????00,00???00100???????,A,AZA??N3N??282??????,","J"J.J??NaNaca???sos?n n??"l"???g-g-t-???? S ?F F???????sts???? l ?lovlovev??""??,7,?????,1,????838353525?20020?,"?waw??flf???? s ???????flefles??!!!?",","","W"???????an an i ??????? ?? T ThT?eye????e e we ????ererfer?ulu?, ???????? h hi h??hlh???????f f e ?ac?? w wew?eke???nd.nd???????hhhhh?? - ??usu?????dad????ateater? f fof???????????idi????????n ?beb?ttttet?er ?!!???2?200??,B,B0,B?????E2???,A?????????ITI?8B??5,"5,??. ????????terter r???hi??to???te???acheach????""","""????141?,5??????494?6060000000???wewesweso???,"?I I??sus?ala???y my ?makma?ke ke p ???cacakca?????ror?m m??crc????ch ch a???? ha h?ve??????er ??foufo??nd nd and a ?mimixi???????dod???????tatasa????""""o""?????????????. T. ?ThiTh?is is??ixix ix?????the??????!!??? M ??y fy ??mi?ly??????I ??????????
2000,B001E5E29A,AZ9N3928BGQ0E,"J. Nachison ""long-time SF and history lover""",7,8,5,1206835200,"waffles, schmaffles !!","What can i say?? They are wonderful, and the highlight of each weekend. OHHHhhh - use soda water for the liquid ! even better !!!" 2001,B001E5E29A,A1CPC3HEDIT8B5,"P. L. Carter ""historyteacher""",11,14,5,1178496000,Awesome,"I usually make pancakes from scratch and have never found a mix that doesn't taste ""off"" to me. This mix is the best!!! My family and I love the w
?????t t??????s s??ndn? i?????????????k k??????as?y.y??2???2,2,B,B0B?001001E1?????A,A,A,?818????GGGGVG???JPJ?,",????. .?G G?????. R. ?ea???????,3?,4,????20720747?????00,00?GrGrerea??t tt ?tasta???ngn??papan?????? m ??x,x???????????????estes???as???????panpa?ca??ke ke? mi m?ix ix? in in n t??he he m ma m???ketke?t at an??????? is is s so??????? to to ??ak?e.e??20200????????????A,?A1A?3C3CUC???????TBTB0B0,B0?,"P,"???rir??iai???. ???kekenkensns s "s ""??ninifi????""?????6,6??,1,12,1?464??383????????nen??????????????????,"M,"MyM??????lyl???bsb???????? l ????es es? th?????pan?ca???????????flf?????x.x??Th???????uru?????d d td ???tete te????th?e ????est est o ??????er??, ,? es e?pepece??ialia?llyll??whw??n ?????? o???????fflff????????. ?YoY?? c ?cancan ??ddd????ui?????nd ?oto??therthe??????????o to ?
ay it tastes and it is so quick and easy." 2002,B001E5E29A,A81HMEGGVESJP,"Mrs. G ""B. Real""",3,3,4,1207440000,Great tasting pancake mix,This is the best tasting pancake mix in the market and it is so easy to make. 2003,B001E5E29A,A13CUVB0LKBTB0,"Patricia A. Lukens ""Unifier""",5,6,5,1246838400,Stonewall Pancake Mix,"My family absolutely loves this pancake and waffle mix. The texture and taste is the best out there, especially when using our waffle maker. You can add fruit and other items to th
???mimixi? a ?ndn? b ?e ?asa???rer????veve ????yoy?u u w wiw?shs????ouourou??prp????e ie ???grg???at at???????lil?iveiv?ryry y??anan'an??? be be e be ?????????????mmm???nd ?iti?t tt ?o o?????ryory??e!e!!!!"!??????????????292?????Q8Q?RERE7E???MDMDIDIKI??,J,?. ?ReReme????,2,2,2?,2,,2??,1,131??656585858???00,00,D,DeD??????ousou????????s!s?,",???????????e Fe ????????e ??an?????????????fl??e Me ?ix???????akeak?e de dedeldeli???iouious??BeB??gig??an an??WafWa??????????our??????re?f=f?????tpt?:/:??www????ma?????co???gpgp/p/p/?propr?dud??????010??XMX?????"">""?Wa????? W?MKMK3K???? P ???o Po ???fefesessessisioionio?????tat??????s-s?St?eeeelel el?????ia?????WaffWaf?fle?????akerake??????. W??e he ???????rieri?d ????ffl?es??????? <?????efef=f="f=????tp???/w?ww????azazo?
e mix and be as creative as you wish. Your price is great and delivery can't be beat. We recommend it to everyone!!" 2004,B001E5E29A,A2Q8RE77HMDIK7,J. Remsen,2,2,5,1326585600,Delicious waffles!,"We use the Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix to make delicious Belgian Waffles in our <a href="""">Waring WMK300A Pro Professional Stainless-Steel Belgian Waffle Maker</a>. We have tried waffles using <a href="""">Kruste
a???WaW?fffflflel????????lgl???? 2 ??-o-?z<z???>,>?????hrh????????????/w/?wwww.ww?ama?az???.c.cocomo?/g/???prp?odo?ucuctc??B0B?010??O6O6B6?FEF????GoG?????????teteded d???? N ?????al???????????PaPan?cacaka?e ???x,x???????????????aia?nen??? ( (P(PaPacPa?k k???????</a</???, <, <a? h hr hrerefref=?""""h""???tp:tp?????????az????co???????ro?du????/B0/B00?????UJUJAJ????Ma???? G ?????e Fe FaF??msms s Ws Wa??fflffle??Mi?? B???gi???, ??4-4???uncun?ce ce??Pa??k k ok ?of of 6 ?)<)</)</a?>,? a ??d ??hehe ??af???????cic??e e fe ??romro??????hrehref???"h????p:/p://??wwwww??.am.a????on.on.c??om/om?/gp/gp/?pr?ododuod??t/?B0B00B0?292??YTY??Y"Y?"">????? J ??mim??????ancancaanc????e Mie Mixix,ix, , 3??-O-Ou???e ???xex??s (s (P???????f 6f 6)?</</a</a></a????n n an ???????y y? (u (un??scscicieci????fificic c????indin?????????teste?? i ?invin????????mym?????reeree ?chc?
az Waffle Mix Belgian 28-oz</a>, <a href="""">Golden Malted All Natural Waffle & Pancake Mix, 33-Ounce Containers (Pack of 3)</a>, <a href="""">Maple Grove Farms Waffle Mix Belgian, 24-Ounce (Pack of 6)</a>, and the waffle recipe from <a href="""">Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix, 32-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6)</a>. In a highly (un)scientific blind taste test involving my three chi
?ldl?rerene?? t ththeh??FaFara?mhmhoh?????PaP???????an????afafffflf?e ???x x???s s??he??unu???imi???s ??hohoiho?cece.e??brbr r??????????????e ?? t??ipi??? b babata????acaccc?oro???????o o?? the th???insin??rur?ctc??ono??????th?ou??? i ? u?sese se o ????????e te ?aba??leslesps?oooon?? of o???ele??eded ??????r ??insinstins????d od ?f ???????--a--an???? the??????terte?????????wew?ellel? i?? t?????ri?????fof????p p???????r ??aya??? T ??he ???ip???????????makmake???????? w wa waf????es es???? ou o?ur ur w???fflffle???mak??? a?????thetheye????????risri??y,y, ????ghtght,t?, a, an????olold??????owownw??.<b.<?? /??><b><?br br /br ??ThThiThisi????an????is is s sls?ligligh?ghtlght?? m?????exexpx?enensen??vev?????r wr ?wafwa???e ????? t??????ormor??l ?????????st?????? bra bran?andsands ?(l(li?ke??????stesteaeaza?????butbu??? our ou????mi?ly???
ldren, the Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle mix was the unanimous choice.<br /><br />I make a triple batch according to the instructions--although i use only one tablespoon of melted butter instead of three--and the batter stores well in the fridge for up to four days. The triple batch makes 4 1/2 waffles on our waffle maker and they are crispy, light, and golden brown.<br /><br />This brand is slightly more expensive per waffle than the normal grocery store brands (like Krusteaz), but our family th
iininknksk????e e t ta tasa??e ????woworortr?th th i ???????????asiasidi?e,e, , m ?????n ???as as?? s so s?y ?alallllelere?????ndn? t?hih????ixi?????frf?eee??ofo? s??y-y?-u-??lil?kek??mom?st? o ??theth???brb?an?dsds.s.".""???????????????A,A,A,??VKVKPKPPPPHP?X7X????QIQ???P.P??MuMulu??enen ????ul?lnl????","??,5,????121?151????606?00,00?GrG?reare??? ta???e ??andand and?????t t pt ?riricicec????+++?++,++,"????ovo?e ?BeBele?gigiai?? w ?????lesle??????? thi th??is mis mim??????keskes ???de??????usu?????flflefl??????ou??t at ??????e ?trt??oubou??le le o of of ????in??????? f fr?omo?m sm scs?raratratct?h.h. ???he??y ay ary a?? r ?rea?????gog??d,d, ????and Iand I'I?m ?fuf??????. I. ?I hI hahavha???'t'???tritr?eded ???themthe???as ???????ese???ete???"2"????????001E001??E2??9A,9A?,A3,A??TJTJ6J6T6TMTMCM??1P1P9P9O9???K.K???hi??k k?""?ho???ehe?????andand"and??""",""",1,181??2626,???,12,1?858575?1818418?00?00,D00,DiD
inks the taste is worth it. As an aside, my son has a soy allergy and this mix is free of soy--unlike most other brands." 2005,B001E5E29A,A3VKPPHX72R4QI,"P. Mullen ""mullnc""",4,5,5,1215561600,Great taste and great price! A+++,"I love Belgian waffles and this mix makes a delicious waffle without all the trouble of making them from scratch. They are really good, and I'm fussy. I haven't tried them as pancakes yet." 2006,B001E5E29A,A3JTJ6TMC51P9O,"K. Chiok ""househusband""",18,26,1,1285718400,Di
s???????????wiw?????y y?fif???? f??rmrmhm??ususes???ana?cac??e,e??? u ususeus?ed ed??o o b ?uyu??BoBobob'b's's s??ed?ed Med ???? O ????anian?c c??????????????keke ke????????e,? W Wh W?holho?le le G?????in Min ?MixMi????ntint?il il?????? a ??ll ll? th t???? r raravravev?e re ?eve?iei?wsws s as ?bob?????????WaWalWallll ll Kll ????hehenhe??FaFararmar??ou??se ????ncancak?e ???d ??WafWa??????ixi???? d ?????dedde??toto to??rdr??????omo????aza??n n an ??????ie???it?????????ornor?????????/>/><><b?r ?r />r /???is??????ak?ake ake m??? i ????????????? an a?d ??powpo?de?????WhW?hen? I? I m I ??de?????pa?ncnca??ke ?????????e me ???? wa wasa????????ver??? my my k ????he??hen fhen ???????????e mie mixix ?????????st st????my? l ?????????hen ihen ??it iit isis ???oneon??e mi??in? he?????ffleffl???????e ?frfroromro?m tm ?theth????abeab???asaskas?s ?fof?or or?? T ????. . o. ?
sappointed with my first farmhouse pancake,"I used to buy Bob's Red Mill Organic 7 Grain Pancake & Waffle, Whole Grain Mix until I saw all these rave reviews about StoneWall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle mix. I decided to order from Amazon and tried it this morning.<br /><br />This pancake mix is very fine and powdery. When I made my pancake mix, the mix was all over my kitchen floor. The mix is almost foamy like when it is done mixing. The waffle recipe from the label asks for 2 Tbsp. of
??mem????d d?????terte???whw?ici?? I ??nen???r r???? t tht???? mu m???? wh w??? I????????? R ????? R?ed??MiM?lll???anancn?akakek??mimixix.x. .? I I c I ??ulu?d ?ono?????ak?????o o? pe p?erfer???t t 7t ??????ounou??d pd pa??ncanc?????frf??? i ????eveev?? t????ghg???? c ?lal???s s ts th???se?rvr?????shs???ld? b?e ??-4-???????ke????ThT?he ???pancpan?cak??????????ed?ed fed ??ufu???y ay asa?s os ????rsrs ??clacl?aimai?medme???in in?? the the e re ?????w.w. ?HoH??eveveeverever,??? I a I ?????tat??te?????lol?? o ?f f????mi?ca??ls ls i in i??? ??ueuese???s ons o?ne ne???asasoasonon on i?t ?is? s so s????ufuffuffyfy fy??s ?a a la ???t ot ????????g ??????in?in tin ?the? i in?????ieienientn????ooo????ing ing??? t? the the the i?????rediredie?ientien?t lt ????el el d ?diddi??I I rI ?reare?alializi?e ??t t ht ha?s ?mom?rere re c? che ch??mic?alalsal?s t???n ???he?r ?brb??andan?s.????nd nd I I ????????unu???????
melted butter, which I never use that much when I use the Rob's Red Mill pancake mix. I could only make two perfect 7"" round pancakes from it even though it claims the serving should be 3-4 pancakes. The pancake is indeed fluffy as others claimed in the review. However, I also tasted a lot of chemicals in it. I guess one reason it is so fluffy is a lot of baking soda in the ingredient. Looking at the ingredient label did I realize it has more chemicals than other brands. And I do not understan
d??whw?atat t?????FIF?CIC?ALAL L F ??AVAVOVORO???t ???s s????beb???ddd?ede?d id ?n n? wh wheh???tht?????ana??aka?????? i is is s js juj????ththethe ??orormrmam???????????h h?no???anancancyc????ava??orsor??liliki???CiCininninnan?mom?n ????d Ad ?ppp?lele,e?????.<.?brb????<b<br<br ???????hoh????, I, I I??m m?gog??????aca??? to t??mym???obo??????ed ed?MiMililll??brbrabr??and,and???? l ??????I ????????atat ?I ?am??did?geg?st?ining? i??n mn ???????????""2202?0707,7???00100???E2E???,A,?????W5W????????EpE??csc???1,11,????,13,1?444??????????ybybebe be? it i??????jujusju???my???atatcat???,??"D"???????????????joj??y ty ????e ?????r r wr wa?ntntintining?ing ting toto to??ryry ??om?????????????r tr ?thath?? a??????eme???ma'ma?? f???? D DoDom???????????????????es????astas???????an?????ndnd d s?????imi?es???or???ttt??????????
d what ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR it has to be added in when this pancake mix is just the normal type with no fancy flavors like Cinnamon and Apple, etc.<br /><br />In short, I am going back to my Rob's Red Mill brand, at least I know what I am digesting in my stomach." 2007,B001E5E29A,AH6FQW533AKF1,Epics,1,1,2,1344816000,Maybe it was just my batch?,"Didnt really enjoy these after wanting to try something other than aunt jemima's from Dominicks. The pancakes tasted strange and sometimes forgettable, but
iitit t??igi???????e e b ?????dud???tot??tht????????pap???aga??ngn???????cac?????? a ?lolonong??wiw??????????rurupu?.".?????8,8,B,???1E1???????A2A????A9A??????????DiD?ananen?e Ae ????tttt ????iFi??lilizi????""?????????,13,1?313????404??????T T P ?ANA?CAC???ES ES??F F??? L ?IFI??,T,?????e p????cakca????juj??t ??it? t????????t at ??? m???????e fe ???? l ??ke?ke Ike I I? am a? e ?ata???g ?a a r rer?estestataua?rar??t ?????akfak???? a?t t ht hot h??? f ?oror or a a a???t t lt ???s ??ononeoneye?. .?SpSplp???????????isis ???and and??????oooodood ?mam???????yruyr?up.up.......i..???re??lll???is? c ch cheheahe?????th???????ing???o ???????s s os ??????????herhe?re re?????al?? fo f?????o o wo wi??????????? mi m??imi?umum.m?2??009009,9,B???001E001?E5EE5????,A?2H2??ZMZMHM??TFT?B9B??????vav??s,s,1????4,4????636303??????????
it might have been due to the poor packaging they came in along with the syrup." 2008,B001E5E29A,A2C0EA9W5M7HEL,"Diane Arnett ""MiFelizDia""",1,1,5,1331078400,BEST PANCAKES OF MY LIFE,These pancakes just hit the spot and make me feel like I am eating a restaurant breakfast at home for a lot less money. Splurge on this and the good maple really is cheaper than going to Denny's or IHOP where a meal for two will be $20 minimum. 2009,B001E5E29A,A2H5ZMH5TFB9GK,Hrvats,1,1,4,1316304000,prett
?????????????bub????????n in ?ncn?rereae?sesede??cocoso?t,t,L,??????????artart t bt ????aya??inging g?mym????mim??????vev?????????stustufu???? I ???hahas????fa????ly ly s??ror??????avavovoror r?????ananian?illilla??? I??t ct ??????upup p??iciccc?????????ghg????. M. MyM???ro?blblel????iti??? th thihishi???????ctc?t it ?is is???????cecencentnt t pt ??iciceic?e ie ???crecreaeasease?. ??It???as?as aas ? g?oo???prpro??uc??????t a t a??????prpri?cece ce?????????it????s p??ic???. ????l-l?in??ala???? w??ulu???susugu???estes?t tt th?atat at?yoyou?????ere?????is is ais ????????t ot ?????tot?? ta t?ast????????gogoogo??? pa p?ancan?akakek?es es????????pop???????o to tatasast?aste aste??likli????. A??tet?? t? tha that???? wo???d ???????? p??laylayiyinying?????h h?????pip?es?es oes ?on on??????????????????01?????9A9?,A,A2A2J2?6C6?DLD?ESESPSP4P?C8C?X,X?StSte???
y darn good but at an increased cost,Let me start by saying my family loves this stuff. It has a fairly strong flavor of vanilla. It cooks up nicce and light. My problem with this product is the recent price increase. It was a good product at a fair price but now it is pricey. All-in-all I would suggest that you order this at least once to taste what good pancakes are supposed to taste like. After that I would suggest playing with recepies on your own. 2010,B001E5E29A,A2J6CDLESP4C8X,Steph,
??,1,??5,5????272767?161606??,B,??????????kek?????ERE?!!!!,!?MyMy y????????????lulucu?kyky ?????ghg???o o???t t tt ?hih??s ps ??????t ???vevere????yey????????o fo ???m m a ???????????My????????er? w ?il?l ???t ???t ??anyan??oto??er?????ncanc????mi?? a an andn??????????e Ie ???ixix ?th?themthem ??oro??????????the????????outoutstst?an????g.g..???111????00100??5E5??9A9?,A,?????PEP?????I1I???"E"??????????"""??engen?li????eaeacea???er"er?????,1,1,?5,?131?????????,I,?'m'?m am a ???lilielieveveevereve???????ougough???? B BeBelBe?gigiai??? wa w???lel??????r ?sos?ortor?t ot ??????????himhi????? I I I wI wa??s ts ths the?? c coc???????tedte???????? the th????es???onon:on: :?WhW????wa??fflffle?? mi m?ix ix??o ??I uI ??????????owo???""H""HuH???ryr????????? fe f??t ?li??ke ke? an? a af a???????o ??ucuchuc?h ah ???subsublb??me
1,1,5,1312761600,Best pancakes EVER!!,My family was lucky enough to get this product several years ago from a friend. My daughter will not eat any other pancake mix and everyone I fix them for thinks they are outstanding. 2011,B001E5E29A,A14U8PEN4D3I1P,"Elizabeth ""englishteacher""",1,1,5,1312156800,I'm a believer,"I bought a Belgian waffle maker sort of on a whim and I was then confronted with the question: What waffle mix do I use? Somehow ""Hungry Jack"" felt like an afront to such a sublime
????tctchc?enen n????liliaiana?cec?. .???rereae?? t ??he he r?eve??????heherhe?? o ?n ?AmAmamazazozon? a an a?d ?coc?oncon???????th??t t???sps???? t??????athat???? hi h?ghg?????ce???????ew?alallll l w ??ululdld ?beb??? g grg??????choch?ic??? B ?anangang!g??NaNaiaili??ed ed??it it? th the th?????sts?t tt ?imi?????owo??, I, I I dI ??on'on??????ow ow?????y y? wa wafa??le?? ma m??ere? i?s s ps ?ara?ti?cuc??ar?lyly ????????deedeepep,p, ??utu????ge??????????????d ???????????????eses s os ???????ea?ch?????ch?ch (ch ??????owiow??g g?? the? r re?cic??e ??????e ??labla???).)??I ??on?????ar??e we wawatwa??? i???t dot dow??n tn ?? t tr tryry ??to ?ststrst???tchtc???it it oit ??out out? an?? I I I?????rere ????onl??y gy ???t at ???out??101?? ba b??atchatc????s ofs o?f w??????s s os ous out???f ???one ??? T. ?he?he che co??????r-r?wa?fffflff???????????, ?, bu, b???th??ses?e he hah?veve ????
kitchen appliance. I read the reviews here on Amazon and concluded that despite the rather high price, Stonewall would be a great choice. Bang! Nailed it the first time. Now, I don't know if my waffle maker is particularly large/deep, but I get only two and one half waffles out of each batch (following the recipe on the label). I don't dare water it down to try to stretch it out and I figure I only got about 10 batches of waffles out of one can. The cost-per-waffle is steep, but these have neve
r???????? t ??????????????????ono?? th t??e ie ?????e,e??slsli??ghtgh?lyl? c?????? on on n tn ?????ut???de?, ?ana???????y hy ?????NENEVE???? st stutucu??? to t??th?? w wawafafff???????????rur????ingin?ly????vevenve?????ougou????????e te th??the pthe ??ricri??e he ??? g ??oneon?e ue ?p p ap ??dod??lalara?????r cr ?an???I ??????beb??rer?orordrdederde???g,g????? i????t ???eses ??? a ???y h?igighig??r,r???????y h????e te toe t?o t?ryr???anoan??????brb?anandand.d????010121?,B,???01E01??????????????DJDJVJ????Q,Q????????erier?????,1,?,1???,1????????????????????,","I"??m m???????????ev???yoyonone??????????????ixi?????ut ???????? i????ItI????????? g?oio?inging ing?????????rmr?metmet t rt ??????uraur?antan????????????????????????FLF???re?restrestatautaur???nt.nt.....????hehe ????????s ts ta?
r failed to come out light on the inside, slightly crisp on the outside, and they have NEVER stuck to the waffle iron. Grudgingly, even though I see the price has gone up a dollar per can, I will be reordering, but if it goes up any higher, I may have to try another brand." 2012,B001E5E29A,A36EXMLDJV00JQ,Jon Doeringer,1,1,5,1303430400,Excellent,"I'm sorry not everyone likes this mix, but we love it. It is like going to a gourmet restaurant! (yeah - a gourmet WAFFLE restaurant...) The waffles tas
????ana????ururnr??????grg???t,t???nd??????easea????????d fd fof??????????elelil????, , b, ?utut ut????????s ????????t ?fo??r er ?eveev???ononen??????131????????????,A,?1I1?H5H?YWYW0W??????6,6,D,?ebeb,b???,1,,1????????????00,00?,A ,A g?re?atat at?babacackckuk?p p??roromo????rar???h,h??ThT???s i?s ????e pe ???????e me mimixix x?wew??gog?????????????dod??'t't ???veve ve b bu but???????????????e fe ??????????n'n?? t??hinhinkn????the the?viv????ar???????????wowor?thth th i it it ??o ?o weo w??ala??aya?s s ds ?? f fr f?resre?????????akeake e Ae ?ltlto??n Bn ????????????tertermter????k pk ?panpancn???ke ke???cic???e. e.? T ??is? S ?????wa?llll l m mi m?? i is??? g go g?odod ??ptptit???? an????thethe ????avoav???? is is t is ?the???????ofof f?? any an????tortorere re? bo bou?ghg?t ????x bx byb?????????t m???ghtgh?t ct ?osost? m mo m????????t it ?it it??ea????
te and turn out great, and so easy. Hard for us to believe, but it seems it's not for everyone." 2013,B001E5E29A,A1IH5YW0X6DE26,Deb,1,1,4,1302393600,A great backup from scratch,"This is the pancake mix we go to when we don't have buttermilk in the fridge (don't think the vinegar trick is worth it so we always do fresh) to make Alton Brown's buttermilk pancake recipe. This Stonewall mix is a good option and the flavor is the best of any store bought mix by far! It might cost more, but it really
iisi??sus?????oro??tot????? o ???herher ??rer?papara??d d m mimixi??s.s???202?141????????E2E?9A9??APA?V3V313?N9N??R3R???X,X?????nen??393???1,1?,1,,1,5,??,12,1?29929?????????????veve ?????newne?????KiKiti??he??,",?StStoSt????al???Ki???he?hen hen?prpropr?dud????????e ae ? b bib???fafava????iteit??e ate a???urur ??ouo?sese.e. . T ThThih?? p????aka?e ?mimixmix x m?ak??????????estes??papanpa?ca??keske??yoyou?????? e ?????ea?t.t?. . ?We? a ??????resreshs?? bl b?ueu??berberrr??eses ??to to???????????to?p p??? them?????h ??theth??????ewe???ll ???luelu?????? S ?yry??up,up?, w, ??hichich????????? b?uyu???? t???irir r wr wewebebseb???ite.ite. ???TheTheyey ???ake? w??????fufulul ???msm?s as ans andnd nd??el?????es t?ooo????s ????????? sa s????es,es?, a, an, a?????av?or?????yr?up??s. s.???ry?? th thi this?is pis ?pan??cak???e mie mix? t??ou?ghgh,h????? w wo?n'n???be? d did?isaisapappp
is superior to the other prepared mixes." 2014,B001E5E29A,APV31N9CR3WLX,Jeannel399,1,1,5,1299283200,We love Stonewall Kitchen,"Stonewall Kitchen products are a big favorite at our house. This pancake mix makes the best pancakes you will ever eat. We add fresh blueberries to them, and top them with the Stonewall Blueberry Syrup, which you can buy on their website. They make wonderful jams and jellies too, as well as sauces, and flavored syrups. Try this pancake mix though, you won't be disapp
o??ntntetede??""2????,B,B0B??01E01?5E5E2E????????ZZZZXZ????828?Y,Y???chc??????. .???lelere?t,t??????5,15,??29829?????00?,G,??eae??????????s s????eryer??tit?????????is?????at? p ?anancn????????d wd ????flefl????attat??? t???t ????s rs ?recre???memenmendn????byb??AmAmam???n n s ???? b bo b???????t ???and and????? b be beee??????y y sy ???isisfis?ieieded ????h h???y py pupururcr?????????t ????????hehe e b??sts?t w??????s s es ev?er?? t ti t??e e Ie ??ha?????sesedsed ??it it a an andnd nd?????at bat ??in?g g s sa s?idid ?I ???????????????is is pis ????????. ???????? be? o ??rderder??????or??????wew?e re rerea???y y ly ??keke ke h??w w? ea e???y iy ?????is tis ???????? ?????oulou????igi?ghlgh??y ry ???omommom??????thathat?at eat ev???????e te ?ry??? thi this thi?s ws whw????liklike?kes kes????cacakcake?kes ??and?????fflffleles? i ??it iit isit i??dedeldeli??ioi?ousou?s as anand?
ointed!" 2015,B001E5E29A,A68TZZXJZG82Y,Richard D. Ehlert,1,1,5,1298592000,Great Waffle's every time,This is great pancake and waffle batter that was recommended by Amazon so I bought it and have been very satisfied with my purchase. It makes the best waffles every time I have used it and that being said I am sold on this product. I will be ordering more as we really like how easy it is to make. I would highly recommend that everyone try this who likes pancakes and waffles it is delicious and
v??ryry y?ececoc?non?mim?cac?l.l??????,B,B0B??????292?????8M8MLM??VZV???GLGLQL??,","K"??tht?y ???????????????? P P"P""?","?1,1?,1,,1??,1,12,1???7777777677????PeP????ectec?????????????????beb????????g g????? p pa?????????d d??af?fl???mi???fof??? ab a????t 5t ??oror or?? y ?eaeararsr??an???I I hI ha????tot????????????is is?????????? ?ThT?he he w??aff????s cs co???????t ct ???ispisp p? on o?n tn ??e e oe oue out???ded?e ae ???and land ?igi?hth??an?and ???ufu???y oy ???? the th?e ie ???????. . ??'v'??ve t???ede??oto?the????mix??? b??ut ut t th???y dy ???no?t t ct cot c??paparpa?e ????? thi this?is mis ?mix????????e ???he ???ririnri?????o ???ff??le le M ?????r ar an????y y wy wa???ffleffl??es ces cocom?e ???????????fuf?? e????rytry??? ????olo?lol??? th? the the d ????ctc??on??s os ??on ton ??the the????is?teter????d ?neneve?verver ver??????? p pr pro??le?m m
very economical. 2016,B001E5E29A,A18MLKVZLTGLQX,"Kathy Pappano ""Kathy P""",1,1,5,1296777600,Perfect Waffles,I have been using this pancake and waffle mix for about 5 or 6 years and I have to say this is the best. The waffles come out crisp on the outside and light and fluffy on the inside. I've tried other mixes but they do not compare to this mix. I use the Waring Pro Waffle Maker and my waffles come out beautiful everytime. I follow the directions on the canister and never have a problem
??iti?? t ??????????s.s?2???7,7,B,?????5E5E2E292?A,A,A,??ETET1T?YYYYY????????????uku?asaszs?ewe??czcz z " ?"A"??l l??hohososts?? w ?ele?coc???"""""""?,1,1,1?,1,,1?5,5??????66866888??00,00,D,?eee????????????????isi? i ?? T THT????ini?g g o ofof f???ncn?aka?e ?mim?????. . ???????????prp????, ??andan??????????us,us, ?????????????e be ?es?? p??ancancacakca????I'I??e ??veverve?? ta tas?????. ?WeW??'ve'v???ee?n n????in?g ??it ?????????rar???yeyeae?rsr?????????????ncncancak???s cs ?????istis?tente??????comco?????t ?????t ??????el??ci???s.? S ??????????d ad anan an?ege?g,g, ???????????, ?, an??d md me???ed?? bu but???????CoCoo?? t??????n ?????iceic?e he ho?t t st ??????????????????y ?an???im???????!"!""??01018018,8?????E5E5EE5?????,A2,A??5W5?????????Y,Y,A?. . A. AbA???hah????,1,1,1,?????????
with the results. 2017,B001E5E29A,A8ET1YYYD7QUM,"L. Lukaszewicz ""All ghosts welcome""",1,1,5,1286668800,Deeeeelicious!,"This is THE king of pancake mixes. Easy, foolproof, and delicious, it makes the best pancakes I've ever tasted. We've been buying it for several years, and the pancakes consistently come out light and delicious. Simply add an egg, buttermilk, and melted butter. Cook them on a nice hot skillet for a yummy anytime meal!" 2018,B001E5E29A,A2T5WNREB8ALVY,A. Abraham,1,1,5,127491
8??0000,0?DeDele?ici??ouousu? w ?afa?flf?ese??ini???ininuinututetes?!,!?"M"???es??????????????ic?io???, ????sps? o ono??tht?? o???sis??? a ???????t t??n ???? i ??sisidside?, , w, wa???????s ins i?n mn ?????es?? W ??rtrthth th????eryery y???????""???191????001001E1??????,A,??????8181K1KXKXDXD3D3P3???????elsels ????d bd bib?tst????,1,,1???,12,1??37370708?8080000,00??rer?ata??????iai??? wa wafaffaffl????at?????!,"!,?I I??uru?chc?asa???d td ??????ix??tot? u us?e ???ithit?? my my ???w w??re????????pSp?id?e e Be ?BelBe???an????aff?le???MakMa?????????????ryr?y py plp???aseas?ed ed? wi w??? t?????res?ulu??ts.ts?. . ?ItI?t tt ???k k 3 ??cuc??????????is ????? to to o mo mam??e ???lal?rgr???e Bee B??elgielgiaianian n Wn ??ffffl?????and??? the th?y ??ooo?okeok??ed ted to??pe?rf??ectec??ionion n an ?aftaf???? on?lyly ?4 4 m mi??????! !??????fl???or??????? this thi?s ms mi?? i?s s ss ??ligli?
8400,Delicious waffles in minutes!,"Makes perfect, delicious, crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, waffles in minutes. Worth every penny!" 2019,B001E5E29A,A3IUW081KXD3PE,pixels and bits,1,1,5,1273708800,Great Belgian waffle batter!,"I purchased this mix to use with my new Presto FlipSide Belgian Waffle Maker and am very pleased with the results. It took 3 cups of this mix to make 6 large Belgian Waffles and they cooked to perfection after only 4 minutes! The flavor of this mix is sligh
t??? s ??eeeete???utut ?????? i ?? n nono o?afaftf?????sts??????iti???????yoy???geg???wiwit???????p p c co como?memerercercic???? br brarana?????likli???????uiuici?k.k????????????????g g???re????or???????""??????????E5E5E5?292???AAAAJAJ2J?P4P??535?????,C,?????to?phphe???ama?????1,1???5,5?????111161168680800??StSto???waw????????chech?n n????????ke mke ??x,x?? r ?recrecec?????????????????ifift? a?????? we w?????????. . I?t t it ??is bis ???faf?? t? the the ??ese??????????ded??pa??ca??keskes s Is ?I hI ???????verve???????. ???????ststest?e ae ????????is??????y iy is????ce????enten???. B. ??ueuebebe?????es es m?ix? v ve??y ?we???????ith ith? th thi th?is is pis ??????t ???????? c??ntn?taita??er???s ?????ng??ed ed t?o ?ke???p tp ??e ?e pre p?????? f??resre??h ah ??and ?no?t ?t let l?et ??????? . Y. ?ou?
tly sweet but there is no aftertaste to it like you get with cheap commercial brands like Bisquick. I'll be buying more, for sure!" 2020,B001E5E29A,AAJ2P4353LW3K,Christophe Hamann,1,1,5,1271116800,Stonewall Kitchen pancake mix,I received this as a gift a few weeks ago. It is by far the best home made pancakes I have every had. The taste and consistancy is excellent. Blueberries mix very well with this product and the container is desinged to keep the product fresh and not let moths in. You
?pap?? a ????ttttlt???mom?rere ??utu??itit it? is is s w ????? i it i??ini? m??????iniin???2202020??,B,???1E1??E2E292?A,A????8N8?APA???Y1Y?6T6??,",?FPF?????DaDava?e"e?"""""??????5,5??262???030?20??0,F0,???????ses??WaW??flfle??????????????verve??y gy gog?odod,d, , l li l????????????. . S SeS??msms ????????xaxaca?tltlytl??????sasama???asas ???arbarbob????s Gs ???dedene??Ma??tet?d d???affafflaff?le ???ix.ix. . O. ???y ??hihisi?s is is???or?????????ivive????20202???,B0,B00?1E?5E5E25E??A,???????RZR?C3C?KTK??P,P???JeJ???3,3,4,????121272???80800000000000,00??uru????????iteit?e b?????fafasfa?t ?chc??????,"B,"?ou??ghtgh?????re??t t w?afaffaffl???????er er t twt?wo wo y ???arsars s as aga??????????????????cicipi?pespe????or or?? mak makikin?g g w wa????lesle?????????? r ?????ly ly p plp??asaseased??ththe?? fa f??ilily?. ?WeWele????unu??il???? fo fol?lolowowewed?????rec????
pay a little more but it is worth it in my opinion 2021,B001E5E29A,A2F8NAPZ1Y16T0,"FPU ""Dave""",1,1,5,1260403200,Farmhouse Waffle Mix,"Makes very good, light waffles. Seems to be exactly the same as Carbon's Golden Malted waffle mix. Only this is more expensive." 2022,B001E5E29A,A14WLJRZC3KT1P,GAJer,3,4,5,1270080000,Our favorite breakfast choice,"Bought a great waffle maker two years ago. Tried many recipes for making waffles, nothing really pleased the family. Well, until I followed a recomme
?ndn???ioi?? t ????ryry y S StSto?nen?????????flf??s.s?????????? m ?e ??t t??? n ?otot t lt ?liklikeke ?????uiu?ckc??????????ugu???t it it?? mi m?gh????????t ??s ???o mo ??chch h?????ere??I I wI ???????ck?ede??? A ?????el????nowno??? the th?e fe faf?mim???????vesve?s ts tht??????nd ?lo????s fs fof?rwr??rdr???o ????????wawafwa????s ?ev????y cy coc???le??????ks.ks?. ??I eI ????n dn ???blble????????? in ingn??ededied??ntntst??s sos s?o Io ?I cI cac?????????????as as???ic??h wh ?we we?cuc???t int i????smsmamalma?llell?? s ?ece?titiotiononsons ??????rereereezezez???theth?em.em??????sese se???? t? the then the???be be????????or or t? tos to??terte??wa????eses es?? and and ????quiqu?ickic?k bk brb?????fasfast??. . F. FoF???etet t tt ??the the E ????????venve?n an ??as fas frfrofr?ze?n n wn ??waff??les?? th?????ara?????eae?><><b<br<br ?????at???do do I????likelik??bebesbe????????t t?he??? T
ndation to try Stonewall Waffles. Believe me it is not like Bisquick as I thought it might be, it is so much better I was shocked. And well now the family loves them and looks forward to Sunday waffles every couple weeks. I even double up the ingredients so I can make extras which we cut into smaller sections and freeze them. These can then be used for toster waffles and a quick breakfast. Forget the Eggos even as frozen waffles these are great.<br /><br />What do I like best about them? T
??? w waw?fff?lel???cocomo?????t t???????ana?d d?fl??????? T ThT?????????rir??? a??nd nd??olo????p ???lll???? b ?eie???????????wiw??? s sts??awawbw????????????????? wh w?ata???????toptoppp???gsgs s ys yoyouou ou m ?aya?y cy chcho?oso???. . ??n n? no n??wa?????o to ?????fef?el??????y y oy ??? so s???y.y. y.????????re? a?? sn snan???to???rerepre??arear?, ??????aka?e e je juj?????? mi m???????in?? th t?? w?????e e me ???kerke???LaL??stlstlyl???the? w????e e fe ??mim????lol?ve?????????. S. SoSo ???espespi???? th???hih?ighig??????ici??e ie ??? is i??we?llll ll?????? e ev???y ??enennn??y."y.??202020?3,3,B,B0B??1E1E5E???????2Z2ZHZ???CYC?NLN?????,S,????or???FlFle??ishishmh?manma???3,43,??5,5???606?838?????,S,St,S??nen?wawalwa?ll ????cacakakeak??????WaW??afflaff?? M MiM?x,x???????????is is?? mix mix x????????it??h th ?the?the Cthe CuCuiu?????artar???
he waffles come out light and fluffy. They are crisp and hold up well to being filled with strawberries, nuts or whatever toppings you may choose. In no way do they feel heavy or soggy. They are a snap to prepare, and take just 3 minutes in the waffle maker. Lastly the whole family loves them. So despite the higher price it is well worth every penny." 2023,B001E5E29A,A2ZH40CYNLOB64,Sanford Fleishman,3,4,5,1260835200,Stonewall Pancake and Waffle Mix,Bought this mix along with the Cuisinart wa
???lel? m ??kek?r.r???DeD?????????. . ??e ?fof??lol??eded d t ??????rer??titioionio?s s a ??d ?iti???ada?e ?ononln????oneone ?BeBel????an an??afa??le??????????????timtimeme ??we we?dod?ouboublb???d td ??e ???????????d id itd i??????? ou o?t ?????ririgighg?t ?am????????GoGoooodo?d fd ????????nd??eae????toto o???????020?????010??????????XUX??FBF???ROR???1E,1E?,A.,A. ???anian??,3,??4,??,1,121??90902??808???ExE?????lenle?nt nt c ???iciceic??e foe f????????anan ?????flefl?s,s?? h ???e ??? Wa Wara??ngng g???????????affafflaff?le le? ma?kekerke??????????loloolooko??ngng ng?fo???r a r a?????d bd ????er??????use??. I. I ??ri?????????ba????????re?viv?ewe?s ?an?????ithit?? ad adddd ???y sy ?????????recorecomo????ndand???ion? f fo for?or tor th??? m mi mixi?.<.??????<b?r ??>I>ItI???????????ea????? to to? ma???e ae ane and?????? wa?ff????? ha h?
ffle maker. Delicious. We followed the directions and it made only one Belgian waffle. The next time we doubled the recipe and it came out the right amount. Good flavor and easy to use. 2024,B001E5E29A,A2XUYFBCXRO21E,A. Kania,3,4,5,1259020800,Excellent choice for Belgian Waffles,I have a Waring belgian waffle maker and was looking for a good batter to use. I tried this based on reviews and with add my strong recommendation for this mix.<br /><br />It was very easy to make and the waffles had
? a ???ono?ded?rfrfuf?? f flf??vov??????????????hehe e??ala?t t f????vorvor ??thath???????????ouougughg??<b<????????r /?>I>I I??ili??????????????beb??bub?yiy???? mo mor?????henhe???he? c cucuru????t ?mimixi???unu?s s??outou?????????000???5E5?292????1T1?P9P?URU?WVW????N,N?WiW???iai?????ousousts??on,on,3,?,4,??5,?121?25625??????00,00,G,???atat at?????flefle e Me ?ix?,T,??isi?s ms mi???ma?kekese?????????????ing?????fl?flesfle????A A?????lel?????????????????ex?????e ???t t wt wo?????it??????????? s st?????????e ??recre??pe??? l li??????e bie b?it it t to to to m????????????wawaf?afflaff????????y ???w w P ????stost???lilipli??????BeB????ianian ?WaWafWaff?lele le???akeak??????262??,B0,B??1E????29A29?A,AA,A2A?XJX??????5N5?NAN???"M"?on??????imi??""""M??????2,2?????131?080???242?????as?????mix?tuturureure ?
a wonderful flavor ... loved the malt flavor that came through.<br /><br />I will definitely be buying more when the current mix runs out. 2025,B001E5E29A,A1TP9URWVDW3N,William Houston,3,4,5,1256169600,Great Waffle Mix,This mix makes great tasting waffles. A little extra work and expense but worth it. Need to stretch the recipe a little bit to make 2 full waffles on my new Presto Flipside Belgian Waffle Maker. 2026,B001E5E29A,A2XJKCHDT5NNAA,"Monica Kim ""MK""",2,3,4,1308182400,Tasty mixture b
???,",????oto?????? a ?s ?????????ndnd d?????d ?th?e e?flflal??????ut?????????t ?crc???????ouo??ut tut th?? t???tut??e.e?? I? l?ik????fluflufufff?????ancan?????s a???? be b?????e ???????nonot????mom??, A, ?ununtn?????im???s s bs ?butbu?tetere??milmi?k k??reareada???mi??????????beb???????e oe ?outou??????? a??nd ?it??? s soso o e ???????????e.???r r /r />/>O>?f f c ?ououroursr?e,e??th?the the b??estes??t tat tas???ngn???wafwaff??eses es??re?????e ????y mey m??e fre f?omo?? sc s?????? w?itithith ??????rmrmirmililklk lk??????lll???)<)???r /r />r />O????ralra???, I, I ???in??k bk ??yiy????go?ur???????????? m ??mix mix?? is is???? o?????the ?the bithe b?ggg??est?? wa w?????e ofe o??mo????????nd?nd ind itnd i?t st ?stistilillill l????uiuiri???s ys ???? to t??pup?ut ???????d bd bu???er?, ??mil???, e, ???.<.??? / />????????sticstickc?in???? wit wi??? my m???wnwn n? re?
ut,"I got this as a gift and liked the flavor but I wasn't crazy about the texture. I like fluffy pancakes and believe it or not, imo, Aunt Jemima's buttermilk ready mix is the best one out there and it's so easy to make.<br />Of course, the best tasting waffles are made by me from scratch with buttermilk and all.=)<br />Overall, I think buying gourmet pancake mix is one of the biggest waste of money. And it still requires you to put melted butter, milk, etc.<br />I am sticking with my own rec
???eses s a ??? A ???? J JeJememim?????s is ifi???????ini??? h huhuru???.".??????,B,????E5E??2929A9??A3A??????E5?J6J?HXH??7,"7,?????rorowo???"""??lol?rir??????l"l""??????,5,???262?545414141???00,00,O,?ur??FaF???oriorititet??StStot?nenewe???l l?KiK?itcit????n Fn Fa??mhm????e e???ancancacaka???anandan?????????MiM???????ourour r???avoav????te.te???CoC??sisisi???ntntlnt?y y?????lll???t t wt wiwit?? a? a n a ??ce? m ma??tyt??????avoravo?????he????????ce??cacanca?s ???????GoG???d vd ?????e fe fof??????he qhe ququaual??ityit?y. y. I???igi???? r ????mmmmem?????thithisis is???????t.t??202???,B??001001E???????A6A??IBI????CVC?JJJ????ar?gagarga??t ???. R. RaRanantan???,2,,2?,3,,3??,1,12,1???393????0,0????ncanc?akeake ???ix ix? th t?he ?beb????,T,Th?????mixmi??is??ththeth????idsid?' ' a???????milmi????favfa?vorvo?ritri??te. te.??t t tt ???stest?es es l ??keke ke v ?vanva??ll?a.a. . I. ??'s??????
ipes and Aunt Jemima's if I am in a hurry." 2027,B001E5E29A,A3MWNG0E5J6HX7,"C. Brown ""florida gal""",2,3,5,1265414400,Our Favorite,Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix is our favorite. Consistently excellent with a nice malty flavor. The 33 ounce cans are a Good value for the quality. I highly recommend this product. 2028,B001E5E29A,A6QIBV0PCVJJK,Margaret A. Rantz,2,3,5,1208390400,Pancake Mix the best!,This mix is the kids' and family favorite. It tastes like vanilla. It's wonde
????? f ??r r??ana?cacaka????????afa?,C??????ada???????uau????y y??rurusu????r"r""?????,0,,0????????????????utu????????????e e??nlnlyl?,"?StS??nen??walwa?l ????chc??n n Fn ???mhm???????????keke ke?anandan???????e ???x x i isis ?ded??in???ele?ly ly a??????thfthfu??????nan?????????? in in t ???tet?, ???t t s ??? mu m?? ??? w???ongon???it??s s ns nonotno????ad ad?bubutbut,t?, y, ?????ou?ldl???finfi???ananyany y ny nun??beb?er er o????"m"mim????""? t th tha???ta??steste ????????? we wel?l l al ??? s???me ??vev?en en????teterte?. ????knkno?? m my m??ta???? b bu b???s as ?????? t???e se ???????????rsr???????hahathat'hat?'s 's????????????????me????y ?????rereaeata????????. ??I I aI al????????????hadha?d bd ?ou???t ??????ononeon?
rful for pancakes or waffles. 2029,B001E5E29A,AGDTWY3GU0Y4C,"Alphadog ""quality crusader""",0,0,3,1350432000,Mouthful in Name Only,"Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix is definitely a mouthful in name but, in taste, not so much. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad but, you could find any number of ""mixes"" that taste just as well and some even better. I know my taste buds aren't the same as yours so, what's just decent to me may be great to you. I also wish I had bought just one
ccac????nsn???????f f?2 2??ugugeg???3 3? ou o??cec???canca?ns.ns? ????ininiin??????tht??? fi f??st?????, ,? I' I'l'?l l?gig???e te ???e oe ?th??r r c???????y y?????, I, ??????onontntit??ueu?e te tre t?yiyiningin??????ther ther??ixixex????????l Il ?????? t ??the the??"b"?es??? mi m????? ou out ou??ththether?e.e??????????????o o f fa f?r ?I I sI ses??? t to t????lyl?y by ?? s sas???????? w wiwiti???? h ho h???????e me ??????????y wy wawafwa?flflel??????????????renre????????????????es???ve?r r pr ?????kekeses es bes bubutu????thith????ididndn'n?????keke ke?????? e ?itithit???????????. I. I I eI ???n ???iei??ed aed adaddad??ngng ??thi????s ts ????? b bubutbu?t it itit ??diddi??'t???reare?ll?y ?he????. ?????be ??????juj???????. ?TrTry? i it it it????yoy????????bu?but but r????embembe?????buybuy ??????????e cae can?an jan ???st ???????? y ??u'u???? li lik???e mee m
can instead of 2 huge 33 ounce cans. I finished the first can, I'll give the other can away and, I'll continue trying other mixes until I find the ""best mix"" out there.<br /><br />So far I seem to only be satisfied with a homemade mix for my waffles. My preference is for waffles over pancakes but, this didn't make it on either count. I even tried adding things to it but it didn't really help. Maybe it's just me. Try it if you like but remember, buy only one can just in case you're like me
?? ?YoY???cac?n n a ??wawaya?s s?bub?y y m ??rere.e.".""?202???????1E1E5E???9A9?,A,A3A??????J1J?????????? N ????,0,?0,00,0,????353505?????0000,00,g,???ata? t tatasa?titini?? p ?an?ca?kek?s s as ?andan??wa?fff?leles?,T,???s s ws wa???????????panpancn??cakecak?e me ?ixix x?isis is d ????????s!s???Yo????canca????st??e ae ????btbtlt??????t ???????????a ia in? t???m.m?? T ?TheTh?y ???? t? the th?e oe ???y ??panpancpan????s/s/w/????lelesles ??hah?at at??y ??idi??s ls lolovo?e ???nd nd? th?????ous?e ??memel?lsl??s wos w?????fuf??????n n tn thn t???y a??re re cre ?ooooko??ng?!!????1,1????1E??5E25E?29A29??A2A????????BHB??????enennn???,0?,0,5,0,?5,15,13??????2020020??BeBes?????lgl???an an W WaW??fflff?????n ??o o????me!me??"M"????????ly ly??????????????. ???e he ??????eeeenen en??ryr?in???tot????keke ke? ho??meameada?de de??afaffafflaff??les ??or???? wh whi wh??e ??butbut ????? m??
. You can always buy more." 2030,B001E5E29A,A3BMO43J1HAH4A,LYN NOON,0,0,5,1350345600,great tasting pancakes and waffles,This waffle and pancake mix is delicious! You can taste a subtle hint of vanilla in them. They are the only pancakes/waffles that my kids love and the house smells wonderful when they are cooking! 2031,B001E5E29A,A2LBN99KCBHEDR,Jenn,0,0,5,1350259200,Best Belgian Waffles in No Time!,"My family loves waffles. We have been trying to make homeade waffles for a while but when my
?sesece????????ldld ?????bob?rnr?? w wew? g ??? t titiri?????? a ala?l l??hehe ?mimixixix?????nd???eae?????inging.g? W ?e e ce ?chochoso???? thi th?s ??atattt??r r????? be b?ecaec?usu??se tse tht?he he????ieiewe?s s ws ?????????re? T. ThT?heyhe????keke ????titimti?me me t???mi????. Th. Thehe ??ouo?ghg?? co comome????outou??a a b bi b??????????utu?t it ??f yf ?????il?l l tl ???????ttott????of of? th the the e we wa????????on? c??????teteltelyly,y???youyo?? ge g??t tt ththe? f fl flulufuffffiff?iesie????ele???ana???????????We? a ar are??ususius?ing?? th the??ChChe?fmf?an???ot???aba??? i ir????. I. I I h ???????????ommomme??nd ???????at?????if? y ?you? l lil??? w??ff??ese???????. ??ou??cac????dddd ????litlittttltt?le le cle ?ininninnan????on aon ???d sd ??ugaug?r ???????????????????.".?????????0101E1E5E??????A4A494??WNW????????,K,??m m???beb????0,0,0,0,,0,3,????49?919??606
second child was born, we got tired of all the mixing and measuring. We chose this batter mix because the reviews were so great. They take no time to mix. The dough comes out a bit runny but if you fill the bottom of the waffle iron completely, you get the fluffiest Belgian waffles. We are using the Chefman rotatable iron. I highly recommend this batter if you like waffles quick. You can add a little cinnamon and sugar too to spice it up." 2032,B001E5E29A,A49NWNKV1TEOO,Kim Robell,0,0,3,134991360
0?,I,?????? t tht?isis s??????????????I ????? t th t??s ??panpanc????e m???. .?????non????????? thi th??????ctct ?ononene ?????anyany y?????ese?s ss sos??I ?alalwlwawayaysy???????????in?????d d kd ??????in ?????? a??t ht ???????lll???ouou u?dodo o io ???mi?x x w ?iti????atateterer er????I adI addd?d fd frf????????ppppepede????anaan??ana'ana's'?s o?????rarawa??????????oror or?? h heh?????y ???????, , a???? sw s?????yry?upu?p fp ?or?or hor ?honho????? an???????k ik ????? li lili???ututttte??????? yo y??? ha h???ve ave ??an aan ?aweaw???????rereareak?fafasa????2202????B0B?????E2E292???A2A2D2???SCSCAC??????F,F?,Id,I??ho??SaS?awbawbu????0,???5,5???434?33433????0,????mi?????brbrebrea?kfkfa?st???????????idi?s ?? K ?KidKi?????20 20 o????s)s??,"????hrh?refre?????????////w/www??????zoz????????p/p??ror??????B0??????E29E2????
0,I love this pancake mix,"I love this pancake mix. Can not find this exact one in any stores so I always order online and keep in stock at home. All you do is mix with water (I add fresh chopped banana's or strawberries for a healthy option, and swap syrup for honey) and cook in a lil butter and you have an awesome breakfast." 2033,B001E5E29A,A2DG3SCAOX0SDF,Idaho Sawbuck,0,0,5,1343347200,"Family breakfast (Grand Kids & Kids, 20 of us)","<a href="""">
S?????wawala????ititct???? F ?????ouo?ses????ncn??keke ?an????afa???e ?MiM?x,x? 3 ??-O-????e ??????(P(?PacPa?k k o ?f f??)<)</<?????? / ?? T ????fafama?ili?? s ????d td ?heheyhe?y wy ???e ????e be ?ese?? t ?????I I?hahada???????? Th T???1010 0???an??ch??ildil?rerenren ?at????ll? t??hatha???????????d ??o o?? the th??????r /r ?????e pe ???en?tst?, ?whw?????ha?veve ve? se ser?ve?d ?pa?????es?????foforo??? l ??????????????? t? the????er?????he ??besbestst st t??? they they????ve ???????. I. ???t wat wasa???oooodod ??d to d to? se?e ?e th???lil??tlt?le le o?????clc??????? t?????r pr plp????s.s.".""???343??B0B???E5E?E2E???,A,???8R8????????DCDC,C??????????,1,???323?606?808??,D,DeD?li???????an?? E ??asyas?,",?WeWe ??????e pae p?ancancacakcake?s ????e ???????k ak ??????isi?s is isis is???r ?????to to??mixmi?. ?????is is iis ?????did
Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix, 33-Ounce Cans (Pack of 2)</a><br /> The family said they were the best that I had made. The 10 Grandchildren ate all that was served to them.<br />The parents, who I have served pancakes to for a long, also said they were the best they have eaton. It was good to see the little ones clean up their plates." 2034,B001E5E29A,A318RRB7AV2TDC,Reg,0,0,5,1343260800,Delicious and Easy,"We have pancakes once a week and this is our go-to mix. It is incredi
??lyly y e eae????tot????????re,re, ,?ana?? I ????????hahan???ulu? o ofof f?chc?oco?olo??tet? c???psp??, p, ??ece??? o????ananaan?anaana/ana/s/ststrt??wbw??????s/s???eaceachch ch?slslil????s os ??????te??????lsl??e pe ??opo???e we ????d ??liklikek??????????e ie ini?ndind???dud??l l pl ??ncn??ke????????iti? i is i??co?oko??????n n?????????????nen?ede?????bub??????fefer??ntnt nt f flf???or?????ou ou c??????st?omo??zez?e i??t yt ??uru?se?lfl??????353?,B,?000????????,A,??RCR???9U9??VWV?E2???ChChe????l Bl ????,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,?????989???20?0,?ScS?rur?mpm?tit??????WeW??fif???????d ????nenewnewawal?l ??afa??le??MiM???? whe wh?en en? we we ?re?ce?iv??? i it i?t it inin in?? g gig?iftift ??basbaskskeketke??aba???t ?? y yeyea????????????agagogo.o?? W ???? hav ha???be???en uen ???inging ing???? ev e????sis??ce??. ?????fl?ava?????of of?? the th???af????? a?re
bly easy to prepare, and I add a handful of chocolate chips, pieces of banana/strawberries/peach slices or whatever else people would like onto the individual pancake while it is cooking in the pan. No need to buy different flavors you can customize it yourself." 2035,B001E5E29A,A1RCC99UIVWE25,Cheryl Bill,0,0,5,1339891200,Scrumptious!,We first had Stonewall Waffle Mix when we received it in a gift basket about a year and half ago. We have been using it ever since. The flavor of the waffles are
??ababsb??lul?tet??y y?ouo????? t ??isi??wow????. . ??e e w??n'n?t t?eve?ere? g ?o o??????????is?quq?ici?? f fof?or or o?uru?r wr waw???lel????202030??,B,?000???????A,A,A,????????????HKHK,K???. ??rzr?ege?gorgo????sks?i i???TaT?hi??i ?vav?ahiah????"""""",",0,0,0??,5,?,1,?333???040????0,B0,BEBESE??????hishis ?hah???beb?coc???e ae ? b br brer?akakfk?????ststatapaplple????or ??????om????NoNowo? n neneane?rl?????er??y Sy SuS??dad??y my ?or???ingin?? w???????????ing??pap??cac??????WeWe'We???? go g???????VeV??mo?ntn?t Mt ??apeap?? s ???upu????????, s, sas???????oror ????????nd?? we???re ??????????the??da?y ???????????????liligighg?????????tytypy?????innin???. . U. ??????ettet??????????? t??????bsobs?oluol?????besbe?? r re?sus?ltl?s.s.".??20203??????1E1E51E5E???????K9K9191F1FRFR9R9I9???????an??iceic??L.???ap???0,???
absolutely out of this world. We won't ever go back to Bisquick for our waffles! 2036,B001E5E29A,A2A7AFPDGLYLHK,"L. Grzegorzewski ""Tahiti vahine""",0,0,5,1339804800,BEST,"This has become a breakfast staple for our home. Now nearly every Sunday morning, we are making pancakes. We've got the Vermont Mapel syrup, eggs, sausage or bacon and we're set for the day with a just a light snack-type dinner. Use bettermilk for the absolute best results." 2037,B001E5E29A,AWK91FR9IK0S3,Janice L. Rapp,0,0,5
,,1,131?33???565????grgrer????sts??????GrGre??at at??ixi?????oro????????? w ???fflff?ese?, ,??ama?????ththih?nkn?s s i ???s ??????es?????MuM?st???????? a ???????????it ??roromo?m Am ??aza????? I ??le?t ?????ndndsnd????????o o??????????????ucuctc?t."t.???030?8,8?B0B???E5E?E2E?9A9?,A,A2A2F2?FQFQ2Q2J2??0D0???DCDC,C?RoRononionin??0,0,00,?0,50,5,5?,13,1?2929629696???00?,T,ThT??e be ?besbe?st!st???I ???unu??????sos???arardr??tot??be?lil????????on??e ce coc??ldld d gd ??veve ve??hi?s ???? 1 ????????????????????????????rerevre?ieiewie??????o ??f f?? the th??????em em??iki?e e a??s ???????????ed?? Mi Mili??, , a, ?andan????e ?oto?thetherthe???one??dididi????t mt ma?ke???nyn??????????????us?t ??be be????kik?inging g f?????an???kekeskes ??or ???????es,es?, s, soso so d?o ??????selse????? fa????or aor ??? g ?????????se se a???
,1333065600,great stuff,"Great mixed for Belgium waffles, family thinks it's the best. Must try it and order it from Amazon. I let friends know to use this product." 2038,B001E5E29A,A2FFQ2JP0DKBDC,Ronin,0,0,5,1329696000,The best!,"I found it so hard to believe anyone could give this mix 1 star, I had to read those reviews. Two of them seem like ads for Robs Red Mill, and the other one didn't make any sense. You must be looking for pancakes or waffles, so do yourself a favor and give these a go
??????????? d ded???cicioi??s"s?????9,9,B,??????E2E?9A9??A2A??UNU?????????2,2?"L"?yny?nen?e Me ???ieie e Je JaJaca????n n???"Ly"L???nesnesKs??tct?he?n"n?"""""?,0,0,0?,0,,0???????20????00,00?????,"?????ene?titiri?re re??????????vev?d d?tht?isi???ana??????mimixmix.x. ??????????asyasy ??o o??ak??e ae an?????astas???????atat.t. ???e te ??ie????????ithit??sys????????wdw?derde?redre???????, , a, ?? w?el????????????sts???????????????? ap a??lel??coc?????te.te?. I. I . I???oulou?d ??defde???????????rcrch?as???e the t?hishis ??????????The The??onlon????roroboblb?lemle???is is? my m?y fy ???milmi???wawanwant??s ts ??is?is eis ?veverve?y ?weweee??kenke????and?and Iand ?????ve ve? to t???ou???e ???o fo ??eedeed ???y l???geg???famfamifam????. I??t gt ???s s e??????ivive?ve qve ?uiuicickic?lyly,ly, , s, soso so??I dI do?????? or o??derder der i??t at ?as ????tente???as ?th???? wo???????
. They are delicious" 2039,B001E5E29A,A2OUN2538DD7S2,"Lynne Marie Jackson ""LynnesKitchen""",0,0,4,1325203200,YUM!,"The entire family loved this pancake mix. It was easy to make and tasted great. We tried it with syrup, powdered sugar, as well as fresh strawberries and apple compote. I would definately purchase this again. The only problem is my family wants this every weekend and I have to double to feed my large family. It gets expensive quickly, so I do not order it as often as they would lik
?????202?404???????5E5????????????????NKN???????????NiN????GrG??ene????0,0,50,5,5???242414?66664640?0,???mmm??mm??mm???????e ??ovoveve ?ththih??????cacakake??? w wawafa?flflel????x.x. . ????s ??????toto o????as?e e ee ???ryryoyono?????t t???hishi????emem m?dodoeoese????e ?????k.k????ri??pypy,y? l lil????, , t, ?tente????, , y, ???mmymm?????20420??????1E1E51E?5E25E2929A29?A,AA,??8M8?V7V?ARARFR???????omomomofmo???oyoysy????,0,??5,15,?13113????????0,p0,??????e/e???ff?le??mi???????his his?????? the the ???estest t pt pa?????ke/ke??af?flflefl?e me mie mixix x?ev?????????????? f ?????rereare????astast ???? di d??ne??. ??? w??s s as ? g grg??????ri?????andand d wd ??????itit!it! ! M! ????????andand and????and band ?boybo????kepkeptp??coc??plp?limli?enenten????????? wa??fflffleffl?es es? I I m??de? a?nd???tete te??? them the???????-I-???coucoululduld ????rdlrd??????
e." 2040,B001E5E29A,A1J2E7CBMOLNKX,Jasmine Nike Green,0,0,5,1324166400,yummmmmmmmmm!,"we love this pancake / waffle mix. It's hard to please everyone but this item does the trick. Crispy, light, tender, yummy!" 2041,B001E5E29A,AH8MV7ARFGWYC,momof3boys,0,0,5,1319587200,pancake/waffle mix,"This was the best pancake/waffle mix ever! Wonderful for breakfast or dinner. It was a great price and worth it! My husband and boys kept complimenting the waffles I made and ate them fast--I could hardly keep
? u upup.p? D ????nin???lyl????coc?mmm???? S ????????????????? F ????hoh??sese e??ana?cac??e ????d wd wa?fff???e me mim?x!x? Y ?ou??dodo o??avavev??toto to a ada?????fef?ew ew i ?ingingrgreredredidieien??s,s??bubutu?? it i???s s???????orortrtht? t ?theth???????t.t?""??????B0B???E5E??2929A9??AQAQMQ???G9G???969?4D4D,D??????n,n????????313???696??0000,00?ThThe??BeB?sts???afa??le???ix????ThiThisis is??ror??????????????????????adaddad?????????te?r,r???andand and b???teterter ter??I I u??sedse?d od ???).)????I wI wiw?illill l nl ???verve???ak???wa?waffwafflflefles????romrom m?scscrcrar???????aia???."."???04304?,B?00??1E51E???29A29???393?0J0?IBIBFB???K4K??????????e Re ??ad???gagaiga?in,in?,0,,0,0,0,??5,?13??868????????TheThe The b be b?????waf????le mle mi?? y ??ou ??????finfi???????e mae m??????is??pupuru??chach???? ba b?????d ond o??ou???dad?ugughghth???????????mmemm??dadatda
up. Definitely recommend Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse pancake and waffle mix! You do have to add a few ingredients, but it is well worth the effort." 2042,B001E5E29A,AQMBGG9S7964D,bonbon,0,0,5,1310169600,The Best Waffle Mix,"This product is great. Just add egg, water, and butter (I used oil). I will never make waffles from scratch again." 2043,B001E5E29A,A390JIBF2CK4SZ,On The Road Again,0,0,5,1308614400,The best waffle mix you can find!,We made this purchase based on our daughter's recommendat
i?ono????? i ?t t i??? as as s gs ?oooodod ????shs?e e p prp?omomimisi??d.d. .??e ?hahava?e ?????w w f ?lil????tyt????????flefl??????n an an??????? m ?????ro???????usu??wiw??h h?????ondon???fufulu???rer????as?????? a?????re??? s ??rar??bebere???es??oror r?????be??rrirr?iesies s ts toto o t ??e ???p p?????? w??????yryrur??????? it i???is ?scscrc????????yuy?mpm??touto???2202????B0B???E5E?????,A,????UPUPTPTAT??JHJ??L4L?????ie???AZA???,0?,4,?4,14,??020??????0,????t at ??????ete?t a?????????????es,es??I I?ha?????adad ????????s fs ??omom om o ot o???r ?????es ??thath??t a?re????? s? swe sw?eetee?? I I ???havehav???lslsos?????????hemhem m? fr f????????tct?h.h?<b<brbr br / ??????kek??mymy y w?af???flesfle??s wis w???ith Nith ?O O?Su?gagara??inin ?th???, ,?????us?e ????onon'on???li???e t?oooo ?mum??ch ch??ugu??????ThThi?????
ion and it is as good as she promised. We have a new flip-style waffle iron and this mix provides us with a wonderful breakfast. We add fresh strawberries or blueberries to the top along with syrup and it is scrumdiddlyumptous! 2044,B001E5E29A,A274UPTASJHAL4,SuzieNJAZ,0,0,4,1302307200,Not as sweet as other mixes,"I have had waffles from other mixes that are too sweet. I have also made them from scratch.<br />I like my waffles with NO Sugar in them, because I don't like too much sugar. This mix
??isis s????? g ?ooo??????????eses ??rer? j ?????tht???ririgi?hth???ono???tatana????????mem??an?????? m??x x i is i?s es ???y y ty ?o o p ????ar???""???454???0000101E1????9A9??A3A???6U6U4U4Y4?7X7??????"P"???????????y Dy ??ele??er? " """"P?hihilhi?llylly ??it??????ellel???????????????29929?????0000,00,H,???andsands s Ds ????????e Be ?????PaP?ancancac????????r,r??????ece???????? g gi g?????????thathata???on?tataita????????e Se ??tontone??ala?ll ll??????s Ps ??nc??????ix??an?and and?????y wy ?????ououtu?t ot ofof f t???is is w ???ldl?d. d. T ???y ????? th???????htehtes??? f ????ffyff?y ay any andn??????or??ulul l??anancancaanc?ake??s as ans andnd nd?????????yoyou?? wi w??l ???ver? t?as????? A ?nd?nd tnd ?thethe the??ri?ce???n n An AmAmamazazozon???? a????ig ig s ?av????s s os ovo???ver over orordor???ininging ing f fr f????St?ononeon?wa???ll Fll ?FarFa?ms??? D??on'on???shs?
is very good. Waffles are just the right consitancy for me and the mix is easy to prepare." 2045,B001E5E29A,A3RW6U4Y7XPB5E,"Philly City Dweller ""Philly City Dweller""",0,0,5,1299542400,Hands Down the Best Pancakes Ever,"We received a gift box that contained the Stonewall Farms Pancake Mix and they were out of this world. They are the lightest, fluffy and flavorful pancakes and waffles you will ever taste. And the price on Amazon is a big savings over ordering from Stonewall Farms. Don't shy
??awawawaya????????heh????rgr?ere??sis????ana?????????o o?pap?????????????ouou u?wiw????ded????r ?????se se? pa p?????????n n n ??o to ?imi??.".?2????????1E1??E2E?????BDB??C5C5P5??DPDPHP??P,P,u,unu???omom2om??030???,0????????747?????,b,??sts? e ?eveeverer!er!,!?"T"????????? G ????? w wa w?fff????mimixi???? h ?avavev??e ale all??erger?iei???tot????esesees?ervervav?ti???s ??nd? t?o o fo ?inindin???????in????nen??ala?l tl ????? is? g?????at tat ?asa????g g????thoth??t t tt ???? pr p???serse???????es ??is is? a a??ugu?? c ??halhall???? h ha hav??e te ??ie??d sd se?????al al??ththetherthe?????es?es aes an??d td th????ono?ne ne i? is is b is ??????? th??e be ??bestbes???I ??totto????y ????'t'????de??ststastan??? th the the the?rerevre?ie???????out? t?? the the b the ??d d t???tet???nd???"a"????????ch?????????????rea???la??belbe?? o??????ther???
away from the larger size and the two pack because you will devour these pancakes in no time." 2046,B001E5E29A,ABDHC5PUDPHMP,untmom2003,0,0,5,1295740800,best ever!,"This is a GREAT waffle mix! I have allergies to preservatives and to find food in general that is great tasting without the preservatives is a huge challenge. I have tried several other mixes and this one is by far the best. I totally don't understand the reviews about the bad taste and ""all the chemicals""--read labels of other mi
x??s s a ??d d???????lll??seseeee e????s s os ono??????????fuf????ofo????ll ll tll ththoth?se??ini???ede??????????ere????re??cec??tat?in? k ????s ?????ingingr???ieienie???s ts ?thath??t tt th?es?e ????????????? su sucu?h h a????????in??, , a, anandan?d wd whw??n n??ouou ou???se ???????utu????????????he he?"""?????"" ""????teterte??? tha th?at at????????s ??atateater????nd nd? ot oth??????sts?? s????f,f??????se ??rere ?THT?? B ???T ??AFA?????????R!R??2??4747,7?????E5E??292?????JKJKRK????QPQ??????shshoh?p p? al?ot????,0,,0,4,????2912912???0000000?0,R0,ReR??llllylly ?gogooo????butbu??exexpx??????ve,ve?Th???is lis ??and??????th????gorgo?mem??????ategate??gorygor???oro???????? H HaHava????? th the th??ese ese p ???ca??es?????s lis l?ke?? go g??ing??tot?????????uraur??????and and h hah??ining???????????alal al p pa p?anc??kekeske??s ths t?hathat ???u u wu
xes and you will see this one is not full of all those ingredients. There are certain kinds of ingredients that these mixes need, such as levening, and when you use REAL butter, NOT the ""tub"" butter that contains water and other nasty stuff, these are THE BEST WAFFLES EVER!" 2047,B001E5E29A,A3JKRHM6QP2BMC,shop alot,0,0,4,1291248000,Really good but expensive,This lands in the gormet category for sure. Having these pancakes is like going to a resturant and having exceptional pancakes that you w
o???? e ???ece????? g ????ata?t ht ?????? T ThTheh??prp??cec??isi???????t h???? b?utu???????non?? t???? b be b????e ?yo?u u? bu??????? s sos?????s ns nonotnot ????????o do ???ngngrgrar??e e te ??he he??ror?dud??????ec????e e oe ofo??????.<.<b<brb?????<br<br r /r />r /????????????????iceic???y ay ??d ?ono?????ckc???of of? tw t?o o go gog?????????g g???me???????,B,B0B000??E5E5E5???????K8K8A8A7A?A8A??333??EEEE,EE????n n N ?. ?IhI??rigrig ??????"""""""????,0,,0???????797?20?00???an??anaana ana r ?recrecicipi?pe,pe??I I??sese se t???is is? as a?????e be bab?se????r r mr mymy ?wawafa?flf?? . ???se se 2se 2 2???ala????an????? m ?masma??hedhe?, ,???4T4??????mmm????????vav?anianili??a,a???andand ?1/1???cuc?up up?????????????????nd????????le?nd?nd ind ?it it??ll?????getge?the??. ?. Y. ????ne??ed ed t???leletlet ?it???cooco?ok ok a?? mu m?uchuch h lh ?????r r pr pe
ould expect to get at home. The price is a bit high but you know that before you buy them so its not fair to downgrade the product bnecause of that.<br /><br />They cook up nicely and one pack of two goes a long time. 2048,B001E5E29A,A1K8A7A8G33EEE,"Ken N. Ihrig ""Ken""",0,0,5,1287792000,Banana recipe,"I use this as the base for my waffles. Use 2 small bananas mashed, 3/4T cinammon, 1T vanilla, and 1/2 cup gratted pecans and then blend it all together. You need to let it cook a much longer pe
?ririoi?d d???????? a atat t?? l ????r r t???? n nonoro?mam????eme?????atuat?rer?e ae ???d yd ?ouo? n ne n?ede??????utu?t bt bab?ckck k o?n ??he???momou???t ot ???waw?????ususes?ed.ed??YoYou? n???? t?o ?????? wh whah?? t? the th?e ce cocono??isi??enencen?? o??f tf ?thethe ????flf????ixi??????shshoh?oulou?????e be ?befbe????e ye yo?u u au at??temte???t tt ??is?????ipi????????at???you????????te??????e te ?thethe the a am?ou???t o??f wf wa???? t???????? T ?????is???????mewme?????????ckyck????recirec?ipeip???inincin?e ???'s'??eaeasasys???????thethe ????fl??????????ck? a??nd nd??ululll?l al ?????. . . O. OnO?ne ne??banba????????????????asias??er ???ut ut?I'I???e he ?????somso?????ccc????s ws ?itithith h?????e e b?????nasna??????????'s? a???? be b??????ovoveverve?riripri??.".??????,B,??010????292????2R2??????????LWL?,r,?????on???????,1,
riod of time at a lower then normal temperature and you need to cut back on the amount of water used. You need to know what the consistency of the waffle mixture should be before you attempt this recipe so that you can determine the amount of water to use. This is a somewhat tricky recipe since it's easy for the waffles to stick and pull apart. One banana makes it easier but I've had some success with three bananas. Banana's are better overripe." 2049,B001E5E29A,A2R04M8DPT8VLW,rwspoon,0,0,4,1
2?878?444??4040000,0,p,pep????ctc???oror r??heh? w weweee???ndn???I'I???non????????????????????? o ?? m ???ese?? bu b??t tt ?thith??s is ?is is?? g ????????????e me ?mixmi??? I ?t't's's ??uiuicickck,k, , e ?easea?y,y??anandand d???odo?ucucec??????ic?ioi?usu??wa?fffflff???????es??????s s ps pr?????? t?hah?? s ????????? the th????????mi??es??ono?n An ?????on on?? but bu??????ini?k k i it?????or???? it it.t?""?202??????00100??5E5E2E??A,A?A1A1919595O5OAOAWAWQW?HIH?TGT?????????E E??ou?ntntat??????????????????????????s"s"""""""?,0,??0,?5,5?????46846818??00??,"T,"?as?tyt?y, y,??exextx???re re????at??????????is ais ????????mi????????mixe?d ???????h h??ili??k ik ?insin??eaeadead ?of?????terte??. ?JuJus???fo?????? th?? d?iri?recre?????s.????05105??B0?010?1E51E5E????A,AA,?PZP???VUVUSUSNS??ATA????FoxFox-x???r,r?,0,,0?,0,?????8383838138?767??0,?0,Be0,B
287446400,perfect for the weekend,"I'm not normally a big fan of mixes but this is a great waffle mix. It's quick, easy, and produces delicious waffles. Yes, it's pricier than some of the other mixes on Amazon but I think it's worth it." 2050,B001E5E29A,A195OAWQHITG0E,"38 TE Fountain Gal ""Striped Bass Lass""",0,0,5,1284681600,"Tasty, texture great",This is a great mix. I mixed it with milk instead of water. Just follow the directions. 2051,B001E5E29A,APZ25VUSNDATB,Fox-Fyr,0,0,5,1283817600,Be
s?t t?wawafa???e e?mim?x x????????ThThih?s s??? m my m????vov??ititete e we ??fffflff?le le?????(i(it????? b ???usu????toto o?????e pe ??ancancacakca???s ts ???, ,???????????aveav??to??ada??d md ?milmi????anandan?d wd wew??dod?n'n't'????uauala??y ?????? mi mil milk????n tn ??????ousou?se)se?. .????ou ou h??ave? t??o ao ?????????, ?? e??g,g, ????????????bub????????or or??he? w??affaf?flefl?e re ??cic????????e ee ??? w?????eses s as aba?ououtout ??oncon?e ??? we w????<b<?????<b???????parpa????ror??????e fe ???t t tt ???????????stest?????reare??at (at ??t t ht ???s a?????tlt????an?ili????an?? m ma mal maltlt lt m??????? in) in),)??itit ?hahashas has?NON????an??????????om???e pae p???ak?e/e??waf?????????????ucuchc???????usustus?teatead?'s'?s ws whw???ch ch?????o to ????stesste???rearealrea??y ?gog????, s???y ty ?????y hay h????????????s fs fas f???PEPERE?????
st waffle mix ever!,"This is my favorite waffle mix (it can be used to make pancakes too, but you have to add milk, and we don't usually have milk in the house). You have to add water, 1 egg, and melted butter for the waffle recipe. We eat waffles about once a week.<br /><br />Apart from the fact that it tastes great (it has a little vanilla and malt mixed in), it has NO trans fat. Some pancake/waffle mixes, such as Krustead's which also tastes really good, say they have no trans fat PER SERV
???G,G? b bub????? i?t ??asas s p ?????ala??? h ???ror??????eded d v ???getge??blblel? o ??? i in i? t ?hehe e ie ini????edied??ententst???ththeth??? i is i????tiltill? s sos??e ???????ththath???????????er?????? t tr trar????fafatat at? pe????er??in??. .? S ??ono???al???ha????????????????????WeW???ses?ed ed??o o h?avaveve ve?? s??torto?re ?ththathatthat t st ?solsoldld ?iti????????y,y??bu?t t nt ????wew???on?'t'????o Io ?? am a? g ?lal??????????geget??? it it o on o????????<br <br?/>/></>????/>/>T/>?he????an an c??omeomese?s ws ???? a??re??ipi??e te ?tha????? p pe???ecectc?t ft ??????????? tw t???beb?lgl?ia?n ???fff???????ithith ith n ?? l ?lefle???veverve?????????.<b.<br????><b><brbr ??/>W/>?We We????t ????????ththe???eg?????????? bu b??? we w??ar?e ?gog??ng??? to to t??????????thetherthe?????avoav????s nes n?xtxt.t.".?????2,2????1E1E5E????A,A????BPB?
ING, but if it has partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in the ingredients, there is still some (less than than 1 percent) trans fat per serving. Stonewall has none.<br /><br />We used to have a store that sold it locally, but now we don't so I am glad we can get it online.<br /><br />The can comes with a recipe that is perfect for making two belgian waffles with no leftover batter.<br /><br />We just bought the regular mix but we are going to try the other flavors next." 2052,B001E5E29A,AIPBPZ
??9Q9?R9R????????"""?CKC?????0,0?,0,,0??,1,121???????000??YuY???y y?Yu?mmmmymm?y Yy ???????!!,!!?,"I,"??ororirigi??????????cec??????ththihisis s???????s as ????ftft t??ror???? f?????d ??????gi?giftgif????ckc?. . W ?heh??? my my y fy ????ly??????d ???t at ???? a g a gi a g??ft ft t th t???y ly lol?????????mm??ediediaiata?????. . I ??t it ?????pep????um??my my?wawafafff??e e???ix.ix?. . T. ?????af???ese??tut??n n???t ?tat??titin????o o??????????????? do d?o no ?oto??nen?????o ??dddd ???y y ty ????ining????????????r tr to? t th???. ??HeH???e Ie ???am am? on o???amaamaza????cocom? p ??acaciac??ing ing? ye y??t at ant anonotnoth?????rdr?derde?r fr ?or??th?is?is Wis ?af??le?????, ,??t t gt ?oeo?? q ??ic???ly ??????? m?? h ?ou??e ?????? i it it it?????nowno????verve??yonyonene'ne???fafavfavov??itite? b???aka????????temte???????3,3???001001E1E5E???9A9?,A,A2A24?RFR?
T9QR9CC,"MT ""CK""",0,0,5,1280102400,Yummy Yummy Yummy!!!,"I originally received this mix as a gift from a friend in a gift pack. When my family tried it as a gift they loved it immediately. It is super yummy waffle mix. The waffles turn out tasting so delicious you do not need to add any toppings or butter to them. Here I am on placing yet another order for this Waffle mix, it goes quickly around my house since it is now everyone's favorite breakfast item." 2053,B001E5E29A,A24RFB
V?RNR?ZJZ?9H9?Y,Y??grg?2,2?0,0??????????161???0,???????pap??????s s?- - b ??estes??????wew???? e eve?verve??????d.d????"W"???????inintn?o o???r ???iri?d d c ??n n? of of f t???s ??lal??oro??ulu????d ?eae?asyas???mixmi???and? i ???juj?stst st???????to? g geg?t t bt ????ere??an?????????????unundn???y iy isi???panpa???akeake e de da????????r ????sese,se?? an a?nd nd?????????????d bd ?????berbe???y py pa????kekeske?s ws ?it???re???l ml ?apa??e e se ??????? T ??hishis his? mi mix??????s ????????blubl?uebue????rieries?????ele?y y -y ??????t t o??verver-ver-m-?mixmix mix t? the th??????ededied????s s as ?and??yoyou????lll???getge???nicni??, ?????fyf??frf???it-it-f-?ilillil?ledle?????? no n???? pa p?ancanca??eses ???at???re???????lutlute??????rsr?st-st?rarat?????????,B,?????5E5???A,A,A,??T2T?F3F?????????,M,MoMomoma?heh?n,n,0,0,????5,15,??767?12???00??
VRNZJ9HY,jgr2,0,0,5,1280016000,Tasty pancakes - best mix we've ever tried...,"We are into our third can of this flavorful and easy mix and it just seems to get better and better! Sunday is pancake day at our house, and today we had blueberry pancakes with real maple syrup. This mix holds fresh blueberries nicely - don't over-mix the ingredients and you will get nice, fluffy fruit-filled (or not) pancakes that are absolutely first-rate." 2054,B001E5E29A,A2T2F3V7H78FG8,Momahen,0,0,5,1276128000,B
?ese????ana??aka?es? e ??erer!r??WeW? f ????? r ?ece???vevedve? S ????????l l??an?????s s??s s as ???ifi??. . W ?We We h ?avave??oro?????????emem m?????? A ????onon on???o o h??as as???e ?????t pt prp???cesces.s??HiHigi???y y?????mmmmem?ndn????isi???????ctct.?? Wi W?ll?????uru???heherhe????????y ??or?e.e?..??202?5555,5???????E2E292??,A,?JHJ??595??????WZW?,",?ErE??ca??????ric?a"a"""""""","?0,0???5,5,15,121????828?????,Ad,Addd?icictic??ed,ed,","I,"??bob???ghtgh??th?????? a? w?hi??????cauca???????ouounou?? s sos???e je jaj?m m mm ma?????y ??the?? sa s?ameame ???ompom??nyn??????aba????????ly ly?lol?ve?? i ???????diddi???????????t mt mum?uchuch h???re?re tre ???? b?????? wa w????e ???and and????ncancak??????. ????s ???is sis ????uc????????r.r???r r???<b????/>I/>?????eaeas??y t?o ???e ??????makma??? m?oio??????lu?ffffyffy
est pancakes ever!,We first received Stonewall pancakes as a gift. We have ordered them 2x on Amazon who has the best prices. Highly recommend this product. Will return here to buy more... 2055,B001E5E29A,AJHH59ALYINWZ,"Erica ""Erica""",0,0,5,1275782400,Addicted,"I bought this on a whim because I found some jam made by the same company and absolutely loved it. I didn't expect much more than basic waffle and pancake mix. This is so much better.<br /><br />It's easy to use and makes moist, fluffy
p????aka??s s????t t??????????e ????? I ? a?m m n nen??ere????yiyiningn??????uiu??? a????".????565????010??5E5?292???AIA???4O4????KQK?N1N1,1?EdE???????. ???asases?e Je ??r.,r.,0,?,0,0,,0?????757??232????????t ?????????t,t????havha???ususe??d td th?????ror????t ?????????w w y ?ea?rsr??non?w.w. . T. ???is is bis ???ingin????e e f???rstrs??titimimem???ro?m ??????n.n. ??????lalada?d id ?t ???????therthe? . T?????is?is b?????ar ar t?heh???????pa?????e/e?wawafwa????e me ??? o ?? t th???????ketke?????????? ! ?2?0505705????00100???5E25E29??A,AA,A8A8N8????ZDZDZDZWZ?????????? M ???????s,s??,0,0,0,0,????????494969??????asast?y ?papan??cakcake?s,?? bu butu?????itittit?????la?????ThTheTh???pan??????s ws wew????ded????ioi?usus,us, ,????t t????y wy ?????'t't ????????ffyff?y ay as???? the the??nenesne????????malma??
pancakes that are to die for. I am never buying Bisquick again." 2056,B001E5E29A,AILO4OENJKQN1,Edward S. Pease Jr.,0,0,5,1275523200,Best Breakfast,I have used this product for a few years now. This being the first time from Amazon. I'm glad it was there. This is by far the best pancake/waffle mix on the market bar NONE ! 2057,B001E5E29A,A8NE8PZDZW5EW,Geoff Matthews,0,0,4,1273449600,"Tasty pancakes, but a little flat","The pancakes were delicious, but they weren't as fluffy as the ones I normally
m mam??e.e? ?NeN?xtx?????e e?? u ??e ?tht??????'m'????????????hi?p p? th t???????wh??tetese?????????????? tha thata???helhe?psp??????585????0101E1E5E??????A3A??????????9292N2???. ?GoG?rmr???,0,??,0,,0,5,5,5,1,?????????????isispispyp? a?nd? s?ofo??t at ala?l l????ono?cec???I ??ouo?????theth??e ??? a??????? G ????d Bd ?oxo????ricri???????e e de ?aya???????wiwis?e ??I wI wow???? n ?ot? h hahavavev?e le lol?okoke??d td twtwi?ce?????1616.6?00????ancan?akakeak???ixix.x. ???owo?? we w??????hoh??ke?? - ???????ng????mpm????s ??o ?th??is is m mi m??. . . I. ???ve ve t?ri????eve?verve????ox???in in????e se ??????fo????ourour ???????? w?afa???e ?e mae m?????????d thd t????????p tp th????????<b<brb????????flefl?? a ar a?re ???????andand and? cr c?risri????????? o ou?tstsis?ded??e ane a?nd ???upeup?????????n n t? the? the i the ?????
make. Next time I use this, I'm going to whip the egg whites and see if that helps." 2058,B001E5E29A,A3GNAMNF5EN92N,P. Gorman,0,0,5,1272758400,Crispy and soft all at once.,I found these at a super Gold Box pricing one day otherwise I would not have looked twice at 16.00 pancake mix. Now we are hooked - nothing compares to this mix. I've tried every box in the store for our belgian waffle maker and these top them all!<br />Waffles are nice and crisp on the outside and super soft on the inside
????heheye? a ?rere e s ???ded???e ??he??y dy ??n'n?????sosorso?? s sy syryrur?p p o ?r r t tot?????gsg??. . ?I I?wiw????bubuyu???thithisi?????r ?ana?? o???er er? ag agagaiain?..???5959,9,B,?000??E5E5E5E2E292?A,A??1S1S7S??FTF??HDH??3H3HAH????ococec??????wiwizwi????d "d """????e_??the????wizawiz????????,0?,4,?,1,121?727?323262?404?00,00,D,??eses ????????s fs ??? o???????????ar?iti?y y iy in????? k ???????????? a a????m,m? I???????d ???????wowo-wo????ck ck o of o? S StStotontone???ll? K ??itc???hen hen?????hoh?usu???PaPan???ke????????fff????MiM????????tltlyl???en?titici?cedced ?in????mem?e me ??asa???? b?y ??he?he ahe ??rereare???y py ??????ve? r???????s hs ?????-a-??d ???wiwilwi????????to to???oso?????y ny ?oto????? th????wew??wi??l ????????pinpi?ng ng ang ?? su supuppupplp?? o?? h ??and? i in???ourou???panpa?ntrnt????brb?r /r ?><>?<br<b????I ?rerea???
. They are so dense they don't absorb syrup or toppings. I will buy this over and over again. 2059,B001E5E29A,A1S7BFT0HDF3HA,"loce_the_wizard ""loce_the_wizard""",0,0,4,1272326400,Does wonders for one's popularity in the kitchen,"On a whim, I picked up a two-pack of Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix recently, enticed in some measure by the already positive reviews here--and I will add to those by noting that we will be keeping a supply on hand in our pantry.<br /><br />I really
???idid d n ??? e ?xpx??ctc?t tt tht?ata??t tht t???????y-y?toto-o??????re??????wowououlu?d ??iei??? w???flf?eses s bs ?ete???? t ththathana???????ror?m-m????at?chc? r re?????s ?I I??????????ususis?????bub?????? t??????affaf??????????? s ???????d wd ?iti???? e ea?????eae??? a ??te?????iningin?? ba b??is???? t?? t??????cec?essesseseses es o ????? the ????in????????r tr ththeth???asastast ?fefewew w yw yeyea???.<.?????????r /r />r /?BeBeie?inging ing? ab a?lele le? to to to???????ut???cricr????, a, ??iryiry,y???igi???, ??ala?tyt? w wa??????s ds ????????ded???s f?????nen????popopo??????ityit???in ?????????????, a?????paipa????ing ?th?thesthese? w??ithith h rh ???al al? ma m????le sle ?????p ap ?andan?????????????berberrr?ie???is?is tis ththe???waywa?????gog?????????B0B??1E1?5E5E2E?????1V1??4E4????767??262??M.M? L ???U,U,0,???0,40,4,4????151
did not expect that this easy-to-prepare mix would yield waffles better than the from-scratch recipes I had been using, but now the waffle iron is stashed within easy reach after being banished to the recesses of the cabinets for the last few years.<br /><br />Being able to whip out crisp, airy, light, malty waffles does wonders for one's popularity in the kitchen, and pairing these with real maple syrup and fresh blueberries is the way to go." 2060,B001E5E29A,A1VK4EB3V76826,M. LIOU,0,0,4,12715
4484????????lolovovev?????,",??o o???ttttet?r r??owow w y ??u u? me mesesss??????hehe e re rerececic?pepe,e? t???s ?????sts???l l????es???y y f ??????y hy hah??pyp??????????????y y my ??rnr???????""?202?6161,1,B,???????2929A9?,A,?1212D2DWDWMWM9M?QVQVTV?0U0?????RaR????? " ?"R??aRaaRaDa??""??,5,?????1,11,12?949???404???????tat????ifi??I I?coc??ldl????UKU???UK?? YU?K,K??I ????? a ?n ????ene?ses?e le ????ve fve fof?? p ?an?cac??es?? ?? h ha h??ve ????en en o ???a a??eae??chc??????th?e ???stst st? pa pananc????????? fo?r ?aba????????ea?r.r. ?I ?did?????????ititeit???????????ewe??????matmatut??relre?y ?????I wI ?????d ?tot?o go ?ivive?ve tve th?the the p?ror??????a ?fa?????????e.e. . . ?? I t I trt?rieriede?d id ???????h wh whw??lel???????. ????????d id itd i?t w?it?ith ith??????ermer?mil?????????riedried ?d itd it d it??itith?ith bith ????????????
48800,We love it.,"No matter how you mess up the recipe, this Mix still makes my family happy in the Sunday morning :)" 2061,B001E5E29A,A12DWM9QVT0UUA,"RaRaDC ""RaRaDC""",5,8,1,1294704000,0 Stars if I could! YUK YUK YUK,"I have an immense love for pancakes. I have been on a search for the best pancake mix for about a year. I did not write this review prematurely as I wanted to give the product a fair chance. I tried it with whole milk. I tried it with buttermilk. I tried it with blueberries.
I? t trt??eded d i ?t t?wiwit???utut ????ebe??rrrririeri?????????? b ???faf??? th theh??WOWORO?STS? m mim?x x? I I?hah???e te tr?ie?d ?tht?usu?s fs ?farfa?????he???lal?avoav?r r ir ????otot ?gogooo????ses???????kek????? ne n?eedee????or???sus?????. . W. ?it?ith ith??????er?ri?riesrie?, ?itit ??is is vis veverve?y ?????d t?????t t tt ???e pe ?anancn??kekeskes s ts tot??cocoo?????l l t??????????????? w????????ovo??vercver??????g g???????. I. ????al?lyl???m m t?ele??in????ou???ll???? the the? hy hypy?e ?onon n t??is??prp???????ha?s s gs go????o ??be be f???????opo???e te the t??????ith?????or???foforor or t?????????????olo??or?or hor ha??ve ve n ne nev neve????ririe???ananoan?othot?herhe?r hr hihigigh????alalialit?y ?mi?????. I . I???oneones?tlt?ly ly????ldl?d rd ??ththe??r er ?eatea??pa?pancpan??ke??????????DoD??al??ds.ds???DoDonDo????wa?sts??e ye ??????????! !??(R(RoR????s
I tried it without blueberries. It is by far the WORST mix I have tried thus far. The flavor is not good, seems like it needs more sugar. With blueberries, it is very hard to get the pancakes to cook all the way through without overcooking them. I really am telling you all the hype on this product has got to be from people that either work for the company lol or have never tried another high quality mix. I honestly would rather eat pancakes from McDonalds. Don't waste your money! (Robbys
?mim????s s??lsl????ayayyyyy?yy?????? b ?ete?????????I I??ele????? i?t t??????heheae???????(m(mamay???????tt????fof?r ?wa?fffflf?ese?...???ini??e e Ie ??m m??tut?ckck k w???? t ?wow?o co ?anansn??I ?ma??????y ty ththath??..?????!)!?""2??????????????A,A??121??????X0X0J0????????mym????. H. ?????????5,5?8,8,5??111?909080?515???00,00???? b?????? waf wa??lelesle???I hI ???? A ?????? r ???????s s ts ??isis is? it???m am ????????????'t'???stast??????e ??ththetherther r br ?rar?andandsand??ououtu???????e se si????e ie ????????hih???br??and??????? the the ?prp???? i is i???????t at at? A Am A?maz??? t???2????????1E1E51E5E????A,AA,???3H3H9H?5Q5???313??A3,A3?PaP??tytyDy?????3,?5,5,35,?3,13,?????6060000000?????????o Go ?re?at??,Th,T??????st ?????g g a?bobououtout ??hihishi??pap????keke ???and and??? waff waf???e me mi????is ???the the??
mix is also wayyyyyyyyyy better and I believe it was cheaper). (may be better for waffles...since I'm stuck with two cans I may try that...ugh!)" 2062,B001E5E29A,A128T00RX0JOS2,Tammy M. Hendrick,5,8,5,1190851200,The best waffles,I hope Amazon restocks this item always.I can't stand the other brands out there since it got this brand.And the price is right at Amazon to. 2063,B001E5E29A,A2A3H95QZS31A3,PattyDuff,3,5,3,1287360000,Not So Great,The best thing about this pancake and waffle mix is the ca
n? i ?n ?whw?icichch h i it it t?cocomomem?s.s. .?????eae???y y?lil?????heh??coconconvn?ene????cec??ofo? t?he???????andand d t? the th???aca?????ata???????sesea?lsl??ea??ili???????/>/?????bab?attat?ere?r cr ??okoke????? n ?????? a ????????????uru?re re w ???s Os ?K.K?. . ?HoH??eve???r Ir I ?wa?s ?veververyver??didisi???popoioin??????in in?? the the ??lal?vovoro???. T. ??er??????re ?sts?ono?g g???ver????es???????????alal al???????s.???r ???????illil??beb?e ee ??peper??me?ntn?????wiw?ithit??mym????n ????ipipepespe?s is in?in tin ?????ututu??,4??????????????TRT?VDV???????HQHQ,Q?????. ?GeG????????????121242?????24024?00,00,G,?????bubut? n???t gt ?re??at,at??????il??y ty totouto???d d b?y ??he??re?vi?ewewsws,? d ???cidci???d td to? t??y.y?. ?MiMixi????s gs ?oo?d,d, ,? bu b??ut nut ?otot ot?????t.t???????????ly wly ??ululdl?n'n??????y ay ?
n in which it comes. I really like the convenience of the can and the fact that it reseals easily.<br />The batter cooked up nicely and the texture was OK. However I was very disappointed in the flavor. There were stong overtones of chemical flavors.<br />I will be experimenting with my own recipes in the future. 2064,B001E5E29A,A2TRVDNMEA01HQ,J. T. Gettys,3,5,4,1249862400,Good but not great,"Heavily touted by the reviews, decided to try. Mix is good, but not great. Probably wouldn't buy ag
aaia?n.n.".????656???000??E5E????A,A?A3A3H3?XFX???VPV?BQBQ5Q???"L"LeL??a a O OcO?????????"Le"L??a.a.L.??????,5,???????181???12012????DeD??ici????s,s? m ????? a ?a ga ????t t g ???t"t",","",?????????????beb??????ancan??ke? m mi m??! !??????e se ?????th??is is tis ?????????? p pep???????an?d d t????y ay al??????ve ve i ?t.t???TheTh??????pa?ckc????akeak?es es a a a???iceice e le ?litli???le le????t.?????????00???????A,???5C5????ZIZIFIFHFH9H959??,"?rir?????12312? " "" "?ri????12123?"""""""",""",1,???,3?,1?31??616???????oto?thi?????pe???al???oror r w ???????????y,y,"??eee???cuc??rioriou??????outou??????ewe?alallall all s????e ?re?adadid??????all all tall th??????zoz?? r rerevre??ew?s ?bub??????? su s????ababoab??out out??????dindi?? $ ??? f?or?? a ?pa?????e e me ?ix?. ????he he?ot????????, ??foufounundn??a ?bibigi???canca??at???ur
ain." 2065,B001E5E29A,A3HXF3GVPBQ5B,"Lena Ocansey ""Lena.L""",3,5,5,1231891200,"Delicious, makes a great gift","This is the best pancake mix! I've sent this to several people, and they all love it. The two-pack makes a nice little gift." 2066,B001E5E29A,A15C9JJZIFH95R,"risky123 ""risky123""",1,2,3,1315612800,Nothing special for what you pay,"Been curious about Stonewall since reading all the Amazon reviews but not sure about spending $$$ for a pancake mix. The other day, found a big can at Sur
??a a?TaT?b b?sts???? i ini??SaSanan ???an?cicisi??? f ?oror or???lyly y?????959????????tht??ugu??t,t, ?????non??t, t, t??????s s??y ????anc?e ?to?? tr t?????I ????s ss sos??lol???in?? f????????????dad?????????ing ing???????dede ???? fi f?rsr??? th thi thin??ing ting ???dayda?y..y.??..a..?lll??? c ??????? i? is, is, ???de?rwr???????ing,ing????th?ining?ing sing ??ece??? ?it??????owo?in?ing ??hehe ???st?rur?????onson??bub?t ?????ing ing ling ??? f fa f??t mt ??????nd? " ??he??altal?thithiethiere????????er???????????alral?rigri?????bu?but but??not??grg?reare?? e ??sp.sp. ??concons???der???????e ?prp?ricri?e.e????he?n n In ???oco??????? it it ?t upt u? a???it???ad??dedde???????asascasca?r r v ?an??ll???????xsx?eee?????? p psp????????wh?icich?? I ?????allal?????? wi wit????y ?pap????kek????????tedte??a a ba ?it?it bit beb??
La Tab store in San Francisco for only $10.95, so I thought, why not, this is my chance to try. I was so looking fwd to Saturday morning and made it first thing today....all I can say is, underwhelming, nothing special. I tried it following the instructions but using low fat milk and ""healthier"" butter, it was alright, but not great esp. considering the price. Then I doctored it up a bit, added madagascar vanilla, flaxseed and psyllium which I usually do with my pancakes, tasted a bit bett
e?????????llll l?rarata?ini?g,g??? s ??????, j, ?usust???k,k?, s, ?stust??k k w ?????th?? c cac??????????? e eaeat????, ??utut t w??????????uru???asa?e ??gag??????I I??????prp?obo?aba?lyl? t tr t???????exextx????meme ???th? f ?????????????k ak anandand d?bubutbu???er er a ?as as i?t t rt ??????menme??eded ??o o so ?seese?e ie ?f f? th t?hathat ???kek?s s? a a?did???er??ncn??, ??????ob??ablablyly ly??oeoes????I hI ?????ly ????comco????????arvar??y'y's'????ga???c c P PaP??ca??? M ???, ??alsal?o o ho ??????n ?AmAma?zoz???, t, ?????es es? so??mumuc???????er???????lul?fff??? yf ?ouou u??????101???? wh w????????in? p ???ancaanc???es,es, ????e ale alslso? l??ve???odo???ak ak?BuB???terte?mimilmilkl??mi??x, x,? al a?lsols????ere?ere oere onon on?Am?aza?zonzo?...?..h..he?al??thythy,y, , h, ?hea???y ???and and sand ?so ?gogooo???, e, eve????mymy ?kik???????e e ie ite it.t?.....??????
er. Overall rating, 3 stars, just ok, stuck with the can so we'll eat it, but will not purchase again. I will probably try it next time with full fat milk and butter as it recommended to see if that makes a difference, it probably does. I highly recommend Garvey's Organic Pancake Mix, also here in Amazon, tastes so much better and fluffier. If you like 100% whole grain pancakes, we also love Kodiak Buttermilk mix, also here on Amazon...healthy, hearty and so good, even my kids love it...and be
s????f f??lll??iti??????st?? ad addd???atatet??, ,?mamaka?ese?s is ????oro?tat????, , w, ?? e ????????????????????? on o??vav???? t to t??HaH??waiwa?i.i?""??????B0B??1E1E5E?E2E??A,A??MBM??PXP?ANANKNK2K?2626M6?,R,?ici????d ?C.C. .?????y,y????,3,???????37376760600?????t ????????en en???rer??d ?tht??? re r??ieiewe?s ??roromo?? ot o??er???us???omeom?erser???I ?wa???????????ab?ouo??????????????d ????????????s ms ??x.x. ?ThThih?is is??or?nin???? we w???????????lelesle??wi?thth th???????????ewaew??l ???itcitch?enen ???x x?? and and d Bd ???????k.k. . T?hehe ??????les???frofr?om om?StStoStono???walwa?? w??re? o??- - a?? and and s sos????rere ?th??? wa???ffleffl?es es f??romro?????ququiqu?ick??. T????wa?waffwafflflefleses ?we?????er??vedved d t??o so se?veverve??????opo???? fo f?? t???????ing aing ?nd??????????e fe ?????th?the ?sas????<b<brbr r?
st of all it's just add water, makes it portable, we even took it with us on vacay to Hawaii." 2067,B001E5E29A,AMB0PXANK226M,Richard C. Lowry,1,2,3,1309737600,Just OK,"When I read the reviews from other customers, I was excited about ordering and trying this mix. This morning we made waffles with both Stonewall Kitchen mix and Bisquick. The waffles from Stonewall were ok- and so were the waffles from Bisquick. The waffles were served to several people for tasting and everyone felt the same.<br /
>><>??r r / ????????rer?eme?ene????asa?????t ?StStot???wa??????tct??henhe??prp???ucu?t ??waswa???oto??t wot w??th????he he s sis??ninififif???nt? e ???rar???oso????FuFuru??he?rmr?or?????????????? av a?aia????lel????n on ??? l ?oco?calca?l sl susupu??????rkr?ete???he?herehereae????isisqsquq???k k?? is is?????????. T. ????? wi wil??l bl ??e ae a a oa on?e ???me???ururcur??as?e e fe ?oror or???.".????686?,B,????E5E???9A9?,A,??????LDL???KDK?????an???ke????an,an??????,1?????838323?????????e tae t??tet?e be be??????I I a?? c co con??stast?antan???????? the th?e se ????ch?????????ic??ou?s ?bubutu?ttett?ermermim?ilkil?k pk ?????????s bes b?ca?ususeus??????y ay ararear???y ?fa?vovor?it??e f?????????thethe e we ?????? I ???liklike?ke tke toto to?????ke mke ?my my??wnw?????geg?? t? the them them ??? t th????rir???inain????????ke???????e (e (w(??ic?????s ??????
><br />The agreement was that Stonewall Kitchen product was not worth the significant extra cost. Furthermore, it is not available in our local super market whereas Bisquick is stocked. This will be a one time purchase for us." 2068,B001E5E29A,A2CBCBLD2PKDXL,pancake fan,1,2,3,1299283200,Mine taste better,I am constantly on the search for delicious buttermilk pancakes because they are my favorite food in the world. I like to make my own or get them at the Original Pancake House (which has the be
????bub???ere????k k?pap?ncn????s s?I I?hahava?? e ???? t ???stest????????ded???de??? to t? t??? t th t?isi????x x???x ?????????? e ev e?venve??tht???ghg????ama? n nonotot ????an???? b?ox? m????????ThT?????ononeonewe??lll?? br b??andan???????a va ??veryvery y ay ?aroar?mam?atiat?????enentn????t t tt ???at'at???whwhe?????I cI ??as?????? b be b???mpm??resre?ses?ed.ed????TheThes????????akeakeses es??ar???????sese se?at???ll? a?ndn??d had h?aveave ???dedecdececencent???lal??????and???????re? b?utut ut??????????ngn?? to? to g to ??????????????henhen ???????? I g I ?guegu??s ???m ?on?? o of o??th??e fe ?ewew ew w ?????ououlouldld d gd gu??sh sh??????????????bebetett??????????ancanca?keke ke???????!!!? ??????rere ??k ??but???otot ot?????th th a?????tha????????????696??B0B?010????????AEA????????NSN???"T"???GaGaba??rieri??????
st buttermilk pancakes I have ever tasted). I decided to try this box mix variation even though I am not a fan of box mixes. The Stonewall brand has a very aromatic scent but that's where I ceased to be impressed. These pancakes hardly rise at all and have a decent flavor and texture but are nothing to gush over. Then again I guess I'm one of the few who would gush over a plain bettermilk pancake anyway!! They're ok but not worth all that money. 2069,B001E5E29A,AEZDGIIKFNS8,"T. Gabriel ""te
?gag?brb???l"l"""?"",""???????,12,1??252??565606????? b beb???ere? t ???n n???????"E"???eryer???eeeekek k I I I??aka?e e w wa w??fflfflel???oro?r pr ?anancan?ak????fof?? m???????e ae ????????????? T ThT???r ???ini??ono???s ??thath?? t?hehe he w? waf wa??????tat???te te d????????????omo? b?utu?t nt ???t bt ?betbett??????an????ososes?e Ie ????????iti????????y my mim?x.x. . A. AsA????ffffyffy ?y miy m????os?tst??a a?lol????esesses???? w wi wil willl? n ??t ?????lyl?y oy ??????th??????rodro?ucu??t at ?????.".??202070?0,??????????A,A????????CBC?I7I?N4N???M.M????huh?le???,2,,2????????919151???????propr?????????????,"?Th????????ensen???????????? m mi m????tas???s s ss soso ?prproprocpro?cescesss??????and and??ak??. ??? l??ss? e ?expex?penpe?sisivsi????????icickc???frofr?????uru??loloclocacalca?l gl ?rorocro??ryr???stost?????beabe?????hehe ???tast??
gabriel""",1,2,3,1272585600,No better than Jiffy,"Every week I make waffles or pancakes for my wife and daughter. Their opinion is that the waffles taste different from but not better than those I make with Jiffy mix. As Jiffy mix costs a lot less, I will not likely order this product again." 2070,B001E5E29A,A2VW3I1CBI7N4S,M. Schuler,2,4,1,1319155200,processed taste,"This expensive pancake mix tastes so processed and fake. A less expensive bisquick from your local grocery store beats the taste,
?????dodououbu?t.t?? I ??'s'??a a y yuy?????????ucuctuc??""???717??B0B?????????,A,?1M1?J8J?RHR?XIX?M5M5V5????WaW????r r???sis????,4,?,3,?????????606????NiN?????anancncac?????? Bu B?t t N NoN????????mpm???e Ae ?As As??????????? W ????r"r""???ixi?.".??????s ??ix??mamak????????e pe ??????keske?????eyey y sy sms??lll? r rir??h h a??????anian?illil??-y-????????ouou ou????'t'??????alallal??y y t ??????itit ?t ast a?s ss ststrst?ronro?g g? as a?s is ???sm?elellellsl??????on???????y ty ????? ag a???? b????us?????er?e e ae ara???eaeas???er er???ixeixes?es oes ou????the??re re?????t tt tat t?astasteaste ??????y y dy dad???n cn ???ses???I'I??????t ?t as?????pyp??us?ininging ?????us???????raranandand d md ???? th??at at????????????????the?? ad a?????????f f????er???no??ege?gsg????????k k? or or ??????r nr ?ececeec??sas?aryar?).)??????
no doubt. It's a yucky product." 2071,B001E5E29A,A1MJ8RHXIM5VBU,Walter Basil,2,4,3,1274745600,"Nice Pancakes, But Not As Simple As ""Just Add Water"" Mix.","This mix makes nice pancakes. They smell rich and vanilla-y, but you don't actually taste it as strong as it smells. I won't buy them again because there are easier mixes out there that taste pretty darn close. I'm just as happy using a Krusteaz brand mix that only requires the addition of water (no eggs or milk or flour necessary). Heck,
i ??????????t t?tht??t t vt ??anian?????????? a ?andand d t??ststet?, , a ad a?d d ad ????igi????????ququauarartr?terte??????popooo?n n? of of ????me me e?????????o o? yo y?ourou?????te??????r /r />/><>???r /???diditi??d d fd fof?? g ?????arar'ar's'???akakek??""2??7272,2???????????,A,A5A???H4H??8U8????8,8??lolon?????????st???,0,??????,13,1333383828242???00???el???????? ??ere???YuYumumm????ReR???nt?lyly,???????ifeif? p ??????? w??as as?coc??plpla????ingin?????outout ?ouourour our?? sam same??olo?e e be ????????t t et ??????mom??ni???. .??ThT?hathat t it isi?s ws ?????I I d ???????rer??d td th????he? " ?????vesves"s?? p pa p???ak??s.s??I ?????awa?warwa?re re t th t??hat hat h??e le lilikli?kedke???wafwa??le??s. s. ( ?WeW????????????en?en ten ???ete????????????????????rsr?!)!???????on on????e oe ?th?therther ??hanhandnd,d???havha??ve nve ???????ar?????
if you want that vanilla smell and taste, add an eighth or quarter teaspoon of some extract to your batter.<br /><br />Edited for grammar's sake." 2072,B001E5E29A,A5GNH4S8UAS88,BlondieinHouston,0,1,5,1338249600,Delicious! Very Yummy,"Recently, my life partner was complaining about our same ole breakfast every morning. That is when I discovered that he ""loves"" pancakes. I was aware that he liked waffles. (We've only been together almost five years!) I, on the other hand, have never cared fo
??????cacaka????? I ????vev?? m ???GrG?ama??? w waw????????bub?t t?non???????shsheh??did???cocouo??d ?tet???t t mt meme ??o o?eae?t ?papanpa?ncanc?akeak?????o ??????t ??f f? bu b?uttutteterte???r r sr ?lalat?heherherir?ingin?g wg ???th th? st s?ra???ererrr???jaj?am am?cocouco?uldul????????????ffeff???????????usu????????t ?????e fe ??? P ?ANA??????! ! S ?????????insinsisisi????? t ???chc??ng?????hoh?w w? to t????????????ooo?k k t?he??????ca???e e me ???DaD???y ?en??oyoyey?ed ed?????cakca???, ?soso ???le?ararnr?????brbr r /r />/>I>?I wI ?waswas ??????????????arkarkeketke???n ????uru????y wy ?he???I ????????to to? a a???-w-????kerke????d ????????????. ?????y y ty ?tooto????? b by by y t???????? f ?ror???? the the e Be BaB??in????rorodro??????????????th????????????lyly,y?, S, ?yryrurupu??????eye?y iy ?islisle?. ??OnO?????
r pancakes. I loved my Gram's waffles, but nothing she did could tempt me to eat pancakes, no amount of butter or slathering with strawberry jam could make a difference. I just didn't care for PANCAKES! She did insist on teaching me how to make and cook them, because my Daddy enjoyed pancakes, so I learned.<br />I was in Central Market on Saturday when I ran into a co-worker and her husband. They took me by the hand from the Baking Products isle to the Jams, Jelly, Syrup, Honey isle. On the
t?opop p????????asa????????vev?ryr????sts??????aka?? m mim????? ?StS?????????KiKiti????n n???rmr????????anancan?cakca???an???WaWafa?flf??????? I ? s sa sawa???thethe ?prprir?????andand and???oko? a???eeeepe??????????it? w?as? t??iciceic??th??? pr p?ricrice???????the the mthe mi?? I??hah???juj??t ??beebeene?n cn ??ntn????lal???ngn????rcrch?????g.g??OnO?n tn ??theithe?? r re???mmm?en???????, , I, ??to???sedsed ???it iit ????he?he che ????????ongong ????th th??omo?????????""???rgrgag?anian??, , l, ?igi??t ??mbmbe????mam??????yry?upup.p???br br???????s ms ??rnr????????fif??????????e s????? ( (3(? i???? d di d??me??terter)r?????????es es f??? m my m?????????????e fe ????mym???lf? j jujusjust??? to to t??astas??. . I. I I nI ?neene???ed ed t?????owo????r r /r ?/>W/>?el?????, I d, I dodonon'on??t bt bet beleliel???ve ve I???havhaveve ?????????????l
top shelf was ""the very best pancake mix"": Stonewall Kitchen Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix. I saw the price and took a deep breath, it was twice the price of the mix I had just been contemplating purchasing. On their recommendation, I tossed it in the cart along with some ""real"" organic, light amber, maple syrup.<br />This morning, I fixed three small (3 inch diameter) pancakes for my man and one for myself just to taste. I needed to know!<br />Well, I don't believe I have ever had real
?mam????????????efefoforo?e ?inin n?mym???ifi?e,e???usu???tht???????????ror???sss?ede??krkrar????a a????????? pa pana??aka?????rurupru?????????e Ne NEN??ERE? l?iki?kedke?d td ththath?????ufu??!<!??r ????hahatha?t pt ?????ke??wiwiti??????in?????????????????l l? ma mapaplap???sysyrsyrusyrup?? wa w?? D ?ELELIL???OUO?S!S! !? It It ?????ththeth?????ncanc???e me ???? th t??hat hat? ma??????????iffif?ferfe???ncence.e??<br<b??r />r /??????? am am m??eaeadadi?ngn??????ewewsw?s ts ????uru??hahasha???? w wa?ff?????makma??????AfA??ere????????ng ng?? tha that???ligli?????????fyf??pa??????e, e,????canca?n hn ??rdr?lyl?y wy ??????o ?ha??e e se soe s??e e we wa??ffl?es???? made mad??frf??m ??thith?s ?????. . T. ??esesees????vi???s ???e e m??akiak?ingin????????thth ?????????th?th ath ???????patpa????!<?brbr br / />/>I/>????lll????ve?r ?bub?y ?ananyan?????ng?????""
maple syrup before in my life, just that sugar processed krapola sold as pancake syrup. I have NEVER liked that stuff!<br />That pancake with a tiny dribble of real maple syrup was DELICIOUS! It was the pancake mix that made the difference.<br />Now I am reading reviews to purchase a waffle maker. After tasting that light, fluffy pancake, I can hardly wait to have some waffles made from this mix. These reviews are making my mouth water with anticipation!<br />I will never buy any thing else."
???737?,B,??010?E5E???9A9A,A????4L4?VTV????????,",??awawsw?tit??n n??"M"MaM????""?",",0,???,2,2,2????404?07607?????NoN?? s ?uru?e e w ???t ???e ?????e ie isis s?????????? m ?ixi???ror???ceceded d? so somo?????ete??y y?blb??ndn?d pd ?????????? F ???lol????????e de ????ctc??ononsns ???? th the???????tetere??an??????? ba batattat??r ?waw?s s ps ??pretpre??????inin in w wh whi??? i in????urnur?n pn ???oduod??ed?ed sed ????e pe pre preretretttty??????in pin ????cakca?keske?s. s. ?CoCon?sis?deder???? t????e ine i??????ene????th?atat at??eee????ed ted tot???????dededde?? i?t ?wow???????vev?e be ???????stst st???s es ?as?y y t??o co crcrereare?ateate ?mym?y oy owownow?n bn bubututt?????lklk k???anc????? f ?ro??? sc s????ch????I I?????atiatininging ing? tr tryr??inging ing ting to? f fi f?gug?ureure ????t ht ?ow? t???jaj??z z?????? the the???mam?ininiin???ing cing ?can?is?????s Is ?????????ftf?t (t (m(????be be s??me
2073,B001E5E29A,A1X4LVT73OV7PF,"Bawstinn ""Maria""",0,1,2,1284076800,Not sure what the hype is ...,"This mix produced some pretty bland pancakes. Followed the directions on the canister and the batter was pretty thin which in turn produced some pretty thin pancakes. Considering the ingredients that needed to be added, it would have been just as easy to create my own buttermilk pancakes from scratch. I debating trying to figure out how to jazz up the remaining canisters I have left (maybe some
??umumpm????? pi piei???????) ) b ??t t??hah?t t wt ??n'n???hehele?p p t?he?????ickic?ene?????th??e be ?atattat?ere?.".???????B0B?????E2E??????L8L?LBL?KQKQZQZ4Z?NUN???KaKat??did?d,d?6,6,1,?1,1,5,?,1,11,1????84???00,00?ouo?? f ???oro??te? p??ncn?aka??????,",?????non?t t st sus???e we ?hyh?? b?ut???? this thi??isi?s os ?ourou?r fr ??vovorvori?tete ?pap?ancan?cakcakeke ???waw???????mixmi?. .??JuJ?sts?????stestese?s ts ththe???es?t ?t tot t? u ????2?07??????01E01E5????9A,9A????????????????MaMatatt? N NiN?ichic?olo???????,2,,2?,13,1?????32?00??NoN?ot ot t????imi????essessesede?d,"d,?Ma??keske?????????nc???es??????? m ma mara?gig?inain???? b be?ttt??r r tr ?thathanan an t th the th?e se st??andandad????BiBis?quq??ick??rerecre?ipi???. T. ??heyhey ???e e ee ????????I I??ho?ululdl??????th??t ?mymy ???????iki???d td ???m)m).)???r r /r />/><>??r ??????????t t gt grg??at????in in????opo?????
pumpkin pie spice) but that won't help the thicken up the batter." 2074,B001E5E29A,AHL8LBKQZ4NUB,Katydid,6,11,5,1184284800,our favorite pancake mix,"I'm not sure why, but this is our favorite pancake & waffle mix. Just tastes the best to us." 2075,B001E5E29A,A1VRQ0TSYWLA1E,Matt Nichols,0,2,2,1320883200,Not too impressed,"Makes OKAY pancakes. Only marginally better than the standard Bisquick recipe. They are edible (I should say that my kids liked them).<br /><br />Not that great, in my opinion
???????6,6??000????????,A,?1F1?UCU????VVVV7V7N7?????ogo?ere??WeWese??fafala???0,0,2,???,1,121272797?757??808??,P,PrPrir?cec? v vev??????????e ????'t'?????????????idi??n'tn'????rer?????????????????t t at ?????ll.ll??????eee????d td toto o?????? a a???????????? t ta t??te?? to to ?iti??. W. ?????? w wow???th th t????coc?st??. W?e ?????e ue ?unaun??lel?????evevevenve???ini?????????? w wh w?hathat ????????ha??????? w wa w?as as????? n nan?????2??07707??,B0,B??1E????29A29??A3A?4G4GBG???ENE??5Q5??X,X,S,S.S?. W?ili?llilliaiama????????2,12,??????808008000???on??fusfu?sed??????WhWha?? a?? I?????sisinsi?g?g?<b<?????<b?r r /???hi???mi???crc??at??es es a? a p a pr?etettt?y ???uchuch h th ta???????s ?s pas pana??cakca?e.e. ?I'I???ve tve ???????ddddidd???????il????????cicin???mom???. I. I . I? us?e ??rearealrea?????lele le s ??????onon on??
." 2076,B001E5E29A,A1FUCVOWVV7NVO,Roger Westfall,0,2,2,1279756800,Price versus taste don't add up,We didn't care for this product at all. It seemed to have a funny after taste to it. Wasn't worth the cost. We were unable to even finish using what we purchased it was that nasty. 2077,B001E5E29A,A34GB6TENL5Q6X,S. Williams,0,2,2,1271808000,Confused...,"What am I missing?<br /><br />This mix creates a pretty much tasteless pancake. I've tried adding vanilla and cinnamon. I use real maple syrup on to
??????coc?????heheme?????????h h b ?aca??????reareasa?e.e??????????aka??es es??re??sts?????????st,st??????. . I. ItI????lil??? t?he?? a?bsb???b b??ndn??????tete e? th?e e fe ??????????r r / ?><>??r r /r />????e pe ??ncncanc???es ????ok ok?ok?. . T?hehe ?te?xtxtut?rere re ire isis ???inein?? J JuJusustus????????te?lyl????????lavolavor??.<b.<brbr br??><><b><???/>/>W/>WoW?????geg??t tt th??????gaiga??. . C. ?on?????ririn?????tct?hih?ing?? th the the the????st st???????at at I????????2??7878,8?B0B?????E2E????????F2F?RZR???????,","j"????????"jm"j???bc"bc"""""""",",5,?5,15,121???,1,12???808???00??,"g,"?oooodoo?, ?re?????blebl??re??ulultl?s,s?, e, exe????????",?????????t ?t tht the????? a at at ??t thet th????mem?????????????e Oe OsO?stest?????747???afa??flefle ???????an?????havehav???eee?en en p???asaseas??d wd ???????the the???esues?ultults?? l???ghtgh?, ???
p. I cook them in fresh bacon grease. The pancakes are still, just, blah. It's like they absorb and negate the flavors.<br /><br />The pancakes cook ok. The texture is fine. Just absolutely no flavor.<br /><br />Won't get this again. Considering pitching the rest of what I have." 2078,B001E5E29A,A13IF2RZ143R55,"jmhbc ""jmhbc""",5,12,3,1264809600,"good, reliable results, expensive","I bought the mix at the same time as the Oster 3874 waffle maker and have been pleased with the results: light, wel
???????????fff???????ata? t?????? g ??odod.d? M MyM? p prprorobo??lemlemsm?????????? m mim????ererer?e fe ?iri??st st?? the the ???pep???????secse??ndndld??y ty ?thath??? th?????ix ix?isi??vev??y ?fi?nenelely?? gr g????nd nd???nd ??flifl??? a ar a??rounrou????hehenhe???ououru???d ad an?d ??theth?ereer??mamayay ??omomem??so????ofo? p????umu??? ad a?ded?????? it i??. . ???t st ??mpm???ly sly smsme?lll?s ??tooto?????????????<b<br<br r /r ??? a?????ppp??y wy ??thth ???the the p????ucuctc????t ?wi?ll? p???obaob???????t ???????????.".""2?070???B0B?010???E2E?9A9A,A???K6K636????434?ROROJO??????ini??????????m,m????,5??,12,120???414???00,00??DoD?on'on?t ?t but b?y ?an??y oy ot?????????? i?s ??he?? be b?estes?????????????mazma??on on???wa???s cs ?ara??ie???s th?????????????tootoo.too??I I h???? o orordor?derdereder?ed ed ied ??? tw twi????. E. ?????llell?entent ?????ducdu
l baked waffles that tasted good. My problems with the mix were first the expense, secondly that the mix is very finely ground and flies around when poured and there may some sort of perfume added to it. It simply smells too good.<br /><br />I am happy with the product but will probably not reorder it." 2079,B001E5E29A,A1K63DKY43ROJ6,Robin R. Augram,1,5,5,1200441600,"Don't buy any other, this is the best!",I hope Amazon always carries this product too. I have ordered it twice. Excellent produc
?t t f ??????e e p ??ici??? Y ??m-m??!!??????????HGH???????8C8??ZJZ???X8X????,y,???????8,8,8?????333????6060000000????ryr?????ata??sfsfifiei???????t ????mem???anantn?s s??o o a ??????or or a???efe?????. I. I I??ouo???t t tt ??isis is? pa p??????e oe ?of of k k k ck cuc?psps ?????usu?????wa????ed ed?? a m a mim?x x?ofof ??eae??. ?????????otot ????pap?ackac???ge ge???wa??s vs ?????did?isaisapappp????ntentednted d? to to to s ?seesee ??ar??????anyan??teteate?? i in?????? pa?ck?agageag???????owow w?? the th??y sy ?????titti????d d bd ?asaseas??ed oed ??n an ??????????tyty ?????????thinthi??????????mpm??ete?telte?ly ly??is????di??? t to? to s to susubsu?????ututeutese??wiw??? p pr p???ucu??? t? tha thatat at????'t'?????tatai??????th???pa?ck????d ?th?? g go??t at a a??????of of gof ????gerge?brb???ad ad? an andn?d ed ?ggg???g.g. ???????OIO????INGIN???20????B0
t for the price. Yum-O! 2080,B005HGAVGK,A8CSZJA8X8IGN,yoyoyo,8,8,1,1331856000,Very unsatisfied!,Part of me wants to ask for a refund. I bought this package of k cups because I wanted a mix of teas. When I got my package I was very disappointed to see hardly any teas in the package. I know they substituted based on availability but I think it's completely misleading to substitutes with products that don't pertain to the packaged theme. I got a mix of gingerbread and eggnog. DISAPPOINTING! 2081,B0
0?????VGV??,A,A2A??MTM?6Y6?5X5?QCQ?0Z0Z,Z?b5b??8484,4??????,1,13,1333373707040404?00???????epe?tit???, , m ???? l lil??e e ae ??ChC???????? S SaS??????????????????????A A??????? S????LEL?ER<ER??r r / ??<b<br<b?r /r ?/>T/>???e me ?majma??orior??? o ???tht??s s Ss Sa?mp?le??r wr ?as????t,t?????????????HoH????ggg???g,g, , H, ?HotHo???ppp?pleple e Ce ????er,er????ot ot Got GiG????erberbrbrebreae?????????e, e, H????CaCara?am??????pl?????????olo?dedenden n??re???? T ???astas????offoffeoff??<b??? /> /><????? />S />?ouo?nd? l li l??e ??"t"th?e ??er?fe?ctc?t Bt BrB???ede???????IcI?ce ce K ???upu??? t?? y yoy??? ??? Th T??? w ?waswa????? t??tat????? o?f ??ce??????nknksks:s?????????a Ia ??ed? C Co Cof Cofff???????????IcIce??d Td TeT????, an, a??nd und ?unsunsws?weewe?tet??eded ed bed blb???k k i ic i?cedced ced t te tea?.<.<b<br??????<br <br /???ddd?ditdi?tioti??al???, ?th?therthe?re re??er???on???
05HGAVGK,A23MT6Y5XQC0Z,b5784,3,3,1,1337040000,"Deceptive, more like a Christmas Sampler!","This is NOT A SUMMER SAMPLER<br /><br />The majority of this Sampler was hot, including: Hot Eggnog, Hot Apple Cider, Hot Gingerbread Coffee, Hot Caramel Apple, and Golden French Toast Coffee<br /><br />Sound like ""the Perfect Brewed Over Ice K-Cup"" to you? This was the totality of iced drinks: Vanilla Iced Coffee, Peach Iced Tea, and unsweetened black iced tea.<br /><br />Additionally, there were only
???vav?ririei???????ata???r r?????? th t?? 9 ????sts??? o ?n ???e e?ded????ripri?????.<.????/>/???r ???? l???????lyl?? th tho th???hth?????y ??igigh?t t ht ?ava???mi??????y ??umu?mem?er er??ri??ksk??fof??r Hr ??lilidlidadaya??drd?rin?ks?????t ??it it?????????arlarlyly ly??aba?ele????SuSumSu????????plp???????????<br??????????or????????? i it???? do d????nonoto????nen?eraerala?????uaual?ifi????forfo??a a??efefuf????????wa?rer???2??828?,B,???5H5?GAG?VGV?????4Z4ZCZ?C8C8A8?AHA?POPOUOUIU?,B?et????????????3,3??,1,?????696????00??VEV?RYRY Y???????isfis????,","T"?????????????s os ???????g g?susum?memermer ???a ??????????gog?? l le lef?tot???r ?????????????ge???I ????? n?ot?ot bot bu??????????thisthi?????????ag????. ???HAH??? i ic icec??ed ced coc?fff??e,?? mu mucu?????sss?s gs ???ge
8 varieties rather than the 9 listed on the description.<br /><br />I literally thought they might have mixed my Summer drinks for Holiday drinks, but it was clearly labeled Summer Sampler.<br /><br />Even worse, this item does not generally qualify for a refund. Beware!" 2082,B005HGAVGK,A24ZCC8AAHPOUI,Betsy Chapman,3,3,1,1336953600,VERY Unsatisfied,"Thought I was ordering summer tea flavors, got leftover winter garbage. I will not buy from this seller again. I HATE iced coffee, much less ginge
?rbr??????ana?d ???gng????flf??vov???! !???cac????????lil??vev? I???usu?t ????ntn?t tt tht????????????f f????eye? o??? cr crarapap p???????????? n ????eveveev??????nkn???ShShoh??ldl??hahavhaveve ve w waw????d ???tit?? W ??????t ??carca????????! ! D! ?????KeK??ririgrig ???????????st?ufu??f if ???????g ??????un?????sus?chch h?????????ve???is??memen?tst???YeY????? I k I ???w ??it it??aya????flafl????s ?ma??y by ??? su subu??stist?ituitutu?????????t wt ?ou??d d bd be???in???????thethey? w????e me ?mormo?? t te t????. I. ??f If I ???d ?wa?nt??????oso?s s is ????????fef???flflaflavflavo??rs,rs?, I, I I wI wo??ld?ld hld hahavhavehav??or????????sucsu?ch!ch?<b<brbr br / ??????/>/>O/>???th?the the??????de?, , t, ?????peapeaca?ch ch?????? I r I ??ce?????d w??????veryver??gog?????OtOth????wiswi????????t t w?as????yoy??r ?????ey!ey???202
rbread and eggnog flavors! I cannot believe I just spent that amount of money on crap that I will not ever drink. Should have waited until Walmart carried it! Does Keurig know this stuff is being sold under such false advertisements? Yes, I know it says flavors may be substituted. That would be fine if they were more teas. If I had wanted gross iced coffee flavors, I would have ordered such!<br /><br />On the up side, the peach tea I received was very good. Otherwise, don't waste your money!" 20
8???B0B??5H5HGH??????A1A??PGPGWG?R8R??ZTZ?T9T?,J,????ewe?isi???????,1?????080???????? w ?hahata?????????ede????I gI ??????o o?TeT??? a ??? o???? ty t??????????ed ed??of?????????heh??reresre??????????????? C ??FFF?EEE?S S a an and? A APA?PLPLELE E??ID??????????????gng?????GiG?ngngeg???rereare?????aia??t at ??? s sws?tit??h.h?????? o? onl on???re?dedeedeememim????faf?ctctot????? Am A??zozono???asas as????????????issis?ueued?????e a e a???fuf?ndnd.nd??202??4,4???00500??GA????K,AK,A2A?PQPQZQ?HDH?????EKE??,p,pyp??mom???????????????6086080???ExExtxtrt??me?????isisais??pop???????,",???herhere?? sh shoh???d ?bebe ?????ptp??on????or ?a a 0 ? s st s?arar r??at??ing???becbecac????????at at???s ws ??atat ???????d ???ateat???hih???????.<.<b<br????FiF???st,st? t??he ??ama???in?ing ?waw?as as tas ?? i?ncn????de de?9 9???ariariei
83,B005HGAVGK,A1TPGWR8AZTT9,J. Lewis,2,2,1,1336608000,Not what I ordered.,I got two Teas and one type of iced coffe and the rest were HOLIDAY COFFEES and APPLE CIDER! Spicy Eggnog? Gingerbread? Bait and swtich. The only redeeming factor - Amazon was great and issued me a refund. 2084,B005HGAVGK,A2PQZHD03LOEKJ,pyrmom,2,2,1,1332460800,Extremely Disappointing,"There should be an option for a 0 star rating because that is what I would rate this item.<br />First, the sampling was to include 9 varie
??ieiese? b ??????clc???ede??ono??y y??? ??????pep?????tht??t ???? t ??? f flflal??orors???ut? o of o??sts???? w ???e e ne non?t ???????????????????????th??? f??lavla????rs brs ????in???ea?d ?? f??w w??or?e ?ofo??ththe?????aia??iningin? f???avoavor??s ws ???re re???sss?ed???? t th theh?e be ?oxox.x?. I. ??hahadha?d ed exexpx??ctc????????? wh whehenhen n??a la ?????????????on???of?????flflafl?avo??r sr su????asa????la??d ??oc?on??ut ???as as??????????tocto???? it it t wt ??ulu?d ????re????cec????itith?? a a????????ntn??????tetedted ?d edd e??ti?????????? f fl fla??vorvor.vor. . . S SaS?????????? fo f?? t th the th????lflf f af anand? H ??lflf lf?LeL?momonmo?????<b<????????concond???th??the othe ???derde??wawaswas s ns ?notno?t bt bab?alaalan??cedce?????f ?????????????ors ors I?????d rd ?recre??ivi?e,e?, o, ?onlon?ly ly????????co????es?, , t????re
ties but included only 7. It appears that the two flavors out of stock were not substituted with two other flavors but instead a few more of the remaining flavors were tossed in the box. I had expected that when a limited edition coffee flavor such as Island Coconut was out of stock, it would be replaced with a different limited edition coffee flavor. Same thing for the Half and Half Lemonade.<br />Second, the order was not balanced. Of the 7 flavors I did receive, only 2 were coffees, the re
????nin????5 5?wew???????????r r????heh???ono????t t o ?? a a a s ???memerer er s sa sama??leler???ete???s s????ooo?d d? on onen??bub?????????ececucututiut??? h he?????????n n???????ai??. . T Th??e oe ???erer ??is is?beb??ing??????rnr????????y.y?????858?????5H5???VGV??,A,??L5L5X5XZXZXZ????W9W???,K,??????2,2??,3,????????484808?00,00????t at ?????????r?r?,????e e de dedefdefif?inain?te?????ot????ninicnice?? as a???ortor?me???t ot ???K-K????s ??????werwere???reare?????lolooookoo??inging ing fing ??orwor??rdrd rd?????ryr??ing???theth?e Pe ???chc???ea?? wh w??ichich ????s ns non????????????????????????men???. I. ? o?vev??lo?okokek???????????e se ??????ing ??somso???????ororsor????y y by ?????bsbst?iti??te?d ???but but? on one on?e o??????????bstbs????utiutioution?s ?wa??? a ??ot?ot cot ??fff?????????f f Ef ????nogno?? F ????nchnc??ToT?
maining 5 were teas.<br />The concept of a summer sampler set is a good one but the execution here was an epic fail. The order is being returned today." 2085,B005HGAVGK,A2L5XZXB8YW9KO,Kevin,2,2,3,1331164800,Not all Summer?,"We definately got a nice assortment of K-Cups but were really looking forward to trying the Peach tea which was not included in our shipment. I overlooked the line stating some flavors may be substituted but one of our substitutions was a hot coffee mix of Eggnog, French Toa
???, ,???d d????hih???????tet???????????vov??????igi??tlt?y y m ?isislslel??????? fr f????whw????isis is???ctc?ururerede?????080?6,6,B,?000?5H5??AVA?GKG?????NKN??????9N9NQN????in?kyk?StS?tuftu???1,1??????333???262???00,00?ReR??????ed ed??????olo??dadaya?y Sy SaSama?plple???????? a a C a CoC????e e Se SuS??mem?er er????s,s?"D"????t t gt ????me? w???ngn???I I??an??tedte??????ryr????????oliolidi?dayday y sy ??ampam???r ?????stlst?ly ly?cocofo???e)e???????I oI ?ordorded???ed ed ted ?the??????merme??sa??mplmp??ler ler w??th?th tth ????. ? T??herhe????er?? j ?usu?st st???co?upupluple? p????????easeas,eas???????t tt ?????? an a?nd nd???????eeteeet???ed ed bed ????? t??as???. I. ??dididdi???t ?ses????it????????ec????e ?I I wI ?????ed ???o to ?ry?? th the th???????dayday day s sa s?????ler.ler????lml?????ev??eryer????ing? I ????????? t th????????g ???
st, and a third winter type flavor. Slightly misleading from what is pictured." 2086,B005HGAVGK,A25NKONGCR9NQ8,PinkyStuff,1,1,3,1337126400,Recieved the Holiday Sampler with a Couple Summer Teas,"Don't get me wrong, I wanted to try the holiday sampler (mostly coffee) but I ordered the summer sampler with teas. There were just a couple peach teas, sweet teas, and unsweetened black teas. I didn't send it back because I wanted to try the holiday sampler. Almost everything I got was the eggnog cof
?fef??, ,???????cic?ded??s,s?, g, ?????er er???eae?d d c?ofo?????????d fd ?????h h??????? co???? .? T ??????? w ?as? l ?ababebele?ledle???umummmmem???sasamampmpl?er????????? s ???? t?????????????as aas anan n??????dende?????????????t ct ?ono?????t t??? s se sel??lerle???ece???ses????oro?dederde???????whw?????????????????? u upu? f ????????lsl?s as ????non???? the therereere ?is??nono no? co?nt????? se sel se????? bu b?ttt?tonto?. ?. S. SoS?o so ?selsellllell?er,??ifi? y ???? se see se???thithis?is ris ??viv??w ?memesmesss???? m ?me me?? and an???e ????????k.k.".""?202?878??????HGH?AVA??K,K?A3A?SSS?434???U3U?8Y8?8T8?????,1,??,1,,1??,1,1,1,????????00?,W,????st st????memerme?????R,R?????ll?y y??mam?????!?! !????thi???????????????ou??s ss susumsu?mmemm??????????o ?????likli??????ic?e e c????????GGGG G?????..??? and and and???henhe?
fee, apple ciders, ginger bread coffee, and french toast coffee. The box was labeled summer sampler, so I'm sure that this was an accident. I didn't contact the seller because I ordered it while I was gearing up for finals and now there is no contact seller button. So seller, if you see this review message me and we can talk." 2087,B005HGAVGK,A3SS43TTU38Y8T,Rob,1,1,1,1335312000,Worst Summer EVER,"Really Amazon?! Nothing says delicious summer treat to me like a nice cup of EGG NOG... and when
??????????crc???iningn???????????? t tht?? s sus??mem?r,r, ,????? G GiG???er?brb?eae?? I ???d rd ???llllyl?????????????'t't ???????isis,s, , i, itit it s???ksk???. .???m ??rorobobab?blblyly ly j ?usu??t gt ????????? to????? ??? t th t??re??waw?????e e ae ???li????y toy to ??ratra??e te th??s ?wiw??h h? a a? ne n??ata?ivi???nunum?????...???????aya???3"3?2???8,8?B0B???HGH??????AXA?DYDYJY?????D7D7A7?3,3???????is????oioinointn????1,1?,1,,1????333343454535??????NoNotNo??SuS????r r???????,","I"I ??? n?????on???ded?er er????ingeing???re??d,d, d,?????y ?????nogno?, ????????????????????, ????iceic???Ap???le le???de???????er???iteit????...????????le??nened??????yoy?ourour ???lflf f af ?? m ??????ene?ses???????Y Y D ??SAS?PPP??INI???????20????????5HG5H?GAVGAVG??K,AK,A1A1D1??PNP?????VMV?K8K?8,"8,"R"RoR?obeob
I am not craving Egg Nog in the summer, it's Gingerbread I'd really like... don't buy this, it sucks... I'm probably just going to toss it. If there was the ability to rate this with a negative number... I'd say -3" 2088,B005HGAVGK,AXDYJ9U7TD7A3,very disappointed,1,1,1,1334534400,Not Summer Items!,"I do not consider Gingerbread, Spicy Eggnog, Caramel Apple Cider, Spiced Apple Cider summer items.... You cleaned off your self at my expense! VERY DISAPPOINTED!" 2089,B005HGAVGK,A1DOPN8OGBVMK8,"Robe
??t t???MeMemembm??r r s ??ncn?e,e???????I I f ?oro???????????.."..?"""""??0,0,0?,2,2,2?131343???353525?000?0,A0,??e e?tht?heshe?e ????? th t?he he???????? th tha thata??????e oe ???t ot ofo? o otothot??????ck??geg???,","I"?I wI ????hoh????? f??? t??e e ge ???t ????????????? I???gotgot ???cac????boabo?????boxbo????llll ll o?f ?a ??ixixexede????? o???K K??upupsup?. . D DoDonon'n?t ?ge?????????????, if, i??th?????ici????s ?ri???????thenthen n? I I h I ????e ne ?? p ????lel??????ut ut???? p?ri?ce??wawaswas s as ?a la lil????le le?mimismi????adiad??????? I w I wa?? u ????? t?? the the i the ?mpm??es?si?on???? that that t tt tht t??? w wo w??ldl???e e ie ?in in a ?a sa sas?mpmplmp??r r br bo?box,box?, n, ??t ??? wa w??ehe??????bo??. ?. I. ItI?t lt ?ooo??s ?liliklikek?e a?? mi m?? a an a?????atcatchc???? of K of ????????? that?? fe f??????t t o?f ???otheoth?er ?pa?ckcka????s os ????er?e e re ?retre?uru?nen?ed.ed??BuB?yeyer
rt ""Member since, heck I forgot........""",0,0,2,1347235200,Are these all the k cups that come out of other packages?,"I was hoping for the gift box, instead I got a cardboard box full of a mixed bag of K cups. Don't get me wrong, if the price is right then I have no problem, but the price was a little misleading. I was under the impression that this would be in a sampler box, not a warehouse box. It looks like a mix and match of K Cups that fell out of other packages or were returned. Buyer
b ??????.".?2???????0505H5?GAG????,A,?X6X??GTG?DID???0G0??????????0,???4,4,1,???424???????VaV?ariar?ete?y y??ata??????ththe? ( (c(???rerenre?t)t) )?pip??tut????????????????ururiurigi??owo???r,r????????????g ag ???mamanma?y y "y ??sas????ere?????aca???????pop?ssssis?blble???o o d ???er????????????oto?th th? my my ??ususbsbabana???????I I?????e te th??e me mom?????????><>??????????ouo??? q ?uiu?tete e pe ?riric???????? no n??????minmi?ng ng i ??? th t?he he che cu?tete te g gig?ftft t? bo?x x????e e oe ?othothe?r ??""C""???zyz??CuCupu???????????aseas?es es?????e be ?beebe????recrecec???vedve??in??, I, ???? e en??oyo?yinyi?ng ??????????etetyety ?ththo????gh???. . ?????? a?????t ?enententit??relrely?????d d dd ?ri?nkn?ks ks a??nd nd t? thi this??sa?????r ???????????a ga ????d md mimixmix ??????e ???llllol????g:g:<:????????? /??SoS
beware." 2090,B005HGAVGK,AX6YGTDI2P0GV,AZ Dee,0,0,4,1344297600,Variety matches the (current) picture,"As a new Keurig owner, I'm trying as many ""sampler"" packs as possible to determine what both my husband and I like the most.<br /><br />Although quite pricey and not coming in the cute gift box some other ""Crazy Cups"" purchases have been received in, I am enjoying this variety thoroughly. It is almost entirely iced drinks and this sampler pack had a good mix of the following:<br /><br />So
?utu?????????etet t????????sws?????nen???BlBlal??k k T??ea,ea?, R, ?????er?ryr??????t ?Te??? P ?ea?chc??? Swe Sw?eeteet ????ea, ea, S????????mom??????????lfl? & ? H ?????????anandn??a a fa fef??????????enten?t it ???ed ed???ffffeff?ee ee k ???upu??? ?AdA???tit???alallallyl?????er?e e????re re?? f ??w ?sesea?sos???l l??slsla?ndnd nd???co?nun?????????mym?y hy ???babanandan?d ld ????s.??????????r /r />????ouo??d ?co?conscon???erer er p pup?rcr??as???g g??????etyet?y py ?ac??s s? as a?????mamaiain??sosouso???ce ce?of? k?-c-cu-c??s,s???utut ??t ????ri????ofof of oof ??????? c???entsent??a ???p p? I I????'t't ?juj?ustus?tifti???ththe?? co coso?t.t?. . H Ho H????verve??, t???s ?isi??? g ?oooodo??????????????intin?t tt ??????ror??? do d??n ????e ?????riritri?????to to???urc??as?????in sin si???lel??e fle f??????????????? /?><??????IfI???
uthern Sweet Tea, Unsweetened Black Tea, Raspberry Sweet Tea, Peach Sweet Tea, Sweet Lemon Tea, Half & Half Tea and a few different iced coffee k-cups. Additionally, there were a few seasonal Island Coconut which my husband loves.<br /><br />I would consider purchasing variety packs as my main source of k-cups, but at a price of over 90 cents a cup I can't justify the cost. However, this is a good starting point to narrow down some favorites to purchase in single flavor boxes!<br /><br />If th
?ese?? w ?ere????????????????tht?????????oxo?eses es? th the?? u usu?? f foforo??????? s ?amampmplp?er?s,s? t???? w?????????? v ??eryer???ded??? g ??ft????ousouse??????in??????esees???????????eseese ese h hohotho??sus????????nt??s!s??????on??????ndn?d td ???m m???? b???ing???????gigifgiftgif?t bt bo???, b, ??t ????ou?ld???ava?????t lt ?leale?????????????? as a????n en ????useuse use t?? m ??se???? fo?????? p pr p?ici??.".?2202?9191,1?B0B?0505H5??????????????1K1?P6P???W,W???????risri?on?,0,0,0,0?,3,????434?525???00000??OkOk k?????ou?? ne n?ed??tot???igi??re? o?ut?? wh w??t ?????lilikikek????he he t?ea?s ??????to? b?re?w w??????y ??strstror?ongon????? us use???a la ???????lalasla???oror ???lulut?e ?e afe aft?er??..? U ????ss? y ??????ealea?ly? l?ikikeik?e se ?str???ong ong? te?a.a???????<b???????'s'?s a??
ese were presented in the gift boxes they use for other samplers, this would be a very ideal gift/house warming present for these hot summer months! I don't mind them not being in a gift box, but I could have at least used that as an excuse to myself for the price." 2091,B005HGAVGK,A2KX4741KP6G8W,Lkharrison,0,0,3,1343520000,Ok if you need to figure out what you like,The teas seem to brew really strong so use a large glass or dilute after... Unless you really like strong tea.<br /><br />It's a g
??odo??papaca?k k?????igigug?rer??????whw????? fl flal?vov??s s?????????t tt ???bubuyu? i ?? b?ulu?????090???B0B??5H5HGHGAG?VGVGKG??AGA???PGP?5H???TVT??????4s4??iti?h,h?0,????,1,131??????404??????? b br b??wew?rs? p?ac??k 3k ?5,5,v,vev?eryer????oodood ?prprir???e ae ???d wd wewe we????? o ou our???eue?uriur???????????????umu??er????av???s ??re???re???t at ??????????ror?bababa?lyl?y oy or??er??momororeor????fofor?? t th the th???ndnd d od ofo??????????????????,B,B0,B????????K,????9E9EWE?VCV??00?????JaJ?ack??ShShe?plp??er er "er """?"Ja"J?ackackoack?????","?,0,,0????4,14,13??282??64640??0,"0,?ReR???ivi????????cedced ?coc?offof??e,e? 3 ?????d ???a,a??????oliolidi??????ffffe?????? h ????en'en't'?t ht ha??d ad ? c ????ce? t???trtryry ry?? the?sese ???t t yt ?ete????butbu??I ???ou?ghg??t It I t I? wo wou????????he?ada???????????ono?n tn th??? I ??
ood pack to figure out which flavors you want to buy in bulk. 2092,B005HGAVGK,AGVKPG5HYUTV0,bre4smith,0,0,4,1334102400,kcup brewers pack 35,very good price and we love our keurig trying the summer flavors are great and will probably order more before the end of the summer. 2093,B005HGAVGK,A9H9EWVCU00F8,"Jack Shepler ""Jackola""",0,0,4,1332806400,"Received 2 iced coffee, 3 iced tea, 2 holiday coffee","I haven't had a chance to try these out yet, but I thought I would go ahead and mention that I r
???eieivi??d d?????????? t tht?e e?fof??????????? fl f????????brb? / />/?<b?r ?/>?????????RaRasasbs?ere??y y B ?lalacla?? I ???d d Td TeT????<br <br??>->- - S- ????????? Sw S?weewe?? I????????????/>?????eeeetee??LeLememom?n ??IceIc???????brbr br?? />- />?- F- ???????VaV?????????????????ee<ee<b??????????tutucuck?et?et Bet ??en??d Id ??IcedIced ?CoCofCofff????<br????- ?????er?br??eadea????off?ee?ee<bee<?br ?????????????Cof?fe?fee<fee<b???<br /><br /><<br />?????<br />F<br />????tuntunanata?ele??y Iy I'I'm'???????wiwitwith??????? a as??????as ???ondon??erierin?????ow ow????e Ge ???ngeng??erbrerb???d ?????????og?? ta tas?te?????????l.l? Y ??ou ou?mim??htht ??fee????ififf???????ly ly???ou????, a, ?and?? mi mig??ht ht????ant ant t to to o k ???? s ?inincin??? th?is?? se s?eemee?s ?????be be??? the the??????vav?ririeietetyet??????k ok ofof of?ici?cedced ced kced ???upu???????949?????5H5
eceived 5 each of the following 7 flavors:<br /><br />- Sweet Rasberry Black Iced Tea<br />- Southern Sweet Iced Tea<br />- Sweet Lemon Iced Tea<br />- French Vanilla Iced Coffee<br />- Nantucket Blend Iced Coffee<br />- Gingerbread Coffee<br />- Eggnog Coffee<br /><br />Fortunately I'm okay with this, as I was wondering how the Gingerbread and Eggnog tasted as well. You might feel differently though, and might want to know since this seems to be the only variety pack of iced k-cups." 2094,B005H
GGAG?????A1A???VHVHSH???VCV??X0X0,0,B,??????????0,???4,4,1,????000??????????rer?????g g a ????ortor???????ThT?erereer? a??????me???ypypep?? I ????ala????liliki????esespes????al?ly??SoSouo????rnr????eee?? T ??????hih????????ctctut?alallallyall????????lel?esses??sws??????hah??????uthut????er????rearealrea?????aka?? i it it)t??????he he?????????????????acachch ch?? are are ??alsal?? g ??oodood,d? a??? n ?ot? o ??er??????ee??. . . ?UrU?ololologlo?is?????s ?babanannan??d ??rtr?tifti??iciic?????????tente??rsr?s fs frf?romrom m???me ame as? t?????????idi?ne?y y d???magmageg???brbr r / />/??<br<b??/>?I I dI ???? no n????ararear??fof????? the the h ?????????an?????ou?????ththeth?ereere ere w waw?as ????itit t tt tot too????ch?ch gch grg?reere?en en? te teaea ea i in i???thethe the???ssoss?ort???ntnt-nt???ut?? I I???????fr???endendsd?s ws whwhowh???liklike?ke tke th????????????
GAVGK,A13EVHSX2VCLX0,Book Worm,0,1,4,1329004800,Interesting assortment,"There are some types I really like--especially Southern Sweet Tea (which is actually a lot less sweet than Southerners really make it). The raspberry and peach are also good, and not overly sweet. Urologist has banned artificial sweeteners from me as they do kidney damage.<br /><br />I did not care for the herbals, and thought there was a bit too much green tea in the assortment--but I found friends who like those flavors.
<?????><>???r /r ??ItIt t???? t ?o o? ta t?astas?? t????? a anandn??iti????s s fs ?ini??e fe ??r ???atat.t?? I ? d dod??'t't ?????k k? I I w??lll????? a?sss???tmtmem??tst?s as ??aiainin,in?, a, ?as as?????vev?e f??unund? w wh whahatha??????ala???y ly ??????2?090??,B,?????RLR?????A2A2C2??O5O????MYM??ZLZ?,",???????""""B?ix??????,0,0,0,1,????,13,1???616??808???????y Gy ?ooo??d Fd ??ava?????I I gI ???t t?hih????on on? a a s spspep???????nd?nd wnd ?????re re?????eeee ????verversr???????likli?? t??o to ??ry ry d???ffeffer???????indindsd????th??????YuY???? i??????r er eve??veryver??aya??co???????????????????? a a ??ururpur?????????cec?e a??nd ???????????, n, ???????????, s, ??oo?th??????mamayaybay???no?????as sas ??ror??g g a as as as Y Yu Y?ubauban???in in?? the the ????????moumo???ts ts?? the??????al?l ???er?????f f? th????st??artart t st ??
<br /><br />It was to taste test, and it was fine for that. I don't think I will buy assortments again, as I have found what I really like." 2095,B003NRLKOM,A2C8O554YMY2ZL,"Bixby ""Bixby""",0,1,4,1315612800,Very Good Flavor,"I got this on a special and we are coffee lovers and like to try different kinds although Yuban is our everyday coffee. Well this was a surprise! Nice and flavorful, not bitter, smooth and maybe not as strong as Yuban in the same amounts the was all there. If they start sel
l?????tht??? i ?in in??????????ouounu?tst?s fs fof????????tet?er er???er??dadayay y??riricicec????wowou?ldl???????mormo?e e be ?????s s is is??????veververyr??????eye?.".???????B0B?????A1A??6,??222??BJB??DKDK5K?JYJYWY???????aba??,1,???,3,????????444404????????shshohou????sas????usu???ada???????...????i i g ?????? ba bagag ag???? th t?heshe???anandn?d td ???????gigiei?e se ?stist???s.s. .???????t t tt ???ede?d td thd t?he he?????????????yeyet?. . t. ththe?? sw s??et? p po p?otaotata???????????????lilikli??e se swe s?????pop????????o mo ??. . j. ???st st? ta tas ta???d ??lik?e ??ricri????????r ar an?d ?????am??????? b???wnw???ugugag?????as?te?s ???likelike like? th???????reare?l l? ci c???am???n tn to??????rurun?chc?. ?i ??ut??? the the ????the sthe ???cacalallalleled? s sk s?in?innyinn?y sy st?sticstickcksks ks? in i??????owlow???andand and??dd?ed??? t. ta?st?ste ste?
ling this in lagers amounts for a better everyday price I would buy more but as is its very pricey." 2096,B007POA176,A22NBJNDK5JYWJ,raybabe,1,1,3,1343174400,They should say just add milk....,i got a bag of these and the veggie sticks. haven't tried the veggie ones yet. the sweet potato didnt taste like sweet potato to me. just tasted like rice flour and cinnamon and brown sugar. tastes like that cereal cinnamon toast crunch. i put the the so called skinny sticks in a bowl and added milk. taste b
e???ere???202?979?,B,??070???A1A??????????UFU???G0G????. .????????,0,0,0,0?,5,??131?474?323?1616060000,00,D,?ele?ici?????,",?ThT??s s?waw?s ?????? p prp??dud?ctc?????meme.e???Th?eye???????vev????????y,y? c crc???????????????is???????????iciic?iouious??. ?I I????? ve verery? p??????d ????h h??hihishi??pr?od?uc??????09?8,8??0000700?7PO7POA??176176,????0N0??2L2???????,"S,"??????olo???tanta??????????titic????ealealtl?????aca???"""""??,0,??0,50,??13???858545?????GrG?ea???ne?w ???O-O??re????????????I wI ?waswa??ve????plp???????to?? st s????lele le u upupoponpo? t th thi th?is is????andand,and?????????????fff??icuic??lt lt??o ????d ?????alalt???""???na???????r r?faf????????ththath????????????ta??? G ??????ngrngre??????s.s??Th?ThesThe?e ??er????a ba ?igig g h??it it wit ?witwi??th kth ?ididsds ??????ro
etter! 2097,B007POA176,AFZW48UFK3G0H,C. Hancock,0,0,5,1347321600,Delicious,"This was a new product to me. They were very tasty, crisp, and surprisingly delicious. I was very pleased with this product." 2098,B007POA176,A830NL2LWO3TV,"S. Napolitano ""holistic health coach""",0,0,5,1338854400,Great new GMO-free snack!,"I was very pleased to stumble upon this brand, as it is difficult to find ""healthy"" snacks for families that don't contain GMO ingredients. These were a big hit with kids and gro
??n-n?upu?? a ala????? a ad a??ede??bob?????ththah?? t ?theth?????e e?lolowo? i ?? c ?al????eses s as ???d gd glg?ututet?n-??re??????wow???d d hd ????lyl?y ry re??omo??????ththe??????t t pt pop????? f flf???????????welwe?? a????heh????an??d id in? g ?????ralral.l????????nen???????ananyan????202????B0B000????ININNN????2H2????3S3?BQB?XZX???,","D"DiDiai?anean?????adadid???? B ?ooo?? l???erer"er?"""""?,0,0,0?,0,,0???????989?080??0,0,P0,?er??ece?t ??ifi???,"T,"???s s ps ??ododud?ct? w?asa?s a??????t tt ?o ??? fa fara? d ??ststa?ntn???relre?latla?ivi? ? I????arrar??????ri?????onon on son scs????????, i, ???????????????iti???on on aon ?????he???????? th the th??ch???cec?es es i in i?sis??? t?? the the? ba b??keketket.t?????ca?nnnnonot? a?????????????the fthe ?oooodoo??pe?rsrsosonso??????, b, ????? she sh?e le ??ve??????!"!"????00,00,B???????????????Q2Q2N2
wn-ups alike; added bonus that they are low in calories and gluten-free. I would highly recommend the sweet potato flavor, as well as the brand in general. Great new company!" 2099,B0001OINNQ,A2HJM83SBQXZJB,"Diane ""Madison Book lover""",0,0,5,1325980800,Perfect Gift,"This product was a gift to a far distant relative. It arrived right on schedule, in perfect condition and she loved the choices inside the basket. I cannot attest to the food personally, but she loved it!" 2100,B000EPP56U,A1G6Q2N
????2C2??????eaeala??????,8,?,8,8,,8?5,5???????767?0000,0????????ntnt t r ?ici?? c crc?????????????waw?ysy? d didisi?????? s ??ggg?? o ?r r???ftf?????????rs rs??????mymy y py pep?eanea??t ??ut????? ?AnA?????ncn?ce ce Ice I ?al?so? h ????????ovo??ereer?d ?I ??????????gig????o o? wh w????, ,?I I w??????d ad ??d ??eeeed??????????????tit???. ???????????ll?y ?fofouounundnd nd??????????e e Re ???????un???????????s ?in?? Kr K?og?erer er????perpermr?????tst?. ?????? t??????rs?t t bt bit b???, , I, ???ov?eded ed ted ?theth?????andand and I?????????????????????verve??ed ed t?hehemhe?m ym ??????aga????. T. ??? p ??aiain?in vin vav?ariariei?????????????th??????????????nt nt? of o? s??altal?t ft ??r ?tat???e,?????d td ??theythe??ar????????ctc?lyl?y cy ????unchunchyh?y ay any a?nd nd lnd ?ligli????. . I. ??ve? o??cac???ono???
QMJ2C3X,ARealAVFan,8,8,5,1149897600,Excellent rice crackers,"I always disliked soggy or soft crackers with my peanut butter. And since I also had discovered I was allergic to wheat, I wanted and needed an alternative. I originally found these Kame Rice Crunch crackers in Kroger supermarkets. From the first bite, I loved them, and I wished I had discovered them years ago. The plain variety has just the right amount of salt for taste, and they are perfectly crunchy and light. I've occasionall
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y had a hard time finding them, so I'm THRILLED that Amazon is now carrying them. Give these a try, they are delicious!!" 2101,B000EPP56U,A1W9JPRW0GSOOP,Trace,4,4,5,1180656000,Best crackers ever!,These things are addicting and low in calories and fat too. I love the Wasabi flavor. 2102,B000EPP56U,A3CGTAG7A8FMJR,Priscilla A. Markham,3,3,5,1227916800,Great for you,I would recomend this product for it's fine qualities and taste really good. Very nice and crisp for any snack or with meals when you

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