95 values
1 value
The growth of tobacco, rice, and indigo and the plantation economy created a tremendous need for labor in Southern English America. Without the aid of modern machinery, human sweat and blood was necessary for the planting, cultivation, and harvesting of these cash crops. While slaves existed in the English colonies throughout the 1600s, indentured servitude was the method of choice employed by many planters before the 1680s. This system provided incentives for both the master and servant to increase the working population of the Chesapeake colonies. Virginia and Maryland operated under what was known as the "headright system." The leaders of each colony knew that labor was essential for economic survival, so they provided incentives for planters to import workers. For each laborer brought across the Atlantic, the master was rewarded with 50 acres of land. This system was used by wealthy plantation aristocrats to increase their land holdings dramatically. In addition, of course, they received the services of the workers for the duration of the indenture. This system seemed to benefit the servant as well. Each indentured servant would have their fare across the Atlantic paid in full by their master. A contract was written that stipulated the length of service — typically five years. The servant would be supplied room and board while working in the master's fields. Upon completion of the contract, the servant would receive "freedom dues," a pre-arranged termination bonus. This might include land, money, a gun, clothes or food. On the surface it seemed like a terrific way for the luckless English poor to make their way to prosperity in a new land. Beneath the surface, this was not often the case. Only about 40 percent of indentured servants lived to complete the terms of their contracts. Female servants were often the subject of harassment from their masters. A woman who became pregnant while a servant often had years tacked on to the end of her service time. Early in the century, some servants were able to gain their own land as free men. But by 1660, much of the best land was claimed by the large land owners. The former servants were pushed westward, where the mountainous land was less arable and the threat from Indians constant. A class of angry, impoverished pioneer farmers began to emerge as the 1600s grew old. After Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, planters began to prefer permanent African slavery to the headright system that had previously enabled them to prosper.
In 1701, William Penn created a Charter of Privileges for the residents of his colony. Penn envisioned a colony that permitted religious freedom, the consent and participation of the governed, as well as other laws pertaining to property rights. The Charter of Privileges recognized the authority of the King and Parliament over the colony, while creating a local governing body that would propose and execute the laws. Penn clearly states the responsibilities the citizens have in selecting virtuous men to lead and govern. - Students will be able to analyze the interaction of cultural, economic, political, and social relationships at the time of the creation of the Charter of Privileges. - Students will be able to construct a biography of a William Penn and generate conclusions regarding his qualities and limitations. - Students will be able to summarize the privileges and responsibilities granted to the citizens of Pennsylvania. The unit and lesson plan are a part of Preserving American Freedom, which presents and interprets fifty of the treasured documents within the vast catalog of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The documents read online will contain annotations that define and explain key terms, figures, and organizations. - Introduce William Penn and the founding of Philadelphia. Review the role that the Quaker faith played in Penn drafting his Charter of Privileges (include major names, events, and vocabulary words). - Have the students take notes on the author, year, title, and possible audience for each document. - Assign the readings either as homework or in class. - Listed below are a few questions / assignments that maybe used as review of the reading. - Have students compare and contrast William Penn's Charter of 1701 with any of the following documents; The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation, The Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Most of these documents can be found in either a textbook or through the "Preserving American Freedom" project. - Have students compose a short summary of the Charter of Privileges. When complete answer the question. In your opinion what privilege is the most significant? - To what extent did William Penn create a unique colony based on natural rights? Why is Penn's vision different from other colonies and England? Explain. - In what ways did Penn create a charter that allowed his citizens to enjoy the most freedoms? Explain. - In groups have students create their own questions developed from the document. Students may answer their own questions as an assessment.
If you're reading this guide now, you've probably dealt with functions in great detail already, so I'll just include some brief highlights you'll need to get started with calculus. Much of this should be review, so feel free to skip sections you feel comfortable with. A function is a rule that assigns to each element x from a set known as the "domain" a single element y from a set known as the "range". For example, the function y = x 2 + 2 assigns the value y = 3 to x = 1 , y = 6 to x = 2 , and y = 11 to x = 3. Using this function, we can generate a set of ordered pairs of (x, y) including (1, 3),(2, 6), and (3, 11). We can also represent this function graphically, as shown below. Note that in the graph above, each element x is assigned a single value y. If a rule assigned more than one value y to a single element x , that rule could not be considered a function. As you may recall from precalc, we can test for this property using the vertical line test, where we see whether we can draw a vertical line that passes through more than one point on the graph: Because any vertical line would pass through only one point, y = x 2 + 2 must be assigning only one y value to each x value, and it therefore passes the vertical line test. Thus, y = x 2 + 2 can rightfully be considered a function. Although a function can only assign one y value to each element x , it is allowed to assign more than one x value to each y. This is the case with our function y = x 2 + 2. The value x = 4 is mapped to the single value y = 18 , but the value y = 18 is mapped to both x = 4 and x = - 4 . A one-to-one function is a special type of function that maps a unique x value to each element y. So, each element x maps to one and only one element y , and each element y maps to one and only one element x. An example of this is the function x 3 :
To solve number pattern problems, start by observing the entire pattern from beginning to end. Decide if the numbers are increasing or decreasing. Next, try to figure out if the numbers change by adding, multiplying, subtracting or dividing a static or changing number.Continue Reading Isolate the first three or four numbers in the pattern and try to discover what relationship they have to each other. For example, are the numbers increasing by the same number amount, such as all numbers increasing by seven, or do they increase by a growing number amount such as two, three or four? Take notes on observations of the first four numbers, and then apply the same pattern theories to the rest of the sequence. Another way to test the pattern you have observed is to create a sequence that starts with the first four numbers. If the sequence matches the original pattern, the theory is correct. If not, apply the other theories until you find the right pattern. Finish the problem by writing out the pattern in words. For example, if the number increases by seven each time, write, "each number in the sequence is added to the number seven to produce the next number."Learn more about Homework Help
In Topic E, students’ engage in counting numbers above 5, namely 6, 7, and 8, in varied configurations. The students use their growing skill and knowledge of counting up to five to reason about larger numbers in the more difficult linear, array, circular, and scattered configurations. As in previous topics the students will count objects and match their count with a digit card to reinforce that the last number said when counting tells the number of objects. Lesson 18 extends the counting of larger numbers by having students count 6 out of a larger set and order numbers 1–6 based on their knowledge that each number represents a quantity of objects. This calls their attention to part and whole concepts. Their 6 Kindergarten Mathematics Module 1, Topic E Resources may contain links to sites external to the EngageNY.org website. These sites may not be within the jurisdiction of NYSED and in such cases NYSED is not responsible for its content. Common Core Learning Standards |K.CC.3||Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0...| |K.CC.4||Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.| |K.CC.5||Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular...|
I’ll begin with some turn-and-talk questions to get students to generate what we have already learned about surface area of a triangular prism. I might ask “How did we find the surface area of a triangular prism in the previous lesson?” I will hold up a model of a triangular prism while asking this question so that students have a good visual. I want to hear a response that says to find the area of each face and add these areas. I want to lead students towards a general formula (Surface area = area of bases + areas of lateral face) for the surface area of a triangular prism (or any prism). So if necessary I will ask students to look at the prism as being composed of the bases and the lateral faces. How could we write a formula in terms of these terms? During this discussion, students are engaged in at least 2 of the mathematical practices. MP6 is evident as students are using precise language regarding prisms –bases & lateral faces. MP7 is evident as students are able to shift perspectives and see that all prisms are made up of bases and lateral faces, yet the specific base shapes may change. This part of the lesson is the “I”, “WE”, and “YOU” of the lesson. In the “I” section I present two examples. Students are to watch my example and then fill in notes when instructed. In the “WE” section, students work together to solve problems that are similar to the examples. They are to show work in a manner similar to the model given in the “I” section. The reason for this is two-fold: 1) It gives students a step-by-step approach that will allow them to be successful; 2) It helps me to diagnose any misconceptions. In the “YOU” section, it is all independent work. I will have identified students who need support at this point. Struggling students will be reminded to follow the steps in the examples, first before asking for help. When nearly all have finished the main independent practice, we’ll go over solutions as needed. I ask for a student to summarize a general formula for the surface area of any prism. We quickly discuss this, and then students take the exit ticket.
Without a graph, students will determine some coordinates that would lie on two lines by using the equations. Students should be encouraged to determine points by looking at the structure (MP7) of the equation (for example x + y = 3, what two numbers add up to 3?) Students are asked to list seven points to encourage them to see the pattern extending into the negative values as well as the positive values. Then, by inspection students can determine the solution point (if possible from their values) and verify their findings by graphing the two equations. Students will also look at the three cases for a system of linear equations, namely, no solutions, one solution, and infinite solutions. Again, this can be done both by looking at the structure of the equations (parallel lines, lines that intersect, or the same line) and then students can use a graphing calculator to see how the graphs of each of these cases appears. Lastly, students will be modeling a situation algebraically that involves two constraint equations set in a real world context. As a ticket out the door, students will have a choice of two assessments of learning. Both will give you valuable information about how to structure groups of students for the next days lesson. The target level question requires students to see how the stucture of the system leads to no solution (parallel lines). The more complex question assesses students understanding that lines extend infinitely in both directions and that if two lines do not have the same slope they will eventually intersect.
Use comparison operators to compare two strings in Python. Comparison of strings means wants to know whether both strings are equivalent to each other or not. Another thing can do in Comparison to find greater or smaller than the other string. Here some operators will use:- |Checks two strings are equal| |Checks if two strings are not equal| |Checks if the string on its left is smaller compare to other| |Checks if the string on its left is smaller than or equal to Another| |Check The left side String is greater than that on its right string| |Checks if the string on its left is greater than or equal to that on its right| How to compare two strings in python example code Simple python example code. a = 'A' b = 'A' c = 'B' d = 'BB' print("Are string equal?") print(a == b) print("Are string different?") print(a != c) print("Is a less than or equal to d?") print(a <= d) print("Is c greater than or equal to d?") print(c >= d) print("Is d less than b?") print(d < b) Another simplified example code print("ABC" == "ABC") print("ABC" < "abc") print("ABC" > "abc") print("ABC" != "ABC") True True False False Q: Why does comparing strings using either ‘==’ or ‘is’ sometimes produce a different result? is is identity testing, == is equality testing. what happens in code would be emulated in the interpreter like this: a = 'pub' b = ''.join(['p', 'u', 'b']) print(a == b) print(a is b) In other words: a is b is the equivalent of id(a) == id(b) Do comment if you have any doubts and suggestions on this Python string example code. Note: IDE: PyCharm 2021.1.3 (Community Edition) All Python Examples are in Python 3, so Maybe its different from python 2 or upgraded versions. Degree in Computer Science and Engineer: App Developer and has multiple Programming languages experience. Enthusiasm for technology & like learning technical.
Probability is simply how likely something is to happen. Whenever we’re unsure about the outcome of an event, we can talk about the probabilities of certain outcomes—how likely they are. The analysis of events governed by probability is called statistics. The best example for understanding probability is flipping a coin: There are two possible outcomes—heads or tails. What’s the probability of the coin landing on Heads? We can find out using the equation P(H) = ?.You might intuitively know that the likelihood is half/half, or 50%. But how do we work that out? Probability = In this case: Probability of an event = (# of ways it can happen) / (total number of outcomes) P(A) = (# of ways A can happen) / (Total number of outcomes) There are six different outcomes. What’s the probability of rolling a one? What’s the probability of rolling a one or a six? Using the formula from above: What’s the probability of rolling an even number (i.e., rolling a two, four or a six)? - The probability of an event can only be between 0 and 1 and can also be written as a percentage. - The probability of event Ais often written as P(A) > P(B), then event Ahas a higher chance of occurring than event P(A) = P(B), then events Bare equally likely to occur. Practice basic probability skills on Khan Academy —try our stack of practice questions with useful hints and answers!
Although English vocabulary study can seem overwhelming at times for children (and adults, too!), it can be made more systematic with a good understanding of prefixes, suffixes and root words. In our 32-page Common Prefixes, Suffixes and RootsWorkbook are essential prefixes and suffixes, meanings, and many examples to help your child build their vocabulary. After learning the meanings of the prefixes and suffixes, your child will be able to put this knowledge to practice with the word search, crossword and other word puzzle combinations that test their understanding of words – and spelling! Prefixes are letters that are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For example, the letters ‘re’ changes the meaning of a word to mean the redoing or reusing of the word. For example, ‘re’ + ‘cover’ changes the meaning of cover to ‘to get back’ (recover). Suffixes are a string of letters that go at the end of a root word to change or add to its meaning. A suffix can show whether a word is a noun, an adjective, an adverb or a verb. So, adding the suffix ‘ly’ to the end of a word usually changes it to an adverb. For example: ‘slow’ + ‘ly’ creates ‘slowly’, an adverb. A root word is a word in its simplest, basic form. It does not have a prefix or suffix added to it. For example, in the word ‘recycle’, the root word is ‘cycle’ and ‘re’ is the prefix.
The literary term plot is used to sum up all the major events that take place throughout a story. This is often in the form of a major conflict or struggle between characters or their environment. The plot normal follows a sequence or pattern. Depending on the work the pattern may be predictable. Most highly esteemed works will have an unpredictable plot or at least a twist that was not easy for the reader to see coming. The plot normally ends in some form of resolution. Even stories that are carried over several works will form a resolution on sub-plots before ending a work. Most stories follow the same basic structure. They start by introducing the characters, setting, and central conflict (exposition), contain events that build in scope (rising action) until the "big event" (climax), after which, various conflicts are dealt with (falling action) until the end, where the lessons are learned or all conflicts are dealt with (resolution). These worksheets will have your students mapping essential elements of children's stories and fables to this pattern. Students will be required to pinpoint actions in very well-known works. We ask students to identify the exposition where a great deal of background information is shared. They will then identify the rising action where the main challenge is identified. The middle of the work will often result in a climax where tensions are their highest. As the resolution starts to take shape a falling action is able to be found. The story normally will end in a resolution to the conflict or challenge. Answer keys are provided as you might find them very helpful when grading. Fun Project Idea: Have your students bring in their favorite books or stories and perform the same exercise, and present the result to the class.
Primary Math - 2022 Edition Math K Concepts covered include: Sets (compare and order), quantities, count sequences, numerals, and number names through 20. Compose and decompose numbers to 20 into pairs as well as tens plus ones. Explore numbers 21 to 100 as tens and ones. Model joining and separating sets. Use +, -, and = to write number sentences. Represent and solve addition and subtraction stories with manipulatives, actions, drawings, and number sentences. Practice addition and subtraction in different contexts with words, models, fingers, and numerals. Describe, extend, and find missing terms in repeating shape patterns. Count by 10s. Use a variety of concrete (objects, fingers), pictorial, and symbolic models for addition and subtraction. Use objects to represent geometric figures. Model addition and subtraction stories with number sentences. Understand the = symbol in number sentences. Describe, compare, name, sort, and classify two-and-three-dimensional shapes. Describe and compare lengths and heights. Count and compare numbers of objects in categories. Build skills in comparing sets. Explain why solutions make sense and are correct. Use models to explain reasoning. Apply counting and comparing skills in a wide variety of contexts. Investigate measurement concepts. Interpret data in tally charts and bar graphs. Consult or download the complete Scope and Sequence for a full report of covered topics and concepts.
Unit four is about right triangles and the relationships that exist between its sides and angles. Students apply their understanding of similarity, from unit three, to prove the Pythagorean Theorem. Trigonometric functions, which are properties of angles and depend on angle measure, are also explained using similarity relationships. Students determine when to use trigonometric ratios, Pythagorean Theorem, and/or properties of right triangles to model problems and solve them. Throughout the unit, students should be applying similarity and using inductive and deductive reasoning as they justify and prove these right triangle relationships. - What relationships exist between the sides of similar right triangles? - What is the relationship between angles and sides of a right triangle?
Verbals: Gerunds, Prepositions, and Infinitives Use these worksheets for learning about verbals. Verbals are verb forms that take on the jobs of other parts of speech. Infinitives, participles, and gerunds are all verbals. Common Core alignment can be viewed by clicking the common core . A gerund is an -ing form of a verb that is used as a noun. Gerunds usually name activities or actions, such as dancing, laughing, or sneezing. Identify the gerund in each sentence. 2nd through 4th Grades An infinitive is the word to plus a verb. Infinitives can be used as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Identify the infinitive in each sentence. Read each sentence. Find the past participles and present participles. Determine whether the underline words represent a gerund, a participle, or an infinitive. Browse our complete collection of grammar worksheets. Topics include nouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and more.
You need Adobe Reader software to view these materials. You can download Adobe for free: Tips for Teaching Math Ask your student what skills in math she has and what she wants to learn. Relate math skills to daily life. Can your student: use a calculator? use a ruler? use estimation strategies? balance a checkbook? read a thermometer? calculate a tip? read and interpret charts and graphs? Observe and analyze the kinds of computational errors your student makes and then teach the necessary skills. Teach your student strategies for solving word problems. Encourage your student to check his work with a calculator. Stress that HOW you do a problem is just as important as the correct answer. Use “hands-on” manipulatives when teaching math concepts. For example, use a ruler to measure objects, or coins to count change. Encourage frequent practice so that your student can master these skills. So often our students didn’t understand a concept in the classroom and were left behind when the class moved on to a new skill. This time ensure success by allowing your student time to really learn these skills.
This program is designed to help students in introductory chemistry classes understand the concept of extent of reaction. The program starts with a simple reaction where it takes 2 moles of A and 1 mole of B to produce 2 moles of X. The reaction starts with 1 mole of A and 1 mole of B. As you move the reaction progress slider to the right, the extent of reaction increases, the amount of reactants A and B decrease, and the amount of X increases. If you move the slider to the end, all the moles of A will be used up and the reaction cannot progress any further. The slope of the lines on the graph is equivalent to their coefficient in the reaction, while their endpoints correspond to their amounts at minimum and maximum extent. You can change the coefficients on the products and reactants to simulate various reactions. You can also change the initial amounts of the products and reactants to simulate various conditions. To simulate the reaction of N2 + 3H2 ⇔ 2NH3, set the coefficient on A to 1, the coefficient on B to 3, the coffieicent on X to 2, and the coefficients on C, Y, and Z to 0. Then set the initial amounts to the desired values. You can also input reactions in terms of grams and molar mass. To do so, first select the mass mode. The program should then display a row of molar masses above the initial grams. Using these inputs, it is possible to vary the molar mass of the substance, and thus the initial moles of the substance
Common Core Math Standards350+ math concepts in Kindergarten to Grade 5 aligned to your child's school curriculum Continue your child’s math learning Sign up for a FREE SplashLearn account. Common Core State Standards © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved. Geometry - K Grade Common Core Math Identify and describe shapes. Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to. Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientations or overall size. Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid"). Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length). Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g., sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes. Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes. For example, "Can you join these two triangles with full sides touching to make a rectangle?" Practice Kindergarten Math with Fun Games
In order to paraphrase well, students need to be comfortable with a diversity of lexical and grammatical tools. While some students can easily draw on their own language skills, others struggle to access the skills they need to rephrase a selection in their own words. Rephrasing sentences with signal words is one useful strategy for building up to full paraphrasing. Use these skills to break apart or combine sentences, and encourage students to reorder the clauses. This is also a good time to make sure that students understand how to paraphrase without changing the meaning of a sentence, as changing one signal words can often change the meaning of a sentence. Help students change the signal words in these worksheets: Cause Effect Words (pdf) Contrast Words (pdf) Before starting on these activities, make sure that students have practiced or can use a resource that includes a variety of signal words, such as transitions, subordinators, and nouns/verbs for cause-effect and contrast. Encourage them to use phrases that they have read and understand, but don’t use much in their own writing. For example, “since” and “because” have the same meaning and grammar, so if a student overuses “because,” he or she can substitute “since.” Likewise, the student can divide a long sentence into two sentence and connect the ideas with the prepositional phrase “because of this.” Find more activities in Paraphrasing.
Probability is simply how likely something is to happen. Whenever we’re unsure about the outcome of an event, we can talk about the probabilities of certain outcomes—how likely they are. The analysis of events governed by probability is called statistics. The best example for understanding probability is flipping a coin: There are two possible outcomes—heads or tails. What’s the probability of the coin landing on Heads? We can find out using the equation P(H) = ?.You might intuitively know that the likelihood is half/half, or 50%. But how do we work that out? Probability = In this case: Probability of an event = (# of ways it can happen) / (total number of outcomes) P(A) = (# of ways A can happen) / (Total number of outcomes) There are six different outcomes. What’s the probability of rolling a one? What’s the probability of rolling a one or a six? Using the formula from above: What’s the probability of rolling an even number (i.e., rolling a two, four or a six)? - The probability of an event can only be between 0 and 1 and can also be written as a percentage. - The probability of event Ais often written as P(A) > P(B), then event Ahas a higher chance of occurring than event P(A) = P(B), then events Bare equally likely to occur. Practice basic probability skills on Khan Academy —try our stack of practice questions with useful hints and answers!
http://www.mindbites.com/lesson/916 for the full video Reminding us of its definition, Professor Burger demonstrates how to work an inequality with an absolute value. You will need to convert the inequality from the absolute value to an inequality encompassing both the positive and negative points of that absolute value. This will look different, depending on whether the absolute value is less than or greater than. Prof. Burger walks you through several examples. For an introduction to inequalities, see this lesson: http://www.mindbites.com/lesson/913-beg-algebra-introduction-to-inequalities And for more on absolute values: http://www.mindbites.com/lesson/914-beg-algebra-solving-absolute-value-equations Questions about Beg Algebra: Solving Absolute Value Inequalities Want more info about Beg Algebra: Solving Absolute Value Inequalities? Get free advice from education experts and Noodle community members.
To create a circular arc in a shapesheet’s Geometry section, requires the specification of where the arc ends and a cell called “A” that holds the measurement of how much the arc differs from a straight line between the end points of the arc. The deflection indicates how much the arc bows. It is possible to fragment a circular shape to get an idea of a value of “A”, but it is a value not a formula. So what is a formula to describe the content of the “A” cell? To determine a formula, you need to revisit your grade school trigonometry notes. A line that connects two points a circle is called a chord and has a few special properties. The largest chord passes through the center of the circle and is called the diameter. A triangle formed by the chord and the center of the circle forms an Isosceles triangle. The angles at either end of the chord are identical. If you use the half way point on the chord, call it B, to bisect the triangle through the center of the circle, call it C, you end up with two identical right angles triangles. The length from B to C divided by the hypotenuse of the right angle triangle is the sine of the angle of the right angle triangle at the center of the circle. In this case, the hypotenuse is the radius of the circle and the angle is half the value of the angle formd by Isosceles triangle. So the length of BC is: Radius x Cosine (angle/2). So the formula for cell “A” is: Radius – Radius times Cosine (angle/2) or Radius (1 – Cosine(angle/2)) John… Visio MVP
Maths games for practising fractions. The Writing Process In Year Five we are working hard to develop our writing skills, becoming confident and effective writers who are able to use our creativity to inform and entertain others. One of the most important aspects of writing is to understand, and use, the writing process. So what is it? What do we want to write? What is the overall feeling in the room? What are the stand out features? - think about size, shape, colour and position. Then, focus in... What is on the desk? Where is it? What is it doing there? Then, focus in again... This plan shouldn't have full sentences. We are looking for short phrases, clauses and key descriptive words. We can extend them into our sentences during the next stage. Year 5 were posed the following problem: Imagine two red frogs and two blue frogs sitting on lily pads, with a spare lily pad in between them. Frogs can slide onto adjacent lily pads or jump over a frog; frogs can't jump over more than one frog. Can we swap the red frogs with the blue frogs? This was extended to 3 frogs of each colour. Children were able to solve in any way they liked. Some drew pictures, some used objects (including their friends) and some wrote instructions.
Money Comes and Goes This lesson printed from: A budget is a plan that shows how much money comes in (income) and how much money goes out (expenses). We use a budget to make sure we have enough money to buy the things we need and really want. A budget also helps us set aside money for things that we can’t afford to buy right now. The money we set aside is called savings. You will learn the different parts of a budget. You will also create a budget you could use to reach a savings goal. Read the story Tim’s Turn to Learn and answer the questions on the worksheet. When you are finished, you will discuss the worksheet answers with your class. Tim and Money Mouse reduced their spending in order to save money for the future. Another way they could have saved more money is by increasing their income. Read the story Heather Learns About Earning to find out how Heather increased her income. Then, answer these questions about the story: - What was Heather’s problem? - How did she earn the money she needed? - What else might Heather have done to earn the money she needed? Now that you know what income and expenses are, can you find the income and expenses in this budget? A budget helps us keep track of our money so that we can use it on things we really need and want. A budget also helps us save for things that we can’t afford to buy right now. A balanced budget has money in (income) equal to money out (spending and saving). Now it is your turn to create a budget!: www.econedlink.org/interactives/EconEdLink-interactive-tool-player.php?filename=em483_budget2.swf&lid=483 - Read the story, Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday. Discuss with your class what happened to Alexander’s money. Also discuss how you can keep from buying things that you don't need. - Think of something special that you would like to save money for. Use the “Spending Tale” to keep a personal spending diary. Then create a budget that will help you reach your savings goals.
We use correct phonics terminology as much as possible when teaching. Below are the definitions for words we use. Phoneme - The sound a letter makes. Phonemes can be put together to make word e.g. 'c-a-t'. Digraph - Two letters that makes just one sound e.g. 'sh' or 'qu'. Trigraph - Three letters that makes just one sound e.g. 'igh' or 'air'. Blending- This is when you look at a word, find out which sound each letter makes and then putting the sounds (phonemes) together in order to read the word. For example, if a child sees the word 'cat' they will know the sound each letter makes . They will then be able to put the sounds together to read the word. This is the basis of reading. Segmenting - This is when you hear a whole word and can then split the word up into its individual sounds (phonemes). For example, knowing the word 'cat' is split up into the 'c', 'a' and 't' phonemes. Children need to be able to do this in order to spell words.
http://www.mindbites.com/lesson/916 for the full video Reminding us of its definition, Professor Burger demonstrates how to work an inequality with an absolute value. You will need to convert the inequality from the absolute value to an inequality encompassing both the positive and negative points of that absolute value. This will look different, depending on whether the absolute value is less than or greater than. Prof. Burger walks you through several examples. For an introduction to inequalities, see this lesson: http://www.mindbites.com/lesson/913-beg-algebra-introduction-to-inequalities And for more on absolute values: http://www.mindbites.com/lesson/914-beg-algebra-solving-absolute-value-equations Questions about Beg Algebra: Solving Absolute Value Inequalities Want more info about Beg Algebra: Solving Absolute Value Inequalities? Get free advice from education experts and Noodle community members.
To output a value, use the print function. When you print something, it will appear in the output viewer (aka "the console"). You can print variables, strings, integers, floats, and all data types. We'll get to data types soon. print("Hello") print(1) print(99.99) The code above will output: Hello 1 99.99 Now, there are also other ways to use the print function, including: # strings can be in single or double quotes print("Message") print('Message') # You can print multiple arguments; you separate arguments with a comma # When the arguments are printed, they are separated by a space by default print('Message', 'with', 'arguments') # would have spaces # You can even use string concatenation ("adding" strings together) # String concatenation puts strings together w/o spaces (be careful about this) print('Message' + 'with' + 'concatenation') # would not have spaces The output of that: Message Message Message with arguments Messagewithconcatenation To input a value, use the input()function gets user input from the keyboard. When using it, make sure to assign the input()to a variable that way you store it and can print it. It is also worth noting that the input prompt goes inside the input function's parentheses. For example, if you wanted to provide the prompt: "How are you? ", you'd do: status = input("How are you? ") print("Hello World") name = input("What is your name? ") print(name) # prints the name that the user entered If you're confused about variables, click this.
Africans represent many different people, each with distinct cultures, religions, and languages. The first Africans arrived in America to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619, just as indentured servants arrived in America from Europe, when a Dutch ship brought the first slaves from Africa to the shores of North America against their will. At first, indentured servants were poor Europeans who wanted to escape harsh conditions and take advantage of opportunities in America. The Africans were brought to America’s developing colonies at a time when workers were needed to keep the economy running. The entire southern American economy and the states needed laborers to work on the plantations where they grew tobacco, cotton, and other crops. These plantations required large numbers of laborers. Slavery was less profitable in the North where economic activity centered on small farms. Therefore, few people in the North owned slaves. Most indentured servants had a contract to work without wages for four to seven years, after which they became free. Blacks brought in as slaves however had no right to eventual freedom. Slavery spread quickly in the American colonies. At first the legal status of Africans in America was poorly defined, and some, like European indentured servants, managed to become free after several years of service. From 1619 to about 1640, Africans could earn their freedom working as laborers for the European settlers. In 1630, English colonists began to make a sharper distinction between the status of white servants and black slaves. Discrimination against black slaves began to increase. By 1640, Maryland became the first colony to institutionalize slavery. They became slaves who could be bought, sold, and solely owned by their masters. During the mid-1600s, the colonies began to pass laws called slave codes. These codes prohibited slaves from owning weapons, receiving an education, and testifying against white...
So far, you have only seen how to manipulate data directly or through names to which the data is bound. Now that you have the basic understanding of how those data types can be manipulated manually, you can begin to exercise your knowledge of data types and use your data to make decisions. In this chapter, you learn about how Python makes decisions using False and how to make more complex decisions based on whether a condition is In this chapter you learn: How to create situations in which you can repeat the same actions using loops that give you the capability to automate stepping through lists, tuples, and dictionaries. How to use lists or tuples with dictionaries cooperatively to explore the contents of a dictionary. How to use exception handling to write your programs to cope with problematic situations that you can handle within the program. False in Chapter 3, but you weren't introduced to how they can be used. False are the results of comparing values, asking questions, and performing other actions. However, anything that can be given a value and a name can be compared with the set of comparison operations that return
Worksheets dealing with the scientific method should include all the questions answered while going through a scientific procedure. These questions include everything from describing the problem to reaching a final conclusion.Continue Reading Instructors should begin any worksheet by asking students to describe the problem and what they are testing. The next step should include outside research, which asks if others researchers have also done work on this or a similar problem. This worksheet should then ask students to formulate a hypothesis using a simple if/then formula. Afterward, a student should be asked to design the experiment itself. This step needs to include materials and the proper steps to be taken during experimentation. Worksheets should remember to ask students to collect data as they are going through the experimentation step. With that data in hand, students should then be asked to begin reaching conclusions based on their observations. Data should be summarized in written form and also presented in graphical form. This allows the student to communicate their ideas both in detailed verbal descriptions, as well as with graphical aids that allow for a quick summarization of the data. Finally, the worksheet should ask students to make conclusions based on their observations. Was the hypothesis confirmed? Was it proven wrong? What lessons could be made and how might they apply to other experiments? Students can then be asked to review all the steps they took during this initial experiment and apply them to a second experiment.Learn more about K-12
Phonics is a way of teaching children to read skillfully. They are taught how to: recognise the sounds that each individual letter makes; identify the sounds that different combinations of letters make – such as ‘sh’ or ‘oo’; and blend those sounds together from left to right to make a word. Children can then use this knowledge to ‘decode’ new words that they see or hear. This is the first important step to learning to read. Research shows that when phonics is taught in a structured way – starting with the easiest sounds and progressing through to the most complex – it is the most effective way of teaching young children to read. It is particularly helpful for children aged 5 to 7. Almost all children who receive good teaching of phonics will learn the skills they need to tackle new words. They can then go on to read any kind of text fluently and confidently, and read for enjoyment. Children who have been taught phonics also tend to read more accurately than those taught using other methods, such as ‘look and say’. This includes children who find learning difficult to read. Please see www.gov.uk/government/collections/phonics for more information. Taken form the Government 'Learning to read through phonics' information for parents sheet.
What our Decimal Comparison – Hundredths lesson plan includes Lesson Objectives and Overview: Decimal Comparison – Hundredths teaches students how to compare two decimal numbers. Students will reason about the size of the numbers to figure out which is larger or smaller. By the end of the lesson, they should be able to compare two decimal numbers correctly to the hundredths place. The lesson contains three content pages. It first reminds students how to compare numbers. Then students will learn how to compare decimal values. There is a table that displays several examples of how to represent decimals using blocks. Students will use these blocks in some of the worksheets, so make sure they understand fully how to use this method. The lesson provides several more examples for them to analyze and practice with before they begin the worksheets. INSTRUCTION POSTER ACTIVITY Students will work with a partner for the activity worksheet. (You can also have them work alone or in groups instead if you prefer.) Students will work together to create a poster that teaches people about the hundredths place in decimals. They will explain what it means and how to compare them. There is a blank box on the bottom half of the worksheet page that students can use to draw a rough draft or take notes of what they want to include. Then partners will meet with other students to compare work and demonstrate their methods. SHADE THE BLOCKS PRACTICE WORKSHEET The practice worksheet has two sections. For the first section, students must shade the blocks to represent certain decimals. There are four decimals in this section. The second section requires students to use the inequality symbols to compare decimals. There are nine problems in this section. DECIMAL COMPARISON – HUNDREDTHS HOMEWORK For the homework assignment, students will first use inequality symbols to compare 15 different decimal pairs. Then they will sort the decimals in each row from smallest to largest. Finally, they will draw models to show three different comparisons. They can use extra paper if they need to.
This is our first lesson from the unit, Proportional Reasoning. Here, we begin with ratios and discuss how to build up a ratio in order to create a proportion. Let's go over the assignment for lesson 1. This is our second lesson from the unit, Proportional Reasoning. Here, we begin with ratios and discuss how to build down a ratio in order to create a proportions. We also discus comparing ratios Let's go over the assignment for lesson 2. A quick introduction to variables and a discussion about Cross-Product. We'll use what we learned from the previous two lessons and apply multiplication and division to finding missing values to proportions. Let's go over the assignment for lesson 3. Let's apply what we've learned to some real-world examples of proportions. They are everywhere! Let's go over the assignment for lesson 4. We begin the second section of our first unit by discussing the concept of unit ratios. Let's go over the assignment for Lesson 5. In this lesson, we talk about multiplicative comparisons and dividing fractions. We discuss these topics in order to make sense out of unit rates. All of this will be applied to how we represent proportions within tables, graphs, and equations. Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 6. In this lesson, we begin to discuss table representations for proportional reasoning. Our goal is to apply our thinking about ratios and proportional with the organization of tables. Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 7. In this lesson, we continue our work depicting proportional relationships with representations by discuss graphs. We try to understanding how the slope connects with the constant of proportionality. Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 8. In this lesson, we finalize our work on representations by discussing equations and how they relate to proportional reasoning. By using tables and graphs, we can see how variables play a role in modeling proportions with equations. Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 9. In this lesson, we take reflective approach on what we've covered in this unit and try to make connections between ratios, proportional reasoning, and the representations we covered. This unit is a great first step in developing mature mathematical thinking about how we can model the real world with mathematics. Let's go over our final worksheet for the Proportional Reasoning Unit!
In order to paraphrase well, students need to be comfortable with a diversity of lexical and grammatical tools. While some students can easily draw on their own language skills, others struggle to access the skills they need to rephrase a selection in their own words. Rephrasing sentences with signal words is one useful strategy for building up to full paraphrasing. Use these skills to break apart or combine sentences, and encourage students to reorder the clauses. This is also a good time to make sure that students understand how to paraphrase without changing the meaning of a sentence, as changing one signal words can often change the meaning of a sentence. Help students change the signal words in these worksheets: Cause Effect Words (pdf) Contrast Words (pdf) Before starting on these activities, make sure that students have practiced or can use a resource that includes a variety of signal words, such as transitions, subordinators, and nouns/verbs for cause-effect and contrast. Encourage them to use phrases that they have read and understand, but don’t use much in their own writing. For example, “since” and “because” have the same meaning and grammar, so if a student overuses “because,” he or she can substitute “since.” Likewise, the student can divide a long sentence into two sentence and connect the ideas with the prepositional phrase “because of this.” Find more activities in Paraphrasing.
This Mathematics unit addresses the concepts of understanding, identifying and creating fractions. It consists of 6 lessons of approximately 60 minutes duration. The sequence of lessons and suggested time frames should be regarded as a guide only; teachers should pace lessons in accordance with the individual learning needs of their class. An assessment task for monitoring student understanding of the unit objectives is included and will require an additional lesson. This unit plan includes the following resources: - Introduction to Fractions PowerPoint - Fraction Wheels and Suggested Activities Sheet - Fractions Flip Book - Unit Fractions Posters - Fractions Worksheet Pack – Lower Elementary - Goal Labels – Fractions (Lower Elementary) - Fractions Pizza Game – Lower Grades - Pizza Fraction Bingo – 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 - Problem Solving Mat - Fractions Assessment – Lower Elementary - To introduce the concept of fractions in real-world situations. - To identify and create halves and quarters. - To identify and create thirds and fifths. - To identify and create eighths. - To recognize and create halves, quarters, thirds, fifths and eighths. - To solve simple word problems involving fractions. Prior to commencing the unit, develop a fractions display in the classroom. Display posters and word wall vocabulary that the students will engage with throughout the unit to stimulate their learning. For examples of such resources, browse the Fractions, Decimals and Percentages category on the Teach Starter website. There are many concepts to address within the topic of fractions. The lessons in this unit cover a range of these concepts, many of which have varying degrees of complexity. Teachers are encouraged to select lessons from the unit that best suit the learning needs of their students, or to adapt lessons accordingly. Some of the resources which accompany this unit plan will need to be prepared prior to teaching. For this reason, it is advised that teachers browse through all lessons before commencing the unit.
Syntax is simply defined as the structure of sentences. Each language has specific rules about the order of words, the type of words used in sentences, and their conjugation. A simple sentence usually includes a subject, verb, and object with function words (the, a, to…). “The farmer is harvesting his potatoes.” A complex sentence usually includes two related ideas (clauses) that are joined by linking words (if, when, because, if, and). There are many potential relationships between ideas; including relationships in time, cause/effect, conditions, position, contrast… “Samuel will need the spare hockey stick because he left his at home.” Typical children develop syntax according to developmental norms. These norms tell us what words and what structures a child should know at any given age. Syntax errors and delays are most often seen in children, and less often in adults. If significant, these difficulties could interfere with academic success. If they persist in later elementary grades, children can be singled out as being different. Therapy through systematic rehearsal and application of fundamental learning principles could teach children proper syntax. Example of an error: “Me go school.”
The women’s suffrage movement faced many challenges in the early 1900s. One challenge was the attitudes most men had toward women. Many men believed that women should serve in a subservient role. These men believed women should stay at home and take care of the house and the kids. Men were supposed to be the income earner in the family. As a result, men believed women were unequal to them and should be treated this way, including with the right to vote. This attitude had existed throughout the world for a long time, and changing attitudes is a very difficult thing to do. Another challenge the movement had to overcome was the perception some men had that they would lose power if women got voting rights. If women were able to vote and/or run for office, men could lose political jobs and influence. They believed if women got the right the to vote, they would want more rights. For example, if women began working outside of the home, they might do a better job than the men might do. Men were threatened by this potential competition, and they weren’t willing to risk losing the power and influence they had. The women’s suffrage movement had to face competition from other reform movements. For example, in the beginning of the 1900s, the Progressive Movement wanted to make a lot of reforms in politics, in business, and in the workplace. The question women had to face is where would their quest for voting rights fit into the overall reform movement. They had also battled this when the country was deciding to end slavery with the abolitionist movement. Women eventually got the right to vote. However, the struggle was a long and difficult one.
UK KS4, US grade 9-10 Note on using wildcards A wildcard is a character or symbol used to indicate that one or more letters has been missed out of a word. The conventions used by the OED Online are fairly universal ones, where a question mark (?) indicates that one letter is missing and a star (*) indicates that a sequence of letters is missing. The computer will search for all possible matches. For example, a search for k??g, would give 11 results, as it is looking for two missing letters only (??). Whereas a search for k*g would give 292 results as it will include not only the words with 2 missing letters, but also the words with 3,4,5 etc missing letters between the “K” and the “G”. (These results were accurate for December 2010, but by the time you do the search, the numbers may be different, because of the constant development of the English Language, and the regular inclusion of new words.) You do not have to enter a complicated “Search” area of the Dictionary to use wildcards; merely type the word, with the wildcard symbols, into the normal “Find word” area. Activity 1 – Literary terms Before you use the OED Online to check the spellings and definitions of these words, try to do them first on paper. Activity 2 – Using wildcards to help with spelling This is a list of 30 of the most commonly misspelled words. Each of the words in the list below is spelt incorrectly. You may be confident that you know the correct spelling: if so, write out the correct answer and check it in OED Online. If you are not sure what the correct spelling is, use wildcards along with the bits of the word you are confident about: for example, if you are not sure about middle part of word number 5, try arg*ment in OED Online.
Through play we communicate and develop new understandings. Lines of Inquiry - Our interactions with others during play - The importance of fair play - Ways we can play through playing - fair play Unit of inquiry For this unit, Nursery students will have so much fun through playful learning. They will have understanding that through playing we can interact with others (communication skill) and develop new understanding such as, knowing the rules of games (thinking skill) and the importance of fair play (social skill). To support the form concept, Nursery students are going to learn about the concept of ‘More/Less than’ or ‘Equal to’. Students will be exposed to comparing the quantity of the objects. They also will improve their Math skill which focus on Pattern A-B-A-B. Students will be exposed to extending pattern A-B-A-B using the real objects in the classroom. Nursery students learn about Rhymes. They will join in rhymes and repeated phrases in shared books. Furthermore, they will have experiments with writing using different writing implements and media. We will use sand, flour, coffee powder, etc to be our media of writing. Students are going to exercise to demonstrates coordination, manipulation and balance by participating in some games. They will also learn about the importance of physical activities by doing some exercises regularly. They will play team work activities to develop their motor skills as well. Along this unit, Nursery students will have painting, drawing and print-making. They will take responsibility for their own and other’s safety in their working environment. They also will identify the materials and processes used in the creation of an art-work.
Language is a key element in satisfactory interpersonal-social relationships. Every day students are faced with understanding language used in social situations. They try to understand what a teacher’s tone of voice implies or what a classmate’s joke means. Students may require guidance in properly interpreting language in the social context. Activities that target a student’s understanding of language that has social meaning (tone, intonation, word choice, use of sarcasm, etc.) will benefit a student in the classroom as well as in every day life. Here are some strategies to help students process language in social settings. - The interpretation of another person’s feelings is complex. In order to develop a valid sense of another person’s emotions, the listener must devote attention to actively listening, and also, review his/her memory for similar social situations. - Use films, videos, and plays to discuss how characters feel and what signs, expressions, etc. indicate those feelings. Have students dramatize reading passages and listen to each other speaking, characterizing tone of voice and what it implies. - Promote students’ understanding of the use of body language and body movement as a cue to how one feels. Give students practice with both “reading” and “projecting” the appropriate body language. - It can be very helpful for students to develop an understanding of the language of their peers (peer lingo), even though they themselves may not use that lingo.
We saw that a point P on a number line can be specified by a real number called its coordinate. Similarly, by using a Cartesian coordinate system, named in honor of the French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes (1596—1650), we can specify a point P in the plane with two real numbers, also called coordinates. A Cartesian coordinate system consists of two perpendicular number lines, called coordinate axes, which meet at a common origin as shown in the figure. Ordinarily, one of the number lines, called the axis, is horizontal, and the other, called the y axis, is vertical. Numerical coordinates increase to the right along the axis, and upward along the axis. We usually use the same scale (that is, the same unit distance) on the two axes, although in some of our figures, space considerations make it convenient to use different scales. If is a point in the plane, the coordinates of are the coordinates and of the points where perpendiculars from meet the two axes as shown in figures. The coordinate is called the abscissa of , and the y coordinate is called the ordinate of . The coordinates of are traditionally written as an ordered pair enclosed in parentheses, with the abscissa first and the ordinate second. To plot the point with coordinates means to draw Cartesian coordinate axes and to place a dot representing at the point with abscissa and ordinate . You can think of the ordered pair as the numerical “address” of . The correspondence between and seems so natural that in practice we identify the point with its “address” by writing . With this identification in mind, we call an ordered pair of real numbers a point and we refer to the set of all such ordered pairs as the Cartesian plane or the plane. The and axes divide the plane into four regions called quadrants I, II, III and IV as shown in the figure. Quadrant I consists of all points for which both and are positive, quadrant II consists of all points for which is negative and is positive, and so forth, as shown in Figure. Notice that a point on a coordinate axis belongs to no quadrant.
*GROWING* Bundle of all major standards for middle elementary math! All following the same basic format of 6 different skill sets, including arithmetic, problem solving, word problems and more! Each set includes suggested instructions, answer sheets, and awards. 18 page resource that covers multiplication strategies and word problems. Log in to see state-specific standards (only available in the US). Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7. Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10–90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Reading is complex, with many integrated components. The best way to become a good reader is to do what good readers do. This section provides materials to help children become good readers. Good readers use a variety of strategies before, during, and after reading. This section provides instructions and templates of research-based strategies that can be used for almost any age reader - from emergent to adult - with any text. Some students struggle to learn to read when the text does not allow them to practice their decoding skills or to recognize common words by sight. This section provides varying levels of beginning readers to help students become better readers. The texts have words kids can sound out using a basic decoding strategy, as well as high frequency words that can be recognized by sight. Although frequent and repeated reading from a wide variety of texts is the best way to develop vocbaulary, fluency, and comprehension skills, some skills can also be practiced outside of books. This section provides games to practice targeted skills. They are best used in small groups, during small group intervention, or in reading stations. They are supplements to a balanced reading curriculum, and provide a motivating way for students to practice reading skills.
How are black holes formed? Black Holes are the densest, most massive singular objects in the universe—nothing can escape their pull, not even light. Theory holds that they are created when stars collapse under their own gravity, forming a point or a ring of infinite density—singularity. The nuclear fusion in a star’s core produces electromagnetic radiation that exerts outward pressure, balancing the enormous gravity of the star’s mass, but when the nuclear fuel is exhausted, stability cracks and gravity compresses the star inwards. If the star is sufficiently massive—theory suggests it must be three times as massive as our sun—then the gravitational force is strong enough to collapse the star into a black hole. Soon the radius of star shrinks to critical size, called the Schwarzchild radius or event horizon: the boundary beyond which nothing cannot escape, not even light, because the strength of the gravitational pull is too great. The radius for determining an object’s Schwarzchild radius is Rs=2GM/c^2, where M is the mass of the body, G is the universal constant of gravitation, and c is the speed of light—and anything that’s smaller than its Schwarzchild radius is a black hole. When a star reaches this radius, it starts to devour anything that comes too close—but what happens to material within the Scwarzchild radius, however, is a mystery. It collapses indefinitely to the point where our understanding of the laws of physics breaks down. Read further on NASA
Enormous, mile-long (1.8 kilometers) landforms lie hidden beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, and these supersized subglacial masses may be contributing to the ice's thinning, according to a new study. Ancient ice sheets in Scandinavia and North America that have long since retreated left behind numerous landforms that scientists have studied to learn how they impacted the ice sheets above. However, such formations had not been observed under modern-day ice sheets — until now. Recently, a team of scientists discovered an active hydrological system below the Antarctic ice sheet. In their study detailing the discovery, the researchers revealed that these landforms beneath Antarctica are five times the size of those seen in Scandinavia and North America. [Antarctica Photos: Meltwater Lake Hidden Beneath the Ice] Subglacial conduits are tunnels underneath large ice sheets that funnel meltwater toward the ocean. Conduits become wider near the ocean, and the scientists found that these wider tunnels accumulate sediment. In fact, sediment that builds up over millennia can create giant sediment ridges about the size of the Eiffel Tower, according to the researchers. Using satellite data and ice-penetrating radar, the researchers found evidence of sediment ridges cutting into the Antarctic ice flow. These cuts from below leave deep scars that weaken the ice, the scientists said. The scars eventually form ice-shelf channels that are up to half as thin as the uncut ice; thinner ice is more susceptible to melting from the warmer ocean, the researchers added. Previously, scientists thought that ice-shelf channels were carved as ice melts from the warmer ocean waters. However, the new study "shows that ice-shelf channels can already be initiated on land, and that the size of the channels significantly depends on sedimentation processes occurring over hundreds to thousands of years," study lead author Reinhard Drews, a glaciologist at the Université libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, said in a statement. Though the discovery improves scientific understanding of how ice-shelf channels form, the researchers noted that this formation process is more complicated than scientists previously thought and requires further study. Antarctica's hidden landforms were detailed in a study published online May 9 in the journal Nature Communications. Original article on Live Science.
Who, What, Where, When, Why. Sometimes how is added to this list. - The people in the story. This includes individuals, groups, cultures, languages and outside actors. - How to identify Who is involved – A worksheet - What occurs in the story. The actions taken be people, events that happen. - Identifying What happens – and also who did it or caused it – A worksheet Where involves the physical location of the story. While this may seem straight forward it can be important to really understand the location and it’s significance (historically, physically, spiritually, politically and culturally) . For example, hearing Jesus is in Galilee lets us know he is near his home town, but knowing he is currently in the middle of the lake, on a fishing boat, in the middle of the storm brings a different understanding to the narrative than knowing he is in a friends house having a meal on a sunny day. Where is the location of the story – A worksheet What is the location of the story. What country are they in, what part of the country are they in? What are the physical characteristics of the part of the country they are in. what is around them, both in close proximity but also further away that may affect this story.
Some meteorites, called CI chondrites, contain quite a lot of water; more than 15% of their total weight. Scientists have suggested that impacts by meteorites like these could have delivered water to the early Earth. The water in CI chondrites is locked up in minerals produced by aqueous alteration processes on the meteorite’s parent asteroid, billions of years ago. It has been very hard to study these minerals due to their small size, but new work carried out by the Meteorite Group at the Natural History Museum has been able to quantify the abundance of these minerals. The minerals produced by aqueous alteration (including phyllosilicates, carbonates, sulphides and oxides) are typically less than one micron in size (the width of a human hair is around 100 microns!). They are very important, despite their small size, because they are major carriers of water in meteorites. We need to know how much of a meteorite is made of these minerals in order to fully understand fundamental things such as the physical and chemical conditions of aqueous alteration, and what the original starting mineralogy of asteroids was like.
Despite being allied with the Union during the Civil War, Delaware remained a slave state until 1865, when the ratification of the thirteenth amendment to the Constitution banned slavery nationwide. In general, the state was divided along north/south lines, with northern New Castle County being primarily anti-slavery and southern Sussex County opposing abolition. The state government saw numerous attempts to repeal slavery via legislative means, but these divides meant that none of these bills gained much traction. Delaware’s position as a border state also placed Delaware directly in the lines of transit that escaped slaves would use when fleeing the South for the Northern United States and Canada. In the period before the Civil War, the Underground Railroad operated as a series of safe houses from which sympathetic Northerners and members of the free African-American community provided refuge, shelter and support for escaped slaves. (The system was so-named due to the fact that railroad terminology was used to describe its functions. Routes were referred to as “lines,” stopping places were “stations,” and the people aiding the escaped slaves were “conductors”). Those who aided escaped slaves did so in defiance of the Fugitive Slave Act, which permitted authorities to cross state lines in pursuit of escaped slaves, and meted out civil and criminal penalties to anyone who aided escaped slaves. The artifacts on display in this exhibit highlight Delaware’s role in the Underground Railroad and the movement to abolish slavery in the United States. Alexander Johnston, Associate Librarian
Submitted by: Bobby Lewis In this Preventing Bullying lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K-8, students use BrainPOP Jr. and/or BrainPOP resources to define bullying (and/or cyberbullying) and explain its effects. Students then create a flyer demonstrating how to prevent and respond appropriately to bullying and/or cyberbullying. - Define bulling (and/or cyberbullying) and explain its effects - Create a flyer demonstrating how to prevent and respond appropriately to bullying and/or cyberbullying - Internet access for BrainPOP - Supplies for making posters or digital posters Preparation:This lesson can be used to introduce a unit or mini unit on internet safety. You may wish to show older students Internet articles about Megan Meier or other real life stories of bullying and/or cyberbullying. - Show the Cyberbullying movie (or other BrainPOP/BrainPOP Jr. movie topic above.) - Facilitate a class discussion around bullying. Use the related features and activities from BrainPOP to guide the conversation and help students understand the topic. - Have students create a poster using markers or digital tools. Their posters should explain the effects of bullying and/or cyberbullying, how it can be prevented, and/or how to respond if a child or someone a child knows is being bullied. - Display the posters around the school to encourage other students to think about this important issue.
In this lesson we will start to learn about Binary numbers. We need to understand this really well if we want to be able to use our computers or microprocessors to process data from sensors and to send signals to actuators or other output devices. Binary numbers use a very simple Alphabet containing only two symbols: 0 and 1 Please watch the following 10 minute video from Khan Academy (for a larger video image, click either on the Full Screen icon in the lower right corner, or the YouTube logo to the left of it) I see that many people are confused by the conversion of 231 Decimal to 11100111 Binary. The common questions are where did the zeroes come from, or how did he know which were 1 and which were 0. This will be covered in a few lessons time. There was also the use of exponents (the small numbers that are raised up) like 102 , 101 , 100, and the same for the binary numbers with column values from 27 down to 20. This will also be covered in a few lessons time. Lastly, there were questions about why, when showing the values for the eight binary digit positions with the exponent style (like 27), where did the 2 come from since Binary only has 0 and 1 . In explaining the values of each of the digit positions for Binary numbers, the video used the familiar Decimal numbers. So the 2 and the 7 are part of the Decimal alphabet being used to explain the Binary digit position values. Since both Decimal and Binary are just number systems that that use different alphabets, it should be possible to explain the Binary number system digit positions using the Binary alphabet. If we only use Binary number with 3 digits, there are eight possible numbers: So instead of writing 27 (using the Decimal alphabet) we could instead write 010111 using only the Binary Alphabet (symbol set). We will explore this more in a future lesson.
1. Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. 2. Interpret statements of inequality as statements about the relative position of two numbers on a number line diagram. For example, interpret -3 > -7 as a statement that -3 is located to the right of -7 on a number line oriented from left to right. 3. Write, interpret, and explain statements of order for rational numbers in real-world contexts. For example, write -3 ?C > -7 ?C to express the fact that -3 ?C is warmer than -7 ?C. 4. Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing for numbers. 5. Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or inequality true. 6. Use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real-world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number, or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set. Please watch the video, take notes, and complete the quiz.
Place Value and the Expanded Form of Numbers Aligned To Common Core Standard: Grade 2 Base Ten- 2.NBT.3 Printable Worksheets And Lessons - Step-by-step Lesson- This one focuses the three main place values of this standard. I use the column method again. - Place Value and Writing Numbers in Words 5 Pack- Tell the value of the place of the - Writing Numbers in Word Format Pack- Write all the numbers in word format. - Guided Lesson -We work on number names, expanded to numeric form, and writing expanded - Guided Lesson Explanation - I like the way I ended up explaining these problems. Let me know if I did a good job. - Practice Worksheet - You are given an integer in numeric form. You need to convert it to both expanded and word form. - Matching Worksheet - Match the expanded and place value forms of numbers. - Open Ended Integer Problems Five Pack of Worksheets - This is only for very advanced students. A teacher requested this for her gifted class. I'd say it is more of a 4th grade skill. View Answer Keys- All the answer keys in one file. Tell the place value of the underlined integer, compare number, and write them in expanded form. We ask you everything from the homework in one pass here.
What Does Math Look Like Throughout the Grades? Click on a grade level to see a video of what students may be learning at that grade level. - These videos focus on developing number sense and personal strategies for basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). - Remember that students develop differently at different times. Learning for understanding takes time and thinking first, then practice. - Students need to find the strategy that best works for their understanding. - This strategy will develop and change over time to become more efficient. - An effective strategy is one that the student understands and that works for the mathematical situation in which they are using it. - It is important to work with objects, pictures, and numbers to develop number sense.
In order to form bonds atoms need to be stable. An atom is stable when its outer shell is complete, which means when it has 2 or 8 electrons. Noble gases are very stable and do not react with other elements, because their outer shell is complete. You can see them on the far right (in grey) of the periodic table: The atoms of the rest of the elements on the periodic table try to stabilise by filling their outer shell with some more electrons, or by getting rid of some extra ones. They get their electrons when they combine with other atoms of elements that need to get rid of some. When an atom loses electrons (which carry a negative charge), it becomes a positive ion. The atom receiving the electrons becomes a negative ion. The more electrons an atom receives, the bigger the negative charge and the more it loses, the bigger the positive charge. Metals generally gain electrons because they have spaces in their outer shell that need to be filled, whereas non-metals give their spare electrons to metals. Positive and negative ions attract one another so the compound forms. Metal ions attract a number of other ions and form lattices. The diagram below shows the ionic bond between sodium and chlorine when they form sodium chloride. Non-metals also form compounds together by sharing electrons. This type of bonding is covalent. The molecule of water is shown in the diagram below. The oxygen atom shares two electrons, one with each atom of hydrogen. The electrons are used by all atoms simultaneously. In GCSE science, electrons are represented as dots or crosses and we will see examples of that in the questions. You may be asked to draw these diagrams in your exams.
“An act of 1696, reenacted in 1712 and again in 1722, declared that those who have been sold and their children, are made slaves. By 1725, Governor Arthur Middleton stated that slaves have been and are always deemed as goods and chattel by their masters. In 1740, The Comprehensive Negro Act abandoned completely the last vestiges of the Barbadian tradition and set slavery on a unique legal foundation. Blacks, Indians, and their heirs were considered slaves, the only colonial law affirming slavery as the presumptive status of persons of color. The status of Blacks changed from unfree labor to racial slaves. A dark curtain had fallen over the colony. From that time on in law as well as in custom, the wall between white and non-white was set in stone. The political condition of the African in South Carolina worsened in the 18th century as he was stripped of his humanity as well as his freedom both in theory and in practice. Slavery in Carolina, from its founding until the Stono Rebellion of 1739, was marked by rising tensions between the races, stricter slave codes, and efforts by whites to maintain control as Blacks increased their numerical superiority. A ticket was required to leave the place of the master slave patrols enforced the slave code and were on the look out for any signs of rebellion. Punishment of slaves included branding, mutilation, whipping, burning, castration, and execution. Such measures undoubtedly increased the sense of cohesion among the Black population, but not necessarily a loss of ethnic identity. As Blacks fought back their resistance took many forms including arson, poison, and conspiracy.” -From, “The Gullah People and Their African Heritage” By: William Pollitzer
Expressions are constructed from operands and operators. The operators of an expression indicate which operations to apply to the operands. Examples of operators include new. Examples of operands include literals, fields, local variables, and expressions. There are three kinds of operators: - Unary operators. The unary operators take one operand and use either prefix notation (such as –x) or postfix notation (such as - Binary operators. The binary operators take two operands and all use infix notation (such as - Ternary operator. Only one ternary operator, ?:, exists; it takes three operands and uses infix notation ( The order of evaluation of operators in an expression is determined by the precedence and associativity of the operators (Section 7.2.1). Operands in an expression are evaluated from left to right. For example, in F(i) + G(i++) * H(i), method F is called using the old value of i, then method G is called with the old value of i, and, finally, method H is called with the new value of i. This is separate from and unrelated to operator precedence. Certain operators can be overloaded. Operator overloading permits user-defined operator implementations to be specified for operations where one or both of the operands are of a user-defined class or struct type (Section 7.2.2).
Videos, worksheets, games and acivities to help Grade 3 students learn to describe 3-D objects according to the shape of the faces and the number of edges and vertices. In this lesson, we will learn 3-D objects such as pyramids, prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres and their nets. A face is a surface on a geometric object. An edge occurs when two faces of a 3-D object meet. A vertex is a point where three or more edges meet. In a pyramid, the vertex is the highest point above a base. A pyramid has one base. The base is a special face that determines the name of the pyramid. The remaining faces in a pyramid are always triangles that meet at one point or vertex. A pyramid with a square base is a square pyramid. A square pyramid has 5 faces, 8 edges and 5 vertices. A pyramid with a triangular base is a triangular pyramid. A triangular pyramid has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices. A cylinder is a 3-D object with 2 flat faces (which are circles), 1 curved face, 2 edges and 0 vertices. A cone is a 3-D object with 1 flat face (which is a circle), 1 curved face, 1 edge and 1 vertex. A sphere is a 3-D object with 1 curved face, 0 edges and 0 vertices. A net can be described as a ‘jacket’ for a geometric solid that can be folded to cover or create the surface of the solid. A net is a two-dimensional figure with indicated lines for folding to create a three-dimensional solid. Geometric nets are matched with their corresponding shapes. Movies of the folding of the geometric nets are included. We welcome your feedback, comments and questions about this site or page. Please submit your feedback or enquiries via our Feedback page.
The last topic in our chemistry unit has been about Bohr Diagrams. We’ve been talking for the last week or so about the organization of the periodic table. Elements are organized by - atomic number - how many electrons are in the outer shell - by which shell is their valence shell (or the shell that electrons are added to) - Columns tell us how many atoms are in the outer shell. - Rows tell us how many shells there are. - The atomic number tells us how many electrons an atom has. But to really understand this better, I thought the kids should actually draw in the electrons using the Bohr Diagram model. We used examples from the first four rows. If anyone else can use these Bohr Diagram worksheets, they are free to download. 🙂 Early next week, I’ll share all the resources we used for our Periodic Table Unit. Other chemistry posts that may be of interest: - Chemistry Unit: A Study of the Periodic Table (Coming soon) - Chemistry Experiments for Kids (Grade 2) – Matter is Neither Created Nor Destroyed — Acids and Bases - Chemistry Experiments for Kids (Grade 2) – Mixtures, Chromatography, DNA Kit - Explosion of Colors in Milk Experiment and Other Chemistry Fun! - Chemistry Unit: The Size of Atoms - States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas — Learning Activities - Chemistry: Molecule Movement Experiment and Chemistry Review Worksheet These notebook pages are free. - Science Experiments: Water Molecule Attraction - Building Molecules Chemistry Activity This also has some free notebook pages about building molecules: See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! ~Liesl Don’t miss out on future printables and packets; subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. Don’t forget to confirm in your inbox!
In Topic B, students connect their understanding of functions to their knowledge of graphing from Grade 8. They learn the formal definition of a function and how to recognize, evaluate, and interpret functions in abstract and contextual situations (F-IF.A.1, F-IF.A.2). Students examine the graphs of a variety of functions and learn to interpret those graphs using precise terminology to describe such key features as domain and range, intercepts, intervals where the function is increasing or decreasing, and intervals where the function is positive or negative. (F-IF.A.1, F-IF.B.4, F-IF.B.5, F-IF.C.7a). Algebra I Module 3, Topic B, Overview Common Core Learning Standards |F.IF.1||Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the range)...| |F.IF.2||Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their domains, and interpret statements...| |F.IF.4||For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs...|
This lesson looks at the different types of sentences students can use in their writing, the lesson aims to give students the understanding of each sentences construction, and in turn enhance their written skills and variation of sentences they can use correctly. 1) Lesson aims and objectives: Aim: To understand the different types of sentences we can use in our writing To see the difference between three different types of sentences To identify examples of three different types of sentences To write your own examples of the three different types of sentences 2) Slide displays three sentences (one simple, compound and complex) and students are asked to discuss/make notes (up to you) on what differences they can pick out between the three. Hopefully students will note the length, use of connective words, punctuation etc. If they do not, the teacher can try to prompt these answers. 3) An explanation for each of the three sentences is displayed alongside the previous sentences, so students can make links with the descriptions and the examples. This will likely require more explanation and possible more examples. 4) Further examples shown to further enhance understanding and provide further discussion points. At this stage I usually ask students to write their own examples of each sentence to begin practising, and have them feed their ideas back. But this can be adapted dependant on your group/level. 5) Activity: Students given a short extract about The Men In Black (print out available in this resource) and asked to label the different sentences- instructions given on the print out and the presentation. 6) Answers to the task shown on the presentation. 7) Recap task - requires coloured response cards- six sentences displayed on the presentation, one at a time, and students to hold up the relevant response card. Instructions and answers displayed on the presentation. 8) Extension task included- sentences for students to identify as simple, compound or complex.
The form of a valley depends upon the rate at which deepening and widening goes on. V-shaped valleys are caused by forces such as erosion and rivers. Valleys are not at all formed by rivers. Valleys that are not V-shaped were formerly occupied by glaciers and are characteristically U-shaped, formed by the huge bodies of ice that moved along; they carved the valleys as they passed, carrying away giant boulders and huge amounts of debris. Valleys are usually in a U-shaped form. Narrow deep valleys are sometimes called canyons. A valley has two characteristics, one is low land, another is being formed between hills or mountains. Valleys in low areas have an average slope; in the mountains, valleys are deep and narrow. Erosion by rivers is a main valley-forming process; other processes, such as movement of the earth's crust and glaciers, also have an important part in some cases. The rate at which a river deepens its valley depends on several factors. One factor is how fast the water is going down a channel. The water will generally reach a maximum at the point where the slope is steep. One more factor is the resistance of material through where the river channel is cutting. At the same time that a channel cuts down a valley floor, erosion carries soil and sediment down the valley slopes toward the channel. A river can remove all the material supplied easily, from the slopes and from upstream. It can continue to cut even more deeply into the bed and increase the steepness of the sides. If material can be supplied to the channel faster than it can be carried away, then the excess material accumulates on the valley floor. Steep sided valleys are often found in young mountain areas where the land is still being lifted to create mountains. Steep sided valleys occur because the uplift tends to increase the channel slope, which in turn causes the river to cut more rapidly into its bed.
The Fugitive Slave Act Kate S., 9th Period, October 2012 ~ Part of a group of laws included in the "Compromise of 1850" which was meant to solve disagreements between the North and South. ~ Passed by Congress with four members voting against it. ~ Created because Southerners were "suffering" financially because slaves were escaping to the North, often with help from people there. ~ The Act made not only active abolitionists more angry but also enraged those that had not previously been big "movers and shakers" against slavery and that group became much more active. ~ The Act stated that runaway slaves were to be returned to the area they escaped from. ~ All citizens had to help carry out this law by helping capture and return slaves to their original location. ~ The fine for helping a slave escape was $1000 and six months in jail for each slave helped. ~ Established a separate legal process for suspected fugitive slaves. Millard Fillmore, 13th President Ties to Constitution The Act Today... ~ The Act was repealed in 1864. ~ Slavery was abolished in 1865. ~ The Civil Rights Movement occurred from 1955-1968.
Unit Circle Lesson 5: The Unit Circle Explain what the unit circle is and how it is used. Follow these steps to complete this "flip" lesson. STEP 1: Title your spiral with the heading above and copy the essential question(s). STEP 2: Copy and define the following vocabulary. Also copy any properties, theorems or postulates listed. - initial side - terminal side - coterminal angles - unit circle - cosine of theta - sine of theta STEP 3: Read the following page(s) and take notes as needed. Copy the following example(s) from the textbook. - Page 730 -734 - Example 1: Measuring an Angle in Standard Position - Example 2: Sketching an Angle in Standard Position The video(s) are optional but highly recommended!!! -Measuring and Sketching an angle in standard position -Using the unit circle to find the cosine and sine of of an angle -Using the unit circle to find exact values of cosine and sine
Find the number of parallelograms by finding the number of combinations and applying the principle of counting by multiplication. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to complete the following: In this Activity Object, the learner is given a word problem involving finding the number of parallelograms formed when m parallel lines intersect with other n transversal parallel vertical lines. In order to solve this problem, the combination formula and the principle of counting by multiplication will be used. Combination Formula When the order is not important, you can find the number of selections of r objects from a set of n objects by using the combination formula: For example, Eleven students put their names in a hat to pick three names for a committee. How many different ways can the three names be selected out of the hat? Principle of Counting by Multiplication There are several counting methods, but this Activity Object focuses on the principle of counting by multiplication: If an event occurs in m ways and another event occurs independently in n ways, then the two events can occur in m × n ways. If there are shirts for sale in 3 colors (red, blue, and yellow) and come in 4 sizes (small, medium, large, and X-large), how many different shirts are available? 3 × 4 = 12 different shirts The following key vocabulary terms will be used throughout this Activity Object: |Approximate Time||20 Minutes| |Pre-requisite Concepts||principle of counting by multiplication, combination formula| |Type of Tutorial||Problem Solving & Reasoning| |Key Vocabulary||combination, counting principle, parallelograms|
Solve arithmetic expressions that include exponents. Use the product rule to multiply expressions with like bases (ax * ay = ax+y). Use the quotient rule to divide expression with like bases (ax ÷ ay = ax-y). Solve expressions using exponential rules and laws. Exponent, Order of Operations - were given a paper with multiple problems to work through - worked through a few problems on a board whiteboard to explain computation process - used the answers to solve a puzzle Use reasoning to solve logic puzzles. Follow given rules to solve problems. Use the given information to determine which is not the correct answer. - determined which facts were true/false - used the true facts to make decisions
How do glaciers move? In the northern hemisphere glaciers typically form in north-facing hollows in upland areas. When snow falls in these areas during winter months it can survive without melting in the summer months. Ice forms as layers of snow become compacted by the weight of subsequent snowfall and the trapped air is squeezed out. As ice accumulates it begins to flow under gravity. It flows over the lip of the hollow and down the side of the mountain. As the ice flows over the uneven mountainside the glacier cracks creating deep crevasses. Crevasses in a glacier in the Swiss Alps Due to the weight of the ice pressure is created on the base of the glacier. This creates meltwater on the base of the glacier (squeeze an ice cube to see this process in action!). This lubricates the base of the glacier helping it to flow. This process is known as basal flow. The glacier also flows when temperatures are too cold for basal flow. When temperatures are very cold the glacier moves like plastic. The speed is affected by the gradient of the slope. The steeper the slope the faster the flow. This process is known as internal deformation. Abrasion and plucking occur on the valley floor resulting in the valley floor being covered with rock fragments. This is called moraine. The formation of a corrie As the ice flows into lowland areas the ice begins to melt as temperatures increase. Rock being transported by the glacier is deposited as moraine. The snout is the end of the glacier. Meltwater flows from the snout of the glacier and can transport moraine away from the glacier. This is often deposited on the outwash plain of the glacier. Outwash plains are made up of outwash deposits and are characteristically flat and consist of layers of sand and other fine sediments. The image below shows an outwash plain in Iceland. The outwash plain of the Sólheimajökull Glacier.
|Nelson EducationSchoolMathematics 3| Surf for More Math Lesson 1 - Venn Diagrams To encourage your child to have fun on the Web while learning about Venn Diagrams, here are some games and interactive activities they can do on their own or in pairs. Sort and classify objects using Venn diagrams. Student Book pages 54-55 Instructions for Use Shape Sorter prompts your child sort and classify objects using a Venn diagram. There are two ways to use Shape Sorter - Guess the Rule, or Make the Rule. Both ways your child can use a single circle, two non-overlapping circles, or two overlapping circles. Click on either button at the left of the screen to choose which one to play.
Current research suggests that one element of good comprehension is sequencing ability (Gouldthorp, Katsipis & Mueller, 2017). Each of the exercises in this section requires the student to determine the order in which events occurred. This is achieved in several ways: - Identifying the event that occurred first. - Placing a number of sentences in a logical order to tell a story. - Deciding whether a statement concerning the order of an event occurring in a short passage is true or false. If students have difficulty determining the sequence of events in a story, it may be helpful to get them to retell the key events in the order of occurrence by asking: What happened first? What happened next? Then what? What happened last? It is also useful to draw their attention to key words in the text which signal order (e.g., first, after, then, finally, in the end, when, at the same time, before, during, as, following, since, while, next, etc.). Another strategy is to have students think about the story as a movie. If they were a movie director, turning the story into a movie, what would be the scenes they would set up and in what order? Gouldthorp, B., Katsipis, L., & Mueller, C. (2017). An investigation of the role of sequencing in children’s reading comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly. DOI:10.1002/rrq.186
The focus of this activity is to find out what students know and understand about length and the metric system. Are students able to identify the standard unit for length (metres) and the relationship between metres and other measures, e.g. mm, cm and km? Do students understand the ten times bigger/smaller concept or do students simple apply a rule such as “move the decimal point” without truly understanding what this means? - Develop a clear definition of length and provide examples of when it is used - Recognise that the standard unit for length is the metre - Explain the relationship between metres, centimetres, millimetres and kilometres - Recognise and explain the connection between place value (including decimals) and the metric system - Convert between mm, cm, metres and km and explain the strategy used - Accurately use measuring tools, such as rulers and tape measures to find the length of various objects - Make comparisons between different measures and explain their relationship Curriculum Connections: NSW Syllabus Mathematics K-10 Stage 3.2 – Length 2 - Connect decimal representations to the metric system (ACMMG135) - Convert between common metric units of length (ACMMG136) At the end of this lesson students should be able to answer the following questions - What is the metric system? How is the metric system related to place value? - What is length? What is a definition for length? How do we measure length? - What are different tools we use to measure? How do we use these tools accurately? - What is the standard unit for length? What are the related units? - What is the relationship between the units, e.g. 1 cm and 1 mm? - How can we convert between the units in order to compare size? - Can ratios help us to better understand the relationships between the measures? - How can we use ratios to help us convert between measures? For more information, please download the attached lesson plan.
Interpreting the parts of expressions and equations gives students a basic level of understanding that is vital to higher level processes. This “vocabulary” knowledge in mathematics holds the key to future understanding of theorems, solving equations, and working with complex processes and number systems. The important vocabulary for this concept is: terms coefficients constants like terms The parts of an expression that are added(or subtracted) together are called the terms. This expression has 4 terms, 4x, -8, y, and -3. The number part of a term with a variable part is called the coefficient of the term, 4 and 1 are the coefficients in this equation. A constant term has a number part but no variable part, such as -8 and -3 in the expression above. Like terms are terms that have the same variable parts. Notice 4x and y are not like terms, because their variables are different, and all constants are like terms with each other because of the absence of a variable. The expression below also does not have any like terms. Even though each of the variable terms contain an x, they are different types of x. The only number that will not affect the “nature” of the term in terms of like terms is the coefficient. Here, the variable (or smaller number) distinguishes theses are different types of x. As you progress through your mathematical journey you will be faced with a growing level of complexity in the expressions and equations you encounter. Fear not because even the most difficult formulas and equations can be broken down into the basic features outlined above. For example, the following equation is how compound interest is calculated. This equation is used for investments and payments such as monthly car payments. It may seem complicated at first, however when we see that it is simply the product of P (the principal amount, or original amount) and a factor not depending on P, in this case the rate of interest. For example, if you decide to take out a loan from a bank to buy a car, many banks have a set interest for loans based on your financial stability, not on the value of the loan.
There are two distinct concepts of division, the idea of dividing into equal groups and the idea of repeated subtraction. Since all students visualize and understand things differently, be sure to allow your students to use both concepts to model division. Look at these expressions: 4 0 0 4 Many students incorrectly evaluate one or both expressions. Tell your students to check their answers using multiplication. Is 4 0 = 0? If it is, then 0 0 = 4. Since this is incorrect, then 4 0 does not equal 0. Is 0 4 = 0? If it is, then 0 4 = 0. Since this is correct, 0 4 = 0. Have students check a partner's division by multiplying. This may seem less tedious to students because they are not repeating their own work. Students may also take this as a challenge to find another student's errors. Base ten blocks can be an excellent demonstration tool and powerful manipulative to teach division. If commercial blocks are not available, paper kits can be made using construction paper. Practice labeling division problems with dividend, divisor, and quotient before teaching students how to solve them. This helps students to learn which number represents each part of the problem.
This image shows a computer simulation of processes in the interior of Mars that could have produced the Tharsis region. The color differences are variations in temperature. Hot regions are red and cold regions are blue and green, with the difference between the hot and cold regions being as much as 1000°C (1800°F). Because of thermal expansion, hot rock has a lower density than cold rock. These differences in density cause the hot material to rise toward the surface and the cold material to sink into the interior, creating a large-scale circulation known as mantle convection. This type of mantle flow produces plate tectonics on Earth. The hot, rising material tends to push the surface of the planet up, and the cold, sinking material tends to pull the surface down. These motions contribute to the overall topography of the planet. This deformation of the planet's surface is shown in gray along the outer surface of the planet in this image. The amount of deformation is highly exaggerated to make it visible here. The actual uplift in Tharsis is estimated to be about 8 kilometers (5 miles) at its center. This uplift also stretches the crust, forming features such as grabens and Valles Marineris. In addition, the hot, rising material may melt as it approaches the surface, producing volcanic activity.
A small group or whole-class activity to consolidate students’ understanding of equivalent fractions. Use this teaching resource to help your students identify equivalent fractions. Print the six cookie jars (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, and 1/8) and the cookies on cardstock. Then, cut out the cookies and store them with the jars in a resealable bag. Students sort the cookies into the correct cookie jars according to equivalency. Download this resource as part of a larger resource pack or Unit Plan. Common Core Curriculum alignment Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3. Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =,... Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to ... Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions ref... We create premium quality, downloadable teaching resources for primary/elementary school teachers that make classrooms buzz! Find more resources for these topics Suggest a change You must be logged in to request a change. Sign up now! Report an Error You must be logged in to report an error. Sign up now!
Leaving home can change you – and the moon is no exception. As it drifted away from its parent, Earth, the pull of our planet’s gravity gave it an odd bulge on each side and a tilted axis. Uncovering the mystery behind its unusual shape is a step towards finding out exactly when and how the moon formed. Most rocky planets and moons formed from a spinning ball of magma, which gives them a fairly predictable spherical shape. Earth’s moon is thought to have formed when a Mars-sized object smacked into the infant Earth and shot hot rocky material out into space. That should mean normal rules apply, but instead, the moon has a weird bulge on both the near and far side, giving it a shape like a lemon. There are several ideas for how these bulges formed, but studying them has been difficult because since it formed, the moon has been marred with large basins that mask its original shape. One of them, the South Pole-Aitken basin, is the biggest, deepest impact crater in the solar system. Maria Zuber at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her colleagues made a model that filled in 12 of the largest basins, to see what the moon would have looked like before they formed. The results suggest the lemon-like bulges formed in the first 200 million years, when Earth’s gravity pulled at the moon’s magma, building the crust up more on the points closest to and furthest from Earth. That left the mystery of the moon’s puzzling tilt. When the bulge formed, the points of the lemon should have been pointing directly at Earth, but today they are offset by 36 degrees. The researchers suggest that as the moon moved away from the Earth, the density of the cooling crust was uneven. The crust became lopsided and tilted the moon’s polar axis to the angle we see today. Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature13639 More on these topics:
Students may need assistance when finding coordinates on the unit circle. This tutorial will guide them step by step relying on the Pythagorean Theorem to build the coordinates of any point on the unit circle. Students' familarity with the Pythagorean Theorem will lead them to discover the coordinates of any point on the unit circle when given any x-value or any angle measurement from the vertex at the origin. Before the Activity Students should have already been introduced to the unit circle and its basic characteristics. The Pythagorean Theorem should be a basic tool already mastered. During the Activity Students should work alone or in pairs to complete the activity.
This center can be used for students working on numbers from 0 to 10, or can be used for students working on larger numbers through 20. Decide which numbers you want your students to work on and place those Turkeys and matching ten frames in a container or on a table. Have students match the Turkey with the number programmed on it to the correct ten frame or combination of ten frames. If students are working on numbers through 20, they will learn that these numbers are made up of combinations of smaller numbers. This activity corresponds with Math Common Core Standards K.NBT.1: Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value, K.CC.4: Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality, and K.CC.5: Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects.
(Fractions and Multiplication Strategies) By the end of this unit students will be able to: **interpret products of whole numbers (That means students will be able to understand that 5 x 7 is the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7) **use multiplication with 100 to solve word problems in situations invoving equal groups, arrays, and measurements by using drawings and equations. **use the adding a group and subtracting a group (distributive property) as strategies to multiply. ** know from mastery all products of one-digit numbers x 10, and fluently multiply within 100 using strategies including adding a gorup and subtracting a group. ** identify arithmetic patterns in the addition table, multiplication table, or number grid. **identify and represent given unit and non-unit fractions using pictures, words, and fraction circles. **find the area of a rectangle with whole number side lengths by tiling it, and recognize that the area is the same as multiplying length times width
Games and hands on activities are a great way for students to practice and grasp concepts. This activity includes one activity sheet, and number cards (0-10). Students will read and recognize numbers and write numbers (0-10), they will use one-to-one correspondence to draw a certain number of feathers and identify which number is more or less. • Cut out and shuffle the cards • Have the student pull one card and draw that many feathers on the first turkey. Repeat with a second card, putting the feathers on the second turkey. • For numbers 1-3 have your child circle the turkey with more feathers and write that number in the box. • For numbers 4 & 5 have your child circle the turkey with fewer feathers and write that number in the box. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.C.6 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.1 CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.C.7 Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals. Graphics from:mycutegraphics.com & http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Christina-Aronen Font: Print Clearly http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Print-Clearly
Sentence Structure Practice Understanding structure takes practice, but it can actually be fun. Kids love to create silly sentences and use their imaginations. Remind them that the subject is the noun that performs the action in the sentence. It answers this question, "Who or what is the sentence about?" The predicate is the verb or action in the sentence. It answers this question, "What happened or what is happening in the sentence?" Here are some activities to help students practice sentence structure. - Prepare sentences that are missing either a subject or a predicate and have students fill them in. Here are some examples. - The shy girl __________________. - _______________ read to the children. - The cold snow _____________________. Make them something children can relate to. Don’t be afraid to throw some fun and silly ones in there too. Maybe, "The yellow hippopotamus _______________." Have half the class, group, or partnership create the subject of the sentence, while the other half creates the predicate. Simple subjects and predicates (often one word) can be used, but the activity will be more fun with complete subjects and predicates. When both groups have created 5-10 items, have them put them together to create sentences. Some possible subjects: the big brown dog, the noisy class, the very tall building, a large box of chocolate, the striped frog. It’s okay to get silly! Some possible predicates: drove to Florida, rocketed into outer space, couldn’t stop laughing, scored a touchdown, ate all their dinner. The sentences don’t have to make sense once they’re together; it’s the proper structure that’s important. Time4Writing provides practice in this area. Sign up for our Middle School Basic Mechanics course or browse other related courses below to find a course that’s right for you.
This Understanding Connotation lesson plan also includes: - Join to access all included materials Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address," which is available online, is used in the language lesson presented here. Middle schoolers read through the text for comprehension. Then, they reread the first paragraph and identify all the words with positive, and negative, connotations. They list the words and phrases in a T-chart. Once they have completed the chart and listed all of the positive and negative words, they identify the column of words that have the greater emotion and impact. Finally, pupils write a summary of their thoughts on the word choices Lincoln made for the famous speech.
- Students will understand the definition of a circle as a set of all points that are equidistant from a given point. - Students will understand that the coordinates of a point on a circle must satisfy the equation of that circle. - Students will relate the Pythagorean Theorem and Distance Formula to the equation of a circle. - Given the equation of a circle (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r 2, students will identify the radius r and center (h, k). - Pythagorean Theorem - Distance Formula About the Lesson This lesson involves plotting points that are a fixed distance from the origin, dilating a circle entered on the origin, translating a circle away from the origin, and dilating and translating a circle while tracing a point along its circumference. As a result students will: - Visualize the definition of a circle. - Visualize the relationship between the radius and the hypotenuse of a right triangle. - Observe the consequence of this manipulation on the equation of the circle. - Infer the relationship between the equation of a circle and the Pythagorean Theorem. - Infer the relationship between the equation of a circle and the Distance Formula. - Identify the radius r and center (h, k) of the circle (x −h)2 + (y − k)2 = r 2. - Deduce that the coordinates of a point on the circle must satisfy the equation of that circle.
Figuarative language uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it. Words and ideas are used to create mental images and suggest meaning. At West London Tutoring we use a number of different ways to teach children how to recognise and use figurative language in KS2 English. We use definitions and examples of simile, hyperbole, alliteration, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia and openers. Here we will share with you some free resources to help your child undertand better. Select your reading matter below by clicking on the pop out icon in the top right hand corner of your selection. This will open in a new window, to view clearly, download or print out at home for future use. If you do not see the PDF, click on the refresh button on your browser.
Questioning skills are important in facilitating an interactive pedagogy. Here we list two approaches to asking questions. 1. Higher cognitive questions - Cognitive-memory thinking uses simple processes like recognition or rote memory to formulate an answer; - Convergent thinking requires the students to analyse existing content to formulate an answer. There is only one correct answer for questions at this level; - Divergent thinking requires a response using independently generated data or a new perspective on a given topic. There is more than one correct answer for such questions; and - Evaluative thinking, the highest question level in this taxonomy, deals with issues where judgment of values and choices are necessary. 2. Question sequencing - Extending and lifting: Asking a number of questions at the same cognitive level (extending) before lifting the questions to the next higher (cognitive) level; - Circular path: Asking a series of questions which eventually lead back to the initial position or question. A classic example of this circular path pattern is, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”; - Same path: Asking questions at the same cognitive level. This pattern typically uses all lower-level, specific questions; - Narrow to broad: This pattern involves asking lower-level, specific questions followed by higher-level, general questions; - Broad to narrow (or funnelling): Question sequence begins with low-level, general questions followed by higher-level, specific questions; and - A backbone of questions with relevant digressions: In this sequence, the focus is not on the cognitive level of the questions but on how closely they relate to the central theme, issue, or subject of the discussion. Last updated on 24 Apr 2017 .
This is a set of 14 worksheets to help young learners develop early number sense. Each page features key vocabulary (more, less, same as, greater, fewer, equal to) clearly displayed on the pages. The pages start simple with children counting how many objects in a set, recording the number and circling a set with more or less. The next set of pages are activities for children to count a given number of items then draw more or less objects. Later activities require children to count how many objects and label sets with the words more, less, or same as. These worksheets were originally developed before the Common Core was adopted. The new standards use the vocabulary of greater, less, and equal. So supplemental worksheets have been added to the packed (The word fewer has also been added to fully develop vocabulary for quantity comparisons.) Two pages use base 10 number concepts. Children need to examine two base 10 illustrations compare the quantities and label the picture sets accordingly-this is a great enrichment activity or challenge for more advanced students! Created for Common Core Standard K.CC.6 Supplemental Practice for K.CC.4, K.CC.5, and K.NBT.1 Explore my store for additional Number Decomposition practice. Copyright © 2012 Maria Manore Fonts - Century Gothic, Minya Nouvelle, Primer Print, KG Be Still and Know Visit the Kinder-Craze blog for freebies and great project ideas. Like Kinder-Craze on Facebook Follow me on Pinterest
Exponents show how many times a number is multiplied by itself. For example, 2^3 (pronounced "two to the third power," "two to the third" or "two cubed") means 2 multiplied by itself 3 times. The number 2 is the base and 3 is the exponent. Another way of writing 2^3 is 2_2_2. The rules for adding and multiplying terms containing exponents are not difficult, but they may seem counter-intuitive at first. Study examples and do some practice problems, and you will soon get the hang of it. Check the terms that you want to add to see if they have the same bases and exponents. For example, in the expression 3^2 + 3^2, the two terms both have a base of 3 and an exponent of 2. In the expression 3^4 + 3^5, the terms have the same base but different exponents. In the expression 2^3 + 4^3, the terms have different bases but the same exponents. Add terms together only when the bases and exponents are both the same. For example, you can add y^2 + y^2, because they both have a base of y and an exponent of 2. The answer is 2y^2, because you are taking the term y^2 two times. Sciencing Video Vault Compute each term separately when either the bases, the exponents or both are different. For example, to compute 3^2 + 4^3, first figure out that 3^2 equals 9. Then figure out that 4^3 equals 64. After you have computed each term separately, then you can add them together: 9 + 64 = 73. Check to see if the terms you want to multiply have the same base. You can only multiply terms with exponents when the bases are the same. Multiply the terms by adding the exponents. For example, 2^3 * 2^4 = 2^(3+4) = 2^7. The general rule is x^a * x^b = x^(a+b). Compute each term separately if the bases in the terms are not the same. For example, to calculate 2^2 * 3^2, you have to first calculate that 2^2 = 4 and that 3^2 = 9. Only then can you multiply the numbers together, to get 4 * 9 = 36.
Fractions are used to define the parts of something. It is important for children to learn about fractions as they are used extensively in day to day activities, and also it lays the foundation for advanced mathematical concepts like algebra in higher studies. Working with fractions also introduces students to interesting concepts like number theory, greatest common factor, and prime factorization. There are various rules that apply when adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions; also it is important to learn how to solve different types of fractions like simple fractions and mixed fractions. Learning such fundamentals early on will help children to grasp complex mathematical concepts later on. This fractions worksheet for grade four is about adding mixed numbers and fractions with like denominators.
A heat dome occurs when the atmosphere traps hot ocean air like a lid or cap. Summertime means hot weather — sometimes dangerously hot — and extreme heat waves have become more frequent in recent decades. Sometimes, the scorching heat is ensnared in what is called a heat dome. This happens when strong, high-pressure atmospheric conditions combine with influences from La Niña, creating vast areas of sweltering heat that gets trapped under the high-pressure “dome.” A team of scientists funded by the NOAA MAPP Program investigated what triggers heat domes and found the main cause was a strong change (or gradient) in ocean temperatures from west to east in the tropical Pacific Ocean during the preceding winter. Imagine a swimming pool when the heater is turned on — temperatures rise quickly in the areas surrounding the heater jets, while the rest of the pool takes longer to warm up. If one thinks of the Pacific as a very large pool, the western Pacific’s temperatures have risen over the past few decades as compared to the eastern Pacific, creating a strong temperature gradient, or pressure differences that drive wind, across the entire ocean in winter. In a process known as convection, the gradient causes more warm air, heated by the ocean surface, to rise over the western Pacific, and decreases convection over the central and eastern Pacific. As prevailing winds move the hot air east, the northern shifts of the jet stream trap the air and move it toward land, where it sinks, resulting in heat waves.
Fundamental counting principle We will introduce the fundamental counting principle with an example. This counting principle is all about choices we might make given many possibilities. Suppose most of your clothes are dirty and you are left with 2 pants and 3 shirts. How many choices do you have or how many different ways can you dress? Let's call the pants: pants #1 and pants #2 Let's call the shirts: shirt #1 , shirt #2 , and shirt #3 Then, a tree diagram as the one below can be used to show all the choices you can make As you can see on the diagram, you can wear pants #1 with shirt # 1. That's one of your choices. Count all the branches to see how many choices you have. Since you have six branches, you have 6 choices. However, notice that a quick multiplication of 2 × 3 will yield the same answer. In general, if you have n choices for a first task and m choices for a second task, you have n × m choices for both tasks In the example above, you have 2 choices for pants and 3 choices for shirts. Thus, you have 2 × 3 choices. You go a restaurant to get some breakfast. The menu says pancakes, waffles, or home fries. And for drink, coffee, juice, hot chocolate, and tea. How many different choices of food and drink do you have? There 3 choices for food and 4 choices for drink. Thus, you have a total of 3 × 4 = 12 choices.
To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of following Python programming topics: In this example, we illustrate how words can be sorted lexicographically (alphabetic order). # Program to sort alphabetically the words form a string provided by the user # change this value for a different result my_str = "Hello this Is an Example With cased letters" # uncomment to take input from the user #my_str = input("Enter a string: ") # breakdown the string into a list of words words = my_str.split() # sort the list words.sort() # display the sorted words print("The sorted words are:") for word in words: print(word) The sorted words are: Example Hello Is With an cased letters this Note: To test the program, change the value of my_str. In this program, we store the string to be sorted in my_str. Using the split() method the string is converted into a list of words. The split() method splits the string at whitespaces. The list of words is then sorted using the sort() method and all the words are displayed.
Often times, we settle things with a coin toss, such as who gets to pick the first team member for a game of capture the flag, or who has to take out the trash. Suppose you have a fair coin, and you are going to toss it one or more times. If you only toss the coin once, since it is fair, the probability of either outcome, heads or tails, is the same or equal. But suppose you toss the coin twice, how many heads can you expect to get? You will learn how to answer questions like these in this chapter. When you have a fair coin, most people think that if you toss it several times, say a 100 times, that you should roughly get heads or tails every other time. People don't usually expect to get several heads in a row before getting the first head. Theoretically, you could get 100 heads out of 100 tosses, although the chances of this occurring are very low. In this chapter, we will learn how to model different situations such a coin toss and find probabilities of interesting events by using discrete probability distributions. You will also learn how to calculate expected values, for example, the expected number of heads out of some number of coin tosses, as well as the variance and standard deviations of these expected values. This chapter focuses on introducing students to probability distributions by covering random variables, discrete and continuous variables, and binomial, Poisson, and geometric distributions. It demonstrates how to calculate the expected value, or mean, as well as the variance and standard deviations for the different distributions as well as for any given discrete probability distribution. Additionally, this chapter covers linear transformations of random variables.
***Cause and Effect Worksheets*** Give your students the cause and effect practice they need. Students will read sentences that contain a cause and an effect. Then they will fill in what the cause was and what the effect was. ***What's the Effect?*** Students will read causes and determine an appropriate effect. ***What's the Cause?*** Students will read effects and determine an appropriate cause. ***Draw the Effect*** Students will look at pictures of potential causes and draw a picture of what the effect could be. ***Draw the Cause*** Students will look at pictures of potential effects and draw a picture of what the cause could be. ***Cause and Effect Organizer*** Blank cause and effect organizer that students can use with any story to map out any causes and effects they come across. Enjoy! Don't forget to rate me please! :) Hope your students find this useful. ***Common Core Standards*** RI.1.3. Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Have fun learning!- Naomi
A verb is a word expressing an action or a condition of a subject. There are three properties which characterize verbs in English--tense, voice, and mood. In English the fourteen verb tenses express the time or relative time in which an action or condition occurs. The voice of a verb, passive or active, expresses whether the action is being received by the subject or being done by the subject. The two voices may occur in any tense. The mood of a verb expresses the conditions under which an action or condition is taking place. In English there are three moods--indicative, subjunctive, or imperative. Indicative and subjunctive can be in any tense; imperative, only in the present tense. Verbs are also classified according to function. Action verbs show action or possession. Action verbs are either transitive or intransitive. Linking verbs show the condition of the subject. Auxiliary verbs, also called helping verbs, are used with other verbs to change the tense, voice, or condition of the verb. Conditional verbs are verbs conjugated with could, would, or should to show a possible condition. They may be in any tense. The principal parts of a verb are the four forms of the verb from which all forms of the verb can be made. In English the four principal parts are the present (or infinitive), the past tense, the past participle, and the present participle. Since the present participle is always formed the same way (add -ing), some lists of principal parts omit it. For more on most of these forms, see the specific entries in the glossary.
Python - Comparison Operators Python provides operators that can be used to compare values or values within variables. As as the name implies. The comparison operators include equal to and not equal to operators. Also known as equality operators. Both comparison operators, equal to( ==) and not equal to( !=) gives resultant value in boolean i.e either False after evaluation. ==) operator(double equal) checks, whether operands surrounding equal to operator are same or not. Whereas the single equal( =) is used for assigning RHS(Right Hand Side) value or expression to LHS(Left Hand Side). The not equal to( !=) operator in Python checks, whether operands surrounding operator are different or not. In this article, you will find Comparison operators provided by Python. Basic comparisons performed on operands/variables with the use of equality operators. - Both of these operators !=are binary operators. - These operators also follow the same general structure of Operand, meaning that an operator is always surrounded by two operands. - For example, an expression a == bis a binary operation, where a and b are the two operands and == is an operator. - If value of bare same then you will get Trueas value else Example for different value in operands a = 12 b = 24 print(a == b) #Output: False print(a != b) #Output: True Example for same value in operands a = 12 b = 12 print(a == b) #Output: True print(a != b) #Output: False Generally these operators are use with Program to check whether the entered number is zero or non-zero # ZeroNonZero.py num = int(input('Enter integer: ')) if num == 0 : print('Zero') else : print('Non-zero') Hope you like this! Keep helping and happy 😄 coding
Help your middle schooler learn some graphing basics with an introduction to the coordinate plane and ordered pairs. Practice graphing ordered pairs by placing their points on a graph using both the negative and positive side of the graph. Give your fourth grader a gentle introduction to geometry with this charming triangle area worksheet. Help your child get a grasp on geometry with this area-finding worksheet focused on obtuse triangles. Give your math student an introduction to the Pythagorean theorem with this comprehensive practice page. In this intermediate-level geometry worksheet, your child will calculate the area of each rectangle using the values given. Show your fourth grader how to play geometry detective with this worksheet; she'll find the area of triangles by determining the areas of shapes within them.
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Evaluate algebraic expressions with grouping symbols. - Evaluate algebraic expressions with fraction bars. - Evaluate algebraic expressions with a graphing calculator. Terms introduced in this lesson: order of operations Teaching Strategies and Tips As the lesson illustrates, a string of symbols is meaningless without an order to the operations established beforehand. The usual order of operations – evaluate expressions inside parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division from left to right before addition, and subtraction from left to right – is introduced alongside the options of grouping symbols available to students. Examples in this lesson illustrate the different kinds of situations that can arise involving grouping symbols: expressions without parentheses; expressions with parentheses (and other grouping symbols); inserting parentheses manually that are otherwise not inherent in the expression; parentheses within parentheses (nested parentheses – grouping symbols several layers deep); working with a complicated-looking expression (working from inner grouping symbol to outer grouping symbol), thereby being convinced that by sticking to the order of operations, its simplification does not need to be difficult. Students also learn to consider fraction bars as grouping symbols. The fraction bar is an invisible bracket – the numerator and the denominator need to be simplified before proceeding. Consider evaluating the following with and without adding parentheses: −x2+3, when x=–1 Teachers are advised to use caution when presenting the mnemonic PEMDAS (Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction). Though it is a highly effective way to get students to memorize the order of operations, the horizontal nature of our writing is suggestive of having M performed before D, and A before S. As you know, it’s not multiplication before division or addition before subtraction. Students have responded positively to the vertical schematic: As discussed previously, there is a potential for error in the horizontally written mnemonic, PEMDAS. Students, especially those who have consciously or unconsciously shut out mathematics and refuse to participate in it in any meaningful way, will inevitably ignore the left-to-right precept and go with what is suggested: M. before D, and A before S. Students should be reminded occasionally that subtracting negatives is equivalent to adding positives.
GEMDAS: Order of Operations Students will evaluate expressions with parentheses, brackets, or braces in numerical expressions. - Review PEMDAS as an acronym for order of operations. - Write an expression on the board that includes parenthesis only. Example: 60 – 4 x (7 -2) + 23 + 32 - Discuss the rules that must be followed and evaluate the expression. - Rewrite the expression on the board. - Explain to students that brackets, braces, and other symbols are often used in mathematical expressions as well. - Have students insert other grouping symbols to this expression. - Discuss the similarities and differences in the problems. - Explain that in today’s lesson, they will use a new and more accurate acronym, GEMDAS, to solve problems that have grouping symbols.
Our Word Relationships lesson plan introduces young students to the relationships between words, sorting words by nuances, in word meanings, and sorting words into categories. Many students at this level have a wide vocabulary but may not be able to see the relationships between the words. The lesson helps students recognize the meanings of words beyond their basic definitions, and how they connect words to other words. Students are asked to sort a given list of words into categories, which they create on their own. Students are also asked to identify which in a set of words does not belong and why. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings and define and sort words into categories. State Educational Standards: LB.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.5, LB.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.5, LB.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.5
In this level, students are taught about effective use of the English Alphabet. Here, students are taught the difference between Alphabet, Letters, Vowels & Consonants. Here, students learn naming words such as Nouns, describing words such as Adjectives, concept of capitalization, framing sentences, to be creative with words, and to write picture composition. alphabet letters, vowels & consonants- introduction || vowels & consonants – more practice || blends & digraphs || naming words – nouns || instead of nouns – pronouns || describing words - adjectives || capitalisation || framing sentences || creative with words || learn to write picture composition || communication in english – amalgamation of the chapters learnt- verbal communication. Age Group: 6+
Women first organized and collectively fought for suffrage at the national level in July of 1848. Suffragists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott convened a meeting of over 300 people in Seneca Falls, New York. In the following decades, women marched, protested, lobbied, and even went to jail. By the 1870s, women pressured Congress to vote on an amendment that would recognize their suffrage rights. This amendment became known as the 19th Amendment. After decades of arguments for and against women's suffrage, Congress finally voted in favor of the 19th Amendment in 1919. After Congress passed the 19th Amendment, at least 36 states needed to vote in favor of it for it to become law. In August of 1920, 36 states ratified the 19th Amendment, recognizing women’s right to vote. As Alaska did not become a state until 1959, it was unable to vote for or against the 19th Amendment. But the Alaska territory granted women full voting rights in 1913 – seven years before the 19th Amendment was ratified. While white women in the Alaska Territory could now vote, Indigenous women could not. Activists from the Alaska Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood advocated for Native suffrage rights. In 1915, the Alaska Territorial Legislature recognized the right of Indigenous people to vote if they gave up tribal customs and traditions. Alaska Places of Women’s Suffrage: Governor's Mansion When the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, Alaska was still a territory. Because it was not yet a state, Alaska could not vote for or against the amendment. But in 1913, Governor Walter Clark created a law recognizing women's suffrage rights. As a result, Alaska women were able to vote seven years before the ratification of the 19th Amendment. While white women in the Alaska Territory could now vote, Native women could not. The Governor's Mansion is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is not open to the public. Last updated: April 11, 2019
Probability is an area of mathematics that often doesn't get its fair share of attention in elementary classrooms. Here are some activities to get you started that involve students in thinking about probability ideaswhile also providing practice with mental addition, experience with strategic thinking, and the opportunity to relate multiplication and geometry. All activities are adapted from Marilyn Burns's About Teaching Mathematics (Math Solutions Publications, 1992). The Game of Pig (Grades 3–8) Math concepts: This game for two or more players gives students practice with mental addition and experience with thinking strategically. The object: to be the first to score 100 points or more. How to play: Players take turns rolling two dice and following these rules: 1. On a turn, a player may roll the dice as many times as he or she wants, mentally keeping a running total of the sums that come up. When the player stops rolling, he or she records the total and adds it to the scores from previous rounds. 2. But, if a 1 comes up on one of the dice before the player decides to stop rolling, the player scores 0 for that round and it's the next player's turn. 3. Even worse, if a 1 comes up on both dice, not only does the turn end, but the player's entire accumulated total returns to 0. After students have had the chance to play the game for several days, have a class discussion about the strategies they used. You may want to list their ideas and have them test different strategies against each other to try and determine the best way to play. Two-Dice Sums (Grades 1–8) Math concepts: Students of all ages can play this game, as long as they're able to add the numbers that come up on two dice. While younger children benefit from the practice of adding, older students have the opportunity to think about the probability of the sums from rolling two dice. The object: to remove all the counters in the fewest rolls possible. How to play: Two or more players...
Yield Statement in Python The yield statement is a special kind of function in Python. It’s useful when processing complex data structures. It is used in generators. This function keeps the same data without using global variables as in an ordinary function. It can interact with the for statement. We work only with sequences like strings, tuples, and lists. The simple example of a generator with yield function: >>> def city(): <generator object city at 0x00C7A5D0> We have the generator with two items(“Warsaw” and “Moscow”). Now, we must create a iterator for this generator: Traceback (most recent call last): File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module> If you see a yield statement in a function, the function is a generator object. We use the next() function in the iterator to get an item from our generator.The yield function returns data. Each time next() is called in our iterator, the generator can resume where it finished. It really remember all values an the statement that was last executed. def func_name(param1, param2,…) The suite of statements must include at least one yield statement. The yield statement specifies the values emitted by the generator. Note that the expression is required. When we see a return statement in a function, we should know that it ends our generator with StopIteration exception. The return statement have no return value with itself. We’ll see why: Now, we can iterate: >>> for x in bolo(): The return statement in our generator returns all values that where associated with the yield statement,