PersonX fulfils PersonX's mission HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX doesn't have the necessary authorization
PersonX gets PersonX's money 's worth HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has to go home
PersonX gets PersonX's money 's worth HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is bad with money.
PersonX gets PersonX's money 's worth HinderedBy [GEN]
Inflation skyrocketed.
PersonX controls PersonX's temper HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX had their drink spiked with drugs.
PersonX controls PersonX's temper HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is traumatized and needs therapy.
PersonX controls PersonX's temper HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX's stubbed their toe.
PersonX publishes PersonY's work HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY needs to change the ending.
PersonX marries PersonY's sister HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY's sister is only twelve years old, and it is illegal for PersonX to marry her.
PersonX gets near PersonY HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX lives in a different state
PersonX gets in PersonY's way HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY is strong and pushes PersonX aside.
PersonX lays down PersonX's life HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has to stay at home to look after their children
PersonX continues PersonY's course HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX doesn’t understand the class material.
PersonX increases PersonX's share HinderedBy [GEN]
Person X is is in prison.
PersonX increases PersonX's share HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is bad at business
PersonX develops PersonY interest HinderedBy [GEN]
he has no idea where they went
PersonX turns PersonY back HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX isn't a good convincer.
PersonX demonstrates PersonX's ability HinderedBy [GEN]
This isn't the correct venue to show PersonX's skills.
PersonX changes PersonX's position HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is tied down.
PersonX leaves PersonX's country HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has to stay in the country for work.
PersonX builds PersonY's houses HinderedBy [GEN]
The inspector discovered toxic chemicals in the soil that prevents any type of construction.
PersonX flaps PersonX's wings HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX's wings are decorative and do not move.
PersonX visits PersonX's friends HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is stuck in prison.
PersonX stands near PersonY HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX can't find PersonY.
PersonX offer PersonX's services HinderedBy [GEN]
No one is interested in PersonX's services.
PersonX offer PersonX's services HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has a criminal record.
PersonX affects PersonY's ability HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY doesn't even know PersonX exists as PersonX is a secretive admirer.
PersonX gives PersonY's son HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is estranged from son.
PersonX goes to PersonX's home HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is stuck at work.
PersonX asks PersonY's advice HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is embarrassed
PersonX asks PersonY's advice HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX knows they will get in trouble.
PersonX increases PersonY's wealth HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY won't listen to PersonX's advice.
PersonX pays PersonY tax HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY does not owe taxes.
PersonX drives home from work HinderedBy [GEN]
The car is out of gas.
PersonX keeps PersonY's counsel HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY has a professional conflict after counseling PersonX's spouse.
PersonX loses PersonX's position HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX's company can't hire unfilled positions.
PersonX gives PersonY PersonZ's name HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is in a gang
PersonX awaits PersonY's return HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has to go to work.
PersonX tells PersonY's boss HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY's boss in on vacation
PersonX begins PersonX's career HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has a criminal record.
PersonX satisfies PersonX's need HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX cant get a job
PersonX visits PersonY's family HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is in prison.
PersonX provides PersonY opportunity HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY isn't interested in the opportunity.
PersonX makes a loud noise HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is incapacitated due to a bad car wreck.
PersonX writes PersonX's life HinderedBy [GEN]
they do not have the money to
PersonX rides PersonY's bicycle HinderedBy [GEN]
the bike is chained to a fence
PersonX makes PersonY's happy HinderedBy [GEN]
person Y is asleep
PersonX keeps PersonY at a distance HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY lives next door to PersonX.
PersonX sells PersonY's car HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is unable to find a buyer for the car.
PersonX buys a new pair of shoes HinderedBy [GEN]
The shoe store is closed.
PersonX does n't have enough money HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX lost their money.
PersonX makes PersonY's bed HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY has their bedroom door locked.
PersonX speaks PersonX's minds HinderedBy [GEN]
Leadership doesn't want to hear it
PersonX speaks PersonX's minds HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is a prisoner of war
PersonX eats PersonY's sandwich HinderedBy [GEN]
Did not get permission
PersonX runs towards PersonY HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is on crutches.
PersonX taketh away the sin HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX isn't in church.
PersonX spends PersonY's time HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has low frustration tolerance.
PersonX moves from place to place HinderedBy [GEN]
Has no transportation
PersonX moves from place to place HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX owns a home and hasn't been able to sell it.
PersonX causes PersonY pain HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has no transportation to take them to PersonY's location
PersonX calls PersonY's friend HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY's friend is sleeping at the moment.
PersonX calls PersonY's friend HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX broke their phone
PersonX accomplishes PersonX's task HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is still on the road
PersonX develops PersonX's ideas HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has a learning disability.
PersonX tells PersonY much HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY would be very mad
PersonX wins PersonY's case HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is not as experienced as his opponent.
PersonX cleans PersonY's room HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY already cleaned the room
PersonX drinks PersonX's health HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX doesn't have a suitable beverage to drink.
PersonX looks everywhere for PersonY HinderedBy [GEN]
Person Y has left the house.
PersonX supports PersonX's weight HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is embarassed about his weight.
PersonX looks round the room HinderedBy [GEN]
Their head is restrained
PersonX fixes PersonY's car HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY already took the car to a mechanic.
PersonX gives PersonX's son HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX's son's mother doesn't want her son around PersonX.
PersonX demands PersonY explanation HinderedBy [GEN]
Person x
PersonX asks PersonY's friends HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX doesn't have the contact information of PersonY's friends.
PersonX completes PersonX's task HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX doesn't have the motivation to do the job.
PersonX asks PersonY's parents HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX doesn't have their phone number.
PersonX asks PersonY's parents HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY's parents do not want to speak to PersonX
PersonX lives in PersonY area HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX can't afford it
PersonX asks for PersonY's help HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is too shy.
PersonX surprises PersonY's girlfriend HinderedBy [GEN]
Person Y's girlfriend just broke up with him.
PersonX adds to PersonX's knowledge HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX can't remember what they read.
PersonX adds to PersonX's knowledge HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has a learning disability
PersonX loses PersonX's mother HinderedBy [GEN]
Is too young to leave
PersonX loves PersonY's mother HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY's mother doesn't love PersonX back.
PersonX shows PersonY the way HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX drank too much beer
PersonX launches PersonY attack HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX's right arm is in a plaster cast.
PersonX lays at PersonY's feet HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX and PersonY are mad at each other
PersonX lays at PersonY's feet HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is too big to lay like that.
PersonX comes within sight HinderedBy [GEN]
The weather conditions are too bad to move for PersonX.
PersonX rests upon PersonY HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY doesn't want PersonX touching him
PersonX keeps PersonY word HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX will get in trouble with the law if they do not tell
PersonX keeps PersonY word HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX doesn't have the time that PersonY does.
PersonX deepens PersonX's understanding HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX can't leave home
PersonX gets PersonY's letter HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonY forgot to mail the letter.
PersonX eats PersonX's meal HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX has a very sore throat.
PersonX eats PersonX's meal HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is fasting
PersonX eats PersonX's meal HinderedBy [GEN]
PersonX is late for work.
PersonX keeps PersonY from falling HinderedBy [GEN]
Y is too heavy