In donors to mobilize $20 million in capital to finance locally led restoration projects and enterprises.
In Brazil, WRI helped the federal government revise its national safety plan, which pledged to cut traffic fatalities in half.
Going forward, we need to sharpen our focus to turn bold commitments into real world action.
To keep global warming within emissions this decade, while reducing inequality and restoring nature.
We are making progress, but not nearly fast enough.
We know that the path ahead is narrow and hard.
This is exactly the challenge WRI embraces: To find and promote practical solutions for system-wide change at scale that ensures people and nature can thrive.
In the following pages, we invite you to explore what this journey looks like through the eyes of our staff.
You’ll meet Mariana Oliviera, who comes from a coffee-growing family in Brazil and works to prevent deforestation, and Andika Putraditama, who studies sustainable palm oil production in Indonesia.
Our work would not be possible without our remarkable, resilient staff.
This Annual Report is an invitation to explore who we are, why we do what we do and what makes our work so impactful.
This report is also a reflection of our gratitude to all of you who have supported WRI, transforming what was a glimmer ago into a world-class, global organization today.
Together, I believe we can create a more equitable, vibrant and prosperous world for all.
Nairobi World Resources Institute is a global, non-profit organization that conducts research, analyzes data and mobilizes coalitions to address the world’s greatest challenges.
We create solutions for people and the planet.
With more than the world, we have teams working on seven programs: Cities, Climate, Energy, Food, Forests, Ocean and Water.
We also have four centers of excellence that focus on: Business, Equity, Economics and Finance.
We are working to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by more prosperous world for all.
As you meet each featured WRI staff member, you’ll learn how their work connects multiple programs and practices across the institute.
In this way, we invite you to experience our work as much more than individual initiatives, but instead as a cohesive effort touching every sector of society.
AFRICA A passionate advocate for land restoration and sustainable development, Wanjira Mathai brings energetic, innovative leadership to WRI Africa.
Her team applies a broad range of expertise in pursuit of vital landscapes, an equitable energy transition and resilient cities.
As Africa’s population and urban areas grow, country leaders on the continent have unique opportunities to develop green infrastructure and expand access to affordable, renewable energy.
WRI’s Energy Access Explorer provides an unvarnished look at where energy options are available in underserved areas.
Digital Transport for Africa, an open-data platform managed by the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, tracks transportation systems throughout Africa and Latin America, including information on sustainability, accessibility, safety and efficiency.
Land restoration is a core priority for WRI Africa.
In a landmark collaboration that began in TerraFund for AFR100, which aims to invest $2 billion from a wide range of global funders into local restoration efforts.
In alone, the fund mobilized $20 million to restore land through local initiatives throughout Africa.
WRI Africa includes country offices in Kenya, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Democratic Republic of Congo .
About people work across the continent on issues related to WRI Africa’s three pillars: vital landscapes, thriving and resilient cities, and institutional and economic transformation .
Mariana Oliviera supports WRI Brasil’s Forests, Land Use and Agriculture program.
The country holds more tropical rainforest than any other in the world, which makes nature a central element to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and foster a just, lowcarbon economy.
Alarming rates of forest loss push the world closer to losing a precious carbon sink.
Through the Assisted Natural Regeneration Alliance, Citiesand tools to guide local governments, land owners and other stakeholders to conserve, manage, monitor and restore forests.
In the Faces of Restoration project, which tells stories of people in Brazil who are restoring local forests.
Mariana was part of the team that brought those stories to life.
that is the basis of WRI’s Gender Equity Practice.
WRI’s climate team in Brazil works to advance a low-carbon economy, identifying paths to combine ambitious climate action with equitable, sustainable development.
The Cities program promotes urban resilience, fostering the development of compact urban areas connected by safe, active mobility options and clean, quality public transportation.
In committed to halve road fatalities, which was inspired by WRIled research and engagement.
That commitment came after WRI worked for multiple years with the Ministry of Infrastructure.
WRI Brasil has offices in São Paulo, as well as in Porto Alegre at the country’s southern tip .
About focused on forests, climate and sustainable cities, work in these two offices .
Gerard Pozzi was part of the core team that launched Cool Food Meals in that aims to revolutionize the way we think about what we eat.
Now, the project, which awards a badge to mark restaurant dishes with small carbon footprints, appears on the menus of Panera Bread, MAX Burgers and Aramark.
The Food team’s research helps inform and benefits from the Systems Change Lab, an initiative of WRI’s Climate program that focuses on effecting transformational change across nearly all systems, including financial, economic, agriculture and more.
The Food and Land Use Coalition, a community of more than organizations and individuals, pursues sustainable ways to grow, distribute and consume food at the grassroots and policy levels around the world.
The Better Buying Lab works to help change how people decide what to buy so that their choices prioritize sustainability.
WRI’s office in Washington, DC, is the base of the institute’s USfocused work, as well as many of its programs and core functions that underpin the financial systems, operations, human resources and more .
WRI’s US work focuses on efforts at the national, state and local level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance a strong, equitable and clean energy economy .
the electrification of the entire U .S .
Alberto Pallecchi’s work blends direct engagement with international-level policymaking.
For the Water, Peace and Security Partnership, he and the rest of the team work to identify and help resolve potential conflicts connected to water.
Led by Stientje van Veldhoven, who joined WRI in July the continent in its global leadership on climate, development and the environment.
WRI has a regional office in The Hague, and houses several programs in its London office, including the Ocean program and the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, for which WRI serves as the secretariat.
Among many other projects, WRI Europe’s office in The Hague supports PACE (Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy), which catalyzes business, government and civil society to eliminate waste and safely use natural resources.
WRI Europe has offices in The Hague and London .
The team of more than across the institute’s core issues, with a special emphasis on high-level convenings and negotiations, as well as natural resource security .
the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, which focuses on making China’s Belt and Road Initiative greener.
Together with nearly initiated the Partnership of Biodiversity and Finance to unite stakeholders, including financial institutions, the private sector, academia, development agencies and social organizations to meet financing needs for biodiversity conservation, improve investment mechanisms and promote global collaboration.
WRI China is based in Beijing, where more than research and analysis to promote a sustainable, low-carbon economy .
The team’s work prioritizes urban infrastructure and mobility, clean energy and sustainable investments .
Country Director, WRI China “The work of WRI is critical in ensuring we bring together all the relevant stakeholders . . .
and help shift the longredundant narrative of environment vs .
Ashwini Hingne is a climate policy researcher and economist focused on supporting the development of low-carbon policies and pathways for India that also enable a just and equitable transition for all.
Her work includes modeling policies for India’s climate goals, exploring the role of carbon pricing instruments and understanding just transition issues.
The WRI India team engages across all sectors, including at the highest levels of government to promote sustainable economic growth.
and Strengthening Climate Action initiative, which is part of WRI’s Climate program.
Ashwini also leads development of the Green Model Economy for India, as well as WRI India’s work on carbon markets.
Those efforts began with the creation of the Restoration Opportunities Atlas for India, and led to the adaptation of the Restoration Opportunities Methodology (ROAM) for the Indian context.
Research from the ROAM model was presented to the Government of Madhya Pradesh – India’s second-largest state by area.
In response, the government signed an agreement with WRI India to begin restoration efforts in March 9,000 hectares.
More than WRI India, which has offices in Mumbai, New Delhi and Bengaluru .
The team focuses on low-carbon, resilient and inclusive development in sectors including sustainable transport, electric mobility, renewable energy, energy access, governance, restoration and more .
In memoriam: Ravindranath (“Ravi”) Ponnapureddy passed away on May COVID-19 .
An accomplished transport planning professional, Ravi served as head of WRI India’s Sustainable Transportation work beginning in 2020 .
He is remembered as a passionate leader with a commitment to justice and equity .
He is survived by his wife, Sujatha, and his two children .
WRI’s Indonesia team focuses on land use and forestry issues – two sectors in which Andika Putraditama has expertise.
As Deputy Program Director for Agriculture, Forests and Land Use, Andika Putraditama leads efforts to create sustainable supply chains for agricultural commodities, in particular those with links to deforestation.
One example of this work is the RADD Landscape Monitoring initiative, which uses satellites to identify deforestation in commodities’ supply chains and accelerate collective intervention on the ground.
Elsewhere at WRI, Global Forest Watch, which tracks tree cover loss and other data, has found evidence that efforts to slow the rate of deforestation in Indonesia are working.
In target to 2060 or sooner, from a previous target of 2070.
This decision was spurred in part by the Low Carbon Development Initiative’s Green Economy Report, which was initiated by Indonesia’s Ministry of National Development Planning, and was supported by WRI Indonesia and the New Climate Economy, for which WRI serves as the secretariat.
WRI Indonesia is based in Jakarta and has staff members throughout the archipelago .
The team works to protect Indonesia’s vast natural resources while enhancing economic potential .
“For me, sustainability has to work for everyone.
Indonesia is currently the biggest producer of certified, sustainable palm oil in the world.
“I am very proud that from WRI we can provide tools, methodologies and data to continue advancing . . .
WRI México focuses on creating sustainable technical solutions in the face of the country’s rapid urbanization.
Some country’s population will live in cities by the end of this decade.
Ignacio Bernabe Galván and the rest of the urban development and accessibility team, including those who work on water quality issues, pursue projects across the country.
Thanks in part to work by the WRI Cities team, Mexican lawmakers added a constitutional amendment in person has the right to safe, accessible, sustainable mobility.
And in Bank, WRI launched a Low Speed Zone Guide to help cities make their streets safer.
In Mexico City and elsewhere, WRI México staff work to improve air quality, develop strong climate goals, end deforestation, restore tree cover and protect coastlines and mangroves, in addition to work on circular economy, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
the institute’s key sectors: Climate, Cities, Forests, Energy, and the Ocean .
The team includes about primarily in Mexico City, but with roots throughout the country .
Spotlight: WRI’s New Center for Equitable Development Equity has long been a core component of WRI’s approach.
At WRI, we believe that ensuring equity for people must be at the heart of any effort to decarbonize the economy.
To keep our commitment to equity front and center, the institute launched the Center for Equitable Development in July 2021.