said . dutch police are trying to establish if the man is a real priest after he claimed to be a senior member of the clergy in the bolivian capital la paz , he added . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>` it appears the truck was dropped here . whether this was the final destination ... is unknown . ` although marijuana is legal in the state , the illegal sale of marijuana creates additional safety concerns for police and the community . ' the exact location of the drugs bust was not revealed for safety reasons . not so holy water : horse tranquilizer ketamine was found inside 100 bottles of holy water in new york in 2010 . jesus : an elderly mexican woman was arrested in texas in 2008 after a 6.6 lb statue of christ in the trunk of her car was discovered to be made of a mixture of cocaine and plaster . snakes on cocaine : police found 88lbs of cocaine inside the bellies of 223 young boa constrictors in 1993 . green beans : a man leaving a grocery store was caught out when a sniffer dog caught the scent of crystal meth hidden inside cans of vegetables . the stash was estimated to be worth $ 192,000 . by catapult : one group of smugglers gave up on carrying drugs into the us in 2011 , and built a catapult to launch packages of cannabis across the mexican border , near arizona .<doc-sep>police on a quest to find the holy grail raided a rural pub where they believed it was illegally stashed only to find an informant got it mixed up with an old salad bowl from the kitchen . the team of 12 officers and a sniffer dog shut down the crown in lea , herefordshire , because they believed staff were hiding the priceless nanteos cup - stolen from a country house nearby . the wooden chalice is believed to be the vessel christ drank from at the last supper and later used to collect his blood at crucifixion , giving it special healing powers . quest to find the holy grail : the nanteos cup , left , believed to be from the last supper , was stolen last month . the case led police to a rural pub where 12 officers raided it but only found a salad bowl , right . relic : the nanteos cup -lrb- pictured -rrb- is believed to have healing powers and is believed to be the holy grail used by christ . the hunt for the grail consumed king arthur and his knights and even indiana jones . but west mercia police were forced to join the search for the priceless medieval artefact after it was the only item stolen in a raid at a remote country house in herefordshire last month . weeks after its disappearance police received ` intelligence ' it was in the crown pub , but all they found was wooden bowl used to serve salad to customers . landlady di franklyn said : ' i was amazed to see so many police - they said they had been given information that this holy grail had been shown off by someone here . ` but if somebody had stolen something as priceless as the holy grail i do n't think it would be on show in my pub . ` but the police were taking the information very seriously because there were so many of them including a police dog handler . ' crime scene : a dozen officers said they ` received intelligence ' the grail was seen here at the crown in lea , herefordshire and believed staff may have been hiding it after its theft . court order : police went to magistrates to get a search warrant and said simply they believed the pub housed the nanteos cup .<doc-sep>by . damien gayle . published : . 05:52 est , 7 january 2013 . | . updated : . 06:16 est , 7 january 2013 . most people love scouring beaches for beautiful shells and smooth pebbles to take home as souvenirs , but this artists goes one better and sculpts her finds into amazing portraits . svetlana ivanchenko from ukraine turns pebbles , sand , shells and other beach detritus into everything from intricate portraits of faces to scenes showing tigers emerging from the long grass . but the painstaking process requires patience , as the 50-year-old art teacher carefully sifts the sand and pebbles before sorting them by colour . carefully crafted : a beach scene by ukrainian . artist svetlana ivanchenko , who makes all her work from pebbles , shells , . sand , seaweed and other assorted detritus she finds at beaches . lifelike : the 50-year-old art teacher spends hours carefully sifting sand and pebbles before sorting them by colour to equip her palette with the textures she needs to recreate images . proud : this lion 's glorious mane has been rendered using sea shells , while the grass and sky are made of sand . a haul of 50g of sand can take ms ivanchenko a solid eight hours to sift but once she 's equipped her palette she can set to work . for the past 12 years , svetlana , has been dabbling in pebble art and has now had so much success with it that she 's held seven exhibitions to show off her creations . inspired by her early love of the crimean artist sergey bakaev , ms ivanchenko has been a talented artist since she was a child . her love of art took a back seat when she got married and had children but a picture in a magazine of a stunning beach was the kick that she needed to start crafting again . with the help of her family and friends , who she ropes in to find pretty stones and pebbles , ms ivanchenko has now created more than 80 masterpieces . luxuriant : a woman relaxes naked beneath grape . vines crafted from blue sea shells and sea weed in this picture . ms . ivanchenko has held seven exhibitions to show off her creations over the . past 12 years . feline : cats , wild and domestic , are a recurring image in ms ivancheko 's corpus . moody : here the artists has used sea shells and pebbles to recreate a dark scene of a wintry beach at dusk . holy : a sleeping cherub is shown in this work which is reminiscent of the kinds of images painted in churches . with the help of her family and friends , who she ropes in to find pretty stones and pebbles , ms ivanchenko has now created more than 80 masterpieces . ' i do n't dye the materials or crush them because i think it 's important to make my work out of all natural products , ' she said . ' i find making each piece quite relaxing as it requires a lot of concentration and it 's something i can just work on by myself quietly . ' i do n't think people realize exactly how long each takes to make each sculpture and that 's all down to the fact that i 'm working with such tiny pieces of material each time . '<doc-sep>they were arrested and will appear in front of a french magistrate on charges of drug trafficking . pope francis has spoken out against the ` scourge ' of drugs saying : ` drug use is an evil and against evil there can be no yield or compromise . ' holy smoke : police found the cocaine hidden in suitcases , along with 150g of cannabis . file picture .
<t> police : man stopped at amsterdam 's schiphol airport dressed as a priest . </t> <t> initially refused to be searched , saying that he was a religious person . </t> <t> found to have $ 155,000 worth of cocaine strapped to his legs under his vestments . </t> <t> officers trying to establish whether the man , on flight from peru , is a priest . </t>
police find that ` holy sand ' was drugs<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- some people might call 17-year-old joshua hanson one the luckiest people on the planet . others might call him crazy . i-reporter joshua hanson offered a look at the mark iv helmet from his `` legendary limited edition halo 3 . '' hanson waited more than eight hours outside a woodbury , minnesota , video game store on monday evening to be the first in his town to buy one of the most anticipated video games in history -- `` halo 3 . '' watch hanson buying the game amid cheers '' the final chapter in microsoft 's acclaimed video game series hit shelves at the stroke of midnight monday in similar stores across the nation . the xbox 360 game is expected to shatter entertainment sales records within its first 24 hours of release . hanson is not alone in his loyalty to the game , and his belief in `` halo 's '' power to entertain and inspire . we asked other readers for their take on `` halo 3 . '' some offered comparisons to `` star wars '' and `` harry potter , '' while others discussed compelling new graphics and features . below is a selection of their responses , some of which have been edited for length and clarity . curt otto of springfield , virginia i waited in line for two-and-half hours to get this game at midnight . i purchased the legendary edition of this game at a hefty $ 130 ! totally worth it ! although i have n't slept since yesterday and i 'm currently at work and very tired , i would do it all over again for `` halo . '' this is the greatest game ever crafted by the hand of man . if you own a 360 , buy this game . if you do n't own a 360 , buy one and go buy this game ! the single player is incredible and the online multiplayer is mind blowing ! totally worth $ 130 !!! tony nash of buffalo , new york i 've been playing `` halo '' since the very first game came out in 2001 . after getting the brand new box with a copy of `` halo '' and throwing myself into the game , i quickly realized this was n't a standard gaming experience . it was something much , much more . the game had a great attitude and unique art style . along with great audio and environments that brought the worlds to life . it also had the most addictive , natural , and fun game play i 've ever experienced . it also contained a well written , downright intriguing story . getting together with friends to play the multiplayer portion of the game only cemented this title 's epic status . then came november 2004 , when , of course , a friend and i were in the lines for the midnight release of `` halo 2 . '' it is no joke ; `` halo '' is more than just a game . now , i plan on `` finishing the fight '' as soon as i leave work . i had `` halo 3 '' pre-ordered for about a month before it came out . hey , after all , it 's good to keep the kid inside you alive and well ! cody chmelik of clearwater , florida `` halo 3 '' is the most anticipated event since the trial of o.j. , but the only difference is that `` halo '' is n't disappointing . `` halo 3 '' was the best game i have ever played . the levels are choreographed perfectly , the players look real and the game play is phenomenal . i recommend this game to players of all ages . wayne s. of colorado springs , colorado `` halo '' is not just a game , it 's a lifestyle , a booming culture of millions of xbox fans who eat , sleep and live `` halo . '' `` halo '' has jumped started the major league gaming industry and will continue to do so with `` halo 3 . '' i will be getting my copy of `` halo 3 '' at midnight and plan on playing it for days straight . i have played the beta and let me tell you : this is the best video game of the year by far and will be played by the masses for years to come just like `` halo 2 . '' brian baker of beatrice , nebraska i am 30 years old , and for my 30th birthday my wife pre-ordered `` halo 3 '' for me as a birthday present . the 6 month wait for the present/game did n't bother me one bit . the story that is `` halo '' is something that people can easily identify with . the late '70s to late '90s had luke skywalker and the alpha-male heroes of `` star wars . '' the generation x , y and z now have an alpha-male hero of their own in the master chief that they can relate to , or use to associate different attitudes and help instill values of patriotism . in this case , patriotism is not for just a country , but an entire planet and species . i am a very patriotic person , a veteran and a father and see the values that may hide below the surface in this trilogy , which is why i 'm a `` halo '' fan . jarrod leda of tarentum , pennsylvania despite the hype , i am very excited for this -lsb- new game -rsb- . some question why `` halo '' got so big , as there are other good shooters very similar to it . i think , like `` star wars '' before it , it just got things right . and now , it 's become iconic : the characters , the universe , it 's something everyone who loves games can talk about and share . the game allows things that most other games would not ; the physics and mechanics of the engine are great . and it plays flawlessly on x-box live . i ca n't wait . vivek patel of albany , new york `` halo '' can be compared to `` harry potter '' in that when you start reading or playing you have to finish . the third installment gamers will wait in line for hours ; even bleed to finally finish the fight that was started years ago . to me `` halo 3 '' is n't even advertised that much , and they will achieve their records by sheer popularity . alessandro miglio of walnut creek , california the `` halo '' franchise is like a budding `` star trek '' phenomenon . there are a lot of hardcore fans , like myself , who are not just really into the games , but read all the books and comics that expand the universe . we even write tons of theories and fan fictions with all the potential created by the `` haloverse . '' i consider myself a `` trekkie '' of `` halo , '' loud and proud . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- after `` will-they-or-won ` t-they '' comes , `` what now ? '' over five seasons , viewers of abc 's `` castle '' have gotten to know richard castle , a mystery writer paired up with detective kate beckett , and they 've solved one murder after another , all the while fans were hoping these two would finally get together . at the end of last season , they got their answer . after tv guide readers voted them the favorite tv couple -lrb- not to mention the show placing in the top five favorites for readers -rrb- , it 's clear that audiences are invested in just where the writers plan to take castle and beckett . spoke with `` castle 's '' creator andrew w. marlowe to find out why this couple and this lighthearted show have struck such a chord in a dark tv landscape . plus , we found out what 's to come leading into this spring 's 100th episode . cnn : how has this show evolved over five seasons ? marlowe : any show evolves . hopefully we 've retained our core values . we 've had two characters who were forced together and there was friction , and sparks flew . of course , over time they got to know each other and a different story emerged -- this love story that 's tentative and goes in fits and starts . it 's been fun to mine that , but we 've maintained the basic core of the show - delivering a great relationship story through the device of the procedural with fun , interesting cases at the heart of it .<doc-sep>fodor 's chose one hotel from each category to highlight for readers . click through the gallery to see their picks .<doc-sep>editor 's note : has a business partnership with , which serves as the exclusive provider of job listings and services to . `` 30 rock '' actors alec baldwin , jane krakowski , jack mcbrayer , tina fey and tracy morgan . after a long day 's work , workers often look forward to a relaxing evening at home , enjoying their favorite tv shows to escape the chaos that they -lrb- hopefully -rrb- left at the office . but what happens when the workplace follows us into the tv ? these days , more and more shows are set in work environments , making it easier for viewers to relate to realistic characters and storylines . in a recent careerbuilder survey , when asked which tv show reminds them of their work environment , 15 percent of workers said `` the office . '' `` deadliest catch , '' `` grey 's anatomy '' and `` lost '' trailed with 3 percent each , and `` csi , '' `` rescue me '' and `` ugly betty '' followed with 2 percent each , respectively . here are some of our favorite tv workplaces and why : . 1 . `` 30 rock '' work environment : tv network why we love it : because it 's entertaining -lrb- to say the least -rrb- .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- when angelina jolie revealed she 'd had a double mastectomy , she probably had a pretty good idea that her bravery would empower other women to tell their breast cancer stories . what she did n't know was that one of these women co-anchors a national morning news show . on may 14 , when zoraida sambolin walked into work and heard jolie 's news , she realized this was the right time to tell viewers that five weeks before , she 'd been diagnosed with breast cancer and had decided to have a double mastectomy . `` angelina jolie chose to bear her soul in writing and i chose to follow her lead in front of all our viewers tuesday , '' she later wrote in an article on . `` i am not yet on the other side , but judging by all the e-mails i 've received from survivors , i am headed to a place that is stronger , wiser and definitely more empowered . '' sambolin , co-host of cnn 's `` early start , '' is grateful for all the love and support she 's received from cnn 's viewers and readers . many asked questions about their own health or the health of someone they love . sambolin asked me to help answer these questions . i 'm worried i might have breast cancer . what are the signs ? , the national breast cancer foundation and the mayo clinic explain the signs and symptoms of breast cancer . angelina jolie got a test to see if she carried a faulty breast cancer gene . should i get that test ?
<t> `` halo 3 '' achieved a milestone million pre-orders 2 months before its release . </t> <t> the game , an xbox 360 exclusive , went on sale tuesday at midnight . </t> <t> asked readers to share their early reviews of `` halo 3 '' </t> <t> i-report : share your own pictures , video and reviews of `` halo 3 '' </t> readers show their love for ` halo 3 '<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- ever find yourself struggling to craft the perfect sentence for a loved one who 's , um , serving a sentence ? now , you have a friend in the greeting card business . terrye cheathem has created a line of greeting cards geared toward prison inmates . a los angeles , california , lawyer has come up with a series of cards geared toward prison inmates , a rapidly growing segment of the u.s. population . some express simple good wishes : `` we are all praying for you while you do your time . '' others celebrate holidays : `` you had the choice to be ` naughty or nice . ' and you chose ... now you have to do your time . but , christmas wo n't be the same without you here . '' others dole out tough love : `` when you called last time , i was not very sympathetic . i guess that i have heard your promises to change too many times . please - stop promising to change . just do it . '' creator terrye cheathem said the cards let family members say `` look , things need to be different when you get out . '' she came up with the idea a few years ago while looking -- without success -- for a birthday card to send her brother-in-law , who was serving an 11-month sentence . `` there are so many people who have mixed feelings about communicating with their loved ones in prison , '' cheathem said thursday . `` they are unhappy , oftentimes profoundly embarrassed . people do n't know what to say . '' so she created three squares greetings to capture the sentiments for a captive audience -- one that seems to be getting larger each year . more than 2.3 million people were in jails or prisons in the united states at the beginning of 2008 , according to a study released last month by the pew center on the states . the center is a private organization that advocates for alternative programs to alleviate prison populations . for the first time in the nation 's history , the center says , more than one in 100 americans are behind bars , a higher proportion than any other country . cheathem is selling her cards online and through stores . she also wants jails and prisons to carry cards designed for inmates to send their relatives . `` they 're ` thank you ' cards , '' she said . '' ` thank you for visiting , ' ` thank you for bringing the kids , ' ` thank you for coming to court . ' '' like many , bookstore owner james fugate was at first reluctant to carry the line in his los angeles shop , esowon books . `` i have some issues of being nice to criminals , '' fugate said . `` and in my 20 years in business , i 've seen some relatives who do n't seem to realize the gravity of what -lrb- their family members -rrb- have done . '' fugate said he changed his mind when he realized that most of the cards carried messages asking inmates to turn their lives around . cheathem understands the hesitation of shoppers and sellers . `` i ca n't think of any other product that anyone wants to receive and certainly no one wants to be in the position to buy one , '' she said . `` but there is a need for this . '' cheathem points to mayor kwame kilpatrick of detroit , michigan . he was charged this week with perjury , obstruction of justice and misconduct of office . he was released on a $ 75,000 bond . `` i have a card that says , ` i 'm sorry to hear about your arrest , ' '' she said . `` right now , there are probably 50 people or more who would send it to him . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>just when you thought christmas could n't get any more expensive ... a card company has started making greeting cards decorated with pricey jewels . the luxury company are producing bespoke christmas cards which take over a month to create , are decorated with rubies and cost up to $ 10,000 -lrb- # 6,395 -rrb- . card company gilded age greetings , based in florida and new jersey , usa pride themselves on their luxury cards , which are handmade with designs painted on calfskin vellum - a type of medieval parchment . scroll down for video . a luxury card company based in florida sells cards made from calfskin . designs are painted in 23k gold and decorated with precious stones , including amethyst , emeralds and diamonds . the one of a kind christmas cards range from $ 395 -lrb- # 253 -rrb- to $ 10,000 -lrb- # 6,395 -rrb- . the one of a kind christmas cards range from $ 395 -lrb- # 253 -rrb- to a staggering $ 10,000 . each card can take up to a month to hand decorate using luxury materials including semi - precious stones . a spokesperson from gilded age greetings said : ` our most expensive cards have been custom commissions , which are original works of art and one of a kinds . ` we use gemstone accents and real gold leaf or platinum gilding . ' the card makers use gemstone accents and real gold leaf or platinum gilding . swarovski crystals are often used to make the cards glitter . they continued : ` they are all made one by one . ` we have orders from all over the world - which is amazing . ` our most expensive card to date was was over $ 10,000 and featured a custom leather bound box and a ruby . ` it was just fabulous . ' ` the handmade greeting cards are designed to be a cherished heirloom for generations . ' the handmade greeting cards are designed to be a cherished heirloom for generations . card company gilded age greetings , based in florida and new jersey , usa pride themselves on their luxury cards .<doc-sep>29 % -- the percentage of people who will type a romantic text message . 145 million -- the unit amount of valentine 's cards purchased . 151 million -- the approximate number of cards that are exchanged on valentine 's day . 1,400 -- varieties of hallmark 's available valentine 's greeting cards .<doc-sep>by . beth stebner . published : . 10:24 est , 19 february 2013 . | . updated : . 11:42 est , 19 february 2013 . a widow who lost her husband to cancer three years ago is now fighting a battle with hallmark to create end-of-life sympathy cards . activist and artist regina holliday has been petitioning for the immensely popular card company to create a line of hospice cards that are meant to say goodbye to friends , loved ones , and acquaintances . though the greeting card company has plenty of ` get well soon ' cards and sympathy cards if the worst should happen , there are no cards specifically designed for someone in terminal care . last respects : artist and activist regina holliday , pictured , is trying to get hallmark to create a series of cards meant for hospice patients .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- new york police investigators are probing whether three men arrested last week with a stash of apple products possibly bought with gift cards altered with stolen credit card data may have ties to a broader network of scammers , a law enforcement official said . prosecutors in brooklyn charged the three suspects , who were arrested on thursday following a traffic stop . in their car , prosecutors allege , the men carried 17 apple ipad air and 11 ipad mini tablets , 7 itouch players , one x-box , and 9 $ 25 itunes cards . they also had a stash of 39 gift cards with magnetic strips that had been altered to carry stolen credit card data , according to court documents . investigators believe they used similarly altered gift cards to buy the apple haul from target stores in brooklyn and long island , a law enforcement official said . the arrests followed disclosures by target that the retailer had been the victim of a major breach that may have exposed the credit and debit card data of as many of 40 million shoppers who patronized target stores in the three weeks after thanksgiving . the timing of the arrests and the target breach prompted new york police financial crimes investigators to alert the u.s. secret service which is investigating the target breach . there is no indication that the brooklyn arrests are related to the target matter . police and other local authorities routinely turn over information on credit card thefts to the secret service , which investigates such crimes . a secret service spokesman declined comment beyond saying the agency continues its investigation of the target case . law enforcement officials and experts said altering gift cards , or other so-called stored-value cards , is a favored way for scammers to launder money and stolen credit cards . rather than making new fake credit cards with the stolen data , thieves use gift cards to avoid detection since cashiers are less likely to be suspicious . point of sale machines in stores read the magnetic strip data and wo n't detect that a gift card is carrying stolen credit card data .
<t> new series of greeting cards is geared toward prison inmates . </t> <t> study shows the u.s. prison and jail population is rapidly growing . </t> <t> card creator is selling her cards online and through stores . </t>
greeting cards target captive audience<T>
-lrb- -rrb- -- how many closets does it take to make a `` desperate housewife '' happy ? just one , if it 's anything like parker 's . we got a guided tour -- and learned a lot more about the fashion-savvy star than her taste in shoes . `` i love my new name . in texas people are formal , so now it 's ` mrs. parker . ' i feel old ! but i love it . '' best dress . a `` gorgeous 1950s-style cocktail dress by gustavo cadile is my absolute favorite . it 's fun , but classic too , '' says parker . treasured keepsake . a clutch that belonged to her aunt : `` she was the glue of our family . it 's so beautiful and so impractical -- nothing fits in it . '' watch what else is in her closet ''<doc-sep>first christmas gift from tony parker . a necklace designed by monique lhuillier . `` it 's his spurs number . i love it . '' loves , but does n't know what to do with . a `` quirky lip-shaped purse by judith leiber . i ca n't figure out how to wear it ! '' fashion faux pas . `` one time , my mom and aunt didi were helping me clean out my closet . aunt didi had taken off her jacket . i grabbed it and was like , ` what is this ? who would give me this ugly thing ? ' and she was like , ` that 's mine ! ' ''<doc-sep>go-to outfit . `` a thermal top , a scarf , and i 'm not just saying this because she 's my friend , but i love my victoria beckham dvb jeans . she sent me three pairs -- they 're perfect . '' first splurge . `` i 'd always wanted uggs , but i always had the impostors -- the muggs , the thuggs , the everything but . i still wear -lsb- them -rsb- . '' owns in multiples . `` christian louboutin espadrille wedges . they 're so high ! i have them in every color . i 've sprained my ankle walking on the cobblestones in paris wearing them . they 're a beautiful pain . ''<doc-sep>cool freebie . `` richard tyler mules . i did a photo shoot and they said i could keep them . i simply could not believe someone would give me a $ 300 pair of shoes . i was fascinated ! '' most expensive item . `` my hot-pink crocodile hermès birkin bag . robert verdi , my stylist , told me , ` wear it with everything -- even to bed . this is going to be handed down in your will . ' '' e-mail to a friend . get a free trial issue of instyle - click here ! copyright © 2007 time inc. . all rights reserved .<doc-sep>los angeles -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- `` desperate housewives '' star eva longoria 's divorce from nba star tony parker was finalized by a texas court , according to her publicist . anderson group public relations issued a short statement confirming the divorce monday .<doc-sep>-lrb- -rrb- -- from the humanitarian crisis in darfur to art therapy and literacy programs , find out about the favorite charitable organizations and causes of some of hollywood 's biggest names . `` there is more hope and love on the cancer floor of the hospital than anywhere else in life , '' says eva longoria . intensive care . when eva longoria visited annie martinez , their to-do list was simple : playing , reading books and talking . `` i told her to come live with me , '' says annie , 6 , who spent last year at children 's hospital los angeles undergoing leukemia treatments that made her lose weight and her curls . annie now returns monthly for `` pokies '' -- 6-year-old-speak for chemotherapy -- but she is considered lucky . she survived . `` there are reasons our children are dying at a faster rate , '' says longoria , 32 , who notes that latino children have a significantly higher cancer-mortality rate owing to factors like delayed diagnosis and the language barrier . to combat those odds , the desperate housewives actress teamed up with padres contra el cáncer -lrb- parents against cancer -rrb- , an l.a.-based organization that works with area hospitals to provide counseling , support and information for children with cancer . it assists about 750 families each year . since stepping up as national spokeswoman in 2005 , longoria has helped raise funds for children like annie and their loved ones . `` it is too difficult , '' admits annie 's mother , elizabeth , who turned to padres for assistance . longoria has already recruited celebrity friends , including mario lopez , wilmer valderrama and her husband , tony parker , to bolster her efforts . her next goal is to help the organization go national and hire hospital interpreters . until then , she 'll continue her visits , bringing along toys , chocolates and the message that there is someone to listen -- in english or in spanish . `` i am there to hear their story , to comfort them , '' says longoria , `` to let them know that they are remembered and important . ''<doc-sep>a gruesome photo shows a gash in her head and her face covered with blood . she needed 16 stitches to close the wound . hollie told she went to . w.i.p. with friends on wednesday night , unaware they were sitting in . between two angry rappers and their entourages . suddenly , all hell broke . loose . ` within a few moments of noticing glass being thrown around , i saw a glass bottle headed towards me , consequently hitting me in the head . ' she told tmz . ' i immediately started to bleed and proceeded to fall in and out of consciousness . ' gruesome : chris brown 's bodyguard , big pat , recovers from a head wound he received during the bar fight . recovering : actress eva longoria 's husband tony . parker -lrb- pictured left , speaking on friday -rrb- claims he was in the club and . suffered damage to his eye . right , big pat can be seen with a wound on . his head . basketball star tony parker , who was previously married to actress eva longoria , said that he has to sit out a week of training for the olympics because his cornea was scratched during the fight . ' i was quietly with my friends when a fight broke out . bottles started flying everywhere . i tried to protect my girlfriend and i got everything , ' parker told french website direct star . ` the cornea is affected . i can not do anything for seven days . wear a therapeutic contact lens and i get drops . i was lucky , that i almost had to get stitches . ' the most serious of the injuries came from big pat , brown 's large security guard . the rapper posted a picture of the bodyguard with a large bleeding cut across his forehead while he was lying down on a hospital gurney . chris brown was also injured . he posted a picture of a gash on his chin , apparently sustained from the fight with drake . his female companion was also hurt .<doc-sep>celebrity photos can be big business , especially when it comes to major milestones . demi moore and ashton kutcher reportedly pocketed $ 3 million from ok for their 2005 union . eva longoria and tony parker received $ 2 million from ok for photos of their lavish paris , france , wedding . expectant celebrities can also rake in big bucks . people magazine reportedly paid $ 14 million for the first pictures of the brad pitt-angelina jolie twins . the new california law makes it a crime to take and sell unauthorized photos of celebrities in `` personal or familial activity . '' violators face fines up to $ 50,000 . the anti-paparazzi amendment takes effect in january .
<t> `` desperate housewives '' actress eva longoria parker gives peek into closet . </t> <t> says she has christian louboutin espadrille wedges in every color . </t> <t> her most-expensive item is a hot-pink crocodile hermès birkin bag . </t>
what 's in eva longoria parker 's closet<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- army gen. david petraeus , the top u.s. commander in iraq , has been chosen to become chief of u.s. central command , defense secretary robert gates said wednesday . gen. david petraeus has been the commander in iraq for more than a year . petraeus would replace adm. william fallon , who said last month that he was resigning . fallon said widespread , but false , reports that he was at odds with the bush administration over iran had made his job impossible . in addition , gates said , army lt. gen. ray odierno , commander of the multinational corps-iraq -- the no. 2 position in iraq -- is being nominated to fill petraeus ' post . odierno has been home from iraq for only a couple of months but has agreed to return , gates said . the plan is for petraeus to leave iraq in late summer or early fall , gates said , to ensure a smooth transition and plenty of time for odierno to prepare . `` we expect to move the paperwork on these nominations to the white house and to the senate very quickly , '' gates said . `` because of the complexity of this series of moves , i respectfully ask the senate to move on them expeditiously , hopefully by memorial day , so the families and we can plan appropriately . '' odierno was in line for a pentagon desk job as army vice chief just over a year after helping petraeus implement the `` surge '' in u.s. troops in iraq . the pentagon says petraeus will stay in iraq long enough to make the first recommendation on further troop cuts after the surge is over . watch the challenges ahead of petraeus '' gates said the generals ' promotions reflected an endorsement of the current course in iraq . `` the course certainly that gen. petraeus has set has been a successful course . so , frankly , i think staying that course is not a bad idea . i would say it 's a good idea , '' gates said . watch gates nominate petraeus ''<doc-sep>central command , which oversees u.s. forces in east africa , the middle east and central asia , has its headquarters at macdill air force base in tampa , florida . gates said odierno is well known to troops in iraq , to military leadership and to iraqis , and `` i believe , in most parts of the world , especially in the middle east , personal relationships make a difference . '' `` i believe that this arrangement will probably preserve the likelihood of continued momentum and progress , '' gates said . the defense secretary said he expects to easily win senate approval for the nominations once they are made by president bush . he said he had spoken with sens. carl levin , d-michigan ; john mccain , r-arizona ; and john warner , r-virginia , and `` i do n't really anticipate any problems . '' in a press release wednesday , mccain praised the move . `` both of these great generals have served our country with skill and distinction , and i am pleased that they will continue to do so in positions of high responsibility , '' mccain wrote . gates acknowledged that fallon 's `` decision to step down was unexpected . '' `` i had intended that adm. fallon probably stay on for a third year . his second year would have ended in february , '' he said . `` so i 'm faced with a critical combatant command where a commander is needed -- and a commander who knows what 's going on in the region . '' asked whether he was using petraeus `` almost as a finger in the dike '' because of the shortage of army generals with expertise in counterinsurgency warfare , gates admitted that there are few army officers with experience in and knowledge of iraq .<doc-sep>odierno served as commander of the 4th infantry division , the unit that captured former iraqi president saddam hussein . petraeus was picked in january 2007 to replace gen. george casey as the chief commander in iraq and won senate confirmation that month . he previously served as head of the u.s. army combined arms center and as a commander in iraq , and he was one of the main writers of an army manual on counterinsurgency efforts . he was seen as the logical choice to replace fallon . in his new post , he will oversee u.s. forces in all the middle east , not only iraq and afghanistan . `` i recommended him to the president because i am absolutely confident he is the best man for the job , '' gates said . in testimony to congress this month , petraeus said iranian agents have played a `` destructive role '' in iraq by backing shiite militants , called `` special groups '' by the united states . the u.s. believes that iran 's islamic revolutionary guard corps quds force is behind the support for militants . `` unchecked , the special groups pose the greatest long-term threat to the viability of a democratic iraq , '' petraeus testified . last month , in an interview with cnn 's kyra phillips in baghdad , petraeus acknowledged some `` friction '' between himself and fallon in the past year , but `` actually , over the last six months or so , our relationship was really very , very good . '' `` there was friction in the beginning . he has a different job than i have , '' petraeus said . `` there can be understandable differences of your take , if you will , on a situation . as they say in politics and government 101 , where you stand on an issue sometimes depends on where you sit in the organization , and we sit in different chairs . '' e-mail to a friend . cnn 's jamie mcintyre contributed to this report .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . published : . 05:36 est , 21 november 2012 . | . updated : . 06:56 est , 21 november 2012 . hanging on the wall of their $ 1.3 million bayshore boulevard mansion is an oversized painted portrait of jill kelley and her surgeon husband scott . the ostentatious gold-framed commission no doubt adorned the wall during one of the florida socialite 's parties she famously hosted as an unpaid , unofficial social liaison for u.s. central command . but appearances can be deceptive and the couple portrayed smiling widely have been sued for $ 4.1 m of . debts and are , as we found out this month , at the centre of the biggest . sex scandal to rock the u.s. in living memory . opulent : a painting of scott and jill kelley hangs inside their bayshore boulevard residence . jill kelley , a 37-year-old florida housewife , unveiled the david . petraeus sex scandal when she contacted the fbi about harassing emails . from his mistress paula broadwell . after kelley contacted the . fbi , agents launched a massive in-depth investigation into who was . sending the emails because they shared this detailed information that . was not publicly available . the catty emails , which told kelley to ` back off ' from petraeus , were sent to kelley from several fake email addresses . in order to find who had confidential . information about petraeus ' whereabouts , the fbi obtained an . administrative subpoena , and traced them back to broadwell . in the course of the investigation , they also unearthed emails indicating the affair between broadwell and petraeus , leading to his resignation earlier his month . at . her glamorous home the lawns are perfectly manicured - the residence has six . bedrooms and four bathrooms for the hundreds of military guests who used . to attend parties there . a closer look , however , and you notice that the paint is peeling on the outside and wooden chairs at all rather too well worn . mrs kelley boasted about serving dinner to petraeus and his wife holly in 2007 . hostress : the ostentatious commission no doubt adorned the wall during one of the florida socialites many parties she famously hosted at her house for u.s. central command . revelry : gen david petraeus , second from left , is seen with scott and jilly kelley , center , and holley petraeus , right , at the kelleys ' home in 2010 mrs kelley 's sister , natalie , is pictured left . the general and his wife , holly , were pictured next to the kelleys and mrs kelley 's twin sister natalie khawam . each year jill and her husband host a . party on their extensive manicured front lawn to celebrate the . gasparilla festival in tampa . in 2010 general petraeus and his wife holly attended the pirate themed festival staged at the scott 's home . general petraeus arrived with a 28 . motorcycle escort and mingled with more than 200 guests who dined on . crab cakes and lamb chops . at this year 's gasparilla festival , . where pirate themed floats are driven through tampa , the kelley 's hosted . military officers from 60 nations to a coalition appreciation party . tight security surrounded the kelley 's home during the event . one . neighbour complained that it resulted in the street running alongside . the kelley 's red and white painted mansion being closed off to traffic . for the day . ` you soon . know when jill is having a party it 's like having the president come to . town as everything shuts down . there is security everywhere and you . can not move , ' said one neighour . mrs kelley , who said she has known . general petraeus and his wife holly for five years , has visited them in . washington dc . she is also reported to have been invited to a breakfast . at the white house . in recognistion of her work with officials at centcom she was recently named as a honorary consulate general to south korea . ` just friends ' : mrs kelley , right , seen here with her husband and mrs petraeus at the same 2010 party , says she and the disgraced cia director have been friends for five years . ` liaison ' : mrs kelley and her surgeon husband dr scott kelley are fixtures at social gatherings among top officers in tampa . mrs kelley , is said to regard general pretaeus as being like a grandfather to her children , aged nine , seven and and six . mrs kelley and her friends and family . maintain her relationship to the four-star general was never anything . more than friendship . ` we . and our family have been friends with gen petraeus and his family for . over five years . we respect his and his family 's privacy and want the . same for us and our three children , ' the kelleys said in statement on . sunday . military . sources say that mrs kelley was frequently seen in petraeus ' company at . social events held at central command headquarters . central command oversees u.s. military operations across the middle east -- including in iraq and . afghanistan . petraeus was promoted lead the command , based in tampa , in . october 2008 after successfully engineering and executing the surge . strategy . while in . tampa , he worked to reorganize central command from its original cold . war era footing to focusing more on counterinsurgency . scandal : mrs kelley was drawn into gen petraeus ' affair with paula broadwell when mrs broadwell sent mrs kelley a harassing email , according to reports . socialite : kelley kisses general petraeus at an awards ceremony for him at her home last year . he left tampa in june 2010 when president barack obama tapped him to lead a turnaround of the war in afghanistan . the kelleys have lived in the bayshore boulevard mansion since 2006 . dr kelley is head of esophageal oncology and surgery at the h. lee moffitt cancer and research institute in tampa . he pioneered minimally-invasive , hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery of the esophagus and other gastrointestinal malignancies . mrs . kelley , who drives a black lincoln escalade suv , has a twin sister . natalie , who is a tampa lawyer who represents corporate whistle blowers . the . sisters , who are from huntingdon valley , pennsylvania , near . philadelphia , took part in ` food fight , ' a culinary showdown for the . food network channel in 2003 . their lebanese-american parents still reportedly own a restaurant in philadelphia . who 's who ? a chart shows the connections between the major players in the petraeus scandal .<doc-sep>his appointment to lead the u.s. war effort on the ground in afghanistan requires senate confirmation . senate armed services committee chairman carl levin , d-michigan , told cnn that he hopes to hold confirmation hearings for petraeus as early as next week . obama 's decision to replace mcchrystal with petraeus was `` reasonable , '' levin said . the chairman of the house armed services committee immediately expressed his support for obama 's choice . petraeus `` is the best that we have , '' rep. ike skelton , d-missouri , said in a written statement . sen. jack reed , d-rhode island , called him an `` experienced , thoughtful commander who will step in and provide a continuity of leadership . '' petraeus all but literally wrote the book on fighting against guerrilla resistance , overseeing the drafting of the army/marine corps counterinsurgency field manual between stints in iraq . he commanded the 101st airborne division , the screaming eagles , during the first year of the war in iraq , according to his official biography on the central command website . he then commanded coalition forces and the nato training mission in iraq . petraeus then spent time at fort leavenworth , kansas , working on the counterinsurgency manual before returning to iraq to take charge of the surge . he holds a doctorate in international relations from princeton university .<doc-sep>petraeus met with obama on thursday to offer his resignation and explain the circumstances behind it , according to a senior administration official . the president accepted petraeus ' resignation during a phone call friday , the official said . `` by any measure , he was one of the outstanding general officers of his generation , helping our military adapt to new challenges and leading our men and women in uniform through a remarkable period of service in iraq and afghanistan , where he helped our nation put those wars on a path to a responsible end , '' obama said in a statement . `` as director of the central intelligence agency , he has continued to serve with characteristic intellectual rigor , dedication and patriotism . '' petraeus assumed command of the nato international security assistance force and u.s. forces afghanistan in july 2010 , after serving for more than 20 months as commander of u.s. central command . he previously commanded multinational forces in iraq , leading the so-called surge . the general literally wrote the book on counterinsurgency techniques by overseeing development of the army/marine corps counterinsurgency manual . before his nomination as cia director , petraeus was considered the nation 's most well-known and popular military leader since colin powell . petraeus and his wife , holly , live in virginia . they have two grown children . cnn 's carol cratty , terry frieden , suzanne kelly and jill dougherty contributed to this report .<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- president barack obama has asked gen. david petraeus to replace gen. stanley mcchrystal as the top u.s. commander in afghanistan , he said wednesday . obama relieved mcchrystal of duty over disparaging comments the general 's staff made about top white house officials in an article in rolling stone magazine . petraeus , a counterinsurgency expert , was the architect of the `` surge '' of u.s. forces in iraq , which some credit with turning the tide of the war . he was promoted to head of the u.s. military 's central command in october 2008 by president george w. bush . obama said there would be no change in policy as a result of the switch in commanders , but petraeus and mcchrystal have struck different tones in describing the afghan campaign recently . `` the trajectory in my view has generally been upward , despite the tough losses , despite the setbacks , '' petraeus told the senate last week -- a day after fainting while giving testimony . he blamed dehydration when he appeared the next day , june 16 . mcchrystal had said just days before that the campaign against the taliban in helmand province would take longer than he originally planned . questioned by the senate armed services committee about the difference in emphasis , petraeus said : `` the conduct of a counterinsurgency operation is a roller coaster experience ; there are setbacks as well as areas of progress or successes . '' petraeus will step aside as chief of central command to take over as afghanistan war commander , a senior national security source told cnn 's john king .
<t> gates says changes `` will probably preserve ... momentum and progress '' </t> <t> petraeus would oversee all forces in middle east , including iraq and afghanistan . </t> <t> petraeus would take over for adm. william fallon , who resigned . </t> <t> central command position is subject to senate confirmation . </t>
petraeus picked to lead central command<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a man , incensed that a 6-year-old girl chose to walk through a path reserved for upper caste villagers , pushed her into burning embers , police in north india said wednesday . she was seriously burned . dalits , or `` untouchables , '' are victims of discrimination in india despite laws aimed at eliminating prejudice . the girl is a dalit , or an `` untouchable , '' according to india 's traditional caste system . india 's constitution outlaws caste-based discrimination , and barriers have broken down in large cities . prejudice , however , persists in some rural areas of the country . the girl was walking with her mother down a path in the city of mathura when she was accosted by a man in his late teens , said police superintendent r.k. chaturvedi .<doc-sep>`` he scolded them both and pushed her , '' chaturvedi said . the girl fell about 3 to 4 feet into pile of burning embers by the side of the road . the girl remained in critical condition wednesday . the man confessed to the crime and was charged with attempted murder , chaturvedi said . the assault took place in india 's uttar pradesh state , about 150 km -lrb- 93 miles -rrb- south of delhi . the state is governed by mayawati , a woman who goes by one name and is india 's most powerful dalit politician . her bahujan samaj party seeks to get more political representation for dalits , who are considered so low in the social order that they do n't even rank among the four classes that make up the caste system .<doc-sep>hindus believe there are five main groups of people , four of which sprang from the body of the first man . the brahmin class comes from the mouth . they are the priests and holy men , the most elevated of the castes . next is the ksatriyas , the kings , warriors and soldiers created from the arms . the vaisyas come from the thighs . they are the merchants and traders of society . and the sudras , or laborers , come from the feet .<doc-sep>the last group is the dalits , or the `` untouchables . '' they 're considered too impure to have come from the primordial being . untouchables are often forced to work in menial jobs . they drink from separate wells . they use different entry ways , coming and going from buildings . they number about 250 million in india , about 25 percent of the population , according to the colorado , u.s.-based dalit freedom network . `` dalits are seen to pollute higher caste people if they come in touch with them , hence the ` untouchables , ' '' the group says on its web site . `` if a higher caste hindu is touched by , or even had a dalit 's shadow fall across them , they consider themselves to be polluted and have to go through a rigorous series of rituals to be cleansed . '' recent weeks has seen a rise in violence against dalits in uttar pradesh , cnn 's sister network , cnn-ibn , reported wednesday . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . published : . 07:13 est , 5 february 2014 . | . updated : . 08:15 est , 5 february 2014 . meet the real life action hero who has doubled for hollywood 's biggest stars as one of britain 's top stuntwomen . a day at the office for zarene dallas involves jumping through fire , racing cars at breakneck speeds , being thrown from horses and doubling for a-listers - including cameron diaz , nicole kidman , carey mulligan and michelle rodriguez . the 34-year-old has become one of the country 's most respected female stunt artists , boasting an impressive cv of appearances in tv shows and high-grossing blockbuster movies including skyfall , fast and furious 6 and red 2 . meet real life action hero zarene dallas who has doubled for some of hollywood 's biggest stars as britain 's most successful stuntwoman . a day at the office for zarene involves jumping through fire , racing cars at breakneck speeds and being thrown from horses . thrill-seeker zarene 's ability to . perform dangerous and versatile stunts - including kick boxing , climbing . and being set on fire - has put her in high demand . zarene , from walton-on-thames , surrey , said : ` my job is so exciting , every day is completely different . ` even . if i am just falling down a hole for the day , i still get such an . adrenaline rush every time i 'm on set performing a stunt . ` one .<doc-sep>09:06 est , 6 march 2014 . a river in eastern china caught fire after years of pollution from factories upstream had turned it flammable . the river had become so contaminated that it was set alight by a lit cigarette being thrown into the water . the flames shot up more than 16ft into the air and had to be extinguished by firemen in the city of wenzhou in zhejiang province . blazing river : a lit cigarette set the water on fire , and flames shot up more than 16ft into the air before it was extinguished by firemen in wenzhou in eastern china . local residents said that the river has been heavily polluted for years , as a result of oils and chemicals being released into the water by several shoe-making factories and packaging firms further upstream .<doc-sep>the sad fact behind the building collapse in bangladesh in which hundreds died is that it is n't an isolated problem . the story will leave the headlines at the end of this week but on monday hundreds of thousands of workers will return to factories that are frankly further tragedies waiting to happen , and will keep producing clothes for high street brands . seven hundred workers have died in factory collapses and fires in this very small region outside dhaka alone in the last decade . savar , where the building collapse took place , is a swampland -lrb- yes , swampland ... -rrb- north of the bangladeshi capital which has seen mass growth in recent years . this same region was the site of a horrific factory fire in november last year , when 112 workers burned alive in a building with no fire exits . hundreds of factories are being thrown up in a short space of time , with limited building regulations , to meet the growing demand from western brands for cheap export clothing . and it is cheap . wages for bangladeshi workers are the lowest in asia , aside from the recently opened myanmar industry , at $ 37 a month . read more : at least 250 killed in fire at bangladeshi clothing factory . as the demand for cheap clothing grows in the west , brands continue to look for ways to race to the bottom on prices , and sadly this involves cutting corners on health and safety . brands will by no means admit to this .<doc-sep>by . larisa brown . updated : . 09:06 est , 16 january 2012 . transvestite : jamie love claims he was asked to leave govan high school because he came in dressed as a girl . a teenage boy claims he was thrown out from a notoriously rough high school after turning up to class dressed as a girl . jamie love , 17 , arrived at govan high school wearing tights , mini-shorts , a high-waisted belt , hair extensions and make-up - shortly before he was ordered to leave . jamie , a dancer , who asked schoolmates to call him keirny , claims he was speaking to teachers for months about how he felt trapped in a boy 's body . he plucked up the courage to face his classmates as a girl on monday - despite being taunted by some pupils for his outward feminity . the sixth-former , who is ` known by everybody in govan ' and has predominately female friends , was last night described as a very ` brave ' boy . jamie said : ` it took me years to finally open up to someone about my sexuality and now i feel betrayed by the people i trusted . ` i have always felt different but i have never been able to talk about it . ` i left the school in tears feeling totally humiliated and embarrassed . ' the schoolboy , who is from govan , in glasgow , said he told the school in advance of his plans to attend class as a girl - a claim the school denies . but on the first day he turned up dressed like all of his female friends , he was allegedly told to pack up his things and leave . jamie - who likes to wear blonde , brown and blue long hair extensions - said the school knew about his need to express himself as a woman . he added : ` i was very nervous about going to school as a girl but i thought i had the support of the school . ' yet during the first period at school a teacher came into the class and escorted him to the head teacher 's office . ` the two deputy heads asked me , `` what are you trying to do to this school ? '' they told me to get my stuff and not come back . '
<t> girl pushed into pile of burning embers by man in his late teens . </t> <t> man charged with attempted murder . </t> <t> assault took place in india 's uttar pradesh state . </t>
girl , 6 , thrown on fire for being ` lowest class '<T>
baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- six u.s. troops were killed in iraq on monday , making 2007 the deadliest for the american military in the iraq war . the grim record came despite lower death rates in recent months , which were not enough to offset death tolls that topped 100 during three months in the spring . four soldiers were killed when a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle in northern iraq 's tameem province ; another died in combat in anbar province . a sailor was killed in salaheddin province `` as a result of injuries sustained from an explosion while conducting operations , '' the military said . according to a cnn count of pentagon figures , 853 u.s. service members have died so far in 2007 . the next highest death toll was in 2004 , when 849 were killed . the total number of u.s. military deaths in iraq stands at 3,856 , including seven civilian contractors of the defense department . the high number of deaths this year corresponds with the u.s. troop buildup called the `` surge '' and a crackdown on insurgents in and near baghdad . monthly death tolls were highest in the first part of the year : 83 deaths in january , 81 in february and 81 in march . numbers peaked in the next three months , with 104 deaths in april , 126 in may and 101 in june . the numbers have dropped from that level since -- with 78 in july , 84 in august , 65 in september , 38 in october and 12 so far in november . civilian deaths have also dropped in recent months , u.s. and iraqi authorities say . the iraq war began in march of 2003 and in that year there were 486 u.s. military deaths . in 2004 , major offensives were responsible for many fatalities , including the massive operation in falluja in november and fighting between u.s. troops and shiite militants in najaf . the number of deaths in 2005 was 846 and in 2006 it was 822 . the u.s. military also announced on tuesday that it intends to release nine detained iranians in iraq `` in the coming days , '' a move that dovetails with the american hope that iranian authorities are honoring a recent pledge to stop iranian help to insurgents in iraq . `` these individuals have been assessed to have no continuing value '' and do n't pose a `` further threat '' to iraqi security , said rear adm. gregory smith . two of them are from the `` irbil 5 '' detained in january . irbil is the largest city in the kurdish area of iraq .<doc-sep>the u.s. military had accused the five iranians arrested in irbil of having links to iran 's islamic revolutionary guard-quds force , a military unit accused of aiding insurgent activity -- including the distribution of roadside bombs . smith said tuesday that materials for roadside bombs `` do not appear to have arrived into iraq after the iranians have made their pledge to stop arming , funding and training extremists . '' `` we hope in the coming weeks and months to confirm that iran has indeed honored its pledge through further verification that the flow of ammunitions and other lethal aid has indeed stopped , '' said smith , who noted that iran , iraq and the united states plan to hold another round of security talks . last month , gen. david petraeus , the top-ranking u.s. military official in iraq , told cnn the iranian ambassador had given assurances to his iraqi counterpart that such training and supplying of insurgents would end . meanwhile , a kurdistan regional government official on tuesday confirmed to cnn that two iranian consulates had been established in the region , offices created in the wake of the arrests in irbil . at the time of the arrests , iran insisted the arrested officials were `` diplomats '' working in a diplomatic mission , while iraq 's foreign ministry and the u.s. military said it was a `` liaison '' office which did not have diplomatic status . one of the new consulates is in a building in irbil that had been closed down during the january raid , the kurdistan official said . also tuesday , the u.s. military reported that u.s. and iraqi troops found 22 corpses buried in iraq 's lake tharthar region . the iraqi army and local security forces `` are investigating the mass grave to determine the identities of the deceased and the causes of death for notification of their families , '' the military said . lake tharthar is in both anbar and salaheddin provinces and northwest of baghdad . u.s. and iraqi troops have been conducting an operation in the same region since sunday to target al qaeda in iraq . so far , they have found and destroyed two car bomb facilities and a number of weapons caches and detained 30 men . the military also said that coalition troops on tuesday killed eight people described as terrorists and detained 10 suspects in operations targeting al qaeda and foreign militant networks in central and northern iraq . the military also said an operation involving iraqi forces in the tikrit area on october 30 led to the detention of 39 `` suspected insurgents '' and the discovery of a torture cell , a mobile hospital , car bombs , rocket-propelled grenades , machine guns and a katyusha rocket . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's jennifer deaton contributed to this report .<doc-sep>`` the iraqi army and police are still not ready to take over security responsibilities , '' al-qureishi said . `` you can see that on the streets . people have no confidence in them . car bombs are getting through checkpoints . '' the third bomb exploded as a traffic police patrol was passing by . the blast wounded four officers and three civilians , an interior ministry official told cnn . the latest attacks follow an april uptick in violence that made it the deadliest month this year for iraqi civilians and american troops . the u.s. military blames al qaeda in iraq for the attacks , which have been concentrated in baghdad and the northern city of mosul , the jihadists ' last urban stronghold . recent attacks by the sunni arab jihadists have targeted shiites in an attempt to rekindle the sectarian warfare that ravaged iraq in 2006 and 2007 , perkins said . but the attacks have so far failed to generate retaliation by the country 's shiite majority .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- now that president obama has set the timetable for withdrawing u.s. troops from iraq , the debate has begun over its possible consequences . u.s. troops secure a street in in the southern dura district of baghdad , iraq , this week . does it provide enough time for iraqis to forge a functioning government and an economy that benefits everyone ? and if it does n't , could a civil war be the result ? the plan , as outlined in a february 27 speech by obama , calls for most u.s. troops to leave iraq by august 2010 . a `` transitional force '' of 35,000 to 50,000 troops will remain in the country to assist iraqi security forces , protect americans and fight terrorism , obama said . track obama 's first 100 days . all troops will be withdrawn by the end of 2011 , a date established last year by the bush administration and the iraqi government . another condition of that agreement requires u.s. troops leave iraqi cities by june 30 this year . obama 's plan is predicated on a relative decrease in violence in iraq and the belief that iraqis are increasingly becoming more capable of ensuring security . watch iraqi reaction to obama 's plan '' with the exception of february 2009 , iraqi civilian deaths have been steadily dropping since the fall of 2007 , according to statistics compiled by an iraqi interior ministry official . u.s. military casualties in iraq have also generally decreased when compared to 2006 through 2007 . casualties : the names and faces who 've fallen . the u.s. military attributes the decrease in violence to three main factors : the so-called `` surge '' of u.s. troops , implemented at the beginning of 2007 ; the sunni `` awakening '' movements , in which local communities turned against al qaeda in iraq ; and the ceasefire announced by radical shiite cleric muqtada al-sadr . yet , it 's very much a question whether the disparate iraqi groups and communities used that decrease in violence to work toward settling some thorny issues , iraqi experts and observers said .<doc-sep>july has been a difficult month for coalition troops in afghanistan , with 51 international military fatalities , the highest so far , a cnn tally of official statistics shows . the united kingdom lost eight troops in 24 hours , and has now had more killed in afghanistan than in iraq . watch report on uk deaths in afghanistan '' the united states has lost 26 troops this month , putting it on pace to be the deadliest ever for u.s. forces in the country . cnn 's ivan watson contributed to this report .<doc-sep>washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- more than 1,000 american troops have now been killed in afghanistan , according to cnn calculations . the united states passed that grim milestone tuesday , when an improvised explosive device killed two of its troops in southern afghanistan , bringing the total to 1,001 . the death toll does not include those killed in support of operation enduring freedom in other countries . but the large number of casualties is in sharp contrast to the rates from another recent war . the deaths of these service members come 104 months since the start of the war in afghanistan , compared with the war in iraq , where more than 1,000 u.s. troops were killed in the first 18 months of fighting . but afghanistan is getting deadlier by the day . from 2001 through 2006 , the american casualty rate never reached 100 in any single year . but that number started going up in 2007 and spiked to more than 300 last year . if the current rate continues , 2010 will be the deadliest year of the war , nearly a decade after it started . the milestone comes just 24 hours after the single deadliest day for coalition forces in afghanistan this year . insurgents killed 12 nato soldiers on monday , seven of them americans . officials with the international security assistance force say it was no single event but six separate attacks in southern and eastern afghanistan . it was the most fatalities among nato troops in a single day since october 26 , when 11 americans were killed in two helicopter crashes . coalition forces are working to secure helmand province and establish a legitimate government there and are launching an offensive to target up to 1,000 taliban fighters in kandahar . `` we all expect the fight to get tougher as we carry out the new campaign , '' defense secretary robert gates said . added chairman of the joint chiefs of staff adm. mike mullen , `` i think we 've been very clear for months now that this was going to be a very difficult fight in the south . and the expectations , try to set expectations ... as tragic as it is , for these losses . '' a defense official says that american troops and their allies are tightening security around the city of kandahar but that the operation there will take months and will not resemble a typical battle . more than a million afghans live in kandahar , and the taliban are embedded in the population . the official says the goal will be weeding out the taliban , as well as the drug gangs and warlords that control much of the area 's economy .
<t> new : sailor 's death brings monday 's u.s. death toll in iraq to six . </t> <t> u.s. military says nine detained iranians to be released in `` coming days '' </t> <t> u.s. and iraqi troops find 22 bodies in mass grave . </t>
2007 now the deadliest year for u.s. troops in iraq<T>
greensburg , kansas -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- there are still piles of bricks and rubble on countless streets in greensburg , kansas , a year after a tornado demolished more than 90 percent of the town . on may 4 , 2007 , a ferocious twister blasted greensburg , kansas , killing 11 people in the town of 1,400 . yet what is happening in the city 's rebuilding process may not only re-invent greensburg but provide a model for `` green '' building everywhere . just a week after the deadly tornado hit may 4 , 2007 , a similar idea sparked in the mayor , a representative from the governor 's office and a nonprofit expert from a nearby town . the concept : if the whole town had to be rebuilt anyway , why not be bold and build it as a global example of conservation , energy efficiency and creativity ? daniel wallach , the nonprofit specialist , soon got the green light to help residents and businesses start over in a project known as greensburg greentown . `` kansas is known for being very conservative , '' wallach said . watch how the town went green '' `` my first order of business was to listen . what i heard were a lot of concerns about politicization and being associated with ` tree huggers . ' i helped frame it with the people here in such a way they saw , this is their movement , '' he said . fifth-generation greensburg resident anita hohl joined the staff of greensburg greentown as a web specialist . `` i was pretty green to begin with . i used to get teased about being a tree hugger . now it 's ` the thing ! ' this has really brought us so much closer together . what you can accomplish when just a few people are working toward the same goal is amazing , '' she said . her farming grandparents instilled the virtue of being energy-efficient . `` my grandma always put her clothes on the line , did her own gardening and re-used everything , '' hohl said . hohl and her husband , a daughter , a son , four cats , a dog and two birds are among the greensburg residents in `` femaville , '' a cluster of mobile homes set up as temporary housing . the family hopes to break ground soon for their new house and move in by thanksgiving . although they have made the best of the cramped quarters , she says , there are some challenges . `` it sort of feels like living in a cheap motel ! but it 's a lot better than it could be . it 's nice to have a place to be , '' she said . from the start , the greentown staff knew that getting the business community on board with the green plan was vital . and in rural america , there is no business that 's more of a bedrock than the john deere dealership . in greensburg , that dealership has been in the estes family for four generations . their facility was wiped out by the twister . `` the building was a total loss . and we saved only 13 pieces of machinery out of 220 on the lot , '' kelly estes said . `` the fema guy said he had never seen anything like it . steel twisted into brick , and then the miles per hour needed to pick up combines that weigh 25,000 pounds and move them half a mile in the air , '' he said . kelly and his brother mike decided to rebuild in town to the highest green-building standard . the u.s. green building council establishes a rating system for efficient buildings called leed , or leadership in energy and environmental design . the greensburg facility is aiming for leed platinum , the most demanding standard . there is one wind turbine on their new property , a 100-foot structure designed to generate 5 kilowatts of electricity . it is providing power for the construction site . although `` green '' may be viewed as trendy and new by some , mike estes knows that it is not for show . `` we 're looking at saving money here ; truthfully , we are . we 're running a business . if we ca n't make this make sense , why would we do it ? '' he asked . and he says the non-political approach of the city in encouraging energy efficiency has helped . `` i do n't think it 's red or blue to be green ; i think green is green , and green makes sense . and green saves you green ! '' he said with a laugh . being a model for the world in energy efficiency is a major goal of greensburg greentown . but there is another even more urgent aim : keeping this rural town from disappearing . the lack of jobs in many small towns means that after teenagers graduate from high school , they have to leave to find other opportunities . `` the average age of people living in rural communities is in their 50s , '' wallach said . `` there are very few folks in the communities under that age , because there are just no jobs . families have been split up for decades . '' so in addition to the long-term goal of greensburg 's pre-tornado businesses from leaving , people hope to attract new green trade as well . the city wants to open a biodiesel facility as one of its first green newcomers . another long-term goal is to have 100 percent renewable energy . it is probable that the greatest contribution would come from large wind turbines . `` the timing of all this is , in some ways , almost spooky , '' wallach said . `` it 's like the world was ready for this to happen , for a town to be completely re-imagined . the tragedy was terrible . but the folks here know that it also provided an incredible opportunity . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an apparent tornado touched down saturday afternoon in a small town east of kansas city , missouri , blowing roofs off houses and toppling trees and power poles , the national weather service said . there was no immediate word on injuries in the town of orrick , but law enforcement officials are checking house-to-house to make sure everyone is accounted for , said sgt. collin stosberg with the missouri highway patrol . the damage appeared to be typical for a tornado , but a determination on whether it was indeed a twister and the scale would have to wait another day , said rich thompson , lead forecaster at the national weather service storm prediction center in norman , oklahoma .<doc-sep>at least 91 people were killed and more than 230 injured when the twister struck at about 3pm yesterday , leaving a trail of destruction in its wake . with rescuers continuing their desperate search for survivors in the early hours , engineers were battling to restore vital water supplies . nightmare scenario : the clean-up and rescue operations in oklahoma are likely to be hampered by yet more severe weather . forecasters are predicting the same front which spawned yesterday 's deadly twister is likely to strike again . devastation : to make matters worse , the southern suburb of moore , which was worst hit by yesterday 's storm , is still without running water . deadly : the 200mph tornado destroyed everything in its path . the clean-up and rescue operation is likely to be disrupted on tuesday , though , as forecasters warned the state more severe weather is on the way . more tornadoes , powerful thunderstorms and damaging hail is expected to scythe through the area from the same weather system that created yesterday 's 200mph winds . large swathes of the town of moore were utterly devastated by the storm .<doc-sep>missouri gov. jay nixon is getting involved by spearheading the joplin challenge in association with habitat for humanity . the challenge needs donations and volunteers to help build 35 homes to contribute to the city 's recovery . volunteers can also join players from seven local sports teams -- the kansas city chiefs and royals ; the st. louis rams , cardinals and blues ; the university of missouri tigers ; and kansas speedway in association with nascar unites -- and build alongside their team . onstot says that as far as long term efforts are concerned , the joplin recovery fund has been instrumental . it was established by the community foundation of southwest missouri and the community foundation of the ozarks . they have awarded 30 grants totaling $ 2.43 million since september for various causes including rebuilding joplin , relief for tornado victims and improving disaster preparedness . they ask that donors note `` joplin recovery fund '' on the fund program box online or on checks . hln recently featured a fundraising effort by joplin expats todd green and dave ducille . green is the president of joplin expats , and ducille is the founder of central park fitness . they are cycling from new york to joplin to raise money for 20 storm shelters for families there . you can donate to their cause and follow their journey on their website . obama calls joplin high graduates an ` inspiration , ' urges them to lead america . marking the anniversary . to mark the first anniversary of the disaster , onstot says , everyone who has played a part in the city 's recovery is invited to the joplin day of unity . the day will include such activities as a walk along the tornado 's path . the city has also developed a website that highlights other anniversary events . joplin welcomes everyone who would like to celebrate rebuilding efforts and play a part in the city 's journey back from the storm . hln : surviving a tornado is only the beginning .<doc-sep>by . michael zennie . published : . 19:56 est , 29 may 2013 . | . updated : . 10:48 est , 30 may 2013 . nearly half of the nation is under threat of tornadoes or severe thunderstorms this evening as more ominous weather bears down on the heartland wednesday and thursday . oklahoma city and its suburbs - still reeling from the massive storm that flattened moore , oklahoma and killed 24 people last week - is in the bulls-eye once again . the national weather service is predicting a 10percent chance of massive ef2 to ef5 tornadoes striking in a large swath from the texas panhandle to central kansas . more than 59million americans are at risk of tornado touchdowns tonight . experts warn that urban sprawl - which has concentrated tens of millions of people in the suburbs in storm-prone tornado alley - means deadly twister strikes in populated areas are likely to become more common . devastated : this home was completely destroyed when four tornadoes touches down in fenton township , michigan , near flint , on tuesday . under threat : half the nation was in danger of severe weather on wednesday . the green area shows a chance of severe thunderstorms . the yellow area shows a slight chance of tornadoes . funnel clouds have already been reported in nebraska . tornado watches , which means conditions are right for funnel clouds to form and touch down , stretch from south central texas , through most of oklahoma , into kansas , nebraska and parts of south dakota , minnesota and iowa . severe thunderstorm watches are in effect for most of new york and connecticut , as well as parts of pennsylvania , vermont , new hampshire and massachusetts . wider storm threats cover nearly half of the continental united states - ranging from wyoming and colorado to florida , most of new england and the mid-atlantic . on tuesday , kansas and michigan became the latest sites of severe storm damage .
<t> greensburg rebuilds `` green '' after tornado demolished 90 percent of the town . </t> <t> long-term goal is to have 100 percent renewable energy . </t> <t> the city hopes to open a biodiesel facility as one of its first green newcomers . </t> <t> nonprofit expert says terrible tragedy `` also provided an incredible opportunity '' </t>
in wake of twister , kansas town is rebuilding green<T>
johannesburg , south africa -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- white students at a south african university tricked black residence hall workers into eating stew containing urine , prompting a march wednesday in which five people were arrested , university officials said . students protest against a racist video on the campus of free state university in bloemfontein , south africa . the white students made a video of the incident , which they staged in reaction to the university 's efforts to integrate its residences , according to a statement from the university of the free state . the protesters on wednesday included black and white students who later marched to the residence where the video was made and demanded that it be shut down , witnesses said . the video surfaced on tuesday but was made in september , the university said . in the video , white male students at reitz residence are seen encouraging at least three black female housekeepers to participate in what the students call the `` reitz fear factor , '' an apparent reference to the television show in which contestants eat live worms or compete in other feats . watch excerpts of video that sparked outrage '' in one scene from the video , a student mixes what looks like a beef stew in a plastic bowl and adds garlic and other items . then he tells the camera he will add the `` special ingredient . '' the student then urinates into the mixture , which he later stirs up and puts in a microwave . other students can be heard laughing on the tape . the next scene shows a different student urging at least three housekeepers to drink cups full of the stew , saying , `` this is our dorm 's ` fear factor . ' we want to see who has the best ` fear factor . ' '' on the video , the student does not tell the women that there is urine in the mixture . the women , on their knees , spit the stew into buckets after tasting it . some appeared to vomit , but the women also laughed during the incident as the student urged them on .<doc-sep>next , the women struggle to run in what appears to be a race . the video is put in slow-motion as the theme from `` chariots of fire '' plays . finally , one of the students awards a large bottle of whiskey to one of the women , telling her she has won the `` fear factor . '' at the end of the video , a message appears on the screen in afrikaans saying , `` that , at the end of the day , is what we think of integration . '' university officials and human rights groups in south africa denounced the video . `` the executive management of the -lsb- university -rsb- condemns this video in the strongest possible terms as a gross violation of the human dignity of the workers involved , '' said ufs rector frederick fourie in a statement posted on the university 's web site . `` we have immediately started with a most urgent investigation into this matter , '' he added . later wednesday , fourie met with the employees seen in the video and apologized to them , a statement from the university said . counseling is being provided for the workers , it added . the students involved in the video have been identified and will be suspended , fourie said , and charges against the men will be filed with the south african police service . two of the students in the video are still enrolled at the university but had been barred from the campus in bloemfontein , according to the university . two others completed their studies last year . the students seen in the video have not made any public comment since the video surfaced . `` i am deeply saddened that students apparently see nothing wrong in producing such an offensive and degrading video . i have publicly said several times that the ufs is not a place for racism , '' the rector 's statement said .<doc-sep>`` the fact that it is openly linked to the integration process in ufs residences is also most disturbing , '' fourie said . a spokeswoman in free state province for the democratic alliance -- an opposition party which says it puts equal rights for all south africans at the center of its policies -- called the video `` shocking and inhumane . '' `` it looked like they were willing -lsb- participants -rsb- but they did n't know what purpose the video served . ... it was quite humiliating at the end to see the quite senior ladies on their knees eating the meat , '' said spokeswoman liana van wyk , the south african press association reported . helen zille , the democratic alliance 's leader , wednesday asked the south african human rights commission to conduct an investigation into racial tensions at the university . `` the abhorrent footage of students abusing university workers is a fundamental infringement on the victims ' constitutional right to have their dignity respected and protected , '' zille said in a statement posted on the group 's web site . `` this incident is symptomatic of racial tensions that have been simmering at the campus for some time over the issue of hostel -lsb- residence -rsb- integration , '' she said . fourie acknowledged in his statement that `` the university is going through a difficult time with its efforts to racially integrate its residences and to create a new residence culture based on diversity , respect , human dignity and human rights . '' he added , `` these kinds of actions make it all the more important that we succeed with establishing such a new institutional culture on the campus . i appeal to all staff and students to remain calm and to act in the best interests of the university . '' the university , a research center , is one of south africa 's oldest ; founded in 1904 . it has more than 25,000 students , according to its web site , and uses a parallel-medium instruction in english and afrikaans for its full range of undergraduate and graduate programs . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's kim norgaard contributed to this report .<doc-sep>`` my sadness is that we are probably today more race and difference-conscious than i was in the 1960s when i went to school , '' he told students . `` to my knowledge , i was the first black kid in savannah , georgia , to go to a white -lsb- catholic -rsb- school . rarely did the issue of race come up . now , name a day it does n't come up . differences in race , differences in sex , somebody does n't look at you right , somebody says something . everybody is sensitive . if i had been as sensitive as that in the 1960s , i 'd still be in savannah . every person in this room has endured a slight . every person . '' thomas has also consistently voted as a justice to eliminate affirmative action in college admission criteria , including a case from last term . `` although cloaked in good intentions , the university 's racial tinkering harms the very people it claims to be helping , '' said thomas in a june decision limiting use of race at the university of texas to achieve diversity in the student body . comments are familiar . cnn senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin said wednesday the justice 's latest comments are familiar . `` this is very consistent with how he has expressed himself about race throughout his entire career , '' said toobin . `` race is something to be overcome by individual initiative . any problems you might have can be overcome by hard work and not collective action . '' thomas has long been perceived as a contradiction , an african-american man and self-professed civil rights activist in college with liberal views , who became increasingly conservative as his career advanced in government . he wrote about the transformation in his memoir , `` my grandfather 's son , '' saying he felt `` tricked '' by whites , when recruited to attend yale law school . `` i was bitter toward the white bigots whom i held responsible for the unjust treatment of blacks , '' he wrote . `` but even more bitter toward those ostensibly unprejudiced whites who pretended to side with black people while using them to further their own political and social ends . '' most famously , he voiced that frustration during his 1991 senate confirmation to the high court , when aggressively fighting off accusations of prior sexual harassment . `` this is a circus . it 's a national disgrace . it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves , '' he said . sources close to him say the memories of his wrenching public ordeal are not forgotten by any means , but the experience , they say , has given him a greater appreciation of the unique role he now occupies . controversial hearing . for most americans , thomas slipped into virtual anonymity after he took his judicial oath . he shuns interviews and rarely speaks during arguments . in fact , he has gone eight years without speaking substantively , when cases are presented in the public sessions .<doc-sep>decatur , georgia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- lashonda durden had just given birth to her second child . she was two weeks back from maternity leave when her supervisor called her into her office . `` you need to be trying to find other employment , '' her manager said . a bereavement coordinator and chaplain at an atlanta , georgia-area hospice , durden suddenly found herself coping with the grief of being unemployed . sixteen months later , she 's still out of work . `` it 's a vicious cycle , '' she says . durden is not alone . she is among the 16.5 percent unemployed african-americans -- almost twice the rate of unemployment for whites . the figure was included in a new report released wednesday on the state of black america by the national urban league . the report presents other sobering statistics on the nation 's racial divide on economics , education , health , civic engagement and social justice . among them : . the median household income for blacks stands at $ 34,218 ; for whites , it 's $ 55,530 . less than half of blacks own a home compared to three quarters of white families . blacks are more than three times as likely to live in poverty . in addition , black-owned businesses represent a paltry 5 percent of privately owned companies , and the study says more are needed to help spur job growth in minority communities . the obama administration , the study suggests , has taken measures to improve the gap between whites and blacks , although it says more is needed . the report says legislation needs to focus on minority job training , tax incentives and extensions for unemployment benefits .<doc-sep>for example , in 2013 , the chlamydia rate in blacks was 6.4 times the rate in whites and the rate among american indians and alaska natives was almost four times the rate among whites . std screening : a urine test such as the one pictured can detect chlamydia , which is easily treated with antibiotics . chlamydia is easily treated with antibiotics . untreated , it can damage a woman 's reproductive system . according to the cdc , chlamydia can be contacted through vaginal , anal or oral sex with someone who has the disease . while most people who have chlamydia have no symptoms , they may experience an abnormal discharge or a burning sensation when urinating several weeks after sex with an infected partner . the centers for disease control and prevention also reported that gonorrhea cases declined by less than 1per cent . the numbers for the most contagious forms of syphilis rose about 10per cent - to 17,375 . the increase was mainly among gay men .<doc-sep>because by and large when talking about race in america , whites have conversations with other whites and blacks have conversations with other blacks . what holder said is very different from what whites who do n't talk to blacks generally hear . as i tell my students when i teach about race and the law , i note that important breakthroughs on race can only come when you have a conversation with someone who does n't look like you and does n't think like you . but this is not a level playing field . blacks and whites can look at the same event and come up with completely different perceptions . when a black person says this is about race , many whites say we 're playing the race card . but when a white person says this has nothing to do with race , rarely does he or she ever get called on it . in this case , holder , a black man , very gently said race could ... maybe ... possibly have something to do with a piece of it , and look at what happened . let 's take a few examples that to me show unprecedented hostility directed toward the president , in my opinion , because he is black . first , the utter nonsense about the president 's birth certificate ; it refuses to die -- it is actively kept alive -- despite all the evidence to the contrary . second , the number of pictures or posters at rallies with the president 's face on a monkey 's body . third , congressman joe wilson yells `` you lie '' during the president 's state of the union address .
<t> video made of incident surfaces , brings campus protest . </t> <t> video made to protest residence hall integration , university says . </t> <t> white males urinated into stew , served it to black workers . </t> <t> video makers told workers they were playing `` fear factor '' </t>
whites tricked blacks into consuming urine , university says<T>
longyearbyen , norway -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a vast underground vault storing millions of seeds from around the world took delivery of its first shipment tuesday . the inside of one of the vaults at the svalbard global seed vault , on a remote island near the arctic ocean . dubbed the `` doomsday vault , '' the seed bank on a remote island near the arctic ocean is considered the ultimate safety net for the world 's seed collections , protecting them from a wide range of threats including war , natural disasters , lack of funding or simply poor agricultural management . norwegian musicians performed tuesday as part of an elaborate opening ceremony marking the opening of the vault , located 130 meters -lrb- 427 feet -rrb- inside a frozen mountain . wangari maathai , a kenyan environmental and political activist who won the 2004 nobel peace prize , placed the first seeds inside the vault , followed by other dignitaries . the inaugural shipment represent 268,000 distinct samples of seeds , with each sample containing a hundred-plus seeds and originating from a different farm or field around the world . in all , the shipment of seeds secured in the vault tuesday weighed approximately 10 tons , filling 676 boxes .<doc-sep>the shipment amounts to a 100 million seeds in total , ranging from major african and asian food staples like maize , rice , and wheat to european and south american varieties of eggplant , lettuce , barley , and potato , according to the global crop diversity trust , which is paying to collect and maintain the seeds . watch as `` doomsday '' seed vault opens '' eventually the svalbard global seed vault , as it is officially known , will hold as many as 4.5 million distinct samples of seeds -- or some 2 billion seeds in total -- encompassing almost every variety of most important food crops in the world , the global crop diversity trust said . the norwegian government paid to build the vault in a mountainside near longyearbyen , in the remote svalbard islands between norway and the north pole . building began last year . the united nations founded the trust in 2004 to support the long-term conservation of crop diversity , and countries and foundations provide the funding . `` the seed vault is the perfect place for keeping seeds safe for centuries , '' said cary fowler , executive director of the trust . `` at these temperatures , seeds for important crops like wheat , barley and peas can last for up to 10,000 years . '' the vault 's location deep inside a mountain in the frozen north ensures the seeds can be stored safely no matter what happens outside .<doc-sep>`` we believe the design of the facility will ensure that the seeds will stay well-preserved even if such forces as global warming raise temperatures outside the facility , '' said magnus bredeli tveiten , project manager for the norwegian government . the vault sits at the end of a 120-meter -lrb- 131-yard -rrb- tunnel blasted inside the mountain . workers used a refrigeration system to bring the vault to -18 degrees celsius -lrb- just below 0 degrees fahrenheit -rrb- , and a smaller refrigeration system plus the area 's natural permafrost and the mountain 's thick rock will keep the vault at at least -4 c -lrb- 25 f -rrb- . the vault at svalbard is similar to an existing seed bank in sussex , england , about an hour outside london . the british vault , called the millennium seed bank , is part of an scientific project that works with wild plants , as opposed to the seeds of crops . paul smith , the leader of the millennium seed bank project , said preserving the seeds of wild plants is just as important as preserving the seeds of vital crops . `` we must give ourselves every option in the future to use the whole array of plant diversity that is available to us , '' smith told cnn .<doc-sep>the idea for the arctic seed bank dates to the 1980s but only became a possibility after the international treaty on plant genetic resources came into force in 2004 , the norwegian government said . the treaty provided an international framework for conserving and accessing crop diversity . svalbard is designed to store duplicates of seeds from seed collections around the world . the norwegian government says it has paid 50 million norwegian kroner -lrb- $ 9.4 million -rrb- to build the seed vault . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's becky anderson contributed to this report .<doc-sep>longyearbyen , norway -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a vast underground vault storing millions of seeds from around the world took delivery of its first shipment tuesday . dubbed the `` doomsday vault , '' the seed bank on a remote island near the arctic ocean is considered the ultimate safety net for the world 's seed collections , protecting them from a wide range of threats including war , natural disasters , lack of funding or simply poor agricultural management . norwegian musicians performed tuesday as part of an elaborate opening ceremony marking the opening of the vault , located 130 meters -lrb- 427 feet -rrb- inside a frozen mountain . wangari maathai , a kenyan environmental and political activist who won the 2004 nobel peace prize , placed the first seeds inside the vault , followed by other dignitaries . the inaugural shipment represent 268,000 distinct samples of seeds , with each sample containing a hundred-plus seeds and originating from a different farm or field around the world . in all , the shipment of seeds secured in the vault tuesday weighed approximately 10 tons , filling 676 boxes . the shipment amounts to a 100 million seeds in total , ranging from major african and asian food staples like maize , rice , and wheat to european and south american varieties of eggplant , lettuce , barley , and potato , according to the global crop diversity trust , which is paying to collect and maintain the seeds . watch as `` doomsday '' seed vault opens '' eventually the svalbard global seed vault , as it is officially known , will hold as many as 4.5 million distinct samples of seeds -- or some 2 billion seeds in total -- encompassing almost every variety of most important food crops in the world , the global crop diversity trust said . the norwegian government paid to build the vault in a mountainside near longyearbyen , in the remote svalbard islands between norway and the north pole . building began last year . the united nations founded the trust in 2004 to support the long-term conservation of crop diversity , and countries and foundations provide the funding . `` the seed vault is the perfect place for keeping seeds safe for centuries , '' said cary fowler , executive director of the trust . `` at these temperatures , seeds for important crops like wheat , barley and peas can last for up to 10,000 years . '' the vault 's location deep inside a mountain in the frozen north ensures the seeds can be stored safely no matter what happens outside .<doc-sep>in an effort to ensure global food security , 10,000 new varieties of crops from around the world are being added to the ` doomsday ' seed vault in the arctic . the svalbard global seed vault , on an island off norway 's northern coast , already stores 825,000 samples of seeds , which represent 13,000 years of agricultural history . the vault provides a back-up to the network of seed banks around the world , which store seeds but can be threatened by war , accidents and natural disasters . scroll down for video . 10,000 varieties of crops are being added to the ` doomsday ' seed vault in the arctic to protect humanity . protecting the diversity of the world 's crops is ` fundamental ' for ensuring food security in the face of climate change , warned the global crop diversity trust -lrb- gcdt -rrb- , which manages the vault . a series of deliveries of seeds to svalbard this month will help in that fight , the gcdt said . four shipments from major genebanks based in bulgaria , colombia , india and taiwan are delivering varieties from more than 100 countries . the shipments include types of wheat , barley , corn , sorghum , peal millet , chickpea , groundnut , asian and african aubergine . the svalbard global seed vault , on an island off norway 's northern coast , already stores 825,000 samples of seeds which represent 13,000 years of agricultural history . the shipments include types of wheat -lrb- pictured -rrb- , barley , corn , peal millet , chickpea and groundnut . seeds of a number of indigenous african vegetables , including okra , amaranth , spider plant and jute mallow are also being deposited . preserving different food plant varieties will help breed and develop crops that can withstand a changing climate , for example , by being more drought resistant or able to cope with higher temperatures , the trust said . the fertile crescent is an ancient area of fertile soil arcing around the arabian desert .<doc-sep>`` we believe the design of the facility will ensure that the seeds will stay well-preserved even if such forces as global warming raise temperatures outside the facility , '' said magnus bredeli tveiten , project manager for the norwegian government . the vault sits at the end of a 120-meter -lrb- 131-yard -rrb- tunnel blasted inside the mountain . workers used a refrigeration system to bring the vault to -18 degrees celsius -lrb- just below 0 degrees fahrenheit -rrb- , and a smaller refrigeration system plus the area 's natural permafrost and the mountain 's thick rock will keep the vault at at least -4 c -lrb- 25 f -rrb- . the vault at svalbard is similar to an existing seed bank in sussex , england , about an hour outside london . the british vault , called the millennium seed bank , is part of an scientific project that works with wild plants , as opposed to the seeds of crops . paul smith , the leader of the millennium seed bank project , said preserving the seeds of wild plants is just as important as preserving the seeds of vital crops . `` we must give ourselves every option in the future to use the whole array of plant diversity that is available to us , '' smith told cnn . the idea for the arctic seed bank dates to the 1980s but only became a possibility after the international treaty on plant genetic resources came into force in 2004 , the norwegian government said . the treaty provided an international framework for conserving and accessing crop diversity . svalbard is designed to store duplicates of seeds from seed collections around the world . the norwegian government says it has paid 50 million norwegian kroner -lrb- $ 9.4 million -rrb- to build the seed vault . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's becky anderson contributed to this report .<doc-sep>violent turmoil in the middle east could indirectly lead to millions of people starving from food shortages , research suggests . scientists have found that the highest concentration of wild crop plants needed to produce new food varieties lie in an area known as the fertile crescent . however , this area is also at the centre of a number of civil wars that are placing valuable crop species at risk of extinction . the fertile crescent is an ancient area of fertile soil arcing around the arabian desert from jordan , palestine , israel , syria , lebanon , turkey and ending in iraq and iran . it has the largest diversity of ` crop wild relatives ' -lrb- cwrs -rrb- - species closely related to our crops which are needed to create future ` super crop ' varieties . given that the human population is set to expand from the 7.26 billion to 9.6 billion by 2050 , cwrs will be needed to improve crop yields and feed the extra people . but researchers at birmingham have shown that 12 per cent of cwrs are threatened with extinction and all are likely to be already suffering a loss of genetic diversity . marie haga , executive director of the global crop diversity trust , said : ` the svalbard global seed vault symbolises how we can create a long-term , sustainable and positive solution to feed the world forever . ` the issue of hunger is global , and increasingly urgent . if we continue as we are , food production will be reduced and food prices will rise . even more people will go hungry . ` crop diversity is essential if we are to provide more food , more nutritious food and affordable food for the poor . ` maintaining crop diversity , and the genetic wealth it provides to current and future generations , is beneficial not just to crop breeders , but to the farmers that feed all of us on this planet . ' the gcdt is calling on governments , businesses , foundations and wealthy individuals to contribute to a # 500 million -lrb- $ 800 million -rrb- endowment fund which will pay to conserve crop varieties in perpetuity . the seed vault is located in svalbard , a norwegian archipelago in the arctic ocean . it is situated north of mainland europe , it is about midway between continental norway and the north pole .
<t> ultimate safety net for the world 's seed collections has opened in norway . </t> <t> the vault received inaugural shipments of 100 million seeds . </t> <t> norwegian govt . built vault in glacial mountain between norway and north pole . </t>
` doomsday ' seed vault opens in norway<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- police have arrested a man in the killing of auburn university freshman lauren burk , who died this week , according to the auburn , alabama , assistant police chief . courtney larrell lockhart , 23 , of smiths , alabama , is charged with capital murder during a kidnapping , capital murder during a robbery , and capital murder during an attempted rape , tommy dawson said saturday . the phenix city police department took lockhart into custody on friday , police said . phenix city is about 35 miles southeast of auburn . burk , 18 , from marietta , georgia , was found shot on north college street , a few miles north of campus , on tuesday night . she died later at a hospital .<doc-sep>minutes after police responded to the call reporting an injured person and found burk , they found a car -- which turned out to be burk 's -- on fire in a campus parking lot . dawson told reporters friday that authorities think gasoline or another accelerant was used to ignite burk 's car , and police were investigating whether a gas can found in downtown auburn was connected . police want to investigate every possible lead , dawson said . authorities were still on patrol in the east alabama campus , he said . the university 's web site said a campus-wide memorial service will be held monday .<doc-sep>the site carried a message from burk 's father , james , which said : `` the burk family was so proud to have lauren as an auburn university student . we want to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation for auburn university , the city of auburn and the auburn police department . we feel very close to your community . we appreciate what everyone is doing for us and lauren . '' also on friday , police released pictures of a 2001 honda civic similar to burk 's car . authorities asked anyone who thinks they might have seen the car on tuesday to contact them . police are continuing to interview people , dawson said . a student at the university of north carolina in chapel hill -- eve carson , 22 , of athens , georgia -- was also shot to death this week , on early wednesday . authorities in chapel hill said friday they had been in contact with auburn police but did not believe the two cases were connected . watch cnn 's nancy grace discuss the two killings of college women from georgia ''<doc-sep>burk 's family , in a statement read friday to reporters by family friend kathy singleton , expressed their gratitude for the thoughts and prayers offered , but asked for privacy `` so that they may grieve for their loss as well as celebrate lauren 's life . '' those wishing to honor burk could do so by donating to her favorite charities , singleton said -- the invisible child and the american kidney foundation . donations can be made at any wachovia bank to the lauren burk memorial fund . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- police have arrested a man in the killing of auburn university freshman lauren burk , who died this week , according to the auburn , alabama , assistant police chief . courtney larrell lockhart , 23 , of smiths , alabama , is charged with capital murder during a kidnapping , capital murder during a robbery , and capital murder during an attempted rape , tommy dawson said saturday . the phenix city police department took lockhart into custody on friday , police said . phenix city is about 35 miles southeast of auburn . burk , 18 , from marietta , georgia , was found shot on north college street , a few miles north of campus , on tuesday night . she died later at a hospital . minutes after police responded to the call reporting an injured person and found burk , they found a car -- which turned out to be burk 's -- on fire in a campus parking lot . dawson told reporters friday that authorities think gasoline or another accelerant was used to ignite burk 's car , and police were investigating whether a gas can found in downtown auburn was connected . police want to investigate every possible lead , dawson said . authorities were still on patrol in the east alabama campus , he said . the university 's web site said a campus-wide memorial service will be held monday . the site carried a message from burk 's father , james , which said : `` the burk family was so proud to have lauren as an auburn university student . we want to extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation for auburn university , the city of auburn and the auburn police department . we feel very close to your community . we appreciate what everyone is doing for us and lauren . '' also on friday , police released pictures of a 2001 honda civic similar to burk 's car . authorities asked anyone who thinks they might have seen the car on tuesday to contact them . police are continuing to interview people , dawson said . a student at the university of north carolina in chapel hill -- eve carson , 22 , of athens , georgia -- was also shot to death this week , on early wednesday . authorities in chapel hill said friday they had been in contact with auburn police but did not believe the two cases were connected . watch cnn 's nancy grace discuss the two killings of college women from georgia '' burk 's family , in a statement read friday to reporters by family friend kathy singleton , expressed their gratitude for the thoughts and prayers offered , but asked for privacy `` so that they may grieve for their loss as well as celebrate lauren 's life . '' those wishing to honor burk could do so by donating to her favorite charities , singleton said -- the invisible child and the american kidney foundation . donations can be made at any wachovia bank to the lauren burk memorial fund . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the man suspected of killing three people and wounding others near auburn university turned himself in to authorities late tuesday , authorities said . desmonte leonard , 22 , turned himself in to u.s. marshals at the federal courthouse in montgomery , said montgomery county sheriff d.t. marshall . it was not immediately clear when leonard would be transported to auburn . auburn police chief tommy dawson said leonard faces three counts of capital murder and two counts of assault . he will be processed into the montgomery county jail and `` held there for a while , '' he told reporters . `` you ca n't run but for so long , '' the police chief said . `` we were going to pursue until we caught him . '' dawson also addressed the families of the victims . `` i know your young men wo n't be coming home , but hopefully this arrest will give you some closure . it 's not over . we 're going to continue to investigate this case , '' he said . the development came hours after a small army of law enforcement officers swarmed a montgomery home where leonard was believed to be hiding and came up empty-handed . police surrounded and searched the house for more than six hours , spraying `` a powerful dose '' of tear gas in hopes of flushing out the man . they scaled down their efforts at the house tuesday after they could not find leonard . the officers from local , state and federal agencies looked frustrated , cnn affiliate wfsa reported . police defended the raid at a news conference early tuesday after reports surfaced that they had gone to the wrong house and used excessive force . montgomery police chief kevin murphy said he had every reason to believe leonard had once been in the attic . police called on him to come out . they did not get a response , although they heard coughing and detected movement in the attic . by the time they launched a raid on the house , the suspect was gone . `` we did n't go into that house foot by foot . we took it inch by inch , '' murphy said . `` we did n't want anybody else to get hurt . we did everything right . '' police received three calls about leonard being in the area ; the third was from a woman who owned the house . she said she returned from work to find a man who looked like the suspect sitting on her couch , said montgomery mayor tommy strange . she then ran out to her car and called police , he said . saturday night 's shootings took place at an off-campus apartment complex in auburn , about 50 miles east of montgomery . the dead included two former auburn football players . a current football player was among the wounded . `` this has been an incredibly difficult 72 hours , '' gene chizik , auburn 's head football coach , told reporters tuesday . `` the whole auburn family is devastated . '' `` we 've got a road ahead of us right now , and it 's a long road of grieving , '' he said . police had posted a $ 30,000 reward for information on leonard 's whereabouts . two other men have been jailed on charges of hindering prosecution in the case . auburn police said one of those arrested , jeremy thomas , 18 , left the scene of the shootings with leonard . montgomery police say gabriel thomas , 41 , tried to mislead investigators during the search , and they arrested him sunday at the request of u.s. marshals . police did not immediately disclose the relationship , if any , between the two men . both were arrested in montgomery , but jeremy thomas was expected to be transferred to a jail in lee county , which includes auburn , police said . officers received a call reporting the shooting at the university heights apartments clubhouse about 10:03 p.m. saturday , auburn police chief dawson said sunday . arriving officers found edward christian , 20 , dead at the scene . christian , of valdosta , georgia , was off the football team because of an injury , dawson said . former player ladarious phillips , 20 , and auburn resident demario pitts , 20 , died later at a hospital , he said . two others , including current auburn sophomore offensive lineman eric mack , 20 , of cameron , south carolina , were taken to east alabama medical center in the nearby town of opelika . mack was released from the medical center sunday morning , while another man , xavier moss , 19 , was treated and released from the same facility . a third man , john robertson , 20 , was transferred to the university of alabama at birmingham hospital , where he was in critical condition after being shot in the head . leonard and two other men were thought to have fled the scene in a white chevrolet caprice , authorities said . police later found the car abandoned in an adjacent county , dawson said . police have a motive in the shooting , but dawson would not release it , saying `` that 's for the courtroom , later on . '' he did say authorities believe gunfire erupted during a fight at a party . several media outlets cited witnesses as saying the altercation was over a woman . witness turquorius vines told affiliate wgcl the violence was sudden . `` it went from us chilling with all these females to a massacre for no reason at all , '' he said . cnn 's joe sutton , moni basu , david mattingly , greg morrison and ashley hayes contributed to this report .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . published : . 13:42 est , 25 july 2013 . | . updated : . 14:22 est , 25 july 2013 . a whistleblower has accused an alabama police department of forcing officers to issue an excessive number of tickets and arrest innocent people or be ` written up ' - while obedient cops would get free steak dinners . former auburn police officer justin hanners made the explosive claims in an interview with , stating he was sacked after challenging the requirement that officers make 100 contacts a month . he also claimed cops were ordered to hassle , ticket or arrest a specific number of people per shift - even if they were innocent - equating to 72,000 contacts a year in a 50,000 person town , including children . scroll down for video . explosive : sacked police officer justin hanners has accused auburn police of ` revenue-raising ' whistleblower : former police officer justin hanners said cops were forced to make 100 contacts a month . the director of the city of auburn 's public safety department did not return the daily mail 's calls . said the auburn police department declined requests to be interviewed .<doc-sep>mitchell redshirted this season for the auburn tigers out of nearby opelika high school . he was expected to contend for a starting spot next season at h-back and tight end . arrest : markale hart of camp hill , alabama , is taken into custody for the shooting death of jakell lenard mitchell . captured : police said hart is in a county jail and no additional arrests were anticipated . it was not immediately known if hart had an attorney and the statement did n't provide any details of how he was taken into custody . scene : auburn police investigate a shooting at the tiger lodge apartments in auburn , alabama , early sunday morning . police also disclosed in the statement that mitchell , who was shot early sunday at an off-campus apartment complex , received multiple gunshot wounds to the chest . the statement says no additional arrests are expected at this time , but did n't elaborate further on the shooting and arrest . mitchell was shot and killed sunday morning at an apartment complex near the auburn university campus , police and news reports said .
<t> courtney larrell lockhart , 23 , charged with three counts of capital murder . </t> <t> auburn university student lauren burk found shot tuesday , died at hospital . </t> <t> burk 's car found minutes later engulfed in flames in campus parking lot . </t>
police arrest man in killing of auburn student<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a tornado swept through parts of tupelo , mississippi , on thursday , damaging trees , power lines and overturning a 18-wheel truck , a law enforcement official said . ireporter graham hancock saw damage thursday at the tupelo furniture market in tupelo , mississippi . `` just a little earlier this morning , we began to get reports of damage starting from the west side of tupelo , '' said chief deputy john hall of the lee county sheriff 's department . hall said the storm moved north across the city to the mall at barnes crossing . nearby on u.s. 45 , an 18-wheel truck was overturned , he said . there were no reports of injuries , and hall said authorities were assessing damages . watch as a tupelo resident describes the storm '' jeff snyder , general manager for the mall at barnes crossing , said the shopping center sustained `` minor property damage . '' terry anderson , executive director of tupelo regional airport , said the facility had minor damage , including some broken windows . he said the airport was closed for about 10 minutes while the taxiway and runway were cleared . no flights were delayed , he said , and the airport is `` up and running . '' mark waddle , who works at the airport , said he saw the storm form . `` it was real small at first , '' said waddle , an employee at the airport 's budget car rental counter . `` all the clouds were twirling around . '' waddle said he watched as the tornado touched down near the airport . `` it looked like it hit some kind of transformer because the whole sky lit up blue , '' he said . `` then it kind of blew through the tupelo airport . ... it was blowing so hard the trees were touching the ground . '' waddle said he was not aware of any significant damage to the airport apart from overturned trash cans and debris in tree branches . `` all of the people and all the vehicles and everything are fine up here at the airport , '' he said . bobbye jones , who works at the mississippi department of transportation in tupelo , said the roof blew off the lab at the agency . she said fallen tree branches also had damaged vehicles outside her office . `` everything just got real dark , '' jones said . . a tornado watch , which denotes favorable conditions for tornadoes , is in effect until late thursday afternoon for parts of northwestern alabama .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the body of a 9-year-old girl believed to have been swept into a culvert during a flash flood in west-central mississippi was recovered monday , an official told cnn . yazoo county emergency management director joey ward said the girl 's body was identified by her mother . the girl 's death came as rain pounded parts of the u.s. southeast -- storms that flooded areas in mississippi overnight and threatened more of the same in parts of alabama , georgia and florida on monday . the girl 's mother reported that floodwater had pulled the girl into a channel under a road around 8 p.m. ct sunday in yazoo city , which received 4 to 5 inches of rain in a short period , ward said . rescuers searched the area and several other rain-swollen drainage ditches , cnn affiliate wjtv reported . a 20-person search-and-rescue team from central mississippi assisted . elsewhere , a woman 's body was recovered monday in georgia after her car was swept away in a rain-swollen creek in gwinnett county , lt. colin rhoden of the gwinnett county fire department told cnn . her identity has not been released . flash flood watches or warnings were in effect monday morning for parts of southeastern mississippi , much of alabama , a large portion of georgia and the northwestern florida panhandle . in north carolina , a tornado touched down in the eastern part of the state , chief fred clingenpeel of the belhaven police department told cnn . he said the tornado struck a very rural area between the towns of belhaven and pantego , north carolina . there were no reports of any deaths . there are possible injuries , but nothing severe at this time , clingenpeel said . he added that houses were damaged and trees snapped when the tornado hit around 4:30 p.m. et on monday . another tornado touched down in covington county in south-central mississippi around 2 a.m. monday , the mississippi emergency management agency said . seven people had minor injuries , and more than 60 homes were damaged as a result of the storm in that county , the agency said . throughout the state , the agency said it had received reports of damage to more than 70 homes . the mississippi emergency management agency warned that forecasters are saying strong storms are possible again tuesday , with the main threats being hail , heavy rain and winds of up to 50 mph . cnn 's suzanne presto , kevin conlon and john branch contributed to this report .<doc-sep>bentley activated 2,000 national guard troops wednesday night and said he will activate more if necessary . in mississippi , barbour said he had also activated the national guard . national guard spokesman maj. tom crosson in washington said about 120 troops were in mississippi and 50 more in arkansas . witnesses recount tornado encounters . more than 1,700 people were treated for injuries at trauma centers and hospitals in alabama , including those treated and released . a facebook page was set up for users to claim photos and documents found strewn by the storms . `` house mortgage from tuscaloosa found in rainbow city , '' said the caption on one photo . the two cities are 116 miles apart . several meteorological conditions combined wednesday to create a particularly dangerous mix , cnn 's morris said . `` it is tornado season , but an intensive event like this only will occur maybe once or twice a year , '' he said . `` it 's very rare to have all these ingredients come together . '' eight people died and 28 were hospitalized in the agricultural community of apison , east of chattanooga , tennessee . is severe weather affecting you ? share stories , photos and video . `` we have an overabundance of volunteers and donated food , '' said county emergency services spokeswoman amy maxwell . animals were among storm victims in apison , maxwell said . `` we had to put down a horse that had a broken leg and another was killed when a barn collapsed on it . '' the town of ringgold , georgia , about 17 miles southeast of chattanooga , was hit particularly hard , officials said . the storm also unleashed as many as 80,000 chickens in pickens county , georgia , after four huge coops were destroyed . a tornado severely damaged reba self 's ringgold home in a matter of seconds . for a time , she thought she had lost much more than just a place to live , as she frantically searched for her mother , who also lives in the house . impact your world : how to help . `` i 'm screaming for her , ` answer me , mom -- please , mom , answer me . ' i did n't hear anything . it turns out she had gotten out of the house and walked around to the basement door , and she asked me if i was ok . '' self told cnn radio she believes her mother is still in shock over what happened . the storms are being compared to the `` super outbreak '' of tornadoes april 3 and 4 , 1974 , craig fugate , the fema administrator , said thursday . in that period , 148 tornadoes were reported in 13 states , and 330 people died . states affected were alabama , georgia , illinois , indiana , kentucky , michigan , mississippi , north carolina , ohio , south carolina , tennessee , virginia and west virginia . cnn 's reynolds wolf , martin savidge , vivian kuo , devon sayers , dave alsup , phil gast , lesa jansen , ashley hayes , kevin conlon , barbara starr , ben smith , matt cherry , susan candiotti and wayne drash contributed to this report .<doc-sep>mississippi lt. gov. phil bryant and oklahoma gov. mary fallin also declared states of emergency friday for 14 mississippi counties and 26 oklahoma counties , respectively . but by saturday , hazardous weather warnings were taken down across the states , the weather service reported . the city of clinton , mississippi , suffered `` extensive damage '' when a tornado touched down , according to mississippi 's emergency management agency . the city 's mayor said no one was injured in the storm , which tore the roof from a hotel and caused major damage to a bank and numerous homes . it narrowly missed an elementary school and a church daycare center packed with about 650 children between them , she added . `` we have a lot to be grateful for , '' mayor rosemary aultman said . `` it could have been a lot worse . '' the storm also tossed cars on interstate 20 , aultman said . the tornado in clinton was one of several reported friday in mississippi and alabama that cut a wide path of destruction . cnn affiliate wapt in jackson , mississippi , showed video of the destroyed home of a teacher at hinds community college . several of her students were at the house , helping to clean and salvage what they could from the wreckage . `` i 've never seen anything like this , '' said one student . `` my heart dropped because it hurt me to see my teacher 's home like this . ... i know it 's hurting her , but she 's being strong about it . '' numerous power poles were snapped in jackson along the storm 's path , leaving more than 23,400 customers without power , utility company entergy mississippi said . in alabama , tens of thousands of fans gathered for a weekend of races at the talladega superspeedway , which had been under a tornado watch until 9 p.m. friday . some 30,000 people camped out , some in tents , on the infield of the speedway , said steve dover , spokesman for the talladega county emergency management agency . thousands more were seated in the grandstands , he said . by saturday , the severe weather had relented , allowing the superspeedway to open its gates to waiting fans , according to talladega spokeswoman hannah kinderknechd . a tornado watch remained in effect until 9 p.m. saturday for eastern north carolina . the storms were the latest in a round of severe weather that has hit parts of the midwest and south since thursday . they left a trail of downed trees and power lines , scattered cars and crushed homes as it moved east . cnn 's ed payne , rick martin and leslie tripp contributed to this report .<doc-sep>tupelo , mississippi -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- people in northern mississippi and alabama huddled in hallways and basements as a string of tornadoes ripped through their states monday , a day after another line of storms killed 16 people to their west . two people were killed at a trailer park west of athens , alabama , on monday , according to a post on the city of athens facebook page . another person died in richland , mississippi , said rankin county emergency management director bob wedgeworth , bringing the storms ' overall death toll to 19 . that toll is expected to rise . william mccully , spokesman for mississippi 's winston county , told cnn there have been `` multiple fatalities '' in his county . alabama gov. robert bentley declared a state of emergency for all counties . mississippi gov. phil bryant said the twisters inflicted `` severe damage '' around the town of louisville , about 90 miles northeast of jackson , and more around tupelo . winston medical center , louisville 's major hospital , was among the buildings hit , bryant told reporters . `` we have had early reports that the winston medical center has received damage from a tornado . walls are down . some gas leak is occurring , '' he said . state emergency management chief robert latham said authorities were grappling with `` multiple events over a wide part of the state , '' and that more tornado warnings were expected . `` this is not over . it 's going to last on into the night , '' he said . state health director jim craig said hospitals in winston county and in tupelo had asked for assistance treating what were potentially a large number of injuries , but no numbers were available . there were no confirmed fatalities as of monday evening , he said . the national weather service issued a tornado emergency warning for the area around athens , alabama , near the tennessee state line , on monday evening : `` this is an extremely dangerous tornado . you could be killed if not underground or in a tornado shelter , '' the warning stated . a tornado emergency also was declared in southeastern tennessee for east central lincoln , moore and northwest franklin counties . storm spotters were tracking a large and extremely dangerous tornado seven miles east of fayetteville , tennessee , the weather service . in tupelo , several buildings were destroyed or damaged . buildings near a major commercial district on the city 's north side were `` wiped away , '' scott morris , a reporter for the northeast mississippi daily journal , told cnn 's `` the lead . '' numerous trees and power lines were down , and `` quite a few buildings are destroyed up there , '' morris said . the national weather service 's storm prediction center declared tornado emergencies for several counties in northern mississippi on monday afternoon as the line of storms moved through the state from southwest to northeast . `` basement . now ... let 's go , '' matt laubhan , the chief meteorologist at tupelo television station wtva , ordered station staff before walking off the set himself . video : see meteorologist take cover . sarah robinson , a spokeswoman for the city , said several hotels and restaurants were damaged , but no fatalities or injuries had been reported in the immediate aftermath . another `` large , violent and extremely dangerous '' tornado had been confirmed near zama , mississippi , between jackson and tupelo . a twister possibly a mile wide was reported outside nearby louisville about an hour later . another tornado was spotted near richland , south of jackson . and yet one more was reported near yazoo city , northwest of jackson , four years after an april 2010 tornado that killed four people there and 10 across the state , said joey ward , yazoo city 's emergency management director . `` it 's still hopefully very fresh on people 's minds , and that they take all of the warnings that we 've been putting out all day very seriously , '' ward said . nearly 5 million people were at moderate risk of severe weather late monday , while 31 million people were at slight risk , including those in atlanta and nashville . ` there were cars flipped everywhere ' monday 's storms were act ii of a powerful weather system that brought punishing thunderstorms to the central united states . tornadoes spawned by those storms killed 14 people in arkansas and one each in oklahoma and iowa , authorities in those states reported . the hardest-hit area was faulkner county , arkansas , where a suspected tornado shattered homes , tossed tractor-trailers and killed 10 people in the towns of vilonia and mayflower . two children were among the dead . `` there were cars flipped everywhere , there were people screaming , '' james bryant , a mississippi state university meteorology student , told cnn 's `` new day '' on monday . `` it was a tough scene . '' cnn ireporter logan pierce spoke of being awakened by booming thunder that `` shook our whole house , '' while ireporter brianna davis saw devastated homes , snapped trees and widespread debris monday morning . another meteorology student , cotton rohrscheib , described how the storm picked up his truck and skidded it about 120 feet down a highway . `` we were all hunkered down inside of the truck , and praying , '' he said . none of the truck 's occupants was seriously hurt , he said . holly rose rode out the tornado in a closet and a hallway at her home in mayflower and said she and her family were `` very blessed '' to be safe . `` most of our roof is gone , '' she said . `` we had a separate structure -- the pool house -- that is completely gone . there are homes around us , two doors down , that are completely gone . '' monday 's storms were forecast to stretch into the midwest and ohio river valley , with much of illinois , indiana and kentucky at a lesser risk of severe weather , forecasters said . in alabama , numerous school districts announced plans to dismiss early monday afternoon in advance of the worst weather . faulkner county government spokesman david hogue said it was `` entirely possible '' the death toll would rise as emergency crews search the wreckage of destroyed homes , including some only recently rebuilt after being flattened three years ago by another tornado . arkansas gov. mike beebe said the storm was one of the worst to hit the state in recent memory . `` it 's devastating for the people who have lost property , '' he said . `` it 's even more devastating for those who have lost loved ones . '' ` tremendous ' damage in arkansas town . vilonia mayor james firestone described a scene of chaos in his town hours after the storm . `` there 's a few buildings partially standing , but the amount of damage is tremendous , '' he said sunday . `` there 's gas lines spewing . of course , power lines down . houses are just a pile of brick . '' it was much the same in mayflower , a town of 1,600 about 20 miles to the southwest . authorities shut down a section of interstate 40 after a tornado `` as much as a half-mile wide '' roared through the area , according to the national weather service . the heavily used road was littered with crushed and overturned trucks and cars . cnn meteorologist chad myers , who was in mayflower , estimated the winds from the storm were at 130 to 150 mph . emergency workers tended to the scene throughout the night . shelters were set up at a high school and local church . nearly 18,000 homes and businesses were without power monday in arkansas , more than 10,000 of them in faulkner county , entergy arkansas reported . the arkansas governor issued a disaster declaration for faulkner , pulaski and white counties , and president barack obama offered his condolences and promised storm aid to victims while on a four-nation tour of asia . impact your world : how you can help . damage in other states . before the bad weather slammed into arkansas , witnesses spotted a twister in the northeast oklahoma town of quapaw , where one person died , the ottawa county sheriff 's office said . john brown , 68 , of nearby baxter springs , kansas , was traveling through quapaw with his wife when the storm hit . he pulled into a parking lot , and a concrete wall fell on their car , killing him , according to the sheriff 's office . his wife was treated at a nearby hospital and released . the same line of storms also hit baxter springs just a few miles to the north . sixty to 70 homes and at least 20 businesses were reported destroyed , said cherokee county emergency manager jason allison . a tornado estimated to be three blocks wide rumbled through the town of 4,200 , he said . aerial video shot by cnn affiliate kshb-tv showed a trail of heavily damaged homes and other buildings . a sprawling storm front also hit eastern iowa , killing a woman in the tiny community of kinross in keokuk county , the sheriff 's department said . the one bright spot amid sunday 's devastation were the forecasts that predicted the severe weather days ago , storm chaser brett adair said . the advance notice helped save lives , said adair , whose team witnessed the faulkner county , arkansas , storm , then helped victims . `` this definitely was not something to take lightly , '' he said . video : surprising tornado tidbits . get the fast facts on tornadoes . power outage safety tips . north carolina cleans up from twisters . video : see a rare tornado in northern california . matt smith and michael pearson reported and wrote from atlanta . martin savidge reported from tupelo , mississippi . cnn 's suzanne presto , dave hennen , devon sayers , joe sutton , ed payne , dave alsup , matthew stucker , catherine e. shoichet and sean morris also contributed to this report .
<t> new : tornado watch in effect for parts of northwestern alabama . </t> <t> law enforcement official reports tornado damage in tupelo , mississippi . </t> <t> storm damages trees , power lines , overturns 18-wheeler on u.s. 45 . </t> <t> no injuries reported in mississippi town . </t>
witnesses report tornado in mississippi<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- one thing saudi people should not have to worry about is money . oil money is paying for saudi arabia 's growth but it is also the main cause of rising prices . the kingdom is awash in cash which keeps pouring into the world 's largest oil producer as prices rise . last year alone , saudi is estimated to have raked in about $ 200 billion from oil . it is this influx of money which is paying for saudi arabia 's economic growth -- but it is also the main cause of rising prices across the country . `` there is no free lunch . if you want to grow at that base , you have to swallow a price every once in a while in the form of high inflation , '' said abdulrahman al harithi , ceo of investment bank , mena financial group . saudi people are certainly paying the price . inflation is currently running at 9.6 percent -- a 30-year high . at the beginning of the year , rental costs went up nearly 17 percent . in march , the cost of fuel and water increased almost 16 percent and other everyday staples also saw double digit gains . the kingdom 's business community is also concerned about the adverse effects of inflation . a recent survey of saudi arabia 's business confidence by financial services company , sabb , found that while confidence remains robust , over half of respondents were concerned that inflation would lead to rising business costs . prices in the kingdom will continue their upward trend , according to the analysts at sabb . what 's more , there is not much the saudi government can do to combat it . the riyal , like many other gulf currencies , is pegged to the u.s. dollar and while the gulf is booming , the u.s. is heading towards recession . as the economic fortunes of the two countries continue to diverge it is hard to see what can be done to combat inflation . the main problem is that whenever the u.s. federal reserve cuts interest rates , like it did this week , the kingdom must follow suit . in a booming economy like saudi 's , low interest rates push prices through the roof . the government is studying whether remedies like a minimum wage could ease the pain but some in the kingdom , like al harithi , say there is no quick solution . `` honestly , i do n't ' think there is an answer for such a question . i do n't think there is a magical formula that could fix this issue , '' he told cnn . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>fans of mickey mouse , frozen and it 's a small world are going to have to pay more than $ 100 if they want to see all three in one place . tickets prices at walt disney world resort in orlando , florida , are going up , possibly as soon as this weekend . single-day ticket prices are expected rise to $ 105 for the magic kingdom and $ 99 for the three other resort parks - hollywood studios , epcot and the animal kingdom park . tickets prices at walt disney world resort in orlando , florida , are probably going up over the weekend . thrill-seekers will now have to pay as much at $ 105 to get into the park and stand in line for rides -lrb- pictured -rrb- . one-day tickets for the magic kingdom currently cost $ 99 before tax and entrance to each of the other parks in the resort costs $ 94 . disney has not confirmed the price increases and did not comment about the matter to the orlando sentinel . price increases generally occur on sundays . former disney executive duncan dickson said : ` we 're getting ready to go into spring break .<doc-sep>by . sean poulter . published : . 13:53 est , 8 august 2012 . | . updated : . 19:40 est , 8 august 2012 . the cost of a cuppa is set to rise by 15 per cent after the international price of tea surged to its highest level in two and a half years . the wholesale price of the highest quality black tea -- known as broken pekoe 1 or bp1 -- has leapt by 41 per cent since the beginning of the year to above 4 dollars a kilo . the increase follows a fall in the crop produced in kenya , which is the world 's largest exporter of black tea , because of adverse weather conditions . britain is a nation of tea lovers and is one of the biggest importers of tea . production has been hit by a drought at the beginning of the year and some heavy frosts . a severe monsoon season has also reduced production prospects in india and sri lanka , two other major exporters . kenya 's annual production this year is expected to fall to 360million kilos , which would be down by 17million on 2011 . the 41 per cent rise in wholesale . prices could feed through to an increase of around 15 per cent at . supermarket check-outs in the uk . that would put up the price of a pack of 80 teabags from around # 2.55 to around # 2.95 ahead of this winter . the price of tea has risen to a two and half year high . kaison chang , secretary of the . intergovernmental group on tea at the un food and agriculture . organisation , said : ` indications are that the price is going to go up . pretty high . ' he said rising demand for tea in . countries such as india and china , which are traditionally large . exporters , has also fuelled the price rise . ` the consumption level in china and . india has been growing pretty rapidly over the last five years or so and . that has contributed significantly to the increase in prices , ' he said . the biggest importers of tea -- russia , . the united kingdom , pakistan and the middle east -- have stocked up in . recent months , traders said .<doc-sep>us home prices rose 12.4 per cent in august from a year ago , the second straight month to post such a gain . despite a second straight strong year on year gain , experts fear the housing recovery may be peaking as mortgage rates rise and month to month gains are slowing . home prices rose 0.9 per cent from july to august , compared to a 1.8 per cent rise from june to july , according to corelogic , a data and analytics company . on the rise : home prices continue to rise as supplies fail to meet demand in many areas . home prices rose in every state and in 99 out of the 100 metro areas surveyed by corelogic , the one exception being akron , oh -- which reported a decline . this report came on the back of a 12.4 per cent rise in home prices the previous month , compared to a year ago , according to the standard & poor 's / case-shiller 20-city home price index . all 20 cities surveyed posted gains from both the previous month and compared with a year ago.despite the continuing upward trend in home prices , the month to month numbers are n't as bullish , a trend experts see continuing into the coming months .<doc-sep>the petrol retailers ' association has warned fuel prices could increase by 5p per litre before the end of september . petrol prices are set to rise 5p per litre as global factors including the civil unrest in syria and egypt push up crude oil prices , retailers have warned . the fall in libya 's oil exports and the rise in demand from asia have also forced the price of crude oil up , the petrol retailers ' association has said . the association made the prediction as the goldman sachs group suggested brent crude prices could rise to $ 115 a barrel in the ` very near term ' .
<t> last year , saudi arabia brought in around $ 200 billion from oil . </t> <t> the huge profits are fueling growth but inflation is at a 30 year high . </t> <t> food and water costs have rocketed by 16 percent . </t> <t> the saudi government is looking at remedies like a minimum wage . </t>
prices rise in the kingdom<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- sen. barack obama said thursday that the most important thing he could achieve as president would be to deal with iraq and the threat of al qaeda in afghanistan while improving `` our influence around the world . '' sen. barack obama , in his first interview since the north carolina and indiana primaries , speaks with wolf blitzer . in his first interview since the north carolina and indiana primaries , obama said he thinks the united states ' influence around the world has been diminishing . `` the world wants to see the united states lead . they 've been disappointed and disillusioned over the last seven , eight years , '' he told cnn 's wolf blitzer in an interview on `` the situation room . '' `` i think there is still a sense everywhere i go that if the united states regains its sense of who it is and our values and our ideals , that we will continue to set the tone for a more peaceful and prosperous world . '' watch the full interview with obama '' obama said he thinks the way the war in iraq has been handled has kept the united states from focusing on key issues like energy policy , global warming and the economy . americans want to succeed , he said , `` but we 're going to have to make some investments and ensure that the dynamism and the innovation of the american people is released . '' `` it 's very hard for us to do that when we 're spending close to $ 200 billion a year in other countries , rebuilding those countries instead of focusing on making ourselves strong , '' he said . obama downplayed headlines and stories , such as the cover of time magazine , that have declared him the democratic presidential nominee . `` i do n't want to be jinxed . we 've still got some work to do , '' he said . watch an analysis of some of obama 's comments '' obama predicted that he and sen. hillary clinton would probably split the remaining contests and said clinton would win the upcoming primary in west virginia by a `` big margin . '' obama won north carolina by a 14-point margin tuesday . clinton squeaked out a win in indiana by 2 points . in the days after those contests , some top democrats have called on clinton to step aside .<doc-sep>obama deflected a question about a potential joint ticket with the new york senator , saying it 's too early to start thinking about running mates . `` sen. clinton has shown herself to be an extraordinary candidate . she 's tireless , she 's smart , she 's capable , and so obviously she 'd be on anybody 's short list to be a potential vice presidential candidate , '' he said . `` but it would be presumptuous of me at this point ... to somehow suggest that she should be my running mate . '' watch viewer responses to question : should obama offer clinton the no. 2 spot ? '' terry mcauliffe , a former democratic national committee chairman and a co-chairman of clinton 's campaign , commented thursday on the possibility of a joint ticket . `` i think what she 's interested in being the nominee of the party . ... we 're fighting hard for it . this woman has been working tirelessly through this campaign . ... hillary has earned the right to do whatever she wants to do . '' obama said he 's ready for what would be the next phase if he becomes the nominee : a matchup against sen. john mccain , the presumptive gop candidate . obama said he was offended when mccain said last month , `` it 's very clear who hamas wants to be the next president . '' `` i think it 's disappointing because john mccain always says , ` well , i 'm not going to run that kind of politics , ' and then to engage in that kind of smear i think is unfortunate , particularly since my policy on hamas has been no different than his , '' obama said . `` and so for him to toss out comments like that , i think , is an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination . '' when asked to respond to mccain supporters -- such as former massachusetts gov. mitt romney -- who have said obama is not ready to be commander in chief , the senator from illinois said he thinks what people are looking for is `` good judgment . '' `` i think i 've consistently displayed the kind of judgment that the american people are looking for in the next president , '' he said . watch obama say why he 's qualified to be president '' romney responded later on `` the situation room , '' saying `` the truth of the matter is just as i said , that he does n't have a record of accomplishments in the private sector or in the governmental sector ... has n't pushed a major piece of legislation . `` he seems like a charming guy who 's very well-spoken . but in terms of actually having led , actually having accomplished something , actually having a kind of leadership that america needs at a critical time with our economy ... he 's untested . ... frankly , sen. mccain is someone who is tested and very proven , '' he added .<doc-sep>editor 's note : cnn 's ed henry traveled with barack obama to europe on the his first overseas trip as president . president obama speaks during a news conference after the g-20 summit in london , england , on april 2 . istanbul , turkey -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- one of the most revealing moments of president obama 's european tour came early in the trip at the close of the g-20 summit in london , england , where expectations were sky high for the new guy . he had just scored some victories on the financial crisis , while also taking some lumps . and now he had to face the media . pushed by a reporter on why he could n't get more done , the president was ready with a comeback about how it was far easier for american and british leaders to get their way at summits in years gone by . `` well , if there 's just roosevelt and churchill sitting in a room with a brandy , that 's a -- that 's an easier negotiation , '' the president said to laughter from reporters . `` but that 's not the world we live in , and it should n't be the world that we live in . '' in two simple sentences , the president accomplished a lot . in the first sentence , he made a fair point about how no u.s. president -- barack obama or george w. bush -- can simply wave a magic wand and get the world to follow his lead . and in the second , with the line about how `` it should n't be the world that we live in , '' he was trying to send a signal to europe that he 's not planning to bully them . again and again , obama said he was here to listen and learn -- not to lecture colleagues such as french president nicolas sarkozy and german chancellor angela merkel . left unsaid , since it was plain enough to see , was what obama was really saying : i 'm not president bush . that was clearly obama 's biggest accomplishment on this trip . he was able to effectively press that reset button administration officials have been talking about in order to make the case that traditional u.s. allies should come back into the fold , and it seemed to work . i remember sitting in the front row during a news conference at a palace in france to hear sarkozy positively gush , `` and it feels really good to be able to work with a u.s. president who wants to change the world and who understands that the world does not boil down to simply american frontiers and borders . and that is a hell of a good piece of news for 2009 . ''<doc-sep>by . mark duell . last updated at 10:50 pm on 14th february 2012 . barack obama today assured china 's heir apparent leader that the u.s. welcomes beijing 's rise in the world - despite the country 's sharp policy differences over foreign affairs and economic issues . chinese vice president xi jinping was given a warm welcome by the u.s. president , who said strong cooperation is good for the rest of the world - but reiterated concerns over its human rights record . vice president xi , who is slated to replace communist party president hu jintao in autumn , defended china 's rights record over the past 30 years , but added that ` there 's always room for improvement ' . scroll down for video . greetings : u.s. president barack obama , right , meets with chinese vice president xi jinping on tuesday . his comments on tuesday were similar to those made by president jintao during a state visit one year ago . both sides stressed the importance of stable relations between the two global powers . underscoring the sensitivity of the rights issues among china 's critics , a few hundred protesters marched outside the white house in washington , waving tibetan flags and calling for a free tibet . they held signs proclaiming , ` xi jinping : tibet will be free ' and shouted slogans such as ` shame on chinese government ' and ` stop lying to the world . ' but vice president xi 's unusually long and high-level visit to the u.s. reflected the stature he is set to assume , and the importance the obama administration puts on building ties with beijing . foreign affairs : chinese vice president xi jinping also met with u.s. defense secretary leon panetta , left , and u.s. vice president joe biden , right , on tuesday . ` we welcome china 's peaceful rise , ' president obama said . ` we believe that a strong and prosperous china is one that can help to bring stability and prosperity to the region and to the world . ' ` we welcome china 's peaceful rise . we believe that a strong and prosperous china is one that can help to bring stability and prosperity to the region and to the world ' u.s. president barack obama . he said he looks forward to future cooperation . a smiling vice president xi said he wants to build on the past relationship between president obama and president hu and ` deepen the friendship ' . ` i hope to engage with a broad cross-section of american society during my current visit so as to deepen mutual understanding , expand consensus -lrb- and -rrb- strengthen cooperation , ' he added . vice president xi 's visit is being closely watched because he will likely lead china over the coming decade . after becoming party leader , he is expected to replace president hu in office next year . good health : chinese vice president xi jinping , centre , proposes a toast with u.s. vice president joe biden , right , and u.s. secretary of state hillary rodham clinton in washington d.c. on tuesday . in the years ahead , the u.s. and china are likely to see their economic ties grow even as they are viewed increasingly as military rivals - something acknowledged by vice president joe biden . ` we are not always going to see eye-to-eye -lrb- or -rrb- see things exactly the same . but we have very important economic and political concerns that warrant that we work together ' u.s. vice president joe biden . ` we are not always going to see eye-to-eye -lrb- or -rrb- see things exactly the same , ' he said . ` but we have very important economic and political concerns that warrant that we work together . ' vice president xi has impeccable communist party credentials as the son of a famed revolutionary , but is viewed as more able to make personal connections than hu and be more friendly . while his trip is unlikely to herald any policy changes , it may signal his leadership style . other than his genial demeanour , he revealed little in his rather staged appearances at the white house . talks : u.s. vice president joe biden , third right , and chinese vice president xi jinping , fifth left , hold an expanded bilateral meeting with other u.s. and chinese officials in the roosevelt room at the white house . but president obama let on that vice president xi may take in an l.a. lakers nba basketball game when he visits los angeles , california , toward the end of his trip .<doc-sep>it takes vigilance to beat back the hiv/aids scourge , to make sure people with hiv get the treatment they need to survive , and that people without the virus stay free of it . we 've made important strides in recent years . just this week , the promising results of a south african microbicide trial were announced , meaning that down the road women may be able to protect themselves from the virus without a vaccine . but there 's still a lot to do . if america cuts back on aid , other countries will , too , because we 're the pacesetter . the obama administration defends itself by saying the u.s. is the world 's biggest financial contributor to the fight against hiv/aids . as important as that is , we need to keep up with the epidemic , which requires more resources every year . obama should listen to his fellow nobel laureate tutu , who helped lead his country out of apartheid , and lead the way on ending this scourge , both globally and here at home . after all , he wants posterity to judge him more favorably than bush , right ? the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of sean kennedy .<doc-sep>and it gets even more complicated . china is undergoing a leadership transition of its own with the start of the 18th party congress on thursday in beijing , designed to bring forth a new generation of leaders who will run china for the next 10 years . the world is waiting to see exactly who will rise to the politburo standing committee , the elite group with the highest concentration of decision-making power . it 's a november of change for china and the u.s. , and even the ardently pro-beijing editor of the global times wants to see a win-win for both . `` i hope that obama will demonstrate great talent on china issues , encourage china to rise peacefully , and will release the world from the tragedy of great power politics forever , '' says hu . hope . with obama 's re-election , it 's being embraced in china as well . cnn 's yuli yang contributed to this report .
<t> obama says he thinks u.s. influence has been diminishing . </t> <t> candidate downplays notion that he is already the democratic nominee . </t> <t> obama says it 's too early to discuss potential running mates . </t> <t> clinton camp says she 's `` fighting hard '' to be nominee , not running mate . </t>
obama : world wants to see u.s. lead<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- battling blustery weather , a lufthansa airlines flight scraped its wing on the ground during a landing attempt in hamburg , germany , over the weekend . internet footage of the lufthansa a320 as it attempts a landing saturday at hamburg , germany . the plane recovered and landed safely the second time around , the spokesman said . dramatic amateur video of the incident that appeared on the internet showed the airbus a320 teetering as it tried to land during the brutal winter storm on saturday . as it nears the tarmac , one wing visible scrapes the ground . watch the plane try to land as a passenger describes experience ''<doc-sep>`` as we were about to touch down , a gust of wind pressed the left wing towards the ground , '' a lufthansa pilot identified only as oliver a. said in a statement . `` we pulled up immediately . a maneuver we practice in training very often . '' the airline said the pilot has been flying for lufthansa for 17 years . watch as plane avoids crash '' airline spokesman wolfgang weber said the left winglet , a fin at the end of the wing scraped the ground after a gust of wind tipped the plane . damage to the plane was minimal and not structural . he said the plane is already back in service . • were you on board ? send us an ireport e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- battling blustery weather , a lufthansa airlines flight scraped its wing on the ground during a landing attempt in hamburg , germany , over the weekend . internet footage of the lufthansa a320 as it attempts a landing saturday at hamburg , germany . the plane recovered and landed safely the second time around , the spokesman said . dramatic amateur video of the incident that appeared on the internet showed the airbus a320 teetering as it tried to land during the brutal winter storm on saturday . as it nears the tarmac , one wing visible scrapes the ground . watch the plane try to land as a passenger describes experience '' `` as we were about to touch down , a gust of wind pressed the left wing towards the ground , '' a lufthansa pilot identified only as oliver a. said in a statement . `` we pulled up immediately . a maneuver we practice in training very often . '' the airline said the pilot has been flying for lufthansa for 17 years . watch as plane avoids crash '' airline spokesman wolfgang weber said the left winglet , a fin at the end of the wing scraped the ground after a gust of wind tipped the plane . damage to the plane was minimal and not structural . he said the plane is already back in service . • were you on board ? send us an ireport e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>emergency landing : a hot spot was detected on a wing of the southwest airlines plane . no one was injured during the emergency landing or evacuation , and passengers praised the southwest airlines crew for their professionalism . passengers were put on different flights to make the 50-minute journey to dallas . the plane has been grounded while it undergoes an inspection and maintenance .<doc-sep>by . matt blake . a delta airlines plane had a lucky escape after part of its wing broke off during a flight from florida to georgia , it emerged today . passengers on board flight 2412 , from orlando to atlanta , were shocked when they looked out of the window to see a large panel missing from the wing , exposing a tangle of wires and hydraulic machinery to the elements . within minutes of a passenger spotting the damage , the pilot of the boeing 757 decided to make an emergency landing . exposed : passengers on board flight 2412 , from orlando to atlanta , were shocked when they looked out of the window to see a large panel missing from the wing , exposing a tangle of wires and hydraulic machinery to the elements . concern : one passenger tweeted a picture of the plane 's winge alongside the comment , ` could you imagine looking out the airplane and seeing this ! ' one passenger tweeted a picture of the plane 's wing alongside the comment : ` could you imagine looking out the airplane and seeing this ! ' the detached panel , however , did not impact the aircraft 's ability to fly or land , delta spokesman anthony black said . safe landing : the incident occurred on a delta airways 757 , like this one , as it flew from orlando , florida , to atlanta , georgia -lrb- stock image -rrb- . he added : ` the crew , knowing that , followed procedure by declaring an emergency to air traffic control as they were landing , which gave them priority clearance to land and alerted ground crews . ' crew members declared an emergency , but the plane landed safely and no one was hurt , according to abc news . ` all the passengers were remarkably calm , ' passenger david watterson told abc news . the aircraft landed at 7:30 pm on sunday at atlanta international airport and taxied to the gate . none of the 179 passengers and six crew members aboard the flight was injured . the airline is inspecting the plane to determine why the panel came off .<doc-sep>by . joel christie . the efforts of a pilot who was forced to make an emergency landing in the middle of a texas freeway on friday have been hailed , despite the light aircraft crashing into a passing car . the single-engine aircraft reportedly lost oil pressure during a friday afternoon flight near arlington . thinking quickly , the pilot dropped a sign advertising geico he was towing behind the plane and set about finding the best place to set down . police say the pilot attempted to avoid highway 287 but was forced to land there anyway after the plane came to a stop . scroll down video . incredible : a driver caputres video of a light aircraft making an emergency landing on the median strip of a freeway in arlington , texas , on friday . the plane was able to set down , but soon after crashed into a freeway retaining wall and a passing truck . lucky landing : the light aircraft was towing around a sign for geico when its oil pressure dropped and the pilot was forced to set down on the grass median strip of a freeway in arlington , texas , on friday . the pilot came close to a successful landed , however his landing gear clipped a retaining wall and then a truck . amazingly , the pilot suffered no injuries and the driver of the truck had only minor cuts and cruises . a passing driver managed to capture video of the landing and released on live leak . the plane bounced along the grass median of the friday because crashing into a retaining wall and truck . the driver of the truck , richard dutton , said he had no warning he was going to intercept the plane . ` it just opened the side of my truck up like a coke can , ' dutton told nbc . the second smashed through dutton 's windshield and landed in his lap , causing minor injuries to his face . ' -lrb- the pilot -rrb- wishes he would n't have hit anything , ` police spokesman christopher cook told the tv station . ` he was doing his best to try to get in the field . ' this image shows how the wing of the plane smashed through the drivers-side of a passing truck . the wing landed in the lap of the driver , richard dutton , but he managed to escape with minor injuries . fortunate : richard dutton explains the moment crashed into his truck . part of the plane 's wing entered the driver 's windshield . wreckers on the scene remove the plane from highway 287 in arlington on friday . the highway shut down for a few hours after the crash . all lanes reopened at about 8:15 p.m. . the faa is currently investigating the situation .
<t> amateur video of the moment the lufthansa flight scraped its wing . </t> <t> strong winds blamed for the near miss at hamburg airport . </t> <t> the plane recovered and landed safely the second time around . </t>
plane scrapes wing during landing in germany<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- five young men died saturday when the car they were in drove off the end of a private airstrip near ocala , florida , became airborne for 200 feet and slammed into an oak tree , authorities said . the 2008 bmw was split in two in the violent wreck . all of the victims died at the scene . `` this had to be the worst vehicle crash that i have ever seen during my career , '' said randy robinson , a spokesman for the emergency medical services alliance with 27 years on the job . the 2008 bmw was split in two in the wreck , which happened at 3:45 a.m. , said lt. mike burroughs , a spokesman for the florida highway patrol troop b . he told cnn the victims -- 18 to 20 years old and all from the area -- were declared dead at the scene . burroughs said it was not clear how the car got onto the private greystone community airstrip -- the same one actor john travolta uses for his aircraft -- but the car was driving north on runway 36 , which is 1.5 miles long . `` it is evident that the driver of the vehicle saw he was approaching the end of the runway , '' burroughs said . `` he attempted a braking maneuver and the vehicle slid sideways off the end of the runway . '' the car flew through the air for 200 feet , he said , and struck an oak tree 15 feet off the ground , splitting the vehicle in two . three of the occupants were ejected -- one landing 40 feet away , burroughs said . the engine block of the bmw was completely dislodged and wreckage from the car was found over a 200-square-foot area , the fhp spokesman said . it was not known if the victims were wearing seat belts and the agency was awaiting the results of toxicology tests from the medical examiner 's office to find out if alcohol or drugs played a role , burroughs said . the airstrip 's private taxiways back up to homes in the jumbolair and greystone gated communities . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>the past 12 months have been the worst for aviation fatalities so far this decade - with the total of number of people killed if airline crashes reaching 1,050 even before the air asia plane vanished . two incidents involving malaysia airlines planes - one over eastern ukraine and the other in the indian ocean - led to the deaths of 537 people , while an air algerie crash in mali killed 116 and transasia airways crash in taiwan killed a further 49 people . the remaining 456 fatalities were largely in incidents involving small commercial planes or private aircraft operating on behalf of companies , governments or organisations . despite 2014 having the highest number of fatalities so far this decade , the total number of crashes was in fact the lowest since the first commercial jet airliner took off in 1949 - totalling just 111 across the whole world over the past 12 months . the all-time deadliest year for aviation was 1972 when a staggering 2,429 people were killed in a total of 55 plane crashes - including the crash of aeroflot flight 217 , which killed 174 people in russia , and convair 990 coronado , which claimed 155 lives in spain . however this year 's total death count of 1,212 , including those presumed dead on board the missing air asia flight , marks a significant rise on the very low 265 fatalities in 2013 - which led to it being named the safest year in aviation since the end of the second world war . scroll down for videos . deadly : the past 12 months have been the worst for aviation fatalities so far this decade - with the total of number of people killed if airline crashes reaching 1,158 even before the air asia plane -lrb- pictured -rrb- vanished . fatal : two incidents involving malaysia airlines planes - one over eastern ukraine -lrb- pictured -rrb- and the other in the indian ocean - led to the deaths of 537 people . surprising : despite 2014 having the highest number of fatalities so far this decade , the total number of crashes was in fact the lowest since the first commercial jet airliner took off in 1949 . 2014 has been a horrific year for malaysia-based airlines , with 537 people dying on malaysia airlines planes , and a further 162 people missing and feared dead in this week 's air asia incident . in total more than half the people killed in aviation incidents this year had been flying on board malaysia-registered planes . in january a total of 12 people lost their lives in five separate incidents , while the same number of crashes in february killed 107 . there were only three fatal incidents in march , but the still-unexplained incident involving malaysia airlines flight mh370 left 239 people dead , bringing the total to 248 . april saw two incidents with a total of 10 people killed , before a spike in incidents in may saw five fatal crashes leading to 35 people losing their lives , and seven crashes in june killed 64 . july was by far the worst month for aviation fatalities this year , with a malaysia airlines plane being shot down over eastern ukraine killing 298 people , 116 people dying in an air algérie downing in mali , and 48 dead in the transasia airways crash in taiwan . two other crashes killed six people bringing the total dead in airline incidents in july to 468 . in august five crashes led to the deaths of 60 people , before a decline in september saw three downed planes and 12 killed , and three october incidents resulted in the deaths of 10 people . a further two crashes in november saw 11 people lose their lives . before the disappearance of the air asia flight there had already been three fatal plane crashes this month , killing 13 people . air asia flight qz8501 had 155 passengers on board and seven crew - all of whom are missing and feared to be dead . wrekage : the remains of malaysia airlines flight mh17 is seen after being shot down over eastern ukraine . horror : 298 people were killed when malaysia airlines flight mh17 was shot out of the sky in july . despite the heavy death toll , 2014 actually had the lowest number of crashes since the first commercial jet airliner took off in 1949 - just 111 in the past 12 months . ` it will probably come as a surprise to most people , but really it was a very safe year , ' paul hayes , of the flight consultancy business ascend told the wall street journal . over the past 65 years , the aviation accident rate has been declining rapidly , despite more and more people taking to the skies every year . the current crash rate is 2.1 for every million planes that takes the skies - with the odds even lower on large commercial aircraft . however the distressing disappearance of airasia flight qz8501 is the latest installment in indonesia 's checkered airline history which has seen the deaths of almost 650 people in 20 years . the nation has struggled with its air safety record over the past two decades as the airline market in southeast asia faced unparalleled demand for low-cost flights from a rapidly expanding population .<doc-sep>three people were killed and six injured when cars collided with spectators in two different crashes within hours of each other at the jim clark rally in the scottish borders . police said the most serious crash took place at about 4pm when a competing car came off the road near kelso , hitting spectators . three were pronounced dead at the scene and a fourth is in a critical condition in edinburgh royal infirmary . two hours earlier , a rally car hit five people . four were treated at the scene and another is in a serious condition in hospital . police scotland said the the rally was cancelled after the fatal crash . fatality : three people are dead and one is in a critical condition after crashes during the jim . clark rally . two crashes : the tragic collisions took place less than two hours apart . official confirmation of the crashes came almost seven hours after the first collision . eyewitnesses to the fatal crash described ` terrible ' scenes . spectator tony cowan told the bbc : ` it was just one car which lost control . it went sideways one way and then to the other side of the road and ploughed into four people . ` it was terrible , absolutely terrible . i ran to help but there was little i could do . the air ambulance arrived after about three quarters of an hour . there were police cars and ambulances . it was chaos , just chaos . ' another spectator , tommy tait , wrote on facebook : ` we must be like cats have nine lives never have we been so close to getting wiped out by a rally car our thoughts go out to the 4 who got hit . ' the rally takes place over three days . on closed roads in the duns and kelso areas and is named after scottish . formula one driver jim clark , who grew up . in the area . he was killed in a motor racing accident in hockenheim , . germany , in 1968 . local msp . john lamont said : ` this is tragic news for the borders , and my thoughts . and prayers are with the victims and their families . investigating : police are looking into the incidents and cancelled the remainder of the event . ' i . know that the rally organisers place considerable emphasis on the . safety of the spectators and drivers but with any event of this nature , . there will always be an element of risk . ' i . live just a few miles away from the scene of the accident and i know . that everyone is shocked and saddened by this dreadful news . ' in a statement , police said : ` police . scotland are investigating two road collisions at the jim clark rally in . the scottish borders this afternoon . ' a serious incident occurred around 4pm when a rally car came off the road near kelso and collided with spectators . 'em ergency services attended and three people were pronounced dead at the scene . ` the . fourth person was conveyed to edinburgh royal infirmary and is in a . critical condition . the jim clark rally was stopped at that time . ` an earlier incident occurred at 2.05 pm , when a rally car collided with five people . ` four people were treated at the scene and one person was conveyed to hospital where they are in a serious condition . the rally is named after scottish formula one driver jim clark and takes . place over three days near the towns of kelso , pictured , and duns . ` police are in attendance at the scene and the investigation into both collisions is at an early stage . ' the jim clark rally is described as the only closed road rally in the uk mainland . the racing competition is held over three days on closed roads in the duns and kelso areas . it is named after scottish formula . one driver jim clark , who grew up in the area . he was killed in a motor . racing accident in hockenheim , germany , in 1968 . it takes place over three days near the scottish borders towns of kelso and duns and includes the brc rally , national , clubman , historic , reivers and landrover rallies . in 2011 , a spectator was airlifted to hospital after being struck by a car while watching the rally . the 36-year-old was hit by a driver who lost control of their vehicle and went onto the grass . a spokesman for the event told mailonline it had been a difficult day but it could not make any further comment at this stage . â .<doc-sep>` if we had been in any other microlight we would n't be here now , the french-made one we used took a huge amount of the impact . ' trapped : marilyn nichols was trapped inside her microlight for 45 minutes . she suffered multiple fractures . the smash came almost exactly two years to the day since marilyn broke both ankles in a microlight crash in cheshire . nick case , a member of a microlight internet forum wrote : ` crikey , lightning appears to have struck twice ! unfair ! ` most unfair , two less deserving people i find hard to imagine . ` but if anyone can bounce back from two crashes it 's marilyn . the air ambulance was scrambled to calton moor airstrip , near ashbourne , derbyshire , after the nichols ' microlight crashed while attempting to take off at around 12.35 pm on tuesday . west midlands ambulance service said mrs nichols had suffered ` multiple serious leg injuries in the crash , and suspected pelvic injuries ' . she was airlifted to university hospital north staffordshire for emergency treatment , while husband bill , who suffered multiple minor injuries , was taken to the same hospital by land ambulance . the injured couple run a five star farmhouse b&b on the ancient haddon hall estate in the peak district .<doc-sep>a single father , his two young sons and one of their friends have perished in a small plane crash , leaving their town of just 200 people in south canada in shock . darren spence , an experienced crop duster pilot , took off from waskada , manitoba with his sons gage , 10 , and logan , nine , and nine-year-old dawson pentecost , at 1 p.m. on sunday but crashed into a farmer 's field shortly afterwards . they had taken the afternoon trip as dawson had never been on a plane before , his family said . loss : ten-year-old gage spence and his brother logan , 9 , died in a plane crash with their father and a friend . spence , 37 , piled the children into his six-seater cessna 210 at a private airstrip near waskada around 1 p.m. and pentecost 's older brother waved them off , he said . the plane was headed 70 miles northeast to brandon , but at 6 p.m. , it was reported overdue . at 6.35 p.m. , a canadian forces search and rescue team found the crashed plane in a farmer 's field three miles from the private airstrip , and the pilot and his passengers were dead at the scene . spence , a single father who owned three planes , also had a young daughter , who was not on the doomed aircraft . victims : their father darren spence , 37 , was piloting the plane that also killed dawson pentecost , right . family : mr spence , a crop duster pilot , was a single father and leaves behind a young daughter , pictured . ` as far as i know , -lrb- spence -rrb- was taking the kids up for a recreational flight , ' waskada mayor garry williams told the toronto sun as he choked back tears . ` that would not have been unusual . '
<t> the car was driving on a runway at 3:45 a.m. when the driver hit the brakes . </t> <t> the 2008 bmw flew through the air for 200 feet and struck an oak tree . </t> <t> all of the victims were declared dead at the scene . </t> <t> the car was split in two by the force of the crash . </t>
five dead after car crashes off end of private airstrip<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a dutch tourist says she recently spotted missing 4-year-old madeleine mccann at a french restaurant near montpellier , mccann family spokesman clarence mitchell said wednesday . a handout photo , released september 16 , 2007 , of missing child madeleine mccann . the tourist said she recognized madeleine from the many media reports about the child 's may 3 disappearance and may have even seen the well-publicized defect in the little girl 's eye , mitchell said . `` she and a friend saw a child that they immediately took to be madeleine , '' said mitchell . `` they actually called out her name .<doc-sep>`` a man who was with the child scooped the child up and took her out of the cafe before the girls could take a photograph with their mobile phones , '' he said . mitchell said there is a surveillance tape of the girl in the l'arche restaurant and madeleine 's parents are hoping to be able to use it to determine if it is their missing daughter . mitchell explains how the sighting came about '' but the associated press , quoting an unnamed police official , is reporting that investigators have determined it was not the missing child . police watched the closed-circuit video footage , and despite the child looking like madeleine , it was not her , said the official , who did not want his name published because he is not authorized to speak to media about the case .<doc-sep>madeleine disappeared may 3 , days before her fourth birthday . her parents , who were vacationing with her in portugal , have said she disappeared from their room at a resort while they dined in a nearby restaurant . despite a global search and the attention of celebrities like virgin chairman richard branson , author j.k. rowling and soccer star david beckham , there have been no major breaks in the case . portuguese investigators in september named the mccanns official suspects in their daughter 's disappearance . the mccanns deny involvement , saying they believe madeleine may have been abducted by pedophiles and taken to north africa .<doc-sep>a few months ago , there was a reported sighting of madeleine in belgium , but nothing came of that report . last year , excitement grew when a video surfaced of a moroccan woman carrying a child on her back who looked very similar to madeleine . authorities determined that it was the woman 's child . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>published : . 07:00 est , 17 april 2012 . | . updated : . 03:27 est , 18 april 2012 . search continues : portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a madeleine mccann lookalike spotted in the town of nerja near malaga in spain . the madeleine mccann mystery took a new twist today as it emerged that spanish police are looking for the missing girl in a costa del sol holiday resort . detectives are making inquiries in nerja after a tip-off from colleagues in portugal . portuguese police are understood to have received information from an informant about a madeleine mccann lookalike spotted in the town near malaga . officers from a specialist unit are said to have been mobilised after being sent details of the sighting . the development is thought to be connected to a new review of madeleine mccann 's disappearance . a new squad of officers has been brought in to re-examine the case . the team , from the northern city of . porto , has been instructed to go over the thousands of pages of case . files and search for new clues . 2007 - may 3 : madeleine vanishes from holiday apartment in praia da luz . august 21 : madeleine allegedly spotted with a man in cartagena , spain . november 16 : jane tanner says she saw a man carrying a sleeping child away 45 minutes before mccanns discovered madeleine missing . february 13 , 2008 : portuguese authorities say search for madeleine is winding down . may 7 , 2009 : channel 4 film shows artist 's impression of man seen at the apartment . november 2010 : businessman reports seeing girl matching maddie 's description with a man and two women outside shopping mall in dubai . february 2011 : italian nightclub bouncer claims madeleine was snatched and taken to the us by a paedophile gang responsible for a dozen similar child kidnappings . may 9 , 2011 : two british paedophiles quizzed by police investigating investigating disappearance .<doc-sep>praia da luz on the algarve in portugal in may 2007 . dead ends : convicted paedophile raymond hewlett , above left , died . without talking to police , while another possibly australian suspect . remains unidentified . her parents hired metodo 3 to find her four months after she vanished . the agency sent a team to morocco to follow leads that she might have been smuggled out of portugal . mr marco said he still believed that was ` very possibly ' what happened to her but refused to give more details . the files taken by scotland yard . include investigations the agency carried out into raymond hewlett , a . convicted british paedophile who was in portugal when madeleine went . missing and left for morocco three weeks later . crime scene : the holiday complex where the mccann family were staying when madeleine went missing . police files : portuguese police photographed the room from where madeleine was taken . but mr marco criticised the fact that they closed the case too early . hewlett died of throat cancer aged 64 . in germany last year having refused to talk to detectives about . madeleine 's disappearance . prime minister david cameron asked the . met to examine madeleine 's case in may . operation grange , led by . detective chief inspector john redwood , will consider whether there are . any grounds for the portuguese police to re-open their original inquiry , . which was shelved in 2008 . a spokesman for the metropolitan police refused to comment yesterday . the mccann family also declined to comment .<doc-sep>by . kieran corcoran . search : detectives say they will be making ` substantial ' efforts in their hunt to find missing madeleine mccann over the coming weeks . detectives looking for madeleine mccann will begin ` substantial ' work on their investigation in portugal within weeks . officers from the metropolitan police are working with portuguese police during a fresh phase of their hunt for the missing girl , who disappeared aged three on a family holiday in the resort of praia da luz . mark rowley , the assistant commissioner of the force , said : ` in the forthcoming weeks we are going to be going to a substantial phase of operational activity on the ground in portugal . ' a thorough serious crime investigation . works systematically through all the credible possibilities , and often . in an investigation you will have more than one credible possibility ' . however , he warned that they may not come up with answers quickly - or at all . the announcement came weeks after detectives were spotted using a helicopter to take aerial photos in the holiday resort where madeleine disappeared after being left in her room by parents gerry and kate mccann . police were then preparing to excavate three areas in the resort in the hope of turning up clues . though they were not given permission to conduct the dig themselves , experts were on hand to oversee the work - including those trained to detect bodies .<doc-sep>former suspect robert murat attended an algarve police station today over the disappearance of madeleine mccann . the it consultant , 41 , was driven into faro police station through a back entrance just before 9.30 am along with his german-born wife michaela walczuch , 38 , and their lawyer francisco pagarete . none made any comment in the morning or at midday , when they were driven out in a different vehicle for a short lunch before returning for the afternoon . scroll down for video . robert murat -lrb- right -rrb- and his wife leave faro 's police station inside a car after being interviewed as witnesses during an investigation on the madeleine mccann case . mr murat , who is not suspected of any involvement in madeleine 's disappearance , was called in for questioning on the second day of a fresh round of police interviews requested by scotland yard detectives . portuguese police acting on behalf of the operation grange officers began questioning michaela , mr murat 's girlfriend when madeleine disappeared , as a witness soon after her morning arrival . they also quizzed silvia batista , who ran the service and maintenance departments at the ocean club holiday complex in the resort of praia da luz where madeleine was staying with her family . british expat murat , made a formal suspect or arguido days after madeleine went missing on may 3 2007 before being cleared a year later , said last month when it emerged police wanted to question him that he was happy to cooperate . speaking before he received his official notification , he said : ` my conscience is clear and i have no problem speaking to police again . ' his wife 's quiz was the first time she has had to face scotland yard questions but the fourth time in all she has been questioned by police as a witness . portuguese police took three statements from her within three weeks of madeleine 's disappearance . a portuguese lorry driver later came forward to say he had seen a blonde woman he said resembled estate agent michaela passing a blanket he was convinced contained a child over a fence on an algarve farm the day after madeleine vanished . spanish tourist isabel gonzalez also claimed she had spotted her in a town in northern morocco in june 2007 , moments after she had seen a girl who looked just like madeleine . robert murat 's lawyer said at the time he and his then-girlfriend were having their names dragged through the mud on a daily basis . michaela dismissed as ` ridiculous ' claims she had been spotted with the missing girl in morocco , insisting she was lunching with mr murat and his lawyer that day . the pretty blonde , whose home was searched by portuguese police after madeleine disappeared , went on to complain of being treated like dirt by detectives and claim kate and gerry mccann 's former detective agency metodo 3 had cynically used her . british investigators carry food to faro 's police station at lunch time . head of the policia judiciaria in the algarve , luis mota carmo , leaves faro 's police station as the madeleine case is re-investigated . investigation : last month it emerged the british police investigation into the disappearance of madeleine mccann -lrb- pictured -rrb- has cost almost # 8million . protesting her innocence in a december 2007 interview with a uk newspaper , she said : ' i lost my faith not just in justice but in the whole system and everyone that supports it .
<t> madeleine mccann possibly seen at roadside restaurant near montpellier . </t> <t> ap : police say girl on surveillance tape is not madeleine . </t> <t> man takes girl from restaurant after madeleine 's name called , spokesman says . </t> <t> mccann has been missing since may 3 ; her parents named official suspects . </t>
madeleine mccann possibly spotted in france , family says<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an explosion destroyed a home in suburban pittsburgh on wednesday , killing an elderly man and severely injuring his grandchild , authorities said . a house exploded wednesday , killng one person and injuring a second , in the pennsylvania borough of plum . the explosion was reported about 1:30 p.m. on mardi gras drive in plum borough , about 15 miles northeast of pittsburgh . several neighboring homes were damaged , fire officials said . richard leith , 64 , was babysitting his grandchild in the home , according to john j. smith , an investigator with the allegheny county medical examiner 's office . both were transported to local hospitals , though leith died later in the afternoon .<doc-sep>the condition of the child , who was treated at children 's hospital , was unknown , smith said . leith 's autopsy would be conducted on thursday , he added . it is unclear what caused the explosion . dave heiser , a neighbor , told cnn that he was home when he heard the explosion . `` i thought my house blew up . my windows were blown out . i went outside and debris was falling from the sky , '' he said . watch the neighbor describe hearing the blast '' he said he ran three houses down and saw a woman running with a little girl and screaming .<doc-sep>`` the little girl was apparently in the house when the explosion happened and was blown outside , '' heiser said . `` that house was leveled to the ground . there is nothing left . '' several families who were displaced by the explosion were directed to red cross officials to make arrangements for shelter wednesday night , authorities said . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's ninette sosa contributed to this report .<doc-sep>a microwave explosion took three fingers from an 8-year-old pennsylvania boy saturday . authorities said the explosion happened after he put a still unidentified object in the microwave which resulted in the blast . authorities responded to the incident at roughly 3pm at the boy 's home in the north philadelphia neighborhood of logan . the microwave explosion started a small fire that fire crews extinguished in just 10 minutes . the explosion caused a fire in the boy 's apartment . wpvi reports that philadelphia firefighters brought the blaze under control in just 10 minutes . however the blast still left the unidentified boy with burns on his hand and three missing digits . he is in serious condition at st. christopher 's hospital . a microwave explosion on this logan block took three fingers from an 8-year-old pennsylvania boy saturday .<doc-sep>ciudad juarez , mexico -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an explosion rocked a candy factory in the mexican border city of juarez on thursday , injuring dozens and killing at least one person , officials said . search crews were still combing through the rubble hours after the blast , the city 's top civil protection official told cnn affiliate forotv . at least one person was confirmed dead , civil protection chief fernando motta allen said . at least 42 employees were injured , 11 seriously , according to efren matamoros , another civil protection official . the explosion caused part of the roof to collapse at the blueberry candy factory . preliminary reports indicate that an oven installed several months ago exploded , matamoros said . ciudad juarez is across the border from el paso , texas . cnn 's eduardo aragon , elwyn lopez and catherine e. shoichet contributed to this report .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a lightning strike killed a nascar fan and injured nine others in a parking lot outside pocono raceway after torrential rains shortened sunday 's pennsylvania 400 , a track official said . the pa announcer had warned fans to take cover as a powerful band of thunderstorms approached . `` the lightning affected 10 of our race fans , '' said pocono spokesman bob pleban . `` unfortunately , one person was dead on arrival when they were brought to the pocono medical center in stroudsburg , pennsylvania . '' nine fans received treatment after the lightning strike , some of them were hospitalized , he said . their conditions were not immediately known .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- one person was killed and another injured in a chemical plant explosion late thursday near charleston , west virginia . sterling lewis jr. , west virginia 's fire marshal , told reporters friday morning that a helicopter took the injured person to a burn unit in pittsburgh , pennsylvania . several thousand people were ordered to stay indoors for safety early friday after the 10:30 p.m. thursday blast at the bayer cropscience plant raised fears about air quality . the plant produces crop-protection chemicals in institute , an unincorporated community in kanawha county , west virginia . jeannie young , 38 , turned off air conditioners , closed vents and taped windows shut at her st. albans home after the nearby explosion . `` my daughter and i have headaches , '' young said . she said she smelled something unusual and noticed something odd after taking her three dogs out around 11 p.m. thursday .
<t> officials : 1:30 p.m. explosion kills grandfather , severely injures grandchild . </t> <t> it 's unclear what caused the blast , authorities say . </t> <t> investigator : 64-year-old richard leith died at hospital . </t> <t> neighbor says he saw a woman running down street with a little girl after blast . </t>
one dead in pennsylvania home explosion , official says<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- nicaragua president daniel ortega said thursday that the nation is breaking relations with colombia `` in solidarity with the ecuadoran people . '' nicaragua president daniel ortega said the nation is breaking diplomatic relations with colombia . the move comes after the organization of american states passed a resolution wednesday in hopes of easing tensions stemming from an attack by colombian military on a rebel camp in neighboring ecuador on saturday . since that attack , ecuador has broken off relations with colombia , and venezuela says it has moved troops to its border with colombia . ortega made his televised remarks in managua , where he was flanked by ecuadoran president rafael correa .<doc-sep>colombian forces killed at least 17 members of the leftist group revolutionary armed forces of colombia on saturday . farc is estimated to be holding at least 700 hostages in the jungles of colombia and has been accused by the united states of being a terrorist organization . `` this rupture of relations is n't with the people of colombia , '' ortega said . `` we are breaking with the terrorist policies that the government of -lsb- colombian president -rsb- alvaro uribe is practicing . '' in its resolution , the oas called the attack `` a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ecuador and of principles of international law . '' it ordered a commission , headed by oas secretary-general jose miguel insulza and composed of four ambassadors designated by him , to visit both countries to investigate the matter , `` and to propose formulas for bringing the two nations closer together . ''<doc-sep>colombian officials have apologized for taking their attack against the leftist revolutionary armed forces of colombia into ecuador but said it was necessary to counter a threat to their national security . colombian officials also said they discovered evidence after the attack that ecuadoran and venezuelan government officials were collaborating with the group -- namely that chavez allegedly gave $ 300 million to the rebels and that a senior ecuadoran official met with them . '' -lsb- they -rsb- are making things up and there 's no limit to what they 'll make up , '' chavez said at a news conference on wednesday . correa has said his country would only be satisfied when the oas issues a `` clear condemnation '' against colombia for the raid .<doc-sep>oas foreign ministers are to meet march 17 in washington `` to examine the facts and make the pertinent recommendations , '' the resolution concluded . u.s. defense secretary robert gates said wednesday that he saw little chance of war erupting between colombia , ecuador and venezuela . learn more about the countries '' gates added that the united states would not need to assist its colombian allies should armed conflict break out . `` my personal view is that there is relatively little likelihood of a military conflict between them , and my further impression is that the colombians can take care of themselves , '' he said at the pentagon . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- costa rica has taken its border dispute with nicaragua to international court , repeating claims that its territory has been invaded . in a statement thursday , costa rica 's foreign ministry said the country had filed a lawsuit at the international court of justice in the hague , netherlands , to end a situation that `` threatens imminent and irreparable harm '' to costa rica . the suit asks the court to stop `` the construction of a canal on costa rican soil , '' according to the statement . tensions between nicaragua and costa rica have flared over calero island , a parcel of land on the atlantic coast . nicaragua denies its troops are in costa rican territory . costa rica claims it has been invaded . costa rica claims that in addition to the nicaraguan troops , a dredging project in the river is dumping sediment on its side of the border , and that a costa rican flag in the area was replaced with a nicaraguan flag . nicaragua has accused costa rica of breaking diplomatic relations between the countries . also thursday , the organization of american states approved a resolution convening a meeting of ministers of foreign affairs to discuss the situation on december 7 .<doc-sep>the vice president 's heart attack and surgery was not expected to disrupt a meeting between santos and venezuelan president hugo chavez scheduled for tuesday . the two heads of state will meet in santa marta , colombia , to discuss how to repair ruptured relations between the two countries . chavez broke off diplomatic relations with colombia last month over accusations that venezuela is harboring marxist guerrillas who want to overthrow the colombian government .<doc-sep>by 2005 , bolivia , nicaragua , cuba , honduras and ecuador joined chávez 's coalition , which led to the formation of the bolivian alliance of the americas , also known as alba . alba served as an alternative to the free trade act of the americas , with an explicit focus on poverty reduction , but it also facilitated the unification of these nations in their anti-american sentiments . with chávez gone , however , there may be no one left who has the clout to keep financing this alliance . venezuela is alba 's largest financier , contributing millions in aid to its members as well as oil at low prices . but venezuelans may believe that with ongoing poverty and inequality , their country 's needs are more important than those of chávez 's small club of nations . this situation worries alba members . according to cynthia arnson of the woodrow wilson international center for scholars , while bolivia and ecuador are independently wealthy and not financially dependent on venezuela , cuba and nicaragua are . cuba receives roughly 100,000 barrels of venezuelan oil a day , while venezuela accounted for $ 8.3 billion of cuba 's $ 20 billion in foreign trade in 2011 . chávez also paid approximately $ 6 billion annually for 40,000 cuban doctors and nurses , according to reuters . cuban citizens fear that chávez 's death will push them back to the days of the post-cold war recession , when russia gradually withdrew its funding for cuba . meanwhile , nicaragua has received approximately $ 500 million a year in loans and oil credits , increasing to $ 609 million in 2011 , while earnings from agricultural exports to venezuela increased from $ 2 million in 2006 to $ 300 million in 2011 . but alliance members also realize that they have options . nicaragua 's economic minister , bayardo arce , recently stated that it 's time to diversify nicaragua 's economic relations with china , europe and the united states , mainly because nicaragua has `` to anticipate that alba is not going to be permanent . '' cuba may also seek to strengthen its relations with brazil , its second-largest trade partner in the region . in fact , both governments already have plans to engage in several trade and infrastructure projects and are ramping up trade , mainly in sugar exports . ecuador and nicaragua are working more closely with brazil in helping to construct hydroelectric energy plants and chemical industries , respectively . in addition to strong economic growth rates , brazilian president dilma rouseff 's policy commitments to the poor and enhanced control over key economic sectors , such as oil , may provide a more appealing leftist model . in recent years , chávez was also interested in improving relations with the united states . he saw president obama 's re-election victory as an opportunity to strengthen diplomatic ties . chávez once commented : `` i wish we could begin a new period of normal relations . '' chávez was so committed to this endeavor that even from his hospital in cuba , he authorized his second in command , vice president nicolas maduro , to start negotiating with the u.s. state department .<doc-sep>colombia has specifically named londono as a guerrilla that lives in venezuela . he is believed to cross the border between the two countries freely , isacson said . how strongly venezuela goes after londono could be an indicator of how deep these new ties are . nonetheless , even talk of cooperation is a world away from the atmosphere two years ago . in november 2009 , chavez ordered his military to begin preparations for a war with colombia , warning of a conspiracy between colombia and the united states to attack venezuela . colombia called the announcement a `` war threat , '' and venezuela retorted by calling colombia 's response `` hypocritical '' and `` immoral . '' eight months later , venezuela broke off all diplomatic relations with colombia . so when santos and chavez decided to be friends , `` most of the region let out a huge sigh of relief because of it , '' isacson said . but from his perspective , the relationship is `` fragile , and it remains fragile , '' he said . the friendship between the two leaders also speaks to the pragmatism of each , said michael shifter , president of the inter-american dialogue . unlike uribe , santos has aspirations to be a regional leader , and cordial relations with venezuela make it possible for colombia to become less isolated from other south american countries , he said . also , by cooperating with chavez , there is probably the expectation of more progress against the farc , shifter said .
<t> new : president daniel ortega said move `` in solidarity '' with ecuador . </t> <t> on saturday , colombia 's military attacked a rebel camp in ecuador . </t> <t> u.s. official : small chance colombia , venezuela , ecuador will fight . </t>
nicaragua breaks diplomatic relations with colombia<T>
london , england -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the united nations ' anti-drugs chief has denounced celebrities such as pop star amy winehouse and supermodel kate moss , saying that their alleged drug use was helping devastate west africa . amy winehouse 's battles with her addiction are well-documented . `` coke-snorting fashionistas are not only damaging their noses and brains -- they are contributing to state failure on the other side of the world , '' wrote antonio maria costa , the executive director of the un 's office on drugs and crime . the comments , published in an opinion piece in the british newspaper the observer , was the second time in two weeks that the united nations has criticized celebrity drug use . a report last week by the international narcotics control board said that drug laws should not be disproportionately applied . and letting celebrities get away with drug use creates a perception among youth that those offenders are treated leniently . read about the earlier warning from the united nations drug control agency .<doc-sep>costa , in his piece , said the cocaine used in europe passes through impoverished countries in west africa where governments have n't been able to mount an effective fight against the drug traders . `` in the 19th century , europe 's hunger for slaves devastated west africa , '' he said . `` two hundred years later , its growing appetite for cocaine could do the same . '' the drug trade , costa said , has corrupted the governments of some countries , and created addicts in a continent where treatment facilities are rare . `` amy winehouse might adopt a defiant pose and slur her way through ` rehab ' -lrb- her grammy award-winning hit -rrb- but does she realize the message she sends to others who are vulnerable to addiction and who can not afford expensive treatment ? '' he said . winehouse 's battles with her addiction are well-documented . the singer -- whose song `` rehab '' describes her reluctance to enter a rehabilitation center -- checked herself into one on january 24 after the leak of a home video that showed her smoking something in a glass pipe . what was in the pipe was unknown . scotland yard has said it is looking into the video .<doc-sep>winehouse scooped up five statues at the grammy awards last month , including the best record and song of the year for `` rehab . '' winehouse 's spokesman , chris goodman , called costa a `` ludicrous man . '' `` amy has never given a quote about drugs or flaunted it in any way , '' goodman told the newspaper . `` she 's had some problems and is trying to get better . the u.n. should get its own house in order . '' costa also took model kate moss to task , contrasting her alleged actions to those of singers bob geldof and bono who have campaigned against poverty in africa . bob geldof is best known for organizing a series of benefit concerts , including live aid . bono , the frontman for u2 , has taken on a campaign to get western nations to write off the debt they are owed by some african countries .<doc-sep>`` for every rebel with a cause , there are 10 others without a clue , '' costa wrote . `` while some well-meaning pop idols and film stars might rage against suffering in africa , their work is being undermined by the drug habits of careless peer such as kate moss . '' three years ago , london 's daily mirror newspaper printed photos it said showed the moss using cocaine . she later issued a statement where she apologized to `` all the people i have let down '' and said she took `` full responsibility '' for her actions . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>london , england -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the united nations ' anti-drugs chief has denounced celebrities such as pop star amy winehouse and supermodel kate moss , saying that their alleged drug use was helping devastate west africa . amy winehouse 's battles with her addiction are well-documented . `` coke-snorting fashionistas are not only damaging their noses and brains -- they are contributing to state failure on the other side of the world , '' wrote antonio maria costa , the executive director of the un 's office on drugs and crime . the comments , published in an opinion piece in the british newspaper the observer , was the second time in two weeks that the united nations has criticized celebrity drug use . a report last week by the international narcotics control board said that drug laws should not be disproportionately applied . and letting celebrities get away with drug use creates a perception among youth that those offenders are treated leniently . read about the earlier warning from the united nations drug control agency .<doc-sep>london -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- singer amy winehouse has topped the british charts with a new album , more than four months after her death . the posthumous collection , `` lioness : hidden treasures , '' features 12 tracks ; unreleased songs and alternative versions of some of her hits . winehouse 's longtime producers salaam remi and mark ronson trawled through hours of recordings to compile the album , which also includes `` body and soul , '' her duet with crooner tony bennett . the `` rehab '' and `` valerie '' songstress died in july at the age of 27 , following a long and well-documented battle with drink and drugs .<doc-sep>winehouse scooped up five statues at the grammy awards last month , including the best record and song of the year for `` rehab . '' winehouse 's spokesman , chris goodman , called costa a `` ludicrous man . '' `` amy has never given a quote about drugs or flaunted it in any way , '' goodman told the newspaper . `` she 's had some problems and is trying to get better . the u.n. should get its own house in order . '' costa also took model kate moss to task , contrasting her alleged actions to those of singers bob geldof and bono who have campaigned against poverty in africa . bob geldof is best known for organizing a series of benefit concerts , including live aid . bono , the frontman for u2 , has taken on a campaign to get western nations to write off the debt they are owed by some african countries .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- blake fielder-civil is trying to kick his amy winehouse habit now that he 's seen photos of the singer cavorting with another man in the caribbean while he sits in a british jail . blake fielder-civil and amy winehouse in happier times . the pair married in 2007 . celebrity lawyer henri brandman confirmed to cnn that fielder-civil has asked him `` to commence divorce proceedings on the grounds of amy 's adultery . '' winehouse was quoted by a london tabloid last week saying she was `` off the drugs for good '' and has a new man in her life , 21-year-old actor josh bowman . `` i 've finally escaped from hell , '' winehouse told the news of the world . `` i 'm in love again , and i do n't need drugs . look at me ; i 'm glowing ! '' the tabloid also published pictures of winehouse and bowman in playful poses on a beach on the island of st. lucia . grammy-award-winning singer winehouse , 25 , married fielder-civil , 26 , in may 2007 . since then , both have been arrested on drug charges together and separately . `` i do n't know what 's going on with us now , and for the time being i 've just forgotten i 'm even married , '' winehouse told the tabloid . `` i 'm just here on my own , happy and having a good time with josh , '' she said . `` i 'll deal with blake when i get back . but our whole marriage was based on doing drugs . '' fielder-civil is currently jailed in england after a failed drug test in december . winehouse , 25 , is well-known for her song `` rehab , '' which describes the singer 's reluctance to enter a clinic . she won five grammy awards last year -- three for `` rehab '' as well as album of the year and best new artist . winehouse has battled drug addiction and spent about two weeks in a rehabilitation clinic last january . police started investigating her last year after obtaining a leaked home video that showed her smoking something in a glass pipe minutes after she was heard saying she had just taken six tablets of the anti-anxiety drug valium . the sun , britain 's top daily tabloid , made the 19-minute video public . it said the video was shot in winehouse 's east london home . the metropolitan police investigated after receiving a copy of the video from the sun . she and her husband were arrested at a norwegian hotel on marijuana possession in october 2007 .
<t> u.n. anti-drugs chief denounces celebrities amy winehouse and kate moss . </t> <t> maria costa says their alleged drug use is helping devastate west africa . </t> <t> the u.n. has spoken out on the issue twice in two weeks . </t> <t> winehouse 's spokesman says the u.n. should `` get its own house in order '' </t>
anti-drugs chief hits out at winehouse , moss<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- china 's giant pandas are believed to be safe after monday 's earthquake , but concern is growing over how they will get their next meals . the giant pandas ' primary food source is bamboo . authorities confirmed tuesday that captive animals in two of china 's major panda reserves were alive , according to xinhua , china 's official news agency . the wolong giant panda reserve center in southwest sichuan province is home to about 86 giant pandas , who were reported safe tuesday . staff and critters at neighboring chengdu panda breeding and research center were also reported safe , according to a spokesperson for the atlanta zoo , which has two pandas on loan from the wildlife reserve . concern arose in the international wildlife community over damage to the animals ' habitat , as authorities continued assessing the scope of damage in the sichuan province . the mountainous , densely wooded region is the natural habitat for most of the 1,200 giant pandas living in the wild , making it an obvious location for research bases like wolong and chengdu . giant pandas roam the forest in `` open cages '' that are meant to provide them with a safe , natural environment that will prepare them for release . with the safety of the pandas confirmed , the animals ' caregivers are left to determine how resources like food and medical supplies will reach the bases , which contain breeding facilities and triage centers . bamboo , the pandas ' primary source of food , is a major agricultural product in the region , but whether it can be supplied to the pandas despite infrastructure damage is open to question . `` wolong is hard to access under normal conditions , so the heavy road damage makes it even harder , '' said kerry zobor , spokesperson for the world wildlife fund . zobor said wwf had confirmed the safety of staff based in beijing , but had not received word on the conditions in wolong . she said the wwf was also concerned about members who had been touring the country when the earthquake struck . so far , the group has not been located . scientists in the united states are hopeful that chinese researchers will adapt to the situation facing them . david wildt with the smithsonian 's national zoological park in washington says that scientists in wolong have overcome threats to the giant panda population before . in the late 1990s , the captive giant panda population was in decline , with more animals dying than were born , wildt said . thanks to a collaborative effort with american scientists , the wolong staff was able to reverse the trend . `` our chinese colleagues are very perceptive when it comes to addressing problems , '' said wildt , who has visited wolong many times as part of the smithsonian 's affiliation with the research base . `` because of their efforts , the population is on the rise today . '' wildt said that chinese scientists have also addressed the issue of alternative food sources before . `` artificial diets in the form of protein biscuits have been created for giant pandas . they 're not a complete substitute , but they meet the needs of a basic high-fiber diet , '' said wildt , who has worked with two pandas that the smithsonian has on loan from wolong . `` right now , we 're mostly concerned about the staff . if the staff is fine , then the animals will be fine , '' wildt said .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the earthquake in sichuan , southwestern china , last may left around 69,000 people dead and 15 million people displaced . now ecologists have assessed the earthquake 's impact on biodiversity and the habitat for some of the last existing wild giant pandas . giant pandas are more endangered than ever since the 2008 sichuan earthquake . according to the report published in `` frontiers in ecology and the environment '' , 23 percent of the pandas ' habitat in the study area was destroyed , and fragmentation of the remaining habitat could hinder panda reproduction . the sichuan region is designated as a global hotspot for biodiversity , according to conservation international . home to more than 12,000 species of plants and 1,122 species of vertebrates , the area includes more than half of the habitat for the earth 's wild giant panda population , said study lead author weihua xu of the chinese academy of sciences in beijing .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the earthquake in sichuan , southwestern china , last may left around 69,000 people dead and 15 million people displaced . now ecologists have assessed the earthquake 's impact on biodiversity and the habitat for some of the last existing wild giant pandas . giant pandas are more endangered than ever since the 2008 sichuan earthquake . according to the report published in `` frontiers in ecology and the environment '' , 23 percent of the pandas ' habitat in the study area was destroyed , and fragmentation of the remaining habitat could hinder panda reproduction . the sichuan region is designated as a global hotspot for biodiversity , according to conservation international . home to more than 12,000 species of plants and 1,122 species of vertebrates , the area includes more than half of the habitat for the earth 's wild giant panda population , said study lead author weihua xu of the chinese academy of sciences in beijing .<doc-sep>the cub , born at tokyo 's ueno zoo , died of pneumonia less than a week after its much-awaited birth which was met with huge excitement across the country . zoo keepers announced the death the same day the twin cubs . were born in china . the panda 's mother , shin shin , arrived from china in . february 2011 with her partner , ri ri . the two went on view to the . public soon after the devastating earthquake and tsunami the following . month , providing japan with some welcome good news , the guardian reported . wolong national nature reserve , in the sichuan province of china , houses more than 150 highly endangered giant pandas at its china conservation and research center for the giant panda , which has bred 66 pandas since it opened in 1980 . giant panda shin shin pictured left with her newborn last week . sadly the baby panda , also pictured right being fed by staff , died on wednesday .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- china 's giant pandas are believed to be safe after monday 's earthquake , but concern is growing over how they will get their next meals . questions remain about whether infrastructure damage will harm the giant pandas ' supply of bamboo . authorities confirmed tuesday that captive animals in two of china 's major panda reserves were alive , according to xinhua , china 's official news agency . the wolong giant panda reserve center in southwest sichuan province is home to about 86 giant pandas , who were reported safe tuesday . staff and critters at neighboring chengdu panda breeding and research center were also reported safe , according to a spokesperson for the atlanta zoo , which has two pandas on loan from the wildlife reserve . concern arose in the international wildlife community over damage to the animals ' habitat , as authorities continued assessing the scope of damage in the sichuan province . the mountainous , densely wooded region is the natural habitat for most of the 1,200 giant pandas living in the wild , making it an obvious location for research bases like wolong and chengdu . giant pandas roam the forest in `` open cages '' that are meant to provide them with a safe , natural environment that will prepare them for release . with the safety of the pandas confirmed , the animals ' caregivers are left to determine how resources like food and medical supplies will reach the bases , which contain breeding facilities and triage centers . bamboo , the pandas ' primary source of food , is a major agricultural product in the region , but whether it can be supplied to the pandas despite infrastructure damage is open to question . `` wolong is hard to access under normal conditions , so the heavy road damage makes it even harder , '' said kerry zobor , spokeswoman for the world wildlife fund . zobor said the wwf had confirmed the safety of staff members based in beijing but had not received word on the conditions in wolong . she said the wwf was also concerned about members who had been touring the country when the earthquake struck . the group has not been located . scientists in the united states are hopeful that chinese researchers will adapt to the situation facing them . david wildt with the smithsonian 's national zoological park in washington says scientists in wolong have overcome threats to the giant panda population before . in the late 1990s , the captive giant panda population was in decline , with more animals dying than were born , wildt said . thanks to a collaborative effort with american scientists , the wolong staff was able to reverse the trend . `` our chinese colleagues are very perceptive when it comes to addressing problems , '' said wildt , who has visited wolong many times as part of the smithsonian 's affiliation with the research base . `` because of their efforts , the population is on the rise today . '' wildt said that chinese scientists have also addressed the issue of alternative food sources . `` artificial diets in the form of protein biscuits have been created for giant pandas . they 're not a complete substitute , but they meet the needs of a basic high-fiber diet , '' said wildt , who has worked with two pandas that the smithsonian has on loan from wolong . `` right now , we 're mostly concerned about the staff . if the staff is fine , then the animals will be fine , '' wildt said .
<t> report : chinese authorities confirm that captive giant pandas are safe . </t> <t> concerns grow over road accessibility to the reserves . </t> <t> scientist : alternative foods exist in the event of depleted bamboo stocks . </t>
china 's giant pandas survive earthquake<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a group of native hawaiians occupied the grounds of the old hawaiian monarchy 's royal residence wednesday , vowing to stay and do the business of the kingdom 's government . a member of the protest group hawaiian kingdom government unlocks the palace gate . `` it is through a greater realm than ours '' that the group took this action , said mahealani kahau , elected leader of the group , called hawaiian kingdom government . `` today and every day , we will be here to assume our role . '' group members left the palace grounds wednesday afternoon , but vowed to return thursday morning , the honolulu advertiser reported . `` we 'll be here at 6 o'clock in the morning , '' kahau told the newspaper . the group is one of several in hawaii that reject statehood and seek to return to the constitutional monarchy that effectively ended in 1893 when a group of politicians , businessmen and sugar planters -- aided by the u.s. minister to hawaii -- overthrew the kingdom 's government . the monarchist groups say that the kingdom was overthrown and annexed into the united states illegally . hawaii 's office of the attorney general did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment on wednesday 's action .<doc-sep>the staff of iolani palace , built in 1882 and now operated as a museum , shut down the building to visitors . the 60 or so protesters occupied the grounds , chaining the gates and stationing guards there to explain to visitors the purpose of the action . the group later reopened the gates , but remained on the grounds and the building was kept closed . `` it saddens my heart to have to turn away visitors , '' said palace staff member cindy ascencio , who added that although she , too , is a native hawaiian , she does not understand the actions of the group . ascencio also said that the group appeared peaceful and she was not concerned about security . jose carrion , a visitor to hawaii from puerto rico , told honolulu 's khon-tv that he was `` disappointed '' he would n't be able to visit the ornate palace and `` learn about the culture of the hawaiians . '' `` we wanted to come here precisely because we thought we 'd learn something about the history of hawaii and the last queen and the monarchy , '' said carrion , who said he had reservations for the visit . `` but we 're leaving tomorrow so we wo n't get to see the palace . '' but carrion also said he `` kind of understood '' the actions of the group . puerto rico and hawaii , along with guam and the philippines , were annexed into the united states in 1898 after the spanish-american war . guam and puerto rico remain territories of the united states . the philippines gained independence after world war ii , and hawaii became the 50th state in 1959 .<doc-sep>although the monarchy was not overthrown until 1893 , its fate effectively was sealed six years earlier when the same group that forced the overthrow imposed a new constitution on king david kalakaua , who was forced to sign it under threat of arms . the document dramatically reduced the authority of the monarchy and instituted voter requirements that limited voting to wealthy businessmen and hawaiian landowners , barring 75 percent of the native hawaiian population and all asians . when queen lili'uokalani ascended the throne after the death of her brother in 1891 , she began work on a new constitution that would have effectively reversed the 1887 document . with the help of john l. stevens , the u.s. minister to hawaii , the elite group that had changed the constitution in 1887 opposed the queen 's actions . two years later , under threat of u.s. troops , she yielded her authority , saying , `` until such time as the government of the united states shall ... undo the action of its representative and reinstate me in the authority which i claim as the constitutional sovereign of the hawaiian islands . '' the queen was later imprisoned in iolani palace for eight months for her participation in an attempted 1895 revolt , until she relinquished her claim to the throne in return for her release . she died in 1917 at 79 . in 1993 , the u.s. congress approved , and president clinton signed , an apology to the people of the hawaiian islands . the document `` acknowledges that the overthrow of the kingdom of hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the united states and further acknowledges that the native hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the united states their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands , either through the kingdom of hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum . '' although it was used as a seat of government for decades after the deposition of lili'uokalani , the palace fell into disrepair . when the last of the government office moved out and into new facilities adjacent to the palace in 1969 , restoration work began . it opened to the public in 1978 . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>`` it saddens my heart to have to turn away visitors , '' said palace staff member cindy ascencio , who added that although she is a native hawaiian , she does not understand the actions of the group . ascencio also said the group appeared peaceful and she was not concerned about security . jose carrion , a visitor to hawaii from puerto rico , told honolulu 's khon-tv that he was disappointed he would n't be able to visit the ornate palace and `` learn about the culture of the hawaiians . '' `` we wanted to come here precisely because we thought we 'd learn something about the history of hawaii and the last queen and the monarchy , '' said carrion , who said he had reservations for the visit . `` but we 're leaving tomorrow , so we wo n't get to see the palace . '' carrion also said he `` kind of understood '' the actions of the group . puerto rico and hawaii , along with guam and the philippines , were annexed into the united states in 1898 after the spanish-american war . guam and puerto rico remain territories of the united states . the philippines gained independence after world war ii , and hawaii became the 50th state in 1959 . although the monarchy was not overthrown until 1893 , its fate effectively was sealed six years earlier when the same group that forced the overthrow imposed a new constitution on king david kalakaua , who was forced to sign it under threat of arms .<doc-sep>removal : the hawaii convention center has covered hans ladislaus ' controversial artwork with black cloth - and may remove it permanently - after decades of complaints from native hawaiians . the wall art was controversially covered up on wednesday night during the 12th annual native hawaiian convention . native hawaiian legal corporation executive director moses haia represents paulette ka'anohiokalani kaleikini , a . recognized cultural descendant of the area , who has complained repeatedly to the . hawai'i tourism authority about the piece . ' i do n't know what the motive of the artist was with respect to what was depicted , ' haia told hawaii news now . ' i certainly know that in hawai'i and given our cultural practices -- when it comes to malama iwi , which is taking care of our ancestral bones , that it 's a significant sign of disrespect . ` based upon her cultural responsibility to malama iwi , -lsb- kaleikini -rsb- met with what i believe was certain individuals with the hawaii tourism authority that runs the convention center and requested , based upon her cultural practices , that panel be taken down because of what it stood for . ' opponents : native hawaiian descendent paulette ka'anohiokalani kaleikini -lrb- left -rrb- and her lawyer moses haia say the artwork 's use of ancestral bones is offensive . it is not clear why the center has now decided to uphold the complaints of elders , particularly as none of the highly respected committee members - including native hawaiians - objected to the work when it was selected and commissioned in 1996 . state arts foundation officials say .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a group of native hawaiians occupied the grounds of the old hawaiian monarchy 's royal residence wednesday , vowing to stay and do the business of the kingdom 's government . `` it is through a greater realm than ours '' that the group took this action , said mahealani kahau , elected leader of the group , called hawaiian kingdom government . `` today and every day , we will be here to assume our role . '' the group is one of several in hawaii that reject statehood and seek to return to the constitutional monarchy that effectively ended in 1893 when a group of politicians , businessmen and sugar planters -- aided by the u.s. minister to hawaii -- overthrew the kingdom 's government . the monarchist groups say the kingdom was overthrown and annexed into the united states illegally . hawaii 's office of the attorney general did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment on wednesday 's action . the staff of iolani palace , built in 1882 and now operated as a museum , shut down the building to visitors . the 60 or so protesters occupied the grounds , chaining the gates and stationing guards there to explain to visitors the purpose of the action . the group later reopened the gates , but remained on the grounds and the building was kept closed .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . published : . 23:13 est , 6 september 2013 . | . updated : . 23:13 est , 6 september 2013 . an artwork that has been on display for sixteen years has been draped in black cloth and may be removed after years of complaints from hawaiian elders . artist hans ladislaus ' ` forgotten inheritance ' , which features human bones in sand , has been on display at the hawaii convention center since 1997 . however the hawaii tourism authority which runs the center has succumbed to persistent opposition from native hawaiian descendents who say the use of exposed ancestral bones is disrespectful . controversy : native hawaiians have complained about the ` cultural insensitivity ' of artist hans ladislaus ' work ` forgotten inheritance ' ever since it was installed at the hawaii convention center in 1997 , but only now are their wishes being honored .
<t> group does not recognize hawaii as a u.s. state . </t> <t> palace used by rulers of hawaiian kingdom ; now a tourist attraction . </t> <t> peaceful protesters eventually unlock gates , leave grounds . </t> <t> protesters vow to return thursday morning . </t>
native hawaiians blockade historic palace<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- they 're big , strong , and fierce -- and they wear little blue booties . the police dogs in duesseldorf , germany are now patrolling the pavement in protective shoes that their police-officer handlers strap onto their paws . the reason ? too many glass shards left by beer drinkers in the city center , said andre hartwich , a spokesman for police in duesseldorf . `` we wondered how can we protect our dogs ' feet against glass , '' said hartwich . `` we looked on the internet and found these shoes . '' beer drinkers along the rhine river and in the city 's altstadt , or old town , often discard beer bottles on pebbled walkways . broken glass poses a problem for the police force 's 20 german shepherds and belgian shepherds , hartwich said . in addition , hooligans and vandals leave behind glass shards around new year 's eve and during the city 's famous carnival celebrations . so what 's a dog to do ? their handlers shelled out 60 euros -- $ 89 -- for shoes that are also worn by dogs who walk on ice in alaska . dogs need a month of training to get used to wearing the shoes , hartwich said . `` we have to condition the dogs to the shoes , '' he said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- they 're big , strong , and fierce -- and they wear little blue booties . the police dogs in duesseldorf , germany are now patrolling the pavement in protective shoes that their police-officer handlers strap onto their paws . the reason ? too many glass shards left by beer drinkers in the city center , said andre hartwich , a spokesman for police in duesseldorf .<doc-sep>`` we wondered how can we protect our dogs ' feet against glass , '' said hartwich . `` we looked on the internet and found these shoes . '' beer drinkers along the rhine river and in the city 's altstadt , or old town , often discard beer bottles on pebbled walkways . broken glass poses a problem for the police force 's 20 german shepherds and belgian shepherds , hartwich said . in addition , hooligans and vandals leave behind glass shards around new year 's eve and during the city 's famous carnival celebrations .<doc-sep>a massive 93 per cent of british women say that wearing high heels is painful . british women own 25 pairs of shoes - but do n't wear a quarter of them because they are too uncomfortable , according to a new study . the research shows the typical woman has five shoes worth # 190 languishing unused , as much as # 3.3 billion worth lying abandoned across the uk . yet this apparent waste does n't slow down spending , with the research showing british women buy 17 pairs a year at a cost of # 608 . even the stylish french and spanish buy fewer pairs , although it seems women on the continent are more likely to value quality over quantity . the study commissioned by compeed shows german , italian and french women all spend more per pair , with ladies in this country typically raiding the sales and spending # 38 a time . four in ten british women admit they snap up ` bargains ' in the summer and spring sales . in contrast , german and italian women spend # 55 on each pair of shoes . perhaps buying in haste leads british women to regret their purchases with 21 per cent admitting they feel pain due to blisters .<doc-sep>by . olivia williams . published : . 07:28 est , 25 july 2013 . | . updated : . 07:42 est , 25 july 2013 . border control turned fashion police when staff at an american airport decided these shoes were not going to fly . security at la guardia airport in new york confiscated these gun-shaped heels , even though the plastic models would never be capable of firing a bullet . ` what not to wear through a #lga checkpoint , ' a transportation security administration spokeswoman tweeted , along with a photo of the shoes , on july 16 . what not to wear : these high fashion gun-heeled shoes were confiscated at new york 's la guardia airport . the spokesman explained that the gun . heels would have been permitted in checked luggage but no mock weapons .
<t> police dogs in duesseldorf , germany are now wearing protective shoes . </t> <t> glass shards left by beer drinkers in the city center are the reason . </t> <t> duesseldorf police force has 20 german and belgian shepherds . </t> <t> dogs shoes cost $ 60 -lrb- $ 89 -rrb- and are also worn by dogs who walk on ice in alaska . </t>
german police dogs now wear shoes<T>
kampala , uganda -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a fight between ugandan and libyan presidential guards sparked chaos during a ceremony attended by the heads of state from 11 african nations on wednesday . libyan leader moammar gadhafi and ugandan president yoweri museveni attend the opening of the mosque . several of the guards to the visiting heads of state from kenya , tanzania , burundi , rwanda , mali , somalia , sudan and djibouti sustained serious injuries in the fight , which included punches , kicks and the drawing of guns . no leaders were hurt in the melee , though several were knocked over . several journalists also were caught up in the fracas and suffered injuries or lost their grips on cameras and recorders . the incident occurred at the opening of a massive gadhafi national mosque in kampala , a structure begun by the late ugandan dictator idi amin in 1972 and completed with financing from libya , according to african media reports . minutes after libyan leader moammar gadhafi and his host , ugandan president yoweri museveni , jointly unveiled a plaque to mark the event , the libyan guards pushed away the guards of other delegations at the mosque 's entrance . the ugandan guards -- who had traded hostilities with the predominantly-arab libyan guards at every joint event since gadhafi 's arrival in the country sunday -- reacted with fury and fought back .<doc-sep>museveni briefly lost his balance when a hefty libyan guard pushed him to a wall . another libyan guard pushed rwandan president paul kagame , who also lost his balance but was caught by his own guards . the vice president of tanzania was knocked over by fighting guards as he was taking his shoes off to enter the mosque . guards to the rest of the visiting presidents and prime ministers kept their respective leaders out of the fray , with some drawing their guns as the dignitaries looked on in disbelief . some leaders -- notably those from somalia , burundi and djibouti -- were visibly uneasy as guns were drawn on all sides . by the time the fight was over more than six minutes later , about a dozen presidential guards were left bleeding from compound fractures and the libyan and ugandan protocol officials traded bitter accusations of disrespect and racism . `` what are your people up to ? do you want to kill our leader ? '' a libyan protocol official said to his ugandan counterpart . the ugandan official , who declined to be named , shouted back , `` why do think you 're superior ? what makes you think uganda has any ill intention against gadhafi ? ''<doc-sep>the ugandan official said museveni 's guards were simply doing their job as security for the host country and had a right to respond when the libyan guards pushed them back . it has taken 36 years to complete the giant mosque on a hill in the heart of kampala . it used to be a colonial fort named after british capt. frederick lugard . the mosque can accommodate as many as 17,000 people at one time , according to the engineers , who call it the largest mosque in sub-saharan africa . many muslims interviewed said the mosque 's opening evoked sweet memories of amin , the deceased dictator . `` it is a great day and thanks be to allah for the completion , '' said salim abdul noor , 39 . `` this should remind us that while amin is demonized as africa 's worst dictator , there are many things he did for this country that successive governments largely depend on , and much of the completed installations and structures like this beautiful mosque was amin 's dream , may allah rest him in peace . '' the swedish vice president of the european islamic conference , adly abu hajar , 57 , said the mosque heals rifts in a religion introduced to uganda in 1844 by arab slave traders .<doc-sep>`` i find this complex has brought unity among muslims in uganda . there have been so many factions , but this attraction has brought them together , identifying themselves with a common home . '' the fight prompted a crisis meeting by ugandan security authorities , after which invited diplomats from mainly the european missions in uganda expressed dismay . `` it 's disgrace . it shows there is something wrong yet unknown between the two parties , '' said the head of one european mission in kampala , who declined to be named . the police chief , maj. gen. kale kayihura , and the head of the army , gen. aronda nyakairima , declined to comment on the fight . but capt. edison kwesiga , the spokesman of the ugandan presidential guard brigade , confirmed their hostile relationship with the libyans . `` it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of any visiting head of state . we have to do our job using any means . but our libyan brothers always want us to fail . true , it 's not the first time they come and act as you see , '' kwesiga said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>guards to the rest of the visiting presidents and prime ministers kept their respective leaders out of the fray , with some drawing their guns as the dignitaries looked on in disbelief . some leaders -- notably those from somalia , burundi and djibouti -- were visibly uneasy as guns were drawn on all sides . by the time the fight was over more than six minutes later , about a dozen presidential guards were left bleeding from compound fractures and the libyan and ugandan protocol officials traded bitter accusations of disrespect and racism . `` what are your people up to ? do you want to kill our leader ? '' a libyan protocol official said to his ugandan counterpart . the ugandan official , who declined to be named , shouted back , `` why do think you 're superior ? what makes you think uganda has any ill intention against gadhafi ? '' the ugandan official said museveni 's guards were simply doing their job as security for the host country and had a right to respond when the libyan guards pushed them back . it has taken 36 years to complete the giant mosque on a hill in the heart of kampala . it used to be a colonial fort named after british capt. frederick lugard . the mosque can accommodate as many as 17,000 people at one time , according to the engineers , who call it the largest mosque in sub-saharan africa . many muslims interviewed said the mosque 's opening evoked sweet memories of amin , the deceased dictator .<doc-sep>kampala , uganda -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a fight between ugandan and libyan presidential guards sparked chaos during a ceremony attended by the heads of state from 11 african nations on wednesday . libyan leader moammar gadhafi and ugandan president yoweri museveni attend the opening of the mosque . several of the guards to the visiting heads of state from kenya , tanzania , burundi , rwanda , mali , somalia , sudan and djibouti sustained serious injuries in the fight , which included punches , kicks and the drawing of guns . no leaders were hurt in the melee , though several were knocked over . several journalists also were caught up in the fracas and suffered injuries or lost their grips on cameras and recorders . the incident occurred at the opening of a massive gadhafi national mosque in kampala , a structure begun by the late ugandan dictator idi amin in 1972 and completed with financing from libya , according to african media reports . minutes after libyan leader moammar gadhafi and his host , ugandan president yoweri museveni , jointly unveiled a plaque to mark the event , the libyan guards pushed away the guards of other delegations at the mosque 's entrance . the ugandan guards -- who had traded hostilities with the predominantly-arab libyan guards at every joint event since gadhafi 's arrival in the country sunday -- reacted with fury and fought back . museveni briefly lost his balance when a hefty libyan guard pushed him to a wall . another libyan guard pushed rwandan president paul kagame , who also lost his balance but was caught by his own guards . the vice president of tanzania was knocked over by fighting guards as he was taking his shoes off to enter the mosque .<doc-sep>mogadishu , somalia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- a double car bomb attack outside of a hotel in somalia 's capital wednesday night killed at least one person and injured up to a dozen others , police said . police official yusuf ali said the first suicide car bomb exploded outside the main gate of the jazeera palace hotel , with the second blast from a parked car following as first responders began gathering to evacuate the injured . three of the wounded were security personnel stationed outside the gate . at the time of the mogadishu blasts , there were several senior members of the somali government inside the jazeera hotel . it is believed the injured guards were part of the security detail of government officials . of the 12 people injured , some were seriously wounded and transported to local hospitals . no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks . last month , another bombing at a hotel in the capital left five people dead and at least 15 wounded , a government spokesman said . a car bomb went off on november 8 outside hotel makkah al-mukarama in central mogadishu , abdikarim hussein guled , the african country 's interior and national security minister , told local media . those killed included abdulkadir ali , the somalian government 's former acting envoy to britain better known as `` dhub , '' said abdirahman omar osman , presidential spokesperson . some of somalia 's violence has been traced to al-shabaab , an al qaeda-linked organization that the u.s. government calls a terrorist group and was behind the deadly siege earlier this fall of a nairobi , kenya , shopping mall . a u.s. military drone strike in southern somalia in late october killed two suspected al-shabaab members , u.s. officials said . and a recent joint raid by kenyan and somali forces killed at least 30 people believed to be part of that group . in september 2012 , somalia 's new president , hassan sheikh mohamud , escaped an apparent assassination attempt at the jazeera hotel , just two days after being selected as the troubled country 's new leader . according to a presidential press officer and several journalists at the scene , early indications are that the attack was carried out by two suicide bombers who set off explosives at the gates of the jazeera palace hotel , where the president was having high-level meetings . at least four somali government soldiers and one african union soldier were killed in that attack , according to journalists at the scene . journalist omar nor reported from mogadishu , and cnn 's ray sanchez wrote this story from new york .<doc-sep>jundallah claims it has no separatist aspirations but rather it wants the predominantly shiite country to stop persecuting the sunni balochis who live in the province . the province lies about 700 miles -lrb- 1,100 kilometers -rrb- southeast of tehran . iran said jundallah was behind a suicide bombing in the province that killed more than 40 people -- including several members of iran 's revolutionary guards -- in october . jundallah also is blamed for a mosque attack in may that killed more than a dozen worshippers and injured at least 55 in the province .
<t> ugandan officer reports tensions with libyan leader 's guards during visit . </t> <t> leaders gathered for opening of massive mosque in kampala , uganda . </t> <t> about a dozen presidential guards seen bleeding from compound fractures . </t>
guards for african leaders battle ⁇ dozen injured<T>
jacksonville , north carolina -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the remains of an adult and a fetus were found saturday in a shallow grave in the backyard of the primary suspect in the death of a pregnant marine , onslow county sheriff ed brown announced . investigators search for the body of marine lance cpl. maria lauterbach on saturday . an arrest warrant has been issued for cpl. cesar armando laurean in the death of lance cpl. maria lauterbach . he is charged with first-degree murder , although authorities have not positively identified the body as hers . `` this is consistent with what we were looking for : a pregnant lady who is the victim maria lauterbach and her unborn child , '' brown said . the body was charred , and the fetus was in the victim 's abdomen , brown said , describing the scene in gruesome detail . the fetus was developed enough that the `` little hand was about the size of my thumb . the little fingers were rolled up , '' he said . `` one of the things that will probably stick with me for a long time , and forever , is that little hand , the way those fingers were turned , that had been burned off the arm . that is bizarre . that is tragic . and it 's disgusting . '' watch brown describe the scene '' the remains were taken to the onslow county medical examiner 's office . they will next be sent to the chief medical examiner in chapel hill , north carolina , for dna testing and comparison with dental records .<doc-sep>lauterbach , 20 , disappeared , when she was eight months pregnant , from camp lejeune , north carolina , in mid-december , not long before she was to testify at a military hearing about her rape accusation against laurean . laurean is believed to have left the base at 4 a.m. friday , and a nationwide manhunt is under way . watch authorities search for a grave '' lauterbach 's relatives believe her pregnancy was the result of the alleged rape , said lauterbach 's uncle , peter steiner , a kentucky psychiatrist . investigators told cnn that laurean vanished four hours before his wife , christina , approached brown with a note from her husband claiming that lauterbach had committed suicide and he buried the body . `` we believe our suspect has fled the state of north carolina ; removed himself as far from here as he can get , '' brown said saturday . watch brown describe the cavity where the body was found '' brown said friday that blood spatter evidence was found inside laurean 's home , even on a ceiling . there was evidence of `` an attempted clean-up , '' including an attempt to paint over the blood spatter , he said . `` evidence now is saying what he 's claiming happened did not happen like he said it happened , '' brown said of laurean . lauterbach 's mother , mary lauterbach , reported the young woman as missing from camp lejeune on december 19 . mary lauterbach said she had not talked with her for five days . watch police face unanswered questions '' laurean , 21 , of nevada , is believed to be driving a black dodge pickup with north carolina license plate trr1522 . laurean repeatedly refused to meet with investigators , finally telling them that his attorney would n't let him .<doc-sep>the sheriff described him as `` dangerous , '' especially if cornered . military officials said laurean was not taken into custody after lauterbach reported the alleged rape because there was information the two carried on `` some sort of friendly relationship '' after she filed the complaint against him . `` the information ... leads us to believe that she still had some kind of contact '' with him , said paul ciccarelli , agent in charge of the naval criminal investigative service at camp lejeune , this week . because of that , laurean was n't considered a flight risk , he said . steiner disputed that , and said his niece had no relationship with laurean . ciccarelli also said the rape investigation is still active . see a timeline of the case '' on friday , authorities questioned lauterbach 's roommate , sgt. daniel durham , but said he had no apparent ties to her disappearance or death . authorities have not released any details from that interview . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's ed lavandera contributed to this report . copyright 2008 cnn . all rights reserved.this material may not be published , broadcast , rewritten , or redistributed . associated press contributed to this report .<doc-sep>remains found buried in a shallow grave in a creek bed behind an abandoned property last weekend belong to missing university of virginia student hannah graham , it has been confirmed . hannah , 18 , vanished on september 13 in downtown charlottesville , virginia , after a party . she was last seen late at night with jesse matthew jr , who has been charged with her disappearance . on saturday search parties which had been scouring the countryside around charlottesville found human remains , which were buried in a shallow grave in a densely wooded area . scroll down for video . scene of tragedy : this is the property in albermare county behind which the body of hannah graham was found . officials have confirmed that the body is hers . missing : hannah graham disappeared in charlottesville , virginia , on september 13 .<doc-sep>the body of a missing pregnant woman has been found after police were led to a shallow grave by her boyfriend who has since been charged with her murder . samantha greenlee , 22 , had been missing since october 8 in columbus , ohio after disappearing after leaving work as a waitress at a local restaurant . her boyfriend jacob ferrero , 22 , was arrested on wednesday morning and has been charged with murder and aggravated arson . scroll down for video . the body of pregnant waitress samantha greenlee , 22 , was found in a shallow grave on tuesday after her boyfriend confessed to killing her . miss greenlee 's boyfriend jacob ferrero , 22 , was arrested this morning and has been charged with murder and aggravated arson . the father of her unborn child confessed to investigators on tuesday night that he had killed miss greenlee , authorities told abc news , after they had questioned him several times .<doc-sep>a left paw comes up from the bigger bear and slaps down on his sibling . ` solitude is found around every bend in the river and shoulder of a mountain . ' the park is home to thirty-seven species of terrestrial mammals , five . different marine mammal species and over 160 species of birds . fish . include salmon , arctic char , arctic grayling , dolly varden , northern . pike , lake trout , and rainbow trout . the brown bear is a large bear distributed across much of northern . eurasia and north america . an adult brown bear in alaska living on a . steady , nutritious diet of spawning salmon may weigh as much as 680 kg . -lrb- 1,500 lb -rrb- . the pair are said to be fighting over a meal of razor clams sourced from the shallow waters of the lake . the bears call a truce and put the scrap behind them . the twins are best friends again as the roam the shallow waters of lake clark national park , happy in each others company . and off they go . photographer nathan harrison captures the moment the pair wander off into the park .<doc-sep>shallow grave : cadaver dogs helped officers uncover a human skeleton buried along a wall . police acting on a tip from a family member arrived at the missing man 's old property in jefferson last week accompanied by a cadaver dog and found a human skeleton buried in a shallow grave along a stone wall , bangor daily news reported . a backhoe was used to extract the body from the ground in the front yard . the maine state medical examiner has ruled the death a homicide . pathologists are still in the process of trying to positively identify the corpse . woodburn 's cause of death has not been released , and police declined to share any more details about the investigation .
<t> new : the discovery is `` consistent with what we were looking for , '' sheriff says . </t> <t> new : cpl. cesar armando laurean is charged with first-degree murder . </t> <t> sheriff says blood found in house , even on ceiling . </t> <t> missing pregnant marine had accused suspect -- a fellow marine -- of rape . </t>
adult , fetus found in shallow grave may be missing marine<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- sen. hillary clinton received the most votes in two pivotal democratic primary contests tuesday , scoring wins in texas and ohio that were considered critical to keeping alive her white house hopes . sen. hillary clinton is the winner in ohio and texas primaries , but trails in the texas caucuses . with 99 percent of precincts reporting in ohio , clinton had 54 percent of the vote compared to 44 percent for sen. barack obama . the race was closer in texas where , with 99 percent of precincts in , clinton had 51 percent to obama 's 48 percent . a complicated formula in texas that weighs delegates more heavily in highly populated areas and includes a caucus that was still being tallied wednesday afternoon meant the delegate count there remained unclear . obama was leading clinton in the caucus vote 56 percent to 44 percent with 38 percent of the state counted , party officials said . the party will split 67 delegates between the candidates in proportion to the final caucus results . watch an i-report video from a democratic caucus '' a final tally was not expected until thursday afternoon , officials said . regardless , the two wins were crucial for clinton , who would have found it difficult to continue the race if obama won big tuesday . `` for everyone across america who has been counted out but refused to be knocked out , for everyone who has stumbled but stood right back up and for everyone who works hard and never gives up , this one is for you , '' clinton said to a cheering crowd in columbus , ohio . watch clinton thank backers '' after a month of losses to obama , clinton had been expected to do well in ohio -- where the blue-collar workers who have consistently supported her throughout the campaign make up a large chunk of the democratic base . but with polls showing the ohio contest neck-and-neck in the days leading up to the primary , clinton got a boost from female voters and those who only recently made up their minds . according to cnn exit polling , 59 percent of the voters in the state 's democratic primary were women . those female voters favored clinton over obama , 58 percent to 40 percent . in the past week , clinton sharpened her attacks on obama -- questioning whether he has enough experience to lead the nation and attempting to cast doubt on his opposition to international trade agreements that many in ohio feel have led to job losses . poll results suggest it may have worked . among those polled , 64 percent of those who decided their vote in the last three days chose clinton . clinton was believed to need strong performances in tuesday 's contests in ohio and texas to halt obama 's momentum in the race and stay alive in the hunt for the 2,025 delegates needed to win the nomination . as early returns were counted tuesday , obama ran a string of consecutive victories to 12 with a lopsided win in vermont . with 99 percent of precincts reporting , he led clinton 59 percent to 39 percent . but clinton snapped that streak in rhode island . with 98 percent of precincts reporting , clinton had taken 58 percent of the vote to obama 's 40 percent . speaking in san antonio , texas , obama told supporters he expected to hold a similar delegate lead over clinton after tuesday 's races to the one he held before .<doc-sep>`` we know this -- no matter what happens tonight , we have nearly the same delegate lead we had this morning and we are on the way to winning this nomination , '' he said to cheers and chants of his trademark phrase , `` yes we can . '' watch an excerpt of obama 's speech to supporters '' with texas ' delegates still to be awarded , clinton had picked up 22 delegates after results in ohio , rhode island and vermont were tallied . obama entered the day holding a lead of just over 100 delegates , with 1,369 pledged delegates and superdelegates to clinton 's 1,267 , according to cnn estimates . in ohio , harsh weather and balloting problems stretched the polling well into the evening . with polls slated to close at 7:30 p.m. , state elections officials decided to extend voting until 9 p.m. in northern ohio 's sandusky county . the area was hit by freezing rain for much of the day , and ballot shortages were reported in the cleveland and columbus areas -- also causing the polls to be open until 9 p.m. texas , with its 193 democratic delegates , and ohio , with 141 , were the biggest prizes in tuesday 's contests . there were 15 democratic delegates at stake in vermont and 21 in rhode island . ` texas two-step ' texas ' results may not be as easy to measure as counting votes . in what pundits have been calling the `` texas two-step , '' the state 's democratic party held a primary election , in which 126 delegates were awarded , and a post-election caucus in which another 67 are at stake . it 's possible for the loser of the primary to win more delegates with a strong showing in the caucuses . texas ' method of awarding delegates in the primary -- with more delegates coming from large population centers like houston , dallas and austin -- further complicates the matter . as polling places closed tuesday , texans reportedly lined up in bigger-than-expected numbers for the caucuses -- in some places lining up in parking lots and overflowing buildings where caucuses were held . party officials wednesday said 1.1 million voters participated in the caucuses . a cnn i-reporter in houston said there were hundreds of people at his polling place -- he said he waited more than an hour just to sign in . at an austin caucus , about 800 people showed up -- far outstripping expectations and causing organizers to stand on tables and yell to organize caucus-goers , one voter said . clinton supporters had said a strong performance would keep her campaign alive . weeks ago , former president clinton predicted his wife would need wins in texas and ohio to stay in the race . `` if hillary clinton gets out a small win in ohio and texas , it will be like punxsutawney phil seeing his shadow , '' said political adviser and clinton supporter paul begala , referring to the six more weeks of winter the groundhog is said to predict . the obama campaign , however , said the arithmetic of the delegate count will make it difficult for clinton to overcome obama 's lead . `` they 've had a really bad run and they have to rationalize continuing , '' said obama spokesman david axelrod . `` we 've won more popular votes and more delegates , and they have to give some rationale for staying in this race . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep> has endorsed obama . in a possible indication that clinton is going to fight for every delegate , her camp on thursday announced that daughter chelsea clinton would be dispatched to hawaii to campaign before the state 's primary tuesday . watch how each campaign is fighting for delegates '' however , chelsea clinton may face an uphill battle there since hawaii is obama 's native state . bill clinton on thursday was scheduled to campaign in wisconsin , which also holds its primary tuesday . recent polls in that state have shown a tight race between the two democrats . a strategic vision survey conducted february 8 through sunday finds obama ahead of clinton 45 percent to 41 percent , a lead outside the poll 's margin of error of 3 percentage points . carville said clinton could recover from a loss in wisconsin . `` it certainly would be preferable for her to win wisconsin , but i do n't put it in the same category as i would put texas and ohio on march 4 , '' he said . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's peter hamby and chris welch contributed to this report .<doc-sep>san juan , puerto rico -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- sen. hillary clinton claimed victory in puerto rico on sunday and insisted that she is leading sen. barack obama in the popular vote . clinton won 68 percent of the vote compared with obama 's 32 percent . her vote tally was 263,120 ; his was 121,458 . the win gives clinton the larger share of puerto rico 's 55 delegates . the democratic primary season ends tuesday when montana and south dakota cast their votes . `` when the voting concludes on tuesday , neither sen. obama nor i will have the number of delegates to be the nominee , '' she said in san juan , puerto rico . `` i will lead the popular vote ; he will maintain a slight lead in the delegate count , '' she said . obama leads in the overall delegate count -- 2,070 to clinton 's 1,915 . cnn analysts weigh in on clinton 's next steps '' a candidate needs 2,118 to claim the democratic nomination . the clinton campaign has been focusing on the popular vote as it tries to convince superdelegates to pick her instead of obama . the superdelegates are a group of about 800 party leaders and officials who vote at the convention for the candidate of their choice . but the popular vote count is debatable . if all the primary results including florida and michigan are counted , but not the caucus votes , clinton leads in the popular vote 17,461,845 to obama 's 17,244,762 , according to cnn estimates . that number includes giving obama all the `` uncommitted '' votes from michigan . florida and michigan were stripped of their delegates for scheduling their primaries too early . clinton won both states , but obama 's name was not even on the ballot in michigan . the democratic national committee decided saturday to reinstate all of florida and michigan 's delegates to the national convention , with each delegate getting a half-vote to penalize the two states for holding their primaries earlier than party rules allowed . the dnc 's rules and bylaws committee 's move gave clinton 87 delegates and obama 63 . in a second scenario , which adds in cnn 's estimate of the caucus-goers , obama leads clinton 17,928,000 to 17,843,000 .<doc-sep>much of the 90-minute debate featured the two candidates staking out similar positions on issues like iraq , the economy and immigration . watch the candidates weigh in on the economy '' `` it was a very odd debate -- the questioners had to beg them to differ with each other , '' said cnn senior political analyst bill schneider . see what cnn 's political team thought of the showdown '' the debate was the first the two have participated in since they met in los angeles january 31 . five days later , the two effectively split the victories on super tuesday . but since then , obama has rolled to 11 straight wins , a streak that leaves clinton needing wins in delegate-rich texas and ohio on march 4 . vermont and rhode island also hold primaries that day . texas is the biggest prize , with 193 democratic delegates . going into those primaries , obama leads clinton by 140 pledged delegates . responding to a question from the panel , clinton 's sharpest attack on obama came when she went after him for borrowing lines from a speech by massachusetts gov. deval patrick , his campaign co-chairman , in his own campaign speeches . the clinton campaign has called that plagiarism .<doc-sep>philadelphia , pennsylvania -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- sen. hillary clinton claimed victory in pennsylvania on tuesday , beating out sen. barack obama after a bruising six-week campaign . sen. hillary clinton addresses supporters following her win in pennsylvania . `` it 's a long road to 1600 pennsylvania avenue , and it runs right through the heart of pennsylvania , '' she told supporters in philadelphia . `` i 'm in this race to fight for you ... you know you can count on me to stand up strong for you every single day in the white house . '' clinton commended obama and his campaign , saying the two are in many ways `` on this journey together . '' watch clinton claim victory '' clinton 's big-state victory follows her wins in ohio , new york , texas and california . her campaign said that should raise questions about whether obama , who leads clinton in the overall democratic race , can beat presumptive republican nominee john mccain in november . `` the tide is turning , '' clinton told cheering supporters . chelsea clinton 's eyes welled with tears as she watched her mother speak . with about 99 percent of precincts reporting , clinton was leading obama by 10 points . watch what obama 's campaign says about the results '' clinton will pick up a majority of the state 's 158 delegates . `` yesterday , we had record turnout in pennsylvania , '' she said on cnn 's `` american morning '' wednesday . `` i won that double-digit victory that everybody on tv said i had to win , and the voters of pennsylvania clearly made their views known -- that they think i would be the best president and the better candidate to go against sen. mccain . `` it was inspiring and so exciting because this has been a six-week campaign , one on one . voters got to look at both of us , consider both of us . i was outspent three to one , and the results were just enormously exciting and gratifying to me . '' but the win still leaves obama ahead in the race to the democrats ' august convention in denver , and he is likely to hold that lead unless `` the wheels come off his wagon , '' said cnn analyst david gergen , a former adviser to both republican and democratic candidates . `` he came up short , but it does n't look like the wheels came off , '' gergen said . `` that 's going to be her problem . i do n't see her way to the nomination . the wheels are n't coming off the wagon unless there is some new , big revelation . '' according to cnn 's latest count , obama leads in the delegate count -- 1,694 to 1,556 . he also leads in the popular vote and the number of states won so far this primary season . see how the delegate race has played out so far .
<t> new : obama leads clinton 56 percent to 44 percent in tally of texas caucuses . </t> <t> clinton wins ohio , texas , rhode island primaries . </t> <t> obama wins vermont , leads race in total delegate count . </t>
clinton scores 3 wins ⁇ obama cites delegate lead<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- china 's giant pandas are believed to be safe after monday 's earthquake , but concern is growing over how they will get their next meals . questions remain about whether infrastructure damage will harm the giant pandas ' supply of bamboo . authorities confirmed tuesday that captive animals in two of china 's major panda reserves were alive , according to xinhua , china 's official news agency . the wolong giant panda reserve center in southwest sichuan province is home to about 86 giant pandas , who were reported safe tuesday . staff and critters at neighboring chengdu panda breeding and research center were also reported safe , according to a spokesperson for the atlanta zoo , which has two pandas on loan from the wildlife reserve . concern arose in the international wildlife community over damage to the animals ' habitat , as authorities continued assessing the scope of damage in the sichuan province . the mountainous , densely wooded region is the natural habitat for most of the 1,200 giant pandas living in the wild , making it an obvious location for research bases like wolong and chengdu . giant pandas roam the forest in `` open cages '' that are meant to provide them with a safe , natural environment that will prepare them for release . with the safety of the pandas confirmed , the animals ' caregivers are left to determine how resources like food and medical supplies will reach the bases , which contain breeding facilities and triage centers . bamboo , the pandas ' primary source of food , is a major agricultural product in the region , but whether it can be supplied to the pandas despite infrastructure damage is open to question . `` wolong is hard to access under normal conditions , so the heavy road damage makes it even harder , '' said kerry zobor , spokeswoman for the world wildlife fund . zobor said the wwf had confirmed the safety of staff members based in beijing but had not received word on the conditions in wolong . she said the wwf was also concerned about members who had been touring the country when the earthquake struck . the group has not been located . scientists in the united states are hopeful that chinese researchers will adapt to the situation facing them . david wildt with the smithsonian 's national zoological park in washington says scientists in wolong have overcome threats to the giant panda population before . in the late 1990s , the captive giant panda population was in decline , with more animals dying than were born , wildt said . thanks to a collaborative effort with american scientists , the wolong staff was able to reverse the trend . `` our chinese colleagues are very perceptive when it comes to addressing problems , '' said wildt , who has visited wolong many times as part of the smithsonian 's affiliation with the research base . `` because of their efforts , the population is on the rise today . '' wildt said that chinese scientists have also addressed the issue of alternative food sources . `` artificial diets in the form of protein biscuits have been created for giant pandas . they 're not a complete substitute , but they meet the needs of a basic high-fiber diet , '' said wildt , who has worked with two pandas that the smithsonian has on loan from wolong . `` right now , we 're mostly concerned about the staff . if the staff is fine , then the animals will be fine , '' wildt said .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the earthquake in sichuan , southwestern china , last may left around 69,000 people dead and 15 million people displaced . now ecologists have assessed the earthquake 's impact on biodiversity and the habitat for some of the last existing wild giant pandas . giant pandas are more endangered than ever since the 2008 sichuan earthquake . according to the report published in `` frontiers in ecology and the environment '' , 23 percent of the pandas ' habitat in the study area was destroyed , and fragmentation of the remaining habitat could hinder panda reproduction . the sichuan region is designated as a global hotspot for biodiversity , according to conservation international . home to more than 12,000 species of plants and 1,122 species of vertebrates , the area includes more than half of the habitat for the earth 's wild giant panda population , said study lead author weihua xu of the chinese academy of sciences in beijing .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the earthquake in sichuan , southwestern china , last may left around 69,000 people dead and 15 million people displaced . now ecologists have assessed the earthquake 's impact on biodiversity and the habitat for some of the last existing wild giant pandas . giant pandas are more endangered than ever since the 2008 sichuan earthquake . according to the report published in `` frontiers in ecology and the environment '' , 23 percent of the pandas ' habitat in the study area was destroyed , and fragmentation of the remaining habitat could hinder panda reproduction . the sichuan region is designated as a global hotspot for biodiversity , according to conservation international . home to more than 12,000 species of plants and 1,122 species of vertebrates , the area includes more than half of the habitat for the earth 's wild giant panda population , said study lead author weihua xu of the chinese academy of sciences in beijing .<doc-sep>the cub , born at tokyo 's ueno zoo , died of pneumonia less than a week after its much-awaited birth which was met with huge excitement across the country . zoo keepers announced the death the same day the twin cubs . were born in china . the panda 's mother , shin shin , arrived from china in . february 2011 with her partner , ri ri . the two went on view to the . public soon after the devastating earthquake and tsunami the following . month , providing japan with some welcome good news , the guardian reported . wolong national nature reserve , in the sichuan province of china , houses more than 150 highly endangered giant pandas at its china conservation and research center for the giant panda , which has bred 66 pandas since it opened in 1980 . giant panda shin shin pictured left with her newborn last week . sadly the baby panda , also pictured right being fed by staff , died on wednesday .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- china 's giant pandas are believed to be safe after monday 's earthquake , but concern is growing over how they will get their next meals . the giant pandas ' primary food source is bamboo . authorities confirmed tuesday that captive animals in two of china 's major panda reserves were alive , according to xinhua , china 's official news agency . the wolong giant panda reserve center in southwest sichuan province is home to about 86 giant pandas , who were reported safe tuesday . staff and critters at neighboring chengdu panda breeding and research center were also reported safe , according to a spokesperson for the atlanta zoo , which has two pandas on loan from the wildlife reserve . concern arose in the international wildlife community over damage to the animals ' habitat , as authorities continued assessing the scope of damage in the sichuan province . the mountainous , densely wooded region is the natural habitat for most of the 1,200 giant pandas living in the wild , making it an obvious location for research bases like wolong and chengdu . giant pandas roam the forest in `` open cages '' that are meant to provide them with a safe , natural environment that will prepare them for release . with the safety of the pandas confirmed , the animals ' caregivers are left to determine how resources like food and medical supplies will reach the bases , which contain breeding facilities and triage centers . bamboo , the pandas ' primary source of food , is a major agricultural product in the region , but whether it can be supplied to the pandas despite infrastructure damage is open to question . `` wolong is hard to access under normal conditions , so the heavy road damage makes it even harder , '' said kerry zobor , spokesperson for the world wildlife fund . zobor said wwf had confirmed the safety of staff based in beijing , but had not received word on the conditions in wolong . she said the wwf was also concerned about members who had been touring the country when the earthquake struck . so far , the group has not been located . scientists in the united states are hopeful that chinese researchers will adapt to the situation facing them . david wildt with the smithsonian 's national zoological park in washington says that scientists in wolong have overcome threats to the giant panda population before . in the late 1990s , the captive giant panda population was in decline , with more animals dying than were born , wildt said . thanks to a collaborative effort with american scientists , the wolong staff was able to reverse the trend . `` our chinese colleagues are very perceptive when it comes to addressing problems , '' said wildt , who has visited wolong many times as part of the smithsonian 's affiliation with the research base . `` because of their efforts , the population is on the rise today . '' wildt said that chinese scientists have also addressed the issue of alternative food sources before . `` artificial diets in the form of protein biscuits have been created for giant pandas . they 're not a complete substitute , but they meet the needs of a basic high-fiber diet , '' said wildt , who has worked with two pandas that the smithsonian has on loan from wolong . `` right now , we 're mostly concerned about the staff . if the staff is fine , then the animals will be fine , '' wildt said .
<t> report : chinese authorities confirm that captive giant pandas are safe . </t> <t> concerns grow over road accessibility to the reserves . </t> <t> scientist : alternative foods exist in the event of depleted bamboo stocks . </t>
china 's giant pandas survive earthquake<T>
if you 're like us , you eat out more than ever -- and , as nice as it is to not have to cook , those meals out can actually feel like work . how do you navigate the minefields of huge portions , hidden fats , and sky-high sodium levels ? olive garden 's venetian apricot chicken has 448 calories and 11 grams of fat . you should n't have to resign yourself to paying for restaurant meals with a future cardiac risk . you just need to know where to go to find healthy , fresh food . to that end , we went out into the world of sit-down restaurants , looking to separate the -lrb- whole -rrb- wheat from the chaff . backed by an advisory panel of experts in healthy dining , we sifted through 43 chains with more than 75 locations across the country and , frankly , were astonished by how many restaurants made no nutritional information available . : meet health 's experts . but judge we did those brave -lrb- and progressive -rrb- enough to share their numbers . what you hold in your hands are the 10 that stood at the top of the heap . uno 's chicago grill . if you have n't been to your local uno 's recently , you 're in for a great surprise . sure , its famous deep-dish -lrb- read high-fat -rrb- pizzas still hold court , but nutrition has become the word of the day with a completely transfat-free menu and plenty of grilled entrees -lrb- including antibiotic-free chicken -rrb- . adding to the healthy variety : whole-grain pasta and brown rice , organic coffee and tea , and flatbread pizzas that have half the calories of deep-dish ones . plus , you can add a salad to your pizza for half-price because , according to the menu , `` we want you to get some greens in your diet . '' now that 's a blue-ribbon commitment to health . another reason uno 's is at the top of our list : you know what you 're eating . in the lobbies of most of the restaurant 's locations , there are nutrition information centers that detail ingredients , fat and sodium contents , and calories and fiber of every item , in addition to gluten-free options . dr. sanjay gupta takes a look at health magazine 's restaurant choices '' • danger zone : deep-dish pizzas can pile on the fat . • we love : the penne bolognese -- just 16 grams of fat -lrb- well within the daily recommended max of 65 grams of fat for a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet -rrb- . souplantation & sweet tomatoes . can a buffet-style restaurant -- that symbol of american overindulgence -- possibly be one of the healthiest restaurants in the country ? it can in this case , because this salad-soup-and-bakery eatery -lrb- southern california locations are named souplantation , everywhere else they 're called sweet tomatoes -rrb- uses produce so fresh that it 's guaranteed to have been `` in the ground '' 24 hours before it 's in a refrigerated truck on its way to the restaurant . at the salad bar you 'll find seasonal vegetables like squash and bell peppers , freshly tossed and prepared salads , and a great range of nonfat dressings . san marino spinach with pumpkin seeds and cranberries , anyone ? this is paradise for vegetarians , vegans , and anyone who 's looking for a low-sodium , low-fat , high-nutrient meal outside the home . • danger zone : plate overload -- after all , it 's all-you-can-eat . • we love : the tomato spinach whole wheat pasta , a delicious combo of whole grains and veggies . mimi 's cafe . this cozy café-style restaurant transforms normally less-than-healthy foods into better -- and still tasty -- options : a half-pound cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce -lrb- that 's right , no bun -rrb- ; the cutely named naked french market onion soup , served without cheese . another thing to love is the way that mimi 's clearly steers you toward its healthy options . its `` lifestyle menu '' points you to low-carb picks like the fish of the day served with fresh steamed veggies . also , mimi 's keeps portions small , so you can get away with occasionally having one of their more indulgent entrees like the sweet & sour coconut shrimp -lrb- 608 calories -rrb- . : healthiest fast-food restaurants . • danger zone : the `` comfort classics '' page of the menu , with throwbacks like rich -lrb- super-high-fat -rrb- chicken cordon bleu . • we love : chicken & fruit -- grilled chicken and a garden salad , plus wedges of fresh orange , honeydew , watermelon , and cantaloupe .<doc-sep>p.f. chang 's china bistro . take the best aspects of asian cuisine -- a combination of fresh vegetables and protein -- surround them with healthy influences such as whole-grain brown rice , wild-caught , sustainable alaskan salmon , and all-natural chicken , and you have a recipe for delicious , healthy dining . wok-based cooking -lrb- which requires less oil -rrb- using soybean oil keeps fat contents low , and less sodium in the sauces rounds out p.f. chang 's healthy take on chinese food . special credit goes to their nutritional information being based on the whole entrée , not a single serving like at most places . : eat out , without gaining a pound . • danger zone : traditional , fat-dense items such as lo mein beef . • we love : carb-free vegetarian lettuce wraps -- wok-seared tofu , red onions , and water chestnuts with mint and lime , set in lettuce cups . bob evans restaurants . you would n't think a restaurant that prides itself on sausage could muscle its way into the top five healthiest restaurants in the country . but bob evans scores high on its dinner menu , which has plenty of low-carb , low-fat entrees and alternatives for children and adults -lrb- chicken tenders that are grilled instead of fried , potato-crusted flounder , and salmon stir-fry -rrb- . look for sides like steamed broccoli florets and fresh fruit , and enjoy old-fashioned family meals in a modern , nutrition-forward way . • danger zone : breakfast , where bacon and sausage are kings . • we love : healthy options on the kid 's menu , like slow-roasted turkey with mashed potatoes and glazed baby carrots , and fruit and yogurt dippers for dessert . ruby tuesday . if we 'd done this survey in 2004 , ruby tuesday might have won the blue ribbon for printing all its nutritional content right on the menu . it was revolutionary , and , frankly , it did n't last . but the healthy ethos survived in the chain 's ingredients : organic greens , hormone-free chicken , transfat-free frying oil , and better-for-you beverages including jones organic teas and made-to-order drinks like all natural lemonades -lrb- think real fruit and juice -rrb- . it 's easy to find the good stuff -- it 's highlighted -- and the offerings range from a chicken wrap in a whole-wheat tortilla to broiled tilapia . : the best independent restaurants . • danger zone : comfort-food entrees like gourmet chicken potpie , which piles more than half your daily calories on the plate . • we love : that they 've even healthied-up the burgers , offering veggie-and turkey-versions . romano 's macaroni grill . this italian eatery puts its entire menu 's nutritional content online , so you know before you go what to steer clear of -- mainly , the massive baked pastas . but what pushed macaroni grill onto our best list is its `` sensible fare '' menu , with entrees like simple salmon , a grilled fillet sided by grilled asparagus and broccoli . grazie for whole-wheat penne available as a substitute in any dish . and bravo for including a grilled skinless chicken breast with steamed broccoli and pasta on the kid 's menu . • danger zone : heavy entrees like spaghetti and meatballs with meat sauce .<doc-sep>• we love : the delicious italian sorbetto and biscotti : just 330 calories and 4 grams of fat . chevy 's fresh mex . chevy 's makes a big deal out of the `` fresh '' in its name , and with good reason -- no cans in the restaurant , fresh salsa blended every hour , fresh avocados smashed every day for guacamole , and watch-them-made tortillas . all oils are trans fat-free , and the mexican-style fare has lots of healthy options including grilled fish tacos . : america 's not-so-healthiest restaurants . • danger zone : sodium counts . to get below 1,000 milligrams , you 'll need to get those chicken fajitas with no tortillas , tomalito , rice , sour cream , or guacamole . • we love : fresh fish of the day , grilled and served on a skillet with homemade salsa . olive garden . like macaroni grill , this italian eatery has great-for-you options , as long as you keep your wits about you -lrb- again , avoid the baked pastas ! -rrb- . use the olive-branch icon on the menu to find low-fat `` garden fare '' items such as venetian apricot chicken . even the fries are n't a disaster , because they 're done in trans fat-free oil . you can grab some whole-grain goodness , too , by choosing the whole-wheat linguine at dinner as a substitute for any pasta . • danger zone : the non-olive-branch entrees . olive garden provides no nutritional information on anything else on the menu . • we love : the low-fat capellini pomodoro -lrb- 644 calories and 14 grams fat -rrb- . denny 's . yes , the home of the lumberjack slam and moons over my hammy offers lots of skinny options to counter its fatty mainstays . `` fit-fare '' dishes such as the grilled-chicken-breast salad , and tilapia with rice and veggies , each have less than 15 grams of fat . denny 's also posts full nutritional information on its web site . its use of trans fats to cook its french fries kept it from landing higher on our list , but the rest of the fried food is trans fat-free . • danger zone : breakfast specials , especially the meat lover 's scramble , which is as bad for you as it sounds . • we love : the online nutritional chart has weight watchers food exchange values . e-mail to a friend . enter to win a monthly room makeover giveaway from . copyright health magazine 2007 . additional reporting by brittani tingle .<doc-sep>a health magazine has named pub chain wetherspoon the prime spot for the most important meal of the day . the lower fat sausages and poppy-seed toast has been hailed the best big breakfast at the men 's health magazine restaurant awards 2014 . the chain beat a long list of other restaurants and food providers to be crowned the winners . pub chain wetherspoon 's breakfast was named the best at the men 's health restaurant awards . judges noted the lower fat sausages and poppy seed bread . in second place , coffee chain starbucks was highly commended by experts and nutritionists .<doc-sep>the sparse 24/7 self-service restaurant in the capital , kuala lumpur , is popular with blue-collar workers who are drawn to its affordable fare , such as biryani rice and fishhead curry . its logo : a chicken flashing a thumbs-up . the eatery opened in 1999 . mcdonald 's filed suit two years later . `` we were shocked that such a big giant wants to take us to court , '' suppiah said . `` we felt that we had nothing in common , because we were not selling any western fast food . '' the hamburger chain , which has 185 restaurants throughout malaysia , said mccurry was violating the prefix `` mc '' and that mcdonald 's had the right to protect it . mccurry , in turn , said the prefix is common and is part of last names all across europe . furthermore , it said , the `` mc '' in mccurry stands for `` malaysian chicken curry . ''<doc-sep>it was always going to be unwise naming a restaurant that glorifies unhealthy food the heart attack grill . and on saturday the inevitable happened when a customer suffered a cardiac arrest in the chain 's las vegas branch . an onlooker captured video of paramedics wheeling the unidentified man , thought to be in his 40s , out of the fast-food diner . he was midway through eating a 6,000-calorie triple bypass burger when he began experiencing chest pains . scroll down for video . living up to its name : a customer is wheeled out of the heart attack grill restaurant in las vegas on saturday night after suffering cardiac arrest . 6,000 calories : the triple bypass burger contains three slabs of meat , 12 rashes of bacon , cheese , red onion , sliced tomato and a ` unique special sauce ' the restaurant chain - founded in 2005 using the catchphrase ` taste worth dying for ! ' - is run by a former nutritionist ` doctor ' jon basso who , remarkably , used to run a jenny craig weight loss diet centre . he denied the incident was an elaborate publicity stunt . mr basso told fox news : ` the gentleman could barely talk . he was sweating , suffering . ' i actually felt horrible for him because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of stunt . ` even with our own morbid sense of humour , we would never pull a stunt like that . ' the heart attack grill sells calorie-laden fare with names such as quadruple bypass burgers and flatline fries . controversial : the restaurant , which promises free food to the obese , is located on sin city 's fremont street . meals can exceed 8,000 calories . the recommended daily intake is 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 for men . the triple bypass burger contains three slabs of meat , 12 rashes of bacon , cheese , red onion , sliced tomato and the heart attack grill 's own ` unique special sauce ' . and that 's before taking into account the accompanying ` flatliner fries ' , cooked in pure lard , and a giant soft drink . accentuating the medical theme , waitresses dressed as nurses deliver the artery-clogging food . a sign at the entrance to an arizona restaurant reads : ` go away . if you come in this place , it 's going to kill you . '<doc-sep>the panel of expert judges made their decisions based on the quality of protein on offer , the fat content of the food , carbohydrate sources , salt , sugar , nutrient density and value for money . nando 's picked up the top award for best ` muscle building ' food , followed by japanese restaurant wagamama . and sandwich chain subway won the award for offering lower calorie fast food . read all about the men 's health restaurant awards 2014 winners in the men 's health march issue -- on sale friday 31 january . also available as a digital edition .
<t> health magazine names top 10 chain restaurants for fresh , healthy food . </t> <t> writers looked at 43 chains with more than 75 locations across the country . </t> <t> experts ' favorite : uno 's chicago grill , with trans fat-free menu , many grilled entrees . </t>
health magazine names top chain restaurant fare<T>
barcelona , spain -- barcelona 's argentina striker lionel messi will be out of action for six weeks after tearing a muscle in his left leg during tuesday night 's 1-0 champions league victory over celtic . messi is helped off the pitch after injuring his left thigh during tuesday 's 1-0 victory over celtic . the catalan club confirmed on wednesday that messi will miss both legs of barcelona 's champions league quarterfinal encounter .<doc-sep>it will also be a race against time for the 2007 world player of the year runner-up to be fit for the semifinals if barcelona get past an opponent who will be named after the draw on march 14 . messi picked up the injury after 34 minutes during barcelona 's victory over the scottish side , which booked their spot in the last eight by easing through 4-2 on aggregate . it is third time in the last three years that messi has had the same injury , the last occasion being on december 15 against valencia , which ruled him out of the ` el clasico ' derby the following week against real madrid .<doc-sep>in addition to his chronic problems with his left thigh , messi has had four other significant injuries in the last two years which have caused him to miss a month or more . barcelona coach frank rijkaard has been forced to defend the club 's medical services in the wake of messi 's latest injury . `` to doubt that they are doing their best is an insult . the medical staff and the club in general are working to prevent these sort of problems . they are working hard but there is always a player that can be injured , '' said dutchman rijkaard .<doc-sep>messi 's injury reopens the door for thierry henry to claim his place in the starting lineup . the frenchman has rarely impressed since his big-money move from arsenal to the spanish giants last summer . rijkaard also has other options to replace messi on the right flank in the shape of portuguese international deco or teenage mexican winger giovanni dos santos . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- barcelona must do without the services of four-time world player of the year lionel messi for between six to eight weeks , the club said monday . the argentina ace limped off after 19 minutes of barcelona 's win at real betis sunday and the worst fears of the fans were confimed by a statement on their website . `` the club 's medical services confirmed after tests this monday morning that leo messi has a torn hamstring muscle in his left thigh , '' it read . `` the first phase of messi 's recovery will be covered in barcelona and he will then travel to buenos aires , '' it added . it is the third time that messi has been sidelines , suffering a bruised thigh in the spanish super cup match against atletico madrid on august 21 , which kept him out for a week . the second , more serious injury , came against almeria on september 28 where he suffered a small muscle tear in his right thigh , meaning he missed three weeks . his absences have not prevented barcelona from making a storming start to their la liga programme with 37 points from 13 games and they have already qualified for the last 16 of the champions league . messi is set to miss their last two group games against ajax and celtic , plus six other matches in la liga and the copa del rey . he has scored 14 goals in his 14 appearances for the catalan giants this season and manager gerardo martino will be hoping he can be restored to full fitness for their clash at second placed atletico madrid on january 12 . martino wants other players to step up to the plate in his absence . `` we have the best player in the world , but we also have four or five of the next six or seven best players in the world , '' he said after the 4-1 win at betis . `` the injury to messi does n't have anything to do with the previous ones because it is in the other leg . `` we also need to speak with leo , it is the third episode he has had in a short time so it is obviously playing on his mind , '' he told afp . messi has also been ruled out of argentina 's forthcoming friendlies against ecuador and bosnia and herzegovina as he begins his recuperation .<doc-sep>alan pardew has been dealt another injury blow after rolando aarons was ruled out until november . the 18-year-old injured his hamstring in training last week and scan results have now revealed the severity of the problem . aarons is facing up to six weeks on the sidelines and that is more bad news for pardew .<doc-sep>glenn whelan has been ruled out for up to six weeks with a broken leg . the stoke city midfielder was injured during ireland 's 1-1 draw with germany and will miss his country 's next euro 2016 qualifier against scotland on november 14 . he is also expected to be absent for at least six stoke fixtures , and will face a race against time to be fit for consecutive matches against manchester united and arsenal at the start of december .<doc-sep>luciano becchio has been ruled out for two months with a fractured heel . the argentine is on loan at rotherham from from norwich and has scored twice in five games prior to falling awkwardly in a behind closed doors friendly . he was hoping to line up against former club leeds united on friday . manager steve evans has confirmed : ` regretfully the player will be out injured for at least six weeks with a fractured heel . the player picked up this injury in a behind-closed-doors match , at a point when no player was near him and he twisted to make a run in the opposite direction .
<t> barcelona striker lionel messi is ruled out for six weeks with a thigh injury . </t> <t> the argentine sustained the injury in tuesday night 's 1-0 victory over celtic . </t> <t> it is third time in the last three years that messi has suffered the same injury . </t>
injured messi ruled out for six weeks<T>
belgrade , serbia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the u.s. embassy in belgrade is evacuating all nonessential personnel following thursday 's attack on the building by a crowd of protesters , a spokesman for the embassy told cnn friday . serbian riot police stand in front of the damaged u.s. embassy in belgrade on friday . the u.s. ambassador , cameron munter , is staying , officials said . the embassy was closed friday , and a handful of riot police holding shields stood outside the building , its outer walls blackened from fires set the night before and some of its windows smashed . it will remain closed until monday or tuesday so officials can assess the damage , said bill wanlund , the embassy 's spokesman . he said embassy staff were still in a heightened state of alert but there were no specific threats against any staff members . the united states has warned the serbian government that it has a responsibility to protect its assets . a top u.s. diplomat was asked during an interview on cnn if the serbian government `` gets '' the warning .<doc-sep>`` they 'd better get it , because they have a fundamental responsibility to protect our diplomats and our embassy and to protect american citizens , '' said undersecretary of state for political affairs r. nicholas burns . `` what happened yesterday in belgrade was absolutely reprehensible . '' watch burns ' angry comments on belgrade attack '' thursday 's violence erupted after demonstrations by thousands of serbs against kosovo 's declaration of independence . the anger directed against the united states and other countries for recognizing the breakaway province as a nation sparked attacks on western embassies and shops by hundreds of people . burns said there was an `` insufficient '' number of security people guarding the u.s. embassy at a demonstration everyone knew would take place . he said security `` melted away '' as `` the mob attacked our embassy . '' `` this kind of thing should not happen in a civilized country . it does n't happen in the united states of america . it does n't happen in most world capitals . so the serb government needs to reflect seriously about the responsibility it has under the vienna convention , '' he said . burns , the third highest ranking diplomat in the state department , said he told the serbian prime minister , vojislav kostunica , and his government that the u.s. `` would hold them personally responsible for the safety of our people . '' `` they assured me that they would have adequate security on the ground today and for every day to come . we will hold them to that commitment , '' burns said . demonstrators only managed to break into one u.s. embassy building , which wanlund said was rarely used by staff . he said the protesters did n't manage to get any documents or embassy materials . only marines and security guards were present at the embassy when the angry mob of about 100 approached the walls .in addition to the u.s. embassy , the protesters attacked other western interests including the embassies of britain and germany , as well as a mcdonald 's restaurant and a nike shop . `` one might understand the emotion , but not the violence , and that 's what the serb government needs to remember , '' burns said . burns , who is stepping down in march , has long been involved in trying to resolve tensions in the former yugoslavia . the situation was complicated by sunday 's unilateral declaration of independence by serbia 's predominantly albanian region of kosovo . kosovo is revered historically by orthodox christian serbs but also is claimed as separate and distinct by its ethnic muslim albanians . the wisdom of recognizing kosovo independence has been questioned by many observers , who say the united states wo n't recognize other unilateral declarations of independence . some opponents of kosovo 's independence say recognition is a bad precedent if it 's unilateral and not done in a bilateral , diplomatic setting . they say it will give others the incentive to stage their own breakaway nations . burns said every situation has its unique set of circumstances , as does kosovo , which was the victim of ethnic cleansing policies by the slobodan milosevic regime in 1999 . nato troops fought serbia in an air war then and pushed serbian forces out of the region . since then kosovo has been run by the united nations and with security supplied by nato forces . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>`` al qaeda in the arabian peninsula is now the most operationally active node of the al qaeda network , '' brennan said . according to a statement released by the while house , brennan called yemeni president ali abdullah saleh on thursday and emphasized `` the importance of taking forceful action against al qaeda in the arabian peninsula in order to thwart its plans to carry out terrorist attacks in yemen as well as in other countries , including in the u.s. homeland . '' earlier this month , a vehicle carrying u.s. embassy personnel in yemen was attacked but nobody was injured . in october the motorcade of the british deputy ambassador was attacked and in april the british ambassador 's car was the target of a failed bomb attack . while it is not yet known who is responsible for that attack , the state department 's most recent travel advisory for yemen warns americans of threats to u.s. interests due to active terrorist activity , specifically from aqap . embassy employees in sanaa are instructed to use caution when visiting restaurants , hotels or tourist areas in the capital and are forbidden from traveling outside the capital .<doc-sep>belgrade , serbia -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the u.s. embassy in belgrade is evacuating all nonessential personnel following thursday 's attack on the building by a crowd of protesters , a spokesman for the embassy told cnn friday . serbian riot police stand in front of the damaged u.s. embassy in belgrade on friday . the u.s. ambassador , cameron munter , is staying , officials said . the embassy was closed friday , and a handful of riot police holding shields stood outside the building , its outer walls blackened from fires set the night before and some of its windows smashed . it will remain closed until monday or tuesday so officials can assess the damage , said bill wanlund , the embassy 's spokesman . he said embassy staff were still in a heightened state of alert but there were no specific threats against any staff members . the united states has warned the serbian government that it has a responsibility to protect its assets . a top u.s. diplomat was asked during an interview on cnn if the serbian government `` gets '' the warning .<doc-sep>the u.s. embassy in baghdad is warning iraqis who want to enter the annual visa lottery to be wary of a scam that instructs applicants to send money via western union to someone apparently at the u.s. embassy in london . `` under no circumstances should money be sent to any address for participation in the dv program , '' the embassy warns in its statement .<doc-sep>`` they 'd better get it , because they have a fundamental responsibility to protect our diplomats and our embassy and to protect american citizens , '' said undersecretary of state for political affairs r. nicholas burns . `` what happened yesterday in belgrade was absolutely reprehensible . '' watch burns ' angry comments on belgrade attack '' thursday 's violence erupted after demonstrations by thousands of serbs against kosovo 's declaration of independence . the anger directed against the united states and other countries for recognizing the breakaway province as a nation sparked attacks on western embassies and shops by hundreds of people . burns said there was an `` insufficient '' number of security people guarding the u.s. embassy at a demonstration everyone knew would take place . he said security `` melted away '' as `` the mob attacked our embassy . '' `` this kind of thing should not happen in a civilized country . it does n't happen in the united states of america . it does n't happen in most world capitals . so the serb government needs to reflect seriously about the responsibility it has under the vienna convention , '' he said . burns , the third highest ranking diplomat in the state department , said he told the serbian prime minister , vojislav kostunica , and his government that the u.s. `` would hold them personally responsible for the safety of our people . '' `` they assured me that they would have adequate security on the ground today and for every day to come . we will hold them to that commitment , '' burns said . demonstrators only managed to break into one u.s. embassy building , which wanlund said was rarely used by staff . he said the protesters did n't manage to get any documents or embassy materials . only marines and security guards were present at the embassy when the angry mob of about 100 approached the walls .
<t> u.s. : an event like embassy attack `` should not happen in a civilized country '' </t> <t> u.s. warns serbia of responsibility to protect u.s. diplomats , building . </t> <t> embassy evacuating nonessential personnel ; ambassador will stay in belgrade . </t> <t> no embassy documents taken during thursday attack and fire , spokesman says . </t>
u.s. warns serbia it 's responsible for safety of embassy<T>
los angeles , california -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- jamiel shaw was just three doors from his house on march 2 . his father told the 17-year-old high school football star to be home before dark . that is exactly what he was trying to do when , just before dusk , gunshots rang out . gang members pulled up in a car and asked shaw if he was in a gang . shaw did n't have time to tell them `` no . '' he was mowed down before he could answer , police say . his dad heard the shots from inside his house and immediately called his son 's cell phone to warn him to stay away . but within seconds , the father realized what had happened . `` i just ran down there , '' jamiel shaw sr. told cnn . watch dad describe hearing `` pow , pow '' '' his son was wearing the same shirt his dad had pressed for him that morning . `` he was laying on the ground and his face was so peaceful . i knew he was dead . '' `` for three hours , i was just completely blacked out walking . '' more than 7,500 miles away , army sgt. anita shaw was serving her second tour in iraq . her commanding officer called her into his office and told her to sit down next to the chaplain . he then informed her that her son had been killed on the streets of los angeles . `` i freaked out , '' she said . `` i wanted to run out of the room . i was screaming and kicking . i was shouting , ` no . ' '' anita shaw is now back in los angeles to bury her son . police announced tuesday that an arrest had been made in the shooting . pedro espinoza , a 19-year-old member of the hispanic 18th street gang , was charged in the killing and could face the death penalty if convicted , the los angeles county district attorney 's office said . espinoza is scheduled to be arraigned march 25 . espinoza was released from jail -- where he was held on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon -- one day before the incident . los angeles police chief william bratton tuesday called on the community to help police locate a second suspect who was with espinoza at the time of the shooting . hundreds of family members and friends gathered tuesday at west los angeles cathedral to remember shaw , a standout running back and sprinter at los angeles high school who had good grades and stayed out of trouble despite his rough neighborhood . among the schools recruiting him was stanford university . watch as family , friends remember shaw '' blue-and-white flowers -- his school colors -- adorned his casket , and photos of shaw over the years were displayed at the service . eric clapton 's `` tears in heaven '' played as mourners entered the church . `` he was a christian and i thank god for that because i know he 's in a better place , '' his mom said , trembling as she sobbed . `` he 'd just try all the time to do the right thing . he was so good . '' shaw is one of several innocent victims in a horrifying three-week spate of gang-related shootings around los angeles . a man was gunned down as he held a 2-year-old baby in his arms . a 13-year-old boy was shot to death last week as he went to pick lemons from a tree . in another incident , a 6-year-old boy was critically wounded when he was shot in the head while riding in the car with his family ; two gang members have been arrested in connection with that shooting , according to police . `` i think what is particularly unnerving for all of us is just the random nature of these shootings , '' los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa said last week . bratton and deputy chief kenneth garner met with community members from the south side of los angeles over the weekend to try to calm tensions between black and hispanic communities . among those in attendance were shaw 's parents and his younger brother . bratton acknowledged some neighborhoods are rife with underlying racial tensions that have `` taken too many young lives . '' he said he is in the process of hiring 1,000 new police officers to help combat inner city gang violence . watch bratton describe an `` always underlying tension '' '' `` there 's no denying that some of the crime in this city is a direct result of hatred , animosity , racial animosity , ethnic differences , '' bratton said . `` we must all work to the best of our ability to try to prevent that . '' `` none of it is right , '' said garner . `` we ca n't get so incensed that we lose focus that it 's going on on both sides . '' he added , `` wrong is wrong . '' the killing of shaw has rallied his neighborhood . dozens of people gathered outside his home for a vigil last week and placed candles , flowers and blue-and-white balloons at a makeshift memorial . one sign read , `` we love you ! jamiel shaw . '' on the online social networking site facebook , more than 100 people have joined a page called `` good people live in our hearts forever rip jamiel shaw . '' `` loved you lots babyboi ! still do ! i know many , many , many people who are missing you right now !!! '' wrote christina stewart on the facebook wall . another person , harley lally , wrote , `` football will never be the same without you . i miss you every sunday , and every time i step on that field . '' shaw , a junior , carried the ball 74 times for 1,052 yards this season , with an average of 14.2 yards per carry , according to maxpreps web site . the longest of his 10 touchdowns went for 75 yards . he passed the ball one time all year in the last game of the season -- the last game of his career . it was a 60-yard touchdown strike . watch mom 's thanksgiving message to son from iraq '' but he will be missed for more than his football . the beloved player with the big smile meant so much more . the father and son years ago had made a pact : keep focused , stay away from drugs and gangs , and get into college on an athletic scholarship . in return , the dad promised to do everything for his son , nicknamed `` jas , '' to make that happen . breaking down in tears , the father said , `` i guaranteed ` jas . ' that 's why it hurts so much -- because i told him , ' i promise you , if you sacrifice these years , i 'll sacrifice with you . ' '' watch jamiel shaw sr. ask mourners to make a difference '' the dad said more must be done to combat gang violence . `` it 's a gang problem and they have nothing in their heart for people . '' shaw 's mother , the army sergeant , compares the gang members who killed her son to those she 's fighting against in iraq . `` to me , they 're terrorists . '' e-mail to a friend . cnn 's kara finnstrom , paul vercammen and wayne drash contributed to this report .<doc-sep>the pub that helped inspire hit tv show peaky blinders could be sold for under # 200,000 as it goes under the hammer next week . the garrison in birmingham is where hollywood star cillian murphy and his criminal gang gather in a private side room to plan their nefarious criminal schemes in the bbc show . the watering hole - which could also have hosted the real peaky blinders gang - has been closed for two years . a steal : a pub featured in hit bbc gangster drama peaky blinders is up for sale for under # 200,000 . the series features inception star cillian murphy as thomas shelby and sam neill as chief inspector campbell . the gang earned its chilling nickname through the practice of sewing razor blades into the peaks of their flat caps , so that they could blind rival gangsters by headbutting them . despite being put up for sale last year , the victorian drinking den failed to sell and it is hoped the historic pub will be resurrected by a bidder at the auction . for the guide price of # 160,000 - # 175,000 plus vat a buyer could get their hands on the three-storey building near birmingham city football club , which includes a six-bedroom living quarters . the show 's creator steven knight said his grandfather used to drink at the garrison and that he took cillian murphy on a day long research trip there before filming began so he could perfect his brummie accent .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . published : . 08:22 est , 26 june 2013 . | . updated : . 07:22 est , 27 june 2013 . new england patriots star aaron hernandez has been pictured posing with gun as he is charged with murder over the alleged execution of his friend odin lloyd . prosecutors claim that the 23-year-old tight end picked up lloyd at his house , drove him to an abandoned industrial park and killed him with five gunshots - all because he talked to the ` wrong people ' at a nightclub . hernandez , who had a $ 37.5 million nfl contract , was arrested at his mansion in north attleboro , massachusetts , yesterday and charged with murder and weapons violations . less than two hours after his arrest , the patriots cut hernandez from the team - despite paying him a $ 12.5 million signing bonus last year . scroll down for video . gun : aaron hernandez was pictured posing with a glock handgun when he was a student in 2009 . charged : aaron hernandez was charged with murder and weapons counts on wednesday afternoon . the picture of hernandez posing with a . glock handgun dates back to 2009 , when he was playing . football for the university of florida in gainesville , according to tmz . the website reported that hernandez felt the need to stock up on guns because he was worried about death threats from members of gangs of which he used to be a part . friends told tmz that the football star joined a gang when he was a teenager , but was concerned that figures from his ` old lifestyle ' were angry that he had abandoned them . his arrest yesterday caps off more than a week of . intense media scrutiny . lloyd , a semi-professional football player who . was dating the sister of hernandez 's girlfriend , was found murdered . execution-style less than a mile from hernandez 's $ 1.3 million home on . june 17 . hernandez is being held without bail , with the judge citing the gravity of the crime as the main reason behind his decision . hearing : a member of the state 's attorney 's office went through the detailed evidence against hernandez . a piece of chewed bubblegum could prove to be the key piece of evidence in aaron hernandez 's murder trial , according to prosecutors . at a hearing yesterday , lawyers claimed that on the night of odin lloyd 's murder the patriots star stopped at a gas station to buy a pack of blue cotton-candy flavoured bubblicious gum . the next morning , hernandez returned the car to the company which had hired it to him , whose staff cleared out its contents and put them in a dumpster . police later found a bullet shell casing , matching those found at the scene of lloyd 's shooting , next to a chewed piece of blue bubblegum . dna tests will be able to establish for sure whether the gum was chewed by hernandez . hernandez has hired two of the . nation 's top criminal defense attorneys , who maintain that the evidence . against him is ` circumstantial . ' according to the boston globe , prosecutors revealed that hernandez ` orchestrated ' the murder of lloyd because he had talked to a group of people that hernandez ` had trouble with ' at a boston nightclub on friday night . deadspin reports that prosecutors have a video showing hernandez with a handgun saying ` you ca n't trust anyone anymore ' before making the trip to pick up lloyd . prosecutors said hernandez and two men picked 27-year-old lloyd up at his house in dorchester early monday morning in a rented suv . apparently , lloyd had misgivings about the meeting and sent text messages to his family . ` did you see who i am with ? ' he asked . then he responded , cryptically , ` nfl , ' prosecutor said . he later added : ` just so you know . ' it was his last text message . in custody : the state 's attorney argued that hernandez had the means to flee and should be held without bail before his trial . weeping : relatives of murder victim odin lloyd were in the courtroom when hernandez was charged . support : hernandez 's live-in girlfriend shayanna jenkins was visibly emotional when she left the courthouse without him . prosecutors then recounted how . hernandez drove lloyd to the industrial park . when he stepped out of the . suv , hernandez allegedly shot him one in the chest with a .45 - caliber . pistol - knocking lloyd to the ground , according to prosecutors . as he lay on the ground , lloyd reached up in an attempt to shield himself . hernandez allegedly shot him four more times in the chest . the investigation started more than a . week ago after semi-pro football player odin lloyd was found slain in an . industrial park in north attleborough , on the rhode island line not far .<doc-sep>monterrey , mexico -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- mexican authorities have arrested a former soccer star whom they accuse of using his social status to help a kidnapping gang track down information about potential victims , officials said . omar ortiz , known as `` the cat , '' played for the rayados de monterrey before the mexican football league suspended him in april 2010 after he allegedly tested positive for steroid use . a security spokesman in nuevo leon state said saturday that the former goalkeeper had been working with a kidnapping gang for more than a year . the gang was responsible for at least 20 kidnappings , spokesman jorge domene told reporters , including the abduction and release of pop singer gloria trevi 's husband . trevi has not spoken publicly about the alleged kidnapping , which was widely reported in mexican media .<doc-sep>the teen was rushed to brookdale hospital , where he died from a single gunshot wound to the back . on august 31 , the slain teen 's devastated family , friends and members of the community filed into the universal temple church of god to say their final farewells to ronald , who was remembered as a gifted dancer and promising basketball player . the new york daily news described in detail a heart-rending scene where ronald 's mother , miss orr , wailed while standing over her son 's body , exclaiming : ` my baby got robbed from me ! ' justice for ronald : akbar johns -lrb- left -rrb- , 17 , was arrested and charged in connection to ronald wallace 's -lrb- right -rrb- murder a week after the funeral . in the course of the emotional service , tiffany orr was seen throwing herself on her son 's casket and embracing his lifeless body until she finally had to be pulled away . a week later , cbs new york reported that police made an arrest in wallace 's slaying , charging 17-year-old suspected gang member akbar johns with second-degree murder and weapons possession .
<t> new : arrest made in killing of jamiel shaw , athlete killed outside his l.a. home . </t> <t> police : gang members had asked him if we was in a gang . </t> <t> shaw did n't have time to tell them `` no , '' according to police . </t> <t> his mother was on duty in iraq when she got the news . </t>
football star , 17 , slain before he could answer gang<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- u.s. border officers found a wire between two fences along the u.s.-mexican border that , when stretched taut , could have seriously harmed or even decapitated border patrol agents , congress was told wednesday . the wire was about 4 feet high when pulled tight , or about neck level for an agent on an atv , officials say . `` it was configured in a way so that , if it was pulled , it would take off the head of a border patrol agent riding in an open car , '' homeland security secretary michael chertoff said at a house budget hearing . the wire was discovered saturday when authorities monitoring a surveillance camera saw two people on the north side of the border east of the san ysidro port of entry , in the san diego sector . border patrol agents sent to the area found a thick metal wire tied to a secondary fence .<doc-sep>the wire stretched across the border road and led into mexico through a hole in the primary fence , according to u.s. customs and border protection . when pulled tight , the wire would be about 4 feet high -- about neck level for an agent riding on an all-terrain vehicle , cbp said . officials said they suspected that drug or illegal immigrant smugglers were involved . no arrests were made on either side of the border . the wire was removed , and no injuries or damage took place , cbp said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- an arizona mayor is comparing a border patrol proposal to put razor wire on portions of the u.s.-mexico border fence to building the berlin wall . `` we 've had a black eye because everybody is using the border as a political issue , '' nogales mayor arturo garino said . the proposal , according to garino , would put concertina wire on top of the 20-foot-high fence to the east and west of town . `` tucson sector border patrol is considering a proposed deployment of concertina wire in the nogales area , '' border patrol spokesman brent cagen wrote in an e-mail . `` currently this proposal is still under review . specifics concerning this proposal are unavailable at this time . '' should the u.s. be more like mexico ? nogales is a major trade hub on the border , abutting the mexican state of sonora . it is considered part of the border patrol 's tucson sector , which consists of 262 miles stretching from the arizona-new mexico border to yuma county , near lukeville . garino , a former law enforcement officer and member of the southwest border task force , praised the border patrol for the `` tremendous '' decrease in drug and human trafficking in southern arizona . but he said that adding razor wire will negatively affect international trade . `` i strongly believe we do n't need it , '' he said . `` it 's an eyesore . it 's a dangerous thing . we need to build relations with sonora and mexico . let 's become a power in the world economy . '' victor brabble , public affairs manager for u.s. customs and border protection , said garino 's concerns will be taken into account before a final decision is made . `` we are consulting with community leaders to evaluate the economic , environmental , political , and social implications our proposals may have on the communities we serve , '' he wrote in an e-mail . house gop split over immigration reform . nogales city councilman john doyle , a nogales native , echoed garino 's opposition to the proposal and said he was shocked to learn about it . `` we 've always been the home of the brave , and now we are living in fear , '' he said . nogales officials will meet with homeland security personnel this week to continue reviewing the proposal , which is being considered as a deterrent to would-be illegal crossers , garino said . `` right now , it 's a proposal , '' he said . `` but if somebody says ` yes , ' it 's going up . '' garino also grew up in nogales and said he thinks the best deterrent is increased manpower . agents should be reassigned from checkpoints and interior bases to the border , he said . `` bring the border patrol to the border and have them do their jobs . '' ` the bridge ' brings u.s.-mexico border tensions to tv .<doc-sep>in the san diego sector on the u.s.-mexico border , the border patrol has recorded more than 400 assaults , including rock throwings , on agents since 2010 . the numbers have fluctuated in recent years , from 130 assaults in 2010 , 77 in 2011 , 133 in 2012 to 73 in 2013 , according to the agency 's statistics . names of the agent and the apparently undocumented migrant in this week 's deadly encounter have n't been released by authorities . rock-throwing incidents have been controversial on the u.s.-mexico border , particularly when mexicans have thrown projectiles from the mexico side of the international line toward border patrol agents on the u.s. side . in some cases , u.s. border patrol agents have fired their guns at the rock throwers on the mexico side of the border , killing the rock thrower . mexican officials have condemned the border patrol 's use of lethal force as excessive . the u.s. border patrol said the incident occurred in a rugged section of the otay mountains near san diego where the agent was trying to arrest several immigrants who crossed the border illegally .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- two u.s. border patrol agents who were assisting in the apprehension of suspected illegal immigrants were killed thursday when their vehicle was struck by a train , officials said . they were driving an unmarked border patrol vehicle when it was struck by a 90-car freight train at a crossing about nine miles west of gila bend , arizona , the agency said . authorities were investigating what caused the accident that killed border patrol agents eduardo rojas jr. and hector clark , homeland security secretary janet napolitano said in a statement . the vehicle , an suv , was struck by the train at the rail crossing of paloma road near exit 106 of interstate 8 . `` this is unfortunate not just for me , not just for the yuma sector , but for the border patrol as a whole , '' border patrol spokesman kenneth quillin said . the agents were on duty and were assisting other officers in tracking down a group of people suspected to have entered the country illegally , quillin said . the agents were trying to position themselves north of where the other agents were , he said . both clark , 39 , and rojas , 35 , were lead agents in the border patrol 's yuma sector , the agency said .<doc-sep>authorities have said he was being combative while being returned to mexico . the justice department is investigating that killing . hernandez was one of 20 people killed by cbp officials since 2010 , including eight who died in rock-throwing incidents with border patrol agents , according to the american civil liberties union . fisher repeated the agency 's long-standing position that rocks are lethal weapons . smugglers have long pelted agents with rocks , bottles and other objects -- often from mexico -- hoping to create an opening elsewhere along the border when agents rush to assist colleagues being pelted . agents were attacked with rocks 339 times in the 2011 fiscal year , more than any other type of assault , according to the department of homeland security inspector general . they responded with gunfire 33 times and with less-than-lethal force -- a category that includes pepper spray and batons -- 118 times . migrants look at a u.s. border patrol car from the mexican side of the u.s.-mexico border in tijuana , mexico . rock attacks fell to 185 in the 2012 fiscal year , the second most common type of assault . agents fired a gun 22 times and responded 42 times with less-than-lethal force . the proposed ban on firing at vehicles would have brought the border patrol in line with some metropolitan police departments , fisher said . but he pointed out that the federal agency operates in much different terrain . ` you do n't want to just start shooting indiscriminately at a vehicle and try to blow out tires like they do on tv , but our environment is totally different , ' fisher said . ` in many cases , unlike a concrete jungle , you have a very narrow trail and the border patrol agent does n't always have the ability to get out of the way . ' activists were disappointed that cbp rejected the recommendations . ` we 've long held that deadly force should be limited to the most exceptional circumstances , ' said andrea guerrero , executive director of alliance san diego , who attended a meeting with obama administration officials at the white house in september that covered the topic . ` the border patrol has yet to demonstrate that that 's the appropriate level of force in the cases that have happened , ' guerrero said . shawn moran , spokesman for the national border patrol council , the union representing border patrol officers , welcomed the agency 's position . ` almost every border patrol agent has been rocked at one point or another , ' moran said . ' i know agents here that have had vehicles accelerate toward them , attempt to run them down . ' fisher rejected any suggestion that border patrol agents were trigger-happy . ` when you look at that environment , that workspace , i think our agents show a great deal of restraint when it comes to use of deadly force , ' he said .
<t> the thick metal wire stretched across the border road and led into mexico . </t> <t> agents discovered it saturday after a surveillance camera spotted suspicious activity . </t> <t> officials say they suspect that drug or illegal immigrant smugglers are involved . </t> <t> no arrests have been made on either side of the border . </t>
officials : wire could have decapitated border patrol agents<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- sen. barack obama claimed a significant victory in the south carolina democratic primary on saturday , telling supporters `` we are hungry for change . '' sen. barack obama and his wife , michelle , celebrate his south carolina win . the illinois senator earned more than twice the vote that rival sen. hillary clinton did , 55 percent to 27 percent , unofficial returns showed . former sen. john edwards was third with 18 percent . `` tonight , the cynics who believed that what began in the snows of iowa was just an illusion were told a different story by the good people of south carolina , '' obama said to supporters saturday . watch a recap of obama 's big win '' a win in south carolina was considered crucial for obama , who won iowa but finished second to clinton in new hampshire and nevada . see what the results mean '' `` i did not travel around this state over the last year and see a white south carolina or a black south carolina . i saw south carolina , '' he said . `` the choice in this election is not between regions or religions or genders , '' obama said . `` it 's not about rich versus poor ; young versus old ; and it is not about black versus white . `` it 's about the past versus the future . '' watch obama speech . with 99 percent of precincts reporting , obama had 55 percent of the vote . clinton was second with 27 percent , followed by edwards , with 18 percent . obama 's victory capped a heated contest in south carolina , the first democratic primary in the south and the first with a largely african-american electorate . obama , who is hoping to become the the nation 's first african-american president , did well with black voters , who made up about half of saturday 's electorate , according to exit polls . black voters supported the illinois senator by a margin of more than 4-to-1 over his nearest rival , exit polls indicate . among white voters , obama took about a quarter of the vote , with clinton and edwards roughly splitting the remainder , according to exit polls . clinton congratulated obama and said she was excited to move forward to the super tuesday contests on february 5 . `` millions and millions of americans are going to have the chance to have their voices heard and their votes counted , '' she told supporters at tennessee state university . watch clinton speak to supporters '' edwards also looked ahead to the next contests . `` now the three of us move on to february 5 , where millions of americans will cast their vote and help shape the future of this party and help shape the future of america , '' he said . watch edwards rally supporters '' `` our campaign from the very beginning has been about one central thing , and that is to give voice to the millions of americans who have absolutely no voice in this democracy . '' clinton beat obama only among elderly voters , according to exit polls . among voters 65 and older , clinton beat obama 40 to 32 percent . but obama handily defeated clinton in every other bracket , and overall garnered 58 percent of the vote among 18 to 64-year-olds while 23 percent of those voters picked clinton . and half of those polled said both candidates shared blame for the rancor between the two camps . of those who said one of the contenders was more to blame than the other , 21 percent blamed clinton , and 6 percent said obama . `` it 's fairly obvious it 's not going to be over february 5 , '' obama spokesman robert gibbs said . edwards was born in south carolina and won the state 's primary four years ago , when he was making his first bid for the white house . see voters head to the polls in south carolina '' edwards had touted his native status , and as the clinton and obama camps have squabbled , edwards continued to talk about the issues and suggests he 's the only adult in the field . watch edwards reach out to voters '' `` i 'm keeping moving no matter what , but i feel good about how things are moving right now here today , '' edwards told reporters saturday morning . `` i feel there 's a lot of energy behind my campaign . '' on january 15 , edwards pledged , `` i 'm in this for the long haul . we 're continuing to accumulate delegates . there 's actually a very narrow margin between sen. obama , sen. clinton and myself on delegates . '' the state democratic party estimated that more than 530,000 democrats turned out for saturday 's primary , as compared with 445,000 voters who showed up to vote last weekend in the state 's republican primary . the democratic numbers topped the gop turnout for the first time since 1992 , when 445,000 republicans turned out to renominate president george h.w. bush . obama attracted more than 290,000 votes -- nearly matching the total turnout of the 2004 democratic primary . `` this is an enormous turnout , '' cnn analyst jeffrey toobin said . `` democrats are wildly motivated in this election . '' as south carolina 's democratic primary voters went to the polls saturday , almost half of them had made up their minds more than a month ago , according to exit polls . in the 2004 primary , nearly a quarter decided either the day of the primary or in the three days prior who they would support , but this year , only 10 percent of this year 's voters waited until saturday to choose . another 10 percent decided only in the last three days , and 32 percent decided in the last month . forty-seven percent made up their minds at least a month ago , more than double the percentage of 2004 . the early exit polls were taken from a sampling of 1,269 voters statewide . following a rough campaign between clinton and obama , the two camps toned down the rhetoric in the past two days , returning to the issues and concentrating their firepower on the republicans rather than on each other . `` i think they -lsb- the republicans -rsb- should be gracious and just say , `` we have messed this thing up so much we are just going to quit and ... we should n't be re-elected , ' but i do n't think that is what they are going to do , '' clinton said . south carolina is the last big test for the democrats before super tuesday , february 5 , when nearly two dozen states will hold either primaries or caucuses -- including such delegate-rich states as california , new york , new jersey and illinois . florida holds its primary on tuesday but no democratic delegates are being awarded there because the national party is penalizing the state for moving its primary up earlier in the year . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's paul steinhauser , bill schneider , peter hamby , alexander mooney , suzanne malveaux and jessica yellin contributed to this report .<doc-sep>sen. hillary clinton is focusing her attention on states with contests next month on `` super tuesday , '' leaving the campaigning for this week 's south carolina primary to her husband . south carolina 's primary is the democrats ' last big contest before super tuesday on february 5 , when two dozen states hold primaries or caucuses . the senator from new york is zigzagging across the country , while bill clinton makes the rounds in south carolina and doubles up the attacks on obama . obama sees his rival 's absence as a good thing , according to christian broadcasting network correspondent david brody , who interviewed the senator from illinois on tuesday . `` he believes that it is a sign , in essence , the fact that she 's leaving the state -- that that bodes well for him , '' brody said . `` he was talking about the fact that she had said that ... he 's not running against bill clinton . but then , at the same time , bill clinton is here in south carolina by proxy , running against barack obama down here in south carolina . '' the 42nd president has been immersed in the intense , back-and-forth exchanges between his wife and obama , who said this week in a debate in myrtle beach , south carolina , that he sometimes ca n't tell which one he 's running against in the race . the former president has attacked obama in recent days , accusing him of overstating his opposition to the iraq war , complaining about obama 's union supporters in the nevada caucuses last weekend and blasting his remarks on former president reagan in a newspaper interview . watch the battle brewing between the clintons and obama '' clinton on wednesday tried to distance himself from the attacks , telling a cnn correspondent that the rhetoric was `` crazy '' and `` getting a little carried away . ''<doc-sep>`` newt 's populism resonates with red-meat voters in south carolina , but the romney-alternative field -lrb- has been -rrb- too crowded for him to lock down a solid win here , '' said one gop insider . the other main contender for the fervent conservative vote in south carolina has been santorum and he shares gingrich 's problem of being one of too many choice on the right . what do you think has been the biggest obstacle for santorum in south carolina ? his past record as senator on earmarks and right-to-work -- 41 % . conservative vote is too divided among candidates -- 56 % . doubts about him among southern voters -- 2 % . `` the biggest obstacle for all the ` not-romney ' candidates has been in a word , ` ego , ' '' said one gop insider . `` all of their egos were too big to drop out -lrb- early -rrb- and work to truly consolidate conservative voters . '' but another operative noted that in a state where the republican governor had battled with the obama administration over whether boeing could move airplane production from assembly lines that were unionized in washington state to a nonunion facility in south carolina , santorum 's defense of his opposition to right-to-work laws while he was a senator has been `` awkward , at best . '' texas rep. ron paul 's liability in south carolina has been the same as in iowa and new hampshireâ $ '' his isolationist views on foreign policy and his eagerness to cut military spending . what do you think has been the biggest obstacle for paul in south carolina ? his stance on national security -- 78 % . he did n't spend enough time in the state -- 20 % . perception that he ca n't win in the general election -- 2 % . `` because of this and other stands , no one takes him seriously outside of his hard-core supporters , '' said one gop insider . the cnn south carolina gop insiders were surveyed on these questions from the evening of jan. 16 thru jan. 18 . the survey was conducted over the internet . the south carolina insiders were given anonymity for their individual answers in order to encourage candid responses . and while some insiders were aligned with one or another of the presidential campaigns , two-thirds said they had neither endorsed nor were they working for any candidate in the race . here are the names of the participants in the survey : eric bedingfield , peter brown , kevin bryant , luke byars , drea byars , chris carino , phillip cease , alan clemmons , chad connelley , wesley donehue , shannon erickson , justin evans , scott farmer , chip felkel , becky fleming , douglas ford , greg foster , mark harmon , wes hayes , allen klump , scott malyerck , janice mccord , joe mckeown , drew mckissick , ed mcmullen , matt moore , matthew nichols , mark nix , ralph norman , randy page , sunny philips , mike pitts , tommy pope , richard quinn , jay w. ragley , george ramsey , scott richardson , oran p. smith , bob taylor , adam temple , taylor tompkins , trey walker , chad walldorf , ellen weaver , joe wilson , robert yerger .<doc-sep>it 's easy to see why -- at 39 , she is the first female and the first indian-american to hold the position of south carolina governor . a tea party favorite in 2010 , her surprisingly narrow election -- 51 % to 47 % was nonetheless a reminder of the reality of the new south , and the growing diversity of the republican party . when she endorsed romney , it was considered big news and the news release headline was dutifully reprinted -- `` romney receives tea party support in south carolina . '' but haley 's national profile is outstripping her in-state popularity , which stands at 34.6 % , according to a recent winthrop university poll . surreally , this makes haley less popular in south carolina than president barack obama , who clocks in at 44 % in the same poll and who lost the palmetto state by 9 points in 2008 . the real leader of the tea party in south carolina -- and a national force as well -- is sen. jim demint , and he 's not endorsing any presidential candidate this time around . there 's no question that south carolina is pivotal for the republican presidential nomination -- the winner has been the nominee since 1980 . but the differences between the palmetto state and the new hampshire primary or iowa caucuses should be understood with the proper perspective . one of the biggest differences is the state of the local economy -- iowa and new hampshire have unemployment rates well below the national average , but in south carolina the unemployment rate is close to 10 % -- adding to the calculus that newt gingrich 's super pac made when it decided to unleash the anti-bain capital ad . likewise , rick santorum might do well in the state as much for his focus on strengthening u.s. manufacturing as his much-vaunted social conservative purism . and if romney does win the primary , it will be aided in part by the fact that he is the most center-right figure remaining in the republican field . as cnn heads down to charleston for thursday night 's debate , it 's all just a reminder not to fall back on lazy national narratives but instead find the real facts when it comes to the great state of south carolina . the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of john avlon .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the fiery south carolina congressional special election between former gov. mark sanford and elizabeth colbert busch is attracting national attention -- but not for the reasons it should . listening to much of the national coverage , it can sound like a race between jenny sanford -- the ex-wife of the ex-governor -- and comedian stephen colbert , the brother of the democratic candidate . but the real news is that a democrat could win the 1st congressional district in south carolina , reversing republican control of the seat since 1981 . polls show colbert busch ahead and her confident debate performance on monday night helped solidify the sense that momentum is behind her campaign . subsequent endorsements of sanford by hustler publisher larry flynt , who unhelpfully praised him as a `` sexual pioneer , '' and a billboard put up by the odious adultery website ashley madison did nothing to help this would-be comeback kid . it is too early to count sanford out , despite some liberal pundits declaring the race all but over . the coastal 1st district still has a 20 % republican registration advantage , and sanford has never lost an election . but if colbert busch does win , it should shake up the lazy partisan assumptions that underlie our politics . that 's because the result will not just be a referendum on sanford but would also be a reflection of changing demographics in south carolina and throughout the south . the idea that texas , rich in electoral college votes , could turn into a swing state has preoccupied pundits in recent weeks because it would upend presidential electoral math . a win by colbert busch in south carolina would n't have equal implications , but it could be a canary in the coalmine . and a close analysis of how her campaign defied the odds would be required reading for any southern democrats . first , consider that charleston county -- the heart of the 1st congressional district -- voted for obama in 2008 and 2012 . urban centers in the south have been trending more democratic in recent years , buoyed not just by the black vote but younger voters -- including students and northern transplants who move south for the improved quality of life .
<t> new : blowout win for obama in south carolina . </t> <t> clinton finishes ahead of edwards , cnn projects . </t> <t> 47 percent decided on vote at least a month ago , exit polls indicate . </t> <t> edwards : `` i feel good about how things are moving right now '' </t>
obama claims big win in south carolina<T>
london , england -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- handsome , articulate and lightning fast -- mclaren 's lewis hamilton can now add two more words to his list of qualities : very rich . lewis hamilton will be able to afford a lot more champagne in the future . the briton is set to become one of the most marketable sport stars in the world -- perhaps second only to tiger woods -- and earn more than a billion dollars if he can maintain the buzz created by his first season in formula one , experts say . on sunday he started his second season in perfect fashion , easily winning the australian grand prix in melbourne . the 23-year-old signed a five-year contract with mclaren worth an estimated $ 140m in january . it leaves him lagging along way behind ferrari 's kimi raikkonen , who is paid an estimated $ 50m a year for driving , but it is through endorsements that he stands to reap a greater windfall . stephen cheliotis , chief executive of the centre for brand analysis and uk superbrands and coolbrands councils ' chairman , said hamilton was the most marketable driver because he was a breath of fresh air . he had helped drive up race attendance and television fewer figures dramatically in his first season . `` he is young , mixing with the right people everyday -- rappers , film stars -- and a lot more articulate than kimi raikkonen , '' cheliotis said . `` he is also the first black driver and it does have a bearing , much like tiger woods in golf . he is also the most marketable because he is going to be the best , much like michael schumacher . '' pippa collett , sponsorship consulting 's managing director , said hamilton was certainly the most marketable driver in the short term .<doc-sep>his performance meant he was the dominant member of a group of `` young turks '' -- nelson piquet jr , nico rosberg , heikki kovalainen -- who had great potential . collett said in terms of the media hamilton 's performance , friendliness , english speaking background and professionalism were key assets . if he could maintain these he would earn more than schumacher -- the sport 's first billionaire driver . indeed , schumacher set an example which hamilton would be wise to follow . he was the first driver to win personal sponsors after ferrari allowed him to sign a $ 10m annual deal with a german bank to place its logo on his cap . the german also actively pursued the development of his own retail range , which included caps -- he sold hundreds of thousands at $ 30 a pop -- and even a branded vacuum cleaner . collett said schumacher 's manager , willi weber , was very good . `` schumacher was a nice guy but not very charming . however , he was very professional and you knew he would turn up , '' collett said . cheliotis agreed hamilton would earn considerably more than schumacher , and that there would be a big gap between his earnings and that of the other drivers . however , there were pitfalls . lewis had already made the mistake of saying he was moving to switzerland to avoid the limelight when it was all about avoiding tax , cheliotis said .<doc-sep>`` he said that and then turned up at every awards night for a month . '' cheliotis said appearing arrogant , being caught out by the tabloid press , endorsing a brand and then using another and over selling himself could also damage his value . `` the big danger with someone like hamilton is that he is so in demand and that he has so many sponsors it leads to brand confusion . there is a danger of being one of 50 sponsors and not getting any value . '' collett said hamilton needed to develop his `` life-time brand '' . while raikkonen may not be a media darling he had developed an `` iceman '' image , which was just as important in the long term . english footballer david beckham , whose performance had dropped off , had successfully developed a life-time brand that would out last his playing career . collett said hamilton 's one weakness may be his father , anthony . `` his dad is his manager . your brand positioning is as an individual ... having your dad around too much could affect your brand . '' collett said hamilton would have to be wary of bad press , but a little bit of young turk behaviour could enhance his image as long as he continued to excel . `` i think that is part of the glamour ... some of that and continued brilliant performances will make his life very easy . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>money has often been a theme of previous ecclestone 's christmas cards . reigning world champion lewis hamilton was the butt of the f1 chief 's humor in 2012 after the driver 's surprise switch from mclaren to mercedes . the card showed hamilton jumping into a mercedes car driven by niki lauda , with the passenger seat containing a large bag marked with a dollar sign . though world champion hamilton arguably might be having the last laugh given his recent drivers ' title triumph . getting the tone right for an annual christmas card is n't always easy to negotiate . former british premier tony blair has been widely ridiculed for his 2014 card , which shows him standing next to his wife cherie but smiling in intense and uncomfortable fashion . `` the stuff of nightmares '' someone tweeted .<doc-sep>by . daily mail reporter . he is the world 's richest man , with a personal fortune of $ 76 billion , but bill gates will not be leaving it all to his three children . in a rare insight into his personal life , the microsoft founder and his wife , melinda , have opened up about how they are raising their family . the couple , speaking at a ted conference in vancouver , said their children will be encouraged to make their own way in the world without the help of billion-dollar trust funds . family values : melinda and bill gates say they will not leave their three children billion-dollar trust funds . gates said that instead of money , they had given their two daughters and son a good education so they can learn how to rely on their own abilities rather than their parents ' fortune .<doc-sep>by . lee moran . published : . 08:38 est , 19 march 2012 . | . updated : . 10:58 est , 19 march 2012 . the brazilian tycoon who bankrolled the bid to bring the 2016 olympics to his home country has boasted how he will soon be the world 's richest man . eike batista , ex-husband of stunning playboy cover girl luma de oliveira , said he would overtake mexican telecommunications magnate carlos slim in the ` next three or four years ' . the 55-year-old serial entrepreneur , who has created a $ 30billion fortune from scratch in just 30 years , said by 2015 he will be making a staggering $ 10billion per year . as you do : brazilian multi-billionaire eike batista pictured at his rio de janeiro home , where his $ 1.2 million dollar mercedes benz is kept in the living room . samba queen : brazilian playboy cover girl and model luma de oliveira was married to the country 's richest man eike batista for 13 years until they divorced in 2004 . this , he claimed , would propel him . clearly in front of slim 's $ 68.5 billion , microsoft honcho bill gates 's . $ 62.4 billion and berkshire hathaway warren buffett 's $ 43.8 billion . ` i 'm not bragging . it 's just a . consequence of all the things that we have done . just look at the . assets . jesus , by 2015 we will be making $ 10billion .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- recently , investors celebrated the birthday of the current bull market , which turned five years old . on this anniversary , it 's worth reflecting on how valuations , particularly of technology companies , are being calculated . on thursday , the wall street journal reported that airbnb , a travel rental company , which has not released information about its revenue or profitability , may be approaching a valuation of $ 10 billion . other startups in the ipo pipeline include a number of unprofitable companies like box and square , with rumored valuations in the billions . have billion-dollar or multibillion-dollar valuations become the norm ? is it all about hype and greed nowadays ? whatever happened to the wisdom of investors like warren buffet who evaluated companies based on their profits and fundamental performances ? the value of any company is a function of the cash flow it will generate in the future . a healthy cash flow allows a company to repay its shareholders and initial investors who , understandably , expect their investment to be eventually reimbursed . ordinary investors who rely on the hype surrounding a company rather than the company 's fundamentals may make decisions that they regret later on . just ask anyone who invested in the ipo about the danger of falling for overvalued companies . granted , everyone in the tech industry -- from startup founders to venture capitalists -- is eager to find and bet on the next big thing . still , the money being thrown around is mind-boggling . even a decent business model and the potential for growth do not justify a multibillion-dollar valuation . yet , facebook recently offered an astounding $ 19 billion to buy whatsapp , a popular messaging service . though whatsapp has reportedly been able to turn a small profit , this overblown acquisition price is higher than the market cap of 275 companies in the s&p 500 .
<t> experts say lewis hamilton is set to earn more than michael schumacher . </t> <t> david beckham 's `` life-time brand '' provides valuable lessons . </t> <t> a little bit of scandal is good for the bank balance . </t> <t> raikkonen 's `` iceman '' persona allows sponsors to find perfect match . </t>
hamilton next billion dollar man<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the federal government has released to cnn more than 100 photographs of a halloween party that temporarily threatened to derail the nomination of a top department of homeland security official . ice chief julie myers poses with a costume contest winner at the immigration and customs enforcement party . the images included several digital photos that the official had ordered erased because they were deemed to be inappropriate and offensive . at the party , julie myers , then-acting chief of immigration and customs enforcement -lrb- ice -rrb- , part of the department of homeland security , gave an award for `` most original costume '' to an employee wearing prison stripes , a wig with dreadlocks and face-darkening makeup . immediately after posing for a photo with the winner , myers later told congress , she recognized that she made an error in judgment and ordered the photos deleted from the camera . myers said she did not know the employee was wearing skin makeup , but ordered the photos destroyed because she did not think that `` recognizing an escaped prisoner in any way was beneficial to the agency 's goal of treating everyone in our custody with dignity and respect . '' this week , in response to the freedom of information act request filed by cnn on november 6 , ice released 113 official photographs of the party , including all of the deleted photos , which technicians were able to electronically restore . an ice spokeswoman denied the photos were suppressed until after myers ' job was secure , saying ice responded in an `` efficient time frame '' to the foia request . news of the photos ' existence infuriated some members of congress , who said they should have been made aware of them earlier . `` it is too bad that these photos surfaced too late to have dealt with her nomination , perhaps , in a different way , '' said sen. claire mccaskill , d-missouri , who last november put a `` hold '' on myers ' confirmation because of the hubbub . watch what congressmen think about party photos ''<doc-sep>myers was confirmed on december 20 . as an assistant secretary of homeland security , she leads ice , the agency charged with enforcing immigration law in the nation 's interior . the agency has more than 15,000 employees , including 6,000 investigators . mccaskill said she believed the photos would have affected the confirmation . `` this is such brutally bad judgment that , to me , it indicates that the leadership of this division is flawed , '' she said . rep. bennie thompson , whose committee oversees ice , said wednesday he is upset both by the photos and by ice 's failure to give the photos to congress in november . `` i was satisfied -lsb- with myers ' explanations and apology -rsb- until i found out that these pictures existed , '' thompson said . an ice spokeswoman denied that there was any intentional effort to mislead congress . `` we had asked that they be destroyed , and as far as we knew , that was the case , '' spokeswoman kelly nantel said . myers was `` frank and honest about every aspect of that situation from the very beginning , '' she said . an estimated 50 to 75 employees attended the october 31 costume party at ice headquarters in the district of columbia . a poster advertising the contest said costumes should be tasteful and `` office appropriate . '' myers declined to talk to cnn wednesday , but in written comments to congress last november , she offered the following account of the incident : .<doc-sep>she and two other ice officials served as judges of the costume contest , and she had `` very limited interaction '' with the employee in the prisoner costume , who `` was present at the -lsb- judging -rsb- table for less than half a minute before he moved on . `` i was not aware at the time of the contest that the employee disguised his skin color , '' she wrote . nonetheless , after posing for a photo with the employee , she realized it was inappropriate . `` although i did not know that this individual had disguised his race , i determined that i had made an error in judgment in recognizing an escaped prisoner at this party , '' she wrote , and she instructed her chief of staff to direct the official photographer to delete the photos . in an internal e-mail that was sent at 3:05 p.m. , shortly after the party was to end , the ice public affairs director , wendy burrell , said , `` please make sure that the photos of the most creative -lrb- single male entry -rrb- are destroyed . they may not be used in any publication , web site , compilation disk , you name it . not just not used . please erase all . '' myers said she was `` shocked and horrified '' to learn the next day that the employee had used skin-darkening makeup . the employee was counseled , and myers sent out a note to all agency employees expressing regret over the event , agency spokeswoman kelly nantel said in november . `` it is now clear that , however unintended , a few of the costumes were inappropriate and offensive , '' myers wrote . she reminded employees of their responsibility to complete diversity training and said managers should distribute and discuss ice 's diversity policy statement during staff meetings . the employee who donned the inmate costume was placed on two weeks of administrative leave , counseled by a supervisor and returned to full duty . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>the shift from children 's to adult holiday can be traced to the 1970s , when halloween street festivals in several gay neighborhoods in the u.s. began to transform into adult parties featuring lavish and over-the-top costumes . in the mid-1980s , halloween gained even more traction among adults , helped by the coors brewing company , who ran an ad campaign featuring tv horror host elvira . according to morton , the marketing ploy helped make the ghoulish night a `` beer holiday '' in the mold of superbowl sunday and st. patrick 's day . retailers capitalized on the party mood and responded to the demand for theatrical dress up . pin-up pirate , naughty nurse , even sexy big bird -- you name it , and there 's a sultry version of the costume available today . skimpy halloween get-ups have been available for as long as costumes have been sold commercially , but in the last decade the prevalence of sexy costumes has really exploded , according to lesley bannatyne , author of `` halloween nation : behind the scenes of america 's fright night . '' spooky snaps : how to shoot frighteningly good photos this halloween . why the desire to flaunt so much skin during this particular celebration , which falls at a time of year when temperatures in the northern hemisphere take a downward turn ?<doc-sep>we 've done a round-up of some of the best from awkward family photos so the rest of the world can share in the laughs . do you have a eye-poppingly cringe-worthy family picture that you 'd like to share ? email us your photo and story . it 's hardly any surprise this baby looks shocked - no matter how long you stare at the picture , you wo n't be able to decide if this man only wore this costume for halloween . farmyard fun , or is it ? none of their smiles reach the eyes . this man paid a visit to his grandmother before heading on to a halloween party , he may have borrowed a spare pair of tights in case of laddering too . ever wondered what you 're going to look like when you grow up ? just take a look at your mother . when the furniture looks spookier than you , it 's a definite halloween fail . the woman in the middle might be dressed as a candlestick , but hopefully nobody lit a real match near this lot . halloween makes people do some odd things . no wonder the woman at the back is trying to hide .<doc-sep>pictures have emerged of two members of the conservative mexican national action party which appear to show them dressed up as adolf hitler and eva braun . the pictures show manuel escobedo ceballos , 23 , secretary of pan 's youth action wing , and his party colleague karla de la rosa , 26 , in costumes at a halloween party . ms de la rosa , who is an mp in the mexican city of chihuahua , has denied she was dressed as braun and said her costume was in fact of greta garbo , after the images were posted online . pictures have emerged of manuel escobedo ceballos and karla de la rosa , of the conservative mexican national action party , which appear to show them dressed as adolf hitler and eva braun . ms de la rosa , who is an mp in the mexican city of chihuahua , has denied she was dressed as braun and said her costume was in fact of greta garbo . she said : ' i absolutely reject that i was there at the halloween party as eva braun . ` my costume was supposed to be greta garbo . of course it 's great to wake up to find you 're suddenly famous but i 'm sorry to disappoint all those people who say anything different and in fact it is n't true . ` it would almost be funny if it was n't tragic because there are so many more important things to deal with in chihuahua than a costume at a halloween party and whether or not it was eva braun or greta garbo . ' i do n't support the nazis and if there is anything from germany that i can be accused of liking , it 's their football which i supported during the world cup . ' likeness ? adolf hitler and his mistress eva braun pictured while dining . ms de la rosa has said she went to the party dressed as film legend greta garbo -lrb- file picture -rrb- . pan spokesman , alfredo pinera , said the . the sharing of the photos was a pr stunt by party rivals at pri as part . of a bid to gain more votes in the next election in 2015 . he said : ` the pictures were taken out of context and designed to damage the image of these young politicians . ' ceballos declined to comment on the pictures but a friend confirmed that they were taken at a halloween party and repeated the suspicion that rival politicians had leaked them to the media to damage the reputation of his party . he said he felt ceballos dressing up with a hitler-style moustache and cropped hair , and also with a military costume similar to the one worn by hitler , including a swastika , was appropriate for a halloween party .<doc-sep>partygoers are dressing up for halloween as fighters from the islamic state in the latest trivialisation of the world 's horrors . social media has been flooded with pictures of people wearing isis-style outfits , just weeks after the jihadists beheaded four western hostages during their reign of terror across iraq and syria . some people are pictured holding fake machetes and severed heads in a twisted reference to the group 's brutal executions . the group routinely beheads opponents and its members often post horrific photographs of themselves posing with the bodies . bad taste : this image of a party-goer dressed in an isis-style halloween costume was one of several posted on the twitter account of baghdadi al-rolexi with the message : ` another victory !! so many converted isis recruits at halloween parties . i tell you , best strategy girls and booze ! ' it comes days after businesses were accused of cashing in on the ebola outbreak by selling ` sexy nurse ' costumes as the death toll from the deadly virus nears 5,000 . one set of isis-style halloween images was posted on twitter with the message : ` another victory !! so many converted isis recruits at halloween parties . i tell you , best strategy girls and booze ! ' some show revellers wearing face masks and jihasist-style black gowns while brandishing fake automatic weapons . ` we both needed an escape ' : this instagram user posted this picture wearing an islamic militant-style outfit saying : ` me and the mother of my beautiful bay girl having a great time at halloween party #isis #terrorist ' femme fatales : four women dress up in female versions of islamic state attire while pulling gun poses . in another , four women sport skimpy versions of islamic state attire while pulling gun poses with their hands . on instagram , user keno486 published a image showing him dressed in a black face mask and holding what appears to be a fake sniper rifle . sinister : one picture posted by twitter user tj@skinny215 shows a group of isis-looking militants with the caption : ` where 's the halloween parties ... isis will be there ' ` grams and pops are ready for their costume party #isis ' : celine ann cruz posts a message next to this picture of party-goers in islamic state-style outfits before their halloween celebrations . he posted the message : ` me and the mother of my beautiful bay girl having a great time at halloween party last night ! ` we both needed an escape from the everyday hardships that have come our way ! #isis #terrorist #member #allforfun #halloweenparty #lp #goodtimes ' . another image posted by twitter user tj@skinny215 shows a group of isis-looking militants with the caption : ` where 's the halloween parties ... isis will be there ' . one partygoer appeared to have refashioned a ninja outfit for their jihadist-themed costume . heidi harris posted the image on twitter with the message : ` isis costume at the party i 'm attending #ebola suits were big , too #isis ' . isis have beheaded four western hostages in recent weeks - u.s. freelance journalist james foley , british aid worker david haines , british taxi driver alan henning and american journalist steven sotloff . shameless : this halloween party-goer has dressed up in an isis-style outfit with a machete and fake severed head in a sickening reference to the terror group 's beheadings in iraq and syria in recent months . macabre : another sickening halloween costume is created to look like an isis fighter decapitating a prisoner . this partygoer appears to have refashioned a ninja outfit for their jihadist-themed costume . heidi harris posted the image on twitter with the message : ` isis costume at the party i 'm attending #ebola suits were big , too #isis ' it comes after websites and bars were accused of cashing in on the ebola outbreak by selling costumes for halloween , mocked up to look like a containment suit being worn by volunteers risking their lives to treat people infected with the deadly disease . the costume - which is available in a male and female version - has appeared on the brands on sale website . a description of the suit says : ` as the deadly ebola virus trickles its way through the united states , fighting its disease is no reason to compromise style . ' the costume has gone on sale as flyers were released advertising a ` saturday night ebola fever ' halloween event in london . the name of the event was later changed . in a separate controversy , bar risa in birmingham admitted it had made ' a huge error ' by staging an ebola-themed halloween party on wednesday night . brutal : fighters from islamic state march through the terror group 's stronghold of raqqa in syria . fancy dress firms have also come under fire for selling halloween outfits labelled as ` skitzo ' and ` psycho ward ' , with a british government minister saying the ` horrendous ' costumes ` demonise ' people with mental health problems . jokers ' masquerade 's website , , is selling a # 12.45 ` adult skitzo costume ' , consisting of an orange jumpsuit with ' a set of black vinyl shackles and belt , plus a restraining face mask to complete the look ' . it also offers a # 20.99 ` maximum restraint halloween costume ' consisting of a straightjacket and a mask similar to that worn by anthony hopkins when he played cannibal killer hannibal lecter in silence of the lambs . liberal democrat care and support minister norman lamb will give a speech today urging retailers not to ` demonise ' people with mental health problems by selling mocking party outfits . cashing in on deadly disease outbreak ? this ` sexy ebola containment suit ' has gone on sale online . the ` horrendous ' costumes have been criticised for ` demonising ' people with mental health problems .
<t> partygoer used make-up to darken skin , went as escaped prisoner . </t> <t> acting immigration chief judged costume contest . </t> <t> congress told photos destroyed before julie myers ' confirmation hearings . </t> <t> cnn got photos through freedom of information act request . </t>
controversial halloween party photos released<T>
baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- two bombings in separate iraq provinces on monday killed eight u.s. troops , the u.s. military said . a boy with a machine gun weeps monday at the site of a suicide bombing in kanan that killed a sheik . a roadside bomb killed three u.s. soldiers and an interpreter in diyala province , which has been a major front in the war during the `` surge '' of u.s. troops fighting insurgents near the capital . earlier in the day , at least five u.s. soldiers on foot patrol were killed and three others wounded in a suicide bombing in baghdad . in addition , suicide bombers killed five iraqis in two bombings in diyala province monday morning , including a sheik who helped battle sunni extremists and his 5-year-old niece . watch new suicide tactics in iraq '' four u.s. soldiers died at the scene monday 's baghdad blast and one more died later of wounds , the military said . they were with multi-national division-baghdad . an iraqi interpreter also was wounded in the explosion , the officials said . initial reports indicate the bomber was wearing an explosive vest . `` five soldiers paid the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the iraqi and american people . i ask you remember these fallen heroes and their families as well as their wounded brethren in your thoughts and prayers , '' said col. allen batschelet , chief of staff for multi-national division-baghdad .<doc-sep>`` we remain resolute in our resolve to protect the people of iraq and kill or capture those who would bring them harm . '' the explosion marks the deadliest attack against the u.s. military since five soldiers were killed january 28 in a roadside bombing in mosul . troops killed a saudi insurgent whose network was responsible for that attack . earlier , an iraqi interior ministry official said one person was killed and eight people were wounded in a suicide bomb attack targeting a u.s. military convoy in western baghdad . it is not clear if the u.s. and iraqi reports are about the same incident . monday 's attacks would bring the number of u.s. troops killed in iraq this month to 10 . a total of 3,983 military personnel have died in the nearly 5-year-old war . the attack came after a bomber near baquba targeted the leader of a security group assisting u.s. troops . the teen suicide bomber killed a sheik and a 5-year-old , a day after she went to the sheik 's kanan home claiming to need help finding her husband , police and family members said . the female suicide bomber , 18 , blew herself up at the sheik 's home monday morning , police said . the tribal leader was the head of a local citizens group that has been working with u.s. forces to rout out insurgents . the largely sunni security groups are known as awakening councils .<doc-sep>kanan is east of baquba , situated in the volatile diyala province , which has been a major front for the `` surge '' of u.s.-led troops targeting militants near baghdad . according to one of the sheik 's cousins , the teen bomber went to the sheik 's house sunday to ask him for help finding her husband -- thought to be kidnapped or detained . the 18-year-old was told to return monday , the cousin said . she returned monday and staged the attack , killing the sheik , his 5-year-old niece and one of his security guards , police said . the attack reflects both the growing use of females as suicide bombers in iraq and the targeting of awakening councils , which are also known as concerned citizens groups or sons of iraq . the grass-roots groups , which are sometimes led by former insurgents , have drawn more than 90,000 volunteers to their ranks , military spokesman rear adm. gregory said sunday . since november , there have been at least five attacks carried out by female suicide bombers , including a twin bombing at baghdad pet markets last month that killed almost 100 people . insurgent groups , particularly al qaeda in iraq , are increasingly using women as suicide bombers because they are less likely to be searched , the u.s. military has said . about an hour after the attack at the sheik 's home , another suicide bomber approached iraqi security forces in muqdadiya and blew himself up as the forces began shooting at him .<doc-sep>the blast killed two civilians and wounded 20 others , including two police officers , authorities said . muqdadiya also is in diyala province . in other developments : . • a suicide car bomb exploded monday outside an upscale hotel in sulaimaniya , killing two people and wounding at least 32 others , police said . the blast occurred at the sulaimani palace hotel , located in the center of the city . it is in northern iraq 's kurdish region and is a common stop for visiting government officials , businessmen and contractors . • two bombings in baghdad on monday killed an iraqi and wounded nine others , an interior ministry official said . a parked car bomb exploded near an outdoor market in shaab , a shiite neighborhood in northeastern baghdad , killing a civilian and wounding seven others . a roadside bomb exploded on a highway near a u.s. military patrol in eastern baghdad , wounding two bystanders . • coalition troops north of baghdad killed five insurgents and detained 19 people in raids , the u.s. military said monday . the sunday raids were part of coalition forces ' `` untiring efforts to remove al qaeda from iraq , '' said lt. col. maura gillen , a multi-national forces-iraq spokeswoman . • several u.s. troops may have been sickened by dirty water intended for hygiene use and supplied to bases around iraq between 2004 and 2006 , according to a pentagon report released monday . however , the department of defense inspector general 's report points out that because the water was not monitored , it is impossible to tell for sure if it was dirty and if it contributed to the troops getting sick . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's jamie mcintyre , mohammed tawfeeq and jonathan wald contributed to this report .<doc-sep>baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- three bombs wednesday in baghdad struck the convoy of the polish ambassador to iraq , wounding the diplomat and killing three others in the entourage , including one of his bodyguards , authorities said . iraqi soldiers inspect the site of a baghdad blast that injured the polish ambassador wednesday . in addition , the explosions killed two iraqi civilians and wounded 11 others in the downtown karrada neighborhood . the convoy 's three sport utility vehicles -- all bearing polish flags -- were hit in the blasts , an iraqi interior ministry official said . the ambassador , gen. edward pietrzyk , was evacuated from the scene by a helicopter from blackwater usa , the security firm that protects u.s. diplomats , a source told cnn . the deputy chief of the polish mission said pietrzyk was released wednesday afternoon from a u.s. military hospital and was to be taken first to ramstein air base in germany and then to poland for further treatment . officials said the diplomat had a leg wound and suffered burns in the attack . watch video from the scene of the attack '' the deputy said the u.s. military was handling the investigation . he said he was initially told two or three car bombs were involved . `` the terrorists opened fire after the bombing and our guys returned fire , '' he said . `` we expect the government of iraq to find those responsible for this deliberate attack and punish them . '' iraqi officials said the strike targeted the convoy , but it was unclear if it was an assassination attempt on pietrzyk . but the deputy chief of mission was unequivocal , saying , `` in my view it was a deliberate attack to kill . '' the blasts were powerful : news footage showed the charred suvs , a helicopter landing on a rubble-strewn street , heavily equipped soldiers escorting a bandaged man into the craft and a chopper flying away . after the blast , u.s. troops swiftly moved into the area and sealed it . the americans assisted with evacuation and medical support , said mirembe nantongo , a u.s. embassy spokeswoman in iraq .<doc-sep>the loss of fallujah - where american troops engaged in some of the heaviest fighting of the eight-year u.s.-led war in the country - foreshadowed the later loss of mosul and much of northern iraq . wreckage : a woman walks past destroyed cars following saturday 's bomb blasts in baghdad . tears : mourners carry the coffins of relatives who were killed in saturday 's car bomb attack in baghdad 's shaoula district . 23 people died in the neighbourhood , with a further 22 killed elsewhere in the capital . grief : mourners carry the coffins of relatives who were killed in saturday 's car bomb attack in baghdad . iraq 's interior ministry confirmed al-dulaimi 's death , calling him a ` hero who set a good example for self-sacrifice . ' it praised his role in reorganizing the provincial police force and leading major fighting that caused heavy casualties among the militants . the attack in anbar followed a bloody day in the capital , baghdad , where a series of car bomb attacks killed at least 45 people in shiite-majority areas . the islamic state group also claimed responsibility for those attacks . on saturday the u.s. military said it launched airstrikes north and west of baghdad , hitting a small islamic state fighting unit and destroying armed vehicles.the uk participated in the airstrikes . suicide bombers kill three in afghanistan . a suicide bomber has targeted a nato convoy in kabul , killing one civilian , while another struck an afghan army patrol in the eastern nangarhar province , killing two civilians , afghan officials said . deputy interior minister gen. ayub salangi confirmed the attack in the capital , saying one civilian was killed and three others were wounded . nato said one of its vehicles was attacked in kabul , adding that there were no immediate reports of any casualties among members of the military coalition . taliban insurgents claimed responsibility for the attack in an emailed statement . a suicide bomber targeted a nato convoy in afghanistan 's capital kabul this morning killing an afghan civilian . british nato soldiers and afghan security forces investigate the scene of the suicide car bomb attack in kabul . a u.s. soldier keeps watch at the site of a suicide attack in kabul this morning .<doc-sep>high alert : iraqi soldiers stand at the scene after a bomb exploded in sadr city . damaged : a car 's window is shattered after a booby-trapped motorcycle exploded near a group of day labourers in sadr city . the attacks began when a bomb attached to a motorcycle blew up near a bus stop where day labourers gather to look for work in the sadr city neighbourhood . iraqi police said it killed at least eight people . that was followed by a roadside bomb nearby that killed another person . police found a third bomb close by and defused it . less than two hours later , two blasts struck the neighbourhood of kazimiyah in the north of the iraqi capital , killing at least 14 people . and , a few hours after , a suicide attack hit shiite pilgrims heading to the holy shiite city of karbala , killing 45 . the explosions took place near nasiriyah , about 200 miles southeast of baghdad . officials said the kazimiyah blasts occurred almost simultaneously , with at least one caused by a car bomb . hospital officials confirmed the causalities , which included about 60 wounded . tariq annad , a 52-year-old government employee who lives near the scene of the first blast , said : ' i was heading to my work when the strong blast took place . i saw thick black smoke coming from the area . now , people have real fears that the cycle of violence might be revived in this country . ' implosion : the bomb attacks have increased fears iraq is going to descend into chaos following the withdrawal of u.s. troops last month .<doc-sep>u.s. forces pulled out of iraq 's urban centers june 30 . the u.s. military had suggested keeping its combat troops in mosul beyond the withdrawal deadline , but the iraqi government insisted on making no exceptions for the date set in the security agreement . also on thursday morning , at least seven people were killed and 25 wounded when a bomb detonated in a busy marketplace in sadr city , the vast shiite slum in baghdad , an interior ministry official said . bomb blasts from a rigged bicycle a car in two predominantly shiite neighborhoods of southwestern baghdad wounded six people , according to the official . in baghdad 's central karrada district , a roadside bomb targeting a convoy of iraq 's central bank governor killed one civilian bystander and wounded five , another interior ministry official told cnn . the governor escaped unharmed . cnn 's jomana karadsheh contributed to this report .
<t> new : roadside bomb kills 3 u.s. soldiers and an interpreter in diyala province . </t> <t> earlier , at least 5 u.s. soldiers on foot patrol die in baghdad suicide bombing . </t> <t> baghdad blast marks deadliest attack on u.s. troops since january 28 . </t> <t> female suicide bomber kills sheik , 5-year-old niece and guard at iraqi home . </t>
two blasts in iraq kill eight u.s. troops<T>
baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the office of muqtada al-sadr accused iraqi and u.s. forces of attacking sadr city on friday , just hours after the shiite cleric called for calm in the wake of the assassination of one of his top aides in the southern city of najaf . iraqi sadrists march friday in the najaf funeral procession of sayyed riyadh al-nuri , top aide to muqtada al-sadr . witnesses and media in the heavily shiite baghdad neighborhood of sadr city , home to the cleric 's power base in the capital , reported heavy fighting between u.s.-backed iraqi troops and al-sadr 's mehdi army militia . the witnesses said u.s. aircraft had been bombarding the area for hours , and media reported rockets slamming into houses and many casualties . witnesses and al-sadr 's office said mosques were making loudspeaker announcements about mehdi army attacks on u.s. military armored vehicles . u.s. troops working in support of iraqi soldiers killed two snipers , two other men firing rocket-propelled grenades and `` multiple others from a nearby building where soldiers were taking rpg and machine gun fire , '' the u.s. military said in a statement . at the same time -- about 9 p.m. -- at least six roadside bombs damaged vehicles in a u.s. army convoy that was transporting barriers for a group of iraqi army soldiers establishing a checkpoint , the military said . afterward , the military said , the iraqi and u.s. soldiers were attacked by small-arms , machine-gun and rpg fire from buildings overlooking the road . the soldiers fired back at their attackers , killing at least four of them . more explosions from the buildings indicated possible arms and munitions stored there , the military said . but the small-arms attack continued until the u.s. forces fired two rounds from an m1a2 abrams tank , killing two more attackers . not long afterward , the u.s. air force , operating an unmanned aerial vehicle , fired a hellfire missile at three men spotted setting roadside bombs , killing all three . maj. john gossart , executive officer of the american unit involved , said that no u.s. or iraqi troops were seriously hurt . earlier , al-sadr issued remarks about the killing of sayyed riyadh al-nuri , who was shot outside his house in najaf 's adala neighborhood after returning from friday prayers . `` the hands of the occupiers and their collaborators have treacherously reached our beloved martyr sayyed riyadh al-nuri , '' al-sadr wrote in a statement on the web . al-nuri is one of 17 people killed over 24 hours in airstrikes , fighting and attacks in areas wracked in recent weeks by fighting among shiites . the assassination prompted an immediate vehicle ban in the shiite holy city of najaf , anger among mourners and an intensification of fighting in baghdad 's sadr city neighborhood . iraqi prime minister nuri al-maliki issued a statement deploring the killing and ordering an investigation . al-sadr issued remarks about the killing in a statement on a web site . spokesman sheikh salah al-obeidi emphasized that the cleric is not accusing anyone in particular of the killing but believes that the killers `` are the ones who are following the occupiers ' steps and do n't want stability for the country . '' but al-obeidi called the killing an `` act of provocation '' after the `` siege of sadr city . ''<doc-sep>he was referring to the battles since sunday involving members of al-sadr 's mehdi army militia and iraqi security forces dominated by a rival shiite political movement , the islamic supreme council of iraq . that fighting started with an offensive in basra and spread to other shiite regions , including sadr city and the babil provincial capital of hilla . the al-nuri assassination prompted officials to expand the daily curfew in hilla . police said a ban on all outside movement that usually begins at 11 p.m. and ends at 8 a.m. will instead start at 8:30 p.m. violence continued friday in several places in iraq . suicide bombings killed at least four people -- three of them police -- and wounded 15 , officials said . the first bombing was in ramadi , the provincial capital of the predominantly sunni anbar province west of baghdad , an interior ministry official said . at least three national police officers were killed and five wounded , the official said . the second attack took place at a checkpoint about 20 km -lrb- 12 miles -rrb- north of baiji , according to police , who said the bomber and one other person were killed and 10 were wounded . the casualties were members of a local awakening council who were manning the checkpoint , police said . the suicide bomber was driving a pickup carrying sheep . awakening councils , or sons of iraq , are made up of sunnis who have turned on al qaeda in iraq . also , at least three people were killed and five wounded in a mortar attack on baghdad 's palestine hotel , an interior ministry official said . the palestine hotel -- across the tigris river from the international zone , the heavily guarded seat of u.s. power in baghdad -- is in the path of many of the rockets and mortars aimed at the zone . the u.s. military has blamed iranian-backed shiite militants for recent mortar and rocket attacks in baghdad and international zone , also known as the green zone . unmanned aerial vehicles targeted and killed six suspected insurgents in basra on friday and six `` heavily armed criminals '' in northeastern baghdad on thursday night , the u.s. military said . watch the baghdad drone attack '' the u.s. and iraqi militaries have consistently said they have not been targeting specific groups in their recent battles in shiite areas . iraqi and u.s. government officials say they differentiate between mehdi army members obeying al-sadr 's seven-month cease-fire pledge and `` gangs , '' `` criminals '' or `` outlaws '' who are n't obeying al-sadr 's orders . the intra-shiite fighting in iraq that has killed hundreds of people in the past two weeks has involved two main movements : members of the mehdi army militia loyal to al-sadr , and iraqi security forces dominated by the chief political rival of the sadrists , the islamic supreme council of iraq . many of those security forces had been integrated into police and army units from the council 's badr brigade militia . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's yousif bassil and jomana karadsheh contributed to this report .<doc-sep>last week , a bomb ripped through baghdad 's hurriya district near a neighborhood advisory council meeting where u.s. troops were stationed , killing 63 people and wounding 71 others . the u.s. military also blamed that attack on a special groups cell , but stover could n't say whether it was connected to tuesday 's blast . `` last week 's event was an attempt to incite sectarian violence and hatred against the iraqi sunni population in an effort to keep them from returning to hurriya , '' stover said . sadr city , the scene of tuesday 's deadly blast , is a stronghold of shiite cleric muqtada al-sadr and where some of the capital 's most intense fighting in recent months has occurred between shiite militia members and iraqi security forces . a truce deal was reached last month between the iraqi government and al-sadr 's followers , ending weeks of fighting and allowing the iraqi army to enter sadr city , but violence persists . al-sadr recently announced his intention to develop a new fighting force that would battle u.s.-led forces in iraq . many followers in al-sadr 's mehdi army militia have heeded a long-standing cease-fire , but some rogue forces are thought to be involved in violence . `` this was the fourth meeting of this district council , led by hard-working iraqis determined to make a difference and set sadr city off on the right path . special groups are afraid of progress and afraid of empowering the people , '' lt. col. john digiambatista of the 4th infantry division said in a news release , referring to tuesday 's attack . twenty-five u.s. troops have died in iraq to date this month . there have been 4,109 deaths of u.s. service members since the war began . other developments . • three u.s. soldiers and their iraqi interpreter were killed tuesday evening by a roadside bomb in northern iraq 's nineveh province , the u.s. military said . no other details were immediately released . • a suicide car bomb went off near a police station in central mosul tuesday evening , killing a child , a police officer and wounding dozens more . police and civilians , including women and children , were among the wounded , though injury reports varied from 90 to 70 to 57 , according to the u.s. military , mosul police and the iraq interior ministry , respectively . all three sources agreed on the death toll , however . several houses were affected by the blast , which destroyed a coffee shop in a residential area . • earlier tuesday , coalition troops in mosul killed a senior-level al qaeda in iraq leader , the u.s. military said . the operation led to the killing of the group 's `` emir '' of mosul , the military said . a dozen people were detained in raids targeting the group in northern iraq and baghdad , the military said . • u.s. troops raided a shiite militant hideout tuesday in southeastern baghdad 's karrada district , capturing four suspects the military said were connected to recent attacks on coalition bases . a vehicle bomb being built in the hideout was destroyed , according to a coalition statement . • anbar province will soon be run by the iraqi military . the u.s. military said it is transferring security responsibility this week to the iraqis . anbar is the 10th of the 18 provinces where iraqi forces have taken charge of security control since 2003 and the first largely sunni arab province to do so . cnn 's yousif bassil and jomana karadsheh contributed to this report .<doc-sep>baghdad , iraq -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- three u.s. soldiers were killed and 31 others wounded in two rocket attacks sunday afternoon in baghdad , the u.s. military said . mehdi army militiamen celebrate after attacking an iraqi army vehicle in baghdad 's sadr city on sunday . earlier sunday , fighting between u.s. troops and the mehdi army militia loyal to shiite cleric muqtada al-sadr left at least 20 dead and 52 wounded in baghdad 's sadr city , according to an iraqi interior ministry official . the u.s. military said it had no information about the sadr city fighting . sunday 's violence came as iraqi prime minister nuri al-maliki demanded al-sadr disband his mehdi army and threatened to bar al-sadr 's followers from the political process if the cleric refused . watch a report from the front line in sadr city '' `` a decision was taken yesterday that they no longer have a right to participate in the political process or take part in the upcoming elections unless they end the mehdi army , '' al-maliki said . sunday 's american fatalities bring the death toll of u.s. troops in the iraq war to 4,022 ; that toll includes eight civilian contractors working for the pentagon . nearly 30,000 others have been wounded in action .<doc-sep>a member of the american-backed militia sons of iraq was killed wednesday , and four others -- three of them also sons of iraq members -- were wounded , when an improvised explosive device detonated near the town of hawija , iraq , the u.s. military said . the sons of iraq members were returning from a meeting when the explosion occurred , the military said . the wounded were taken to a hospital in hawija , about 70 kilometers -lrb- 43 miles -rrb- southwest of kirkuk . u.s. and iraqi troops have clashed with shiite militants in sadr city , a sprawling , crowded shiite slum . many of the militants are loyal to cleric muqtada al-sadr and his mehdi army militia . much of the fighting has been between the mehdi army and u.s.-backed iraqi security forces , which are dominated by a rival shiite group , the islamic supreme council of iraq . the fighting intensified march 25 , when the iraqi government announced a crackdown on `` criminal elements '' in basra , a shiite stronghold in southern iraq . the fighting soon spread through southern iraq 's shiite heartland and into shiite neighborhoods in the capital . there also has been violence in areas dominated by sunnis , such as nineveh and anbar provinces . skirmishes in sadr city were aggravated this month when al-sadr aide sayyed riyadh al-nuri was shot outside his home in the shiite holy city of najaf . al-sadr suspended the activities of his militia in august . u.s. military commanders cited the suspension as a major reason for a decline in violence in iraq . another factor , commanders said , was last year 's troop escalation , dubbed the `` surge . '' al-sadr issued a cease-fire for his followers march 30 . fighting in sadr city waned but remained intense , the u.s. military said . the cleric has intermittently appealed for calm and threatened to rescind his cease-fire order in recent weeks . al-maliki has threatened to boot al-sadr 's supporters from parliament if the mehdi army does not stand down . an adviser to al-maliki said this week that the government would halt its assault on militias if the groups hand in their weapons , turn in wanted militia members and refrain from interfering in the affairs of the iraqi government and security forces . al-sadr has rejected the offer , saying al-maliki has n't kept his end of the present cease-fire -- under which , the cleric 's supporters said , the iraqi government would free nonconvicted prisoners belonging to the sadrist movement and discontinue attacks on al-sadr 's followers . last week , al-sadr threatened to wage `` open war '' on u.s. troops if attacks do not cease . he issued a separate statement friday to emphasize that his militia would target `` occupiers '' and not iraqis . in that statement , al-sadr also said he would not accept the long-term agreement that the united states and iraqi governments are crafting to replace the u.n. mandate for multinational forces in iraq . the mandate expires in december . e-mail to a friend . cnn 's mohammed tawfeeq and jomana karadsheh contributed to this report .<doc-sep>baghdad -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- three iraq boys were killed in an airstrike in eastern baghdad on saturday as they were sifting through trash , looking for stuff to sell , said a 10-year-old boy wounded in the attack . ambulances sit damaged after a u.s. attack saturday near baghdad 's al-sadr hospital . `` i was hit by an american helicopter , '' ahmed yahya said . `` i was with a group of about 10 children who were collecting empty soft drink cans in jamila . we have n't done anything . '' u.s. military officials confirmed firing two hellfire missiles at a rooftop in the vicinity about the same time that the boy said the attack took place . however , they say the only damage u.s. forces saw was to the rooftop . another boy said his brother died in the attack . dr. jawad al-mousawi , chief doctor at imam ali hospital in sadr city , said the hospital received the bodies of three boys and a wounded boy about 2 p.m. . he said the hospital saw three other fatalities and treated 23 wounded people from airstrikes and fighting across the city . an ambulance driver at the hospital said it took three hours to transport the boys because of fighting in the area . elsewhere in baghdad , u.s. soldiers killed five suspected militants and detained 24 others in fighting friday and saturday in the city 's southern rashid district . earlier saturday at least 28 people were wounded in a u.s. attack on a building near a hospital in baghdad 's sprawling sadr city area , an iraqi interior ministry official said . employees of al-sadr hospital were among the wounded , and the facility 's property sustained damage , including to some ambulances , the official said . in a statement , the u.s. military said the strike targeted `` known criminal elements . '' `` we did hit the target , which was a criminal command and control center , which was near a hospital , '' the military said , adding that it was assessing damages . watch scenes of damage near the hospital '' the interior ministry official called the attack an airstrike , but the u.s. military said it was a guided multiple-launch rocket system strike . these guided rockets are launched from armored vehicles . al-sadr hospital is one of the two main medical facilities in the district , where iraqi and u.s. troops have been battling shiite militias loyal to radical shiite cleric muqtada al-sadr . the strike left a large hole in the ground near the hospital , video footage showed . chunks of concrete and other rubble covered the ground , and car windows were shattered . the southern portion of sadr city has been walled off so that u.s. military and iraqi security forces can control movements there . other developments . • four u.s. marines were killed saturday when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb in iraq 's al anbar province , the military said . their names were withheld pending notification of their families . • turkey 's military said saturday that it had killed more than 150 kurdish rebels in northern iraq in an operation that ended early friday , according to a statement on the military 's web site . turkey has been staging attacks against rebels with the pkk , or kurdistan workers ' party , in the qandil mountain region in northern iraq . a pkk official said friday there were no party casualties . • a roadside bomb exploded saturday at a traffic patrol in the western part of baghdad , killing an iraqi traffic police officer and wounding eight others , including six traffic police officers , a ministry official said . • overnight , six people were killed and 25 were wounded in sadr city , the interior ministry said . the u.s. military said it killed six `` criminals . '' on friday , u.s. forces killed eight suspected militants during 10 hours of fighting in the shiite neighborhood , a military statement said . • a u.s. soldier on combat patrol in eastern baghdad was killed friday when a roadside bomb struck the soldier 's vehicle , the military said . the number of u.s. military deaths in the iraq war stands at 4,066 , including eight defense department contractors . e-mail to a friend .
<t> new : u.s. troops kill two snipers , two other men firing rocket-propelled grenades . </t> <t> army says u.s. , iraqi patrol came under fire setting up checkpoint . </t> <t> muqtada al-sadr blames u.s. , calls for calm after top aide killed in najaf . </t> <t> mortar attack kills three at palestine hotel across from international zone . </t>
iraqi , u.s. troops accused of sadr city attack<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- red cross president and ceo mark w. everson has stepped down after revelations he was `` engaged in a personal relationship with a subordinate employee , '' the organization announced tuesday . mark w. everson says he is leaving his post , effective immediately , for `` personal and family reasons . '' the red cross board of governors asked for and received everson 's resignation after it `` concluded that the situation reflected poor judgment on mr. everson 's part and diminished his ability to lead the organization in the future , '' the red cross said in a statement on its web site . everson , 53 , said in a written statement that he was leaving the $ 500,000-per-year job `` for personal and family reasons , and deeply regret it is impossible for me to continue in a job so recently undertaken . '' everson -- who is married and has two children -- joined the red cross as president and ceo last may .<doc-sep>the organization became aware of everson 's relationship with a female red cross employee 10 days ago , chief public affairs officer suzy c. defrancis told cnn in a telephone interview . `` i think the board acted very quickly , '' she said , adding that the woman remains in her job . about everson , defrancis said , `` we 're grateful for his service . '' the board of governors on tuesday appointed mary s. elcano , general counsel and five-year red cross employee , as interim president and ceo . everson had worked in the bush administration from august 2001 -- including serving as commissioner of the internal revenue service -- until he was hired by the red cross .<doc-sep>`` this is flabbergasting , that 's all i can say . it 's completely contrary to his public persona that he evidenced while he was at the irs , '' said suzanne ross mcdowell , a washington-based attorney who served on an advisory committee to the irs division that deals with tax-exempt organizations . `` from the standpoint of exempt organizations on the non-profit sector , it 's just another news story that we would rather not see , '' she said . `` it 's got nothing to do with the red cross , '' said ira milstein , a new york lawyer specializing in corporate governance who has worked with the organization and was impressed with everson . `` he was a team player and a good leader . to have him fall off a cliff like this is just sad . '' a search committee has been formed to begin the process of finding everson 's permanent replacement , the organization said .<doc-sep>the job has been a challenging one . marsha j. evans resigned as president in 2005 , after the red cross response to hurricane katrina came under fire . four years earlier , bernadine healy quit the post after the organization was criticized for mishandling donations intended for victims of the september 11 terrorist attacks and collecting vast quantities of blood that was not needed and ultimately thrown out . healy told reporters she `` had no choice '' about her resignation . meanwhile , defrancis acknowledged tuesday that , 14 years after a court ordered the agency to improve its collection of blood , it has yet to meet federal safety and quality-control requirements . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- red cross president and ceo mark w. everson has stepped down after revelations he was `` engaged in a personal relationship with a subordinate employee , '' the organization announced tuesday . mark w. everson says he is leaving his post , effective immediately , for `` personal and family reasons . '' the red cross board of governors asked for and received everson 's resignation after it `` concluded that the situation reflected poor judgment on mr. everson 's part and diminished his ability to lead the organization in the future , '' the red cross said in a statement on its web site . everson , 53 , said in a written statement that he was leaving the $ 500,000-per-year job `` for personal and family reasons , and deeply regret it is impossible for me to continue in a job so recently undertaken . '' everson -- who is married and has two children -- joined the red cross as president and ceo last may . the organization became aware of everson 's relationship with a female red cross employee 10 days ago , chief public affairs officer suzy c. defrancis told cnn in a telephone interview .<doc-sep>to make a one-time $ 10 donation to shelterbox from the united states , text `` shelter '' to 20222 on your mobile phone . go online to donate from other countries . volunteers and staff with the international federation of the red cross and red crescent societies are working to distribute aid to communities cut off by the floods for over a week . the thai red cross , an ifrc member , has helped victims in 36 provinces since the flooding began in june . it says it has given out more than 175,000 aid kits and 2 million bottles of water . go online to donate to ifrc 's disaster relief emergency fund . catholic relief services and its partners have provided thousands of flood victims with weeks ' worth of food aid , emergency medicine , and personal hygiene kits in some of the hardest hit areas around bangkok .<doc-sep>the activist wrote that in every case she has seen out in the field , the red cross was underprepared and not stocked with necessities . in one instance , she said , red cross workers asked volunteers for water to hand out ` because they did n't have any themselves - $ 150million should buy a few bottles of water . ' ' i went to a shelter monday night after . the storm . people were coming in with no socks , with no shoes . they were . in desperate need . their housing was destroyed . they were crying . where . was the red cross ? ' - staten island president jim molinaro , speaking on november 1 . but ms manning has n't been the only one to notice the obvious absence of the relief organization . in a november 1 press conference , staten island borough president jim molinaro called the organization an ` absolute disgrace . ' he later described his logic : ` i went to a shelter monday night after the storm . people were coming in with no socks , with no shoes . they were in desperate need . their housing was destroyed . they were crying . where was the red cross ? ` is n't that their function ? they collect millions of dollars . whenever there 's a drive in staten island , we give openly and honestly . where are they ? where are they ? ' he encouraged residents of staten island not to donate to the non-profit , saying , ` let them get their money elsewhere . ' however , mr molinaro spoke on cnn with anderson cooper a day later , saying that ` things are looking up . ' he said that more aid was coming , and had spoken with gov. cuomo and president obama over receiving necessary assistance . aftermath : an aerial photo from halloween shows the wrecked amusement park on the jersey shore in seaside heights . submerged : a photo from october 30 shows a parking lot full of yellow cabs in hoboken , new jersey ; officials now estimate the storm caused more than $ 62billion in damages . flooded : an mta official shines a flashlight on standing water inside the south ferry 1 train station in new york days after sandy ; the station is closed and authorities say it will cost $ 600m to restore . anne marie borrego , a spokesperson for the red cross , told mailonline that her organization was indeed on the ground in the days following sandy . ` there are some things in the -lsb- daily beast -rsb- piece that are inaccurate . we have been all over the rockaways , there have been tons of press releases of where we would be , and we alerted local media . 's he said that the red cross was not contacted for comment before the beast 's story was published . ` we positioned supplies so we were ready to go in after the storm . we do n't put people or supplies in harm 's way , so once the storm passed ; we were able to move supplies and individuals in . ` we had thousands of volunteers on the ground , we were spanning across all five boroughs . ' ms borrego said that the red cross has already spent $ 60 - $ 70million of the donated funds for items like blankets and cleaning supplies , and said that they 've served over 7.5 million meals . help : the red cross says they have served more than 7million meals and spent $ 50 - $ 60million in relief efforts ; red cross volunteer ellen foreman hands hot meals to atlantic city residents on november 12 . the waiting game : pictured november 14 , people wait in line to receive free food from the american red cross in the heavily damaged rockaway neighborhood in queens .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- designer and tv host nate berkus is a member of the american red cross celebrity cabinet , which helps to highlight the organization 's initiatives and response efforts . founded in 1881 , the american red cross is part of a worldwide movement that offers humanitarian care to victims of war and natural disasters . berkus recently spoke with cnn 's allie torgan about his personal connection to the red cross and how he is giving back . below are excerpts from that interview . allie torgan : why are you involved with the red cross ? nate berkus : i have a very personal connection to the red cross because when i survived the tsunami -- the indian ocean tsunami , which was seven years ago now -- the swiss red cross was the first sign of help that i saw with my own eyes . the sad part for me was that my partner , who i was traveling with to a tiny surfing village in sri lanka , did n't survive ... like many , many other people . and it was really an eye-opening experience for me ... and a soul-opening experience for me because i think we really do n't know who we are until we do n't have the resources that we need .
<t> red cross says it became aware of the relationship 10 days ago . </t> <t> relationship allegedly involves a subordinate female red cross employee . </t> <t> board `` concluded that the situation reflected poor judgment on mr. everson 's part '' </t> <t> everson : i `` deeply regret it is impossible for me to continue '' </t>
red cross president forced out over ` personal relationship '<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- canada 's house of commons voted thursday to extend the country 's military mission in afghanistan until 2011 , with the stipulation that nato send reinforcements to the volatile kandahar province . canadian soldiers walk along a track at the kandahar air base in afghanistan last month . most of canada 's 2,500 troops in afghanistan are in kandahar as part of the nato-led mission to stabilize the war-torn country . their presence has sparked controversy in canada , with the bloc quebecois and the new democratic party calling for an immediate troop withdrawal .<doc-sep>supporters of the mission argued that canadians have made progress in providing schools , health care and clean water for thousands of afghans . they said the improving conditions would be impossible without troops ensuring a secure environment for aid workers and local residents . `` the military needs to be there , '' said harold albrecht , a conservative member of parliament . `` the military provides the civil order we would expect from police here . ''<doc-sep>the canadian mission in afghanistan was to end next february . it has claimed the lives of 80 soldiers and a diplomat , according to the associated press . canadian prime minister stephen harper has endorsed a panel 's recommendation to keep troops in place only if another nato nation dispatches additional troops to kandahar . canada wants a minimum of 1,000 reinforcements , the globe and mail reported .<doc-sep>thursday 's motion , passed with a 198-77 vote , brought harper 's conservative party and the opposition liberals together on the issue . other parties , however , noted that the cost of maintaining a troop presence in afghanistan has not been disclosed to parliament or the public . `` we must provide clarity to the canadian people , '' said nathan cullen of the new democratic party . `` we believe it to be wrong for our country . '' e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- canada 's house of commons voted thursday to extend the country 's military mission in afghanistan until 2011 , with the stipulation that nato send reinforcements to the volatile kandahar province . canadian soldiers walk along a track at the kandahar air base in afghanistan last month . most of canada 's 2,500 troops in afghanistan are in kandahar as part of the nato-led mission to stabilize the war-torn country . their presence has sparked controversy in canada , with the bloc quebecois and the new democratic party calling for an immediate troop withdrawal . supporters of the mission argued that canadians have made progress in providing schools , health care and clean water for thousands of afghans .<doc-sep>based in the kandahar area , canadian forces have been one of the major troop contributors to nato 's international security assistance force . there are more than 2,900 troops at present , isaf said , and 152 canadian service members have lost their lives in the conflict , according to a cnn count of the fatalities . after next year and until march 2014 , canadian troops will continue training afghan security forces and will provide up to 950 military trainers and support personnel . `` since this mission began , canada , along with our international partners , has helped to train and mentor about 50,000 afghan troops . the post-2011 non-combat training mission will further contribute to the goal of preparing afghans to assume responsibility for their own security , '' said national defence minister peter mackay .<doc-sep>this election will change the political dialogue in canada with the conservatives potentially in full control of law-making in the house of commons . some of harper 's priorities for defense , the economy and justice issues now stand a much better chance of becoming law . the head of canada 's green party also made history on monday night . elizabeth may became the first green party member to be elected to parliament . the election was called after canada 's house of commons passed a no-confidence resolution aimed at harper 's government , triggering the dissolution of parliament . liberal party leader michael ignatieff sponsored the resolution , citing a recent house committee report that found the government in contempt for failing to provide lawmakers with requested information on its spending plans .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- canada , which is ending its combat mission in afghanistan in july , on tuesday announced `` a new role '' to play in the war-torn nation , with a focus on security , diplomacy , human rights and development . `` building on strengths and accomplishments over the past years , canada is committed to helping build a more secure , stable and self-sufficient afghanistan that is no longer a safe haven for terrorists , '' said foreign minister lawrence cannon . the government says the estimated cost from 2011 to 2014 `` is $ 700 million -lrb- us $ 694.5 million -rrb- a year over three years , although final costs will not be known until after 2014 . '' `` the combat mission will end in 2011 , '' cannon said in a statement . `` as we continue to work alongside the afghan people and the international community , canada will continue to play an important role in supporting efforts toward a better future for all afghans . ''
<t> troops to stay until 2011 , with the stipulation that nato contribute more forces . </t> <t> most of canada 's 2,500 troops in afghanistan are in kandahar province . </t> <t> the canadian mission in afghanistan was to end next february . </t> <t> critics say the cost has not been disclosed to parliament or the public . </t>
canada 's house of commons extends afghan mission<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- they 're big , strong , and fierce -- and they wear little blue booties . the police dogs in duesseldorf , germany are now patrolling the pavement in protective shoes that their police-officer handlers strap onto their paws . the reason ? too many glass shards left by beer drinkers in the city center , said andre hartwich , a spokesman for police in duesseldorf .<doc-sep>`` we wondered how can we protect our dogs ' feet against glass , '' said hartwich . `` we looked on the internet and found these shoes . '' beer drinkers along the rhine river and in the city 's altstadt , or old town , often discard beer bottles on pebbled walkways . broken glass poses a problem for the police force 's 20 german shepherds and belgian shepherds , hartwich said . in addition , hooligans and vandals leave behind glass shards around new year 's eve and during the city 's famous carnival celebrations .<doc-sep>so what 's a dog to do ? their handlers shelled out 60 euros -- $ 89 -- for shoes that are also worn by dogs who walk on ice in alaska .<doc-sep>dogs need a month of training to get used to wearing the shoes , hartwich said . `` we have to condition the dogs to the shoes , '' he said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- they 're big , strong , and fierce -- and they wear little blue booties . the police dogs in duesseldorf , germany are now patrolling the pavement in protective shoes that their police-officer handlers strap onto their paws . the reason ? too many glass shards left by beer drinkers in the city center , said andre hartwich , a spokesman for police in duesseldorf . `` we wondered how can we protect our dogs ' feet against glass , '' said hartwich . `` we looked on the internet and found these shoes . '' beer drinkers along the rhine river and in the city 's altstadt , or old town , often discard beer bottles on pebbled walkways . broken glass poses a problem for the police force 's 20 german shepherds and belgian shepherds , hartwich said . in addition , hooligans and vandals leave behind glass shards around new year 's eve and during the city 's famous carnival celebrations . so what 's a dog to do ? their handlers shelled out 60 euros -- $ 89 -- for shoes that are also worn by dogs who walk on ice in alaska . dogs need a month of training to get used to wearing the shoes , hartwich said . `` we have to condition the dogs to the shoes , '' he said . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>a massive 93 per cent of british women say that wearing high heels is painful . british women own 25 pairs of shoes - but do n't wear a quarter of them because they are too uncomfortable , according to a new study . the research shows the typical woman has five shoes worth # 190 languishing unused , as much as # 3.3 billion worth lying abandoned across the uk . yet this apparent waste does n't slow down spending , with the research showing british women buy 17 pairs a year at a cost of # 608 . even the stylish french and spanish buy fewer pairs , although it seems women on the continent are more likely to value quality over quantity . the study commissioned by compeed shows german , italian and french women all spend more per pair , with ladies in this country typically raiding the sales and spending # 38 a time . four in ten british women admit they snap up ` bargains ' in the summer and spring sales . in contrast , german and italian women spend # 55 on each pair of shoes . perhaps buying in haste leads british women to regret their purchases with 21 per cent admitting they feel pain due to blisters .<doc-sep>by . olivia williams . published : . 07:28 est , 25 july 2013 . | . updated : . 07:42 est , 25 july 2013 . border control turned fashion police when staff at an american airport decided these shoes were not going to fly . security at la guardia airport in new york confiscated these gun-shaped heels , even though the plastic models would never be capable of firing a bullet . ` what not to wear through a #lga checkpoint , ' a transportation security administration spokeswoman tweeted , along with a photo of the shoes , on july 16 . what not to wear : these high fashion gun-heeled shoes were confiscated at new york 's la guardia airport . the spokesman explained that the gun . heels would have been permitted in checked luggage but no mock weapons .<doc-sep>by . james rush . bravery : norwegian spy sven somme fled to britain after spending two months evading capture and execution following an epic escape from his german captors . the incredible bravery of a member of the norwegian resistance who escaped his german captors by trekking 200 miles across snowy mountains has been revealed . sven somme fled to britain after spending two months evading capture and execution following an epic escape . during his time in the resistance , the spy photographed strategic german military bases in his home country using a covert camera and sent tiny microfilms to the allies hidden under stamps on letters . now , some 70 years later , an incredible archive of secret documents he gathered has been found . mr somme was caught by the germans in 1944 and arrested for spying , an offence punished by firing squad , but managed to break out of his handcuffs and tip-toe past his sleeping guard . he was pursued by 900 enemy soldiers with sniffer dogs and trekked for 200 miles across snow-capped mountains , even swinging from pine trees so not to leave footprints behind . he eventually reached neutral sweden and safety . following the death of his widow , his daughter , ellie targett , who lives in herefordshire , found the intelligence documents that very nearly got him killed during a clear out . they included parts of envelopes containing tiny maps and intelligence reports hidden under the stamps in the top right corner . mrs targett , 60 , found secret instructions sent to mr somme from the resistance that had been written in invisible ink over a mundane , typed letter on a piece of a4 paper . and she also uncovered the nazi warrant , printed in both german and norwegian , calling for mr somme 's immediate arrest and a hand-drawn map on grease-proof paper he used during his escape . mrs targett took the documents , along with the pair of brogue leather shoes her late father wore during the early stages of his flight to freedom , to a recent antiques roadshow event . mr somme managed to swap the brown leather shoes for a pair of mountain boots that were given to him by a family who had sheltered him . demonstration : sven somme demonstrates how he leapt from tree to tree so as not to leave tracks during his escape -lrb- left -rrb- . right , mr somme is pictured with his wife primrose , who he met in britain . documents : his daughter has now found an incredible archive of secret documents he collected while working as a spy . incredibly , they had kept the shoes and gave them to mrs targett when she retraced her father 's escape in 2004 . mrs targett said : ' i knew my father was a spy for the resistance and that he was told he was going to be executed when he was caught because he wrote a manuscript in english as soon as he was safe . ` but i was n't aware that he kept all these secret documents . my mother had them and when she died all of their stuff ended up in my garage .
<t> police dogs in duesseldorf , germany are now wearing protective shoes . </t> <t> glass shards left by beer drinkers in the city center are the reason . </t> <t> duesseldorf police force has 20 german and belgian shepherds . </t> <t> dogs shoes cost $ 60 -lrb- $ 89 -rrb- and are also worn by dogs who walk on ice in alaska . </t>
german police dogs now wear shoes<T>
barcelona , spain -- barcelona are ready for twice world player of the year ronaldinho to move on , said club president joan laporta . ronaldinho is expected to leave barcelona this summer after struggling for form last season . laporta told the catalan tv3 station that the brazilian midfielder , who struggled with injuries and poor form last season , needed new challenges in his career . `` when the wheel turns , it 's normal that the key figures leave , '' laporta said . `` i would like ronaldinho to be given a great send-off so that he is remembered for all he has given us and that if he did n't do any more it was because the circumstances would n't allow it . `` last year , we thought that it might be the year to sell him , but given his enthusiasm and the appreciation that a club like barcelona needs to have , we decided to let him stay on . things have n't turned out the way he wanted them to . '' laporta recognized that it might not be easy to sell ronaldinho , who suffered a series of injury and fitness problems this season and made the starting line-up in only 13 of 38 league matches . ronaldinho last played for barcelona in the 2-1 loss at home to villarreal on march 9 , has suffered muscle pain in his right leg been out of action ever since . ac milan showed an interest in signing him and his brother robert de assis said personal terms had been agreed . but the clubs failed to reach agreement over a transfer fee . after a second successive season without a trophy barcelona announced on may 7 that rijkaard would leave at the end of the season and be replaced by former player josep guardiola . `` we decided that if frank did not continue then we would choose guardiola because pep possessed the necessary humility , '' said laporta . `` we did n't think about coaches like mourinho or -lrb- rafa -rrb- benitez , who are both great coaches , but are n't right for barcelona . so we told rijkaard that when he left guardiola would take his place . '' barca 's arch-rivals real madrid , who lifted another spanish title this season , have signed their first newcomer for the next campaign by paying a reported 10 million euros -lrb- $ 15.5 million -rrb- for argentine defender ezequiel garay from racing santander . marca newspaper said the 21-year-old argentine had signed a six-year contract . meanwhile , reports that real could be making a move for manchester united 's cristiano ronaldo were dismissed by coach bernd schuster . `` i prefer to spend my time talking about things that have some bearing to reality , '' he told a press conference . marca had reported that real were still interested in buying ronaldo who has put off all talk of his future until after the champions league final .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- barcelona coach frank rijkaard has confirmed that he expects ac milan target ronaldinho to leave the nou camp at the end of this season . brazil forward ronaldinho is expected to join italian club ac milan during the summer transfer window . the brazilian 's agent has had talks with the former european champions , but barcelona have yet to agree a fee for the player . rijkaard , whose own position is under some doubt after a poor domestic season , told catalan television channel tv3 that ronaldinho may feature in barca 's final spanish league home match against real mallorca on may 11 if he recovers from injury . `` yes , it could be then , '' said the dutchman . `` he could yet play in the last game of the season in the nou camp . if he is to play again , he has to be fit , '' added rijkaard . when asked whether former paris st germain star ronaldinho would leave in the summer , rijkaard replied : `` you would have to think so .<doc-sep>david beckham helped real madrid to their first win at the nou camp for 20 years in 2003 . 5 . ronaldinho worked a miracle in november 2005 when he brought the santiago bernabeu to its feet after one of his greatest individual performances . he scored twice and samuel eto'o once in a 3-0 win for barcelona . madrid were awful but their supporters showed their class with the appreciation of ronaldinho 's brilliance . ronaldinho and sammuel eto'o helped barca to a 3-0 win at the bernabeu in 2005 . 4 . he did n't get the ovation but he did get a hat-trick at the bernabeu in march 2007 . leo messi took on madrid single-handedly and came away with a point . ruud van nistelrooy scored twice and sergio ramos got the third for madrid but messi -- yet to really explode as a striker under pep guardiola -- managed to score all three on his full debut in the fixture . lionel messi was barcelona 's hat-trick hero in 2007 but the points were shared in a 3-3 draw . 3 . in joint third place two recent cup finals . jose mourinho turned up to end barcelona 's reign in spain and in his first season he inflicted a telling blow with 1-0 win in the 2011 spanish cup final . he had to wait until the 103rd minute before the goal came but with ronaldo heading in an angel di maria cross the white half of valencia 's mestalla stadium could celebrate a famous win . back in the same stadium last year madrid and barca were heading for a draw when the cardiff express gareth bale ran from the halfway line -- leaving the pitch at one point -- to get a glorious winner .<doc-sep>a legend in his own time , lionel messi has consistently produced barnstorming performances for barca . diego maradona -- the second greatest footballer ever made not much more than a pit-stop in catalonia but his virtuoso brilliance and wonder goals can not be left out of any all-time team for which he qualifies . johan cruyff -- the genius who orchestrated total football for ajax and holland and went on to conduct barcelona to honours as both player and manager . another of the all-time top five who simply has to be in this line-up . two geniuses of the nou camp , johan cruyff -lrb- left -rrb- and the argentinian master diego maradona . laslo kubala -- sometimes known as ladislav , this hungarian giant of the late 40s , 50s and early 60s was to barca what puskas was to real -- a goal machine harnessed to magical touch with his passing . scorer of 194 in 256 matches spanning a decade at barcelona , he was the first striker in the world to perfect the art of bending free kicks round and over defensive walls -- with that heavy old ball to boot . a forgotten hero in some quarters -- but not here . ronaldinho -- not unlike george best , this brazilian enigma was the best player on the planet -- for a while . the ball-conjuring skills were as captivating as that beaming smile and all his four most enchanted club seasons were his gift to barcelona , whom he insired to champions league glory as well as la liga titles while being twice elected world footballer of the year . ronaldinho celebrates scoring against away at real zaragoza during his time at barcelona in february 2008 . this leaves us with just one question to answer : who would have won . for my pesetas real 's extra width plus the telepathy between di stefano and puskas would give them the edge in this 10-goal spectacular : . real madrid 6 barcelona 4 . puskas -lrb- 2 -rrb- kubala . di stefano maradona . raul messi . ronaldo ronaldinho . zidane .<doc-sep>jose mourinho , lionel messi and ronaldinho are the star names confirmed for deco 's testimonial in july . the match in honour of the former portuguese international will feature two of his teams , porto 's class of '04 and barcelona 's class of ' 06 . mourinho , currently in charge of chelsea , will manage his champions league-winning hosts at the dragao stadium . video scroll to the bottom to watch some of jose 's funniest moment from the season . remember me ? jose mourinho will take charge of porto for deco 's testimonial in july . superstars : lionel messi and ronaldinho will reunite for barcelona 's class of ' 06 , coached by frank rijkaard . calls time : deco called time on his glittering career earlier this year . after kick-starting a generation at the catalan club , dutch coach frank rijkaard will take charge of fellow european winners in 2006 barca in the one-off game . lionel messi , ronaldinho , samuel eto'o and henrik larsson will be on show according to portuguese publication o jogo , while xavi and andres iniesta 's participation depends on their fitness after the world cup . messi made his debut in a barcelona shirt at the dragao stadium , and the match will give him a chance to link up with his idol once again .
<t> barcelona are ready to let brazilian international ronaldinho leave the club . </t> <t> club president joan laporta says that ronaldinho needs new challenges . </t> <t> barcelona have already replaced coach frank rijkaard with pep guardiola . </t>
barca ready for ronaldinho to move on<T>
washington -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- the taliban in afghanistan -- whose government was toppled by u.s.-led forces after the september 11 attacks in 2001 -- has strengthened its military and technical capabilities even while suffering heavy combat losses , says a state department report released wednesday . afghan policemen stand wednesday outside the ruins of a house destroyed during clashes with taliban insurgents . `` the taliban-led insurgency remained a capable , determined , and resilient threat to stability and to the expansion of government authority , particularly in the pashtun south and east , '' according to the `` country reports on terrorism 2007 . '' the taliban 's information operations have become `` increasingly aggressive and sophisticated , '' and their ability to obtain al qaeda support and recruit soldiers from the taliban base of rural pashtuns is `` undiminished , '' the report says .<doc-sep>but new civilian-military counterinsurgency approaches in the east , particularly nangarhar , have begun to yield successes , the report says . the taliban is funding its terror activities with money from supporters in neighboring pakistan and from narcotics trafficking and kidnappings . kidnappings of foreigners have increased , the report says . the group also has increased its use of improvised explosive devices , and suicide bombings have become more frequent and more deadly , it says . quoting u.n.-compiled figures , the state department said terrorists launched about 140 suicide-bomb attacks in 2007 . the number of terror attacks in afghanistan increased from 969 in 2006 to 1,127 last year , and the number of people killed , injured or kidnapped as the result of terrorism rose from 3,557 in 2006 to 4,673 in 2007 , the report says .<doc-sep>in the face of attacks by the taliban and related groups on coalition forces and others , afghanistan has struggled to build a stable , democratic government . however , it has taken steps to build strong relationships with neighboring pakistan and address problems such as poverty that help fuel terrorism , the report says . the program for strengthening peace and reconciliation has persuaded more than 5,000 taliban members and other insurgents to stop their lives of violence , it says . the shifting situation in afghanistan prompted the top u.s. military officer to say in early april that he is `` deeply concerned '' about the situation there , and that maintaining troops in iraq is harming overall u.s. military capabilities . `` the taliban is growing bolder , suicide attacks are on the rise , and so is the trade in illegal narcotics , '' said adm. mike mullen , chairman of the joint chiefs of staff .<doc-sep>u.s. defense secretary robert gates said the united states needs more troops to hold areas of southern afghanistan -- the region of highest concern -- and to train local army and police personnel . the two men testified before the senate armed services committee . the united states recently sent an additional 3,500 troops to afghanistan , but commanders in the region would like 10,000 to 12,000 more , gates said . he said he doubted nato would make up the difference . although 25 nato allies and 13 other countries have contributed forces , the bulk of the recent fighting in afghanistan has been done by u.s. , canadian , british and dutch troops . canadian troops are based in the southern province of kandahar , once a taliban stronghold . e-mail to a friend .<doc-sep>kabul , afghanistan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- pakistan continues to support the taliban in afghanistan , a secret nato report says , according to a journalist who has read it , despite years of pakistani denials and american pressure to stop backing the insurgency . pakistan 's inter services intelligence agency knows the whereabouts of all senior taliban commanders , times of london reporter jerome starkey said wednesday , citing the report . pakistan dismissed the accusation that it is helping the taliban across the border . `` we are committed to non-interference in afghanistan , '' pakistan foreign office spokesman abdul basit said wednesday . `` this is frivolous , to put it mildly . '' he added , `` pakistan has suffered enormously because of the long conflict in afghanistan . a stable and peaceful afghanistan is in our own interest and we are very much cognizant of this . '' nato downplayed the importance of the document . the classified report is based on the `` opinions or ideals '' of taliban detainees , and represented only their opinions , not the actual progress of nato against the taliban , international security assistance force spokesman lt. col. jimmie e. cummings said . the document says the taliban depend on pakistan for support , even though they do not necessarily welcome it , starkey said . `` it is a marriage of convenience , '' he said . the taliban see pakistan as manipulative , but they see no alternative to accepting its support , he said . the taliban are absolutely confident of victory , he said the report found , based on 27,000 interviews with more than 4,000 detainees ranging from senior taliban commanders to afghan civilians . they also include mid - and low-level taliban , al qaeda , and foreign fighters , he said .<doc-sep>kabul , afghanistan -lrb- cnn -rrb- -- najla habibi says she is hopeful about the future of her country . `` i know we have got a lot of problems , but still i am happy that i , as a woman , can go to school to teach and hundreds of thousands of girls across the country are able to go to school , '' the 47-year-old school teacher said . `` you know that during the taliban this was not possible . '' more than a decade since the war began , afghans now say that they feel positive about their country 's future , a report released wednesday by the asia foundation said . the report , `` afghanistan in 2012 : a survey of the afghan people , '' found public opinion to be the most optimistic since the annual survey began in 2004 . fifty-two percent of the respondents felt that the country was moving in the right direction , compared to 46 % in 2011 . improvements in security and reconstruction were the most cited reasons for the improved outlook . the foundation interviewed nearly 6,300 afghans from all 34 provinces , gauging their perception on security , governance , economy and other issues relating to the country 's development . `` this survey helps to give us a sense of citizens ' priorities , needs , and views , '' said abdullah ahmadzai , the asia foundation deputy country representative in afghanistan , in a news release . `` we hope these findings help bridge the gap in understanding between the international community , the afghan government , and local communitiesâ $ '' dialogue necessary for afghanistan 's long-term prospects . '' over half of the respondents feel that their families are more prosperous today than in the taliban era and access to schools has increased . most respondents agreed with the government 's national reconciliation and negotiation efforts with the taliban . but concerns remain . `` it is good that the government is putting efforts on talks with the taliban , but i am always afraid that if talks become positive and the taliban come -lrb- back -rrb- to the government , would we still hold our rights or not ? '' habibi said . `` but generally i think we are moving towards a right direction . ''<doc-sep>but women without husbands , especially widows , may have it even worse in afghanistan , the report says . without a spouse , the women are reduced to begging to feed their children . options outside the home are limited where the taliban holds sway in afghanistan . the taliban 's interpretation of strict islamic law , or sharia , has included banning girls from school and the workplace . even in areas not overrun by the taliban , women face risks outside the home . `` the assassination of the most prominent national female senior police officer , in kandahar in september 2008 , underscores the tremendous risks faced by women in public life , '' the report says .<doc-sep>-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- american airstrikes earlier this month during a western afghanistan battle with taliban militants may have killed up to 30 civilians , an interim u.s. military report said on wednesday . villagers sit near the graves of victims of airstrikes in garni , in western farah province . the report is part of an ongoing investigation into a fight in farah province , where villagers reported civilian casualties as a result of u.s. bombing runs on may 4 . `` a review of the physical evidence is inconclusive in determining the exact number of civilian and insurgent casualties , '' the military said in a statement detailing the report . `` in all , the investigation team estimates that 60-65 taliban extremists were killed in these engagements , while at least 20-30 civilians may have been killed during the fighting . the investigators continue to attempt to better confirm casualty numbers . '' the report was released amid widespread dismay and anger in afghanistan over several incidents of civilians caught in the crossfire of the war between international and afghan forces , and taliban militants . as the report was released , nato 's command reported that a tuesday airstrike caused casualties among civilians it says were held as human shields by insurgents in the southern afghanistan province of helmand . complicating the u.s. military effort to determine an accurate death toll for insurgents and civilians in the farah incident is the fact that muslims quickly bury their dead and the taliban do n't wear traditional uniforms . the military statement said that incident began when `` a large number of taliban fighters '' came to the villages of ganj abad and grani on may 3 and demanded payments from village officials . the military said there were reports that militants executed three former officials of the government of the islamic republic of afghanistan . afghan national police and soldiers embarked on an operation to oust the taliban militants , the report said . when police approached grani , they were ambushed and five police died . that prompted the local governor to call in coalition troops .
<t> state department report : taliban military , technical capabilities stronger . </t> <t> taliban called a determined threat to afghan stability . </t> <t> funding comes from pakistan supporters , narcotics trafficking , abductions . </t> <t> number of terror attacks increased from 969 in 2006 to 1,127 last year . </t>
taliban regaining hold on afghanistan , report says<T>
-lrb- cnn -rrb- -- hazardous materials teams are still cleaning up a toxic chemical spill from a train derailment in lafayette , louisiana , on saturday that forced 3,000 people from their homes . lafayette police sgt. billy soileau carries ke'iveion solomon 2 , as he helps evacuate children saturday . `` hazmat says that clean up is moving quickly and on track , '' lafayette police said sunday in a statement .<doc-sep>two train cars leaked highly corrosive hydrochloric acid after the six-car train jumped the tracks saturday about 2:30 a.m. ct -lrb- 3:30 a.m. et -rrb- , according to police . the chemical spill caused a toxic cloud to form above the site . lafayette authorities evacuated about 3,500 homes and businesses -- including a nursing home -- within a mile of the derailment location . watch traffic detoured from cloud '' the red cross opened a shelter at carencro high school for residents to stay saturday night , while another 40 to 50 families were put up at hotel rooms , police said .<doc-sep>residents will be allowed to return home once the spill is contained and no longer dangerous , said joe faust , a spokesman for bnsf railway , which operates the train cars . hydrochloric acid is a clear , colorless solution of hydrogen chloride in water often used in metal cleaning and electroplating . exposure to it can irritate the skin , said lt. craig stansbury of the lafayette parish sheriff 's office . people exposed to the substance are urged to seek medical attention .<doc-sep>residents outside the evacuation area were advised to close windows and doors and turn off air conditioning to avoid any contamination . lafayette is about three hours west of new orleans .<doc-sep>dozens of fish and reptiles have been killed by a toxic spill that will have louisiana cleanup crews busy for months to come . u.s. environmental protection agency officials confirmed that it was the result of an oil leak in the caddo parish from mid-valley pipeline . ' i would call it a significant size spill , ' said epa on-scene coordinator bill rhotenberry . dozens of fish and reptiles have been killed by a toxic spill that will have louisiana cleanup crews busy for months to come . roughly 4,000 barrels of oil spilled into the tete bayou before operators noticed a drop in pressure . owner sunoco logistics shut down the line shortly after 8 a.m. monday . ` that was a priority , ' shields told the shreveport times . the pipeline is approximately 1,000 miles long from longview , texas to ohio and michigan . the lake will be monitored throughout the cleaning process . about 250 workers are now on scene working on the recovery , wearing protective gear including respirators . air monitors have also been placed throughout the area to make sure contaminants do not reach toxic levels . workers clean up the 4,000 barrels of crude oil saturday , oct. 18 , 2014 , that spilled in tete bayou northwest of shreveport , la . some 1,900 barrels of oil have already been sucked up from the environment after crews worked furiously to clean up the spill . while evacuations were not necessary , three families left their homes voluntarily and will have expenses paid by sunoco . ` the only risk of vocs is in the immediate area of oil , ' rhotenberry said . ` out of the spill 's pathway that 's not much of an issue . ' as estimated 1,900 barrels of the oil have been recovered so far . maintenance in the coming months will require regular placement of oil-absorbing material . officials will also monitor surrounding wildlife for signs of contamination . an investigation into the leak will be done by the u.s. department of transportation pipeline and hazardous materials safety administration . though initial recovery reports are promising , officials are asking hunters to keep clear of the area . ` it 's a safety concern , also because of the equipment , ' louisiana state police troop g spokesman matt harris said .<doc-sep>that 's what we in cajun country call greed and arrogance . bp 's defiance of an epa order to cease spraying a toxic dispersent and its attempt to buy out gulf fishermen for $ 5,000 , is not only offensive , it 's downright criminal . the truth is , this is a huge mess , an environmental and personal disaster with no easy answers . will the `` sand islands '' sop up the oil ? maybe , but at what cost elsewhere ? how long before the seafood and wildlife nurseries recover ? who knows ? seventeen years after exxon valdez , alaska 's herring still are n't back , and that spill was a fraction of the size . what will be the impact on the lives and lifestyle of the gulf fishers , and those whose livelihoods depend on them ? guess , and guess again . will the flood of oil erode the marshes and wetlands so far that the next hurricane makes landfall in indianapolis ? next time you hear the big government vs. bigger business stereotype , remember who 's cleaning up after whom . an obama house cleaning is ahead . and the bullies will be punished -- not just fines , but jail time is in order . president obama needs to do more than clean the regulatory house and discipline big oil . he needs to institute preventive and compensatory measures : prioritize the wetland and levee repair that should have come after katrina ; expedite the oil and gas revenue sharing -- louisiana ca n't wait seven years ; help the victims regain their livelihood . give us daily briefings , president obama , of what 's been done , what executive orders have been issued and what legislation is being passed . in short , make sure big government is big enough to keep bigger business in check . or who knows what price we 'll pay . the opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of donna brazile .<doc-sep>the horrifying moment an 87-car freight train in louisiana careered into an 18-wheel tractor trailer stuck on a crossing has been caught on camera . juanita schulze exclaimed ` holy mother of moo moo ' as the train rammed into the trailer , which got stuck on tracks at a crossing in mer rouge on sunday in the north-east of the state . a terrifying crunch can be heard as the train smashes through the trailer , which was carrying a crane rig . scroll down for video . horrifying : this image shows an 87-car freight train just a split-second before it smashes into a truck stuck on a railroad crossing in louisiana . shocked : juanita schulze exclaimed ` holy mother of moo moo ' as the train rammed into the tractor-trailer , which was carrying an enormous crane rig . several of the train 's cars contained toxic substances and ms schulze 's husband , david , who runs a garden business in texas , quickly reversed their car , telling his wife ` we 've got chem leaks ' . ` oh my god , tell me he -lsb- the truck driver -rsb- got out , ' mrs schulze exclaims , clearly shocked by what she 's witnessed .<doc-sep>by . ryan gorman . published : . 00:50 est , 5 august 2013 . | . updated : . 00:58 est , 5 august 2013 . a train derailment in louisiana has forced the evacuation of over 100 homes . over 20 cars from a union pacific freight train derailed sunday afternoon just east of lawtell , la. , resulting in the evacuation of all homes within a mile of the accident and the closure of area roads to protect against exposure to hazardous chemicals leaking from the wreck . the train was carrying a variety of toxic chemicals including lubricant oil , dodecanol , vinyl chloride and lye . derailed : over 20 cars came off the tracks , possibly leaking hazardous chemicals . the derailment , which happened just before 3:30 pm sunday , claimed between 23 and 26 of the train 's 76 total cars , according to katc . of those that derailed , 14 are carrying harmful or toxic substances . of those 14 , three are leaking -- one is leaking lubricant oil , another is leaking doecanol , and a third is leaking lye . ` the good news is that right now , there are no fatalities and no injuries , ' louisiana governor bobby jindal said during a press briefing near the site of the accident roughly 60 miles west of baton rouge , la. . closed : the road that parallels the train tracks has been closed until further notice . while lubricant oil and dodecanol -- a tasteless , colorless alcohol -- are relatively harmless , lye is highly corrosive and poses an immediate danger . ` the cars that derailed include lube oil and other products . there was some vinyl chloride on there , '' union pacific spokesperson raquel espinoza told katc . two other cars carrying vinyl chloride -- a highly toxic , flammable and carcinogenic substance -- are damaged , but it is not clear if they are leaking . ` although it 's not leaking at this moment , it does have signs of damage , ' louisiana governor bobby jindal of the cars containing vinyl chloride , adding that the damage has to be assessed before residents can return home during a press briefing near the site of the accident . from miles around : emergency responders from all over the county responded to the wreck . ` vinyl chloride is a colorless organic gas with a mild , sweet odor , ' according to the environmental protection agency . used in making plastics and vinyl , exposure to the toxin can result in symptoms ranging from irritation in the eyes and respiratory tract to liver problems , cancer , birth defects and reproductive problems , according to the government agency . as a precaution , all 101 homes within a mile of the derailment have been evacuated , officials announced . ` anytime you have chemicals leaking into the environment , that 's a serious issue , ' jindal said . ` nobody knows the extent of the damage , we 'll get that in the next 24 hours . ' roads near the site are expected to be closed for at least two days , according to reports .
<t> train cars leaked corrosive hydrochloric acid after a saturday derailment . </t> <t> chemical spill caused a toxic cloud to form above lafayette site . </t> <t> exposure to the chemical can irritate skin . </t> <t> lafayette authorities evacuated about 3,500 homes and businesses . </t>
crews still cleaning louisiana train 's toxic mess<T>