3353515?0,0,B,B0B000050?K4K?Q1Q1V1VIVI,I?A3A3V3V3V3U3UBU?AWAWPWP3P??????"C"?? G ?raranangngeg???"N"?YCYCTCTrT??inin"n""?",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,3,?,1????434383?404?00,00?ChChohoco??lalatatetele?y y??- - b ?utut t?tot?o o????ete?t .t ?. .. . . .. .,. .??EvEvev?ryr?ono?e e he hahasas s t th theh?irir r??wnw? p prp?efe?er?enencncec?s,s??I I k knknon?ow ow??????aca?tutuaualallllyly ly?lilikikekeded d t th the the ???lavlavov?r,r, , b, bu????y ?wiwifi?? t tr tririeied???t ??andand d cd ?couco?ldl??'t't t st ststat??? h hohowho?? sw s?weeweetet et i?t t wt waw??. ??ToTo ?eaeacachach h h hi hisis/s?heherher r or owownow?, ?I ?gug?esessess.s?. . B. ?utut,ut, , n, ?nowno???hahatha??I'I'V'VEVE E? ha h?d d ad a a s se sececoconco?d d cd cud c?p,p, ?, I , I? te tenendend d td ?to to?aga?re??e -e ?? v veververyry ry s sw swe swee??.".""33535135?1,??B00B0??K4K4QK4Q1??VI,VI,A?TVTVAV?XMXMCMCSC?YVYVA?TXTX,X????. E. ElE?llillisis is " "" "?SuSup??ercerchchohopho???8"8?"""""",""",1,1,,1,1,1,1,?3,?1313232132191929?00000000000,00,O00,OKOK K p pr prorodo??ctct.ct.....?gogoooodood d fd ??or or p? pri pr?cece,ce,I,I ?bobouougughg?t ?th?isis ??ececaecauaue???? they they y wy wey werereere ere?$9$9.9.9.?9 9??forfor r tr ?thethe e 2e 24? p pa p?ackack.k.
3510,B005K4Q1VI,A3V3UBAWP3FUTP,"C. Grange ""NYCTrain""",1,1,3,1322438400,Chocolately -- but too sweet . . .,"Everyone has their own preferences, I know -- I actually liked the flavor, but my wife tried it and couldn't stand how sweet it was. To each his/her own, I guess. But, now that I'VE had a second cup, I tend to agree -- very sweet." 3511,B005K4Q1VI,ATVAXMCSYVATX,"M. Ellis ""Superchop728""",1,1,3,1321920000,OK product...good for price,I bought this becaue they were $9.99 for the 24 pack.
I I I?cocououlu?d d t ??? t th thehemem m?fof?? . .5.505?/c/cucupup.p? ??ththeherher r ir ini? t??? s ststotororeor?e we ?ere??e ae ?lmlmomosost? $ $1$?/c?upup.up. ? O Ov O?er?al?l l t? the?y y ay ?????k/k/g/gog?odo???utut t y ?ou? n neneeeeded d td toto to r rurunun ?a a h ?oto?t wt ??teter? f fl f?usushs? t???ou?hghg g? yo youou ou mou mamasascschchihin?e ?e afe a?????eae??ch ch?us??e oe ?or or t? the?re??isi? a a ???oteot?ntn?iaialal al? to to o h ha hava?ve ve t?? the the? re rese???ueue e ge ???k k u up u? y yo???drdrar?inin in??rerearea.a??353515?2,2?B0B?0505K5K4K?Q1Q1V1VIVI,I,A,??SPSPFPFZFZ5Z5B5BOBOIOIMIMIMIXI?R,R?"G"?raracracic?ia ia?K.K. ??rarairaililel??y "y """"m"mumususius?c c l lolovovrv?"""""""",",1,1,1,1,1,,1???,13,1323212181838??6060000,00,V,?ERERYRY Y?PLPLELEAE?SES?D!D?!,!,","T,"ThThihishis ?is? a a a??rerea?t t at as?sosorortortmtmemenentent ?t ant a?d ?prpriric?e.e.....?I I oI ?nlnlyly ?gigivive?ve ive iti?t 4t 4 4 s st s??arsars ?bebececacaua?useuse use? th the? the p the pepepe?peperpermrmimin?t t it ?is is vis veververyry ry w ??akak k ik inin ??peppepp?erermermiminmi??, , s??o Io I I aI adaddd??exe?trtratracactact.t. . N. ?iciceice ice? co coco??a a fa ?lalavavoav??or tor ?to to ato ?all?, , t, ththotho.o.
I could try them for .50/cup. Other in the store were almost $1/cup. Overall they are ok/good but you need to run a hot water flush throuhg you maschine afetr each use or there is a potential to have the residue gunk up you drain area. 3512,B005K4Q1VI,A1SPFZ5BOIMIXR,"Gracia K. Brailey ""music lovr""",1,1,4,1321833600,VERY PLEASED!!,"This is a great assortment and price...I only give it 4 stars because the peppermint is very weak in peppermint, so I add extract. Nice cocoa flavor to all, tho.
RReRememiminindn?s s?meme e o ?? " """"h"?omomememmemamadaded?"""""""""??5151313,3,B,???5K5K4K?Q1Q1V1VIVI,I,A,A5A?AJA?KFKFDFDNDNSNSASA4A4J4??,M,MaM??joj??ieie e Re RiRici??????,1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,5,5,15,13?212?838333363??00,00,Y,YuYumu??y!y?!,!?"B"?ese??? on o?e ??? K ??cuc?psp?s ts ?ododadatatet?e ne non?t ??atateatereryry y l ??keke e se seseve?er?alal l o of o?f tf ththehe ?otothothe??s s Is ??hah?veve ve t trtri???. . W ??llll l nl no?w w j ?joijoin?in tin ???e se sue s??scscrc?ribribebe e ae ana?nd nd s sasavaveave ??rorououpup!up??a a h hr hrer??="=?""h""hthttttpt?:/:///?wwwwwww.ww.a.amamamazmazoz?on.on??om?/g/?p/p/p/prp?rodrodud?ctct/t/B/B0?0505K05K4K4QK4Q6Q6464K4K"K"""">""??rorovroveve ?SqS???areare ?HoHotot ot?CoCococo???CuCupupsups s Vs VaVarariar???y ?PaP??k,k, ,? K- K?CuCupCu?ps ps f fofor? K Ke Keueururi?g g?BrB?rewrewewerersers,s, , 1, 1212-2-C-Co-Couounountnt t (t (P(PaPacPa?ck ck o of of of 3 3)3??/a/a>a>">""3"35351351414,4?,B0,B?005005K5K45K4Q4Q14Q1V1VI1VI,?A1A?6B6BZB?ECEC4C454?QNQ??CAC?,","P,"?. . L. L.L?. W. WaWat?kik???s "s ?????ppp?amamaamananianiaia"a""?""","""???1,1,41,4,4,14,?1321320132060626242??????OTOT T? CO C??OAOA,A,WA,WeW??? t?hehe he?prproprododuod?uctuct t wt wat wasas s gs gog?od? a anandan? t? the the ?tat
Reminds me of ""homemade""" 3513,B005K4Q1VI,A5AJKFDNSA4J5,Marjorie Richmond,1,1,5,1321833600,Yummy!!,"Best one in K cups todate not watery like several of the others I have tried. Will now join the subscribe and save group!<a href="""">Grove Square Hot Cocoa Cups Variety Pack, K-Cups for Keurig Brewers, 12-Count (Pack of 3)</a>" 3514,B005K4Q1VI,A16BZEC45QNMCA,"P. L. Watkins ""Shoppamania""",1,1,4,1320624000,HOT COCOA,Well the product was good and the ta
sststete e?isis s??rereae?t.t. .?ThT?e e ce ?ononvn??ninieienencen??e we waw?s ?exexcx?celcellllelenentent t a anandnd d?ththehe he d ?eleliliviveververyry y w ?waswas s qs ququiuicickck.k?. S. SoS? w wh whah?at'at's's ?nonotot t tt toto o lo lol?veve?ve?? Th The?he dhe dad??n n? th thihini?gsgs ?tetentend? t to to o co clclologlog g u ?? m mymy y my ??chchi?nene.e. ??evevever? e ?????hahapha?pep?ensens s ws wiw?thth th c co?fff??e.e. e. M MaMaya??ononeone ?e coe cououluldld d rd rurunun n hn hoh?ot ot w?at?er???ftfteterte??eaeaceachch ch s ses?erver??inging ?toto to p prprerevrevevenve?t t t?hehe he che clclocl?g.g?. O. OtOth?ererwer?wiswi?se se a???ex?cecelcellcellelenlent? p?ror??ucu??t.t.3353??5,5?B0B?0505K5K4K?Q1Q1V1??,A,??0808G8GQGQ9Q9A9A9A919?JIJIPIP4P4,4,H,H H H ???sisininging,ing,5,?5,75,7,7,1,1,1,1,13,1323282?141?0808008??,P,?ARARTRTITIAIALALLLLYLY Y H HY HYDY??OGO?ENE????D D?VEVEGEGEGETGETATABA?LEL? O OIOILI?,",?INI??RERED???ENTENTSTS:S? S ?UGUGAG?AR,AR, , G GLGLULUCU??SESE E SE ?YRY?UPUP P S SO SOLOLILIDIDSDS,S??CO????(P(PRPROROCROCEC?SSSSESEDSED ??ITITHTH H AH ALALKALKAK?ALIALI)I?, , P, PA?RT?IAIALIA?LLYLLY Y HY HYHYDYDRYDROROGRO??NA?TETEDTED D VD ?VEGVEGE????LE? O??? ( (M (MAM?Y Y CY COCONCONTN?TAITAIN???COCCOCOCOC?NUNUTU?, , S, ?
ste is great. The convenience was excellent and the delivery was quick. So what's not to love? The darn things tend to clog up my machine. Never ever happens with coffee. May one could run hot water after each serving to prevent the clog. Otherwise an excellent product. 3515,B005K4Q1VI,A108GQ9A91JIP4,H Hulsing,5,7,1,1328140800,PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL,"INGREDIENTS: SUGAR, GLUCOSE SYRUP SOLIDS, COCA (PROCESSED WITH ALKALI), PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL (MAY CONTAIN COCONUT, SO
YYBYBEBEAE??, , S ??NFNFLFLOLOWOWEW?R,R?, P, PAPALA?M M A ??D/D?OROR R C CACAN?OLOLAL??, ??ONO?NFANFATA? D DRDRYR? M ?????, M, MOMODODID?FIF??? W WHW?EYE?, , M, MA, MAL?TOTODODEODEXE?TRT?ININ,N, N, S?ALALTALT,ALT, ?, NA, N?ATUAT??ALAL AL? AN ANDND D AD ?RTR?IFIFIIFICI?IAIALAL AL FAL FL?AVAVOVOR?S,S??CEC?LLL?ULU?LOSLOSESE E??UMUM,M??SOSODODIODIUIUM?? CA C??SEISEIN?ATATEAT???, CO, C??NSN?TATAR?CHC?, ?LA???TOSTOSESE,SE, , D, DI?POPOTOTA?SSSSISIUIUMIU???HOHOSOSPS?PHAPHATATE??, S, SU, S?CRCRARALRALOLOS??E, E,? MO MONONOONO-O- -???D D DD ?????CE?RIRIDRI??S,S, S,? SI SILILIIL?ICOIC?ON ON D???XIX?DEDE,DE, ??OYO?Y LY LELECECICITCITHTHIHININ,IN, ??ARTAR??FIFICFICICIACI??AL CAL ?OL?OROR.OR?<b<brbr r / ??COCONCONTNTATAITAININSIN?? M?IL??? AN AND AND AND??OYOY<OY<b<br<br r /r />?<b<br<br <br /?>P>PePeoeopo?lel?, , p, ???asases? r rereaeadead d l ?aba????...?......".?3353?1616,6,B,B0B000?5K5K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1VIV?,A,A2A2A2A4A??GFGFGFGKGKOKO6O6B6BKBKPKP,P,",??asaspaspepererir?nan? " ??"Ca"C??aspeasper?in?a"a?"""""??5,5???2,2,1,131323?313121?9696060000,00,"?WeWeieirirdr?d ad afa??er? t tatas?tete,te, ?susugugagara???subsubsbststit??ututete"te",","",??heherereere e ie isis s a a a ta ???stest?e oe ?? s susugsu?gargar r sr sur subu?bstbsti
ttututu?e,e, , t ?heh? a ?ftfte?????tete te t tu tururnr?s s m mem?e oe ??f,f??I'I'v'vev??eveve?n n t tr trir?eded d u usu?ini?g g? a a l lilitittttltlele e be bibitit it?of?? mi mili?k k?inin in??hehe he m mu m?g ?bebefe?ororer?e he hahanandn?d td tot? h hih?dede ??thethe e te tae tasastastete.te??ItI? d ?id???t,t, , s, soso o io i'i'm'm m j jujusustust t ut us???g ?SwSwiwisissss s ms mimis?s s ps ???dederde???ndnd nd? a ?li?ttttltt?le le?? mil mi?lk lk? to to o mo ??keke e ie it?it ait a a c ?rereareama?miemiere?r hr hohotot t ct chchohochococololalata???bebefbefo?re? u us usisinsi???? usi us?ing? m my my y?ke?ururiur??.".?3353515??,B,B0B000050??4Q4Q1Q1V1VIV??A3A373?WXWXCXCXCXMXM9M9D9????U,U?,A.,A??MeM?yeyererser?,4,4,4,6,6,6??,1,13,1323222262616???00???ta?y y ay awawawayay y fy ?ror??m am ara?rtirtififificiciciai?? s ?weweeeeaeatatnatnen?ers?,",??f f a an any anyoy??ne ne k kn k??owsows ??of ???e e te the thahathat ?dodoeo?s s ns no??t ht hahavha?ve ve i it it,t, t, p plpleleale?aseas??le??t mt me?? kn kno knowow!ow! ! I It It ????in?ititeit?lyly y iy is??n'tn't ?veverve????strstroronro????????? c?ouoululolodod d hd ha?ndndlnd?le le ile itit it iit if??? it it d di did?idn'idn't't 't h?avaveve ve tve ??the the a ar a?rtirtifrti?ficfici
tute, the aftertaste turns me off, I've even tried using a little bit of milk in the mug before hand to hide the taste. It didn't, so i'm just using Swiss miss powder and a little milk to make it a creamier hot chocolate before using using my keurig." 3517,B005K4Q1VI,A37WXCXM9DXE4U,A. Meyers,4,6,1,1322611200,Stay away from artificial sweeatners,"If anyone knows of one that does not have it, please let me know! It definitely isn't very strong, but I coulod handle it if it didn't have the artifici
??? s swswew?etetetenenen?r r a ?ftfte?rtr?asa?tete.te??????hah?as as a ar a?rtirtifififici?iai?al al s sw sweweeweeteteeteneneenerer er ( (s(??cocororsrsese)e) )? j jujusustst st?lilikikek? t ?heh?e oe otoththether?er her hohotot ot?chc?hochococolco??te??s os ououtut t t th t??rere.e.".""3?515181?,B,B0B000?5K5?????I,I?A3A3V3VI???8E8ETETZT?SZSZHZH0H0,0,J,JeJenennennan??MoMoooor?e,e??,3,3,3,1,1,1?,13,1?3131515151051??00?,","G"?oo?d d? ta t?astas?te,te, , b babadad d pd prp?odo??uctuct"t",",","I,"I I e ???oyoyey??d td ??thesthe?se se k k-k-c-cuc?psps s ws whw?henhe? I I ?ususeus?????eme?. . T Th?eyey y t ta tas ta?stesteded ed ped ?prepretettet???gog?ood????owowewevwe?erer,er, , I, ?I qI quq??ickicklklyly ?non?otioticiceiced?ed ted ththath???mymy y Ky KeKeueururirigig g b br bre?wewerwer r br ?egegagana???? h ha hava?ve ve?prpropr?blblel?emsems ?af??ter? I I I? st s????ed??us?iningng g tg th?thesthesethese e ae anandand d od ot??herher her G GrGro?veve ???quaquara?re re??-c?upupsup?. . E. EvE????whwhewhen? I I I w I wowououlouldld ?brb?rewrew rew o otothotheotherer ?cucupcups?, ?, I , I w wo?ululdld ld g gegetet et? ha hal halflf-f?brbrebrewewe?d d cd cu???s os ofs of f c co c??fef??, ?smsmamal???r ?cu?cupscups,cups, , a, anandand and o?ththetherther ??ississu?
al sweetener aftertaste.This has artificial sweetener (sucorse) just like the other hot chocolates out there." 3518,B005K4Q1VI,A3VIMB8ETZSZH0,Jenna Moore,2,3,1,1331510400,"Good taste, bad product","I enjoyed these k-cups when I used them. They tasted pretty good. However, I quickly noticed that my Keurig brewer began to have problems after I started using these and other Grove Square k-cups. Even when I would brew other cups, I would get half-brewed cups of coffee, smaller cups, and other issue
ss.s. . I I I c ??eae??eded d t ththehe e?brb?ewewewerer,r? f ?olollllolowo?ini?? a ?llll ll?????in?ststrt?ucu?tit??nsns s a an andnd d td ?tiptipsps s is inin in t th?e e me ? ?ThThe????susueu?s ?cacamamem?e ue upup p a?gagaia??in ain ?s s ss sosooo?on on a as as ?I I uI ususeseded ed t th the thes the?se se k k-k-c-cucup?s.s. s. W WhWhahata? I??didisiscis?ovo?er????isis is? th??at at?? the the the G ?rorov????ququauarua?re re k k- k-c?upups??wewerwerere re gre gugununknkikiningin?g ug up???y y b br b?rewre?werwer wer b ba bada?lyly.y??I ???d d td tod t? c?le??an an o ououtu?t et eveve???y py ?arartr???f f t th the the the b the brbrebr???er er c co comompm?leletletet?ly?, ?inincinclclucludu?dindi?ng ng??? the the b the br the brerew?erer er ber babasaskas?ete?t at ar?ea?, , t, th?e e we wawatateat??er rer re?se?rvrvovoio????? and and d td thd thehe he i?ntnte?rnr??? m me mecechcha?nin?ismism.m. ??ftf?terter ter c? com compmplmpleletletiletininging ing t th the the the e the enentntint?ireire e ce ???eaneanininning?ng png ?rorocro?es??s ts twt??o mo momororere ?titimti?mesme?s ms ?my my b???eweewerewer r g ??t ?ba??k k t?o ?non?ormormamalmal.l. . I. I . I???on'on't't t ot ort ordr?erer er aer an?y y Gy ?GroGrov?? S SqSquSq??uareuare e pe pr?odo?ucuctuc?s ???gaiga?
s. I cleaned the brewer, following all the instructions and tips in the manual. The issues came up again as soon as I used these k-cups. What I discovered is that the Grove Square k-cups were gunking up my brewer badly. I had to clean out every part of the brewer completely, including the brewer basket area, the water reservoir, and the internal mechanism. After completing the entire cleaning process two more times my brewer got back to normal. I won't order any Grove Square products again." 351
9?,B,?000050?K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1VIVI,I,A,A1A1A1ACACYCY2Y?9B9BTBTHT??JUJU2U2,2,","W"W.W. . P ?adadgdgegete? " """"S"?hahara?pspsvsvivili?leleBeBiBilillill"l"""""""","?2,2,32,?,4,4,4,1,131323242??121?00000000,0,V,VeVere?y y g gogooo?d d h ?oto?????coacoa.a.,.,"?I'I'm'? r ?eaeala?llylly y by ???flf?????y y ty ththeh? g gr gre?atat ?did?ff?er?enencnceceses s o ?f f o op opip?ninioionon n? on on n tn ?thithisi?s ps prp?od??????I'I'vI'veve e te trtririei???a a c cocoucoupuplp?le le? of o???difdi?ffefferffe?renre?t t bt brbraranandndsds s as ?andan?d td ????GrGro??ve ve S SqSququauarareare e we waw?s s ws wiw?ththothouo?t ?t dot dououboubtbt ??thethe the?bebesestest.t. t.?? r?ece?cencentntlntlyly y py pupururcrchc?hashasesed? a ?a ca cucup?? of of of h ho h?ot ot? co cococoocoaoa ?atat at a a a l lol?ocaoc?al al J JoJ?e e Me MuMugu??s s (s (i(inin in a a a l a loloclocacal?al Bal BABAMAM M s ?totoro?re)re? t ththathat?at wat wa?s s os ???r r?$2$2 2 ?fof?or or t th t?he he s sm s?alallalle?stst st s si sizizez?e ae ??and and?? rea realallallyall?y cy co?coulcouldldndn'n?t ?t tet telellll ll??ucuchuc???dif?feferere?ncncence.e. . O. ObObvb?viovi?ousousls?? e ?veververyvery y py pey p????on on? ha h?as as d di dififfiffe??renrentren??????eses es? an andnd nd o op opi op?iniinio?nsn??bubutut ut s so s? m ma m?anyan?y 1y 1 1 a??
9,B005K4Q1VI,A1ACY29BTHNJU2,"W. Padget ""SharpsvilleBill""",2,3,4,1324512000,Very good hot cocoa.,"I'm really baffled by the great differences of opinion on this product. I've tried a couple of different brands and the Grove Square was without doubt the best. I recently purchased a cup of hot cocoa at a local Joe Muggs (in a local BAM store) that was over $2 for the smallest size and really couldn't tell much difference. Obviously every person has different tastes and opinions but so many 1 and
?5 5?ststat?r r r raratatitiningngsgs s f foforor ?ththeh? e exexaxaca?t t s sa sama??e pe prpror??ucuct?? ??OhOh h w wew??l,l, , I I I l ???e ?iti?.<.<b<brb?r /r />/>p>p.p?s.s. . 1 ?1-1?2727 7 ? I I l li likikeike e te th?isi?s cs coc?cocoaco?? we wel??? en enon??ghgh h th th?at? I I ??ava?e e se susubu?scscrcriribi?eded d t ?o o m momomomtmththlthlyly y d dedel??veververyry ???ithith h fh ?rer???e she shihipippppipiningin?????d rd ?redredu??eded ed????st!st!"!""3353????B0B0000505K5K4K?Q1Q1V1VIVI,I?A3A3A3A2A2M2M1M1Z1????7R7RZRZ5Z5,5,K,?. ??ononen?s,s,2,2,2????,1,131323212121222??808?00,00,T,TaT?st??? l li lik like???otot t st ?sugsugag?? w??ateatere?,",???hishis s hs ho?t ?chc????lal?ate???asastas?eses es les liliklike?ke hke ?hothot hot? su sugugaugarar ar war wawat??r ?wi???? a a p pipinpincn?ch ch o ?f f c co cococooco o io ?in in i . A. AlA?ththothouougoughgh,gh?, e, eveve?? t?hehe he s su sug sugagargaryry ry t? tas ta?steste ste? is i????aka??, a, an??d td tataita???tedted ?byb?y ty ???e fe flf?lavlavovor? o??f tf ?thethe the a ar artr?tifti?ici?iai?l l sl ?weweeweetete?nenerner ?susucsucrcracr?aloalososese.e. . T. Th?e e ce ?conconsn?isististeten?cyc?y iy ?is is w wa wat wate?ryry ry ary anandand and??lalanlandnd.nd. ?. Th. T?his
5 star ratings for the exact same product? Oh well, I like it.<br />p.s. 11-27 I like this cocoa well enough that I have subscribed to momthly delivery with free shipping and reduced cost!" 3520,B005K4Q1VI,A3A2M1Z8HO7RZ5,K. Jones,2,3,2,1321228800,Tastes like hot sugar water,"This hot chocolate tastes like hot sugar water with a pinch of coco in it. Although, even the sugary taste is weak, and tainted by the flavor of the artificial sweetener sucralose. The consistency is watery and bland. This
i ?s s????n n I I I??adaded? t ?hehe he??ozoz z c cuc?p p?asa?s ds ?irirerecectctet?? b byby y? th thehe he dhe didirdirerecrect?ioiononsns ?on?? th the the e be boboxo????? / />/??<br<br ???I ??o o?nonotot t r ?recrecorecomo???endend d td ththithis???rorodo????.".???5252121,1?????K4K4Q4Q1Q?VIVI,I,A,A2A2E2E6E?5Z5ZXZ?D6D6565465?7676161,?BaBararbrbabararaara a L ?,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5,1,???101030?68680800?,G,GrG?reare?t t tt ??astastit??g,g??hehe ?prpripricicec?e we ?as? a as as s fs ??????ti?c c a? as as? th the the the? ta tasastasteast?. . S SoSo o co cocon?vevenenienieienentent t tt tot to ?mamakmakeke e ae ?andand ??? m me mesessssysy ??owowdw?derder r r t th?atat at i???hahar????o ?didisdi?ssossololvlve?. . N. NoNo o m??joj?r ??leleae?anuanupup up t?o ???ealeal l w???th th e eie??heherhe?. . H. HiHigi?hlhlyly ?rerec??mmmmemmen?endeend??!!3?52522522,2?,B0,B0000500?5K45K4Q???I,?A1A1212Z2ZQZ??J9J?TNT???ZEZ?,","R"R.R. . C. CaCagagug?io?a a "a """"s"sis?lv??r r pr pepenen"en???,0,0,,0,0,0,0,?5,5,15,?13513?05051051818484040000,00,C00,Ca?n'n't'???om??lalaia? ?lilikike???ocococoacoa.a. . P. PePererferfef?ectec??wh?enen en?yoyouou u c ca canan'an't? m ma makakeke ke tke ?
is when I made the 8oz cup as directed by the directions on the box.<br /><br />I do not recommend this product." 3521,B005K4Q1VI,A2E65ZXD654761,Barbara L,0,0,5,1351036800,Great tasting,The price was as fantastic as the taste. So convenient to make and no messy powder that is hard to dissolve. No major cleanup to deal with either. Highly recommended! 3522,B005K4Q1VI,A12ZQSJ9TNH9ZE,"R. Caguioa ""silver pen""",0,0,5,1350518400,Can't Complain...,The kids like cocoa. Perfect when you can't make th
ee e k kikididsd??hoh?t t c chchohocho?o.o? T TaTasaststet????oooodod d t totoo?. . 2. 2424 4?CoCouoununtnt?t? ? n nonotot ot?babada?...?....3?5252323,3,B,B0B?0505K5K4K?Q1Q1V1VIVI,I,A,A2A?G1G181??5S5SOSODO?4W4??C,C?"P"?auaulu? J JaJama?eses es V ???elelyly y " ?"S"??ririningn? b?eaeanan"n""?",",0,0,0?,0,,0,5,5,5?131???05105?18418?0000,00,"??plplel?ndndid?id id p ???oduoducuctc?, ,?exexcx????eded ed m mymy ?ex?pepece?ctactatatitioiononsns"s",",G",?rorovroveve e Se ??uau??e e he ??t t ct ch?oco?colcolal?ateate e ie isis s vs ??ryry ??asastastyty.y. . . ?I I w wawasas as????rcrchchichin?g g fg ?oror r T Th Thehe e Se Swe Swiw??s s Ms MiMisississ iss b???andan?d ad an?and and t th t?? s se seaear??? p pu pul??ledled ?upu? t th thi th?is is o ononeone.e?. T. ?he?he phe ?pripr??? w wa was?as ras ririgrighghth??soso o I? o????re?d ?sosomso?? w wi witi?h h h?opo??fuf?? e???pecpe??ctatctatitiotiononsons s as ?andand ?????plplepleaeasea?anantantlt?ly ly??ururprprpri?se?d d ad atd a?t Gt Gr?ovo?ve ve?SqSquSq?uaruare????on??derderfderfufulfu??ch?choccho???atateate ate? cr crereareamamyamy ??as?asteaste e ee eveve??? on on n tn ??e ?lalarla???e ce cucupup up K KoKoeoereri?rig rig? se set settttitinti?????ou?? wo w?on'on't'?t bt beb??di
e kids hot choco. Tastes good too. 24 Count? not bad... 3523,B005K4Q1VI,A2G18A5SOD4WQC,"Paul James Vesely ""String bean""",0,0,5,1350518400,"Splendid product, exceeded my expectations",Grove Square hot chocolate is very tasty. I was searching for The Swiss Miss brand and the search pulled up this one. The price was right so I ordered some with hopeful expectations and was pleasantly surprised at Grove Squares wonderful chocolate creamy taste even on the large cup Koerig setting. You won't be di
?sasapa?oio?ntn??dd??525?4,4,B,?0000505K5???1V1?I,I,A,A2A2H2H0H0L0?XLX?B0B09B09P9?YZY?I,??ada??e,e,0,?,0,0,,0,5,?,1,13135?0505105181848?00???rer?atat t f ?oror r w wiwin?teterte??!,!,",????ovo?e e?a a c cucupup p o ofof f H ?otot t Ct ?hoh??. .?in? t ththeh?e ce cocololdl? w?in?inteinterer r mr momono?nthnthsh??. W. WeWe e le ?iviveve ve? in in n P PePene?nan??. a. ?ndnd d id itit t gt geg?tsts s?ququiu?iteite e c?hihili?lyly y h heherhe? . T. ThThe???otot ot?CoCoc?. ??s ?a a la ??ttttlt?e e se ??eeeet? f fo foror or m mymy y ty tat?stste?, , b bub?t t It ?'v'veve ?gogot?te??n un usu?eded ed t to to o i it it t at ??d d ed ?enjenjojoyoy y ay a ?cu???on?cec??inin in ain ??whwhi?lele"le?33535252552???B00B00505K05K4K4QK4Q1Q1VQ1VI?,A?2R2RHRHFHFQF?S6S6K6K0K?ERERIRIYIY,Y?L.L. . S. SeS?gagala??,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,??????32320200000000,?MmM??mmmmmmmmm-mm?Mm?m m???odo?!,!,M!,MyMy y dy dad???hthteterter ter?sasaysaysy?s ts ththithisis is i?s s ts ths t?he he vhe veverve?y ?bebesestst st h ho hotot ot cot ?ho?co????e e s???he hhe ?asas as e ?vever???adad!ad! !?AnAndnd nd I I I lI lolovlove?ve ive it? b be bececacauausau?se se n ?o ????re re??pipilillil?ledled ??nvnvevelveloloplo?e e me ?????s!s!!??35235??,B?00?
sapointed 3524,B005K4Q1VI,A2H0LXLB09PYZI,Sadie,0,0,5,1350518400,Great for winter !,"I love a cup of Hot Choc. in the cold winter months. We live in Penna. and it gets quite chilly here. The Hot Coc. is a little sweet for my taste, but I've gotten used to it and enjoy a cup once in a while" 3525,B005K4Q1VI,A2RHFQS6K0ERIY,L. Segal,0,0,5,1350432000,Mmmmmm-Mmm Good!,My daughter says this is the very best hot chocolate she has ever had! And I love it because no more spilled envelope messes! 3526,B005
?K4K4Q4Q1Q1V1VIVI,I,A,A1A1616X6?J5J?P3P?3M3M7M7S7S1S?S,S,e,?llllelenenpnp,p,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,??131353505030???606?0,?ThT?ana??s s???r r t tht?e e b ?esests???oto??cococo?coacoa a o ?ututtt??ererer??,I,I I f fi fininanalallllylly y? fo fou?ndnd d a a ?hohothot t c?ococooc?a a fa ?forfor r tr ththe? k ??ururirigig g t?hahathat t it isi?n'n't't t tt ??? s ?weweeeete?. . I I I mI ?ada?e e ae ?a ca ?upup p? th the the e de ?????t t ct cat camameme ??in in? th the the the?ma?ilil l a?ndnd nd f?ror?m m t? the the the f the fif??st? s?ipip ???wawasas s hs hohooho???d.d. . F. FrFroromro?m nm nonowow w o on on n t th thi th?is is w wiw?illil?l bl ?be be t? the the the o the ??lyly ??hot??cococcococoacoa coa I I I??ri?nknk.nk??35?????00005005K5K4K4QK4?Q1VQ1VIVI,VI?,A1,A1717H7H9H??W8W??7Q7Q6Q6969898,8,C,ClClal??didiaia'a's'?s h?obobbbbibiei????,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,15,13135135050250252?929?00?,g,gogoooodood d fd fo??? al allll ll? ag agegeses,es,Mes,?y y gy grgraranandan??onon on? an and and d hd ??????and and l ?ovo?e e te ?to to??on?d ??dridrininkinkikininging g tg ththith?is is his hohothot ?chc?hochococolcola??e e te toe t?ge?ththetherthe?. . I. ?I gI gegetget get i itit it?eve??ryry y oy otothothe?r ??ononton???? I I I c I ??an'an?'t 't e?vever?? be be e we wiwitwi?thothououtout t it itt it.t.t.3353
K4Q1VI,A16XJ5P33M7S1S,ellenp,0,0,5,1350345600,Thanks for the best hot cocoa outthere!,I finally found a hot cocoa for the keurig that isn't too sweet. I made a cup the day it came in the mail and from the first sip I was hooked. From now on this will be the only hot cocoa I drink. 3527,B005K4Q1VI,A17H97W857Q698,Claudia's hobbies,0,0,5,1350259200,good for all ages,My grandson and husband love to bond drinking this hot chocolate together. I get it every other month. I can't ever be without it. 35
22828,8,B,B0B0000505K5K4K4Q4Q1Q??I,I??3L3?J6J?ZJZ?3M3MBMB6B????,p,?ririnincn??ssss1s1,1?0,0,0,0,,0?2,2?131343??9191313613?0000,00??oto??chcho???lal?tete,e,I,I I t ththohouhougu??????e e G ?rorovoveve e he hohothot t ct chchoch?co???tete te i isi???? s ?wew??t.t. . I ItIt t at alalsl??o ho hahasa??anan n o ofofff???asastas????I I wI ???ldl? n non?ot ot r ?ece??mmmmemenendnd ?th??is is t to??ananyanybybobodo??3353525?9,9,B,B0,B?????2R2REREEE?,A,AY,AY1Y?2D2DBD??B0UB0???0B0?,G,?ara?? P ?et??rsrso??,0,0,,0,0,0,?0,40,4,4,1,13,133333?757?686??00,00,N00,NoNo o co ch?cholcholelesestesteterte??l.l. ??No No?SoSododiodiui???. N?ot??VeV?eryery ?? . G. ?oooodod od T TaTasastasteaste.e.,.,",?InIn n mn mymy ?trtririprip p? th t???ugughugh h t? the the e he hee heaeal?thth th a ar a??a a o of of f mf ?my my l ?oc??al al f ?oooodood d md mam?arkarkeket? I I I????umbum?leledled d ud ?pop?n n En EnE?jojoyoy ?LiL?fefe e Be ??oomoom m C ChC??hocohoco o Bo BoBooBo?m m Dm DaDararkark ark? Ch Cho?hoco?lalatlatelate e Be Bae I? j ??stst ?t cat c?an'an't'???resresisis?t t t?ryryiryin?? t? thi thiningingsings s ss ?ucuchch ch? as as s ts ?thithisthi??. I?ntntoto o to ththethe the c?arartart t it itit ?wewenwe??. ???'s's s rs rarat?
28,B005K4Q1VI,A3LJ6ZJ3MB6NNO,princess1,0,0,2,1349913600,hot chocolate,I thought the Grove hot chocolate is to sweet. It also has an off taste. I would not recommend this to anybody 3529,B005TY2REE,AY12DBB0U420B,Gary Peterson,0,0,4,1333756800,No cholesterol. No Sodium. Not Very Sweet. Good Taste.,"In my trip through the health area of my local food market I stumbled upon Enjoy Life Boom Choco Boom Dark Chocolate Bar. I just can't resist trying things such as this. Into the cart it went. It's rath
?ere??gogoooodod.d. .?ItI? s sasaya?s s i ?t't's's s ds dadaiairiryry,y???utut ???? s so soyoy y?frfrereee??, a, anandan?d Id I'I??l l t tatakakeke e t th t?eieirir ir w ??rdr?d. d. T ThThe? q ququeuesests?ioi?n n i??s ts ta?ststest?. . W. WeWele??, , i, itit'it?? a a a g go goooodoo?d td tatastasttastitintingng g?babara??. I. I I?hahavaveve e ae a a ca cocououpuplp?e e oe otoththe?rsrs s ts ths t?hathat t It I I wI wo?ululdld d rd reregre??ardar?d hd hih?ghg???. ???ut ut t th?isis s os ?oneone ???????iteite e ge ?googoodod.od. . I. It. It'???a a ba bib?it it h?igighigh h? in in n cn cacala??oriorieieses es ( (1(1717070 0 p ?erer er b?arar)ar) ) b bu but?ut hut hahashas s ns nono o c chchoh?leleslestste?rorolol ol o ?or or? so sod so????. . N. NoNot? b ba?d.d. d. Id. I'??ll ll p pi p?ckck k i it i?t ut ?? a ag a?gaiga?n.n.<.<b<brbr r /r ?><><b???r />r />G>?araryary y Py PeP??erersersosonon"on""?353535303?,B,?0000101N1NHNH4H404?UAU?,A,??ENE?2X2X0X0G0?9E9EAE??J,J??EsE?pepecpe??alallallyly y Fy FoForor or Yor YoYou??""""N"NLN???",",1,1,1,1,1,,1,5,?,1,13,1343414181?787848?40040?0,F0,?anantanta????ic ic O OrOraranangan?e ??eae??,"I,"???ve ve? or ordrderd??eded d md ??stst st o of of f t th the the e ce ?checheaeapeape??r Tr ?TeaTea'a????tctc c a ad adddd d od on? t?eaeasea??s ans and? a?llll
er good. It says it's dairy, nut and soy free, and I'll take their word. The question is taste. Well, it's a good tasting bar. I have a couple others that I would regard higher. but this one is quite good. It's a bit high in calories (170 per bar) but has no cholesterol or sodium. Not bad. I'll pick it up again.<br /><br />Gary Peterson" 3530,B001NH40UA,AAEN2X0G9EACJ,"Especially For You ""NL""",1,1,5,1341878400,Fantastic Orange Tea,"I've ordered most of the cheaper Tea's Etc add on teas and all
?hahava?e e?bebeee?? g grgrereaeatat t? bo boto?h h???n tn teterermr?s s o ?f f f ?lalavavoavoror r A ??? v vavalalul?e.e. . I ? c ?olo?d d b br brerewrew w u ususisiningin??didisispspopososasaba?lele e te te?a a f?ililtltetertersr?s cs ??ososeoseded ???thth th t ??ot????ckcksk?s is ?in in < <a<?a ha ??refref=f="="""?hth?tptp:p:/:??wwwww?.a.?mamaza?????comco?/g/gpgp/p?prprorododuducuctct/t/B/B0B?040?TJTJ3J????""?>T>?aka?eyeyay?a Aa AiA??titigighghtht ht D ?rir?inkink k M MaM?akeak?er er P PiPititcit?heherer er /er / / J ?ugug,g, ,?SeSetet t ot ofof of T TwTwowo<o</</a/a>a> > a anandn?d id ?? w woworworkr?ks ks w?on?ded?erfer?ulu?lyly.y. . (. ??hohos?? j ?ugugsugs ?ara?re re g gr grereareatat,at, , e, evevevenve?n bn be??ttetterer ??f f yf ??u u c ca canan an s ststitiltillll ll? fi fin findnd nd? th thehemhem m?hahalhalflf f pf prpripriciceice e ae ?at at C ?osostos?<)<b<brbr ?/>/><><b<br<br ?r />r /???m m gm glglaladla?d Id I I oI or?de?re?d d td th?isis is??hehenhe??I I dI dididdi?, , t, ??e e pe ??pricpricec?e he hahasha?s ms mom??e e te the t?hanhan ???ouboubl?eded!ed! ! I I' I'd'd ??stist?illill l s sa s?? i?t't's's s as a s a?GRGREREAEATAT T v??alual??. . T. Th?is??????y ?gogo o t to to o to te?tea tea w???? I I I w wa wanantant t st sosomomemet?hih??ing ing
have been great both in terms of flavor AND value. I cold brew using disposable tea filters closed with toothpicks in <a href="""">Takeya Airtight Drink Maker Pitcher / Jug, Set of Two</a> and it works wonderfully. (Those jugs are great, even better if you can still find them half price at Costco.)<br /><br />I'm glad I ordered this when I did, the price has more than doubled! I'd still say it's a GREAT value. This is my go to tea when I want something
w?ititht? a a a l lil?ittittltlel??momoro???flflalava?oror or t ththathana? " """"r"reregregug?lalarlar"r"""" "" b blb?laclackc???eae?. .?I I d dodonon'n't't t s sws?eeeete?enen n mn ?y y t? tea tea,a, , b??t t It I I tI ththithininknk k tk th??s s w wowououluldul? b?e e ae a ??ererfrfef??t t st ?swesweeeetee?t tt teteate??foforor or aor a a ha hohotot ?dadayay.y. . T. ?hehe e oe ?oraor?????e fle flalavlavovorvor r?isis ??ereryery ?papalalalatla??blbleble ?ununln?liklikeke ??omomeme ?e ote oth?er?s.s?. I. ItIt't?s s ns ??otiot??eaeabeabl?ble ble? wi witithit?houhout?? be bei be??g g p pupunungun??ntnt ?or??or aror a?tit??ic?iai? . I. It. It t at alalsalsoso so i is isnsn'n'tn't t st spt s?iciceic??d ld liliklikelike e me ??anyany y oy otothot?herher r or or?oranorangngege ge?? tea?s.?""?353535313?,B,B0B000?????0U0????2Y2??MAM?K1K111?J2J2T2?WFW?,M,?ele???da?????1,11,?1,51,5,5,15,?333393979?181848?40040??grgre???t tt tet t?ea!ea????rrrririvivevedve??nin??icelicelyly ??acack?agage?d d ad ?andan?d sd ?eaealea?ledled.d?. A. AnA?n an ara?omomaom?atiat?ic,ic, , l, ?ovovevelvelyly ly??? tea tea t th t??? I I I l lo l?oveove ??o o b bl blelenlend? w wi wit with? o ot?otheotherers? t?o ???keke ke?cucususts??m m i?cecedced d td teteatea tea b bl ble bl??dsds.? I I I l I ?lovlove
with a little more flavor than ""regular"" black tea. I don't sweeten my tea, but I think this would be a perfect sweet tea for a hot day. The orange flavor is very palatable unlike some others. It's noticeable without being pungent or artificial. It also isn't spiced like many other orange teas." 3531,B001NH40UA,A2YQMAK11J2TWF,Melinda05,1,1,5,1339718400,great tea!,"Arrived nicely packaged and sealed. An aromatic, lovely tea that I love to blend with others to make custom iced tea blends. I love
? t ththihisis s O ?olo??ngn? o ororarana?ngenge e w wiwitithth th?frfrur?itityity y b blb???k k t??asa?. . R ?ececoc?mmm?enendn?eded!d!"!?3?535323?,B,?0000101N1NHN?4040U0UAUA,A?A3A3O3OKO??IBI??OKHOKH4H4UH4U6U6C6?,O,?th?o o?T.T.,.???,0,,0?5,5,1,13135??777??6060000,00,s,smsmemelmellll l i itit!it!,!?"T"?hah?t t i is i?s rs rir????, ,??pepen?? th thehe e be babaga?g ag an?d d??usustst t gt ??t t yt yoyouourur r n nonoso?e e ce clcloloslose????and and s smsmesm?llll ll i it it.t. ?YoYou? k ?nonowno? t th thi thisis is? is is is a a a q quq????ity??prprorododuducuctct ?ininsn?stastan?tltlyl??. S. ??omeome e oe ?f f t? the the e te tatasastastitieiese?st st t te?a a I I I??havhaveve e he hahadhad d ad ?andand and tand ?thethe e Oe ??lolonlongng ng? an a?nd nd? or ora?ngnge? a ar arere e ae a ??rereareat? m mimixi?. . E. EvEvevenve? i??f yf ??? a ar are arenen'en't't t at a a ta tet?? d drdririnrinknkek?r ?atat at aat ?allall,l, , o, ???e e ye ?you? s sm s?melmellmell ???isis is tis teteate?a ya yoyouyou ?wiwilwillll ?wawanantant ant? to to o to ?ryr??? ?I ?ama? v ve??? g glglaladlad ??I bI bobou?ghghtght ??thi?s s ps prproprododuod?uctuc?t i?t t i?s s as ?a fa ???ororior?iteite e o???miminmi?e.e.".?"3"?353353333,3,B,B0,B00000000Y0YPYPKPKOK?DYDY,Y,A,A4,A4V4VJVJCJCRCRBRBSBSUS
this Oolong orange with fruity black teas. Recommended!" 3532,B001NH40UA,A3OKXIBOKH4U6C,Otho T.,0,0,5,1350777600,smell it!,"That is right, open the bag and just get your nose close and smell it. You know this is a quality product instantly. Some of the tastiest tea I have had and the Oolong and orange are a great mix. Even if you aren't a tea drinker at all, once you smell this tea you will want to try it. I am very glad I bought this product it is a favorite of mine." 3533,B000YPKODY,A4VJCRBSU
XXQXQVQV,V????enentnt,t,4,4,4,4?,1,1,1,1,13,1313?848464646?000??,S,STS?ALALELE,E,I,I I b bobouougughghtht t?ththih?s s t to t? i ?ncnclc?ududede e i in i? m ?? d ?auaugughughthtehtere?'s's s ps paparartar?y y by ?aga? - - -?ItI?t wt wow?rkr?eded d??o o wo wewelellll l w wiwitith? t??e e ce cicirircr??s ??thetheme?e e te ?thath??t w?e e he hah?d.d?? U UnUnfn?or???nanatateatelelyely ?ththe? c crc?aca??kerker r???ackacksks s ws ???re re s st stat?lele.e. . . ?WhWhehenhe???I hI ?heahearardard d td ththithis? t th the th?e fe fifirirsirstst t tt ?imi?me me I I I?? tho th?ougoughghtght t nt nono o w?aya?y cy cacana?'t'??bebe e be bubutu?t tt tht thehen? s??memeomeononene ??elselsese ?e toe tololdl??me?me tme ththethe the sthe sasamameme me t?hihinhingng g ag anandand d t?he?hen hen Ihen I I hI heI heae?ard?? it it t at agagaag?in? f frf?omom om s so som somemeomeonmeo?? e el?elseelse.?? R ReR?ealea?llylly ????????in??tinti? ??I aI am? s so so so??mbmbabarbarrr?rasra?sesedsed.??353?3434,?B0B00000000Y0YPYPKPKOKODO?Y,Y,A,AZA?Z7Z7S7SCSCDCDDDDZD?R0R0R0R3R3,3,T,TeT?erieri i L L.L?. E. ??atoat?on,on,3,?3,33,?3,53,5,5,1,13,130,13?10101?1212020000,00,J00,JuJusustus??lil?keke ke t????gogooo???ol?' '? da d?aysay?...?..,..,","S"SoS?o fo ????anand? g gr g???at at p ?ririci??e. ?ThT
XQV,Parent,4,4,1,1318464000,STALE,I bought this to include in my daughter's party bag - It worked so well with the circus theme that we had. Unfortunately the cracker jacks were stale. When I heard this the first time I thought no way can't be but then someone else told me the same thing and then I heard it again from someone else. Really disappointing. I am so embarrassed. 3534,B000YPKODY,AZZ7SCDDZR0R3,Teri L. Eaton,3,3,5,1301011200,Just like the good ol' days...,"So fun and great price. Th
iisis s w waw??s os ononene e o ?f f o ou o?? p ?arartrtyty y f fafavavov?rsrs ?atat t m ?y ??onon'on's's s bs ?irirtrthrt??ayay ????rtyrty.y? H HUH?GEG? h hihitit!t! !?I I w??lll?????y ay ?gagaia?n n f?oror or???e e be ?as???balball?? te t?amam m a ana?d d g ?rorououpu? o ou out ou?in?gsg?. . T. ThThe? b bo boxox x?is????sts?t lt ?iki?e ??thethe e ge ?ooo?d d od olo?? d dadaydaysy?, ,????thothouougoughgh h I? r rer?mememembembeberer ?ththethe the p???zez?s s ws wew???e b???tet?er er b ba bacackck k? th thehenhen n (n ?oror or mor mam?aybay?? m my m??exexpxpep?ctctat?atiatioi?onson?s w?er?ere ere l lol?we?r r sr sisinincin??e Ie I ??waswas s 1s 1010)0).).".????3535,35,B,B0B0000000Y00YPYPKPKOKODODYDY,Y,A,?2020000500?BAB?EUE?TSTSASAJAJEJE,E,s,slslilidlidedehe?olollol?lowlowmwmimis?reresre?s,s,1s,?,1,1,???1,131,1343404020232363686?0000,00,c,??acackac?kerker r jr ?ac???,Ar,Arrr?rivrivev?es es?$1$????? p po poso?stastag???dudueue ?in?? a a u ?useusede?d Fd FrF?rieriene?ndlnd??y 'y ?'s 's b? box box.x??UNUNFNFRF?IEIENENDNDLDLYLY Y d do don??t t yt yoyouou ou t th?ininkin?? ???or?stst st s ?ererver?ici?ce ce e eve?verver!r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_!!??ototataltall?y ?unu??ri?rienrie?ndlndlyndly!y??!!!!!!!!a!!!awawewefwefuf?l l al awaweaw??fulful l al awl a
is was one of our party favors at my son's birthday party. HUGE hit! I will buy again for the baseball team and group outings. The box is just like the good ol' days, although I remember the prizes were better back then (or maybe my expectations were lower since I was 10)." 3535,B000YPKODY,A2005BAEUTSAJE,slidehollowmisress,1,1,1,1340236800,cracker jack,Arrives $15.06 postage due in a used Friendly 's box. UNFRIENDLY don't you think? Worst service ever!!!!!_Totally unfriendly! !!!aweful aweful aw
?efefufulu???erervrvivici???3353??6,6?B0B00000??PKPKOK?DYDY,Y?ABABDBDCDCYCYKYK0K0404C4?L6L6O6??,M,MIM?DND?IGIGHGHTH??525?1,1???1,1,31,3,3??323232393?939?360360000,00??RARACACKCKEK?R R???ACKACKSKS(S(P(PAP?ACKACK ACK?OFOF F 2 252?),)?"I"ItI? w waw?snsn'n't'?t at ? b ?ada? p pupuru?chc?asasease e?ata??jujusustst t $t $9$?.9.9999 99 t tht?rorouougughg? W ?ararerehe?ouousou?se se D DeDeaeala?s s f fu?lflfif?lllleleded d bd byb??AmAmam?zozonon n??ndn??shshihipippp?ed?? fo foro?? fr fre?e,e, , b bu b?t t tt totooooko? 2? s???arsars ???f f b???aua?useuse e ie iti???waswasnsn'sn?'t 't a??? fre freseshshnshnenes?s ??ssssusueu?e be bub?ut ut C CrC?acackc?????acackacksks®s??jujusju?st st d dodon?'t?'t t't ?tastaststeste e te ththeth??sasama?e e le lil?keke ke? wh whehene?n In I I w wa wasas as? a a k a ?idid ?d bad bacackack ack i inin ?ththethe the 1 191989808?'s'????35353?7,7?,B0,B??0Y0?YPKYPKOKODKODYDY,DY??CR?O9O??CSCSXSXAX?IRIRTRT,T???rcArcAnA??elel5l?52752??1,1,11,1,1,1???,13,131,131919519585878727202??00,V00,VeV?eryery ?vevereryery ery S ?tatalta???OrOrdrdederereer??ed ted ???is is? an and and d md momosostst ?ofof of t?he? b?oxoxexeses es? we w?ereere ere s st?alaleale e ae anand??? stu st??ck ck? to t?gegetge?the?r.r.<.<b<brb?r /r ?><><b?
eful service! 3536,B000YPKODY,ABDCYK04CL6O4,MIDNIGHT0521,1,1,3,1323993600,CRACKER JACKS(PACK OF 25),"It wasn't a bad purchase at just $9.99 through Warehouse Deals fulfilled by Amazon and shipped for free, but took 2 stars off because it wasn't a freshness issue but Cracker Jacks® just don't taste the same like when I was a kid back in the 1980's." 3537,B000YPKODY,ACRO97CSXAIRT,ArcAngel527,1,1,1,1319587200,Very very Stale,Ordered this and most of the boxes were stale and stuck together.<br /><br
? / />/>C>??ece???d d t ththehe he e ?????atatit?onon n d dadat?? a ana???itit t?????'t'?t et ex?pipirpi?ed?.<.<b<brbr r? /> /><>??r ???StStat?rtrtitinti?? t to to o t?hih??k k? th the th?? j jujusustst t ct chchahanangangegeded ed t th the the the? ex e?xpixpirirairatatiat??n n dn da?tet?e ae ?andand ?shshihiphi??ed?ed eed ???ryrytyththith?ingin?g tg ?thathat? w?ene?t t bt bab?d.d..?353??8,8,B,???00Y00YPY?KOK??Y,Y,A,A1A1S1S2S?VJVJ8J8A8?0C0CLC?BABAJAJ,J,",?ImImama a R RaR?ascascac???""""R"Ra?scscacalcal"l""?","?1,1?,1,,1??,1,13,1313191959?????00,00,N,NoNo o so ststastalaleal?e pe ??odo?ucuctct t ht ?herherere!re!,!?WeW???ouougu?hth?t 2t ? c ca?ses?s s o ?? t?? thes . E ExExpxpixpirxpirere re d da dat??? wa w?as as?? m momonontonththsths ??outout.t. . P. PlPlelenententyty y oy of? t ti timimem?e te toto o eo eaeat??. W. We???havhave??2 2 b2 boboyboysys ?anandand and g ?oto???thethes??e fe ?oro?r tr ththe?m m a as as s a? s snsnasnacackck ck?inin in??ununcnch?es? e et etctc.c??I I? wa was was s ws ?ororrorrir?ed??ththa??t tt tht thehe he phe pr?od??uctuc??wowouwoululdld ?bebe e se st?stalstalele le a as?? st s?tatta???d id ind i????he?her her??revre?ieiewie??. . W. We. We'e'v'?ve ve ave ?ate?ate 3ate ?3 b3 boboxbo?eses ??andand and aand ?allall
/>Checked the expiration date and it wasn't expired.<br /><br />Starting to think they just changed the expiration date and shipped everything that went bad. 3538,B000YPKODY,A1S2VJ8A0CLBAJ,"Ima Rascal ""Rascal""",1,1,5,1319500800,No stale product here!,We bought 2 cases of these. Expire date was 3 months out. Plenty of time to eat. We have 2 boys and got these for them as a snack in lunches etc. I was worried that the product would be stale as stated in other reviews. We've ate 3 boxes and all
wwew?rer? f ?ini???soso o f fa fara?? K KiKidi?? l ?ovo??d d?itit t a anandnd ?I I d didid? a as as s ws wewelwe?l.l. . P. ?rir??eses s ws wes wer???nonotot t at asa??gogoooodod d ad asas as t tht?eyey y u ususes??? to to ?bebe e be ?utu??th?eyey ey d di dididnid?'t'?t kt knkno?w w t th thehe he d di dif diffffefer?erenerencn?e.e. . A. ?? fe f?w ??werwerere re e ?edueducu??tit??nanala? a??? t??????nevneveverver r h huh???s!s! ! W WeWe'e'l'?ll ll p prpror??aba?lyly y oy orordrded?er er a??ot??herher ?cocououpuplplele ??cascasesesses.s. ?. At. At t 4t ?0 0?cecence?tsts ts? pe p??er ser snsnanacnackck k y yoyou? c??an'an?'t 't g ?? w wrwroronro?g!g!!???393?,B,B0B?0000Y00YPYPKPKOKODODYDY,Y,A,A1A1A1ADA?4J4JNJN4N?3A3A4A?PQPQNQN,N,L,LeL?esles??y,y?1,1,1?,5,?,1,13,1313191???80800000000,0???reare??at iat it??m,m,B,Bo,B??ghghtht ?t tht theheshe?? t?? g gi g??ve ve o ououtout t a??s ps pap?artartyty y fy faf??ororsors s fs ?oror or?mym????n'n'sn'??babasbasesebse?balballll ll tll ththe?memed??bibirirtrthrt?dad?y ????rtyrty.y. . . ?ThT?heyhey y wy we?werewer??a a h hu hugugeg??hihitit it w?itithith h?bob?oth? t th the th?e a??ulultltsts ??andand d cd ?hihilhildl?rerenren.n?33535454040,40,B,B0,B00000000Y000YPYPKYPKOKODKODY?,A?2O2OQO??818???AOAOIOIUI?
were fine so far. Kids loved it and I did as well. Prizes were not as good as they used to be but they didn't know the difference. A few were educational and that never hurts! We'll probably order another couple cases. At 40 cents per snack you can't go wrong! 3539,B000YPKODY,A1AD4JN43A4PQN,Lesley,1,1,5,1319328000,great item,Bought these to give out as party favors for my son's baseball themed birthday party. They were a huge hit with both the adults and children. 3540,B000YPKODY,A2OQY819AAOIUC
?,b,bobobo?,1,1,1,1,1,,1,3,3,3?,13,1313181888808090969606?0,0,c,?raracackckek?r r??acackack,k,P,?ror???ctct t w waw?s s o olo??erer er t ?heh?n n I ? w wo wouo??ld ld p ???chchahasasease e i ?f f I I I???ewew w??hahathat t tt ththeth?e de dadatatet??onon n tn ?the? i in i?didivi??duduaduala? b boboxboxex?s s ws wawaswa?s bs ?efe??rere ?pupurpu?rchrcha?ses?. . I It It ?gigiviveiveses es m mem?e o?nlnlyly y???ne ne m mo mononton?? t to to o??at? t th t?hemhem m a ??l l bl bebefbefoforforere re? be b?iningng g? ou outu??datdatetedted.d..?353545414?1,B1,B0B?000000Y0YPY??ODODYD??A7A??35T35THTH2H21218?KQKQNQ?7,7,","C"?. . W. WaWarardr? " ?"M"MrMrSr???ofofyfy"y?"""""?,1??1,1,11,?1,1?3131831?373777767???0,"0,"L"LoLovovev?e Ce CrCra???er?er Jer ?acack?s,s, , h hahathatehat?e te ??themthem m fm ?ro?m ??mam?zozon???"I"I I dI ??on'on't't t kt knknokn????the??dedeade?al al i?s s hs ???re re bre bubutut ut???eye?y ay ararear?e te tee ter?rir??lele.e. e. I? I l I ?ov?e ?e Cre Cra??ke??r Jr ?JacJackckscks s as anand? n nonotot ?juj?stst ?cacaua??e e t?heher?e e ie isis ?s a s a???rizrizeze,e, ?esespes?ece?iaialallallyally ?no?w ??ha?hat hat t th?? p pr pri pr??zesze???re??popoioinintin??lesle??s cs ????ararearedared ?tot???hahathat hat yhat
,bob,1,1,3,1318809600,cracker jack,Product was older then I would purchase if I knew what the date on the individual boxes was before purchase. It gives me only one month to eat them all before being outdated. 3541,B000YPKODY,A735TH218KQN7,"C. Ward ""MrSmoofy""",1,1,1,1318377600,"Love Cracker Jacks, hate them from Amazon","I don't know the deal is here but they are terrible. I love Cracker Jacks and not just cause there is a prize, especially now that the prizes are pointless compared to what y
??u u u usu?e e??o o g gegete?.<.<b<brbr r / />/?<b<br<br ?/>?ThThehesesese se a ???iviveveded d a an a?d ?ththehe he f fifirirsrsts? b bob?? I I I a at atet?e se ?seese?memed??ve??y y s ?stast?lel?, ,??hehecheckckek?ed ?ththeth??dad??te te a an and and ???s s n nonoto?t et exexpx?irireired?ed aed ana?nd nd t th the??dadatdatete te wte ?waswas ?a a??ono?g g w ?waywaysy?s as aws a?way? s so so o Io I I fI ??guguru?ed??mamaya??e e ie iti?t wt ??? t? tha that? b??ox.ox? ?BuButu??I'I?? a a a f fe fewe?? bo box boxexeses es?inin n n?owow ??andand d td thd the?y y ay arareare e ae ?allall l t? the th????meme me? it it't's's ???keke ke c????ininging ?onon on c ca carardardbdboboaboarard?. . . ? I I?evevevenventnt t w?ene?nt nt??o o to ththethe the l lo l??al??7-7-1-?1 1 t to to to g ge get? s so som so?me ??to to? co como?paparareare are a??? t th tho th???se ase atat ?7-7-17-11? w we werere? 1 101?00? t?imi??x ?bebetbettt?terter.r.<.<b.<brbr br /?><><b><?br ??/>S/>?inincincece e ie ite it t w?as? s so so so? ch che ch?apap p t to to to g to ?getget ?ththethemthem m im itit'it??? no not not t wt wot worortr?th th? th? the the h hahasassassls?le le t? to to s to ???nd nd tnd ththethem?????ck ck s so so so I so ????ininkin?? I' I'l'llll l jl jujusustus??gigiviveive e te ththe????outout t ft ?or
ou use to get.<br /><br />These arrived and the first box I ate seemed very stale, checked the date and was not expired and the date was a long ways away so I figured maybe it was that box. But I'm a few boxes in now and they are all the same it's like chewing on cardboard. I event went to the local 7-11 to get some to compare and those at 7-11 were 1000 timex better.<br /><br />Since it was so cheap to get them it's not worth the hassle to send them back so I think I'll just give them out for
h ?alallllol?wew?enen.n?""3?545???B0B0000000Y00YPY???DYD??A3A?NDNDBD?P4P444?MZM???080?,G,?ese???NiNicichc?ololsls,s,0,0,0???1,1,1,13,1343464??161?8080000,00?CrC?acackckek?? J ?acackacksks s??werwerere e S ?TATALALELE,E,","C"CrCraCr?ack?er? J Ja J????s ws wewerwerewere ?ho????blblele-e?-s-sts????, , n nonotot t c ?rur?ncnchchychy y???d d t tatasta?stestede?d ad awawfw?ulul l?evevevenen en t??houho??? t? the th?e ee exexpxpipirira????n n d dad??e ?on? t? the the the p papac?????e he hae h?d d nd nonotnot t et ex??pirpireredred"d"???434???00???YPKYP?KODKO?DY,DY,A???QCQC8C8V8VQVQXQX8X8J8JAJAWAWWW?,","K,"?. . J Jo J??nsnsos??on "on ?"K"KeKerer"er"""""""",",0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,50,5,5,1,13,133,13393???56560600??AwAweweswesosomsomeme ?& & p pa pacack?ackagackage??d ad asd as s ps prp?omomimisi??ed!ed???I I t th thr th??w w m mym????n n an ??babasase?babalba?ll ll t th??me??d pd ?parpartr?y y fy foforor r hr hih?is is?1s1stst st b bibirirtirtht?dadayday.y. . W. ?????wowouoululduld d bd babasbasesebsebasebal?l l bl ??e we ??th?ou?t ?popopo?cocor?n,n?, p, pepeaean?utu??s &s &g&ge?t t ct ??acack??rjrjajacack??!?? I ItI?temtem m w wa w?as as d de d?lilivi?ververeredred red a?s ?s prs p?romro???sedsed ????thethe e pe pa?ck
halloween." 3542,B000YPKODY,A3NDBP44MZ4U08,Gesa Nichols,0,0,1,1346716800,Cracker Jacks were STALE,"Cracker Jacks were horrible--stale, not crunchy and tasted awful even though the expiration date on the package had not expired" 3543,B000YPKODY,A2OQC8VQX8JAWW,"K. Johnson ""Ker""",0,0,5,1339545600,Awesome & packaged as promised!,"I threw my son a baseball themed party for his 1st birthday. What would baseball be without popcorn, peanuts &get crackerjack?! Item was delivered as promised & the pack
??gigini?g g w ?asa??olo?d d???hohoooolol,ol, , w wh whih??ch ch w wa was? a apa?prprerececiciaiata??d d bd ?y y?papara??ntntst?, ?grgrarananpnpa???rentrents??&t&tht?e e e evevevenen n??gregreaeat? g gr graranrandndpdpa?parepar?enten?ts!ts! ! I ?te?? w wa was was ???resreshsh h? & &??as?tete te? gr gre greaeateat!t!"!""3353545?4,4,B,?000?00Y00YPY?KOK?DYDY,Y??1Q1QYQY9Y9595B5B9B9393M3MAMAVAV2V???TiTififfffafananyan????,0,,0,5,???3333535635656575767?0000,00??as?as pas pepererfrfef?ectect,t,I,I I o?rdrdeder?ed? t?hihishi?s ps pr?odo?ucu?t t f foforor r a? t? the themememeded ed bed bab?by? s sh sho??er?. .??heheyhe?y wy wewenwent? o ov oveverver r wr wewelwellll l a an andnd nd t th the they they ?tatasta?tetedte?d jd jujusust? l lil??e e ne nonor?mam?l ?crcraracrackc?kerker ??acack?s.s. . L. LoLovove?d ??thath?at ??I cI ?ouo?ld???in?d d td thd thehe he b bob?? a? and an??d thd thed theye?y fy fif?????rfrferfecectect ect i inin in f fa f?vovoror or? ba b???s.s.??54?????0000Y?PKPKOPKODODYODY,Y,AY,?3N3??MIMICI???IEIETETVTVLVL,L?,Bi,B?rmrmamanman ?MoMomommmmymy,??0,00,???,1,13,13333533525222???600600,0,Y0,YoY?ou ou C CaCanan'an??t Tt ??rnrn n Tn ?TheThe e Ce ClC??ck? B BaBacackack,k,","I"I ?pup?urcur??asaseaseded ?cacasase?????? th the thes theses
aging was old school, which was appreciated by parents, granparents &the even great grandparents! Item was fresh & taste great!" 3544,B000YPKODY,A1QY95B93MAV2G,Tiffany,0,0,5,1335657600,Was perfect,I ordered this product for a themed baby shower. They went over well and they tasted just like normal cracker jacks. Loved that I could find the box and they fit perfect in favor bags. 3545,B000YPKODY,A3NYMIC9CIETVL,Birman Mommy,0,0,3,1335225600,You Can't Turn The Clock Back,"I purchased cases of these
f foforor r o ououru?r cr coc???ana?y y?pipicicncninic?. . T ?hehe e?bob??eses s w ?ererer??cuc?tete,e? t ??he he i ??eaea a o??? it it t a alallll l? wa wasa???a ba bib?g g h ?iti??. B. ?utut ut t th t?he ?"""?gigififtft ?ininsn?idideid?"""" ""? wa was was s as a s a b bu b?stst.???? wo wououlou?d d g glg?adadldlyly y hy ???e ?pa?idid id m mom?oreor?e fe foforfor ?a a sa ststust?pipidpid ?lilitittittltlele ??iteiteme? r rarataththetherer er t th tha than? t th the the e "e ?""w""wrwrir?itiitiningingsgs s os ?n n p pa p??erer,er,",??"" o"" ?or or? wh w?hathate?ve?r ?ththe??y wy ?werwe? . W. WhW?hathat hat???s Cs ??racra?kekerer ?JaJ??ck ck????hoh??t t tt ?thethe the???iftift ??nsnsins?ide??? I I f fi f?indind d id itit it t to t?? be be e me mimisislsle?ad??inging ing?? tha that that t tt tht t?heyhey ?cac?allall ??it ???OrOririgri?ginginan???"""" "" "" O ???igiigininainalal al h ha h?ad ad t th? the the g gi gif giftft ft i??nsinsidnside?."???5454646,6?B0B00000?YPYPKP?ODO??,A,ATATUT?OLO??2B2???5E5??,K,?eie?la?MaMara???????6,26,?,1,121292?777????????CraCracackackekerker r Jr Ja??cksck?,","B,"BeBece??rerefrefuf?l l il ifl if ?yoy?ou ou p pl pla?n n tn ?o o uo ??e e te ththethesthesese e me moe m??ore ore t th? then then ????o mo ??ntn?thsths ?
for our company picnic. The boxes were cute, the idea of it all was a big hit. But the ""gift inside"" was a bust. I would gladly have paid more for a stupid little item rather than the ""writings on paper,"" or whatever they were. What is Cracker Jack without the gift inside? I find it to be misleading that they call it ""Original."" Original had the gift inside." 3546,B000YPKODY,ATUOLT2B825E0,KeilaMarie,3,6,2,1297728000,Cracker Jacks,"Becareful if you plan to use these more then two months a
?ftf?erer r y yoy?u u?oro??er??tht??m,m? t th t?heyhe??exexpx?iri?e e q ?uiuicickck.k? I ? c cac?n'n't'? u ?sese e te ???sese,se?, I, I I oI orordordederdereredred d t th?em?? to to o u us usese se i inin n m mymy y Ny ?ovo?emembembeb?er er wer wewededdddidin?g g b bub??t tt ?thetheythey y ey exexpexpipirpire?? in i?n Mn MaMara?chch h?:(:?""3353???,B,B0B?0404P4P7P7J7?BMB???A1A181??9R9RIR?X0X0A0ASASPSPQP?Y,Y,","A"AnA??ieie e Ae A.A. . ". """?reretre????ed ed l lalada?y"y""?",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,4,4,4,1,13133334347??363606?00,00?VeVer?y y gy gogoooodo?d cd cocomompmpapararear???tot??otoththetherthersrs,s,","I,"?? y yo y?ou'ou?re?re lre loloo?kik??ing ing f foforor or a ? h ??ala??thithie?r r ar ???terte??ata?tivtiveve ve?? to to p pepeae???ut ut??ututtut?terter ter?(w(?hah?ateat?veverver r rr ??asasosonon)n) )???isi? i?s s as ?a ga ?googoodod od c ch chohoioic?e.e. . . I It I?'s's ??nicni?e e ae ?andand d c??unu?ch?y,y, , t, ?asastas?teste???betbettt?terter ?ththathanan an o ot oth??ther ther? br b??and?s s Is ?'v'veve ?trt?ieiedied,d?, a, ??and and?dod??esnes??t t st ?sepsepa???tete te a as as s ms mumucuchch ch a as as as o??he?? ???esestes??I'?ve???foufounundund ?soso so f fa f?"."??354354848,8,B,B0,B??5Z5ZHZHJHJIJ?9C9C,C,A?S1S1F1?CKC?
fter you order them, they expire quick. I can't use these, I ordered them to use in my November wedding but they expire in March :(" 3547,B004P7JBMW,A18F9RIX0ASPQY,"Annie A. ""retired lady""",0,0,4,1334793600,Very good compared to others,"If you're looking for a healthier alternative to peanut butter (whatever reason) this is a good choice. It's nice and crunchy, tastes better than other brands I've tried, and doesn't separate as much as others. Best I've found so far." 3548,B005ZHJI9C,AS1FCKN
?KYK?9595I5IDID,D,","J"?ululili i A A.A. .?LeLeee? " """"J"Ji"J?ngnglgleleJeJLJ?"""""""",",1,1,1,1?,5,5,5???363696?953953636036000?,G,GrGrereaeatat t a anandn? g gogoooodo?d pd ?ririci?e!e?,","I,"I I l lol?veve e te ththeh?sese e ne nonoooodoodldlelesles.s. ? T ThThe?y y a?rere re??rearealallllyl?y gy grgre?reatreat t ft foforo? a a a m mimidi?ninigighg?t t st sns??????. I. ItIt't's's s n nonotnot t rt rerearealrea??y ?????ththith??? t ththath?? w wiw?llll ll f fifil?l l?yoyouou u u ?? f?or? a???in?nenerer.r?. ?. If. I? y yo y?? d dod? e ??t ??t ??oror or dor di???nerner,r? y? you you u wu ?wilwill?ll bll bebe ?huh?ngngrngryr?y ly lal?????. . M. ???be? s sosomso?me me p pepeoe?plplele le w????dndn'dn't't!t?!!!!!!!! !? B BuButu??, i, itit it j jujusu?t t dt dodoedoes?n'n?? s??icickick k t????y ?riribri??s. s. I I I lI ?lovlo?ve ve t??hemhem m? th tho th?ougou?gh gh??ndnd nd A Am A?aza?onon n h ??s s as a a? re reaealea??lly lly??ooood? p?ri?ce?.".""??545494???00005005Z5ZHZ??I9I9C9C,C,A,??I3I?4N4N9N9L9LFLFOFOSOSCSCXC?7,7??memegmeggg??,0,0,0,00,0,0,50,?5,15,?34349349191313613???0,0,Y0,YuY?m!m?!,"!,"T"?ThiTh??s ss sosousoup? c ???ksks ?upup ?ququiuicickicklick?ly ly a an and an???is is v ???? y yu yumummummy?! ?I ?re
KY95ID,"Juli A. Lee ""JingleJL""",1,1,5,1336953600,Great and good price!,"I love these noodles. They are really great for a midnight snack. It's not really something that will fill you up for a dinner. If you do eat it for dinner, you will be hungry later. Maybe some people wouldn't!!!! But, it just doesn't stick to my ribs. I love them though and Amazon has a really good price." 3549,B005ZHJI9C,A1I34N9LFOSCX7,Smeggy,0,0,5,1349136000,Yum!,"This soup cooks up quickly and is very yummy! I re
?ala?lyly y??iki?e e t ththehe e fe ???vov?? o ofof f t th the? s seseaeasasosononininingn? p pap??keketket t a ??d d t th the th???ayay y ty ththethe e ne nonoooodo??eses s??ooookook k u ??, , n ninicni?e e te tetexextxtut?rere.e??ItIt t it isi?s vs vevereryr??sas?titisisfis?yiy?ingin??toto o?meme.e. e. I I' I'm'm m a a a s si sin?inglinglele le g gag?? w ?hoh???oeoes?n'n't'??re?alallal?ly ly c?ooookook ook?& &? am am m om ???tenten n i inin in? a a h a huhur?ryry ry f ??or or m?y y ny nenex?t t mt memeameal?, , a, an??d Id I I f fi f?indind d td ?thath?? t th thi this?? so s??up up r rerea?ll??y hy ?ititst?s ts ththethe the s?popoto??. A. AlAltlththoth?ougoughgh h i?t t dt dodoedoeses es t???nd nd t to t????e me ?or??e oe ofof of a a ??idi?-a-afaftfteterternr?noono?? s sn snan?ackac?/l/?ligli?ghtght ?lulununcnchc?h ih ititeit?m ?foforfor r mr me?. . I. It? w?ilillll ll t??ideide e ye ?ouou ou??ve?r r fr fofor? a a ?whwhiwh??e e ue ununtuntitiltil l?yoyouyourur ur? ne nexext??bibigig g mg ?meamealmea?, , b, bub?t t it i t i?hah??e ?e toe t???grgre?e ??it?h h th ththethe ?otothot??r r rr rerevreviv?ewewewerer er t th tha that?at iat ?f f yf yoyouyou you t??ry ?toto to h ha hav?ave ave??usustst t ot ???e o?f f tf ththe??se se f fo foror or dor ???ne??r yr yoyouyou you cyou cacan? e ex
ally like the flavor of the seasoning packet and the way the noodles cook up, nice texture. It is very satisfying to me. I'm a single gal who doesn't really cook & am often in a hurry for my next meal, and I find that this soup really hits the spot. Although it does tend to be more of a mid-afternoon snack/light lunch item for me. It will tide you over for a while until your next big meal, but i have to agree with the other reviewer that if you try to have just one of these for dinner you can ex
p??ctct t t tot? b bebe e h huhunungn?ryry y i ?n n a a a f fefewe? h ho houo?rsrs.s.<.<b<brb? / ??<b<br<br r /r />???rs?ono??llllyly y Iy I I?LOLOOOOOOOVOOVEV???hih???sos?oupoup p t th tha thata?t mt mum?chch h m ?ororere e be ??cacaua?sese e Ie I I hI ?adad d??o o go gigiviveve e ue ?p ?ththehe e re raramamem?n n cn cucupup up?o'o' ' n non?ododldlel???ndnd d sd so??me me??th?er? b br b?ranrandndsnd?s is i i h ha hadad ad b?eee???eaeat?ininging g b be?cacaucaususeuse ?? d dedevevevelvelol??pedpe?d ad an?? al allllell?erger?y ?toto to? sh s?helhellllfllfifisishis?h ah ??d ?mo?llllullususkusksks.? I ??t st se?ememsms ?ththathat? o??tet?en en ten ththe??????sts?anantant t nt no?ododlod?? p pap?ckckeketetst?/b/?owowlw??s es eie???therthe?r hr ha?ve???omomeme ?tytypype?? of of of? se s?eafeafofoo??????? the the e se sasauaucaucece ?oror or? th the they they y ay ara?? m ma m?anuanufufafacactac?urureurede?d od onon on? eq e?uiuipipmpme??t t tt ththathatthat t at ?alsalso?? pr pror??cescesss?sesses ?shshehelhellhel?????? T ThT??s s os ononeone e de dodoeo?s s ns ?notnot ?cocon?ta?inin in ain ?anyany y ty tyy typypeype ?e ofe of f s se?afafofoofo?od od l ?ikike? m ma?nyn??ofof f tf ??the the o ot oth othe?r r ir ininsin??an?ant ant n no noo???lesle?s ds . A. ?no
pect to be hungry in a few hours.<br /><br />Personally I LOOOVE this soup that much more because I had to give up the ramen cup o' noodle and some other brands i had been eating because I developed an allergy to shellfish and mollusks. It seems that often these instant noodle packets/bowls either have some type of seafood in the sauce or they are manufactured on equipment that also processes shellfish. This one does not contain any type of seafood like many of the other instant noodles do. Ano
t?hehere? p plp??s s f foforo??meme e??s ?ththath?t t i it it't's'?s ns non?t t st spspipicicyc?. . I ?'m'm m k ?inindnd d o ?f f?a a w ?imimpmp p w wi w?thth th??spispic?y y f?oooododsds,s, , p?luluslu?s is i i h ?avavev?e Ge GEGERE?D/D/r/rer?flfluluxlux,x, , s, soso o?bebelelilieieve?ve ve m me? i?f ??i ci cacanan n e ?at? i? it it? is is s Ns ?OTOT T s?pi?cy?. . J. JuJusustust t tt tatasaststyt?y :y :):)<)?brb?r /r />/?<b<br<b?r /r />r />O>?nene ?ththithininging g t ththa?t t bt ?ugugsg??meme me ame a a la ?litlittt?lel?e ie ??? th thahathat t it i i fi ?eeeelel el g gug??ltlty? a ab a?ououtut t tt tht t?? p pa pacackckakagagigininging ing s?inincincec?e te the the??plplaplasastas?ic? b bo bowowlwl l i? is is n nonotnot t rt ??cycyccy?lal??????inin in m my my y ty ????n tn ?thetheyey ?ono?lyly ?y tay taka?e e 1e ?'s????nd nd?2'2's's ???icichich h? of of f cf ???rsrsese ?e the thee thesesese se?????????e e se sas?fefe fe? bo bow bo?wlswls s as ara?re re n ne n????? ma mada?e e oe ou??t ot ofof.of?) ) O OhOh h wh wew?ellell,l, ??canca?'t't ??havhaveve ve ive itit it a??l.l?........".?33535555050,0,B,B0B???CMCMFM?MGMG8G8,8?A2A2D2DED?CSCS1S1X1XIX?R6R?OKOKZK????awawrw?renre????S.S. . C. CoCoho?henhe???"S"ScScrcrereare?mim?inging ?BrBrar??dsdshdsheheehee"e???
ther plus for me is that it's not spicy. I'm kind of a wimp with spicy foods, plus i have GERD/reflux, so believe me if i can eat it is NOT spicy. Just tasty :)<br /><br />One thing that bugs me a little is that i feel guilty about the packaging since the plastic bowl is not recyclable (in my town they only take 1's and 2's which of course these microwave safe bowls are never made out of.) Oh well, can't have it all...." 3550,B000CMFMG8,A2DECS1XIR6OKZ,"Lawrence S. Cohen ""Screaming Brandshee""",
0?,0,0,0,40,4,4,1,111181878717?363606?0000,00,P,?scschchohololol?gigici?alallllyl? b bebetettttet?r r???ana? p ??an??tst?,","S"?omo?ehe??w w?? f fefeee?l l?heheaealealtltitieier? e eaeateatitinti?g g t th theheshesese e t? thi thiningngsngs s?in?sts???d d o ????eaeanea????. .?? d dod??'t'? k ??owow w ww whwhyhy ?eieitiththether?. ?AlA?sos?, ,?ununln?iki????peape??anutanu?ts,ts, ???cacancan ???mimitit it m mym??inintintataka?ke ke? to t? a a a???andan??ulul l al an?and and n nonotno??th?the the w wh?ol??e be bab?g.g.".""?353555?1,1??00000000P0P5P?????,A,A3A?MVM?P5?222?8888O8OGOGHG??,B,BW,BW,W,2,2,2?,2,,2,5,5,5?,12,120207071??080?800800,0,W0,?hahatha???a ga grgrereaeateat eat???ombombobo ?of? f?lalava?ororsrs.s.,s.??I I hI ha?veve e te trtrir?iedied ??allall l ol ?of of tof th?thesthesese se n?ututsuts uts? an a??d td ththetheythey ?ararere re f fa fan??tasta?stistic?. ? I I I h I ???hlh?ly ly r re?cocomcommm?menmendnd nd t th??m m a as a?s as a ???acackck k w wh whihichichch ch i?s s ns no?? o?nl??y hy ??alaltalththyth?, , b, bub?ut ut? ta tasast??. ?. T. ?he? m mu m??beberbe???????comcombcombibin?eded ?wiwitithit? c ch cho??colcolalatla?te te a ar are??amamamaza?in??g."g.""3"3535535?2,2,B2,?B00B0?00P00P5
0,0,4,1187136000,Pschologically better than peanuts,"Somehow I feel healtier eating these things instead of peanuts. I don't know why either. Also, unlike peanuts, I can limit my intake to a handful and not the whole bag." 3551,B000P5IWYG,A3MVP52288OGHH,BW,2,2,5,1207180800,What a great combo of flavors.,"I have tried all of these nuts and they are fantastic. I highly recommend them as a snack which is not only healthy, but tasty. The mulberries combined with chocolate are amazing." 3552,B000P5
?IWI?YGYG,G,A,A1A1717Z7ZJZJ1J1Q1?B1B??GUGUBU?E,E,","N"N.N. . T ToT?beb?y y " """"n"nanatatatamamomoooososes???",",1,??,1,,1?5,5,1,12,1????808?80??,y,yuyumummmmymy!y!,!?,A ,A s ??prprir?sisini?glglyly y dy ?elelil?ghg??fufulul l s sn snanacna?k!k??GrG?eae???toto o h hah??e e a ararorouo?ndnd d w whwhihili?e ?I'I'm'? w?ororkr??inging g?lol??????ourou?s s i in???roronro?t t o ?f f t th thehe ?cocomompm??tet?r.r?3353?535?,B,B0B?0000P00??IWIWYIW?YG,YG,A,A1,A1T1TFTFSFS8S??040?F0F0808J08?N,N,K,?at?eLe??nnn?,0,?0,00,0,0,30,3,3,13,131333393??45456560600?,D,DeDelelielicicicioiouousous s bs bubutut ut p ??icicyicy,y,"?I I r rereare???ly ly l li l??ede???hihishis ??lalavavoavoror!or?! ! ?AsA?s ss sosom?eoeononeone e we wiw??th th m ?ananyn??fof?oodood ?sesensensnsisitsitit?vivit?iei??s ws ?whowho ?alalsalso? a av avovoioidi??s s?????, , t th??? i is is ?ththeth?e pe pepererferfefecectct t tt trt?rea?t t ft ?forfor r m me me e we whe w?henhen n?I I cI crc?avaveave ??hohocococolcolalatlatete te???r br ?akakekedke?d gd gogoooodoodsoods.s?? T Th Thehe he? ra rawa? n ??utsuts ?ar??e ce cre cririsrispsp p a an andnd nd??reresreshsh h t?asaststi?? . . H. ?owo?eveve?r,r, ?ththethe the p pr pri?cec?e we wae w?as as?????y hy hi?ghgh gh f?oror or
IWYG,A17ZJ1QB1PGUBE,"N. Tobey ""natamoose""",1,1,5,1207180800,yummy!,A suprisingly delightful snack! Great to have around while I'm working long hours in front of the computer. 3553,B000P5IWYG,A1TFS8D04F08JN,KateLynn,0,0,3,1339545600,Delicious but pricy,"I really liked this flavor! As someone with many food sensitivities who also avoids sugar, this is the perfect treat for me when I crave chocolate or baked goods. The raw nuts are crisp and fresh tasting. However, the price was very high for
?????quq?anantntititityt? o ofof f p prprorododuducu??? W ?itithith h l lel?ssss s t ?thathanan an 2 ?0 0?brbrarazazizili? n nunututst??ini? t th t?? p pa paca?kakagagege,e, ,?? f ??ltl? a a a l?itittittlt???gig?ppppepeded.d?? I In In n fn fufut??rere,???'l'??l tl ?????aka?ininging g?mymy ??wnwn n cn chchohocococ?lalata?e e ne nunutnut t mt mimixix x f?ro?m m? bu bululklk k r ra?w w??ututsuts,s, , b, ?ererrrririei???, a, anandand d c ?coccoco? p?ow???? r??athatheherher r t th?an?an san sps?penpendn?d $d $9$? p pe perer ?pap?ackackakagka?ge!ge! !? F FoF?r r tr th???t pt ?priprici?e,e, ?I'I'd'??liliki?e ?a a la lolotot t mt mot mor?e ?pr?ododuoducuctuct.t."t.??3535555454,4,B,?000?4646969L9?SMS?U,U,A,AZAZVZV2V2626L6LPLP9P?2E2E6E6W6?U,?"M"?. ?HaHama?momono?? " """??ololeol??manmanFnFlFlGl?????",",0,???,5,5,5??31313?02020208208080000,00,T,??he ?be??t!t!,!?a a ga grg?reareatat at d ?deadeala??. i. itit it? ar arrrrirriviveveded ed w wiw?ith? n no no o d?am??ageage.e?. t. ththethe e te tatasaststest?e t?o ??e ??s s ts ?the???es??t. t. i ??hahavave? t tr t?rierieded ?mo??? o ot oththetherthe?r br brbrabran?andsands s as anandand and? re reaealallal??y gy gog?ot ot f fe f?ed ed ued upup p w???ith ith tith ththethemthe?. . t. th. the?
the quantity of product. With less than 20 brazil nuts in the package, I felt a little gipped. In future, I'll try making my own chocolate nut mix from bulk raw nuts, berries, and coco powder rather than spend $9 per package! For that price, I'd like a lot more product." 3554,B00469LSMU,AZV26LP92E6WU,"M. Hammond ""ColemanFlGuy""",0,0,5,1313020800,The best!,a great deal. it arrived with no damage. the taste to me is the best. i have tried most other brands and really got fed up with them. they
????stst t d dodonon'n't't t tt tatasaststeste e r rir??htht ?t tot to o??e.e? b bubutut t tt tht thihisis s o on?e ?i i?cac?n n??atat t rt ?rigrigh??t ot ?utut ut??f f t tht????oto?tltlel??anandand d e???oyo? i ??. . i. itit it t ta tasastastetese??sos?o go gogoooodod.d?. i. i . i??m m??ereryry y hy hah?ppppypy ??it?h h t????s ps pup????hasha??e ae ane andnd d td ththethe ?prpriricricec??e ise i??grgrereaeateat t at,B,?000???E3E?LBLBUB?,A,????ZSZSJS?SLSLCLC7C?LKL?8,8,A,A.,A. . V. VaVanannan?oyoy,oy,2,2,2,2?,5,5,5,1,111??55155??808????GrGre?at? J JeJ??kyky!y!,!?I I p ?prepr?fef?er er j je jer?erkyerky y w???ith ith a a a d?ry? t te texe?tuturureure e be bue but?ut aut ?alwalwawaya?s ?ha?veve ve? a ?ha?rdrd d td tid t?meme me f ?inindndindininging g????googo?od od o on o?e.? T ThT?heyhey'y?re? u ??uaual??y ?momoio??te??nedned d sd ??ftf?t ct ?chuch?nkn?s s os ofof ?memeameat?at iat in?st?steaste?d d od of???harhardhard ???riripri??. . . ???f yf ?ouou ou l lil?kek?e oe ololdld-d-s-scs?chochooooloo? j je?rkrky?? th the th?n ??I hI ?highighghlghlyly ly r re rececoc?mmmmemenme?nd nd? th thi this? p pr prorododuod???t. t. D DeD?liliclicic??ousou?!!335355556556,6,B,B0,B?00500?KDKDJDJEJEJEJKJK,K,A,A3,A343?909
just don't taste right to me. but this one i can eat right out of the bottle and enjoy it. it tastes so good. i am very happy with this purchase and the price is great also. 3555,B0001E3LBU,A2Q1ZSJSLC7LK8,A. Vannoy,2,2,5,1155168000,Great Jerky!,I prefer jerky with a dry texture but always have a hard time finding a good one. They're usually moistened soft chunks of meat instead of hard strips. If you like old-school jerky then I highly recommend this product. Delicious! 3556,B005KDJEJK,A3490
?HCH?0Z0ZWZ?OSOS1S1010,0,","s"spspipini??erer r " """"e"exe?erercercicisi?? g gigirirlrl"l"""""""",",6,6,6,7,7,7,5,??131?31313?373767606??0,o0,ouoututst?tat???iningin?,"??ece?omommm?????d d?toto o m meme me b ?? a a a?frfririei?enden????sas?? a?t t t th thehe ?gygymym m?- - h hah?d ?seseese?en en t???m m am a ??ewew w tw titimime?s s a at at at? th? the the? fa fatatttteteded ed?cacalalfl??inin in n nanapa??, , b??ut ut d dididdidnd?t ???alallal?y ?papaypay ??attattetente?ntintioiono??? i i i w wiwili?l l n ne neveveverer er b bu buy bu?y by bebeaeanansan?s is ?in in tin ththehe he??agag g f fr frorom? t th the the the g the grgro?cecereryery y sy st???? a ag agag? . . ??ugu?e ?di?fff????????????asa?steste ?an?d d qd quq?alalialitityt?. . ?sesense?nt nt? my m?y s???? wh whoho o io isis is a an a?n an as?pi?ri??g g cg ?he?f ??andand and g go gouourourmr?metmet t ft fofoooododi??e a?? bo b?x x??f ?bebeabeanans??? in in? a a b ba bag bag g ag asas as w we w?????.."..??353555575?7,B7,B0B?00500??DJDJEJ???,A,??3030P0PPPPNP??JYJYJYJ6J?HRHR,R,","C,"C.C. . D. ??y ?""""C""ChC?harharsrsks?i"i??""","""?0,0,00,0,0,50,?5,15,1313513515?103103636868080000,00,R,RaRanancanch?o o Go ?orordor?o o Bo BeB?eaneansns s -s - - W- WhWhahathat t f?unun!n!,!,"
HC0ZWOS10,"spinner ""exercise girl""",6,7,5,1331337600,outstanding,"recommended to me by a friend i saw at the gym - had seen them a few times at the fatted calf in napa, but didnt really pay attention. i will never buy beans in the bag from the grocery store again. huge difference in taste and quality. sent my son who is an aspiring chef and gourmet foodie a box of beans in a bag as well..." 3557,B005KDJEJK,A230PPNNJYJ6HR,"C. Day ""Charski""",0,0,5,1351036800,Rancho Gordo Beans - What fun!,"
?I'I'v'?? p prp?obo???lyly y t ?ririeiede??ababoab?utut t??? v vavarari?etetit????????eaeanansns s fs frfro?m m R RaRan??hoho o G GoGorordrdodo.o? T ThT?eyey'y'r'rere e ae ?lll??exe???llllellenentn??? S ??meme e ae are a?re re b??ettet????susuiuititetedte??foforor or o on onene ?tytypypep?e de did?shsh h? th thahanan an? an anonoto?heherhe?, , a an and and ???f yf ?ou? v??isiisitit it t th the th?irir r wr ?ebebsb?it?e,e, ????ey ey???llll ll???ellel?l yl yo?? w??hathat t wt ?or??s s bs ?besbe?t t ft foforfor r wr whr w?icich? d<.<b<?r r /r />/?<b?r r /??So?meme me a?rere re jre jujusust? p?lalaiaini? g ?ororgorgegeoe?ousous s ts tot?o bo bob?ot?! !??AnAndnd d bd be?in?? h heheiheirirlir?oooomoo?, ?I I b be bel be?ieievieve????you you c ?anan an aan alalsalsoso ?sas?veve ve sve sosomsomeme me bme babacbackck k t to to ?plpla????, i, if? y yo y?ou ou hou hahavha??ve tve ththe? c cl clilimli?ata?te te f ?for? g gr grorowrowiwinwingng g tg ththethemthem.m. ?. (. ?UnUnfn?forfortfortutununanat?el?y,y, , I, I , I d do donon'n't'?t.)t.)<)?<br<br <br????<br<br <br /<br />??utut ut o of of ??allal?l tl ththethe ?ononeoneses ?I'I'vI'veve ve tve trve t??riedrie??, w, ?? l ??kek??e the thehe he B ?ororlorlolotlottttiti ti b? bes bestst st -st - -? th the?y y cy coc???k uk ?
I've probably tried about 15 varieties of beans from Rancho Gordo. They're all excellent. Some are better suited for one type dish than another, and if you visit their website, they will tell you what works best for which dish.<br /><br />Some are just plain gorgeous to boot! And being heirloom, I believe you can also save some back to plant, if you have the climate for growing them. (Unfortunately, I don't.)<br /><br />Out of all the ones I've tried, we like the Borlotti best - they cook up
? p plplulumumpmp p a ?ndnd d w ??llll l h hohololdld d td tht?eie?? s shshahapa?e,e, ,? wi witith? a??crc?eae?mymy y?inintn?ere???r.r? T ThT??y'y??re re f fafanantantatasaststitici???oror or M ?exe?ic?anan-an-s-ststyst??e e b beb?eaneansn???? fr fririjri?ol??s s bs bobor?rar?chc?hoshos,s, , r, ?refrefrfririerieded,d, ??hahathate???er er y yoyouou u??iki?e.e?. . ?AnAndnd nd I I'I'v've? a al a??o o c co cooookoke?d d t?hehemhem m w wi wit wi??th hth hahamham m hm hohocho?ksks/s/g/???lilicli?/o/ononin?ionio?ns ns e ?tct?. ?foforor or aor ? d dedeleliliglighghthtftfufulul l bl bobowbo???ofof f??ea???.<.<b<brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />T>ThThiThisis s ps ?ar?ti?cucululaularar ar a as asss?sorso?tmtmemenent? d do d??esnesn'n't't t h ha havave?ve tve ththethe e Be ?or?lolotottt??? be bea bean?s ?s bus b???yoyouyou ?cocou?ldld ld a? alw al??ysy?s as ada?d d t?d thed th??m tm ??o yo yoyouyouryou??orordordederde?! ! ?ItIt't???s a s a n ni??e e se sasamampamplpleplerer er aer anandand ?wi?llll ll g geg?et et y yo y?? h ho h??ke???onon on?ththe?ir? p?rorododuducu?tst??<b????/></><b?<br <br /<br />??h h y ye yea?h,h, , s, ??gngn n?upup p fp foforfo?r tr th??theirtheir r nr ??wswsls?letlettttetterer er ter ???, , S, ?tetev?e ?e see senendendsds s os ou?t ??a ga gog?oodood
plump and will hold their shape, with a creamy interior. They're fantastic for Mexican-style beans - frijoles borrachos, refried, whatever you like. And I've also cooked them with ham hocks/garlic/onions etc. for a delightful bowl of beans.<br /><br />This particular assortment doesn't have the Borlotti beans but you could always add them to your order! It's a nice sampler and will get you hooked on their products.<br /><br />Oh yeah, sign up for their newsletter too, Steve sends out a good
o?nene e w wiwiti?? r rer???pep?? a ?ndnd d???oro??eses es?ofof f t ththethe e be ?eaean???""3353?5858,8?B0B0000101H1HTHTITI4I4T4?M,M,A,A2A2727D7DHDHFHFFFFWFWMWMHMH0H040?2Y2?,",?CaCataththlth?eee?n n M M.M. . W WaW??kekerer r " ?"g"gegememimini?iwi?al?ke???"""""?,0,?,0?,5,5,5,1,121292939313141?888808?00,00,O,OlOlilivi???es tes th??? m mem?ltlt t??? y ??uru???ououtou???,"I,"I I h hahada?d nd ?o o??dedeaea ea w???t t tt ???s ??stustufu?f ?wa?s s ws whwhehenen en? it i???was? s???ve??d td to????e ae ?at ?a a r???tatauaururauran?t t rt ?recrecec??tltlyl? - - - a??nd nd?I ?cocououlou?d d nd nod notot ???opop p?eaeateatitin?g g i it it! it? F FiFininainalallally? f fifigigug???d ?ouout? i it it it??asas s Ks KaK??amamamatataat??OlOliOl??e e te ta??ananaanad?e,e, , a??d ?I I wI wowonondon??re?d ?wh?erereer?e te the the???ececkeck k?cacanan an I??ge?t ?t tht t?isis is s?tutufuffuff?f? I I' I?m m t to tototaot?allallyally y sy sps?oioili??d d nd nod nowd now!w????ellell,l, , I, ??heheaheadadeadedade?d fd ?oror or w? whe wherereere ere I I I a I alalwalwawaywaysys s gs gogo ?whwhe?n n In I I wI waI wanant? t th thehe he bhe ??stst st??f f ef ?ve?ryr??thithinthi?g g -g - - a- amamaamazazozon?.c.cocomcom!m?! A! ?ndnd ?
one with recipes and stories of the beans." 3558,B001HTI4TM,A27DHFFWMH042Y,"Cathleen M. Walker ""geminiwalker""",0,0,5,1293148800,Olives that melt in your mouth,"I had no idea what this stuff was when it was served to me at a restaurant recently - and I could not stop eating it! Finally figured out it was Kalamata Olive tapanade, and I wondered where the heck can I get this stuff? I'm totally spoiled now! Well, I headed for where I always go when I want the best of everything -! And t
?hehere?e e?iti? w ?asa?, , a ana?? n nonowow w I I I c cac?an an??avavev?e ie ?? w wh w??neneve?verve? I I I w wa wanantan?! ! I I I l I lolovoveve ve t totosossssisiningn? a a a?bibitit it wit wiwit?h h p papasastastat??, p, paparpa?titicicuc???rlr?y y t?hehe he t?omomam??to to? an andnd nd? ba bas?ilil l p?asast?a a I I ?alalslsoso o o ?rdrded????roromom om a am a?mazma??n;n? i?t't?s s g grgrereare?at at o on on n??alalaaladadsds,???? h hu humu???s ss sa?nd?wiwicwi??heshe?s, s, as, ??d d ad an??ththihiningin???ls??e ye yoy?u u c?anan an tan ththithininkink k? of o? o on onc oncece ?e yoe youou ou g?etet t tt ?theth??ta??tete e ie ine in ???urur r mr ?inindind d hd ?hehhehe?. .? It I??s ?fafan??ababubululoulouousous!s!<!?brbr r /r />/?<a<a a ha hrhre???"""?hthttt?p:p?////w/????amamamazmazomazonon.on??omom/om/g/gpgp/p?prp?rodro?ucuctc?/B/B0B?0101H1?TIT?4T4TMTM"M""?>P>??eloelopopop??nenesnesese e Ke KaK?alaalamalama?tata ta O OlOlil?ve?ve Sve SpSprprepreaeadad,ad, ??.5.????ncnce??(P(PaPaca?k k ok ofof ?6)6?</</a/a>a>">""?353?595?,B,B0B00B00000G00?DADAVA?XWXW,W??1O1ODO?8O8O2O2727W7???R6R??,d,d ?bebererter??0,0??,5,5,5,1,121?1616464242525656060000,00,R,ReRea???ly ly t ta tas?astyasty,y,I,???otot t tt tht thihishis s fs fos foror or a a ??ifi
here it was, and now I can have it whenever I want! I love tossing a bit with pasta, particularly the tomato and basil pasta I also order from amazon; it's great on salads, on humus sandwiches, and anything else you can think of once you get the taste in your mind hehe. It's fantabulous!<br /><a href="""">Peloponnese Kalamata Olive Spread, 7.5-Ounce (Pack of 6)</a>" 3559,B000GDAVXW,A1OD8O27WU6R6X,d bert,0,0,5,1216425600,Really tasty,I got this for a gif
t? f foforor r?mymy y f fa fatatht?erer r ar anandnd d h ?he he??ovovevede?d td ththetheme?? ?I I w wiwili?l l p ?ror?bababa?lyl?y gy gegete????themthe? a agagagaiainin n b ???t ot ono?ly? a as as s a a a g gigififtft t dt dudueue e t toto o???he ?cocosostst t ot oft o??sasauaususasagsage?s.s..3353565?0,0?B0B0000000G00GDG???XWXW,W,A,A3A??3B3?1J1JPJPAPACACNCN2N??5,5,M,MiMici?hah?elel l Gl G.G. . L. ?usustus?igig,g,0,0,0,00,?0,40,?,1,?181??696?121??00,00?,A ,A??itittttltlel?e te ???o so sws?eeeetet,et?I ?knknon?? - ---- - t th the the e de ded?scscrcriripiptptitioti?on on i isi?s cs ??leale?r r er ???ugughgh h? ab abob?utut ut a ap a?plplelesles s &s ? c cr?ananban?er?ri?eses es???ut ut Iut ??fo?unundnd nd t? the thes thesese e se sasausa??agageageses es tes ?to to? be be ?? l li??ttlttlele le t????o swo s??? . . M ?y ?y guy gueuesueststssts s as ?agragrer???. ?. T. ThT?he ????e e ce cocomco????y ??akakekeses es ses sasau???sagesages?es t?ha?t t It I I lI ?ikikeke ke b be?????..3.3535635?1,1,B?0000700767?2B2B7B7X7??,A,A1,A1B1BYBYMYMKMKRK?6E6E2E2E2EXE?EJEJ,J,T,ToTowoweow?el el s se s?eekee?kerker,r,0????1,?1313535035000000000000?0000,??an an u un?sos?ortorteteded ed a? ass assosorsortr?tedte???OrO?rigrigiginginan??l dl de???riripri?ptiptioionon on aon an
t for my father and he loved them. I will probably get them again but only as a gift due to the cost of sausages. 3560,B000GDAVXW,A3F3B1JPACN215,Michael G. Lustig,0,0,4,1188691200,A little too sweet,I know -- the description is clear enough about apples & cranberries but I found these sausages to be a little too sweet. My guests agreed. The same company makes sausages that I like better. 3561,B00762B7XY,A1BYMKR6E2EXEJ,Towel seeker,0,0,1,1350000000,an unsorted assorted,"Original description an
dd d o oro?dederer r s sasaiaidid ???AsAssssos?ortorteteded"d""? c chchoh???lalatatetestes.s. . W ???? I I I g ?????weweeeeke?s s??!)!) )?la??terte?----w--waw?s s os ono???papaca?? o?f f a alallll l w whwhihiti?te te c ch cho?cocolco?lat??s s (s ?ththehe e le leleaeasastas? d ?desde?iri??blblele)le).). . N. NoNotot ot w??????th??e be ?ot?heherher ?ofo?f rf reretetut??nininingn??eve??n n? wi w?ithith ??rir?mem?. . M. MiMigighghtht ?beb?e be bee b??teter???usu???t but buyuyiy??g ?at?at lat lol?ocaoc?al al s st s?ororeor????samsa?me me o or or r cr ?chechea?peperer er p pr pri?cece)e??wh?en??yoyouou u? ca canan ?seseeee ee w wh wha??t yt ?????et?.".?3353565??,B,B0B000040??8Z8???4,4,A,APAPZPZ8Z8Y8??7S7??0S0SBSBMB??"K"?. ??de?n n "n """"O""OnOnln??inein?e Se SuSupu??rsr?hohopho?peper?"""""""",",1,?,1,1,,1,1,1,,1,1,1,131???121292?606?00,00,N,NoNotNot ?wh?atat at Iat I I oI orordor?derde??d,d,T,ThT???se se l??okok ??liklikeke ?tyt??????al sal susugugagarar ?plplulumu? j je jelell?ieieses es b bubutut t tt th?theythey y a ar arere re?????alallallyly ?grgrarapra?pe pe f flfla??ororeoredore?. ?YoYou? w? wou woululdl??as????me ??thathat???thetheythey they w wo? woul wouldld ld?hahavhaveve ve a? s su s
d order said ""Assorted"" chocolates. What I got--weeks (!) later--was one pack of all white chocolates (the least desirable). Not worth the bother of returning even with Prime. Might be better just buying at local store (same or cheaper price) when you can see what you get." 3562,B004G8ZAS4,APZ8Y67SW0SBM,"K. Eden ""Online Supershopper""",1,1,1,1323129600,Not what I ordered,These look like typical sugar plum jellies but they are actually grape flavored. You would assume that they would have a su
g?ara? p ??umum m f flf??vovoror.r. . T ThTheh?y y t ?asa??? l ???e e ce chc?heaheapap p K KoKoooolol-l-A-AiAidid d?ana?d ?non?t t??he? y yuyumummum??y Jy ??llllyl?y By ?elellellyly ly o ??eses s I I I?cacanan'an't't t st ?eee?m m tm toto o f fi finindnd nd o?n n A AmAmamazazoz?on.on?3353565636??B0B000040?G8G8Z8ZAZASAS4S4,4,A,A1A?MJMJ4J4545151A1????D7D7S7S,S?T.T.Y.Y.Y.,.,0,0,0?,0,,0?3,?131??595989??80800800,??rer?ttt?y y gy gog?oodood d pd prp?ododuducu?t,t?"T"Th???e e ae ararrarrir??eded d fd frfre??h h a an a??nd ind ?in in? a a t ti timi?elelyel?y my mamanmannnnenerner.r. r. H ?owoweweveveverver,r, , f?la??vorvo???isisese se o?urur ?fafama??lyly ly ily ?is is i inin in ain aga??reereememeem?ntnt t tt ththahata??JeJelJe?llyll??y Bey B?ellellyell?y py prproprododuod?uceuces? a a a r a riricrichchechere?r pr plpluplum? f? fla fl??oror,or, , s, sls??ghg?tltlyly ly lly lalarlargr??er er s susugu?garga?r pr plr p??m m im inin in sin ?izizeze,e, , a, an?d d ad a a b bibitit t st sot s??te?r r ir inin ?tetexte?tuturureure e fe ?oror or?? the th??r r sr su?ga??? pl plulumlumslum?. . . T?hehe he phe pr?icicece e oe ?on on? th the the the A?lbl?ananeanesese?? su sug?arar ar? pl plu pl??s s is ?is ?re?asasoason?aba?lele,?? th the the the f the fl??avoavoravor ??s s gs gogoogoodod od?? and and d id itit'it's's ?
gar plum flavor. They taste like cheap Kool-Aid and not the yummy Jelly Belly ones I can't seem to find on Amazon. 3563,B004G8ZAS4,A1MJ451A2KDD7S,T.Y.,0,0,3,1325980800,Pretty good product,"These arrived fresh and in a timely manner. However, flavor-wise our family is in agreement that Jelly Belly produces a richer plum flavor, slightly larger sugar plum in size, and a bit softer in texture for their sugar plums. The price on the Albanese sugar plums is reasonable, the flavor is good and it's a
l?wawaya?s s?ninicicece e t ?o o s ?upu?poporortr? a a a s?????, ,??ndndedepepepenendndenden?t ??anandndyndymymamakmakekere????3535656464,4,B,?000090?2X2??MDMDQDQ,Q,A,AMAM0AM0V0????SSS?SSTSST2T?K,K,A?shshlhleleyey,y,1,?,1,1,,1,5,5,5??343?696??606?00000?,M,MoMororeor???oror or?MeMe,e,",?ThT??s s cs cocofo?fef?e e ie ?is is r ?eaealallallyl?? ri r?ichic?, , p, ???fefecfectct t it inin in t?hehe e me ?orornor??ngng.g? I I I?or?dederdereredre?? it i?t ft foforfor r?? the th?e oe ??fif??e,e, e,?bub???????waswas s gs ??in?g g f faf??t.t?. A. AfA?teterer er a a a??ayay ay o or o?r sr sos?o Io I I dI ?decdecicidide?d ??t t wt wat wasas as??ooo?o go ??odod/d/f/?finfinene ?????hah?re? s?o o Io I o I? sw swawapwa??ede?d id itd it t ot ououtut ut??/s/sosomsomeme e ce chc??apap p???ufuff?? an andnd nd b br brorou?ghg?t t i?t it t it h . M. MoMorMo?re ?foforfor for????!"!"?35356565565,?B0B00B0040404??WYW?VOV??,A6,A6K6KLK?171?KKKKNKN0N0A0?5L5L,L,K,K.K. . H. HaHar?pe?per,per,7,7,7,7,7,,7,5,5,,5,1??111181?979769760600600,0,G0,GrGrereareatat t st ?weweeeeteet t o?rgr?ananianicic ic?co??n!n! ! B BPB?? n no noto??t sut s??re re bre bubutbu???oo?ksks ???keke ke E ?dedende?'s'?s cs cas c????,","T,"ThThiTh?is is cis ca?nnnne??d od ororgor?
lways nice to support a small, independent candymaker!" 3564,B0092XAMDQ,AM0VRGASSST2K,Ashley,1,1,5,1346976000,More for Me,"This coffee is really rich, perfect in the morning. I ordered it for the office, but it was going fast. After a day or so I decided it was too good/fine to share so I swapped it out w/some cheap stuff and brought it home. More for me!" 3565,B0040PWYVO,A6KL17KKN0A5L,K. Harper,7,7,5,1311897600,Great sweet organic corn! BPA not sure but looks like Eden's cans.,"This canned orga
?ninicic c c ??rnrn n??s s g grg?eae?t.t. . S SwS??ete? a ??? p ???mpm?, , a an a?nd nd?bebeie?ngng g o ??gagananian?ic ic? is is s as ?ddddedede?d bd bobononunusus.s??InInsnsisidide???ththehe e? ca canan an l lilininiin??g ?lol??ksks s Js ?USUSTST T???KEK? E EdEdedende?'s's ??PAPA A f ?rereere????ansans,s, , b, bubutut t st sos? f?ara? I I I c ca can can'n'tn't ?fifin??d td th??e ce coe cononson?umumeumerer r sr ????iciceice ??numnumbm?berbe?r or ofo???thethe the c co comomp???y y t to t???ererier?fyf?y iy ?if if t th t?heihe?r ?cacancan ?isis is B BPBPABP?? ?leleaeasea?t t It I I dI ?onon'on?t t st set s?ee ee? th the the ?whwhihiti?e e pe ?plaplasa?stisticic ic lic ??nininni?ng ng i in in n tn th??sese se c ca can?s.s. s. I??? j jujusustus??hohopo?ininging ing?? the thes thesese ??areare e Be BPBPABPA BPA??re????, th, thehenhen n tn thn the?se????re re t? tot totatalallllyly y ay awa?weswesosomsomeme!e!"!?3?565?6,6?B0B000040??PWP??VOVO,O,A,A3A?W0W090?FIF?MAMAYAYFYFUFUIU?8,8??. ?FiFititzitzpzpapatatrat?ic???5,5?,5,,5,5,5,?131?06066?272?202?00,00,A,A ,A H HiH?it it w ?itithit? M MeMe,e,","F"FoFouounund?nd tnd ththithisis is iis ititeitemem m qm ququiu??? g??oodoo?: :? it it t wt wawasas as s ?weweeweet? a an and an??slsliliglighg?tlt?? c?rurun
nic corn is great. Sweet and plump, and being organic is added bonus. Inside, the can lining looks JUST LIKE Eden's BPA free cans, but so far I can't find the consumer service number of the company to verify if their can is BPA free. At least I don't see the white plastic lining in these cans. I'm just hoping these are BPA free, then these are totally awesome!" 3566,B0040PWYVO,A3W09FIMAYFUI8,K. Fitzpatrick,5,5,5,1306627200,A Hit with Me,"Found this item quite good: it was sweet and slightly crun
?chc??. .??llll l????alall?, ,? a a d dedeleliligi?hthtftfufulul ?prp??dud?ctct.t. . I. ItI?? ar arrrrir??ede? i in in ???cecel?lel?ntnt t ct coc?ndndiditititioi?on,on, , n, nono o? de d?ententst?? an and? n no? d di din??s.s. ?PeP?rhrhah??s s ts ththehe e p papaca?kakagagigin?ing ing h hahashas s is imimpm???vevedved.d.".""?353565676?,B,???4040P0PWPWYWYVYVOV?,A,A3A3434F4??WZWZJZ?2H2HXHXXX?1B1?,","V"?. . F. ???tctchchech?e "e """"v"vavananen?????"""""",",6,6,6?7,?3,3,1,131??5252020303232032?00,00?DEDENE?TSTS S?OUO???THT?E E W ?AZA???!,!?????HAH??S ?AMAMAMAZ?ONON N S ?HOH???? S ST STATARA?T T AT A A? SC SCRC?ATA?CHCH H? AN A??D DD ?DENDENTNT NT??ECE?TIT?ON? A? AND AND D SD SESELELLLL L??TETEMEMSMS ?LILIKIKEKE E TE ?THITHISIS S CS COC???N TN ??ER?E!E?? AL ALLLL LL?BUBUTUT UT O ON O???CAC?N N ON ?F F? TH THIH?IS IS?GRG?EAEATAT AT T TA TASA?TITINTI?? C COCORCO?RN RN W WA WASAS AS D DE???TEDTED,D, , S, SE?VEVEREREERELERE?Y!Y! ! D! DODONONTONT T GT GEG?T T MT MEME E WE WRWRORONONGON?, , I, ? W???LL LL SLL ST??ILLILL L BL BUBUYBUY Y D DE D????TED TED??OO?DSDS,S, , B, BUBUTBUT ????LY LY? AT AT ?T A T A D??ISCISCO?UNUNT?EDE??PRPRIRICI????THTHE? D DA D?AMAAM??GE GE?? DID DID D ND ?OTOT ?T OCT O??URU? I IN IN ?N TRN TRARANRA
?SIS???EIEITITHIT??R R??HIH??H H D DIDISI?TUTURU??? M MEME.E. .??F F?THT?HEYHE??KNKNON?W W? TH THE?HEY HEY A ARA?E E S SES?LLLLIL?NGN? D DE DENE?TETEDED D C ????, , F FIFININEINE,E, , B, BUBUTU?T ST ?STAST??T T AT A A S SC S??ATA?CHCH CH A AN ANDN???ENENTEN??T SET SECECTCTIT??N!N??!!!!!?!!!?""?353565686?,B,?000?404??WYWYVY??,A,ABABCBCPC??W6W616?Y1Y101?N2N?,B,Br,Brir?ttt??n n M Mi Mit?chc?elelll?,1,1,1,1,1,,1?5,5?,13,1343424?747?4244240400400,0,y,yuyumummmmym?,",??ere?y y g gogoooodod d??orornrn ?prp??oduod?ctct,t?, w, wewe e w wiwili?ll ll??e e ee eaeatatitiningng g t ththih?s s??asa??e oe ?? c co c??n ?wawayay y fy faf?astas??er er??hah?an an??e ??xpxpep??ctect?d.d?? I It It t w wa w?as as w? wel wellll ??acackckek?ed ed??andan??sts?ororeorese??inin in t? the the ?papanpantntrtryry ry n nin?cecelelyel??"3"3535635696?,B,B0,B00??40P40PWPWYPW?YVOYV?O,AO,A2A2121T1T1T?1TD1TDOD?7474W74?NTNTMNTM,M,D,DaDawawnw??RiRit?te??,1,1,,1,1,1,1,?3,3,1,13,132,13?808050?44440400400,400,L,?ibi?byb?'s's ?OrOrgrgag?anianic?? Co C?ornorn,orn?,"T,"ThT?? f frfrereseshesh h? ta tasast??inging g Lg ?LibLibb?y'y'sy'??s Ors Org?anani??? Co Cor Co?rn,rn, , n, nono o? ad addd???ivive?s!s?? I I c ca?n'n't't ???lilieieveve? A Am Amamaza?ono?n cn ??an an oan
SIT EITHER WHICH DISTURBS ME. IF THEY KNOW THEY ARE SELLING DENTED CANS, FINE, BUT START A SCRATCH AND DENT SECTION!!!!!!" 3568,B0040PWYVO,ABCPZW61Y10N2,Brittan Mitchell,1,1,5,1342742400,yummy,"very good corn product, we will be eating this case of corn way faster than we expected. It was well packed and stores in the pantry nicely" 3569,B0040PWYVO,A21T1TDO74WNTM,Dawn Ritter,1,1,3,1328054400,Libby's Organic Corn,"The fresh tasting Libby's Organic Corn, no additives! I can't believe Amazon can o
?ffffef?r r s ?ucu?h h g gogooo?d d t ?asa?titini?g g c ?orornr? i ?in in?a a? ca cana?n sn ?o o? ch c?eaeapap!p??BuButu? f ??? t?asastastet?? an a?d d vd ?ala?ueue,e, , t th thihisis s c? can ca??t ??e e be bebeabeata?.".?3353575707??B0B000040?0P0PWPWYWYVY?O,O?????3F3FLFLFLFSFSWSWWWW4W?????an?dadalallall l J J.J. .??kak?ateatese?,0,0,?0,?5,5?1313535035?6060404804?0000,00,G,??eses es g gr g?ea??t wt wiwiti??h bh blblalacackck k?bebeabeanbeansns ?an?and and r ??cece!e?,I,?? co comombmbib?ineine ?ththith???wiwitwith? L ?ibibbbbyby'y?s s Os OrO?gagan?icic ic B Bl Bla?ckck ck B Be Beaeanea?ns ns???d d Ld Li????y'sy's s Os Ors O??ananianicanic c???reereene??BeBeaeaneansean???ixixex??d wd ??withwith h Bh BoBobo?'s??ReR?ed ed M MiMili?l ?OrOrgOrga?nin?ic ?BrB??wnwn ??ic?e ??? l leleaeaseast? t tw twowo o oo ?or ??thrthreree? t??mem?es es pes ???? we w?ekek ??forfor r ar a ?peperperfrfefecfe??t mt me?alal al e eve?ereryery y? ti tim time?!!??57571571,1,B,B0,B0000400?40P40?PWYPWYVYVOYVO,O,AO,?SDSD1D1818C8CDCD8D?8CZ8CZWZWRW?S,S,","D"D.D. . P. ?aiainintin?terte????dpdpapai????????,0??,0,??5,15,13?494939??525?0000,00,G00,Go?od? ?vavalva???e fe foforfor for m meme,me??WeWe ?lilivi?ve ve i???an? a ar are
ffer such good tasting corn in a can so cheap! But for taste and value, this can't be beat." 3570,B0040PWYVO,A2MU3FLFSWW4TD,Randall J. Skates,0,0,5,1350604800,Goes great with black beans and rice!,I combine this with Libby's Organic Black Beans and Libby's Organic Green Beans mixed with Bob's Red Mill Organic Brown Rice at least two or three times per week for a perfect meal every time! 3571,B0040PWYVO,ASD18CD8CZWRS,"D. Painter ""dpainter""",0,0,5,1349395200,Good value for me,"We live in an are
???ththahatat t d dodoeoese??non???hahavha?e e a ?a la ?otot ot?ofo? s ??ororeres?? th thahathat ??ararrr?y y o or o???nin?c c? at at t rt rereareasasos???blb??e pe prp?? s?aia?? I ??fofouounundnd d td th?e ??rorododud???t tt toto to?beb?e ae ??gog?od? v ?alalulueue e ae ane a?nd nd?????venveni??ntn?t nt ??t t t?o o?hahav?????to sto sosomsomem?titimime?s s ws waw??t t ft ?forfo???loclocacalca?? st sto?reresre?s ts to?to rto re?????k,k, , i ifif f tf ththe?y y ey eve??ven ven? st??ckckeckede??<b<?r ?/>/?<b??r /r />r />Y>??es,es??sosomsomesom?e ce ?cancansn??geg?et et? de denenten?ed?? in in n t?raranansansisitit ???t t it itit it?rerearealreallllyly ??waswas ?nonot? a???igig g p ?????emem m f??? m ? . I. I ??opopepe e te the theh???ut?urure? d de del de?iviveververyry ry i?s s ts ths t?he he s sa sam sa?me me o or or or? be bet???r.r.<.<b.<?br br / />/></>?<br<br <br / /> /?ItI?t it ist is s us ??knk?nowno?n ?ifif if?? the the ??anan an? li l??ninningn??isi?s Bs BPBPAPA A f fr frereeree.e??. I . I?? try tr?y ty to??avavovoio??? it i???ut? u ununtun?tiltil l tl ththethe the??ananuan?fafaca??urureur?es ???t t it itt i?t ot ou??t it it?'s's s n???? i im impm???sisibsiblbleble ble t?
a that does not have a lot of stores that carry organic at reasonable prices. That said I found the product to be a good value and convenient not to have to sometimes wait for local stores to restock, if they even stocked.<br /><br />Yes, some cans get dented in transit but it really was not a big problem for me. I hope the future delivery is the same or better.<br /><br />It is unknown if the can lining is BPA free. I try to avoid it but until the manufactures get it out it's near impossible to
b bubuyuy y c cacanannn?eded d g gog??dsds s t ththahatat t?????t ?hahavha?e e?BPBPAPA A??? t th thehe e ce ?cancan ??ininiinininging.g. .???egegng????t wt ?omomemene?n sn shs?ououluldld ?avavovoio?d d a?nynytyththithin?ing ing w ?iti????PAPA PA? in in ?it? a anandand d id ifif f????hadha??grgrorowowiwinwingng g c ch chihilildldrld??n n In I ?wo??ulduld ?d ald a??o o?ststrt?ivi?ve ve t to t?o ao avavoavoioidoid.d.".""3353?7272,2?B0B???0P0?WYWYVY?O,O?A2A2121E1EFE?Y9Y9Q9?M7M7J7JBJBJBJIJI,I,a,?mamaza??onMonMoMomommommym?,5,5,5?121?2,12,?,1??04?9898585656060000,00,d,dedenententet?ed ed c ca canansans,s,","t"th?eyey y dy de?cicidideid?ed ed ted ?o o so sh?ipip p b bo bototh?th mth mymy my o orordrde?r r i? in in O ONO?? H HUHUGUGEG?E bE boboxo? o of of ??4 4 c ca can cansns ?ininsin??eaeadad d od ?f f 1f 1212 12? gr gre?enen en b be beaeanea?ns ns? in in ??oneone e be ??x,x, , 1 12?12 c12 ?orornorn n i?n n an ???othotheherher r ar ??and and i???asas ??ara??lyly y ay aba?lel?e te to? g??t t tt th?thisthis s i?ns???ide ide??my my hmy ho?ususese.e. . . t? the th??en een ?veververyry y sy sis?inginglinglele le c? can? o? of of???eee?en en ben bebeaean??s ws wawasas as d?enententeented??anand?and 3and 3 3 c ca can cans cans s os ofof of c co corornorn orn w we wererere re? de?ntn?tedted"d?"3"35?7373,3
buy canned goods that don't have BPA in the can lining. Pregnant women should avoid anything with BPA in it and if I had growing children I would also strive to avoid." 3572,B0040PWYVO,A21EFY9QM7JBJI,amazonMommy,5,12,1,1304985600,dented cans,"they decided to ship both my order in ONE HUGE box of 24 cans instead of 12 green beans in one box, 12 corn in another and i was barely able to get this inside my house. then every single can of green beans was dented and 3 cans of corn were dented" 3573,
B?000?1414D4??QMQMOMO,O,A,AAAAUAUIUICICTCTITIUIUBUBVBVUVU7U??,",?RoRoyoy y B BeB?rgrgegerer er " """?EvEvevereryer?mam??"""""""",",1,?,1?,5,?,1???343474?202??0,0,"??RER??T T S SES??VIV?ICEICE,E, ,?DEDELELILIC?IOIOUOUSU???ANA?DYDY"Y",?"I"? o orordrdederereerede? f ??omom m e eaeasasts? c ????t t st ?upupppplp??erer er ber ??fofororeore e?anandan?d ed evevevenve? w whwheh??n sn ?hihipipp??ed ed w wi w??h h a? b ?agag g o of o???rorozrozezenen en? wa watateter?er ter ththethe e de ?ararkrk k? ch c?ocococolco????e ce cocoacoatatiatiningn??tutururnrnen?ed ed ved ?ververyr???ligli?htht.t??I I lI lilivlive? o on on n tn ththethe the w we wesestst st??oaoasoa??st ast ?andand and??thith?s s??elellllelerer er ier is??in????, , s, sos?? I I g ?oto?t tt ?thethe ?SnSnin?ckckeker???inin in jin jujusustst ??? co?up??le le o of? d dadaydaysys,s, ??insinststesteaeadead d od ofo?f 1f 1010.0.<.<b<brbr r?/>/>A>?ndnd ??thetheithe???shshishipippippip?inging ?co??stssts s ws wew?ereere ere???sss?s, s,? th t?heyhey y sy shshishipshipp?ppedpped ?viviai? p poposostst st fst fo?r r ur ?nd?er?er $er $5$5,5, 5, i in insnstste?ada??d ofd of ??viavi?a Ua ?PSPS.S?.<b.<br? / /> />L>LoLowoweweswe??st pst ?ririciceice e Ie I I hI hahava?ve ve pve pap????fofor? t???is is cis ?an?andyandy y ay anandand and band
B0014DZQMO,AAUICTIUBVU7R,"Roy Berger ""Everyman""",1,1,5,1283472000,"GREAT SERVICE, DELICIOUS CANDY","I ordered from east coast supplier before and even when shipped with a bag of frozen water the dark chocolate coating turned very light. I live on the west coast and this seller is in CA, so I got the Snickers in just a couple of days, instead of 10.<br />And their shipping costs were less, they shipped via post for under $5, instead of via UPS.<br />Lowest price I have paid for this candy and b
eesests????alalilitityty.y.".??353??4,4?B0B0000404444U4UTUT0T?O4O4,4,A4,???JYJY6Y6565M5MJMJKJ?BBBBTB?J,J,Y,YuY?bib?sas??,1,?,1?,5,?,1,13,13434949797474074080808?00,00,G,GrGrereaeatat t ft flf????reredred d?titici?? ta t?csc??ThThehesesees? t ti t?ic ic t ta tac ta?cs cs a ara?re re?grgre?atat at r ririgighghth?t ut ?p p? th t???re re wre wiwitithith h t th the th?e oe ??anangangeg?e fe flflafl?avoavor?? I I I??idi?d fd fifini??d td ththehemhem m c chcheheahe?pep?? a at a?t tt ththeth??9999c9cecene??t st ?stost?oreore e 4e ?49c49cecencent??? a a p pap?ackack.k. . I. I I wI wewen?t t rt rerecrece?centcentlt?y y a?????ouo?ghghtgh??2424 4 f ??or or $ $1$1212 2 h ?hea?dsd?s us ?up up? fo for??ananyan?ononene e le lilivlivivin?g g?inin in C ?a.a..????5,5,B5,B0B00B004???T0T0OT0O4O4,O4?A3A3838Q8Q1Q?7777E7?7K7?QSQSZSZKZK,K,J,JoJ?e ?P.P.,.,0,?,0,0,,0,3,3,3,1,13,134,134848686161717617?00??gogoooodod ?prpriricricece,ce?"T"??isis is?waw?s s as ? v ??eryer?y gy ?googoodod od p pr priricricerice ?e foe foror or bor bubulu?? o orordordedererierin? ?mymy ?orordordeord?? w wa wasas as? pa par??t ot ofo????meme ?gigififtft ??agagsgs ?we? w we wer?e ?puputu?titintingng g tg totogoge???therthe?r fr fo?r r 8r 8t8thth th? gr g????rsrs.s. ???erereere ere? wa was was s ns
est quality." 3574,B0044UT0O4,A2PJY65MJKBBTJ,Yubisan,1,1,5,1349740800,Great flavored tic tacs,These tic tacs are great right up there with the orange flavor. I did find them cheaper at the 99cent store 49cents a pack. I went recently and bought 24 for $12 heads up for anyone living in Ca. 3575,B0044UT0O4,A38Q177E7KQSZK,Joe P.,0,0,3,1348617600,good price,"This was a very good price for bulk ordering. However my order was part of some gift bags we were putting together for 8th graders. There was n
e??erer r i ??tetene?nt nt t tot???ese??lll? t?hehes?e.e? D ?ueu?? to to o oo ?rdr?ererierin?g g l lilimi?iti?ata?ioi?nsn?, , I ? w ?asa? u ununan?blblele ??to to?orordordederder ???ll ll 3 303?? p ?acackcksks ?frfroromom m h,6?B0B00004004444U4UTUT0T?O4O4,4,A,A1A1919999V9?9Y9Y5Y5E5ERER1R1L1L5L5P5P,P,L,?. ???. F. FuF?kek?,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5,1,131?484848?444444848048???"T"??nt?al?izizizininging ing f flflalava??or,or, , b, ?utut t s scs??attat??reredred d d didisi?trt?ibibubutbu??onon"on",","?I I fI ?irirsrst? e ??cocouoununtunteterteretereded d td ?hihis? f fl flalavla?vorvo?r a??t at ?an an a ?irirpir?or?t ?mam??aza?zinzi?e e se ststastanandand.d?. . I I I s sa s?mpmplp??d d ad a a c cocoucoupupl?e e ae anand? w??as as h ho h?oko?kedked.d. d. I I I t I th?ouougou??t t tt ???is is fis ?flaflavavoavoror or w? was was ?ththeth??beb????ofof f a??ll ?inin in t th the th???ici??TacTa?? li lin??? O ?n n m ?y y f??igi?ghtgh?, , I, I ?wawaswas s ms ??uncunchchi?ngng ??on on? th the? p???? a?bsbse?ntnt-nt-m-mi?ndn?deddedld?y.y. . ?I ??lanlandndend?ed ed w wi witithith h t? the the the i the idi?deadea a oa ?? b bu??ininging ing sing ?sevse?ververar?? p pa?ck?s.s. . . T. ??henhen ?cacamcamem??e the thehe he r
ever intent to resell these. Due to ordering limitations, I was unable to order all 300 packs from here." 3576,B0044UT0O4,A199V9Y5ER1L5P,L. M. Fuke,0,0,5,1348444800,"Tantalizing flavor, but scattered distribution","I first encountered this flavor at an airport magazine stand. I sampled a couple and was hooked. I thought this flavor was the best of all in the TicTac line. On my flight, I was munching on the pack absent-mindedly. I landed with the idea of buying several packs. Then came the r
uududede e s ?ururprprp???e e -e - -?GrGrarapa?efe?ruruiuiti???lal??oror r i ???nonotot ?a a?coc??momonon n s??ghghtht ??on on???cTcTaTacac c s st s?ana??s s - - - a- ??ywywhw?ere?e.e?<b<brb???><><b?r r /r />r /?I I???nanalallllyly y? se setettt?leleded d o ?on on ton ??isis is pis ??urcur???sese se a asas as t ththethe ?ononlonly? w wawaya?y ty ?o o??aiain???in?? a a s st?eaeadadydy y sy T Th Thihishis s fs fl?avavoav??? of of f? Ti T?icTic?TacTac c ic ????ese?t ?ususesedsed d ad as??a ?""""c"ch?asaseas????? f?ololl???ininging g?? a h a heheaheav?y-y-d-?utu?y ?br??eateathth th??re?shs???in?ing ing f? fro fr?om om? Ti Tic TicTcTacT?ac ac?PoP?oweow?? M MiMinintint,int, , t, ?thethe the b blblul?e e ce ?colcolol?or.or. . . N ?ot?? on onlnly??isis is Pis PoPowPo?erer er Mer ??ntn??efeffeffefecectctitiviveve,e, ?itit it a al alslsoso o no nunumumbmbsb?s os ?????y ???ongon??ue ue f fo?r r sr sesevseveververaralral l?? . . A. A A? fo?llllollowllow-w?upup p w wi wit?h h? a ?sisining?lele le G Gr G??pe??frufr?uituit ??res??torto?res?? my? m mo m??thth th tth toto to n no n?ormormamalmalil?ityit?.<.<b.<br??/>?<b<br<br <br? /> />I>I >I r ?ratra?e e Ge Gr?apapeapefefrefruruiru?it it ait ??as tas ththethe the bthe
ude surprise - Grapefruit flavor is not a common sight on TicTac stands - anywhere.<br /><br />I finally settled on this purchase as the only way to maintain a steady supply. This flavor of TicTac is best used as a ""chaser"", following a heavy-duty breath freshening from TicTac Power Mint, the blue color. Not only is Power Mint effective, it also numbs out my tongue for several minutes. A follow-up with a single Grapefruit restores my mouth to normality.<br /><br />I rate Grapefruit as the b
?esestst t f flf?avavovoror,r, , w wiwitithth h?WaW?teterermr?elelol?n n a ana?d d?ththethe e n nenewe? S ???awawbwbeb?errerryry y?FoF?eleldel?s s c clclo?sese e se ????ondon?ds.ds. .? I InIn n gn ????raralral l a an anyny y fy ????oror or T TiTicicTcTaTacac c??s s es efeffffefecectc?iviveve ??rer?at?h-h?frfre?shs????ngng,g?, b, bubutu?t Gt GrGra??efefrefruruiu??? is is s ts trtrutrululyl?y ay ?ddddidic?ti? Ti TicicTic???c sc sesetse?tltleles???hehe he? is iss issusueue ???at? t th the the e t?onongongug?ue ue? is is is a? m ????or or cor ?concontn?tritr?bubutbutotor?or tor to???ouo?r r b ????".?3353??7,7,B,B0B000040444??T0T0O0??,A,A1A?M9M??393939373747?JTJ??????okokikin?g g??oror or Ior ?InfInfofo,o,0,0,0,0???,1,131343414101??44?0000,00,","U"UnU?iqi?ueue ue aue ?andan?d td tatarartrt t ft ??flavflavovorvor,r, r,?ded?eliel?iciicioi?ousou??",","???elieliceli?ioiouiousu???andand and u unu?niqniququeque ?flflaflav????, g, grgrereareatat ?foforfo???thoth?sese se w?hoho o l liliki?e e ae a a l li litittittltletle e te tae t?artart t tt tatastaststest??. N. NiNiciceice e te the thehe he hhe hahavaveave ?e a e a 1 1212 2?papacackack k s si s?incincec?e t?e thee theye?y ay ary a?re re? pr pre?tt?y y hy haharha?d d td tod to o fo fifinindind.d."."."??5757857??,B0,B0000400
est flavor, with Watermelon and the new Strawberry Foelds close seconds. In general any flavor TicTac is effective breath-freshening, but Grapefruit is truly addicting. TicTac settles the issue that the tongue is a major contributor to sour breath." 3577,B0044UT0O4,A1M9G39374JT8J,Looking for Info,0,0,5,1341014400,"Unique and tart flavor, delicious!","Delicious and unique flavor, great for those who like a little tart taste. Nice the have a 12 pack since they are pretty hard to find." 3578,B004
4?UTUT0T??4,4??1H1HOHOXO?KRK?7O7OKO?J1J1X1????L.L. . R R.R. . D. ?ananana-a-k-kikirirbr?? " ??"Le"Lesesls?iei???DanDana? K KiKirirbirby?"""""""",",0,0,0,0?,5,?,1,131333393?373727?8080000,0,P0,PiP?nknk k p pepere??ecectc?ioiono?!,!?,"W,"WhWhehenen n I ? s ststutumumbmblb?eded d a ?crc?osossss s p pi pin?k k gk grgrarapapepefpe?ruruiuitit t?titictic c t?acacsacs,s, ,? I I???s s is in??rir?gugueueded ed?en??ugughg?? to to o?orordrdederer er? th the??. ? I I ??o o eo enenjen?oyo?y gy grgragr?apeap??frufruiuitui?t ft flflal??or??s as ?andand ???lolovo??e te ti?tic tic? ta????wiw??h ?in??enensensese e fe flflaflavavoavorors?. . . T. ThTheheshesese se d dididi?d nd ?oto??di?sasap?popoioin??. ?. T. Th. T??y y oy ofoffffeferfer r??n n in ???intenintensnse?se fse ?fla?vovorvor ?tht?atat t tt tatasastasteteses es j ?usust??lilikli??e re rer?alal l g grgra??pefpefrpefru?????brbr r /r />/><><b<br<br r /r />r />A>AnAn n un unu?ususuus??? t tr t?reare??!"!""3353?7979,9,B,?0000400444??????,A?2F2FOFOMOMCMCYCYGY??URURHRHFH?3,3?NiNicicece e Pe ??ececeece,e?,0,??0,50,?5,15,?13213?707?171767606??,F,FrF?resreshsh ??rorodro?ucuct?!,!,"!,"L"Lo"L?oko?k nk nono no f ???? A. ?lwlwa?ysys s fs frfrefr?eshes???NoNot?hih?inging g?isi?
4UT0O4,A1HOXKR7OKJ1X1,"L. R. Dana-kirby ""Leslie Dana Kirby""",0,0,5,1339372800,Pink perfection!,"When I stumbled across pink grapefruit tic tacs, I was intrigued enough to order them. I do enjoy grapefruit flavors and I love tic tacs with intense flavors. These did not disappoint. They offer an intense flavor that tastes just like real grapefruit.<br /><br />An unusual treat!" 3579,B0044UT0O4,A2FOMCYGVURHF3,Nice Piece,0,0,5,1327017600,Fresh product!,"Look no futher. Always fresh! Nothing is
??oro?ses? t ??anan n s ststat?lel?e ce cacan??y,y,,,, ,? so s???avaveve e ye ?ouoururs?ele?f f f ?roromo? a ?angan??isishs? a an andn??pupururcurchcha?sese se h hehererer?e te ??dadayay"y""???8080,0?B0B?0404444U4UTU?0O0O4O4,4?A1A131?010?OJO?IPIPGP?LVLV7V7V7V,V?amamem??icicacancanan?amaamamama????0,???5,5,1,1313213252505030303043040400?,L,?onongng g l lolosostst st f fi finindnd!nd!,!?"M"???dadaudaugughghthteterer er a????I I l lo lovo??d d td ththethesesese ??hehenhe?n tn ?the?y y fy ?irirsrstrst t c ??meme me o ou?t t bt bubutu?t ht ha?d d bd bebeeeenen n un ununanabna?le????????nd nd t th thehemhem m lm loloclo??llllyly.y. .? T ThT?hen? I I I tI ?thothou??ghtgh???ifif ?an??yonyonene e we wowouwoulu?d ?hahavha?ve ve? th?emem,m, ?AmA?aza?on? w ?wou??ld!ld?<b<?r r?/>/?<b<br<br r /r />/>S/>?o ?glglalada?d td tod to ?o fio finindind d td thd thehemhem hem - ??itit t mt ma?dede e ae ? n niniciceice e a?ddddidititiit?on?on ton toto to? he h?er ????is?tmt??? s st sto???in?g.g."."?35?8181,1,B,B0,B00004004444U44?UT0UT?0O40O4,?A3A3C3COC?9F9FEFEIE?4I4?CDCDPDPVPV,?CeC?eleeles??te,te,0?,0?,0,5,0,????1324132?777?121???00,D00,DiDif?fificficuculultult t tt toto to fto ?finfindfin?; ; t ta tasast?es? g grgrereare?t,t,"t,?WeW??fof?ounoundnd
worse than stale candy,, so save yourself from anguish and purchase here today" 3580,B0044UT0O4,A1301OJIPGLV7V,americanamama58,0,0,5,1325030400,Long lost find!,"My daughter and I loved these when they first came out but had been unable to find them locally. Then I thought, if anyone would have them, Amazon would!<br /><br />So glad to find them - it made a nice addition to her Christmas stocking." 3581,B0044UT0O4,A3CO9FEI4ICDPV,Celeste,0,0,5,1324771200,Difficult to find; tastes great,"We found
tththehesesese e?pipininknk k g grg?apa?efefrfrur??? T ?icic c T Ta Tacacsc??whwhih??e e ve vavacacaacata?ioiononinininging g i inin in M MaMasasss?ac?huhusu??ttt?eses;es; ;? wh whehenhe???e ?reretetuturu?neneded d?toto o?CaC??ififoforo?rnirn?a,a, , w???cocououluldldndn'n't't ?fifinindin??ththetheme?! !?? w wa was? h ?ap?pypy y t to t?o fo fifinfi?d d td thd thehemhe?? he h? T?heheyhey y ty ??astastete te? gr gre?atat!at?""3?5858282,2??000040?4U4UTUT0T??4,4,A,A2A272?KLK??HAH?ZAZ?FMFM6M6161,1,C,CHCH,H,0,0,0,0,0,,0,5,5,5???9595858258??202?00,00,P,?in?k k Gk ?raraprapepefpe??uiuitui?t ft fot fororeorevevev?er!er????hishi?s is ?s s as ??kekeee?pe?r r?flflal?vov?or or - ---- -? ho h??pe pe T?ic? T????reremre?ovo????pipinpink? g gr gra grapapeapef??ruiru?it it? fr f?omom m tm ththethe the l ?limlimim?iteited???ediedit???n n cn ??ateategegogororyory.y. . . C Ci Cititritrurusrus ???avavoavor?or sor seseese??s s es ????cic?ialiallllyly y py popototetententn?t tt ?? f fr?esesheshe?hen hen?????r mr momoumo?thth th a ?ftfteterte?r er ??atiatin?? o ononionioion??gagararlrlilicli???3535858358?,B,B0,B00004004M4MDMDQD?SDSDODO,O,A,A1,A?RTR??F9F9U9U6U6666M6MGMGQGQZQZ,Z,s,sks???atelatela??y,y?,0,?0,0,50,5,?131343?69697976760600?0,0,r0,??remiremin?
these pink grapefruit Tic Tacs while vacationing in Massachusettes; when we returned to California, we couldn't find them! I was happy to find them here. They taste great!" 3582,B0044UT0O4,A27KLQHAZAFM61,CH,0,0,5,1295827200,Pink Grapefruit forever!,This is a keeper flavor -- hope Tic Tac removes pink grapefruit from the limited edition category. Citrus flavor seems especially potent to freshen your mouth after eating onion/garlic. 3583,B004MDQSDO,A1RTSF9U66MGQZ,skatelady,0,0,5,1346976000,remind
ss s??e e o ?f f I ?tat??y,y,","I"I I?rarararerelely??eaeata??ananyn??hihiningn? b ?utut t wt whw?ololele ??whewh??t t pt ?asasts??, ,? bu b?ut ut e?vevereryr? o?ncn??e ie ?in in a a a w wh?ililele,le?, I, I ?ea?eat eat s sos?meme me? of of ?ththithisi???? a? a t a ?????. .??AlAlmlmom?stst st??s ?gogoooodo? a? as as??thethe e pe papaspaststast??as tas ??at? I I I? at atet?e we whe whi?le???in in Iin It?alalyaly!y? J JuJusu?st st mst mamaka???susuru?re re??ouo? d dodonon'n't't t ot ovoveverver r c cocooookoo?.".""3353??4,4,B,?000??PWPWMWMHMHWHW2W2,2,A,ANANKNKIKISISKS?????FIF??,b,brb?owo?n,n?2,??2,52,5,5,1,121292?666606040?808?00,00?OnOnene e oe ofof of m my my ?mo?????avavovoro??tete te p ?lalacacecesces ??? e?arartar?th,th,","I,"I I lI lolovoveove e Te ThT?e e Me MeMea?dodowdow.w. ???o o I I ?gugueuesessss ?ththithisthis s rs re??iei??? is i??momormorere ??bob??t ??howhow ?mum?chch h I? I a I ????re ??thi?this this s?totororeore,e?, t, ?thathanthan n???t it ??? ab abo?utut ?ththe?? sa sal???(w(wh??chch ch b by b?y ty ?the?the wthe waw??y iy ?is ??fabfabu?loloulo?us)us).). . ?I I gI ????mymy y oy or?deder? w wa way? f fa?ststesterer ?ththathan? I I I e I exexpxpep?ctc?tedte?, , w, ???whichwhic
s me of Italy,"I rarely eat anything but whole wheat pasta, but every once in a while, I eat some of this as a treat. Almost as good as the pastas that I ate while in Italy! Just make sure you don't over cook." 3584,B000PWMHW2,ANKISKS44UFIJ,brown,2,2,5,1296604800,One of my most favorite places on earth,"I love The Meadow. So I guess this review is more about how much I adore this store, than it is about the salt (which by the way is fabulous). I got my order way faster than I expected, which
?waw?s s?ninicicece.e. . I I I w?ouo??? r rerececocomommmmem??d d pd pup?rcr??asasiasiningng g a ana???hihin?g g fg frf??om om?ththetheseses? a am amamazaziz?ing??fofolo???, ,? an a?nd nd??veven??bebetettttet?? i ifi? y yoyou? c ?an? v vivisisisitit t t th t?eieirir ?lol?vevelve?y y s sts?ororere re i in in n?PoP?ortor?lal?andand.d. ? T ThThihishis s is isis is o ?nen??ofof f tf ?thethe the?mom??? r ro rom?an?titicic ic??totortoreresre?s ts ththathatat t et exexix?istis???. . O. OpOpepen?ininging ?mymy ?boboxox x o?f f tf trf t??fffflf?e e se ?ala???, a, an????memelmellllilininging ing ting ththa?t ???aga?rar?antant ant??ce?ntnt,t, t, w wa w?as as j ?usu?st st nst non??t at as?as mas mamagma?icicaicalal al? as as s ws ????ininging ing iing ?intin??? th the theieireir r gr ?ororgor?eoeouousous s ss ?stost??e e fe ?ilill?ede?d wd wiw?ithit? f??lowlowewerersers,s, s,? sa salaltal??t, ct, chchochococo?lalatlatete te a an?d d w???e.e. e. A ?h,h, , i, it? i is i??a a t ta tas?tete te ote ?of of??heahe?vevenven.n.<.<b<?r r /r />/?<b?r ?r />r />T>ThTheTh??e sae s??alt'alt?s s gs gr????. . ?ththathanthanknksks ks?MeM?eadeadodowow w?pepeopeopo?le?.".""?353?8585,5?B0B?0303Y3Y8Y8686O6???,A,A3A?SVSV6V?AYAY6Y?J9J???QTQT,T?JoJ??n n Rn R.R. . M. MoM?oreoremoremamanma?
was nice. I would recommend purchasing anything from these amazing folks, and even better if you can visit their lovely store in Portland. This is one of the most romantic stores that exists. Opening my box of truffle salt, and smelling that fragrant scent, was just not as magical as walking into their gorgeous store filled with flowers, salt, chocolate and wine. Ah, it is a taste of heaven.<br /><br />The salt's great. thanks Meadow people." 3585,B003Y86ONM,A3SV6AY6J9ZWQT,John R. Moreman,
0?,0,???,1,131323262?676?202?0000,00?OuO?t t?ofof f D ?atatete e C ChChohocococolo?atateat?,",???e e pe pupuru??hahasasese e ae anandnd d r ?ece?eie?ptp?t ot ofof of?ththe??boboxox x o of of ?chchochoc??olaolatateatesates s??as? v vevereryry y g ??odo?, ,??andand d md mamadadede ?mymy ?ho?????? p ?lelenentntyty y oy ofof of tof ???me me f foforor r? Ch C?ririsists??masmas.s? T ThTheThe e be ??x x wx wawaswa?s os opopepeneneeneded d td ththethe e de ?ayay y ay ??teterter r nr nenewew w y yeyeaeararsrs.s. s. T ?The? c chchocholchololococaoc?ate?ates ates w we werereer???is?cocolco?lorlo?redre?d ad an?and and?????. . ? Th Thehe he bhe bo?????d d ed exexpxpipirireredred red t tw twow? m momonont?hshs s bs bebefefoforfore? I I I m ma m??e e te ?thethe the??rdrdederder.r. . . I. I I mI mamadmadede de? a a c co comompm?plaplaia???t wt ?itith??AmAmamazmazozon?? wh w?icichch ch w wa wasas as ras re?sos?olvol?vedved d id in?? a a f a fefew? d da dayaysay??wi?thth th fth fuf?lll? c cr creredredired?it it? to t?o mo my?? ch chaharhargrgege e ce ?ar?d.d. ??ThThiTh?? c? com compmpamp?anyan??wawanwant?eded ed m me me ?e toe t?o m?ai?l ?ththethemthem m? ba b?ckck k t th the?he che chchochocchococolcolacol?ateatesates ates wates whwhihichich??i i h ha h?ad ad s sasavavevedved ved? al alolonlo?g g w wi witithit? t? the the ??rarapa?peperper.r. r. T
0,0,1,1326672000,Out of Date Chocolate,"The purchase and receipt of the box of chocolates was very good, and made my home in plenty of time for Christmas. The box was opened the day after new years. The cholocates were discolored and dry. The box had expired two months before I made the order. I made a complaint with Amazon which was resolved in a few days with full credit to my charge card. This company wanted me to mail them back the chocolates which i had saved along with the wrapper. T
??eyey y??ouo??d d?nonotot t r rerepe?lyly ?bab?ckck k??o o?mymy ??nqnququiu?ryr?y ay ?s s t?o ??hoho o wo woo w?oulou?ld ld?pap?y y fy ??r r t?he? s shshihipippppipin?????? c chchohocho??lalatateteses s bs babacba?ck ck t? to to? th the the the s se sele?lelerer.r??I I s??ili?ll ll h hahavaveve e te ththe???outou?t ot ofo? d dadat?e e ae ana?d d bd ??d d bd bod boxox x o ofof of? ch choholho?oco?atate??anandan??wiwilillill l?kekeee?ep ep t th the???foforfo?r ir ininsinsps????tiotionon n f??or or t th the the the n the ??xtxt ??onontonthth th o or or ?sos??. . ????n ?trtrarasashash h c ca,6?B0B000?4X4??TKT????ABA??CYCYKYK0K?04C04CLCL6L6O6?4,4?MIMIDIDND??GHGHTHT0T050?2121,1??,3,3,,3?5,5,1,131?232393999939?606?00,00,K,??EBEBLBLEL?? S SOSOFOFTFT T B BABATATCTCHCH H?CHCHOCH?COC?LALATATEATE E C?HIHIPI? C CO COOOOKOKIKIEIESES S 1 151?-O-?UNUNCN?E(E(P(?ACACKC???? 6 6)6?,",???veverve?? s?ofoftof?? v ve vereryery ?dedelelielicicicioi?ousou?s Ks KeK?eebee?lelerler ?BrBra?ndnd nd? Co C??????e the tha??t it isi?s hs ?harhardr?d td ?? f fi finindind d id ?in in??? the the s the susupupeperpermr??rkr?ketket t at an?and and g gegenenenerneraralrall??y ay ary a?ouounoundnd ??4.4?494?/b/?bagba?g 'g 'c'?caucaususese e ie itit't's'?s ns ?
hey would not reply back to my inquiry as to who would pay for the shipping the chocolates back to the seller. I still have the out of date and bad box of cholocate and will keep them for inspection for the next month or so. Then trash can." 3586,B004X8TK9W,ABDCYK04CL6O4,MIDNIGHT0521,3,3,5,1323993600,KEEBLER SOFT BATCH CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 15-OUNCE(PACK OF 6),"A very soft, very delicious Keebler Brand Cookie that is hard to find in the supermarket and generally around $4.49/bag 'cause it's ne
vveverer r?ono???alalele.e. .?I I p ?icickckek?d d u upu? m ?y y o or ordr??er er o of o??6 6?bab??? t ththrhror???h h W WaWararer??ouousou?e e D ?eae?alsals s fs fuf??fifililllleledle?d bd byby y Ay AmAmamaza?onon on?foforor r $r $1$1313.3.0.0000,0, , a ? g gog?odod d b??argargagaiaini??cocononsonsisidide?rir??g g h hohowhow w? mu mucuchch h th ?thetheyey y ay arareare ???? a a? gr g?rocro?ereryer?y sy sts????e @e @ @ $ $4$4.4.4.?9/9/b/babagbag g ag ???d hd hah?ardard d td to????indind d ud ??uau???y ?inin in tin ???s s vs ?arariar?etetyty!y! !? If If f tf ??the the??alaleale e i?s s rs ??ghghtght,t, , I, ?????ghlghlyly ly?re?cocomcommmmemenend??itit t f??or or y yoyouou ou t?o o t tr t?y y ay any a???bubuyu??foforfor r yr yo?urursrseselself??""33535858787,7??00004004X4X8X8T8?K9K9W9W,W?A3A??9Z9ZTZ?7S7?RJRJYJYLYLVLVHVH,H,","J"?DTDTeT???? " ?"J?DT?exexaex??""?",",2,2,2,2,2,,2?5,5,1,131311318187?232323202????DeeDeeLeLiLisishis?h Ch CoCoo??ieiesies,s,I,??t it ?is is h?ar?ard ard t to?? st stat?y ?ououtout ?ofof f tf thf t?esesese se?wow?ondondeder?fufulful l c cocoocookoki?es????usustust t tt ththethe the rthe ?rig?hth???momouounountnt t ot oft of ?chchochocococolcolalatatete e ce chchichipipsps ?an?d ?d thd t?he he t te texextextuturureure e ie ise is e is m me mele
ver on sale. I picked up my order of 6 bags through Warehouse Deals fulfilled by Amazon for $13.00, a good bargain considering how much they are in a grocery store @ $4.49/bag and hard to find usually in this variety! If the sale is right, I highly recommend it for you to try and buy for yourself!" 3587,B004X8TK9W,A3L9ZT7SRJYLVH,"JDTexan ""JDTexan""",2,2,5,1318723200,DeeLish Cookies,It is hard to stay out of these wonderful cookies! Just the right amount of chocolate chips and the texture is mel
t??inin-n-y-?ouourur-r-m-momououtouthth h g gog??d!d?3?585?8,8?B0B0000404X4X8X8T8TKT?9W9???1Z1Z5Z545??M2M242?Y4Y404?LLL??c2c?,1,1,1,1,1,,1????333?828??969?0000,00,A,AW,AWEW?SOS?MEME!E??"I"??mamayay y??e e d ????inging g m?ysy?elelfl? h ?ererer?e ae a a? bi b?t t? bu b????I rI ?remre??mbmbeberber r w ?hehenhen n t ththethe e fe fif?rsrsts??SoSofo????at?chc?h ch cocooookoo?ieieses s c ?amameme me o ?out?? T ThTheheshese? w we werereer??ththethe the f ?firfirs?t t at anandnd d t???y y wy ???ere ere b bi big biggg??er er a an?d ??eses,es, , e ?vevene?n sn sosofoftofteter??ththath?an an? th??eseese e a?re??nonowo??. . ?BuB?ut,ut, , a, at????atat at tat titimtime?, , t, ?thetheythe?y wy wey w?ereere ere tere ?thethe the Othe ?NLN?Y Y????ft,ft?, p, prpre?pap??kak??gedge?d cd ??okokikieki?e (e (c(ca?n ?yoyouyou u b??eliel?ievieveve ve t th tha that that?t?)???? bes be?idi?es??ArA?chchwchwaway?. ??Th??y ??thethenthen n cn ?camcame????? w wi w?ithit?h ah ?at ?leleae???? a a d do dozo?enen en?????r ??ara??ietie?tieties??bub?? f?oro?r sr sosomsomeme ??reareasasoasonon,n, ?, th, theheyhey hey??totopo?pep?d d md ma??kinkingn?g tg th?themthem.m. ?. I. I I cI cacan??reremremerem???berber ber??ve?ryry y ky ?kidkid d id ?mamagma
t-in-your-mouth good! 3588,B004X8TK9W,A1Z54EM24Y40LL,c2,1,1,5,1338249600,AWESOME!,"I may be dating myself here a bit but I remember when the first Soft Batch cookies came out. These were the first and they were bigger and yes, even softer than these are now. But, at that time, they were the ONLY soft, prepackaged cookie (can you believe that?) besides Archway. They then came out with at least a dozen other varieties but for some reason, they stopped making them. I can remember every kid imag
iininan??lel? g gogoioininging g n nun??s s?ovovev?r r?ththeh?sese e te th??ingingsing?s ss sos??I'I'm'm m w wow?ndnded??ininging ing? wh whyh? t th t?heyhe??ststot?ppp???.<.<b<?r r /r />/?<b<br<br r /r />r />A>AnA?ywywawayay,y, , b babaca?? t to to ?totodtodadayay,ay?, t, ththetheseseese e ce ?ooo?kikiei?es,es, ??vevenve?? th tho thouougu?? t??eye?'r'rere e se sms?alallllelerle?, , a, ara?re re s st?ili???ququiuititete e ee exexcxcec????ntn?. . ???hey??ararear?e je jujusustst st? so s??sosofso?? a an and? t ta tasaststest??bebetettt????ththath?n n Kn ???blblebl??'s's ?otoththetherthe?r sr ?sofsoftsoft t at anandan??chche?wywy y cy ??okokiok?iesies.s. ?? Th Thih??s ps ?acackackakagagege e me ma??de de?itit it??bobououtout t 2t ?0 0 m mimin?ututeutes?? in in ?th??s s hs ?ouousouse??- - t th tha th???'s 's? wh wha what? h ?apa?ppepp??s s ws ?hehenhe???ouou'ou'r?e e re raraiais??ing?ing aing a a b bu bununcn?ch ch? of of f T Ti Tititaitanan an b??ysys!s!<!<b<br? / />?<b?<br <br /<br ?/>G/>????at,at, , g, grg?reareatreat ?st???f,f?, H, HIHIGIGHGHLHLYLY Y r rerecre???memenenden?!"!??353585??,B,?0000404X4??TKTK9K9W9W,W,A,?RWRWNWNGNGXGXRX??989?KBK?W,W,JW,?er?eme?y y Jy ?ohohnhnsnso?n,n?2,2?3,3,4,4,4,1,?313?626212171?6060000,00,C,?hehew?y y Cy ?ChiCh
inable going nuts over these things so I'm wondering why they stopped.<br /><br />Anyway, back to today, these cookies, even though they're smaller, are still quite excellent. They are just so soft and taste better than Keebler's other soft and chewy cookies. This package made it about 20 minutes in this house - that's what happens when you're raising a bunch of Titan boys!<br /><br />Great, great stuff, HIGHLY recommend!" 3589,B004X8TK9W,ARWNGXRC98KBW,Jeremy Johnson,2,3,4,1316217600,Chewy Chi
??s s?AhAhoh?y y?vsvs.s. .??eee?blblelerer r S SoSofo?t t??atatctchc??"C"ChChehewewyw?y Cy ChChiChipips?? Ah Ahohoyhoy ??ndnd d K Ke K?eebee??er?? So S?oftof?t Bt BaBatBatctchtc??ararere e v?ereryery y sy sisimimimililalar? t tatasa?tet?e ae ?andand ??texte? I. I I?dedece?ididededded d td tod to o??ryry ?tht?isi?s ss sisinsincn??e a? h hahadad d ad a a c cocouo?poponon n?foforo?r 5r 5050%0% % o ?offoff.f. . T. ThThe?y'y'r'rere re s ?liligighg?tltlyly y sy smy smam?lll?lerle?r tr th?an? C Ch???ps ps Aps Ah?oyoy,oy, , b bubutu??ththathattha?'s's s as ababobou?t ??t.t. . M. ??y cy ?cooco??ieieses s a?rrrririvi?eded d ad a d a l ?litlittttltletl?e ce ?????ble??d dd dudueu?e te ??o so ?hihiphi??iningng,g, , b, bubutbut t nt non?o co cocomcompm?lalailain?tst?s bs bebececaecauaususes?e t?he?? w wewerereer?e se ??ilillill l e edediedibi??ble ble a an andnd nd? ta tasastas?tedted d gd ??reare? . G. GrGre????CoCooook??iesie???an?and and?nonowno? I I I hI ??ve?? a a? st s?tocto??pipilpilele le o of o? t?hehemhem m : :):).)???353???,B,?0000404X4X8X8T8TKT???,A,?2Z2?5Y5Y1Y1Z1Z8Z8X8XUXUBUBABAYAYUYU,U??JaJananean???"J"JYJ??"""""",",0,??0,0,20,2,2??343??35358358484040000,00?,Ba,B?arlar?leyle??EdE??iblible?le -le ? C???ncnchnch ?onon on??ugugagarar,ar,W,?ha
ps Ahoy vs. Keebler Soft Batch,"Chewy Chips Ahoy and Keebler Soft Batch are very similar taste and texture. I decided to try this since a had a coupon for 50% off. They're slightly smaller than Chips Ahoy, but that's about it. My cookies arrived a little crumbled due to shipping, but no complaints because they were still edible and tasted great. Great Cookies, and now I have a stockpile of them :)." 3590,B004X8TK9W,A2Z5Y1Z8XUBAYU,"Jane ""JY""",0,0,2,1348358400,Barley Edible - Crunch on Sugar,Wha
?t t m mom?rere e c ?ana? I I I s sasayay.y? B BaB?rlr?eye? E EdE?ibiblb?le le - ? C ?rurununcn?h h o ?n n Sn SuS?gag? . . D ?idid d c co comomeme e oe onon on?titimimeme me b bub?t t ht hah?veve e ae ? f ?eeeelelilini??? th thahatha?t tt ththehey? w wawanantantet?d ??thithisi? u ununlunloloao?deded?? be b?cacaucausu??e ie ?t ?di?dndn'n?t ?seselse?l l o or o? m ma m?aybay?e e be ?ad?? ba bata?????. D. ?oeo????t t mt ?akakeke e ye ?ouou u s?icickc? o?? a ananyan?ththithinthingng ng l lilikli?? t th tha that? b bu butut ut y yoyouyou ?ca?n n an ?ctctut???llylly y fy ?in??d yd yoyouyouryou?seselselfsel????runru??hihin??g og onon on son sus?ugaugar?? li liki?ke ?yo?? p puput?ut aut a a sa su?gagarga?r cr ?ubu?be be i inin in y yo you?r r mr momoumo?uthut?. . . K. ?ididsids s ps prprorobobababbablblybly y dy dodonon'on?'t 't c ca carareare.e. . ?HoHopopepe e te ???s s hs hehelhelplpsps.s?3353595????000?6W6?W3W3G3GYGYCYC,C,A,?YJY?FPF?2A2AJAJ5J5Y5Y6Y6464L4??SaSalal al?G.G.,.?0,0,0???,1,?33336360600003003232020000,00?JeJelellellyly ?BeB??ellyelly'y's's s as arareare are? th the th?e Be BeBesBe?t,t,","N"NeN?eedeedededde??sosom?e e b??lklk k qk ?uauanuantntititti??y jy jejelellelly?? be bea be???s ts tot?? fi fili?? s sm sma???ll jll ?ar?s s fs foforor or? ba bab ba?y ?shs??wew
t more can I say. Barley Edible - Crunch on Sugar. Did come on time but have a feeling that they wanted this unloaded because it didn't sell or maybe bad batch. Doesn't make you sick or anything like that but you can actually find yourself crunching on sugar like you put a sugar cube in your mouth. Kids probably don't care. Hope this helps. 3591,B006WW3GYC,AYJFP2AJ5Y64L,Sal G.,0,0,5,1336003200,Jelly Belly's are the Best,"Needed some bulk quantity jelly beans to fill small jars for baby showe
rr r f ?avavovoro?s.s? ??????? t tht?eme? t th thihisis s?waw?y y s sasav?ede? a a a??oto??ofof f m mom??eyey ?ovo?erer r br bubuy?in?g g tg ththethem????y ty th?the the???????ata??th?the the lthe lo?cacalal l c ca?nd?y y sy ?tot??e.e?. . A ??s ss ?stastatateateded ed i in? a an anonotothotheherher r rr ?evevivieiewe?, ,? th the the e j jej?llllyl????anansns s js ?usustst st? co como???inin ?anan an u ununlun?????ed ced ca??dbdboboao??rd rd??oxo??. . T. ?hi?s ????emeem?ed ed aed a ?bib??t ot odo?d,d, , b, ?butbut ?t tht t??herehere ?wew??e ?2 2? sh sheheeheetetsts ??of of? wa waxa? p pa papapeperer,er??? g gugueuesesss???to to? pr prerevreve?ntnt t dt dud?ustust,t, ??etcetc c???omom om g?etettet??inging ing? in intntonto o t?? the the?? box box ???rorourougu?h h t th the the the t the to?p p a??d d bd ?botbottttotomtom.m????otot ot? mu mucuchch h eh el?sese e te to?to sto sasaysay,y, ?ththe?y'y'r'?re re?JeJ??lyly ly B Be Belell??y'sy'?s as ?? a?bo?utut ??alalfalf ?ththe??cocoso?st ?ofof of tof th??the lthe lothe l???l l gl ?guygu?!"!""3353??2,2,B,B0B0000606W6WWWW3W3G3GYGYCYC,C,A,??TRT??U8U?YIYIII?5T5?O6O??"G"GoG?ldldd??ust? " """??junjungnglnglele e de dwd??ll?erer"er?"""""",",0,0,0,0,0,,0,3,3,3?121?444484858?
r favors. Buying them this way saved a lot of money over buying them by the pound at the local candy store. As stated in another review, the jelly beans just come in an unlined cardboard box. This seemed a bit odd, but there were 2 sheets of wax paper, I guess to prevent dust, etc from getting into the box through the top and bottom. Not much else to say, they're Jelly Belly's at about half the cost of the local guy!" 3592,B006WW3GYC,A3TRQU8YII5TO6,"Golddust ""jungle dweller""",0,0,3,1244851
2202000??a a l ???tltlel? s susuru?prpririsi?eded,d?"I"? w waw?s s???oco?kek?ed ed t tot? s se s?e e te tht?atat t? th theh?e be ??lklk k v veverersr??onon n o ofo? t th?ese?? J JeJ?lll?? B ?elellel?ly'ly's's s as ararere e je ??stst t it inin n an a a ca ?arardar?boboaoarard? b ?boxbox,x, , n nono o po plp??????, , n, no? n?ototh?in?g.g. . D DoD??esnes?'t't ?se?eme? o?ve???ly ly?hyhygy??enenin??. . S. SiSinincincece e Ie ??dididi?n'n'tn'?t ot opo?enen en t th?? b bo b?x x f ??r r a a a fa ?ewew w?momononton?thsths ?ththeth?e Je Je???y y By BeBelBellllylly'lly?'s 's???ereer?e ge gegetett???? s so s?oftofteter????d d c crcryrysyst??llllill??ininging ing [ing [u[??beb??nonownownw?stst st t to to o mo mem?] ] b?ececacaucaus?e ?wewe ??livliveve ve??in in a a a? we?t t ct clclilimlimamatateate.e?. H. ? ?bebe be? aw awawarwarere re t? tha th?? t??? the p the papaca?ckack?gi??? s sh sho sh?ululdul?d bd be?be ube upupgp?raradaded?ed"ed""3353?9393,3,B,B0B?00100??EFEF4F4X4??,A,A2A2121N1NANAFA??WYWYZY?U4U??M,M?dodobobibie?,7,?,7,7,,7??,1,?2929393493494??4040000,00??uau??it?y y ay atat ?a a ga gogooo?d d pd prpripr?iceice,e,I,I I dI doI don?'t't 't?un?dederdersrstrstatana?nd nd w wh whyhy hy?? thi thisis is?do?g g fg ?
200,a little surprised,"I was shocked to see that the bulk version of these Jelly Belly's are just in a cardboard box, no plastic, no nothing. Doesn't seem overly hygienic. Since I didn't open the box for a few months the Jelly Belly's were getting softer and crystallizing [unbeknownst to me] because we live in a wet climate. Hmmm...just be aware that the packaging should be upgraded" 3593,B001QEF4XC,A21NAFNWYZU42M,dobie,7,7,5,1293494400,quality at a good price,I don't understand why this dog fo
oodod d i isis s n nonotot t??????ofo??rer?vivieiewewsws.s? C ChC???kokououtu????#8#828232???? t tht?heyhey y g gigiviveve e? th thihis??dodogo? f?oooodod od?4 4 o ou outut ut o??f 5f 5 5 s sts?ararsrs s ws whwhihichi?h h b ?eaeatatst??scscic?ieniencncece ??ieietie?t at anandnd d pd ?ururirininana a? on o?e e we ?whiwhici???I I u usu??e te tot?? us usese se a anandand ??diadi?mom?ndnd nd? na n?atuatururauralal ?isis ?lel??s ??xpx?ene?sisiviveive.e??353?9494,4?B0B??1Q1???4X4XCXC,C,A,ALALELEWE?9N9N1N??HJH?G2G2121,1,E,????a,a?4,4,44,4,?5,5,1,131323??202030323203200?,","G"?oooodoo???oooodood,ood? g?ooood? p ?ri?cece"ce","??WeW??pupurpurcr?chach?se?se tse ??is???foofoodod od fod ?forfo??? our our ?twt?o ?boboxoxexere?? a?ndnd ?grg??at?? da d???e. e.?ThThe? d da dan da?ne ne?hahasas as a an? a al allllellerergergygy y ty to? c ?chichicickickekenen en a an?d d od ononeon?e oe ofof of t????????????hasha??a a wa wewea?? s st stotomto??chch,ch?, s, soso ?th?thisthis ?fofoo?d ?is?is pis peperperfr?ec??t ft ??for for t?? them the?. . A. AlA?ll ll? th?re????ogogsogs s ls ?ovove? i it it t (t (e(?eveev?en en ten ththeth?e pe pie p?ickickyick?y oy ?oneone)one) ) a an and and and? it???eeeeme?s s ts toto to ato ?grgregreeee ee???
od is not full of reviews. Checkout [&#8230;] they give this dog food 4 out of 5 stars which beats science diet and purina one which I use to use and diamond natural is less expensive. 3594,B001QEF4XC,ALEW9N1JHJG21,Erika,4,4,5,1325203200,"Good food, good price","We purchase this food for our two boxers and great dane. The dane has an allergy to chicken and one of the boxers has a weak stomach, so this food is perfect for them. All three dogs love it (even the picky one) and it seems to agree wit
?h h?tht?eie?r r?did?geg?sts?ivivev?? tr t???tsts s?momororere e te ?thathanan n a ananyany y o ?ththetherer r dr ??g g f ?oooodo? t th thah?t t?wewe'e?veve ve? tr tri trieieded d (d (I(? c cac?an'an?t ??ege?inin n tn toto o t?ele?l l?yoy?u u h hoh????leleae?ses?ed ed I I ??m m a ab a?ououtout ?THTHAH?T)T).)? I I I d di didid ?a a l lolot? o?? r ?resrese??rcrchc?h th ?to to? fi f???d ad a d a?ququauala?iti?y y fy ?foofoodod od t? tha th?? i isisnsn'n't't 't? fu fulu?? o? of of f fi fil fi??erer er a?ndn?d wd wow?n'?t t b??reare?k k t? the the e be bab???. ?I I a??m 1m 101000?% %??lelealeas?eded ed wed wiwitithith ?h thh thih?is is f fo foo?d,d, ,? mo mororeor?e se ?o ??thathantha??anany? o of??th?? o ot o?thetherther r mr momormo?? e exe?pepenensnsis?iveive e be bre braranrand?s s ts ththathatthat t It I'I'v've've e te tre trir?iedie??""?353?9595,5?B0B00001001Q1QEQEFE?4X4???A2A?XWXWEWEGEGPGPKP???MIMI4I???PaPat?ririzriziziai???ililbl?borbornrn,n?4,4,4,4,,4,5,5,5,15,131323232?121292????,G,?rerea???DaDan?e ?lolovlove?s ?itit,it?"I"I ??havha???trtririerieded ?mamananyany any many mamanmanyn??ma?manymany y dy didifdi??erereer?enten???t brat bran?dsds.s?. I? a al alslso? d di did did d md mymy y ry re??eaearea?rchrch ?onon on? wh wha?t't's's s ts ths thehe he
h their digestive tracts more than any other dog food that we've tried (I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am about THAT). I did a lot of research to find a quality food that isn't full of filler and won't break the bank. I am 100% pleased with this food, more so than any of the other more expensive brands that I've tried." 3595,B001QEF4XC,A2XWEGPK1CMI45,Patrizia Wilborn,4,4,5,1323129600,Great Dane loves it,"I have tried many many many different brands. I also did my research on what's the
bbebesestst t f foforor r m ?y y D DaD??? a ?andand d m mo m??st st o ofof f i ???isi? e exexpx?enensnsisiviveve.e? I I I f fo fouounu?d d td tht?isis is t tot? b bebe be??ververyry y gy gog?odod d qd ququaualalilitityity y ay ?andand and? a a?gogoogo?od od p prprir?cece ?amamomonongng g?ChChihichickckekenen en S SoS?oupoup p??ndnd nd C?ananian??aeae.e.<e.<b<brbr r /r />/?MyMy y Gy GDGD D l ?ovo?vesves s ts ??isis is his ?????tsts s 7s ????cucupupsps s as a a?da??y ay any and???he he w ?ou?ldld d ld lolovloveve ve??o o eo ?eatea????rer?e. e.??e e he hahasa?s as a s a s shs?hinhi??????at,at??nono o ao alallal??rgr??eses es a an and an?d hd ?hishis s ss sesenensensisitsi?iviveive ?ststostomomamacachc?? th thahanha?ksks s ts ths the?he fhe ?foofoodod.od. . I. I I hI hi?ghghlhlyly y ry ?recrecocomcommmmem?endend d td thd thihis???BuB?t t It I ??am am b bu b??ini?ng ng i??t st ?omomeomewewhw?herhe?? e el elslsese se?? a l a ?litlittttlt?le le c?heheaheapape??r ar anandand and 2and 2 2??aya??shshishipi?pipininging.g. . ;. ;);)")?33535959696,6?B0B000010?QEQ?F4F4X4????DFDFHF????5O5OUOU8U?EYEY,Y,R,RoR???rtr?t Pt P.P?. S. ???ithith,h?4,4???5,5?131303?????0000000?,","E"ExE?cecelcellllelenle????he??ltlth??y dy ?ry? d do dogog g fg fofoofoodfoo?!"!?,","O,"?ve?? 9 ?0%0% %? of of f df drdrydry
best for my Dane and most of it is expensive. I found this to be very good quality and a good price among Chicken Soup and Canidae.<br />My GD loves this he eats 7-8 cups a day and he would love to eat more. He has a shiny coat, no allergies and his sensitive stomach thanks the food. I highly recommend this. But I am buying it somewhere else a little cheaper and 2 day shipping. ;)" 3596,B001QEF4XC,ADFHLHK5OU8EY,Robert P. Smith,4,4,5,1308096000,"Excellent, healthy dry dog food!","Over 90% of dry
d?ogo? f fof?odod d i ?s s v ?ere???unu?heh??ltlththyh???ndnd d cd ?anan an n non?t t e eve??n n g gegete?t 1t ???r r 2 2 2????rsrs s os ?utu?t ot ?? 5 ? o or or ??? D DiDiaiama?onondnd nd N ?atatut?????s is ?is is?a a g gr grerea??t ft fofoofoodod.od?. I. I I h ?avaveve ve?? A ???ha?nsn?s as ?andand d Id I'I'v'veve ve sve ????t t mt mam?anyany,y? m ??nyny y hy ???rsrs rs o of of f rf reresre??earearcr?? t toto o? fi finindnd nd tnd ththithis?is ois ououtout.t??3?595?7,7,B,B0B000010?QEQEFE?4X4XCXC,C?A1A1Z1ZSZ?R3R?F7F717??J3J3C3CVCV,V,E,ErErir?c,c,3,??,3,,3,4,4,4,1,131?050545414171767?0000,00,E??cec?llllel??t t ft fot f?oodood,d,","M"MyM?y gy ??iania???ScS??nan?uzu?erer er w wawasa?s ws ????eded ?onon on t th t?is?is fis fofoofoodfoo??. W. ?hehenhe??we??chchachanangange??d td toto to?BlB??e e B Bu B?fff?alaloalo,o????kakananaanauaubau?????am?b b? an and?nd Rnd RiRiciceic?, , a, an?? N Nu Nut???o ho ?he he?dedev?el?opopeperpers?rs ars alallallelerlergr??eses.s. ?ThThihishis s is iss is ?ththeth??ononlonlyl??fo?foodfood food t th tha th??? wo w??ksk??""3"?359359898,8,B,B0,B?00100??EFEF4EF??C,C,AC,A3A3J3J8J8T8T8T8S8SES??6363B3BYB???,"M,"???ma?reredre?????"C"CmCmomormorlr?anan"an?"""""",",2,2,2,2,2,,2?5,5??????
dog food is very unhealthy and can not even get 1 or 2 stars out of 5 or 6. Diamond Naturals is a great food. I have 6 Afghans and I've spent many, many hours of research to find this out." 3597,B001QEF4XC,A1ZSR3F71BJ3CV,Eric,3,3,4,1305417600,Excellent food,"My giant Schnauzer was weaned on this food. When we changed to Blue Buffalo, Eukanauba Lamb and Rice, and Nutro he developers allergies. This is the only food that works." 3598,B001QEF4XC,A3J8T8SET63BYF,"Mommared85 ""Cmorlan""",2,2,5,132425
2282808000?,B,?esestst t D DoDogo? F ?oooodod d F Fo F?r r t ththeh??PrP?icicece!e?,","I"ItIt't's's s?amamam??iningng g hg ??w w l lil??tltlele e pe popopopupululal?riritrityty y??hahata?t Dt DiDiaiamamoamonondnd ?PePetet t Ft Fo????s ss seseeeememsm?s ts ?o o?ha?veve e ce cocononsonsisididedereririnri???? the the e qe ?uau??litli?ty ty i iningingrgrer?didiei?ntntsts s t?heheiheiri?r fr fof??dsds s cs ??nt??inin!in? I ? w wowororkorkeked? a?t t at a a p pepet??st???e ??forfo?r ar ababobouo?t t ft ???r r yr yeyeaear?s.s. . O OuOur? n ?umumbmbeberer er?ononeone ?re?cocomcommmmemen??at??ononsons ons o on on n f fofoofoododsods ods? we werereer?e Ne NaN?atuatururaur?al al B ??alaalanancn?ce ce a an andnd nd W ??lll?nenes?s-s- -??wo??EXE?CEC?PTPTIT?ONONANALAL L f?oo?oodsoods s ts ths thas that? a ar a??????ttttytty ?exexpx?penpensnsi? . . ??utut ut f??r ?ththothososese se o ow ownw?nernersr??whw?ho ho??avaveve ve?mumulultul?ipiplp?le le d dodog?s s os ???eve??n n on ononeone one l la larargargege e be brb?reereed???dogdo?? t th tho th?oseose e be bre braranandandsds ds c cacanan an c cr cririprippp?pleple ?yoyouourou??bubudu?gegetget.t. . ???o wo wh??en en? I I??ououlouldld d gd ??get get? cu c??sto?me?rs?? wh w?ho ho aho ababsabsos?lulututeut?elyely y Ly LOLOVOVEVEDED D t
2800,Best Dog Food For the Price!,"It's amazing how little popularity that Diamond Pet Foods seems to have considering the quality ingredients their foods contain! I worked at a pet store for about four years. Our number one recommendations on foods were Natural Balance and Wellness- two EXCEPTIONAL foods that are pretty expensive. But for those owners who have multiple dogs or even one large breed dog, those brands can cripple your budget. So when I would get customers who absolutely LOVED t
???irir r p pepetetsts s?????wawan?teteded d td ???beb? a?blblele ??to to f fef?eded ed t ?he?m m??heahe?ltl?thythy y f?ooo?d ?wiw?th?ouo?t t b br b?eaeaka???g g t th theheihe?ir ir b ba b?ankanksks,s, ,?I I r rerecrecoc??memene?ndend?ed ???ama?onondnd.nd. . ???amamoam??d ??ogog g fg fofoooodoo?d cd ?coscoststs? a ab??outout t tt ??e e se sasamameam?e ae asa?s ts th?thosthosese e ce ?comcommmmemmere?cic?ialia? b br bra br??dsds ??iki?e e Pe PuPuru?in?a a? an a?nd nd I Ia Iam?s,s, s,? bu but? c coconcontn?aia??s ?ONONLNLYLY Y n ?ata??uraur?al,al??heheahealhealt?????ingin?reredredidieienententsts.ts. . . J JuJ??? r re rememememmembmbe?r,r?, t, ththethe the l ?leslessss s gs gag?rbr??geg?e ye ?ou? f fe feeeedee?d yd yoyouyour???dogdog g (g (b(byby-y-p-??od?ucu?ts?, , f, fifili??lerlersrs)s) )???e ?leles?s s ys yoyou?r r dr ????ususeusese?s ts ths the?? ba?th?rorooro?om-om? A ?NDND D t th the?y ?ststast??y fy fufulullllell?er,er, , l, lol??gegerger!r!"!""??595999?,B,B0B?0101Q1QEQ?F4F?XCXC,C,A,A2A2Q2Q0Q0J0JEJ??K8K?FFFFCF??B,B?drd?rberbeaearea?kakat??1,1,1,1,,1?5,5,1,13,13434444545555656868080000,00,F,FaFanantantaantas?titicic c d do dogog og f fo??od od - ?- b- be?stst st pst prpripr?iceice ?- ??gregreaeatea?t qt ??al?it?y!y!,!??ThThih
heir pets and wanted to be able to feed them healthy food without breaking their banks, I recommended Diamond. Diamond dog food costs about the same as those commercial brands like Purina and Iams, but contains ONLY natural, healthy ingredients. Just remember, the less garbage you feed your dog (by-products, fillers) the less your dog uses the bathroom- AND they stay fuller, longer!" 3599,B001QEF4XC,A2Q0JENK8FFCLB,drbearkat,1,1,5,1344556800,Fantastic dog food - best price - great quality!,"Thi
s? i isis ??hehe e b beb?stst t?dod?g g f ?oooodod d I I I?hahavavev?e ee eve?verver r p ??rcrchc?hashases?d,d????????viv??g ?be??n n a a a? do d????raraiain????g fg fo?r r or ?ve?ver ver 4 ??yeyeae?rsr?, , I, I'I'v'veve ve???urcurchchachasasesedsed d Ad A A L LOL??! ! W WeWe ?fifiri?rstrs???tritriei?ed ed t th thihis? f fo foooodood ?whwhehenhen ??urur ur n nen?? a ad addd?itititioionon n (n ??an an 8 8-8???ekek k o ?ldld ?GeGerermr?anan ?ShShe???herhe?d)d) )?jojoioinineineded ???e e fe fae famamim??y,y?, a, ?andand d w?e e we wawanantanteteded ed ted toed t??kekeeeepee? h hi h??? on on n an ? n na natatutur?alal l d? dog dog g fg fog f?ood?. .??itithith h a??? p? pur pu?ebebrbreredred ?dodogdog,g??heheahe?altalthth th c cacanan ??be be?? an an i?sss?ueue,e????nd nd? yo youou ou????'t't t wt wa?ntn?t tt tot to o fo fifilfillll ?yoyouourou?r dr ??dog dog?wiwitithith ith b??-p-prp??oduoducuctctst?s as anandand and p?lalanant? f????erersers s fs frf?romro??dadaya?y oy on?e.e. ??hi?s ??oooodood ood i? is is??rarairaisiseiseded ed bed byby ?unu?bibiaiasaseas?ed ?pepetet t ft fo??od od?rerevre??ew??ersers,ers, ?, an, and, and ?I ???n'n'tn't t ut un?deder?ersterstatanandand ??whywhy ?th?therthere? i is??n'tn't n't?momoro?re re pre pu?blb?icicic
s is the best dog food I have ever purchased, and having been a dog training for over 4 years, I've purchased A LOT! We first tried this food when our new addition (an 8-week old German Shepherd) joined the family, and we wanted to keep him on a natural dog food. With any purebred dog, health can be an issue, and you don't want to fill your dog with by-products and plant fillers from day one. This food is praised by unbiased pet food reviewers, and I don't understand why there isn't more publici
t?y y f ?oror r t ththih?s s p ????ucuctct.t. .???r ?otoththeth?r r dr dodogog,g? a ? 5 5-5?yey?arar r o?ldld d???glglilisishis? B ??lllldldold?? w ??th? c ?ononsnststat?ntnt t s ??inin/n/a/?lllleller??y y iy is???eses,s, , w, wawasas s ss swswiwitwi?chc??d d od ovo??er er w wh w?henhe? w?e e d did?iscisco??verve?ed? t th thihishis ?brbraran???, a, an??? sh shehe he h hahasas as n non?? h ha hadad ?anan an a?llllellerllergrgig?c c r rereareaca??ioionon on s????e!e? W WeW??dididdi?n'n't't ???realrealilizli?e e he ??w w m mumucuchuch h ih it??? had had ??o o d do do o wo ???h h dh di?etet.t. t.?HeHer?er her hahaihairir ?ususeseded ed ted ?to to f??allal??ououtu??in? s???iningin??(n(nonotnot t jt juj?ustust ?nonornormrmam?al al s? she sh?eddeddi??ng,ng, , b, bubut? a??ctuct?alal al bal babalaldal?dindingding ??ro?m m h ha hai hair? l ???s)s?, , b, bu, butut ??thithisis is? ha has ha??alallallealleveviviaiatateteded ed t?hahatha?t pt pr?oboblblelemem m am asas ?wew?llll.ll?. N. NoN??? ou ourur ur?? she shep shephp?herhe??d id ?is ?a ?ye?arar ar a an andn??? h ha hal ha?? o ol oldld,ld?, a??? h??'s's s es eaeateatitin?? t??is?is Lis ??argargege ?BrBre???ed Aed ?du?ltlt t Lt LaLamLa?b b & ? R RiRic?e e fe flflalava????. H. HeHe'He's's 's
ty for this product. Our other dog, a 5-year old English Bulldog with constant skin/allergy issues, was switched over when we discovered this brand, and she has not had an allergic reaction since! We didn't realize how much it had to do with diet. Her hair used to fall out in spring (not just normal shedding, but actual balding from hair loss), but this has alleviated that problem as well. Now our shepherd is a year and a half old, and he's eating this Large Breed Adult Lamb & Rice flavor. He's
?nonoto??a a b bib?g g??ata??r,r, , b bu butu?t ht hehe e l lolovoveveses s????s s fs ???d!d! !??ililll? d ?efe??nin?te?lyly y k kekeeeepe? h hi??, , a, anandn? a al a?ll ll f fuf?utuuturu?e ?pepetetsts,s?, o, onon n t?hi??s bs brbraran?d d ad asas ?lolonlo????as as t? the theye?y ky ke??ep ep t th the?iri? s ??an?andaandarardr?s s as asas ??highi?h h? as as s ts ?thethey? a ar are? n no???! ?KuKududodoso?s Ds DiD?amamomonondond d fd foforfo?r mr mamakakikininging g a? w wowonond??erfer?fulful l nl ?atatuatur?ala?l dl dodogdo??fofoofoodod.od.<.<b<?br br / />/?<b<br<br r /r />/>S/>SIS?DEDE E N NONOTOTETE:E: : I I I w?ououlu?d ?neneve?verver ???y y ry reregregugululaularar ar??DiaDi?amoamonondond ond b br braranra?nd nd f fo f??d.d. .??? t th? the the? ba b?g g dg dodoedoesesnesn'n't't ??aya?y "y """"N"NaN??aturatu?ralral"l?"" "" o ?on on?it?, ???the the? st sta?nd?arardardsds ds t th the they the??arareare e ke ke??t t tt toto o?? are are e We ??Y Y l lo l?wewerer er? an andnd ?th?the the qthe ququaual?itityity y sy sus???er?s s is imimmmmemene? ?StStit?ckck k? wi w?ithith h Nh Na??ur??l ??itit'it's's s a? c ?ououpouplplele e de ?doldoll??????mormorere re are ?? m momosmo?st!st!)!) ) a an and an?d yd ?ou????dogdog dog?? wil will????e he ?apa??ieier??anand?
not a big eater, but he loves this food! Will definitely keep him, and all future pets, on this brand as long as they keep their standards as high as they are now!! Kudos Diamond for making a wonderful natural dog food.<br /><br />SIDE NOTE: I would never buy regular Diamond brand food. If the bag doesn't say ""Natural"" on it, the standards they are kept to are WAY lower and the quality suffers immensely. Stick with Natural (it's a couple dollars more at most!) and your dog will be happier and
hheh???ththihieierer r?anandnd d?liliviveve e a a a? lo lono?gegerer er??ifi?e!e! ! I IsIsns??????atat t wt whw?atat at w wew?e ae ?allall l w wa w??t?t?!?!?!?""3363606?0,0,B,B0B?001001Q1??F4F4X4XCX?,A,A3A??0W0W7W?EYE?JKJKTKTJTJTJTMTM,M,d,??sps?ereraeratateatede??de??1,1,1,1,,1?5,5???33332332323838484040000,00,Q,QuQ?alalialiti???foforor ???gogoooodod d pd prpriricicec?,","I"??dodonon'on?'t 't r ??vivieiewiew w m ??chch,h, , b ??t t It I ??havha?? b be beeeenen n??uyuyiyining? t th thihishi?? br b?an????forfor ??y y Iy IrIririsrishsh h?WoW??fhfhoh????? fo foror or?ovoveverver r 2r ? y yeyeaearea?s s ns non?w.w?? H HeHe e se ststit??l l ll lolov?eses es?itit it??nd???it'it's'?s gs ?googoodod od?? for fo??hihimhim.m?? I If If f y yo y?? h ?havhavehave e a?? la lara??ge ge????eedee?d dd dodogdo?, , t, ?thithisis s ds do?? f? foo fo??od wod wiwil?l l bl ?e e a?e a ge a ?googoodgood ?chchochoioiciceic?e fe foforfor for???ealea?lthlthyh??fo??od.od."."???0101,1,B1,B0B00B0?01Q01?QEFQEF4F4XF4?XC,XC,A,A2,A?DJD????6I6I6I?66660660S0S,S,S,??thth,th,1,1,,1,1,1,?1,51,5,?131?292909?00400484?00?00,q00,??????? f fo? food foo?d f??or ???esses??,"t,"?thithisthis s fs fo?foodfood d gd gegetgetst?s as anan an?A A r ra rat??inging g c coc??papararear?ed ed t?o o f?
healthier and live a longer life! Isn't that what we all want?!?" 3600,B001QEF4XC,A3J0W7EYJKTJTM,desperatedude,1,1,5,1333238400,Quality for a good price,"I don't review much, but I have been buying this brand for my Irish Wolfhound for over 2 years now. He still loves it and it's good for him. If you have a large breed dog, this dog food will be a good choice for healthy food." 3601,B001QEF4XC,A2DJ7VZ6I6660S,Seth,1,1,5,1329004800,quality food for less,"this food gets an A rating compared to fa
i?liliningn???coc?rerese??foforor or m ?ana?y y o ?ththehere??s is inin in t ththeth??prp?ici?e ?raranangan?e.e???owo?eve?erer,er, , i ?t't's's s as ?bobouo?t t $ $8$8 8 m mo m?oreore ??herhe?re re??n n a amamamazmazozonon ????an an? at a?t tt ththethe the l loloco?alal l??ete??ststotorore??(a(afa?teterer er? a a? %? sa s??eses es t????""3363606??,B,B0B??1Q1QEQEFEF4F4X4?C,C?AEA??O6O6A6A1A1A1AFAFDF?TATAVAV,V,a,araror?ounoundn?lslsusu,u,1,?,1,1,,1?5,5,1?323282?9191818484040000,00?PePererfer?ecectct ????? a a G a GrGrereareatat t Dt ?ananean?,M,MyMy ??8 y8 ?eaearar ar o?ldl? G Gr?eaeateat t D??ane??wawasas s is its i??hihin??g ag ? l?otot ot w?itithith h t th thehe he L LaLam?b b m me m?ealeal ??roromrom m t th??e be bibigig g bg boboxbox x? st stotortoreresre?. . I. I I s st sta star?tetedte?d bd ?uyuyiy?ing?? th??s s (s (f(fo?? c ch??eapea??er)er? a an andnd nd h he h?e se st?opo?pepedped ?ititcit??ining?. . H. HiH?is is c?oaoatat at????s als alslsolso o?? loo lookokikin?ing ??hi?? . I. I . I w wi wis wishsh sh??I wI wowououlould???avave? d did?iscisco?veververe?d ?ththithisis is yis ???arsar?s a??o.o. ?. It. It ??avaveaveses ?mem??trt?ripripsps s ts toto to t? the?? pe??????toretor??an?d d md mom?oneon
iling scores for many others in the price range. however, it's about $8 more here on amazon than at the local pet store (after a 9.25% sales tax)" 3602,B001QEF4XC,AEGO6A1AFDTAV,aroundlsu,1,1,5,1328918400,Perfect for a Great Dane,My 8 year old Great Dane was itching a lot with the Lamb meal from the big box stores. I started buying this (for cheaper) and he stopped itching. His coat is also looking shinier. I wish I would have discovered this years ago. It saves me trips to the pet store and mone
?y y??lslsoso.o..3??0303,3,B,B0B?010?QEQ?F4F4X4XCXC,C,A,AKAKWK?L2L2121212N2NZNZLZLWLW3W3V3V,V?"G"?araryry ?MiM??hah?ele? A ??ama?? " ???ukukek? L ?acacrcrorosossssese"e"""""""??1,1,1?,5,5,5??323282808050?444??????odod d?FoFoo?d,d,","I,"? o ?rdr??rer?d ??wow?? of o? t ???sese se b bab??????or or m mymy y ty th?re?e ????gs gs?- -? a a m??sts?????? a a l a ??b,b, , a, ????a a? te tererrer??erer er m?utu??? T ?heheyhe?y ay ?arrar???ed? w ??ellell l pl ?acackackak?ageag?ed ed ied ininsn?ididede de c cacarardardbdbob?ar?ard ard b?? . ? Th Thehe he?dodogdo???lil?keke ke? th thehe ??foofo???, t, ????r r c?oaoatoa?s s as ?areare e se shshih??y,y, , a?ndnd nd t th?e e me mamas?titiftiff?? di dididnidn'n?t t v vovomomimiti?t wt ??henhen n b be begegigininninninininging g t? thi thisis s ns nen?w w f fofoo??. . ?HeH?e he ??s ???robro??ememsms ms w wh whehenhen hen s ?wiwit?chchich??? f fo f?oodoodsoods,s?, b, bubutut ut h hehe he she st?arartarteteded ed oed ?n n tn ??the the D ?iaiamamoamonondon??NaN???raral??s ws wi?thth th n nono o po prpropr?blbleblememsems.s. ??I'I???gog?ining?ing ting toto o co coc??titintinunueu??to? b bu buyuy y t?hihishis s f?ooood?? fo for for r mr mymy my??ogogsogs.s."s.""
y also. 3603,B001QEF4XC,AKWL212NZLW3V,"Gary Michael Adams ""Duke Lacrosse""",1,1,5,1328054400,Good Food,"I ordered two of these bags for my three dogs - a mastiff, a lab, and a terrier mutt. They arrived well packaged inside cardboard boxes. The dogs like the food, their coats are shiny, and the mastiff didn't vomit when beginning this new food. He has problems when switching foods, but he started on the Diamond Naturals with no problems. I'm going to continue to buy this food for my dogs."
3363??4,4?B0B?0101Q1?EFEF4F4X4XCXC,C?A1A1717474M4?YJYJWJWTWTXT?AHAHQHQTQT,T?"L"?AKAKeKeee?????"""??axax2x2323d3?mbm?"""""""","???,0,,0,5,?,1,131?494939393959525202?00,00,","D,"?ogogsgs s l lolovoveve e?itit,t, , W ?alalll?letlet t l lo lovoveov?????, I, I I?? lov love?? it it"t",","","I"I I hI hahavaveve ve 3ve ??dod?ogsog?s ws wiwit?h h d?ififff?ere??ntnt ?nen??dsd??ana??????teteses s as ans a?nd nd t th thihisis ?is? o ??ne ne o?f f t??e e fe ?fewfew w?fofoooododsds ds t th tha th?t t mt ?ee?tsts s ts ththeh?m m?an??d bd ?asasiasici?alallal?y y oy ononeone e oe ?f f tf ?thethe ???lyly ly o?nenesne?s Is ??ca?? a af aff??rdr???brbr r / />/>M>?y y oy oly oldlded?estest t (t ??4)4) ) l lo??eses es?? the? l la lamamb???mym??huh?sks?y y ly lolovlovevesves ???he he g ??ucucocososasam?ininene ne ane an?and and t th???yoy??ngngegesestest est f fa f?rtr?ts ts l le lesessess s os ??? th?isis ?fofoofoodod od w whwhihichi?h ?mam???es ?eveveververyryoyonyonene ne hne ha?ppppyp??.<b.<?br br /?>I>?I aI ???aya?s s t??? t?o o? fi f??d ??foofoodfoo??wiwitwithth th??oooodoo?????re?didiei??ts??anand?and tand ??is?is mis me?etets?ts tts ?thathatat at?ststast?andandaandar?d ?d whd whi??le le s?tataytayiyininging ing o on one on??e ofe o??f thf t
3604,B001QEF4XC,A174MYJWTXAHQT,"LAKeeley ""lax23dmb""",0,0,5,1349395200,"Dogs love it, Wallet love it, I love it","I have 3 dogs with different needs and tastes and this is one of the few foods that meets them and basically one of the only ones I can afford.<br />My oldest (14) loves the lamb, my husky loves the glucosamine and the youngest farts less on this food which makes everyone happy.<br />I always try to find food with good ingredients and this meets that standard while staying one of th
ee e?chc??apapep?stst t f fof???s.s? I I I?ththohoro???ghg??? r rerececocomommmmem??d d?itit!t!"!""??6060505,5,B,B0B0000000H00HQH?MNM?IOI?,A,A3A?9U9??NGNG9G9L9?Y6Y6V6VRVRGR??,Al,Al l??roromro?????cacaga?o,o?0,0,0,0,,0?5,5,15,121?535333313181????,B,Be,Besestes?t &t ? S SiSimimpmplp?ieiesestest est? Sa Sala??d ?seseaeaseasos?nin?ngng,g,","T"ThThi?s s???alaaladad ad? se seaeaseasoeas???ingin?? is is s ss soso so s si simimpimpl???bub?t t et ??trtre?me?lyly ly t?asast?y.y. . . I It I?t e??hah???eses es???he he s?alalaaladalad d ad ?as as i it i????????totoooo oo?ovo?ere?-p-pop??ererier? . . I. ItIt'?s ?a a s? sal sa?tyty,y, ,?mim?ldldldly?ly sly seseaseasasoason??d d pd ???keketet ?ofo? g gogoogoododnodnenes?s.????'s??alalsal?so ?ve???y ay ???icictictitiviveve ve p prprorobrobababablblyly ly dly ?ueu?e te toto to t th the the ?MSMSGSG.G. . A. AdAdddd d od ?lilivliveve ve ove oioilil il? an andnd nd r re red? w ??ineine e ve vivinineineginegag?r,r, , M, MmM????mmm.mmm. . ?? c?anan'an't't t bt bebele?lielieve??ve Ive ???foufounu??nd ind itit it h heherhere?, , b, b/b/c/c c y yoyouou ou c ca can cannnno?t t ft ?inindin?d id itit it iit ?in in m?aia??st??reareamam m sm susupu?perpe?mam?arkar??tst?s ns nos nor??etethethnh?nicni?c mc mamarmarkrke??
e cheapest foods. I thoroughly recommend it!" 3605,B000HQMNIO,A39U6NG9LY6VRG,Al from Chicago,0,0,5,1253318400,Best & Simpliest Salad seasoning,"This salad seasoning is so simple but extremely tasty. It enhances the salad as it's not too over-powering. It's a salty, mildly seasoned packet of goodness. It's also very addictive probably due to the MSG. Add olive oil and red wine vinegar, Mmmmmm. I can't believe I found it here, b/c you cannot find it in mainstream supermarkets nor ethnic markets
a ananynymymomororer?.".""3?606?6,6,B,B0B000??HQHQMQMNMNINIOIO,O??U6U???WBWBMBMEM?B5B5K5K0K?,",?GeGeoe???rereyre? " """????ffffrffrerey?"""""""?,0,0,0,00,??5,5,1,??424212171727282?00?,G,GoGoooodod d?seseaeasasosononininingn?,","I,"? h hahavaveve e?ususesedsed d td ththihisis s p prprorododuod?ctc? f fof?or or a a a f fe fewew w y yey???s s ns non?w,w, , m mymy ?fafama??lyly y ay ?andand d Id ??lol?ve???ow??itit t at adaddd?s ?flf??avoavoror or tor toto o o ??r r? sa sala????? an andn???frofrozo?enen n?vevegvegegete?abablb?e ????heheses.s. . P ?rorobroblblebl?m m??as???I cI cocououlouldl????lyly ly g ??t t it itit it a at at t at a t a? fe?w w gw grg??cec?ryry y sy ststotortoreresres s ws ??henhen n In I ??ou?ouldould ?gogo o ho hohomomeme ?to? F FlF??rirididada a t toto ?vivisisiisitit,it??th??en en I I I c ?coucoulu?ldnldn'n?t t ft ?inindin?d id itit it ait ata????osose???totortoretores?? an any an?ymoymororeore.e. e.???wawaswas s hs ha???y y ty ?to to fto fi?ndnd nd i it it ????AmA?aza?onon on aon anand? o or ordr????d ?d thd t?? c?asasease ??uauan?tititityity ?wh?icichch h? wi wil?? l lalasla?st st? a a l a lo?ngng ng? ti"."."??6060760?,B,B0,B0000000?HQHQMHQMN??IO,IO,A,A3,A3737J7JKJ??OPOP3P3N3NQNQVQV5V555??"C"
anymore." 3606,B000HQMNIO,AU6VPWBMEB5K0,"Geoffrey ""Geoffrey""",0,0,5,1242172800,Good seasoning,"I have used this product for a few years now, my family and I love how it adds flavor to our salads and frozen vegetable dishes. Problem was I could only get it at a few grocery stores when I would go home to Florida to visit, then I couldn't find it at those stores anymore. I was happy to find it on Amazon and ordered the case quantity which will last a long time." 3607,B000HQMNIO,A37JK1OP3NQV55,"C
aara?mem?n n?CrCrorououcuchch h " ?"c"??"""""""?,0,0,0,0?,5,5,5??222272??848??0000,0,D0,?elelil?cic??ousous s ! !!!?!!,!!?"I"I I l ??oooooooovovev? t ththihisis ?prp??dud?uctuc? . ??...... . I I I uI ??e e ie ?t ?a a l lo loto??onon ?mym? s ?alalal?dsds,s? v vevegve?ete??blb?eses s s a ana?d d? to to o s se seae?sos?on on?memeameata?s s .s ..?........... .. d ?elelielic????? !?!!?""3363?0808,8??0000000?HQH?MNM?IOI?,A,A3A?PAP?6K6KXKXQXQZQZ8Z8484A84AEAE6E6,6?,"S,"StS?tactacyc?y Ry ?. . S. ?StaStafaffffoforordr?d "d ""?KaK??ini?a"a"""""????1,1?,5,,5,1,13,1323292969?60960?96096?00,00,p,pep?rfr?ecectct t st sasalsala?d ?drdreresessessisininging,g??I I lI lo??ve ve????a a sa sasalsalasal?? a an a?nd nd? ve vegegegetge??blblebl????as???in???, I, I I tI trt?ieieded d id ?it it o ononcon???an?d ?wawasas as?hoh?ookoo??ed,ed, , i, itit'it?s ?th?e ????y ?ththithininging ing? I I u ususeus??e one on ?????sal??ds??nonowow.w?. I. ??I loI lovoveove ?th?the the s?mam?allall l?papacackc?aga?gesges,? I I I c I ?anan an e eaeasea?silsilyly ly? ta takakeke ke t th thehemem m?? to to a a a?reresreststatauta??anantan?. ?? a al alsl?? l? lov loveve ?th?the the fthe fafac?t ??thath?at at i ?it it iit is? m mu m?uchuc?h lh lolowlowewerer er i?n n cn ca
armen Crouch ""cc""",0,0,5,1227484800,Delicious !!!,"I loooove this product .... I use it a lot on my salads, vegetables and to season meats ..... delicious !!!" 3608,B000HQMNIO,A3PA6KXQZ84AE6,"Stacy R. Stafford ""Kavina""",0,1,5,1329609600,perfect salad dressing,"I love Goya salad and vegetable seasoning, I tried it once and was hooked, it's the only thing I use on my salads now. I love the small packages, I can easily take them to a restaurant. I also love the fact that it is much lower in ca
?lolororir?eses s t ???n n r ???ululal?r r??ala?ladlad d d ??resre??iningng.g.T.?ha?nknkfkfuful?lyly,y?ththethe e a ?areareae?? th t?hatha? I I I l liliviveve e ie inin in?cacar?ri?eded d td ththith?s s ps prp???ucu?t t ft ?oror or? a a??hoh??t ?titimimem??anandan?d Id ?I wI wawasas s as aba?lel???o o??ryry y??t.t. . U UnUnfnfoforfo?tutununanatatetelely? t th the the ?e are a?reare?a ta ??at?? I I l li liv?e ??n ?ststotoptoppp?eded ed c?ararrarryarryiy??g g t th????proprododuoducuctuc?, , I I I k I knknon?w w t th?isis is b ?ececa?usu?e ?I I sI seseaseararcar?heh??????ryry ry s st sto??re re i in in ???the the t to t?ownow?n tn thn thahathat hat? I ?li?????? a??s ws ?elellel? a as as as? th the the the s the susuru?rorouro?undun?ininging ing t to tow townw?s.s?. E. EvEvevenve?tutuatualallallyly,ly, , I, I I wI weI wene?nt nt t to to to?AmA??zozono?n an an?and and f fofoufo?undund und t th? the the p the prproprodpro?ducductct,ct, ??unfun??fortfortutuntu?natnateteltely?ly aly at?at tat ?thathatthat t tt tit t?imeime ?e the t?heyhe?y ay arareare are o ??t t ot ofo? s st?ocockck,k?, I, I , I w wawaiwaititeited?ed sed sisixsix x?momon??thsth?s as ans a??d fd fifininain?all?y y Ay AmAmaAmaz?onon on h hahadha?d td thd t?he he p pr p??duducductduct ?agagagaia? ???en??eded ed ued upu? b?uyu?yinying?? th the the the p the pa the pacackck ck o of o?
lories than regular salad dressing.Thankfully,the area that I live in carried this product for a short time and I was able to try it. Unfortunately the area that I live in stopped carrying the product, I know this because I searched every store in the town that I live in as well as the surrounding towns. Eventually, I went to Amazon and found the product, unfortunately at that time they are out of stock, I waited six months and finally Amazon had the product again. I ended up buying the pack of
?2424 4??igi??? c cocouoununtnt t bt boboxoxexese???tot? m mam?keke e s susururer?e te ??atat t It ? n neneve??????? o ououtou?t ot ofof f? th theh?e pe ?rorododuducuctc???gag?inin.n. . S SiSinincincec?e Ie ?I hI ha?? s so s?o mo ??????I wI ?asa? a ??lele ??o o so ?haharharere re w ?iti?? f frf??ene??s s as anandand ?fafamamimili?y.y.".?33636060909,9????00H00HQH??NIN?O,O,A,A1A??BGBGXGXKX?2F2FZFZ8Z???D,D,A,An,Angn?elelal? M M.M. . W. WiWilillillilig?,0,0,0,1,?,5,5,5,1,12,1????08080800000000,0,T0,?hehe he?bebesestest t st ?alalaladla?d sd ?eaeasasoas????g g?EvEveverve???madmadede!e??"T"ThThiThisi?s is ?is is? a a? si s?mpmplplele le s sa salalaaladad d sd sed sea??on?in?ing,ing, , j, ?usustst t at adt addd?d vd vivininein?????an?and and? oi o?? o on onene ne p ??ckc?ketke?????GoG??a<a??r ?/>/>s>sasalsa?lad? s se seaeaseasoeason?oninoni?ng ng a an a?nd nd?yoy?ou ou??ilillill ill h hahavhaveve ve? th??e be bebesbestst st s? sal sa???lad elad ? . . A AlA??so so? yo you?ou cou cacanan an? pu putut t it inin<in<b<br<br r /r />r /?a a pa popototatat?o o s?alalaaladalad ?an?and and iand is??ma?rvrve??ouousou?s as als alslsolso!o!<!<b<br???/>p/>pl??easeaseease e ge ?iviveve ??it it a a a t a trtryry ????and eand enenjen?oyoy oy??it!it?!!?""3"36361361010,0,B0,?B00B0010
24 eight count boxes, to make sure that I never ran out of the product again. Since I had so many I was able to share with friends and family." 3609,B000HQMNIO,A1FBGXK2FZ8G0D,Angela M. Willig,0,1,5,1239408000,The best salad seasoning Ever made!,"This is a simple salad seasoning, just add vinegar and oil one packet of Goya<br />salad seasoning and you will have the best salad ever. Also you can put in<br />a potato salad and is marvelous also!<br />please give it a try and enjoy it!!!" 3610,B001
?HTHTITI5I5I5?2,2,A,??0B0B8B8989Q9?OKOKDK?V5V?O3O3,3,J,?amamimiei??F.F.,.???,0,,0,5,??131343??696?282?????OrOrgr???ici?, , s sis?mpm?lele,e?, a, an?d d f fafasa?t!t??,",?MyMy y?huhususbsbabanandand and?rerefefufususeusese? t toto o e ?atat t??isi??, , b, ?utut t ht ??e Le LOLOVOVEV????hihis?? I ?t ?ononln???tat??eses es 1 ?10-10-1-1212 2??minminun?uteut??es tes toto to m ma m?akeake,? a ???and iand is??wawayay y by ?????? t? tha than? a??y ??ththe?r r kr kikinindn?d od ?f f T TuTununana a?HeHele?pep?er er? I' I'v'??e te trtririeiedied.d.<.<b<brbr ??><>??r r /???es??ded?es es tes thes thehe he b boboxo??iti?seselelfel?, , y, ??u'u?llll l?neneee?d:d??<br<br <br / />?<b?<br <br /<br ?/> />??? 1 1 c cac??an oan of?? tu t????(6(6 6 o ?z.z.,? o or or r Ir I I u ususe???? oz o?z.)z.?<b?<br ?<br /><br /> > -?? 1 1 t 1 ta?blbleleslespspop?onon on o of of ??butbu??erer<er<b?<br <br /<br /><br /> <br /> - - - 1 - 1 1??upup p?? of of m mi m???<b?<br ??<br /><<br /><b?<br ?<br /><br />I<br />???s s as a ?br?eeeezeezez?e t?o ??re?papara?re,re?????t t Dt ?ONO?'T'T T?le?ava?ve ve i?t t at alalol??e ??befbefofororere re?yoyouyou u??utut ut?? the the e te tue tununauna una a an and and ?pa???a ? B. BeBecBe?caucaususeuse ?of?of tof ththeth?
HTI5I2,A10B89QOKDV5O3,Jamie F.,0,0,5,1343692800,"Organic, simple, and fast!","My husband refuses to eat fish, but he LOVES this. It only takes 10-12 minutes to make, and is way better than any other kind of Tuna Helper I've tried.<br /><br />Besides the box itself, you'll need:<br /><br /> - 1 can of tuna (6 oz., or I use 8 oz.)<br /> - 1 tablespoon of butter<br /> - 1 cup of milk<br /><br />It's a breeze to prepare, just DON'T leave it alone before you put the tuna and pasta in. Because of the
mmimililkl?? i itit t l liliki?eses s t ?? b bob??il il?ovo?ere?. . J JuJusustst t kt kekeekeepep p????eyeyeye e o on on n in itit it a an a?d d r rer?dud??e e te tht??e he ??atat t rt rir?ghghth???ftf??? i it i??ststastarartrtsts s bs bo?ililiiliningng.g.".""3?6161111,1,B,B0B0000101H1HTHTIT?5I5I2I2,2,A,?3F3FXF?PZP??4P4PRPR9R?WJWJ7J7,7,E,EdE?did?e e Ce ChChahanangang,g,0,0,0,2,?2,12,?1,11,131313?252585888?8808800?,N,NON??TUT??A!A?? F FAFALA?SESE E???AIA???!!?,",??hehe he? bo boxox x h ha?s s os ?nln?y y p ??ststa? a??d ??ririeried?-u-?p p sp sasauaucuceuc?????o To TUTUNTU?NA!NA!!?!<!<b<brbr r / />/><><b<br<br r /r ?/>I/>?f f?yoy???cacanan an s ses?e e te the the?he whe ??rdr??s is ?? t th the?he she ??oooonon on?? on on t th the the e be bobotbottt?tomto?? ri r?ighig?ht ht? of of ?ththethe e b??ox,ox?, i, ?it ?sasaysa??, ?""""J"JuJusJu?? a ad a?dd dd t tu t??a"a"""".""?<b<br<br <br / /> /><?br?? /> />S />SoSo o to ththethe the p?rorodo?ducdu?ts?? is is s ms mamakakik?inging g a? F FA FALALSAL?SE SE??LALAILAIMIM IM !?!!? S ShS?hamhameme e oe on?on yon yoyouyo?, , A,"."."?363???2,B2,B0??00H00HDHDMDMWM?9M9M,M?,A3,A3434040303737070606Q6QFQFAFA4FA4R4?Y,Y??C.C???ololml?mesmes s "s ""?Ch?ie?f"f""?",",4,?,4?,5,?,1,1212612??01401?40400400000,
milk, it likes to boil over. Just keep an eye on it and reduce the heat right after it starts boiling." 3611,B001HTI5I2,A3FXPZT4PR9WJ7,Eddie Chang,0,2,1,1312588800,NO TUNA!! FALSE CLAIM !!,"The box has only pasta and dried-up sauce. No TUNA!!!<br /><br />If you can see the words in the spoon on the bottom right of the box, it says, ""Just add tuna"".<br /><br />So the products is making a FALSE CLAIM !!! Shame on you, Annie." 3612,B000HDMW9M,A3403706QFA4RY,"C. Holmes ""Chief""",4,4,5,1260144000,
Y?umum,m,M,MaMaca?kekerererelel l i ?s s a a a t ??sts?? a?ltlteterernernanatatit????????alalmlmom?? w ???h h n nen?ararlr??y ty ?thethe e se sa?mem??OmO??gag?a 3a 3 3?coc??tetente??. . M MyMy y ly lol?cac?al al g grg??oceoc?eryery y sy ststostororere re h hahasasnasn'n????eeeene?n an ?blb?e e te ?o o go ?etet t tt titintinnnnenedne? m mamacackac?kerkererelre?l fl fofor? s se seve?ververar?al ??monmontnthnthshs.s. ?NoN?o oo ononeone e ce ???n en ??plplal?inin n wn whwhyh?. ?SoSo o Io I I o ??ded?ereer?d d ad a a ca ??ses??ofo? t th t?esesese se a?ndn?d hd ??veve ve b be b??n ?plpleplea??sedsed ?wiwitwith? t??e ?ququaualalialitityit?y ay anandnd nd????ueue.e?. I. I'I?m m r re??ordordeordererier???..3363616131???0000000H00HDH?MWMW9W9M9M,M??3P3PDPD7D??EJEJ8J??L2L2525Q5Q,Q,t,totomtom m hm ??flf?inin,in,2,?,2??5,5??13213282?656595929?00?,m,mamacmack??ereerelerel,l?"i"?? ha h??ve ve ove ?ord??re?d ?ma?mackmacke?kereker?? s? sev seveververaveralal al tal titimtime?s s os ?on on? am amamazma??on on aon an?d ?d mod mosostst st p ??pleapleasaseased? w wi w?ithit?h Sh SES?ASASOSONO?? b???nd?nd tnd ththath?an an? an any an??otoththetherther.r. . s. se????s ts toto to????e the t?he he?fif??h h ah arareare e s???lll?lerle??? the ther the?refre?forforere ?le
Yum,Mackerel is a tasty alternative to salmon with nearly the same Omega 3 content. My local grocery store hasn't been able to get tinned mackerel for several months. No one can explain why. So I ordered a case of these and have been pleased with the quality and value. I'm reordering. 3613,B000HDMW9M,A3PD7QEJ8IL25Q,tom heflin,2,2,5,1328659200,mackerel,"i have ordered mackerel several times on amazon and most pleased with SEASONS brand than any other. seems to me the fish are smaller therefore le
?ssss s??erercr?????<b<?r r / ??papacackckekeded d??? o ololilivi?e e? oi oilil l i is is s as ?lslsoso o a ? b ?ononun?s.s. . t tht?eyey y a?rere ?non?t t a as as ?"""??isishs?y"y"""" "" a? as as??ththether?s ?ththathatat ?i i?hahava?? t tr trir?eded.ed?. i. ?i ei eae?at at? th thehemhem m t?o o go gegetet t at a ??heahealaltal?thyth?y sy ?ererver?ininging g o of o?? om omemegmegaga a 3a ??. m. mymy y 1y 1111 1???earea??ololdol?d bd ?boyboy y hy hahashas s ts tas takake?n ??a la liliklikikining? f fof??r tr ??themthe????s ws ?ele???asas as m my my ?y 14y 14 4 y?eaearear ear o ol o?d ??aua?ghghthtet? . w. we? p ?utut t at a t a s ???allall l cl chc?ununkn? o?n ?n a n a c crc?acackac?kerke?r ar anandn???opo??wiwitithth th? a a r ??ngng ?ofof f hf ???? ba ban?ananaana ana p pe pepeppppeper?ers.ers?.<a.<a a ha hra hrerefre?="=?""h""ht??p:p:/:??wwwwwww.ww??ma?zoz????omom/m?gpg?/p/prp???????B0B0000000H00HDHDMDMWMW9W9M9M"M?"">"">S>SeS?easeaso?n n Fn FiFilillil?etetset???of of??ac??erereerelel el???n On ?lilivli?ve ve Ove OiOilil,il???.3.3737575-5-O-OuO?uncuncece e Te TiT??s ?(P(PaPac?ack ack o of of of 1 1212)2)<)?/a/?? i i i w wo wououluldld ld r re rececocomcommmmemenmendnd nd t th thi thisis is????ndnd.nd?. t. totomtom ???flf?linlin"n""???141?,B,B0B00B00000H00HD00H
ss mercury.<br />packed in olive oil is also a bonus. they are not as ""fishy"" as others that i have tried. i eat them to get a healthy serving of omega 3. my 11 year old boy has taken a liking for them as well as my 14 year old daughter. we put a small chunk on a cracker and top with a ring of hot banana peppers.<a href="""">Season Fillets of Mackerel in Olive Oil, 4.375-Ounce Tins (Pack of 12)</a> i would recommend this brand. tom heflin" 3614,B000HD
MMWM?9M9M,M,A,A2A2727O7O9O9191T1T2T?AQA?WWWW3W3G3?,N,NaNauaututet?ala?,1,1,1,1??5,5?,13,1313101010?6969696060000,0?SeS?easeasos?n'n's'???acackc?erererele?s,s,I,I I o orordrdederereerede??ththehesesese e a a a w whwhihililele ??acackac? o of offf??? of of?AmAmamaza???????he he?mimil?d d fd flflalava??or or a an andnd d fd fid firirmrm m? te texextx??rere re?isis ?grgre?atat.t?. W. WhWhehenhen n??he?y y a ar a??re are ?avaavaiail??blble??heherherere re tre th???y ay ararere re are abre abob?ut? 2 ?/3/3'3's's 's? th?e ?cocoso?? o of? of m of mym?y ly lolococacal? s sus?pep?? m ma m??ke??t. t. T Th T??hey hey?? are are e ae alalwal?aya?s ?s gos g?odod ?nono o???ttt?terter r w?he?herehere e Ie I I bI bub?y y ty ththethemthem.m. . I. I ?juj??st st w wi wisishish h A??mazmazozonzon ??kepke?t t tt ththethemthem them? in in n sn st????k ak al?? t th the???imimem?..3?616151??B0B?000000H0??MWMW9MW?9M,9M,A,A3,A??QPQP2P2727X27XNX?NUNUOUO9?8,8?H.H. . M. MaManMand?elelbel?baubaumum,m?,1,??1,51,5,?121?585?070??404?00,00,c,cacancannn?eded ed M Ma Macackackeacker???,T,?TheThe e pe prp?ododuoducu?t t wt ?waswa?s es exexaexacactactlt?y ?y asy a??I ??expex?pecpe?ctecteded ???? t?? the the s the sas?meme me? as as ???evevivioiou???ly ly?boboubougu?hth?t it ini?n rn reretre?aiailail l sl ststo
MW9M,A27O91T2AQWW3G,Nauteal,1,1,5,1310169600,Season's Mackerels,I ordered these a while back off of Amazon. The mild flavor and firm texture is great. When they are available here they are about 2/3's the cost of my local super market. They are always good no matter where I buy them. I just wish Amazon kept them in stock all the time. 3615,B000HDMW9M,A3FQP27XNNUO98,H. Mandelbaum,1,1,5,1258070400,canned Mackeral,The product was exactly as I expected and the same as previously bought in retail sto
?rer?????????B0B000?00H00HDH??W9W?M,M,A,??7A7AYAYVYVZVZXZXPX?IIIIZI?ZFZ?,P,?ata?,0,?,0?,5,5,5,1,?343464??989848??00,00?GrGrereare?at,at??AtAt t ??3.3.3.?3 3 a a a c cacana?, , t ???eseese e a ar arere re e ?xpxpep?nsn?ivivev?e fe ?oror r w whwhahatat at t th the?y y a? are are,e?, b, bubutut t at ara?re re wre wew??? w wo w?ortorthth th??t.t. . T ThT?he he m ?aca?kekerererelre???arear?e oe ofo??ve?ryr?y hy hihigighg? q ququaualalilit?y,y?, a, arare?? we w?ellel???acackackekedke?, , a, an, andnd d?non??t ot ovoveververcver??ooookookekedked ked o or? s smsmomoko?kedked.ked. . A. AlAlslsos?, , s, ?sinsincncece e f?isishs?h ih isis is t th the th?e oe one o????mem?atat ?I I? ea eatat,at, at, I ????d d ud upup p h hahavhaviv??g g?? c ca canan an? al almlmo?stst t et eve?ver??y dy dadayay.y.".""3363?617617,7??0000000??HDMHDMW?9M9M,9M,A,A1,A16??202?3M3?0U0UNU??8P8???. . G. ?. . M. MeMeie???elsel?,0?,0,0,0,??5,5,15,13?3636936959?3636036?00,00,T00,TaTasast??y ly ??ncnchnch ?or?or sor ??acackack,ack,","T,"ThTheTh?eseese ese? ar are are are b ?etetttteterer er? th????ththethe e ue usususuaualua?l cl cacanca?nen??d fd fifisishish h fh ?filfileletetsets,s, s, t ta tasastas?ieier?, ?, an, and, an??nonotno??drdryry.ry?. . ???herherere ?arareare ??no no b bo bonone??? or o?r sr ?kikininsin?s. s.
res. 3616,B000HDMW9M,A27AYVZXPIIZZF,Pat,0,0,5,1346198400,Great,"At $3.33 a can, these are expensive for what they are, but are well worth it. The mackerel are of very high quality, are well packed, and not overcoooked or smoked. Also, since fish is the only meat I eat, I end up having a can almost every day." 3617,B000HDMW9M,A16K203M0UN38P,G. G. Meisels,0,0,5,1336953600,Tasty lunch or snack,"These are better than the usual canned fish filets, tastier, and not dry. There are no bones or skins.
??I I?woworo?rir?eded d?aba?ououtut t M MaMacackc??rer?l l b bub?ut ut t ththeheye? a ar a?re re m mumucuchch h n ?icicecerer er? th thahanan,n, , s ?ayay,y, ????peperereered? h ?herhe?rrirrini???fifililel?tst? o oror or? sa sarardrdidininein?s ?in? o? I It It't's'?s es eae?sysy ?tot? p popouourour r? of offff f t th the th? o????e e oe oioil? i ??????t ?isis ?? w wo wororror?????utut ut yut ??ou'ou'd'?d bd ?e e le lol???inging g sg ?omo??ethet?ining? t th?atat at i?s s as als alslso?????tyt?.".""33636161818,8,B,?0000000H00HDH?MWMW9W?M,M,A,AHAH3H3O3OIOIFIFIFIII?B9B???7,7,G,??bupbupppp,pp??,0,0,,0??,1,131323292939353?0404040000,00,P,?reretre????GoGooo?d,d,",??he?y y t??astasteast?e ge gogoooodoo?d ad ??d d gd gigiv?e e ye ?youyou u a a a l lolotlot ??or??????t yt yoyouyou you? pa payay.ay?. T. ?TheTh?e me ?meameatat ?wawasas as? of of of??igi??h qh ququauala??tyty.ty?. I. I ??waswas s hs hohowowew???r r er exe?pepecpe?tit??ing ?eaeaceach? t??in ?toto to c coc?ntntataiainin in oin on?????ediediui?m m s si s??ed?ed fed ?filfilllle?t.t?. R. ??athat?her?????eseseese e ae ?areare ?e abe abo?ut?ut 6ut 6 6? sm s????l fl fi?fillfil?letlet let i in in n a??cacanan,an, , m, ?mucmuchch ??ororeore e le lie l?ke? s sa???
I worried about Mackerel but they are much nicer than, say, kippered herring filets or sardines in oil. It's easy to pour off the olive oil if that is a worry, but you'd be losing something that is also tasty." 3618,B000HDMW9M,AH3OIFIIB9LJ7,Gbupp,0,0,4,1329350400,Pretty Good,"They taste good and give you a lot for what you pay. The meat was of high quality. I was however expecting each tin to contain one medium sized fillet. Rather, these are about 6 small fillet in a can, much more like sardi
nneneses s?ararere e p pap??kakaga?eded d ( (b(bubutut t?ththeheseseese e ae ararear?e je ?usu????ili?leletetsts)s).). . W ?asa??a a b ?iti????sas?ppppopoio?ntntit??g g?foforor r t th thah??, ,? an andn?d td ththethe e ie ininfinfofo fo?coc??ldld ?hahavha?e e be beb??n n m ?ororeore e ce clcle?""3363616191?,B,B0B000?00H00HDHDMDMWMW9W9M9?,A,A2A2Z2??CRCRFRFFFFJFJTJT4T?YSY?J,J,G,GeGenenuen?ininein???ror?duducu??ts,ts???,0,,0,5,5,5??323212?747474?2020000,00,T,TaT?astastete e ge ?rereareatat at a an and an??gog?odod od? fo f?? y ????,O,OrO?dederere?d ?2 2 c ca cas?eses es o onon ?didifdiffffefer?enenten?t d?at?es?es aes anand? g ??t ?th?themthem m?wiwitithit????2 2 d2 dad?ysy?. . C. ?anantant t f???d d t?he?ses?e ie ine i?n tn th?the the?ststost?ore??s ss ?? p pl p?lealeaslea?? k ?ee?p p t th the th?m ?????stostocstock????akakeke ke???r ????gregreaeatat at mat mem?ealeal l w?itithith ith s so somomeme me v vevegveggg?ieieses es oes oror ?????lal?d.d...?..a..??d d td thd thid this?? ty t?pepe e oe ofof f f fi fisishish h???????me?gaga a 3a 3'3's's s is is?????od ?fo??r yr yo????363?20??,B0,B?000000R0R1R1B1BPBPOPOCO?,A,A2,A???WUW??NONOYOY0Y0U0UDU??,G??acaceace,e,4,???,5,5,,5?,13,1313151??585??
nes are packaged (but these are just fillets). Was a bit disappointing for that, and the info could have been more clear." 3619,B000HDMW9M,A2ZTCRFFJT4YSJ,Genuine Products,0,0,5,1321747200,Taste great and good for you!,Ordered 2 cases on different dates and got them within 2 days. Cant find these in the stores so please keep them in stock. Make for a great meal with some veggies or a salad...and this type of fish with omega 3's is good for you. 3620,B000R1BPOC,A2VAWURNOY0UD6,Grace,4,4,5,131595840
0?,J,JuJ??t t w whw?ata??I I? wa wanantn??d,d,","T"?heh?sese e a ararer???onondn?????l!l? E ExExaxacactctltlyly y l ?iki?e e te ??he he o oro??gigininan?lsl?, , o?nlnlyly ly i in? m ?ininiiniaiatatuaturu?re re f ??ormorm.m. .? D DeDele?liclicic?ouous? a an a?? c ??risrisps???an?d d t th?e ??onondondederderf?ul? A AmA??arearetettttot?? fl flalava??or!or! ! ! R RaRapapipidid d sd shs?ipi?pipinpi?g g f??omom m t??he ??selsellllelerer er??s s? we welellell!l!"l!""?363626?1,1,B,B0B?0000R00R1R1B1BPBPOPOCOC,C,A,AXAXVXV0V0606969J9J1J?FTF???,"?CaCatathatheherhe?rinri?e e Ce CoCor??in?glgleleyle?y "y ??Ca?th???rinrinerine"e?"""""","?2,2,2,2,,2,5,5,5,1,121?262676???360360000,00?LaLazazzz?araroaron?i i A?mamarmareretrett??iniini ini?CoCooCooko??eses,es,T,ThThiThisis ?ha??s bs bebeeeenen n? a a???ririsristris?mamasmas s fs ?avavoavororiorititete te s ?in?cece e me mym?y ly ?latla??te ste sisissiststester?-i-inin-in-l-lalawlaw w i in i???rodroduducuce?d ?ouourour r f???milmi????to to t th the theseseese e ce cocooo??ieiesies s os ?veverer er 2er 2020 0 y yeyeae?arsars s as ???. . . S ?he???asa?s fs frs fro?m ??tat??y y ay any andnd nd lnd ?ovoveov?? t? the thes these????ookookikiekies??? as as d dodo ?wewe.e..??????B0??00R00R100R1B1BP1BPO?C,C,AC,?
0,Just what I wanted,"These are wonderful! Exactly like the originals, only in miniature form. Delicious and crispy and the wonderful Amaretto flavor! Rapid shipping from the seller as well!" 3621,B000R1BPOC,AXV069J1FTMZ,"Catherine Cordingley ""Catherine""",2,2,5,1226793600,Lazzaroni Amarettini Cookies,This has been a Christmas favorite since my late sister-in-law introduced our family to these cookies over 20 years ago. She was from Italy and loved these cookies as do we. 3622,B000R1BPOC,A1
??MOMOBOBXBXTXT4T4D4??3232L2L,L,G,GiGini?geg?r,r?1,1,1?,5,5,5,1,13,1????4444848080000,0??rereaeatat t?GiGifGiftf??,","T"?hih?s s p prprorodo?ucu??t mt mamakakekeses ?a a g grgrereareatat at? gi gififtft!ft? ???t t ot ononln????re? t ththehe e?cocooo???eses es?dedelelil?cic?ouousu???????ththeth?e te titinin in i ?is is a?ttttrtraracact?iviveve e ae anandn? o ofo? g????d qd quq?alali??y.y. .? H HiH?ghghlhly? r ??cocomco?mem???eded.d.".?3363626232???0000000??1B1?POP??,A,?3K3??L2L272?LALAMAMIMICIC7C7X7X,X???ennenninif??er,er,0,??????13135351510103036?80800800,0,G0,?rereareatreat t gt ??iftif??,"W,"WhW?henhe? I I I w ???s is inin in Rin RoRomomeme me? I I g? got got t tt tht the?sese e fe ??? m mym??grgragr??dfd?atathat?herhe???? a a a g? gif gi?ft,ft???he he??s s fs frf?romrom m? It Itatalalyal???????ththothou?ghghtgh????he whe wow?oulouldl??enenjen?oyoy ?y soy som?eteththithin?? f ??omom om h ?omomeome ome???altal?tho??ghgh gh? I I w I ?waswasnsn'n???susurure??ifif if??he?hesehese e we wew?ereere ???lilitlittlit?lel?e Ae ?me?riric?ananianizi?eded,ed?, s, ??incincece ?e a e a le a lolotot ot? of o?f tf th?? w wo w??didining???n n tn ???the tthe ?tintin n wn wa?was was i?n n En ?ngnglng???h)h).)?
GMOBXT4DJ32L,Ginger,1,1,5,1326844800,Great Gift!,"This product makes a great gift! Not only are the cookies delicious, but the tin is attractive and of good quality. Highly recommended." 3623,B000R1BPOC,A3K3L27LAMIC7X,Jennifer,0,0,5,1351036800,Great gift,"When I was in Rome I got these for my grandfather as a gift, he is from Italy so I thought he would enjoy something from home (although I wasn't sure if these were a little Americanized, since a lot of the wording on the tin was in English).

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