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Crime Of Passion by greldon | Crime Of Passion „Ich liebe Dich auch, Oregana", flüsterte Tylon in ihr Ohr und streichelte die Füchsin zärtlich ihren Rücken hinab, ihr weiches rotbraunes Fell zwischen ihren Krallen genießend. Es war kurz nach Sonnenuntergang, ein herrlicher lauer Frühlingsabend. Die beiden hatten sich heimlich im | [
"German Language",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10066-crime-of-passion | Crime Of Passion
„Ich liebe Dich auch, Oregana", flüsterte Tylon in ihr Ohr und streichelte die Füchsin zärtlich ihren Rücken hinab, ihr weiches rotbraunes Fell zwischen ihren Krallen genießend. Es war kurz nach Sonnenuntergang, ein herrlicher lauer Frühlingsabend. Die beiden hatten sich heimlich im großen Park getroffen, in einer Ecke, die von nicht allzu vielen Spaziergängern frequentiert wurde, dafür trafen sich da aber umso mehr verliebte Pärchen und genossen ihre trauten Zweisamkeiten. „Leider muss ich nun nach Hause", meinte Oregana. „Meine Eltern warten und die dürfen davon nichts mitbekommen. Und dann ist da auch noch dieser Griffin. Ein unmöglicher Kerl. Wenn der von uns beiden wüsste..."
Tatsächlich war die Beziehung zwischen Tylon und Oregana nicht ganz unproblematisch. Abgesehen davon, dass die Füchsin gerade einmal halb so viele Lenze zählte wie Tylon, handelte es sich bei Tylon um eine Drachin aus bestem Hause. Die beiden hatten sich vor ein paar Jahren auf einem Empfang kennengelernt, den Tylons Vater, ein Drache mit lukrativen Beziehungen in den höchsten Adel, anlässlich seines Geburtstages ausgerichtet hatte. Für Oregana und Tylon war es sozusagen Liebe auf den ersten Blick gewesen und noch am selben Abend waren beide heimlich in eines der Zimmer verschwunden, dabei kichernd wie verliebte Teenagerinnen. Bei dieser Gelegenheit entdeckte Tylon, dass sie sich mehr zum weiblichen Geschlecht hingezogen fühlte denn zum männlichen. Verehrer hätte sie ja genügend gehabt, kaum ein Drachenmännchen (oder auch ein Männchen einer anderen Spezies, ja sogar so mancher Menschenmann) konnte sich ihrer Schönheit entziehen: Samtige weiß-blaue Schuppen bedeckten ihren Körper, ihre Brust war mit cremefarbenen Hornplatten gepanzert. Eine Mähne, weich wie Federflaum, floss weiß wallend ihren Hals und einen Teil ihres Rückens hinab.
Die beiden tauschten noch ein letztes Mal zärtliche Küsse aus und dann machte sich Oregana auf dem Nachhauseweg. Tylon blickte ihr noch lange nach, seufzte tief und machte sich dann ihrerseits auf dem Weg.
Zwei funkelnde Augenpaare verfolgten gespannt das Geschehen. „Hast Du gesehen?" knurrte eine tiefe Stimme. „Diese Schlampe hat was mit ner Drachin. Dabei ist das meine Füchsin." „Jetzt reg Dich ab, Griffin", versuchte der Angesprochene zu beschwichtigen. „Aber eins muss ich sagen, deine Füchsin hat sich gleich ein ganz hohes Tier geangelt." „Wieso das?" wollte Giffin wissen. „So weit ich weiß, ist das die Tochter vom alten Cerebus. Der ist doch Senator oder so was in der Art. Jedenfalls, man erzählt von ihr, dass sie nie nen Kerl an sich ranlässt. Jetzt weiß man ja auch, warum." „Mir geht das eigentlich total am Arsch vorbei, wer die Drachin ist, die hat mir meine Oregana ausgespannt und diese Schlampe macht da auch noch mit." Der Greif klackte zornig mit seinem scharfen Schnabel und nahezu unbewusst drückte er seine sichelartigen, scharfen Krallen in den weichen Boden. Sein Löwenschweif peitschte die Luft. „Oregana gehört mir und ich möchte, dass Du mir hilfst, Rascall." Der graugrüngeschuppte Drache sog geräuschvoll die Luft ein. „Wie meinst Du das, Griffin?" „Na, was wohl?" Der goldfarbene Greif reckte sich und sträubte sein Nackengefieder. „Den beiden eine Lektion erteilen. Und mit der Drachin fangen wir an." Rascall wich erschrocken einen Schritt zurück. Sein Freund konnte durchaus furchteinflößend sein, wenn er so zornig war wie jetzt. Dazu kam, dass Griffin auch für einen Greifen besonders groß gewachsen war. Zwar war ihm der Drache an Größe und Maße immer noch ein wenig überlegen, aber dafür war Griffin ein ausdauernder und zäher Kämpfer. „Wie stellst Du Dir das vor, Griffin?" fragte Rascall und war sich zugleich sicher, dass er die Antwort gar nicht hören wollte. Der Greif blickte der Drachin hinterher und meinte beinahe träumerisch: „Nun, Du scheinst sie ja zu kennen, zumindest ihren Alten. Vielleicht weißt Du ja auch, wo sie genau wohnt. Naja, und wenn so ein knuffiger Drache wie Du eine Drachendame vielleicht nach der Uhrzeit fragt, dann wäre das doch auch nicht weiter verdächtig, nicht wahr?" „Klar weiß ich, wo sie wohnt, aber wieso sollte ich sie nach der Uhrzeit fragen?" Rascall war mal wieder ein wenig schwer von Begriff. „Idiot", zischte der Greif. „Du sollst sie doch nur irgendwie aufhalten, dann schnappen wir sie uns und zeigen ihr dann, wer der rechtmäßige Besitzer der Füchsin ist." „Mitten auf der Straße? Was ist, wenn uns da wer sieht?" „Überlass das nur mir. Ich habe da schon eine Idee." „Ich verstehe nur eines noch nicht, Griffin", wandte Rascall ein. „Warum ziehst Du mich da mit rein?" „Weil Du weißt, wo die Drachin wohnt, ich Deine Hilfe brauche und Du mein Freund bist, Blödian. Und jetzt beeil Dich, sonst ist sie noch vor uns bei sich zu Hause. Ich will das jetzt gleich geregelt haben."
Tylon wollte die herrliche Nacht genießen, daher hatte sie sich dafür entschieden, auf ihre Flügel zu verzichten und zu Fuß zu gehen. Sie hatte schon mehr die Hälfte des Weges durch den Park zurückgelegt, als sie ein Rascheln vor sich hörte. Sie blieb stehen und ihre Augen fixierten ein kleines Gebüsch direkt vor ihr. „Ist da wer?" fragte sie leise in die Dunkelheit. Doch anstatt einer Antwort verspürte sie einen dumpfen Schlag gegen ihre Brust und sie sah gerade noch etwas bläulich blitzen, bevor sie bewusstlos zu Boden ging. „Cool", sagte der Greif anerkennend. „Ich wusste doch immer, dass es praktisch ist, einen magiebegabten Drachen zum Freund zu haben." „Wir sollten uns besser beeilen", raunte Rascall und blickte sich nervös um. „Der Zauber wirkt nur ne knappe Stunde oder so. Ich konnte keine höhere Dosis an Energie abfeuern, das hätte sie umgebracht." „Und wenn schon", knurrte der Greif. „Komm, fass mit an, wir binden sie und schaffen sie dann weg."
Ein widerlicher Geruch von fauligen Kartoffeln und Schmutz drang an Tylons Nüstern. Was war bloß geschehen? Sie erinnerte sich nur vage an einen blauen Lichtschein, einen Schlag gegen ihre Brust und dann - Filmriss. Wo war sie? Allmählich begann sie, Konturen wahrzunehmen in dem Dämmerlicht, das sie umgab. Sie wollte sich aufrichten, doch wurde sie von etwas zurückgehalten. Es dauerte einige Zeit, bis sie sich darüber bewusst wurde, dass sie von stabilen Lederbändern gehalten wurde. Sie war auf brutale Weise gefesselt worden, am Rücken liegend, ihre Hintereine durch eine schwere Metallstange gespreizt. So lag unbequem auf ihren Flügeln und die Fesseln scheuerten an ihren Schuppen. Ihre Brust schmerzte heftig. Offensichtlich befand sie sich irgendwo in einem Keller oder einem anderen verlassenen Lagerraum. Hatte man sie entführt? Sicherlich, ihr Vater war vermögend und auch einflussreich, des fteren schon erreichten Entführungsdrohungen ihren Vater, doch man hatte die Gefahr niemals als akut eingestuft. In dem Dämmerlicht konnte sie auch nicht erkennen, wie lange sie hier schon gelegen hatte, war es Tag oder Nacht? Sie hatte jegliches Zeitgefühl verloren.
Scharfer Raubtiergestank benebelte ihre Sinne und noch bevor sie einen klaren Gedanken fassen konnte, fühlte sie etwas Nasses, Warmes auf ihre Schnauze treffen. Instinktiv schloss sie ihre Augen. „Mach Dein Maul auf, Drachenschlampe", grollte eine tiefe Stimme drohend und gleich darauf vernahm sie ein leises Zischeln: „Endlich aufgewacht, dann kann der Spaß ja endlich beginnen." Angewidert versuchte Tylon ihren Kopf wegzudrehen, doch es war ihr unmöglich. „Mein Freund befahl Dir, das Maul zu öffnen." Bevor Tylon in dem Sprecher den graugrünen Drachen erkannte, spürte sie einen brennenden Schmerz, der ihren gesamten Körper durchzuckte. Sie schrie auf - und der Greifenurin rann in ihr Maul. Allmählich klärte sich ihr Blick und sie bemerkte den gewaltigen Löwenkörper, der über ihr kauerte. Der Geschmack war widerlich und nur die Angst vor einem erneuten Schmerz, der zweifellos ihren Köper durchzucken würde, wenn sie nicht tat, was die beiden ihr befahlen, ließ sie den Urin schlucken, auch wenn sie dabei ständig gegen den Brechreiz anzukämpfen hatte. Es erschien ihr wie eine Ewigkeit bis der Greif seine Blase in sie entleert hatte und sich dann langsam umdrehte. Er blickte mit gelb glühenden Adleraugen auf sie herab, sein Schnabel klickte drohend. „Hör mir gut zu, Drachenschlampe. Du hast etwas gestohlen, was mir gehört. Ich werde das nicht hinnehmen." „Aber...wer seid Ihr denn? Was soll ich genommen haben, was..." Tylons Stimme war tränenerstickt. „Halts Maul", schnappte der Greif und im gleichen Augenblick verspürte Tylon wieder den grausamen Schmerz in ihrem Körper. „Mein Freund versucht Dir zu erklären, dass von nun an alles von Deinem Verhalten abhängt." Rascall war nun ebenfalls nahe an Tylon herangetreten. „Sei ein braves Mädchen und Du wirst den Raum halbwegs aufrecht gehend verlassen können. Machst Du Zicken, dann wird man Dich auf einer Bahre heraustragen." „Aber...was wollt Ihr denn von mir?" fragte die Drachin ängstlich. „Dir mal zeigen, was Männchen gegenüber Weibchen für Vorzüge haben", grinste Rascall zahnig und zielte nun ebenfalls mit seinem Glied auf Tylons Gesicht. „Nein, bitte..." Doch der Protest ging unter als sie nun den bitteren Geschmack des Drachenurins in ihr Maul bekam. Als der graugrüne Drache fertig war, rieb er sein nasses Glied an Tylons Nüstern. „Rieche dran, Schlampe. Gib doch zu, dass Dich dieser Geruch erregt. Riecht doch besser als so eine Füchsin, oder?" In der Tat verspürte Tylon, auch wenn sie es sich nicht eingestehen wollte, eine gewisse Erregung, als der schwere Moschusduft Rascalls in ihre Nüstern drang. Gleichzeitig durchzuckte sie eine Erkenntnis: „Dieser Greif da. Das ist Griffin, oder? Und Oregana, Du begehrst sie. Sie hat von Dir gesprochen!" „So, Du kennst mich also." Griffin kniff sie mit seinem scharfen Schnabel grob ins Ohr. „Was hat Dir das Fuchsluder über mich noch erzählt?" „N..nichts weiter. Nur dass Du hinter ihr her bist und..." Erneut zwickte der Greif zu. „Unsinn. Sie ist meine Braut, ich werde sie als mein Weibchen nehmen, sie wird mir eine treue Dienerin sein. Und Du wirst Deine dreckigen Krallen von ihr lassen, ein für alle Mal!" Griffin wandte sich seinem Freund zu. „Da fällt mir ein, Rascall. Seid Ihr Drachen wirklich so geschickt mit Euren Zungen, wie man sagt?" Rascall drückte sein Glied noch einmal gegen Tylons Schnauzenspitze und grinste. „Probiere es doch einfach aus. Ich glaube, diese Drachin würde gerne auch mal an einem Greifen riechen, nachdem sie ja deinen Saft auch schon geschluckt hat." „Das wollte ich hören", schnurrte Griffin und stellte sich so über Tylon, dass sein Hinterteil genau über ihrer Schnauze lag. „Rieche an mir, Schlampe." Rascall beobachtete lüstern die Szene und spürte, wie sein Glied ersteifte. Der Greif hatte seinen Löwenschwanz steil erhoben und enthüllte seine Rosette, die alles andere als sauber war. „Niemals. Ich....", weigerte sich Tylon und rümpfte angewidert die Nase, als sie den strengen Greifengeruch wahrnahm. „Ich glaube aber doch", brummte der Greif und hockte sich so auf die Drachenschnauze, dass Tylon kaum noch atmen konnte. Der Greif gurrte erregt, als er den warmen Atem der Drachin an seinem Hinterteil spürte. Er schloss kurz seine Augen und sagte leise, mehr zu sich selbst denn an Rascall gewandt: „Wenn Du wüsstest, wie lange ich mir das schon gewünscht habe - einmal von einer Drachenzunge gesäubert zu werden." „Du hast es gehört, Drachenschlampe", schnurrte Rascall und entblößte seine Zähne zu einem boshaften Lächeln. „Mein Freund würde gerne von Dir gesäubert werden. Tu ihm doch den Gefallen." „Das werde ich nicht", brachte Tylon gequält hervor, Tränen liefen ihre Wangen herab. „Das ist so widerlich und ich kann..." „Leck' sein Loch sauber, habe ich gesagt", herrschte Rascall die Drachin an und im gleichen Augenblick durchzuckte sie wieder jener unglaubliche Schmerz.
Widerwillig ließ sie ihre warme, nasse Zunge über den schmutzig-schmierigen Greifenanus gleiten. Es war widerlich, der Geschmack war sehr bitter und ranzig. Griffin strich mit seiner weichen Löwentatze über den Unterleib der Drachin und bemerkte, dass sie zwischen ihren Hinterbeinen feucht war. Er lachte laut auf: „Sieh an, ich scheine Dich zu erregen! Sieh nur Rascall, das ist das, was Weibchen wollen. Und es fühlt sich einfach nur geil an. Ich sollte meine Füchsin wohl auch dafür trainieren!" „Wer weiß, vielleicht haben die beiden das ohnehin schon immer miteinander getan. So wie sie Dich hier ausleckt, macht sie das bestimmt nicht zum ersten Mal", erwiderte Rascall. „Ich hab's doch schon immer gesagt", stöhnte der Greif. „Drachinnen seid einfach nur geile Schlampen." Griffin spürte, wie sein eigenes Glied ersteifte. „Mach schön weiter, Drachin. Hole alles aus mir raus, was noch in mir ist." Lüstern stemmte sich der Greif gegen Tylon, die gehorsam mit geschickten Bewegungen ihrer Zunge seinen Hintern aufs Gründlichste reinigte. Nach einiger Zeit fragte Griffin seinen Gefährten: „Was meinst Du? Bin ich sauber hinten?" „Lass mal sehen", antwortete Rascall und der graugrüne Drache schob seine Schnauzenspitze an das Hinterteil seines Freundes, das eben noch von Tylon verwöhnt worden war. Er schnupperte daran und schnurrte: „Du riechst hinten nun nach Drache." Ohne Vorwarnung drückte er seine lange, gespaltene Zunge tief in seinen Freund, ertastete ihn. Der Greif stöhnte laut auf in Lust, sein Glied war nun zu seiner vollen Pracht ersteift. Rascall roch die Erregung seines Freundes und zog seine Zunge heraus. „Die Schlampe hat ganze Arbeit geleistet. Du bist sauber. Du solltest sie belohnen." „Meinst Du wirklich?" Der Greif erhob sich und drehte sich um, rieb sein hartes Glied an der Drachinnenschnauze entlang. „Dann lass doch mal sehen, wie geschickt Du damit umgehst." Fordernd drückte er sein großes Glied gegen Tylons Lippen. Die Drachin war von sich selbst überrascht, dass sie beinahe automatisch ihr Maul öffnete und begann, mit ihrer Zunge das Greifenglied zu liebkosen.
Es war offensichtlich für Rascall, wie sehr Griffin die geschickte Drachenzunge genoss und beobachtete erregt, wie dieser lüstern in die feuchte, warme Grotte stieß, tief in ihren Rachen. Doch auch Tylon schien nun gegen ihren Willen erregt. Ihre Säfte begannen zu fließen und die Luft war erfüllt von dem Geruch ihrer Hitze und dem Moschusduft des Greifen und des männlichen Drachens. „Genug", stöhnte der Greif und zog sein Glied aus Tylons Rachen und Maul zurück. Er brachte sich nun am hinteren Ende der gefesselten Drachin in Position und fing an, sein durch den Drachensabber glitschiges Glied an den Schamlippen der Drachin zu reiben. „Ob ich diese ffnung nehmen soll?" Er drückte sein Glied fordernd ein wenig in Tylons Scheide. „Oder ob ich doch lieber den Hintereingang wähle? Ja, ich glaube, das ist geiler."
Tylon schrie auf in Schmerz, als Griffin grob sein Glied in die enge, jungfräuliche ffnung der Drachin drückte, laut zischelnd vor Lust und Leidenschaft, als die Körperhitze des Drachens den Greifenpenis umfing. Bald hatte er seine gesamte Länge in ihr versenkt und packte mit seinen Vordertatzen die Drachin an ihren Flanken, dabei seine Krallen durch die blauen Schuppen in ihr Fleisch bohrend. Blut sickerte aus den Wunden heraus, wo die Krallen eindrangen und Griffin begann, in einem harten, aber steten Rhythmus in Tylon zu stoßen. Es fühlte sich wunderbar an und er ließ sie jeden Zentimeter seines Gliedes spüren. Rascall konnte sich nicht länger zurückhalten und stellte sich an Tylons Kopf. Er packte sie grob und stieß ihr sein großes Drachenglied in ihre Schnauze. „Wollen doch mal sehen, wer von uns schneller kommt!" rief er seinem Freund zu. „Aber verspritze nicht gleich alles in sie", erwiderte Griffin. „Du musst unbedingt mal ihr Hinterende versuchen. Sie ist so schön eng."
Der Raum war erfüllt von dem lustvollen Stöhnen von Greif und Drachen, wobei das Stöhnen der Drachin jedoch eher schmerzerfüllt war. Doch sie hatte nicht die geringste Möglichkeit, sich zu wehren. Gnadenlos stieß der Greif in ihre enge Körperöffnung, während sich Rascall an ihrer Schnauze verging. Sie hatte mit dem Würgereiz zu kämpfen, als das gewaltige Drachenglied immer wieder in ihre Speiseröhre stieß. Tylon strampelte in ihrer Fesselung, doch ihr Widerstand schien ihre beiden Peiniger nur noch mehr zu erregen. Ein seltsamer Laut drang an Tylons Ohren und in diesem Augenblick spürte sie, wie der Greif förmlich in ihren Darm explodierte. Es war eine Mischung aus Brüllen und Zwitschern, als Griffin seine Lust herausbrüllte. Er stieß immer weiter in sie, sich vollständig entladend und noch bevor sein Orgasmus abflaute, pulsierte das Drachenglied in ihrer Schnauze. Der dickflüssige Drachensamen schoss in ihren Rachen und sie schluckte tapfer. Hauptsache, es würde bald vorbei sein. Offensichtlich hatten nun die beiden ihren Spaß gehabt....
Als Rascall fertig war, zog er grob sein Glied aus ihrer Schnauze und grinste boshaft seinen Freund an: „Du hast Recht, vielleicht sollte ich auch einmal das Hinterende von ihr probieren." Griffin ließ sein Glied mit einem leisen ‚Plopp' aus Tylons Hinterteil gleiten. „Dann komm her. Es gibt nichts geileres, als in ein Loch zu ficken, das bereits ein anderer schon mit seinem Samen gefüllt hat." „Ach, ich steh nicht so sehr auf anal", erwiderte Rascall. „Ich mag's eher klassisch." Damit gesellte er sich zu seinem Freund und rieb sein immer noch steifes, samenverschmiertes Glied an Tylons Schamlippen. Diese waren nun ganz feucht und er konnte ohne Probleme tief in sie eindringen. Er zischelte auf in Lust, als die feuchte Hitze Tylons sein Glied umfing. Griffin hingegen war wieder zu Tylons Schnauze zurückgekehrt. „Sauber machen!" befahl er barsch und hielt ihr sein schmieriges Drachenglied hin. Tylon hatte mittlerweile ihren Widerstand vollständig aufgegeben und gab sich ihren beiden Peinigern hin. Ja, sie spürte tief in sich, wie sich langsam ein Höhepunkt in ihr aufbaute. Der Greif packte Tylons Kopf und genoss ihre geschickte Zunge, die ihn von seinem Samen und ihren eigenen Rückständen säuberte. In seiner Lust stieß er erneut in das Drachinnenmaul und ein neuer Orgasmus traf ihn bereits nach wenigen Augenblicken wie eine Welle. Er explodierte förmlich in die Drachenschnauze und obwohl Tylon sich bemühte, alles eifrig zu schlucken, rann ein wenig des Greifensamens die Mundwinkel der Drachin herab. Tylon musste sich eingestehen, dass sie den Geschmack von Griffins Samen mochte. Er schmeckte besser als der des männlichen Drachens, leicht nussig. Sie spürte die kraftvollen Stöße Rascalls tief in sich, sein breites, langes Glied weitete sie und sie schwamm in einer Woge aus Lust und Schmerz. Sie leckte gerade die letzten Tropfen Greifensahne von Griffins Glied, als sie Rascalls Liebessäfte in sich verspürte. Dieser schnaubte in seiner Lust, kleine Flämmchen züngelten aus seinen Nüstern, als er sich kraftvoll in sie entlud.
Schließlich ließen Rascall und Griffin von ihr ab. Beinahe flehentlich blickte Tylon nun auf zu ihnen. „Ihr habt nun bekommen, was Ihr wolltet. Bitte lasst mich gehen", sagte sie leise. Die beiden Freunde blickten einander an. „Was ist mit Oregana?" fragte Griffin schließlich. „Ich will, dass Du sie in Ruhe lässt. Sie gehört mir, mir allein." Drohend drückte er ihr eine Kralle an die Kehle. Tylon schluckte schwer. „Aber...wie lieben uns doch", sagte sie leise. Griffin lachte höhnisch auf. „Liebe? Was versteht eine Drachenschlampe schon von Liebe? Du hältst Dich jedenfalls von ihr fern, oder ich bring Dich um, verstanden?" Tylon keuchte auf, als Griffin mit seiner scharfen Kralle ihre Kehle ritzte, um seinen Worten Nachdruck zu verleihen. „Ich..ich werde mich von ihr trennen", sagte sie schließlich schwach. „So ist's brav, Mädchen", gurrte der Greif und wandte sich dann an seinen Freund.
Er zog Rascall ein wenig beiseite und flüsterte ihm zu. „Dir ist klar, dass wir sie nicht weglassen können? Wenn die das weitererzählt, dann sind wir geliefert. Ich habe aber keine Lust, auf dem Schafott zu landen, Du etwa?" Der graugrüne Drache schüttelte seinen Kopf. „Was sollen wir mit ihr machen?" fragte er. Griffins Augen blitzten boshaft auf. „Kannst Du Dir das nicht denken, mein Freund?"
Die Sirenen heulten durch die Nacht, die von hellem Feuerschein erleuchtet war. Ein altes Lagerhaus am Stadtrand stand in Flammen und die eilig herbeigerufene Feuerwehr versuchte verzweifelt, den Brand zu bekämpfen. „So etwas habe ich noch nie erlebt", sagte der Feuerwehrhauptmann, ein grauhaariger Wolf, und schüttelte resigniert seinen Kopf. „Dieses Feuer scheint magisch zu sein, wir können es nicht löschen. Falls irgendjemand in diesem Gebäude war..." Er brach ab und schüttelte seinen Kopf.
Niemand hörte in jener Nacht das Schluchzen der Füchsin, die in ihrem Briefkasten einen Abschiedsbrief ihrer Geliebten Tylon gefunden hatte...
Chapter 11 by tfamonk | #11 of Return to Decadence Whoo, sorry this took so long, bit of real life getting in the way. - The talks continued, but it dissolved into mostly discussions of technical details, like who could be moved where to do what at which time, and it became easy to tune out. Eventually, Chiboom and Nate | [
"Character Development",
"Story Progression",
"Story Series"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/696588-chapter-11 | The talks continued, but it dissolved into mostly discussions of technical details, like who could be moved where to do what at which time, and it became easy to tune out. Eventually, Chiboom and Nate were politely excused and lead by the half-naked butler Imp down the corridors until they reached a room that had beds haphazardly scattered all over, hammocks slung all across the top of the ceiling, and small flat platforms jutting out of the walls. Pillows were strewn about, but there seemed to be few blankets and sheets. The butler Yobal informed them that they could sleep in any bed they wished, and would be served breakfast the following morning before he bowed and flapped away.
"So... now what?" Asked Nate, looking to Chiboom for guidance, not quite sure what the etiquette here was.
The orc snorted, and pushed some of the small beds together, creating something she could lie upon. "We sleep. Not much else to do kid." She sat on the edge of her creation, and removed some of her armor.
Nate was still somewhat confused, and began to look around, "You have any idea where the bathroom might be?" He asked, and was met by a shrug from Chiboom. "Well... thanks for earlier, by the way."
Chiboom looked up from her armor, which she had been inspecting. "For what?"
"For saving me, from that arrow." Nate looked somewhat uncomfortable, although he was aware that it wouldn't have killed him, it still scared the crap out of him.
Chiboom shook her head, "It was nothing, it's my job after all."
Nate smirked, not sure how to continue, "Well, thanks for doing your job then."
"Keep it down...!" A whiny voice suddenly came from above them, and a sullen light green Imp peered over the edge of the platform. "I've been the Imp-in-the-middle for two whole days and I need my sleep!"
Nate raised an eyebrow, "Imp-in-the-middle? Middle of wha-" He stopped as he realized the likely answer, "Oh god damnit, I didn't need that image."
Chiboom rolled her eyes before she glanced up, "And you are?"
The Imp just grunted in annoyance, glaring at the two of them through bleary eyes. "I am an Imp who's so used up he can't even get hard right now, so what does it take to make you both stop talking and sleep?"
"Where's the bathroom?" Nate asked, "I just need to get ready for bed."
Chiboom nodded, "What he said, I just want to head to sleep anyway, he's the one keeping me up."
The Imp grumbled, but pointed a disinterested claw out one of the doors. "Go that way, keep to your left, fourth door down is a washroom for you big types. Mind the peepholes, but probably no one is watching right now." He slid back out of sight, and they soon heard steady breathing coming from the platform.
"The whats?" Nate deadpanned, not exactly excited to hear that he might not be getting the privacy he desired.
Chiboom sighed, "Let me go first then, chances are, if there are any Imps watching, they'll leave as soon as they see me, and I'll just threaten to stab any that stay."
Nate nodded, and sat down on one of the beds, realizing he would have to do the same as Chiboom had to get something he could sleep on.
Chiboom found the room where the grouchy Imp had said it would be, and it swung open on rusty hinges. The inside was clean, but it had the feel of disuse about it, and the water came reluctantly when summoned. It seemed as though it had been a long time since a non-Imp had come to visit.
With her heightened senses, that came from being both an orc, and one specialized in the detection of sneak attacks, she easily spotted where the majority of peepholes were, and that they were in fact, mostly abandoned. After washing her face, she approached them, noting that the few that had been there when she entered had already left, likely not interested in females. She could sense, however, that there was still one left, and she leaned against the wall right next to the hole, which was invisible to most, it having a weak conceal spell on it. "So," she said, her words echoing in the empty room, "are you going to leave now, or am I going to have to march next door, and bury my axe in between your eyes?"
There was a few seconds of hesitation as the watcher waited to see if she was really serious, and when she made to leave the room with her axe in hand, he made a frightened yelp and fled, leaving the room entirely unwatched and safe for one's modesty.
Chiboom returned to the guards barracks several minutes later, now stripped of her armor and in more casual attire, fit for sleeping in. "Alright kid, I cleared it out, and threatened them that if they came back anytime soon I'd eviscerate them. But I suggest you make it quick, just in case."
Nate nodded and quickly made his way to the bathroom, noting how spacious it was, despite their otherwise cramped rooms. He soon got a bath going, and, after listening for a few seconds for anyone that might be on the other side of the wall, took off his clothes and hopped in the water.
Far away, Zericho sensed that something demanded his attention, but he couldn't imagine what it could be. He was just left with a disappointing sense that he was missing out on something important.
After a few minutes of scrubbing away the layer of dirt and sweat that had accumulated over their journey, Nate hopped back out and quickly dried off before slipping back into a new set of clothes. He quickly finished up and made his way back to the barracks, finding that Chiboom had already fallen asleep, and soon lied down upon his own bed as well.
When Nate awoke the next morning, it was because he found himself growing uncomfortably warm, and had the oddest sensation of being tied up. As his awareness grew, he would realize that there were Imps all around him, hugging him and laying on top of him, all quietly snoring without the slightest hint of respect for his personal space. One was wrapped around his leg, one was draped across his head, one was hugging him from behind, one was cuddling against his chest, and another was embracing his arm. None of them were wearing clothes beyond the skimpiest of garments, and there was no telling if he was being rubbed against someone's junk or not.
Nate's eyes were now wide open, and was currently suppressing the desire to yell at the top of his lungs and fling himself from the bed, dislodging his... passengers. He instead, slowly, and shakily, began to pry the imps off of him, trying his best not to think of how they had probably been there for hours. It wasn't the easiest task; they had a killer grip, to the point where he was suspicious that they weren't actually asleep, were it not for the fact that they seemed to automatically cling to one another when he set them down on the beds. After about three minutes of him suppressing his screams, he was able to pry the last one off of his back. He was shaking heavily and sweating profusely; not from exertion, but from the sheer feeling of panic and embarrassment he felt.
In a room full of Imps to witness his humiliation, not a single one was ever aware it happened, as the sound of gentle snoring was the closest he came to hearing any kind of mocking laughter. Indeed, there were Imps everywhere in the room, filling up every bed, hammock and platform, most of whom were naked and cuddling with another Imp or two. Chiboom was asleep on her bed, and though Imps were piled on top of her as well, they were draped over her and made no attempt to cling, just using her as a heat source instead.
Nate shivered as he looked over the scene, glad that the ones clinging to him had all had at least some form of covering, even if it wasn't much. He quickly decided he had to leave, and grabbed his clothes and made for the bathroom again.
After banging against the wall where Chiboom had said contained the peepholes, and convinced that no one was on the other side, he swiftly changed into his normal clothes.
When he stepped through the doorway, he nearly walked face first into Yobal's bare crotch. The Imp butler remained impassive as he lowered himself down slightly to be level with Nate. "If you would follow me, sir, I will take you to breakfast."
Nate nodded silently, not only embarrassed by the sight of the Imp's flaccid junk, which he quickly averted his eyes from, but also from what had just happened. He followed Yobal, not saying a word.
The Imp made no attempt to coax him into conversation, and seemed content to silently lead the way down to the same dining room as the night before. If Nate paid careful attention, he might have noticed that they hadn't returned by the way they had left, confirming Zericho's warnings about the twisting nature of this fortress. At the dining table an array of bread, vegetables and slices of the boar from the night before were laid out in the form of a sandwich bar for him to construct his breakfast as he wished. "If sir requires anything else, please do not hesitate to summon me. I will not leave you unsatisfied." The Imp promised him in a serious tone.
Nate nodded silently, not quite sure if that was intended to be a double entendre or not; although chances were fairly high it was. He made his way over to the low table where the various foodstuffs lay, looking over the collection with a shrug, he wasn't very hungry at the moment, so the cold meats, cheeses, vegetables, and breads weren't very appetizing. He made a small sandwich for himself and sat down at the table, noting that there were few people around yet; he must have woken up early.
It was several minutes before Zericho finally flew in, yawning and landing unsteadily in his seat. He leaned back with a tired groan and glanced over at Nate. "Hey, kid. How was your night?"
He swallowed a bite of his sandwich and shrugged, "Well, I wasn't molested... at least I don't think. So I guess I can count that as a win." The imps that had been sleeping on him didn't seem to have any ill intentions at the time, at the very least.
"Good for you! Wish I'd said no to Xiggle joining in with me and the Warden; that bastard got me so mad I spent half the night eating him out. Eh, at least he won't be able to sit for a while." He yawned, and then brightened. "Oh, boar slices! I need to restock my protein." The prince eagerly began building his own sandwhich, which was considerably larger than the one Nate had made for himself.
Nate was suddenly very glad that he had already finished the majority of his sandwich, as there was no way he would be able to eat for quite a while with that image in his head. "Zericho, I know this sounds insane, but could you try maybe not talking about the intimate details of your daily encounters when I'm around? It makes me just a little uncomfortable... just a smidge."
"What? It's not like I described the noises he made or the way he squirmed while I was doing it." Zericho retorted, his tone one of wounded dignity. Not that it seemed to impact his appetite, though, as he began eating his sandwich with great enthusiasm. Hopefully, it wouldn't remind Nate of what else he'd been enthusiastically eating half the night.
Nate buried his head in his hands, "Why me? Seriously, I know I'm not the most upstanding individual in the world, but why did I get stuck with you?" He sighed as he looked at the remains of his sandwich, and pushed the plate away, "So, what are the plans for today?"
"You poor guy..." Zericho crooned as soon as he had finished chomping and gulping his sandwich and licking the crumbs off the plate. "Forced to be escorted by the most desired guy in the Impire, given comfortable rooms and lodging half the time, and an armed guard to protect you as you make your way back to your deeply repressed world and the jerks you left behind. You must have really upset the Brothers to earn this purgatory." The instant that he was sure Nate no longer wanted his sandwich, Zericho snatched it up and finished it off before he began constructing another one. "The plan is that we restock and get the idiots I laughingly refer to as 'soldiers' to go with us to the border of Xelto's territory before we see about winning this war. I guess you can go read your book and try not to think about what I'll be doing with like half of the guards here at around noon."
Nate seemed to suddenly turn sullen, upon Zericho's flippant dismissal of his complaint, "I...I'm sorry." He had a hurt look on his face as he hung his head, "You're right, I could have it a lot worse..."
The prince stopped, and set down his bread to regard Nate with his hands on his hips. He'd been expecting an argument, not for Nate to just turn over like that. Was he really trying to control his anger now? Zericho was reminded of their talk from the day before, and sighed. "...Alright, kid, I'll make you a deal. I'm not going to stop whoring it up, but I will stop talking about it in front of you if you promise to control your temper. Or at least stop swearing all the time. It's bad luck." His tail extended in front of Nate like an offered hand. "Deal?"
Nate nodded with a sad smile, and accepted the handshake, "Deal, I'm sorry if I've been getting angry a lot lately, it's just this has all been really stressful for me. Normally I have my parents around to help at the very least, but... now it's just you and Chiboom, and I'd feel kind of like a huge... is chode a curse? A huge chode, going to you guys to whine about my problems, I mean I already did it yesterday."
The Imp shrugged. "We all got problems, kid, and not a single one of them is gonna get solved with just one talk. Heck, the others and I had a long talk last night, but freeing the Impire is still gonna be one hell of a chore, and you can bet your a... ankle that I'm gonna keep bitching about it. So go ahead and talk about it if you want to." He began to eat his next sandwich, when something occurred to him that made his shoulders shake with mirth, but he couldn't say it out loud without breaking his deal with Nate, so he forced himself to swallow his laughter along with his sandwich.
Although Nate was curious as to what was so funny, he decided to let it slide for now, "Saying ass is fine, just so you know. So... any tips on how to cast my magic, now that you've got a semi clear head? I mean, I've been casting duds the entire last week, so anything that might help would be great."
Zericho paused in his feeding frenzy, only just now remembering that Nate had mentioned this, but it had been lost in the general haze of lustful frustration he'd been enduring at the time. "Oh yeah... Sure, I have some time. But you should probably eat some more, you'll be using plenty of energy." He would have mentioned that energy could be shared between beings through sexual congress, but he dismissed it, as it would never apply to Nate's situation.
He nodded, and continued slowly picking at his sandwich, finding he had little appetite. "So uhm... are we going to be involved in like... battles and stuff?" Although it had dimly passed through his mind earlier, his encounter yesterday with the arrows had brought this to the forefront of his mind.
"Kid, try not to worry. They'll be aiming at me, remember? And Chiboom managed to save you from a dart in mid-flight, so I think she'll do okay at punching any wussy Cubi that attacks us. Just concentrate on keeping us both alive, and we'll all be fine." Zericho was at least slowing down in his frantic eating, and more leisurely picking the crumbs off the table to eat them.
"I... okay." He sighed lightly, and continued to nibble at the bread, "Anything I should know, by the way? About where we're heading next or whatever? I mean, I know a lot of it's probably on a need to know basis, but just basic stuff like that is all I really want to know." Well, he wanted to know a lot, but he knew he wouldn't get much, so best to keep his request reasonable.
"If that lazy fool is where I want him to be, we're headed to a forest." His expression soured, as though he'd just caught a whiff of something foul. "...A fairy forest." The Imp shuddered at the memory of his last visit to that hated place. "Brace yourself, kid. We're talking dancing with little bells on your shoes, singing that only involves endlessly repeating the word "La!", and adorable little houses built into the trees." He pretended to retch. "It's so saccharine you'll need to eat dirt just to keep yourself from getting sick at the sugary, over-the-top act they try to put on."
"Fairies?" Nate was surprised, yet another fantasy creature off the list he supposed. That said, he somewhat sympathized with Zericho, if there was anything that made him want to hurt something, it was listening to children's music. He had a bad experience as a camp counselor once, and he had vowed, never again. "If they're as bad as you say, feel free to be your usual self around them, it might make them shut up."When Zericho glanced over at him, confused at his change in attitude, he shrugged, "I hate kiddy stuff."
For once, it seemed the two of them had something to agree on, and Zericho gave him a predatory grin. "Can do. Hells, sometimes the only way to shut them up is by sitting on their face." He sighed and wandered over to sit on the edge of the table by Nate. "It's partly our fault. When the Impire took over, there was a lot of culture shock as half their males decided they liked-" He froze, glanced at Nate, and reconsidered. "-Tails. They liked 'tails' a lot. But a lot of the damn buzzing pests are still in denial, so they go overboard in acting all cutesy and innocent, like no one is gonna notice that the nymphs, dryads, satyrs, pixies and tanuki all want 'tail' as much as any Imp."
Nate rolled his eyes, "I can take you saying 'sex', it's just the more..." he blushed, "graphic descriptions, that end up bothering me." He smiled slightly, glancing at Zericho, "So how small are they, anyway? Like, should I watch my step or something? Because back home, there are stories about them, but they range in size in them."
"Your super-represssed world got it right, there. Don't worry, though, anything small enough to get stepped on has wings and the brains to not stand underfoot." Zericho flapped his wings to demonstrate. "Their sole redeeming feature is that they have strong magic, so Zyg-Zayg is studying it for the Impire's use. Which is why we're headed there, and how we can potentially kick those damn Cubi's muscular asses out of my Impire."
"Sounds... fun? I mean, maybe they can help me with my magic." Although he'd rather start with Zericho; as annoying as he could be, the fairies sounded far worse. "So, should I do anything? Like, I'd like to be helpful in some way, you know?"
"Learning how to heal will probably save our lives at some point, so let's focus on that, kid." Zericho said firmly, hopping off the table and flapping his wings to gain altitude. "Did you bring your knife? Oh, and you should probably give it a name, that sometimes helps when you're dealing with magical tools." He fondly recalled his first magical dildo, Lord Pounder, and the many happy nights it had labored to satisfy him.
Nate nodded, "It's in my pack, I'll go grab it. Should we meet somewhere else? This isn't exactly the best place to practice I imagine." He looked around, noticing the other imps slowly filtering in.
"Good point, we'll head to one of the sparing rooms. I'll have one of them guide you." Zericho jerked his horns at one of the incoming Imps. "See ya soon."
"Uh, hi." Nate waved meekly at the imp, who was a dark yellow color, bordering orange almost. "So, I'll go get my stuff, and we'll meet back here?"
"No." Zericho grabbed the Imp in question by the tail and yanked him down. "You. Go with him, then lead him to the third sparring room, got it?" The Imp opened his mouth to protest, and Zericho pressed his face against the other male's alarmed features. "No, no arguing. You don't want to be excluded from the fun later, do you? I didn't think so. Go!" The dark yellow Imp was blushing deeply as Zericho gave him a firm spank to send him scuttling towards Nate, and watching him anxiously.
Nate looked down at the imp with a slight blush, "So, follow me I guess? Or I follow you? I mean, I think I remember the way back to the barracks."
"Barracks? Okay, got it, let's go go go!" The Imp grabbed Nate's sleeve and started tugging him back towards the barracks, eventually pushing Nate into the nearly-empty room. "Hurry up, I have to lead you to the sparring room now!"
"Geeze, okay, no need to be so pushy." Nate made his way over to his bag, glad to see it had gone undisturbed, and reached in to dig through it, he eventually found the knife, managing to avoid nicking himself with it. "Okay, let's go now."
The Imp looked dubiously at the knife, though he rose into the air and began to lead Nate through the deceptive corridors. He kept glancing back uncertainly, until his curiosity got the better of him and he asked outright. "Are you really going to spar with the Prince?"
"What?" Nate was surprised for a second, before he shook his head, "Oh, no, this knife is magic, he's going to help me with spell casting."
"Oooooh... 'spell casting'." The Imp smirked. "Lucky you. I can't imagine how it must be to travel with the Prince all the time." Nate's guide sighed deeply, looking dreamily off into the distance.
Nate's face took on a very flat look, "Oh yeah, it's a dream come true." He deadpanned, wondering if everyone was just going to assume from now on that he and Zericho were having some kind of escapade on the side.
Actually, the rumors were flying thick in the air as the Imps speculated on the role a handsome human would play in the Prince's journey, and the explanations ranged from Nate being a spy from the human lands to some kind of secret weapons against the Incubi. It occurred to absolutely none of the Imps that Nate and Zericho were not having sex, however, and the dark yellow Imp was convinced that Zericho would be bouncing in Nate's lap before the 'spell casting' was over, and would gossip accordingly. "Here we are! Don't let him wear out your wand..." The guide gave Nate a wink as he opened up a side door and revealed a large stone room, in which Zericho was waiting impatiently.
As Nate stepped into the room, he looked over at Zericho and sighed, "Yo... you do know that everyone thinks we're having sex right?"
Zericho rolled his eyes. "I never told anyone that we were sliding and sinning, so don't start blaming me. And it doesn't bug me that everyone assumes I'm having fun with the hot guy I'm traveling with, so I'm not in a hurry to convince them that we aren't. Does it bother you that much?"
"Hot guy?" He shook his head, focusing on the task at hand, "And no, it's just really annoying I guess, people assuming things like that. Let's get to training I guess?" He pulled out the knife, holding it how the book had taught him.
"Alright, show me what you can do, and I'll try and figure out what you're doing wrong. Try to cast a spell on me." Zericho spread his arms wide and raised his eyebrows at Nate.
"Okay, let's see if I remember this correctly." Nate swung his arm back, then flicked it forward, smoothly as possible, the knife glowing for a moment before sputtering out a few sparks. "And that's what's been happening."
Zericho flinched, holding his hands over his ears as he grimaced at the knife. "Oh, that sounds awful...!" He poked a finger into his ear and wiggled it around before shaking his head. "You just shot off a spell that sounded like you tossed an instrument down a flight of stairs and you didn't even react." He frowned now, rubbing his chin and pondering, then snapped his fingers. "I got it! Okay, Nate, when you cast a spell, how do you sense the magic? Do you get a weird tingly feeling, do you hear a funny noise, do you see something bright, do you smell something weird, what?"
Nate was confused, "Um, my hand tingles a little bit, but I'm pretty sure that's the knife heating up because there's energy going through it. Otherwise... no." He wondered if maybe that first spell was some sort of fluke, that maybe his immunity to magic meant he couldn't cast it either. "Why, what should I be sensing?"
"Basically, your body and soul work together to cast magic. It gets more complicated than that, but that's the bottom line. Here..." Zericho approached Nate and offered his hand. "If you felt a tingly feeling, you might sense things like my dad does, which would actually be pretty good. Gimmie your hand, and I'll show you how it should feel."
He cautiously reached out, and took Zericho's hand, it felt a little leathery, yet smooth. "Okay, um... now what?"
"Okay, your magic has felt like this..." Zericho's eyes glowed, and Nate felt the familiar tingle. "But you need it to feel like this..." This time, the tingle was more pleasant, like a tickle, or the sensation of someone's hands moving through his hair. "You just gotta adjust the magic to make it feel like that. We'll do it together."
Nate smiled nervously and nodded, "Okay, but... how? I barely know how to do it in the first place. I'll need some advice on how to adjust it."
The Imp frowned in thought. To an Imp, magic was second-nature, as simple as flapping your wings or swinging your hips. He tried to phrase it in a way that a magic-resistant human would understand, and pressed the tip of his finger against the middle of Nate's chest. "Okay, like this... concentrate on your heart, and how it feels when its beating, and how your magic feels. Try to pretend that the tingly feeling is moving from your heart..." He gently traced the tip of his finger from Nate's chest to his shoulder, and then slowly down his arm. "And try to focus on it becoming the better tingle, and then cast the spell. Understand?"
Nate blushed as Zericho traced a finger across his body, but nodded none the less. "Okay, I'll try." He closed his eyes, took a deep breath through his nose, and concentrated on the center of his chest, trying to feel his heart beat. As he focused, he could imagine the tingling sensation, it felt strangely comforting, and felt it spread, moving from his chest to his shoulder, and then down his arm, and finally reaching his fingers. He slowly flicked his hand, and felt the tingle leave, opening his eyes to see the knife aglow. "Whoa."
Zericho laughed in delight, beaming proudly at the knife. "I knew you could do it, kid! Now, you feel up for testing it out?" Not waiting for a response, Zericho flew backwards and raised his hand to his mouth before biting down on it until the blood began to flow.
"Zericho!" He exclaimed, annoyed at him, "Damnit, you better hope this works you idiot!" He flicked his hand again, aiming at the imp, and watched as what appeared to be a small orb flew out and hit him, causing him to glow for a moment. He looked at Zericho's hand, but was unable to see if it had worked, the blood that already leaked out obscuring the bite area. "Well, how does it feel?"
"Uh..." Zericho began, holding his hand away from him at arm's length. "I think your magic overcompensated again..." The blood that had been obscuring the wound had stopped dripping down, and as they watched, it began to reverse direction, flowing back into the indentations that resealed themselves without a mark. But that wasn't what had made Zericho nervous, as Nate's attention was drawn to the Imp's claws, which were growing longer and longer as the prince spread his fingers to avoid impaling himself. Dismayed, Zericho saw that the claws on his other hand and his feet were growing as well, but at a slower rate, and he could feel his hair starting to stretching lower and lower on his back. "...Well, technically it worked..."
Nate blushed brightly in embarrassment, "Um... maybe we should stop for today, before I give you cancer or something." This type of accelerated growth definitely wasn't good, and he didn't want to know what would happen if he tried to reverse it. "Do you know how to reverse that? Or should I just get like some nail clippers and a pair of scissors?"
"Nah, they'll stop on their own and then I'll chop 'em off." Zericho said nonchalantly, trying not to discourage Nate on his first real solo success. "At least we know the first time wasn't a fluke. You're gonna be great once we figure out how to fine tune your power, so you aren't making Chiboom bust out of her armor or something."
"Please don't put that image in my head, I've seen enough in the past few weeks to traumatize me." He smirked, watching as the growth slowed to a stop, "Besides, if that did happen she'd probably bash my head in."
"Nah, she likes you. She's immune to my charms, for whatever reason." Zericho was secretly relieved that his claws were no longer growing, as he had no idea how potent Nate's spell might had been. "It might go the other way, and you'll turn her into a child or something. Healing magic goes in weird directions sometimes."
"Gee, I wonder why." Nate snarked at the imp, knowing perfectly well why his 'charms' had no effect on her. "And that sounds like it could be just as dangerous, especially if it turns out Chiboom was less in control of herself back then." Something told him that a 10 year old Chiboom could still beat the shit out of him.
"Agreed. But yeah, let's take a break for now. Is that offer to get me some scissors still on the table?" Zericho hoped that he could fix this without any of the other Imps finding out about it.
Nate smiled, "Yeah, sure, wait here, I'll be back."
Idly scratching himself with his newly shorn claws, Zericho hoped there wouldn't be any side-effects to the spell. He'd burned the hair and nail clippings to ensure that no one could use them for sympathetic magic, but he wasn't sure if his body would have any lingering symptoms from the growth and loss. As they walked back towards the barracks, he decided to put it out of his mind for the moment, and flew closer to Nate to nudge him with a sly grin. "Not bad at all, kid. Once we fine-tune it, your magic is gonna be the envy of the Impire. Oh, speaking of magic, gimmie your Charm, lemme charge it while I'm still thinking about it." He held out his hand for the glowing bracelet on Nate's wrist.
Nate held his wrist out, smiling slightly, "Thanks, it's nice to know I'll be somewhat useful on this trip." He was glad that he had been given a little instruction at least, maybe he could save someone's life or something like that with these powers and his medical knowledge. "So, what next? I mean, how long until we have to head out?"
"It's gonna be at least a few hours, so feel free to try and figure out that spell while I'm busy. Remember, it goes something like this..." Zericho turned his back to Nate and trailed the tip of his tail up along Nate's spine, leaving a tingling feeling in its wake. "Got it? Now lets get you back to Chiboom and you two can... do whatever it is people do when they want to pass time but don't want to have sex for whatever reason." Judging from his smirk, he fully understood how his action could be interpreted.
Nate followed, rolling his eyes at Zericho's comment, "A) Don't do that thing with your tail it's... weird." He shuddered a little at the remaining tingling, "B) There are things in this world besides sex. Like reading, don't you ever read?" Back home, he would have said TV or video games, but something told him those weren't a thing here.
"Sure I read. There is plenty of erotic books back at the castle. I'll show you my collection if you like." He teased him, but didn't press the issue. Not having Nate yell at him was a nice change, and he wasn't in a hurry to break their truce. "I doubt there are any books that aren't about guys and their games around here, though, so I hope you and Chiboom have become dynamite conversationalists in the past ten hours, otherwise you're gonna be really bored."
"Even if not, I've got my thoughts, those are usually enough." He smiled sadly, not mentioning that they were usually all he had back home, being relatively friendless. "And before you go there, because you will, no they aren't thoughts about sex."
"I don't know how you live like this." Zericho confided in tones of mock-seriousness. "Anyway, here we are!" He bowed with a flourish to the door that lead to the barracks, where Chiboom was sitting on one of the many small beds. "Comfy? Cozy? Good! I'm off to motivate the troops!"
Nate rolled his eyes as Zericho made his way off, flapping his wings, "Good luck, just don't talk to me about how you did it." He made his way over to Chiboom, who had been inspecting her weapon. "Weren't you doing that just last night?" He asked, curious if she had some sort of obsession.
She nodded, "I did, but I went to their training rooms, tested it out, I'm checking to see that everything is still good. Nothing sliding out of place, no frays, all that." She looked up from her inspection, raising a brow, "And you? How'd your lesson go? He didn't try anything, did he?"
Nate shook his head, "No, he actually helped a lot, even if he was still annoying." Of course, that was so expected that Nate might has well have not said it. "I think I might be able to help at this rate in maybe a week or two, so that will be a nice change."
Chiboom shrugged, "That's not your job kid, so don't worry too much about it. In the mean time, I suggest you make sure that you have everything packed up, we'll be going in a few hours, and I doubt you want to leave anything behind."
After about an hour of relative peace, a wet and naked blue Imp flapped in clumsily, bumping into the door frame and the wall with exaggerated reactions. He attempted to fly up to one of the platforms, but flew right against the bottom of the shelf instead, and tumbled down to land with a bounce on one of the beds. He weakly rose and looked around blearily. "Iz thiz the barracks...?" He slurred at the two of them.
Nate had averted his eyes the second he realized the Imp was naked. Unlike Chiboom, who glanced at the newcomer before rolling her eyes, more than used to this sort of shenanigans, he still had no desire to see dicks on this adventure. "Yes, it is," she sighed.
That seemed to satisfy him, and he wiggled his hips as he got comfortable on the bed, then he paused and looked up at them both. "You are... the Prince's consorts...?" He didn't wait for an answer, he just smiled dreamily. "You are lucky..." With a happy sigh, his head hit the pillow and began to snore... and then started to hump the bed in his sleep.
Chiboom snorted at that, "The day I'm anyone's consort, let alone his, is the day I slit my throat." She went back to her weapon inspection, ignoring the muffled sound of humping.
Nate meanwhile, looked at the humping Imp for a moment before sighing, rubbing his temples as he readied his bag for the trip in a few hours, "Everyone's going to assume that, aren't they?" Chiboom nodded and he frowned, "Great." He pushed two together, and lied down upon the beds, "Well, I'm going to take a nap before we go, might as well."
Chiboom only shrugged, and Nate slowly closed his eyes and tried to ignore the noises. |
The Chance To Explore: Part 5 Committed (reupload) by WanderLust | (I've gotten a message saying that this chapter has disappeared so I'm putting it back up just in case.) _Chapter 5: Committed_ _If one were to disregard bad dreams, illnesses, hangovers, and one annoyingly happy puppy you could expect Jaden Quinn to wake up nearly every morning in a state of | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249173-the-chance-to-explore-part-5-committed-reupload | (I've gotten a message saying that this chapter has disappeared so I'm putting it back up just in case.)
*Chapter 5: Committed*
*If one were to disregard bad dreams, illnesses, hangovers, and one annoyingly happy puppy you could expect Jaden Quinn to wake up nearly every morning in a state of complete calm. He didn't moan and bury his head under a pillow. Nor did he jump out of his bed and plant his fist into an offending alarm clock. Nope, every morning he would naturally draw in a deep breath, open his eyes and sleep would peacefully melt away.*
*This morning, however, was different. Jaden awoke feeling as if something was out of place. The muscles in his face were pulled down into a frown, his pulse was beating faster than normal, and his body still felt tired. Lifting his head from his pillow, Jaden opened his eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room, taking none of it in. What was wrong? Was he late from something?*
*He up his head back down and tried to get comfortable. Maybe then he'd figure out what was bothering him. It took the human a minute to realize that his "pillow" was breathing...and had a heartbeat. Suddenly it came to him. He wasn't sleeping on a bed, he was sleeping on someone.*
*Looking up he came face to face with a pair of nostrils and beyond that, a dark set of eyes staring back at him.*
*"Oh. Oooooooohhhh." Jaden said as memories of the past night washed over him.*
*"Good morning" Lieutenant Commander Breyson said. "Did you sleep well?"*
*"Yeah...I mean yes I did, sir."*
*The big horse smiled. "I think, given our actions last night, you may call me Breyson when we are off duty. Or 'Brey' if you like. You kept moaning that in your sleep."*
*Jaden blushed so hard, he was sure his entire body was red.*
*"Your skin has changed color. Have I embarrassed you?" Breyson guessed correctly. "Are you ashamed of what we did?"*
*"No!" Jaden replied honestly. "I liked it....a lot." His body went even redder.*
*The dark stallion relax and wrapped his furry arms around the human. "Good. I did as well. It was been some time since I've shared my bed with another; just before we reached Earth in fact. I was beginning to get....frustrated."*
*"Yeah. It's been awhile for me too." Answered Jaden rolling off the stallion. "I should get going before Lieutenant Corri-whoa!"*
*The instant the human had risen to his full height, his heart started pounding in his ears. So much so that he fell back into Breyson's waiting hands. "Oh hells." The human cursed as he sat back down. "I'm never drinking again."*
*The other male snorted in amusement. "Yes, the head cook's home-brew can make one wish to swear off intoxicants for a time. Just keep your head down and it will pass." He rubbed the poor human's back for a few minutes. "Feel better?"*
*Jaden didn't answer. He was too busy looking at his crotch or rather, at what was covering his crotch. He stood up and this time managed to stay on his feet. It looked like he had on a pair of white briefs; only it was thicker and padded. ":Lieut- Breyson, what am I wearing?"*
*The horse cocked his head, confused. "I told you last night, do you not remember? It's an absorbing fabric we wrap around our offspring during the period when they haven't been trained to relieve themselves in a toilet."*
*The human took a step back. "Are you telling me that this is a...a...diaper?"*
*Again the stallion cocked his head, only this time it looked like he was listening to something. Obviously his nano-translators were hard at work explaining what the unfamiliar word meant. He eventually looked back at the young man and said, "Yes."*
*Jaden paled. \* \_***Great, I'm the first human to have sex with an alien and I ended up doing it with a pervert.**\_\_ \* "Why am I waring one?!" He demanded angrily.\_
*Breyson blinked at the aggressive tone. "As I said last night, it will prevent you from staining the bed and your uniform when you start leaking my \<Unable to Translate\>*
*The nano translators' automated voice was so loud inside Jaden's head that he instinctively covered his ears. This caused both of them to stop talking; they knew what had happened. Breyson had said a word that the nanites hadn't been programmed with. And Jaden now had two choices.*
*One he could have the horse repeat the whole sentence until the blasted little machines adapted and did whatever they did to add the new term to their vocabulary. However, this didn't always work. Three days ago the ships first officer, Commander Sapphira, had been leading her weekly cardio class in the Majestic's recreation hall when she said something 'untranslatable.' At the end of class, the sleek Awrooook'Ta (dragon; yes everyone on Earth was shocked to find out that dragons were real too) told everyone to get to the showers and wash their asses. At least she meant asses. The nanos, after hearing her say it 3 times, chose the word donkeys instead.*
*This latest incident, if nothing else, confirmed Jaden's suspicions that whoever assisted the An'Mas with programing the English language into the translators, only provided the PG rated version.*
*His second choice only applied if he knew the correct word. All he had to do was repeat the sentence with the new word included and that would be the end of it. And, oh boy, was he pretty sure he knew the word.*
*"Cum" he said. "It will prevent you from staining the bed and your uniform when you start leaking my cum."*
*Jaden smacked the palm of his hand against his forehead and sat back down. "There has to be a better way than this."*
*"If we were planetside then yes of course there is.." Breyson answered him. "You could bathe in a pool or a maneuverable shower and cleanse yourself of most it. Sadly, neither facility exists on board the Majestic Explorer." He then literally picked the human up and settled him into his lap. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, many who work in space and have larger lovers wear them from time to time. On this very ship no doubt."*
*Jaden had been considering simply never letting the equine near his rear again, until...*
*"Of course. Did you believe that this was only going to last one night? I never take anyone to my bed without the possibility of there being something more. You do wish to see where this is going, don't you?*
*The young man took a minute to consider. Last night had been amazing and being held in the big males arms made him want to remain there forever. But what if someone found out? If Walter Jefferies ever found out, he'd feel that it was his moral duty to report it back to Earth in the next broadcast. And considering how easily things leaked to the press these days...Jaden could already see the headlines.*
\_ **Human in Twisted Gay Sex Relationship with Alien Horse! Bestiality or Not? You decide** \_
*"I'm just worried. If anyone discovers what we're doing..." he said, voicing his concerns. But he was silenced with a kiss.*
*"The vast majority of the crew wouldn't care. As for your follow Earthers," Breyson took a moment to consider his words. "I do not understand the human compulsion to become involved with things that harm no one and have nothing to do with them. We can keep this a secret as long as you wish but in the end you must learn not to allow the whims of others to influence how you go through your life."*
*Jaden looked away and then back again, smiling. "So, how long do I have to wear this thing?"*
*The horse laughed an almost whiny kind of laugh. "I shall check." And with that, pushed a hand down the back of the padded briefs and rubbed two fingers against the human's hole.*
*The smaller male gasped and thrust his hips backwards. Not only was he extremely sensitive but now that someone was touching him, he could feel something warm running down the crack of his ass.*
*Breyson pulled his hand free and rubbed his index and middle fingers with his thumb. Jaden could see some milky liquid coating them. "Not much longer; maybe an hour. But since we hare both free from duty today, we could always pick up where we left off last night."*
*Jaden was tempted but pulled away. "I need to get back to my own quarters. Corri will probably want to know where I-hey!" The young man nearly tripped and fell over a large bag resting near where his uniform lay. His bag. "Hey, this is mine. What's it doing here?"*
*"I heard that you and your roommate where having difficulty adjusting to each others presence. So I used my position as second in command to move you here." The stallion squeezed his love's aroused cock through the padded material. "Sadly my own bed is too large to allow for another one, we will have to share. It will be a tight fit but I think we can manage."*
*Jaden felt himself go weak kneed. "Since I have no where else to be, get me outta this thing."*
*The stallion placed his palms on either of his hips, the fabric split and the "diaper" dropped to the floor.*
*2 days later*
*"I am so sorry." Jaden said to Breyson as the stallion began slowly lowering him onto his stiff cock.*
*"Uh!" The horse groaned as his head popped into the warm, prepared ass. "I am not the one you should apologize to...But I believe the medics..so tight...will be able to regrow Chef Miri's facial fur soon enough. And...only 3 people developed food poisoning."*
*Jaden had to bite his lips to keep from crying out as another inch entered him. "I...told them that I couldn't cook the moment they tried downloading culinary skills into my head."*
*"Now they believe you....please, Jaden, can we now focus on making lover now?"*
*No sooner had the words leaped from his mouth that the door chime sounded. The pair froze. Jaden was now fully impaled and Breyson gripped his thighs about ready to help his lover ride him.*
*"Don't worry." He said. "I engaged the privacy setting. Whoever it is will come back later...but feel free to tighten your muscles again."*
*\<Emergency Medical Override Engaged. Admittance Granted\>*
*The large stallion had just enough time to mutter an 'Uh-oh' before the door slid open revealing a very angry otter.*
*"I knew it! I knew it!" Dr. Sen yelled marching into the room. "The minute I learned Mr. Quinn had changed quarters, I knew something was going on. You! Get off of him!"*
*Jaden had been trying to do just that, but having a horse's dick inside of him made it difficult and he kept sliding on the loose bedding. He'd rise a few inches, slip and fall back down; effectively fucking himself on the oversized cock. And Breyson, enjoying the stimulation, provided no help at all.*
*Eventually, whether due to the doctors shouting or Jaden's fingers digging into his back, he took hold of the human and held him still. "Doctor perhaps you should give us a few minutes alo-"*
*"Not a chance. I know you too well, you big \<Unable to translate\>. I leave and you'll just finish what you started!"*
*Jaden didn't know which was more humiliating. The fact that the old doctor watched as he finally managed to withdraw the 17 inch pole from his ass. Or that when the long horse flesh completely emerged, it made a rather audible sound when it hit the bed.*
*"I'm very disappointed in you, Commander." Sen commented, looking at the equines penis instead of his face. Medical code 127-A clearly states that an exam must be done before mating with a new species. Do you want another incident like what happened to Ensign Cho'wey?"*
*"Who's Ensign Cho'wey?" whispered Jaden as the otter continued to rant.*
*"An Ookamari helm officer." Brey whispered back. "Mated with a male Awrooook'Ta. It wasn't until later that we learned that because of their very low birthrates, Awrooook'Ta males were given the ability to impregnate nearly any living being."*
*"Imagine my surgical teams surprise when a growth they were going to remove from the ensign turned out to have wings and a tail." The doctor added finishing the story. "Now both of you get dressed. We're going down to medical for a full examination."*
*Jaden nearly flew to his feet. "Uh, can't you do it here?"*
*The doctor regarded him suspiciously. "I could but why would I want to?"*
*It was the second officer who answered. "My young companion would like to keep our relationship secret for now. He believes the other Earthers would not understand. Surely you understand the value of a secret. I believe I helped you cover up that little trouble you got into on Peyllana..."*
*"Alright, alright." Said the otter quickly. He pressed his wrist and the spoke into it. Medbay...,I'm going off-com for an hour, try not to let anyone die."*
*He went over to the naked human and began pulling equipment out of a small bag. "You're just lucky I brought a portable med-pack."*
*Jaden just sat there as the doctor waved a small device, focusing mostly on his stomach.*
*"Congratulations or condolences...you are not pregnant."*
*He nearly snorted but after seeing the serious looks on the rooms other two occupants, Jaden suddenly didn't find it funny anymore.*
*The elder male asked him some questions and waved several more devices over him. Then he had some blood and saliva taken before the otter turned back to the small pack and pulled out a thin vial and what looked like long, thin wand.*
*"One last sample, here 'nurse'" he said handing the vial to Breyson. "you can collect what comes out. Crewmen Quinn, if you'll get on your hands and knees."*
*It wasn't until he got into position and felt a small furry hand spread his buttocks. "Hey, what are you doing?"*
*"Don't worry. After what you just had up there, you probably won't even feel this." And with that the doctor pushed the small wand into the loosened pucker.*
*Jaden was about to protest when a shot of electricity shot through him. "Aaaahhh!" he shouted and began to jerk as cum surged out of his dick and into the vial Breyson had been holding against the head. He bucked wildly trying to thrust into a non-existent partner as his prostate was being worked over by the wand.*
*"Oh gawd, oh god!" The device was removed and the human just crashed, exhausted. He turned over and saw his stallion handing the little bottle to the doctor. "Wha-what was-"*
*"Rest there while I examine the Lieutenant Commander and then you can assist." Doctor Sen said repeating what he had done to the human.*
*Not long after that, he ordered Brey onto all fours. The large male didn't wait for Jaden to move, he simply knelt over him and smiled.*
*"Here use this." Said the medical otter, handing Jaden a much larger vial. "You're going to need it." And with that stepped behind the horse.*
*Jaden took Brey's limp, unsheathed cock into his hand and waited. But both he and his lover turned to look at the doctor when they heard a large slapping noise.*
*"Doctor, what are you planning to do? Where is that device you used on Jaden?" Breyson asked when he saw the otter rolling a long glove up his arm.*
*"That's for small males, it wouldn't do anything to your freakishly large body. I do have one that will work on you," he smiled evilly. "But it's in the medbay. I'm afraid we'll be doing this the old fashioned way. Oh look, you have lube I need right here."*
*The stallion turned back to Jaden with a 'you'd better be really grateful for this' look on his face. The human could only smile apologetically and shrug.*
\_As the arm entered his meaty ass, Breyson began breathing hard, the warm air washing over Jaden's face. While he had been mounted in the past, having a whole arm inside of him was something different all together. He could feel nimble fingers purposely seeking out his prostate and lightly dancing over it when found. \_
The good doctor tried to remain professional but being so close to a huge beautiful rump made it difficult. He made several thrusting movements, pretending that he was just as endowed as the second officer.
*The human began jerking the beautiful member in his hands; starting at the thick base and moved to the ever expanding head. Already clear fluid was flowing out, pooling at the bottom of the bottle and Jaden slid his free hand down the shaft to where the free hanging balls lay. He massaged them, noticing that they were starting to pull up toward the stallion's body.*
*"Stand ready, Mr. Quinn."*
*Almost immediately the stallion screamed and released. The first blast of creamy cum hit Jaden in the chest but the rest made it into the phial; he was so tempted to toss it aside and place his mouth over the cock. Something he had not done yet.*
*"There." Said the doctor. "That wasn't so bad, was i-Stop kissing at once!"*
*5 minutes later*
*The door to Breyson and Jaden's quarters opened and the small otter stepped out.*
*"It will be a few days before I have the results. Until then, if I get one whiff of you guys doing anything!...I'll put the both of you into comas."*
*The door shut and the two lovers were once again alone. Jaden turned and curled up against the horse and looked into his dark eyes.*
*"Know any good stories?"*
*Just to let you know I'm not turning this into some crazy diaper story or anything. I asked people to give me ideas, I like challenges and this was the only way I could think of getting something else into the story. It's nothing gross, at least I don't think so.*
*Quick question, what did you guys think of Dr. Sen? I've been trying to model him after Dr. McCoy from Star Trek. Did I get it close? Anyway I hope you like the update and if you find a mistake let me know.*
*Take care.* |
The Three Thousand Heroes by Darryl the Lightfur | This is but one of the many legends spoken of by the wolves in the Kandai region: The wolves of Kandai knew that their town was doomed to be destroyed. A large invading army had been sighted in the villages to the west, destroying everything in their path, ransacking towns, the Kuro-okami (the Black | [
"Feudal Japan",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97653-the-three-thousand-heroes | This is but one of the many legends spoken of by the wolves in the Kandai region:
The wolves of Kandai knew that their town was doomed to be destroyed. A large invading army had been sighted in the villages to the west, destroying everything in their path, ransacking towns, the Kuro-okami (the Black Wolves) were coming. The feared Kuro-Okami who left nothing in their wake and took no prisoners, ruthless warriors who emerged from the battles with the blood on their disgusting muzzles and would not think twice of killing even the youngest cub would make an example of Kandai for sure as they took over Japan. The citizens of Kandai, wolves of a much lighter complexion than their would-be assailants had no way of defeating these intruders. Decades ago, a peace treaty was signed by the wolves of Kandai never to take up arms again, as they sought to be a city of intellectual development and farming. The standing army was disbanded and made to work in more peaceful professions such as police work, teaching and farming, the use of force completely disregarded as an effective tool.
But now, with an invading army so close to the city walls, it was obvious that a change to these rules would be necessary,
"We need to abolish the peace treaty. That is the only way to defeat these incoming warriors and save our way of life," the citizens would say to the chief and his Council of Twelve, a selected group of advisors and elders. But the chief had a plan, an ingenious plan that would prove to be the salvation of the city and the surrounding countryside, that would satisfy every condition of the treaty and repel the invading dark-furred wolves.
Ashitaka was the chief's name, a descendant from a long line of brave warrior-kings and sages who gave the citizens of Kandai a national identity and their own literature. And much like his ancestors Ashitaka was very much in tune with nature, perking his ears to hear the wordless voices that spoke to him alone. The spirit of the kami and his ancestors communicated through him and though he was very young, he was the wisest wolf in the land. His reasoning was invariably correct, exact, and final- a natural-born leader who could weather any storm, no matter how large.
"You say that we are doomed and that a large army has come. But we have made preparations," the wolf said to the Council of Twelve gathered inside his palace. "I am fully aware of the peace treaty our nation signed. And I know that there is a movement to break it. But if we break it, then we are as villainous as the invaders for our dishonesty. But through my research, I have discovered a way for certain members of this kingdom to fight, in spite of the contract. Though what we signed is legally binding, it was signed twenty-five years ago." Members of the Council of Twelve raised objections.
"What is the significance of twenty-five years?" one said, obviously wanting to know.
"The treaty applies only to those alive when it was signed. Your children were not alive to agree to it thus it has no binding on them. They are free to fight as they choose and many have indeed taken up the path of the warrior long since abandoned. Your love of peace is admirable but protection is a necessity. And I will be the general for this young army." No one had ever thought of this before- the wolf had come up with a solution that allowed for the country to raise an army without violating its own decrees. The entire Council was amazed at the incredible wisdom of such a solution. For years, their children had, under their very muzzles been practicing the same forbidden art which would now be their only hope of victory.
"But we can't raise an army in a few days and teach them the art of war," another Councilor said.
"Do not worry! I have trained them for three years in the scrolls of war. I have seen the works of these young wolves and I can tell you that no army shall prevail against them. They have shown courage and valor in delivering food to the poorest villages over the mountains, in apprehending thieves and bandits. Your cubs are strong and never cease in doing what is right for the country, and they will take the weapons of war to defend their land." As dangerous as it sounds, no one would even think of questioning the wisdom of Ashitaka the wolf. As a matter of fact, the youth of Kandai ranging in age from 18 to 25 were whom the chief deemed ready to fight, after a rigorous training program, regarded him as a father figure for teaching them the art of war. They were extremely proficient in whatever mission they were called, be it policing the outlying villages, capturing lawbreakers, or helping the poor. They trusted their leader to the point of being called the "Sons of Ashitaka" and they numbered exactly 3,000.
These young wolves knew that there would be a large battle upcoming, a battle which would determine the fates of their parents and so they would fight with desperation and strength, as though they were cornered beasts. When the Kuro-Okami were sighted, Ashitaka's Sons marched out of the city to meet the invaders, peerless archers and excellent students of the blade, hardened by years of missions and practice. Ashitaka knew that a defeat would mean not only death but disgrace for him and yet the wolf remained calm in the times reaching to this battle, as he sat on the hill overlooking the village.
When at last the time came for the two opposing armies to clash, something strange and marvelous occurred. The Kuro-Okami were being absolutely destroyed by Ashitaka's Sons- the archers with their accurate aim cut down the advancing invaders and the swordsmen outdueled their counterparts easily. The battle which was supposed to be the end of Kandai was an absolute joke as the discipline and professionalism of this young army was too much for the invading Black Wolves, who used conscripted slaves to build their army. The invaders retreated and in what was the greatest surprise of all, not a single one of Ashitaka's Sons were killed or even severely injured.
And thus the wolves of Kandai were able to protect their territory while retaining their honesty. And though centuries have passed in the Kandai region, many male cubs are named "Ashitaka", service organizations dedicated to this hero are everywhere and his great actions have stirred the hearts and minds of the poets, so that this story is immortalized in story and song. The actions of the Three Thousand Heroes continue to resonate in the minds of the cubs of Kandai and people of all ages look to these nameless heroes as role models in this region of Japan. |
Spike, The Possessed Emu: Story 2 Part 1 by vampish malkin | Spike felt the anger of the ghost inside him start to overflow. "What do you mean you won't marry me?" he yelled at Selene. "What have I done to make you think I'm not worthy?" "You just haven't accomplished anything yet in your life, Spike. That, and you're possessed by an evil spirit." Spike stood | [
"Mild Romance",
"Story Series",
"Various Species"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51549-spike-the-possessed-emu-story-2-part-1 | Spike felt the anger of the ghost inside him start to overflow.
"What do you mean you won't marry me?" he yelled at Selene. "What have I done to make you think I'm not worthy?"
"You just haven't accomplished anything yet in your life, Spike. That, and you're possessed by an evil spirit."
Spike stood up, almost knocking the table and their dinner over. Did she not know there was nothing he could do to get rid of the spirit? Did she not love him for what he was and not what he'd done? He was sick of this. The same thing every time. Spike couldn't stand it any longer. He walked out of the restaurant and left Selene there to pay the bill.
"The consequences of falling in love with an emu that's possessed by an evil spirit" she said to herself as she took out her wallet.
Now if you're just joining us, you probably don't know what is happening. If you have read the first story, and already know about it, you can just skip this paragraph. Our main character, Spike, is a twenty-something emu who is hell-bent on world domination and just happens to be possessed by an evil spirit. Spike wants to marry his girlfriend, Selene, a beautiful young emu, who won't marry him yet for reasons we discovered in the last paragraph. Then we have Spike's best friend, Dax, a moose who is, well, to put it nicely, not the brightest Crayon in the box. We love him anyways though. There's the rest of their motorcycle gang, Hell's Emus, but we'll meet them later. Last, but not least, we have the Devil Duckie, the evil, unholy ruler of Hell who just happens to have his eye on Selene. I think that's all the introduction we need for now, so let's get back to the story and see what's happening in the lives of our friends.
Spike went home and put on a couple of death metal CD's to listen to. He always found that screaming along with Arch Emu or Morbid Angelfish made him feel much better. He was about to go get himself a beer and one of those microwave burritos that always taste the same no matter what flavor, when it started raining pieces of drywall and plaster. "What the hell?" said Spike, "My music's not up that loud..." when suddenly a thousand pound moose fell on his head.
When Spike came to and opened his eyes, he was staring up at a huge hole in his ceiling.
"Damn it, Dax!" Spike said as he was getting up, "That's the third time this week!"
"I'll pay for it," replied Dax (Dax inherited the internet and has an infinite supply of money). "Let's go for a drive. I just got my Porsche back from the mechanics! We could go by The Whiskey and see who's playing tonight."
"Alright Dax, let's go," said a defeated Spike, "Maybe it'll help me get my mind off Selene."
So Spike and Dax left Spike's house and got into Dax's car.
Selene had just gotten home, and was planning on taking a nice, long, hot bubble bath when the doorbell rang.
"Ah damn," she said as she walked to answer the door. She looked through the peephole, and saw Spike standing on her doorstep.
"What the hell..." she murmured under her breath as she unlocked and opened her front door.
"Spike," she said, "what are you doing here?"
"Selene!" he replied, "I finally did it! I got rid of the spirit! I'm free! And my plan for world domination! I've perfected it!"
"Wow..." said an amazed Selene, "How did you..." But she was cut off by Spike getting down on one knee, and pulling out a box with a beautiful white gold ring adorned with opals, rubies and diamonds.
"Spike, I...I don't know what to say," she said.
"Just say yes," said Spike.
Selene laughed. "I will as long as you never try to be romantic again. You're no good at it." He smiled at her, and stood up to kiss her. Selene smiled back, but couldn't help thinking that something was wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong.
"Dax!! Slow down!" screamed Spike, "I really don't feel like dying right now!"
"Chill out, Spike. I'm only doing ninety-four. I always drive this fast on Fridays."
"Ok Dax. I trust you... I think." Dax and Spike continued to fly down the freeway at a steady ninety-four miles per hour.
"Hey Spike?"
"Yeah, Dax."
"You're wearing a seatbelt, right?"
After Spike had left her apartment, Selene finally got to take that bubble bath she wanted to. She took a sip of her coffee, closed her eyes, and thought about what had just happened. What was wrong about Spike? What was different about him? Something was very wrong. Selene opened her eyes, and looked at her engagement ring that Spike had given her. The rubies and diamonds threw glowing embers of light on the walls. It was a beautiful ring. It must have cost a ton of money. Where the hell did he get the money to buy this from? Selene picked up her phone and dialed in Spike's cell number.
Spike's cell phone started to ring.
"Dax! Turn down your music! I gotta answer this call!"
Dax turned his stereo off, and Spike's ears rang for a second in the sudden silence. Spike took out his phone and answered it. He sat there for several minutes listening to Selene's voice through the phone, with a look of horror on his face.
"Oh shit," he said, turning to Dax, "we gotta get back to Selene. Now."
Selene had just finished getting dressed and drying her hair. She checked the clock. 11:19. "The guys should be here soon," she said to herself. She opened her bathroom door and saw someone standing right outside and screamed.
"Selene! It's me, Spike!" said the figure. He stepped into the light coming from the bathroom so she could see him.
"Thank God you're here!" exclaimed Selene. "I've been so scared." She went up to him and hugged him.
He kissed her on the forehead and said, "It's ok, I'm here. We're gonna figure everything out. Now let's get going. Dax is waiting outside."
"Ok," she said, "let me just go get my shoes."
Selene was in her room putting on her shoes when she heard a car door slam just outside. She looked out the window and saw Dax and Spike getting out of Dax's car.
Before she had time to react, someone hit her on the head. She saw little stars floating around, and then everything went black.
Spike rang her doorbell for the second time, and still no one answered.
"Dammit, Selene!" Spike shouted, the evil spirit inside him starting to take over. It almost forced him to break down the door, until Spike regained control of his body and took out the key that he had to her apartment. He unlocked and opened the door, and the two walked into the dark living room.
"Selene!" called Spike. "Selene, are you here?"
"Selene?" said Dax, looking into the fridge.
"Dax, why would Selene be in the refrigerator?" asked Spike.
"You never know, Spike, you never know."
Spike punched Dax in the back of the head.
"Ouch! What was that for?"
"You're stupid." Dax looked at Spike and rubbed the back of his head where Spike had just punched him.
"Come on Dax." said Spike, walking in the direction of the bedroom. He stopped just outside the bedroom door, looking at something on the ground.
"Dax... come here at look at this..."
Dax walked to where Spike was standing and looked inside. There was a huge, scorched patch burned into the carpet in the center of the room. A couple of papers were still on fire, and the room was filled with smoke.
"Damn!" cursed Spike. He turned around and punched the wall, leaving a huge hole.
"Did she spontaneously combust?" questioned Dax.
"No, you idiot! It was the Devil Duckie! He took her!" screamed Spike.
"Oh shit!" said Dax as he ran after Spike towards the front door.
Dax drove them to the Wishkah café, where they met up with the rest of Hell's Emus: Skully (Dax's wife), Mouse (Spike's brother), Bruce (Selene's brother), Slade (Dax's brother), and their friends Vic, Chip and Ray. Spike explained to them what had occurred that night.
"So what the hell are we supposed to do?" asked Skully.
"We are gonna go get her," replied Spike, "but you're not going anywhere but home." Skully was pregnant and due the next day.
"Well how are we supposed to get her?" asked Mouse.
"We have to go down to Hell to get her back." said Spike.
"And how, exactly, do you propose we get there?" said Mouse.
Spike grimaced. "We gotta find the Devil Duckie."
As soon as the words left Spike's mouth, the bar and their drinks were extremely hot. They all reacted quickly, dropping their glasses and jumping off the bar stools. The walls and ceiling caught on fire. Flames crawled along the ceiling, blackening the tiles. The glass bottles of alcohol cracked and burst, spilling burning alcohol, fueling the fire. The wooden chairs and tables caught on fire. They all stood in the middle of the room, away from the majority of the fire, while ash and burning embers fell on them. They became aware of an evil, maniacal laughter that was growing louder. The room grew much darker, completely black in some areas where the blaze didn't reach. In the darkest corner, there was a pair of red eyes glowing in the blackness.
"You bastard!" yelled Spike at the laughing duck. "What did you do to her?"
"Nothing." replied the Devil Duckie, with an evil smile playing at his lips. "She's perfectly fine. You are your friends, on the other hand, I would be worried about..."
Red hot metal bars shot up from the ground, enclosing all but Spike in a fiery prison, leaving him standing alone outside the bars, face to face with the Devil Duckie.
The spirit completely took possession of Spike's body, pushing his conscience into a back corner of his mind. Spike's body reached down and pulled the concealed blade out of his boot. He stood up and looked the Devil Duckie in the eye. The Devil Duckie had taken out his knife and stared right back at Spike.
"No!" screamed Spike from his internal confinement even though no one could hear him. "It's useless! All your going to do is get us and everyone else killed!" Spike screamed in vain at his body, which, under control of the evil spirit, continued.
Spike's body and its ghostly possessor raised the sharp, jagged knife and lunged at the Devil Duckie. The duck threw himself out of the way and turned, intending to stab the knife into Spike's back, but was surprised as Spike went down and knocked his legs out from under him. Spike came around to finish off the helpless Duckie, but found him to be nowhere in sight. While Spike was temporarily confused, the Devil Duckie hit Spike on the head with the handle of his blade, knocking Spike unconscious.
When Spike came to, he found his wrists and ankles to be chained to the ground. His head hurt badly, and was slightly bleeding. The spirit inside him was extremely angry for losing a fight. He started to look at his surroundings and saw his friends still in the prison. He then saw Selene standing in the middle of the cavernous room. She was wearing a wedding dress, and appeared to be in some sort of a trance. In front of her was an altar, and beside her stood the demon duck Himself. Spike realized that they had been tricked to come down and be witnesses to the wedding of the Devil Duckie and his own Selene. He tried with all of his and his possessors' power to break free of the chains, but found that they were not to be broken. He unwillingly gave up, and sat in a huddled heap on the floor, crying and silently cursing himself.
Everyone was quiet as the unholy wedding proceeded until a shadowy figure walked out of the corner of the room and approached the Devil Duckie. He drew a submachine gun and shot the Duck twice in the skull. The Devil Duckie let out an unearthly scream as a whirlwind of ash and fire consumed everything.
Spike opened his eyes to find himself lying on a moonlit, black sand beach. He was almost positive that he had died until he saw Dax and all of Hell's Emus lying on the sand near him. He sat up to be sure of where he was, and on closer inspection the beach was no beach of earth. There was a strange beauty about the place, and the way the twin moons reflected light on the vaguely luminescent, black ocean gave Spike the feeling that he had been here before.
Spike was about to stand up to get a better understanding of where he was, when he saw the shadowy stranger who had shot the Devil Duckie sitting next to him. He looked at the man as he took off his cloak, which had concealed his face. The man was about the same stature as any human male, but was very different. He had jet-black hair that fell in his face and concealed his intense purple eyes. Enormous black wings protruded from his back, and an intricate black tattoo that curved around most of his body. He helped Spike up and flashed a worried grin at him that showed a pair of fangs.
"We need to save Selene, go wake up your friends," said the stranger.
"Who are you?" asked a very confused Spike. "And how did you kill the Devil Duckie?"
The stranger looked at Spike, and answered, "You can't kill him."
"What do you mean you can't kill him? You can kill anything; you just have to know how to do it! And who are you?" Spike demanded of the stranger.
The stranger laughed at him, and stood up. "My name is..."
...to be continued... |
For the love of a Dragon by DemonDragon | He didn't resist when they caught him sleeping in the caves, he didn't resist when they jabbed at him with spears and spurred him forward to their small village near the cliffs edge, he didn't resist when they encased him in metal restraints, he knew he'd break free easily, but for now, he waited | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10067-for-the-love-of-a-dragon | He didn't resist when they caught him sleeping in the caves, he didn't resist when they jabbed at him with spears and spurred him forward to their small village near the cliffs edge, he didn't resist when they encased him in metal restraints, he knew he'd break free easily, but for now, he waited and bided his time. He'd been flying earlier that day, but hadn't noticed the updraft ahead, and it'd caught him by surprise, and as a result, he overcompensated, and strained a muscle. It'd take a month at most to heal, so he'd taken refuge in the cave, one of the village must've seen him, as they were upon him within hours, there was little chance of escape, and he had no interest in harming them.
The first day was rather rough, he'd noticed them, watched their race, females were larger, by a fair amount and seemed in control, shoving the smaller males and shouting in some god forsaken language, the males in turn cringed and whimpered pitifully. It didn't take me long to realize they were a matriarchial society, but he did find it odd, since the females still stayed indoors mostly, and barked out orders from their windows, or their seat.
He could only imagine how mating with them could be, how males here, must have cringed in fear for being the most attractive, and being chosen, the horrors the females put them through in their bedrooms, leading to war stories, rather then jokes about bragging with whom they'd bedded.
The first evening, a large pile of meat was brought to him, something that would have fed at least half the village by his count, it had a horrible odor, but he didn't let on that he could smell it, he instead dug in, and pretended like he was starved, the female overseer, and male guards seemed pleased, and once they'd left my field of view, he tossed the rest hard, towards the cliffs edge. He knew the scent of Dragonsbane, something used to weaken dragons and keep them that way, he knew the odor by heart, and the meat must've been saturated with the flower.
It was later in the evening, that he smelt something getting close, he barely slitted his eyes and watched the intruder, it was a male of the species, small, brown fur, dark spots down his pelt, certainly a odd creature. It came close and inspected him as he pretended to sleep. The male come close, sniffing at the dragons throat, then his chest, as the males muzzle lowered the dragon got worried and let out a soft yawn to announce his being awake. The male backed away and stared at him, gauging the dragons movements, the dragon only smiled, and looked at him.
The dragon looked over his shoulder, the two guards were talking quietly and looking over their own shoulders, probably watchful of any female guards coming to check up on them, and himself. He smiled and turned back to the younger male, tilting his head, the beastman smiled back and moved closer, he must've been...17...maybe 18, barely an adult by the dragons standards.
He leaned in close and sniffed the dragon again, chuffing softly before sitting back, looking at the taller reptile, before whispering "Veran" the dragon nodded his head and whispered back "Dragon" the male looked confused and shook his head, pointing at a guard "Korrin" then the second "Serie" then he pointed to himself again "Veran" he looked at the dragon expectantly, before the dragon replied "Dragon" he smiled to himself, knowing what the younger male wanted, but was unwilling to give his name, for if the male knew of the dragon oath, he'd be in a much worse predicament.
Veran moved close and pressed close to the dragon, the soft warm fur against his scales, it made the dragon smile and relax, he'd been laying down and now had a small male, maybe...two or three foot smaller then himself trying to cuddle with him, while the rest of his village most assuredly...had other plans for his scaley hide. He shut his eyes and put an arm around the young man, this must have made Veran happy, because he started to purr, the dragon thought.
They stayed like this for several hours, the smaller male speaking in his native language, going on and on about something or other, the dragon had no idea, but he listened, it seemed the young male needed someone to listen, and being a prisoner, the youth must've thought the dragon had no where to go. He could smell many scents on this young fellow, some female, some....not female, none of the scents flattering, and for the most part, obvious what they'd done with the young male. He tightened his arm around the young male, making him murr or purr, whatever noise he made, louder. Veran nuzzled into the dragons neck again, and whispered quietly "Dragon" and smiled, before he kissed the dragons neck and slowly stood up, sneaking around the side of the village to not be noticed.
The next day was much the same, the female brought another stack of meats, with the same odor and he devoured almost a fourth before she left with the guards and he tossed it over the side, it was no question now. They had intended on drugging him with dragonsbane, and fattening him up with the meats, his lifespan was most assuredly going to be shorter then what he intended, unless he started formulating a escape plan, if his wing wasn't strained, he could break the metal bonds effortlessly and just fly away. But it wasn't, and there was little else he could do.
After nearly a week, of the same routine, get fed, dispose of most of it, lay around and listen to the others shout and bellow orders, the terrified look of males as females would approach, and drag them off. The return of Veran, each evening, they'd lay together in the cool night air, the young male speaking for hours and hours in his language, the dragon, never understanding a single word. He must've wanted the dragon for more then a willing ear, as each evening, the male would press close, his back to the dragons chest, with the males rear pressed against the dragons groin, and always, Verans little stub tail would wag profusely when the dragon hugged him close.
It made him smile each evening, when Veran came to see him, though neither understood one another, it was the simple comfort of anothers presence that was all either really needed. Love was likely not felt on either side, just the need for companionship. It was a mutual feeling, the dragon thought, but he could never understand the males words, perhaps it was so much more to Veran, then it was for himself.
The following evening, when he waited anxiously for Veran to arrive, the guards came over and inspected his restraints, he'd taken care not to tug too heavily on them, lest he give away that he wasn't eating his meals, and aware of their plans, once they were satisfied, they went back to their posts, and Veran didn't show up that evening, he started to fear the worst, what if they'd caught him coming over, and thought he was freeing the dragon, or perhaps they'd thought he was doing something else, and were punishing him.
A pang of guilt hit the dragon, the young male had only wanted comfort, and someone to hold him, the dragon knew that feeling all too well, and was agitated that they'd punish the male, he'd wait for tomorrow and if Veran didn't show up, he was going to try and find him. He shut his eyes that evening, having a somewhat restless sleep.
The dawn broke with it's usual banter, the beasts changing shifts, the sickening laughter from them filling the air, he kept his eyes shut as he heard them doing something in the middle of town, and he was fairly sure what they were doing. He kept silent and faked being asleep for most of the day, knowing by now, that the dragonsbane in his system, should have him near death, if he'd ate it all like he had pretended to.
When dusk came, he kept his nose sniffing lightly, waiting for Verans scent to approach, he was relieved when he did, and he looked over, the young male didn't look hurt, till he came closer, and the dragon saw the bruises, busted lip, blackened eye. The scent of another male was all over Veran, covering him, and hiding his own faint musk, the dragon had a good idea what had happened now. Veran ran to him, not even caring if anyone saw him this time, it seemed, as he pressed close to the dragons warm scales, the dragon in turn hugging the male, holding him tightly, and nuzzling the top of his head.
Verans tears soon stopped flowing and he began to murr lightly again, the dragons claws gently raking down the males back, and Veran moved to sit into the dragons lap, while the male had a large amount of awe for the dragon, he no longer feared him. The thought of that making the dragon feel better, as he gave the male a soft squeeze, he smiled and Veran leaned back slowly, looking at the dragon, then, down.
The dragon wasn't sure what Veran was thinking but, when he felt the paw moving down his chest to his garment, it was all too clear, the dragon thrummed in his chest softly, and with the guards under the impression he was unconscious, they'd not posted guards tonight, giving the dragon the impression, that tomorrow would be his last sunrise.
He stayed as silent as he could, before he felt the young paw unclasping his leather belt that held his loincloth on, his own musk was fairly strong by this point, having no access to a bath, or water aside from what little he was offered. The young male let out a delighted whimper, and his muzzle delved between the dragons thighs, causing him to moan quietly, and spread his legs apart.
The young muzzle didn't know where to begin, but started around his heavy scaled orbs. Dragging his tongue over them and collecting the salty taste that had gathered down there, the dragon, having not had any attention in this manner for...many days, leaned back, placing his palms down. His sheath giving up it's thick contents eagerly, the red arousal pushing upwards and laying against his stomach as the smaller male licked and suckled at his seedmakers, making the dragon squirm lightly.
The dragon coo'ed softly and looked down at the smaller male, smiling, before his claw gently stroked his headfur, Veran looked up and blushed heavily, seeing the dragons arousal hanging so heavily over his stomach. He swallowed and leaned forward, letting his smooth tongue trail from the lip of the dragons sheath, upwards to the crown, where his lips parted further and the warm muzzle started to engulf the dragons arousal, he hissed softly and stroked his claws over the back of Verans head.
The younger male was eager to please this dragon, his muzzle taking as much of the dragons lenth as he could, before he leaned back, then forward, sending little shivers of pleasure through the dragon, making him groan and writhe faintly. It only took a few moments, before the dragon was panting, with Verans paws on his lenth, stroking up from the base, to where his lips could reach, then back down, getting the dragons hips to lift time to time, he wasn't going to last, if this was how things were going to be, the dragon reached down, and cupped the males chin, pushing him away slowly.
Veran whimpered and looked up at the dragon, confused. The dragon smiled and reached over unclasping the furry males own loincloth and smiling, as he stroked a claw over his rear. Veran understood immediately and blushed, removing his garments and pressing close to the dragon again, pressing his lips to the dragons own. His soft furred paws massaging and stroking the dragons neck and chest as he moved close, standing over the dragons arousal, before he moved to sit in the dragons lap. The dragons claws already holding his lenth upwards, so when Veran lowered himself, his lenth was gently nudging the males hidden tailbud.
Veran tensed up, and let out another whimper, the dragons free claw stroking the males side and rear, helping to calm him, it was a painful first step, but after Verans soft whimpers and the dragons faint growls of pleasure, his arousal had started to fill the younger males rear, with the dragon holding his lower half, Veran all but surrendered, letting the dragons strenth decide how fast his rear was used for the dragons pleasure.
It wasn't long at all, before both males were moaning quietly, the dragons arms guiding Veran up and down his turgid arousal, as it disappered into the furry crevice and sunk into the smaller males body. Veran, his paws gripping the sides of the dragons neck as he licked and kissed at the dragons snout, softly groaning with each movement, and his own arousal, bouncing with each press of dragon shaft, inside of him.
Veran was the first to tense up, and let out a restrained howl of pleasure, into the crook of the dragons neck and shoulder, hot spurts of seed erupting against the dragons chest and stomach. The dragon, driven by his need for release, pulled Veran further down, pushing his member further into the spasming male, growling and groaning, nearly to the hilt, before he tensed and held Veran tightly. The smaller male whimpering submissively, as hot pusles of dragon seed flooded his rear, marking him as claimed territory, much like what the dragon assumed had happened the day before.
Both males sat in the warm afterglow of release, the dragons claws gently rubbing up and down Verans back. He smiled and kissed the furred male softly, before slowly lifting Veran, who pushed the dragons attempts away, resigning himself to having the male in his lap, he went to lay on his side, and the smaller male shifted around, so his back was against the dragons chest again, and his rear pushed firmly down around the lenth, wanting to keep the feeling of warmth and the dragons show of affection within himself, at least for tonight.
The dawn came earlier then expected the next day, shouts and angry barks of hate filled the air when the dragon felt himself stirring, he awoke with Veran still in his lap, his arm around the smaller male protectively, he looked over and noticed several females and males all with spears and and bows at the ready. Veran stirred soon after and whimpered, he looked at the dragon then at the two dozen others of his race, shouting something, which most of the males gasped at, and the females glared hatefully.
The dragon had a good idea of what was said, and knew Veran would be killed after he was, he looked at the gathering, then at Veran, he leaned down and kissed Verans forehead, whispering softly "I'll protect you little on" he slowly pulled himself from Veran, while not fully hard, he was still somewhat unsheated inside of him. He slowly got up and shook his back and muscles, most of the females seemed unhappily shocked by this, and gripped their weapons tighter as he growled, he stood up on his hind legs, and stretched, the chains snapping harmlessly and dangling from the manicles around his wrists and halfway down his tail.
He turned to Veran and offered his claw, then looked out over the nearby cliffs edge, Veran looked to teh dragon then the cliff. He smiled, before turning to the rest of his village, shouting something in their language, before he took the offered claw, and pressed close to the dragon. Both smiling softly as the dragon picked up the younger male, and started for the cliff, the females screaming as several arrows and spears were thrown, the arrows hitting his scales bounced off harmlessly, and the spears whizzing past on either side of him, he lept from the cliff and spread his wings.
Veran smiled and nuzzled close against the dragons chest as he felt the air rising around them, he looked at the dragon and hugged tightly, trusting him completely. When the dragons visage turned from one of joy, to one of dread, and fear, Veran was worried. He looked at the dragon, then at his wing, one was fully extended, and the other, wasn't moving hardly at all. Veran understood the implications, and whimpered, but pressed tightly still, at least he was with his dragon.
The dragon shut his eyes, feeling the wind ripping past them, it would only be a matter of moments before they ran out of sky to fall from. He looked at Veran and shut his eyes "Forgive me Veran....there is no other way" he whispered, and rolled his weight, letting his back aim downward, as he looked into Verans eyes, a soft smile, as tears welled in his eyes, he squeezed Veran tightly then released him, a orange glow encompassing the male as they fell. He watched Veran's eyes, terrified as he was released, and he smiled at the male "The love of a dragon...is not without it's price" he smiled still, trying not to cry, he didn't want Veran to remember him crying.
Veran sat by the dragons side, crying his eyes out, the dragons eyes left open in a sickening look of death, his body in a odd contortion as he'd hit the ground, Veran knew little of things outside of his village, and certainly had no idea what the dragon had said, but his safe landing by the dragons dying body, covered by the orange haze that soon dissipated as soon as his feet touched solid ground told him all he needed to know. He held the dragons claw and cried still, watching the life slowly drain away from the male that had saved him from his village, and from his eventual death, for bedding the dragon the night before.
Veran knew he had to leave, it would take the village at least a day to go around the valley and get to where they were, and he didn't have time to properly bury the dragon, or do anything to spare him the fate that he knew the village would do to the dragon, he had nothing with him, not even a stitch of clothing. He hugged the dragons maw, before turning and running down the valley, away from where he knew his kind would come from, going to fully use the gift the dragon had died, to give him, and live his life, in the dragons memory. |
morning beginings by dbj_rab | another old wip file - The large wolf sat and stared as the fox dipped into the water and swam for a while. How graceful he looked. He swam fast and strong. Finally, he shot up out of the water and shook off the wetness. His fur puffed out from shaking, making the wolf start to | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464047-morning-beginings | The large wolf sat and stared as the fox dipped into the water
and swam for a while. How graceful he looked. He swam fast
and strong. Finally, he shot up out of the water and shook off
the wetness. His fur puffed out from shaking, making the wolf
start to chuckle. The wolf quickly muffled his mouth, he didn't
want to scare the fox away. However the fox already alert was
staring back in the wolf's direction, but turned around again
probably thinking it was a small animal. None the less the wolf
was crouched down hiding in the shadows of the trees and the
brush. " He must be new to this forest, I've never seen him
before ", he wondered, " he'd sure be a helluva lucky dog if the
morning forest patrol found him, they're usually all vixens.
There's very few males around here ". Then he realized why the
fox was so alert in the first place, he had a small pouch
fastened to his leg, used for carrying letters. He was a " letter
carrier ". Sometimes they'll relay messages over 40 miles
taking days, some of those messages are valuable. He'll be
very protective of that pouch, not only that, he can outrun
anyone - only the fastest runners get to be letter carriers. The
wolf was wondering how to approach him without seeing him
disappear in a blink. As he was backing up slowly from the
brush, he lost his footing sliding down a small muddy part of
the small bank of the creek right toward the water. It was
muddy from the rain the night before. Covered in mud, the wolf
opened his eyes staring down at the water seeing his muddied
reflection. " Damn ", he cursed to himself, " that fox is probably
a mile away by now ", he thought. Still slipping, he lifted
himself up and dived into the water to clean himself. As his fur
was finally clean, he stuck his head back up out of the water
agains't the edge, as he opened his eyes his heart jumped. He
was nose to nose staring into the curious fox's deep green
eyes. " So you finally came out of your hiding place ", the little
fox laughed. " I knew you were watching me for quite a while. "
The wolf, from shock couldn't say anything, his heart pounding
even more. Close up this fox was incredibly gorgeous. " I like
the big, strong ones ", the fox said shyly. OK.ya dats enough
fer now
" You're probably wondering why I didn't run. " the fox said still
almost nose to nose. " Uh ", the wolf stuttered in reply. " You
must be Raggs, am I right? " asked the fox.
" Uh yeah, right, how'd you know? ", he replied as he tried to
scramble out of the water.
" You were at the Great Forest Ball, I saw you with that
coyote. " Raggs slipped back into the water, which made the
young fox chuckle. " Oh, how cute! ", Raggs thought making
him shudder. His heart was pounding so fast. " Umm wh what's
your name? " he managed to stutter out.
" Huh? I thought you knew, that's why I didn't run. I've been
without any action for months and it's not everyday that a
gorgeous big black wolf stares at you. I knew you must be
hungry and would just love to eat me up. " Raggs' heart
stopped and jumped up into his throat. " Well, since you don't
know, it's Chance. "
" HOLY SHIT!", Raggs thought, " Velio's apprentice!" At that, it
was such a shock to the wolf that he fainted and sank back
into the water.
Raggs felt warmth as he opened his eyes. He was somewhere
on the opposite bank, the sun shining on him and laying under
an enormous weeping willow. Around the weeping willow was a
ring of small pink flowers, and a wonderful spring smell was in
the air. As he got up he felt something soft beside him, it was
Chance. He must of exhausted himself hauling the large wolf's
body out of the water. " I'll have to repay the favor. " Raggs
thought. He looked at how peaceful Chance slept. He leaned
closed and sniffed his fur. " Mmm, he smells wonderful too. "
As Raggs was about to pull away, Chance in his sleep reached
out grabbing Raggs' shoulders and pulled his face close and
began kissing him passionately. He also woke up from this. "
Wow, what a way to wake up! " he whispered. Raggs heart
was racing again. " Are you always nervous? " Chance asked
" Well it's just..."
" Yes I know, I'm Velios apprentice, Velio The Master Of
Fellatio. "
" And you're gorgeous ", Raggs said as he fought the
" Well thank you. " he replied.
" How'd you become his apprentice? " Raggs boldly asked. " I'll
make the story short, since I have my mind on something else.
Anyway it happened about a year ago, I was running letters for
General Aran in Oasis Forest. As I was running a very
important message at the time, I took a shortcut going over a
large mound with a humungous thick oak on it. I think it was
oak but, anyway. I was going pretty fast when my foot sank
through the ground between the roots. The large root in front of
me stopped me still and I fell down as the ground beneath me
crumbled away. On the way down I banged my head on a thick
root knocking me out cold. When I woke up with a splitting
headache I was lying in a bed looking up at the sky through a
roots and a hole in the ground. ' Are you OK? ' a voice asked. I
turned to my left to see a cute but rugged fox a little older than
me staring back at me. ' Who are you? ' I asked and also said,
' sorry for what I did. '
He said it was Velio. But my head hurt too much, I started
moaning from the pain. ' Do you have anything to make the
pain go away? ' I moaned. ' As a matter of fact I do ' he replied,
' its a good thing you picked my house to fall in. Man I've been
without some one for weeks. ' As I laid back down he jumped
right on top of me. ' Huh, what are you doing? ' I asked
frightened. ' I'm going to take away your pain. ' he said. And at
that he put his mouth over my cock and licked it frantically with
expert tongue movements, making me gasp for air. ' Oh by the
way, ' he said, ' they call me Velio Master Of Fellatio. ' He
spent two hours on me completely taking my head ache away.
There was a clock beside the bed. He said later that sex was
the best pain killer. Anyway he made me cum three times
make scream so loud that the tree vibrated. ok that it for now
will continue tomorrow.
" And sex was the best painkiller indeed. In those two hours, he made me cum three times, making me scream so loud that the tree ( which is part of his house )
vibrated. After that he introduced me to his gorgeous 8" cock, which he rammed into me for an hour more. That bed of his almost broke in two. To repay the
damage I did, I helped him fix it and gave him some action. Since I was going to stay for a while, he decided to teach me everything he knew. He found some of
his other friends and invited them. He made me show each one my talents and later that was how I became known as Velio's Apprentice. Since falling through his
roof I had stayed with him for a month. So that's my story. "
" That's quite a story. " The wolf said now totally relaxed. " Let's see if you live up to it. "
" It's about time, " Chance replied, " I was starting to get impatient." He climbed up on top of the wolf feeling his muscles and started to wildly kiss him. Raggs was
almost suffocating from the kisses. Chance lifted himself up and asked, " So what do you want first? "
The wolf grinned, " Prove you're his apprentice. "
Chance licked his fur and slowly went down to his rock hard 9" cock.
Slowly, very slowly Chance inched his fuzzy soft
muzzle down Raggs' shaft doing movements with his tongue
that made the wolf's head spin. Raggs' cock was so
thick that Chance couldn't even completely close his
mouth around it. Feeling Chance's small teeth rubbing
hard agains't the sides of his cock shot new waves of
pleasure through his body. He spasmed, arching his back
backwards as Chance slid further down his pole. Raggs
started to moan loudly and gasp for air, writhing like a
snake on a hot rock. " By the gods, " Raggs thought, "
this pleasure is surpassing that of an orgasm but I'm
not even close to cumming yet. He truly is Velio's
Apprentice. " Never had he felt anything so incredible. He
was sweating and his body started to quiver. He
clenched his teeth as he felt as if he were going to pass
out from the intense pleasure. By now Chance was
already deep-throating him and then started to wildy
slide up and down his cock and licking insanely like
lesbians do when they're at their highest point in
ecstasy. This was better than he had ever saw at some of
the swinging forest parties he went to. Raggs had
seen some wild neurotic male on male and female on
female action, but all of that action combined was still
nothing compared to this. His body spasmed and writhed as
he could feel a scream trying to escape from his
throat. Raggs didn't care if even everyone could hear his
screaming. He let it escape. He couldn't breathe, and tried
to gasp for air as he continuously screamed echoing
through the whole forest. " let everyone hear, " he
thought, " they'll know that Velio's Apprentice is working
on me. " Raggs was in an ultimate state of ecstasy,
in Sexual Nirvana. There was no time as a second
felt like a millenia. Raggs could feel the intense
pleasure throughout his entire body right to the tips of
his ears. Slowly Chance worked him up to climax. He
could stretch this out for up to an hour thought
Chance, but it was his first time with him. Raggs could
feel the orgasm coming and yipped and howled with
every one of Chance's lick's as it got closer. Finally,
what seemed like eons, Raggs exploded down Chance's
throat so hard that the pressure and rushing of the cum
produced a little pain as it shot up through his cock.
Chance pulled Raggs' cock out of his mouth to let some
of his hot wolf spunk spray agains't his teeth and
then plunged it back down his throat creating and
extra wave of pleasure that made Raggs scream so loud
that he lost his voice.
Raggs threw up his hips violently trying to ram
his dick further down the little fox's throat as he
shook from the contunuing orgasm. " How did he do it? "
he thought while still at the very edge of the
orgasm. What felt like another minute passing, the orgasm
finally was winding down shooting the last of his cum
inside Chance. Finally as his " bodyquake " was over
Chance lifted up his head off of Raggs' cock, laughing
with his mouth filled with wolf cum. Raggs laid back
with exhaustion and started to cry. " What's the
matter? " Chance asked still laughing.
" I don't know.
Oh by the gods that was so great. " Chance climbed
up the wolf's strong muscular body and kissed him
more passionately than ever, letting Raggs taste his
own spunk. " Anyway, I'm going to be more late if I
don't hurry. I forgot I have an incredibly important
message to deliver, so I can't stay. I really wanted to
feel that big 9 incher inside me. " but as Chance
finished his last sentence he saw that Raggs was already
passed out from the intense job that he did on him. "
Well till we meet again, " he said, " and it better be
real soon, like tonight. " And with that he bolted
from the willow through a clearing and into a deep
" HALT " a female voice demanded.
" Oh no, an
enemy patrol. " Cance thought.
" Catch me if you
can! " He yelled laughing. At that moment Raggs awoke
from his little slumber and looked over to his left,
seeing in the distance in another clearing further up a
small fox running as fast as lightning, while six
vixens each wearing a thin black collar were in hot
persuit. " Lucky little guy! " Raggs thought, " I wonder
if he can outrun THAT morning patrol? " Only the
fastest get to be in the patrols, heh heh. And those
one's I know happen to be the fastest. "
" Who are
you? " asked a strong loud female voice behind him.
Raggs spun around to see another morning patrol, four
vixens and a larger grey and white female wolf ( who was
the leader ) staring at him. " Uh? " Raggs nervously
stuttered. |
Birthday fun by Kraz | This is a birthday story for my friend Lapseph from FA. Sefra grinned as he spotted Kraz walking along. The bunny slowly moved up behind the moogle and pounced, getting a eep from him. Kraz wiggled a bit underneath Sefra, which caused the bunny to snicker down at the moogle and slowly started to get | [
"Vore (soft)"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51551-birthday-fun | This is a birthday story for my friend Lapseph from FA.
Sefra grinned as he spotted Kraz walking along. The bunny slowly moved up behind the moogle and pounced, getting a eep from him. Kraz wiggled a bit underneath Sefra, which caused the bunny to snicker down at the moogle and slowly started to get off.
"Hey there moogle." Sefra said as he helped Kraz up.
"Meep, S-Sefra!" Kraz said somewhat nervously as he stood up.
"Sooo, what'cha get me?" Sefra asked with a grin, tilting his head at Kraz.
"G-Get you?" Kraz asked, blinking.
"Yup, what'cha get my for my birthday?" Sefra gave an even bigger grin.
"Meep! Y-You're birthday? I got you, um..." Kraz shuffled his paws as he spoke, thinking fast. "M-Myself!"
"Really?" Sefra asked with a grin down to the moogle, who let out a nervous kupo at the grin.
"I-I mean the presents at home." Kraz said with a nervous smile. "I'll go get it."
Sefra just grinned as Kraz started too walk away. He stepped up behind him and grabbed him, giving a little growl and squeezing the moogle. Kraz started to wiggle some against Sefra, trying to get away, blushing as he felt something pushing up against his rear. Sefra only murred and squeezed the moogle tighter before pushing him to the ground and laying over him, causing the moogle to blush even more and try to crawl away.
Kraz groaned as he was held tight, giving a little wiggle before meeping as he felt something pushing up under his tail. Sefra only murred as he rubbed the tip of his shaft up against Kraz's tail hole, smearing pre over it, helping to wet it down for what was to come. Kraz gasped and clenches down as Sefra starts to push in, getting a moan from the bunny who slides his tip into that tight hole. Kraz tries to squirm away again, but is held fast by Sefra who just feeds inch after inch of his member into the moogle.
After a minute both Kraz and Sefra laid panting, Sefra hilted into the smaller moogle. Pre flooded into the moogle as Sefra started to pull out, getting to the tip before pushing back in, getting a moan from Kraz. Sefra started up a rhythm of pushing in and pulling out, slowly picking up speed. Kraz just laid there, pre leaking from his own cock, panting and moaning as he was pounded. Sefra kept on getting faster and faster as he humped into the moogle, a flood of pre helping to lube up the tight rear.
It didn't take long before Sefra slammed forward and hilted in Kraz. Moaning out, rope after rope of hot rabbit cum filled the moogle, causing him to pant and moan. Kraz let out a small whimpermoan as he tried to bring a paw around to get himself off as well, but was held tight by Sefra. Sefra just mmed and murred as he finished filling the moogle, grinning some down to him as he kept him held tight. Leaning down he gave the back of Kraz's head a lick, mming and licking his lips.
"Mm, now that I've had fun with my present I think it's time for some cream filled cake." Sefra said with a grin as he opened wide.
"W-Wait! I'm not a cake!" Kraz squeeked out as he started to squirm.
Sefra just snickered as he took Kraz's head into his muzzle and started to suckle and lick it over. Any of Kraz's protests where cut off as his head was taken in, though he still tried to wiggle and squirm free. Sefra mmed as he licked the moogle's head over before swallowing and pulling his head deeper in. He kept on licking down everything that came in, getting it nice and wet before swallowing and sending the moogle's head down his throat. Kraz let out a small squeekymoan at the tightness and warmth, but still tried to squirm himself free.
Sefra ignored all of Kraz's squirms and held him tight as he gulped more and more of the moogle down. Getting his chest in and starting on his stomach Sefra brought one of his paws down to the moogle's rear to lift him up. Kraz couldn't help but let out a small moan at the grab, and then another as he felt one, then two, then three of Sefra's fingers pushing into his cum filled rear. Kraz moaned out and gave a few jerks forward, his cock throbbing as he was teased by Sefra's digits. After another big swallow and then push with those digits he let out a kupo moan as he came, ropes of hot moogle cum splashing against his chest, and then Sefra's muzzle as he finally got his release.
Mming and grinning Sefra swallowed down the limp moogle more quickly now. Kraz's chest, then waist, then legs vanished down Sefra's muzzle as he was gulped down. Finally Sefra moved his paws up to Kraz's feet paws and slowly pushed them in, getting a wiggle from Kraz as they where taken in and licked over. Sefra gives one last large gulp, sending Kraz fully down into his stomach, forcing him to curl up inside. Kraz gives a few wiggles and squirms, pushing out at the walls, but with the lack of air and from having just orgasmed he soon drifts off to sleep inside the gurgling stomach. Sefra mms and licks his lips one last time, letting out a wet burp as he rubs over his churning stomach, settling back to rest after enjoying his moogle present and cake. |
a monster rancher tail by dbj_rab | a quickie old lemon of monster rancher - Note, characters in this tale are copyrighted by Fox Hare and Tiger were fighting again. "Were do you get off, telling me what to do?" Hare shouted at Tiger. "I tell you what to do, because you don't seem to know otherwise," he growls back. "Yo guys. Cool | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464048-a-monster-rancher-tail | Note, characters in this tale are copyrighted by Fox
Hare and Tiger were fighting again. "Were do you get off, telling me what to do?" Hare shouted at Tiger.
"I tell you what to do, because you don't seem to know otherwise," he growls back.
"Yo guys. Cool it. You have got to quit fighting and make up," Kenki said.
"Why don't you go and find some wood and food, all right?" he says.
"Fine." Both of them say.
They soon leave the others, still glaring at each other.
"Hey, bet I find more than you do," Hare said.
"Feh, yeah right. All you care about is money," Tiger said.
"That's not true," Hare replied looking shocked.
"Yeah, whatever," Tiger responded.
They soon go their separate ways.
Soon both have found enough wood for a fire, and start to head back towards camp.
"Well, looks like we're both even," Tiger said.
"Humph," Hare responded.
"I'm going to cool off in the river," Hare replied.
"Fine by me, I think I'll join you," Tiger said.
Both reached the stream and start to wash up, splashing each other, making the other mad.
"What is it that you have against me?" Hare shouted.
"I'll tell you when we get on land," Tiger growled.
As they get out, Tiger comes up close to Hare, and pushes him down.
"My problem with you is that you make me so fucking horny," Tiger growled lustly.
"Huh? I do. Wow, I feel the same way about you," Hare replied eyes bulging a little.
"So what are you going to do about it?" Tiger asked.
Hare responded by reach down towards Tiger sheath and started to pull his fur wear off, revealing a 8" dick.
Tiger moaned as he felt Hare's paws caress his dick.
He pulled down Hare's fur wear and started to lick and suck his 7" dick.
Both started to pant and moan, as they felt their dicks get harder.
"HMMM, that feels so good," Hare pants.
"OHHH, same here," Tigers groans.
After sucking each other to hardness, Hare turns himself around to get on all fours.
He lift his bunny tail up, "C'mon Tiger, Fill me up with your white gold," he pants.
Tiger respnods by mounting him and placing his paws around Hare's hips. He spread them further apart and begins to rub and thrust his dick in Hare' waiting rosebud.
Tiger grunts as he feels Hare's ass tighten around his invading cock.
Hare grimaces a little as Tiger pushes in deeper.
Tiger soon starts to rub his paws tighter around Hare's hardening dick.
Hare eyes bulge as he feels his ass and dick on fire.
Tiger growl softly and pants as he pumps in and out of Hare's tight ass faster.
Hare groans as he feels himself reaching climax. He convulses as he pants and starts to spurt his bunny cum all over the ground.
Tiger growls and howls as he feels Hare's ass tighten around his dick and he pushes in deep, pushing his knot into Hare's ass, making the ring expand.
Hare cries as he spurts again feeling Tiger's knot invading his ass and Tiger spurting his wolfseed against Hare's prostate.
Both are gasping for breath and lay collapsed on top of each other with Tiger still inside him.
"OHHHHHHH, that was wonderful, Worth every drip of you white gold," Hare panted.
"HMMMMMM, I now love you, Hare. We've got to do this again soon," Tiger panted eyes looking down at Hare's lovingly.
Both soon drift off to a quick sleep. |
Closest Friend by Tatski | Basic warnings... this is a story that includes sexual intercourse between two males. if you find this offensive of are under age... don't read it. Feed-back would again be appreciated. Finally, I let my body fall forward... I gasped slightly as my body hit the frozen ground. I could feel my body | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10068-closest-friend | Basic warnings... this is a story that includes sexual intercourse between two males. if you find this offensive of are under age... don't read it. Feed-back would again be appreciated.
Finally, I let my body fall forward... I gasped slightly as my body hit the frozen ground. I could feel my body heat sapping slowly away, so tried to cast a protectance spell. As my eyes closed from exhaustion, I prayed the Tolen would not be able to track me. I awoke when my body began to freeze. I stood, my head spinning, it was almost night, I needed shelter. Forcing my body to move, I crept slowly up towards the summit of the mountain. I knew I would not be able to survive the night if I could not find some sort of shelter... but in the fading light, my time was running out.
I concentrated the energy I had recuperated while I was unconscious too my eyes and cast the enlightenment spell. Feeling the blood flow increase to my eyes, the terrain around me was slowly revealed. I saw the energy flow within the creatures buried within the ground, flying in the sky, miles of landscape appeared to me and I caught sight of a small hut which appeared empty near to where I was. I quickly scanned around me for any sign of a treat, and released the spell. The miles of landscape were snatched away from me and I moved slowly forward.
I am unsure how I made it to the hut, but by the time I reached it, the light had faded around me, and my body was shivering uncontrollably. I fell against the door of the hut, unable to keep moving further. Inside, a deep grey wolf drew his sword and stepped towards the door. Pulling it open, the light from his candle revealed a shocking scene, a fox dressed in shredded black mage's robes lay unconscious in front of him...a trail of blood lay around the fresh tracks in the snow, he had almost certainly been in a fight. Picking him up, he caught a glimpse of the fox's face, his heart missed a beat.... Working quickly, the wolf dressed the fox's wounds, and carefully removed the Tolen arrows he gently sniffed on of the blades... poison.
I was completely unaware of what was happening around me for what must have been weeks... until I slowly opened my eyes to see a wolf sat with his back towards me... I groaned slightly trying to sit up which made him turn...
'Your awake then...' he smiled 'I thought I had lost you' 'A...Anerea?' 'Yes Chaos, it is me...'
Overwhelmed, I fell back into a deep slumber...
When I awoke once again, it was light, Anerea was sat in the chair beside me. Sitting up slightly, I found, to my surprise, I could move quite easily.
'I thought you were dead Anerea... When the Tolen raided our town... you disappeared... I searched for you...' Anerea looked at me 'I'm sorry Chaos... I wish I could have stayed with you, but the Tolen were killing any who opposed them or posed a treat... I had to leave to try to fight them off...' 'I fought as well... I couldn't find you... I... I needed you...' He stood and turned to the door. 'Rest...'
After a few days, I was able to walk again, and began practicing spells... My body was still weak, so I did not have much luck for a few months... Whilst I was recovering, I stayed with Anerea, helping to catch food, and talking about the years we had spent apart...
Anerea and I go a long way back, we spent our childhood together, but were split when we joined the guilds, Anerea became a swordsman, and I became a mage. When we returned from our training, we began working together and I fell in love with Anerea while we were still young... we were never accepted at home, so we left our. During our travels, we met new people, formed friendships, alliances, but I never told Anerea my feelings for him, I was afraid of the impact it would have on our relationship. We coped for a few years travelling here and there, until the Tolen appeared... The Tolen believe in a dictatorship, they dislike anything that is different, and press ganged people into joining them. It was fine until they became violent and began forcing there ideas upon others. People were forced to renounce their positions, to fight for them or die. The idea spread quickly, and the major cities were soon forced into compliance... Anerea and I were forced to keep our relationship secret, to keep to ourselves, to live a lie.
The first uprising marked the beginning of our separation... many citizens had planned to overthrow the Nightguard in a town called Algarde. Anerea and I signed up at the first opportunity, and plans were soon put into effect. The battle took place weeks after, too no success, the town was burnt and the citizens 'suppressed' any that were not killed that night, were exiled, and hunted down... After being separated from Anerea, I presumed he was dead, and lived only for survival. Years passed before the guard were able to track me down...
I learnt that Anerea had stayed here, near the old town to stay low and help with the second uprising. I myself had heard of such an event, but my heart was too distraught over the loss of the one I love.
As I spent more time with Anerea, I felt my love for him grow stronger, each minute rekindled the bliss my heart had felt when I saw his face, saw him alive. We spent the following weeks building a second room onto the hut, as Anerea thought I would enjoy some privacy, and I couldn't tell him how comfortable sleeping near him felt, his soft breathing, his scent, and, every now and then, how he would speak my name softly in his sleep...
When the room was complete, I hugged him tightly, Anerea was some two feet taller then me and the feeling of his sweat cover body against mine, the feeling of dominance and power began to arouse me. Afraid he would notice my scent, I yelped 'wait a minute' and ran into the forest. By the time I was alone, I was fully erect, I dropped my robes and began to stroke myself gently. Slowly, feeling the tension fade from my and my orgasm approaching, I gasped slightly and began to quicken the pace. As I approached my orgasm, months of sexual frustration left me and I threw my head back panting. I lent forward and closed my eyes as I emptied my self onto the floor. I continued to stroke myself for a while after.
The hyena creped slowly behind the Fox, feeling himself grow more as he stroked himself through his trousers. He hadn't been able to express himself since the Tolen took over. He missed this sight from the Assassins guild and wasn't going to pass an opportunity to relinquish his desires. He was truly sorry he had to kill the fox, but a job's a job.
I thought I heard a rustling behind me, so I quickly put myself away and released the Enlightened eye. I looked around me, my gaze passed over the hyena behind me without me moving my head. I studied his energy, contemplated where to hit, planned that I would place energy directly to his heart to kill him quickly. I turned a second later, ploughing my open palm into his sternum and releasing energy directly to his heart. The hyena yelped and then fell silent.
With this, the rest of the pack attacked. I took down three with the same technique, and the others retreated and drew their arrows. I carefully observed their movements all around me, and waited to see which would fire first. Concentrating energy to my lungs and releasing the elemental seals within my mind, I spat fire at the five behind me. Moving energy to my feet, I leapt over tier heads and behind them, to kill them with a summoned blade.
Panic struck me when I realised that they were Tolen. I ran as fast as I could back to the hut, to see Anerea fighting off a small party of fifteen. I stopped for a moment to cast a spell, I visualised the seals within my mind and concentrated energy outside my body. I was just about to cast when I heard a scream that pierced my heart. Losing concentration, I saw Anerea impaled on one hyena's sword. As Anerea's blood fell on the hyenas face, he tossed his limp body away and turned to me. I felt anger and hate brew up inside me, I could feel my heart and mind tearing, a lump rose in my throat and I saw red. I ran at the murderer and hit each of his nerve endings. I watched the hyena scream in agony, but this was not enough to quell my heart. I noticed four of the soldiers walk towards me, so I used my magic to burn away their bodies. Still furious, I turned to the hyena writhing on the floor and tore his arms and legs off. I watched as he bled to death and then crushed the rest of the soldiers.
As my mind cleared, I realised what I had done and why. Running over to Anerea, I pulled his body close to mine and wept. As I was losing hope, I felt a faint heartbeat. Suddenly, overcome with joy, I concentrated all of my energy in and around his body. I released the healing seals and let my life flow into his. I would give my life for his. I felt my I began to feel weaker and struggled to keep my eyes open. I kept conscious long enough to see his wound healing and sealing up completely. My head felt light and I slumped forwards onto him just as he woke up.
Anerea sat up slightly and placed his hands over his chest, where he had been stabbed. He looked around at the destruction around him until his eyes fell on the body of the fox. At first it appeared that he was sleeping, but as he shuffled closer, his heart knew what had happened. He blinked away the tears from his eyes and felt it hard to restrain the lump forming in his throat. He pulled the foxes body up towards him and wept.
I felt my heart stopping... my body felt heavy... I was dying... Arms reached around me and pulled me out of the darkness.
Suddenly, I was aware of my surroundings, I felt weak, but I was alive... something was holding me tightly so I couldn't breath... salty water dripped down my cheeks.
'Anerea..... that hurts...' I whispered. The wolf looked at me....then pulled me into a deeper hug. 'Don't ever do that again you fool'
He released me from his grasp and I looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes. I lost myself. After what felt like a lifetime, I whispered 'I love you Anerea...' and kissed him gently on the cheek. Not knowing quite what his reaction would be, I blushed deeply and wriggled out of his arms to face him. 'I'll leave if you want me too...' I said after a few agonisingly long seconds. He studied my face, slightly panic stricken... 'No... why would you... I mean... don't leave...'
With this he pulled me into a kiss. His arms moved around me and pulled me closer. My heart melted and I was in bliss, my deepest desires coming true. I opened my mouth slightly and allowed him to explore my mouth. We stayed like this for a few minutes, our hearts beating together, breathing as one. I was in heaven. I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes again. He looked at me, wondered if he had done something wrong. I smiled... he looked so adorable. I stood up and stepped inside the hut, beckoning him to follow. As the light was fading, I lit the candles in the room and arranged them around the bed with magic. Anerea looked utterly bewildered, but I heard his heart beating faster and began to smell the scent of arousal. I dropped my robes and lay back on the bed, and let Anerea study my body. Is eyes moved from my face across my toned body, to my crotch. This alone made me hard. The feeling of appreciation as my loved one studied me so carefully.
As if unsure of himself, Anerea stumbled forward and began to undress. By the time we were naked together, we were both brimming with lust for each other. I kissed him again and pulled his body against mine. His cock felt warm against my chest and the feeling of fur against fur was blissful. I pulled away and pushed him back onto the bed. I positioned myself facing downwards so his cock brushed my lips and mine, his.
I took a rough lick of the head and tasted the sweet precum. Anerea gasped behind me and followed suit. As I sucked, my body came close to orgasm.. the feeling of his muzzle around my cock, and the feeling of his own in my mouth was a truly un comparable experience. I used my hands to massage his thighs, balls gooch crotch until they fell near his tailhole. I drew one finger around the brim and pushed it gently in. he moaned slightly and began sucking more furiously. I pushed my fingers in deeper and began massaging where I knew I would get a reaction, where I had played with myself before... As he began to stroke my legs and crotch I felt that I was close. I soon emptied my self into his mouth. He murred slightly behind me and swallowed as much as he could. With that, I pulled away from him, I didn't want him cuming just yet. I turned to face him and lifted my tail up across my back. I sat back and pushed the tip of his member inside me. As I felt myself part, I gasped a little and spread my legs a little more. Taking it slowly, I sat back until he was completely inside of me. I stopped for a while to adjust to these knew feelings and emotions.
Slowly I began to move up and down his cock... the feeling of him inside of me was truly amazing, I began to pant slightly, as Anerea moaned. I looked down and watched him. He was lying with his head back, his tongue lolled out, gripping the bed sheets with both hands, squeezing gently on each stroke. I watched him until his body posture changed slightly. He sat up slightly and began moaning more frequently. Realising he was close to his limit, I quickened the pace slightly until he bucked his hips slightly, emptying himself inside of me. I rolled next to him with him still inside of me, panting until I began to drift off to sleep. He took me in his arms and whispered in my ear... 'I love you too...' |
War tails of the white Wolf (Ch 9) Future Goals by Rrahkarr | #9 of War tails of the white wolf - OK I'm back. Here's the next chapter of War tails of the white wolf. Again not much happening in this chapter but it holds foreshadowing for not only the next chapter of this but also of my other series. It's not hard to find but good luck...please vote and feel | [
"Plot Development",
"Story Progression",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97656-war-tails-of-the-white-wolf-ch-9-future-goals | OK I'm back. Here's the next chapter of War tails of the white wolf. Again not much happening in this chapter but it holds foreshadowing for not only the next chapter of this but also of my other series. It's not hard to find but good luck...please vote and feel free to leave a comment!
"I told you, you'd be seeing me real soon."
Lliam had a troubled look on his face as he said "Oh no." and laid his ears back as he looked up into the face of a rather large wolf.
This large wolf had grey fur with white fur on his chest, stomach, under his muzzle and other areas. He stood eight inch's taller then Rrahkarr at six feet eleven inch's total. He had short silver colored hair, brown eyes with a very muscular build, he inherited the recessive timber wolf genes from his mother's side of the family and with the recessive genes he got from his father he was born a timber wolf. His chest was wide and his shoulders back as he carried himself with pride. He was dressed in a fleet officer's uniform with Colonel Pips on his shirt collar. This was Rick.
Rick had a devilish smile on his face as he looked down at Lliam. Lliam on the other hand had a fearful look and you could hear him start to whine before Rick easily picked him up out of the chair; like he was a pup, and hugged him before saying "How's my little cousin doing."
"Rick...please, would you put me down." Lliam asked as Dan and Nate laughed a little.
"Of course William." Rick said as he set Lliam onto his feet "How've you been?"
"I've been better. How bout you?"
"Good." Rick said as he took a seat in the other chair at the table and got relaxed.
"So Lliam who're friends here?" Rick asked just in time for the three of them to notice his rank pips.
"Corporal Daniel Barker Sir!" he said as he stood up and saluted.
"Corporal Nathaniel Barker Sir!" he said and did the same.
"At ease fellas, there's no need for that." Rick said as they took there seats.
"When did you earn your bird Rick?" Lliam asked.
"Just before my current assignment actually." Rick told him.
"What's your current assignment, unless it's classified?" Lliam asked
"To scout and explore a world recently found. We're hoping that it will turn into a fairly safe colonial world." Rick said.
"So what are you doing here?" Nate asked.
"To board the ship that will be exploring the sector to make sure that there are no pirate havens or pirates in general in the area. While the team that's here with me sets up a camp and starts exploring the new world." Rick explained.
"And what ship would be doing that?" Dan asked as he leaned back in his chair.
"...The Darwin." Rick said as Dan tried to get the chair back on all fours but tipped over instead.
"Ow...you mean..." Dan started.
"Yep, I'll be joining with Darwin for a while...do you think one of you could take me to see your captain?" Rick asked.
"I'll take you." Lliam said and looked over to the Nate and Dan "Catch you later." He added as he left with Rick.
A little while later as Lliam led Rick towards the Darwin he started asking him about the world they found.
"So does this planet have a name yet?"
"Not really, right now it's called ACX-004. and if everything goes well it will be open for colonization in three and a half years."
"Really...how long will it take for your team to scout the planet?" Lliam asked as they turned a corner that ended with the entrance to the Darwin.
"About...half a year." Rick answered then stopped and added "Then in about three years after that, colonists will come...which leads me to talk to both you and Rrahkarr about something."
"Why...what's wrong?" Lliam asked.
"I'll tell you and Rrahkarr at the same time." Rick said and continued walking with Lliam leading the way onto the Darwin.
After a few minuets of halls and one turbo lift ride later, Lliam and Rick arrived on the bridge of the Darwin. Neal; being on bridge guard duty today, greeted Lliam as he walked in but looked a little surprised when the nearly seven foot tall wolf behind him walked in..
"H-hey Lliam, who's this..." Neal started when he saw Ricks Coronal Pips and saluted him.
"Is the captain of the ship in?" Rick asked.
"Yes-sir, Admiral Keeton is in his day room." Neal said and walked Rick into the Admirals day room.
Lliam stayed outside but heard voices that sounded like old friends catching up. This confused Lliam because as far as his knowledge went, Rick had never met Admiral Keeton...but there was a lot about Rick he still didn't know so he let it go.
A few seconds later Neal came out and closed the door behind him. He looked at Lliam and smiled before he said "You might want to go find something to do. From what I caught this may take a while."
"Sure thing...do you know where Rrahkarr is? He hates being surprised by Rick; I think I should go tell him he's here." Lliam said.
"And ruin the fun, why would you do that?" Neal said as he laughed a little then added "What does the Captain do when he surprises him?"
"Well...the last time Rick surprised him, Rick ended up chasing Rrahkarr through the house. He likes being able to pick us up like we weigh nothing and Rrahkarr hates it." Lliam told him.
"You mean he can lift Rrahkarr up off the ground with ease?" Neal asked; surprised.
"Yeah he did the same to me but I'm only five foot nothing...how do you think Rrahkarr feels being sex foot three? The last time, Rrahkarr jumped through one of the windows to get away...and ended up having to go to the emergency room." Lliam said and laughed at the memory.
"What happened?"
"Oh he decided to jump out of a window that was on the second floor and ended up getting covered in glass...hell one piece went right through his hand, and he also got a broken leg."
"Damn...so why are you laughing at that?" Neal asked.
"We may like Rick but we hate his greetings, it's kinda stupid but we usually hide for a little while before showing ourselves. Or that hulking mass somehow sneaks up on us and scares the hell out of us. I'm laughing because jumping through the window was a little extreme; he had to pay for it too out of his own money." Lliam told him.
"I see that's kinda funny." Neal said.
"So do you know where he is?"
"No I don't sorry. You might check in the hanger bay, the med bay, or ask Sara...she usually knows where he is." Neal said as he scratched his chin.
"Hmm...I see. Well thanks anyway Neal. Catch ya later." Lliam said and walked out of the bridge.
An hour later Lliam was heading towards Sara's room to ask her if she'd seen Rrahkarr, he had searched where Neal told him and even a few other places. He was twenty feet from Sara's room when the door opened and Rrahkarr stepped out and noticed Lliam coming.
Rrahkarr raised his hand and waved as Lliam approached and said "What's going on?"
"There you are...I've been looking everywhere for you."
"And why would you be looking for me." Rrahkarr said and chuckled.
"Oh just to tell you that Rick is right behind you." Lliam said as Rrahkarr's eyes widened and he jumped forward and in mid air turned around to face Rick who wasn't there.
"Where is he?"
"Meeting with the Admiral." Lliam said and laughed.
Rrahkarr let out a sigh, then said "You little bastard." Then chuckled after thinking about what he had just done.
"Sorry I had to. You always do something...(sniff)...funny once you...(sniff, sniff)." Lliam tried to say but a peculiar scent had reached his nostrils.
"What's up with you?" Rrahkarr asked.
"SO that's why I couldn't find you." Lliam said with a devilish smile.
"Damn you and your sensitive nose, what do you smell?"
"You were mating with Sara weren't ya?" Lliam said.
Rrahkarr realized now what Lliam had smelt. A grin split his muzzle as he fought back the laughter building in him and said "Damn...and I took three showers too. I should've put on some cologne or something."
"It wouldn't have helped much." Lliam said.
"Yeah, she's in heat and all. This was actually the third time today...I'm a little worn out." Rrahkarr said.
"Third time today?! What are you trying to do, get her pregnant?" Lliam asked as they both started walking down the hall in no particular direction.
"You know how hard it is for a wolf and fox to mate and have pups...or kits. The odds are way up there." Rrahkarr said.
"Hell now you just jinxed yourself." Lliam joked.
"Please don't say that...I don't feel like being a father just yet, or at least not while I'm in military."
"I understand but we have to go see Rick. There was something he wanted to tell us." Lliam said as the headed back to the bridge.
They got there but Neal told them Rick had left already with an escort to where he would be staying while he was onboard. He told them the room number and what deck it was located on before they left in search of him.
When they got there it didn't surprise them that he wasn't there. Lliam sighed and Rrahkarr shrugged.
"Lets wait for him in the coffee lounge." Lliam suggested.
"Sure thing" Rrahkarr said as the headed off "Oh but we'll sit at a booth where we can see him enter." He added.
"Yeah I know...you don't want to be surprised by him...hell he snuck up on me in the stations food court."
Rrahkarr laughed along with Lliam as they headed towards the coffee lounge.
They got to the coffee lounge and found a booth where they could see anyone entering the lounge from, and had been sitting there for ten minuets talking when they spotted Rick entering the lounge.
He didn't notice them sitting there watching him as he went up to JJ and started talking to him. They watched as JJ nodded and poured a mug full of coffee and handed to him. Rick asked him a question and JJ pointed over to them.
Rick looked over and saw them watching him and smiled and walked over to them. Since Rick didn't have the opportunity to sneak up on Rrahkarr he decided to just give him a normal greeting this time.
"Hey there RJ how've you been?" Rick asked.
"Good...I see you've been promoted?"
"Cant complain...even if I have to do a ton of paper work the pay's not bad." Rick said as Lliam moved against the wall so Rick could sit down.
"So what're you here for?" Rrahkarr asked.
Rick told Rrahkarr the same thing he told Lliam earlier then started to tell them both something else.
"Ok now time to tell you something about the colonists that will be colonizing this world." Rick said as both Rrahkarr and Lliam gave him all their attention.
"Lliam, after you gave Admiral Keeton your message to send he added one of his own for me. The reason why I'm leading this mission is because he thought I would be best because I'd have reasons to do my best. That and I'm turning out to be a promising commander." Rick said.
"What's the reason why you'd do your best for?" Lliam asked.
"The same reason why both of you are going to help make sure that everything goes smoothly." Rick said.
"And what is the reason?!" Rrahkarr asked more sternly.
"David, Ada, and Maya are going to be colonists on this world. That's why the Admiral believed I would be one of the better choices...I'd have family participating in the colonization effort. Once we find suitable areas for colonies to be built on the surface and document some of the life forms and plant life, we'd search the system for pirates and when that was done we'd set up some defense platforms to defend the colonists."
"And when were they planning on telling us that they'd be colonists?" Rrahkarr asked.
"Now...when I came aboard, here's a holo disk they recorded that I'm to give to you two." Rick said and handed the disk over.
"I'm guessing that you'd want to get underway soon then...to scout out the new world?" Lliam asked.
"Yeah...they wanted this done a few months ago but there were no destroyers...hell let alone any federation ships near this system and none that would be close except the Darwin, so the sooner the better." Rick informed them.
"Who's going to set up the defense platforms?" Rrahkarr asked.
"My team once the Darwin has searched the system for any hostiles. We've brought along the platforms with us...in fact I just got clearance to bring them aboard with some other cargo." Rick said.
"I'm presuming that the defense platforms are unmanned?" Lliam asked.
"Correct but after the first colonists arrive, a Core Tug will be arriving, bring with it the core piece to start building a space station. Then lots of freighter ships will be bringing along the rest of the station in pieces...you know build as you go." Rick said.
"So when do we leave?" Rrahkarr asked.
"Immediately...soon the Admiral will announce to everyone that it's time to go." Rick said when the ships PA system activated and the Admiral began speaking.
"Attention everyone, the Darwin will be setting off at 0900 hours ship time, 1500 hours station time. We have new orders and need to get underway as soon as possible. I'm sorry but we have to cut shore leave short a couple of days. Everyone to your stations and prepare for the station launch sequence. That is all." The Admiral said and disconnected.
"0900 hours! That's in ten minuets!" Rrahkarr said.
"What about everyone still on the station?" Lliam asked.
"About twenty minuets ago the station announced that the Darwin would soon be leaving so everyone has gotten onboard or are working on it already." Rick said.
Ten minuets later the Darwin was given permission to leave. People onboard the station all watched as the large federation destroyer undocked from the station. It wasn't often that the people on this station saw an I.S.F type ship dock or undock, let alone a destroyer class ship at that.
Murazar watched from one of the windows as the Darwin started to head out into deep space. Onto the next mission that only the crew of the Darwin knew. He headed towards an information terminal and asked where the ship he'd been assigned was located.
The terminal showed a ship on its screen. The information on it showed that it had been assigned to one Freelancer Delta and was located not far from where he currently was.
He then began heading toward the ship but stopped when he saw some crew from another ship that was hastily reading for launch. He noticed the patch that all of them wore and his eyes widened for a split second in recognition. He looked for the emblem on the ship and there it was clear as day to everyone who looked.
Murazar knew well what the emblem was down to exact detail; it was a cross with hands on the bottom holding others down, hands on the left and right pushing others aside while hands on the top lifted a select few above everyone else. It was the symbol of the Electus the chosen few who are held above all others.
And of course they didn't have to hide the emblem...they were known far and wide as a pharmaceutical company to almost everyone. It didn't fool him though. He must have been standing there for a while because the next thing he knew the ship was launching.
Then the ship began heading out to space...only it was taking the same path the Darwin just took. Then it hit him...they were following the Darwin. Several thoughts crossed his mind and he wondered if they found out that both Rrahkarr and Lliam; two descendants of Tro'nen, were onboard.
He didn't trust this situation and hurried to his ship. Once onboard he requested immediate launch from the station on code F-325; the code that a Freelancer uses to get immediate clearance to leave once that code is issued and only when it's an emergency.
"We're sorry Freelancer Delta but a cargo ship is about to dock and it'll be blocking the dock port that your ship is docked at." The station control tower operator said.
"If you don't open that hatch I'm going to blast my way through it, then blast my way through that ship killing a lot of the crew. Then I might just destroy the tower that you are so comfortably sitting in." Delta said and a moment later the hatch opened and Murazar quickly launched.
The unfortunate circumstances were that the ship he was in, while only launching fifteen minuets after the Darwin and seven minuets after the Electus ship, would reach the Darwin after half an hour after it was engaged in battle with the other ship. |
coyote and pat by dbj_rab | an old straight story wrote - Coyote and Rabbit part 2 © by me, DBJ Use for commercial use is prohibited. Coyote soon walked off, after getting off with Rabbit. He was looking for a female now. He thought of some of the creatures he saw earlier, and decided to try to see if he could trick one of | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464049-coyote-and-pat | Coyote and Rabbit part 2
© by me, DBJ Use for commercial use is prohibited.
Coyote soon walked off, after getting off with Rabbit. He was looking for a female now. He thought of some of the creatures he saw earlier, and decided to try to see if he could trick one of them into sleeping with him.
He soon came upon the beach, and was looking for the female rabbit he saw earlier. He soon spotted her, with another and approached her.
"Hi. Great day today isn't it?" Coyote asked.
"Yes it is," the rabbit replied, looking up at Coyote's buff body, thinking "Holy cow, what a hunk!!".
"So, are you with anyone? Want to go for a swim?" Coyote asked.
"My aren't we bold. If you must know, I am single, and I would love to go swimming with you" she replied. "My name is Patricia. What's yours?"
"You can call me Fred."
"Okay, Fred. Nice to meet you. Let's go." Patricia responded.
They soon went into the water, and started swimming around, boasting who was the better swimmer. "I bet you can't swim all away towards those woods," Coyote pointed.
"Ha. I can swim there and back before you know it. What do you wager?" Patricia replied.
"At last," Coyote thought. "Now's my chance to see if she'll go for it."
"How about the loser gets to perform whatever sexual act they desire."
"My, feeling horny are we? Well, I don't know, my Mother wouldn't approve of this. She's old fashioned. But what she doesn't know won't kill her, especially if you use a condom." Pat said.
"Okay you're on. Let's go." She started to swim off towards the woods, before Coyote had a chance to react.
He quickly caught up with her, and then stroked harder to get ahead of her.
She cursed as Coyote went by, trying to catch up. She reached the shore, just as Coyote turned around to go back to their starting point. They quickly were head to head, but Coyote had an inch or so ahead of her.
"Damn, you're fast. Guess I lost, and I'll have to live up to my end of the bargain." Pat said.
"Okay, when do you want to do it?" Coyote asked.
"How about now? My mother won't be back for some time, as she's visiting some friends of hers at a camp site down the road.," she says, thinking "I can't wait to see what he looks like down there, if what I heard about Coyote's are true, then I'm in for a treat."
"Well, let's go some where we'll have privacy."
They soon left to go towards a small cottage deep in the woods. As they neared, they saw some other "couple" leave the cottage, a male bear and a male human.
"Well. It looks like we're not the only ones who know about this place," Pat said.
"hmm..." Coyote murmured. "Oh well, at least we'll have it to our selves now."
They soon entered, and Coyote noticed Pat began to undress from her bikini. Coyote stood still, stunned by the beauty that he saw. Her breasts were pretty big, and she had a cunt that was one to die for. He howled softly as she turned around so he could see her tight ass.
"What a bod." Coyote said.
"Thanks. Now it's your turn to show me yours." Pat said.
"Allright, but don't forget who's in charge here," Coyote said as he dropped his pants to reveal his 10" dick.
"Woah! I hope that doesn't impale me in half," said Pat.
"Heh. Don't worry. I'll try not to hurt you too much."
"Shall we get started?" Coyote asked.
"I want you to simply lay down on your back, while I explore your body, and then get on all fours when I tell you."
She soon laid back, as Coyote began to suck on her nipples. He then moved his tongue down to her belly, and soon her pussy. He licked it and parted the lips to send his tongue in deep. Pat gasped with pleasure as Coyote explored her clit. "Ohhh. That feels so good. Don't stop," she moaned.
Coyote then told her to get on all fours, and he lifted her tail up to sniff her ass. He then started to lick it as well, while stroking his throbing member to hardness. He soon couldn't stand it, and started to hump her. He soon positioned himself over her puckered hole, and started to push himself past her anal ring. Pat soon groaned as she felt Coyote pushing his dick up her ass.
He soon panted and grunted as he temped up his thrusts in and out of her ass. He soon growled as he spurted his seed into her ass, and as she felt him cumming, she climazed as well all over his paw as he played with her clit.
They soon cuddled in the afterglow, and Pat said, "Now it's my turn." She pushed Coyote back onto his back, and started to suck his dick, which soon became hard again. She then started to mount him, placing his dick into her pussy. She started to clench her cervix tight, and moved up and down on his pole. Both soon gasped and panted with sweat as both started to cum again.
Afterwards, they cuddled again, thanking each other for the "quickie" they gave each other.
They got dressed and left the cottage, to return to the beach.
"Well, that was amazing," Coyote said.
"Yes. We'll have to get together again sometime," Pat replied.
They soon parted their own ways, before giving each other a quick kiss and exchanging phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
The End.... |
Rebound by Glenox8536 | I wanted to die. I wanted to die more emphatically and more viscerally than I ever thought possible. I lay underneath four blankets, still wearing the same clothes I had worn last night, a wad of suffering and despair. I smelled awful, the room was stifling hot and between my four winter-weight | [
"Character Development",
"First Time",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249186-rebound | I wanted to die. I wanted to die more emphatically and more viscerally than I ever thought possible. I lay underneath four blankets, still wearing the same clothes I had worn last night, a wad of suffering and despair. I smelled awful, the room was stifling hot and between my four winter-weight blankets, the sheet, and my dress pants and silk shirt I was fairly soaked through with sweat. I didn't care. I dimly hoped I would succumb to heatstroke, but I knew I wouldn't. I was too damned resilient for that. And I knew the oversized guilt lobe in my brain would kick in before too long and make me get up and take care of my responsibilities. If I managed to die before that it would be a whole lot easier, but knowing my luck it wouldn't be the case.
Sure enough, I heard the doorknob turn, muffled by the thick layer of cloth between me and the outside world. I didn't move, hoping beyond hope that my roommate would leave me alone, I was most decidedly *not* in the mood for her lighthearted teasing. It would be like rubbing sulfuric acid into a gangrenous genital wound. I heard her walk across the room, disturbing numerous glass bottles and various plastic wrappers as she did so. Then I felt a paw slide under my sweltering shell. I gripped the blankets and held tight, I wanted to be left alone!
"Four cases of ginger ale, six packages of jerky, and I can't even count how many snack cakes. What happened?" There was real concern in her voice. Right on schedule I felt guilt boiling up from the dark abyssal depths of my psyche to wash over me in a veritable *tide* of fresh misery.
"I don't want to talk about it." My roommate finally wrested the blankets from my grasp and peeled them back, wrinkling her nose a bit at the hideous smell.
"If it's this bad I think you need to." I was lying face down so I could only see her out of my left eye, her vaguely canine muzzle was pinched in concern. I didn't dare look her in the eyes.
"I can't." I whispered. She looked me over for a moment without saying anything and eventually nodded slightly.
"Okay, we can talk later, but right now you need to bathe....and wash this bedding." She was going to extract the story from me, I'd been living with her long enough to know that she was capable of getting me to tell her anything.
"Yeah...I'm sorry." She looked even more worried after that.
"It's fine. Come on, I'll clean the room up while you take a shower."
"I can clean-"
"You need to take a shower. I can clean up the mess."
"Adam." Her tone was gentle, but she was adamant.
"You're right, sorry." I walked to the small bathroom attached to the bedroom, grabbing some fresh clothes out of the laundry basket as I did. I could hear her cleaning up the mess I had left as I stripped out of my disgusting clothes and pulled soap, a washcloth, and deodorant out of the bathroom closet and set them on the edge of the sink and in the shower stall respectively. I turned the water on and stepped in, not bothering to adjust the temperature beforehand. It was lukewarm; I listlessly scrubbed the filth off myself and pondered my roommate while I did, anything to distract myself from the agony permeating my soul.
My roommate was a Lucario I had been given when I was twelve years old. She was a gift from my foster parents Ross and Catherine, I had always loved pokemon and gotten along with them, but other people...not so much. I had never had a real friend before she came along. I'll always remember the day we first met, just thinking about it made me feel a little bit better.
I had just gotten off the bus home from school, where I had been laughed at the whole day because I kept tripping over things, the doctors said my growth spurt was coming early and that this was totally normal, but to me it didn't matter. It was just one more thing everyone made fun of me for. I walked home slowly and miserably, swearing I could still hear the last of the jeering taunts from the bus. Normally walking up the long gravel driveway made me feel better, a signal that I had survived another day, not today; I was so depressed I nearly walked right into Ross' car. That was odd, he normally wasn't home this early. He was the dean of medicine at Pastoria's only hospital, he could work some incredibly long hours and he was *never* home before seven on weekdays.
I opened the front door quietly; suddenly worried that I was in trouble, why else would Ross be home early? It would be just my luck, I must have done something wrong at school and one of my teachers had called mom, who had called dad and now I was going to get yelled at. Great, just great. I mentally prepared myself for what was to come and stepped through the door timidly.
"Mom, dad, I'm home."
"Adam, come into the kitchen, we need to talk." That was dad, he didn't *sound* mad, but I could never tell. I walked to the kitchen, sure I was about to get yelled at, stopping only to drop my backpack. Mom and dad were both there and they looked serious, this was going to be bad.
"What did you want to talk about?" I asked nervously, what did I do? I can't think of anything that could've made a teacher call home, I don't think I even raised my hand to answer a question! Catherine started, motioning me into a chair as she did.
"Honey, we've been talking...we know you're having a rough time at school." No duh. "And we're worried. You never talk about having any friends." I looked down, they had always tried to help me make friends by signing me up for after school sports (I was so clumsy I had to withdraw after the first week), an acting class (my awkward bumbling and stage fright ruined that too), and my crowning achievement of failure: scouting. I liked it, I really did, I was just so clumsy I couldn't do any of the stuff the scoutmasters wanted me to do. I could understand the theory, I just couldn't *do anything right.*
"I...I don't have any." Catherine knelt down and hugged me.
"Why not?"
"Be-because they all laugh at me. I can't even walk in a straight line without falling over."
"It's normal to be a bit clumsy when you start going through puberty. I know I sure was." Ross said, kneeling down to look me in the eye. "It will happen to the rest of them soon enough, but that's not really why we wanted to talk to you." Wait, what? Then why had they brought it up?
"Then...then why? Am I in trouble?" Ross shook his head.
"No, you're not in trouble."
Catherine smiled brightly, reaching into one of the cupboards and pulling out a box, it was covered in wrapping paper...a present?
"It's not my birthday." Was all I could think to say.
"We know, but we've been talking and we think you've earned something special." Now I was really confused.
"Huh?" They were both smiling now.
"Despite all the times you've been sick," I had always been sick a lot, the doctors had never figured out why, my stomach hurt a lot, so did my arms and legs and eyes. The doctors said my arms and legs were growing pains since I was growing so fast, they couldn't explain the eye pain. "And the hard time the other kids give you you've never gotten anything less than an A in any of your classes, you've always followed the rules, and you've gone the extra mile to get ahead in your classes and help your teachers. We can't tell you how proud we are." Now I was crying, proud of me? I was a complete failure. The only reason I was doing well was because I helped my teachers so they would like me. "Your teachers all tell us that they love having you in class and how responsible you are. You've earned this."
"Go on, open it up." Catharine said. I didn't understand what I had done to earn anything, but if I didn't they would get mad. I carefully removed the tape, trying not to rip the actual paper. Once I got it off I pulled the top off the plain box to reveal...paper? I picked it up and started reading it. The print was tiny, I had to squint real hard to make it out...oh, it was upside down, that explains a bit. I turned it over and...my heart stopped. I read the first line over and over, not sure if I was dreaming or not.
"T-this license certifies A-adam Benoit legally eligible to keep, trade and b-battle pokemon." My pokemon license, I had always wanted one, but I didn't think I would get one for...for years! Tears were streaming down my face now, I couldn't believe this! Catherine pulled me into a hug, and held me while I cried, I was dimly aware that I was still holding the license in my hand as I did so.
"You've done a great job honey, we're so proud of you."
"We applied for it a week ago, the card should come in the mail in the next few days." I pulled away from Catherine enough to see Ross, wiping my cheeks with the back of my hand and sniffling a bit, suddenly embarrassed, I shouldn't have been crying like that. "But the license isn't the only thing in the box." I grabbed the box and sure enough, nested inside a layer of tissue paper was a single, tiny pokeball.
"Congratulations honey, we know you'll make a great trainer." I carefully pulled the ball out of the tissue paper and held it in my hands, shocked and happy beyond words. Catherine got up and Ross patted me on the head.
"You should go meet your new friend, Adam. It'd be a shame to keep them waiting."
"I...I...thank you. Thank you so much!" My parents both laughed at that, and mom nudged me towards the back yard.
"Go, I'm sure they're dying to meet you!" I ran out the back door and into the large back yard, we lived far out of the city on a house that had been in Ross' family for generations, so the yard was huge; with plenty of open space bordered by trees. I ran to the middle of the yard and looked down at the pokeball in my hands, still unable to believe how things had turned out. I pressed the button on the pokeball, making it enlarge to its full size, then I dropped it on the ground. I couldn't wait to see what kind of pokemon it was! The pokeball hit the ground and bounced up, opening and spilling red light as it did. I caught the ball (barely) as it fell again and watched eagerly as the red light took shape.
It formed itself into a small, lithe, biped with long ears and large eyes. I couldn't help but stare as the body fully materialized and the Rilou shook itself. It blinked and looked around quickly before its eyes settled on me.
"Hi! Are you my trainer?" Its voice was light and cheerful, definitely female.
"Yeah! Um..." Oh, geez, what was I supposed to do now? My pokemon books never covered this part. Thankfully, she saved me from an inevitable blunder by interrupting what I was about to say.
"Wanna play?" She piped, she was humming with energy, suddenly I didn't feel so awkward about this anymore, she didn't seem to think I was weird, so maybe I wouldn't have to worry.
"Sure! What do you-"
"Tag! You're it!" She sprang off, laughing.
"Hey! No fair!" I ran after her, smiling as I did.
We ended up chasing each other around the yard until nightfall, I fell down a whole lot, but she didn't laugh at me for it, she just waited for me to get up and let me get close again before running. Despite my clumsiness I managed to tag her a few times, which honestly shocked me, it was the most fun I'd had since school started. Mom and dad called us in when it started to get dark, by that point we were so tired we weren't going to last long anyway. After a quick dinner it was time for bed. After I bathed brushed my teeth I walked to my room to find my Rilou standing next to my bed.
"Are you gonna put me back in the ball?" I looked at the pokeball on my dresser, where I had left it when I grabbed my pajamas earlier. You were supposed to put pokemon in their balls at night right? The more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to.
"Not if you don't want to go back."
"Then...are we going to sleep on the bed together?" She cocked her head to the side, it was really cute.
"I guess so. Come on." I pulled the covers up and she crawled up onto the bed, burrowing underneath the blankets briefly before her head popped out at the head of the bed, on one of the many pillows there. I crawled in after her and pulled the blankets over us both, she giggled as I settled myself in. I was about to ask her what was so funny, but I yawned before I could stop myself; that made her yawn too.
"G'night." Her eyelids were drooping already.
"Good night." I had just closed my eyes when I felt something soft and warm brush against my chest. I looked down to see her snuggled against me, smiling and already asleep. That brought tears to my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and held her while she slept; I stayed up a long time that night. I didn't get to sleep until past midnight, but I didn't care. I finally had a friend.
\*end flashback\*
I didn't end up giving her a name until the next day, it was kind of funny when I thought back on it, I totally forgot until the bus ride home from school. I had been thinking about her all day but she didn't have a name yet. I picked Lucia, a very common name for female Lucario (not that there were many trainers who had them). It may have been cliché, but I liked it a lot. We quickly became inseparable, even more so after I was transferred to a special trainer's school instead of a regular one. We excelled in our classes even though I hated battling, I couldn't stand to see her hurt. Over the years we got so close we finished each other's sentences, I could always count on her. She actually saved my life once, that story came to mind as well, it wasn't nearly as uplifting as the story of how we met, but it had everything to do with why I was so miserable today.
You see, I'm a hybrid. Scion of a relationship between a pokemon and a human, a pariah scorned and vilified by human society. Hybrids are rare because, well let's face it, there just aren't many combinations of pokemon and human that can viably conceive. Most of them fighting types, given the similarities in body structure, other hybrid crosses were possible, but the offspring rarely carried to term. The few hybrids that *did* survive were all marked in some way, usually quite obviously. A machop/machoke/machamp and human cross would usually have a blue skin tone and markings on his or her biceps for example. My father was a Lucario, somehow I'm the most human looking hybrid I've ever seen. I look totally normal physically, the only thing that sets me apart is my eyes, I have blood red eyes; but that's what color contacts are for.
Hybrids live a lonely, stressful, and often dangerous life; pokemon accepted us just fine, but humans hated us. It wasn't as bad in the big cities anymore; it wasn't great by any stretch of the imagination, but not as bad. The smaller towns were worse. In some small rural towns...well, lynching wasn't unheard of. Most of us hid our parentage by any means necessary, and those of us that didn't often had to enter protective custody for fear of being mobbed. On my worst days I couldn't stand the injustice of it, it wasn't our fault! We couldn't choose our parents, so why punish us? I knew why of course: fear. Humans feared us. It turns out trying to cross humans and pokemon doesn't work very often, but when it does it produces *strong* offspring.
I, for instance, am capable of Aura manipulation. Not to the extent that a Lucario is, but I can use Aura sight and manifest Aura spheres; they aren't as powerful as a Lucario's would be, but they can punch holes through trees and walls easily enough. I'm also *much* stronger and more resilient to damage than any normal human. I can bench press five hundred pounds without really trying. These traits help me out on my job tremendously, but I have to be extremely careful not to do anything that would make anyone suspicious. Humans fear us because we are more powerful, and they persecute us to try and keep us from 'taking over'. Please, as if we would want to. All the hybrids I've met and talked to (the ones who knew about me and vice-versa) share a kind of deep-seated disdain for politics and politicians, more so than most humans. Politicians would do anything to remain in power, and if enough people called for Hybrid Registration...
A few radical politicos suggested such things every election, thankfully there weren't many. Their plans were almost all identical and they would all make us second class citizens at best, lab rats at worst. We would be taken from our homes and families, our pokemon taken away from us, and we'd be 'studied' in the interests of 'understanding us'. Thankfully they never made any progress, I could never be sure why, but I had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with the fact that a lot of the private contractors that police forces hired when things got severely out of control, or governments hired when things had to be done 'quietly' happened to be hybrids. I had actually gotten a job offer by a mercenary captain once, I had turned him down politely but I knew he had his eye on me. I also knew that if a Hybrid registration law *did* pass, he and his men would do their damndest to make an example of whoever passed it.
I was lucky really, normally a hybrid finds out he or she is a hybrid in one of three ways: 1. Their parents come out and tell them, 2. They have obvious markings that give them away, and 3. They are found out in a medical examination. There weren't many medical tests that could confirm hybrid status, but some hybrids were so radically different than humans on a biological level that inconsistencies in more common tests were so great the doctors put two and two together. In case you were wondering, the way I was found out was somewhere between two and three.
I was a fairly sick kid, there was always something hurting: eyes, ears, arms, legs, stomach, head, take your pick. Since my foster father was the dean of medicine I was able to get the best medical care, and I really have to hand it to those doctors; they really did try their absolute hardest. They just couldn't find what was wrong. A few months after I got Lucia the pains got worse, and more frighteningly I started going blind. It wasn't really noticeable at first, things got a little blurry, but things rapidly escalated. Within a few weeks of it starting I could barely see. Mom and dad were frantic of course, and the doctors at the hospital were baffled. I showed had an increased white blood cell count as though I was sick, but every test they ran came back negative. I was healthier than most kids my age, there was no medical reason I should be losing my sight and in this much pain. Ross tore himself apart trying to help me; it really speaks to his character how far he went.
Since he was the dean of medicine he pulled rank and got copies of every test they tried on me, and he would stay up late every night, pouring over every medical text he could get his hands on, it was futile. There just weren't any answers anywhere...until one night something caught his eye. My eyes. They were the key.
I was in my room, I had gone to bed at eight or so, it was midnight now but I was still awake. Ever since I my eyes started going I had trouble sleeping, the pain was manageable, but not the fear. It's truly terrifying to lose the sense you depend on most. Lucia had become my guide by necessity, right now she was curled up in bed beside me, her evolved form tucked against my side with a paw around my waist and her head on my chest. She was worried about me, not that I could blame her. I barely slept anymore, and I ate less than half of what I should have. I lost thirty pounds since this started two months ago, they really aren't pounds I have to spare, I'm skinny as it is; down thirty pounds I'm cadaverous. Lucia stirred suddenly, breaking my reverie.
"Ross is coming." She said, keeping her arm around me. We technically weren't supposed to sleep like this anymore, but I didn't care. Having her here was the only way I could sleep anymore. Before I could answer Ross opened the door.
"Adam, come to my study. I think I have something." He turned and walked out, clearly expecting me to follow. I got up and went to walk out but Lucia stopped me.
"I'll help." Suddenly I was angry and embarrassed, I could find my way through my own house thank you very much! The indignation faded quickly, and guilt took its place. She didn't deserve that. I held out a hand and she took it, leading me along. I could have made it on my own, but she was upset too, and this helped her. When we did get to the study Ross sat me down in a chair across from him and told me to keep my eyes open and look at him. I was more than a little confused, but I did as he said. He pulled out some of the pictures they took of my eyes and started looking back and forth. After a while I got seriously cold, the house could be drafty and I was only wearing sleep pants and a t-shirt.
"Your eyes are changing color." He said suddenly.
"What? I thought your eyes didn't change." What did that have to do with anything?
"They normally don't, but this is a clue! If we can figure out why they're changing maybe we can figure out what's wrong and how to fix it!" He was excited; I let him have his moment without sharing my own private doubts.
"What...what do you think could make his eyes change?" Lucia was even more uneducated about human biology than I was, and she was probably more confused than me. Ross looked at her and was about to say something but then he froze. As close as we were I could make out his face enough to see the glimmer of an idea cross his face. It wasn't fully formed, but he had a hunch. He studied my eyes closely and then looked at Lucia; he switched back and forth for a while, growing more intent as he did so. And more grave. Then he shuffled through some of the papers on his desk and looking at them in quick succession. The dawning of realization on his face turned to denial...and fear.
"I...I think I might know. But I need to do one more test, to be sure." He reached into a small box and pulled out a needle and an alcohol swab. "I need a sample of your blood." I hate needles. Hate hate hate hate *hate.*
"O...okay." Ross scrubbed the crook of my left elbow with the alcohol swab and I looked away as he inserted the needle. Lucia put her paws on my shoulders reassuringly. I hated myself for being such a baby, but it felt nice. It was over quickly. I put a bandage on the sluggishly leaking puncture myself, trying to salvage a little pride.
"Okay, go back to bed now. I should know for sure tomorrow." He sounded like he hoped he wasn't right, that couldn't be good. I let Lucia lead me back to my room, we were both silent as we went. Once we were both back in bed neither of us could sleep for a long time, exhaustion finally set in sometime around three in the morning.
The next day I was a mess, barely three hours of sleep, in pain, and preoccupied with what had happened the night before, thankfully my teachers were more than willing to cut me some slack. When I got home I found that waiting was even harder than it was at school. I couldn't focus on anything that could pass the time. Three o'clock rolled around, then four, then five. By the time dad got home at eight I was so strung out I was ready to snap. Mom tried to talk to him when he came in but he interrupted her before she could get a single word out.
"Come to my study. I know what's happening." Needless to say, we followed. When we got in dad actually locked the door, as if he was afraid someone was going to burst in. I was too anxious to sit, so were Lucia and mom. "I was able to run the last test I had to do without anyone noticing. There aren't any records of it; no one knows it was performed. Adam, all the aches and pains you had weren't growing pains. Your body is changing on a fundamental level."
"So I have some kind of disease?" Please let him know, I just want to *know*.
"No, Adam. You...you're a hybrid." Silence.
"W-what?" No, no I couldn't be!
"It was your eyes that made me start thinking. They were changing color. That didn't make sense, and when I took a look at Lucia's eyes, things began falling into place. I ran a specialized dna test on your blood Adam. Your father was a Lucario." I couldn't speak, there...there was no way. I looked at the test results, they were clearly labeled. Realization slowly set in.
"I...I'm an abomination." I said slowly. Mom was crying, she was about to stop me but I didn't let her. "I'm a freak. If...if anyone finds out they'll-" Mom hugged me, hard, like she was trying to keep me from running away or something. Dad hugged me too.
"No one will find out Adam, I've made sure of that." I hugged them back, after a moment Lucia joined in as well, careful of the small spike on her chest. I just stood there, unable to believe what was happening. I couldn't let anyone ever find out. I would always have to be on guard, I couldn't do anything abnormal. My friends would have to be watched for signs of suspicion...I'd never be able to marry. That came a as a serious blow, being an orphan I had always wanted a family and I had always planned on getting married and having children. Knowing that I would never be able to let someone get that close was more painful than I ever thought possible.
"Sometimes when a hybrid is born...the changes aren't obvious at first, they grow slowly. When puberty starts it acts like dumping nitrous oxide into an engine: it speeds them up. That's what's happening." Ross explained. "The good news is that there have been a few case studies of Lucario hybrids that were in the hospital records. The eye changing is normal and your vision will come back, there's no way of knowing what traits will manifest themselves, but you will be able to see again." That would have been relieving if it weren't for the fact that my life was, in effect, over.
"What do I do?" My voice was tiny, even to my own ears. No one said anything for a while, then Lucia spoke up.
"You survive." I blinked and looked at her, confused. She met and held my gaze. "Being a hybrid doesn't change who you are. *What* you are and *who* you are...they're completely different things. It doesn't matter who your father was, you are still you."
"How...how can you be so certain?" How could any of them even stand to be in the same room as me?
"I have known you all my life Adam." She said, quietly. "I know who you are. This changes nothing." She sounded so...sure, like she was telling me that the sky is blue, or the grass is green. I clung to that. I needed it.
"We can get you some color contacts for your eyes, and we can hide whatever else comes up. It will be okay Honey; you don't have to do this alone." Mom said, she was crying too. We all were, except Lucia. I felt so small, so vulnerable. I didn't know if I could do this even with their help. I pulled away and we all broke apart, standing awkwardly.
"What are we going to do if...when my eyes magically get better?" We all looked at Dad, he was the only one who could answer that one.
"There are a few rare diseases that have similar symptomology. I'll find the right textbooks and work from there. If worst comes to worst...a few people owe me some big favors." I didn't understand what he was saying for a second, when I got it I recoiled. Dad *never* played games, he *never* took bribes, he was fair. Always.
"B-but that could...you could lose your job!" I all but shouted.
"If that's what it takes, then so be it." No, no, he couldn't do that.
"You can't say that! If you lose your job then-"
"Then I will have lost my job protecting my son!" He said vehemently. Dad had always been very non-political, but at the same time he had always firmly believed that hybrids deserved to be treated fairly. Mom, who had been quiet until now finally broke her silence.
"I...I will stand by you, Ross. No matter what happens." I couldn't believe this; they were willing to risk everything...for me.
"Nothing in this world could take me from you, Adam." Lucia said, with the same bedrock assurance she had before. Maybe...maybe I *could do* this. I yawned, suddenly exhausted.
"I think we should all go to bed. You especially, Adam." Said mom, I wasn't about to argue.
"Yes, you need to sleep as much as possible. Your body is burning through a lot of energy just going through puberty, and the changes aren't making it easier. You need to eat more as well." Dad was in full-on doctor mode now, speaking on automatic while his mind was mapping the next step, medically speaking.
"Okay...thank you." Lucia gently took my right hand in her paws and led me out as mom and dad said their goodnights. Neither of us spoke as we returned to my room, I changed quickly into my regular sleeping attire, pajama pants and a t-shirt; and climbed into bed. Lucia climbed in after me and pulled the blankets over us both, then she draped an arm over me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close, she didn't protest.
"Good night." She said softly, nuzzling me.
"Good night."
The next few weeks were hard. Murphy being my perpetual nemesis, the bastard, had seen fit to ensure that I found out the most soul-searing news you could ever hear right before finals. Under the best of conditions I am a nervous, high-strung wad of stress and anxiety; after learning the truth about my parents I was a complete ruin. My teachers all remarked to me that I looked horrible and perhaps I should stay home, given the circumstances they would be perfectly willing to let me take my finals a bit late, and even if I didn't take them at all I would still pass my classes. I politely refused, giving them the cover story Dad concocted, some rare disease that affects the optic nerve or some such. I can't even remember whatever it was he called it. I couldn't pronounce it anyway, it was thirty five letters long (I counted) and I ended up having Mom copy a page out of one of Dad's medical texts about it to avoid the trouble. I took my finals, despite the fact that everyone told me that I didn't need the stress or that I would pass my classes anyway so I shouldn't risk my health. The only one who didn't join in was Lucia, I think she understood that I needed to do this. I needed the normality to keep myself together.
I aced all my finals, much to the amazement of my teachers and parents, if not exactly their pleasure. According to Dad I was now in the worst phase of the changes, it sure felt like it. I ached constantly, I was *always* exhausted, *always* hungry, yet too sick to eat much. I looked like a corpse not quite old enough to really rot, and even if the tests didn't require much energy (or thought for that matter), going about my regular school routine left me almost unable to move seeing as I was sleeping even less than I had been before. I was able to finish the tests themselves fairly quickly, and thankfully my teachers chose to look the other way when I put my head down and proceeded to lose consciousness until the bell rang.
After finals were over and the school year ended I had no idea what to do with myself. If I stayed awake I couldn't help but think about my biological parents and what possibly could have happened that lead to me being born, so I settled for sleeping as much as possible. The downside to all of the free time I had was that I became obsessed. I sank into despair, which quickly turned to anger. I became thoroughly unstable and prone to fits of rage and depression. This put strain on everyone else, but I was too far gone to see it.
I also ended up taking multiple trips to the hospital where I was 'treated' for whatever disease Dad had made sure I was diagnosed with. The only thing that could be done about the changes was to wait them out, and so I did. The extra sleep and food (practically shoved down my throat by mom) did wonders for my physical health, if not my increasing depression. I gained back the weight I lost, and a little more in the way of muscle; the constant aching *finally* stopped, and my eyesight came back; for which I was profoundly thankful.
Things were not all sunshine and roses, however, with the return of my physical health also came the manifestations of my...unique biology. The first thing we all noticed was a sharp increase in sheer physical strength. I didn't get much in the way of muscle bulk, but what I had was quite powerful. Then my eyes, they finally changed from the same chocolate brown of my hair to blood red. We would have been grateful if things stopped there, so of course they didn't. Not long after my sight came back I was reading a book in my room and all of a sudden everything went black and blue will-o-wisps appeared everywhere, I just about had a heart attack. That was the first time I ever used Aura sight. It was bloody creepy then, and it's still bloody creepy now.
After that first incident it seemed like my eyes had a mind of their own, Aura sight kicked on and off with increasing frequency and seemingly for no reason. The final straw came when I was out helping Mom in the garden and in a fit of ended up throwing my leather gloves at a thorny plant I had been trying to uproot after one of its thorns managed to pierce the leather and give me a painful jab. Instead of just throwing my gloves like I intended I also threw an aura sphere. It was unstable (if no less powerful for being so) and blew a nice two foot crater into the yard. Lucia walked over after seeing that and grabbed me.
"Come on, we're going into the woods." I was, needless to say, confused.
"What? Why? I have to help cl-"
"Your abilities are out of control, I'm going to teach you how to reign them in." I couldn't argue with her logic, but as angry as I was with the world I'm afraid I wasn't very pleasant to anyone and I let that get the best of me.
"I don't want to-" Lucia's paw caught me high on the right cheek and sent me sprawling before I could do anything about it. She had never done anything like that before. Ever. We all looked at her, Mom and Dad out of shock, me out of hurt.
"You might not *want* to use these abilities, but you *need* to learn control. Now. Otherwise you will hurt yourself or someone else. Now come on, we're going." She sounded angry, not that I could really blame her. I had let my anger make me a thoroughly nasty person. She had had enough. I got up and followed her out into the woods without a word. Once we were sufficiently deep into the forest and away from any prying eyes she promptly found a clearing and pulled me into it. "First things first. Your power depends on your Aura. Aura is what humans would call life force. All living things have it, all living things need it to live. When you use Aura sight all you are really doing is feeling the aura of the living things in the area and translating it into a picture. Any questions?" She wasn't going to allow any games, or any stupid crap from me. I wasn't about to tempt fate.
"Um...how do I turn it on and off?" She paused to think for a moment.
"Will it on and off." That was helpful.
"So...just tell it to turn on?"
"If it helps, try imagining opening your eyes again after you've opened them. Try using it now." The visual aid helped, a bit, but I still wasn't able to get it to activate on command after a few minutes of staring into the woods looking like an idiot and growing more and more frustrated. Eventually she stopped me. "You can stop now, you're too frustrated to-" Right on queue it turned on. I had just turned to reply to her and ended up stumbling and falling to the ground.
"Ow." She ignored me.
"Hmm...looks like it's been activating when you get upset, that's normal. Now get up and try and walk around without your eyes open."
"I'll just fall again!" I said, trying to brush the detritus off my pants, and not succeeding.
"Without your eyes open you won't have visual overload trying to make sense of two different pictures at once, now get up and walk." I obeyed, managing to make a full circle around the clearing after ten minutes and multiple pratfalls. Nothing was as clear like this, the trees were indistinct towers of dim blue flame, and there were so many of them that almost all I could see was one big blue haze. Lucia stood out more, as did a few other pokemon in the area, but neither stood out very much.
"Stop, that's enough for now. As you practice things will get clearer. Now turn it off." I only managed this after five minutes of concentration. "Now I'll teach you about aura spheres. Sit down, this will take a while." I did so, mindful of the bruises I'd just given myself a few minutes prior.
"Can we go back to get lunch?" I was hungry, even if I had recovered my stomach was still delicate and I had taken to eating a miniscule breakfast to avoid nausea.
"No, we're not going back until you've gotten enough control over yourself to avoid damaging something." She stared me in the eye, daring me to argue, I didn't. If things came down to a physical fight she would snap me in half. "Good. Now, Aura spheres are exactly that: spheres constructed of your own Aura. They can be extremely powerful, but they are dangerous in more ways than one. They are, of course, physically destructive, but more than that they are dangerous to you. Your Aura is your life force, it is not a toy, every time you form an Aura sphere you are expending some of your own vital energy."
"So these could kill me?" I asked, horrified.
"No, not directly. But if you use enough of your Aura you will lose consciousness, which will leave you vulnerable. You can't use enough in one go to completely drain yourself and die, but using too much over a short time can weaken your health or, if you were monumentally stupid and repeatedly drove yourself into unconsciousness you could shorten your lifespan."
"How long does Aura take to...recharge?" I asked hesitantly, the more I heard about this stuff the less I wanted to use it.
"It depends. It's affected by how much you eat, how much sleep you get, if you are injured in any way and your emotional state. The more you feel the more powerful and unstable it becomes. Sound familiar?" I winced and looked away. "Good, you should be upset by that." She said Coldly. "You could have seriously hurt someone, and that is why you are going to sit in that spot until you can manifest small spheres at will. That is nowhere near the level of control you need, but it will have to do for now." I didn't think I would ever be able to look her in the eye again.
"How do I manifest them?"
"Feel your Aura and push it towards your hands, then shape it like a snowball."
We must have been there for hours, my stomach started growling ten minutes after her instructions, but she glared at me so fiercely when I looked up to ask if we could take a break that I didn't even open my mouth. I sat there, trying to 'feel my Aura' without any kind of results until I was ready to snap. While I sat there all the anger, all the despair, all the self-loathing that I had been soaking in since I found out about my parents started to simmer, then boil, and finally overflow.
"I've had enough, I can't do this!" I shouted, standing up and turning to go home. Lucia was in front of me, blocking my path in an instant.
"I didn't tell you to stop." I was too angry to care about anything anymore, I was in a blind fury.
"And I don't give a shit! I'm done!" I took a step to the side but she was in front of me, paw raised, with an aura sphere sitting lightly on it. I froze, shocked even through my rage. "What the hell?"
"If you go back without learning any kind of control you'll hurt someone, I won't let that happen. Sit. Down."
"No! I'm don-" She didn't waste any time, the next thing I knew I was flying backwards, vaguely aware that I had taken an aura sphere to the chest. Then my back hit a tree. Hard. I was back on my feet in an instant, she was had covered half the ground between us in the mean time and was showing no signs of slowing down. The next few minutes are a blur of rage and pain as she ran circles around me and beat me into the ground. The last clear memory I have was getting up for the nth time only to see her paw headed towards my face. Then everything went black.
When I woke up it was night, the stars were out and I could hear nocturnal pokemon going about their business. I managed to get to my feet, barely, only to see Lucia standing ten feet away.
"Have you decided to give up yet?" I wanted to go on fighting, but I knew it was a lost cause, she had demonstrated painfully and thoroughly just how much she outclassed me.
"Why?! What's the point? I'm obviously incapable of learning to control this!" I shouted, I had proven just how complete a failure I was, why couldn't she see it?
"You are not going back without learning control." She said, uncrossing her arms and getting ready to fight again. I screamed in frustration and slammed my fist into the tree beside me. At the last second an aura sphere gathered around my palm and all but detonated the tree. I flinched away from the blast, but I couldn't protect my hand or arm. A shard of wood the size of a chef's knife was buried in my right bicep, pierced all the way through, it hurt like I couldn't believe, but I welcomed the pain. I reached up and jerked it out, not caring about the wound, or the blood, and with the pain came a sudden epiphany. This had been where I had been headed all along. I had been consumed by self-loathing and anger, and I had been self-destructing. That's why I hadn't been eating as much, even after I wasn't really feeling sick, I had managed to make myself sick. That's why I had insisted on taking the finals when I should have rested and taken the offers of a makeup day. And I realized how I had been treating everyone around me and suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I sat where I was, head bowed, silently examining how far I'd fallen since I'd learned I was a hybrid for a few minutes before I heard Lucia approach.
"Care to say something?" There was nothing I could say to make up the way I had treated her. I was silent for a long time, what *could* I say?
"I've been acting like a fucking moron." I finally whispered. "I was so obsessed and selfish I neglected everything...and everyone. I fucked up." She knelt in front of me, but I couldn't look her in the eye. Not after the way I had been acting.
"Look at me." The anger was gone from her voice, but it was still stern. I did as she told me to. "You are right. You did screw up. You did become obsessed...and *that* is why your power was out of control." I must have looked as confused as I felt.
"Remember when I told you your Aura is affected by emotion?" I nodded. "Think, how have you been feeling the past few weeks?" Arceus, I didn't need to think to answer that.
"At first I was...in denial, then I guess I got really depressed...then angry...at everything...at everyone..."
"And yourself." She added quietly. "As constantly upset as you were, there was no way you were going to be able to control yourself. Just getting Aura sight to work even sort of on command when you were like that was a miracle. You were never going to get an Aura sphere on command." She let me look away and think. All I could think about was how stupid I'd been, I couldn't help but think I deserved the wound I'd just given myself, already clotting but still painful.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for how I've been." I would have to do a lot to make up to her. I might not ever be able to. Her left paw gently pushed my chin up so I was looking her in the eyes.
"I forgive you." She whispered.
"Adam, no one could blame you for feeling the way you did. No one. The mistake you made was trying to hide it. You started blaming yourself and acting out of that anger. You realized your mistake, now you just need to start working on fixing it." She made it sound like I had dropped something or was late to a meeting, not like I had abused our friendship the way I had.
"You...you aren't mad at me? Even after how I've been?" She shook her head.
"No, I'm not mad Adam." My cheeks were disgustingly wet as I timidly held out my good arm, half expecting to be reprimanded. She hugged me, not hesitating for a second. I hugged her as tightly as I could with only one arm. "You don't have to hide anything from me." She let me stay like that for a long time, occasionally reassuring me that she wasn't angry and that I had been forgiven. But eventually she pulled back. I saw her glancing at my arm and I figured I knew why.
"We should probably go back shouldn't we?" I asked.
"Yes, your parents are sure to be worried. We'll have to get your arm taken care of, and I'm sure you're hungry too." She said as she gave helped me to my feet, and I was suddenly ravenous.
"Lucia, I'm sorry for making you do this." I might have been forgiven, but I still owed her an apology, and more besides.
"I told you Adam, I forgive you. Now come on, let's go home." She smiled and I followed her.
It took us a while to get home, and when we did get back Mom and Dad were *not* happy. Almost the instant I was in the door Dad had his little medical bag out, and was cleaning off my arm while both he and mom took turns yelling at me for staying out late without telling them. They weren't angry about that though, they were worried certainly, but they were tired of my behavior, not that I could blame them, and this had been the final straw. I sat there, not saying anything until they were done.
"Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Asked mom, as dad finished cleaning off the cut with alcohol swabs.
"Yes." I said, subdued. "I've been acting like an idiot for the past few weeks. You didn't deserve that, and I've been way out of line. I'm sorry." That gave them pause.
"I believe him." Said Lucia. "He's already apologized to me." Mom and Dad looked at each other, and eventually Mom nodded.
"Okay. We forgive you Adam."
"Making mistakes doesn't make you a bad person, learning from them makes you a good one." Said Dad from his place in the chair beside me. "I'm going to have to stitch this shut, and I don't have much besides extra strength Tylenol for the pain."
"That's fine; I've more than earned it." I said, accepting the pills he handed to me and swallowing them dry.
"Don't start down that road again. That's what got you here." Said Lucia, she wasn't angry or yelling at me, for which I was very thankful. "Accept your mistakes, but don't let them rule you."
I was about to respond, but Dad started stitching. That stopped me from saying anything. I swear the stitches hurt more than getting the original wound did. By the time he was done my throat was raw from holding back shouts.
"There, done." I sagged into my chair, breathing heavily. "Now I think we should all go to bed, it's after midnight."
"Y-yeah...I need to eat something first." I said, shaky from pain and low blood sugar. Even though I hadn't eaten since technically the day before nothing looked appetizing, and pain has a wonderful way of making you a mite queasy, but I had to eat. I settled on some left over chili that I mixed with left over caesar salad. I've always had unique tastes in food. Lucia, who was currently demolishing a few bushels of pecha berries looked at the mixture and all but gagged.
"You...you can't seriously *like* that?" I looked at her, confused.
"Sure, why not? So what if the lettuce is a little limp? It's still crunchy enough to make a nice textural counterpoint to the chili, plus the creamy texture and flavor compliment the chili nicely. And besides, I like chili and I like caesar salad, so why wouldn't I like them both at the same time?" She just looked at me like I was insane, then she just shook her head. I grinned, this was...normal. Normal felt good. I like normal.
"Just...don't make yourself sick." She said doubtfully, then she walked over and hugged me gently, careful of my arm. "I'm going to bed; see you in a few minutes." I awkwardly wrapped my left arm around her (the one I had been eating with) and bade her goodnight. I finished the rest of my meal quickly, my exhaustion eclipsing my hunger, and followed her. She was still awake by the time I made it to my room. The house was bloody ancient and my room had a nice bathroom attached, which I really liked. I stripped out of my soiled clothes, and grabbed some sleep pants, underwear and a t-shirt before heading to the bathroom and taking a shower, not too warm lest I fall asleep in the stall...don't look at me like that, it has happened. I can sleep anywhere.
I toweled off and changed in my room, the bathroom floor was old and years of getting wet had damaged the flooring a bit. Dad had called someone in to fix it, but they hadn't come in yet and no matter how many times Dad said it was fine it still made me nervous enough to habitually change in my room. Being naked around Lucia had long since stopped being embarrassing or awkward, she was fuzzy on the whole clothing concept and never quite understood why humans wore clothes, despite my numerous attempts to explain it to her. After the fifth time she poked her head into the shower stall to ask me something, it just didn't seem as important anymore. After I donned my night clothes I crawled exhaustedly into bed, Lucia made room for me and after I settled in she pressed herself against my side, Arceus it felt nice to be like this again.
"I'm sorry Lucia." Her eyes opened and she looked at me sleepily.
"Adam, I forgive you. Nothing more needs to be said, it's in the past." She yawned. "Don't beat yourself up over it."
"Still...is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"Yes, go to sleep." She grinned and gave me an affectionate nudge on the shoulder and laid her head back on my chest. I draped my left arm over her and after I gathered up some courage I leaned down and kissed her cheek. She smiled tiredly and snuggled closer. I smiled back and closed my eyes.
The next day Lucia informed me that she would be continuing to teach me how to control my abilities, and teach me how Lucario fought. According to her it was instinctive, but I might need some help granted I had 'all that human in you, mucking things up and making you paranoid'. I chose not to comment on that, but I was a bit nervous about fighting with my arm still not recovered, it was much better than any normal human's arm would have been, but it wasn't healed.
After we ate breakfast (still not much in my case, as it turns out, chili and ceasar salad doesn't make for a nice morning after, thankfully Lucia didn't indulge her right to say 'I told you so'). Lucia led me to a different clearing, one by a stream this time and started teaching. This was totally different than the last time. First off, she didn't have me trying Aura spheres, second: she went slower and explained things more thoroughly and third: she let me rest periodically. The rest of the summer followed this pattern almost without interruption and I have to say, Lucia was a great teacher. She was patient with me, she only pushed when I really needed it and most importantly she realized that this was a very emotional subject for me she *never* made light of how I felt about it, and she made always pointed out what I had accomplished whenever I got discouraged or depressed. She was the best teacher I've ever had. Even more so after the last of my abilities reared its ugly head. I can't exactly remember much about the first time I used Extreme speed, just that before I used it Lucia and I had been joking around and she had taken my shoes after we had gone swimming in a small pond and I had been chasing her. Then things get real fuzzy.
As I heard the story later I activated Extreme speed while I was chasing her and ended up running face first into a tree and knocking myself unconscious. When I woke up a few minutes later I was groggy and confused. Lucia led me back to the house where Dad deduced that I had a concussion. (He asked what happened and I {or so I was told} replied: 'I'unno...go fast. Then treebark scratchy.') Bless her heart, Lucia never laughed; even though it must have been hilarious, I know Mom and Dad sure thought it was. Thankfully Extreme speed was easier to get a handle on than my other abilities; it was literally just like flipping a switch.
By the end of the summer I had mastered my abilities to the point where I wasn't a danger to myself or others, which I was happy about, now if only I could be more sanguine about going back to school.
\*end flashback\*
The water in the cramped shower stall was getting quite cold, I must have been in here for at least an hour. With the end of my reminiscing my despair came back like a tsunami rushing over a beach, though I wasn't as paralyzed by it now. I turned off the water and got out. I dressed lethargically and stepped out of the bathroom, preparing myself for Lucia's inevitable well-intentioned prodding. I found her sitting on the couch in the living room/dining room/kitchen of our small apartment. She looked up at me as I came out of the bathroom and was about to say something but thought better of it as I walked over to her and sat down next to her. She wrapped her arms around me worriedly, I returned the gesture, feeling a bit better as I did.
"What happened?"
"I was with Amy...things...didn't go well." Amy is...was, my girlfriend of three years. I met her not long after I entered college (at seventeen), we had met in a class and I would have thought nothing more about her after the class was over, we got along well, but I tend to obsess with my studies and I've never really enjoyed the company of people as much as I do pokemon, with a few notable exceptions. She, on the other hand, was quite interested in me and ensured that we ran into each other repeatedly. I was totally oblivious to her (in retrospect) increasingly obvious overtures, and mistook them for her just being friendly, I reciprocated the conversations she initiated and was always polite, but after a while I began thinking it was a bit creepy. Eventually she broke down and asked me out on a date point-blank. I was surprised, but accepted, not having any idea how to go about dating, but having even less of an idea how to say no. We had been together ever since, and things had gotten progressively more serious between us. We had both met each other's parents, she and Lucia got along well, and there had even been talk of marriage, the only reason I entertained that at all was the fact that she had *always* believed in hybrid's rights. She was a member of multiple groups supporting them, and she actually *participated* in the group activities instead of just signing up for the sake of saying she signed up.
I was planning to propose: I had the ring secreted away on my person, I had made reservations at a *very* nice restaurant that we both really liked, and we had gone on a walk to a scenic (and secluded) overlook with a terrific view of the sea near Pastoria city. There was only one problem: she didn't know I was a hybrid. I had to tell her that before I proposed, it wouldn't be fair to her to find out after she had said yes. I had agonized for days over how to tell her, Mom, Dad, and Lucia said I should just be upfront about it, but I wasn't nearly as sure as they were. I thought about it constantly as we walked. When we got to the overlook and she started talking about marriage, I knew I couldn't postpone it any longer.
\*flash back\*
The sea breeze was gently caressing the sweat on my face and hands, chilly but welcome. I could smell the salt from the sea and the rain on the storm not far off. I turned to look at Amy, dazzling in a simple but elegant black skirt and white blouse, she had never been one for overly fancy clothes, something I appreciated. Her light brown hair falling over her shoulders beautifully, she was beaming at me as we stood at the overlook, watching the sea. I belatedly realized she was talking to me.
"Adam? Are you with me? You've seemed a little distracted tonight, what's up?" This was it, the moment of truth. I took a deep breath and turned to face her.
"Amy...I love you, we've been together three years now and you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with." She had seen this coming, but didn't look any less happy for it. Now I really felt sick. "But...before we commit to that...you need to know something." She was confused now.
"Adam, what are you talking about?" My heart was beating faster than I ever thought possible. My vision honed to crystal clarity, the world seemed to slow down. There was nothing for it now. I reached up and pulled out the color contacts that disguised my eyes and looked at her. She gasped when my she saw my sanguine eyes.
"Amy...I...I'm a hybrid." She was stunned. Frozen in a state of shock. Silence reigned as I tried to think of something to say, she beat me to it.
"You...Arceus, your eyes." She was scared, no no no!
"Amy, I'm not any different than-" Her right hand caught me across the cheek, silencing me.
"S-stay back!" She was backing away frantically.
"Amy, I-" I took one step forward and she screamed and ran.
I stood there with my arm half outstretched for a few moments before fear kicked in. She was hysterical, there was no telling what she would do. If she told the police I had assaulted her I *would* end up in jail, no judge in the world would take my side. I hastily put the color contacts back in and activated my Aura sight. She was running through the woods near the point, a stupid idea, especially at night. At least she wasn't heading towards town and the police. I ran after her, hanging back far enough that she wouldn't notice me. Eventually her course bisected a bike path and she slowed down, following it for a few minutes until she found a bench. She collapsed into it and started crying. I waited, hidden off the trail and out of earshot. I didn't want to *hear* her as well as see her, hunched over with her face buried in her hands, shoulders shaking. To my sight her aura was dark and oily, she was miserable. And I had caused it. I waited until the crying stopped before cautiously approaching, deliberately making enough noise to announce my presence before she saw me. When I did appear she winced and moved back a little, but she didn't run. I stopped where I was and waited for her to say something. It took a while, but she eventually spoke up.
"You...you never told me."
"I've been keeping it secret for years." She looked up at me.
"Did you not trust me?" She might as well have stabbed me in the heart.
"I told you tonight because...because I made up my mind that you were the one." She looked down and didn't respond for a long time. After what seemed like years she finally spoke.
"I...I don't think...I don't think I can be with someone who would keep secrets from me." That came almost like a physical blow. I hadn't had a choice! "And...and even if I could...you're a *hybrid*. If anyone ever found out..." I was suddenly too tired to point out that she had always supported hybrid equality. I just didn't want to do this anymore. I just wanted to curl up in some dark corner and stay there. Maybe forever.
"I understand." I said tonelessly. We stayed where we were for a few moments, but she eventually got up.
"I-I won't tell anyone. But we can't...we can't see each other anymore I'll tell my parents...something... I'm sorry." She left, walking the wrong way to get back to town. For a second I debated letting her take the long way back, but if I gave her any reason to expose me she might do it.
"Town is the other way." I said, just loud enough for her to hear. She froze for a second, and then kept walking in the same direction she had been. Fine, have fun walking an extra ten miles in the dark. I turned my back to her and set off through the woods.
\*end flashback\*
"I know." Silence.
"She was wrong." I laughed bitterly at that.
"No, she was right. I kept a secret from her, what else am I hiding?" I said, sarcasm infusing my voice, getting up and pacing for a few steps before the anger died away and grief took its place.
"She should have accepted it! You proved that you are a good person, this just proves that she is weak!" Lucia snarled.
I jumped, I didn't expect Lucia to be so angry, but she was practically foaming at the mouth. "If she can't accept you for who and what you are after getting to know you for three *years!*" Words failed her, and she growled fiercely. I was shocked to see her like this. I had *never* seen her this angry before.
"Lucia!" She jerked and buried her muzzle in a paw, breathing heavily.
"I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten like that." She suddenly turned and hugged me, squeezing painfully tight. "But that still doesn't excuse her." I hugged her back, wincing as I did.
"It's alright Lucia...come on, let's go to bed." She nodded and followed me to my room, helping me put new bedding on the bed. The apartment was a two bedroom, and the other one was hers, but occasionally we still slept in the same bed, a habit we didn't really try to break, we both knew we should, but right now I didn't care, I just wanted to know she was there next to me. Maybe then I could sleep. We crawled in bed together and she cuddled up against me, like so many times before. Neither of us was able to get to sleep, and we just laid there, silently, for a long time.
"She had no reason to do what she did." Lucia wasn't ready to let this go apparently. "You would be a fine mate."
"I can't blame her for-" Lucia suddenly rolled on top of me, pinning my arms with hers and pressing her lips against mine. My eyes flew open wide, unable to believe this. After a long time she pulled back.
"You may not blame her, but I do." Her voice was thick with emotion, and she hadn't moved her arms. "You are a great male, you would make a wonderful mate...I saw that a long time ago." She sounded like she was going to continue, but trailed off. Slowly, I realized what she was saying.
"Lucia..." She overrode me, now that the floodgates were opened, they couldn't be closed so easily.
"You were always gentle, kind, even after finding out you were a hybrid. You had some trouble at first, but who wouldn't? You put your friends before yourself, and you make me feel safe, like nothing could ever hurt me when you're close by. It was horrible, watching you get close to her. I wanted to be happy for you, but I couldn't. I wanted to beat her until she stopped moving, but you were so *happy*. I...I couldn't do that to you." She was rambling, not even looking me in the eyes, just venting everything she had felt. I eventually found my voice again and spoke up.
"Lucia...I...I can't do this now. I'm sorry, but it's too soon. If we do something we regret later..." She winced.
"I *know.* I *know!*" She sniffed. "I...I've just been holding this back for so long that I needed to say it. I needed to tell you. I know it's too soon and I know how you must feel about this kind of relationship but...Adam, I love you." Her voice was tiny at the end. She was in just as much emotional turmoil as I was, I realized, she had watched the one she loved with someone else for years, unable to do anything but smile and encourage it. It must have killed her inside.
After I found out I was a hybrid I never thought I'd be able to marry, because what woman worth marrying would be willing to marry a hybrid? None. When Amy came along, it was too good to be true. I didn't want to look a gift ponyta in the mouth, but I had gotten burned anyway. Lucia must have felt the same way as I had, caged. Trapped by unfair circumstances and left to slowly decay inside. That must have been awful. I could see the emotion on her face, and now that I looked back I could see it. Each time I had been with Amy must have been a stab in Lucia's heart.
Suddenly I found myself not caring about Amy as much. She had spurned me after three years of a great relationship. I had always been a gentleman, always complimented her, always pulled out chairs and opened doors. I had never pushed for sex, we had held hands, hugged, and rarely kissed. She had always said, time and again, that hybrids deserved equality, and in the end she dropped me because I was a hybrid.
Lucia was still hovering over me, unsure of what I would say. "Lucia...you've always been there for me when I've needed you. You've supported me, helped me, stopped me from making mistakes...you would be the best mate anyone could ever have." Tears were falling down her cheeks now. She shifted when I tried to move my arms, moving her paws. I reached up and cupped her cheeks in my hands, brushing away tears. Then I pulled her muzzle slowly down until it was pressed against my lips in a kiss. We luxuriated in the kiss until we were forced to break apart for air. After we had caught our breaths Lucia moved in again and we repeated the whole thing. Things got intense very quickly and before either of us knew it she was laying on top of me.
"Adam...if we keep going..." She said, breathing heavily. We both were. "If we keep going...we might..."
"I know." I said, pulling her down again. She didn't resist. She clung to me, pressing the length of her body against mine. My arms were wrapped around her, one on her lower back, and one between her shoulder blades. After another kiss she spoke again.
"Are you sure...you're okay...with this?" She said between gasps. I was not in any shape to think about this, I was in a very good shape to *act* though. Instead of replying verbally I gently rested my left hand on her cheek and slowly trailed it down her body. She closed her eyes and wallowed in the feeling, I repeated the motion, gradually making my way to more...sensitive areas. Just about the time my hands were reaching her chest her paws maneuvered their way under my shirt and began pulling. A few seconds later the only clothes left were my underwear. Lucia was much more primal than I had ever seen her. The release of the emotional turmoil she'd been living with for three years and the acceptance of the one she loved combining to strip her of any sense of inhibition she had. She was looking at me so intensely I was surprised I didn't ignite, and she was straddling me, grinding herself against my erection through the cloth of my underwear.
I reached down and pulled them off, Lucia helped me very eagerly. Now she was grinding herself directly against me, I moaned. I couldn't help it. She grinned and continued the grinding, her grin getting bigger each time I vocally expressed my pleasure. I wasn't going to last. I knew that much. I reached up and took hold of her sides, pulling her down to the bed. She went along with it, lying down and spreading her legs to give me access. I awkwardly rolled on top, careful not to crush her or hurt myself on her small chest spike. She was smiling widely now, squirming eagerly.
I slowly began thrusting, trying to find her entrance. It took me a while, and I had to move slightly, but I found it. She arched her back, moving her hips up and presenting me with complete access to her warm body. I pushed myself into her slowly, stretching her body and eventually I felt her hymen give way, we both moaned as it did. I held her as close as I could and kissed her cheek, letting her adjust to me. She felt soft and slick, better than I ever could have imagined. After a few moments of rest I pushed in a little further, then a little further still. After I hilted myself I stopped and simply luxuriated in my first penetration, Lucia wasn't as patient. She began moving her hips awkwardly, just as ignorant of what to do as I was. I resumed my thrusting gladly. Soon I felt something growing in my loins and I peaked before I could tell her. I moaned explosively as I finished, ejaculating inside her. I stopped, gasping to regain my breath. Lucia looked frustrated, I couldn't blame her. Thinking quickly, I fought through the surge of drowsiness that washed over me and pulled out; laying on my side beside her. She was about to move, but I stopped her and lowered my hand to her entrance, fingering it lightly, using some escaped semen as lubricant. This silenced any objections she had and I continued fumbling around, trying to note what made her moan and repeating it.
"Tell me what feels good." I said as I softly played with the outer folds of her labia, enjoying her reaction.
"Oh...that's terrific, don't stop." That felt really nice to hear. In fact...that was making me hard again. I moved my other hand down to my slowly hardening shaft and began helping myself along; it didn't take much to get myself fully ready again. I smiled and moved on top again, she looked at me surprised, but moaned ecstatically as I rubbed the head of my penis against her folds. She leaned up and whispered in my ear, as if she was afraid our neighbors could hear. "I love you Adam...please keep going." I nuzzled her and granted her wish, entering her again, slowly. This penetration was easier; my semen was providing more lubrication this time around. We were both awkward, and it was more than a little fumbling, but we loved every second of it. Lucia held my gaze and beamed at me the whole time, her arms wrapped around me. I tried to make it good for her, listening to her moans and trying to figure out and copy what I had done to cause them, but all too quickly I felt a familiar sensation building again.
"L-Lucia. I'm gonna-" That was as far as I made it. I finished again. We both stopped moving, gulping air rapidly. I pulled my softening penis out of her and resumed playing with her folds. Bound and determined to give her an orgasm. She moaned and started thrusting her hips rhythmically against my hand, it took us a while but eventually we reached our goal. Her moans built to a crescendo despite all she could do to silence them, I kissed her, muting the sound. Her movements became erratic and I felt her walls contracting on the finger I had inserted inside her. I kept rubbing until she sagged onto the bed, then I carefully removed my finger and gathered her close to me. She snuggled against me happily, but this was different than the hundreds of times we had done this before, we were closer now. It was glorious.
She looked at me tiredly, with a few tears falling down her cheeks. I brushed them away with the back of my hand. She smiled and nuzzled me damply.
"I love you." She said, her voice thick with impending sleep and emotion. I nuzzled her back.
"I love you too. Good night." I said, fighting off a yawn. Lucia wasn't able to suppress hers, and instead she nuzzled the crook of my neck and settled down to sleep. I wrapped my arms around her and followed her example, happier than I thought possible. |
The Start Of High School: A Second Chance by Shyboy69s | #4 of The Start Of High School - As I drifted off into my dreams. I started to dream of being rejected by everyone as they restrained me with chains and As they passed by me they would hit me and laugh evilly.The pain I was feeling almost felt real, but yet it wasn't.I then realized that I was | [
"Bad Language",
"German Shepherd",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51552-the-start-of-high-school-a-second-chance | As I drifted off into my dreams. I started to dream of being rejected by everyone as they restrained me with chains and As they passed by me they would hit me and laugh evilly.The pain I was feeling almost felt real, but yet it wasn't.I then realized that I was having a nightmare which was similar to the dream I had when I was little.The nightmare I was having was so terrible that I could feel my heart break apart slowly from it as it was starting to be filled with pain, but Suddenly out of no where came a loud ringing sound which woke me up.When I opened my eyes I saw that my clock was the one making the loud noise and for once in my life I was glad that it did. After a minute of recovering from the nightmare I turned off the alarm and I got up.I then walked to my closet and got some clothes and headed straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.Once I was done I went downstairs to eat breakfast and saw my cousin eating pancakes I was surprised to see 6 on his plate.Because I couldn't even eat 3 without being completely full from eating the first two.Then I remembered that my cousin could eat as much as he wanted and never gain weight.Which made me kind of curious of how he was able to stay the same with out a slight change of appearance.Even when I was like 6 years old he was still eating a lot.Which actually made me think that he was a fat ugly alien who had eaten my real cousin and replaced him.Because I never met or thought that anyone in the world could eat that much.
He then noticed me "oh hey cuz good morning" he said smiling
"uh good morning to you too" I said after I was completely snapped out of my thoughts
My mom then turned around "well good morning honey why don't you come down and eat some pancakes" my mom said in a happy tone as usual
I then walked downstairs and sat next to Ken as we started to talk about our plans on how to spend our day today.After a minute of talking with Ken my mom had finished making me my breakfast and I was about to eat my it until I noticed Ken looking at it with his mouth opened and his eyes darting it.I then looked at his plate and found it completely empty.
My jaws then dropped "your down already?" I asked with a surprised look
"well yeah I'm a fast eater remember" he said with a grin on his face
I then sighed "do you want it?" I asked him as I knew he wouldn't stop looking at my breakfast
"can I really?" he asked in a extremely happy mood as his tail wagged uncontrollable from left to right
"yes" I said as I sighed again
"Thanks a lot" he replied still in the same mood as he started to eat it with big bites
"jeez slow down its' like you haven't eaten for days" I said as I was amazed as it only took him below a minute to finish the pancakes
He then drank water before replying "come on you know I always eat like this" he said smiling as he putted his arm on my shoulder
"well I know, but I got to feel sorry for who ever brings you to a restaurant" I said Laughing
"hey that isn't a nice thing to say" he replied as he attacked and pinned me on the floor
"now boys no rough housing" my mom said cause she didn't want anyone to get hurt even though she knew I was the one who would actually get hurt.
"sorry auntly May" Ken said as he got off me
I then got up and saw the clock behind him "Oh my god I'm going to be late" I shouted as I grabbed my bag and ran to the door, but before I stepped out the house Ken Grabbed my bag and pulled me closer to him.
"now cuz don't forget we have plans later cause I only have like 6 more days to stay" he said smiling
"ok, but if you don't mind I'm going to be late to school" I said as I was trying to get out of his grip to run to school.
"ok see ya later then" he said with a grin as he let go of my bag
I then began to run to school as I tried my best to avoid anything in front of me.After 15 minutes of running I made it to school and only a few more minutes before the bell rang.I then walked in the school and noticed Skye and the others.Skye then saw me as he waved his hand "oh hey there Roberto we thought you were never going to come" he said smiling
"I'm sorry its cause I was talking with my Ken" I said panting as I was still exhausted from running
"Is Ken really here?" he asked with a surprised look
"yeah" I replied still panting
"cool" Skye said in a happy tone
Then Kenneth and the others entered the conversation "whose Ken?" Kenneth asked with a curious look as he wondered who he was
"yeah is he your boyfriend?" Jake asked also curious about who he was
I then blushed "no he is not my boyfriend he is my cousin" I said now fully recovered from running to school
"so what's he like?" Steven asked still curious my cousin
I was about to tell them, but the school bell rang "aww its time for class I guess you got to tell us later" Steven said with a depressed look as he and his bro walked off to there class.Then me and the others started to walk to our class too, but suddenly I froze in my steps as I saw Dante walking towards us.Once Christen saw him he started to growl, but it was strange Dante just gave me a glance with nothing hidden in them not hatred nor sadness as he passed by us.We all then just stood there for a minute until he was a couple feet away from me. Then we continued to walk to class, but for someone reason I couldn't stop thinking of Dante its' like something was troubling him then I thought that it must an been the letter I left him.Once we got in class and sat down I started day dream off Dante, but then I was snapped out of my thoughts as Skye spoke "are you alright Roberto?" he asked wondering if I was feeling ok
"Y-yeah" I replied
"are you sure you look like something is bothering you" he said with a worried look
"yeah its nothing" I replied trying not to look depressed
He then looked back at me as I started to wonder in my thoughts again, but suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts again as the school bell rang signaling everyone to walk to there next class.I then got up and told Skye I'll catch up with them in a few minutes cause I had to use the restroom.I then walked alone to the restroom and when I got there I just turned on the faucet and splashed my face with water to get my self back together.After a few minutes getting a hold of myself I walked out of the restroom and started to walk to class, but I froze in my steps again as I saw Dante walk towards me, but like early he just gave me a glance as he passed by me.I then looked back at him with a confused look And took out my cell phone to send him a text message asking him what's wrong, but he didn't reply.After a few classes with thoughts about Dante troubling me the school bell rang as it finally had become time for lunch, but As soon as I had reached the table with a troubled look everyone started to ask me what what was wrong.I then just looked at them and told them I was fine.We then began to eat lunch, but it felt kind of weird since no one was talking it was just an awkward silence.Until the bell rang then we just got up and walked to our class still silent waiting for the day to be over.A few hours later the last school bell rang as school has finally ended.Me and the others then walked out of school still silent, but suddenly the silence broken by Christen "ok I just can't be quiet anymore so whats wrong with you Roberto your acting stranger then usual" he asked looking a little pissed
"its nothi-" I was cut off short
"don't say its nothing just say what's the fuck is wrong with you were your friends so you can tell us anything" he shouted now more pissed off at me
Skye then walked in front of me "its' about Dante isn't it?" he asked in a concerned voice
I then nodded my head "yah its' just because today he just passed us by without a word or even a expression" I said looking depressed
"why the fuck would you care for him he hurtled you remember" Christen shouted still mad
"I k-know, but he use to be my boyfriend a-and I still love him" I said nervously
Everyone then had a surprised look on there face "really?" the twins said in sync
"yes" I said looking down
Skye then hugged me "its ok Roberto there's nothing to be sad about" he said trying to comfort me
Then out of no where I heard my cousin's voice "Hey Skye long time no see" my cousin said in a good mood
"oh hey Ken" Skye replied as he broke the hug and waved at ken as everyone else's jaw dropped.I guess I wasn't the only one who thought he was sexy
He then walked up to me "are you ready to go to the mall?" he asked with a smile
"yeah" I replied now with a happy look not wanting him to wonder what's wrong
Then suddenly Christen putted his arm around me "so are you going to introduce us" he asked with a grin
"oh yeah' I said almost forgetting about Christen and the others
"well Ken this is Christen, Kenneth, and the twins Jake and Steven" I said as I walked to each of them to show who was who
"well hello guys its' nice to meet you all I'm Ken Roberto's cousin" he said with a smile
"so would you like to join us to the mall" I asked seeing that it wouldn't be nice of me not to invite them
"yeah" they all Shouted
"well it seems were going to have company huh cuz" Ken Said with a giggle
"yeah I guess so" I said smiling till I got a text message I then checked who it came from. My eyes then widen as the text message was from Dante. The message said that he wanted to talk to me at the park near his place. So I had to think on my feet of what to say to everyone so I could go see him without them being suspicious.
"uhh guys I got to get something at home why don't' you go to the mall without me" I said trying my best to keep a straight face
"ok cuz just hurry well be in the mall so just call us when your there" Ken said with a curious look
I then ran a few blocks from the school before reaching the park. After I got there I started look around, but I couldn't find Dante. So I just walked to a tree and sat under it for shade while I waited for him to show up. After a few minutes of waiting I heard Dante's Voice. It sounded like he was behind me so I looked behind the tree and saw him also sitting down.
"D-Dante why did you want me to come here" I asked him nervously
"I just called to you here to give you my answer to the message you left me" he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I then closed my eye and was glad that he was going to change back to his old self, but Suddenly he broke the kiss.
"so would you give me a second chance Roberto?" he asked
"yes, but please don't change again" I said as I hugged him
He then lifted my chin up with his fingers "I'm sorry I only changed cause I was afraid of losing you to someone else" he said as we gazed into each others eyes
I then leaned forward to whisper into his ear "As long as the chain connecting our hearts together doesn't break the bond we share shale live on through out our death and into the night sky of the moon" I then kissed him as time seemed to freeze in the world I have entered.
I'm sorry if this is kind a hard to follow, but I had some family issues so it was a little hard to write this and I rushed this story a little, but anyway I hope you enjoyed it ^^ (I'm still bad at punctuation and some other things so sorry readers) Oh and I'm sorry that there was no sex in this one, but ill try to get some in the next chapter |
Captivated: Arrival by Xijque | #2 of Captivated Second part, fox takes his new pet home. This is short and unfortunately as far as I ever got with this story - Captivated: 1) [Abduction](http://sofurry.com/page/95942) 2) Arrival The trip was indeed long. The first hour was fine, but at some point, the adrenaline rush wore | [
"Character Development",
"Light Bondage",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97670-captivated-arrival | Captivated: 1) [Abduction](http://sofurry.com/page/95942) 2) Arrival
The trip was indeed long. The first hour was fine, but at some point, the adrenaline rush wore off. It was hard for the fox to keep driving with a defenseless wolf sleeping next to him. He would have loved to pull over and take advantage of him right then and there, but knew that waiting would make it that much better. Besides, he wanted the wolf to be conscious during his first sexual experience with another male. Because of this, the miles seemed to stretch on, never ending.
The fox knew that this it would be like this before he left to get the wolf. He didn't like it, but such distance was necessary to keep the level of suspicion low. Although the fox had connections that allowed him to abduct people at will, he realized that it would be bad to shopping for toys in the same place. In a few days, someone would notice that the wolf hadn't been seen recently. The subsequent search would, of course, turn up nothing; the fox saw to that. Sometimes, if the object of his desire is high profile, some extra strings would be pulled, and the person would mysteriously "die" in an obscure place. No body would be recovered.
This was the fox's specialty. Acquiring people and turning them into the perfect playthings for whoever had the resources to get one. Sometimes, it would take almost no effort to break them. Other times, it would take months for them to accept their place. The fox suspected that this would be the case with his newest project. The only difference between this wolf and any of the other myriad of others was that he was doing it for himself. This canine was going to be his, not sent off to someone else.
After arriving at what could only be described as a mansion, the fox drove into an underground garage and haphazardly parked the car. Even though the lupine should be asleep for a few more hours, he didn't want a surprises. Carrying the large male wasn't easy, but the fox managed to get him into an elevator before having to put him back down. The fox lean him against the corner of the small room and hit the down button. His estate was once a test facility used for developing nuclear technology. Due to the nature of it's existence, few people ever knew it was created, and even less still knew. This made the large, underground building the perfect location for the fox, especially after it an even larger building was built above it. The cruel, yet cunning, canine could do whatever he wanted, without fear of being discovered.
After a minute of staring at a flickering LCD screen, the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened. Sighing at the renewed need for exertion, the fox hoisted the wolf over his shoulder and lugged him into a specially designed room, tossing him onto a bed. In all likelihood, the wolf wound not leave this room for the next month or two. This is where he would eat and sleep, in addition to everything else the fox would have him do, for a lengthy period of time. He wouldn't like it, of course, but he would have to earn the right to leave.
Before the fox left the wolf alone, he grabbed a bag he'd hung over the bed post the day before and dumped its contents out next to the sleeping canine. These were the implements he thought he'd need to keep the wolf in line the next few days. Some of them were things he'd put to use now. Others would have to wait until his victim was awake.
The first of these objects was a collar. For most of his time in this room, the collar would be the only thing the wolf would be permitted to wear. Since the vulpine wanted to see if he could get the wolf to undress himself, though, the clothes stayed. For now, though, he just tightened the strap around the captive's neck, turning it until a small black box sat under the wolf's Adam's Apple. For some time, the wolf would be annoyed by the feeling of the collar on his neck. Eventually, though, he'd get used to it.
Originally, he planned on making the wolf were the collar and leaving him alone until the next day. However, the wolf was more feisty than the fox had expected; some extra precautions would have to be taken. With this in mind, the dominant fox tied a pair of mitts around the wolf's forepaws and secured one of his legs to a bed post. This, hopefully, would keep the lupine from being able fight back when he was awake.
Deciding that he had better things to be doing, the fox walked out of the room, his tail swooshing behind him. Before leaving, though, he reaching into the wolf's shorts and groped him. He loved the feeling of molesting another guy.
Sighing, he pulled paw back, gave it a quick sniff, and left. A few moments later, the door slid shut and the cluck of an electromagnetic lock engaging echoed across the room. |
Our Divine Discontent by Squirrel | This wasn't supposed to hurt ... was it? Was this supposed to hurt? Ketchy sat on the couch. In the near-dark. Unblinking. Waiting. Waiting for him to come home (to their quarters). He was late. As usual. As always. And, as always, he would ... brush it off. Say he was too busy with stuff in | [
"Character Development",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10069-our-divine-discontent | This wasn't supposed to hurt ... was it?
Was this supposed to hurt?
Ketchy sat on the couch. In the near-dark. Unblinking. Waiting. Waiting for him to come home (to their quarters). He was late. As usual. As always. And, as always, he would ... brush it off. Say he was too busy with stuff in engineering. Stuff. What was stuff? Who was busy with stuff? He was too closed-off to elaborate on it. Or on anything.
He'd been like that ... when they'd met. But she'd been lonely. Been desperate. Had thought, naively, that she could change him. Make him open up.
That she could make this work.
But he wouldn't change ... he was afraid to show emotion. Was afraid to talk of deep things. The kind that ... she didn't even know. She didn't know! Cause he wouldn't TELL her ... would not communicate.
She longed to share herself. To communicate in ... full flower. To ... that's what mates did, wasn't it? Mates were close. So close. Mates were ... would give their lives for each other. That's what mates did.
But she knew, if asked the question ... she would reply that, no, she wouldn't give her life for him. She wouldn't even need to hesitate ... in saying no. She was fond of him. She was ... had convinced herself, maybe, that this was love, but ...
... again, she came to the fact that ... this relationship was born out of desperation. Both of them had needed some kind of intimacy. Neither had thought it through. Neither was compatible, but ... they'd forged blindly ahead.
And, now, it was falling apart all around them.
And everyone knew it. She could see it in their eyes. How they looked at her with a gaze that seemed to say, "Poor Ketchy ... won't she ever be happy?"
She felt their pity.
And it made her sad ... when Fredrick got sad, he got MAD ... he had a rage problem. No one knew about it but her. She had seen him angry. Oh, he hadn't hurt her, but ... he'd scared he more than once ... with his glowering gazes. With his stalking, out-of-nowhere rants.
And, now, Ketchy had fled into the arms of the ship's only otter. Denali. He was strong. He was ... sweet. He whispered things into her ear. He would do that. He would ... do lots of things with her. And to her. Oh, the things ...
Ketchy closed her eyes.
It would be too one-dimensional to blame this all on Fredrick. But she wanted to. She had tried so hard to make this relationship work. She had put SO much energy into it, and what had he put into it ... in return? What had he given back? What was his problem? And, if he HAD a problem, why wouldn't he TELL her what it was?
She sighed in frustration. Opened her eyes. Still waiting.
No one knew, yet, of her affair ... maybe Adelaide knew. Did she? Ketchy couldn't be sure. If you had a secret on this ship, you steered clear of the bat. And of Field, too ... the both of them. They were too moral for their own good. They would sense it. They would want to help, and ... all that ...
But she didn't think anyone knew yet.
But they would. It would only be a matter of time, and ... she needed to end this (with Fredrick) before that happened. She didn't want to be branded as a cheater. As someone who was prone to be unfaithful. She didn't want to be branded in any sort of bad way. No, she would ... dump Fredrick. And go stay in Denali's quarters. And ... something like that. Maybe ... she didn't know. She hadn't really thought this through ... not in clear fashion, anyway. She was simply in a lull. In a daze. Just ... accepting the heaviness of her reality.
Where was he?
Why did he spend so much time away from her?
Field and Adelaide, Wren and Rella ... all the other duos on the ship, they ... were in LOVE. They LOVED each other, and they spent almost all of their free time with each other. Why didn't Fredrick spend time with her?
Where was he? Engineering? Was he really in engineering, or was he doing yiffy things in the simulation room? Or ... was he on the snow rabbit station? Getting drunk ... or something. No, if he'd been getting drunk, she would be able to smell it. And tell it ... right? Wouldn't she ...
But, ultimately, this was a ship of, what, eighty-four furs? Everyone knew everybody else. And they had NO mission ... right now. Other than to orbit the snow rabbit world. Other than to ... simply live. Simply survive. No, Fredrick stayed out at nights ... because he didn't want to come back to her.
Because he didn't want to talk.
Because things gotten so awkward.
And how had it happened?
How did it ever happen ...
She was mated to him. And yet she was making love, daily, with Denali ... the otter. He worked in the science lab. He was the back-up medic. And it had been so easy to fall in love with him. And STAY in love with him ... while, at the same time, falling out of love with Fredick. And STAYING out of love ... with Fredrick.
She dreamed, like all furs, of ... that one, magical mate. Who would forever satiate every desire. Every need. Who would be as much for you ... as you could be for them. Who would be your equal. Your ... partner. Your ... everything.
She was jealous of so many of the other furs on this ship. Like, Assumpta and Azure ... the snow leopard and squirrel. What an unlikely pair. What a recipe for ... malfunction. And, yet, they were still together. And they were fine. You could see it in how they looked at each other. In how he smiled, and how she protectively positioned herself next to him ... in social situations. They'd been in a relationship of impossible odds. And they had made it work.
Ketchy had gotten into a normal relationship ... with a normal squirrel. The odds should've been great. Should've ...
The door swished.
Ketchy turned her head.
Fredrick stepped in. Pausing. And his whiskers twitched, and his tail jerked about (like a flag that had lost its luster). "Hey," he said, not really making eye contact. And going for the kitchen area. To the food processor. Getting an orange juice. He drank orange juice at all times of the day. She once asked him why he liked orange juice so much, and the response she'd gotten: "Dunno." That was always his response ... and she wasn't going to listen to that for her entire life. She wasn't going to ... she didn't want to hear that word ever again.
"Fredrick," she whispered.
No answer. His back turned to her. He sipped his orange juice.
"Fredrick ... we have to talk."
"I'm gonna take a shower ... "
"No," she said.
"My fur's all matted."
"I don't care," she said, more harshly than ... her norm. "We need to talk."
He looked to her.
"And if you don't wanna talk ... fine. I'm used to it. But you're gonna listen," she said, voice getting quiet again. Her breath shook. "I'm ... I don't think this is working," she said. For she didn't know what else to say. How else to word it. It was the truth, wasn't it?
"Well ... "
"Well, what?" she pressed. Eyes boring into him. "What?"
"Well, maybe you're just tired ... "
"What?" She made a face.
"Maybe if you get some sleep, in the morning ... "
"No. No, this will NOT ... " She reigned in her frustration. Breathed. "This will not be better in the morning. It will not be better tomorrow. It will not be better next week. It's ... it's not working. Darling," she said, and trailed. When was the last time she'd called him darling? She didn't even remember. She cleared her throat. "I'm ... I have to leave," she said, eyes watering. Eyes darting. "I ... I've spent the past year ... you know, as ... " She shook her head. Breathed, breathed. "It wasn't a waste of time, but ... I mean, I don't regret it. I mean, there's no reason to regret things," she said, "in life. We can't change them. But we can learn from them. These things ... these things," she said, "make us who we are. Who we become. I believe in fate," she said. "This had to happen." A breath. She slowly brought her own tail around (to her front) ... and held to it. "And it has to end." She looked back up at him, eyes watering. She swallowed. A lump in her throat.
Why was this so hard?
Again, if it ... if this love wasn't working ... why was it so hard to let it go?
Why was she crying now ... quietly, quietly crying.
Fredrick went to the table. Sat down ... several feet away from her (and the couch). And he turned his glass around. Staring at the orange juice. He wore a blank expression. Didn't he even care? Wasn't he even going to show emotion ... even now? Now, of all times? Was he that cold ...
"I honestly ... I don't know what I saw in you," she managed, through her sniffles. Paws wiping at her own eyes. "I know that sounds cruel, and I'm sorry, but ... I hate lying. I'm not gonna lie ... anymore. I ... and I think you know it, too. I don't think you love me. I don't think ... think ... I don't ... " She had to stop for a few seconds to compose herself. "I don't think you find me attractive." She gave a little sob. "I don't ... when you touch me, there's no fire in your eyes. Just ... a mechanical instinct. I hate it," she said.
Fredrick twitched. Saying nothing. But his teeth were clenched.
"You can get mad if you want, but you've ... you've no right to," she told him. Accusingly. "I gave you so much of myself!" A cry. "And you took it all for granted ... you ... oh, just ... I can't ... I can't do this anymore. I can't ... we're not mates anymore ... I'm leaving," she said. Her words coming erratically.
"Fine," he said, almost growling it. With a disdain. "But I'm keeping our quarters."
Ketchy buried her muzzle in her paws. Shaking. And she sniffled ... no, he wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth it ... she, after a moment, stood. And hesitated. And went into the bedroom. Emerged a second later with a bag. She had already packed her things.
"Where are you going?" he asked casually ... dully. As she went to the door.
"I'm going to live with Denali. I'm going to be his mate." Denali lived on E-deck, a few quarters away ... from Field and Adelaide.
"Denali? The fox?"
She sniffled. "He's an otter ... you ... " She was going to call him some kind of name, but ... didn't. "He's an otter. And I love him." And she added, as a verbal dagger, "And I don't love you. I'm not sure ... if I ever did." In a way, she regretted those words ... as soon as they'd been spoken. But, in a way, she ... it had been satisfying. And maybe it was true ... maybe what she thought was love ... never was. Maybe she didn't yet know what love was. Maybe she would find it with Denali. Maybe she would finally be a happy fur. A fur who, when seen in a room, everyone would say, "I'm glad Ketchy's here. She makes everything so bright."
Fredrick shrugged. Obviously angry. And he looked to her. "Whatever," was all he said.
"That's all? Whatever?" she spat.
"Just get out," he whispered, looking blank again.
She nodded, clutching her bag. Her belongings. "I will ... don't worry, I will ... " Her voice shook, and the plain-brown fur on her cheeks was matted from her salty tears. And she ... hesitated. And turned. And left ...
... and didn't make it twenty feet down the corridor before she had to stop, slump to the wall, sink to the floor ... and sob.
Gnaw ... gnaw-gnaw ...
"Heh ... my foot-paw," whispered Dotna. "You're gonna leave it attached?"
"If I gnawed it off ... I wouldn't be able to chew on it anymore. Would I?" Pyro asked, looking up from his task. Red, red eyes ... glowing. Red eyes knowing. And knowing what? Sometimes, it was hard to tell. Sometimes, the wolf was hard to figure out. But he had a spark about him. He had a levelness about him. And, even after this short while, the chipmunk loved him.
Did love need a timetable? Could young, sudden love ... be as pure as long, gradual love? Were there different degrees of love?
Love ... say it enough times, and the word (like the emotion) would stop making sense.
"Why do you love doing that?"
Pyro looked up ... from his position (on his belly, facing the opposite direction ... she was on her back, her shoulders and head propped up by pillows). His muzzle was at her foot-paws. He was nibbling. He never hurt her ... with his teeth. Never. He was so careful. He put those sharp teeth to her fur, to her body ... and pressed. So she could feel it. Feel his love-bites. And he would suck and gnaw and ...
"Why do you bite?"
His red eyes met her forest-green ones. She had emerald eyes.
She waited.
"I'm not entirely sure," he confessed. "I like ... putting pressure," he said, "on things."
"Why's that?"
"Things under pressure ... adapt. Things under pressure ... show their strength."
A giggle. An eye-dart. "So, what does ... that doesn't make sense."
"I guess I bite, also cause ... I mean, I can touch you with my paws," Pyro said. "And you feel soft. And you feel warm. And you feel real. I can touch you with ... my nose. And I can smell you. Smell your fur. The soap you use. The sweat from the day. Your own natural scent. I can ... but to make contact with your lips, with your muzzle," he insisted, "is the most intimate kind of touch."
She watched him. Her belly and breasts were a lighter shade than the rest of her. A bold, brown stripe ran down her back. Her tail was long. But not wide. Not bushy. More like ... a bit like a fuzzy wire. But not as snaky as a mouse's tail.
"Kissing, tasting ... biting," he said. "When I nibble on your body," he whispered, giving her the most intense, masculine stare (that seemed to raise her own body temperature several degrees). "When I nibble on your body, I know, without a doubt ... how real you are. How warm you are. How intimate ... such contact is. I ... I don't know." He looked away. To the sheets. "I love to bite," he whispered. Eyes glazing over.
"Well, you are a wolf," she said, smiling. "Even if you're a prey-like wolf, you're still a wolf."
He gave her a head-tilt. And a smile. "I guess so."
"You guess so?" she teased gently. "Don't you know?"
A sly shrug.
"Mm ... " She reached out a paw. Ran it over the fur on the cheeks of his rump. On the backs of his strong legs. "Well, I gotta say ... no one's ever wanted to nibble and gnaw on me before."
"I'm sure they have ... "
"Oh, I've been kissed. Been hugged. Never ... never nibbled or gnawed. Not until you came along," she said quietly. Reflectively.
"Well, I guess I'll have to make up ... for your lost time. Have to nibble you raw."
A giggle. And she tugged at one of the periwinkle-blue sheets.
But he tugged back. Starting a tug-of-war.
"Hey," she whispered playfully.
"You don't need it ... are you cold?"
"No ... "
"Then what ... you don't need to cover yourself."
She flushed.
"I've seen it up close," he reminded.
"Yeah ... I know." A pause. "You know, squirrels are ... they have beautiful tails. And mice ... are so adorable, and ... you know, chipmunks? We're sort of ... lost in between them. You know?"
"You feel inadequate?"
"No, I just ... I feel I have to fight harder to get noticed."
"Well, I notice you," was Pyro's response. "I notice you, and ... " He returned, in the dimness of their room, in the lateness of the hour, in the softness of their bed ... to biting on her toes. Delicately biting on her toes, and then ... on the rest of her foot-paw. Moving to nibble at her ankles.
"You're ... sure," she panted, "you're not a meat-eater?"
An almost-shy question (with a cheeky grin). "Is pussy a meat?"
A giggle. And another. "Um ... don't know. Don't think so."
"Well, then ... I'm not a meat-eater. But I do love to nibble on a nice chipmunk now and then. Most delicious."
"Only delicious?"
"Scrumptious," he corrected.
"Ooh ... " She sighed. As he nibbled on the fur (and, beneath it, the flesh) of her thighs. His teeth grazing through her fur. "Ooh, I've ... never been called scrumptious."
"You have now."
She couldn't argue with such logic. Oh, he was impeccable!
"I want you to learn ... to learn," he said, "how to bite back."
"My teeth aren't as sharp as yours."
"You can still bite, though ... right? You still have a muzzle? Still have jaw-bones? Still ... "
"Yeah," she giggled. "Yeah ... "
"Well, you'll like it."
"So, there's a method ... to your madness, huh? To biting? There's a style? You don't just ... bite at random?"
"Oh, no ... no," he breathed. "To make it sensual, to make it ... to make it feel good, you have to know what amount of pressure to apply. Have to know the sensitive spots," he whispered, "of your mate's body. Have to know which directions to graze your teeth ... through fur. To go against the grain of each strand of fur ... so that you can feel," he said, "the fur parting. Have to know ... so much. Biting," he confessed, "like so many aspects of love-making ... is an art."
She couldn't argue that ... couldn't argue anything ... for his was nibbling and gnawing his way up, up ... past her groin. To her belly. And up and around. "You're not gonna ... bite my, uh ... my ... "
"Nipples are for suckling ... not biting," he whispered. Breath going faster, faster. "Thought everyone ... knew that," he said, blowing a warm breath onto her left breast. Her left nipple. Body half draped over hers, and his brushy, ragged wolf tail in the air. Wagging ... wagging ...
Her eyes squeezed to a shut. And her paws reached out and clutched the back of his head, holding him in place.
He suckled ...
And she sighed ... forgetting all the question she had meant to ask (about his past). Forgetting all the worries.
Simply a prisoner to his tongue. His teeth. His lips.
Literally ... being muzzled. And loving it.
Piano. Flute. Or oboe? Something trilling ... holding its note, trilling, and trailing. Something going solo ... in a bed of brass sounds.
"What is this?" Assumpta asked. Angular ears swiveling. "I do not recognize this piece."
"I got it from the snow rabbit database. Bailero from Chants D'Auvergne." Azure took a step (a bare step) toward her. Body bare. Foot-paws bare. In the open air of their quarters. Once more, it was night. And, once more ... hours of soft, sweet delight. With each other. With words, with touches, with glances ... and, now, with dances.
They were going to dance. Just like they'd talked about (but hadn't yet done).
"The instrumentation," the snow leopard whispered.
"You like it?" Azure whispered back. Meeting her half-open eyes ... from half a foot away.
"Yes. It is ... pleasing," she whispered.
A smile. A bright smile from him.
And she gave that eye-smile. She practiced that look in the mirror. When her mate wasn't around. She practiced smiling in the mirror. She practiced smiling every day. And ...
... he put his muzzle to her cheek. And gave a soft kiss. A soft, soft kiss. And slipped his arms around her waist. She was, being a snow leopard, stronger than the squirrel. A bit taller. She was the predator, and he was the prey ... and he slipped his arms around her waist. And leaned his head on her shoulder. And closed his eyes.
She brought her white paws, and her white, grey-striped arms ... around his back. And held him close. And also closed her eyes. And purred.
Oh, she purred!
"You don't know," Azure whispered (with such delicacy), "how much I love it ... when you do that."
"When I do what?"
"Purr. I ... your purr," he whispered to her. "It's the most beautiful sound. It's the safest, warmest ... most wonderful sound," he said, sounding so innocent. So vibrant.
She breathed inward through her nose. And purred against his neck. Moving her muzzle to his ear. And purring in there.
"Oh ... " The squirrel relaxed in her grip. Relaxed ... so utterly. In her arms.
And she kept purring, and she started turning them in a slow circle. To the sound of the music. To the operatic, femme voice ... of whatever snow rabbit was reciting the words that accompanied this classical piece. This slow, slow ... romantic swaying music.
Azure hadn't wanted to waltz. Hadn't wanted to ... move all about the room.
He had wanted to sway.
Swaying was a kind of dancing, wasn't it? It still counted, didn't it?
Sway ... sway ... slowly. In circles. Bare foot-paws, pads of foot-paws ... shuffling on the carpet. Toes bumping into each other. His weight clinging to her. Her weight supporting him.
They danced like this, in slow, swaying fashion ... for minutes. Eyes closed. Her purring, and him ... chitter-squeaking. Making their little sounds. Holding to each other's soft, warm fur. His tail, larger, bushier ... twitching regally behind him. Her tail snaking ... so gracefully ... behind her.
"Gataki," he whispered. Using an alien word for "kitten" ... oh, his kitten. His gataki. "Gataki," he whispered again.
"Yes ... "
"I'm glad you wanted to do this."
"Why would I not wish to?"
"I don't know," he whispered, eyes still closed. He breathed in through his twitching nose. "I know predators don't dance. I know it's a prey thing. I know ... you must thin it's frivolous."
"Not at all," she assured. "No, I ... I think this is," she told him, "quite romantic." Her voice at a delicate, purring hush. "I would not rather be doing anything else ... but dancing with you."
"You mean that?" His voice rang with quiet joy. And he opened his eyes. They were blue. Deep blue. Like a sky.
"Of course." She breathed of his scent. "Oh ... " She sighed. And they swayed.
And the music melted into the background. Into their ears. It became such an accompaniment ... that they hardly noticed it. They became ... part of it. Their movements, their motions ... became an extension of the music.
Trickling piano sounds ... quivering woodwinds ...
... and quivering breaths.
"Meow," he asked. Quietly. "Please ... "
She hesitated.
"I love your purr ... but you rarely meow. I love it when you meow ... " He hugged to her. Oh, hugged to her.
And she took a breath ... and meowed into his ear. Once ... twice ... before returning to golden, thrumming purrs.
"Oh ... " A deep breath. "Oh ... "
They turned in slow, shuffling ... circles, circles. Circles in their eyes. Paws running circles in each other's fur, and ...
... they found themselves bumping into the couch.
Azure's chest rose, fell. Rose ... fell ... his paws feeling all over her breasts. Cupping them, tracing them. Thumbs waggling over the nipples ... and he huffed. And eyes darted to hers. Her eyes ... star-lit! Like the stars outside their window. Like the icy-blue of the planet below them. That's how her eyes were.
They were crystalline.
They were pure.
Just like her.
And she ... met his gaze. Did not break it. Did not let go of him. Was never going to let go of his energy. His innocence. His emotion. His joy ... his radiance. He was so alive. And he made her feel things. Made her feel emotions. Things that, for predators ... were frowned upon. Things that, by instinct, were buried ...
... but, oh, he was digging them up. And, oh, she was giving a throaty growl. And pulling him onto the couch. A tangle of fur and limbs. Sinking to the cushions. And lips coming together in greedy smack-smacks. In greedy sucks. Paws ... roving over hips. Over bellies. Over each other.
"Oh ... oh ... "
Purr ...
... squeak! Chitter!
"Our dance," Azure breathed. "Our ... you wanna ... "
"We shall have to dance," she panted, "lying down ... "
A giggle. He giggled into the fur of her shoulder. "Was that a joke?" A beam. "Mm?"
"A statement of fact." But her eyes, meeting his, glowed.
"Well, then ... "
And the two furs, the two mates ... predator and prey ... 'danced' in the embers of the dying day.
Ketchy, bare now, in his arms now ... was pressed up against Denali's chest. As an otter, he had a solid build. He had rich-brown fur. He was the rugged (but slender) type. Thinner than she was, but ... he thought she was beautiful. He told her so.
She exhaled onto his chest-fur. Her ear very near to where his heart was. She could hear it beating. Oh, she could his heart ... beating. Beating ... thump-thump ... thump-thump ...
Denali's fingers and paws delicately scritched at her. In her fur. Lazily.
"Why didn't ... " She faltered. And managed, "Why didn't I fall in love with you ... sooner? Last year ... or ... whenever. Why ... didn't I ... why are we only now," she whispered, "together?"
"I don't know," was his whisper. "I think you know ... there's no good answer to that. Other than: we ARE together. Right now. And ... that's all that matters. Now, and ... later. We still have time."
"I hope so," was her yearning. "I love you," she confessed. Fearing he wouldn't say it back. Fearing he would be like Fredrick. But he wasn't ...
For ... "I love you, too," was his easy, soft reply. Giving her a squeeze (as he breathed in). And exhaling. Adding, "My mate. My pretty mate."
She smiled. So tired, but ... she had a new mate. One who ... was so warm, and so kind, and ...
"Sleep, hun," the otter murred. Stroking her softly.
And she, closing her eyes, did so. She'd always been afraid of dreams. They always got crushed. But, as she drifted out of consciousness ... as she dozed off, she felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe tonight, she felt, the dreams would be good.
Maybe, tonight, in her dreams, all her discontents ... oh, in her dreams, every discontent would be divine. And all the love she'd needed ...
... would be, upon waking, there to find.
And Ketchy sighed and smiled. And slept. Head nestled to Denali's chest.
At the docking hatch, an Arctic fox ... a spy ... surgically altered (at great pains and efforts) to look like a snow rabbit ... strolled aboard. Looked around. It was late, and no one was up. No one would notice him ... and, if they did, well ... he looked like a snow rabbit, didn't he? And, oh, he could act the part. He'd had years of practice. Alterations such as his ... were permanent. He would look like a snow rabbit for the rest of his life. He could never return home. No, he was an eternal spy. And, if he was caught ... well, the snow rabbits would torture him. They were prey, and they claimed to be victims, but they had ways about them ...
But sacrifices had to be made. The fox had given his life ... to serve his kind. To monitor the snow rabbits. And, now, he'd been ordered to monitor Luminous. Back home, on the other side of the border, on the other side of the DMZ ... there were fears that Luminous (a very advanced ship) had joined the snow rabbit fleet. And would lead an assault on the fox's territory.
Perhaps that was paranoia ... but, regardless ...
The Arctic fox spy was here (this time) to observe. To scan the ship's interior. Get the frequencies of their hull plating. Learn everything he could about this ... Luminous. So, that in future, when her destruction was necessary ...
... nothing would get in the way.
The spy went to the nearest corridor. Looked one way. Looked the other. And set off on his stroll. Scanner in paw. In twenty minutes, his survey would be over. And he would leave.
But he knew he would be back ... |
pie sex by dbj_rab | another old straight story i wrote - Derek yawned and stretched out in his sleep, wearing nothing but a huge overnight shirt. He mumbled slightly as he began to dream of certain things, and his shirt started to tent ever so slightly. The young lad squirmed as he dreamt of having hot sex with | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464051-pie-sex | Derek yawned and stretched out in his sleep, wearing nothing but a huge overnight shirt. He mumbled slightly as he began to dream of certain things, and his shirt started to tent ever so slightly. The young lad squirmed as he dreamt of having hot sex with females, as well as a more adventurous life, and his cock started to twitch and pre in his shirt. He moaned and panted as he dreamed more of having sexy, and wanting it to be so real, as his hips started to thrust slightly upwards. He dreaming of fucking a woman up her pussy and feeling it's tight wetness around his cock. He moaned a bit louder as the wet dream continued and gasped in his sleep, as he shoved in deep as can and his cock twitched and suddenly cummed all over his body under the shirt.
As he was dreaming, an odd thing began to happen. A slowly but surely growing shimmer of light was surrounding him and his bed. His dream and desire was so intensive, that it answered the call to a dimensional rift. The shimmering lights, suddenly opened a hole, right as he got done cumming and dreaming onwards of being with the hot luscious femms in scantly clad clothing.
Derek yawned as he suddenly woke up, feeling that something wasn't quite right, and since felt a odd object rub against his ass. His shirt disappeared as he fell through the hole, and there was a catsuit that was near him. It somehow was his exact size. As Derek, rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and glanced around, he suddenly noticed that he was naked for some reason. He shivered as he looked around the harsh and jungle area he is now in. He pondered how he got here, and why was he naked, as he then noticed the odd catsuit laying near him. He picked it up and glanced it over. "well better than freezing to death" he thought as he put it on, and felt warmer.
He peered through the foggy woods, and decided to try to walk around, and see what he could see. The teen slowly moved through the thick woods and harsh environments, as he heard sounds of animal calling and the occasional branch snapping. As he moved deeper into the woods, in hopes of finding some form of civilization and to figure out where he was, and how to hopefully go back home, he begins to hear sounds of something being chased.
Derek pondered as he got closer to the sounds, and wondered who and what was making them. He approached carefully and parted some ferns out of the way, as he suddenly saw some huge scantly clad women talking and carrying spears and swords.
As the teen gazed at the strong, yet beautiful looking women wearing hardly nothing at all to cover their huge breasts and groin areas, he couldn't help but pant softly to himself and feel his cock hardening, and tenting the catsuit slightly.
He was so busy looking at the tight bikini wearing females in front of him, he didn't notice nor hear two of them creep up behind him, and suddenly grab him. He squirmed and said to let him go. They laughed and dragged him into their camp. The females took interest in this new capture and slightly fondled his tenting groin. They grin, "well well..what have we here? A cute lil sex boy slave eh?" Derek blinked at that. Sure he wanted to have sex with woman, but not to be used as a sex slave. He struggled more to get away, and suddenly dove between their legs and scampered off into the woods. The females grumbled angrily and immediately chased after him.
Derek panted and paused for breath slightly underneath a tree, as he heard the coming after him and he pondered his options of escape. He goes off again deeper into the woods, with the women heaving pursuing him. He pants and gasps slightly as he sees another woman ahead of him. He slows down a bit and gets a better look. This woman was a bit differently dressed then the others. She seemed more kind, despite wearing a tight fitting bikini made of slight golden color, rather than the black ones the others were wearing.
The teen gets surrounded by the golden bikini wearing women, and they ambush the black wearing ones. The blink in surprise at being captured so easily, despite a few tried to fight and get away. The women tied them up and took the catsuit wearing teen along with them.
Derek paused for his breath as he walked along with them and began to ask questions. He wondered who they were, and if they were going to use him for a sex slave as well. They replied that, while yes they would love to have sex with him, they don't treat their males in that manner. They are able to go and be with who they wish of their free will, as long as they obey certain rules.
As they get closer to where the live, the females then instruct the others to take the captives to the prison. As Derek eyes the females walking away slightly, he turns his attention to the others remaining. "where am I going ?" he asks, They respond that he is going to be greeted before their queen, and that he must not react at all, as he will be man handled before her.
They enter the queen's throne room, and Derek gasped slightly as he sees the stunning blond haired woman before him. His catsuit tents even more, as he admires he scantly clad golden cups, barely holding her huge breasts in, and her tight looking pussy slightly peeking out of the thong.
The women murmur their respects and present him before her. She smiles as she steps closer and admires his physique. "hmmm my such a handsome and strong young man you are," she purrs as she fondles his groin more, and the others slowly strip him out of the catsuit. He shivered slightly nervous, as his groin and hard cock pops out for all to see. The queen gasped in pleasure at seeing the now well hung cock and pair of balls before her. "hmmm my yess. Such a hard and good looking man you are" she says as she fondles his balls slowly. He panted slightly, and said thank you. "if I may ask, what is going to happen to me?" he wondered.
As he asks this question, the catsuit gets pulled down to his thighs, and he glances down slightly.. suddenly surprised to see that he has become very more well endowed then he was before, and slightly more muscular. "well you are free to stay here as long as you wish, and can do whatever you want" she says as eyes him hungrily. She then says, "come..walk with me. I shall take you on a tour of our place"
Derek smiled, as he began to follow the queen around, eyeing her tight looking ass as his cock twitches and dribbles pre slightly, his catsuit still bunched around his legs. He begins to get quite aroused at thought of being seen and able to walk around naked in front of these ladies.
The queen and her followers, eventually go down to the dungeon, where the ones who threatened him are being held prisoner. As they go down, she notes that aloud to him. "since these ones threatened you, you can inflict whatever punishment you desire."
Derek balked slight, at what their idea of punishment might be. He didn't like the idea of torture, as seen in movies and such. The queen glanced at him and noted his face of displeasure. "oh don't worry, we don't mean torture in the way you must be thinking. There is a special means of punishment that is keeping in our customs." She says with a smile.
AS they travel closer to the prison, Derek sees the captives all completely naked and spread out eagle style on special racks, and chained up. His cock stirred slightly as the sight of so many naked, huge breasted females.
They writhe and shout out explimants, which are cut short as they now see his hard and hung cock. They marvel slightly as this still bunching catsuit man, and his hard abs and stomach rippling with muscles, while his hung cock is throbbing and preing more at the sight of them, and ponders their punishment.
Derek grinned slightly as he hears of how he can punish them, and his cock seems to grow even more slightly. With growing excitement, yet in a calm voice, he orders for his pies to be brought out. A cart of whipped cream pies is suddenly brought out towards him, and he idly glances them over. They don't seem very special to him, but he was told of what affects they would have on the captives once he throws them on them.
As the teen picks up one of the pies, he decides to say a silly little a dittie. He begins to throw one of them at a brigand, and says "roses are red, violets are blue, I like this pie, but it's better on you"
As the pie gets thrown, the brigand began to sing a ritual song while being tortured, since they have nothing else to do while being chained up, the pie suddenly hits her in the face as she hits a high note. She sputters slightly, and gasps as the magic of the pies begin to work on her. She writhes and moans.. "oh master.. please give me more pies.. make me yours," she shudders as her lust for the strong boy grows more and her pussy wets slightly.
Derek mmnnned to himself slightly as he sees the huge woman writhe and beg to get pied on more. He sees her pussy wetting and gasps slightly to himself, never really seeing that happen before. His cock is extremely rock hard, as he begins to throw another pie and another at all of the brigands.
Soon they are all covered with the whipped cream pies, and writhing around in lustful agony for the hung teen. They pant and plead for him to pie them more and to shove his huge cock into their pussys and mouths. To use them as he sees fit in his sexual desire.
Derek grinned at that idea, and slowly rubbed his huge cock a bit as he throws a few more pies on them, and then pushes a hidden button. The women feel the floor drop out and they gasps slightly as they suddenly fall through the floor, screaming slightly as they fall, yet stop and land into a huge pie.
Derek grinned as he watches the naked women writhe around the pie and struggle to get up. He announces that as warder, he can have a harem of slaves, if they prove themselves worthy.
The women suddenly start to fight each other, as they writhe and wrestling around in the huge pie pan. "the master will fuck me, not you bitch" they shout as they try to gain the upper hand and be seen worthy in their new master eyes.
Derek pants in excitement and can't take it anymore. He moans as he leaps out of the catsuit and into the pie. He pants and moans as he begins to fuck the slaves senselessly and moans. Derek panted and shuddered as his cock slammed in and out of a tight pussy and cummed hard, then moved out and immediately shoved it in deep and hard into another willingly writhing slave. He moans as he fucks her and plays with her breasts.
Meanwhile, the queen watching on suddenly jumps up and runs into the pie pile. She moans and commands the hung boy to fuck her blind. As the slaves scream in orgasms, he moves and grins. He pants as he slowly fucks the queen's tight pussy in and out with his huge cock. Derek moaned and licked her breasts, as he squeezed them and shuddered, suddenly slamming in deep into her pussy and cumming hard. He moans as he slowly pulls out and then begins to fuck her ass doggy style.
The queen gasped and cries out as she pushes back against his thrusts, and shudders in pleasure. They both moan and scream as suddenly climax at the same time. Soon everyone lays still and pants from the orgy and orgasmic bliss.
Derek smiled happily as he sits and is now the warder for the prison and makes sure that they keep on fighting for the right to be with him in the pies and jello, making sure they don't take up arms again in his queen's kingdom. |
The Law of The Pack by Ragnarok1234 | #8 of The Law of the Pack - _It is the law of the pack_... Young wolves heard that, every day of their lives. Every disappointment, _it is the law of the pack. It is the way it has always, and will always be._ The name called out changed; _Jimmy! James! Jim! _ from time to time, but he never could | [
"First Person",
"Mild Violence",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249191-the-law-of-the-pack | *It is the law of the pack*... Young wolves heard that, every day of their lives. Every disappointment, *it is the law of the pack. It is the way it has always, and will always be.* The name called out changed; \_Jimmy! James! Jim! \_ from time to time, but he never could avoid the oppressive law of the pack.
"James Michael Darnay, get over here, right now!" I got up, still tired, and stretched, before shouting toward the front of the cave.
"Coming, Mom!" I yawned, and exposed a set of white teeth that I took good care of, because I knew (from many scoldings) that I would need them until the day I died. I wound my way to the front of the cave, avoiding a dozen other snoring wolves, and met my mother at the front of the cave. She was only slightly smaller then I, but she was capable of being a vicious bitch, if provoked. Needless to say, I'd gotten nipped on the tail enough in my life to learn respect for her wishes.
"Your father wants to see you, up on the Howling Rock, now," Emily said sweetly, brushing Jim's fur with her muzzle.
"Mom," I whined, "Dad never talks to me up there unless it's something boring, and more often then not useless! Please, can I just go back to sleep?" Emily growled, and settled the matter right then and there. I paced out of the cave, and climbed up the steep stone hill to the great Howling Rock, which was a special place to our pack, though no one really ever bothered to explain why. My father was sitting on his haunches at the end of the rock, simply staring at the full moon, and I also felt myself somewhat inclined to howl at it as I walked toward the ledge that hung out over the hill beneath our cave.
"Dad?" I asked, cautiously padding up next to him, and sitting down on my back haunches.
"Son, there's something I need to talk to you about," my father said, sighing.
"*Oh here we go,"* I thought, rolling my eyes.
"Every pack must have an Alpha, who must lead the pack through times both good and bad. It is the law of the pack, and it always has been. It always will be so, also. I feel as though the time has come to choose a successor. I won't be around forever, and I am not getting any younger. I need someone who is strong, but also wise, and who will admit his mistakes, but avoids making ones big enough to hurt the pack. I wondered, who would you choose?" I was taken aback. My father never asked me for input regarding the running of the pack, let alone of this magnitude.
"You're asking me?" I asked, nervously backing away slightly.
"Yes, son, I'm asking you who you believe would be capable of leading this pack," my father replied. I took another step back, afraid this was not what it seemed, and that I was going to end up hurt.
"I..." I said, not sure, "I... Don't really... know who would make a good Alpha..." I stammered, genuinely confused.
"Surely, you must know *someone* who can do the job," my father said.
"Well," I said, thinking. "Hey, wait a second, you don't mean... You aren't asking me... You can't possibly be!"
"I've given it great consideration, and I've chosen my successor as Alpha. I want you to lead your pack, son." I cocked my head sideways at what I believed was humor, something altogether unknown to my father.
"You can't be serious?" I said, to which he nodded. "Wouldn't one of the other wolves be better suited?"
"Well," my father replied, "You're the oldest of *my* three sons, and I would keep it in this bloodline at all costs." I grew slightly irate at this point, and I said something I probably shouldn't have.
"Yeah, well what if I say no? Maybe I don't want to be Alpha," I said, worried that I would screw up and cost lives. My father growled, and turned to face me.
"It is the way it is, son, and it's time you accept your responsibility," my father "you can't go on living your life the way the Omegas do. Life is responsibility, not all fun and games. It is the law of the pack, the way it is. You'll start Alpha training tomorrow morning, end of discussion." At this point, I had had enough.
"Yeah, well what if I say no?" I asked, fed up. "Maybe I like my life the way it is; maybe some of the Omegas are more fun then half the people I *should* be hanging out with, and maybe I don't want this job. You never even stopped to think about what *I* want. You never do!"
"Pup, you had best not talk to me like that," my father growled, "or you won't like what I'll do. I've given you an honor, and you would be wise to accept it, and make do with what fate hands you. I don't want to hear anything further about it, you're starting training, or else."
"Or else what?" I asked, sarcastically. I recieved a sharp paw to my muzzle for my lip, and felt a drop of blood run down my snout. Shock crossed both of our faces, and I backed up, before turning to run.
"Wait! Wait, Jim, I'm sorry!" My father shouted to me, as I bounded down the side of the hill. He didn't try to chase me, though, as I ran, and ran, through the pines and the oaks, past hundreds of trees I had never seen before. I ran for close to an hour. Eventually, I got tired, and stopped, panting. I knew where I was, at a place I had discovered while exploring. I had been here several times with some of my friends, and I knew it was safe from prying eyes and ears, due to its location. It began to drizzle, and I crouched up underneath the shelter of a tree, feeling the pain of the cut on my muzzle, and the pain of being smacked around by my own father. A tear rolled down, and mingled with the blood that oozed from the wound.
Back at the den, my father slowly advanced down the hill, his head hung low. Emily was waiting for him at the entrance to the den. "William, what is wrong?" she asked, seeing the look on my father's face.
"Jim is gone. I told him, and he spoke out against me, and... I hit him, and he ran. I am ashamed," William told his mate.
"Oh, William," Emily said, "He'll be back, don't you worry. He may act like a child, but, deep down, our son is a leader. It might just take him some time to realize what he is. He'll be back..." William nuzzled his mate softly, and walked into the den to take his place at the head of the sleeping pack of wolves that he commanded. He turned to face away from his packmates, so that none of them could see the tear that dripped from his eye. |
A little relief by Scottdiggy | The small lupine sprawled out on the bed, awaiting for his one night stand to finish in the bathroom. Zack was an interesting wolf to everyone. You don't see a black wolf with golden brown fur lightning bolts all around his body everyday, at least not natural ones. The one nighters' name is Clyde. | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97677-a-little-relief | The small lupine sprawled out on the bed, awaiting for his one night stand to finish in the bathroom. Zack was an interesting wolf to everyone. You don't see a black wolf with golden brown fur lightning bolts all around his body everyday, at least not natural ones.
The one nighters' name is Clyde. It was pretty fitting considering he was a Clydesdale; a golden, shimmering god of muscle and fur. To say no to him would either mean death, or death by rape. Some would prefer the later. But this time, it was not Clyde who asked Zack out, but the other way around.
Earlier at the bar, Zack was drinking his water as usual, staying sober to help stay one step ahead of the drunks laying around like they own the place. Zack only noticed him when he was a few feet away and getting closer. Thunderous booms marked each step he took closer to the bar.
"Coca-Cola please, no ice" said the large Clydesdale.
Zack did a quick inspection of the horse. Near seven feet, towering over Zack by at least a foot and blond fur with a long, well groomed mane. He also had quite a bit of muscle to him, rivaling any body builder Zack had seen, but the real muscle left its own bulge in the Clydesdale's pants as well as Zack's.
"Only Coke?" Zack asked, "You drink like you don't want to be taken advantage of. What's the matter, scared?"
The Clydesdale looked at Zack and snorted at him. "No one in this bar can take advantage of me, pup. Those who have tried ended up in the emergency room... after I got in their asses."
Zack popped a small smirk out of the corner of his mouth. Zack knew this guy inside and out now. Zack never bragged about it, but he could read most furs like an open book. This horse wants a sub, but not just any sub, he wants one that can take him several times a night and worship him like a god. Typical. What most might not have known about the Clydesdale was that he wanted someone to love. He might not have even known it himself. The pause in his sentence led Zack to believe that.
"Oh, really now? Sounds...kinky" Zack winked at the large horse. The horse was paying little attention to him now, waiting for his drink. "But," that got his attention, "I don't need that in my life... the emergency room I mean. I need to sex." Zack shivered. "Oh how I need the sex. Most people just can't seem to keep up with me though. Most get to tired, and those who don't just aren't big enough."
The Clydesdale watched the lupine out of the corner of his eye as if evaluating him.
Zack was desirable enough. He was lean, even had some muscle tone, but was for the most part, an average wolf.
"My name is Zack by the way" Zack said holding out his paw.
The horse turned his head slightly. "That's an interesting fur pattern you have. Is it natural?"
"Yup! Most people think I just went crazy with my fur, but I love being au natural"
"Name's Clyde" Clyde's hooved paw overwhelmed Zack's paw as he shook it.
"Nice to meet you. Now," Zack stood next to Clyde, only coming up to the middle of his well built chest. "Do you want to teach this wolf what tired really means or do you want to wait for that coke?"
The horse's eyes shifted for a moment before he reached around, grabbed Zack's ass and lifted him into a deep kiss.
As Clyde's large lips wrapped around Zack's muzzle, there was a moment's hesitation before his tongue shot forth. Zack moaned as Clyde overshadowed and kissed him. Clyde was indeed a great kisser. Clyde's massive lips constantly rolling over Zack's as Clyde pulled him farther into his shadow.
Zack could feel his member start to peek out of his home, ready for the release this kiss was promising.
A moment later, the kiss was broken by the sound of a glass hitting the bar.
"Coca-Cola, that'd be three bucks" said the bear bartender.
Clyde turned and glared at the bear who seemed unfazed then reached into his pocket and slammed a five on the bar. In two big gulps the soda was gone and so was the money.
"My place. Now. Move it pup or I might not be nice anymore" said Clyde.
"Ooo, a man of action. That's quite a turn on" Zack said as was quickly being scooted out of the bar.
The small lupine sprawled out on the bed, awaiting for his one night stand to finish in the bathroom. Zack would have been lying if he said he wasn't horny. Clyde did not let a second get wasted once they had left the bar.
He had insisted on going to his place because he had his bed reinforced to withstand the weight and force from hot nights like tonight. Zack stayed quiet about how he had the same thing for his bed, he was busy licking up Clyde's semi hard shaft slowly as Clyde drove.
Fifteen minutes later, they were kissing passionately in the stairwell oh Clyde's house, moving four steps at a time thanks to Clyde picking Zack up. The door slid open and Clyde threw Zack on the bed as he headed for the bathroom.
"Undress before I get back, I need to get something" said Clyde before slamming the door shut.
Once Zack was undressed, he it was only a minute before Clyde walked out of the bathroom in all of his glory as well as wearing some leather straps across his chest.
"Well flip me over and fuck me hard, you look hot" said Zack as Clyde strode closer. The lights were dim, but even in the dark; Zack could see every muscle in Clyde's body strain to move his massive frame.
Clyde smirked as he stood at the end of the bed. "Good idea, let's see you put it into action pup."
This was a good as time as any to start, Zack thought.
Zack stood on the bed, only just reaching Clyde's eye level and walked over to him.
"I know you want me. I also know you thought I was just going to be a quick fuck, but listen to me; I listen to people's rules very well, but only if they listen to mine as well." Zack continued as he rubbed against Clyde's massive chest. "Your rules are just as important as mine and," Zack began nipping at Clyde's neck as Clyde's eyes closed and he groaned in pleasure. "I only have one."
"Give me control." As Zack said that, he grabbed Clyde's harness and threw him to the bed. Clyde snorted and tried to get up, but for some reason stopped when Zack straddled his waist and licked his nose.
"I am not saying bottom for me big boy, just control." Zack traced his claw around Clyde's nipples, sending sparks through his body, making another groan of pleasure escaped Clyde's mouth. "Now what do you say big boy?" Zack made his final argument by grinding into Clyde's growing length sprouting from between the two of them. Zack could feel even his massive balls under his ass, churning, preparing to mate.
Clyde bit his lower lip and shook his head. The wolf's soft fur was too soft, with firm muscle underneath he could hardly keep from shouting. The lupine had a touch Clyde had not felt in years.
Zack smiled, leaned down, wrapped his arms around Clyde's neck and pulled him into another deep kiss. As they kiss, Clyde had gotten fully hard. 18" of pure horse cock pulsed between the two. Clyde could not help, but buck up slightly, trying to relieve the tormenting pressure his cock wished to release.
Zack lifted from the kiss and smiled. Clyde had not noticed until now that the lupines eyes were a deep hazel. They show brilliantly even in the half light. Zack lifted his arched his eye brows twice and licked his lips ever so slowly. It would not take a rocket scientist to realize that Zack wanted cock. Well Zack was going to get some cock, a lot of cock, Clyde thought to himself.
Clyde grabbed Zack's waist and began to lift him over his cock. Zack's own has come out quite a bit as well, eight inches and the knot had begun to take form already.
Zack grabbed Clyde's chest fur and moaned as the tip started to push against his rectum. It was big, no doubt about it. As the blunt shaft finally sunk in, Zack lost his balance and slammed a few more inches into himself.
"AH! Ah ah ah! Ohh! God you feel wonderful!" Zack groaned. He felt so filled already, he didn't know how he could take all eighteen. Clyde was not as doubtful... or he just didn't care. This was the tightest thing he had fucked in a while. He wanted to be in there, no wolf, no matter how much he was like him, would stop it.
Clyde gripped Zack's waist harder and began to push him down. Every inch was an eternity of ecstasy to Zack. It kept on filling and filling him. It filled past his prostate, making the rest of the shaft rub against it the whole time.
"AAHHH!" Zack screamed. It was too much for him to hold. His tapered cock spasmed and shot into the air, hitting the headrest with a splat. Clyde watched as Zack's face relaxed and he panted with his tongue out to the side. He stopped pushing until Zack finally shook his head for the go ahead.
Zack felt another few inches push into him. It felt wonderful. His body was a machine of pleasure. Touching the horse on his tightly knitted abs felt like he was touching silk.
Zack slowly moved his paw up Clyde's chest, feeling the mountain of solid muscle tense as it pushed its cock deeper into his bowels. Clyde snorted loudly as he made one final slam into Zack.
Zack would have fallen backwards if it was not for Clyde and his dick holding him up when he threw his head back as he moaned and shot another load. Clyde nearly lost his load feeling the lupine squeezing around his entire shaft. Every inch felt the sweet smooth caress of the smooth hole it was buried in.
Zack recovered faster this time. He faced Clyde with a wicked smile and began to lift himself off of Clyde's cock, squeezing the whole way.
Clyde groaned and snickered as Zack slid upwards. It felt better than anything he had remembered in a long time. Every pulse of his cock tightened the hole. Every movement forced him to feel more pleasure.
Zack picked up a quick rhythm, every time he pulled up, he squeezed, and every time he pushed down, he wriggled and hilted.
It wasn't long now. Clyde started meeting the motions, pushing up as Zack went down, savoring every feel of this cock inside the ever tightening tightness of a hole Zack had.
"Fuck! Fuck fuck FUUUUUCCCK!!! MATE ME CLYDE!!" Shouted Zack.
Clyde pulled down and thrusted up one final time as Zack grabbed onto Clyde's leather straps and pulled himself down.
With a snicker and whinny, Clyde's ball's seized up and shot his load. One load filled whatever was left of room in his backside, but when the second load came, it had nowhere to go but down.
Clyde continued mating into Zack as the cum trying to escape made the passage tighter and tighter.
A quick kiss broke Clyde from his post orgasmic glow. Zack was smiling at him.
"That was the best I have had in a long time" said Zack softly.
Clyde nodded his head and kissed Zack back. "Care to do it again sometime?"
"How about every night? I have this problem where after I sleep, I am just as tight as I used to be" Zack said as he smirked.
"Oh? I will need to help you with that."
"Please do, sir. Please do." Zack said as he laid against Clyde's chest and slowly sank into slumber. |
coyote and rabbit by dbj_rab | another old story i wrote - Please note that this story is written by me, and any duplication for commerical use is prohibited. This is copyrighted © 2,000 Dan Ball, Jr. Enjoy this short story. Coyote was walking down the road, enjoying the sunshine. He was walking along, feeling a bit frisky. He | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464052-coyote-and-rabbit | Please note that this story is written by me, and any duplication for commerical use is prohibited. This is copyrighted © 2,000 Dan Ball, Jr. Enjoy this short story.
Coyote was walking down the road, enjoying the sunshine. He was walking along, feeling a bit frisky. He soon came upon a camp of his old friend, Rabbit, who was sunbathing by himself.
Coyote thought, "hmm. I think I'll play a trick on Rabbit."
He crept up to where he was behind Rabbit. He suddenly swished his paws around Rabbit's eye. "Guess who?" Coyote said.
"Hmmm" Rabbit said. "Is it Bear? Fox? Skunk?" knowing it was Coyote all along. "No. Not right" Coyote said at each guess.
"All right, I know it's you Coyote," Rabbit said.
"Correct." Coyote said.
He then turned around so that he was facing Rabbit and leaned close to give him a quick kiss.
"What brings you by?" Rabbit asked.
"Oh nothing. Just wandering around, enjoying the views." Coyote replied.
"I'll bet you were. See anyone interesting?"
"Well.. besides you I did see a male lion, a female dog, another female rabbit, and a male wolf."
"So, I'm last on your list huh?"
"No, silly. You're going to be the only I'll fuck at first, if you want."
"Hmm. That would be good. It's been awhile since we've done it. Now's a good time as any, since my wife and daughter are swimming."
"Good. Let's get started then. Shall we?"
Coyote then reached down Rabbit's shorts and placed his paw against Rabbit's sheath, stroking him slowly. Rabbit soon moaned as his dick came out to greet Coyote's paw.
Coyote then pulled down Rabbit's shorts, and leaned to suck him. Rabbit reached behing Coyote's baggy pants, and fingered his tail hole. Both began to moan a little as they got through the for play. "Let's get down to business." Rabbit said.
He then picked Coyote up, and began to remove his pants, and suck on his dick. Soon both of them were sixty nining each other. After a few licks, they both had pre-cummed. Coyote soon dug his face into Rabbit's ass, and began to lick it. Rabbit moaned as Coyote began to finger fuck him. "Ahh. Yes, do it to me. Fuck me, hard and fast, Coyote."
Coyote then placed his dick against Rabbit's tail hole, as he rubbed it against Rabbit's balls.
Rabbit gasped as Coyote started to thrust himself into Rabbit's hole. Coyote soon groaned as he felt Rabbit's ass muscled clenched around his dick, making him hornier. He soon started to thrust faster, deeper into Rabbit's ass. Both groaned as Rabbit jerked himself to Coyote's thrusts. Soon Coyote felt his dick throb, and he howled as he spurted his Coyote spunk into Rabbit's ass, some of it spilling out, covering his ass and hind legs.
Rabbit moaned, and groaned as he felt Coyote fill his ass with his seed. He soon kissed Coyote, and then made Coyote lean back, and lifted his legs up. Coyote panted as he prepared for Rabbit to fuck him. He lifted his tail out of the way, as Rabbit began to lick it. Coyote soon felt himself getting hard again, as Rabbit pushed his 8" dick into his ass.
Both groaned again, and Rabbit began to penetrate Coyote's hole. Rabbit wasted no time in getting off into Coyote's ass. He thrusted deep and hard. Forcing himself in deeper, and deeper until he felt his dick throbbing and then spurting into Coyote's ass.
Both then leaned forward and hugged each other as, they licked themselves clean.
"Thanks Coyote. That was just great. We'll have to do this again sometime." Rabbit said.
"Yes we will. I have never cummed so much. You are so sexy." Coyote replied.
The End ??
I hope you all liked this short story. This is the first time I have written something like this. |
Prologue by Pierce | #1 of Tale's of the wanderer's - Authors note This is the first story I am submitting for public view, any and all constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged, I would vary much appreciate any helpful advice or guidance, Thank you. -Ctthuruate Prologue It was miserable for Ayden to open his | [
"New World",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51553-prologue | Authors note
This is the first story I am submitting for public view, any and all constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged, I would vary much appreciate any helpful advice or guidance, Thank you.
It was miserable for Ayden to open his eyes. The dank interior of the stockade dungeon was difficult to see in, let alone pleasant to see in. the chilly vault was poorly lit by two flickering flambeaux, the vault itself was badly encrusted with niter which was deposited deep into the cracks of the cyclopean masonry. The poor fox's legs ached badly from lack of movement, his cell only 4½ ft tall and 5x4 feet long & wide made any movement almost impossible. The feted stench of the open drainage trench in the middle of the floor filled the room made all the worse as his captors let his use it one every day before tossing him back into his tiny hole. From above he could only hear the guard cackle in their foreign language, but no matter how foreign it seemed it became all to clear as to what was happening. He had been trapped in the forests of Gaillan, been shoved in with other confused and frightened clansman into a tiny room aboard a ship, barely fed reducing his already small build, and then spirited down to an unknown land and then being shoved into this cell for two weeks... It did not take a sage to determine the situation. The fox hugged his aching knees close to his naked body to try and gain some warmth in the frigid dungeon, a soft whimper escaped from his muzzle...
* + + +
Nafusir grimaced, as he looked over the once proud city of Whiteport, like cancer spreading through the veins, the braziers of the Hatusa lit the streets formerly under his control. It was now that his almond shaped pupils drifted to the fortress like temple of the Hatusa; a few lights were lit from within. The tiger felt his heart beat with crimson hate as he looked at what he viewed as a parasite in his city. "My lord," "Why have you disturbed me Sababa," his voice murmured drearily. "My lord, Balad has is growing more impatient, he demands an answer," "Tell him to wait" His voice more irritated. "My lord, if I may ask, you seem... distracted," "... Sababa, you are but a Servant... I would suggest you not dig into the affairs of others," Nafusir reprimanded. "My lord, I spoke out of term" "Leave me," He commanded, not one in the conversation taking his eyes away from the window. His almond shaped eyes narrowed, his ears stood on end as he heard the drums of the temple, another sacrifice...the lion thought grimly...
* + + +
"The Portland astrological society has informed us that a rare astrological phenomenon will make an appearance in the skies of northern Maine tonight, so you farmers who are within the western half of Aroostook county will get a nice light show tonight..." Marcus could hardly listen to the radio, he would change it but if it was one thing his father had taught him it was that you should always keep an eye out for the weather, and at 7:48 at night 114.8 WKGY was the only one that broadcasted the weather. Marcus hated being a Nightfly as his father always referred to Night airplane Flying. "Tonight's forecast is expected to be clear I'm Rick stander, this is 114.8 WKGY..." Marcus looked at the dash clock (8:02 P.M.) he quickly returned his gaze to the window. His breath was taken away...
* + + +
Nauil looked over the gleaming Water. The mid day sun made the water seem like shards of the sun. From the city docks it seemed less intimidating. Nauil let out a soft sigh as she looked over the massive ocean. For many years the wolf girl looked over the White Sea to calm herself. But there was little to be calm about these days. The various factions of the city were pulling the city brick by brick. The slightest spark could ignite the city in a bloody civil war. To make the volatile situation worse pressure from the southern border of Seran & northern border of Altra was a war in the making and the city-state of Blackhook would burn in it. Nauil's father had already lost his life in the strife, during a deadly market riot. The city swelled with refuges that were fleeing the border of Altra & Seran Blackhook the only neutral territory along the two was full to bursting point. And the surrounding farmlands could not support all of them. Her fears of safety grew each day. In all honesty she was scared stiff...
* + + +
The weight of the chains against Sibuna's back served only to increase the jackal's rage. The shadows of the bars blended with his fur perfectly. His body ached from the beating he received from the guards The last thing he could remember was six guards in the arena pounding him into blackness; oddly enough Sibuna could not remember what he had done to piss off the guards "THAT'S HIM! THAT'S THE ONE WHO TOOK DOWN KRUSSK!" Sibuna looked up to see a boar with black eyes, split lips and cuffed ears. Next to the yelling boar stood a rather tall lion. "YOU SON OF A WHORE I'LL GIT YA! I'LL GIT YA GOOD!" the boar yelled again he open snout revealed a few freshly broken teeth. Sibuna began to grin only for the porpoise of pissing the boar off. The boar flew over the edge and began pounding on the edge of the bars "I'LL KILL YA!! I'LL KILL YA!!" The jackal spat at the boar and a slimy wad of spit hit him in the face "WELL THEN DON'T STAND THERE COME ON IN AND I'LL FIX YA LIKE I DID LAST NIGHT!" The lion pulled the boar away from the bars "SAVE YA BREATH! HE GETS THE ROPE IN AN HOUR ANY WAY" The boar sneered at the jackal, he lowered his voice "That's right, you gonna hang for killin Krussk, An I'll skin ya corpse and make a belt outa ya," Sibuna spat at him again, this time hitting him square in his black eye. The boar's pudgy hands shot up and covered his eyes. The lion had to pull his fellow guard away from the bars...
* + + +
End prologue
Tales of the wanderers |
The First Skirmish by Golgamoth | A story which is intended as a gift to my new mate. I posted it here however seen as most people in the chat enjoy my writing style and I thought id share this with other furs in the hopes that they will appreciate it. At anyrate enjoy and please rate this story i enjoy reading the reviews Edit: | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/9768-the-first-skirmish | A story which is intended as a gift to my new mate. I posted it here however seen as most people in the chat enjoy my writing style and I thought id share this with other furs in the hopes that they will appreciate it. At anyrate enjoy and please rate this story i enjoy reading the reviews
Edit: Forgot to put in that this story is very long so those looking for a quick yiff story had best be going somewhere else.
part 1
The envirolights flicker on dimly as the day cycle begins. Casting a sickly greenish glow about the room they illuminate a figure crouched at a desk shuffling through papers and checking a data pad every once in a while to confirm to him what he'd being reading throughout the night. Rubbing my eyes with a gloved hand I lean back in the chair and the audible sound of popping bones can be heard about the room.
Turning around in the swivel chair I get up and walk over to the showering receptical in a corner of my sparsely furnished quarters. Removing my dirtied cloths and dropping them in a chute next to the cleaning unit i showers in only a matter of minutes.
Stepping out from the cold water of the shower I run a towel through my body fur and over the hard metal of my bionic parts. Looking seemingly through a large stand mirror is a raccoon fur with his right arm, upper bicep and more then half of his face replaced with the shiny slightly bluish metal of bionic parts built to preserve his life force. All across this furs body you can see the scars of many a war wound the most noticeable is the ragged slightly pink line where the metal meats the flesh of fur.
Moving to a dresser of polished wood so ancient its taken on the golden hue of aged varnish and wood. I pull out a pair of boxers and standard issue army fatigues. Donning them hurriedly I begin clipping my weapons belt on to hold up my pants seeing as I could never find a proper fitting pair. Shrugging on a olive green sleeveless-T I walk over to my rooms door and don my old flowing commissar's coat.
Seeing as most commissar's keep their clothing polished and kept in the utmost perfect condition you can tell that I am not one. The red is stained and dirtied from many a battle field and upon closer inspection you can see dark patches among the original material apparently holding together the cloak from various weapons that have nearly wounded me and killed me. Connecting the last few buttons on the worn coat a nock is heard on the cold metal of the only door the small quarters have.
"You may enter soldier" I says in a gravelly voice like two stones grinding together.
Although barely whispered the door opens none the less and a young sergeant walks in in full battle dress. Saluting he hands the data chip over to me and he nearly shouts his orders at me as if it were a parade drill. "Orders from the lord general, captain Golgamoth" He burst out as i stare at the data chip thoughtfully.
Turning back to the data pad on my desk I insert the chip and stand their for a few moments waiting for it to decode the information hidden on the chip.
"How are the soldiers are they prepared sergeant Nevis." I asks without looking at the young sergeant.
"As ready in the amount of time the lord general has given us as they can be sir" He barks back.
A small whirr is heard from the data pad as it spits out the information from the chip onto its small screen. Perusing it thoroughly but quickly i rubs my eye's again wearily at what ive read on the small screen. " Have them prepare the transports we will be on our way in a few short moments. "
The sergeant turning to leave is stopped in mid stride as he hears me give him the last order that ill ever issue him "Send my armor with a private to the bridge ill be their and I need to be fitted for battle" I turn and look at the data pad once more as if it's merely an after thought.
"Sir" The soldier salutes before hurrying off to complete his orders.
Leaving my quarters I turn down the hallway in the opposite direction the soldier was headed . I step on a motorized walkway as it speeds me past corridors filled with moving squads of soldiers and that same pail green light which was in my quarters.
After only a few minutes I'm sped up to a pair of polished steel doors. Steeping of the motorized pathway I walk up to them and they slide open quickly with a cry as metal scrapes against metal. Walking past the polished doors I pass many a tech priest on my way to the captains bridge.
Walking past various open consoles with their wires spilling out like some grisly war wound. I walk into a relatively large room in the fact that it is a wide open space. The amount of navel officers running to and fro on various task make the space seem much small however. Walking past a few bunnies conversing by the stairs to the captains seat I pay them no mind as my gaze locks on that of a human officer standing proud in front of the captains chair hands resting on the guard rail directing the actions of those below with shouts and bellowed orders.
"You sent for me about my mission Lord General" I shout to be heard above the commotion around us as I snap a perfect salute. The lord general screams a few more last orders before looking down from the raised platform at me.
" So I see that sergeant Nesis got to you with the orders I sent him with" The Lord General replies as he salutes back then sits in his chair and swivels it to face me.
" Aye sir he did" I tell him. Even with the fact that he's sitting down the platform is raised a few feet higher so he still towers over me. "About these new orders you've given me, to capture any heretic troops we encounter. This goes against standard procedure and I fear I will lose more men if I go about trying to hunt down and capture every unit that comes within a mile radius of the drop zone." I state bluntly.
Looking down at the fur standing before him, he still manages to tower over me bye a good 2 feet. " The drops zone as you are well aware of is deep into enemy territory and units that you happened to come across may hold coordinates or information vital to us winning this battle. It has raged on far enough and the Emperor has decreed that it shall be ended within the next 5 years even if we have to virus bomb the planet to achieve victory." He orders as he turns his chair effectively ending the conversation.
Turning around I motion the guardsmen who arrived carrying my gear as I spoke to the L.G. to follow. Walking back onto the moving walkway the soldier fits me in my custom carapace armor and hands me my trademark pistols and ammo belt. hitting a few buttons on my bionic wrist I immediately hear coms chatter as command squads and troopers alike check their comms units.
Speaking as if to no one my voice rings throughout the hanger amplified by the many speakers mounted on the commboxes carried by the troopers.
Mount up and prepare to move out I tell the men. As one all 2400 men in my company move into their designated drops ship. Walking over to my command ship I walk inside the dark opening to be greeted with salutes and warm smiles. Amongst my command squad are a myriad of furs armed with the best the imperuim has to offer.
Amongst the soldiers I spot my mate Deadeye a wolf anthro cleaning the sights on his scope as he checks to make sure everything's clean and in working condition. Walking over to the door of the cockpit I push a button mounted on a wall speaker sending a faint crackling sound emanating through the compartment. "Are we ready to take of pilot" I near shout at the speaker. Letting the button go for a moment I hear the static continue as he picks up the line on his end.
" Alls well and ready for your go sir" He reply's giving me the answer that I hoped for.
" Take off then soldier I want to be the first on planet side" I say letting go of the button and walking over to Deadeye plopping myself down next to him and sergeant Grox our heavy weapons man. Clipping my harness and tightening it just in time as the shuttle jolts to a start I lean over as I watch my mate clean his weapon.
The military normally frowning on relationships, especially those of homosexual origin decided to ignore this small breach of conduct seeing as it was either dishonorably discharging a medal carrying marksman, and a war hero. They also found out that my relationship gave the troops some hope that they to would be able to settle down after the war and hopefully have a family of their own. A moral booster, I think not but it did seem that the army did favor our relationship.
Looking over the other soldiers as they prep and prime their weapons. I move my hand down as I check my plasma pistol. Holding it up to the weak light of the cabin you are still able to make out the flourishing script of the Tec priests as they blessed my weapon with the spirit of the machine god. Satisfied that the power cells are charged fully.
Holstering my pistol I give my mate a kiss before putting on the blast shield and falling into an uneasy sleep as the shuttle rockets me to a war I had every intention of wining.
The walls shake violently as mortar rounds plummet down from the sky only to fall a few meters away from our makeshift hideout. Staring out from the rubble strewn super market I glance upon the enemy units surrounding the town square. Cultist armed with a varied selection of firearms stand in crowds of 6 or 7 looking of into the distance or chatting idly. Taking a quick head count I make out at least 60 along with 7 auto cannons and a lascannon dug up from only god knows where. The cultist not being the unit to worry about I stare bleakly the Chaos Marine as he scans the buildings for possible engagements. Standing 12 feet tall in his pox and disease marked power armor.
I curse my luck at finding a company of plague marines leading the rebellion along with rumors of a demon prince hiding somewhere amongst the ruined capital. Sighing silently as I turn to my squad I look upon the battle worn faces. Low on supplies and running out of ammo my forces are slowly dwindling leaving me with hardly a dozen squads left. I curse the lord general and his so called intelligence force at giving me false information letting the rebels shoot down more then half of my force before they even hit planet side.
Having to fight our way mostly through the shattered and bombed out city I gathered as many soldiers as I could and for the past few weeks weave bin wagging guerilla warfare at the cultists from within the once prosperous city. Already loosing 2 soldiers from my command squad I look over who I have left.
Dead eye sitting in the corner as he nurses a torn shoulder muscle from a diving out of the path of a tank shell I thank the emperor that I didn't lose him. Zin and Brak the Geiger brothers sit watchfully at the two windows with their hell rifles scanning the shadows for possible enemy's. Grox having run out of ammo a long time ago discarded his customary rocket launcher and replaced it with a scavenged auto cannon from the cultists. Kroon weighed down from the bulging packs of shells he has to carry for grox leans against the wall as he checks his laspitol. and Manok tuning into different frequencies with his comms unit gives the thumbs after a few moments to show me that the mortar blast didn't scramble its frequencies as he picked it of the dead corpse of the previous comms officer.
Replaying in my mind the last message that I received from the L.G I look down at the map on my data pad to make sure that this square is the extraction point. the L.G scared that if we didn't take out the chaos marines then they would skip town and he'd be denied a victory which would put him higher up on the magistrates list of officers deserving their own planet to rule over.
The remnants of my army seemingly arriving here within only a few hours before extraction amazed me and I began to think that the Emperor was finally giving us his blessing. All that went to hell however as this unit led by the plague marine marched in and took command of the square. Knowing that if we didn't take them out soon their could be no chance that their would be a pickup.
Thinking fast I sent Sergeant Hazly and his men over to the other side of the street giving him strict orders that once he was in position to unload everything he had on the plague marine hoping that it would fell the beast.
Using the built in com set I issued orders that the men were to open fire on the cultists position when Hazly send out the first shot. Waiting for that first shot and knowing the troops have their orders I walk over and drag Deadeye to his feet. "I expect you to be able to fight soldier" I say with a smile on my muzzle as i roughly thrust the sniper rifle into his gloved paws.
Suppressing a wince of pain he looks me in the eye firmly, nodding that he will indeed fight. I put a warm paw on his muzzle and i caress him gently as I look into his eyes lovingly. Hating myself that I might have hurt him. The squad ignoring our tender moment out of courtesy and respect for their commander get to their feet as the moment approaches.
Walking over to the blown out remnants of what was part of the wall I pull out my plasma pistol and power sword as I charge them up. Letting out a dull whine to tell me that have charged fully I motion for Deadeye to pick out the heavy weapons crews as grox sets his sights on the plague marine.
waiting as the seconds tick by I start to here ruble and the muffled curse as the other squads of guardsmen move into position. Hoping and praying that no one is stupid enough to let go of our positions. Alas not all is as I planned it and a yelp is heard from one of the ruined buildings as some fur trips on something.
The marine obviously hearing the noise turns toward my position and I could swear by all that is holy he sets his foul diseased filled gaze squarely upon me. Knowing that the element of surprise is lifted I bellow out in a commanding voice " FIRE AT WILL SOLDIERS AND MAY THE EMPORER PROTECT YOU"
The flare of a hundred lasrifles streak towards their targets punching half a dozen cultists of their feet. Seeming to have no effect on the plague marine the lasbolts bounce of harmlessly.
The Chaos marine lifts his plasma rifle into the air as he points it at a building swarming with imperial guardsmen. Pulling the trigger the large ball of plasma slams into the ruins killing half a dozen guardsmen and collapsing the already weakened structure trapping only god knows how many more beneath the rubble.
Picking another target the space marine lifts the rifle to his shoulder only to stagger back as the glass lens on his helmet shatters and a spurt of puss filled blood dribbles down his mask. Turning to look at the shooter he looks pissed more then hurt is what I make out of it
Looking over I see Deadeye cocking the rifle again as he aims up another shot. Turning back to the battle the heretics now aware that some one is opening fire at them have dived behind what cover they can find and have begun opening fire on the guardsmen.
Sergeant Hazlys squad finally moving into position start to open fire on the hulking marine. Their lasrifles merely bouncing or fizzling of his armor don't seem to do much harm but as I watch 2 missiles careen towards the armored monolith and explode sending a shockwave through the ground. After a few moments the smoke clears and the marine standing their with an arm missing and badly damaged turns Toward the squad and fires another orb of plasma into them incinerating them in a horrible explosion. The fire slackening on my side of the battle as more and more troops fall to the heretics heavy weapons. I command my squad to fall back as the marine trains his sites on our empty building again. Only just managing to get out it seems as we hear an explosion from the ally way as another blast of plasma flies into the building.
Hurrying through the garbage and rubble filled alleyway I bring my squad into another building a few doors down. Telling my mate to open fire on the heavy weapons squads he starts picking them off in a timely fashion as Grox opens up with his auto cannon flinging heretics this way and that as shells rip through their body's.
With only a few dozen or so heretics left with the deadly marine I scream into the comm ordering all units to charge the vile monster in hopes that it will nullify the awesome power of his plasma rifle.
Screaming prayers to the emperor what's left of my company streams out of the buildings and rushes across the 15 or so meters to the heretics position. The remaining soldiers of my company smash into the few remaining heretics clubbing their way to the beast behind the back of their enemies.
Using the heretics as a shield from the assault the marine drops his rifle to clatter into the dirt as he draws a power sword easily as big as a man. He thumbs the power cells to life swinging the massive sword through ranks of guards man and heretic alike he scythes through them monstrously by the dozens as he wades through the ranks.
Running along with the pitiful remnants of my army I down a few of the vile creatures easily with my power sword. Looking around to get a better grasp of the situation I feel a cold tingle run up my spine as a large shadow looms over me.
Turning around I look up into the abominations face as my muzzle wrinkles in disgust at the smell of infected and rotting meat that the marines body is made up of. I turn and fire my plasma pistol into his chest boiling away the armor as it burrows itself deep inside the infected tissue.
Seemingly not able to feel pain the space marine pulls back for a mighty swing seemingly wanting to cleave this impudent creature in two as it damaged him slightly. Swinging the massive power sword through the air I juts barely manage to crouch underneath it as i feel the power field around it singe the fur on the top of my head.
Rolling between its legs I swing my own power sword through the air trying to lob of its leg. Cutting through its armor like it was butter a flicker of hope rises into my breast as I feel it start to cut through flesh. Suddenly the large armored figure kicks forward dodging the blade and kicking a hapless guards man who just happened to be in the way a few dozen feet into the air.
Lifting up his leg he stomps down powerfully at me trying to crush me beneath the heel of his power armored boot. Scrambling to the side he manages to crush my bionic arm into the ground. Destroying it utterly and pining me in place.
Bringing his power sword up in what would be the killing blow he stabs down at my chest seemingly to fast for one so large. Closing my eyes as he thrust down with his sword i wait for the inevitable to happen.
Hearing the familiar sound of an auto cannon go off I feel the pressure lift off my destroyed limb and I look over to see grox blazing away at the monster as it crumbles to the ground the heavy shells of the auto cannon punching through its armor like it was paper.
Standing up awkwardly as I observe what's left of the square. Only a few heretics remain to fight back as they are clubbed down into the dirt. Not wanting to run as they fear their master more then death if they were to fail they fight to the last man, as what's left of my company swarms over them. Taking a quick head count it looks like more then half of the guardsmen are dead or unaccounted for. searching around worriedly I see Deadeye tending to the wounded along with what little medics I have left.
Ordering the guards men to set sentry's I carefully remove the old commissars jacket and look at my destroyed arm. Everything below the elbow has being torn away and what's left is a mess of torn wires and shattered plasteel. Sighing as id have to get another replacement from the medical bay aboard the command ship I lean against the hard plasteel of the fallen marines foot. Waiting for the drop ship I look around thinking that more soldiers could have made it out if things only went smoothly.
part 3
Flexing the new bionic arm I walk down the corridor after giving my report to the L.G. Not very happy in the fact he didn't stick with his "war would be over in 5 days". He was even less happy when I told him that I was not able to capture any heretics. Walking towards the med bay to check on deadeye I open a pack of S.B.F. rations and snack on them along the way.
Walking through the glass doors of the med bay I watch deadeye clothed only in his army fatigues flex and stretch his shoulder following the doctors orders. Chewing silently on the ration pack I enjoy the view as he looks over noticing me watch him. Jumping off the table he puts a clean shirt on as he listens to the medics orders. Saluting the orderly he hurry's out of the room and I hug him as he runs up to me.
"I'm glad i didn't lose you in that tank attack" I say swallowing the rations and kissing him passionately. Opening his maw to say something I place a finger on his lips as I smile warmly dragging him out the doors and to my cabin. Getting a few stares on the way I just wink back at them as we walk through the doors of my quarters.
Pushing him onto the bed so that he's laying on his back I straddle his hips and kiss him again slipping my tongue into his muzzle to play with his.
Breaking the kiss after a few moments I undo my belt and drop it on the ground swiftly followed by my fatigues as I stand in front of him naked and rubbing my already hardening member. Undoing his pants and dropping them on the floor next to mine I kneel before him as I suck on his furry sac and sheath.
Arousing my mates 7 inches quickly I suckle and lick the head teasingly as I squeeze and rub his fuzzy orbs gently with my paw. Swirling my tongue around the head I lap up the beads of pre as he lays back and moans happily gently bucking his hips into my muzzle.
Spending a few more moments licking and teasing him I murr happily as I slide his throbbing meat into my mouth. Sucking gently I lower my muzzle onto him till my nose is touching his soft fur at the base of his member. Stopping for a moment to enjoy my mates aroused musk I lift my muzzle up until only the head of his member is left in my muzzle. Licking his pre before going back down I continue sucking him agonizingly slow.
Lifting his head up after a few moments he whimpers as I continue my slow pace. Giving the head a last quick lick I climb up onto the bed and I grasp his member with one paw as I straddle him. Aiming his burning hunk of meat at my tail hole I slowly lower myself onto him till the head of his cock is just parting me. Steadying myself with on hand on his chest I smile at him hungrily as I slam down on his rod spearing it into me.
Letting out a loud moan as I feel him part me I stop for a minute to adjust myself to his girth before lifting myself off his hips before plunging back down again. deadeye leaning back on the bed as waves of pleasure roll over him grabs my ass with his paws and squeezes them harshly as he starts to pant and moan as I ride him.
Holding my head back and moaning as a warm pleasant feeling grows throughout my body I thrust down powerfully onto his hips with a slap as we connect. Moving my free paw up to my manhood I begin to furiously paw myself off as my mate bucks up into me as I thrust down onto his hips.
Increasing the pace I rock up and down on him at an amazing speed as I feel my orgasm begin to grow in me. Letting out a throaty growl as my pleasure peaks I slam down onto his hips hard spraying my seed over his chest as my muscles clench rhythmically around his shaft. Not being able to hold on through the increase of pleasure my mate lets out a howl as he tightens his grip on me claws drawing little droplets of blood as he jets his cum into my bowels. Continuing to rock atop him trying to milk him for all he's got a few rivulets of spooge dribble down his shaft and sac to fall onto the mattress covers.
Leaning down atop him for a moment as I catch my breath I lift up and he slide out letting a small stream of cum dribble down onto his crotch fur. Rolling onto the bed covers beside him I kiss him tiredly as my body catches up with itself from today's activities.
Moving under the covers we hold each other tight kissing passionately as sleep over takes us. |
first time by dbj_rab | and old orgy story i wrote - First Time © 2,000 DBJ. It's early morning, and I'm running along the track getting my daily exercise, when I noticed a lion following me. I decided to see if he was looking at me the way I think he was. I noticed a bench and sat down for a rest. The lion soon followed | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464054-first-time | First Time © 2,000 DBJ.
It's early morning, and I'm running along the track getting my daily exercise, when I noticed a lion following me. I decided to see if he was looking at me the way I think he was. I noticed a bench and sat down for a rest.
The lion soon followed suite, and sat down next to me.
"Hi. My name is Dan. What's yours?"
"I'm David," the lion replied.
"Nice weather were having huh?" he said.
"Yes. It's pretty cool and warm. Great for running," I replied.
"Do you run here often?"
"Yes. I run here every morning before I go to work."
"Heh, so do I. How come I haven't seen you before?"
"Probably because I run faster than you."
"Oh, really? Want to bet on that?"
"All right. What do you propose?"
"How about whoever runs to the bathroom first, gets to have a blow job?"
"Woah, you sure don't waste time, do you? All right that sounds good."
We soon took off, making sure we were following each other. I was in the lead, but then David came close. We both reached the restroom at the same time, so it was a tie.
"Well, it looks like we both get blow jobs," I said.
"Hmmm. All right it's agreed."
David then pulled me into the last stall, and he sat on the seat. He then began to fondle my bulge and dropped my pants, to expose my puny 6" inch cock.
He started to lick it up and down, while fondling my balls. I moaned as he put my dick in his mouth, and started to suck hard. I gasped at the sensation I was feeling. I have never felt anything like this before. I groaned and panted, as I knew I was about to cum. I started to thrust my hips into his mouth, deep throating him. He felt my cock twing as I soon spurted my juice down his throat. He drank every drop.
"Hmmm. Salty." He said.
"Oh. I have never felt anything like that before," I replied.
"Well, now it's my turn."
I soon pulled his shorts down, and gasped at his huge member that sprang forth. His dick was at least 8 inches and he wasn't even hard yet. I gulped; as I bent down to do the same thing that he did to me. I fondled and licked his balls, and then started to put his head into my mouth and started to lick and suck it.
I heard him groan as I started to try and put more of his dick into my mouth. I only got about half of it in. I started to bob my head up and down, while sucking him as hard as I could.
I heard him panting and groaning, and then felt him throbbing as his climax approached.
I quickly put him out of my mouth before he could ram it down my throat, and jacked him off. David soon spurted lion cum all over.
"Wow. That wasn't bad. How come you didn't eat me?"
"I'm not really into eating cum," I replied.
"Oh. That's okay. Say do you want to go to a party I'm having later tonight?" he asked.
"Sure that sounds good."
"Okay, here's my address and the time," he handed me a card as he puled up his shorts and then left. "See you at eight," he said as he left.
"Okay. I'll be there," I replied as I cleaned myself up.
I soon started to run again, but more slowly, as my legs were wobbly from the blowjob that David gave me.
I then finished my run, and got on board the bus towards home. I quickly got dressed, and headed towards my classes for the day.
I couldn't really concentrate on anything, since David was on my mind all day long. I eagerly waited for the last class, so I could get ready to go to his party.
I double-checked the address, and which bus I needed to get there and then hoped on.
Pretty soon I reached his house a little bit earlier then intended.
I felt a little nervous as I walked up to his door, and summoned courage to go through with it. I rang the doorbell, and David answered it. He was completely naked. I felt my jaw drop as I looked at him.
"Welcome. Did you find the place okay?" he asked, as if nothing were out of the ordinary.
"Ummm, yeah I found it okay. Do you realize you're naked?" I said.
"HMM oh yeah. Sorry I forgot to tell you that this is an orgy party."
"An orgy party? Okay. I'm game then. I've never been to one before."
"Well, come on in and meet some of my other friends."
I walked in, and David introduced me to some of his friends.
"This is Tom, Don, Rob, and Jerry," he said.
I looked at the different creatures, and said hello.
Tom was another Lion, Don was a Fox, Rob was a Mouse, and Jerry was a Skunk.
They looked me over and said hello.
They were also devoid of clothes.
A little later, several others showed up, a dog, a horse, a bear, and a rabbit.
Everyone was simply walking around naked, eating the horderves, and enjoying each other.
I walked around, a little embarrassed, since everyone else was hung like there was no tomorrow.
Soon after everyone has finished eating, David stood up and said, "Welcome everyone. I'm glad you could come. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves. Shall we start the real fun?"
Everyone shouted agreements, and then started to pick out a beginning partner to work with.
The dog chose me. "Hi. My name is Dan as well. Nice to meet you."
"Like wise. You've got such a great body. I wish I had the dislipine to work out like you must to get it in shape," I replied.
"Well, when this is over, maybe I'll tell you where I work out," he said as he gave me a wink.
We then gave each other a kiss, and started to move our paws around each other's body. His fur was soft to the touch, and felt smooth. I slid down further towards his sheath, and his dick soon popped out, gleaming read and sticky with pre-cum. He panted as I bent down to touch it, looking at it closer. I wiped the pre-cum off, and started to jack him off. He growled a little, and began to pump mine as well. I gasped and grunted as he quickly rubbed his paw against my cock, causing me to spasm as I did the same to his, as well as beginning to suck on it. As I was doing this, I looked around and noticed that everyone else was doing the same thing.
I gasped at how huge their cocks were, and because the dog started to suck mine to the fullest. I knew I wouldn't last if he kept up the pace, and so I started to finger fuck him, while at the same time jerking and sucking him off. I came first, and he ate every drop that came out of me. I groaned and panted as I felt his throbbing and he gave a little howl, and spurted all over me.
We then hugged each other, and looked around as others were cumming all over the place as well.
I was astonished at the sight. I have never seen so many males cumming and growling together before. I was like watching a sea of arms and legs moving around.
Soon everyone chose a different partner. This time I approached Don, and asked if he would be the first to break my anal cherry. He said he'd be delighted.
We then started to embrace each other, and started to roll around as our dicks were pressed against each other. I gasped as I felt his huge hardness rub against my belly. He smirked at me and said, "Never had a fox before had you?"
"No I haven't. I haven't had anyone up my ass before. You'll be my first," I replied.
"Oh wow. It's been a long time since I fucked an virgin. I'll be sure to go slow and easy then, but before the night is through, everyone will want a piece of your ass and you'll feel like a new person."
I gulped and soon braced myself for the agonizing pain I knew that was going to come. He bent down and flipped me over, so that I was on all fours, and began to lick my ass. I groaned at the sensation of feeling his rough tongue lick my hole, and his finger penetrated it. I hissed as I felt such fire going through me from his probing.
He then asked if I was ready. I grunted "Yes. Fuck me. Do it to me, lover."
He then rubbed his sheath against my back and hole, and his dick soon grew hard again, and he slowly thrusted himself inside me. I cried out as I felt his head moving slowly towards my ring, and I tried to relax, knowing it should help him to slide it in easier. He then pushed himself in deeper, and I felt my ass go on fire as his head broke through my anal ring.
I felt my tears going down my face, and he stopped making sure I was okay. I replied that I was and he continued until he was all the way in. I gasped as I felt his belly rub against my back, and that all of his 9" cock was in me.
I moaned again as I felt someone licking my tears off my face, and Don was sliding himself out of me. He kept this up, and then started to thrust faster and harder. I was soon on fire, not being able to control myself as he pumped and pumped himself in and out of my ass. I then felt a dick press against my lips, and saw David. He then shoved it in, and I sucked on him while Don kept fucking me.
I soon felt Don panting and he started to thrust harder and deeper, then he shoved in as deep as he could go, and filled me with his fox spunk. I gasped as I felt him filling me up, and then David came all over my face. I moaned as someone sucked at my dick, and I came rapidly.
I moaned and said, "Guys, I don't know if I can keep up with this kind of pace."
"That's okay, you just rest, and then when you're ready go ahead and join in."
I then moved away, and sat watching the others grunt and cum all over. Soon everyone was in a free for all, grabbing what ever ass they could and stated to fuck.
I soon felt my self getting hard watching the action, and decided to join in.
I moved over to the one who was on bottom, a skunk, and rubbed my ass against his huge cock. I felt it go in, and if felt a little less painful than when Don fucked me. I was thrusting my ass back as I could enjoying the feeling of another dick in my ass. Soon everyone was sweating and swearing, and they came inside each other.
Everyone was still horny, so the simply switched places. I was then on top of the bear, and was fucking him in his tight ass, and quickly came for the fourth time.
I gasped and moaned never feeling tired and sexually satisfied as I have then.
Everyone else was also panting for breath and moved off to lick each other clean, and dozed off to rest. I did as well.
The Beginning..... |
Behind Locked Doors | Part 6 by Rivard | #13 of Inner Dilemma - First of all, I'm so sorry for the wait. I had to stop writing for a bit because of finals. Now that those are out of the way, I can continue this series! Speaking of that, I've mapped out the rest of this and it should go until part 10 and then the epilogue. But enough about | [
"Gay Relationships",
"Story Progression",
"Story Series"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249192-behind-locked-doors-part-6 | First of all, I'm so sorry for the wait. I had to stop writing for a bit because of finals. Now that those are out of the way, I can continue this series! Speaking of that, I've mapped out the rest of this and it should go until part 10 and then the epilogue. But enough about stuff that you don't care about, let's get on with the show!
Kyle and I made our way back up to Mike's hospital room. My mind was still clouded with all the new things that I just learned about Kyle. I felt horrible for Kyle and everything that happened to him. This came with a growing hatred towards his father. Then I remembered the way that I treated Mr. Grey mistaking him for Kyle's actual father. I made a mental note to talk to him after seeing Mike once more.
Once Kyle and I entered Mike's room, I noticed that Kyle's family was no longer in there. It came as a sort of relief to me because I just avoided an awkward moment for the time being.
Mike noticed us as soon as we stepped in. I heard the beat of his tail against the bed and that helped me feel better.
"I was wondering where you went off to." Mike said with his usual enthusiasm.
"Yeah, sorry about that." I said.
Mike lifted up his paw, "Don't worry about it. So, anything new going on since, you know, last time?"
Oh yeah, a lot happened since the last time we had spoke. I looked over at Kyle and knew that he was thinking the same thing as me. "Nope, not really," I answered.
"At least I didn't miss anything," Mike said without noticing the glance that Kyle and I shared and grabbed a deck of cards for the small table next to his bed and started shuffling them. "You guys want to play some poker? I've been dying of boredom here."
"Alright," I said, "you got chips?"
"Already taken care of," Mike said pulling out a case of them from a bag, "one of the benefits of being in the hospital for saving someone else is that a lot of people like to give you gifts."
"Can I join in?" said a voice from behind me.
I looked around and saw John standing there leaning against the doorframe with his tail swinging behind him and a smirk on his muzzle. It was really good to see him again and it had been a while since I had seen John and that made me feel a little guilty. John walked up to the bed.
"It's good to see you again," he said to Mike holding out his paw. Mike took it and pulled John in and they both used their other arm to give a brief half-hug.
John grabbed a chair and we commenced to play poker. Mike took the deck of card and started shuffling them like a pro. "Alright bitches," he said, "This here is Texas Hold 'Em." We played for what seemed like hours, but we didn't care about the time. It was the first time that all of us were together happily for a long time. After I had taken just about everyone's chips, a nurse walked into the room.
"I'm sorry," The feline said, "but you all need to go. Mike needs his rest."
Mike chuckled, "Come on Laura, I just came out of a coma, I've had plenty of rest."
"Don't you use that tone with me," Laura replied with a playful smile on her face.
Mike blushed under his fur after Laura spoke. I wasn't sure if anyone else noticed it but me, but I kept quiet. I looked back at the nurse. She seemed young and by judging from her looks, she seemed only a couple years older. Mike looked at me and I looked back at Mike and gave him a quizzical look raising one eyebrow and darted my eyes between him and Laura. Mike got the message because he turned redder. He then shook his head slightly and said to everyone, "Sorry guys, but I can't say no to her, otherwise I wont get extra pudding."
We all said our goodbyes to Mike before stepping out of the room and down the hallway making our way around other visitors, doctors, and nurses. As we walked I turned to John.
"Hey John?" I asked him.
"Yeah," he answered.
"I'm really sorry for being so distant lately. If it seemed like I was pushing you away or avoiding you, know that that wasn't what I was trying to do."
"It's okay Allen, you're going through a lot right now."
I put my arm around John and pulled his shoulder against mine and he did the same to me as he returned the bro hug. We let go and with a smirk on the fox's muzzle he looked over at Kyle, "you better watch out Kyle, Allen's a player."
I gave a teasing punch against John's arm, which he overplayed and acting like his arm was broken. I then felt Kyle take a hold of my paw.
"Don't worry," Kyle said, "no one's going to take my wolf."
We made it to the lobby and saw that Kyle's family was still there waiting for us. Kyle went to talk to them as I went to get a drink from one of the water fountains.
I lapped up the water, even though it had on odd taste to it. I stood upright to join everyone else when I saw Kyle's dad standing right behind me.
"Oh!" I jumped, "Mr. Grey, sorry, I didn't see you there."
"It's okay Allen," he said. "I wanted to talk to you."
He made is way to a secluded part of the lobby out of earshot from anyone else. I followed half a pace behind him. Once it seemed like he was satisfied with the privacy he stopped.
"Allen," Mr. Grey said, "it has come to my attention that you know more than you let on."
I knew exactly what he was talking about. My ears drooped down and I replied, "Yeah. I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier today."
"Don't worry about it Allen, Kyle told me about what you heard with the Detective. Personally, I don't think that that detective should have brought you along. That's not what concerns me right now though. I does have me worried is that Kyle also said that he told you about his past, from his actual father to how he ended up here.
"Yeah he did," I said, "he," I paused, "he told me everything." I lowered my head not in shame, but sadness.
"It's a tough story I know," Mr. Grey said as he put his paw on my shoulder. "As his father now, it's hard to hear." I could see his eyes water a bit, but he wiped them with his paw and continued, "But now that you know everything, I have to implore you to keep quiet about all of this. I know you want to get justice; I do too. To be honest if I saw his actual father, I'd strangle him in a second, but you have to keep your head down. A lot of work has been done by a lot of people to keep Kyle and Cole safe. If anyone hears about this, then you put both of their lives in danger. Kyle should have never told you, but since he did, you have to swear to me that you will not breathe this to another soul."
"I swear Mr. Grey," I said, "I won't do anything to harm Kyle or Cole."
"I know you wont," he said.
The bus came to a squeaking halt downtown. I made my way around a couple people and hopped off of the bus. The doors closed behind me as the hunk of metal rolled away. I turned to my left and made my way down the couple of blocks downtown to where the police station was. The familiar sight of the stations met me as I entered through the double doors and stepped in.
I walked over to the receptionist at the front counter. "I'm here to see Detective Bosh," I told her.
"Do you have an appointment?" the sheep said without looking up from her computer.
"Uh, no," I answered, "but it's important that I see him right away."
"Are you here to report a crime?" she said in her monotone voice.
"No," I answered again, "I just need to talk to him. He knows who I am just say that I need to speak with him,"
She finally took her gaze from the computer and looked at me, "I'm sorry, but Detective Bosh is busy right now and can't see anyone unless he has told me of it in advanced."
She then looked away and went back to her computer. I stood there for a second to find something to say but nothing came to mind. I turned around and took a few steps away when I stopped to look down the hallway. People in suits and others in casual clothes were walking through the hall and coming in and out of doors. I took a quick glance over towards the receptionist whose eyes were still transfixed on the monitor.
I took a few steps closer to the hall while still looking at the sheep to make sure she didn't see me. When she made no indications that she saw me, I headed down the hallway to Bosh's office. I had to weave my way around a bunch of people in the hall until I saw the door with Bosh's name on the front.
The door was ajar and I didn't hear anything going on inside. I hesitated for a moment as I contemplated whether or not I should open the door. I figured that I had already gone this far, so I put my paws against the door and opened it slowly.
Bosh didn't notice me open the door and walk in. He sat reading papers in a manila folder. I took a few steps closer to Bosh's desk and said, "Detective Bosh?"
Bosh looked up quickly when he heard me. He quickly closed the folder when he saw that it was me and hastily pushed it to one side. "Allen," he said, "What are you doing here?"
"I, uh, I came to see what you found out about Kyle's dad." I answered.
Bosh had a confused look on his face for a split second, but it then went away as fast as it came. "Well, I looked into it and I couldn't find anything on Mr. Grey. I know this must be hard to hear but-"
I cut him off, "I mean about Kyle's biological father."
Bosh raised an eyebrow at me, "so you know."
"Yes," I answered, "Kyle told me everything. I figured you would have found out too. Now, what are we doing about it?"
"Yes, we!" I yelled, "I'm not going to sit here and see what happens, I have to do this for Kyle, for Cole, and for Mike."
"What about yourself?" Bosh asked
I paused for a moment after hearing that question. I wasn't sure what to say to it. All that could come out of my muzzle was, "What?"
"Allen, you've gone under enormous stress since I first saw you. Everything that has happened to you is sending you into something very profound. You feel as though you are responsible for everything that has happened. What you need to realize is that you can't always take care of things by yourself. As hard as that may be to hear, it's the truth. You're a college student, you need to be worrying about your finals and not Kyle's father."
"Not care?" I asked, "How the hell am I suppose to not care about Kyle? He is everything to me. Not just my boyfriend, but he is the reason I haven't gone insane. The only thing that can completely put me at ease is if I can resolve this somehow."
"Trust me, if it were up to me, I'd let you in on what's going on and have you help out because you've got a knack for this sort of thing. But the fact of the matter is that you cannot legally do anything. We have professionals that can do this sort of thing and I cannot let you do anything with me. The one thing that you should do is to be with your boyfriend and with Mike. You can give them support."
Frustrations took over all emotions. I wanted to burst and yell at him for not letting me get involved, but I knew that I had to hold back. I just stood there. Then a tear formed in my eye as I realized that there was nothing that I could do about it. I stormed out of Bosh's office and slammed the door behind me and into the hallway. I saw a restroom across the hall and I pushed the door open and walked in.
No one was inside, which was perfect for me. I went to the door of one of the stalls and punched it in my frustration. The impact from my knuckles against the door made a sizeable dent in the door and my knuckles hurt really bad. I shook my paw in pain as I instantly regretted doing it. I walked over to the sink and ran some cold water. I cupped my paws to collect some of it and splashed it on my face and muzzle a couple of times. I grabbed some paper towels and dried off my fur. Once I threw the last one away, I looked at my reflection in the mirror.
My reflection looked back at me in a kind of defeated expression. The feeling of giving up started to win me over. I closed my eyes and shook my head saying, "No. I am not just going to sit around and hope for the best." The feeling of giving up started to subside and my confidence came back a little. Only one thought stood in my way, *How?*
My mind raced as I thought of different ways that I could get back involved, but nothing came up. I felt the anger rising up again when it hit me, "the folder," I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes as I started to think back on my entry. As soon as I entered, he looked scared and tried to hide it as soon as he saw that it was me. Would he have looked so nervous if it didn't involve me or Kyle? There was no harm in trying, but I had to figure out how to get a look into the folder.
I put my paws on the sides of the sink and I racked my brains on how to get Bosh out of his office and me in. I thought about creating some sort of disturbance to distract him, but then I'd have to get someone else to do it and I didn't know anyone here that would be willing to help. I slammed my paw against the counter and squinted my eyes shut in hope that I would think of something.
I heard the door to the bathroom open and I jumped. I whipped my head around to see that it was just a squirrel that walked in. The squirrel seemed confused as to why I was jumpy. I put my head down and walked out of the bathroom back out into the hallway.
Once the door shut behind me, I looked at Bosh's door, which remained closed. I turned to my left and headed down the hallway to an unoccupied bench. I sat down and put my head in my paws trying to come up with something. The sound of a door opening caused my right ear to twitch and I looked up to see Bosh leaving his office. He pushed the door behind him to close it, but it didn't close all the way. Bosh seemed to be unaware of that and kept walking down the hall where he then disappeared behind a corner.
I didn't want to waste this luck. I immediately stood up as soon as Bosh was out of sight and headed towards his office door. I push the door open slowly afraid that there was someone else inside, but found that there was no one occupying the room. I headed straight for the desk and walked around it and stood next to the chair and searched the surface. I found a manila folder and opened it. Inside was about some sort of robbery case. Seeing that it was unrelated to what I was looking for, I closed it and motioned to put it back when I saw another manila folder that looked like it was shoved under a pile of papers. I pulled it out and read that the tab had nothing written on it, but across the front read, GREY INVESTIGATION. I opened it and inside was Kyle's face accompanied with a list of basic information about him such as eye color and his previous name. I flipped the paper and saw another sheet of paper with a small photo of a Doberman attached to it by a paperclip. The paper consisted of a bunch of small notes that read "OFFICER JOHNSON" "UNDERCOVER FOR 3 YEARS" "ASSOCIATED WITH FRANZ" I looked around at the other notes written down and then I saw the number 555-3327.
I looked around for a sheet of scrap paper that Bosh wouldn't know was missing when he got back. I opened up the drawer directly underneath the desk and saw some sticky notes. I figured that Bosh wouldn't notice a sticky note missing so I grabbed a pen and hastily wrote the number down. I looked back on the sheet of paper in case there was anything on it that I should know. I saw, scribbled below the phone number, "GOES BY ZIG" and "CODEWORD EVEREST." I wrote those down on the sticky note and shoved it in my pocket. Fearing that Bosh was coming back soon, I closed the manila folder and place it back under the papers and tried to align it so that it seemed like it was undisturbed.
Once I was satisfied with how it looked, I quickly walked around the desk and to the door. As soon as my paw rested on the doorknob, I went back into stealth mode. As quietly as I could, I opened the door and stuck my muzzle out of the door. I check to my left and my right to make sure that no one paid any attention to me. To my gratification, no one seemed to notice or care that I came out of Bosh's office. I took off down the hallway toward the front entrance. I was about thirty feet from the reception desk, when Bosh came around the corner.
My heart missed a beat and I immediately turned around so that only my back faced him. I saw a water fountain a few feet in front of me and I took refuge to it. I bent over and lapped up the water coming up as I heard Bosh walk past me without noticing. My body shivered a little as I thought of how close that was. Once Bosh was well past me, I stood back up and headed out of the station. |
Companions Chapter 33: What Mares Know by Evoquus | #34 of Companions - [Companions Chapter 33] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/1007-companions-chapter-33-what-mares-know | [Companions Chapter 33] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inappropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to Yiffstar.com. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \* \* \* \_COMPANIONS\_ \* by Evoquus \* \* \* (c) Copyright 2003, Evoquus, All rights reserved. \* \* Feedback is appreciated: [[email protected]](https://www.sofurry.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) \* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, F/F, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral
[Author's quibble: Part 12 (Chapters 33-37) was originally intended to be included with Part 11 (Chapters 30-31), telling the two tales simultaneously by volleying back and forth between them. Fortunately, I regained my sanity and properly separated them. For those of you following the timeline, Parts 11 and 12 take place at the same time over the same two days, starting the day after Part 10.]
Chapter 33: What Mares Know
Any morning that Daniel Racher woke up with his nose buried in the genitals of another Hipponaur was a good morning. It did not matter if it was raining, snowing, or hailing molten lava rock; it could be nothing but good. This morning was not so much a good morning as it was a great morning, for the sun peeked benignly over the horizon as it had done every day of Daniel's new existence, and this human-turned-Hipponaur learned something new about himself. He learned that the gender of the good morning genitals that nuzzled his nostrils and saluted his salivary glands mattered not in the least. Before this particular sunrise, had vulvae and testicles both been on the breakfast menu at IHOP, Daniel would have ordered only the latter. But now there was proof that if the server had screwed up his order, not only would the man in the equine suit not send the feminine delicacy back to the kitchen, he would smile and thank the minimum-wage-earning nincompoop and make sure to tip at least twenty percent. To Daniel, this was truly a great revelation, because it meant that his chances of waking up on a good morning had just doubled.
On this morning he awoke intimately sampling the posterior perfume of Tantau's surrogate mother, Shianna. This happenstance was to no one's surprise, really, for it was how he had wearily fallen asleep after an exhaustive evening of carnal indulgence. Together, Daniel and Shianna had teamed up against Rovaun, partaking in an orgy of debauchery and abstinence. The two of them had titillated and tormented their blindfolded beau, intimately attacking him with surgical precision, then retreating before he could react and penetrate. Rovaun had remained good-natured throughout the ordeal because it was a new experience for him as well, despite the tremendous sexual frustration it wrought.
Though they had honed their hit-and-run tactics to an art form, Daniel and Shianna had soon discovered that the greatest torment required the least effort, simply by ignoring the hapless stallion altogether. Loud and uninhibited, the two mares had made out passionately just out of Rovaun's reach, leaving him with only his imagination to fill in the blanks, often with generous hyperbole.
For the amorous mares, it was all about teasing Rovaun, at first; then it was all about proving to themselves that the animosity between them, as alluded to by a particularly nefarious campfire saga, was non-existent. But as the heated night wore on, the two had discovered that they needed no other reason or false pretense to make love. They both truly enjoyed each other.
The words, "I love you, Danny," had escaped Shianna's lips more than once, and not merely to prolong the exquisite agony of the blindfolded stallion. She had meant it, and Daniel had understood it as such, never failing to respond in kind. Often he would remind her that it was her honorable duty to remain with him and Rovaun to bring up their kids, and that the two mares had a further obligation to demonstrate to the young ones how very much their mothers loved each other, as well as their father. It always evoked a bubbling giggle from the white mare, warming Daniel's heart to know that it would be so.
And now in the amber glow of morning, Daniel found himself still there, still at the gated entrance to Sex City. Without a second thought, he pushed his equine tongue past those gates, encountering his own virtual semen that had somehow survived the night. His ears detected a happy purr from the gatekeeper. No hounds would be released to chase him off.
His powerful tongue made a formidable penis, and he used it as such, pushing in and out to loosen up the mare. He licked at her inner walls and then concentrated on her inverted clitoris, lingually vibrating over the sensitive organ to wake it up, but to no avail. Evidently it was tuckered out having taken quite a licking the night before. That was fine with him; he adored a challenge.
"If I didn't know better," whispered Shianna with a dash of sarcasm, "I'd say there was a man back there."
"Not quite," he replied as his tongue continued to burrow.
She raised her head and smirked. "I know. But for a mare, you are remarkably man-like."
"Well... yeah?" He wasn't quite sure what her point was.
She sat up and gently pulled away from him, then swiveled around on her knees and nuzzled his face. "I know that you know how to be a man, Danny, but don't you think it's about time that you learned how to be a mare?"
"Uh..." The black Hipponaur stared back at her and then gulped uncomfortably. It had not occurred to him that it was necessary to BE a mare just because his soul inhabited one.
"You aren't afraid, are you?" smiled Shianna with head a-tilt.
Daniel glanced over to Rovaun who was still blindfolded and blissfully dead to the world. He turned back to Shianna and said nothing, for it was the only way he was able to not lie to her. The white mare brought her nose to the black's and managed to make contact with no more pressure than that of a ladybug alighting on dandelion down. Daniel appeared mortified as Shianna barely brushed his nose fuzz with her own. Despite his obvious trembling, her seduction continued confidently, carefully cracking opening the attic trunk of his femininity.
He meekly exhaled an "Oh..." as her dainty muzzle brushed past his cheek to breathe steam into his twitching left ear. He turned to kiss her but she backed away, then eyed him with a simultaneously seductive and reproachful leer. No words were necessary to convey their meaning: Behave yourself and pay attention. Daniel allowed her to continue.
"A mare enjoys a light touch from her lover," she soothed. He could not agree more, but found it impossible to respond coherently, which itself, was the response she was expecting.
"She likes to be desired," she continued, moving down his neck. "To be told as such, and to be reminded often." Pause for a delicate nuzzle and peck. "... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so a mare cannot feel beautiful unless she is told so by someone she respects..." She continued to run her mesmerizing muzzle along his back. "... How very... very... beautiful... she is."
"Shianna," he gasped, "I think you're incredibly beautiful!" But the words tumbled out like a muffler dragging behind a Chevy, not at all with the finesse of Shianna's prose, which was pure poetic narcotic.
"A mare must be kissed, too." She planted one lightly on his lower back, nuzzling the spot and then kissing it again. Daniel thought it quaint, and whickered in appreciation, but was eager for the kissing to progress to more sensitive areas. Shianna did not comply, and instead remained fixated on this one mundane spot. Daniel turned to see what all the fuss was, and then silently shrugged when he saw that there was none. Still, Shianna continued to nuzzle and kiss and make love to this one area of his hide.
"I love you so much," she barely whispered, while tenderly probing him there with her nose.
And then something changed. He felt himself becoming marked by the mare. It was the Hipponaur equivalent of a hickey, but with two notable exceptions: it left no visible blemish, and it would last, quite literally, forever.
The longer she dwelled, the more Daniel loved it and the more he wanted her to remain. The nerves under his skin exulted joyfully with her touch, as if she had somehow altered them to respond only to her attention. A Hipponaur stallion used his essence to physically bond with a mare. Daniel discovered that mares could bond too, an emotional bond-made-physical that was arguably much stronger.
The body that Zhorelle had bequeathed him was no longer entirely his own. Shianna had claimed twenty square inches, and as she continued to brand him, he felt as if she had awakened an unknown invisible sex organ on his lower back. There was nothing really there, and there was nothing particularly special about that spot, but it didn't matter. This mare who knew how to be a mare had created a button that only she could push, and from now until the sun dimmed, no matter what the circumstances, if she chose to nuzzle him there, she would have his unyielding devotion.
She eased up briefly, and Daniel's heart sank. He turned to her with pleading eyes, and she smiled knowingly. "Be there for her," she said, returning to Daniel's new G-spot, a joyous whinny escaping his lips. "Love her and stay with her."
"I will..." he promised.
Shianna moved farther back, but Daniel no longer felt abandoned. He knew now that Shianna would never leave him. How could she? She owned him.
"When it's your first time with her," she whispered, "tell her how excited you are..." She nuzzled the back of his leg, which instinctively nudged out from underneath him. She ran her muzzle delicately over his left hock, then nipped the sensitive skin just above it. Daniel answered with a squirt. "... How long you've admired her beauty..." She licked the love bite tenderly. "... Her radiance that was unsurpassed, perhaps even intimidating..." More butterfly kisses moving slowly up his leg. "... You wondered whether you would be worthy of her affection..." She was inches away now, inching closer. "... Fear of rejection had held you back for centuries, but now you and she were finally together... and it was always meant to be."
Daniel was unsure of what he was hearing. Were these Shianna's secret feelings toward Zhorelle? Never in a million years would he have imagined it, but he didn't care. It was happening now and would happen from now on if he had any say in it. Shianna was incredible. Daniel found himself speculating what his life might have been like had he been born a lesbian.
In short hot puffs she signaled that her mouth hovered over its target. Daniel's tail shot straight up to provide unimpeded access. She held her position, breathing hotly onto his labial lips. Then, with a will entirely of its own, Daniel's clitoris reached painfully out to kiss her. The white mare could have prolonged the torture just as she had done with Rovaun earlier, but that was not the purpose of this lesson. She lightly pressed her lips into Daniel, and showed him what every mare knows.
Daniel whimpered and moaned under her oral ministrations. She was so light, so gentle. Her tongue flitted more like a hummingbird's than an equine's. He quivered under her spell and climaxed several times, but his desire never ceased nor did the lovemaking. Penetration was not necessary - only companionship, emotion, and technique - it was a "gal" thing.
Shianna lapped up his copious emissions. He would have done the same, but for entirely antithetical reasons. For him, the dirtier the sex, the better, and drinking sex pee was high up on that list. For Shianna there was nothing "dirty" that exuded from a mare's loving passion. Her emissions were to be shared, savored, and celebrated, not wasted upon the ground.
"Raise up, my love, just a little," she said, as she backed away from him. He did so, and turned his head to see her rotate around with her own tail raised, and her own dripping clitoris poised.
She backed into him, and Daniel held as still as possible to improve the chances of a successful mating. It was a challenging maneuver that required both of them to relax their buttocks while simultaneously applying a couple hundred pounds of precise pressure for the recessed female organs to meet. As their tails caressed and sized up one another, the mares tweaked their positions until they both knew they were on target. Then Daniel pushed back hard, his clitoris straining to detach from him. He wanted this mating more than anything, but he did not know why.
And then it happened.
And then he learned why.
The moment the two female organs met, a dormant area in Daniel's brain brilliantly burst into flame. His body flowed with adrenaline. His muscular buttocks melted away, sliding off to the sides, enabling him to easily push back harder and deeper. His manic female penis rattled like a snake, probing, attacking, raping, and pounding its sister. Shianna held fast, reveling in the sexual onslaught of Daniel's clitoral clobbering, that, despite its efforts, could do no possible damage to the other clitoris that regularly encountered phalluses a hundred times its size.
The effect on Shianna was not nearly as intense, but nor was it entirely non-existent. She playfully batted back the marauder, which brought pleasurable grunts and snorts from its deranged wielder.
Daniel's head swam in colors and sounds that he had never known. Ideas of love and sex and mating, tenderness and playful brutality, all whirlpooled in his head. Similarly, his clitoris played out this crucible of emotions, alternately battering and then caressing and kissing his opponent, waltzing with her one moment, then slam-dancing the next. But of all the strange conflicting feelings spinning in the emotional maelstrom of Daniel's brain, the most overwhelming and perhaps even more bizarre was that of total contentment. This was what it meant to be a Hipponaur mare. This was what they did. This was why mares existed, and this was why they lived so long - so that they could mate like this forever. The feckless stallions had no clue. They fucked, they came, and they left. The mares had a secret that put them to shame, a secret that every mare knows, and we mares must not reveal that secret, EVER!
"Shianna knows," Daniel thought to himself. "She knows what this feels like. She's feeling it right now. Feeling it with me. Feeling it because of me. And I'm feeling it because of her. She chose me. And I choose her. We don't need no steenkeen stallions."
Daniel's sexual tension meter remained pegged at redline. This would never stop, for there was no reason to stop it, not as long as life pulsed within him and his mate. Shianna, however, had decided that Daniel had had enough, so she ended it by surrendering and playing dead. Daniel continued to pound and pummel his limp mate, which began slowly retreating into it's labial cave. His own organ declared victory, and celebrated with a rousing climax that brought forth a long, loud, bellowing whinny from the black mare. The colors and sounds faded. Muscle tone returned to his mashed backside, driving the mares apart again. The dusty ground beneath them had transformed into a ripe, steaming swamp. It was over, but a new life for Daniel had just begun.
"That was AWESOME!" cheered Rovaun.
Startled, the two mares turned to the grinning stallion, who had destroyed his blindfold in desperation. Shianna looked down and blushed. Daniel could not care less what Rovaun thought, but was terribly concerned that he was there, that he had seen the whole thing. A stallion had witnessed their coupling!
He turned to the mare for guidance, who undoubtedly was feeling the same angst. "Shianna," he said tenderly, "are you okay?"
She looked up and smiled at him. "Of course I am, Danny. How about you?"
"I... don't know what to say..." He looked at her with such longing. "I love you so much."
Instead of blushing at his heartfelt compliment, she scowled at him and looked away, which baffled him to no end.
"Companion..." uttered a distant stallion.
What had he said? What was wrong with saying it? How could Shianna reject him? Maybe she didn't understand.
"Shianna, you are the most..."
"I think your husband is talking to you," she snipped.
Daniel stared at her silently, utterly crushed by her spurning. To humor her wishes, he turned to Rovaun, who simply smiled warmly at him.
"Companion, perhaps we should have a little chat, stallion-to-man."
Daniel looked back to Shianna, as if needing her permission to do so. She did not return his dumbfounded gape. Reluctantly he stepped out as a human, and then stumbled dizzily to his feet.
The instantaneous pendulum swing from female to male was thoroughly disorienting, far more so than the dozens of times he had done it before. The virtual man steadied himself for a moment, then glanced at the recalcitrant white mare who still avoided eye contact. The eyes of his stallion, however, burned with a familiar loving warmth that melted Daniel's heart. Feeling his loyalties returning to normal, he wrapped his arms around the handsome equine's neck, and kissed his mate as passionately as ever.
"Good morning, Husband," he nuzzled.
"Good morning, Companion," Rovaun nuzzled back.
"Do you know that every time I regain my sanity and realize that you are the only soul for me, your sexiness instantly doubles forever?"
"I know," he sighed immodestly.
"I love you, Husband," said Daniel into his eyes, "a lot more than I love Shianna." The man smirked at the white mare, who was now willing to face him again, but with a scornfully-raised eyebrow.
"I'm fine, now, honestly," he said to her.
"Cut him some slack, Shianna," said Rovaun. "It was his First Time."
Daniel briefly shot him a worried glance. Did he know? He wasn't supposed to! Although the stallion was his mate, Daniel still had an obligation to his fellow mares. Rovaun's apparent knowledge of female Hipponaur affairs was forbidden.
Shianna sighed with a hint of a snort, but then relented. "Okay." She joined the pair, accepting a nuzzle from Rovaun and a scritching from Daniel.
"I shouldn't have done that," she apologized.
"We should have been more discreet," scolded Daniel in a whisper.
Rovaun chuckled. "Nonsense. I never miss an opportunity to watch a mare-a-thon... and with my two favorite mares! It was superb!" He nuzzled Daniel. "When you have recovered sufficiently, my Dear, I hope you will show me the same courtesy."
Daniel gawked at him. "You know... about mares?"
Both Hipponaurs snickered at his naivete.
"Of course he does, Danny," chuckled Shianna. "Everyone does."
"But... it's supposed to be a secret."
"Some secrets are easier kept than others."
"So, you know, uh, what it's like?" Daniel asked his mate.
"It has been a while," replied Rovaun, "but yes, Companion. I have experienced it with a link. It is quite something, isn't it."
"Whew," said Daniel, relieved that he would not have to keep this impossible secret to himself. "Shianna, I apologize for my emotions running amok. You have my permission to clobber me anytime I fall out of line like that." He turned back to Rovaun and swooned, "I'm married to this wonderful guy forever."
Rovaun neighed happily.
"And don't you forget it," said Shianna.
"Like I said, just clobber me," he smiled, not taking his eyes off his mate. "Husband, it was so intense... so - FEMALE!"
"I know, Companion."
"Being a stallion, I don't think you do. I don't think any link could do justice to what it felt like!" He looked over his shoulder at his vacant body. "I'm almost afraid to go back in there... and yet..." he winked at Shianna, "... part of me can't wait to learn more."
Shianna shook her head. "I don't think so."
"What? Why not??" Not doing it again now seemed unthinkable.
"Because, Danny, although I love you dearly, I'm afraid it is more like the love of a sibling."
"All right!" grinned Rovaun. Shianna sneered at the stallion's sophomoric remark.
"Shianna, I don't regret at all what happened," said Daniel sincerely, "and I agree with you that I need to learn this stuff, since I plan to be here a while."
"Maybe you should find another teacher, then," she said. "For me, you will always be a man. I suppose that's why I never really got into it with you."
It was a severe blow to Daniel's ego to think that he could never please Shianna the way she had pleased him. It wasn't his fault, but he still shouldered the blame.
"Well, don't give up on me, Shianna," he said in earnest. "With my Husband's support, I'll strive to do better."
"Absolutely!" agreed Rovaun, "but no more blindfolds."
Shianna snorted at the clueless males. "It's not just about sex!"
Rovaun and Daniel shrugged at each other. It WAS just about sex. Wasn't it?
The white mare shook her head contemptuously at Daniel. She had opened up to him and shown him a new, deeply personal and intimate side of himself, but after everything he had experienced, he obviously learned nothing at all. And Rovaun stood there with him, just as guilty, just as ignorant, just as male. She growled her disgust at the both of them and stormed off.
The guys watched her disappear in silence, then Daniel turned to his mate. "Husband, do you know what's great about being a male?"
"What is that, Companion?"
"Having testicles."
Under a battered tent relocated inside Parceph's indentation he called a cave, Jeremiah and his stallion made love. Prominently displayed outside was a "Do Not Disturb" sign written in twelve languages including Hipponaur. The chances of anyone reading it were nil. The chances of anyone reading it and heeding it were even niller.
While Jeremiah preferred his privacy, Parceph preferred Jeremiah's privates. The man lovingly stroked his partner's mane while the horse nursed, taking his time, making it last decades.
Jeremiah hissed happily as he inhaled through clenched teeth. "Danny-boy, was right, Lover. This is the afterlife."
The stallion smiled and continued to slowly suck the afterlife out of the man's penis, a penis that was not quite the same as he remembered it from two hundred years ago.
"It is interesting, Companion," remarked Parceph, "how two centuries of constant exposure to my essence has selectively altered you."
Jeremiah was hoping to avoid this conversation.
Parceph continued, "You look the same, sound the same, taste the same, act the same, yet there are two distinct improvements that I find very delightful and even more enigmatic: your cavernous colon and your horse-choking shlong."
"Perhaps you shouldn't look a horse-choking shlong in the mouth."
Parceph whinnied with laughter and then gagged on his Companion.
Jeremiah chuckled, "Yeah I know that didn't come out quite as intended."
The stallion settled down and continued slurping. Jeremiah just smiled warmly and caressed his mate some more. "I don't have any answers for you, Partner. I am just so happy to be here, to be with you again, now and forever. You have no idea."
"Oh, I have an idea, Companion, believe me."
"Well I'll let you in on a personal secret," said the man to his mate. "The other Parceph would have been put to miserable shame by your performance as a one-horse orgy last night."
Parceph smiled allowing horse drool to seek refuge in Jeremiah's pubic hair. "It was nothing."
"Nothing! Ohhh, Lover, I can't imagine what SOMETHING would be like if that was nothing!"
"All right," the stallion confessed, "it was my best effort ever. I just felt terrible about what Danny and I did to you last night, ruining your story like that."
"You didn't ruin it... Okay, you DID ruin it, but you knew I wasn't that pissed off, didn't you?"
"Well, to be honest," he hesitated, "no, I didn't know. Your tale was told so masterfully, I nearly called off the severed head thing, just so you wouldn't know that we rewrote the ending."
"Well, I'm glad you didn't, 'cause your ending was a whole lot better'n mine. And that amazing bit with Danny-boy's head - how long did it take you two to come up with that?"
"We didn't have much to go on. The only thing Danny knew was that sometime during the evening, you planned to fake his death. But then I found your cow skull and knife and deduced your plan. Danny spent a couple of hours perfecting the illusion, but most of it was ad-libbed on the spot, based on elements in your tale."
"You made it up right then?"
"It wasn't that difficult. You offered all of the details yourself in your dreary drama, which I must reiterate, was entirely spellbinding."
The horse paused long enough to kiss his mate with his penis breath before returning to his all-day sucker.
"Well, thanks, Partner. Coming from you, given how stingy you are with the compliments, that means a lot to me."
"So, how long did it take you to come up with the story?"
"Oh, I dunno," shrugged Jeremiah. "I just ad-libbed most of it."
Parceph released him and stuck his nose in the man's face. "Liar." Then he went back to suckling.
"What - you don't think I'm as quick-witted as you?"
"Companion, I know that you are not the dim, drawling hick that you portray in public, but even Shakespeare could not have come up with the details and situations you described without a considerable amount of forethought. I find it difficult to believe that you just made up that convoluted plot with Danny, Danielle, and Garson while picking your nose and roasting marshmallows."
"Well then, I guess that's the difference between me and... Y'ALL." That last emphasis was especially corny.
"Liar, liar, pants on fire," muttered Parceph as he bobbed.
"It ain't the only thing on fire, Stud," sizzled Jeremiah, changing the subject.
From a distance it appeared as if the virtual man and his stallion were engaged in their usual osculatory activities, but closer examination revealed that Daniel was actually brushing his mate's teeth with a virtual toothbrush fashioned on the end of his virtual tongue. It was not so much a serious dental cleaning as it was a mindless, intimate activity that the two companions enjoyed. Despite the initial "mareness" of the morning, Rovaun still had his man, and Daniel still had his stallion. Nothing was wrong. Everything was right.
"This is the happiest day of my life," whickered Rovaun.
"Don't be silly," said Daniel, licking equine enamel.
"I am being entirely truthful. I am the happiest I have ever been since the day I was born."
"Oh, I get it," said Daniel with a smirk. "It's because you got to see me bump rumps with Shianna."
Rovaun smiled at him with his bright dark eyes. "As a great man once said, 'Nope.'"
"So you're telling me that you are happier on this ordinary day than on our wedding day?"
"Okay, I give."
Rovaun nuzzled him. "Today is the happiest of all days, dear Companion, because it is now, and you are with me."
"I see," said the man with half a smile. "You're trying to be romantic."
"And your cynicism cannot even put the tiniest dent in my happiness," he cheered.
"Good. I'm happy for you." Daniel tightened his arms and buried his nose in the stallion's neck. "And I'm happy for me, too... I'm trying not to be so cynical all the time, but it's just who I am, I guess. Thanks for tolerating it."
"No need for apologies, Companion. Your cynicism has saved our butts on more than one occasion."
"Mmm. I'm glad I saved your butt. It's scurrrrrumptious!"
"Heh-heh. You see? The happiest day of my life."
Rovaun initiated more nuzzling, hugging, and kissing, which made a convert of Daniel. This could easily be the happiest he had ever felt, too. The contented man could not think of a single thing that could possibly be wrong about any of it. But the cynic in him managed to come up with something.
"Do you think we'll ever get tired of doing this?"
"Nope," reiterated the stallion.
"How do you know?"
"Because I have dreamt it. I told you. You and I remain together for as long as I can foresee, which is a very long time."
"That's very comforting, Husband, but I thought you no longer took stock in your dreams."
"I can pick and choose, can't I?"
"I suppose, but as I recall, you also dreamed of a future married to Zhorelle."
"And that has come true, too."
"But not the way you thought it would."
"No, thank God."
"Hee-hee-hee, you are so adorable. Come here, happy horsey."
It seemed that the two of them would not be able to get past first base on this happiest of days. No one cared, such was love and life. And as Daniel continued to kiss and slobber over the most wonderful creature he could ever imagine, he found his happiness eroding. He loved being happy, loved the thought of being happy forever, and that made him unhappy, because it was a treasure that had to be fiercely guarded, for Destiny had thieves waiting in the wings.
"Huthban," uttered Daniel, his tongue speaking from inside the horse's mouth.
"Yes, Companion," sighed his dreamy mate.
"I'm afwaid."
"Afraid of what?" moaned Rovaun, unconcerned.
"Afwaid of loothing you."
The stallion continued necking without a care in the world, but then felt guilty about ignoring his companion's angst. He let go and allowed Daniel to rest his forehead on his own. How quickly emotions turned.
"Companion," said Rovaun in his most soothing of intonations, "need I remind you of how old I am, and how old you are, your body, that is."
"I know."
"There is no reason to believe it cannot continue. We are safe here. You like it here, do you not?"
"I love it here," he said, more with a tone of despair than delight.
"Then this will be our life," assured the stallion. "We will raise Tantau and Tattoo and thousands of their siblings."
Still looking down on the nostrils of his lover, Daniel smiled at that terrifying thought.
"Can you imagine a more beautiful future, Companion?"
"No," he said, shaking his head and nuzzling his mate at the same time. "Not if every day is like this."
"It will be, Companion."
Daniel looked up into his eyes again. The dark orbs truly reflected the words he spoke, but Daniel would forever have doubts. "What about her?" he said, staring anxiously at his body.
"What about her?"
"She's not the same. I'm not the same."
"You need not be concerned about that. You were disoriented by mare sex, that's all, and you happen to enjoy it. That is a GOOD thing."
"But something's going on in there."
"That is quite possible, Companion. You had an intense and unique experience today. But I have every faith in you. You will be able to deal with it. Probably embrace it."
"That's what worries me, Husband. I'm not sure I WANT to embrace it. I'm afraid..." He returned his gaze to his mate, who saw the fear in his eyes for himself. "... That I won't want to embrace you anymore."
Rovaun believed his mate's phobia to be irrational, but that didn't make it any less real.
"Companion, the only way to address your fear is to face it."
"You always say crap like that!"
"Because you know my crap to be true."
"Can't we just stay like this forever? Me holding onto you with human arms and scritching your mane like this? I know you like it."
"Yes I do, Companion, and you have my solemn promise to always allow you to hug and scritch me any way and any time you want, but..."
"Then I want to keep doing it now."
Annoyed, Rovaun glared at him silently, then switched off his personality and stared straight ahead. Daniel continued to hug and rub the equine statue, but it was apparent that his own empty Hipponaur shell was more animated than the stallion. At first this presented itself as an amusing challenge. Daniel caressed and kissed and nuzzled, but the stallion did not break. There were things the man could do that would surely get a rise out of him, but Daniel did not want to go there. Despite having a stubborn streak that could outmatch Rovaun's any day of the week, he really was not in the mood for this game. If anything, he felt as if he were losing his mate already.
"Okay, okay, you win," he surrendered. "I'll face it. Geez! What's the big deal, anyway."
Rovaun turned to him as he headed back to the mare. Daniel spun around and pointed a finger.
"But only on one condition: You swear to me that you'll NEVER give me the silent treatment again. I HATE that."
The stallion nodded. "I am sure I can come up with more creative ways to motivate you, Companion. I swear to Hipponaur that I shall never again give you the silent treatment if I can at all help it."
That was good enough for Daniel. He turned around, took a deep breath, and then merged with the mare.
Rovaun cocked his head and smiled as the mare locked eyes with him. She shook her mane and swished her tail a couple of times, then stared at him in silence. Finally, with a sigh of boredom, she looked around and peered off into the distance, then said effeminately, "I wonder where Shianna is."
Rovaun whinnied with laughter. "You do not fool me, Companion."
"No?" smiled the mare.
"Not for a second. I am far too sexy."
"Heh-heh, yes, Husband, that will forever be your ace in the hole," said the mare as she sensually strolled around her mate.
"How do you feel, Companion?"
"Frankly," said Daniel, stopping to speak the honest truth. "I still feel very different in here... It feels all right... I'm not sick or anything, and I don't feel like I don't belong here, but I definitely can tell that something has changed. I'm not the same as I was yesterday. In fact, I have never felt like this before, either as a human or a mare."
"Can you describe it?"
"Well," said the mare, sauntering around again, "now that it's just you and me, stallion and mare, the only word that can describe my feelings is: heterosexual."
Rovaun laughed again.
"I'm glad you find that so amusing."
"You will not hear me complain, Companion. When the right mare comes along, I am a closet heterosexual, too."
"No you aren't and neither am I!" insisted Daniel. "For the last decade I have known for a fact that I am a gay man, and my gaydar registers off the scale when it points at you. You are, beyond a shadow's shadow of a doubt, a Yiffy - Gay - Horse!"
"I heartily disagree with you on that point, Companion. The concept of 'gay' has little meaning for me. I am attracted to your soul, regardless of the gender of the body you inhabit. Shianna has an attractive soul, too, as does Parceph. I have sexual feelings for them, as well. If you think about it, you will find that your feelings are not so different from mine. For example, if my soul were to end up inside a toad, would you no longer be sexually attracted to me?"
"A toad? Hmm. Well, maybe I'd lick you. But definitely not a spider."
"Of course not," shuddered Rovaun.
"But you told me you preferred me as a man."
"Yes, because that is your natural form. But I will take you any way I can get. And now you are feeling more feminine than usual. So what? You still have that spark that I love so much. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your wit. You are the same being you always were. We shall be companions forever. Of that I have no doubt."
In Rovaun's presence, Daniel's fears faded. The extreme femininity he had felt earlier was not nearly as intense now. Having existed for a while as a man had helped dull the effect of whatever it was that Shianna had awakened within him. Daniel felt sexy. Daniel felt feminine. Daniel longed for the comfort and protection of a stud stallion, and a perfect example was staring him right in the face. The mare positioned herself parallel to her beau to rub cheeks. She let out a big happy contented sigh, but then found herself startled by its tone. The effeminate timbre exactly mimicked Shianna's.
Rovaun sighed contentedly, too, but he still sounded like a stud.
Did it matter? Daniel was still madly in love with his husband. So what if he became his wife. That was the natural order of things anyway, and Rovaun didn't love him any less. And he could always become a man whenever he wanted. This wasn't so bad. He was making it bad just by worrying about it. Rovaun was right - if the stallion's soul ended up in a toad, Daniel would love that toad till death, and mourn it every day afterward. Neither gender nor species mattered one whit.
"You are a goddess, Companion," whispered the stud as he nuzzled.
Those beautiful words struck Daniel's heart like an arrow from Cupid. They spoke of love and desire, of yearning and admiration. Yesterday, Daniel would have snorted at their insipidness; today he simply longed to hear more.
"I love you so much..."
"Oh..." the mare squeaked. "Husb..."
Suddenly she backed off, then a man leapt from her body and clung tight with arms and legs to the stallion.
"I love you, Husband," he cried into the powerful neck.
"Are you still having trouble in there, Companion?"
"No," he trembled. "It's just that, when I'm a mare, I can't hold you like this."
Rovaun understood completely, because his mate was right. There was nothing so perfectly bonding, so unfailingly reassuring as a strong human hug.
The man took several deep breaths then let out a cleansing sigh. "It's great to be gay again," he said.
Rovaun snorted playfully. "I thought we had settled that argument."
"No, I think we only established that, in general, Hipponaurs are more attracted to spiritual features than physical ones. Humans, are a different matter."
"Is that so?"
"I like looking at pictures of naked men, and I still do."
"Especially pictures of naked men on top of, and underneath, other naked men. I have no idea what's in their souls. They could all be satanic baby kitten stompers, for that matter. But if they're hot, I like 'em."
"You have a point, Companion. Perhaps there is a subtle difference between our two species in that regard. If it will make you feel better, I shall concede that you are gay. But consider this: what if you KNEW that the naked men were all satanic baby kitten stompers. How would that affect your desire for them?"
Daniel smiled at his wise stallion. "I think I see your point, too."
"When you see an attractive man, your subconscious assumes his soul to be a good one. That way you can enjoy his image on a purely visceral level. I doubt that you would ever masturbate to a naked image of Hitler, no matter how attractive he may have been without clothes."
"You are so smart," grinned Daniel, "but you still don't know everything. You'll never really know what it's like to be a mare... Oh... my... Goddess!"
Daniel's virtual jaw hit the dirt.
Rovaun recognized that look of enlightenment, even though to the untrained eye, the man's stupid gape could easily be mistaken for a congenital disorder. "You wish to tell me something, Companion?"
"Husband! You experienced it! You know what it's like!"
"If you are referring to when two mares make love, then yes," he said calmly. "And I therefore know why it has affected you so dramatically."
"But don't you get it?" said Daniel, astonished that his mate had not drawn what seemed to be an obvious line connecting two even more obvious dots.
The stallion stared at him and shook his head. "Get what?"
"That feeling! That feeling of wanting to be with a mare - any mare, as long as it has a clitoris instead of a penis."
Rovaun tried to analyze the ancient feelings. It had been centuries since he had experienced them, but without dwelling on the memories since then, the feelings had lost their edge; softened, but not forgotten. He understood what his mate was talking about - raw desire - but he had never thought to draw a conclusion from it.
Many years ago, Rovaun had been instrumental in the rescue of a Hipponaur mare that had been captured by humans. When the two were safely away, the grateful mare had felt an obligation to her honorable savior, though he really wasn't her type.
"I cannot thank you enough," she had said, hoping he would accept a hug as compensation for risking his life.
"Allow me to mount you and we will call it even."
Normally the mare would have capitulated, but the thought of Rovaun covering her had suddenly made her nauseous, so she offered him her only other asset. It was an offer that could not be made lightly, because it could be made only once to any particular stallion, and each time it was dolled out it lost some of its value.
"Hmm-hmm, that hardly seems fair," she said coyly. "I have allowed studs to mount me just for sharing an infested apple they found on the ground. How about something to truly remember me by..."
After linking with the mare, Rovaun had never admitted to anyone that for the next several days he had become exclusively heterosexual. No stallions interested him. Not even a glance in their direction, except to determine their gender. He had even lost interest in seeking his Companion. All he could think about was how beautiful mares were. Every one that caught his eye gave him a hard-on, whether he knew her or not. Most wanted nothing to do with him, but he desired them nevertheless.
Rovaun stared at Daniel. "I... lusted - for mares," he said bewildered, "for a short while, anyway."
Daniel nodded. "They could have been satanic baby kitten stompers."
"And I would have fucked every one of them without blinking."
"Doesn't that go against your fundamental thesis? That Hipponaurs are more attracted to the soul than to the gender?"
"Completely, Companion," he admitted in dismay.
"So, not only were you not gay, but you were entirely STRAIGHT!"
Rovaun nodded.
"And from the mare's perspective?" pointed out Daniel.
"I felt what she felt. She felt exactly the same way - about other mares, and she was not the only one. They all feel that way, which makes Hipponaur mares entirely gay."
Having experienced the mare's desires for himself, Rovaun was convinced that this conclusion had to be true, except that in reality, it was not. Now he did not know what to believe.
"Do Hipponaur mares, in general, form homosexual relationships?" asked Daniel.
"No, Companion. Only about fifty percent, which statistically supports my thesis: it is the soul that is attractive, not the gender."
"Not if you jumped to the wrong conclusion, my dear stud," laughed his mate.
"All right. You know something. Spit it out!"
"Oh, no, no, no. It's far too much fun playing Socrates."
Rovaun snorted, but was glad to see his mate have a good time. "Okay, Mr. Ancient Greek Fart, ask me your questions."
"Do Hipponaurs reproduce asexually?"
"So they require heterosexual sex to perpetuate the species."
"So nature designed Hipponaurs to be heterosexual."
"Of any given heterosexual species, about what percentage of their population are homosexual?"
"It varies. Ten to twenty-five percent."
"Significantly less than fifty percent."
"So why are there so many lesbian Hipponaurs?"
"I don't know! If anything, fifty percent is too low. If the way I felt after that link is how mares feel every day, then you would think they would ALL be gay!"
"YES! YES! YES, Husband! They should all be gay! Every mare knows how good it feels to be with another mare. They're SUPPOSED to be gay - but they're not!"
"Companion? I still do not..."
"Husband, I'm surprised at you," grinned Daniel. "Think about that feeling - the awakening at the precise moment that the two clits meet. Doesn't it seem just the tiniest bit familiar?"
Rovaun thought about it again, and then he dropped his head, completely ashamed of himself, and entirely in awe of his mate. He looked up at this human who always managed to figure everything out in mere minutes what millennia never revealed to the stallion.
"It is another Primitive."
"Varyl planted a Primitive in the mares as well as the stallions," posited Rovaun.
"That's my bet." Daniel hugged and kissed him gleefully without yet comprehending the impact of this revelation.
"In my defense," smiled Rovaun, justifying his deductive failure, "that was a long time ago, and I had nothing to compare the female Primitive with until last month. Furthermore, you must admit that the male and female Primitives are significantly different. There is no bloodlust in the female."
"That's because Varyl gave them a different agenda. The male Primitive was designed to prevent the conception of Anthrauns by killing the human parent. The female Primitive was simply another tactic for population control."
"Hmm," agreed Rovaun. "A mare bonded to a single stallion can still get pregnant."
"So turning her into a lesbian might reduce that chance just a little bit more."
"But not completely. Many mare couples have raised foals."
"And Varyl didn't want to completely eliminate the species, just manage it."
"I wonder why he did not reveal this to us," pondered Rovaun. "He admitted to imbuing the stallions with a Primitive. Why not the mares?"
Daniel shrugged. "Why should he? It would just stir up more bad feelings. And the mare's Primitive doesn't really harm anyone..." Daniel looked at the patient black mare, then returned a worried grimace to his mate.
"What is it, Companion?"
"Husband, I have a Primitive in me!"
"Yes you do, Companion, and so do I. It is quite manageable, I assure you."
"But your Primitive lusts for me. If we're right about the female Primitive, then mine is designed to drive you away!"
Suddenly Rovaun understood the gravity of their situation. Until now, his Companion's encounter with his feminine side had seemed a harmless delve into self-discovery, as with all sentient beings, a journey that is necessary for personal growth. With the caring pride of a father teaching his son to ride a bicycle, the stallion had watched from the sidewalk as Daniel struggled to keep both feet on the pedals of his mareness. But the brakes on this she-beast had been tampered with, and what was now awake within his mate could easily pose a real threat to their future.
The unthinkable evoked a half whimper from the stallion, like that of a sad little puppy. "You... you do not have to let that happen, Companion."
Daniel clung even tighter to his horse. "I'm NEVER letting go," he cried.
Rovaun brought his chin down to pin the man's arm underneath it. "And I shall hold onto you as well."
"Thank you," he whispered, kissing the stallion just below his ear. "I swear that no matter what happens, I will love you forever."
"And I you, Companion."
Daniel and Rovaun held each other close for the better part of an hour. During that time, the world did not end, nor did it even hint at tearing them apart, and each began to feel a little more comfortable that perhaps this wasn't the Armageddon that it had seemed. Rovaun was the first to consider that the worst case scenario might not be all that bad.
"Companion, just for argument's sake, let us say that your Primitive ultimately rules your destiny. What do you suppose would happen to you?"
"Well," he thought, "I guess I'd want to move in with Shianna, if she'd have me."
"Precisely. And she would because she likes you, but more to the point, she likes me, and I would insist that she accommodate you."
"But I wouldn't want to be in a one-sided relationship with her."
"And you wouldn't be. Don't you see? If you embrace your mareness, you will become more feminine, and Shianna will recognize it. She will see you as a mare, not as a man, and the two of you would be able to satisfy each other."
"But where does that leave you?"
"Where do you think?" smirked Rovaun. "In the very front row."
Daniel chuckled for a moment. The stallion was right. No matter what happened, neither he nor Shianna would ever abandon him. They would be a trio forever.
"But each day would not be the happiest for you anymore," Daniel suggested.
"It would be hard to imagine otherwise, but who is to say? And in any case, that is still the very worst that could happen. Already, Shianna does not desire mares. There is every reason to believe that you will not."
Daniel brought his head back. "That's right - she doesn't. And she knows what it feels like, but she still prefers you. Why is that?"
"Well," said Rovaun feigning modesty, "I would think that was obvious, but perhaps you should ask her."
Releasing his mate, Daniel whirled around and stopped dead in his tracks when he encountered the harmless and foreboding black mare.
"We have been through this, Companion. Nothing has changed. You can do it."
"I know," he said, shaking out his neck, hands, and feet as if preparing to run a fifty-yard dash. Instead of dashing, though, he strolled eloquently to the mare. At the last moment he stopped to brush some unsightly crust from her eyelids.
"I see that Hipponaurs get eye boogers just like the rest of us."
Then the procrastinator decided to appreciate his own beauty for a while.
"Any time now, Companion," said Rovaun losing patience.
Ignoring him, Daniel gazed at the previously flawed face of the mare, now made perfect with eyes wiped clean. "Husband, do you suppose that I am truly perceiving my Hipponaur face as it exists right now? And if so, then how is it that I know what I look like?"
"I can answer the second question much easier than the first, Companion. Zhorelle never missed an opportunity to admire her reflection. She knew every hair on her body, and especially her face."
"Pardon me for saying so, but I think I know why. Husband, I am BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL!"
"Yes, you are, my Dear. Your external beauty is surpassed only by your inner beauty."
"So, my pancreas, kidneys, and gall bladder are just as gorgeous?" joked Daniel.
"If not more so."
"Then you must have felt pretty darn lucky eons ago when the Elders gave you Zhorelle for a bond mate."
"Luck had nothing to do with it. I did not wish to be Zhorelle's bond mate, which was why the Elders selected me."
Suddenly Daniel's feminine side took a hit to the groin. He turned to his mate. "Didn't you think that I... or rather, she was beautiful back then?" The man knew fully well that she probably looked exactly the same now as she did then.
"Companion," chuckled his mate, "All of Hipponaur are in unanimous agreement that Zhorelle's physical beauty ranks among the top one percent of Hipponaur mares. OF COURSE I thought she was beautiful! And that is why I wanted nothing to do with her. I did not want to suffer the wrath of my envious fellow stallions."
"I see... And did you suffer their wrath?"
"I still do."
"I'm sorry that I'm so lovely," grinned Daniel. He turned back to the mare who, for a brief moment, was grinning as well.
"Did you see that?" he gasped.
"See what?"
"My face... Danielle was smiling."
"It was probably gas."
"I don't think so..." Daniel's virtual eyes drilled into his equine orbits searching for life on another world. "Are you in there Danielle?"
The mare offered no further clues.
Mildly disappointed, Daniel sighed, "You're prettier than a 'Danielle,' anyway." He straightened her forelocks, making her look better than perfect. Then he lifted her head and turned it slightly in order to beautify her mane as well. As he brushed her neck with his hands, he kept thinking how amazingly smooth, black and glossy her coat was. And he wasn't the only one thinking lustful thoughts.
Rovaun nickered, and then both of the males saw her smile again. The smile vanished simultaneously with Daniel's perception of it. He turned to Rovaun and understood what caused her fleeting cheer: Her stud was semi-erect. Suddenly it all made sense.
"A mare likes to be told she is beautiful," he said under his breath, "by someone she respects."
Daniel stepped back. "Husband! Tell her how stunning she is, and make her and me believe it."
Agreeable to this simple task, the stallion walked up to her, then nickered and postured in equine language. He nuzzled and snorted softly, bobbing his head to rub against her. Then he raised up, holding high above her, as if to indicate it was now her move. The mare responded by lowering her head in submission. Then she tilted and leered up at him seductively.
"Hello, Danielle," grinned Daniel. The moment she heard that name, she went deaf and dumb.
The man raised his eyebrows to his mate. "Husband, Jerry was right! That bit in his story about giving her an identity."
"But she turns off when you refer to her by name, Companion."
"Because 'Danielle' isn't her name. It sucks! He was right about that, too. I don't like it, so she doesn't like it. She needs something with more pizzazz."
Daniel tenderly rubbed underneath the mare's chin, just as Jeremiah had instructed in his fictional fable. "Hello, Beautiful," he said, staring into her eyes. But the mare knew his words lacked sincerity, for she also knew his agenda. She did not stare back.
"I can't outsmart myself," he sighed.
"Try faith."
"Instead of outsmarting yourself, Companion. Try believing in yourself."
"Easier said than done, Husband. In the back of my mind, I'll always know that I'm trying to be manipulative."
"Then don't be manipulative." The stallion nuzzled his mare again. "There is no need to manipulate such a creature as this, forever blessed with a face and body that can bring any stallion to his knees."
Rovaun got down onto his knees and nuzzled the insides of her front legs. "I love you, my dearest Companion," he whickered in that world famous silken voice, a voice that Daniel would always believe in.
The mare nuzzled the top of his head. It was a natural response that Daniel had expected, for how could she possibly ignore such a gesture from her mate. He watched and he finally understood. The mare was alive.
"What is your name?" he asked her sincerely. She looked up at him, but did not know the answer.
"I know it isn't Danielle."
She faded briefly but then recovered. Daniel walked up to her and scritched her mane. She remained conscious but was on the edge of retreating.
"You don't know your name, but I bet you'll recognize it when you hear it. It's got to be something unique. Something pretty. Something that does justice to your looks and persona."
The mare peered back at him in agreement.
"'Black Beauty'... no, too cliche. 'Black Gold'... hmmmmmm... no. 'Ebony Equine'... oh gawd, forgive me. Maybe something less overt. 'Night Mare'... nyet. 'Midnight Mistress'... ugh. 'Elvira!'... no, tits aren't big enough. Come on, Husband, help me."
"The only thing I can think of is [horny snort-grunt-pant-whinny]."
"How do you spell that?"
"With an exclamation point."
"Thank you, you're worthless, but something tells me we're close." Daniel put his hands on either side of her face. "You've got a name that is as perfect as you are."
By now Rovaun felt this exercise had become moot. The mare was alert, and she had remained alert, even when her identity for two seconds had been the atrociously forgettable 'Ebony Equine.' But Daniel understood the importance of getting this thing right. Out of respect for her, he continued to search for a name she deserved, a name that was appropriate, and a name she would be happy with.
"You know, don't you," he said to her. "You feel it too. We're close to solving this."
The mare was his reflection, staring back at him with eyes that agreed with him, eyes that were just as determined.
"Something pretty, but not saintly. Something mischievous perhaps, but not evil. Something that adequately depicts this can of worms that Shianna op..."
The man stopped in mid syllable. Rovaun looked up to see a grin broadening both human and mare cheeks alike.
"Uh oh," he said, standing up. "I can't wait to hear it."
Laughing with the enlightenment of a man who stole a bite from the Fruit of Knowledge, Daniel raised his face to the sun overhead, challenging the fireball's brightness with his own dazzlingly smile. "Not a can, Husband," he exulted. "Shianna didn't open a can!"
The bemused stallion didn't quite follow.
"Not a bottle, not a crate, not an egg carton..." burst Daniel. "Shianna didn't open any of those things! Shianna opened... her BOX!"
The man gave the mare a powerful hug and cried, "Happy birthday, Pandora."
Pandora pinned him tightly under her chin and whickered in gratitude.
"Congratulations, Companion!" whinnied Rovaun. "I love it!"
Human and mare hugged and rocked, whimpered and whickered together. Then they let go simultaneously. Daniel smiled at himself from both perspectives. "I'm not afraid of you anymore," he told her.
She nickered at him as if to say, 'Ditto.'
"Hee-hee-hee." He hugged her again and kissed her neck. "You can be as feminine as you like! Heck, maybe Shianna will be more attracted to you while I'm out here. Would you like that?"
The mare raised her head and whinnied. Daniel and Rovaun both laughed along with her.
"She is only agreeing with you because you agree with her," said Rovaun.
"I know, Husband, but suddenly I feel so invigorated. It's like my humanity has just increased a couple of notches. After we find Shianna, we'll have to hunt down Jerry and thank him. Then I'm going to throttle him until he spills his guts about all of the other useful secrets he's been keeping from me."
Rovaun chuckled. He, too, would personally thank Parceph's Companion for this gift. "I believe Jeremiah has already indicated that you might get better results using a carrot instead of a stick in that regard."
"You mean offer him my naked blindfolded virtual self in exchange for information?"
"Okay, but only if you supervise."
"I would not miss it, Companion."
Daniel gleefully leapt into Pandora, then reared up playfully. "Ahh, it's great to be straight."
"You still find me attractive, Companion? No wandering eyes for a white mare?"
"Out of sight, out of mind, dear Husband." The mare pranced around her mate, then stopped behind him to stick her nose between his hind legs.
"Husband, do you know what's great about being a mare?"
"What is that, Companion?"
She opened her mouth and engulfed the stallion's balls.
"Having testicles!"
"Ha! Ha! Ha! A-MEN!
After savoring his stallion for a minute, the human emerged onto the mare's back and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Pandora, you are without question, the world's most beautiful Hipponaur. Would you mind taking me to Shianna, please?"
The mare whickered and started up in a slow gait. Rovaun came up alongside them and smiled proudly at the man on the mare. Daniel furled his eyebrows at him, informing him that he was being rather rude. Rovaun nodded and then smiled proudly at the mare as well.
"Do you think Pandora can manage a quicker pace, Companion?"
"Why don't you ask her?"
"Pandora," addressed Rovaun, "can you try to keep up with me?"
The mare snorted the equine equivalent of, 'Of course I can!'
"Very well... and by the way, I concur with your rider with respect to your unparalleled beauty."
Rovaun trotted off with his mare following close behind, while her virtual rider admired the bucolic countryside that was his paradise.
[End of \_COMPANIONS\_ Chapter 33: What Mares Know] [Next in series: Chapter 34: Jeremiah's Secret] |
Should've Known Better by ChefJeffBadger | Two young cubs decide to be heroes and go find out what happens to cubs that have been disappearing from a local restaurant. But, things don't go as planed... This was a commission for Jamieclaywater that I had a lot of fun doing. And I hope you all enjoy as well ^=^ - "You ready, Ritz?" Saki | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/696592-should-ve-known-better | "You ready, Ritz?" Saki whispered to the friend sitting in the seat next to him. The young normal colored raccoon squirmed next to his cream and pink ringed friend. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" The young raccoon squeaked as he squirmed in his seat. "I don't wanna get in any trouble..."The cream and pink raccoon tapped his younger friend on the arm with his fist. "We won't be in any trouble, we'll be like heroes or something, you know, like Kyrpto or The Green Bone. Once we find out what happens to those kids, they'll give us anything we could ever dream of!" The raccoon said as he squirmed excitedly. Ritz seemed to perk up as his friend said that, his stubby ears wiggling as he grinned from behind his mask. "Alright, I trust you Saki. I know you won't let anything bad happen to me.""Yep," the slightly older raccoon glanced out the window and saw his dad walking back to the car from paying for gas, before turning back to Ritz. "Oh crap, there's my dad, we'll talk about it when we get to your mom's."**Saki's father pulled to a stop in front of the tall apartment building where Ritz spent every other week. The raccoon looked into the rearview mirror. "Alright were here. You two head on up, Ritz's mom should be home waiting for you guys." The driver paused, and then turned back to his son with a stern look. "And remember what we talked about... I don't want you two going near that restaurant under any circumstances, got it?" Aaron said in the best fatherly tone he could muster. The two boys in the backseat nodded, and each grabbed their backpacks from the floor and nodded. Saki said "Yes Dad".And Ritz followed shortly after with, "Yes Mr. Procyon." "Alright, boys. Have fun at your sleepover." Aaron had a twinge of sadness come across his face, and he reached forward to grab his son and hug him tight. "And remember Saki, I love you." He said before giving his son a quick kiss on the cheek. Saki pulledback, rolled his eyes and said "Daaaaad, don't embarrass me like that in front of my friend." Aaron chuckled, "I'm your dad, its what I do. Anyway, off with you two! I have dinner plans later today and I need to get ready." The boy's nodded, bolted out of the car, and both yelled back "Byyye" as they strode up to the door of Ritz's apartment building. Ritz pretended to ring the doorbell, and they waved at Saki's dad as he drove away. The two watched and made sure he was long gone, before Saki nudged his friend with his elbow and the two of them headed towards the alleyway next to Ritz's mother's building. The two boy's walked down the dark alley a bit, before Ritz grabbed his friend's arm. "I really don't think this is a good idea, Saki. I mean, the whole reason were doing this is because we wanna find out what happened to those other cubs that went in this place, right? Why are you so sure that we will come back?" Saki smiled confidently as he slid his backpack off, opened it up, and shuffled around through his "adventure" gear until he came across a metal bracelet. He pulled it out, and showed it to his friend. It had a slight green tint to it, and there was a bone etched into the surface. "Because I have this."The younger raccoon's eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped in shock. "Is that what I think it is?""Yep, its the official Green Bone telekinetic communicator bracelet powered by will. I ate through like a bajillion boxes of cereal to get it just for tonight. That way I know if we get in trouble all I have to do is focus hard enough I can get The Green Bone to come and save us." Saki said with a swish of his pink ringed tail. Ritz seemed to swell with energy, "Wow, you are soooooo smart, Saki. I know we'll be safe now." "Yep, alright, let's go. The place is right behind your mom's building, right?" Saki asked. "Yeah, I've watched out my window a bunch of times as kids get brought in through the front or back and never seem to come back out. Like I said, my mom keeps telling me I just fall asleep before I do, but it still seems fishy..." The younger raccoon said as he slipped his backpack off his shoulder and pulled out a flashlight. It wasplastic, yellow, and had a red tip. Saki did the same, pulling out a flashlight that looked just like his friends. The two boy's flicked them on, and shined them down the dark alley. "Yeah, but we need to hurry, if your mom comes looking for us she'll ruin everything." Saki said as they slowly walked down the alleyway, the smell of cooking food growing stronger as they went. The smell soon began to mix with the smell of garbage as the boys neared the 4 way stop that connected 4 different alleyways. The one right to their left leading behind the restaurant. Saki slapped on his power bracelet, and moved close to the wall to peer around the corner. Ritz slid between his friend's legs, and peered out from under him around the corner as well. Their masked eyes scanned the alleyway, looking for signs of life. Once they saw the coast was clear, Ritz looked up and Saki looked down, the two nodded at each other, and stood to their feet. They began to silently creep towards the restaurant's back door. There was a guest of wind that whipped through the alleyway and a piece of paper shot up and wrapped around Ritz's face. The young raccoon shrieked and he ran forward at full speed, slamming into a set of plastic trashcans, knowing them over with soft thud, spilling the contents across the ground. Ritz thrashed on the ground for a moment, before Saki dashed over to him, pinned him down, ripped off the paper, and covered his muzzle with his hand. "Shhhhsh doofus!" He growled, and the two boy's froze as they waited to see if anyone had heard. A few minutes passed before Saki stood up and sighed in relief. "Alright, I think were good." Ritz nodded, and he went to get up when he heard a crack from underneath him. He looked at the ground and noticed he'd snapped a bone sticking out of a trash bag. "Hey, what's that?" He asked as he pointed towards it. Saki slipped his bag from his shoulder again, and he shuffled around before pulling out a pair of plastic glasses that had plastic lenses he could flip down to "magnify" what he was looking at. "Step back." He said in a commanding tone, before crouched down and he flipped down one of the plastic lenses, looking over the bone. "Its a bone."Ritz rolled his eyes. "I know that... I meant what kind of bone." "Yeeesh, I'm getting there." He poked at the bag and tore it open, pulling out the long thigh bone that still had bits of meat stuck to it. He looked over it, making quizzical noises, going "Hmmm", "Huh", and finally "Aha!"Ritz's ears perked up, "You figured it out?" The young raccoon asked excitedly. "Nope, but I can definitely tell it came from inside." The younger raccoon looked underwhelmed at that statement. And he went to say something, when Saki stood up, and spoke before he could. "Welp, I guess the only way to find out is to go inside.""Maybe we should just..." Ritz was cut off again as Saki put up his hand and pointed to his bracelet. The younger racoon just nodded, and his tail happily swished behind him. The two boys worked their way towards the large metal back door of the alley, and as luck would have it, it was propped open with a coffee can filled with cigarette butts. The two boys slowly opened the door, peeking around it, and looked down a large red carpeted hallway. There was a set of rubber straps hanging from a doorway to their right, to the left was a set of swinging doors, and straight down was another door. "We'll try the door at the end first." Saki said and his friend nodded. The two of them crept inside; tip-toeing down the hallway. They carefully walked past the set of rubber straps, Saki's ears perking up as he thought he heard someone whimper from within. He wanted to check it out, but he made a mental note to check it on their way back. They could feel the heat of the kitchen as they walked past that large set of double metal doors and their mouths watered as they smelled what was coming from inside. They neared the door at the end of the hall, and they repeated what they did earlier in the alley. Saki peered out of a crack in the door, and Ritz crawled from under his legs. What they saw made both of them turn pale. They looked at the fancy restaurant and at the debauchery going on within. Every kind of species was at one of those round tables or booths, and in front of most of them were what looked like the cooked bodies of cubs. They'd been prepared in every way imaginable. Clear bowls filled with soup and chopped up bits, spit roasted, barbecued, sliced, diced, and served whole as roasts and there was even a dessert cart going around with heads that had been sliced open and filled with sugary treats. The two boy's fell backwards, Saki in shock and Ritz shaking madly from what they'd just seen. "W...we need to get out of here." Ritz said, his knees too weak to stand. Saki was quit and just nodded. He stood up, and helped his friend to his feet. The two of them started to walk out on shaky legs, each too shocked to say a word. They went to pass by the swinging doors when one swung out in front of them, and knocked them both flat on their butts. "Hey watch where you're..." The ferret stopped talking as he looked at the boys on the floor in front of him. He checked the notepad in his right paw, and grinned before slipping it into his pocket. "Oh, I know just where you two belong..." The waiter said as he quickly lunged forward and grabbed the boy's by the scruff of their necks, he was small and lanky, but he was surprisingly strong.The two boy's squirmed as they hung in the air, "Wait! Let us go!" Saki yelled, while Ritz just shook with fear. "Oh I have just the place for you two..." He said with a grin as he kicked open the doors to the kitchen, where chefs and their assistance dashed around from pans, to ovens, to boiling pots, and spits. The boy's began to cry as they looked at the cubs around them each in various stages of preparation. The boy's could see skins and heads hanging from a rack on a wall, cleavers coming down to chop limbs away from bodies, and cubs still squirming on spits as they rotated over a fire, tears sizzling on their furless cheeks. The ferret strolled over to a pair of heavy set horses. The two were casually talked to each other as they cleaned a set of bloody knives. "Oh Hansel and Gardell, look at what I found." The two massive horses, brothers from the looks of it, turned around. Each had flexing muscles that bulged from under their white chef's uniforms which had been stained with fresh blood already that night. The brothers looked alike, they both had the same build, facial structure, french roast colored fur, but one had his mane pulled back into a pony tail, while the other had had his cut short to his head and neck like an army cut, and there was a scar across his right cheek. "Oh? Do you, Pip?" Hansel, the pony tailed horse asked. "Yes, I think they'd be perfect for that celebration order that we talked about earlier." Thewaiter said with a grin. The older, gruffer looking horse snorted. "Wonderful... I've been looking forward to this." He reached forward and gingerly stroked a knuckle across Saki's cheek. "I always enjoy orders that ask for those special twists." The act made Saki cringe. He looked over at the horse, "Please sir, just let us go. We won't say anything. Promise!" Hansel shook his head, "Sorry kiddo, we have hungry mouths to fill. I hope you had fun today, because it was your last." Hansel looked over at Pip, "Which order needs to go out first?"Pip looked over his notepad, "Well the celebration dinner isn't until a little later, and you only need one part for the appetizer they ordered from the plane looking one. So start with the roast, and then go onto the spit roast." The two horses nodded, and one each took a cub from the the ferret's paws. Pip checked his notepad, and without another word he went to check on the hippo medley that was already 15 minutes late. The brother's each grabbed a set of handcuffs from their prep table, the boys could both see the blood stains and scuff marks where others had tried to escape before them. The cub's arms were forced behind their backs, and then locked in place. They were shoved onto the stainless steel counter, and they watched in horror as each horse picked up a knife. They both waited to feel the sting of the blade, but instead the knives were used to cut off their backpacks, and then their clothes. "No please... I want my mommy, don't do this mister. I'm sorry. Please, just let us go." Ritz sobbed as he was slowly stripped by Hasel. It was like a game to him. He would just make a little knick on Rit's clothing, and then shove his finger in and slowly rip downward. The fabric would just slowly unzip beneath his finger, each inch revealing more of that grey and black coat. Ritz shivered as the horse moved lower and lower, before sliding his finger across the raccoon's fat belly, and letting the last threads of his shirt snap.Meanwhile Gardell was being a bit more rough with Saki. He was quickly sliding his knife under the boy's clothes, making quick work of everything. Saki tried not to cry as he felt the knife slide under the leg holes of his undies, before they fall into the pile with the rest of his things. The horse began to poke and prod the naked boy, mumbling to himself. Saki hecould hear a few words like "Sauce", "Stuffing", and "Can't let it dry out" but most of the rest was too much like gibberish for him to hear. Hansel snapped his fingers and three assistants come up, "You boys know the drill." The assistants nodded, and they pulled the chef's apron off, and undid the front of his pants letting his hard pulsing cock out. It throbbing in the air as Ritz looked on in horror, two of the assistant held him down as the other one slide olive oil covered paws along the horse's massive dick. The horse grinned as he walked up right behind the poor young raccoon and that cock is pressed right to the pucker, and with a loud pain filled yell that monster slides right inside of that young hole. Meanwhile the third assistant began rubbing a thick lather over the boy's body as that massive dick throbbed inside of him. He covered the boy the best he could, before taking out barber's razor and began to shave the poor lad. "Ritz! No!" Saki screamed as he watches his friend impaled as that horse begins to breed that young body as his assistants defur him. He glances down at his wristband, and he feels hope surge through him. Maybe if he... his thoughts were dashed as the powerful horse grabbed his arm. "Oh now that's neat." Gardell said as he undid the clasp and yanked it off Saki's wrist. "Nooo! Give it back!" The pink and cream raccoon sobbed as he thrashed, unable to reach out and grab it as the horse dangled it from the tip of his finger in front of the boy. "Oh you will, trust me... but for now, I have some prep to do with you." Gardell said with a grunt. Gardell grabbed a bottle of olive oil, and pulled out a stool from under the counter. He sat on it, and then forced Saki on his back. Saki's head was pinned against the steal as he watched his friend slowly lose his fur, the poor cub crying for help. Begging for Saki to save him. But Saki knew he couldn't do a thing. He just had to watch. His one and only hope was his telekinetic communicator and the horse had taken that away. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he felt cold wet fingers slide across the picker between his pink furred cheeks. He whimpered as he felt a thick digit slide in and start to poke around inside. He whined as it was joined by a second, a third, and then slowly slid in and out as he watched his friend become a hairless rodent. It felt so strange having something inside of him like that. It felt so horrible, but there wasalso something deep inside of him that made it feel kind of good. He felt those fingers slip out of him with a warm wet pop, and then he was shifted into the horse's lap. He shuddered as that horse's thick erection stuck up from between his legs, poking at his pink balls. He could feel that horse's unflared dick pulse as his fingers traced along the raccoon's left leg. "Oh, looks like your friend is almost ready... They're getting ready to turn him over and do his back." And almost as if on queue, an assistant grabbed the raccoon's long fluffy tail, and with a quick slice, severed it. Ritz yelled louder than he had in his life as the pain surged through him. Then the assistant doing the shaving said "Flip" and the two helpers twisted the boy around the horse who was still fucking him. Ritz writhed with pain as his insides were twisted around Hansel's dick, while the horse nickered with pleasure. "Now that is a fun sight to see..." The horse whispered into the raccoon's stumpy ear, "I watch my brother take a little sweet cherry like that at least 12 times a week, and it never gets old. It makes my dick pulse just thinking about it. It reminds me about what we did to my old man when we... ah never mind, I shouldn't get too attached to you." Gardell said as he started to lift Saki up. The raccoon gulped, "What?" He asked as he felt the tip of that unflared cock (that was just a smidge bigger than his brother's) kiss his puckered hole. He could feel the horse starting to loosen his grip, Saki's hole doing all it could to stay closed, but it was slowly losing the war. "Don't worry about it, colt." The horse whispered as he gave a little thrust forward and forced the head of his dick into that sweet puckered opening, grinning as he let the cub's own weight started to slowly slide down his black and light pink length. "Just enjoy the show, I know I am." The horse cooed, before leaning up to nibble on Saki's stumpy ear. Ritz was like a ragdoll now, he'd blown out his voice sobbing, and salty tears ran down his shaved cheeks. The assistant was finishing up the last bit of fur between the pads on his feet, as Hansel gave a lustful snort. He reached forward toward the magnetic knife holder on the wall in front of him. He grabbed a fillet knife and reached down to grab the shaved balls of the raccoon. He squeezed them, making the broken raccoon boy whimper, but not do much else. Saki had tears in his eyes as he felt the root of the horse's dick pressed up against his pink furred cheeks, his little pink ballsresting on the horse's heavy colt fuckers. "This is always one of my favorite parts..." Gardell whispered into the raccoon's ear. He reached down and slid his hand over the young raccoon's nuts. "I'd do it to you, young one. But, we have other plans for you tonight. So you'll have to settle for just watching." Saki didn't say anything, he just went to look away. The pain of knowing he failed his friend was just too much to bear. But Gardell was quick to grab the raccoon's head and force him to keep his eyes glued to what was happening. Saki could feel the horse behind him start to breath heavy, and his hips start to buck, plowing the tight pink ass in his lap as he watched his brother work. Hansel whinnied as he grabbed those sweet shaved nuts and squeezed, the broken cub beneath him just simply whimpering. He took the knife to the neck of the boy's sac as his powerful dark chestnut colored ass flexed and he humped away at Ritz's stretched and twisted hole. Hansel grinned, and flicked his wrist, with the skill of a master chef he severed that sac and cock with ease. The horse whinnied as he dick, thrusting in and out of that raccoon as fast as he could, before his own ass flexed and he blew his third load of the night into that raccoon's belly. The slice made Ritz yell out in pain as the only thing that would have made him a man was severed from his body. The raccoon twitched, and he fell still against the table. The only sign that he was alive was the fact his shorn chest slowly raised and fell. "Almost there..." The gruff horse whispered into the pink and cream raccoon's ear as he bounced the boy along his thick colt fucker, the sting having turned to a numbness inside of Saki as he was ridden like a toy. "Your friend is almost what he was born to be; meat." Saki still had tears to give as he just let himself be used by that chef. Saki was forced to watch as the panting horse sliced along the sides of the defurred raccoon's body, slicing a square around the flesh that made up the raccoon's belly. He stuck his fingers under that flesh, and with a grunt he peeled it off in one large chunk. He handed it off to an assistant who began to thinly slice it into what looked like bacon. The young raccoon could see his friend's organ's twisted around the horse's erection as it created a lewd outline inside of the younger raccoon. He watched as the horse took his blade and held it firmly. That horse slid his knife inside of Saki's friend, he flicked his wrist a few times, and then he reached his second hand in andpulled out Ritz's still beating heart. Ritz gave one last pained whine, and then he was gone. Saki whispered "No" under his breath as he was bred by that massive horse. Who whinnied louder than ever, and he grabbed the boy's shoulders, shoving him down with all his might as those massive balls CHURNED and unloaded themselves right into his pink ass. Saki could feel that huge load of horse cum filling up his insides, making him feel like he'd just eaten the biggest meat of his life as his friend's body was gutted, and some of his organs were brought to a huge grinder and tossed in to be fed into sausage casings made from the raccoon's own stretched out guts. Hansel began cleaning off his cock with a scrap of Ritz clothing as Gardell nibbled along Saki's neck. "Is he ready?" Hansel asked. "Yep, now we just need to prep him." Replied the Gardell."I'll leave you to that while I take care of his friend." Hansel replied as he turned his attention back to the raccoon, before grabbing a knife and starting to saw through the boy's ribs. Gardell nibbled on that raccoon's stubby ears. "This was fun sugar, but like all things it needs to come to an end." Saki cringed at that, wondering what gruesome fate was awaiting him. His weakened eyes glancing over at his communicator bracelet, wishing he had someway to get to it, and he could do something about this place even if it was too late to save himself. Gardell pulled Saki off his large dick, the boy moaning as he felt that long shaft slide out of him, until just the still flared head was still in his ass. The boy bit his lower lip and a soft cry of pain escaped his lips as it popped out of his abused pucker. The horse laid him over the steel counter on his belly, letting the boy's legs dangle off the side as his ass stuck straight out. Again Saki's head is tilted so he could watch as the meat that was once his friend was prepared. The boy's ribs had been cracked, and now were sticking straight up, a coon sausage speared on each rib, while his body cavity was filled with cut up potatoes, carrots, and onions. They'd scooped out his eyes and now those sockets had been filled with what looked like mini apples for decoration. The chef was currently stitching together the boy's stretched hole, remarking "and this should hold all the juices inside of his chest cavity as he cooks" before setting it up so the boy's feet were flat against the pan and his knees pointed up. The chef took another apple, and sliced open a slot where Ritz's package had oncebeen, and shoved it inside so the jagged flesh there wasn't so evident. "Hansel, could you get the melon baller?" Gardell asked.Saki wondered what that was for, but he knew soon he'd know. He wanted to ask. He wanted to fight. But he was just too weak. And he didn't have the will anymore, who could go on after knowing the brought their friend to their death? He could feel the presents the massive horse behind him, he could feel him hovering there as he prepared. He heard the sound of a plastic bucket hitting the tile floor under his dangling feet. "Oh I almost forgot..." The horse said in his normal grizzled tone. "They wanted you in the "glory" position." The horse said before reaching under the cub, and starting to rub softly at his sheath. "That means that want this little pecker of yours sticking straight up when we bring you out to their table. Isn't that wonderful? You'll show them just how much you enjoyed this. Just how much you enjoyed being made into meat for them to devour. Then when you're all bones the waiters will come by and throw you in the trash, just where you racoons belong and all the other boys and girls from this place go." The horse teased, just trying to add insult to injury. Saki's stumpy ears lowered at that and he felt even worse knowing that he'd be the center of attention for one whole meal and then he'd be forgotten. He could feel the horses fingers rubbing at his pink sheath and he whimpered a bit, he felt something like the pleasure he'd been feeling when the horse's cock was inside of his ass, but this was more intense. He felt something that he usually only woke up to happening. He felt his cock start to swell up, rising from his sheath, until it was throbbing in the Chef's hand. He whimpered and squirmed a bit as the Chef made sure to run his oiled thumb across his coon's sensitive tip. Saki's cock throbbed and he whimpered a bit, and the horse behind him snorted lustfully. The horse got up for a second and came back with two things in his hand, some twine and the boy's bracelet. He showed them to the boy. "See these?" He asked, "Well the string is going to tie right around your dick to keep it hard as possible as you cook, those fatty juices running down it and sizzling in the fire, while this metal ring gives it a nice finished look... though it'd work a bit better if you still have a sac when you go out but that'll come off when we skin you."Saki squeaked, and his dried outeyes looked at the horse. "Skin me?""Yep, that pelt of yours is rare so its worth a lot of money... in fact we already have a buyer lined up, one we've worked with a few times. After you're nothing but meat he's going to tan your hide and turn you into a sex doll for his collection. Isn't that wonderful? Even after you're long dead you'll still be getting pounded like the little meat slut you are. You'll get used again, and again, and again, until you're all wore out and thrown away. I can't think of a better fate for a raccoon, really." The horse boasted, before moving down between the boy's legs. He quickly tied off the boy's cock near the root and he clipped that last vestige of hope around the boy's balls and cock, making it tight as possible so those perky orbs pulsed against the inside of their tight pink furred sac. Saki felt hope surge through him for a moment. He was tied into the wristband again, " maybe... just maybe I could call The Green Bone!" he thought, joy filling him as he tried to focus, ignoring what the horse was doing. Gardell grinned as he looked at the boy, and said "I can't harm that pelt... but I can still make that meat a little tender before I start." The horse said as he laced his fingers together, lifted them above his head, and slammed them down onto the boy's back. Pain shot through the raccoons body, and he went to scream, but he felt another jab into his his with the horse's massive fist, shattering one of his ribs and sending shot of pain pulsing through his body. He wanted to say stop. He wanted to say anything, but every time he went to another jolt of pain would just shoot through his body as another fist slammed into his meat. Then he felt it. He felt the horse grab his swollen cock and balls. He played with them for a bit, teasing that raccoon's little boy package, before his vise like hand clamped down around those nut's and squeezed. Saki yelled out louder than he had all night, and he thrashed against the counter, his face accidentally smacking against it and pain from his face joining the pain between his legs. "Nooooo! Stop!" He yelled. "Don't worry, I won't break them. I just want them tender." The horse licked his lips, and squeezed a little harder, before sliding down on his knees and letting his broad flat tongue lick across those pink balls. Before wrapping his lips around them, and suckling on them. He chuckled around them and pulled those boy orbs over his blunt front teeth and began to slowly squeeze and release, over and over, each timegetting a little rougher, and making the raccoon yell and squirm even harder. Saki was in hell. One he wanted to just end. He tried to pull away from those big blunt teeth, but as he felt one of his nuts slide across the horses squeezing teeth, and and ever worse pain shot over him, he realized he should know better. This went on and on, each time the horse would squeeze down Saki wondered if his buddies would pop in their sac, and he'd end up like his friend. Eventually the pain became the raccoon's world and he just laid on the counter, drool coming from the corner of his muzzle, twitching as that horse squeezed down again. The horse pulled his muzzle back letting the raccoon's pink and blue bruised sac slide from his muzzle, before standing back up. Gardell ran a finger along the small of Saki's back, smirking as his spent thick horse cock twitched between his legs. He pulled up the boys tail and took in the wonderful sight of a cub filled with his cum with bruised swollen balls underneath, before he brought his fingers to that stretched hole. When he touched it it tried to wink, but the muscles were too sore from his massive cock to do it. The dark dark brown horse took fingers and brought the tips up to that stretched hole, and he began to push his arm forward. He watched as that hole lewdly stretched around his digits, and his whole hand popped inside with ease, his cum lubing it as his arm began to sink deeper. Saki was having a hard time focusing as he felt that arm slowly filling him, his whole body seeming to wrap around that arm as it went deeper and deeper. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his body screamed out that it was in pain. He cried dry tears, whimpering, and softly crying as he saw a shadow wash over him. He looked at the owner, it was Hansel. The horse's white uniform had some new patches of blood, and he held what looked like a small icecream scoop in his hand. Saki watched as he smiled and cupped the side of his face, stroking at his tear soaked cheek. "I wish I could say I was sorry to do this, but I'm really not." The horse grinned, and his stroking fingers grasped Saki's face. Making the boy cry out, watching as the metal scoop moved towards his face, he tried to close his eyes but Hansel forced his eyelids to stay open as he brought that metal scoop to the boy's right eye. That hazel eye darting around as it was cupped by that metal. Saki screams landed on deaf ears as Hansel hit the button on the hilt, and the sharp blade connected to the melon baller shot around in Saki's eye, severing the connecting tissue in the back, and making the boy cry in agony. The horsetwisted his wrist and the eye fell right out on the counter. "That made him clench right up, Hansel." The horse boasted as the younger one moved onto Saki's other eye. Bloody tears streamed out of Saki's right eye socket as his left eye darted around, trying to find some hope of escape as his eye was covered with the melon baller, darkness covering his eye before he heard that metallic click and he was permanently cast into darkness. He felt the horse twist his wrist again, and he heard the thump of his other eye on the counter. He was blind now and he knew it. He knew he'd never see his mother and father again even if he some how got out of this, which he most likely wouldn't. He was trapped in this hell and he'd never get out. He felt his insides being arranged to slide out of the way of that horses hand, grinding them against the inside of his belly and making the bulge against the counter. "Alright, the big show..." Gardell said as he spread out his fingers, grabbed a hold of something inside of Saki, and pulled. He groaned, Saki screamed, and there was a wet popping sound as his arm yanked out of that abused hole, carrying a good chunk of Saki's intestines with it, they hung underneath this tail as Gardell guided them to the bucket, before shoving his hand back into that loose hole. He grabbed Saki's stomach and yanked, pulling it out, and letting it fall out along with his liver. Saki was screaming louder than he thought he could as he felt the Horse shove his hand in a third time.Gardell savored the feeling for a moment. He could feel his fingers touching that heart as it beat under his fingers, he traced them across it, before gingerly wrapping his fingers around it, clutching it without squeezing, and with a loud whinny he yanked back, tearing that heart out right from Saki's ass. The boy gave one last pained cry, and he knew he was going to die. And he was happy about that. His lungs gave out, and his last breath escaped his lips as he passed on. The meat was hollowed out, all of his organs shoved into the bucket to be made into something later, before the two horses went to work. They scrubbed his pelt, getting off any blood they could, before using their skill to carefully strip that pelt from the the raccoon's body. Once that was off Saki looked much like any other coon as he hung from a meat hook by his neck, his lifeless eye sockets glaring at all the other cubs in the kitchen that night. His balls dangled freely, no sac to protect them as his cock still jetted out just above them. Gardell undidthe green bone ring for a moment, so he could enclose the boy's balls in a dough, molding it to look like a ball sac around those exposed testicles, before wrapping it it in some kind of green palm leaf. And wrapped that bracelet that had once given Saki hope around the neck of that dough sac and his cock. The two horses laid him out, seasoning his meat with a dry rub, which they then covered with a glace to help keep his juice inside. They lifted up the boys skinless legs, and began stuffing his body cavity with vegetables, as well as a strange metal cylinder that Hansel had made. It was filled with cake batter and while Saki cooked, dessert would cook inside of him. The two finished up by leaving that chubby raccoon's belly bulging and stitching up his tailhole to keep everything inside. The tie the raccoon meat to a large metal roasting spit, letting the former boy cook over the flickering fire for the next few hours.** Pip pushed his cart through the sets of tables, each in its own stage of its meal. He grinned as he passed by a table of wolves that were tearing into a familiar raccoon boy. That young raccoon was almost down to bones, and there was a sausage or two on his ribs that stuck out from his chest. "The brothers had really done well tonight." He mumbled to himself with a smile as he worked his way towards a booth where 4 raccoons sat drinking, laughing, and picking at an appetizer he'd brought out earlier. One that had been a masterpiece itself. The brothers had taken the chopped up bits of the Ritz's cock and his intact balls, wrapped each piece in some cheese and the raccoon's own bacon, and then deep fried them. The ferret moved closer to the table, and he smiled. "Hello Mister and Misses Procyon, and the former Mister and Misses Mcconnell, how were your appetizers?" Aaron took a sip of his wine before taking a sip, "Wonderful, if I'd known their son's cock tasted that good I would have put it my mouth a while." The women next to him rolled her eyes while the other two raccoons chuckled. The other male raccoon, Mr Mcconnell grinned. "Well his balls were great too, there was something really thrilling about eating my own future grandchildren." "Wonderful, are you all ready for the main dish?" Pip asked."One second," Aaron said as wiped off his muzzle with a napkin. "I'd like to make a toast first." He cleared his throat, and then began to speak. "All of us have lost something tonight, but it also gives us a lot to celebrate. For the couple across from me they have lost their son, but their divorce is finally settled now that they don't need to fight over custody of Ritz. This is their chance to have a clean slate, and start their lives anew away from the burden of having child to worry about." He glanced at his wife. "And while we may have lost a son as well, we'll always have something to always remember him by. The vacation home his pelt money buy us in Florida. When we take his brothers and sisters there, we'll be sure to tell them that this was their brother's gift to us." The raccoon chuckled under his breath, "And last but not least, this is a toast to children, who can always be sure to do one thing, which is to never do as they are told. They should've known to listen to me, if they'd had, they might still be here. But, at least our plan worked. So here's to a wonderful meal." They all cheered and clinked their glasses together, "Alright" Aaron said, "Let's see Saki."Pip grinned and shifted the large covered dish onto the table, and he lifted the lid. The raccoons at the tabled clapped softly as they looked over the boy's cooked form. He was on his knees, a metal pole tied to his back keeping him standing upright, he was cooked a perfect dark brown. He had a little charing on his meat, but just enough to add to his flavor and not take away from it. Juice dripped down his body, over his belly that hung extended, held up by his cock that had had a metal spit shoved through it to keep it rigid. The party looked at the boy's bits, the leaf had been removed and now a perfectly cooked large bun sat between the boy's thighs, a meaty swollen tender treasure inside. All of it was capped off by that bracelet he'd worked so hard to get, framing that package, showing just where it'd need to be sliced to bring the whole thing off in one piece. Their gaze moved up to his face. A large apple had been shoved into his muzzle, and his eye sockets had been filled with plums. The table was salivating at the sight of that cooked cub, "Damn Aaron, it was like you'd raised him just to be meat! Look at that marbling."The father of the roast smiled softly, "Well, he did love making sure his daddy was happy. I'm sure he'd love knowing he made me happy even when he was like this." He looked at the waiter, "Could you slice off hispackage behind that green ring? I want to make sure the best part of my boy becomes a permanent part of his father." The ferret grabbed his set of knives, "I'll get right to it."The rest of the night the couples, ate, drank, reminisced about their children, and future. But Gardell had been wrong about one thing. Both sets of parents made sure to take what was left of their children's bones home with them to make sure they rested in peace after the wonderful meal and sacrifice each boy had made. |
From Our Eyes Chapter 3 My Pain by Sada of the Dawn | #3 of From Our Eyes - Another couple years have passed and gone. Good news is, I'm finally a fully matured European dragon. Bad news, it's getting more and more difficult for Syor to hide me. Why does she keep me, I'm just a nuisance to her and Tsuki. It cost more to feed me now that it was when I | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97680-from-our-eyes-chapter-3-my-pain | Another couple years have passed and gone. Good news is, I'm finally a fully matured European dragon. Bad news, it's getting more and more difficult for Syor to hide me. Why does she keep me, I'm just a nuisance to her and Tsuki. It cost more to feed me now that it was when I was a chick, I crave more food. It's so sad that my once peaceful life is now becoming hell. It won't stay like this for long, she won't be able to hide me forever. So much pain those two go through just to keep me safe. Why do they do it? Why do they do this for me? What good am I? I'm just an extra piece of burden they carry on their long perilous journey through life. What will happen to me if I am found by the villagers? Where will I go if I don't have Syor and her drooling beast, Tsuki? What will I do?
"Memory!" Syor called my name, knocking me out of my trance.
I looked down at her, her face full of life and joy...like always. It never leaves, that smile of hers. It always stays and tries to bring comfort to others, but doesn't she ever get tired of smiling, of never showing any other emotion. Who knows, maybe one day I'll see this side of her.
"What's wrong, Memory? You've been deadly quite for some time now."
I shook my head, smiling warmly.
"Nothing, Lady Syor." I answered, my voice calm and gentle but powerful at the same time.
"You seem to be getting a hang of the talking thing, your voice is better than before also." She said, proud of my new ability.
"Yes, it is better than that squeaky child voice I had. It seems that as the days pass my voice sounds like the proper age I am."
"It seems to be that way."
Tsuki's barking attracted their attention to the outside world. But it was strange, the smell of smoke filled the air and the sound of screams echoed through the barn.
"What's going on?" Syor question and walked out.
What's happening? Wait! What's that smell? Is it.....blood? My eyes widden as my ear perked up to the sound of Syor's scream. I can't stay here, I have to get out. I banged my head against the barn door, watching as it swung open. I looked around noticing in the distance the village being consumed in flames and a mortal man riding a horse with Syor along with him.
I gave a loud roar not caring any more that villagers will now know I'm here. I flapped my wings and took flight towards the mortal man. I hovered above him, his horse and Syor, who was knocked out. His armor clanked together with every gallop, but it was strange. I've noticed he wasn't going back to the village, he was heading some where else. I shook my head and got my mind back on the main important thing, help Syor. I lower more closer to the horse and mortal man. He horse suddenly came to a halt and I accidentally flew past them, leaving me open.
"Shit!" The man swore.
I made a quick turn and landed in front of him, roaring loudly. His horse stood on its hind legs, frighten by my roar. The man quickly grabbed Syor and jumped off, watching as his horse took off in fear and than looked at me. I gave a low growl as a warning but he just sighed, gently laying Syor down.
"I don't know what a dragon is doing in a village like this, but I can't let you have this woman." He said, drawing his sword.
His sword was bigger than him, standing at least 6 feet, and was the color of blood as if it has been forged and dipped into the blood by a dragon. His dragon armor covered his eyes as he took deep breaths to calm himself down. He let out a long breath and got into a fighting position.
"Come at me foul beast!" He snapped.
I snorted, fire blowing out of my nostrils. I looked at the mortal man and notice he wasn't like Syor. He was not of Syor's kind, he wasn't human.
"You do not smell like a human." I muttered to myself.
"That is because I'm not a human! I'm a NightElf!" The knight yelled, obviously hearing me.
"You also seem like you do not wish to fight me." I took a few steps towards him.
"But I must unless to save this woman." He readies his weapon for attack.
"I will not harm you as long as you give Lady Syor back."
"And why should I do that, beast?"
I chuckled and shook my head. Such an ignorant elf, he just doesn't know what he is in for when he messes with a dragon's master. I quickly stop my laughing and gave a loud roar, charging towards Syor for a quick grab. The elf threw himself in front of her, making me grab him instead. I growled and began flying towards the sky.
"Do you know what it is like to fall thousands of feet from the air, elf? Let's just say it won't be pretty." I roared out of anger. "I can end this here, what will stop me?"
"Memory! Don't do it!" A familiar voice called.
I froze and looked down to see Syor, awake and unharmed. She looked like she always did, smiling, not a care in the world.
"Syor." I whispered.
I looked at the elf in my claw and sighed. He looked at me amazed at how loyal I was to her and that the fact I was actually sparing him. I flew down to the ground, landing in front of Syor and putting down the elf. He quickly took a few steps back than collapsed to his knees, holding opened wounds. Syor went to his side quickly, questioning if he was okay. The elf shoved her help away and stood back up, glaring at me.
"Memory is your name, beast?" The elf asked.
I nodded.
"It is the name Lady Syor has blessed me with." I said.
He looked at Syor and looked away. He put two fingers in his mouth and gave a loud whistle. The horse from before galloped towards him. He jumped on the horse's back, quickly, not even letting the poor beast stop. He waved us off and continued riding towards the burning village. I quickly looked at Syor, anger flaring in my eyes.
"Why did you want me to spare that evil creature?" I snapped, clearly angry about her command.
"He wasn't trying to attack me, he was trying to help me." She answered.
"Help you! You were knocked out on the back of his horse!"
"It was a mistake, Memory. He came to me and warned me about the rampage of his people, but he came a little too late. One of his people came out of the house, bow and arrow ready and fired."
"So that scream was from you getting shot." I questioned.
I sighed out of relief and regret. I attacked the NightElf with out knowing he was actually trying to help Syor. If only I could apologize. I suddenly felt a pain hit my back. I looked behind me to see rows and rows of NightElfs, ready to kill and I was the one they wanted.
"Lady Syor, leave these creatures to me." I said, turning around and spreading my wings wide.
"Don't you dare die on me." She muttered and ran back into the house.
The elves ready their arrows and fired. I took in a deep breath and fired my emerald green flames, burning the arrows to a crisp. The leader, drew his sword and pointed at me to single attack. I gave a loud roar and charged towards them. I felt arrows and spears pierce my body, I could feel blood trickle down my body. I was pain, but I had to protect my family. I grabbed the nearest elf and threw at another, watching them fly, I felt so alive. Why am I in joying this? Their agonizing screams, the sound of their bones crushing. It sounded so good, it feels so...good.
I took in a big breath and blew, burning the elves in front of me to a crisp. Their cries of pain echoed through out the dark night. I felt more stabs come from behind me, feeling more blood pour out. I stretched out my wings and quickly spun around, sending a huge a gust of wind towards the elves.
"Capture the beast! If I find out you men killed it, it'll be your heads" The leader barked.
The elves gave out a battle cry, and began to climb on me, determined to win. I gave out a roar, but it was silenced by ropes being thrown over my mouth and neck. I tugged at the ropes and saw only that they were lifted only a bit off the ground. I was growing weak, I've lost too much of blood. More and more ropes began to wrap around my body. They continued to pull. All of their eyes held determination, they were all willing to give their lives, and they were ready to do what ever it takes to make their leader happy. The elves' cries grew louder as the started bring out the chains and started throwing them onto my body. But to my surprise, I felt spikes from the chains dig into my body. I tried to cry out, but the ropes held me back.
I continued to thrash around, continuing to try to escape from the ropes and chains. The elves began to pull on the chains and ropes, pulling me into a cage. I continued to fight, but it was useless. I've lost and I know it. I can't accept that thought! I have to continue to protect Syor. I could feel a tear fall from my eye, mixing in with my blood. I felt the metal prison become closer and defeat was ever drawing. I bowed my head in defeat. I've failed. They slammed the door shut, tying the ropes to the bars. I was lucky enough to get the ropes on my mouth off and I had a chance to catch my breath.
The elves around me cheered at their victory, they all patted each others backs and cheered for their leader who held his sword proudly.
"Alright, men! Let's take this victory home!" He yelled, kicking the side of his horse and pushed forward.
The Night Elves cheered and followed their leader. They pulled the horses, that was carrying my cage, forward. I sighed, my head hanging low. I glanced to the side and noticed one of the elves riding towards me. I gave off a low growl, warning him to get away.
"Why didn't you run away?" He questioned.
I recognized his voice right away and turned my head from him quickly.
"I had to protect Syor." I said, my voice weak and sad.
The NightElf shook his head.
"Foolish dragon." He muttered, kicking his horse to catch up with his leader.
What is in store for me now? |
The Broken Mirror by Hawk | The Broken Mirror by H. A. Kirsch Copyright 2008 Warning: contains breath control, blood, drugs, and slavic accents. * * * I lie in bed, unable to control myself any more. I writhe against the sheets, trying to throw my scent onto them. My tail beats at the smooth fabric. If I was not alone, I would | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51560-the-broken-mirror | The Broken Mirror by H. A. Kirsch Copyright 2008
Warning: contains breath control, blood, drugs, and slavic accents.
I lie in bed, unable to control myself any more. I writhe against the sheets, trying to throw my scent onto them. My tail beats at the smooth fabric. If I was not alone, I would cover my mouth as a kitten-mrrwl comes out. So hard, so excited, drowsy yet raging with need.
There are gloves on my night-stand, black, leather. Damascus Patrolman, smooth cabretta with a longer cuff. Damascus makes police gloves, but these are meant for faggots, not officers of the law. Custom made for some company, for men to wear while they hold their hand over the mouths of slut-boys, to hold cigars with, to hold whips and paddles and their cocks with. I take them and slide them on, claws having to poke out small holes, a lot of fiddling to line up correctly, leather touching leather, smoothing it down. So hard now, wet into my fur. 
I take my dick and think about what I did the weekend before, to some young man I met off the internet. His hair was cut like a marine, covered in tattoos. He wanted to be beaten, abused, but I do not like that, those who want it. So I tied him up, left him there for hours until he was pissing himself, cut him down and told him to fuck off. But thinking of it makes me hotter still, my gloved fingers start to spread precum around my ghastly dickhead, touching over the nubs there. I yowl and cover my mouth, holding my muzzle shut, wheezing air. Now I think of something else, a strong man holding me down, choking me with his glove, penetrating hard, burning pain and pleasure. He beats my cock, and I scream, as I beat my cock, leather smacking flesh hard, semen erupting all over my fur, my gloved hand.
I feel filthy now, huff in a deep breath, then look to my gloved hand. White is smeared all over the smooth, supple leather. I splay the fingers and lick it clean, until there is only light dampness that I buff away with fur. The urge is gone, and I can think, and I think about what I will do this weekend for fun.
I am a cat, a cougar. Mountain lion, puma, even panther, it is the same. I do not care for the name, what is the point? I am Polish, this explains the way I speak, and there are no cougars in Poland. I come to America to find cougars. No, I came because my family came. I grew sick, extremely rare to get the disease that leads to hybridization by way of misguided human bullshit. My parents cannot afford a visa, they are deported. I become a new person under the laws, an orphaned teenager struggling with myself, then a pervert.
For tonight, I need clothes, sharp and attractive, and leather. All leather. Except for the shirt, I like those to be fine silk. First, black leather jeans. Straight leg, very fine leather, lambskin I believe. Lined with smooth leather, a wonderful sensation against the fur as I slide into them, my cock and balls cradled in the hide. A fine leather belt to keep them on, black and polished, a simple angular chrome buckle. White dress shirt, silk, unbuttoned down to the middle of chest,  I hate being collared by only a fucking shirt. A pair of leather cowboy boots, sharp toe, underslung heel, smooth leather, black. Featureless, no stitching, nothing. They come up almost to my knees, tricky to put under the pants, so worth it. Those who know will see the shape under the leather, understand the hidden power of tall boots. A leather blazer, worn open, made of fine black alligator. Expensive, it costs eight thousand dollars, a sign of status more than fetish. No gloves, yet; I leave those for when I find someone.
I go to bar for discerning faggots. No tough men in motorcycle leather staring through their cigar smoke only to talk like prissy queens, no sucking in the corner. Only expensive drinks and well-dressed idiots. Few hybrids, mostly canines, a table of them playing poker. I wonder if it is a joke on their part, or a foolish coincidence? The rest are human.
I go to bar and lean over, to order a drink. There is dog there, maybe he is a pitt bull terrier. I am bad with dogs like this, he is white and hefty and pointy. He is tough, not like rest of patrons. He sees me, and makes a grin.
"Awww, it's a kitty-cat."
I ignore this.
"Is the kitty going to have some milk?"
Why does this dog give me shit? I turn to hiss. "You want me to have milk?" I turn to the bartender, who finds this funny. I grab his shirt, pull him over, say things into his ear. He nods, and fixes drink. It is like milk, a little.. uh, tan is it? Brown. Milk and amaretto. It is delicious, but.. "There, I have a drink. you can have it," I say, and push the drink to the dog, and take his. It is a dry martini. "Cats cannot drink milk, ass-hole dog."
This dog does not get angry. There is something to his response. I know there is, I can tell, he grins at me. Maybe I am stupid and have forgotten something. It is not important. I am interested in the humans. 
I sit for long while, enjoying... something. I do not have words for it, and it is not my clothes. They are there, always, always a sensation of being in leather, the cat fur in me never stops feeling things I have done one hundred times. I do not like crowds of people, unless they are all trying to do one stupid thing, like get drunk and find warm hole to fuck.
Finally, there, a smug and lonesome human by the bar. Black tousled hair, expensive leather 'scooter' jacket, straight zipped, fitted. Bluejeans, dark indigo, Wranglers that hug the balls and spread rump apart. I catch a glimpse of boots, motorcycle harness boots under the pants cuffs. The look is almost hipster. He has earrings, little studs in each. Very tan. Does he see me?
After twenty minutes of him drinking alone, then having small conversation with someone nearby, he sees me. I catch him looking, he sees my stare and quickly looks away. His head turns, eyes looking for me again, then away. He is not afraid of the stare, I think. If he was, he would not keep looking. But who can avoid a stare? Humans cannot, they must look at it even if they hate it. I have noticed this over time. I cannot tell how humans feel, I only have trained myself to recognize looks and movements, match them up against what I know. If they are wrong, I am lost. I do not think I am lost now. He is interested. Maybe it is expensive leather, maybe it is cat with a martini glass.
Either way, this human is interested in me. I catch him adjusting himself. What a display for a nice bar like this! I down my drink, wipe it off my muzzle, then get up to go to the bathroom. I am quick, no dawdling, right into a stall to sit, my tail curling back around the flushing pipes so it does not drag in the piss and water on the floor. I am not going to shit, I am going to wait. Soon enough, the door opens, I hear boot heels clunking at the floor. I look down to the gap between stall panel and tile, I see a boot there, a harness boot, black leather. The human is standing next to the stall. A zip, then a soft grunt, the wet hiss and trickle into the urinal. The bathroom is badly designed, I see him there. I see his cock, a nice dick. He has to slide skin back to piss, I can smell it from behind stall wall. 
He has jeans worn over the boots. He is a little drunk. He has black shirt, some kind of soft fabric, a little shiny under that jacket. Strong jaw but he is skinny. Maybe he does drugs. Expensive watch, who needs watch to tell time? I have a phone, I do not need a watch. I do not get hard watching this human piss, because he is pissing. This is not exciting, it is life, it is not sex pissing into a urinal. It is life pissing.
I pick up a boot, move it over to very edge of stall, almost to underneath the gap. I am not going to make him know I want to fuck him. I am doing two things. I am tempting him, and I can see reflection of him looking in the boot leather. He is looking at it. I am looking at him. I see a shape, and that is enough to know. He flushes the urinal, then leaves the bathroom. I wait, a long time, then follow.
He is not in the bar. This makes me mad, I feel it prickle up my neck, I want to hiss and grab my claws into things. I smell him, traces here and there. I know he was there. I am not careful sniffing around. I glare at those who glare back, then I leave out the back. I smell his scent that way, I know he left out the back. I know it. And is he there, standing half-way down the alley, about to light a cigarette? I barge out of the door, stalk down the alleyway. I am not quiet, my boots clack and scrape, leather creaks, I huff like animal. He is lifting flame to the cigarette, then stops. He puts it down, his body shrinks away. Instant fear. It does not matter that I walk on two legs, I am a cat, I am a predator, and every human sees this.
"I see you in the bar," I say, coming up within three feet of him. I have my shoulders lifted, hunched forward. I tilt nose down, eyes up. This is not smug, this is doom for the human. He is getting a fucking erection! Doom for him, but he is so hard. I smell it, see glimpse of it. Sick. "I see you looking at me."
"What?" He said. "Looking at you?"
I am putting on gloves, a riding pair I keep in my jacket. His lighter gets too hot, he lets go of it, drops it with a bad word. He looks down. When his head is up, he sees a black-gloved hand holding expensive metal lighter. I give his cigarette fire. It is not tobacco, it is all lumped and twisted like a.. I forget the word for this, it is pinched at the ends. "I see you look at my boot, I see you as you stand there and piss and stop because you get hard, when you look at my boot."
He inhales from the joint, hard. He coughs. "Oh, the bathroom." then inhales again. "Okay, so I was looking at your boot."
I creep closer. I start to purr. This is not kitten purr, house-cat purr. This is chainsaw, idling truck. I open my jaw, lick my lips. It makes the sound rattle out of my mouth. He is harder, there is a spot in his pants, wet and slick. "I know what this means. I know what you want." I put the lighter back, then reach out to touch him.  But I don't touch him, I put my hand back in my coat. I watch him watch, there is a note of sadness as my hand disappears. His eyes wanted to see the leather around my fingers, not my coat. "Why do you come out here to smoke? No one will care in the bar."
"Dude, it's fucking grass, I can't smoke it in the bar."
"Why do you smoke this?" I ask, moving closer. I turn, back to the wall, so I do not scare him more. Now we are edging together. He nervously takes more of the drug, coughs, then tosses it out.
"Whaa? I uh, well... you know." he says. He looks stupid. I can see him embarrassed, and yet numbing with the drug. A shameful smile, humans say shit-eating. It is a grin like a dog who eats shit, I see the root. I think to touch him, I want to. I want to hold him by the left shoulder, push him to the wall, get my face close to his. But it will make him too scared. Just as I am about to speak, he interrupts. His eyes light up, fighting the red glaze. "So ou're that guy. The, uh, photographer."
This is unusual. No one recognizes me, I am not famous, I am a sick artist. It makes me uncomfortable. "What do you say?"
"You're that photographer. You were in uh, Underworld last month. You did that scene. The one with the prisoner cat and the wolf guy? What the hell was that, was he some big black dude?"
"He was black wolf-"
The man shook his head, ran a hand up through his hair. I could see him changing. His fear was now just sex. "No, I mean, he didn't have any \_fur\_ or anything."
"He is strange black wolf. So you know what I take pictures of. Do you like these things?" I am in a situation that I am not often. I am interested in someone, and they know everything about me. I bleed into my pictures, and he knows smell of my blood.
"They serve me uh, real well," he says. I stare at him. It means nothing, I have to think hard. I have to find this phrase in my head. It does not come.
"I ask you, do you like what I take pictures of?"
He looks at me as if I am speaking another language. Maybe I am. I am frustrated, it may have been Polish. "Yeah, dude, I like your fucking pictures. Holy shit, and I'm the one who's stoned. You want to come back to my place? I have a lot of stuff." Shit-eating again.
I shake my head. "No, you come to my place. Maybe I take picture of you, while I do it."
I do not take him to my home. I take him to studio. I used to live and work in the same apartment, but now I separate. We do not talk while walking. He says a few things, but I think they are drugged, and I do not answer. People see us, see him with his cock raging in his fucking pants, me with my expensive leathers, my tail that lashes and moves and hits them as they go by.  We reach my studio, it is a loft over old factory. What they do in the factory floor, maybe it is illegal, maybe it is boring shit. I don't care.  My studio is on good street, not bad street, the entrance a walk-up. There is no sign, it could be bad, maybe worse, but instead it is nice. A loft, big open room with open ceiling to pipes and machines. I have drop ceiling in one corner, for lighting. There is equipment everywhere, lights and things, props, furniture. There is large partition, black wood with a door. I take him right to that.
Now this other studio. No friendly things, only pain and suffering and maybe pleasure if you are sick. A dentist's chair, with black leather padding, welded-on hooks. A sawhorse, to cut wood on and not for fucking, with padding that my friend Jakob made. He is black wolf I speak of. Stocks. St. Andrew's cross; whipping people. Whipping is for friend of mine, he loves to see it, to do it. A toilet drained to pipe over a platform, a urinal with similar things. A gas mask, with a hood, the hose to the urinal. This was for photo shoot last week. Very hard to coordinate, 30 men and animals to use this one person, made terrible smell. Funnels and more masks, endless masks, an entire wall of masks and hoods and respirators. I have to have ladder to reach them, like an old man's library in a movie. Wardrobes with so many things, I cannot list them here without boring you to shit.
I walk around, my boots clop against the floor. His are dull thunks, mine are sharp clacks. I have metal studs in the heel, for sound, and it works. Each pound brings his attention back. It is sick. I do not tell him to go sit in the chair. He just does, it is most comfortable thing in the room. I do not tie him down yet. His eyes burn so hot now, he will not fight until the end. "What do you want? Just point to it," I say.
He gets up, wanders across the room. "Anything? Wow."
I sigh. "What do you fucking want? You are too high for this?"
"No, no, I, uh, I..." His mouth hangs open a little. I climb onto the chair.
"I fuck your mouth. Get down, to the floor. I sit, you work."
I get off, and he climbs down, sinking onto the floor. He is at my boots as I sit down, his face rubs them. It is almost like cat, and I don't like this. It bothers me. But, at the same time, he loves my boots. I feel them like that when I am home alone, I love them too.
I take out my cock, I am big for cat. It is half human, swollen head, flesh that slips back and forth, but when I am hard it is always back. There are bumps, I think they are spines if I was a real cat, around the head. It looks strange to me, disgusting, I do not really like to see it. But this human does, he loves to see it. He moves up and starts to rub on my cock like my boot, it is disgusting, but it is good, I purr and swat at his head. He stops.
"No, ass, you suck me, don't just touch it," I hiss.
Humans smell like shit and acid and chemicals and talk like idiots and do all kinds of things, but their mouths, I cannot say this in English, there are no words. Maybe this man is prostitute, but I have not paid him, he sucks like one. Eager and hard, loud and sick slurps and cracks of air past spit. It is not enough, I grab him and yank him down, he gags and chokes, hands pull at my pants, groping like blind cub. If he throws up, asshole, I will kill him. He does not throw up, he just gags and chokes, over and over, body heaving and fighting as I pump his head up and down. So good, so good.
It is horrible when I come, I never do this in other homes, only my own, alone because it is so loud. It is a scream, blood-curdling, howling and spitting. I come so hard, so hard, and I let go because I cannot see, it is so hard. He backs away and slumps down, and gags, and I watch as white pumps up and over his lip, a splat to the floor. He then slaps a hand to mouth, swallows.
"Unh. Sorry man, I ain't, I uh, I don't, you know, I don't do that usually. Like I gag a lot."
I ignore his display of retching semen. Whatever, he is dumb human, he cannot swallow, I do not care. "Take off your clothes, you can have anything here, for now. It is mine, I let you use it." I ponder setting up my camera. Then I think. This human, whose name I didn't even know, was not a model. I did not want to profit from him. I do not even want to keep picture for use by myself.
 He takes off his clothes, too stoned to do strip-tease. He reaches for his boots, then pauses. I stare at him, and he pulls hand back. "You do not answer me, so I answer for you."
I give him what I want. The wall of masks. I want to see his face, his eyes, his sweaty black hair, so it is not a military gas mask or a hood. I want to take things from him, so it will not be a tiny medical air mask. I find the thing I want. It is a flight mask from army jet, maybe it is russian, I do not care. I paint away anything on it, it is only black, there are still wires from the front.  A rubber mask, with locking head-strap, there is padlock on it. There is air hose as well, with special valve, to let air go both ways, or one way. The outlet, with more valve, to allow air or block it. I turn, holding the mask, and the human fidgets in the chair. I bring it to his face, fit the cup to his mouth and nose. His eyes are terrified, bloodshot. He breathes hard into the mask, loud huffs, a grunt, a groan of sick need. I know this need, it is my need too.
I lock the straps around his head, then I fit his wrists to straps at the arms of the chair. He struggles, but it is to test, his cock tenses as he finds that I am no idiot and he cannot escape.
I do not want this human. I want his reactions. He is meat and skin. I think of all the things there are about him that I do and don't want, and my own feelings, I pick the words and leave them in my head, to say later, when he will listen. Now, he would hear nothing, his head pounds with drugs. I think of that, then I think that he will get what he wants until he is sick. I bend down, find his pants. I take his wallet out. He sees me and starts, pulling at the chair. "I don't know who you are," I say. "I am Tomasz Dusic."
"That means, it means to strangle, right?" He says, into the mask, valves slapping shut after his words. I have made this valve special, with springs, so it makes a loud slap when it closes.  I want to hiss at what he says. He knows even that, he knows I steal my name from Polish, he researches things. Did he wait for me at the club? Did he stalk me? No one stalks me, I am a cat. I bristle under the leather, lash my tail hard enough that it will thump at chair.
I say nothing in response. I pull his pants over, I crouch by the chair and face away. I push my gloved fingers into the pockets, they come out with another joint. I fit it into the end of the air-hose, glove leather sealing. He tries to breathe, then grunts as he can barely do it. I know he is getting harder. I would be hard if I could barely breathe. I find my lighter, flick it. The hose twitches as he realizes, perhaps? Maybe he can see what I do, around shoulder or something. I light the cigarette, and human gasps and pulls hard at air. He exhales hard, and I look over shoulder to see. He does it again, then coughs, smoke spraying from air-vents. I do not like drugs, I do not do them, but I like to see them ruin other people. He is a machine, blowing smoke, a train going deeper into black woods, where the tracks end.
 I do not let go of the hose, and he heaves and strains, shaking the chair. "You want to have drugs, I give you drugs," I say. The joint is about to burn my fingers, and I pull it away, crush it as I stand. He breathes hard, inhaling clean air, exploding with a cough.
I wait. It is much more than in the alley, and I can see the changes come. Skin darkens, eye whites creep over with blood fire, a strange thing as his balls loosen and droop lower, his breaths come hard and heavy. I touch my gloved hand to the mask, his eyes watching, crossing as they see black leather against black rubber. Now I am getting a little hard again. I feel down the hose, to the end, watch his body move, hips lift. I do not give him what he wants, he slumps back down.
"You know what I take pictures of, moments of life. I do not take life, it is boring, to see someone die. I see this once, it was boring, that is how I know. I want to see moments of life in you. These moments I choose." I start to go through toys. What toy for him? I do not decide, and bind his ankles to the chair instead. Then, a belt to keep him from flexing too far. His cock is wet, from piss-hole down over foreskin, his shaft. It is nice cock, bigger than mine, it is maybe ten inches. Very big. Maybe he does movies. The head is deep purple, swollen and glistens, the skin almost covers it, the crown bulges it out. I like this cock.
I decide on a toy. I find it, a custom thing, hard to make. It is a sheath, for balls and cock, but a sound as well. You know a sound, it is for... I remember, it is for curing some disease from fucking, where your pisshole closes up and you die, I suppose. This one is not metal, it is not medical tool.
This sound is a tube to let out piss and cum, but the tube is inside of sheath, stiff silicone or something, featureless and smooth. Human does not know this about sound, he just sees latex, eyes begging. I bring it to him, fit it to his cock, begin to slide the tube inside. I take it off, pour in silicone lube. I begin again, careful to push tube into cock-flesh. He is no stranger to this, there is no scream, only a groan, the flex of muscles, squeak of straps holding him down. He is so hard inside the sheath, the latex too small, compressing rubber to flesh to sound. I touch the sheath, a bare claw stroking along it, the underside, between lumps at the head. I claw around the piss-hole, stirring the sound. He howls and mewls, jerking chair, more slime oozing from it. It is no longer cock, it is almost as if it is part of a machine. It is fascinating, and I regard it for some time.
I go and find more things. This is what he wants, it is what I want too. This is mutual satisfaction for now. I find another hose for gas-mask, then another, then a rubber thing. It is a bag, a safety valve for air, a restriction hole for effect. More things, a bottle, cotton. I wet one with other, the poppers fumes for loosening everything that is sick human. I come back, touch at his mask, stroke the outlet holes. Tail lashing again, thump-thump-thump at the chair. I am happy, excited cat now.
I switch the outlet air off, his breath huffing out just in time to have me twitch the other valve, air sucking down the hose. The special valve is strong, it makes loud stuttering noise. His eyes look at me. I hold up the cotton to the end of the air hose, he inhales, I take it away and he huffs it out. I attach the other hose. He starts to redden, the drug flushing him, widening arteries. His head rolls, hips jerking up at the belt, sheathed and penetrated cock moves. I touch cock, he howls into the mask, mumbles something. It is good something.
This time, I take hose and wind it around his neck, the extra section leaving coils at his neck from collar to chin. I insert hose under bulged part from the joint, then give him more of the poppers from the cotton. As he exhales, I screw on the rubber bag. His breath huffs through the orifice, puffing the rubber up. I screw on the safety cap. He sees this and groans again, the bag collapsing and swelling. Then, he puffs out hard, straining it. I release air and fumes from the safety hole, then cap it again. He inhales hard, and rubber slaps up to itself, a wet slurp coming through it. Do you know how this sounds? Farting suck through the tube, slap of the bag, rubbered uh, huffing air into it.
Human groans again, body shifting, arms pulling at straps. More fresh air to the bag, the flutter as it swells and slaps shut. Human is not there. He is an animal now, desperate for air, helpless with lust from the head-rush, words eaten by his own drug. It is hard not to look at the masked face, the panicked and distant eyes, but the bag, I love to see that, inflating with life, deflating as life goes back. He will see me staring like a house-cat, or a zoo animal, at his situation. I creep up onto him, and I rub my face against the bag. It is hot with breath, squirming against my face. I gently take it into my mouth, I want to carry it away for some reason, I have to make myself let go and climb down.
I grasp at his sheathed cock, tug the latex, pulling foreskin back and forth, jostling and thrusting sound-tube. He cries out, body lurching. I stroke just latex, teasing him.  He is breathing harder, rapidly to hyperventilate. Then, the barks, a whuff of air bringing a haahh!, then cough, then gasping and snorting. Shock again, another cry. He barks loudly now, like a dog, thrashes his head, tries to beat the mask away from his face, body starting to thrash and jolt almost as if he convulses. He screams, howling like a dying animal, and I think I may come in my pants from this, but I cannot, I cannot yet. I jerk his cock, beat on it, slap and punch and yank and thumb at the head, forcing sound in deep. Another scream, filling the bag, and semen erupts out, spraying his chest despite the tube. I unscrew the bag, human gasps in air and is making strange sounds. I then lean down to lick at his spurting, black-rubber dick. He gasps into the mask, heaving his chest with air. Oh, is he crying? Sobbing?  No, just a reflex. In moments, his cock sags, seed drooling. I lick it clean, and he mumbles into the mask. First person I do this do, cried for ten minutes. Like baby. This human, he does not cry, he enjoys it. Somehow, I do not like this.
I take him off chair, let him move if he likes. I turn and move towards the wall of masks, cock still hard. I inspect the rubber coverings, I see in one shiny eye-plate that human is standing, touching his sheathed cock. He cries and chatters his teeth, stimulating himself too much. There is something about him that irritates me, more and more, beyond humanity. It has not appeared yet. I see he is looking at masks. I know which mask he is looking at, that is the irritating thing. It is the cat-mask. Full-head hood, gas mask, with jowls of cat, furrowed brow, ears. I wear it when in my own photographs, not to hide me, but because I want to see my face like that when in pictures. If I am a cat, I will be all cats, not Tomasz Dusic.
I do not put it on. I just wait. Human leans on the chair, pulling at his latexed cock, precum dribbling out onto fingers. He is hard again. Then, he speaks. "Oh man, I wanna be a cat."
"What do you say?" I turn my head over my shoulder.
"I  said, I wanna be a cat. Oh god, I'd love it, having all that fur to be petted, tail to wave around. I could hear everything, rub my whiskers on someone's boot..."
That is it. That is what irritates me. The anger inside me is so sharp, it is a blade that cuts with no pain. He does not see it. He sees the stare of an animal. He touches himself across his sweaty chest, then giggles, confused by the drugs. "Hahah, mew," he says. He says the word, a sound.
He sees the stare for what it is, as I approach and slowly turn my head to the side, eyes still on him. He has seen this, maybe he has cats who play, or who eat birds outside. He moves from the chair, backs up. "Mew?"
I do not think human is smart. Smart human would know the cougar can jump ten meters. I jump. With boots, not so far, less traction, but I fly at him and hit chest to chest, and crash him to his back. His head hits, a thump. I wonder if I have killed him? He stops moving, staring at me. Then his chest heaves, wheezes of air. Only have knocked wind from him. He fights with no warning, beating at my face. It hurts, one fist before I seize that hand, another fist to shoulder before I seize that one. I finally get off him and he scrambles up, runs past. Idiot human, he is running into wall! Right into the masks, colliding and grasping, then into corner, then spinning and into wardrobe. I block him, he grabs at things, holds up useless object. A rubber shirt. I rush him  backwards onto chair again, he holds up shirt to struggle with me, I push it to his face. This is interesting, and I like to watch the rubber fit against skin, compress it. He heaves air out, a rude sound like gas as it flaps rubber. Then he inhales, the material sticking to his teeth. I rub my face against the suffocating rubber, lick rough tongue at his lips and teeth. He does not bite, he is human, he is choking for air, kicking and thrashing.
I back off to give him air, and he swats at me. I swat back. It is not even thought in head at first, but there is a trail of thoughts leading to it. I hit his face one way, with claws. They sick out from gloves, did I say this? They do, it is hard and annoying, I do not like claws, except now. Hit one way, then the other way. He stops fighting, hands frozen. Red welts line his cheeks, lines towards mouth, three each. Pinky-claw did not fit. Deeper red, deeper, the lines are growing jagged. Oh, oh, I have hurt the poor human. I do not feel that as concern, just a fact. He is a toy, I play with toys. I am sadist, if he was mouse I would throw him around until there was no more twitching. I am not that strong. 
He does not feel this pain, he mumbles. "Whathefuck?" He touches his face, smears the blood around, looks at his hands. He sees dark red. He wipes them on his chest, there is the red. I watch his face, the skin turns pale, uneven, sick. "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!" he says, until he is shrieking. He tries to swing at me and I leap back. He is terrified, thrashing at me. He kicks me, one is between the legs. I scream, and he claps his hands to his ears, smearing blood there. If there was glass in dungeon, it would break.
Human runs, and I crush him chest to floor, body sliding a few feet on hard tile. I am near toys, I sit on his back and grab some. A leather arm-sac, which I get on him after several minutes.  He is gasping, struggling, bleeding on floor. It is not lethal, but the face is so sensitive, tender. I find metal bar with cuffs, secure his legs. And, finally, object to humiliate him. A dish. I put it on floor in front of his face.
"You want to be cat? Now you are cat," I say, and get off him. I start to jerk off, come soon, yowling and hissing. White seed spills into the dish. "You are cat, and this is milk for cat. For the kitten." I grab his hair, show him the dish. He does not want it. "Why do you not want this, kitten? You mewed, cried for it!" I show him again. He still does not want it. I push his face into it, he yells and cries, sobbing, wet eyes and a nasty heaving sound. It is now blood-milk. "Milk is for kittens! Drink!" I am loud, very loud, shrill. I do not realize this until sound echoes back into ears after split-second.
He drinks. Wet laps of his tongue, the wrong way, he is stupid human, tongue curls forward to drip the seed instead of bring it up. Then he kisses it, sucks the dish, wet slurps. I see him swallow. His skin is cold, wet with sweat. I think of this, it is familiar. I do not know medicine, but he is in shock. He does not bleed enough for it. I think harder, why is he in shock. Oh, the drugs perhaps. I will solve this maybe.
As he licks it up, I penetrate him from behind. He does not stop licking. He is loose, muscles clinging on but like wet plastic, not tight rubber. "Idiot, you want to be cat? You want to be cat? I am cat, I do not want to be one! I am cat because of human mistakes! Stupid bull-shit! I am born human, I am smart. But I am torn from family by your government, I get sick from your disease, I get twisted to monster-cat by your doctors, I get abandoned to adoption, I rage with feelings you never understand, and now, you want to be cat? You want to be like me? Now you have whiskers, drink from bowls, you are cat!" I am hitting him, fucking, pounding him, boots scrape the floor, the smack of leather on skin.
I am coming, it is not from talking, I am thrusting hard, violating him, and it is so good. It satisfies me, a long yowl as I seed him, then pull back. He falls over, breathing fast, eyes dull. There is bad thing coming. I pull him to his feet, he barely moves except as I pull.
I find something, take it from drawers, a tube. I take his clothes, put them in grocery bag, lead outside. He is zombie now, sweating and bloody, eyes staring. No one sees, it is dark, there is vacant lot.  There is bum in a box by the building, maybe.
I throw human into tall grass,  he falls. I take him again, right there, nothing better to do. I do not care if anyone sees, they are drunk or stupid or think they are dead people. Satisfied again, his asshole dribbling semen, I solve his problem. He is dying, he is terrified and chemically broken. I have injection thing. I am big cat, but I am allergic to bees, so I have Epi-Pen. It will make the heart pound fast, send blood around again, close up his fucking arteries or something. I stab it into his ass, it injects him, he groans and doesn't move yet. Then I stand and leave.
I do not want to sleep. It is night now, dusk is past into black. Human does not follow me. Maybe he will forget what happened. It is sticky night, warmer than the day, some weather past while I was playing. He will not die in the plants.
My needs are dull, and I feel empty inside. The world is outside, happening around me, and no current runs through my brain. It is the best time. I walk down the streets of the city, staring at people. I see myself in the mirror, and for fraction of second, I see another cat. I smell nothing, so I do not worry. Then I see myself and turn away.
I need food, I have to eat, I am starving. Sex is gone now, it is like I am bored, it is when your house-cat stops playing with its felt mouse and just leaves to wash its cunt or whatever. I go to favorite place, Midori Sushi. Midori is mellon, and green, I think, I do not know Japanese. It is all green in there, strange and, uh, is word eccentric? They know me, chefs greet as I come in. I fill out a little card, give it to them, have seat by window.
I buzz in my pocket. It is phone, I take it out. "Hello, Tomasz."
"You gave Jerry a hard time at the bar." Voice is gruff, it is canine, there is no lilt or anything.
"Aahh, Jakob, why are you calling me?"
"Because I can see you across the street. You gave Jerry a hard time at the bar. He says you gave him some shit about milk."
Jerry. Who is Jerry. The bar. Is that the human? No. Milk, shit, it is the dog. "Oh, I do not know him."
"Yes you do. Whatever. I'm coming in with you."
In few minutes, there is strange wolf. He is naked from waist up, black skin, no fur except a little hair like human. Fur on head is short. He wears sunglasses, expensive and angular, but they are some computer thing he has. He has Sam Browne belt, duty belt, leather breeches, tall square-toe boots. Everyone stares at him. He is Shenaus, a very long story. He stops at the bar, the chefs make some cone roll thing with fried whatever in it, he picks up food to bring to me.
"You left some guy in the lot," he says, handing me tray of sushi. Sashimi, one of each. Expensive, it is like sixty dollars. Wolf gnaws at his thing. It is like dog with toy. I want to smile, or throw up, or both. Instead, I eat piece of fish by bending down, picking it up in my mouth.
"Did he die?"
"No, he was wandering around, mumbling stuff. He put his pants on and left. What the hell did you do to him? He looked like a rape victim." Jakob was cop, or military, or something. Now, he is... he does things for money. I have money, so he does things for me.
"I claw him, I am sorry. Am I in trouble?"
"No. I'm not going to tell anyone. He probably won't. He probably won't even remember what happened to him. You want to tell me what happened to him?"
I hiss. "He is stupid human, he wants to be cat."
"He wants to be a cat?"
"No, he wanted to be cat. He does not any more."
And that is the night, I could tell you more but it would be boring, maybe. I leave you with my sushi, I am eating it, I enjoy it. Cats love fish, it smells, so they eat it.
I can see my reflection in the mirror. I look angry, there is some fish in my teeth, I hiss at myself. Fucking cat. Jakob makes a laugh while he eats his strange rolled thing. I look away, and now we are two people, having late dinner.
Like a cat playing with his felt mouse, or with a human, I am now bored, and I stop talking to you. |
camping trip by dbj_rab | an old bi story i wrote - It's a cold day, up in the mountains. I can't believe how long it's been since I've been camping. I just love the snow. I wish it snowed where I lived, oh well. I get to enjoy it more by coming here during the summer. I'm walking around and I see my friend, Spirit Fox. | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464056-camping-trip | It's a cold day, up in the mountains. I can't believe how long it's been since I've been camping. I just love the snow. I wish it snowed where I lived, oh well. I get to enjoy it more by coming here during the summer.
I'm walking around and I see my friend, Spirit Fox. She's setting up a tent. As I watch her, I get a tinkling for some fun. As soon as she's done and leaves, I quietly go towards it, and tie a rope around the main support pole. I quickly bury the rope from view as I hide in some bushes, making sure I creep down into the snow. I'm lucky since I'm mostly white and black, so that anyone who looks at me will think I'm a pile of rocks in snow.
I quietly wait for Spirit Fox to return, laughing softly as I think of what her reaction will be.
She soon returns carrying some wood, and lays them next to the tent. I see her go in and then she starts to change her clothes.
As soon as I see her naked, I pull the rope and the tent collapses. She reacts by shouting, baring her fangs and shivering as the cold cuts through her body. She glares around and finally spots me, laughing and rolling on the ground.
"So, you're the one. How dare you?"
"Hmm. can't take a joke huh?"
"Oh sure I can take a joke as well as the next person, but can you?" Spirit Fox asks with a smirk.
"Yeah right, like you can trick me." I boast.
"All right, how about a contest? If I trick you, you'll have to perform whatever I want. If you win, I'll have to perform. Are you game?"
"Sure. What do you propose?"
"How about we play a kind of hide and seek?"
"Sure that sounds like fun." "Great. Now get over here and help me warm up, before I freeze."
"No problem," I say as I head over and begin to hug and squeeze Spirit Fox. I quickly lick her and rub against her breasts and pussy. She groans and pants a little as she gets hotter. "Oh, oh that's enough," Spirit Fox pants after several minutes. "Save the rest for after you lose."
She gets dressed and then starts to count to twenty.
I slip away quietly, and head towards the woods, hiding between the trees. I dig myself into the ground as I hear her near the end of her count.
"All right, here I come," Spirit Fox shouts.
I burrow deeper and move underground, hearing her paw steps come closer.
"Hmm, he was here. I can see his tracks. Where did he go?" Spirit Fox thinks to herself.
I burrow along until I reach the tent. I pick up one of the pieces of wood that she gathered earlier, and go to the middle of the land. I make it look like it's me trying to hide myself in plain view, but not quite completely. After I have dressed up the dummy, I dig a hole in the ground in front of it. Not too deep and then place snow back over it. I go and hide nearby to see if Spirit Fox falls for it.
She comes back out of the woods, and notices the dummy. "Aha, there you are!" she exclaims.
She speeds off towards me, not noticing that I'm not moving. As she nears the ground beneath her falls under and she falls into the hole I made. I hear her curse as she climbs out. "All right, you got one. But we're not done yet," she shouts.
I move away again and she sits there thinking of how to trick me.
"Fat chance," I think to myself.
I move back into the woods, and I climb up the trees to get a good view of the area. I see her shaping the snow into her shape. "Feh, she's ridiculous if she thinks I'm going to fall for that old trick," I think to myself.
After she finishes she goes off out of view. I decide to call her bluff. I go out and move towards the snow dummy. I creep down low, pretending to pounce her. I stop before I do so, saying "Hah. You have to do better than that Spirit Fox."
I hear her laugh, and I didn't notice that the snow dummy is made up of pitch hidden in the snow.
"Oh, crap. I can't move," I think. "All right, you win," I say.
Spirit Fox comes out of hiding, smirking "You didn't see that one coming did you?" she asked.
"No, I did not. Well, are you going to help me out or what?" I ask.
"All right. It'll give me a chance to practice what you'll be doing for me," she says as she nears and begins to wash off the pitch.
"Gah, that's cold. Couldn't you heat the water?" I shiver.
"Oh don't be a baby. You're a big strong male. Surely you can handle anything."
"Ha, ha. Just hurry up before my balls freeze off."
"Oh don't worry. I won't let that happen," she says as she bends down and fondles them.
I gasp as I feel myself responding to her hard rubbing. My dick soon gets a bit hard, and she gently cleans that off. "Hmm, can't wait to really get it on," she murmurs.
Soon, I'm all cleaned off, and we go back to reset up the tent.
"All right. Get in," she commands with authority.
I comply and wonder what in the world I have gotten myself into.
Spirit Fox quickly pounces me and pushes me down to the floor.
As she holds me down, I say "Nothing too rough, okay? I'm not into that kind of thing."
"Don't worry. I'm not either."
She then places her paw over my cock and starts to rub against it, which makes me groan as I start to get hard.
She then puts it into her mouth and starts to suck hard. I relax, enjoying the sensation.
She bobs her head up and down, sucking and fondling my balls.
After I'm hard as I'm going to be, she gets up and starts to place herself in position to mount me.
She pushes down against my dick, and she grunts as I feel it slip deep inside her. I groan as well, feeling her tight vaginal muscles clench tight against it, making it hard for me to move. Spirit Fox is in complete control. She then moves up and down, making me gasp and moan with pleasure at her tight pussy. She's groaning as well, as she feels my cock being pumped in and out of her. I place my hands on her bouncing breasts and start to suck on them. She grunts "Yes, that's it. MMm keep it up."
I soon start to thrust my hips up to her tempo, and feel myself coming close to climax. She feels this and stops moving, letting me do the rest of the work. I grunt and quickly push myself in deep as I feel my cock twitch and spurt my bunny seed in her.
She moans and starts to cum as well; playing with her clit and feeling me empty myself inside her. She yells, baring her fangs and holds me tight as she climaxes.
Both of us fall into each other's embrace as we take a quick nap.
Spirit Fox is the first to wake, and wakes me up. "Let's go. We got more to do."
She bends over and says, "I need you to fuck me in the ass."
I answer by rubbing myself against her, and I get hard again.
I soon finger her hole, to make sure she's ready, and then plunge in.
I gasp at the tightness of her ass. I push myself in slowly, getting used to the feel and for her to get used to it as well.
I push in and out, finally pushing past her anal ring.
She screams in pleasure at I push in as deep as I dare.
I grunt and gasp, knowing I wasn't going to last. As I'm pumping in and out of her tail hole, I lean over and fondle her breasts and play with her clit.
She moans as she cums again, and I grunt as I quickly pull myself out of her hole, and jerk myself off spurting again all over her backside.
As we pant and try to cool off our sweat covered bodies, Spirit Fox says, "Hmm. Not bad lover boy. We'll continue in the morning."
"Oh boy. I can't wait. You're so sexy and tight. I love you," I respond.
"And I you," she says as she hugs me close and gives me a lick before falling asleep.
I soon sleep as well, thinking of how lucky I am to have met her......
End of Day 1.
Day 2
The next day, I decided to go fishing. Spirit Fox doesn't feel like going, so she decides to stay near the tent. As I'm walking towards the river, I don't realize that she's about to have a sexy encounter with a lioness.
Spirit Fox is in the tent, trying to keep warm, when she hears pawsteps coming towards the tent.
She peeks her head out, and sees a figure wearing a lot of clothing coming towards the tent.
"Ho in the tent, may I came in and warm myself?" asked a husky feline voice.
"Sure no problem," Spirit Fox replied. She opened the tent flap and let the stranger in.
"Ah, thank you. It's so cold, I don't know how other furs can stand it," said the lioness as she started to remove some of the excess clothing she was wearing until she's down to a T-shirt and baggy pants.
"Thanks again. My name is Leona."
"Spirit Fox, nice to meet you. So are you from around here or on vacation?"
"On vacation. My husband insisted that we go to see some snow in the mountains at least once while we are here," Leona replied. "How about you?"
"Oh, the same. I live in California and I'm here with my friend."
"That's nice. So... anything interesting around here?"
"No not really. He's gone fishing, and other than that, there's only snow to play in or camp fire to build."
"Hmm... I can think of something else to do," Leona says, thinking "Gods she's so sexy. I wonder if she'll go for it?"
Spirit Fox was thinking the same thing.
"So, have you ever played stripoke?"
"No, what's that?"
"It's a simple game where the losers strip an item of their clothes when they lose a game."
"Oh, sounds interesting. Sure I'd like to play."
"Great. I've got some cards."
Soon Spirit Fox and Leona are playing strip poker.
It doesn't take long for them to lose their clothes. Both are very horny and each knows that by their strong scents.
As soon as both are naked, they look at each other, admiring each breasts and pussy.
"Hmm.. my, my. I heard that foxes were big, but wow. Now I know. You're beautiful," Leona said.
"Thanks so are you. I've heard of the lioness hot sex drive. Is it true that you fuck every fifteen minutes?"
"Yeah, but only during certain times of the month/season."
Leona then starts to come close to Spirit Fox, and then hugs her. Spirit Fox hugs back. They both then kiss and start to rub against each other gently.
"Hmm. You're so soft and cuddly," Spirit Fox says as she fondles Leona's breasts.
"So are you," Leona says as she bends down to lick the fox's pussy.
Spirit Fox gasps as she feels the lioness's tongue rub against her clit.
She begins to moan and groan as Leona probes deeper with her tongue.
Spirit Fox begins to twitch and shudder at the impact. Leona soon places her cunt in front of Spirit Fox. They begin to lick and finger each other in the 69 position.
Both are gasping and sweating as they suddenly cum for the first time together.
"Wow. That was unbelievable." Spirit Fox says.
"You haven't seen nothing yet," Leona says, as she grabs Spirit Fox and rubs her pussy against hers.
"Ohh, Ohh that feels so good. Oh gods don't stop," Spirit Fox moans.
Leona soon growls a little, as she rubs harder and faster.
As she's rubbing, she reaches back, and fingers Spirit Fox's tail hole.
"ooooh, yeah. That's it, finger me baby." Spirit Fox groans as she feels her body tingling with excitement and nearing another climax.
Leona soon growls louder and pants as she suddenly rubs hard and spurts her seed all over Spirit Fox. Spirit Fox can't take it anymore and she climaxes again as well.
"Ohh, It feels so good to be with another woman," Leona says as she hugs and kisses Spirit Fox.
"Same here," she responds.
"You know, I brought a special toy with me, just in case something like this happened," Spirit Fox said.
"Oh? What kind of toy?" Leona asks.
"Here it is," Spirit Fox says as she reaches in her bag and brings out a strange looking contraption.
"What in the world is that?"
"This is something that will feel a little weird at first, but you get used to it fast," Spirit Fox says.
She then leans close to Leona and says, with a twinkle in her eye, "Want to play with it?"
Spirit Fox then begins to she Leona how to place the toy on her.
She places the double-ended dildo into her pussy and Leona's.
Then she places the two single ones into each other's ass.
She places the straps securely on, and begins to push the ass dildos in.
When they're in as deep as they can go, she then pushes Leona down on her back and begins to mount her.
Spirit Fox quickly kisses Leona as she begins to push the double-ended dildo into her pussy.
Both females grunt and yowl and the dildos go in and Spirit Fox begins to move up and down.
Leona soon roars and begins to claw a little bit at Spirit Fox's back as she experiences one of the greatest fucks of her life.
"Growl.. This is incredible. I feel like I'm on fire. Gasp, how can you stand it?"
"I can't. I'm in the same position as you."
Spirit Fox, then fondles Leona's breasts as she pushes the double ended dildo into both of them, also causing the ass dildos to move in and out.
She keeps this up for about fifteen minutes, until she quickly grabs Leona and sucks hard on her breast and cums all over.
Leona roars as she feels herself cumming as well.
Both females lay against each other, covered in their sweat and cum.
"Oh.. man. This is just awesome." Spirit Fox thinks to herself.
Both furs hug tighter as they fall asleep in the afterglow.
"Don't leave so soon. Stay for awhile," Spirit Fox asks.
"Don't worry. I won't. I have to wait for my husband to come back from fishing." Leona says.
They soon fall asleep together, resting.
Meanwhile, I'm fishing, and admiring the beauty of the land and water.
As I'm casting, I hear a noise behind me, and see a lion coming up the trail.
I call out "Hey. You're here to fish too?"
"Yeah. I thought I'd be the only here. You know this spot, huh?" he replied.
"Yes. I have come here before. The fish bite pretty good," I reply.
"Great. Mind if I fish with you?"
"No, not at all. I was hoping for some company. The friend I'm with didn't want to go with me."
"Well, then I'm Tom." He said.
"I'm Ben," I reply as we shake hands.
"What kind of fish are around here?" he ask.
"Well, there's trout, bass, rainbow trout, and others."
"Great. I love fish."
"Me, I just love to catch fish and then let them go."
"Well, that's good as well. It's a good sport to try to catch the biggest one. What size have you caught?"
"Oh... let's see. I've got a 6 foot one once. How about you?"
"I've caught a 12 foot one on the ocean."
"Wow. That must have put up quiet a fight."
"Yes it did. Now how about we go fishing?"
We then sat in silence, try to catch some fish.
As we were sitting, I couldn't help but notice his bulge. It was huge looking.
I tried to quickly look away whenever I felt his eyes in my direction. What I didn't know was that when I turned my eyes away, he was looking at my bulge.
After we fished and did some more small talk, we decided to head back. Along the way, he walked a little bit close to me and placed a paw on my shoulder. I gulped as I felt his warmth, and got an erection. He couldn't help but notice, and said "So, I take it you like what you're feeling right now?" He then leaned close and gave me a quick lick. I glanced up in surprise. "Wow. So you are like me, huh?"
"Yes. I need to feel you in me. I've never had a rabbit before."
"I've never had a lion before."
"Great. So we're new to each other then. Let's do it," he said with a twinkle in his eye.
I looked up into his dark green eyes and feel into them. I reached up and scratched his chin, giving him a kiss.
He purred softly and then began to move his paw down towards my pants.
I moaned a little as I felt his paw slide into my trousers and fondle my dick.
I reached over and fondled him, as well.
We then went off the trail and laid down quickly taking off each other's clothes.
We sat and admired each other for a quick minute, and then started to 69 each other.
I almost gagged as I placed his huge 10" dick in my mouth. I heard him mew softly as I started to suck a bit harder, and I gasped as I felt his tongue lick against my tip. We were soon both pumping our heads up and down, suck hungrily. I new I wasn't going to last, and I moaned and thrusted my hips as I came into his mouth. He lapped it all up. I heard him growl softly as he suddenly came. I quickly pulled his dick out, and watched in amazement, as his seed seemed to spill out non stop. "Wow, I've never seen so much cum before," I thought to myself.
"oooh. That was good," he said. "My wife never gives me head, and it feels good to have it."
"Well, you're good as well. I've never felt such a rough tongue being handled softly," I responded.
"That's only the beginning," he said.
I smiled back at him, knowingly, and lay on my back as I lifted my tail up to expose my pink hole.
He slurped and bent to lick and finger it. I groaned as I felt his cock like finger probe me. I twitched and gasped as Tom kept probing me with one then two fingers.
He soon stopped and started to place his dick near my hole.
I tensed a little bit as he rubbed against me, and then entered me.
He started to enter me slowly, allowing me to get used to the size of him and the pain.
"Ohh, gods you're so huge. It hurts but feels so good." I moan.
He grunts and then starts to pump in and out faster, growling with each thrust.
I push my back up and shiver at his impact.
I feel myself getting hard again, as he plunges in and out. It seems like forever before I spurt my seed all over as I feel him suddenly plunge in deeper and roar clawing the ground beneath me as he spurts cum after cum inside me, a lot of it spilling out of me.
We soon hug each other in the aftermath. "Gods, do you always cum so much?" I crocked.
"Hmmm, only for special people," he said with a laugh.
"Okay, now it's my turn." I said as I gain back some more strength and push him onto all fours.
He lifts his tail up and I finger his tight black hole.
He hissed as I finger fucked him, and moaned as I started to rub against his hole and then plunge in.
I grunt as I felt his tightness. "Oh gods, I've never experienced anything like this," I thought to myself. I pushed in deeper and deeper until my balls touched his. I leaned forward and started to pump in and out as fast as I could, while fondling his dick again.
He groaned as I jerked him off while fucking his ass as hard as I could.
I gasped and shivered, covered with sweat as I pushed in as deep as I could and spurted for the last time inside his ass. His ass clenched around my cock as he felt me spurt and he then mewed as he came again and spurted all over the ground and on my hand.
I just collapsed onto his back and lay there, panting for breath.
I heard him panting for breath as well. "That was unbelievable. I've never cummed so much before." He said.
I couldn't say anything and we both feel into a quick nap with me still inside him.
We soon woke up as it was getting dark.
"uh oh. We better get back." I said.
We quickly got dressed and cleaned each other off.
"Why don't you stay with my friend and me. We wouldn't mind another person," I asked.
"Well, that is tempting, but I have to get back to my wife. She's probably wondering where I am." Tom responded.
He followed me to the tent, and then was about to leave, as I saw Spirit Fox with a lioness.
"Wait," I called out.
"Is this your wife?" I asked as he turned around and saw her.
"Why yes. Hey honey what are you doing here?"
"Well, I got tired of waiting for you and decided to go looking around." She replied.
"I ran into Spirit Fox here, and we got acquainted," she said with a little smirk at the word acquainted.
I took a look at Spirit Fox and saw that she was blushing a little.
"Had a little bit of fun huh?" I asked.
"Yeah, it was interesting." She said.
"Well, why don't we all stay together then? It'd be fun." I said.
Everyone murmured their agreement.
We made some dinner and chatted a bit about each other.
"So, where are you guys from originally?" I ask.
"We're from Florida," Tom says.
"Wow, that's quiet a ways away. How do you like the snow?"
"It's okay. I just wanted to go into a woods-like environment at least once," Bard said.
"I don't really care for it much, but Ben was insistent," Spirit Fox replied.
"Hey, I thought you'd like to go camping at least once in real woods. Don't blame me if you thought it would be different," I say.
"Uh, uh. Mr Outdoorsman. You usually stay in the city working or going to classes all the time," she barks back.
"That doesn't mean I don't like to be outdoors, I just don't usually have the time to do so. I like being outdoors enjoying nature."
"I agree with you there," Tom said. "I enjoy nature photography. It's such a great thrill to be taking pictures of things that most people take for granted."
"Yeah, same here. We'll have to share photos," I say.
"Hmmph. Just like the men to ignore women when they're chatting among each other," Spirit Fox says.
"It's not so bad. At least we get to gossip. So how about you, where are you from?" Leona asks.
"I'm from California, Ben's from Oregon."
"How did you two meet?" Leona aked.
"We met in an online club. It was something that both of us were interested in and we kept in touch, soon deciding to meet," Spirit Fox says.
The dinner soon gets eaten and everyone soon relaxes.
"Hmm that was a good meal," Tom says.
"Thank you," Spirit Fox said. "It was just a simple thing to cook."
"So, are you as good as Leona says?" she asks with a sly smile and twinkle in her eye.
"Hmph. I thought she'd keep that to herself, but oh well. Yeah it's true."
"Care to prove it?"
"How about it? Want to go at it?" I ask Leona.
She looks at me, and shrugs. "Sure. I never had a rabbit before."
Spirit Fox soon moves towards Tom, as I move towards Leona.
We both begin to undress the other, and each other.
We sit admiring each other, and soon start to fondle.
I lean over and start to suck on Leona's breasts and I hear Tom gasp form Spirit Fox's beginning blow job.
I grunt as I suck and finger Leona's pussy. She growls softly as I probe deeper with my fingers and teasing her nipples.
I hear Spirit Fox grunt as she feels Tom's harsh tongue lick her clit in a 69 position.
Leona soon grabs me and starts to push her breasts into my face, then quickly picking me up and starting to suck hard on my cock.
I grunt as I feel her tight mouth suck on me like a vacuum.
Soon we're all moaning and groaning from the foreplay and start to move into the serious position of fucking.
I push Leona's thighs apart as I start to rub against her clit and enter her pussy.
She hisses as I slide inside her, and I lean over her giving her a quick kiss as I start to pump slowly inside her tight twat.
I glance over and see that Tom's on his back while Spirit Fox mounts him, pushing his 10" dick inside her. She arches her back and gasps as it enters her.
Tom mews softly as he feels her muscles tighten around his cock.
I return my attention to Leona and start to pump in and out of her. She roar a little as she starts to cum for the first time. She pushes me against her and growls for me to fuck her faster and harder.
I comply and start to sweat and grunt from the effort to do so.
She's incredibly tight and is making me about to blow my wad sooner than I'd like.
I soon gasp as I feel my dick twitch and throb, quickly pulling out of her and jerking myself off all over her belly.
She purrs loudly as she slams her finger inside her and start to cum as well.
I collapse onto her and look over at Tom and Spirit Fox. They're sweating and Spirit Fox grimaces a little as she cums with Tom inside her. He quickly roars and pushes her off of him and jerks himself off all over her back. All of us are soon panting and still feeling horny.
After resting for about fifteen minutes, we go at it again, but this time with each sex.
I move towards Tom as Spirit Fox moves towards Leona.
She gets the dildos, while I grabbed the double-ended one.
Spirit Fox places the single ones inside her ass and Leona's.
Both grunt as the dildos worked their way inside them. As soon as they were secure, she leans forward and gives Leona a kiss. Leona places her paw on her head and kisses back.
"Oh, yeah. Fuck me hard and fast," Spirit Fox says.
"You know what to do," Leona replies.
While they were doing this, Tom and I were placing the double-ended dildo into our ases.
We groaned as it moved in deep, and started to push towards each other gasping as the dildos entered deeper into our holes.
Tom leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed him back as he started to clench his ass tight and started to pump up and down forcing mine in as deep as it would go. I cry out a little as it goes in deeper, but force my ass to relax.
Soon we trade places, I clench my ass tight as I force Tom's in deeper.
While we were doing this, Leona and Spirit Fox were gasping and twitching as they came for the umptenth time. Their dildos were coming in and out of their asses as they rub their clit and breasts together.
Both were groaning and moaning as each tried to give the other the ultimate climax. "Oh yeah. It's coming, it's coming," Leona roars.
"Yes, yes, do it to me," Spirit Fox gasps.
After for what seem forever, the girls soon growled and panted as they spurted onto each other from rubbing against their pussys, looking like a river of white pouring from their vaginas.
Tom and me started to grunt as we reached near climax, pre-cum soaking our bellies.
We removed the dildo and started to pump into each other.
Tom placed me onto all fours and start to mount me, pumping in without any care.
He growled as he pushed in hard and deep with one thrust. I gasp as I feel all of his 10 inches go inside me, making me shiver and groan.
He then just keeps pumping in and out faster and harder. After a few minutes, he roars and starts to push deep spurting his seed inside me, forcing me to have my face to the ground.
After he spent himself, I pushes him back onto all fours and begin giving him the same treatment.
"Oh, yeah. Fuck me hard, Ben. Do it to me," he said softly.
I answered by doing just that. I grunt and pant as I feel his tight black hole tighten around me.
I don't say anything and just pump for all I was worth, knowing I wasn't going to last that long thanks to the foreplay earlier.
I feel myself getting nearer and push in hard and deep, feeling my ass clench as I reached my orgasm, spurting into the Tom's ass.
Soon I slump onto his back, spent out.
"Ohh, gods that was just great. I never had an orgy like that before," I said quietly.
Everyone soon cuddled together, gasping for breath and enjoying the afterglow.
"Let's get together again sometime," Spirit Fox says.
"Yeah, we'll definitely do that," Leona and Tom say together.
Soon we fall asleep, holding each other.
In the morning, we al get up and start to pack up.
"Well, we have to get back to our camp. Be sure to e us when you want to get together again," Tom says as he gives each of us a kiss.
"Bye, you guys were great," Leona says as she gives us a kiss as well.
As they walked off, I turned to Spirit Fox and say, "So, what do you think of camping now?"
She turns to me and says, "It's good. Not great, but good Ben. We'll definitely have to get together and do this again."
The End ?? |
The Wizards Cave by C Doe | #2 of The Wizards Cave - The Wizards cave Part One By Chali Doe So this is it? Joseph though to himself as he looked around. It was obviously some ones fantasy sim, he was in the middle of a forest and there was a stereotypical cave of 3v1L!Õ not twenty meters in front of him. But other than that | [
"Gender Shifting",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10070-the-wizards-cave | The Wizards cave
Part One
By Chali Doe
So this is it? Joseph though to himself as he looked around. It was obviously some ones fantasy sim, he was in the middle of a forest and there was a stereotypical cave of 3v1L!Õ not twenty meters in front of him. But other than that the sim didnt look much different than any other out there on the internet.
"I hack into the private server of 'Wizard' one of the greatest VR innovators on the planet and all I find is.. some..." He sputtered to a stop as he realized how bizarre his mouth felt. It wasn't that it felt different, it was that it felt exactly the same as his mouth in real life! He'd never even heard of a virtual reality engine so powerful let alone used one before.
He examined his body for a full two minutes, just getting over how mind blowingly real everything felt and wondering how it was done, christ the clothes he was wearing even smelled like clothes! Then he remembered he was here on borrowed time. The owner was currently not home according to his hacking of the companys security system, but there was no telling when he would be. And since he wouldn't be able to use the same trick to get back in more than once or twice he needed to use all the time he had now to find a wizards alcove.
Most if not every sim had one, a single out of the way chamber from which the programming of the sims various functions could be handled. This made good practical sense because sometimes programming wasnt perfect. And although VR related deaths were rare it wasnt unheard of for a person to get stuck in his own sim because of a glitch that he couldnt fix while in the simulation himself.
Joseph looked around but didnt really see anything like a pathway leading away from the cave. In fact the forest didnt really seem all that open. The space between the trees hardly looking promising.
So it must just be this cave the sim centers around. Joseph thought. Pity, Engine power like this and a sim as bland as vanilla to go with it. With a grin on his face Joseph walked into the cave, imagining what he would do with an engine like this if he had a computer powerful enough to run it.
First off, ditch this fantasy BS and run a real mans sims. Something involving every model to have ever appeared in playboy magazine and a tweak to his own personal settings to allow a permanent hard on.
He didnt even really notice which way he went as he wound his way down the tunnels into the depths of the earth. He wasnt worried about getting lost as he could just log out anytime he felt the need to. All he was worried about was finding the controls to this place and seeing what he could do with them.
Eventually he hit a dead end. He turned back around to go back and try a different route only to find himself face to face with another rock wall. He was closed in on all sides.
"What the hell?" He muttered, tapping the rock just to make sure it was there. It was.
"Shit." He said silently. The sim must have some marginal amount of security programming itself, or maybe it was just a quirk of the design. Either way he was so out of here.
Like. Now...
An all too realistic sweat broke out as Joseph realized his logout was being blocked.
"SHIT!" He screamed as his repeated attempts to access his mental command prompts got zero feed back every time.
Feeling slightly desperate now that his primary exit had been blocked and security likely already notified of his presence he began looking around inside the sim world for a way out. All he found was cold hard stone in each direction.
Defeated, he sagged down to the floor and wept. "No! No damnit this isnt fair!" He sobbed. He'd never known defeat like this before in the world of the internet, only temporary set backs and challenges he wasnt quite ready yet to hurdle.
Oh god, am I going to prison? He thought to himself suddenly, bile rising in his simulated throat and his sobbing growing as the thought occured to him.
After several minutes of careful consideration he finnaly reigned his despair in. Im not going to jail. Im fourteen, It'd be insane for me to be charged as anything other than a minor. Especially when I convince the psych how I had absolutly no ill will in doing what I did and didnt understand at all what the harm was in doing it.
The thought of how ridiculusly easy it would be to skip legal punishment helped his mood quite a bit. There was still going to be some major fallout with his parents but that he could handle.
So with that thought in mind he sat down and waited for security to come and arrest him.
And waited...
...And waited...
And... "Okay. What the crap is going on!?" He finnaly shouted, breaking down and demanding answers from the walls.
He didnt get any. Instead he was left to wait...
With a start joseph realized he had fallen asleep inside the sim. He stood up and shook himself out, he was still inside the god damn sim.
Oh shit! He thought as something suddeny occoured to him. What if it is just a glitch in the sim and there really is no one coming?
Then some one will eventually come along or the safety programming of your chair will kick you out of the sim before your body starts needing to take care of bodily functions or way the hell before either of those mom will come in and manually log you out, chide you for staying online all night and get you some breakfast.
"Sorry but no. Mommys not going to be coming along to send you off to school any more." The walls said.
"What the crap!?" Joseph replied. Then it occoured to him that this must be the guy who owned this server and designed the engine himself, come home to find an intruder stuck in his broom closet.
"Do you want to know something Joseph?" The voice asked, emanating from the walls.
"I made this reality engine at least four years ago and do you want to know the reason for why I havent been able to sell the design?" The wizard asked, then before Joseph could reply the walls started jabbering again. "Because the degree of control this engine has over the brains senses is completly unprecedented. It not only allows me to completly control everything you feel and even the way that you feel it but it also gives me control over the motor functions of your body." He paused to let that sink in for a second. "Enough control to put your conscious brain in sleep mode then instruct your body to hook up to a mobile connection device and guide your body all the way here to my lab without anyone knowing about it."
"WHAT?" Joseph screamed. Panic blinding his thoughts as he wondered if this person could really do that. Then his fear nearly doubled as he asked himself 'Why' would he want to do that.
"Oh dont worry, your bodys fine. Ive already hooked it up to a long term connection terminal here in my mansion that could sustain it for years. Its your mind you should be worried about." The wizard said in a gleeful tone of voice. Joseph didnt like at all where this was going and said as much.
"Well Im afraid theres really nothing you can do about it. Your not the first l337 hacker to take up a permanent residence here in my basement. Theres not a lot of them here, but they've all been residing in my virtual domains long enough without hope of escape or even death to be completly broken to my will." Tears were streaming down his face as Joseph realized this guy was some kind of a sick pervert and that there was absolutly nothing he could do if what the wizard said was true.
"Oh but how I do love it before they do become broken to my will. How they struggle and cry and fear what will be done to them. I havent had this hard a stiffy in such a long time!" He exclaimed with glee.
"First things first though, Your form. Believe it or not im not actually gay Josey, its just a sad fact that every single hacker to try and break into my personal server has been male." Josey? Joseph thought to himself, confusion almost overclouding his fear.
"But thats readilly enough fixed!" Those words echoed for a while in his mind. What the hell was that supposed to mean, he wondered furiously as long minutes ticked by without any further word from the wizard.
"Allright! Ive got your new body all programed and specced out for you. Hope you like fur because I like it a lot!" The wizard gloated.
Suddenly the world went black for Joseph.
When he woke he wasnt sure how much if any time had passed, but he knew one thing for certain. He felt different.
He sat up quickly, but fear locked his head in place, preventing it from looking down. It was only forestalling the inevitable though because he could still feel his new body easilly enough.
Eventually he couldnt possibly ignore it any longer and he shakilly looked down. First thing he saw when he stopped thinking about not thinking was his muzzle. A foxÕs muzzle he somehow knew, just like he knew what the weights on his chest were and why he couldnt feel anything between his legs anymore.
He let out a howl of terror and jumped to his feet, ramming his back into the wall in blind panic and yelping when he hurt his tail. He stepped into the middle of the stone room and realized suddenly it wasnt a room anymore, but the dead end of a tunnel again.
"You know I think im going to try something different with you. Im going to let you roam around and whatever you stumple upon will be my entertainment for the night." The wizard said. Joseph cowered back against the wall again. The alienness of his own body and a fear of what might lie down those other corridors rooting him to the spot.
After several seconds his vulpine ears perked forward on his skull to catch the distant sound of some creatures roar.
"Of course if you want to wait for my entertainment to come to you thats fine too. But In the spirit of the game I felt you should know that there is a passage that although it will not lead you to freedom will give you my respect as a fellow gamer and earn you a night free from my whims seeing as I have others who would actually be eager to please me." That made up Josephs mind. He knew the guy had to be some sort of sick saddistic bitch, but ANY chance of avoiding what he thought was coming was worth it.
He took off down the halls as fast as his feet would take him. Actually he noticed they werent feet anymore, they were paws. And they felt as immenseley real as his bobbing breasts did now.
He was getting really really annoyed with those things with each running step he took. His shirt did little to contain their energy as they bounced around like a pair of basketballs, they were even the size of godamn basket balls! And the feelings it gave him as 'his' nipples brushed against the fabric over and over again was really disturbing and even a bit... kinky.. NO, DAMNIT! He thought as he stopped and slammed his clawed fist into the wall. I AM NOT A GOD DAMN CUNT! IM A GUY!
The battle between his disbelief and what he was feeling waged on inside him for a good three minutes. Thus it really shouldnt have come as much of a surprise when he heard the echoing of footsteps behind him somewhere.
He let out a startled gasp and without a second thought broke into a run straight down the tunnel he was in. He heard the thing behind him make pursuit but he was so incredibly afraid of looking back that all he did was run as fast as he could. He came to a corner and rounded it, he caught a glimpse of the thing chasing him as he did out of the corner of his eye and for a second the image distracted him.
Minnataur. His mind said. Then as it caught back up to its senses, it said. Falling.
WAIT WHAT!! He screamed as he fell down into the darkness of this vertical tunnel. His anguish growing as he realized how feminine the scream sounded and yet still felt the urge to scream until he was hoarse.
After several seconds the vertical tunnel emerged into the roof of a large cavern. Joseph saw this cavern to be filled with water about half a second before he hit it.
He coughed up another lung full of water as he finnaly regained consciousness. He must have hit the water going fairly fast, or maybe it had been fairly shallow he thought. But if he had been knocked unconscious why then was he out of the water?
It took a couple seconds for him to fully awaken. When he did he realized something was suspending him out of the water by his legs.
When he looked up he saw it was two somethings. One long scaly tentacle wrapped around each of his ankles. He traced the tentacles back to their roots and had his jaw drop open despite his heads orientation to down.
The tentacles came out a large plant like creature that was secured to the roof of the cavern. Hundreds of other slimy tentacles hung from the main body. And the main body was had to describe. The only way he could think of to describe it was that it was plantlike and dripped something he could only call ooze.
The tentacles lifted him up closer to this body and Joseph screamed again.
He was cut off in mid scream as one of the smaller tentacles shot forward and jammed itself into his muzzle. He tried to bite down or gag or something to stop it but the well oiled appendage forced its way into his throat before he could do anything.
He thought he was going to suffocate and that would be the end of it but no luck, the tentacle seemed to be releasing oxygen as it began to move back and forth and fuck his mouth.
A number of tentacles lashed out and bound his arms behind his back before it even occoured to him to try and free himself with them. Another one slithered undearneath his very tight shirt and up his body. Going in between his enormous breasts and then out of his collar before ripping his shirt right off of him with a loud tearing sound.
Joseph was forced to watch, helpless as two smaller bladed tentacles came down and began the slow careful job of cutting his jeans loose. And although he was very worried about was happening down south he was completly distracted when two more tentacles with what looked like large suction cup ends attached themselves with a wet sound over his now very sensitive nipples.
Joseph found he didnt have any tears left to cry when he realized that not only were his nipples now sexually sensitive to touch, but that his... his.. GODDAMN IT HIS CUNT! He mentally screamed in anguish. His cunt was beggining to lubricate itself up as he found himself turned on by what was being done to him!
Im a guy, a guy. I. Am ... AHhhhhH!! His train of thought was derailed as the tentacles began suckling on his nipples. The sensation sent shivers down his spine and made his tail wag. Worse than that, when another pair of tentacles began massaging his breasts he found that it was actually.. pleasurable! That last word tasted foul like garbage in his minds mouth but the tentacle pumping in and out of his mouth tasted kinda like fish.
His eyes went very wide when he felt a large rod poking into his groin region. He tried to force himself not to look but the tentacle in his mouth pulled his head up to see he had been drawn up towards the main body of the plant. And that protruding from the plant was something that caused him more despair than anything that had come before. A three foot long, four inch wide phalus, that was litterally drenched in the same ooze substance that covered the rest of the plants body.
Before it even occoured to Joseph to try and do something the monster cock found the entrance to hsi woman hood and pushed in. Even with the tentacle cock in his mouth Joseph still tried to scream his lungs out and found he still had a few tears left to cry as his flower was taken quite painfully.
For a few minutes all he felt was that haze of pain, as the cock slowly pushed its way inside of him. He opened his eyes again when he felt it press up against something inside of him and looked up see he had more than a foots length of the rod inside of him! In fact he could see his belly was visibly distored from the object inside of him. No...
He finnaly gave up. Their was just no fighting this place. It wasnt Joseph anymore. Joseph doesnt have a cunt. It was Josey.
As if to punctuate this point the rod suddenly pushed again, it wasnt as painful this time as when she was first opened up but the cock didnt stop this time until it hit the back wall of her uterus. She didnt need to look now, She could feel every pulsing vein on that massive cock against the walls of her vagina. She could FEEL that she had at least two and two feet of it inside of her body.
She felt something incredibly odd though that defied her prior knowledge of sexuality. Some part of the massive phalanx inflated inside of her, locking her to the monster. When this happened all of the tentacles holding her suddenly let go and retracted back into the plant. Even the one in her throat pulled out. Leaving her gasping as she was suspended from the air by the plants over sized dog like cock.
Then it began to bob her up and down.
There was nothing she could do to fight it. At first her screams were of pain and horror, but then as time passed and her vagina was stimulated again and again and again by that massive cock inside of her those screams began to sound more pleasant.
"Oh god, oh god... oohooHHHH GOD!!" She screamed. Not believing what was happening to her. But even more surprised that... Good god, she was enjoying it! Being fucked like this was like nothing his fourteen year old mind could possibly have imagined. He kept having this feeling that he should be doing something to fight this, but he couldnt think of anything. The only thing going through his mind was how ridiculously full he felt inside and how close he was to...
"Oh god, oh god, ohgodohgodhOOHHGOD FUCK ME! FUUUCCK ME! PLEASE!! FUCK ME HARD!" She howled as her first female ograsm built inside of her loins and electrified her whole body. "AhhhAAHHAHHHAAHHH...AHHHHHHHH!!!" Her body spasmed uncontrollably as her ovarys released their eggs into her crowded uterus.
The plant finnaly stopped fucking her and held her motionless in the air for a few seconds. It took all of her effort to look up and when she did she the cock inside of her pulsate as something inside of it moved. A second later she felt that something splash against the walls of her uterus like hot milk from a fire hose. "AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" She screamed again as her orgasm erupted into full force. Her ovarys killing themselves to try and push out an amount of egg to match the seed being jetted into her womb and not realizing how futile that was.
She felt her stomach begin to stretch outwards as she howled in ecstasy, but didnt notice it consciously until at least five minutes later when she began to come down from her high.
Panting, she looked up and gasped when she saw she looked almost nine months pregnant!
Before she had a chance to think about this the cock pulled out of her slightly, still inside of her but now outside of her womb. It had finnaly stopped jetting its seed into her but now it jetted something onto the entrance to her uterus that felt different. Some kind of cold liquid that seemed to harden inside of her, after a few seconds she felt the cock pull out a bit more then realized all of the liquid inside of her was staying there despite the pressure it must be under. It must have sealed me up! She realized. This realization was shortlived though as the knot suddenly deflated, allowing her to slide off of the cock and plunge into the icy water below.
It had taken her at least twenty minutes of the hardest swimming of her life to reach a shore and when she did she had no energy to do anything but fall down on the cave floor.
As she slowly drifted into unconsciousness she caught herself stroking her inflated belly with one paw like hand in a way she had seen mothers do. She laid her head down against the floor and cried without tears.
"Please. Please, someone tell me this is just a dream... please..." |
From Our Eyes Chapter 4 My Attempt to Freedom by Sada of the Dawn | #4 of From Our Eyes - "Breakfast!" the cell keeper called, throwing a piece of rotting meat in my cell. I stared at the disgusting scrap of meat, and spit a blast of fire to get rid of the smell in my evil hell hole. I laid my head on top of my claws and sighed, sadly. I've been in this hell hole | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97681-from-our-eyes-chapter-4-my-attempt-to-freedom | "Breakfast!" the cell keeper called, throwing a piece of rotting meat in my cell.
I stared at the disgusting scrap of meat, and spit a blast of fire to get rid of the smell in my evil hell hole. I laid my head on top of my claws and sighed, sadly. I've been in this hell hole for three months, it feels longer though. I wonder if Syor is alright? I looked at an old skeleton and thought of the possibilities of what could have happen. Syor could have died by those creatures. They could have hanged her, slit her throat, burned her alive, they could have tortured her. I shook my head and put my claws over my eyes. I have to think about the good things. Syor could be at home waiting for me, she could still be alive. I just pray to Quinmeartha she's alright.
The sound of metal opening rung through out the cell, I listened as the keeper jingled the keys against my cell door and open it slowly. A boy with midnight black hair to his back with bangs the color of blood. His eyes were different from his people, one was topaz and the other was sapphire, both holding gentleness that was strangely comforting. Who was this elf though? I growled, telling him to go away like all the other visitors.
"Now that isn't the way to treat someone who is trying to help you, Memory." He said with a smug smirk on his face.
"How do you know my name you heartless creature!?" I growled.
The man chuckled and walked closer to me. I tried to move, but the chains kept me down.
"That human you protect ever so loyalty is very trusting. I'm sorry I couldn't stay and protect her for you." He said and bowed. "I'm Xalphor, 2nd in command of the army you fought."
"You're that elf that tried to help Syor."
"Bingo! Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!" he laughed standing back up.
I looked at him, my dragon brow raised at his sudden outburst. He was a strange one, that was for sure.
"So, why are you here elf?" I question, trying to relax myself.
"My name is Xalphor and as I said before, I'm here to help you." He said, checking to see what the guard was doing.
The guard gave a loud cough still looking around, obviously not listening to the conversation. I stared at the elf for a few seconds than snorted, putting my head back on my claws.
"Why should I trust you? I may be grateful you saved Lady Syor, but I still don't trust your kind." I snapped, now ignoring him.
"Look here you stubborn dragon! I may not be your precious Lady Syor but I still want to help you. I don't approve of my people doing this to others and seeing creatures like you suffer. I'm going to help you like it or not." Xalphor said, loud enough for me to hear, but quiet enough not to let the guard hear.
"I'll believe it, when I see it." I muttered, closing my eyes.
He snorted and left the cell, to leave me alone in my solitude yet again. I sighed. Could that elf really help me escape from here? The day soon ended and I still laid in my cell thinking about the possibilities of escaping with my life. The guards stood watch at every corner of the castle and not one missed a person who passed by. No light was in my cell, it was all pitch black. Not even the moon shone into my cell to give me hope of escaping. Darkness welcomed me with open arms. The sound of clanking metal caught my attention as a guard left his post to check out the noise.
"Xalphor, sir? What are you doing here in this time of day?" He asked.
I continued to listen also wondering why the elf returned. A weak cough escaped from the guard's throat before more silence filled the cell. I snorted. I knew that elf couldn't be trusted. I heard keys jangle against the door and it squeaked open. Footsteps closed in on me. I looked up to see a dark, familiar face.
"Told you, I'd help." He said, smirking and dangling the keys to my chains. "Now let's get out."
He began to remove the chains from my legs and body. I watched his every move as he lifted the chains off.
"Why are you helping me? You'll be rejected by your own people." I muttered.
"I've always been rejected. I was never like them. I could never take a life for the joy of killing. My people may be one with nature but they'll never be able to control nature."
I heard another pair of foot steps walk in on us and Xalphor quickly turned to them.
"I knew you'd disappoint us. You always do." The man said, holding his eagle like helmet at his side.
He wore blood red armor and seemed to have many experiences in the way of the sword. The man drew his sword, holding no emotion in his eyes. Xalphor stood up and stared at the man.
"Come now son, you wouldn't want to disappoint me and your mother now?" The man said walking closer and dragging his sword across the ground.
"I could never impress you father and mother never acknowledges my existence. Ya'll never cared about me." Xalphor snapped.
"Die than!" His father yelled and charged.
I stepped in front of the two NightElfs and roared at Xalphor's father. He stopped dead in his tracks, looking at me as if he was studying my next move. He was trying to read me. I snorted, flames shooting out of my nostrils.
"It seems you have befriended that beast. Hn...you'll got to hell for helping out one of these servants of the devil."
"I'm not a servant of the devil you godforsaken monster! What makes you think all these pointless killings are the way that nature wants it?!" I roared, trying to hold myself back from attacking the NightElf before me.
"It is the will of god that drives my people! It is god's wish for every single one of my people to purify this land he created for us. To send those, that have defied the laws he created, to the place where they rightfully belong!" He yelled. "I am the right hand man of god and I will do as god wishes, for I am the lord and savior's servant!"
"How can you believe in such foolishness?! How is this the will of good!? What makes you think god wants all this blood spilled in his name!?" I snapped.
"You'll never understand, foul beast. You are a servant of hell and will always will be."
"If this is really the will of god than never count on me to be a follower of him or any other higher power. I shall find my own way through life rather than relying on a higher power."
"Hn...Than burn in hell!"
Xalphor's father charged at me, fire burning in his eyes. I got in position to burn the foul creature to a crisp. I took in a deep breath and blew, but before I knew it, Xalphor stood in front of the green flames his sword sucking in its power. He stood there now with a sword shrouded in green flames. His and his father's sword clashed and now the fight was of pure strength.
"You will die with you hell driven pet, Xalphor!" His father yelled.
"I will show you father, that there is more to life than god." Xalphor said and pushed hard against his sword.
His father flinched from the intensity of the flames and was left to bind to his knee. Xalphor finally pushed with all his strength, knocking his father back and slicing through his armor. The fire dispersed from the sword making it shined more of blood red than it ever did. He stared at his father's knocked out body, knowing he wasn't dead. He put his sword back in his sheath and looked back at me.
"Get out of here, Memory. I must pay for my crimes." He said as if he was about ready to break down. "Tell your Lady Syor that I will meet her again some day."
I chuckled and shook my head, grabbing a hold of the elf and placing him upon my back.
"Tell her yourself." I said and took flight, breaking through my once stone cell.
Xalphor held on for dear life not thinking twice of letting go. The people below began to scatter, scared that there was no order in their once peaceful home. Xalphor stared down at his people and sighed. He began to mess with the bracelet on his left wrist and quickly looked away.
"Look, I know you don't want to leave but sooner or later you were going to have to. I knew I would never be by Syor's side, but I promised her I'd return. Maybe one day you can return to your people and make a change for the better than what your father is doing." I said trying to comfort him.
"I guess so...Thank you, Memory, I shall pay your kindness back some how." Xalphor said, actually putting on a smile.
Hopefully I can learn from this being, probably we can become...friends. But one thing is for sure I must learn of another way than flying every where. Sooner or later someone will strike us while we sleep. I must learn a new ability. |
Giving In by vampish malkin | Jezebeth stood behind the chair where her friend, Seth, was sitting. She was a stunning red vixen, with soft pink fur running down her belly. Her long hair that fell down beyond her shoulder blades was a brilliant black with highlights of deep red, so that when it hit the sunlight it looked as if it | [
"First Time",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51564-giving-in | Jezebeth stood behind the chair where her friend, Seth, was sitting. She was a stunning red vixen, with soft pink fur running down her belly. Her long hair that fell down beyond her shoulder blades was a brilliant black with highlights of deep red, so that when it hit the sunlight it looked as if it had rubies spun into it. She held her fluffy tail between her paws, idly twirling it between her slender fingers. She watched Seth sitting in front of her, her petite ears pricked to attention, as they searched the Internet for anything interesting.
It was noon, and they were bored beyond belief. Jez yawned wide, threw up her arms and stretched lazily. She looked at Seth again, wondering if he knew the way she felt about him.
Seth was a jaguar, and a beautiful one at that. His black fur shined even in the low light of her window-shaded bedroom. His muscles didn't bulge under his fur, neither were they unapparent, but perfectly sculpted, begging for someone to run their fingers along them. His glowing pair of amber eyes peeked out from under his always-unkempt hair.
She loved being around him, but it was torture for her. She had wanted him for what seemed like an eternity, lusting for him in her darkest fantasies, but fearing to ever let him know the truth. She wanted to kiss him, to hold him, to feel his gleaming fur pressed against hers. She could hardly ever keep her mind off of him, even now.
Jez suddenly realized she had been blankly staring at Seth for a while, and he was staring back at her, wondering what she was doing. Jez felt a blush starting to creep up her face.
"Uh, Seth... I, um..." she stuttered.
Seth stood up and took her face in his paws. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the mouth. He hesitated and pulled away quickly, looking embarrassed. He let go of Jez, and started to turn away.
Jez stopped him, pulled him back to her and kissed him. She felt the desire that she had hid for so long rise. Her quick tongue darted into his mouth, quick, gone before he could truly notice it was there. Seth took the thought from her, letting his tongue wander to hers.
The kiss, which had started shy and innocent, quickly turned hot, urgent, full of desire and need.
Jez became the bolder of the two and shoved Seth against the wall, pressing her body into his. She ran her tongue up his neck, and then sank her sharp canines into his unyielding flesh. A moan escaped Seth's lips, and Jez felt a surge of lust flow through her veins. Seth was hard, and she could feel it through the layers of jeans as he ground his hips against hers. He was driving her crazy.
Seth slid his hands down Jez's sides, leaving a trail of chills in their wake, until he reached her thighs. He wrapped his hands around the strongest part of her legs and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him, crossing her delicate ankles at the small of his back.
Once she was completely enfolded around him, he walked them to the bed. He bent over, setting her down on her back, and laid on top of her still positioned in between her legs, a spot which he rather liked.
Seth kissed her deeply as he entwined his fingers in her hair. Jez explored Seth's back with her hands and kissed him more passionately than she had ever kissed someone before. She reached for his tail with hers, and wound the tip of her tail around his.
Seth opened his eyes to look at her and found her looking at him. His eyes were beautiful, amber with rings of honey, as he found her vivid green eyes.
Jez found the bottom of his shirt with her fingers and pulled it up and over his head. She threw it aside once she had freed it from his body.
Jez rolled Seth over onto his back and straddled him. The sight of his shoulders and chest transfixed her, and she found herself breathing heavily at the thought of what was to come. Seth took the delicate fabric of her shirt in his hands and slowly pulled it off. He reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. It fell to the side, exposing her breasts. Cool air caressed her skin, and a shiver passed through her body.
Seth flipped her over so he was on top again. He licked and bit her neck, pressing his hips into hers, fondling her breasts. Jez moaned as he kissed her neck and chest, slowly moving down to her sensitive stomach. The feeling of Seth's warm fur pressing against hers made her crazy. His hands moved over her, and the realization of his power aroused her even more. His hands found her belt buckle and fumbled with it until it was undone. He undid her jeans, and pulled them off of her legs.
"I'd really like to taste you." He breathed, smirking up at her from his position near her lap.
The heat of his breath from the words he spoke graced the tender skin of her bare thighs, and traveled through the sheer fabric of her underwear, making her shudder involuntarily.
Seth gingerly took hold of the string of Jez's panties with his teeth, pulling it down over her hip, fully revealing her to him. He moved them down the rest of her legs with a single claw, slipping them over her feet and throwing them to the side once they were freed from her body.
He opened his mouth, and rolled his tongue in one line up her snatch.
Jez gasped, pleasure already riding her body. She gave in to his warm tongue, flowing like hot liquid over areas she only fantasized would feel him.
Seth's tongue delved into her tunnel, eliciting more desperate cries from his lover. He paid special attention to her delicate pearl, licking ever so gently as he heard her cries and smiled to himself.
Not wanting to bring her to orgasm, just to tease, he brought his mouth from her sensitive flower and began to kiss back up her stomach.
Jez was breathing heavily as Seth once again reached her lips and ran the tip of his tongue along her bottom lip.
Jez moved her head up to meet his, breaking his attempt to toy with her by kissing him intensely and grabbing his rear, pulling him hard into her, expressing her terrible need to have him inside her.
She unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, anxious to feel even more of his bare body grazing against hers. He took off his pants, and she wrapped her legs around his as she kissed him deeply. She could feel the heat of his erection through the thin cotton of his underwear. She moved her tail to his groin, and gently teased that sensitive shaft, nipping his chin playfully as she did.
They rolled around on her bed until they were both completely naked. Jez felt drugged by him, in a trance that only he could break. She surrendered willingly as he moved his hand between her thighs, and with his strong fingers brought her to orgasm. She bit his neck hard enough to draw blood, dug her nails into his back, and cried out his name as waves of ecstasy crashed through her body.
They were both breathing hard when Jez grabbed Seth's erection and squeezed it. She was enjoying this attention, but she was more than impatient to feel him inside her. They could take as long as they wanted next time, anyway.
"Take me." She whispered in his ear.
Seth growled seductively.
He lifted himself above her and entered her in one powerful thrust. Jez cried out as Seth began to move faster within her. Seth said something to her, but she didn't understand. She couldn't think. All she was aware of was their bodies moving in perfect rhythm and her growing climax. Seth pulled her hair fiercely, and she moved her head to the side as he kissed her neck.
She moaned and started to shudder as she began to climax. Seth cried out as her came deep within her.
After a few minutes when they had caught their breath, Seth kissed Jez on the forehead and gently pulled himself from her warm center. He moved to the side of her and they held each other, enjoying the afterglow. She nuzzled his chest with her nose as he ran his claws through her hair, over and over.
"Next time I'll do better." Seth told Jez.
"What do you mean?" she questioned, "It gets better?"
"Oh, yeah." He gave an evilly seductive smile as he moved himself out from under her and moved slowly down her body... |
Invading Will Chapter 6 by Ahndeleck | #16 of Invading Will - **Invading Will** **Chapter 6** By: D. C. Henry ("Ahndeleck") Raogothcar awoke the next morning earlier than he wanted to. After Deanna told him that he would go with her to the library he had been excited about the trip. He tossed and turned most of the night wondering | [
"Character Development",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249207-invading-will-chapter-6 | **Invading Will**
**Chapter 6**
By: D. C. Henry ("Ahndeleck")
Raogothcar awoke the next morning earlier than he wanted to. After Deanna told him that he would go with her to the library he had been excited about the trip. He tossed and turned most of the night wondering what Palitos would be like on the ground. He flew over it several days ago while he was looking for a den to live in. His father would not explain much of the city to him, so it felt like a big adventure to discover what could be there. The library was most important of all though.
He had decided the night before that he would bring his journal. There would certainly be some time on the way to rest and write in his journal. He would need to write down everything for others to remember. He felt embarrassed with himself that he hadn't been writing as much as he did before arriving in Freeraven. If he kept neglecting his journal it wouldn't get an honored shelf in the Volumes of Memory.
As he walked down the stairs to the entrance hall, he wondered what he would learn when he went for his first pilgrimage of memory. The only things he could think of that would be worthy of such a trip would be to learn more about humans. His father had never told him of his visits to the Volumes of Memory, and Raogothcar wondered what he had done when he went for his first time.
Deanna and three other guards were waiting for him when he got into the large hall. Deanna wore nothing but brown. Light brown shirt, and darker brown pants. Raogothcar wondered why when she had the chance to change the colors she could wear that she wore things like brown. He could never change his colors, but humans had the amazing gift of clothes. It was always interesting to see what all the humans wore.
Raogothcar recognized two of the others with Deanna. Jacob wore a light white shirt with a green vest with brown pants. Helen decided to wear light blue shirt and pants. Then the man he didn't recognize was dressed similar to Jacob, but instead of a vest he had a long flowing shirt. Each of them had a small patch on their shoulders, which had the emblem of Freeraven, the winged sword.
Deanna turned as Raogothcar got closer to them. She turned back to her three other charges and waved her hand at each as she introduced them, "These are our escourt, Jacob, Helen, and Travis. We're not expecting any trouble on the way so this should be a quick trip. We should be back in a week's time."
Raogothcar nodded to each as Deanna introduced them. Then he watched Deanna who stared back at him for a few moments. Then Raogothcar noticed they were all standing staring at each other. Deanna spread her arms and Raogothcar thought she looked impatient.
"Are you ready or waiting for something else?"
"No, I was just waiting for you to say what we were going to do next. Although I am a little curious if I can have one of those little blue things you are all wearing."
"Maybe when we get back. Are you ready?"
"Um... Yes, but none of you have very much. We're not taking anything with us?"
"We've got it all packed on the horses right now," Jacob said, "Its easier that way."
With a quick turn Deanna pointed towards the tower's great doors. "Let's get on our way. Get to your horses; we'll be over the mountain by nightfall."
The sun had not yet risen over the mountains and the world outside was still gloomy as the five stepped outside the tower. There were stable hands checking packs and saddles on four horses in the yard, most still rubbing the sleep from their eyes or yawning. Raogothcar waited as the other four gave one final check of everything and mounted their horses. Not even an hour passed as the five left the outer gates to the tower and began their journey over the mountains.
They stopped for camp after they had reached the foothills on the other side of the mountains. Raogothcar had tried a few attempts at conversation as they traveled but never managed to get much from any of the soldiers. After the camp had been set up for the evening, Raogothcar excused himself to go hunting. He managed to find a lone deer north of the camp in a clearing, and satisfied his hunger, then quenched his thirst at a nearby stream. When he returned to the camp near nightfall, only Deanna and Travis were still awake. He quietly walked into the camp and lay down on the far end of the camp and watched the two.
Deanna paid the dragon no attention and continued sharpening her sword. He had never seen her work on the blade before; she seemed to treat the dark blue steel as if it was a living thing. He looked back at Travis who was looking after the horses. Raogothcar wondered if he might become more friendly with time. Each time he tried talking with the man, he seemed unsure of anything to say. With a shrug, he curled himself up and tucked his head under a wing and fell asleep.
\* \* \*
Deanna woke just as the first light of dawn broke into the morning world. She looked around the campsite. Whenever she was traveling she always made sure to sleep light and check her surroundings when she woke. After she satisfied herself, she pushed the cured hide cover off her and stretched the stiffness out of her joints. She heard Travis stirring behind her as she began collecting her portion of the camp. Travis sat up and scratched his head for a few moments, then he too started packing. Deanna watched him out of the corner of her eye, the man had joined the scouts and she wasn't sure what to think of the man yet. He was one of the few that knew more magic than weapons, and if he could handle himself well then he would be a good addition to the scouts.
The dragon still got on her nerves. She would have been content in silence the entire trip, but he had interrupted her thoughts nearly every step of the way. The chatter among the other scouts didn't bother her, since they knew to leave her alone when she wanted to think. This dragon never seemed to pick up on the fact. Despite how annoying he could be, she could tell he was trying to help. That small piece of him she appreciated.
When Deanna finished putting the packs together, she woke the other two. Their shuffling about woke the dragon who had taken his head from under his wing. The dragon lay there watching everything silently with glazed eyes. Deanna took care of cleaning up the rest of the camp while the other three packed up. She noted that Travis started before the other two and was the last to finish. The sun had moved just above the horizon as they were mounting their horses. Deanna looked through the sparse trees, up at the top of the mountains they had traveled through the day before. She frowned up at the clouds that threatened rain for later in the day. She hoped hat they would reach Nicksville before the rain came upon them.
Their luck wasn't meant to hold out against the weather. As they saw the first few buildings the rain saw its first few victims. Deanna saw movement in nearly all the windows as people came to watch the newcomers, especially the dragon. Ravenstone had Heraseth visit once a month and this kept them used to a dragon's presence. Deanna knew the people of Nicksville never got dragons as visitors, so their dragon was a surprise few expected.
The Inn keeper was nice enough to let them all have a warm breakfast, at a discount for being on official business. The soldiers had to help the inn keeper with a few tables and chairs to help let the dragon in, and the dragon sat at the bar with the rest of the travelers and ate a small helping himself. He sniffed at it for several moments until he apparently saw the keeper starting to get offended, then the dragon made a show of eating the food like it was a delicacy.
After Deanna finished her plate, the man walked up to the table where she sat alone, and took a seat. He sighed as he sat down, then looked across at her and spoke in a hushed voice, "You know, ma'am, your dragon troop here is not the only strange thing to happen around here lately. Just a couple days ago a large group of men came through, most of them dressed really funny for these parts. They just camped a little north of here and kept to themselves. We even offered them a place to stay here, but they wouldn't even talk with us."
Deanna leaned forward taking in everything the man said. When he stopped, Deanna narrowed her eyes at the man, "How many of them were there?" She hoped for sixteen, but dreaded a much higher number.
"There were quite a few actually, ma'am. Much more than your group today. But I don't know how many there were, too many to count all at once. They almost seemed like a small army to us here in town. In the morning they just all got up and left. Some to the west and some to the east."
"Were they all dressed in dark green?"
The man nodded, "Yes ma'am I think they were. Did you run into them somewhere?"
"Yes we did. Killed several in the tower a couple days back. We're hunting for information on these men. What else can you tell me about them?"
"We hadn't gotten such news! If we had known that they were out to cause mischief we would have sent word right away." Then he leaned forward again and began wish his hushed voice, "There are more out there though. I heard from Nathan out past the edge of town that his son saw several of those men headed east. Is that the way you're headed ma'am?"
Deana nodded slowly without a hint of surprise or emotion about anything the man had said.
"Oh you best be careful then ma'am. They are bound to be out for more mischief that's for certain. They won't be welcome in this town, no ma'am. I'll see to that myself." The man shook his fist with emphasis as he talked.
"Yes, do see to that. It sounds like my men," She paused or a moment, as she looked over to the dragon still sitting before the bar with the rest of her soldiers, " my men, dragon, and I need to be moving on then. I thank you for your hospitality."
"Won't you wait till the rain is past? I am sure those fugitives won't be traveling far in the weather."
"No," Deanna stood and raised her voice, "Travis, Jacob, Helen, and you there dragon. Come on we've got a lot more of the road to travel on."
The rain had let up after their breakfast at the bar, it turned to only a constant drizzle. The horses didn't mind, the soldiers didn't mind, and the dragon seemed only slightly annoyed by it. They had left the small town a while back, and it was getting close to noon. The entire time they all remained silent, including the dragon. Deanna considered this to be a nice reprieve from usual, she guessed he was lost in his own thought, or self pity.
Then she noted he had come up from the back of the line up abreast of her. She figured if maybe she remained silent that he might leave her in peace, but she didn't have much hope for it. The dragon just walked beside her for several minutes, a deep thoughtful look on his face. He only strode forward, looking out ahead, the rain dripping off his wings and his head the whole time.
"Deanna?" the dragon asked.
"Yes what is it dragon?"
"Do you think we'll see any more of the Cickrack while we're traveling?"
"I doubt it."
"I don't travel on foot very often, so I don't know if this'll be dangerous or if we'll run into more of the Cickrack or something. There are always things behind the trees and now there are people that want to kill us all. Everything seems so dangerous."
"I don't think we'll have much to worry about today dragon."
"But my father never told me about Cickrack crossing the Crater Mountains. He didn't tell me about assassins like that either. It all just seems terrible." He glanced back at the others before continuing in a whisper, "I have nightmares of them now. I'm scared that those bugs or the other humans could have killed me."
"Dragon, that happens to everyone. We all have the thought that maybe if you hadn't have done what you did, you might be dead. Look at us now though, we did what we had to do and we're still here. That Cick isn't, I had this sword buried pretty deep in it. I don't think its going to be eating you any time soon." She saw the dragon turn his head and open his mouth for some reply but she cut him off, "And if we do see another one, I am pretty sure we can bury my sword pretty deep in that one too. The scouts and I can take care of any assassins."
The dragon closed his mouth as the spines on his head and back seemed to fall flat on him. He hung his head and slowed his pace and took back the spot in the line he had left several minutes ago.
The dragon was like a new recruit, scared of his own shadow and worried about everything. She wondered why the dragon came to her at all for anything. What made things even worse the dragon came to her with problems and insecurities. The last thing she wanted was to look like a caring mother that held children's hands. The rest of the scouts would see that as weakness, and that would lead others to see her actions as weakness. Weakness bread trouble, and she'd had enough of that.
Of course the dragon so far had acted when trouble appeared. Perhaps there was some hope for the recruit yet. Although, without any way to watch and test him, he could crack under the wrong sort of pressure. If he did, she'd try hard not to hurt him too much if she had to get him out of the way in a fight, maybe knock him out or stun him. Still she hoped that if anything happened on their trip that the dragon would at least act rather than panic.
There were assassins in the woods. The road was well traveled she knew, and the path in front of her was of good solid stone. It made for wonderful traveling, and excellent footing in a fight. The woods grew right up to the edge of the road, which made for easy ambushes. She had her scouts check the road often to make sure no bandits decided to harass travelers. It was impossible to stop them all, but her scouts kept the kingdom safe, so far.
She gazed through the trunks and branches that spread out around her. They made an endless web of places to hide and places to make ambushes. She never liked the woods much, but knew enough to keep from making anything easier for whoever might be out there. She couldn't be sure that there was anyone out there at all, but she felt the need to act as if there was. More than once when she acted as if there was trouble ahead, she could avoid it. Deanna hoped it would work this time as well.
\* \* \*
The dragon kept his head down, his spines obviously drooping. He hadn't bothered her anymore, but something was obviously bothering him. She hoped he would find his own answer than bothering her with trivial matters. Maybe if he approached her, she could have him talk to Jacob, he had his head on straight.
Late in the day the rain finally stopped, but the clouds never let up. When the sun finally dipped below the mountains to the west, and then the clouds devoured the dwindling light making for very gloomy travel. The group made camp much like the day before, and just like the day before, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Deanna had them all take short watches during the night since there was trouble lurking somewhere in the woods. When morning broke they all packed and moved further on. The clouds let up mid-way through the day. For the evening, the dragon offered to hunt for the soldiers and Deanna agreed. When he returned the soldiers were pleased with the deer he brought back with him. That evening the dragon and the other soldiers seemed to have a pleasant evening. They told each other stories and joked with each other.
Deanna sat to herself, pondering what their enemy out in the woods might be doing. She had expected them to attack or capture them during the day or the night before. Since nothing happened she was becoming more suspicious of the enemy. There were doubts beginning to form in her mind as well, that maybe this other group either waited in ambush somewhere else, or possibly had abandoned them completely. Deanna supposed it was even possible that they didn't even know that she and her soldiers were even there. Her instinct told her however that they knew, she just couldn't explain why.
The next day passed much like the one before it, very little happened to the small group as they traveled. Deanna saw no sign of the enemy traveling their route, or of any camps or ambushes planed anywhere. They passed several places on the way the past couple days she expected to be an ambush, but she was glad she had been wrong. On their fourth day close to the evening, she asked the dragon to head up into the sky and see if he could find any hint of what might be lurking out in the woods. She and the others set up their camp again and waited for the dragon to return. When he did, Deanna was disappointed when he told her that he had found nothing.
Deanna woke up first on their fifth day of travel. While she was packing up her things, she heard the dragon sit up.
She heard the dragon behind her, "Good morning Deanna." He sounded like his sleep was restless the night before again.
Deanna continued her packing but decided to respond for the first time on this trip to his morning greeting, "Morning dragon." She couldn't see why he had to greet her every time he saw her. But she never felt annoyed by his morning greetings, he was only trying to be friendly.
"We could get to a large river today I think. Its not too far from here, over in the east." The dragon scratched some itch on his neck with a hind leg.
"That river is the border between Freeraven and Nyland." Deanna had stopped for a moment and looked at the dragon, then she went back to packing the camp. The other three were stirring awake. They would be on the road again soon.
Through the day, they kept a constant pace. Deanna was the only one looking for any signs of trouble, the rest of them seemed certain that the enemy had never known their presence and had moved on. Deanna was inclined to think that was the case as well. In the afternoon however, Deanna noticed several footprints join the dust in the road from some small path out of the woods. She immediately became suspicious, but the others seemed to shrug it off.
That evening they came to the river the dragon had been talking about. The banks were steep muddy drop offs roughly the height of a man. Small trees hung out over the river in places, while larger trees grew on either side of the river. The dirt road they were on led up to the stone bridge. Deanna and her three soldiers could easily ride side by side across the bridge. The river slowly meandered through its course, hardly making a noise except for splashing around the bridge in places.
Deanna had the group stop before the bridge for a moment. Her eyes scanned the banks and the bridge itself for any signs of hostile life, but she found nothing. The others just indulged her but didn't help any. The dragon sat patiently looking around, but only to take in the surroundings. When Deanna was satisfied she waved to the group for them to start once again.
\* \* \*
Peter Forter knelt in the bushes as baron Kyle Landol had told them. Their entire group had been laying in wait here for most of the day. The baron was completely certain the only real obstacles to their plans would be walking across this bridge in the future. This time however, the baron wanted to get directly involved with the problem. Peter checked his bow once again, knowing he would be using it sometime soon, though he wish he knew when. He was also anxious about the dragon, the arrows he had didn't seem like much of a weapon against a dragon. He only took comfort in the confidence of his baron.
As he waxed the string to his bow, he heard someone slowly walking up to his hiding spot in the bushes. He peered through the leaves and saw Kyle coming to him. He sat patiently and waited for the master to come and tell him what he needed to know. Peter looked up to the man when he arrived, even if Peter had been standing he would have to look up to the man.
Kyle whispered down to him, "Go tell the others that they're here now."
Peter silently nodded and scrambled off to obey. He looked back over his shoulder and saw Kyle face the bridge and point his finger toward the river underneath it. The magical force the man suddenly began to use crept around him, invisible. He was no mage, but the power being used now could easily be felt by anyone. Noiselessly, Peter arrived at his position and waited for Kyle's barrier to be in place before he started his men's attack.
\* \* \*
Deanna had Travis and Helen riding in the front. She and the dragon came next, while in the back was Jacob. The only thing she heard was the soft movement of the water somewhere below them and the clomping of the horses. She looked out at the banks and wondered decided that she must have been wrong about the outlaws out in the woods. It could have been they were simply deserters from the main group. She might never know.
She brushed the hair out of her eyes and looked back ahead of her. Then she saw the dragon stop out of the corner of her eye. She reigned in the horse to stop and looked back at the dragon. He stood completely still, his eyes fixed in a hard surprised stare ahead of them.
"Dragon, what is it?" She hadn't seen the dragon do this before, and it bothered her.
For a moment the dragon just continued to stare, then he slowly looked down at the bridge and murmured, "Magic, someone is drawing a circle. A big one. Right here."
"How big is it dragon?"
"It's the whole bridge," The dragon said as he turned his head slowly, as if watching something move around them. "They're still drawing it. Something to do with the water below us, but I don't think its going to be good Deanna."
"By the two gods," she drew her sword and pointed the way they had come, "Move! Get off the bridge!"
She heard the other three and the dragon turning to follow her, but she saw it was too late for any of them. She saw the river on either side of the bridge lift up and quickly flow through the air towards her. The hair on the back of her neck prickled as whole sheets of water sailed quickly through the air and stop directly in front of her, sealing her path with a shimmering, rippling wall. The horse skipped to a stop and reared back, neighing wildly. The others behind her came to a stop, and she heard someone curse behind her loudly.
The water slowly started moving toward them, and Deanna could see the rest of the river rise in a giant circle around them. In moments the water had built a large dome around the entire bridge. She stared up at the watery prison as a grim realization dawned on her, they had walked right into a trap.
She looked back at the dragon, "Dragon, what do we do?"
The dragon had been staring up at the dome with the rest of the soldiers. Deanna's question brought him out of his trance, his voice was high with fear. "I don't know," He looked around them slowly, his eyes wide betraying his fear as he repeated slowly, "I don't know."
"We're not leaving the bridge," Deanna swung herself off her horse, "Get on the ground and ready yourselves, over there by the rails. We're about to see what this mage wants with us."
Deanna jogged to the stone railway hoping it would be enough cover. A moment later the other three guards knelt with their backs to the stones as well. Kneeling, Deanna let her magical grip on her sword tighter as she felt the magical force around them. She needed to know more about what they faced, but the water distorted the world outside their watery cage.
"Dragon," Deanna turned to face the dragon crouched near her, "what can you tell me about this? Where is it coming from? Is there anything else this is going to do?"
The dragon had been staring down again, but looked up at her and whispered back, "I don't know. This spell is huge, bigger than most I've ever seen. Let me study it though, maybe I can learn something from it if I have enough time."
"Dragon, I don't want to wait. This isn't right and every second you spend without an answer is another second whoever did this can make our lives miserable. Travis, you know magic right?"
"Um, some I think." He said as Deanna's hopes fell.
"What can you tell me?"
"I don't know circle magic, I'm sorry."
"Why did I bring you anyway?" Deanna shook her head and looked at the further end of the bridge, "Dragon find us a way out, before anything worse-"
An arrow clacked off a stone near her head, and Deanna flinched in mid words. She looked at the wall of water across from them just as more arrows began raining out of the water.
Travis swung his sword wildly up towards the arrows, most veered wildly as if they struck invisible stonework. The remaining arrows clattered harmlessly around them.
"Now I know why I brought you Travis." Deanna said, "Jacob, see if you can shoot back at them."
"Just me? One arrow against twenty?"
"Do it Jacob, or-"
Travis grunted as he swung his sword again. The sound of arrows flying through water, echoed and sung inside their prison.
"Now Jacob."
"Alright." Jacob said as he pulled an arrow out of his quiver.
"Helen, be ready for anyone coming at us on foot, we can't rule that out."
Travis began swinging faster as the arrows began coming through the walls irregularly. Deanna could feel the mental tingle of the magic he was using and guessed he wouldn't be able to keep up for much longer.
"Deanna," Jacob called, "My arrows are just getting stuck in the water. I can't get anything out."
"Dragon," Deanna turned to face him, "how can they get arrows through and we can't?"
"Its got to be part of this spell." The dragon said as he turned his head back and forth. He looked as if he was frantically reading the stonework of the bridge, but Deanna guessed he was seeing the lines of magic below them.
The clatter and splashes of the arrows around them began to speed up. Deanna noticed more were coming from behind them. Archers had surrounded them completely.
"This spell looks like it works to stop anything coming out of it to hold it in place," She heard the dragon say beside her. "but will let anything from the other side pass easily. I don't know anything that might stop this either."
Deanna shook her head and cursed again. Then she looked over the stone hand rails at the other bank. "I guess there is about ten on this side, maybe more. Travis how many do we have over there?"
"Some? Maybe say um." Travis waved his sword wildly at the arrows coming in at them.
Helen managed to knock an arrow to the ground as it sped towards the dragon. "Another ten on this side."
Deanna heard one of the horses give a cry of pain, and looked back. The horse bolted and hit the edge of the water. In the animal's blind panic, it pushed through the wall and then seemed to become trapped half way through. The animal struggled in place while the other horses panicked at far side of the bridge.
The dragon shook her with the palm of his wing, "Deanna! When you throw that sword-" The dragon let out a short yelp and jumped slightly, as an arrow punched through the softer membrane of his wing and stabbed into his side. After looking back at what hit him, he turned to Deanna with gritted teeth, "You throw the sword with magic right?"
Deanna held up her sword and nodded. "Will it go through?"
The dragon gave a short nod, "It should. This circle protects against..." But the dragon never finished his thought.
Deanna stood up and threw her sword hard towards the wall of water. She let her mind guide the blade. When the blade neared the wall, she could feel the circle magic trying to hold her back. With added determination she felt her sword break free and fly home.
She could feel her sword tear through one of the archers outside the sphere, but couldn't hear any cry. The arrows from that side for a moment seemed to stop, and Deanna felt a glimmer of hope as she pulled the sword back to her.
Before she caught it, an arrow passed right beside her and she heard it strike someone behind her. As she caught her sword she turned to see the arrow protruding from Jacob's thigh. He collapsed on the stonework of the bridge and let out a breath of agony, his bow clattering on the stones.
Deanna let her sword fly once again this time she felt it pass through the barrier easier this time, as if it wasn't sure how to stop this blade. Within another moment, a second archer lay on the ground as Deanna's blade returned to her hand. She caught the blade and knelt behind the railing once again and looked at her soldiers on the other side of the bridge. Helen had crawled over to Jacob and was pulling out a few strips of cloth from a small pouch on his leg.
Jacob pulled the arrow out of his leg with a grunt and looked over at Deanna, "Its not bad. I'll be fine. Just make these bastards stop."
"Dragon tell me you can bring this circle down!" Deanna stood and threw her sword out towards the bank.
"I can't, its too big."
"Then what can you do about it dragon?" Deanna felt her sword land in dirt and pulled it back to her hand.
Deanna saw the arrow, but couldn't move quick enough to stop it. Its path led it to land on the dragon's side, the second arrow to hit him. The dragon yelped and shrunk to the railing of the bridge.
"Dragon, what do we do? How do we stop it?"
The dragon looked away from his side, his wing held out as a shield over his body. "I think its coming from over that way. I can feel the energy flowing into the circle." He pointed with one paw, "If you can distract him long enough-"
"I intend to kill him dragon!"
She roared as she let the blade loose. The wall of water made seeing her target impossible, but she decided to land near the large tree she could discern. The blade dove into the side of the tree, and she felt the sword slip once it hit. It felt like she had splintered the side of the tree.
Bringing her outstretched hand back behind her, she called the blade back to her. A moment later she had caught it and flung it forward once again. She vaguely heard Travis strike down more arrows, and wondered how many other strikes she hadn't even heard. She let her blade strike the ground near the tree and called it back.
When she caught the blade she ducked below the railing. "Travis, how are you holding up?"
"Getting tired!" He said as he swung wildly again sending arrows scattering in mid air.
She noted he was panting, the strain of flash magic slowly eating away his strength. Deanna stood and threw her sword again. This time at a different angle and aimed at a large bush near the tree the dragon pointed out.
Se felt the blade catch and snag on roots. She ducked down as she moved her grip on the sword and tried to pull it out. If she had to, she would destroy that part of the river one throw at a time. But she hoped Travis could hold out that long.
"Dragon are you completely sure that's where it's coming from?"
"Yes! Right over there, not far at all."
"Deanna," Travis said, "The arrows, they've stopped."
She looked around their watery prison and found Travis was right. The wall rippled and waved, but without the splashes of arrows flying through. She stood and looked around the river sides. At different places she could see a dark wavy shape retreating quickly into the woods behind them.
"Yes, they've stopped." She said, watching the shapes as the last of them slipped into the woods.
"Thank he gods." Travis dropped his sword which clattered on the stones, and slumped against the stone railing. "I'm so tired, I've not worked like that ever."
"Glad you did though Travis," Helen said as she tied the last bandage on Jacob's leg, then sat against the railing as well. "Otherwise we'd all be dead I'm sure."
"No we'd all be dead if Raogothcar didn't figure out where this mess was coming from." Travis said.
"I didn't do very much." The dragon said as he winced, "I just read the magic. I should have done more. I'm sorry I didn't do anything."
"You did well enough dragon." Deanna said, "Let's get those arrows out."
Deanna turned back to the wounded dragon. He had been the most trapped of them all with nearly no cover, but he told her right about her sword. Without his reading the circle, and finding where the mage was, she would have never known where to throw her sword. She walked to where the dragon lay. He turned his head and raised his left wing to let Deanna to the arrows protruding from his side. She pulled them out and the dragon winced. She stared at the bloody arrow tip for a few moments then tossed it over the side of the bridge.
"They weren't poisoned, you'll be alright."
"It still hurts though." the dragon complained softly. Then he let out a deep breath.
Deanna looked up at the dome around them, "How long till we can get out of this?"
"It shouldn't take too long." then dragon said absently, as he sat looking down at his side with a frown. "Magic like this needs a lot of energy, and since the mage is gone it will wear out eventually. At least I think it will."
Helen looked over at her captain as she waved a sword at the end of the bridge, "Now that they are gone can't we just cut our way out or something?"
"I don't think so. Just look at your horse over there." The dragon pointed where the horse was still struggling to break free of the water. It was growing tired of its struggle, and was mostly hanging in place its head hanging low on the outside of the wall. "Good thing it got its head through. I'd hate to drown on top of a bridge."
Jacob laughed then said, "Drown on top of a bridge, I'd never believe it if anyone ever told me."
Deana walked back around the dragon to the edge of the railing and stretched out her mind to her sword once again. In a few moments she sent it sailing slowly back through the dome and to her hands. She wiped it dry from her pack on the ground then sheathed it.
"Let's just wait this out. The dragon said this needs power, it will out sometime. Hopefully soon."
The dragon closed his eyes, and mumbled softly, "It will."
"Helen see if you can't calm those horses, we'll need them again in a bit."
Helen jogged towards the horses milling on the other side of the bridge to take care of them. Meanwhile, Deanna gathered up the packs the horses had shed in their panic. It didn't take long, most of their things had been tied up well the morning before.
As she was walking towards Helen as she worked with the horses, she heard a deep pop above her. She looked up with everyone else to see a small opening at the top of the dome. The water seemed to tremble for a moment longer, then fell as a single sheet. Everyone was drenched at once as a roar of water swirled around them for a moment. A second later the water had found ways to drain back into the river below with a constant trickle. Deanna looked at Helen who just stood there for a moment.
Behind her, Deanna heard the dragon mumbled, "Well, that felt good at least."
Jacob looked at the dragon for a moment, then laughed. "Only you would say that."
The dragon tilted his head as he raised it to look at him, "Why would you say that?"
Deanna turned to the group behind her as she shook water from her sleeves, "Alright, come on. Let's get on the other side of this river and camp. Travis go get that other horse. Dragon, Jacob, see if you two can find a camp somewhere over there." She pointed to the eastern side of the bridge. Then she turned and helped Helen with the horses and packing them back up.
\* \* \*
That evening they dried off and rested. The dragon and Jacob both assured her that they were alright. Both of their wounds were shallow. Deanna was glad they had managed to sneak away from the ambush with so few scratches. They could have easily been killed in such a well planned ambush. They managed to make a small camp off the road. Deanna felt certain they were safe for the night. She insisted on watches through the night, and no one disagreed now.
Deanna sat staring at the small fire they had. The ambush they managed to escape from troubled her. She was scared what the ambushers would try next. The ambush had left her with no further clues than what she already knew. What worried her more was now she also knew this enemy had some powerful mage working with hem as well. None of the criminal groups that she knew kept this sort of talent, it was usually too expensive or too hard to find.
There were fugitive hunts she had been on when her team had to handle a dangerous mage. Each time the scouts fought hard, and usually some died. She wasn't looking forward with dealing with a determined mage that was ready to kill others. This one could have easily been the most powerful she had ever dealt with personally as well. Captain Tillson though was known for fighting with mages. She hoped she would do as well.
Jacob, Travis, and Helen all lay around the camp sleeping already. The dragon sat a few steps further from the campfire writing in his oversized book. Deanna decided to take the first watch, the rest of them seemed to tired to stay up while she felt as if nothing had happened. She could tell that the dragon was tired, but something about having to write down every little detail kept him awake for some reason. She could not imagine why it would be important enough to write down.
Despite how she felt, Deanna sat back against the trunk of a large tree. She let the chirping of insects and the few last birds unable to sleep sing in odd melody around her. Everything sounded normal to her, and soon she began to ignore the sounds completely, and stared into the fire once again.
Looking into the waving flames of the fire, she recalled the events at the bridge. Everyone had done a good job she had concluded before, and she was glad now that she brought each of them on the trip, even the dragon. She hadn't thought what would have happened if the dragon hadn't come with them, or if the dragon decided to fly rather than walk with them.
Without the dragon's direction they would have all be fighting blind. Deanna wasn't sure she would have ever been able to discern where the magic was coming from and they would have all died. She looked up at the dragon nearby, he certainly wasn't brave nor very powerful, but he had helped them greatly again today.
She wondered why he tried so hard when the other dragons in Freeraven held only apathy for humans. Was there something wrong with this dragon in the right sort of way? The other scouts had opened up to the dragon through the trip she had noticed. Perhaps this dragon was good enough to even trust to some level.
The dragon closed the book he was writing in and Deanna turned her gaze back to the fire. He carefully placed the book back in his leather bag he had brought. After a short yawn, the dragon stood and slowly walked in her direction. She didn't avert her gaze from the fire, but watched him from the corner of her eye. Then after she lost track of his movements, she heard him flop to the ground near her. She guessed that he would need to ask her something and she waited for whatever the dragon wanted to ask.
"Deanna, what is the city of Palitos like? All my father ever told me about was the library, which doesn't sound like it would be much for the rest of the city."
"I don't know dragon," she said as she turned to look at him, "it's a lot like Ravenstone."
"I didn't get to spend much time in Ravenstone really, so what are they both like?"
"What do you want to know about them?"
"Interesting things, and things about them."
"The city is both an industry city as well as a trade city." She turned back to gazing into the fire as she recalled facts from different reports she was given from scouts. "They are the major grain producer for the entire Southerlands. But being built on the major east-west trade route and a major north-south road brought trade in the city to a good level. Freeraven gets most of its flour from Palitos, several times a year a small wagon train purchases flour. The Freeraven army has been guarding the train for several years now. Due to the city's size they have a small standing guard troop at all times. General-"
"No," the dragon interrupted, "I mean like how they got the library? What are the people like? Do they like dragons there? My mother told me that where she came from there weren't as many dragons that visited the cities."
"How would I know things like that dragon?"
"Isn't that things you would know? You've been in cities before, you're a human."
She stared at the fire as the dragon's last comment rolled in her mind. She had never cared about what other people thought about, normally that only lead to more work. For most of her life she had been more concerned with where the immoral and illegal parts of town were, how to eliminate them, and who would get in the way when she did try to eliminate them. The things the dragon wanted to know could get in the way. Histories made you feel sorry for criminals when you learned they couldn't feed their families. Knowing backgrounds gave one compassion for the murderer whose family only beat him and all he knew was hatred and malice.
"Dragon," she turned to look him in the eyes, "sometimes you can't know those things. I don't know the histories of Palitos because its not my job to know them. I know what I know about Palitos because that's what I need to know."
"Are humans all like that?"
"No, I don't think so dragon." She said as she turned back to the fire.
"Then why're you like that?"
"Because not everyone can be the way you want them to be."
The dragon furrowed his brow and turned his head to watch the flames as well. She didn't mean to sound as angry as she was. She wasn't used to being questioned, usually she was the one that did the questioning. What she had said was true though, and the dragon would have to learn to deal with it. Deanna didn't want to seem angry with him though.
"When we get there," she said quieter, "we might be able to find someone that knows a little more about Palitos than I do."
"That would be nice I think."
"It could be."
"Well," the dragon said as he stood, "goodnight Deanna. I'll see you in the morning."
He didn't wait for her to say anything in return and walked back to where he had left his bag. She didn't know what to say back to him anyway. She hadn't met anyone in the tower or in the city that was quite like this dragon. She couldn't understand why he would bother with any of them after all the attacks.
The dragon laid on his side and closed his eyes, his spines and wings drooping. Deanna remembered when she was left to train new recruits into the scouts, how they would ask questions and look for ways to fit in. Many tried to get on her "good side" only to find she never favored anyone. Favoritism lead to bad decisions, and lead to people getting killed. There were others that did better than she did in training new recruits, and it seemed she would need to get the dragon with one of them. With as much as he had been helping the scouts, he might as well be one of them now. |
medieval story by dbj_rab | another old story i wrote in medieval setting - The rabbit yawned and sighed as he stretches and woke up from his nap. He twitched his ears and looked around for any "predators". He yawned again and patted his clothes then pondered his next move as he noticed a pair of eyes watching him and smirked | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464057-medieval-story | The rabbit yawned and sighed as he stretches and woke up from his nap. He twitched his ears and looked around for any "predators". He yawned again and patted his clothes then pondered his next move as he noticed a pair of eyes watching him and smirked slightly as he moved on towards the nearest town.
The fox grunted a bit as he continued to watch the rabbit and closely followed him as bet as he could without being seen. He swished his tail a bit as he trailed the bunny idly wondering in the back of his mind as to why he was hired to follow this rabbit and judge whether he'd be good for certain tasks. "He doesn't seem that special to me" he thought to himself as he continued to follow the rabbit.
Sean grunted softly as he sat down in the bar of the small village. His ears twitched as he ordered a drink and then moved to a dark corner and waited to watch what the fox will do next. Shawn flicked his tail and looked around for the rabbit and spied him. He moved to the booth and smiled , "Mind if I sit here good sir?" he asked, pouring on the charm. Sean smiled "No not all. Go right ahead."
"my name's Shawn by the way. Nice to meet you."
"My name is Sean. Like wise I'm sure" he grinned a bit as the male servant brought their drinks. Sean gave the teenager money and a bit of a tip as he grinned and smirked slightly and patted the young bear's rump as he moved off towards other customers.
The bear smirked softly as he wriggled his rump to the rabbit knowing what he'll be wanting later in his room. He softly mmrred to himself at the thought as he softly smoothed his brown and white fur, and then greeted the next customer.
The rabbit smiled as he sipped his drink and looked the fox over. The fox was of usual redish orange and black foot and hand paws coloring. Yet his hair fur was dyed purple. His green eyes sparkled and regarded the rabbit in return. The bunny grinned to himself a bit as he noticed the fox adjusting himself slightly and continued to drink.
"So what brings you around here?" the fox asked as he sipped his wine.
"oh not much. Just traveling around and what not" he smiled as he sipped his fruit juice. "that's good then " the fox remarked. "Well I must be off.. it was nice meeting your acquatance. " the fox smiled and got up to go to his employer. "It was nice meeting you too. Take care on your journey" The rabbit said, then waved a paw bye.
The rabbit then hopped off to his room and decided to take a nap before the hot cute bear came along for a hot night of fucking. He grinned to himself and waited. After several hours has passed, he twitched his ears as he heard a knocking on his door. Enter he called out and smiled already naked knowing it was the bear waiter. The bear grinned and closed the door and then strated to slowly strip out of his clothes.
Sean grinned as he watched the hot hung bear get naked and then patted the bed. "come on over here Greg." He said. Greg smiled and wasted no time in getting there. Both moaned softly as they began to play with themselves to more hardness. "mmm oh yeah that's it " Sean panted a bit as he moved his paw up and down on Greg's hot huge 9 inches of preing cock. "oohhh Sean gods yyess more harder" he panted and spreaded his legs slightly as he got more turned on.
Sean grinned as he then moved on his back more and lifted his legs. "ok big boy.. put that hot huge dick of yours up my ass and fuck me hard " he panted and smiled. Greg mmrred softly as licks the rabbit's tight tail hole and moaned softly as he fondled his balls and pred more. Then slowly rubbed his length along the rabbit's ass crack and panted as he got more turned on and moaned "ooh fuck . gods you are sooo tight " he whimpered panted and shoved his cock head into the bunny's ass. Sean grunted and panted as he pushed back against Greg's huge cock and shivered in pleasure as he tightened his ass slightly and began to slowly paw himself off as he watched Greg's hung bruin cockk slide in and out of his ass. "ooohhh fuck fuuucckkk yyeessss" he cried out.
The rabbit panted and moaned more in pleasurea s he cried out and mrowled loudly tightening his ass as hard as he could as spurted all over as the bear grunted and frowled softly and trusted deep as he could into the rabbit's tight ass and nibbles his neck as he spruted and cummed deep into his ass...
Greg panted and gasped softly as he moaned in pleasure and thrusted a few more times while cumming into the bunny's tight ass.. Sean panted and moaned ohh gods oomm yess as he shivered and smiled at Greg. He giggled "my turn now " . Greg smiled and smirked and then maoned as he pulled out of his ass and they changed ;positions for the rabbit to fuck the hot bear.
Greg grunted softly and growled as Sean pushed his hard preing cock into his ass. "oohh gods you're so huuugee " he panted and maoned..pushing back against the rabbit's hard deep thrusts going in and out faster and harder as he grunted and panted preing hard into the bear's tight ass. "ohhh gods yyess sooo tight " he panted and maoned.. sweat dripping all over their bodies as Sean grunted and maoned pushing in deep as he could and pounded away as he suddenly twitched and cuummedd hard into the bears ass. Greg patned and moaned suddenly tightening his ass and spurted all over again as he felt the rabbit's cock spurt into his ass.
Both panted and maoned in pleasure as they simply snuggled and kisses enjoying the afterwloe and resting up. "ooh gods you are such a good fuck" Sean panted and girnned. "So are you good sir" Greg panted and smiled. They soon fell into slumber and remained throughout the night cuddling. |
Eternal Phantasia - Chapter One - The first Appearance by ZachBear | So this is the first chapter, and a rather amazing one at that.. Or I hope so. Anyways, this chapter will be explaning.. um, the slight creation of final boss which is.. well, in an way, the "final boss". So shall we get started? The same copyright yada yada, zaku, mr.toshina, and today's appearing | [
"Character Development",
"Mild Violence"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10071-eternal-phantasia-chapter-one-the-first-appearance | So this is the first chapter, and a rather amazing one at that.. Or I hope so. Anyways, this chapter will be explaning.. um, the slight creation of final boss which is.. well, in an way, the "final boss". So shall we get started? The same copyright yada yada, zaku, mr.toshina, and today's appearing character zachary are all my character's. Please do not copy or use with out permission and um.. Sorry about the typo party above, i'm still waking up.
Why is it so quiet?.. So dark?.. Where am I, how did I get to this place? A forest? Lake? I don't reconize this place, and yet it feels as if I have been here before.
Fur matted in a cold sweat as zaku's eyelid's flash open. His bright blue orbs darting left and right around his room as if searching for something. He then rised up into a siting position, leting his right paw reach up and gently rub over his forehead, wiping off the sweat and panting softly. A odd dream had woken him up from his sleep, which was what caused him to pant and panic. Something wasn't right "..What's going on?". He then pulled the sheets off his legs, nude underneath and sliping his legs over the edge of the bed. Leting his feet gently touch the soft carpet floor and then rise into a standing position. His tail slowly curling and uncurling.
"What time is it?"
Eyes gazing over at the end table next to his bed, seeing his alarm clock show it was one fourty five in the morning "Jeez... I should go see if zach's up, I could use some.. Time away from this house."
... The cricket's were loud and rather annoying as he exited the mansion and walked down the main street which was called "Lenard". He noticed people walking about here and there, with car's driving down the street time to time as well. It was one of those mornings where no one wanted to be late, and no one was awake inless on their way to early work or drunk out of their minds and can't seem to find their way home "Ah life of the city..."He mumbled while fixing the black sleve less t-shirt he wore which was odd for him, also wearing normal jeans. He didnt wear his usual inverted cross medallion or earings. Just walking the street looking like another teen.
It didn't take long before zaku reached the rather nice looking apartment which was actually a type of loft at the same time. The apartment room being one gaint room but with an upstair's that looks kinda like a balcony inside the room. As he walked up to the door and knocked, a crash was heard followed with shattering glass and a odd "what the hell." look on zaku's face. The door slowly opened a crack as someone with a rather deep but plain maleish voice saying "Who is it?"
"It's zaku moron." The door then flung open, the shirtless coon standing infront of the door with his bright brown eyes gazing at the silver fox and having a wide smile on his face. His tail even wagging as he said "Dude, why are you here?"
"..Long story, just having sleeping trouble..."
"Oh no, another dream. Alright, come on man."The fox nodding happily as he entered. Once in the light of the room, you could notice the coon's build. It was toned, and rather muscular looking compared to the stereotype coons. You could tell he was a athlete and did alot of runing and joging. He was actually on the track team at his school, and second best next to a cheetah that goes there "So whats the problem this time?"The coon asked while taking a seat on a couch right in the front room. Zaku closing the door before walking over to the couch and siting next to him. Ears pricked back as he sighed, head then lowering while closing his eyes ".. The dream, I am in a forest with a lake... It's dark out, and I can't see anything but the lake which moon light is shining into.. Then the lake starts moving and then..... I don't know, I always wake up right about then."
"Sounds slightly odd, but you shouldnt let it get to you zaku, your a good guy. It's probably just a dream."
He then sat closer, leting his arms slip around the fox's waist and pull him close. Leting the back of his head rest on his gray fured chest "You gonna stay here the rest of the morning?" Looking down at the fox with a concerned face. "Yeah, I think I will."Zaku said as he looked up at his coon friend, smiling at him as he said "Thanks zach, for being here for me."
"No problem zaku, you know I would do just about anything for you......"
"Zaku........ Zaku....... ZAKU!"
The silver fox snaped back to reality, standing on the sidewalk and facing in the direction of zach who's arms were crossed. It was the third day after zaku's father's release of eternal phantasia and it was a big hit. Him and zach were on their way to try the game for them selves to see what the fuse is all about "Uhhh.. Was I out for long?"He asked.
"You stood there for 20 minutes staring at nothing as I flailed my arms and yelled your name like hundred's of times!!"The coon was looking odd, but very attractive. Having on a sleve less blue t-shirt, some blue jeans with the knee's cut open, a blue beane with holes in the top for his ear's to poke through and a gold hoop earing in his right ear. He was a very good looking coon, and standing at 5'11. Zaku shook his head and smiled with a blush, wearing his usual leather vest, pant's and inverted cross medallion. Nothing new to him today as the fur on his muzzle turned a slight pink and said "Heh, sorry.. I guess I dazed off."
"You think? Now lets go!"He said with a smile, runing down the street with zaku standing there... But then took off sprinting following zach..
It was one of those day's, where the sun was shining, a cool breeze blew through the area and everyone was doing something relaxing. It was a saturday, and a beautiful one at that. All the cherry tree's in town that Mr.Toshina had planted years back were in bloom and the street's were covered in a light blanket of pink cherry petals. One of zaku's favorite sights. Speaking of sights, as they ran, zaku couldnt help but stare at the sight of his friends rear and grin almost evilly. Soon they reached the closest phantasia center and entered the large building. The room was filled with beings of all sorts, fur's, human's, and everything in between. It was amazing. People were talking about the game, making statement's or discussing how the system was better than any normal rp they played. Zach and zaku went to the front desk, with zaku saying "I am mr.toshina's son. Identification number 23478560145." The lady human wearing white and having long green hair then said "Identification number reconized, hello zaku sir. How can I help you?"
"Me and my friend request a teleporters for eternal phantasia, have any open?"
She started typing into the computer on the front desk, giving this "hmm..." and "OH!" looks as she then said in a rather pleasent voice "We have ten teleporters open today.."She pointed at two behind them on the wall "You may use those, and I hope you enjoy your experience."Zach frowned while zaku lead the way, zach had a thing about human's and it made him uncomfortable. But stoped hiding as they reached the door's to the two teleporters. Standing side by side as zaku said "See you on the other side."
"yeah, you too..."Then they both steped in, closing the door's behind them..
Zaku gazed around the small space like closet that was blue and had a monitor infront of him. A voice emiting from it. It was a woman voice, and it said "Welcome player, will you be playing a new character, or exsisting?"
"New character profile setup loading. Real name please."
"Zaku Toshina."
"Zaku Silver Fox."
"Thank you........... Name registration complete. Do you have any codes you would like to enter?"
"No..(codes? He even gave the game codes?)"
"Thank you. Welcome user zaku silver fox. Please hold as I scan your eternal data."
A blue beam of light Emited from the montior, moving over zaku's body then retracting back into the monitor "Data scan complete. Ready to be teleported Zaku Silver Fox?"
".. Teleporting."The rooom started shaking to him, then everything changed as he seemed to fall through a vortex of multi colored lights and odd waves of energy. It made him feel wozy, but just as quick as he entered the vortex, he exited. Now standing in a clearing in a lush forest. Zach appearing next to him. "Welcome player's Zachary Coon and Zaku Silver Fox. Zaku Silver Fox. Class, magician. Abilities. Can phase through solid matter, use low and meduim class magic except for summoning, eternal, telekenetic, and some time magic. You can also use magic ritual circle's to use summons, high class spells, and transformations but it has a 70% chance of failing.. Zachary Coon. Class, Telepathic Master. Abilities. Can use any form of telepathic and telekenetic powers. Also can use any class of water and wind magic. Even summonings. You also have the hightened ability to manipulate minds... Weapon's usable to your classes? Zaku Silver Fox is limited to using only saber's, magic orbs, staff's, battle fans, and rod's. Zachary Coon can use any sword weapon, bow, staff, and gauntlet weapons. Armor limit none, here you may use any type of armor.. Starting armor, zachary coon has on mythril chainmail, silver armlets, and silver legings. Zaku Silver Fox has on scale plate mail, gold armlets, and silver shin gaurds."
"Woah, gold!? Gah, black and gold is so tacky!."
Zach turning to look at zaku with this "..what the hell?" look. Arms crossing before his ears twitched to the sound of the woman saying "Zaku Silver Fox, would you like to change the color of any armor you have on?"
"Yes, change my armlets and shinguards black."
"Yes zaku... Color change complete, anything else?"
"No.."He said, smiling as he looked at his wrist, the once gold bands around his forearms now black to match his outfit "Character registration complete.. Please pick a weapon to start out with."
"A.. Weapon?" Zach asked.
"Magic orb/Saber sword!"
A green sphere would appear before zaku, and then it would change into a green bladed saber with a blue hilt, then change back into an orb "Is this the weapon?"
"Yes." Reaching out with his right paw and taking it out of the air, smiling as it transformed right in his paw, now griping the hilt of his saber.
"Silver Long sword for me please."And as requested, a silver long sword in a brown sheath would appear "Is this the weapon?"
"Yes"He said with a smile, taking the sheath and tieing it to his belt, then unsheathing his sword by griping the brown hilt tightly and drawing it out in one swish. "Thank you for waiting. You may now play, enjoy.."
"...Ok.. Now what?"Zach asked zaku as he then said "Monitor, party registration. Name, crimson blades. Leader, zaku silver fox. Party member, zachary coon."
"Party reconized, all players please stay close to the leader inless in a town, city, excetra. Enjoy Crimson Blades."
Zaku grined, his tail wagging as he looked at zach and said "Follow me.."Zach mumbled something but followed zaku as they walked down a dirt road. But just then, a part of four would jump out of the tree's. Landing infront of the two fur's as the leader who was a cheetah from school.... Also zach's rival in the track team "Brad.."He said with a growl, the cheetah dressed in a white tank top, and some jeans but holding a long sword "Heh, so zach is a noob to phantasia. Hmph, this will be fun. Lets take them out."He said. Zaku shaking his head as he readied himself. Zach standing beside zaku, also ready as he glared at brad "Bring it on!"
"Party battle reconized, The Yellow Titan's Vs. The Crimson Blades. Activating battle area."A dome then formed around the area, it then turning transparent but having an odd blueish look to it "May the battle begin, enjoy."
Zach grined, eyes turning dark blue as waves of telepathic energy circled around two of the other parties member's. Freezing them in place before thrusting his right arm out, blade clashing into brad's as he tryed to slash at the coon while using his powers. Zaku just gave a sway of his body before briskly walking up to one of the people who tried to slash at him, but phased through him and stood behind him. Saber diving into his back and out his chest. Blood trailing down the front of the being's shirt and down his back. Zaku growled as he noticed blood was on his vest "Gah, you got my fucking vest wet with blood."And then with a yell, he would pull out his saber and drive the tip right back into his back. The player then vanishing as the woman voice said "Green Momba defeated, retracting from eternal phantasia."
Zach jumped back, grining as he binded brad's legs and arms. "Heh, looks like you and your team is immobilized."
"Not yet."The cheetah said as his eyes turned red, a burst of flame's erupting right on zach's chest as it sent him back and slaming back first into a tree. Groaning as he held his chest with his free paw. Zaku was behind a tree, preforming a magic circle which was red with blue runes with in it's lines. The other player's were released from their binds. And zaku's spell failing "Fuck!!....."
....Everything seemed to slow down as the forest grew quiet. The other team's player's stoping while glancing around "B-brad.. Is it..."
"No... I-it couldnt be.."He stuttered. The woman voice now saying with a rather warning/concerned voice "Battle feild dome destroyed, final boss entering area. Do you wish to be retracted from eternal phantasia?"
"No way, me and my team can handle that idiot monster."
"Crimson Blades, wish to retracted?"
Zach cringed as zaku was kneeling next to him and rubing his chest. Slowly healing it for him "No, we will just run.. We will never get good at this game inless we stay."
"So be it.."
A black beam shot out of the tree's, erasing the tree's as it went by and completely disintergrating brad's last two party members as the monitor said "Hulking gaint and ninjitsu girl defeated by boss. Retracting from eternal phantasia. Character data erased."
Brad gulped as he heard that, he heard that when final boss defeats someone they have to start over and arent allowed to return to phantasia for a week "....Uhhh... This game's been out for only afew days and people are already being deleted by final boss. Who made that thing anyways!"
"Creation unknown. Final boss is a name we gave the creature for it has the strongest energy level on this world. Chance's of it being defeated at this point in time? 2%."
A loud laugh echoed around the area as another beam zaped brad who yelled out and vanished "Cheetahling defeated by final boss. Retracting from eternal phantasia. Character data erased."
Zach and zaku gulped, zaku now siting next to zach as he pulled the coon to his chest and kept his arms around him. Growling as they waited. A large being who made almost no sound while walking entered the clearing. It's dark red eyes gazing at the two fur's as it spoke in a husky, deep, and a slightly enchanting voice "Fox of silver ore.. Why are you here on this land?..."
"Uh.."His eyes gazing up into the large black beast which looked more like a shadow.. A large shadow "I-I came because I wanted to see what the big deal was about eternal phantasia.."
"You do not belong here, the one with blood hair should be here. If not, the two world's shall corrupt and no longer exsist.... Bring me toshina!"
"...I.. I am toshina's son, zaku.."He stood up, growling as well as having a rather confident look upon his face. Paws clenched into fist.
"Son of toshina. Your presence here disturbs the balance. Heh, as punishment for coming here with out permission.." Zaku's eyes widened, blue electricity runing up his body before his head tilted back and yelling out in pain.
"You shall be cut off from the other world. And then killed. With you gone, toshina will have no choice but to come. And then I shall destroy him. Thus ending the two worlds." Zach gasped and yelled "No you can't do that!."
"I am sorry gray coon."Zach yelled out as a sphere of darkness wraped around his body and then vanished. Followed with the same voice saying "Zachary Coon's presense lost, unable to find Zachary Quinlan. Unable to retract player. Chance of survival, 20%."
Zaku fell to his knee's, tears runing down his face. Not from pain, but from what he heard. Was zach dead? "no.."
"Yes, and now to finish you son of toshina.."
"GRAH!" Final Boss cryed out as something happened, a black figure darting around behind tree's. It was rather large, and had a long tail but was hard to see. The large creature growled as he said "Seems he has returned, i'll be back for you son of toshina.."And just like that, he vanished into thin air... Everything seemed to spin to zaku as he fell to his face and blacked out. His world darkening in his state of unconciousness..... "Final.. Boss.. My dad. What the hell is going on?..."
Ahh, chapter one complete. Slightly rushed, i'm sorry. I promise to make it better and more thought out. It's just I didnt have alot of time. Anyways, i'm sure there are typo's. I'll proof read it later and resubmit it ok? Anyways, zach has mysteriously vanished. Final boss is trying to destroy both worlds. And a new figure has appeared, is he friend, or foe? Ah, I love a twist. Also, remember that the begining of the story is a flash back to the first night, of the two days before zaku's dad went into isolation to study and make eternal phantasia which took two years. And there will be more flash backs to that time. So some things will be explained during the flash backs. Ok? Good. Any questions, e-mail me, or if you have msn messenger. Add me [[email protected]](https://www.sofurry.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) |
Delay of Game by Squirrel | Bounce-bounce-bounce. Adelaide swapped. Her paw! Swipe! But Field had already moved to the right, trying to go around her. She spun, pursued, and leapt up. He was on the left side of the goal. She expected him to go for the lay-up, or stop for a jump-shot. But the mouse leapt before reaching the | [
"Character Development",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/9769-delay-of-game | Bounce-bounce-bounce.
Adelaide swapped. Her paw! Swipe!
But Field had already moved to the right, trying to go around her. She spun, pursued, and leapt up. He was on the left side of the goal. She expected him to go for the lay-up, or stop for a jump-shot. But the mouse leapt before reaching the paint ... and went under the basket. Under, with an arm outstretched, paw pushing the ball up. In mid-air. Ball off the glass. Like a reverse lay-up. Two points!
Field huffed, as the ball went ...
... bounce-bounce-bounce. On the cement of their makeshift court. Behind the house. In front of the pasture. The lines drawn in black paint.
Adelaide reached down and picked up the ball before it stopped bouncing. And dribbled, backing away. Backing to where the cement ended and the grass and dirt started. Her back to the alfalfa fields across the gravel road. And the tilted telephone polls. Her short, foot-long tail ... giving her balance (her tail being meant more for the air, not the ground, though).
"I'm leading," Field stated. Dishy ears swiveling at the breeze.
"Yeah?" A toothy grin.
"Twenty-two to ... fourteen. We're going to ... "
Adelaide leapt. From behind the three-point line. Leaving an arm in the air ... as the orange-colored ball arced. As it swished through the net. And the bat, panting, nodded at her mate. The mouse. "Thirty. We're going to thirty. I believe I have seventeen."
Field giggled, nose sniffing. "Ooh ... "
"Come on ... get the ball." The pink-furred bat bobbed on her foot-paws. Wearing a pair of old barn sneakers (that were Field's). She opened and closed her paws (which had sharper claws than the mouse's, giving her a better grip on the ball ... when she had possession).
"This is a best-of-seven series, you know," Field reminded her, retrieving the ball, and dribbling it to the back of the smallish (but big enough to have a three-point line) court.
"I got you worried?"
"I'm leading two games to zero."
"Ooh, I'm really scared," she taunted.
Field giggled. "Adelaide, I swear ... "
"What?" She showed her fangs. Her teeth. Grinning. Challenging.
"I may be meek and milk-mannered, but I take my basketball ... very," he said, speed-dribbling to the left. "Seriously," he huffed, making a drive for the basket.
The bat pursued, and Field stopped. And she jumped on by. Faked out. And the mouse sank the two. "Twenty-four."
"I know the score ... " Adelaide retrieved the ball. Dribbling. And going to the grass, picking up a water bottle. Putting the ball down for a second. Pouring water onto her muzzle, into her mouth, on her face. It dripped from her in drops. And she tossed the water bottle to Field. Who drank of it. Whiskers sniff-twitching. Bare, furry chest rising, falling. Slender, but toned. Wearing a pair of tattered jean shorts. Wearing sneakers with holes in them.
The mouse watched the stray water drops cling to her muzzle, her chin ... he wanted to lick the dampness off her. Suck her fur. Oh, to ...
"You need a belt," she teased, smiling, dribbling again, walking around the perimeter of the three-point line. "I can see your briefs." She could, the white band. She tried not to stare.
"Is that a complaint?"
A giggle, and a head-tilt. "No ... " And she tried for the three again, but Field had already taken a step or two forward, had already leapt. Paw tipping the ball, which sailed to the right and went into the grass. Out of bounds. "Still my ball," she claimed. "You knocked it out of bounds. You retrieve it."
"It went under the electric fence," Field noticed.
"Need me to get it for you?"
"No." A head-bob.
A giggle.
"No, I just ... you've been shocked by that thing. You know how it feels. I don't wanna get shocked."
"Then don't touch it. Problem solved."
"Like I touch it on purpose?" He was already strolling into the grass. And paused. "Bet you," he called back, "I can jump over that."
"Like a hurdle?"
"Yeah ... yeah, like, a running start, and I jump over it."
She squinted. Walking into the grass with him. "How far off the ground is that thing? I don't want you to get tangled in it."
"Um ... four feet. Three and a half." Pause. "I can do it."
"Go for it, then ... " A smile.
"What are you gonna give me," he asked, turning his head, smiling. Whiskers twitching. Ears swiveling in the springtime sun. The air was near 70 degrees. It was so nice out today. The blue, and the ... creek-bugs. Everything. It was later in the afternoon, so they needn't worry about the sun burning their fur-less parts (their ears and noses ... were susceptible to sunburn).
"My admiration."
"Ooh ... "
A giggle. A fidget. "Get the ball, Field. You're just trying to chill my hot streak."
"You're on a hot streak?" The mouse took a deep breath, and took to a run.
"Yes," she called after him. "I am ... "
The mouse reached the fence, the white wire that was strung between little polls in the ground (a fence meant to keep the cows from getting out ... to keep them in the pasture and out of the road and fields). He cleared it, landed on the other side. Raised his arms.
Adelaide clapped.
Field giggled, and turned around, and decided ... he didn't have the momentum to try that again, so he got on his belly and rolled under the fence (on return trip). Finally arriving back at the court. And tossing her the ball.
"Score?" she asked, eyes on his pert rump, and the tail that strung out of his spine ... other species might've had flashier tails, but there was NO tail like a mouse tail. It was perfect for nibbling. Nibbling. Mm ... and twining it around your paw, reeling him in like a ...
"Twenty-four to seventeen, right. Game three ... " The curves of her body, her hips ... unmistakable. Her breasts, the outline of her nipples ... that he could see through her tank-top. Her pink, velvety fur ... oh ...
The bat was already bolting, and Field lunged, swatting the ball away.
"Second time you've done that," she said, retrieving it. "You gonna let me get a shot in?"
"You mean, am I gonna LET you win? Should I?" A grin.
"I'm a femme. You may be the submissive, wispy half of this mate-ship, darling, but ... you're still male. Gives you an unfair edge in ... this."
"So, what, I should spot you points?"
"You should let me get a shot off."
"I have been ... "
She jumped. At the top of the key. Swish!
Field's whiskers twitched. He retrieved the ball. "You're trying to distract me." His eyes were on her thighs, And her filmy wings ... delicate, flowery things. But so functional. He liked to lick the webbing of her wings. It felt so different ... on his tongue. Not like fur, but not like flesh, either.
"Not that hard to do, mousey. Not that hard ... " She smiled, nodding. She was dressed in shorts, too, and a tank-top shirt. And she stretched her wings. Taking some of the five-thirty sun. But unable ... to get her eyes off those muscles. His arms, his ... chest. Those cute, little nipples. Slender hips. And he was semi-erect. She could see the bulge in his jean shorts ... and she, herself, felt moister between the legs.
Anyway, now that it was getting warmer, they could spend more time outside. And being that they lived in the countryside, it ... wasn't hard to persuade them. And this (basketball) was good exercise. And was fun, and ... it was fun to play. Though Field had been playing since he was a little mouse. And he was a Hoosier, so ... but so was she. And she wasn't going to give up on this. Even if he was winning.
Field dribbled.
Swipe! Miss!
Field pulled back, and ... went to the left. As did she, and ... he went tot he right, and she followed, and planted herself in front of him, legs slightly apart. Arms open, waiting for his move. She would follow him ... no matter which direction. She would aim for a steal. Or a foul. They were playing with fouls, though ... it was hard for them to correctly determine what was a foul and what wasn't. Being that neither was impartial. Being that both of them wanted to win.
Field, without a word, quick as he could manage, bounced the ball ... right between, right under her legs, and ... spun around her, chasing it. And she, blinking, pursued. But instead of going for the lay-up, the mouse scurried to the left corner of the court. The far left corner, and ... while running, pulled up for the three. A fading shot, and ...
... in!
"Yes," he squeaked. Giggling.
"That's SO unfair." She chittered.
"What? How?"
Adelaide went and retrieved the ball, which hadn't stopped bouncing. She continued the bounce-bounce, and ... went to the back of the court. To reset the possession. "No, you just ... you've made that shot four times in THIS game. I mean ... "
"It's my favorite place to shoot. You should anticipate me going there."
"You're too fast," she accused. Oh, his legs ... oh, those foot-paws ... " ... my mate," she posed to the air, "is made of squeaky-squeaks, whiskers, a mousey-mouse tail, a bit of twitch ... and a whole lot of scurry-scurry."
Field smiled brightly. "I'm a mouse. I'm built for speed on the ground." Why couldn't he stop stealing glances at her belly ...
"Well, I'm built for speed in the air," she reminded him, "and don't think I can't jump." "Oh, I know you can jump," Field teased. Smiling. Loving their verbal back-and-forth. The playfulness in both their voices. The energy. The huffing for air. The passion to play. The passion for each other (which rang in their voices, and stemmed from a deep, emotional love ... something so pure). The sun, it warmed their fur, and the birds were singing. The mockingbird was on the roof of the house, watching them (with the lightning rod ... and Field had an image of the mockingbird and lightning rod calling color commentary on their game here).
Adelaide bounced, bounced the ball. "You got twenty-seven?"
"One possession game," Field reminded. Whispering it.
"Yeah ... yeah ... " She bounced, bounced the ball, and ... turned her back to him, backing up, up. Backing up to the basket. The mouse's arms open and trying to defend, and when she'd gotten him below the basket, she turned to her left, faked the shot, and leapt. Field's arms and paws tangling with hers. "Oh ... foul," she insisted. "Foul."
"Yeah ... give me a break."
"Alright, alright ... two shots."
She nodded, going to the foul line, and dribbling. In this series, she'd made nine foul shots. Out of twelve taken. He'd only taken eight, but had made them all. She dribbled, bending her knees. And did a little jump. The ball went up, bounced on the back of the rim, and ... went in. Point.
Field bounced the ball back to her.
"You don't have to jump when you do foul shots," she noted. "You can sink threes without ... really aiming."
"I've spent more time playing basketball than every other sport combined."
"I know, but ... you're good, is what I'm saying. How come you never played in school?"
"I was too shy. I mean, I'm ... " He watched as she shot the ball. And made her second shot. "I played in elementary. My parents wanted me to play ... later on, as I got older, in high school, but I didn't. I mean, I like to compete for fun, you know. Like you and me. Here. Just ... playing. I'm not very aggressive, though ... not enough to play organized ball. Besides, I'm shy, and my ...anxiety," he said, trailing. "I just like to play for fun."
"Just saying you're good, is all."
The mouse smiled, going for the water bottle again. The honey-tan fur on his chest ... matted a bit. With sweat. "Well ... thanks."
"Well, I still think you've got unfair advantages playing an actual GAME with me," Adelaide defended. "I mean, seriously."
"Hey, you agreed to it."
"I'm not complaining ... "
A chuckle. "No?"
"No." A toothy grin. "I'm just saying, Field, let's play a game of 'horse,' huh? Or 'around the world,' yeah? THEN we'll see who wins."
"You wanna play those, we'll play those ... but you're not getting out of this series. You can't withdraw."
A toothy grin. Angular, swept back ears ... picking up the mouse's heartbeat. His slight panting for breath. "Oh, I don't plan to withdraw."
His tail, thin and silky, snaked behind him ... as he dribbled round the arc. Back and forth. She stayed a few feet away, prepared to leap. Prepared to pursue.
The mouse was biding his time. He didn't need to win the game with this possession, but he wanted to. Wanted to sink that fading three again. But not from the corner this time. From the top. Off the glass. He had a way of being able to bank in his threes. But if he thought about it too much, he couldn't do it. He just had to let go and ... allow his body to go through the motions. Basketball was a game of actions and reactions. Of constant movement. Of precision aim. You couldn't think TOO much about how you were releasing the ball or ... how you were jumping ... or you would get too self-conscious. And would start to miss.
Bounce-bounce-bounce ...
Adelaide watching.
Field swallowed.
"Make your move," she dared. Licking her lips ...
"I will." Chest heaving. "Don't worry," was his returned whisper. A breathless promise. And he pump-faked his arms. She fell for it. Again.
And he squared up and let the ball fly. As it went, as it hit the glass (higher up than he'd anticipated), and it fell to the front of the rim, bouncing off the front inside of the rim and hitting the glass, and ... going through.
"Oh! Yes!" The mouse raised his paws to the air. "Ooh ... "
Adelaide smiled at his enthusiasm.
"Three games to none, darling."
"Field, I hope you're not gloating."
The mouse wore a wide-eyed look of innocence. So cute! "Gloating?"
She giggled and gave him a gentle shove, right up next to him. Whispering, "You're beating a femme at basketball, Field. Really something to brag about." She grinned.
"You saying you're a bad player, then? Femmes are worse players than boys? So, my win is ... so, you lost cause you're a femme, and femmes can't play?"
She squinted. Ooh, he got her there ... trapped her.
"Are you saying that?"
"I'm not a bad player," she said. Smiling slightly. Wanting to giggle. "Field, just ... alright ... you win."
"No, you can't quit." His eyes glowed.
"I'm, uh, not quitting ... just taking a timeout." Her belly was now against his. "Let's use all our timeouts."
He bit his lip, squeaking silently. Smiling. "You're ... tempting."
"I'm your mate. I would hope so."
A giggle.
"Well, isn't it ... you know, I read in an article once," Field said, "that ... after climax, the male body loses energy. But the femme ... has more energy."
"Where'd you read that?"
"The newspaper," he defended.
"So, you're saying I'm ... seducing you so I can win the next game?"
"I'm saying ... " The mouse trailed. What WAS he saying? "Okay." He tossed the ball away, taking a deep breath. "Okay ... timeout." He nosed her. Breathed of her ... hugged her. "Mm ... "
She put her muzzle on his shoulder. Breathing. Closing her eyes. "Pick a tree. We'll ... be in the shade," she said, "for this."
The mouse swallowed. "The sycamore." He pointed to the other side of the pasture. Where the creek was.
"That's a walk," she remarked.
"The sycamore. You told me to pick a tree, and I said," the mouse whispered, "the sycamore."
"Wanna make love under a sycamore?" A grin. "Why?"
"No reason. Just ... " A giggle. Eyes darting. "This is silly."
"Yes," she whispered, paws clutching his chest fur. Pulling him toward her. Head tilted, muzzle putting a kiss on his lips. Soft, sweet. Succulent. Scrumptious! Saliva stringing as the kiss broke. "Yes, it is ... silly." She felt light-headed now. "I'm not gonna make it as far as the sycamore."
The mouse swallowed, paws on her sides, running up and down (beneath her tank-top). Over her pink, soft fur. "Neither ... neither am I."
They settled for the grass. In the late-day sun. The warmth, the heat ... making them sweat, making them pant all the more.
Maybe it was because they'd been running around, bumping into each other, sweating ... for over thirty minutes. Maybe it was because they were in rural confines. But they both felt aflame.
Her tank-top peeled off ... bra tugged off ... the bat's body arching as the mouse kissed her belly, up her chest. As he nosed her breasts. He kiss-kissed all over her front. He cupped her breasts.
"Shoes," she panted. "Off ... off ... " She kicked her own shoes off, and he did the same, sliding out of his jeans. His shorts and pants got stuck at his ankles. One of her bare, pink-furred legs slid between his, her foot-paw working the clothes completely off the mouse.
She huffed. A nipple being suckled. And then the other. Field's body sprawled atop of hers, having her pinned to the grass.
She clutched a paw at his tail, tugging it ... tug-tug ...
A good eighty percent of the time they yiffed, Adelaide was on top. (Or in whatever position was dominant for their chosen method of yiff.) Field was a natural sub. And she loved being the dominant one ... but, sometimes ... oh, THIS time, it was part of the twenty percent. Field was going to play dominant this time. His confidence still brimming, his body still hyped up from the competition, he was already erect. Already whimpering for her vaginal grip ... pre stringing from his tip to her furry folds.
Their hearts were hammering. His mouse-hood poking her labia ... flesh jabbing flesh. "Field, h-honey ... " She gripped his sides. "Slow down ... calm down." She huffed, chuckling, patting his rump. "Over-eager ... huh, boy?"
Field's cheeks and ears flushed hot. "Um ... I ... "
"I'm only teasing," she whispered gently. Stroking his sides from beneath him. Wrapping her wings round his back. "Just ease in ... ease in ... I'm not going anywhere."
Field huffed, swallowed, and nodded. Easing his pink, pointed cock-head through her furry folds, angled to her vagina. Poking into her opening. "Uh ... "
She gripped his rump ... with her foot-paws, which raised off the ground. She dug her paws into his upper back. Feeling his shoulder blades. She latched to him with her limbs. She grinned with glee, unable to help it ... feeling her mouse mounting, readying for his ride. She didn't bottom very often ... but when she did, she relished the safety of it. The warmth of it. Which she felt now ...
... as his pink, smooth mouse-hood slid slowly into her feminine sheath. "Oh ... " The sun warmed his bare, arching back. Matting his fur with more sweat, but ... making him feel like he was melting, too. Which he was liable to do ... his shoulders angled and then sagging. His sac between his legs, snugging closer to his body with each passing minute. Balls getting tight.
Adelaide closed her eyes ... began licking his neck. Numbing a spot for her bite. She didn't even know she was doing it. It was total instinct. Bats HAD to bite during intercourse ... if they were denied their bite, they would become aggressive ... antsy. But the biting instinct was triggered only by the onset of intercourse. Once bitten, the fangs couldn't be safely removed ... until the biter and the bitten ... had their orgasms.
Bats had complicated sexual systems ... which Field LOVED. Her fangs were in his neck at least once a day (except for her bi-monthly heat ... an eight-day stretch every two months ... bats and mice were just compatible enough to successfully breed ... and Field and Adelaide simply couldn't risk it right now ... the one time they'd risked it, Field had worn a condom, which didn't stay on ... but they'd been too far gone to stop; they'd gotten lucky) ...
She gripped and kneaded his rump. More, more, pressing her finger right at his soft, fleshy tail-base, where his tail connected to his furry rump.
"Oh ... huh," he huffed, working a paw between their heated bodies.
"What are you do-do ... ooh ... " She sucked in air, head lolling to the side. He was applying the gentlest of pressures ... to her clitoris. "Uh ... " She flushed.
He massaged her nub for a minute, and then withdrew his paw ... putting both paw-pads on the grass. Hump ... hump ... huff. Turning paw-pads over, sliding them underneath her shoulders. He pulled back ... and slid in. Began to find a humping motion. Her wetness and his pushing and pulling ... making a slick, slurping noise where their bodies were joined. The sound of it nearly lost in their huffing.
Hump, slurp, slick, sigh, chitter, squeak! Sexual symphony.
She bit. Bit deep. White drops of her mating milk clinging to his fur. Stray drops. For most of it was being pumped into his blood. Linking them ... the bite, for both, was pure pleasure. Her eyes watered shut. Her mouth produced more saliva. Her bite always made her heavily drool ... which soaked the mouse's neck-fur. Field's neck muscles SO loosened by this ... he felt a drunk euphoria.
"Uh ... uhn," the mouse squeaked, humping slowly (sweetly) in and out of her. Bitten from below, humping from atop. His vision blurred. He, too, had to shut his eyes. "Ohhh ... "
Adelaide gurgled, teeth embedded, drooling onto his neck. FEELING it from his perspective. The stiff sensitivity of his mouse-hood. The tightening of balls.
The mouse feeling his own nipples harden as he felt, from her perspective, the bat's nipples being swept over by Field's sweaty chest-fur ... with each hump.
Their own pleasure. And each other's.
Their own thoughts. And each other's.
And one shared love.
The bat, on her back, legs spread ... clutched at him. Urging him on with her mind. Unable to actually speak (due to her embedded teeth).
Penis and pussy continued their tug of war. One drilling, pumping ... the other squeezing, encompassing. Perfect fits. Perfect friction.
Perfect pleasure.
"Mm ... mm ... "
"Uh ... " Field's maleness was absolutely marinated with femme fluid. The scent of which ... found his twitching, sniffing nose. Slip, slide, slip ...
The sweaty, bare furs, whimpering, writhing in the grass ... began to tense. Field's squeaks shifted to their pre-orgasm pitch. High pitches. Effeminate moans.
"Uhn ... ohn, ohh ... uhn. Uhh ... uh! Uhhhh ... " There, there! Orgasm ... oh, orgasm. Just like that. His movements erratic, he seemed to deflate, panting, squeaking. His mouse-hood twitched and flailed in her body, milked by her muscles. Spurting, sowing seed. Born of such want and love and need. He huffed and lay, in pleasure, shock, on top of her. Unable to move. Cum leaking from their joined spot ... stringing lazily to the grass. "Uh ... " Soft, soft sounds, trailing ...
The bat's body shuddered at his orgasm, and she growled from her throat ... as she lost it. Spasms! Shudders! Warm, wet waves ... dripping of her own fluid. Pussy swollen, moist, filled. Spasms ... oh ... " ... ohhh. Oh, uhn," she grunted, clutching to him, smelling of sweat and sun.
Field whimpered. Pawing at her body, clutching, stroking.
She huffed. Hugged.
They were matted in sweat and seed and ... smelling of fur and sex. Heaving, unable to think clearly.
A minute passed.
She pulled her teeth out of his neck, severing the direct link. Throat dry. Wings tingling.
He rolled off of her body, to the grass beside her. His chest heaved.
They nuzzled. Side-by-side, they nuzzled.
"I think I'm ... all tuckered out," she whispered eventually, breathing deeply (with contentment).
"Mm ... delay of game," he whispered. "Permanent," he breathed, "delay of game."
A giggle.
Field scritched her hips. Staring at her (eyes now open). "Oh ... you're lovely. Darling ... look how the sun lights your fur. You're ... beautiful," he breathed, swallowing. Trying to slow his heart.
"So are you," she breathed in reply. "My handsome country mouse." A warm smile.
Breathing. The both of them.
Waiting for their shot clocks to reset ... so they could have another go at each other. |
Roo and Mutt by Lynx-Hunter | Note : this story takes place in the rain forest/sugar cain farms/banana farms area of north Australia Joe stood up tall from his hard work, stretching his paws high over his head till his back cracked, as sweat made dirt rivers down his arid red fur. The red kangaroo looked around seeing | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249220-roo-and-mutt | Note : this story takes place in the rain forest/sugar cain farms/banana farms area of north Australia
Joe stood up tall from his hard work, stretching his paws high over his head till his back cracked, as sweat made dirt rivers down his arid red fur. The red kangaroo looked around seeing himself alone he fanned his face with his hat and half walked, half hopped back to his beaten truck and pulled away as the sun started to kiss the horizon.
He nodded to the bar tender as he hopped into the pub, removing his hat, his broad chest covered by a sleev- less shirt, sleeves were too hot in this weather, even at night. His kaki pant shuffled as he sat down at the bar, nodding to a few of his mates, everyone knows everyone in a small town. "Damn Joe" the collie wiping a glass for him said "what's got you down, mate?" Joe smiled his whiskers twitching "just work ya know?" the collie barked with a short laugh and handed him his beer "I hear that"
Collie's brown eyes flicked up to the door as he watched four cain toad walk in. he didn't like serving these guys, rude and mean, and that was when they were sober, and a taste and a full pocket for getting drunk and causing a mess. They croaked eyeing the kangaroo; Joe nodded sharply to them but turned away. An old grey rabbit nearby shifted nervously on his chair. The black and white collie cleared his throat watching the toads sit at a table and kept talking to his friend "I hear your gramps uncle Ernie, the elder is showin' a few collage kids around the forest parts, to learn about the ecosystem or somethin'" Joe raised an eye brow at his friend "how's that goin'?"
he shrugged "dang if I know mate" he brushed his white and black fur back and picked up the four beers the toad-men ordered and left Joe sitting by himself, he sniffed and shifted on his seat taking a sip of his beer, his strawberry blonde head fur flicked a bit of dirt on to the bar, his long ears flicked as he heard the door open and a few girl's and guy's voice he didn't recognize, 'must be them rich kids' he thought and snorted, some were always coming here, to learn about the forest, or the birds, or the banana farms, or to tell the cain farmers, like him, that their doing it wrong. He let out a heavy sigh and took another sip, a toad croaked approvingly at the new comers, making a few lude comments, the roo snickered hearing the reply of a girl and heard them sit down, the collie was back at the bar and wiped it down, the small pub was filled with idle chit chat, Joe munched on some seeds idly, Collie looked up his tongue lolled out as he eyed one of the new group, Joe poked him gently snickering at him, the collie blushed and move paw to paw, "what? I like poodles" he said embarrassed, Joe shrugged, Collie frowned "well I aint ever seen you look at a girl you like" Collie pointed out to him, Joe grunted and shrugged "there's no shelias that are worth my time" the dog snorted "that aint right mate, even if you look at men that's fine, but all ya care about is your work mate, it aint healthy" the roo shrugged, "don't see the point in shelias long term mate, pretty sure, very fun but still..." he shook his head and shrugged
Collie rolled his eyes at him, "one day soon, a girl is going to walk past ya, and you won't know what hit ya" the dog shock his paw at him "oh so like you then?" Joe snapped back at him, Collie's ears drooped "that was below the belt, mate" he turned and left the dirty kangaroo by himself, as the small bar would let him, a cute little white poodle walked up and lent on the bar "hi sweetness, been waiting ages for some service over there love you going to or what?" the collie blinked at her, confused, Joe heard another pair of feet walk up "Christ Bree, it's a pub not a restraunt" the girls voice was sweet but Joe didn't care only listening out of boredom, staring down into his drink, Bree rolled her eyes, her earrings making annoying jiggerling noises "just go sit down, I'll do it" the second girl said to the poodle, who barked "whatever Sarah" and walked off, "thank god for that" the other girl said and smiled at Collie "sorry she's more of a bitch than she looks, I've had to spend 2 weeks with her and the rest of those city slickers" the girl laughed, Joe's ears flicked, her accent was funny, it wasn't like the other girls, but it wasn't local ether, "should of seen her freak out when we walked through mud! She got so dirty!" Collie laughed too "well what I can get you then?" he said, point his head to the groups direction "To keep them quite at least" she leant against the bar "ah they'll be fine for a few, kinda sick of them" Joe could hear the smile in her voice "but I guess a round of drinks would be good, just beer, I'll tell them it's light" she snickered "sure thing" Collie laughed and started pouring the drinks in front of Joe.
"so I take it you're not from the city like them?" the dog made idle chit chat as he poured "ah yeah, they don't like me very much, too much dirt under the nails, I come from gold country, but the family is in sheep" she shrugged "they don't like me cause I'm a mongrel and I know more about this stuff then them" Joe blinked hearing her words, none of the shelias around here farmed, mostly nurses or wives, never out in the paddocks, he looked up at Collie and the dog grinned at him, Joe looked confused and stole a glance at her, his jaw nearly fell into his drink.
She was more gorgeous than he could of guessed, he couldn't put a finger on her breeding though, her body and paws said she was a kelpie, but her tail, ears and face said she was somewhat feline. Her dark green shirt hugged her body gently, her white bra straps visible across her shoulders, her cream pants were a little too low cut for the top but perfect for her fluffy tail swishing behind her, her fluffy fur a mix of blacks and browns, but where visible on her stomach and throat (and he couldn't help but wonder where else) was the cleanest white, her long flowing head fur was pure black and fell in a curly mess down her back and over her face in a fridge, her bright green eyes wondered over the walls as she talked, a small thin silver necklace shimmered across her fur and hide just under the neck of her top. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye, as he eyed her shapely body, her pants showing off her nice rump but hid anything lower, she smiled at him and he quickly turned, Collie laughed quietly, and handed her a few drinks and helped her take the rest to her table, Joe stared dumb-struck ahead of him, his long ears twitching at the slightest sound of her table as they chatted but she was quite, only making a well placed comment here and there that made people laugh, when Collie came back he shook his head at Joe and waved his paws in front of his eyes "well.... I didn't mean it that soon but hey that's timing aint it?" he laughed, Joe shock his head to clear his thoughts "huh?" he asked "whatever I'm going to need a refill" he pressed his glass to the Collie "sure, sure" the dog snickered again.
Though out the night Joe kept stealing glances her way, hoping to see her, but she was hid in amount of the other city furs, few times when he saw her and picked her out, she looked totally bored, having heard the argument of who is hotter than who a few times, he rarely heard her name uttered unless to pass the nuts. A few more towns people wondered in, rabbits, toads, dogs, birds, mostly all men. Collie was soon running everywhere on his feet and the room got hot and stuffy, the toads got louder and louder everyone heard a few sexual jokes about the city slickers, Joe growled lowly when he heard one or two jokes about 'the mongrel girl' and gripped his glass tightly but didn't do anything, Collie watched at him carefully, he went to say something when the large city group started getting up and walking out the door, mostly in pairs of boyfriends and girl friends or friends leaving Sarah, she padded quietly up to the bar "sorry it's getting late for them" she smiled and paid for their drinks, Joe only watched her out of the corner of his eye, finishing the last of his beer as he could of sworn she made a small smile and looked him over as she turned to leave. He sighed putting his glass down and looked around, he and Collie were the last ones there, Collie lent on the bar top looking at the door where she just left "I don't think her friends will wait for her" he said, Joe looked from him to the door and grunted, "you need to shove off too mate" Collie said with a smile, Joe nodded and headed to the door "add it to my tab" he mutter before walking out to the cool night air, he hadn't planned on staying so late but he had so he was cold now. His ears flicked hearing some voices ahead, still too far to actually hear what was said but they were mostly males, one female, they were arguing. normally he'd just keep walking but something was wrong, the voices were to adulated and she didn't sound happy, he looked around quickly, then hopped as fast as he could, self conscious if anyone saw him, to the voices, he nearly tripped as he recognized the toads from the pub and Sarah. He skidded as he turned a corner, she was calling out, trying to get away from the group of men, it was still too dark to see clearly but he knew where they were, they were drunk "come on love! surly you like me!" the toads words were slurred but his movement aggressive, he grabbed her arm "I said no, so let me go!" it would of been fine if she kept her voice assertive but panic was seeping in to her voice "let me go!" she kicked out at one but another grabbed her leg, holding her there "Now come on don't be like that" he said, his wart covered lips kissed up her arm, she gagged and tried to pull away but his hold was too strong. "Let her go" Joe snarled rising up high as he could on his feet, using his strong tail for balance, they turned sluggishly and looked at him in contempt "This aint none of yours business roo-ie, fack off" the toad who was trying to kiss her said, she wriggled in their arms "help me! Please!" her voice was high pitched in panic. He snarled as he stomped forward "let her go" he boomed at them, the smallest one of the four took off running, the one not holding her walked in front of the group "no." he folded his arms across his chest and half croaked half laughed, Joe growled rearing back lifting his legs off the ground supported by his tail and kicked him hard enough sending him flying onto the empty road, normally it would of tore up the toad's belly leaking his guts but Joes feet claws were kept short for safety and by day to day walking, the other two looked for each other to Joe, the one holding her leg let go and shoved her on to the brick wall where she slumped to the ground, the other soon followed Joe went to hop after him but he let a frightened spurt of poison out from his back landing on the red kangaroo. Adrenalin and alcohol was pumping though his veins rapidly, he carefully walked over to the girl leaning down carful "hello? Hello? Can you hear me?" he asked a bit unsteady on his feet, she mumbled a response, shaking her head "its o- ok" he swayed, "you might have a concussion" he said resting his hand on her forehead kinda lost in how soft her fur was, dots danced in front of his eyes, he shook his head, and scooped her up into his arms hopped clumsily to the bar.
Collie barked seeing him, Joe carefully laid her on to the table as Collie called an ambulance, Joe's large form teetered to the side, the adrenalin fading off, and he fell heavily.
Joe blinked softly, his eyes adjusting to the light seeing his roof he sighed and shifted slightly, pain shot though his sides and he groaned. What happened? every muscle sore. He thought about what he could remember. Was he dead? Was he asleep? Did he dream it all? He blinked softly. His long ears flicked as he realized someone was in his kitchen, he tried to get up but his muscles protested heavily, he sighed and laid back "hello? is someone there?" he called out, his throat hurt, and his voice sounded horse and the harsh sound made him wince, the movement stopped, he sighed, but his ears pricked as he heard footsteps coming down the hall, the was a knock on the door "can I come in?" a feminine voice asked he didn't want to speak but he had to "sure" his voice cracked. The door opened slowly, Sarah's face poked in, she smiled softly at him "hey there trooper" she nudged the door open further with a bump from her backside, juggling a tray of food in her arm. She walked in quietly, watching what she was doing carefully as Joe just blinked, watching her stunned, how could this be happening? she sat at the edge of his bed, her fluffy tail sitting over his legs, only the sheets separating them, "Can you sit up?" she asked her green eyes softly gazing at him. He nodded wriggling up, trying not to show on his face how badly it hurt. She smiled and placed the tray of food on his lap "I uh didn't know what you liked" she blushed softly, there was bacon, eggs, pancakes, cereal, bake beans, toast, it was a whole buffet. He cleared his throat "wh-what happened?" he looked up though his long lashes, his brown eyes studying her closely. Now she cleared her throat "can you at least eat while I talk?" she asked. He nodded and started on his food, rarely looking away from her though. she thought for a moment "well when I was walking back to my group I got jump by those guys" she gently brushing out the fur on her tail "then you came, but I ended up with a skull injury still, only minimal" she smiled looking up at him "but poor you, the poison got on your fur, and your body had a nasty reaction to it" she gently moved the sheet back to show where he remembered the goo had fallen, the fur on his leg was oddly short and his leg twitched under it spastically but calmed as she gently laid her paw on it, he could see her paw, feel how hot it was but only around the area, not on the area itself "I had to stay cause the hospitable didn't want me flying with my head injury, and no one was going to be here taking care of you when you got out, so I volunteered, it's the least I could do for the man that saved me" she smiled but Joe blushed his eyes flicking down to where her paw was on his thigh his eye brows pressed together "will I am able to walk soon? I got work to do" She laughed at him, making him blush with embracement. "Calm down Skip, your neighbors heard about what happened, everyone is helping out with your farm" she smiled "and the guys are doing their time don't you worry" she leant over and brushed his head fur out of his eyes, causing her eyes to fall into his as she smiled, she blushed softly and picked up his empty tray "well I'll be here if you still want me to, but for now you need to rest" she flicked the sheet back over his leg as walked out "if you need anything just call for me" she was about to close the door behind her "oh I'm Sarah by the way" she smiled, "I know" he said dozily, the look on her face was amusement and shock "I'm Joe" she giggled "I know" she said and closed the door.
Joe woke in the middle of the night, he lay awake, trying to hear what he thought woke him, and he could hear nothing out of the ordinary. He grunted softly and gently moved himself out of his bed, gently lumbering down the hall way favoring his unhurt leg, till he reached the end of the hall way, the lounge room, kitchen, dining and front door all met, he looked around in the dark, he signed, lumbering to drink of water, he gulped it down and turned to leave but noticing the outline of the couch rise and fall steadily, he realized it was Sarah, he hadn't thought about where she was sleeping, he didn't have a spare room. he looked down the hall to his beckoning room, but he silently limped over to her, her tail poked out the bottom of the sheet, her bare back to him, she shivered gently in her sleep, he pulled her blanket up over her shoulder, he saw a cut in her scalp, hidden mostly by her hair but it was there, he squatted and leaned close peering at it, it was relatively new, like his leg, his paw gently traced the scar tissue, hitting a tender bit she grumbled in her sleep and pulled away, he stood up gently and went back to his cooling bed, laying down, but he couldn't sleep, thinking of her black shape breathing gently, outlined in the dull light.
As the time grew on Sarah and Joe grew closer as Joe grew stronger, he started showing her around the area and his property, on night when Sarah was sick of cooking she convinced him to come out. "Sarah I'm telling you there's no decent places to eat 'round here!" he said, but she was stubborn "oh come on Joe, let's just go out to the pub! please!" she looked up with him with big eyes and a little whimper, "that's cheating" he pointed to her puppy dog face, but it only made her green eyes bigger, her ears lower, and her lip tremble. He sighed place his paw over his eyes "ok ok ok! You win!" he laughed, she giggled and hugged him, almost dragging him out the door. She was always bouncy and happy and it was starting to rub off on him, the whole town was starting to visit him, all of his friends, some brought their families, wives bringing him food before meeting Sarah with raised eyebrows, she was even good at entertaining the little kids, playing hide and seek and chase-y outside while the adults talked, but Joe's brown eyes couldn't help but slide to her and smile watching her tickle one of the bunny girls mercilessly. He always felt a twinge of guilt when he was able to see the back of her head, even though all her long lovely hair he could see her scare bright as day, but she hid it well and never even told him, he couldn't help thinking if he hadn't seen it, would he know about it? Probably, he thought. He smiled limping slightly as they walked though Collie's pub, it was early, no one off work to drink yet, Collie looked up at them surprised, "oh, wow, hey guys, long time" he smiled but his eyes looked sad as they wondered down to Joe's leg " yeah I can finally start walking distances now", Joe smiled and shook his paw "tomorrow back to the salt-mines" he said proudly , Sarah shook her head at him "do you know he's been saying that since he could get out of the bed?!" she laughed and face pawed, mock horror plastered Collie's face "no! Really!? Would never of guessed eh Joe?" the red kangaroo rolled his eyes at them both but laughed "I'll just be right back" Sarah smiled and left the boys her jeans shuffling as she walked to the bathroom, Collie laughed at Joe's face looking after her " well she's sure as hell good for you Joe mate" Collie smiled at his friend patting him on the shoulder, Joe blushed and shrugged "so when's the wedding?" Collie teased. "Wait, what?!" Joe jerked looking at him, Collie barked laughing hard "calm down buddy" he snickered "Unless there's something you need to tell me, I was just joking". Joe laughed uneasily, Collie's face went blank "shit mate you aint got her pregnant have you?" Joe's jaw dropped, "Collie, mate, I just started fricken walkin' how the eff am I meant to..." his paws waved uneasily trying to say the word with actions. Collie's jaw dropped "are you serious?" he blinked, Joe growled, Collie put his paws up in defence"Hey I'm not saying she's not a lady, I just sayin'" he looked around the walls hoping they'd say the words for him, his paw waved in the air absently "uh well, she's just so... with you" he shrugged. Joe rolled his eyes and sat down "you're crazy, mate" Joe shook his head at his friend as Sarah walked back in and both men's head turned to her. She smiled "My ears are burning" she winked at Joe causing him blushed deeply, Collie went to give Joe a beer "no thanks mate, it's not good with my meds" Collie blinked and raised his eye brow but shrugged and handed it to Sarah, who lapped at it, her tongue long and flat like a dogs, Joe averted his eyes and pick up the food they had ordered before she left and went to a booth just as the first lot of people started to traili in. She sat down beside him and he laid her stake in front of her, stealing a chip, she barked and stole one of his lettuce leaves and looked at it "I think you got the better part of the deal" she giggled and put it back, but he ate her chip, she kept lapping at the tall glass of beer, soon it had dropped to below half "whoa slow down Sar - that's a big pint" Joe said moving it slowly away from her, she let him, but kept drinking.
Soon it was dark and Joe got up to leave, Sarah slide out of the booth to, stumbling slightly, Joe caught her gently and shot Collie a dirty look before half walking her half carrying her home. They walked along the dark deserted streets, the air crisp and cool, Sarah breathed in deep and sighed stumbling as she walked, not from drunkenness but staring up at the sky, she lent against his shoulder, holding his paw for support, not looking away. "Joe" she whispered to him, he grunted, ears flicking "yeah?" she smiled and giggled gently, "you know there are no stars where I'm from? the city, it's so bright, it drowns out them all" he nodded and kept walking making sure she didn't fall as she stared, "at home, home there are some, but the city is a monster" she whispered to him, her free arm moving widely as she spoke "its stomping and making its drowning way out to my home" she sigh and lost her balance, he caught her just before she hit the ground, her tail dirty, she giggled manically, he rested her down like a child, worrying over her, brushing her hair out of her eyes as she giggled, enjoying how soft her fur and hair was before shaking his head and returning to what was happening. She giggled looked up at him and he smiled, she purred and nuzzled into his paw, Joe blinked surprised never hearing her purr before. She ruffed softly "can I get up now?" she giggled. he sighed and gently helped her up, but she nearly fell again and he quickly caught her, she nuzzled into his arm, her tail swishing which wasn't helping her balance, "I need to get you home but you can't walk..." he wondered looking at her giggling body "how about a piggy back?" he asked she looked up at him "don'tchya have a pouch?" she slurred, he roared with laughter, she frowned at him "what did I say?" she was genuinely confused, she snickered and smiled "pouches are for the girl kangaroos, I'm a boy" he laughed again seeing her turn a bright shade of pink, "come on hop on" he smiled leaning down so she could get on his back, after stepping on his tail and finally holding tight he smiled at her "if you puke on me that won't be good for you, but I think you'll enjoy this anyway" he grinned and held her legs to him and bounded hop after hop down the road, she giggled and shut her eyes tight against the wind, her hair streaming out behind her, as he bounded effortlessly down the path under that star studded sky, his powerful legs working up and down, his muscles rippling, soon he slowed and stopped and let her down gently and helped her up the steps to his house "was that fun Sarah?" Joe smiled widely, she clapped and nodded "holy cow! that was so fun!" she giggled and hugged him unsteadily, "we have to do that more often" she smiled, and he chuckled but was secretly loving every touch and glad she loved how he hopped, he looked at the couch that had been her bed but it didn't seem like a good idea, "come on your stay with me tonight" he smiled leading her down to his room, scooping her up and snuggling her under his sheets, she ruffed and purred, her big green eyes glittering in the darkness "thank you" she smiled, he kissed her forehead and watched her eyes close slowly, he looked up at the open door about to leave down the hall way when he heard her faint voice "Joe... don't go, don't leave me here alone". he blinked his ears twitching, he lumbered back to the bed and laid on top of the sheets facing her face, eyes still closed, but she smiled and snuggled up to him, he could see her tail wag under the sheets and feel the top of her head pressed to his chest, he sighed contently and patted her head, humming a lullaby he knew, she purred, her body vibrating against him as they both drifted off.
Sarah blinked looking into the darkness before her, she fumbled for her watch on her wrist and her eyes hurt as it lit up 4:25am, she hear a groan and a shift under her ear and she bent her head to look, her eyes adjusting slowly to the darkness again, she gaped as she saw she was in bed with Joe, she quickly checked her pants and underwear, and sighed thankfully, they were still where she had them, something moved in the darkness, one of Joe's paws came over and pulled the blank over her more, she purred, and noticed he was shivering on top of it, she gently sat up and pulled up the blanket at their feet over him and nuzzled into his chest, listening to the beat of his strong, slow heart, and the evenness of his breaths, "Sarah?" his voice was soft but loud in the small space and silence, "yeah?" she whispered back looking up at him, "are you awake?" he said, she smiled watching his whiskers twitch "yeah I am, are you?" she felt him stroke her arm and he chuckled softly "yes" he smiled, leaning down and kissing the top of her head between her ears, she murred at her weak spot pawing gently at his chest, she wriggled up so she could lay eye to eye with the kangaroo, watching his dark eyes flick in the non-light, she leant forward softly, kissing the tip of his nose, he made a strange sound and she giggled, it sounded a cross of a moan and a gasp. she flattened her pillow and closed her eyes, but opened them feeling him kiss her nose back, she giggled and smiled wriggling close, which he copied, closer still, then they were touching again, she kissed the side of his muzzle, and he kissed her back in the same place, she nuzzled over his jaw, he copied, this went on and on, what she did, he did, soft strokes, gentle kisses, nuzzling, even when she laughed softly, he did too. she stared at him, gently touching his side, her heart was in her throat as she thought of something, she could taste her pulse, "Joe..." she whispered, "hmm?" he answered half asleep, she kissed his nose and whispered to him rapidly "I love you" she quickly snuggled her head into the nock of his shoulder, she felt his breath catch and she held her own worried she did the wrong thing, but she felt his paws on her chin, drawing her out, her heart pounded and she felt him kiss her lips, a bit timidly, but soon got more powerful as she kissed him back, his paws gripped the side of her arms holding her tightly to him, she broke the kiss, panting and smiling ear to ear, he held her closely to him, stroking her soft ears, his head light. He felt her kiss his chest and he smiled. "Sarah?" he asked, "hmm?" she purred half asleep and blissful in his arms, it made his fur stand on end, "marry me?" he whispered but her canine hearing picked it up easily, he felt her stop breathing for a moment, he was starting to panic trying to think of ways to try and back track, when her heard her whisper something, he couldn't understand. "What?" he asked, she griped his fur tightly in her paws and kissed his throat "I said yes" she barked at him too loudly, grinning. she eked playfully as he whooped joyfully and hugged her tightly, kissing her deeply, she giggled and pushing him back after a bit "carful big boy, need to breath if you want me to marry you" she giggled and kissed him, his heart was pounding he could feeling her pulse in her throat doing the same as he ran his paw over her neck as she giggled and murred, stroking over the back of his head and neck, running her paws though his long hear fur and short strawberry blonde body fur. They broke their kiss panting, holding each other tightly, nuzzling and murring to each other. they lay there together in the darkness, wide awake in each other's arms, enjoying the closeness they both been begging for, for so long, the watch the shadows fade and form as the world outside theirs warmed and lit. Sarah purred closing her eye and slowly drifting off. He watched her, hoping he'd never need to wake from this surreal dream and just hold her forever, he chuckled feeling her tail wag against his legs, he snuggled close to her as he could, sighing contently.
Sarah shifted in her sleep, frowning as something poked her, she opened her eyes, still in the kangaroo's embrace, she looked back at him as his long ear flicked and his leg kicked gently in his sleep, she turned back, looking at the time, it was midday, but she didn't care, she shifted again, feeling something boney poke her in her back again, she went a deep shade of red as she realized what it was, she had to admit, she kind of didn't mind it, she never noticed him having morning wood before, she murred and slipped off her pants and underwear as still as she could, soon naked from the waist down, she guided one of his paws down her body, it went eagerly, playing with her fur in his sleep, she murred and started him over her thighs, he gasped softly but still asleep, she gently rolled so she was facing him, soon putting his paw on her inner thigh, her breath caught as he went straight to her sex, she shivered and his eyes blinked, trying to realize what was happening, she gasped as his paw stopped working and he turned pink as she smiled and he went to take his paw away, but she held his arm "please..." she whispered as she looked up at him. He was shocked but he didn't take his paw away, slowly starting moving it gently in and out of her, she murred, resting her forehead on his as her slick sounds and their breathing was the only sounds in the room. He gulped loudly, pausing his working paw as he lent and kissed her softly, she kissed him back eagerly, her tail wagging under the sheets as he gently rolled her to the side, kissing and licking along her neck softly before she pulled his muzzle to hers. "Joe..." she whispered "yeah?" he gazed down at her, drunk on her beauty. "I..." she panted her body growing warm with need, "...I need you Joe... " she tugged at his shirt, gently tugging it off, she murred in awe of his broad shoulders and chest and soft coat. He smiled down at her, slipping her shirt off and kissing her deeply once more, his paws wondering down to her white breasts, her pink flesh visible tough it as he teased and rubbed them, running his paw down her belly and up again, feeling her warm body under him, beckon him to her, she mewed softly as he found one of her belly nipping hidden in her fur, he smiled down at her as he kisses of her chests and breasts, licking teasingly at her as he felt his member throb for her more. Her paws gently scratched his belly fur, as he kissed and teased, then she side his pants off as they grew more eager and excited for one and another. "Sarah I... I love you so much" he moaned to her, before she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly, "I need you, I need you so badly Joe" she whispered to him, rubbing her body against his softly. He gulped and slid off his pants tossing them aside and tossing the blankets back. She mewed softly, finally getting a good look at his fully naked form. Well toned from years of work, built up subtly, his thick coat golden and his eyes shining, her tongue lolled out noticing... how unique he was, with his beans above his sausage like all male kangaroos, causing her to blush deeply, eyeing his pink, thick, long curved member calling her. He shifted nervously "I uh, have to admit your sought of my first, so I don't really have any thing... to compare myself to..." he scratched the back of his head nervously "your... wow huge actually" she murred, taking her eyes off him to look into his eyes, "I'm just not well versed in kangaroo" she giggled. He gave a faint smile leaning over her and kissing her softly as she gently spread her legs either side of his as he pressed himself closer to hers, their heart rate jumping, their musk growing stronger to the other's nose, Joe paused, inches from her entrance, waiting. "Joe... I want you, I want you so badly" she whispered to him "I want to be yours and only yours and I want you to mate me..." she looked up at him, his face burned but he grunted and nodded, easing himself forward and her lips apart slowly, her arms wrapped around the back of his neck as he gently started stretching her, he stopped at her groan "you ok?" he whispered, brushing the hair out of her eyes, she smiled and nodded, watching her carfully as he pressed deeper still till he was hilted in her with a perfect fit, she moaned, her body throbbing around his member as it struggled to adjust to the sudden size, he whimpered softly above her before drawing him self back and thrusting himself forward in her making her breasts bounce gently, she murred loudly as he began to move faster and with more confidance each time, thrusting harder and harder into her. She yowled and arched her back to him, pressing their bodies together as her sex clamped down around him, he grunted and shivered feeling her cum on his member. He pressed all the deeper with a grunt and moaned, holding her tightly as he came into her.
They panted, holding each other tightly in the coolness of the room, sweat though out their furs.
This was written by Lynx Hunter
All writing and characters belong to Lynx. Do not use or reproduce without the author's permission! |
romance lessons by dbj_rab | another old straight story - Romance and Lessons Commission by DBJ The birds sing with the rising sun, as a lone raccoon climbs up the steps up to a very posh and Victorian style homestead. His tail swishes as he knocks on the door, and waits expectedly as he glances around slightly and admires | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464058-romance-lessons | Romance and Lessons
Commission by DBJ
The birds sing with the rising sun, as a lone raccoon climbs up the steps up to a very posh and Victorian style homestead. His tail swishes as he knocks on the door, and waits expectedly as he glances around slightly and admires the small garden to the side of the porch, as well as the ornate 'Summers home' sign hanging above the steps.
The wait isn't that long, as the raccoon hears steps towards the door, and it opens to reveal a very stunningly beautiful daft horse femme. She smiled and suddenly hugged the raccoon tightly against her breasts. 'Cyranno, so glad you could make it' she says and grins at him, before they kiss quickly. Cyranno grins and nods, as he steps back slightly, and the horse turns away from her boyfriend slightly to shout " hey mom, going out", and moves out as her mother says "Ok, Gloria. Take care now".
"So my lovely model of a horse, where do you want to go this morning?" Cyranno asks, as they walk towards his car. "Hmmm how about IHOP?" she says and smiles, as they climb in the car and soon speed off towards the nearest IHOP restaurant. Soon they are sitting and eating their breakfast order, and chatting idly about little things when their super senses hear slight cries of help, from someone being mugged.
They quickly go into the restroom, and change into their superhero outfits and are soon rushing off towards the nearest crime activity. Cyranno, now the Masked Musketeer and his girlfriend, who is now Lady Liberty see an old woman being mugged by a gangster type fiend. They quickly ran off after him, and easily catch him. After they put him off to the nearest police station, telling the officers what happened, the check on the old lady and return her purse. She smiles happily and says thanks, as the purse contained her months rent that was due that day.
Things are going smoothly with the very easily dispatched normal street thugs, when they happen to glance up and see an arch foe, tyring yet again to bring about destruction and chaos to their fair city. Masked Musketeer grins and asks, if the Lady Liberty would like to handle this one. She gins and says "sure why not?". The daft horse heroine is soon speeding off towards the robot that Black Hood, Lady liberty's old enemy is at it again. She grins and knows the dance with him very well. "Well looky here, if it isn't my old 'firend' Black Hood' " she shouts and flys in front of him. The goat villain grunts slightly, as he sees her.
Black Hood just looks at her, and does'nt say a word. He then quickly charges after her and tries to crush her, with the robot hands. She just smiles and flies out of reach easily, idly amused as she watches the goat inside the huge robot, adjusting and pushing all sorts of control buttons, making the robot doing his bidding. He growls slightly in frustation and then fires a sudden diamond laced netting at her. Lady liberty blinks in surprise and thinking it's a normal net, flies towards it to rip through it, when she suddenly feels slight restraint.
The masked musketeer, meanwhile glances up, and sees his beloved caught in the shimmering net. The lyth raccoon suddenly jumps up and climbs up the robot's leg. He pants and calls out, "don't worry hon. I'm on my way to get you out". The daft horse smiles down slightly at him, and keeps trying to break the diamond net, which is hard to do even for superheroes, as it's the hardest element around.
Dark Hood glances at the monitor and sees the raccoon climbing up his leg. He laughs as pulls in Lady liberty closer to him, and towards the opening that will hold her. He pushes a button and the raccoon is caught by slight surprise, as a hidden arm pops out of the robot's thigh and tries to grab him.
He easily dodges the grasp and climbs faster up towards the control booth of the robot, where the evil goat is grinning stupidly, thinking he'll have won at long last. Lady liberty meanwhile just accepts that she can't fight free of the net, and simply waits for her raccoon to free her, knowing he'll do so with ease. The Masked Musketeer finally reached the arm holding the net, and moves fast towards her. He grins as he pries open the robot's hand and opens the net, freeing his love. She grins and kisses him quickly on the cheek.
They both glance towards the goat, who is now swearing and fuming, tyring to figure out how to get out of the mess he's in. He keeps trying to push more buttons, but can't find the one with mass weapon of destruction. Lady Liberty and Masked Musketeer both fly down and wrap the net around the robot's legs, and topples it over. Black Hood swears even more as the robot tips over, and the dome he's in smashes and sends flying glass all over, several pieces cutting him. He does try a quick attempt to run away, but the duo catch him easily enough and dispatch him off towards the jail, keeping him in the diamond netting.
"heh, I always fighting him. He's so easy to capture, and makes a good warm up for others" Lady Liberty chuckles. The raccoon chuckles as well, and nods. Soon night is wearing down, and all rest of the evening's been peaceful and hardly anything that really required their attention. But suddenly, they hear a loud booming sound.
They glance around, tyring to pinpoint where the sound is coming from. "Hey I recognize that sound. It sounds like sledgehammer," Lady Liberty says. The Masked Musketeer agrees and soon the see the evil stegatorious (dino) and he's holding someone hostage. As they fly closer, the duo see that it's his ex-girlfriend, and he's about to smash her head in. They gasp and suddenly rush towards the scene.
The dino glances up, and and urks slightly as he sees them rushing towards him. He tries to act out his vengence faster, but they quickly grab his heavy, bulging arms and put them around his back. He struggles with all his might, but his strength, while very strong among normal standards, is no match for the superheroes. "Damn you bastards," he swears as they fly him off towards the special jail for super villains. "now, now that's no way to treat a lady" the Masked Musketeer says. Lady Liberty makes sure the dino girl is all right, and then catches up with her bou.
As they head back home, they kiss each other and tell how much they love each other. Storm clouds approaching and raining fast. Rather than walking back towards her house, she suggests they go back to hear mom's place, as it's closer and would keep them relatively dryer. Cyrano agrees, and nuzzles her as they approach Gloria's mom's house. She silently opens the door, and they then tip toe up to her room, that her mom lets her sleep in at times when she's in need of it.
They slow pet and kiss each other,as they climb up the stairs towards her room. Gloria shivers, as she gets goose bumps from all the heavy petting, and cryano grins as he feels himself hardening slowly at the thought of seeing his beloved naked and then making love to each other for first time.
They both stop kissing and petting each other, as Gloria goes over and closes the blinds and door to her room, while cyrano turns on some music. The stereo blasts China love by Janet Jackson plays in the background, as they slowly turn to each and grin blush. Cyrano pants slightly as he slowly strips for his girlfriend, while she moans and rubs against herself stripping for him at the same time.
The raccoon moans as his cock pops out of his sheath and he admires her naked equine body. "oh gods you're so hot looking my luv" he murmurs as he moves closer towards her. The horse smiles and blushes slightly. "you're not so bad yourself either , my hunk of a raccoon" she grins coyly.
The two moan as the press against each other , gasping as they feel their nakedness pressing harder against each other. "oh gods this feels so good," she pants as her paws rub up n down all over his body. "mmnn baby, yeah that's it. Feels so good" he pants as he rubs his own paws up n down her back and tight ass.
"oh luv.. feels so good to be with you" the equine pants and shudders in pleasure, her nipples hardening and her pussy preing heavily. He pants and moans as he slowly rubs along her ass cruve, and softly wriggles his fingers against her pussy, making her gasp and squirm even more in lust. "ooohh god ooohhh gods yyyessss" she gasps and falls onto the bed.
Cyrano pants and shudders himself slightly, as his own cock pres even more and moves down to suckle on her nipples softly, while kneading her huge breasts, and rubbing her twat even more in circles, stimulating her even more. "hmmmm baby, feels and tastes so good" he pants softly.
She writhes and gasps as her body goes into overdrive with lust and sexual need. Shuddering and panting, her pawing sessions never felt like anything she's feeling now. Cyrano moans and pants as he kisses her and softly pushes his finger into her tight pussy. She gasps and arcs her back slightly.. grunting and crying slightly at the pain of being penetrated, despite having done so many times herself with her own paw and dildo.
"Are you ready for more my love? " the raccoon asks, as he keeps pushing his fingers in and out of her pussy. She writhes even more as she pres all over and climaxes suddenly, panting loudly "oh gods luv yes s yyeesss" she shudders, "fuck me".
The raccoon moans and grins. He slowly removes his fingers from her twat, and rubs his preing cock against her opening. She squirms and cries out as her senses go into overload. "oohh gods luv yess yeess do it.. fill me up" she moans and he grunts as slowly pushes deeper into her pussy. He gasps and shudders at her tight warmth, and grunts preing heavily as his cock slides fully into her tight pussy.
She pants and cries out in pleasure, as her raccoon fills her up with his hung length. He gasps and holds her tightly, moaning as slowly pushes himself in and out of her pussy. "oohh gods luv I love you so much" he pants as he gets closer to cumming into her pussy, girnding his hips against hers. She pants and neighs slightly, as her pussy tightens harder around his length. " oohh gods my raccoony, yess yesss spurt your spunk in me" she gasps and moves with his thrusts, getting closer to cumming along with him as well.
Cyrano gasps and spasms, not able to hold it in any longer and moans, shoving deep into her pussy as he can and gasping/panting heavily.. nnngghhh he cries out as his cock swells within her teat and suddenly explode his cum into her. "ooohh gods soo good" he grunts and kisses her, as keeps thrusting in and out bit. She squeals and grunts "ooh luv fuck yyesss" she gasps and tightens her pussy even more around the hung member inside her and suddenly squirts her juices all over and along his length.
They both pant and grunts,a s cuddly tightly and kiss each other in the afterglow of their long love making. They soon fall asleep afterwards, with his cock still in her and throbbing slightly.
Soon morning comes, and the light wakes Gloria up. She quickly gets up and dressed, hearing a knocking on the front door. She passes her mother, and says hello, while opening the door. Her friend and roommate Kelly is standing there, and smiles hi/morning. She smiles back and invites her in.
As the two step into the kitchen, her mother asks how her date went yesterday. "oh it was fine mom. Thanks for asking" The then go on to talk about the days event, but as they do so, Kelly looks up and sees cyrano trying to sneak out the back door, which is locked and alarm set.
He cringes as he sees the door's looked, and tries to think of how to get out, when Tabitha turns and sees him. Gloria turns red all over, as her mother quickly glances back towards her and asks who the hell this guy is.
"Uhmm well mom.. the truth is, he's my boyfriend." Gloria says, and her mother immediately takes a negative reaction to that. "Oh hell no. You're not dating a no good carrying disease raccoon" she shouts and fumes. Gloria shouts back "mom that's enough. It's my life and I love him very much. " Cyrano quietly says the same thing after things die down slightly.
Tabitha glances back and forth from the two, and then sighs slightly and concedes to their wishes. "well you're right daughter of mine. You are and adult, and despite that you'll always be my baby girl, and I wish the best for you" She however moves to cyrano and bores him with questions. He does his best to not let some things private slip throught, but under her hard stare that all women seem to get, he squirms and silently says that he did 'sleep' with her daughter.
She grunts and says thought so, as she turns to Gloria and then afterwards tells them both and they should use better judgement and to do it in her own apartment and not here, cuase if they ever do it here again, she'll tear of his balls and make her life miserable.
They both chuckle nervously, and then grin to each other, as they notice she's smiling as she says that, and all laugh at the joke. |
Never knew I could buy love... by Gaz888f | ?This is my super cool fandic about yaoi Foodfight between Dex Dogtective and Daredevil Dan and Bat Person, hoep uenjoy - Vlad Chocool was walking home from his boring, mundane life, when all of a sudden he saw in a dark alley, Dex Dogtective and Daredevil Dan were talking behind some garbage bins.. | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/696595-never-knew-i-could-buy-love | Vlad Chocool was walking home from his boring, mundane life, when all of a sudden he saw in a dark alley, Dex Dogtective and Daredevil Dan were talking behind some garbage bins.. "Okay Dan, you want some of this?", Dex said while waving his doggy dick in front of the young squirrel's face. "Hell yeah I want some o' dat fine cock in my ass, mmmh" replied Dan with pure glee. Vlad, who was watching from afar, popped up a wicked boner in his tiny pants, he loved chocolate men but he could never tell anybody. Dex and Dan started kissing and fondling each other. Dex got his tongue deep within Dan, and Dan could feel a tingling within his trousers, he tried to keep it contained for longer, but it was no use, Dex spotted a meaty treat that he wanted to chew on. "Mmmhhm, what's his I see, has the easter bunny left me a nice surprise?", Dex said in an alluring voice, wanting to get his jaw around Dan's chocolate treat. Dan nerviously laughed, and obliged to Dex's dominant behavior.By this point, Vlad's erection was so big, he could no longer contain the beast within his pants. As he watched Dex wrap his mouth around Dan's lovely chocolate dick, he began to feel steamy. Dex was really going at Dan's cock, licking the head and kissing it lovingly and gently, like a newborn child in his arms. Vlad got out his big bat penis out and began to slowly stroke it as he watched Dex and Dan get it on ever so lovingly begin to make love to each others buff, ripped bodies. Vlad started off slowly, sweating, feeling every bit of cum pulsating in his big cock. Then all of sudden, Vlad couldn't take it, and before ejaculation, he fell over and knocked a garbage bin over. Dex and Dan came to a halt, "W-who goes there!" shouted Dex, before glaring over and the bat, whom had his giant cock out. Dex and Dan smirked at each other and began to grin.Dex grabbed Vlad by the ears and trusted his massive doggy dick straight through his ears, and then straight into his mouth. Dex kept trusting and trusting into poor Vlad's mouth until Dex came a bucket load straight down Vlad's throat. The impact was so daunting that semen came flying out of Vlad's butthole, causing great pain in his anus. Vlad never thought he'd lose his virginity like this, but deep down, he was actually, really enjoying it, and he never wanted the pain to last forever. He wanted to feel his anus throbbing forever, his butthole was currently as red as chilli's in lava, with only the cold, white jizz to cool down his asshole."My turn!" shouted Dan. This daredevil had never been this daring, but he was willing to shove his massive black chocolate dick into the butthole of the bat that knelled before him. Vlad's ass had endured torture for the last 2 hours from the dominance of Dex, but he was still willing to have a big black dick go straight into his red, pulsating anus. "Oh no! No more please! I hate this torture!" Vlad lied as he loosened his anus for more submission. "Too baaad, bitch!",Dan shouted, "I'm about to bring the painus into yer anus! HWOYAAH!". Dan began to fuck Vlad straight up the ass, he fucked him so hard that poor Vlad was bleeding from his anus. But Vlad didn't mind, Vlad's dream had finally come true, he was being violently fucked by a big, lovely chocolate boy. He knew he would never feel the same as Dan unleashed an abyss of white, sticky, hot jizz from his black, veiny dick.Vlad fell to the floor, he lay there, almost breathless. Dex and Dan began to laugh as they left the bat freak to lay in a giant puddle of dog and squirrel cum. Vlad turned onto his back and gazed into the lights of the supermarket. "Why..." he muttered. "Why must God give me a lovely chocolate man only to take it all away hours later..." Just as all was said and done, the light began to shine brighter... Vlad looked above, with a long look on his face, much to his surprise and loving please, there he saw, a giant big black veiny cock descended from the heavens above to give Vlad a round two. "Hallelujah!" he scream as Vlad began to open his mouth wide. Looks like things worked out after all...with love from Jams ;( |
birthday gift by dbj_rab | another old bi story i wrote - "Hey love. How are you doing today?" a sexy feminine voice asked. I leaned over to look at my gorgeous lover. She's such a great woman. She's a white with orange fur vixen, petite breasts and a great pussy and ass. "I'm just fine, thanks. You were incredible last | [
"Multiple Species",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464063-birthday-gift | "Hey love. How are you doing today?" a sexy feminine voice asked.
I leaned over to look at my gorgeous lover. She's such a great woman. She's a white with orange fur vixen, petite breasts and a great pussy and ass.
"I'm just fine, thanks. You were incredible last night," I chuckle still admiring her.
"Well, so were you," she smiled back, admiring my soft white bunny fur and lovingly playing with my black ear tips.
"Well, do you want to make breakfast or shall I?" she asked.
"I'll do it... as a tribute to you, dear," I said smilingly.
She laughed and got up to take a shower while I went to the kitchen to make us breakfast.
Thankfully she doesn't mind the occassional veggie in our foods (Foxes are omnivors).. I made a simple egg omelet with veggies and some sausage in it just as Viva came out of the shower.
"Hmm, smells great. You're such a good cook," she smiled.
"Thank you dear."
We set down to eat, and after we're done she goes to wash the dishes while I take my shower.
After I get done and dressed, Viva asked, "So.. have you decided what you want on your birthday?"
"Not really. You can just surprise me," I reply.
She smiles a knowing smile, I can sense that she had indeed a big surprise for me planned.
"Well, off to work," I said.
"See you home soon, dear," Viva replied.
I start riding my bike to where I work as a freelance newspaper reporter and or ad layout person... Luckily since I got a head start, I decided to take a detour and go through the park.
While riding, I noticed my other lover riding ahead of me.
"Hey, Dave!" I call out as I approach.
He turns around and waves back, slowing a little so I can catch up.
"What are you doing here?" the big dog asked.
"Just taking a short detour to work since I have a bit more time," I reply.
"That's great," he says with a smirk.
I grin back knowing what he's going to say next.
"Say, if you have more time before work, how about a quick yiff?" he growled softly.
"I thought you'd never ask," I reply feeling very yiffy since last night and seeing him in those tight bicycle shorts.
We ride a bit further and then go off into the shadows of trees that are nearby.
After making sure no one is around and that we're well hidden, we start to kiss and fondle each other.
"Gods, you make me so horny," Dave said as I rubbed hard against his sheath and tweaked his nipple.
"Hmm, you do the same thing for me buddy," I groan as he finger my hole and bends to quickly lick inside my sheath.
"Gah," I cry out as my dick pops out of it's sheath.
I hear Dave moan as his dick comes out of hiding as well.
Soon we're both on the ground 69'ing each other..
Both of us pant and humm as we're sucking on each other, trying to make the other cum first.
I don't last long against Dave's tongue and soon thrust up to empty my bunny spunk into his mouth. He slurps it all and soon growls as he thrust into me and spurt his dog spunk into mine.
"Gasp, that feels so good when we do that," Dave pants...
"Yeah. Damn you're good with that tongue. No one else can make me cum so fast," I reply..
"Feh.. you're not so bad either.." he replies.
We both then get dressed and head off to work, riding along in silence and giving each other quirky looks.
Later that day, after finishing some paperwork and a few articles, I'm able to get off work, and I decide to take a detour to the gym before heading home to work out some unwanted stress and to clean up.
Afterwards, and thinking some wishful thinking after looking at some of the guys, I head home.
I enter to my house seeing nothing but blackness. "Hmm, looks like Viva planned something for my birthday.." I think to myself as I enter.
As soon as I close the door several people popped out and shouted "Surprise!".
And I was surprised cause they were all naked!!!
I stared at the bodies of my friends Dave, Ben (a bear), his wife Francine (a lioness), and Frank a new found lover I had (a horse) and lovers.. wondering what was going on.
"Hey, bunny boy. Happy Birthday," Viva said.
"Thanks, hon. Why are all of you naked?" I ask, couldn't help but stare at some of my friends' well endowments, and breasts.
"Why, were here to give you an orgy birthday present," Dave replied.
I shivered a little in ectasy at the thought..
Before things got started how ever, we had a "traditional" birthday party.. cake was made and passed out, I opened up a few presents they bought for me, and then things got really raunchy.
We were soon playing adult version of some kiddie games, such as spin the bottle- only this version was spin the vibrator.
Who ever it pointed to, the person who spun it got to use it on that person and him/herself....
Needless to say, everyone was hard and horny soon after.
Soon everyone was whispering amongst themselves, and I sat "innocently" waiting to see what they had planned for me next......
Viva soon reached behind me and pinned my arms back. While she was doing that, Dave came over and bent down to lick and suck on my bunny cock. After he got started, I felt a finger probe my tail hole, and then another feminine one. After they withdrew, I felt Ben's huge dick push against me. I groan and gasped as I felt Dave sucking me and Ben soon began to thrust harder into me, pushing my anal muscles apart. While he was doing that, I felt Viva release her hold on me and tied me down. Soon she and Francine entered my field of vision. They soon started to play with each other, as their husbands sucked and fucked me. Frank moved before me, his huge equinine dick standing in front of my face. I soon started to lick and suck on it as he started to thrust himself into my throat.
I hmmm and moaned as I felt my climax nearing, much sooner than usual thanks to the guys' sucking and humping me.
Meanwhile Viva and Francine were going at like wild cats. Francine was slurping and sucking on Viva's breasts while Viva was tonguing Francine's pussy. Both were murring with pleasure as they came again and again against each other.
Soon I felt myself grunting as my dick spurted hot bunny seed down Dave's throat, and my ass muscles tightened against Ben's huge bear cock in response causing him to roar and thrust deep into, spurting his bear seed deep into me, hitting my prostrate.
Frank soon throbbed hard and started to spurt horse spunk. He quickly pulled out and spurted all over me, and my other male lovers.
All of us were laying together, hugging each other and gasping for breath after our climaxes went down. "Oh, gods. Do you guys know how to give a guy a present or what!" I groaned.
"Well, just be glad we only do this once a year. You'd probably wouldn't last if we did it twice," Viva teased.
"Oh, really? How about we find out?" I asked, getting up and moving towards her.
Everyone laughed as she pretended to squeak a bit as I came down into her and the others moved into position to fuck me and her again......................
To be continued ???? |
The Snowstorm (A Walter Fox story) by Little Bill | THE SNOWSTORM (A WALTER FOX STORY) (WARNING: The following story contains references to sexual activity between humans and sentient alien animals. Please do not read this if you are a minor or are offended by such material. But if neither is the case, enjoy.) (AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story follows the | [
"Gay Relationships",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/5157-the-snowstorm-a-walter-fox-story | THE SNOWSTORM (A WALTER FOX STORY)
(WARNING: The following story contains references to sexual activity between humans and sentient alien animals. Please do not read this if you are a minor or are offended by such material. But if neither is the case, enjoy.)
(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story follows the stories "The Furry Sex Scandal" and "The Furry Sex Scandal: The Aftermath.")
How do you like cold, snowy winter weather, dear reader? Not at all? Then you and I have at least that much in common. Yes, as a fox-person, I do grow winter fur, but unfortunately the benefit of that is less than you might think. Also, I hate when my fur gets wet. This is why I have gotten into the habit of taking a set of wet-weather clothes with me wherever I travel, in case I abruptly encounter rainy weather. It is not only I who am happy when my fur stays dry. The odor that I emit when my fur gets wet is not liked by humans, and since most of us animal-people have a keener sense of smell than humans, you can imagine how bad the odor is for us. Unsurprisingly, even our earliest civilizations had developed clothing to keep our fur dry in wet weather.
I have previously described our everyday clothing of pajama-like tunic and trousers and sandals. For cold and wet weather we have hooded overcoats and boots, which are considered utilitarian wear and thus are in solid colors and undecorated. And yes, when we wear our overcoats we keep our tails inside. I must admit I have never understood why your human furry art, much of which has been created prior to your discovery of our planet and us animal-people, typically depicts anthropomorphic animals as dressing in human clothing and going barefoot all the time, even on very rocky or snowy ground, and having tails sticking out even through coats. To us animal-people, this simply looks ridiculous. Feet and tails need protection like every other part of our bodies. In fact, earlier this day I happened to see a human-drawn anthropomorphic animal cartoon showing the characters dressed in full winter clothes yet walking through snow in completely uncovered feet. As, just minutes before, I had been walking through cold, deep snow wearing warm boots and heavy socks and my feet still had gotten numb from cold, the pictures actually made me wince.
What I am writing about now, dear reader, is my unplanned fourth visit with Jim and Sammy Skunk since the latter's becoming an Earth citizen. The first one I had was when I first interviewed the two of them officially, and we reconciled with but not actually befriended each other. Before my intended second interview with them (standard procedure,) the famous incident where Sammy had ferociously fought a gang of thugs who had attacked them had occurred, and I met the two of them at the hospital, where Sammy admitted he had become so devoted to Jim that he would not want to live if Jim were to die. I met with them after Jim was released from the hospital, and was not scheduled to visit them again until the next year. But it was only months since that time when winter set in and I got caught in a heavy snowstorm en route back to PERC (Planet Earth Research Center) base, returning from a multi-day visit to a major state university campus. The weather report did predict snow, but I was not expecting the fierce snowstorm that struck as I drove down the highway.
I had also forgotten how treacherous driving was in such weather. Though salt and plow trucks came and tried their best to keep the roadways clear, the amount of snow falling was too much for them to keep up with, and road surfaces managed to get white anyway-and slippery. I failed to recognize this fact as I drove in a mostly straight line, with only easy curves to have to deal with, not realizing the low traction my car had on the road while I kept going forward. But I was rudely reminded of it when I encountered a sharper curve, and turned on it-only to discover the car kept going forward as I turned the steering wheel, and I hurriedly applied the brakes, which I hoped were the antilock type. Fortunately, I had had enough sense to drive slowly, so the car skidded and came to a stop just before I was about to strike the concrete barrier wall. It was a moment before I registered what had happened, and I was thankful no other vehicles were around me at that moment. I saw the headlights of cars some distance behind me, and I wanted to get going again before they caught up to where I was. I put my car into reverse and backed up, fearing I would end up being stuck, but fortunately that did not happen, and I was able to go forward with only a minimal amount of skidding.
I felt chastened after my near-accident, but that feeling soon faded as I realized it was late evening and I was feeling tired and sleepy, and kept telling myself that I needed to keep going and get back to PERC base as soon as possible. I still had a long way to go, and my desire to get back to PERC and into a warm, safe bed so I could finally sleep made me careless again. The highway had become straight again, and it lulled me into complacency. I saw the lights of traffic signals ahead, and recognized it as the last intersection I had to go through before I would drive another fifteen miles to reach PERC base. I waited too long and was going faster than I should have, before I applied the brake to stop behind the cars waiting in front of me-
And I kept going forward without slowing down! In sudden horror and panic, I started turning the steering wheel in a desperate attempt to avoid hitting the cars ahead of me. Then my car spun out of control, skidding upon the snow-covered road, and I suddenly froze and braced myself, unable to further control the car's movement and waiting for the inevitable impact.
But fortunately there was no impact. The car suddenly stopped sliding, coming to a rest in a position so that its front was facing the wrong way down the street, and I could see the headlights of approaching cars some distance away. I turned my head to look behind me to see that the cars which had been stopped had suddenly pulled forward across the stop line to avoid my striking them. They were now stopped in the middle of the intersection, and fortunately there was no cross traffic. The falling snow had eased up so that there was more visibility than earlier, and there were bright streetlights shining above the intersection, as well as two brightly-lit gas stations on either side of the street. I could see the people in the two cars I nearly hit looking back at me reproachfully, and even if they did not see me clearly, they must have still recognized who I was: the space alien fox-person sociologist Walter Fox, now well-known throughout Earth, who nearly caused an accident because he did not know how to handle his vehicle properly in snow.
I felt embarrassment beyond description, dear reader, and cringed at their glares. Only their foresight and quick action prevented me from crashing into them. And I was still facing the wrong was on the street, the approaching cars were getting closer, and the stoplights turned green, and the cars which had been in front of me drove away. I could imagine them thinking what a tremendous idiot this Walter Fox really was, and how foxes were supposed to be clever and this one was a careless nincompoop. Rather than stay in the ridiculous position on the road I was in, I turned towards the curb, drove up against it, then turned my wheels the other way, backed up, and was able to right myself. My sleepiness had gone for the moment, and I was anxious because the approaching cars were getting close. But instead of going on my way, I ended up turning right at the intersection and pulling to the side of the road. I simply did not want to drive further because I was too upset.
Then I had to figure out what to do next. I still had to drive fifteen more miles before I reached the road that would take me to PERC base, driving conditions were slow and treacherous, and I was tired and upset. I was in the outskirts of the city which was closest to PERC base. This city was our source of food and materials, as well as the place where Sammy Skunk and his gay human lover Jim were currently residing. I noted the irony of how Sammy Skunk was staying physically close to his old people even though he was exiled from them. But he stayed close primarily because our agreement with the Earthians was that we were still supposed to provide him with medical care as needed. I could imagine what it was like for him to occasionally go see people who never liked him when he was one of them, and who positively despised him now that he separated himself from his world. I was never his friend, either, but I took pity upon him for his being friendless and alone when he was at PERC, and had him come with me to a human furry convention. Then he fell in with a group of gay human furries, and the rest is history. I went through a great deal of trouble and trauma because of Sammy Skunk's irresponsibility, but luckily enough was still able to retain my job as a PERC sociologist and still go out among humans. I am less of a novelty than I was years ago, but many Earthians still pet me and pat me on the head. Fortunately I am used to such treatment. Some humans are less kind to me than that.
I was thinking of calling a nearby motel and staying for the night, the one I had used once before when the car I was driving at the time broke down. The one I had now was like the other vehicles provided to us at PERC, a decommissioned former government sedan, worn but still viable, modified by placing holes in the seat backs so our tails could go through, as well as extra navigation and tracking equipment. PERC base was a former military base, consisting of a few remaining buildings after most of the rest of the original structures had been demolished, and some new construction that the Director was able to wheedle from our human hosts. The former military base covered a wide area, but most of the land was unsafe due to contamination from chemicals and unexploded ordnance, so we never wandered out of the known safe zones. I cannot help but laugh at the science fiction stories where aliens land on a planet in spacecraft which contain everything they need. Everyone at PERC has to depend on whatever resources and equipment the Earthians are willing to give us, and most of the equipment is castoff at that.
When I used my portable phone to call the motel mentioned earlier, the person who said "Hello" had a familiar voice. But it was not the voice of a human desk clerk, but that of none other than Sammy Skunk himself! Despite his living on Earth among humans for the past several years, his voice still carried the distinctive accent we animal-people with our nonhuman mouths have. "Walter! Is that you?" he asked.
I was speechless for a moment, and then looked at the display screen on my portable phone. I had dialed the number of Sammy and Jim's apartment by mistake! What stupidity would I commit next? "Walter?" continued Sammy, "Are you all right? Are you in trouble? Shall I call for help?"
"No, no, I'm fine," I replied, finding my voice. "I'm so sorry, Sammy. I called your number by mistake."
"Oh," said Sammy. "You're sure you're not in any trouble?"
"I'm okay, honestly. I'm in town, and on my way back to PERC. Sorry to have disturbed you. By the way, how did you know it was me before I said anything?"
"Caller ID. And I'm always happy to hear from you. But you sound like you're tired. And the weather outside is horrible. I don't think you should be driving back to PERC in this weather. You're welcome to stay with us overnight."
"Actually," I told him, "I was planning to check into the local motel and spend the night there. But thanks for the offer."
"Oh, please stay with us," Sammy insisted. "We'd be honored to have you over, and besides, you won't have to spend PERC money on a motel room and have the Director get on your back over that. We'll even prepare you a nice breakfast tomorrow morning."
"I can't impose on you like that," I said.
"But we want you to visit us," Sammy replied, a hint of pleading in his voice. "I want to see you in a non-interview mode. Is it wrong for me to ask that of you?"
At that moment I felt like I should have been displayed in an exhibition with a sign that said, "WALTER-THE LEAST CLEVER FOX IN THE UNIVERSE." I should have known better than to mention to Sammy Skunk that I was nearby. Of course I was hardly obligated to accept his offer to visit them, and I was hardly friends with either one of them. But Sammy's tone indicated that he really wanted me to visit him, and I could understand why. My job did obligate me to interview him annually, and I was sent to visit him at the time he and Jim had been assaulted, and gave him comfort in his time of distress. Becoming an Earth citizen so he could spend his life with Jim, he cut himself off from his own people and his native world. When he was at PERC, he was unpopular, and I was the only one who took pity upon him. Now that he was an expatriate, I was made the liaison between him and his former compatriots. I was the only one of his people now who would look upon him without utter hostility; my job required me to be civil even to utterly despicable people, and while I disliked Sammy, he was hardly a monster. Also, the agreement with the Earthians I previously mentioned stipulated that PERC could still call upon him, and he was obligated to help us, if there were an emergency situation and PERC had dire need of his services. Such a situation has yet to occur, of course, but there was always the possibility. He was PERC's mathematician and thoroughly knew all our computer systems, having programmed everything. It would be a bad idea for us to offend him.
"I'll have to get permission from the Director," I told him. "I'll come by if he says yes."
"Okay," said Sammy, and he hung up. Then I called the Director and explained my situation.
"I was wondering where the fuck you've been," was his response. "Why didn't you leave the university sooner?"
"I wish I could have, but I couldn't," I replied, which was the truth.
"Then maybe you should have stayed another night there," he suggested unhelpfully.
"I should have," I replied, "but I thought I could make it back in time. I goofed."
The Director smirked. "If you ever manage to get through a day without fucking up, I'll faint from shock. I guess it means we'll have to pay for a motel room for you tonight."
"No, it doesn't."
"You're not driving any further in this weather! You'd get into an accident in half a mile!" I felt a wave of embarrassment as the Director said this; I had not told him about my near-collision at the intersection. "Go to the motel where you stayed last time and check out a room! That is an order!"
"Wait, you don't understand. Of course I won't try to get back to base; I know I won't make it. What happened was...I did try to call the motel and accidentally dialed the telephone number of Jim and Sammy Skunk. He offered for me to stay with them during the night!"
It must have been a whole minute before the Director responded. "Well, in that case, you should be polite and accept their offer."
This was the last thing I expected to hear. "What, there's some problem at PERC, and you need Sammy Skunk's services to fix it?" I asked him, surprised.
"You're the biggest problem PERC has, and you need Sammy Skunk to help you because you obviously can't take care of yourself. So call him and tell him you're going to stay with him, and you can come back to PERC tomorrow morning. You can make life miserable for him instead of me tonight."
"But you already ordered me to check into the motel."
"That order is rescinded. Go stay with Sammy Skunk and Jim tonight. I hope you have a fun visit."
The Director was clearly in one of his moods, and I was all too happy to be with Sammy Skunk and Jim-or with anyone else in the Universe-that evening. I called Sammy back and told him the Director had given his authorization for me to visit him. Sammy sounded very pleased that I would be visiting him after all, though I suspected that he knew that the Director was making me do so out of spite.
But if the Director thought I dreaded the prospect of visiting Sammy Skunk, dear reader, he was wrong. I actually did want to see him and his homosexual lover at an unguarded time, when they would not be prepared for an official interview from me. I was responsible, at least in part, for Sammy's situation, and I have never been quite certain how Sammy Skunk really felt about leaving his people and bonding with a space alien, not even after my multiple interviews with them. Though he had consistently told me he was happy where he was and had no regrets about what he had done, and he gave me no indication he was lying, I admit I could never quite bring myself to truly believe it. I wanted to see how things actually were with them, up close and personal. And tonight was my opportunity.
I did not have too far to drive, but the snowstorm made it very difficult and unpleasant. I nearly got stuck going up the driveway to the apartment building's parking area. It was a small parking lot, with a multi-bay garage for the tenants and several open spaces for visitors. All the latter were empty, so I pulled into one and shut off the engine. I could tell the lot had been plowed once already, but already it was full of snow again. It would be a big task for me to dig my car out again the next morning.
Fortunately I had placed my luggage in the back seat of my sedan, rather than in the trunk, so getting it out was not such a problem. I secured the car and trudged to the back entrance of the apartment building, and Sammy Skunk, who was waiting inside, swung open the door as I got near. "Come in, Walter," he said, and I did.
I was cold inside the unheated back hallway, and Sammy had dressed himself in winter clothes, though he had not been outside, as they were dry. Then I noted he was carrying a whisk broom, which he used to brush the snow off my clothes and luggage. I was happy to see him already; I would not have gotten such service at PERC, or at a motel room I would have rented. He then took one of my bags, and I followed him upstairs to where his apartment was, and went inside.
The place was much like I remembered from last time, with the furniture arranged differently, and one or two new pieces added. It was still covered with all sorts of furry decorations, including some pictures of myself-the latter making me a bit uncomfortable, knowing the proclivities of Jim, its human occupant. In fact, he was standing in front of me, dressed in warm clothes, and he was wearing shoes and socks this time. He smiled and greeted me in the words of my native language, pronouncing them with surprising accuracy. I was stunned for a moment, and then I heard Sammy tell me, "I've taught Jim a bit about our world and its customs."
Then I gave Jim the appropriate response, before repeating the process with Sammy. This was my world's welcome for casual friends, and I had never received it from an Earthian before, nor had I any anticipation that I would be so greeted by Jim and Sammy Skunk. Did they want something from me, or from PERC, and were trying to butter me up? But it was I who was asking a favor from them, having them put me up for the night on a moment's notice. And Sammy had indicated concern that I might have been in trouble when I had accidentally called him.
I believe that Sammy at least genuinely wanted to be friends with me; I was the one who visited him after he and Jim had been attacked by the thugs and his lover's life had been in jeopardy. Of course I visited Sammy Skunk on the Director's orders rather than my own accord, and I did not really want to see Sammy at the time, but when I got there and saw how distraught he was, I could not help feeling deep sympathy for him; only the absolutely hardhearted could not have done so. It was the time he announced to the world that if Jim were to die, he would have nothing to live for as well. It was clear that he really meant it, and the news spread among the Earthians life wildfire. Sammy Skunk had become a folk hero to the people of Earth; a sentient pet totally devoted to his master, who would fight savagely for him, and would die with him. Needless to say, there were plenty of humans who wanted to adopt me (or any other animal-person) as their pet, which made it almost impossible for me to do research until after the fuss eventually died down. Before that incident, there were a number of people who did not like the idea of a human and a space alien who resembled an Earthian lower animal living together; afterwards, hardly anyone complained. Who could object to someone keeping around a creature who was so devoted to them? The idea that the two of them might have a sexual relationship was quickly forgotten.
Of course, everyone at PERC, and a number of Earthian authorities, knew the truth, but as Sammy Skunk was now an Earth citizen, it was his legal right to have sex with any human who consented to do it with him, and there were a number who did. What was the point in anyone objecting? I did not, except that what truly made me uncomfortable about the relationship between Sammy Skunk and Jim was less that they were homosexual male lovers, nor even the fact that they were different beings from two different worlds, but the uncertainty as to whether Sammy Skunk was genuinely homosexual, or whether he was essentially prostituting himself in return for Jim's affection. Even Sammy himself was unable to answer the question when I posed it to him during our last interview.
But even if that were the case, there was nothing for me to do about it. Sammy made his choice; he would have to live with the consequences. And he certainly seemed far happier, and was definitely far nicer, than he had been when he was one of my PERC colleagues. He also showed no sign of being frightened or intimidated, and if he had been I certainly would have picked that up by now.
"Let me take your coat and boots, Walter," said Sammy, pulling me out of my reverie.
I pulled down my hood and unbuttoned and slipped out of my winter coat, then unbuckled and removed my rubber snow over boots. Underneath I wore everyday winter clothes, which is our standard pajama outfits, only in thicker material, and socks and sandals. Today's clothes were red and blue with black zigzag patterns. Sammy took my winter clothes to the bathroom, and then came out having removed his own. His everyday clothes were green and dark blue with black spiral patterns, which reminded me of those on my own favorite outfit. Though Sammy was in the habit of going barefoot whenever possible, this time he had his sandals and socks on.
"Would you like something to eat or drink, Walter?" asked Jim.
"I'll just have some water," I replied.
"That's all? Nothing else?"
"I've already had dinner, thank you," I said, being still uncomfortable from the big dinner I had at the roadhouse restaurant I often patronized during my travels from PERC base. Jim went to the refrigerator and brought out a pitcher of filtered water, which I drank gratefully.
"So," said Sammy, "how are things with you?"
"Wonderful," I quipped, "any time I'm not under the Director's nose is a great day."
The others laughed, and Sammy added, "If you wanted to, we'd be happy to let you reside with us. Unfortunately, our place isn't big enough to accommodate the entire PERC staff."
We were all laughing helplessly. Sammy Skunk was an asshole in his own right when he was at PERC, though he has definitely changed for the better since he became an Earthian. Perhaps he just needed love and affection, which he told me he hardly received when he was growing up. But the Director is married and has his wife at PERC, though she mostly stays in her quarters and rarely mingles with the rest of us. I always wondered what sort of relationship she and her husband have. But I spend so much time away from PERC base that I know relatively little about how things go on there.
"So, what have you been up to lately, if we may ask?" asked Jim.
"Well," I began, and told them in general terms of my various travels, including the university trip I just returned from. It was a sociological conference, more of a goodwill trip than anything else, and on the last day I visited with students who wanted to meet the famous space alien fox-person. I was pleased that most of them were not "furries," or humans who were particularly into anthropomorphic animals, and I say this not to denigrate this group of people, but to make the point that humans are finally starting to view me not as a novelty or cartoon character, but as a sentient person like themselves. Remember, dear reader, that on my home world I am just as ordinary and banal as a human being is on Earth.
But my conversation was not too long, as I was obviously tired and it was already late in the evening. I wanted to lie down more than anything else, and it must have been obvious to the others. Looking at his watch, Jim said, "Say, it's time for the evening news, so maybe we should put it on? They'll be talking about the snowstorm."
"Sure, good idea," I replied, wanting an excuse to not keep talking any longer.
He went to turn on his living room computer, a deluxe model with a huge video screen. Switching to live news, the reporters talked about the storm. There were several major accidents mentioned, and I momentarily worried that my near-accident was about to make the news. But then I realized that there would be little reason for that to happen, or even for the humans I nearly collided with to bother reporting that incident to anybody. They looked angrily at me when they saw me, but I am certain that they were merely annoyed at my carelessness than actually hostile toward me because of my being an animal-person.
The news showed the usual stories about how various people were coping with the snowstorm, and the weathercasters were saying that it would stop by tomorrow morning. "Good thing we have a garage," remarked Jim.
"But we'll still have to get through the lot," Sammy replied to him, "and Walter had to park outside. We'll have to dig him out."
"Oh, don't trouble yourselves," I told them. "I've got snow tools, I can do it myself. I don't have to be back at PERC base at any specific time, but you'll have to be at your jobs."
"But we want to make sure you get out safely," said Sammy. "We don't want you to take the chance that you might get stuck and have to bother the Director instead."
"That would be my problem," I replied. "The Director was the one who told me to stay the night with you in the first place."
The others looked dismayed as I realized to my embarrassment what I had implied to them. "Oh, I don't object to staying the night with you," I added quickly. "I'm sure you wouldn't, er, you know."
"No, of course not," Sammy replied equally quickly, giving a slight laugh in response. "All we're going to do tonight is sleep. We'll need it."
Jim gave a yawn. "You can say that again," he said. "If you're ready, Walter, so are we. You need to use the bathroom first?"
I did, and I closed the bathroom door tightly and locked it before I took my trousers down to use the toilet. Even though I was certain that their intentions were entirely honorable and neither of them would attempt to ogle my private parts, I felt better by doing so. I have experienced too many sexual come-ons by gay human furries, and I remembered the pictures of me that I had seen in the living room.
Perhaps I should finally tell you how bathrooms are on our world. They are roughly similar to Earthian ones, with bathing facilities and toilets in one special room. Small standard bathrooms include a bathtub, toilet, and sink. But we animal-people do not take standing showers like you humans, for those of us with fur and feathers cannot wash ourselves so quickly and easily as you bare-skinned humans can, and we typically bathe once every several days rather than daily. We also have a greater range of body sizes than you humans, so our bathtubs are designed accordingly.
Our toilets look like a cross between an Earthian urinal and a sit-down toilet, shaped rather like a hollow banana. Unlike you human males with your soft, flexible penises, many of us male animal-people have a sheathed penis and an internal bone, which makes it impossible for us to adjust the aim of our urine streams the way you can, unless we were to unsheathe ourselves, which is out of the question in most situations. When urinating, we stand over the toilet facing the back, taking aim at the vertical channel in the back. Females do the same, only they typically aim for the horizontal channel.
When defecating, we raise our tails and face forward. We do not sit on the toilet itself, but rather stand just above it, holding on to handrails attached to the floor on each side of the toilet. All toilets are installed with handrails and privacy partitions on each side of them; it was quite a shock for me when I first saw the lack of them around toilets in single-person bathrooms. Even worse was finding out you were supposed to actually sit on the toilet, and so many toilet seats are messy! (Ugh!) Large public bathrooms on our world have large partitions and doors like those on Earth, but unlike Earth, even home bathroom toilets have privacy partitions on each side, though smaller and with no front doors.
As with Earthian facilities, our toilets flush with water to empty and rinse the bowl after use, and we also use toilet paper, though ours is dispensed in square sheets rather than from a continuous roll. But our toilets also add a disinfectant/deodorizing chemical to the flush water, a definite necessity as our musk and personal scent is more noticeable to our sensitive noses, and when a female in season uses a toilet her scent can be disconcerting to a male of a similar species. Also, on our world we do not have segregated bathrooms for males and females like on Earth; both genders share the same bathrooms, public or private. This fact has led to one of the many very embarrassing experiences I had when I first came to Earth and went out into human society.
The former Earthian military base that PERC was billeted into was of course equipped with toilets and urinals made for humans. We animal-people can use them, once we are taught how, and by now I am quite accustomed to urinating in human urinals and sitting on human toilets, and in a pinch I can sit on a human toilet and lean forward to urinate. We have purposely not tried to remodel our quarters to resemble what buildings on our world looked like; we lacked the time and resources to do so anyway, and we wanted to make sure we remembered that we are not on our own planet. But we did make a few modifications, among them the removal of the seats from the toilets, in place of which we installed specially-made adapter pieces to make the toilets shaped more like our own, along with the necessary modifications to the plumbing. We also had handrails installed on the sides of each booth; fortunately those were readily available. Of course we had no supply of the special disinfectant chemical our toilets use, and the Director could not convince the Earthians to manufacture such a chemical for us, so we made the ironic decision to follow the Earthian practice of having males and females use separate bathrooms!
The toilet used by Sammy Skunk and Jim had its seat removed and the adapter piece and modified plumbing added, courtesy of PERC, and handrails designed for handicapped people were installed on each side of the toilet. I wondered how Jim was able to use a toilet that was modified for use by us animal-people, but evidently he somehow managed. Another reason I was glad I ended up at their place instead of at the motel was that using this toilet was so much more comfortable to me.
After using the toilet, I washed my hands at the sink with soap (yes, we share that practice with you Earthians,) and went outside, where the others had been waiting their turn at the toilet. Jim went in first, and I was curious to see how he managed to use a toilet adapted for our kind but of course I was not going to look. There are some things a sociologist does not do.
And then I remembered that I was there as a guest, not on official business. I was not playing my role as a sociologist, I was to be nice and polite to them because they were so kind as to put me up for the night and save me the trouble and expense of checking into a motel instead. Sammy Skunk seemed anxious for me to visit him, though I was not really his friend and he knew it. But I was the only one of his kind who would talk to him, let alone go near him and touch him. Was he in need of contact with another animal-person? Was there something special he wanted to tell me, or PERC? He had left his people to be with Jim. Did he now regret it? How was their relationship now? He was ready to die if Jim had also died when the thugs had attacked them. Did he still feel this way?
We animal-people can form very strong emotional bonds, perhaps stronger than those humans can form. (Or perhaps humans can form such bonds, dear reader. I honestly would not know, not being human myself.) Sammy obviously formed such a bond with Jim. But did Jim reciprocate such feelings? Did he take in Sammy Skunk because of mutual love, or did Jim simply feel compelled to do so out of obligation? Does Jim view Sammy Skunk as a pet, or a toy?
Perhaps I am being unfair to Jim, dear reader. He did adopt Sammy Skunk and take him into his household when it would have been far more convenient for him not to. He has faced strong social pressures (including physical attack) as a result of having a space alien skunk-person live with him. But they still live together, and Jim has yet to show any sign of resentment about Sammy Skunk's presence. Certainly Jim had some sort of emotional attachment to Sammy, or else he never would have put up with the liabilities of having him around for as long as he had.
Jim came out, and Sammy went in. "We're about to go to bed," said Jim, "So we need to change into bedtime clothes. You want to go first?"
Silly me, I had completely forgotten about undressing for bed. "Why don't you go first?" I suggested. "I've got to get my things out of my luggage."
I went back to the apartment's front entrance, where my bags had been left. I opened one and removed my sleep shorts, deciding I would reuse today's clothes for my drive back to PERC. It would be time for me to bathe anyway the moment I got back, and I would change into fresh clothes after that. I waited until Sammy had left the bathroom, and then went back in to change into my sleep shorts. When I emerged, carrying my clothes, Sammy had also changed into sleep shorts, and I saw Jim dressed in flannel pajamas. I wondered if they were wearing those for my benefit and normally slept naked together, but I had no intention of asking them that.
Sammy looked at Jim, who walked into the bedroom. I was expecting Sammy to follow him, but instead he stayed and turned toward me. I knew already that Sammy wanted to talk to me privately. "Um, Walter, we can get the sofa ready for you," he said rather quietly. "But what I wanted...and please don't interpret this the wrong way..."
"What?" I replied, feeling uncomfortable.
"I was hoping you might possibly join us in bed," he replied, obviously embarrassed to ask. "It's plenty comfortable for three." In response to my expression, he added quickly, "And no, I definitely don't mean for sex. Just to have you with me, nothing more."
I was stunned by this request. Of course I did not think he was hitting up on me, and that he genuinely wanted nothing more from me than my presence. But why would he want it when he had his lover Jim? "Um," I asked awkwardly, "are the two of you having problems?"
"Oh, no, no, not at all," was his hurried response. "It's nothing like that. We still love each other very much, and still enjoy each other's company, don't get the wrong idea." His tone and mannerisms convinced me he was telling the truth. "It's just that, well..."
Sammy hesitated, as if he was about to reveal a longtime secret and was unsure how to go about it. "All right. I love Jim, I still enjoy being with him, and if I had to give up all other sentient company to be with him, I wouldn't hesitate to do it. I have no regrets about cutting all ties to my home world to be with him; after all, he gave me love and kindness, which I got precious little of from my own kind. Nothing personal, Walter."
I understood; Sammy told me of his loveless home life and lifelong unpopularity among his fellow animal-people in the past, and I doubt he was lying. Everyone at PERC, including me, found him weird and annoying, and I am the sort of person who gets along with everybody. I pitied him enough to take him with me to a human furry convention, which eventually led to the situation he was in now. As a result he formed a sort of emotional bond with me, though it was not really friendship. I was a confidant to him, to tell intimate secrets to. Being a sociologist who has heard many intimate secrets from many different people, I guess I am an appropriate person for this role.
"I know you don't like me much, and I understand. And what I ask of you I realize is very presumptuous to ask. If you refuse, I understand. But I was hoping you would lie in bed with me, just for one night."
"Instead of Jim?" I asked.
"No, I thought all three of us could share the bed, but if you don't want him around, he'll go sleep on the sofa."
"I think he'd likely resent it," I replied sardonically.
"Oh, no, he won't. I don't mind when Jim has other lovers, and he doesn't mind if I do the same. I'm not asking you to be my lover, of course."
"I know that," I said with a hint of exasperation.
"And you won't have to worry about Jim hitting up on you. He knows he's not supposed to, and I would be very upset with him if he did. And I mean very seriously upset."
"You'd walk out on him?" I asked incredulously.
"Of course not!" This time it was Sammy's turn to be exasperated. "I left my world to be with him, remember? But he would be coming home every day to a lover who was sore at him, which would not be a pleasant prospect." Then he smiled. "But don't worry, Jim isn't a sexual predator. I was the one who initiated sex with him, not the other way around. I've never seen him hit up upon anybody unless he was sure the other person was willing. So you're safe, he knows you're off limits."
"So why do you want me to lie in bed with you?"
Sammy turned sullen. "All right, this is going to require some explanation. I've never had any sort of intimate contact with another animal-person, not since my sister died when I was a child. My relatives never hugged me; I've never had any lovers or any real friends among my own kind. It's not an absolute necessity for me, but I want to know what it's like to have another one of my kind lie down next to me. All I've had were humans."
"You're tired of having humans for company?"
Sammy turned sardonic. "Oh, not at all, considering that they've been for the most part far nicer to me than most of my own kind have been." Then he must have realized how he sounded, for he suddenly looked embarrassed and added, "I'm sorry. That was unfair of me to say that. It's as much my fault I've been unpopular as much as anyone else's. I guess I never got interested in making friends. I was so accustomed to being alone I couldn't imagine being any other way. I never fit in anywhere. I never tried to. I didn't care if people liked me or not."
"So you feel differently nowadays?"
"I feel differently about a lot of things. I never knew what it was like to have someone to come home to who was concerned about me, or whom I cared about. I lacked any desire to have sex, and now I've had a lot of that, in a number of different ways. I hated being touched, and now I enjoy being hugged and cuddled.
"And that's my desire. I want to lie down next to another animal-person, and why not you? You're lonely at PERC, aren't you? You're still bitter over your failed marriage, even though it was years ago? I do want to make you happy. I realize that in the past, I tried to please you by offering you sexual favors and I realize that that was a stupid mistake. I won't do that now, but I do want to offer you the comfort of another warm body to lie against, of someone who won't try to have sex with you."
"Tell me, Sammy," I asked sardonically, "what if I did want to have sex with you, after all?"
"Oh, I wouldn't hesitate to accommodate you," he replied seriously. "Neither Jim nor I would say anything, of course. We know you're not homosexual, and that you would just want another warm body to use as a receptacle for your sexual urges. You want me to give you a blowjob, or you want to put your cock in my ass, give the word and I'll satisfy your desire."
"I'm sorry," I said, suddenly very embarrassed. "It was wrong of me to ask you that."
"Oh, I'm not offended," Sammy replied. "I like you, even if you don't like me, and I offered you sexual favors not to be a whore, but to make you happy. I may be a swinger, but Jim and I are still quite careful of who we have as sexual partners, for obvious reasons. In any case, I realize you don't want to have sex with me, and I understand. Even if you wanted to, it would be much too great a risk for you to take, with your career at PERC already teetering on the edge. But please, come and lie down next to me. That alone would make me very happy."
I still could have refused, but I realized how badly he wanted me to, and while I did not actually like Sammy Skunk, I did not want to displease him, either. If for no other reason, there are things I have written into my laptop computer that, if they were to be publicly revealed, would definitely end my career at PERC and probably my career as a sociologist. The computer into which I am writing this account is encryption-protected and would take someone with great mathematical skills to break into. Sammy Skunk is one such person. I also admit, dear reader, that unlike everybody else at PERC, I do not actually despise Sammy Skunk. He had a lonely, unhappy life, and considering that he finally got love and companionship from Jim, who am I to criticize Sammy for wanting to be with him, even at the cost of breaking away from his world? Yet I suppose he did not want to completely isolate himself from his former people, and that was why he wanted me around.
"All right," I said, and followed Sammy into the bedroom. The bed, located in the middle of the room, was a queen size (how appropriate), big enough to accommodate all three of us. Jim was already in bed, lying toward the left side, and was surprised to see both of us heading toward him. Sammy moved the covers and climbed in, then slid himself into the middle, leaving a space for me. Sammy turned to his surprised lover with a brief smile, and then looked toward me. To Sammy's satisfaction and Jim's surprise, I climbed into the bed as well.
Let me pause to mention that we animal-people do not normally sleep lengthwise on a bed like you humans do. We typically curl up when we sleep the way our four-legged counterparts do, and as a result our beds tend to be square or round in shape, not rectangular like human beds. Rather than being on a raised frame above the floor, our mattresses are placed on a framework that sits on the floor, and in most cases said framework is a cabinet containing a large drawer typically used for the occupant's personal items. Our mattresses have fitted cloth covers, of course, but we animal-people don't normally cover ourselves with blankets or sheets except when it is very cold. PERC is equipped with Earthian beds, of course, but we animal-people sleep on them in our traditional manner. Of course I sleep on many different types of Earthian beds when I travel. Fortunately most of them are big enough so that curling up on them is no problem for me. But now, I was lying in bed with two other people, and had only space to lie down straight. I was unused to this, but I noticed that Sammy Skunk was doing so as if he were accustomed to it.
It also occurred to me that it had been years since I last occupied a bed with anyone else at all, not since my marriage mentioned previously had fallen apart. And now I was in bed with two male homosexual lovers, which until now I had never imagined I would ever do-and I was doing it by my own choice, not because I was compelled to. This was not in violation of PERC regulations, as long as I avoided sexual contact with my bedmates. I did not even have to specifically mention this to the Director, though I would the next day. His reaction would be a joy to see, especially since he ordered me to spend the night with them in the first place.
Jim's surprised reaction to my presence in his bed was a pleasure in its own right. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I taking too much space?" I inquired lightly. "I'll go move to the sofa."
"Oh, no, stay where you are," replied Jim. "I can move to the sofa if you prefer."
Sammy sat up and placed his hands atop each of us. "Look, I want both of you here with me, okay? Please just lie down, both of you, there's definitely room for everybody, and I don't want to hear any arguing. You got that?"
I lay back down, shocked to see Sammy so assertive with us. Was he the dominant member of the relationship? Though he was an alien to this planet, naturalized Earth citizen or no, he was a coveted prize for human furries, many if not most of whom were aware of the true relationship between him and Jim-and Jim was unique in being the only human furry to have a real animal-person as a lover. A few other lucky people might get the chance for the company of Sammy Skunk, but Jim was the one he was attached to. Of course, though Jim was technically Sammy Skunk's sponsor, he did not actually have him as a pet or slave, and Sammy Skunk could choose to walk out on Jim at any time, and live on his own, or find a new lover-and there were plenty of candidates for those.
But while skunks were reasonably popular among the furry community, the most popular animals by far are wolves and foxes. Being a fox-person, dear reader, you cannot imagine how many human furries want me for a lover! Too bad I am unavailable. I admit I am uncertain as to why. Perhaps wolves are such because they resemble some types of domesticated dogs, but why foxes? My theory is that our coloring looks pretty to humans. I have the standard red fox orange and white with black lower limbs coloring, and I have come to the conclusion that orange fur is simply aesthetically pleasing to humans. I have noticed that orange cats are the most frequently adopted by humans in shelters and pet stores. Foxes also have a reputation among humans for cunning-but unfortunately I do not live up to said reputation very well, as you might have guessed, dear reader.
I saw that Sammy had turned so that he was looking toward me instead of Jim, who was snuggling along his back. I had left a space between myself and them on the bed. "Walter," said Sammy, "I think it'll be a lot more comfortable for you if you moved closer in."
"I'm quite happy where I am, thank you," I replied.
"Walter, please." There was a hint of plaintiveness in Sammy's voice, and it was obvious he wanted me to actually move close enough to lie against him. He may not have desired sex, but he definitely wanted body contact with me.
Let me pause again, dear reader, to point out another aspect of our culture. We animal-people are not only less inhibited about touching one another, but it is even quite acceptable-and commonly practiced-for two or more of us to sleep together and huddle against one another. This is not necessarily sexual or even bonding behavior, but rather a survival behavior. Huddling together is sometimes necessary for warmth or protection, and even animal-people who may dislike one another will huddle together during sleep for these reasons. Though my estranged twin brother and I were never particularly close, all our growing-up years we would sleep curled up against each other, unless it were too warm for that, simply because that is how things are done on our world. In my military days, members of our unit slept huddled together in a single tent, as is the practice of every other military force in our world. An unfortunate aspect of Earthian culture is that adult humans cannot huddle together without it being construed as sexual behavior. At PERC, lesser-ranking members huddle together in common rooms, while senior members such as me get our own rooms. My assistants-there are now four of them-get their own room, and huddle together when they sleep. I sleep alone because I travel a lot and keep odd hours due to the nature of my work, so I never am certain when I go to bed or wake up. My assistants travel as well, but less than I do. And I realized why Sammy wanted to huddle with me. He missed out on it during his lifetime. I was missing out on it, too, so I agreed to join him.
And though I was occupying the same bed as Sammy Skunk, I was avoiding touching him and had refused his request to huddle with him. There was unmistakable hurt in Sammy's expression as he looked toward me, and I suddenly felt guilty. After all, I had agreed to join him in bed, rather than sleep separately on the sofa, and it was quite rude of me to keep my distance from him. Ashamed of myself, I quickly slid in closer and pressed my body hard against Sammy's, looking into his eyes and hoping my expression was sufficiently remorseful. Evidently it was, for the hurt left Sammy's expression and he looked quite pleased, and he wrapped his arms around my body and hugged me tightly. Huddling together is not necessarily supposed to involve hugging and affection, but after having previously hurting his feelings I was hardly about to object. Looking past Sammy, I saw Jim look toward us uncertainly.
He started to sit up and ask, "Uh, do you want me to..."
But Sammy quickly let go of me, sat up himself, and pushed Jim back down as he said, "I want you to stay exactly where you are. Or is there anything wrong?"
"Oh, no, no," replied Jim quickly. "I thought this was a private moment between you two."
"If it were, would we be having it right in bed with you? Or is there something else the matter?"
"No, nothing's the matter. I just wasn't expecting you two to, well..."
I decided to step in. "We're not becoming lovers. I'm just letting Sammy know that yes, I am quite willing to huddle with him, which is quite normal and common among us animal-people."
"That's nice of you," replied Jim with a hint of sarcasm.
"Actually, it is," Sammy shot back. "I abandoned my world and my people, and they have every reason to consider me a traitor and a pariah. Walter here is being quite generous to me in spite of this, so you should thank him for being so kind."
"Um, sorry Walter," Jim told me awkwardly.
"That's quite all right," I replied. "Can we just go to sleep already? I'm tired."
So Sammy lay down, facing toward me, and I lay down against him, facing him and Jim, who huddled against Sammy's back, facing me. Jim also put an arm around Sammy's body, but Sammy and I did not put arms around each other-only close friends or lovers do that. Ours was the proper two person huddle, where we just lay against each other for warmth. Sammy was quite happy to have my body against him, but he showed no sign of sexual arousal. Having personal contact with another of his kind in spite of everything was happiness enough for him. And I admit that I was happy just to have someone else to huddle with, which I had not experienced in years.
I was falling asleep as Sammy Skunk and I lay against each other, and I assumed the three of us were through with everything for the day and we would sleep through the night until morning, but that was not to be the case. I noted Jim getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, and I expected him to simply rejoin us afterward. But I was in for a rude shock. One flash of silver-blue light suddenly appeared from the direction of the foot of the bed, then another. Before I had time to react, I felt as if Sammy had been suddenly ripped from my side. I turned to face the foot of the bed, and saw in the darkness Sammy violently pulling something from Jim's grasp. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Sammy half-shouted angrily. (I suspect it was the fact that we were in an apartment building and that there were other people around that prevented Sammy from screaming outright. Score one for Sammy Skunk; he had more self-control even when infuriated than I had given him credit for.)
"I-I was just taking pictures..." Jim replied nervously.
"What are you trying to do, ruin Walter?" Sammy spoke more quietly, but rage was definitely in his voice, and I probably was as frightened as Jim must have been at that moment.
"No, no, of course not!" Even in the darkness, I could see Jim cowering before his shorter and smaller, but definitely faster and stronger, roommate. "I saw the two of you huddling together, and the sight look so cute, I couldn't resist preserving the sight!"
Sammy gave an exasperated hiss. "How could you be so stupid? I'm an outcast from PERC, and from my world! And Walter's career as a sociologist is already on the line because of what we've done! How do you think the Director and everyone else at PERC would react if they saw the two of us huddling together?"
"But you had told me it was normal among you animal-people, and not considered sexual!"
"Of course it is, but that's not my point! Do you think it's going to look good at PERC for Walter to be seen getting so intimate with me, an outcast from their group? Walter was lucky to keep his job and not get kicked off Earth last time! You think he's going to be so lucky next time? And besides, what if other humans see the pictures? You know they'll take it the wrong way!"
Jim drooped. "B-but I only meant it for us..."
"You think other people might not see the pictures? We can't take that kind of chance! Now we've got to destroy them before they can do any damage."
Jim seemed relieved. "Oh, they're easily erased. Here..." He reached for the camera, but Sammy pulled it away.
"Unfortunately, it is still possible that the images might remain in the memory even after erasure, and I don't want to take even that chance. We're going to have to destroy this camera completely."
"Oh, no," groaned Jim. "That's my best camera, and it cost me a fortune! Do we really have to?"
"Yes, we really have to," replied Sammy acidly. "We've already damaged Walter's position at PERC; I'm not going to take even the slightest chance that we might ruin it completely!"
Then Sammy went to the dresser, opened the top drawer, and rummaged through it briefly before pulling out what looked like a credit card. He then stormed over to Jim and thrust the card at him. "Here," said Sammy, still maintaining his acid voice, "you can use my credit card to buy yourself a new camera. And while you're at it, you'd better buy yourself some brains as well. You're clearly in need of them!"
This proved to be too much for Jim, and he bolted from the bedroom. Seconds later, from another part of the apartment, I heard sobbing. At that, I got out of bed. "What's the matter?" asked Sammy.
"I wish I never came here," I moaned. "I ruined your relationship with Jim."
"None of this was your fault, Walter," Sammy replied, in a more soothing voice. "It was Jim who was the idiot."
"I still feel terrible," I shot back, not reassured. "What if I hadn't come here tonight? Or..." I paused before adding, "Is your relationship with Jim falling apart anyway? Are you fighting like this all the time?"
"Are you suddenly a marriage counselor?"
"Sammy..." My own voice became acidic.
"All right, that was uncalled for," replied Sammy after a pause. "No, this whole situation is an aberration. We never had a fight like this before."
"And I caused it."
"Enough already!" Now I was getting Sammy angry. "Jim did something very stupid, and it pissed me off, so don't you do the same. Don't worry, I'm not going to leave Jim, or refuse to sleep with him again. But right now, let's worry about destroying this camera. You know as well as I do people are going to take the pictures of us huddling the wrong way, so we can't take any chances. Let's go in the workroom."
"What we use the other bedroom for. Come on."
Sammy led me into the other bedroom, and I winced as he turned on the lights. The room was filled with file cabinets, shelves of books, folders, and stacks of papers, and computer equipment. Sammy was of course PERC's mathematician, and he undoubtedly still worked in that field as an Earth citizen, being not only adept in the mathematical system of his former world, but able to very quickly learn the much different mathematical system of Earth. I was uncertain about Jim's exact profession, and even if I were I would not be allowed to reveal it.
Sammy went into the closet and brought out a toolbox. He took that and the camera and put both on a desk which was relatively clear of papers. Then he produced a small paper bag, put that on the floor, and opened the toolbox. Selecting the appropriate tools, he broke off the camera's lens and threw it into the bag, then broke apart the case, after which he threw out the battery and broke apart the camera's insides. The electronic circuitry he put aside, and after the rest of the camera was broken apart and disposed of, he methodically shattered the circuitry into tiny pieces. At length he finished.
"I'm sorry about your losing such a nice camera," I told him.
"Not as sorry as you would have been for a ruined career," replied Sammy sardonically as he packed the tools back into the box, which was returned to the closet. The bag was left on the desk. "I'll make sure every last bit of that is destroyed completely tomorrow," he promised.
"Let me pay for the camera," I offered.
"Why? You didn't wreck it, and besides, I doubt you could afford it," scoffed Sammy. "I'll buy Jim a nice new camera later on. I can afford it easily on my salary."
Sammy shut off the light and we left the room. In the hallway, we could hear the sound of Jim's sobbing coming from the living room. We looked at each other, and I saw that Sammy's anger had vanished, and he looked guiltily in Jim's direction. I felt guilty myself, as Sammy's blow-up at Jim was on my behalf. Wordlessly, we walked over to the living room sofa, where Jim was lying prone, shaking with soft weeping. Tears were forming in Sammy's eyes as he knelt beside his lover and put his hands on his back. "Oh, Jim," he said plaintively, "I'm so sorry I hurt you like this. I'm such a heel. I said things I didn't mean, and..."
Sammy's voice trailed off as Jim stopped sobbing and turned his body to face him. "Really?" he asked hopefully. "You're not mad at me anymore?"
"You did a foolish thing, but it was terrible of me to blow my top at you like that. I was worried about what would happen to Walter. We nearly wrecked his career once already."
"I know. You're right, I was stupid. I wasn't thinking." Then he turned further, and spotted me. "Oh, Walter, please forgive me. I never would have taken any pictures if I had known it would put you in danger. I did a terrible thing to you."
I went up to him and put a reassuring hand on him. I realized it was the first time I had ever touched Jim, and certainly the others must have also realized this. "No harm done, the camera has been destroyed," I told him. "I know you never had any malicious intentions toward me."
He looked as if he wanted to hug me, but then realized that I didn't really want him to, and besides, Sammy had priority. Turning back to him, Jim said, "You were right, I was stupid and I deserved your anger at me."
"Not to the point where I tore into you like I did," replied Sammy. "But I'm not angry at you anymore anyway. As Walter said, no harm done. So let's put this fight behind us and go back to bed, shall we?"
"You're not mad at me?" It was a moment before I realized Jim's question was directed at me.
"Oh, no, not at all," I replied hurriedly. It also occurred to me that things had happened so fast that I did not even have time to get angry with Jim in the first place. "I'm ready to forget everything and go back to bed, too."
"You heard Walter," Sammy told Jim. "Let's not keep him waiting."
Jim moved into a sitting position on the sofa, but did not stand. Sammy was momentarily curious, and then he understood. He leaned forward and gave Jim a deep-mouth kiss which was passionately returned. Normally I would have been repulsed at such a sight, but this time around I was relieved, and even touched. But do not get the impression that I came to approve of the sexual relationship between Sammy Skunk and Jim, dear reader. I do not, and I doubt I ever will. But I did not want the legacy of my visit to have brought the two of them grief and hard feelings. I remembered how deeply it hurt me when Frank, the human I had formed a deep but definitely nonromantic emotional bond with, originally wanted to break off our friendship, and how happy I felt when he relented. I certainly did not wish to bring such hurt upon these two.
Finally, they broke off, and Sammy helped Jim to his feet. "Come on," said Sammy, "let's get to bed while there are still night hours left to sleep in." It occurred to me that I had not noted what time it was, or how long this whole situation had taken. But no matter, I did intend to sleep tonight, and despite all the fuss we had gone through, my sleepiness was starting to return.
We returned to the bed, Sammy getting in the middle as before, I getting in next and laying against him, Jim getting in last and laying against Sammy's back. I huddled closer to Sammy than I did before, even putting an arm around him. The latter gesture surprised Sammy momentarily before he got the idea; I was showing my appreciation to him for his swift and harsh action to prevent the potential ruining of my career at PERC, even at the cost of temporarily straining the relationship between him and his lover.
I was also pleased to learn the answer to another question I had about Sammy Skunk. He was totally devoted to his lover Jim, of course. But tonight's events proved that Sammy was no subservient pet, nor was his devotion such that he would overlook any wrongs committed by Jim. Though I was still not ready to consider Sammy Skunk an actual friend, I held him in greater esteem, and was assured I could trust him. This was why I huddled closer to him, to communicate this idea to him.
Then I looked past Sammy at Jim. He may have been pleased that Sammy and I had become closer to each other, but he was clearly chagrined as well, and I realized why. After the unpleasantness of before, he too wanted to be closer to Sammy Skunk, to feel him in his arms and know all the hostility was gone and he was still loved. But my huddling with Sammy was making this impossible. Also, I had always wanted to keep a degree of distance between myself and Jim due to his proclivities-and here I was, hogging his boyfriend. I realized this situation would not do; I was trying to eliminate hurt feelings, not cause them.
I moved my hand from Sammy and poked him to get his attention. He had been happily snuggling against me, about to doze off, but after a moment he opened his eyes. He looked at me curiously, and then moved slightly away, probably assuming I wanted to get up and use the bathroom. But then I gestured toward Jim, and Sammy turned to look at him. Their eyes met, and Sammy evidently got the message, for he then turned and lay on his back. Jim lay along one side of Sammy while I lay along the other. Jim looked toward me, his eyes thankful. I closed my own and huddled against Sammy, making sure I left room for Jim to have his half.
I did not even remember falling asleep, but I remembered how comfortable it felt to be huddling with one of my own kind once more. I slept through the night, and awoke at the sound of an alarm clock that I realized was neither my travel alarm nor the one I keep at PERC. I was momentarily shocked to find that I was not alone in bed, before memory hit me and I remembered where I was and what happened yesterday. Jim had already gotten out of bed to turn off the alarm, but Sammy Skunk turned to me and asked, "Good morning, Walter, how did you sleep?"
"I slept fine," I replied. "How about you?"
"Oh, wonderful," said Sammy breezily. "Thank you so much for huddling with me last night, it made me really happy that you did it. I hope you don't regret doing that."
"Only if either of you mention it to anybody," I answered seriously.
"Oh, no, no, of course we won't!" He turned to Jim. "I trust you're not going to tell anybody about last night, are you?"
"Of course not!" Jim replied, and then turned to me. "Oh, and good morning, Walter."
"Good morning," I said. "And thank you both so much for having me over."
"It was our pleasure," replied Jim. It seemed as if the argument they had had last night was forgotten. "Oh, do you need to use the bathroom?"
I did, and was pleased to be able to use the type of toilet I was accustomed to using. Sammy went in after me, and I returned to the bedroom and picked up my clothes. Jim was still there, looking at me, and then he got the idea that I did not want him around while I got dressed, so he left and closed the door. I changed into my street clothes, and then opened the door to find Sammy waiting outside. He entered and I left, and stuffed the sleep shorts back in my luggage. Shortly afterwards I heard the sound of a shower running, and realized it was Jim in the bathroom. Soon after that, Sammy emerged from the bedroom dressed in a red and yellow winter outfit with crosshatch patterns, wearing the same sandals as yesterday, but new socks. "You don't bathe every day like Jim, I trust," I commented.
"Of course not," Sammy responded. "Just because I now live among humans doesn't mean I've become one. I'm still covered with fur, and all that."
"It'll be time for my bath today." Sammy looked at me. "No, I'll do it at PERC."
Sammy laughed mildly. "I figured as such. What sort of breakfast would you like?"
In case you were wondering, dear reader, we animal-people are capable of eating things that our four-legged counterparts cannot, though our diets are less omnivorous than humans' are. There are a number of fruits and vegetables I cannot digest, as well as certain types of grains. For this breakfast, I had eggs and sausage and milk-not the breakfast I would recommend to a human, but I am not human and my digestive system is different. Also, I am better able to process fat, but a good part of that reason is because I keep myself in very good physical shape, a requirement for my position. Jim joined us when Sammy had finished cooking, and he and Sammy both had eggs and fruit salad and toast. Sammy Skunk, like his four-legged counterparts, is very much omnivorous.
We finished eating, and Jim hurried to do the dishes while Sammy went to retrieve our winter outerwear. Sammy started to help me put on my coat, then stopped when he remembered who I was. Another cultural difference between you humans and us animal-people, dear reader, is that while it is polite to help another person put on their coat, the opposite applies on our world. It is only acceptable to help small children or the handicapped put on their coats, or any other clothes; to do that to anyone else is considered insulting. I smiled to show that I was not offended by what Sammy had done; the poor guy must have had a lot of awkward moments dealing with the culture of his new home world. So Sammy and I both put on our coats and boots, after which Jim turned off everything and did the same. I picked up my luggage, we left the apartment, and Jim locked up. "It's going to be messy outside, so let's say our goodbyes now," said Sammy, and they both gave me the ritual farewells of my native world. I gave the appropriate response to that as well, and was relieved that neither one tried to hug me. Nobody was in the hallway, but they must have been aware that it would have been bad for me if we had gotten too intimate in public.
We went out to the parking lot, which was coated with a heavy layer of snow that almost went up to my knees. I winced; my sedan would not go through it easily, if at all. At least the weather prediction that the snow would stop by morning had come true, to my relief. "Somebody's supposed to come and plow this parking lot, aren't they?"
"Well, yes," replied Sammy, "they came once yesterday. I thought they'd come again by now. I guess they're very backed up at the moment. But anyway, let's dig your car out."
"You don't have to, I can take care of it myself," I said. But they were already going to the garage and opened one of the doors. Behind it was a station wagon rather than the van I expected. I thought they had changed their minds about digging me out, but they simply opened their vehicle's rear door to remove snow-cleaning tools, and came back to work on my sedan. They set to work, thoughtfully starting by clearing around my driver's door first, so I could unlock and open the door (which luckily did not freeze shut), throw my luggage in, and start my car to warm it up. I looked for my own snow brush, but by the time I got it out, the others had finished brushing off my car and were digging with snow shovels so I could pull out of the space. They gestured for me to move my car, and I was able to move it out of the space. Jim was just outside my driver's window, so I opened it and told him, "I hope I'm not making you two late for work."
"You didn't, we set the alarm early this morning," Jim replied. "But we wanted to make sure you can get out of the lot before we leave."
"Thanks. By the way, I thought you had a van?" Not really the most appropriate time to bring up this subject I admit, but curiosity got the better of me.
"Oh, I traded it in a couple of years ago. But how did you know I had a van? I don't remember telling you about it or showing it to you."
Suddenly I really wished I had not brought up the subject. "Uh," I replied rather embarrassedly, "Frank mentioned it to me at the furry convention." What an idiot I was to remind Jim of the friend he had lost as a result of his bringing Sammy Skunk to his old apartment, and the mess that followed! I ducked my head in apology to Jim for bringing up hurtful memories. But Jim did not appear hurt or offended; in fact he laid a reassuring hand on my head.
"It's all right," Jim said, "I don't blame Frank for wanting nothing to do with us after everything that happened. We weren't bosom buddies in the first place. I'm just glad you were able to keep him as a friend." I did tell Sammy Skunk about how strongly I had bonded to Frank, and how it had really hurt me when he initially told me he wanted to break off his relationship with me, and how pleased I was when I convinced his to change his mind. I do not know if he had told Jim the full story or not. "How are you getting along with him these days?"
I brightened. "Very well. I can only see him once every couple of months, but that's something."
Jim was pleased as well. Sammy came by to see what was going on, but by then I closed my window and started to leave. But shortly afterwards, my car did get stuck; they quickly pushed it free. I made it out of the parking lot and onto the plowed and salted street.
The drive back was less treacherous than yesterday; not only were most streets and the highway plowed and salted, but daylight and lack of snowfall meant much greater visibility. I made it a point not to be complacent as I resumed my drive back to PERC, however.
I made it back to the access road leading to PERC base by mid-morning, and ironically enough, our snowplow truck had not finished clearing the access road (which we are responsible for maintaining.) Spotting it as it was pushing a row of snow down the road and across the highway to the shoulder on the opposite side, I waited for it to pass before I immediately turned in, seeing no sign of tire tracks that did not belong to the plow truck, and wondering how the delivery truck that was supposed to come this morning managed to get in, or if it even did. Perhaps the morning delivery had to be cancelled or postponed by the firm that transported our supplies; I hope the delay was because of them and not us.
I was shocked to also find that the entrance gate was left open; it was a serious breach of regulations, which dictated the gate must be closed at all times when anybody was not actually passing through. But then I noticed several security guards posted by the gateway standing next to the road; perhaps the gate mechanism had failed, not a surprise when you realize that harsh weather can cause all sorts of problems. Of course the guards recognized me immediately and waved me through. How convenient it is that we look so different from humans, I noted wryly.
I dropped off the sedan at the motor pool, took my luggage to my room, and told the Director about my arrival over the intercom. To my surprise he told me to see him right away, without stopping to bathe or change clothes. I was still reasonably presentable anyway, so I went straight to his office. "So how are Sammy Skunk and his butt buddy doing?" was his greeting.
"They seemed happy enough," I replied casually. The Director took a moment to digest my reply before deciding I was being honest.
"So how did you enjoy your overnight stay?" was his next query.
"Oh, more comfy than the motel would have been, and cheaper," I quipped. "They brushed the snow off me, they fed me breakfast, and they helped dig my car out, service no motel would have given me."
"I see. So they had an extra bed, or did you sleep on the sofa?"
"Neither. I can never get comfortable on a sofa, so I shared their bed with them."
"WHAT?" The Director was stunned, and his jaw worked several times before he could get out his next words. "You actually went and lay in the same bed right with those two? You're kidding, right?"
"I'm not kidding." I smiled before adding. "But don't worry; I deprived them of a night of passion."
The Director was cringing. "Shit! Did they try to...?"
"Hit up on me? No, they weren't so rude as to do that. I lay down on one side of Sammy Skunk and Jim laid down on the other."
"Fuck, I never would have dreamed you'd actually sleep in the same bed with those perverts!"
"It was on your orders that I stayed the night with them, remember?"
"I didn't order you to sleep right next to them! What happened, did they force you to, or were they just very persuasive?"
"Sammy simply asked me to lie next to him," I replied, "and I agreed. And I lay next to Sammy Skunk the whole night; I certainly never would have lain next to Jim, especially seeing that he had had several pictures of me in his living room." In response to the Director's expression, I added, "Normal pictures, that is. If he has anything else, I don't want to know about it."
"But what about Sammy? You've mentioned all along that you weren't sure if he was actually homosexual or not. Were you using yourself as an experimental animal, the idea being that if he was gay, he would hit up on you?"
"Yes," I confessed.
The Director looked at me in wordless surprise. I looked hard at him and finally said forcefully, "Come now, aren't all of us staff at PERC essentially experimental animals, by virtue of our coming to an alien planet inhabited by a sentient alien people? I use myself as an experimental animal every day by going out so often among different groups of humans, a number of who are fearful of or hostile toward me. I've put myself on the line for rudeness, condescension, insults, assaults, and sexual harassment almost every day in my nearly three years at PERC. You may have to deal with politicians and bigwigs, but I have to deal with a lot of low-level dingbats as well as more ordinary humans. How many times have humans tried to hit up on you, not all of whom are even furries? I've lost count of the number of times it has happened to me. As part of my research, I've had to deliberately go up and put myself near a wide variety of weirdoes in order to get necessary data on them..." I smiled and added, "...and that was before I ever came to Earth."
"But this was not an official research visit on your part," replied the Director. "You were just staying with Sammy Skunk and Jim because you were snowed in and were unable to safely make it back to PERC. The reason it happened that way was because you contacted them by mistake and they really wanted you to visit them so I had little choice but to allow it. It's not that I like Sammy Skunk, or that he likes me, but PERC might sooner or later call upon him for his services, and we're going to have to get in as good with him as we can. I know you don't like Sammy either, but he likes you and wants to get in good with you, so having you see him was my way of doing him a favor." The Director smiled and added, "And despite your habit of fucking up, I've done favors for you, too, such as arranging the meeting between you and your human friend Frank, with whom you bonded so strongly."
I suddenly felt uncomfortable, not for my bonding with Frank or for the Director's knowing about it. Frank had suffered humiliating consequences because of my asking him for help which he freely gave, and his first reaction upon finally seeing me afterwards was to tell me he wanted nothing more to do with me. Because of my strong emotional bond with Frank, his response hurt me so badly I lost my self control and put up a tremendous display of weeping and groveling in front of him. After managing to explain to him how I felt, he quickly relented and agreed to resume our friendship, which heartened me greatly. I was not, and still am not now, ashamed or embarrassed at how I behaved; you humans simply cannot comprehend the emotional links we animal-people can form. But if my colleagues at PERC were to find out about the way I had behaved in front of Frank, I would be a laughingstock. I dreaded most of all the idea of the Director knowing about it. He had a penchant for humiliating me already.
"Yes," said the Director, "I remember when the time came for you to go meet him, you were acting so jittery everyone was asking me-seriously-what sort of horrible fate I was going to send you to, and how after you came back we all thought you were going to do the Happy Dance throughout the PERC compound. I even seriously wondered if you were going to tell me you were going to defect to Earth as well and have Frank adopt you as a pet." (For the record, dear reader, there is no actual "Happy Dance." This is an expression in our language meaning to act crazy with extreme joy.)
"My bond with Frank isn't so strong that I am willing to exile myself from my own world to be with him," I replied. "And we're definitely not gay lovers."
"No, no, of course not," the Director replied hurriedly. "So how did Sammy Skunk react to you when you lay in bed next to him? Did he hit upon you? Did you sense sexual lust for you on his part?"
I paused before I answered. "He did offer his body to me for sexual purposes once more, and of course I refused. But once we got into bed, Sammy didn't make any sexual moves toward me, nor did he even show any sign of sexual arousal when I lay next to him." I leaned slightly closer to the Director and added, "But this doesn't necessarily prove that Sammy is a non-homosexual who is only going through the motions to please Jim. Remember how he was instantly sexually aroused when a human male touched his genitalia, or how he expressed no regret at having had sex with human males. Maybe he was just desperate for anybody wanting to have sex with him, and he didn't care who or what. But in any case, he knows I'm absolutely off-limits to him. I'm not homosexual, and even if I were, he's an Earthian now and I wouldn't have sex with any Earthian because I'd be expelled from PERC and off of Earth, and the only way I could stay on Earth after that is to become an Earthian myself, which I don't want to do." I smiled and added, "I like humans, but not to that extent."
"And how do you like Sammy Skunk now?" asked the Director with slight smile. "You were actually willing to lie down next to him this time."
"Only because I wanted to find out about him," I replied. "And of course I have a personal interest in him; it's because of me that he's in the situation that he's in."
"No," said the Director, "Sammy Skunk is responsible for his own situation. You brought him to the furry convention, but it was of his own accord that he left with the group of human furries who gangbanged him. It was he who chose to become an Earthian so he and Jim could bugger each other. So he's not your responsibility and you don't have to worry about him. He can take care of himself."
I smiled back. "Yet you sent me over to comfort him the moment the thugs had attacked him and Jim and the latter nearly got killed."
The Director was taken aback. "Comfort him? I had you go see him to find out from him what had happened when I heard the news about him getting into a fight with a bunch of humans! I didn't even know who started the fight or what it was about! I didn't care about Sammy, I cared about us! I was scared that the Earthians might think we animal-people were savage beasts that suddenly attack humans without reason! I wanted to know exactly what was going on, so I'd have something to tell the Earth authorities when they contacted me! You were by yourself in a motel room at the time, but everyone else was at PERC base, scared shitless with fear as to what had happened and what would become of us!"
"I remember that, I was scared shitless too!" I shot back. "How do you think I felt in that motel room, far away from any others of my kind, surrounded by humans who might suddenly all become hostile toward me? At least you were surrounded by other animal-people; I was many miles away from any others!"
"All the same, I didn't send you over to be nice to him. I hated Sammy Skunk so much right then I would have loved to strangle him! And then the news showed you holding him and comforting him. I nearly fainted when I saw that! You must have a permanent soft spot in your heart for him."
I gave an exasperated snort. "You know that by then it was determined that Sammy Skunk had acted to defend his human sponsor Jim, and the Earthians came to view him as a devoted pet defending his caregiver. He had become a hero to the Earthians; if nothing else, I had to be seen showing concern to Sammy Skunk because it would look good."
The Director smiled. "But you weren't faking it, were you?"
"Okay," I replied in resignation, "say it. Say that I'm a pathetic sap with a soft heart and an unused brain. That's what you think of me, isn't it? That's probably the sort of person I really am."
The Director looked at me in an uncomfortable silence before he finally said, "Whatever sort of person you really are, you're still curious about Sammy Skunk, or you never would have lain in bed next to him. You were trying to catch him in an unguarded moment, rather than in a controlled interview setting. So I'm curious too. What did you find out? Is he really homosexual, or are you still unsure? How do he and Jim get along? Is Sammy a subservient pet?"
"Well," I replied slowly, "All I did with them was converse a little bit with them, sleep with them, and have breakfast with them, so I didn't learn much. But they do get along quite well with each other, and neither partner appears to be subservient to the other, from what I've seen last night."
"I see," said the Director. "But you're still not certain that Sammy is really homosexual, rather than merely giving Jim sexual favors in return for love and a home?"
"No, I'm not." Then a certain ironic thought abruptly occurred to me, and I suddenly started laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"I never thought I'd ever say such a thing, not in a million years," was my answer. "But it occurred to me that I spent a night lying in bed next to another male, and I would have been far more comfortable about it if he were homosexual than if he were not."
Anyone who happened to be in the hallway at the time was treated to the sight of me bursting out of the Director's office, laughing as a stapler bounced off the back of my head. :)
(Again thanks to Dr. Werewolf for toilet design advice.) |
How should I know? Chapter 14: Will you tell me? by Pod155 | #14 of How should I know - Author's Chapter Notes: Lets find out moar about the woman in the strange suit... How should I know? Chapter 14: Will you tell me? FERALI's POV I felt my hand fall to my side then began stinging in pain. I look down at to only see that the long cut I had on it from | [
"Character Development",
"Plot Development",
"Story Progression"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249221-how-should-i-know-chapter-14-will-you-tell-me | Author's Chapter Notes:
Lets find out moar about the woman in the strange suit...
How should I know?
Chapter 14: Will you tell me?
I felt my hand fall to my side then began stinging in pain. I look down at to only see that the long cut I had on it from earlier, but it looked as if it was healing. I took a deep breath, and then a sigh trying to remember what had happened.
I rolled my eyes back up to see that it was a roof, I notice that my head was swaying back and forward, I began to notice that my back was propped up against something. I looked around me to see that I was in some sort of transportation vehicle, I checked my surrounding a bit more to see that the trees were below me and that I was in a cage flying.
I began to grunt as I attempted to stand, but the pain inside my chest wasn't letting me. That and the fact there was no room inside the cage. It was quite small cage, there was a monitor on the top of the roof that was blank, and it began to flicker.
A face appeared on the monitor, it was the woman who had assaulted me. She was smiling when she appeared, She hand her long hair tied into a pony-tail. I notice that the back ground on the monitor was moving, and that there were trees behind her.
"Ugh, where am I?" I said as one big grunt.
"You have multiple broken and fractured ribs, so I wouldn't move around as much if I were you." She said with the same wicked smile.
"Well I guess that explain that horrible pain I feel, but that doesn't answer my question." I said dully.
"Persistent guy aren't you. Hehe, anyway you're in a healing cage hovering twenty feet off the ground I'm just below you."
"Is there any way I could fall on top you and end my problems?" I said in a low tone.
"Hahaha funny aren't we, but unfortunately for you I'm the least of your problems."
"What you mean by that?"
"Well I'm sure you want to know why you're in that body. I felt that other being inside you, and I'm sure he must have told you something?"
"No, not really all it told me was not to fight you...ugh damn the one time didn't listen..." That's when I remember the voice, it was gone or so I hoped. I stared down at my feet, and then reached up and began rubbing the top of my snout to bring myself some sort of comfort.
I took a deep breath then looked back to the monitor, I saw the girl now looking off into another direction. I guess she must be walking, because I see her head bouncing up and down.
I need to get more information out of her. She seem to know me somehow, hopefully she could answer some of my questions.
"I do know you, you and I are a lot closer than you think. Though it's not my place to tell you, your worst nightmare will be the one to tell you." She said sliding down a small hill.
"How did you...oh yeah psychic..." I said remembering what she was. "Now I know how Sasha feels."
"You know I could easy drop you from there, right?" She said sounding very annoyed.
"Whatever...tell me, what the hell kind of suit that is you're wearing. Because no Human should be that strong nor fast, and that green light that lead to my arm looking the way it do now." I said looking down at my arm.
"All in due time, my prize all in due time." She said with a giggle.
I ignored her and continued to stare at my arm. I notice that the cut was starting to close up at a very slow rate. 'Better than nothing I guess.' I thought to myself as I then look into the sky. Closing my eyes to ignore the pain and try to recall the past.
Maybe if I could remember a better time, it'll take my mind off the pain. Thinking back to when Krystal, Sasha, and I were training for that week. How we'd each try to figure each other out, but only to find that the weakest was really hard to exploit once in actual combat.
Sasha weakness to fighting was really hard to use on her. She must have dealt with a lot of fighting types before. She knew how to keep her distances and keep moving while also attacking to not let the opponent breathe. When she really tried she was really a great friend for me to get to know while I was still with them.
A tear ran down my face, just of the thought of me not being able to see them again was beginning to hurt more than the pain in my chest.
Then my mind began to think about Krystal and the fact that I'll most likely miss seeing her and that snobby attitude of hers. Even if she was the one winning the fights she would act like she on the losing end when it came to our training. The way she'll coach us would make losing a fight to her a memorable one, but an experience gaining one.
"If you keep training like you two are, you can only keep getting better." Is what she'll constantly say after all our training was done, and if Sasha may become fed up with trying to Defeat her. Over time Krystal would tell us a little bit of her past and how she became the way she is.
Her past was filled with one disappointment after another. The way she explain it wasn't so it'll be some sappy story for us to fill sorry for her. It was so that we could understand her more so that anything that we face in the future we would operate better as a team.
One of the stories that she told to us one day stuck to me more than anything I've heard since I awaken in this form. And that was when she younger and wanted to seek help from her parents and as usual they wouldn't pay her any mind. At that point she was a young child and needed guidance from her parents, even though she was in her crippled condition, they would just tell her to go talk to one of her nannies.
Whenever she'd go out and talk to anyone they would ignore her, or be to scare to touch her because of her condition, and from her family basically owning the city. Living a life like that would drive anyone insane, but she just channeled her loneliness into anger.
As she became older she was acting like any other spoiled child and lash out at anything that moved. Even though she knew it was wrong of her to do so and realized how she was making others feel, she became more and more secluded. At one point she closed herself off into a cave for several days, and waited for death to take her.
No one came to her aid nor even made an attempt to look for her. Though it was fine with her, nobody wanted to know her or understand what she was going through. Just like a broken toy from the past, not even a second glance just tossed to the side and forgotten. I'm sure that's what she must have felt like when she was down there all that time.
She had heard that she was going to be replaced by some adopted child to take her place as CEO of the company and as usual brush her off to the side. She heard this information from her parents one day, while they were holding a private meeting inside their home. Once she heard that she immediately fled to the cave.
Then when all seemed lost inside the cave....
"A miracle doctor came and saved her life...ugh like I haven't heard that story a million times before." The woman said reading my mind.
I opened my eyes then looked at the screen to see that she was continuing her walk without looking at the screen. "I wonder if she involuntarily read my mind." I mumble to myself thinking out loud.
"Hey Blondie!" I yelled trying to annoy her.
"What is it fat-ass?" She said back not even looking at the monitor.
I began to sniff the air really loudly so she could hear me.
"Hmmm smells like someone's mad...tell me sweetheart can you read mind without even trying?"
She stopped then looked to the monitor. "First off don't call me sweetheart or I'll kill you before we even get to the lake, and secondly my name is Rebecca..." Then mumble something to herself that I couldn't make out.
"Ok Rebecca you didn't answer my question." I said starting to become annoyed myself.
"Not that it really matters to you, seeing how these could be your final days on this planet sure I could tell you, but you'll have to answer something for me first." She said as she started walking again.
I took finger and placed it on my chest and winced from the pain, dropping my arm back to my side I look to the monitor and said, "Hmm...I'd hate to die with secrets if I have any; but for the sake of me dying of boredom shoot." She stopped again then looks back up at the monitor and asked, "So do you love her?"
"Nah I don't think so, I mean she's a good friend and all but I don't think me and her could kick it off or anything like that." I said adding a goofy smile at the end.
"I swear I'm going to kill you if it's the last thing I do. I'm not talking about the Absol you moron! You know who I'm talking about!" She said angrily with a large vein appearing above her head.
I began to blush lightly and looked off to the side of the cage not really wanting to answer her question.
"I'm sure you've read my mind so there no real point in me answering that. Besides it really doesn't matter if I'm going to die."
"Which is exactly why you should answer me, that or I could see what else I could break so you could talk." She said trying to sound as threating as possible.
Though threats like that aren't going to work, I'll humor her and answer the stupid question.
"Yeah I do...not sure why though maybe it was just one of those things that were meant to happen, just felt normal ya know? I think she was the one who got to me first..." I said all that without thinking or looking in her general direction. "Ya know it actually feels good to get things like is off my chest, though it won't relieve any pain from it." I said chuckling to myself.
I look back over to the monitor to see her just staring at me as if she wanted to say something, but it looked as if something was holding her back. She looks back down toward the trail and continued walking; she had two long pieces of her golden hair braided hanging in front of her face.
She took them and wrapped them behind her ears on each side. The rest of her hair was braided as well which made her look very distinct amongst most people you'll see around here.
After about an hour of walking and silence, Rebecca made a sudden gasp. I look to the monitor to see what was wrong, but all I could see was the shiniest forehead in the world. I wanted to know what was going on and if it could be dangerous.
"Hey miss forehead! What's going on?"
"Nothing of your concern, so be quiet." She said annoyed. "Ok Ok I'm sorry, could you please tell me what's going on?"
She took a deep breath and then sighed when I said that, she look back up to the camera saying, "Ugh, there's my favorite small town so peaceful and quiet." She began skipping towards the town with a large grin on her face. "I just love spending time here!"
"Why would you like to go to a place like that, I thought you would like science labs and long walks on the beach." I said teasing her. I started feeling like a jerk, but that was quickly dismissed when the pain in my chest returned. It wasn't as bad as it was before but it was still there. The cut on my arm was almost gone, there was no pain to it anymore.
"Ya know sometimes it hard being a psychic..." She said with a disappointing look on her face.
"Oh yeah I'm sure it must be so hard being able to read people minds freely and know what they're about to say even before they say it." I responded mocking her.
"You wouldn't understand...anyway we're at Mohogany Town. I'm going to rest up for a bit and continue later. I suggest you get some rest as well; you're going to need all the strength you can get. By tomorrow morning we'll be at The Lake of Rage, so take some time and reflect on your life. It may be your last chance." The last thing she said before the screen flicker then went dark.
I notice that the cage stopped moving and I was just beyond where the town was. The trees did a great job of hiding it well from up here. Rebecca was right about one thing, the town did look peaceful and if these were my final hours that'll be just fine with me. Seeing the town made me think about the past week, that I spent with the two I cherished most in this world.
How we would just spend mornings training, afternoons learning, and evenings just relaxing. I wish those times would have lasted...I need to stop thinking like it's the end. Krystal said she'd kill me if I surrender to anyone and dammit I won't surrender to my feeling nor this situation I'm in. Even if it destroys me I need to find out my past and let her know everything is going to be alright.
Now I just need to focus on what's to come and how to deal with it. If only she left me with a better clue as to what's going on.
Wait where's my annoying other half? Now that I think about it I haven't heard it's annoying voice all day.
I began to think up questions to ask myself normally that'll get it to come out and pester me, but nothing. Now this was the last thing I would ever worry about, but since I was alone I could really use the company. "Hey are you there?" I asked.
Nothing, not even a snicker of a laugh.
This must be bad if even he's not coming out. Wait she's a Psychic, 'I wonder if she had anything do to with him not being here?' I started getting a headache from all the thinking I was doing.
With a deep breath I began to relax, I started thinking of what could have happened. She being a psychic is another whole danger in itself. Back when Krystal and I first fought her she was no problem before, but I mean that suit is overkill. Even with Krystal at her best, hits were nowhere near as hard as those blows.
I wondered if she may have had anything to do with the Voice in my disappearing. I mean she's a psychic and she could have been mentally attacking me when I was so busy focus on the pain. Then again she could have done it when I had passed out.
"Dammit!" I yelled as the headache returned.
I took another deep breath noticing that the pain in my chest was no longer there.
'Hmph guess the cage works better than I thought. Atleast I can concentrate on the task at hand now, though I shouldn't take to escape.' I then begin to think what type of scenario's that'll happen if I to do different things.
Then first thing I thought of what'll happen if I tried to escape and most likely that'll end for the worst. If I was to somehow get out of this cage and try to escape I'm more than sure she'll be able to find me again. And then I won't be getting off so easily and she'll most likely cut off my means of trying to escape. I look down at my legs then gulped loudly.
"I don't think I'm that desperate yet..." I said to myself with a giggle.
A second scenario came into my head. It was what'll happen if I were to distract her long enough until Krystal were to arrive. Most likely the same thing will happen to her, which happened to me. I know Krystal is strong, but not that strong or fast. Plus the abilities that she's able to summon would give her an edge in fighting Krystal.
Whatever happens to me I must never let it come to that. I don't think I could live with myself if she or Sasha were to get hurt. I felt my heart racing as the thought of them getting hurt passed through my mind. And the thought of me not being able to do anything about it was the worst of it.
Shaking the terrible thoughts out of my head my eyes became very heavy. The sun began to set as I began to nod off to sleep. Slapping myself in the face I instantly woke up smiling at the optimistic thought of everything turning out for the best.
Though that it couldn't be true, I thought to myself as I reached over to my right hand across and pinched myself on the left shoulder. With that shook the optimism out of me and brought me back to reality. With a deep sigh I began thinking of a plan that just might work.
I'll need my other half to assist me, but with him out right now it'll be no telling if/when it'll come back. Then again it really doesn't like me to begin with so it doesn't have a true reason to help me out; not for any of my causes anyway. It constantly refer to Krystal as a monster and Sasha as a weakling so if anything it'll try to betray them.
I couldn't allow that to happen by any means, but I must keep all options available especially if they're following me. If there were only a way I could let them know to not follow me....
That's when it hit me like a punch from Krystal...Ice beam! I stuck my muzzle between the bars and gathered the water at the back of my throat. The temperature of the water began to drop rapidly. Once it was at a freezing point I began to spit outside of the cage. The blast was strong enough to pierce through the trees and hopefully onto the ground. As I tried to make out an arrow that pointed into the opposite direction, but it most likely made a mess on the ground.
All I could do hope that she gets the message...
"Ugh what the hell is up with all the noise out here?" The voice inside my head said returning.
"What the hell... where have you been?" I asked concerned.
"Knocked out asleep, could you tell me why you're making so much noise?"
"Well if you were paying attention to the class you would know?"
"Hey, asshole just tell me..."
"It's complicated, but as of right now if you want to live I'm going to need you to listen to me." I said to it.
"Oh boy sounds like fun...Will you just tell me!"
Chapter End Notes:
thank you once again for reading another one of my chapters and I'll see ya next week, but plz show some love and leave a comment! \~Pod155 outta here! |
Defy by Shakarri | #5 of Ashanti's Advantage - Alright! Shakarri here again with more hyena goodness. We've come a long way in this series and it's almost over! Once again, the yiff isn't really as in your face as previous chapters, but I promise more in the next chapter. So, just so it can't be said: | [
"Character Development",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10073-defy | Alright! Shakarri here again with more hyena goodness. We've come a long way in this series and it's almost over! Once again, the yiff isn't really as in your face as previous chapters, but I promise more in the next chapter. So, just so it can't be said: Chatacters,situatio, story is mine. Too young or don't want to read such stuff? Then don't. Comment and tell me how to be a better writter. Toodles!
It's nearly dark. The warmth of the afternoon sun is quickly being replaced with the chill of twilight. The remaining girls of the tennis team, Coach Robertson, and the otter had all be drawn into this match, refusing to leave until they saw who the winner would be.
Ashanti wasn't sure if she could last much longer. In true, epic fashion, the game between Ashanti and Keisha has resulted in a tie with the two of them fighting for the winning point.
Tennis games normally don't last this long. They shouldn't last this long. But, then again, this had ceased to be a tennis game long ago. As Ashanti held the worn out ball in her paw, she stared at Keisha, refusing to give even an inch before the lion did. This was no longer simply a game. The two girls were now warriors poised for battle. Two samurai with their blades at the ready. Two gunmen with their paws hovering over their pistols. This was a war and war always ended with one side the victor and the other destroyed.
But, Ashanti was tired, her body already started to lose feeling and function. The only reason why she was able to stand at all was through sheer will. But, from the corner of her eye, she spotted a wild-dog jogging over towards the tennis courts. The very sight of the male canine was enough to fill Ashanti with purpose all over again.
When most girls left after school, they did plenty of things. Some return home to study for school. Others spent time with family and friends. A few even worked at jobs or volenteried for the community.
Ashanti thought about all these things that she could be doing, **should** be doing, as she laid upon her back in the grassy field behind the school. The hyena idly played with a blade of grass between her pointer finger and thumb, her higher mind dimly aware of the female lion that was straddled across her, the lioness' hips grinding into hers as Keisha groaned in ecstasy while riding the hyena's cock.
Not to say that Ashanti wasn't feeling anything from this ordeal, quite the opposite. The hyena's heart raced, her breath rasped, and her groin ached with for release, but it was all just sensory, Ashanti didn't feel anything emotional from this coupling. She didn't allow herself to feel anything. In just over a couple of months, Keisha had become successful in keeping to her word, molding Ashanti into nothing more than an unfeeling toy for her own sexual gratification.
Ashanti gave a small huff in amusement when she thought back to when she thought herself anything more.
Placing her paws upon Ashanti's shoulders, Keisha lowered her body down and pressed it against her hyena toy's, her tongue hanging from the corner of her muzzle as she giggled in an inebriated style.
"Fuck, did I need this," the lioness mewled, a small purr rising up from her chest as her hips swivelled about the intruding member, her vent dribbling her essence between the two bodies, "All I could think about during science class was having this thick cock stuffed up inside of me."
Ashanti was still in another world, her eyes glazed over and staring out into nothingness. The only sign she gave that she was still aware was a small snarl as Keisha's hot breath beat against her cheek. The lion gave a small snicker of accomplishment, proud of herself to have finally broke the hyena's spirit. Nothing in Keisha's bag of toys back home could ever compare to this. Raising back up, Keisha pulled her hair back and out of her face with one paw as her other paw rested against her hip, gripping the bunched up skirt that was pushed up during the mad dash to get her lower half undressed.
Ashanti winced sharply as she felt her feet go numb, her hips jerking by their own. The hyena clenched her jaw tight, a small snarl appearing upon her muzzle as she grabbed a fistful of grass, up rooting a few blades in the process.
"Aaaaw," Keisha said mockingly, her hips still grinding away as that tool inside of her rubbed all the right places, "Does the toy want to come?"
"....yes...." Ashanti murmured silently, tired of this game already.
"Alright, come with me then" the lioness cackled as she propped herself up with her paws against Ashanti's chest and hopped up to her hind paws before bouncing herself up and down upon the over stimulated rod., "Yeah, just like that!"
It wasn't a very long ride. Both of the girls were well on their way to an orgasm, Keisha just made the last few miles of the trip go by a bit faster. Keisha's head hung low, her face hidden by her braided hair as she yowls in pleasure, bringing the hyena along for the ride.
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," she pleaded, one of her paws dipping between her legs to play with her clit, driving herself over the edge in the process.
As much as Ashanti tried to hold out, her mind finally was dragged back into the here and now as she gave a small whimper of a moan, reaching her own moment as she shot a healthy load of hyena cum inside of her feline owner. Ever since Keisha had learned that Ashanti couldn't get her pregnant, she refused the use of condoms, claiming that they were too expensive to waste on freaks and that it felt better without them anyways. One more thing to be ashamed of.
After the two girls basked in the afterglow of a good orgasm, panting for lost breath, Keisha lifted herself off of the hermaphrodite, hyena essence leaking from her vent and splattering against Ashanti's crotch, before pulling her panties back up and fixing her skirt.
"This wasn't as good as last time," Keisha quipped, patting off her knees to get the grass stains out of her fur, "You should try to get more into it next time."
"I'll try that," Ashanti answered flatly, slowly picking herself up before pulling doing the same with her pants, "Are we done here?"
"For now," the lioness replied, watching as Ashanti grabbed her backpack and started off, quickly giving the hermaphrodite a small pat on the butt and a small purr.
Ashanti felt sick from the pat alone.
When Ashanti made it back home, she was surprised to see the face that waited outside. "Jordan?" She paused just shy of the house's porch, watching her friend as he sat upon the stoop, books piled up upon his lap and a look of disappointment on his face, "What are you doing here? Don't you usually have piano practice on Tuesdays?"
"I did," he said quietly, picking the books up and tucking them beneath one arm before he stood up, "But not today. Today, I'm going to be your tutor."
"Tutor!?" the hyena said with more than a bit of shock and resentment, "Look, I appreciate the gesture, but I don't need a tu- "
"You're parent's told me to," Jordan interjected with a sharp tone, "They are worried that you pass this nine weeks. If you don't pass this nine-weeks, with your grades the way the were before, you wont graduate. You don't graduate, you don't go to college. If you don't go to college, I wont see you again for a long time."
"So you're doing this, not so much because my parents told you to, but because you want me to go to college with you?"
"A little from column A, a little from B," he replied, as steely as he was just moments before. Ashanti knew that she didn't need a tutor, nor did she need the distraction of Jordan. What she needed was to simply have time alone to lick her wounds. But, watching the wild dog stand there before her as of now, she couldn't simply say no.
"Fine," she muttered and opened the door for him.
"So, I haven't seen you in a while," Jordan spoke, breaking the silence between them during the journey to Ashanti's room, his tone much more friendly now.
"I've been busy," Ashanti said without any emotion at all, entering her room and falling face first into the bed, ready to sleep off the sexual exahstion.
"Doing what?" he snapped at her, " You've missed more than a few practices, you don't play with Jasmin or me any more, and your parents say that you just lock yourself in your room when you come home, whenever that is."
"Doing things," the hyena snarled, taking offence to having her bluff being called, "My parent's didn't ask you to be my mother, just to tutor me."
"Whatever," Jordan snorted, grabbing the math book and opening it, "Alright. I saw from last month's test that you didn't do very well on inequalities, so let's start there and figure out what you need help with."
The study session went on for over an hour. After Ashanti had gained her second wind, she was more than willing to catch herself up on all the lessons that she had missed during class. The more that she and Jordan talked, the more relaxed they both became. During the course of the hour, Ashanti's mother came home and peeked into her room, giving a small smile at seeing the two of them together and, most of all, seeing her daughter happy again.
"Holy shit!," Jordan shouted, "Did you see Mr. Tao in class today?"
"Oh, you mean with his new wig?"
"I know! Are we supposed to believe that he simply grew all that hair over night?"
"Seriously!" Ashanti giggled, " The color didn't even match his fur! It was like a yellow or something."
"I bet that he stole it from a golden retriever somewhere," Jordan joked, causing the both of them to fall into a fit of laughter.
Once they both got over the small joke, the two young adults sat in silence, their stomachs aching from the laughter. The light from outside shined through the window at just the right angle that it gave them both a small, golden glow, a glow that they both simply couldn't, nor wanted, to look away from. Shaking his head, Jordan grabbed the Astronomy book and began to open it. "Alright, time to work on constellations," he began.
"Hey, Jordan?" Ashanti interrupted, gnawing upon her lower lip slightly.
"I have a question.... and it's totally hypothetical," the hyena started, wondering how she was going to word this without giving too much away.
"Ok," the wild dog stated, closing the book and laying it aside, "Shoot."
"Well," she started, " imagine if you had a secret and you didn't want anyone to know about it."
"What kind of secret is it?" Jordan asked, tilting his head to the side.
"It's a big secret, like if you had a second head or something."
"How would you keep a second head a secret?" Jordan blurted out, losing the seriousness of the moment.
"It's not a second head, dummy!" Ashanti snapped, "But it's something like that. And, if anyone were to ever find out, you'd be considered a freak."
"Alright," he nodded, regaining his composure.
"Well, if someone were to find out your secret and threatened to tell everyone about it unless you did something for them, what would you do?"
"Easy," Jordan stated, "I'd tell everyone before he could. The only reason he's holding the secret over me is because he wants power and if it's no longer a secret, he no longer has any power." "Isn't there something else that you could do, though?" Ashanti begged, inching closer to her only hope of redemption.
"Well, I guess the only other option is to be his bitch for the rest of my life. Other than that, you could kill the man," Jordan joked, trying to lighten the conversation.
Ashanti thought about the latter option, but shook it from her mind. She didn't even have a place to hide the body.
"Ok, that's good, I guess," Ashanti started before reaching across the wild dog's lap and grabbing the Astronomy book, "Back to the last frontier!"
"And you call me a nerd?" Jordan said with a small chuckle before leaning over to read over Ashanti's shoulder.
As soon as the hyena opened the book, her cell phone began to buzz loudly. She watched as the small phone danced about the dresser top, rattling against the hardwood. It was like the chime of the death bell to Ashanti's ears.
Leaning over to pick it up, Ashanti found her paw covered by Jordan's as it landed upon the phone. With the device buzzing between both of their paws, she looked over at him, her lion-molded instincts urging her to take the message. But, part of her couldn't pull away from the canine's warm touch, watching and obeying him as he softly shook his head and guided her paw away from the phone.
"Jordan, I- I," Ashanti stammered, unable to find the words that she wanted to say once more. But, Jordan said everything that she wanted hear without saying a sound as he pulled her close and pressed his lips against hers.
The soft buzzing of the cell phone eventually ended, but it had long been forgotten by that time as Jordan and Ashanti held close to the other, their muzzles locked in oral embrace. After months of feeling so wrong, Ashanti never felt something so right. The awkward movements of the wild dog was slightly amusing as he wrapped his arms around Ashanti's waist, feeling the heat that radiated from her body against his own.
Their tongue snaked out from their mouths and met, swirling over and around the other, licking and lapping at the sharp teeth that incased them both. It was only natural that Ashanti recline back into her bed, surrounded by everything that made her feel calm and relaxed: her old photos, her posters, stuffed toys on the shelves, and a lovely canine looming over her with a warm grin upon his face.
Ashanti wanted nothing more than to have him right now, but when she felt his paw land on her belt, she quickly grabbed his wrist and shook her head.
"Ok," Jordan said softly with a small smirk, moving his paw away. The fact that he was willing to listen to her wishes meant the world to Ashanti and she reached up and pulled Jordan down towards her, resting his head upon her shoulder and his roaming paw upon her chest, squeezing her own paw to urge him to squeeze his in turn. For the virgin Jordan, this alone was enough. So, the two of them rested in her bed as the wild dog softly massaged her breast.
Ashanti couldn't wait to get to school the following morning. Awake before her alarm could go off, Ashanti had been transformed over night. What once was a hollow shell was now a vibrant and cheerful hyena. Even her parents noticed the change for, as Ashanti joined them for breakfast for the first time in weeks, her mother and father both shared a small, grinning look at the other, both happy to have their old daughter back.
What was once a dreary drudge to school was now a jubilant jaunt as Ashanti couldn't wait to meet up with her new found joy. Entering the school, she gave a small yelp of bliss as she saw that radiant face light up upon seeing her. Life was back to how it should be.
Mr. Tao's class was nothing more than an entire class spent trading notes back and forth between the two new love birds, each writing messages of admiration that only drove the other to write more in return.
But, the class was interrupted by Mrs. Robertson's voice on the speakers.
"Would all members of the female tennis team please report to the school gymnasium in full uniform."
Mr. Tao allowed his gaze to move from the overhead speaker to Ashanti, thumbing towards the door, "You are excused, Ms. Newsome."
Ashanti shot a look back at Jordan who mouthed out "what?" to which Ashanti gave a shrug before getting up and leaving the room.
The gym was empty aside from the handful of females that chatted amongst themselves, trying to figure out what the Hell was going on.
"I heard that this was the week that the colleges send out scouts and such," the pale furred she-wolf said as she sat in the bleachers, pulling her wristbands up over her paws, "Maybe that's why she has us all getting ready."
"That's bullshit, Tonia," the grey mouse femme snorted, "She's probably going to lecture us for something."
Ashanti took a seat a bit away from the rest of the girls as she watched them talk, unaware of the body that had sat next to her.
"Where the fuck were you last night," Keisha growled, speaking through clenched teeth, "I must have texted you seven times. I know that you got each and every single one of them."
"Look, I was in the middle of something when you-" Ashanti started, but was quickly silenced by a sharp elbow to the side.
"I don't give a damn what you were doing," Keisha spoke, her words dripping with hate as they left her mouth, "You do as I say when I say. Got it?"
Ashanti didn't reply, opting instead to rub her bruised side, trying to draw the other girl's attention.
"You're lucky that I'm so nice," Keisha started back up again, this time more collected than before, "I know that it's hard for inferior species like you to understand simple concepts, so I'm going to give you a second chance."
"You're too kind," Ashanti snorted, her rib aching from the sneak attack.
"Tonia thinks that there's going to be a scout at practice today," Keisha spoke, ignoring the hyena's smart mouth, "If so, I'm going to be your partner today and you're going to make me look good and you're going to let me win. Then, after that, the scout will give me a scholarship to some college, I skate through the rest of this year, I finally escape from this Hell hole. Depending on whether or not you start wising up, I'll think about brining my favorite 'toy' along with me. I know that you don't want to stay here anymore than I do."
Ashanti glared at the lioness, the feeling of both dread and hate building back up inside of her anew, much like that day two months ago. It was true that she wanted to get away from this city, but not because she hated it. Rather, she wanted to get away from Keisha and grow up to be better than her.
"You know what the other option is, freak" Keisha snorted, folding her arms across her chest, "I know you'll make the right one."
At least Keisha was right about that; Ashanti was going to make the right choice for once.
Mrs Robertson stepped into the gym and blew her whistle loudly. "Ok, ladies. Grab a partner and head toward the courts. We're going to be playing full games for the rest of the day."
After all this time, all the suffering that Keisha had put her through, Ashanti wanted to see the lion crash and burn. She wanted to make the lion feel as helpless on the court as Ashanti felt in life. The Tie-breaker score was already 5-6 in Ashanti's advantage, but the hyena already knew that she had this game won. The five points that Keisha had earned were given to her by Ashanti's control of the game. The only thing that stopped the hyena from serving right now was the judgement to either keep this game going and humiliate Keisha any further, or to simply end it now and put the lioness out of her misery. The entire crowd watched expectantly, waiting for Ashanti to serve the ball.
"Don't forget our agreement!" Keisha shouted from across the court, her legs weak and ready to give out. She knew that she didn't stand a chance of winning now, but perhaps the hyena would remember that Keisha held a very important piece of information.
"I remember," Ashanti called back before tossing the ball into the air, arching her arm back before slamming the yellow ball towards Keisha. The lion stumbled to catch up with the ball, tapping it back over the net, but she didn't have the energy to sprint the other way as Ashanti sent the ball to the other end of the court.
"That's a game!" Mrs. Robertson shouted from her seat adding with a mumble, "Finally."
The girls stormed the court, Tonia and Jasmin springing over towards Ashanti as they patted the hyena upon the back. The zebra tried to consol Keisha, but all she managed to do was get hit in the shin with the lioness' tossed racket
Jordan gave a small cheer, clapping his paws together and shouting loudly as the otter next to him gave a small nod and finished writing in his note book and entered the court, holding out a business card to Ashanti.
"I look forward to seeing you at Crystal Lakes University next year, Ms. Newsome," the otter said plainly before giving her a tip of his hat.
"She's a liar!" a shrill feminine voice called out over the applause. Keisha quickly approached the crowd and, before anyone realized what she was doing, had shoved the hyena to the ground. As the two of them fought on the ground, the lioness started to rip Ashanti's shorts to ribbon with her claws before finally being pulled off of the other female by Jordan and the scout-otter with her yelling, "I told you! She's a liar! She's not a girl at all! She can't be on the female tennis team if she's not female!"
Everyone was in complete shock and awe. Partially because of Keisha's vulgar and violent act, but mostly because, true to what she said, they did indeed see a pair of testicles and a very male sheath on a very female body, even as Ashanti tried to cover herself up with her paws.
"Oh....my....God...." the zebra muttered, saying what everyone else was thinking.
Ashanti glanced up and around at the wide eyed furs around her, tears forcing themselves to the surface as she quickly got up and ran from the tennis court, still exposed to the world but no longer caring. All she wanted was a place to hide.
"That's right, freak! RUN!" Keisha roared, smirking and chuckling in maniacal bliss before feeling the doe's paw upon her shoulder.
"My office. **Now** ," was all that Coach Robertson said before dragging the lioness away by the shoulder of her shirt. Keisha didn't care what happened to her now. She had proved that she was better than Ashanti. She had proved to herself that she was better.
To be Concluded... |
F.E.M.S. - Chapter 3, Melody's Secret by BigFurryMonster | #3 of F.E.M.S. - Melody locked eyes with Cassidy as she lay there on the bed helpless to do much more than whimper when the beautiful Fem touched her thighs. Her skin was tingling only slightly but the rest of her body, especially her loins, were on fire. Cassie's long red hair smelled good as it | [
"Story Progression",
"Story Series",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97691-f-e-m-s-chapter-3-melody-s-secret | Melody locked eyes with Cassidy as she lay there on the bed helpless to do much more than whimper when the beautiful Fem touched her thighs. Her skin was tingling only slightly but the rest of her body, especially her loins, were on fire. Cassie's long red hair smelled good as it hung wild around her face. Their lips hovered dangerously close and Cassidy brushed them together only slightly then nipped at Melody's ear just a little. Melody could almost feel Cassidy's smile as she whispered into her ear. "Do you need a shot of pheromones?"
Melody giggled a little, Cassidy knew she didn't because she was standing hard on end with the tip brushing against Cassie's thigh. She admired Cass's body for a moment, her soft white skin and all the curves in the right places. She had shaved herself down there so Mel could see everything quite clearly. To top that off she was a sucker for red hair and green eyes. Melody ran her fingers through her friend's long red hair and smiled sheepishly. "Cassidy you're so beautiful."
"Melody you have no idea how desireable you are right now." Cassidy groaned and leaned her head forward to kiss Melody on the neck and chin. She lowered her body down and pushed the opening of her slit against Mel's hard cock, humping with her hips she cried out only to have Melody put a hand over her mouth.
"Not so loud!" Melody warned harshly as she tried not to moan herself. Cassidy giggled a little and grabbed Melody's hard cock. She watched helplessly, if it could be called that, as the horny woman pushed the tip against her lips and slowly slid the solid member into her tightness. Melody bit her lip and sucked in a breath as she pierced the tight little hole. Cassy's hymen gave way almost without resistance and before she knew it her friend's hips were pressed against hers and just a little dribble of blood mixed with clear juices crawled across Mel's crotch in a vivid pink. "Oh god you're so tight!"
"I need it!" Cassidy breathed against her as she leaned down and started rocking her hips back and forth. "I need it so bad Melody."
More than willing to please her now Melody grabbed her ass cheeks and began thrusting her hips against Cassidy. Her friend moaned so quietly it was almost not there and Melody quashed that noise by meeting those ruby red lips that were so close to her face. Her tongue danced with Cassidy's as she pumped herself up and down against the wiggling girl. "Oh my god I'm gonna come!"
"No!" Cassidy moaned out with a pout on her face. "Not yet please!"
Melody felt a slight tingling sensation as Cassidy began producing a little bit of the inhibiting substance Fems could make. With a grunt she rolled over on top of Cassidy and continued pounding herself into the tight little hole. She watched Cassidy grab a pillow and bite down on it then groan as loudly as she dared. Melody leaned forward and wrapped her lips around Cassidy's nipple, pinching the other. She suckled gently on it then bit down just a bit and squeezed with both her hands as she rose up onto her knees.
Melody grabbed Cassidy's legs and put them against her chest, wrapping her arms around both she lifted Cassy's ass up off the bed and leaned forward so she could penetrate deeper inside. When her friend started beating on the bed with both hands she knew she was doing well. Using her skilled lips she licked and sucked on Cassidy's toes just a little bit. She was satisfied when Cassidy tightened the muscles of her vagina and breathed heavily. She knew Cassidy's feet were sensitive; she had given the horny young girl a foot massage several times. Now she had confirmed that Cassidy had been having small orgasms the entire time she'd been rubbing.
Her hands ran up and down Cassidy's legs squeezing and kneading the muscles as she licked and kissed the small, beautiful feet in front of her face. Cassidy tightened the muscles of her body and tensed up one big time and Melody couldn't help herself, she felt it building inside of her and Cassidy's insides were suddenly soaked with her hot cream. Melody smiled and flopped down on the bed beside Cassy and was quite content to lay there in the girl's arms. "Wow that was indescribable."
"Yeah I know." Cassidy said with a giggle as she got a swat on the arm. "Kidding, that was wonderful Melody. I'm glad I waited to lose myself to you. I've never been so horny in my life I don't know what came over me."
"Yeah I've never seen you so worked up." Melody kissed her forehead and lay back on her bed, sated.
"I felt like I couldn't control myself, sorta like I was watching myself from another point of view or something. All I could think of was fucking your brains out." Cassidy curled up against the warm furry little body and sighed in pleasure. "I can still feel it a little, that was some orgasm."
Melody looked over at Cassidy for a moment and paused, she knew that feeling better than anyone in the world, it was the same feeling she got when someone use their pheromones on her. One of her eyebrows arched a bit and she watched as Cassidy smiled and slept next to her. Her mind worked as the beautiful Fem slept.
"I can produce pheromones?" Melody whispered softly and looked at her hands as if she expected to see something pouring off of them like mist from a spell or something similar. She laughed at the absurdity of it and shook her head. "No, there's no way."
"Good morning Melly. You're up early." Her mother said cheerfully as she worked on breakfast. She arched an eyebrow as Cassidy came walking do the stairs red-faced and smiling. "Hey Cassidy, when did you get here?"
"Not long ago, I had to help Mel with some school work and all that so I decided to come on over earlier this morning." Cassidy looked down at the ground and couldn't stop blushing under the scrutiny. After a few minutes of Melody's mother staring at her looking for an answer she giggled a little.
"Oh my, so you finally lost it huh?" She said with a laugh and a shake of her head. "It's about time; I told you I'd enjoy it."
"It was so incredible; I've never felt so good in my life." Cassidy looked over at Melody and kissed her cheek. "I know Mel was overworked yesterday but I got her permission first and I didn't use any pheromones."
"Good." She replied as she continued cooking. "How are you feeling this morning Mel?"
"I feel fine mom." Melody replied a little more sternly than she had intended. She instantly regretted it when her mother turned to her and wore a slightly pained look. "I'm sorry, you know what I mean mom, I'm alright trust me."
"It's alright honey; you've had a rough couple of days." She said with a renewed smile. "So Cassidy what did it feel like for your first time?"
"It felt so good; I've never felt so good in my life. It was like watching myself from a different point of view, Mel was so hot and she smelled so good." Cassidy shivered a little. "I've never been so hot for anyone in my life; it was like I had no choice but to fuck her silly."
"Really now?" Turning around to the two girls. "I remember my first time, I felt dizzy afterward and man was I hungry. I had that same point of view too; I was drooling so heavily down there I thought I was going to dehydrate."
"Yeah I do feel kinda dizzy and wet but I'm always hungry." Cassidy replied cheerfully. "You don't mind do you?"
"Not at all, maybe I can get Melody to stop for a minute and actually eat her breakfast instead of just grabbing something and running."
Melody had picked up on her mother's subtle questions, she was trying to determine something and Mel absolutely didn't like it. She was very protective of her Cassy and she didn't take kindly to anyone, even her mother insinuating something. "Hey mom?"
"Yes baby?" She replied cheerfully.
"When I lose my virginity will I be dizzy too?" Melody smiled a little when her mother stopped cooking for a split second. "I feel kind of dizzy and hungry and all that after a Fem uses her pheromones on me."
"Really?" She replied, maintaining her cheerful tone. "I never knew that?"
"Oh, I thought you were a doctor. I remember you explaining how pheromones worked when I was little, you remember right? When that lady at the daycare was using them on me even though I was too young for breeding?" Melody regretted the pushing as soon as she finished the questions, her mother dropped the spatula she had been using and put her hands on the counter in front of her. "Cassidy would you mind going upstairs for a minute?"
"No Cass, don't go anywhere." Melody said as she stood up and walked around to her mother. "Mom, you played god with me and you had no right. How could anyone think they have the right? Are you trying to say that I can produce pheromones?"
Her mother whirled around instantly and slapped Melody across the face hard enough to knock her off of her feet. Mel's head hit the table and she scurried away from the angry woman as quickly as she could, holding the back of her head and the side of her face. Her mother's face went from anger to being horrified. Her sister stepped around the corner and rushed to Melody's side to inspect her wounds. "Mom?"
"Melody I'm sorry." She said softly as she stretched out her hands and walked toward Mel.
More on instinct than anything else Melody backed away from her mother quickly and her surprise melted into a mask of pain both physical and emotional. As she stood she gathered her backpack up and rushed out of the door, she knew that the footsteps behind her were Cassidy. As she ran so did her redheaded shadow, Melody fell to her knees after a block and sniffled lightly. She didn't care that her new jeans were getting dirty or that her white blouse had a few droplets of blood on it. Mel just put her muzzle into her hands and cried as hard as she could and when Cassidy put her hands around Mel she leaned into her friend and sobbed hard.
"Hey now, let's go to my place alright? We'll skip for the day and blame it on you not feeling good." Cassidy said as she rubbed Melody's back gently. "How does that sound?"
"No, I'm already behind on my studies." Melody said through tears and sobs and a little bit of slobber. She looked mortified when she noticed she had gotten blood on Cassidy's pretty blue blouse with the low-cut front. "Oh no I got blood on your shirt!"
"It's a shirt love don't worry about it." Cassidy laughed a little at Melody's distress and shook her head. "Stop thinking about everyone else and think about yourself."
"As a breeder it's my job to serve Fems." Melody replied dejectedly.
"Look Mel honey, don't worry about it." Cassidy helped her stand and began walking. "Let's keep going before she decides to get in the car and come looking for you."
"Alright." Melody agreed with a nod as she walked with Cassidy toward their school with thoughts of all the recent revelations that had been dumped on her running through her head. She still didn't understand how she could be a Fem and a Breeder at the same time, and above all else why had her mother done it to her?
"A penny for your thoughts." Cassidy said from her left hand side.
"Cass can you promise me something?" She said softly, not knowing how to reveal her problem to anyone even her best friend.
"Anything, you know that." Cassidy replied without hesitation.
"I want you to promise me you won't have sex with anyone other than me alright?" Melody felt strange asking her this since they had only been sexually active with each other since just recently. "I know it sounds strange but I have my reasons."
"Alright, if you can't get enough of me I can give you all you need." Cassidy giggled in response and put a hand on Mel's arm.
"Cassidy." Melody turned to her friend and wore a serious look, she didn't know if she wanted to reveal anything to Cass but she had to impress the urgency of the situation upon her. "I'm serious Cassidy, Frenzy is real and my mother confirmed it."
"What?" Cassidy was astounded, she searched Melody's eyes for amusement or anything other than the serious look that she wore but she didn't find anything else lying beneath the surface. With a dumbfounded nod she agreed to the terms. "Alright, I agree but how are you going to stop them from using you? Just one command word and you're butter in their hands and you're susceptible to pheromones, if what you said was right they can't control their use of pheromones."
"I don't know but I can't just stop going to school." Melody looked down at the sidewalk and her mind began working again. "Cass I'm a little scared."
"I know sweetie." Cassidy put her arm around Melody and hugged her close. "I won't let the bad Fems get their hands on you, maybe if we ask the nurse real nice she can get our classes switched around so either you or I can be in each other's classes?"
"That would be nice." Melody said with a newfound smile. "I need someone to protect little old me."
"And I don't want any other Fems putting their hands all over my Melly." Cassidy said as she swatted Melody's ass and giggled at the look she got in response. "Make sure to put your red band on today, maybe that will help too."
"Alright." She said with a nod. "Cassy?"
"Yeah babe?"
"Thank you." Melody kissed her cheek and sniffled a little, wiping the end of her muzzle and looking at her stained white blouse. "I'll never get that stain out of my shirt."
"Hey don't worry about it we'll get it out my mom's good at that. You can stay with us for a little while until your mom calms down and you feel like talking to her again. My mom's really good at getting stains out." Cassidy squeezed Mel's shoulders slightly. "Now put your band on, we're almost to school."
Melody looked up in surprise, she hadn't realized they had been walking that long. With a sigh she pulled her red band out of her pocket and put it around her wrist, she hoped and prayed that no one would request her services today. After yesterday and the morning she didn't needed a bit of a rest. Before they reached the front door Melody pulled on Cassidy's arm and forced her to stop. "Cass I don't think this is a good idea after all."
"Why? We're already here."
Her brain mulled over telling Cassidy she could contract frenzy but she didn't know if that was the best thing to do, her mother had warned her never to tell anyone. Mel knew she could trust Cassidy though so she pulled Cassidy away from everyone else and leaned in so she could whisper into Cassidy's ear. "My mother said I am susceptible to Frenzy."
"Don't be silly only Fems can get Frenzy." Cassidy stopped talking and hung her mouth wide when she saw the pained look on Melody's face. The implications of that ran through her brain until she finally came to the conclusion. "Melody, do you mean to tell me your mother did something to you?"
"Yes." Melody said simply. When she looked up at Cassidy's expression she sighed and looked away. "She told me yesterday, apparently she altered the medicine she was taking or something. She made me look like a breeder but I'm really a cross between the two. I didn't mean to use pheromones on you Cass, I don't know how to control them apparently."
"Mel, please tell me you aren't able to get pregnant." Cassidy said softly as she grabbed Melody's chin and lifted her gaze up so they were looking into each others eyes. "Melody please tell me you can't get pregnant."
"I can." She whispered and sniffed a little, once again tears slid down her cheeks and she sucked in a breath and tried to stop crying. "I'm sorry I should have told you."
"Mel you have to purge yourself, it's not too late!" Cassidy grabbed Melody by her arm just below her armpit and tugged her along forcefully. She met some resistance but not enough to stop her. "Melody you don't understand what you've done, if you get pregnant everyone will know and you'll be taken away. Not just that, they'll dissect you to find out what you are and what you can do."
"Oh my god!" Melody suddenly panicked and pushed on Cassidy's back to make her go faster. "What have I done? I didn't know I swear! Cassy you have to help me, I don't want to have a baby yet!"
"Shut up Mel before someone hears you." Cassidy warned harshly when Mel's voice got too loud. She led Melody inside of the school; luckily it was early so the halls were relatively clear. Once she determined the nearest lavatory was clear she led Mel inside and they both stepped into a stall. "Okay listen you need to calm down, all you have to do is concentrate alright? Just work your muscles down there until you feel a flush coming out then push a little, that's all you have to do to initiate a purge."
"I'll try." Melody whispered as she sat down on the toilet and closed her eyes. She strained and grunted a bit and ended up peeing first before she finally felt the flush of liquid Cassidy had been talking about. When she pushed she felt a strange sensation down below and a flood of blood and other juices hit the water. Panic hit her and she started crying softly.
"Hey it's alright, there's supposed to be blood." Cassidy whispered as she stroked Melody's hair and whispered comforting things in her ear. It took a long time for Melody to clear up the sobbing and tears but she finally stopped. Her face was pitifully sad and somber; it broke Cassidy's heart to see. "Don't worry baby doll, I'll take care of you."
"Cassy." Melody said pitifully before she broke down into tears again and leaned against Cassidy, crying into her shirt. Once she had sufficiently cried her eyes out she buried her face into her hands and attempted to calm herself down. "Cassy how do I control pheromones?"
"That will have to wait for this afternoon Mel; it's a lot harder than you think." Cassidy whispered. "Look just keep your head down today and make sure that everyone can see your band, we don't want you getting infected. If you get approached go to the teacher or request a pass to see the school nurse, Namia knows what's going on."
"Okay." Melody said as she gathered herself up and tried to make herself steady and presentable for the day. "God I don't know how I'm going to go through the day like this."
Melody's day had gone quite well so far as opposed to what she had thought would happen. Though several Fems she knew had been disappointed to see the red band on her wrist they had all respected it. She had four classes total and her first two had gone through without a hitch. Her third class was Introduction to Physics and as she pulled her book out of her backpack she spied one of her Fem friends, Janet, eyeing her hungrily. Mel made sure to wave at her with the banded arm.
When Janet stood up and started walking toward her Melody looked into her eyes and saw the bloodshot sign that Janet was infected and from the look on her face she determined that Janet didn't care about the red band. Melody gathered her belongings quickly and walked backward to get away from the horny Fem. She was already feeling the effects of strong pheromones and from the looks on the faces of the Fems and the two breeders around her she knew that they all felt it. "No, please no!"
Melody quickly ran for the door but a hand on her shirt made her pause. Another Fem had grabbed onto her blouse and was attempting to keep her from fleeing. Melody pulled against the stronger girl and cried out in panic. The teacher wasn't in class yet so she had no protection as the others began walking toward her. She felt for the two breeders in the class but she had to take care of herself.
"Breeder I..." One of the girls began saying.
Melody made one final tug against her captor and covered her ears. The blouse tore and she shed the scraps of it quickly and barreled into the door, rolling out into the semi-cleared hallway. Behind her the rest of the girls were either accosting the breeders in the class or chasing after her so she quickly gathered herself up and dropped her bag, running toward the nurse's office as quickly as she could while dodging students. Behind her the commotion of the Fems that had been nearest to her pushing everyone aside confused her, there were other breeders in the hall why were they all so fixated on her?
When she reached the nurses office she didn't bother knocking she turned the knob and ran inside, holding the door closed by leaning against it and panting hard. She put her hands into her face and began crying again, even when the nurse came around the corner and attempted to comfort her.
"You have to help me, the girls in my class won't take no for an answer! Even with my band on." Melody looked up at the nurse and yelped as someone attempted to push the door in again. "They're going to kill me! I can smell the pheromones! Oh god I don't think I can take it again, not after yesterday!"
"Calm down Melody, it'll be alright." She said soothingly as she locked the door and led Melody into her office. Namia handed her a breathing mask and showed her how to put it on. "Go inside and lock the door, don't come out until I come for you okay? I want you to put on one of these respirators."
"Alright." Melody was shaking outwardly but she obeyed and put the mask on then closed the door and locked it. Listening behind the thick wooden portal she sat down on the floor and sighed, wondering what she had done to deserve her current fate.
When Namia opened the outer door she heard the girls trying to push their way in and a struggle ensued. Melody jumped in fright when someone slammed into the door as if to get it open. After a few minutes of grunting and banging against the door everything went quiet. "Miss Namia?"
"Stay there Melody, just a few more minutes." She said in return.
It took a long and agonizing silence for her to be released. Once she had confirmed it was Namia at the door she opened it and found the four girls that had been chasing her strapped down into two beds and sedated from the looks on their faces. She looked from the crazed girls to the nurse and sighed, leaning against the door. "Should I keep the mask on?"
"Until you leave the room keep it on and just in case I want you to hold on to that mask, it should protect you from the pheromones of your classmates should something else happen." The nurse looked at her apologetically and sighed. "I'm sorry Melody I think I've put you and all the other breeders in danger."
"Oh no! Janet!" She said quickly. "There's an infected Fem in my physics class!"
"Infected?" Namia said quizzically and arched her eyebrow. "How do you know about that?"
Melody put a hand over her mouth and tried to think of something to deflect the question but it was too late. She sighed and shook her head. "I heard you talking about it with someone the other day. But enough about that, there are two breeders that are in trouble out there, they'll become carriers."
"Mel I'm giving you a pass for the rest of the day, I think the situation has gotten out of hand and I want you to go home alright? Infected Fems seem to be attracted to you above other breeders and until I can determine why I don't think it's safe for you to return to school. I'll get it cleared and give your mother a call."
"Alright." Melody replied and leaned against the wall. "Can you do the same for Cassidy please?"
"I don't think so Mel." Namia said with a shake of her head. "She's not a breeder nor is she in any immediate trouble. She'll be fine as long as she doesn't come in sexual contact with any infected breeders or Fems."
"Well at least she can resist, I can't." Melody said dejectedly. Once the bell for class sounded she took the pass and walked into the hallway uncertainly as if she expected someone to jump out and pin her down. Once she was sure it was clear she headed for Cassidy's third class, she didn't want to get home so she would need a place to go.
Cassy had English for her third period so she peered into the window of the classroom and found everyone with their heads down working on something. The teacher was writing on the board at the far side of the room. Cassidy sat near the back of the class luckily so she tapped on the glass just a little. Unluckily for her she got the attention of another student.
Melody pointed toward Cassidy and shook her head when the girl pointed to someone else. After two more tries she pointed to Cass and Melody nodded. When she told Cassidy someone was at the door Melody smiled a little and motioned with her hand. Ducking behind the door she waited until Cassidy appeared with a bathroom pass.
"What's up?" Cassidy looked her over and noticed the respirator around her neck. "What happened? You don't look so good."
"I got attacked again, luckily I got to the nurses office before they could talk me into it. She gave me a pass to leave for the rest of the day and unfortunately I don't have anywhere to go." Mel said pleadingly. "Can I borrow your key so I can get into the house?"
"Sure babe." Cassidy replied and handed her the key from her pocket. "Mom should be at work so just go right in; I'll probably skip gym and tell the teacher that I'm not feeling well."
"Okay I'll see you then." Melody hugged Cassidy tight and kissed her lips just a bit.
Cassidy kissed her back and moaned a little as she pulled back and giggled. "Oh don't do that, I'm getting horny. Now go on you, I do have to use the bathroom."
"Okay!" Melody scampered away as Cassidy slapped her ass, she couldn't help but giggle and run down the hall toward the exit. Before she reached the door she remembered that she hadn't been able to gather her work up so she turned right back around and walked back the way she came. Mel walked toward the bathroom and stopped just outside the door when she heard multiple voices.
"Get the hell away from me!" Cassidy screamed loudly.
"Oh you love it, don't worry honey it won't hurt a bit unless you're a virgin. Wait you are aren't you?" An unidentified girl said to her coarsely. "Hold her still so I can get her clothes off."
Melody rushed into the bathroom as quickly as she could and tackled the nearest body, taking the unfortunate girl down. She hit her head on the tiled floor and lay there dazed for a moment as Melody stood back up and turned around, slapping her ass at the two remaining girls. When they both started chasing after her she yelped and ran as quickly as she could toward the door. "Cassidy run!"
Melody knew the two fems behind her would close in on her eventually and as a precaution she put the respirator over her face and made sure not to listen to the two as they ran after her. When she ran by her classroom she began yelling for the nurse. She was relieved when Namia emerged from the class and began running after the two Fems chasing her. When a fourth set of footsteps joined them she was sure that the other infected Fem had recovered. Her lungs were burning, she wasn't in shape to run like this for long but she was almost to the front door. Lockers and doors flew by her as she finally reached the door and kept going, swinging it wide. She hit an unfortunate breeder square in the face and yelled a sorry to the stunned girl as she leapt over her prone body and down the stairs.
Melody dared to look back and found that Namia had caught the two girls by the collar and was attempting to hold them both. She was going to stop to catch her breath for a moment until one of them wiggled free and continued chasing after her. Luck was with her when Cassidy lunged out of the door and shouldered the frenzied girl over and to the ground.
"Keep running Mel there's another one behind me!" Cassidy shouted loudly.
Melody sighed and turned around heading out of the parking lot. Cassidy caught up to her quickly because she was in much better shape than Mel was. She was surprised to find that all three girls were chasing after them again even as they left the parking lot and headed for their neighborhood. Melody was slowing down but Cassidy grabbed her arm and forced her to keep going. "Cass, I can't!"
"Don't you stop now!" Cassidy yelled through breaths as she grabbed Melody's arm and forced her along faster. "They're not stopping and neither can you!"
Cassidy was worried, she was getting tired and they weren't near enough to her house. She knew one of them and they had definitely not been the best of runners in gym class. She was on the track team and they were threatening to overtake her let alone poor Melody. She had a sneaking suspicion that they were not going to make it to her house before they caught up.
Her surprise was genuine as Melody's mother pulled up beside them and opened the door to her car from across the seat. She continued driving even when they hopped inside and once the door was closed she took off. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, we have a problem girls." She replied to the thanks and looked over at them then back to the road. "The sickness is spreading quicker than we can contain it; my estimate is that one out of every four students in your school is affected by Frenzy. Luckily it takes time to manifest, your sister is at the hospital already waiting for us."
"The hospital?" Melody asked once she had caught her breath, wondering if her sister was okay.
"Yes, it's the safest place right now. I'll explain once we get there."
The drive to the hospital was agonizing, Melody wasn't sure if she wanted to trust her mother or cut and run while she had the chance. Opting for the one that didn't require her to run for her life she laid her head down on Cassidy's lap and curled up on the back seat. As they drove Melody continued to think while Cass played with her hair. It was comforting but she didn't know if she was ready for whatever was happening next. When the car stopped she peered over the seat and arched both eyebrows. "Mom why does it look like they're barricading the hospital?"
"Frenzy has mutated and we haven't figured out how to stop it. Until we can find a cure the hospital is being closed down and all non-infected personnel are being recalled for safety precautions." Her mother got out of the car and helped the two girls out. "Follow me and do exactly as I do, they're going to take a blood sample from you as you enter." |
Sleep Aid by ThumperBunny | "Sleep Aid" No matter how many times I roll over, sleep still escapes me. The clock stares at me at me, 2:17am, taunting me with its big red numbers. I turn my head and spy the fox sleeping soundly next to me, his nose twitching softly in his dreams. I lift the blankets carefully sliding under them | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249229-sleep-aid | "Sleep Aid"
No matter how many times I roll over, sleep still escapes me. The clock stares at me at me, 2:17am, taunting me with its big red numbers. I turn my head and spy the fox sleeping soundly next to me, his nose twitching softly in his dreams. I lift the blankets carefully sliding under them as not to disturb him, pressing my soft white cotton tail against his belly. I reach my paw back carefully, his boxers full with his already plump sheath. It never takes long to get him excited when I touch him.
I glide my paw gently along his sheath through the thin fabric; I can trace the outline of his cocktip, already wet and starting to soak through his shorts. Two of my soft fuzzy fingers part the fly in his boxers and find the furry ring at the end of his sheath, pulling it just enough to guide the tip of his glistening cock out of the shorts.
I capture a drop of his precum from the tip and massage it into my tailring. I hear the fox stir a bit, but not quite awake yet. I gather another drop, then another of his sweet slippery pre and apply it to myself in preparation. I slide down a bit, getting comfortable on my side, spooned against the warm, softly breathing fox, lining up his tip with my tailhole beneath the fabric of my boxers. I steal one last drop of his slick fluid and slide my paw to my muzzle, licking and savoring the flavor as I make one last adjustment, tugging my briefs aside to allow his wet growing tip to press into my tailring.
His tip wrapped in my warm flesh, my cottonball tail teasing his abdomen, it takes just moments for him to grow out of his own furry tube and sheath his swelling cock within my tail, defying the cool kiss of the night air. I feel him squirm behind me, pressing himself into me further. Perhaps he is awake or just enjoying a new, pleasurable dream; I dont care.
I start rocking against him slowly, softly, but infrequently. He begins to rock back, sliding himself in and out with a long, smooth but steadying rhythm. He cant possibly still be dreaming, his thrusting becoming more intense with each passing minute. I lose myself in my own dream, pleasure riding through me as his growing, throbbing cock massages deep within me.
I return from my dream when I feel the small ball of flesh push through my tailring the first time. Then again, bigger now. He tugs the lemon sized knot out and pops it back in, growing too quickly to brave it again. POP. Out again. No! I push myself back into him firmly and with a stinging pop the throbbing ball of flesh is back inside.
As if by magical command the knot swells into a ball the size of an orange, his tip uncomfortably deep in my tail, leaking and slickening me from the inside. The throbbing knot in my tail assaults my prostate and my own cock betrays me squirting my bunny cum all over the inside of my briefs.
My tailring squeezes him behind his knot rhythmically as I ride through my orgasm as quietly as I can. I feel his cock twitching and throbbing inside me, his warm heavy breath on my neck. The heat of his fox seed begins to travel through me, up and down inside. The volume of his fluid is almost too much to contain, but I relax best I can to let it pump up higher and higher into my intestines.
His breathing settles. He makes no effort to adjust. If he is awake, he has convinced me otherwise. I lay my head down relaxed on the pillow next to him, catching a glimpse of the clock, 2:53am. The scent of him sedates me and I slowly drift off into a beautiful warm dreamland, secured by the slowly contracting knot still inside me.
Copyright 2011 Thumper |
Slave Trade - Stalling Tactics by comidacomida | Slave Trade Stalling Tactics copyright 2012 comidacomida Sidney awoke just as the first golden rays of the morning inched their way across his face. They shined down on him from a small hole in the wall just above head-height on the opposite side of the stables. Out of the many number of ways the | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464067-slave-trade-stalling-tactics | Slave Trade Stalling Tactics copyright 2012 comidacomida
Sidney awoke just as the first golden rays of the morning inched their way across his face. They shined down on him from a small hole in the wall just above head-height on the opposite side of the stables. Out of the many number of ways the fox had been awakened during his life, it was one of the more pleasant... until he moved.
Biting back a groan, Sidney rolled over onto his side as his muscles objected to any activity. The blast of Sardassi power that had been transferred through Tharis into him was bad enough, but the after effects of the lengthy clean-up session of the work shed was that much worse. He felt it all astutely as his muscles twitched and spasmed from the intervening hours of disuse, and it took him several seconds to shake his limbs back into obedience. Only then did the fox give himself a once-over.
"Ugh..." the Slave Master acknowledged with displeasure as he realized that, despite his cleaning of the work shed, he had not cleaned himself; straw stuck haphazardly to the dried fluids all over the front of his hips, "Oh, you stupid fox," he berated himself, "you NEVER go to bed without--" but he paused in his self-directed rant as he heard the sound of others in the stables stirring. Sidney glanced to where he'd deposited his loincloth and he didn't have to turn it over to predict that it was probably just as filthy as his groin.
"Maern." the fox called quietly.
"Sid-ney." he heard the stallion's powerful voice from the next stall; despite Maern speaking in a low tone the horse's voice carried quite well in the otherwise quiet stable. The sounds of morning activities stalled when the slaves realized that their Slave Master was awake, and Sidney took several seconds to collect himself and plan his next words.
He confirmed him plan to himself, and put it into motion, "Maern... get one of the spare barrels and collect some water from the irrigation pool."
The sound of Maern's large form rising was unmistakable "Yes, Sid-ney." The fox clearly heard the sound of the stallion heading out but, before the door opened, there was the tell-tale scrape of wood on dirt as Maern took the indicated barrel with him.
The Slave Master continued with his plan, "Dorias."
"Aye, Slave Master?" the yak acknowledged.
"Get a fire started, please." the fox requested, then added, "Uraou?"
The bear's pause before responding was only momentary, "Aye, Slave Maste'?"
"Find the cauldron and get it ready for water." Sidney directed.
"Aye." Uraou acknowledged, and, by then, there was enough activity within the stables that Sidney wasn't able to track everyone by the sounds they made any longer.
"Breakfast gruel with water from the irrigation pool... sounds... tasty." Choel's voice was unmistakable in its casual tone.
"It's for bathing." Sidney countered. He remembered just then after the sound of several chuckles, that he was the Slave Master and they were the slaves; the fox wasn't required to explain his orders to them. Sidney heard them murmur amongst one another, and the loud clunk of a metal caudron being put in place let the fox know his orders were being followed.
"We'll have breakfast after everyone is clean." Sidney explained, remaining low in his stall to avoiding any questions about his lack of hygiene. He tried reminding himself again that he owed them no explanations, but, having spent years as a sex slave, being poorly groomed was one of the few things that would actually embarrass him, "For now, we'll all be using THIS water for bathing."
"Good thing too, Choel..." Uraou's chiding tone was obvious, "Sour water'd only make your sour personality worse, mate."
"Uraou, help Maern bring the water." Sidney stated, "Choel, help Dorias with the fire," he added, cutting short what he figured would be another argument between the bear and the tiger; he didn't have a lot of experience being around posturing, which meant that he realized he'd be hard pressed to figure out when it was innocent and harmless or when it was going to turn into something less benign.
Less than two minutes later, the fox heard the unmistakable popping and crackling of a good sized fire going. He listened quietly as the yak explained fire making to the tiger. Sidney made mental notes of the hints Dorias gave, such as curbing the fire before bed so the ashes would still hold a few cinders in the morning, or the best kind of wood to use to start it from scratch. He was almost sad to hear the discussion come to an end once Maern and Uraou returned with the filled barrel.
"Got it, Slave Maste'." Uraou called, followed by the sound of the stable door closing.
"Good." Sidney spoke from his stall, standing on the tips of his toes and poking his head up above the divide so he could see the slaves. Dorias and Choel were by the fire; the former was loading a few stones into the cauldron to balance it while the latter was seated at an odd angle so he could prop himself up without the use of either arm. Uraou and Maern were by the doorway, holding the large barrel between them. Water sloshed out of it as they set it down.
"Th' cauldron won't hold all o' that." Dorias stated to Uraou, "We'll have t' fill it a few times." Sidney remained quiet as the yak gave directions to Maern in Vensian before turning to regard the bear, "We'll guide the barrel an' Maern's doin' all the liftin'."
"Sounds like a plan, mate." the bear confirmed and, between the three of them, they filled the cauldron most of the way to the top. Once the barrel was set back down, Maern left the two of them by the fire and trotted back towards Sidney.
The fox remained pressed against the stall divide and motioned back to the stallion, "Wait there, Maern." and he pointed, "Wait there..." The horse came to a stop and cocked his head to the side, ears up. "Go get the ceramic jugs..." Sidney directed, pantomiming the shape of the container he wanted, "Go..." he pointed toward the storage boxes, "ceramic jugs." and he outlined the shape in midair with his paws again.
"Maern." Dorias spoke up from the fire and waited until the horse's attention was on him "Fehhis uh kaf." and he motioned with his head to the storage boxes.
The stallion glanced to Sidney, who looked at Dorias, then back to Maern, "Feh-hiz uh cough." he attempted to repeat the yak's comment.
"Iya-- yes." Maern noted, repeating his use of Vensian and replacing it with the correct word. The stallion obediently went to the boxes and drew out two large ceramic jugs and brought them immediately to Dorias.
The yak accepted them and carefully dipped them into the steaming water one at a time. The two exchanged a few words and Dorias sent Maern down the run of the stables towards Sidney. Before arriving at the fox, the horse turned back and spoke what sounded like a question. Dorias responded simply, "Wah-tur."
"Sidney." Maern announced, approaching the fox's stall; Sidney quickly moved to meet him so he could keep his filthy groin out of view, "Wah-tur."
"Thank you for the water, Maern." the fox acknowledged, accepting the first jug with both paws and setting it down before accepting the other.
"Well-come." the stallion responded and made his way back to the fire where Uraou was already adding more water to the cauldron. Sidney left the slaves to their own devices as he quickly corrected his mistake from the prior night and cleaned his fur. He paid for the delay as it was easily twice as much work, but, after using both containers of water (an entire one for his crotch and the remaining one for the rest of his body), he finally felt a little less ill at ease and was able to compose himself.
"Well that's great for all of you, but I can't lift my paws above my shoulders." Choel's objection brought the fox's attention back to the fire and the four slaves gathered around it.
Sidney let out a sigh, wringing out his still-wet loin cloth before setting it on the stall divider so it could dry, "Choel?"
"Well, ya betta' think of somethin', Choel... Slave Masta's ordas." Uraou noted with a smirk, collecting his two jugs of hot water.
The tiger turned slowly, "Yes... Sir?"
"Can you carry the water jugs?" the fox asked.
"Yea." Choel confirmed, "No problem."
Sidney wrestled with his decision; he was a Slave Master so it was his responsibility to look after his slaves... but would his decision be seen as subservient and beneath a Slave Master? He decided not to second-guess himself, "Bring them here and I'll wash you." his voice cracked on the last two words, making him clear his throat and clarify, "I don't want anyone to say you four aren't presentable." he added, attempting to mimic the gruff tone Lord Bulhue used whenever he ordered Sidney around.
The slaves glanced at one another but, one by one, they shrugged, except for Choel, who already had the jugs in his paws and was padding his way down the length of the stables toward Sidney. "Yes, Slave Master." the tiger acknowledged, stopping at the entrance to the fox's stables.
"Set them down there." Sidney directed, opening the stall door with one paw while motioning to the corner with the other. The tiger moved to the appointed spot and lowered himself down to one knee, making it easier to set the jugs where indicated. By then the rest of the slaves had gone back to talking amongst themselves
"Gods, I can't wait until my shoulders stop hurting." Choel announced, tugging lightly at the knot of his loincloth, and wincing audibly as it obviously upset his injuries, "I feel so useless."
Sidney moved to the tiger's side and brushed the large feline's paws away from the loincloth rope, "The old healer that I used to see said to let the healing happen and stop trying to hurt yourself further." and he began to deftly undo the knot himself; he could have done it in the dark with only his muzzle, but he pushed the thought out of his mind-- those days were behind him.
"That horse of yours is not a nice guy." Choel noted simply.
"He's fine." the fox announced, surprising himself at the speed with which he came to Maern's defense. He cleared his throat and released the tiger's loin cloth, "It wasn't like he wanted to fight."
"Yea," Choel confirmed, paying no attention to the deep breath that Sidney took with his nose only a matter of inches from his groin, "He might not have bothered starting it but he did just fine ending it." The fox had no comment in response, slightly woozy at the powerful male scent invading his nose. "Everything okay?" the tiger's voice snapped him out of his musings.
"Just fine." Sidney acknowledged, "Just... thinking." and he turned away to hide the sliver of pink poking out of his own sheath, choosing to attend to the water jugs until his partial erection subsided, "The water's a little warm still." he announced, poking one finger after the other into either container.
"Doesn't warmth help wounds?" Choel asked him. The tiger shifted his stance beside the fox, "I don't know how I'll be able to compete on the Equinox Festival..."
"The Equinox Festival?" Sidney questioned, ears going up immediately as he stood. The action knocked over one of the jugs, "Lash it all!" he cursed.
"Relax." Choel noted, reaching out with a leg, righting the container, "Sir." the tiger added after a moment, "It's only water."
"Why would you want to fight on the Equinox Festival?" Sidney questioned of the tiger, quickly covering up his outburst by taking a clean piece of cloth and dunking it repeatedly into the half-empty jug.
"Wragol said the whole reason Lord Hector had to get gladiators is because it was commanded by Lord Levid." Choel explained, "Apparently he expects our Master to field at least one at the festival."
"But... that's..." the fox's words ground to a halt, "Barely a fortnight!"
"Sixteen days, actually." Dorias spoke up from the other side of the stables. The comment brought an immediate warmth to Sidney's ears when he realized how loud he had become at the unexpected and very unpleasant information.
"Thank you, Dorias." Sidney announced, feeling his stomach slowly turn to knots as he began running the soaked cloth across the back of Choel's head, starting at the base of his ears and working slowly toward the tip of either.
"You're welcome, Sir." the yak acknowledged, and returned to his quiet discussion with Uraou, whose responses came accented with splashes of water, sounded like he was already starting his own cleaning.
"I wanted to be at the exhibition matches." Choel announced once Sidney's attention returned to him, "I'm tired of field work-- I want to fight."
"Why?" the fox asked, dabbing the cloth back into the jug before wringing it out atop the tiger's head and working slowly down his back.
Choel's paws clenched and released at his sides, black claws unsheathing and resheathing with the motion, "Lord Hector promised a hundred coin purse toward our freedom whenever we win a match."
The comment caused Sidney to drop the cloth. He'd heard of Lord Hector's generosity of gifting slaves value toward buying themselves free of slavery, but he'd never heard of such an unbelievably large amount changing paws. "One...one hundred?" he leaned down to pick up the washing cloth, "That's... a LOT!" Sidney poured water out onto the cloth and rose back up to continue his work.
The tiger nodded, shifting his stance in impatience as the fox continued his work, "Twenty one wins and I'll be free." the statement came out like a declaration of victory.
"You owe two thousand one hundred coins?" the fox asked, tracing the tiger's spine with the warm wash cloth. When he got within a paw's-breath of Choel's tail the slave arched his back slightly, a pleased rumble emerging from him, but it was cut short at Sidney's words.
"You know your numbers?" the tiger asked incredulously.
Sidney nodded, not that Choel could see it, "Yes." he added verbally, "My last master wanted me to be able to count... don't you?"
"Nah." Choel answered with a snort, "You don't have to count when you're a field slave... I only know I have twenty one wins to go because Lord Hector told Wragol to tell me when I was elected to be a gladiator." and the pleased rumble continued as the fox renewed his cleaning.
"Do..." Sidney paused his words, but not his work, "Do you think you can win?"
Choel snorted and laughed at the same time, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could..." he glanced over his shoulder before turning around to address the fox, "And, since you're the Slave Master, you're supposed to help me do just that... right?"
"I..." Sidney was taken aback at the tiger's blatant statement... not to mention the claw-length sliver of dark red crowning Choel's sheath, "... uh... y-yes?"
"Choel!" Dorias called from the other side of the stables, "Stop toying with the Slave Master." his tone was serious, though the simplicity and directness of the comment almost made Sidney want to laugh; he never expected to hear a slave state anything close to that and yet it was incredibly appreciated at that moment.
The tiger locked gazes with the fox a moment, his expression neutral but his eyes saying much, "You're very good with your paws." and Choel finally turned away, presenting his back again for Sidney, "...sir." It was all Sidney could do to finish cleaning the tiger.
\* \* \* \* \* \*
It was still early when everyone had finished with their self-cleaning and Dorias had already begun their porridge using barrel water rather than pond water-- a fact not left unmentioned by Choel. The remark earned him a cuff to his shoulder by Uraou, and the resulting grimace indicated that tiger was ready to quiet down and behave.
Dorias provided Sidney his serving first, then, much to the fox's surprise, the yak calmly began dropping good-sized chunks of meat into the cauldron. With ears straight up and eyes wide, Sidney watched as Dorias stirred them in. When the yak saw the fox staring he spoke up calmly, "Maern said ye don' do so well with meat... was 'e wrong, Sir?"
The Slave Master glanced at the porridge then to the yak then back to the cauldron, repeating the action twice more before his voice caught up, "N-no... no... that's fine... I'm fine... this is fine." he stumbled over his words, "I mean... I'm fine with this... you four need the meat more than I do."
Sidney's sensitive ears did not miss the "I'm not so sure about that." Choel spoke under his breath, but it apparently went unnoticed by everyone else.
"Aye, sir." Dorias acknowledged, and continued stirring the cauldron. A few minutes later he began ladling up bowls for everyone, including several hunks of meat for each of the slaves. By the time he had scraped the bottom of the cauldron there was just enough left for himself-- meat included. Sidney sat in rapt attention as he saw the gray-furred yak bite cleanly into a hunk of flesh; the strange irony of a fox passing up meat while other, less meat-inclined individuals eagerly ate their fill.
Once again, Uraou and Choel drew straws, but this time Maern reached in to grab one from Dorias' hand as well. Maern cocked his head to the side, a quizzical expression crossing his face as Uraou started laughing and Choel's expression grew grave, "Not again! Lash it all!" the tiger grumbled, "You didn't rig it, did you, Dorias?" he demanded.
The yak smiled pleasantly, "I cannae choose which piece o' straw ye choose, Choel." and, with nothing more to be said, the tiger dragged the cauldron out of the stable to clean it. After that, Dorias turned to regard Sidney, "An; our tasks for t'day, Sir?"
At the realization that the slaves were still under his direction, Sidney quickly thought up the first thing he remembered from that morning, "I'd like to finish getting the stables presentable."
"Pardon, Slave Maste'," Uraou interjected, "We need to star work on fightin' practice at some point, don't we?"
Sidney paused at the bear's comment; it wasn't rude by any means but it was obviously questioning his orders. At a loss for how to respond to the disobedience but realizing that he had to say something, the fox was relieved when Dorias did it for him.
"Uraou, Sidney's th' Slave Master... if he says we're repairin' then we're repairin'." the bull noted simply.
Maern glanced from Dorias to Uraou, then to Sidney before looking back to the yak, and asked a question in Vensian. The older slave explained in the foreign language, motioning to Sidney as he spoke; when Dorias had spoken his piece the stallion nodded and immediately went to a stack of lumber and picked it up, going about the appointed duty without another word.
"Sounds like we have ordas t' follow, Uraou." Dorias stated simply, and wen to help the horse.
With no further arguments Uraou went to join the others and, when Choel returned with the clean cauldron he found several projects he could do to help that wouldn't put any great amount of strain on his shoulders. Everything continued smoothly at that point and Sidney finally gained enough confidence to let a smile appear. That smile remained in place right up until an unexpected visit by Lord Hector.
Sidney was directing the slaves on replacing several missing stall doors when the stable's main double-door opened. Finneas entered the building, holding the portal open for the silver-furred stag, who swept into the stables like a divine entity. Lord Hector's fur somehow seemed to carry with it the golden glow from the sun outside; though Sidney realized it was probably only his imagination, he could have sworn the inside of the stables grew brighter for his presence.
The hart spent a moment taking in the view of the interior before speaking. "The stables look much improved, Sidney."
"Thank you, Master." the fox bowed, but managed to avoid his first inclination to drop to his knees like the rest of the slaves. Much to Sidney's chagrin, however, he noticed that Maern continued to stand.
"Excellent work--" the stag spoke straight to him, and then raised his voice as he glanced around the assembly, "--all of you."
"Thank you, Master." they all spoke in unison.
"Tell me, Sidney," Lord Hector's attention returned to the fox exclusively, "Do you find these accomodations to your liking?"
"They are far greater than anything I would normally expect, Master." Sidney bowed his head again in humility, "You are generous beyond measure."
The stag was silent for a moment before speaking again, "And yet you feel it necessary to improve upon them?" his tone changed almost too slightly to register... but Sidney did not miss it-- the resulting shiver that ran up his spine was pure fear.
"I--" the fox fidgeted.
"You are using your slaves for labor rather than training them to fight?" Lord Hector inquired further.
Sidney began to shake in terror. Had he insulted the stag? "Master, I--"
"Explain yourself, Sidney." the hart ordered calmly.
With so direct a command, Sidney had no chance to come up with an excuse or try to create any eloquent response, so he was direct in kind, "I don't know anything about fighting Master, but I do know that the belongings of a Lord must always be respected."
Lord Hector nodded thoughtfully, "Go on." he directed.
Sidney continued as ordered, "The slaves in my care are working on the stables because they are in disrepair. If our lives are yours then it is our duty to do everything we can to give you only the best."
"Even if it does not include teaching your gladiators to fight?" Lord Hector questioned.
"Master... they are working hard, and that is good for strength and endurance..." the fox lowered his head and his ears as his tail tucked, "I am sorry, Master... I do not know how to fight so I am doing what I can for them." Sidney had no idea how he managed to keep a whimper out of his voice.
The Slave Master heard the sound of Lord Hector approach, and jumped in surprise when he felt two fingers beneath his chin. He did not resist as the stag raised the fox's muzzle until they looked eye-to-eye and he somehow managed to avoid piddling himself. "You are doing well with what you have at your disposal, Sidney... well done." and he released the fox's chin and patted him on the head.
"Thank you, Master." The gesture immediately filled Sidney with a giddy joy, but it left him a split second later when Lord Hector asked his next question.
"Dorias... are you pleased with Sidney as your Slave Master?"
The yak turned to regard Sidney when he spoke, "Aye, Lord 'ector."
"Uraou?" the stag questioned the bear, "What do you think of Sidney?"
"He'll do, M'Lord." Uraou announced, his gaze still on the ground, but the corner of his muzzle turned up in a smirk.
"What about you, Choel?" Lord Hector asked the tiger.
Choel responded without a moment's thought, "The best I've had, Master."
The stag looked to Maern next, and asked him what was probably a similar question in Vensian, and Maern answered in kind with three words, simple and direct. Whatever the stallion said was enough to get Dorias to look at Sidney. The fox felt his ears redden slightly at the glance but he remained at attention as their Master's gaze returned to him.
"I am pleased, Sidney." Lord Hector announced, "For the most part."
"Thank you, Master." the fox's smile returned, but it faltered when the second part of the stag's comment registered. Sidney waited on baited breath for elaboration.
"I want you to start putting your slaves through drills." his Master noted, "Of course, working on the stables is a valuable activity, but we do not have a lot of time to get them ready for an exhibition match." Lord Hector slowly began to meander back to toward the open stable door where Finneas remained silently at attention. "You DO know that these slaves will have to prove their worth as gladiators at the Equinox Festival, don't you, Sidney?"
"Yes, Master." the fox acknowledged, feeling the knots in his stomach tighten when the stag reminded him of the deadline.
"I understand you do not have any fighting experience, Sidney, and that will be fine because I am not asking you to fight." Lord Hector stopped beside Finneas and turned back to regard the fox, "You will direct Maern to run your slaves through their drills, but you will remain in charge. Ultimately their success or failure will be yours." the comment was direct and to the point without coming across as a threat... but Sidney couldn't help but feel a little intimidated at it. "Is that understood, Sidney?"
"Of course, Master." the fox confirmed, feeling the fur on the back of his neck start to prickle at the sudden influx of pressure.
"Good." the stag nodded, then glanced to the mouse at his side, "Finneas."
"Aye, Lord 'ector?" the slave inquired.
The stag clasped Finneas on the shoulder, "Go get Sidney the other slave we discussed."
"Yes, Master." he confirmed, and then was gone.
Lord Hector looked back to Sidney, "I'm pleased to see you're doing so well with the stables, Sidney. You've proven yourself enough that I've decided to put another slave into your care."
The fox was taken aback, but not so much that he couldn't respond with the prerequisite "Thank you, Master."
"I will check in with you again soon, Sidney." Lord Hector exited the stables adding, "And I expect to see them training for the pit." before closing the doors.
"That sounded like it went well." Choel noted casually, glancing at Sidney.
"Ye 'ave 'is favor, Sir." Dorias announced, "Tis always a good thing fer a slave t'please 'is Master."
The yak's choice of words brought up bad memories of Lord Bulhue's method of being pleased, but the thought was thrown out of his mind the moment Uraou spoke up, "Hopefully you'll remembe' that we gave you good reviews, Slave Maste'." with more than a faint hint to his tone.
Sidney wasn't exactly sure how to respond to the odd sense of solidarity from the various slaves in the stables, but the firm clasp of Maern's hand on his good shoulder followed by a deep "Sidney good." from the stallion went a long way to comforting the fox... until he remembered the short exchange between Maern and Lord Hector.
"Dorias?" Sidney called to the yak.
"Aye, Sir?"
The fox focused his attention on the older slave, "What did Lord Hector have to say to Maern?"
The pause before Dorias' answer caused Sidney to wonder at it, despite the simple, "Mostly th' same question 'e asked all'a'us, Sir."
"Mostly?" Sidney pressed, but the discussion was cut short as Finneas returned.
The mouse pushed open the doors to stable without so much as an announcement. Despite his disbelief at seeing the golden lead in Finneas' paw, Sidney couldn't deny the truth once the enormous bull at the other end ducked his head as he walked through the door.
"Tharis?" Choel breathed in admiration.
"Tharis?" Uraou questioned in surprise.
"Tharis?" Dorias gaped in disbelief.
"Tharis." confirmed Finneas, and dutifully deposited the end of the bull's lead in Sidney's stunned paw. The mouse about-faced and marched off, closing the doors with finality as he left.
"Tharis..." Sidney whimpered even as the enormous slave gazed down at him; the fox's earlier success at not piddling himself failed to repeat. |
Fetish Checklist by agius | Warning: this story contains homosexual relations between an adult black cat and adult skunk. It contains bondage, s&m, watersports, and a variety of other fetishes. If this sort of thing offends you, please do not read it. There is no scat, amputation, or gore to worry about, though - it is a | [
"Cock And Balls Torture",
"Foot Fetish",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51571-fetish-checklist | Warning: this story contains homosexual relations between an adult black cat and adult skunk. It contains bondage, s&m, watersports, and a variety of other fetishes. If this sort of thing offends you, please do not read it. There is no scat, amputation, or gore to worry about, though - it is a pleasent sort of kink. If that sounds good to you, please read on and I hope you enjoy.
If you do happen to read all or most of it, I would surely appreciate ratings and comments. Thank you, and have fun!
"Work's done," the sexy little skunk said on the other end of the phone line in his usual high-pitched voice.
"Alright, hon. Get that cute ass back here - I've got a surprise for you," the feline almost purred into the phone. Their first anniversary - and boy would it be a surprise.
"Oooh, a surprise! I can't wait!" He sounded excited, like a schoolboy about to get new video games. That tone was one of the things the black cat really loves about Dennis - his excitability. And in bed it made him oh so very fuckable.
"Drive safe, hon."
"I will - love you, Alek!" Dennis' nearly feminine voice chimed in through the phone.
"Love you too, Dennis. See you soon."
"See ya!"
Aleksie hung up the phone and placed his cellular down on the counter top. He had spent the better part of the day getting and lugging in the supplies he would need. He ran through it one more time, making sure everything was in order. New bed sheets: check. Restraints: check. Self-heating lubricant: check. Toys: check. Clothing: check. No candle-light dinner, but that was hardly how the pair had operated over the last year. This would be something the cute little skunk would remember.
Alek had found some odd things in his search history after Dennis had stopped by his house a few months ago - Dennis had been browsing porn without Alek, and had left some unusual search terms in the browser's history. Alek had compiled a list of things they had not tried, and ran over it again in his head, wondering which ones he could put his lover through this night.
The cat waited patiently for the skunk to get home, reading a book in their apartment's entryway and idly tapping the can and cloth on the table next to him, as if to make sure they were real. He had never used the stuff before, but he had triple-checked everything online, and was sure he was in the clear. He heard the skunk pounding up the stairs, and stood up to greet his lover. He poured some very cold chemical out of the can and onto the cloth, being very judicious in the amount, then set the can down on the table and surreptitiously palmed the cloth. The cat stepped back.
Dennis threw open the door, eyes wide with excitement, and a smile tore across his face at seeing Alek. He was beautiful, as always - dark slacks and a trim blue-collar shirt with a loose tie outlined his athletic figure in a way that pleased Alek greatly. Dennis opened his mouth to talk, and Alek launched forward like coiled serpent, shoving the cloth over the skunk's short muzzle, covering his nose and mouth. The skunk, in a moment of panic, drew in one sharp breath, and that was all the chemical needed. Alek watched the skunk's eyes glaze over, and removed the cloth. Alek wrapped an arm around the skunk's chest and held him tightly as the skunk went limp.
Alek wasn't huge, but at six feet and change he was taller than the little skunk by a good six inches. And unlike the twinky little thing, Alek worked out. He easily caught the skunk, picked the shorter one up and draped the fur over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. An image of himself dressed as a prehistoric figure flitted through Alek's mind: me Alek, me conquer, me take! The more things changed, eh?
Alek walked the unconscious skunk through the living room and into his bedroom. It was a simple room - a dresser and closet on the left, a computer desk on the right, and a bed with nightstand in the middle. The drapes were drawn so that no natural light came in, and the low lighting from his bed lamp was all that illuminated the room. Prints of Alek's favorite artists were on the walls, and normally pictures of family and little sentimental gew-gaws would line the dresser and desk, but they were all put away for now. Alek didn't want anything to break the mood.
The cat leaned down and dropped the skunk unceremoniously onto the bed, allowing his lover's limbs to splay out across it's queen-sized fluffiness. He heard a slight crackle of the rubber sheets beneath the soft fabric he had laid out - an item he had set up for tonight. Hopefully Dennis wouldn't figure it out. Alek walked around to the left side of the bed and picked up the other item he had bought just for tonight - a leather cuff attached to one of the four straps poking out from between the mattress and bed frame. He slid it around the skunk's wrist, having to tie it at nearly the tightest setting to be sure it would hold the shorter man. The leather cuff was lined with plush on the inside, so it wasn't very likely it would cut off the skunk's circulation. The cat walked down to the foot of the bed and slipped off the sleeping skunk's shoes and socks - they would only get in the way. He attached another of the leather-and-plush cuffs around the skunk's left ankle, then another around the right. He walked around and cuffed the skunk's left hand as well, leaving the unconscious skunk tied, spread-eagled on the bed facing the ceiling.
The cat walked over to the dresser and pulled one of the toys from the bottom drawer, which hung open and ready with a few other items. He walked back to skunk and gently pried open those sexy lips with a finger, and slid the straps of the toy around the skunk's head, slowly lowering the ball gag into the skunk's mouth to be sure it wouldn't choke him. He snapped the links together behind the skunk, not bothering to lock it - after all, the skunk couldn't get his hands free until Alek wanted him to.
Alek stepped back to appreciate his work, and looked carefully at the skunk spread out on his bed. His soft foot paws tied down at the end of the bed, those thin slacks outlining his thin, toned legs, that blue shirt now revealing his thin torso, and the loose tie hanging off to the side. His face looked almost like a smile, wrapped around the ball gag, and his eyes remained closed.
Alek waited a few minutes for the skunk to wake up... then a few minutes more. Damn! Was he wrong about the dosage? How long would this take? After about fifteen minutes, the cat decided to make the best of his situation. He slipped out of the casual clothes he had been wearing while shopping today, tossing the jeans and simple shirt off in the living room, and his underwear to boot. He grabbed a chair out of living room, his book, and slid back into the bedroom. He read, and he waited.
Almost an hour later, he heard a groggy moan from the skunk. He set the book down idly, watching as the skunk woke up - hopefully without headache. At first the skunk tried to sit up, and finding that quite impossible, tried to talk. When that also failed, the skunk weakly pulled at all four of the restraints - the bed gave a little, but really the skunk was pulling against himself - a battle he could never win. Alek watched with a bemused smile, then stood up and strode over to the struggling skunk, lining up to the left of the bed, next to the nightstand.
"Hey there, lover," the cat said, sarcastically drawing out the last word, as if it were a joke. "Surprise! Hahahaha!" The cat laughed as the skunk's eyes widened - hopefully with excitement, possibly with fear. Maybe both.
"You left some history on my computer, Dennis. I poked through the things you looked at. We've gotten a little kinky before, but... I think tonight I shall be your master, and you my pet. There is a headboard above your left wrist - your safeword is knocking three times. Everything will stop if you use it, and you will go home. IF I take that gag off of you, and that's a big if, your safeword will be 'Antwerp.' Nod if you understand." Alek waited only a moment before the skunk slowly nodded his head.
"Good, my pet. Now first, let's get you out of these," Alek said as he pulled open the nightstand drawer and grabbed a small tool from it. He flicked open the box cutter and held it down in front of the skunk's face - the skunk's eyes widened again, definitely in fear this time. "This is very sharp, pet, so don't squirm, or you may bleed," the cat said as he loosely trailed the knife down the skunk's chest, his tail wagging at his pet's fear. He walked, trailing the knife along the skunk's right leg until he reached the foot of the bed.
The naked cat climbed on and flipped the box cutter upside-down, so the angled blade faced mostly away from the skunk. He grabbed a pantleg and started cutting, slipping his hand into the skunk's pants at the ankle and poking the sharp edge through, then slowly drawing it back towards him, ripping a line in the fabric. The back of the cat's paw brushed against Dennis' furry leg, which felt nice to the cat and he was sure excited the skunk. He proceeded up the right leg this way, cutting open his lover's pants and simultaneously rubbing the skunk's legs and thighs, until he reached the skunk's waist. He slipped the blade through one more time and completed the cut at the bottom of the skunk's stomach. Dennis whined just a bit through the gag, but Alek paid him no mind.
Alek repeated this process with the other pant leg, slicing through it slowly, inching up the skunk's leg with his paws and the deadly blade, stripping away the fabric covering the skunk. When he snapped through the waistband of the skunk's slacks, Alek reached a paw around and slid it between the skunk and the bed, grabbing the skunk's butt and the pants simultaneously. Alek yanked, hard, and the destroyed pants slid right off the skunk's thin body, leaving only his briefs between the cat and the skunk.
Not content, Alek positioned himself atop Dennis' thighs, seating himself perilously close to the skunk's crotch. He slid the box cutter underneath Dennis' shirt, rubbing his paw across the skunk's flat belly and naked chest, then drew the blade back along the row of buttons that held the shirt on. They popped off one by one, the skunk whining just a bit through the gag (probably more at the loss of the shirt than in fear, by this point). Alek slid up to kneel across the skunk's torso, placing his member right in front of the skunk's face as he slowly slide the blade up each of the skunk's arms, cutting the shirt apart and feeling the soft fur there.
Alek stood up next to the nightstand again, dropped the box cutter into the drawer, and yanked Dennis' shirt off, the destroyed fabric barely resisting at this point. The tie stayed on, but Alek could live with that. He looked at the mostly naked skunk and saw a distinctive oblong shape form in Dennis' briefs. Alek had been right - capture and bondage: check. Danger: check. What was next...
Alek strode around and saw the skunk follow with what little vision he had. Alek sidled up next to the skunk's hind paws, tied at the foot of the bed.
"You know, I always thought these were sexy on you," the cat said with a smile, leaning down to rub his cheek against his lover's beautiful foot paws. Alek nearly purred as he rubbed against the soft pad of Dennis' right foot, nuzzling the soft flesh and allowing the feelings it stirred within him to flow freely. The cat's lust boiled to the surface, and he couldn't help but take a lick at the soft sole of the skunk's foot paw. One lick lead to another, and soon Alek was tracing up his lover's foot and licking his toes. He felt Dennis twitch - was this tickling him? Alek grasped his lover's foot paw in both hands and took Dennis' furry big toe into his mouth, licking the soft padded flesh and the untouched space between his lover's toes.
He lapped right out to the end of Dennis' claw. He could feel the skunk twitching a bit more on the bed, but Alek didn't care. He was absorbed in licking Dennis' other toes - drenching the pads and claws with saliva as he took them into his mouth one at a time. Alek's member slowly hardened as the lust bubbled within him, urging him to lick more and more, playing with his lover's foot paws. Finishing with the right foot, Alek stood up to see Dennis' red cheeks, blushing even through the black-and-white fur. Hehe, interesting, Alek thought. He rubbed his member against the foot paw just a bit, allowing a few drops of pre to leak out onto it. Alek left them to repeat the procedure on Dennis' left footpaw, first licking across the sole, then slowly sucking on each of the skunk's four toes, feeling the soft flesh against his tongue and licking up the odd taste of his love's feet. Once again Dennis twitched, and this time Alek could hear faint giggling behind the ball gag - a little more as he finished up and rubbed his cock against the skunk's foot paw a bit. Tickling: check.
Alek stood up, thinking about what was next. Ah, right. Alek padded idly over to the nightstand, drew out the box cutter again - not making a big deal about it this time. He deftly flicked it through Dennis' boxers, then quickly yanked them off, allowing the skunk's hard penis to stand at attention, dribbling pre, much like the cat's own.
"Seems like you're enjoying this," Alek said, slowly fondling the skunk's cock, which made his own twitch. He lightly brushed up and down the sleek black member's length, from the base all the way up to the tip, teasing the skunk. He rubbed again, this time wrapping his thumb and index finger around the skunk's cock and squeezing a bit. He heard the skunk pant as he slowly drew his hand up and down the skunk's member, speeding up a little with each repetition. When he got going really fast, and the skunk thrust, just a little, into his paw, the cat stopped and padded idly over to the dresser. Teasing: check.
The cat grabbed three small items from the dresser's bottom drawer. He prowled back over to the skunk, now whining in desperate need. The cat was mostly hard, but he contained his own lust for a bit longer. He placed the cock ring and the two clothespins down on the bed between the skunk's legs, unsure if Dennis could see or not. He leaned down and slowly slid the cock ring over the skunk's penis and balls, sliding it down the six inches or so on the skunk and around his twin orbs. The cat smiled and idly twitched his tail as the skunk gasped at this new sensation, and made small noises as his balls were drawn through the small plastic ring. Hehe, if he liked that...
Alek picked up a clothespin and spread it wide, closing its jaws across the one of the skunk's newly-stretched testicles. Dennis' body jerked as he made a sound that came out like mmmrrphh! through the ball gag. Without hesitation or mercy, Alek quickly attached the other clothespin to Dennis' other testicle, allowing it to bite down on the skunk's nut. The cat then pressed the claw of his index finger into the base of the skunk's shaft - not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to make the skunk feel it. Alek smiled as he slowly drew the claw up Dennis' cock, pressing hard and scratching the skin. Dennis twitched and yelled, the noises mostly muffled by the gag. The skunk pulled at his restraints, but it did him no good. Alek added his thumb's claw to scratch at Dennis' cock on the way back down, causing more twitching and cries. C&BT: check.
"Had enough, my pet?" Alek smiled and looked back up at the skunk's muzzle, red now with either strain or further blushing - Alek couldn't really tell. He looked a little sweaty - a certain gleam in that beautiful black-and-white fur. Dennis panted, catching his breath. The cat walked over to the dresser and withdrew another toy, slid quietly back over to the bed and pulled some lubricant from the nightstand drawer. Alek knelt over his pet on the bed and brushed the skunk's soft tail, splayed out next to Dennis by the way Alek had ripped off his pants. Then Alek reached down below the skunk's throbbing, teased cock and applied some lubricant at the skunk's tailhole, conveniently left wide open by the spread-eagle restraints. He teased the skunk by rubbing the lube all across that little hole, but never entering.
Then Alek grabbed the small, egg-shaped vibrator from his other paw and, without ceremony, popped it in the skunk's tailhole. Dennis arched his back as the egg slid past his barrier on just enough lube, gasping for breath. Alek's tail twitched in amusement as he rubbed the skunk's belly with his left paw, and grabbed the controller for the vibrator in his right, turning it on and up until he could hear the faint buzz of the egg-shaped thing. Dennis moaned in pleasure again, his slick black cock dribbling more pre all the way down to the ring Alek had placed on it. The clothespins attached to Dennis' balls vibrated along with the toy inside the skunk. Toys: check.
Alek sighed as his lover twitched and moaned under the influence of the vibe and the matching clothespins. He stayed that way a moment, stroking the skunk's soft fuzzy chest, savoring this flash of absolute pleasure as his lover became lost in sensations. The skunk was clearly enjoying this. Well... next, next...
The cat shifted around on the bed, going back to kneel between the skunk's legs again. As the bed shifted, the skunk looked up at him, those adorable eyes curious and hopeful.
"Well, pet - time for me to mark you. If you're a good boy I may untie you for a bit," the cat nearly purred as the skunk's ears drooped and eyes widened. Dennis wasn't sure about this. Alek figured tonight was all experimentation anyway, so why not? He gripped his hard member and tried to relax his bladder a bit - a hard thing to do when one's cock is rock-solid! Alek closed his eyes and focused, and eventually felt the stream begin to flow out of him.
His warm, nearly-clear urine splashed across Dennis' cock first. Alek drew the stream slowly up the skunk, soaking his crotch, his soft, fuzzy belly, and his chest, soaking through the business tie he still wore. He continued onwards, the thin stream spewing from his stiff cock to splatter on the skunk's neck and finally across his furry cheeks. Dennis closed his eyes at the last minute and relaxed his head, taking the pee on his nose, his forehead, under his chin, and on the ball gag. Alek was sure some of that leaked into the skunk's mouth, but Dennis hardly acknowledged it. Dennis moaned a bit as the warm liquid splashed across his face, then back down his chest before Alek began to run dry. Alek surveyed his work, sniffing the light scent of his own piss wafting off the warm, wet skunk beneath him. Watersports: check.
"Hmm, that's a good boy," the cat said to his lover, his tail twitching in the air. He sidled slowly off the bed and began detaching the ankle cuffs from the skunk. Dennis didn't make a move - he just lie there and moaned, the vibrator and the clothespins and now the warm pee all over his body keeping him blissfully occupied.
"Now, you are not to remove anything I have put on or in you, my pet," the cat commented as he stepped up to the right side of the bed and began unlocking the skunk's left wrist restraint. "You are to obey my orders exactly. Failure will be punished." Dennis looked over at him, and Alek put on his most mischievous smile - very mischievous, even for a cat. He unlocked the cuff and walked around to the other side of the bed to undo the last one. Alek sat down on the bed next to the skunk and untied the last cuff. The skunk, realizing he was finally free, stretched a bit and rolled onto his side facing the black cat. He scratched idly at the cat's chest, moaning in pleasure around the ball gag he did not remove. Alek was glad he had taken care of the pissing business earlier - his cock was now hard beyond hope. The sexy little skunk, soaked and gagged beneath him - it was almost too much to bear.
Alek walked over to the dresser and returned to the bed with a leash and collar, and a set of leather-and-plush handcuffs. He attached the collar just above the skunk's tie, tightening it significantly. Dennis whimpered a bit more, and Alek loosened it just a little. The black cat sat down on the bed again and pointed to the floor next to the nightstand. "Down," he commanded.
Dennis obeyed promptly, sliding off the bed to kneel on the floor between the cat's legs, his fuzzy tail laid out behind him. "Stay," he said as he pulled Dennis' arms behind the skunk and tied the cuffs on, not bothering to lock them in place. "Good boy," Alek said, reaching around the skunk's muzzle to detach the ball gag. He slid it off slowly, and caught Dennis taking a last lick of it. Alek set it on the bed beside him, then pointed at his own rock-hard penis. "Suck," he ordered. Dominance / submission: check.
The skunk went to it with gusto, leaning forward to immediately take Alek's cock into his mouth, lapping with that soft skunk tongue at Alek's tip. Dennis quickly swallowed up the rest of Alek's eight inches, taking the dick in his throat all the way to Alek's soft fur. Alek leaned his head back and sighed in pleasure, the feelings rippling out from his groin to the rest of his body as the skunk sucked him off. Up and down, up and down the skunk's lips traveled across the length of Alek's cock, and his eager tongue licked across it, sending waves of pleasure throughout the cat.
Alek wanted to share the joy, however, and reached out with his foot paws to stroke the skunk's erect member. He squished it ever so slightly between his right foot and left, rubbing just a bit to give the skunk a little foot job. Dennis moaned in pleasure around Alek's penis, not slowing down a bit. Alek could feel the pre dribbling out of him, and felt a hot spike of pleasure as each drop was licked up by the skunk between his legs. The skunk moaned as his cock slid between Alek's soft, fleshy paws with each suck, the member squished daintily between the cat's feet. The sight of Dennis, bound and willingly sucking, moaning in pleasure at being a submissive little pet, brought Alek close to climax quicker than he had imagined.
"Stop," Alek commanded. The moaning skunk may not have heard him, though. He kept going, licking and sucking on Alek's member, leaning in and out and straining at his bonds. "Stop!" Alek ordered more urgently as his balls tightened, getting ready to explode all over that sexy skunk face... no! Not yet!
"STOP!" Alek grabbed the skunk by his hair and dragged the little pet off his cock - something that was almost painful as his cock suddenly lost that wonderful stimulation. Dennis smiled a little bit. Bastard. Alek glared down at him, then waggled a finger. "Bad boy," he said. "Now I'll have to punish you."
Alek abruptly stood up and dragged the skunk to his feet by his hair. Unbalanced, the skunk squealed in mild pain at the treatment. Alek showed no mercy, and dragged the skunk across the room to the closet door. It had always been a little small and tight, but now that was gonna be damn convenient. On reaching the door, Alek let go of the skunk's hair and grabbed the skunk's tie, tightening it until Dennis made a little gagging noise. Then the cat ripped open the closet door, dragged the tie and attached skunk to the top, and shut it. It worked better than Alek had hoped - Dennis stood on his tippy-toes, gasping a bit, lodged face-first against the door. The vibrator's controller hung from his tailhole and occasionally banged against the clothespins attached to his balls. Dennis was clearly pretty uncomfortable - and sexy. Breath play: check.
Alek wasted no time - he walked over to the bed and reached underneath for the toy he wasn't sure he would use. He grabbed the whip out from its storage place and uncoiled it, feeling its tight cord drop to the floor. Dennis, still gasping for breath over by the closet door, heard nothing.
"Now, time for your punishment," Alek announced, and cracked the whip against the skunk's back, above his cuffed wrists. Dennis yelled in pain, arching his back against the door for enough air to scream. The whip was just a toy, purchased at some bondage store - Alek knew it wouldn't break the skunk's flesh, but it probably did hurt like a sonofabitch. "One!" Alek yelled at the skunk, cringing a bit as he thought of his neighbors being disturbed - but he couldn't break the mood. His cock would be hard for months if they stopped now.
Alek cracked the whip again, hitting the skunk square between the shoulder blades. "Two!" he said as he watched the skunk's tail and the vibrator controller flail as the skunk squirmed and whimpered. Again the whip snapped out from him hand, this time hitting Dennis' toned calves, weakening his stance so that the skunk had to relax - and stop breathing. "Three!" Alek announced, waiting just a moment to hear the skunk gag. S&M: check.
The black cat dropped the whip and took three quick steps over to Dennis, reached around and opened the door to the closet. The skunk stumbled back into him, nearly collapsing backward with lack of air and balance.
"Easy, easy," Alek whispered soothingly as he loosened the tie and slid it gently over the skunk's head. "It's over now... you're going to be a good boy now, right?"
Dennis coughed, once, and nodded, making an mmm-hmmm sound wordlessly. Alek reached around to hug the bound skunk, pressing the skunk close to him with his big, strong muscles. Dennis sighed contentedly, even as Alek's cock pressed up against his tail, and Alek's paws tweaked the skunk's still-wet nipples. Alek noted that Dennis had not softened during any of this, and seemed harder now than ever. Alek was little different, after having watched his love squirm and gasp and make all kinds of pleasant noises.
The feline spun the pair around to face the pain, and gently walked them both forwards until he could shove Dennis face-first into the covers - his head landing next to the residue of some of the night's earlier activities. The skunk whimpered a bit as the clothespins adjusted to his new, bent-over position, and not too kindly.
Alek grabbed some of the lube off the nightstand and quickly coated his cock with it. With little ceremony, he lifted the skunk's tail and yanked out the vibrator, quickly sliding his penis in all the way. Dennis moaned pleasantly as Alek spread him open, hilting himself within the skunk's tail hole. Alek let out a breath as the warm skunk sheathed his cock, feeling a warm buzz spread throughout his whole body. He slid slowly out, then slammed back in again, shoving Dennis forward onto the bed (and eliciting a squeal, probably from the clothespins adjusting themselves again).
Alek looked down for a moment to watch his cock slide out of his lover, and grabbed ahold of Dennis' leash and his bound wrists. He grasped high on the leash with his right hand in order to stretch it tightly along the skunk's back. Dennis moaned in pleasure as Alek slammed back into him, shoving him forward against the collar and letting the buzz of sexual pleasure rip through his body.
Alek moved faster now, pulling out and slamming back in, spreading the skunk open all the way, shoving him forward into discomfort and even a little pain. Alek couldn't make himself care any more, though - he was lost in the bliss of fucking his pet, the fire of ecstasy spreading from his cock through his whole body. Pull out, slam in, pull out, slam in. Out, slam, out, slam, out, SLAM! Dennis pitched forward on the bed, yelling something to the effect of "God, yes! YES! Ahhh!"
Alek, barely thinking, reached around the skunk with his left paw (his right still securing the skunk's bound wrists and leash) and grasped his slick black cock tightly. He pawed furiously and quickly, hoping the skunk would come when he did. Alek kept fucking him, out and SLAM, out and SLAM, pawing furiously at the adorable fur, sensing the explosion of climax getting closer and closer.
"Aaaahhh!" Dennis yelled into the covers as Alek felt him cum. Ooze spewed all over the cat's paw, and Alek grasped the skunk tightly, riding out Dennis' orgasm. Alek slammed harder and harder, feeling the sensations build into their final crescendo. He pulled out quickly and slammed in once, twice more - and finally felt release as the orgasm rushed through him. Every muscle in Alek's body contracted, from the paw still gripping Dennis' cock to his pre-slicked toes. The feelings rushed over him - bliss, pleasure, joy, love... All pounded through him like a tidal wave. Alek collapsed forward on top of Dennis, turning their sexual romp into a deep, warm-hearted cuddle.
Both furs breathed heavily, not moving for a few minutes. Finally, Alek released Dennis' cock and moved down to slowly take off the clothespins from the skunk's balls.
"Thanks," Dennis said, still panting a bit.
"Couldn't leave those on forever, I guess," the black cat smiled, still in the post-orgasmic haze of sheer joy.
"For everything," Dennis said, "For all this - it was great."
Alek just smiled, nearly tearing up in gratefulness that he had pleased his love. He slowly slid out of the skunk (making an effort to do so, as sensitive as he was), and turned the bound skunk around.
"You're welcome," the cat said, leaning down to kiss the skunk. Their lips sealed, and their tongues crossed, lapping gently at each other to show their mutual affection. It went on for minutes - their anniversary kiss.
When they were done, Alek pulled back a bit to survey the skunk. Still a tad moist from being pissed on, wrists bound behind him, and the cock ring keeping the skunk hard, if oversensitive and totally unready. His foot paws still had some pre on them. God he was so sexy - Alek was nearly hard again. Perhaps in a little.
"I love you, Aleksie," the skunk said from his position halfway on the bed.
"I love you too, Dennis. Let's get you cleaned up," the cat said with a smile. |
Eternal Phantasia - Chapter Two - A battle begining by ZachBear | Ahhh... MMm murr.. Marf? Sorry, um..... Chapter two time people, and its good to say that there is no yiff, but some.. Close contact in this.. Well, i'm not sure if I'll add that yet, but I might. I'll think about.. Um, anyways. A new character is revealed and he is copyright by his owner. For it is | [
"Character Development",
"Mild Violence"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10075-eternal-phantasia-chapter-two-a-battle-begining | Ahhh... MMm murr.. Marf? Sorry, um..... Chapter two time people, and its good to say that there is no yiff, but some.. Close contact in this.. Well, i'm not sure if I'll add that yet, but I might. I'll think about.. Um, anyways. A new character is revealed and he is copyright by his owner. For it is not one of my characters, but one of my friends. Umm, and so the journey continues, starting with \*Plays spooky music.\* a flash back! Muwahahahahahah!
\~May 14th, five months after Mr.Toshina went into isolation\~
"Are you sick again?"
"I think so, ever since I got these powers I keep geting sick."
"Jeez your immune system sucks this month."
"Your telling me."
Zaku said as he entered the courtyard of his home along with zach by his side. It was that day when they discuss issuse's involving zaku's dad, and talked about things older people would only talk about.
"Ok, so.. Today, we are talking about how my dad is always focused on work and not enough on us."
"We always talk about that, and then you end up crying and then I am left picking up the peice's."
"..Sorry, but it's true!"
"..Its ok."
By now, they were inside, up the main stair case and now siting down on large sac's that resembled bean bag chairs but not quite the same thing. Like they always do on these days, they both wore a white sleve less t-shirt, blue jeans, and black beane's.
"..Why do we wear beane's again?"
"Cause their cool? and stylish?"
"Only you could pull off a beane look zach, you know that. It looks so.... Wrong on me."
"Jeez, stop complaining fasion queen... Careful zaku, you'll become a stereotype gay guy."
"Ack! Am I really geting that bad!?"
"Yes, and I quote "I can't use that kind of product, it will dry out my fur and it won't have the same amazing reflection look to it's silver beauty. And please, if you have any, can you bring me a orgasm, I need one.".."
"Heheee, its a type of drink and I was joking, you never said that part. But the rest... Eh, very true."
"Damn.. Maybe.."
"No, you can't! Be yourself zaku, don't be something else that your not."
"But maybe its for the best..."
"... Zaku... Would it help if I was to say, I think your amazing?"
".. Well, um.. I.. Alil bit, yeah. Thanks zach."
"No problem my amigo..."
"I heard, from a source, my dad discovered an odd creature in the world he is investigating. And then when I talked to him about it the other day on the phone, he said it gives him chills and makes him question why he thinks he knows this creature."
"Right, he says he is going to call it final boss. But I asked him why, and wouldnt give me an answer just that it has to do with his project."
"Hmm...Well zaku, don't worry about it. He'll tell you whats going on when it's time."
Zach was then smiling at zaku, his bright brown eyes showing his admiration and care towards zaku. But his face would then turn to shock and pain as he yelled out and then vanished. Appearing before zaku was final boss, saying "Time to finish you, son of toshina.." Followed with a loud yell that seemed to echo and shift around him.... And just like that.... He would wake up, eyes snaping open and siting up quickly with a yelp. Then panting while his blue orbs gazed around his surroundings, seeing he was in some sort of cave with a white blanket over him "...Where... Am I?"
"Nasty fall you took kid."
Zaku's head snaping in the direction the voice came from, gasping as he saw who it was. A 6'2 black dragon scalie with red scales on his chest, and traveling down into the jeans he was wearing and then down the underside of his tail. He was very muscular, and had that amazing adonis structure. As well as a pretty enchanting voice to match it. The dragon had his powerful arms crossed over his broad chest, and then speaking out once more "So, your toshina's son. I heard alot about you."
"Wh-what am I doing here? What happened?...Eh."Right paw reaching up to grasp at his forehead, feeling feverish.
"Calm down, you don't want to faint again.. Anyways, final boss has taken your friend. As for you, he has made it to where you can not return to the real world."
"...Wha?.. You mean, i'm stuck in this game!?"
"Thats basicly it. The names drake, Drake Llandon."
"Nice to meet you.. And what did you mean, you heard alot about me?"
"Well, I was helping your father with the game. You could say I volenteered to be a test subject. I've been in this world for a year now because I felt as if that if I went back, I wouldnt be here today to have helped you. At the moment, I am the only being known to inflict damage on final boss.. But you zaku, you have the power to do the same. Infact I believe it is you who will defeat him in the end."
Zaku just sat there, staring at drake before he rose to his feet and said "Me? I'm 19, and I'm here to see why everyone liked the game. Why should I care what final boss does anymore? If I can get out of here, does it matter if he's defeated or not?"
"Yes, you can't leave till you kill him. And as long as you are here. The two worlds will start colliding into each other again and then finaly.. Poof, they engalf each other into nothingness."
Zaku's eyes went wide at this moment, lowering his head to stare at the ground. All the info he now had, racing through his head. (Me? The worlds will collide because of me? And as long as I am here, there is no way to slow it down? But...) "This... This isnt fair! I didnt make this game, he did, so why should I have to do this!"
Head rising to glare at drake, tears runing from his eyes and matting up the fur above his muzzle "Why! My dad should come here like final boss requested and.."
"And let him kill your dad? I know your mad at him, but is that truely what you want?"
Thats when it hit him, he had been so angry at his father that he didnt notice he was being selfish. All his dad tried to do was make the world better, and most likely, better for his family. "I.."
"Thats right zaku, he has done alot for you. Sure, he wasnt always there, but he told me he wished he could have.. He wished he was there for your nineteenth birthday.. And for the day you came out the closet, he said he still loves you none the less."
Zaku sighed, droping to his knee's and placing his face in his paws. Sobing lightly into his padded paws and giving a slight groan of discomfort of what has happened and how ignorant he has been. But his sobs of sorrow would stop when he felt two large arms wraping around his waist. Eyes now closed as he leaned back into the dragon, saying "Tell me what to do.. Teach me what I must learn.." Drake smiled down at the silver fox and said "First step is to learn your real po-"
"Someone help!"
A woman yelled outside the cave, both males heads snaping toward the direction of the cave's entrance as they sprung up to their feet. A neko-jin woman runing inside and over to drake, saying "One of final boss's monster's are attacking Juro!"
"Juro? Why... Hmm, come on zaku. Time to see what your made of."
And with that said, he dashed out the cave, rather fast for a dragon. But zaku quickly chased after as the woman sat in the cave and waited. Zaku watched as drake folded his wings neatly behind his back and seem to run faster all of a sudden "..." But zaku growled, speed increasing as his feet pushed him forward. Almost instantly catching up with drake. Soon enough, they were at the front gates of a small village. People runing around and screaming as flaming sphere's speed through the air and crash into house's. Seting them aflame. "...What the hell is that!?"Zaku pointed to the sky.
A large creature, flames emiting from it's wings and yet having a human head and body. Wearing a red outfit that kinda reminded you of bondage gear. Its hair was long, blood red, and horns sticking out its head, followed with drake saying "Thats boss 3, also known as inferno omega."
"Inferno Omega? Hmph, lets take him out!"
The large human flaming bat winged being slowly decended from the sky and hovered a foot above a building next to zaku and drake as it said "Toshina's son, joined up with the pest drake. Two birds with one stone, master final will be happy if I take you both out."
"Pah, you wont stand a chance against me."
"Drake, let me handle him... I know I dont have much training, but I think I can do it."
"Heh, if you say so kid."Drake then took a step back, arms crossing over his chest as his tail gave afew impatient whips left and right. Zaku steping forward as the green orb appeared before him. Then right arm whiping out as he grabed it with his right paw, making the sphere transform instantly into it's saber form. Then leting his arm rest to his side and say "Bring it omega, Meet your demise!"
And just like that, the flame being would screech loudly, a red blade appearing in its right hand before flaping its wings. Bringing it self up into the air then tilt forward and dive towards zaku. Its body becoming a blazing dart of fire, but zaku just stood there. Smiling at the creature as it growled and right on approuch, slash out at the fox. But it would slip through his being as if it wasnt there. Just then, time would slow down as zaku said "Don't you know, that when a being that phase's through another being it cause's a chain reaction?... Hope you enjoy it."Time would slowly return to normal as zaku steped forward, walking right through omega and it falling to the ground knocked out. It lieing on its back, and wings no longer burning with flames "Finish him!"Drake yelled.
...A heart beat?...
Zaku stood there, looking down on the monster's unconcious body. But something was beating, beating inside the monster. It was real, and living. He knew it was another world but never believed it "... I... Don't think I can.." Drake steped over to him, growling as he said "You have no choice!"
A sigh escaped his muzzle as he kneeled down next to omega, boss 3. His paws griping the hilt of his saber, rising it over his head and saying "I'm sorry."... A loud screech was heard that echoed around the village, followed with a sickening spurting sound. Zaku had thrusted his saber into the beings heart, blood of red all over his sword and vest. Some of it had landed on his chest fur and face fur. Which made zaku turn away, vomiting on to the ground next to him with a groan. It was mostly liquid and stomach acid, making his throat burn and the smell rather rank but couldnt keep it down as he quickly got up on his feet and left the scene. Drake had watched this happen, shaking his head and snarling with his sharp teeth being exposed. Thinking what a weak fox indeed, but has alot of potential. The fox had vanished behind a house, back leaning against the wall and knee's pulled to his chest with his arms wraped around them. Whimpering softly, he never had imagined that these creatures were living. And had nothing against them, so why did he have to kill them?
"Zaku.."Drake said as he now stood next to him, the big dragon looking down on him with a rather disappointed look on his muzzle"Why do you mourn them?"
"They are living beings, why shouldnt I? I just killed one!"
"Because, they are helping final boss destroy both worlds. Once that happens, they can make a new one where final boss will rule."
".. uh.. I didnt know.."
"Come on, lets get you cleaned up kid."
\~mean while\~
"Mr.Toshina, players state they just spoted zaku, and he was able to take down boss 3 all by himself!"
"What, are you serious!? What about zach, has he been located yet?"
"No, we still can not track down zach. There is a good chance final boss has captured him for hostage means. We also got an e-mail from final boss stating he wants you to come to him."
"E-mail, how the hell did he do that? And why would he want me?"
"I'm not sure about either questions sir, but if we dont do something, the worlds will collide."
"Damn it, damn it all!....... Get me... Green.. Contact him."
"Yes sir, on it."
Mr.Toshina growled as he slamed his paws into the keyboard infront of him, tears droping from his muzzle as he whispered to himself "Don't you die out there zaku... if you do..... We can't bring you back... Please, take care of my boy drake."
The phone started ringing, followed with his groan as he got out of bed and practically draged himself across the floor. Picking up the phone with his right paw and saying "Yeah.. Talk to me..... Yeah.." Left paw reaching into his shorts as he shifted his furry orbs and sheath then got them in a comfortable position "..Hmm, I see. Sure, i'll take the job. Seems like fun anyways.. Zaku, really? You tell Mr.Toshina I can't make any promise's on keeping my paws off him for according to my resource's.. He's my kind of guy.. I see, fine help first then the fun. Right. Wh-what!?.... Y-you can't be serious.. I have to work with him? Bah, fine, but i'm bringing a friend!..... No i'm not.... Yes... But... Fine damn it, fucking hell. Goodbye, see you in an hour!"And with a click and clamp he slamed the phone into its base. Growling as he steped over to his closet and says "Looks like i'll wear my usual.. Heeheehee...."
Hm?... The lake again.. Somethings moving inside... What is it?... I.... Feel as if I should go to it, I hear it calling, and feel it pulling me towards it.. But what is it? Why does it want me? Isnt my dad the one who can stop the worlds? Or......
Chapter two, still kinda short in a manner of speaking yet still long. I hope its good, and once again because of me being impatient, I rushed it abit. Sorry! But I hope I get ten out of ten again. Seems like this story will get better. I am going to need serious help and insperation if I want to make this better. Well, till next chapter!!! Bye!!! |
Fate of the narrator by Strega | **Fate of the narrator** By Strega As soon as he saw the fossa, Haja ran. He was away from the troupe and low in a tree when it happened, picking berries from a bush. He caught a glimpse of a sleek, brown-furred body and long tail, and without thinking he went up the trunk as fast as his paws | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249230-fate-of-the-narrator | **Fate of the narrator**
By Strega
As soon as he saw the fossa, Haja ran.
He was away from the troupe and low in a tree when it happened, picking berries from a bush. He caught a glimpse of a sleek, brown-furred body and long tail, and without thinking he went up the trunk as fast as his paws could carry him. If he could reach the thinnest branches that would support his weight, he'd leap to similar limbs on the next tree; the fossa, nimble but heavier, wouldn't be able to follow. Probably.
He knew better than most that ring-tailed lemurs like himself were a favorite food of the catlike creatures. One by one his friends had fallen to the predators, some torn apart, some swallowed whole and wiggling. Most horrible of all, he had twice seen other lemurs - one a relative stranger, one a good friend - sucked struggling into the sex of a female fossa. The others in the troupe hadn't believed him, but he'd seen it happen - muzzle, body, legs and finally long, ringed tail ingested into the female's vulva. A purple furred, bare-tailed stranger that he'd not warned in time had suffered the same fate, though that time he'd run before the poor soul was fully consumed.
What happened to them in her sex he did not know, for he had not lingered to find out. Nor did he linger now - not until he was high in the tree and was sure it was not following.
After a minute of panicked flight he reached the high branches of the tree and was across from even thinner branches the next tree over. He almost leapt, for it might be right behind him, but leaps like this held their own risks. If he missed the branch he aimed at it was a long way to the ground, and if it wasn't behind him it was probably below him. The thought of falling toward jaws yawned wide to receive him was enough to make him pause.
Haja shivered and looked behind him, then down. There was so sign of...wait, there it was. It wasn't below, waiting for him to fall, or anywhere in his tree. He could see its rump and lashing tail, about where he'd spotted it before fleeing up the trunk. It seemed to be tugging at something.
Haja's friends had been too curious for their own good; he was determined to not be. Though he'd never heard of fossas hunting in packs, he peered to and fro before he moved one step down the trunk. Looking and listening, he sensed no hint that anything other than the obvious - the single fossa engaged in its mysterious activity - was happening.
Only then did he descend a few steps, telling himself that he would not go as far as the ground no matter what. He climbed down a few feet, paused to look around, and then climbed a few more. Before he reached the next big branch he saw that the fossa was caught in a snare.
Haja grinned. Nothing warmed his heart like seeing something bad happen to a fossa. Twice he'd seen them fall from the branches while pursuing his kin, and one had hit the ground so hard it'd crawled off whimpering. He'd love nothing better than to see this one throttle itself in the wire snare.
He climbed lower to make sure he saw what he thought he saw. It could be a trick...but it didn't look like one. The fossa's foreparts were well and truly tangled in the snare. He even saw a bit of blood on its shoulder. He twisted a seedpod from the tree as he watched the fossa squirm.
The pod bounced off the fossa's rump with a meaty smack. As it yelped and swore Haja gathered more, then climbed out onto a branch above it and flung the pods downward with all his might.
"Stop that," the fossa snarled, but Haja only grinned more broadly. He backed up along the branch and slung the next pod in beneath the fossa's thrashing tail. That was when he noticed it was a female.
Pelting the fossa with seedpods was getting boring, and Haja was beginning to entertain certain ideas. He looked around from his vantage point. Once more he looked around for other fossa, but it seemed she was the only one.
When he was sure she was alone he descended the last few meters to the ground. Scurrying forward on all fours he snatched up a fallen branch and whacked the fossa across her haunches.
"Ow! Stop!" Her hind paws kicked up leaf litter and her tail lashed, but though she was twice his size she was also well and truly stuck. Haja whacked her rump again and again, dodging her blind kicks and ignoring the long tail that thumped into his legs.
Fossa were the bogeyman mother lemurs used to keep their cubs in line. "Wander too far from the troupe," his mother would say, "And the bad fossa will eat you right up." It was true, too. Haja had lost track of friends and relatives who'd been careless for one moment too long and ended up inside a fossa. When he saw a fossa dropping, often it'd be thick with gray, white and black fur. He took it all out on her.
"Stupid evil thing!", he cried, punctuating each word with a whack. "Eat us will you!" He was sure now this was the same fossa whose hungry sex had devoured his friends.
He was panting, the stick heavy in his paw. What indignity could he heap in her next? Maybe stuff the stick up her--
Then he looked down. Was it the glimpse of her sex he had, every time her tail whipped to the side? Was it the unheard-of opportunity to abuse a larger female? (In the troupe, the females were in charge. If a male wanted to mate, she'd better want it too.) Was it just excitement? Whatever the reason, he looked down and saw his black-skinned cock was swollen and hard. He looked at it, then up at the struggling fossa, and grinned.
"When you talk to the other fossa, tell them it was Haja who had you," he said, and stepped forward. He caught her with her tail to the side, hooked his forepaws over her haunches just as he would with a lemur female, and before she realized what was happening his shaft slid in. Not into her sex, for he had seen what happened to males who got near that, but up her ass.
She let out a surprised squeak and increased her struggle, but there was nowhere for her to go. She couldn't back up due to the snare, couldn't go forward without its barbs digging in, and when she squirmed from side to side he just walked along with her. Lemur females were usually larger than males and often moved during mating, so it seemed the most natural thing in the world to move with her, thrusting each time she stopped.
"Stop it!" she wailed, but Haja kept pumping his hips. It'd been a long time since a female deigned to visit with him, and he'd never had a lover half as exotic as the fossa. Big, strong, and fierce, squirming to and fro, she fought to throw him off her back. Haja clung tight, more aroused with every thrust. In little more than a minute his ringed tail twitched, and he chirped his pleasure as he spent his seed.
As he dismounted, grinning from ear to ear, the fossa looked back over her shoulder. "Is that all?" she said disdainfully. "I had thought if ever a lemur got the better of me, he'd have more to offer than that."
Haja's grin vanished, and he smacked her across the rump with the recovered stick. "It was enough, wasn't it? I got the better of you all right."
She sniffed. "And I will tell my friends that a tiny lemur dick wasn't the least bit exciting. I've seen you people mate, and I thought you might have something to interest me. No, instead it was just boring."
"Shut up! You're the one who's stuck." She squirmed to the side again, and muscles worked beneath her sleek pelt. She really was beautiful in her savage way. Haja looked down at his wet, dripping shaft. He'd done his best, and the hateful female mocked him. Even if he'd not just mated, even if he were rock-hard still, a lemur wasn't going to be able to make her suffer that way.
She laughed, and her anus winked at him. Haja saw red. He'd damn well make her suffer! Pulling her tail aside, Haja punched her in the asshole as hard as he could.
But as his fist hurtled toward her she straightened her hind legs, raising her rump several inches. There was a wet smack and Haja's arm disappeared past the elbow in her sex. She moaned and shivered, her tail thumping against his side. Finally he'd made her react; his arm did what his dick could not. Except that the last thing he'd wanted to do was to so much as touch her sex, much less stick his arm in!
Desperately he threw himself backward, using his whole weight to try to pull out. But already her sex had clamped down in a muscular lock, wet and gripping around his forearm and wrist. His retreat came to a jarring stop and pain shot through his shoulder. He stumbled and fell, held up only by the fleshy grip of her vulva.
"Well now," she said with a grin, and with a circular motion of her head freed it from the snare. "That's a little better. But did I mention that a fossa's dick is as big as your whole arm? I think I could handle a little more." She let out a long, shuddering growl, and the muscles of her sex rippled. A series of muscular contractions began at the entrance and moved inward, rolling over his forearm. Bit by bit, despite his frantic efforts to get his feet under him and brace against the pull, his arm was pulled deeper. His elbow was gone into the slick wetness, his upper arm disappearing.
Haja's eyes went wide as a still stronger contraction rippled through her vulva, not pushing him out, but pulling even more of him in. The last of his white-furred arm was sucked out of sight and his shoulder threatened to follow. His other hand fumbled for the stick, just out of reach.
"Wait," he said as the pull forced his cheek up against her rump. His face was much too close to the fleshy slit of her sex, distended though it already was around his arm. He tried to get his feet under him, but she leaned forward, spreading her hindpaws wide and flipping her tail up out of the way. He stumbled, dropped the stick, and fell into the sucking hole beneath her tail. The last thing he saw before his muzzle was pulled into her sex was the fossa disentangling her forepaws from the snare, just as she had slipped her muzzle free before.
Another contraction pulsed inward along the tunnel of her sex and everything went dim and pink. His muzzle, then his face was sucked in, taken into the wet grip and rippling musculature of her vagina. She shivered and yowled, but it was getting harder to hear her as his ears were pressed flat to the sides of his head and engulfed. The lubricating fluids of her vagina slicked down his fur as he slid deeper, his other shoulder following his face into fossa's hungry sex. Haja finally managed to get his feet under him, or under her rather, and locked his legs out straight to stop her. At least, he tried to stop her. Despite his best efforts the relentless pull of her vulva forced him to bend at the waist. Bit by bit the lips of her sex slid down over his body until he was to the waist in the hot, slippery tunnel of her vulva. Fluid dripped down his belly and off his cock as some of the mucus slicking him down for ingestion escaped.
He was being eaten. Swallowed, not by her jaws, but by her sex. No one had believed him when he described what he saw, the others he'd seen disappear into the fossa's nether bits. "No," they'd said, rolling their eyes at his foolishness. "Fossas eat us, but with their jaws. If you were the size of a fossa cub then maybe, but as you are? No. Impossible." One elder had accused him of lusting after the catlike beasts!
His tail thrashed as her sex engulfed his hips. For a moment it seemed it would stop there, with his legs thrust stiffly forward beneath her belly, his feet dug into the leaf-litter. That lasted until the fossa growled and sat down. His rump slammed into the ground with her whole weight atop it, and with a horrible wet squelch his hips were driven into her snatch. She sat there for a moment, wriggling her hindquarters so to force him still deeper. His legs were pinned beneath her body, his toes curling in a futile effort to grip her fur. When she rose to her feet again his legs hung from her sex, thighs half-engulfed.
He kicked, but only hit her tail, and when he tried to wrap his legs around it she moved it out of the way. His thighs were being taken, sucked in by the rhythmic contractions of her vulva, and as his legs were trapped against one another his ability to resist, already feeble, faded. Up inside her body, at the end of the muscular tunnel of sex, his face and shoulders emerged in a wet, clinging space. Another contraction and half his body was in. He pushed against the walls, but they were yielding and slick. It had to be the fossa's womb, but things were supposed to grow here and be pushed out. Not the other way around!
He'd finally managed to excite her. Each pulsation of her sex rubbed the walls against his wet fur, and with each throb her pulse stepped up a beat. The already slick walls dripped with fluid now and a shiver began to grow beneath the surface. He felt the fossa squirm around him and heard her mewl as her excitement grew. A lemur's cock was far too small to satisfy her, but the same could not be said of a whole lemur.
When her vulva clenched down in a long, shuddering climax, the only parts of Haja still exposed to the air were his feet and tail. He rode it out from the inside, pushing futilely at the walls of her womb. Soft though they seemed, there was hard muscle on the other side. When the walls finished trembling and her pulse slowed, Haja had a moment of hope. Surely she was sated now and would push him back out. No doubt she would try to eat him, but at least he'd have a chance at escape. Not like this flesh-tight, wet coffin of a place.
Her vagina pulsed, but not in the way he'd hoped. His feet were drawn into the sucking wetness of her sex, more of his legs were expelled into her womb, and as he curled up helplessly inside her he felt slow, rhythmic contractions pulling his tail in as well. It was slower now, but she was still sucking him in. Bit by bit, ring by furry ring his twitching tail was ingested. Swallowing it up took as long as she'd needed to suck in his whole body, but there came a time when the last bit of sodden tail emerged into her womb to join the rest of him.
Haja felt the bulge he made in her abdomen, too far down to be in her stomach. Had she done it merely for the pleasure, and if so how long would she keep him here? Would she leave him there to rot? Would she keep him there until the air ran out, then expel his body? Worst of all, perhaps, would she use him as a toy, pushing him out and sucking him back in each time she was in need of sex?
One possibility had eluded him. Curled in the wet confines of the fossa's womb, Haja felt a change in the space surrounding him. More thick fluid was being produced, dripping from the walls onto his pelt, and his his nose, shealthless cock, and exposed skin began to sting. The walls rippled, kneading the slime into his pelt, and slowly the burning sensation spread.
Haja craved cool air and sunlight, but instead had a sweltering fleshy prison. He knew what was happening now, impossible though he'd thought it before meeting her. "So," Haja thought, as the fluid churned and gurgled around him, "It seems I do not need to be in a stomach to be digested, after all."
Exhausted, overheated, and almost out of air, he felt around for the tunnel. Perhaps she was tired, too. Perhaps he could push his way out.
She sprawled out on the leaf litter, abdomen swollen and twitching. At first it caused her an occasional twinge, balanced out by the shivering pleasure of her fading orgasm, but as the lemur in her womb weakened the struggle diminished. When that was finally gone, so was the lemur. Far up inside her sex he smothered, wrapped in flesh and doused in a steadily increasing flow of acidic fluid.
When a long belch burbled out of her vulva, carrying with it the air from his lungs, it was over. Like every other creature she'd sucked in he would be digested; flesh would liquefy and be absorbed into the walls of her womb. In a day or two she'd expel a mass of lemur fur and softened bone from her sex, and the lemur's adventure through her body would be over. The rest of him, through mechanisms unclear to her, would make its way out through her digestive system. With her, every way into her body led to the same end.
To her knowledge she was unique. A fossa, male or female, would gladly gulp down a lemur should one fall between its paws. The occasional male would rape his ringtailed prey, stretching the unfortunate primate around his formidable spiny dick before dispatching it down his gullet. *Any* encounter that started with a fossa catching a lemur ended with a belch, but only she, as far she knew, could suck a lemur into her sex and consume him there.
She'd found out quite by accident. An amorous suitor, hoping to entice her to couple, had thrust first his tongue and then his nose into her sex. To her surprise she had clamped down and sucked in his head, and despite his frantic efforts to escape and her own astonishment the rest of him followed after. The overpowering orgasm that washed over her as his hips were pulled in forever spoiled her for any lesser form of mating. The male was less pleased, but three days later a ball of brown fur and some fragments of mostly dissolved bone appeared from her sex, and that was the end of him. She went on, transferring her attentions from sharp-fanged and -clawed fossa to lemur males. Typically she had to catch them and stuff part of them into her sex to get things started, but once in a while a foolish or particularly horny one would volunteer - with a bit of trickery to help him along, naturally. Feigning being trapped in a snare was only her newest stratagem.
There were drawbacks to her unique ability. Even when she mated with fossa and resisted the urge to suck them in, she never became pregnant. Most likely her stomach-like womb dissolved their seed before it could take root. How would a cub grow in there in any case? It seemed to her that a space able to dissolve a whole lemur or fossa would do the same to any cub. She would forever remain, if not a virgin, then at least barren.
Miary shrugged. If she couldn't have cubs to swell her belly, she had lemurs to do it instead. And perhaps someday she'd have cubs another way. She was bigger and stronger than any other fossa she'd met, male or female, and if something should happen to to a female with cubs - something like disappearing into the body of a larger, stronger female for example - well, someone would need to take care of that female's cubs.
For now she was content. In effect she had two stomachs, but though she often filled both, one meal was all that was needed to keep her happy. Miary curled up around the newest bulge in her midsection and dozed. With that, the tale of her latest victim came to an end. Even he, wary and terrified, had been unable to resist the urge to come close, and ultimately he'd provided her with both pleasure and a meal. The welts across her rump were a small price to pay. |
Hatred Chapter 7 by Wuffy01 | #7 of Hatred Guess where my school it :p and no! not the shitty side of town... it's an A school in Colorado springs! :p no stalkies :/ not that i really give a damn Why... and i telling u guys this?? eh oh well :) - Hatred Chapter 7 --Daren-- I pin my ears up hearing the bell ring. "Well, who | [
"Strip club",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464071-hatred-chapter-7 | Hatred Chapter 7
I pin my ears up hearing the bell ring. "Well, who could that be? Prolly some girl scouts wanting me to buy their cookies..." I grunt as I get up and head for the door, hearing another ring. "I'm coming I'm coming hold your horses" I grumble as I reach for the door knob opening it "Ye-.... Oh my God.. Alex? Is that you?" I said, quickly opening the door for them.
"Hey Daren... long time no see..." Alex said, giving me a tight hug making me lose my balance.
I grunt and hug him back, pecking his head. "Why didn't you come by sooner? Been busy with you mate?" I said, looking over at the White Fox as he blushed.
"Hehe... yes s-sir" The fox said, blushing a bit.
"Hehe, please call me Daren" I said, letting go of the hug and closing the door. "So what have you been up to... and how have you been dealing with... your parents"
"Well... good, relieved a lot of stress in my life... but I have a problem, and I'm truly sorry... I just could not handle what you said all those years ago..." He said, looking into my eyes for forgiveness.
"What do you mean hun?... who is this person really?" He asked looking up at me with a smirk.
I smirk back at the Fox and walk into the living room, sitting down "Well Mr. Fox, I'm the person who saved your dear mate here" I point to Alex as he nods.
"How?" He asked again.
"Well, I found his lying, bloody, broken body next to a wall... and I offered my hand to help him out.. and What's your name son?" I answered back to him, shuffling in the couch getting more comfortable.
"My name is Anthony and thank you for saving him" Anthony replied back and smiled over at Alex.
"Anyways... I came here to talk to you about something serious..." Alex replied, taking a long gulp "A-and first off... you're like the father I never had....... A-and that... I I can't stop killing... when I killed my dad and mum... I felt really really happy, bu- but was scared on the inside of what my dad said..." He said, tears rolling down his face in disappointment.
I open my maw to say something but nothing comes out. I slowly get up and hug Alex tightly again as he cry's into my shoulder. "I-I always saw you as a son... a-and I... Really don't know what else to say. I thought you everything you need to know if killing your parent doesn't satisfy you" I continue to pet him slowly as he cries into my shoulder.
"Th-thank for all the help Daren" He said, smiling up at me. "I really needed it"
"You're welcome pup, and remember if you need help with anything, please don't be afraid to drop by" I replied, rubbing his head fur a bit.
*A-am I jealous of this Daren person?? I-I mean, I know he helped Alex and all... but he doesn't have to... I don't know* -sighs- "L-love.. can we go..... Please?..." I spoke out weakly, looking up at him.
"If you wish love" He said clearing his tears and pulling away from Daren, thanking him for everything.
We said our good-bye's and left the house. I got into the car and grumbled a little, frustrated.
"What's wrong love?" He asked me.
I looked up at him and clipped in my seatbelt as he pulled off. "I don't like that Daren person that's all... I don't know why, but I just don't" I replied, looking up at him.
"Well... I'm sorry to hear that hun.. but.... I have a surprise for you.
He smiled at me and continued to drive.
"What is it?" I asked, wagging my tails happily.
"Well, let's go home and find out shall we?" *I really need to fucking kill someone... it's been driving me insane!* I screamed in my head *I prolly should knock him out cold... he won't remember a thing!* I smiled as I continued to drive home, thinking how I should kill my next victim...
I pulled up the driveway and parked the car. I slowly got out and headed inside the house, followed by Anthony.
We got inside and that's when I pulled out a syringe and quickly stuck it in my mates' neck, I injected the serum into him and he was out cold in second. \_"\_I'm really sorry love... I just hope you'll understand one day... at least I'll be coming home safe" I smiled down on the limp body and picked him up, bringing him upstairs and tucking him in the bed. I walked back downstairs and into the car, where I headed out somewhere, anywhere, so I can kill someone.
I arrived at the bad side of town, well not really, it's just where all the homeless people are, trying to find a quick pay to get food, drugs and shit like that... "Excuse me... sir... "I rolled down my window and yelled at him to get his attention. "I seem to be lost... do you know where I can find a pub?" I asked, looking up and the Male Lion.
"Yea, it's down the road to the left" The Lion said, pointing the way. "Oh... and can I come with you, I need a few beers myself" He said, approaching my car.
"Um... sure I don't see why not" I opened the door for him so he can get in and quickly peel off toward the pub.
"So... if you don't mind me asking... why d- are you homeless?" I asked, staring at him cautiously with the corner of my eye.
"I just really fucked up at work is all... hehe, I got fired for banging the bosses daughter... she was a tight bitch" He replied, snickering at the thought.
"Oh... well... that sucks, sorry mate" I grinned back at him, pulling the car to a stop as we arrive at the pub.
"What brings you here?" The Lion asked, eyeing me curiously
"I just needed to get away from everything that's all... had a rough week and need to wash it down"
"I hear ya" He Lion said, getting out of the car and into the pub.
I got out too and locked my car, following him into the pub."Whatcha say... Drinks on me?" I smile at the soon to be... nonexistent lion.....
"Not like I have any money on me" He said, empting his pockets.
We sat down at the bar as I ordered an entire bottle or Whiskey and Rum, of course with his ID. After an hour of drinking, and having fun. I actually forgot about killing this guy, he's alright... for now...
"W-wh-whatcha s-say we l-leave this p-place and head to me place" I asked struggling to get up.
"Su-sure man" The Lion replied, standing up and heading out the door with me.
We arrive at the car as I fumble for the keys, trying to get the damn thing to open. "Y-you know \*hic\* they... they say not to... to drive drunk.. but FUCK EM! We don't have forever... t-to live" I said laughing as I finally got the car unlocked and sat in, followed by the Lion as I started the car.
"Ha! T-true that Wolf" He replied back, not caring to even buckle his seatbelt in, showing his protest.
I did the same as I pulled the car back and drove home, trying to keep control of the car. We listened to Skillet- Monster on 94.3. Since this was Colorado... there were again no cops on the road.... They'll be no cops for like a month, then one day... BOOM tons of cops everywhere... it's happens every time... and I just fucking love it! I pulled up my driveway and got out the car, slamming the door shut.
"Lion.. u still drunk?" I said smiling up at him. \_ Luckily I only had 3 shots... my drunk "friend" on the other hand had like... 8... \_
"Shit.. y-you have a huge f-fucking house Wolf" The Lion replied, amazed at the size of my house.
"Well, thank you... and please, call me Alex" I replied back, grabbing my keys and opening the door quietly. \_ I hope the Anthony is still asleep... I did give him a double dosage of the sleepies\_. I thought as I entered the house, the Lion following right behind me.
"Call me Sky" He smirked at me, as he entered the house.
"Hehe... a Lion named Sky... now that, I have not heard of before" I replied, heading downstairs, making sure Sky follows me the entire way. \_ Oh now I remember... I need to kill him.... But.... I had a fun night with him.... Should I? M-maybe I should say something...\_
"Yea, well... you can thank my Mom and Dad for that" He replied, sitting down on my bed.
"I... I'm Gay" I said, leaning against the door glaring at him.
"What? Like Gay Gay or happy Gay?" Sky said smirking at me, obviously not pleased.
"Gay Gay" I replied back, still not moving from my spot. *If this Lion is cool with it.. then next time I'm just going to go to the strip club next to our school to pick someone up.* **(And yes... we literally have a strip club right down the road from our school... also a liquor store..... and a 7-11, Sonic, McDonalds, Skate City... just across the street from my school... and I should stop ranting because I'm guessing you don't really care... well maybe about the Strip C- Annyywaaays back to ze story!)**
"Oh... well... um.... I-I don't mean to ruin your day even more... but... i-I gotta.. erm go" Sky said, getting up quickly and moving toward the door.
"Why in such a hurry my friend?" I said in a Indian accent, blocking the door.
"Please... get out of my way...." He said again, moving closer to me.
"And it I don't?" I replied back pushing him onto the ground and pinning him down.
"J-just please... let me go... t-thank for the night and all just I'm so-" I cut Sky off as I clamped his muzzle shut with my paws. I grabbed a leash and tied his hands and feet shut, not getting any restraining at all. I let go of his muzzle so he can talk.
"Why?" Is all he said, still not struggling one bit.
*I fucking hate it when they don't struggle... It makes the killing even more fun like that GRR.* I Smirk down at the tied down Lion and open my muzzle to speak. "I... really really had the urge to kill someone today... so I went about town hoping to find someone that's a Homophobe..."
"You know... just because I have to leave and stamper doesn't mean I'm a homophobe kid... and FYI I really don't give a shit what you do to me... I've had a fun day today... you showed me that life can still be fun, even with all the hardships I've been through... but hey, whatever... if you get a kick out of it... go right fucking ahead, I'm not going to stop you"
*W-what?... D-did he just... Did he just give himself up? Like... he almost accepts it?* I continue to stare at him as he continues to talk.
"And! If you do kill me.. what good will that do? You'll be happy for what? A week give or take? You're just going to continue with this.... But! If you let me live, I can show u who to kill... and I have a lot of people I despise" Sky said, breathing deeply and looking up at me.
I just stared at him not moving an inch. *Is he fucking serious? I mean... if I do.... He could just turn on me and kill me instead... or he can actually go with our deal as I can kill more people, and actually have FUN with it.* I slowly nodded my head and undid the leash, setting him free.
"Thank you" He said, getting up slowly. "Now... person number one..."
"Wait... so.. you want me to kill people you hate?" I asked, sounding curious.
"Exactly... come on... you'll know you'll like it" He replied smiling up at me.
"Umm... okay... g-guess we can do it tomorrow then... you can sleep I the guest bedroom, there's a bathroom there, shower, spare toothbrush whatever" I said pointing him to the room and grabbing the leash in my paws. *Lately, things have not been going so well... guess I can actually kill tomorrow... I hope, or someone is just going to drop dead.*
"Thank you... it's been awhile since I slept in a real bed" He said, walking to his room.
I sighed and headed upstairs and into my bedroom, where I stripped down and flopped down beside the bed next to my Mate, holding onto him tightly as I slowly drifted off to sleep. |
Moon on a Dark Night by nightfang12 | The sun was nearly setting, filling the blue sky with a mixture of warm colors and just down the long road, there was a black wolf, name Night, riding into town on his horse. He was about a mile or so from the town, when he felt a sharp blow to his head and fell off his horse slaming into the ground | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10077-moon-on-a-dark-night | The sun was nearly setting, filling the blue sky with a mixture of warm colors and just down the long road, there was a black wolf, name Night, riding into town on his horse. He was about a mile or so from the town, when he felt a sharp blow to his head and fell off his horse slaming into the ground and passes out.
He reawoke many hours later from the cold rain from the storm that might have started not to long ago. He slowly sat up and rubed the back of his head and felt a bump where the object hite him. Struggling to his feet, trying not to slip and fall in the pile of mude in which he layed in, he soon relized that someone has run-off with his wallet and worse yet, his horse is gone to. It might have been stolen by the same basterd that took his money or just run off after his master sliped off it and hit the ground. He looked around trying to figure out where he was then figured that he was on the same road as before he was knocked-out. He started walking down the road, rubbing his arms too keep warm but the rain and the cool winds didnt make it easy for him.
After walking down the road for over an hour, Night finaly came across a town where he walked up to the closes inn that he he saw. Opening the door, Night slowly steps in and closes the door behind him and walks up to the countier. Behind the countier was a hug dovermen that was twice the size of Night and was reading a magazine. Hearing Night walk up to him, the dovermen sets the magazine aside, stands up and smiles that scared Night alittle. "How may I help you for today sir?" says the dovermen giving Night another scary smile. Shivering, and barly able to speak, Night respons softly, "Mm..ma..may I h..have a ro..room plaese?"
"Certinly sir!" says the dovermen so loud that it made Night jump back, "How many nights will u be staying with us?" "Ju...just o...one" "OK then," shouts the dovermen prodly, "that will be $26.97 pluse tax!" "Ohh,...I'm sorry, I d...dont have a..an..any money"
The smile went away from the dovermens face as fast as it came. "What?" "I said that I d..dont have any m..money to g..give y..you now. I was ro...robbed a cupple miles up the road. But if u just let me stay here for one night, i promish that Ill pay u back." "Pay me back?" he shouts again but louder now, "Pay me back how? With more damn mude all over my clean floor?!"
Night looks over his shoulder seeing that he left muddy footprints that lead from the door to where he is standing. He looks back at the dovermen, "I'm realy sorry about that. If you please let me stay here for tonight, i promish I'll clean that up for you. I'll even clean all the floors in this inn for you" giving the dovermen a weak smile.
"I dont need your help with that, thats what our maides are for and take that stupide smile off your face and get your ugly face out of my inn"
"But..," "OUT!!!" he shouts even louder and points to the door.
"Now realy Rex, thats no way to treat a poor helpless cub like that. "Keep out of this!" snarls Rex, "or I'll throw you out as well!" Night looks over and first thought that he was looking at a spirit then relized that it was a beutiful white wolf, wearing a short black skirt and a red top standing next to the fireplace and Night woundered how he didnt notice her there before. She walks over to Night and rest her paw on his shoulder and whispers in his ear "You can stay with me if you wont." Shocked to hear that a beutiful wolf like her help someone like him that he couldnt even speak, not even say yes and just nodded his head. Giving alittle smirk, she looks back at Rex, "May we have our room key please?" "Of course" snarles Rex again as he handed her a key with the number 32C written ontop of it. "Thank you hun," she says as she takes the key with one paw and uses the other to grab one of Nights paws and they start heading up the stairs as Night hears Rex cursing under his breath.
They walked up the stairs, made a left and walked at the end of the hall where thier room was. the white wolf pulls out the key and unlocks the door and they step in. In the room, they saw that there were two larg window on the other side of the room that showed that it was still raining outside, a open door that shows it was the bathroom and one queen-size bed that was right in front of them.
"Mind if we share a bed?" ask the white wolf. Night looks down at the ground and blushes alittle, "N.n..no. I d...do.don't m..mind." She giggles at his studerness. "Thats good. Theres a bathroom over there" she points to the open door, "why dont you go and get yourself cleaned up." Slitly nods his head and walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.
Night turns on the water in the shower and takes his cloths off as he waits for it to get warm enough and steps in. Rubbing every inch of his body, making sure to get all the mud off of him, Night frezzes as he hears a lovly song being song by the white wolf in the other room. Mesmerised by her beutiful voice, it took him about 15 min. to for him to remember of what he was suspose to be doing in the shower.
Turning off the water and stepping out of the shower, Night grabs a towl and dries himself best he could and wraps the towl around his waist befor stepping out of the bathroom. He steps out of the bathroom and sees that the white wolf was standing in front of one of the windows and it was open. He slowly walked up behind her to get a look outside and sees that the storm has finaly cleared up and the skys where clear and the white moon was out shining on them both.
"Its beutiful isnt it?" she ask Night as he wraps his arms around her waist and wishpers in her ear "Yes it is." "I just love the moon when its out," she says as turns around and looks at him straight in the eye, "it just so calm and peaceful up there, not having to worry about a thing" "I know what mean" he leans over and kissing her for what seem like hours under the moonlight as Night slides off her skirt and top and feels her tossing his towl aside as they make thier way to the bed.
The white wolf pushes Night on the bed and she pounces on him having her legs between his head and leaning over to lick the tip of his stealth. Night moans as he feels the wolfs toung sliding aroung his stealth and getting stiffer. He places his paws on her hips and uses it to lift himself up and lick her vagina. Moving his tound all around and in her, Night didnt wont to stop tasting her because it was the most delisouse thing that he has ever tasted in his life. Night sqeese on her hips as he felt that she got a firm grip of his stealth with her muzzle and slides her mouth up and down getting him more hard and longer and was at about 8inch.
She then lets go of his stealth and turns around and looks at him, "I see that you are well equiped, but how does it run?" But before he could answer her, she was already putting his stealth between her legs and Night feels the very tip of it go inside her. Gabing onto the sheets as his rock-hard stealth goe inside her, she stops halfway and says, "Ohh, I think i can't handle this!" Night puts his paws on each side of her waist and responds, "Ohh yes you can" and he slams her down forcing his stealth to go all the way in her and she gives a scream of pleasure as she hops up and down on him, riding him like a stallon. Night feeling the pressure build up inside him as he encourges her to go faster with his paws still on her hips, he feels the beads of sweet flying off her chest and onto his face and uses his toung to lick it off.
The ride getting harder and faster, Night feeling the pressure increasing knowing that he is about to cum, he lets out a hug howl as his seeds shoot out and everywhere. Feeling the pressure of his seeds build up inside her, the white wolf falls over and lies next to him as the last of his seeds shoots out.
"That was great hun, you have certinaly have earn this room." She leans up and gives him a goodnight kiss and nuzzles her head into his chest and wraps a arm around him and both falling asleep under the beams of light of the moon.
Early next morning, Night awoke finding himself alone in the bed. Looking around to see where the white wolf went, all he could find was his wallet sitting ontop of a letter adressed to him sitting on the pillow next to him. Night opens the letter and reads:
Dear Hun, Thanks for a great time last night, I just know you would be as I spotted you on the road. Sorry about knocking you out, but how ealse was I gonna get you to meet me? Hope that your head is alright, I tried not to hit u too hard. I gave u back your wallet because I dont need it anymore and I promise you that I didnt take any- thing out of it ecept one of your pictures to remember you. Till me meet again, bye hun! Love, Moonlight |
Beastlands - Chapter 7, The Trial by BigFurryMonster | "She seems to be alright for now, we're keeping her comfortable." Gheld said reassuringly as Jorin sat down near Tora and ran his dexterous fingers through her hair. "She wanted you badly and normally we don't allow visitors but in this case we can make an exception." "What happened?" Jorin looked | [
"Character Development",
"Story Progression",
"Story Series",
"Violence (Not In Yiff)"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97692-beastlands-chapter-7-the-trial | "She seems to be alright for now, we're keeping her comfortable." Gheld said reassuringly as Jorin sat down near Tora and ran his dexterous fingers through her hair. "She wanted you badly and normally we don't allow visitors but in this case we can make an exception."
"What happened?" Jorin looked up at Gheld and then put his attention back to Tora. Leaning down he put his lips on her cheek and was surprised to find that her skin was cold and somewhat clammy to the touch.
"It's a long story Jorin but I know she means a lot to you." Gheld sat down on the bench near him and sighed, leaning back against the wall. "Tora was attacked last night by the night watch; they attempted to have their way with her. Luckily I got here in time to stop them. Before you lose your temper remember they are the watch and you are just a guest in our city. Anyway I brought my sister here last night to see if Tora could cure her. Her magic would not work so she pulled the sickness into herself."
"Why?" Jorin whispered softly to no one in particular. "Why must she be made to suffer more? She's done nothing to anyone in fact she's saved more lives in her short years than a crowd of people would do in their entire lifespan."
"I'm sorry Jorin, I didn't want this and neither did my sister." Gheld hung his head down and sighed.
"Please don't die Tora, I need you." Jorin whispered as he began to cry regardless of the press of women around him. "Lyris please watch over your child, she doesn't deserve this."
"I need to speak to you Gheld, do you have a minute?" Jorin wiped his eyes of the tears and sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I need your influence to make this right."
"Come with me." Gheld stood up and led Jorin out of the open cell door, turning to Rina who returned to her seat near Tora. "Take care of her Rina, we'll be in the next room if anything happens."
"I will." Rina replied with a nod.
Gheld led Jorin into the common room and they sat at one of the unoccupied tables near the wall. Jorin tried to steady himself as best he could and leaned forward, dropping his voice to a whisper. "We need your help; I've gathered the remaining clergy and we plan on trying to find these cultists and purging them from the city. The problem is we need this sanctioned by the city and a little assistance in the way of guardsmen would be nice also."
"This is a large undertaking Jorin, and with Tora down for the count and in jail I'm not sure that it's such a wise idea." Gheld replied with a shake of his head. "She's your main hope of identifying members of the cult and combating their leader."
"It's widely known that you have a hybrid in your jail, Tora is in danger here. I think you should double the guard and help us with this crusade or there will be no end." Jorin paused for a moment before he continued and looked away from Gheld to the rest of the guards in the station. "We're going on with this tonight with our without the city's help so make your decision soon."
With that Jorin stood up and left Gheld to his thoughts, heading back into the jail cell so he could bid farewell to Tora before heading back to the church. It pained him to exclude her from this but she was unwell and in jail so he had decided to take action not long after she had been taken. When he walked back into the room he remembered that the cell was closed again so he turned and returned to the guardroom to find Gheld heading in himself. Jorin stepped out of the way and allowed the Inquisitor to open the cell for him. "Thank you."
"I'll think on what you said Jorin but gathering the masses takes a lot more than just a few pretty words." Gheld said with a shrug.
"You'd do better gathering just a few trusted agents than trying to muster the entire guard. They had a captain on their pay from what Tora told me." Rina said before either of them could talk any further. "How many more would be on their payroll if they can afford a captain?"
"She has a point." Jorin nodded as he sat back down next to Tora and put his hand on her cheek for a moment. Her skin was still cold and sweaty; it was obvious she was battling something fierce inside of herself. "You'll pull through this, I know you will Tora. You've always been the stronger of the two of us, ever since we were kids. You can't let this be your final chapter."
"She spoke highly of you brother." Rina said from across the cell near the door. "I can tell you both have much love for each other, such stories can't end in tragedy."
"I can only hope that you're right." Jorin stood up and headed for the door, casting one final glance at the fitfully slumbering woman.
"Inquisitor Gheld, my sentence ends soon. Would you allow me to accompany Jorin as a remainder of my terms?" Rina suggested as Jorin walked past her with his red hair swishing around his face and ears. "Caley can look after Tora until we return."
"Make it so then." Gheld agreed with a nod as he closed the door behind the two of them. "I'll spread the word among my most trusted guards and see what I can come up with Jorin but I make no promises."
"That's all I can ask for honestly." Jorin clasped hands with the remarkable human and met his gaze for just a moment. They parted leaving Rina trailing behind him and Jorin looked over at her for a second when they walked through the outer door unhindered. "Why would you do such a thing?"
"Tora offered me a kindness no one else has ever extended to me." Rina collected her belongings from the guard shack at the doors and continued on walking beside him. "She offered me hope without asking for anything in return. I am not one to let a favor go unreturned, I figure if I watch your back we'd be even."
"She'd not ask for anything in return though." Jorin said with a shrug. "But I thank you for your support."
"I don't usually make it a point to get into fights between gods and faiths and all that but I suppose I need to show some sort of effort before I'll be accepted into the faith." Rina laughed at his look of surprise. "Yeah she appointed my sister and I to initiates last night?"
"She can do that?" Jorin asked with genuine surprise.
"Yeah, she's the highest ranking member of the faith; even the mightiest of priests would have problems debating her decisions." Rina elaborated. "And here I thought I was atheistic. You travel with someone as important as Tora and you know squat about her faith?"
"I'm just the bodyguard." Jorin grinned ear-to-ear. "We have much to do before tonight so let's get busy do you know anyone that would be willing to join up?"
"Unfortunately not, but I do know a few girls who may be willing to part with some information for a few coins though." Rina grinned at him and held out her hand. "How much money do you have?"
Rina's search had definitely turned up some valuable information about the comings and goings in the shady side of the city. Jorin was surprised with her tenacity and connections so he felt confident at her place at his side as he led her into the gates of the church grounds. Several of the clergy were talking in groups and most of them looked as if they were preparing for a journey instead of daily prayer and duties. Of everyone in the church's fifty eight members twenty four had come forth to assist him in finding and flushing out the cultists. Several of them were young and eager but also inexperienced and for a moment he wondered what he had gotten himself into. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for an expedition of this caliber."
"You'll do fine Jorin, you're pretty handy on the street I can see why Tora loves you so much." Rina gave him a pat on the shoulder and motioned to the gathered clerics. "Don't keep them waiting."
Jorin walked into the center of them and looked around. "Is this everyone?"
"Yes sir, we've gathered everyone who is willing to help." The oldest and highest ranked cleric said as she stepped forward and clasped hands with Jorin. "We're ready to assist you in any way we can."
"Good." Jorin took a good look around him and met the eyes of every cleric present and for a moment he wondered what to do, what to say to them. A good number of them might not come back depending on the cult's numbers and since they would most likely not be getting any assistance from the city their taks was all the harder. An image of his father speaking at city hall came to mind and he smiled. This voice was merely a whisper as he thanked his father for those demonstrations; he'd never thought that his father speaking or lecturing him would come in handy.
"You've all come forth to assist us in ridding the city of these loathsome cultists that follow a vile lord. The Lifebringer would be proud to see you all gathered together for the cause and the faith." Jorin made sure to look at all of them as he spoke, they were all putting themselves on the line for a Lifebringer that no one had known existed until recently. "Lyris himself will look down on us and nod his head in approval as we carve the necrotic flesh from the wounds of this mighty city. You'll all go down in history as the few who were willing to stand up and cleanse the evil from your home! It is your faith and courage that will ensure our victory!"
The cheer that erupted around him surprised Rina more than Jorin but not by much. It seemed he had gained his father's propensity for public speaking and crowd rallying. When the cries to Lyris, Jorin, even the new Lifebringer Tora died down Jorin was surprised to hear someone clapping from gate of the church. "Gheld!"
"A fine speech my friend." Gheld said as he entered the grounds of the church followed by six guardsmen and one battlemage. "I heard you're looking for recruits to your cause."
"Aye, any help is appreciated." He put his hand on Gheld's shoulder and smiled.
"Good, you won't mind us coming along then!" Gorosh said jovially as he, Eddy, Josh, and James followed the rest of the guard into the church grounds. "We all owe Tora a debt of gratitude, especially Josh. If not for her he'd be digesting in the belly of a carrion worm right now."
"Thank you." Jorin said to them as well as he surveyed the group again. "We know the rats hide in the sewers and from what I hear they've built a chapel in the depths below us. From what Rina was able to gather it is very close to this church. Now the tunnels below us will only allow four or less to fight shoulder to shoulder with room to swing so unless someone has a better idea I suggest that we split up into three groups and each take one section of the sewers so that we can cover more ground."
"You'd trust the word of harlots and thieves?" One cleric said disdainfully as he glanced at Rina then back at Jorin.
"I'd trust the word of someone who's been on the streets and knows the hardships of life." Jorin replied to that without taking a moment to think. "Rina is an initiate, blessed and ordained by the Lifebringer herself."
"My apologies." The speaker said quickly and bowed his head. "Forgive me, I'm just nervous."
"Don't worry about it." Rina replied, winking at him. "You're cute enough to forgive easily."
Jorin chuckled at the young man's look of embarrassment and continued. "I'm not sure where they may have built this chapel but it will have to be in a relatively secluded section of the sewer system, I'm sure they wouldn't want anyone stumbling in on them unannounced."
"Wait." Gheld said as he held up his hand and regarded Jorin. "I know where they might be."
"What?" Jorin turned to him looking for an explanation.
"I've had time to think about extensively since we've talked last. When this city was built there were several reservoirs in the sewer systems that were designed to help drain the pipes in times of flood. During the wet season flooding is a danger to all districts by the river." Gheld pulled a blank parchment and a stick of charcoal from his pack and began sketching something down. "There's one not far from the church as a matter of fact. A few years back we had to close it off because the city had ordered some extra work to be done; there was something wrong with the drain mechanism. That would be a perfect place to set up shop."
"As good a place as any to start." Jorin agreed with a nod. "Do you know how to get there?"
Dark had settled in and the city was quiet but no one would hinder a procession thirty five strong. The entrance Jorin, Rina, and Gheld had chosen wasn't far from the church itself but they had to walk around several buildings to get there. Along the way they got stares from local night owls and guards alike but Gheld being there provided them with the comfort of no questions asked. As they turned the last corner into what looked like an oft-traveled alleyway Jorin had a gut feeling that they were on track.
The three of them were considered to be the leaders so they had opted to split the group into three teams. Jorin's group consisted of two guardsmen, eight clerics, James, Gorosh, and Jorin himself and they entered the sewers first. The drainage system in question was located at a four way junction so each group could approach from their own angle. He trusted Gheld implicitly and though he didn't know Rina he knew that Tora trusted her so he in turn respected her judgment. He descended first and surveyed the tunnels around them. His eyes and Rina's worked near-perfectly in the dark as opposed to the eyes of humans so she followed him down and the two of them crept forward into the shadows each in one of the two directions of the large sewer pipe. The only illumination provided to them was the occasional grate with light from the twin moons filtering through.
After scouting through the initial entrance tunnel the both of them returned from their respective sides and Rina climbed back up the ladder affixed to the side of the stone and gave the rest of them the signal to descend. It took a while for everyone to pile down into the tunnel but once they were all in they split into their designated groups and went their separate ways. Jorin and his group had opted to take the temple head-on so they walked slowly toward their goal. Although he tried to keep himself outwardly cool he was shaking like a leaf inside, he'd never done anything like this before. Looking back on his days of stalking his friends through the forest as a child he was quite sure this type of endeavor, while similar, would be more deadly. A hand on his shoulder made him jump just a little until he realized it was just James trying to steady him.
"You're doing fine my boy." James whispered to him and nodded before leaning back toward Gorosh and drawing his weapon.
Jorin did the same and everyone behind him from the guardsmen to the clerics followed in suit. He stared down at his twin daggers for a moment as butterflies fluttered around somewhere between his stomach and bowels. Taking a deep, but unsurprisingly fetid, breath he led them toward the turn in the pipe and crouched down to peer around the corner. Gheld had been right; the cult was in the indicated location. There were two guards holding long halberds waiting at the end of the short junction in front of a sealed metal hatch. Ducking back around the corner he nodded to those present and all of them stood in tense silence waiting for their queue to attack.
It was almost a nervous tick for Jorin to peer back around the corner at the two stationary men time and time again as they waited. It seemed to him that eons slipped by until he heard Rina scream bloody murder at the top of her lungs. He grinned when the two guards looked at each other and the one on the left walked away to investigate the noise. After counting to five Jorin rushed around the corner toward the remaining guard hoping that the cleric on Gheld's team had done his job properly. The remaining guard attempted to sound an alarm but his the entire tunnel had fallen supernaturally quiet.
Immediately the guard turned and began opening the hatch using the wheel in the center of the round door but Jorin was the quicker. He flung his magical dagger out in front of him praying that its magic would help him yet again. When the guard crumpled to the floor in a heap a wave of relief untied the knot in his chest. Right on queue both of the other groups met him at the junction with Rina's group carrying an undoubtedly dead guard in their arms. Jorin quickly retrieved his dagger but didn't bother to clean it; it would see more action before the night was through.
Jorin again was the first through the hatch; he opened it slowly because the silence spell had worn off and flinched when the door squealed loudly. Luckily no one was in the immediate vicinity of the hatch. Just inside he surveyed their cache of stored weapons and armor quickly then stepped into the room. It looked to him like they had converted the spillway into an entrance and erected a door just inside of it to conceal the chapel itself. His sensitive ears picked up a light chanting coming from beyond it.
The feeling in his stomach did not lessen even as his comrades piled in behind him and began inspecting the side passages and the small chambers at each end. To his left Rina was obviously eye-molesting the goods that the cult had gathered while squeezing what they could out of the city. He nudged her with an elbow and shook his head when she pulled a weapon out of the pile and began inspecting it more.
When she nudged him back and tossed him a long gauntlet-looking contraption he arched an eyebrow until he saw the hilt of a small blade sticking out of one of the slots on the item. Getting her drift he strapped the arm piece on and sheathed his good dagger, pulling the concealed dagger out of his sleeve to replace it. His surprise was genuine when another one appeared to replace it and the other three slots in the leather item filled with similar daggers seemingly out of the air. A thump to his ear caused him to scowl at Gheld and then lead them forward toward the door. Jorin put his ear against it and listened for a moment.
"Brothers and sisters our time is neigh, the hybrid Lifebringer has been imprisoned and placed under a minimal guard. With her pure blood we can begin the process of restoring our lord to his full glory!" A shrill voice shrieked at the supposedly gathered masses. "As we speak Painlord Garrik, our best agent is preparing an attack on the prison itself to get us this hybrid Tora Alanthia."
Jorin panicked and backed away from the door, grabbing Gheld and pulling him close. He whispered as quietly as he could. "They're going to attack the prison tonight; you have to alert the guardsmen on duty. They can't take Tora!"
Gheld nodded his consent and motioned for one of the guards that had accompanied him to approach. Once the instructions were relayed Gheld motioned toward the door and readied his weapon. Jorin gave him a nod and slowly opened the portal. Just beyond they could see one priest with his back to the door watching the sermon as a masked man below preached to no less than fifty priests of various ranks. Jorin pointed to Gheld and then at the guard and then hefted the dagger in his hand and pumped it as if he would throw it.
Gheld got the idea and nodded in return. When Jorin had the door open all the way the priest standing in front of them started to turn but it was too late. Gheld ran his blade through the unfortunate man and then kicked his body down the stairs. Jorin quickly followed up by throwing two of the daggers in his new brace straight at the preaching man. Once again time slowed down as the body of the dead cleric bounced down the stairs gaining the attention of all present. Jorin and Gheld lept down the small staircase and into the center of the drainage room clearing the dead man and charged forward behind the two airborne daggers as the rest of their force filtered into the room.
Having gained the element of surprise Jorin was happy to hear the high priest croak in pain and double over. Their attack had caused sufficient confusion for a large squad of clerics and a few guardsmen to charge into the room and the large chamber quickly erupted into a full out battle of spells and metal. Jorin and Rina fought side by side dodging and darting past opponents leaving them grasping at small wounds that quickly added up to larger hurts. Jorin wielded two daggers as his usual and Rina obviously favored the short sword she had picked up from the cult's makeshift armory.
The two of them traded off opponents as often as possible, Jorin's strikes came more frequently and Rina's strikes were harder and more efficient. The cultists proved to be quick to react; the initial confusion did not last long. Above all else Jorin heard the high priest chanting in some vile tongue and fought to break away from the ugly, pock-marked man in front of him so he could get a clear shot at the powerful man before he could finish his spell.
A flash of fire rocketed over his head from behind them and he turned to see the battlemage that had accompanied Gheld running through the motions of another spell. Once he was sure the priest was occupied he returned his full concentration to the battle at hand just in time to dodge the lumbering swing of a large warhammer that had targeted his head. Falling to one knee he drove his left blade forward and gouged the arm of the robust cultist hard enough to make him howl and drop his weapon. Jorin had never really gained the stomach for killing but he would do anything to protect Tora so he drove his long daggers forward and into the man's gut then pulled them apart effectively disemboweling the unfortunate fat priest. He allowed the man to topple forward and dodged through the crowd toward his real target. His size and speed were his allies as he avoided several cultists that apparently knew what he was after.
The press of people became easier to navigate as he reached the far end of the chamber. Jorin lept up and vaulted off of a cultist's back, falling to a crouch only a few feet away from the chanting man in the mask. Jorin could see the white-eyed man staring right at him and did not detect any fear; the old priest merely changed his target to the closest threat and continued chanting. Alarms went off in his head and he dove to the left just in time to avoid a spray of some sort of reeking liquid that came from the old man's outstretched hands. He continued the run as the priest began redirecting the spray at him and grinned broadly as a plan came to his mind.
Jorin danced out of the range of the spray and taunted the priest with insults until he elongated the acidic fan of liquid out in front of him. When he rolled to the left again and came back to his feet the two cultists behind him yowled in pain and began writhing on the ground attempting to get the burning liquid off of their backs. "You missed old man!"
"Insolent whelp!" He cried in response and dropped the spell. "I'll boil your blood where you stand!"
When the cleric began chanting again Jorin took the opportunity to break into a run headed right for him. Jorin's luck had run out, suddenly he became hot and his limbs were heavy. Unable to stand straight he fell to his knees and dropped the two daggers to the ground. His skin was turning a bright red and sweat beaded on his entire body as the magic of the spell began to take hold. Jorin fought against it and failed initially, dropping to his hands and knees just barely ten feet from the priest in his disgusting, dirty robe.
"That's right, kneel before your master!" He called out triumphantly as he continued to clasp his hands together in front of him and clench them as if he was trying to squeeze the life out of something. "Your thin blood is under my control."
Grimacing against the pain he lifted his arm slowly and put his hand on the new bracer. One of the light daggers slid from its sheath into his hand. Droplets of blood began pooling on the ground from his eyes, nose, and mouth. For a moment he was afraid but then he thought of Tora wasting away in a cell alone. Everything that had happened to them had been because of his man and his cronies. The blood in his eyes could not better match the rage in his heart as he pushed back against the offensive spell and sat back on his legs looking up at the angry priest.
"Impossible! Die you worm!" The priest spread his arms wide and began chanting again, slowing moving his arms together as he continued.
Jorin felt an explosion of warmth hit his mouth and coughed up a gout of blood before he mustered what strength he had left and let his dagger fly, hoping the random shot would hit its mark. He collapsed on the ground as the spell took over and his strength flew from his limbs.
Caley sat next to Tora silently, her sister had told her to take care of the kind woman and she had every intention to do just that. Gheld had returned after his sister left with Jorin and left two female guards at the door to watch over them in case something else were to happen in his absence. She sighed and looked out of the window, wondering where her sister was and what she was doing. The promise of leading a better life under the tutelage of the church was actually a pleasant thought to her; it would mean she could spend more time with her sister which is all that she wanted. Caley sighed when she thought of their lives up to this point. After their father had been killed in an incident involving a nobleman's wife they'd been left to fend for themselves. Rina had always followed in the more promiscuous footsteps their father had left but it pained Caley to see her sister doing such things just so the two of them could eat.
As she sat there lost in her thoughts she looked down at Tora. The poor girl was sweating profusely and breathing heavily, her skin was skill cold to the touch and she was shivering so much Caley was surprised she hadn't fallen off of the bench.
"No." Tora breathed in a whisper. "Jorin."
"Hey it's alright Tora." Caley said soothingly, running her fingers through Tora's sweat-soaked hair. "Don't worry about Jorin, he'll be fine because Rina is looking after him now. Go back to sleep and get some rest."
A commotion outside of the building drew her ears and she looked around at the other girls who looked equally concerned. One of the two guards at the entrance of their cell walked into the common room and shut the door behind her to see what the noise was. Caley looked down at Tora then at the closed door. "Girls I need a hand please, we need to get Tora's robe off."
"What?" The oldest of the group said questioningly. "Why would we do that?"
"Because I'm going to put it on and take her place." Caley replied to her as she stood up and began removing her clothing. "Guard you may want to sound the alarm."
"I'm sure someone would have sounded it if there were a commotion, just settle down in there." She replied in a nonchalant tone.
Caley didn't want to take the chance, with the help of two other girls she removed the sweaty robe from Tora and exchanged it for a long blanket to cover Tora's legs up. She ordered two of the other girls to sit at Tora's feet and try to conceal her as best they could as they leaned backwards against the wall and closed their eyes. Once she had the cold wet garment on her she pulled the hood up over her face and leaned against the wall, sitting down on the ground. "Not a word ladies."
She'd always had a nose for trouble and in this instance she wished she was wrong but when several armed priests and warriors burst into the room she knew she had been right. The guard surrendered without a fight and laid her arms down, backing away from the cell door. Caley marveled at the sheer cowardice of the act and scowled from under the hood. As the armed men approached and opened the door she shied away from them as if she was afraid. She showed genuine surprise when one of the armed men ran the guard through anyway and took her keys.
"You're coming with us wildblood." One of them said through cracked and rotten teeth as he unlocked the door and opened it. "Please resist, I'd love to give you a sound thrashing."
Caley was shivering not only for Tora's sake but because he was genuinely scared. She wondered where the bright idea to pose as Tora had come from as she approached the door and was lead out forcibly by the group of rough men. "You'll not get away with this, Jorin will come for me."
"I don't think so little lovely, you're ours now." The man hissed like a serpent rising out of the grass.
"Your breath reeks of ass and dead fish." Caley said as she turned her face away from the ugly man and held her breath trying not to gag. She received a hard slap across the face and she fell to the ground smiling under the hood as the man berated the lesser priests for making fun of him. As they attempted to gather her up she went limp in their arms as if she was unconscious.
"Great Trinsk, just bleeding great, you knocked the little bitch out. Now we have to carry her to the Painlord." The larger of the men said with distain as he picked Caley up roughly and tossed her over his shoulder.
She was thankful that the robe was too tall for her because it covered her feet well when the man carried her out of the jailhouse and into the open yard. Daring to peek around she found that the yard was almost abandoned save for them. She wondered where all the guards had gone. As they walked toward the main gate she let her head hang limp again and was carried through to another group of priests including one loud bellowing man with a belly that looked as if he could carry twins or triplets. When he approached her and began barking orders she was scared out of her wits that she would be discovered and killed but it was apparent that they were in some sort of hurry.
"We have to get out of here before the main guard returns, the counselor can only do so much for us or he'll draw suspicion. Did you take care of the guards?" The tall white-haired man said quickly as they started walking away. She could only figure the leader nodded because he began speaking again. "Good, we're going to take the east river gate, it's faster."
Caley tried to devise a way to get out of the predicament and even as she thought about it she heard the grating of metal upon stone and figured they had reached the sewer entrance the priest had been talking about. Once a few of them had gone down the big priest lowered her down into the arms of another then took her back up onto his shoulder once he was down in the sewers with them. "Hey boss, do you think the High Prince will promote us when we present the Lifebringer?"
"He will have no choice but to promote us all." The older priest said with a nod. "Reenzich will smile down upon us when we present him the blood of the hybrid."
Caley heard a grunt of pain and dared to look out from under the hood to find the ugly fat man holding his head in pain. Several of them came to his aide and she put her head back down so no one noticed she was awake.
"Boss are you alright?" One of them said not far from her left side.
The volatile man cuffed the concerned priest on the side of his shoulder and pushed him along. "It's nothing, just pick up the pace you slackers, the High Prince is waiting and he is not a patient man!"
Caley almost sighed but she remembered herself and kept quiet. They walked for a long time until she heard a metallic squeal and the man carrying her stepped through a round doorway. The smell of the sewer was still strong in her nostrils she didn't know how these men could stand it day in and day out. A soft chanting greeted her though and she felt panic taking her stomach to new heights of discomfort. Resisting the urge to struggle and flee she hung there limp with the notion that she was about to be killed for impersonating Tora. She could think of no better way for her life to end though, she had done her part to make up for all the bad things she had done to survive.
"My lord, I present to you the Lifebringer Tora Alanthia!" The leader cried out as they entered a chapel and all of the chanting stopped.
For a moment time slowed down for her. Caley could see the room through the man's arm pit as he held her in place on his shoulder. All at once the priests seated in the pews stood and began cheering at the priest who walked triumphantly down the small flight of stairs. She was surprised though when the priests suddenly shed their robes and charged forward, taking the cultists by surprise.
She was dropped unceremoniously and quite painfully down on the steps and she took the time to crawl away from the priest until someone grabbed the hood of her robe and her hair and hauled her up to her feet.
"Stay back or I kill the Lifebringer!" The leader held a dagger near her throat and scowled at those present as the last of his priests were dispatched or detained. "I mean it!"
"If you hurt her Garrik I will gut you like a fish!" Jorin replied to him suddenly as he advanced slowly.
Caley met eyes with Rina and Jorin who wore instant looks of surprise. When the ugly man looked down at her she shrugged at his horrified look and elbowed him in the gut hard enough to get him to drop the dagger and dropped down through the loose robe, diving out of the reach of his fat bear-like arms. Rina rushed to her aid even as the priest made his hasty exit through the door behind him. "Hi guys, nice to see you again without the whole bars thing going on."
"Caley I could kiss you!" Jorin rushed forward and hugged the girl tight in his arms then put her back out at arm's length. "Is Tora safe?"
"Yeah she's still sleeping in the cell." Caley grinned wickedly and shrugged a little. "You can't have all the fun without me now can you?"
Tora's eyes fluttered open and she shied away from the bright light shining right on her face. With a sigh she looked around at her surroundings and found Jorin sleeping in a chair not far from her bed. Her smile was weak but genuine as she took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Good morning."
"Tora!" Jorin cried as he veritably fell out of the chair and knelt down beside her before taking her into his arms and dragging her into a tight hug. "By the gods I've been so worried about you!"
"Ugh, put me down you lout I'm still feeling sore." She said after wrapping her arms around him wearily. "Where are we?"
"We're back in the church." Jorin motioned around him with and smiled broadly. "So much has happened since you were knocked out I don't even know where to start."
"Well usually one would start at the beginning and when you get to the end you stop." She replied matter-of-factly and kissed his forehead as it wrinkled in mocked frustration. "Start with what happened after I passed out."
"Well I came back here and spoke with the priests; I encouraged them to help us purify the city of the cult. Luckily for me almost half of them agreed along with Gheld and a few of the guys from the caravan. We went down in the sewers and killed most of the priests and used their robes to set a trap for Painlord Garrik and his men. Unfortunately Garrik got away in the confusion." Jorin sat back down on the chair near her and pulled it closer. "Caley took your robe and posed as you when they came to the jail and tried to take you, Tora you should have been there to see Garrik's face when he found out he kidnapped the wrong girl!"
"Is everyone alright?" Tora said after digesting all of that.
"Amazingly enough no one died, however we had quite a few wounded that needed to be taken care of." Jorin said with a bright smile. When the door opened and Rina and Caley entered both wearing the robes of an initiate he called to them. "Tora's awake!"
"Tora!" Caley said loudly as she rushed forward and clapped her hands excitedly. "We were so worried; Jorin hasn't left your side for even a minute."
"Glad to see you're okay Tora." Rina said from the doorway as she leaned against the wall and smiled at the sight.
"You look much better in those robes than you did in that skimpy clothing." Tora replied while admiring the cut of the custom-tailored robe Rina had apparently altered herself. It showed a little more arm and chest than the usual robe and it was a bit tighter but it looked good on Rina. "Did you do the alterations on your own?"
"Caley did it actually." Rina said with a nod. "I didn't like how big and bulky they felt so I had her cut it down to something more manageable. Several of the priestesses are against it of course, saying it's against the normal regulation garb but I didn't see anything written in the tenants of faith saying we couldn't alter our wardrobe a little."
"I like it; I just wish I could wear one myself." Tora said with a smile.
"I can make you one, you are staying right?" Caley piped in before anyone else could speak. "You'd look so pretty in one of those!"
"Staying?" Tora echoed incredulously.
"Jorin didn't tell you?" Rina said with a shake of her head and a laugh.
"Tell me what?" Tora asked as she looked over at him.
"I was saving it as a surprise but the magistrate went to the city council and asked them to pardon you for your heroic effort in saving the city's residents from the cult and their diseases." Jorin put a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "They wish to personally welcome you into the city and clear your name of any wrong doing. Your plan to exterminate the cult and bring them out of hiding by getting caught worked beautifully."
"What? I was in a cell the whole time!" Tora looked over at Jorin in wonderment, he had single-handedly cleared her name and done all the work and he was willing to give her the credit. "I can't take credit for your deeds Jorin!"
"No one but us knows it wasn't you but the four of us in this room." Rina said with a grin as she indicated Caley and Jorin with a nod. "You can and you will take credit for it, the wheels have already begun turning."
"You all did this for me?" She said through a few tears and a sniffle.
"That's what friends do for each other." Rina said as she turned to leave the room. "Caley we have a sermon to attend, come on."
"That's not for another half hour." She whined in complaint until Rina shot her a look. "Oh, right, right! Okay we'll see you guys later!"
Once the two of them left Tora tried hard to dry up her tears and stop crying but it went on for a few moments longer. When Jorin reached up and brushed the tears from her cheeks it almost made her cry again but she smiled and kissed the tips of his fingers instead. "I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you for doing this."
"Well, for starters you can get better soon." He said as her took her hand in his and smiled right back at her. "You're so beautiful when you're happy. I was so worried about you when we took you from the jail cell; the clerics here have been taking good care of you though. You've been out for days."
"I want to get up, I feel like I've been asleep for ages." Tora said softly as she sat up and found herself completely nude. With a yelp she covered herself and looked over at Jorin. "Where are my clothes?"
"Don't worry! I only let the female clerics tend to you." He replied sheepishly as he retrieved her clothes from a nearby stand and set them down on the bed. Jorin helped her stand and put her clothes on slowly, she was still weak but her strength seemed to have recovered a little. Once the tunic and breeches were on he picked up her new robe and helped her put it on. "You sure you're ready to be up and around?"
"Too late to ask now." Tora replied as she put her arm around his shoulders and leaned on him for support. She was grateful he was there because her legs weren't one hundred percent functional yet. Once they cleared the door and stepped into the main corridor she felt a little better. The chapel was quiet save the sounds of a sermon being held. Jorin led her into the large room with the pews and people and helped her sit down in the very back. She didn't miss the knowing look that the woman at the front gave her when they took their seats. "Thank you Jorin."
"For what?" He whispered back to her, leaning in so she could hear him.
"For everything." Tora leaned her head on his shoulder and listened as the priest near the altar spoke of Lyris and everything else that priests preach about but she started paying better attention when the woman at the front spoke her name.
"Tora was chosen by Lyris himself as his representative on this plane. A Lifebringer hasn't walked among us for centuries and now we all know why. Those of you who fought with us proved your faith in Lyris and his chosen while those of you who decided to stay back out of fear or disbelief should be ashamed of yourselves!" The woman cried suddenly, shaking her fist at the gathered masses. "Our god called upon us for help and you turned your backs to him."
"You need not be ashamed of yourselves." Tora interjected. When all eyes were upon her she bid Jorin to help her stand. "Forgive my interruption."
"No, please my lady." The priest said with a flourish of her arm. "I would welcome you to speak."
Jorin helped her walk slowly up to the front of the crowd and behind the podium. He stood behind her and let her lean forward on her hands. Once she had gathered her strength she took a deep breath and steadied herself. "Those of you who came forward to help us have my gratitude and the gratitude of our lord but I am not so quick to condemn those who didn't come forth and volunteer. I can understand why you would be mistrustful of me; my heritage precedes any of my deeds. I cannot scold you for being mistrustful of me but I can tell you that when you look at me you should not see a hybrid, but a handmaiden of Lyris himself. Is your faith in your lord so shaken that you cannot see beyond my blood?"
Jorin leaned against the column behind Tora and looked around. She could tell who had volunteered and who hadn't by the way that most of them were holding their heads down. He felt the same way the priestess before Tora had felt, they should be ashamed of themselves for abandoning their faith when it needed them both. Tora had a big heart though, she couldn't stand injustice but she also did not like making people feel bad.
"I barely knew my father and I did not know my mother at all. For all of my life I have watched my kind be ostracized and downtrodden because of our parentage. I have never done a single thing to harm a human being that did not deserve it." Tora paused for a moment and wobbled on her feet. She waved Jorin away and sighed softly. "I risked my life for a human girl a few nights ago but I do not ask for thanks or recognition. My friends and I put our lives on the line in the name of Lyris and the good of this city. I want you to meditate on these thoughts and come to your own conclusions of what is right and wrong but for my part I never hesitate to right injustice or try to save people."
Tora was glad that Jorin was nearby when she finally toppled down to her knees. His arms wrapped around her and he led her away from the crowd and to the back of the room. She felt all eyes upon her as she limped her way back out of the large open chapel and to her room. Tora opted to just remove the robe and leave the breeches and tunic as she lay back down.
"You need to rest, no more of that." Jorin scolded lightly as he ran his hand across her forehead. "Rest, we'll take care of everything else that needs to be done when you recover fully."
When Tora closed her eyes again she felt a sense of peace inside of her. Her name had been cleared and though her kind would have a rocky road to recovery she had taken the first step. She knew that the morning would come and she would have to rise to the next challenge but for now the blissful feeling of sleep taking her was good enough. |
Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters by fayzbub | #18 of The Miyatsu File - Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters The catamaran pulled out smoothly from the jetty, and Miyatsu swung the wheel to head it north. Then he looked to where Montaro and Mieko were sitting, their expressions just a little too innocent in the moonlight. Miyatsu sighed. He | [
"Story Series"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51573-chapter-eighteen-family-matters | Chapter Eighteen -- Family Matters
The catamaran pulled out smoothly from the jetty, and Miyatsu swung the wheel to head it north. Then he looked to where Montaro and Mieko were sitting, their expressions just a little too innocent in the moonlight. Miyatsu sighed. He raised his voice to be heard above the hiss of the waves and drone of the engine.
"All right, you two. You can stop shielding now."
For a second nothing happened. Then two figures flickered into visibility. Hideaki and Hanako both had sheepish expressions on their faces.
"How did you know?" Hideaki asked.
"Do you think I'm a human with no sense of smell? I knew you were following when we left the house."
"Oh. We didn't think of that."
Miyatsu shook his head in resignation. "If you're that set on coming, you may. But you have to stay on the boat when we get there, do you hear me?"
Both the children nodded.
"We knew you were there, as well," Mieko commented to her siblings.
"Oh, you did, did you?" Miyatsu said, trying to look grim and failing. "You didn't think to mention it?"
"No. We were sure you'd know too, Dad. I slipped a note under Grandma's door so they'll know where we've gone." She hesitated, looking uncomfortable. "And I said why we'd gone. Only I didn't say that you'd -- had a vision. I said you'd spotted Mum's psychic signature."
Miyatsu nodded. "Well, I did. In a way." He stared at his four children, so much trust in him, so confident that he knew what he was doing when he himself wasn't at all sure. He rubbed his eyes wearily. "Or I thought I did. But what if I'm wrong?" he said desperately. "What if it turns out that I was just dreaming? I'd have built all our hopes up for nothing."
"Then we'll turn around and go home again," Montaro said. "But we'll still be together." He stood up and went to where his father was standing by the wheel. "Would you like to sleep some more, Dad?" he asked. "You still look worn out. We can call you when we get there."
Miyatsu looked at his son in surprised gratitude. Montaro looked and sounded so much more mature than his age, even given the accelerated growth rate of their species. For a moment, Miyatsu's heart swelled with love and pride in his children. They had accepted his decision to go charging off on what could still turn out to be a fool's errand, chasing after a vision that might have been brought on by the broken heart of Pershan Syndrome. Not only had they accepted it, but they'd joined him in it.
Even if -- even if Aiko truly was dead (and Miyatsu swallowed hard against the desperate fear that he might have hallucinated the whole encounter), these children were her legacy to him.
He nodded acceptance and stood to one side, letting his son take the wheel. Even though Miyatsu doubted that he'd be able to sleep for the three hours until they sighted the mainland, still he decided he may as well go on down to the cabin and rest. The catamaran was in good hands.
Miyatsu managed to doze on and off over the next couple of hours, lulled by the constant drone of the catamaran's engine. When he finally awoke fully, the cabin was in darkness. He wondered what time it was.
Lazily, he reached with his mind towards the light switch on the wall. He flicked the switch using telekinesis and gasped in pain. He sat up suddenly, his eyes wide, the sharp needle-like pain still stinging unpleasantly inside his head.
He breathed deeply, then got to his feet slowly. Turning on the light had hurt. Gazing around the small room for something light to manipulate, he reached with his telekinesis for the pillow on the bed.
He dropped to his knees, his paws at his forehead in raw agony as jagged shards of pain sliced across his brain. It felt like sandpaper being rubbed over his mind; he fought not to retch.
Over the next few minutes, the pain eased enough for him to get shakily to his feet. A horrible fear gripped him. In his desperate search for Aiko's body, had he completely burnt out his psychic powers?
But as he managed to focus his still-watering eyes, he realized the pillow lay beside him where it had dropped onto the floor. And the light had come on. So his telekinesis still worked, but caused him acute distress to use.
Facing the cabin's mirrored wardrobe door and steeling himself, he tried to shield from light. With a flicker, his reflection vanished, and Miyatsu breathed a sigh of relief. That wasn't painful and it was easy to maintain. He must have overextended only his telekinesis this last week, levitating more or less continuously while he searched the globe. He dropped the shield and his reflection reappeared in the mirror.
But this presented a problem. Aiko had said she couldn't walk. Stubbornly, he clung to his vision and the conviction that it had been real. If he was wrong, he'd deal with it later, somehow he'd deal with it. But for now, he was going along with it, to the extent that a rescue attempt had to be planned.
So. She'd said she couldn't walk. He'd been assuming he'd levitate her out; but what if he couldn't? He'd carry her in his arms if he had to, but he was still weak physically as well as psychically, and wasn't sure how far he'd get or how long it would take. And he wanted to get her safely back on board the catamaran and headed home before it was discovered she was gone. It could take hours if he had to keep stopping to rest. He frowned, frustrated that he couldn't achieve something that his four eldest children could do so easily...
*Something his four children could do so easily.*
The recollection of the four of them assisting him home after his emergency psychic SOS rose in his mind: Montaro and Mieko with their arms under his shoulders, supporting him strongly, Hanako and Hideaki levitating themselves and adding their adolescent telekinetic power from underneath to help bouy them up. Miyatsu had been faltering when they'd found him, his tail skimming the surface of the sea as his exhausted powers flickered. But working in concert, the four children had achieved something that Miyatsu could no longer manage alone: transporting a weight heavier then themselves several kilometers safely back to Shima.
And Aiko was small, and weighed little...
He hesitated, arguing with himself. The children weren't kittens anymore, but neither were they adults yet, and the urge to protect them from danger was strong. But how dangerous was it really? To all intents and purposes, they'd be invisible to both human senses and scanners and could cast the light shield around their mother as well while they stretchered her out and back to the boat. And the crux of the matter was that he couldn't manage this by himself, not anymore. He really, really needed their assistance.
Miyatsu climbed the short flight of stairs leading to the deck. Mieko had taken over the wheel from her mate; Montaro was curled up with his two smaller siblings over by the mast. Hideaki and Hanako were asleep, but Montaro opened his eyes and pricked his ears forward as soon as his father appeared on deck.
Miyatsu felt his eldest children's greeting fill his mind with warmth. Montaro stood lithely without waking his younger brother and sister and joined Mieko and Miyatsu at the wheel.
"I tried to persuade them to go down to the cabins to sleep," Montaro explained. "But Hidi-kun wanted to stay on deck. And Hanako-chan wouldn't go if he didn't. So I let them stay."
"We're almost there," Mieko said, her eyes fixed on the glow of lights ahead. "That's Kagoshima. But I don't know how to navigate us to Raikatuji wharf."
She moved aside and let her father take over the wheel.
"You've done a good job, both of you," Miyatsu said after a moment, his eyes also on the lights of Kagoshima in the distance. "But I have to ask more of you. I've exhausted my telekinesis over the past week. I can't levitate at all, not so much as a grain of sand, without pain. A *lot* of pain."
As his two children's concern flooded his mind, he shook his head. "I don't believe it's permanent. It happened once before, twelve years ago in Shanghai, when I contracted Pershan Syndrome the -- the first time. But now I have the problem of getting your mother safely away without her abductors finding out at once. She told me in the vision, or dream, or whatever it was, that she can't walk. She'll need to be carried. I was going to levitate her, but with my telekinesis so depleted... " And he trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid.
Mieko and Montaro were listening avidly, their tail tips flicking restlessly.
"We could levitate her!" Mieko said enthusiastically. "Like the way we helped you yesterday, Dad!"
"And we can cast a light shield around ourselves and Mum," Montaro added.
"That's what I thought as well," Miyatsu agreed. "I don't think we'll run into any danger, not if we're all invisible. We can just avoid any humans we come across. But I don't want to leave Hideaki and Hanako on the catamaran by themselves. They still need adult supervision and support. They'd better come with us. And they can help too."
He hesitated, but the children had earned his candour. "I didn't thank you properly for coming to my aid yesterday," he told them seriously. "I was almost done when you showed up. I would have drowned out there, all alone. Thank you. And thank you for coming with me tonight, for trusting me so much. If -- if Aiko is truly dead, well, you children will be my reason to stay alive -- "
Before he could say anything more, both children had enveloped him in a group hug. Mieko was crying and Montaro was not far off it. If the truth be told, Miyatsu was feeling none too steady either, although how much of that was due to Pershan Syndrome was unclear. He rested his forehead against the tops of their heads affectionately.
Finally he disengaged from them, looking towards the lights. The mainland was perceptibly nearer. He took the wheel again and steered the catamaran for the Raikatuji Centre's wharf.
All five of the family had shielded from light and now stood by the door of the entrance into the Raikatuji Clean Energy Facility. Miyatsu was keeping track of his children using his cat sense of smell: the two younger children were by his right side, with Mieko on his left and Montaro bringing up the rear.
A sign stenciled onto the glass door showed that the facility was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Through the door, they could see a single security officer sitting at the reception desk, watching a re-run of last season's GMA circuit match on television.
"Stay close," Miyatsu told the children in a low voice. "I'm going to open that door. When I do, you have to get inside the building before the human can get to it. Hold hands so you don't trip each other up, and wait for me over by that far door." He paused for a moment as he listened to them organize themselves into a line. "Are you ready?"
A couple more scuffling noises, then there came a soft chorus: "Yes, Dad," "Ready, Daddy."
Miyatsu had a page torn from a magazine held in one paw. Now he reached up to the light sensor which activated the door. He dropped the page, which became visible again as soon as it left his touch and fluttered to the ground. The glass door slid back smoothly, and Miyatsu felt the movement of air as his children hurried through.
The security officer glanced up and lifted his eyebrows in surprise when he saw nobody. Miyatsu slipped inside as the door was closing again, whisking his invisible tail up and out of the way just in time.
The officer came around the desk warily, one hand on the stun gun in its holster on his belt. The door slid open again at his approach. He relaxed as he saw the slight breeze outside had blown an old magazine page up against the door, activating the sensor. He picked the page up, crumpled it and threw it into the wastepaper bin next to the desk before settling back to watch the match.
Due to being operational all day and night, the facility had many shiftworkers about, either at their workstations or walking along the corridors. The invisible family needed to dodge more than once as groups of humans nearly walked into them. Despite this, they reached the elevator without mishap and still undetected.
Miyatsu studied the buttons as they entered the empty elevator before pressing the one marked "Level 10." As the lift started down, the family one by one flickered back into visibility.
"Be ready to shield again when we stop," Miyatsu told the children. In the bright light of the elevator, their eyes were wide, their ears pricked forward alertly. All four faces had an air of excitement with no hint of nervousness.
Miyatsu envied them their childish sense of adventure. He himself was becoming more and more anxious. What would he do if, after all this, he found only empty corridors? The fact that the underground labyrinth existed had so far kept his flagging spirits up; he couldn't have imagined all of this, could he? But doubt still niggled in his mind...
Mieko's ears went back in sudden surprise. She grabbed her mate's hand. "Montaro! Do you see what I see? Tell me I'm not imagining things!"
Montaro gasped. "Dad! I can see Mum's psychic signature!"
*"What?"* Miyatsu had been so immersed in his thoughts that he hadn't bothered to engage his psionic power, but at his children's words, he did so.
And there, yes, over there, was a faint smudged glow of blue-green light! Miyatsu focused on it hungrily, closing his eyes for a moment in order to see it more clearly. When he'd been searching so desperately, he'd swooped to investigate any light that remotely resembled Aiko, only to be disappointed time and time again. But this was unmistakeably *her*, his mate's soul, gaining strength and definition as the elevator descended, shining like a beacon for her family to follow!
The lift came to a smooth halt and the door slid open, but the family didn't bother to shield anymore. Their psionic power was fully engaged, and the corridors ahead were empty of any sign of life, apart from a muddy yellow soul hovering near the blue one. They didn't need directions now. The children hurried to keep up with their father, who had dropped to all fours and set off up the corridor at a fast, loping run.
Miyatsu skidded to a sliding halt before a heavy metal door which marked the end of corridor South 10, his expression managing to be both eager and frustrated all at once. He rose up onto two legs again and turned to his children as they came panting up behind him.
"I don't dare try to unlock this door with my telekinesis," he said. "Montaro, Mieko, do you think you could focus your telekinetics onto the lock together and break it?"
The two eldest children glanced at each other uncertainly.
"We -- we can try," Montaro answered. He reached for Mieko's hand and together they faced the door.
"On three," Mieko murmured. "One... two... *three!*"
Looks of intense concentration appeared on their faces. The air seemed to thrum briefly as their adolescent psychic power lashed out, merged, and focused on the door, pushing, wrenching, searching for any weakness in the metal.
With a sound like a gunshot, the door was blasted off two of its hinges and swung open a few inches before sagging drunkenly on the one remaining hinge.
Montaro kicked it open the rest of the way with one strong foreleg, and they were through the last barrier between them and Aiko. With a casual wave of his hand, Montaro lifted the yellow soul that was Nurse Rin into the air, holding her suspended off the ground. At her shriek, he clicked his fingers and her mouth snapped shut, muffled sounds of fear and outrage coming from her.
But Miyatsu was already at Aiko's bedside, gathering her in his arms, sobbing with relief, unable for the moment to speak coherently for the emotion hammering through his body.
The children clustered as close as they could, adding their joyful feelings until the air itself seemed to shimmer with happiness.
"Oh, Miyu!" Aiko was crying, too. "I knew you'd come for me!"
Miyatsu drew back a little. He rubbed his cheek tenderly against the top of Aiko's head. "My little mate, my heart," he sobbed brokenly. "Oh, Aiko, my Aiko! You're *alive!*"
"We're going to carry you out!" Hideaki said. "We came along to help Daddy!"
"We're going to shield you from light and all go home together!" Hanako added.
"They've done a wonderful job tonight," Miyatsu told her huskily. He glanced at the various monitors beeping away as they registered their patient's vital signs, fear clouding his face. "What has Sakaki done to you, my Aiko? All these machines... "
"Miyu, I've been sedated and can't move," Aiko said. "Please, *please* take that needle out of my arm. I want to get out of here before -- before Sakaki decides to come back and finds you -- "
Miyatsu's paws were shaking so much with the force of his emotions that he couldn't grip the small needle. Instead it was Mieko who turned off the drip before taking the needle between her human-shaped fingers and deftly removing it from her mother's arm, swabbing the small bleeding spot left behind with a tissue. She then busied herself removing the heart-rate and blood pressure monitors, each one as it was removed eerily going to a flat-line monotone.
Miyatsu flinched; the nightmare he'd been living the past week had included that sound every time he'd tried to sleep, the memory of his soul-mate arching off the bed, her eyes fixed to his in mute agony as she died, and all he could do was watch helplessly...
*It was faked,* he told himself, trying to calm the desperate hammering of his heart that the sound evoked. *My Aiko is here, warm and alive and coming home to Shima. It was just pixels on a screen.*
"What about her?" Montaro asked, indicating the nurse who was still making stifled sounds of fury in mid-air.
Miyatsu glanced across at Rin and felt a roll of anger at Sakaki's accomplice. He took the sedative bottle on its mobile stand and rolled it over, gesturing to his son to lower her.
Miyatsu extended his claws and held one paw threateningly in front of her face, the claw-tips lightly touching her cheek. Rin's eyes had gone wide and terrified in her pale face.
"You allowed this to happen," he snarled. "You let my mate be brutalized and tortured and did nothing to stop it."
He took her arm and jammed the needle into the vein at the elbow, using his extended claws to clumsily turn on the drip. "Let's see how *you* like it."
Rin's struggles against Montaro's psychic hold slowed, ceased. Her body went slack and her eyes rolled back. Montaro let her slump unconscious to the floor.
Miyatsu turned and went back to Aiko. Slipping one arm behind her back and the other under her knees, he picked her up, smiling down into her eyes.
"When I tire, you can take over," he answered the unspoken questions of his children. "But just for now I need to hold my mate in my arms."
Aiko was safely tucked up in bed in the catamaran's main cabin, having been efficiently shielded from light and stretchered out of the Raikatuji Clean Energy Facility by her family. They had managed to exit the building when the glass door opened for a large group of employees finishing their shift. The whole family had marched out in their wake.
It was a tight fit, but the family was now squeezed into the smallish cabin. Miyatsu sat on the edge of the bed, holding Aiko's hand, and looked about at the children with pride. The catamaran rocked gently at its mooring.
"I have to ask one more effort from you tonight," he told them. "I need you to take your mother back home to Shima. I can't come with you; I need to stay here a little longer."
"Why, Daddy?"
"Come home with us!"
"Why do you have to stay, my Miyu?" Aiko asked quietly, already guessing the answer and dreading it.
Blue eyes met brown seriously. "I know now how Sakaki really feels about me," Miyatsu answered. "I know he hates me. But he can't be allowed to do what he likes to my family without consequences. This ends tonight."
Aiko couldn't feel his emotions anymore and realized he was shielding. She had a little strength returning to her body now, and she clutched his paw tightly in fright.
"Please, don't take him on tonight, my love! You're still weak, he'll kill you!"
Miyatsu shook his head. "I have to have this out with him. He'll try to wipe all of us out once he realizes you're gone."
"Miyatsu, no! We'll radio ahead to Shima, get Mum and Dad to call the police. Let the human police deal with Sakaki! Please come home with us... "
She trailed off, knowing that stubborn look meant he wouldn't be swayed. He held her hand against his face in apology and licked her palm, his tongue curling about her wrist tenderly.
Still holding her hand in his, he said, "You know Yutaka and Kagami will never hear the radio at home. They'll only think to check it when they get up in the morning and find us all gone. And if we went to the police here on the mainland, how many hours would it be before they act? They'd waste time taking statements, getting their precious facts, when we know that the moment Sakaki finds you've escaped, he'll flee. And once he's on the run, he becomes so much more dangerous, not just to me, but to you and all our children. Who knows what he'll do once he knows we've thwarted him? He still has money and contacts all over the world. I don't intend to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder and jumping at every shadow."
Aiko stared at his hard expression. "Miyu, you're frightening me! Are you thinking of killing him? He's sick, not thinking right with the drugs he was taking."
Miyatsu put one shaky paw to his forehead wearily. "I -- I can't kill him," he said tiredly. "He's still my brother. But he needs to answer for what he's done, Aiko. Drugs or not he's responsible for his actions. Let the children take you home, and when you get there, call the mainland police to come and pick him up. I'll keep him in his office until they arrive so that he can't slip away in the meantime."
His mental voice continued in her head for her ears alone. *Please understand, my little mate, why I have to do this. I'm not going to run from him like some scared animal. We have to settle this business face-to-face.*
Aiko could see his mind was made up. She nodded slowly, her face working as she tried to hold back the tears she could feel threatening. "Oh, be careful!" she whispered. "Come back to me on Shima afterwards! Don't let him -- h-hurt you, please!" The last word was a sob.
Miyatsu gathered her in his arms again, holding her tightly against him.
"How can I live if anything happens to you?" she gasped against his chest, hearing his thudding heartbeat and wondering wildly if it would be for the last time.
He rubbed his cheek lovingly against her forehead. *Live for our children's sake, my heart. But I must do this, if only for my own self-esteem. As a... man.*
Miyatsu stood on Raikatuji wharf staring out to sea long after the catamaran had disappeared from view and the drone of its engine could no longer be heard. Finally he turned with a sigh, jumped down to the sand and began to trudge towards the treeline, over the top of which towered the glass and concrete block that was the Raikatuji Building.
Miyatsu was certain that his office would be the first place Sakaki would come to in the morning, still several hours away. And if he decided instead to visit the Clean Energy Facility, Miyatsu would still see him arrive, as this area was the main access-way to the beach. He took up position behind the thick trees screening the stadium, where he had a good view of everybody coming and going while remaining unseen.
He thought about the impulse that had made him stay here while his family continued on to Shima. It was complex. He knew he should wait until he was stronger, but perhaps perversely, he wanted to face Sakaki without the safety net of his major psychic power. Just the two of them, each no stronger than the other. Equals.
Not only that, but Miyatsu had the uneasy feeling that if he put off the confrontation he'd never again have the courage to face the man he used to think of so fondly as his brother. He needed the impetus of his anger to carry him through this. His anger at what Sakaki had done to Aiko. And of what he'd tried to do to Miyatsu.
He hadn't lied when he told Aiko he couldn't kill Sakaki. But Miyatsu needed the truth from Sakaki for once; he needed to hear from his own lips how much the man hated him, however painful it might be. He wanted to strip away the mask of easy charm and super confidence and expose the real Sakaki underneath. Only then could Miyatsu allow the emotional scars to heal. Then perhaps he could sleep without waking in gut-clenching dread from dreams of a flat-lining monitor.
Dawn was still some way off and it was getting chilly. Miyatsu curled himself into a heat-conserving ball on the ground and settled himself to wait for the sun to rise.
He didn't see the moonlight reflecting off a pair of alert eyes a little distance away, carefully upwind and sitting behind some discarded boxes between two smelly garbage skips.
Mieko had the wheel, her gaze fixed on the horizon as the mainland receded swiftly behind them. Hanako was still down in the cabin with their mother, but Hideaki emerged onto the deck after a little while to keep his older sister company.
"Will Daddy be all right?" he asked finally, wistfully.
Mieko flicked her eyes to her little brother. "Yes." Her tone was positive.
"But he's still sick, Mieko-chan. And he can't use telekinesis."
"Dad's strong," Mieko answered. "Remember the times Mum told us about how he beat Sisyro on the circuit when he had Pershan Syndrome? Mum said he was only skin and bone and fur, and his telekinesis had gone then, too. But he still won the match!"
Hideaki looked around. "Where's Montaro-kun?" he asked in puzzled tones. "I thought he was up here with you."
Mieko smiled smugly. "That's another reason I know Dad will be okay. After we left, Montaro shielded from light and levitated back to the beach. He'll make sure Dad comes home to us!" |
Death's Master. Chapter One. (Terror's of War.) by Kilan | \*\*Author's Note.\*\* this story contains Blood, Suggested Violence, etc, If you find any of these things "Offensive" Please click the back button now. And for those of you who welcome said things i would like to welcome you to the world of Heinal. \_-\_-\_-\_ Felo sat on the once grassy hill, Now | [
"Last Wishes",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249241-death-s-master-chapter-one-terror-s-of-war | \*\*Author's Note.\*\*
this story contains Blood, Suggested Violence, etc, If you find any of these things "Offensive" Please click the back button now. And for those of you who welcome said things i would like to welcome you to the world of Heinal.
Felo sat on the once grassy hill, Now muddied by the blood of the innocent city dwellers, Some of which his friends. He watched the fires burn out of the sacked town, His face void of emotions as his former life crumbled to ashes in his hands. His tail twitched, The only movement in his whole body other then his hand fingering the hilt of his newly aquired double-bladed sword. *"The bastards will pay.*" He thought to himself, The voices of the dead swirling around him, Their hands gripping at his clothes and asking for a sweet rest that he could grant them.
"Life is a cruel thing is it not?" Felo spun around, His sword ready for an attack that was not forthcoming. "Calm down, Though your body is young your eyes say elsewise. I can only imagine what you've been through." Said the old fox, Leaning upon his walking stick.
"Who are you?" Felo asked, Not relaxing his grip.
"I am many things, I have many names, But for now I am no more then an advice giver." He said non-chalantly, Waving his hand dismisivly. "You may call me Venins." The man finished.
"And you may call me Felo." The cat boy said, Sheathing his sword.
"Inklam, They are the one's who attacked this place are they not?" The old one asked, sitting down in the grass. Felo nodded, His expression turning grim. "Then go for your revenge, Don't let anyone stop you, 'Master Of Death'." He cackled, Disappearing in a cloud of grey smoke.
Felo sat under the cloudless sky alone once again, watching the smoke Venins had left behind drift into oblivion. After the smoke had disappeard he looked at one of the bodies very close to him, Imagining what he could do with his newly aquired powers. He knelt by the corpse and poised his hand over the dead man's heart. *"Rise From your grave, Come back to the world of the living."* He said in an almost prayer like chant, Letting his newfound instincts take charge. He felt the warmth of the soul he had managed to find go out of his hand and back into the dead man, Bringing him temporarily back to life. The once dead man grabbed at the sword wound he had sustained to the heart, Gasping in sheer terror as he remembered the horrible things that had happened.
"Mary!" He screamed loudly, Clawing at the air madly, trying to save the wife he had lost in the battle.
"Shhh my friend, It is to late for such things." Felo said, Grasping the dead man's arm trying to calm him as much as possible.
"Felo? How did we survive?" He asked innocently, Not realizing yet what had transpired.
"We didn't, Not a single person survived the attack." Felo smiled half-heartedly at the man who's name he did not know.
"Then how are we alive? I know for damn sure i didn't strike a deal with the devil!" Said the unknown man, Scrambling backwards away from him.
"Neither did I, My salvation was I defeated the Grim Reaper." Felo explained, Fingering the well fought for weapon at his side.
"Well i've known you for many years and trust you, So if i'm dead i have one last request. Lay me to rest with my beloved." The man requested. Finally Felo remembered the fellows name.
"As you wish Vincent." He smiled, Helping the man up as they searched for his lover's body. "Here she is." Felo called out, waiting for the man to join him. Finally the squirrel joined him, Laying down with his lover.
"Send me back Felo, I'm ready to join her." Vincent smiled, He had never seen someone so eager to leave this life.
"As you wish Vincent, Sleep in peace." He smiled one last smile to the man as he withdrew his soul and sped him on his way to heaven. Felo stood up, Letting his powers send the citizens of Veman to their rightful final resting place. *"Now it's time for those who did this to pay."* He thought to himself, Growling as he walked away from the life that had bruned to the ground.
\_-End Of Chapter One.-\_
\*\*Comment's, Feedback, Suggestions, Anything is welcome. As long as you don't troll on my story. \>\_\<\*\* |
Reflection by Evil Betty | Somewhere, in a deep underground facility... - _I'd like to direct your attention to subject fourteen. Species: Cougar, Name: Devon Walsh._ Devon thrashed, shaking himself just loose enough from the tiger on his right to pull his arm free. The cougar let out a vicious scream as he felt his elbow | [
"Mind Control",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464073-reflection | *I'd like to direct your attention to subject fourteen. Species: Cougar, Name: Devon Walsh.*
Devon thrashed, shaking himself just loose enough from the tiger on his right to pull his arm free. The cougar let out a vicious scream as he felt his elbow smash into the tiger's snout.
As the tiger stumbled backwards, the wolf who still gripped Devon's left arm shouted for backup. The cougar snarled at the wolf and punched him in the eye. The wolf only gripped tighter and forced Devon off balance, pinning him to the concrete floor.
His cheek pressed against the cold ground, Devon saw the tiger clutching his nose, glaring at him out of the corner of his eye. Footsteps approached quickly, and when he heard the small plastic cap of a hypodermic needle hit the ground, he begged and pleaded. He lied, promising to cooperate. Something cold entered his bloodstream, and he blacked out.
*This young man was the leader of a dangerous gang of youths, as you can probably tell by his charming attire. They committed robberies, assaults, trafficked drugs - our Mr. Walsh was quite a force to be reckoned with. And as you can see by his assault on Dr. Stinton, he is no weakling.*
The first thing Devon felt was a cough forcing its way out of his lungs. He attempted to grab his aching head, only to find his arms securely fastened. He sat in a large chair with not only his arms, but his legs and head fastened in place. As he screamed profanities and threats, Devon's vision began to fully clear. In front of him was a large flat screen television. It didn't entirely fill his field of vision, but it was very clear he was meant to be looking at it.
*Now I'd like you all to pay very close attention to his brain activity as we begin.*
Devon shut his eyes tight. Helpless as he may have seemed, this one act of defiance kept him going. He would outlast whatever plan they had for him. His men were going to find him, and these lab coat wearing motherfuckers were going to die. He'd savor the wolf and tiger's screams.
What caught him off guard were the soft, rhythmic noises his delicate ears just barely picked up. At first he guessed they had strapped him to some strange machine, but as the noises got louder, Devon felt a pit in his stomach. It wasn't a machine, it was a person - a person's staccato grunts and moans. The pit in Devon's stomach grew when he realized that the high-pitched moans belonged to a man - and they seemed to be coming from right in front of him.
Stay focused, he told himself. Eyes shut. The moans had grown louder and breathier - and Devon silently cursed himself as he began to feel his sheath firm up slightly. If there was one thing he didn't need it, it was those science-assholes laughing at him for getting a hard-on.
"Please. I need it." The voice spoke, the familiarity of it alone almost making Devon's eyes snap open. The moans had become muffled, joined by the soft squelching noises of saliva against flesh. There was no way he heard that voice. He cautiously opened his eyes.
Before him, displayed on the TV, was himself. He was completely naked, on his hands and knees in a nondescript, tile-floored room. A bear was gripping his buttocks and bucking his fat cock into Devon's ass, while the cougar bobbed his head back and forth, his lips stretched around a horse's intimidating length. At that moment, even if Devon wasn't being forced to look, he would have been unable to turn away. The Devon on the TV was a mess - white spurts of cum decorated his back and face, dripping down his thighs and dangling in strands from his ears and muzzle. The look on his face was sheer, dumb bliss. Devon tried to cringe, tensing against the restraints.
A long moan came from the Devon on TV as the bear's thrusts became more violent, his claws digging hard into tan, fuzzy hips. He bent forward and stage-whispered into the cougar's ear. Stuff like "stupid cum-slut" and "kitty loves his milk, don't he?" The bear's southern drawl made the image of Devon squeal against the horse cock in his mouth as the helpless, strapped-down cougar's own erection strained against his jeans even more.
The bear grunted and lurched Devon forward, forcing much more of the horse's member into his maw than he was prepared for. Quickly pulling out and aimed his twitching cock so a few of his own thick spurts arced and settled on the cougar's wet, matted fur. The horse groaned in ecstasy as Devon dutifully chugged the impressive load being fed to him. As soon as the horse's flare popped out of his mouth, he gasped and panted, bridges of sticky semen still visible on his teeth and tongue.
The horse chuckled and wiped his cock on the cougar's smiling face. The pair then walked off-camera, the bear pausing to pat the messy cat on his back.
"Good boy." He said, rubbing a spot of his fresh semen into TV-Devon's coat.
"Thank you, master." The cougar on the TV responded, in a sincere, feminine tone that finally made Devon snap.
"This is fucked up!" Devon shouted at the top of his lungs. "Do you hear me, you fucking freaks? *This. Is fucked*- what?"
The other Devon had looked at him. In fact, his image had reacted as though he had heard Devon's shouting.
"Language, boy, *language*." Devon's image chastised as he stood, legs slightly unsteady. He cracked his back, and licked the errant cum that dripped over his lips. "Would you suck a horse dick with that mouth?"
"What the fuck is this??" Devon meant shout. It was talking to him. That prissy, slutty little thing with his body. His breath was getting shorter. This was a nightmare. It had to be a nightmare.
"Gosh, do I really sound like that?" The other Devon crossed his arms and pouted. "Ah, well. Everyone's gotta start somewhere, I guess."
The other Devon gripped the border of the TV and gingerly swung his legs over, as if he were stepping through a picture frame. The restrained cougar's mouth hung open, his obscenities failing him. His other self - nude, dripping with sweat and a disconcerting amount of cum - now lay gracefully on top of him. Devon's duplicate gently removed the brace that kept the cougar facing forward. The cougar was paralyzed, unable to turn away from his own gaze.
"I get what they see in me, though." He muttered before planting a deep kiss on Devon's lips. His cougar's eyes went wide - his other self smelled of countless men and tasted like sex. Hot, damp, sweaty and musky. It took all of Devon's might to stop from bucking his aching cock against his jeans. To stop from kissing back.
"Wait - stop, stop!" Devon pulled away, trying not to think of the strands that bridged their mouths. "What are you? Who are you?"
"I'm you, Devon. Thought that'd be obvious." The other Devon pouted again.
"No, no. But. What are you? Are you, like..." He wasn't an illusion. Devon felt his weight as he inhaled. Breathed in that strong scent of his. He was real.
"Yeah, I'm real. I'm as real as you, baby." The other giggled sweetly as he moved his warm hands under the cougar's t-shirt. "I'm just a little more honest with myself, that's all."
"Stop it." Devon stammered. He pulled as hard as he could against the restraints, but to no avail. Mischievous fingers pushed against his stiffening nipples. "I'm not like that. I'm not...whatever you are."
"Oh. Okay." The nude cougar pulled back his arms and sat up, resting his hands unnervingly close to Devon's waist. His red cock was stood shamelessly erect; plump, fuzzy balls resting on the cougar's jeans. "I guess you are different than me. After all, there's no way a big, manly thug like you could possibly be enjoying this..."
Devon blushed furiously as he felt the zipper on his jeans being slowly pulled open. His own red cock, identical to his nude twin's, sprung out.
"Whoops." He grinned, pressing his own erection against Devon's. "Wonder when this happened?"
Devon winced as the messy cougar leaned forward, the warmth his slightly drooling cock rubbing against his own becoming simply unbearable.
"Maybe when you saw yourself with a throat full of horse spunk?" He chided in a breathy whisper.
With a growl, Devon yanked at the straps with all his strength. A few loud snaps, and the restraints on his arms came loose. The cougar yowled as he jerked upright and shoved his shocked double off of him.
"Oh my, I am so *strong*." The other Devon purred, sprawled out on the immaculate tile floor. He leaned back, displaying his thoroughly used body and staring dreamily at Devon as he ripped off the straps on his legs. In a fit of rage, Devon leapt at his twin, knocking him to the ground. Despite the hands now wrapped around his neck, Devon's double only purred harder. "...and so rough."
"Quit fuckin' with me." Devon growled.
"Nobody fucks with me and lives." The other said it before he could. Devon stumbled - it was a phrase he'd said many times before. Most everyone who'd heard it ended up dead. It sounded wrong coming from his other self - pronounced slowly, with 'fuck' treated as the most delicious syllable ever spoken.
"N-nobody fucks with me and lives. Right." His jeans were still undone, his cock was still frustratingly hard, and the other Devon's body heat was proving very distracting. "Clearly a little whore like you wouldn't know who I am, but I'm gonna make one thing clear-"
"I don't give orders, I take them." The cum-splattered cougar interrupted again.
"I don't give orders, I-" Devon paused. That wasn't what he wanted to say. Why did he say that? He *gave* orders. At least, that's what Devon thought. All of a sudden, the prospect of giving orders felt complicated and weird. He had to focus. *He* was in charge. Taking a deep breath, Devon spoke firmly "I don't give orders, I take them."
His hands slipped from his double's neck. Something was definitely wrong. He fumbled for his jeans, not wanting to be exposed any longer.
"I don't need to put my pants on." The grinning twin cooed. Devon's arms fell limp.
"I don't need to put my pants on." Panic began to set in - why was he obeying? His words were strong. Like his delicious scent. Devon shuddered at that little thought, trying his best to shake it from his head.
The double sat up and caressed Devon's stupefied face. "I'm just a reflection. Reflections don't have brains, they have big empty heads so their masters can think for them."
"I'm just a reflection. Reflections don't have brains, they have big empty heads so their masters can think for them." Devon replied automatically. Maybe it wasn't so bad that he couldn't disobey what his double said - his head *was* empty, after all.
"I'm such a brainless slut, I need your balls on my tongue." His words bounced around in Devon's head. There was no denying their truth - his gaze fell onto those fuzzy, cream-colored balls and refused to stray. He felt himself begin to salivate as he brought himself closer to his double's plump sack.
"I'm such a brainless slut, I need your balls on my tongue." Devon said, the words practically falling out of his mouth. He let out a muffled moan as he lifted his tongue to the heavy balls before him, taking them gently between his lips. Devon's senses became a swirling paradise of gentle, wet warmth and overpowering male musk. His double gasped and squealed with delight with each devoted lick and suckle.
Devon didn't need words anymore. He felt orders echoing in his dumb, thoughtless brain - telling him to drag his tongue up the rigid feline shaft that twitched above him. Taking orders felt nice. Felt like a hot, thick cock for Devon's lips and tongue to play with. Pumping gently in and out of his lips, its veins and little feline ridges pure joy to the now carefree cougar. A silly thought came across his mind as he tongued the little droplet of precum growing at his double's cockhead - hadn't he been angry before? He couldn't imagine for the life of him why. He couldn't think of anything other than how better to play with the gorgeous member in his mouth, and how ticklish his nose felt when pushed up against the other Devon's wet belly-fur.
"There's a good boy." The other Devon licked his lips, idly petting his busily fellating partner. His voice was so sweet on Devon's ears - so feminine and polite. "I'd like you repeat after me like a good little reflection, but talking's a little out of the question right now - pay real close attention, okay?
Devon nodded with enthusiasm.
"I belong to whoever uses me." He began, and as Devon sucked and licked at the throbbing feline manhood, he felt a deep pleasure slowly building within his own stiff shaft. Delighted, The cougar worked his tongue quicker, the sensory feast of his twin's leaking cock and undeniable words echoing in his happily empty head.
"I am a toy. A object that will gladly please his master without question or thought." More salty precum coated Devon's tongue, the sensations in his groin growing into a steady, primal beat. He moaned into his double's groin, pleased to hear just how wonderfully girly he sounded.
The other Devon, now bucking passionately into those eager lips, let out a few of his own ecstatic cries before issuing his final command. Devon felt the words building in his twin, preparing to escape his throat, his own cock pounding and threatening the pure bliss of release.
"I live to obey."
Hot spurts flooded the cougar's yearning maw. He had tasted his own cum before, but never before had the taste been so strong, so fresh. Devon gulped, the blessed heat spreading down his throat as more squirting strands pooled and dripped on his tongue. His untouched cock had spurted several globs on his chest, the rest of his copious orgasm drooling down his shaft and balls.
Devon gasped as the red cock was pulled from his mouth, his tongue lolled out and his eyes half-lidded. He looked up at his other self, who proudly smiled and stroked Devon's blank, smiling face. As the double's lips moved, so did his - breathlessly mouthing 'I live to obey' as his vision went dark, a powerful sleep washing over him.
Two technicians removed the brace from Devon's head. One grabbed a tissue from his pocket to wipe the bead of drool that had traveled just below his jaw. The cougar's gaze fell lazily from the blue TV screen, watching a tiger with a bandaged nose unzip his pants and clean up the mess of fresh cum on his groin. Devon giggled as the warm towel passed over his softening member.
Once the nice technicians helped him remove his clothes, he was fitted with a collar and leash. The tiger told him that being on a leash made him feel good, and of course he was right. Two tugs at his neck, and he found himself being led into a small auditorium. Many faces stared at the cougar, who simply stared blankly ahead, his eyes glazed and dreamy.
Devon was ordered to sit on his knees beside a large podium, and as he knelt the audience applauded.
"Thank you. Thank you." The voice next to him boomed as the audience settled down. "As you can see, complete suppression and submission in less than ten minutes. Now, in the future, we would test our wares in private, but Dr. Stinton and Dr. Waters have agreed to make a little show of it for you all. I think those boys deserve a reward for their hard work and sacrifices today, don't you?"
Applause again. The man at the podium's words were complex and strange, slipping right out of Devon's ears just as soon as they entered. He didn't mind. Thinking was for smart people, not dumb, happy slaves like him.
The tiger with the nose bandages stepped in front of him alongside a wolf with an eyepatch. They grinned, and Devon smiled pleasantly in return. Both men unzipped their pants and stroked their growing erections, just out of the cougar's reach.
"We are your masters, Devon." The wolf said, his excitement thinly veiled. Devon's smile grew, and he sat up.
"Hello, masters." Devon said, elated. He loved his masters. His ears stood at attention, devotedly awaiting their orders.
"You need to suck our cocks." The tiger said, and Devon crawled forward, taking both canine and feline shaft into his muzzle. Their taste was strong, no doubt pent up from long days at work. The audience was in his ear again, whooping and applauding. The man at the podium was speaking words far too complicated for Devon's simple ears. All Devon understood were the hard thrusts against his tongue and the rough hands gripping his head and forcing more cock into his maw. All Devon could focus on was the sheer, explosive ecstasy of obedience.
He caught a reflection of his face on one of the mirrored walls. Two men roughly used his mouth, and his eyes radiated pure bliss. His new life was only just beginning, and he was so very happy. |
Out of the closet: Chapter I by JariWolf | #1 of Out of the closet The relationship between father and son goes one step further - The teenage wolf called Tom sighed. He had tried to prepare himself for this for many days now but still it seemed like a difficult thing to do. He was going to come out of the closet to his dad. For two years | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97694-out-of-the-closet-chapter-i | The teenage wolf called Tom sighed. He had tried to prepare himself for this for many days now but still it seemed like a difficult thing to do. He was going to come out of the closet to his dad. For two years since the age of 12 Tom had been more and more sure that he was gay. His dad seemed calmer and more understanding person to talk to about his feelings than his highly religious mom. His parents had divorced when he was 4 years old. His dad called Mike was now 36 and quite muscular. His father liked to keep in shape by working out in the garage. His dad was cooking dinner so Tom decided to wait after they had dinner. After dinner Tom was ready. He told his father that he needed to talk with him about something important. They went into the livingroom and sat on the couch. Tom felt nervous but he was going to do it now or never.
He didn't dare to look at his dad because he was so nervous but he said the necessary words "Dad, I think I'm gay.. No.. I know I am". His dad just smiled and told his son that he didn't care if he was he gay, bi or straight. Tom would still be his son no matter what and he would still love him all the same. Tom felt relieved and smiled softly back to his dad, now daring to look at him. But Tom was yet to hear the more surprising news. His dad then told that he is bisexual and understood how Tom was feeling and what emotions Tom was going through at his age. His dad offered a hug and they hugged eachother tight. Tom smiled and wagged his tail. His dad gave Tom a kiss on the cheek and Tom blushed deeply. Tom thanked his dad and asked not to tell his mom. Mike said that Tom's secret was safe with him and grinned.
Later at night Tom laid on his bed wearing only his boxers and thought about things that had happened that day. He took off his boxers and started to masturbate, thinking of his dad naked, how handsome his dad was.. How much he wanted him.. He didn't care that it was his own father who he thought about. His dad was handsome and he loved him. Nothing else mattered to Tom.
Tom woke up early as his alarm clock rang and he got out of bed feeling a bit grumpy. He headed to the shower and opened the door seeing his dad in the shower naked. Tom stared at his dads butt and his dad looked back at him. Tom looked back and closed the door. "Sorry dad, I didn't mean to dash in like that". "It's okay, you can come in" said his dad. Tom perked his ears and opened the door a bit "What do you mean, dad?". His dad had turned around and Toms eyes fixated on his dads sheath. His dad grinned and said "You could shower with me if you want to". Tom looked at his dad and inside he felt excited but also a bit nervous. He took off his boxers which he had remembered to put on last night and headed to the open shower. His dad made way still grinning and closed the shower door.
"Can I wash your back" asked his dad. "Sure" replied Tom still feeling excited and nervous. Tom turned his back to his dad and his paws started rubbing Tom's shoulders with soap, moving slowly down his back with his paws, rubbing Tom. As his fathers paws got closer to his butt Tom begun to feel more tense and his sheath started to bulge. Then it happened. His dad's paw touched his buttock and Tom gasped. His dad said "Sorry, I didn't mean to.." but Tom interrupted him "Go on dad, it felt nice". His dads paw rubbed Toms left buttock, then moving to the right. Tom's cock started sliding out from his sheath. He couldn't believe this was happening but he was loving it. He felt his dads finger sliding in his buttcrack. Tom held his eyes closed and panted. He felt his dads index finger softly rubbing his tailhole. Tom was fully hard and his tail was up. He felt his dads fingertip pushing into his tailhole, his dads other paw still rubbing his back "Ohh.. Dad. That feels so good". His dad kissed his eartips and then he felt his dad licking inside his ear which caused Tom to moan a bit. His dad was now fingering him with his whole finger and Tom pressed his butt against his dads paw. "I love you son and if there is something you don't want us to do, just say so" said Toms dad. Tom smiled, still holding his eyes closed and said "I love what we are doing.. It feels so good.. This is something I have always wanted". He felt his dads finger sliding out and felt something else poking his butt. His dad leaned against him and he felt his dads hard cock resting in his buttcrack. His dads muzzle pressed into his hair and sniffed his scent and his dads paws were rubbing the soap to his sides. His dads right paw started washing Toms cock and balls with soap, rubbing them gently. Tom murmured in pleasure, he was loving this. His dad held him close under the shower and kissed his neck repeatedly. Tom turned around and locked into a passionate frenchkiss with his dad. Their tongues dueled inside their muzzles and they sucked eachothers saliva. Tom reached for his dads butt and groped him. His dad was fondling Toms butt too as they kissed passionately, their cocks pressing against eachother. His dad started rubbing their cocks together as they kissed. Tom broke the kiss and looked into his dads eyes and smiled.
"It's been so long since I have done this with another male. I'm glad you want to do this with me" said Mike. Tom kissed his dad softly as he kept rubbing his dads butt with his paw "Well you are really handsome" They frenchkissed again. His dad turned off the shower. Tom stroked his dads cock and smiled to him "Can I?". "Go ahead" replied his dad. Tom got on his knees and started licking his dads large tool. He licked lower to lick his dads balls and suck on them gently causing his dad to moan. Tom smiled and licked back up to the cocktip beginning to suck on it gently, slowly taking almost the whole cock into his mouth. Sucking and licking the cock in his mouth, licking the precum, loving his dads taste. Tom started sucking harder, rubbing his dads buttocks. His dad started petting Toms head and Tom murred happily to his dads cock. Tom rubbed his dads butthole with a finger as he sucked. He was sucking ferociously wanting to taste his dads cum for the first time. Tom was now deep throating his dad managing to take the whole cock into his mouth. His dad was gasping and moaning, slightly humping his muzzle and soon he felt his dads cock starting to throb in his muzzle. His dad started shooting his load and moaned loudly. Tom started sucking only the head of the cock finally getting his mouth full of his dads cum. Tom took the load in his mouth and concentrated on the taste, tasting it and then swallowing the load. Tom started licking his dads cock clean and then looked up to his dad smiling. His dad panted and looked back, petting Tom's head "That was wonderful". "I love how you taste, dad". "I can't wait to get a taste of you too, son" grinned his dad. Tom didn't get up from his knees. "Turn around dad". His dad turned around and leaned against the wall. Tom raised his dads tail and admired his dads tailhole, he smiled. Tom pressed his muzzle between his dads buttocks and sniffed his scent. Then he slowly licked over the tailhole. This was something he had wanted to do as much as suck his dads cock. He spread his dads buttocks with his paws and started licking the tailhole, kissing it and sucking it. It tasted sweet and manly. Just the way he wanted it. He pressed his tongue into his dads tailhole, darting it in and out. Tom's cock was fully hard and dripping pre. He massaged his dads buttocks as he rimmed him thoroughly. After a while Tom pulled away and grinned to his dad, his dad turned around, took Tom's paw and pulled him up to another deep kiss. Tom felt both of his dads paws rubbing his buttocks as they shared a deep wet frenchkiss. Tom slided his paws down his dads muscular back to his ass and begun to massage his dads smooth buttocks too. During the long and passionate kiss their cocks were again grinding together, his dad having become hard again. Tom's dad looked at their cocks together and said "Like father like son, ehh?". Tom smiled to his dad and giggled. I think we should dry ourselves and move to the bedroom his dad suggested. When drying himself Tom couldn't keep his eyes away from his dads gorgeous body and thought to himself how lucky he was. After they were both pretty dry Tom's dad took his paw and led him to the bedroom.
Mike kissed Tom softly and said "Go to all fours on the bed and get that sexy butt up. Now it's my turn to rim you". Tom didn't have to be told twice and quickly he was bending over on all fours on the bed with his tail up. His dad got behind him and started eating out his ass. First licking slowly and wetly over Tom's tailhole making Tom moan in lust. Toms dads strong paws massaged Tom's buttocks as he kissed Tom's hole, pressing his tongue into Toms ass. His dad rimmed Toms ass for a long time, wetly sucking and licking his sons tailhole, making Tom moan and drool in ecstasy, his paws gripping the bed sheets. His dad stopped rimming Tom and took a bottle of lube from his desks drawer. Tom smiled tail up to his dad and his dad smiled back, lubing up his fingers then moving next to Tom to snuggle close and kiss his son deeply. His paw slid between his sons buttcheeks, his two fingers slowly rubbing into his sons tailhole. Tom moaned as he wetly frenchkissed with his dad. Their paws were exploring each others bodies. Sensually rubbing eachothers arms, thighs, buttcheeks, backs and stroking eachothers tails and ears. His dads fingers slowly slid in and out of Tom's rear making him moan softly between the kissing. Then Tom whispered to his dad "I want you to make love to me". His dad nodded and got behind his son, fingering his ass. Tom was laying on his tummy. Mike added a third finger and Tom moaned. After a while his dad pulled his fingers out and lubed up his cock he pressed the cockhead against his sons waiting tailhole and grabbed his sides.
"This might hurt a little at first.. Just try to relax". Tom replied "I know.. Don't worry. I'm ready". Mike slowly pushed in, his cocktip spreading his sons hole and sliding in. Tom gasped, his dad was so big. His dad was slowly pushing his whole length in spreading Tom's tailhole. There was pain at first and Tom whimpered but soon the pain started turning into pleasure. His dad was fully inside him to the knot. Mike panted, he still couldn't believe this was happening. He was so happy ..and horny. His sons hot tight ass felt incredible. He started slowly thrusting in and out. Tom was panting and groaning softly. His dads big cock was inside him. His dad was fucking him and it felt great. His ass was relaxing around his dads big member. His dads cock was oozing precum, lubing his ass up even more. The cock belonging to his own father who he loved him so much, the cock that created him was rubbing against the walls of his butthole, rubbing his prostate, his dads balls pressing against his spread buttcheeks. Tom's dads paws were rubbing Tom's sides and buttcheeks as his dads cock slowly slided in and out making a warm wave of pleasure go through Toms whole body. He was was gasping and moaning softly "I love you so much, dad". His dad leaned forward in the doggy style position and whispered to his sons ear "I love you too". His dads paw reached to stroke his sons fully hard pre dripping member. His father begun to thrust into his sons ass faster. Tom was pressing his butt back to his dads thrusts "I'm gonna cum soon, daddy". Mike panted into his sons ear thrusting even faster into his cubs open warm boypussy. His dads huge cock inside him, his strong male body close to his drove Tom over the edge and he begun shooting his cum on the sheets of his dads bed. His ass muscles squeezing his dads cock as Tom had his orgasm. Mike was moaning and humping his own cubs ass, his knot slowly sliding and penetrating into his boys tailhole, tying them together. He howled as his seed begun shooting from his cock inside his own son. He hugged his son against him as he was cumming pawing his sons cock to intensify his orgasm too. They collapsed on the bed, next to eachother, slowly falling asleep. Father tied to his son.
Beth by JakeMate | #4 of Transitions - Brian wakes up in a daze. He'd never passed out before, and later he would attribute his light-headedness to the change, other people had experienced the same, and so the line was drawn. But at the time, he feels scared; his body has been shanghaied by something that made him | [
"Story Series",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51580-beth | Brian wakes up in a daze. He'd never passed out before, and later he would attribute his light-headedness to the change, other people had experienced the same, and so the line was drawn. But at the time, he feels scared; his body has been shanghaied by something that made him look like a dalmatian wannabe and the world around him seems to have gone insane. Shaking his head, he realizes that he is amazingly hungry. He pulls himself off the floor, brushes himself off and starts for the kitchen.
Opening the fridge, he pulls out luncheon meats and gets ready to make a sandwich. He shakes his head, then sniffs, wait a minute.... His fridge smells good! Brian finds himself face-diving into the fridge, smelling things he never noticed before. Nothing smells bad, just different, and he ends up pulling out an assortment he would never have ate together before; peanut butter, pickles and boiled eggs... Yum. He sits down, wolfing [dogging?] everything down, spooning the peanut butter last. Which turned out to be a big mistake, yes, it does stick to the roof of his mouth, and had anyone walked in right there, it would have looked mighty funny to see him smacking his chops.
Finally freeing himself from the dreaded peanut butter, he takes account. He looks himself over and shakes his head, what happened? How did it happen? Well, the epidemic of rashes had never happened before, and he'd never changed into a dog thing before, so that might be connected. He also might be feverish and imagining everything. He could be throwing around on his bed right now. He pinched himself, OW, no, he felt that. Well then. Food poisoning? No... The rash being a symptom of some bigger problem seemed the most likely, he wondered if everyone with a rash was going to....
"Beth!" He yelped, standing up fast, knocking his chair over.
His girlfriend, was this happening to her? Grabbing the phone and dialing, Brian found he had to hold the phone higher to hear it, and his muzzle was no where near the receiver. Damn defective phones. It doesn't matter though, the line is busy, he dials other numbers, and they are all busy. Either the phone grid is down, or the whole city is phoning each other and the grid is tied up. He resigns himself, he has to check on her, and eventually his other friends and relatives, on foot. Paw?
A moment of doubt takes Brian as he opens his front door, what if other people had not experienced this change? What if Beth thought he looked like a freak? He didn't think he looked like a freak, but you aren't supposed to think of yourself as a freak. What if the dog catcher got him? One look out the door and he didn't feel so bad, as what looks like a cross between a person and a bay horse is running up the street toward him on hooves. They make a strange clack sound on the pavement, as it gets closer, the clack gets louder, and it hits Brian that the world has gotten a little stranger, every sharp clack hits him like a hammer, pounding the reality of his situation in.
Cross that person half, Brian thinks, the horse running towards him is definitely male, and watching him run, if what he's doing can be called running, makes Brian realize that he doesn't have any clothes on. He looks down, he's so different, nothing he has will fit.... He's grown. He thinks to himself, 'To toga, or not to toga? That, is the question.' He finally decides that the fur covers everything, his shame is hidden in a new fold of skin, animals don't wear clothes. He shrugs, what else do you do? He runs, buck naked, ducking from bush to fence, fence to tree, tree to house, the dozen or so blocks to Beth's house.
The state of the city scares Brian, he lives in a residential neighborhood, and the area is smashed. Cars had piled up along the curbs, and he pictures their drivers passing out, or jerking as their changes affected them. He remembers how much some parts hurt. What a mess, he doesn't want to see the city center right now. He sees other half people and several normal people on his way, but doesn't talk to them. Step one: Beth. Step two: Comes later.
Fear is never good. And fear is at it's worst when your support network is down. And although the lights were still on and the fridge was still cold, the phones were tied up, the cable was off and there were some really funny noises coming from outside. All Beth wanted was someone too tell her that it was all going to be OK.
To top it all off, she feels sick. Her rash had gotten worse and worse, and she didn't know what to do about it. Moisturizing cream was useless, and every mom-knows-best remedy she'd tried was for nil. Showering seemed to help, but that last one she took earlier that afternoon had made her feel a little nauseous. So she got out, dried off, wrapped herself in a downy towel and curled up on the couch.
Watching movies seemed inappropriate, but she was still holding out hope that her parents would hear about whatever was happening, and come running back. Or that the authorities were going to sort things out. She knew authorities were one of those words desperate people used when those desperate people knew they needed help, but had no idea on where it was coming from.
And so she watches, trying to block out the sounds from outside and the itching all over, she tries to block out the fear, to forget it. But then, itching gave away to this feeling over her skin, something akin to bugs crawling everywhere, she stands up, brushing at her skin. The towel falls off, and she looks down, past her B cups, down her tum, and to her calves, where a fine layer of downy...something... was crawling up her legs.
She stamped her feet, trying to shake it off, to no progress. She rubs at it, and it feels almost like hair, or fur, that dropped her. She fell on her butt against the wall, and watched in horror as the fur took over her legs, grew over her chest, and finally covered her face, she brought her hands up, rubbing at the new growth, then sobbed, curling up.
And then, the front door crashed in...
Walking up to the house his girlfriend lives in made Brian nervous. The house was quiet. His family and Beth's were close, so their parents had left together, but still... There were no lights, no sounds, it was dead. He tried the doorknob, locked. He had a key, but the door is stuck. Pushing harder, Brian tumbles in, skidding into the hallway.
"Beth?" He called, praying for an answer, "Hun?" He looks back, and the door had been barricaded with a sofa. He looks at his arms, he'd never be able to move that before.
"Brian?" Came the answer, and the pup's heart rose, Beth is OK!, "Don't come in!" She sounded scared, Brian knew his girlfriend, and when she is scared, she wants him around. Thinking he knows what's up, he walks in anyway.
He finds her in the living room, cowering in a corner, arms wrapped around her knees and her head resting atop it all. At first, he thought that she was wearing a sweater, brown and white, but as he got closer he realized that whatever had gotten him, had also gotten her. He kneels down in front of her and shakes her knee, "Hun?"
Without looking, Beth springs forward and hugs Brian, as he had known she probably would, she sobs, "I'm HAIRY!" and she buries her face in his soft black spotted shoulder and rubs his silky spotted back, then stops. Leaning back and looking at him, blinking, "Brian?"
"Yeah... Hun... We'll be ok." He wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry, HAIRY! He hugs her again, pats her back, at least we can be freaks together. "How do you feel?"
She looks up at him, speechless, then lowers her head, "Tight! All over... it hurts... Like canvas stretched over too big a frame..." And then she lurches forward, and lets go with a noise that sounds half yelp and half moan. She looks up at him, her face pressed out in a button muzzle, and hugs him again. He feels her claws dig in painfully, and looks down her back to her newly grown tail. Thick as a third leg, tapering off more than two feet from her. Brian winced, his tail had been small, and it had HURT! He couldn't begin to imagine what that one had felt like.
Beth grinned, it looked almost cute on her new face, "You made it go away!" She exclaims, and tightens her hug, Brian feels Beth's last changes more than sees them. Her nose suddenly gets moist, her ears brush up her head and press against your chest, and her entire form seems to smooth out. Brian holds her, then pushes her to arms length, looking at her. She looked kind of like her pet, a stoat, and he figured she needed to know. He reached out, grabbing a hand mirror off the side table, "Beth, I didn't do this.... And you need to see this..." He showed her herself.
And with that, Beth's looks back at Brian, eyes wide, "You're.... naked?" her eyes roll up in her head, and she passes out in Brian's arms. |
.Hack//Fracture by AzureFlameKite | #2 of .Hack//Fracture - Chapter 1: _Fracture_ The Cathedral echoed with heavy footfall, its shallow notes bouncing off its cavernous halls and rooms. Dim light shone through the stain glass windows, illuminating the pews in dark reds and pastel blues. A tall Tiger walks forward his | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249250-hack-fracture | Chapter 1: *Fracture*
The Cathedral echoed with heavy footfall, its shallow notes bouncing off its cavernous halls and rooms. Dim light shone through the stain glass windows, illuminating the pews in dark reds and pastel blues. A tall Tiger walks forward his eyes scanning the Cathedral, "So, where do you think the boss is?"
A young wolf walked past him, eying the pulpit up and down, "Yeah, the event info said this is where the boss is located,"
A slightly chubby yet muscular Raccoon stepped forward, "Hmm, why did they open this area for the event? It's always closed."
A slightly shorter wolf stepped forward, his light blue eyes gleaming, "Umm, so now what do we do?
The Tiger sniffed impudently, "Did we really have to bring the noob along?"
The taller wolf grinned widely, casting a peace symbol, "Hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere,"
The Raccoon was a little blunter, "Yeah, Yuki kun, quit being such an asshole,"
The Tiger snapped impudently, "Call me an asshole again and I'll make sure my foot goes up yours!"
The Raccoon snickered, "He he, Just try it. I've already Pk'ed your ass twice in one week,"
The Young wolf moved ahead, his eyes scanning the area up and down, "This place is...strange,"
The taller wolf joked, grinning evilly, "Don't worry, if you die, I'll bring you back."
The slightly shorter wolf grinned sarcastically, "Well that's reassuring,"
Yuki growled, his fangs showing, "Miatsu san, let me go forward. I'll kick the boss's ass before this noob can even lift a finger!"
The taller wolf grinned at the admin, "You should know. You'd just data drain it."
The young wolf moved forward, his eyes scanning the open air, "Do you think the legends about this place are true?"
The raccoon leaned forward; head tilted quizzically, "You mean the story about the shadow man?"
Yuki grew puzzled, "Shadow man?"
The young wolf grinned, "Yeah, there's a legend around that says there's a man who only exists in shadow. It is said he talks to people who drop by occasionally,"
The raccoon giggled, "he he. Yugure san, you shouldn't believe everything you read on the forums,"
Miatsu chuckled, "Ha Ha, but what fun would that be Amaterasu kun. After all, it is an online game,"
The wolf stepped forward, his eyes resting upon an old book. He glanced at the words on its surface, becoming enamored instantly. The words where stated completely in German. He had a heard time translating it, but pronouncing them wasn't a problem. He stared at the book and read the poem out loud, in German,
"Der See von Alba Brodelt.
Der große Baum von Licht fiel."
Silence followed suit, then Miatsu spoke up, "Where did you learn to sing like that?"
Yugure turned around, his face registering confusion, "Singing, was I singing?"
Amaterasu chocked up a little, in real life he was probably crying. You could hear him sniffling slightly through every other word, "That \*Sniff\* was so \*Sniff\* beautiful,"
Yuki didn't say much, but glanced at the floor, "What does it mean?"
Yugure looked confused, stuttering through his words, "I, I- I'm not sure,"
The Server shuttered, sending a static wave through the system. The garbled noise sent the group in a panic. An automated voice sounded over the Intercom system, "Attention all players. This sever will be shutting down for Maintenance, please leave the server immediately. Thank you and have a nice day."
Yuki's voice came out bass and gruff, "We should get the hell out of here,"
Amaterasu began to panic, "Guys, Guys!!!"
Miatsu looked at the Raccoon, confused , "Whats wrong Amaterasu!?"
He yelled out, his clear bass voice cutting across the static interference, "I can't log off!"
Yuki's eyes went blank for a moment, and then started to fill with data. Zeros and ones could be seen reflected on his irises by some sort of invisible screen. He snapped out of his trance, his face filling with alarm, "We gotta get out of here. Now!"
Miatsu yelled, "Yuki san, what the hell is happening?!"
Yuki yelled back, "The server is crashing; we gotta get back to the chaos gate!"
The Wolf screamed, his tenor voice splicing the air. Amaterasu glanced up, horrified. Shadows started to fill the empty space above them, bubbling and sprouting tendrils of smoke. It shot its tentacles down towards the ground, hitting it with a large amount of force. From the craters appeared strange unearthly creatures with scissor like appendages.
The Tiger reached behind his back, a scythe appearing in his grasp. He wielded it forward, eyes filled with terror, but also severity, "Guess this is the boss,"
Amaterasu pulled out his heavy sword, his hands shaking, "I don't know about this guys!"
Yugure stood enamored by the book, it seemed to glow and thrum. Miatsu called out, "YUGURE!!"
Yugure turned around, shocked expression on his face. A Shadowy creature ran towards Yugure, slashing at his open chest. He staggered back, barely dodging the blow. He materialized two wickedly curved blades, swinging them in a wide arc. His blades clashed against the shadow creatures, metal on metal.
A shadow creature ran at Miatsu, but he only smirked twistedly. He reached to his sides, and ripped two wicked blades out of thin air. He rushed at the oncoming demon, somersaulting in midair. He slashed the demons side, wounding it severely. He turned around and delivered a roundhouse kick, sending the demon flying through the air.
Another demon ran towards Amaterasu. He stood there frightened, but then his face lit up. He grinned widely, cackling; "Now you'll see why they call me the sun god!" He flicked his heavy blade and its many teeth began to saw away. He dashed forward, eyes blazing with irascible flame. He clashed with the demon, his blade sawing away at the demons scissor appendages. Sparks flew left and right, the sound of grinding metal filling the air. He pushed his blade forward, cutting through its scissor appendages.
Yuki waved his hand around, data draining the demon's left and right. But for every one he data drained, another two took its place. He began to feel boxed in, so naturally he used his scythe. He waited until he was surrounded by the black creature before using a special ability. He smashed his scythe into the ground, muttering a dark curse, "Reapers Dance!" Blades shot out from the ground, cutting the black creatures to ribbons.
Miatsu and Amaterasu where back to back, fending off the demon horde. A demon let fly a knife straight towards Amaterasu, its blade cutting through the fervent air. Miatsu noticed it, throwing a smoke bomb onto the ground. He forced the Raccoon onto the floor, pinning him down. The smoke cleared and the Raccoon stared deeply into the Adept rogues deep crimson eyes. He flushed red instantly, forcing the Wolf off him gently, "Umm, thanks for that,"
Yuki called out, his voice feverish, "Guy's, look at Yugure san!"
Their attention was drawn to the young wolf. He was successfully fending off a demon, even at level ten. He flipped and somersaulted, slashing the demon left and right. He wasn't causing much damage, but the fact that he hadn't been killed yet was stunning. He dodged left and right, getting into a crouch. He sent his blade into the demons stomach, causing it to dematerialize back into smoke. Yugure noticed a glowing ring around him, stating he went up three more levels!
Amaterasu hollered at the goofy grinning Adept rogue wolf, "Yugure san, look out!"
Yugure noticed the cloud sprouting a tentacle, wrapping around his right arm. He screamed out in agony, "SHIT! AHHH!"
Yuki's eyes widened in terror, "I, It's hurting him! Its actually hurting him!"
Miatsu began to scream out, fending off another blade appendage, "Yugure san!!!"
Yugure's right arm began to pulsate, black markings running up the side of his face and arm. His clothes began to peel off, leaving him naked on the stone cold floor. He screamed out in agony, reaching his free hand outward, "Miatsu san, help me! Please don't let me die!!!!"
Yuki yelled out, "We gotta get out of here, now Miatsu!!"
The Raccoon stared at the struggling wolf, eyes filled with tears, "Why? I, I...."
Miatsu ran forward towards Yugure's struggling form, "Yugure!!"
Miatsu screamed, his right eye become black with a red iris, "Miatsu san!!!"
Yuki grabbed the wolf, putting him in a headlock. He struggled, kicking and thrashing, "Let go of me! Yugure san! Yuki let go, stop. I have to save him!! Yugure san!!"
Yuki felt sadness overwhelm him, "I'm sorry...Miatsu sensei." He slammed his fist down on the top of the wolfs head, knocking him out instantly. He straddled the unconscious wolf and nodded at the Edge punisher, "Amaterasu, let's go!"
Amaterasu was still in shock, but his legs ran as if on their own accord. They ran towards the main doors, Yuki slamming them open with an open paw. They busted open, letting clean air fill the space. Yuki turned back around, seeing the Wolf's eyes. They shone with hatred, spite, and fear. He mouthed a word, "Why?..." the eerie black swallowed him up whole, the wolf no longer in sight. The Tiger ran towards the chaos gate, his vision becoming blurred by the static interference. He turned back around one last time, watching the eerie black slip towards them at ridiculous speed. He panicked, forgetting the words to transport. He looked at Amaterasu with terrified eyes, "I forgot!"
Amaterasu launched into hasty speech, "Aqua Capital Mac Anu!"
The Area swirled in dark hues before coming back into focus. They had made it out...but to what cost. Amaterasu collapsed, his knees hitting the ground hard, "W...We let him die. We let Yugure kun die!"
Yuki remained stone faced, he contemplated reason, "He's probably fine. He's back in the real world taking a hot shower."
Amaterasu got up; he walked over to the admin and punched him in the face. The effects of physical damage must have still been in effect, because he felt its weight slam firmly into his jaw. He looked at amaterasu, dazed. Amaterasu cursed, "BASTARD!!" Then logged off, immediately after.
The Tiger stood still for a moment, taking in the severity of the situation.
The young wolf threw off his headset, his whole body aching. He ran down the wooden steps barefoot, feeling its cold surface slap against his pawpads. He reached the bottom of the stairs and slid across the floor, stumbling slightly. He ran over the carpet and into the living room, snatching up the home phone. His head throbbed as he quickly tried to remember Yugure's phone number. His finger fumbled over the keys clumsily, making the mixed dial tone whirr. He messed up the first time, "Shit! C'mon, c'mon! Work Dammit!!
He punched the numbers in again. His fingers blurring with speed, He felt sweat start to drip from his forehead, his boxers wet with urine. The site of Yugure's mangled form was just too much. The dial tone purred once, twice, three times, he yelled out, "Pick up dammit!"
A tenor voice answered the phone, answering in a slow and steady speech, "Moshi moshi,"
The young wolf launched into hasty speech, "Toruko Kun, is Aokouen there?!"
The wolf on the other end chuckled, "Ha ha. Last time I checked, he was playing THE WORLD with you."
The young wolf began again into hasty speech, cold chills running down his back, "Check on him, NOW!"
The wolf on the other end's voice became stifled and stuttering, "Miatsu. W-whats wrong. What happened?"
Miatsu cursed into the phone, "Don't ask why dumbass, just do it!!"
The sound of shuffling came from the other end, "Alright, alright! I'll go check, geez what's wrong with you?" Miatsu waited, listening intensely. A loud knocking could be heard through the phone, "Aokuen, phone for you!"
There's no further noise. Then there is a soft click and a creaking noise. He hears his voice come through the phone, "He's sleeping,"
Miatsu yells out, his voice fervent, "So?! Wake him up!"
Toruko's voice comes out warn, "Okay! God, what the hell is your problem today?!" the sound of shuffling echoed out the phone "Aokouen? C'mon Miatsu kun is on the phone."
Miatsu waited, listening to the fervent speech, "Aokouen, wake up!" he heard a loud slap noise and another; he soon heard more shuffling, "AOKOUEN WAKE UP!" There was more slaping, one after another after another. He heard sobbing and screaming, "Aokuen kun, stop bullshiting!!" He heard more shaking, more shuffling. He heard more sobbing as he heard a rumbled voice come out of the phone, "What the hell where you guys doing?!" He heard more shuffling, and a loud grunt. He heard a voice rumble through the phone. He heard more sobbing and panicked speech, "We, we gotta go to the hospital!.. Miastu chan? MIATSU CHAN!?"
The phone slid out of the wolf's paw. He felt his legs shake, his eyes widened in terror. A fresh new stream of urine ran down his leg. This was primal fear. Regardless of who's fault it was, the fact still remained... Yugure was no longer conscious, in game or out.
Miatsu collapsed to the floor, sobbing. He bawled up, muttering over and over, "Gomen'nasai, g-gomenasai, gomen'nasai......" |
Part II - Taking Care of Business by Zorha | #2 of Family Business - Disclaimer: I didn't wear any pants while writing this. More Important Disclaimer: Contains Furry Smut. Seriously, I mean a metric fuck load. Most of it in the M/M variety, but despite my best intentions, the gangbang scene at the end of this twelve page story got a little | [
"Various Species",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10078-part-ii-taking-care-of-business | Disclaimer: I didn't wear any pants while writing this. More Important Disclaimer: Contains Furry Smut. Seriously, I mean a metric fuck load. Most of it in the M/M variety, but despite my best intentions, the gangbang scene at the end of this twelve page story got a little wild. Sorry. \*Sweatdrop\*. If your underage don't read this, as it might twist your innocent little mind. \*coughs\*
Furs who read the first part of this story series will notice that Mycaelis' character changes a lot, and that ties into how such a loving father from Part I of this series could torture a fur in Part III of 'Dinner Date'. It's plot related. \*Gasp\*. Sorry this took so long, hopefully it was worth the wait. Thanks again to Purplewoof for his advance feedback.
Rin, Dev, and Eden are copyright LittleVixen712. Zeke, Drake (uncredited), and Star are copyright Eldyran, Grylor is copyright himself, used with his permission. Mycaelis is copyright Eldyran, but created with suggestions from Slumovsky. Even Mycaelis knows Not to Taunt Happy Fun Ball(tm) !!!
**Family Business - Part II - Taking Care of Business** **2006 by Eldyran and Grylor** "Objection."
Judge Carver glanced back to Mycaelis over after peering at Ms. Starling over the brim of his horn rimmed glasses; the thick, coke bottle lens distorting his stern, dark stare. The old badger seemed to huff a bit, as if inhaling to add force to what he was about to say.
"Mr. Avenches, please offer proof of some semi-regular income, so that the state may establish proof you are able to support your son in a decent standard of living."
"Yes your Honor ..." With that Mycaelis stood up, smoothed out the few wrinkles in his well cut Italian suit, and handed some paperwork to the bailiff. The female husky in turn handed copies to the Ms. Starling and Judge Carver before she resumed her regular place. The judge poured over the bank statements with a stern eye, shuffling over the pages of deposits and withdrawals.
"Mr. Avenches, most of these deposits were made this past month. Can you please explain to the court why?" The judge pulled out a highlighter and marked down some things on his copy. Mycaelis inhaled, calming himself before he spoke.
"I finished three of my four latest documentaries this past month, and other royalties from previous ones also came in. As you can see, I manage my budget ..." The perfectionist female wolf lawyer for the state balked at this statement.
"Objection, your Honor! These deposits are all from money orders ... which does not establish any proof of his outrageous ..."
The old badger puffed up a bit, his gray fur bristling.
"Overruled ... Mr. Avenches ... this court understands that your income is unusual, and so it will not place a further burden of proof upon you. However I would ask that you keep a close eye on your funds." Ms. Starling tried to chime in again.
"But your Honor ...!" The grizzled badger gritted his teeth, his dark eyes glowering.
"Ms. Starling, will you approach the bench?" The picture perfect female wolf with wire framed glasses looked startled for a moment, and then skittered up to the badger, now nervous. Mycaelis gave a smug grin, and turned to smile back at Samuel, the lynx who sat in the back row of the courtroom. The sly feline doctor nodded back to his lover, watching the exchange up at the podium with some measure of satisfaction. While the lawyer was busy in conference with the court, Grylor peeked his tan lupine head into the court and sneaked in.
The preteen wolf wore a nice formal black dress and blouse with black high heels, with green lipstick covering his muzzle lips, the green of the lipstick matching his jade eyes perfectly. Mycaelis' own light green eyes grew wide, their similarities in fur and eye coloration too close to be simple coincidence. He doubted that even Ms. Starling would recognize Grylor dressed as a female, and his perfume would likely mask his scent. Still, he didn't want to take any chances. He shooed his son back out of the courtroom with a flourish of paw signals, his fangs bared. Grylor ducked his head and gave a silent whine before he slipped back out of the room, undetected. As soon as he was out of sight, Mycaelis turned back to the judge and stood up.
"Your Honor? Could I request a recess?" The judge looked up from the frustrated, admonished female lupine and banged his gavel.
"Very well ... the court grants a fifteen minute recess." His stared shifted back down to the lupine in front of him.
"I urge Ms. Starling to take this time to collect her composure, as further outbursts will result in this court's contempt." She huffed once before she snapped her parted muzzle shut and stormed out of the courtroom. Mycaelis sighed and left the courtroom, already tired. His son had again almost inadvertently destroyed his careful laid plans to keep what little of his family reminded together. He wanted to be angry, but now was not the time to express it. As he stepped out of the courtroom, Samuel joined him and put a paw on his chest.
"Mike. Can we talk?"
"Sam ... I need to talk to Grylor ..."
"It will only take a minute. You have fifteen ..."
"Okay," Mycaelis sighed and nodded his head, "I suppose I owe you that much, for pulling some strings and getting us a judge who hates that bitch as much as I do. I can't understand what Grylor's mother saw in her."
"Yeah ... it's a mystery even to me. But ... I wanted to talk about ... us ..." The lynx bit his lip, hoping the wolf wouldn't be mad for bringing this up. Ever since the funeral of Grylor's mother, Mycaelis seemed to be drifting further and further away from him.
"Yeah. Us. Look, I know how you feel about your son, and him about you, but even though it's ... unusual ... I hope that it won't come between us, you know?"
Mycaelis looked away before Samuel took a paw and turned the wolf's face back to him.
"Mike. It's not like that. I promise. I'm not some sick kink who wants to get involved with your film business. I'm actually camera shy if you can believe that. I just want to ... be with you ..."
"I know," Mycaelis replied, looking down at his well polished shoes, "And I know if it hadn't been for you, Grylor would most likely be in a foster home right now, but ..."
"But ...?" The lynx looked worried, fearing the worst.
" ... Things are just complicated right now. I need to take care of business. Grylor comes first, and he always will. Anything else ..." The lynx closed his amber eyes, tears threatening to spill down the gray fur of his black striped cheeks.
"Okay Mike ... I get the idea ... just know ... I ... lo ..." The wolf pushed a paw to the feline's lips, silencing him.
"I know Sam. I know ..." The lynx turned and walked away before he could break down in front of the male he loved and create a spectacle for the many passerby's who milled around just outside the courtroom. Mycaelis rubbed his eyes and snout, that confrontation being much harder than he expected. He glanced up at a brass grandfather clock in the hallway.
Ten minutes.
He scanned the hallway for his cross dressing son, but didn't see him. He noticed the door to the female restroom was ajar, and his fur bristled. He strode to side of the door and sniffed; the light scent of Grylor's perfume drifted in the air.
"Ms. Stillwater, you think you're coy, do you? Hiding in there? Let me tell you something, I've had it up to *here* with you. Oh you *think* that I'll forgive you for this serious lack of discretion? You ... just ... wait ..."
There was a quiet whimper from inside the small restroom, and Mycaelis closed the door and walked away, fuming...
\* \* \* \* \*
Grylor watched through the sedan's passenger side window as the Seattle suburbia passed him by. The intermittent lights of lamp posts danced off his fur as they drove by; the February night closing in fast around them. The tires of the sedan sloshed its way through some snow and slush, but his father didn't ease off the accelerator even once. He glanced over to his father, whose grim, solemn features were draped in heavy shadow. He tore his gaze away and shivered. He didn't like his father when he was like this. It started the night his father caught him messing with his cameras. He had changed.
Before he realized it, the sedan pulled into the driveway of their new house. Grylor didn't want to move out of his mother's old house, but his father insisted, saying something about a will. As a concession, Mycaelis allowed Grylor to keep any of his mother's things he wanted too. The only thing Mycaelis kept was framed picture of all of them in the hospital delivery room. They held him together, his mother in her hospital bed, his father with a camera, and him as a newly born puppy, swathed in bloody towels. Grylor never understood why his father picked that picture to keep, as gore always used to make him ill before.
Mycaelis didn't even wait for the engine to come to a complete stop before he pulled the emergency brake and yanked the key out of the ignition. He got out, slammed the driver's side door shut, and stormed over to Grylor's side of the car. Grylor's eyes widened and he whimpered, moments before he slammed his paw down on the door lock. Mycaelis tried the handle and growled, before whipping out his keys again. Grylor squealed in terror and tried to scramble out of the passenger side seat to the back, but the older wolf had the door open before he even realized it.
The preteen wolf screamed as he felt a paw clamp on his legs and drag him out of the car. His black dress rode up to his black lace panties and his claws tore into the car's upholstery, desperate for purchase. The fabric ripped free and Grylor felt a paw clamp around his muzzle, his father doing a fireman's carry of him right through the front door of their new house. Mycaelis stormed down the chilly basement stairs and threw the disobedient preteen onto a pile of old blankets in the corner. Grylor yipped as the blankets *almost* broke his fall, and his back slammed hard against the unyielding cement floor, knocking the wind from his lungs.
Before he had time to react, Grylor felt a pair of knees pin his hips to either side, and something clamped around his neck. His paws shot up to his neck, but the steel spikes on his collar warded any feeble attempts to tear it away. A back paw snapped his muzzle hard to the left, and Grylor's world grew dim and fuzzy around the edges. He closed his eyes before the spinning world could make him vomit all over the basement floor. The taste of new leather and bitter iron bit into his taste buds as his split lips were muzzled. Grylor shook, trembled on the blankets and whimpered, too afraid to open his now ice blue eyes. He heard the clink of a thick steel chain secured to a ring in the concrete wall, and then to his collar. He was a common dog now. A bad, bad doggie...
He didn't know how long he waited for the next blow to come. He cowered for what seemed to him like an eternity, before he realized he shivered not now from fear, but from cold. He opened his eyes, but his father was no where to be seen. He whined and pulled a blanket over to cover himself. The harsh incandescence from the single 100 watt bulb in the basement burned into his retinas, and he closed his eyes again, his head still dizzy from the brutal blow his father gave him. Grylor huddled into the blanket, alone and scared.
Mycaelis meanwhile was in their bedroom, lying on their shared bed. He clutched the picture of Grylor's mother to his chest and bawled, tears streaming down the tan fur of his muzzle.
"Maurice ... I can't do this!" He cried out between sobs, "I'm not strong enough ..."
*You have to Michael. I'm not around anymore to do it for you.*
"But I LOVE HIM!" Mycaelis slammed a balled fist into the side of his muzzle, not knowing what else to do to express his rage; his frustration.
*And that's why Michael. If you love him, you'll do this. Do it for me Michael ...*
Mycaelis opened his light green eyes and looked around for a moment in the bedroom.
"Maurice?" There was no one there. She was still gone, and he was still alone. He sniffled a bit before pulling the chain for the lamp beside the bed, the immense guilt of her death still weighed heavy on his mind...
\* \* \* \* \*
*Grylor was in his mother's sedan again. But this time he made sure that his seat belt was secure. Maybe this time his mother would keep her eyes on the dark road in front of her. She still talked on her cell phone to her ... friend ... the stunning, attractive, and smart female wolf with wire framed glasses that always came over to their house, the one who spent a lot of nights over. It was like a great adult female sleep over, and he felt jealous he was never invited. Sometimes they giggled a lot upstairs. Sometimes they moaned.*
Maybe this time, with one free paw on the steering wheel instead of on his seat belt, she would be able to control the spin of the car as it hit the black ice, which now lay just beyond the beam of the headlights. He tried to yell out, but he couldn't get his voice louder than the argument over the phone. Something about his father...
For some reason he was muzzled, and he watched in horror as a small shadow appeared on the dark road in front of him. It all happened in slow motion again, and Grylor couldn't do a thing to stop it. Every night... The same nightmare... He found himself rolling over and over again, before coming to a rest upside down ...
... against the basement wall. The light from the harsh bulb seared his eyes when tried to open them, and he pulled both of his paws up to his face to shield them. Another kick to his side made him grunt, the muzzle muffling his yelp of pain. His father's rough, angry voice boomed in his tan ears.
"I *said* get up, *bitch*." Grylor whined and got up, his knees shaking. His father's paw gripped the chain on his collar and pulled him off his hind feet, which kicked, jerked as the spiked collar choked him. A strangled yipe barley escaped past his muzzled lips, and Grylor felt his bladder let go. A trail of hot urine streamed down the fur of his legs to pool on the cement basement floor.
Mycaelis was not pleased. He shook the chain back and forth, and Grylor's body continued to choke, flopping like a fish strung up out of water, before he dropped his own son unceremoniously to the floor again. Grylor's lungs gasped in precious air before he felt a paw at the back of his skull, forcing his nose into the steaming pool of piss.
"Smell that reek you little piss wolf? It's you. You're a fucking little disobedient sissy pup. And your going to learn some respect ..." Mycaelis rubbed Grylor's face into the pool, the strong scent of urea soaking into his tan fur there, making the preteen wolf's eyes water and burn. His father let go of him and unchained him from the wall. He clawed the dress off his son and stripped him naked.
"Now, go upstairs to the bathroom and clean yourself up in the shower. You will learn to show some respect, obedience to your Master. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" Grylor nodded, but did not whine this time. His father kicked him in ass, and Grylor fled, his tail tucked between his legs. "When you come back down I want eggs for breakfast this morning. And if you dare put something in my coffee I'm going to beat the living *merda* out of your little worthless ass."
Grylor ran upstairs to the second floor and was about to enter the bathroom when he skidded next to a stop beside their bedroom. The portable phone sat on its charging base on top of the nightstand. He skittered over to it, his wary ears perked to any sound of his father coming up the steps. He picked up the phone and hit the call button, ready to dial for help. Instead his father's voice answered on the phone downstairs in the kitchen.
"Consider this the new *Fascio* little one. I am now the State. I will monitor your communications with the outside world. I will become your life. In return for your loyalty and obedience, I will protect you from the ridicule of the liberals who would take you away from my loving, caring paws. Together, we will forge a 'Pact of Steel' that none shall break. But this attempt at *Rivoluzion*, little one, will cost you. You will not share breakfast with me this morn. You will serve it to me and watch as I eat it. And then perhaps you will understand. Now ... I am getting hungry ... and impatient. Clean up and come downstairs, we will be having guests shortly."
The phone clicked empty air, and Grylor whined, looking at the receiver in his paws. He set the pawset down into its base and trudged to the shower, defeated.
\* \* \* \* \*
Scene Missing - NIN
\* \* \* \* \*
Later that night as Mycaelis pulled the thick blankets over their mutual naked, furred forms; he nuzzled the back of his son's neck. Grylor murred and pressed backwards into his father's loving embrace, still muzzled. Their mutual body heat kept the cold of a typical Seattle's winter night at bay, and Grylor felt paws run up and down his slimmer, naked chest; his father's touch affectionate, gentle.
"So tell me, little one. Is the muzzle ready to come off? Will you submit to me now?' Grylor closed his jade eyes and nodded, his heart full of sincerity. Mycaelis undid the leather binds to the muzzle and slid it off. Grylor turned around and lapped at his father's larger muzzle.
"There, there little one... Are you not tired? My two trainers were quite harsh on you today ..."
"But I love you Daddy! Let me show you ..." With that the smaller wolf climbed on top of his father, his own hips astride of the larger lupine's. Grylor leaned down and kissed Mycaelis, sliding his small tongue between his father's muzzle lips. He ground their sheaths together, their loose skins pulled back to expose the sensitive, slick flesh of their pink tips, which now slid against each other.
"Ohhhh Grylor ..." Mycaelis groaned out, running his paws up his son's chest, his claws teasing the taut nubs of flesh there. This caused Grylor to squeal and squirm atop him, his hardening wolf cock squirting small jets of pre unto the older lupine's own. Mycaelis was through being patient. He grabbed the scruff of his son's neck and forced him chest first to the mattress.
Grylor moaned out as his father lapped at his secret entrance, and his bushy tail twitched with excitement, pleasure. The rough buds of the large lupine tongue caused his tail hole to flex, clench around the thick muscle. His father's skillful, experienced tongue slathered his sensitive pucker with slick spit. Grylor groaned in disappointment as he felt the wonderful organ leave his virgin entrance. He gasped and clutched pawfulls of sheet as he felt something slick, hot, and tapered slide just inside his tail hole, the tight ring of muscles clenching instinctively around it. His own stiff erection jutted hard into the mattress underneath him.
"Oh yes Daddy! Please! More!"
"I'm not your Daddy anymore, Pet. I'm your Master. You will address me as such." Mycaelis bit gently down on Grylor's ear before giving it a long, sensual lick.
"Yes ... Master. Please. Make Pet your Bitch." Grylor looked back at his fathers puzzled expression, and Grylor giggled, rolling his hips so that another bit of his father's length parted his virgin hole. "The female in the courtroom with you today used to say that to Mother." Mycaelis rolled his eyes but grinned. He put his paws on Grylor's back and pressed down, forcing the adolescent's rump at a better angle so that he could sheath himself into Grylor's fleshy confines.
He shoved his thick, slick meat into Grylor's tight ass, knowing that it would hurt a bit. At this point all he wanted to do was ride his son's ass good and hard, and Mycaelis gasped as he felt himself sink into Grylor's hot insides. Grylor grunted in pain before his body adjusted to the much larger girth. It did hurt, but it felt so wonderful to have something hot and hard inside of him, mashing his prostrate up against his insides. All he could do was pant and grunt as a stab of pain and pleasure raced through him, radiating from deep inside.
Grylor felt the tip hit resistance, and he gave a half moan, half bark. A hard budge distended his lower belly, and his father withdrew halfway, before shoving his hard member back inside the preteen pup. Grylor's form pressed into the mattress, now quivering, his small adolescent cock gushing a steady stream of slick pre. Mycaelis groaned out his son's name, their sweaty forms heaving a steady, primal rhythm. The mattress rocked back and forth with each of Mycaelis' brutal thrusts, and the poor preteen wolf's limbs sprawled outwards in a feeble attempt to steady himself.
Grylor's claws dug into the mattress; his smaller paws balling the sheet in his fists, crying out in deep pleasure. His bushy tail thumping hard against his father's chest again and again. Mycaelis felt his knot slip from his sheath to bump up against Grylor quivering ring of anal muscle, and his large furry sacs slapped rhythmically against his son's smaller set.
Mycaelis' thrusts deepened, forcing his knot hard into Grylor's clenched fuck hole. Intense pressure surrounded his slick, engorged flesh before his son's pucker finally gave way, and his knot sank deep inside the fleshy heaven of his own flesh and blood. Grylor squealed out and shook as he shot his thick, salty load into the sheets underneath him, and Mycaelis groaned out as his son's ass convulsed around his thick wolf cock.
In the shadows in the corner of their bedroom, a red LED light blinked on and off repeatedly, the unseen camcorder recoding this once in a lifetime event for ... posterity. Both wolves howled out in pain, pleasure as Mycaelis came hard, deep inside Grylor, his hot seed splashing against Grylor's virgin insides. Mycaelis collapsed on top of his son...
\* \* Four Years Later \* \*
...and nuzzled the scuff of the seventeen year old wolf. Mycaelis' arms locked around Grylor's chest, now almost as wide as his. Grylor murred in happiness, his muzzle tight around the leather ball gag. His paws flexed, now bound behind his back. Father squeezed son tighter against his body, protective of his only love. He buried his muzzle into Grylor's fur, and relished how their similar scents mingled together. Still, something was missing. There had been three. Now, just two.
"Grylor, do you know what tomorrow is?" His son nodded. "Yes, that's right. It's your eighteenth birthday. Before that happens, before you become an adult, I think it's time ..." Grylor looked back with a puzzled \_expression to his master, his lover, and his father, whose knot was still deep inside of him. His furry ears twitched in anticipation.
"... You find a brother."
Grylor squealed through the ball gag and squirmed. His jade eyes lit up, filled with happiness and excitement.
\* \* \* \* \*
An hour later they arrived to the basement rooms of 'The Collision Down Under'. Few furs were allowed down to this area of the club, as all manner of debauchery occurred here, some of it illegal. The boom and thuds of the techno base on the main dance floor above shook the walls even down here, helping to cover over the cries of passion, pleasure, and some of pain. Most of the rooms were closed, a bouncer posted at each door. Access to these chambers of depravity were granted via 'invite only'. A score of furs milled about in the pit area around a circular bar infamously known as 'Cecond Circle'.
No flashy dance strobes or DJ music added any further atmosphere to the already stark brimstone bitted decor, but the thundering bass from the main dance floor above added just enough background ambiance to keep prying ears from listening in to discreet conversations and ill gotten negotiations. A series of small bright red neon flames lit the bar area, but dim lighting bathed the rest of the tables in darkness, to discourage prying eyes.
Mycaelis tugged on the chain around Grylor's collar with one paw, a AV suitcase in the other. He straightened his finest *Giorgio* attire, smoothing out the wrinkles, before descending the few steps to the pit area. He took his time, as Grylor couldn't see with the sensory deprivation hood on, and he didn't want his Pet hurt.
Grylor's hind feet gingerly stepped down in sequence, and his nervous paws ran up and down his latest present for good behavior. The bondage harness still creaked with each subtle movement from the subservient lupine, and a series of leather straps wrapped around his form to evenly spaced 'O' rings on his chest, navel, and sheath. His muzzle was free of the hood, though he would not speak unless spoken too first, and with the hood on, Grylor couldn't hear anyone. Quite the Catch-22. So Grylor consigned himself to not speaking, as any well trained and obedient pet should.
Mycaelis scanned the bar and the booth around the main area for potential candidates. He first spotted several male furs grouped around a snow leopard in the finest tailor designed flash pants and shirt he had ever seen, who was busy having some of his groupies manicure his claws.
Too vain.
He spotted a short 'yote in gutter chic trying to ply his services to several patrons, who caught the scent of trash and scat on his breath, and moved on.
Too dirty.
He spied a rather brawny boar over at the bar entertaining several furs with his surprising wit and charm, accented with the occasional bicep flex for measured humor. The group burst into peals of mutual laughter along with their host, who spoke upon a broad range of political and historical topics. Mycaelis gave a predatory grin.
He sundered over to the bar, Grylor in tow, intending to speak with the manager, when he spotted Grylor's new sibling. The wolf in question hunched over the bar, masking his tall stature, absorbed in some strong brew of his disliking. The muscles of his upper body cut sharp, defined lines into his well worn plain black cotton shirt. His blue jeans were ripped in several places, as if he threw them on at the last moment before heading here, trendiness the farthest thing from his mind at the time. His hind feet shuffled a bit in his beat up sneakers; as if conscious they were not surrounded with protective steel inserts.
The almost tangible chip on his right shoulder made the arm attached to it twitch. The large lupine's left paw gripped a half empty glass of the Captain's worst, and his brooding gray eyes bore holes into the reinforced glass bar counter top; the stare almost militant. And yet despite his apparent lack of sophistication, his fur was spotless and well groomed. This wolf hid his elitist ideals well, for the sake of social grace.
Just like Maurice.
He was perfect. But he did not tip his hand yet, preferring a bit of calculating style over heavy handed bluntness. Instead he turned his stare away from the oblivious lupine and talked for a brief moment to the female hyena tending the bar, who in turn, ushered over the manager. A large obsidian panther dressed in a no nonsense business attire stalked over with deliberate predatory grace, and rested his paws on the glass counter top.
"Business or pleasure?" The deep voice rolled out like liquid thunder, much like the voice of James Earl Jones. His golden eyes bore down on the shorter lupine, never once breaking eye contact. Even Mycaelis' nerves of steel seemed to bend a little under the weighty presence of the manager, but he tried to remain calm as he replied.
"Both." Mycaelis set the heavy AV suitcase down on the glass between them and opened it to reveal a camcorder, tripod, and various other pieces of filming equipment. The panther took a slow inhale, and his yellow, penetrating eyes rolled up and down Mycaelis, filled with suspicion.
"Which business do you represent?" The ebony feline inquired, and the claws in each paw extended, as if on edge.
"Ganymede / Hubris Productions." Mycaelis said as he managed a smile. The family business was doing quite well of late. No longer satisfied with simple BDSM, Mycaelis latest theme was total and complete humiliation. His canvases were those furs that had total conviction in their false pride, and Mycaelis relished breaking each and every one of them to mewling, shameless submissives. His artistic touch was light and skillful, often psychologically manipulating the fur in question so that their own insecurities subjugated their overblown sense of self worth.
"I see." The panther relaxed a bit, familiar with the client's works, and his claws slipped back into the sheaths of his furry digits. "Then I don't need to tell you that the arbitrary laws and morays of typical society do not apply here." Mycaelis nodded with light smile and shut the AV case, placing it back at his hind feet. The panther wasn't quite finished, however, and leaned in closer to Mycaelis. His words flowed out of his muzzle, nice and slow, stressing each syllable for emphasis.
"However ... celebrities here receive no special quarter. You are the guest of my house, true, but as my guest you will abide by *my* rules." Mycaelis listened carefully to any hidden innuendo that the panther's words might contain.
"The first rule is that your footage will not contain any hint of what this establishment is called, or where it might be located. The second rule is that any face or distinguishing marks caught by your camera will be distorted, as my patrons expect their anonymity. The third rule is that regardless of what goes on in your chamber, a bouncer will *always* be posted within. He or she will be my eyes and ears, and will not hesitate to enforce my house rules. Do you understand these rules?" Mycaelis nodded again and his smile faded. His light green eyes locked on the obsidian panther's own so that there would be no chance of misunderstanding.
"Excellent. Those who break my house rules, either through folly or choice, are banished to the frozen lake of Cocytus. If and when that happens, expect judgment to be decisive, punishment swift, and appeals unheeded." The fur on the back of Mycaelis' neck bristled. A part of him expected this. When you deal with such illegal, underground circles, you can well expect to put your very life on the line. He hoped it would not come to that. Mycaelis fought hard not raise his upper muzzle lip in defiance, and gave yet another silent nod.
"Very well, we will place you in the Francesca room tonight; the full payment of five hundred United States dollars is required up front." Mycaelis pulled out a platinum engraved money clip stuffed to capacity with Dollars and Euros and pulled out five Franklin's, spreading them out before the manager. The female hyena who he spoke to earlier appeared from nowhere, wiped down the area with a wet bar towel, and the currency seemed to disappear into thin air. Mycaelis grinned. Quite the trick.
"Your bouncer tonight will be Rin, he's the wolf in the corner there talking to the lynx with the spiked collar. He's the best we have, so don't piss him off. He'll toss your furry ass like it was a Frisbee. We have a patron upstairs tonight who will attest to that."
Mycaelis closed his eyes and gave a final nod before turning his attention back to the wolf standing beside him. Despite the exchange that just took place, the lupine had barely moved, his eyes still focused on whatever he saw within the reinforced glass by his paws. Mycaelis opened his eyes and smiled at the larger wolf, resting an elbow on the glass beside his drink. This change in proximity finally caught the other wolf's attention, whose gaze walked slowly over to the elbow, then up to the fur attached to it. The two regarded each other for a silent moment before Mycaelis spoke.
"My name is Mycaelis, but you can call me Michael." The other wolf snorted and turned his gaze back to his drink.
"The only thing I'll be calling you is an ambulance if you don't remove that elbow." After a moment the other wolf turned his muzzle to Mycaelis and his upper lip furled. "Now." Mycaelis grinned and obliged the wolf.
"Such vim!" Mycaelis ran his unchecked gaze up and down the fit physic. "You are just the specimen I am seeking." He shook the chain in his paw once and Grylor keeled down besides his master. "My pet is in dire need of a strong, disciplining paw such as yours. And as such you will follow us into my private chamber, and let me tape what you do to him. It can be whatever your little black heart desires most ... and you will do so for the rest of the night ..." The intoxicated lupine turned his whole body to face Mycaelis.
"Let *me* tell *you* what you can do for the rest of the night ..." The cocky brute graciously extended the middle claw of his right paw to Mycaelis, whose smile faded.
"You can go suck shit through a straw ..." With that the other wolf took his drink and poured it over Grylor's hooded head, taking his sweet time about it. The blind and deaf wolf whined when he felt the ice cold, foul smelling liquid run down his exposed fur, unaware of what was going on. The arrogant wolf deposited his empty glass on the counter top with a clink and smirked at Mycaelis before storming off. Mycaelis stared off after the insolent lupine and after he was gone, a toothy grin appeared on his muzzle.
Little did that wolf know his little act of insubordination actually turned Mycaelis on even more. His paw stroked Gylor's green head fur absently before untying the sensory deprivation hood and taking it off. Grylor looked up confused and blinked a bit, shaking the nasty, foul smelling hard liquor from his head fur.
"Master, what happened?" Grylor said as he looked about, still confused.
"Nothing of great importance Pet, but it seems like your future brother needs to learn his place. You'll like him Pet. He reminds me of your mother ..." Mycaelis replied with a grin.
"He... he does?" Grylor trembled a bit. His mother had been pretty stern, rough sometimes.
"Yes ... but now we find ourselves in a quandary. We have a perfect room, but no perfect specimen to be your co-star." Mycaelis gave a thoughtful expression for a moment, looked around the room, and then smirked, tugging on Grylor's chain. "Come Pet, we'll have to improvise."
He walked across the room to Rin, who talked with a female lynx sporting punk fur and a PVC corset. As Mycaelis approached, Rin turned to face the other wolf, looking down at him. He made the large lupine who poured his drink over Grylor's head look like a yearling in comparison. Rin crossed his arms, and the black athletic tee he wore tightened across his upper body.
"The Boss told me you'll be in the Francesca room tonight. What will be the codeword for your room, so I know who let in?"
"A pass code won't be necessary. The door will remain open at all times. Anyone may come or go as they please." Mycaelis smiled up at the other lupine, who shook his head, the single earring in his right ear jingling about.
"I don't think that's such a great idea ... we ..." Rin said as he looked down to Grylor, obviously not impressed with the young wolf's assumed ability to take such a wide range of furs, and their particular ... kinks. Mycaelis frowned up at the wolf and stepped up place his muzzle right beside Rin's, their eyes only an inch or two apart.
"You're not paid to *think*. You're paid to follow your boss's orders, and his orders were to get me set up." Mycaelis bared his fangs a bit, just to add salt to the wound. "Or should I go tell your boss that you have a problem following his orders?"
Mycaelis seemed to know just what to say to stay within his place, yet manage to browbeat the wolf who could turn him into so many hamburgers the moment he stepped out of line. Rin's green eyes flashed amber for a brief moment before he grumbled something out, just unheard over the music blaring upstairs. The lynx's eyes opened wide in shock; she had never seen Rin take that from any fur before.
"I'm sorry," Mycaelis smiled, "What did you say?"
"Nothing... Sir..."
"That's better." Mycaelis snapped his fingers twice and tugged on Grylor's chain, heading to one of the larger rooms with Gothic lettering above the doorway, two submissive wolves and the retro 80's punk lynx in tow. When they got to it, Rin pulled out a rusty iron key and unlocked the thick steel door as the lynx with a short cropped rainbow Mohawk pushed it open with a creak. Mycaelis stepped inside and was welcomed with an entire playroom of bars with chains, racks, and other Gothic apparatuses of dungeon furniture. This would do just fine.
"Is there anything you require, Sir? Your deposit covers all manner of disposable utensils." Rin stated, taking his position near the inside of the door. Mycaelis led Grylor over to a forward slanting vinyl X rack, and chained the underage wolf to it for the time being as he set down his AV case in the corner of the room a few feet away.
"Yes. A steel leg spreader, something to hold up a tail... Latex, lots of latex." Mycaelis replied, almost absently as his attention was focused on assembling his portable tripod and getting his AV equipment in order. Grylor looked around the room and mewled; his apprehension filling the thick air with the sweet scent of uncertainty and a hint of fear.
"You heard the client, Star." Rin nodded to the lynx, who closed the door behind her on the way out. By the time Mycaelis finished getting his portable bare bones recording studio set up, Star returned with the items he requested. Mycaelis almost squealed with glee as he took the two piece, full body latex suit from the lynx, inspecting it. It was impossibly small even for Grylor, and it had a plastic ring where the muzzle would eventually stretch to, allowing the wolf to breathe, and a hole for the nose, sheath, and tail. He handed it back to Star, who nodded and walked over to Grylor.
Grylor tried to back away, but the short length of the chain on his collar stopped him. He gave a bark of surprise and cowered as the bouncer lynx bore down on him. Mycaelis came over and took the collar off for a moment as Rin picked up the whimpering lupine from behind, pinning his arms. Star snatched one of the hind legs that kicked at her, and pulled up the lower part of the rubber-like full body glove. Grylor almost squeaked as his legs sank into an endless sea of latex, the tight, soft material bounding him completely in a way he hadn't thought possible. An erotic feeling ran up his thighs, the sea of sensation swallowing his furry sac. His sheath twitched as Mycaelis pulled it thought the hole in the taught, slick latex, and a moment later his tail followed through the similar one in the rear. Grylor murred out from the sensual sensations, legs flailing a bit, the latex flexing, squeezing around his lower body in response.
Rin placed Grylor back on his feet and held up his arms as Star pulled the upper half down over his head and muzzle, squishing his head fur against his skull. The deafness, blindness, claustrophobia of being bound in such a way caused Grylor to thrash; worried that he wouldn't be able to breath under such crushing tightness. Yet the latex inched its way down, stretching, binding, as his arms went in, then chest, then finally stomach. Rin forced Gyrlor's muzzle open, and positioned the ring so the insides of his canine teeth caught on it, then released his grip on Grylor's muzzle.
The underage wolf snapped his muzzle back and forth, unable to close or open his muzzle further. The latex stretched so tight over his skull he couldn't even open his eyes. His furry ears were pinned so tight against his furry head that the world outside his latex prison seemed muted, muffled. Mycaelis shoved his son onto the forwards slanted vinyl X, pinning the squirming lupine to it as Rin and Star secured his wrists and ankles to each of the four arms.
"Now, just to make sure there is no funny business ..." Mycaelis leaned down and personally secured the leg spreader to Grylor's ankles. He shook the spreader and smacked Grylor hard on the ass, tying the busy tail up back to Grylor's re-secured collar with a leather strap. He took out a tube of lube and applied a copious amount to Grylor's tail hole, the excess dripping unto the floor. "So tell me Pet, are you ready to become a true slut?"
Grylor nodded hesitantly.
"Good. Star, open the door. Grylor is ready for his close up, Mr. Deville."
Star nodded and strode to the door, shoving it open. The bright light from the room illuminated the darkened booths, and several furs held their paws up to their muzzles, shielding their eyes from the unexpected shine. When the door did not shut, there was grumbling, hesitation, then finally, recognition from the wanton masses. The lumps of irregular shadows stirred, squirmed, and shuffled their way to the open doorway, peering inside.
That's when the floodgates burst wide open, and there was a virtual stampede to get into the room. Rin stood back, arms crossed, shaking his muzzle. Star lost count and gave up. Mycaelis hit record.
The first fur to get into the room was a lanky cheetah, who threw off his clothes and jumped onto Grylor's back in a blur of liquid motion. He shoved his half hard kitty cock in the lupine's ass and went to town, screeching and hissing. Grylor groaned as he felt the first violation pierce his insides, the cheetah's paws latched firmly on his shoulders for support as he banged away at his bound latex form.
The next one in was a slim gazelle, who bounded into the room and skidded on his hooves in front of Grylor, not bothering to even take of his clothes. Instead he unzipped his fly and grabbed Grylor's muzzle, shoving it down upon his tip of his erection. From the way this gazelle muzzle fucked the wolf, one might never suspect he was an accountant and by nature, a gentle grazer. Grylor groaned into the herbivore cock as he got split between two of natures most primal adversaries. They were most certainly doing it to him like they do on the Discovery channel.
Both bounces balked as a stocky female hyena jumped onto the room, skidding across the polished black tile floor on her soft stomach and ample breasts. She came to a stop underneath the X and whipped her muzzle up to lap at the hardened, exposed wolf cock, her hip length, dread locked, magenta head fur snapping like small whips. Both Rin and Star looked to Mycaelis, who shrugged.
"Cum one, cum all."
Rin and Star smirked to each other, then to the growing crowd in the room. So far the first three furs had created an African ambiance to the spectacle. Grylor Gone Wild indeed. All this happened in the span of less than ten seconds.
The cheetah didn't last very long, and from the way he carried on, screeching and pumping his blurring kitty cock into Grylor's ass, it wasn't a surprise. The world's fastest feline upheld his title as he yowled out, eyes clenched in orgasm, before the fur behind him ripped him away, his feline meat still spurting his thick cream all over Grylor's latex ass.
"Excuse me Bloke, you're double parked," said the tall, muscular fox as he kindly redirected the cheetah to the floor. The fox's blue jeans dropped to his black furred ankles as he ran his dripping fox meat underneath Grylor's furry balls before slipping his tapered tip into the pre-stretched, well lubed fuck hole. "Thanks Gent, I'll take him from 'ere." The British body building fox smirked down to the cheetah, who still kicked and spasmed on the floor.
The gazelle was about to blow his load before a feral growl behind him made him leap back in fear. The half hiss half growl came from a gigantic badger, who gripped Grylor's head and shoved his huge girth into Grylor's muzzle. Grylor flopped around, choking as the huge meat cut off his throat's airway, and the badger's razor sharp teeth gleamed in a sick way as his hips bucked relentlessly. Grylor's teeth scraped across the badger's slick flesh on instinct, and the badger hissed, emptying his huge balls into the lupine's stomach.
Other furs crowded around Grylor, stripping off their clothes, stroking their cocks, impatient. Some were content with just blowing their load all over the latex covered, writhing form. Two furs reached for the female hyena, but she whirled around like lightning and snapped at their paws, growling so fiercely that even the badger flinched. The naked masses took a collective step back.
The hyena, now turned around, wasted no time in shoving her skirt down and impaling herself onto Grylor's underage, virgin meat. Grylor gave a stifled cry as his organ sank into her puffy sex, the sensation coming as a complete shock to him. Mycaelis smiled, a tear rolling down his furry cheek. His son was such a trooper. Grylor's training would soon come to an end, and then he would become the ultimate pet slut.
The hyena panted out as she thrust back again and again on Grylor's wolf cock, her magenta eyes lit with crazed lust. The fox gripped Grylor's hips and bucked into him, his fox knot sinking deep into the wolf, bumping against Grylor's prostrate repeatedly. The fox gave a groan as he tied the wolf, his thick fox seed filling Grylor's bowels, mixing with the cheetah's own cream. The hyena's fleshy walls clamped down on the wolf's sex as her orgasm tore through her, and she barked out, yipped as she rode it out on the helpless, teenage wolf. Grylor cried out as the fox knot ground against his prostrate, and the double penetration in his ass and on his shaft made his whole body shudder as his own orgasm ripped out deep inside of him, filling the hyena's sex with his seed.
Seeing spots open, other furs jostled each other for access to the cum-splattered latex lupine. A crocodile shoved the fox out of the way, ripping his knot from Grylor's ass. Grylor screamed out in pain seconds before thick reptilian cock plowed into his already sore insides. The crocodile gave a guttural, almost alien groan as his dry scaled form slid up and down the latex body. It felt like a reverse condom.
A zebra took position in from of Grylor, the ring in Grylor's muzzle only able to accommodate the girth of the wild equine's blunt cock tip. The thick muscles of the zebra's thighs bulged, and he whinnied out his frustration. Grylor, the cum-slut that he was, ran his long lupine tongue around the blunt tip, flicking it back and forth with the flat of his tongue. The stripped equine gripped the upper arms of the X supporting Grylor, and he threw his head back in pleasure, need.
Grylor snaked the tip of his agile tongue into the zebra's slit, parting the glans, and shoved it as far inside the urethra as it would go. Mere words alone could not describe how good that felt to both Grylor and his frustrated stallion. Grylor was rewarded soon after with a virtual geyser of horse seed, and he tried his best to swallow all of it, most flying past his face to coat the crocodile. The crocodile groaned out from the erotic act and ran his webbed, scaled digits up his cum covered scales.
A coon crawled underneath the dazed, panting hyena to lap at the juncture of their sexes, seeking the cream dripping down between them. He stroked his rock hard coon cock as he slurped away, and the female hyena saw the opportunity and took the coon meat into her maw, sucking on the short, slick flesh pole. The rest of the furs in the room looked at that and then each other. There was a moment's pause before they gripped, grasped, stroked, and fucked one another. Grylor had inadvertently set off a massive orgy, and soon abandoned clothes, splotches of male cum, and drips of female cream covered the room's entire black tiled floor.
Mycaelis wiped off a splotch of cum that errantly flew into the camcorder's lens. Rin and Star gawked at the spectacle before them, then to look each other up and down. For a moment they regarded each other, before snorting and turning back to crowd, arms folding in unison.
As. If.
Mycaelis checked the battery life and amount of tape left in the camcorder. Two hours. Not enough, but it would have to do. He glanced at the mass of writhing furs and smiled as the manager meandered into the room, stalking, weaving his way through the frantic orgy, before he came up to Mycaelis.
"Your deposit does not cover a clean up this extensive." The obsidian panther said, crossing his arms, ignoring the gutter coyote attempting to hump his leg and stain his business suit.
"I think I can manage to find the extra money somewhere," Mycaelis said with a grin as he leaned on his camcorder and patted it with a gentle paw, "First, I have to take care of some business." Rin stepped over to listen into the conversation, leaving Star to guard the expensive bondage assets in the room, which received a lot of use at the moment. Mycaelis continued. "I need to find a trouble maker, who had caused my little family much disgrace. And when I find him I will teach him his place."
"You mean the wolf at the bar?" the panther inquired, "He comes around here once in a while. He's a rough patron, very reclusive, hard to find."
"Ohhh I know who can find him," Rin butted in, growling, "Sometimes the best way to find trouble is to go look for trouble." He nodded to the door, indicating to Mycaelis to follow him, and soon they made their way up the secret stairway to the janitor's closet on the main dance floor of club. Rin nodded to the bouncer on duty in the closet and lead Mycaelis out to the main dance floor, the air thick with mist and whirling laser lights.
They wormed their way through the throngs of ravers cheering on a sleek female white tiger dancing on stage to a remix of "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurhythmics, and eventually came to an occupied booth. There, a fox in leather pants and a silk gamer's shirt who looked a lot like Cliffy B, made out with a short coyote with glasses and a backwards MIT baseball cap. The two furs looked up at the newcomers, and stopped molesting each other for the time being.
"What the hell do you want, Rin?" Dev said with a smile, "Zeke here is sick and tried of your lame macho bullshit. You better stay back, or this 'yote might tear into you. I've seen him in action." Dev licked the side of Zeke's cheek and laughed.
"Come on Dev, stop playing," Zeke giggled and pushed Dev out of the booth, "Go see what Eden wants for the next round of drinks, he's going to be parched when he gets off stage. As Dev gave him a final kiss and squirmed out of the circular booth, Rin and Mycaelis took their seats.
"Seriously Rin, what do you want?" Zeke said, looking over Mycaelis with a dubious, distrustful stare.
"This patron is looking to track some one down ... I think the punk ass calls himself Two Skins." Rin replied with deadpan delivery. He nodded over to Mycaelis to take the time to redo his wrist cuffs to perfection.
"I want to know everything about this fur. I want to know his full name, where he works, what he eats, how he sleeps, and which side of the bed he gets up on in the morning. Do I make my needs clear, or shall I sketch you a diagram?" Mycaelis said as he wiped off an errant strand of cum from his right sleeve before finally looking up at the computer crackin' coyote.
"This sort of business isn't cheap," Zeke said in thought, adjusting the wire framed glasses on his muzzle with a paw tip. "That level of detail is going to cost you ..."
"Oh trust me, money is no object," Mycaelis said as he gave his trademark toothy, predatory grin, "Especially when it comes to Taking Care of Business ..."
**\~ Fin Part II \~**
So was that Gangbang scene over the top? I can never tell! \*Gives a mad, insane cackle\* Seriously, if any furs are wondering, I used a furry generator ([http://www.seventhsanctum.com/gens/furrygenetiks.html](http://www.seventhsanctum.com/gens/furrygenetiks.html)) to generate up random furs as they were needed. So any similarities (aside from a certain boar) between your characters, living, dead , or undead, are entirely coincidental. Yes I totally stole that from An American Werewolf in London. And yes that 'Scene Missing' inclusion was intentional, as that will become a separate story at a later date. It's also a reference to the NIN video: Closer.
Thanks for everyone who took the time to write to me about Part I. I had no idea that such a taboo story would garner so much praise. Who knows when the final part of this series rolls out, as I have three different story threads beating down my door. I'd like to give a shout out to all the insane, wild furs I met at the Hopkins, Minnesota furmeet in the middle of March '06. Hope to see you all again soon!
:love: Eldyran
Keywords: M/M, Wolf, Various Species, Gangbang, Incest, Virgin, Cross dressing, BDSM, Master/Pet |
The Lost One: Return by jimkoyot | #4 of Chronicles of the Lost One I know. I am terrible about getting updates. Life, work, girlfriend, and various other things like Diablo3 tend to get in the way of my writing. It's not like I have anyone actually anticipating an update anyways. On a side note, the next chapter should be the start | [
"Story Progression"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464101-the-lost-one-return | Sam looked out over the city from the peak of a mountain. It's been five years since seeing this town. Five years of traveling, learning, hiding. Much had changed for Sam's views in religion, politics and even her own sexuality. She came to grips with the changes after a year and by the fourth year had finally accepted it. The prospect of doing anything with a man was still unnerving but she figured that would change upon meeting someone interesting.
She had been sitting there day-dreaming for long enough though as the sun was behind the horizon already. She took flight and headed for town, tracing the path she walked from the Taco Bell to Kyle's apartment that night they met. Hoping he still lived in the same place she flew low, just over the roof tops, and landed at his front door. She knocked a couple times and listened for any movement inside. The sounds she heard though didn't come from inside his apartment. Someone dropped their keys with a gasp off to her right. Turning to look at this person she had to remind herself that it's a costume and to not move anything that shouldn't.
"Ummm, hi!" Sam waited for a response but the person seemed to either be stuck in awe or fear. Maybe both. "Hello? Are you okay?"
That seemed to do the trick, "oh! So sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I've never seen such a well made costume before! Are you going to the Con tomorrow?"
Sam was shocked and amused by this revelation, thinking to herself, "oh goody! Now I'll only look like a weirdo and not a freak!" She chided herself and decided to strike up a conversation since Kyle apparently either wasn't home or was at work, "definitely! I traveled a long way to get here. Are you going?"
"Oh, yes! Though now I'm not too sure I want to wear my costume. It pales in comparison to yours! I mean, you must have spent months working on this!" The girl gingerly reached out and touched one of Sam's wings, "oh my, and so soft, too!"
Sam sighed at the bitter memories of her changes, "it didn't take as long as you would think. Name is Sam."
The girl took the offered hand with a giddy shake, "Anna. Pleasure to meet you!"
Sam smiled and remembered her plight, "I don't mean to impose but would you mind me staying with you for a bit? My friend isn't home yet and I don't want to scare the neighbors."
"Oh, not a problem at all! It is a bit chilly out here anyways. C'mon in!"
Anna waved Sam into her home before closing and locking the door behind her. Sam glanced around and realized there wasn't much to look at. The apartment was the polar opposite of Kyle's with a small TV, futon, and a few walmart decorations to take away the blandness. She really felt bad for Anna and was now curious to get to know her better. Someone this friendly who doesn't have much has usually lived an interesting life.
Sam sat down sideways on one of the kitchen chairs to let her tail hang down to the ground while they talked. Anna speaking of the life she led and her various adventures and Sam speaking of some of her own adventures and places she's visited in the past five years. She even pulled out the camera, stolen early in her endeavors, that contained photos and videos of the sights she's seen. Anna noticed in a few of the photos that bits of Sam were visible, and in costume at that. It was intriguing to her and she wanted to bring it up when Sam's attention seemed be taken suddenly.
"Well sounds like he's home! It was nice talking with you!" Sam gave Anna a brief hug before walking to the door. She hesitated right before putting her hand on the knob and Anna noticed her ears swivel. Anna finally heard some girl yell 'freak!' outside before Sam stared up at the ceiling for a second. Sam never noticed the camera still in Anna's hands as she stepped out to go talk with Kyle. Anna looked back down at the camera and opened a fly-through video of the Grand Canyon which ended in a rather clear view of Sam's wings flapping at the end of it.
Sam knocked on Kyle's door, hoping he would respond. She heard him yell through the door, "what, not done calling me names yet?" She just knocked again, this time the door opened wide with a rather pissed looking Kyle in the doorway. His expression changed rather quickly once he saw who was at the door though, "S-s-sam?"
She suddenly felt giddy at seeing Kyle again, squealing with joy before jumping into his arms. Kyle was happy she still didn't weigh much as he only stumbled back a couple feet, spinning comically in the process. He didn't know what to think seeing Sam again, let alone being practically tackled by him, or her.
"It's so good to see you again, Kyle!" Sam was practically snuggling into Kyle's chest. He finally got his wits about him and pried Sam off of him.
He held Sam at arms length and took a good look at his old friend. As awkward as he felt he couldn't help but smile. Sam had been a strong sense of joy back five years ago even though the visit was only for a couple days. Perhaps that would happen again.
"OH! I have so much to show you! I traveled the world, Kyle. I saw Paris, Berlin, Rome, Egypt. Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo. Even went to Yellow Stone, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Panama Canal. The only continent I didn't visit was Australia. So sad too, I wanted to see Ayers Rock and Sydney. I captured most of it on camera, too! Now where did I... oh." Sam looked over at the still open doorway to see Anna glancing around.
"Nice pad! Looking for this, Sam?" Anna held up the camera with a smirk, "I thought it seemed strange for you to be walking around in costume at this time when the con is tomorrow. Then there was the photos that were from impossible angles and that video of the grand canyon that looked like you were flying right through it. I think you forgot to stop it since it gave a pretty good view of your wings as you landed right at the end. Very impressive!"
Sam just sighed with a sheepish nod, taking the camera from Anna's outstretched hand, "well. At least I don't have to try keeping it hidden around you now." She stretched her wings a bit and flicked her tail a couple times, "always did hate trying to not move. Anyways... Kyle, this is Anna. Anna, Kyle."
Sam watched as they shook hands and eyed each other up and down. Kyle took Anna's hand and kissed her fingers before she had a chance to pull away from the shake. She blushed while Sam just smiled to herself. Before they could get more into each other she stole their attention to show Kyle the stuff on her camera. Kyle one upped her as he hooked it up to his computer and started displaying the photos and videos on his fifty inch flat screen. Sam was even surprised at the quality of some of the photos and videos she took on that huge screen. Eventually they came to a video that showed Sam in a curry colored robe, setting down the camera to overlook a cot. She immediately blushed before scrambling to shut off that video.
"Sorry. That one is kindof personal." At both Kyle's and Anna's questioning glance she figured it'd be a good idea to at least explain it, "I had visited some Tantric monks at the recommendation of the Abbot and a few masters of the Shaolin whom I had been staying and training with for two years at this point. I told them of my predicament and concerns and they offered to help me for some assistance as payment. Kyle knows what predicament I'm talking about." Kyle just nodded and whispered 'I'll tell you after' to Anna. "Anyways, I guess you could say that video was my 'graduating ceremony'. I went back to the Shaolin afterward and continued my training with them for close to a full year before bidding them goodbye and coming back here."
Anna raised her hand and felt silly the moment she did it, "umm, one question. What is a Tantric monk? I've heard of Shaolin but not those."
Sam just shook her head, "Kyle, you know what they are right?" Kyle gave a nod, "good, you can explain to her later. For now, I need to go through this thing and sort and collate things. You mind if I use your computer for that, Kyle?"
"Yeah, go right ahead. Save them on there if you want, too. I'd love to look at some of them a little deeper."
Sam sat down at the computer and started sorting out the videos and pictures. What she didn't realize was that Kyle's computer automatically saved everything on there the moment it was connected. Including her personal video.
Some time later Sam got up and stepped into the doorway to Kyle's room, "Okay. Done! You guys tired yet or should I just... make myself... yeah I'm closing your door now and sleeping on the couch." Kyle and Anna had their shirts off and were staring at her shocked. Sam figured she was interrupting and stepped out again. She had more important things to think of for the coming day, anyways. Sam wasn't tired but she had a big day ahead of her, falling asleep to the thoughts of being amidst modern humanity again if just for a few days.
Sam woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the first rays of the sun streaming into the dark sky outside. No one had left the apartment last night so she got up to check on Kyle. She saw him curled up with Anna in the same state of dress she left them in the night before. Those two had hit it off so fast that all Sam could do was just watch. Sam played with her ring while thinking of them with a few pains of jealousy; one of these days she'd find her Kyle or Anna.
That was one of the things that Sam laughed about from time to time. In high school and college 'he' always thought herself as a lesbian as a joke and here she was still having an aversion to men and in a feminine body. The irony of the joke turned reality wasn't lost on Sam. That was old news though with more important things to worry about now.
Sam took inventory on the satchel she had with her to make sure nothing was lost. Her final trip before arriving in town had been longer and harder than what she had put her bag through before and she never stopped to check it. In her bag she found her robes, a few articles of clothing, camera, dried meat, small satchel of gemstones, a few souvenirs, a collection of spices and herbs, and a small bag with ancient coins. The coins were extremely old as far as she could tell and she figured she could get a few bucks for them but assumed the gem stones would be worth more. Satisfied that her belongings were intact she tested the material of her bag before packing everything back away except for one set of clothes to change into.
Sam silently walked through Kyle's room to head to the shower. Bathing in hot springs and cold waterfalls was fun but nothing quite compared to the feeling of a hot shower and she had missed it greatly. The sensation of the hot water flowing through her fur was a wonderful feeling and was by far the best way to get the dirt and grit out. The hiss of the shower starting even got her to let out an excited squeak before she got herself mostly under control. She still had a manic grin plastered on her face as she took the two steps into the shower and into the steaming hot water. She had learned long ago that she could handle temperatures ranging from -50 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit so a little scalding water was no problem at all and worked wonders for cleaning everything from her fur.
Invigorated and thoroughly pleased from the shower she shook the water from her fur. She contemplated doing it out of the shower but didn't want to leave a wet mess in the bathroom for Kyle to clean up when he hadn't even made any jokes at her yet. She figured a couple would be coming eventually and would do it as payback the next day. Having an oily coat was very beneficial for drying off when a quick shake took most of it off and was among the many things that helped Sam look on the bright side of her transformation. She slipped on some clean clothes and stepped back out into Kyle's room to find the two of them waking up. Technically she didn't even have to wear clothing but did it more out of habit and modesty than anything else.
"Good morning, Kyle, Anna. How did you sleep?" Sam sat down on the corner of the bed to smile at the two. Kyle smiled back and stretched but Anna grumbled and pulled the blankets back over her head.
"Pretty good, actually. I haven't been that comfortable in years. Was the couch still good to you?"
"Wonderful, actually. All things considered, though, I haven't slept on anything softer than a canvas cot in four years." Sam grimaced, remembering some of the bumpy rock caves she's slept in over the years.
Kyle nodded in understanding, "I hear you there. The few times I'd gone camping and had nothing more than a thin sleeping bag to keep me comfortable was miserable enough. I can't imagine doing that for more than a few days, let alone a few years."
"True that. I'm hoping to be back in civilization for a while to spoil myself a bit. On that note, do you know where I can find a pawn shop nearby?" Sam poked a wing out to run her longest feather across Anna's exposed ear.
"I don't know of any around here but there is one across from the convention. It's pretty big too so you should be able to sell or buy just about anything you would want there."
"Awww darn. Well I guess that'll have to do then. I was hoping to run in while you two got up and ready so I could pay my way. I should be able to get at least a few hundred for what I have collected." Anna was trying to swat at Sam's feather but she wasn't fast enough, "well get up you two. I'll make some breakfast but we need to get to that convention!"
Sam cooked up a couple sausage, bacon, and cheese omelets. She made Kyle and Anna share one while Sam kept one to herself. Anna's mouth dropped open at how fast Sam could put it away. Kyle distracted her with a small bite he fed into her open mouth and was rewarded with a mirthful grin. Anna and Sam even got into an argument over wearing a costume to the con, finally agreeing on assessing the competition for the contest before coming back tomorrow with a costume.
Eventually they shuffled into Kyle's car to drive down to the con. Sam insisted they get there early to get tickets and so she can visit the pawn shop and get some money. The ticket lines had already gained a decent line by the time they got there and were just starting to admit patrons. Sam smiled and quickly ran off to the pawn shop to sell some wares. They were just getting close to the front of the line when they noticed Sam bouncing back towards them. Many people were staring at Sam but only the person behind them decided to be a grump about her cutting.
"Well this isn't very fair! You should go to the end of the line with everyone else!"
Sam's hackles raised as she recognized the voice and the scent now that she was close, "why, Markhnah? Are you going to assault me again?" She turned and looked him straight in the eyes and noticed his face pale a little, "I guarantee you it will not have the same results as last time. Besides, I got here at the same time as my friends. They just held my place while I ran off to the pawn shop. It's not like I just got here."
He just recomposed himself but Sam noticed he was sweating a little, "I thought you looked familiar. Children like you should learn some respect for your elders."
Sam just scoffed at the man who was dressed as a dragon five years earlier, "elders? You can't be serious man. What are you, 23? 25? I'm 32. Just because I look young doesn't mean I am. Just get over yourself and wait the thirty seconds extra it will take to get your tickets. No one else in the line cares but you."
He looked back at the crowd behind him and a good chunk of them were glaring at him for causing a scene. Finally a couple motioned for him to turn around before he finally did and kept quiet. Kyle and Anna just grinned at Sam and before they noticed they were buying their tickets.
Once inside, Sam got a wicked idea, "hey guys. How bad do you think it would be for me to not act like I'm wearing a costume? I really don't want to try staying stiff the whole time."
Kyle and Anna both looked at each other and gave it some thought. Kyle voiced his opinion first, "well, I know I wouldn't mind. I can't say the same for everyone though. Yeah sure, 95% of the people who are here would be accepting if not welcoming of someone like yourself but there is always that minority that would cause problems. I would say be discreet and limit but don't restrict. Just don't go flapping your wings or flying and you should be fine."
Anna nodded, "I agree. Maybe on the last day you can let loose and be free since you are probably going to be leaving again, right? I can't imagine someone of your... physique... staying in one area for any prolonged length of time, no?"
Sam smiled at Anna, "I like the way you think, Anna. Yeah it's true, I will be leaving again. So Monday it is! I'll still refrain from flying though. I'm pretty sure no one will be able to handle that very well."
Kyle just grinned at the thought, "sounds good! Let's go have some fun then! How much did you pick up at the pawn shop anyways?" Sam didn't respond, only smiled before skipping off into the crowds for Kyle and Anna to catch back up to her. |
The Albanian and the Dragon by Lemmington | #1 of Random - _This story managed to come up in a conversation I was having with a friend xD looking to see what other people think =P_ **The Albanian and the Dragon** The young Albanian boy looked up in worry. His hair, long and untamed after 6 months of capture, hung into his face like a | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249254-the-albanian-and-the-dragon | *This story managed to come up in a conversation I was having with a friend xD looking to see what other people think =P*
**The Albanian and the Dragon**
The young Albanian boy looked up in worry. His hair, long and untamed after 6 months of capture, hung into his face like a curtain. The door crashed open, and the adolescent scrambled backwards, only stopped by the thick chain cuffed to one leg.
The dragon stalked in, his fangs bared and glistening in the dim light of the moon. He growled, low and deep in his throat, whilst simultaneously pressing the switch he held in his hands.
The boy shuddered in both pain and pleasure. The cock ring, like a vice around his member, began to vibrate, irritating the chafed skin around it, yet also sending waves of pleasure through his thin frame. He moaned, and the dragon grinned triumphantly, before increasing the power further. The boy's moans grew in volume and pitch, each one drawn unwilling from his lips. He didn't want this.
The dragon, done with merely watching stalked forwards. He leant down over the boy and with his tail, teased the boys lips apart and saturated the appendage with the Albanian's saliva. That done the dragon moved his tail from the boy's mouth, trailing it down the exposed flesh of the boy's torso, the harsh scales scratching at the soft skin.
Reaching his destination the dragon plunged his tail inside, tearing apart old wounds and scraping new ones into the abused flesh. The boy screamed in pain, his fingers grasping at the dragon's thigh, scratching and attempting to free himself. The dragon merely plunged in deeper, widening the channel and preparing it for the main course.
The boy whimpered as the dragon pulled out. The tail may be gone, but worse was to come. The dragon pulled the boy forward, forcing the teens lips around his cock, making the youth suck until it had left its sheath entirely. The boy chocked as the member enlarged, and he had to move quickly to avoid being stabbed in the throat as the dragon thrust forward. The member was barbed and potentially deadly. The boy, although this had happened many times before, would never be prepared for it, it wasn't possible to be.
The beast moved once more, removing himself from the boy's mouth and aligning himself with his entrance. The boy whimpered, blood was already flowing sluggishly from his behind, yet more was sure to follow.
The dragon entered, harsh and fast. The barbs dug deep into the Albanian and his abused hole was stretched harshly. Each thrust brought forth a grunt of pleasure from the creature and a harsh scream of pain from the boy. The dragon continued his actions, pounding into the young boy, each movement worsening the child's injuries and bringing the dragon closer to the edge.
Finally, the dragon roared, a loud sound that sent birds skittering from the rooftops. The boy beneath him moaned one last time, as the dragon's fluid burnt through him like fire, and the cock ring, still vibrating, increased its frequency as the dragon accidentally hit the switch.
The boy collapsed onto the ground unconscious. The dragon, seeing his toy go limp, pulled out and left the room, his need satiated and his toy no longer any fun. He would leave it to heal, go play with his other toys for a while, then return, when this one was healthy enough.
The dragon really loved his life. |
The Reluctant Thief by RhymeFur | The Reluctant Thief Well after a LONG rest I guess I am back in the writing business. Well first this story is an erotic story, featuring cubs and adults in adult situations, and as so may not be suitable for all audiences. If you are not old enough to view this file then don't, it's that simple, | [
"Age Play",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/5159-the-reluctant-thief | The Reluctant Thief
Well after a LONG rest I guess I am back in the writing business. Well first this story is an erotic story, featuring cubs and adults in adult situations, and as so may not be suitable for all audiences. If you are not old enough to view this file then don't, it's that simple, then again if you are at an area that this file is featured then you already had to go through there adult check before viewing this, so you where warned. Most of the action in this is semi-consensual and you should not proceed any further if such things upset you. As always this is total fiction and is based on a world comparable to the 50's in technology. Well I have warned you as much as I wish to, too much and you will begin scrolling past it anyway. So, for those of you still here, sit back and enjoy the show.
It was night in the country, a small farmhouse about 2 miles from town sits in the darkness, the light of the half moon illuminating the quiet house. At two stories high and looks like it has been standing there for many years, wear and use show through the paint, but one could hardly call it run down, behind it stands a modest cornfield, it stretches out for about 6 acres in every direction. Next to the house stands a small shed, with a few chickens, the old roof of the thing sturdy but weathered. In the past few weeks though a chicken or two would be gone in the morning, there would never be so much of a commotion to wake him or the rosters though.
Living in the house is a gray wolf, a bit past the prime of his life at 30 he stands at 6 feet, covered in a silver fur he is muscled and worn from years of making a living for himself. His body is hard and sturdy like the house he lives in, his build modest and drawing his fur close to his body, scars line his body in occasional places, not battle scars though, he was never a fighter, living in peaceful times. All his wear is from the farm where he works and lives, weather tending to the small amount of animals he has or working the field, the years where kind enough to him where he never had need to work in the factory or storefront. He wears modest clothing, an old red cotton T-shirt drapes over his chest, down lower is a pair of denim overalls, dirty and worn, but comfortable and rugged, he likes to think they are much like himself.
The wolf paces around the house carefully as he turns all of his lights off, he chuckles to himself as he plans to catch the thief who has been raiding his chickens. A few weeks ago he came in like he always did into the hen house to gather eggs, there he noticed the latch wasn't as he left it and doing a careful count he saw that his smallest chicken was missing, along with the mornings supply of eggs. The next time he was able to catch a footprint in the cornfield, he could tell by the shape it was a feline foot, but what he found odd was just how small the print was, almost as if it belonged to a kitten. It was always after he feel asleep that the thief came around, using the darkness as a cover, no other neighbors around to notice anything.
He waited in the shadows until about 10 p.m. it was fall and it was beginning to get a bit chilly out, this late at night he wondered if the wait was for nothing. Any good thief would have known to go on to another place unless they where desperate, perhaps they where caught and killed by someone else, not uncommon in these lands. Then he hears a noise, his lupine ears perk towards the noise and he inches forward, his footfalls silent and steady, bare feet gently touching cold ground, knowing every inch of his land. The thief appears in the light of the moon, a small feline, no more then three and a half feet tall and dressed in rags. It was hard to make out the gender in this light but by the facial features and obvious slender build, the cat seemed to be no more then a child.
He pondered for a moment then leapt forward, catching the thief in his grasp and picking the feline up easily, dragging the offender back into his house. The feline cried out, the voice that of a young girl, she struggled for a bit as she was dragged in "Hey, let me go!" she cried out, wiggling as she is carried into the house. The wolf growls softly "Stay still and maybe I won't turn you into chicken feed little one" he says gruffly, as he turns on the light to the house, he blinks a bit, letting his eyes get used to the light. Well electricity is hardly common around the area he makes sure to have what few luxuries he can manage, such as a refrigerator and electric heat, though more costly it tends to keep things warmer and reach better then vents from gas could.
The lupine smiles a bit, as he sets the girl down, looking her over "stay here and lets have a talk, if you don't try to run I won't have to chase you down with my shotgun, understand?" he says to her in a stern tone. The girl whimpers and nods softly as she looks at her situation, she takes a seat at the table "Y-yes sir" she says softly. The girl is indeed short and skinny, if not for her voice and hair she could almost pass for a male of her age, her fur is a light brown color, masked over by the layers of dirt caked in them, her little body looking like it is underfed. She wears a brown pair of pants, perhaps a different color at one time; she also wears a white shirt, that to looking more brown then anything, a few sizes too large for her. She shifts nervously, as she looks the male over, sighing as it is at least warm and she won't die cold.
The male smiles a bit and then nods "My name is Darien, and if you don't wish to get on my bad side you had better answer my questions, understand?" He says, his tone stern, but not harsh. The girl nods a bit, her face very obviously betraying her fear "Ok sir, I'll do my best" she says gently, her little feet not even touching the floor of the adult sized chairs. Darien smirks as at least she knows not to be on his bad side "Well, first I want you to tell me why you where stealing my chickens" he says, leaning back against the chair. She shivers softly "About a month ago I ran away from the orphanage at the next town over, I took the chickens because I need to eat sir, please don't beat me" she says, cowering a bit. Darien nods softly and ponders what exactly to do with her "Well first what is your name girl?" he asks, curious. The feline looks up at him and whimpers "Sir, please don't send me back there, it's horrible at that place" she whimpers softly. Darien growls low "I said tell me your name, we will discuses other things after." He says to her, leaning towards her. The girl shivers and nods "Sorry sir, my name is Tina" she says, lowering her head.
Darien chuckles to himself as he sits there for a moment, as if thinking a great thought, his tail bobbing slowly behind him. "Well you have a choice Tina, you can either stay here and become my little pet or I can call the orphanage tomorrow and tell them I have you." He says, musing over the thought. In this land it is not uncommon for a creature with a house to take a pet, either buying one outright or with someone who needs to take care of debt of face punishment. Tina whines softly as she thinks "Please sir, I'll stay here, just don't make me go back there" she says, somehow whatever this male had in store for her had to be better then where she was before. The wolf smiles "That's a good girl, now come with me and we'll get you in a tub, then after you clean you can have some supper with me" he says, motioning for her to follow him as he heads to the stairs.
Tina thinks for a moment then follows him, not to fond of the idea of another cold bath, but the idea of food too alluring for her to pass up. Taking his time he walks up and old set of stairs, creaky but sturdy, much like himself at times. The walls of the bathroom are gray, offering no more then the sheet rock covering the bare walls, another project to work on later, he leads her to a large clawfoot tub and starts to run the water, watching closely behind him to make sure she has followed. He smiles softly and looks her over "You better take off your clothes, I'm not having those in my tub pet." He says, making sure to emphasize the last word for her. Tina nods softly and takes of her clothes slowly, letting them drop to the floor. Her body looks even more tiny nude, her fur clings to her and along her back are scars, some looking newer then others, looking down her furless little sex is visible, dirty as the rest of her. Darien looks over her, smiling at her young body and grunting in disapproval as he sees whip lashes across her back "What happened to your back "He says softly, testing the water and stopping it at a good level. Tina winces as even the mention of that almost makes her feel the pain again, drawing her memory back to it "I got those because I wasn't able to do the work sir" she says, now becoming more apparent why she was so adamant against returning to where she was. Darien nods softly and picks her up, gently lowering her into the warm water, being sure not to drop her; he then starts to strip, undoing his overalls. Tina gasps as she enters the water, slowly lapping over her fur, she was expecting it to be cold, not to have a warm bath drawn just for her, and she blinks as the male begins to take his clothing off "What are you doing sir?" she asks gently. All in all few furs in that era are shy of nudity, clothing is to keep you warm when it's cold and in some cases when working with food it's needed to help keep things clean, some though go without clothing most of the time and even in public.
The wolf smiles "It has been a long day for me to, and I do not wish to run the bath water twice" he says, slipping his clothing off. Now that his clothes are off the sweat makes his fur cling to his body, his heavyset balls and large sheath visible to all. The young girl nods softly, watching as the male gets in the tub with her, obviously having room for two adults, making the fit easy for an adult and child. Darien smiles a bit and gets out a bar of soap, gently he brings it to the girl and starts to rub her shoulders, making sure to get them clean "Now just relax my pet" he says "The more you cooperate, the faster we get to eat." He says softly to her. The kitten nods softly and relaxes a bit, the warm water very soothing after being outside all the time, her fur slowly becoming clean as he washes her stomach and chest. The wolf looks at her and murrs a bit, looking her over "Turn around for me, I need to get your back, I'll be as gentle as I can." He says, slowly turning her around. "Tina winces as she is turned around, gritting her teeth as he washes her back, the pain not as bad as she thought it would be but still there. Darien says to her gently "There all done with your back" he smiles, getting a pitcher and pouring water over her hair, starting to wash her hair and face gently "Keep your eyes closed so no soap gets in them" he adds. Tina closes her eyes obediently wondering just what he wants from her, but she doesn't have time to complete that thought, her head once again getting drenched as the soap washes form her head, leaving her upper body clean. Darien smiles softly to her "There, now flip back around and I'll get everything else" he says to her. The little brown kitten nods a bit, turning back around, feeling better now that her face is cleaned off, and stretches her legs out, her feet near his hands. He nods and chuckles picking one of her feet up and starting to wash it off, taking out a scrubber to wear off all the calluses, then doing the same to her other foot, slowly washing up her legs after. She giggles as he scrubs her feet, nervous but really unable to help the fact that it tickles, relaxing her further. From what she can tell he doesn't seem too cruel and she can't imagine he wants to eat her, eating prey species is hardly taboo, but for a predator to eat another is near unheard of.
Darien rubs higher and higher, his fingers now soaping between her thighs, he forces them apart lightly and starts to soap up her little lips, murring deeply. The young girl whimpers and whines softly as he rubs her there, not to sure what he is doing, but spreading her legs for him, not wanting to make him reconsider feeding her "Umm, what are you doing?" she asks hesitantly. The wolf smiles softly "Just touching a place that I will be touching allot soon" he says, softly, with a slight look of lust to his eyes. Gently he rubs between her lips, before moving to her rear, soon finishing up as she just lets him, letting out little whimpers, but seeming it doesn't hurt she tries not to object so he'll keep it that way. "You will have to get used to me touching every part of you, and also you will have to touch just about every part of me, just not tonight." He says patting her head before rubbing her shoulders. She blinks a few times and nods, less sure about this but resting for now, watching him wash himself. He moves faster on himself, having taken baths many times throughout his life he has become attuned to doing it quickly, not one to waste time, and also knowing that his new pet is hungry.
In a few minutes he stand up, gently lowering her onto the floor and stepping out after, letting the now brown water drain out. He moves over to one of the cupboards and pulls out a towel, first making sure to dry the girl off, then himself. Damien smiles softly "You won't be needing your clothing from now on, it's warm enough in here" he says flatly. Tina sighs softly and nods a bit, following the male downstairs to the kitchen, feeling quite nervous about the whole idea of being a pet, not knowing she'd have to be nude. She feels the floor under her, it seems clean enough, she has a good guess that at least part of what she does there will include housework.
Downstairs in the kitchen/dining room Tina takes a seat, while the large male goes to the refrigerator to take out a couple of items. Damien looks back to the girl as he puts some chicken on the frying pan "Relax my little pet, soon you will see there is little to be worried about, I don't beat my farm animals and I'm not about to start on you" he says, adding a few vegetables to the mix. Tina nods nervously, at least she won't get beaten, she thinks, that takes a bit off of her mind as her nose catches the wonderful scents wafting from the pan. The large wolf smiles softly "It'll be ready in just a bit" he says to her, getting out two plates "Do you know how to use a knife and fork?" he asks her. The young kitten nods softly, a bit stunned that she would be allowed to use such things "Yes sir I know how" she says softly, her tail swishing back and forth. Damien chuckles slightly and nods "Well that's good, just because you are going to be under my eye and hand does not mean you have to act like a wild animal"
Bringing the food to the table Darien smiles, the food although not much to most it consists of chicken and green beans, with an onion chopped into the mix. He sets out the food and silverware in front of her, and places his own dish down "One more thing" he says, going to the fridge and pulling out a brown jug. Tina stands there in front of her dish, letting out a tiny whimper as she waits for his ok. Darien chuckles softly "You can eat little one, I'm just getting us something to wash it down with" he says, pouring two glasses of a white liquid, giving it to the girl as he takes his seat across from her. The kitten starts to eat at once, though she tries to show restraint she is almost gulping down the food, she then looks to the glass in front of her, she takes a little sniff and gulps a bit of it, she smiles brightly as she looks to the male "It's milk!" she says excitedly. The wolf chuckles and nods, starting to eat his own food "Well I have a cow out in the yard little pet" he says murring "I'll treat you very well as long as you learn to follow orders" he adds, taking a large bite out of his own food. Tina nods as she eats, taking a sip of the milk with every other bite, it's been so long sense she's had milk, and never cold like this, she continues to smile softly, thinking that whatever he wants her to do can't be worth running away for if he takes care of her like this.
Soon the food is gone, Tina sits there purring contentedly after about 2 servings of food, her tummy full and her little paws warm. Darien yawns softly, he has had a long day working in the field and it is approaching midnight "Ok little one, now it's time for bed, tomorrow I'll start to train you but I need my rest if I am to get any work done" he says, moving over to the girl and scooping her up. The girl lets out a little noise as she is picked up, more surprised then anything else, but she doesn't resist any, wrapping her little arms around the large males chest, feeling oddly comforted there. She can't remember the last time she was picked up and held in another furs arms, the feeling of warmth filling her body more as she becomes comfortable.
Slowly he carries her up the stairs, surprised at how well this is going, he takes her into his bedroom and puts her on the bed "Ok kitten, now you have to sleep with me" he says, striping his clothing off and slipping under the comforters. Tina nods softly, letting out a little yawn herself "Yes sir" she says softly, slipping under the covers. She lays next to the male for a while, wondering if he is going to touch her again, but as she turns around to see him, she finds he is already fast asleep. Soon she finds herself passed out next to him, with how much she's been running around sense she ran away from that awful place she never did get a good full sleep.
When the young cat woke up in the morning she found that the male was already gone outside to work, on the bed next to her she found a note. After a little bit she was able to figure out what it said. For her age being able to read wasn't so uncommon, it has just been a long while sense she had the need or even anything to read.
\-Pet, there is cereal and a bowl and spoon on the counter, pour yourself some and have some milk with it, I'll be in around lunchtime, do not go outside of the house.-
She looked it over a few more times to be sure of what it said and headed to the bathroom, breakfast could wait, and she really had to pee. She looked around the bathroom as she relieved herself. Everything looked different from last night, the light from the window gave it an almost unearthly glow, and she wondered just what was in store for her today, hoping that it wouldn't be too hard. No matter what though she wasn't going back to the orphanage, she would do her best to be a good little pet, though she was still nervous in just what he wanted with her privates. Tina headed downstairs after she washed her little hands and wiped herself good, she found the cereal and everything right where he said, she pondered running but realized that no matter what he was going to do to her that it had to be better then where she was before. She ate her breakfast slowly now, the hunger pains of before all but faded away, this meal just to maintain herself, and any excuse to have some more milk. She finished and looked around the kitchen, making mental notes to herself to where everything is, assuming that he'll most likely have her clean house when it needed to be done.
Lunch time soon arrived and the wolf came in from the fields, wearing overalls and nothing else, his body dirty but all in all he looked composed, showing that he must have been doing this for years, the work hardly tiring to him now. Tina waves politely, sitting at the table, her little feet dangling off the edge. Darien smiles as he sees her still there, honestly he thought she would have run away by now, but seeing how she was beaten can understand why she would be reluctant to go from a place that feeds and bathes her. The male takes a seat next to the girl "Now before lunch how about I give you your first lesson on how to be a good little pet to me?" he asks, smirking slightly. She looks up at him nervously and nods "Y-yes sir, I guess that would be a good idea" she says softly, looking down at her feet.
The wolf smiles and nods softly "Well tell me, how familiar are you with the parts between a males legs?" he asks, starting to undo his overalls. Tina blushes deeply and looks up to the male "Umm, well I know that there is a penis, and under it are two balls?" she says, not too sure about it herself. Darien chuckles softly, slipping his clothes off, his sheath swollen a slight bit, sweat making it almost shine "That's correct pet, now I want you on your hands and knees to get a real close look at them, you'll even have to touch and taste it" he says, patting her head. The kitten whimpers softly and looks up at him, she knows that it's really not right to do such a thing, but then again, stealing is bad to, she shivers softly and gets on her hands and knees in front of it, wrinkling her nose a bit at the smell. Smiling softly, the lupine strokes her ears gently "That's a good pet, now reach your little paw out and rub the sheath" he says, his cock starting to poke out a bit, the member not huge by any means, it is still large to one as young as the girl. Tina reaches out hesitantly to touch the thing in front of her, she lets out a little sigh of relief as she touches it, it's just skin, she tells herself, rubbing the sheath lightly. Murring softly Darien spreads his legs slightly, giving her better access to his swelling cock, soon it gets to about 7 inches, his knot swelling in his sheath a bit "That's very good, now suck on the tip little one" he says, pushing on the back of her head towards his cock. Looking up at him Tina whimpers softly and opens her muzzle, she shivers as the tip touches her tongue, not really liking the taste but having eaten worse in the past, she whines and takes the head into her tiny muzzle, suckling the tip like a bottle. The wolf smiles softly as he looks to her, he grips the back of her head and starts to force his cock deeper into her muzzle "That's it, you'll need to learn to take all of it, don't worry, just keep swallowing and it won't hurt too much" he says, murring softly. The girl whines deeply as she feels the cock start to force its way into her muzzle, gagging as it pushes down her throat, she doesn't resist though, a little tear falling down her face, at least it doesn't hurt like a beating does, she thinks, suckling softly on the salty member. Darien groans as he pumps in and out of her little throat "Yes, that's good, now when I pull out of your throat I'm going to shoot some slimy stuff into your muzzle, you are to drink every drop you can" he says sternly, not knowing how long he can hold out, the muzzle is so tight and nice. She whines deeply as her little face is fucked, she can feel his member throb in her muzzle, it's not so bad now that her throat has relaxed, she continues to suck on him, nodding softly at his order, not really wanting to but figuring it's better to obey.
She shudders over the cock in her muzzle, her little hands going up to hold onto his tights, she feels him start to pull back and almost tries to bring her muzzle with him, scared of what will come out of there. Darien chuckles as she moves with him, pulling on her hair gently to take his cock from her throat, he starts to cum hard, his hot and somewhat bitter seed filling her tiny mouth, letting out a loud groan. Tina gags a bit as the first spurt of seed hits her tongue, she moves to pull back but then remembers she has to drink it, thinking the milk is well worth this somewhat gross taste she gulps it down as well as she can, only tiny dribbles of seed passing past her little lips. Darien makes loud grunts and groans as the little kitten drinks his hot seed, he can at times feel little pricks from her teeth, but he can't really remember a time when he's gotten better head then this. After numerous muzzlefulls the flow stops, the kitten keeps milking the cock gently while she looks up to the male, wondering just how long she has to stay there and if there'd be more she'd have to drink. The wolf smirks softly as he looks to her, gently pulling his cock from her lips, the feel of every vein caressing her tiny muzzle. "You did a wonderful job there my pet, now I think it's time for lunch" he says to her, moving back to the kitchen to get a few things out from the fridge and cupboard.
The end, for now, look for part 2 soon. |
Part 4- The Calm Before the Storm by Blatzvack | For those of you who are actually reading the series (all -1 of you), you might not think this part of the story up to par with my usual writing, but, that story must go on as I squish more plot on you. A little background info-I decided for this chapter of From the Ashes to take place about a year | [
"Aqua Sex",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10079-part-4-the-calm-before-the-storm | For those of you who are actually reading the series (all -1 of you), you might not think this part of the story up to par with my usual writing, but, that story must go on as I squish more plot on you. A little background info-I decided for this chapter of From the Ashes to take place about a year after Jared and Veronica decided to Wake the Construction Guild. In the time since then, the Scientist's, the Healer's, and the Merchant's Guilds have been Wakened. The Construction and Scientists Guild have worked together to rebuild a Capitol City on Trillous Prime, one of the Five Planets. Life has continued to grow and grow with each new Wakened.
Once more, this story is mine, ect. ect. Questions, comments, death threats welcome, etc. etc.
Jared looked out of his balcony over the city. The city was a deep crimson color, not at tall the stone gray of the cities back on Earth. He saw various people bustling about their daily lives. Whirring off in the distance told him that the builders were continuing their schemes. Electrical buzzing heralded the Scientists hard at work. Jared sighed, breathing in the fresh air of the city.
It surprised him that the air was the clean aroma of the surrounding forests, not the stale smell of exhaust you found in the cities back on Earth. He loved how the Furries lived with nature, not against it. He walked to the edge and felt the vines growing over the hewn stone, giving it a more naturalistic appearance.
He let his feet glide over the smooth stone of the balcony. He sat down in a chair made from wood. It wasn't carved wood like he was used to, but rather, it seemed like the tree grew into this shape. He loved how the chair seemed to bend itself to his body.
He sat there at peace for a moment until he felt a pair of warm furry arms around his neck. "Mornin', sweety." Veronica said as she tipped his chair back, gazing into his eyes. He laughed before he licked her lips and kissed her. They shared this upside-down kiss for a moment, and then Jared felt himself swing forward as Veronica let his chair go.
He got up and walked back into the room. The room was made of the same smooth wood as the chair, and the luscious tapestries and drapery added flair to it. The bed was bigger than a double king-size, but the many blankets and pillows were strewn about the room, as a result of the previous night, wherein the couple didn't get much sleep. At all.
The canopy hung loosely and a large vanity took up one wall and an even larger dresser took up the other. Their bathroom was the size of a small swimming pool, which the bath that was inlaid into the floor made it look like a swimming pool. One wall was just one huge mirror, although some extremely erotic-looking smears were smudged across its surface.
Their regal room was compliment of the people of Phoenix (the name of the capitol. Jared thought that this would be a fitting name. They were a fallen people that were rising anew, just like the legendary phoenix. Jared had to explain this little bit, as no one had ever heard of one.)
Jared was surprised at how well the people of the Confederation took to him. He had expected distrust and even stigma from the people. But, he supposed that centuries of peaceful contact with other aliens left no room for racism, which was good for Jared. Even though that Jared and Veronica's duties were grim, they were somewhat of a celebrity pair. They were greeted everywhere they went and treated like royalty.
The Confederation had come so far. Well, their technology was impressive. Jared saw the same lust for learning in these people as humans had. He wondered how far humans would be if they hadn't spent all their time manufacturing weapons. Ah well, he saw what being unprepared to fight led to. He realized that it was a necessary evil. He also wondered if Earth would be able to repel the Swarm should they find that sector of the universe.
Jared was stirred from his musings of the last year by a light nip on his ear. He turned to see his little kitten looking curiously at him with her head cocked to the side. Jared thought she looked very sexy, as she was clad in nothing but a bedsheet, wrapped around her as she held it to her breasts. Not that she cared if Jared saw her nude, as they often liked to watch each other, naked or not, but she did it more to tease Jared, and to hide the fact that her fur was matted and crusted with love juices and sweat. "Whatcha doin?" she squeaked. "Nothing, just thinking." "Ah, I 'spose you'd be. Something seems to be troubling you." "Hah, nothing much. I'm just thinking of Earth." "Homesick?" "No, I never want to go back." "I feel a 'but' coming on here." "Well, that makes two of us." Jared laughed as he paced around behind Veronica. He gave her butt a light squeeze as he licked the back of her neck. He raced off toward the bathroom.
He evaded Veronica as she chased him around and around. Jared bent down and turned on both taps as he ran by them. They continued their game of cat and mouse until the bath was full. Jared was able to outmaneuver her easily, as V was more preoccupied with holding onto the bedsheet and avoiding getting caught.
Jared noticed the liquid almost overflowing and stopped running. He ran backward toward V, tackling her into the water.
Jared and Veronica resurfaced from the water, locked in each other's embrace. Jared and Veronica had had a full week to themselves, resting from their previous month of Jumping, Waking, and exploring. They were glad that they had that time to themselves. Mostly they had spent their time playing games, yiffing, exploring, yiffing, practicing with Aether, yiffing, just being with one another, and of course, yiffing.
As their week of relaxation came to an end, they spent more and more time alone with each other. Alas, this was their last morning together, and they were going to make the most of it.
Jared had tackled Veronica into the water, exhuming screams of delighted surprise as they both tumbled into the water. They passionately made out on the way down, the bedsheet trailing after the two bodies like a swirling fin. They resurfaced, still in one another's embrace.
Jared peeled back her makeshift toga and ran his hand down her front. She stayed his hand. "Uh-uh. No, no, no. You always get your fun. And now's my chance." What could Jared say? It was true. Usually he was the one kissing, licking, stroking and driving his lover into a frenzy. He was half scared as he saw the mischief in her eyes. She swam around him, hands running down his midriff, around his sides, and then back up his back. She swam back around on front of him and grinded her hips against his. She did this repeatedly, all the while arching her back so they were neck-in-neck, reminding both of them of their night on Earth.
She whispered dirty nothings into his ear as she continued to grind. The next thing Jared knew, she pushed him back against the bathtub wall and started to caress his package.
She started stroking his member, looking back and forth from Jared's eyes to his erect cock. She bent down to lick his balls and felt them contract as she did. She licked up and kissed the cockhead, getting precum all over her lips.
Veronica then thrust down savagely, sending electric jolts of pleasure through Jared as she took him to the base. Having learned to use her teeth to her advantage, she sucked up and blew down, all the while maintaining the slightest pressure with her teeth.
Veronica knew that she was too much for him, her ribbed inner mouth; the light bumps formed by her teeth, and the slick caressing of her tongue conferred to stimulate Jared tenfold. She suppressed a laugh as she would suck and bob fast, bringing him close, then she would recede, opening her mouth and licking it instead.
She continued this start and cool method, prolonging his orgasm, never quite letting him come. Veronica laughed at Jared's contracted face, as he couldn't help but moan as the fire built up in his crotch. When she finally felt she had tortured him enough, she didn't recede.
Veronica gave a slight moan as cum jetted into the back of her throat. She showed it on her tongue to Jared as she cooed softly.
Veronica loved her lover's taste in her mouth and wanted to savor it. But, she spat it out as she got up to kiss her lover gently, who returned the favor by massaging her already wet slit.
Veronica moaned anew as the same jolts of pleasure she had just made her human lover experience washed over her. Jared proceeded to touch her to orgasm. Jared made sure the process was slow; he wanted to show that he was the master at teasing, as the agonizingly slow orgasm caused Veronica to nearly scream as she begged him to end it.
Jared felt Veronica shudder as he watched every muscle in her body tense as the long-awaited orgasm finally peaked. He watched her come down and then began again as he started wiggling his fingers over her still-dripping lips.
However, once he started moving again, Veronica jumped up. "Okay, okay! You win, you win, you win!" She said as she took a bow. They broke out into laughter as they proceeded to get towels out of the closet and dry each other of. They collapsed on the bed, holding one another in their arms, reveling in their closeness.
It seemed all to suddenly the sun was high noon. If it had been a lesser obligation, they would have stayed in each other's arms, but a call from the Council was too urgent. They got dressed and headed off.
They arrived at City Hall, the place where the Council lived and debated. Veronica and Jared entered the Antechamber.
Jared looked up at the Elders, who were seated in a crescent pattern around Jared and Veronica.
About an hour later, Jared and Veronica knew they had their work cut out for them. The Council informed them that around 50 Tubes had landed on the same planet. "Perhaps the occupants have done what the Construction Guild did and reprogrammed the Tubes?" Veronica spoke up asking Trilliam, the ancient-looking Badger that was the Eldest Councilman, sort of like the Chairman. "At first we thought so, until we did a background check on them. There is no single thing that they all share, so there would be no reason for them to group together, aside from the fact that they are all female. We request you and Jared Hop to the planet to investigate this anomaly."
Jared and Veronica looked at each other, both wishing they were back in the hotel room that served as their home between assignments. They bowed before the Council before they departed. Jared and Veronica decided to stop by the Weapon's research wing of the Council Hall building, the biggest building in the city, or even on the Planet. Not that it was surprising that it would be huge. After all, it was the house and workplace of all the Council members.
They went into a long black hallway. A shudder ran down Jared's spine as tendrils of Aether verified his identity by analyzing his DNA and then searching him for weapons. Veronica remained steeled, as she was used to this.
They walked on before they came to a big white room that was brimming with activity. A lone scientist approached them from the throng. Jared smiled as he recognized the turtle. "How's it going Auldron?" he asked. Auldron was a green turtle with glasses and a white lab coat. He was very cordial. "Fine. Fine. Actually, the weapons you requested are ready. Yours, too, miss Veronica." V chuckled as she extended her hand in a mock royal fashion, "Why quite the gentleman, sir Auldron." Auldron laughed. "It's not anything, V, just raised with manners, as you know."
The turtle led them to various tables, showing them the process of manufacturing and researching the weapons. Jared was stunned to see how interested the scientists were in the weapons schematics Jared had brought back. Jared had taken a three-week adventure to Earth, where he sold some precious metals that the Confederation had given him. Using the copious amounts he received, he bought a laptop and rented a room at a hotel. There, he spent the next few weeks pouring through the Internet, grabbing up weapons specs. Hell, he even went to a few "trekkie" sites for anything that was salvageable. Turns out, that was his best source of information. Hell, he even found specs for a Star Wars lightsabre, which he set the scientists to work on immediately.
Mostly ignoring Auldron's babbling of technical jargon, he let himself be led to the armory, where the finished products were held. Jared half-wished that he didn't bring the plans for the weapons back, as now the all-peaceful people of the Confederation would no longer retain their innocence. However, Jared figured it was a necessary evil. Everyone knew all to well what happens when your enemy is more prepared to fight than you are, and Aether could only be used as a weapon to an extent, as not everyone was trained to harness it. With guns, anyone could serve as a potential soldier.
Pushing these thoughts to the back of his mind, he admired the weapons Auldron was handing him. He eyed his modified Glock greedily. He rolled it in his hands, it was very light. Veronica's weapon, or shall I say, weapon's of choice were a pair of semi-automatics.
"Well, let's test these babies, baby." Jared said to V. He put his in his waist holster and watched Veronica do likewise. He thought that she looked just like Laura Croft, if Laura Croft was a tall blue-gray furred cat.
They made their way to the Jump Gate. Every city had one, as it made travel from Planet to Planet a LOT easier and quicker. They suited up, putting on the now-familiar Hopper gadgetry. They watched the blue-portal open up before them. "Ready?" Jared asked. "Yep." V replied. They stepped through together. |
Being Blind as a Bat - Chapter 4 by RenoHidaka | #4 of Being Blind as a Bat -     Chase woke up to a brand new day today. Today was a big day for the blind bat, a day he has been looking forward to for the past week.  Today, the blind bat was ready for his big date today with Sylvia which he already experienced sensual moments with and | [
"Story Series",
"Tit Fuck"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97697-being-blind-as-a-bat-chapter-4 |     Chase woke up to a brand new day today. Today was a big day for the blind bat, a day he has been looking forward to for the past week.  Today, the blind bat was ready for his big date today with Sylvia which he already experienced sensual moments with and hoping to finish what they started. After all the training he and his mother went through, the blind bat was finally ready to show off the new and improved Chase.  The bat started this momentous day by heading downstairs to fix himself some lunch, which wasn't hard for him since mom and dad taught him how to survive on his own. Chase would think back to the days that just passed by. How his mother taught him how to be seductive, to arouse Sylvia with his words and his body, and how to pleasure her to no end. But as he was enjoying a yogurt and water from their fridge, something on his mind started to click in. The bat still never figured out that maybe, there was something more to this ‘training' with his mom that she led on. Well, it didn't really matter now. Last night was the last training day and as of today, they were back to being mother and son. Hearing the clock strike a few hours in the afternoon, he quickly finished his yogurt and water, tossed the empty container into the garbage, placed the glass into the dishwasher and made his way back up to his room.
    Chase made a stop to the bathroom first to get a good shower in and put on some cologne and hair gel. As he undressed, he can still smell last night as it became fluent in his mind. The last night, Chase's mom went all out with the seducing, the arousing and making him orgasm inside her three times. Even to Chase, that was more than he thought he can do inside anyone. He slowly showered off the scent but in his mind, he did kind of enjoy the time he spent with his mother. I mean, logically, what they did was wrong but in a way, he felt it was the best experience he and his mom will ever share together. A level of love that he knew wasn't true love but more of a bond that they will never lose no matter what. After he cleaned himself up, he hopped out and began to move to the sink to apply the cologne and hair gel. He made his hairstyle a bit spiky and wild but it yet had a sense of properness to him. The cologne would smell sweet and powerful over his naked form. Finally, the bat was ready to get dressed and get going. Moving back to his room, it was time to find the perfect seducing outfit.
    After several minutes of searching his coat hanger tags for the Braille writing to find the perfect outfit, he finally found it and quickly slipped it on. Wearing a new buttoned collar shirt his mother bought him that had a midnight blue color to it and buttoned down the entire length and black dress pants to match, he was looking sharp. He feels for his hair one more time to make sure the hair gel didn't turn his hair into some kind of weird psycho drunk look. That was definitely not a good way to give a first impression. When he felt the hair was looking right, Chase began to move out of his room and down the stairs. It was by the time he reached the hallway that made the bat stop in his tracks. He could feel his mom's presence blocking the front door. She must of came back from her shopping a little quicker to make sure she got to see him off but he knew this presence had a bit of a different feel to it. Instead, Chase just smiled and turned his head at her apparent direction. "Come to see me off, mother?"
    Valerie knew exactly when his son was about to leave and she made sure she caught him just in time. During the entire day of her errands, she couldn't help but show signs of sadness, depression and in a way, a bit of pride. For today was the day that her son didn't need her anymore. He was ready to go off and fool around with his first girl and yet, despite being proud that she taught him everything she knew in sex and seduction, it was still too soon for her. Valerie loved having sex with her son. For that one special week, she finally got to have a lover she always wanted her husband to be. But now, she felt it got ripped from her grasp once again. Even as she sees Chase standing there looking so handsome and attractive, Valerie knew her son wouldn't be able to see her puffy red eyes that had gotten worse from crying during the day. There was a slight crack in her voice but she hid it well. "Yes Chase. I do hope you have a fun night tonight," she said wrapping her arms about him and holding him tightly. Her chest was a bit damp from the tears she was emitting recently.Â
    Chase could have sworn he felt something drip onto his cheek as his mother would wrap her wings around him. The blind bat twitched his cheek a bit as he felt the moisture on his face. He knew right there that his mom was crying as she held him. The blind bat wondered, "*Why is mom crying? Is it the fact that she didn't want to see me grow up so fast before her eyes like every mother does...or is it what I was thinking about earlier...is she going to miss the special time we had together? Well in some way, I think I should simply tell her to stop crying right know because it's not like she's losing me forever and let her know that I won't ever forget the special time we shared.*" Instead of saying what was on his mind, he said nothing and hugs her right back, saying, "I will." After a good minute of hugging her, he lets go of her but when he tried to get out, his mother wouldn't let him go. The blind bat struggles a little in her mother's hold. "Mom, if you keep holding me here like this, I'm going to miss my date."Â
    Valerie blinked a bit as the scent of her son made her loose track of time as she jumped a little. "Oh, I'm sorry hun. You best get on your way. You got everything right? Protection, breath mints and everything?" she asked still trying to keep him in her arms just a bit longer but she knew she had to let go sooner or later.
    Chase nods and smiles a little as he looks to her voice direction. "Yeah I got everything mom. And I haven't forgotten the protection or the breath mints trust me. I did promise to tell you everything that happened as soon as I get back." He smiled gently as he leaned up and kissed his mother softly on the cheek. "Thanks mom...for everything...I won't ever forget what you did for me and I hope I can do something for you in return someday. I promise I won't forget what you taught me and I'll make you proud that your teachings are going to good use." Feeling there was nothing else he could say about this, he nods to her with a smile.Â
    And with that, before Valerie's eyes, releasing him from her grasp, she watched him as he steps to the door, opens it and walks out, closing the door behind him. Valerie gave a slight sigh as he left. She moved over quickly to a slightly open window giving one last call out to her son. "You better have all the juicy details of what happened or I'm going to tickle that information out of you!" she smirked only slightly before she sees him turn back, wave to her with a laugh coming from him and in less than a minute, he was gone from view. Her emotions couldn't hold back any more as she frowns, more tears streaming down her cheek. "Well...it was fun while it lasted..." she said to herself looking about the empty house.  Just seeing this house empty and no life revolving around it, made her more depressed as she quickly started to kneel down on to the carpeted floor and burst into loud, sobbing tears, not caring if anyone would hear her sadness. Today, she didn't lose a son; she lost a lover all over again.
    Chase soon hurried down the direction he remembered all too well. 69 Moonlight Cres. Luckily, he practiced certain days in the afternoon to get to her place and find her door. Afterwards, it was up to him to impress Sylvia and make her want him back just as much as he wanted her that faithful resturant date. During the walk, the blind bat couldn't help but picture the mass amounts of sex he was hoping he would get to have with her. Him dominating her, thrusting inside her nice and deep and making her moan out his name in sexual bliss. Not even realizing that while Chase was daydreaming, he developed a nice bulge inside his pants that caught the attention of a female walking by him. He could hear her giggle in his direction, showing that either he was wearing the wrong outfit or that the member bulging from inside his pants was noticeable. Snapping back to reality, he blushed, stopped walking and covered his crotch area with both paws. The blind bat tried to take deep breaths so he could calm the erection down. He quietly talked to himself to calm down his arousal. "C'mon Chase, you don't want to seem too eager to hump her when you get to the door. Remember what mom told you. First, you talk to her, then you seduce her, then you show her the skills mom taught you." Once he regained his composure, both along his face and below his belt, he continued on towards her house. Finally, he arrived at his destination, followed the pathway up to Sylvia's door carefully, feeling along with his feet for the changes in tile and elevation. Chase found the few steps he needed to step up; and he did so without tripping or losing his balance. Slowly and taking more deep breaths, he moved up to the front door of the badger's house and knocked his paw against it several times.
    Alexis was pacing back and forth a bit. She couldn't believe it was time already. Her cousin Chase was coming over and she were planning on having sex with the blind bat. She had made up her mind. Last night, after having one more self masturbation session to herself, the badger took the time to think to herself if this was the right thing to do. On the one hand, this is her cousin. Sure they are not from the same blood family nor were they the same species. But as people, law and logic tried to teach her, having an intimate relationship with someone from your family, even if it isn't blood related, isn't right. On the other hand, it just felt too good to pass up such an opportunity. Besides, who else would have a relationship with her outside of her own cousin? I mean, here she was, 18, and despite the fact she did have sexual experiences with men, they were never relationships. No one would commit to her and she wanted both intimacy and commitment. It wasn't that much to ask so is it really wrong to be with your cousin only by name and nothing more? Alexis snapped back to reality as her ears perked up to the sound of the door being knocked on. "*Well it's too late to turn back now. As I always say, once you make a decision, you got to stick by it no matter what anyone else says.*" The badger moved towards the door and opened it to let the bat in.
    As Alexis opened the door, she could see Chase standing there right before him. His collared shirt and dress pants made him look so handsome but also very attractive. Of course, she had to play hard to get with him first. The badger can't let him think like he could get into her panties that quickly...though seeing him standing there in that outfit really did make her want him just a little bit more. "Hey Chase, I see you found the place alright." Alexis commented as she led him inside and closed the door behind them before wrapping him up in a soft embrace, letting his paws get use to her features again while enjoying the feeling of his fur and form against hers.Â
    Chase blinks and developed a small blush as he wasn't expecting the embrace from her. He could feel through her embrace that the fabric of her dress was soft and elegant. Through his almost completely blind eyes, he could tell that the dress was a dark color, almost making her form disappear into the black background. The only things he could tell that stood out where the lighter markings that made up the typical badger pattern upon her body. The blind bat knew he was with the right female at least in his mind and eyes. Chase nodded to her question and smiled a little. "Yes Sylvia, I found the place alright. I practiced walking to your place a few times." He smiles as he looks to her. "I would say you look good today but obviously, I can't." Chase would try to joke with her as he begins to run his paws along her form softly trying to figure out what style of outfit the badger was wearing.
    Alexis smiles taking his hand and leading him within. "Well if you want I can show you about. Its small but you should get use to it." she giggles a bit. Her toe claws clicked softly upon the hardwood floor, the sound reaching Chase's ears so he would know wherever she was.Â
    As Chase let her lead around the rooms, he could feel the cool hardwood floor against his bare feet. It was nice of Sylvia to give the blind bat such a tour though he wouldn't know why he would need to be given a tour since he really can't see anything. Realizing the conversation went quiet; he quickly spoke out, "Well smaller is normally more manageable in my mind. It provides fewer things for me to run into." He laughed a little trying to be funny but he was blushing a little from it. She could hear her giggle a little which meant she did enjoy the comment. Reflecting back in his mind, he remembered his mother's first rule: "*First you talk to her...*" Wasting no time, he decided to ask the nagging question on his mind since they first met, "So...Sylvia. I wanted to ask...why did you leave the restaurant so suddenly?"
    Alexis tried to hide her embarrassment as best she could as she struggled for words. The badger knew dashing off so suddenly like that was not the best first impression she should of done but she had to tell him the somewhat truth about it. "Oh, um, well...sorry about that Chase, I really am. Just um...to be truthful, I got really nervous and needed to think some things over. I mean this is our 2nd meeting and already we went farther than I think we both think we were going to get. I just had to leave to make sure I was certain that this was the right thing to do. But I'm certain about things now." She bites her lip, realizing how cute he really was under the incandescent light. She pressed against his chest, roaming her thick claws over his sides as she nuzzled her long muzzle against his chin. She didn't mind being this affectionate towards him and she hoped this would show her honesty in her words.Â
    Chase blushes a little as he heard her reasoning but then he started to blush even more when he felt that warm, familiar form against his body. Inside, he was shaking a lot but then, the blind bat took a few deep breaths to relax himself and looked to her with a smile. "I am certain as well. At first, I didn't think I meet anyone who liked to go that far with me, but even in the light, you still like me. I wish I could only show you the sincerity in my eyes." He smiles to her as he runs his paws along her back, remembering that his mom told him to check her back for any bra clasps incase she was wears a bra but to show it more as returning affection.
    Alexis chirred deeply as the paws roamed over her smooth back. The badger knew Chase would feel no lumps or any indication that she was wearing a bra. The other obvious hint is during their embrace, the poking of the badger's nipples into his chest would give the blind bat a hint that the badger was expecting to be naughty tonight. "And I didn't think something like this could happen so fast. But yet, here we are." she giggles and nuzzles tighter against him. Â
    Chase was certainly noticing that she was waiting and planning on getting him into bed with her sooner or later. But he still didn't want to rush things. The second step popped into Chase's head, "...then you seduce her..." He moved out of her embrace and smiled some. "That is true...so...um...do you think...do you think I can have a drink?" He still tried to act as confident as his mother taught him but he wasn't doing so hot for his first time. He could hear Sylvia "hmm" a bit as she could probably tell he was a bit nervous.Â
    Alexis was hoping on the other hand the no bra and warm affection wasn't something Chase was catching on to just yet. She still wanted to have a bit of fun before the naughty stuff. The badger started to lead him to the couch and helped him sit down. "What would you like to drink? We got some orange juice, some soda, some alcoholic drinks..." she giggled hoping that might loosen the tension with the bat.
    Chase blinks as he sits down and looks to her direction from where the voice came from. "Whatever you're having will be fine." He said as he played with his pant leg wondering what she was thinking about in regards to him and his new self. Â
    Alexis would smile as she starts to get some orange juice and some vodka from the kitchen to make some screwdrivers. The badger figured that this should definitely not only release the tension but be enough to get themselves a bit tipsy for any naughty fun later on.  Alexis made sure there was less orange juice then vodka but still tried to give it a nice even mix. The badger took the glasses in her hands and carried them back over to where Chase was sitting and waiting for her. Chase could feel Sylvia slip his drink into his hand as he could hear her sipping at her own. "So what you been up to this week?" she asked.Â
    Chase just sits there quietly at first with his glass, before taking a drink of it. He coughed a little as it was a little more alcohol than he was normally used to drinking but he still answered her question. "Well, not too much really, helping out at the restaurant and all." He lied. He knew well enough what he did but he wasn't going to tell her that all he did the past week was letting his mother teach him how to have sex just to be ready for tonight. After taking another drink, he felt a bit more confident so he decided to ask her about that day. "So...um...did you like...you know...when we went into the backroom?"Â
    Alexis giggles a bit, giving him a bit of a punch on his shoulder. "Of course I did. I started it remember." she giggles. The badger found his shyness cute but he needed to step up if he was going to get anywhere tonight. But what caught Alexis by surprise was Chase downing the rest of his drink, looking at her direction and smiling,
    "Well, if you don't mind, I would like to finish what we started in the backroom Sylvia, unless you want to wait."
    Alexis couldn't believe the bold move he just made. She must of put a bit more alcohol than she thought before taking a sip and grinning, "I just wanted to see how ready you are. Make sure you're comfortable and all." Not one to keep someone waiting, the badger downed her drink in one gulp. She bit her lip before moving over to lie on the other side of the couch but not before pulling him atop of her. Alexis kissed and licked softly along his neck as her fingers fumbled with his clothing, not wanting to ruin the nice outfit he was wearing but being so aroused from his dominant line, she wanted to get rid of his clothing. "I think we would be a bit more comfortable in the bedroom but this will do for now." she murred in pleasure.Â
    Chase let out a murr right back as he gets pulled on top and felt her undo his buttons along the front of his shirt. He would slip out of his top but before they got anywhere else.  The blind bat stood up and pulled her up with him till they were both standing. Chase felt for her lips along her face and once he found them, kissed her passionately along the lips before moving his paws over to the straps of the dress.  He tries to push them to the side, hoping the dress will fall off her form. Once he felt it did, he smiled and looked to her. "Take me to your room and I'll give you pleasures you'll never forget."
    Alexis grinned with both excitement and anticipation when Chase told her what to do. She rewarded him by stepping out of her dress, leaving her clothing behind her as she pressed her warm nude body deeply against his topless form. Chase could feel the curve of her full breasts, feeling as warm against his chest as her paws would suddenly squeeze and grip around his rump as she gave a teasing notion to his rump. The badger took his hand and led him upstairs towards her room. She made sure he was right behind her, not tripping over any steps or bumping into any decorative objects. Once Alexis brought Chase into her room, she quickly moved him over to bed and gently laid him down upon the soft mattress. "It's a Queen sized bed so we should have plenty of room," she murred letting him get a feel for how much room he had.Â
    Chase blushed as he could feel the badger's nude form against him. He could feel his member becoming rock hard against his pants. He smirked and nods a little. "That's good. Shall I get rid of my pants or are you going to help me?" He would tease her softly with his words as he pulled her on top of him trying to show some form of control against her, praying in his mind that this was working on her.
    Alexis began to murr deeply, her fingers pressing deeply into his crotch, rubbing the bulge through his pants. With a swift movement, the badger slipped down the blind bat's pants and boxers before he could even mutter another sentence to her. Chase could feel the badger sliding down his furry body, her stomach, chest and now her warm muzzle rubbing and teasing along his length.  Her movements would make his member become rock hard, longing for that sensation once again. Without warning, she took a hold of his member with her warm paw and lets a slow, long lick occur from the base and over the tip. Both anthro's murred deeply in unison as the vibration teased his length and her form as her warm maw rubbed once again against his cock,
    "Mmm. I'm sure there will be no interruptions this time right?"
    Chase would nod quickly making the badger smirk before letting her mouth envelop the cock and suckle on it softly. The blind bat moaned softly as Alexis suckled the tip of his member a bit more, getting a taste of him once again in her maw before pulling off and speaking. "I hope you owe up to your promise," she chirred before wrapping her maw about his length once again as her claws gently caressed and explored around his sac. Chase blinked and moaned a lot louder than before in the restaurant as he felt the badger sucking his cock firmly and them licking his member in an alternating fashion while her paws rubbed and gripped softly at his sac. He would lean up and smile to her, suddenly remembering the technique his mother taught him from their training. He quickly suggested the idea after letting another murr out. "How about you move your body over mine so I can enjoy your folds since I never got to start pleasuring them yet?" Â
    Alexis would murr against his member, loving how commanding he was being to her and complied with his wish. The badger slipped her maw off his length again, letting her warm saliva stick to his hard length. As she gave the blind bat's member a few stroke with her warm paw, she commented, "Mmm, seems like you know what you're doing." She chirred and quickly but carefully swung her legs over his head so now they were in the popular '69' position. Her rump pushed against his face a bit playfully before she positioned her slit near his mouth while she positioned herself so she could take the cock in her maw once again. After settling in, she turns to ask him, "Can you find me alright?" The badger knew it wouldn't be easy to spot her folds right away if someone was blind but the scent from her aroused sex would definitely lead him in the right direction.Â
    Chase felt his paws up the back of her thighs and rump slowly feeling it out till he felt her damp, moist slit. A murr came from the badger's lips. Nodding, he felt for her entrance and clit before smiling. "I found you alright." He started by leaning in and lapping at her slit from clit to entrance, using his fingers to stretch out her fold lips. Chase shivered slightly as he could taste how sweet her sex is. Just like his mothers.
    Alexis began to murr deeply as she pressed her warm crotch against his face, surrounding his face with her thighs. She quickly went back down upon his length. The badger's muzzle would push down and then pull up, hearing the wet slurping noise coming from her work. Chase could tell those sounds were made intentionally so that the blind bat could hear her work his length hard. Alexis started to slowly push deeply into his crotch until she deep throated the member in the back of her throat then pulled her head back up till the cock almost fell out of her maw before she descended once again.Â
    Chase couldn't help but moan loudly as he felt and heard her work on him. That just purely motivated him. With this new motivation, he pushed his tongue deep into her entrance walls and began lapping around inside while his paw moved to find her clit once again and circled it at a moderate pace. He made wet lapping sounds in return to let the badger hear how hard he was working on her. He could feel the badger push her slit a bit firmer against his slender muzzle. To Chase, maybe the badger had never felt a bat tongue upon her sex before but judging by her moans and reactions to his licks and tongue work, she certainly sounded like she's enjoy it. As he continued his tongue play, he could feel Sylvia bob her head up and down at a medium pace. She didn't push so far down or pull so far back, just back and forth. Her lips would nibble upon the base of his member before suckling on the tip as she continued to get him ready. The badger's folds began to leak more of her fluids into Chase's maw as she moaned about his cock in pleasure.
    Chase moaned louder and with more passion as they continue to work on each other. The blind bat realized that using his mother's techniques she taught him, which was wiggling his tongue around, alternating soft and hard licks, and making sure he reached as deep as he could before pulling back to licking her clit, it got Sylvia to moan loud around his cock. But he didn't want to finish off like this...not yet at least. The blind bat made a bold move, grabbing her chin and shoulders to make the badger release his cock from her maw before rolling her and pushing her onto her back. Chase carefully moved himself from the laying position to sit up. Once he sat up, he moved to straddle her stomach and felt for both his member and Sylvia's breast. The bat would then place his cock in between her breasts, another move his mother taught him not too long ago. With this, he began to squeeze her breasts and pump his hips into the gap between her breasts in an in and out motion.Â
    Alexis couldn't help but be a bit surprised at the sudden change of position. His saliva coated cock that the badger worked hard on pleasuring was now pushing between her own breasts and got her to murr from the warm feeling.  This was quite a different feeling, one she never experienced before. "I've never done this before...how did you learn this?" she asked, taking a lick at the cock tip that peered between her breasts. The badger knew this position but never did it yet so with her knowledge about it; she pushed her breasts together, making the member pushing through her soft fur a bit tighter for him and hopefully more pleasurable.Â
    Chase let out a contented murr as he felt the pleasure move up against him again but when the badger asked her question, it caused him to lose his rhythm. He quickly regained it and turned his head to her direction. "Oh, I had some practiced and listened to some audio files from the internet about it. The internet is a very reliable tool for me." He blushed, hoping his fake excuse would make her believe him. The blind bat would smile as he moved his paw down to her hair and angled her head up. "How about you let me finish inside your mouth like this and I promise I'll fuck you in any position you like." He said with a bit of confidence and seduction.Â
    Alexis would murr deeply as she really enjoyed this side of Chase. Soon, she licked at his cock rapidly but not before answering him. "Mmmmm...sounds good to me...so many options." The badger had to think about what position she wanted Chase to take her in as she wrapped her maw about his length once again and suckled deeply trying to push him over the edge.
    Chase moaned and continued to push his member hard into both her chest and her mouth as sounds of lust filling the room. Finally, after a certain amount of pumps, his climax was reached and ropes of his cum began to fill the badger's mouth before pulling her off and letting the rest coat her face and chest a little. Of course, he couldn't see the mess he made but the murr from the badger implied that she enjoyed it anyways. The bat simply asked, "So...want me to grab a condom from my pants first?"Â
    Alexis, surprised still that he did this well despite not seeing any signs of confidence from past meetings, decided to clean off his cock of any excess cum as well as some that coated her face and chest before replying. "Sure! Need some help with that or do you have it under control?" Chase just nodded and smiled. "I got it. Just when I get it on my member; make sure you help me into position." Once hearing an "mmhmm" from Sylvia, he slipped off the badger's body then felt the floor from her bed with his paw for his pants. Once Chase grabbed them, he pulled them up and felt for his pockets, digging his paw in the pockets for a condom. Sure enough, he found one but noticed his paw felt more condoms. Looks like mom gave him a few extra more during their embrace but simply smiled at his mom's thoughtfulness.  After he took one out, he placed his pants back on the floor and turned to the direction of Sylvia, who now is sitting up and watching Chase with intent on seeing how well he does on his own. Remembering how to open them without sight, he opened the package, removed the rubber and properly slipped it up and over his member till it covered his sheath. It was coated in warming lube and was ultra thin so it almost felt like the real thing. "Okay ready."Â
    Alexis smiles as she pulls the bat over, letting get a feel for her body again. Pushing his paws against her breast as the badger helped Chase get into missionary position. She used her free paw to take his length and push it up against her slit. "Got it Chase?" she asked breathing heavily as she was wet and warm and ready for him.Â
    Chase would nod and smile softly as his member teased the wet entrance but not inside her just yet. "Of course, just get your voice ready for some loud moans."Â
    And with that, he thrust his hips into her, letting his member push inside her tight tunnel and feeling the warmth inside her. Though he did notice one thing, it felt different than being inside his mom's tunnel. Then he remembered something...he didn't wear a rubber when his mom was training him. Well he figured that because she already had kids and has reached that certain age, she may have passed her chance of having kids. With that vote of confidence in his mind, he focused back on sliding his member until it completely hilted her. Chase began to squeeze her chest softly as he moved slowly back and forth inside her. "You like this?" He could hear Sylvia moaned out in pleasure as the cock slid into the badger's wet folds.
    Despite the interference of the condom, Alexis could tell the pleasure was unlike anything she felt before. She didn't have too many before her cousin but she wanted to make sure she could hold onto the bat as long as she could. Especially with the amount of pleasure coursing through her body just from soft pumps already. Alexis's legs would wrap about his waist, pulling the bat a bit closer to her as she made her thrusts right back against him, pushing his length into her deeper. "Oh yes, Chase...yes I love It." she cried out in return with a moan.
    Chase murred again and smiled as he used her breasts to hold himself up while squeezing them for reassurance. The blind bat moved inside her at a moderate pace with a good amount of thrust as he leaned down and began to suckle and bite at her neck, trying to encourage more stimulation into their pleasuring. He could hear Sylvia gasp but couldn't see her biting her lip, moaning in pleasure with her mouth closed a bit as she thrusts back against him, pushing him as deep as he could go into her warm tight folds. Her tunnels were rippling and pulsating in pleasure as she rocked against him. The orgasm started to slowly build inside the badger as she tugged at his head a bit, pushing her lips to his own in a passionate kiss. Her tongue seeking entrance into his maw as the wetness of her folds started to make lewd noises as he pumped faster.
    Chase nods and moaned louder into her kiss, running his tongue along with her as he continued to thrust and move inside her. He would look after the kiss was broken and smiled softly as he slipped a paw down to finger at her clit while moving inside of her. "Oh Sylvia...this feels wonderful."Â
    Alexis gasped and groaned as she thrusts harder against him, encouraging him to go faster. "Faster Chase...oh please, go faster!" she moaned out.Â
    Her juices leaking more and more out as the wet sounds from her sex got more and more frequent. Sweat clung to her warm body as the heat increased with the pace the badger's body was wiggling and squirming beneath the bat. Chase would murr as he moved as fast as he could inside her, thrusting his hips deep into the badger's folds. Sweat began to cling as well as drip from his body onto hers, listening as the sounds of her wet sex getting pleasured just made him leak a little pre-cum into the rubber. "Come on Sylvia! Just cum for me!"Â
    He could feel Sylvia thrusting back to every thrust into her as she cried out in pleasure. "Oh Chase...oh Chase...oh...yes!"
    Alexis's body jerked to the thrusting as suddenly, the fluids spilled from her sex and onto the bed sheets. Her tunnels rapidly pulsating and squeezing down upon his length as she held him close. The badger's legs and arms would wrap tightly about him while her claws would sink into his shoulders and bit at his neck to muffle her moans of pleasure.
    Chase moans and smiles as he felt her orgasm against his member but he was only halfway to his 2nd orgasm. He helped coax the last of her orgasm out before asking, "So....should we change positions?"Â
    Alexis couldn't believe his stamina. The badger couldn't deny how he felt so good inside her and she hoped her voice wasn't too loud for him to recognize. Everything seemed to be going smooth so far. "Um...what do you suggest?" she asked with a bit of a pant as she was a bit tired but she wanted him to orgasm again inside her.Â
    Chase would smile softly as he slowly pulls out his member from inside her. "Well if you want to feel another mind blowing orgasm like that, I suggest you get on your hands and knees and present yourself. I'm going to rock your world until we both pass out." He could hear Sylvia give out a moan to those words as he could feel her get on all fours as well as help him get into the right position for what he wanted. The bat could feel her warm, semi-damp rump pushing against his equally wet crotch.
    "Oh...oh Chase...please rock my world hard," the badger chirrs.
    Chase grins this time, pushing his member into her wet folds much easier than last time. He began to pump hard inside her, like a dominant lover. He had so much confidence, just wanting to make her scream and moan so loud that he didn't care if anyone heard them. He wanted to hear her call out his name.Â
    Alexis buried her head into the pillows, muffling her moans at first before flipping her head back crying out loud. "Oh! Oh my...oh my goddess! Chase...more...more!"
    The badger's body now completely covered in sweat as it rolled off her body and landed on the bed beneath. The position opened her folds more, allowing more juices and lewd sounds to erupt from her sopping wet sex. Alexis's juices started splattering against the bat's waist as he thrusts in hard. Chase moaned louder as he continued to thrust hard and fast inside her as the pleasure was beginning to hit him hard too. He grabbed her rump, slapped it hard a couple of times before grabbing her hips and slamming his member hard and deep into her folds. Alexis, her breasts wobbled and bounced beneath her from the hard thrusting, gave silent cries of pleasure at each heavy thrust. Her body starting to tire quickly but she wanted to feel his orgasm inside of her. Her moans and speech becoming incoherent as her body rocked faster and harder. Her body getting hard to hold from the sweat as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
    Chase moans loudly and couldn't hold it back anymore as he releases his 2nd orgasm, this time inside her, sending ropes of cum inside her but getting caught by the condom. He pumped several times to egg out his orgasm. Once he was done, the blind bat pulls out his member and filled condom before passing out on her bed panting and breathing hard as he looked to her smiling. Alexis had fallen upon the bed her body jerking and shivering from another orgasm. Her juices still leaking from her wet sex but she was grinning pleasantly as her warm body wafted its heat and her scent all over the room. She would crawl over and helped the bat remove his condom, tied it so no cum would leak out and tossed it into the trash. Chase smiled softly as he turned to her "So...are we...official now?"Â
    Alexis would simply nod and smile. "Sure, as long as our relationship is not found out by anyone. I like to keep it a secret between us if that's alright."Â
    Chase wondered why the badger wanted to keep it a secret but nodded softly. "Sure." The two have finally snuggled up together, both clinging with sweat and sex coating their bodies and holding each other in a calm and loving embrace. |
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 11: Lovin Pup's (part 4) : The Downfall/The Nigh Sky, And The Dream/The Funeral/The Escape by StormTierSkywolf | #44 of That Gay Goth Dog - ( listen and read! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y72\_b3iMyoQ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y72_b3iMyoQ)) i looked up to the sky, tears rolling down my cheeks. "why?" i whispered and feel to my knees. it was a dark stormy night lightning danced above me and thunder | [
"Gay Relationships",
"German Shepherd",
"Golden Retriever",
"Story Progression",
"Young Love",
"Young Romance",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464102-that-gay-goth-dog-chapter-11-lovin-pup-s-part-4-the-downfall-the-nigh-sky-and-the-dream-the-funeral-the-escape | ( listen and read! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y72\_b3iMyoQ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y72_b3iMyoQ))
i looked up to the sky, tears rolling down my cheeks. "why?" i whispered and feel to my knees. it was a dark stormy night lightning danced above me and thunder boomed around me. "WHY!" i screamed holding my chest. i was now crying full on. i could not stop my self, i fell to the ground. "why did you take them." i whispered to myself. i laid on top of a hill over looking the city.. the same spot hayden told me he wanted to marry me. this once joyful spot i run to...
"JEREMY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" i yelled out and quickly called Aaron.
"yeah?" hes harsh voice boomed.
"did you find him?"
"no im still looking."
"tell me when you do."
"no prob, hayden... we will find him." and with that he hung up.
"JEREMY!" i yelled looking though the woods. "JEREMY WHERE ARE YOU!"
"SHEP WHERE DID YOU GO!" i ran though the college, gym and wight room looking for him. "fuck where could he have gone?" i asked myself.
"STORM!" i yelled out looking around the outer limits of the college.
i laid in the mud. the heavy rain pounding my body with each drop. i walked to the edge of the hill and looked over the city. i looked down to the rocks below, how far the drop was. i wanted to drop but i walked back to the spot me and hayden shared. i just knelled down and looked up to the sky. water pounding against my muzzle as tears fell to the ground. "MOM! DAD! FUCK YOU GOD WHY DID YOU TAKE THEM." i howled out.
"JEREMY!" hayden yelled sprinting towards me. i slid and pulled me into a tight warm hug.
"im s-sorry." i cried out into his should."im so so sorry."
"shh, hon everything will be okay. i promise." he said tightening his hold on me even more. "nothing bad will happen." i kept crying harder. "shh its ok." he held the back of my head rocking back and forth. he got out his phone and called some one. all i could hear was him say "i found him tell the others." then he hung up.
"why did they have to die." i said lightly holding onto hayden tightly.
"some times life is just mean.. it takes people for no reason." he said rubbing his muzzle against mine.
the world slowly started to fade to black. before i knew it, i was out.
the rain slowly stopped and the clouds ran away. it was a beautiful night, full moon, slightly warm, trickle of rain droplets fell to the ground from the trees and my mate sleeping in my arms. "you have to be one of the strongest guys i know hon.. how you never let anything get you down just astounds me. i would not blame you from taking time off of the band for this though.. in fact i would love it if you did. maybe a brake from school as well.." i said out loud as if he could hear me. i kissed his head and held him close to my chest. i looked up at the full moon and started to wonder if anyone was looking up into the sky at the same time with a shepherd in their arms.
imagine for one night everything was alright and no one had to die no one told a lie oh, how good this world would be but sadly we live in lies its not earth if no one dies we cant say everything is alright even though it may seem like it for tonight
i sing my lungs out here i wish you could hear but your asleep on my shoulder i wish they were alive as much as you but theirs nothing i can do i sing my mind for you to hear even though you arnt here i sing to the moon in hopes it will find you and maybe for one night the world would be alright.
i sang out holding my mate tightly to my shoulder. i saw a light smile form on his muzzle for the first time after the call. and just from that small little jester i knew everything will be alright.
"NO GET AWAY!" i yelled running around in the dark red hallways of what could only be hell.
"but we want to play!" demons yelled out at me. their horns on their backs, legs broken but yet they walk fine. bone fingers hanging out of burnt flesh, the smell of death surround me.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" i yelled. i felt something grab my leg and with a loud yelp i fell to the ground with a "omph" i looked back and slowly the demonic creatures walked towards me.
"time to die, for your lies, no fags shall live tonight. no one cares, for your dares, you will not live past this time." the sang and cackled as the showed their dull fangs with tinny fangs on them to help cutting.
"NO!" i backed up into a wall. as my back hit the blood red wall, a burning sensation hit me. it was like i was on fire. the fur burning, flesh rotting and falling to the ground.
"ITS TIMEE!!!" the creatures jumped up at me.
"NO!" i closed my eyes and turned away. i waited for the pain to start but i felt nothing.
"i sing my lungs out here. i wish you could hear, but your asleep on my shoulder. i wish they were alive, as much as you." i heard faintly. i looked up and saw a bright light fill the blooded walls. the demons yelling in pain. soon the walls came down. and the burning stopped, the blood was gone. i felt no pain.
"wha- whats going on?" i barked out into the now white hallway. slowly i saw a full moon in front of me. as i walked towards it i smiled. i felt joy for some reason. when i got to it i was surrounded by darkness. then i opened my eyes and saw hayden holding me tightly to his body letting me sleep. i put my paw on his chest and he looked down and kissed my nose.
"hi." he smiled.
"hi." i said back and kissed his lips.
"are you alright, jeremy?" he asked.
"yes, now that your are here." i smiled and hugged his waist. we both looked up at the full moon, the silent night calming nervs, the warmth of my mate holding me. nothing bad would happen....
or was i mistaken...
\-morning of the next day-
lighting flashed around me as i stood in what i thought was a forest. the bright lights flashing randomly and the loud boom of thunder shook my body. i couldnt help but whimper and fall to my knees, its like that night all over again. a week ago my parents died. everything was cristal clear. i was re-living this night again! i felt something shake my body, i slowly opened my eyes and saw my husky in a suit. "come on hon. its time to go to the funeral." he said in a gental voice and laid my suit next to me.
"thank you." i said lightly and got up. i stretched a little then took of my shorts pulling on the suit pants over my boxers. the white under shirt than a black dress coat finely a black tie. "how do i look?" i asked hayden looking on the ground.
"amazing." he smiled then frowned. "jeremy?"
"yeah." i said with a slight sigh looking at him.
"your parents treated you like crap... why are you going to their funeral?"
"they may have been jerk offs to me, but, their still my family. i may not have showed them much love... but i still loved them to death." i said looking into his eyes. a slight tear rolls down my cheek and onto the ground.
he hugged me tightly. his arms warping me into a warm bond. i licked his nose and headed for the door. he picked up the car keys and walked behind me. outside we met Aaron and Seth as well as Till and Leon. each one gave me a hug and we started on our way to the chruch.
\-at the wake-
i walked up to the caskets that held my parents bodies. the cuts and wounds not visible under the clothing, or the makeup they had on them. i put my paw onto my chin as tears started falling down my muzzle, after that.. i just lost it. i fell to my knees and put my paws to my eyes. hayden walked over and set his paw on my shoulder and kneeled down next to me. "hon you going to be ok." he said tenderly and hugged me tightly.
"i dont know." i whimpered out softly and hugged him back as tight as i could. after what felt like 3 hours, we got up and sat next to Till, Aaron, Seth and Leon.
the pastor walked out and stood in front of the open caskets. "good morning all." he said.
"morning." everyone said gloomy the crowd their was me and my, friends. Ant linda, sue, jan, emily, sammy. uncale Dan, mark, jasper, joe, austin. my cuzins sammy, joey, tim, niki, emily, sophe, james, ben.
\-half hour later-
"we have a eulogy from Jeremy." the paster said and pointed at me to come up. hayden grabbed my paw making me turn and look into his eyes. i just shook my head telling him i was ok and walked up.
"hey all." i said giving a soft smile. everyone just said hi some just stared at me.
"i know most of you dont care about me due to, well, marring Hayden... but this was my family. i felt like no matter what i must be here. im not going to say the bad because their were never any bad moments. ok, well, their was some but things happen and we moved on." everyone staid quite. "i, eh. i remember when my mom told me one day, if she died, to play one song for her.. but before i do that i want to share some memories i have of her, as well as my father. i dont know if sophe and ben can remember this. they were pretty young but does everyone remember that family party we had up and aunt lindas house?" everyone nodded. "remember when Treasa" i cleared my throat. "i mean my mom. stood up with niki and danced to singing in the rain, and how she almost knocked over the turkey, burgers and potato saled." i chuckled and got some chuckles from the family members. "that same night she told me that she would never dance that long again. and what happened the next morning?"
"she danced even longer and messed up our game of black jack!" sammy said laughing and soon everyone was laughing.
"that wasnt even the worst part. remember when my dad came in with the video camera and video taped my mom dancing. after words she chased him all over the house and back yard yelling at him. and when he slowed down she jumped him and they both fell into the cow pen." other started laughing.
"I GOT A STORY!" niki said. i stood to the side and let her come up. she told her sotries and than one by one everyone got a storie in, even Hayden!
"well now that we ran out of stories. i would like to play this song i wrote just for them... can you help me, hayden?"
"sure thing hon." he walked up and pulled out the guitars we brought.
"i hope you all enjoy this.."
when i was young i thought you were never fun but when i look back, you made me who i am everything i have done was because of you. you showed me love when i needed it the most you showed me you cared even to who i date i wish we could have staid together longer but times always change.
life throws curve balls everyone once in a while if we miss them we are out i stand here in front of you today asking for you to come back even though you are with me no matter what you say no matter what you did i would love you forever
the lighting struck above my head as i ran in the rain i was lost not to be found but i force held me back i looked off a clif wanting to jump, but couldn't. i fell to my knees and cried before i knew it my mate was their for me i held me wen i need to be held he showed me love when i needed it the most just like you he made sure i was alright just like you but here i sing this song
i want everyone to know nothing bad happened everything that did was ment for a reason i want everyone to know how much we loved each other even though it seemed like we didnt.
let the rain come down let it poor on my face let the rain come down and flood out the grave let the rain come down and clear my mind let the rain come down and wash away what has happened
but their is one thing i wish was true. i wish you were here i wish you were here I WISH YOU WERE HERE
let the rain come down let it poor on my face let the rain come down sand destroy the grave let the rain come down and clear my mind from the pain it brings let the rain come down let the rain come down let the rain come down let the rain come down to hide my tears.
everyone just looked at us, tears in their eyes. i looked away and wiped my eyes clean. me and hayden got up and put our stuff away and walked back to our seats. everyone one loved the song... but next thing we had to do is go to the grave yard..
\-next day-
i was walking outside with my lunch when i spotted till sitting alone looking out over the football filed. i walked up and sat by him.
"hey till."
"oh!" he said looking at me his tail wagging faster now. "hey Hayden whats up? Jeremy doing ok? and have you been ok?" he asked his ears going down slightly.
"well.." i looked over the filed. "thats what im sorta worried about... he hasn't been himself. he has been sitting in bed all day, not doing anything!" i said my tail and ears going limp.
"hmm." he said looking at the ground. "thats tough man. what did you do last time he was really sad?"
"other than yiff him?" i chuckled.
"HA!" he barked. "i guess ya could do that, but you shure it would help him?"
i put my head down. "to be honest i dont even know if i can please him."
"awe Hayden you know you can." he said and wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. "if you didnt im sure you wouldnt be with him. you know hes the type that if he dosnt love it he well push it away. sorta... hell still be friends with them but he dosnt believe that love is something we should throw around." he smiled and i smiled back.
"thanks Till." i said and licked his nose.
"no prob boyyo." he licked back and got up and walked to the filed.
i put my paws under my head, the covers of the bed slighlty around my waist and i let out of soft sigh. "i wonder if hayden would be okay with going on a trip somewhere." i said to my self. i got up and put on some cloths and Axe and headed out the door. a little while later i ran into hayden looking over the football field watching the team practice. "why did i know i would find you here." i said from behind him making him jump.
"dont do that! want me to pin you to the ground and yell stranger danger?!" he said slowly calming down form the scare.
"well the first part seem's like a lot of fun." i smirked and sat down next to him.
"me ontop of you always seems fun to you." he chuckled and patted my tigh.
"yup!.. hey hon?"
"yeah love?"
"how about we get away from school for a week? i really need to go out somewhere to free my mind." i said laying my head on his shoulder.
"fine by me... when do you want to leave?" hayden said rubbing my cheek.
"any time your ready hon." i said holding his paw.
"then lets go now." he said and got up holding out his paw.
"fine by me." i said and grabed his paw. next thing i knew we were in his car and on our way to some place neither of us knew. |
Piss Bunny 2 (Watersports) by LionStories | "Knock-knock," shouted Officer Barley, who stood outside the front door of Danny's modest home in the suburbs. The bear was visiting his new friend early in the afternoon about a week after they first met. For the past few days, Barley was preoccupied with analyzing his relationship with the bunny. | [
"Cock Worship",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249255-piss-bunny-2-watersports | "Knock-knock," shouted Officer Barley, who stood outside the front door of Danny's modest home in the suburbs. The bear was visiting his new friend early in the afternoon about a week after they first met. For the past few days, Barley was preoccupied with analyzing his relationship with the bunny. He had an engaging, strong sexual chemistry with Danny, which he wanted to capitalize on as much as he could without jeopardizing his employment. Barley generally avoided making house calls without establishing probable cause. In this case, he radioed to dispatch, claiming there was some "noise disturbance" in the general vicinity and he was going to "check it out."
Unaware that the officer was at his door, Danny wandered into the living room, and stretched his arms. The bunny yawned, and pulled down his white t-shirt. When he opened the door, Danny saw Barley. The bunny rubbed his eyes and squinted at the officer just to make sure it was Barley. The bear took off his sunglasses, and grinned at his new friend. They stared at each other for a moment before shaking paws and acting cordial: a far cry compared to how they met a week earlier.
"Well, good afternoon, officer," said Danny, who tried in vain to refrain from smiling. "What can I do for you?"
Barley removed his hat. "I have a few questions that I wanted to ask you, Mr. Miller. May I come in?"
"Sure, have a seat." Barley walked inside and closed the door behind him. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
"A soda would be fine, thanks."
Danny took a can of soda out of the fridge in the kitchen, and walked into the living room. Barley sat on a chair in the living room and made himself comfortable. The big bear took his boots off, and set them beside the chair. He used the chair's footrest, and crossed his legs on top of it. He imagined smoking on a cigar and drinking a bottle of scotch like his late father used to do, but since he had neither of those things, he was grateful for having a comfortable recliner to sit on. The officer was covering a shift for his partner, who normally did morning patrols. Being a mostly nocturnal creature, Barley was exhausted, and he was looking for any reason to take a breather.
Danny sat the soda on the end table beside the recliner, and Barley quickly reached for the refreshing drink. He took a sip, set the can down on the table, and sighed happily. Danny came over and massaged the bear's right shoulder.
"Last week was fun. I didn't expect that at all. I only remembered about the end of it, and..."
"Oh, right, right," Barley interrupted. "You were drunk. I thought, for a while, that you were just fuckin' with me."
"No. I was pretty drunk. I had to tell my friends that I ended up walking home that night. They thought I could have been kidnapped by a cop, you know," joked Danny.
Danny tried to remember the experience. He could barely remember specific details when he first entered the abandoned warehouse with Barley, but he could vividly remember the conclusion. Barley's large paws spanked Danny into submission while he was restrained. The bunny recalled how horny he was, and when the bear pissed on him, Danny could feel the climax rushing in. He remembered how he was so hard from the piss that he ejaculated copiously for what seemed like minutes. The typically gay, submissive bunny wanted more. When Barley took him home, Danny kept thinking, "More, more, more." He couldn't stop thinking about it once he arrived back at his house. But he knew that the cop would meet with him again. The sexual chemistry was too strong to deny.
"It's sure nice to see you again," said Danny, who stood beside the cop.
"Same to you. Say, why don't we break the ice. Think you're a good kisser, kid?" asked Barley. The officer rose from his seat and stared down at the bunny. Danny wrapped his paws around the bear's head and leaned in for a kiss. The bear opened his maw and forced his tongue inside Danny, who embraced the cop's aggressiveness. Barley moved his paws over to the back of Danny's head while Danny rubbed the cop's shoulders. The kissing transitioned from compassionate to frenzied. The couple's paws began exploring each other's bodies. Danny rubbed the cop's nipples, and squeezed them tight while the officer stroked the bunny's slightly muscular biceps. After a while, the cop started massaging Danny's bulge and grinded his large waist against it. Danny returned the favor by caressing the horny cop's sac.
Danny raised the stakes by sucking on the bear's lips when he kissed. Barley subsequently unbuttoned his uniform shirt, and bared his masculine, hairy chest. Danny enjoyed the officer's sweaty chestfur brushing up against his t-shirt. "What a real man," the bunny mused. Danny lowered his head, flicked his floppy ears back over his head, and licked the bear's chest passionately. Barley pushed his partner's head down a little more, and guided him down to his waist. Danny took the hint, but stopped briefly. He whispered in Barley's ear that he wanted to take things to the bathroom just in case nature called.
The two men walked into Danny's spacious bathroom and closed the door. They took off their clothes, and Danny volunteered to lay naked in the bathtub and let the big, bad bear mark him. The handsome, gay hare sat in the bathtub and stroked himself as his partner stepped into the bathtub and towered over him. The bear wore only one article of clothing, which was a revealing, white contour pouch jockstrap. The jock contained a nicely contained bulge that nicely curved around the bear's maleness. He stood quietly, allowing the horny hare to admire his bulge, and stroke it. The bear's dick felt so rough and raw, and it encompassed a strong, manly musk. Danny took the initiative, and pulled down Barley's jock. There, he stared at the bear's cock, which was throbbing and aching with a full bladder.
Barley bent his knees a little, and guided his member over to the rabbit's open maw. Suddenly, he released a heavy stream of piss. Danny accepted the piss and swallowed, but spit some out occasionally. Barley took one step back to make sure that he also marked the bunny's chest and his dick, which he was stroking furiously. The warm, thick and yellow piss coated the bunny's fur for what seemed like a very long time. Danny managed to take some of the piss given to him, and rubbed it on the bear. Danny was breathing heavily, and it was impossible for him to contain his emotions. Unlike the previous encounter when he was intoxicated, he could now enjoy his aggressive sexual adrenaline -- and it led him to take charge, which amused the bear, who was so used to have everything going his way. For once, his pray was fighting back.
"I like this a lot!" exclaimed Barley, who showed that he was entertained for the first time during their sexual rendevous.
When Barley was done pissing on him, Danny pulled the bear's jock back up. The bunny continued stroking his slick, piss-covered shaft and exhaled through his nostrils like a dirty pig. He wanted to challenge the bear to show more emotion and excitement. He liked Barley's sudden rise in enthusiasm, and it got him horny to see that he was pleasing the big guy. He slowly rose from the bathtub and stood directly across from him, but being only a few inches away from chest to chest. Danny held onto his member and urinated on Barley's chest and jock. Barley could feel the warmth and hear the noise of the bunny's piss pouring onto the bathtub. The bear thoroughly enjoyed how the younger generation was so sexually aggressive and unpredictable, but he still wanted to be the one on top.
Danny got the bear riled up when he pissed on his hairy, low-hanging balls. It nearly sent Barley over the edge when Danny jerked him off as he pissed on his crotch. Barley's jock was covered in sweat and piss -- leaking profusely as if he wore nothing at all. After he let the youngster take control for a while, the bear sprung into action and pulled down his jock. He exposed himself before the bunny, and gestured him for a blowjob. Danny obliged, went down, and sucked on Barley's wet cock. Danny moved his head back and forth frantically as Barley humped his maw. Danny tightened his grip around the cop's dick and licked its underside clean. Barley felt his member throbbing wildly. The sensation was analagous to an itch that was finally being scratched. The pressure was building and building.
"I love a good, dick-sucking faggot bitch," Barley muttered. Danny tried to nod in agreement. "Suck it! Oh yeah..."
Barley got caught in his own teasing. He was already invigorated by the experience, but his teasing put him over the edge. He felt like he was going to cum, and there was no escaping it. He held onto the bunny shoulders, gave one last thrust into Danny's maw, and ejaculated. He could feel his seed uncontrollably gushing into the bunny, who did not expect the bear to ejaculate so soon. Without thinking, Danny swallowed Barley's thick, silky seed. He had no regrets. The idea of being the cop's personal toilet enthralled Danny, and he could barely contain himself.
Danny shifted his knees forward, and nosed the bear's soaking wet jock. He wanted one more sniff of the older bear's musk before he ejaculated all over the bathtub in a grand fashion. Barley rubbed the bunny's headfur as a way of congratulating him for a job well done. Danny was exhausted and laid in his own piss and cum, unable to move. He wanted to take a few deep breaths and recap everything that has happened between him and the cop. From an unexpected meeting to conversing in the living room to a wild flurry of sexual intrigue: Danny could barely keep track. Everything was evolving so quickly before his eyes, he could barely process it. Obviously, Barley saw something in the bunny that made him visit unannounced. From there, the chemistry between the two was solid and undeniable.
"Feels like I'm in a gay porno or something," joked Danny, who chuckled and resumed panting.
"No, no I wouldn't say that. I like you, kid," said Barley. "I think you're pretty --"
"Cute?" Danny smirked.
"You could say that, yeah."
Danny got up from the bathtub and turned on the shower nozzle. He closed the curtains, and hugged Barley. He kissed the bear passionately as the steam from the shower covered the mirror by the sink. The water felt warm, and they washed each other with soap and shampoo: getting clean before they get dirty again. Danny couldn't help but admire the burly cop, and he slowly fell in love with him. He wanted nothing more than to be Barley. On the other hand, Barley wanted nothing more than to be with Danny without his wife finding out. |
Pech gehabt by Pattarchus | Diese Geschichte enthält explizite gewalttätige Passagen. Wenn du als Leser damit Schwierigkeiten hast, wir dir empfohlen, diese Seite zu schließen. Solltest du unter 18 Jahre sein, darfst du ab diesem Punkt nicht mehr weiter lesen. * * * Diese Geschichte darf jederzeit privat kopiert und | [
"German Language",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97702-pech-gehabt | Diese Geschichte enthält explizite gewalttätige Passagen. Wenn du als Leser damit Schwierigkeiten hast, wir dir empfohlen, diese Seite zu schließen. Solltest du unter 18 Jahre sein, darfst du ab diesem Punkt nicht mehr weiter lesen.
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Und nun, viel Spaß mit der Geschichte! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Weiße Wolken zogen ruhig über den hellblauen Himmel. Ein sanfter Wind wehte und brachte den Geruch von Wiesen und Sommer mit sich. Die Nüstern des Drachen bewegten sich sanft als dieser den Kopf weit anhob um die verschiedenen Düfte tief einzuatmen. Das warme Sonnenlicht brachte seine Schuppen zum Schimmern und seine beiden langen Hörner glänzten regelrecht.
Sein Blick glitt über das weite offene Land und es war beinahe so, als ob ein Schmunzeln sich über die Lefzen des Drachen legte, als dieser den schönsten Teil seines Reviers begutachtete. Er bewegte die Krallen seiner Pranke und spürte wie das saftige Gras sich bog und über seine Schuppen strich. Langsam ließ er sich erst auf seine Hinterbeine nieder, nur um dann sich gänzlich zu strecken und sich bäuchlings auf die Wiese zu legen.
Sein kraftvoller Schwanz bewegt sich ruhig hinter ihm und er genoss die Wärme und Stille um sich herum. Der klangvolle Gesang der Vögel entspannte ihn immer weiter, soweit dass er langsam anfing etwas zu dösen. Immer weiter glitt in diesen angenehmen Dämmerzustand bis es ihm schien, als würde er sich nicht mehr bewegen können. Seine Muskeln spannten sich zwar etwas an, doch sie wollten seiner Bewegung nicht wirklich folgen. Ihm erschien es nicht weiter wichtig in diesem Moment, so vernahm er doch weiter die Geräusche der Vögel.
Gerade als er sich auf einen der vielen Gesänge konzentrierte hatte, schien es ihm als würde er ein seltsames Geräusch hören. Er versuchte das Geräusch zu fassen, doch da drang ihm wieder der süße Duft von Blumen in die Nüstern und stieg in ihnen hoch. Es waren viele verschiedene Gerüche, er kannte sie gut, hatte er doch so häufig in den Wiesen sie wahrgenommen.
Doch etwas war anders. Er konnte es nicht genau bestimmen, denn für einen kurzen Moment glaubte er den Geruch von Rauch wahrgenommen zu haben. Es schien ihm dann aber doch nur Einbildung gewesen zu sein, denn er spürte wie er sich immer weiter entspannte. Seine Augen wurden schwerer und er spürte das Gefühl der Müdigkeit ihn ihm aufsteigen.
Jeder Gedanke den er fassen wollte schien ihm weiter davon zugleiten, und je mehr er darüber nachdachte umso müder wurde er. Er entschloss sich dazu erst einmal ein wenig zu ruhen, dann könnte er noch immer über diese Eindrücke nachdenken. Dann wurde es dunkel vor seinem inneren Auge.
Ein stechender Schmerz durchzuckte die Schnauze des Drachen. Noch bevor er darauf reagieren konnte spürte er wieder einen heftigen Schmerz, diesmal von seinen empfindlichen Nüstern. Immer mehr Sinne regten sich wieder, dennoch fühlte er sich wie benommen und sein ganzer Geist fühlte sich an wie von Blei beschwert.
Er versuchte seine Pranken zu bewegen, doch sosehr er seine Muskeln anspannte â€" nichts geschah. Irgendetwas schien einen Wiederstand auf ihn auszuüben und ihn am Boden festzuhalten. Doch da war noch etwas, wo war die Wiese, die Vögel? Er spürte nur nackten und kalten Felsen unter sich.
Seine Gedanken waren dumpf und er konnte sie kaum in die Bahnen lenken wie er wollte. Hatte er das alles nur geträumt, war das alles nur Einbildung gewesen? Er musste in seiner Höhle eingeschlafen sein, ja natürlich... dies würde Sinn ergeben. Doch warum konnte er sich bewegen....
Bevor er eine Antwort dazu finden konnte, spürte er wieder diesen Schmerz in seinen Nüstern. Mühsam versuchte er die Augen zu öffnen und ein dumpfes Stöhnen drang aus seinem Maul.
„Aahh! Endlich bist du wach, ich habe mich schon gefragt wie lange du Drecksvieh weiter schlafen willst!", donnerte eine menschliche Stimme ihm entgegen. Das Licht einer Fackel brannte in den Augen des Drachen, obwohl es in der Höhle nur sehr gedämpft wahrzunehmen war.
„Willst du wohl endlich wachwerden?!", brüllte es wieder und kurz darauf spürte der Drache wieder den Schmerz. Diesmal sah er jedoch, wie der Mensch ein Schwert mit der breiten Seite auf seine Schnauze mit voller Kraft schlug.
„Es macht doch überhaupt keinen Spaß, wenn ich nicht beachtet werde. Na, gut geschlafen? Wie erbärmlich du hier rumgelegen hast, selbstsicher und ungeschützt. Betäubt habe ich dich mit verschiedenen Harzen die ich abgebrannt habe, nichts hast du gemerkt! Und nun habe ich dich genau wo ich dich haben wollte, endlich....", der Mensch schien fast schon zu geifern als er sich in Rage redete und immer wieder die Schnauze des Drachen traf.
Dieser war noch immer sehr benommen und vernahm die Worte nur sehr gedämpft, die Bedeutung zu begreifen war für ihn allerdings noch weitaus schwieriger. Noch während er versuchte zu verstehen was der Mensch gesagte hatte, spürte er diesmal eine ganz andere Art von Schmerz.
Irgendwas bohrte sich in seinen Hals, er spürte wie etwas immer mehr gegen seine Schuppen drückte und der Schmerz wurde immer unerträglicher. Der Drache brüllte so laut es ihm möglich war, doch genau dadurch spannten sich seine Muskeln an und drückten sich zusätzlich gegen die Schwertspitze.
Lachend drehte der Mensch die Schwertspitze in der Wunde um diese weiter zu vergrößern und zu weiten. Als mit einem Ruck das Metall aus seinem Hals gezogen wurde, spürte der Drache wie es feucht an seinem Hals wurde. Ein stetiger Strom seines Bluts floss aus der Wunde heraus und tropfte auf den Boden.
Der Drache versuchte sich gegen die Ketten zu stemmen, doch konnte er nichts ausrichten. Die geschmiedeten Eisenglieder hielten ihn fest am Boden und machten ihn nahezu bewegungsunfähig.
„Wehre dich ruhig, dadurch geht es nur schneller", grölte der Mensch vor Lachen und stieg auf den Rücken des wehrlosen Drachen. Kurz danach spürte dieser wie über die dünne Flughaut seiner Schwingen die Klinge strich.
„Och...was haben wir denn da...", kicherte der Mensch vor sich hin, „ein Loch!". In diesem Moment stieß er zu und riss das Schwert in der Membran herunter um diese zu zerschneiden. Da die Flügel geschlossen waren lag die Haut gefaltet übereinander, so dass alle Lagen gleichzeitig verletzt wurden.
Blind vor Schmerz brüllte der Drache auf und stieß seine Krallen in den Boden, sein warmes Blut schoss aus den dünnen Kapillaren seiner Membran heraus und lief über seinen Rücken und seine Flanke. Der Mensch stocherte immer wieder in der Flughaut herum und verletzte diese immer weiter. Der Drache wusste, dass dies nie wieder verheilen würde... er würde nie wieder fliegen können...
Doch in dem Momentan durchbohrte die scharfe Klinge sein rechtes Flügelgelenk nah an seiner Schulter. Die höllischen Schmerzen ließen den Drachen fast verrückt werden, er zerrte immer mehr an den Ketten doch sie wollten nicht nachgeben. Die ständige Bewegung führte dazu, dass das Schwert sich weiter durch das Gelenk arbeite und dieses letztendlich durchtrennte.
Unmengen an Blut schossen dem Menschen entgegen und tränkten dessen Kleidung. Er hob seinen Arm weit an und mit einem schwungvollen Schlag durchtrennte er auch das andere Gelenk.
Die abgetrennten Schwingen rutschten etwas an ihm herunter, wurden aber von den Ketten einigermaßen an Ort und Stelle gehalten. Der gesamte Drache war von seinem eigenen Blut überströmt und keuchte heiser.
Der Druck auf seinem Rücken nahm ab als der Mensch von ihm herabstieg. Er wusste nicht wie lange er diese Erniedrigung noch ertragen musste, die Schmerzen waren unerträglich doch anscheinend sollte es noch nicht vorbei sein.
Die Spitze des Schwertes bohrte sich in diesem Moment in die Schwanzwurzel und zerschnitt die feinen Nerven und Sehnen. Der Drache stöhnte vor Schmerzen laut auf und sackte zusammen. Immer weiter drückte sich das scharfe Metall in den Schwanz und beraubte den Drachen von sämtlichen Gefühl.
Der hohe Blutverlust machte ihn immer benommener und die Schmerzen wurden immer dumpfer und schienen weiter entfernt zu sein, mit letzter Kraft konnte der Drache noch einmal die Augen öffnen und sah den Menschen vor sich stehen. Dieser grinste nur siegessicher und näherte sich dann dem Kopf des Drachen.
Dieser sammelte noch einmal alle Kraft und hauchte ein „Wieso..." seinem Peiniger entgegen. Dieser drückte grinste nur und sah dem Drachen in eines seiner Augen.
„Weil es mir Spaß macht." In diesem Moment bohrte sich mit einem festen Ruck das Schwert zum letzten Mal in den Körper des Drachen. Hinter seinem Unterkiefer am Halsansatz drang es in das weiche Fleisch ein und wurde fest nach oben durchgeschoben.
Blut floss aus dem Maul des Drachen und er sackte zusammen. Mit einem Mal schien das Leben aus den Augen des Drachen verschwunden zu sein, als sein letzer Atem aus seinen Lungen gewichen war.
Mit einem festen Ruck zog der Mensch das Schwert wieder heraus, musste sich aber mit einem Bein gegen den leblosen Drachen stemmen um es endgültig aus dem Knochen herauszuziehen. Mit ein paar gezielten Handgriffen löste er dann auch die schweren Fesseln die zu Boden fielen.
„Pech gehabt. Würd ich mal sagen.", schmunzelte der Mensch als er seine Fackel nahm und noch einmal die leblosen Ãberreste des Drachen ansah. |
Caught by Kalan | #21 of M/M Fun - Ethan gave a slow smile and tugged the leash harder so that the nude exotic cat was pulled closer to him and he could see the blue eyes widen as he reached up to grab at the collar that wrapped around the neck. He wouldn't encounter any sort of latch or buckle that he could undo, | [
"Mind Control",
"Semi NC",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464106-caught | Ethan gave a slow smile and tugged the leash harder so that the nude exotic cat was pulled closer to him and he could see the blue eyes widen as he reached up to grab at the collar that wrapped around the neck. He wouldn't encounter any sort of latch or buckle that he could undo, the wolf was far more experienced then to give him an easy way out. The large ears, complete with their black tuft, folded back against the other male's head and his breathing came a bit faster. The wolf's grin became larger and he showed each of his white teeth to their fullest advantage as he gave a final tug and forced the pale white chest and nude form against him. So close that their sheaths pressed against one another and the serval-snow leopard hybrid let out a breathy cry.
"Oh don't start that, my dear." Ethan purred and lifted a hand to run along the jaw line. "I'm afraid that it won't work. You should be careful on whose pockets you pick from now on, shouldn't you?"
"I didn't take anything.." The hybrid's breath came a bit faster as Ethan locked eyes with him. The wolf reached out mental fingers to test the mind that had decided to come against him. "You can have my wallet instead!"
"True, I could have your wallet." Ethan gave his long black tail a slow wag back and forth. There were no shields here, no protections to keep him away from the vulnerable frightened thoughts. "But I think that I would like something with a bit more bite to it. Your name, boy." He flexed his mental fingers and the hybrid let out a soft noise deep in his throat.
"Erazure." The word was dragged out of the unwilling throat and Ethan could almost feel the heart beat speeding up.
"That's good, Erazure. I'll let you go in the morning, but tonight you will be mine, do you understand me?" Ethan tilted his head and twisted the leather leash around his hand until it was drawn taut. "And tonight you will pleasure and entertain me, because I have missed the lovely opera that I wished to see. I'm sure we can figure out how you can do that."
"Please.. just let me.." The words trailed off as the wolf's mind closed around the hybrids again and the feline let out a breathy whimper low in his throat.
"Taste me? Oh yes, I think we'll begin there. Your mouth is certainly not talented enough to warrant a lively conversation, now is it?" He interjected and let out a low rumbling laugh. It wasn't often that prey wandered so eagerly into his hands. He had plans to use the creature until he was bored. Which might take quite some time if it was done right. "On your knees, Erazure, let's see if you can make up for your faux pas with your mouth, perhaps you won't pay for it in other.. more interesting ways."
\~ \~ \* \~ \~
Erazure couldn't struggle past the compulsion that was wrapping around his mind. The gripping hold didn't even budge as he fought the command for him to drop to his knees. His breath caught in his throat and he lowered one leg and then the other. The leash tugged at the collar, but it gave him enough slack to do as he was told. The collar had been snapped on him the moment his mark had turned around with a grin on his long black muzzle and told him to freeze. He didn't know why he'd followed the green eyed black wolf down the road, he didn't know why he'd come into the man's house, but he knew the moment he'd been told to strip down and wolf had done the same that it wasn't good. He knew that he was going to end up in more trouble than simply being arrested.
He ended up muzzle high to the dark black sheath that rested along the male's belly. It was soft furred and velvety as one of the wolf's paws moved down to grip him on the back of the head and pulled him forward so that his nose brushed against the fur. He caught the scent of musk before a low teasing growl came from above him.
"Pleasure me, Erazure, use your tongue." The words came with a caress through his mind that made his body react whether he wanted it to or not.
The feline hybrid leaned forward with a lash of his spotted tail and licked out along the sheath. A glistening red tip was already slipping free and pushing outwards into the light as he drew in a trembling breath. His tongue dragged upwards from the base all the way towards the glimpse of the cock and he struggled to stop it from going so high that it might touch the rousing spire. He wanted to pull away, but he continued the smooth lick until his tongue tip glided up and flickered right against the glans. The wolf sucked in a breath and he twisted his tongue around it until he tasted something salty and then moved down again.
"Rrrr... and here I thought felines had rough tongues.." Ethan's voice was rough with approval and it made Erazure's face flush hotly while he glided back downwards towards the relative safety of the furred sheath.
\~ \~ \* \~ \~
Ethan massaged his fingers right against the back of Erazure's neck and felt the tongue spreading open wider and wider as it dropped back down along his sheath. He could only control the mind so far, but the serval-leopard hybrid dropped his tongue down until it cupped right beneath the swell of his orbs. The breath was warm and moist as it puffed out against him and rolled the orb back and forth. He hissed out in approval as inch by inch of his glistening girth started to push out of his sheath in arousal. The silvery grey and black spotted form was exotic looking and lithe as it pressed against his legs. The tongue flicked lightly beneath his orbs and then moved back up to rub along his sheath, except the flesh was starting to be pushed down by his girth emerging.
It had been a long time since he'd enjoyed anyone in this manner, and he was in no hurry to stop the creature as he moved up and spread his tongue right over the tip of the wolf's glans. Ethan growled out and moved the hand gripping the leash a bit more firmly and gave a rough tug. The lips pressed down firmly against his glans and the feline's muzzle slowly started to open as he forced the boy to draw his cock tip inwards. Erazure let out a sharp noise of protest as Ethan's cock tip pushed right over the smooth tongue and oozed out a thick dribble of precum that splashed into the muzzle. The spotted tail started to lash wildly back and forth and hit the ground with soft noises.
"Good, lad." Ethan kept his grip firm on the collar and pulled gain so another few inches of hard flesh plunged into the spread maw. "This is what you want, this is what you need, this is what you crave.. To obey, to pleasure me..."
\~ \~ \* \~ \~
Erazure tried to fight the compulsion as the salty taste of precum clung to the roof of his mouth in strands. He swallowed around the cock rather than letting it messily drool out of his muzzle and smearing against his chin. He pushed his lips downwards inch by slow inch as the words spread through his mind and he felt his entire body tensing up in reaction. His loins tensed as he responded to the mental touch. He wanted this, he enjoyed the hot taste that spread along his tongue and down his maw. The pulsing boned flesh plunged in deeper as the grip on his collar tugged him downwards and he followed it. His jaws started to strain open wider as the girth grew rapidly and his nose pushed down towards the dark sheath that had been rolled down around the thickest portion of his base. The fingers on his neck gave another squeeze as he closed his muzzle and swallowed hotly around the girth and the tip nearly pushed into his throat before he pulled backwards.
The violet-red spire slid through his maw all the way to the point that it nearly popped free before he lowered again. He wanted to struggle past what he was doing, but at the same time his loins were tightening and he began to let out a soft whimper. He balled his fists up a little bit as he plunged downwards again until he felt the knot pressing up against his lips. Another pulse rewarded him with a dribble of precum before he lifted upwards again and wrapped his tongue around the glassy smooth girth. He tried to ignore his body, tried to ignore the flush of lust that crept through him as his barbed tip started to push out of his sheath. His breath came out in sharp pants while he attempted to pull himself all the way off the lupine cock.
"That's my good cat.." The wolf growled from above him and the leash gently tugged so that the cock tip popped free from his muzzle. The cock tip flung out a splash of viscous precum that splashed against his muzzle.
"I'm done.." He fought the urge to lick his muzzle clean of the clear ooze that clung to his whiskers. "I-I can go?"
"Oh no, you've done a lovely job, but I think that your heart isn't it... yet." The wolf tugged the leash slightly, "I don't enjoy half hearted attempts you know.."
"I..." Erazure flinched slightly as the wolf grinned down at him with a flash of white teeth in the black muzzle. "What do you want.."
"On all fours, Erazure, like a good cat.." The wolf's voice deepened to a purr and Erazure fought two emotions that rolled through his mind. A flash of hot desire that was chased with a cold feel of fear on what that meant.
\~ \~ \* \~ \~
Ethan watched the spotted grey hybrid move in front of him and moved one of his dark paws to lightly caress along the edges of his cock. His thumb brushed along the edges of his tip and massaged in circles to spread the pre. Despite the protests that Erazure was offering, his body was showing something else entirely. He could see a flash of dark red from the sheath as the boy dropped to all fours and stood in front of him. The curve of the rump cheeks were spotted with a trail of pale white that ran along the inside thighs so that his eyes lingered there and looked just at the base of the tail where the pink velvety pucker was visible. It wasn't often that he had a chance to play this way, not with a creature that tugged at his control and tried to free himself. It made the conquest all the sweeter in his mind.
The wolf dropped down to his knees and moved his hand up to grip the leash again. The collar turned about easily enough and he gripped it hard enough to tug Erazure's head backwards. He lunged slightly in an attempt to get free, but Ethan reached down to grip the leather between his teeth and gave a firm tug backwards. He dropped forward and brushed his cock right along the plush rump cheeks and gave a slow roll back and forth. He stretched the touch of his mind outwards and snagged the boys humiliated mind in his own as he gave another slow roll forward and then pulled back again. A dribble of precum oozed out of the tip and smeared against the thick fur before trailing backwards inch by slow inch.
"Please..." Erazure's voice came out in barely a whisper and his body started to shake. The protest lacked real force, not when he his legs were shifting open.
The inner ears were a dark red with a hot embarrassed rush as he pulled all the way back so that his cock tip brushed against the quivering opening. It clenched as he rolled his hips upwards and then pulled back again. He gave a gentle push forward and smeared the thick dribble of precum over the opening while his tail curled up along the curve of his back. His free arm moved around the curve of the waist and slipped beneath the white belly to find the half hard cock. He grinned around his hold on the leash before pushing forward with a slow rolling shove that started to spread the taut anal ring open. It strained wider and wider as the hybrid feline let out a sharp short cry.
\~ \~ \* \~ \~
Erazure snapped his eyes shut as he felt the cock tip pushing against his taut pucker. He wanted to struggle away, he tried to struggle away, but he couldn't. His body refused to move, he was locked in place by the leash and collar, as well as the compulsion in his mind. It rolled over him until he wanted it. Some part of him wanted the wolf to take him in such a humiliating manner, he wanted to be dominated and no matter how he tried to fight it, he couldn't get past it. No matter what part of his mind was saying, his body was reacting with need. It only grew worse as a set of furred fingers wrapped around his cock and teased right along the edges of his barbs so that he bucked forward.
The wolf's hips pushed forward with his movement and the hot tapered tip wedged into his passage. His walls started to strain open wider and wider. The walls yawning open to the point that he let out a rough protesting noise, but the dribble of syrupy precum spilled into him helping ease the cock into him. The weight of the wolf's chest pressed down against him and he pushed his arms in front of him as he braced himself. The hand glided down his cock before the wolf gave a rougher thrust forward and plunged the knot right up against his pucker. His walls clamped down tightly around the girth and squeezed around it. It felt almost too large as he spread his legs open wider and his thick furred tail was forced partially around the dark lupine.
The powerful hips pulled backwards slowly, dragging the heavy spire through his body until his walls were squeezing down around him trying to hold the cock within him. Erazure dropped his head and a moan was forced out from his throat as he felt the flesh dragging over a spot inside of him that made his cock flex up against his belly. His fingers dug down against the carpet and squeezed as tightly as he could manage It was pleasurable, and humiliating, he wanted to fight and protest what was being done to him, but his body reacted. He couldn't stop it from enjoying the wolf's attentions, even when he plunged in so deeply that the knot wedged right up against his pucker before pulling backwards again. Through it all, the paw massaged around his own cock, it gripped and pulled lightly so he was bucking down against it and his precum spilled out to dribble over the digits.
\~ \~ \* \~ \~
Ethan hissed out in pleasure as the powerful inner walls clamped down around him. It was almost painfully tight as they rippled and pulled around his girth. His tip dribbled out a constant stream of precum that lubricated the passage until there were lewd wet noises as he plunged forward and then pulled out. His belly arched upwards and he nearly pulled all the way out before driving in again. His breath came in short hot pants as he moved his fingers upwards to tease around the barbed tip. It was hard and throbbing against his palm, the feline's body eager for each and every thrust that he could give him.
He began to thrust in short hard movements, his knot pushing up against the anal ring at the apex of each thrust before pulling backwards again. The dribble of precum oozed around the thickest portion of his cock as the black wolf yanked back against the leash. He forced the flushed hybrid's face up so that the jaws parted in a low groan. He wouldn't let the boy drop his head, he wanted him to have his face bared as he was fucked. He could see the paws digging against the ground until the claws were scoring furrows into the carpet. With a low growl Ethan drove forward and arched his back until his knot pushed up hard against the pucker and the hybrid jerked forward.
The push of the hips forced his hand down until he was gripping right at the base of the throbbing cock. He pumped slightly as he pulled back and then drove forward again. This time his knot peeled the too tight opening wider and wider. It strained in a tight ring around him as the wolf's lips curled back in a snarl as he forced his knot inwards. The serval-leopard hybrid let out a sharp high pitched cry just as Ethan gave a final sharp buck and his knot sank in with a lewd wet noise. His heavy balls clapped up against the white ones while his knot started to swell, but he didn't stop thrusting. His ears folded back against his head as he began to thrust in harsh shorter movements. Building himself up as he tugged against the taut ring time and time again while the cock in his palm began to swell ever so much. Oh he would have this cat for his own.
\~ \~ \* \~ \~
Pain. Pleasure. They gathered together in a wave that rushed through his body and left Erazure with his head held high as his lips parted in a ragged cry. The knot was large enough he was half expecting to feel it tear him open. His walls yawned open wide about them and clamped close so that it was locked in place. The pumping hips tugged and rubbed along him as they massaged and squeezed eagerly. He knew it was eagerly. His body was on fire with desire no matter that some part of his mind was screaming for him to stop. It was too late, the hand was gripping his cock and working in a constant smooth pumping movement that made his breath spill out in short ragged pants. His ears folded back while his balls drew up tight between his legs.
His muscles clenched down tightly around the cock that had impaled him. He squeezed around the girth and sealed the knot in place just as the first hot rope of cum erupted from his cock tip and splashed out over the black wolf's paw. His barbs stood out as he humiliatingly pumped into the hand and his hips gave little jerks forward trying to keep the sensation going. He felt almost light headed and only the strain of the knot spreading that much wider inside of him kept him from moaning out. He held onto that part of him that was humiliated and screaming in protest, but only by the barest thread as the leash yanked back roughly before it went loose.
Ethan snarled out and his balls rubbed up against Erazure's before the first watery jet of wolf cum splattered out into his still quivering passage. His walls milked and squeezed around the girth as jet after hot jet spilled out of the tip and mingled with the precum. With the leash loose he was able to drop his head down and he panted in trembling harsh breaths as the warm wetness spread through his body. The wolf's hips gave a grinding push up against his own so that the orbs were nudged up against his own again before he went still. The hand on his cock squeezed his tip again and the hybrid managed a weak whimper before going still. His entire body was pounding in time with his heart beat. The light headed feel of his orgasm clung to him while he tried to get in a solid breath.
"Mmm.." The wolf growled in his ear before the black hand reclaimed the leash. "I do believe that by the time you leave you will have paid your debt in full. Who knows, after I try that muzzle of yours again, I may just end up owing you a bit of payment if you continue to be so eager..."
Erazure swallowed back a wave of dismay that was mingled with hot lust that left him shaking. How many more times would the wolf do this to him? And how long would he keep that protesting part of his mind alive against the touch of the creature's thoughts against his own? He answered the only way he could, with a soft whimper. |
Six Tails, One Pichu by foxohki | Female Vulpix / male Pichu... - female Vulpix/ male pichu cub It was Vulpix's second heat, and she pretty much knew the routine by now...The female fox looked somewhat uncomfortable as she lay on her large boulder planted the middle of a riverbed, flowing water all around. It was the rock she had | [
"First Time",
"Tail Sex",
"age play",
"size difference",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249264-six-tails-one-pichu | female Vulpix/ male pichu cubIt was Vulpix's second heat, and she pretty much knew the routine by now...The female fox looked somewhat uncomfortable as she lay on her large boulder planted the middle of a riverbed, flowing water all around. It was the rock she had chosen to be her home for the past week now, for it was a week ago when her heat had started. And just like all heating Vulpix in her pack that didn't yet have a mate, she was forced to leave the forest and remain secluded next the river so she wouldn't don't drive the male Vulpix and Ninetales mad with desire.The antsy vixen stands to pace back and forth on the enormous stone surrounded by rushing liquid, the hot sun beating down on her furry coat, heating the outside of her body to unbearable temperatures. Still, a certain other place inside of the female's form seemed to burn even more, a place where the sun could not even touch... She would often be seen waving her six fluffy tails vigorously, wagging them up and down towards her body to fan herself. Doing so would help to cool her off a bit, but it did absolutely nothing to satisfy the spot that most heated spot. Suddenly jumping off of her boulder, she splashes into a deep area of the cold moving water below, then quickly swims to the side of the river to leap from rock to rock and climb back up, dripping wet and refreshed. Her pack had other reasons for sending unmated heating Vulpix to this specific river to stay other than to get them away from their males, and It was supposed to serve two specific purposes; to help mask the female's heating scent by having it be carried downstream and away from her, and for them to use the cold water to cool their heated bodies. The river did seem to help carry the smell of her lust pheromones away, at least, it appeared to work for this Vulpix so far. No male had found her in her first heat while she stayed here last time, and she has yet to encounter any in her second heat now. But the second function of the cold water always failed to lessen the burning sensation of her inflamed sex... It was easy to tell this vixen's pack was run by males who had no idea of what it meant to be in heat, and that sending females to this river in there time of need was their idea. "Just jump in the cold water to keep get rid of that hot feeling!" They told her. Yeah... As if that would really help...Standing on her rock now soaking wet, she doesn't bother to shake her body dry and get rid of the wetness clinging to her fur, she instead lays back down on top of her rock to let the sun evaporate the water slowly, allowing the cool liquid to remain on her form as long as possible. But she was not the kind of female who would let her coat get messy, so she begins to lap at her wet fur and comb it over smoothly, regrettably removing the water in the process.Licking and licking the fur on the side of her body until it is cleaned, she lays down and rolls onto her back so she can lap at the creamy white fur that marked the underside of her body and all of her most tender areas. Leaning forward with the top half of her body, she begins tonguing at the top of her chest to smooth her pelt with moist licks. Lower and lower her laps go, moving down along her stomach until she reaches her crotch, her licks running against that that warm mound of flesh that encased her heating Vulpix sex. Quickly forgetting about grooming, she begins to tongue hard at her inflamed vulva, desperately trying to cool off the heated opening and loving the pleasing sensation that touching that area gives her.She had figured out she could lick herself down there to dim the flame that raged within her loins during her first stay here, and she would prod at that hole until it leaked hot liquids two or three times every day just to stay sane. Whenever she licked herself hard enough and long enough, her body would shudder in pleasure, the heated water spilling out of that damned hell crevice and douse the fire inside for a while. She found it helped if she imagined it wasn't her tongue lapping at her sex, but a large powerful male Ninetales' licker. His bright red maleness jutting up and down as he lapped at her vagina, dripping and ready, just waiting to come inside. The clever vixen had even invented a way to put that imaginary throbbing penis to use... Stopping her licking, she grabs one of her six red furred tails with her left paw and brings it's curved end to her slobbery vaginal slit. Uncurling her tail with her right paw, she holds it straight, then presses the tip of her tail's end into the hot folds of her sex and begins to slowly push it inside. Her five other tails begin to wag excitedly as the one she is gripping moves further into her slippery tunnel, and the walls of her sex begin clenching and releasing in response, convulsing around her awkward replication of a pokémon's penis. "Yes... Ninetales... Deeper..." The vixen closes her eyes and moans, fantasizing about having a hard Ninetales member pushing through her folded vagina.The horny female shoves her tail as deep as it will go into her special fox box, repeatedly squeezing along the length the furry appendage that managed to make its way inside. Withdrawing her tail from the confines of her vagina a bit, she thrusts it back in again, simulating the pumping motions male's penis. "Yes! Ninetales! I've been a naughty fox! Punish me! Please!" Vulpix huffs as she jams her tail bone in-between her clenching sex walls again and again, thinking of it as her kitsune lover's bone being humped in and out of her as he stands over her laying body."Vuuuulll" The vixen howls as her body shudders in orgasm, tail slipping out of her vagina as she release her paw's grip to lean backwards and lay flat on her back in bliss with forepaws behind her head; female sex juice's being flicked everywhere as her tail's end retains its natural curly shape and springs back to join her others.Any love liquids that weren't absorbed by the fur on the vulpine's tail now leak out of her unplugged vulva as she lay panting to catch her breath, when suddenly she hears a faint voice, her ears perking up to try and locate the weak noise."Chu chu chu! Pichu chu chu!" A little Pichu cub sings to itself, coming into the fox's view as it skips down the side of the river, not a care in the world.Scrambling to recompose herself, Vulpix quickly flips herself over to lay on her stomach, hugging her rock to lay as flat as possible and remaining very still, hoping she will go unnoticed by the tiny chu. Maybe if he was hunky male Raichu she would make herself known, but the last thing she wanted to do right now was cubsit... This Pichu looked as though it had just hatched, male or female, any interaction with it surely be troublesome."Chu?" The Pichu turns its head towards the heating female to sniff the air, and then locks eyes with the not very well hidden Vulpix."Well fuck me with a Diglet..." The vixen mumbles to herself as she watches the small yellow furred mouse change directions and walk towards her, continuing to sniff the air as it comes closer. "Hi!" The small pokémon squeaks as it reaches the river's edge, staring up at Vulpix as she lays perched on her enormous rock."Hello..." Vulpix responds. "Are you lost cub?"The surrounding terrain near this particular spot of the river was not very friendly, that's why the heating fox had chosen it in the first place. Why a little cub would be out here all alone was beyond anything she could imagine."I don't know..." The Pichu tells her, a look of thought on its face. "You don't... know..." The agitated female replies. "Well if you would kindly be on your way and leave me be, that would be great..." The potent aura of sex and female heat in the air, Pichu seems somewhat distracted."What's that sweet smelling scent? Do you smell it?" The cub asks sniffing the air again, ignoring Vulpix's words."No, I don't. Now leave..." She barks back."Really? It's so strong though... You must notice it!"Trying to locate the source of the aroma with its sniffer, the Pichu jumps between a few small rocks to get closer to the large boulder that Vulpix is on."Are you deaf cub? Do you want to be seared in fire by one of my ember attacks?" The vixen threatens as Pichu makes its way closer to her, standing up to face him.The cub manages to climb up to her rock, where finds splotches of wetness all around and a little puddle beneath the Vulpix's back side, a distinct and luring smell coming from the liquids. Matching the leering fox's gaze, Pichu could decipher another separate scent, the sweet one that he had originally picked up on. The little mouse could tell it was close to the source now, and the exotic smell seemed to make its tummy turn and twitch, stirring unknown emotions. "Chu?" The Pichu questions, cocking it's head to the side while staring at her.Now up close and personal, Vulpix notices that the cub's gender is male, tiny little balls dangling bellow a Pichu sized sheath are a dead giveaway. But It's the little fleshy thing poking it's head out of the top portion his sheath that really grabs the vixen's attention, the tip of his small maleness; a vibrant red color against the yellow fur on his lower stomach. The cub appeared to be of age... She would much rather have preferred a male Raichu, but a Pichu is fine too. That hole between the female's hind legs ached and itched, craving a male's friction. This tiny mouse pokémon would have to suffice, what little amount male there was of him."The scent, It's... It's coming from you!" The Pichu exclaims."Oh yes, that scent, of course. I know it well, it's my special female one... It comes from here..." The vixen slyly tells the Pichu, laying down and rolling over her back with hind legs spread wide, her six tails down and flat against the rock to give the cub a good view of her heating vagina.The yellow mouse inches his way forward, walking on top of her two middle tails until he's just a few paw lengths away from the female's alluring vulva, dripping in anticipation. Her body trembles as he approaches, getting more and more excited as she thinks about doing naughty things to the innocent cub. Having him investigate that area was quite the turn on for this vixen, she could care less how old he is was, he had a slowly emerging penis and she was going to put it to good use."Go ahead cub, taste those liquids, I think you'll find their flavor to your liking..." She tempts him.Pichu reaches outward with tiny paws to touch the fox's inflamed sex, wet vaginal lips shuddering as itty bitty pads contact the sensitive opening, splashing his fur in her feminine scented juices, a soft cooing "vul..." noise emanating from the vixen's muzzle as her burning vulva is prodded for the very first time by someone other than herself. It just so happened that she was as virgin as this cub. No one had happened upon her during her first heat, and the Vulpix in her back were not allowed to have sex without picking a permanent mate. A stupid rule that she didn't care to follow, though all the other goodie-goodie male Vulpines in her pack did. But they would never even know if she mated with a pokémon this far away from her own species, there would be no evidential egg. She could take this Pichu's sperm deep inside her body and no one would ever have to find out...The fur on the cub's paws coated in female essence, he bring them both to his lips and begins to lap at them. "It's good! Better than mom's milk even!" He proclaims."Lap it up from here..." Vulpix tells him, bringing her right forepaw down between her hind legs to spread her vixenhood apart and show him the inner glistening walls of her sex, wet with desire."Okay..." Pichu replies. Bending over to stand on all fours on top of her tails, he brings his snout to the females radiating vulva as she keeps the lips parted for him and cautiously begins to lick inside her sensitive flesh hole, lapping up the moisture to take it back to his maw and drink. As delicious female liquid coats his pallet his vigor increases. Placing his paws on either side of the fox's vaginal lips, he tries to spread them more so his tiny licking tongue can gain access deeper inside her sex. Vulpix removes her own paw as the cub's gripping claws keep her spread open on their own, and lies back to enjoy the pleasing sensations of his tonguing. "Yes... Good cub..." She tells him encouragingly.His little laps of her most intimate area felt nice, but she needed to feel more of his body contact her vagina. So sitting up with the front half of her body, she places both of her paws on the back of Pichu's head and pushes his face against her crotch. "Deeper..." Vulpix pants, the cub's tongue flicking out to lick along her tunnel as she presses his entire muzzle inside.The horny fox quickly becomes overcome with lust, and lessens her pushing of Pichu's head only to push it back hard into her vagina. Again and again she tugs him forward to press him into her hindquarters and slide his muzzle back and forth inside her sex, closing her eyes as she tries to duplicate the pushing and pulling of a penis. "Yes! Ninetales!" She moans. Squeaking 'chus!' are heard from the cub as his face is slammed repeatedly into warm Vulpix flesh, stopping his licking to panic as he is quickly turned into nothing more than a vixen pleasure toy. Placing his paws on her inner thighs, he uses all of his to tiny body's strength to try and push himself away from the controlling female and the frightening clenching hole his muzzle is being forced inside of. His weak cub form lacking the brawn to break free, he tries another way to escape, letting loose a thundershock attack to vibrate the vixen with electricity."Vuuull!" The fox roars as Pichu's surging energy brings her to a climax, letting go of his head to lay on her back panting, his sex juice covered face finally escaping from between her hind legs as he stumbles backwards to fall down on top of her tails."You're not a nice female!" Pichu barks at Vulpix, then notices the throbbing red stick between his legs. "What... What's happening?" He whimpers."Oh, but I think you'll find that I can be a very nice female..." She tells him, a lusty grin on her face as she sits up to paw at the cub's exposed member."Why... Why are you touching it?" He asks as Vulpix begins stroking his penis with her pads."Feels good, doesn't it cub..." She whispers, and then lowers her maw to Pichu's crotch to lick at his tiny pecker."Chu..." He moans, sitting up to grip the vixen's triangular ears as his virgin sex is bathed in warm slippery friction, and he begins to make tiny instinctive pelvic thrusts against the caressing Vulpix tongue.The licking suddenly stops as the vixen raises her head to stare at the little male cub, and he begins to paw at this new red fleshy part of his body he's never seen before curiously. "It does... It feels good when it's touched... Please don't stop!" He begs, staring up at the much bigger female, licking her lips after getting the first taste of a maleness.Lowering her head back down, Vulpix easily engulfs the small Pichu penis within her muzzle, and the cub leans forward hard against the curly tufts of fur on her head to grip her ears again. "You are a nice female... The best female..." He moans, humping into the fox's maw as she begins suckling on the red stick. Finally the heating vixen had a male to play with, a male that could help her in her time of need. She had the tool that could help her the most safely secured in her muzzle right now, no longer would she have to pretend with her tails. The cub's happy 'chu!' sounds can be heard emanating through the air, squeaking and panting as his small penis is worked over by a grasping Vulpix maw, her wet tongue running up and down his length with each sucking motion, physical pleasure like he's never felt growing higher and higher in his groin. The pleasure seems to reach a peak as he feels something squirt out of his penis and into the vixen's mouth, and he watches intently as she swallows it down her throat. "Why are you drinking my pee?!" The inexperienced male cries.Sitting up, she releases his maleness to explain. "It's not pee silly cub... It's a special liquid that comes out when that little red Pichu stick of yours is played with enough. It's used to make little cubs such as yourself." She tells him, picking him up slightly with her forepaws to remove him from under his soft Vulpix tail cushioning, and then setting him back down on the rock to stand up on all fours before him. "It can come out of all males, but your species' liquid won't be able to make an egg when squirted into my vagina, which is why you're going to shoot it inside there and help me with my heat." She goes on, placing a forepaw on his chest to slowly push him down and make him lay on his back, then walk over his body to stand over him.Milking the Pichu of his male essence had aroused the vixen a great deal, and the burning in her crotch had come back with a fierce vengeance. Completely consumed with the desire of sex, she was going to use this cub's body whether he wanted her to or not. He was male, and he was here, his little throbbing maleness was still hard, and she was going to use it..."Oh... But what's vagina? Heat? And who's that Ninetales you mentioned earlier?" The cub questions, not struggling against the advancing female as she forces him onto his back beneath her."You're my Ninatales..." She tells him, lowering her large form over his body. "A vagina, is this female hole between my back legs..." She continues, grabbing the cub's maleness with her right forepaw as she presses against him lightly, guiding the red stick inside the very hole she is talking about. "My heat will make me crave males like you, it calls them towards me with a special scent that tells them to mate with me. And before you ask, mate is what we are going to do now..."Placing her forepaws on the top of his head, she holds the him in place while arching her back, then begins smooshing their crotches together again and again, his member sliding in and out of her slippery fox hole. Pichu couldn't have escaped if he tried, but the thought of leaving this female's touch was the last thing on his mind. He didn't really know what she was doing, but he knew he loved it; the feeling of being completely surrounded in her soft flowing fur as she moved back and forth over his lower half, her strong paws holding his head. No one had ever touched him like she was, no one had played with that unknown body part of his like she did. It felt amazing as she pushed the red stick in and out of her body, and he begins to thrust his hindquarters back against the downward grinding motions of the vixen to feel more of it."That's right cub... Hump into your female..." She huffs, then begins licking the top of his forehead to taste her sex's juices that had coated his fur there from when she came on him earlier.The cub's tiny penis didn't do much fill the clenching orifice of the larger female, but she had discovered that the electric mouse had other ways to make up for that. "Use... Use Thundershock..." Vulpix pants."I don't want to hurt you though! I love you!" He responds.'Love?' She thought. 'This cub loves me?' "It won't hurt... Your attack is so weak that it barely affects me... Now aim a Thundershock at my vagina, it will please your vixen..." She tells him as she continues grinding his little Pichu sex into hers."Chuuu!" Pichu yells, his little red stick vibrating back and forth as electricity shoots out of the little divining rod implanted within Vulpix's vulva, a certain white male substance shooting out as well as he performs the attack and sperm floods into the fox."Yes... Feels good... More electricity... Don't stop..." She tells him panting, feeling the pleasing sensations of his excited penis as electricity stimulates every area in her vagina and his juices squirt inside her body.The spent cub doesn't want to disappoint her and obeys, and after a few more surging waves of energy current and shaking Pichu cock, she reaches her orgasm as well. "Vuuuull!" She howls, quickly removing the tiny penis from her vagina to grind her leaking vulva up and down along the cub's laying form, covering him in her female juices and a bit of his own male ones as well. "You're my cub now... You're my male..." The controlling vixen tells him. She didn't know why, but she really liked dominating over this cub... She had been without a male for too long, and now that she had one that could suit her needs she wasn't going to let him out of her sights, at least not until this heat went away.Bringing her messy sex to Pichu's face, she pushes it against his snout. "Clean me up cub, lick the area dry..." She teases, knowing that it would be an impossible task, licking near that hole could only make it more wet...She feels his tiny tongue begin to lick along those most sensitive lips of her heated pussy a couple times before his gripping paws spread her sex apart start to lap inside. "Vul!" She yips at the cub's sudden assertiveness, his licker delving deeper and deeper inside until his little muzzle is encased in pink feminine flesh; where he begins sending electric bolts out from the pink circles on his cheeks to vibrate her crotch pleasure the fox.Suddenly the weak electric attacks stop as the cub runs out of energy and begins shooting blanks, and he withdraws his face from her sex to sit down exhausted. Vulpix decides the cub deserves a rest and that she could use one as well, so she lays down next to him, both pokémon panting hard from their tiring mating session. "You can rest for a while, but then we're going to mate again." She tells him."I can... I can mate again now I think!" He exclaims, getting up and rushing over to the bottom of Vulpix's form as she remains laying.The cub's little member was still able to stay hard despite cumming twice now, the vixen's calling scent covered almost all of his fur and her wetness dripped from his snout after being deep inside her sex, making thoughts of sex run rampant in his head. He was eager to feel his red stick inside that hole on her rump once again, the one that produced the amazing scent that soaked his form. He may not be able to perform anymore thundershocks, but he was an electric type after all, and being energetic was kind of their thing; that along with his young cub body allowed him to bounce back in no time.The vixen rolls onto her back and spreads her hind legs wide to give him good access to her sex, ready for mating. "If you want we can, but you will have to do all the work... I do actually need to rest, I... Vulpix vul!" She cries as a tiny cub penis enters her tail hole."It goes in here right?" He asks, quickly pushing his member into the vixen's smaller rump hole and hilting it inside.The puckered orifice was the perfect fit for a tiny Pichu cock, and it was easy enough to squeeze through after being dipped inside the lubricating female juices of her larger entrance above."I guess it can..." She replies, finding she likes the feeling of his penis moving along the insides of that upper hindquarter hole. "Chu!" He squeals in pleasure as her invaded tail hole clamps down hard around his penis, pressure squeezing along his tiny length from all sides. When he had his red stick inside the female earlier it had never quite felt like that....Leaning forward against her, the cub finds the two bottom nipples on Vulpix lower tummy and grabs onto them with his paws to steady himself, then begins to rock his crotch against her lower rump while his stomach bumps against the wet slit above the more befitting hole he has his penis deep inside; the mating couple being brought to new levels of pleasure as the cub's member is squeezed and squeezed by the vixen's unexplored orifice, her nipples being pulled on lightly as he thrusts in and out. Still, the horny female wants to feel even more pleasurable sensations, and she knew of a special place on her body that liked to be touched.Leaning forward with the front half of her body as she lays on her back and Pichu humps into her tight anus, she takes his right forepaw with her left one and removes it from her nipple to place it near the top of her vagina. "There is a little bump just inside that opening you should grab onto instead cub." She tells him, trying to get him to play with her clitoris.Pichu stops his constant pounding of Vulpix behind for a moment to feel around for his new handle."Yes... There it is..." She pants as she feels him contact the super sensitive flesh, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. It felt infinitely better having him touch all of her female parts than whenever she did by herself, and as he pawed at her clitoris again and again trying to grip it, she feels as though she could faint from pleasure."I can't... I can't hold it! It's too slippery!" Pichu complains."Latch onto it with your mouth then." She commands, grabbing the cub's head in-between both forepaws to guide his muzzle to the pleasure nub; where he takes it into his maw and starts to suckle instinctively. "Yes, your female really likes that... Don't forget to hump though." She tells him as his penis remains resting in Vulpix's butt and he quickly goes to that happy suckle for milk cub place, both paws kneading at the insides of her upper thighs, pressing into either side of that mound of fur and flesh that accentuated her vagina.He may be a cub, but the vixen needed him to perform his duty as a male... Holding the back of his head with her right forepaw while he suckles on the hidden female nipple contently, she lowers her left forepaw to the back of his rump to grip his behind and push his lower half against her rump repeatedly. Pichu is quickly reminded of how good it feels to have his red stick slide in and out of the female as she takes things into her own paws and forcefully moves him against her, and he slowly starts to take over to hump into the female's hiney all on his own. The vixen's right forepaw still pressed against the cub's head to keep him suckling and steady, her left one leaves Pichu's bottom to find its way into her vacant vagina and fill it with her digits.Vulpix is taken to vulpine heaven as she begins pumping her paw into her sex and the cub continues his suckles on her clitoris just above, his maw tightly latched on as his member slides in and out of that hole that was exclusively used for pooping before this, wonderful friction running along the insides of both sensitive rump orifices."It's happening again!" Pichu yells, releasing his muzzle's grip of Vulpix's sex button to speak as white fluid streams into her tail hole, an uncontrollable surge of electricity firing along with it, cum and raw energy shooting out of his penis and into the fox's behind."Vuuuul!" She cries as the cub's spewing electrified sperm vibrates her body and sends her over her own pleasure edge, climaxing with an intensity she's never felt. On overwhelming need to have another's touch inside her rippling sex, the vixen quickly removes her left paw from between her hind legs to have it join her right one on the back of Pichu's head, and then thrust the cub's muzzle into her vagina. The Pichu, who is used to being tossed around at this point, happily starts lapping any folded flesh his tongue can reach as female juices flow out of her vulva and trickle down around his penis, still deep inside her once virgin tail hole.Bliss slowly fading, Vulpix releases her grip of Pichu's head to bring her forelegs to the side of her body and lay on her back resting."Chu..." The cub hums affectionately, removing his face from Vulpix's love tunnel and stopping his licking of it to nuzzle her wet vulva and the fur around it with the side of his face lovingly. "You're so soft here..."Taking his member out of the vixen's hiney, his cub sperm comes rushing out to stream along her rump fur and join her female juices at the bases of her tails. "It's that male liquid you were talking about!" He exclaims after finally seeing his seed up close for the first time, then he brings his nose to her butt to sniff at the strange substance. "Smells funny...""I kind of like how it smells." She tells him, leaning forward to pick him up with her forepaws and place him down on the front of her chest. "And tastes..." She whispers, then licks the cum covering his member a few times before taking the entire thing into her maw, making sure to get all of the tasty white liquids."Chu chu..." He moans as she cleans his sex for a bit, then releases it from her muzzle to watch it glisten in the sun, wet with her saliva. "I need a nap... When I wake up we will mate more. If you try to escape I will find you. My scent is all over you and you would be easy enough to track down." She explains the situation he is currently in, to be a little male that she can have at her disposal for her pleasure."Why would I escape?! I love you! I want to stay with you forever!" The infatuated Pichu responds, once again professing his love for the vixen."Right well... Just don't go anywhere..." She says, gripping her tiny cub lover between her forelegs to hug him tight and roll over onto her side.Perfectly content in her warm furry embrace, Pichu closes his eyes and quickly falls asleep, Vulpix following closely behind and drifting off as well. For the first time since starting her heat she is able to rest entirely comfortable, the burning need in her crotch completely satisfied, all thanks to the little male. She plans to mate with him until she stops waking up so hot and horny every day, then she will finally be able to return to her pack. Surely he didn't actually want to stay with her forever... Surely he didn't love her... If anyone were to find out about her relations with the cub, she would be in more than a little bit of trouble... |
Companions Chapter 34: Jeremiah's Secret by Evoquus | #35 of Companions - [Companions Chapter 34] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/1008-companions-chapter-34-jeremiah-s-secret | [Companions Chapter 34] \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inappropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to Yiffstar.com. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \* \* \* \_COMPANIONS\_ \* by Evoquus \* \* \* (c) Copyright 2003, Evoquus, All rights reserved. \* \* Feedback is appreciated: [[email protected]](https://www.sofurry.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) \* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, F/F, Human-Stallion-Mare, Anal, Oral
Chapter 34: Jeremiah's Secret
Leisurely dining alone in the meadow, Shianna gasped when she saw two horses and a human ride up to her. "Do my eyes deceive me?" she laughed delightfully.
"Nope," said Daniel proudly, sliding off the black mare and leading her to the white.
"Shianna, allow me to introduce you to Pandora."
Shianna smiled and nodded to her. "How do you do, Pandora."
Pandora nodded and nickered.
"Can she speak?"
"No," said Daniel.
"Why not?"
"Um..." Daniel consulted Rovaun. The thought had not occurred to either of them. They had assumed she could not speak, only because they had been following the hoofprint trail of Jeremiah's story. In that tale the fictitious Danielle had shown no inclination to speak her mind.
"Communing requires a high level of mental acuity," theorized Rovaun. "It may be asking too much."
"Why?" said Shianna, who was enjoying this. Daniel decided to play along.
"Yes, Husband - why? Look at me. If a Hipponaur brain has the mental acumen to create living virtual matter, surely it can discuss politics."
Daniel addressed the mare. "It's only a matter of faith - right, Pandora?"
The mare looked him squarely in the eyes.
"You can speak, can you not?" asked Daniel confidently.
There was a pregnant pause, and then the mare replied, "Of course I can."
Shianna gasped in shock. Rovaun whinnied likewise. Every virtual follicle on the back of Daniel's neck stood stiffly erect. Only the mare was unfettered. In fact, she went completely blank.
"That... voice! Did you hear it!?" cried Shianna.
"I did," said Daniel, coolly.
"Perhaps Pandora should remain mute from now on, Companion."
"I th... think I agree," said Daniel, his virtual chest pounding from within. "Did we all just hear a ghost?"
"Calm down, everyone," said Rovaun. "Zhorelle is long gone."
"Is she?"
"My God, Husband, what if she's still in there!"
"She is NOT in there!" insisted Rovaun. "Look at her, Companion. She cannot even swat a fly right now, because YOU are the only soul in that body. YOU are in control."
"I was in control. Now I can't get her to blink."
"Because you have momentarily lost your faith in her, and thus she has lost it in you. Instruct her to keep quiet, and I expect you will regain her trust as you regain your own."
Daniel glanced at Shianna, who was still trembling from the initial shock. "I'll be okay," she said, "just as long as I never hear that voice again, ever, ever, NEVER."
"Come now, Shianna," said Rovaun. "You have managed quite well so far, dealing with her physical presence."
"Which I struggle with on a daily basis... No offense, Danny."
"None taken, I guess."
"Go on, Companion. See if you can revive her."
"Okay," sighed Daniel. "Zho... um, Pandora... That was quite a fright you gave us all just now. Please don't do it again, okay?"
The mare remained dormant.
Still nothing. Daniel turned anxiously to Rovaun, who nodded reassuringly.
"Pandora? Can you hear me? Wiggle your ears."
"You have to want it, Companion," reminded Rovaun.
Daniel lifted her chin. "Please?" Her eyes remained blank, not fixating on anything. Daniel feared that his rejection had buried her completely.
"Please, Pandora! Look at me. You can do it! I know you can."
The mare could not hear him.
"Whicker! Snort! Fart! Anything!"
"Except speak," reminded Shianna.
The mare was brain dead. It was hopeless. Pandora's keys were locked in her trunk, which meant that Daniel would have to go in there to retrieve them eventually.
"What now, Husband?" asked Daniel depleted of ideas.
"Do not fret, Companion," assured his mate. "You will figure it out soon. You always do."
"But until then, we're stuck here."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because she won't budge!"
"Companion," chuckled Rovaun, "you are taking this situation too seriously. It is still your primary body, remember?"
"Oh, right... But why does it scare the crap out of me so much today?"
"There is nothing to worry about, Companion. If you wish, you may kiss me for spiritual strength before you bffmmf!... Mmmmmff!"
Daniel released his liplock on the stallion after sucking all of the spiritual strength out of him then marched bravely up to Pandora and entered her. Instantly, the mare found her brains again.
"No sign of ghosts, Husband," she said in Daniel's voice, albeit softened on the edges. Daniel caught sight of Shianna studying him, and a tiny gasp escaped his lips. The white mare, as viewed from Pandora's eyes, had suddenly become more radiant than a nova. "Hi, Shi... Shianna," Daniel stammered.
Shianna shot a puzzled glance to Rovaun. "We've met."
Daniel dropped his head. "I'm sorry... it still feels a little weird to be around you ever since we..."
"That's right, Shianna!" chimed Rovaun excitedly. "We have been meaning to ask you about that."
"Does the sight of me truly repulse you," asked Daniel with what sounded like a broken heart.
"No... of course not, Danny," she said sympathetically. "I didn't mean what I said. It was just the heat of the moment." She nuzzled him tenderly. He closed his eyes and gasped minutely once again.
Rovaun chuckled. "What my infatuated Companion is no doubt wondering right now is, have you ever considered taking a female companion as a life mate?"
"What!?" she snorted at Daniel in disgust. "Just one mare-a-thon and now you're IN LOVE with me!? Daniel Racher, if you were any shallower, you'd evaporate!!"
"No, Shianna!" corrected Rovaun, though Daniel wasn't sure that was necessary. "We are not talking about my Companion, only about you. Have you ever considered making a life commitment to a mare - any mare - instead of a stallion?"
"Well... of course I considered it. Everyone makes life choices. But I chose to be with you, Rovaun. What's the big mystery?"
"But you KNOW," said Daniel. "You know what it is to be a mare... don't you?"
Shianna could not help but chuckle at the apparent seriousness of that ridiculous question.
"If you're asking me whether or not I've been with another mare, I'd have to say it is none of your business."
"Please Shianna," he begged. "I have to know if you have ever felt what I felt this morning."
Shianna rolled her eyes and snorted. "Yes, Danny, I have had orgasmic clitoral sex with another mare. It lasted nineteen minutes before she passed out. A good time was had by all. Happy now?"
"But..." Poor Daniel was so confused. "Didn't you ever want to do it again?"
"Not with HER. Afterward, she said some unflattering things about me that soured our relationship. I left, and I don't regret it."
Daniel still could not understand how she could leave. She had certainly said more than one unflattering thing about him, but all he wanted to do now was pass out after nineteen minutes of butt-to-butt clubbing with her.
"I can see you're having trouble dealing with this, Danny," she said sincerely. "I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay, Shianna, really. It's a memory I will cherish... and I mean that in a nice way."
"Which is how I took it," she said.
"My Companion has an interesting theory in that respect," said Rovaun.
"Oh?" She awaited patiently for the details, but Daniel was tongue-tied.
"You tell her, Husband," he said, looking away.
"Of course, Companion. Both he and I believe that the feeling he experienced this morning, and the one you experienced with the trash-talking mare, may have been artificially induced."
"Just as Varyl had implanted a Primitive in all young stallions that he blessed, we believe that he also implanted a Primitive in the young mares as well."
"But for what purpose?"
"To control population growth by encouraging mares to couple."
"To encourage mares to...?" Shianna stared at the two of them aghast, then she saw the longing in Daniel's eyes and it was all just too much. She started to titter, which grew into a giggle, then amplified to an all-out guffaw. The white mare collapsed and literally rolled around on the ground, braying and kicking and laughing hysterically.
Neither Rovaun nor Daniel could see the humor, and Daniel was considerably more offended by it.
"I take it that you don't believe me," he muttered.
"No... hee-heeeee... no it's... hee-hee-haw-haw-haawww... wait..."
They waited patiently and impatiently for her to regain her composure, which she did, slowly. She climbed to her feet and then nuzzled Daniel affectionately.
"Forgive me, Danny. It all makes perfect sense now."
He loved her touch, but was wary nevertheless.
"Are you screwing with me now?"
"No," she said, taking no offense. "Just applying some first aid to the emotional wounds I opened."
Cautiously, he returned her nuzzle. When she did not object, he went at her more ferociously, snorting and nipping and panting. She did the same to him, and after five minutes of high intensity frottage, they both got it out of their systems.
"Whew!" said Daniel, smiling brightly at her. "Thanks! I needed that."
"The pleasure was mine," she smiled back.
Daniel returned to his perpetually good-natured husband. "Hi there."
"Feeling neglected?"
"A tad."
"My poor Hubby," the mare nuzzled, making it all better. Rovaun was still number one.
"So," said Daniel, scritching under Rovaun's chin with the bridge of his equine nose. "You were about to set us straight, Shianna."
"That's what I was trying to tell you, Danny. The idea that I have a She-Primitive in me... I think your theory has merit."
"What!?" Scritching temporarily put on hold.
"It is very possible that there exists an artificial Primitive in mares, too. It explains a lot."
"But it doesn't explain why you aren't... gay."
"It DOES, actually," she smirked. "You males... God gave you a penis. Why the heck did he bother to give you a brain."
"Um... Huh?"
"Varyl, like the rest of you Y chromosomes, did all of his thinking with the little head. He designed his female Primitive from a male perspective. Yes, the She-Primitive makes having sex with mares great, but as I already explained to you dickheads, it's not just about sex! There's chemistry and compatibility and companionship. Those things matter to mares, dare I say it - more than sex does."
Her blasphemy went unchallenged. Daniel had to consider, now, that his feelings were so easily manipulated by his Primitive because he still thought like a male. And because Shianna had the same impression of him, her Primitive would never be aroused by him. Understanding this was the first step to recovery, and the effects were immediate. Inside the feminine Pandora, Daniel gazed at Rovaun, and the mare suddenly found herself becoming heterosexual again.
"Shianna," Daniel said. "I enjoyed our time together this morning, and I sincerely hope we can do it again. But I want you to know that NO ONE makes me cum like this guy does right here."
"Aw shucks," snickered the stallion.
"So as long as he's still breathing, my Primitive can go to hell. Which means you'll always play second fiddle in our relationship. I hope that's okay."
Shianna grinned. "I don't care if I have to play the itty bitty triangle, just as long as I get to sit in the orchestra pit with my two best friends."
Daniel body-rubbed his mate. "Husband, I have a real live She-Primitive in me that thinks I would be better served by Shianna than by you. Whadaya say we show the Babylonian bitch who's boss?"
"You have an uncanny way of seducing me, Companion." Then he whispered, "Not for one microsecond had I ever lost faith in you."
"Then you shall be dually rewarded," Daniel whispered back. "Shianna, will you join us?"
"I'd love to."
The three of them trotted into the woods for a little more privacy. Rovaun was already fully erect having anticipated this moment since the previous night. Daniel set down and raised his tail. Rovaun didn't hesitate and immediately covered his mate, sliding all the way in to knock on Tattoo's bedroom.
"What do I do?" asked Shianna.
"Just wait a minute and look pretty," said Daniel. "Your services will be required shortly." Then the black mare turned her head to the stallion on top. "Two words, Husband: wrong hole."
"Ahhh," grinned the stud. "Shianna, I suggest you take cover."
Rovaun slid out, and then up, and then in, and then held on for dear life as the beast underneath writhed and bucked and grunted and foamed. Shianna was awestruck by the spectacle of Daniel, whose brain smoked from an electrical storm of orgasmic ecstasy. Rovaun nearly fell off twice, but managed to remain inserted long enough for Daniel to cry uncle.
"Sto... sto... stop..."
The stallion complied and the mare crumpled to a heap, heaving, panting, and giggling.
"That... lasted... nineteen... seconds.... How... the hell... did you last... nineteen... minutes!?"
"Goodness me, Danny," said the mare very impressed. "I've never seen anything like THAT - Not even with mares! Are you sure Varyl didn't have a third Primitive for Human-Hipponaurs?"
"Well then... I guess that... I win."
"Hands down! Can someone please explain to me why I'm here? Because I hope it isn't to rub my nose in it."
"Not at all... You're here... to finish off... Rovaun."
"That is thoughtful of you, Companion." Rovaun confided in Shianna, "Though I derive great pleasure giving pleasure to my mate, this particular position always leaves me somewhat wanting."
"I can imagine," she chuckled.
"You guys go and have fun. I'll just stay here and swim in my endorphins."
"Oh, no, no, no, no. You don't get off that easy, Stickybuns," smirked Shianna. "I had to endure your performance, now you'll have to endure mine."
"Woo [wheeze] hoo!"
"And pay attention, Deary. You might learn something."
"My mental video camera is rolling, Shianna, but don't be surprised if it ends up on the internet."
Before the watchful eyes of Rovaun's mate, Shianna went into her act playing the roll of seductress with a neon 'S'. She faced the stallion and simply leered at him, snorting faintly, non-verbally telegraphing that she very much liked what she saw. Instinctively, Rovaun raised his head, bringing his chin in to pump up his physique. She nuzzled his chest with her cheek as he stood statuesque, then brought her nose tip to his so that he could feel her hot aspiration. He snorted forcefully. She retained her feminine composure.
No words were spoken in this ancient mating ritual, which probably had not changed in a billion years. Daniel observed and admired the mare who completely controlled the powerful stallion. Any careless move might terminate the courtship with a brutal rape. But she was not careless, and Rovaun, his erection throbbing in mid-air, was helpless to resist.
Shaking her mane, the mare turned sideways as if losing interest, but then she sensually swiped her tail, wafting her musk toward her lover's flared nostrils. Rovaun curled his lips as Shianna pretended to graze. He made a move toward her backside, but she raised up and faced him again, repeating the innocent nuzzling, pretending to misinterpret his motives.
"What a tease," chuckled Daniel in awe. "My poor Hubby."
Not wanting to be boorish and risk frightening off his prize, Rovaun gave into her nuzzling, but made it clear that he would like to nuzzle places other than her breath-taking face. He moved down her neck, and she moved down his. She wasn't stupid. To deny him completely would be disastrous. She allowed Rovaun to nudge alongside her body, and she did the same to him, pretending to act like she thought it was what he wanted, and in doing so, she rigged a few moves that would cause him to lose ground. Not enough to drive him to fury, but enough to control his frenzy.
By the time the stallion's nose had nudged all the way around to the wet end, there was no prolonging the inevitable anymore. Shianna raised her white flag in surrender. He had been a perfect gentleman, and she was his reward. In a flash, Rovaun was on top and inside. She held still with head high as the stallion thrust one, two, three times and then held tight as he flushed her with a gallon of seed.
At first, Daniel was surprised that it was over so quickly, for up until now, Shianna had been more skillful than that. Surely this would prove to be a disappointment for her. But then he saw the calculated brilliance of her ploy. Rovaun was indeed the perfect gentleman, and he was fully aware that he had climaxed too soon for Shianna to have enjoyed it. So he remained inside of her, nuzzling her, gently thrusting, telling her how lovely she was, how sexy she would always be. And she reveled in it. Shianna's emotional orgasm would last a hundred times longer than Rovaun's physical one.
She played his guilt like a virtuosa. His seed was in her, and he was still in her, fulfilling her physically and spiritually. Whereas most stallions would come and go, she knew how to make them come and stay. And until she climaxed, he wasn't going anywhere. It wasn't just about sex. It was about being loved and cherished. Daniel watched and took notes. Just as the clever mare had predicted, he had learned something today.
It gave him an idea. He moved his equine self from a flopped-on-the-ground position to a more dignified pose, and then stepped out of his body and sat beside it. Together, he and Pandora watched the others make love. He knew she had to watch, because that was how his virtual vision worked. But that was not enough to bring her out of her shell. He had to have faith. He had to resist the urge to glance over and verify that she was watching, for doing so cried doubt and would break the spell. Instead, he put his arm around her and petted and stroked her while they enjoyed the show together as equals. Watching Rovaun make love to Shianna warmed his heart, because it was easy to imagine himself in Shianna's position - except that it must look so much better, for he knew that Rovaun loved him that much more.
"That's how you look, Pandora," he whispered. "Just paint all the white parts black. I hope some day I can sit here by myself and watch Rovaun make love to you, and have you enjoy it just as much as Shianna is right now."
Pandora whickered subtly in agreement. They brought their heads together and sighed, waiting patiently for the end, when it might be Pandora's turn next.
"You and I are complete opposites," confided Daniel. "I'm a human male, and you're a Hipponaur female. No wonder you needed an identity. It's so obvious."
She glanced at him briefly as if to say, 'Duh.' She knew not to speak, for doing so might startle her other half and force her back into oblivion. She wanted to remain lucid as much as anyone.
Daniel wasn't afraid to look at her anymore. She was back and he understood why. Fear and doubt suppressed her. There was no reason to fear or doubt her anymore. He was free to study and admire her while she watched her Husband make love to her surrogate. And just as in the tale of Daniel and Danielle, he found himself falling for her.
His feelings caught her attention immediately, and she turned to regard him with a smile of her own.
"Do you know what I would really like right now, Pandora?"
Of course she did, and she gave him that tender nuzzle. To thank her, he reached up and scritched her neck, and then she gave him that kiss he was wanting, too. Within seconds, they were necking and nuzzling and panting and snorting. After a while it occurred to Daniel that the sounds of equine passion from Rovaun and Shianna had trailed off. Pandora was the first to notice that they had attracted an audience. She snorted at Daniel to cool it.
He looked up at her and saw her staring at the others. Then he turned around and blushed. Rovaun and Shianna were grinning at him.
"W-Well," he stammered, straightening his shirt and hair. "It's just that you guys were having all the fun."
"Welcome back, Pandora," greeted Rovaun, still mounted upon Shianna.
Pandora nodded to him.
"She isn't going to speak is she?" said Shianna.
"With that attitude," scolded Daniel, "you can be sure that she will never speak to you."
"I'm sorry, Danny. I didn't mean to offend you."
"It's not me that you offended." Daniel and Pandora were in unanimous agreement, as was evident on both of their faces.
"Oh please..."
"I'm serious, Shianna. Look at her. Pandora is still here because I believe in her. You can deny her all you like and it won't make her go away. When you offend her, you offend me. Don't you think she deserves the same respect as a Hipponaur that you do?"
"So now you want me to apologize to her?" she said sarcastically.
"I don't think she wants or needs an apology, because she understands your misgivings about her. I'm not going to forbid her to speak, but she knows that her voice is a liability, so I suspect she will find other ways to communicate. Right my dear?"
Pandora nodded and snorted and stamped the ground four times.
"What did that mean?" asked Shianna.
"Good question," chuckled Daniel.
"You made her do that!"
"Yes, yes, of course I did. That's the whole point. Pandora is ME, but WE are evolving. She's learning to handle the Hipponaur end of things on her own, which allows me to focus more virtual energy on being my human self again. We're a team with each other's best interest at heart, and we are discovering how to co-exist naturally, me as a gay man and she as a heterosexual mare... hmm, maybe bisexual."
Pandora winked at Shianna.
Rovaun laughed both from pride and amusement. "Will you excuse me, Shianna?" he said, dismounting before she could object. He pranced up to Pandora and escorted her into the clearing. Shianna saw no point in protesting, so she sat down next to Daniel to give them the space they needed.
"Remember my mental video camera, Shianna? Well, here's the playback. You taught her everything she knows."
Shianna watched transfixed as the black mare mimicked her every move, and it had exactly the same effect on the stallion. He was in love.
"That's incredible," she gasped. "She's marvelous."
Daniel put his arm around her. "You're marvelous. And thank you, Shianna. When you compliment her, you compliment me."
Shianna peered in wonder at Daniel. "That's right! With you sitting beside me, it's so easy to forget that that's also you out there. Danny... I don't know what to say."
"Eh, it's just a gimmick, really," he said modestly. "And I doubt that I would want it to go much further than this. If she gets too autonomous, then the next thing you know, we'll be arguing over every little speck of minutia."
"Do you think that could actually happen?"
"I doubt it. We would have to have different agendas and I don't see how that would happen. In any case, there is always an ultimate arbiter to settle any disputes that might arise."
"Who, Rovaun?"
"No, silly. Me. That is me after I merge into Pandora. No conflict, no dispute - just a decision to be made. But as I said, I don't think it'll be an issue. But, who knows? Stranger things have happened."
Shianna swooned at the sight of Rovaun courting Pandora. Then she giggled at the black mare's obvious subterfuge.
"The big lug falls for that move every time."
"Paint the black parts white, and that's what you look like."
"I'm already imagining it," she swooned again.
Daniel shot her a sidelong glance and could not resist asking, "What about you and Pandora?"
She stared at him for a second and then cracked a smile. "I'm thinking about that, too."
"Well go on, then! Cut in."
She laughed, then shook her head. "No, no, I couldn't."
"Sure you can!"
"No, Danny, really. I'd know, don't you see? I'd know that it was you pulling her strings. It just wouldn't work, but thanks for offering."
"Look at Rovaun. He doesn't seem to mind. And right now it's really you pulling the strings. Those are all your moves."
"Perhaps another time, Danny," she said warmly.
"All right, Shianna. I won't press it anymore." He gave her a gentle pat of respect.
Just then Rovaun mounted Pandora, and in three sharp thrusts it was all over again. Daniel applauded, momentarily disorienting the stallion, who wished to continue making love to the mare but decided to end it gracefully. He dismounted and bowed to her, and Pandora bowed in return. Then they both came over to Daniel and Shianna. Daniel merged into his body.
"How was I, Husband?"
"Magnificent, Companion." Then he smiled at Shianna. "You are going to need a new routine."
"Creep!" she snorted, light-heartedly.
"And how was I, Companion?" asked Rovaun.
"Hmm, Pandora isn't saying. I guess she doesn't kiss and tell. But from the bleachers it looked like you were doing great."
"Then I am pleased that you were able to enjoy the spectacle, at least. And how do you feel now that you and Pandora are 'one' again?"
"So no significant change from fifteen minutes ago."
"Nevertheless, Companion, it is plain to see that you are still very much an ass-man."
"An ass-mare, to be more precise." Daniel pondered a thought for a moment. "You know, Husband, I wonder if my Primitive has something to do with that?"
"How is that?"
"Well, there's no real explanation for why I react so feverishly when you drive up my dirt road. But as an avowed gay ass-man dwelling in a Hipponaur mare with a brain that has been artificially rewired for homosexual stimulus, I can imagine it getting false triggers in that respect, can't you?"
"That is certainly a possible theory, Companion. We know that the Primitive is an imperfect design. However, I see no useful application of this knowledge."
"Oh, neither do I. It's just that I'll have to remember to thank Varyl the next time I see him."
"I shall thank him as well."
"And speaking of expressing gratitude..."
Jeremiah rode slowly and sensually up and down the phallus of his companion who lay on his back inside their nylon pseudo-shelter. The Primitive simmered in the stallion's brain as he locked eyes with his lover. It no longer desired his mate's blood, for it had evolved along with the human it lusted for. It learned that great rewards come to those who wait, and the longer it allowed itself to be stroked, the greater the reward would be. Also, by not killing the man doing the stroking, those great rewards would keep coming and coming.
Jeremiah sat his full weight on the vertical horsecock, stopping fifteen inches inside his toughened colon where a protective sphincter prevented it from damaging his small intestine. To the stallion, the sphincter felt just like a mare's uterus, and it slid perfectly into place when his cockhead flared.
Parceph whinnied and emptied his balls into the man who perched above him as if sitting on a barstool.
"I am so envious of my other self," marveled the equine. "He got to do this every day for two hundred years."
Jeremiah leaned forward to lay upon his mate's chest. "And you, love of my life, will get two hundred centuries."
"Mmmmm," smiled Parceph as they kissed. "I love what my other self has done with your colon. Almost a perfect fit."
"Sadly, my last ten inches may never know the joy of slipping inside of you."
"Who knows?" cooed his mate. "Your other self had only two hundred years to get this far."
Just then Parceph and Jeremiah heard what was attempting to sound like a knock on the door of their doorless tent.
"Hello? Anybody home?" called the voice from outside.
"Cain't you read, varmint!!"
"Sorry, Jerry, I can only read Sumerian."
Parceph snickered. "What do you want, Danny?"
"I'd like to talk to Jerry for minute if that's all right."
"Well, it ain't all right," said Jeremiah in obvious sexual frustration, exactly as Daniel had hoped.
"Well, okay," said Daniel, suppressing a grin, "I guess it can wait. I'll just be out here, then, whenever you're through. Take your time."
Parceph laughed while shaking his head. "Look at it this way, Companion. We'll just have to start all over again. And the sooner you get rid of him, the sooner that'll happen."
"Oh for the love of Pete's sake," grumbled the horny man, disengaging and then fumbling with his pants. He stormed shirtless out of the tent and met virtual Daniel standing alone outside. "Where's the frickin' fire!"
"Uh, hi Jerry, I'm sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to apologize again for betraying your trust last night."
"Apology accepted." He turned to go back inside.
"No wait... It's just that, you know, your story was so good, so vivid and all, that Rovaun and I feel terrible about leaking the ending to the others."
Jeremiah turned around in a huff and stared at him. "So what do y'all want from me?"
"Well, nothing, except that we really don't want this to escalate into something we'll all regret."
Jeremiah scratched his head then exhaled a deep breath to switch moods. "Danny-boy," he smiled sincerely, "eternal life is too short for grudges. I already told you I ain't a vindictive man, and really, I ain't. Matter of fact, that stunt y'all pulled on me was downright fox-sly. When I close my eyes, I still see your drippy head lookin' up at me. You and Parceph have raised the bar of campfire ghost stories so high that I don't think I'll ever expect to reach it. I'm honored, and dare I say, a wee bit humbled."
"So we're square, then? Even with Parceph? I don't want him taking more than his fair share of the blame."
"Heh-heh, don't worry about it, Son. You and me will always be square. And Flycatcher more than made up for it last night. Hoo-wee, that stud has been holdin' out on me."
"He is full of surprises," agreed Daniel.
"Yes he is," said Jeremiah affectionately. He glanced back at the tent for a moment and considered how blessed he was to be in this world. Then he gave Daniel a heartfelt hug. "I can't possibly thank you enough for bringing me here, Danny. I love that big guy more than anything."
Daniel hugged and patted his back. "And if the love you have for Parceph is a tenth of the love I have for Rovaun, then you're right - you can't possibly thank me enough."
The friends chuckled as they let go of each other.
"Can I show you something?" asked Daniel.
Jeremiah returned another brief gander at the tent. Parceph would be there. From now on, he would always be there. The man smiled at Daniel. "Sure thing, Buddy."
Daniel led him into the woods for a short distance to where Pandora had been silently observing them. As they walked in front of the mare, she stuck out her front hoof as if to deliberately trip the young old-timer, sending him tumbling to the ground. Jeremiah yelped, but caught himself as he landed.
"Oh God, that wasn't supposed to happen," said Daniel sheepishly. "Sorry about that, Jerry. Pandora was a little slow on cue."
Jeremiah rolled over to witness the mare holding out a right front hoof to him.
"... meet Jeremiah," said Daniel proudly. "We're still practicing."
"Well, well, well." Jeremiah stood up and brushed himself off. "Pleased to meet ya, Ma'am." He shook her fetlock and tipped his invisible hat, then smiled wisely at Daniel.
Daniel crossed his arms. "How did you know?" he interrogated.
"Know what?"
"That giving her an identity could make her do cartwheels."
Jeremiah shrugged. "I'm not as dumb as I look. And from the looks of things, neither are you, Danny-boy." He patted the black mare. 'Pandora' is a perfect name, and I never woulda thought of it myself. Ya see, it's not just any ol' nag-tag - it's gotta be the right one. An' by golly, you found it. Way to go!"
"But how did you know..."
Jeremiah smiled, politely refusing to answer.
"Lucky guess?" suggested Daniel.
"Yeah, why not."
"Because we don't believe that for a second." Pandora bent down and gently nuzzled his crotch making Jeremiah inhale in surprise. "We have ways of making you talk," threatened Daniel.
"Heh-heh-heh-heh," chuckled Jeremiah rubbing his chin. "Do your worst," he challenged.
With deft lips, the mare pulled open his pants as easily as any creature with opposable thumbs. Jeremiah stood in awe of her skill.
"Not bad, M'Lady."
"I'll let you in on a little secret, assuming you don't know already," whispered Daniel, cozying up behind Jeremiah. "Pandora is most amenable to doing things she already wants to do."
The mare brought his pants down to his ankles, which he stepped out of voluntarily. He was wearing nothing else. Jeremiah reached back and caressed the suddenly naked buttocks of his virtual lover, who had not bothered to disrobe, but simply vanished every stitch of virtual clothing. All three beings were completely naked, and they did what three completely naked beings do.
Daniel reached forward and gripped the base of Jeremiah's growing cock, holding it out for Pandora to entertain.
"My God, Jerry, you're almost as big as Parceph."
It was an exaggeration, but the modest man was indeed unnaturally large for a human. Pandora engulfed him and savored him. Daniel let go as she took over, then dropped to his knees to work on the other end. Jeremiah held onto the back of the mare's head for support as he felt Daniel nose his way in, and then a stubby warm saliva snake made itself at home.
"Fuck, Danny! You are incredible!!" the man gasped. In protest, the mare released him as if to say, 'and I'm chopped liver?'
"You, too, Pandora," said Jeremiah, acknowledging his faux pas. Pandora nodded and resumed lunch.
"There sure is a lot of Parceph in here," commented Daniel from the back. "Finders keepers?"
"Help yerself, Danny. I'm pretty much saturated."
With his prehensile tongue the virtual man scooped out mouthfuls of delicious Hipponaur essence, and when all that was within reach had been virtually swallowed, he stretched his tongue a few inches more to reach more. What Daniel found startling was that there was always more. Jeremiah's colon was inhumanly deep.
"Leave some lube behind," not-so-subtly suggested the lucky man in the middle.
"Gotcha," said Daniel, retracting his tongue and standing up. He positioned his cock at the well-eaten hole then easily slid all the way in. Daniel had met tighter men.
"Mmmm, not bad... but is that all you got virtual boy?" chided Jeremiah, placing the blame squarely on the other.
Daniel expanded his cock to do justice to the man's colon, then both of them exclaimed, "Oooh, yeahhhh."
"Perfect fit, Danny," he cooed, "And Pandora, I know you have a mouthful of pearly-whites but I'll be danged if they haven't all moved to Oklahoma."
Pandora whickered an acknowledgment to the awkward compliment. Then she and Daniel launched a coordinated attack on the helpless soul in between them. The expletives of joy that grunted from his throat frightened away some smaller creatures while attracting some larger ones. Rovaun and Shianna tiptoed into view, eager to watch but not spoil it. They were soon joined by Parceph who watched with equal parts of amusement and envy.
Then the two on the outside subtly changed tactics, working not quite so hard to please their captive. Jeremiah didn't hesitate to take up the slack, alternately stabbing the warm mouth of the mare and then impaling himself on the stallion-sized dick in his ass. Soon Jeremiah was doing all the work as the two that flanked him stood still. It didn't matter to him, especially since he could control it. In a few seconds he unloaded into Pandora, and Daniel brought up the rear holding him tight and deep between them.
"St. Joseph of Assisi! That was one helluva fuck," wheezed the man, to the delighted whickers of the gallery.
Jeremiah suddenly noticed them and smiled. "Thank you, thank you, you've been a great audience. I'm here all week. Enjoy the buffet..."
"We weren't trying to embarrass you," said Daniel, still hugging him tight from behind and from within.
"I know that, Danny," he said warmly. "Maybe I'll be embarrassed later."
"We just wanted you to know that we appreciate you, and it wasn't much of a secret to show how."
"Am I that transparent?" he snickered.
"Yes!" was the unanimous replies.
Jeremiah turned to his lover of the moment. "You and I are not that different, Danny."
"Yeah, yeah, everyone knows I enjoy getting physical. I'm here with my pants down too."
"That is not what I meant," he said enigmatically.
"Then I will take it as a supreme compliment, because I have nothing but the utmost admiration and respect for Parceph's mate."
"The feeling is entirely mutual. When do we trade positions?"
"No knives?"
"I swear to Hipponaur."
Daniel pulled out and Pandora let go. Jeremiah turned around and pressed his groin into Daniel's while the two men went mouth-to-mouth for a couple of minutes.
"I like to watch naked men kiss, don't you?" said Parceph.
"I had never realized how much until now," replied Rovaun.
Just then, Daniel withdrew his tongue and raised an eyebrow. "And did you bring enough chocolate for everyone!?"
Jeremiah looked around sheepishly.
"What!?" snorted Parceph. "You have chocolate!!?"
"It... wasn't a lot. Just one bar."
"And you've been hoarding it all to yourself!"
"I was gonna share it, Companion, honest! There's a couple of pieces left. You can have 'em."
Jeremiah glared at Daniel. "Thanks a lot, PAL!"
"Sorry, Jerry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble."
"Companion," said Rovaun with a smile. "Don't you think there is a bigger issue to discuss here?"
"Bigger than chocolate? No."
"Perhaps you should tell us how you discovered Jeremiah's stash."
"Easy. There's a trace of it on his molar... Son-of-a-bitch."
"Precisely," whickered his stallion.
Daniel let go and stepped back. "I tasted it... My virtual tongue tasted it!... Pandora, did you know?"
The black mare beamed at him while shaking her head. Daniel leapt to his stallion and gave him a powerful naked hug. "I AM becoming more human, Husband!"
Shianna giggled. "And a human that would put other men to shame in the restroom."
Daniel looked down at his deflating horsecock, which had an uncanny resemblance to Jeremiah's. He turned to the man, who suddenly became very self-conscious about his nakedness. Daniel's demeanor changed instantly. In a blink of an eye he clothed himself so that Jeremiah would be the only one overexposed.
"You know, Jerry, what started out as a harmless fictional Goosebumps tale is suddenly turning out to be not quite so fictional. What the hell is going on?" he demanded angrily.
Jeremiah pulled on his pants. "Nothin's goin' on! It's a logical conclusion that the more you give to Pandora, the more she gives to you. Of course you're becoming more human, Danny. It's what you want isn't it?"
Was it really that simple? Daniel scooped up some earth and decaying leaves and held it to his nose. It smelled like life. He brought the humus to Pandora to sample. The aroma was more intense for the equine, but otherwise no different. It confirmed that the virtual man could smell as well as taste.
"In a short while, Pandora," he whispered to her, "you won't have to worry about me anymore. And you'll be free."
"No," said Jeremiah under his breath.
Daniel turned excitedly to his mate. "Husband! It's true! From the first day we met you said we were destined to be together forever. I'm going to be human again!"
"No!" Jeremiah's outburst startled everyone, including himself.
"No?" said Daniel calmly. "Care to elaborate?"
"You're also Hipponaur, Danny. You mustn't let go of that."
"Jerry, we're in uncharted territory. How do you know this isn't my destiny? Maybe letting go of Hipponaur is exactly where I'm headed. Pandora and I split up. I get the human half, and she gets the Hipponaur half. I really think she can take care of herself..."
A tense silence fell over everyone. Coolly, Parceph walked up to his Companion and demanded, "Out with it."
The distraught man's eyes darted around at all of the faces staring back at him. A deadly secret buried in the cold earth of another world had worked its way to the surface. It was too late to shovel more dirt on it, for everyone had caught a whiff of its rotting stench. It was time to come clean.
Jeremiah dropped his head and turned toward his life mate. He looked up slowly, knowing he would have to make eye contact and fearing it just the same. The moment he peeked into the windows of Parceph's soul, the man lost it completely. He hugged the stallion for dear life and wept like a child.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...," he sobbed. "Forgive me... Please forgive me, Parceph... I'm so very sorry..."
"Companion," choked Parceph, his heart suddenly rent in two. "What is the matter?"
The man studied the stallion's eyes, eyes that spoke of unending love and devotion. "You don't know... You scanned my memories, but... you don't know."
"I scanned only your first years as a pure human, enough to retain your identity. The rest of it - two centuries of your life with my other self - was none of my business."
"Oh God...," he lamented. "I wish you'd scanned it all. Then I wouldn't have to tell you..."
"Companion," calmed Parceph. "You know it matters not."
"It DOES matter. Guilt matters. Justice matters."
"Let's go," whispered Daniel to the others.
"No wait, Danny," said Jeremiah. "It's vital that you hear this, too. And I can't bear to tell it more than once."
The others turned to give Jeremiah their undivided attention. He sighed to gather his wits and then stared at Daniel for an uncomfortable length of time.
"When you brought me here, Danny. What did you know about me?"
"Not much. I had asked Mourne if there was a version of you that survived and if I could bring you back to Parceph. That's all."
"But you don't know how I survived."
"No... I just assumed that in your timeline, Parceph never turned you in as the Wraith."
Jeremiah smiled and rubbed his mate's nose. "You dishonor Parceph with that assumption." He looked lovingly into those beautiful stallion eyes. "I can't imagine that there exists any world that contains a dishonorable Parceph."
"So... he did turn you in to Varyl?" asked Daniel.
Still admiring his stallion, Jeremiah smiled and nodded.
"And you survived the bonding ritual?"
Jeremiah smiled and shook his head.
"So you didn't go through with it, then."
"No Danny," he said, turning now to look the virtual man squarely in the face. "Like you, I went through with it. But unlike you, I didn't survive."
"What!?" whinnied Parceph.
Jeremiah nuzzled his stallion and admitted with watery eyes, "Kronan ran me through, just as he had done in this timeline."
"But Companion... how can this be?" The stallion backed away, his mind filling with the agonizing memories of that terrible moment.
"My soul entered you, do you remember?"
"Yes," said the stallion shutting his eyes in a vain attempt to make the memories go away. "And I freed you that same evening."
"And my dear Parceph, I know in my heart that my soul was grateful. It was the last thing it experienced - you offering its freedom."
"It was so angry and confused," mourned the stallion, tears squeezing out of his eyelids. "I had no choice." His voice broke apart.
"I know, Companion," said Jeremiah with a soft caress. "You did the right thing."
"Then how can you be here!" he snorted, eyes open, wet, and angry.
Jeremiah rubbed his forehead. This was not going to be easy for his mate.
"I am here, Companion, because on that night our two paths diverged. As you climbed that hill toward the sunset, you lost your footing, remember?"
"No. I recall a rock becoming dislodged, but I did not stumble badly."
Jeremiah smiled. "For want of a nail, the shoe was lost..."
"Two hundred years ago, my Parceph was just a tiny bit clumsier than you. He fell down the hill and severely twisted his knee."
"He missed the sunset!"
"He missed several sunsets. For weeks he could not climb an anthill. And all the while, he endured my hateful wrath inside his head. I remember it all. I accused HIM of being the interloper, and I said things I have regretted every day since."
"It is understandable, Companion. It wasn't your fault. You had no identity."
"And my true colors showed."
"You are being too hard on yourself. I know that my other self did not take it personally."
"Well, if he did, he never let on. And I made it personal... Man, was it ever personal!"
"So what happened?" asked Daniel.
Jeremiah regarded him. "You want to know where the idea for my story came from? How I could just rattle it off without a thought? It was MY story, Danny. I lived it. That bit about Garson - that was me."
Shianna gasped.
He smiled at her. "Not the psychotic murderous part, but the genesis. My soul was in a stallion, but I had no name. My thoughts were chaotic and bestial. There was another presence with me that seemed to know things that I didn't, but its ideas and suggestions made no sense. I thought it was deliberately trying to confuse me, so I took an instant disliking to it.
"Parceph decided to rehabilitate me, to tell me who I was and recreate my identity. The torment lasted months. I called him a liar with every sentence he spoke. And that of course was the most civil of my epithets. When he could walk again, he took me to my hometown, and showed me where I grew up. He never stopped telling me that he loved me, no matter how many times I told him to drop dead."
Jeremiah smiled at his stallion. "And it was one year to the day of my death, that I first told him that I loved him."
Parceph broke down and wept on Jeremiah's shoulder. "That should have been me," he cried. "I should have had the strength to do that."
"It was destiny, Companion," soothed Jeremiah. "You DO have that strength. Had you not been so gall darned sure-footed, you would have demonstrated that strength."
"No, Companion. I am ashamed that I ever considered setting foot on that hill."
"Shhh," he whispered. Jeremiah smiled at Daniel. "So you see, Danny, you and I are very much alike."
"So then it is possible! I can become fully human too, just like you."
Jeremiah nodded. "And the moment that you succeed, Pandora will die."
"Oh my God..."
Jeremiah turned tenderly to Parceph. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want it to end that way." He hugged him as tight as ever. "Two hundred years - that was the reward for enduring that first year of hellish turmoil and anguish. Three more human lifetimes together, but that is all that there is, I'm afraid. That is the longest that a virtual human and a Hipponaur can cohabit one body. Near the end you just dream of freedom."
Daniel looked nervously to Rovaun. "Did you fall out of love?"
"I don't think so, Danny. But even as a virtual human, I still shared a brain with Parceph. I could never be completely by myself. Near the end, we didn't even see each other for a couple of years. I lived in a cottage several miles away from the clique. I wanted to be alone so that I would get lonely and desire my Parceph again. But I was never truly alone, so, sadly, it didn't happen."
"Several miles!"
"Yes, Danny," he said, mildly miffed that he was missing the bigger picture. "There were a few times when I was by myself that I was actually thankful to be tenuously connected to Parceph." He patted the stallion's neck and smiled. "You saved my life more than once."
"You save mine, daily, Companion."
Jeremiah studied the ground and chuckled. "I remember... God how stupid that was... I was chopping down this huge fir and I was thinking, 'she's gonna fall, she's gonna fall,' and I just kept chopping, and sure enough she fell right on top of me. Next thing I knew, I was back inside a stallion."
"Because your soul naturally gravitated back to Parceph."
"No, Danny. Because he could tell that I had virtually died and he called me back without severing the link. That's why it is so vital that you train Pandora to look out for you, so she can keep tabs on you while you're away being an ungrateful human. If something should go wrong, then wham! You're home safe 'n' sound. Otherwise your soul's gonna wander. It may find its way back, it may not, or it may end up someplace you would very much rather it didn't."
"Like a toad."
"Or a spatial ulcer."
"Or a sunset."
"If it ends up anywhere but Pandora, then she'll be doomed, too. But there's good news, Danny. Your situation isn't quite as complicated as mine. I think you'll be able to coexist with Pandora indefinitely, since you really aren't cohabiting. In your case it's just one soul and one body. She's not likely to impose on your privacy."
"Companion," said Parceph, quietly. "How did I die?"
Jeremiah choked back his tears. "You would have been proud of yourself, dear Parceph," he sniffed. "You died giving me birth." He buried his face in the stallion. "I swear I didn't know it would kill you, but we both knew it was a powerful physical strain. We had tried it a couple of times before, complete virtual separation, but you always passed out, utterly sapped of life force. On the very last attempt, we succeeded. A life for a life."
He rested his forehead on the stallion's chest. "It wasn't right. I had no right to make that trade. The death of a Hipponaur is the most tragic thing that can happen, and I caused it. When a Hipponaur dies, part of the world dies, there are so few of you left. It changed me forever. I have sworn to give up my life before causing another death." He broke a sad smile to Daniel. "So you see, Danny, your fears of escalation are baseless. I will always turn the other cheek before harming a hair on your tail."
Daniel nodded solemnly. He wondered how many Hipponaurs he, himself, had killed. How many Sentinels had there been? It was impossible to estimate.
"And what of my soul, Companion?"
"It entered me," he confessed. "And here's the real kicker. From the get go, you were your sweet, lucid, loving self. You had your identity and your poise. We had shared a Hipponaur brain for two hundred years, and my human brain was born from that arrangement. You knew it intimately."
He dug his fingernails into the stallion's neck. "Oh God, I wished you had been a raving, spiteful, hateful lunatic in my head. It would have been so much easier to say good-bye."
"Oh, no..." whimpered Parceph.
"We were right back where we started, you and I, and I just couldn't go on anymore, so... you asked me to free you... and, God help me, I did."
He wept quietly into his stallion. The silence that followed was broken only by a sniffle from Shianna.
Jeremiah heaved a sigh of composure. "For three years I was the loneliest man on Earth. I stayed with the clique, looking after other Hipponaurs. It brought some solace, but could never fill the void." He nuzzled his lover. "You were my better half, hell you were my better ninety-nine hundredths. I lived every day to honor you and do my penance for causing your death. It wasn't how you would have wanted me to live the life you gave me, but it was the only way I could live with myself."
Jeremiah chuckled, sadly. "It's funny. Looking back, living with you was a piece of cake compared to living with myself." He closed his eyes, shaking his head. Parceph whickered softly.
"And then one ordinary day, out of the blue a stranger came up to me and uttered the seven most wonderful words I could have ever imagined: 'Would you like to see Parceph again?' Well shit, I was through that portal faster'n a buck on a doe."
The others chuckled through their tears, appreciative of the happier ending.
"I guess the moral of this story is just to be grateful for what God gave you and hold onto it for all it's worth, 'cause no one lives forever, not even Hipponaurs."
Parceph hugged his man. "Come Companion. I wish to show God how grateful I am for all he has given me."
"A-men, Partner."
They got up and headed back to their tent to partake in a particularly religious experience.
"Thank you, Jerry," called Daniel.
"Don't mention it."
"One other thing... Your elongated internal and external anatomy... born that way or just virtually stretching the truth?"
"Born that way, of course" he said, following Parceph inside.
"Born AGAIN that way, more like it."
Rovaun, Shianna, Daniel and Pandora huddled together in somber silence, mulling over Jeremiah's tragic history and seeing the man in an entirely new light. He was caring, he was private, he was gracious, he was intelligent, he was forgiving, he was penitent, and he was tormented. Daniel could not help but imagine what he would have done in Jeremiah's shoes. If his soul ended up cohabiting with Rovaun again, would their relationship terminate in two hundred years? Would it truly end with them at each other's throats until one of them decided to kiss the sun? It was inconceivable, and yet, Jeremiah and Parceph were ideally suited for each other, and it happened to them.
Daniel looked at his mate. His mate was already looking back. "It'll never happen to us, Husband."
"Never," confirmed Rovaun.
Daniel hugged him. "At least we have Pandora as a buffer."
"Yes, Companion, and you need to start working with her to make sure she is fully prepared should you ever need her."
"I'll get on it right now."
Daniel gave his stallion a kiss, then hopped onto Pandora and rode her into the woods. He needed to be alone with her, free of distractions and third party commentary, just the two of them, one-on-one. He allowed her to navigate while he made up an agenda of relevant things to consider and investigate.
Item one on the list: No arbitrary prohibitions. It was clear to him that Pandora had clammed up earlier because Shianna had forbidden her to speak. That ban had now been lifted. If she had something to say, then she should bloody well say it, because it was probably pretty important.
Item two: Virtual senses. He had suspected for some time that his eyesight was too good to be virtually true. He could see things that simply could not have been interpolated. And today he sampled several items concealed in Jeremiah's various body cavities that Pandora could not have detected on her own. If these remote virtual senses turned out to be real, then they were likely a gift from Pandora, as Jeremiah had suggested, and they needed to be acknowledged, tested, and evaluated.
Item three: Teaching Pandora to save his virtual life. How the hell was he going to do that? Not even Jeremiah knew the answer, but he alluded to the consequences in his story. When Daniel was virtually killed, Danielle became helpless. But if Pandora could be taught to keep her cool and recall his soul while maintaining the virtual link, which was basically what happened every time he merged with her, then everything would be hunky dory.
Item four: Making out. It was inevitable. Daniel just had to know for himself whether or not his favorite part of Jeremiah's story was fact or fiction.
Pandora, of course, had been monitoring Daniel's agenda, and she decided at this point that they had wandered far enough. She located a reasonable clearing and came to a stop. Daniel hopped off and admired her sexy eyes.
"You're thinking what I'm thinking, aren't you, girl - turning this agenda on its head."
She whickered and kissed him. Then together they started digging right into item four.
Tattoo screamed for his mother. Daniel let go and ran to Pandora's side.
"What's the matter, Tattoo?"
"I'm scared!"
"He's here!"
"Who's here?"
Daniel bent down to see a disheveled gray Hipponaur approach from the other side of Pandora.
"Tattoo, listen to me," he whispered frantically. "This guy is very dangerous. You have to hide from him the best way you know how. Don't come out until I say so, okay?"
"Okay," said the terrified little voice.
Daniel whisked away into the bushes leaving Pandora to deal with him. The stallion lumbered up to her and sniffed her mane, while the black mare stood still, silent, and defiant. Bouceph snorted and paced around her, then eyed her skeptically.
"Don't you have anything to say?"
Pandora turned her head. "Hello, Bouceph," she said as if greeting a gangrenous boil.
"That's it? You leave me to die in the desert and that's all you have to say to me? 'Hello Bouceph?'"
"When was your last bath?"
"Ha, ha, ha," he laughed lecherously. "You should know. You gave it to me."
"That long ago..." she snorted.
"I think I need another one." He nuzzled her behind the ear. "Don't you?"
Pandora yawned and attempted to walk away from him. He was quick to block her exit.
"Where are you going?"
"What do you care."
This was not the warm, matronly greeting he had expected. There could be only one explanation. "You're still back with Dad aren't you!"
"Don't be ridiculous!"
"I'm not an idiot. I've seen you two together."
"I'm sure you see a lot of things in that daily drunken stupor of yours."
Bouceph snorted violently, shoving his face into hers. "I haven't had a drink in what seems like twenty years," he growled, "because you had to burn it all to the ground, you fucking bitch!"
"Bouceph... stop it!"
The stress of taking on Bouceph became too much for Daniel and Pandora while they remained divided. Daniel had no choice but to leap from the bushes and merge into her.
"What the hell was that?" said Bouceph catching a glimpse.
"Just the DT's, Bouceph," said Daniel. Inside Pandora he still felt more female than male, but he was a female with more balls than her opponent.
But Bouceph was quicker-witted than Daniel had given him credit for, perhaps because he had never encountered the real Bouceph in a sober state until now. The stallion knew at once what was up.
"Who the fuck are you!"
Daniel didn't answer. It was time to flee. He turned to run, but his feet felt like they were sinking in tar.
"You're cohabiting my mother!"
"No Bouceph," he cried, unable to climb out of the invisible tar pit. "Your mother is dead."
"Wrong, asshole. You're dead."
A piercing siren stabbed at his brain. Neither he nor Pandora had a defense against the invasion of Bouceph's link. If he could just get his legs working again he could escape. But why was he stuck? What was holding him down? And then he remembered. On another planet, Garson had displayed a similar talent - the ability to immobilize. He must have stolen it from Bouceph.
Daniel could not think with the siren blaring in his head, but he vaguely remembered being immune to this attack. How did he defeat Garson? Why did it not affect him? He was virtual... That's right... virtual... try to... become... vir...
The mare passed out.
"Well, now," said Bouceph calmly. "Let's all have a look inside, shall we?"
The gray Hipponaur scanned Daniel's unconscious brain.
"You son-of-a-whore," he muttered. "What have you done to my Ma." He sighed to control his anger and knelt down next to her. "This is gonna take a while..."
[End of \_COMPANIONS\_ Chapter 34: Jeremiah's Secret] [Next in series: Chapter 35: The Bitch is Back] |
Leaders and Lovers - Chapter 1 by Dark Instincts | #1 of Leaders and lovers A little sci-fi story I wrote a month ago. I have a whole bunch of chapters just waiting to be uploaded. This is just the first of many. Clean, for now, but it will become pretty hawt later on. Meet Michael, a soldier in the United Confederacy of Colonies. He's a fresh | [
"Science Fiction",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464113-leaders-and-lovers-chapter-1 | Leader and lover
Chapter 1
"Exiting cryo in T-minus ten seconds."
The flat expressionless voice of the AI reverberated throughout the dimly lit cryogenic chamber, rebounding off the titanium plates and struts that made up the room, deep in the bowels of the ship. The lights flickered slightly as the ship diverted power towards warming up the pods. All that could be heard was the almost silent whirr of the Tachyon translight engine that powered the ship and made tons of welded titanium and ceramic mobile. The eggheads who had designed and maintained the engine back home had promised that it would be silent.
Apparently not.
Then there was a loud sibilating hiss as the AI, Decadent, pumped warm air stored in tanks throughout the pods. A slight whitish gas, water condensation due to the almost freezing temperature, swirled around the room, lending it a mystical, almost arcane atmosphere. Through all this noise, another sound was heard.
The sound of people. People breathing.
Michael coughed and hacked, his lungs trying to clear itself of the substance that coated it. It was a self-oxygenating mixture, designed to provide oxygen for the body while it was in cryosleep without the need for muscular movement, allowing the ship to be completely depressurized without fear of asphyxiation of it's inhabitants. It didn't excuse the fact that it tasted like rotten milk and had the consistency of phlegm. Someone had made a mistake in the mixture when they first produced it, dammit. Why couldn't it have been peppermint flavored or something?
Michael's body thought it was drowning, and was trying to get oxygen. His lungs, which had not seen activity for the better part of four months, began trying to draw in precious oxygen, although it didn't need it. It was simply an illusion played on the body, what people who had just woken from cryo called *Air Drowning.* It wasn't at all dangerous in reality, but the feeling of absolute fear, as though your life was really in danger, was a reflex that could not be stopped. This was one of the reasons people hated going into cryo.
Michael coughed with all his might, and spewed some of the mixture in his lungs out onto the glass window in front of him. It was a dirty green color, tinged with red. Specks of blood from inside his lungs. A common sight, but the sight of your own blood always made people afraid. The time when the ship doctor was busiest was always just after release from cryo, when everyone was worried his or her lungs were damaged in some way. His eyes were still not open, and he clawed blindly in front of him, still thinking he was drowning, hoping to find something to cling on to, a lifeline. His hands hit something hard with a dull thud.
*Jesus! Where the hell am I?*
His fingers felt the unyielding material in front of him. It was smooth, and had a feel of plastic. He pressed his hands against it, hoping to push it out of the way, but it resisted his attempts. Suddenly, he felt his eyes spring open, and a blurry world came into view. He could see fog spraying down, and feel it brush over his body, and in front of him was a transparent *something*. It was splattered with the mixture from his lungs, and Michael could see smears where he had dragged his hands through it.
*Goddamit, it's glass! I'm in a cryo pod! But where?*
Michael was at the stage everyone went through when they first exited cryo and their brain saw it's first real activity and input in weeks or even months. The sense that you were lost, that you had amnesia, that you couldn't remember where you were from or who you even *were.*
*Michael. My name is Michael, also known as Mikey, Lance corporal in the Army of the United Confederacy of Colonies. I have two brothers, one on the ship with me now. What's the name of the ship? The ship I'm on?*
He couldn't remember\_.\_
*Um, UCCS Ardent? No. Ascend? Doesn't sound right. Ascendant! That's it! UCCS Ascendant, mark two Scimitar cruiser, serial number UCC21435. My brother's name is Mannuel, Corporal. One step ahead of me. He always was an ambitious bastard.*
Michael almost cried with relief as he felt the memories slowly flow back into his brain like a waterfall. He could remember everything! Who he was, where he was, his family, his friends, and...
"Don't think about him now! Bad time! Bad time!" he muttered, chastising his mind for thinking at such an inappropriate moment. He was still sealed in a cold titanium coffin with a bad view and seemingly no way out.
*If I'm on a ship, that means there's got to be an escape lever somewhere. All those safety auditors, can' t even rest unless the toilet seat has an emergency release switch.*
He fumbled about blindly, feeling for a lever he could pull. In retrospect, pulling a random lever in a completely alien place was probably a bad idea, but the thought never crossed Michael's mind. All he needed was to get out of this tomb *now* and get some fresh air. He flailed about, feeling the edges of the window, every square inch of the interior, looking for something he could pull, pull and get out.
There was no lever.
"Ah....! Don't do this to me! I have claustrophobia for pete's sake!"
"Releasing pod doors."
The smooth, monotone female voice made Michael freeze, no pun intended. He glanced all around, looking for where the voice had come from. He realized it was the ship's AI. He also realized he was leaning against the window.
The cryo pod door opened with a hiss, and fresh air filled his lungs. It was all Michael could do to savor a lungful after months of recycled air before he was falling out onto the ground. His head made contact with the hard metal grate at his feet with a thud that sent shockwaves travelling up his spine. His vision was still blurred, but he could make out the vague shapes of other people emerging from the pods, both male and female. Some still lay in their respective pod, unable to summon the energy to move. A few others stepped out coolly, this being just another awakening in their countless list of many.
And then there were some like him, who flopped out onto the ground like a limp rag and lay there, too weak to move. He could see some of the kinder ones who were already active helping out those who weren't. He pushed himself up on both hands, and suddenly vomited. His stomach was empty from the long months in cryo, the only nutrition gained from a liquid injected into the veins before sleep, and he brought up nothing except air, mucus and the vile self-oxygenating mixture. Those strings of liquid trailed from his mouth and nose, sticking to the grate in front of him.
*Gotta get up. Don't want to look like an idiot.*
He was weak from the months of inactivity, his muscles limp and soft. He knew he would have to do some exercise in the gym soon, or all his hard earned muscles would atrophy, and that would not be welcome. He pushed himself up on both hands, the hardest pushup he had ever done. He trembled from the exertion, his muscles straining. He needed help! Why wasn't anyone helping him?
"First time in cryo's always a bitch, huh?"
Michael looked all around him for the source of the voice, but all he could see were blurred figures. The voice seemed *familiar* somehow, like a dream after you've woken up, where it's on the edge of your thoughts but you just *can't* seem to recall it.
"Hey Mikey! You still alive?" He felt a hand shake his shoulder, and the slapping of bare feet on metal. Raising his head, which seemed to take a momentous amount of energy not befitting such a simple action, Michael could make out a pair of feet in front of him. His vision faded in and out, and he groaned.
"Damn dude, you're sure having a bad time. Sure you didn't leave all your muscles in there or something?" Michael felt a hand turn him over. The lights at the ceiling blinded him, and all he could see was a featureless silhouette of someone leaning over him. He tried to raise a hand to shield his eyes from the light, but found that he could not move.
"Michael!" The voice sounded concerned now. "You've got to get up. Use your muscles, come on!" The silhouette vanished from his view and he heard the same voice calling out. "Someone! I need a hand here!"
*I recognize that voice. Who is it?*
A few more people entered his vision, staring at him. Another voice, female this time, muttered. "Yeah, first cryo exit syndrome. Had it once too, a while back."
A hand launched out, butting the woman who had spoken, and a third voice emanated out. "Yeah, I remember you were immobile for the better part of half an hour. Gave us all a scare." A laugh.
*The voice...The voice. Raymond!*
Michael gave a small grunt of realization. The onlookers however, took it as a sign of the syndrome.
"Yeah, he can't speak. He can only grunt. Happened to me too."
"At least we know he's still alive."
"What, you can't see him breathing? You should get your eyes checked."
*Wait....Raymond.* Lieutenant *Raymond!*
Michael shot to his feet so fast you thought someone had put a translight engine up his butt. All the onlookers gazing down on him recoiled in shock from his sudden ascent, some even taking a few steps back. Michael heard a female squeal.
"Lieutenant Raymond sir! Fit for duty sir!" Michael snapped a pose and saluted, which would have been convincing if his legs weren't trembling so much from the strain.
"He's a zombie!"
"Shut up moron! At least he's respectful. I like that in my zombies."
Michael's eyes focused on the man in front of him. Lieutenant Raymond's handsome face slowly came into view. He possessed the wolfish characteristics like the rest of his species, and his fur was a shiny black, slightly matted from the condensation of the pods. He possessed the graceful air and fluid movement of a professional soldier, one who is used to battle and never shies from it. His dark green eyes bored into Michael's, seemingly reading his every thought. He swallowed.
"At ease, soldier. And no," he pointed at Michael's shaky legs, "you haven't convinced me. Maybe you'll be fit to fight wet tissue paper eh?"
"Uh, yes sir." Michael nodded emphatically.
"Come on Mikey, don't be so serious. I'm your commanding officer and all that but I prefer to think of all of you as *family*. Not bad, huh?"
"Of course sir."
Raymond poked a finger into his chest, all formality dropped. That slight force almost caused Michael to topple over, and he grabbed onto the edge of his pod for support.
*Damn, I'm hungry. I need food, bad.*
"You drop that 'sir' shit with me. At least, when my commanding officer isn't around. She isn't, is she?" He glanced around furtively, but the commander wasn't there. She had likely gone to the showers already
"Understood sir...I mean, lieutenant. Or Raymond. Something." Michael gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. Raymond smiled and tossed him a towel from a bundle hanging on a rack.
"There. Clean yourself off. Then go and hit the showers. Commander Anita wants us dressed and ready in ten."
Michael gratefully accepted the towel and rubbed himself all over with it, wiping off most of the liquid that covered him. His body still felt shaky and weak, and he trailed along in the wake of his Lieutenant and the rest of his buddies. Suddenly, Raymond turned and pointed at Michael.
"And Mikey," he gave a grin, "call me Ray."
Michael couldn't hide a tiny smile
\_ \_ |
We Are Alone in Our Closet by Renaux | _This story has adult content. If it is illegal for you to be viewing this, then please don't. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. The story and characters belong to me, Renaux. If you want to use them, just ask permission, and I'm sure we can work something out!_ "There is no such thing as an absolute | [
"Never Seen Sex Act",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51590-we-are-alone-in-our-closet | *This story has adult content. If it is illegal for you to be viewing this, then please don't. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. The story and characters belong to me, Renaux. If you want to use them, just ask permission, and I'm sure we can work something out!*
"There is no such thing as an absolute reality, or an absolute fantasy," Professor Greene stated to the class. "What one person sees as reality is subjective because someone else may see something different as reality. This is drawn from the idea that many believe that fact is solely open to the interpretation of every one of us. Facts cannot speak for themselves. Many right brain people follow this model, and are very creative and impressionist. They try to find feeling in what they do."
Professor Greene is a younger professor of Philosophy, fresh out of graduate school. He is a lean built rusty colored wolf with markings of gray under his eyes and down his neck. He usually wears a button up pinstripe shirt and black slacks to class. He has small circular glasses that sit narrow above his muzzle. He is slender, but very tall. He could almost be considered intimidating because he stands about a head above the rest of the class. As he teaches, he paces across the front of the room, his eyes scanning and gauging the attentiveness of the students, with his rust colored tail following him with anticipation.
"The opposite of this idea is how people believe the facts speak for themselves clearly. A lot of scientists and engineers follow this model of thinking and are, shall we say, 'left brained'. These people try to find the theories and laws that define life to boil it down to a series of logical, rational set of facts. This is not for simplification necessarily, but it is more for comprehension.
"There are people who can use both sides of the brain effectively, and are known as 'whole-brained'. These people, while they may favor one above the other mode of thinking, are adept at switching when they deem it necessary. To boil things simpler, a right brained person assigns meaning to things, usually personally. A left brained person usually accepts meaning based on experimentation and observation. The education system in society today lacks the tools necessary to teach to a right brained person."
Sitting in the first row near the door is a student whose name is Aiden. Aiden is a Himalayan feline with a luxurious, almost beautiful coat of brown and black fur. He is a T-shirt and jeans type of person. He is a junior pursuing a B.S in Political Science and a minor in Philosophy. Aiden is petite and just feminine enough that it introduces questions as to what his gender is if you did not know him, and being a Himalayan with his fur coat didn't help matters. He listens attentively to Prof. Greene, trying to hang on to his every word.
"How far do right brained people take it?" Aiden asks. "Do they simply question everything they see and hear? Doesn't this introduce an infinite cycle of question-answer- and question again?"
"That is the basis of a healthy mind," was the reply. "The healthy mind is one that always strives for answers. This mind doesn't take everything at face value and instead tries to figure out the truth behind the facts. Socrates would want no less from us. It's actually against his teachings for me to be professing knowledge in a speech or lecture because it may lead you away from questioning towards your own truths." He chuckles. "But they pay me to do this, so what can you do?"
"So why does society punish those with new ideas throughout history? Didn't Socrates have to commit suicide because the authorities didn't like his radical ideas?" another student asked.
"Socrates had a choice of exile or death. He could not bear to leave Athens, so he chose death. He was persecuted because society is threatened by radical ideas," Mr. Greene thinks silently for a moment. "Any being or collective seeks to root out all that they fear and either eliminate or control it. This is a fact of life, and it actually helps restore order. How can order exist if everyone has dissenting thoughts?"
He let that rhetorical question hang, and continued with the lecture. Because this is a philosophy class, it is more of a discussion than a lecture, but Professor Greene always leads the class to the topic. Following the class, Aiden waits patiently outside of the lecture hall door. Students push past him quickly, and some rudely. He hisses a bit under his breath each time someone bumps into him without even an apology. After what seems like ages, but could not have been more then a couple minutes, Professor Greene walks out of the class and acknowledges Aiden. They start walking together down the halls and out onto the quad.
"Do you have a dance competition tomorrow morning?" the professor asks.
"Yes," Aiden replies. "I have practice in an hour, and I plan to stay there all night if I have to. I want to be prepared." Aiden pauses a bit before continuing. "I have a few questions about today's lecture. You got a few moments?"
The professor stops at the opposite edge of the quad, turns towards Aiden, and nods. "I always have time, you know that."
"How can society feel good about itself if it continues to quiet its most intelligent members? I have great ideas, but no one listens."
Aiden has always been ignored throughout most of his life. He makes the right grades to be considered a gifted person, but he feels a sense of loss of control over his life. Being bullied from a young age for being a scrawny cat, he feels he lacks the power to control what happens to him. He hasn't been beaten physically a lot, but he has learned that many people who bully and call people names, cannot be reasoned with. To simplify this, whenever he would try to stand up for himself, the laugher of the bullies would only intensify. To philosophize and reason to a bully is asking for more name-calling. This is why he feels that he is ignored by his peers.
"Society's goal is to form a cohesive unit that can function as a body," Professor Greene replies. "The most cohesive societies are formed by people who have similar goals, and will help each other reach those similar goals."
"So you would think societal indoctrination is inherently a bad idea?"
"Evolution cannot exist without gradual change."
"What about the Christian notion of sin?" Aiden excitedly shifts his hind paws around.
"Baloney, if you ask me. Some great ideas come of that, but to follow without knowing why? We haven't seen much good come of that, now have we. The crusades are a perfect example."
"So sin does not exist?"
"Be careful the conclusions you run off to. In a way, one can say sin does not exist. Remember what we talked about in class today about reality, though. Defining something as absolute is very dangerous."
"But we are let to come to our own conclusions, right?"
"Socrates would say yes, as long as they are in the logical pursuit of truth."
"Finally, is it our job, as intellectuals, to try to make society, or at least it's most ignorant members, see what we see? To teach them?"
"That's an idealistic idea, Aiden. While I would love it if we could find a way to teach society of what we think is wrong, I just don't know if it is possible. Especially at your age, society has done a lot of the teaching for me for many of your classmates. Society makes its laws and punishments, and people define action based on reward or punishment. The action has lost its intrinsic meaning, or worse. Prejudices of the parent manifest themselves in the child, and the action has a meaning of hatred without reason. I think people can only learn through drastic, life-changing events when faced with something that goes against societal indoctrination, or inner prejudice."
"I see. Nothing in life is easy, huh?" Aiden chuckles wryly at the joke.
"We both know if life was easy, we'd both be too bored out of our skulls." Both break into a light laugh at that.
"Thank you, Professor. I'll see you on Monday?"
"See you then." Professor Greene states as he walks away. Aiden turns and saunters over to the gymnasium for his dance practice. Aiden has been dancing for years, starting when he was just four years old. He has learned all sorts of dance from tap, to ballroom, to break dancing. When he was ten he started to sing, and took voice lessons when he was twelve. The competition he was preparing for was ballet, so he would dance to pre recorded music, and perfect his choreographed steps.
For hours, Aiden practices his twists and splits for hours, perfecting his dance for the big day on Saturday, the next day. He knows his fur and graceful use of his tail are assets, so he concentrates on keeping his tail's movements graceful, possibly suggestive. An hour after sunset, he finally turns off the music. At this time of night, no one else was in the gym, but this was not abnormal. Aiden is in the gymnasium after hours often, and he know that no one is in the gym after dinnertime. This is why he gets slightly scared when he hears someone start to break into boisterous laughter and loud applause. He looks up from his stretch to see Reggie, a member of the crew team and an avid fraternity member, walking towards him with a snide grin on his face, showing a bit of fang.
Reggie is a well-muscled, athletic grizzly bear. From the long hours of rowing on crew his arms are very thick. He always wears wife-beater shirts anytime the temperature allows it, and wears normal T-shirts if the weather is cold. He lets his brown fur grow out long and thick, aside from the top his head, which he shaves, almost bald. He has a well-muscled torso, but it is showing signs of getting soft, because he is working out a little less and drinking with his buddies more.
Aiden and Reggie have known each other for six years. Reggie was one of the more active bullies in Aiden's high school. His favorite target was Aiden, whom he considered a 'sissy'. Reggie brought it on himself to try to make Aiden's life miserable through high school. This usually consisted of tripping in the hallways and incessant name-calling. Sometimes, he would even fake being a homosexual, and hit on Aiden.
Aiden tried not to get angry when these jests would occur. He would try to plead with Reggie to leave him alone. Sometimes he would suggest someone else to pick on, or suggest something more constructive to be doing with his time. Aiden would try anything not to be the target of Reggie, but the pleas would only solicit a 'sissy' from Reggie. Aiden thinks that Reggie is just an example of the scum of society, and that he only got into the same college as Aiden because of an Athletic scholarship.
Reggie takes an almost personal interest in Aiden. He defines each of their encounters based on how riled up he can get Aiden. To him, torturing Aiden was fun. He has a temper issue, so when he feels any sort of resistance from his prey, he resorts to the only thing he knows, physical force. Today had been an especially bad day, because his crew coach screamed at him for failing another class. He was looking to blow off some steam by joshing Aiden around a little.
"I don't know if I should cry, or puke." Reggie says. "Oh my, it was so touching." He reaches up to his eye to brush away a fake tear.
"Shut up, idiot." Aiden shouts back. "I'd like to see you try it."
"Dancing is for faggots like you, not jocks like me," by this point Reggie was right in front of Aiden, who just stood from his stretch.
"Oh, you're right." Aiden said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I have the intellectual capacity to appreciate such art, whereas the only thing you appreciate is yourself and your muscles," Aiden chuckles after saying this.
"You think you're real cute." He grabs Aiden by the collar and pulls him close. "Don't you?"
"So I've been told." Aiden smirks. "Now put me down, you low-life."
"I don't listen to fags. In fact, I want you to beg me to let you go. Beg like the sissy pansy you really are. 'Please don't hurt me Mr. big strong man.'" His voice got mocking, and high pitched for the last part. Aiden's eyebrows furrowed and something snapped in his head. Reggie is dirt, and what does one do with dirt? Aiden spits in Reggie's face directly instead of complying with his demands. This is one of the first times Aiden tried something physical with Reggie. It did not get the desired affect. Reggie's face contorted from the smug grin he had a moment ago to one of rage. He uses his free paw to wipe the spit off his nose and fling his wrist off to the side to flick it away.
"You Fucking Fag!" Reggie shouts, and he pulls Aiden's collar down and knees him in the gut. He drops the collar as Aiden curls up in the fetal position on the floor. "You belong on the floor." He kicks Aiden in the stomach and then brings his shoe up to Aiden's face. "Lick it."
"Go to hell!" Aiden gasps out. The knee hit just below his diaphragm, so he had trouble breathing at this point.
"I didn't ask for your wise cracks." Reggie yells down at Aiden. Reggie raises his hind paw and then stomps, full force, on the side of Aiden's head. Aiden's paws go up to protect his muzzle from more trauma as Reggie kneels down and starts landing punches on Aiden's face. Aiden tries to protect himself but Reggie just attacks the area Aiden does not block. Aiden's ears start ringing and his vision goes foggy. After a dozen punches, and a few rakes with his claws, Reggie stands up and rolls Aiden over. Aiden is now almost unconscious and completely limp. He stomps on Aiden's crotch for good measure.
"Fucking fag," he spits on Aiden. "Think you're so smart. Don't pick fights with those who can kill you. Let that be a lesson to you." He laughs to himself and walks off. Aiden groans once more before he falls completely into unconsciousness. It's a good thing too, because his body, especially his head, is in excruciating pain.
When Aiden comes to all he can see is white light. After blinking a few times to clear the fog, he sees the light is a fluorescent one. He faintly hears someone speaking, but he can't quite make out the words. He groans out loudly and tries to move, but a flash of pain hits his head first, and then his stomach. The pain is so intense it creates a feeling of nausea. As he tries to get up, a paw gently pushes him back down on the bed. He turns weakly to the side to see Paxton, his roommate and best friend.
Paxton is a major in biochemistry at the same university that Aiden attends. He is the same age as Aiden and is a rather portly husky. Sadly, he is prone to mange, so his grey coat is balding in localized areas. Aiden thinks his coat would be grade A quality, but God didn't give him such a perfect coat without some caveats. There may be only a month out of the year where Paxton has all of his fur. Paxton usually dresses in button up shirts and khakis. He wears rather large glasses to match his large face, and his blue eyes are striking, even behind the glasses.
"Where am I?" Aiden asks groggily.
"You're in a hospital," Paxton replies. His deeper voice resonates through the room as well as through Aiden's ribcage. It is a soothing vibration. "Someone beat you up pretty good. Damned if I know who. They left you for dead in the gymnasium."
"How," Aiden pauses to gasp and catch his breath again. "Long?"
"You've been out for 3 days. Campus police found you after they realized someone forgot to lock the gym up at night. Enough of what happened, though. How do you feel? I was worried sick ever since I got the call that you were taken here."
"I feel like shit," he rasps out slowly. His throat hurts so he looks around for water. "Water?"
"Sure buddy," Paxton walks to the sink in the room and gets a paper cup for some water. He leaves an inch at the top so it won't spill and hands it to Aiden's shaking paws. Aiden takes a small sip and nods his appreciation to Paxton.
"I feel like someone dropped a ton of bricks on my head," Aiden continues when he can. "My stomach hurts so badly. I also feel like I'll never have children." He looks at the IV attached to his arm and then down to his groin and he growls in frustration. "They catheterized me. Fucking pricks."
"Come off it, Aiden." Paxton replies. "You couldn't piss on your own so they had to." Aiden and Paxton hear a noise at the door and both turn towards it. One of the doctors is there with a female police offer standing next to him. The doctor coughs to clear his throat.
"This is Officer Duran," the doctor begins. "Do you think you're ready to answer a few questions about what happened?"
"Not right now." Aiden grunts. "I'm in so much pain. I can't think straight. I just woke up and I'm cranky. Finally, I'm going to be your worst nightmare if you don't get me some painkillers. This is a hospital for Christ's sake. I should not be in pain in a hospital."
The doctor shakes his head, shoos the officer away, and starts to rummage through the desk for some painkillers. Paxton reaches and grasps Aiden's paw and squeezes it reassuringly. Aiden squeezes a bit back but then goes limp as he feels another wave of pain. Paxton frowns at the pain he sees his friend in. The doctor puts the needle into the IV and injects the painkillers. Within a few minutes, Aiden is relaxed.
"Sir," the doctor states to Paxton. "You only have thirty more minutes. Then visitors' hours are over. You can come back tomorrow, though."
"Thanks, doctor," Paxton replies. He then turns to Aiden and continues, "I'm going to head back to the dorm room. If there is anything that you need, have the doctors call my cell phone. I'll get it for you. Get well soon, ok?"
"Thanks buddy," Aiden replies and turns over and closes his eyes. He drifts off to sleep a little later.
The next morning Aiden is able to keep food down in his pulverized stomach. They remove the catheter and he is able to use the bathroom on his own again. He still has a little trouble walking, and his head still hurts when he is not on the painkillers. By the nighttime, though, they take him off the painkillers. Before he falls asleep, he has a small conversation with the nurse, who gives him the good news. He should be able to leave the hospital by 6PM the next day. Not a moment too soon, Aiden thought.
Around lunchtime the next day, the doctors are off preparing for Aiden's release, he starts to reminisce about Reggie and their relationship. I tried reasoning with him, Aiden thought. I tried begging him, and complying with his demands. I tried playing the part of the tattletale. Now, I've tried something unexpected to catch him off guard. I tried to be the opposite of what he thinks I am. What can the prey do to the predator?
Reggie does not understand what I'm capable of, Aiden continued. As an intellectual, it is my job to mold him into a productive member of society. Reggie is just like an old dog that is too stubborn to learn any new tricks. You withhold food from that dog, they will complain, they will moan, and may even become vicious but eventually they will listen. I know how to get people to listen. I simply must find out what makes Reggie pleased, and what he wants out of life, and deny him it. That shouldn't be too hard. He's a simpleton.
Is this really the best solution though, Aiden asks himself.
The doctor led Paxton into the room, breaking Aiden out of his thoughts. Aiden had lost track of time as he was planning for his 'education' of Reggie. Paxton helps Aiden out of the bed and into his street clothes, and brings him out to the car after Aiden filled out his discharge forms. Paxton starts the car in silence and pulls out of the hospital parking lot to start the drive back to the dormitories. After a few minutes, Paxton breaks the silence.
"I was wondering if you'll tell me who did this to you." Paxton begins.
"Reggie," Aiden replies. "He stalked me during dance practice and decided to beat me up 'cause he didn't like the fact that I was a guy, and I was dancing. He kept calling me a faggot. It was so spiteful. I could just feel the hatred in his words."
"That's horrible. I wish I were there, to step in and prevent this. No one should have to go through that, and no one deserves it."
"Well you weren't there. I wish I could have put him in the hospital bed beside me."
"No you don't. But, look on the bright side. No homework in the hospital." Paxton chuckles at this, attempting to lighten the mood. Aiden isn't impressed.
"The pain of homework is less than what I just went though. I want Reggie to pay dearly for doing this to me. He thinks he's hot shit, but he crossed the wrong person."
"Just calm down for now," Paxton says in a soothing manner. "Let the authorities deal with Reggie. That's what they're there for."
"I don't need the authorities. They're just dogs of society to impose more 'order'." He pauses and thinks for a moment. "Maybe I could use the authorities to get back at Reggie, though."
"Oh no, you don't." Paxton says. "The only one who will get in trouble if you do a thing like that is you. Think harder about what you're saying."
"I know what I'm doing. Aren't brains stronger than brawn anyway?"
"Reggie just proved you wrong. Your brains got you in a hospital bed. I don't want to see you like that. It hurts me. What hurts me more though is that you're obsessed with trying to get back at Reggie. What you're looking for, is revenge. What the authorities want to deal is justice. Seeking justice will be your way of punishing Reggie. Seeking revenge will just punish you. I care for you too much to watch you do that to yourself."
"Save it. You're you and I am me. It's thoughtful that you care, but this is something I must do. Reggie must learn a lesson, and I'm smart enough to outwit him. Do you remember how a falconer trains a falcon? Through starvation. If I starve Reggie of peace, rest, and turn his life into turmoil, he'll learn. I'll fashion him into a man who actually cares for others, and appreciates the finer things in life. You'll see that Doctor Aiden's regimen will cure him of his stupidity."
"First off, Reggie will never learn. Secondly, he is a sentient being, not an animal. I can't even believe you compared him as such. Finally, I can only see this 'teaching' of yours leading to disaster," he sighs. "Just promise me you'll be alright. I just want to know that when the day is done, and the year is done, you'll still be my best friend, and I can still go home to you."
"I won't compromise my own well being to do a favor for Reggie. You have nothing to fear. I intend to do this only in good fun."
"How can the creation of misery be good fun for Reggie?"
"I never said this was going to be fun for him."
Paxton turns his head back to the road silently. A few seconds later, he mutters softly, but loud enough for Aiden to hear, "I know I'll talk some sense into you."
The only evil is ignorance, Aiden mulls to himself. Being kind and understanding of Reggie's weaknesses has only fostered what he is today. If I can show him that my way is the only way, then maybe there is some hope for him. The authorities will slap him on the wrist. He will get some community service and a small mark on his record. This changes nothing. To learn, one must feel true pain. This is not revenge. This is learning.
Reggie has a girlfriend who is a member of the volleyball team. Everyone knows Sasha, a white rabbit, because of her figure. She has wide hips, a small stomach, and large breasts. She usually wears half shirts that show off her belly and distract the males around her. Her short shorts leave little to the imagination. She is also well known as a typical airhead.
Aiden is the teachers assistant (TA) for her general education required economics course. Two days after Aiden returns from the hospital, and a week after the incident with Reggie, he corrects one of her exams and the grade is barely passing. Playing the part of a concerned TA, he writes a little note on her exam.
"If you are having any issues with the subject matter, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am here to make sure you guys succeed in this course. I have office hours on Tuesday at 6PM. I would appreciate it if you came and we look over the subject matter. You are still passing, but barely, and your test scores have deteriorated throughout the semester. I hope to see you there. \~Aiden"
Sasha is where the extent of Aiden's knowledge about Reggie dried up. It was the first and only place he had to go for knowledge about Reggie. Aiden had no clue how close the two were, and if it was a status relationship or a real feeling relationship. It was still better than nothing to go off of.
"You're obsessed, you know that?" Paxton states, as if he were pointing out the obvious. It was Saturday night and he is lying on his bed across the dorm room from Aiden with a Nintendo Power magazine on his chest. "What are you going to do to Sasha?"
Aiden is chewing on a bic pen that was on the verge of exploding in his mouth. His sharp teeth usually did cause black ink explosions in his muzzle often. "Nothing," he replies, muffled. "I'm just a concerned TA. That's all. It's just coincidence that she is his girlfriend." Earlier that day Sasha had e-mailed Aiden about the meeting and accepted tutoring with Aiden to boost her grade. Following that, Aiden placed the meeting into his calendar, which he shared over the Internet with Paxton.
Paxton and Aiden were almost inseparable since their first year of college. They share many of the same interests, and spend a majority of their time together. Recently, Aiden shared his calendar with Paxton to facilitate better planning for times they could hang out together.
"Bull shit!" Paxton says firmly. "How many other students are you volunteering to personally tutor?"
"And how many are doing worse than her?"
Paxton rolls his eyes and puts his magazine down. He stands and walks over to Aiden and sits on the bed next to him. "Remember what you promised me?"
"I promised you that I would take care of myself and I will be all right, I remember that promise."
Paxton sighs and stands up, walking over to the window. He peers out down at the city below and seems lost in thought for a few moments. He snaps out of it and turns to Aiden. He suggests that they go out to the movies and a meal to which Aiden agrees, and the tense moment between them is over. Paxton knows not to push Aiden too far. He's done it plenty of times in the past, and it only serves to piss Aiden off. Once this happens, Aiden clams up and won't tell Paxton anything about what is going on in his life for the days following. Sometimes, simply not knowing is the worst of all.
"I believe you," Paxton replies. "I guess that counts for something."
"Hello, I'm Sasha," Sasha greets Aiden in the campus library. "I'm in Professor Harden's Economics class. Are you the TA?"
Aiden smiles and nods. "I am the TA. I'm Aiden. It's nice to meet you Sasha." He extends his paw and they share a handshake. Aiden is firm with his handshake, but Sasha offers a weaker handshake. The type of handshake a dainty female would normally give. Aiden motions his arm towards the seat across the table from him and takes the seat across from Sasha. When she has seated, she leans over and starts to pull out her notebooks and textbooks from her book bag.
As Aiden sees the articles pile out on the table he can't help but wince. Sasha brings out a neon pink notebook, a pink pencil with a little pink fuzz ball hanging off the eraser, and her economics textbook pile out on the table. Sasha then straightens out and flashes Aiden an empty smile, the type of smile showing little in the way of emotion or thought. Aiden growls under his breath and seriously wonders how such a person could get into college, much less make it two full years without failing. In a flash, though, Aiden places a fake smile on his face and tries to project an air of confidence.
Before the lesson can begin, the shrill sound of a cell phone ringing pierces the otherwise silent library. The song loaded into the phone is My Heart Will Go On. Aiden does not particularly like this song. Sasha answers her phone in a cheery tone.
"Hello." She speaks into the phone, and motions for Aiden to wait one minute. Aiden gives her an 'understanding' yet wry smile and nods slightly.
"Oh, hi Reggie." she pauses and her smile fades. "I'm getting tutored in economics." There is another pause as her smile fades completely. "No I'm not out with Mike. I'm just getting tutored so I can pass my economics class." Her brow furrows during the next pause. "I'm not lying, Reggie. I'm just getting tutored." Her eyes start to tear up a little. "Why are you saying this? I... I got to go. I have to pass economics, bye." She hits a button on the phone, it beeps, and she lays the phone flat on the table. She pulls out a cloth handkerchief and wipes herself a little and smiles again for Aiden.
"Sorry about that," she says. "You know how boyfriends can be. He just loves me so much."
"That's okay," Aiden replies. "Although, I don't really know what you mean having not had a relationship yet myself. I'm sure he does though."
Aiden starts to shake a little in rage at this point though. How can someone treat his significant other like this, he thought. I'd be lucky just to have a significant other, and he doesn't respect the gift he has. He has a beautiful, albeit slightly slow, girlfriend who means well, but he treats her like a four-legged animal. He is a monster. I want to take her from him. She belongs with someone who will cherish her. This will be the first of the education. There must be consequences for your actions. "Now," Aiden starts, "before we start can you tell me the most fundamental aspect of economics?"
Sasha looks thoughtful for a few moments, and then smiles. "Isn't that the relationship between supply and demand?" was her answer.
"Yes, but can you now elaborate for me?"
"Well, supply is the amount of something that is for sale, and demand is how much people, like, want to buy it. Supply affects the price of a good, but I never really understood how it could do that? Like, how can an item change price based on how many there are. I see tons of T-shirts all around me but they don't get any cheaper."
Aiden winces almost visibly at that statement and knows he is in for a long night. For a few hours, Aiden tries his best to be the epitome of helpfulness for Sasha. It is annoying, but his goal keeps him directly focused. He even has a bit of fun trying to see how much knowledge he can impart on Sasha that will actually stick. He almost has a sense of pride well up in him when she starts giving him correct answers to questions where she must make use of the knowledge he told her indirectly. There definitely is something here, thought Aiden.
"Aside from classes, is there anything else in your life that could possibly be distracting you?" Aiden asks.
"Like," she starts, "no, why would you ask?"
"You seem tense. Normally someone of your," he pauses and tastes the foul air of the words he is about to say, and then he continues. "Knowledge should be swimming circles around the rest of the economics class. I'm here to help you out, so it would be best if you told me of any issues you are having. Is there anything wrong with letting your tutor help you out in more fronts then economics?"
"That seems a little personal." She pauses to think for a few moments. "I appreciate the gesture, but really, I am fine."
"Ok," Aiden replies. "I'm just trying to help you out."
Aide is interrupted by another shrill My Heart Will Go On. Sasha takes the phone, excuses herself, and walks around the corner. Aiden stealthily follows to hear what is going on.
"Reggie?" Sasha asks. "No, I'm finishing up tutoring. I actually understand the rules of supply and..." she pauses, as if she were interrupted. "But, I'm learning something. It's actually sticking, it's cool..." Aiden can hear the voice on the other end shouting into the phone. "I'm sorry I'm late," Sasha replies. "Isn't there some hot dogs in the freezer you can boil?" The shouting occurs again. The voice is too quiet to understand, but loud enough for Aiden to hear. "I'll be home in about a half hour to make dinner." The rabbit sounds almost dejected now.
"Bye," she replies into the phone. She sighs heavily and collects herself. Aiden stealthily goes back to the table they studied at and opens a book to read to look busy. Sasha walks back to Aiden and looks flustered, but has her trademark smile plastered on her face.
"Thanks a lot for all your help," she says. "I'll see you next week, same time, same place?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Aiden replies.
"You're good at this." Sasha beams at Aiden. "Ever think of becoming a teacher? You'd be good at it."
"I've thought of it. I'd rather be an honest politician."
"A new breed." Sasha replies, and giggles at that. Sasha thanks him again for all of the help and scampers off. Aiden closes the book, stands, gathers his things, and walks from the library.
So Reggie doesn't treat Sasha too well, Aiden thinks to himself. It seems like a verbally abusive relationship. I assume Mike may be trying to take Sasha from Reggie, and Reggie is getting paranoid and overprotective. I also wonder how much chores around the apartment Sasha does compared to Reggie. I'm assuming a lot more. If I can steal Sasha, he may learn to realize that nothing should be taken for granted. He may learn that others are affected by his actions. If he learns that, he may not bully others around as much.
I always need to back up by bets, Aiden continues. A wise man does not place all his eggs in one basket. I cannot rely on something as fickle as trying to break Sasha and Reggie up. There is some tension between Mike and Reggie already. But, what should I do with this information?
"When two opposing ideas meet," Professor Greene states, "that creates personal discourse. The people who bring such opposing ideas in the discourse will try to convince the other side that their point of view is the correct one. This is why some friends refuse to argue religion and politics.
"In the world today, most war is caused by ideology. Wars in the past were caused by a lack of resources."
"But," Aiden states, raising his paw. "Aren't there still resource related wars today?"
"That is true," Professor Greene replies, "but look deeper into the issue. Why is there a lack of resources? Because ideology is what forces the countries that have resources not to share them with the countries that do not have resources. Tension exists everywhere, and all we need to do is bring it to light. Reckoning with discourse is the first step to solving it," the professor states, albeit slightly sarcastically. The professor looks at Aiden when he says this though.
Professor Greene knows what Aiden went though with his hospital visit. He also knows how long-lived the tension between Reggie and Aiden is. The professor knows that the discourse between them is very superficial. Reggie picks on Aiden because it was expected from him in high school as the macho athlete. Reggie has not grown out of this state and matured. Aiden is a little more mysterious. He seems to take the punishment, and that is not right. The professor is simply trying to arm the intellectual against the brute.
"Of course in reckoning with discourse, we cause a lot of problems too. It may be part of the solution, or it may bring forth more problems," Professor Greene states.
Reckoning with discourse, Aiden mulls to himself. Discourse exists between Mike and Reggie. I could use this to my advantage. How can I make him learn something from this though? I got it. His friend confronts him over a nasty letter in his locker. I fashion the letter so that the love triangle becomes known in that confrontation. In doing so, I can bring Reggie's paranoia to life, and possibly his treatment of Sasha.
"Mike, Lay off my girl, man! I never want to see you near her. I know she has a thing for you, but remember that she is my girlfriend and not yours. If I catch you hanging out with her I'm going to beat you into next week. Remember that she is mine and not yours. Reggie"
Aiden finishes typing that on his word processor. He is feeling proud of himself. Now, he mulls to himself, I make it clear that Reggie doesn't want Mike in the picture. This is the truth. Reggie certainly feels threatened by Mike around Sasha, so he must believe that either she has a thing for him or he has a thing for her. If she belongs to Reggie, though, it may foster some protective urge in Mike. I don't think Mike will like Reggie calling Sasha his in a possessive manner. This should bring about the desired effect.
"What are ya doing?" Aiden suddenly hears above his right shoulder. He jumps up, startled by the noise and turns around to see Paxton hiding a shit-eating grin. "Boo!" Paxton says as he is giggling from Aiden's reaction.
"Geez, what are you trying to do?" Aiden replies. "Give me a brain aneurism?"
"I wouldn't do you the honor of that." Paxton replies jokingly. "You need to get out of the apartment more, though Aiden. I'm worried about ya. You are spending a lot of your time here inside when it is spring outside. The flowers are blooming, and the birds are singing. Makes me excited."
"You always were an animal," Aiden replies, laughing at his friends enthusiasm. "You know what else is associated with spring?"
"Yup." Paxton replies. "Lots of sex."
"You pervert!" Aiden replies, giggling. "I meant allergies, sniffling, and sneezing. Why would I want to go outside in that?"
"You're coming outside with me now whether you like it or not." Paxton states, as he pulls Aiden from his chair and yanks him out of the apartment.
"Fine, fine," Aiden replies. "Don't pull my arm so hard. It hurts." Aiden follows Paxton outside and towards the 5-mile wooded trail near the school. It is a nice, mild spring day with a light breeze. It is a little too cold for shorts, but just right for long pants or jeans. It is the first day where everyone else decides it is a great idea to go outside and just have fun.
"How ya been holding up," Paxton asks, "Since the hospital?"
"I've been fine," Aiden replies. "Still sore around the middle, but that is fading."
"That's good. And how was your tutoring session?"
"For her?"
"For both." Aiden replies with a grin. "She is pretty."
"Is Aiden falling for someone? Oh how cute!" Paxton replies, a bit more reserved.
"I'm not falling for anyone!" Aiden practically shouts to Paxton, in a defensive manner. He then scratches the back of his neck and the next part comes out softer. "I mean, I'm not falling for her. I'm just using her to get to Reggie. That's all."
"Don't you feel bad that you're compromising her feelings for your own 'education' of Reggie?"
"I'm doing her a favor from pulling her away from that monster." Aiden replies. "The only way I know how to do that is to steal her, because love is fickle. It falls for someone for no reason no matter how much they mistreat you. So it must be diverted from them instead of simply trying to abate it."
"I know what you mean by that," Paxton replies, thoughtfully. "No matter how we're mistreated, or how much pain love makes for us, we still feel it."
"Right." Aiden replies. "So I try to steal her, and then try and find a better person for her."
"Okay," Paxton replies. "Just put me on the record for saying, this is not a good idea."
"You worry too much, my dear friend." Aiden places an arm around Paxton as they walk down the forest path.
The next day, while the crew team was practicing for their next competition, Aiden slips into the men's locker room silently. He walks to Mike's locker and places the note in through the little holes that many lockers have and let it flutter down to the bottom. Aiden always thought the holes were so that a nerd would not suffocate when being stuffed into his own locker and locked inside. Now they have a different use for him. He smiles and walks around the corner to await the crew team's return. It took a good thirty minutes for the crew team to finish their practice and come back to the locker room. Reggie and Mike are walking side by side chatting about what Aiden considered as nonsense. Reggie is bragging about how often he and his girlfriend have sex, and Mike is trying to talk to Reggie about the party he missed last Saturday. Mike says that everyone got so drunk that some of the frat boys had their girlfriends go down on them in front of everyone.
Mike is an African lion, with a fur color closer to brown than the orangey, tawny fur that is trademark for their species. Mike is built a lot thicker than Reggie, and it was no question that Mike was stronger. Aiden did not know much about Mike, though, beyond his observations from Sasha.
They both get to their lockers and Mike opens his and looks at the piece of paper that had fluttered on top of his jeans. He picks it up and spends a minute or so reading it. His brow furrowed and he storms over to Reggie. As Reggie is pulling out a towel for a shower a paw reaches in violently and slams his locker closed.
"What the fuck is the meaning of this?" Mike shouted and flapped the piece of paper in his face.
Reggie stares at the piece of paper very confusedly, before looking up at Mike. "I don't know what you're talking about. Don't slam my locker again, dickhead!"
"I could care less about your skank ass girlfriend," Mike says. "But maybe if you treated her better she would give a rat's ass about you too."
"You son of a bitch," Reggie yells at Mike. He grabs Mike's collar and slams him into the next row of lockers. The towel that he grabbed from his locker is now forgotten on the floor. "Sasha is not a skank. My girlfriend worships the ground I walk on. You take that back, you asshole!"
"Maybe if you didn't wank off with the guys so much, you may get some sometime," Mike says snidely, with a grin on his face. "Sasha only gets sloppy seconds from a dick like you."
"I'll make you eat those words," Reggie swings his fist and brings it around to hit Mike in the face. Mike violently lifts his knee and hits Reggie in the crotch before he can punch Mike. Reggie doubles over in pain, and Mike follows up his first blow by punching Reggie in the back of the head as he is hunched over favoring his crotch. Reggie crumples over on the floor and sprawls out. The rest of the locker room is watching the two intently now and Mike kneels down and pulls Reggie's face up by his round ears. The room is silent and still for a few moments, the only motion being a twitch from Reggie's stubby tail.
"Reggie," Mike starts. "Man, I thought you were cool. No cool guy goes to punch his best friend though. You got some anger management issues you need to work out. You'll wind up worse than this if you keep attacking people." Mike pushes Reggie's face into the floor and stands up. He kicks the side of Reggie's head lightly before walking back to his locker to get changed and leave, missing his shower.
Aiden watches the crew team file out of the locker room slowly as they finish their showers. He smirks about the transpiring he witnessed. Not only does Mike think less of Reggie because of his forged letter, but also Reggie was beaten to a pulp himself. Karma is a bitch, Reggie, Aiden thought. Aide chuckles softly to himself as he leaves the locker room. "I'm a genius," Aiden softly tells himself.
After everyone leaves the locker room, the coach walks over to Reggie.
"You okay, kid?" the coach asks.
Reggie pushes himself off the floor and walks to his locker. "Yea," Reggie muffles. "I'm okay." The coach notices that Reggie looks like he was just crying.
"Where does it hurt?" the coach asks. "Do you need a doctor?"
"No doctor. It hurts here," Reggie says as he points to his chest.
Later that night in Reggie's apartment, Reggie is on the couch drinking a beer. He is mulling over his day when Sasha walks in the door. He stands abruptly, setting his beer on the coffee table and walks over to her.
"Good evening, dear," she states, but he ignores her and goes to the front door. He slips the key into the deadbolt and locks it. "Is there something wrong?" Sasha timidly asks Reggie. Reggie pulls Sasha's keys off the counter, pockets them, and calmly goes to the couch to retrieve his beer. He sits and points to the chair opposite the couch. He flips off the television, which is just showing the evening news, and waits.
Sasha timidly walks over to the chair and sits down. "I swear to God," Sasha starts, "I came right home after classes."
"You saw Mike, didn't you?" Reggie starts.
"No, honey." Sasha says, defensively. "You told me you didn't want me to talk to him. I respect you too much to talk to Mike."
"Oh, like I believe you." Reggie shouts. "Mike confronted me today about you. How else would he have gotten the idea in his head? From you."
"I swear to God," Sasha pleads. "I didn't tell Mike anything."
Reggie stands and walks over to Sasha. "Explain this!" He says as he throws the letter in Sasha's face. She grabs it and is now fighting back tears. Before she reads it, she looks up at Reggie and tries to plead again.
"I didn't do anything, sweetie, I swear." When she is met with a cold expression on Reggie's face, she looks down and reads Aiden's letter. It was done on a word processor, so there are no identifying marks as to who wrote it and no handwriting to analyze. After she reads the short three lines, she looks up at Reggie with a horrified expression on her face, understanding why Reggie became extremely angry, and understanding the ramifications of the letter she is holding. She knows she has no way to try to combat this, but she knows she has to try or risk losing Reggie.
"I didn't write this, sweetie," she starts. "Someone must have forged this from you if you didn't write it, I swear."
"And who would do a thing like that?" Reggie asks snidely.
"I don't know," Sasha says, practically sobbing her words out now. She sniffles. "All I want for you is to be happy!"
"Do I look happy?" Reggie shouts, infuriated. "Whoever wrote this note cost me my best friend. All over some dumb girl I fuck now and again."
"Baby, you don't mean that," Sasha cries.
"Like hell I don't." Reggie spits out at Sasha. He follows up by slapping her hard across the face. She gets pushed by the slap to the arm of the chair and her paws immediately go to her face to rub the red mark that is forming where he slapped her. She is now crying outwardly and she closes her eyes. Reggie walks to the couch again and sips his beer.
"Don't double cross me again, bitch, or I'll tie you up and never let you out of my sight again," he finishes off the beer and walks to the bedroom, and slams the door closed.
"He slapped you?" the voice on the other end of the cell phone shouts out load, almost in questioning shock. Sasha was speaking to Jessica, her lifelong friend from high school. Jessica is the first person Sasha usually goes to when Reggie calls her a name or if loafing around too lazy to do any of the work around the apartment. Most of the interaction they have had over the past few weeks has either been related to her mediocre grades in classes or Reggie.
"I don't even know who wrote the letter," Sasha replies. "All I know is he blames me and doesn't trust me when I tell him that it wasn't me."
"Girl," Jessica starts. "I'm so sorry. Do you want to come over for a bit and maybe just get away from the memories a bit?"
Sasha sighs, puts her paw over the phone, and takes it away from her ear. She looks around her room for a few moments before putting the phone back to her ear. "I don't think I need that. I don't want to cry in front of people again."
"Sasha," Jessica continues. "We all have problems. What anyone sees when you break down is someone who just needs someone to look after them. No one gets angry with you for crying. Heck, cry if you need to. It's good for the soul."
"I don't know if I'd stop once I start," Sasha sniffles into the phone.
"Well you got me here for you Sasha," Jessica states into the phone. "I really hope you can work this out, because it hurts to hear you like this."
"Thanks, Jessica. I'll think on my own for a bit and see what I really want to do. You've been helpful though. You stay out of trouble now, hear me?"
"Sash," Jessica starts, using a nickname she coined a long time ago for Sasha, "I'll stay out of trouble, but you do too you hear? Take care now."
"You, too."
After they said their goodbyes Sasha lied back on the bed and started to ponder the events of her last few days, and how they should affect her future decisions. The biggest question on her mind is whether Reggie still loves her. She'd like to believe he does. God knows she still loves him, even though he makes her feel awful a majority of the time. There was that spark that brought them together, and at times Reggie still showed that he cared. She longed for those moments, but they become fewer and farther between.
"I don't know what to do," Sasha cries aloud, holding her head.
"What do you think people value most in life?" Aiden inquires of his professor.
Professor Greene laughs aloud at that question. After a little bit he wipes the tears from his eyes due to laughing so hard and stares at Aiden directly. Seeing that Aiden is not laughing he widens his eyes. "Wait, you seriously want me to answer that?"
"Of course," Aiden replies. "I'm trying to think of a general answer for that, and keep it less specific to people."
Professor Greene scratches the back of his head a bit and remains silent for a bit. "Why do you want to boil this aspect of life down to generalities?" He asks. "Isn't it enough to know what you, yourself desire from life?"
"I have, other uses for this knowledge," Aiden replies, turning to the side a bit. "The pursuit of knowledge is done in the pursuit of answers, and answers cause action. Action solves problems."
"Knowledge is not active inherently, Aiden. It is you who make it active, and you who are responsible for the consequences of it, no matter what intentions you have."
"I can't accept that." Aiden replies.
Professor Greene looks closely at Aiden, almost as if he is sizing him up. "This is the rule of society; I'm not saying it's universally correct."
"Do you believe it is?" Aiden asks, almost panicked.
Professor Greene thinks for a bit and smirks. "Not exactly. I mean the result is permanent, isn't it? What we do to get the result is only temporary. I think you should keep doing what you're doing if the goal is just." Professor Greene is hiding a knowing smile.
"The ends justify the means," Aiden replies. "I always knew it. I'm right." Aiden snaps his fingers and looks up at the inquisitive glance the professor throws back at him.
"Right about what?" the professor asks. "Do you agree with me?" Professor Greene asked the question almost hypothetically, as if he already knew the answer. Aiden didn't catch the professor's tone, though and simply replied in the affirmative.
Following their conversation, Aiden runs off to his next classes to continue the day. Right then, another student comes up to Professor Greene and pokes him on the shoulder.
"Professor?" Paxton asks Professor Greene. "What are you doing?"
"An experiment," the Professor replies. "Or entertainment, whichever you prefer to call it." He turns to Paxton, to see a very disapproving glare from the student.
"What experiment?" Paxton asks, somewhat confused.
"Not much," the professor replies. "I want to witness the result of a long standing discourse between two troubled individuals. I can't let it end prematurely."
"What are you talking about?"
"For awhile now, I've known what's been going on between Reggie and Aiden. They're both too predictable," the professor explains. "Reggie is a lot more complicated then a simple jock. Aiden cannot see that and that is the folly of his logic. Aiden is slowly backing Reggie into a corner, and Reggie doesn't know that it is Aiden doing so. He will find out, though."
"Why are you encouraging this behavior? I would think you would be the first to condemn this 'teaching' that Aiden is attempting."
"The teacher makes the best student. It's the best learning method," the professor replies. "I'm talking about Aiden, whom thinks he himself is a teacher. With or without me, Aiden would still go for his revenge. He's too proud to let Reggie land him in a hospital and do nothing about it. If I tell him that he is wrong, I have less control over the educational experience for the both of them, because he will not go to me for advice anymore. Aiden is the type of person to kill Reggie if he feels he has no other option. Aiden believes Reggie is not even sentient, and should be treated as livestock. I.E. when Reggie outlives his usefulness and cannot be rehabilitated into society, eliminate him and move on."
"I know Aiden," Paxton replies, very defensively. "He's a warm and caring person. I know he couldn't murder Reggie much less anyone else."
"You think," the Professor corrects Paxton. "You don't know. The only constant in life is that we don't know what is going on in other people's minds. To put it in another way, the only constant is change. Psychology tries to make guesses based on patterns of previous individuals, but free will is a bitch otherwise."
"You're eccentric," Paxton accuses the professor. "The students' lives are not your entertainment!"
"You love him, don't you?" the professor asks, bluntly.
"What?" Paxton's eyes go wide with shock. He takes a step back and tries to fight off the blush that tries to rise to his cheeks, underneath his fur. In the end, he cannot force it completely away, and he flusters a bit in front of the professor.
"I thought so," the professor replies.
"I'm going to end this charade," Paxton replies. "All I know is Aiden is my closest friend, and I'm going to help him."
"You can't reach Aiden," the professor states. "I know you've probably tried a million times already."
Paxton thinks a bit to himself and sighs before he continues. "But maybe I can reach Reggie," Paxton replies. "I'm going to lay the cards out flat, so Aiden will have to stop this game."
"Reggie may seek retribution if he finds out," the professor states calmly.
"But it'll only get worse if Aiden piles more on, because Reggie will catch on eventually."
"So you're going to play damage control?"
"You can say that!" is Paxton's reply. He walks away from the professor. Paxton walks fast, and with determination, like a soldier on a mission. The professor watches him turn the next corner to disappear from sight before he chuckles to himself.
"What he cannot realize," the professor mulls to himself, "is that without my guidance, things would most likely be worse. Aiden is a ticking time bomb with malicious intent, if not towards Reggie, then towards whom?"
When Sasha did not make economics tutoring, Aiden became slightly worried about what could be going on between Reggie and her. He didn't even feel slightly responsible for anything that could happen, though. It wasn't his problem. His problem was Reggie and Reggie alone. He knows that he cost Reggie his best friend, and that was some consolation to the negative feelings within Aiden. The bastard still had Sasha, Aiden thought. He still has his sweetie. That must change.
Aiden waited patiently in the library until five minutes had passed, before his collar was roughly grabbed from behind and he was lifted to his hind paws. He turned his head around, but before he could see who had grabbed him his face was shoved into the books strewn out on the table.
"So you're who she is seeing, huh?" Reggie said in a bemused tone to Aiden. "You faked the scene well, with the economics books and all," he continued.
"What have you done with Sasha?" Aiden asked. He struggles a bit to try to get out of the hold he was in, but Reggie just used his other paw to restrain Aiden further.
"None of your business. She is my property, not yours. Is this your way for getting back at me for the other day?" Reggie pushes Aiden harder into the table. "Little nerd wants his revenge? Stealing my girlfriend is a no-no."
"You use her." Aiden shouts. "She means nothing to you."
"It's true she is just a pussy to fuck. But she is my pussy to fuck. She's the perfect little pussy too. She cooks, she cleans, and does whatever I ask, whenever I do."
"And a tasty one too, huh?" Aiden replies. Reggie makes a grunt that is almost a growl of anger. He pulls Aiden off the table and pushes him against the nearest bookcase. Books fall on the floor with the impact and the patrons of the library now all stare at the scene in front of them.
"Never ever say that about her again," Reggie balls his fist together. "You asking for another beating?"
"All I do is teach her economics so she passes. It's more then you'll ever do for her," is Aiden's reply. Just then, they both hear a low feminine voice off to their right and they both turn to it. Sasha is standing there with a look of surprise on her face. She looks from Reggie back to Aiden.
"What are you doing Reggie?" She cries. "Don't beat up my tutor. He didn't do anything."
"Stay out of this Sasha," Reggie replies. "No one should help you but me." He turns to Aiden and lets his right paw go, and uses his left to restrain Aiden. He uses the now free paw to punch Aiden on the right side of the face. Aiden's head jerks to the left from the force.
"Stop, stop, stop!" Sasha cries out.
"I'll make sure you never set your eyes on my bitch again." Reggie punches Aiden in the right eye with his free paw. Sasha is crying now as she witnesses the violence.
She thinks quickly and yells out, "I'm not your bitch anymore. Now stop hurting him." Reggie stops suddenly in mid punch and his left paw drops Aiden, who falls to the floor. He turns to Sasha and tilts his head to the side.
"What?" He asks, dumbfounded. She just turns and runs away with tears in her eyes. Reggie pauses for a moment, looking to Aiden and Sasha before taking off after her. When he finally catches up with her, she is outside the library and on the sidewalk. He reaches out, grabs her wrist roughly, and pulls her to him.
"What did you say?" Reggie asks again, more forceful this time.
"No more," Sasha cries and looks down. "No more. I don't want you calling me bitch anymore. I'm not just your maid. I don't want you beating people up in my name. I have feelings, Reggie."
"Oh come on, babe," Reggie says. "I didn't mean it. I was angry."
"Just like when you slapped me?" Sasha replies, sternly, still sobbing.
"Baby, I didn't mean to. We need each other."
"You mean, you need me," she corrects him. "It's all about you, isn't it? It was about you versus Mike, and you versus Aiden. The fight wasn't for me, was it?"
"No, no," Reggie pleads. "It was all for you. There shouldn't be any men in your life but me. I'm the only man for you."
"Let go of me," Sasha replies. "Right now I want to be alone."
"You're turning me away?" Reggie asked, with a hint of anger creeping into his voice. The way he said 'me' it seemed like the fact that anyone would deny him was an idea he could not fathom.
She doesn't reply and just pulls to be let go. Her sobs are harder now. She is pulling to get away almost frantically. "Answer me bitch!" Reggie says, the anger coming to the surface. Sasha pulls and pulls but Reggie won't let her go. "Are you turning me away?"
"Fine, is that what you want to hear? I don't want you!" Sasha yells out, hysterically. "Let me go!" She pulls hard and he lets her go at that instant. She falls into the gutter beside the sidewalk, getting dead leaves and mud allover her. She doesn't care, and pulls herself up and runs away from Reggie. He watches her go as the reality sets in. Everyone is staring at him, and some of the glances are very disapproving. His macho attitude was always known to the school, but the looks cut Reggie deep. He knew people would never look at him with awe and respect anymore.
"What are you lookin' at?" he growls to the people who are passing by. Most of the people turn away at that point and move to go on with their lives. Reggie turns towards the local watering hole and stumbles off towards it, turning to his only comfort in the rain. Alcohol.
Aiden picks himself up in the library and starts to gather his things. This beating, while it hurt, was less severe than the one that landed him in the hospital. After gathering all of his things, he walks from the library. A few people ask him if he is okay but he simply waves them off telling them that he is fine. He replies that he'll just go home and clean out the cuts, and treat the bruises with case. That seems to satisfy the library patrons, and he walks from the library to his apartment.
"What the hell happened to you?" Paxton cries as Aiden walks into the apartment. He stands from the couch quickly and rushes to Aiden's aide. Aiden's eye was bruising nicely, and he has a few small cuts on the side of his face. Paxton helps Aiden to the bathroom and starts tending to his wounds.
"I can do this you know," Aiden replies.
"Just shush and tell me what happened," is Paxton's reply.
"I got into a little altercation in the library," Aiden explains "Nothing much beyond that." Paxton used a face cloth to rub some soap on Aiden's eye and the cuts before pulling out some disinfectant.
"You are going to kill yourself one of these days," Paxton says in a disapproving tone. "You know that, right?"
"I won't," Aiden replies.
Paxton flashes Aiden a nasty glare before he finished cleaning the wounds. "I'm going to go out and clear a few things up tonight, Aiden. What are you up to?"
"I'm not sure what I am up to tonight. I think I may try to hit the gym. I think I've been babying myself enough lately with the hospital and all, so I just want to do some stretches and some small routines to start ramping up again. I don't want my body to wither away to mush."
"I'll be sure to stop by the gym after I'm done with the errands I need to run," Paxton replies. "Maybe we can go out for dinner afterwards? That sound like a good plan?"
"I have no issues with it. I hope you have something better planned than the Chowder Bowl." Aiden sticks out his tongue at the mention of that establishment. The last time they went there, Paxton insisted that the restaurant had some red meat there, but by the time they got there, they were all out for the night. Aiden suffered with the clam chowder, and Aiden hated seafood.
"I have a better place in mind than the Chowder Bowl. I wouldn't want to offend your sensitive appetite again with exquisite chowder."
"That stuff tastes like seaweed."
"Blah, blah, blah," Paxton replied, and smirks. "You just don't appreciate fine delicacies like I do. Imagine, a feline, who hates fish!"
"Oh yea," Aiden smirks. "Come here you." Aiden chases after Paxton through the apartment and when he catches him, gives him a noogie.
"I think you've had enough," the tender replies to the sad excuse for a man at the end of the bar. "Three of my Long Island Teas, is way too much for most men." The tender says that with a hint of pride in his voice. He levels his gaze with the man on the stool and puts on a serious expression. The tender is a horse that looks to be in his mid thirties, his mane graying in areas. He wears a black apron with the bar's logo on the right pocket.
"What's eating you?" the tender asks.
"My girlfriend's mad at me," Reggie replies. "I think she may have dumped me, but I can't remember anymore. The fog's too thick. I do know my best friend is mad at me, and he may not be my best friend anymore." Reggie is slurring his words heavily. "I don't know why this keeps happening to me. I'm a good guy."
"Well," the tender replies. "Sometimes things just don't work out. I know it isn't exactly what you want to hear, but it's the truth. Can you tell me what happened?"
"I was gonna beat my best friend for putting the moves on my girl. He beat me instead. Said something like, 'it aint cool to take a swing at your friends'. The damn hypocrite."
The tender sighed. "I guess. Unless he was just incapacitating you to prevent harm to himself. Did he hurt you badly?"
"Yea, the damn bastard." Reggie stands out of his seat and shakes his fist at the ceiling. This is a bar with a low ceiling, so as he shakes his fist the ceiling fan hits his fist and he draws it down quickly.
"Calm down," the tender replies. "What did you do to your girlfriend?"
"I beat up another kid in front of her cause he was putting' the moves on her too. She got all mad and uppity, and asked me to stop. She's ungrateful. She should relish the fact that I'd waste my time beating up faggot nerds like Aiden in her name."
"Is she a violent person?"
"Naw, she's a pussycat." His eyes glaze over more then they already were. He moans and then says, "good pussy too."
"I'll bet," the tender jokes idly, before rolling his eyes. "I think killing yourself with Alcohol is the worst thing to do. It may be hard to patch things up, but I think it's worth a shot."
"Bah, the idiots," Reggie slurs. "I don't need 'em." The tender nods and walks away to tend to his other customers. A few minutes pass by and Reggie looks idly at his empty glass. He stares intently at it for that time, hoping that simply wishing for more booze would put more into it, because the tender obviously was not going to give him anymore. He sighs, as a rather portly husky with gasses sits next to him at the bar table and motions for the tender, asking simply for a beer.
"How's it hanging?" the dog asks Reggie.
"Fine," Reggie states.
"Your name is Reggie, right?" the dog asks.
"Yup, who're you?"
"I'm Paxton."
"Paxton? I've heard that name before," Reggie concentrates very hard before he fails to come across his answer. "Nope, I got nothing."
"That's okay; I don't know you very well either."
"What do you want?"
"Just talking to a fellow University student," Paxton replies. "Anything wrong with that?"
"No, I guess not." Reggie states.
"Listen, Reggie, I should come clear with you," Paxton states. "I'm Aiden's roommate. I'm concerned with how much you physically and verbally attack him. I was wondering if you could try not to bother him. It's really hurting him more than physically."
"Bah, it's all in good fun!" Reggie states, defensively. "The little faggot needs a beating now and again. Maybe it'll turn him on to girls!"
"He takes it personally," Paxton replies. "As well he should! Nevertheless, I think he's been covertly trying to teach you a lesson or something."
Paxton feels more relieved that he got it off his chest, and he stopped Aiden's game and Professor Greene's fun before it got bad. That relief is short lived, though because he notices the confusion turn to clarity from Reggie.
"Paxton?" Reggie asks. "Aiden has been trying to teach me a lesson?"
"I think so. He's probably only doing just little things. Just let it fly off your back. Once I tell him that you know, and that I told you, he'll be mad at me, but it may stop his cruel game with you now that his cover is blown. If you ignore him from then on, things will get back to normal. I can have him mad at me, because he likes me too much to stay mad long."
Reggie nods and stands. "Normal life is what I want. Thanks for letting me know that he's got a little bit of vendetta."
"No problem, Reggie. Just ignore him. He'll do the same. I'll make sure of it."
Reggie nods and dumbly walks from the bar. Paxton breathes a sigh of relief. Maybe this is now over, he thinks.
Aiden pulls his backpack over his shoulder and moves to the steps of the gym. He has just finished his gymnastics routine early, because of some slight stomach cramping. It is still about ten minutes until Paxton said he would meet him there. Aiden rubs his stomach.
"Stupid cramping," Aiden groans to himself.
"Aiden," a man's voice calls out to him. Aiden turns to the side of the steps to see Reggie walking towards him from the street. Aiden tenses up a bit and reaches for his cell phone. Aiden can see the flustered look on Reggie's face, as if he were drunk, sick, or both.
"What do you want?" Aiden managed to ask, waiting for the answer to see if he needed the phone that his paw was clasping.
"To talk in here," Reggie slurs. He walks to the door of the gym and opens it stepping inside. Aiden shakes his head to reply and turns to walk away, when his collar is roughly grabbed and he is pushed inside the gym. Aiden stumbles back, straightens himself out to prevent from tripping, and glares at Reggie.
"What the hell do you think you're doing to me?" Reggie screams. Aiden lifts his chin to look down his nose at Reggie in response.
"So you found out, huh?" Aiden asks. "I wanted to get you back for what you did to me by changing you into someone who respects consequence. I am the consequence of your actions. Nothing more."
"Stop blaming me for your own mistakes," Reggie shouts. "You took everything from me!"
"Now you know the worth of it all. You're pathetic. You had it all, and your own anger threw it away. I just provided the situations to let your anger flare. Until you have nothing you cannot respect people."
Reggie places his paw to his head as if to quell a wave of nausea. Afterwards, he looks back up at Aiden and swings to punch Aiden in the face. Aiden easily dodges the drunken man's fist and pushes Reggie down on the gym floor. Reggie stares in a stupor back up at Aiden.
"Drunk so much you can't even fight me," Aiden states calmly. "A weakling nerd. Alcohol aint being so good to you now, is it?" Reggie slowly rises to his knees and then collects himself and punches for Aiden's groin. This time, Aiden is too busy gloating to dodge and he hunches over in pain. Reggie follows up by hitting Aiden square in the temple. The impact causes Aiden's vision to blur before his vision goes dark, and he slumps over in unconsciousness.
Reggie wastes no time. He pulls out some rope from his backpack drags Aiden over to the bleachers. He pulls Aiden up and ties his arms to the bleachers, facing Aiden's back to the gym and his front to the bleachers. After fumbling through a double knot for each wrist, he uses some rope to tie Aiden's ankles a foot apart. He ties them to the bleachers so they won't move. Reggie then pulls out some bottled water and splashes it on Aiden's face.
"Wake up, faggot," Reggie mutters. Aiden coughs a bit and then sputters some of the water and shakes his head. Aiden looks about dazed for a moment before he pulls on the ropes and realizes the predicament he is in.
"That's right," Reggie mutters. "I'm going to teach you a lesson. That lesson is, don't fuck with me or I fuck back!" Reggie reaches around and yanks Aiden's belt away. It takes him a lot longer than necessary because of his inebriated state. He undoes the buttons and lets Aiden's jeans fall to the gym floor. Aiden flashes Reggie a hateful glare over his shoulder.
"I always knew you were the real faggot," Aiden spits out at Reggie. "Always liked Mike more than Sasha huh?"
Reggie shakes his head, fighting another wave of nausea. This time he cannot shake it and he doubles over and pukes on the gym floor. The stench hits Aiden's nose almost making him puke as well. Reggie, following his puking episode, stumbles up and stares at Aiden. He wipes his lips.
"You're the faggot," Reggie sputters. "That's why you'll love me for this, because I'm a real man!" Reggie opens his fly and pants button quickly letting his member free from its confines. Aiden's eyes widen as he realizes that Reggie is not simply joking. Aiden, for the first time in a long while, shows fear. This does not go lost on Reggie. He holds himself for Aiden, almost showing off, waving it menacingly for him.
"Scared of little ol' me?" Reggie snidely remarks.
"Never," Aiden turns to the bleachers, closes his eyes, and pulls harder on the rope. His hope is lifted when he realizes that the ties are haphazard. Reggie is too sick to tie them right. If he could just pull a little harder, he could undo the knots. Reggie, though, is elated by Aiden denying the fear that is so evident by his body language. Aiden refuses to look at him, and pulls at the ropes in a panicked manner. That is how he shows he's scared.
"You know," Reggie said softly. "If I were gay, I would love this ass," Reggie strokes Aiden's butt with his paw. "Now, I'm going to take something from you that you can never get back." He yanks Aiden's boxers down to his knees. Aiden feels a breeze on his behind now that it is exposed. This is short lived, before he feels Reggie, himself. Reggie stops dawdling, and forces himself upon Aiden. Aiden screams out in pain, and yanks once more in intense desperation on the ropes hoping as the searing pain shoots up his spine.
Paxton walks up to the gymnasium, and looks at his watch. He sighs and mutters to himself, "I'm ten minutes late. Stupid traffic." He walks up the steps, and opens the door to the gymnasium. The sight that greets him is one that will stay etched in his mind forever. Reggie's deed was complete. Aiden is on the floor, with rope burns on his wrists, weeping, with his pants bunched around his ankles. Reggie is passed out, pale, naked from the waist to his knees, and in a pool of vomit.
Paxton widens his eyes and sprints across the gym floor as fast as he could, and kneels down in front of Aiden, first. Paxton pleads with Aiden to speak, but Aiden ignores him. After trying in vain for a few minutes, Paxton turns to Reggie and tries to rouse him. When he notices blood mixed in with Reggie's vomit, he whips out his cell phone, and calls emergency for the two men.
"If only I wasn't late," Paxton curses to himself.
Aiden was under the probing paws of the doctors and probing minds of the police officers for quite some time following the incident. More than once, he would clam up under the questioning, and demand to be left alone. During the brief times of solitude, he would stare out the window, in constant thought. Paxton thought it was a bit strange to have this ordeal begin and end in the same hospital. After a few days though, it was time to pick Aiden up from the hospital, and try to return him to a normal life. Paxton took it upon himself to do this.
"I'm going to murder the next person who asks me if I'm really okay," Aiden growls to Paxton as they walk out to the car to leave the hospital. "They should be more worried about Reggie when I get through with him." Aiden rubs his paws together and chuckles a bit to himself at that.
"Reggie is still in the hospital, Aiden," Paxton replies. "He may be for another week."
"What? Why?" Aiden asks, a bit confused. The doctors and detectives thought it was best to hide Reggie's true condition from Aiden, and focus on the situation instead. That is why Aiden did not know what really happened that night before and after his rape.
"Before he found you, he went home and overdosed on his lithium. Life was so hard for him that he wanted to die, Aiden," Paxton states to Aiden, almost pleading with him the unspoken question of why Aiden pushed him this far.
"He violated me," Aiden pleads with Paxton. "In the worst possible way, mind you. Some chick on the cheerleading squad may deserve that after teasing him at a frat party, but not me. I'm above that physical lure. He should have just died and saved everyone else the trouble! Waste of air."
"Well, he didn't," Paxton states, annoyance creeping into his voice. "And you gotta live with hat!"
"Don't start with me, Paxton," Aiden sighs, exasperated. He stops walking and turns to face Paxton. "I'm more important than that lowlife could ever dream of becoming. He probably is going to use insanity as a plea because of his depression and get off lightly. That's the product of your fucked up system! He violated his superior to get his jollies off. Sick fuck!"
"Got any better ideas?" Paxton replies. "I'd love to hear them?"
"Sure, I'd love to chop off his nuts, and force him to eat them! Perhaps I could have a rabid dog bite off the rest of his equipment while they're at it."
"You're ranting," Paxton states.
"Well, what can you expect from me?" he continues to walk towards the car and gets in the passenger side. Paxton walks around to the driver's side and gets in. Paxton starts the car, puts it into gear and backs out of the space. Aiden leaves his prior question hang for a few minutes before Paxton answers.
"I expect you to attempt to get even," Paxton states. "But Reggie is already a broken man, broken by your paws. How does that make you feel? You cannot possibly do more harm."
"Right now, I'm darn right ecstatic. As long as a man exists, he can be forced deeper and deeper into despair until he knows his place is as your dog! No offense," Aiden shivers a bit after saying 'dog'. He pulls his knees up to his chest and huddles down a bit, rocking back and forth.
"Turn about is fair play, what if I were broken?" Paxton pulls out on to the freeway and speeds up to a brisk cruising speed. He caught Aiden's physical reaction, but decided to push the issue just a bit further. If I can reach him, Paxton thinks to himself. I may be able to get him to ignore Reggie. I want to help him live again.
"I would not rest until I found what did that to you, and..." Aiden sighs and closes his eyes, the pain evident on his face. He leaves the question hang and shivers again, feeling cold. "I can't get it off my mind, Paxton." He curls his fluffy tail around him protesting his lap.
Paxton chuckles a bit and tries to hide his blush at first, but as Aiden starts to dwell his blush fades and he frowns. "Thanks for the sentiment. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not anymore," Aiden states in a sullen tone.
Paxton sighs at Aiden's response and tries harder to think of a way to make Aiden see what is going on. A few moments later Paxton sighs again and continues to drive back to the college. He knows for a little while, Aiden will be impossible to deal with. I can't push him too fast, Paxton states to himself.
Two weeks after Aiden's release from the hospital, he saw Reggie back on campus. Reggie caught the death glare from Aiden, and averted his eyes. Reggie was given a tracking bracelet to await his trial, but the truth of the entire situation was out now. Aiden's provocation was known to the world. In addition, Reggie had a sound insanity plea worked up. If it worked out, Reggie may get off with probation and sex offender registration.
That day, in seeing Reggie for the first time on his way to the gym, Aiden balled his paw into a fist and was about to approach Reggie, when another paw grabbed his wrist. He turned like a rabid animal ready to strike whoever had stopped him, but stopped short when he realized it was Professor Greene.
"I sure hope you're not going to punch me," the Professor stated.
"No, no," Aiden stutters. "Of course not. What's up professor?" Aiden shakes his head, seemingly awakening from a daze. The animalistic gaze he just had is now completely lost. He successfully puts on the face of an intellectual for the Professor. Professor Greene is not fooled.
"What will you accomplish by attacking him?" Professor Greene asks. "He's obviously stronger than you."
"I just can't bear it, anymore. He's not insane, and yet he gets to plea insanity. I'm the victim, yet people show more sympathy for him! Why do they hate me?"
"You don't know if he is insane or not," the professor states in an even tone. "You are intelligent, yet you are a demon."
"Hey," Aiden interrupts but the Professor hushes him.
"Let me finish," Professor Greene continues. "People hate what you did to him. The intelligent person in you wants to enlighten those around you. The demon wants to break them to your will. The demon places you on his level."
"Don't ever place me on the same playing field as him," Aiden warns. "I'm nothing like him. Friends and family are expendable, but innocence is not!"
"That's not entirely true Aiden. You want to get him back, don't you?"
"Yes, every moment of every day."
"'Revenge is a confession of pain', as the Latin Proverb states. A logical extension of being hurt is feeling the pain. Pain, though, exists on the same coin as pleasure. Without one, the other cannot exist."
"Does that mean I should take pleasure in his pain?" Aiden asks.
"You could," Professor Greene states. "Take pleasure in the pain you already caused him if you want, just cause him no more. Going further is pressing revenge, and shouting your own pain for him to hear. Don't give him the pleasure. But in reality, we cannot appreciate pleasure to the fullest if we do not bear a few scars," Professor Greene smiles.
"I guess I can relish the fact that I was able to make a man attempt to take his own life."
"Come to my office. I think I could help you around this. I want to show you something about your current predicament." Professor Greene leads the way for Aiden past the gym and over to the Art building on campus. His office is a mess, strewn with papers and scribbles around the white boards. Aiden takes in the quotes, and scribbles on the boards and slumps down in the chair.
"Aiden," Professor Greene states. "I know you have the name and numbers of counselors from the doctors, but you'll shut them out if they try to help right?"
"Of course," Aiden grunts.
"Innocence is not lost of the will of others, Aiden," the professor states. "You willed your innocence away when you started trying to take everything from Reggie."
"But he r..." Aiden's eyes tear up and he can't say it. "Well you know!"
"Come here and cry."
Aiden wipes his eyes and glares at the professor. "I don't cry!" He shouts.
"I say, do it if you need to. I know what he did. I know what you did. He almost tried to kill himself because of you. I value life above all else, Aiden."
"You're on his side!" Aiden jumps up from the seat but the professor is faster. He jumps up and grabs Aiden as he rushes out of the room.
"Don't put words in my mouth! All I am saying is he is on campus trying to straighten out his makeup exams. You're mulling in the past."
"It's only been two weeks."
"I know. I want you to come here weekly for the rest of the semester. I know you listen to me and I want to help you."
For the next few weeks, Professor Greene had Aiden in his office to talk about the whole dynamic of Aiden versus Reggie. Reggie did not come back on campus after that day, being too ashamed of what happened. Soon everyone heard that he switched to another college, and the rumors started to fly from those who didn't know. Some said he dropped out or flunked. Others thought Aiden killed him and hid the body. These were just rumors though.
"He's gone," Aiden states blandly to himself in front of Professor Greene.
"Yes. It appears so. Feeling empty without someone to plot against?" was Professor Greene's reply.
"Kinda. I was hoping I could at least give him a piece of my mind before he left."
"In the past couple of weeks you've been here it seems you've cornered your problem. Do you think you can move on?"
"In what way?"
"He's gone, and he won't bug you. No one is out to get you, and we're all here to support you."
"I know that now."
"Paxton been helping you?"
"Yea. He's been supportive. We've been going out most weekends to do things to forget."
"He's really fond of you. Don't let him down again."
"Boo," Paxton states from behind a studying Aiden. The semester is finally close to its end. Aiden is studying for his exams while Paxton's is goofing off, as usual. Paxton chuckles as he pulls up a chair to watch Aiden. "How are you holding up?" Paxton asks him.
"Busy studying," was Aiden's reply. "What you should be doing."
"So is your schoolwork and homework pushing Reggie out of your mind?"
"Not exactly," Aiden states. "I'm just realizing that it's too much effort on my part for so little gain. The jerk went and skipped the school. My original goal has succeeded."
"Was this the 'get Reggie out of my life' goal?"
"You got it. I realized that the cycle of him harming me, me harming him, and back and forth was silly. Since he is gone, I can forget it. It's been months now; I'm okay. Professor Greene helped. My final quip at Reggie is how the rape will probably harm his chances of getting anywhere successful in life. Sexual offender status is a real bitch, as I am reading in my law books."
"I guess. Have you gotten over 'it'?"
"Mostly, I think. Physically I'm great. It's been awhile. No more bruises. I think I can move on."
"Don't worry, buddy," Paxton states. "I'll be around whenever things go awry. That's what friends do, right?" Aiden stares at Paxton for a moment and nods in agreement. He stands and walks to the window, and sighs.
"Really, I'm better than him. I can get over this," he states, as it to try to convince himself. He turns to Paxton. "I'm sorry I haven't been the best of friends lately. I've just had my mind too preoccupied with other things."
"More important things, huh?" Paxton asks.
"Yeah," Aiden states. Then he backpedals, "wait, no. Ah shit."
"It's okay," Paxton chuckles. "I know." He sighs and sits on his bed facing Aiden. "I guess I'd just like us to be closer, but wonder if that could happen."
Aiden plops down on the bed beside Paxton and puts his arm around his shoulders. "We are," Aiden states defensively. "We're more than friends. We're best friends." Paxton remains silent. "Aren't we?"
"Oh," Paxton replies, "I would say we are."
Aiden raises an eyebrow. "So what would be more than best fri...?" Aiden pauses in mid sentence, answering his own question in thought. His arm quickly snaps away from Paxton upon this realization and he stands very quickly. His mind flashes to the incident between him and Reggie in the gym, but instead of Reggie he sees Paxton there. He shakes his head to try to scatter that image, and mostly succeeds but he steps back on instinct.
"Whoa, buddy. I don't think I'm ready for that," Aiden says defensively. "Way too soon."
Paxton chuckles wryly and looks away. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that for a little while, anyway," Paxton mumbles. |
Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 3 by SilentScale | **Author's Note** : These Entries are in no particular order, the given numbers are merely the order in which they were posted. This story should not be read if you are under the age of consent. If you are easily offended, or bothered, do not read this as it is based off a game that is a Mature | [
"Deep Penetration",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249265-journal-of-the-one-eyed-dragon-entry-3 | **Author's Note** : These Entries are in no particular order, the given numbers are merely the order in which they were posted. This story should not be read if you are under the age of consent. If you are easily offended, or bothered, do not read this as it is based off a game that is a Mature rating. There will be acts of violence, rape, criminal negligance, and other dark themes. I do not own Oblivion and make no money off of this. This is purely fanmade and for personal ejoyment, of which I decided to share with the community.
These are the tales of He-With-One-Eye. A Shadowscale Argonian born of the Black Marsh. Imprisoned falsely, thanks to a lying Khajiit. He-With-One-Eye is often called The One-Eyed Dragon, or the Scarred Dragon. It could be because of his brutal nature in battle and even cruller tendencies when it came to getting what he wanted, or the fact he had lost his right eye to some unknown, or rather: untold accident. He was forced into the Imperial Province, but by some fortune of luck, he escaped prison on the blood of the last Septim.
How Quaint.
**Entry 3**
I was getting sick of this. One thing after another with these damn mages! Joining a guild should be a sign of loyalty not a measure of patience, for I had none! Damn Imperials! To join this Sithis forsook guild I had to gather several recommendations from other Mage's guilds, many of which I merely bribed or charmed my way in. Yeah, those are high recommendations my friend, I use that term lightly as well. I was doing well, until I had to haul my tail back to Cheydinhal. Memories in this town really, where it all began for me as a thief, and here again doing the ranks of mages. There are reasons for my actions, all of which will serve Sithis in the near future, but for now I am playing dog with these Imperial scum, and it only got grander when an Altmer was tossed into the works. How dreadful. If Dark Elves weren't bad enough. Altmer had enough ass-stink to provide for the rest of the Provinces. Falcar was the leader of the Cheydinhal mages, and clearly was not going to make it easy to join. I had to find some damned ring some useless errand-boy failed to return.
After giving me the request, the Altmer up and vanished. He had the right idea for I was moments from slitting his throat in his sleep. Deetsan, a fellow Argonian (I have grown used to the Imperial word coming to understand it is not so much as a derogatory term in the Imperial's lands, it was the only word their limited vocal chords could pronounce when it came to describing our kind) and a mage who was skilled in Alteration magic, had offered me a place to stay for the night, knowing well her leader was more of a prick and less of a leader. She was quite the colored female. Her scales were a jade color, like precious emerald and her tourquoise scales were in perfect condition. She would be perfect to make eggs with. I made sure her offer was just that, a chance at fertilizing some eggs. I have not seen a proper female like her since I had arrived in this country, obviously forsook by the Nine.
Her invitation was not retracted and I soon followed her into her chambers, of which I learned she rarely used, but I had been a special case. It was obviously Cheydinhal lacked proper Argonian males such as myself. I was a prime specimen. I was born and bred in the Black Marsh. I was well trained in combat, stealth and commerence. She closed the door to her chambers. Because she was of a certain rank and (later I learned in disgust) none wished to share a room with her. As soon as the doors had closed she began to strip herself of that constricting Imperial cloth. I was able to see her bright scales. She was indeed in good health, and my testies ached to dump seed into the fertile female.
As much as I knew her parading about was showing off and instinct, I could not find it in me to give a flying fuck. I was quick to remove my clothing and armor, allowing the medium, Orc Armor to hit the ground. She raised her tail and gave me a good view of that lovely hole. Unlike the mammals she had a nice, single hole. Nothing so damn confusing. She crouched a moment on the ground and pressed her tailhole to the floor, pressing on those sweet smelling glands. My cock could not take it and was already up and forcing its way out of my throbbing slit. I felt a hiss rip through my throat as the female leaned herself on the bed and presented herself to me. I was smart and didn't hesitate.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and rubbed my scaled body agianst hers. Sweet friction. I had missed this feeling so much. Softskins and furry-assed Kahjiit didn't have this feeling when you rubbed agianst them. I felt that familair presence of a tail raising agianst my body and I simply began to hump at her tail hole. My cock was ready, but if I did not stimulate her to release her eggs this would have been as fruitful as fucking an Imperial male in the ass and hoping for clutch. I was twitching and was rock hard. Pre-cum was already drizzling down my cock. I didn't make the effort to even look where I was sticking cause I had my chest flat against her back, trying to get into a proper position where I rolled up under her tail and would be able to spear my cock into that waiting hole.
It only took a few moments of stimlation before I felt her tailhole begin to throb. She was ready and my instincts took over. I bit down on her shoulder, free from the worry that I might sink my fangs through. I pushed my cock up into her tailhole, driving myself to the hilt. I nearly came there feeling the base of her hole press right up against the muscles of my slit. They contracted and choked my cock, trying to help along that painfully delicious milking process. I rutted Deetsan hard. She was a willing female with unfertlized eggs and come Oblivion or high water I was going to make her clutch. I pounded up into her hole, her tunnel a perfect fit around my throbbing cock. I set no pace, just driving as deep and hard as I could cause being in a female like Deetsan my instincts were to cum into her over and over and fill her to the brim with my seed.
I was sure I felt her. Her entire body was trembling with that gentle growl that only worked to turn me on more, and make me harder, were it possible. I came in her fast, but continued to rut her. She wanted that clutch and I was damn well sure I would be the one to spread my seed into such a willing female. Her rumbling growls were a call to passion, a call to my fucking seed, which I gladly pumped into her three more times. It was exhausting and I ended up collapsing on her, but my cock stayed rammed in her hole to make sure all my seed took.
I made sure to thrust into her a few more times before I puleld out. She told me about the ring being down in a damn well. Well fuck's sake.
She said she would teach me how to breathe longer in polluted water, that nasty crap Imperials called 'clean water'. I agreed, and rutted her a few more times til morning came. I would be back to make sure she had my clutch, than fuck her agian and give her another. But I hadda go find that ring, and damn mages can be sure I will take my time fucking my way up your ranks before I become a feared wizard and a powerful tool for the Sithis. |
Breaking James Ch 1 by Master BunBun | Abducted from the streets, James is forced into a life of slavery at Club BunBun. But being a freshly caught slave, he needs to undergo the spirit breaking discipline training. - This story takes place around the world of Club BunBun, of which you can find more about in my RP group of the same name. | [
"Foul Language",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464115-breaking-james-ch-1 | This story takes place around the world of Club BunBun, of which you can find more about in my RP group of the same name.
James had lived a relatively uncomfortable life. At the age of 17, the young mouse had yet to undergo any visible signs of puberty. He didn't know if it was a glandular problem, or merely some freak accident of nature. He was almost into adulthood, yet he stood only 4'0 tall, and with a young boy's physique at 100 lbs. Other mice he had known had grown to be at least 5 feet, and weighing around 120. He was undersized, and underweight, despite the fact he tried to eat healthy and exercise. His fur was a silvery gray color, almost matching with his colbalt colored eyes.
James' lack of developing masculinity had caused some trouble growing up. Many assumed he was still a young boy at best, or a faggot at worse. Those who knew his proper age often made very rude comments or gestures towards him, while those who didn't know of it treated him like a child. It was what prompted him to move out of his parents' house a year ahead of schedule, he needed to get away from all that and start some place new. Now, here he was, living in a two room appartment in the city. He was barely making due by earning a job at the video store. It took some considerable effort to prove that his ID was not fake, and that he was, indeed, old enough to work.
He managed to watch free movies and occasionally play the video game demos on days when the store was running slower, so it wasn't too bad of a job. At least he got entertainment to help ease his boredom, unlike some other jobs he could think of.
As it happened, his shift was nearing an end now, and it was time for the night shift replacement to come in and relieve him. Checking the clock, he began to head out the door just as it opened up, and his replacement was entering. It had taken a little while, but he memorized his replacement's punctuality, so he could be on his way out the door almost immediately when the other was entering.
His replacement was some punk jackal girl called Page. She had the tips of her hair dyed a neon green, and grew it down over one eye. Unfortunately for her, the video store had a uniform, or she would have undoubtedly used more for her look. The dark red apron and black pants, and white shirt didn't look very punkish, after all.
James gave only a faint greeting to her, and she to him, before they passed each other by, and he was on his way down the road to catch a cab. He still didn't have enough money to even buy a car, not to mention keep up with the payments on it. To his surprise, a taxi arrived almost immediately as he got to the stopping point, almost as if it were expecting him.
He opened the door without thinking, climbing into the back and realized too late there was somebody sitting back there with him. James only had the time to begin giving an appology before the fellow passenger shoved a rag over his face. One quick enhale, and James was unconscious, falling over into the passenger's lap face first. The taxi's door was shut, and it sped off down the road.
"Oh, look at that, even when its accidental, he's ready to suck my dick." The passenger said, resting an arm on the back of James' head, holding it to his crotch. The passenger was a rather large panther. He had strong muscles, evidently working out in his spare time, he was perhaps 200 lbs. He had no shirt, but a pair of elastic shorts covered him from the waist, down to the knees. Hugging to his crotch, revealing a sizeable package.
He fetched a knife from under the seat and set to work removing James' work uniform, cutting and shredding the fabric, so he didn't have to pull each piece off in the cramped space of the back seat. When he was finished, he took some of the remaining scraps of the uniform and began to tie him up. Binding his knees and ankles together, tying his wrists behind his back, and tying his muzzle closed. He rolled down a window and tossed the rest of the shredded garments out the window just as they passed by an alleyway, the shredded remains landing in an old dumpster.
The driver asked no questions, for this was no ordinary cab. The driver's boss had powerful connections throughout the city. As the fake taxi began to turn off the main roads, it was approaching the city limits, until finally it sped down an exiting high way leading out to what appeared to be nowhere. Slamming on the gas, the taxi increased to top speed, towards its destination.
When it was approaching the 2 mile marker, it finally came to a skidding stop along the road, leaving a trail of black tire streaks as it did so. The taxi opened as the panther climbed out, dragging the unconscious mouse with him. When he stepped off the side of the road, the taxi turned around and drove off again, back towards the city.
"Why did Master have to hide the club in such a rediculous location?" The panther muttered, slumping the mouse over his shoulder as he began walking off into the west section of the wilds. The club had been expertly hidden. Exactly two miles out from the city, and just beyond vision to the west. Anybody who did not know exactly where the club was, would have missed it entirely. Which is why most of those who arrived here alone did so only with an invitation. Others were brought along as guests.
Sure enough, he soon began to see the shadowy frame of the club on the horizon as he continued carrying James over his shoulder. With night setting in, the club's doors would be opening very soon, if they weren't already. He had made it just in time, and hopefully would be able to relax after a long day.
"I can hardly wait to wrap you around my cock." The panther said to the unconscious mouse, slapping his ass and giving a firm squeeze, "Oh, I so hope you're a screamer type, the moaners are too quiet for my liking." He added with a grin, continuing to trudge on.
End of Chapter 1 |
Arden's Woods by Apollo Wolf | #1 of Tales From Arden's Woods - Arden's Woods A gift for a friend. By Apollo Wolf [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) A whole lot of yiffin going on here. Any materials contained herein that one would find objectionable should not be viewed by those who would object to it or by those | [
"Cock Growth",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97712-arden-s-woods | Arden's Woods A gift for a friend.
By Apollo Wolf [[email protected]](https://www.sofurry.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)
A whole lot of yiffin going on here. Any materials contained herein that one would find objectionable should not be viewed by those who would object to it or by those who would have others object to them reading it. If you do not object to these conditions or have a third party objecting for you or to you by proxy then may proceed. If you wish to continue of your own accord with no repercussions on the author for your having done so then I have no objection. Read, enjoy, and tell me what you think.
Jeff wasn't sure why he agreed to go along on this stupid camping trip anyway; he grumped as he trudged through the thick brush and dense shrubs of the forest he was now wandering aimlessly through. He thought it would be a good chance to get to know his teammates better, but so far all they wanted to do was drink beer and talk about pussy. At least he did get to share a tent with Danny and discover he liked to sleep naked, but other than that it was a total bust. He couldn't wait to get back home to his comfortable bed and the comforts of the city.
Jeff wasn't the only one walking in the woods that night. A being had become aware of the young boys' presence in its woods and the destruction they were causing to its peace and beauty. Needless to say, it wasn't very happy. It soon decided the young men would have to make up for their mischievous ways...and help to improve the beauty of the woods in their own way. Finally the right time had arrived and one of the boys had wandered away from the company of the others. He would be the first to make amends.
Jeff marched along crunching through the forest growth, snapping off braches as he went, crushing small plants, and generally frightening off innumerable small furry animals.
"Stupid friggin nature... "
He took a long pull from the Bud Light bottle he carried, finishing off its contents before chucking it off among the trees. He smiled with self satisfaction when he heard it hit a trunk and shatter, the tinkling sound playing across the air, when suddenly a roaring howl echoed through the trees.
That was the last straw! The stalking figure could no longer stand idly by and watch this intruder desecrate his home. The time was now; justice demanded action. He sprang forward, howling in rage, and in scant seconds he stood before the young human glaring at him with all his fury. The boy fell to his knees before him, too paralyzed with fear to even move. The creature grinned with great satisfaction as the boy stared at him with wide eyes.
A flash of movement was all the warning Jeff had. After he heard the howl and before he could even react, a huge figure stood before him. He couldn't believe his eyes and he fell to the ground, small rocks digging into his bare knees and assuring him this was not a dream. A monster, a great beast, stood before him snarling angrily. It stood like a man but was completely covered in dark charcoal gray fur. Powerful claws at the end of its large paws glinted in the dim light. It was impressively built, with large well defined muscles tracing patterns under its furry exterior. Its head was that of a great wolf with large pointed ears and a long muzzle full of razor sharp teeth. It was oddly expressive though, and now seemed to be grinning at him. Most impressive of all was the huge fur covered cannon that resided between his legs. A massive sheath at least as big around as a can of paint started in his crotch and was held loosely attached halfway up his abdomen. Large basketball-sized balls hung beneath it and added to its oversized girth.
"Wha... wha... what...are you..."
"SILENCE BOY!" the great wolf growled."Now is not the time for your questions; it is time for you to pay for what you and your friends have done to my territory!"
He smiled inwardly as he sniffed the air and drank in the delightful scent of the boy's fear, and also his arousal. He knew this one would probably most enjoy the punishment and even now was becoming turned on by the sight before him.
Jeff nearly fell backward when the beast spoke to him. He was having trouble thinking and barely registered the words that were said; in fact he seamed to be developing a sort of tunnel vision. The world around him seemed to warp and twist, all he could focus on was the wolf and his great organ before him.
"What do you mean? We... I...didn't do anything... You can't punish me... Who are you?
"I told you to be SILENT!" the wolf roared again. "MY name is Arden, and these are MY woods! I am master of all that lives here, and now that includes you."
He was growing pleased with the scent of the boy he knew he was now his to command. He could sense the boy would be a willing servant for him, even help him with the others.
"Your crime is that of all humans: you have no regard for your actions and their consequences. Well, now you will see there is a price for all that you do. STAND UP!"
Arden's presence was overwhelming Jeff. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch his great sheath, to stroke and discover what resided inside. His words filled Jeff with such need and longing that in fact he was now willing to do what ever he was told. The punishment could be anything so long as he could remain close to this creature, Arden. He could feel his own insignificant cock swell in his shorts, pressing out painfully against his underwear. He stood as he was commanded, his dick tenting out obviously in front of him.
"What must I do? Please... Please... I'll do what ever you wish."
Arden grinned, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. The boy was his! Now the human would begin his punishment, and his service.
"Excellent, young man, you learn quickly. First I have a task for you, to prove your loyalty. Come closer and take my sheath in your hands."
Jeff couldn't believe his ears! He was being told to do exactly what he had wanted since first laying eyes on this incredible figure. He shuffled clumsily forward, and as he neared the great mound of fur he could feel the heat radiating from it. He slowly reached up with one hand, then the other, and placed them on either side of the plump member. He squeezed it gently, his hands still separated by nearly a foot of hot dense muscle. He stroked up and down the fur and was quite happy to hear Arden growl his approval.
"That's it... Yessss that's it, but you're going to have to do much more if you want to discover what lies beneath. Go ahead; I believe you know what to do..."
Arden grinned seductively. He was sure the young stud would continue: it was in his eyes; he couldn't hide his desire.
Jeff's heart pounded in his chest and his mind raced. Should he really continue? After all, this was all so odd, but it felt so right to be here, to please Arden. He pulled his hands up along its length until they rested on the large opening at the tip. The heat that poured forth was incredible and only enticed Jeff further. He delicately traced one finger along the opening, feeling its slight moisture. He pressed gently with his right hand and slowly started to slide his entire arm into the deep tunnel of fur. He finally had one hand against the skin of Arden's massive cock. His entire arm felt hot and wet as he slowly slid it around inside the sheath. The slick feeling of moist skin on either side of his arm was simply awesome. He used his fingers to gently stroke at the flesh inside but it didn't respond to his touch. He reached over with his left hand and slowly slid that arm in up to his shoulder. He now stood there with both arms encased in Arden's hot, wet sheath as he hugged and pulled on the cock inside, the furry tip of the sheath tickling his chin.
Arden groaned in pleasure but did not allow his dick to react to the wonderful stimulation Jeff was providing; he had bigger plans. Instead he rested his paws on Jeff's shoulders before gently running them through the human's hair. He massaged and brushed Jeff's back as he continued to pull at the cock in his sheath.
Jeff was lost in sensation as his back was rubbed. Despite his efforts the large cock remained hidden from him. The tremendous scents rising from just beneath his nose were driving him wild. He looked down at the great tube in front of him before he stuck out his tongue and licked across the slit containing his arms. The salty musky taste was like nothing he had ever experienced and he knew he wanted more. He also knew how to get more. He pulled his arms back until only his hands remained in the great sheath. He gently pulled the opening apart and gazed into its depth. Once again he leaned forward to lick at the tender flesh...
Arden moaned happily as his sheath was pulled open, still rubbing at the back of Jeff's head he waited until just the right moment. When he felt the soft touch of Jeff's hot breath and the gentle kiss of his tongue, the wolf suddenly pulled Jeff forward, forcing his entire head into his sheath all the way down to his neck. Jeff's hands slipped and the opening of the sheath fairly slapped tight around his head. Arden growled with delight as his captive struggled against his embrace.
He rubbed at his back again and growled. "Just relax; I'm sure you'll enjoy this...."
Jeff struggled at first as he was plunged into the hot dark tunnel. He tried to yell, but when he opened his mouth more of Arden's fluid rushed in and the taste once again filled his thoughts. He started to relax in its tight embrace and soon found that while not exactly able to breathe he did not find himself wanting for air, only more pleasure. Blindly he reached out with his hands and found the outside of the sheath and started to stroke, alternately rubbing his own head and Arden's dick.
Finally, he thought to himself as the gargantuan prick started to respond to the stimulation. It started to thicken and solidify beneath his touch and soon started moving forward. Soon the hot snake started to press its tip against his forehead. Jeff wriggled around to get his face up as the great cock continued to surge forward. He pressed his face into it, licking and kissing the tip, trying to taste every inch. For some reason he felt Arden push his head downward, out of the way, and suddenly the cock had slipped past him, rubbing across the back of his head as it continued to lengthen. He felt the grip of the sheath around his neck tighten slightly as the cock pushed its way out into the open. He made a move to pull his head free but found the extra tightness made this impossible; his head was stuck inside Arden's sheath.
Arden laughed in delight as his cock slipped past Jeff's head and into the cool night air. The dark gray skin of his member shone brightly in the dim light. The tight pressure under his cock caused by Jeff's head provided further stimulation as he gripped his meat in both paws and began to stroke himself, rocking back and forth, swaying Jeff along with him. He knew it wouldn't be long now.
The rocking motion of Arden was nearly hypnotic. Jeff found himself lost in sensation and could swear he could feel every stroke along the massive pole as if it were his own. He pulled and tugged at the sheath and rubbed his own face through it. He felt his face going numb for some reason. His whole head throbbed. He felt a deep rumble start beneath him. Instinctively he knew it was Arden's massive balls churning with his seed, ready to explode. Without warning, the rumble shot forward...
Arden howled in pleasure as his spunk erupted from his massive pole. Great gobs of gooey white wolf cum shot in to the air before landing with a tremendous splat right on Jeff's backside. Arden continued to stroke his pulsing rod as several more loads dribbled down its length and spread across Jeff's body, running down his arms and legs and covering him and his clothes from the neck down.
Jeff gurgled with his own moaning pleasure inside of Arden's tight sheath as more fluid floated around his head and into his mouth. The massaging jets of cum that flowed through Arden's prick pulsed across the back of his head and neck. The sensation was too much for him and he felt his own rock hard cock let fly with his own jism. Huge amounts poured into his jock, covering his crotch and soaking his pants with the warm sticky fluid. Through it all he felt Arden moaning, a deep rumbling moan that sent shivers down his spine and resonated in his very core. The vibration seemed to center on his head and he moaned along.
Arden felt his great release subside and turned his mind to other matters. He concentrated his thoughts on the bulging mass that was Jeff's head still lodged in his sheath. He began to growl and moan while thrusting into him once more, his large dong bapping against Jeff's cum covered back.
The hum-like vibration grew stronger and Jeff felt the great wolf rocking into him. For some reason he soon felt himself humming along. No, wait, he wasn't humming, he was growling. Jeff was growling like a wolf! And he liked it! He kept growling louder and trying to match Arden's pitch. He found the right note and suddenly his senses flared. His ears popped and mouth watered with the taste of Arden's sheath. He moaned as his nose and mouth throbbed and seemed to swell. Without warning he felt Arden place his massive paws on his shoulders and push him away. His head popped free from Arden's sheath and he fell backward into a tree. Before he had time to react he was slapped again as Arden's cock let loose another volley of cum, this time smacking Jeff directly across the face and chest.
Arden was delighted to see that everything had thus far gone according to plan and stroked himself to yet another orgasm, covering Jeff's face and the front side of his body. "There you go, boy, I told you would enjoy your punishment."
Jeff's mind swirled and he leaned against the tree for support. "What do you mean punishment? That was great! I'd be more than happy to do that again."
Jeff started to lick his lips to remove the cum, but stopped when he realized his tongue was reaching far too much of his face. He reached a hand up to his face, but stopped when it bumped against something: a muzzle! Shocked, he franticly ran both hands over his face and the rest of his head. His touch slid down a long muzzle covered with fur and cum, and his ears were also much larger and felt pointed.
"What the hell...? What's happened to me? What's going on!?" he yelled.
Without waiting for an answer he jumped up and ran stumbling through the trees until he came to a small stream he had crossed on the way from the camp. He looked down into the water and the shimmering reflection revealed a startling sight. Atop his cum soaked body was the head of a wolf! A large white wolf with huge ears sharp teeth and slick dark fur!
Arden followed after his new subject at a leisurely pace. He knew Jeff wouldn't go far; he had enjoyed that far too much to want to. Besides, the boy still had a job to perform for him: his companions back at the camp had to pay for their crimes too.
Jeff was still staring into his watery reflection when he noticed the shadowy image of Arden appear over his shoulder. He spun to face him. The wolf's giant cock had retreated into his oversize sheath and he had a playful grin across his face.
"Why...why did you do this to me?" Jeff stood there with his hands to his sides cum still dripping slowly down his clothes and bare skin.
"I told you had to be punished. You and your friends have desecrated my territory, damaged its growth, polluted my land. Now you will serve me, and if you please me you will be treated well, rewarded even." Arden hefted his large sheath and stroked it gently to emphasize what he meant by reward.
Jeff's mouth started to water in response, and his cock began to harden once more. He could think of nothing else but pleasing his new master and getting his hands on that monster cock once more.
"What do you need me to do? Please, let me... Umm, prove myself to you." He absent mindedly rubbed his crotch, his hand slipping through the cum that covered his groin and legs.
"Excellent, I knew you would prove most useful. I need you to go and fetch me one of your companions. It's time they begin their punishment."
With out a word or a second though, Jeff tore off through the woods at breakneck speed. The wind whipped past him, chilling his damp skin and whistling past his large ears. He knew just the one to bring first. If he could get any of them to come it would be Danny. He arrived back at camp and crept quietly towards the tent that he and Danny shared. He silently unzipped it and slipped inside. Sure enough there was Danny passed out on top of his sleeping bag, completely in the buff.
Jeff found himself drooling at the sight. Danny was easily one of the biggest studs on the swim team; his chiseled body glistened with sweat in the warm evening air. His toned and tanned skin stretched across his densely muscled frame, his dark black hair cut short in a sexy crew cut. But most of all his long thick cock draped across his thigh. Like all the swimmers he shaved his arms and legs, but Danny always went a step further and completely shaved his pubes, leaving his crotch completely smooth including his balls.
Jeff crept up close and gently stroked down Danny's chest leaving a trail of sticky wolf cum from the touch of his hand. He wiped a small gob off his own chest and smeared it across Danny's prick, when he started to stir, yawning as he awoke.
Danny stretched and yawned as he woke from his nap... the funny thing was he could have swore he felt somebody touching him, and he felt a slight dampness on his chest and crotch. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and when he looked up he saw a giant wolf leaning over him!
"Holy mmmrph..." he started to yell, but a hand clamped down across his mouth. That's when he noticed that it wasn't really a wolf, only the head was that of a wolf, the rest of the body was human, and the clothes seemed familiar.
Jeff held his hand over Danny's mouth and grinned, "Shhhh Danny, please just be quiet. It's me, Jeff. I'm gonna take my hand away, but you have to promise to be quiet, ok?"
Jeff pulled his hand away and Danny scooted away from him to the far side of the tent staring in disbelief.
"So.... What do you think? He asked, grinning.
Danny shuddered when the wolf thing spoke to him. It sounded like Jeff! He nodded to agree to keep quiet but backed away when he felt himself being released.
"Jeff what's going on? What happened to you? And what is that you're covered in, it looks like..." he licked his lips where Jeff had held him, "it tastes like... like cum!"
Jeff smiled. "I kinda figured you would know what cum tastes like. The most amazing thing happened, Danny, and if you're interested I can show you how this happened. In fact, I think you'll really find it most ummm, pleasurable."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Despite himself Danny tried to act disgusted, but it was becoming harder. The scent of the cum rising off of Jeff's cloths was driving him wild and the residue of the salty tang that remained in his mouth only made him want it more. Truth be told, Danny loved sucking cock just to taste the cum, nobody on the team knew, but he secretly wanted to service each one of them.
"Just trust me, Danny. Now come on, let's go." Jeff licked his face with his new longer tongue.
Danny's resolve melted and he agreed to go with Jeff. "Wait a sec, man; I need to put some clothes on."
Jeff just smiled again. "Nah, don't worry about that. You won't need 'em."
Danny thought it was strange but what the hell, he figured he was dreaming and this was strange enough already.
Soon they were both running through the woods, Danny stark naked. In moments they reached a clearing and came to a halt. Jeff was looking around anxiously and rubbing at his crotch which started to swell in response. Danny was still puzzled, but standing out in the open was starting to turn him on as well.
"Arden! I've brought one. Where are you?" Jeff called out.
"Jeff, who are you talking to? Brought one for what?"
Suddenly, as if appearing from thin air, Arden stood before them. Danny stumbled backward in shock from the large wolf man with the enormous sheath and balls hanging between his legs.
"Excellent work, servant. Such a handsome specimen, too."
"What the fuck...? What's going on here?" Danny stammered
"Quiet, human! The time has come for you to make amends for your misdeeds just as your friend has begun to. Now stand before me," Arden commanded.
"What? This is stupid; I'm out of here. Whatever gag you're playing at, Jeff, this isn't going to work." Danny said as he turned to leave.
"No wait, Danny, this is no joke. You should do as he says, and don't worry; like I said, you'll probably enjoy it." Jeff pleaded with him.
"No, this isn't funny; you're just trying to trick me into..."
"You have no choice in this matter. Your debt must be paid," Arden rumbled." Servant, hold him and bring him to me."
Jeff instantly snapped to attention and obeyed. He grabbed Danny around his chest somewhat surprised how easily he held him tight. Despite Danny's struggles he carried him over until they both stood directly in front of Arden.
"Hey! What the hell? Let me go damn it!"
Arden rumbled, "You would be wise to cooperate. As your companion said, you will probably enjoy this." He reached over and started to rub Danny's body all over with his large paws. He gently scraped away some of the drying cum that still coated Jeff and smeared it across Danny's skin.
Danny stopped fighting the instant the paws touched his bare skin. He simply lost the desire to be anywhere but here. The touch was absolutely electric and in no time he found himself growing incredibly hard, his cock jutting out in front of him into the cool forest breeze. He could tell Jeff was becoming turned on as well as a large bulge started pressing into his backside and the panting from the muzzle over his shoulder quickened its pace.
Jeff actually found himself jealous of all the attention that Arden was lavishing on Danny. He wanted to just toss Danny aside and grab hold of the tremendous sheath that bobbed lightly in front of them.
Arden stopped caressing Danny and slowly walked forward until his massive plump sheath was nudging at Danny's hard cock. Brushing it and rubbing against it with his soft furry warmth. Danny moaned in delight and Jeff just growled lightly, almost drooling on Danny's shoulder.
"Go ahead young man, take it. I know it's what you desire. Just give in and make yourself mine." Arden whispered.
Danny's mind seemed to melt away with the touch of Arden's throbbing furry sheath. He felt his resolve ebbing away and was willing to do what ever the great beast asked of him. Especially this. He reached out and took the end of the sheath in his grasp, he kneaded the fleshy tube in his hands, pulling and tugging at it and wanting to find out what was inside. After a few moments of this, a new thought hit him. He bent the sheath down slightly until its large opening lay directly in front of his own straining cock. Danny pulled at the sheath gently and pushed out with his hips and slowly thrust his cock into the warm moist interior.
Jeff stared in awe as Danny slowly began to literally fuck Arden's sheath, pumping away slowly as he humped into the thick furry tube. Jeff decided he could let Danny go; it was obvious now that Arden had him in his control and he wasn't going anywhere. As he stood back and watched Danny pump away his eyes were drawn to Danny's bare cute bubble butt as it rocked in front of him. His mouth watered more and he knew what he wanted. He started to strip out of his cum soaked clothes, flinging his pants and jockstrap into the bushes. His rock hard pole stood out in front of him and quickly zeroed in on Danny's tight ass. He held him tight as he slowly pushed in and started timing his thrusts to counter Danny's impulses into Arden's sheath. Jeff found himself howling in ecstasy.
Arden growled in delight as the first of his new servants so obviously enjoyed their initiation into his service. He rocked forward and licked Danny's face gently as his cock slowly started to swell and push forward into his sheath.
Danny moaned as his ass was penetrated from behind. Jeff's thick cock seemed to fill and stretch him like he never though possible. Meanwhile, Arden's sheath almost seemed to suck onto his cock all by itself. He soon felt Arden's thick stiffening cock moving closer to him as it expanded. It finally made contact with his dick. The touch was exhilarating and made Danny thrust into him harder. The large cock was pressing into him as he thrust when suddenly with one push his cock slipped into the slit at the tip of Arden's prick, driving deep inside the warm tightness as the massive cock continue to push out of the sheath. The giant penis emerged from the sheath with Danny's cock stuck deep inside, the dark gray surface glistening with moisture in the moon light. It continued to swell until it pushed them apart.
Arden's cock continued to grow from its sheath and Jeff once again felt jealous that it was Danny's cock buried inside it, but that thought dimmed as his thrust harder into the ass in front of him. He looked over at Arden and saw the look of amusement and satisfaction on his face and it filled him with such happiness that he knew he only wanted to please his master in any way possible. This made him that much hornier and he knew he was ready to cum again.
Danny kept bucking his hips towards the giant prick that had swallowed his cock, except now he was finally able to get his hands on the fabulous piece of meat. He stroked and rubbed in time with his thrusts and soon felt the tense rumbling that signaled Arden was nearing his climax. Then, without warning, he felt Jeff's cock spasm in his ass, blowing wad after wad of thick hot cum into him and filling his insides. The pressure in his ass drove him over the edge and he started to cream inside of Arden's cock. Sperm buzzed through his member and his mind swirled with pleasure. At least, he thought that was pleasure until Arden's load blew and rumbled up his massive shaft towards him.
Instead of spraying out and all over Danny the cum shot right into his own cock, gallon after gallon of wolf seed poured into him through his cock. Danny looked down and saw that with each pulse of jizz his balls seemed to inflate and grow larger, and the cum just kept flowing. His balls soon matched Arden's for size, that's when a thick fold of skin started to form around the base of his dick. The skin fold stated to pump up with the wolf spunk as well and in moments he had a monster-sized sheath, complete with a coat of dark black fur that was starting to spread across his previously smooth, hairless balls. Danny moaned aloud and found himself cumming again.
Jeff watched in excited fascination as Danny's balls and new sheath stretched and grew. He wanted to get a closer look and went to pull his dick out of Danny's ass, but found he was stuck somehow. Just then Danny started to cum again and aside from the tight grip of the globes of his butt Jeff started to feel something new. As Danny came he felt his own balls swell and grow larger. Jeff could feel Danny's cum moving back into him! Minutes later, two basketball sized orbs covered in pristine white fur hung between his legs. He enjoyed the weight of them swinging beneath him, but stopped when they somewhat painfully smashed into Danny's heavy pair. A plump white sheath was now pushing him away from Danny's rear end, so he moved to pull out and gasped as he started pulling a humongously thick, long rod from his butt. It continued to stretch and grow as it was pulled from Danny's tights ass and by the time it was free it was at least two feet long and a foot in diameter. Most shockingly, it was a dark glossy black.
At the same time, Danny was extracting his own member from inside of Arden's. He pulled and pulled at it as inch after inch emerged. Amazingly both he and Arden still seemed to be cumming and as Danny's cock slowly pulled free it thickened and grew as well. Jeff had come around beside them and was brandishing his huge new jet black member and stood there stroking himself as Danny pulled free. Danny's jaw dropped in amazement at the sheer size of it and soon realized his was going to be just as big. Finally his swollen tip came out, revealing his two foot long pole which had actually faded in color and was a glistening pure white.
Just as Danny's cock head came free Jeff's felt himself reach orgasm again and his cock bucked and jumped like a fire hose as a torrent of cum shot out and coated Danny from head to toe. Danny's cock likewise sprang to life and showered Jeff with his own thick stream of spunk. Arden just growled and laughed as his own huge spurts of juice added to the coating each of his new subjects received. Danny and Jeff turned and embraced each other, their long thick dongs held between them. Jeff licked Danny's face clean with his long tongue while Danny scooped handfuls of thick fluid from the top of Jeff's furry head.
Arden just smiled at the two of them as they embraced. "Alright, that's enough. You two had better get going, you have a few more companions back at that camp of yours yet don't you?"
Danny and Jeff shared a quick look before letting each other go and racing back towards camp, their large heavy sheaths bapping against their stomach and trailing puddles of cum as they ran.
Arden laughed to himself as his two new subjects darted off towards their camp and their remaining teammates. Things were going much better than expected. The first two gave in to their mental changes very quickly and their new forms were progressing nicely. He gently stroked his sheath as he followed the two young men at a distance, anticipating a third and a fourth stud to join with him.
Jeff ran alongside Danny, his heavy balls and sheath tugging at his groin as he lopped along. He kept glancing over at Danny and his magnificent black sheath, his white cock had retreated back inside, but it still remained quite plump. He licked his long muzzle and he could only think about being with Arden and his buds, excitedly looking forward to completing his transformation.
They both cleared the bushes and emerged in their camp. Both Nick and Todd had brought their own tents so Jeff and Danny had decided to get Nick first. Nick was sort of the team runt. He was a good enough swimmer but at only 5'5" was the smallest guy on the team, in more ways than one. Danny thought he was cute enough though. His short red hair and perfectly smooth complexion complimented his personality and made him almost universally well liked. The odd thing was he always wore speedos, even just as underwear, he never wore anything else beneath his clothes.
They silently unzipped the door flap of the tent and stepped in. Sure enough, there was Nick laying face down on his sleeping bag, his tight speedo covered butt practically sticking up into the air. Jeff and Danny knelt on either side of his sleeping form, their huge sheaths towering above him. Stroking and caressing his sides, Danny whispered his name, gently waking him.
"Nick, hey Nick, wake up. Jeff and I need to show you something."
"Awww come on guys, go away. It's too early and I don't care about any goddamn sunrise," he grumbled into his pillow as he stirred.
"No man, its way better than that. Get up, we what you to meet somebody," Danny whispered into his ear.
Nick rolled over, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"Now? Are you two nuts or somethggnnh..."
The last bit caught in his throat as he opened his eyes and finally could see his two teammates.
Jeff grinned and hefted his white sheath while Danny reached over and scratched him behind one of his wolfish ears. "Well what do you think?"
Nick just stared in stunned disbelief. "Oh man this is a weird dream. What's going on?"
"This is no dream Nick... its real, and so are these," Danny smirked before they both leaned in close rubbing their furry sheaths against his sides, cool drying cum smearing across his skin.
Nick was sure it must have been a dream, because nothing else had ever felt so good. He moaned at their gentle touch and felt himself getting a hard-on in his speedos. Nick had never thought about being with other dudes before but this was incredible, he couldn't imagine ever wanting anything else, especially when Danny reached down and started massaging his package.
Arden stood outside the tent listening to the moans of pleasure coming from inside. He smiled to himself, calmly petting and stroking himself.
Jeff kept feeling better and better. He looked down at Nick as he and Danny rubbed all over his small frame, his tanned skin so toned and smooth, he didn't have that much definition to him but a nice slender build. Looking up he grinned at the sight of Danny with his large black sheath, the white tip of his stiffening cock just starting to show itself. With a nod he moved up, hovering over Nick's head while Danny moved down to sit between his legs. Jeff slowly leaned over until the end of his sheath was lying across Nick's forehead. He sat there massaging his shoulders and rubbing his cock fur in Nick's face.
Danny was squeezing and pushing at Nick's relatively small package and stroking along his thighs. He licked his lips hungrily, then bent over and buried his face in the front of Nick's speedo. He took deep breaths, filling his lungs with the rich scent of Nick's groin. He was drooling slightly as he nibbled at the small, hard cock within the slippery fabric. When he had enough of that he reached out, lightly tugging at the waistband and sliding the speedo down Nick's legs to his knees, freeing his stiffy. He took the cock in his hand and stroked it a few times, admiring the neatly trimmed nest of red hairs at its base before diving down on top of it. He ran his tongue along its length tasting it until in one fell swoop he sucked its entire length into his mouth.
Heaven should feel so good, Nick thought to himself as Danny worked over his meat. Meanwhile, Jeff's sheath kept rubbing across his face. He would stick his tongue out to try and catch a taste only to have it pull back away again. However, after a few minutes an immense glossy black cock began expanding from the thick white sheath. Its warm moist tip pushed into Nick's face practically smothering him with its pointed head. Vast amounts of slimy pre-fluid covered his face and he lapped up as much as he could. He licked and nibbled at it as much as possible, burying his face in the wide slit at its tip. He shuddered and moaned once more when he felt his prick swallowed by Danny's hot mouth, and soon found both of his balls sucked in as well; his entire crotch was being eaten up by his friend's powerful suction.
Jeff happily stroked along his thick black rod as Nick attempted to suck on the tip. He felt the pressure building in his balls and knew it wouldn't be long before he blew his load yet again. This time though, the force didn't just increase in his cock but seemed to swell in his ass, too. By the look on his face Danny seemed ready to shoot his wad as well.
Danny was a bit surprised he was able to fit Nick's entire cock and balls into his mouth however he seemed to do it easily. The taste of his manhood filled his thoughts and he wanted to suck out every drop of Nick's cum. He slowly became aware of his glistening white cock expanding beneath him. In mere moments its mass was making it difficult to lean over but he soon found the solution when he scooted back a bit and just lay atop it. Its smooth length pulsed below him, and without hesitation he started humping it. He was humping his own massive cock! Its pointed tip had pushed forward, nestling itself between Nick's thighs, pressing ever so slightly at the globes of his butt. All the while as Danny sucked away on the much smaller cock in his mouth a strange tingling numbness spread through his jaw down his throat and up through his face. The new buzzing and pulsing feeling only seemed to increase his enjoyment of Nick's meat and he redoubled his efforts to suck him down.
By this time Nick was completely lost in his own ecstasy. With Jeff's humongous black prick smothering his face, depositing rivers of thick, salty pre-cum on his head and the white hot head of Danny's meat burning next to his ass as his own cock was nursed on Nick could hardly keep a single thought in his head except テ「竄ャヒ廴ORE!' He completely gave himself over to the total enjoyment of what he was feeling. After what could have been minutes or hours Nick felt his loins tense, ready to spill over with his seed. He held it back as long as he could, building a heavenly pressure that spread from his balls and out across his skin which seemed to itch with anticipation. His yowled as his orgasm exploded from his dick, his moans of pleasure muffled and gurgled by Jeff's dick and fluid still filling his face. Torrents of cum shot through him into Danny's waiting mouth, where he hungrily ingested every pulse.
Danny's gasped in surprised delight when his mouth was pumped full of jism. High pressure blasts from the small cock rocked him and appeared to pop his sinuses as well. He humped away on his own cock and he soon felt his own balls contract before great loads of cum rocketed though the stiff rod underneath. The hot gobs of fluid hit Nick in the ass before splattering back up into Danny's chest and neck. Before long, all of Nick's upper legs and crotch were coated with thick white cum as well as Danny's front side. That's when the tingling and pulsing sensations in Danny's head intensified. He moaned around the cock in his mouth as his face started to swell and expand, his nose and mouth pushing outward to form a canine muzzle. His ears stretched and grew to points on the top of his head and soft black fur swarmed across his skin until his head closely resembled a wolf's.
Jeff watched in fascination as Danny's head became more wolf-like, and Nick's hips bucked up into it. Both of them were now moaning loudly as the cum continued to flow from their bodies. Jeff smiled at them and howled as a thick jet of his own juices raced down his shaft, bursting from its head and spaying across Nick's face and chest. Every pulse brought forth buckets of cum, soon covering every inch of the young man beneath him. Almost in counter-time to every throb of his cock, a thrust of pleasure built just above his ass. He grunted and growled in delight as a long tail pushed and shoved its way out from his spine, filling out with snow white fur. He was still cumming as it completed its growth and he waged his new tail happily while Danny finally pulled back off Nick's still pumping cock.
Nick was practically floating in cum by the time his dick was released from the wolf's muzzle. His entire body was covered with a thick coat of the hot sticky fluid. For some reason his own orgasm had yet to stop though. Pulse after pulse of semen shot out of his prick, much more than he could possibly produce, flying nearly a foot in the air before landing with a splat on his stomach. He moaned as he writhed on the floor of the tent. He just couldn't stop cumming, and at this point he didn't want to.
He slid his hands over his slickened skin which started to burn and crawl. He wasn't sure what was going on so he swiped a hand across his face to clear his vision. When he looked down he gasped. All across his body his skin was being covered with thick red fur. It spread outward from his crotch and across his stomach in waves as he came again and again. The brilliant red was quickly swallowed up by the globs of white he seemed to be swimming in. He orgasmed one final time and he lay on the floor exhausted; deep red fur covered his entire body from head to toe.
Danny was still exploring his new senses as Nick sat up. His vision and hearing were much better and his nose was filling his mind with the rich scent of the three boy's copious amounts of cum. That's when he noticed Jeff's tail and he yipped in surprise. The three of them were rubbing and stroking against one another when the door flap of the tent was unzipped and opened.
Nick whirled as he heard the tent open, his eyes widened in shock when a tremendous wolf-man ducked inside. Even in the dim light his body was magnificent and the size of his cock was unbelievable. He came over to them and knelt down close pressing his sheath against Nick's side while reaching out to scratch behind the ears of Jeff and Danny.
"Very nice you two. A very good start indeed." He cupped Nick's furry chin in his hands, forcing him to look him in the eyes. "So, young one, I am Arden, Lord of these woods, and as I told your companions you are now mine, and this is part of your punishment," he said, running a hand through the red fur on Nick's chest. "Now to get you ready to retrieve the final member of your new pack."
Jeff and Danny sat back out of the way, stoking each other and cleaning each other off a bit while Arden went to work on Nick. First he ripped the cum soaked speedo from around Nick's legs and tossed it aside with a wet splat. He lifted his legs slightly and pulled him in close to his massive sheath. Arden held both of Nick's feet together and slowly started to insert them into his sheath at the same time. Nick was almost howling with delight when he was picked up by the waist and was slowly shoved feet first into Arden's sheath. His short furry red legs slid in until he finally came to a stop, the pliable grey sheath swallowing everything up to his waist, including his cock and balls.
Nick was close to passing out as the tight embrace of Arden's sheath enveloped him. He was so drained from his previous work out with Jeff and Danny that he wouldn't have been able to resist even if he had wanted to. His cock was just starting to get hard again when it slipped into the sheath and he came to a stop. He wiggled around a bit, the hot wet feeling of Arden's whole sheath rubbing across his legs only making him hornier. His feet brushed the tip of the massive cock held within as it started to enlarge and push upward. It slid in between his legs rising higher until it began gliding across his own dick, stroking him as it pushed past. The massive head finally came free, the sheath tightening around Nick's waist to accommodate its girth. Nick hugged it tight within his arms as it grew longer, drooling its clear pre-cum as it rose until its huge glans was even with his face.
All the while Jeff and Danny watched in amazement as first Nick was stuffed into Arden's sheath and then as he hugged and humped the massive pole that emerged. They quietly stroked each other as their own hard-ons sprang back to life. Nick was kissing and licking at the pointed head of the gargantuan phallus with Arden stroking und pumping himself through his sheath. He had the look of utter satisfaction on his face and he growled and moaned as he tensed up ready to cum.
Wrapping his legs around the base of the cock within the sheath, Nick managed to slide himself up and down Arden's great pole. His own cock ground against the soft skin in his embrace, feeling Arden's heartbeat pulse and throb against him. For some reason the furry opening of the sheath started to stretch and become tighter around his waist once more. Something else seemed to be growing up between himself and Arden's prick. He looked down just as the deep red head of another cock started to push out between them. The intense red was in stark contrast to the dark grey of Arden's meat but as it grew longer and thickened Nick realized that it was indeed his own cock that was sprouting between them!
He groaned in delight as it came almost up to his chin. A thick sheath covered in the same red fur as the rest of his body trailed slightly up his stomach to encase its base. He redoubled his efforts to embrace both his cock and Arden's at the same time as he became rock hard. He could feel Arden's pulse racing and felt the surge of cum begin at the base of his cock moments before it exploded, blasting Nick's face with gushes of steaming hot fluid. His own cock bucked in response and he felt the burning wave of cum stream through his shaft, hitting him in the neck as he blew another massive load.
Arden howled as the cum dripped down his cock, covering Nick and his new and improved member. He took hold of Nick under his arms and extracted him from within his sheath and set him on the ground next to Jeff and Danny. The latter two had stroked themselves into a frenzy while watching him transform Nick, but he did not want them cumming again just yet. He placed a massive paw on the head of each boy's penis and essentially put a cork in their orgasms, leaving them panting and whimpering for release.
"No. Not yet. You have one more task to perform, one more that will join with us. Bring him here to me." He sat on the floor of the tent licking cum off his hands as his cock retreated into his sheath.
Jeff and Danny still whimpered as their dongs moved back into their sheaths, but obediently stood up to leave the tent and fetch their last remaining teammate. By now Jeff had completely changed and there was nothing left of his former self, he was a well endowed wolf-man much the same as Arden. Danny was almost finished but still lacked a tail to match the rest of his dark black fur. Nick was the least far along as their newest packmate. Except for the gargantuan dick and red fur that covered his entire body, he was still basically human. Nick was still riding his post-orgasmic high and he bounded out of the tent after them, his cock bapping against his furry chest as he awkwardly tried to run on all fours.
They reached Todd's tent and could hear him snoring softly inside. Practically ripping the door open all three stepped inside. Todd was going to be the toughest sell to accept Arden. He was the most macho stud on the swim team. Arrogant and bit shallow, he was stuck up and more than a little homophobic. But he was also a total fox. He was built like a Greek god with blond surfer's locks and kept a golden-brown tan year round with regular visits to a tanning booth. They wanted to get him over to Arden without much fuss so Jeff just nodded to Danny and Nick and had the two of them reach down and stuff him the rest of the way into his sleeping bag, picking the whole thing up with him inside. He awoke with a start and his muffled yells of surprise broke the night air. Jeff followed as Danny and Nick left the tent with the writhing bag in their grasp.
Todd awoke with a start as he felt himself being pushed around. He couldn't see a thing as his sleeping bag was closed around him, He felt himself being hoisted into the air and he started to shout.
"Hey! What the fuck? What's going on? Let me out of here!"
He struggled to get free to no avail and after a few short minutes he felt himself being dumped out onto the ground. He landed with a splat in a warm slimy puddle of goo and he struggled to stand up.
"What the hell is this?" He swiped at the spunk that covered his shorts and t-shirt to brush it off his clothes.
"Oh shit is this...? Cum! Man this is nasty, what' goingテ「竄ャ""
He did a double take and fell backwards when he finally noticed Arden sitting cross-legged on the far side of the tent. His three teammates caught him and held him upright and he started to panic at the sight of their altered forms.
"Holy shit! What are you people? What are you doing here?" he wailed.
"Relax, Todd, it's just us. We have a new friend that wanted to meet you, ok?" Nick said to him, trying to calm him down a bit.
"Oh my God, Nick is that really you? Jeff? Dan? What happened to you guys?"
The other two held him still, gently rubbing his body through his t-shirt and shorts.
"You'll see for yourself in just a moment. Arden here is going to help you to become just like us. It's really incredible, and so much fun." Danny whispered to him, then groped his crotch through his shorts.
Todd squirmed in their grasp and shuddered at the touch of their large hands. "No way man, I ain't no fag. Let me out of here! You guys are all sick. Let me go!"
Despite his efforts they held him fast. Arden looked up lazily and shook his head. "No, I don't think I will," his deep voice rumbled.
He finally stood up before the group and walked over to them, close enough that his massive sheath grazed against Todd's chest. Todd struggled fiercely at this, howling in rage and trying to kick is way free.
"Get the fuck away from me! All of you! You're perverts!" he yelled.
"Well, that's quite a fire you've got there cub. I like that... but I can't have you squirming all over the place for this."
Arden reached down and scooped up a large handful of the gooey cum that covered the floor of the tent. He took it and shoved the slimy mass right into Todd's face, forcing it into his mouth and nose.
"Hey don't ....grargph..." Todd chocked and gagged on the thick cream that was forced into his mouth.
The salty gelatinous goo coated his throat and the musky scent filled his nostrils. He tried to cough to clear it from his throat but for some reason he couldn't. He tried to pull his arm free to wipe his face, however nothing happened. A warm tingling spread through his body as it stopped responding to commands from his mind. His eyes darted back and forth to his captors, a helpless look of rage and fear showing through them. He felt himself released from their grasp and he told himself to run but his limbs simply would not obey. He just stood there, unable to move, unable to speak. He tried to yell but only a pathetic moan escaped his lips.
"That's better," Arden smirked. "Now you're going to behave and join with your friends like a good boy, aren't you?"
Todd's mind screamed no but his head gently nodded yes. He couldn't believe this was happening. His body was completely warm and relaxed, except for his eyes which glared daggers at the four things surrounding him. With just a wink from Arden, the other three began to remove his clothes, tugging and pulling the shirt over his head and ripping the thin boxer shorts from his waist. Now that he stood there naked, Arden stepped closer and hugged him tight, his hot furry sheath rubbing across Todd's groin and caressing his stomach clear up to his nipples. He would have shuddered in revulsion if he could, but instead the unthinkable started to happen. He was getting an erection! His body was responding with pleasure and he couldn't deny the wonderful sensations spreading from his cock. Todd once more tried to strike out, to scream, anything to get these people to stop, but it was no use. In a few short moments his prick had jolted up to its full hard eight inches.
Nick just stood back and watched as Jeff and Danny stripped away Todd's clothes. He rubbed his hands across his furry body still trying to decide if this was a dream. If it was it was a dream he didn't want to wake up from. Just being around Arden was intoxicating. He couldn't imagine ever being apart from him. But just as much he longed for the changes that had taken place in his other two companions. Their large well-muscled forms and animalistic features made him jealous and he couldn't wait to join them and help Todd make the change as well. Arden gave them a signal and the three of them gently moved Todd until he was lying on his back on the floor of the tent. Arden knelt just above his head, with Jeff and Danny on either side and he motioned Nick to take a position down by his feet.
As he was laid down on the floor of the tent Todd's back was covered with the cool, slimy residual fluid of these monsters. He fought a losing battle to gain control of his body or at least to keep from enjoying what was happening to him, but his hard cock, now pointing straight into the air, and the incredible tingling as the thick goo squished under and around him were too much to ignore. Soon his mind started to betray him as well and he found himself longing for the touch of their strong furry hands. He was rewarded with this when, after being directed by Arden, the red fuzzy shape that was Nick reached out and gently started to stroke Todd's straining member. Slow enough that he would not cum, but with enough pressure to keep him delighted for an extended time. Jeff and Danny also started slowly rubbing his chest and arms, then Jeff lifted Todd's right arm and began to insert it into his cavernous white sheath. Seconds later, Danny follow suit and plunged his left arm into his black furred organ.
Todd's arms slipped into the warm moist sheaths clear up to his shoulders, their tight embrace caressing his skin. His hands gently bumped into two bulbous masses somewhere near each base that swelled and pulsed under his touch. Remarkably, he soon found he could move his arms once again, but instead of striking out or pulling the free, he started to pet and stroke the large cock heads that engorged and pushed further up their respective sheaths. The hot stiffening lengths of Jeff and Danny's cocks slid along his forearms, tightening the embrace of their furry sheaths. Their steadily quickening pulses massaged his arms with their rhythmic throbbing and his skin grew quite damp with the increasing amounts of pre that also started to dribble out of the end of each fur-covered tube and pool across his chest.
Nick sat back watching Jeff and Danny start the fun while he alternately stroked his fur and rubbed Todd's legs or gently stroked his cock. His own cock started to grow within his sheath, pushing outward until its dark red tip started to emerge. He moaned with pleasure as he grew quickly and he stroked its smooth length to help it along. He looked up at Arden who was watching him intently, he smiled and gave him a wink, signaling him that it was okay, go ahead, you know what to do. Nick smiled and licked his chops, all right! He scooted up between Todd's legs and bent over slightly. He positioned himself just right, then grabbed a hold of Todd's straining dick. He tugged it towards him slightly then carefully began to insert it into his own cock. Soon Todd's entire eight inch prick was swallowed whole by the deep red shaft of Nick's massive pole.
Todd could hardly stand it now, and a deep moan escaped his lips. His member was dwarfed by Nick's and was tightly embraced inside of its hot interior. He found that movement had returned to the lower half of his body and he began to thrust into the massive red beast. He brought his legs up and loosely wrapped them around the soft fur covered sheath. He rode the large pole as Nick began to counter his thrusts and push back into him. All the while the top of Arden's fuzzy sheath tickled at Todd's forehead. Todd's mind was no longer screaming to be let go, it was now screaming for more. Arden reached down and gently cradled his head in his massive paws. He tenderly stroked and rubbed his skin. However, just as Todd was growing accustomed to this sensation, in one swift motion he felt his head shoved directly into Arden's hot sheath.
The silky smooth and flexible fold of skin enveloped Todd's head and plunged him into darkness. His other senses seemed to kick in instantly to pick up the slack though. The rich male scent filled his nostrils as they were packed with the wolf's fluid and the taste swamped his mouth. He could still feel the tight embrace of Danny and Jeff's warm bodies as their cocks were starting to emerge from their sheaths and slide across his chest. Nick continued to drive into him and he felt like he was very close to cumming. All this became secondary when Arden's own gigantic cock started to swell, first gently nudging at his head before softly slipping past as it emerged from his fur covered tube. The pulsing, veined length rubbed across Todd's face and he tried to lick every inch of it as it passed by. He felt it lay across his chest where it added to the weight of the other two cocks already present.
Nick felt Todd thrust up into him even as his head was swallowed by Arden's sheath. Then, once Arden's cock emerged he marveled at the sight. Arden's stupendous gray cock rubbed across Todd and mingled with Jeff's black dong and Danny's white one. His own deep red pole ached for release and he knew he was ready to blow. Arden looked up as if reading his thoughts; he smiled and touched his shoulder, sending an electric thrill down his spine. That was enough; his balls reared up and started to pour forth his seed. The cum rocketed through his shaft until it met up with Todd's cock and began to pump into him, every drop seemed to enter him and fill his cock and balls forcing them to expand. Jeff and Danny both growled and their cocks started to spout rivers of cum, coating each other, splashing all over Todd. Danny howled with pleasure as a tail formed springing out of his backside and completing his transformation to a wolf boy.
Of course all of this was overshadowed by the massive explosion that occurred when Arden climaxed. Nick was still pumping into Todd when he raised his head just in time to come eye level with Arden's swollen head. It suddenly let loose with a torrent of fluid which hit Nick between the eyes like a canon shot. Pulse after powerful pulse shot into him and every impact seemed to reshape his features. After a few minutes Nick's head had changed to that of a large red wolf, or at least one completely drenched in cum.
Every throbbing mass of spunk that shot through the four cocks surrounding him rocked Todd's body with tremendous force. His skin seamed to burn and crawl as the molten fluid covered every inch of him. His arms quivered as he continued to help milk every last drop of fluid from the two dudes on either side of him. His entire face ached from the tremendous force of Arden's orgasm, yet he kept trying to taste more, or even shove himself deeper into that delicious cavern. Then of course there was his own prick which buzzed with the feeling of Nick's hot steaming loads of cum streaming into him. He felt his balls tighten as they expanded and his entire cock felt like it was going to burst. That's when he stated to let go, but the massive loads of sperm didn't seem to shoot outward, instead they coursed throughout his body.
He felt his chest and limbs thicken and broaden as the muscles beneath his taut skin grew in size and definition. His dick pulsed and grew and soon was pushed free of Nick's which could no longer contain it. It shot out to an absurd length before inflating to become incredibly thick. The golden tan that he had worked so hard on had spread to his cock and before long his pole was a delicious creamy brown color. His head pulled free of Arden's sheath with some difficulty because of the added length of a long thick muzzle that had pushed outward from his face. Golden yellow fur started sprouting across his skin thickening and fluffing out before being matted down by the immense amount of cum that was present.
Todd pulled his furry arms free of the two sheaths on either side of him and rubbed his clawed paws across his cum soaked body. His three teammates collapsed on top of him all completely drained and completely changed into hugely endowed wolf boys. The four of them cuddled and cleaned each other as best they could while still practically wading in a pool of cum. Arden just sat back as his cock retreated in to its home.
"There, now the four of you are ready to serve me by protecting these woods. Of course, I will allow you to punish any who violate my lands as you see fit."
The four of them all looked at each other and smiled wide. They each had a good idea what sort of punishment Arden had in mind. |
I Said NOW Pet! by Slave2theFox | I Said NOW Pet! Coming home from another long day at work, Miss Wolverine was thinking longingly of simply washing away the grime and the petty stresses of the day, making herself a nice warm cuppa and curling up on the sofa to mark her student's homework when she was disrupted by the sound of | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51591-i-said-now-pet | I Said NOW Pet!
Coming home from another long day at work, Miss Wolverine was thinking longingly of simply washing away the grime and the petty stresses of the day, making herself a nice warm cuppa and curling up on the sofa to mark her student's homework when she was disrupted by the sound of someone knocking authoritatively at her door. Growling a little under her breath the tired wolf pulled her blouse closed over her ample chest and impatiently opened the door. If this was some door-to-door salesman or some lost fool asking for directions, she was going to send them packing with a blistering lecture about disturbing her so late in the evening but to her surprise and slight apprehension, she was confronted by the sight of her neighbour - the tall, lithe fox with the silky ebony fur with the silver tips and the thoroughly distracting multiple tails that had been invading her dreams constantly for the past four days. Slightly unsure of what to do, Miss Wolverine asked the lithe fox to come in and make himself at home whilst she had a quick shower, her eyes straying towards the large pile of work books she had to find the time to get through.
Following the wolf inside, the fox admired the lush curve of the wolf's ass under her ridiculously business like A-Line skirt and ran his hand lightly over her left cheek. Turning her face towards his, the fox used the wolf's tail to trace a path up his increasingly noticeable trouser bulge. 'Pet. Master would like for you to get on your knees please. I have something I want you to taste'. Slightly nervous, the wolf could only stammer her response as she thought back to their very first meeting and the savagery of the coupling that had followed barely a few scant days earlier. Cheeks burning a little in shame, the fox gently pushed the fox away and stammeringly repeated her desire to have a nice quick shower as she had just finished work. The wolf thought to herself, she also needed that time to try to sort out the jumble of emotions and sensations the sight of the commanding fox at her door had stirred within her.
In a slight daze, the wolf made her way to the linen closet, took out a couple of towels and made her way to her bathroom. She did not notice the light raising of the eyebrow or the steely glint in the fox's eyes or she would most likely have realised her predicament and would not have been so complacent about her master's request. Continuing to remove her clothes as she had been attempting to do earlier, the wolf turned the shower on to the desired temperature and last of all, took her glasses off and put them on the vanity basin out of the way. Climbing into the shower, she didn't notice that she had been followed down the hallway nor that her actions had been keenly observed and she stepped into the shower and closed the door behind her so no stray droplets would escape to dampen her tiles. Eyes closed, the wolf was luxuriating under the warmth of the steamy water which was also masking any external sounds, so she was totally unprepared for what came next. Her only warning was the sharp coolness of the night air as the fox wrenched the shower door open and confronted his prey.
Startled, the wolf let out a sharp yelp as the strong fox snapped the studded collar around her neck with the leash firmly attached to his fist and roughly pushed her heaving and steaming body up against the glass and squashed her lush breasts against the side at a force that made it shake and threatened to shatter it. Snarling, the fox spat out his next words to ensure his message would be fully understood. 'Did Pet not remember the rules I imparted so carefully on our first encounter? Maybe you didn't hear Master the first time he asked you to get on your knees.. Methinks she needs a more vivid reminder of what her obligations are to her Master to jog her memory a little.. Oh yes she does! Pet is about to find out what happens to those who refuse instant obedience to the Master's wishes!'
Grinning savagely, the fox looked deep into the frightened wolf's eyes and yanked the wolf's tail up with the leash enclosed fist and proceeded to force her legs open with one of his steel hard thighs. Using the leash as a controlling device, the fox forced the wolf to watch as he began to stroke his rapidly stiffening hard on until it reached it's scarily large proportions that the wolf vividly remembered from their first lust filled meeting. Licking his sharp, glistening teeth, the fox then ran his huge cock down the exposed cleft of her buttocks to her quivering clit, starting at the base of the upright tail clenched in the fox's leash filled fist. Again and again, the wolf repeated his trail of devastation, just stopping at the point of impalement and continued this action for what seemed to the wolf to be an interminably long time. Whimpering slightly, the wolf felt her pussy walls contract in a mixture of fear and pain as she was still sore and slightly bruised from their previous encounter.
Seeing the slightly panicked look in the wolf's eyes, the fox was satisfied that his actions were having the desired effect so thinking aloud, the fox asked the wolf which hole he should fill all the while pushing against her aching pussy and her tightly contracted anal passage. Whimpering and shaking her head, the wolf could barely manage to explain that she was still so sore from his recent treatment of her and could he please show some mercy?
'Mercy? The Pet is demanding mercy? Has the Pet not understood anything her Master has taught her? The Pet can not demand anything of the Master - she must ask for permission and if the Master is feeling particularly pleased with his Pet then maybe the Master will be kind enough to do as the Pet has asked. That my little one is Rule number 2! Am I making myself clear Pet?'
Panting and finding it hard to breathe, the wolf could only nod her head and whine deep in her throat as she waited helplessly to find out what the master had in store for her. Would he punish her still recovering aching and abused pussy or ...Shock1 Horror!.. Would he attempt to show his mastery of her virgin ass that had never been used for anything but as a natural ejection of her body's digestive waste? How on earth would she manage to stretch that much!.. Could she do so without devastating effects? With a determined glint in his eye, the master used his thumb attached to the wolf's tail and leashed fist to explore her highly visible tail shaft. With the first intensely tight initial push with his questing digit, the fox understood that he had encountered a totally untouched passage to paradise. The knowledge seemed to further excite the already turned on fox who had to restrain his desire to viciously claim that territory as his own in a howl of triumph regardless of the consequences to the vessel beneath.
Trembling slightly in increased excitement, the experienced fox prepared the unspoiled hole for it's first experience. Within minutes, he was panting harder and had managed to fill her hole with another 2 fingers along with his thumb. Forcing the wolf to open her eyes and look deep in his eyes, the wolf was aware that she needed to brace herself for what was coming. Using the tap to brace his foot against, the fox began to push his quivering shaft into the panting wolf's virgin hole, millimetre by agonisingly slow millimetre all the while looking deep into her eyes to see her soul as he claimed her for his own. Mouth open wide in a soundless scream, the wolf was transfixed as she felt the hot searing pain as her hole was forced to stretch to an impossible seeming diameter to fit the fox's erection in. Bearing down using the wolf's own tail as leverage, the fox could barely restrain his need to drive his cock deep into the wolf's achingly tight hole, but was determined to fit as much in as he could for as long as he could. The fox thrust his pelvis forcing the impaled shaft further into the wolf's hole and rocked back and forwards at an ever increasing tempo, feeling his seed build up to frightening dimensions deep in his testes. Grunting deep in his throat, the fox was oblivious to the trembling wolf beneath as he drove himself further and faster into the almost painfully tight ass.
Whimpering and beyond comprehension, the wolf strained to contain the savage grunts that threatened to erupt from her throat as a result of what the fox's huge cock was doing to her inexperienced ass that was utterly filled. Eyes widen open, she noticed that he still had some length to go! After the first initial thrusts, she could feel a curious blend of pain and growing pressure and was powerless to do anything but endure as her Master forced himself further in her tight hole. She could not fail to notice the fox's tensing of his thigh muscles and the slight trembling of his arms as he continued to bear down on the thoroughly spent wolf, preparatory to his filling her hole with his thick, hot seed deep in depths she had never dreamed could be used in this fashion or in such a base manner.
With one last savage thrust, the fox's control broke and he had no choice but to pump his thick cum into her too tight ass. Howling in triumph and release, the fox buried his muzzle into the fox's tail ands bit it savagely to muffle the sounds his throbbing body was making. A few moments later, panting and triumphant, the fox placed his hand at the nape of her neck, grabbed a handful of mane to turn the wolf around so she was facing him, and again asked the question he uttered when he first entered her domain in a gruff and hoarse voice, 'Pet. Master would like for you to get on your knees please. I have something I want you to taste'. With the wolf's legs threatening to buckle under her, she did the only thing she could do and half fell to her knees, eyes still locked to the fox's glittering eyes. Hands trembling, the wolf placed her mouth over the fox's still hard shaft and proceeded to suck the remaining cum dripping from the it's tip until the fox decided he had made his point and pulled her mouth away. Eyes brimming with unshed tears, the wolf tried to drop her head in shame but was held in place by the taut leash attached to her collar.
'Pet. You have just had a small taste of the punishment your Master can bring to bear on you if you do not obey the master's wishes when given an order. You will treat any request given by me as an order to be obeyed instantly and without a thought for your own needs. These words will be your life's creed and you will remember not just the words, but the underlying message behind them at all times. Repeat after me: Yes Master!'
'Y-y-yesss M-Masterr!'
'From this point forward, you are mine alone to do with as I wish. You are to be at my beck and call'.
'F-f-from thiiis p-p-point forward, I-I-I am y-yourss alone t-t-to do w-with as you w-w-wish. I-I will b-b-be at y-y-your beck aaand call'.'
'This is for you alone. When I want it sucked, you will get on your knees and swallow me. When I want it licked you will not hesitate to run your tongue up my shaft'
'That cock is for mme alone. Wwwhen you wwwant it sucked, I wwwil get on my knees and s-s-swallow you. When you want it licked, I will not hesitate to run my tongue up your shaft'
'Your cunt.. No wait! Your pussy and ass have been claimed by my seed. They are mine alone. Any time I want.. So any time I demand it, you must spread those legs to me and me alone'
'My pussy and ass have been claimed by your seed. They are yours and yours alone, any time you want, any time you demand'. Last of all the fox roughly grasped the wolf's slightly bruised nipples in his fingers and squeezed to the point of pain, then roughly cupped them in his expert hands and traced a path across her mounds with his index finger's claw leaving a red mark.
'These are for my eyes only. When I want to lick them, you will pull them out to me or I will tear your undergarments from you myself.. When I want to feel your nipples in my mouth, you will shove them in my face on command. Any time, any place. All of it is mine and mine alone. Am I making myself clear Pet?'
'Y-y-yess Master! Your Pet hears and obeys'.
'One last thing Pet before I go to leave you to clean yourself up... See that collar? You are to wear it at all times as a constant reminder of your promise to me. Refusal to do so will result in punishments you can't even dream of.' Beyond the point of speaking, the wolf could only nod her assent as she came to the realisation of what this relationship really meant to the fox... Her Master. Smiling in a proprietary fashion, the fox quickly washed himself clean and left the shivering wolf to her disrupted cleansing. |
Die Insel, Kapitel 2 by madbrook | # Die Insel **Kapitel 2** Ein seltsames blau-leuchtendes Phänomen umgab die Insel. Das Meer, nun pechschwarz und auf seltsame Art und Weise substanzlos, schien sie in Gänze aus der Realität herauszulösen. Inmitten dieser merkwürdigen Szenerie lief er vor etwas davon und schrammte dabei immer wieder | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249277-die-insel-kapitel-2 | Die Insel
**Kapitel 2**
Ein seltsames blau-leuchtendes Phänomen umgab die Insel. Das Meer, nun pechschwarz und auf seltsame Art und Weise substanzlos, schien sie in Gänze aus der Realität herauszulösen. Inmitten dieser merkwürdigen Szenerie lief er vor etwas davon und schrammte dabei immer wieder an Zweigen und Ästen im dichten Dschungel vorbei. Es schien kein Ziel zu geben, doch gab das tobende Etwas hinter ihm klar die Richtung vor, und wie zur Bestätigung donnerte es erneut hinter ihm, so dass er trotz der nahezu vollständigen Dunkelheit und der hohen Gefahr, ein Klippenende nicht rechtzeitig zu sehen oder in eine Sackgasse zu rennen, noch beschleunigte. Plötzlich schien es ein Erdbeben zu geben, denn seine ganze Welt geriet ins Schwanken, er strauchelte und fiel hin, überschlug sich mehrfach. Sein Sturz wurde jäh von einer dicken Palme gebremst, als er mit dem Rücken gegen sie prallte. Es sollte ihn verwundern, dass die Palme ihn offenbar auch noch mit Namen kannte und ihn mit zwei armähnlichen Ästen immer wieder schüttelte, doch dazu kam es nicht mehr. "Batu!" er riss die Augen auf und schaute in zwei besorgte Augen, über denen die Silhouette zweier Hörner zu sehen war. Der Bock hatte ihn gepackt und solange geschüttelt, bis er endlich aufwachte. Und nun da er wach war, sah er auch den Grund. Erste Ausläufer eines Sturms hatten die Insel fest in ihrem Griff, peitschten die See auf und zerrten an der Plane seines provisorischen Zelts, das er dem Händler, von dem er auch das Boot hatte, zusätzlich aus den Rippen geleiert hatte. Etwa vier mal fünf Meter groß, ergab sie zwischen zwei günstig stehenden Palmen ein nettes Zelt, doch gegen die Windböen dieser Wetterlaune konnten sie nicht lange bestehen. Zu dieser Einschätzung musste auch der Bock gekommen sein. "Razz?" fragte Batu, noch immer darüber erstaunt, wie sein Verstand das aufkommende Unwetter in seine Träume eingebettet hatte. Es wäre unter diesen Umständen sicher ratsamer gewesen, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen, doch aus irgendeinem Grund wollte er wissen, wer ihn aufgeweckt hatte. "Razz!" bekam er als Antwort und sah gegen das Mondlicht, dass der Bock auf sich zeigte. Keine Sekunde später zog Razz an seinem Arm und bedeutete ihm damit, ihm schnell zu folgen. Er griff seinen Speer, stand auf und stand im nächsten Moment - noch etwas vom groben Geweckt-werden schwankend - neben Razz, der auch schon loslief.
Es war sehr schwer, dem Bock in der Dunkelheit und dem Unwetter zu folgen, und mehrmals rief er Razz' Namen als er ihn nicht mehr vor sich ausmachen konnte. Jedesmal spürte er eine Pfote, die seinen Arm ergriff und ihm damit den Weg deutete. Am Ende ließ Razz ihn garnicht erst wieder los und sie kamen damit zwar etwas langsamer, aber ohne erneute Trennungen vorwärts. Seltsamerweise fühlte er sich wieder in seinen Albtraum versetzt, diesmal jedoch hatte er einen Führer, und so hatte Razz' fester Griff, der in dieser Lage sicher rein praktischer Natur war, auch etwas tröstliches.
Sie kamen schließlich auf einer Lichtung an als Razz ihn losließ. Er hätte die gedämpften Lichter sicher als Einbildung abgetan, zumal das tobende Unwetter seine ohnehin schon durch die Dunkelheit geschwächte Sicht noch weiter trübte, hätte Razz nicht etwas Unverständliches gesagt und nach oben gedeutet. Erst jetzt sah Batu, dass es keine Lichtung war, sondern dass sie inmitten einer Schlucht standen, zu dessen Seiten Felswände schätzungsweise dreißig Meter in die Höhe ragten. Es waren zu viele Lichter, um sie jetzt zu zählen, auch schienen sie ohne erkennbares Muster in unterschiedlichen Höhen der Felswände angeordnet zu sein. Razz zeigte nach rechts und wies ihn mit einer Geste an, ihm weiter zu folgen und kurz darauf standen sie unmittelbar vor der rechten Felswand als sich vor ihnen ein Weg andeutete, der nach oben führte. Zu allem Überfluß noch eine Kletterpartie, war sein erster Gedanke, doch dann drängte sich ein viel wichtigerer Gedanke auf: wenn die Lichter, die er zuvor gesehen hatte, tatsächlich die Behausungen dieser Wesen waren, hatte ihn Razz nun zu seinem Stamm geführt? Dieser Gedanke mit all seinen möglichen Konsequenzen und dazu das anstrengende Konzentrieren auf Razz' Hufe sorgte dafür, dass er Minuten später zunächst nicht mitbekam, dass sie an ihrem Ziel angekommen waren und er lief in Razz hinein. Stolpernd konnte er noch ausweichen, hielt sich an Razz' Schulter fest und stand neben ihm am Eingang einer tiefen Höhle. Er sah seine Befürchtung bestätigt, als er in der Mitte der Höhle ein Feuer die Silhouetten mehrerer Wesen wie Razz ausmachte, deren tanzende Schatten auf den Höhlenwänden eigenartige Muster warfen Jedes der Wesen schaute ihn erstaunt an, bis einer von ihnen - ein älterer Bock mit deutlich mehr Schmuck auf seinem Haupt - zu Razz sprach. Es entwickelte sich eine hitzige, wenn auch kurze Unterhaltung, an deren Ende sich die anfängliche Anspannung auf Razz' Gesicht kein bisschen lockerte. Der große Bock hatte mehrfach auf ihn und auf den Schmuck gedeutet, den Razz bei ihrer letzten Begegnung um sein Handgelenk gebunden hatte und war offensichtlich nicht damit einverstanden. Doch am Ende schien eine Entscheidung gefällt worden zu sein und Razz wies ihn mit einem Wink an, ihm erneut zu folgen. Beim Verlassen der Höhle war der zweifelnde Blick des älteren Bocks in seinem Rücken deutlich zu spüren, so dass sich ihm die Nackenhaare aufstellten.
Wo sich die Höhle, in der sie letztlich nach einer weiteren Kletterpartie ankamen, genau befand, konnte Batu nicht sagen, denn schon lange hatte sein Orientierungssinn kapituliert. Das mittlerweile tosende Gewitter, dass die Felsen gefährlich rutschig machte, hatte es ebenso wie die Windböen, die immer wieder an Batus Körper zerrten unmöglich gemacht, auf seine Position oder auch nur der Höhe zu achten. Hätte Razz ihn nicht mehrfach festgehalten (seine Hufe waren derartiges Terrain gewöhnt), hätte er nichteinmal abschätzen können, wie tief es hinab gegangen wäre. Darüber nachdenken wollte er nicht und es konnte es auch nicht mehr.
Sie traten ein und Razz schien hinter ihm eine Art Bastmatte auszurollen und irgendwo einzuhängen, so dass das Unwetter samt Regen zumindest teilweise draußen blieb. Er konnte Razz nicht mehr sehen, da nun vollständige Dunkelheit in der Höhle herrschte, jedoch hörte er wenig später Geräusche aus dem Inneren und kurz darauf hatte Razz in der Mitte ein Feuer entzündet. Razz wies mit einer Pfote zum Feuer, und als er näherkam, griff sich Razz von einem Tisch hinter ihm ein Tuch, um sich damit das meiste Regenwasser aus dem Fell zu reiben, schließlich waren sie beide nass bis auf die Knochen. Am Ende nahm er es prüfend in die Pfoten, kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass auch für Batu noch ausreichen würde und warf es ihm in einer eleganten Bewegung rüber. Es roch nach vielem, in erster Linie jedoch nach nassem Bock. Was auf eine gewisse Art sehr angenehm war und ihn an seine Begegnung mit Razz auf der Lichtung erinnerte. Er trocknete sich damit notdürftig ab, so dass das Tuch nun auch noch nach nassem Wolf roch und schaute sich in der Höhle um. Sie war keinesfalls karg eingerichtet, es gab einen Tisch, mehrere regalähnliche Konstruktionen, die geschickt an die Gegebenheiten der Höhlenwände angepasst waren. Der Schlafplatz im hinteren Teil der Höhle machte einen gemütlichen Eindruck und auf dem Tisch stand ein Korb mit verschiedenen Früchten, die er schon vorher auf seinem Streifzug über die Insel gesehen hatte, doch sich nie ganz sicher war, welche dieser Früchte in Ordnung waren. Er ließ sich langsam neben Razz nieder und genoss die aufkommende Wärme des Feuers, die ganz allmählich auch die Anspannung bei Razz wegen seiner Diskussion mit dem älteren Bock vertrieb. Er kam sich ein wenig unbeholfen vor und wusste ehrlich nicht, wie er sich zu verhalten hatte. Razz, der etwas niedergeschlagen wirkte, hatte ihm sein Leben gerettet, denn das Unwetter draussen peitschte gegen die Bastmatte und es hatte nicht viel Fantasie benötigt, um sich vorzustellen, was es mit Batus provisorischem Zelt am Strand gemacht hatte. Doch hatte es Razz offenbar auch in eine unagenehme Situation innerhalb seines Stammes gebracht. Er hätte gerne mit ihm den Konflikt besprochen um ihm zu helfen, doch das fehlen einer gemeinsamen Sprache ließ nur eine Art Trost zu. Er rückte näher zu Razz, den immer noch das Gespräch mit dem älteren Bock zu beschäftigen schien. Erst, als er einen Arm um den Bock legte, sah er ihn an schien ein wenig zu lächeln.
Es lag ihm fern, unter solchen Umständen an etwas sexuelles zu denken, aber der Umstand, dass sie beide alleine in einer Höhle neben einem wärmenden Feuer saßen, ließ die Gedanken doch in diese Richtung wandern. Auch hatte Razz außer dem Lendenschurz, den er bereits bei ihrer letzten Begegnung trug, nicht mehr an, von dem Schmuck an Hörnern und um die Fußgelenke einmal abgesehen. Das Feuer brachte viele Details seines Körpers in einem tanzenden Licht und Schattenspiel zur Geltung: seine überkreuzten Beine mit den ausgeprägte Waden, der schmalen Taille, über der wunderbar definierte Bauchmuskeln in eine kräftige Brust übergingen. Die Muskeln seiner Arme schienen es jedem Anatomiestudenten leicht machen zu wollen, einzeln erkannt zu werden und das ein wenig längliche Gesicht mit dem Ziegenbart unter der Schnauze, den ungewöhnlichen Reißzähnen und den sympathischen Augen unterhalb der nach hinten gebogenen Hörnern machten den Bock auf seine Art unverkennbar und übten auf Batu eine große Anziehungskraft aus. Er war nie gut darin, seine Gefühle zu verbergen und wer ihn dazu noch ein bisschen besser kannte, konnte in ihn lesen wie in einem offenen Buch. Das hatte für Batu oft genug nachteilige Auswirkungen, insbesondere in seinem früheren Leben, auch wenn er damals nie ein Freund politischer Spielchen war. Er hatte aus seiner Meinung nie einen Hehl gemacht und hasste Leute, die im Gegensatz dazu genau das Gegenteil von dem dachten, was sie sagten. Doch schien dieser Makel auf dieser Insel keiner mehr zu sein, konnte Razz doch all seine Begehrlichkeiten in seinen Augen lesen. Und Razz schien zu gefallen, was er sah.
Razz grinste ihn an, beschloss offenbar, die Sorgen, die ihn bis eben noch beschäftigten, auf einen anderen Zeitpunkt zu verschieben. Er stand langsam auf und zog ihn mit sich in Richtung Schlafplatz. Es war nicht der feste Griff, mit dem ihn Razz durch den Dschungel gezogen hatte, als sie dem Unwetter schutzlos ausgeliefert waren, es war vielmehr ein sanfter Griff, eine Art Aufforderung, aus dem sich Batu sicher hätte leicht befreien können. Wenn er es denn gewollt hätte. Der Schlafplatz erwies sich als angenehm weich und das Tuch, dass darüber gelegt war, roch frisch. Das würde aber nicht lange so bleiben und kurze Zeit später roch der Stoff bereits nach nicht mehr ganz so nassem Bock und nicht ebenso nach nicht mehr ganz so nassem Wolfshund. Doch ob nass oder nicht, Razz hatte nicht lange gebraucht, seine Sorgen hinter sich zu lassen und den Moment zu genießen. Wie man bereits deutlich an dem ausgebeulten Lendenschurz sehen konnte, der kurz darauf gelöst und zur Seite geworfen wurde. Die traurigen Überreste seiner eigenen Jeans fanden ein jähes Ende, als Razz geschickt die letzten intakten Teile mit einer Kralle aufschlitzte und das, was somit neben dem Schlafplatz landete, nun endgültig nicht mehr als Jeans zu erkennen war. Außer dem Schmuck, den Razz ihm um sein Handgelenk gebunden hatte (und worauf er seither auch peinlich achtete, auch wenn ihm das warum vielleicht selbst noch nicht ganz klar war) war er nackt. Ebenso wie Razz, der sich bereits hingelegt hatte und dessen praller Penis und dem breiten Grinsen eine leidenschaftliche Nacht versprechen würde. Konflikte und Sorgen konnten sie morgen immer noch angehen. Sobald Batu einen Ersatz für seine Jeans fand, woran er im Moment jedoch keinen Gedanken mehr verschwendete. Sie würden sich diese Nacht Zeit lassen, denn es gab im Gegensatz zu ihrer ersten Begegnung auf dem Plateau keinen Zweifel daran, dass von ihrer merkwürdigen Verbindung keine Gefahr ausging. Der Speer, der einst bedrohlich auf ihn wirkte, als Razz damit auf ihn zukam, lag achtlos in einer Ecke.
Das gemeinsame Kuscheln ging recht schnell in mehr über, als Razz' Pfote seinen Penis fest umschloss und zu massieren begann. Sein ganzer Körper spannte sich wie ein Bogen unter der sehr direkten Berührung an und er genoß es mit geschlossenen Augen. Schade, denn sonst hätte ihn der Blick in den Augen des Bocks vielleicht gewarnt, doch so brauchte er einen Moment, als die intensive Berührung ebenso schnell endete wie sie begann. Genug Zeit für Razz, seine vom Räkeln nach oben gestreckten Pfoten zu packen und geschickt mit einem Seil (das ihm vorher nicht aufgefallen war) zu fesseln, so dass sie über den Handgelenken fest zusammengebunden waren und in entgegengesetzte Richtungen zu zeigen schienen. Er wollte die Arme nach vorne reissen, doch Razz schien seine ausliefernde Pose zu gefallen und drückte ihm die Arme mit Leichtigkeit nach oben. Als ob Razz seine Gedanken lesen konnte, hatte er sich rittlings auf seinen Bauch gesetzt, so dass Batus Hinterläufe auch nicht mehr viel mehr tun konnten als herumzuzappeln. Der Bock war entweder ungewöhnlich schwer oder in weit besserer körperlicher Kondition als er. Es brach ihm im Stillen ein kleiner Zacken aus seiner imaginären Krone, dass er so leichte Beute für einen Bock war, den man eher als drahtig denn als muskelbepackt bezeichnen konnte, doch zeigte sich auf fast dramatische Weise, dass ein schöner Körper, gestählt durch Herausforderungen des täglichen Lebens eben mehr Ausdauer und Kraft hatte als die Art Ausgleich, die Batu in seinem früheren Leben in Fitnesstudios gesucht hatte. Doch um den Schaden an seiner Krone klein zu halten, schob er es darauf, dass er mitten in der Nacht vor einem Unwetter geflüchtet ist, dabei endlos durch den Dschungel rennen und einen steilen, felsigen Pfad erklimmen musste. Diese Art Anstrengung war er nicht gewohnt. Gefesselt zu werden, schon eher.
Es gab viele Möglichkeiten gefesselt zu werden. Zunächst nur seiner Fantasie, hatten sich seine Vorstellungen dank so mancher Bekanntschaft im Club schließlich manifestiert. Manchmal tat es weh, insbesondere, wenn ihm dabei Gliedmaßen einschliefen und die Nerven nach einer Weile dagegen rebellierten, doch oft hatten seine "Peiniger" so etwas vermieden und umso länger dauerte es, bis er sich wieder bewegen konnte, oftmals ziemlich fertig, dreckig und nachdem der letzte Rest sexueller Befriedigung verschwunden war, dominierte oft nur noch das Bedürfnis nach einer langen Dusche und einem weichen Bett, in er nichts anderes tun wollte als auszuschlafen. Doch dieses Mal war es anders. Im Club war - trotz aller Variationen und trotz aller zuvor ausgemachten Grenzen (welche nicht immer genau beachtet wurden, doch lag darin nicht auch ein gewisser Reiz?) war es am Ende immer ähnlich und Sorgen um sein Leben musste man sich nie machen.
Doch jetzt war es wieder da, das unbestimmte Gefühl, das ihn schon damals auf dem Plateau erzittern ließ. Es schien ihm unsinnig,und doch kamen Bilder von Skeletten in einem nicht weiter beachteten Tal in den Sinn, in dem all jene landeten, deren Schuldigkeit getan war. Ein Stakato an Blitzen und Donner, das wie in einem schlechten Film just diesen Gedanken auf tragische Wiese untermalte, trug nicht gerade dazu bei, derartige Gedanken zu verdrängen.
Razz, der ihn nicht wie zu Fall gebrachte Beute betrachtete, deren Leiden in einem Akt der Barmherzigkeit schmerzlos beendet werden würde, streichelte mit einer Sanftheit seine Brust, die doch in einigem Gegensatz zu der Kraft stand, mit der seine andere Pfote Batus Arme weiterhin über dessen Kopf hielten. So über ihn gebeugt, konnte er Razz' Geruch intensiver wahrnehmen, und gefallen schien ihm es allemal, wie sein beeindruckendes Glied deutlich zeigte.
Batu entspannte sich ein wenig, schloss die Augen als Vertrauensbeweis und sobald er das getan hatte, fühlte er die streichelnde Pfote langsam nach oben gleiten und das Seil an dem Holzrahmen befestigten, darauf bedacht, den Doppelknoten irgendwo anzubringen, wo Batus Pfoten ihn nicht finden konnten. Lange dauerte es nicht und der Bock richtete sich auf ihm auf, seine Taille fest mit seinen Oberschenkeln umklammernd. Die kalten Hufe konnte Batu an seinen Beinen spüren, doch kurz darauf waren die Hufe vergessen, als Razz sich mit seiner Hüfte nach unten bewegte und sein Glied zunächst sanft gegen dessen Hintern drückte, bis der Druck größer wurde und sein Glied wie von selbst das enge Loch fand, in das es nun immer weiter hineingedrückt würde. Er war froh, dass sein bestes Stück in der Zwischenzeit genug Pre abgegeben hatte, so dass es zwar auch etwas wehtat, aber durch die Lust deutlich überlagert wurde. So deutlich, dass Batus lustvolles Stöhnen dem Bock ohne Zweifel zeigte, dass er diese Nacht alles mit ihm anstellen konnte. Das würde er, wie schon bald ein Tuch bewies, dass fest um seinen Kopf gebunden wurde, so dass Batu nichts mehr sehen konnte, auch wenn er es gewollt hätte. Razz, der sich nun ganz auf ihm aufgerichtet hatte und dessen fester Hintern sein Glied nun ganz aufgenommen hatte, schien sein Gewicht weiter auf ihm zu verlagern, bis er weitere Seile spürte, die zuerst um die rechte Hinterpfote, dann um die linke gebunden wurden. Razz zog jedesmal feste an dem Seil, das er um den unteren Teil des Holzrahmens gezogen hatte und machte es erst dann irgendwo fest. Bewegung war nun ein Privileg, dass Razz ihm genommen hatte, lediglich winden konnte er sich, aber auch das kontrollierte Razz durch sein Gewicht sehr wirkungsvoll. Zu dieser Passivität verurteilt, ließ er sich ganz gehen, zerrte hier und da prüfend an seinen Fesseln und wurde prompt zur Strafe gekratzt, anfangs nicht sonderlich schmerzhaft, doch Razz ließ mit der zweiten und dritten Bestrafung keinen Zweifel daran, wie er aussehen würde, wenn er weiterhin aufmüpfig sein würde. So rechnete er mit einem weiteren Kratzer durch die doch recht scharfen Krallen des Bocks, als er seine Hinterläufe anzog, um den Holzrahmen zum Knarren zu bringen, doch stattdessen wurde er an seinen Seiten gekitzelt und Razz schien garnicht mehr aufzuhören! "Ahhh! Stopp! Hör auf!" Lachend und bald japsend flehte er nach Gnade, und es war klar, was er mit seinen Worten meinte, auch wenn ihn Razz nicht direkt verstand. Als Antwort machte der Bock jedoch nur weiter und grunzte in einer Mischung aus fieser Überlegenheit und Belustigung. Mit dem Kitzeln hörte Razz nach einem kurzen Moment schließlich auf und bewegte seine Hüfte weiterhin kreisend, Batus Penis immer weiter in sich massierend, bis er mit einem Mal aufhörte. Der Bock verharrte regungslos auf ihm und die aufkommende Anspannung eines Orgasmus verebbte wie durch einen in einen Teich hineingeworfenen Stein verursachte Wellen in der Oberfläche, die langsam wieder zur Ruhe fanden und am Ende die stoische Ruhe des Wassers wiederhergestellt war. Ganz so stoisch war Batus Empfinden nicht, doch ein fulminanter Orgasmus schien wieder in einige Ferne gerückt zu sein, obwohl sein Penis weiterhin prall in dem Hinterteil des Bocks steckte. Razz fummelte irgendwo über ihm herum, und kurz darauf wurden seine Arme - immer noch zusammengebunden, nur vom Holzrahmen befreit - noch vorne gezogen. Das Seil, dass seine Handgelenke zusammenhielt, wurde ebenfalls gelockert. Sein rechter Arm wurde von Razz nach unten gezogen, so dass sein Oberkörper ein wenig nach unten beugen musste und die linke Pfote des Bocks drängte seinen Kopf in die gleiche Richtung. Er merkte, wie sich der Bock ein wenig auf ihm räkelte (ohne seinen Penis jedoch freizugeben) und dessen Männlichkeit gegen seine Lefzten drückte. Hoffentlich verlangte der Bock ihm nicht die gleiche Flexibilität ab, die für den Bock selbstverständlich schien, dachte er sich, doch nach einiger Übung schien es zu gelingen. Batu, dessen Augen noch immer fest verbunden waren und dessen Arme fest von Razz' Pfoten umschlossen hinter dessen Rücken gezogen wurden, hatte schließlich genug des prallen Bockpenises im Maul und genoß weiterhin dessen Massage seiner eigenen Männlichkeit. Beiden war klar, dass diese Position (die Batu zugegebenermaßen so noch nicht im Club oder irgendwoanders erlebt hatte) nicht lange zu halten war, doch es war auch nicht notwendig. Schleckend erforschte seine Zunge das Glied von Razz, das sich doch zu seinem unterschied. Es war nicht ganz so dick, dafür schien es ein wenig länger zu sein, und einen Knoten hatte es auch nicht. Und doch fing es an zu zucken: ein untrügliches Merkmal auf ein baldiges Ende, was auch das lautere Stöhnen des Bocks ankündigte. Er wollte es Erlebnis für den Bock so schön wie möglich gestalten, der sich nun im aufbauenden Orgasmus fast schon schmerzhaft in seine Arme krallte. Hätte er kein Fell, würde man die nächsten Wochen bunte Beweise dieser groben Behandlung sehen. Doch daran verschwendete er keinen Gedanken sondern konzentrierte sich alleine auf Razz' gutes Stück, das weiter in seinem Maul pulsierte und schließlich mit einem Grollen aus dessen Maul seine salzige Ladung in sein Maul ergoß. Batu selbst war noch nicht ganz so weit und ließ seine Zunge weiter über die Eichel des Bocks gleiten, bis der letzte Schub vorbei war. Für seinen Nacken war es schon etwas erlösend, als Razz, der seine Arme nun nicht mehr gepackt hielt, seinen Kopf sanft nach unten auf das weiche Bett drückte, es war offensichtlich, dass er auch jetzt nachdem er gekommen war, die Kontrolle kein bisschen abgeben würde. Als er wieder flach unter dem Bock auf dem Bett lag, beugte Razz sich vor und stützte sich auf dem Bett ab. Batu fühlte Razz' Arme an seinen Seiten, diesmal glücklicherweise nicht mehr kitzelnd, als er seine besondere Massage fortführte. Da war wieder dieser Stein, der unentwegt Wellen schlug, bis sich Batu mit einem langezogenen Seufzer in den Hintern des Bocks entlud. Sein Knoten, den der Bock schon längst in sich mit aufgenommen hatte, würde noch eine Weile so bleiben, und obwohl Razz zumindest in dieser Nacht ohne Zweifel das Zepter in der Hand hielt (wenn es sich dabei auch weniger um dessen Pfote als vielmehr um dessen knackigen Hintern handelte), würde es Batus Knoten sein, der den Vorhang am Ende dieses wunderbaren Akts der besonderen sexuellen Vergnügung zufallen lassen würde.
So musste sich der Bock damit begnügen, zu warten, und nutzte die Zeit, um den Wolf unter ihm wieder zu befreien. Er lockerte die Seile um seine Hinterpfoten und nahm ihm schließlich die Augenbinde ab. Da schauten sie ihn wieder an, diese wunderbaren Augen, die jedoch bei weitem nicht die Art Unschuld vermuten ließen, die sie ausstrahlten Nicht nach dieser überraschenden Einlage mit den Seilen. Woher der Bock das hatte, war die große Frage, und einmal mehr wünschte sich Batu, dessen Sprache zu verstehen. So konnte er den Blick aus diesen kastanienbrauen Augen nur mit einem Blick erwidern, der sowohl Überraschung ausdrückte als auch etwas vorwurfsvolles in sich hatte, um nicht ganz die Würde zu verlieren. Er hätte mit allem gerechnet, aber nicht mit einem Bock, der ihn kurzerhand an ein Bett band und sich mit ihm vergnügte. Er erntete aber lediglich ein schelmisches Grinsen, was in dem schmalen Gesicht mit den Hörnern über den Augen und insbesondere mit den deutlich sichtbaren Reißzähnen ziemlich durchtrieben wirkte. Der Bock rutschte mit einer seitlichen Bewegung von ihm herunter, um sich dann neben ihn zu legen. Keck drehte er sich zur Seite, stützte seinen Kopf mit einem Arm ab und betrachtete unverhohlen den Körper des Wolfs und grinste ihn schließlich frech an. Ihm gefiel, was er sah, das war offenkundig.
Er musste etwas tun, dachte sich Batu, und ohne zu zögern - die Gründe dafür konnte er sich ein andermal überlegen - nahm er den gehörnten Kopf sanft in die Pfoten und küsste ihn, erst zögerlich, und dann als er merkte, dass der Bock nicht abgeneigt war, umspielten sich bald zwei Zungen in einem endlos währenden Kuss, der viel mehr Zärtlichkeiten ausdrückte, als es bloße sexuelle Befriedigung dargestellt hatte. Nun hatte er doch einen Freund, wie es schien, und es breitete sich ein sehr angenehmes Gefühl in der Magengegend aus. Wäre da nicht das Problem mit dem Stammesoberhaupt gewesen.
Am nächsten Morgen - die beiden sind in der Nacht aneinandergekuschelt eingeschlafen - war Razz zuerst wach und band sich seinen Lendenschurz um. Bevor er etwas sagen konnte, stand der Bock schon mit seinem Speer in der Pfote am Eingang, sah kurz zu ihm über die Schulter - etwas im Blick verriet ihm, dass der Bock etwas zu klären hatte - und war verschwunden.
Er stand auf, sah auf die traurigen Reste seiner Jeans hinab und gab nach einem kurzen, prüfenden Blick die Idee auf, die Jeans anziehen zu können. Um sich wenigstens am Eingang etwas umschauen zu können, band er sich das Tuch, das sie beide gestern zum abtrocknen verwendet haben, um die Hüfte. Es war immer noch klamm und roch nach wie vor nach ihnen beiden, was an sich schon eine seltsame Vorstellung war, auf die er noch vor einigen Monaten nie gekommen wäre. Er zog die Bastmatte am Eingang langsam zurück, so dass er sich an die Helligkeit gewöhnen konnte. Es musste später Morgen oder gar Mittag sein, eher Mittag, dachte er sich, als er die Sonne fast senkrecht über ihm erkennen konnte. Das Unwetter hatte sich vollständig verzogen, und hätten nicht dicke Nebelschwaden als Beweis des heftigen Regens über dem Dschungel gehangen, hätte es keinen Hinweis darauf gegeben, dass noch Stunden zuvor Windböen infernohaft Regenfronten über die Insel peitschten und jedes Tier auf der Insel in seinen Unterschlupf zwangen.
Erst jetzt wurde ihm klar, in welcher Höhe sich die Höhle von Razz befand: ein vorsichtiger Blick nach oben zeigte nur noch wenige Etagen über ihm, die ähnliche Eingänge aufwiesen, manche mit Holzgerüsten erweitert, so dass eine Art Balkon entstand, manche jedoch ähnlich schmucklos wie die seine. Unter ihm war die Lichtung zu sehen, auf der ihm in der letzten Nacht die Lichter aus den anderen Höhlen die Ankunft an dieser Siedlung verrieten.
Obwohl er niemanden sah, fühlte er sich dennoch beobachtet und schlüpfte wieder in die Höhle hinein. Es war ein Stamm von Jägern, die täglich unbeobachtet auf Beute lauerte, ohne selbst bemerkt zu werden. Somit wäre es ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit für einen Stadtwolf wie ihn gewesen, sie auszumachen, falls sie ihn beobachteten. Lange musste er allerdings nicht alleine bleiben, schon kurz darauf stand Razz wieder in der Höhle. Er grinste Batu breit an, es hatte wohl eine Lösung für den Konflikt gegeben, die durch eine Anwesenheit in diesem Lager enstanden war.
Als allererstes bekam er einen Lendenschurz in die Pfote gedrückt, der dem Razz' sehr ähnelte, aber schon etwas größer war, denn so ehrlich musste Batu sein, hatte er eine doch breitere Hüfte als der Bock, selbst wenn sie aufgrund seiner Dobermann-Gene nicht so breit wie bei einem Wolf war. In einem Augenblick der Scham, der ihm eigentlich in Anbetracht der Ereignisse der letzten Nacht lächerlich vorkam, ließ er das Tuch fallen, dass er bis dahin noch immer um seine Hüfte geschwungen hatte und band sich hastig aber auch etwas ungeschickt den Lendenschurz um. Es war durchaus bequem, gab Batu im stillen zu, vermisste aber trotzdem seine Jeans, die selbst in dem zerschlissenen Zustand mehr seines Körpers verdeckt hatte als diese Art Kleidung. Sofern man dafür den Begriff "Kleidung" verwenden mochte. Razz' amüsiertes Gesicht bemerkte er erst, als er fertig war und warf ihm einen vorwurfsvollen Blick zu, der nur ein erheitertes Kichern als Ergebnis hatte.
Batu gab es auf und schaute auf das kleine Paket, das der Bock neben der Feuerstelle abgestellt hatte und das die Quelle eines Duftes zu sein schien, bei dem ihm das Wasser im Mund zusammenlief. Razz nahm das Paket und entfernte großflächige Blätter, die das Essen schützen und bald saßen sie beide still und kauend am wieder angefachten Feuer, die letzte Nacht war auf eine besondere Art anstrengend gewesen und es galt, Energie aufzufüllen. Das Essen war eine Mischung aus einer Art Getreide und dem Fleisch, dass Batu schon von den Wildschweinen hier auf der Insel kannte. Unbekannte Gewürze gaben dem ganzen jedoch eine sehr pikante Note und Batu war froh, dass Razz auch an einen Krug Wasser gedacht hatte.
Gesättigt und daher ein wenig träge bemerkte er nicht, dass der Bock aufstand und zum Eingang der Höhle ging, wo er seinen Speer abgestellt hatte. Erst, als Razz vor ihm stand, und ihm einen zweiten Speer hinhielt, schaute er auf. Der zweite Speer war ähnlich lang und besaß die gleiche verstärkte Spitze, war jedoch nicht mit Schmuck oder Gravuren versehen wie der des Bocks. Der Bock sagte ein unverständliches Wort und forderte ihn auf, den Speer zu nehmen. Er nahm den Speer in die Pfote, als wüsste er nicht, was er damit sollte, als sich Razz auch schon umdrehte und ihm bedeutete mitzukommen.
Vom Essen gestärkt wurde Batu erst im Laufe des Abstiegs runter zur Lichtung klar, dass er soeben Teil einer Jagdgesellschaft geworden war. Unten wartete bereits ein weiterer Bock, dessen Name sich nach einigen Gesten als Modka herausstellte. Modka war eine Spur kleiner als Razz, hatte schwarzes Fell, das lediglich im Bauchbereich zu einem dunklen grau wurde, welches sich hinunter bis zur Innenseite seiner Oberschenkel durchzog. Über seiner Schulter hing eine Art Langbogen und ein passender Köcher mit einigen Pfeilen. Er sah Batu freundlich an und nickte ihm anerkennend zu, als er den Schmuck von Razz an dessen Arm sah. Irgendwann würde Batu herausfinden, was es mit dem Schmuck auf sich hatte, das nahm er sich im stillen vor. Doch auch der ältere Bock war anwesend. Es war nicht leicht, dessen Gesichtsausdruck zu deuten, doch aus allem, was er auch in den anderen Augen sah und aus den Gesten, die dabei verwendet wurden, schien eine wichtige Entscheidung von dem Verlauf der nun anstehenden Jagd abzuhängen.
Das würde ja lustig werden, dachte sich Batu, als der Ältere ein Zeichen gab und Modka und Razz in Richtung Süden losliefen. Er packte seinen Speer fest in der Mitte und lief den beiden nach, bevor sie im beginnenden Dschungel verschwanden.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0. |
I Wish I Could Quit You by Gruffy | #7 of Hockey Hunk Season 4 - ** ** ** ** ** ** Hehhey, and welcome to the Hockey Hunk! We're back in business as usual, and the story shall go on - so sit back, relax, enjoy, and humor me with a comment or two, when you're done - all feedback Is always appreciated! And if you gang up on me, | [
"Character Development",
"Plot Development",
"Story Progression",
"Story Series"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464128-i-wish-i-could-quit-you | ---
Hehhey, and welcome to the Hockey Hunk! We're back in business as usual, and the story shall go on - so sit back, relax, enjoy, and humor me with a comment or two, when you're done - all feedback Is always appreciated! And if you gang up on me, perhaps I'll do something nice for WEDNESDAY! :P
Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!
Have a nice read!
Goodness me.
It was soon apparent that the would-be customers were none other than my very lovely and buxom boss Marge, with the slinky old thing Goggy draped on her arm. The purring cougar was wearing a very summery top, with not too much cleavage but more Spandex, and her leopard beau seemed like quite the artist, with a loud printed scarf around his neck and some rainbow-striped paints that looked like he'd stolen from a boy band with a particularly bad taste. Shopping bags hanging from both of his paws completed the image.
At least he wasn't wearing a beret.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiii!" Crystal cheered at the sight of our infamous boss and her boyfriend, ears flicking and teeth being bared, while I came down from my surprise and smiled more gently.
Marge stepped closer, tugging Goggy alongside, and planted the duo in front of the sales counter.
"Hi, sweetie," I rumbled with my best smile that wasn't of the happyhappy variety, but a more genuine one, and added the appropriate cheerful studmuffin earflicks. "Gordon."
The artsy leopard winked.
"I can be sweetie too," the leopard's voice was tinged with purrs that almost made the glass surface of the service counter vibrate in poetic resonance. "Hello, Crystal."
My tail jumped with surprise at the remarkable reaction from the leopard upon my greeting, but considering the strangeness of today, I barely had the mental energy left for further reactions in my part. Crystal, on the other paw, was eagerly leaning over the counter to be better face to face with the disreputable-looking leopard who was giving her quite the eye.
"Hello, Goggy!" Crystal smiled. "Long time no see!"
Goggy flicked his tail against the counter, probably to gesture with some part of his body, since his paws were occupied with what I presumed to be Marge's shopping, though looking at him, it was possible that the bag from the chemist's could belong to him as well.
"I haven't see you and your friends at the Lefties either!"
Crystal nickered.
"Those bitches are too busy soaking in the sun with their boyfriends to have a proper girl's night out," she made a face. "It's pathetic."
"So how about a beer and a burger to cope with that?" Goggy winked and purred. "We've got great new cheddar we put in our cheeseburgers and the frat boys are wolfing them down. So if you come, you'll find us packed with half of the football team!"
The mare snorted.
"Half of the sorority house is going out with the football team and that's part of the problem," she muttered. "I want myself a cute, quiet boy who doesn't kiss his own biceps goodnight!"
Marge exploded in almost uncontrollable giggles that made her Spandexed chest wobble like a bowl of Jell-O, a surprisingly hypnotic sight, I had to admit, as I watched and let my ears flicker with the sounds, and I couldn't help but join in, either. Good one for Crystal. Excellent, in fact. Goggy was laughing too, a slightly wheezing snicker that was unmistakably feline sound. In comparison, Crystal's voice was booming.
Laughter felt good, and once it subsided, all three of us who were of feline persuasion were still purring out. That felt good as well.
"How're you doing, Rory?" Marge questioned me now, eyes upon my very lionessence. "Has everything been going alright with you?"
"Sure," I smiled amiably. "Everyone's been a big help, and this chair is just great. I don't have to move a muscle and I'm good!"
"Oh that's great," Marge rumbled, "I was a bit worried, since I wasn't here to see you in."
I waved my paw.
"Everything's been going well," I said, "no trouble at all."
"Have you had any trouble moving about?"
I picked up one of my crutches and gave it a quick show before I put it back to its place, leaning on the side of the counter.
"Well I still got these but I manage," I said. "I didn't fall down the stairs."
Marge chuckled.
"Well we talked about calling Mr. Albrecht about installing a chair lift but..."
I'm sure my face was something to behold, the expression I got from hearing that cheeky remark, and Marge seemed to be most amused, as was the leopard still clinging to her arm like the surprise gentleman he was.
"Hahah," I rumbled sarcastically, to get the message through that I had gotten the message.
They loved me. I loved them.
"How was the dentist?" Crystal asked curiously.
Marge flashed her a smile without a hitch.
"Oh, I was lucky," she rumbled, "Open wide and say "aaaah", and I was in and out in about twenty minutes...so it was like Friday night at home with me and Goggy!"
She elbowed the leopard, who smiled and purred and kissed her behind one of her flicky ears, which caused a veritable chain reaction of purrs and chuckles and lovey-dovey PDA behavior that lingered on for a moment before they probably realized where they were, and detached from each other's muzzles.
"And I guess you then went shopping," I pointed at the numerous bags.
"A girl has her little needs," Marge replied coyly. "And since it just happened that Goggy is having the evening shift today..."
"Call me the pack mule," Goggy shuffled his bags.
"You're a sweetheart," Marge declared and gave the leopard's cheek a peck. "Hmmm...and smell so nice..."
I almost blushed at the tone once again, but Goggy simply chuffed and then, oddly enough, stuck out his tongue from his muzzle, and showed a well-chewed piece of gum on top of it. It disappeared into his maw with a slurp, and left the two of us behind the counter looking quite puzzled.
"T plus three days on Nicorette," the leopard rumbled. "Mage made me quit."
"I sure as hell did," the cougar replied, paw patting the thin leopard's side, and winked.
Whether that wink was directed at me or Goggy or all of us general, I wasn't sure, but I could definitely understand why she would have gone to such lengths to make the leopard stop smoking. Pregnant woman in the house, and all...but that was of course my private knowledge, and as far as I knew, it was to remain so as well, and I had to stick to that understanding of trust that existed between us.
"Ohhhh..." Crystal exclaimed.
"Well, peer pressure tends to work like a charm..." I mused dryly.
"Or the pressure of telling him that I'll quit doing some things too, if he doesn't quit," Marge remarked.
The chewey-chewey leopard pouted.
"And that too."
"But good for you!" Crystal declared. "It's not very nice."
"Well it has ruined my bad boy looks but..." the leopard rumbled, "guess I'll have to do without."
"You're still bad enough for me," Marge grinned, flapping her tail against the leopard's backside.
Well, wasn't that just a big load of awww right there? It probably would have escalated into another snuggling session, if it wasn't for the noisy steps coming from my left, which could only mean one thing. I dared myself to look, and saw that Alex was coming down the aisle, a pile of Twilight paperbacks in his arms. His tail swished and sounded like a warning signal, and I knew enough to brace for it.
"Oh, Marge!" the Lab declared as he approached. "Goggy!"
"Alex," the cougar replied, while the leopard simply rumbled.
"Is everything fine with you, Marge?" the Lab continued. "Was the appointment very traumatic? I know this one dentist who works with hypnosis and it's so great, I know many furs who are absolutely terrified of going to see the dentist, but this one's just marvelous! You barely remember you were there...well until you check your wallet, of course, it's not the cheapest one around."
Marge flashed him a pearly smile.
"No PTSD yet, thank you, Alex," the cougar said.
"You know, I use aloe vera toothpicks after every meal, and I haven't had a single cavity in years!" the Lab exploded. "And my breath smells wonderful!"
"I can tell," Marge sniffled. "Maybe Goggy would like to try some...he' s got a bit of an oral fixation going on since he quit smoking. "
Alex's eyes lit up in a very dangerous way, and my eyes immediately jumped to the leopard who was now on the line of sight. His jaws stopped their chewing and he gave a nonchalant look at the relative stranger the Lab, whose eager gaze would not be swayed.
"I'm doing okay," the leopard said, though I'm not sure if I was 100% convinced. "I've got the gum and the patch."
"Ohhhhhhh," Alex ooooooooh'd. "Well that's good, because nothing else helps. Are you badly withdrawn?"
"I'm making sure he's not," Marge cut in, "And I've threatened Goggy with a cavity search if he tries to smuggle any cigarettes back home."
"And she has a conspiracy with my boss at the Lefties going on, too," Goggy rumbled, ears drooping miserably.
"Well that's good!" Alex grinned eagerly. "As long as you remember to cut down on carbs now, because everyone gains weight after quitting, and you look like you might be up for twenty pounds more if you're not careful!"
Marge giggled and patted the leopard's belly.
"I wouldn't mind having something to grab onto..."
The leopard purred at the touch, but his eyes made a beeline for the clock.
"I think I should be slowly getting to work now, though," Goggy said, "have to start the stockpot and all that stuff."
Marge extracted herself from the leopard's side and extended her paws.
"Let me take the bags, it'll be easier for me to take them home after I'm done here," she said expectantly.
They exchanged the bags, a kiss, and a smile, and then Goggy turned to leave.
"Nice seeing you all" he rumbled, sending a cinnamon-flavored whiff of air in our direction.
"Really nice!" Crystal beamed.
"Heh," I happyhappied.
"Keep up the good fight!" Alex chirped.
The leopard gave us one final look before he stalked in the direction of the door, shoulders slumped and paws stuffed into his pockets. His tail wasn't swinging very cheerfully as he stepped out to the street.
"Awwww," Marge breathed out.
"He's so cute!" Crystal swooned.
"Keep your paws off him, he's mine," Marge replied with a good-humored rumble.
Crystal lifted hers up in surrender and flapped her tail.
"Heheheh," she laughed.
"So glad to see you, Marge," Alex said, "We're being overloaded with these *Breaking Dawn* books, seems that Mr. Albrecht has started stocking up well in advance before the movie comes out!"
Marge gave a look at the pile of books on the Lab's lap and rubbed her chin curiously.
"Well, how many copies do we have?"
"About a hundred," Alex replied. "I was going to put these to the PARANORMAL ROMANCE section, and spread it out a bit. Might have to take an extra shelf from NOSTALGIC BIOGRAPHIES to fit all these in."
"Can't we just store them?"
"The *Girl With the Dragon Tattoo* tie-in paperbacks are so numerous that they're practically falling off the shelves," Alex replied dead-pan. "We might be soon breaking fire regulations."
Marge snuffled.
"Well, just put the boxes somewhere, okay?"
"I'll do my best!" Alex declared before he careered off into the shop floor.
Marge watched his swinging ass for a moment before turning to face me again.
"Are you sure you're all fine here?" she asked me.
"Of course," I replied with a smile. "Alex even brought me water."
I gestured at the bottle and Marge chuckled openly, her bags rustling once more.
"Well that's so very nice of him."
"Quite," I nodded.
"So everything's alright here?" Marge demanded again. "Has it been busy?"
"Not too busy, but we've been selling alright," Crystal piped in. "Seems to be picking up."
"It tends to do at this hour," the boss said. "Are you okay staying until four, Rory, or do you want to an early out?"
"I'm perfectly fine," I replied. "Won't be bailing out on you."
"Well, woo for me!" Marge purred. "I'll be enjoying my studmuffin for a little bit longer before Mason comes in."
Or more like come out, I thought, hysterically, and kept my brave face.
"Yeah," I smiled. "We're fully manned!"
"I better get these downstairs then," Marge continued.
She was just about out of visual range when my phone began to ring, with comic timing, it seemed.
Thank you for reading!
Hope you enjoyed the read - don't forget to comment now to tell me how I'm doing!
Also remember that all the votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.
See you soon!
--- |
Dragon Storm: Chapter 9 Rio dies?! by DS-Rio | #9 of Dragon Storm - Arthur's note: Hey they're all! Just to let you know I have left a journal entry on my user page that apologizes for my absence. I have run into a few things that slowed me down a great deal. Also I hate to inform you guys of this, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my word | [
"Plot Development",
"Story Progression",
"Story Series",
"Violence (Not In Yiff)"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97727-dragon-storm-chapter-9-rio-dies | Arthur's note: Hey they're all! Just to let you know I have left a journal entry on my user page that apologizes for my absence. I have run into a few things that slowed me down a great deal. Also I hate to inform you guys of this, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my word and catch up on all those chapters. I think if I was up to date in chapters I would be at chapter 17. Anyway, I'm sorry and comments are always welcome. Thank you and enjoy!
Dragon Storm
CHAPTER 9: Rio dies?!
"Where am I? I can't see anything." Rio said, and the sound of his voice echoed.
Rio found himself drifting in darkness. He was in a curled up position. He was under going extreme sorrow. He sometimes got this way when he would come home from school. He made sure no one was around before he would do so. He would feel sad about things that would happen to him every else also, not just school. He refused to cry because he wanted to prove that he was strong, but there were times where Rio's eyes got watery.
"Why am I here? Where is everyone else? Amy....Lazz......Yun......Dad......anybody?" Rio thought to himself while sinking lower into the darkness.
"Now I remember....That giant beast...did he....kill me? Is this what death feels like? It's a very sad place." Rio thought some more.
Then he noticed something strange. A window appeared in front of him and through the window he could see his life flashing before his eyes. He felt a strong sense of guilt overcome his body and heart and a tear ran down his face. Rio forced himself to watch what the window showed him.
(Flashback: A childhood event)
"Mom, dad I'm home from school!" Young Rio said.
"Glad to here it son" Mom said.
"How was it?" Quicksilver asked.
"It was ok I guess." Rio said.
"It's hard to believe you are already in sixth grade." Mom said.
"Your little brother is still adjusting to the third grade, but I'm proud of you both." Quicksilver said.
"Thanks dad! Hey, speaking of him, how is he feeling?" Rio asked.
"He is still not feeling well Rio make sure you look after him for us ok? It's time for us to go to work now. If you need anything just call us ok?" Mom said.
"Oh....ok...sure." Rio said.
"See you when we get back son." Quicksilver said.
Young Rio went to his room to go watch TV. While his little brother stayed in bed and got some rest.
"You sure it's ok to keep leaving them home alone like this dear?" Mom said while getting in the car.
"They will be fine honey. You always worry when I'm off duty and I'm away from the kids." Quicksilver said.
"Yeah, maybe your right." Mom said.
Rio was in his room watching his favorite show. When all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Rio sighed as he got up because he didn't want to miss not even a minute of his show. When he got to the door he opened it and there stood his friend from school Tia.
"Hey there what are you up to?" She asked him.
"Tia what are you doing here?" Rio asked.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over and get your butt kicked in Melee, and then after wards eat dinner with us...you know the usual." Tia said.
Rio thought for a moment. Melee was his favorite game. However he would have to miss his favorite show, but there was free food involved. Rio finally came up with an answer.
"Is it alright if I take my little brother along too? I have to watch over him while my parents are gone. " Rio said.
"Sure, come on let's go!" Tia said happily.
Rio left the door wide open and went to his little brother's room. It was a mess but he could make his way to his brother's bed. Meanwhile Amy, Rio's first pet dog he had ever owned ran out the open door past Tia.
"Hey Amy get back here! Get out of the street!" Tia said.
"Hey bro would you like to come with me to Tia's house to play video games?" Rio asked his little brother Ant.
"Umm...Sure...Cough, cough, cough....big bro. I'll get my stuff together." Ant said.
"Thanks Ant you're the best!" Rio said and then ran out to go tell the news to Tia.
Just as Rio reached the front door Tia screamed at the top of her lungs. Rio rushed outside to see why she was screaming. When he got to the street he was afraid. He didn't know what to do. His dog, Amy got ran over. This is the first time something this big had ever happened.
"Quick Tia go call the police!" Rio said in a panicked tone of voice.
"Ok..." Tia said and ran to the nest door neighbor's house to get help.
"I got to move you to where nobody will see that it ever happened. I don't want to get in trouble." Rio said as he pulled the dead body of his dog to his back yard.
Rio then got watery eyes and ran away from his white furred friend. He ran to the side of the house and saw Tia talking on the phone and to the next-door neighbor at the same time. Just then, Tia looked up and seen Rio and pointed behind him.
"Rio look!" Tia said.
Rio looked behind him to see Ant stumbling to walk.
"Rio? Cough, cough where are you Rio? It's hot out side.......cough....."Ant said then collapsed on the ground.
"AAANNNNTTTT!!!! " Rio yelled.
Just then Rio's parents pulled up. And Rio's eyes widen in fear.
"I forgot my keys to close the shop Rio, Make sure you watch over your-"Mom said then looked down to see Ant lying in a massive blood puddle.
She screamed at the top of her lungs and all the neighbors walked outside and peaked through their windows.
"What the hell happened here son?" Quicksilver asked.
"..................."Rio was lost for words and didn't know what to say.
"Oh my god, oh my god!! Rio what happened to Ant? I told you to watch over him!!" Mom said.
Just then the ambulance arrives and takes them all to the hospital.
"We will take it from here miss. Please wait in the lobby room." The nurse said to Mom.
"Okay....sniff." Mom said, and then almost started to cry. "My poor baby...." She mumbled.
"Mom I'm sorry, I just wanted to go to Tia's house." Rio built up the courage to say.
"I...was going to....watch him....." Rio said.
Just then she walked up to him and slapped him on the face hard. It echoed in the room and by now all the other Dragons was looking at them.
"I'm sorry....." Rio mumbled.
"I'm very disappointed in you son. I can never look at you the same...." Quicksilver said, then walked mom away from Rio.
Rio looked at all the other Dragons in the room they all gave him dirty looks and he ran out of the room and ran all the way home never looking back.
(Flash forward: In limbo)
"I really am sorry...." Rio whispered.
Rio proceeded to look through the window as it showed other times he was a burden to others around him.
(Flashbacks: Random scenes)
When Quicksilver finally stopped exhaling the silver flame he was breathing heavy then asked Rio to give it another shot. Rio nodded and walked to the edge of the dock and inhaled a deep breath and exhaled a small blood red flame that lasted for about five seconds. When he was finished he fell to the ground breathing heavy.
"Well that's enough for today son. I see your not ready for this yet.." Quicksilver said.
Rio watched as his dad walked inside. His words echoed inside his head repeatedly.
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. However, as Lazz suggested, Rio checked his handgun, then checking the rest of his belongings while swaying his tail back and forth with excitement. Digging deep into his bag of equipment with his sharp claws and tossing them all over the place in order to dig deeper into his backpack, which was stuffed to the point where it could not be zipped all the way.
"Hey!" Lazz said firmly ."Are you trying to get us caught? Have you completely forgotten that we are on enemy territory? " Lazz questioned while slowly decreasing his tone of voice.
Rio stopped what he was doing and looked at Lazz. He stared for a little and then looked to the mess he had made then returned his gaze to Lazz.
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Rio was dumbfounded. There was no doubt in his mind that he couldn't be more serious. It just seemed like Lazz outsmarted himself right there. Rio didn't know what to say, he felt belittled again. The more he explained things the more inferior Rio felt. Rio couldn't tell if he purposely was doing this or was he trying to help Rio to understand better.
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Immediately afterward Lazz and Rio dashed through the long hallway and made it past all the surveillance cameras. Lazz was worn out after that dash, while Rio was still in good condition. They both stopped to catch their breath. Then Rio looked at Lazz and waited, and then finally said something to him.
"Well, what was that thing?" Rio asked again.
"It's a Chaff grenade. It's a electronic jamming device." Lazz explained while catching his breath.
"I see." Rio said.
" Why don't you know this stuff? Didn't they teach you anything? Don't you remember our orders?" Lazz questioned.
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It was Wild Horn! He is a specialist in interrogation and a formidable gun fighter. Lazz held his hand out to signal Rio to wait here and remain hidden, while he walked out and confronted Wild Horn.
"I'll ask you one last time, Where is it?" Wild Horn asked.
"I-I don't know!" Takeshi Obata said.
"Let him go Wild Horn!!" Lazz demanded.
Just then Wild Horn, with out even looking, pointed his gun at Lazz and fired it. Before Lazz could react, Rio was standing in front of him with his amazing speed and caught the bullet between his fingers, almost as if Rio was smoking a cigarette. Lazz couldn't believe what he just saw. Rio just ruined their opportunity to ambush Wild Horn and save the president of Dragon tech.
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Quicksilver stood there in complete disappointment in the middle of the half-ablazed, destroyed room. His silver scales that shined brightly and was almost blinding, reflected off the silver embers that slowly made a decent. Quicksilver crossed his arms and let out a sigh, he was disgusted at what he just witnessed. He viewed Rio carelessly fighting and trying to confuse his opponent with speed. Meanwhile, Lazz seemed to know how to handle the situation well. He was able to hold his own against something moving at speeds he could hardly keep track of. Quicksilver finally broke the silence and let them both have it.
"What were you two thinking?" Quicksilver asked.
"What.....do....you.....mean?" Rio asked still out of breath.
"I apologize......... for my current............. behavior sir!" Lazz stated loudly, also out of breath.
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He had never been confused of himself before. Just then, a griffin flanked Rio while he was thinking and raised his gun to fire, however Yun noticed this and threw his sheathe at the gun to mess up his shot and then threw the black and red sword at the griffins face and killed him. The dark green blood that erupted out made Rio sick to his gut.
"Do you mind helping me out instead of standing their Mr. Emo. " Yun said sarcastically.
Rio ignored what Yun just said and instead picked the sheath and black and red sword and sheathed it. Then pulled from his waistline his S&M 9MM semi-automatic handgun and took aim at a griffin soldier. Just then, the device on Yun's arm started to beep like crazy.
"No wait don't fire that gun!" Yun said.
It was too late. Rio placed his finger on the trigger and pressed it. The handgun made a click noise and didn't fire anything. Rio was once again confused by what just happened.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~
"I see. That's why Lazz always said to check my gear. It got jammed when Wild Horn shot it out of my hand and I never checked my handgun after wards to make sure it wasn't jammed or anything. I feel so stupid. I wonder what Lazz would do if he was here." Rio said to himself.
"I would run away!" Lazz said.
"Lazz? Where are you? How come I can't see you? " Rio asked.
" What do you mean? You used your codec to contact me just now." Lazz said.
" I did? Hey! Don't get smart with me voice! " Rio said.
"I kind of got to go Rio sorry." Lazz said.
"Wait! What did you mean run away? " Rio asked.
It was too late Lazz was already gone.
"Damn! I never thought that trying to out run a jet could be such a challenge. What was Rio thinking just now when he called me via codec... dose he think this is a game? Huh?" Lazz thought, but was then interpreted.
(Flash forward: In limbo)
Rio was still sinking in Darkness. He kept on watching his mistakes and they all showed him something he missed that he had never noticed before. They all replayed in his head over, and over, and over again. He could not get them out. It was a strong feeling of sorrow he was never able to get rid of. He noticed that he was crying now.
"Not only did, I lose Amy once, but I lost her twice. I could not protect her....I could not protect any of them. They are always protecting me. I am a heavy burden to everyone it seems." Rio whispered to himself.
Just then, a small bright light appeared and shined on Rio's hand. It felt warm to Rio he swam toward the source and he could hear voices. The closer he got the louder the voices became. Rio finally reached the bright light and passed through it.
(In the real world: In griffin strong hold)
"Ugh......Where am I?" Rio asked still a little dazed.
As Rio's vision cleared up he could see a female griffin attending to his wounds.
"Who are you? " Rio asked.
"Oh your awake! I'm glad I could completely heal you! You almost didn't come back to us?" The female griffin said.
"Us?" Rio asked.
Rio looked around the room and saw nothing, but BLACK FANG members.
"No way! This can't be happening to me!! We are the good guys...good guys don't lose." Rio said, then stumbled out of the bed.
"Shut up you idiot!! " Cross wing said.
"You are here because we fixed you up so you should be thankful you have friends like us!" War wolf said.
"Can you believe they made me drag your sorry ass all the way back here." Tiger Wanghu said firmly.
Rio looked at Tiger Wanghu and saw he was a bloody mess. Whatever happened to him must have been while Rio was passed out. Most likely either Lazz or the giant beast.
"You monster! Tell me what happened to Lazz? What did you do to him?!" Rio asked while raising his claws into the air to strike.
"I wouldn't make a move like that if I were you boy!"
Rio turned around to see who said that. He could not believe who it was. However sure enough he was standing in front of him with a revolver at point blank between Rio's eyes.
"Wild Horn..." Rio said.
"Hmph, you thought you really killed me didn't you? That's the last mistake you will ever make!" Wild Horn said.
"Wow...not even the god of death wants me...nor do the bad guys...Maybe...I am better off dead..." Rio thought.
"I will have my revenge boy!!" Wild Horn said, and then shot his gun at Rio at point blank.
The sound of his revolver going off echoed in the dimly lit room and then there was a dead silence. Everyone just watched what just happened. They could not believe it even though it had happened right in front of them.
To be continued................. |
My Brother by MoonlightFox | #1 of Chase Parker - My first story. ^^; So take it easy on me people. O~ I'll most likely write more about Chase about him growing up and such. Leave comment on thoughts, ideas, what you thought. And so on. This is an m/m story between a younger fox and his older brother. If you are easily offended | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51593-my-brother | My first story. ^^; So take it easy on me people. O\~ I'll most likely write more about Chase about him growing up and such. Leave comment on thoughts, ideas, what you thought. And so on.
This is an m/m story between a younger fox and his older brother. If you are easily offended then GTFO YIFFSTAR!
Chase gave a small sigh as he kept flipping through the channels. The boredom was about to force him to blow his mind out, just for the entertainment. He slowly started to slouch down on the couch, acting as if something was slowly killing him.
Chase was an arctic fox, around the age twelve and about to enter the seventh grade. His fur was clean and fluffy, just like his mother's. His received his white fur from his mother, definitely not his father since he was a black fox. He stood about four feet tall when his ears were standing up.
Chase was quite different from his family. He was the youngest, of course, only having an older brother: Damien. Damien was also a black fox, just like his father. His fur was dark, short, and matted down with sweat most of the time. He was a regular jock; the star football player at his junior year in high school. Their dad was so proud of the eldest son. Chase truly loathed his father and brother. They both though just because they were bigger then him, they could pick on the small white fox. Not to mention the alcohol on his father's breath almost 24/7. Not his mother though, his mother always babied Chase.
But for now, it was just Chase and his brother at the house. The parents were out working. Damien was up stairs, lifting weights no doubt. Chase could hardly hear the TV from his brother's loud rock music. Channel after channel the fox flipped through, yet there wasn't a single cartoon on. The cub slumped down some more until his back was on the bottom couch cushion and his butt was hanging in the air. His finger-like claws kept clicking the button on the remote, until something caught his eye.
There were three large males: a tiger, doberman, and a rottweiler, all three where shirtless to show off their muscular bodies. The pre-teen's eyes seemed to be glued to the doberman's body, for he was more muscular then the other two. The add seemed to be about a new work out machine, but Chase didn't notice. The only thing he could think of was how much he wanted muscles like that. It would be great; no one would pick on him, not even his brother. And even his dad would be proud of him. Chase wondered how big he would be if he would look like that. How much his arms could lift, and then how big his package would be.
Being twelve, Chase started to think about sex a lot more then usual. He always heard Damien and his dad talk about girls, and it use to gross him out. But now, it just made his penis hard. Also, being twelve, he was completely naive about it. He did like to play with his member, but nothing to extreme. He just thought it was going to be important in the future, and it was suppose to be way bigger then what he had now. His mind wondered a bit, from wanting the muscles like that, to want to be with at least one of the animal. See how big they were. To feel how big they were. He his hands went around his newly found erection, playing with it outside his blue basketball shorts as his thoughts went on.
"Wow. You should buy that. Might help." A deep voice rang from behind Chase, making him jump about a mile high. It was his brother: Damien. He just opened a green monster and started to guzzle it down. Damien was shirtless, only wearing dark red basketball short. Damien always seemed to wear red or black, it seemed to match his fur best. Chase didn't say anything, but just looked up at his brother, trying to cover up his new hard-on. Damien lightly jumped over the couch and practically landed on his brother.
"Get off!" Commanded Chase, although he knew it was hopeless. With out even spilling his drink, Damien tucked himself on top of Chase's chest. "Come on. You just wish you had muscles like these." He rubbed his matted down, sweaty fur on his brother's nose, making him take in his male aroma. Chase wrestled and squirmed under his brother's weight while he seemed to just chuckle, and take another drink.
"Oh-ho-ho... what's this?" Chase froze. He completely forgot his half hard erection in his pants. His heart seemed to stop completely, or it just seemed that way because it was pumping too fast. "My lil' bro' popped a tent, all because of me?"
"No!" Chase yelled as he started to struggle once again. "It wasn't from-" But he was caught off by his brother's sweaty fur again. Besides, what was he going to say? He couldn't tell his brother he popped a boner from the males on TV. He brother just laughed again as he wiped his sweat on his brother.
"You make a good towel, bro." Damien turned his body around so his chest was facing his brother. Suddenly Chase's head was being forced into his brother's sweaty chest. "Take it in bro'. This is the smell of a sweaty real teen's body." Damien seemed to be enjoying the humiliation of his brother. Chase, on the other hand, wasn't.
The younger fox thrashed about, trying to get away how ever he could. Finally, stopping and thinking for a second, Chase used all his strength to sit up. Damien was in the middle of a drink when this happened and was tossed off his brother, spilling sticky energy drink all over the carpet.
Chase froze and his eyes widened and his ears fell down. Damien looked at the mess and was imminently angry. He stood up and grabbed the artic fox around the neck and shoved his face into the spilt drink. "Clean it up!" He commanded. Chase whimpered as his nose was shoved into the mess.
"Fucken' fag!" His brother yelled as he ran into the kitchen to get a wet washcloth. Chase just sat there, on all floors, scared to death of the beating his brother was going to give him. Chase gave a slight yelp as his brother whipped his backside with the wet towel. "Move!" Damien yelled angrily. "I'm gonna tell dad your peeing on the carpet again." Damien hissed.
"No! No! Don't do that! He'll be mad! I haven't done that for years!" Chase did have a little problem when he was younger; he would accidentally pee when his father scared him too much. The thought alone was a huge embarrassment to Chase, and the thought of what his father would say scared him. "Don't! Please don't! I'll do what ever! Just don't!"
This seemed to be what Damien wanted to hear. The sly fox quickly jumped and pounced on his younger brother. "What ever I want??" Damien repeated in a dangerous tone. Chase gave out uneven breaths as he was crushed under his brother's weight once again. Damien suddenly pulled down the front of his short and boxers. Suddenly a new smell hit Chase. It made his eyes water and clouded up his head. After a few seconds of blinking, trying to see what's in front of him, the white fox saw a pare of black furred balls in front of his eyes, connected to a sheath. This was the first pare for Chase to see, other then his own, and they were a good size bigger too. "Lick 'em." Damien ordered.
Chase looked up at his older brother, and he saw in his yellow eyes that he wasn't joking. "You see, little bro'" The black fox started out, "I broke up with my girlfriend a while ago, and I kinda needed it. And seeing you with a boner made me think you could be an easy hit. Despite the fact we're blood related. Just call me desperate. Now lick those large black orbs! I know you want to. You got hard just looking at those three guys."
So Damien was watching Chase. Suddenly Chase's cheeks went hot. His brother planned this whole thing from the beginning; with the wrestling, the drink spilling, and the threat. The younger male was now trapped, and there was only one escape. His tongue slowly went out, and lapped at the ball sack.
"That's it bro, just nice and easy." Damien said, relaxing a bit. The taste was different. Chase couldn't decide if he liked it or not. More of his tongue slid out of his mouth, and licked at the sack. He closed his eyes as the musky smell was getting to him. He slowly licked more and more, gathering more of the sweaty taste into his mouth.
After a few moments of licking, Chase opened his eyes to see a big red veiny cock in front of him. His brother's paws were wrapped around it, quickly beating it up and then back down until he hit the knot. Chase forgot all about his duty, and was only watching his brother.
Suddenly Damien stopped; he looked down and saw Chase staring at his seven inch erection. "What are you doing?" Chase asked, in an awe voice.
"Masturbating." Damien responded quickly, as if it was nothing, "What? Never pounded your meat like this?" He asked with a sly smile.
"No!" Chase spoke with fake disgust.
"Well, you will have to it later then. This is my time to get off." Damien said harshly. The he stood up. Chase looked down at his pants, he was fully erected again, and this time his own knot was formed.
"Ha! You are a fag. You enjoyed licking my balls!" Damien teased as he reached into the couch and found a coin. "Ready? Heads, you suck me off, tails, I fuck you like a bitch in heat." Chase always hated it when his older brother swore, but he never said anything, besides, his mind was too busy trying to figure out what he was talking about. While the small fox was thinking, the older one threw the coin up and caught it. "Well... sucks to be you. Tails." Damien gave a rather demon-like smile. Chase knew that was bad news and slowly started to crawl backwards. Unable to control himself anymore, Damien jumped on his younger brother and tore his shorts and whitey-tidies off, along with the blue t-shirt he was wearing
"No! Get off! What are you doing? I don't want to play anymore! Damien! I'll tell!" Chase was screaming as his older brother pinned him to the ground. In a matter of seconds, Chase was lying on his stomach, his face was smashed to the ground. His arms were behind him, held at the wrist by Damien. "Wh-what are you doing?" his voice full of fear.
"Told you, I'm going to fuck the hell out of you." Damien said, grabbing his brother's tail and lifting it up. Now Chase's tailhole was completely exposed. Damien slowly pushed his hips to Chase's. With both his hands keeping busy by bonding his brother; he had a hard time lining up his member with the hole. The fact that Chase was struggling wasn't helping either.
"Just... hold... STIL!" Damien gave a huge thrust, and with luck, he pushed his whole member in the tight virgin hole. Both of them gave out a moan, one with pleasure while the other one moaned with pain. Suddenly, Damien's hip moved rapidly, slamming themselves into his little brother. Tears were running down little Chase's face as he was being raped by his older brother, although he didn't completely hate it. He still had an erection, and each time Damien pounded into the fox, the boner slid on the nice soft carpet. This would have been rather pleasing if it didn't seem like he was being split in half.
After a minuet or two of intense thrusting, Chase's moans and whines almost came to a stop. All the pain his brother was causing by slamming his hard cock, was slowly become more pleasure. His brother was finally managing to hit his prostate, and the feeling of the two ball sacks slapping together was new to him. The smaller fox didn't speak through out the whole thing, only grunted and moaned as his ass was jack hammered. Soon he felt something start to build up. He felt as though he had to piss, or something was about to come out of his little erected penis.
"Br-brother?" Chase said, struggling to speak, but Damien was too preoccupied. His hips were moving so fast that they seemed like a blur. Chase went to speak again, but he was suddenly cut off be an intense wave of pleasure. His member throbbed against the carpet and his stomach started to feel wet. Wave after wave of pleasure ran through Chase's body as he was experiencing his first orgasm. The fox screamed, but bit down on his lower lip to silence himself.
Finally, things seemed to calm down a bit, as his body started to rub back and fourth as his body was still being penetrated by the black fox over and over again. Suddenly, what seemed to be pleasurable moments ago seemed to be very very painful. "Damien! Stop!" Chase hopelessly yelled as his member slowly became limp.
"Not yet... Chase. Sooo close." Close to what? Chase still had no clue what his brother was talking about. All he knew was that he wanted his brother to stop. He clinched his hole and tried to push out. This only caused Damien to moan and hump faster then before. The black fox got up from his knees, and onto his feet, digging his member in even more then before, and using Chase's arms and tail as handles. The white fox started to moan again, finally the pain started to stop and turn back into pleasure. Chase thanked the lord as his prostate start to be rubbed again, and another erection start to form. A moan escaped from Chase's mouth as the carpet started to do its job, this time with a new wetness on it.
Chase's eyes slowly started to close as his brother went to town on his stretched out ass. He started to get that strange feeling again. The white fox's balls started to tingle as his cock throbbed. As he sat there in pure pleasure before something that he did not expect happen happened. A slight 'pop' fallowed by the younger's 'yelp' was heard. Damien's knot finally made its way into Chase, and the pain was back along with more pleasure. The mixture of everything was too much for poor Chase as he started to feel his second orgasm. The older brother's thrust became quicker and shorter. Not being able to pull out, he only humped a couple of times more, then slammed his brother with everything he had. Both of them were shooting their loads, chase onto the carpet and Damien's into his brother's intestines.
Both of them moaned and panted as the sat through their orgasms. Chase felt his body start to heat up, from the inside out. He was too tired to ask what Damien was squirting into him, or what he squirted onto the carpet. The only thing he could do was pant and fainted under his brother. |
Carghago and the Eye of the Truth - Chapter One : The Court by LordShimri | "The verdict is that you still have one year to prove your innocence on the murder of Ahaia Senestere." "Fuck" does carghago think while he lookes down. "On year only? That's not enough". Carghago knows that now, he can't do anything to get some more time. He must prove that they're wrong. "The | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249278-carghago-and-the-eye-of-the-truth-chapter-one-the-court | "The verdict is that you still have one year to prove your innocence on the murder of Ahaia Senestere." "Fuck" does carghago think while he lookes down. "On year only? That's not enough". Carghago knows that now, he can't do anything to get some more time. He must prove that they're wrong. "The Hearing is over. Returne back about One Year." said the Judge.
Carghago goes a bit angry. The Journey will be long and frighting. He have heared about Oculum dei. How bad it is out there.
With his 7000000 u.d.(universal dollars) he runs to the Spaceshipmarket. He want to buy a new one because the old one crashed on jupiter, in the storm. "Hello, can i help you sir?"sais a mansvoice. Carghago looks at the yru. What a musceles! He starts feeling comfortable. "Yes please, i want to Buy an X-6900 exvenitorum." "Ow, yes this way" While the yru walks, carghago starts staring at his musceled ass, the lovely strong tail sticking out of his taxedo. "How can i call you?" carghago asks. "Please call me Yksu, i'm an yru from Oculum dei." "Fuck! that's where i wanna go to!" "Ow really? Me to!" carghago steps a little bit closer and whisperes: "Join me on my journey". " I'd love to but..." "Sht, Just Join..."
Yksu looks in Carghago's eyes. So beautifull bleu-greenish, and his lovely tongue. "Well, yeah! I've got nothing to lose". As soon as carghago paid him, they took off. Looking out of the window, Yksu shouted "So long, fuckers!"
"Uhm, yksu... i don't know anything about how to find carastocchio's planet." "Oh god, i've forgotten the engine... No fuel". They started to fall down. Fortunally there is a safe landing system for when it will crash.
A few minutes later....
"What the fuck, This planet looks fucking terrible. There is totally nothing. Just one big planet full of fucking Trees. How do we gonna fnd fuel?
Be continued...... |
A Tale Of Two Worlds - Chapter 4 Complications by AIpha | #4 of A tale of two worlds - Chapter 4 - Complications: The suns rays dispersed the flickering of the light it shone fading away behind the mighty form of White Cliff Mountain, the shadows lengthened and became that of tall looming spectres in the dark. Though despite the sense of unwelcome this | [
"Character Development",
"Violence (Not In Yiff)",
"Young Love"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51594-a-tale-of-two-worlds-chapter-4-complications | Chapter 4 - Complications:
The suns rays dispersed the flickering of the light it shone fading away behind the mighty form of White Cliff Mountain, the shadows lengthened and became that of tall looming spectres in the dark.
Though despite the sense of unwelcome this place hosted at night, a small beacon of joy sparkled like a shard of glass among a field of grass. A faint light was just visible at the entrance to a cave dwelling some where near the peak and on closer inspection it came from someone not something.
Amber sat cuddled up to the large frame of her new mate Rafeile, his arms wrapped loosely around her waist, they were completely content to just sit there in each others company staring out of the cave at the sky, as it slowly melted into night few stars were out yet.
Rafeile stroked along the rim of her wing, she shuddered and purred she wanted to show all the affection she could towards him, but little did he know how she wanted to show it.
She licked his muzzle and gradually moulded it into a long slow kiss, her tail started a small wag, and she rubbed her hand around his chest in continuous circles. Rafeile became aroused by this, but he kept control and managed to keep himself sheathed.
Amber giggled, she was having the desired effect upon him as she observed the strong male almost whimper under the treatment he was receiving, and just as she had entered the most erotic part of his tantalising she lost balance with her other arm and slipped down his side falling flat on her head.
Rafeile could not help but laugh, it had been such as serious moment up until then and now it was like something out of a comedy. Amber did not take kindly to this and sat up back to him pouting, he let out a hearty chuckled and again pulled her close and nuzzled the area on which she had fallen, he licked her once, she shivered and shook her wings, he smiled and gently kissed her forehead. Forgiving him she pressed her body up against his and resumed her "work".
She felt like punishing him a bit, only a little but enough to let him know he did wrong by laughing at her, so instead of gently easing him on she unexpectedly went straight into over lust mode, and her hand quickly found it's way into his sheath and onto his dormant member. But a few quick skilful movements of her hand soon changed that, within a space of about fifteen seconds she had it standing out fully and firmly erect.
'Jesus... Amber I didn't know you were so... Fuck!' Before he had time enough to finish his sentence she was all over him, her body wanted his so badly she wanted to taste him again so she locked her muzzle around his Pokehood, her tongue flicked eagerly over the tip lapping up the pre he was leaking. She started to deep throat him the walls of her throat closing around his throbbing meat, she was desperately trying to coax forth his own orgasm.
Rafeile sat dazed and pleased at the oral attack he was receiving, he could feel the pressure welling up inside him and his balls started to tighten, but then horror! She stopped and sitting up gave him a cheeky teasing grin, he was so close but she was denying him the pleasure of release, he looked at her with saddened eyes and she decided he had suffered enough so she got up and walked to his side and inhaled the scent that loomed in the air, she was turned on instantly Rafeile's musk was overwhelming, so putting a leg over him she climbed onto of his crotch.
'Well you have been good so I guess you deserve this,' she leaned in a said something that almost made him choke, 'I want to have your children...' He blinked blindly for the best part of a minute; she stroked his face and lowered herself onto his twitching member. He forgot what she said literarily immediately as he entered her, she was so tight and not that wet yet so it took some effort until he hilted but as he did they both let out a lustful sigh.
And with the tedious part over and done with the pleasure came soon after, she began to bounce on him with the vigour of a Growlithie on the hunt; he ground his hips underneath her resulting in a moan from her, her insides began to grow hot as the pounding increased in speed, they were going full on out and again Rafeile felt himself coming close but he was determined not to be the one to release first, so with a small amount of agility and strength he flipped Amber gently off him and onto the floor so she was laying sprawled out on her back.
At this movement she cried out in shock but was quickly pacified as his pressed his lips to hers and their tongues met, she began clawing at his back as he thrust into her again, he did not mind in fact he could hardly feel it, with one free hand he started to stoke her stomach and she groaned into his mouth the vibrations tickling her.
It was the breaking point she could not hold back any longer, so roughly breaking the kiss she flung her head backwards and let out a pleasured roar. Her tightened sex gripping his shaft, squeezing it he could feel every pulse, every little twitch inside her. This of course sent him over, he felt as though his head was spinning as he released within her depths, he coated her insides, and with a final push went straight through to her womb filling it easily within seconds so the most of it oozed back out along his shaft spilling onto the floor beneath them.
Amber's body glistened with specks of sweat this was so good, his seed inside her felt right and she squirmed underneath him trying to push herself further onto him, she started to pant pleasurably and she simultaneously went through three orgasms milking him for everything he was worth.
Rafeile's orgasm lasted for a good five minutes until the entire place stunk of sex, mixed with sweat. With a last moan he pulled out of her his spent member begging to recede into its dormant sheath. He rolled off of her and onto his side completely out of breath, his heavy panting was loud enough for Amber to giggle and let out a sarcastic remark.
'So only about ten minutes and you can't go on? Was it really that good?' She snaked her body up next to his so her wings rested against his chest.
Rafeile sat huffing and could only manage to cough forth a few words, '... It was ... amazing!' he put an arm around her and kissed the back of her head.
She snuggled up to him her tail wagging she could not have been happy if she had tried.
About an hour passed as they lay there though they couldn't be sure, this is what they guessed since it had become nearly pitch black outside so a fair amount of time had to have passed.
'So Amber...' Rafeile nuzzled the side of her head, 'how do you think we're gonna get a blessing from your dad? I know he won't give it to me freely.'
'Oh I don't know, maybe you could go all weird and sparky, then you could beat it out of him.' She ran a finger along his cheek bone.
'Hey! I told you that's not my fault, I can't help it...' Rafeile became saddened he felt as he said those words he had no control over what he did, this make him think he was weak and he didn't like that idea.
'Aww... I didn't mean it,' she licked his maw.
'RAFEILE! RAFEILE! COMEON MAN GET OUT HERE!' Rafeile sat bolt upright as he heard Dante's deep voice boom round the corner, Amber followed in suit both acting on instinct.
Dante emerged in the entrance looking completely out of breath, 'We have to go now!'
'What's the rush? Your acting like the world is about to end' Rafeile stood up and began helping Amber to her feet.
Dante took a deep breath and spoke so quickly it was hard to keep up, 'to start with they're about to execute Myron and secondly there are about four Zards heading up here to take you in and get you put up for virtually the same punishment as Myron.' He nearly few over backwards as he did not take a breath the whole way through his sentence.
'Are you kidding!? They are still gonna kill him for... err did you just say that I'm being taken in? For what?!' He nearly dropped Amber but caught her as she shrieked.
Regaining some of his lost stamina Dante continued, 'You see Kalos kinda, somehow... sorta found out that you have bee, excuse my saying so, sleeping around with his daughter behind his back and he sees this as an attempt to upstart him.'
'Upstart him? So just for loving Amber his gonna be all "OFF WITH HIS HEAD" kinda crap?' Amber began to cry hugging Rafeile's side, she said something but it was completely illegible through her tears.
Rafeile eased Amber's small frame away from him and turned to face Dante, 'How long until they execute Myron?'
'Five minutes'
'So he doesn't even get chance to see his mate Naomi?'
'Uhhhh yeah five minutes'
Amber had gained control of herself as Rafeile returned his gaze towards her set his eyes firmly to hers, 'Amber I need you to stay her and to know that what I am about to do could add... complications to our relationship.'
'W-what do you mean?' her breathing increased and she became on the verge of crying once more, because of the fact she really knew what he was about to do and needed no answer.
Hoping not to cross this question he quickly thought up the most Casanova type question imaginable, 'Do you love me?'
Amber's reply was instant, 'Of course'
He smiled in a sort of way that was sad as well as happy, he took her in his arms for a last moment and pressed his lips to hers savouring for as long as her could the taste that may soon be lost to him of his love, 'That's all I needed to know.' Dante stood his mouth agape.
'Ahem.' He managed to get Raf's attention, 'Rafeile, before you get too involved in what you're doing we have some where to be... like now.'
'Your right we have an execution to attend.' And with that both large Pokemon ran outside and only just rounded the corner when they came face to face with the four males meant to apprehend him.
'By order of chief Kalos you are coming with... OUF!' Rafeile had not even given them chance to finish, performing an amazing feet of agility he bounded of the cliff wall and retracted within his shell, the force of him hitting them at that speed knocked them all flat like a couple of pins at a bowling alley.
He hit the ground a little harder than he would have liked and as he made contact the ground shook. Amber was sat in the cave and felt the sheer force of the vibrations followed shortly by screams and groans of agony, then the silence that came, this got to her and she cuddled up to her knees and quietly cried.
'There is nothing you can do Naomi!' Two of Naomi's friends held an overly stressed and distraught female, 'please stop this foolishness, think of your son!' Back at the trail Myron was moments away from his "judgement".
No matter what anyone said Naomi would not give up her frantic struggling she was desperately trying to force herself closer to her mate, tears streaming down her cheeks in an endless flow, 'No! Let go of me, please!'
Myron stood in the middle of the court now subdued by three other males one on each arm, and one holding his wings. 'Please be strong my love' he smiled meekly over his shoulder at her.
'Any final words?' Myron snapped his head to face forward and saw the prosecutor Albion glaring at him, a look of sick disposition on his face.
'None that I would waste on the likes of you'
'Tch fine' the answer he had received had angered him because he enjoyed watching others beg for there lives, he nodded to Kalos to indicate he was ready, Kalos returned the nod in turn to show he approved.
Albion looked back smiling and puffed up his chest inhaling deeply ready for the fatal attack, Myron closed his eyes and took a single short breath and then a thought passed through his head... it would be the last breath he ever took.
All of the aftermath seemed to take place in slow motion, Albion released the pressure he stored and a fiery star exploded from his lips into existence. All went quiet as Naomi screamed the sound just appeared to fade away from the world, then nothing... as in nothing happened, no pain, no heat just nothing and when he opened his eyes the reason became apparent.
The fire blast fell to the floor and shattered into thousands of glass like shards upon impact, a cold wind blowing over and to his left stood an extremely angry looking Rafeile with glowing blue eyes.
'YOU!' Albion screamed pointing towards Rafeile, 'How dare you stand in the way of justice!' He screamed half out of anger and half out of disbelief that his strongest attack had just been frozen in mid-air without so much as a sweat broken, saving Myron's life.
Rafeile cracked his knuckles, 'Justice?' He started to advance on the male, 'that is no justice!' He spat to the side then took a run at Albion, 'This is!' and he powered his clenched fist straight at Albion's stunned face, as contact was made a bone splintering sound rang out ending in a crunch due to the fact the top half of his muzzle was now broken, blood splattering everywhere. 'Dante now!'
Out of no where the heavyweight Nidoking fell from above tackling the Charizard holding Myron's left arm and beating in his chest. Myron in turn burst open his wing throwing the male holding them off, and with his now free left arm pummelled into the male holding his right thus freeing himself, and he ran full out to his surprised mate and embraced her shortly before turning back to assist his friends.
Rafeile eventually found himself come face to face with Kalos (well as much as you can when you're about four feet smaller) 'You shall not disgrace me or this court any longer!' Kalos howled and launched the largest flamethrower he had ever seen right at him, he barely had enough time to throw his body to the side to escape the raging inferno that charred the ground beyond the point of melting.
Rafeile stood up again the heat was so intense he was already sweating, it rolled down off his brow as he separated his legs and bent his knees slightly readying himself for the next attack, un-sheathing his cannons was a last precaution he didn't really want to attack his future farther in-law even if Kalos didn't know it yet.
But Rafeile soon found that there was now other way, attack after attack shot at him and at one point a fire spin passes his head by mere millimetres, so reluctantly he fired a hydro pump at Kalos's face in hopes of knocking him out but Kalos had other ideas and flared up shooting a full power flamethrower to counter.
The result was a colossal blast when the two techniques met; neither Rafeile or Kalos gave any ground and maintained their attacks. But when it came to it they both gave at the same time their stamina waning and fatigue threatening to overwhelm them, a thick cloud of mist consumed the two born from the meeting of their moves. Kalos began blindly slashing out trying to claw Rafeile, he came close on many occasions but only ever landed one on Raf's right leg.
Reeling from the pain of the gash he leapt backwards, there was no way to combat him in this environment, or so he thought...
'Close your eyes,' An elderly like voice echoed through the recesses of Rafeile's subconscious.
'Wha?... Huh?' Unknowingly he subconsciously answered the bodiless voice, 'but then I won't be able to see!'
'Can you see now?' No, so close your eyes.'
Not able to make any sense of the situation at hand he decided to comply, there was nothing else he could do anyway so why not?
Closing his eyes Rafeile waited for something to happen, he could hear the sounds of battle all around which could only mean Myron and Dante were putting up one hell of a fight.
'No what? This hasn't helped at all!' He began to panic thinking he had just handicapped himself further.
'Concentrate, listen to your surroundings and focus on what you want to see, hear it, and feel the heat of your opponent.'
This entity had a certain talent for leading because without question Rafeile did as he was instructed, and this was a first for him. Focusing on the area around him he could see something in his minds eye, he was painting a mental picture of everything near the rocks, beings even something as small as blades of grass. He was even able to sense what was behind him, which was lucky because dropping onto his stomach he was able to dodge an uppercut slice from a blurred Pokemon he guessed to be Kalos.
Swinging his leg outwards in a single straight movement he toppled the towering fire type by taking out his ankle. And with a tremendous thud the proud chief fell onto his chin, a trickle of blood seeping from his nostril.
'This is good you catch on very quickly, but you will have to hone your skills more if you are ever to be able to let this power flow freely... I will return when you are ready to continue.' And with that the presence washed out of him.
'That was new'
When the mist dispersed all action in the immediate vicinity ceased and everyone practically stopped breathing and stared in either fear or amazement. Rafeile stood over the downed figure of Kalos blood forming a small puddle around his maw, he was sprawled out on his front his wings laying limp to his sides.
'That is defiantly something you don't see every day' Dante stood back to back with Myron they were both surrounded be at least ten advancing Charizard, 'Rafeile I think it's time we go now, don't you think we've caused enough of an ACK!' Dante was cut short, he fell forward onto one knee gripping his stomach, blood steaming through his clenched fingers staining his white skin red.
Albion loomed over him, his claws drenched in Dante's blood he had taken a lunge at the distracted ground type and taken him down in his prime with a gash to the abdomen.
Acting as if out of instinct Myron span round smashing his tail into Albion's face and followed up by brining his foot about for a round house kick. The clean sweep causing Albion to lose his footing and stumble to the ground moaning in agony.
Rafeile broke through to them flinging an intercepting zard over his head, 'Myron! Get Dante out! Go to the woods I got your back!' He planted his feet on the ground between the remaining Charizard guards and his friends, as though daring someone to take him on.
To be true they had no intention of charging the one solely responsible for defeating their chieftain and started to steadily back off, little steps at a time allowing Myron to slump Dante onto his back and make his way towards the forest.
Rafeile moved in a circling motion around them being sure he was able to remain in between the two groups, and when Myron had safely made it to the edge of the dense woodland with Dante Rafeile straightened up, and in a very rebellious way saluted to the remainder of the Zard's in the market area before turning round and running after Myron.
To be continued... |
Marriage by RC1138 | #6 of A Ranger's Tail - **A Ranger's Tail** **Book 6: Marriage** **Chapter 1 Preparation** Consular's Estate 7:24 AM Local Time "Morning Cathy..." Steve said lovingly, his vixen still half asleep under him. Smiling she replied, "Morning Steve..." He lowered himself down and kissed her passionately. | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10080-marriage | **A Ranger's Tail**
**Book 6: Marriage**
**Chapter 1 Preparation**
Consular's Estate 7:24 AM Local Time
"Morning Cathy..." Steve said lovingly, his vixen still half asleep under him.
Smiling she replied, "Morning Steve..."
He lowered himself down and kissed her passionately. They had slept in an embrace all night, and awoke to basically restart were they had left off; neither could get enough of the other.
Through the pure white fur on her cheeks he could see Cathy slightly flushed.
Breaking the kiss the Captain asked, "I take it your not cold anymore."
Becoming slightly serious, "I think I only get cold when I worry for you, or..." she trailed off, rubbing her own stomach.
Steve smiled at her, and kissed her from the top of her head, down to where her paws was making circles on her small belly.
"How long does it take?" he asked, wondering in his mind what it will be like.
Shrugging Cathy replied, "Your guess is as good as mine. I just worry that maybe when I was..." she trailed off once again, feeling a shiver go up her spine.
Cooing he rubbed the fur on her face and head, "I know they will be fine."
The fox stopped shivering and feeling of cold almost instantly went away, and she rolled her head into his hands.
"I'm almost afraid to ask but what would you like them to be?" she said, thinking of giving birth to either of baby or a kit.
"Honestly?" he asked, she nodded in reply; "I want them to be healthy, happy, and strong like their mother, and that's all. I don't care who they look like, just I want them to be safe, and I want you to be safe as well."
Cathy smiled, he gave the answer you would expect from a person in his position, but she believed him. She did so because she felt the same way.
Kissing her neck he rubbed her shoulders and moved his hands over her tits, which were as warm as her pussy, which his still hard cock was buried in.
Chuckling she sat up and said to him, "Comon, we have a long day ahead of us."
Releasing his grip on her he said, with a disappointed voice, "Aww, I figured we'd just stay in bed, like you wanted."
"It would be nice," she considered, "but what of this deal of being Consular?"
"Don't remind me," he replied, frowning. The fact was, as nice as this place was, he could live without it. In fact he could live without anything but Cathy.
Smiling she said to Steve, "You don't think it would be nice?"
"Would you like the job instead?" he replied, giving her a "matter-a-fact" look.
Seeing his point she answered, "No, but on the bright side I know you'll be a much better Consular than that bird."
For a long moment the two just sat there, each of their thoughts in different directions. Cathy saw the nice things and the advantages of the job, but Steve's mind focused on the problems.
"You want to know the main reason I don't like this?" he said, not able to look her in the eye.
She picked his head up with her paw but he still adverted his eyes.
"No," she replied, trying to be as caring as possible.
"I don't want to have our children at the same time, how could I focus on being the leader of the Federation while my wife had our children?" he replied, feeling a bit selfish, as if it mattered not to her.
Smiling she gave him a quick kiss, "I can tell you, for a fact, that whatever you do I know you won't neglect me, or anyone else that comes into the picture, and I know that, for me, that's all that matters."
Shaking his head her continued, "No, that's not what I meant. You know I still love the Federation, but I do love you more. I couldn't become Consular knowing that I might neglect it to care for you. I will always put you first, but I wouldn't feel right knowing that it might fall apart on my watch."
Cathy still smiled. She understood completely, and was touched that he would still care for her, but shared her love for the Federation.
"Steve I love the Federation too, and I wouldn't *allow* you to become the consular if I didn't know you could handle it," she replied reassuringly.
Her words worked miracles with his mind, and the Captain looked up, now smiling and kissed his lover.
"I love you so much Cathy," he said, mentally jumping for joy that she was so strong willed.
"I know," she replied confidently, smiling a large toothy smile.
Still naked she pushed back the covers and to her surprise, the blinds were opened, she hadn't noticed them until now. The sunlight from Conakry's twin suns enveloped Cathy alone, and she gleamed in the sunshine.
When Steve worked his way above the covers he was met with the sight of the vixen glowing in the sunbeams. She looked so beautiful, and had he not known better, Reynolds would have thought she was made of light itself. She just watched him stare at her, and look her over. They were both still nude, but that wasn't what he was focusing on, although his hard member said otherwise. Mentally he just looked at how well she blended with the sunlight, and made sure to memorize the way she looked this moment, wishing he had a camera to capture it.
"Come here Steve," she said quietly, the sound of her voice almost angelic in his ears, which fit the way she looked at the moment.
It took a second for the message to reach his knees and he crawled the foot or two over to her and she pulled him into the sunlight as well. He couldn't see a thing, but he felt every inch of her and of the sunlight.
"Hold me," she commanded in a quiet, yet strong voice.
He put out his arms and she almost fell into them, cuddling against his body. They both felt the warmth of the natural light bath them, and they both felt reborn within it.
The fact was neither of them could see the other, which was why Cathy had called him over. She loved how she could feel his presence and his body, but she didn't need to or could see him. His feelings were identical, and he took it a step further and rubbed her back and then the base of her tail.
She let out a high-pitched "yiff!" and gave his chest a tight squeeze.
"You really like it when I do that don't you?" she asked, not angry in any way, but embarrassed that she couldn't control that reflex.
"I think I like it when you do that the most," he replied, smiling widely.
Although he couldn't see it, she got a devious look in her eye and replied, "but what about this?" And she lowered her mouth, using her snout as a guide, down to his hard cock. She gave it a lick from its base to its tip, causing his body to stiffen against hers.
"I stand corrected," he jested.
With and idea popping into his mind he brought his hands to the sides of her face and lifted her head to a level with his. Still unable to see her he kissed her passionately and said, "Lets try something different."
He felt her nod and he laid down next to her and she went to lay down on top of him but, still not seeing her, positioned her arse over his face, and she got the idea form there.
Carefully the fox lowered her pussy down to his welcoming lips, and she felt him kiss it the same way he did her face, and it felt just as good. In turn she leaned down and placed his dick into her muzzle. Her body fluttered as he ran the tip of his tongue around and over her erect clit.
She moaned on his dick and, ceasing his licking for a moment, Steve said quietly to her, "Do you like this?"
Removing his dick from her mouth she said back to him, "I love it!" and before she could return to licking his cock he had already tensed her clit with his tongue. She moaned loudly and felt the urge to suck as hard as she could on Steve's member.
Not one to disappoint she placed his dick back in her mouth and bobbed her head up and down as he ate her out. Sealing his lips around her pussy, Steve thrusted his tongue as deep as he could into the folds of her pussy. His face glistened further in the sunlight from her already dripping pussy, and the taste of her juices made him sigh in pleasure.
His tongue's invasion of her nether regions caused her to bob her head all the way down, taking his entire length down her throat. She used her long and agile tongue to play with his cock as much as she could. Even with it inside her mouth she could wrap her tongue all the way around it, which made him make short, mild, thrust up into her mouth. She allowed it to go down her throat and she felt him moan into her pussy. The fox was glad he liked this.
Using his tongue, Steve explored his lover's pussy for the first time in a week. He remembered how good it tasted, and it was much better than he imagined it had. Each time he rolled his tongue over an apparently sensitive spot inside her, she would loose control of her neck and would allow most, if not all of his cock to go into her mouth. It took all of the Ranger's might not to thrust up to far, and she was doing a spectacular job at testing his will power.
It wasn't long for either before they could feel the cum building up inside their respective sex piece. They were both trying as hard as they could to get the other off, the sunlight was causing both of them to feel hot, and she felt extremely sexy, even though he could not see her.
To get a better hold on her, Steve reached up and held the fox's ass with both his hands. Using his pinky he rubbed the base of her tail, and in turn he could feel her vocal cords vibrate against his cock as she let out a muffled "yiff."
Seeing the opportunity to "play" with her, he used his thumbs, while not neglecting her tail, to tickle the fur right between her two tight ass cheeks. She moaned on his cock and he smiled, while licking her clit, realizing she was enjoying this a lot.
As he tensed Cathy's clit he felt her increase her rate of licking and sucking of his member, and he realized she was close to cuming. He was close to, and breaking the seal from her delicious pussy he said, "I'm almost ready Cathy."
She replied with a muffled, "Mmm hmm," and he continued licking and eating, awaiting the tastiest of all to shoot into his mouth.
Cathy moaned deep on his cock and she lost control of her hips, letting them come to a rest on his face as her cum streamed from her lips, to his. A moment later he came as well, and she gulped down every drop from his cock.
The salty, milky cum from her lover made her heart skip a beat as he, even though being swamped in her juices, continued erratically licking her clit. Her hips jostled and rocked against his face as the waves of a strong orgasm washed over her.
After a few seconds both their orgasms died down, the previous night had worn them down to a point where they couldn't physically sustain as long an orgasm as the last nights, but Steve knew a way to solve this, a good meal.
With a slurping sound she removed his still twitching cock from her mouth, stopping only to give its tip a quick lick. He broke the seal around her pussy lips as well, turned himself to meet her face. Steve still couldn't see her but he knew she was smiling back at him. Holding her in his arms, he cradled her as is she was a child. She was just as light as he remembered, and because of the way the sunlight enveloped her, it was a strange feeling to hold her, yet not see or feel her weight.
"So are we going to be married today?" she asked in a serine tone, out of nowhere a paw rubbed the side of his face.
"If that's what you want, then yes," he replied, enjoying this to no end.
"But is that something you want?" she asked, wondering if he was feeling better about their prompt union.
Smiling, which her paws felt rather than saw, "I think it's not soon enough my love," Steve replied, and it wasn't an answer meant to please.
After spending the past two nights reunited with his love, and the fact his love was seen as more than acceptable by the Federation, Steve wanted Cathy to be his own as soon as he could. It was a formality; she was his and no one else's, but it was, to both of them, a nice formality.
Reality kicking in for a moment Steve said, "This is pretty nice, the sunlight and all."
"I know, I feel so much more... with you in it," she commented, giving his unseen torso a squeeze.
They both laid there for at least another hour, over the time the twine suns moved and slowly revealed various parts of their bodies to sight. It was almost a rebirth as slowly they could see each other's feet, then their legs, with Cathy's tail making small twirls in the air. When the suns' movements revealed each of their sex pieces the vixen giggled, and gave her partner a good hug. Cathy's fur was matted once again, but the blood red fur looked beautiful in his eyes nonetheless. Even though the light was leaving their parts, they both felt tremendously warm.
"So we really are going to..." she trailed off, a noticeable amount of eagerness in her voice.
Letting his lips be his guide, Steve kissed her forehead, and held her close.
"Yes, we are." he said, holding her tightly in his arms.
She gasped happily and, although still blinded by the sun, turned and gave him a very deep and passionate kiss. He dipped her head below his and their tongues intertwined and swirled around; it was going to be a good day.
Now all a twitter, she sat up and just rested in his arms, thinking of what that one final moment will feel like.
"Don't you want to get up and go?" he asked, although his voice told a different story. It really said, "I really want to stay in bed with you until the end of time."
"Let's sit and wait and..." she just trailed off, feeling that words were useless here, and she just snuggled into his strong arms.
For another good thirty minutes they laid there, and then as they both looked into the area of where they knew the other's eyes were, they watched, and waited, as the curtain of sunlight lifted. Steve watched as slowly her snout, then her cheeks, and finally, her beautiful eyes. She looked on as well, and saw his face come into view. They both looked and felt happier now. They were, in spirit and mind, reborn in the sun.
Without a word, they both leaned in and shared another long kiss, this one more of what lovers share after sex, rather than just *average* kissing.
"Lets go," he whispered to her, and, almost carrying her, lifted the pair from the bed and they both dressed. Their clothes from the previous day laid strewn on the ground, and, although noticeably reluctantly, the pair dressed in them. Her arm stuck through his, they walked out the door and down the hall.
Down the extravagant stairs they went, and at the bottom they were met by the old cat that had brought them to their room the night before.
"Sleep well?" he asked, smiling at the pair in love.
"Very well," Cathy answered, her entire snout perked up in a smile.
"Good to hear that," he replied, "If you are hungry breakfast has been prepared."
Having not eaten since the previous day's lunch hour, they were both quite hungry, and nodding, the cat led them through the various rooms of the estate.
Cathy, always the caring fox, tapped the cat's elbow as they walked to the dinning room, causing him to stop short.
"Something wrong ma'am?" the cat asked, turning to meet the pair.
"No, I just wanted to know your name," she answered in a kind voice.
Smiling he lowered his head and replied, "I am Chris Parks. I serve as the head butler for the consular's estate, caretaker and such."
"Well Mr. Parks," Cathy replied, very serious now, "I have a question for you."
"No problem ma'am," the cat replied, still smiling.
"Actually its two questions," she corrected herself, "First, I want to know, what did you think of Consular Otho."
Still smiling, although it was apparent it was forced, Parks replied, "I won't feel right speaking ill of the dead."
"What I meant to say was, did he appear to enjoy himself more than the average Consular?" she asked again.
"Well," the cat begun reluctantly, "the last few Consular's I've met were far from what you would call 'average.' I've been serving as the head butler for Consular's for more than thirty years," Cathy thought of Osing and Drake, "and I would say there's been a steady decline in the attitudes of Consulars over that time. What was your other question ma'am?"
"You know who my husband is right?" he nodded. "Well do you think he will make a good Consular?"
Smiling again Parks replied, "I think he will definitely break the trend. Just seeing how much he cares for you shows how much he can care for the Federation, which, I think, was the greatest problem with the last series of Consulars."
"Thank you Mr. Parks," Steve commented, "I have a question as well if you don't mind."
"Not at all sir," the cat replied, smiling to see the fox resting her head on the man's shoulder.
"Do you know how or where's the best place to," he looked at Cathy and smiled, "to hold a wedding?"
"Why here of course," the cat replied, with no hesitation.
Nodding and having thoughts run through his mind Reynolds gave Cathy a small kiss on her cheek. Parks turned and lead the pair all the way to the dinning hall, which, as to the rest of the mansion, was probably more extravagant than it needed to be.
As did the rest of the rooms in the estate, the walls were adorned with huge pictures and murals, and as Steve was pulling Cathy's seat out for her to sit, one caught his eye, almost causing his hold on her paw to falter.
"What?" she asked, looking at the perplexed look on his face.
He stared at the picture and replied, "That-that picture. It's my father."
Cathy turned instantly, eager to see the face of the man who was the father of her soul mate.
He looked, needless to say, very similar to Steve, but not as... as endearing. Very strong and powerful, handsome as well, but he didn't have the same eyes as Steve; he didn't look as kind. Cathy thought that a look of longing, or a look missing for his father would be on his face, but instead it was one of anger.
The picture showed the Captain's father, clad entirely in an older version of the P9 armor, holding of all things his families Thompson, and pointing into the distance as a collective of army and navy forces surged around his feet and in a semi-halo around his head.
He began walking towards the picture, and Cathy, not wanting to let go, got up and walked with him. Coming to the foot of the picture the fox saw a look of pure hatred in her lover's eyes.
"What's wrong?" she asked meekly, not wanting to strike a cord with him.
In a sad, almost regretful tone he replied, "I hate this man almost as much as I hate that bird."
This was new news to Cathy's ears, and she rubbed his back and replied, "Sit down and eat something."
"I'm not hungry," he replied, shaking his head, but not removing his eyes from the picture.
Realizing she needed to break him out of this, or at least break his eye contact with the picture, Cathy said, in the strongest and firmest voice, "Steve, look at me."
Almost instantly he turned his head and met her eyes. She saw a look of pain in them she had not seen before, at least not in his.
"You know better than anyone that I know about..." she sighed, thinking of her own past, "bad fathers. Don't dread on this, it will only hurt you more."
Nodding he began to turn his eyes back to the picture, but her firm grip on his elbows held his eyes in place.
"Now, lets eat something, I know you must be as hungry as I am," she said, smiling again.
Steve forced smiled and kissed her cheek, and the pair walked back to the table, but thoughts of his father still invaded his mind.
They sat and the food was brought in. It was a huge breakfast, with great tasting food. Fresh eggs, milk, sausage, and bacon, and biscuits and other foods that neither had eaten or seen in years, or, for Cathy at least, never before.
"Wow," she said, and picked up a forkful of scrambled eggs. Tasting it she let out a deep "Mmmmmm."
They ate the hearty meal and when they were both content, leaned back in their chairs, and their eyes began to wonder. Steve made a mental note to look everywhere but the picture of his father, but Cathy's eyes were glued to it.
It upset her dearly that he harbored such pain, at that she didn't even know about it. She shivered at the thought of what other things he must have buried down deep within himself, and she was worried of them spontaneously appearing.
The vixen got up, and took the seat next to him, turned the chair and laid her head on his shoulder.
"Steve," she began, "I think we need to talk about you for a change."
He turned and gave her a puzzled look; he wasn't quite sure what she meant by that.
Continuing she gestured with her paws, "You know all about my past, but I know little of yours. If we are going to get... well... married in a few hours, I *want* to know about you. The good and the bad."
Sighing he looked her in the face and replied, "There isn't much good, not really until I met you."
She smiled and moved her chair closer to his, making a small couch out of them. The fox let him rest on her for a change, and stroked the side of his head.
"Go on," she said, and let him nuzzle her body.
"Well, since I guess you want to know about my father, he was a good man, and that's about it. I think I've spent more time with you than I had with him," she made a soft sigh of disbelief, "The sad thing is that's probably true," he replied to make it clear. "I can remember instructors' faces clearer than his. I don't think he liked me much," he concluded, his voice rather heavy.
"Why didn't you tell me this?" she asked, angry at what would be considered her father-in-law seemed to instill in her beloved.
Shrugging he replied, "I just never gave it much thought. To be honest the last time I really thought about him, just for the sake of it, was at least four years ago, when most of my troopers stopped trusting me."
He remembered back to that time, which in reality wasn't that long ago, yet it felt like ages. In a months time Captain Reynolds was going from being a distrusted company commander, to possibly holding the trust of the entire Federation. Quite the switch to say the least.
"He didn't marry for love. My mother, if you can call her that, was beautiful I guess, but I knew her about as well as my dad. They spent most of their time together, but not *together*. I don't even think he really loved her, I think he just loved showing her off."
"And are you his opposite?" she asked, rubbing his head which was now weighing on her breast.
"In every way, yes," which actually made him fell better. By anything other than name, he wanted to be disjoined from his father.
"What about your grandfather, you mentioned him to me once," she said, realizing she had heard enough about his father. One day she might pursue it further, but it was inconsequential to her in the big picture.
Smiling he replied, "Now my grandfather was a great man, and a great person. When I wasn't training, I was with him. He really taught me what was important. He taught me ancient fighting techniques, things long forgotten and, as he often admitted, were useless in real combat, but shouldn't be forgotten. He taught me how to shoot my Thompson." Sniffling now he continued, "He died when I was about 14, after that I trained in the military pretty much non-stop."
Cathy stroked Steve's head with her paw; she could tell he must miss his grandfather very much. His death had ended his life, so to speak. He had never gone to parties, never gone shopping, never been a normal youngling, something even Cathy had enjoyed time-to-time.
His voice very heavy now, he continued, "I didn't make many friends as kid. Most of the time I was around officers, probably why I get along with General Osing and Admiral Drake so well. By the way, how is it that he was... okay with you?"
"What? You mean because I'm a furry?" the fox asked. It was a humorous concept now, since the Admiral was one of their key supporters.
He nodded into her breast and she chuckled, "Well remember I told you about the interrogation he gave me on the Trident? Well he was quite taken with Karl, and I think it was that puppy who made him more liking to our kind."
"How he couldn't ever like furries is beyond me," Steve commented, feeling very comforted by Cathy's soft stroking of his head, "Your all so soft and tend to not have the faults of man," he added, smiling.
Cathy was taken by the statement. She always harbored *some* fears that others would look at pair... strangely; that because he was a human and she was a fox wouldn't be overall accepted. Now with him likely to be the next Consular, her worries frightened her more.
The true fact was that *most* planets where humans and furries coexisted, mixed pairs were common and accepted, but because Cathy's home of Foc was almost exclusively foxes, she wasn't ever really exposed to the concept.
Sighing his voice went cold and asked, "Do you think it might be our fault the war started. Humans I mean?"
Cooing, she held his head in her paws and replied, "Of course not. Why would you think a thing like that?"
"Because only humans tend to be so evil to each other, and anyone that comes in contact with us." He continued, feeling much self-pity for himself, and his species.
Cathy couldn't believe it, she had never heard of such a thing.
"During one of my 'talks' with Mafeu, he told me that long before we left our home planet and started colonizing and controlling your planets, we had brought an end to an almost eternal peace. I wasn't taught to look at it like that, but I cant help thinking we hurt your universe, and so many have had to die because of it. Why do you think we are the only ones who seem to cause problems?"
"You don't realize something Steve," she said, kindly as possible. She wasn't angry with him or his species, she knew this was more of a mild case of Post Dramatic Stress Disorder, and she needed to get it out of his system, "the wolves have never been at ease with the Federation."
"Yes but we made the Federation," he added.
"But they weren't exactly friendly with others before that you know," she answered.
To her surprise he shook his head into her breast. How could he not know that?
"You don't know they've tortured us for many thousands of years?" she asked.
Looking up, his eyes somewhat red from straining them, he shook his head and replied, "No, I thought their hostilities only really began when we tried to make them part of the Federation."
"I thought you went to high end schools?" she asked, and he nodded in return.
"Keep in mind, those schools were all military academies of one kind or another," he replied, his mind starting to catch up with her reasoning.
She looked him in the eye and realized that these weren't new thoughts, he had been wondering about his kind's actions for some time.
"I think I need to teach you some history," she said and looked around.
Realizing that this wasn't the place she stood up, and, holding his hand, walked them to the adjoining room and they sat on a couch. She laid his head down on her lap and rested her paws on his face.
"You never heard of how brutal the wolves were towards other furries before humans came to help us?" she asked.
He shook his head again, not able to raise his voice high enough to answer.
"How can that be?" she asked, "How could you not be taught such an important thing?"
"Who taught you?" he asked.
Looking away she answered, "My father."
Now he held her. Neither liked their father's, but she had a much better reason.
"Sick bastard," Reynolds thought to himself.
"He told me," Cathy continued, "That long before people came to our planet, or other planets, the wolves went around, conquering planets and taking furries hostage. They would basically like pigs, and force us to serve and appease them. When people came around, talking of their United Federation, almost all species and planets jumped at the chance and joined. The wolves pulled out right away, being the cowards they are, and then after hundreds of years, the Federation became what it is today," she thought for a moment and added, "sort of."
Seeing his face frightened her. He looked scared and angry. He looked the same way when he described his father.
"My instructors always made it seem like we just came along and said, 'hey try our way of government' and poof, you had the Federation. Why wouldn't they tell us we helped? The natural idea we would get was that we were conquerors, you make us seem like saviors," he finished.
"You were," she said, smiling at him.
He shook his head, "But why wouldn't they tell us we wer-"
"I meant you were," she cut in.
He thought for a moment and smiled back.
"I think that speaks volumes about your species, that you saved me, even though you could have been killed yourself, and that you are the loving man I am going to marry," she replied and nuzzled his face.
"Thank you Cathy..." he said and hugged her.
Glad to see him smile she decided to drop it for now, Steve would go deeper if he needed to and Cathy would listen when he did.
For a good amount of time they sat on the couch. They were both enjoying a moment of honesty, and until Parks came in, their minds were pretty much at ease.
"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything," he said appraisingly.
"Not at all," Cathy replied cheerfully. She was starting to feel more like the young, 22 year old fox she was.
"There's a call for Captain Reynolds from a Captain Atric," the cat reported, and gestured to follow him.
"I'll go," Steve said to Cathy as he stood, "you get whatever you want for today and meet me at the landing pad, we're going to return to the Endeavor and have chat with General Osing."
Smiling she replied, "Okay."
The Captain followed Parks through various rooms in the Estate until he reached a rather large den of sorts.
"Over their sir," he gestured to a Com system on the wall. Even something as ordinary as a Com station was all done up in what the Captain saw as, "Crap."
Regardless, he walked over to the station, and on the small screen he saw the young face of his former XO.
"Hello Sean, what do you need?" Steve asked, noticing a slight smile played across the fox's face.
"We've been wondering how things went, how the Consular's estate is," he replied.
Sighing the Captain replied, "It's... extravagant to say the least. I can imagine that bird feeling right at home. We're coming up to the Endeavor right away, we need to clarify a few things with General Osing."
"He's been waiting for you to come for almost two hours, but he refused to have you awaken," Sean replied.
"Well tell him these two things, you're the first to really know; today Cathy and I are going to get married, and we need to find someplace to do it, and I need to talk to him about this whole 'consular' deal."
Sean just smiled at his friend and nodded. His face flickered off and Steve knew that the fox was likely running about like a pup and telling every waking soul of Reynolds' announcement.
Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1059 Military Time
"They're what?!" Osing exclaimed, a smile forming in the corner of his mouth.
With a grin that showed every tooth in his mouth, Sean replied, "Yes sir, straight from Captain Reynolds mouth, they plan to come here right away, and they plan to end the day married."
"And he sounded like he's considering being Consular?" Drake asked, equally interested.
"Yes sir," Sean replied, still smiling, "He sounded more like he has conditions, which would mean he wants the job."
Standing up Osing brushed out the wrinkles in his pants, "Alright, then we have to make sure things go well. I don't know about you, but I think it's a good idea that we keep him happy as possible. If we can get him to be consular, it will definitely wash away the feelings towards the Consulars after..." he paused for a moment, "... the last few consulars ruined it."
"So what's the plan?" Drake asked, thinking of the pair.
Osing sighed and began, "Well-"
"Hello General," Captain Reynolds interrupted, walking onto the bridge with Cathy next to him.
"Hello son, that was fast. I take it all is well?" Osing asked, careful to read the Captain's response.
Looking at Sean who couldn't help but grin at the pair Reynolds looked at Osing and replied, "Yes sir, I take it Sean's informed you of our plans?"
Osing nodded, grinning as well in the process. Particularly General Osing had expected this all along, and to him this was the crowning moment of his efforts.
"So then, do you know how best to go about it, we both have ideas, but I don't really know where we can, or if we really can have this done in a day," he replied, feeling Cathy give him a loving squeeze with her paw.
"For the first time I can honestly say, the Federation has your back Captain Reynolds. You just get yourselves prepared, we'll take care of the rest," Drake replied, noticing a sigh of relief escape both of their lips.
"Thank you Admiral, General," the Captain nodded, and he turned and walked out the door with his partner.
Watching the pair walk out, Sean commented, "Well, I guess we have a lot of work to do."
"Yes, uh Lieutenant?" Drake called out.
"Sir!" a panther walked over and saluted the Admiral.
"Lieutenant, I need you to go down to the surface, go to the Public Relation's office at FN/FGF Command, and start things rolling for the..." he trailed off for a moment and smiled, "wedding of Captains Reynolds and Grey."
The panther smiled and without a word, walked off the bridge to the shuttle bay.
"Well that should defiantly set things in motion," Osing commented.
A Ranger corporal, a rabbit, walked up to Sean and saluted.
"Captain Atric, Captain Gates wishes to see you."
Hesitating for a moment Sean put up his paw and replied, "Thank you Corporal."
The rabbit walked off the bridge and Osing stared at the fox and said, "Where has Captain Gates been all day?"
"Emily felt tired this morning and just stayed in bed," Sean replied.
Through his attuned hearing, the fox heard Drake say under his breath, "Oh boy..."
Ignoring the comment he nodded to the two officers and walked off the bridge.
Walking towards what had been Captain Reynolds old room, Cathy's mind was noisy and uncollected. She thought of all the things to do. Even though she had spent the better part of her life not interested in matters of the heart, she was in the end, a female, and the thought of being married to the man of her dreams excited her in so many ways.
"What do we need to prepare?" Steve asked her quietly, trying not to draw attention in the busy halls.
Coming out of her thoughts she replied, "I'm... not exactly sure..."
"I take it you've never been to a wedding either?" he asked, in a humorous tone.
She shook her head and shrugged, "I know what they look like, but I've never been to one."
"Well what do we need?" she asked as they got onto the lift with two other soldiers.
He waited a moment and thought.
"Well, you need a dress," he whispered as quietly as he could into her ear. The other two in the lift, a dog and a squirrel heard him and gave each other a perplexed look.
"Are you..." the dog scrutinized the couple. "...Captain Reynolds and Captain Grey?"
A bit surprised the pair turned and both nodded.
The dog's eyes widened and the squirrel smiled.
"So is it true? You're both getting married today?" the dog asked looking very interested.
Cathy giggled and nodded.
The two soldiers looked at each other again in surprise.
"Boy do rumors spread through the Federation like wildfire," Steve thought.
"How did this... you know... like happen?" the dog added.
Steve shrugged, "I saved her, and she saved me."
The squirrel's eyebrows crooked, "That's it?"
Cathy smiled and answered, "No, there's so much more to it," she gave Steve a small push, causing him to chuckle, "He saved me, and he was the only one whom I could trust, they wanted to kill me. He saved me again from the wolves, and when I found him, he saved me again."
The lift came to their stop and, without another word the pair walk off and down the corridor to Steve's old room. They could have gone to their new room, rather suite, aboard the Endeavor, but they both realized that the most private and intimate place they could go was the room where they had spent most of their relationship.
When they entered there was a slight smell in the air. Not bad, but it was there. It was actually their smell, what they had left after they had made their attempt to run from the Federation.
Sitting down on the bed Steve commented, "You know you saved me back their as well."
Cathy tilted her head quizzically; it was her thoughts that he was the one who was coming to her rescue.
"If it wasn't for you, if you didn't love me and want to save me, the Federation might not have come and found me, and the Alpha Wolf would be alive and fighting, and that bird would still be trading lives for money. Cathy, you saved me and everyone in the Federation."
No one had put it like that, and she thought for a moment. She had thought all along she was just trying to find the Captain, not necessarily save him. The fox had certainly never thought that she had saved the rest of the Federation as well; she just figured she was doing her duty to her lover.
Steve smiled and sat her down on his lap. Her tail whipped between them and she used it to brush his face, to which he coddled her to his chest and kissed the fur on her cheek.
Remembering what he had said back in the lift she restarted their conversation.
"I've never really worn a dress before," Cathy said, the excitement becoming more apparent in her voice.
"I can't wait to see this," he thought to himself, trying to imagine her walking to him.
"What about you?" she asked, looking up at him, her muzzle a few inches from his face.
"I have my dress uniform," he replied, wanting to kiss her.
She smiled, "Your going to wear your medals?"
He frowned and didn't reply.
"I know you have medals, I remember hearing how you had almost every major one the Federation offers," she said, but his reaction didn't improve.
"I do, but I'm not very proud of them to be honest," he replied.
She nuzzled his face and asked, "Why not?"
He sighed and replied, "I blame myself and Colonel Hushing and his cronies."
Cathy shuttered at the thought of the late Colonel, he had almost taken her love from her.
"Wear them with pride my love," she said, licking his lips.
He sighed again and scooted her off his lap, and walked over to his dresser. After digging through some clothes he pulled out a small suitcase. He walked back to Cathy and sat down next to her. Even without his urging she laid her head on his shoulder and watched as he opened the case.
It was amazing. It was literally pilled high with medals. Gold, silver, bronze, and other colors of metal gleamed out of the case.
"Wow, you really do have them all..." she commented.
Digging through the case he pulled out one single, small gold medal. Cathy had never seen one of it's type before.
"This is the only one I'm proud of, Admiral Drake would likely remember it," Steve began, smiling at the trinket, "I got it fresh from the Predator Training unit. I was part of a Ranger unit, and we saved the good Admiral. In the process I helped my Company Commander, Captain Jennings, and the rest of the Ranger's go through a tough zero-g battle."
"Well wear that one then, any others?" Cathy said, beginning to think that most of the medals were in reality special to the Captain, she just needed to make him realize that.
For the next ten or fifteen minutes they went through about fifty medals, at which point it was clear his lapel would weigh a lot more than needed, so Cathy let him stop with one of the medals, another small Gold one. This time however, her frowned and didn't talk.
"Well what's the story of that one?" Cathy asked, noticing a small winch of pain in her love's eye.
"My father gave me this one..." he said, staring at the small gold medal, "He sent it to me when I graduated, it's one of the only things that I ever got from him."
"Then of all of them, you have to wear that one," she said, giving him a small squeeze.
"Why?" he asked, a bit surprised by her statement.
"Because," she answered, "He is and always will be your father, and even if you don't care for him, I'm indebted to him forever."
"Why?" he asked again, this time even more surprised.
"He gave me you..." she said, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Steve huffed and held her in his arms.
"Well if you put it like that..." he grinned, "Now what about you?"
She now took on a slightly sad mug, and lowered her snout.
"I don't have really anything I can think of to wear..." she trailed off, realizing that plain fact.
"Hmmmm...." moaned Reynolds as he thought for a moment.
Neither could think of a thing, she really had little clothing to speak of, only military dress uniforms, and she wasn't going to wear one of those.
"What do you think I look best in?" she asked, figuring maybe that was the best answer.
"Anything..." he thought for a moment and grinned, "and nothing..."
She pushed his shoulder and replied, "Unless you want to do the same that's out of the question."
"Oh get a grip!" she laughed and tackled him on the bed.
She snuggled in close to his body and he cradled her.
"Cathy my love," he began, "I'm going to make sure you find the most beautiful dress you can imagine."
Steve felt the vixen hug him a bit tighter and he pet the fur behind her ears. He felt her stretch and relax in his arms.
"Aside from that, is there anything else we need?" he asked, realizing that she was starting to fall asleep.
"Well," the fox yawned, "I know we each need a main witness."
"Oh ya..." he said, remember that part of a wedding.
"Well I'm sure you have someone you can use, but I don't know any other women in the Federation well enough to be my maid of honor," Cathy said, putting her head right next to his.
Ticking he nuzzled her, "My poor fox, I'm going to make sure everything goes perfectly, alright."
She closed her eyes and nodded into his head.
"I know why your so tired, and I think its quite cute too," the Captain commented, which brought her back to attention.
"What?" she asked, not catching on.
He took her paw and rubbed her stomach, "This."
She smiled widely and kissed him, "You know I'm looking forward to that so much."
"So am I, I want to prove to you and myself that fathers don't have to always be bad..." he trailed off.
For a long while they just laid there, as they were becoming accustomed too.
"I take it your going to ask Sean to be your best man?" Cathy asked, breaking the silence.
He nodded and replied, "Yes, I was debating between him or Osing or Drake, but I think I have a better idea for them," Steve grinned at his own brilliance; he had a great idea for both of them.
"What about Emily?" the Captain proposed, "She's a very strong willed rabbit, and must be quite big hearted, she's in love with Sean."
"Sounds like your proposing a double wedding," she commentated into his side.
Steve huffed, "Today is your day Cathy, and I don't think there's a soul in the Federation who thinks otherwise."
"I love you Steve," the vixen said, and gave him a very tight hug.
She yawned again and he stroked her head. Steve forced himself to get up, he would have liked to lay there with her, but he had a duty to her.
"Here, you rest for a little while, and I'm going to go prepare some things, okay?" he said, giving her a small kiss.
"Okay," she said, and watch him walk out the door.
A few seconds later, she was asleep, dreaming of what this day would bring.
Shutting the door behind him was quite feet. He desperately wanted to lay in bed with her all day, she looked so happy today, but he had to make sure things went perfectly. Steve had done so at the lake, and he was going to do so again in the Federation's capital.
The Captain pulled out his Com unit and sent a message to a Ranger to have Sean report to the Captain in the suite he and Cathy had been given.
While he made his way up there he passed by many officers and troopers, all of whom stopped and took an extra look at him. Steve figured they must have been wondering where Cathy was.
Reynolds walked into the room and was meet with the sight of his Thompson in the corner of the room. He picked it up and held the ancient weapon. Now the gun wasn't only part of his family, but was going to be part of Cathy's as well. He was going to share everything he had with her and couldn't wait for it.
About thirty minutes later Sean knocked on his door and entered promptly. Before all this, when the fox had been Steve's XO, he always look sure, strong, and, somewhat, arrogant, but now he looked a bit happier, and seemed to become somewhat nervous, but not in a bad way. This time however he looked a bit more distracted than what was becoming his *usual*.
"What's wrong Sean?" Steve asked friendly, standing up to meet his friend.
"Uh nothing si- Steve," the fox replied, a bit uneasy about addressing Reynolds in such a friendly way.
"Sean, what's up?" he asked again, realizing that there was something the fox needed to get off his chest.
"Emily- Captain Gates is... uh... she's..." he trailed off, his voice faltering on and off.
Judging by the fox's nervous state, and his archaic mannerism, Captain Reynolds soon caught on.
"Ohhh, heh heh, well congrats Sean..." Reynolds managed to get out in a surprised, yet calm tone.
"Thanks..." Sean replied, not very focused.
"Sean I have a favor to ask of you," Steve began, realizing that this might not have been the best time to ask, but he didn't have a real choice.
Captain Atric looked up, the look of uncertainty disappearing. He still could snap back to attention, he hadn't forgotten how to be a soldier.
"Will you be my best man at my wedding?" Steve finally said, a bit relieved to have at least said it.
The fox smiled, "Of course Steve, I would be honored."
"Thank you Sean," Captain Reynolds said, a smile pushed its way onto his face.
He began to turn and walk away, but Sean posed a quick question; "What do you think I should do with Emily? I mean I will marry her, I want to marry her, but I don't know about being a father."
Steve chuckled and turned back, "Sean, neither do I, and believe me, I think I'm more nervous about it than you could imagine. Neither mine, nor Cathy's father was..." he searched for the right words, "...admirable. I have to make sure that I am as good of a father as I can be, I cannot- I will not allow myself to fall short as both of ours did."
The fox didn't look any more relieved, and he shifted his feet uncomfortably.
"Put it like this Sean," Reynolds explained, "You love Emily with all your heart?"
"More than I could ever describe," Sean replied, in a confident and sure voice.
"Then that's all that matters, if you love her, you will love your offspring, and you will always do good for who you love. My father didn't love me, and I don't think he really loved my mother, but I know I love Cathy, and I will love my children as much as I love her. I know you will be a great father as well, and that Emily is lucky to have you."
Sean smiled. The Captain had simplified things, and reassured him, at that had done wonders for the fox's mentality.
"I have one other thing to ask you Sean," Reynolds began, feeling even more awkward than before, "since we're on the subject. Cathy needs a maid of honor, and we would like to know if Emily could do so."
Sean continued smiling, which made Steve feel better, "I'm sure she would be as honored as I am."
"Thank you again Sean," the Captain nodded, and, after thinking for a moment, put out his hand.
Sean took his hand in his paw and shook it, "I wish you good luck with Cathy, she's a wonderful fox and I know that she loves you more than anything."
Steve just smiled and turned and walked away, leaving Sean in a much better mood than he had met him in.
Cathy awoke about thirty minutes after Steve left her in the room alone. She hadn't awoken because she was satisfied with her nap, but because she was cold. She woke feeling cold and alone and she didn't like it. The fox had spent the last two days with her lover almost nonstop, as she should. Hell, she had been willing to die to find him, she would have done nothing but be with him for the rest of their lives is she could have her way.
Sitting up she felt a cold shiver resonate throughout her furry body. Even though her fur was fluffier and warmer than usual, she couldn't quite figure out why, the vixen still felt immeasurably cold.
Realizing she smelled a bit ripe, and knowing where she was going to be in mere hours, she took a nice hot shower. Even as the very hot water rushed over her fur and onto the skin below, she still felt somewhat cold. It wasn't the cold that caused shivering, but a cold she felt in the depths of her body. Either way, Cathy knew the shower would do her well, and she made sure that *every* part of herself was cleaned as well as she could. When she was satisfied with her shower, she dried off and dressed as warmly as possible.
There was almost no clothing in the room, and all that was there were some of Steve's clothes. It was a bit big for her slender figure, but she felt closer to him by merely wearing his clothes.
She wondered where Steve was, what he was doing. Cathy knew whatever he was doing, he was doing it for her, but she still would have preferred him being with her. The fox still felt cold.
So much had been said today, so much had happened. It was a good final day of their lives not bound by marriage. They had both gotten things off their chest's that had weighed heavily on both of their consciousnesses.
The computer on his desk was still on, even from a few weeks ago, and she walked over to it. The fox sat down and began surfing through various articles, of varying topics. What she was most interested in though, was what would *happen* to her as her pregnancy progressed.
"Wow..." she muttered aloud as she read the article.
She had understood and known about the basics of pregnancy in her kind, but she didn't, for obvious reasons, really understand it; she had slept through that part of class back home.
"I bet Steve will be very glad at that," Cathy thought to herself.
She lowered the article and looked at various things, even played a game. Her mind was wandering in millions of miles of thoughts and feelings, all of which surrounded Steve.
"Ma'am!" someone called out from the other side of the door, knocking on the door as well.
Breaking her semi-interested trance on the game she was playing, Cathy walked over and opened the door. In it stood a female mink, holding a suitcase, and she was smiling kindly. To her surprise the mink wasn't in uniform, and wasn't escorted.
"Who are you?" Cathy asked the new face.
"I'm Maria Saab, your fiancée sent me over to fit you for your dress. May I come in?" the mink replied, gesturing to the case in her paw.
Cathy stepped back from the door and just eyed the mink over. She put most of her attention to the suitcase in her hand. It looked too small to hold a-
"Dress!?" Cathy said aloud, now registering what the Mink had said.
"Yes Ms. Grey, do you really think Captain Reynolds would allow you to not have a dress? I will say, if you permit, he is quite handsome, for a human anyway," the mink said.
A little annoyed by her comment, as innocent and good hearted as it was, Cathy replied, "That's Captain Grey, and why aren't you in uniform uh-"
"Ms. Saab, and I'm not a soldier, I was just brought here from my studio about 10 minutes ago, quite abruptly I might add Captain Grey," the mink replied, in a calm and cool voice. She was being paid way too much to fly off the handle now. Plus, she thought that it was quite a romantic story.
"Well Ms. Saab," Cathy began, cooling off a little, but still annoyance was present in her voice, she wasn't sure why, "you said Steve sent you?"
"Yes, and we have little time, I usually take a few days to fit a dress, we have a few hours, so please, go undress while I set up," the mink commanded, which caused quite a reaction on Cathy's part.
She was about to say something in retort, but then the mink opened the suitcase and pulled out the dress. Cathy melted at the sight, it was beautiful. She turned and almost ran into the bathroom. She quickly undressed but realized she needed clean underwear.
Cathy walked out and made a nervous gesture to her lessened clothes.
"I need to go and get some better underwear, these aren't exactly what I would like to wear," she commented to the mink, who already had a pincushion and other fitting items.
Ms. Saab looked up, smiled, and reached back into the suitcase. She produced a very, very skimpy white lace thong and bra, and replied, "Don't worry, being the best I always know what to have. I believe from you health form measurements I got your real size. For some reason they always feel that they need to make females appear three or four sizes larger than usual, and males about three sizes to small."
Seeing the provocative underwear, Cathy felt quite awkward, but excited, and not necessarily just for herself.
"I assume you're washed?" the mink said, scrutinizing Cathy from ears to paws.
The fox nodded.
"Then here," she handed Cathy the undergarments, they were almost weightless, "Put these on and come back out so we can fit this."
Cathy obeyed and went into the bathroom, and put on the thong and bra. It was very small, and Cathy would have been embarrassed to wear it in front of Steve, and she could spend the rest of her life nude with him, and just the way it made her look made her feel very reserved.
The vixen walked out and saw the mink holding up and smoothing out the dress. She turned to look the fox over and smiled.
"He's quite lucky, you have a beautiful figure," Ms. Saab commented, looking over the way the underwear fit onto Cathy like a small, revealing glove.
"Thank you," Cathy replied and walked next to her.
"Now put this on, but carefully. It might not fit *perfectly* right away, but I'll make quick work of any problems," the mink said, holding the pincushion and needle with thread.
**Chapter 2 King**
Shooting Range Aboard FN Endeavor 1404 Military Time
Three shots rang out and all three of the metal targets drooped in quick succession, almost instantaneously.
"Set 'em up again!" Karl yelled out to the range officer.
"Doing good today Sergeant," the officer said, pressing the reset button.
After almost a week of basically non-stop shooting Karl was becoming a crack shot, particularly with the pistol. He could bull's-eye almost any target on the rifle range, and the pistol range was almost boring to him now. What he liked the most about the shooting was, of all things, the quietness of it. Since he had become quite the spectacle, few had seen such a young pup ever shoot, and shoot well at that, they tended to leave him to his shooting alone in the large range. He liked the silence between his shots; to him it was one of the quietest sounds he had ever heard, and the most peaceful.
He walked back to the shooter's box and at the buzzer he was off. He took three steps forward, stopped at the coverage wall and sent three quick rounds downrange. He heard the sound of three "pings" which meant he had been dead on.
Another few steps put Karl at the prone shooter's position. He jumped down, fired another volley, and jumped to his feet before he even heard the resonating sound of his successful fire.
Just as he reached the final shooter's position, he heard three shoots sound off behind him, and heard three targets drop, his three targets.
Standing the puppy turned angrily and looked downrange, "Who shot my-"
Karl cut himself off. It was Captain Reynolds holding his old gun, Karl didn't know what it was but nothing in the arms locker looked like it.
The puppy ran up to his mentor and saluted. The Captain shook his head but returned the gesture.
"Hi Karl, I see you're quite the uh," Steve looked at the six downed targets, "good shot."
"Thank you sir!" Karl said, his tail wagging at the Captain.
"There's something I need to talk to you about," Reynolds began, his voice quite serious.
Karl nodded for him to continue.
Steve smiled and did so, "You know Cathy and I are getting married today right?" Karl nodded, "Well I'm tying up as many loose ends as I can, and your one of the last ones."
The puppy tilted his head in confusion, and holstered his pistol, to which the Captain chuckled.
"I want to ask you, what are you going to do one this is *really* over? I only ask because, as much as it seems you like the Army, I can't in good conscious allow you to serve in it, not at this young age, particularly because there's someone out there who you love and apparently loves you."
Karl's normally excited mood fell and he looked right down at his own feet.
"Cathy told you about Lucy?" he asked, his voice showing embarrassment.
"Yes, and I can say, from experience, I can't think of a worse thing than to lose the one I love, and, if only for Lucy's sake, you wouldn't want to put her in that kind of pain," Reynolds replied, very calm but in a commanding tone.
"What if Lucy served with me?" the pup asked, his voice still hung a bit.
Chuckling Steve replied, "Karl, that's why Cathy and I had to leave in the first place, that's the reason the Federation frowns upon relationships between soldiers. No, that of all things would be unacceptable. And besides, *I am* going to make sure no one ever has to lose a loved one to war again."
That last part hung in the air like a cloud. Steve had pretty much accepted the idea of becoming Consular, and moreover he knew that the most important thing he could do was set up a way for peace to exist in perfection. The military would still exist, but he hoped they would never have to be used for anything more than disaster relief.
The Captain made an excellent point, and Karl knew it.
"All right sir, but then what am I to do anyway?" the pup asked, the dream of combat leaving his mind. Peace sounded better to him anyway.
"That's what I asked you," the Captain replied, smiling at Karl, "I know you don't have a home, unless you want to stay with Lucy's family."
Karl shook his head, "I like her parents, but they're to... afraid all the time. When we got those wolves," he paused for a moment, wondering if might be brining up bad memories but he continued, "I found Lucy first, they were hiding somewhere."
"Well where do you plan to go then?" Reynolds asked, an idea forming in his mind.
"I don't know, but I don't want to go anywhere without Lucy," he replied.
The answer left the Captain surprised, if not dumbfounded. It was quite the display of friendship and love.
"Do you think her parents would let you bring her with you?" Reynolds asked, not quite sure what kind of parents the female pup had.
Karl shrugged, "I don't know, but where would we go anyway?"
"Well, I hate to rush you," the Captain said, kneeling down to be face to face with the little pup, "but you need to figure things out soon."
"I don't know..." the pup repeated.
Reynolds smiled, "You have time really, just keep it in mind. You can do what you want for now, I just need to go talk with General Osing and Admiral Drake."
"Can I come?" the pup asked, "I like Admiral Drake, he nice."
Steve almost broke out laughing. Of all the people the little puppy could like, Admiral Drake should be the last.
"Comon," Reynolds said, and the pup followed the officer off the shooting range, only stopping to hand in his pistol.
Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1410 Military Time
"So when can we expect everything to be ready down there?" Drake asked, looking over the plans on the table. They weren't the normal type of plans; in fact none in the room had ever dealt with plans of this... type before.
"In about three more hours *everything* should be perfect. Most of the, I guess, important guests are already on their way, and I've never heard a chef complain so much, but he should be able to have his part done fast," chuckling the General added, "I think of all the operations I've been involved with, this is the toughest."
"But may turn out to be the most rewarding," Lt. Colonel Sterling added.
Osing nodded in agreement. If only for the happiness of the couple; that would more than make this worth their work and efforts.
"I just hope they both remembered to get the right clothing," Drake chuckled.
Chuckling as well Osing replied, "Don't forget, he's still Captain Reynolds, he wouldn't let things go unnoticed or unorganized."
As he said that Steve walked onto the bridge.
"Sirs," he saluted the group of officers, who returned the gesture. Drake smiled at the pup that was close behind the Captain.
"What can we do for you Captain Reynolds?" General Osing asked, a bit surprised to see him still onboard.
"I need to talk to you both in private, actually sirs," he nodded to General Osing and Admiral Drake.
Sterling nodded to them both as well and they walked off with the Captain, leaving the puppy and the dog behind on the bridge.
"So what's on your mind son?" Osing asked once it was apparent they were out of the earshot of anyone onboard.
Taking a deep breath Reynolds began, "I need to thank you both for all that you've done, and not just today, but helping Cathy through her troubles."
"No problem son. To be honest we didn't want to lose you either," Osing commented.
Steve smiled and continued, "Thank you sir. I also need something important, from each of you."
The two officers looked at him and waited for his request.
"General Osing, you've been a long time friend and mentor, and the closest thing to a father either of us have had, so I would like to ask that you give Cathy away today."
Osing, as expected, was taken aback by the request. He nodded in reply, but was still stunned. He realized that the Captain looked up to him, but he didn't realize to what extent that was. The General certainty never thought of himself as a father figure to anyone.
Turning to the Admiral, Reynolds began again, "Admiral Drake," he said, smiling from ear to ear, "I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for Cathy and myself. I can't think of anyone better than you to serve as our Chaplin."
"I would be honored to do so," Drake said, putting out his hand.
The two officers shook, and nodding to the Admiral and the General, Reynolds went to walk away.
"Where are you going now?" Osing asked, coming back to reality.
"To go see Cathy, she should be getting her dress fit now," Reynolds commented, smoothing out the wrinkles in his dress uniform. He was quite the spectacle in it, running about in the halls. The fact that he had about fifty or so medals on his lapel didn't help either, but the fact was he didn't care what anyone thought of him right now.
To the surprise of the Captain, the General had a look of dismay and almost offense on his face.
"What's wrong with that?" Reynolds asked defensively, Drake now started to look the same. "What?" he asked again, still not seeing the answer.
Shaking his head Osing finally replied, "You can't see her today, not again, not until the ceremony."
"Why not?!" Steve exclaimed, the thought of not seeing Cathy terrified him, even if it was for one day, mere hours at that.
Drake taking over made a rolling gesture with his hands, "Your having a traditional- semi traditional," he corrected himself, "wedding right? Well last I checked your not really supposed to see her until the last moments."
The Captain went to say something, but words had left him again. He knew the two officers wouldn't lie, he knew they must be right, but that didn't make him want to obey.
"I have to see her, I can't wait that long..." Reynolds said.
Realizing that, for his sake, the Captain needed to learn to be able to spend some time away from his love, Osing took it upon himself to find a way.
"Steve, its for the better, believe me. Just go down to the surface, but for your sake, you need to let this day go its course," the General said, in a careful, but commanding tone.
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't think I can spend that long away from her," he replied, although his voice wasn't sure.
"Reynolds, you need to go to the surface, if only for a few hours. Cathy is safer here than anywhere else in the Federation-"
"Only when she's in my arm's I'm sure she's safe," the Captain said, now somewhat annoyed.
Frowning that it would come to test this, Osing replied, "*Captain* Reynolds, I'm ordering you down to the surface. The truth is you need to be able to spend at least an hour from her. It won't lessen what you have, if anything it will strengthen it. It will prove even apart your not really separated."
"I already know that," Reynolds replied, his tone a bit lower though.
"Than this should be no problem and my order still stands," Osing retorted.
The Captain lowered his shoulders and submitted.
"Now you go down to the surface, and get washed up, a new uniform will be waiting for you when you arrive," Admiral Drake chimed in.
Reynolds saluted and turned on his heal, walked off the bridge, and, as Osing knew, down to the launch bay.
When he was gone Osing turned to Drake and said, "Good, it's important that he can still follow orders."
"But whose orders was he following? Yours or his own?" the Admiral posed.
"Oh when did you become a Goddamn philosopher?" Osing said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes at his friend.
Drake chuckled and patted the General on his back, "Comon, we still have work to do."
Former Room of Captain Reynolds 1618 Military Time
"And I think it's done," Ms. Saab said, looking over her alterations to the dress.
Cathy gave herself a spin, she felt and look very beautiful in the white wedding dress.
It was a low cut, very low cut, strapless silk dress. Ms. Saab, being the great dressmaker she was, had been able to make it fit onto Cathy so well that her figure was almost over accentuated by it.
Cathy rolled her paws over her body and sighed happily, "I love it, and so will Steve, I can't wait to see him."
Ms. Saab cracked a smile and put out her paw for Cathy to step down off the pedestal.
"Alright, now take it off, carefully," the mink said, digging through her bag for a paper box.
After removing the silk dress the mink took it from Cathy and folded it carefully and placed it in the box.
"Now we go down to the surface, from what I understand they want to start at about 5 o'clock, and it's about a quarter past four, so we have to go now," the mink said, in almost a commanding voice.
Cathy began to redress but hesitated.
"What about this?" she gestured to the sexy thong and bra.
"Ya that reminds me, you can choose between the bra or this," she pulled out an even more seductive corset.
"I can't even imagine wearing that in front of Steve," Cathy said, looking at the item, it looked like it was made for a six year old it was so small.
Smiling the mink replied, "Than this is what you should wear, it will be even more interesting for both of you..."
Cathy just looked at it and furrowed her brow, she just couldn't figure out how to wear it, much less breath in it.
"Put it like this, you don't put this on until you put the dress on, obviously, and, from what I understand about Captain Reynolds, you won't have to wear it for a long time anyway," the mink said, raising one eyebrow.
Cathy made a guilty smile, apparently more of their relationship was understood than she could avoid.
"And these?" Cathy gestured to the panties, "Do I still wear these?"
"Good point," the mink said, holding out both paws, "Give them here, quickly."
Cathy went to go to the bathroom to change, but the mink made a "tisk" sound and Cathy figured it didn't matter. She dropped the thong and removed the bra, holding them out to Ms. Saab.
To her surprise, Cathy caught the mink eyeing her over, with a bit too much interest. She followed Ms. Saab's eyes from her breasts down to her pussy and saw the mink's mouth open a fraction of an inch.
Realizing she was being watched, the dressmaker snapped out her stare and took the clothes from the vixen. She heard Cathy turn and go back into the bathroom and she chanced a glanced at her again. She stared at the fox's rump as she walked away, she could see her pussy lips from behind and the sight made her lick the inside of her mouth.
"He is very lucky..." the mink whispered to herself, but Cathy heard it even through the door.
When the fox came back into the room she didn't look the mink in the eye, she was... uncomfortable to say the least. She had been so nice before and Cathy was young, but not stupid, she could tell the entire time Ms. Saab tended to pressure *certain* areas more than others.
Seeing her discomfort, Ms. Saab felt ashamed, but still attracted.
"I'm sorry Cathy, your just a very sexy fox," she said, chancing a step closer, "I can help it usually, but every now and then I dress someone who just rouses me."
"Its... okay I guess, just to let you know I'm not that kind of fox," Cathy said, shying away.
"Oh I know, I've never done that with a fiancée, I wouldn't want to possibly put doubt in a new bride's mind, but I still... well... you know," the mink tried to defend herself with.
"I don't actually," Cathy said in a combative tone.
The mink took the hint and packed away the undergarments, taking a quick smell of the air first.
Cathy made the mink walk out first, and kept her eye on Ms. Saab but she mainly thought of where she would be standing in a few minutes, and whom she'll be standing next to.
**Chapter 3 Joined**
Grand Hall in the Consular's Estate 4:52 PM Local Time
If Steve could have been, he would have been pacing. He felt nervous and afraid of the next few moments, and each minute that past just increased the feeling.
Sean walked closer to his friend and put his paw on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Steve, I can't think of a better moment for you two," the fox smiled.
Steve just nodded in reply. He was going to be nervous and no one... almost no one, could change that.
He looked around the huge hall. There had to be at least four hundred people and furries packed into the room, and of all of them Steve knew and was friendly with ten, maybe.
Sean looked a bit nervous as well, but that was mainly because he was excited to see his love in a dress. The fact was neither he, nor Reynolds were used to civilian clothes, hell, almost everyone in the room was in uniform, the only ones who weren't would be the bride's maids and Cathy, of course. Both of the Captain's were... eager to see what they're respected lovers would look like out of the uniform and into a beautiful dress.
"Any doubts?" Emily asked, rubbing Cathy's shoulders.
"None at all," the fox replied tensely.
"Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about," Emily replied, trying as hard as she could to not to chuckle. The vixen was a nervous wreck, and while Emily understood why, it was still quite the sight nonetheless.
Cathy didn't reply this time, she just stood up and walked over to the mirror. She did look beautiful in the dress. She felt herself slipping away mentally as she thought of Steve's gaze on her the first time he saw her.
General Osing watched with some humor as well. Having seen Captain Reynolds a few minutes ago he knew that the man was in as nervous a state as his lover was. The two officers had gone through so much fighting in their careers, yet this was the most tense either of them would likely ever be.
Cathy walked about and stood next to the General.
"Any doubts?" he asked now, unaware that Emily had just asked the same thing.
"Why does everyone feel the need to ask me that?" she said, even more tense than before.
"It's a classic bride thing. They always say that for the last few minutes doubt goes through their mind," the General replied peacefully.
Rubbing the fur on her paws she replied, "No, I don't have any. In fact this is the most sure thing I've ever done, *that's* what scares me."
"How so?" Osing questioned, tilting his head in confusion.
"I don't know it just kinda does," she replied, playing with her tail nervously.
Osing smiled, "I think once you see him you'll be fine."
Cathy smiled back and let her mind wander. She thought of a lot of things, but mainly their future. She wondered what else he had in store for her, and what it will be like to know for once in her life she will have a constant, Steve. She couldn't wait to know for a fact that every morning she would be able to awake in his arms.
"Uh... excuse me ma'am, we are going to begin shortly," an usher said, peaking his head into the room.
The fox's heart leapt, it was so close and her nervousness almost overwhelmed her.
Osing stood up, smoothed out his uniform, which had at least fifty medals on its lapel, and walked over to Cathy.
"Comon Captain, you'll feel better in a few moments," he said in a kind voice.
The General held out his arm and Cathy took it, and they stood by the door. She could hear the cue music and the ushers opened the doors, and Cathy felt herself enveloped in light.
"Wow..." Steve heard Sean say as Cathy began walking up the aisle.
He likely would have said the same thing but Reynolds was speechless at the sight. She looked more beautiful in the dress than he had ever seen her before. Every ounce of worry and nervousness disappeared almost instantly and he felt significantly better. In fact she looked more than beautiful to Steve, she looked drop dead sexy. Admiral Drake and General Osing had been right; waiting the few hours to see her had been worth it.
Cathy made her way up to the alter and it took more will power than either of them was aware they had to not lunge at each other and kiss. Instead they just smiled widely at each other, and Cathy began to blush, even through her white-fur covered cheeks Steve could see it.
Drake gartered their *visual* attention as he began the ceremony, but their minds thought of nothing but the other. The Admiral said some things, but it didn't register with Cathy or Steve.
The Captain chanced a view at the fox. Whatever she was wearing, he liked it. It made her beautiful breasts look three or four times as large as they normally looked, and made his knees almost weak to look at them.
From her point of view, Steve looked dashing in his new uniform. It, unlike her dress, hid most of his features, and made him look less powerful, less like the machine he appeared to be incased in the P9 armor. Cathy liked him like this.
For the both of them, time moved extra fast. For the furries and people watching them, time move extra slow. Although Cathy and Reynolds knew, collectively, about twenty or twenty-five people in the room *closely*, they didn't realize that they in fact knew every single person and furry. The General and Admiral had been sure to have guests that the bride and groom *had* met before. While in most situations they barely knew each other, each and every guest had shared an experience or two with either Cathy or Steve. There were officers, soldiers, civilians that had been saved; even Lucy had been rushed here using some of the trickiest jumps in the history of space travel. Cathy and Steve didn't see it, but Lucy was sitting next to Karl, and was holding his paw the entire time.
They both felt as if they were watching the marriage from afar. She could hear Steve say vows. She didn't so much hear the words, but felt them. She returned words that came from her heart, and she couldn't so much hear them either, she just looked at Steve's eyes and smiled as she talked.
Drake motioned to Sean and Emily to hand the bride and groom their rings, which they exchanged. Steve took special care when he slipped the ring onto Cathy's finger. She looked it over and her smiled widened.
Cathy and Steve both heard Admiral Drake ask each of them a question, and while they didn't hear what he had said, the knew what he had said, and they both answered with their appropriate, "I do."
Drake asked if anyone found this union to be wrong, and of course the room was silent. No one in the Federation likely thought that the pair shouldn't be married.
The Admiral smiled and continued, "Then under the Federation, and the power it gives me, I pronounce you man and wife," almost a pun, "you may now kiss the bride."
Steve kissed her deeply, having been waiting all day, all month, and his whole life for this. The crowd made a collective smile and Drake turned to the audience.
"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Congratulations," Drake said, and the crowed erupted in applause.
Still holding the sides of her face, Steve kissed his wife, and for the first time, that meant exactly what it said. When he broke the kiss she smiled at him broadly, and her cheeks were still red, but not with embarrassment, she was as happy now as she had been the first moment she had seen Steve on the Consular's ship.
Drake patted Steve on the back and the couple walked down the aisle to the reception.
As Drake passed by where Osing was sitting he heard him whisper, "Good job Fred."
The guests filed out and into the ballroom, where now one of the biggest parties in the history of the Federation was taking place.
"John? I haven't seen you in years!" Steve said shaking his old comrade's hand.
"Congratulations Captain, I never would have thought it possible," the ferret said, chuckling.
The entire time hundreds of guests had been coming up to the newlyweds and introducing themselves, and to their utter surprise, they actually knew and remembered most of them.
Steve chanced a look at the main table where Osing was seated and saw the General wink at him.
"You dog..." the Captain said under his breath.
Cathy had been enjoying all this to no end. She looked so happy in the setting and loved the positive attention.
On the other side of the room, Osing and Drake were chatting of the day's events.
"So what do you think?" Drake asked, smiling at the pair at the center of the crowd.
"About?" Osing asked, looking at the same sight.
"Of this whole operation," Drake said, making a joke on the wedding.
"I think it's been the toughest, most strenuous one either of them have gone on, and one of the most complicated ones I've ever worked on, yet I think it's the first one in many years I've seen that went... perfectly," the General commented.
On another side of the room, Emily and Sean talked quietly of their own plans.
"You really look beautiful in that dress..." Sean said, kissing his lover's neck.
The rabbit giggled, she was glad he thought so. She liked wearing something other than the plain military uniform.
"The General wants us to talk about what we're going to do, he doesn't want us on active duty anymore," Sean said, "He thinks-"
She put her paw to his lips, "We can talk about that later, lets just enjoy ourselves for now."
A slow song came on and the crowd stepped back as the bride and groom danced in its center. To the surprise of everyone but Cathy and Steve, the pair danced quite gracefully. Apparently they had both done *some* kind of dancing before, because they moved perfectly to the music.
Sean and Emily stepped in next, followed by a few other couples. There weren't many, most of the people there were in the military, and henceforth didn't have real partners, although there were now more couples than there had been when the guests arrived. The atmosphere created by the newlyweds was romantic enough to cause this to happen.
Although the bride and groom were the center of attention, the cute pair of puppies dancing rather close was gartering almost as much attention. Lucy and Karl stared at their, or what they perceived as, their future equivalency, and tried to match their movements. Karl copied the Captain's movements almost perfectly, as did Lucy, and they danced in the same circles as Steve and Cathy did.
After a few moments Cathy looked towards the small pair and chuckled, causing Steve to look in the same direction. The pair paused for a moment to watch the two pups dance, who had by now gotten the idea and no longer needed to copy their movements.
"Now that's about the strangest thing I've seen in awhile," Steve commented, still holding his wife.
"They're quite adorable though, aren't they," Cathy mentioned, smiling at the pups.
Looking back at Cathy, Steve was almost overwhelmed and he whispered, "You know you look so beautiful in that dress..."
Cathy looked back at him and replied, "Thank you, the dressmaker worked quite hard on it."
"I heard she was the best, a little eccentric, but the best," he replied, looking Cathy over from head to paw.
Cathy smiled at the comment, and realized he was looking at the low cut portion of the dress.
"I figured you'd like it..." she said, and moved very close against his body.
He kissed her and the pair stepped off the dance floor and sat down at their table. They ate some of the food that they were presented with. Steve had specially requested some of the best steaks that could be made for their party, and by some miracle the chiefs had delivered them perfectly.
A few minutes later the small pups came over and sat down next to Cathy and Steve.
"So this is the famous Lucy?" Steve asked the pup, who smiled back at him.
She was wearing a very small dress, and Karl was wearing a miniature version of a Federal dress uniform.
"Very good Karl," the Captain said, turning to the puppy, who had been wagging his tail since he had seen his little friend.
"When's Karl coming home?" Lucy asked, eager to have her friend safe at home with her.
"Whenever he wants," Cathy replied.
The female puppy turned to Karl, who grinned.
"The Captain said that I could go anywhere I want, and if your parents say its okay, you can come too," the pup said to his friend.
Steve almost choked on the piece of steak in his mouth, he hadn't said that exactly. He understood why the puppy was grinning so much, and at him.
Lucy turned to the Captain and asked, "I can go with him?"
"If your parents say it's okay... I guess," Steve replied shrugging his shoulders.
The pup smiled and hugged her lover, which to the surprise of the Reynolds, looked like a mirror image of themselves.
"So where do you plan to go Sergeant?" Steve asked finding the situation to be quite humorous.
Karl shrugged, "I don't know."
Stroking his head Lucy whispered something in his ear; quiet enough that even with her acute hearing, Cathy couldn't even hear it.
"Really?" Karl asked his friend.
Lucy nodded.
"Can we go to school and live here with you?" Karl asked for Lucy.
Cathy was about to answer but her husband put up his hand.
"I can't think of a reason why not," Steve replied.
It was a sweet answer, and Cathy squeezed his hand when he said it.
The two puppies look happy and smiled at each other.
"You still have to ask Lucy's parents if sh-"
"I already did," Lucy interrupted, grinning, "before I left. I told them I may stay with Karl here and they said it would be fine."
They were from a different kind of society. Even Cathy's world, as backwards as it was, hadn't been so... unforgiving, but they all seemed to be good furries, just a different culture.
"Then yes, I'm sure we can work this out without a problem," Steve replied.
Just then General Osing, who was standing up by his table, brought the room to attention.
"Everyone, I have just been informed by the Senate that they have been unsuccessful in finding a new Consular and they have accepted my nomination for Captain Reynolds as the new Consular, which means, effective immediately, Captain Steve Reynolds is now Consular Reynolds."
The room went silent, completely silent. The General had dropped a bombshell, and the entire room looked at Reynolds and his new wife.
"Congratulations Steve...." Cathy said, leaning in to give him a hug.
He was stunned this time more so than the last. He had forgotten about what the General had proposed just the day before at the senate, he had been focusing on the wedding in total, not allotting thought to anything else.
"Thank you Cathy..." he managed, holding her arm with one hand.
Osing strode over to the table and stuck out his hand for Steve to shake. He stood up and shook the General's hand.
"I think you might very well be the luckiest man in the Federation tonight, Sir," the General commented.
He took his hand from Steve's and saluted him, and was followed by that of everyone who was in the military. Those that weren't, however few, stood up and bowed their heads to the new consular.
"I...Uhhh...." Steve began, but wasn't able to continue. All he managed was to bring his hand up to his brow and return the collective salute.
Cathy stood up and saluted her new husband, and *that* gesture got Steve to wake up to the world.
"Thank you Cathy, Thank you all," he started, his voice low however, "I guess it goes without saying I'm going to do a much better job than Otho did, and I won't ever betray the Federation. I also will make it my duty to set a standard for all future Consular's to follow."
The room applauded and Cathy stood him up with her, and gave him a hug.
"Very nice Steve," she whispered in his ear.
He cracked a smile at her.
Drake walked over to the couple and shook the new Consular's hand as well.
He then turned to the guests and said, "I think it's been a big day for all of us, the Federation, but most importantly these two, and I believe it's about time we leave them to each other."
Drake could hear Cathy whisper, "Thank you Admiral," behind him.
The guests all smiled and began dispersing. A few minutes later only the close group of friends and a few others remained. They all converged by Cathy and Steve's table and all were smiling at the pair.
"So what are you both going to do now?" Sean asked his friends.
"We're going someplace warm, hopefully with a view," Cathy replied, hugging her husband, "any ideas?" she turned to Steve.
Smiling he replied, "Yes, actually, but it's a surprise for now."
The fox smiled back at him and rubbed his back with he paw.
"Then I bid you both a farewell," Osing said formally, smiling broadly at his statement, "and I think your both a wonderful couple and I wish you many happy years together."
The General walked off and Drake took his spot, and seeing him Steve smiled.
"I think I understand why you had me be the Chaplin, and I think it had the effect you wanted," the Admiral said, smiling at the Consular.
"And are you glad it did?" Steve asked, glad it had worked.
Nodding his head, Drake replied, "Yes."
"Then I think that you'll be a better person for it," Steve commented, and shook the Admirals hand.
"Thank you," he paused and smiled, "sir."
The Admiral walked off and out of the room.
"What was that about?" Cathy asked Steve quietly.
"I had him be our Chaplin because I thought it right that he, of all people, marry a man to a fox," Steve replied, smiling at his vixen.
She smiled and nodded in agreement, it was, if anything, poetic justice.
Sean and Emily approached the pair, holding each other's paws.
"I can't thank you enough Sean," Steve began, "You've helped us the most I think, from the beginning to this moment. I can't think of a way to repay you for this. If it wasn't for you, lord knows where I or Cathy would be right now."
Sean smiled and he went to shake his friend's hand, but Steve pulled him in and gave his friend a hug.
"Thank you Steve," Sean replied.
"What about you two?" Cathy asked, smiling at the other couple.
"One day well get married to, probably soon, but not yet," Emily replied, rubbing Sean's back.
"Steve told me the news," Cathy grinned, which caused Sean and Emily to grin widely, "Congratulations to you both."
"Thank you Cathy," Emily replied.
They both had an understanding that they shared. They had both been brought to their lovers by war, and were both bound to their lovers by bonds formed from war, and now that peace had come, they were even closer. Even though Cathy and Emily had limited contact with each other, they both liked each other a lot.
Sean put his paws on his rabbit's shoulders and walked the pair out. For a few minutes Cathy and Steve sat in the room alone, just letting everything sink in. It had been a long day, not the longest day in their lives, but definitely the best yet. Nothing, not one thing, had gone wrong, and nothing would.
Karl and Lucy had been sitting quietly at the table and were sitting against each other. Karl yawned and snuggled into Lucy, who soon followed suit.
Seeing the pair Cathy smiled and gestured to Steve.
"Time to go home you two," Steve said, causing the two puppies to perk up a bit.
For the first time in Cathy and Steve's life, at least the major part of it, they had a home, a real home to go to.
The pups sat up and walked behind the couple to the sleeping quarters. Parks offered to bring the pups to their *room*, but Cathy and Steve turned him down, and decided to do some exploring with the pups for an appropriate set of rooms. They weren't ready to let the pair sleep in the same room, although it really didn't matter, it was just a mental thing.
They went up the grand staircase, but Steve stopped at the bottom, he just watched Cathy ascend the stairs behind the two excited puppies. She caught him staring and swayed her rear sensually, giggling at his facial expression. He hurried up the stairs to catch her. They were having a grand time now.
The odd group walked down the halls, stopping to look in the bedrooms. There had to be about eight, and each one was tremendously extravagant, far more so than Cathy, Steve, Lucy, or Karl needed. The final room caught the eye of Lucy and Karl and they hesitated to leave.
"You like this one?" Cathy asked, looking at the pups.
They both nodded and ran inside. They jumped on the bed and ran about the gigantic room. Watching the two puppies play brought strange feelings to Cathy's heart, and she slowly clasped Steve's hand in her paw, resting her muzzle on his shoulder.
Steve turned and smiled; he understood right away what she was feeling because he felt the same way.
The two pups played a little longer but soon got back into the bed and laid down next to each other, and to the surprise of Cathy and Steve, slipped under the covers and hugged each other, almost falling right to sleep.
"I guess we're going to have to let them stay together..." Cathy whispered to Steve who was shaking his head, but smiling.
"I guess so," Steve replied, who shut the door behind them.
They walked down the hall and into their room. Everything had been made and, to the surprise of the couple, the fireplace was alive and crackling.
Cathy took his hand in her paw and laid Steve on the bed, turned her head and winked at him. He got the idea and crawled up to the pillows and watched her walk into the bathroom.
Steve took off his jacket, but that was all. He wasn't sure what to expect out of Cathy now, as it appeared she had plans of her own. Steve had dedicated the whole day to her, but Cathy was going to dedicate the night to him.
A few minutes later she returned, and Steve's eyes and mind ran wild. She was wearing considerably less clothing now, and what she wore now stirred up feelings everywhere, not just the obvious region. She wore a white, lacy corset, which pushed her breasts up and made her look like an hourglass lady of old. She also wore a pair of lacy white panties, which barely covered sex piece, and to only add to the entire effect she had a pair of stockings on which almost made Steve jump out of the bed and fuck her good right away.
Cathy walked over to him, swaying her hips and giggling the entire way. Steve smiled and watched her hop on the bed, and crawl over, making sure her beautiful breasts hung low and that he could see her line of cleavage. The fox's eye caught a bulge forming in her husband's pants and she smiled at him.
When she was upon him, she sprawled herself on top of him and their lips met. As they kiss he rubbed his hands down her sides and over her features which had quite the effect on both of them. He massaged her back and the base of her tail. She let out a small "yiff" into his mouth and they both smiled.
"You look... great..." he said, eyeing his wife over.
Kissing his lips she replied, "I know..."
Cathy sat up and turned her back to him. It took a moment but he realized she wanted him to remove the corset. Steve's honest opinion was to keep it, he rather liked the way it looked on the vixen, but seeing the outline of her rump coaxed him into following her lead.
Steve was a bit confused by the corset, and had a bit of trouble removing it. She helped him by guiding his hands with her paws to the ties on the side. After about two minutes her removed it and she let out a deep breath.
"Whew, that thing's hard to breath in," Cathy said, looking at him over her shoulder.
Steve chuckled and kissed the fur on her neck, Cathy moaned at his touch. He reached around with his hands and cupped her breasts, and she moaned even more. Using his other hand he slipped his fingers into her panties and rubbed her now moist clit. At his touch the fox arched her back against Steve's chest, smiling and moaning happily.
In a playfully devious tone, Steve whispered in her ear, "Your all mine now..."
"I was always yours," Cathy moaned in return, "if anything, your really mine now..."
At that she turned, although he didn't remove his hand, and pushed him on his back and rubbed her luscious tits in his face. Cathy saw his eyes disappear under the fur on her chest and felt him rubbing his face in her pillows. She giggled at the feeling and let her body move with his constant hand motions in her panties.
The foreplay was having the desired effect on both of them, and each was just about ready to go. He removed his hand and as he always liked to do, he licked and tasted her juices that stuck to his fingers. The aroma from her pussy filled both their noses and caused a twitch in Steve's crotch. Cathy sat up on his lap and reached down and undid his pants. She released his throbbing member and giggled at the sight of it standing on end on it's own.
"Let me take off-"
The vixen cut him off with her paw on his lips, and just reached down and played with his dick. It was warm and hard in her paws; she felt her heart flutter and Cathy, knowing what her husband wanted, sat back and untied her lacey thong. She removed it and tossed them to the side.
Steve stared at her crotch, and this time didn't wait a second. Cradling her back with his arms, he laid the fox on her back and gave her a lick from back to front. As his tongue rolled over her clit she breathed deeply and moaned softly. She tasted so good and Steve just wanted to force his tongue as deep as he could get it, and he did just that. She grinded her hips up in pleasure as he invaded the deep realms of her soft pussy, he was always great at pleasuring her.
Cathy felt a bit of guilt, she thought he might be focusing too much on her, but she didn't realize he absolutely loved the way she tasted. Steve slipped his hands underneath her butt and held her closer to his mouth.
"Let me taste you..." Cathy said through her moans, but Steve shook his head in her sex hole. She didn't realize he was saying no and began to pull away.
"No, no, I like this," he mumbled and continued licking.
Feeling better she laid down and felt him roll his tongue over her clit again.
"Ohhh..." she moaned passionately and felt herself up.
He still had her buttocks held and he pressed upwards, petting the fur on it in the process. Cathy's breathing went faster and faster, her breasts rising and falling rapidly. All Steve was waiting for was silence, and that would be the "check" on his test that he had done well and, in his mind, would get his tasty reward.
In about thirty seconds he got that check and her breathing was so fast and her moaning so great, they both worried of possibly disturbing others in the Estate. To ease their worry she silenced fast and, knowing what was "cumming" Steve sealed his lips around her swollen pussy lips. She bucked her hips against his face and a long hot stream of her tasty cum swept from her lips into his. He tried to drink as much as he could, but most of it splattered against his face, her aroma invading every pore on his face an inside his nostrils.
When she stopped her cumming, she still couldn't lower her hips, as her after shocks still rocked her body. The fur along her legs and near her cunny was soaked with her cum and Steve, removing his seal around her pussy, rubbed his face along her fur to dry off some of her cum, but Cathy picked up his face, and although panting hard, licked her cum of his face. She didn't get most of it because she focused mainly on his lips, and moving his head closer, they just kissed. She thrusted her tongue inside his mouth and lapped around, which just furthered his excitement.
Breaking her kiss, he whispered to her, "I love your pussy Cathy, you taste so good."
"So do you..." she whispered back and stuck her tongue back in his mouth.
To her surprise he pushed her out of his mouth, and just held her close. The vixen smiled and nuzzled his face.
"I love you Cathy, my wife..." he whispered as her muzzle cradled his face.
She remained silent and just kept smoothing out her fur along his face. Her short snout rubbed around his ear and she gave it a lick. He sighed and rubbed her back, hugging her closely.
"Hey Cathy," Steve said, in a rather normal tone, "I wanted to ask, have your chills died down at all?"
Not quite coming out of her passionate state she replied, "They did, I didn't feel cold all day, now shhhhh," she put a paw to his lips, "I know there's more to do tonight."
He smiled and gave her a kiss, "Cathy I could spend my life just with you in my arms and be a very happy man. I don't think I really want, or need anything else."
She cooed in reply and snuggled into his arms, letting her tail wrap around his body.
"What do you want now?" she asked, a mischievous look in her eye.
Steve chuckled and pet the fur between her ears, and just kissed her, the fact was as horny as he was, he was always glad to just lay with her, being separated had done that to him.
He wasn't completely without lust however, and neither was Cathy, so they both, as if knowing exactly what the other was thinking, moved as one. She laid him on his back, and staring at his face, moved herself down and soon rested her hips just a little lower than his hard cock. Taking it in her paw, the fox rubbed his member against the fur by her pussy and watched him roll his eyes back at her touch.
Wanting it inside her, she rested herself and rested his cockhead against her lips, but waited for him to make his move. Needing no encouragement, he placed his hands on her hips and, carefully, sheathed himself inside her. The fox arched her back and he rubbed the fur on her belly, which tickled her in a way that she wasn't able to catch her breath.
Her tight pussy lips sat, spread out on his hips, drooling and soaking his legs. Cathy was already breathing hard, and her tongue hung out in a panting motion.
"Take me any way you want," she moaned out as he rotated his hips against hers.
Smiling he replied, "Cathy, we're married, we can both enjoy ourselves..."
She giggled and understood what he meant, she was sounding too much like he was the only one who should enjoy this, when in reality he enjoyed her happiness, and wanted to see her feeling good as well. Up until this point she didn't realize that mutual enjoyment was why they both were perfect for each other.
Understanding now, Cathy drew herself up and down, using her legs, but he fit so well inside her that she couldn't keep up her rate very well. She paused every now and again until he took her hips and lifted her up and down, to aid in her motions. Although she wasn't moving fast, her tits still hopped up and down on her chest, making a soft rustling sound.
She couldn't move herself faster, but she wanted too. His cock was smooth against the insides of her pussy, and she wanted it to go as fast as it could.
"Mmmm faster..." she moaned, and she felt him grip her hips a bit stronger.
Instead of only moving her up and down, Steve started moving his hips up and down as well, against his lifting. She moaned more graciously and her tits bounce even more, but it wasn't enough, he wanted to hear her groan and scream in ecstasy.
"You want to go hard Cathy?" he asked, slowing for the moment.
Feeling the same flutter in her heart that she had by the lake, she moaned a simple, "Yes," in reply. She knew foxes shouldn't go into heat when they were going to have kits, and certainly not three times in one month, but quite frankly, she really didn't care.
Steve moved his hands just above her hips and propped his chest up, he wanted to be able to see her face, just in case. He would always harbor some fear of hurting her, she was just too precious to him to take a chance. He drew his cock from her vagina, just about to the tip, and, reaching up to stroke her cheek, slammed her down, hard, on his cock.
Thankfully to Steve, he heard her moan *passionately* and he knew she was liking this. He slammed her down quite hard, and loved the way her tits bounced up and down with her.
"Oh God! Oh God! Yes! Yes!" she moaned, her tongue handing out again.
Her slamming down made a loud "slapping" sound on his lap and she was breathing hard and moaning harder. After a few minutes her moans turned to high pitch groans, and she put her paws on his chest for supports, Cathy could barely hold herself up. The vixen allowed her tail to roam freely and it slapped around between his legs.
"Oh my God..." she whimpered as he slammed her down again.
"Its good Cathy?" he asked, somewhat out of breath himself from holding her up.
Groaning she replied, "Yes! Fuck me harder! Please! Please harder!"
Not needing any more coaxing he slammed her down even faster, and Cathy arched her back all the way with her head almost upside down. Her great tits moved and swayed as he fucked her tight cunt and Steve wanted to burry himself in them, or any part of her for that matter.
Cathy leaned her head back as he bounced her up and down even harder and faster. She was moving fast enough that a "flop" sound resonated from his fucking and she was getting close to another orgasm.
Cathy was enjoying this so much she wanted more.
"Here!" she almost yelled at him, and reaching her paws around his neck, pulled him down on top of her, both Steve's and Cathy's favorite position.
"Now fuck me hard!" she commanded, and she laid herself out on the bed, gripping the covers with her paws.
He brought up one of the fox's legs and pushed against it with his body, shoving his length inside her. She moaned in unison with his thrusting, and her tits bounced more fluidly with his fucking. His cock spread her love folds and they sealed behind him, and the feeling of her lips resting on his cock base, even though was only for a second at a time, almost caused him to climax, it was just to great.
Seeing that he was indeed fucking her perfectly, Steve decided to bring it to another level and, remembering her spot, pressured her special area deep inside her cunt, and she instantly let out a long high pitched moan. Without even trying, her pussy lips clamed down on his cock, hard, and made it harder to fuck her at his set rate, but he continued nonetheless.
"Ohhh God Steve I'm going to cum againainain!" she moaned.
"You're loving this!" he said to the vixen bouncing in front of him, moaning himself now.
"Ohh my God yes Steve please fuck me hard, make me cum again..." she said in an almost pained moan. Had Steve not known that she was really enjoying this, he would have stopped, but instead he did the opposite, and just fucked her harder.
Her tits bounced rapidly and couldn't catch up with his pounding of her pussy. She groaned as the fur on her head shook as quickly as her plump tits. Cathy's heart was beating so loud behind her breast that she could hear it in her ears, almost as loudly as her moans and his.
"Harder! Harder! Harderrrr!" she moaned, each one getting higher and higher pitched.
The whole time he was just pressuring her g-spot, and soon her body went ridged and her head and tail trashed side to side in pure ecstasy. She let out her classic silent scream and her hips grinded against his. Cathy managed to control her paws long enough to pull Steve down, flat on top of her. He kissed her deeply as she locked hips with him, and her cum shot out her pussy and over the bed. Her fur was soft and caressed his body just as much as her paws did as her cum continued shooting from her cunny lips.
"Ohhhhhhhh...." She finally managed to moan, in an almost whisper quiet voice.
When her cum stopped flowing she continued, without being able to stop herself, humping his hips, hard.
"Hoooo ohhhhhh!" she almost yelled into his face as her continued after shocks ran over her body. She felt shivers go from her pussy down her tail and she felt as if every inch of fur was melting onto his skin.
Seeing she needed a break, not that he wasn't a little worn out himself, Steve just held her, stroking her fur by her ears.
She buried her face into his chest and whispered, "Oh my God Steve... I love you so much."
"I love you too Cathy. Of all the fox's I could have married, I had the one with a pussy that cums almost on command, and can love me regardless of a command," he replied, stroking her cheek, she moved her head into his pat and smiled up at him in a blossoming post-coitile state.
"It's my gift to you..." she said in a full voice, although it was strained, "Now for another..." she added, and, although thoroughly fucked and tired, she began, slowly this time, rotating her hips against his. He was allowing his weight to be pushed on top of her, he was tired too and couldn't help it, so her motions were limited, but the fox made way and saw him close his eyes and smile.
"Cathy, we can rest for a moment," he said to his wife, seeing her strain to fuck him back.
Shaking her head she replied, "I want your cum as deep as you can shoot it."
Stroking her cheek, which she smiled back to, he said back to Cathy, "Why? We can wait a little while, I'm glad seeing you like this, at ease and happy."
She shook her head again and added, "I like your cum, deep, deep in my womb. I love it when you cum inside me because I know you will do that with me and me alone," he smiled and kissed her forehead, "and I love waking up still being filled with you. I like cumming with you, you squeeze me so close..."
Steve smiled and nodded. There were plenty worse fates than this, in fact there was no fate better, and he went to pull himself up a bit, to give them both room.
As she had done in the past she wrapped her paws, and this time her tail as well, around his body and held him as close as she could.
Cathy smiled and licked his lips meekly, "I told you before, I love this position the most, and I want to fuck you with you laying on top of me and cradling my body to yours."
Still smiling he let himself fall into her fur; it felt great over his own breast and chest, legs arms and all other parts of his body. He felt her tense her paws over his back and she positioned his head to the side of hers, so that they looked like one being.
Now quite ready to fuck him as he had fucked her, she bucked her hips slowly, but powerfully, making sure to squeeze her pussy lips together as tight as she could manage, trying to force up a massive load of his semen into her belly.
She moaned as she pleasured him with her cunny, and she felt his body tense on top of hers, he was really enjoying this now.
To her surprise he stopped her sensual motions with his hands, locked lips with her, and pushed his cock in a way similar to the way he had done when he had taken her virginity. He rested his member against her special spot once again, and she did yelp into his mouth, as she had done in the past. She hugged him tighter at the stimulation, that area of her pussy was still tensed from his previous hard fucking.
"Now we can both enjoy this to no end..." he whispered in her ear, giving it a small love bite.
She moaned in response and bucked her hips up against his. The way they were positioned caused her cunt to suck down on his cock and they could still both enjoy being as close as they could get.
"You're loving this..." Cathy said quietly, quoting her lover, who just moaned in reply this time. The vixen was barely able to speak, his cock resting against he special spot felt better than when he ate her out and rolled his tongue over her clit.
They both moaned quietly in unison, this time it wasn't from a hard-core style fucking, but more of an example glorious lovemaking. Cathy licked the side of her husbands face and rubbed his back, he belonged to her and she was going to make sure it always stayed that way.
He didn't move much, but he tensed his cock and moved his hips in a swaying motion, making sure that he didn't thrust, but the feeling of her pussy's sucking and cradling was just to much, he couldn't last long.
Speaking poetically Cathy said to him, "My Captain, my Captain, fill me up with your love..."
At that she pushed his cock again her special spot, with a decent amount of force, and, making it so the head remained in that place, used a combination of hip movement and tightening of her pussy lips to milk his cock, in hopes it would be enough to get him off in time, she was about to cum once again.
Her fears of cumming to soon were dashed away when he said, "Ready Cathy my love?"
She didn't say a word, nor nod, she just let the waves of her climax begin to overwhelm her, and her cunny clamped down on his cock, which had the desired effect and his semen began to burst in globs deep within her womb. She came at the same moment, and felt her cunny's wall convulse and suck deep, trying to coax his welcomed cum deep inside her.
"Ohhh Steve!!!!!" she moaned, and brought his face to hers.
The two climaxing spouses stared at each other for a moment, and kissed deeply, catching each other's breath as their mutual orgasm rolled over them violently. The fox breathed hard and gasped for air into her man's mouth, and he did the same into hers. Although it wasn't an orgasm brought on by fast movement, it felt like one, if not harder. The slow after fucking had allowed a huge orgasm on both of their parts to build up and it weakened both of them to the core.
Her legs shuttered and shook, and she sank into the bed beneath his body. In turn he fell deeper into her soft, puffed fur, and whispered into her mouth, "My wife..."
Cathy almost cried at her that, it was such a powerful moment for her, she felt this time like they were one, and his total and complete love for her made her feel a level of comfort that couldn't be described. It was like part of his soul moved into her, and cuddled her inside as he did the outside.
When, finally, his orgasm died down, he rubbed his face on her neck and she patted his head. Her orgasm had not ceased, and didn't stop until it was satisfied with the amount of cum that was now a flowing river inside her belly.
"I," he took a deep breath, "love you so much Cathy, no one ever loved me this much, so much in body and spirit. I can't think of a better way to spend life than bound to you."
She just licked his lips meekly, tasting him, and smiled. She just held out her arms and snuggled him close, into her fur. Steve reached back and pulled the covers over himself and Cathy, the warmth of the sheets barely comparing to that which was resonating from her body.
"Go to sleep my love," he whispered, petting her cheek. She smiled, glowing, and closed her eyes, still holding him close. She felt him laying on top of her, his cock still twitching inside her cunny, and smiled; it had been a long, yet great day.
The pair fell asleep basically simultaneously, embracing each other finally as husband and wife.
**Chapter 4 Peace**
The Reynolds' Room in the Consular's Estate on Conakry 8:48AM Local Time
Waking at the same time, similarly to the way they had slept, the pair hugged each other and kissed. Steve removed himself from Cathy, and to his surprise his cock wasn't followed by a cascade of their cum, she was holding it in.
Cathy saw him looking at her pink, wet pussy lips and kissed him, bringing his attention back to her face.
"Everyday I wake up next to you is better than the last," he murmured into the fur on her cheek.
Again she felt a wave of emotion sweep over her.
"How could a soldier speak so beautifully?" she asked herself in her mind.
Somehow, neither would ever figure out why, and quite frankly neither ever cared, he heard her, he heard her thoughts, and answered.
"A soldier's heart is pure, and so is his soul, no matter what he thinks of himself. You love me more than anyone, and you care for me, so what feelings and emotions I have buried in me can come out, because you beckoned them. Your just that beautiful, kind, and heavenly, and me being lucky enough to be yours, I'm glad I'm filled with more words than I can say, and I cant even tell you them all because I think you know them already..." he replied, not sure where or why the words had come to him.
Her muzzle quivered, and to stop herself from crying she kissed him, although a single tear did rest on the fur on her cheek. All she could think was that he was the perfect husband, and she reaffirmed her promise to care for him forever. He would never hurt her, he would always love her unconditionally, he would always care for and protect her, he would make sure she lived in peace and never had a care in the world. You'd think that would make things boring in the vixen's mind, but to the contrary, it made her want to have each day go slower, to extend the time she was with him.
Steve laid down next to his companion, and just stared lovingly at her. He pulled the covers up around them and only their heads were visible, and she caressed his body, draping her paws across his chest and one of her furry legs. She liked this part of the morning a lot; she could lay with him in that semi asleep state when things seemed brightest and clearest.
After a few minutes they both came out of this passionate state and returned to their normal selves.
Cathy sat up, and Steve, not being able to help himself, coddled her body and took one of her tits in his mouth. He lightly sucked it and Cathy giggled and kissed the back of his neck.
He released her mound and, after she had, swung his legs over the side and began to redress, but paused to watch her first. Every movement she made looked beautiful and sexy, and the stockings she still wore only made him want her still, but he knew there was more to come, his dreams had told him so.
They both dressed and held each other close, kissing and holding each other.
"Comon, let's wake the little ones and have some breakfast," he said, and she smiled and nodded.
With his arm hung on the fox's shoulder, the two exited their room and walked the few yards down the hall. They reached the room where Lucy and Karl had slept and, not hearing any stirring on the other side, Cathy opened the door quietly. The sight they were met with made Steve smile broadly and shake his head, and Cathy look away in embarrassment.
Meeting Room aboard FN Endeavor in Orbit Over Conakry 0855 Military Time
Everyone, particularly the "guest" sat very uncomfortably.
"Greetings General or uh... fuck..." Osing said unsurely, he wasn't exactly, nor was anyone in the room, sure how to address the wolf sitting at the table.
"You don't know who I am?" the wolf asked carefully, trying hard not to offend the general, "Because I know who you are."
All Osing could do was grin embarrassingly and nod.
"That's okay General Osing, I'm not entirely sure what to call myself either. My name is Nelson Rodina. I don't want to be called Alpha, that's a term of dictatorship, I've been selected by the senior military staff as best to represent our," he thought for the right word, "forces."
Drake and Osing glanced at each other; "That's how we selected our leader as well, just yesterday in fact."
Everyone in the room noticed the wolf's eyebrow go up. Every eye in the room was glaring at the new wolf leader, who was doing quite the job at remaining calm and concise.
"I guess you can call me by my old rank, for now," the wolf added.
Drake, rolling his hands asked casually, "Which was..."
"Major," the wolf replied, only Osing noticing a bit of embarrassment in the wolf's smooth voice.
Seeing the looks on the confused officer's faces, which were all higher in rank to him technically, the wolf said coolly, "As I understand Consular Reynolds was a Captain, correct? Rank doesn't really matter if they're a good leader."
The General, alone, nodded in agreement. Everyone else in the room was still adjusting to being this close to wolf that *wasn't* trying to kill anyone. Few had every "chatted" with a wolf up close; they tended to not be the chatting type. Even on worlds populated by wolves that had been taken were somewhat segregated, almost no one ever associated with wolves.
"When can I meet this man? I'm eager to meet the person who finally removed that useless monarch from our species," the wolf commented, with a notable amount of bitterness in his voice when he spoke of the fallen Alpha Wolf.
"I thought most wolves liked the Alpha Wolf?" Osing asked, the only Federal partaking in the conversation.
The wolf shrugged, "They had enough power to keep wolves like myself in check, but I don't know if we *all* liked them. It was more of 'live and let live' situation," he replied, and Osing noticed a twitch in the wolf's eye to the corner of the room.
Carefully the General followed the look. It led right to a rabbit sitting next to a fox that was glaring at the wolf with hate and vengeance in her eyes. Captain Gates stared at the wolf, and although he had been very calm and non-confrontational, she still hated their kind. She thought of Sarah.
Ignoring the rabbit, for the moment, the General returned his attention to the wolf.
"Consular Reynolds is likely going to be late, and I apologies for that. I don't know if you know but he was married yesterday-"
"To Catherine Grey, yes I know. I didn't expect to see him until late; my wife and I spent nearly half the day after our wedding in bed," the wolf replied, smiling as he thought of his wife at home with the pups.
Osing took note of that fact. Anyone who could be in love understood things better than those that couldn't, the Captain had found that out.
Emily on the other hand, who also took note of that, was a bit distressed, mentally. She had thought wolves only "matted" to produce offspring, she never heard of a pair being married. She couldn't fathom two wolves sharing a feeling similar to the way she felt about Sean.
"So what are we to do till then?" the wolf asked, leaning back in the chair. He had to at least appear at ease.
Drake sitting up, not one to be outdone by George, replied, "I have an important question actually."
"Go ahead Admiral," the wolf replied.
"Well," he began, sitting up farther in his cushy chair but glanced at Captain Gates, he had noticed her discomfort as well, "You may not know the answer, or you might not want to answer, but recently it's been burning in the minds of almost everyone in the Federation. Why do any of the wolves feel the need to rape and then murder our female prisoners? We never do such things to the prisoners we take, and, as I guess you know, Catherine Reynolds," one of the first times anyone referred to her as that, "was put into that situation, and we all want to know why?"
Major Rodina took a deep breath, "I knew that would come up today. I dread answering it, and I dread having to explain it before the Consular even more, being that his wife had to be put through that. If it makes any of you feel better," he chanced a glance at the rabbit, who had a look of pure anger and hatred on her face, "a good portion of wolves don't approve of that kind of thing. Wolves from higher placed families tend not 'engage' in that practice, nor approve of it. I'm proud to say that no soldier under my command ever did that. The sad fact is though, to prisoners, it would have been a worse fate to keep them alive. They would have become either a work slave, in the case of a male, or in the case of a female... well you know. I really feel sorry for such things, really I do. If anyone did that to my wife... I can't imagine how Reynolds comforts his wife."
"Their a happy couple," Emily said, grabbing everyone's attention, particularly that of the wolf, "I had a sister, she was happy too, until you wolves needed to rape and murder her."
Sean went to pat her shoulder but she brushed his paw away.
"They raped me, they raped a woman, they raped my little sister, and I'm the only one left alive, and that's because Captain Reynolds saved me, so I'd probably be dead now if he hadn't. I want a real answer to why this was tolerated. Like you said if your wife was raped you'd likely murder whoever did it, I think it might be fitting if that's done. Why? Why? Why? Even a summary execution isn't as bad, why do you need to destroy a spirit first, leave them broken? Is it so that you can call it a mercy killing? What sick enjoyment can you gain from forcing someone to do that?" Emily asked, tears streaming from her eyes.
Sean rubbed her back and she turned and cried into his chest. The wolf, to the surprise of all in the room, particularly the armed guards, stood up and walked, slowly and carefully over to the rabbit. He kneeled down before her and reached into his pocket, which brought the guards to arms, but Osing held up a hand.
"Here, this might make you feel better," and he handed her a vid card from his pocket.
She turned and let him place it in her paw.
"It might make you feel better," he repeated.
"What is it?" she asked, looking at the major.
"It's a recording of a war trial and execution we held over the last day. About 200 wolves were put to death for war crimes against the Federation. Rape being the most predominate, murder and unnecessary brutality a close second."
A mummer went through the room.
"I told you all, most wolves disapproved of this practice, we didn't even want the war to continue, but we did what we were told. Not a good excuse I know, but if someone told you to stop fighting would you? No, of course not, but if someone told you not to rape anyone I'm sure you wouldn't, well they didn't, and we're never going to allow it again," the Major said, very commandingly.
Osing stood up and put out his hand, "I think Consular Reynolds would be glad to meet you," and he shook Rodina's paw, "We're going to go to the surface now and await Reynolds' arrival at the Consular's offices."
Consular's Estate 9:02 AM Local Time
"Okay we need to talk about this you two," Steve said, sitting down on the bed were the two pups sat looking very embarrassed.
He and Cathy had walked in on Lucy and Karl having quite the... moment, and Lucy, who now was definitely known to be the dominate one of the relationship, hadn't stopped when she noticed Steve and Cathy looking at them. Cathy had shut the door fast but Karl, having been caught, stopped the situation and thrown on some underwear. He had called out for Steve to come in, and he sat down next to Lucy, who still wasn't clothed beneath the covers, as the fox and man walked in.
"It's 'sweet' you love each other like that, but you need some limits. I don't even want to explain to you why its not a good idea you do this at your age, aside from the fact you have no protection, and your both 11 just for starters!" Steve continued, almost reprimanding the pups.
"He has a point you two," Cathy added, "Steve and I will have offspring and it's okay 'cause we're old enough, but your to young to risk that."
Steve almost fell off the bed, that wasn't exactly what he had meant. He had meant more along the lines of the fact they were both eleven and eleven year olds shouldn't be doing that. Cathy was a bit more understanding, which from her past was a strange thing but Steve respect that.
"Why can't we do that?" Lucy asked, a bit embarrassed, "I love him and he's my husband like Steve's yours."
Steve began to say something but stopped. There really wasn't a response to that.
"Put up a sign next time..." Steve finally said and, taking Cathy's paw, walked out of the room and shut the door.
"'Put up a sign?'" she asked, shaking her head at him.
"What? What else can I to say? If their going to do that I won't stop them, not if they love each other, I just don't want to know," he smiled.
Cathy shook her head still and smiled. She rubbed his back and the pair walked through the hallway and down the grand staircase to the dinning room. Steve didn't mention it, but when they left their room he had gazed down the hall, and to his actual amusement, he saw a small jacket hanging on the pups' door. He shook his head and chuckled, not even able to really imagine what they will be like when they're older.
Cathy and Steve ate a good breakfast again, this time enjoying more than they had the day previous. Cathy was glad to see that Parks had done her the favor of removing Steve's father's portrait.
While they ate Cathy looked at the ring on her finger. She loved it because every time she saw it she could see Steve's face. She realized that this fairytale was real at that moment, looking up from the ring and realizing Steve was there, he was really there. It hadn't been a glorious dream she had really married her soul mate and he was okay, safe right next to her. Cathy laid her head down on his shoulder and rested there for a moment, she had to feel him.
As they finished breakfast, Sean and Emily walked in and both saluted, although with smiles on their faces, Steve, who returned it with a similar look across his face.
"Hello Sean, Emily," he nodded to each, "what brings you here."
"Just checking on the happy couple," Sean replied, he nodded to Cathy.
"Thank you Sean," Steve said, "you want something to eat?" he gestured to the food on the table.
"No thank you sir, we actually also have two things to tell you. One, you have meeting ASAP with the leader of the wolf forces," Sean said, pausing for the moment.
Steve took a breath and replied, "How does he strike you?"
Emily stepped in, took a deep breath and said, "I like him, he's not like other wolves."
That said enough to Steve. He had been there when she had lost her sister, and when she had vowed to take vengeance on the Alpha, and if she was okay with a wolf, he couldn't be bad. Steve trusted the rabbit's judgment.
"Well I shouldn't keep this... what's his name?" Steve asked, standing up.
"Major Nelson Rodina," Sean answered.
"Major?" Steve said, scrutinizing the rank.
Nodding his head the fox replied, "Yep, he was even elected the same way as you. It might be for the better, on both our sides and for both our sakes..."
For a long moment the four just stood there, in an awkward silence. Cathy stood up and took Steve by the shoulder.
"Comon, you need to go," she said, smiling at him.
"Actually," Emily interjected, "he's requested *both* of you."
Steve didn't like that. He was a soldier at heart and now a husband as well, and he knew a bad "zone" when he saw it, and he really didn't want to risk Cathy.
"I'll go," she said, almost reading his mind.
He still didn't like it, but she sounded sure and even Captain Gates appeared to not fear this wolf, so Steve would let her come, but he would keep a very close eye.
They all were soon in an airbus, on their way to the Consular's office in the Senate. Cathy sat next to Steve and fell asleep on his shoulder as he patted her arm. Emily and Sean looked at each other and smiled, both of the Reynolds look quite tired, apparently it had been a "long" night.
The truth to the matter was that yes, they were both lacking some sleep because of their lovemaking of the previous night, but in reality both were, although not aware of it, at their mental and physical limits. In the past four weeks Steve had seen much combat, then after saving and falling for Cathy, things had become a constant state of worry with a few breaks in between. Things had gone no better for Cathy and on top of that, she was pregnant, and she was starting to change. There were almost no physical signs, her breasts were a bit bigger, softer, and a little sensitive, but that was about it. Inside though, she was going through the changes you would expect, and she was starting to feel tired more often and without much physical excretion.
This would all matter very little in the coming days though, Steve had a plan.
When the airbus landed Steve shook his vixen awake softly. She awoke with a smile and kissed her husband, glad to wake up next to him twice in a few hours. They exited with Emily and Sean in toe, and went inside and stopped outside what was technically Steve's new office. He hadn't ever even seen it. He had been in it, but it hadn't been his.
"Only you two were requested," Sean said, resting his paws on Emily's shoulders.
Steve nodded and opened the door.
His first instinct was to search for a weapon, or dash the opponent. His ingrained attitude as a soldier still held a tight grip on him, and seeing the wolf gave him the same feeling he had when he saw an enemy. The only thing that stopped him was that Cathy was close, very close behind him.
The wolf, playing it cool, remained seated. It might be rude, but he cold smell the air, as did Cathy, and they both knew that the man was on the edge. When Steve reached what he preserved as his desk, the wolf stood up and saluted him. Not sure what to do, the Captain returned the gesture and sat down.
"Hello Consular Reynolds, Mrs. Reynolds," the wolf nodded at both of them.
Steve almost jumped at the mention of Cathy. Only to add to his horror, the wolf held out his paw to take Cathy's, and she did so, and the wolf, however innocently, kissed her paw. Steve did stand up at that, and caused a visible reaction in the wolf and Cathy.
"My parents always said my manners would get me in trouble, although I doubt they meant this," the wolf said in defense, holding up his paws.
Cathy giggled nervously at the joke, but mainly at her husband's reaction. He was quite protective of his little fox.
"I think it will ease your mind Consular to know that I myself am married, with two pups I might add," the wolf continued.
The Reynolds both sighed, it was a good thing to know, if he was being truthful of course.
"I'm sorry Major Rodina," Steve apologized, sitting back down.
Cathy walked closer and stood behind her husband, rubbing one of his shoulders as the meeting continued.
"So what is it you want to talk about? To be honest I'm not exactly sure what to do as Consular," Steve began.
"Neither do I," Rodina answered, "I was selected because of my record, not because I really have any knowledge of how to run things. I asked you here because we need to talk, I guess, about how were supposed to figure out some peace agreement."
Steve nodded but remained silent. Peace scared him. All soldiers wanted peace, but for a professional soldier it meant the end of his job. Cathy rubbed his shoulder and he felt better at a thought, he had a new job, taking care of his wife.
"I do have bad news," the wolf continued, "A splinter group of about ten thousand troops and maybe two large cruisers have declared war on us and you. They remain loyal to the Alpha Wolves, and their leader claims to be a descendent, but we all know that there was only one line, and most wolves are indebted to you Captain, for ending it."
The soldier scrutinized Rodina, and to his surprise, Steve believed the wolf.
"We'll win, they can't, not against both of us," the new Consular replied.
The wolf sighed, it sounded to him the Captain planed to have peace.
"I'm going to have to apologize to you for something Major," Steve began, "for the next few weeks I cant do much, I have something I need to take care of."
Had Cathy been in front she would have seen it, but with his eyes the Captain carefully gestured to his wife. Rodina understood and smiled.
"It's not a problem Consular," Major Rodina replied, "quite frankly we were going to handle it on our own, to prove to our civilians we really plan to abolish that ancient monarchy."
The wolf stood up, and saluted the Consular, and Steve returned the gesture this time with a more direct approach. He liked the wolf as well, which surprised the hell out of both of them.
The wolf walked out and Cathy, who was in disbelief, slid out in front of him and sat on the desk.
"What was that about? Why so fast?" she asked, her tail making curious circles.
"You'll see..." Steve replied mysteriously.
The fox huffed, she hated surprises.
He smiled and kissed her. She licked the inside of his mouth, and he almost jumped out of the seat for the third time.
"Comon, time for my surprise to you..." he said, continuing his mysterious tone.
She hopped off the desk and followed him out the door. Steve led the vixen down the stairs and to the launch pad. There was a single seater F-94 on the pad, fueling and powering up.
Cathy turned and looked at her husband quite perplexed. He just smiled and walked over to the fighter. He took her paw and led her to the steps, which she walked up. Steve followed close behind, and she played with his face with her tail. He smiled and shook his head; this was going to be, if anything, quite fun.
"Stop at the top," Steve said to Cathy and she listened.
He topped the ladder and sat down in the seat and without coaxing, she straddled his lap.
"I take it we're going somewhere?" she asked, grinding her rump against his crotch. It was the only way to get back at him.
"You'll see..." was all he offered in reply.
Bridge Aboard FN Endeavor 1405 Military Time
"Uh General?" a lieutenant said, walking meekly up behind the officer.
"Yes?" he replied.
"Consular Reynolds couldn't be, well, found, apparently he left the planet an hour ago," the lieutenant reported, a bit fearful of what the General's response would be.
"He what?!" the General yelled, causing the lieutenant to shiver.
Admiral Drake walked over, "What's wrong George?"
"Reynolds, he's disappeared! With Cathy?" he turned and asked the lieutenant who nervously nodded his head.
"I think I know why..." Drake replied, "... He'll be back."
**Chapter 5 Rest**
F-94 Six Hours Later, in Orbit Over Unknown Planet
"Alright, hold on," he said reaching into his pocket, "put this on," and he handed Cathy a blindfold.
She giggled and did as she was told. The last time she had closed her eyes was by the lake, and she was starting to believe that's where they were headed.
The ride had been... nice. They had played with each other almost the entire time, and both, well Cathy mainly, was actually sad the trip was over; it was starting to get good.
The vixen felt the craft speed down to the surface and land. The deceleration made her swallow her gums and, after a few seconds the canopy opened. A smell of intensely clean air filled her nostrils and she felt a huge amount of warm air rustle through her fur. Cathy felt herself being lifted by Steve out of the cockpit, and she felt them falling through the air.
When his feet hit the ground she let out a little yelp, but then giggled nervously, she hadn't figured he'd just jump out of the craft with her in his arms. She could tell the ground was soft and he stood her up. She knew it must be the lake on Chyane where he had made love to her, and given her their offspring. She smiled at the thought and wrapped her tail around his leg as they walked in a direction. Salt air filled her nostrils now.
"Take off your shoes and socks," a voice commanded, it was Steve's.
She did as he told her and she could feel sand, soft warm sand, under her hind legs. She could hear Steve doing the same, but also removing his shirt. Her heart fluttered. He continued walking her closer to what she preserved as the water, hugging her from behind. She could feel his warm body even through her shirt, which she wanted to remove as well.
The water lapped up against her paws, then up her legs, almost halfway to her knees before he brought her to a stop.
"I know what your thinking Cathy," he whispered quietly in her ear, she melted into his body, "but I'm sorry, it's not the lake..."
His hands went up to her blindfold and removed it. At first her eyes didn't adjust, the sun was too bright, but she look out and saw a vast ocean.
"Where-where are we?" she asked, looking up and seeing a bird in the sky, but not one that was a furry.
"My home, and now yours," he whispered, hugging her torso and kissing her neck.
She wanted to enjoy that, but she wanted to know where "his home" was.
"What planet is this?" she asked, "Chyane?"
"No, *my* home..." he replied, hugging her tightly and kissing her neck, moving up and down the side of her face as well.
His caressing was clouding her mind; she didn't want to think of anything but the question nagged her.
"I hate to say it, but we can't leave until you guess it," he said.
She turned in the water and saw him grinning. She kissed him deeply; she thought this was a wonderful gift. Not in a million years did she plan to even think of the planet, it was their excuse to stay together and be happy.
Cathy rubbed her husbands exposed chest and reached down and unbuttoned his pants. He did the same to her and in no time they stood, *literally* alone on this planet, naked in the ocean, letting the warm water lap over them as they kissed and held each other.
The fox just got to into it and pushed Steve into the water. They landed with a splash and she giggled and rolled over him and around with him. The water was very warm, for water by a beach anyway.
After a minute or two of playful activities in the water, he got out of the water, she followed, wishing they could continue, and he went to the fighter and unloaded the bay.
Inside there were blankets, food, clothing, and various other things, but not what you would say was "enough" for what Cathy planed to be a long stay.
"That's all?" she asked, looking at the cargo bay.
"No, look over there," and he pointed to a small cottage about five hundred feet away, she hadn't even noticed it, "I had it stocked yesterday with plenty of food. Only one other person in the Federation, rather furson, knows we're here, and we can stay a long time because he won't say a word."
"But what about being Cons-" he put a hand to her lips and she stopped mid syllable.
"I told you, and I told that wolf, I'm an infantry officer, a good one so I'm told, but I have a more important thing, the most important thing in the universe to take care of, and I won't ignore you to be Consular. I don't particularly want the job to be honest; I've enjoyed the burden of command long enough. I just want to be with you now..." he said, stroking her cheek.
She smiled softly and moved her face with his pat. They walked over, still nude; their clothes washing up on the shore, to the cabin. Inside was a nice, but simple bed, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a den. It looked old but new.
After Steve put the few items he had brought inside, he walked Cathy back outside and stopped about midway between the fighter and cabin. They both laid down in the soft warm sand and cradled each other. The sand stuck to his back and parts of her fur, but it wasn't course, it was actually soft.
He rubbed her soft and wet pussy, kissing her deeply and feeling her gasp in his mouth. She returned the gesture and rubbed his hard cock, cradling the head in her paw and rubbing her soft furry paws on it.
They were both to tired to do anything extreme, although they wanted too, but the long trip, the long month had done a number on them, and being in this serene environment they were feeling the effects and wanted to rest. Regardless they both were going to have a little fun.
She jerked him off as he rubbed her out. He focused all his attention on her clit, rubbing the small pink gland under her soft, and he knew, tasty hood. She moaned and stroked his cock harder and faster, causing him to groan and speed up as well.
Their bodies wanted to cum, and they both did to each other's touch rather quickly, the exhaustion was just too much. White globs of his cum shot out of his cock and onto her paw and pussy, and a long stream of her cum bathed them both.
Each tasted the other's juices and then kissed; loving every moment they were together. She laid down in his arms and just felt the sand form a form-fitting bed around their bodies. Cathy was a fox, and the warm air and beach, combined with her built up exhaustion, and the fact she was in the most tender arms she could fathom, she just started to nod off in his arms, to which he smiled widely and kissed her face.
He picked up the half asleep vixen and carried her to the cabin. He laid by her side in the bed and massaged her body, both enjoying a nice honeymoon that would last, in their minds, forever.
Twelve Days Later, Bridge Aboard FN Trident In Orbit Over Chyane 1213 Military Time
"So if they're not here, then where the fuck are they?!" Drake yelled, stamping down on the video consol.
"I don't know sir," Sean replied over the radio, "we're at that lake they spent some time at, and we already checked the village where Reynolds was picked up, and aside from Karl asking his 'little friend's' parents to let Lucy come with us, we've had no real successes. The plain fact is they're not here."
"All right Captain, report back to the Trident, Drake out," the Admiral replied, a bit annoyed.
Osing shook his head, "I think it goes without saying that wherever they are, they don't want to be found."
"That's not really up to him," Drake said to his friend, "particularly with that wolf splinter cell running around, raiding whatever they can find. We need him at the helm, or someone. You don't want to know how angry the senate is, and guess who they complained too!"
Chuckling Osing replied, "I'm sorry Fred, but the fact is, like I said, we won't find them until they want to be found, or come back."
"You know where they are?" Drake said, scrutinizing the General.
"Sorry again Fred, but I don't. I wish I did, but I don't," Osing replied truthfully.
Drake sighed and sat down in the command chair. The fact was he was worried about the pair. The only thing that eased his mind was the fact that two pairs of P9 Armor had "disappeared," and that the Captain's Thompson was also gone.
The question still stood however, where were the Reynolds.
Two Days Later Unknown Planet Noon Local Time
The fox laid sprawled out, warming herself on the beach. It was so nice here, she couldn't even imagine going back to the cold interior of a starship. Her fur warmed the skin beneath, and the sunrays were actually bleaching her blood red fur to a much mellower red-orange. The salt air was making her fur stay in a constant "poof," which Cathy loved, as did her husband.
Just as she thought of him she heard footsteps on the sand behind her. She didn't open her eyes, she knew who it was. The specter laid down in the sand next to her and kissed her cheek.
"Hi," Steve said.
Turning to meet his face she replied, "Hi."
"Any guesses?" he asked, the joke had been running now for almost the entire two weeks they had spent in this paradise.
"I had an idea, but I forgot..." she replied, rolling closer to his body.
"Oh well..." Steve smiled, and wrapped his arms around his vixen, who kissed him instinctively.
For a long time they just kissed on the beach. It was the most peace either of them had enjoyed in their lives, and the longest period of it. Neither could think of a reason why to leave the beach or the world that they stayed on.
After they broke the kiss she smiled and licked his lips.
"Hey I found something interesting on the data pad," she said, remembering her last night's study, "It takes about three months, sometimes more, sometimes less..." she reported.
Steve didn't understand until she rubbed her belly, which was still small and trim. He smiled and lowered his head to kiss it, feeling the very warm fur on his face.
"That's not long you know," he replied.
Still smiling she whispered, "I know."
"That's even if it's a person?" he asked, still hugging her.
She nodded, "No, that's if it's a kit, a person takes-"
"Nine months," Steve replied.
This time the vixen shook her head, "No, something about the way our bodies react to that kind of thing it goes faster. If it's a kit it's about three months, a baby is about six."
"That's still short," he replied, rolling her on top of him.
"Either way, I know it will be fine," she replied and held the back of his head with her paws.
"Do you wonder what it will be?" Steve asked. He wasn't trying to seem rude, but the subject had been on his mind for some time. He wanted to be a good father.
She shrugged, "It most likely will be a baby, that's what the article said. It tends to be what the father is."
Steve smiled, "I meant male or female."
"Oh, I don't know," she replied, "Are you worried about it?"
"A little," he replied, rubbing his hands down her back. The bikini straps begged to be pulled but he controlled himself.
Cathy smiled and stroked his face, "Don't be. I know it will be fine."
He kissed her neck and she moaned, they had been talking and learning about each other the whole time, both feeling better after each discussion.
"How many can their be? Either way I mean," he added.
She bit her lower lip, which got his attention, "Well, that's about the only way, without a tool or test or something, that we can find out if it's a kit or baby. If it's a kit there will be more than one and I'll get bigger, if it's a baby, I won't get as big 'cause there's usually only one."
She looked at him nervously, there was one thing that bothered her and she needed to share.
"I just hope it doesn't hurt that much..." she trailed off.
He smiled warmly and gripped one of her paws, "Do you worry now?" he gripped her paw tightly.
Cathy smiled back and replied, "no."
This loving moment was cut short by a burst of automatic fire. It was very far off, at least a mile and a half, but it was enough that Steve flipped Cathy on her back, and he laid on top, covering her.
"What the fuck was that?" she whispered, trying to look behind her.
Steve didn't answer; he just watched the tree line.
"Steve, are we safe here?" she whispered, flipping herself over onto her stomach.
"I don't know," he replied, "but not dressed like this."
They were both wearing almost no clothes. He had a pair of swim trunks on, and she was wearing a tight pink bikini, hardly the appropriate wears if there was gunfire in the distance.
More fire, but at the same distance.
"I think you need to tell me where we are," she whispered, not frightened, he was on top of her and would protect her no matter what, but she feared for his safety.
"Earth Cathy, there's no way its an enemy. It must be Federal Forces. The main part of the fleet is still in orbit near the other planets of this system, it must be a search party," he replied, still not removing himself from atop her body.
"Maybe..." she replied.
"Comon, stay close, I have some armor in the cabin," and he stood up, kneeling before her.
She followed close behind, and after a few bounds they were inside the cabin.
Both were soldiers, and both were good soldiers, and they dressed quickly. He pulled out a box with his rifle, a carbine, and two gauntlets of P9 armor.
"Here, I had this one made to fit you, it will armor around everything but your tail," he said, handing her the gauntlet.
The fox took it, and without hesitation, stripped her clothes and put it on. She caught him eyeing her nether regions and she giggled, trying to lighten the atmosphere; it didn't.
They both donned their armor and loaded their weapons.
Cathy's ears fluttered, she heard something outside.
"Steve," she whispered, and gestured with a head motion out the door.
They both clicked their armor's on maximum protection. Cathy's armor looked... strange to see the least. An armored behemoth with a red-white tipped tail.
An explosion rocket through the ground and air.
"Cathy down!" he yelled but it was too late, an explosion enveloped the cabin, blowing it to bits. |
Basket Case by chiscringle | "This is going to be awesome!" The slim teen said as he held the bear suit out for his friend. "Sick, bro," his friend agreed as he stepped into the back legs of the costume and bent down to put his arms in the front legs and duck his head into the bear's. Armen shifted from leg to leg, | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249283-basket-case | "This is going to be awesome!" The slim teen said as he held the bear suit out for his friend.
"Sick, bro," his friend agreed as he stepped into the back legs of the costume and bent down to put his arms in the front legs and duck his head into the bear's.
Armen shifted from leg to leg, getting himself settled as Sergei zipped up the back of the costume. He swung his head back and forth, the bear's muzzle seeming to test the air in front of him. Sergei stepped back and gave his friend the thumbs up. "Great look, dude. You'd fool me if I hadn't just stuck you in there."
Armen turned and looked up at his friend. "You got the camera?"
Sergei held up the camcorder they'd packed. "Right here."
Armen turned back towards their neighbors' campsite and bounded forward, intentionally waving his brown-furred rear at Sergei. "Keep up if you can!"
Jeff sat down next to Tina, his metal lawn chair creaking slightly under his weight. "That ought to do it."
Tina looked up from her book. "The food's up a tree?"
"Yes, dear."
"Wood's piled up?"
"It is."
"Tent's pitched?"
Tina smiled and sat back. "Then you deserve some relaxation time."
"Indeed I do," Jeff agreed.
Tina grinned and got up. "Are you saying I'm not pulling my weight?"
Jeff smiled back. "Your words, dear."
Tina bent down and gently tickled her husband. "Well, I hope you forgot to take a sausage out of your pocket and get eaten by a - bear!" She shouted the last word and took a step back.
"What's wrong?" Jeff craned his neck to look in the direction Tina was staring. His gaze was met by that of a grizzly bear, not more than twenty yards away and slowly advancing on them.
Jeff was frozen in fear as his wife backed off, and didn't even get up when the bear reared up on its hind legs and rested its razor-clawed front paws on the back of his chair. He didn't take his eyes from the bear's as he told his wife, "Try to get to the car. Don't worry about me."
"But," Tina protested, "the bear's between us and the car."
"Try to go around," Jeff said calmly.
Armen silently laughed at what he was hearing from the previously happy couple. Moving slowly and trying to have one person distract the 'animal' while the other went for a vehicle might work on a real bear, but not on this one. He let them think their trick was working for just long enough so that the woman was almost past him and to their car when he swung his head quickly, fell back down onto all fours and galloped towards the poor woman, who screamed and began to run.
She tried to continue to her car, but Armen wasn't going to let that happen. She might get help and ruin the fun. He cut in front of her and forced her back to the camp site, where her husband had already climbed a low tree. "Grab on," he heard the man say as he hanged down from a branch and took his wife's hand. With his prey now treed, Armen sat on his wide bear behind and waited to see what they'd try next.
"Killer, dude," Sergei whispered as he watched the chaos unfold in the camera's view screen.
Armen had snuck up on them as quietly and with the same skittish curiosity a real bear might show. From there, he'd provided so much great footage that their friends would be praising their prank for years to come. He wasn't sure if there was much more that could happen, though, with the two campers up a tree and Armen at the base waiting for them.
It had been half an hour and the couple had barely moved. Armen yawned, his bear muzzle replicating the motion for the benefit of the couple looking down at him. The costume was getting hot and itchy, and nothing seemed to be going on. Sergei was likely to run out of space on his memory card, too. With a last swipe at the trunk of the tree, Armen got up and slowly waddled back towards the trees, knocking over their chairs for good measure.
He met Sergei where his friend had been secretly filming everything he'd done. "How'd I do?" He asked as he passed by.
"Brilliant," Sergei said, enthusiasm evident as he followed Armen. "We'll be legendary, dude."
When they arrived back at their own campsite, Armen arched his back and stretched. "Let me out of this thing, man. I'm getting a serious cramp."
Sergei bent down and grasped the zipper, but instead of cool air and freedom, all Armen felt was a pull on the fabric. "Uh, dude?" Sergei said. "I can't get this zipper to move."
Armen turned on his friend. "Well, pull harder!" He snapped.
Sergei took a step back. "Man, you really are scary." He took the zipper again and pulled as hard as he could, but it didn't budge. "I can't do anything."
"Cut me out, then." Armen said.
"I haven't got a knife, man. We were only supposed to be here a couple of hours, remember?"
Armen sighed. "Then we'll have to go home and find something to get me out with." He moved in the direction of the parking lot. "Let's go."
Sergei didn't move. "The parking lot is right next to those tools' campsite, remember, man? And even if they weren't on our way back, wouldn't it look suspicious if I was being followed by a bear who got into my car?"
Armen looked around, seeing the firecrackers they were going to set off to celebrate their triumph. "I have an idea."
Jeff and Tina had just gotten their camp back in order and relaxed again when they heard a bang from a camp nearby.
"What was that?" Tina asked.
"Sounded like a gun." Jeff replied.
They hurried in the direction of the sound. They reached the neighboring campsite to find a young man standing over the bear that had attacked them. There was a smell of gunpowder in the air.
"Damn bear tried to attack me," the youth said in explanation.
"Yeah," Jeff replied, "it just did the same to us. Must have been rabid or something."
The youth bent down. "I'd better get this thing to my car. I'll run it down to the ranger's station and they can have a look."
Jeff joined him, taking the bear's back end as the youth took the front. "I'll help you." He blew air as he straightened up. "Heavy beast, isn't he?"
He thought he heard the bear growl and the youth go, "Shh." But when he looked up, the youth was looking straight forward towards the parking lot.
Armen sighed in relief as the guy who he'd recently chased up a tree shoved his flank, pushing him all the way into the back seat of Sergei's car. He shifted to get an arm out from under himself and heard the man say, "Did it just move?" And his friend reply, "No." Sergei then slid into the driver's seat and started the car. As he drove away he said, "That was close, dude."
Armen looked at him. "You said it." Before they left the lot, though, Armen couldn't help himself and levered his body up so that he was looking out the back window of the car. Seeing that the couple was watching the car leave, he raised a paw and waved at them, savoring the look of amazement on their faces.
Once Armen was safely out of the costume, he and Sergei watched the footage, laughing their heads off at the antics of the couple they'd pranked.
"I still can't believe you got yourself stuck," Sergei said. "That whole thing was almost as priceless as what you did to them there." He getured at the TV.
"Fine," Armen said, "you can be the one in the costume next. I have just the prank." He got up and returned with a thick padded lycra bodysuit in one hand and the grinning, purple-haired smiling head of a kigurumi mask in the other. "There's a geek convention next weekend. I bet you'll have them doing backflips for you."
He didn't tell Sergei about the frilly skirt, high-heels, slender cat tail and other girly stuff he'd be wearing on top of the suit. Nor did he mention the tube of glue in his pocket. He'd see how Sergei handled being unable to escape the attention-grabbing costume and the retinue of anime dorks that would follow him around. That part would be caught on camera, just as he'd noted Sergei had caught his own distress. |
Part I – The Loss by Zorha | #1 of Family Business - Disclaimer: Contains M/M furry smut. Tasty huh? Remember: Only you can prevent Forest Fires ... umm err ... do not read if you're of sans legality. What you have in your electronic paws is the first part of a sequel series to 'Dinner Date'. Some of you were very interested in | [
"Age Play",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/9773-part-i-the-loss | Disclaimer: Contains M/M furry smut. Tasty huh? Remember: Only you can prevent Forest Fires ... umm err ... do not read if you're of sans legality. What you have in your electronic paws is the first part of a sequel series to 'Dinner Date'. Some of you were very interested in who that masked mystery master was, or how Grylor could do such horrible things for him. This story series should add a little more back story, and will eventually tie into 'Dinner Date', and beyond. Expect a cameo by Everyone's Favorite Computer Cracking Coyote as well. Grylor is copyright himself, used with his permission. Warning Kiddies: Contains Mature themes, even for some furs, most notably Incest between Father and Son, with elements of Age Play. Read at your own discretion, and Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball(tm) !!!
**Family Business - Part I - The Loss** **2006 by Eldyran**
Mycaelis watched with apathy as his hot breath spilled from his muzzle and hung in the frigid, damp air moments before it drifted away and disappeared like a ghostly cloud. The haunting melody of bagpipes filled the air, which only added to the melancholy of the overcast September afternoon. A chilly breeze blew dead, damp leaves across the cemetery grounds, and everyone in the funeral procession pulled their black coats tighter as the ebony casket was lowered into the cold clutches of its moist, earthen grave. Mycaelis felt the chill seep all the way to his wolven bones, and the heat of the smaller male wolf that clung to him, sobbing, did little to shake the emptiness, small sense of loss, he now felt inside.
Mycaelis wanted to cry. He wanted to show everyone that the female in the casket not five feet from him meant everything to him. But he couldn't. But she didn't. In fact, the immense guilt of his impartiality pressed down on him, chilled him more than any overcast September day ever could. The small lupine body that hung on his black suit sobbed heavily, and Mycaelis ran his right paw over the back of his son's preteen furry ears. He dipped a muzzle to Grylor's tan colored ear to try silence him with a few comforting words, but they sounded empty, insincere, even to him. The melody of the bagpipes ended, and the small group of furs started to file away from the grave site.
A timed concerto of retorts pealed across the now deathly quiet cemetery; the sharp crack of the gunshots broke Mycaelis from his morbid reverie with a slight start. Grylor whined, hugged his father closer, but tried to be a brave, obedient little soldier, just like his mother always wanted him to be. Mycaelis led Grylor to the line of vehicles in the funeral procession, some of which were already heading out. As they reached their car, a burly male lynx in similar grieving attire walked up to them.
"Hey Mike. How is Grylor holding up?" Mycaelis patted the back of the preteen wolf, who sniffled and shivered in the clammy air.
"I think he's doing just fine, Samuel." He rubbed Grylor's ears and he looked up to the older males, his icy blue eyes still glazed somewhat from shock. The lynx discreetly slipped a orange pill bottle into the paw of the older, tan colored wolf, and put his other paw on the shoulder of his lover to comfort him.
"I ordered this up in case he needs it. Mild sedatives. He should take two with a bit of food if he can help it." Mycaelis smiled lightly at the lynx and hugged him with a free arm, the other around his son. He wondered if anyone still around would care. He thought most, if not all, knew about his relationship with the feline doctor. The lynx stepped back after the hug in respect, and nodded to Mycaelis. "How you doing?"
The lynx blinked, but knew better to pry. He knew he had a good thing going with the wolf, and didn't want to butt into what was most decidedly 'family business'. He nodded again, and opened the passenger side door for Grylor, who sat down quietly in the seat, paws folded in the lap of his dress slacks. He never looked up.
"I understand," Samuel said to Mycaelis as he shut the sedan door. There was a brief moment of silence as the two furs regarded each other.
"You know I'm here for you if you need anything."
"Yeah ... I know ..." The lynx sighed for a brief moment, then with a final nod, walked away. The wolf looked down at his feet. The feeling of overbearing guilt returned again, and he chided himself over the fact he was more upset over his lover's concern than the death of Grylor's mother. He looked up. Everyone was gone. He shook his head as he gave one last look to the grave site, got into the car, and drove home.
\* \* \* \* \*
*"Why can't you be more strict with him?"*
Mycaelis tried to shoot up in bed, his light green eyes now wide open, but something clutched his midsection and whimpered. He looked down to Grylor's form. His arms clamped around his lower chest, refusing to let go even in his restless sleep. Grylor whimpered once more, then nuzzled his father's chest before falling back into his fitful dreams. Mycaelis blinked once at his son, before looking at the alarm clock on his nightstand, the red neon numbers burning through the impenetrable darkness of his bedroom.
2:12 am.
He closed his eyes and exhaled, the tension from the nightmare draining away. He rubbed his son's back; the tan, cream colored fur there rippling under his loving paw pads. Mycaelis didn't know when the preteen wolf had got up from his own cot in the guest room and slid into bed with him, but he guess he wouldn't mind, not this once, and especially not after the stress of recent events. The older lupine closed his eyes, exhausted.
The alarm was set for 6:00 am sharp. Maurice's lawyer wanted to get things some things taken care of right away, and she had been rather insistent about it. As he drifted back off to a light doze, Mycaelis secretly wondered if the two had been involved at one point. Not that it mattered, and certainly not that it was any of his business anyway. He chided himself again for not knowing more about Grylor's mother, and that was his last thought before succumbing to Morpheus' twisted dream scape.
\* \* \* \* \*
"Tell me Mr. ... Avenches ... just what *was* your relationship to Ms. Stillwater?" Mycaelis blinked. He hadn't expected the picture perfect female lupine in front of him to be so direct. He shifted a bit under her intense, direct eye contact, now nervous.
"Quid pro quo, Ms. Starling." The female wolf with very distinct bands of white and black running through her gray fur stopped smirking.
"Fair enough. I suppose there is no harm in telling you, as you have no *legal* right to Maurice's assets." She swiveled slightly in her office chair, paw tip fingering a set of decorative pens held by a pair of female wolves, wiping off a small bit of dust that had collected there.
"We were going to move in together ... but of course the accident changed all that. It was ..." She stared off into space for a few moments, saddened by what seemed intense memories. " ... is ... hard for me, you understand. For a while after I wrote up her will, we were quite close ..." Mycaelis closed his eyes and nodded briefly, and for a split second was envious of those feelings; the feelings he thought, at some point, he should have felt about Grylor's mother.
"I see. Then she probably told you why she approached me fourteen years ago."
"Yes. Although from a legal standpoint, verbal contracts are hard to enforce, especially given the complicated nature of this particular agreement. When I found out about it last year, I warned her about what could happen should she ..." She trailed off, and reached for a tissue to whip off the few specks of dust that had momentarily collected on the mahogany finish of her luxe office desk. Mycaelis shifted in his seat, the silence uncomfortable.
"Then you know of our agreement?" The female lupine dumped off the barely soiled tissue into the empty trash bin by her desk and turned once more to stare at Mycaelis with amber eyes through her wire framed glasses.
"Just the gist, not the details, which I'm afraid, are of great importance right now." Mycaelis cleared his throat.
"Yes ... of course. Maurice approached me fourteen years ago, after quite a bit of searching on her part. What she asked of me was unsettling of course, it is not something a stranger usually asks of another."
"So just why did you agree to impregnate her then?" The lawyer tapped her claws on the desk, as if ... angry ... that she wasn't included in this decision made over a decade ago. Mycaelis blushed a bit.
"She agreed to fund my projects. The market for independent documentaries, as you can imagine, is quite small." She raised an eyebrow, still taping her claws, not buying it. Mycaelis sighed a little, noticing the other wolf's impatience.
"Also ... because ... I'm afraid, of my ego. It's not often I have strange females come up to me and tell me I'm superb genetic stock." He paused. "She said I was rather attractive, for a male, very intelligent, and free of any unwanted ... *defects*." The lawyer smirked.
"Sounds like something Murray would say ... maybe it was the military upbringing in her. So was she upset that she gave birth to a boy instead of a girl?"
"No ... not that ... she confided in me anyway."
"I see."
"What she did make it clear to me is that one, she wanted a gay male to father her offspring, so that there was no chance he could fall in love with her, to keep things as she put it, 'simple'." The other wolf nodded, following so far. "And second, that she wanted to ... conceive naturally." The female lupine blinked, taken off guard. Mycaelis shrugged.
"I'm not quite sure why she was so insistent on that, but for what she was offering in exchange, I had no reason not to." The other wolf looked somewhat disgusted, and Mycaelis shrugged again. "It was not altogether, unpleasant ..." The female lupine leaned back in her chair now, turning green.
"Thats not at issue right now. What was your verbal contact in regards to your son?"
"Well ... as far as Grylor was concerned, I could see him whenever I wanted to, take him for the weekends ... with her permission of course. I moved down the street in her neighborhood just for that reason."
"And the financial part?"
"Well ... she actually owned both our houses. She never asked for any financial assistance when it came to rearing him. I could buy him presents for his birthday, Christmas, but anything else she actively discouraged."
"I see. So you do understand while you have a legal right to take custody of your son, due to the way the current will is written, you have no rights to her assets." Mycaelis nodded slowly. "Furthermore, since Grylor is not a legal adult, he cannot assume responsibility of her estate." Mycaelis drew in a shallow breath, for the first time understanding the precarious financial situation he and Grylor now found themselves in.
"As it stands, as the will is written, her entire estate and all assets are to be sold and placed into a fund, that will be turned over to Grylor when he turns eighteen years of age. I'm sorry. I don't think she expected this tragic turn of events to take place, and frankly, I should have looked out for her son better ..."
Mycaelis' muzzle opened, his green eyes wide. The lawyer scoffed.
"At least then one of us would have ..." The female wolf regarded the male wolf with cold, unsympathetic eyes. "You have six months to move out of her houses and prove to the state that you can support Grylor in a decent standard of living. If you cannot, he will become a ward of the state."
Mycaelis stood up, shaking, and stumbled to the door. As he left, the female lawyer glanced once to his chair, and pondered whether or not to cleanse the seat of his scent.
\* \* \* \* \*
The darkened house was chilly. But most of Mycaelis' body was nice and warm. He pealed his eyes open, still heavy with sleep. The covers of the bed had somehow got tangled in his hind paws, and they now lay at the foot of his bed. His embrace held something warm, and when he turned his head to see what he held, his muzzle met the sweet musky scent of Grylor's scruff. Mycaelis couldn't help but inhale some of his son's scent when he gave a short whimper of surprise.
The scent was so clean. So pure. So innocent.
Mycaelis shifted a bit, trying not to rouse the smaller wolf from his dreamless slumber. He nuzzled his offspring, eyes closed. Their matching fur pressed, mingled against each other, their forms sharing mutual body heat. Mycaelis gave one of Grylor's ears a small loving, lick with a long, lupine tongue, before returning his head to the pillow. Grylor shifted a bit and moaned, causing his father to look back over.
"Maaaattttt ...."
Mycaelis' breath caught in his throat. Why was his son calling out a male's name in his sleep? He glanced down to Grylor's boxers; the front tented, damp with arousal. Mycaelis' square nose flared, just now catching the scent of young, male heat in the air. The aroma slid deep into his nostrils, his mind filling with incredulous, unspeakable thoughts. It had been two months now since the funeral, since the last time he had seen Samuel, and the musky scent shook awake dormant desires he thought had long forsaken him.
Grylor moaned out his friend's name again, and squirmed in his father's embrace, caught deep in the throes of his wet dream. Sweat broke across his father's brow, and he tried to tear his eyes away from his son's crotch, but his green eyes widened as Grylor's red, tapered tip parted the front slit of his boxers. Mycaelis dared not breathe, dared not move, else wake Grylor and embarrass the preteen with his father's own voyeuristic tendencies.
It was Grylor in fact, who moved first, pressing his small furry rump back into the crotch of the older wolf, rubbing against the bulge that was now forming. Mycaelis gasped, but caught himself before he could cry out, as the younger wolf rubbed the base of his tail against his stiffening member. A torrent of conflicting thoughts, desires coursed through him. His mind told it was wrong to watch his own offspring like this, but his body paid no mind. Its light green eyes locked on the now fully erect, but smaller, adolescent member jutting out from its sheath just before him.
Grylor continued to moan, rub against the hardness behind him. His father was frozen, torn between waking up and embarrassing the preteen lupine, possibly scaring him even more later in life than he already was now, and allowing this mildly incestuous act to continue. Small jets of pre shot onto the sheets, the musky odor filling Mycaelis' thoughts, fueling these aberrant desires even more. Mycaelis trembled; the slight rock caused the smaller lupine to groan, and he reached in his dream for his throbbing member. After a few light, semi-intentional strokes, Grylor's adolescent limbs shook, and he silently squealed out his orgasm.
The thick, milky spurts splattered into the sheets, and Mycaelis' muzzle parted with lust as he felt the small frame in his embrace shudder, riding out its first orgasm. In a strange way, his father felt proud of his son, and was honored to have been witness to one of the first rites of adult male hood. After Grylor's paw fell away from his softening member, and his light pants evened out back into shallow breaths, Mycaelis exhaled and pulled the covers back over them both, trying to go back to sleep. The thick, pungent, aroma of fresh, hot male spunk clouded his dreams for the rest of the night, and visions of his son growing into a very attractive, somewhat feminine adult wolf danced about his conflicted mind.
\* \* \* \* \*
A month later Grylor wandered into his mother's old bedroom while playing a solo pup's version of 'house', and stopped in front of the vanity and mirror to look at himself. He stood there for several minutes looking at his reflection, his paw running up to his cheek to touch a lock of jade head fur, an odd trait he inherited from his beautiful mother. The twinkle in his same colored irises made him giggle, the first time in three months, and his paw shot up to his muzzle lips, suddenly afraid.
He turned to the partially opened doorway and peered down the hall to his mother's old office. His father was busy doing that thing he did with the his cameras, still absorbed in whatever it was that he did. His father told him never to come into this room, but it was now one of the few areas of the home that still had the things he needed to really play house. Grylor slid over to the chair by the vanity and, without making too much noise on the creaky, antique chair, sat down.
His jade eyes peered over the many neat things on her vanity, and his paw pads ran over them, curious. His paw clutched an old picture in a collectors frame, taken before he was born, and when his mother was about his age. He pulled the picture in closer, and gasped when he looked in the mirror. The color of her body fur, head fur, her irises, almost matched his completely.
Aside from the buds of her developing breasts, he could have been her twin brother, and that made him smile. She had been beautiful. He wanted to be just as beautiful as she had been.
Maybe ... if he ...
Grylor picked up a tube of red lipstick and took off the top. He marveled at how pure the red really looked. After a few moments he figured out how to get the tip to extend out of its tube, and with a shaky, nervous paw, applied a bit to his lower muzzle lip. He took a moment to examine his look in the mirror, and was fairly pleased with the results. He took the cosmetic to his upper lip, and this time his paw was more confident, sure of itself.
Meanwhile his father stopped what he was doing in the study and perked his ears. Silence. Grylor's singing voice, still somewhat feminine and smooth, was no where to be heard. Although Mycaelis didn't have a lot of experience raising preteens, he had common sense to know that this probably meant that Grylor was up to no good. Grylor had always been like that around him, trying to get away with what his more strict mother wouldn't even think of tolerating. He sighed, and crept down the uncarpeted hallway to the one room he forbade the disobedient adolescent to go into.
Sure enough Grylor was in Maurice's old bedroom ... applying ... lipstick in the mirror. Mycaelis was more curious, surprised now than angry, and he stepped in behind Grylor, who seemed lost in his own reflection and thoughts. When Mycaelis placed a paw gently on his shoulder, Grylor cried out in surprise, and looked back at his father, suddenly very scared.
"Father ... I ... just saw ... wanted to ..." Mycaelis patted the adolescent wolf gently on the head.
"It's okay Grylor ..." He picked the smaller wolf off the chair and took his place, moving the preteen to his lap. "But you shouldn't be in here ... it might remind you of your mother ..."
"But father ... thats why I came in here. I miss ... her." His dark jade eyes welled up with tears, "Sometimes ... I miss her sooo much ...". Mycaelis hugged the smaller wolf tightly, paw rubbing his back.
"Ohhh I know you do." He kissed Grylor gently on the cheek. "Sometimes ... I do too ..." Grylor nodded, sniffling, and then leaned in to press his red lips against his father's own. Mycaelis' muzzle lips trembled in shock, before he pulled back. "Gylor, you shouldn't kiss me like that ... its not ... proper ..."
"Why not father? I love you. Isn't that what two furs do when they love each other?" He replied, trying to smile through his tear filled, innocent jade eyes. Mycaelis didn't know how to explain it best to Grylor. Even though he was now old enough to understand, Mycaelis lacked the experience to explain it to someone who had a lot of unusual feelings running through his constantly changing, young body. He smiled at the other wolf, and without thinking, said the first think that came to mind.
"That kiss is reserved for special furs, ones who make you feel ... 'tingly inside' ... like ... Matt." Mycaelis' suddenly realized he had let it slip he knew about Grylor's preteen crush on his best friend at school. Grylor's lower lip quivered.
"Father ... how do you ...?" Mycaelis tried to hush the confused lupine with a hug.
"You whisper his name in your dreams, son." The younger wolf suddenly buried his head into his father's chest, ashamed and scared of his father's imminent disapproval. Mycaelis rocked Grylor on his lap, trying to ease his tightly guarded sobs.
"Daddy ... I'm ... sorry ... I promise I'll like girls from now on! I swear I'll change!" Mycaelis hugged the conflicted wolf tightly, kissing his right furry ear, which twitched a bit.
"No no no ... it's okay Love ... its okay to like other boys ... especially that way." Grylor looked up in mid sob, surprised.
"It ... is?" He asked, wiping his tears away in the tan fur of his forearm, still confused.
"Oh of course it is." He smiled and wiped away some stray tears from Grylor's soft, furry cheeks. "You've met Samuel, remember the lynx who used to come over with me when I would pick you up for the weekend?" Grylor nodded slowly, and their light green and dark jade eyes locked for emphasis. "Well ... I liked him the way you like your friend Matt."
"Rea ... really?"
"Yes. Thats why your mother and I lived in different houses. She liked other girls, and I liked other boys." Grylor seemed to breathe easier, but still looked a little confused.
"Didn't you love her?" The unexpected question startled Mycaelis, and his muzzle quivered.
"I ... loved her ... in a different way, Grylor ..."
"Do you love me more than you did mother?" Mycaelis hugged tightly.
"Of course!" Before he realized what he had said, and how the young wolf could take that proclamation of his love, Grylor pressed his soft, lipstick covered muzzle lips to his again. This time his father did not startle as much, and a part of him consigned to relent into his son's ... unusual ... but strangely intimate, display of affection.
The taste of Maurice's favorite lipstick brought back pleasant memories, of the only time he kissed Grylor's mother; that one night they shared, out of a mutual desire to bring Grylor into this world. He closed his eyes and his lips began to move of their own violation; the tender flesh of their muzzle lips gripping each other, refusing to let go. For a strange, fleeting moment, Mycaelis felt as though they were all together again; one complete, loving family.
\* \* \* \* \*
The ensuing months marched quickly on, and Mycaelis began to fret more and more about the approaching six month deadline. Out of his three documentaries in post production, he only managed to garner sufficient interest from one distributor for one of them, a high brow historical documentary on Seattle's construction boom of the late 1840's. Most of the outdoor shots were local, as he only lived about half an hour from the historic part of Seattle's old downtown, but some he had to take Grylor with, as those historic buildings lay more inland. Grylor seemed to get even more rowdy as time went by on these uneventful trips into the countryside, and Mycaelis' patience with his son began to wear thin.
One snowy, frigid, January day, while Grylor was trapped inside the house with nothing to do, his father was frantically trying to finish up a few cut away informative scenes in Maurice's old office and study. Loops of AV cords coiled around the legs of four different tripods on the shiny, well polished hardwood floor, and stacks of VHS tapes cluttered end tables and the computer desk alike. The only clean spot in the entire room was centered at the apex of all four cameras, where an expensive walnut renaissance armchair sat in the epicenter of a quadruple set of umbrella lighting fixtures.
Mycaelis shot back and forth between takes and editing the footage directly on his personal computer, which looked like a Medusan hairstyle with all the AV cords snaking their way to rear of the case. He much preferred to do the editing through analog tapes and the old way of slicing footage by paw, but he couldn't afford the space right now. Instead he found himself forced to move all of his studio, which normally spanned the entire upper level of his old house, to the cramped, poorly lit study of Maurice's house. He was out of time and over budget, and he knew that this haphazard rush to finish this project would reflect in the quality of the final edit of the documentary. He had little choice.
While attempting to overlay orchestral music in his latest cut scene, he ran out of disk cache, and his computer crashed, corrupting several hours of tedious, hard to replicate work. He slammed his furry fists into the keyboard and left to get some fresh air outside, his nice suit now wrinkled in several places. Although the cameras were idle at the moment, their red LED lights were on, and the umbrella lighting cast a soft, evenly distributed glow around the room.
After a few minutes, Grylor crept out of his mother's old bedroom, dressed from head to toe in her bright red silk prom dress from the early 1980's. The cut of the material was conservative for its time, and emphasized sophisticated, timeless class over trendy period flash. His lips were expertly done up with his mother's favorite red lipstick, and his now red painted claws were well manicured. His hind feet strode across the hallway with confidence despite the red high heels he wore, as if he had been practicing in secret.
He closed the study door behind him and quickly went to the four cameras, knowing his father would be back soon. He couldn't bear this curiosity any longer, he just *had* to know what he looked liked in full feminine attire. He knew that he looked good in the vanity mirror, but his beauty seemed so ... *one dimensional*. The camera setup his father had incidentally created was perfect to get a full view of his new sexy look, and at multiple simultaneous angles to boot!
He flicked on the TV and the AV box on top, before hitting a few buttons on the cameras that he thought would begin broadcasting straight to the TV, and didn't realize he was recording himself live on tape. Grylor glanced at the TV screen, split into four separate frames, and smiled. He swiveled his narrow hips left and right, watching the material of the classy dress glide gracefully over the gentle features of his slight lupine form. He sank back into the armchair, striking several suggestive posses before giggling.
His jade eyes stared directly into the camera front and center, and he leaned back, before spreading his legs and pulling up the hem of the dress, inch by inch. As Grylor teased himself, he was so absorbed in the lewd act he didn't hear the footfalls of his father approach the closed door, then open it without warning. Grylor had just exposed the small bulge in his black lace panties as his father shouted out in shock and anger.
"Grylor Stillwater! Just what in the *hell* do you think your ... my footage!" Mycaelis shot over to the cameras and grabbed his head fur. "Oh Gods! It's all ruined!" Grylor clutched his paw in his muzzle, and for the first time in his life, was actually scared that his father was going to punish him. Mycaelis spun around, his green eyes now lit with a crazed fervor.
"You little whore! You just destroyed what little hope remained for keeping this family together!" He snatched Grylor's wrists, and the adolescent wolf whimpered, struggled against the overwhelming strength of the adult wolf. They wrestled for a few moments before Mycaelis grabbed Grylor around his midsection, pulling him out of the armchair, and taking his place. Mycaelis growled, tried to get the young wolf to heel, obey, but Grylor continued to whine, attempting to claw his way out of his predicament.
*"Why can't you be more strict with him?"*
This endless struggle, the stress of losing Grylor's mother, his livelihood, and now perhaps his only son, all forced Mycaelis past his breaking point. He threw the disobedient pup over his left knee and lifted up his skirt, drawing the flat of his right paw back.
"Why you little ...!!!"
\_ **Crack** \_
Grylor cried out in shock more than actual pain. Nonetheless, tears spilled down his cheeks, leaving damp trails on the tan fur there.
\_ **Crack** \_ \_ **Crack** \_
Grylor screamed out, now bawling; his jade eyes wide, muzzle open. His claws gripped the arm of the chair hard; the flesh of the knuckles white under the fur there. The pads of Mycaelis' paw stung, the flesh under them now tingling. He continued dealing out Grylor's just deserved punishment regardless.
\_ **Crack** \_ \_ **Crack** \_ \_ **Crack** \_
Grylor suddenly moaned out.
Mycaelis' paw froze in mid-strike, and he blinked. He listened to Grylor and himself pant a bit, both now short of breath. He tentatively ran his paw down to rub Grylor's sore, sensitive tush, the red flesh under the fur was now warm to the touch. Grylor's jade eyes closed, and he moaned again, the sudden caress of his father's large paw on his raw bottom caused a surge of ... *pleasure* ... to course through him. He opened his glazed eyes, and smiled through his heavy panting.
This is what he deserved. This is what he needed. He didn't want to admit it to his father, but he was the one who caused his mother to lose control of her sedan that horrible night. He was the one who refused to wear his seat belt, and she had taken her eyes off the road momentarily to try to buckle him in. The next think he knew, the car was upside down, and she wouldn't respond to his insistent shakes. He would never forgive himself for the death of his mother.
He would change. He would become become like the willow, bending to the most gentle breeze. He would do it for his father, himself, and most importantly, for the memory of his mother.
Mycaelis watched his son's quizzical reactions to this corporal punishment with puzzlement, and curiosity. He rubbed his son's ass through the black lace panties, the feeling of them gliding over Grylor's furry bottom ... *arousing*. He gripped the base of his son's tail, and Grylor groaned out as he ran a paw pad underneath it, then down between the cleft of his swollen ass cheeks, just under the panties.
This is what Grylor deserved. A confident, disciplining paw. A paw that would not spare Grylor the rod, and spoil him. He didn't want to admit it to his son, but he was the one who caused his mother to lose control of her sedan that horrible night. He was the one who refused to correct his son after Grylor ran amok that weekend, and thus called his mother to come take him home, sparing him the need to discipline his own child. She never had a chance to see that patch of black ice on the road that frigid September night. The next think he knew, the county sheriff's deputy had called, breaking the horrible, unbearable news to him. He would never forgive himself for the death of Grylor's mother.
He would change. He would become become like iron, unbendable under the greatest of pressure. He would do it for his son, himself, and most importantly, for the memory of Grylor's mother.
Without realizing it, Mycaelis found his claw had moved aside the back of the black lace panties, and the tip was now teasing Grylor's pink, sensitive pucker. Grylor squirmed, cried out in arousal as Mycaelis felt something small and hard jut into his crotch. The memory of that infamous night, the scent, caused his heart to thunder in his chest, his pulse now racing. His own member hardened, and he felt the two press into each other through the thin material of their elegant attire. Father soon found himself panting in lust alongside son, his own boxers soaked with pre.
The older lupine slid his paw tip into the young wolf's virgin entrance, which clenched around it, gripping his claw like a vice. Grylor shuddered, begged, panted out for more. The father relented, and he slid his furry digit up to the first knuckle, the rough, rigged paw tip running small, forceful circles against his son's prostrate. Grylor's entire body spasmed, and he cried out as he climaxed unexpectedly, his muzzle, jade eyes wide. Mycaelis felt the organ under his paw tip twitch, and felt Grylor's small adolescent cock jerk as it shot its load into his mother's panties.
Grylor jerked about, his climax shooting throughout his young, virgin body. His frame shuddered, twitched for a few more moments before letting out a low moan of deep seated satisfaction. Mycaelis' removed his paw from his son's ass and smoothed out the bristled back fur of the panting lupine. Grylor's nose twitched suddenly, catching a strange, unfamiliar, yet enticing, musky scent in close proximity, and he sat up. His father's light green eyes widened in surprise as the small, inquisitive nose planted itself in the crotch of his dress slacks. Even though he pushed Grylor's nose away at first, the persistence of the young wolf caused him to shudder with closed eyes, before caving in and allowing his son's curiosity free reign.
Mycaelis gave a short bark as a set of petite paws found their way up his inseam, every ridge of every paw tip felt through the thin fabric. When the paws caressed the large bulge contained in his slacks, Mycaelis almost swooned in the armchair right then and there, this relentance into forbidden taboo almost greater than he could stand. Grylor gasped as he fondled his father's privates through his pants, before reaching for the zipper.
"G .. gry ... lor ... we shouldn ..."
His son paid no head, the recognition of this last act of disobedience far from his thoughts. He wanted, no, *needed* to get more of this delicious scent of musk; find it at its source. With a snap, Mycaelis' slacks came undone and his massive red erection flopped out into his son's greedy little paws. Mycaelis' entire frame shook as Grylor's paws stroked him, one paw running up and down the entire length from tip to sheath. The other ran underneath to cup each of his warm furry sacs in turn, rolling the huge orbs in his palm. Mycaelis' mind swam, and his eyes sealed shut from pleasure, his heart racing.
Without warning he felt the tiny tip of Grylor's preteen tongue flicker at his slit, lapping up the steady beads of pre that dribbled out of his throbbing wolf cock. Mycaelis' knot fell from his sheath, and Grylor gasped in excitement before running the top of his tongue over this slick, hot, new type of flesh. This proved too much for his father, and as his paws gripped the arms of the chair hard, knuckles white, he felt his long overdue climax erupt from within.
The orbs in Grylor's paw pulsed, and he giggled, before a shot of milky white, hot cum exploded from the engorged shaft of the older wolf. Mycaelis howled out as the first thick rope landed across the tan fur of his son's left ear and cheek. The second managed to splatter across his son's short snout, which incidentally grinned from ear to ear, his jade eyes squinting slightly. Grylor's eyes closed as the deluge eased, and he wrapped his muzzle lips around the throbbing, tapered tip of his father's wolf cock, suckling off the tasty cream.
For a few minutes all Mycaelis could do was tremble as he came down from his intense orgasm. Then with a groan of satisfaction he pulled Grylor into a sitting position in his lap, bear hugging him. Grylor wrapped his arms around his father's neck and kissed him, the way it felt the most natural to. This time his father kissed back without hesitation. After a few moments, Grylor drew back, resting his muzzle in the crook of Mycaelis' neck.
"I love you, Daddy ..."
"I love you too, Son."
There was a brief moment of silence.
"Are you going to be a good little puppy for Daddy from now on?"
"Yes Daddy ..."
"That's a good boy ..."
\* \* \* \* \*
A few days later Mycaelis sat at the computer, pouring over the over written footage taken from the camcorders in an attempt to recover anything worth salvaging for the now overdue historical documentary. After a while, he started to edit the footage of Grylor's little foray into exhibitionism, and his resulting punishment. He clipped off the incestuous bit at the very end, but instead of tossing the tapes and deleting the resulting file, decided at the last moment to keep it.
His claws drummed on the keyboard. Just what was he going to do with this footage? It most certainly wasn't considered high art by any stretch of the imagination. It was very unusual footage indeed. All quite impromptu, really. Sure, there was footage out there of this kind, but it was most likely staged with actors and scripts. Discriminating eyes could pick them out from unrehearsed pieces. Mycaelis leaned back in his computer chair and he thought about if for a few minutes, his muzzle chin resting on his furled paw in deep thought.
Samuel. The lynx doctor. He suddenly sat up in his chair and fired up his modem. Within moments Mosaic had pulled up his email address and Mycaelis wrote a very carefully worded email to his old lover. He double checked it, triple checked it, making sure the innuendo was well phrased, yet saying nothing in plain words, before sending the email off. He leaned back into his chair again, head back. Perhaps the footage was of *La Gioconda* quality after all, at least among certain circles.
Later on that day Samuel sent back a carefully worded reply, that also said nothing at all. Mycaelis smiled, and began work on his latest, most unusual project, splicing and dubbing the footage with a practiced, artistic paw. He sent the finished tape in the mail the next day, and a few days later, an envelope with a fake return address came in the mail. The plain, discreet envelope contained a money order for five hundred dollars.
Samuel, just as Mycaelis correctly deduced, had a kink for child discipline. Whenever Grylor had acted out on the weekends, the doctor was quick to always offer that he take over punishment of his son, if Mycaelis felt too squeamish for it himself. He tapped the money order in his left paw over and over again in deep thought. A paltry five minutes of footage had earned him more than some entire documentaries that he had made. He thought about the last lines of the doctors reply.
*The 'documentary' you sent me was outstanding, however it seemed to end ubruptly. Let me know if you have ex\_tra foo\_tage along the same lines. Oh by the way, just how has the fam\_ily busi\_ness been treating you? The way you ed\_it some of your stuff should be outl\_awed.*
He wouldn't have suspected the doctor for that type of kink, but then again, he supposed it wasn't something you even confided with even close lovers. He wonder how much Samuel would pay for ...
He slammed his left paw down into the desk in disgust. What in the *hell* was he thinking? This was his own son! He futzed around, upset, and got up to pace, being careful not to trip over all the AV cords still lying around on the floor of the study. The deadline was only a few weeks away, and there was no way his historical documentary could even hope of being finished by the deadline. He shook his head. And the two thousand dollars for exclusive rights for one documentary wasn't exactly a live hood to live on for several months of work.
He stopped by the door, looking down the hallway to Grylor's room, who was busy trying on some leather skirts he found at the local shopping mall. No one else would accept Grylor for who he was, not the way his own flesh and blood did. It would destroy each of them if they were forced apart, their little family broken up. He couldn't let that happen, not if he truly loved Grylor the way he did. He went to the computer and pulled up the secret footage, beginning to edit it.
He would do anything for his son.
Grylor, now dressed in a black leather skirt and a green halter, entered the room without warning and sat down in his lap, legs dangling off to the side. The younger wolf placed his arms around Mycaelis' neck and turned to look at the screen, curious to know what his father was doing on the computer. Mycaelis gave a coy grin as he felt Grylor harden under the leather skirt in response to what he saw on screen.
**\~ Fin Part I \~**
Comments, Questions, Smart Remarks? Eldyran @ Yahoo.com. The next two installments of 'Family Business' will come at a much slower pace than they did in 'Dinner Date, as I'm now apart of the Second Life Furry community. If your around Furnation or the Fur Dungeon, my avatar name is Eldyran Maladay. He's hard to miss, as he's the only coyote running around with a hard hat on.  |
Mark of the Moon (Citadel Truths - Eps 2) by Pouchlaw | #2 of Citadel Truths "When one is the foremost authority on all things magical, one can still find the time to explore the truths in mystery in which fantasy becomes reality." - Welcome to Citadel Truths. NOTE: This was written back when my writing skills were still in development. Therefore you get | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464135-mark-of-the-moon-citadel-truths-eps-2 | ***Citadel Truths* Episode Two - Mark of the Moon By Darrel James Vanwinkle 12/17/2000-07/17/2003**
"I hate dressing up like this. Whose bright idea was it to attend a Boy Scouts Summer Camp?"
Andros Fox was feeling pretty itchy in his Boy Scouts uniform.
Valerian Mouse and Felix Ocean were faring no better in their uniforms.
Andros' friend, Darian Stargazer, was also in attendance here at the Summer Camp, and he likewise was not comfortable in his uniform either.
Darian Stargazer was an aspiring teen aged networking engineer. Being of stocky build, he stood six foot one in height and weighed 216 pounds, having dark brown hair, brown eyes, and ruddy skin. Darian normally wore loose blue jeans, a long-sleeved dress shirt, and dress shoes. He lived in the state of Alabama with his grandparents, but was also ready to forge his way into the world. Darian patted Andros' shoulder. "You look fine. If it's any consolation, we're the oldest teenagers at the camp. The four counselors are pretty nice. If anything, they might need our help helping the other 200 some odd kids."
Felix gave one of his trademark giggles. "It will be fun. At least we all get to see each other this year."
Valerian nodded his head.
When Darian contacted Andros about this outing, it seemed like a great idea for a summer vacation.
Camp Brightwater, which was located about 15 miles Northeast of Scottsbluff, Nebraska did promise a wide variety of camping, hiking, swimming and other curricular activities.
The four volunteer counselors were Morgan Hershel, a slender yet tall caucasian male from a national forest service in Wyoming; Janna Stoddard, a medium sized brown-haired casually dressed female horse rancher; Griffin Vandyke, a native American black-haired male pharmacist; and Rima Whitmore, a tall beautiful Asian female psychologist. Valerian was glad that he and his three friends were given the same cabin.
Over the next few weeks, the Boy Scouts summer vacation progressed without any major incidents. Many things were learned and many stories told.
On the final evening of the summer vacation, Valerian and his friends were gathered around a campfire with the four counselors, sharing roasted marshmellows and root beer.
The clouds covering the night sky break open revealing the full moon's light as it shone upon the campground.
Andros lifted his head and gave off a make-shift wolf howl.
The counselors jumped a little when he did.
Valerian chuckled.
Then everyone received a sudden chill when a distant wolf howl echoed back to them.
Andros said, "I didn't know there were any wolves around here."
Griffin replied, "Mayhaps a wandering wolf. Or one who is marking his trail..."
Morgan chuckled, "...or one who is making sure an old friend remains safe?"
Griffin shot a dark glance at Morgan. "That isn't funny."
Valerian arched an eye. "And why would a wolf seek an old friend so far out of it's usual territory?"
Griffin and Morgan, having forgot that the boys were here, flinched as they both turned to Valerian. Neither said a word.
Valerian stood up and turned slowly in place as he extended a vertical gesture with one hand from his forehead to his mid-section. As he slowly turned, his Boy Scout uniform vanished to be replaced with his mage's clothing and his fashionable silver-lined black cloak. Valerian faced those gathered now and spoke, "Now, who wants to tell me what they are implying?"
Andros and Felix were pleased that Valerian had long since included them in on the spell for changing clothing. Andros now wore his custom-made spacer uniform, all black with blue stripes and golden buttons, while Felix wore a more convenient classic explorer's outfit with backpack for his laptop computer and comfortable hiking boots.
Rima smiled gently and stood up. "A mage. I had heard that one existed."
Janna nodded her head but remained seated. "Valerian Mouse. So you are the one who won the property battle against the governor of Washington state a few years ago. I had no idea you were so young. Each of my friends and I know a little secret pertaining to a passage of the moon. But to reveal such... how do we know you can be trusted?"
Valerian smiled, "Stories of this nature is what I live for. Especially when they are based upon an actual occurance. If you four give me the details of your secrets, I will investigate each one with the utmost confidentiality. In addition, though I am wealthy and dislike to offer money for such information, I am willing to pay each of you $1000, as well as give you my promise that whatever you tell me will not be misused."
The mention of that much money was definitely a motivator, for each of the four's expressions seemed to brighten and focus a bit more when the money was mentioned. The four discussed the offer among themselves, then stepped forward once again.
Rima spoke for the four. "We really shouldn't accept your money, Valerian, but times are tight, and any income is better than no income. As for your promise, let us say that if you did exploit what we tell you, most likely you or your friends would die. I need not remind you of how serious this is. We are willing to accept your offer."
Each of the four calmly told the boys about what they thought they had seen, where each event took place, and about how long ago each happening was. Valerian calmly took notes and asked questions when appropriate. Andros, Felix, and Darian listened into the testimonials with intense interest.
Afterwards, Valerian thanked each of them and payed what he had promised.
Later, the four boys were in their cabin once again.
Darian was still surprised and amazed that his friends were real life adventurers.
Andros and Felix were somewhat used to this by now.
Andros smiled. "Lycanthropy. Who would have guessed? Are we about to embark on another investigative journey, Val?"
Valerian nodded his head. "Yes, we are. Like the unicorns we encountered a few months ago, this certainly bears some investigation, no pun intended."
Felix giggled again. "This should prove to be very exciting."
Darian looked back and forth between his friends. "You guys are serious about this, aren't you?"
Andros nodded his head. "Very serious. There are no fun and games of make believe here."
Darian glanced at Valerian. "I don't suppose there is any chance of letting me tag along, is there?"
Valerian hummed, as he read over the notes they had gathered. "You can come, although I cannot guarantee your safety if you do come along. I am still learning the mage game as I grow up. I really dislike using my powers when I do not have to."
Darian smiled. "Thank you. You won't regret it. And I'll try to be helpful too."
Valerian grinned. "We each have our uses and will make do with what we have. Let's get some sleep, guys. In the morning, we drive to Wyoming. The werebear is first on the list."
The boys laid themselves down and blew out the oil lamps. Sleep came readily for them, even though they anticipated the coming morning eagerly.
When the morning came, the four boys packed up Andros' minivan and drove out of the Camp towards the main highway. They drove for almost two days to get to where the event had taken place, and then, they hiked part way up the mountain to the Forest Service's Fire Tower to meet up with Morgan's friend, Bernie Holtz, a younger assistant forest ranger.
The four boys carefully climbed the tower and entered the watchman's platform at the top.
Bernie Holtz greeted the four cheerfully, and soon, the five were drinking some hot cocoa while chatting about the unusual event that took place several months ago.
Bernie said, "Morgan sent you? Well, if Morgan trusts you, then I trust you. This isn't something a lesser paid government employee would report to his superiors or I'd surely lose my job and be confined to a psychiatric ward."
Bernie drank some more of his cocoa. "About eight months ago, I first came to work out here, fresh and green, but willing to make the best effort to prove I could make the grade. I was greeted by Morgan, shown around the mountain, and quizzed on service equipment usage. That night, I was up late making last minute sighting checks at key points on the search grid. I had just finished the last spotting, and had recorded my lack of findings, when suddenly, there was what sounded like a loud boom at the base of the tower."
Bernie shivered at the memory. "I shined my spotlight down to the base of the tower, and what I saw made my neck hairs stand on end. It appeared to be a grizzly bear wearing a lumberjack's shirt, and a large moose wearing a dark wool scarf around his neck. I could hardly believe it. The two were leaning against each other as well as against the base of the tower. They both looked up at me when I shined the light on them."
Bernie focused on Valerian. "I could've sworn I heard someone down there yell, "Futz, we're busted! Let's get outta here!", and at that moment, both the bear and the moose tore out of the area. The next morning, I examined the base of the tower and found grizzly bear fur, bull moose scent, and two fresh empty whiskey bottles. But there were no human tracks anywhere at all in the snow. That really bothered me."
Bernie sat back in his seat. "When I mentioned it to Morgan, he said, 'Don't report it or you'll lose your job, and you will never get another government job like this ever again.' So I kept quiet."
Bernie sipped his cocoa then said, "A few days later, I was checking a local salt block in the forest. A place where local deer and such go to feed on the salt blocks we place out there. I was about ready to leave, when I sighted something just off the trail behind a tree. I went and picked it up. It was a dark colored wool scarf, covered in whiskey and bull moose scent. I brought it back to the tower here and sealed it up in our study case. I now had half the proof I needed to prove what I saw the other night. I bided my time throughout the day, doing my tasks."
Bernie refilled everyone's cups with more hot cocoa.
Bernie sat back down and said, "That night, I finished my nightly readings and spot checks early, then took a full bottle of whiskey down to the base of the tower and waited for awhile. I waited till about 1 A.M. and was about to call it quits for the night."
Bernie smiled thoughtfully as he continued. "Just then, a rather large gruffy looking Canadian lumberjack walked out of the woods wearing the same lumberjack's shirt as the bear had worn the night before. He looked to me, and said, 'Is that whiskey you're holding?' I was surprised by his appearance, but kept my cool. 'Why, yes, it is.' I told him. 'Would you like some of it?'"
Bernie said, "He walked up close to me, and said, 'Sure thing. Thank you.' Then he took the bottle, opened it, and downed half the bottle in one swallow. I was surprised on how well he could hold his liquor. I invited him up into the warm tower and again was surprised when he accepted my invitation."
Bernie continued. "Once inside, we chatted for awhile and served him some hot food. Then, I took a chance and retrieved the scarf. 'Your friend dropped his scarf last night. Could you make sure he got it back for me?' He cautiously took the scarf, and smiled at me, saying, 'Thanks. I'll see that he gets it.' He looked at me seriously, then finished off the whiskey."
Bernie shivered again at this point. "Then he said, 'You know, don't you?' I nervously yet honestly responded, 'I am not sure what I saw last night, but I kept my mouth shut. Is that what you wanted to hear?' He sorta smiled at me, then patted my shoulder. 'Good. I think I can trust you and I think Vard can trust you too. Just continue to keep quiet and tomorrow night, Vard and I will come back to see you again.' He smiled at me again and said, 'You can call me Paul.' Paul then left the tower into the woods and vanished from view. All of the next day, I was kind of light-headed and anxious for what was to come the next night."
Valerian and the others helped Bernie fix dinner and set the table. They had a pleasant meal.
Bernie continued his story then. "It was the third night in the watch tower and the weather had turned bad. It was snowing heavily and was as black as pitch. Yet, I waited at the base of the tower for Paul and Vard, even though I wasn't sure they'd bother to show up in such a bad storm such as this. I had warm blankets and thermoses of hot soup and hot drink for them. I waited until about 1:22 A.M. I sighed and thought that they couldn't make it."
Bernie smiled. "I was about to cart all the gear back into the tower when I heard Paul's voice say, 'We made it, Vard. Don't give out on me now.' I turned and looked, as the bull moose said, 'My legs are cold, Paul. We should've stayed home.' Paul saw me and gave me a nice smile, then hugged me tightly. I was surprised that he and Vard weren't wearing any Winter clothing."
Bernie pulled his blanket over his lap. "I helped Paul get Vard into the watch station at the base of the tower, into the warmth of the room. I wrapped the warm blankets around Vard's body, and gave him a thermos of hot soup and a thermos of hot tea. Vard smiled, saying, 'Thanks.' Paul sat next to Vard and covered himself in another blanket. I sat down in a chair by the fireplace. I told them, 'I am surprised you bothered coming tonight. This weather isn't fit for man nor beast.'
Bernie became somber as he remembered this next part. "Paul and Vard smiled at that statement. Paul said, 'What if we are both man AND beast?' I didn't chuckle because I caught the drift of what he was implying. I'm not stupid, and I have heard of werebears before, but never believed the tales. So I said, 'You're a werebear, aren't you, Paul? And Vard is a weremoose, I assume?'"
Bernie sipped his hot cocoa again. "They both looked at each other and smiled smirkingly. Vard looked to me and said, 'Thanks for finding my scarf and returning it to Paul. I thought I had totally lost it.' I nodded my head and had guessed right. Now I was worried what my knowledge of this was going to lead to. Paul said, 'Something wrong, Bernie? You look kinda pale. Surely you don't think we're going to kill you, do you?' I again nodded my head slowly."
Bernie smiled. "Vard then said, 'No, we're not going to kill you. That would be barbaric. You were civil enough to return my scarf, and then, invited us both into your warm home and fed us. You're already keeping quiet about this and that is a big help.' Paul stood up and came over to me. He looked me over and then exclaimed, 'Even if we were barbaric about it, we still wouldn't kill you.' He then smiled really darkly. I shuddered at his implication."
Bernie shivered again. "Paul continued to say, 'But could you really cope with becoming a werebear or a weremoose? If you betrayed either of us, that's what would happen to you. We'd make sure you joined the family as either a werebear, if you betrayed me, or a weremoose, if you betrayed Vard.' Vard then said, 'We don't like making threats, just making friends. And I hope we can count you as our friend. Can we, Bernie?'"
The boys helped Bernie wash the dishes, and then, followed him around as he did his nightly tasks and spot checks. When Bernie had finished making his reports, the five sat near the fireplace once again.
Bernie then resumed his tale. "I was relieved that Vard and Paul wanted me as their friend more than wanting me as a meal. We chatted some more and played some games. The two crashed on the two couches here and I went to bed. The next morning, they were both gone, but they'd left me a thank you note and this necklace."
Bernie showed Valerian the unusual totem necklace, then placed it back around his own neck. "From then on, both Paul and Vard came by periodically to visit me, to chat, have meals, play games, or to inform me of events around the forest. Just two months ago, Vard came to me in a rush and informed me of a forest fire that I couldn't spot from the tower. I called it in and was awarded a medal for my fast action. I didn't want the medal; Vard was the one who rightfully deserved it, but I hang unto it."
Valerian stood up and smiled. "I thank you for the explanation of your encounter. Is there anything I can do for you in exchange for this information?"
Bernie smiled. "This job doesn't really pay very well and also, I would appreciate it if you gave your word that this information never reached my superior's ears."
Valerian nodded his head and handed Bernie $1000 in cash. Valerian then swore on a Bible that he wouldn't reveal the story to Bernie's superiors. The boys said goodbye to Bernie, then headed out and hiked down to Andros's minivan. A hefty male lumberjack was awaiting them near the minivan. He asks, "Are you boys heading West?"
Valerian nodded his head. "Yep, just heading over to Idaho. Where are you heading?"
The lumberjack smiled, "That's where I'm heading. My pickup broke down back to the East and I'm already late. By any chance you might be heading towards the Moose Falls Ski Lodge?"
Valerian smiled, not really worried about hitchhikers or backwoods kooks. "As a matter of fact, that's exactly where we're heading next. There's a story there that I am wanting to listen to. I hope it's worth the trip."
The lumberjack quirked an eye, "What story would that be?"
Valerian answered, "My friends and I research the fantastic and record private notes about each event. You may not believe this, but we're going to Moose Falls to listen to a story about the local weremoose."
Three days later, Valerian, Andros, Felix, Darian, and the lumberjack, who's name was Harold, finally arrived at the Moose Falls Ski Lodge. They were fortunate to have given a lift to the resort owner's son, and soon, the boys had the best room in the lodge, as thanks for helping Harold out. Valerian and the others didn't get right into the job, but actually enjoyed themselves for awhile first. They went skiing, built snow unicorns, and attended a ballroom dance. A few nights later, the boys were sitting in their room, going over the notes that they had acquired from Janna about the weremoose encounter. There was a knock on the door, and Harold entered the room, not looking much like a lumberjack now, but more like a ski instructor.
"I'm not bothering you boys, am I?" Harold asked.
"Not really. Just looking over the notes we got from Janna Stoddard about the weremoose." Valerian replied.
"Did you say 'Janna Stoddard'?" Harold asked.
Darian looked at Harold. "Yes. Do you know her?"
"Janna sent you guys?" Harold asked nervously.
Felix giggled and replies, "Yes, she did. She's being a camp counseler in Nebraska currently."
Harold whewed quietly and then smiled a bit. "If Janna sent you, then it must be okay."
Valerian asked, "What must be okay?"
"I am the weremoose you're looking for." Harold continued. "I know it's hard to believe, but I can prove it. I only showed two other people that I could change. One was a fellow weremoose. His name is Vard. The other was Janna Stoddard, a woman I loved enough to pronounce my love to. I assume you want to hear my story."
Valerian replied, "First, show me that you can change into a weremoose, then tell me your story. If your tale is satisfactory, I and my friends will swear silence on what we learn here tonight, and I will pay you $1000 for the information."
Harold nodded his head and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with his duffel bag. He turned and locked the door behind him, and then stripped himself of his clothing. Valerian and the others watched with interest. Harold turned out to have one of those perfect bodies, in every way possible. Then Harold turned to the boys and said, "Here I go."
Harold got down on all fours and slowly arched his back and lifted his head. As he did this, his body slowly changed and grew bull moose fur all over his body. His feet became cloven hooves, while his fingers and hands reshaped into three-fingered hands. He grew his moose tail, and his head became very prominant, with lengthy ears and moose antlers. Harold finally stopped shifting, and slowly stood up.
Valerian and the others were very impressed by what they saw and they smiled to show their appreciation.
Harold smiled back and reached into his duffel bag and pulled out a loincoth, putting that on. He then pulled out an ankle-length cloak and donned that as well. He walked over to the boys and sat on the bed between them. Andros and Darian can't help but to smile at Harold and to give him a friendly hug.
Valerian nodded his head. "Okay, I'm ready to hear your tale."
Harold nodded his head and thought a moment. Then he said, "This happened about 8 to 9 months ago in this area. I had just finished college and came home to help my uncle run the ski lodge. I mean, I really loved this old place, and I'd do ANYTHING for my uncle. ANYTHING AT ALL."
Harold continued, "The first night I'm home, I arrive on the night of the full moon. There's not a soul anywhere in the lodge. So I let myself in and find the room I always stayed in when I helped my uncle in my younger days. I have just finished unpacking all my gear, when I hear some voices in the corridor. One is my uncle's voice; the other is Vard, but I don't discover that out till way later. So I just open the door to my room and step out into the hall calling my uncle's name. I immediately see two humanoid moose people in the hall. One is wearing a dark colored wool scarf, and the other is wearing my uncle's Winter coat. My voice catches in my throat as I quickly realize what I'm seeing."
Harold glanced at Felix as he continued. "Being the typical god-fearing person, I screamed and locked myself in my room. It wasn't until almost noon the next day before I was coaxed to unlock and open my door. When I did, my uncle was standing there fully clothed and with a kind smile. We hugged each other and he asked me when I got in. I told him about my arrival and what I'd seen in the hallway the night before. He stopped smiling, then looked at me all serious-like. He told me that lycanthropy ran in our family blood and that I too had the 'blood' within me."
Harold looked to Darian, and said, "I was shocked my uncle was talking like this, but I listened to him because I loved him and would do ANYTHING for him. He showed me the torn Winter coat from the night before and then, he 'showed' me that he could change into a weremoose. After the change, he told me that he was used to living like that and had 'brothers' among the weremoose community. I was shocked that Moose Falls even HAD a weremoose community, and no one had ever told me about it. My uncle changed back to normal and asked me if I still wanted to stay on as the lodge's ski instructor. There was no contest to my answer to that. I would have stayed even if he had changed into a wereslug. I loved my uncle and would... well you know..."
Valerian nodded his head. "Yes, you would do ANYTHING for him." Valerian chuckled and hugged Harold.
Harold hugged Valerian back very snuggly, then continued his tale. "My uncle told me that the weremoose gathered once a month under the full moon to party and socialize and the previous night had been no exception, until Vard escorted his uncle home to the lodge and got surprised by my appearance and scream. My uncle showed me where I'd be working and I got straight into it. The first month went smooth. I met and helped several young men and women."
Harold smiled. "One day I met Janna Stoddard who had come to get some required ski lessons for her horse ranch in Montana. I was in love instantly. And stupidly. I must have made a big fat fool out of myself in front of her. One evening, two nights before the full moon's night, I confessed my love to Janna and told her I was a weremoose. Well, being the typical woman, she wanted to see some proof. So I went to my uncle and asked him how I could change into a weremoose on command. My uncle loved me a lot, but this time refused my request, saying that he didn't think I was ready to learn it. I literally begged to learn it. He still said NO. So I became desperate and did something that I considered later to be very stupid. I went and found Vard and asked him to teach me how to change into a weremoose. He was pleased to do so."
Harold blushed from the memory. "He invited me into his private quarters, locked the door and stripped off all his clothes. He suggested I do the same, so I did as I was told. Vard then placed his arms around my neck and buttocks and pulled our bodies together, rubbing his groin against my own and then, pressing his lips to mine and kissing me deeply, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I could taste his saliva in my mouth and for some reason it burned and felt hot inside of my body. That's when I realized that Vard was changing into a weremoose and feeding me the weremoose saliva directly into my body as he was changing. Before I knew it, I too changed. Painfully. My mind went immediately and I seemed to black out."
Valerian nodded his head and waited for Harold to continue.
Harold took a deep breath and resumed his telling. "When I awoke, I discovered that I was lying naked in the snow, lying next to Vard, with both my arms around him. Vard asked me if I was okay, and I answered by asking what happened. He told me that I frenzied from undergoing the primary change. He then told me that frenzy usually happens when the hereditary weremoose isn't ready to accept the primary change."
Harold blushed again now. "That's when I revealed to Vard that my uncle refused to teach me how to change and I had gone to him instead. Vard was understandably upset, but he was cool about it. He hugged me and welcomed me to the community. We went back to his place, got cleaned up and redressed. Vard then literally spanked me with a leather belt and told me to never do something so stupid again. Vard took me back to my uncle and my uncle also gave me a lashing with the belt. He then hugged me and welcomed me to the wereherd. I resumed my duties as the ski instructor that afternoon."
Harold sighed now. "That night, I met up with Janna Stoddard again and was saddened to learn that she was leaving the next morning. But I was intent upon keeping my vow to her, so I showed her that I could change into a weremoose. It was strange because she didn't seem very impressed. I asked her what she thought and she said that her horses came first, then her husband. My heart fell immediately. I didn't even think to ask her before if she had been married. I felt like the world's biggest fool. She saw my sadness immediately and tried to comfort me, but it was too late. I gathered my clothes and left. The next morning, she went home to Montana and I never looked at another woman ever. Although, I did end up spending more time with Vard and a few male friends."
Valerian nodded his head solemnly, saying, "I'm sorry I made you remember all that. Is there anything we can do to make up for it?"
Harold smiled and looked to the boys, snugging all of them gently, saying, "I'm sure we can think of something..."
The next morning...
The boys were loading the minivan and bidding farewell to their friend Harold, and Harold's uncle. Valerian handed Harold the $1000 as promised and kissed him goodbye, saying, "I promise, we'll keep in touch." He hands Harold a business card. "My email address is on there. Until we meet again."
Andros started the minivan as Valerian got inside, then they were off toward Washington state and the werewolf encounter area.
The boys soon found themselves at the highway intersections of 12 and 123 just South of Mount Ranier National Park, after spending a few days in the National Park itself. They doublechecked the notes on Griffin Vandyke's encounter, and followed Highway 12 Southwest to the little town of Packwood. When they arrived there, Andros parkd his minivan at the motel, and Valerian registered a room for a week's stay. The four boys then headed over to the local cafe, and ordered up some hot food. After the meal, and Valerian leaving the waitress a tip large enough to put her grandchildren through college, the boys returned to the motel room, while Valerian headed over to the sheriff's office. As he entered, a deputy noticed him and said, "Howdy stranger. Can I help you?"
Valerian asked, "Is sheriff Albert Taylor in?"
The deputy says, "Ouch! You got bad timing. Sheriff Taylor is in Seattle attending a law enforcement convention. Can 'I' help you instead?"
Valerian says, "I'm here on behalf of Griffin Vandyke to investigate an unusual encounter that took place in this area about eight months ago..."
The deputy smirked. "You mean that Indian who became a pharmacist then moved to the city? And what are you investigating?" The deputy's sneer placed Valerian on edge immediately.
"I believe my business should be conducted with your superior officer and not his underling. If the sheriff isn't here then I'll investigate on my own, and not involve the help of the local law. Thank you for your time." Valerian turned to leave. The deputy seemed to growl almost immediately.
"UNDERLING?! While the sheriff isn't here, 'I' am in charge, and you won't do anything in this town, unless I am right there with you. What do you say to that, smarty-pants?"
The deputy suddenly found himself forcefully pinned to the upper wall of the jail. Valerian had hoped that he wouldn't be forced to use his Psionic powers, but this jerk of an upstart had pushed his luck a bit too far. "As I said, I will investigate on my own. If you're smart, you'll forget I even walked in here. If not, I can 'force' you to forget my visit, which usually reduces my victims to hypnotized vegetables. The choice is yours."
The deputy suddenly finds himself crashing to the floor as Valerian departs the sheriff's office. After the stars stopped spinning around his head, the deputy slowly got up and looked to see where Valerian went. "Great... That's all this town needs: a Mage investigating something..."
Valerian, having disgustedly left the sheriff's office, went over to the town's tourism offices. Once inside, he picks up a pre-paid postcard and takes it over to the counter. There was a cute female teenager running the counter. "That'll be a dollar fifty, please." She had long black hair and blue eyes. She was about five foot nine inches tall, and very slender.
Valerian smiled to her, asking quietly, "Who do I talk to about werewolves?"
The girl blinks! "Are you some kind of nut?! There's no such thing. Get out of here."
Valerian produced a thousand dollar bill, waving it in front of the girl's eyes. "This is real and serious. Who do I talk to?"
The girl seemed entranced immediately!! "Is that really $1000?!"
Valerian merely nodded his head.
The girl then said, "Okaaaayy... I shouldn't tell you this, but I need the money so I can get outta this hell hole. The deputy will kill me if he finds out I said anything. He just doesn't want anything bad happening to this town. About 2 miles back up Highway 12, there's an Eastern side road that goes all the way up to Packwood Lake. When you get there, go to the opposite side of the lake for about 1 or 2 miles, and you will find Raul Wolcott's place. He doesn't like getting visitors, but something tells me he'll see you."
Valerian smiled and thanked her kindly, and handed her the thousand dollar bill and his business card. "If you have trouble getting out of town, let me know. I have 'connections'." Valerian grinned knowingly. The girl waved goodbye to Valerian, as he headed out.
After Valerian and the others had checked out of the motel, allowing them to keep the over-payment, they drove up to Packwood Lake, following the teen aged girl's directions. They then drove around to the other side of the lake, and into the wilderness along what looked like an old logging trail. Soon, Andros pulled his minivan up in front of the secluded house. The boys hopped out and walked up to the front door and knocked. After several minutes, the door opened, and a teenaged young male with black hair and green eyes, stood there stripped to his waist, and wearing only ragged cut off shorts and hiking shoes.
"Hello. What do you want?"
"Are you Raul Wolcott?" Valerian asked.
The boy looked at the boys suspiciously. "Who wants to know?"
Valerian politely answered, "I am Valerian Mouse. Griffin Vandyke sent me."
Raul seemed extremely relieved! "Yes, please come in... I have to be careful these days. Did you say Valerian Mouse? Didn't you write a novel about a month ago? To Dream Of Dragons?"
Valerian blushed and smiled, "Um, yes, I did. I wasn't aware anyone remembered that book."
Raul brightened up nicely and grabbed a book off his book shelf! "Will you please sign my copy of your book? Please?"
Valerian smiled and signed the book for Raul, and then said, "Raul, I'm here to ask about the werewolf encounter that Griffin Vandyke had. What can you tell me about it?"
Raul sighed as he placed the book on the shelf. "So that's why you're here." He turned to the rear window and placed both hands on the window sill. "Like I said, I have to be careful these days." When he turned back to Valerian and the others, he was partly transformed into the wolfman form. He leaped at Valerian but suddenly found himself trapped in mid-air!
Andros, Felix and Darian all blinked at Valerian's lightning usage of his powers.
Valerian sighed. "Are all the males in Packwood insane? This is the second time I've had to utilize my Psionic powers. Why did you try to attack me?"
Raul growled in mid-air where he was stuck... "Got to kill you. Protect myself."
Valerian and the others watched him fully change into a werewolf while held in mid-air. When the change ended, he seemed to shrug off the power that held him in place. He looks directly at Valerian. "I kill you all dead."
Valerian says, "I'll quickly transform my skin into pure silver vorpal needles, if you try to come too close."
Raul growled angrily...
Valerian glared back very seriously, "I am not kidding. I will transform the entire area into pure silver." He glared a bit more. "Or we can talk about werewolves."
Raul growled a bit more, then eased up and smiled, his muzzle turned in a humorous way. "You just want to talk about our kind? Nothing more?"
Valerian replies, "The truth is that we came to listen to your side of the story and offer help, if we may. Of course, I will pay you for the information, $1000, and we will all swear an oath of silence about what we learn here from you. So. What do you say?"
Raul seemed to calm almost immediately and slowly shrugged his shoulders as he sat down on his bed. "What would you like to know?" He sighed unhappily. "Life as a werewolf is not all it's cracked up to be."
Valerian came over and sat beside Raul. "It's okay. Just tell me your story. I'm sure you're not alone in this." Valerian cautiously placed a hand around Raul's torso and hugged him gently.
Raul looked to Valerian almost nose to nose, then looked to Andros, Felix, and Darian. He then replied, "You have no idea what it's like to be an immortal werewolf. Alone. All alone... No one wants to share a lifestyle with a flesh eating werewolf."
Andros smiled. "If I didn't have another year of school to finish, I'd stay with you in a heartbeat."
Valerian nodded his head to Andros, glad someone else spoke up. "And I DO know what it's like to be immortal. But I don't let it control my life." Valerian held Raul closely. "Now will you please tell me what led up to your encounter with Griffin Vandyke? I have an open mind and will hold you in the highest regard."
Raul nodded his muzzle and said, "It was about ten months ago. Griffin was a local boy I really liked. And I think he liked me too. One night, I invited him to spend a weekend up here at my house. We were going to play cards, go fishing, and just enjoy the natural surroundings together. The first night, we went swimming in the nude, played some cards, and listened to some new age nature music. We settled down to sleep in this bed together. He felt so good against my body. It wasn't long till we were arm in arm and rubbing our bodies together. We kissed deeply sharing the same breath."
Raul sighed. "Then it happened, stupid werewolfism... Griffin accidentally bit my tongue and the sudden surprise of the pain and the taste of blood in my mouth caused my body to initiate the transformation into my werewolf form. I quickly realized what was coming, so I bailed out of bed into the dark floor where I fully transformed. But I still desired a kill. So I somehow got outside without Griffin seeing me and I went hunting. Found a nice big buck, killed it, and devoured it. Only then did I change back to normal. I made my way back to the lake where I washed my body thoroughly before heading on up to the house. Griffin was waiting on me, asking where I went in such a hurry. I nervously lied and said I needed to piss suddenly. Griffin believed me, but I felt terrible for lying to him about it. I didn't want a relationship based on a lie. So I got back into bed with him and once we were arm in arm again, I told him that I was a werewolf."
Valerian nodded holding unto Raul. "And what did Griffin say?"
Raul replied, "Griffin said he knew. That bothered me. I asked him how he knew and he told me that among his tribe, everyone knew about the wolf spirits and those chosen few who were blessed by the wolf spirits. I asked him if he was afraid that I might kill him and he answered me by saying that if I killed him then that meant that the wolf spirits had desired it. What Griffin didn't know was that I could actually feel his fear and hear his trembling breath and skipping heartbeat. I knew that I had permanently scared Griffin away from me."
Raul nuzzles Valerian's neck. "The next morning, I asked Griffin if he wanted to go home. He said that the weekend wasn't over yet. I was pretty surprised that he wanted to stay. So I asked him if he remembered what we talked about the night before. He said he did and that I had told him that I was a werewolf. I looked at him asking why he wasn't scared. Griffin says to me that upon thinking about it, he decided that I was only a werewolf in my mind, but he still liked me anyways. I told him I could prove I was a werewolf. And he asked me to show him."
Raul exhales a breath. "So, thinking that he really wanted to see my true form, I initiated the transformation right in front of him. After the change was complete, I looked at him and asked him if he believed me then. That was the end of our weekend outing. Griffin gathered his things and he left. I never saw him again. He was nice enough to write me letters and send me cards, but I was heartbroken. He wasn't coming back to me..." Raul pressed his muzzle into Valerian's chest and sobbed, a few tears flowing...
Valerian patted Raul's back softly while holding him very close rocking back and forth with him. "If you'd like, we can spend a few days with you. We have some free time."
Raul slowly looked up at everyone. "Really? Even after I tried to kill you all?"
Darian replies, "You couldn't be sure if we were harmful or not. You had to protect yourself. We can forgive you. No sweat."
"Thank you, guys." Raul licked everyone's cheeks.
Although they only intended to spend a few days with Raul, those few days quickly turned into a few weeks. Raul's feelings and spirits were quite high when he announced that he felt the call to hunt deep in the wilds. So the boys bid him farewell, promising to return another time.
Valerian had Andros stop by the Packwood Bank and deposits $5000 into Raul's savings account.
Then Andros drove the minivan Southwards towards California and to the wererat event area.
Roughly a week later, the boys arrived in the China Town section of San Fransisco. They walk along with the crowd and did some sightseeing while they were there. A few days later, Valerian led his friends into the Foo-Ching Martial Arts Studio.
The boys stood to one side and watched the students practice their moves. Valerian smiled as he saw the female instructor showing her students some special moves. She noticed Valerian's smile and called him and his friends over. The four walked over to Kara Foo-Ching and Valerian smiled. "Hello Ms. Foo-Ching. Shall I show your students how to defeat their instructor in one easy move?"
Kara smirked, "You'd better not, Mouse-san or I will be forced to get rough on you. How are you, Valerian?"
Valerian smiled, "I live. These are my friends Andros Fox, Felix Ocean, and Darian Stargazer. Do you have some time to help me find someone? I can pay, as you well know."
Kara smiled to the other boys, then tilted her head to one side and placed both hands on her hips. "Why do you only come by when you need something? Just once I'd like to see you in your free time so I can personally show you around China Town."
Valerian said, "Help me out and I will not only spend a few weeks with you, but I'll be a gentleman and take you out on a date too." He smiled big with a wink!
Just then, a man's voice is heard to the other side of the studio. "And if you try to take my wife on a date, I'll have to really hurt you, Valerian." Lou Foo-Ching stood there sporting an easy smile and wearing a chef's apron.
Valerian looked to Lou and said, "Lou, I am glad you and Kara are still together. You two make the perfect couple."
Kara asks Lou, "Aw, you never let me have any fun. How often do we get to see Valerian, Lou?"
Lou answered, "Not often enough, but you heard him. He and his friends are in town on business and we should not delay their search. Valerian, my good friend. How may Kara and I help you this time?"
Valerian looked to the students gathered for a moment, then to Lou and Kara. "What I need to ask is not for every ear. Let us go into the other room for a moment."
Kara and Lou lead the four boys into the kitchen in the back of the studio.
Valerian then asks, "I am looking for a young China man named Kim Shou. It's very important I speak with him. Can you help me?"
Kara shrugged, "Sorry, I have never heard of him. If you will excuse me, I have students still." Kara headed back into the front room.
After she was gone, the boys look to Lou.
Lou makes sure Kara is out of hearing range then answers, "The boy you seek lives thirteen blocks from here. It's an old condemned boarded up building and he lives in the basement, so I've heard. I hope that helps you, Valerian."
Valerian nods, and presses $1000 into Lou's hand.
Lou presses it back into Valerian's hand. "We are doing well. Do not be offended, but we don't really need the cash right now. What we'd really like is for you and your friends to spend a few weeks with us, as our guests."
Valerian nodded his head. "I'll do what I can, Lou. After I am done with my job." Valerian put the money away and got the building's address from Lou. Valerian had the others remain behind with Lou and Kara, then headed out through the front, giving Kara a kiss before heading out.
Lou's directions were good. Valerian soon arrived in the sparsely populated section of China Town and the building in question. He walked around the building before locating the only entrance to the basement. Once inside, Valerian walked around a bit and located another stairway heading further down past the basement level. Valerian searched around for a while, following the obvious tunnel. He had just approached a door, when suddenly he was struck from behind, knocking him unconscious.
When Valerian awoke hours to a day later, he found himself within a dark chamber lying on the stone floor, stripped of all of his clothes and belongings. Another voice in the dark chamber asked, "Are you okay?"
Valerian tried to sit up, but could not. His ankles were tied securely to one end of the small chamber, while his wrists were tied securely over his head. Valerian asks, "What happened? Who are you?"
The voice replies, "You entered a patrolled area and the guards sacked you but good. You're now in my private chambers. You're lucky we found the note from Rima Whitmore on you or you'd be dead right now. My name is Kim Shou, the wererat you're looking for."
Valerian struggled a little, knowing he could get loose at anytime using his powers. He asked Kim, "Are you going to untie me or are you going to leave me like this?"
Kim says, "I don't know if I can trust you or not. Just because Rima thinks you are okay, does not mean that I and the family think so. You remain tied up until I am convinced that you mean the family no harm. Why did you come?"
Valerian smiled a little, "Rima said you might beat me up before I could talk to you. I came to hear your side of her story. What was your encounter with Rima like, from your own mouth? I want to hear the truth from you. Nothing more. I swear it. Afterwards, I would leave and not return unless you allowed me too."
Kim snapped his fingers and the dark chamber was slowly lit up by candle light. Valerian then saw 'the family'. There were about seven male wererats and six female wererats in the chamber. One of the males directed another male to usher the family out of the chamber, until only Valerian, Kim, and one male remained within the dimly lit chamber.
Valerian exclaimed, "Nice looking family. A little undernourished, but nice."
Kim replied, "Yes... We are undernourished. Food is hard to come by, especially for a family of wererats. We could just eat you, but you're about as thin as we are and that would only solve the problem for one day. Ryu Shou," Kim pointed to the other male wererat, "is our food hunter. After you got knocked out, it was Ryu who found you and brought you back here." Ryu smiled softly as Kim continued. "What is my story worth to you, stranger?"
Valerian sorta smirked, "Don't laugh, but my name really is Valerian Mouse. And I have sufficient financial funds for 'paying' for the stories I collect. But I also give my word to each individual for my silence about their existence."
Ryu suddenly spoke up. "You're THE Valerian Mouse? The writer?" He looked to Kim, "If he is who he says he is, then his word is unshakeable. He speaks the truth and we can trust him." Kim gives Ryu a fast glance and Ryu became quiet.
Kim asked, "Are you really Valerian Mouse?"
Valerian replied, "I swear I am. If I am lying and you find out that I am, then you may kill me. Agreed?"
Kim looked to Ryu, then back at Valerian, "It is agreed. Ryu. Untie his ankles. I will untie his wrists." Kim and Ryu proceed to untie Valerian's bonds and soon, the three were sitting at a table in the back of the chamber. "I am taking a chance on allowing you to be free like this, but Ryu seems to think you can be trusted, so you are only free to roam this chamber. Just so you know, I do not trust you fully yet."
Valerian nodded his head, "That is fair enough, Kim. I will remain in this chamber until such a time that you trust me. I swear it."
Kim looked to Valerian, "You realize you may be down here quite a while, right?"
Valerian exclaimed, "I gave my word. Take it or leave it."
Kim nodded his muzzle. "Very well. You are our formal guest until your trust can be assured. That is something akin to being a prisoner, except you will be treated fairly, and you will not be molested by the guards. You will live and sleep in this chamber and we will share whatever food we may acquire with you."
Valerian smiled. "And I will do what I can to provide whatever services I can perform for your family and share anything that I may acquire."
Kim nodded his muzzle again and motioned to Ryu. The two wererats left the chamber, securely closing the door behind them. Valerian listened as he heard the tell-tale 'CLICK' on the door and the two wererats walking away chatting. Valerian stood up and tried the door. He only did so because he felt that it was expected. Then once he was satisfied that the door was truly locked, he turned and walked back to the center of the chamber.
First, he cast the CLEAN SELF spell upon himself.
Then, he summoned his spare clothes, shirt, pants, and shoes, from his home. He got dressed immediately.
Next, he looked around the chamber and cast the 'Mary Poppins' spell of CLEAN ROOM on the entire chamber. The spell cleansed the floors, ceiling and walls thoroughly, then struck all of the furniture, blankets, cabinets, cushions, pillows and mattresses, making them all squeaky clean and spotless.
He then rearranged the chamber's decor magically so as to resemble the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's lair. He teleported in a refrigerator and plugged it up to the mystic power grid. He also teleported in a color television and appropriate seating couches and sofas, enough for the entire family. After plugging up the TV to the mystic power grid, Valerian then proceeded to magically fill the refrigerator and cabinets with food.
When he was done there, he summoned in a new cooking stove and hooked that up to the mystic power grid. The floors became magically tiled and carpeted in the appropriate areas, and the beds became covered in soft clean quilting. Valerian scanned the room approvingly, admiring his work. He hopped on a couch and clicked on the TV and watched the local news and weather.
Some time later, Kim returned with the family. As he unlocked the door and walked into the cleansed chamber, he stopped and just stared in utter disbelief at the spotlessly cleansed chamber filled with new furniture and clean coverings. Kim and the family entered and looked around a bit. Kim then saw Valerian in the kitchen part of the chamber.
"Valerian? What... What happened here?" Kim asked still in a bit of shock.
Valerian turned around and smiled a bit. "Do you like the decor? I hope so, because I am giving it all to you and your family. Is anyone hungry?"
Valerian proceeded to set the table with more food than the wererats had seen in quite a while. After Valerian magically cleaned each and every wererat with a spell, they all sat down to eat the best meal they have had in a while.
Kim looked to Valerian and nervously said, "You are more than you appear. You are an Mage, aren't you? What we would call a Wu-jen?"
Valerian smiled, "Guilty as charged. I really dislike having to use my powers, but this time it was completely necessary. Your family was starving and you needed a clean place to live. I give all of this to you and your family and will refill the refrigerator and cabinets magically to assure you all have plenty of food. Is there anything else I can do to earn your trust, Kim Shou?"
Kim smiled honestly and pleasingly, "You have done well, Valerian Mouse-san. This is enough to prove your trust. You came to hear my story, so now, I feel I can trust you enough to tell it to you. It involves myself, Ryu, and Rima Whitmore. About a year ago, or so..."
Kim began his tale, "Ryu had located a new area to conduct food hunting in and asked me to come along the first night to check out the area. We waited until after midnight, then made our way through the streets to the market district. Ryu and I saw a woman running from eight ruffians. I didn't want to get involved, but Ryu convinced me that ignoring such a plight was a dishonor to our ancestors. So the two of us beset upon the ruffians and using our martial arts, drove them away. We approached the woman cautiously while remaining partly in the shadows, and asked her if she was okay. She nodded that she was, and Ryu and I left immediately. She called out for us to wait, but we were in a hurry, and departed anyways. I guess she saw our tails and paws."
Kim eats and drinks some of the meal, then continues. "Some days after that, I was in my human guise in the market place trying to acquire needed spices and herbs for the family and the same woman appeared again. I guess this time she recognized my voice and paid the shopkeeper I was talking to, telling him to give me whatever I asked for. Afterward, I turned to her and smiled, saying that I was grateful for her kindness. She told me her name, Rima Whitmore and I told her my name, Kim Shou. She leaned in close and kissed my cheek, saying to me that we were now even and wheels of karma would now continue to turn."
Kim smiled. "She then left and I was left standing there feeling quite awe struck by her kindness. I was worthless the next few days after that. Rima was the only thing on my mind. I just HAD to see her again. So I got Ryu to come with me and we went hunting for her. We finally found her at the airport. I called out to her and she turned to me and hugged me tightly. I told her that I was in love with her, then she shushed me. She said that our encounter was fleeting at best, but she could not return my love. That is when I learned that she was engaged to a man in Nebraska and was flying off to meet with him. She saw my tears and comforted me with a hug, then whispered into my ear that my secret was safe with her."
Kim sighed. "I looked into her eyes and I saw immediately that she knew what we were. But she wasn't afraid at all. Because we had saved her life that one night, we had made a long lasting friend of her. Ryu and I bid her goodbye and she left in the airplane. Ryu and I returned home. I still get letters from her. I guess that is better than nothing."
Valerian and Ryu did the dishes after the dinner had ended. Ryu was quite talkative and asked Valerian about EVERYTHING. Valerian did his best to answer all of Ryu's questions. When the dishes were done, Valerian prepared for bed. He layed himself down and got pounced by Ryu and Kim quite suddenly. He tickled them as they tickled him, then they all three fell asleep soundly.
Valerian spent another few days with Kim and Ryu, then returned to the Foo-Ching Martial Arts Studio. He greeted Andros, Felix and Darian, and filled them in on the events. Afterward, the four boys spent another week with Kara and Lou, as they went sightseeing around the city. They all thoroughly enjoyed themselves with the vacation.
Then, the boys packed their things and bid farewell to Kara and Lou. Valerian and his friends met up with Kim and Ryu on the edge of China Town. Valerian hugged them both and gave them a safety deposit key and papers proving them to be the legal owners. Valerian explained that he set them up with a savings account with $12000 living funds. The four bid the wererats farewell again, retrieved the minivan from storage and drove Northward out of San Fransisco. They crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and smiled as they glimpsed the misty bay.
Andros drove the minivan back Northward for about a week before arriving at Raul Wolcott's property. They were a bit shocked to see the burnt remains of the house and the obvious carnage and destruction in the area. Valerian conducted a magical search for Raul, finally locating him in the tent of a local native American reservation's shaman. Raul was badly injured but smiled when he saw the boys' faces. "You, you came back..."
Valerian knelt beside Raul and asked, "Yes, I did. Didn't I say I was going to? What happened to you? I saw your house and property. It looks like a storm hit the area."
Raul coughed a little then replied, "A storm named sheriff Albert Taylor and his trusty deputies. A local saw me in my werewolf form and reported it to the sheriff. He had enough of my presence in Packwood and came up to my property with a mob of people, guns, and torches. He demanded I come outside. When I did, he said he was going to run me out of the county once and for all. People were chanting, "Kill the werewolf! Kill the werewolf!" One of his deputies jumped the gun, so to speak, and shot me in the chest. The sheriff started telling the deputy to stop firing, but it was too late. The pain caused me to uncontrollably shift right there, in front of everyone. After that, I don't remember anything at all. I awoke here in the shaman's tent in the condition you see me in now. You arrived five minutes later."
Valerian visibly darkened. The shaman noticed the magical force build up around Valerian and moved away cautiously. Valerian looked to Raul and exclaimed, "I will take you home with me. But the sheriff must be punished for his actions against you. Everyone who raised a voice against you must pay. And I know how."
A few hours later, after a carefully worded 'power curse' spell cast upon the town of Packwood itself, the boys and Raul were in the minivan driving Northward out of the area.
Raul asked, "What exactly did you do to the people of Packwood, Valerian? I'm very curious."
Valerian hugged Raul and replied, "They hate werewolves. So I cursed them to be werewolves."
Everyone laughed out loud as they drove up the highway!
Soon after their arrival at the mystic citadel, Mr and Mrs Mouse listened to Valerian's explanation about Raul and the others. By now, they were used to his bringing home odd and strange people and things. They were happy to help Raul get moved into a room of his own.
Darian Stargazer had to return to Alabama to close off some financial and family matters. He said he'd be back eventually, if he was allowed to return. Valerian, Andros and Felix saw Darian off at the Seattle Airport, then returned to the mystic citadel.
A few days later, Ryu Shou arrived with the request to study magic under Valerian's guidance. Valerian smiled, and Mr. and Mrs. Mouse merely shook their heads with a smile. They helped Ryu get settled into a room of his own, as well.
The senior year of high school was soon starting and the boys were eager to attend the final year's worth of classes. When winter came, Valerian, Andros and Felix enjoyed a few weekends together with the weremoose Harold on the Moose Falls ski slopes. It was there that the boys finally had the pleasure to meet the weremoose named Vard, who turned out to be a real sweetheart and poetic romantic.
Valerian was soon informed that the forest ranger Bernie Holtz and the werebear named Paul moved into the Northern Washington state logging district.
Andros smiled at Valerian and said, "It was great to meet all of these lycanthropes in the past few months. And I am really glad Raul came to live with us here at the Mystic Citadel. He's a lot of fun."
\*\*End of Episode Two - Mark of the Moon
Stay tuned for Episode Three - Animals Enforced\*\* |
The Verentti Chronicles - Chapter 1 by ShaKaar | I wrote this story a few days before the Califur'08 conbook deadline on the suggestion of a friend. Well i am happy to say it was accepted, so now here it is for all of you. So please do not distribute, change, modify, etc, etc. These characters are based of concepts in my oen mind,.. and Ratchet is | [
"Steam Punk"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51596-the-verentti-chronicles-chapter-1 | I wrote this story a few days before the Califur'08 conbook deadline on the suggestion of a friend. Well i am happy to say it was accepted, so now here it is for all of you. So please do not distribute, change, modify, etc, etc. These characters are based of concepts in my oen mind,.. and Ratchet is not the video game character, just a same name.(which i haven't manage to change yet) Lastly i do hope to continue the series, i just need time to write. So Enjoy!
In the engine room the sirens blared, red lights flashed from various consoles while the deck plates vibrated roughly. Ratchet scrambled to the console in hopes of discovering the problem, his eyes scanned the gauges, knobs and blinking lights. His eyes focused on the panel, while his fingers quickly turned dials and toggled switches.
"Ratchet, what the hell is happening down there?" a voice boomed over the rooms intercom. "It's nothing Captain. Just a minor setback" Ratchet called out--his eyes never leaving the panel. A second siren sounded, as behind him a pipe burst letting a quick jet of steam escape.
"Ah ha!" Ratchet thought to himself as he ran from the panel to the back of the engine room, hopping to the ladder that led down to the lower engine decks. Gripping the side bars with his paws and putting his feet to either side, he slid down the ladder. As his head lowered pass the first engine deck, a wave of sparks flew overhead. Ratchet slid down past the second deck. Once he reached the third he closed his grip and came to a quick halt. He quickly jumped from the ladder and scurried across the room and dodged around an assortment of different equipment.
"Come on baby. Just hold on," he said as he moved through an open hatchway, "Ratchet is here for ya." Ratchet came to a dead stop before a large machine that took up half the room, and reached up through the ceiling into the deck above. Pistons moved in and out while electricity flew between conductors. The machine was the Flux Core. Though not a main power producer for the ships systems, its purpose was to hold and maintain the airship's power reserves in a stable state.
Ratchet scanned it over. He pulled out a wrench, hopped up and with a quick paw grabbed a pipe on the side of the Core. He swung around to a small ledge on the giant machine. His paws were a blur of motion as he scrambled to correct the problem. He pulled more tools from his belt, his tail whipping around giving him a much needed third paw as he quickly worked to fix the malfunction. Ratchet knew he didn't have long. If the Flux Core shut down while the airship was in flight the secondary systems would fail, causing the ship to plummet--or even worse, explode in a fiery ball of steam and shrapnel.
The sirens stopped wailing and the red warning lights blinked off as main lights flickered back on and pressure gauges returned to normal. Ratchet took a rag from the pocket of his overalls, wiped his furry forehead, and crawled down carefully from the Flux Core to replace the tools in his belt.
"Ratchet, Report!" the Captain's voice sounded again.
"Like I said Captain, it was nothing, just a minor malfunction with the Flux Core," Ratchet replied as he walked towards the stairs to the flight deck.
The doors of the bridge opened, the captain turned in his chair and looked to the doorway. "Why is it every time there is a ship-threatening problem on this ship, you say it's just a minor problem?"
Ratchet stepped out from the passage and smirked, "Because, nothing is too big for me to handle, and thus everything is minor."
Standing before the hatchway was a Rat, his furs a light grey with the tell tale spots of engine stains and cuts. His eyes beamed bright red, and his ears both came to a rounded point. His paw fingers were long and thin, caked in the grime of the dirty engines. The furless tail that poked out a hole in his suit waved behind him--long, slender and flexible. Ratchet wore simple clothing; dark blue, jumpsuit style overalls, with more pockets than one would care to count. Each one held a tool or gizmo of some variety. Around his waist and slung over one shoulder, like a suspender crossing over his chest, was a utility belt, filled to bursting with more tools. His clothing was well stained with the greases and oils from years of engine work and repairs.
The Captain smirked, "So you say, and always seem to prove. Go take a break. You deserve it."
"Righty-O' Captain," Ratchet spoke, as he pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from a pocket and tossed it to the Captain. "Here's a list of items I need to do some minor repairs to the ship: transformers, fuses, energy conductors and such. Next stop we need to pick those items up".
Catching the wad of paper, the Captain un-crumpled it and quickly looked over it. "Alright, I'll look it over and see what we can scrounge up." With that Ratchet turned back through the hatchway, and headed off closing the door behind him.
The Captain turned his chair back to face the forward window. The Captain was a tall short-furred Black Panther with deep blue eyes and a silver ring pierced through his left ear. Quickly reading over the wrinkled paper again, he placed it in his pocket. The Captain stood up and adjusted his shirt -- a white, sleeveless linen covered by a brown, multi-pocketed vest. The pants he wore, a leathery brown shade, ruffled lightly as he walked towards the wheel station situated under the windows.
"Jayne, how's our course heading?" The Captain asked the slender rabbit standing at the wheel.
"Course is stable, on a North East heading; we should reach the Vera Plateau settlement in 2 hours, Captain." the golden furred rabbit confirmed.
"Good, though try to step up the speed if you could, our cargo is needed there, and there is a higher risk we will attract raiders the closer we get." The Captain replied in a concerned tone. Turning on his heel he headed towards the top deck.
The Captain walked out into the warm sunlight. The ship's lifter coils cracked and popped, from the underside of the ship, with the polarized electrical charge that kept the vessel aloft. He surveyed the distance around his airship as it soared over the mountains. In the distance he could see the Vera Plateau, it was close, but the mountains hid many raiders, and he could feel a trap nearby.
"Captain! Raiders spotted, starboard side!" a voice called out from further ahead the deck.
The Captain looked to the starboard side, and sure enough, swiftly approaching was another airship. There were no identifying marks, but only a raider would head straight towards another vessel at such a high speed.
"All hands, ready battle stations!" the Captain called out, "All hands at the ready. Prime the bolt launchers and load the cannons."
A menagerie of people ran, scurried and dashed up from all over the ship. All of them moved to cannons of varying types, some long and slender, while others short and stout. Some crew turned cranks and pulled levers, while others loaded the stout cannons.
The raiders' vessel maneuvered quickly and matched pace with its prey. Its cannons were armed and aimed ready. The raider Captain, a tall ferret, called over "Slow your vessel, and prepare to be boarded. We will take that cargo of yours, or else we will blow you to the canyon floor!"
The Captain looked over his crew, ready and able, then to the raiders' vessel. He then called out, "Increase speed and fire on the raider!" With a cacophonous eruption his airship's stout cannons started to fire on the raider vessel, while bolts of blue lightning surged out from the slender ones. Wood and metal flew everywhere from the raiders' vessel as the cannons tore holes through it.
The raider vessel returned fire at its captain's command. Its armaments were a reasonable match, but its crews aim was not. Although there was damage, it wasn't nearly as bad as that suffered by the raiders' vessel. So far the raider vessel was on the losing side of the battle.
"Repeat fire!" the Captain called out again and another volley of shots ripped through the raider vessel. Wood splinters and chunks of metal fell from the ship. Blue arcs of lightning crossed the gap, one bolt striking a transformer causing fiery explosions to rage across the underside of the vessel. Some of the lifter coils were sheared off the hull as the wave of fire passed them by. The raider vessel's speed slowed suddenly as it lurched heavily to and fro, and began to sink towards the canyon floor. Hollers and screams were heard as it plummeted, but the Captain did not take pity.
"Good firing, men! Now let's get to the Vera Plateau before another raider decides to take a crack at us," the Captain bellowed as the airship sailed off towards the plateau. |
Balto's Love Ch. 2 by Doggy_Style | \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*Lustful\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Chapter 2 Balto started at Jenna. She was asleep, and he had been awoken a few minutes ago. He didn't want to wake her up. He loved the way she looked | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10083-balto-s-love-ch-2 | \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*Lustful\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Chapter 2
Balto started at Jenna. She was asleep, and he had been awoken a few minutes ago. He didn't want to wake her up. He loved the way she looked as she slept, such a dreamy expression. He walked over to the bow of the ship, and looked out over the snowy plains. He began to get lost in his own thoughts. He and Jenna had mated just a few days ago, but he still wanted to make love to her. However in a didn't way. Balto wanted to do Jenna in her tailhole.
Balto was suddenly overcome with energy. He looked down from the ship. He jumped off, and began to run. He ran with no destination. He needed to get rid of the energy. This went on for about half an hour, and as Balto walked back to the boat, he saw that Jenna was awake, staring in his direction. As he got closer to her, he heard her beautiful voice say "Where did you go?" she asked with a great smile.
"Oh, just... getting some air," he responded.
She giggled, and went inside the boat. Balto followed her. As he walked down the wooden stairs, he saw her siting in the middle of the floor. Balto walked over to her.
"I've... been thinking..." said Jenna. "So have I......Jenna, I.... want to make love to you again... but this time... in a different way."
Jenna blushed and looked down, staring at her paws.
"Of course, we don't have to if you don't want to," Balto said quickly. "I... was thinking of the same thing," she said smiling.
Balto smiled too and hugged her.
"But first..." Jenna started, looking into Balto's eyes,"I want to... taste you," she said, stating the same thing Balto had said. He looked suprised, and Jenna began to push herself against him.
"Now..." she said,"Lay down."
Balto slowly got on his back, his legs close together. Jenna smiled and blushed, as stuck her muzzle against them, telling him to widen. He slowly did as she wanted, reveiling his sheath and large, furry balls to her beautiful face. She blushed again, and hesitated. But she leaned toward Balto's groin, her eyes wide open. Jenna started at Balto's sheath. She very slowly began to sniff it.After a minute or two, Jenna stuck her tounge out of her mouth, and touched one of Balto's balls with it. Jenna's warm touch made Balto sigh and shift position a little, as Jenna analyzed the taste.
Jenna licked Balto's nuts a few times, her eyes half open. She stopped for a second, and noticed that Balto's penis had come a little ways out of his sheath. Jenna stared at it too, and then began to lap at his sheath. Balto murred and closed his eyes, enjoying his love's gentle touch. Soon, Balto's cock was out completely, laying against his leg. Jenna sniffed the mass of wolf meat, and licked at it. She started to lick his cock, back and forth, the wetness of it making her tounge slide across it. Balto began to mutter," Aw... Jenna... oh....." as he moaned from her tounge caressing his sensitive dick.
Jenna then let a few centimeters of Balto's penis into her mouth. Jenna began to quietly murr. She started to bob her head up and down, slowly and without much of an interval. Balto's tounge dropped out of his mouth, and he began panting very lightly. Then Jenna took in about half of Balto's cock into her muzzle. She loved the taste and texture of his penis, and began to suckle on it. Balto's groin was overcome with ecstasy, and he began to paw at the air. Jenna let the rest of his cock slide into her mouth, the tip of his large member going down her air way. Jenna's eyes were closed now, her lustful, sexy face made him even more aroused. There wasn't a sound in the air except for the two of them groaning, and a soft sucking sound.
Balto suddenly felt the base of his penis fill with cum, and he couldn't pant anymore. Balto howled. Like a wolf. His sperm sprayed into Jenna's maw and painted the inner walls of her checks. Balto ejaculated a few more times, filling Jenna's mouth all the way. She quickly pulled her mouth away from around his dick and let some of the cum drip out of her mouth. Balto's cock lay against his leg, seeming drained.It was warm and very creamy, sticking to the insides of her mouth. She began to gag on it, as she almost choked on it. It was warm and creamy. But with with time, she managed to get a hold of herself, and began to swallow Balto's seed.
As she licked the inside of mouth, her lips, and her around her nose, she looked over at Balto. He was still laying there, panting so heavely from his cumming. She walked over to him and stared at his face. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. Through his gasps of exhaustion he managed to say," Aw... Jenna...." She just sat there smiling, a dreamy look on her face.
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*A few minutes later...\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Balto lay against Jenna, even more in love with her. Jenna kissed his lips, a little bit of cum still between her teeth. She touched her nose to his. Neither of them spoke. They new what the other was thinking. The same three words. 'I love you.'
After they both recovered from the experience, they both walked up the stairs, and started off the bow, towards the wilderness.
"Jenna," Balto suddenly said. Jenna looked to him, his face so handsome. "Hm?" she answered. "I... I can't use words to define how I love you. All I know is that I want to be with you, forever.
Jenna smiled and blushed at his sweetness.
"Me too," she said, and leaned against him, her head on his shoulder. They talked for a while about their love for each. Jenna didn't think you could get to heaven before you died. She was wrong. As long as she was with Balto, she was in heaven.
A few days past, and Balto and Jenna's love for eachother grew. One night, it was clear. Balto and Jenna sat side by side, staring at the stars.
"Balto..." Jenna said," I want to make love to you,"
A smirk came across Balto's face.
"Hm. So do I," he smiled and licked her nose pad. Jenna kissed him and licked him back. Balto again walked behind his husky mate. He mounted her, sooner that before, suprising Jenna. She'd thought that he'd want to lick her before they started. Balto bent over to Jenna's face and licked her lips. She looked into his eyes with a burning passion.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you," Balto warned. Jenna just blushed.
Balto clasped onto her hips tight, and began to buckle. Just from that, the pointed head of Balto's cock emerged. As his cold, fleshy meat kissed the entrance of her tailhole, Jenna's heart began to pound fast. Balto pushed his cock into Jenna's tailhole, as she let out a moan. About on inch of his dick was in her now, and he tried to force the rest in. Jenna yelped as Balto began to split her open. Balto noticed the painful look on Jenna's face, but knew she didn't want him to stop. Jenna felt her cunt become wet.
Balto now had half his penis in his loves anal tunnel, her muscles squeezing his cock tightly. Jenna was in pain, Balto's hard member pumping quickly into her ass. She began to groan, the tightness of her tailhole constricting Balto's dick even more. A tear rolled down Jenna's and she began to cry and moan louder, and Balto continued to pound at her small opening. Balto knew not to push his knot into Jenna, as it would injure her. But he kept thrusting at her, as his climax grew. The pain deep inside Jenna's tailhole was beginning to subside, and a sob was erupting from Jenna's mouth. As tears rolled from her eyes, Balto began to quicken. He wasn't aware of what he was doing. Jenna began to stop crying as all the pain turned into pleasure, Balto's massive dick rubbing harshly against Jenna's insides. She dug her claws into the floor, barring her teeth.
Balto howled. Like a wolf. A passionate howl that defined every fiber of Balto's being. As he began to fill Jenna with cum, Jenna's eyes widened. She couldn't take anymore and she passed out.
Jenna openned her eyes. She saw Balto sitting above her. She felt pain in her tailhole, and it hurt a little to move. She noticed that her tailhole wasn't flooded with Balto's cum. She looked at him, a confused look on her face.
"Don't worry, I cleaned you up," he said, smiling. Jenna sighed and slowly got up wincing at the sting.
"I'm sorry, Jenna," he said. "Don't appologize," she responded,"I enjoyed it too." "Oh, Jenna... why am I so lucky?" "Hm?" she said. "Why am I so lucky as to have a mate as sweet as you?" "Balto... stop it..." Jenna said, almost blushing.
Although Jenna didn't want mate with Balto like that again, she never turned down any other requests he had. Her heart was filled with undieing love, devotion, and loyalty towards him, as was his. She knew again that Balto would always be her mate, and that they would always be together, in life and death. |
The Ant Hill by Xadera | "STUPID BOBBY!" Christine stamped through the woods, completely frustrated. Yet again had her boyfriend ignored her advances. He had left her alone to go fishing with a friend, also leaving her with quite the interminable itch in her groin. What was the point in going camping as a couple, hoping to | [
"Mind Control",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97739-the-ant-hill | "STUPID BOBBY!" Christine stamped through the woods, completely frustrated.
Yet again had her boyfriend ignored her advances. He had left her alone to go fishing with a friend, also leaving her with quite the interminable itch in her groin. What was the point in going camping as a couple, hoping to be alone and do it like the animals all weekend long, only to turn around and invite a buddy to go fishing? What was the point in having a boyfriend who was less horny than you were?!
"Whatever...," she grumbled to herself. If her boyfriend wouldn't satisfy her, she'd just have to do it herself.
Being up on a mountain was fairly private to begin with, but Christine wanted just a tad bit more, especially to avoid Bobby and his friend. She had heard rumors that there was a hidden waterfall somewhere up here, one that wasn't located on any maps. What better place to masturbate than somewhere people couldn't even find normally? Plus, she could sit at the top with her legs wide open, pretending that the waterfall was caused by her intense arousal...
Christine rubbed the moistening crotch of the khaki shorts. She was already on her way to making that waterfall as it was. Her nipples shone through her tube-top, perking up and wanting some attention as well. Not yet, though. If she got too heated up beforehand, she'd never make it to her destination. Quickly thinking of Bobby's lameness, she managed to subdue her body a bit and plod on.
::Swish, swish::
"Huh?" Christine stopped, becoming alert. She shrugged. "Bah, probably just a squirrel in the brush. Shoo you stupid nut-guzzler." She blushed a little at how her naughty thoughts seeped into her speech a little
::Swish, swish, swish::
Rather than running away, the sound was actually come closer through the ferns and trees.
"H-Hello?" Christine was getting a little worried now.
"OW!" Christine hopped up and down on one foot, the calf of the other throbbing from a sudden sting.
"What-Wha-wuh...wuh...-" ::Crash::
Her vision turned hazy and her head began swimming until she lost all balance and fell to the ground. Fortunately, something caught her so she wasn't injured. Everything was blurry, but she could barely make out a couple of dark, round shapes hovering over her. Some clicking noises echoed between them. Yet, before she could say anything, her world went black. Christine was unconscious. \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_
Christine blinked awake. "What happened?...," her thought finally finished some time later.
She still couldn't see too well, it seemed. There was a faint glow off in the distance, but she couldn't make anything out. It was either nighttime or she was in some building, considering there was no sunlight. Wait, no... She must be in a building. There was no sort of breeze or wind whatsoever. Actually, the air was kind of stuffy and a little hard to breath...
"Click, click, cli-ti-ti-ti-kachick."
Christine recognized the clicking sound from earlier. "Wh-Who's there?!"
There was some movement in the room. She could barely make out the shapes again. However, she wasn't too frightened. The things weren't all that large, maybe about the size of a dog. She could definitely handle something that small, if she needed to. She just listened to their clicking and chittering. It reminded her of the ambient noise you normally hear in a forest, with all the insects and stuff. Maybe she was still in the woods?
"Chick chick!"
The sounds came to an abrupt halt. The things darted towards her and grabbed her arms and legs.
"Hey! Let me go! AHH!" Christine thrashed and screamed, but to no avail.
The hard, smooth things that grappled her felt like vice grips. Despite how she had gauged their size, the things were surprisingly strong. Though, as her heart pumped the adrenaline from her body, the toxins were swept from her mind and her vision began to clear.
"EEK!" Christine's screams rose an octave or two at what she saw.
Bugs! Giant bugs! Their dark brown and red patterned chitinous shells resembled that of ants, except that their heads were nearly as big as hers! They held her with their giant mandibles, digging into her as she fought back, but their legs easily anchored themselves to the soft floor. The whole floor was extremely fluffy and light, some interwoven organic fibers that curled about to round the walls and ceiling. She was in a nest!
"Chick cliki-tik!" One of the insects looked down into the hall, the only entrance to this room.
Christine caught a glimpse of something skitter past the orange-glowing things that pulsated on the walls. It quickly closed the gap, much smaller and much faster than the ant-like creatures. It stood on six spindly legs with a heart-shaped body bobbing up and down in between them. It kind of looked like a Daddy-long-legs.
"Cli-ti-katit!" The bigger bug waggled its antennae towards Christine.
"Voot voot-voo!" A little foot came up and the tiny thing gave a cheerful salute.
Christine's screams and shouts amplified as the mandibles pushed her down, forcing her to lay on her back. She could barely see out of from the corner of her eye as the small insect squatted down, out of her vision. The next moment, it sprung back into view, flying through the air.
The insect landed over her mouth, muffling her cries. The pointed end of the heart shape fit perfectly over her nose while the rest conformed over her mouth. Christine shivered in fear as she felt the spidery appendages slide over her cheeks and pick about in her hair. She shuddered as she felt a slight pinch as the three legs on one side met the three from the other, with the top of her spine in between. Her lungs instantly stopped exhaling, silencing her altogether.
A second later, her breathing resumed. However, it was at an average pace, no longer affected by the adrenaline and fear that shocked her system. Her nose filled with a sweet aroma, the air fresh and pleasant compared to what she had inhaled before. It was so nice, her eyes started to slow in their frantic observations of the horrid surroundings. The many jaws let go, releasing her. Christine could feel her wrists and ankles ache from the former grip.
In a desperate attempt, she took advantage of her freedom and flailed at her captors!
*'Swing! Swing, dammit!,'* she thought to herself. *'Move you fucking limbs!!'*
There was no response. Her heart had also slowed its beating, despite how much she urged herself to fight back. She didn't even feel herself move a finger in her willingness to do something. She could only watch as most of the large ants turned away and exited the room, leaving only one.
*'Wait, I'm moving! Yes, yes, get out of here! RUN!,'* Christine could feel her legs and arms begin to swing around, picking herself up from the ground. The process was so slow though... Like her body had become dead weight or something.
*'What?! NO! MOVE!!,'* Her mind despaired as her body stopped responding again. As she came to a rise, she just stood there like some stupid oaf.
Christine's inner-monologue erupted into a torrent of curses and cussing as the lone ant began to walk away. Yes, her body did begin to move towards the exit. Much to her rabid anger, however, it walked at a casual pace, remaining slow such that her captor was always a few steps ahead of her. The damned bug was leading and she was following like some lamb to the slaughter!
The tunnel ahead was slighter darker. Her sneakers had been removed at some point, leaving her sock-covered feet to sink into the fluffy nest material. The stuff was all around, lining everything possible. Even the wormy things that lit the rooms with a soothing orange hue were slightly buried underneath the it, making the light that much softer.
Further and further they went. Christine could only roll her eyes about inside her head, watching as other tunnels broke off from the one they ventured through. Other ant-like creatures skittered about. Many of them carried junk within their mandibles, such as bushels of leaves, fruits, wood, and even rocks. She never got to see where the others went, but she soon grew terrified as their own destination came into view.
The room had a brighter glow, illuminating the surrounding tunnels with dancing shadows. She recognized other large ants from their silhouettes. However, one was particularly large. Just from its shadow, she could tell it took up most of the seemingly huge room. Slurping and clicking echoed from within, synchronized with the wiggling on the walls.
*'What the...'* Christine stared in disgust. If she could move on her own, she would have been shivering in fear.
Suspended from the ceiling, entwined in the nest-stuff, was a massive, bulbous, pulsating beast of a bug. Not only was its primary, ant-like body, head, and torso as large as herself, but its butt, its abdomen, was a giant fleshy bag. It gurgled and squirmed; its skin a pale color and nearly translucent, with little round objects churning about within.
The whole thing was obviously the Queen. But why was it hanging?
Her curiosity and repulsion was immediately shoved aside as her hands began to do something especially shocking. They began to unbutton her khaki shorts. Then they slid to her hips, wedging their fingers into her panties. In one smooth motion, both shorts and underwear were pulled down and her legs stepped out, tossing her decency aside without a second thought. To make matters worse, she was slowly stepping towards the foul Queen.
Christine shut her eyes, not wanting to watch what happened next.
Her body crouched down and walked on all fours. Even with her eyes shut she could hear the gestation above as she crawled underneath the hanging Queen. At a certain point she turned, facing towards its head. And the her own head sunk into the soft bedding, raising her rump into the air.
Christine could imagine what was about to happen as her hands reached past her thighs and pulled her labia wide, but she didn't want to. In her head she cried and screamed and tried to remember other things from her past, desperate to escape the mental world she had been trapped in and the reality she was experiencing. Why oh why was her body allowing all of this to happen?!
Her mind went numb as something poked about her butt. The Queen was moving, shifting about above her as the prodding appendage sought out her sex. Her body did manage to flinch, if only a little, when the thing finally found her vagina, gently wiggling in. Passing thoughts through her head would have left her vomiting, if only her body would have let her. But it didn't matter.
She was soon filled by the stiff rod. It delved deeper until it bumped against her cervix. Her muscles flexed at the intrusion, but, surprisingly, it wasn't as painful as it would normally have been. The needle-like tip slowly opened her cervix, letting the rod slide in smoothly, only an inch or two in diameter. A few seconds later and she jerked.
A round shape passed through the clenching barrier, suddenly forcing her a bit wider. Her cervix snapped shut once it passed. She could feel the small ball roll around within her womb, settling in the cramped space.
She blinked in discomfort as another was injected, joining the former. Followed by another. And another...
Christine felt like she was being stuffed. Her hips twitched a bit at the strange sensations. Her belly began to protrude, getting heavier with each sphere. About a dozen in all, they piled up within her. The rod pulled out, eliciting a shudder, and that was all. It seemed that the worst was over. She wasn't even left in pain, just feeling a little... bloated. She almost considered the sensation of the orbs within moving about as she crawled out somewhat intriguing. Though, her heart quickly sank as her body simply rolled over once it was no longer underneath the Queen, lying upon her back.
She ventured a peek through her eyelids. *'Ugh...,'* her mind was tired of disgust, looking upon the thing that shuffled into the room in a rather neutral way. Why couldn't she just end it all and die...
Another blubbery creature wobbled into the room from a different tunnel. It looked like a caterpillar; giant like all the other bugs. Its many feet rolled like waves across the floor, heading right for her. In preparation, her body spread her legs for its advance. She could easily see her belly poke up from under her shirt, the balls inside shifting with her every movement. Yet, she closed her eyes once more, unable to withstand the vile events.
The caterpillar was nearly as large as Christina and definitely fatter. Its head wandered about between her legs, testing her with its antennae. The tickling almost made her giggle inside, but the wet snout pushing against her mound plummeted her back to her unfortunate reality. She could feel its hot breath sniff her sex, nudging at her clit.
Her mind was repulsed by her body, feeling it react in an inappropriate way. Her heart fluttered as a blush entered her cheeks. The thing nuzzled her more and more, making the clit grow erect and throb. Some slime drooled down and over her ass. The lubricant wasn't from the thing that assaulted her either... The feeling wasn't coming from whatever controlled her and she spited that small voice in her mind that relished the sensations.
The blubbery body soon engulfed most of her own as it felt she was ready. Its snout stopped at her chest, rubbing into the small mounds. The stimulation only aroused her further and, in turn, diverted more of Christine's curses towards herself. However, the mind wasn't fully connected to the body now, and the body had desires of its own.
A small squeak escaped from her mouth. A likewise fatty member plowed into her loins. The phallic girth was very soft, warm, and wet. It was also so large that it quickly filled every inch of her vaginal passage, like some jelly being pumped into her. A similar sensation enveloped her clitoris, sending pleasant thrills up her spine. The pulsing flesh within her own quickly withdrew, only to plunge back in a moment later.
The caterpillar huffed against her bust as it humped her compliant body. It wiggled and bounced, sucking her entire lower half all at once. The creature was so warm and comfortable, it almost felt as though the thing was cuddling with her while it gleefully raped her. Though, it was hard to consider it rape when only her inner monologue was the defiant one, and it no longer had a voice in the matter...
A greater heat started to encompass her body. Her belly shivered erotically as a hot goop splashed within. The creature shook slightly as well, its penis erupting with gouts of cum.
Christine's mind turned to fuzz within moments. The sensation of the stuff spewing back out over her thighs recoiled throughout her body. Her muscles tensed and her nerves sparked. Even her breathing stuttered a bit, despite the steadiness it had throughout the whole ordeal.
As the creature squirmed off of her body, separating from her with thick strands of gunk following behind, Christine loathed herself.
*'Did I just come?...'*
Her mind shut down with fatigue, sending her into a dreamless sleep.
... \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_
Christine slowly returned to consciousness. She blinked lazily, remaining unfocused.
*'Was that all a just a bad dream?...'*
She felt her belly growl with hunger. She should really get something to eat.
Something on her face jiggled a little and her mouth opened wide. It began to push something else over her tongue. Her mind cleared and she found herself lying down in the room she had originally awoken to, or one very similar.
*'FUCK! NO!'*
The thing on her face abruptly halted, jerking the other thing out of her mouth.
*'Did it just respond?!'* A sudden elation of hope overcame her. *'C-Can you hear me?'*
"Voo?," The something cooed gently.
*'You can hear me! Please, help me get out of here!'*
*'Damn...'* It didn't understand her. Like someone who only spoke a foreign language, it could only understand the basic intentions behind her thoughts.
Her stomach groaned again, even louder than before. *'And I feel sooo hungry...'*
With that, the something on her face tried to shove the other thing into her mouth again.
*'No!'* Christine recognized the thing inside her mouth. She had given plenty of blowjobs before. *'EW! DON'T!'*
Again, it pulled back, heeding her rejection.
"Voo?" It sounded slightly confused.
*'Oh god... You don't mean?'* It made sense, in a way, but it was so... wrong! On the other hand, her hunger was far more painful... She gave herself a few moments to meditate on the situation.
*'...Alright. Go ahead. Give it to me.'*
"Voot voo!"
The appendage stretched into her mouth, growing hard with its own blood. Her immobile tongue could feel its distinctively phallic shape. It wasn't as gross as she had expected though. Like a smooth, supple penis, it didn't have any stray hairs or veins. If anything, it was better than any cock she had ever had the pleasure of sucking off before. The phallic appendage also began acting like an actual penis, pumping in and out over her tongue.
*'And?'* Christine knew it wouldn't last long at the rate it was going.
Sure enough, from the tip of the phallus spurted a thick fluid. It came in absurd amounts, sending ounces upon ounces of gooey juice down her gulping throat. The stuff was rather quite tasty and, in her hunger, Christine savored it all as it splashed down into her empty stomach.
Minutes of constant gushing passed and she was starting to feel full. It slowed to a slight drizzle before tapping off against her tongue and receding back into the creature that hugged her face.
*'Thanks...'* She actually felt much better as her stomach finally had something to digest and it was actually a quite pleasant something as well. *'Umm... Can I ask you a question?'*
"Voo-hoo?" The thing was a little out of breath.
*'Are you... Are you the thing that's controlling me?'*
Christine didn't really expect an answer, especially since she had figured it out for the most part. She thoughtfully sighed to herself. She couldn't get mad at the creature that seemed so innocent and caring. It had kindly fed her and had been supplying her with fresh air, which had a small touch of soothing incense. And what if it hadn't controlled her movements? Would the bugs have had to be more forceful to do what they did? And what they did...
*'Can you let me sit up? I want to look at myself...'*
Her body gradually gripped into the soft floor, which felt quite comfortable now that she thought about it. She slid up against a wall, taking the sitting position she had wanted. Her rear sunk deeper into the fluff with significantly more weight than before. And she could see why.
Beyond her tube-top, she could see her belly protrude, taut with her belly-button having popped outward. She looked as though she were a few months pregnant already... There was even some green goop spread across the fibers she had moved over; the trail disappearing between her legs. She didn't need to guess what it was.
*'I feel so dirty...'*
"Voo voot vootoo!"
*'Huh? What? I wasn't asking anything!'*
Whatever the thing meant, Christine could hear clicking approaching from the tunnel several seconds later. Two more ants approached. However, whereas all the others had been dark in color, these were purely white. Their chitinous heads were also larger and their bodies smaller, looking rather disproportionate.
Christine wasn't all that fearful of them. She found some respite in thinking that her feeder, her... friend, had called them over. As they approached, she found her hands working to slip out of her shirt and remove her socks, leaving her completely nude. She noted that her breasts seemed somewhat swollen, her nipples looking especially puffy.
Her attention was drawn away, back to the white ants walking towards her body. One walked up the wall beside her and drooped down over her shoulder. The other started at her feet. Both of them opened up their large mandibles and closed them about her skin.
*'Hehe!'* Christine actually giggled within her head as their mouths tickled her.
Tediously and thoroughly, the ants scoured her body, sanitizing every nook and cranny. The one on the wall brushed through her hair several times, removing all the dirt and grime. Christine couldn't remember how long it had been since her last shower, but their efforts were totally making up for it. Every patch of skin that was covered came out practically glistening, the cleanest she had ever seen herself.
She quivered as the one at her feet made its way to her crotch. It didn't occur to her until now how warm and tingly she had felt down there. As the white ant explored her nethers, the tingle was quickly growing into an erotic itch.
"Voo\~oo" The friend on her face softly coaxed her on.
With all the care in the world, the ant licked into Christine's sex with some sort of proboscis. The hard shell of its head rubbed against her stiffening clit. Her hand lifted and rested upon the mound, massaging herself in tune to the cleaner's attention. The other ant stepped gently down her body and did the same for her nipples, easily turning them erect and sensitive.
Waves of pleasure washed over Christine. The heaviness of her belly only seemed to amplify the effect, feeling so warm and full. Her lower lips were becoming slathered in her own appreciation, only to be nibbled fresh and dry the next second.
Christine didn't hesitate, letting herself come to climax. Her muscles twitched and tensed again, but this time she enjoyed it. She also enjoyed it the second time orgasm came. And the third... And the...
*'This isn't so bad...'* She would have grinned if she could.
*'Hey, c-can I give you a name?'*
"Voooo!" The thing sounded happy by her intentions.
*'Alright. You're name will be... Scuba. Self-Contained Underground Breathing Apparatus. Hehe,'* she chuckled to herself. *'Or, if you don't mind, how about "Blowjob" Apparatus?'*
"Voot\~" It understood her allusion and started to insert its penis back into her mouth.
*'But I'll just call you Scu, for short\~'* \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_
A week slowly passed.
Every day, multiple times a day, Christine was visited by Liz and Belle, the names she had given the pair of white ants. She could tell they were the same each time, not only by some very subtle differences in their mannerisms and looks, but by the streak of her own slime that one of them had neglected to clean from their head in between a couple sessions.
She actually looked forward to their visits. Every day, her sexual lust grew stronger and stronger. Whenever she sat down in the fluffy stuff or even stood, it became more and more apparent that her labia was swelling. They feelt plump between her legs and ached to be pleasured, which Liz and Belle always succeeded in satiating.
Her lust was proportional to the size of her belly, it seemed. Every day, even every few hours, there was a distinct increase in size. It was quickly growing along with whatever it was that developed within. There was no kicking or squirming, so she concluded that whatever it was wouldn't be a live birth. Or she hoped as much, as her belly soon grew beyond what was natural for a pregnancy that had gone into its tenth month...
Yet, Christine felt strong and healthy. Her arms cradled her great heaviness between her sessions with the two white ants, as Scu took her exploring through the many labyrinthine tunnels. They saw almost all of the inner-workings of the insects' hive. They visited the Queen, this time just to check her out. From this perspective, Christine found the Queen to be much more docile and submissive. Scu even had Christine pet the Queen's face, letting the Queen click back happily. And there was so much more to be seen. There were bugs stockpiling food, bugs digging more tunnels, bugs guiding other bugs, and bugs caring for younger bugs. Most of them didn't have the red patterns that the soldiers that captured her did, and some were pure black in color. They passed by hundreds of bugs and they were only a fraction of the population. It was a massive city and she would have been completely lost if it hadn't been for Scu controlling her body, taking her down the right paths.
Scu would sing to her with his whirring voice as they went on their walks, giving her plenty of exercise. As per Christine's request to accomodate her increasing libido, Scu would constantly thrust his phallic appendage deep into her throat, letting her contently suck it like a child would with a pacifier, though with a bit more naughty intent. Scu even granted her control of her mouth and tongue back. She never threatened to bite him, it wasn't something one would do to a friend. Scu even gave her back control of other parts of her body whenever it was relevant, such as letting her hands explore herself when Liz and Belle attended to her.
But, the day soon came. Christine moaned into Scu's body as she woke up, her sleep having been interrupted by an intense throbbing in her groin. Her belly was gigantic, like everything else down here, though its contents had come to their limit.
*'UNGH!'* Christine felt some labor pains kick in. Her loins kicked in at the opposite side of the spectrum, clouding her mind with nothing but heat.
"Voooo! Voooo!" Scu called out.
Liz and Belle quickly appeared. Christine had already taken up a squatting position, barely balancing her weight over the cushioned nest. Her eyes had rolled back into her head, her breasts heaving to either side of her gut. The nipples were perk and tender, dribbling with some milk. And her hands ground into her sex, which had swollen to greater than both her hands combined, nearly glowing red with the pumping of her blood.
Liz and Belle clicked at each other. Liz stood under Christine's butt while Belle started licking at Christine's throbbing vulva. Within seconds Christine was shuddering with the first of many climaxes.
Christine's vaginal passage dilated immensely, a green sphere already beginning to crown. She continued to cry out in her mind and Scu even had to shift to let her lungs exhale a gust of wind. Her labia flooded with lubricant, her increased libido having strengthened enough to be ready for this moment.
Liz guided the egg as it popped out of Christine, laying it gently into the fibrous bedding. It was slightly larger than a softball, nowhere near large enough to give her the current girth she had. Of course, Belle continued to pleasure the birthing mother and Liz prepared herself for another.
One. Two. Three...
...Nine. Ten. Eleven.
All the eggs that had been implanted came out without a hitch, and with countless orgasms. Christine's body quivered and twitched as she collapsed into the fluff, absolutely numb from her belly down and her mind swimming in a sea of bliss. Her nerves nearly shot, her body turned off to let her recuperate... \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_
Upon waking up this time, Christine was quite eager. Her body felt alive, a large weight having been lifted from her. One by one, her limbs were tested for movement, gradually standing up. It was Scu seeing if she was ready. Christine saw her belly had gone missing. It was hidden beneath her engorged breasts. Scu let her feel it with one of her hands. Perfectly smooth and toned, even better than before she was pregnant.
And then Scu started walking her towards the tunnels.
*'What now, Scu? Time to do it again or something?'*
"Voo..." Scu didn't sound terribly happy.
Anticipation grew within Christine. They were taking tunnels she had never seen. Her ears popped from the pressure differential as they went further and further up. There was even a bright light coming into view, with one of the brown and red soldier ants standing at the end. She had to squint at first, the light being so much brighter than the glow-worms that burrowed through the walls of the cave could provide.
*'Where are we...'* Christine trailed off as her vision adjusted and a constant crashing sound filled her ears.
She gawked with amazement. This tunnel led outside, overlooking a wondrous waterfall. The very same waterfall that had led to this whole predicament. This whole time she had been within the mountain she had camped upon.
Her neck tickled strangely. Scu let go for the first time since he had first latched on. He hopped down from her face, giving her full reign of her body.
Christine grunted and coughed a little before speaking, having been silent for so long. "Wh-What?"
"Clit-ti-chick," the soldier ant motioned down the mountain.
"I... You're setting me free?"
Scu skittered upon its six legs, wobbling a little as his disproportionably large penis withdrew back up into his body, no longer being sucked upon. "Voot voo-too..." It sounded rather lonely.
Christine gazed down the mountain. She could go home now. Was anyone even looking for her? Probably not... That prick Bobby had probably forgotten about her and went home with his friend. He wouldn't even notice she was missing until he found himself actually getting horny without her there to keep the both of them satisfied...
Which reminded her; why was she here to begin with? Hadn't she come in search of this very waterfall in hopes of masturbating in a frenzy? She looked down at herself. Her body was the cleanest it had been in a long time, the healthiest it had been in a long time, and, quite frankly, the horniest it had been in a long time. In fact, her slit throbbed just thinking about what she had gone through the past week. And she had only begun to play with her milky tits...
Christine looked back longingly down the tunnel.
"Voo!" Scu yelped in surprise as hands snatched it up from the ground.
Christine giggled and greeted Scu "I think I can stay another few weeks at your wonderful spa\~!" She shoved its heart shaped body back over her mouth and nose.
"Voot voo\~!" Scu cheered. He wrapped his legs about her face. But, this time, he didn't bother to control her body. He merely returned to filtering her air and giving her a little something to suck on.
The soldier ant nodded and motioned for her to follow back into the tunnels. Christine joyfully complied. They walked for quite a while, her ears popping again as they went even deeper into the tunnels than Scu had ever taken her. Christine patted Liz and Belle on their heads as they skittered up to join her, her own personal servants.
They entered a large room, lit up even brighter than the rest for its occupants. Ecstatic moans echoed about, mixed with the calming songs of other Scus. More white ants attended to the many girls that sunk into their soft nests, attending to them as Liz and Belle had attended to Christine. And some of those girls were absolutely huge! With more clutches, they had been injected with more eggs. And with more eggs, well...
Christine was starting to drip just thinking about it.
*'Make that another few* months...'
"Voo!" |
The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 3-Korea,1952,Part 1 by Steven Dalma | He woke up to see himself sitting beside a pilot in a helicopter. He looked on his side to see nothing but forest & dirt road all over the place, with the chilly wind blowing at his face. He looked at himself again, but to see that he was wearing the same army uniform he wore on his first mission. | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464136-the-adventures-of-stevo-chapter-3-korea-1952-part-1 | He woke up to see himself sitting beside a pilot in a helicopter. He looked on his side to see nothing but forest & dirt road all over the place, with the chilly wind blowing at his face. He looked at himself again, but to see that he was wearing the same army uniform he wore on his first mission. He then realized, 'It's Korea all over again.' He looked at the pilot & asked.
"Sir, what MASH are we heading to?"
"4077th, which is right over there." The pilot responded, then pointed at the unit below. When Stevo looked at the direction, that was it; the same 2 rows of tents in front of the office/ER/OR, the flagpole/speakers in the center, the Swamp on the left, & Rosie's Bar at the same direction, but outside of the unit. The helicopter started to land, throwing large clouds of dirt on the outside.
"Here we are! 4077th!" The pilot yelled to him, yet the roaring of the propellors drained out the words. Stevo got out of the heli with his luggage, then turned around to watch the heli fly up & away into the mountains. But when he turned back around, he couldn't believe who he was seeing, & neither could they: Col. Potter, Sgt. Klinger, & Capt. Hawkeye Pierce.
"Capt. Lambert?! That's my new doctor?" Col Potter yelled at Klinger with his face red.
"But sir, that's all that Tokyo General can give us!"
"Then get on the phone with them & ask if there are any other doctors available!"
"Yes sir!" Klinger saluted, then took off towards the office. Potter & Hawkeye looked back at their unexpected doctor. They walked towards him with a sour look on their faces.
"Capt. Lambert? Is that really you?" Potter squinted at him.
"Yes sir, it is I."
"We thought you were dead!" Hawkeye said in a shocked tone. Stevo forgot about the landmine accident from 2 years before.
"Oh that? Woah woah woah, who told you that I was dead?"
"Radar." He quietly responded. Stevo looked around to see him nowhere in sight.
"Say, where is Radar? And Ferret Face?" They went dead silent when he mentioned Frank. Suddenly, Hawkeye yelled, snatched his suitcase, & threw it pass the flagpole.
"HEY! What was that for?!" Stevo barked at him, which quickly stopped his anger. He walked towards him & whispered:
"Frank went stateside. He works in a veterans hospital in Indiana, & guess what they promoted him to: Lieutenant Colonel." Stevo looked angry by the news of the mad major. He looked at the suitcase, then at Hawkeye.
"Hawkeye, can you hand me my suitcase?" Stevo commanded him. He walked towards the suitcase, retrieved it, & returned it to him.
"Thanks. \*yells\*" Without warning, Stevo threw his suitcase hard against the ground, causing his clothes to fly out, creating a mess in front of him. His face few red as he looked at the half-dirtied clothes, but saw a small note attached to one of his jackets. He picked it up & saw a small ring attached to the note. He knew he didn't have time to read it, so he stuffed it in his jacket pocket. He picked up his clothes, stuffed them in his suitcase, & headed towards Col. Potter's office.
"What would you like to drink?" Hawkeye asked Stevo, holding a martini.
"Nothing thank you."
"So, Capt. Lambert, care to explain why you're here again?" Col. Potter asked him in a calm but serious tone. Hawkeye sat down beside Stevo, drinking.
"Well sir, ... a-after I left the unit, the driver & I were getting hit by mortars. And then, about 3 miles later, we hit a landmine; we were ejected from our seats; &... I was able to escape, but... the driver wasn't so lucky. I dug him a grave, buried his body, saluted him, & marked his grave as "unknown" because his name from his dogtag was chipped off from the explosion. And I managed to walk up a few miles where I met a couple of MPs; they drove me to the 8063rd to get me patched up, went to pick up the body, & I continued to head stateside. Then, when I was at home last week, I received a letter that stated that they shipped out the wrong Stephen. So, \*hits chair shoulders\* here I am." They were surprised to hear what he had to say.
"...Boy, you should've got a Purple Heart for such bravery." Potter looked pretty happy for Stevo.
"Well thank you, sir, I-" Suddenly, loud music came in the room from outside. Stevo quickly got up from his seat & peered out the window.
"What the? Who in the world is playing that racket?" Stevo looked at Potter & Hawkeye, then looked back outside.
"Sorry, Stephen, our friend is trying to brighten things up by bringing the circus to town." Hawkeye said to him.
"I'm gonna ask that man to keep it down, that music is giving me goosebumps on my goosebumps." Stevo walked out the door & outside where the Korean prisoners were being held captive. He got closer & closer to the man wearing a lab coat & holding a conductor's stick in his right hand.
"Excuse me sir, but can you-hmph!" Stevo spoke to him, but he ignored him. So, he grabbed the stick from his hand & snapped it in half, halting the entire orchestra.
"Hmmph, you little fink! You idiotic officer! You-"
"Winchester! Hold your temper! That's our new doctor you're yelling at!" Potter yelled out as he ran from his office.
"Our new doctor? But... but he-"
"I know he did it on purpose, but please, give yourselves a break. Now, both of you apologize, that's an order." Potter said, looking at them both.
"I'm sorry, Captain..."
"Captain Stephen Lambert." Stevo said & shook his hand. "I'm sorry as well. You are?"
"Major Charles E. Winchester III." They stopped shaking their hands, then Potter called Stevo.
"Capt. Lambert, report to my office now." Stevo saluted, then followed him to his office.
"Capt. Lambert?"
"Yes Colonel?"
"I have a job for you. I need you to go to the kitchen & help Maj. Houlihan with the decorating."
"What for?"
"Capt. Hunnicut's daughter is turning 2 tomorrow, & since Sgt. Klinger is out with Soon-Lee to find her family, I need you to take his place. Can you do that?"
"Yes sir." Stevo saluted & walked out the office door & headed towards where the kitchen was.
When he came in, he saw her & a few nurses working on the decorations & cleaning the dishes. Stevo quietly snuck behind her & gave her a little boo. She jumped, but when she looked behind, she gasped in surprise to see someone from her past. The nurses shrieked in excitement.
"\*gasps\* Capt. Lambert, is that you?"
"Yes it is, Hot Lips!" He chuckled, then they hugged each other in joy.
"Oh Lambert! \*kisses on lips\* I thought you were dead! What are you doing here?" The other nurses surrounded him.
"It's a very long story. Now, Col. Potter wanted me to help you with the decorating. Where should I start?"
"Oh, um... you can start writing the words on the cake. Write 'Happy Birthday 2 Erin!' And be careful on the 2. BJ wants it to have the 2 candles on both ends." Then he & the nurses went back to work. As they chattered, Stevo looked back a little.
"So Major, I've heard you've got married to Lt. Penobscott. How's it been since?" Suddenly, a loud thud occurred near the sink where Houlihan was working at. She huffed an air, then asked the nurses to leave.
"But Major, we still haven't decorated the-"
"You heard me, leave! That's an order!" She barked at them. The nurses left as quickly as they could, leaving the decorations half-done on the kitchen counter near the cake. She turned back at Stevo & spoke.
"Capt. Lambert, you shouldn't've mentioned him. I divorced him a while ago."
"What happened?"
"He cheated on me!" Houlihan threw a dish against the floor, creating a large dent on one side of the plate.
"Hold it Major! Don't be all mad at him!"
"Why shouldn't I?!"
"Because... someday after this lousy war ends, you'll find your true love." Houlihan froze & stared.
"Maybe you're right, Captain, but I hope I could find the one soon."
"There's one looking at you right now." Suddenly, they grabbed each other & made a big kiss against each others lips. But they quickly stopped their little romance & backed off from each other.
"Major, now I know why they call you 'Hot Lips'."
"Why is that?"
"I don't know. I should've asked Ferret Face." They both giggled at each other. Houlihan looked at the clock above the kitchen & saw that it was 9:45 PM.
"Capt. Lambert, can you put the dishes & the cake up for me? I have to get up early tomorrow to put up the decorations."
"Yes, Major. Night!" She gave a small wave, then left the kitchen to go to her tent. Stevo started putting the dishes & cake up.
After finishing his duties, he walked the kitchen door & out into the breezy, dark compound. He walked towards the same tent near the storage room he stayed in from before, entered to see the same green & brown colored room, & began unpacking his clothes when the note from earlier fell out of his jacket pocket & landed onto the bed. He picked it up & began reading it.
*To Stevo,*
*Thought you forgot about me? If not, you need to. Because you're on your own now. On your last missions, I helped you some. But now, you must go on. And if you're wondering what the ring attached to this note is, it's for some of your missions. It's called the Aging Ring. As you can see, there's numbers 0-9 around the outside of the ring, & in one area, there's 2 empty slots on top of a button that says "Change". You press the age you want to be, & it'll instantly transform you into yourself in that age. If you want to change ages or change back to normal, press change & re-enter your requested age. But be careful, don't change your age while in anthropomorphic form, it'll mess up your appearance. And I almost forgot, here's the following missions you must go on: x1935x, 1952, 1955, 1962, 1966, 1990, 2005, 2006, & 2013. Be careful! -The Figure*
Stevo looked the ring & carefully removed it from the note. He tried to see if it fitted, which it did, but accidentally pressed random numbers & shrinked. He looked at himself in the mirror & saw himself at age 8.
"Oh crap!" Stevo said to himself, flapping his jacket sleeves with his small arms. Then a knock came at the door.
"Is Capt. Lambert there?" It's Father." His eyes widened by the sound of Father Mulcahy's voice.
"Um, yes, uh, I'll be out in a minute." Stevo responded in a deep voice, covering his young one. He quickly pressed the numbers 1 & 8 and turned back to normal. He looked at the mirror & saw his boxers showing. He tugged his pants up as he walked towards the door, & one he was prepped, he opened to see Father Mulcahy in the flesh; he hadn't changed a bit; still wearing those round glasses, a white Panama hat, the purple scarf with the gold-chromed crosses, all of that, except for some faded blonde hair.
"Well, if it isn't Capt. Lambert. What are you doing here?" He said, then shook Stevo's hand.
"They called me up again, pretty much." Then Father gave him a small folded card.
"What's this?"
"You're invited to Erin Hunnicut's 2nd Birthday party."
"Well thank you, Father. Good night!"
"Night, Brother Stephen!" Father said, then walked off towards the next tent. Stevo shut the door & plopped himself on the bed, & quickly fell asleep.
The next day, the children & other doctors & nurses played around with their games, eating their cake, even riding Col. Potter's horse. But during the party, the speakers came on:
*"Ladies and gentlemen, five minutes ago, at 10:01 this morning, the truce was signed at Panmunjon. The hostilities will end twelve hours from now at 10:00. THE WAR IS OVER!"*
Everyone sprung in joy by the amazing news, dancing, hollering & singing in the road.
"Yay the war is over! Yay the war is over! Yay the war is over!" Everyone chanted together, but then the happiness soon ended by the sound of the helicopters, which means... they've got wounded. |
A New Phase - Chapter 3 by KitFox | #3 of A New Phase - A New Phase Chapter 3 After Selkine vanished around the hall into the bedroom, Farren sighed and started washing dishes. Sess'tha snagged up a loose fork from the coffee table and carried it to the kitchen. "Hell of a mess for him, and maybe us too," the cat observed. She | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/10084-a-new-phase-chapter-3 | A New Phase
Chapter 3
After Selkine vanished around the hall into the bedroom, Farren sighed and started washing dishes. Sess'tha snagged up a loose fork from the coffee table and carried it to the kitchen. "Hell of a mess for him, and maybe us too," the cat observed. She glanced over her shoulder towards the hall. "Think it's actually safe to leave him alone with her until he settles in?"
Farren shrugged, scrubbing at a pan. "I don't think there is anything she could do that would bug him too much. She might flirt until he actually lets her go further, but that should be about the worst of it. She's good about that at least. Beyond that, we really don't have anything here that would freak him out."
Both the grey fox and the ocelot worked on the dishes in silence for a few moments, tension seeming to build in the region like a developing fog. Then Sess'tha paused and blinked, remembering something. "Wait... Didn't she say something about 'a proper washing'?"
Farren stopped in her scrubbing work as well and thought back. "She did. Why are you as...? Oh, wait..."
The two looked at each other and tossed their dishes into the sink at the same time, making a clatter as they both exclaimed, "That spell she got!" simultaneously. They bolted for the bedroom and attached bathroom in a flash, but a sudden horribly odd sound of ... discomfort?... dismay?... from Jack indicated that they were too late. They almost ran head first into Selkine at the bedroom door as she was rushing out.
"I don't know what happened!" Selkine exclaimed, obviously in a panic. "I've used that thing dozens of times, and never had anything bad happen! You've gotta help me!!"
Farren immediately stopped to try to calm Selkine while Sess'tha scampered into the bedroom to evaluate the situation. "Okay, WHAT precisely happened?" Farren demanded of the red vixen, "And be brief."
Selkine nodded and whimpered, "Well, I gave him the washing spell, and he activated it like I told him to, and then he suddenly got all weird-looking. His face twisted like he was being tortured, and he got all dancey and smacked at himself making all sorts of noises. Then his eyes just kind of rolled back and he fell over, white as all heck!"
Sess'tha's voice came from the bedroom. "Brilliant! Selkine, did you ever consider the fact that he normally washes under flowing water, not by grooming? And then you give him a spell with two thousand recorded groom licks body-wide in the course of ten seconds? Yeah, sure, it'll get him clean, but can you POSSIBLY just CONSIDER the way it would feel to him, especially without fur? Consider how different from anything else he has ever experienced. You've just pretty much overloaded his mind and put him into shock. He should be okay when he comes to."
"Shock?!" Selkine exclaimed, "That's very bad! I know, I've heard about it!" She rushed back into the room, promptly pushing the complaining feline out of the way. Completely ignoring Sess'tha's protests that it was a figure of speech, she fussed over Jack as Farren came up behind her to peer at the collapsed human. "Quick! Help me get him into the bed. He needs to be kept warm!"
Farren threw a look at Sess'tha, and both shrugged. They both knew Jack would be fine without all the fussing, but they knew that arguing with Selkine when she was on a mission was a bad idea. Sess'tha went to pull back the midphase covers on the bed and Farren squatted to try to help gather up the stricken human. Selkine was quicker though and gathered Jack up into her arms single-handedly, carrying him over to the bed and tucking him in.
"He's on top of his outphase covers, though," Selkine observed. "He might not be warm enough." She poked at the blanket. "Right, everybody in bed with him! Both of you on either side, I'll lay on top to make sure he stays warm." And with that, she promptly slipped under the covers, straddling Jack's waist and supporting part of her weight on her arms. She looked over her shoulder at the two bewildered creatures. "Come on!!"
Farren sighed and chuckled quietly, "No arguing with her, Sess'tha. Come on." She climbed into bed and scooted over until she was up against Jack's side. She tried getting comfortable with her arm across Selkine's back, but was unable to. She then tried slipping her arm between Selkine and Jack, but Selkine glared at her so threateningly that she gave up on that idea as well. She finally settled for her front pressed against Jack's side and her hand slipped below Selkine's thigh and resting on Jack's leg. Sess'tha looked at the whole situation, shrugged and got into the other side of the bed. She ended up taking a position similar to Farren's, her hand on Jacks' other thigh.
Selkine simply stared into Jack's face worriedly, and the time began to tick by. Selkine was absolutely still, but both Farren and Sess'tha were somewhat squirmy, moving a little bit on frequent occasion. Jack was beginning to breathe more evenly and squirm some himself, so it seemed he might wake up soon. There was a bit more squirming from Farren and Sess'tha, and then Sess'tha suddenly raised her head sharply to look at Farren.
"Why did you just try to caress his balls?" the feline demanded.
Farren laid her ears back, "Instead of answering that, I should ask YOU why I found your paw cupped around them when I tried!"
"I was just curious about them," Sess'tha murmured indignantly. "We're trying to keep him warm, right? Not caress him."
"Yeah, but that's keep HIM warm, not just his balls!" Farren growled.
Selkine was still intent on Jack's face, but mumbled quietly, "Quit arguing over who gets to caress his nuts. I'm happy with where he is poking me anyway." A smile lifted her lips. "And trust me, it's plenty warm." Both Farren and Sess'tha started at Selkine's statement, and Jack moaned slightly, his eyelids fluttering as he began to come to.
Farren's paw shot past Sess'tha's paw and she looked accusingly at Selkine. "He's just nudging you, not completely poking you."
They all stiffened guiltily as Jeran's voice drawled from the bedroom doorway, "Well, you all look cozy, but I came to let you know that Master Takaran says that it'll take a bit longer than he expected to figure out what happened. Anyway, have fun!"
Farren glanced over her shoulder to see the black cat beating a hasty retreat. "KNOCK NEXT TIME!!!" she yelled at him.
Now, at this point, Jack was fully awake, and trying to make some sense of the situation. He knew that Selkine had carried him into the bedroom and handed him a large coin-like object with strange symbols inscribed on it. She had explained it was a washing spell, and instructed him on how to rub the symbols properly to activate it.
Going with the flow as he had decided to do, Jack was a good sport, and had disrobed and followed her instructions to a tee. Now, he had been licked before, but dogs and even a cat once, he will admit that. But the moment he finished activating the medallion, his body was assaulted by what was definitely at least hundreds, if not thousands of phantom licks. What seemed like an eternity of attention from invisible tongues of all sorts left no part of him unlicked, even to the inside of his nostrils and mouth, and he could swear maybe more. Needless to say, as he was assaulted by such a unique and... odd... experience, he did what any sane person would do: He fainted dead away. That was the last thing he remembered.
Now he had woken up to a pressure on his upper body, and some distinct sensations. It took a while for his hazy mind to make proper sense of the situation, and he finally came to an accurate evaluation. He was lying on his back, nude and in bed. He had a red vixen laying on top of him, a grey vixen laying to his left, and a spotted cat laying to his right, both of these latter snuggled against him. The cat's fingers were curled around his balls, and the grey vixen's fingers around his rock-hard shaft. Then of course his tip was just barely nudging into the red vixen atop him as the grey vixen held it steady. And all of this after the cat had insisted that he be asked before any "play".
He was quite honestly stuck between the heat of the moment, the apparent indignity of being taken advantage of while he was unconscious, and the general confusion regarding the fact that these females were doing this when they hardly knew him. Then combine the fact that he had heard the voice of that black cat, though couldn't quite make out what had been said, and the yell afterward. Lacking the will to scream and kick, he simply blushed furiously and cleared his throat to get the attention of the females. "Soooo... what precisely is going on here again?" he asked quietly.
"He's awake!" Selkine announced happily, though unnecessarily. Both Farren and Sess'tha stiffened in surprise again, their fingers clenching on his anatomy somewhat. Selkine licked his nose in glee. "You collapsed, and Sess'tha said you were in shock, and I know all about shock, and it's bad, and so I decided you needed to be warm, and so I put you in bed, and I got on top of you to keep you warm, and they got beside you to keep you warm, and now you're all better!" she exclaimed in one huge burst. "And poking me really nicely," she added as an afterthought. "You don't mind, do you?"
"No, no... No problem at all." Jack mumbled, trying to absorb the meaning of the string of words through the distinct distractions at his crotch. He was very intimately aware of just how delightfully warm and soft these three females were. Even their animalistic natures did not really turn him off in light of their proximity and obvious affection. But he really wasn't sure he was ready for THIS much affection.
"Oh goody!" Selkine exclaimed. "Farren, aim him properly, he's a bit too low for me. Ooo! Finally some fun!" She shifted somewhat and pressed her hips downwards against his flesh, waiting on Farren to reposition him properly.
"Wait, wait, WAIT!" Jack cried in half a bit of panic. Yep, he wasn't quite ready for that. Selkine paused and looked at him curiously. "I meant that I don't mind that you kept me warm," he said shakily. "I don't think that sex should be on the agenda right now though... Um... Especially after I was just in shock, right? Might not be good for me... You should give me some time to recover." He became aware also that Farren was not only apparently intentionally not lining him up, but was also helping to shield him with her paw somewhat. He threw her a thankful glance.
"Yes, he shouldn't be stressed," Sess'tha piped in, her touch shifting to his thigh. "And he does need time to accommodate to things mentally as well. He needs time to adjust, Selkine. Think about how much he's been put through recently."
"Aww, okay. That makes sense. I'm sorry Jack." Selkine pouted cutely at him. "But you be sure to let me know the minute your ready!" She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, whispering in his ear, "Please don't keep me waiting too long."
"Selkine," Sess'tha said, "why don't you go to the store and get some mint chocolate chip ice cream? You know he likes it, and we all do too. It'll help us all cheer up and relax."
"Hey, yeah!" Selkine perked up and promptly scrambled off Jack and out of bed, leaving him lying uncovered with Farren's paw still holding his flesh and Sess'tha's paw on his thigh. Selkine scampered out the door as Farren almost reluctantly released Jack's flesh, and yelled back from the living room, "I'll be right back!"
Jack blinked, trying to gather his wits once more. Both Sess'tha and Farren gave him encouraging snugs, then disengaged and sat up beside him. Jack tugged the blanket over himself as he sat up, though all it did was create a tent over his lap. "Okay... Even though you want Takaran to explain stuff, I want YOU to explain this... Why are you three, her especially," he nodded towards the door that Selkine had departed through, "so eager to get into my pants?"
Both Farren and Sess'tha sighed, and looked thoughtful, but Farren answered first. "We really do owe you an explanation on that. Okay, firstly, as you know, we in the midphase can see, but not interact with folks in the outphase. However we CAN interact to a limited degree when you are asleep. We can touch you, but not affect you at all. This means that you are literally solid as stone to us."
"Yes, Master Takaran explained that part already," Jack said. "But this doesn't explain why you are living in my apartment or why you are trying to screw me. Literally, not figuratively."
Farren smiled slightly. "Well, he also explained that we get all of our objects and energy from the outphase. The energy that comes in includes emotional energy also to some degree. Almost all of us end up living in the residence of a human that we find tolerable or pleasant. After all, it's much easier to use your buildings than to create our own. Though if you can't stand the humans in them, it's not much good to live there.
"Well, Selkine found you, and after watching you and being near you, became very attached. She outright insisted that you felt good. Just being around you was extremely pleasant to her." Farren smiled more, "I'm a close friend of hers, kind of like a sister and protector, since I'm a fighter and she is not. So she dragged me to come live here too. And Sess'tha is a friend of mine, so Selkine insisted that Sess'tha come to live here as well. In all honesty, you really DO feel... very, very good."
Sess'tha nodded agreement and put in her own voice. "Something about you. I'm honestly not certain what it is, but just being around you has been energizing. Touching you when we can is thrilling, and any chance we got to mate with you was utterly invigorating. That was mostly Selkine though."
"Wait... Wait..." Jack shook his head, confused. "Mate with me? You haven't yet, though that was close."
Both Sess'tha and Farren fidgeted, and Farren grinned guiltily. "Well, actually..." She swallowed and took a breath. "If you had morning wood and were still asleep on your back, it was often taken good advantage of. Normally it would take quite a... well... kink... for one of us midphasers to do something like that, since there is no softness or warmth or give at all. And Sess'tha and I definitely weren't into that. But Selkine convinced us to try with you... and it was so different. There was energy, a tingle, and so much goodness."
Sess'tha nodded. "And don't think that we 'just didn't know'. Almost every midphaser tries it at least once, just to find out. With anybody else, two myself, I don't know about Farren, it has just been very blah, or even unpleasant."
"Soooo... You three... and Selkine especially... have been jumping my bones while I'm asleep, without me having any way of knowing it... How long has this been going on?!" Jack demanded.
"Um, about a year and a half," Farren admitted. "We came in just a little while before that snotty tramp of a girlfriend left you for the rich jerk."
"Stephanie? Good riddance to her. I don't like remembering that bitch." Jack blinked. "No offense intended," he muttered, looking at Farren.
"None taken," Farren smiled. "I'm a vixen anyway, just grey." She reached out with a tentative hand and touched Jack's wrist lightly, looking at him very intently. Sess'tha did the same with his other wrist, and began to purr quietly. Farren smiled, "I don't know how to describe it really, but just touching you is... It's all tingly and nice. It's warm, and comfortable, and very sensual all rolled up together. There was almost a radiant warmth from just being around you, and a very similar feeling when we touched your sleeping body before. But now that you are here in our phase it's so much stronger. Selkine is just less discrete than we try to be. But believe me, we'd both... heh... jump your bone in a heartbeat too." Sess'tha was purring more strongly now and nodded vigorous agreement.
There was a sound from the living room, and Selkine's voice drifted in, "Hey, I've got the minty ice cre... waitasecond... SESS'THA!! I hear you purring in there! What are you two doing?!" Selkine appeared in the doorway looking a mite miffed. She took in the simple touches on Jack's wrists, and the fact that he didn't have a tent beneath the blanket also helped to exonerate the two guilty-looking females sitting on his bed. "Oh, okay. I thought... Well, anyway, I'll get the ice cream into bowls!" She perked up instantly and headed back out to the kitchen.
Farren smiled slyly at the embarrassed ocelot. "Enjoying a bit too much? Or is she just extremely sensitive? Anyway, let's go get some ice cream and relax." She leaned in to give Jack a lick on the cheek, and then whispered close to his ear, "Keep yourself for Selkine first or there will be no end to her scorn. But please keep us in mind as well. There is something very special about you. Selkine has been acting in love with you since almost the day she got here. We very much want to be a part of your life, Selkine especially. Please consider giving us a chance." She pressed her cheek against his as Sess'tha gave his other cheek a lick with her rougher tongue, then both of them jumped up and flashed him a smile before heading to the bedroom door. "Now, let's get some ice cream!" Farren decreed.
They both dropped to all four paws... he still wasn't sure how they did that; must have to do wit the fact their legs were like animal legs... scampering out the door with tails high and giving him quite a view.
Jack sat considering for a moment. He had never considered himself a lady's man. Was it possible that these lovely... ladies... were really that excited by him? He leaned over to slide out of bed and his hand hit a cold spot on the blanket. He blinked as he realized that the spot was, in fact, wet. He then did a double take as he realized that this was where Farren had been sitting.
Brief investigation turned up a similar spot where Sess'tha had been sitting. And the damp status of his own groin made it obvious that Selkine had not been precisely dry. A small sniff at his hand elicited a scent that evoked strong feelings in him. A thrill ran up his spine at the tangy effect of the fragrance. He quickly gathered up his clothing and put them on to try to at least constrain his excitement beneath the cloth.
This was still a very strange situation and a lot of it he wasn't sure about, but these three felt very right. The more he thought about it, the more seriously he found himself considering their request. It definitely shouldn't hurt anything. He pulled his pants on and decided to leave his shirt off. Not as if it would affect them anyhow. But he had mint ice cream to acquire! He had definitely decided after Stephanie that any future girlfriend would need to like mint chocolate chip ice cream. So maybe he had ended up with three that he had had all along, but nobody in his world would complain about him having these three lovers together, and they obviously weren't upset with each other.
So with hope for finally having a girlfriend... or girlfriends... that were good for him, he headed out to engage in proper mint ice cream eating.
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Decisions - Chapter One by DeviousDevian | #1 of The Decisions We Make - Decisions - Chapter one -DeviousDevian The bright rays of sunlight were, as of now, only just beginning to peek between the thick white clouds that blocked their rays from reaching the ground. As the wind blew, carrying the cloud on with it, the shadow that had been | [
"Young Love"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51610-decisions-chapter-one | Decisions - Chapter one -DeviousDevian
The bright rays of sunlight were, as of now, only just beginning to peek between the thick white clouds that blocked their rays from reaching the ground. As the wind blew, carrying the cloud on with it, the shadow that had been cast over the ground began to lift. The sun's rays hit the ground, making the grass growing from the ground seem greener and the surface of water sparkle like it was full of crystals. The rays also made the pelt of the two lone wolves gleam, making them appear to be silky smooth as well as sent a comforting warm wave to wash over them. These two wolves were not the kind you think of as the wild animals who hunted live animals for food and ran like the wind on all four legs. They had evolved even further and now had become bipedal (walk on two feet). They had pretty much come to look human, apart from their fur coats and faces. Of the two wolves in question, one was male, the other female.
The male's name was Devious. He was a pure black wolf with a handsome face and was in rather good shape, his muscles bulged on his arms and chest. While they weren't unnecessarily large, they still maintained a decent size. His eyes were a bright yellow that allowed him to see in the pitch darkness of night. Right now however, it was only noon, which meant that school hours were still in effect. But twelve was lunch time for Devious. He was using this forty-five minute break for another purpose though. No, he wasn't sneaking off to go do drugs. But it was defiantly not allowed on school property.
While the many, many students that attended WillMont High (Devious's School) raided the vending machines and stuffed their faces, Devious had slipped out to the school grounds and settled into a comfortable spot on the side of a hill; the soft grass acting as a cushion against his back. He wasn't alone though. After only ten minutes since he had lain down, the white shirt he had put on that morning had been discarded and lay in a heap a few feet away along with a second, smaller shirt and bra. Also, the loose-fitting pants he had worn to school were now pulled down around his knees.
The second wolf mentioned earlier, the female, was Devious's girlfriend. Her name was Leah and her pelt consisted of various hues of brown. She had a slim build and was rather cute herself, but Devious didn't really feel like their relationship could advance any further than just high school sweethearts, despite the fact that they spent so much time together. But right now, none of this was on his mind. He was really enjoying her company.
Leah was lying beside Devious, but she was leaning over him, her muzzle buried between his legs; the thick and long black pillar of flesh that was his cock between her jaws. She raised her head up and dipped it down in a slow, steady pattern. One of her paws had his sack cupped in it. The other paw was used for balance. She had it placed just above the tuft of pubic fur that grew around his sheath so that she could have complete control over what she was doing. Every now and then, the paw that was tending to the wolf's large balls would leave them for a moment to wrap around the base of Devious's shaft and work in expert conjunction with her muzzle.
While the paw and lips did a good job and providing sexual stimulation, they were nothing compared to what the tongue could do. She would lick around the small divet at the tip of Devious's length and, while her head moved up and down, would lick away at the large vain that ran the length of his meat.
Devious would let out the occasional murr or moan from the pleasure, but he mainly kept quiet during blowjobs. His responses to the euphoria were mostly physical. For example, every time she hit a particularly sensitive spot with her tongue, his waist would thrust slightly into her muzzle. Or he would gently scratch behind her ears to urge her on, which Leah responded to greatly. Right now though, both of his paws were at his sides. His stomach would rise and fall in motion with his breaths.
His eyes watched Leah work her magic. He was completely relaxed. He was in both a comfortable position, and he had a very cute fae sucking his dick. What else could he want at this moment? One thing Leah would do while she performed her highly fine-tuned technique, though she did it very rarely, was, after letting go of the oral embrace she had on his member and allowing her paws to take over, using her saliva as a lubricant, she freed her muzzle long enough for them to share a kiss or for her to say a few dirty words. This time, for she did it just then, she had a question. One that made him grin slyly. She spoke in a sensual voice, her own vocals expressing how turned on she was. Devious had his eyes closed and his muzzle turned upwards as a reaction to the blowjob so he didn't see her pull away, but her felt the amazing blowjob turn into a skilled pawjob and knew what she was up to. But he heard her words come out as a question, which made him look down at her. "D'you think you've got enough to fil me up this time hunny?"
His only response was to grin and nod saying "You gotta work for it though baby." If anything, those words made her suck his dick with even more enthusiasm. He heard a small chuckle from her and then she returned to her job. He shuddered a bit as her warm and wet muzzle descended over his rock-hard length. As soon as she had picked back up again, she didn't fall into the motion she'd been using up till this point which had been a slow and smooth motion, allowing her to really work her magic with her tongue. Now, however, she had increased the pace quite a bit. She also added a slight turn of her head.
She would turn her head to the right as she came up, and then returned to the same spot as she went down; and when she went down, she went down. She came all the way down, fully incasing his member in her muzzle. The tip, he could feel, went somewhere down her throat. She didn't gag though, even with her nose buried in the pubic fur around his sheath.
This provoked a healthy stream of precum to dibble out from the euphoria. If that wasn't enough to get him off sooner, Leah also messaged the two large orbs within the sack that hung between his legs, incased in short pup-like fur. It was obvious that Leah was hungry for a large helping of his potent wolf seed. With every suckle and stroke of her paw, that became clear.
When they had come out here, Devious hadn't been expecting to get a blowjob. He didn't even know what why they were sneaking off on their own. He figured Leah just wanted to be alone with him. But as soon as they settled in on the side of the hill, Leah told Devious she was horny by planting a very firm and extremely passionate kiss on his lips. There was tongue action and everything. As they made out, she climbed onto his lap and began to undo his pants.
Several minutes later, they were both half-naked and Leah was sucking him ever closer to large climax. Devious was completely naked other than the pants that lingered around his knees. Leah, however, had only removed her shirt and, as she pushed Devious onto his back while still sitting on his lap, legs spread over him, she had unstrapped her bra and allowed it to fall off, exposing her perfect breasts. She had let Devious suck on her nipples for a minute before pushing him back can going down on him; pulling his pants and boxers down as she did so. His length was already exposed and half-flaccid as his erection was still in progress. She didn't give it time to finish though. She parted her jaws and went right to sucking it.
Devious let out several murrs of enjoyment that slowly became more and more frequent as he drew closer and closer. Almost automatically, Devious's paw went to the back of her head and began stroking her hair while, at the same time, applying a small bit of force. As soon as he did, Leah stopped bobbing her head all together. But that didn't stop the pleasure. She was swallowing on the length with her throat; the muscles contracting, tightening around it and squeezing it. The silky walls of her throat felt amazing. Once she did this, Devious couldn't hold it in. He had to moan.
This wasn't the first time she'd done this to Devious (after all, the two had been dating since the first month in their freshman year at Willmont High. They were now seniors so that's over three years. It wasn't until the summer before they started their sophomore year that Leah finally agreed to mate.) But she didn't do it very often. Devious supposed this was because it was difficult for her to breathe during. But every time she did, it got a large reaction from Devious. The reaction was, normally, an orgasm. He bucked his hips several times and opened his jaws, getting ready to let out the call of his people as he felt his climax bubbling up in his knot. Though there was no bobbing of Leah's head, the pleasure was still amazing. She just gulped down his length and let the contracting of her throat do the stimulating.
To her, Devious's reaction told her it was working wonders for the sexy wolf she was so attracted to. But what really told her that he was close to cumming, was when she felt Devious's knot expose itself. Her reward for a job well done wasn't far off. She stayed that way for as long as she could before she had to come back up for air. She didn't have to stop sucking on his extremely solid length though. She only had to open her airway again, taking in breaths through her nostrils.
While his knot was exposed, she focused completely on it because she knew it was a very sensitive part of him. After only a few licks, she felt Devious's large balls, currently cupped in her paw, tighten up and then heard her mate howl. It wasn't loud, but it still had its effect. He heard the slurping noises from her muzzle die away, and then he climaxed. Hard. He almost wasn't ready for it. Though he had sensed it coming, he hadn't expected such a foreceful orgasm. But, the fact that it hit him so suddenly made the orgasm that much more enjoyable.
Leah opened her jaws wide as she heard Devious's howl, ready to swallow every delicious drop of wolf seed. There was one strong jet of the white solution, and then the current just picked up from there. Her muzzle was flooded with his cum, so much of it that a lot of it dribbled down her chin. She gulped and gulped the whole way, enjoying every bit of it that landed on her tongue; she even murred as she felt the warm, creamy fluid flow down her throat and settle in her belly. The flow lasted for almost a minute before it finally ended. Over the course of that orgasm, he had grunted, moaned, and howled like a mad wolf. He had sank his claws right into the ground as he grabbed onto it to clench as wave after powerful wave of euphoria washed through his body. "Oh my god, Leah" he said, panting when it finally calmed.
It was one of those orgasms you can remember for awhile, even after it was over, you could still feel the shock from the climax. Leah didn't really acknowledge the way her lover was reacting to the heated orgasm until after his load of cum was inside her stomach. He was left panting and seemed to have gone into a mild case of shock. "Anytime hunny" she grinned, pulling back and freeing her jaws of the thick meat for the first time since her last question about how much cum would he be able to provide for her. Well, that had defiantly been an excellent helping of it. She was more than satisfied with Devious's performance.
After a few more suckles on his length to coax any more of his seed that might be lingering within the member out, she finally let go. Feeling rather proud of herself, and extremely happy, she looked over the glistening pillar of black wolf cock that belonged to Devious. "Thanks Devious" she said, enjoying the taste of his seed that still lingered on her tongue.
Devious had to catch his breath after that climax before he could even move. In response to her thanks for the large helping of his cum, he smiled and said, fully intending the pun; "The pleasure was all mine." It was a terrible pun, but they both got a laugh out of it.
For the rest of the lunch period, Devious and Leah lay in the grass, cuddling and talking. While Devious's eyes sifted between looking at her illuminating blue eyes and at her perfect breasts which were still exposed, Leah submersed herself in tracing her claws down the lines of his bare chest, over his abs and his pecs. All the while, the impressive black length between his legs retreated back inside his sheath.
It wasn't until the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, that Devious and Leah got up and redressed. They joked around for another minute (Devious refused to give Leah her bra back, forcing her to chase him around until he finally gave it up) then when they were fully dressed, the two held paws and padded back to the school. They shared a quick kiss before separating to go to their classes.
While Leah made her way through her Chemistry class, Devious had to go to Accounting. It wasn't as hard as you might think. After that, he had Gym. It was actually the only class he shared with his best puppyhood friend, Slyth. He was a fox, thin and fast, so he had no trouble with gym. That wasn't saying Devious did though. But there was one thing that Devious had on his mind that was bugging him. All through Accounting and during the warm-up laps across the gym floor, he pondered over Leah. They had been dating for three years now. Everyone who knew him or Leah believed that they were truly in love. For all Devious knew, Leah was in love with him. But for some reason, neither going out with Leah nor sleeping with her had anything to increase his feelings about her. She was attractive, sweet, and could be really funny at times, not to mention the sex was amazing. There was no reason for him to not want to be with her. Surely after three years he'd feel something stronger for her if it really was love. But there you have it. It was out of his control.
The last thing he wanted to do right now was break up with her though. Their finals were coming up so he had very little time to worry about it. Also, ending a three-year long relationship with her now would devastate her. She'd be so distraught that wouldn't be able to pass her finals, thereby ruining any chance of a scholarship for collage which, pretty much, ruined her plans for her life. No, breaking up with her would be the worst thing he could do right now.
Devious's musings were brought to an abrupt end by the sound of a very loud whistle being blown point blank into his ear. He jumped away from the incredible noise and yelped, more from being scared like that than anything. "What?" he growled.
It was the gym coach who had blown the whistle. He used to be in the army so gym class was more like being trained at boot camp than a class. He was an aged dog; a Great Dane, in fact.
"What are you doing just standing there? Your classmates have already left you in the dust!" he shouted in his face, specs of spit flying from his lips and hitting Devious in the face. Sure enough, as Devious looked away from the coach to the track, he saw the entire class was already halfway around it.
"Devious, you're running four laps! You have until then to cross the finish line first. Otherwise you and the rest of your classmates will be repeating this exercise. Again and again, until you finally pull yourself together enough to cross that finish line first!"
He started out shouting. More specs of spit hitting him in the face the whole while. But he then began to speak quieter and quieter until Devious had to strain his hearing to catch the last words. The fact that the gym coach was speaking to him in a whisper barely audible rather than a shout that made his ears ring made the whole lecture seem more threatening than if he had shouted the whole thing.
Realizing he had only those four laps to reach the front, Devious gave his coach a disgusted look. He would have dearly loved to say to him just then "It's not my fault I'm the one with the youth here" but he knew it wasn't worth it. So, without a word, Devious took off into a run. He was a wolf so agility was something that came naturally. He wasn't worried about not being able to reach the front of the class apart from one thing. That one thing was the fox who he'd been friends with since they had learned to walk; Slyth. He had always been faster than Devious.
Devious tried to just ignore this problem for now and just focus on not wearing himself out trying to get to the front too early. Rather than sprint the whole way, he increased his pace steadily, conserving his stamina. If he had to race Slyth, he was going to need as much stamina as he could get. In no time, he was directly behind the two-toned fox, already on the fourth and final lap. This was it, the final leg of the race. Whether they would get to go home or have to do this over again would be decided within the next few minutes.
The only reason Devious could think of for why he could never pass Slyth was it had something to do with him being the star track runner of the school. He, himself, ran cross-country and was the fastest on that team. There was a big difference between those two sports though. Track was about speed while cross-country was about endurance. So, it fell to common logical thinking that He, Devious, could no doubt run much longer than Slyth. But when it came to speed, Slyth dominated.
There really wasn't much Devious could do but try and hope he could get lucky and manage to squeeze in front of Slyth just as they reached the finish line. No such luck. It took half the lap to catch up with Slyth and run just behind him. As soon as he heard Devious's pants, he looked over his shoulder at Devious and grinned. "What's up, Buddy? Trying to beat me again?
Devious was starting to feel the intense burning in his legs and fatigue. It'd been awhile since he'd pushed himself this way. He didn't think he was going to manage to get across the finish line in time. They were on the final turn of the track. "Better do something buddy, we're almost at the finish." Slyth teased. There was only one thing Devious could do, and that was run faster. So, pumping his legs, spreading them further apart as well, he managed to go slightly faster. But it had next to no effect what so ever. He stayed right there In front of him the whole way, all the way across the finish line.
Devious didn't dare look towards the coach. Making eye contact with him now could probably turn to something ugly. He kind of hoped that he'd seen the effort he'd made and take into account that this was Slyth he was up against; the fastest runner in the school. He was a fool to hope for something like that from the gym coach.
No sooner had they all managed to catch their breath than the voice of the coach rang out loud enough for them all to hear. "Everybody back on the line"! There were several moans and loud complaints of protests. This only made it worse for Devious. "Guys, today, we get the great privilege of running two miles today instead of just the one we just completed. And we owe this all to Devious!"
"Asshole. . ." Devious growled under his breath, turning away from him and walking to the back where Slyth was lingering.
"I'm sorry, did I say two miles? I meant three. We've still got two whole miles to run and we're going to do them both back to back. Eight full laps!" The coach shouted, somehow he'd heard Devious.
There were several people who were outraged by this. But there were also others who were just too tired and didn't want to run the two miles. Slyth just shook his head in disapproval. Devious was actually about to call the coach another name but, fortunately, Slyth stepped in and stopped him by grabbing Devious's muzzle and holding it shut. "Just shut up, Devious!" he snapped before letting go.
Another look at the coach showed Devious that he was smiling, waiting. He had the whistle at the ready, and after a second longer he gave it a short blow. "Alright, again, everyone on the line and remember. Eight laps! Let's try this again Devious.
He wanted to slap this guy silly. He could hear him chuckle as he said that last part. Clenching his paws and gritting his teeth, he got on the line with everyone else, right beside Slyth.
By time that day was over and Devious made it home from practice, he was really stressed out and furious. But he was too exhausted to be angry. He threw his bag down as soon as he got home and lay down on his bed. His legs felt like lead. They were extremely sore from gym and cross-country practice. He was so exhausted that he barely washed at all in the showers. He just stood under the jet of warm water for a few minutes before turning it off and getting out.
He was about to fall asleep without even taking his clothes off when the phone rang. Instantly his half-sleep trance vanished. He was still exhausted, but the managed to get up and check the caller I.D. on the phone. Having seen the number countless times before, he immediately recognized it as Leah's.
Picking the phone up off the receiver, he put it to his ear. "Hay baby".
"Devious, hunny, you sound exhausted" he heard Leah's voice on the other end.
"Wouldn't you be tired if you had to run ten miles?" Devious asked after stifling a yawn. He heard her make an "Awwww" noise with a small chuckle before speaking again. "You poor thing, you want me to come over?"
Devious considered it for a second, but given how tired he was, he knew he'd be asleep almost the whole time she stayed. "No, no. Don't worry about it Leah. I'll be fine. I just need some sleep." As he spoke with her, he walked to the front door in the living room and rest his head against the cool glass of the frame door, closing his eyes.
"You sure?" he heard her ask again in a genuine tone. "You know I don't mind."
Devious couldn't help but smile. "No, don't trouble yourself. Besides, if you come over I'll likely just fall asleep."
"I don't mind. You're so cute when you're asleep." Devious heard Leah say in a cheery mood. Obviously, her day had progressed a lot smoother than hers. Perhaps he could use some company for awhile, just someone to talk to. But he decided there was no need to have Leah come down to his house, just for him to fall asleep on her.
"Just don't worry about me Leah. I'll be fine. We'll see each other tomorrow in school. You can watch me sleep in history class." Devious yawned, opening his bleary eyes and gazing outside.
"Looking forward to it" Leah's voice cheered. "But I'm not letting you sleep until you give me your notes from our last history class."
"What if I didn't take the notes?" Devious asked in a teasing voice, walking away from the front door and sitting down on the sofa.
"Then I'm cutting you off" he heard her say in the same playful voice.
"That couldn't last long" he continued to tease.
"Is that a challenge Devious? Do I sense a bet coming on?" This time, Leah sounded serious.
Devious smiled briefly before shrugging his shoulders. "What are the wages?" "Let's say, no sex for a month means you have to take my history notes for the rest of the year. If I break, I'll take your history notes for the rest of the year." Leah finally responded after a minute of thinking.
All Devious could do was laugh. "Some wager. Exams are at the end of this month." "Oh" Devious heard Leah say on the either end of the line. "Well then, you make the wager." "Fine. If you can last till summer, Leah, you can choose where we go for vacation. If I break, it'll be vice versa." Devious said slowly, thinking about it as he said it.
"I like the sound of that" Leah chuckled. "I'm a female Devious, I can control my urges."
"Well, Leah, unlike you, I am not a sex-addict." He laughed.
"Well, we'll see." Leah replied.
There was a brief period of silence on the line during which Devious let his head fall back to rest against the back of the couch. Instead, he bashed it against the wood that made up the frame. As a result, he let out a bit of a grunt.
"What are you doing Devious?" Leah asked an odd tone in her voice.
"Me? I'm in my living room. Why?" Devious replied, rather curious about what she had just asked.
"You wanna fuck one last time before this bet starts hunny?" Leah asked in a very sly voice. He could hear how turned on she was now, though he had no idea how she had swung from a playful mood, to an extremely horny mood that quickly.
"Goodnight" and with that, he hung up and went back to his room to rest.
Look out for Chapter Two! Let me know ff there's anything you'd like to see happen, or if there's anything I need to improve on! |
School Trip ep 1 by Xercs | #1 of School trip - This is the story, of a group of school girls who go on a field trip to a crumbly old castle. Little do they know of the creature who lives in it.... Chapter 1- Jenny... It was a nice day in the town of "Otter's Field", named such because the mayor was an otter. The all girl | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/9775-school-trip-ep-1 | This is the story, of a group of school girls who go on a field trip to a crumbly old castle. Little do they know of the creature who lives in it....
Chapter 1- Jenny...
It was a nice day in the town of "Otter's Field", named such because the mayor was an otter. The all girl boarding school was about to go on a field trip to some crumbly old castle that was said to belong to a witch king. Legend says there was monster who fed on the innocent that still lives in there today. "Such superstition" said the teacher as bus loaded with 10 girls on it. Each of various species but all sporting the same red suit that had a checkered colored skirt and a red suit shirt. Their shoes were also high healed and red in color.
Jenny was a young rabbit girl who was friends with nearly all the school girls on the bus. She was blonde in fur color and had nice perky breasts (I'll let you decide the size), her slim figure and tight butt made any guy want her. As the bus arrived, she was the first one off and in line to visit the castle. Indeed it was crumbly, it looked like it was from 1700's the class put on name tags and then walked into the building. The second they entered, she felt like she was being watched.
Little did she know she was....
Up on the ceiling, away from those who didn't look directly up, was the witch kind's servant. The one who tested maidens for if they were worthy of his harem. It was horribly skinny, like an Anorexic. It had 6 tentacles coming out of it's back and had a bulbous head like an octopus. These tentacles could expand to any length needed but he wouldn't strike here, not yet. Other than the strange head and back tentacles, the rest of it looked like a purple skinned human with claws fingers and toes allowing it to scale walls. But he wouldn't strike yet. No not yet. He crawled across the ceiling and off to his lair.
Jenny was walking in line with the class when suddenly, she felt she had to walk away from the group. It was strange, like a song in her head. She listened and fell into trance. It was a male's voice in her head, and it sung the most beautiful song she had ever heard. The rest of the group passed her by not noticing as she walked off to the place the voice beckoned.
"come little Jenny, come to the place of magic and wonder, come little Jenny, come to a place of riches and splendor, come little Jenny, come to a place of hopes and dreams, come little Jenny, so I can hear your screams"
She froze, the last part of the song hadn't been sung before but not she was lost from the group. She was in the dungeon, she hadn't noticed. She turned to leave and saw the creature. "AHHH" she screamed as the creature stepped forward slowly, she saw it's mouth, it was bulbous like a octopus but had no tentacles. The tentacles were on it's back. She realized, it was still singing the last verse of the song and still walking. The male voice still so beautiful. Before Jenny had the nerve to back away, she saw the creature's cock. It was a foot long and two inches thick. And it was now hard as a rock. Tow tentacles wrapped around her legs and the creature dragged her over, lifted her up with the tentacles, and strapped her to a dungeon table.
"what are you going to do?" she asked with tears. The creature stopped singing and it's voice was no longer beautiful, but horribly ugly. "I'm going to test you for the king. He needs 10 maidens to return" he said. "I collect your innocents and transfer it to him to return from hell. 10 innocents will cure him of his past sins and he won't be able to stay in hell" said the creature. Jenny made to shout but a swift tentacle plugged her mouth, she tasted it and it was slimy and disgusting. "in order to collect your innocents, I have to steal it" said the creature with a sneer. Her walked around the table once, twice, thrice and then pet Jenny's right thigh, taking his tentacle out of her mouth, he rubbed his hands along the bunny's smooth fur. So soft, he got to her shirt and tore it off in one yank. Then he made to remove her bra in a single rip. He smiled as he played with her tits making her scream but he bitch slapped her making her silence after a gasp of pain. "I have altered the castle with magic. Your group will continue to wander these halls until I catch them all" he said as he fondled her tits.
Her arms and legs and stomach and neck were strapped, restricting all resistance she might put up. She watched as he made his way to her skirt and gently undid it and slid it off her. Why he took care in that was unknown. Then he tore off her panties and looked at her pussy. He reached a clawed hand to it and touched her treasure making her whimper with tears.
The monster proceeded to climb onto the table after a few minutes of rubbing her, making her moist. He smiled at her fear and entered her with his cock, tearing away her virginity and making her scream at his massive size for her small body. He began to thrust the moment he hilted himself inside her, making sure to get every amount of pleasure he could from her. She kept crying as he thrust harder after a while.
His tentacles slithered around her and began to constrict her throat, stomach and chest. She couldn't breath and each thrust made her gasp out. He finally let out a growl and came inside her just as the tentacles strangled her to death.
Pulling out of his first of 10 victims, he collected some of the blood from her rape and collected it into a bottle. He walked over to a hidden room where there was a large pentagram and placed the blood in one of the points. There were five star points, and then 5 points inside the star's enter. As he poured the blood, fire lit up the star section and continued to burn yet never leaving the sector it was in. the creature went back upstairs to claim a new victim.
After a hour of climbing around the walls, he spotted a young panda girl. He smiled and began to sing the song only his chosen victims could hear. She froze and began to walk off, without being noticed. |
Reaper Graesham Campaign: Sixth Interlude by Nex_Canis | #13 of Reaper 2 - **Interlude: Coal** _"Memory is a mortal's foundation. Without memory, every step will always be new... but you will have no sense of direction because you will never know where you've been."_ **Antonio Shanks** **_From a Lecture at Dianna University_** **Rocky Rose** I | [
"Character Development",
"Plot Development",
"Story Series",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249284-reaper-graesham-campaign-sixth-interlude | **Interlude: Coal**
*"Memory is a mortal's foundation. Without memory, every step will always be new... but you will have no sense of direction because you will never know where you've been."*
**Antonio Shanks**
***From a Lecture at Dianna University***
**Rocky Rose**
I watched Jacob and Max argue... Their voices carrying across the atrium of Eden.
I could see the reasoning of both sides...
It wasn't right to sacrifice a person... even if it was the save everyone else...
... but at the same time, what choice did we have?
I knew the extent of the Unsealed Factory beneath the Emerald Crown. It was a relic from my... from Conway's reign as Elemental Lord. I had it shut down the instant I came into power. MODD insisted I not destroy it. Since I *was* a MODD agent after all... I couldn't go against their will... no matter how much I wanted to.
I stood as the barrier between MODD and Graesham...
... but with Rose's memories inside me now...
... and with my body...
... how long would my barrier stand?
Everything... Everything just felt so *wrong* now...
Before, I didn't hold a shred of doubt in my mind... I could stand up to Jacob's taunts and criticisms... I could slay an army of Unsealed stretching from one horizon to the next... Even in the face of a terrible plague that had sapped others of hope... I held onto that hope...
But now...
Jacob took a threatening step towards Max. "I didn't see you out there fighting Conway." His fangs were bared and while he looked just like how the media had portrayed him as a mass murderer and psychopath... his eyes revealed the hurt soul inside. "It's so easy for you to call me a coward when I'm out there *fighting* and you're here playing doctor!"
Even in all my doubt... I guess I still held hope that deep inside... Jacob Reaper wasn't a bad person.
Max swept his staff in a broad gesture at the crowd around him. "I'm looking out for these people! I've been patching them up! Healing injuries that *you* were incapable of preventing!"
Injuries *I* could have also helped to prevent... I had trusted Conway... and how did he repay me...? He obsessed with who I had been and tried to bring that person back... even going as far as to sacrifice the souls of countless people in a devastating plague...
How could I call myself the Elemental Lord of Earth when I couldn't protect my people from one of my subordinates?
And now... more doubt was cast into my world as Norton had gone mad...
I gazed at my paws...
How could I find my footing and answer these questions when I didn't even know who I was?
*"You are Rocky Groundwater."*
That voice... It was one that had always guided me throughout my entire life... A voice that always reminded me of who I was... and who kept me on the path I had chosen... For so long, I had trusted that voice... but now...
... I realised that voice was just a Seal filtered my current memories... keeping me from being *someone* else...
In a way... I felt like I should be grateful to it... but at the other side of the spectrum... I doubted if who I was now was just so heavily reliant on that filter... that I had lost the opportunity to grow... I couldn't help but wonder... 'what if?'
*"Never doubt. Never question. When you question, you falter."*
But I *was* faltering... The earth beneath my feet was shaking... and I couldn't find even footing.
"So you honestly think you could've done better!?" Jacob's roar shook me back to reality and I turned my gaze back towards "You think that *you* could've somehow prevented all these injuries, stopped Conway *and* Norton at the same time!?"
"Hell yeah!"
The conviction in Max's voice made me reflect on a time when I was exactly like that...
... and I also realised how naive I was...
*"That wasn't naive. That was smart... determined."*
Shut up.
The crowd cheered Max on... and I slowly realised why the people cheered *me* on. They didn't praise my words... They didn't love my actions... They *gravitated* towards my conviction... my strength. I was a beacon of hope for them... and I realised that while hope was a powerful weapon... it was also dangerous when wielded by the naive and ignorant.
*"You weren't naive. You were as well-informed as you could have been at the time."*
It doesn't change anything... I made foolish decisions...
I allied myself with Conway and inadvertently gave him power and access to what might have practically damned Graesham. I trusted Norton... and now he was going to unleash hell on everyone.
My decisions... had led to this...
"I respect your efforts to defend me, Max," Father Belford suddenly said, stepping in between both Jacob and Max. "But the decision is ultimately mine and I can see the value in making this deal with Norton." He folded his arms as if trying to protect himself. "I will go."
All fell silent...
I oddly felt hollow inside...
I know I should've felt shocked or pained that a major figure in my life was willingly sacrificing himself for the good of all... even if he *did* manipulate me.
But I... I just felt empty...
Like every time I tried to muster that emotion, doubt would creep in and question it...
*"Never doubt. Never question. When you question, you falter."*
I will falter when I damn well please!
"You realise he's going to execute you, right?" Jacob asked, looking perplexed. I guessed he had planned on dragging Belford kicking and screaming to Norton. Probably would've enjoyed it too.
It made me chuckle softly at how Jacob tried so *hard* to be evil... He was *bad*... but he wasn't evil.
I swear... If I wasn't convinced I was a guy, I would be hitting on him *so* badly...
*"But you* are\_a guy."\_
I chose not to comment on that.
"I do," Belford answered, nodding his head in a slow, grim pattern. "It is a necessary sacrifice. I have sinned and it is time for me to face judgement."
"Not afraid you'll burn in the deepest depths of the underworld for what you've done?"
The smile on Belford's lips was somewhat cynical but also saddened. "I can only pray that all my deeds bring me the appropriate judgement. No more, no less."
The crowd instantly began their protests, demanding Belford not give himself up for all of us.
Then, Gabriel stepped up and slammed his hammer into the metal floor. "This is *absurd!*" he roared, pointing his hammer at Jacob. "Even at *half* strength\_all\_ the Branded will be able to defeat Norton! Furthermore, you have the support of *two* Elemental Lords! Why go through the sacrifice of an innocent soul when you can destroy a *corrupt* one with no casualties!?"
I saw Kerry suddenly sweep forward, an icy wave of air washing over the crowd as she slammed her spears against Gabriel's hammer and pushed it to the ground.
"Because there are *some* of us who agree with the deal," she said with an icy stare.
Gabriel tried to shove her away but she was much quicker than he was. She pinned his hammer to the ground and levelled her other spear at his neck.
"I should've suspected a demon-witch like you to have sides with this *criminal*."
Oooh... Bad form there, Gabe...
\_Everyone\_knows that the first person to start throwing slander around is the one to first lose face.
"Would you just *shut up* and listen to what everyone is saying?"
I was surprised when Taylor stepped up and flanked Jacob. He always seemed the quiet time... though I guess with the impending Purge... everyone is a little on edge. "Belford wants to go through with it not because Jacob backed him into a corner. He wants to do it to save people. Jacob did the same. He made the deal to prevent people from getting hurt."
Good point... If that *is* why Jacob made the deal... I suspected he just wanted to get rid of Belford. He wasn't exactly subtle about how much he despised the priest.
Leonardo's gargantuan form rose up behind Jacob and he hugged Jacob tightly. "You view us as expendable. You treat us like fodder for the cannons on the wall."
"Cannon fodder," Jacob offered.
"Yes, cannon fodder," the big - and I will admit, very adorable - Tribal said, hugging Jacob tightly. "We are people too. Are our lives less valuable than Belford's? Are you not risking more by sending us all against Norton than simply losing one life?"
Envy crept into me as I recalled Leo's odd mix of innocence and intelligence... He was insightful and intelligent... but at the same time, the subtle nuances of everyday life made him seem addled mentally... Which was cute... at least in my opinion.
"You can destroy Norton with ease!" Gabriel retorted. The ram swung his hammer -
...but suddenly had Rex's sword levelled at his neck.
Wow... Rex had really changed... I wonder what had changed in him...
"You know what you're afraid of?" Rex asked. "You're just afraid of the unknown. You're *sure* Belford will die and you don't want that. But you're *not* sure about what will happen after Belford dies."
"What would *you* do if the one sense of security in your life was being offered to be sacrificed for some hare-brained scheme!?" Gabriel asked, his eyes wavering and his fear clearly showing.
I saw Rex exchange smiles with Jacob...
I wondered what that meant...
Actually... No I didn't.
I do *not* want to know what happened between them.
"I'd go with their decision," Rex answered firmly. "Even if they're my light... they still have *their* life to lead."
"A life they're choosing to *end* because some *idiot* with a criminal record as long as the galaxy is *wide* suggested it!" Gabriel roared.
Suddenly, Belford placed a resolute hand on Gabriel's shoulder and pushed his disciple back. "Gabriel... my son. This is my decision. If Jacob Reaper had not suggested it, I would have willingly sacrificed myself for the good of our people." He then turned Gabriel to face him, placing both hands on the ram's shoulders. "You are using your prejudice against Jacob to guide your actions. Would you be this insistent had *I* suggested it?"
Gabriel's eyes faltered again... It was clear he was hiding his own hatred for Jacob and just pretending to fight for Father Belford as a means of getting back at Jacob. "Of course, Father!"
The ram fell to his knees, clutching the gorilla's hands firmly.
I felt a strong compulsion to followed his lead... but I shook that thought out of my system... and managed to remain standing. I was no longer tied to Belford... He was a major part of my life... more so than I would have wanted... but I had my own mind and will... I would not bow to him.
Everyone else did, however... Well... Excluding the MODD soldiers and the Branded.
"You are the sole sense of faith and light in this grim city!" Gabriel pleaded. "You have guided us in times of disaster! You have kept this city aloft with your teachings and your kind soul! Do not leave us in our hour of direst need!"
Laying it on heavy there, Gabe...
Belford gave a big, heavy sigh.
"No, my son..." the priest began softly but still loud enough for his voice to carry around the atrium. "We are all in need... Norton cries for blood... *my* blood. A sacrifice must be made. I am willing to pay it so that this bloodshed will end." He turned to the crowd, arms wide. "Come children, for this will be my last sermon. If anything, regardless of where I go in the afterlife, take heed of my words and my soul shall rest easy."
Belford glanced over his shoulder at Max. "Would you kindly ask Eden to raise a platform for me so that I may address my charges?"
Eden raised a platform for him. Jacob turned away in disgust and headed off into the hallways of Eden, followed by Max and Kerry. I was tempted to follow them but, for old time's sake, remained and listened to Belford's words.
"All mortals were forged from coal," Father Belford began. "When the Might Creator came down from his throne and graced our blackened world, he took all the coal in the ground and from it forged mortals. In each mortal species, he planted a different aspect, a different strength that would forge their species. Just as there are impurities in the coal we find today, there are impurities in us.
"He tasked all mortals with the goal of achieving perfection... of cleansing themselves of these impurities so that they may be worthy of entrance into Heaven and to sit by his throne! We are coal... and we must turn ourselves into diamonds."
The basic doctrine of the Holy Mountain... We are imperfect... and we much make ourselves perfect to enter paradise. Having believed that for so much of my life, I was now devastated upon realising that I was *so* far from perfection... I was as *flawed* as they could get... Everything I had done was essentially a lie...
*"No it's not. They were done by you, Rocky Groundwater. If you were to be judged, it would be as Rocky not as a memory-less Rose Earthsire."*
For once since regaining Rose's memories, that voice made sense... and actually helped me a little.
No doubt Father Belford would go through his entire repertoire of sermons in the three hours we had. He would have to breeze through a few sections but I had no doubt he could do it. One of the reasons I decided to leave him behind in favour of MODD - apart from keeping the peace between the two factions - was that I could *never* stay awake through any of his sermons.
Even now, I was fighting back a yawn.
I had to turn away and start heading after Jacob so that no one would see me stifling a yawn.
I wanted to talk to Jacob before we headed off to Norton...
I needed his assurance that... if I stopped being me...
Well... I would like to die as Rocky Groundwater... and no one else.
*"But you* are\_Rocky Groundwater. How can you die as anyone else?"\_
Sometimes... that voice is *really* annoying.
I decided to ignore it for now. I didn't need any more distractions.
I pushed Rose's memories back... and pushed forward... but where was I going?
What was left for me here?
Graesham was decimated... My command was shattered...
What good could come of this...?
I... I had failed...
My body just collapsed and I suddenly found myself leaning against one of Eden's walls. Tears streamed freely down my cheeks... and my heart ached...
My home was destroyed...
There was nothing left for me here...
How could I rebuild from this world?
I felt a warm touch against my cheek... and a finger brush away my tear.
I looked up... and found a familiar face... A face that I recognised... and that Rose recognised too...
"Girls don't cry," he said in his dull, emotionless voice.
I had to straightened myself... In all the commotion, I had forgotten about my one remaining lieutenant... But knowing now that he had been my - no, *Rose's* boyfriend in the past... Could I really trust him?
What if he just wanted me to become Rose again...?
That was the last thing I wanted to happen...
"I'm not a girl!" I retorted, brushing him away and taking a few steps back.
"Mentally, perhaps," he answered.
"How did you get in here?" I demanded, drawing *Earthborn.* "Did Max let you in?"
Soot chuckled mildly and placed a paw on Eden. "This Animus is very wise... perhaps as sentient as Reaper's Animus... Spectre..." His eyes narrowed. "Hmmm... No... Not quite. It responds to emotion instead of actually having a soul... It can differentiate friend from foe with their emotions... Unsealed are repelled because of relentless hunger... enemies for their hatred and dark hearts...
"But as for myself... I have no emotions... Perhaps the only weakness of this otherwise impenetrable fortress."
No emotions...?
How was that even possible?
Could he be that heartless?
"How can you have no emotions? That's impossible."
"Not so when you are nothing but a hollow shell held together by a magical symbol."
A hollow...?
I staggered back in horror. "You're a Puritan!"
Soot chuckled and nodded. "Indeed. Ironic, is it not, that the weakest of my species are so monstrous and yet the most powerful are so similar to your Mortaelians that it is difficult to tell them apart."
I levelled by weapons at him. "Stay back! I'm warning you!"
A Puritan!
This was bad... This deep inside Eden... with so many people around... No backup and Eden being unable to help...
I was in trouble.
Puritans were frightening in power... In my young career as an Elemental Lord, I had only ever encountered *one* and it nearly *killed* me!
And now one of my *lieutenants* was one!
He would know all my tricks!
"I will not harm you," Soot said, raising a paw calmly. He leaned against the wall, arms folded. "I have just come to talk."
I didn't want to believe him... but there was just something... about the way he spoke that made me trust him. Even if he spoke in such a dry, emotionless drawl and his eyes were like empty discs to me... I did feel a degree of benevolence from him.
"Then what *do* you want?"
Soot didn't answer.
I waited for what must have been five minutes to get a response... Nothing...
I guess I'll have to get this conversation rolling. I didn't dismiss my Seal Weapons, however.
Topics... Topics... Hmm... What do you say to the guy that was *supposed* to be your boyfriend but you don't ever remember that...? Or, for that matter, you think you're a *boy* and you aren't gay?
Yeesh... I should start with that...
"So... If you don't have emotions... Do you feel anything... about me...?"
Soot regarded me and shook his head. "What feelings Luke felt for you are long gone. I am not Luke. I am an amalgamation of Luke and all the relationships that Rose Earthsire had forged before Belford made you. I am Soot. A collection of impure carbon particles formed from combustion."
I guess that was true...
A thousand incomplete memories... all come together to form Soot...
I wasn't sure if I should feel pity for this creature or heartbroken that he didn't feel anything for me.
Then again... I suppose it's better this way... No complications.
He has no emotions for me... and I have nothing for him.
It worked out well.
"So why did you join MODD and my division if you don't feel anything for me?"
"What else could I do?" Soot answered. "I am a Puritan Unsealed. MODD would hunt me down. They have the means. However, if I *joined* MODD, their own ranks are where they are least likely to look for an Unsealed."
I suppose that's true... MODD is so secure in our own power that we hardly screen our own troops anymore... I guess that's how Soot managed to bypass our security measures.
"May I ask you something?" Soot suddenly asked.
"Curiosity is an emotion, you know," I answered with a smirk.
"The answer is not for my benefit."
Oh... it was one of *those* questions.
"Would it be truly bad if you were to accept that you were Rose Earthsire at one point in your existence?"
I was tempted to slap him but I held back. "I am *not* Rose."
"You aren't *now* but at one point, you were."
"No I *wasn't*!" I jabbed his chest with *Earthborn*. "And if *I* have to accept I was Rose, you have to accept you were Luke Armstrong at one point! Rose's lover!"
He narrowed his eyes at me. I still couldn't detect any emotions from him. "I have accepted that." He turned his gaze away from me, eyes still narrowed. "I find it fascinating... There are five of us... perhaps six who have had our memories drastically altered."
He lifted a finger and began counting the individuals off.
"First there was Conway... Whose very purpose of living was stolen from him... He was tasked by his wife to forever love their daughter but when his love was permanently snatched from him, the core of his being crumbled and he was forever haunted by the terrible things he performed during his time as a madman. His memories constantly haunted him... and he chose to dedicate his life to righting the wrongs that cannot be righted."
Soot uncurled a second finger. "Then there was Norton... Like Conway, he was haunted by his past. His reason for living was snatched from him but he chose to hold it close to him and has worked tirelessly to ensure that the tragedies of the past never repeat themselves again. To this end, he has attempted to distance himself as much as possible from his pain but was never aware or rather, refused to acknowledge that he was carrying it around with him the entire time."
A third finger came up. "Then, of course, there is myself. I am not Luke Armstrong. I am Soot. My memories are a combination of all the memories of those that were connected to you and Luke's. However, unlike the others, they have merely collided with one another and negated one another. I am simply left with emotionless images. I see them. I acknowledge they are mine. But I could not care less."
His fourth finger rose. "Gabriel is another. Supposedly a vessel empty of memories so Belford placed your original Seal into him, giving him some degree of personality to reforge more memories. An empty creature of no memories... Quite the opposite of me, really."
Soot tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Of course, that leaves us with you, Rocky. You have two sets of memories. Two different personalities. Two seemingly opposite personalities from all accounts. You've essentially had a fresh start. But now the first set of memories is coming back... and one has to question which one will prove to be the dominant one.
"I find it mostly interesting how you are somewhat an opposite to Jacob Reaper. While he accepts his past, that perhaps he could have been a totally different person to who he is now, you reject it, constantly insisting that you were never that person. Even before Conway was killed and his Seal released to you, you vehemently rejected the idea that you were Rose Earthsire at one point or another... Perhaps it is the work of a Seal... perhaps not."
I was starting to draw some pretty crazy comparisons here...
Conway and Norton... Conway got stuck in the past... Norton pulled away as far as he could...
Gabriel and Soot... Gabriel was an empty soul with no memories but overly emotional... Soot was overflowing with memories but emotionless...
Then there was me and Jacob... both he and I had our pasts erased in a way... but where I rejected it... He accepted it... or rather, he didn't care.
Who of us was better off?
Ultimately, when the end came, who of us would survive.
"Well," Soot said, lowering his paw and pushing off the wall, "I assume that since you are not attacking me, you won't kill me." He turned his back and began striding away.
"Wait!" I cried but found myself unable to actually *stop* him.
I knew he was an Unsealed... I knew that I had to because of my duty to MODD... but to my duty to a friend...
I suddenly began to doubt again...
Maybe all we knew about the Unsealed wasn't true...?
I expected that voice to come back and start telling me not to doubt because doubt gives way to weakness or something... But it didn't say a thing.
"One more question," Soot said, stopping in mid-step and turning around to face me. "What is it about that aniga, *Starboy*, that has both you and Luke so fascinated?"
I didn't want to answer that question...
... but I found myself searching deep into my memories - Rose's memories - and finding a time in the distant past...
I saw Luke... and Rose... Back then, Rose had long hair and Luke... She called him 'Sooty' because he was a polar bear with permanently black splotches all over his fur from working in the foundries. Rose was constantly in training from Conway... but at night, when everyone thought she had gone to sleep, she would sneak out and meet Luke.
Together, they'd sneak out to Luke's house where his father would keep them fed and entertained with shows from Luke's aniga collection. Apparently, Rose liked *Starboy* because the protagonist reminded her of Soot. She would glance at him bashfully every now and then when she thought he wasn't looking. He was so kind to her... Everyone else at the base treated her either so delicately like she was a princess made of glass or a weapon for war to be forged into perfection.
She cried... at the ending...
It surprised me that I had somehow maintained the same appreciation of that show after having my memory erased...
*"No. That was not something inherited from Rose. That was simply something you desired. It has no relation to Rose whatsoever."*
I really didn't believe that...
I think... I think some part of me does remember being Rose... and that has translated into who I am today... There is some part of us... that will always remember... No matter who we turn into... no matter how our memories are affected... It will remember. It is what is judged by the Divine when we pass into the realm of the dead.
And... I think it is there to try and steer us in our everyday lives...
Maybe... maybe I should be like Jacob... Maybe I should accept who I was...
"Rose thought that the Princess was a lot like her and that Black was a lot like Soot," I answered softly. "She always imagined that in the end, the Princess would end up with Black... and in her heart, that is how she wanted her story to end. Unfortunately..."
Soot nodded. "I see." He turned around again and began heading away once more. "I wish you luck in your endeavour Rocky Groundwater. Remember, however, that memory is simply a recording made by *you* about events that have transpired. Learn to view them objectively... and perhaps you will see the truth masked by the memories."
What was he talking about...?
What truth?
What was I missing?
It was like a funeral procession... and in a way... that was exactly what it was.
Father Belford's followers were dressed as dark as possible. No one had managed to grab any spare clothing on their way out of their homes so they tried to convince Max to give them some dark clothing. It would've been a pain to make black clothing for everyone so Max simply gave them all black armbands to wear.
They all marched solemnly towards the Unsealed Factory with Father Belford at their lead...
I was *really* regretting not having destroyed that goddamn factory...
I straightened myself and took a deep breath... Whatever happened... I had resolved that it was because of *my* actions... *my* decisions... not something that Rose made me do. Okay... *fine*... I *was* Rose Earthsire at one point -
*"No you are not. You are and always have been Rocky Groundwater."*
Shut up, Voice!
Anyway... I am Rocky Groundwater... I *was* Rose Earthsire.
*"You -"*
Not listening to you!
But... I am Rocky Groundwater now...
I looked towards Jacob who flanked the door leading down into the factory.
He just radiated confidence... not a single shred of doubt... and to think that all came from his acceptance of who he was... of who he might have been. He wasn't stuck in the 'what ifs' or 'what could've beens'. He learned from his mistakes... he moved forward... and he became stronger.
I wanted to be just like that.
Gaining strength from my newly found inspiration, I straightened my back and began marching down into the factory. I took my stand beside the Branded and watched as Belford stepped up to Norton. A few words were exchanged... Then Norton held up a Universal Release Switch. He strapped it to Belford's neck... and I instantly knew he planned on decapitating the priest.
Not going to say I approve... but that's pretty damn clever.
Resigning himself to his fate, Father Belford accepting the dark gift and spun around to face us.
"My actions were not always steered by the light!" he announced, lifting his hands into the air as if welcoming death. "I am mortal. I am prone to succumb to my flaws and I have made many, many, *many* mistakes. In my position of power, I have used many of you... unwittingly or not.
"Ultimately, the source of this suffering can be pointed to me."
I guess... I didn't want to believe that simple truth... That Father Belford... someone who I had accepted into my life was at fault for everything that had occurred in my life... Whether he ruined it or not... I can't say...
But after this... It'll all be over...
"I was once a MODD researcher...I was delving into the possibilities of creating a Seal that did not require mortal sacrifice. Yes, in the days past, a Seal was the soul of a loved one given up for power. The greater the connection between the loved one and the user, the greater their Synchronisation with the Seal."
Yes... I knew that... I remembered reading his profile... In fact, I had invited him to come back to MODD when I became an Elemental Lord. I firmly believed that everyone deserved a second chance. That's why I offered that chance to Conway... I had dreamed that with the former enemies under the one roof, I could instil a lasting peace upon Graesham.
Boy was *I* naive...
"It was ultimately my research that led to the production of more powerful Seals for MODD as I discovered that personality traits could be sacrificed in order to produce as Seal. You can sacrifice your tendency to laugh at inappropriate times or your beautiful singing voice and that could all make a Seal.
"I researched the greatest source of this newfound resource of Seals... and I discovered that the strongest emotion that can produce a Seal... is by far the simplest... Love." Belford was actually starting to tear up as he lifted his head to the ceiling. "I convinced Conway Earthsire to sacrifice his love for his daughter, Rose, to become a new Seal that he could use."
I jerked my head up towards the priest...
I didn't know that...
... Conway... He gave his love... for me...?
What... What would've his life been like?
A life without love...?
Father Belford closed his eyes briefly, a tear running down his cheek. I could see his knees quaking. "But my experiment failed. Love is the core of all existence and by taking it out of Conway, I had deprived him of his core... and he was left with nothing but a deep, longing emptiness that he could not fill. However, the Seal could be compatible with his daughter and I made my second mistake by convincing Conway to give the Seal to Rose... and telling him to train her in its use in the hope that their bonding experience will revitalise the love in his heart..."
I had been empowered by my father's love...
... and I had used that love against him...
Oh Conway...
Now, Father Belford was openly crying. "I was wrong... Rose grew bitter for Conway's actions as such actions were one made by a commanding officer and not a father. Rose grew up without a father... and she resented that existence. She lashed out and fled MODD... Conway gave chase not for love... but in desperation of losing the one source that could fill that hole in his heart...
"Rose, however, did not die that day... She was barely alive... and brought back to the Emerald Crown."
I was encapsulated by a deathly silence...
Vague memories flashed through my mind...
I remembered lying on the ground with Conway standing over me, looking disgusted... maybe disappointed... Around me were the bodies of countless MODD soldiers and the wreckage of their equipment.
I had killed so many...
*"A waste..."\_Conway snarled. \_"Get the Eternal Seal here! I want* everyone here\_used to become a Seal! Maybe we can salvage something out of this operation..."\_
I see...
My Seal... the Seal of Earth...
It came from the souls of all those people I had killed as Rose...
I clutched at my heart... I knew Seals came at dire prices... but the irony burned me hard that the sins I had caused in one life empowered me in this one.
"I realised my mistakes then," Belford cried. "So, in an attempt to rectify my sins... I attempted to give Rose a new lease on life... A new beginning."
I may have gotten a new lease on my life... but I was still stuck on the same, old mortgage plan...
You can't run away from your past like Norton... You can't undo the past like what Conway tried to do... You can't pretend they aren't there as Soot claimed... and you certainly can't become consumed by them like Gabriel...
You have to acknowledge them... and grow from them...
I know Jacob hasn't really been exposed to his past yet... but his ideal... They way he approaches it...
... I think...
I want to be like that.
"Thus, I took from Rose her memories of the past and made it into a Seal..." Belford said, his voice growing softer with every word. "I then created a Seal with the purpose of constantly sacrificing her *present* memories and leaving only fragments that will maintain her current personality... Lastly, I took the memories of *everyone else* and made them into a Seal, leaving only what is now commonly believed...
"These three Seals I gave to Conway Earthsire, Norton Manx... and Soot. Unfortunately, because of this, I gave Conway the means by which he could create the Fossilisation Plague in a twisted attempt to resurrect his daughter... He may have created the Plague and he may have been the forefront of all the suffering you have endured... but it was *I* who had set the gears in motion."
Belford lowered his head. "And for that... I am sorry."
Norton lifted his blade for the finishing blow. "Your forgiveness comes with your death, old man!"
I wanted to stop him...
... but... at the same time, I just wanted this nightmare to end...
I wanted to get rid of my past... so that I could finally stand and be myself...
*... Ka-thunk...*
I held my breath... And it took me a moment to realise I had shut my eyes.
Slowly... I opened them...
... My heart froze when I found Father Randall Belford's eyes staring directly at me... dead... The Universal Release Remote lay sliced at the base of his severed head.
"That was sort of anti-climactic..." Max grunted, turning around and bullying the crowd out. "Okay! Show's over! Everyone back to Eden!"
No one wanted to move... but slowly, people began to filter out of the chamber...
"Damn..." Taylor murmured softly. "I can't believe it's over... just like that..." He shook his head in confusion. "I was expecting a fight or something..."
"Does every step of progress we make have to end in death...?" Joanna sighed.
Rex clapped her shoulders. "It's not over yet. We've still got that Purge to deal with."
Right... of course... It isn't over yet.
The Purge...
At least now we can all focus on it.
"A Purge *you* called if I recall correctly," Max chuckled bitterly. "But at least we won't have Norton or Belford to worry about anymore. Come on" - he seized Rex's arm - "you called the Purge, you're helping us stop it."
A large portion of the crowd left the scene... Some lingered to pay their final respects before they too departed. I took a few steps away, torn at the sight of a great rock in my existence having crumbled so easily. At the same time... I finally felt free...
Some part of me realise that the voice that had been nagging me to be just Rocky...
... it was Belford's voice...
... and now that the real Father Belford was gone...
... I could finally rest easy...
"What the hell...?"
I froze...
... and spun around.
My eyes widened in shock.
Jacob had a glowing paw facing Norton.
What was he doing!?
\_"You..."\_Norton snarled.
What -?
Jacob fired off a beam but Norton swiftly dodged to the side, drawing his double-bladed weapon with a frustrated cry.
"This was all part of his plan, wasn't it!?" the mole demanded. "Fake his death so you could get close enough to kill me!?"
What? Fake his...?
He looked for Belford's body...
... and only found a mannequin...
No... He didn't...!
I spun around to check if anyone else lay witness to the scene... But everyone was mostly at the far exit! There were no *true* witnesses except myself and the remaining Branded!
Jacob lowered his arm and summoned his blades. "Nope. I was going to kill you anyway."
This had to stop!
Norton and Jacob engaged in a blindingly fast sword fight. "I knew it! He's got you following him! That's it! No more mercy!" Norton cried. A wave of darkness erupted from his body, spreading over me but I managed to remain rooted in position. I quickly summoned *Earthborn.*
I knew this wouldn't be easy.
"Get them *out of here!"* Jacob yelled.
Norton made his move.
I surged forward and -
Barred Norton's blade alongside Taylor and Kerry.
"I will destroy you *all!"* Norton roared.
Another wave of darkness erupted from him, throwing me back. I managed to remain standing but the others fell back. Norton threw back his head and let out a pained, frustrated cry. Black spears of rock began erupting from the ground and circling him ominously.
"I'll drown you all in a sea of Unsealed!"
Jacob acted quickly, jumping to his feet and firing off beams at the spears that Norton summoned. He shattered many of the spears but others slammed into the vats and shattered the delicate glass holding back the copious amounts of green liquid.
Unsealed poured out!
"Not good!" I exclaimed, bringing up my shield.
A paw fell on my shoulder and I spun to meet Jacob's fierce, laser-like blue eyes.
"Get out of here!"
I was momentarily stunned.
"What!? Why!?"
"Norton is going to die," he answered grimly. I could tell that was the truth... As much as I wanted to deny it... it was the truth... No more denials for me... I can see the truth. I'm looking at this objectively... just like Soot told me to.
I could see Norton would die.
"When that happens," Jacob muttered, "that Seal he's holding will go straight to you. The further you are away from him, the greater chance we have of stopping it before it gets to you. And you *like* thinking you're a boy, right?"
No... I don't like thinking I'm a boy...
... not if I stop being me...
But... Would I still be me if that Seal entered me...?
I would fight to the bitter end to maintain myself... but I might lose...
... So...
I nodded at him. "Don't die."
He gave me a sly grin and a cocky snort. "Can I get a good luck kiss?"
I quickly pressed myself against him, pressing my muzzle against his and pushing my tongue deep into his throat. I felt his warm breath rush into me in that gasp of shock...
I realised something with that kiss...
Yeah... I was a girl.
But more than that... I'm Rocky Groundwater.
I pulled back and returned that cocky smile of his. "Good luck."
Without another word, I spun and bolted for the exit, yelling at the horrified onlookers to get up those stairs and out of the Emerald Crown. I pushed them all as much as I could. There was a resounding boom behind me and I spun around to find the stairway into the Factory suddenly blocked by a titanic wall of rock. I guess Joanna must've blocked it...
I stood there... in the middle of the stairway... just watching those rocks...
My fists clenched tightly...
They were in there fighting for me... against Norton...
Belford had betrayed us... and now... Norton had gone mad...
I don't understand that! Why did Father Belford betray us!?
*"You think I betrayed you, don't you child?"*
I froze...
That voice again.
I spun...
Looking down at me, haloed by a benevolent, golden light... was Father Randall Belford. His smile was so welcoming... so warm... I almost fell back into his spell.
"You -"
He lifted a hand. *"Child, judge me not until you have learned the facts for yourself. Come... Let us save your friends..."*
His voice sounded distant... otherworldly.
What happened to him...?
Father Belford approached the rock barrier barring us from the Factory. He lifted his weapon, the mace-like *Earthen Incense.* With a single blow, he shattered the barrier. I had never seen him fight before... but such *strength!*
I looked into the chamber...
... and my eyes widened.
I had to have been gone for about five minutes!
And Norton had already won!
Jacob lay on the ground... Taylor and Kerry were unconscious several metres away... and now Norton held Joanna by the throat, lifting her up into the air as she desperately tried to kick at him.
"Jacob!" I shouted.
Norton's eyes looked past Joanna... and they widened when they focused on Belford.
*"Cease this madness now, Norton,"\_Belford said calmly. \_"The battle is already over and you have lost."*
A lot of confidence considering we're up against a guy that just beat four Branded!
I brought up my shield and *Earthborn*. This was going to be tough.
"Rocky!" Norton cried. "Why are you allying with him when you saw that he betrayed us!?"
Why... Why indeed...?
"I'm not his ally," I snarled, glaring at Belford. He caught my gaze and seemed unfazed by it. "I'm just here to stop you!"
Belford sighed theatrically... that same sigh he gave so many times... For the first time... I realised that it wasn't a benevolent, tired sigh of one who had a terrible burden on his shoulders... it was a sigh of a man who knew his plans were being met... and was *bored*!
I can't believe I misjudged someone else... *again!*
*"That truly is a pity, girl... But I suppose there is little you can do now."*
The floor hit me *hard*. I saw stars... I never even saw Belford move but I certainly felt his mace strike my chest! My vision began to clear as Belford suddenly vanished in a blur of light and slammed his mace against Norton's armoured form. The gorilla - despite his age - was demonically fast! And he was titanically strong too!
A dangerous combination... the Elements of Light and Earth... Light for the speed... and Earth for the strength.
I won't give up!
I pulled myself to my feet.
\_"Pitiful child,"\_Belford whispered into my ear.
What!? He had just been bashing Norton!
In fact... he still *was!*
That's how he managed to avoid being executed! He used clones!
*"All mortals are destined to become perfect... and you shall be the first to achieve such perfection. Stop trying to fight destiny."*
I spun around, slamming my shield into the clone. The glowing image of Belford merely held me back with a well-placed hand. "If I turn out to be *your* version of perfect, I'd rather be flawed!"
*"You have no choice in the matter."*
I staggered back, my shoulder aching from the clone's strikes. To my horror, countless more clones began appearing in flashes of light. More of them began attacking Conway, bashing at his armour. They were too fast for him to -
Earth and Light!
I reached into my power...
*"Laser Leaf!"*
Glowing, emerald leaves erupted from my body, hung in the air... and then shot straight into the forms of the clones. Many grunted and other cried in pain as their forms dissolved, leaving behind clay mannequins.
"Norton! Use *fast* area attacks! Get rid of them all!"
My lieutenant - yes... he has always been a loyal lieutenant - grinned, gave me a thumbs up and hurled his paws into the air.
*"Obsidian Rain!"*
A *huge* black rock erupted from the ground behind him... and instantly shattered, turning into a shower of black, earthen blades that peppered all Belford clones around him. Many of the clones fell. They tried to block the barrage but there was just too many spears of earth for them to defend. Their bodies crumpled to the ground, turning into the clay mannequins that they were with black shards embedded into their forms.
Others managed to survive...
... but not for long.
*"Laser Leaf!"*
My lasers killed the rest of the clones, the clay mannequins hitting the ground.
I rushed to Norton's side, pressing my back against him and grinning broadly.
"Glad to be fighting by your side again, *ma'am*," Norton chortled.
Strangely, I wasn't insulted by that.
*"Do not resist perfection!"*
Belford sprang from the shadows and charged at us head on!
I blocked him with my shield -
... and Norton quickly followed up by leaping up on my shoulders and spearing Belford's shoulder. He leapt back and kicked Belford's face *hard*. As the dark priest staggered, I took the advantage. I surged forward, spinning *Earthborn* in my paws and unleashing a barrage of kicks, punches and swipes that threw Belford hard against one of the vats!
This time... his form didn't vanish into a clay mannequin.
We won!
At least I thought so until Belford began to laugh.
A hand fell on my shoulder...
"What the!?" I cried, leaping back.
*"Take a closer look at the man you defeated, girl."*
I spun to the *other* Belford...
... and his form shimmered... and melted away...
... revealing Norton...
My eyes fell down to Belford's weapon... *Earthen Incense...*
I remembered... his mace... the head of the weapon was shaped like an incense dispenser... When swung, the weapon spread a hallucinogenic mist... He used it often in the 'golden days' when he was working in MODD!
He... He tricked me!
"You -"
I swung at him -
*"Girl... The end has come for you,"\_Belford chuckled. \_"The last Seal needed to break you is not free."*
No! *No! NO!*
I turned towards Norton's body... just as a green burst of light erupted from his prone body and -
Slammed hard into my chest.
My body suddenly felt numb... and I found myself falling to my knees without any control over my body whatsoever.
I... I could see it...
My past as Rose...
... I *am* Rose...
... but...
A grin crossed my features... and I locked gazes with a horrified Belford.
"Guess who?"
I slammed my shield against him, sending him reeling. He staggered back, managing to keep standing but his resolve clearly broken.
*"You should be the perfect soldier now! No emotions! No mind! You should be obeying my orders! Stop this!"*
I swung *Earthborn* in my paws and got ready for the fight of my life. "That was assuming I never accepted I was Rose beforehand!"
*"That shouldn't be possible! Norton's Seal -"*
"Seals don't make a person. My heart is my own! No Seal can change that!"
Belford's eyes narrowed at me.
*"I see... Then I will just have to go to my contingency plan!"*
Contingency plan...?
*"Sleep, girl!"*
He threw his hand forward. A searing blast of light erupted from the tips of his fingers and slammed into my chest. I felt no pain... and I just grinned.
My heart was stronger than my memories!
Yes... That's what I've come to realise...
My heart... is who I am. It is what defines me... What remembered who I was even when I cannot!
With my heart, I was -
... I glanced down at my chest.
My eyes boggled...
Thick, clear crystal began spreading all over my body... crawling up my chest, my shoulders and down my legs! It froze my entire form! I couldn't move.
"No!" I cried.
But... my heart...!
I couldn't move... but I could still see...
The crystal enveloped me completely in a crystal coffin, my arms planted firmly at my sides. I tried to scream... but my lips wouldn't move. I tried to cry... but the crystal wouldn't let me. I wasn't breathing... but it was still keeping me alive!
What *was* this!?
Belford hovered over me... and smirked. *"Now... Let's just see how well you can hold on under the weight of* more\_Seals."\_
Was he going kill Soot!?
I... I may not be Rose Earthsire... but I still felt those emotions for him... and it broke my heart that he didn't love me back... I loved him...
He would always be my Sooty...
Belford strode out of the chamber... I was horrified to find Norton still alive... I could see him breathing... Out of the corner of his eye, he gave me an apologetic look... and a tear run down his cheek. He reached out towards me...
No! Don't resist!
He'll kill you!
*Boom! Boom! Boom!*
Black coffins emerged from the ground...
His *Obsidian Maiden* attack!
But... I couldn't see any spikes inside the coffins!
The coffins enclosed on Taylor, Joanna and Kerry's bodies...
He was...?
*"Still alive?"\_Belford scoffed. \_"My aren't you persistent."* He lifted a hand... a crystal spear hovered over his fingertips. But the gorilla stopped. *"Hmmm? What's this...?"*
Norton flicked his paws towards the air. The coffins containing the Branded shot into the air, breaking through the ceiling and vanishing from sight.
*"Using the last ounce of strength to safe the fools who were blinded by my trickery,"\_Belford chucked, lowered his spear and letting it vanish. \_"For your bravery, I will let you die slowly. Relish the small victory you achieved in saving their lives for you have only sealed their fate to die in the fires of destruction I will bring."*
Belford headed out of the Factory, my crystal coffin carrying me with him. No one was in the Emerald Crown and for that I was relieved. The gorilla suddenly picked up speed, his mastery over Light giving him that ability.
The world sped past my eyes... I saw the desolation of Graesham... I saw the ruins of the Emerald Crown... and I saw the lives I had ruined due to my foolishness.
I should *never* have trusted Belford...
Before I knew it, we were suddenly in a barren, desolate plane far beyond Graesham's gates... I saw the footprints of where the Fossilised once stood...
We were in the Grey Grounds Graveyard.
*"Rejoice, my children!"\_Belford exclaimed, spreading his paws wide. \_"I have returned from the dead and come to bring you deliverance!"*
Belford dragged my coffin across the Graveyard and I saw the shocked, relieved and joyful faces of the Graesham survivors as we passed them. The way they looked at Belford... It was with admiration... pride... They had given themselves entirely to him!
This was the last bit they needed to truly have complete and utter faith in him!
Resurrection from the dead!
I was such a fool!
But... what did he want from me?
*"Perfection is at hand, my children!"\_Belford exclaimed, rising on a podium of rock above everyone else. \_"I was destroyed and have returned in perfection! Now I have come to take you to paradise! To perfection!"*
All the people cheered.
They had been too far to see Belford's deception... They probably just thought that Norton went nuts! I *barely* saw Belford's mannequin... so what did *they* see?
... probably exactly what Belford wanted...
*"Gabriel! My loyal son! Come!"*
"Of course, Father!"
Gabriel... No!
Gabriel appeared beside Belford, looking up at the gorilla with shining eyes.
Belford placed a hand on the ram's shoulder.*"You have been a loyal right-hand, my son... Now, it is time to fulfil your ultimate destiny!"*
"Anything, Father! Anything at all!"
I saw the gleam in his eyes...
*"Now... be the Destroyer..."*
If my eyes could widen, they would.
Belford had just *shoved his hand right through Gabriel's chest!*
*"Destroy this world... so that it can be reborn in perfection!"*
Gabriel looked horrified... but the crowd... they just ate it all up. They were under Belford's control completely and utterly.
The gorilla pulled his hand out of Gabriel's chest, holding up a Seal. There were no physical injuries to Gabriel's body... but I could see him quake from head to toe... and his eyes fading into a solid, green form...
The eyes of an Unsealed!
Belford lifted the Seal in his hands above me... and I remembered.
That was *Rose's* Seal... *My* Seal!
Oh god... Oh god no!
Please no!
*"And with this... Ascension!"*
He slammed the Seal against my coffin... piercing the crystal frame... and pushing it deep into my chest...
... I felt numb...
... I felt nothing...
... I... I couldn't think...
...I... I didn't even know my own name...
Wait... I think... Yeah... I think I can...
I... I'm Rocky... Rocky Groundwater...
I'm... I'm Rose Earthsire...
Rocky... Groundwater...
Rose... Earth... sire...
Rocky... water...
...R..R... Rose...
I... I'm... |
Song of the Huntress - Part 3 by TimGee250 | #3 of Song of the Huntress - It was a little past noon when Heather awoke, she felt the warmth of the sun and soon the impossible-to-ignore brilliance in her face. She shook her head, moaning slightly as she recalled the events of the past hours - knocked unconscious, transported to the setting of a | [
"lord of the rings"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464147-song-of-the-huntress-part-3 | It was a little past noon when Heather awoke, she felt the warmth of the sun and soon the impossible-to-ignore brilliance in her face. She shook her head, moaning slightly as she recalled the events of the past hours - knocked unconscious, transported to the setting of a fantasy epic, made a friend, lost a friend, knocked out again, got stabbed in the leg, killed four people, and escaped through a forbidding forest to...this?
Archet is what Amdir called it. And it was Middle-Earth prior to the destruction of the Ring of Power. But what was the actual date? More significantly for her, when would the moon next be full? She'd have to be cautious about that last question, Celandine and Amdir seemed very open-minded. Others probably wouldn't be.
She made her way downstairs to be greeted, unfortunately, by Mundo. "Good Morning, or rather afternoon isn't it? Were you intending to sleep the entire day, girl?"
"No, but try to understand that I've had as stressful a day as you did. Where are Celandine and Amdir?"
He shrugged impatiently. "They're outside, wanting to see you. Gracious, would you look at this place? This is nothing like home! And they say I must stay here till those Blackwold fellows are dealt with. Outrageous, I tell you! But...but you go talk to that Amdir fellow."
"'Kay...thanks." *Lord above*, she thought. A land ofHobbits and she should meet that one.
Heather found the two just outside the pub, with Celandine tending Amdir's wounds. Amdir caught sight of her, and Heather saw the young man for the first time in full daylight.
He's gorgeous, she squealed inwardly to herself.
"Ah, Heather. It is good to see you whole and hale. You proved yourself quite the heroine, leading the hobbits and me here to Archet last evening. I must confess that I do not recall much of the journey."
Heather knelt down to see the wound that Amdir had suffered. It looked pretty bad, with a diamond shaped puncture and laceration that oozed semidried blood and fluid. The surrounding flesh had taken on a grayish pallor. Heather rolled up her trouser leg and saw that her own injury, while somewhat painful, looked comparatively healthy. Amdir's shoulder looked like it would shortly develop blood poisoning or something worse.
"Do you have antibiotics here? Any penicillin or the like?" Amdir shook his head, raising his healthy hand. "Nay, do not concern yourself with my injuries; though they appear grave, I have taken worse. My only fear is that the blade may have been poisoned, but young Celandine is seeing to my needs."
"There is a task you could do, Heather, that requires immediate attention. Captain Brackenbrook, the founder of the garrison here in Archet, suffers my presence only because of my injuries. Few in Breeland trust Rangers."
"As I had mentioned to you before, I came to Archet to learn what connection there was between the Blackwolds and the Nazgûl. Here I met Jon Brackenbrook, the son of Captain Brackenbrook. I learned from him the location of the Blackwold camp and of Celandine and Mundo's capture." Amdir sighed heavily, but whether from pain or disappointment, Heather couldn't tell.
"Jon and his father had a falling out recently. Jon believed that Calder Cob, a member of his father's regiment, was in league with the Blackwolds. Before you and I met, I witnessed Cob and Éogan discussing a raid on the town. Jon's suspicions are correct, and his father must be warned. Heather, Captain Brackenbrook would not heed a warning from me, his distrust of Rangers clouds his senses. You, however, he may very well listen to. Please, just let him know what I know. He should be in his office."
"Of course, Amdir; I'll do whatever I can." Heather stood up to leave, snapping her fingers as she did so. "Just one thing though...the date, what is it?" Amdir thought for a few moments. "The date, yes...it's the first of September."
September first, she thought as she hurried up to the garrison. But the moon, would it be full tonight? The thoughts nagged at her as she introduced herself to the Captain.
"Pleased to meet you Miss...?"
"Peters, Heather Peters. Captain Brackenbrook, if I'm not mistaken?"
"Indeed Miss Peters. You're obviously new to this area, did you come in recently?"
Heather nodded. "My voice gives me away, I'm sure. I came in with others just as dawn was...dawning." A cloud of recognition crossed the Captain's face.
"Ah, I understand. You're the one who brought the Ranger in." He snorted in exasperation. "If your intention is to inform me that one of my best men is a traitor, we have nothing more to discuss. Calder Cob has already apprehended three brigands, including their leader within the past week, so enough of this 'traitor' nonsense."
His face softened in response to Heather's downcast expression. "If you would like to assist us though, I suggest getting in touch with Dirk Mudbrick. There have been a number of wolves savaging the farmer's sheep recently, and someone handy with a bow is always welcomed. As for the Ranger, please do tell him to mind his own business!"
Amdir was not in the least bit surprised by this rejection.
"Brackenbrook is a good man, but he is firmly set in his ways. Cob has done his job well, too well. We'll need to find a way to expose his treachery." Amdir looked at Heather thoughtfully. "So Brackenbrook wanted you to do some wolf extermination, did he? I must say, you have proven that you have some skill with that bow. Have you had any training with them before?"
Heather shook her head no. She and her mother were both very handy with .38 revolvers and nine-millimeter pistols, but she'd never tried archery. Heather thought back to the previous hours, the fact that she wasn't dead herself she simply attributed to the grace of Providence. Amdir immediately realized that he'd put this young girl in danger, albeit necessarily.
"Hmmm, well. While the wolves of this part of the Chetwood aren't as fierce as elsewhere, they can still be quite dangerous to the inexperienced hunter." He thought a moment. "Darren Mills is well respected, and he's always willing to help the aspiring archer. If I remember correctly, there is a bit of a market in the alley behind us, you can probably find him there.
As Amdir had indicated, there was a small marketplace in the alley, mostly weapons and armour with a few odds and ends whose purposes she couldn't fathom. Heather found Mills easily enough; he was in the process of refletching several lethal-looking arrows.
"Thought you'd have a go at hunting, eh? If so, you've certainly picked the right time for it. I take it that you're not ignorant of the hassles that the local highwaymen have been giving us as of lately?"
Heather chuckled. "Not exactly; Amdir tells me that you're the one to see about learning to hunt properly." Darren bowed modestly. "It's not just about archery of course, but we would start you off with your bow and arrows. To be a proper hunter, ye see, you need to be a master marksman. The idea is to finish off your target before it reaches you. The less you need to use your blades, the better a hunter you'll be. Even so, it's a foolish hunter who doesn't learn to wield a sword, so that will be a significant part of your training too.
Heather nodded. "I don't want to sound pushy or anything, but when can we get started? Amdir's in a bad way I'm afraid, and it kinda seems that I don't have much time to get good."
"We can work on your archery right away, like I said, it's the key skill in this job. Follow me, lass."
The lass followed as asked, onto the archery range several guardsmen were using. Heather rolled her eyes as she noted the lackadaisical mood exhibited by the guards. Rather than the full extension, several of the guards were drawing the string back as little as two-thirds, certainly a dangerous habit to be developing.
"Note what these men are doing...and don't take after them," Darren whispered. "A full extension, Heather, the angle determines where it goes."
She lined up in front of one of the targets about thirty yards away, her heart beating nervously. "I just want to get an idea of your current skill. First thing Heather, I want twenty shots aimed at your own leisure. Full extension now...good..."
When she had loosed her twentieth arrow, Mills struggled to retain his composure. Of the twenty arrows, all but four had landed squarely in the bull's-eye, of the sixteen; six had been damaged by later arrows hitting them.
"An excellent grouping for a beginner, Heather, but you need to be able to do the same thing under combat conditions. This next group, I want twenty arrows in two minutes. Now, you have...thirty arrows in your quiver. When I say go, you reach back, grab the arrow by the fletching with your two string fingers, and as you nock the arrow, you are pulling back. Full extension...full extension, loose the arrow...and start again, understand?"
"And...begin! One...two...three...four..." Heather relaxed, letting her muscles perform, letting her instincts aim and release. Two minutes later, there were eleven arrows in the bull's-eye, four of them damaged.
Darren let out a low whistle. He'd have been impressed if she'd gotten six in the bull's-eye, but to almost double that. No question that she had a talent for the bow. "Heather," he said, "if you'd been practicing for a month, that would have been respectable. You keep this up; you could be one of the great ones."
"So should I be able to handle the wolves in the area?"
"Oh most definitely. Of course, the difference is that wolves and other foes won't stand still for long when you are shooting at them. You'll want to make that first arrow count."
Heather nodded and returned to Amdir and Celandine. "We saw you training, Heather, you definitely have some innate talent as a Hunter. I'd even say that you could be a Ranger with some training, save that you aren't Dúnadan. If you feel up to it, seek out Dirk Mudbrick." Heather of course agreed to do so, but as she turned to leave, she was stopped by Celandine.
"Heather, dear, I must ask a favor of you as well. Amdir's would is not healing properly. I need you to seek out the herb known as Athelas or Kingsfoil, it will help his arm to mend. It can be found among the ruins in the area most likely."
Heather examined the wound a bit more closely. She had been in the Girl Scouts up till the time she started high school. She could recognize septicemia, but the wound showed none of the red streaks associated with blood poisoning.
Which was not to say that it looked good. She remembered enough from the movie to know what could happen.
"This'll sound strange coming from me, Celandine, but Amdir requires Elvish medicine. A Nazgûl blade, I don't know what kind of time he has, but the sooner we get him to Riverdale, the better his chances."
"Riverdale, child? I think you mean RIVENdell, or Imladris as the fair folk call it."
So she liked Archie comics, sheesh, she thought. "How far is it from here?"
"He's in no condition to travel, Heather, but the kingsfoil may buy him some time. Please hurry!"
Of course she scooted away like a scalded cat, stopping to see Dirk who needed some wolves killed.
The ruins, as it turned out were known as Bronwe's folly, a failed attempt by an old Cardolan lord to hold back Angmar in the Second Age. Heather was ignorant of this as she made her way to the crumbling edifice. Several wolves, wary and grey, looked upon her as she approached. One caught Heather's eye. She hesitated momentarily then nocked two arrows, breathed once, and loosed. A moment later the grey wolf fell, arrows striking home in its neck and heart. Not wanting to waste anything, she took out her dagger to get the meat and hide.
The two companion wolves, feeling threatened now by this intruder bounded towards Heather. She fended one off with her dagger, fished out an arrow and jabbed it into the nose of the other. As the wolf yelped in surprise, she nocked the arrow and shot it directly into the brain of the wolf. The remaining wolf, wounded and angry, charged at his momentarily disarmed foe and leapt. Instinctively Heather dove for the deep green flowered turf, but the wolf struck a glancing blow. She withdrew her dagger as the wolf landed and turned back towards her.
The two circled. Heather withdrew an arrow from her quiver, but didn't dare try to pick up the bow. Thinking of what a fool she'd look like if the wolf picked it up and ran off with it, she moved closer to it, then kneeled slowly to retrieve it.
In a flash, she had the bow and was nocking an arrow and the wolf darted towards her. She fired an arrow just as the wolf's teeth sank into her left buttock. Both yelped, but Heather finished off her quarry with her dagger. She finished skinning the wolves, and even tasted an exploratory strip of wolf meat.
As Celandine had said, the Kingsfoil was there in profusion and she collected more than enough *asëa aranion* leaves for the healing draught or poultice. Since it was on the way, she decided to speak to Dirk Mudbrick first.
"Nice work Heather, though there is more to be done. The reason I'm here in the first place...guarding sheep...is that the captain had me reassigned after I told him we should listen to Jon a bit more. Since then, I've been guarding sheep - and seeing more than a few brigands making their way through the woods, I'm certain they are doing their best to get a good look at us."
Dirk regarded her thoughtfully. "Heather, as soon as you are able, I want you to capture one of those spies, see if you can get anything out of him - and just return what you find to me."
"You want him alive, right?"
"Alive if at all possible, but please don't hesitate to kill them if they threaten you."
"...All right, but let me see to Amdir first, please."
Amdir was resting peacefully when Heather returned to Celandine's side. She watched, fascinated, as the hobbit mashed the leaves into a thick poultice. Heather cleaned the wound with soap and water, and Celandine coated the freshly cleaned would with the athelas poultice. Heather had to admit that the new bandages looked smart on Amdir's muscular shoulder.
"There's nothing to do now but wait," said Celandine. "We'll see to getting him to the Elves after he wakes. Have you learned anything else?"
"Just that Dirk, the watchman who tends the sheep, has seen some Blackwolds snooping about the village. He suggested that I track one down and see about loosening his tongue."
Celandine's eyes narrowed with concern. "Do you think that's wise? No offence of course, but your time as a hunter can be measured in mere hours."
Heather agreed, but with Amdir incapacitated, Dirk watching the sheep, and the rest of the watch being skeptical, the burden fell on her. Excusing herself, she made her way to the wilds around Archet.
She had thought that she had seen a figure crouched in some bushes when she had been gathering the Kingsfoil. Not wanting to come up on him directly, she circled around, hoping that he might still be there. As she came back around to that position, she spotted him moving between bushes, apparently to get into a better position. She readied two arrows and approached him. As she drew closer, he just happened to turn and see her. Heather was somewhat surprised that his reaction was to whip out a dagger and hurl it at her; she avoided it easily - sailing past her by about two feet. Her two arrows pierced both his chest and belly; he screamed and collapsed, moaning painfully.
"You *idiot*," she said angrily to the wounded man as she approached him, securing her bow and drawing her dagger. "Couldn't you tell I had the advantage?"
"A girl?"
"Yeah, I'm a girl who had a readied bow pointed directly at you! Put your hands out by your side, and cross your legs." He painfully complied moaning as he did so, and she searched him while standing on his right arm with the tip of her dagger resting pointedly on his throat. His sword was taken immediately, and a greenish vial was found in his breast pocket, along with some papers.
The man gasped and jolted, her dagger drew a trickle of blood.
"Are you..." Heather saw the man's eyes staring at her, sightless. She sighed and closed them, and stepped away from his body, regarding the papers.
"*They burned the camp to ashes to take those halflings, so we will burn down the village to take them back. The Nazgûl will have their Baggins yet, and none to soon.*
*It is as I hoped. We will open a fine pass through their east wall, set Archet alight and fetch the halfling amidst the turmoil. We are also to take the Dúnadan alive. He will soon fall under the Shadow of the Iron Crown.*
*Inform Calder Cob to make ready for our attack. I will arrive there soon. Then we shall have our day!"*
If this isn't a trick, thought Heather, this is some pretty convincing evidence. Obviously codes and ciphers hadn't come into their own on this world.
She regarded the young man lying dead from her arrows. She would have been amazed if he was older than her by more than a year or two. So stupid, she thought, wondering of the fate of souls in this realm. She removed the man's coat, and covered him with it, then made her way back to Dirk.
He was thrilled to read what she found. "Have you read this, Heather? It was just like Jonny said! Calder, in league with the Blackwolds! Jon warned us, but his father paid him no mind."
"I'll leave it to you to notify the Captain, if this doesn't convince him nothing will."
Heather was more than a little surprised at how quickly Brackenbrook was convinced. He turned her away at first, but took the papers she had uncovered at her insistence. His eyes widened and he moaned as he read.
"Jon was right, Heather. I've been a fool. He'd warned me about Calder Cob, but he's always been an able and trustworthy man...and now it seems that he's been driving me towards training rather than confronting the brigands."
Brackenbrook paced around nervously, muttering to himself. "How much information to the brigands have, how much time to we have to prepare. I must get word to my son. But first..." He turned to his aide. "Please inform Cob that I wish to see him." Regarding Heather he said, "You stay here, milady. I want you to see this," and handed her the Blackwold orders.
Less than ten minutes later, Cob entered the room. "You wanted to see me Captain?"
"Yes I did, Calder. Has any more progress been made with the Blackwolds?"
"We know that there has been an increase of spies and traffic in and out of the Blackwold roost."
"Yes, there has been. In fact," he indicated Heather, who smiled smarmily and waved, "this young lady actually killed a spy down by the south pond. What was it that you found, Miss Peters?"
"Just this." She handed the orders to Calder.
Calder Cob read the orders and his eyes widened. Brackenbrook nodded to two of his guards who went to Cob's side.
"You're under arrest, Cob."
Cob was thunderstruck. "Captain, you can't possibly think that..."
"Take him away; I expect he'll hanging by his neck by the end of next week."
Cob was furious. "You actually trust this, this girl more than one of your best soldiers?"
"No, I trust her more than *you*, I'm only sorry that I hadn't listened to my son. Besides, if you're innocent, I'm sure you'll manage to convince the magistrate in Bree."
Cob was led away by the jailor Ned Pruner, cursing bitterly.
Brackenbrook patted Heather on the shoulder. "Well done, young lady. Now then, down the road that you may have seen curving north along the hillside about a league is the hunting lodge. My son is most likely there. Inform him that I have seen the truth in what he says, and that Archet will require all the assistance it can muster." He turned to an aide. "Find the Ranger and bring him inside, give him whatever care he requires."
Heather remembered the road, and she jogged along to the hunting lodge. Jon Brackenbrook was please to see her, happier still at her news.
"Now that my father has seen the truth, we need to prepare the town. We'd been expecting a move we don't know what the timetable is. Heather, if you're up to it, sneak into the Blackwold roost tonight. See if you can cause some kind of diversion - that should give us time to prepare."
Heather was taken aback. Not twenty-four hours ago, she was trying to escape the Blackwolds, but to go back to them?
"And what if they move tonight?"
"They may. That's why we need you to give them pause. In fact if you are successful, they may be angry enough to attack tomorrow night when we are at our most prepared."
So it was on that logic that Heather found herself approaching the Blackwolds roost, an ancient burned-out husk of a building, under the waxing moon.
It's almost full, she thought to herself. She had done the math earlier. If tonight was the night of September 1st, it meant that in four days, the moon would be full.
She spied a Blackwold huddled behind a bush in the darkening twilight. An arrow to the back of the neck silenced him.
What bugged her was that she had no idea how long she'd been unconscious before she was found by Caldo. For all she knew, she had already turned eighteen.
Heather preferred to avoid a frontal attack, but the back way seemed just as heavily guarded. She had, somewhat foolishly, agreed to retrieve the satchel of one of the guards outside the lodge. Ann Granger had a farm that the Blackwolds had chased her off of, but in her flight, she had left it behind, if Heather could just please find it and return it.
Fine, thought Heather, they want me to create a diversion...I'll divert them.
Two guards stood outside by the front gate. Heather approached from the northwest, picking off Blackwolds silently. *Create a diversion*, thought Heather, *but try to do it in a way that reduces their numbers without the whole place freaking out*. About a hundred yards from the gate, behind a good-sized birch tree, Heather assessed the situation. There were three guards, seemingly oblivious to the reduction in allies, two swordsmen and one with a bow.
It would be an uphill assault, but at least she could take one out if she was lucky, and neutralize another for a time. Staying close to the ground, she crawled to the bush nearest to the old fortress. She quietly set a bear trap, and prepared her bow for action. She released.
The bowman screamed as Heather's arrow plunged into the woman's face.
"ALARM!!!! ALLLARM!!!" screamed both of the swordsmen, who then charged towards Heather. Heather fumbled a bit as she nocked two arrows and loosed. One arrow missed entirely, but the other struck one swordsman in the chest just as he was stepping into the trap. She secured her bow and drew the sword that she had found on the spy.
"Not used to your enemy coming up to you directly," snarled the remaining swordsman.
"Uh, nope!" Heather blocked his firm stroke, but it was soon obvious that she was overpowered and inexperienced and purely on the defensive. "Oh God, gemme outta this one!" The Blackwold swordsman brought a vicious slash crossing down on her, but rather than attempting to parry the strike, she ducked and rolled - picking up her bow and back into a standing position. She ran...but rather than making good her escape, she ran towards the uncovered gate, nocking an arrow as she did so. Even though the alarm was sounded, the Blackwolds seemed positively lethargic - except of course for the particular Blackwold that was trying to kill her and was now charging through the gate at her.
Heather fired an arrow and it caught him in the shoulder of his sword-arm. She took out her own sword and the pursuing Blackwold's own momentum plunged it deep into his belly. The sword grated on bone as Heather withdrew it. The man screamed in agony.
*That* scream got their attention. Heather realized that there were now at least fifty Blackwolds now extremely interested in and highly annoyed at her. She also spied a satchel on a table with old weapons and miscellaneous bric-a-brac. Heather darted towards the table, grabbed the satchel, hoping that it was the right one and turned around towards the exit.
It was a good thing that Heather had always enjoyed running. To the frustration of the Blackwolds, she disappeared into the night.
Exhausted from the day's exertions, she returned to the inn. She'd return the satchel to Ann tomorrow, but for now, she thought it would feel so wonderful to sink underneath those heavy covers, following a warm bath and a shave.
The innkeeper was happy to warm up the bathwater for her and secure soap. Razors were not to be had in Archet. "I'm not sure how it works in your part of the world, young miss, but even when our men shave, it's typically on a weekly basis or for special occasions."
Heather swallowed hard; thick black hair hadn't been limited to her head since her ninth birthday. Having a Black Irish father and Sicilian mother might be very inconvenient, her legs and armpits already felt scratchy. At least the bath proved to be warm and fresh. She checked the wounds she'd received over the day: the wound she had gotten last night seemed to be closing up nicely, and the skin was a healthy looking pink. It still stung a bit when washed. The wolf bite seemed to be just a nip, a few shallow scratches on her rump. Heather let herself sink into the deliciously warm water. By the time she got out, her hands and feet resembled raisins. She dried herself off, and slipped under the blankets, asleep before her head sank into the pillow.
It seemed like just a moment later that the sun was shining in her face again. The Blackwolds, she mused as she got dressed, must have held back, the town did appear to be standing.
Heather's primary concern was Amdir's condition. Grabbing a chunk of bread, she headed over to the barracks.
"He sleeps now, but that Kingsfoil helped considerably." Heather wasn't so sure. Amdir seemed somewhat more pale than before. She reiterated her concern, and her suggestion to seek out the elves. "As soon as he is ready, we should move him to Rivendell."
Celandine agreed, but countered that Ered Luin to the west might be the safer and somewhat closer alternative. "If we head east, we would have to cross the Lonelands and Trollshaws, that's quite dangerous territory." She couldn't argue with that reasoning, given her lack of geography.
"You may have to wait on that," said Captain Brackenbrook. "Before he slept, he stated that it was his intention to fight in defense of Archet, and a Ranger would be a great boon. I prefer that we wait till he awakens at least."
Heather didn't think this was necessarily the best course of action, but she thought it prudent to hold her tongue. "If you think that is the best idea, I need to return some property to one of your guards out by the hunter's lodge."
"If you are heading outside the gate I need to ask yet another favor of you, Heather. We are trying to bring everybody in the area within the gates. Cal Sprigley, you may have passed by his farm yesterday, refuses to come in with his family. You have an...intelligent face, he may listen to you. If he doesn't, just see what holds him back."
Finding the Captain's request quite reasonable; she departed for the Sprigley farm. The morning was red and somewhat cloudy. Suspecting that it would be raining before evening, she hurried south to the Sprigley's, and found the farm tucked along the valley wall. She approached the most senior farmhand and asked to see Cal Sprigley. He regarded her with a friendly but guarded expression.
"I assume you're here with a message from Thistlewool or Brackenbrook, but if you are, I assure you that it is our intention to stay. There is a more immediate problem right now."
Why am I not surprised, thought Heather.
"There is a rather aggressive boar we know as Old Bloodtusk..."
"And you were in the mood for some bacon?"
"That would be a pleasant bonus, come to think of it. How long have you been using that sword?"
"Just since yesterday, I had to take it from a young Blackwold who thought that a swordfight against a girl with an arrow pointed at his chest was the way to go."
Calshook his head at this, and with Heather's approval he withdrew her sword from its scabbard. "Considering the condition of the blade, I wouldn't be surprised if he was seen as expendable. But it should be sufficient for my task. Bring home the bacon, and I will give you one of my older swords. I did a bit of smithy work when I was younger," he explained.
Bloodtusk was to be found near the Blackwold's roost, and as she got closer, a few arrows were exchanged, one of Heather's to paralyzing effect.
Seeing the man lying prostrate in the mud by the lake shore shook Heather badly. That in the course of the day she had ended the lives of thirteen men and one woman was disturbing enough, but another man's life may now have been altered forever because of her.
"Stay there!" she called to him. Old Bloodtusk had been spotted, and she quickly killed the animal with a single arrow and ran over to the sobbing Blackwold.
"Stay still...stay still," she ordered. Her arrow had probably pierced his stomach and the steel tip jutted out of his back right next to his spine. "In case you aren't aware, you are now my prisoner," she said wryly. "I'm gonna take you over to the hunter's lodge. She examined the wound. He was probably dead anyway, she thought. "Are you in pain?"
"My stomach!"
Yes, most likely dead. "That's good, that means there's a good chance that the paralysis is temporary. But for now we're going for a swim. I can't support you, but the water can." She took a vial of the Athelas and poured it down his throat. "That should keep you stable. What's your name, hon?"
They began to swim, with Heather supporting William's head as they swam the long path to the Hunting lodge. They spoke little to preserve their strength, and after two hours they were being assisted by Ann Granger and a dwarven hunter named Atli.
"He's...a Blackwold prisoner, but he's injured...can't walk," gasped Heather. "But I think that's just temporary if you can save his life...stomach wound." The hunters shook their heads grimly.
"Will, if you can give these guys some information that would help, now is the time to give it," she whispered furiously.
It was relayed by William that the Blackwolds intended to attack under a clear moonlit night. "But I'm just a striker, they may change it." If they had, it wasn't clear on that night, for the afternoon and evening were stormy and Heather found herself stuck in the lodge. September the third was similar, rain and wind all day and all night.
On the fourth, Heather got up feeling sticky and unwashed. Jon greeted her with the sober announcement that William had died over the night. He squeezed her arm gently.
"You did well to look after him, Heather, his information has probably saved lives, and he died doing the right thing. We will see that he is buried with full honors."
It was still raining as she left the lodge, but Heather didn't care. The cold water was the closest thing she'd had since her bath two days ago. She walked around to the Sprigley's.
"Oh so you do want your sword? Of course we found the remains of Old Bloodtusk. Quite a bit of weather we've been having, eh?" He handed her a sword. "This...should fit a young lady your size quite well."
She took the weapon. She had assumed, shortly after her arrival, that the swords would weigh about ten, maybe twenty, pounds, and would be unwieldy for someone of her diminutive stature, but three or four pounds was the norm. Cal Sprigley's sword was well-balanced, beautiful and expertly honed.
"I don't suppose I can convince you to come back to the town with me, could I?"
"Not on your life, little one, but we do appreciate your concern. Though if there is a raid, we'll be ready for them."
Heather took the long way back to the hunting lodge, honing her skill with the sword and bow on the way. Jon had assured her that there was good coin to be made with the pelts and meat, so she made sure not to waste anything. She was thinking, as she approached the hunting lodge with darkness falling, that she really should learn how to tan the hides she acquired, when she suddenly sensed that something was amiss...and caught the acrid odor of smoke on her nose. She darted into the lodge.
Something *was* amiss. "Heather, go talk to Jon now," ordered one of the hunters.
"Heather, glad you're here," said Brackenbrook curtly. "It's happening now, they are moving against Archet."
"How are..."
"Quiet, we are going to counterattack through the east gate. I hope you aren't afraid of spiders, 'cause that route is packed with them. The Blackwolds have launched a delayed two-pronged attack; the first was a suicide attack to fire the town. The main force is through the front gate, but if they can breach the East gate and link their forces, my father won't be able to hold them. The bulk of our archers will hold off the secondary force, but I need you to remove the Blackwold guards along the way so *we* can do the linking up."
Jon took her by the arm, pointing up the hill. "They left that upper pass unguarded. Take that route, wide around the lake so you aren't seen, and you'll have the high ground against the guards. *GO!"*
Heather went. She had taken the low route earlier to kill some spiders at Atli's behest, and it seemed that the Blackwolds were having more problems with them. She fired arrows as she came up towards the top of the berm, and three Blackwolds fell. Smoke was getting thicker and she noted the horrid red glow over the town.
Despite herself, she chuckled on hearing the screams of Blackwolds fighting off the spiders. Sure, just let the venom do the fighting for me, she thought, but a few arrows ensured that there would be no recovery. Ignoring the spiders herself, she made her way to the interior east gate of Archet.
She arrived just in time to see Calder Cob thrust his sword deep into the belly of jailor Ned Pruner.
"All right boys," shouted Cob. "Poor Ned is done for!!" He rounded on Heather. "Time to get my vengeance on you, wench!!"
It must be because I'm only four foot ten and ninety pounds, she thought, but can't they realize that the arrows don't care who is pulling the bowstring? Calder Cob must have obtained some armor somehow, because the arrow hitting his chest didn't penetrate significantly, but the arrow to his sword arm certainly did.
"Good thing, I fight left-handed, eh, Heather?"
Oh snap.
"Screw it, I'm better with the bow," she muttered to herself as she jabbed the arrow towards his face, bloodying his cheek. He thrust with his sword and Heather jumped, evading it while nocking the arrow, and releasing it into his left knee."
"Bet that hurt, didn't it?" She took her own sword and slashed at Cob viciously. Her blade struck home across his throat cutting down to the back of Cob's neck, he choked and was gone before hitting the ground.
Ned Pruner was on the ground, moaning. "Amdir, Heather, go to Amdir, he's close by...save the hobbits."
She ran through the gate as soon as Ned's wife opened it. Two Blackwolds charged at her, but were quickly neutralized, she ran to Amdir's side. He stood upon seeing her, clutching his left shoulder.
"Heather, you've proven to be a boon companion these past days. We must save the hobbits from Eógan. Draw some water from that well to extinguish the flames, and we will fight him together."
She did as she was told, sweating furiously in the fierce heat.
"Come now."
She thought she heard Jon Brackenbrook scream in anguish as they ran into the town square. Indeed, she saw the figure of Captain Brackenbrook keel over. Amdir withdrew his sword.
"You shall pay for your crimes, villain!"
"Then," said Eógan, "come Dúnadan, end this."
Amdir approached Eógan, and then, to Heather's horror, fell to his knees, screaming.
"The Nazgûl's blade has sapped your will, Dúnadan. Otto, take our friend away." "You," he said to Amdir, "deal with the whelps," pointing to the Archet villagers fighting.
"Yes..." said Amdir dully.
"Amdir, no!!" It was Celandine screaming.
Heather fired at Otto, and pierced the back of his skull, he fell in a heap. She dodged an arrow fired at her from the burning hulk of the Badger Inn, and returned fire, piercing the woman in the stomach.
"Enough," muttered Eógan. "I shall deal with you myself!" He'd drawn a vicious-looking blade. Eógan had led the attack, but it was soon apparent that Heather's swordsmanship had grown superior in the short time that she was there. She parried a downward slash, forcing Eógan's sword to the ground, and thrust her own sword into his side.
Eógan collapsed with a groan, and Heather rushed to the side of the Hobbits.
"Are you two all right?"
"Oh thank goodness, Heather," said Mungo. That...that Eógan fellow, he kept asking me questions, as if I knew about some great treasure or something. I kept on telling him I knew nothing, but he didn't believe me! He said that I was the halfling who had gone off with the dwarves, but those are Mad Baggins' tales. I didn't have anything to do with those stories!"
"'Mad Baggins,' you mean Bilbo?"
"Eógan moves!"
Heather whipped around to see Eógan staggering up. Forgetting her bow, anger surged through her.
"So this Baggins...was telling the truth. He is...useless...to us." Eógan gasped in pain. "It is no matter, we have the Dúnadan..." With that declaration, Eógan staggered through the flames to join the retreating Blackwolds.
Heather started after him, but was held back by Celandine's surprisingly strong hand.
"Pay him no mind, Heather. His time will come soon enough. But you have saved our lives; we are both deeply indebted to you. Mundo and I shall be returning to the Shire, you should probably see to Amdir...I fear what will become of him. When this is over, please visit us in the Shire."
Heather shook Mundo's hand and hugged Celandine. Then, as she joined Jon Brackenbrook to extinguish the flames burning the village, she noticed the full moon shining high and harmlessly above her.
She smiled. |
Pay Day by Russ | #6 of Extreme Stories - **----------------------------------------------** **Again this is a very shocking story, read the tags, you might not enjoy it or you might** **More mystery and darkness on the farm. Charn returns to claim his prize on pay day. Enjoy or not, your choice.** **Again with | [
"Story Series",
"Vore (soft)"
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/249297-pay-day | **\----------------------------------------------**
**Again this is a very shocking story, read the tags, you might not enjoy it or you might**
**More mystery and darkness on the farm. Charn returns to claim his prize on pay day. Enjoy or not, your choice.**
**Again with thanks to Charn, this was a RP we had that I transcribed into story format.**
A month had passed, almost in the blink of an eye; the farm had descended almost into chaos after Aesc distributed the nutrient pills to his herd. It had only gotten worse when the sheep farmer graciously said all the farm hands could partake of the pills as well. Production was up several hundred percent easily, the yield he was taking was amazing and more than made up for what was lost when every virile male on the farm had descended into a week of wild orgies.
Sat under a tree, hat over his muzzle, back against the trunk Aesc was dozing, he was tired after spending all day reviewing the farm and organizing the last of the clean up to get things back on track. The sunshine lancing through the interlocking branches over head was cut off as someone loomed over him. Grumbling the sheep kicked out with one hoof, thumping against the powerful leg of whoever it was, "Shift... blocking my sun, come back later whatever it is."
The deep growl that answered his words made the ram sit up straight, hat toppling off his head, snagging on his horns. Eyes wide he found himself looking into the dark eyes of tiger. His orange and black striped form cast all in shadows as he leant down and gripped the sheep by the throat. "There is no coming back later farmer; I am here for my.... monthly visit. Is Roland ready for me?"
Swallowing heavily Aesc nodded enthusiastically, he gasped when the tiger let him go, rubbing at his throat and swallowing, trying to gather his voice. "He's being going crazy, being on nutrients with that red pouch you made me wrap about his pouch. He can't empty his balls no matter how hard he, all he can do is spray pre."
Charn laughed, one large bare foot lifting to rub over the ram's restrained package, feeling across them as they strained against the farmer's dungarees causing him to shift at the strange, warm sensation from his nuts. "Of course, what is in that sac is mine; at least his pre is almost as thick as real cum. Just... like... yours..." His grin was malicious; he enjoyed the way the ram whimpered in need, eyes wide with fear and lust. "Why don't you go chat with him a bit, make a joke about you cutting his nuts off to help him out."
Charn pulled Aesc to his feet and gave him a shove down toward the enclosure were Roland spent his days working out. The ram whimpered, pausing to adjust his package, glancing back at the tiger, biting his bottom lip.
"Ahhh ahh mffff please why do they feel so hot...." Charn just growled, teeth glinting, Aesc didn't stop to think he just ran down the small hill and hopped the fence, hurrying over to the roan bull.
"Hey Roland... need me to take yer balls off. I hear you've been rutting anything that moves." He tried to make his voice light hearted, smiling even as he adjusted his hat so it sat on his horns properly.
The bull stomped his hoof, his thick long bull dick looking more engorged and fleshy than ever as it swung between his legs. It was drooling, the salty elixir that Aesc had slowly become addicted too over the past month. He could smell it, from every other male on the farm that rich, heady scent had made him a wealthy man over the last month. From Roland however there had been no seed to sell, just his constant heightened state of rut and the denial of true orgasmic relief. Thrusting his hips at the ram he bellowed softly, fat seed-bag swinging heavily between his thighs.
I got to cum, boss, I don't care about the program, you got to help me with," he gestured to his entire crotch, "All this, this isn't what I signed up for boss! I need to be milked today or I quit!"
Aesc let his smile spread wider, hoping to high heaven he was hiding his nerves and making it look friendly. Reaching down he wrapped both hands about the bull's dick, "Well you are in luck Roland it's time, come along," tugging the desperate bull along by his dick, Roland was only too happy to follow the ram back toward the farm houses. Every word out of that slender golden muzzle had him moaning and nodding his head eagerly.
"It's your turn in the milking shed, My specialist is here to harvest what is his and then your turn on the program will be done after a nice..." he stroked that dick, using the copious pre leaking out of it to lube the thick, glistening length. "Long...." Another teasing tug, "Milking."
Roland just speeded up after that, trotting after the sheep, eyes fixed on the hand around his dick, following obediently. Aesc meanwhile couldn't help but admire his stud's cock. It pure tube steak, oily, salty, slick with pre, hot in his grasp, warmer than it should have been and despite being rock hard it felt almost malleable. Over the last month he had slowly become acclimated to the effects of the medicine he had been feeding everyone on his farm; males seemed to produce an irresistible scent and taste, not to mention the contents of their balls. He was compelled, driven to suckle and let them plunge their needy dicks inside him. He and the farm hands had spent a lot of time on the bottom when the studs first started to go wild. Once everyone but him was on the pill he had been surrounded by dicks he had to suck on, cum he had to bathe in. It was no way to run his farm but the scent was overwhelming, it had been a real effort to get the farm back to some semblance of order. It was about all he could manage right now to not get down and service the potent bull as he dragged him across the farm yard toward the milking sheds.
The only way he could was resist Roland, was the fact he had no way to get off, there was only so much thick pre-cum he could drink without the need to suck down real cum over-came him. Besides if he stopped to pleasure Roland, Charn would get impatient and come for him, dragging the bull into the shed he smiled at bull as he emitted a deep bass groan. "I don't care... what you do to me, just get me off!"
Shuddering at the scent and the desperate begging Aesc started to lick his paw clean, giving the bull a hungry and mischievous smile. He really did feel good. He was used to his own inability to cum thanks to the pouch he was wearing but this beautiful prime bull with his glistening meat just demanding to be eaten it is almost all he can stand. He couldn't put a name to half the desires running through his mind, the urges and ideas some of them horrific, others just downright kinky.
Shaking his head to clear those images he took a deep breath, which was a bit of a mistake in the closed in space of the milking shed, "In... the frame... then... big boy... in the frame now!" His own dick was rock hard, straining against the front of his dungarees. He couldn't believe Roland was obeying him so readily; the snappish demand in his voice enough to get the bull in the frame and tied securely in place without any fuss. There wasn't a male on the farm he'd not allowed to fuck him over the past month. His status as the aloof farmer was all but shot as he rutted with them all like animals. Even his farm hands were in on it but he had established himself as the bottom of the pack. The scent was too much, he sank to his knees and seized Roland's cock, locked his lips around the flaring tip and drank the heavy rush of pre-seed that gushed into his maw.
Lifting his head from that throbbing shaft Aesc licked his lips and pushed himself away, clapping a hand to his ears, blocking out Roland's deep cry for him to return. Staggering out into the crisp cool air he yanked the door shut behind him and hung off the handle. Bleating and scrubbing a paw through his tousled fleece he called out for Charn, a new word for the tiger slipping off his tongue without thought.
"Master... your... your meal is ready."
A bright orange paw rested on the ram's shoulder, the tall figure of the tiger looming out of the shadows by the milking stand. His fingers danced across the metal studs holding his dungarees up. The heavy denim fell to the floor with a thump, exposing the sheep's form, his only garment of clothing now pooled around his hooves.
"Is it now?" His other paw slid up between Aesc's thighs, gripping, kneading the ram warm balls, "Are these the largest your farm has to offer?" his paw closed tugging, playfully, at his masculinity, sharp fangs nibbling along his neck.
Whimpering, Aesc bit back the words he almost spilled, the urge to say yes and let the tiger claim him was strong. The build up of warmth in his balls, the urge to cum was hard to ignore with someone teasing them. Instead he managed to push out the question that had been weighing heavily on his mind al month.
"What will happen to me... if I let you make me a whether? Let me cum one last time? Will I stay here... stay and prepare more meals for you or does my life end?"
Grinning softly, "Why can't it be both?" The paw stroking the sheep's nuts grew gentler, caressing, rubbing teasing. Then a sudden tension, the tiger tugged firmly, the sheep bleated and then clamped his teeth together as the weight between his legs was suddenly gone. Glancing down Aesc stared in shock; the red pouch was gone, his testicles dangling free, heavy furry pouch swollen, heavy, but free.
Allowing his fingers to return to the sheep's now free nuts he teased them, smirking as he felt contract. "Tell you what. I'll let you sit in on Roland here. You can cum, now. Do so? And I'll take these fat ram eggs with me when I leave. Don't? And keep them for another month. That puts a little bit of control back in your paws, doesn't it?"
Gasping the ram nodded, a paw sliding down to gather his sac protectively against his body, cock twitching hard at the dark purr in his ear and the promise of what will happen if he gives in and empties them. He bleated when Charn moved away, the bulk of the tiger slinking through the door into the milking shed. Aesc followed, sitting down on a stool, paw cupping his nuts, hiding them from Roland's view as the huge bull lowed angrily tugging impatiently on his restrains, the heavy scent of his over-active potency filling the shed. It was close and warm, every breath a lance to the pleasure centres of Aesc's brain as the craving for the bull's junk came back three times as hard.
Roland jerked against his restraints as a paw pressed against his taut back, the tiger cooing something into the bull's ear. Aesc watched as Roland's nuts slowly sagged, the bull seeming to relax. The paw moved up and down his back, petting through the soft fur slowly. Satisfied that the needy stud had calmed enough Charn took a handkerchief from his pocket and started to tie it around the bull's muzzle, blinding him.
Aesc's maw opened to tell Charn to stop, Roland hated anything constricting his muzzle, he was reluctant enough to get in the restraints most of the time. His teeth clicked back together in shock as Roland just accepted it, snorting through his nose and tossing his head back, impatient for the milking to begin.
Charn's voice was a low rumble as he spoke, "We are going to use a new attachment today," the tiger's voice was clear, strong; he was in charge and expected to be obeyed. When he gestured for Aesc to pull his stool closer the farmer just obeyed, his eyes locked on the bull's twitching log, nose full of the thick intoxicating male scent. The bulls shape was so large... the smell too much, the sheep pulled his stool all the way over. Eyes wide he hugged the huge throbbing dick as soon as it was within his reach. Squeezing it against his chest, nuzzling the slick head whilst he rubbed his own rock hard dick against the bull's sac, letting his balls hang free, as heavy and needy as his studs.
Looking up at Charn the ram licked his lips, "What are we using sir?"
Laughing the tiger made a strange gesture, a twiddle of his fingers and Aesc found he was leaning forward, jaws opening to swallow the end of the throbbing shaft. The ram's brain buzzed as if drunk and the tingling pre-cum sloshed down your throat, gulping reflexively and moaning at the rich taste.
Standing behind the bull the large feline smirked, watching the sheep eagerly guzzling from the hard rod. "I guess you will see, mm? The only thing is you have to say something when you are about to cum, and I need to make sure your load isn't mixed with your juice." Pressing in behind the bull the feline sighed happily, smiling at the way the huge male groaned, his hips bucking another few inches of his dick sinking into the eager sheep's mouth.
"That doesn't feel like an e-stim" Roland managed to groan out between pants, Aesc and Charn both ignored him, the tiger busy sliding his barbed shaft into the bull. The ram was lost to the taste, not just the thick masculine flavour pouring from the shaft. Roland's dick tasted like a cooked hotdog, salty, sexual, saturating his muzzle with a sizzling mixture of tastes.
The tiger's belly was growling, a counterpoint to his deep purring, gently he let his arms slide around the big bull's chest, stroking over a tight nipple before squeezing gently, ignoring the thrashing bull as he complained loudly.
"I can't cum with my sac in this pouch!" Roland continued to squirm, unaware as Charn's fingers laced together with the fur of his arms, merging slowly, arms becoming boneless, transforming into an orange belt of slowly spreading fur. All he could concentrate on was the slick barbed dick rocking in and out of his arse and the ram sucking on his dick. "Can't you take it off? Please... you are meant to be milking me! Cut it off!"
Moaning in horror Aesc froze, forgetting about the leaking dick stuffed in his maw, all he could do was watch as Charn's arms merged. Eyes wide with fear he tried to pull free but a sharp spurt of pre down his throat made him groan. It was hard to remember why he was afraid; the sight of those arms slowly flattening and spreading across Roland's muscular red chest was rather enticing. He felt his cock jerk, untouched and ignored until now, pre spilling down its length. For a moment he thought about pleasuring himself but then what Roland was begging for penetrated his musk clouded brain and he knew what he had to do. He moved a hand off of Roland's dick, gripping the bull's heavy pouch... squeezing those nuts hard.
Curling his teeth beneath his lips the sheep folded forward, moaning deeply, sliding more down his throat... the urge to bite down was strong, the urge to sever that mighty shaft and swallow it rising. Aesc couldn't explain were the idea came from, why his own need to cum was building, a tightness in his groin building to nearly unbearable levels as he continues to tug on the heavy red latex bound sac.
The band of orange and black flesh thickened, spreading over the bull's powerful chest, engulfing him steadily, rippling over his stomach, over his shoulders. Roland's massive set of jewels tightened, clenching upwards, only to relaxed slowly, clenching again, settling into a desperate rhythm as they tried to blow there load. Slowly the tiger finished wrapping around the bull's torso, as Roland grunted and bucked desperately, fucking his employer's throat as Charn's slick cock slid deeper and deeper, a rogue tentacle that squeezed against the giant stud's prostate, forcing jet after thick jet of sticky liquid to fire into the ram's throat.
Aesc almost bit down on Roland's dick when the tiger's tail curled around his balls, tugging on them slowly, pulling them away from the ram's body, making him whimper as the heavy ache between his thighs grew stronger. The fur was melting off the tiger's gelatine like body turning a dull translucent green. The bull, his bull, one of his oldest studs was going to be eaten while he did nothing but suck his dick.
Shaking in pleasure, in fear, Aesc wanted to scream the slick green tail slowly enveloping his nut sac making him jerk and whimper... moaning in horror and lust. Tightening his grip on Roland's balls he squeezed the neck of the sac tight, pulling the trapped pouch of cow makers away from his stud's body. Instinct over-riding any thoughts of stopping, the ram bucks his head forward next, the last inch of bull cock buried in his throat, his teeth forming a blunt ring around the root of the powerful dick now lodged in his throat.
Slowly he started to squeeze harder on the nut-sac pulling it down slowly, teasing Roland, watching as what was a tiger continued to engulf the bull. Two ripples, like long green lips, slowly engulfed the bulls' body from either side, complete with a fringed ridge of fur, a mockery of fangs. Slowly moving to meet each other, sealing with a wet slurp, arms, legs and chest encased in quivering, gelatinous flesh. Shuddering, teeth teasing the base of that cock the ram flicked his eyes up, trying to see why Roland had made no protest. It was impossible for him not to have noticed what had happened to his body. The sight that met his inquisitive eyes made him groan; the tiger's blobby, misshapen face was super imposed over the bulls. Nostrils flaring, the bull was breathing through the tigers own nose as he was encapsulated, eyes wide in silent fear and lust. Only the bulls heavy junk and heavy sac where left outside of the demonic tiger's shape.
With those huge nuts gripped in his paws, full of the bulls' lust and frustration, a month's worth of denial churning, a lifetimes worth of calves he knew what he was expected to do. The bull's masculinity was in his paw and the tiger was waiting to see what he'd do. Could he do it... could he give in to the dark desires flooding his mind? The need churning in his balls as they were sucked on by the slick tail, tugged and pumped and churned leaving him desperate for release, cock as stiff against his belly as Roland' was in his throat.
Whimpering in indecision Aesc didn't know what to do, this was beyond anything he ever imagined, anything he could believe but his leaking cock demanded attention and the presence of the tiger was waiting... silently demanding him to choose.
"Gonna cum..." he mumbled around the dick lodged down his throat, his balls clenching inside that teasing, suckling tail, "Gonna cum!" His scream was muffled as his body bucked and he sank his teeth into the root of Roland's dick... moaning at the taste, the hot warm, almost cooked flesh of the heavy bull dick... closing his jaws with difficulty, teeth sinking part way into that meat. Even as he struggled to close his jaws he started to pull on the hot sac trapped by his fingers. Tearing it inch by inch from Roland's body, cords tearing free with a pair of wet slurps as the sheep used his sharp nails to slice the heavy pouch free. It came off almost instantly, like it was just waiting for him to pull, his nails shouldn't have been able to slice it so cleanly. Suddenly he found himself holding three pounds of raw, unused bull scrotum, Roland's cock flexing hard as the bull was unmanned, the huge beast emasculated by the horny ram. A month of masculine seed fresh and uncontaminated for the feline's pleasure locked within the heavy red pouch, the slick latex slithering over the top, sealing it all within.
Shaking with pent up lust, a powerful aftershock at what he had just done Aesc screamed again, trying to bring his teeth together. Something cool and wet suddenly engulfed his dick, the sudden sensation, so different from the heat of the pulsing shaft in his throat made the ram's body buck, his teeth clicked together. The still twitching meat of the bull slid down his throat, dumped into his first stomach leaving him free to sit back and watch as the last of the bull was consumed.
Even as he finished his meal he felt something clamped around the neck of his own sac, a familiar squeezing sensation as his balls were forced down once more, release denied. Glancing down Aesc saw what he feared; a familiar red latex pouch clung to his sac, imprisoning his load once more. The tiger slowly reformed, occasionally twitching in one spot or another as the trapped bull inside thrashed but as Charn shrank and his covering of orange and black fur returned a series of odd gurgling noises and sharp cracking sounds heralded the end of the squirming bulges. He had a speculative look in his eyes as he watched the sheep, reaching down to pry the heavy bull scrotum from unresisting fingers, a faint smile dancing on his lips as he lifted the heavy pair of orbs up and licked over them, his grin turning wicked as the sheep bleated in fear and desire.
"Master.... please let me cum...." he fell off his stool, landing on his knees, head dipping forward so he could lick at the tiger's dick, worshipping as eagerly as he had worshipped Roland's. The hunger inside him, the urges had been sated but the heavy weight of a full meal in one of his stomachs was only keeping it at bay, it would return stronger than ever, he just knew it. "Please..."
"I'm sorry; I can't let you cum until I harvest another male. And you were Very close to being harvested, a few more seconds and you'd have gone off." Grabbing the back of Aesc head he casually speared the pre slick and stretched throat of the farmer with his own tiger shaft. The farmer just sucked obediently, a bit surprised at the lack of pre-cum but the sharp, peppery, eye-opening musk more than satisfied his desires not to mention Charn's deep, rich, powerful voice purring in his ears. "You missed your window by only a few seconds."
He let the ram enjoy his flavour for a few minutes, watching with satisfaction how the sheep just accepted the reality of his situation. The corruption was deep within him now; it wouldn't be long before the farmer was faced with his final test. He'd either prove himself a valuable asset or Charn would harvest him and put someone who could embrace the darkness in charge. Pulling free he left the ram on the floor and casually pulled his clothes back on, tucking the heavy, full sac into a pocket so he could enjoy it in private later.
"Have a nice month, Aesc. I'll be back to claim our next one soon enough. You probably won't even realize it's been four weeks." He chuckled at that, knowing full well that the burning need in the ram's loin would not diminish. Pausing by the door Charn glanced back at the horned sheep kneeling on the floor then turned and made himself scarce, the next move was up to the farmer, he would just watch. Would he embrace his new purpose in life or would he be just another horny male destined to feed Charn with his self and not his livestock, the next few days would decide one way or the other.
*\~ fin* |
Swiss Mix - Chapter 501-525 by DoggyStyle57 | #21 of Swiss Mix - The Novel This is part of a multi-novel length story that I started writing in February 2010. It is a work of furry fiction, and is also 'fan fiction' in that part of the events in the story take place in the furry world defined by Krezz Karavan in his School Days web comic. Some | [
"Bernese Mountain Dog",
"Public Nudity",
"cum in mouth",
"cum inside",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/696603-swiss-mix-chapter-501-525 | Swiss Mix - Chapter 501-525
Written by DoggyStyle57, April - September 2014
Swiss Mix - Chapter 501 By DoggyStyle57, April 2014
March 15, 2010 (Monday afternoon) - the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield.
While Mandy Blackwell was getting to know Hans' father intimately in Switzerland; back in America, her little brothers Terry and Teddy were being dropped off at Pouncefield Mall by their mother, Gretchen.
"Now, you boys have fun!" she said. "I've given you enough money for your movie tickets and to have dinner in the food court after the movie. Then you should still have enough left over to play in the arcade until nine PM. I'll meet you in the arcade at that time, all right? Have fun now!"
"Sure mom! We have Mandy's cell phone, if we need to get picked up sooner, but what you gave us should be plenty!" Terry said, as the Bernese twins gave her a hug. "You and dad have fun with Lisa, too!"
Gretchen Blackwell blushed at her eleven year old son's knowing comment. She and her husband Richard still hadn't quite had the nerve to talk to their sons directly about the idea of all four of their children eventually mating with their parents. But Lisa had assured them that the boys already knew their mom and dad had fucked their sister Mandy, and that while the twins conveniently spent this very afternoon and evening playing at the mall, as Lisa had suggested to them, Lisa also intended to have sex with their parents, for the first time. Gretchen was too embarrassed to reply to her son. She just kissed his nose and sent the two of them off into the mall with a swat on Terry's rump.
When Gretchen got home, Lisa and her father were in the living room, watching a movie on the TV. It didn't seem to be anything special. Just some spy adventure film. Her husband turned it off when he heard her enter the room.
"So, the boys are set for the rest of the day?" Richard asked nervously.
"Yes, and... Terry said we should 'have fun with Lisa', before I left them. God! The idea that our little boys know about this..." she said, as she hugged her husband. "Just how much *do* they know?"
"Hey! It's cool, mom. They think it's neat that you're gonna fuck me tonight," Lisa said. "And I do too. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Terry and Teddy are used to getting to fuck me and Mandy now. It doesn't bother them that you're willing to join us in bed too. They already know that you and dad have been fucking Ashley and Mandy. They know we have told you that Mandy and I have both had sex with them, but they *don't* know we've told you that we make them dress like girls or have sex with each other. They also know that Mandy and I want them to start fucking you, mom, but not that you've agreed to the idea or that we want them to have sex with daddy too. "
"It's a little harder for your mother and I to get used to the idea of screwing our own children, dear," Richard said. "After all, for most of our married life together we've never had sex with anyone at all but each other. But I have to admit, we both did enjoy the few times we've mated with Ashley, and with your sister Mandy. So if you are sure you want to do this, I suppose we will. How do you want to start?"
"Can we make a game of it tonight daddy? Let's all pretend I'm in charge and you have no choice but to do whatever I say. Then you won't have to feel guilty, right?" Lisa suggested. "I like to play that game with my little brothers. They hafta call me 'Mistress' and do what I say, or I won't let them have sex with me."
"I suppose we could," Richard replied. "Mandy tends to do something like that with us too. But you have to remember that when we are not mating, you still have to respect us as your parents and obey us."
"Well, duh, daddy! Of course! It's only a game to play while we all have sex. Did Mandy talk to you about safewords?" Lisa asked.
"Ummmm, no? Where did *you* learn about these things?" Richard asked.
"Well, Hans let me play 'dominatrix' once, with him being submissive to me, the last time I went on a date with him," Lisa said. "He even dressed like a girl for me. Normally he's the one in charge in games like that, but he'll be submissive sometimes. Anyway, he taught me that a 'safeword' is something you use to stop any sort of sex role playing if anything is happening that you can't stand or that is harming you. If I say 'impossible' or if Mandy says 'figs', then everything stops! You try to pick something that you wouldn't normally say in that sort of situation, but that you can say easily if you need to. If in doubt, just say 'safeword'."
"I think I'll just stick with 'safeword'," her mother said."I'm too flustered to think up something clever right now."
"Something I wouldn't normally say during sex? How about 'fire'?" Richard asked.
"Those will work," Lisa said, "Just remember to tell anyone you're 'playing' with, so they know what your safewords are. Now, you two wait right here. I hafta get a couple things ready first in my room, and I'll call for you in a few minutes."
Lisa went to her bedroom, took off all her clothes, and put on a flimsy red baby doll nightie, with a matching red lace bra and thong. Then she laid out several items on the side table by her bed, taking them from a box that she and her sister usually kept hidden on the top shelf in their closet. Once all that was in place, she opened her school backpack and took out two small digital cameras that she had borrowed from Hans. Both had a piece of silver tape covering the red light that warned when the camera was recording. She set one on her dresser, turned it on in video mode, and arranged her pony dolls so they mostly concealed its presence. The other one she set on her desk, and draped a hat over it after turning it on.
Smiling, she walked to her bed and sat on it, made sure both cameras had an unrestricted view of her bed and the floor in front of the bed, and then looked at the camera on her desk and said, "Today is March fifteenth, two thousand ten. I'm twelve years old, and I'm about to have sex with my parents for the very first time! Hope you enjoy the show!"
Then she got up, walked to the bedroom door, and called downstairs, "I'm ready! Come on up now!" She left the door open and quickly went back to the bed and laid on it in what she hoped was a sexy pose.
Her parents came into her room, and her father stopped and stared at his youngest daughter as soon as he saw her sprawled on her bed in that sexy outfit.
"Ahem! How long have you had lingerie like that, young lady?" Richard asked.
"Oh! This isn't mine, daddy," Lisa said. "I borrowed a few things from some friends, on the last day of school. But I didn't tell them who I was going to use them with. Do you both like how I look?"
"I don't think I have anything that sexy myself, sweetheart," her mother replied. "You look very pretty."
Her father swallowed and tugged at his shirt collar, and then replied, "Yes... Yes I \_do\_like how you look in that, baby. So, should we get undressed now?"
"Not yet, daddy. First we have to start our game properly! I want both of you to kneel in front of me," Lisa said, sitting up on the edge of her bed. "You have to formally agree to let me be your Mistress, until I release you when we're done tonight, or when someone says their safeword. That's how the game is played. And once we start, you have to call me 'Mistress' and obey all my orders. All right?"
Her parents got into position, and her dad asked, "All right. Now what, 'Mistress'?"
"Do you both agree to accept me as your Mistress for the night, and to accept my commands?" she asked. "You should always answer me with something like 'Yes Mistress', to show you agree to do it."
"Yes, Mistress," her parents replied, looking up at her.
Lisa reached over to her side table and picked up two red leather collars, and then offered them to her parents. "Will you wear my collar, as a symbol of your submission to me? If you agree, take these collars from my hand and put them on."
"Yes, Mistress," her parents said, each taking one collar and putting it on their neck.
When her parents had their collars on, Lisa held both hands over her heart, and said, "I accept you as my Pets for the night, and promise as your Mistress that I will try to make this fun for all of us, while taking full responsibility for our actions on myself alone. I will not harm you, though I may ask you to do things you have never tried before. And I promise that when we are not playing this game, I will still respect you as my parents, and obey you as I should. So... last chance to back out. Do you accept me as your Mistress for the night, and agree to obey my every order and command, until I release you, later tonight?"
"Yes, Mistress," her parents replied.
"Good!" Lisa said. "My first order is that I want to see daddy naked! I've never seen a naked grownup before, an' I wanna get a good look at both of you, one at a time. Stand up, both of you. Mommy, help daddy to take off all of his clothes, except for his underpants."
Despite his embarrassment, Richard's tail was wagging slowly as his wife undressed him, and by the time he was down to his boxer shorts, he was making quite a tent in the front of them.
"Oh! I think he likes this!" Lisa said, clapping her hands gleefully and getting on her knees beside the bed. "Come here and show me your cock! I want your nice hard cock right next to my face, daddy, so I can get a good look at it!"
Richard stood in front of his youngest daughter, and hesitated for a moment before pulling down his boxers and kicking them off. His cock hung up on the waistband, and slapped back up against his belly when it was released.
Lisa didn't touch him, but looked at her father's shaft critically, and then she asked, "It looks nice and hard, but is that as big as it gets?"
"Ahhhh, yes? Why? Are you disappointed, Mistress?" Richard asked, his wagging tail slowing to droop behind him.
"Oh! Well, it's a very nice cock, daddy. It's bigger than either of my little brothers' cocks, for sure. Just not the biggest one I've seen, is all. The boy that took my virginity was bigger," Lisa said. "But his girlfriends all say he's got a really big cock, and some of them fuck grownups too, so I kinda expected you might not be as long or as thick as he was. It's all right. Your cock's still special, 'cause you're my daddy! Now, it's mommy's turn. Help her to get undressed, and I wanna get a good look at her, too. Take off everything but her panties."
When Gretchen was down to her panties she stood in front of her daughter and asked, "Should I pull my panties down for you, Mistress?"
"Not yet," Lisa replied, as she gazed up at her mother's firm 36C breasts and fondled her own pert a-cup titties. "I hope my titties get to be as nice as yours when I get older, mommy. Now, I want to pull your panties down myself."
The young pup reached forward and tugged the waistband of her mom's pink bikini panties down, and then she leaned in and took a good sniff of her mom's crotch, before releasing the panties so her mom could step out of them. "You smell delicious, mom. Let's see if you taste as good as you smell! Lie on the bed so I can lick you."
Richard watched this with wide eyes, his tail wagging again as he slowly stroked his shaft. When his wife and daughter were on the bed together, he moved to stand beside the bed, up by the pillow, where he could hold his wife's hand while he watched their daughter eagerly licking her mom's cunt.
Gretchen moaned and held tightly onto her husband's hand as her daughter's tongue probed and licked at her wet slit. "Oh God that's good, baby!" she sighed. "Your sister taught you well."
"Mandy, and a few of our special friends, yeah. Taylor's the best so far. She's been licking her own mommy for six years now, and lots of other girls too," the young Bernese girl replied. Lisa licked her mom until Gretchen was shaking and howling with an orgasm. Then she looked up at her father from between her mom's thighs, and said, "Mummmmm. Mommy tastes really good, daddy! Do you like watching me lick her like this?"
"It's really hot, Mistress," Richard admitted. "I'd... I'd like to watch her licking you, too."
"Good! Because what I wanna do next is to sit on mommy's face and have her lick me, and to have you fuck her while you're watching us!" Lisa said. She slipped off her thong and crawled up the bed, then turned around so she could watch her parents mating. She lowered herself over her mom's muzzle and said, "Get a good taste of your little girl, mommy! Make me nice and wet for daddy!"
Richard joined them on the bed, sat on his haunches between his wife's legs, and thrust his cock into her, while facing his pre-teen daughter and watching Gretchen eagerly licking their daughter's cunt. "Does our little girl taste as good as she smells, sweetheart?" he asked.
"Mumph... Delicious... \<slurp\>!" Gretchen replied. "She's really wet, too. Our daughter is really getting turned on by this."
"Make me cum, mommy! Ohhh, lick me and make me cum!" Lisa moaned. "And daddy, I want you to make sure you cum inside mommy, okay? Because when I let you fuck me, I want you to watch while I lick your cum out of mommy!"
"Yes Mistress," Richard said, leaning closer to kiss his daughter passionately.
Lisa returned her father's kiss and then pushed him back, saying, "Watch us, daddy! I want you to watch while mommy makes me cum!"
"I'm watching, Mistress!" her father said, as he hammered his cock into his wife. The thought that his daughter wanted to lick his cum out of her mom while he fucked her for the first time was really turning him on, and he groaned and tied with his wife as his seed spilled into her belly.
"That's a good boy!" Lisa said. "Fill mommy with your cream, daddy! Just make sure you save some for me, too."
"It may take me a bit to get my second wind, but I'll still be able to serve you, Mistress," Richard said. "Ummm, I'm kinda suck right now, though. Sorry. I got carried away."
"That's all right daddy," Lisa said, kissing him. "That just means mommy has to lick me even more! Oh yeah! Right there, mommy! I'm almost there!"
Gretchen almost bit her daughter's clit as she climaxed from her husband knotting her. She sucked on her little girl's clitty hard, trying to make her child cum with them, and was rewarded with a satisfied howl from her daughter as Lisa came.
"Ahhhhwoooo! Oh yeah! Oh that's good!" Lisa howled, as her body shook with her orgasm. "Don't stop, mommy! Keep licking me!"
Gretchen and Lisa each had two more orgasms before Richard's knot diminished enough for him to be able to slip out of his wife's cunt. "Okay, I can pull out now," he warned.
"Don't let any of his cum leak out of you, mommy!" Lisa commanded. "I wanna lick as much of it outa you as I can."
Gretchen whimpered a bit as she felt her husband withdraw, and she reached down and pinched her labia shut, trapping her husband's seed in her belly for their daughter. "Help me to trade places with Lisa, dear," she said to her husband. "It's a bit awkward for me to do it with one hand occupied."
The girls traded places, with Richard helping his wife to squat over their daughter's muzzle.
"Okay, mom. Let me taste my daddy's cream!" Lisa said eagerly, opening her mouth wide. "Ahhhh!"
"H-here you go, baby," Gretchen said, as she removed her hand from her crotch and lowered herself until her daughter's muzzle was touching her groin. She shuddered as she felt her little girl's tongue probing her sex and lapping her father's seed from her. "Oh God, baby..."
"Wow... With a show like this, I won't get soft again," Richard said, as he got between his daughter's thighs. "May I fuck you now, Mistress?"
"\<slurp!\> Oh yeah, daddy! \<slurp!\> Fuck me! \<slurp!\> Fuck me while I \<slurp!\> lick your cum outa mommy!" Lisa replied enthusiastically between licks.
Richard groaned as his cock slowly entered the youngest and tightest girl he had ever mated with in his life. Fucking his youngest daughter and watching her lick his cum from her mother at the same time was the wildest experience he could imagine, and any reservations he might have had about having sex with his daughters evaporated as he started humping his child hard and fast. "Oh God, Mistress! You feel so good! I love you both so much!"
"K-kiss me darling!" Gretchen said, leaning closer to her husband. "God! There's no going back now, for us, is there? We won't ever want to stop having sex with our kids."
Richard kissed his wife and hugged her tightly as he fucked their daughter. "I fear you're right, dear. But you'll always be first in my heart. I love you, and I won't allow what we do with our kids to come between us."
"I love you too, dear," Gretchen sighed, shuddering as her daughter's tongue probed deeply into her vagina. "OOOH! This is so naughty, but I don't want to stop. As long as I still have you, and the kids are all right with this, I don't want to stop."
"Mummm, and I love both of you, too," Lisa said. "Don't worry, mommy. I don't wanna take your place. I wanna share both of you with Mandy and with my brothers, but I don't ever wanna make you and daddy mad at each other. Ohhhh yeah, your knot's feelin' great, daddy! Tie with me and fill me just like you filled mommy!"
"Yes Mistress!" Richard said eagerly, as his knot locked him in a carnal embrace with his child, and his seed flooded her forbidden young vagina. "Oh geeze this feels good!"
"Mummm, I'm so glad we've finally done this," Lisa sighed happily, as her mom rolled off of her and they waited for her father's knot to release her. "You know what, daddy? The night I lost my virginity, I was fantasizing that it was you I was with. I called out 'Oh Daddy! Fuck me daddy!' as Hans ripped through my cherry."
"You did?" her father asked. His cock throbbed and spewed even more seed at the thought. Then he chuckled as he looked down at his daughter, impaled on his cock, with her slender young belly distended slightly by his shaft and knot. "Well, you have your daddy in you now, baby. Any regrets?"
"Only that Mandy, Terry and Teddy weren't here to see this," Lisa replied. "Mummm, just hold me close, daddy. I love the way your cock feels inside me right now. My belly feels so full and warm."
"Should I get dinner ready, or is there something more you want to do right away, Mistress?" Gretchen asked.
"Dinner sound good, yeah. But wait until daddy's done with me. He isn't done yet, and I wanna have you watch us some more," Lisa said.
"I'll be able to pull out soon, Mistress, but I'm afraid I do need a break before I can get hard again," Richard said. "You two have taken a lot out of me."
"Then we should put something back into you," Lisa said with a grin. "I think you can pull it out now, without hurting me. Do it, and then kneel down and clean up the mess you just made, my Pet! Lick me clean!"
"Now wait a minute, dear," Richard started to say.
"Ah! No talking back to your Mistress! Lick your cum outa me daddy, and that's an order!" Lisa commanded. "If you don't, I'll never let you fuck me again! Come on, daddy. Terry and Teddy lick their cum out of me, and so does Hans. It won't hurt you. I licked up your cum without complaining, didn't I? You taste pretty good!"
"Fair's fair, dear," his wife said, smiling.
"Oh, all right, Mistress," Richard replied. He pulled out his shrinking knot with a wet \<pop!\> and placed his nose at his daughter's crotch. Then he tentatively took a lick, tasting his semen for the first time. Slowly he became more diligent in his licking, as the sweet juices of his youngest daughter overwhelmed the strange taste of his own seed.
"That's a good daddy! Lick me clean!" Lisa sighed holding her father's head with both hands and moaning as he brought her to another orgasm. "Ohhhh yeah! That was really good! See daddy? It didn't hurt you to do that, did it?"
"I guess it wasn't too bad, Mistress," he replied. "Well, I've already had dessert, so what's for dinner?"
"You two get things started. I need to use the bathroom, and then I'll come down to join you," Lisa said.
She waited for them to go, and then sat on the bed and grinned at the cameras. "Yay! I did it! I fucked my parents!" she said happily. Then she stopped both cameras, and checked the tail end of what each had recorded. The angle wasn't as good as she might have liked, but you could clearly see everything that was happening. She popped out the memory cards from both cameras and hid them in her dresser drawer, and put in new memory cards. Then she peeled the tape off the 'in use' lights and put both cameras back in her pack. Looking at herself in the mirror by her closet, she decided to ditch the nightgown and bra too, since her parents were wearing nothing but their collars, before going down to dinner.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 502 By DoggyStyle57, April 2014
March 15, 2010 (Monday afternoon) - the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield.
Lisa Blackwell and her parents didn't bother to put on any clothes for dinner. While Gretchen prepared a light meal for them, Lisa sat at the kitchen table on her daddy's lap, facing him and kissing him, while rubbing her cunt against his shaft. But she didn't allow him to fuck her again, or try to make him cum. She just teased him enough to keep his cock hard. They ate quickly, and then returned to her bedroom.
"Let's move to your bed now," Lisa said. "It's bigger, and should be more comfy with all three of us on it. You two go and get on the bed. I'll be right with you."
Lisa picked up her strap on dildo and a tube of lube from the side table by her bed, and then grabbed one of the digital cameras before following her parents out of the room.
When she got to her parents' bedroom, she handed the digital camera to her mother and said, "I borrowed this from Hans. Mistress wants you to take some really good pictures while I make out with daddy. I promise I'll only show the pics and movies that we make tonight to people we would be willing to have in bed with us while we do stuff like this. It won't get posted on the Internet or stuff like that. Mostly, I want Mandy, Terry and Teddy to see some of what we do together tonight. And probably Hans too, if that's OK with you two."
"Well, I suppose," Gretchen said, as she looked the camera over and asked a few questions about how to set up the flash and which button to push to record a movie rather than taking still pictures. Then she said, "All right, I think I've got the hang of this, Mistress."
"Daddy, get on the bed with me," Lisa commanded. "Hold me in your arms and kiss me."
"Yes Mistress," her father said, looking warily at the camera. He sat behind and partially beside his daughter and embraced her with his right arm, fondling her small breast with that hand, while he used his left hand to turn her face toward his for a kiss.
Gretchen took a picture of them like that, and then waited for another good moment.
Lisa kissed her daddy again, running one hand over his muscular chest, and slowly down his slightly rounded belly, to rest on his extended shaft. Her mother took another picture as Lisa started to masturbate her father, while they still kissed passionately.
Coming up for air, Lisa smiled at her mom and said, "Switch to video. I want a movie of daddy's reaction to his first blow job from me. Sit on the edge of the bed, daddy, so I can kneel on the floor and suck that pretty cock of yours."
Gretchen started filming them as her daughter slowly licked her daddy's cock, and then ever so slowly took a good six inches of his cock into her young muzzle.
"Ohhh, that's nice, Mistress," Richard said. "Just like your mother. Fill your mouth with my cock, and then bob up and down. OH GOD!"
Gretchen almost dropped the camera when her twelve year old daughter took a deep breath and then swallowed the entire length of her father's cock! The camera caught the look of shocked surprise on her husband's face as he realized he was throat-fucking his daughter, and then she zoomed in close to focus on filming his entire length sliding in and out of the child's mouth, her nose bumping her daddy's pubic bone on each down stroke, and his shaft making her slender throat bulge.
"Damn! No girl has ever taken my whole cock down her throat like that, baby! I've seen it done in porn films, but never... Ohhh God, your throat is so tight!" Richard groaned.
"You're going to have to teach mommy that trick, dear," Gretchen said from behind the camera. "I could never manage that without gagging." She took several still pictures with the flash and went back to filming video just in time to catch her husband unloading his balls into their daughter's gulping throat.
Lisa smiled around her mouthful of her daddy's cock as he grabbed her head with both hands and instinctively fucked her mouth until he blew his load straight into her throat. She swallowed several times and then backed off so she could catch the last of it in her mouth. As soon as her father stopped spurting, she quickly stood and gave him a snowball kiss. She French kissed her daddy with a mouthful of his own semen, and didn't stop until he had swallowed at least half of it. Then she smiled at the camera, showed the remaining cum in her mouth, and swallowed the last of it.
"Nobody's ever swallowed your cock like that, daddy?" Lisa asked, licking her muzzle clean.
"No one. You're the first. Is that something else that Hans taught you?" her father asked, wiping his own muzzle clean with the back of his hand. He looked a little disgusted, but he didn't try to spit any of it out.
"Yeah," she replied. "Pretty much all his girlfriends can do it," she said. Then she turned to her mom and said, "I'll be glad to teach you how, mom. Now give the camera to daddy, so he can take pictures of us making out, and trade places with him."
Lisa cuddled her mom from behind and cupped her breasts with both hands, while they kissed and her father took pictures of them. Then they lay on the bed, nose to crotch and on their sides, and Lisa told her father, "Video now, while we sixty-nine. I want some good shots that show both of us, and close ups and videos of each of us licking the other out."
Richard took pictures and videos until both his wife and daughter were panting and groaning with their orgasms. Then Lisa told him, "Get me that dildo on the dresser, daddy."
He hadn't really looked at what his daughter had set down when she came in. Richard when to get it, and found it was a harness with an inward facing and outward facing set of knotted canine dildos that were only a little smaller than his own cock. "Did you borrow this, too?' he asked, bringing it to her.
"No, that was a gift from Taylor, the night I lost my cherry. After Hans fucked me, Taylor had me put that on so I could fuck her. And now I'm gonna fuck mom with it!" Lisa said, as she eased the inward-facing dildo into her cunt. She grunted a bit as she forced the knot into herself and then she fastened the harness straps in place.
Gretchen stared at the knot on the outward dildo, and said, "Mistress? I don't know if I can get that knot to go into me. Your father always ties while he is inside me, and doesn't pull out until his knot is small again. I've never had a male shove his knot into me when it was already that big."
"It'll go in okay if you're wet enough, mom. You just saw me do it with the other end, right?" Lisa said. "On your hands and knees, mommy! Mistress wants to fuck you from behind!"
Despite throat-fucking his daughter, Richard was already getting stiff again as he watched the child preparing to fuck her mother. He took some photos from the side as Lisa got into position, and then joined them on the bed, lying with his head by his wife's knee, so he could shoot video from up close that clearly would show the dildo entering her.
Lisa started with slow, easy strokes, using just the part of the dildo in front of the knot, until her mother was good and wet. Then she picked up the pace and started humping her mom harder, slapping the knot against her mother's labia on each thrust.
"Wow! It almost went in on that last thrust," Richard said encouragingly. "You can do it! A few more and that should... There! It just went in!"
"OH GOD!" Gretchen cried, howling as a powerful orgasm flooded her senses. "Ahhhroooo! Oh God... wow... Almost... Almost blacked out. That was so intense!"
Lisa slowly fucked her mom with short strokes, leaving the knot embedded in her, until her mom had her breath back. Then she picked up the pace again, and said, "It's even more intense when it pops out and back in again. Check this out!"
Gretchen closed her eyes and moaned incoherently as the knot began to pop in and out of her sloppy wet cunt. Her arms and legs felt like weak balloons, barely able to support her weight, and the sensations coming from her crotch were simply indescribable. Panting and moaning she had one orgasm after another rip through her body. Finally she got her breath and wits back enough to say, "N... no more! P-please! Too much!"
Lisa eased the dildo back out as gently as she could, and kissed her mom's neck from behind. "That was fantastic, mom. Thanks. I came a whole bunch too."
"That was... wow... I can hardly think... Take it slower, next time, please. I could hardly breathe, I was cumming so hard!" her mom stammered, collapsing on the bed and rolling onto her back.
"She didn't hurt you, did she dear?" her husband asked, setting down the camera.
"I... don't think so. Just... going to be sore for a while," Gretchen said, touching her gaping hole tenderly.
"Looks like it was worth it, though. I've never seen you cum so many times. Almost makes me wish I was female," Richard said.
Lisa grinned at her father and said, "What makes you think you *can't* experience that kind of fun, daddy? Take mommy's place, and let me grease up your ass, and you can see just how intense it gets."
"Wait, what? But I've never..." he began to say, his voice fading as both his wife and daughter glared at him.
"I think you *should\_see how it feels," Gretchen said firmly. "You \_encouraged* her to cram that knot into me. I want to see you try it yourself."
"I've... never had *anything* up my ass. I... I'm sorry, but I just don't think I could do that yet," he replied.
Lisa frowned, but nodded and said, "All right, daddy. I won't fuck your butt... this time. But you're gonna have to do it eventually. Maybe it's better this way, anyway. Mandy, Terry and Teddy will probably like seeing you take it up the ass for the first time." She unfastened the strap-on's harness and pulled the inward facing one out of her with a wet pop. Then she got on her back on the bed and said, "But I still wanna have you make me cum some more, so fuck me again, and fill me up. Mom, you can give your crotch a rest and film us."
"That I can do, Mistress," he said, guiding his cock into her sopping wet cunt. Despite having had that big dildo in her and pulling the knot out, she was still unbelievably tight. He hugged her tightly and kissed her while his wife got at the foot of the bed and took some up-close videos of his cock stuffing their daughter.
"Ohhhh, that's nice! Fuck me, daddy! Fuck your little girl an' show me how much you love me!" Lisa cried out. Soon she was bucking her hips into his thrusts and demanding, "Harder! Fuck me harder!"
When they were done, they lay entwined with each other for a while, stuck together with his knot deep inside her.
"Daddy? Try to pop your knot in and out of me, like I did to mommy with that dildo," Lisa said.
"Are you sure?" her father replied, holding himself up with his arms. "We're stuck pretty tight. I don't want to hurt you, baby."
"Do it!" Lisa demanded. "If it hurts too much, I'll shout 'impossible' and we can wait for it to go down. But I want you to make me cum like I did for mommy."
"All right, I'll try," he said. He pulled backward slowly, feeling her tight vaginal muscles straining to keep him in. But he could also feel himself slowly making progress, as the tight ring of her opening gradually stretched enough for him to slip out. It suddenly popped free, and he almost pulled all the way out of her.
"Unghhh! It's out! Now shove it in again!" Lisa demanded.
Richard leaned in with all his weight, and felt his knot slowly squeezing into her again. It was an unbelievably intense feeling to have his knot squeezed so firmly, and he gasped as it popped all the way in and the pressure lessened.
"Again! Do that again!" Lisa cried, hugging him tightly.
Gretchen was speechless as she filmed this extreme act. She held the camera with one hand and her other darted to her sore and gaping pussy, finger fucking herself as she remembered how intense it had been to have that dildo's slightly smaller knot popping in and out of herself the same way. Before she knew it, she had four fingers inside herself, stuffing her hand in all the way to the crotch of her thumb.
With each stroke Richard found it easier to pop the knot in and out of his youngest daughter. He started spewing his seed into her again as her clenching channel milked his balls dry.
Lisa was panting and moaning and her whole body shook with the most intense series of rapid-fire orgasms she had ever experienced in her young life. She locked her legs around her daddy's hips and pulled him into her with each inward stroke, grunting as the knot passed through her opening in each direction. "Oh! Oh wow! So wild!" she panted.
Richard finally withdrew fully and rolled over on his back. His cock twitched on his tummy as it deflated and slid back into his sheath. "Oh God... I can't believe we did that."
"Clean... clean me up... daddy," Lisa panted. "Be a good pet... an' clean up your mess." She rolled over on all fours and straddled her father's face.
"Yes Mistress," he replied, slurping at her sloppy hole and swallowing his own seed.
Gretchen made sure she got all of that recorded as video. When her husband was done licking his seed from their daughter, she turned off the camera and said, "Can we stop now? Your father and I are worn out, and one of us needs to pick up the boys at the mall in less than an hour."
"I'm... pretty spent too," Lisa said, flopping on the bed beside her dad. "But I do have one more order for you, mom."
"What, dear? Do you want me to lick you one more time?" her mom asked.
"No... After we get cleaned up, when you go to get my brothers at the mall, I want you to take me with you, and there's something special I want you to do," Lisa said. She rolled over closer to her mom and whispered a few things into her ear.
"Oh! I... I don't know if I could do *that*, Mistress!" her mom replied, blushing fiercely.
"Well then you could..." Lisa leaned in again and whispered a different suggestion, which made her mom blush even more. Then Lisa got up and headed for the shower. "It's your choice, mom. But I want you to do one of those options. You promised to obey me for the night, and the night isn't over yet."
March 15, 2010 (Monday night) - Pouncefield Mall, in Pouncefield.
When Lisa and her mom got to Pouncefield Mall, they couldn't find any open parking spots on the first two floors of the parking garage. The mall was pretty busy still, with a good hour left before most of the stores would be closing, and the movie theater up on the fourth floor wouldn't be closing until after midnight. The third floor of the garage was about 3/4 full, and Gretchen pulled into a parking spot that her daughter pointed out - a well-lit area fairly close to the skybridge that connected the garage at this level to the third floor of the mall.
When Lisa and Gretchen got out of the minivan they were both wearing floral print miniskirts and rather revealing blouses, as well as high heels. Gretchen tugged nervously at the hem of her skirt, and asked, "Can we please take the elevator down to the second floor? That's where the arcade that Terry and Teddy should be at is."
"No. We're going to take the escalators," Lisa insisted. "They're closer to here and to the arcade."
"But they have glass railings. What if someone looks up my skirt?" her mom replied uncomfortably.
"Then they will get a nice surprise if they do, now won't they? Come along, my Pet. Mistress commands it!" Lisa ordered.
They walked through the crowds to the closest escalator, and Lisa called out to several school friends that she knew, waving cheerfully at them but not stopping to chat.
Gretchen looked longingly at the enclosed elevators, just a few paces further away, but dutifully followed her daughter down the escalator, trying to stay close to her child.
"There they are, at the entrance waiting for the DDR game," Lisa said, pointing to her brothers.
Terry tapped his brother on the shoulder while they waited in line for another turn at the game. "Mom an' Lisa are here. And check out what mom's wearing!"
Teddy turned and looked, and then blinked. "Wow... I didn't know mom had any skirts that short."
"I don't think she does. I'm pretty sure that's one of Mandy's skirts!" Terry said. "Hey mom! We're over here!"
"Hey, it's your turn," said a bunny girl who had just finished playing DDR with her brother. "See if you can top that, guys!"
"You're on!" Terry said, feeding the last of their tokens into the machine for himself and his brother. "Looks like mom's in no hurry to get us to leave anyway."
"Everyone's staring at me," Gretchen whispered to Lisa, as she waved at her eleven year old sons in the arcade, and saw them taking another turn at the game.
"Not everyone, mom," Lisa said. "Though I *do* think that poodle girl at the caramel corn stand is checking you out. Her name is Karen Pomeroy, and she's a friend of Mandy's. She was one of the instructors at the cheerleader camp that Mandy went to. She's also been trying to get under my skirt since Mandy introduced us. Let's go get some bags of caramel corn. It looks like the boys aren't out of tokens yet."
"Hey Lisa! Is that your girlfriend? Is she why you won't ever go on a date with me?" The poodle girl asked, smiling at Gretchen while talking to Lisa.
"She's my mom, and I don't have a girlfriend," Lisa said. "Five small bags of caramel corn please."
"Really? Well, nice to meet you, Missus Blackwell. Ummm, sorry if my comments were out of line," the poodle said, as she filled five snack sized bags with the hot popcorn confection and exchanged them for Lisa's money. "I mean, Lisa hasn't ever encouraged me, or anything. I just like to flirt."
"That's all right," her mom said. "She wouldn't get in trouble for dating you."
"Oh? Great! How about you, sexy? Does your hubby keep you all to himself?" the poodle asked with a wink.
"I... we don't... Pardon me, I need to pick up my sons and get us home. Nice meeting you." Gretchen said, taking three of the bags and almost sprinting toward the arcade.
Lisa followed her mom, grinning. She had known Karen was a horrible lesbian flirt, and that she flirted just as much with older ladies as with young girls. Her mom's reaction to the girl had been precious, but seemed to have made her mom completely forget about how she was dressed.
Gretchen waited at the door of the arcade for her sons to finish their game, and then beckoned for them to come out and get their snack.
The twins said goodbye to the bunny girl and a few other friends, and raced to their mom to get their caramel corn. "You look really nice tonight, mom." Terry said.
"Thank you, dear, now let's try to get home while your father's bag of caramel corn is still warm," she said, leading them back to the escalators and out to the garage.
As they walked through the sky bridge, Lisa whispered a suggestion into her mom's ear, and then cried out, "I get shotgun!" and raced ahead of them to the van.
When they got to the van, Gretchen paused by the side door and unlocked the car, and then she glanced back at her sons, and at the mall entrance beyond them. The boys were looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to open the door and let them get in. Beyond them, a dozen or more people were returning to their own cars, but none of them seemed to be looking this way.
Gretchen took a deep breath and then opened the side door, turning her back on her sons. Then she intentionally dropped her bag of caramel corn on the floor of the van. "Oops! Just a minute boys, while I clean this up," she said, as she bent at the waist and raised her tail.
Terry and Teddy stared with wide eyes as their mom mooned them. There was no doubting that she had no panties on under that short skirt. Then she shifted her stance wider and bent over further to pick up the last stray popcorn bits, and they could very clearly see the slit of her labial opening. She looked back at them between her legs, blushing, and parted her furry slit with her fingers for a moment, before straightening up and telling them, "That will do for now. Try not to grind the rest into the carpet with your feet. Get in."
Lisa stood by the front door of the car watching as her mom obeyed her order to publicly give her little brothers an upskirt look at her bare cunt. She winked at her brothers as they scrambled into the van without a word.
As Gretchen drove them back home, no one said anything. The kids all munched on their caramel corn, and Lisa kept her father's bag between her thighs to keep it warm. Gretchen's spilled bag lay on the floor in front of her sons, with the top crumpled shut. She squirmed uncontrollably the whole way back, wanting to finger herself but not daring to do it while driving, and with her sons in the minivan with her. The whole experience had gotten her incredibly turned on, and she hoped her husband would be able to satisfy her one more time before they went to sleep tonight. She was going to need it.
When they got home, Lisa hugged her mom and said, "That was GREAT! Thanks, mom. I release you and daddy now. I can't wait to show Terry and Teddy the pictures and videos from tonight."
"Well, giving them a quick peek was better than the other choice you gave me, of getting completely nude and tucking them in to bed tonight after we got back. You can show them the pictures, but I'm still not ready to talk to them about all this. Please, can we wait for that until your sister gets home?"
"Sure mom. I'll tell the boys they hafta cool their jets until Mandy gets back," Lisa said. "We won't even mention it to you and dad for the rest of the week."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 503 By DoggyStyle57, April 2014
March 16, 2010 (Tuesday morning) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
Mandy was awakened by a kiss from Hans in the morning. The fourteen year old Bernese girl was warm and comfy, resting her head on the twelve year old Bernese boy's muscular shoulder, and she could feel the warmth of Lord Karl, her boyfriend's fifty-two year old father, against her back.
After the kiss, Hans placed a finger against his girlfriend's muzzle and whispered, "Shhhh. Roll over as gently as you can, without disturbing father, and look down toward his crotch."
Mandy carefully turned away from Hans and looked at Lord Karl, who was on his back behind her, as someone gently turned the blankets down on the other side of the bed. She propped herself up on her elbows to look over the blankets, just in time to see Hans' nine year old sister, Heidi, carefully getting onto the edge of the bed on the far side of her father's hips, and bending over him to kiss and fondle her daddy's sheath.
Mandy winked at Heidi and smiled, as she watched the child awakening her father in the same way that Heidi usually woke up her big brother every morning.
Hans rose up on one elbow, placed a hand on Mandy's shoulder, and whispered in Mandy's ear, "She woke me up that way first, but she figured you'd like watching her do this for our father."
"Oh yeah, this is so hot," Mandy said, licking her muzzle as the younger puppy girl slipped her father's hardening cock into her mouth and took him right down her throat.
The adult Bernese Mountain Dog sighed happily and opened his eyes, gazing affectionately at his daughter and stroking her hair. "Mummmm, that's so nice, sweetheart," he said. Then he turned his face to Mandy and Hans and added, "Good morning you two. Sleep well?"
"Who wouldn't sleep well after being fucked silly for more than two hours by two handsome and virile men?" Mandy replied with a grin. "Good morning to you as well, My Lord. Do we have time for you and Hans to mate with me again this morning?"
"Oh, I think we can manage that easily enough, and I'm sure Heidi will love licking you clean after father and I have filled you," Hans said, as he spooned behind Mandy and tried to enter her cunny from behind. "Good morning father. Do you have any special plans for today?"
"Yes, I'm afraid I have, but not ones that enable me to enjoy some free time with each of you or with Phil or Bridget this morning. I have to leave right after breakfast to attend a series of business meetings. Some estate business, and a board meeting for one of the charitable foundations that I chair," Lord Karl replied, breathing harder as his orgasm neared. "I should be back... shortly after... lunch, however. What... about yourselves? Oh Gods, Heidi! Here you go girl!" he groaned and unloaded his balls into his daughter's throat.
Mandy adjusted her position and sighed as Hans entered her. "Ohhhh, that's so nice, Hans," she said. "Well, I'd kind of like to see more of the estate, and to see some of the sights here in Switzerland. I could have a fantastic time right here and never set foot outside this mansion. But I've never been to this country before, and it would be a shame to see nothing but airports, limos, the dining room and the bedrooms for the whole week!"
"Well, if you're busy this morning father, perhaps this would be a good day to take Mandy out onto the lake? If I could take one of the boats, we could cruise along the lakeshore and she could see more of the estate," Hans suggested, as he humped his girlfriend from behind.
"That would be fine, son," Lord Karl said. "Get the keys from Karla, and have a nice time."
Mandy grinned and said, "That sounds like fun. I know how to drive a motor boat too. We never owned one of our own, but sometimes on vacations daddy would rent a boat for us to use on a lake or out in the ocean. He taught me how to drive a boat when I was twelve. Mummmmm! A little faster, Hans! I'm almost there!"
Heidi swallowed the last of her father's load, wiped her muzzle clean and asked, "Can I come with you guys, or do you wanna be alone out there and make out?"
"You can c-come, H-Heidi," Mandy said, panting harder and then closing her eyes and shuddering as Hans' seed flooded into her. "Whew! I just came myself! I'm always willing to share Hans with any of his sisters. If we do make out, you're welcome to join us. And I like spending time with you anyway."
"And I'm always willing to share Mandy with you or with father or with my other sisters, sis," Hans said. "You wanna lick her clean while dad recovers enough to fuck her?"
"Sure!" Heidi said, pulling the blankets down the rest of the way and moving between Mandy's thighs. "Like you really hafta ask if I wanna slurp up my brother's cum? Sheesh!"
Mandy spread her thighs for the child and giggled as the puppy's tongue lapped at her sloppy cunt. "Ohhh, I could get so spoiled, living like this! I really hope my whole family will be like this someday, and that I can have my dad or one of my little brothers wake me up by licking my cunt and then fucking me and then licking their mess out of me almost every morning. You are soooo good at licking a cunt, Heidi!"
Lord Karl stroked his cock and watched the children for a while, then said, "Let daddy fill her up again, Heidi. There's my good girl."
"I'll be glad to lick you while father fucks Mandy, Heidi," Hans offered.
"Yay!" Heidi said, as she scrambled up the bed and placed her virginal cunt over her brother's muzzle. "Make me cum, big brother!"
Lord Karl got Mandy on all fours and entered her from behind, caressing her breasts with one hand and fingering her clitoris with the other, while nuzzling her neck from behind her.
"Oh wow!" Mandy sighed. "Oh yeah, just like that, My Lord!"
"You oughta come over to our place more often, Mandy," Heidi said. "But I guess you gotta give your own family a lotta lovin' now too."
"I'll try, Heidi," Mandy said. "And as soon as I can get them to agree to it, I'd love to have you and Hans come over to my place to join my family in bed. You too, Lord Karl, if you ever come to visit."
"Would that be all right, daddy?" Heidi asked. "Can Hans and me have sex with Mandy's parents too now?" She shuddered as she climaxed from her big brother's skillful licking. "OOOOOOhhhhh! Oh yeah! Oh! I love you, big brother!"
"As long as they leave your virginity intact, I don't see why not," Lord Karl said. "The way things are going, I think our families will remain very close for a very long time." He humped faster for a moment and then came inside the teenaged Berner girl, while not tying with her. Mandy was moaning and panting under him as he withdrew and said, "You kids finish up. I'm going to get a shower before breakfast. Thank you, Miss Blackwell. It was a pleasure sharing you with my son and daughter. But as much as I enjoyed that, I do have a busy day today."
"Ohhhh, thank *you*, sir! That was great!" Mandy said, as she rolled over on her back and Heidi rolled off her brother to lick her father's fresh seed from Mandy.
"When she's done, we can split a shower in my room," Hans said. He watched as Heidi eagerly licked Mandy to another orgasm, and then the kids gathered their clothes and went back through the maid passages to Hans' room. There, they quickly showered together, and then dressed properly for breakfast.
After breakfast, Hans, Heidi and Mandy changed into more casual clothes, stopped by Karla's office to get the boathouse and boat keys, and then went down to the boathouse on the lakeshore.
"If it was summertime we could get out the jet skis," Hans said, as he unlocked the boathouse door and opened the garage-door that faced the lake's side of one of the boats' berths.
The boat her had selected was a fairly small but fast cabin cruiser, with a red hull and an engine and extra gear suitable for use while water skiing. They left the tow ropes and skis on the storage shelves however. Hans checked the fuel levels, had everyone get in, and then he cast off the mooring lines and eased the boat out into the lake.
For the first hour or so, Hans cruised around the perimeter of the lake, past the water ski jump ramp and an area marked off with marker buoys as a swimming area, and pointing out a dirt bike track and a couple of sports playing fields that were about a quarter of the way around the lakeshore, and hadn't been visible from the mansion.
"We have so many maids on duty most of the time that the girls can play football - what you Americans call soccer - for exercise," Hans shouted over the engine noise. "And father also sponsor's several youth activity leagues, allowing kids from all over the area to compete on those fields, and allowing several of the local private and public schools, churches and fraternal organizations to hold their picnics and outdoor events. Some of the Swiss Olympic teams even train over there. There's a fence between that area and the mansion, and a separate access road and parking area, but it's all part of the estate."
"It's hard to imagine any one man owning so much land," Mandy shouted back. "Can we just stop and chat for a while? It's so restful for me, to be in a boat, bobbing on the waves, and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. But I don't like yelling over the sound of the boat's motor."
"Of course!" Hans said, as he turned the boat into the slight wind and cut the engines. "There. Is that better? Was there something in particular you wanted to talk about?"
"Much nicer, thanks," Mandy said. She went to the railing at the side of the driver's cockpit atop the boat's cabin, and looked out over the lake. Then she turned to face Hans and Heidi, leaned back against the railing, and said, "I'd like to know more the mothers of your sisters, and particularly about your mom, and about Taylor's mom. I've had some nice chats with Marie's mom, and I kind of think I understand Miss Cheri and where she's coming from. And I was told that Karin and Sandra's mom died in a hit and run accident, killed by a drunk driver. But I hardly know anything about Taylor's mom, or yours, other than that Taylor's mom wants her daughter to do lots of incest, and your mom, I guess, suspects but doesn't want to know about it and doesn't much care for the idea? Have I got that right?"
"Well, you met Taylor's mom when you got here. She's Karla Brushtail - father's current senior maid. She's probably easier to understand, or to explain, than our mom is," Hans said. "Father told me once that what Karla fears most is being abandoned by someone that she loves. You see, before our father met her, Karla had a very rough childhood. Her mom died giving birth to her, and her whole family, including Karla herself, sort of blamed her mom's death on Karla. Her dad never remarried, so she grew up with her dad and two brothers, but no mother."
"Awwww, that's so sad!" Mandy said. "So did they give her up for adoption, or what?"
"Well, when she was ten, Karla's dad decided she was old enough to take her mom's place in his bed. He started sleeping with her and having her mate with himself and her two brothers. She liked the incest with her dad and her two brothers, loved them and did anything they wanted in the way of sex. She was really quite happy as the family slut. But it all fell apart when her dad accidentally knocked her up. The authorities took her away and put her in a home for wayward girls, because she wouldn't say who the father of her baby was. Somehow her dad managed to avoid getting caught, but he skipped town with her brothers, and she never saw them again. I guess she had every reason to feel like she had been abandoned by them after that. She didn't even get to keep the baby. They forced her to have an abortion."
"Yeesh! Yeah, I can see how she could have abandonment issues, after a start like that," Mandy said.
Hans nodded and continued. "She was sixteen when father hired her, and she fell in love with him really hard, wanting to be *his\_slut, like she had been for her father and brothers. But when she was eighteen or nineteen, she got knocked up again, this time by our dad. She went away to have Taylor, to avoid a scandal, like a few other maids had done before her. Then\_after* she had Taylor, she left her baby in a boarding school that mostly cared for orphans, and came back and wanted to be father's maid again. But she was twenty then, and he hardly ever wanted to mate with her, because he preferred younger girls. After several years here, with father calling for her less and less often, she feared losing him so much that she helped him to seduce their nine year old daughter, Taylor, and make her into the slut that she is today, and she promised my father that if she had any other children, like Catherine, he can fuck them, too. She was the person that got our family started on incest. Her offer worked. Dad summoned her every week, several times a week, and fucked her as much as he fucked Taylor. I'm pretty sure that her giving my father her own child as a fuck toy is also why Karla is my father's senior maid, and not Miss Cheri."
"Catherine? She's that cute little five year old vixen that I met at dinner? So you mean that she's gonna make her younger daughter fuck your dad the same way he did with Taylor?" Mandy asked. "And those twin babies of hers, too? What does her husband think about that?"
"Karla will do just about anything to make sure father doesn't stop mating with her. Heck, if father would agree to do it, she'd probably *already* be training Catherine to suck her father's cock!" Hans said. "Redd is very loyal to my father. He knew Taylor was my father's and Karla's kid, and he still helped them to fuck her, and fucked Taylor a lot himself to help train her. If my father agrees to seduce Catherine, Jan or Jodi, I don't think Redd will try to stop it. He would probably participate in seducing them, if father asked him to, and if the child seemed willing. But I also doubt that father would touch a child as young as Catherine. Heidi is the youngest child in his household that he's ever had sex with, and he only started having oral sex with her when she was eight, after he knew she was already sucking my cock and licking Marie and Taylor and other boys and girls, and loving it."
"Yeah. I wanted to mate with daddy just as much as I loved mating with Hans, Marie and Taylor," Heidi chimed in. "Daddy and the others never made me do anything I didn't wanna do."
"Wow... That's... kind of strange," Mandy said, looking thoughtful. "I mean, I think incest is hot, and I've happily been seducing my whole darned family. But they all had a *choice* in the deal. They coulda said no to any of it. I'm not sure how I feel about a baby not having a choice about something like becoming their father's slut. That feels... kinda slimy."
"Yeah, it does," Hans agreed, being careful how he worded his reply. He really didn't want Mandy to dislike his father, or Hans, or any of his sisters. "I don't think father could ever *force* anyone to have sex if they really didn't want to. I know I couldn't. So Catherine, Jan and Jodi will almost certainly have a choice in whether or not they want to start fucking anyone, including their father or any other relatives. If Karla doesn't give them that choice, father won't be happy with her at all. But yeah - to Karla, her kids are just something valuable she can offer her lover to play with, so he will keep playing with her too."
"Okay, I think I understand her better now," Mandy said. "I don't think I like her at all, but I guess I understand why she is the way she is about incest and about her kids. What about your mom? If Karla's easier to explain than your mom, then your mom must have a pretty strange story about her."
"Mom comes from a noble but relatively impoverished family," Hans explained. "They own a lot of land and a couple of mansions and have good breeding and fancy titles, but they don't have a lot of money, so they can barely afford to pay the taxes on their estates. Her parents, our grandparents on her side of the family, have to give tours of their estate to make ends meet. Heidi and I have never even met them. They disapproved of mom accepting the breeding contract, even though it meant she could help them out a lot financially. I've heard her admit herself that agreeing to the contract effectively made her nothing more than a high priced breeding whore. Her parents had even worse opinions about what she agreed to do, and about our family for paying a noble lady to breed kids. They didn't disown her, but they absolutely refused to acknowledge her marriage to my father, or that we were ever born."
"Ugh... Too proud and stiff necked, eh?" Mandy asked.
"Pretty much, yeah. I think they didn't want to feel like charity cases, or that their daughter had sold her body to provide for the family," Hans replied. "But the main reason mom keeps her distance is that breeding contract. She only married father because they paid her to marry him and breed with him. That contract made it painfully clear that the only way she would have *any* parental rights in the long run for any kids she bred with father would be if she *remained* married to him after the contract ended. But she already loved someone else. That guy has been patiently waiting for her all these years, and I'm certain that as soon as the contract ends, she will divorce father and marry her original lover. And if she does that, she won't have any legal rights to ask to see us again."
"Okay... so she knew she was effectively a 'surrogate mom', and that eventually her rights as your mother would get terminated?" Mandy said. "Yeah, I guess that would make her want to keep her distance emotionally."
"Yeah... So it isn't that she doesn't love us. It's just that she doesn't want it to hurt so bad, for her or for us, when she leaves father," Hans said. "But one thing Heidi and I have agreed on is that even if she marries someone else, she's *still* our mom, and as long as she doesn't prevent us from living our lives the way we want to, we'll be happy to keep her in our lives."
"That's for sure!" Heidi said. "I mean, Miss Cheri was a lot more our mom than our real mom was. But that doesn't mean we don't still love Lady Helga."
"So... does she know how many kids your dad really has, and they he's fucking all of them and you fuck each other?" Mandy asked.
"She doesn't know everything, no, and she sort of doesn't want to know. She knew before she married our father that he had an all-female household staff, and that most of them were really young girls. And she suspected he was making out with at least some of them," Hans said. "But she could never get anyone to admit that father was even kissing the maids, or doing anything inappropriate with any of us. She realized that Marie was one of father's pups though, and she got really mad over that, because she had liked and trusted Miss Cheri. So she left me for Cheri to raise, and moved out for a couple of years. When she came back, she... Well, she pretty much dominated dad until Heidi was born, and then she moved out again. Father won't talk about it much to either of us, and I was too young to understand what was going on when it was happening. But I guess she cuckolded him as her revenge for Marie, and it got pretty kinky. All our father will say to us about that year is that he has videos that are equally embarrassing and dangerous to both of them, that she has copies too, and that we might get to see them when we're older. But right now, if mom tried to make a big fuss about what father and us kids and the maids do, he could whip out those videos of *her* kinky stuff and make it just as hot for her. So she's given up on trying to prevent it or prove that he's molesting anyone."
"She's told me that if daddy ever hurts me, I can tell her and she will make sure he stops, even if she loses everything," Heidi said. "But I told her I'm happy and that daddy never does anything I don't want him to do. Marie told her the same thing. So she's pretty much leaving us alone now."
"Okay," Mandy said. "Thanks for explaining all that. It's too bad she feels that way though. I'd love to see Hans and his mom making out as much as I want to see my brothers fucking my mom some day. Hans? If your mom was okay with it, like my mom is, would you fuck her too?"
"Yes, as long as she really was willing," Hand admitted. "I have an aunt here in Bern - Lady Maria von Wahlern. She's the widow of one of my father's brothers. Maria secretly had a child with her own brother, and she has been trying to get that girl cousin of mine, Bonnie, to marry me. Maria even invited me to their home last New Year's, and Bonnie, Maria and Maria's brother's wife, Natalia, all had sex with me. Maria and Natalia are both mom's age, and I had fun mating with them, and pretending Lady Maria was my mom. So I know I'd enjoy mating with mom, if I ever get the chance to do that. But I couldn't *force* her to do it."
"Should I be worried about competing with that Bonnie girl?" Mandy asked, teasingly. "Would it even be legal for you to marry your cousin?"
"Legal or not, she doesn't want to marry me. Bonnie would rather remain at home and fuck her own father. We're friends, but she isn't that interested in me," Hans said.
Before they could move to another topic, Hans' cell phone vibrated insistently in the inside pocket of his windbreaker . He reached inside his jacket and examined the device, then showed the text message to Mandy, saying, "Here Mandy. It's a text message from your sister, for you."
Mandy looked at the message and grinned happily. "Yay! Good for you, Lisa!" She pecked out a quick reply and gave the phone back to Hans.
"Some good news from home?" Heidi asked.
"Yep!" Mandy said. "She said 'Mission accomplished - pics and videos in your e-mail, and encrypted.' Lisa was planning on mating with my parents this week. That text confirmed that she got my parents to do it, and she even managed to use some cameras that your brother loaned her to get pictures and even video of her making out with mom and dad."
"Oh wow! That's so great!" Heidi said. "But why send the message to Hans?"
"My cell phone doesn't have international roaming, so I left it at home for my brothers to use. I brought my laptop though, so I could check e-mails and stuff," Mandy replied.
"Ah! Okay. Well, after lunch, when daddy is back, can we all see what she sent? I'm sure daddy will be just as eager to see the pictures as we are," Heidi suggested.
"Certainly! Lisa wouldn't have sent them to me here if it wasn't okay with my parents, for me to show them to your family," Mandy said.
"Well, let's head back and get ready for that then," Hans said, firing up the boat's engines and heading back in the direction of the mansion. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry again."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 504 By DoggyStyle57, April 2014
March 16, 2010 (Tuesday afternoon) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
After lunch, Mandy downloaded and decrypted the files that Lisa had sent her, and Mandy, Heidi and Hans looked them over quickly. Then they put the files on a memory stick and met with Lord Karl in his office to view them in private.
"Very nice," Lord Karl said as the last video finished. "Though I am a little surprised at how submissive your parents are, Miss Blackwell, and that your younger sister dominates them so easily. And you say that you plan to get your younger brothers into these activities with your parents as well?"
"Yes sir. Lisa and I are already fucking our brothers, and they're looking forward to mating with Mom. Our mom's a little shy about the idea, but she's agreed to at least try having sex with her sons, shortly after I get back home," Mandy said. "We want our brothers to have sex with our daddy, too, but that may take a little more convincing. Dad's never had sex with a male before, but he's getting used to lapping his own cum out of all of us, just like we make our brothers do, so I think he'll be sucking and buggering the boys before too much longer."
"Perhaps he will," Lord Karl said. "But don't take it badly if he turns out not to like it. There was a time when I would have turned down the offer of sex with another male. And honestly, most men prefer straight sex. Even if all that you get your parents to do is to have the boys mate with their mom and sisters, and the girls with their dad and brothers, you'll still be enjoying a lot more family closeness than most families do."
"I know that, sir," Mandy said. "I just want to enjoy as many possibilities as I can. Hans has opened my eyes to so many fun new ideas! I want my family to enjoy those pleasures as well. Oh! I almost forgot! I found out after I got here about why Will and Anna really got sent here. No one else in my family knows yet that Will got Anna pregnant, though Lisa and Terry and Teddy and I did know they were having sex. Is it all right if I tell my parents and sister and brothers about Will and Anna?"
"Well, I suppose you can, if Will and Anna agree to that as well. Now, is there anything else you would like to do this afternoon?" Karl asked. "I'd hate to leave you with the impression that all we do each day here is mate with each other."
"Could we visit one or two of the university campuses here, sir? Perhaps the one Hans is likely to go to eventually?" Mandy asked. "I know Hans has to come back here after he finishes high school. I have good grades, so if Hans and I are still dating by the time he has to come back to Switzerland, maybe I could get a scholarship and attend a university here? My family probably can't afford it, but I'd at least like to know what they have to offer."
"Sound thinking," Karl said approvingly. "Have you got a particular major in mind yet?"
"I haven't decided yet, no," Mandy replied. "Maybe computer science, or maybe business administration. I like the computer classes a lot, and I'm pretty good with accounting and stuff too."
"Well, let's see what we can show you then," Karl said. He picked up the phone and said, "Redd? Bring the blue BMW around to the front of the mansion. The children would like to visit the university."
March 16, 2010 (Tuesday afternoon) - University of Bern, in Bern, Switzerland.
Karl spent the entire afternoon at the University with Hans and Mandy, sending Redd back to the mansion on his own and saying they would call when they needed a ride back. Karl actually dressed down for the occasion, wearing slacks and a polo shirt and no tie, instead of his usual three piece suit, and he happily walked everywhere with the kids, as they followed an eager Admissions office staff member around the school grounds.
It soon became apparent that Lord Karl was well known on campus. He was greeted by name by the staff and administrators when he went into any of the offices, and as they walked around the campus several faculty members paused to greet him and talk briefly with him. He remembered the names of each person that they spoke with, and asked them about their departments or about research projects that they were involved in. He proudly introduced his son to everyone, and just as eagerly introduced Mandy, mentioning that she was a 'special friend' of his son, and visiting from America.
After getting a tour of the campus, the admissions officer left them near the student union building, and went to take his own lunch.
Quite a few students also seemed to know who he was, as well. As they entered the food court in the student union building, two college girls called out his name, ran up to him, and hugged him.
"Lord Karl! It's Lord Karl!" said the excited collie girl to the puma who was rushing just as fast to give Lord Karl a hug.
As with the faculty and staff, Lord Karl has no problem remembering the collie and puma girl's names and what their majors were, when he introduced them to Hans and Mandy. He chuckled at their enthusiastic greeting, and with an arm around the waist of each girl he said, "How are you doing, Glenda? And you, Doreen? I don't think you have met my son Hans before, have you? And this is his girlfriend Mandy Blackwell, who is visiting from America." He gestured with his head to the collie first, and then to the Puma as he continued the introductions, and said, "Kids, Doreen here is studying to become a geneticist. And this puma girl is Glenda, and she's studying to become a lawyer."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord Hans! And you too, Miss Blackwell! We're still getting great grades, Lord von Bernerholdt! Thank you so much for believing in us and giving us a scholarship!" gushed the collie girl.
"Indeed! Our parents are so proud of what we've been able to do here, with your help!" the puma girl agreed. She smiled at Hans and Mandy and said, "You look just as handsome as your father, young man! And you seem just as lucky with the ladies, if this pretty girl is already your girlfriend! Hang on to him tightly, Miss Blackwell. If he grows up to be even half as kind and generous as his father, he's going to be a real keeper!"
"You've earned your scholarships with your hard work, girls," Lord Karl said. "And I am sure you'll repay my investment in you both tenfold, when you graduate and accept jobs with one of the companies that I own. Even if you don't end up working for me, it is a pleasure to see such bright young minds flourishing and developing. Now, off to class, both of you!"
"Yes sir! And thank you again, sir!" the collie said, as she and her friend merged back into the flowing crowd of students moving between the campus buildings.
As they walked away from the girls, Mandy asked quietly, "Former maids of yours, sir?"
"No. In fact, they know nothing about the special scholarships that I give my maids," Karl said with a grin. "Those two are recipients of more normal financial aid scholarships that I also sponsor. My Foundation funds at least a dozen full scholarships each year, based on financial need or in some instances simply because I say the boy or girl should get a scholarship. As long as they keep their grades up, they can get a four year degree, fully funded. If they get exceptional grades, they may get additional funding to go on for a Masters or Doctorate. It's been a good investment in the community. Many of the graduates of those programs work for me in my various business interests, and are almost as loyal as my maids."
"Wow... Ummm, I can see why you'd want to hire a young lawyer that is very loyal to you, but a geneticist? What sort of businesses do you own, sir?" Mandy asked. "Hans has mentioned an airlines and a chain of fitness gyms, but that's about it."
Lord Karl smiled and replied, "Oh, I have a very diverse investment portfolio, as does my parents' estate. Several law firms, a large sporting goods store chain, the fitness gyms that you mentioned, and the airlines, but also a couple of companies that do genetic testing and research, two pharmacology labs, and several high tech firms. There's also a heavy construction company that can build anything from a bridge to a skyscraper, and several others. I don't necessarily own a controlling interest in most of them, but I'm on the board of directors for a dozen or so corporations, and a major stockholder in many more."
"Whooo. That's a whole lot to keep track of," Mandy said. "Ummm, sir? How... What does someone have to do to get one of your scholarships? I really like what this school has to offer, but I know my parents couldn't possibly afford the tuition here."
Karl placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "When you are ready for college, and if you still want to study here, I would be happy to give you a full scholarship, Mandy, and to recommend your admission to the school's administration. I've already seen your transcripts, as well as a report on your family and their backgrounds. My field agents are quite thorough in keeping track of my children's friends. You certainly qualify for a Bernerholdt Foundation financial need scholarship, even without being my son's girlfriend. But as a friend of my son, I'd also be happy to cover the transportation costs for you to move here for school, and for you to go home occasionally to visit your family, or for them to fly here to visit you. I'll probably be offering scholarships to a few of his other American friends as well, before he returns here to stay. As I told those two girls, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to see a bright young child develop their full potential."
"Thank you, sir," Mandy said, hugging him tightly. "That will make my family so happy! And me too, of course!"
March 16, 2010 (Tuesday evening) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
When they were done at the University, Redd Brushtail picked up Karl, Mandy and Hans and drove them back to the mansion.
M'Lady Karla met them as soon as they returned. "Master? The Lady Maria von Wahlern called while you were out, to inquire if she and her niece Bonnie could come to visit Hans while he is here. I told her that you were away from the mansion, entertaining your guests, and that I would pass her request on to you, but I gave her no indication of your availability to her, or what Master Hans' schedule was."
"Do you \_want\_to see them on this visit, son?" Lord Karl asked. "If you don't, I will tell her that your schedule for the few remaining days is already booked with activities you have planned for yourself and your American guests."
"Remember what I told you about Lady Maria, Mandy? She still hasn't given up on convincing me to marry Bonnie," Hans said. Then he turned to his father and said, "Please tell her that I would be delighted to meet with them when I return for the Summer, but that I have my obligations to my American guests to attend to," Hans said, "Father, it really would not be fair to Mandy, Phil and Bridget for me to ignore them while we are here. But if Lady Maria has found out I am visiting, she might be upset if she also found out we were \_not\_busy for most of the rest of the week. I have an idea! Mandy? By any chance do you know how to snow ski? I know that Phil and Bridget do."
"Well, yes, but I'm not terribly good at it," Mandy admitted. "But if we could stay on the beginner or intermediate slopes, I would absolutely love to go skiing with you! Those beautiful snow-capped mountains don't look all that far away. I guess there are ski resorts fairly close to here?"
"Some of the best in the world!" Hans replied with a grin. "Father? Can we go to my \_favorite\_ski resort? You know the one I mean."
"I do indeed, son," Karl said with a grin. "Karla? Please arrange for the Augusta Westland to be fueled and ready for us tomorrow after breakfast, and make arrangements for us to have a suitable chalet near Mürren available to us for the next three days and two nights. And we will take a maid to serve us while we are there. Miss Lexi, I think. She was scheduled to serve my son during that period already, and wouldn't want to forgo that opportunity. I don't think it will hurt her to miss a few days of school."
"Of course, Master," Karla replied. "It shouldn't be difficult to book a chalet for mid week, as long as you intend to return on Friday, and I will notify the school of Miss Lexi's planned absence. Should I ask Miss Sierra to care for my children, so I can take you there and provide your special transportation needs?"
"No, you should remain here with your children, and to fend off Lady Maria if needed, I think. I'll take them there myself," he replied, as he gestured for everyone to continue into the mansion. "Come along, children. M'Lady Trixie should be able to provide the necessary clothing and equipment for you. We keep a good selection of such things for our guests and for the maids to use for winter exercise."
"Hans? Is an Augusta Westland some sort of limo, or a fancy luxury car?" Mandy asked, while M'Lady Trixie had her trying on some ski boots. "I've never heard of that name before."
"It isn't a car or a limo, no, but it will take us there in style, and father likes travelling in it without a chauffeur. You'll see it tomorrow. I don't think I want to ruin the surprise," Hans replied cryptically.
After dinner, Mandy met with her cousins, Will and Anna, and the three of them sat in the maid passages behind the one way mirror that allowed them to watch what was going on in Lord Karl's bedroom. They were all unclothed already, and had set up two folding chairs so they could be comfortable, with Anna sitting on her brother's lap, and Mandy sitting next to them. On the other side of the mirror, Lord Karl was in his red silk dressing gown, waiting for his partner for the evening to arrive.
"So, Mandy, I understand that you wanna mate with me and Anna tonight, and we wanna do that too. But why did you want us to watch Master Karl tonight first?" Will asked. "We get to see him all the time now."
"That's why," Mandy said pointing to the mirror. "Look who's serving him tonight!"
In Karl's bedroom, a hidden panel opened in one wall, and his nine year old daughter Heidi stepped into the room. She was completely unclothed, and walked briskly over to her daddy to hug him.
"Hi daddy!" she said happily. "Mummmm, I get you all to myself tonight, right?"
"That's right, sweetheart," her father replied, "though we *do* have an audience, I believe. Your friends Will, Anna and Mandy should be watching us from the maid passages."
"Fine with me! I hope they enjoy the show," she said, as she blew a kiss in the direction of the mirror, winked, and knelt in front of her father.
Will stared as Heidi blew a kiss in his direction, winked, and got on her knees in front of Lord Karl, unfastening his robe and eagerly taking her daddy's cock down her throat. "Oh wow... Heidi and her dad... Even after watching her doing oral and anal sex with her brother, it just seems so hard to believe that she's just as happy to mate with her father. Do you think he'll fuck her ass?"
"I'll be amazed if he doesn't!" Mandy declared. "But we won't watch them for very long. After we've watched Heidi and her dad mating for a while, I want you two to come to my room, so I can finally mate with both of you!"
"I can't imagine \_our\_daddy having sex with us. And mom? Ha! She'd die of shame if anyone even suggested it!" Anna said. "I still can't believe that Auntie Gretchen and Uncle Richard have had sex with you, Mandy. You're so lucky to have parents that can accept incest. I love Will and I don't want to ever give him up, but we can never tell mom how we really feel about each other, or who the real father of her first grandchild is."
"Yeah, I have to agree. Auntie Rhoda could never accept what all of us do with each other. Probably not your dad, either. But you *did* say he knew Will was the one that knocked you up, and he didn't get crazy about it, right?" Mandy asked.
"Yeah," Will replied. "When we were at the airport and about ready to leave for here, dad asked me straight up if I was the father, and I admitted I was. He said he had thought I was, and just told me to take good care of Anna."
"Well, that's something, at least," Mandy said. "Can I tell my family about you two having a baby together?"
"Yeah, I guess if your parents are fucking you, they won't be upset that I was fucking Anna," Will said. "Just make sure no one tells our parents, okay?"
"Of course!" Mandy said. Then she pointed at the one way mirror and said, "OH! Look at Heidi now!"
In Lord Karl's bedroom, Karl had slipped off his robe and Heidi was now on her back on his bed, with her head hanging upside down off the side of the bed. He fucked the little puppy's throat balls-deep, while holding her legs back against his waist and eagerly licking her virginal cunt while he muzzle-fucked her.
Heidi's tail wagged happily as she swallowed her daddy's entire length and got her cunny licked at the same time. She grabbed his hips with both hands and swallowed convulsively as she felt his hot seed splashing right down her throat.
"Unghhh! There's my good girl! Take all of daddy's cock, baby!" Karl groaned, as he continued humping her face and licking her cunt. He withdrew enough to allow her to breathe easily, but kept his cock in his daughter's hungry mouth as his licking of her slit took her over the top for her own orgasm.
Heidi sucked every last drop of her father's seed from his cock and swallowed it, as her body shook with her own pleasure's crest. When her father's cock finally slipped out of her mouth, she sighed and said, "I love you so much, daddy! I kinda wish we didn't have to go back to America. We all miss you."
Karl straightened up and assisted the child in righting herself, until they were seated side by side on the bed. "I know, sweetheart, and I miss all of you, too. But you have to understand how risky it is for me to have either you or Hans in my bed like this. If word ever got back to my parents that I was mating with you or your brother, we would be in more trouble than you can imagine. I trust my staff here enough to allow nights like this occasionally, when we have no other guests in the mansion, save for those who already know and accept what we do. But if you were all living here, I'm certain that we would try to mate with each other far more often, even if other guests were here. And eventually, one of us would make a mistake and get caught by a guest who would not accept us mating with each other, and that person could tell my parents."
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Heidi said. She slipped off the bed and began to suck her father's cock some more to get him hard again, and he responded quite rapidly to her attentions. She stroked his big shaft with both hands and smiled up at him, saying, "We all love you too much to stay out of your bed. Now, will you fuck my butt, daddy?"
"Of course, sweetheart. Get on your hands and knees and I'll lube you up," he replied. Then he stepped over to the side table and got a tube of lube from the drawer, and began applying the slippery stuff to his daughter's tight brown tail hole. "Once the inheritance is settled, we will see if I can bring you back here. We shouldn't be watched as closely once that has been dealt with, and honestly, I don't expect either of my parents to live very long after that. I don't want either of them to die, but once they are gone, we will all be safer in sharing our physical love."
Heidi squirmed as her father greased her butt, and sighed happily as he slipped his thick shaft into her backside. "Ohhhh, that feels so good daddy! Fuck my little butt! Fuck me and pretend I could already lose my cherry an' we were doin' this for real!"
"Your brother has trained you well, my child," Karl said, as his cock slid into the nine year old puppy's tight yet receptive ass to the hilt. "Rest assured, once the inheritance is out of the way, your brother and I will be happy to fuck you properly. But for now, it's very pleasant to know I am fucking the ass of a virgin. That the girl is my own child makes it that much better. "
Swiss Mix - Chapter 505 By DoggyStyle57, July 2014
March 16, 2010 (Tuesday evening) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
Anna squirmed on her brother's lap and slipped his cock into her cunny as she watched their Master sliding every inch of his big cock into his little daughter's ass. "Oh wow... She makes it look so easy! I'm still half afraid that he'll be too big for either of us to do that with him, Will!"
"Master's had us practicing with sex toys that started small and we worked up to ones about as big as he is," Will told Mandy. "But we still haven't had a \_real\_cock up our butts. Master wanted us to wait so Hans could join us when we do it for real."
"Oh wow! Can I watch when you do that, Will?" Mandy asked, fingering herself and watching Lord Karl as he eagerly fucked Heidi's ass. "That would be so flipping hot, to watch both of you getting buggered for the first time!"
"Sure, if you want to," Will said. He adjusted his position slightly, slumping in the chair while sitting closer to the front edge, so he could thrust a little deeper into the hot wet folds of his little sister's cunt. "Mummmm, this is so good, Anna. I want to fill you up while we watch our Master buggering Heidi."
"And I'd love to lick your cunny clean when he's done doing that, cousin," Mandy said, as she fingered herself and kept looking back and forth between her mating cousins and the father and daughter ass-fucking in the next room. "Mummmm, I can't wait to lick my daddy's cream out of Lisa, or my brothers' cream out of my mom! We're gonna have *so* much fun, once mom and dad are fucking all of us!"
"Do you think Uncle Richard will really have sex with Terry and Teddy?" Will asked, as he fingered his sister's clit while she rode his cock.
"I hope so. I definitely want them to suck daddy's cock and get their butts fucked by daddy, and I really hope he will do the same for them," Mandy said. "I want our family to do everything we can together - no limits. Well, maybe not daddy or our brothers getting me or Lisa preggers - but anything else, heck yeah. And Will, even though you didn't mean to knock Anna up, I'm very proud of you, the way you've stuck with her and protected her since you found out she was carrying your baby. If Terry or Teddy accidentally knocked me or Lisa up, I hope they would be just as devoted to us as you are to Anna."
"Ohhh! What if Terry or Teddy knocked up Auntie Gretchen?" Anna asked. "What would your mom do if one of her sons got her pregnant?"
"Hummm, I don't know. That actually might be kind of cool," Mandy said thoughtfully. "Mom's on the Pill right now, just like Lisa and I are. But if she stopped taking her pills, or if there was an accident, and one of my brothers \_did\_knock mom up, it would be easy for daddy to claim to be the father, and nobody would suspect a thing. Mom and Dad are still young enough that their having another kid or two wouldn't be that unusual."
"Mandy? You aren't thinking of *making* that happen, are you?" Will asked. "I mean, I love Anna, and we're gonna love the baby that we made together. We, ummm, haven't really discussed it much, but we might even do it again on purpose, if this baby comes out okay, and if we can find a way to keep living together here, like man and wife. But it wouldn't be very nice to *force* your mom to have a baby with one of her sons!"
"Mummmm, well no, of course I wouldn't *force* her to do it. But we might *pretend* they were trying to knock her up, and maybe they would like the idea enough to try it on their own, for real," Mandy said, fingering herself rapidly and shivering as she climaxed while contemplating that naughty possibility.
Will and Anna each came next, with Will hugging his little sister from behind and kissing her passionately as they both climaxed together. "Oh wow, that was good! Okay Mandy, your turn! Lick me an' make me cum!" Anna said, as she slipped her brother's cock out of her cunny and spread her thighs for her cousin.
"I'd love to!" Mandy replied, as she knelt in front of them and eagerly licked the boy's cum from her cousin's tight little cunt.
"Oh! That feels really good, Mandy!" Anna said, pulling her cousin's head closer into her crotch.
In Lord Karl's bedroom, he hugged his little girl tightly as his knot locked them together and his seed flooded her bowels. "Ohhhh, that's so good, sweetheart! Daddy loves your tight little ass!"
"Mummm, I love the way your cock feels in my butt too, daddy! So big and so warm!" Heidi sighed. "Just leave it in my ass, daddy! See how long you can keep it all inside of me!"
Lord Karl chuckled and said, "Well, I won't have much choice about that for at least the next ten minutes, until my knot goes down. I'm quite stuck where I am, darling. And I must say, I love the tight fit!"
"I love how it feels too, daddy! That's why I wanna go ta sleep with you still stuffed up my butt!" Heidi said.
"Well, it doesn't sound like they will be doing much more for a while," Will observed. "Shall we go to your room now, Mandy?"
"Sounds like a plan," Mandy said, licking her muzzle clean and standing. "Follow me, you two."
While Mandy, Will and Anna headed for Mandy's room, Hans was settling into bed in his room, accompanied by his twin half-sisters, Karin and Sandra. The eleven year old Bernese girls bore a strong resemblance to their half-sister Heidi, though three years older and two to three inches taller. The girls wore their maid uniforms, while Hans had already undressed and was lounging on the bed.
"You look very sexy tonight, Master Hans!" Karin said, as she and her sister entered the room.
"We're here and very happy to serve you, Master!" Sandra added. "We've missed you!"
"And you are both as pretty as ever," Hans replied. "But I have a question for you, before we get started."
"Ask anything you wish, Master," Karin said.
"At the holiday ball three months ago, Father arranged for the both of you to be publicly presented as possible mates for me - as someone I might choose to marry. But the main reason that he did it was to give me a choice of someone other than the girls that grandmother was presenting to me," Hans said. "Well, when my American girlfriend, Mandy Blackwell, met my grandparents a few days ago, she told the Countess that when she and I get old enough to consider marriage, that if we were still as close as we are now, she would be quite happy to become my wife. I don't think she was just saying that to make grandmother happy. I also know that she won't mind at all if I continue mating with you or with my other sisters or maids, after we are engaged or married. So I wanted you to know that if you were only playing along with father's plan, but don't *really\_want to marry me, that you don't need to continue to \_pretend* that you do. I'm not at all ready to choose a wife yet. But I do want to know... If I *did\_eventually ask one of you to marry me, would you \_really* do it, even if it meant having my babies? Or would you prefer to be released from that possibility, because you're my sisters? If you really *do* like the idea of marrying your own brother, I'll keep you in consideration, and when I have the chance, I'll take you out on some real dates, like real girlfriends should be dated."
Sandra looked at Karin and nodded, and then Karin replied, "Master Hans, if it pleases you to marry one of us, we would gladly do it, and would gladly have your babies, even though you are our big brother. Or if it pleases you to wed another - like Miss Mandy Blackwell - we would still happily serve you as maids. We... well, I can't speak for Sandra on this, but at least for me... even just as your maid, if you really wanted to make a baby with me, I would be honored to be its mother, and I'd be willing to let your wife claim it as her own. As your wife or as your maids, we will happily share you with anyone else."
"I feel the same way, Hans. As your wife or as your maid, if you want to make a baby with me, I'll do it," Sandra added.
"All right. I just wanted to make sure of that, thank you," Hans said. "I didn't want to have you thinking that this was something you *had* to do, just to make father happy. And I didn't want to have any of us working with the wrong expectations. It would be pretty sad if I thought you were faking your interest in marrying me, and you were really serious about wanting to go through with it. So... I have Mandy with me as my guest while I am here this week, and she should get my attention this time. But when I return in the summer, I promise that you'll both get some real dates from me. All right?"
"I think that would be wonderful, Master," Karin said. "Now may I ask a question of you?"
"That's only fair, certainly. Go ahead," Hans said.
"Does the idea of really making a baby with your sisters turn you on, Master?" Karin asked with a grin. "I think maybe it does, if you're willing to seriously consider one of your sisters as someone you might really marry and make babies with, some day. Obviously we can't really get pregnant until our Norplant wears off in four more years. But would it please you to *pretend* that we are risking making a baby with our brother? Especially when we already admitted we would be willing to have your babies?"
Hans grinned, sat up on the edge of the bed, gestured in the direction of his rock hard cock, and then replied, "If you look in my lap, you have my answer to that one. Yes, I've enjoyed roleplay in the past where I was pretending to try to knock up my sister Taylor, or other maids. I'd enjoy that even more with you, since you're purebred Bernese. But no *real* surprises, please! Don't have your Norplant implants removed, just so you can be fertile for me for real, I beg you! If I ever do make either of you pregnant, I want it to be an informed choice, a decision that we each agree is something we truly desire. Creating a child is no game. It's a serious commitment, and one I would not undertake lightly."
"Hummm? Sounds like you've given that a lot of thought, big brother. Well, we agree with you. We wouldn't want a real baby yet, and when we do have one, we want the father to agree he wants it just as much as we do," Karin said, kneeling beside the bed and giving Hans a playful lick along the length of his cock. "Now... what would my big brother like to do with his naughty sisters?"
"Get on the bed, and I'll show you!" Hans replied with a laugh. "Come here, both of you, and
I'll fill your bellies as much as I can!"
In Mandy's room, Will and Anna got on Mandy's bed and resumed mating with her, this time in the missionary position, while their cousin Mandy lay beside them, watching closely as her cousin Will fucked his pregnant little sister, Anna.
"So, Anna, just when *did* Will knock you up?" Mandy asked. "You don't look pregnant yet to me."
"We're certain it happened on New Year's Eve," Anna said, sighing as her brother humped her eagerly. "So I'm about two and a half months pregnant now."
"Wow. I bet you were really scared. I can't blame you for trying to run away. I would have too, if I got knocked up and I had to deal with your mom. I would have been terrified to tell her that I was even having sex at all, let alone that I was preggers and that my brother was the father! As seriously Catholic as she is, there's no way that would have gone well," Mandy said. "I'm amazed it didn't drive her completely crazy when she found out you ran away because you were pregnant."
"It probably would have gone a lot worse, if Paula hadn't called Hans in to help," Anna said. "But you know, as frightening as it was, I think maybe we were lucky he *did\_make me pregnant. The way it worked out, we get to stay together as lovers, and we can mate every day, without hiding what we're doing. If Will \_hadn't* knocked me up, we'd still be sneaking around. It would have been a lot worse for us if we just got caught in bed, and my parents separated us and wouldn't let Will anywhere near me again! Mummm, I'm close now, Will! Do it faster! Make me cum, lover!"
"I'm close too, sis!" Will said, as he increased the speed of his thrusts. "So close, so tight... unghhhhh! Oh yeah, there it is! Cum with me, sis!"
"I am... Ohhh OHHH Ahhrwooooo! Oh yeah, that was so great!" Anna said, howling in ecstasy as she climaxed. "I'm so glad you love me so much, Will!"
"It's just so beautiful to watch the two of you, sharing so much love," Mandy said. "Have you tied with her, Will? Or can you pull out so I can lick her while you fuck me?"
"I'm good and stuck. Sorry," Will replied. "But it will take me a while to be ready to mate with you, anyway. Do you let your brothers tie with you?"
"Sometimes, yeah. Their cocks aren't as big as Hans' cock, but they still have a pretty nice knot. And now that our parents know and accept that Lisa and I are fucking Terry and Teddy, we won't have to worry about getting caught by them, so I'll let them tie with me a lot more often."
"Yeah, that was one thing that always worried us back at home. If I didn't know our parents were gonna be gone for several hours, I didn't dare risk tying with Anna or Paula. Especially not when she would sneak into my room at night to make out, while everyone was still at home!" Will said. "But now, I tie with her almost every time, unless we have a reason not to. I was gonna try not to do it this time, so you could lick her sooner, but I got carried away."
"You did it at home while everyone else was there? Oh wow! I never dared to do that with Lisa or with my brothers, until after mom and dad knew and accepted that we were having sex with other family members. And I didn't tell them the truth about the boys until after mom and dad had both had sex with me and agreed to fuck Lisa."
"So what will you do when you get back home?" Anna asked. "Are you and your brothers gonna make out more often?"
"Not sure yet. It would be tempting for Lisa and Me to each pick a brother to play with and keep us company in bed every night. But that would kinda spoil our game of dominating them and making them dress girly to earn the right to screw us. More likely we'll play with them on the weekends, when we have more time to enjoy making them play dress up for us," Mandy replied.
Will looked embarrassed and said, "I've seen how Hans plays dress up, as Hannah. I've even had sex with Hannah. Master Karl says that eventually he wants me to try dressing like a girl, but I haven't done that yet. I'm not so sure I want to."
"Oh! You should definitely give it a try, Will! You'd look really cute with bows in your hair and a pretty dress or lingerie on. And it's not like wearing a dress will make you gay, or anything. Hans certainly still likes girls a lot more than he likes guys, even when he's being Hannah," Mandy said. "Does Lord Karl want you to be girly a lot?"
"I don't think so, no. He said that some guys that might hire us would like sex with a cross-dressed boy in a maid uniform. But I think he hopes to get a rich lady to hire us, instead of a rich man," Will said. "I suppose I could dress like a girl once in a while, as long as it was just in Master's bedroom. But I wouldn't want to wear a dress all the time."
"Well, I'd love to make Terry and Teddy be girly all the time - even when they go to the mall or the park, or even when they go to school!" Mandy admitted. "I know there are at least one or two other kids that attend Saint Lovejoy School who cross dress and act full time like they are the opposite gender. Hans told me that was one reason why he had no problem getting a student ID card as Hannah, and permission to be a cheerleader as a girl. He also said that if he had wanted to attend school full time as Hannah, the school administration would have allowed him to do that."
"But... how would your brothers do gym class, if they were pretending to be girls?" Anna asked.
"Well, Hannah changes in the girl's locker room and showers with the real girl cheerleaders, just like she was a girl. But I guess for a gym class, they could change their clothes and shower in the boy's locker room, if the real girls didn't want them in the girl's locker room with them. I'll have to ask the principal or our cheerleader's counselor how that would be handled," Mandy said. "So far though, we haven't gotten Terry or Teddy to step out of the house looking like girls. Lisa got them to wear girly underwear under their clothes once when they went to a school dance, so they could have sex with her in a classroom, wearing just the girly stuff. But no one else knew that Terry and Teddy were wearing panties, bras and stockings under their t-shirts and blue jeans the whole night. Getting them out in public as girls will be the next step for them, I think. I'll have to make them go on a trip to a park playground, or to a shopping mall."
"I want to see pictures of that!" Anna said. "And Will? I think I *do* want to see you try dressing like a girl. Not all the time, but once in a while would be fun."
"Well, okay, I guess I will try it," Will said. "And I think I can pull out now, Mandy, if you wanna start licking Anna clean. If you get on your back with her sitting on your muzzle, I can lick you until I'm ready to mate again. That's how we did it with Paula."
"Works for me! I'll make sure to send you pictures of your girly cousins out in public. But you need to return the favor and get some pictures for me of Will dressed like a girl!" Mandy said, as she got on her back and helped Anna to mount her muzzle. "Mummm, you taste delicious, Anna, filled with your brother's cream!"
Will got between his cousin's thighs and started licking her already damp slit. "You taste good too, Mandy! Ummm, after I fill you, do you want me to lick you clean? Master Karl's been having me do that with most of the girls that I get to mate with here. I have to lick my own stuff and his out of them, as part of my training."
"Mummmm, I'd love to watch you licking your own cum out of me, cousin!" Mandy said, her reply slightly muffled by Anna's crotch. Then she went back to eagerly licking Anna to an orgasm.
As soon as he could manage it, Will moved up and slid his cock into his older cousin's wet slit. As he fucked her, he tried to imagine what it was going to be like for Terry and Teddy once she got home. He wished he could see the look on their faces, when Mandy orders them to go out in public as girls for the first time! He thought about what he would do, if he was one of Mandy's brothers. It would be really strange to go to the mall or the park in a dress. But he had to admit, it would be kind of exciting, too. He really couldn't imagine himself going to school full time as a girl, though. Not even at a school that was mostly girls. He wondered if any kids at the new Swiss school that he and Anna would soon be attending with the other maids ever cross dressed at school. Would there be any girls there that were really boys? He shuddered and climaxed while thinking about that, and then shifted his attention to humping faster, so Mandy could cum too. "S-sorry. Didn't mean to cum so fast," he apologized.
"That's all right, cousin," Mandy replied, while wondering what part of their conversation had turned Will on so much. "Just get busy licking me. I cum better from a good licking anyway."
"Yes Mistress!" Will replied, as he eagerly complied with his dominant cousin's wishes, not even noticing the title he had addressed her by.
Mandy noticed, however, and responded by petting her male cousin's hair and murmuring, "Good boy!" as she finished licking Anna. She made a mental note to send Lisa an e-mail before she drifted off to sleep, telling her about Will and Anna, and mentioning some suggestions of future naughty ideas for what to make their girly brothers do.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 506 By DoggyStyle57, July 2014
March 16, 2010 (Tuesday evening) - at the Blackwell home, in Pouncefield
Lisa Blackwell smiled as she read the e-mail containing her big sister's plans for their brothers' future. The idea of getting the boys out in public as girls, and eventually making them attend school full time as girls, was really turning her on. She wouldn't spill the beans yet to her brothers or their parents, but she would definitely start figuring out more ways to make her brothers stay dressed up as girls.
"Dinner in an hour, dear," her mother said from the doorway. "Did you get an e-mail yet from your sister?"
Lisa closed the laptop and replied, "Yeah. She says she's having a blast in Switzerland, and that Hans' father and grandparents seemed to really like her. And she saw Will and Anna, and you won't *believe* what she found out about our cousins!"
"What was that dear?" Gretchen asked.
"The *real\_reason Will and Anna ran away, and why they are over in Switzerland now is... \_Will knocked Anna up!* She's *pregnant* with her brother's baby!" Lisa said excitedly. "Paula knows all about it, and she's had sex with both of them too. Mandy says I can tell you and daddy and the twins, but no way are we to let Uncle John or Aunt Rhoda or our cousin Cerise know that Will and Anna are lovers. Their parents and Cerise \_do\_know that Anna is pregnant. That was why her parents sent her away, with Will to look after his sister. But she told them it was a boy she met at the mall that knocked her up, and they believed her."
"Oh dear God! You're right. Rhoda would die if anyone suspected a scandal like that in her family!" Gretchen said. "My sister in law is too strict a Catholic girl to ever accept incest or a child of hers having a child out of wedlock, and Cerise is just as religious as her mother. We must *never* let them know about *our* family trysts either! I'll tell Richard, and you make sure your brothers know."
Lisa nodded and said, "All right mom. You know, I *almost* wish I was still one of Hans' official girlfriends, and that I could have gone with them. But I'm having more fun here, with you and dad and my brothers. Mom? While you're making dinner and I'm telling the boys about our cousins, may I show Terry and Teddy the videos I made of you and dad playing with me? They've been dying to see proof that you two really had sex with me."
"I suppose you can, dear," Gretchen said with a sigh. "But... could you ask them not to talk to us about sex until after your sister gets back home? Before we get them directly involved with us, your father and I want to discuss this whole incest idea some more with you and Mandy. We... we do enjoy mating with you, dear. But we need to take this slowly, one step at a time. All right?"
"Sure mom! Ummm, but is it okay if I fuck my brothers before then? Or do we have to cool it completely until Mandy returns?" Lisa asked.
"Oh my! Well... yes, you and your brothers can have sex when you want to, now. But please be considerate of your father and I, and keep it in your room or theirs, and lock the door. We're not quite ready to watch our children having sex with each other," Gretchen said.
"Sounds fair to me," Lisa replied. "Mandy and I want you and dad to enjoy this as much as we all do. We don't need to rush things to the point where you feel grossed out or uncomfortable. Can you send Terry and Teddy up here, please? We'll try not to make too much noise."
"Mom said you had something to show us, sis? What is it?" Terry asked, as he and his twin brother Teddy walked into their older sister's room. Both of the eleven year old Bernese boys' tails were wagging in anticipation. "Mom looked a little weirded out. Is this about what you did with her and dad when we were at the movies? Did you *really* have sex with both mom and dad last night?"
"Yes, we really did it. First I have a really wild secret to tell you, and then I can give you all the details of me mating with mom and dad, and show you some movies and pictures that we made. Shut the door, and lock it, then get over here where you can see our laptop screen," their twelve year old sister said.
"All right! Teddy said, as he closed and locked the bedroom door, and he and his brother rushed to join their sister at her desk.
When the boys were standing on either side of her, she said, "Okay, some ground rules first. No talking to mom or dad about any of this, until after Mandy gets home and after Mandy or I tell you it is okay to talk to mom and dad about it. Mom and dad are still getting used to the whole idea that they've crossed the line and had sex with me and with Mandy, and that we're having sex with both of you. It's okay for the three of us to have sex with each other between now and then, but only if we do it in our rooms, with the door locked, and if we keep the noise down. Understood?"
"Okay. Does that mean we're gonna have sex with you right now? Do we hafta get girly for you, with mom and dad here?" Terry asked.
"Not right now, no. It's too close to dinner time. But we can finish this up tonight after dinner, and spend all night in bed with each other, if you're good boys and obey me," Lisa replied with a grin. "You *will* get girly for me tonight, though! I'm still your Mistress, and you have to do what I say, if you want to have sex with any of us, all right?"
"Yes Mistress!" both boys replied, grinning.
"Okay, the secret first," Lisa said. "Mandy sent me an e-mail, and she says Anna is *pregnant*, and Will is the father of her baby!"
"What? No way!" Terry said.
"God, did Aunt Rhoda disown them an' kick them out for that, or what?" Teddy asked.
"Aunt Rhoda doesn't know Will is the father, but her parents do know she is pregnant. We aren't to talk about Will and Anna being lovers, or our own incest, to Aunt Rhoda, Uncle John, or our cousin Cerise," Lisa said. "Paula's cool with it, and she already knows."
"Wow... okay. Yeah. I wouldn't wanna say anything to Aunt Rhoda about that anyway. Sheesh! She'd really blow her cork!" Terry said.
"Yeah, that's wild, but we won't tell," Teddy agreed.
"Okay, enough on that. Next topic. Did you like getting a peek under our mom's skirt at the mall, and seeing her without any panties on in public?" Lisa asked. "I *ordered* her to wear that really short skirt, with no panties on, and to flash you like that in a public place."
"Yeah, that was hot! I still can't believe our mom really did that!" Teddy said. "Did you have to hypnotize her, or drug her, or what, to make her do that?"
"The only thing I did to her is what I did to both of you. I got both her and daddy to agree to accept me as their Mistress, and to obey me, so they could have sex with me. They will both obey Mandy or me now, for any of our sexy games. Of course, for other stuff, like household chores and our allowances and school homework and all that, they are still our parents, and we have to do as they say, and obey and respect them." Lisa said. "Watch this video with me, and you'll see for yourselves. They didn't know I was filming this part, until later."
The boys watched the video of their parents submitting to Lisa and starting to have sex with them. Both boys unzipped their pants and started playing with their cocks as they watched, tails wagging happily.
"Wow, that is so hot! And mom is really sexy!" Teddy said.
"Don't you dare cum on my desk or on that computer!" Lisa said sternly. But then she reached out to either side and fondled her brothers' balls, and said, "I want to swallow your cream when you cum."
"Yes Mistress!" they both said.
Terry came in his sister's mouth while watching the video of Lisa lapping their dad's cum out of their mother's sloppy slit. Teddy managed to hold on until almost the end of the first video, and lost it when their father was ordered to lick his own cum out of Lisa.
"Wow... that was so wild!" Teddy said, as he zipped up his pants. "Thank you, Mistress!"
"I wish we could fuck mom too," Terry said, "And thanks a lot Mistress! You got mom to show us her cunny. Do you think you can make mom fuck us?"
"Yes, I think she will, but to be fair, you're also going to have sex with daddy," Lisa said. "And you're going to have to prove to all the rest of us what good, obedient girly boys you can be for your Mistresses!"
"Oh God! D-do... mom and dad know we dressed like girls for you?" Teddy asked, looking mortally embarrassed.
"Yes, they know about that. And the best thing you can do to get a chance to fuck mom is to practice making out with each other, and to get very good at sucking each other's cocks! Because I'm not going to allow either of you to fuck mom, and neither is Mandy, until we've all seen you both acting girly in front of all four of us, and you've both had sex with daddy," Lisa replied. "Daddy isn't too keen on having sex with you as boys, but if you dress girly and pretend to be two more daughters, I think we can get him to agree to fuck you and to let you fuck mom. It won't be any worse than when you had sex with Hans as Hannah. Daddy isn't quite as well hung as Hans, so having him fuck your butts should be easier than when Hans did it to you."
"Mom and dad really want us to do girly stuff in front of them too? Oh geeze! And we have to let dad fuck us, so we can fuck mom?" Terry asked.
"That's what I said, wasn't it? Those are the conditions your Mistress *requires* of all of you," Lisa stated. "Mom and dad have agreed to accept my orders in the bedroom. They will do *anything* I order them to do when it comes to sexy fun and games, just like you will. If any of you refuse, then you get no more sex from Mandy or from me! Now, it's time for dinner, and we can see the rest of the videos and still pictures and have some fun in bed after we've eaten. Come along, my Pets!"
"Yes Mistress," the boys said, following her obediently to dinner.
The evening meal was a bit strange for all five of them. Gretchen Blackwell blushed every time she looked at her sons, knowing that they had by now seen at least some pictures and probably a video of her and her husband having sex with Lisa and being submissive to her. Richard kept giving his sons strange looks, as he tried to imagine them dressed as girls and having sex with others in their family, or each other. Terry and Teddy blushed whenever they looked at either of their parents, unable to look at them without thinking of the images of them mating with Lisa. Even Lisa seemed quiet and subdued, as she contemplated what she and her brothers would be doing later that evening, for the first time with their parent's blessing and consent.
When the meal was over, Lisa said, "The boys and I will get the table cleared and do the dishes, mom. You and dad can relax. It was a very nice meal, mom."
"Thank you, dear," her mother said. "I think... Richard, would you join me in the bedroom, please?" She almost ran from the room.
"Yes... That would probably be a good idea," he replied, quickly following her from the room. "Good night, children. Ummmm, don't stay up too late."
When they were gone, and as he loaded the dishwasher, Terry said, "I think mom is super horny and wants to screw with dad. What do you think?"
"I think you're right," Teddy replied, as he filled the sink with hot water and started washing the pots and pans. "This is gonna be strange. Now that they know that we know that they're having sex with our sisters, and that we are too, it's like they don't quite know how to act around us."
"They'll get over it," Lisa said, taking a towel and starting to dry the pots as her brothers washed and rinsed them and passed them to her. "They just need a few days to get used to the idea that we're not as innocent as they thought we were. I think it will get better once we're all doing it with each other, openly. Just remember, the only people that can know we're having sex with each other are Hans and his household, and our friend Ashley. No one else is to know, for now. Hans and his family - even his dad - know we're starting to fuck each other, and they do it too, so that's cool. Ashley's been fucking mom and dad and Mandy, and loves the idea of incest. She knows I planned to seduce mom and dad too, and probably figures that we'll get the two of you involved as well. I don't recall off hand if Mandy told Ashley yet that we're screwing he two of you, but she will be cool with it, if she finds out. She'll probably want to watch us going at it, and if you are both obedient and please us, maybe \_she\_will fuck the both of you, too."
"Ashley's pretty, and I wouldn't mind having sex with her too," Teddy said. "I don't think I would want anyone new knowing about us screwing each other or our dressing like girls, though."
"That will be all for now," Lisa said. "But if I order you to tell someone else, or to let other people see you as girls, or to have sex with someone else, you \_have\_to do it, or Mandy and I won't let you have sex with any of us, understood?"
"Yes, Mistress," the boys replied, as Teddy sighed and shook his head.
Later that night, after watching all the other video clips of Lisa and their parents, and the still photos as well, Terry and Teddy got dressed as girls, and knelt beside their Mistress' bed in her bedroom, awaiting her commands.
Richard and Gretchen Blackwell hadn't yet come out of their bedroom since dinner time, hours earlier. From the faint moans and an occasional orgasmic howl coming from that direction, they were still rather enthusiastically making love to each other.
Lisa listened to her mother's moans and howls for a moment at her open bedroom door, and then closed and locked the door and said, "I think this is *really* turning mom and dad on. I can't remember any other times when they've had sex while we were in the house and still awake, can you? They've done it late at night a few times, when we were all supposed to be asleep and in bed. But this is a first for them, as far as I can recall. It's funny. Mom asked *us* not to get too loud, and now \_she's\_howling loud enough for us to hear her with the doors closed! Well, are you ready to serve me, girls?"
"Yes, Mistress," the girly boys replied.
"Teddy? Sit on the bed, and pull down your panties. Terry, I'm going to teach you how to deep throat a cock. When you're finished with your lesson, you'll trade places," Lisa said.
"Yes, Mistress," they said.
Terry tried his best, but still gagged when the tip of his brother's cock hit the back of his throat.
"I'll show you how to do it. Relax and try to swallow, when it gets all the way to the back," Lisa said, taking his place and then demonstrating. Her nose touched Teddy's belly fur as she took his full length down her throat, causing that brother to moan audibly. "Now you try it," she said to Terry.
The Bernese boy tried again, and after three false starts he coughed and slipped forward, burying his nose in his brother's belly fur. His eyes went wide and he froze in place as he realized he had managed to get the cock into his throat, and then he pulled off suddenly and gasped for air. "Dang! I did it, but how do you breathe?"
"You don't, while it's in your throat. Breathe on the back stroke, when you pull off and before you let it into your throat again. It takes practice, but you should catch on pretty quick," Lisa replied.
"That felt really good, Terry!" Teddy said, encouragingly. "Keep trying. You can do it!"
Lisa watched and fingered herself as she watched her brother sucking his twin's cock. When Teddy finally came, Terry spurted cum out his nose and choked for a moment, then managed to swallow the rest without quite drowning himself.
"Whew! Your turn, brother! Trade places, and see if you can do it too," Terry said, rising unsteadily to his feet.
Lisa guided her other brother through the process, taking several turns herself at sucking Terry's cock, and was eventually rewarded with success for that brother too, as Teddy got his brother's cock down his throat and later swallowed the full load.
"Very good! Teddy, you may fuck your Mistress now, and then lick me clean. Terry, you can do me when he is done. You should have had time to get hard again by then," Lisa said, getting onto her bed and on her back, and spreading her young thighs invitingly for her brother.
"So, we need to be able to do that for dad, so we can fuck mom?" Terry guessed, as he sat beside them on the bed and watched his siblings fucking.
"Yes, and I am ordering you to practice with each other at least once a day, until I tell you otherwise," Lisa said. "I want you to be as good as I am at swallowing a cock, so daddy will be pleased with both of you."
In the master bedroom, Gretchen lay on the bed, panting with exhaustion, as her husband rolled off her and lay beside her.
"That was... incredible..." she said, staring at the ceiling.
"Yes, it was," her husband agreed. "What were you fantasizing about? I saw you had your eyes closed. Were you imagining fucking our sons?"
Gretchen blushed, and said, "That, and... imagining you fucking their asses! I know you're not into boys, but I *do* want to see you with them. It's only fair, since you get to see me having sex with our daughters and with Ashley."
"I suppose so. I'll try, dear. But this is all still very strange," Richard replied. "Can you believe what the girls told us about Hans and his family? We've met Hans and Heidi. Can you really imagine that innocent little girl with her brother's cock down her throat or under her tail? Or her father's? I have to admit, I was wondering what it would feel like to have sex with such a young girl myself. But I guess the only way I will find out is to first make our daughters happy by having sex with our sons?"
"Once we are all having sex with each other, then we can invite Hans and Heidi to join us. I think I would like watching you with such a young girl, and I want to taste her myself. And I'll admit, I was fantasizing a bit about Hans, too. Mandy says he's got a bigger cock than you have, dear. I love you and I'll never leave you , but I want us to mate with all our children, and with the Bernerhold kids as well."
"Have we gone crazy, or what? A year ago, neither of us would have imagined sex with any kid. Now look at us," Richard said, "I can't understand how we have changed so much, but God help me, I don't want to go back. Do you? Could you stop mating with our kids, and even with their school-aged friends, now that we've started doing it?"
"I can't stop, no. Not while they are willing and so eager to do it. And as long as it doesn't cause troubles for us, I want to continue down this strange path. Maybe we \_are\_crazy, but we're all the same kind of crazy, and it seems to be working for us," Gretchen said. "Hold me, darling. Hold me while we sleep. I think our dreams tonight will be very kinky, and I want you close to me."
Richard snuggled with his wife, and said, "I agree. And as long as you don't leave me for being such a strange pervert, I'm happy with how things are changing. I never would have sought to mate with *any* kids, let alone our own. I only wanted you, as my true love. But God help me, it's addictive, getting to have sex with anyone so young. I love our kids, and as long as this doesn't harm them, I guess I am okay with mating with them."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 507 By DoggyStyle57, July 2014
March 17, 2010 (Wednesday) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
Immediately after breakfast on Wednesday, several maids came to the rooms that Hans, Heidi, Mandy, Phil and Bridget were staying in, and helped to pack their luggage for the impromptu ski trip. Miss Lexi took the bags on the same sort of cart one would expect to see in a first class hotel, and led them all out of the mansion and in the direction of the garages where the limos were kept.
"So, Hans, you still haven't told me what sort of a car an 'Augusta Westland' is," Mandy said, as they approached the array of eight luxury cars in the large garage. "Which one is it?"
"*None* of those are what we'll be travelling in," Hans said with a grin. "The Augusta Westland will be on the other side of that garage. You see, it isn't a car of any sort, at all." He led her to the end of the garage, following Miss Lexi, and pointed to the large helicopter that was on a helipad on the other side.
Lord Karl was standing by the open door of the blue and white AW139 helicopter with M'Lady Karla, and both of them were wearing flight jackets and a two way radio headset. The spacious interior of the VIP helicopter had eight luxurious looking seats - four along the back wall, two in the middle that could rotate, and two rear-facing sears flanking an entertainment center console. The interior was done in snow white carpeting and leather, with chrome accents, and Lord Karl's family crest was on the large sliding door.
"Ah! Right on time! Phil, please help Miss Lexi with loading the bags. She knows where everything goes," Lord Karl said in English to the American Golden Retriever. "The rest of you, watch your heads as you get in. It's a very comfortable aircraft with plenty of legroom, but the ceiling height inside is only four feet eight inches."
Heidi rushed forward and jumped into the helicopter, claiming one of the two middle seats. She stood by the seat and said proudly, "Look daddy! My head touches the ceiling now! I couldn't do that the last time we got to go somewhere in this helicopter!"
"Yes, you're getting to be a big girl, sweetheart," Lord Karl said fondly.
After loading their bags atop the ski bags that were already waiting in the helicopter, Miss Lexi assisted everyone else in getting into the aircraft. The thirteen year old brown vixen took one of the rear-facing seats for herself, guiding Phil, Bridget and Mandy to three of the seats in the back row, while Hans took one of the rotating chairs next to his sister. Mandy's seat was by the two big windows in the side door, facing Hans, who, like Heidi, had turned his chair to face their guests.
Lord Karl took a look to make sure everyone was settled in properly and had their seatbelts fastened, and then he closed the door firmly, and got into the pilot's cockpit through a separate exterior door.
Hans and his guests could see the back of Lord Karl's head through a front facing window in their cabin, above Miss Lexi's head, and soon they could also see his smiling face on the screen of the entertainment console beside the vixen.
"Welcome to Bernerholdt-2. Our sixty Kilometer flight to Mürren will take less than half an hour. As we approach our destination, be sure to look out the right side of the aircraft. The view will be stunning, I assure you," he said. Then the screen changed to show a GPS map, with their current position and destination marked on it.
"This thing can fly at a hundred and twenty Kilometers an hour?" Mandy asked Hans. "That's amazing!"
"Oh, it can go as fast as *three hundred* Kilometers an hour, if we need to," Hans replied. "But father will take it slower so we can enjoy looking at the mountains. It's got a good range, too. We could fly from here to Paris and back on one tank of fuel, and still have plenty left over. Father flew to a conference in Paris in less than an hour and a half in it, right after he got it."
"Wow. But why did he call it 'Bernerholdt-2'? Did something happen to the first one?" Mandy asked.
"Nope. 'Bernerholdt-1' is the Count's helicopter. Pretty much identical to this one, but it's for grandfather and grandmother's use. They have a pilot on staff to fly them around. Though these days, I guess he is mostly on standby in case they have a medical emergency," Hans replied. "You can watch our progress on the GPS display beside Miss Lexi. And if you keep your eyes open when we get close to our destination, you may even recognize where we are going to land. It's a place I *know* you've seen before."
"It is? But I've never *been* here before, so how could I recognize it?" Mandy asked. Then she paused as she realized that the fairly quiet whine of the engines, no louder than most city busses, had stopped getting any louder and that they were already rising into the air. "Woah! This thing must have really good soundproofing! I can't believe we can still talk without shouting at each other."
"Best in its class," Hans said proudly. "It's even fairly quiet on the outside. It's designed to be 'city friendly', so you can get permission to use urban helipads without special clearances or noise exceptions. That's why you didn't hear it approaching when M'Lady Karla flew it here from its hangar, about half a mile from the mansion, while we were finishing getting packed. She's a pilot too, but father usually doesn't let her fly this one unless he had to be in the cabin with guests. This helicopter is his favorite vehicle, and he loves flying it himself."
Hardly more than twenty minutes later, Hans pointed out the window, and said, "\_That's\_our destination, on that peak over there. See the helipad right on the very top, and the sleek metal and glass building next to it? Do you recognize where we are yet?"
Mandy shook her head. "It *does* look kinda familiar, but no. Sorry, Hans."
"This should give it to you," Hans said. "Miss Lexi? Turn on the stereo, and play track one of the CD that should be in the player. I asked Karla to put a specific one of mine in there, when she got the helicopter ready today."
"Yes Master," the vixen said with a smile, guessing what CD her Master most likely had ready to play. She tapped the controls and nodded, as the unmistakable 'James Hound' theme music started playing.
"Oh... OH! YES! That place was in one of the James Hound Movies!" Mandy said, clapping her hands as she did recognize the building and helipad that they were approaching. "We're even flying there by helicopter, just like James Hound did!"
"You got it. That's the Piz Gloria restaurant on the summit of the Schilthorn, and it was featured in the James Hound Film 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'. They made the inside look like it was one of Blofield's secret hideouts, but it's really a famous five-star restaurant. They have a really neat James Hound museum there now, and there's a cable car from there to one of the nicer ski resorts in Mürren." Hans said. "You know I'm a big James Hound fan. \_That's\_why this is my favorite ski resort in the area."
March 17, 2010 (Wednesday) - Mürren, Switzerland.
After they landed, Lord Karl directed everyone to only take the ski gear they would need on the slopes, and to leave the rest of their luggage in the helicopter. "The restaurant staff will have a pilot fly my helicopter to our Chalet, with Miss Lexi, and she will get the chalet ready for us. She will be able to join us on the slopes tomorrow. Follow me, and I'll show you where we can leave our skis and jackets, while we enjoy the restaurant and museum. After lunch, we'll take the cable car down to the ski resort."
The museum was very interesting for Mandy and the others, and after two hours or so of looking at the exhibits, they went into the restaurant for an early lunch. The food was superb. They had a table with by a window, which gave them an amazing view of the mountains, and they could just see the ski resorts and skiers in the distance.
After the meal and the cable car ride to the resort, they skied on the beginner and intermediate slopes all the rest of the afternoon. When they were done for the day, Karl hired a limo and driver from the resort to take them to a nearby private chalet, which had been rented for them by Karla.
Miss Lexi met them at the door when they arrived. She had a nice meal waiting for them, with hot mulled cider to warm up with, and a cozy fire burning merrily in the fireplace.
When they were done with their meal and a pleasant period of cuddling by the fire and talking about their day, Miss Lexi led Hans, Heidi and Mandy to a bedroom with a single king sized bed in it. She knelt in her maid uniform at the side of the bed, and said meekly, "Master, Mistresses, it will be my honor to serve all three of you tonight. I am so glad I was selected to be your maid this evening! Mistress Mandy, it is a pleasure to meet you and serve you. I'm bisexual, and I was informed you are as well, and that you are completely trusted by our Master's family? I offer you my unrestricted service while you are here. You may ask anything of me that doesn't cause physical harm, and I will be happy to do it for you. Master Hans, Mistress Heidi? As you know, all of your father's maids have been told that you and Heidi are allowed to have oral and anal sex with each other now, and that you both also submit willingly to our Master's pleasures. I can't wait to watch you two together! I think that's so cool!"
"Well! That gets one awkward question out of the way," Mandy said. "I wasn't sure if all the maids knew about Hans and Heidi and what they do privately with their dad yet. I accept your submission and service, Miss Lexi, and thank you for it. I would be very happy if you would pleasure me while we both watch Hans and Heidi making love to each other! Help me to disrobe, please?"
"Gladly, Mistress! As long as Master Hans and Mistress Heidi need nothing from me first?" Miss Lexi said, looking for confirmation of their permission from her young Master and Mistress.
"Please do serve our guest, Miss Lexi. Heidi and I can take care of ourselves, can't we, Sis?" Hans replied.
Heidi was already halfway out of her clothes as she said, "Yeppers! Now let's get naked and have fun!"
"Leave your uniform on for now, Miss Lexi," Mandy commanded, as the last of her clothes came off. "It looks so cute on you. Sit beside me and kiss me and finger me, while we watch Hans and Heidi.
"Yes, Mistress!" Miss Lexi replied, as she carefully folded Mandy's clothes and set them on the dresser. "I was one of the first maids to serve Master Hans when he was dressed as 'Miss Hannah' and I love seeing him dressed like a girl. Does he do that for you, too? I've never gotten to watch Heidi having sex with anyone before, and I love pretending to do incest with Master Karl. Ever since we were told that Heidi is sexually active with her dad and brother, I've wanted to serve them together. This is like a dream come true for me!"
"Yes, I've enjoyed a few evenings with 'Miss Hannah', as well as with... other girly boys. And I love watching Hans and his sister making out too," Mandy admitted. As soon as Lexi was sitting on the chair next to hers, Mandy reached under the vixen's short silk skirt and started fingering the girl's bare cunny. "I think I am going to like you a lot, Miss Lexi. Let's both get each other off, pretty vixen. Finger me while I finger you. We can sixty nine later, but now I want both of us to be able to watch Hans pleasuring his sister."
"Ohhh, yes, Mistress! I like that idea very much!" the vixen murred, as she started to finger her young Master's Bernese girlfriend.
Hans and Heidi got on the bed and positioned themselves so the other two girls could have a good view. Then Hans slowly and methodically started licking his nine year old sister's cunny, giving Mandy and Lexi a really good show.
"Oh Hans! Oooh! I love it when you lick me like that!" Heidi exclaimed, her wagging tail thumping on the bed beside her as her pleasure built to a climax. "Ohhh! Make me cum, big brother! Lick me and make me cum!"
Hans eagerly licked her, with his tail wagging happily and his cock slowly extending from its sheath. He wet one finger in his mouth and then eased it into her tight little butt, wriggling it while he licked her.
"Oh wow... Lick her good, Master!" Miss Lexi sighed, and then she gasped as Mandy's fingering pushed her over the top into her own orgasm. "Oh Mistress!" she cried out happily.
"Well! You cum a lot faster than my sister does when I diddle her," Mandy said. "I hate to make you take your eyes off those two, but I'm dying to feel your tongue pleasuring me. So get busy, my Pet! If they start doing anything extra special, I'll give you a chance to look."
"You have a sister that you make out with?" the vixen asked, as she eagerly dropped to her knees in front of Mandy and buried her nose in the teenaged dog girl's crotch, inhaling her clean scent before she started licking obediently.
"Mumm humm. My sister loves having sex with me," Mandy said. "Lick me really good, and I'll tell you all about all sorts of naughty things that I do with my family, pretty girl."
After Heidi climaxed, Mandy tapped Lexi on the head and said. "Look at them now, pretty vixen. It's time for Heidi to return the favor for her horny brother!"
Lexi turned to watch as Hans got on his knees, and Heidi lay in front of him on her back, with her head tilted back to face him. The boy eased his rampant cock into the little puppy's mouth, making her throat bulge as he sunk his entire length into her muzzle. His sister grinned around that big mouthful of cock, and eagerly started to swallow, milking his cock with her throat, and breathing when he eased back and withdrew enough for her to get some air.
"Ohhhh! Oh yeah! Do it, Heidi! Oh wow, I've never seen a girl so young that could swallow such a big cock! You're fantastic, Mistress!" Lexi gushed, fingering her own slit as she watched the lewd performance.
"She sucks her brother's cock almost every day," Mandy said, fingering herself and shuddering as she took it over the top. "But if you think this is wild, wait until you see him fucking her ass!"
"What? No way? She lets him fuck her butt, too? Really? I heard she was allowed to do anal sex too, but... I thought she'd do that... with a boyfriend... or someone else," Lexi said, as her orgasm hit her, full force. The she realized that Mandy had finished herself off, and she got back to work licking the other girl. "Sorry Mistress! I should me doing that for you!" she apologized, between licks.
"Y-yeah. She loves anal... Still has... her cherry... but she's a real butt slut!" Mandy gasped, as the vixen brought her to a second and third orgasm in rapid succession. "Whew! Well done, Mss Lexi!"
"Thank you, Mistress!" Lexi replied, returning her gaze to the throat-fucking siblings, and applauding as Hans groaned and pumped his load into his sister's stomach.
Meanwhile, in one of the other bedrooms, Lord Karl and Phil Connors were happily double-stuffing Phil's sister/wife, Bridget. Phil was in his sister's cunny, and Lord Karl was fucking her ass at the same time, with all three of them on their sides. Bridget hugged her brother tightly and moaned into his kisses as she climaxed again and again.
"I'm getting close, and so is your brother," Lord Karl said softly into Bridget's ear from behind. "Do you want us to tie with you?"
"Oh yes! Do it, Master!" Bridget eagerly agreed. "I can already feel your knots getting bigger. Both of you, knot me and flood me with your seed!"
"You heard the lady," Karl said with a grin. "I do believe we have our marching orders, Phil."
"Must keep the lady happy," Phil replied, shoving his cock into his sister to the hilt and beginning his own climax. "Damn, you're as tight as a virgin when you have a second cock up your ass like this, sis!"
"You should experience it for yourself, brother dear," Bridget said playfully. "You can't imagine how good it feels to get knotted up the ass until you've actually done it a few times."
"I promise to be gentle with you Phil, if you'd like to see what she means. And you can do my ass first, if you like," Lord Karl stated. "You don't have to, since I understand you've only mated with my son a few times, and never received anal yet. But your sister is right. Until you've had a good cock up your ass, you really can't imagine how good it can feel."
Phil replied hesitantly. "You... Sis, you *really* want to see me doing the deed with Master Karl?"
"Yeah, I think I do," Bridget replied. "Even if you only do it this once, will you do it, for me? You've gotten to watch me mating with lots of girls, even though I prefer you above anyone else, and prefer guys in general. Can't I see you getting it on with a handsome guy at least once?"
"Let... let me think about that," Phil said. "I... honestly I don't know I'm ready for that yet. Sorry."
"As you wish," Lord Karl said. "As I said, I won't force you to have sex with me. I'd be quite happy tonight to just continue sharing your sister with you."
"Thank you, Master. And I'm sorry Bridget. Maybe later, but not tonight," Phil said, kissing her gently.
"All right, my love," Bridget said with a shrug. "But eventually I \_would\_like to see you giving it a try."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 508 By DoggyStyle57, July 2014
March 17, 2010 (Wednesday night) - Mürren, Switzerland.
"Well, sis, shall we give Miss Lexi something *really* naughty to dream about?" Hans asked Heidi, as they relaxed together on the bed after a vigorous session of him fucking the nine year old puppy's throat.
"Mumm hunmm! Would you like to see my bother fucking my butt, Miss Lexi?" Heidi asked the vixen maid.
"More than just about anything," Miss Lexi admitted. "I mean, I know he can't pop your cherry and let me lick his cum out of you. I'd love that the most, but I understand it would be impossible tonight - that your father has forbidden you losing your cherry, just yet. But Yeah, I'd *love* to see you taking your brother under the tail, Mistress Heidi."
"Then come over here, Miss Lexi," Hans said. "Get on your back, and we'll give you the best seat in the house. You can lick Heidi's cunny and she can lick yours, while I'm fucking her butt!"
"OH! Yeah, if she gets in a 69 position with me, I could look past her slit and you'd be just an inch from my nose!" the brown furred vixen said, as she quickly scrambled onto the bed.
"And I may not be his sister, but if you still want to lick your Master's cum from a young Bernese girl's cunny, we could have him fill *me* for you to lick clean when he's done reaming his sister," Mandy offered. "You could fantasize that you were licking Heidi while you lick me."
"Thank you, Mistress Mandy! I'd like that a lot," The vixen said, her voice muffled by Heidi's crotch.
Hans got out a tube of lubricating gel and applied it to his little sister's butt, then got into position and said, "Lexi? Grab my cock and guide it into her. Help me to fuck my sister's pretty little ass!"
The vixen reached up and stroked her young Master's cock, and obediently placed the tip at her Mistress' puckered hole, her eyes crossing as she tried to focus on what was happening right in front of her nose. She sighed as she saw Hans' cock sliding smoothly into his sister's backside, and then she got busy licking her Mistress while Hans buggered Heidi.
"Ohhhh, this is so hot!" Mandy said, as she watched them and fingered herself some more. "It's almost as much fun to watch Hans and his sister making out as it is for me to make love to my own family members. You see Lexi, after I found out how much Hans and his family liked making love to each other, I seduced my sister, my brothers, and even my parents! That's why I don't mind watching my boyfriend fucking his sister. I fuck everyone in my family!"
"No way!" Miss Lexi exclaimed. "You fuck your whole family, Mandy? That is so wild! And so is what I'm watching right now. Ohhhh, that's it! Fuck Heidi's ass, Master Hans! Fuck your little sister!"
"Yeah, before I knew Hans, I'd fooled around a bit with one of my girl cousins, but that was it. I hadn't even had sex with a boy yet. But now my whole family is doing it with each other! Or they will be, soon. My brothers haven't gotten together with our parents yet, but I'm arranging for that to happen after I get back home," Mandy said.
Hans was really enjoying having Miss Lexi participating while he butt fucked his little sister. It was a big thrill for him to mate with his sister with a new person watching for the first time. He wondered what she would say if she knew that she had already licked Hans' cum from two of his\_other\_ sisters! The twin Bernese maids, Karin and Sandra, were the first girls that Lexi had ever had sex with, and she had happily licked Hans' cum from both girls when he shared them with her that night, while he was dressed as Hannah. Hans knew that Lexi was quite fond of him, and he wanted to tell her about the twins. But as much as he liked and trusted Lexi, his father hadn't yet given him permission to reveal the girls' secrets to the other maids. So he held his tongue.
Heidi shuddered and climaxed soon after that, and Lexi also came from the skilled licking of her young Mistress. Hans took that as his cue to finish fucking Heidi's backside, and he groaned and unloaded his seed into his sister, while refraining from tying with her. "Ohhh, yeah, that was good!" he said, pulling out and getting off the bed. "Give me a moment to get cleaned up and to get ready again, and I'll do you next, Mandy."
"That was lotsa fun!" Heidi said, as her brother went to the bathroom to wash up. She took a tissue from the bedside table and began cleaning up the dribble of her brother's cum that was leaking from her butt. "When daddy says it's okay, I wanna have Hans be the one to pop my cherry. But it will be at least a year or so before we can do that. If we can manage it, I'll let you watch from the maid passages when we do it for real, Lexi."
"Ohhh, I'd like that so much! Thank you, Mistress!" the vixen replied.
"I wish I could watch that too," Mandy said. "You seem to like incest a lot, Lexi. Have you ever done it yourself, for real? Had sex with one of your relatives?"
Lexi shook her head and said, "No, darn it! I shoulda got the chance, but I got taken away and stuck in foster care before it could happen. See, when I was eight, my daddy knocked up my oldest sister, Betty. Apparently daddy and mommy were both having sex with my ten and twelve year old sisters, and had been for a couple of years. But they hadn't ever touched me, or even let me know what they were doing with each other. I didn't find out until the police suddenly took me away and asked me all sorts of weird questions about my parents and my sisters - like did they take my clothes off and touch my crotch, or kiss or lick my body, or get naked with me, or poke anything into my crotch or my butt or my mouth. Mom and dad went to jail, and they split me and my sisters up. While I was in foster care for the next two years, I fantasized that mom and dad had included me in their fun too, and that we were together still and no one was mad at us. I didn't really know what sex was yet. I thought it was just getting naked and touching and cuddling with each other. It sounded like so much fun, and I couldn't understand why everyone was so upset, other than that daddy got my big sis pregnant and she was too young to be a good mommy. No chance to do it with my parents or sisters now, though. I don't have a clue where my parents or sisters are living now."
"Awwww, that's so sad!" Mandy said. "So, Lord Karl found you in a foster home?"
"Yeah, that really is sad," Hans said, as he rejoined them. "I heard most of that from the bathroom. I never knew your background before, Lexi. As you know, father doesn't like anyone asking about a maid's past, unless they volunteer the information. So, since you did bring it up, if I may ask, how did you end up with my father? I can't imagine him trying to take someone from a normal foster home setting. It would usually be too hard to explain why he wanted to take responsibility for the child, if they already had foster parents assigned. Frankly, if he doesn't make a deal directly with the parents to give the girl a scholarship, he usually looks for kids that no one else wants, or that have issues that make them sort of un-adoptable."
"Well, I'm afraid that 'unadoptable' fits me, Hans. I was *between* foster homes when he found me," Lexi admitted. "I guess I kinda creeped out my foster families, because I kept trying to peek at the guys in the family when they took a shower or were changing clothes, and I got 'too affectionate' with them. I was in therapy and talking to psychologists all the time, and they said I had a mental problem because of 'repressed past abuse issues' that I wouldn't admit to. But I wasn't gonna say that my parents or my sisters or anyone else did stuff to me that never happened! And I still didn't think it was wrong to love my family. I wasn't mentally ill. I just thought it would be neat to have sex with someone I cared deeply for, who happened to be family. So anyway, in two years I'd been with five different families, and was given back to the system by all of them. I was stuck in a 'home for wayward girls', with not very good odds of ever finding a 'forever home' with a family that would accept me as I am. Then Lord Karl came one day, and brought me here. I don't know what he told the foster care people, but he told *me\_that if I came with him and kept his secrets and obeyed what he told me to do, that he'd make my wildest fantasies a reality, and he'd love me like I was his own little girl - that he would love me the way I wanted my \_real* daddy to love me! And he did, too! He taught me all about sex, and I called him daddy, and he took my cherry and loves me lots and lots."
"That's father's way," Hans said, nodding his head. "He really *does* love all his maids, and his attitude is a lot like yours - that there's nothing wrong with him having sex with them, because it's all voluntary and done as an act of love. Incest with his own relatives is rather new to him. He... well, I'm not sure what I can say to you about that, Lexi. If you ask father how he started being willing to do incest, he will probably tell you. But you should hear that straight from him. It isn't my place to reveal some of that to his maids."
"There's more than just him having sex with you and Heidi, and allowing you two to have sex with each other? Well, I guess he's been encouraging twins to make out with each other for a while, hasn't he? Okay, I'll ask him later. Now you have me curious, but I'm okay with whatever he might be up to. I know he's kind and gentle and loving, just like you, and if he's having sex with any other relatives, or if you are, it has to be something nice. Now, are you ready to fill up Mistress Mandy for me?"
"I certainly am!" Hans said. "Now, how should we do this? Ah! I have it! Lexi? Get over there, with your head near the pillows, and on your back. Heidi can sit on your muzzle facing your feet, so you can lick her. Then Mandy can get on her hands and knees and lick Lexi. And then I'll get behind Mandy and fuck her doggy style."
The girls eagerly got into position, with Lexi happily licking Heidi and being licked by Mandy, as Hans guided his cock into Mandy from behind.
"There! This is nice. Everyone gets some pleasure at once!" Hans said, as she started humping his girlfriend.
"Ohhh, its *way\_more than just \_nice*, Hans! I need your cock so badly, after all the sexy stuff I just watched you do with Heidi!" Mandy sighed. "Now fuck me hard, lover boy! Fuck me and fill me with your cream!"
As he eagerly mated with her, Hans considered how lucky he was to have found a girl like Mandy who could be his 'publicly-acceptable' girlfriend. He was quite certain that \_most\_girls would not be anywhere near as happy to share their boyfriend with any other girls or guys at all, let alone with a dozen or more mostly teen and pre-teen maids and all of the boy's sisters! The way that Mandy had immediately accepted and even enjoyed watching Hans mate with his sisters and maids was something he greatly cherished.
And her family! It was remarkable how easily she had seduced her sister, brothers and even her parents. That fact that all of Mandy's family members were getting into incest with each other removed a major worry from Hans' possible future with this girl. One of his other girlfriends, Hazel Hanson, was just as willing to allow him to fuck his sisters and maids, and to share him with anyone he wanted to mate with. But Hazel's parents could *never* be allowed to know just what sort diverse sexual practices their daughter frequently witnessed and participated in. With Mandy, on the other hand, Hans and Heidi might well soon be invited to have oral and anal sex with each other in front of the whole Blackwell family, and to have sex with all six of them!
Hans daydreamed about himself and Heidi having an orgy with Mandy's family, and he began to hump her even faster and harder. Soon Mandy howled with her climax. Hans was quite thoroughly knotted in her cunny, and as his girlfriend's cunt convulsed with her climax, he immediately flooded her with his seed. He hugged her tightly and said quietly, "Thank you, Mandy. That was delightful. I am *so* lucky to have you."
Mandy smiled happily, unaware of how her boyfriend's thoughts had been drifting, and replied, "Not half as lucky as I am to have found you, lover boy. Whew! That was quite a ride. I thought you were going to shake the bed apart!"
March 18, 2010 (Thursday) - Mürren, Switzerland.
The next morning, all of them, including Lexi, flew in Lord Karl's helicopter to the ski resort, and they spend the whole day on the ski slopes, breaking only for lunch and dinner at the main ski lodge's restaurant. It was already dark when they left the well-lighted slopes of the resort and flew back to the chalet.
"Hans? Isn't it too dark to fly safely? I can't see a thing out there!" Mandy asked nervously.
"It's all right," the Bernese boy reassured her. "Father is wearing night vision goggles, with a heads up displays that's integrated directly to the copter's control systems. He can see and control everything almost as well as he could on a cloudy day. Would you like to see what it looks like for him? I can switch the entertainment console to display what he sees through his goggles, if you like."
"That's all right. I believe you, Hans," Mandy replied with a laugh. "Integrated night vision systems? I swear, this copter's got as many gadgets as one that James Hound would fly. The next thing you'll be telling me is that it's armed with missiles and machine guns!"
"Ummm, no, not right now," Hans replied quietly. "At least I don't *think* the weapon bays are loaded. Father's a reserve officer in the Swiss Army, and if we\_did\_ go to war, or if the estate was seriously threatened, this helicopter *can\_quickly be set up as a military aircraft. It was modified into a VIP configuration from the military version, so it \_does\_have the controls and concealed mounting points for machine guns and missiles. But I'm \_pretty* sure he doesn't keep it armed all the time. That would cause too many problems if it was found out."
Mandy opened her mouth and then closed it again, staring at Hans. Then she said, "Okay then... Right... Look, I don't know if you're pulling my leg about that, or if you really mean it. And I don't think I\_want\_ to know for sure. You don't need to impress me with how rich your family is or what fancy toys they have. All I care about, Hans, is being with you, all right? Nothing else matters to me."
"And I really wasn't trying to impress you, Mandy. Just answering your question honestly," Hans said quietly, as the helicopter settled down to land.
Mandy, Hans and Heidi spent that night in bed with Lord Karl, while Miss Lexi served Phil and Bridget for the evening. Lexi was delighted to find out that Phil was Bridget's twin sister, and that they lived as man and wife. She was eager to watch the mating this evening.
"What would you like to do first tonight, Mandy?" Lord Karl asked.
"I want you and then Hans to fuck me and fill me while I lick Heidi, and then I want Heidi to lick me clean!" Mandy said, as she stripped and got on the bed, on her back.
"Gladly," the Lord said, removing his own clothes and watching his little girl lowering herself over the muzzle of his son's fourteen year old girlfriend. He licked Mandy for a while, and then lifted her legs and sat between them, with his knees on either side of her hips, as he guided his shaft into her young slit.
"Get me ready, sis," Hans said, standing over Mandy and Heidi on the bed, and presenting his cock to his sister's mouth.
Lord Karl watched proudly as his son muzzle fucked his sister while the child was licked by the teenager that Karl was fucking. It was going to be very entertaining, watching his heirs mating with himself and each other as they grew up. For a moment he even toyed with the idea of getting permission from the Purebred Society to breed Hans and Heidi openly to each other, and getting an exemption for them to marry each other. An argument could certainly be made for the pairing, to solidify the good genetic traits that the siblings shared. But a stronger argument could be made for mating Hans to a girl like Mandy, and diversifying the genetic possibilities. Besides, while the Purebred Society would agree to the breeding, might even agree to the siblings' marriage, getting an exemption to the civil laws prohibiting siblings marrying would be extremely difficult, and would cause negative publicity that might stir an investigation into other family practices, such as his treatment of the children in the Bernerholdt maid Scholarship program. He set the thought aside and concentrated on pleasuring the teenage girl that he was mating with.
Heidi sucked her brother's cock, but was careful this time not to make hum cum. As much as she loved swallowing his cream, she wanted to lap it up out of Mandy's cunt this time, as her brother's girlfriend had requested. She focused her attention more on the lovely tongue work that Mandy was giving her, and shuddered as she had an orgasm.
Mandy felt Hedi's climax hit, and lapped at the girl's juicy, virginal cunt as her own climax built to a crescendo. Her own release came just as she felt Lord Karl withdrawing enough to prevent his knot from tying with her, as he filled her deeply with his seed.
Lord Karl wagged his tail as he creamed the young girl's crotch, and ten he withdrew and said, "Your turn, son! See if you can keep her orgasm's going. Heidi? You can clean daddy up while your brother adds to the creamy filling in our young friend."
Hans traded places with his father, sliding easily into his girlfriend's sloppy hole. He hammered away until Mandy came a second time, and then unloaded his own seed into her, since Heidi had him almost ready to pop when he started. "She's ready for you to lick clean now sis," he said as he pulled out, "hot and double-stuffed with your favorite creamy filling!"
"Mummmm yummy!" Heidi exclaimed. She moved between Mandy's thighs and slurped up the creamy mess, and then kept licking until Mandy climaxed two more times, while her brother and father had some time to recover and be ready to mate with Heidi.
"Oh wow... that was great!" Mandy said, when she got her breath back after her fourth orgasm in a row. "Lord Karl? I have a favor to ask. I know it will be a while yet, and it may not prove to be possible because of timing and who is where at the time, but if we're all together when you decide it's okay for Heidi to lose her virginity, could Lexi and I be there too? We'd both love to watch Heidi losing her cherry to her brother or to you, and being there to lick her right after that happens."
"As you said, that will be a while, Mandy," Lord Karl said thoughtfully. "But I will keep your request in mind. Perhaps we might be able to arrange it that way."
"Thank you, sir," Mandy replied. "Are you and Hans ready to mate with Heidi now?"
"Yes, I think so. Would you like her mouth or her ass, son?" Lord Karl asked.
"You can have her ass, father," Hans replied. "She doesn't get a cock as big as yours anywhere else, and I know she loves having you under her tail."
Mandy watched as they got together beside her on the bed, and Hans and Karl filled the little girl from both ends at once, with Hans in her mouth and Karl in her ass. "Mumm, I love this kinky family," she said happily.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 509 By DoggyStyle57, July 2014
March 19, 2010 (Friday) - Mürren, Switzerland.
The next morning Lord Karl and his family and guests packed everything up and locked the rented Chalet behind them, leaving the keys in the lock box provided by the rental agency for departing guests, and they all returned to the ski resort in his helicopter, for one last day on the ski slopes. As dinner time approached, they flew back to the mansion in Bern, happy and exhausted.
March 19, 2010 (Friday evening) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
Will Steiner met his cousin Mandy within minutes after got back into the mansion, and he eagerly told her, "If you're not too tired after dinner tonight, go with Heidi into the maid passages and watch Master Karl's bedroom this evening. Master Karl and Master Hans have summoned Anna and I to serve them, and... well, it's going to be the night for us both to receive anal sex for the first time for real."
"Tonight? I won't want to miss that! Thank you Will!" Mandy said, hugging her cousin. "And I hope it is enjoyable for both of you!"
At the appointed time, Heidi and Mandy arrived in the Maid passages outside Lord Karl's bedroom. They hadn't even sat down yet when Will and Anna Steiner joined them - Will in his Houseboy uniform, and Anna in her maid uniform.
"Well, wish us luck," Will said, hugging Heidi and then his cousin Mandy.
"We've both had both of them under our tail, Will, and Heidi is younger than either of you! You'll be fine," Mandy said.
"Yeah, I know we should be. I mean, we've been practicing with butt plugs and dildos for weeks, and we know we can fit something as big as our Master back there, but... well, the toys didn't really have a knot. One of them had an inflatable area that was sorta like the knot, but I know my knot is a whole lot firmer than that toy was, and I'm pretty sure the inflatable bit couldn't push against our insides the way a hard knot can," Will said.
"Well, you're right there, but really, the worst part for me was getting used to the shaft pushing in and out, and how deep it went," Mandy said. "The knot felt huge, but it got big in a place inside that can take it pretty easily. Honestly, just relax and don't worry about it."
"Thanks, cousin. Well... enjoy the show!" Will said, and then he and Anna went through the next light proof curtain in the maid passage, and headed for Lord Karl's bedroom.
"We're here, Masters," Anna said when they arrived, doing a curtsey. "Mistress Heidi and our cousin Mandy are watching through the mirror, and we're both cleaned out and lubed already."
"Very good," said Lord Karl, who, like his son, was dressed only in a silk dressing gown. "Remove your uniforms, and then we will begin with William offering oral sex to Hans and myself. You don't have to make us cum, Will. Just get us ready to mate with your sister."
"All right, Master," Will replied, as he quickly got undressed and complied with his orders. By the time he had sucked both Karl and Hans to a nice erection, he was quite hard himself. "Will that suffice, Masters?"
Yes, it will," Lord Karl replied. "Now, you may fuck your sister first, and then Hans will and finally I will. But not in the ass, yet. First we will each fill her vagina with our seed, and you, Will, are to lick her clean when all three of us are done. Begin."
"Yes sir. Thank you, sir," Will said as he mounted his sister doggy-style on the bed, and began to mate with her.
"Fill me up, Will! Make our Master's happy," Anna said, pushing back against her brother's thrusts and milking his shaft with her cunny.
Mandy and Heidi watched as Will sucked on Karl's and Hans' cocks briefly, and then each of the three males fucked young Anna.
"I would have thought they would start right off with the anal sex," Mandy commented.
"I think they wanna make Anna enjoy this as much as possible, an' make Will lap up more cum before they get to the harder part," Heidi replied, fingering her slit. "Ohhh, I wish I was Anna right now, with my brother and my daddy pumping *me* full of their cream!"
"Soon, Heidi, soon," Mandy said, as she slowly fingered her own slit. "Only a year or so until that inheritance is settled, right? I'm sure they won't wait very long after that, before they allow you to lose your cherry."
When Will was done licking his sister clean, Lord Karl asked, "Which of you wants to go first for trying anal sex?"
Will sighed and said, "May as well get this over with. I'll go first, Masters. But, ummmm, can I keep licking Anna while you bugger me?"
"All right, at least while Hans does it with you. Lay on your back, Will, and Anna can sit on your muzzle, facing your tummy so she can watch. Hans will do you first, since he isn't as long as I am. Now just relax, and try to enjoy it," Lord Karl said.
Hans joined the brother and sister lovers on the bed and positioned his tip at Will's untried tail hole. "Looks like you did a good job getting lubed up for this. Here we go, my friend. I'll take this nice and slow."
"Oh God!" Will groaned into his sister's wet cunt, as he felt Hans' thick cock spreading his ass so wide. He was very grateful now for all the practice Karl had made them do with the sex toys. He felt like he had Hans' whole arm shoved up his ass! Yet it didn't really hurt. It was just an incredibly full feeling, and some other sensations he wasn't quite able to name. He was grateful that he was on his hands and knees, and not standing at the foot of the bed, bent at the waist, for this act. His knees felt like they wouldn't have been able to support him.
"You're really tight, buddy!" Hans said, "You're doing fine. Just three more inches to go... Relax a little more... There! You did it! My whole length is inside you! How are you doing now? I'll hold still until you feel ready for me to do more."
"I'm... I'm all right, Master Hans. Go ahead and fuck my ass, Master!" Will said. Then he started licking his sister again and tried his best to relax.
"You're a good lad, Will," Hans said, as he slowly picked up his pace. "Is it all right if I tie with you?"
"Yes, Master. Use me as you wish," Will replied. Being buggered felt really strange, and yet there as something really nice too about the feeling of giving complete control of the situation to his friend. M'Lady Trixie had told him that some people were naturally submissive, and found a particularly strong pleasure in being used for someone else's pleasure. He wasn't sure if that was what he *preferred*, but... this did feel... pretty good, he had to admit.
"Mummm yeah. Here we go," Hans said, as he began to knot up and started unloading his seed into the younger boy's ass. When his knot became too big to pull out, he continued using rapid, shorter strokes, tugging at the boy's butt, yet not hard enough to force his cock to pull free.
Will groaned when Hans' Knot began to swell and got stuck firmly in his butt. "Oh GOD that's big! And Master Karl is bigger? Oh geeze!" His cock, which had been hard when Hans first penetrated him, was only semi-hard now, and yet he was beginning to cum, as Hans' well-practiced strokes milked Will's prostate.
"Not that much bigger, my boy. Hans has grown to be almost as large as I am in that regard. Our shafts are the same thickness. Mine is about an inch longer, and my knot gets a little larger in diameter. But I am quite certain you will be able to handle it, as will your sister."
Anna leaned forward, held her brother's balls out of the way, and said, "Wow... Your butt gets kinda puckered outward every time Hans pulls back. I can see how his knot is tugging at you. That... doesn't hurt?"
"No, it doesn't hurt, sis. Kinda makes me see stars when he tugs back like that, but it isn't from pain. More like my body doesn't know how to handle the new sensation," Will said. "While he's stuck there, I'm going to try to make you come at least one more time, Anna."
"Very thoughtful of you, my boy. I like that," Lord Karl said. "But when it's my turn, I want you on your hands and knees, with Anna beside you, so she can guide me in and get a very close look at my cock reaming your ass."
"Yes Master, as you wish," Will said, before continuing to lick his sister.
Hans waited for Anna to cum before he withdrew from Will's now sloppy ass. "Well done, Will! Now get on your hands and knees and give my father a turn."
"Master Hans? Do... Do *you* always cum without even touching yourself, when someone buggers you?" Will asked, as he changed his position.
"Not always, no. Only when the person fucking my butt does a really good job of it," Hans replied. "When you butt fuck a guy, you want to make sure you rub his prostate a lot with your shaft and push against it with your knot. That will often make him cum. The same kind of stroking *might* make a girl squirt, if she's prone to squirting already. And it might make her cum, too. But girls don't have a prostate, so normally for a girl you need to finger her clitty while you bugger her, or she won't have an orgasm."
"I'll remember that when we do Anna, Master Hans. Thank you," Will said. "And I think I see now why it's good for me to get my butt fucked occasionally, even if I won't be on the receiving end a lot. I'm learning a lot about what it feels like, and how to do it better, for when I fuck anyone else in the tail hole."
Lord Karl got behind the boy and said, "Precisely! That's part of why I have my maids, and now my houseboy, try a wide range of techniques and practices. The more you know from direct experience, the better you will be as a lover. And you may find that \_some\_things that you hadn't ever considered doing are actually quite pleasurable for you. Judging from the smile on your face while my son used your ass, I'm guessing you found it more enjoyable than you expected you would?"
"Yes sir. It may not be my *favorite* thing to do, but it does feel a lot better than I thought it would. Go ahead and take your turn, Master. I'm ready for you," the boy replied.
"Anna? I want you to guide my cock into your brother's tail hole," Lord Karl said.
"Yes, Master," she replied, taking his thick cock in her small hand, and placing its tip into her brother's still gaping hole. She sighed as she watched the thick cock slowly stretch her brother wider, and then ease into his backside. "That looks so strange! You would think there is no way it could fit, but it slips right in!"
"The anal training that M'Lady Trixie led you through has helped both of you a great deal in that regard," Lord Karl said, as he began to hump her brother's butt. "It gradually stretched the muscles, so that you can easily take the real thing now, without very much pain, if any. I'll try to make this quick, so we can move on to your sister's turn. And I don't plan on doing this to you very often, Will, unless you do seem to enjoy it. The more I see of the two of you, the more I want to train you to serve a rich woman, and not a man. With luck, we can find a family where you can serve the wife while Anna serves the husband, and you can entertain them by mating with each other. There are several families among my patrons that would be good candidates for that sort of employment."
"As long as... we can stay together... and keep our baby... I'll do whatever it takes, Master," Will said, finding it hard to talk right with Lord Karl eagerly pounding his ass. He braced himself more carefully and smiled at his sister, saying, "It isn't bad at all, Anna, once you get used to it. I guess we shoulda known that, since Heidi likes it so much."
"Yeah, I know that, from the dildo play we've been doing to get ready for this," Anna replied. "Still, it's weird to see you getting your butt fucked, and knowing that soon those same two cocks will get crammed up my backside."
"\_Three\_cocks, my dear," Lord Karl said as he tied with the boy and started to add his creamy load to his son's mess in Will's bowels. "Your brother will have the honor of being the first male under your tail, since he is your mate now."
Anna smiled at that, and said, "Thank you, Master! That will make him my first in everything. First to lick me, first to let me suck his cock, first to fuck me, and now first to use my butt."
They had to take a break to recover after Lord Karl finished in Will's tail hole. Will did cum just from getting his ass reamed, and Karl and Hans both took time to clean off their cocks carefully.
But when Will started to go to the bathroom, Karl stopped him and said, "Do that after you've fucked your sister's ass. I want you to still have my son's and my cum leaking out of your butt while you fuck hers for the first time."
"Y-yes, Master," Will said, clenching his anus to try to hold it in. He got on the bed with his sister, kissed her, and asked, "Are you ready, sis?"
"As ready as I'll ever be, Will. Go ahead. Fuck my Ass and knot me back there!" Anna said, kissing him again and getting on her hands and knees, with her tail raised out of his way.
He positioned himself behind his sister, checked her butt with a finger to make sure she was sufficiently lubed still, and then slowly slid his entire length into her hot, tight ass. "Oh God! You're so hot and tight back here, Anna! Are you okay? Can I keep going?"
"Is... is it all in? It feels better than the dildos did. Not as rigid and inflexible," she replied.
"Three more inches yet," her brother said. "There's another ring of muscles where my tip is poking you. You gotta relax that so I can slide in deeper."
"Oh yeah, right," she replied. "I remember that, from using the biggest dildos. It's kinda like I'm trying to pass a big turd. Ugh, gross thought. I don't wanna really do that! Don't worry, I won't make a stinky mess."
"I know, sis. We both washed our butts out extra carefully before we came here tonight. I know you're as clean back there as you can be, just like I was," Will said. "Geeze, it feels weird, having cum dribbling outa my tail hole! There! That did it, sis! I'm all the way in now!"
"Then fuck me, my beloved brother! Claim my ass the way you've claimed my heart!" Anna sighed, lowering her head to the pillow that she was hugging and keeping her rump high.
"Oh! Oh wow, that position change really changed how you feel!" Will said, as he started humping her ass and reached around her to diddle her clitty with his fingers. "Cum for me, sis! Cum with me, while I fuck your ass!"
Karl and Hans watched approvingly as Will took his sister's anal virginity, rapidly tied with her, and dumped his load into her backside. They took another short break once Will was able to pull out, so he could wash the cum out of his butt and carefully wash off his cock. Then Hans got behind Anna and started fucking her ass, and Lord Karl told Will to get in front of his sister and have her suck his cock.
In the maid passages, Mandy was eagerly licking Heidi to an orgasm, while the Lord's heiress watched her former boyfriend buggering his sister.
"Maybe now Will won't be so skittish if I ask him to fuck *my* butt!" Heidi said. "It looks like he's finally over his religious hangups about what the Church approves of or not."
Mandy looked up at the younger girl, her face coated with girl cream, and said, "Yeah, I think he pretty much gave up on that stuff when he agreed to come here with Anna. When they slept with me the other night, while we were cuddling and getting ready to actually sleep, Will said he and Anna were thinking of finding a different church to attend, now that he's here. Something other than Catholic. They both still believe in God, but the Catholic faith their mom insisted on raising them in was too strict for how they will be living their lives together. Heck, most churches would frown on them mating and breeding babies with each other. But at least there are some that won't insist he'll go to Hell for mating with someone he loves in a way that she agrees to be mated with."
"Father belongs to the Swiss Reformed Church. Maybe Will and Anna would be more comfortable there? It's a Protestant church that has a lot of members here in Bern. But daddy usually only goes to church on the major church holidays, like Christmas and Easter. Hans and I did too, while we lived here," Heidi said. "He has a chapel here in the mansion, too, and the maids that want to worship more frequently can have a minister or priest or whatever see them there, or he will have Redd take them to a church of their choice in town."
"That's good," Mandy said, getting back into her seat to watch as Hans and Will fucked Anna from both ends at once. "As soon as your father is done with Anna. Would you like to come to my room for the night, Heidi?"
"I'd love to!" the puppy said. "I love the way you lick me, Mandy!"
Lord Karl took his turn with the pregnant ten year old Bernese girl, sliding his big cock as gently as he could into her now gaping and sloppy ass. Despite being knotted twice and gaping about an inch open, she was still quite a tight fit, and he sighed happily as he fucked her butt, envisioning future sessions with her and her brother, and getting the boy to double stuff his sister with Lord Karl in her cunny and Will up her ass, or vice versa. He would leave that pleasure for another night, however, since the hour was getting late, and both kids were getting near their limits of endurance.
"You're doing very well, Miss Anna," he said, as he fingered her clitty rapidly. "Now cum for me, my Pet! Cum for your Master!"
"I'm almost there... Ohhhhh! I know why Heidi loves this now, Master! You can fuck my butt as much as you want! Ahhhh... Ahhhrwoooo!" Anna howled as Lord Karl knotted her and her orgasm washed over her.
"That's a good girl!" Lord Karl said, as he hugged her tightly and flooded her backside with his seed. "Well done!"
"Master?" Will said hesitantly. "I... I guess that goes for me, too. I'd rather mate with Anna, but if you want to use my under my tail, I'm okay with that. Umm, could we just leave it at you and Hans though? I don't think I want anyone else using my butt but you or your son, just yet."
"Agreed. Redd probably would have been happy to help train you for sex with males, but that isn't necessary," Lord Karl replied. "You both did well tonight, and I'm quite pleased with how your training is going so far."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 510 By DoggyStyle57, July 2014
March 20, 2010 (Saturday) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
Saturday was the last full day of Hans and his friend's spring break visit to Switzerland. Lord Karl spent the entire day with them, taking the group to several local museums and historical sites, and to lunch at a fine restaurant in Bern.
They returned to the mansion for a relaxing dinner, after which everyone went to their rooms for whatever delightful pairings they had arraigned for the evening. Heidi left with Will and Anna. Phil and Bridget left together, first going out to the lakeshore to watch the sunset together, and then returning to their bed for the night, having declined anyone else's company so they could be more fully rested the next day for the flight home.
Hans kissed Mandy on the cheek and said, "Hannah will accompany you to father's room tonight. She's looking forward to it, and she'll see you soon." Then he quickly left to get ready for the evening.
"Bye Hans!" Mandy said. She remained at the table to finish the last of her dessert.
"It's been good having you here, Miss Blackwell," Lord Karl said, as he sipped at his after dinner drink and the maids cleared the tables. "Not to put any pressure on you, but you do care a great deal for my son, don't you?"
Mandy nodded and replied, "Yes sir. And before you ask, yes, if Hans eventually wants to marry me, I'd be happy to be his wife, and to share his love with the other special people in his life. I won't pressure him about it though, and I'm okay with the possibility he might choose a different girl to marry. But even if he chooses to marry someone else, I hope I can remain a *very* close friend, for all of you. I like your family a lot, and I'm very grateful for all that I've learned from you. Meeting Hans, being one of his girlfriends, and getting to know the rest of your family has totally changed my life. I'm going to enjoy life with my own family so much more, now that I no longer have to hide my own sexual proclivities from any of them. And we're all going to be so much closer, now that we're starting to mate with each other."
"Well, the choice of when to marry and who he proposes to will be his to make, and yours, if you are the one he asks to marry him, someday. But I must say, I think you would be a fine addition to our family. Better than any of the girls my mother is pushing at my son, certainly. As I said earlier, if you want to go to the university here, just let me know, and I'll make the necessary arrangements for a full scholarship. I have plenty of rooms here in the mansion for guests. You could live here, if you want to. What about your sister and your brothers? Do they have plans for their futures yet? I could arrange for scholarships for them as well, if they want to join you here."
"Too soon to say for them, sir," Mandy said. "I'm sure they would love a scholarship, and that would be incredibly generous of you, but I don't know if they would want to leave mom and dad now. Thank you for asking, though. Now, if you will excuse me, I think I should go freshen up before my date tonight with Miss Hannah and yourself."
"Of course, my dear," Lord Karl said. "I'm looking forward to this evening as much as you are."
Mandy showered and washed her hair and fur, carefully drying it and brushing it out and applying fresh perfume and makeup before selecting an outfit to wear. At first, she considered wearing one of the nicer semi-formal dresses that she had brought with her. She held the dress up to herself in front of the mirror, then shook her head and said, "As if a dress bought in a department store could impress a millionaire! And it's silly to wear a fancy dress, when I know Hannah and I will probably be getting undressed almost as soon as we get into Lord Karl's bedroom."
Then her eye fell on an outfit that she had tossed into her bags almost on a whim, and she smiled. Knowing how Lord Karl liked mating with under aged girls, it had occurred to her as she packed that maybe her Saint Lovejoys school uniform would be a turn-on for the old Bernese nobleman. He would recognize it as the same one his nine year old daughter Heidi wore in her fourth grade classes, as well as what his older daughters, Marie and Taylor, wore as their middle school and high school uniforms.
She brushed her hair into twin tails and tied them in place with blue bows, just like Heidi often wore her hair at school when they first met. Then she put on the white short-sleeved blouse with a blue 'Peter Pan' collar, the scandalously short blue pleated miniskirt, her white knee socks, and her dark grey leather 'Mary Janes' shoes. She intentionally didn't wear her bra or her panties, and her erect nipples made little tents in the thin cloth of her shirt.
"Perfect!" she said as she checked out her reflection. "Except for my height and my breasts, I look like a 6th grader, and not a high school freshman!"
She was debating calling M'Lady Trixie and asking if she had a large lollipop that she could use as a prop, when someone knocked at her door.
Mandy opened it and saw it was Hannah, wearing her full maid's uniform, with her hair done in long, flowing curls that reached past her shoulders, and wearing a light perfume and makeup. If Mandy hadn't known full well this was her boyfriend Hans, she could totally believe she was looking at a real Bernese girl. "Hi Hannah! You look quite beautiful tonight."
Hannah curtsied. "Thank you, Mistress," The Bernese maid replied shyly, in a totally believable female voice. "You look very nice as well. May I escort you to my Master?"
"Certainly!" she replied, stepping into the hallway and closing the door. "You know, we're all going to miss hanging out with Hannah when you stop being a cheerleader. You do her so perfectly now, it's uncanny!"
"Yes, and I'll hate to give it up myself. It's been a lot of fun," Hannah replied, as they walked slowly down the halls toward Lord Karl's bedroom suite. "But unlike your little brothers, I take after my father more than my mother. And it's really starting to show in my height and my shoulders. Terry and Teddy look like your mom, with feminine facial features and a small stature. It's no wonder you wanted to dress them like girls. They were pretty girly already, and with luck, they might remain rather small and slender, like your mom. But for me? No, I may get girly in the bedroom occasionally after this school year, but Hannah's days as a public figure are numbered."
"Well, I hope you'll still be Hannah for me occasionally. And as for my brothers, I really hope they don't get very masculine as they grow older. I want to enjoy them as my 'sisters' for as long as I can get away with it. But even if that's only for another three or four years, it's going to be a blast," Mandy replied. She stopped at the huge double doors and said, "Well, here we are. Let's have some fun on our last night with your father."
Lord Karl was waiting for them in his bedroom, in a dark blue silk dressing gown.
The bedroom door opened and Miss Hannah stepped in first, saying, "Master? I have brought Miss Mandy Blackwell to you, as requested, so that I may serve both you this evening." Then she curtseyed and opened the door wider so Mandy could enter, and revealing how the teenager was dressed.
"Well, you both look adorable!" Lord Karl said. "Miss Mandy? Is it true that some of the girls at your school, including my daughter Heidi, often wear no panties to classes, even with those *very* short skirts?"
"Yes sir! See!" Mandy said, lifting the front of her hem to give him a good look at her unclothed pubic fur and pink slit. "Heidi and I both go to class without any panties on, a lot of the time. And sometimes I do my cheerleading with no panties too, even when my parents are there and watching us! We're very naughty at our school, aren't we?"
"Yes indeed! Such naughty girls!" Karl said, smiling. "Let's see just \_how\_naughty. Sit on the bed, Mandy, and allow Miss Hannah to lick your sweet young slit until she makes you cum for us."
"All right, I'd like that sir!" Mandy said, skipping across the room to the bed, playfully jumping up onto it, and then sitting on the edge and spreading her knees wide while raising her skirt for the Bernese Maid.
Miss Hannah sauntered across the room and gracefully knelt in front of the real Bernese girl, sniffing her aroused sex before starting to lick her eagerly.
"OH! Ohhhh, good girl!" Mandy said, wagging her tail and leaning back on her arms while she enjoyed the oral attentions of her lover. She petted Miss Hannah's hair gently and crooned, "Such a good girl! Such a good little cunt licker! That's a good girl! Make Mistress Mandy cum, my pretty Maid!"
Lord Karl walked over and knelt beside Hannah to get a good look at the twelve year old 'girl' as she licked their fourteen year old guest. "Yes, she's a very good, obedient girl, aren't you, Miss Hannah?"
"Yes Master. \<slurp!\> I try to be, Master! \<slurp lick!\> Thank you," she replied between licks.
Karl looked up at the other girl and said, "But you're a very *naughty* girl, aren't you, Miss Mandy? How naughty are you?"
"I'm so naughty that I've seduced my sister and both of my brothers!" Mandy said, sighing as Hannah brought her closer to her climax. "I'm so naughty, I want... I want my brothers to fuck their mother, and... and my dad to fuck all of his kids, boys and girls both!"
"Really! That certainly *is* naughty! Anything else?" Karl prompted.
"I make my brothers dress like girls, or they can't have sex with me or with my sister," Mandy said. "I... I want to make my brothers *live* like girls, all the time. Even go to school as girls! And I want... Oh geeze, Hannah, I'm getting close! I want to... make my brothers... cum inside our mom... and lick their cum... out of their mom!"
"You won't let them use a condom? Even while fucking their mother? But what if she gets pregnant?" Karl asked.
"She's... on the pill... But maybe... I will make... my brothers think... she's fertile! Arhwooooo!" Mandy gasped out, howling and flopping back on the bed as Hannah got her to cum. She lay tghere panting for a while as Hannah continued to lick her sopping wet slit hungrily.
"Well, if you do make your brothers cum inside their mom when they think she's fertile, I'd love to witness that," Lord Karl said, as he waited for them to finish. "Think you can make a video of them doing that, and get it to me?"
Mandy propped herself up on her elbows and replied, "I want to make a video of them fucking mom, yeah. My sister Lisa got them to allow making a video of both mom and dad fucking her. I'm pretty sure I can get them to allow us making a video of our girly boys fucking their mom. If I get it to Hans, he can get it to you safely, can't he?"
"In a diplomatic pouch, yes," Karl said, as he leaned against the side of the bed next to Mandy. "Now, come over here, Hannah and please your Master with that talented mouth and throat of yours."
"Gladly, Master," Hannah said, crawling sideways while still on her knees, and opening her father's dressing gown. Lord Karl was already quite erect, and Hannah crooned, "Oh! I think daddy's happy to see me! My! That looks so tasty!"
Lord Karl groaned as Hannah took him all the way into her throat on the first try, not stopping until her nose was buried in her father's pubic fur. "Ohhh yes! You've gotten quite skillful at that, Miss Hannah!"
"I watched her do that with an adult stallion in one of the porn films that Hans and Taylor acted in," Mandy said. "I couldn't believe how much he made her throat bulge, but she swallowed every inch of him! The tip of his horse cock must have been all the way into her stomach!"
"Yes, I've watched her sister Taylor do that trick, and Taylor's mother Karla has deep throated a horse for me as well," Karl said, as he fucked his cross-dressed son's throat. "I've seen Hans' video as well, but I haven't seen him do that in front of me, yet."
Hannah pulled off her father's cock and said, "Perhaps I will on a future visit, master, if you have an equine friend here who you trust sufficiently to allow me to serve him. Would you like to see me do that?"
"We'll think about that, Hannah. But for now, get back to milking my cock with your throat," Karl replied, shoving his cock back into her mouth.
Mandy masturbated while Hannah finished sucking off her father. "This is *sooo* hot! I can't wait to make my girly brothers suck our daddy's cock like that!"
"Here you go, sweetheart! Swallow all of daddy's cream, baby girl!" Karl groaned, as he unloaded his seed right down Hannah's throat.
Hannah swallowed hungrily, then pulled back and caught the last of it in her mouth, showing the mouthful of cum to her father before swallowing it and licking her lips. "Mummmm, yummy! What would you like next, Master?"
Karl walked over to a dresser, opened the drawer, and got out a strap on dildo and a tube of lube. He handed them to Mandy and said, "Fuck her ass with this, naughty girl!"
"Yes sir! I can do that while you recover enough to fuck her yourself, sir!" Mandy replied, putting on the harness and greasing the lifelike, semi-knotted shaft of the sex toy. She had to hold her skirt up in front to keep the lubricated silicone dong from painting her skirt with lube, and it made quite a sexy sight as she positioned herself behind Hannah. She held aside the crotch of Hannah's panties to expose her butt hole, and eased the shaft into the Bernese maid's ass.
"Ohhh! That feels good, Mistress!" Hannah groaned, wiggling her ass and 'pushing' internally, trying to get the whole length of the sex toy into her backside.
"Give my maid a good, hard fucking, naughty girl!" Karl said, as he stood close to them and stroked his shaft to get ready for his turn.
"Do you like this, Hannah? Do you like having your ass fucked by a girl?" Mandy asked, as she humped the maid faster.
"Y-yes, Mistress! Fuck me harder!" Hannah moaned, pushing back against each thrust and grunting slightly as Mandy hilted the shaft's full length into her friend.
"Imagine that you're doing that for one of your sissified brothers, Mandy, and preparing him for your father to fuck," Karl said. "You want to do that to your brothers, don't you?"
"Oh yes!" Mandy cried, humping quite fast now. "I want our daddy to fill their little asses with his cum, and then slap their butts and send them across the room to fuck their mother, with their young tail holes still dripping with his creamy load!"
"That would be quite a sight!" Karl said, crawling onto the bed beside Mandy. "Now I'll make Hannah's ass overflow with my seed, just like you want to see your father do to your brothers. Pull out and move aside, so I can \_really\_fuck her ass!"
Mandy withdrew and scooted sideways, and guided the Lord's cock into Hannah's still gaping ass with one hand. "Fuck her hard, sir! Use her girly butt!" she said.
"Oh, I will," Karl said, grabbing Hannah by the hips and slamming his full length into her. "And you, naughty girl, can take off that dildo and your skirt, and get ready to get fucked next!"
"Oooh! Yes sir!" Mandy said, quickly unfastening the harness and her skirt, and dropping both to the floor beside the bed. "Should I take off anything else?" she asked, touching a shoe with one hand.
"No. The rest of the outfit is too cute on you to dispense with it now," Karl said.
He humped Hannah's ass for a little while longer and then groaned and pulled back just enough not to tie with the maid, as he dumped a load of cum into her backside. Then he slapped Hannah's ass and said, "Now fuck that naughty schoolgirl, as fast as you can, Hannah!"
"Whew! Yes Master!" Hannah said, pulling off her panties and revealing her erect cock. She held her tail high and positioned herself so Lord Karl got a good look up under the backside of her skirt, and could see his cum dribbling from her ass, and then plunged her cock into Mandy and started fucking her hard and fast.
"Oh yeah! Fuck me, Hannah! Fuck this naughty schoolgirl!" Mandy shouted, embracing her lover and making quite a show out of how much she was enjoying getting bounced off the mattress. Mandy's feet waved in the air, still wearing her school socks and shoes, and her tail whipped back and forth under Hannah's knees, as the maid balanced on toes and hands and thrust into her again and again.
Karl washed his cock off carefully, and returned to the bed just as Hannah flooded Mandy with her seed, and rolled aside to make room for her Master. Karl wasted no time in taking Hannah's place, fucking the schoolgirl until he had given her a stunning orgasm, and then unloading another torrent of cum into her.
As soon as Karl could pull free, Hannah crawled between Mandy's sloppy thighs and lapped up all the cum, her own as well as her fathers, and she didn't stop licking until Mandy had howled again with her last orgasm of the night.
"That was delightful, both of you. Thank you very much," Lord Karl said, giving each of the kids a hug and a kiss. "But now, as much as I would love to play with both of you all night, I am going to suggest you return to your rooms, get cleaned up and packed, and try to get some sleep. Your flight home leaves rather early tomorrow, and you need some rest."
"Yes sir. And thank you so much. This week has been wonderful!" Mandy said.
March 21, 2010 (Sunday) - En route from Bern, Switzerland to Pouncefield, USA
The maids woke everyone up at 6 AM, and took their bags to the limo while the guests and Lord Karl had an early breakfast together. Then Redd drove them to the airport for their flight home.
They left Bern at 8 in the morning, and changed planes in Zurich. On the flight from Zurich to New York they had a normal stewardess this time, and three strangers travelling in First Class with them. Mandy spent a lot of that flight quietly talking to Hans about the ideas she has been devising for her family, and she gave him a list of a few things that she wanted him to buy for her, as a surprise for her family. From New York they flew to Furland, in the West coast, and a final shuttle flight from Furland got them to the airport in Pouncefield at 9:00 PM, where Miss Cheri met them outside the baggage claim area with a limo, to take them home.
"Miss Cheri? How is Marie doing?" was the first thing Hans asked, on seeing his guardian.
"Better, ma chere," Cheri replied. "Her arm is still quite sore and is in a sling, of course. He is quite pleased with her progress."
"That's good," Hans said, giving Cheri a hug. "Father sends his love, and said to tell you that he misses you and was sad that you and Marie were unable to be with us this week. He will come to visit in April, for my birthday, and to see you both then."
"We missed him too, young Master," Cheri said wistfully. "You have all had dinner?"
"Yes, on the plane," Hans said.
"Good. Then I will call Hazel and Taylor and tell them not to make dinner for you, and as soon as we get to the mansion, all of you children are to get to your own beds! Hazel and Taylor both want to serve you tonight, Master, as it is their scheduled night with you. But all of you need your sleep, and have school in the morning! Phil, Bridget, Taylor and I will see to your luggage," Cheri said, as the last of their bags were loaded into the trunk of the limo by Phil.
"Yes ma'am," Hans replied. "It was fun visiting father, but I'm glad to be home, too."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 511 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 22, 2010 (Monday) - Saint Lovejoy's School, in Pouncefield
In the morning, Phil drove Mandy and the kids of Hans' household to school in the limo. He had been doing that for Hans' and his household's kids every school day since the kidnapping attempt - in part so that Marie wouldn't have to be bounced around on the school bus, but also to personally keep a closer eye on them all. Mandy had spent the night with Hans, rather than trying to go home so late at night, so she rode with them today. The girl's luggage was in the back of the limo, and Phil would take it to her home after dropping the kids off at the school.
Lisa Blackwell almost tackled her sister when she got out of the limo. "Welcome home, sis! So! Did they like you? The Count and Countess, I mean? You didn't really say, in your e-mails."
Mandy hugged and kissed her sister, and then walked beside her into the school, "Oh, they *loved* me. They seemed really happy that Hans was serious enough about me to fly me to Switzerland to meet them. We didn't lie to them and say we are engaged, but... well, I *did* tell the Countess that if Hans did ever ask me to marry him, I think I would be happy to be his wife. And that's *not* a lie."
"Yeah. If you ask me, I think you have a *really* good chance of that with him, sis! Did you all like the... ummm... 'home movies' that I sent you?" Lisa asked.
"Loved them!" Mandy said. "Now we gotta run, or we'll both be late for class. I'll see you at lunch, okay?"
"Yep! See you then!" Lisa said, sprinting down the hallway in the opposite direction, to get to her homeroom class.
March 22, 2010 (Monday afternoon) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield
Gretchen Blackwell picked up her kids after school, made sure they all did their homework, and then made dinner for her family. At dinner, everyone listened attentively while Mandy told them about her trip, while carefully not mentioning the wild sex that happened virtually every day. Instead she focused on meeting the elderly Count and Countess, and meeting Hans' mom and getting to know his dad, and about visiting the university, and the amazing helicopter ride and ski trip, and seeing the museums and historic sites.
"Lord Karl says that he will give me a full scholarship if I want to go to the University in Bern. No having to work as a maid, or anything. He might also give us scholarships for Lisa, Terry and Teddy too!" Mandy said, as she concluded telling about her trip.
"You must have made a very good impression on Hans' father, dear. We're proud of you," Richard said. "But how much of that scholarship offer hangs on Hans proposing to you? Hans hasn't said anything official in that direction, has he?"
"Father, Lord Karl offered my scholarship based just on my grades, and being Hans' friend. He made it clear that it didn't matter to him if Hans married me, or chose someone else. I'd still get the scholarship, if I want to go to school in Bern," Mandy replied. Then she smiled and said, "But he also said he likes me, and that he thinks I would be a good wife for Hans! He won't force Hans to make a decision yet, but if Hans asks me to marry him, I already have his father's approval, and his grandparents!"
"But what else did you do with Hans' dad?" Terry asked impatiently. "You know, like, at night?"
"That will be \_quite\_enough, young man!" Gretchen said suddenly. "Off to bed, both of you!"
"Awww mom! It's a good hour yet until our bed times!" Terry complained. "We just wanted to know if she..."
*"Not one more word, 'girls'!"* Lisa snapped. "To bed, NOW, or else! I already warned you about that topic. SCOOT!"
"Y-yes Mistress!" Terry stammered, as both boys fled the room, with their dessert still half uneaten on their plates.
"Sorry mom. I \_ordered\_them not to talk about sex yet around you and dad, but I guess they thought that only meant about what happens here at home, and that Mandy's trip wasn't covered by my command," Lisa said.
"That's... all right dear," Gretchen said, sighing. "I wish I could get them to jump like that for me!"
"It's all in dangling the right bait as a reward, mom," Lisa said. "They agreed to obey me and Mandy, or no more sexy fun from any of us. But they *still\_should have obeyed \_you* about going to bed. Mandy and I will figure out a good punishment for them later."
"Well, don't be too harsh with them," Gretchen asked. "Because quite frankly, I had the same questions as theirs running through my mind, but I couldn't bring myself to discuss it in front of the boys. Mandy dear, about Hans' father... Did you... well... promise to do anything... sexual... for him, in return for that generous scholarship?"
"If you're asking if I slept with Hans' father to get that scholarship offer, the answer is no," Mandy stated flatly. "I *did* have sex with him, several times. But it was always at my request, and *never* at his, and not as a payment for anything. We just mated because we wanted to enjoy each other in bed, like I want to enjoy you and father in bed. He never said, 'accept the scholarship and you need to keep fucking me', or anything crude like that, mother. In fact, he was *quite* clear that it made no difference to him at this point if I married Hans or not. He's offering the scholarship to me because I am Hans' friend, and because I have good grades. He offered scholarships for Lisa, Terry and Teddy too, and they haven't even met him yet!"
"But you \_did\_make a point of having sex with a man twenty years older than I am?" Richard asked. "Why?"
"Because someone with that much experience is bound to be a fantastic lover? Because I figured it would be a turn-on for Hans, to have a three way with me and his dad, or an orgy that included some of his sisters, too?" Mandy replied. "But also, I wanted Lord Karl to know that I totally accept his family fucking each other. I participated in nights where he and Hans had oral and anal sex with Heidi and with each other, and I watched him having sex with two more daughters of his that still live there with him. And I told him about me and my sister and brothers, and what we're starting to do with you, and showed him the videos that Lisa made with you two. Think about it, daddy. He fucks his kids and lets them fuck each other. So do we, now, or we all will be fairly soon. That makes me a very safe person for Hans to marry, doesn't it? He knows for sure now that I accept the way his family lives, and that my family accepts it too."
"I guess it does, at that," Richard said, making an embarrassed glance in the direction his sons had fled. "But I'm still not sure I can face the idea of making my boys have sex with me, Mandy."
"*You* won't be *making* them do anything, daddy," Lisa said. "Mandy and I will be the ones ordering them to have sex with you. And they'll do it, willingly, because they want to keep fucking their sisters, and they really want to get a chance to fuck mom, too."
"Daddy? What if I could *prove* to you that your sons can be just as pretty and sexy as your daughters? We make them dress like girls to earn a chance to mate with us. When they do that, you won't believe how cute they look!" Mandy said. "Give me a couple of days, and I'll prove how willing they are to do *anything* that Lisa or I tell them to do, and that they can look and act like two more daughters for you. I'll get pictures and videos to prove it, all right? And I have an idea for making your first time with them easier for you, daddy. You just gotta trust me, and play along with what I tell everyone to do. Deal?"
"All right. You really have your hearts set on this, don't you?" Richard asked. "And I guess you're dangling the same 'bait' in front of us now? 'Do what we say, or no more sexy fun?' Is that it?"
"Pretty much, yeah. Come on daddy, trust us! We'll all have a great time!" Mandy insisted. "Hans' daddy has a rule with his maids. They gotta try something new three times, before they can say no to that order. Can you live with that? Try something new that we order you to do just three times, and if you still dislike it, we won't ask you to do it ever again?"
"I guess we can do that, yes," Richard replied.
After that, the conversation drifted to what, *exactly*, Mandy had done that she hadn't spoken of earlier. As she calmly recounted the wild nights at the Swiss mansion - including the truth about her cousin Will having impregnated his sister, Anna - her parents became more and more aroused, and so did Lisa. Once they all went to bed, it was several hours before Richard and Gretchen actually got any sleep, or before Lisa allowed her sister to stop pleasuring her.
March 23, 2010 (Tuesday morning) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield
Mandy got her entire family up early the next day, and once they were fed, she told them, "We're riding our bikes to school, today, and we've been invited to visit Hans after school and stay for dinner. It's a great day, and we could all use the exercise. Phil can give us a ride home from the mansion in a van with our bikes, so we won't have to ride home after dark. We should be home in time to do our homework before bed time, mom. I'll phone you if anything changes our plans."
"All right dear. Have a good day at school, children," Gretchen said, as they got their bikes ready.
Terry and Teddy warily eyed the duffel bag that Mandy was tying onto the book rack behind her bicycle seat. They knew her school stuff was in her backpack, and they were both certain they recognized that duffel bag. "Oh no... Is that what I think it is?" Teddy asked her.
"You'll see," was all Mandy said, grinning as they headed off to school.
March 23, 2010 (Tuesday) - Saint Lovejoy's School, in Pouncefield
The Blackwell twins went to each of their classes that day while warily remaining on the lookout for their crazy, dominating sisters. But apparently Mandy had stowed that duffel bag in her locker for the day, since so far they had managed to get to all their classes without being pulled aside by their sisters and forced to do anything embarrassing.
"You know she has... those clothes... in that bag, right?" Teddy said to his twin as they headed for lunch.
"Yeah, I recognized the bag too," Terry replied, avoiding saying out loud what they both feared - that their wigs and girl clothes were in that duffel bag. "M-maybe she doesn't wanna make us do it here? She *did* say we were going to Hans' mansion after school, right? He... well, he knows already about what we think in that bag, and we know he won't laugh at us if Mandy makes us wear that stuff at his place."
"Yeah, I guess we might even be able to learn some stuff from Hannah while we're there, to make our sisters happier with us," Teddy said.
"Probably more than we *want* to learn," Terry said. "I hope she packed the lube. I think we're gonna need it."
March 23, 2010 (Tuesday afternoon) - Saint Lovejoy's School, in Pouncefield
Mandy and Lisa chatted with Hans and Heidi while the Bernerholdt kids waited for their limo to arrive, and while the sisters waited for their brothers to shower after gym class.
"We'll meet Hannah at the mansion, and go on foot from there. Same plan we discussed on the flight home," Mandy said.
"Drat. I wish I could come with you," Heidi said. "But I have a homework project I gotta work on. I wanna see the pictures, though!"
"You'll get to take some of them, and to join us, after we get back this evening," Hans said. "Just make sure you're done before then, short stuff. That should give you a couple hours to finish your project."
Terry and Teddy joined their sisters just as Hans' family left in their limo. "Awww. I thought we were gonna visit Hans tonight? Why can't they give us a ride too? Do we gotta ride our bikes all the way up that steep hill to their mansion?"
"I said we all need more exercise, and I meant it," Mandy said. "Besides, there's no room for bikes in the limo. Get on your bikes and follow me! I found an easier way than going straight up the hill on the street."
March 23, 2010 (Tuesday afternoon) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield
Fortunately for all of the Blackwell children, there was a bike path that led up the hill in a zigzag fashion through a shady greenbelt, so the ride up the hill didn't require them to pedal up too terribly steep a slope. But it definitely took them longer to get to the mansion than Hans and family took in the limo! By the time they parked their bikes under the mansion's portico and knocked on the door, Hans had already changed into Hannah, and it was Hannah who met them at the door.
"Welcome! Come on in, and follow me," Hannah said. She was dressed in a simple, puff-sleeved white blouse and plain, mid-thigh length pleated red skirt, with white knee socks and dark grey Mary Janes, and had two red bows in her hair. She led them upstairs and into Hans' bedroom suite.
Mandy tossed the duffel bag on the bed, and told her brothers, "All right you two, get girly. Now!"
"Ummm, Mistress? Are you gonna make us have sex with Hannah?" Teddy asked, as he started taking his clothes off.
"Yes, but not right now. No more questions, girly boy! We're burning daylight and I want the two of you looking like real girls, right away," Mandy said.
"Ahhhh, we have a problem then, Mistress," Terry said, as he dumped out the duffel on the bed. "No wigs in the bag."
"That's because I have new ones for you," Hannah replied, going to a dresser and retrieving two small cardboard boxes, each about the size of a large hard backed book. "These are yours to keep. You'll find they are much nicer than those cheap Halloween store wigs that your sisters have been making you use. In each box you'll also find a net wig cap, hair clips, bobby pins, and a comb designed for brushing out a wig. These are realistic, professional quality wigs, from a movie studio here in town. Get the rest of your clothes on, and I'll show you how to put them on properly."
"Errr, thank you. I guess," Terry said as he fastened his bra, adjusted his panties, and put on the pink blouse and red miniskirt and white knee socks and pink tennis shoes that his sister had provided for him.
Hannah got the boys into their wigs - which were a natural glossy black, curly, and shoulder length. When everything was carefully pinned in place and decorated with large pink hair bows by each ear, she asked, "Can either of you do a cartwheel, or a hand stand?"
"I think we can both manage a hand stand, if someone is there to catch our ankles. But not cartwheels," Teddy said, as he checked out his girly reflection in the mirror.
"Well, try a hand stand now, to make sure your wigs stay in place," Hannah said.
"Ummm, why?" Terry asked. "You gonna make us suck you while we're upside down? I guess were okay with having sex with you, Hannah, if that's what our sisters brought us here and made us get girly for. But we can do that without needing to worry about the wigs coming off, even without pinning them on all fancy like you just did."
"But you wouldn't want to do a cartwheel and have your wig come flying off, would you?" Hannah asked. "Mandy and I are going to teach both of you to do cartwheels and other gymnastic and tumbling moves. We will be practicing in Pouncefield Park, and not in my back yard. So you want to be *sure* your wigs are on properly, right? Now, do a hand stand for me, to check."
"In... t-the... p-p-park?" Terry stammered. He got on his knees in front of Mandy and begged, "Oh GEEZE, Mistress! *Please* don't make us do that! Our friends will see us and we'll \_never\_hear the end of it!"
"Do you mean to tell me that to avoid a little embarrassment, you're already willing to give up on ever having sex with me or with Lisa again, or ever getting a chance to fuck mom? I'm *ordering* you two to go to the park with us, *as girls!* Do it, and you keep fucking us, and you'll get to fuck mom. Refuse my order, and you'll get no more sex, from any of us!" Mandy said.
"You won't be alone in being girly in public. I'll be with you," Hannah said gently. "And really, if you try hard to act like girls, and if you keep your wigs on, no one will notice you. One thing I've learned from being Hannah is that people see what they expect to see. Look at yourselves in the mirror. If you saw those two pretty girls skipping through the park and turning cartwheels, would you think for even a minute that they might be boys?"
"Besides, it's Tuesday on a school night," Lisa said. "Most of our friends *won't* be at the park. They'll be at home by now, doing their homework or eating dinner. Now *do* this, and don't complain, or you'll *never* get another chance to fuck any of us!"
"Well... I really *would* like to fuck mom..." Teddy said. He looked at himself in the mirror again, tried to smile, and sighed. "Come on, 'sister', let's go along with it. Somebody spot me, while I try a hand stand."
"I guess we don't have a choice really, do we? I'm in too." Terry said glumly.
"That's the spirit!" Hannah said, clapping her hands. "We're going to have so much fun!"
Swiss Mix - Chapter 512 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 23, 2010 (Tuesday afternoon) - Pouncefield Park, in Pouncefield
Lisa, Mandy, Terry, Teddy and Hannah walked the nine long blocks to the park. To the twins, it felt like nine miles, as they followed Hannah and their sisters down the sidewalk and through a residential neighborhood that several of their classmates lived in.
Several cars passed them, going both directions, but none of the drivers or their passengers seemed to pay any more attention than usual to the five Bernese girls walking down the sidewalk. An albino hedgehog boy that Terry and Teddy both recognized from their gym class rode past them in the direction of the park, but he didn't seem to notice them either.
"Oh no! There's Ashley, and she's coming right at us!" Terry said, pointing down the hill at the black furred bunny with blonde hair, who was standing on her pedals as she worked to get her bike up the relatively steep hill. The bunny was on the same side of the street, and couldn't possibly fail to notice her classmates and recent girlfriend, as slowly as she was approaching them.
"Hi Mandy! Hey there Hannah!" the bunny called out as she went right past them. "Can't stop to chat! I'm late for dinner!"
"Whew! That was a close one!" Terry said quietly, once Ashley was well past them.
At the bottom of the hill, Mandy and Lisa took the lead and Hannah dropped back behind the twins as they turned onto a side street, heading for the North entrance to the park, over by the lake. Even more of their classmates lived on this street, but while they saw a few of them through windows or in their yards, no one noticed or spoke to them. Hannah snapped at least half a dozen pictures of the twins walking through the busy neighborhood, with various friends of theirs in the background of each one.
The twins relaxed visibly when they finally got off the sidewalks and onto the paths of the park, and relaxed more when they saw they were not heading for the relatively crowded playground or sports fields. On the path to the lake they were passed twice by clusters of joggers, yet again no one seemed to notice anything unusual about them at all.
"This... isn't so bad," Terry said. "You're right, Hannah. No one seems to see us as boys."
"Why should they? Unless they hear you *talking* like a boy or see you *acting* like one, they see a girly looking kid in a skirt, and of course they assume it's a girl. Your voices are still high enough to kind of pass for girls, if you don't say a whole lot. Soon I'll teach you the tricks that I use to sound a lot more like a girl, and it will be even easier for you to fool people. It's fun, isn't it? It's like being in a play, and doing such a good acting job that everyone in the audience believes the role you're playing is a real person," Hannah said.
They stopped at an open field by the edge of the lake. There were a couple of picnic tables and barbeque stands by the path they had just come from, and between there and the lakeshore path there was an open and fairly level grassy area almost big enough to use for a soccer field. Large bushes and a couple of trees screened the area off from most of the rest of the park, so unless someone came along one of the two paths, or was on the lake on a boat, they shouldn't have anyone in sight of them. "We'll practice here, I think. Lisa? Take my camera. You can do the picture taking for a while."
Lisa took the offered digital camera from Hannah and immediately snapped a couple of pictures of Terry, Teddy, Mandy and Hannah, with the lake in the background. The twins looked around to be sure no one else was in a position to see them, and then they willingly posed for the camera with Hannah and Mandy.
"Okay Hannah, you and Mandy start teaching these girls to do cartwheels!" Lisa said.
For the next hour, Mandy and Hannah made the cartwheels look effortless, and Terry and Teddy clumsily tried to imitate the real girls. By the time Hannah told them to take a break, all of them were enjoying themselves, and Lisa got some really cute candid shots and videos of the 'girls' laughing and playing with each other by the lakeshore. She grinned, because in a couple of her pictures, where Terry or Teddy had collapsed to the ground after a cartwheel, the bulges in their panties caused by the twin's sheaths and balls were pretty clearly visible. One picture even showed the tip of Terry's cock poking out of the waistband!
"Okay, that's enough for now. Let's go for a walk to cool off," Mandy said.
Hannah took the camera and the trailing position behind the others, and Lisa and Mandy led their 'sisters' on a slow, meandering walk through the park, stopping to smell the early-blooming flowers, and to toss dead bugs into the lake and see if they could get the little fish to nibble at them. They turned aside any time they approached a busy areas or a large group of people, but Hannah soon realized that they were slowly but surely approaching a *very* popular part of the park!
"Let's get some ice cream!" Mandy said suddenly. She took Terry by the hand, and Lisa grabbed Teddy's hand, and before their 'sisters' could object, they followed the path around a large shrub and right into a crowd of a dozen or more kids and adults at a concessions stand that was beside the most popular playground in the whole park!
The girls dragged Terry and Teddy into the concessions stand line, right behind Edna Foxx, while Hannah quietly walked around to one side of them and got more pictures of the terrified twins standing *very* still and trying to not draw any attention to them - especially not from Edna! Mandy and Lisa gave them no chance to escape, each keeping a firm hand on one of their brothers' shoulders, while they herded the 'girls' along in front of themselves as the line inched forward.
When Edna got up to the ordering window she said, "Two double-scoop vanilla cones, please!" and paid the teenaged bunny boy in the concession stand for them.
"Coming right up!" said the boy. He took her money and handed her the ice cream fairly quickly, trying to keep up with the crowd of customers.
"Thanks!" Edna said. Then she suddenly turned around with an ice cream cone in each hand, and found herself almost nose to nose with Terry and Teddy, with Mandy and Lisa behind them. She looked quizzically at the twins, then up at the older girls and said, "Oh! Hi Mandy! Hi Lisa! Are these girls friends of yours?" as she licked a drip from one of the cones.
Mandy grinned and quickly replied, "Cousins. Teresa and Theodora, from Germany. I'm afraid they don't speak much English yet. They've come to stay with our family for a while."
"Oh? Yeah, I guess I can see the family resemblance! Well, tell them it was nice meeting them! I gotta go, before Edward's ice cream melts! Bye!" the vixen said, licking a drip from the other cone before she ran off.
Terry and Teddy just stood there, frozen in place, until their vixen friend was gone. Then they mutely followed their sisters to the ordering window, accepted their small one-scoop ice cream cones that Mandy bought for them, and carried them back to where Hannah was waiting for them, on the edge of the crowd.
Mandy handed a cone to Hannah, and said, "Oh wow! I hope you got good pictures of that one!"
"Better! I got a 1080p HD video of it!" Hannah said. "The look on their muzzles when they found themselves facing Edna was priceless!"
"She... she \_really\_didn't recognize us?" Teddy said in disbelief.
"Well, if she *did*, she was too polite to mention it," Hannah said. "But I think you *did* fool her, yeah. And she knows you pretty well, doesn't she?"
"As much as any of the girls at school do, yeah. She's in about half of our classes," Terry said. "We don't talk to girls much at school, though. Mandy and Lisa want us to act like we still think girls have cooties, around our school friends."
"One more reason that no one will believe they are seeing you dressed like girls, if you ask me. And remember, to most other species and even to most other breeds of dogs, all of us Bernese pretty much look alike, because our fur markings are so similar to each other. So, are we ready to go back to the mansion and have some sexy fun now?" Hannah asked.
"Just one more thing," Mandy said with a wicked grin. "We'll hold your ice cream, 'girls'. I want you to go into that crowd of kids and play on the swings, while Hannah gets some pictures that show your panties. Then we can go."
The stunned twins wolfed down their ice cream first, and then they ran for the swings and got on two that were right next to each other, and started swinging, while trying not to look at the dozen or so other girls and boys in that part of the playground. Almost *all* of the other kids were furs that the twins knew, and shared classes with, and several of their parents or older siblings were standing nearby and watching them.
Hannah popped her cone into her mouth, swallowed it, and walked slowly around them in a full circle, stopping occasionally to chat with people she knew, and taking pictures and a little video the 'girls' in the playground amid all those other kids. She got some really good panty shots of them from both in front and from behind, as the twins' short skirts flipped up and down with their motion on the swings. Then she signaled the twins that they could go, and the twins almost flew off the swings and ran back to their sisters.
"Good girls! You'll get a nice reward for that, when we get to the mansion," Mandy said.
March 23, 2010 (late Tuesday afternoon) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield
Taylor met them at the door of the mansion. In deference to their guests, the teenaged vixen was wearing her normal maid uniform, rather than being nude except for her slave collar and maid apron. Once they were all inside, she said, "Welcome back! You know, the twins really *are* adorable, all dolled up like that. They're even cuter than you were, Hannah, the first time I saw *you* in a dress."
"I agree. Even without the dresses and wigs, they look pretty small and feminine. They definitely take after their mother more than their father," Hannah said.
"Now admit it. That *was* a lot of fun, wasn't it, girls?" Mandy asked the twins.
"Well, kind of, yeah," Teddy admitted.
"It... was kinda okay," Terry said, blushing.
"I'd say it was more than just 'okay'. Terry got a real thrill out of it," Lisa said. "He got a boner at least three times, that I saw."
"Well... Teddy got a boner in the park too!" Terry said defensively.
"You're \_sure\_of that? You were peeking under her skirt in public?" Mandy asked with a laugh.
"Didn't need to peek. His boner was makin' a tent in the front of his skirt." Terry insisted.
"Quite true! When we started the cartwheels, and again on the swings!" Hannah said.
"Oh geeze! Do ya think anyone *else* saw that?" Teddy asked, mortified and tugging down the front hem of his miniskirt so hard he almost pulled it down off his hips.
"Only a few people," Hannah said. "I can tell you that one of them was a hedgehog 'girl' who *also* had a boner, and she smiled as she watched you play in the playground. But she didn't say a word. She's really a boy that we all know at school, but you didn't recognize her, did you?"
"Really? N-no, I didn't... but... I was tryin' *not* to look at anyone else's faces. If I looked at another kid, I was afraid they might start talking to me, like Edna did," Teddy said. "Ummm, who \_was\_the other boy in a dress?"
"His name is Luke, and he calls himself Lucy when he cross dresses," Hannah replied. "I'll introduce you later, if you like. Now, let's go upstairs for some more fun. Taylor? Where is everyone else?"
"Marie is in her room, taking a nap. The painkillers and antibiotics for her arm make her groggy. Phil and Bridget are in their cottage, I think. Hazel and Heidi are doing homework in the family room, and copying their notes for Marie to use later. M'Lady Cheri and I have been starting to get dinner ready. It will be at least an hour before dinner, though," Taylor replied.
"All right. Tell Heidi we're back, will you? She wanted to join us," Hannah said, before she led her guests up to Hans' room.
"Hannah? Pose for a few sexy pictures with the twins for our daddy, please," Mandy requested, once they were in the bedroom. "I want each of you sharing a French kiss, and some upskirt poses and panty shots."
Mandy snapped several pictures, including Hannah raising her tail and pulling the leg hole of her panties aside to expose her anus, without showing any sign that she was a boy. "Okay, Hannah, we need Hans for the rest of the pictures, so go change please," she said.
"Can we change too?" Teddy asked hopefully.
"No! But while we wait, you can both take turns licking your sister's cunts!" Mandy commanded.
Heidi came up to join them about the same time Hans came back in from his shower. "Sorry that took so long, but that was an important report, and I didn't have any time to work on it during the break," she said. "I'm all done now, though."
Hans hadn't bothered to get dressed, though he did have a towel around his waist, and he had dried his fur carefully. "That's great, Heidi. We were just getting to the really fun part. It's Mandy's call on what we do, though."
"Ummm, hi Heidi," Teddy said shyly. "Look, I'm... well, we're sorry we haven't asked you out on a date yet. But with all that's been going on and all. I mean, Will and Anna running away, and then getting sent to your father, and the kidnapping, and you going away for spring break..."
"Oh, that's all right!" Heidi said. "We can have fun now, right? You can take me on a date later. So, what are we doing, Mandy?"
"First, I want a few pictures for my parents of you with Hans' cock down your pretty throat, Heidi. Then I want our girly brothers to show you both the new tricks they have been practicing with each other," Mandy replied.
"Okay! Can I make him cum, or do you wanna have the boys swallow his stuff?" Heidi asked, as she knelt in front of her brother and removed his towel.
"Just swallow his cock a few times, and leave him hard for the twins," Mandy said. "We'll all get to cum eventually, but I want to get these pictures before we have to go down for dinner." She got a video clip and a couple photos of Heidi and Hans together, and then said, "All right Heidi, give our 'sisters' a turn now. Terry? Teddy? Show Hans how well you can swallow a cock. Pretend Hans is our daddy."
"Yes, Mistress!" The twins replied at the same time. They knelt in front of Hans, and Terry said, "Sir? May we suck your cock now, sir?"
"Certainly," Hans said, presenting them with his rigid shaft, so Mandy could get a good picture of his big cock next to their girly faces.
Mandy took a video clip as Terry stroked Hans' cock, and then took the boy into his mouth. It was clearly difficult for him to swallow a cock as long and as thick as Hans - two inches longer and half an inch thicker than his brother's cock - but he managed it, and made a 'victory sign' with one hand as he grinned at the camera with his nose in Hans' pubic fur. He continued for a minute or so and then pulled off and asked, "Should I make him cum, Mistress, or should I give Teddy a turn now?"
"Trade off with Teddy," Mandy said. "I want Hans to be able to fuck both of your asses before dinner time."
"Oh?" Hans asked, as the other boy tried to swallow his cock. "Last time they declined receiving anal from me. Have they started receiving now?"
"Yes, they've been practicing with each other, and they are going to have to let dad fuck their asses if they want to fuck mom," Mandy said. "So I want them to have a go with you, first."
As she filmed Teddy struggling to get Hans' thick shaft into his throat, she spoke encouragingly to her sibling and said, "Come on, Teddy! He isn't *that* much bigger than your brother! If Heidi can do it, so can you! If you can deep throat Hans, it proves you'll be able to do it for daddy. Just relax and swallow that nice, big cock. That's a good girl!"
The boy nodded, took a deep breath and swallowed as he pulled his muzzle closer to Hans' hips with both hands on the other boy's butt. Suddenly he slipped forward and bumped his nose against Hans' pubic bone!
"Well done!" Hans said, patting the 'girl' on the head and withdrawing so 'she' could breathe. "Now do it again, and relax."
Teddy grinned around the mouthful of cock and plunged forward again, and this time his nose reached Hans' pubic fur with much less effort. After a few more tries, Teddy was also able to allow Hans to fuck 'her' throat, and Mandy got it all on video.
"Now, turn that girl around and fuck her ass, Hans!" Mandy said. She took more pictures as Hans reamed her brothers, filling their butts without tying with them. Then she passed the camera to Hans, and had him take pictures of the girly boys fucking their sisters, with his cum dribbling out of their asses.
When they were done, and each boy had licked their sister clean, Mandy allowed her brothers to change back into boys, while she took pictures of Hans fucking Heidi's ass and tying with his little sister.
"Mom and dad will love these pictures!" Mandy said, as they headed down to dinner. "Thanks, Hans, Heidi! I'll make sure you get to see the videos and pictures of their session with mom and dad!"
"Looking forward to that," Hans said. "You two did very well, Terry, Teddy. I hope you enjoy fucking your parents! Mandy, when Phil takes you home, make sure Taylor gives you the shopping bag that we prepared for you. Bridget managed to get all the other things you asked for."
"Great!" Mandy said, giving Hans a kiss. "Thanks so much!"
Swiss Mix - Chapter 513 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 23, 2010 (Tuesday night) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield
After dinner, and after Phil left to take the Blackwell children home, Hans sat in the family room with Marie and helped her with her homework. After her injury in the kidnapping attempt, everyone in Hans' household, as well as a number of their friends at school, had been helping Marie to keep up with her classes. They all helped with taking notes for her at school, since she couldn't take her own notes by hand with her right arm in a sling, and could only type slowly with just her left hand usable. For classes where she needed to be *certain* she got good notes, she recorded the lecture on a small memo recorder that Cheri purchased for her. Hans usually typed her papers for her on the computer each evening. He would take dictation from her, but she also insisted that no one should cheat for her by doing her assignments for her.
"Hans?" Marie said, as they finished for the night. "I want to join you and mom in bed tonight. It's *my* scheduled night too. I think I'm up to it, as long as we are careful not to bump my arm too much."
"You're sure?" Hans asked, looking with concern at the arm she had been shot in. "I still feel terrible that you got hurt because those creeps were trying to kidnap Heidi and I. They could have *killed* you, and I could never have forgiven myself if that happened! I \_really\_don't want to hurt you anymore than you already are."
"I'm sure," she said, looking quite determined. "Look, you *prevented* them from killing me, all right? Me getting shot \_wasn't\_your fault, so stop acting like it was, somehow. Maybe it wouldn't be a great idea for you to enthusiastically bounce me off the mattress tonight, and I know I can't support myself on my hands and knees to mate doggy style yet, but... we could at least do oral sex, couldn't we? I \_know\_you'll be gentle with me, and I'm getting sick and tired of sleeping alone in my bed, hugging a body pillow and pretending I'm snuggling with you. At least let me curl up in bed with both of you, so I can feel you against my back. Please?"
"Well, all right. As long as your mom agrees that it's all right with her, too," Hans said. "How much longer do you have to keep your arm in that sling?"
"About another six weeks until the sling comes off, according to the nurse that checked me last week. They say I'm actually healing a lot faster than they expected," Marie said. "It'll still be sore after that when I move in certain ways, for several more months. Like, I shouldn't try to play tennis, because moving my arm outward like doing a backhand, or hitting something hard with that arm, like serving in Tennis or playing volleyball, will hurt a lot. But as small as I am, I never was good at most sports anyway, so that's no big deal, for me. Once the sling is off, I should be able to use the arm well enough to do all of my maid duties and school assignments, including at least some parts of gym class, for the rest of this school year, and I should be able to fully enjoy my times in bed with you and the others. By the time school starts next year, they're pretty sure I'll have my full strength and range of motion back, and no more pain."
"That's great! I was worried you'd be in pain for the rest of your life," Hans said. "But is that all? I know you better than anyone, and you sound like there's something more that you haven't told me yet."
Marie sighed and said, "Well... They aren't sure yet. And if they're right, it's... well, it's something we always knew was a possibility. I'm healing really well - faster than most people would. But... I haven't gained any height or weight for quite a few months. Maybe I'm just kind of between growth spurts, but with mom's medical history..."
"They think you'll be like her, and always look like a twelve year old, even as you get older, is that it?" Hans asked. "Well, your mom's arrested development syndrome has never stopped father or me from loving her, has it? In a way, it's kind of neat. I don't mind if you never look any older than you are now, as long as you don't mind still being my lover when I get old and gray in the muzzle."
"I'll always love you, Hans, and I'm glad you'll still love me," Marie said, kissing Hans on the nose. Then she hesitated and added, "Ummm, they *did* say I might still be able to have a kid or two, like mom did. Probably have to do a C-section if my mate is a lot bigger than me, but Mom managed okay when she gave birth to me, so... Oh, I don't know why I'm even mentioning that! I'd *never* want to have anyone's babies but yours, and they'll never let you marry me or have babies with me, any more than father could marry my mom!"
"Marie, look at me," Hans said. "It's *way* too early for us to worry about that, right? But... if you really do want to have a kid with me, someday, then I don't give a *damn* what anyone else says! I probably can't marry you, yeah. So maybe we'll have to do like your mom did, and pretend someone else was the father. But if you want to have my baby, I'll love that kid just as much as father loves you! I'm serious, Marie! You're my first love, and you'll always be my lover. If you want to be the mother of a child of mine, I'd be honored to make it happen for us."
"Oh Hans!" Marie said, leaning on his shoulder and crying a bit into his fur. "I love you so much!"
That night, Hans and Cheri helped Marie to undress, and they had her lay on Hans' bed, with her legs dangling over the side of the bed.
"Just relax and enjoy this to start with," Hans said, as he removed the last of his own clothing and knelt between his half-sister's knees. He parted her folds and gently began to lick her, paying special attention to her clitoris.
"If at any point this becomes too much, or you begin to be in pain, let us know," Miss Cheri said, as she held her daughter's left hand and watched Hans worshiping her.
"I took my antibiotics and painkillers half an hour ago, mother," Marie said, wagging her tail so it thumped on the bed beside her. "Nothing hurts right now. I'm more worried that I'll get too groggy and fall asleep. Though that's unlikely with Hans making me feel so wonderful! Ohhhh, he certainly is good with his tongue, isn't he, mom?"
"Oui! Our young master has been most diligent in learning how to enjoy his maids and girlfriends, and to give them as much pleasure as he receives from them," Miss Cheri said. "It was hard at first to accept that you had fallen so deeply in love with your brother. But I have seen how deeply he cares for you, and I confess I love him as well, so now I do understand, and accept your love for each other."
"I'm glad you've also come to accept being my lover yourself, mom," Marie said. "I think it's wonderful that both you and daddy love me so much that you happily share my bed. Ohhh! Right there, Hans! Mummmm, that's wonderful! Oh, I missed this so much!"
Hans smiled as his sister neared her climax, and he eagerly lapped at the tangy wetness between her folds. He was just as happy as Marie that her mother had finally accepted their love for each other, and for Miss Cheri as well. He kept licking Marie until she arched her back and cried out in pleasure, and then he traded places with Miss Cheri.
Kneeling before Marie as Hans had done, Miss Cheri nuzzled her daughter's folds and savored her aroused scent, before licking gently and trying to take her little girl to a second climax. Cheri had lost track of how many maids she had licked like this over the years, in her duties for their Masters. At first it had been strange, making love to another girl. But she soon found she quite enjoyed it, and she practiced with the other girls, even on her own time, so she could put on a good show for their Master. She had initially balked at doing the same things with her own daughter, or at allowing the girl's father to mate with her. Yet truly, was this any different? In some ways, was it not *better* that the girl she made love to was one she loved already with all her heart? The other maids were all good friends, and pleasant partners in her bed, or in theirs. But she couldn't really say she loved any of them in the way that she loved her daughter, her Master, or more recently, her Master's son, Hans.
Marie basked in the love she felt from her mother and her brother. But she wasn't satisfied to only receive pleasure from them. "Hans? Let me suck your cock, while Mom licks me. I need to please you, too."
"All right, but don't push yourself too hard, Marie," Hans said, kneeling on the bed to her left, and presenting his rigid cock to his sister's muzzle. "I've missed mating with you too, but you don't have to hurt yourself to show that you love me."
"This is for me, as much as it is for you," she insisted. Then she took his cock into her mouth and sucked on it. Not trying to take him into her throat fully, but suckling and teasing his tip and shaft with her tongue, while trying to get him off without shaking her upper body too much.
Hans tried to hold still as Marie fellated him. It wasn't easy, because she was quite good at this. Soon he groaned and filled her mouth, and then he kissed her full on the mouth as she had her own climax from the licking that her mother was giving her.
When they were done, Marie sat in a chair beside the bed and watched as Hans eagerly fucked her mother. She dearly would have loved to be astride her mother's muzzle, but the bed was bouncing far more than she could comfortably deal with, until her arm was more fully healed. She settled for fingering herself with her left hand, and waited for her turn to lick her mother clean.
They went to sleep that night with Marie hugging the body pillow and sleeping on her left side, with her injured arm atop the pillow, Hans spooned behind Marie, and Cheri spooned behind Hans.
March 23, 2010 (Tuesday night) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield
When Phil dropped off the Blackwell kids at their home that evening, the twins went straight to their room to work on their homework, leaving Mandy and Lisa in the kitchen with their parents.
Mandy held up the camera and said, "Well, we got the boys to go out in public tonight, as girls, for the first time. We dressed them up and took them to the park, to prove how far they were willing to go to earn the right to have sex with you, mom. Then we went back to Hans mansion, and they had sex with Hans, to prove they would be willing to have sex with daddy, and then we let them have sex with us, as a reward for doing all that kinky stuff for Lisa and for me. We also got pictures for you of Hans having sex with Heidi. Would you like to see how pretty and sexy your sons and our friends can be?"
"Oh my..." Gretchen said. "They did all that, so they can have sex with me?"
"Yep! Let's plug the camera into the TV so we can see the pictures and movies on a big screen. This is a pretty good camera, and the detail should be great, just like with the pictures and videos Lisa took of the three of you," Mandy said, leading them into the family room.
After looking at all the pictures and videos, both Richard and Gretchen looked flushed and aroused. The girls could clearly smell their mother's arousal, and their father had a definite boner.
"Well, what do you think, daddy? Aren't Terry and Teddy just as sexy as Lisa and me?" Mandy asked.
"Ummm, yes, I have to admit, they are," Her father said. "And I still can't believe that Hannah is really Hans! We've met Hannah at so many cheerleader events that I've lost count, and I never suspected she was a boy, until you told us!"
"What about you, mom? Are you ready to have sex with your sons? We really want to watch them mating with you!" Lisa said.
"I... Yes... And... with your friends Hans and Heidi too, if they want to join us," Gretchen said. "My God, Mandy! Now I see why you're so determined to have that boy for a mate! He's *really* well endowed! I'd never leave your father, but I certainly wouldn't turn down such a handsome and well gifted young man, if you're willing to share him with me."
"They want to join us, both of them," Mandy said. "Daddy? That also means you'd get to have oral and anal sex with both Hannah and Heidi! Would you like that? Would you like to watch mom mating with Hans, while you fuck his nine year old sister's ass?"
"After we get used to involving the boys, we can discuss the Bernerholdt children joining us. I'll admit I would like to try sex with Heidi, and I suppose if I manage to get started with the twins, that doing it with Hans will be all right as well," Richard said. "But how do we start with the boys? You said you had an idea for something that would make it easier for me to do my part with them?"
"Yes daddy, I do have a plan, and all you and mom have to do is play along and do what I say. You'll love it, I promise!" Mandy insisted. "Think it over and try to get used to the idea, and we'll see if we can make it happen on Saturday, after I get back from cheerleading at the Saint Lovejoy's boy's soccer game over at Green Hills."
March 25, 2010 (Thursday) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield
Victor Kaptur arrived at Hans' mansion around mid day on Thursday. Both Brianna O'Connor and the sole surviving thug from the kidnapping attempt were to appear in court this afternoon, and the tall, handsome Rottweiler was to represent Cheri, Taylor and the interests of the Bernerholdt family during the trials, as their family lawyer. Although Cheri and Taylor had each killed one of their assailants in defense of their family, no charges had been filed against either girl. The police had already reviewed a number of cell phone videos from witnesses at the scene, as well as security camera footage from several businesses and film from a traffic camera at the intersection, and determined it to be a clear case of self defense for both Taylor and Cheri. But Karl still wanted to make sure that nothing went amiss if Taylor, Cheri, Hans, Heidi and Marie testified at Brianna's case.
Victor met with the family at the mansion's great room as soon as the children returned from school, to prepare them for their roles in the trial.
"This should not be a very long or involved proceeding," he said. "Three of your attackers died at the scene. The sole surviving gunman, the one that Miss Schwartzfield maimed in the leg, has already made a full confession, as part of a plea bargain in exchange for his full cooperation. His detailed confession to his part in the plot and to what he knew of the situation has already made it clear that Mrs. Brianna O'Connor was a very unwilling accomplice in the matter, forced to provide information by means of drugs, physical abuse, and veiled threats against the safety of her daughter. What will make it difficult is that none of the participants are US citizens, and that Brianna, her daughter, and all of your assailants were in the country illegally. And then there is the unfortunate matter of custody for Mrs. O'Connor's daughter, Meghan. It will take some time yet for Brianna to be weaned off the drugs that her husband inflicted on her. Until she is clean and sober, the courts cannot allow her to keep the child in her custody. She has also named no other family member who the child could stay with while her mother was in police custody. Rather than sending the little girl to a foster home before her mother's status was formally decided, the child has been under observation at the 'Happy Hyena House', a charity children's hospital run by some fast food corporation. They have been checking her medical and mental state, and evaluating what sort of therapy and remedial education needs the puppy may have, as well as giving her a safe and supervised place to stay. Miss Cheri, I understand that you have already formally asked the police if you could become the child's guardian, since you are a former friend of Mrs. O'Connor, and they officially have no living relatives?"
"Oui, that is true," Cheri replied. "Brianna and I were rather close friends when she was a participant in our maid scholarship training program. She helped to babysit my daughter as well as the Bernerholdt children. Even though my daughter was injured in the attack, I do not hold Brianna to blame for this tragic event, and it would grieve me deeply if her child became a ward of the court and got cast into foster homes because of the state that Brianna is in now from her late husband's abuse of her. I have discussed the matter with Lord Karl, and he is willing to give the child a maid scholarship, and to pay for Brianna's rehabilitation, if the court will allow it. I am willing to give the child a home, and if she does not wish to be a maid, I would still offer her a place in my family, until such time as her mother is capable of regaining custody of her, or until the child comes of age."
"Very good. That is exactly how you should present it to the Judge, this evening. I have already made inquiries with the appropriate Irish authorities, since Miss Meghan O'Connor is, like her mother and her late 'father', legally an Irish citizen. If Brianna agrees to grant you the role as her child's guardian during her treatment and/or incarceration, I think we can get approval for that," Victor said. "The biggest potential pitfall in this case will be what would happen if Brianna publicly names Lord Karl as the real father of her child. She has refrained from doing so to this point, but we do not want a paternity test and a scandal, even if the test proves that Lord Karl is *not* the father. The child's father clearly *was\_a Bernese, and we honestly don't know who, if anyone, she will name if asked under oath in a court of law. My investigators have confirmed that the birth date of the child makes it very unlikely that Kelly O'Connor was her biological father, despite the fact that Kelly married Brianna because of her pregnancy and the child was born well after they were wed. The timing also makes it conceivable that Lord Karl \_could*, possibly, be the child's father. Those facts are unlikely to escape the court's notice."
"*Is* Lord Karl the child's real father?" Marie asked.
"Legally unproven, and I've been instructed to deny that possibility if it comes up in court, just as we would deny any allegations of Karl being involved in sexual misconduct with any of his other maids. But off the record, when she quit, Brianna told Lord Karl she was pregnant with his child, and that she wanted to go home to Ireland and marry someone there and raise her baby in a normal family. So he made arrangements to send Brianna child support payments via an indirect route, on the condition that she must not legally name him as the father, as he had done in a few other cases before," Victor said, glancing pointedly at Taylor. "Yes, Miss Schwartzfield, I see the obvious question in your eyes. I *do* know the identities of \_all\_of Lord Karl's illegitimate children that he has ever been made aware of and paid child support for. Of course, as a matter of client confidentiality, I will not name them to anyone without Lord Karl's explicit permission."
"Is there anything else we should be careful about?" Hans asked.
"Miss Cheri should make it very clear that she shot her assailant *after* he drew a gun and threatened both her and her charges. Miss Schwatrtzfield should state that she shot the first one while he was threatening Heidi with a knife to the face, and that she attacked second one of them with martial arts only after he had already shot Miss Marie LeChow, and was threatening all of you with a gun," Victor said. "Do not say anything that might be construed as your offensive acts being needed for any reason other than to defend yourself or another person in your party from imminent harm. And remember, Miss Schwatrtzfield , your status as Hans and Heidi's 'bodyguard' is entirely unofficial, as you are still a minor yourself. Don't mention that role for yourself, unless they ask about it directly."
"And if they do ask? What then?" Taylor asked.
"Tell the truth - that as Hans' and Heidi's maid, you wanted additional training so that you could double as a bodyguard for them, and that you are in the process of getting that training," Victor replied. "Any other questions? No? Then let's see that justice is done, for Miss Brianna, as well as for your household and family."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 514 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 25, 2010 (Thursday) - County courthouse, in Pouncefield
At Brianna's trial, the first witness called by the Defense was the bulldog that was the sole surviving member among the assailants in the case. He was brought into the courtroom in a wheelchair, escorted by both a police officer and a nurse, and was handcuffed by his left wrist to the chair. His right pants legs was empty from the knee down.
After getting him sworn in and verifying his name and nationality, the judge said, "You offered us a full confession for your own actions in this kidnapping and your full cooperation in determining the details of this case, in exchange for some leniency in sentencing and a promise of medical care for your severed leg, is that correct?"
"Yes, your honor, it is." The bulldog replied.
Brianna's lawyer asked, "How long have you known the defendant, Mrs. Bridget O'Connor?"
"I'd say about seven years. Since she married Kelly O'Connor," he replied.
"In that time, did she ever willingly participate in any of her husband's violent activities?" the defense lawyer asked.
"Willingly? No sir," the bulldog replied. "She tricked him into marrying her, and he resented her for that. But bein' Catholic, he couldn't divorce her. Once he found out he'd been had, he was coarse and abusive with both Brianna and her kid. Beat her up, and hurt the kid a little, too."
"She stayed with him, in spite of that abuse?" the lawyer asked.
"She didn't have much choice in the matter. He kept her locked in her room most of the time. But in mid 2008, she got loose and *tried* to run away with the kid. Kelly caught them, locked them both up, and started using drugs on Brianna, to keep her from running off again, and make her more cooperative. The drugs made her chatty, and that was when he learned about the Swiss millionaire that she used to work for, Karl von Bernerholdt."
"You and the others with you just stood by and allowed that abuse of Brianna and her daughter to happen?" the lawyer asked.
"You didn't cross Kelly, unless you wanted to be dead. He was a mean bastard and a violent man, but he usually got the job done," the bulldog replied. "I liked the idea of waking up each morning. So no, I didn't tell him to be nice to his wife or her bastard daughter."
The bulldog was dismissed, and then several medical witnesses attested to the signs of physical abuse that both Brianna and Meghan had endured, and to the drug addiction that resulted from her husband's mistreatment of Brianna. They concluded that she was currently in good enough condition to testify on her own behalf, but that it would take several years of rehab and therapy before she could resume being the caretaker of a child.
Then Brianna was called to the stand.
The judge stated, "Mrs. Brianna O'Connor? It appears that you have been caught up in a very bad set of circumstances. You are very fortunate indeed that the von Bernerholdt family has declined to press any charges against you in the matter of your late husband's attempt to kidnap their children and hold them for ransom. They have even asked for leniency in your case, and have made several offers to help you to recover. I think we have also heard enough today to prove that the state has no interest in prosecuting you as an accomplice to the actions of your late husband."
"Thank you, your honor," the Irish Setter girl replied meekly.
"Unfortunately, the court cannot turn a blind eye to the facts that you are in this country illegally, and that the drug dependencies caused by your late husband's abuse of you have made you unfit to be raising a young child. You will be deported back to Ireland, and turned over to the authorities there, with our recommendation that you should undergo therapy and treatment. But I am afraid that your daughter can not remain in your care. Aren't there *any* living relatives that the girl could be sent to, while you recover from your drug addiction?"
Brianna glanced at Cheri, Marie, Hans and Heidi, and then looked the judge in the eye and said, "Your honor, I swear that there is no living soul that I can name who is related to my daughter, by blood or by marriage, other than myself. I am an orphan, and Maxwell MacGregor is dead. That's God's truth, so help me."
"Has your lawyer made you aware of the offer by Lord Karl von Bernerholdt to pay for your therapy and drug rehab treatment, and by Miss Cheri LeChow, to become your child's legal guardian while you are in recovery?" he asked.
"He has, sir, and it is most kind of them. I agree to their requests, with all my heart. Cheri was a good friend to me, years ago. It near broke my heart that little Marie, who I used to change diapers for, got shot by my husband's men. I know Miss LeChow will take good care of my little girl, until I am well again. And I have faith that if I do get well soon enough, she will let me have my precious girl back again. I don't want my child in an orphanage or a string of foster homes, please. I'll sign the papers to make Miss LeChow my Meghan's guardian. Then I just want to go home to Ireland, and to try to get well again."
"Very well," the judge said. "It is the judgment of this court that your request is provisionally granted, and Miss Chei LeChow will be declared the child's temporary legal guardian. But since the child is legally an Irish citizen, final approval of her placement will take a while. Your cooperation in this matter will be reported to the Irish authorities, and I believe they will agree with the recommendation that you be placed on probation, provided that you undergo therapy and drug rehabilitation treatments. Court dismissed!"
March 26, 2010 (Friday evening) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Pouncefield
The police were kind enough to allow Brianna to be there to introduce Miss Cheri and her daughter, when they turned the child over to Cheri's custody the next day. The child only had two battered suitcases full of clothes, and a box containing a stuffed doll, a DVD player, a small flat screen TV, and a stack of children's DVD's.
"This is everything we could find in their home that was the child's things," the female police officer said sadly. "No books or games, and only that one doll as a toy. They kept her entertained with DVD's all day long. She could use some new ones. She has those almost memorized."
"She will get many nice new things here, I assure you. And she will start going to a very nice school as soon as she is ready for it," Miss Cheri said, shaking her head at how few possessions the little girl could call her own. Most of the orphaned maid candidates had more than this child when they came to the maid scholarship program! She walked up to the child and said, "Meghan, I am Cheri LeChow, and this girl beside me is my daughter, Marie. I know I look like a little girl, but I am only three years younger than your mother. We lived together for eight years, learning to be maids. I have asked, as her friend, if I could help take care of you, and the courts and your mother have both said yes."
"Now Miss Cheri will take very good care of you, Meghan. She was one of my very good friends before you were born. Almost like the little sister I never had, but wished I did. I want you to be brave and stay with her," Brianna said, kneeling on the floor hugging her puppy tightly. "Mommy has to go away for a while to get well, because of the things daddy did to hurt me. But when I'm well again, we'll be together again, I promise."
"All right mommy. I don't wanna stay at that hospital that they had me at. The other kids there were sick, and no fun. But do I still hafta call Mister O'Connor daddy?" Meghan asked. "I don't *want* to. He always *said* he wasn't my daddy."
"I will not require you to do so, ma chere Meghan," Miss Cheri said gently. "But I would be honored if you would call *me* mommy, while I care for you. I do not\_ever\_ want to replace your mother in your heart, dear. But I promise that I will care for you and love you just as much as I do for my own daughter, Marie. And I promise that I won't *ever* allow anyone to hurt you."
"It's all right, my wee one," Brianna said, "You can call Cheri Mommy. I won't mind."
"I guess so," Meghan said to Cheri. "Mommy Cheri? Is *this* your home? It's really big!"
"It is where I live, and where you will live with us," Cheri replied. "But the home belongs to my employer and his son and daughter, who I also care for here. These Bernese children behind Marie and I are Hans and Heidi von Bernerholdt - the children your... the ones that Mister O'Connor and his men tried to kidnap. Their father owns this mansion."
"Welcome to our home, Meghan," Hans said. "It will be like having a new little sister for us. You'll be seven in a couple more months, right? Well, then Heidi is only about two years older than you are. Her ninth birthday was last month. Would you like to see your room? Phil will bring your suitcases and other stuff up for you."
Meghan looked back at her mother, and then rushed back and hugged her. "Get well real quick, mommy!"
"I will try, my wee one. Now you be brave, and go with Hans and Heidi and Miss Cheri and Marie. This will be your home, now, and I need to go. Mommy will write letters to you, and they can read them to you. And if you study hard, soon you'll be able to read them yourself, and write back to me," Brianna said, trying not to cry.
"I'll miss you, mommy, lots an' lots! But I'll be a big girl, an' I'll try really hard to be good!" Meghan said. Then she allowed Hans and Heidi to lead her away, and Phil followed them with her suitcases.
Still kneeling on the floor, Brianna watched her child go, and when the elevator door closed, she looked up and asked the officer, "Can we please wait until I am in the police car, before you put the handcuffs back on me? It was very kind of you, not to let my child see me wearing them."
"I don't think they will be necessary Ma'am. You've been well behaved, and it will be easier to fly you back to Ireland without them. Come now. The girl will be well cared for here," the police lady said gently, as she offered her hand to assist Brianna in getting up from her knees.
"I will protect her, Brianna," Cheri said, hugging her friend. "Now go, and get well."
"Thank you, Cheri," Brianna said, returning the hug. "And tell Lord Karl I am so sorry all of this happened. And Marie? You get well soon too! Goodbye."
Hans, Heidi and Phil rode the elevator upstairs with Meghan, as they showed her the way to her new room in the mansion. The little puppy seemed amazed that anyone's home had a real elevator in it.
"Wow... a real elevator! We had an elevator in an apartment we lived in once. But that wasn't \_inside\_our home! It was out in the hall, between all the apartments," Meghan said.
"There's a basement level here too," Hans said. "We'll take you around and show you everything after dinner."
The elevator door opened, and Hans said, "My room is on the far side of the foyer on this level, through those double doors, right across from us. Marie's room is the door to the left of that, right by my room. The rest of the family bedrooms are on this side. Follow me."
He led them to the left and then left again through another set of double doors, into a wide hallway with one door on the right, and two doors at the end, both angled away from each other. "This door is Taylor's bedroom," he said as they passed the first door. "The next door, on the right, is a bathroom, that Taylor and Heidi share."
"My rooms this way!" Heidi said enthusiastically. She took the lead through the remaining door, into the octagonal common area between her bedroom and Miss Cheri's. "That room is mine, over there, an' this is our play room. The study is over there, with the big bay window that looks out over the back deck, an' Miss Cheri's room is that one, to the right of the study. Your room shares a bathroom with Miss Cheri, an' is just down the hall, through that last door."
"Wow..." Meghan said, as she looked into Heidi's open doorway, and then stepped up into the study and looked out into the back yard. "Is that a park out there? There's a huge pool and a tennis court right behind your home!"
Heidi giggled and said, "No, that's our back yard, and our pool, and our tennis court, too. You can't even see our back fence from here. It's beyond those trees, at the far side of the lawn. Do you like to swim?"
"I... I haven't learned how yet. But I've seen kids swim on my TV, and it looked like a lot of fun!" Meghan replied.
"Heidi and I love to swim. We'll teach you. You're going to love it," Hans said.
A brown puppy girl in a maid uniform looked in from the other hallway's door, and said, "Master Hans? I have the last of my things out of her room now. Hi Meghan! I'm Hazel! I hope you like your new room. It has a nice window seat where you can look out into the back yard."
"I'm... I'm taking your room? Oh... I'm sorry." Meghan apologized.
"Oh, don't be sorry! I'm getting one of the rooms over the garage, and I'll have my own bathroom, and more wall space for my posters and family pictures," Hazel said. "Honestly, I've *wanted* to move into one of those rooms ever since they finished remodeling that part of the mansion. But my old room is really nice too. And if you ever feel scared at night, Miss Cheri is right next to you, through the bathroom. I just know you'll love it! Come on! It's right over here!"
Meghan followed the maid, past the laundry room and the top of a circular stair case, and to the left where she stopped and stared at her new bedroom. The double-sized bed was made up with fresh white sheets and a green quilt. And a patchwork pattern on the quilt depicted a pair of white furred hands holding a red heart, and topped with a golden crown. *" \_\_mo**!* *A* *Chladach \_*!\_ *An bhfuil* *tú Gaeilge* *freisin?**"* the little girl cried out, lapsing into Irish Gaelic at the sight of the Irish symbol for friendship.
"What? I'm sorry, I don't understand... Is that Irish talk?" Hazel replied, confused.
Meghan switched back to English and said, "S-sorry! Your quilt has a *Chladach* on it. I thought you must be Irish too."
Phil laughed behind them, and said, "That's *my* doing, little one. That quilt is *yours*. My wife Bridget and I bought it for you last night, as a welcoming gift. My surname is Connors, and my ancestors were from Ireland. I'm afraid I don't speak Gaelic though. My family has been in America for several generations. We do still keep some Irish traditions, though. Like the *Chladach* ring as a token of friendship. All of us here want to be your friends, from the great Swiss Lord that owns this mansion, to his children, and to the humblest maid and manservant."
"Thank you, sir!" Meghan said, wiping a tear from her eye and giving him a hug. "Tis a fine gift. I like it a lot!"
"Hazel and I can help you get your stuff unpacked, and your TV set up," Heidi said. "And after dinner, maybe you and I could do a sleepover together, so we could get to know each other better?"
"That would be very nice, Miss Heidi," Meghan said. "I'm not used to sleeping alone. Mommy and me usually shared a bed."
After dinner that night, Taylor helped Cheri in the kitchen with the dishes. The vixen rubbed at her neck and said, "I feel naked without my slave collar, even though I have the full maid uniform on, including the panties! I understand why I shouldn't wear my collar when the police were here, and why I have to keep my clothes on around little Meghan, but do I have to stop wearing my collar entirely? I mean, what is the puppy going to care? My collar won't mean anything to her."
"You will do as Master Hans has ordered, and he does not want to explain to Meghan why you run around naked and wearing just a collar and your apron. That is reason enough," Miss Cheri said. "You had your fun this last year or so. Master may allow you to play the slave in the bedroom, but not in the public parts of the mansion, where Meghan might see you."
"Yes Ma'am," Taylor replied sullenly. "I really *was* enjoying it, though. I mean, I know most of you didn't take me up on it. No one bent me over a chair in the foyer and fucked me just because they wanted to, or anything. But being naked and collared and knowing that all of you *could* use me for your pleasure at any moment was a real thrill."
"I know," Miss Cheri said, blushing slightly. "I did not choose to live like that all the time, but I *did* wear a collar a few times for our Master. It is... and interesting experience, I confess. But we will limit it to the bedroom here, and to your movie career. Speaking of which, have they asked you to do any more films recently?"
"Ummm, actually, I asked them to give me some time off, until Marie is healthy again," Taylor said. "I... failed to protect her. I feel responsible for assisting her, and for doing her share of the maid duties as well as my own, until she can return to full duties. The studio said that was all right. They're going to work the time off into the plot of some upcoming movies with Tony - make it seem like I've been being trained by him for a while. It will work out pretty well. They're also doing a casting call for some more stallions that can act."
"You did what you could for all of the children," Miss Cheri replied. "None of us could be everywhere at once. There were just too many of them. I am amazed we got through that experience with only one of us injured. Now, Heidi has volunteered to spend a lot of time with Meghan for the next week or so, and to sleep in her room at night and keep her company. She will make sure Meghan stays in bed, while you, Hazel and I are to serve Master Hans tonight. I believe if you ask him, that he will allow you to be a naked slave girl for us again this evening."
"I hope so," Taylor said. "But whatever he wants us to do tonight, I'm just glad we're all still together! I was so scared that the court case would somehow turn against us, or that Brianna would blurt out the truth about Meghan's father!"
"But in the end, Brianna proved her loyalty, yes? And she did not lie, exactly. She stated that she could not name a living relative of the child, and that was quite true, because her agreement for the child support forbade it. And she stated truly that she was an orphan and that Maxwell MacGregor was dead. It was the *bulldog\_who repeated in court her earlier lie, that Maxwell MacGregor was the girl's real father. I am thinking that she had given that story a great deal of thought, before she even told her late husband MacGregor's name. I wonder if she ever \_was* that man's mistress, or if he was simply a well-known Bernese man that she thought it was safe to name? We may never know, and as long as the courts believe her, it matters not."
"Agreed," Taylor said, closing the dishwasher and wiping the counter clean. "Now, let's go serve our Master!"
Swiss Mix - Chapter 515 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 27, 2010 (Saturday Morning) - Green Hills School, in Pouncefield
Hannah joined the other Saint Lovejoy's cheerleaders a little earlier than she normally would have, rushing to one of the locker room mirrors and applying her makeup at the school, rather than at home as she usually did.
"Got out in a rush today?" Mandy Blackwell asked.
"We have a new girl living at the mansion, and she doesn't know about Hannah yet," replied the other Bernese cheerleader, who was really Mandy's boyfriend, Hans Bernerholdt, quite convincingly dressed like a girl. "I had to change in the limo on the way here, and there was no way I was going to try to put on makeup in a moving car, no matter how smooth a ride it has."
"So, you hired another maid? But what's the big deal? Any girl you hire as a maid will learn the truth about Hannah pretty quickly, won't she?" Mandy asked.
"This girl is only six. And she isn't a maid. Miss Cheri asked to be appointed her legal guardian," Hannah said.
"What? Why would Cheri adopt a six year old girl?" Mandy asked.
"Not quite adopted. Not yet, anyway. Remember when Hans and Heidi almost got kidnapped, about a month back?" Hannah replied, being careful what she said, because she couldn't be sure a stranger from this rival school wasn't within earshot. "Well... the kidnapper's leader and all but one of his gang died in that attack last month. The surviving kidnapper told the police that the leader's wife and her kid were locked in a bedroom in a house that they were based out of, and told them where it was. When the police found them, the wife, Brianna, was drugged pretty badly. She was a former maid of Lord Karl's, who had quit, moved to Ireland, and then married the leader of that gang in a hurry, because she was pregnant. I guess she didn't know that he was an Irish terrorist, or at least she didn't realize what sort of a nasty person he was. He eventually realized the kid wasn't his, and got abusive because she tricked him into marrying her. He kept her locked up and drugged and forced her to tell him about Lord Karl's family. The court found Brianna innocent of being part of the kidnapping, since she was forced to give the information. But she's a drug addict now, and in the country illegally, so she can't keep her daughter. Miss Cheri was a friend of Brianna's when they were both working at the Swiss mansion, and so she offered to be the legal guardian for Brianna's daughter, who is half Bernese and half Irish Setter."
"Wait a minute... that maid was pregnant when she quit? And the kid's half Bernese? You don't mean the father is..." Mandy asked, leaving the obvious unsaid.
"Probably, yeah. We can talk more about it later, all right? This isn't a good place to discuss that. Can we go to your place for a bit after the game, so we can talk about it?" Hannah asked.
"Ummm, actually... today would be a bad day for that. Sorry," Mandy replied, blushing. "See, today we're going to get our whole family together, to, ummmm... 'play' with each other, for the first time. Understand?"
"Oh? That's going to happen this afternoon? Great for you! All right then, this can wait. Good luck to you and your family! And I want to see pictures!" Hannah said, putting away her makeup and storing it in an unused locker.
Laura, the squirrel girl who was the head cheerleader, was waiting impatiently by the door that led to the soccer field, as the last of the cheerleaders in her squad got ready. She checked her watch and said, "All right girls! Let's go cheer for our team! No more time to chatter! This is an important game for our boys!"
After the game, 'Hannah' washed off her makeup, put on jeans and a t-shirt and her blue sneakers, and walked through the school building to the parking lot on the far side of the school. By the time she left the building, her hair was tied back in a pony tail, and it was Hans Bernerholdt who walked out, gym bag in hand, to step into the awaiting limo and head for home.
Mandy rode the school bus back to Saint Lovejoy's school with the rest of the cheerleaders, and her mother met her at the school and took her home.
"Are you ready for this, mom?" Mandy asked, as they pulled out of the school parking lot.
"No... Not really. I'm frightened and embarrassed and excited, all at once. I haven't felt this flustered since my first date with your father!" Gretchen Blackwell admitted. "But I'm also so horny that I can barely stand it, so we'll do it just the way you explained it to us. I just hope your father can do his part."
"Oh, he will mom. He will," Mandy said confidently. "And he's going to love it as much as I know you will!"
March 27, 2010 (Saturday afternoon) - Mandy Blackwell's home, in Pouncefield
Richard Blackwell had a hearty lunch waiting for the whole family when his wife and eldest daughter got back. His younger daughter, Lisa, and his twin sons, Terry and Teddy, were already seated at the dining room table, when Mandy and her mom came in and sat down.
When everyone had their soup and sandwiches, Mandy said, "Okay, mom, dad, let's have the 'family meeting' that you asked for."
Richard cleared his throat, looked at his wife and their four kids, and said, "Your mother and I have... well, we know what you four kids have been doing with each other. It's taken us a while to get used to the idea, and to be able to talk to you about it. In the time we have lived here in Pouncefield, we have all changed in ways we could never have imagined. Your friend Hans tried to warn us that this place would change our sexual appetites. We thought he was just making excuses so he could get into Mandy and Lisa's pants , but he was right. We have all done things with each other and with your friends that we never would have done back in Texas. Mandy and Lisa have had sex with each other, and with you two boys. Terry and Teddy have dressed like girls and had sex with each other, and with at least one other boy that we know of. And your mother and I have had sex with your young friend Ashley, and with both Mandy and Lisa. We've also seen the pictures and videos of your little outing to the park, and what you four did at Hans' home afterward, with Hans and his little sister, Heidi. We have to admit, Terry and Teddy are very cute as girls. Now Mandy wants us to go even further. She wants Terry and Teddy to have sex with both of us, and for all of us to mate in any combinations we can imagine, in front of each other. Before we take that step, I have to ask all of you, is this *really* what you want? Most people would say that incest is wrong, especially between parents and their kids. I don't want any of us to feel like we're being pressured into doing this, and regretting it later."
Teddy held up his hand, and said, "Dad? I'll admit it does feel strange dressing like a girl for Mandy and Lisa, but, well, Terry and I are kind of getting used to the idea. It was kinda exciting, going out in public as girls. We want to keep having sex with Mandy and Lisa, and with each other. And yeah, we do wanna try sex with Mom, and even with you. We're okay with it."
"Yeah dad," his twin said. "At first we only dressed like girls because it was the only way Lisa and Mandy would agree to have sex with us. But it does feel kind of neat to be 'pretty girls'. We aren't queer, dad! We'd both rather have sex with a girl than with a guy. But having sex with a guy is okay too. And once we found out you'd both had sex with both Mandy and Lisa, it only seemed fair that we should get to try it with mom, and with you. We want to do this."
"You already have an answer from Lisa and I," Mandy said. "We both want even more. Now the question is, are you and mom ready for this? Mom?"
"As long as this is really what all of my kids want... And as long as Richard stays with me through this, then yes. I'll try it. I'll try having sex with my sons, too," Gretchen replied. "Well dear? Is it unanimous?"
"I... I guess it is," Richard said. "I've never had sex with another male before, but I guess there's a first time for everything. And the boys looking like girls will help me with that. So finish your lunch, and I guess we'll all meet in our bedroom. Mandy will tell everyone what to do. It's your game, Mistress. Lead us."
"You and mom get into just your bathrobes, and wait for us in your bedroom. I'll get us kids ready, and we'll join you in a few minutes," Mandy said.
Fifteen minutes later, Mandy and her sister Lisa led Terry and Teddy into the room. All four kids were dressed in matching red baby doll nighties, with matching red lace bras and thongs. The tiny thong panties only barely covered the twin boys' sheaths. But except for the bulge they each had down there, they could pass pretty well for young girls. They were both wearing the wigs that Hans had given them, so like their sisters, their hair now appeared to be curly, and shoulder length, and was decorated with small pink bows. All four kids were wearing makeup and lipstick, and the same floral perfume, to mask their scents. "Well dad? What do you think of your two youngest 'daughters'?" she asked.
Richard Blackwell stared at his sons and daughters. The wigs and makeup and frilly, girly nightgowns made it more obvious than usual that the boys took after their mother far more than their father. They each had her slender muzzle, feminine eyes, and a slender build that one would associate with a female Bernese, with no sign yet of the broad shoulders and deep chest and squarer, rather blocky head shape that they should develop as puberty formed them into young men of their breed. Their cousin, Will Steiner, was three months younger, and yet his face and head already looked more masculine, and his shoulders were broader than the twins. It was very easy to see his sons as young girls, dressed like this. "You are all very pretty," he said at last. "So, what about this 'game' of yours, Mistress?"
Mandy held up a black blindfold, and said, "Daddy will sit in a chair, naked and wearing this blindfold. Mother will randomly select one of us kids to serve daddy, by flipping a coin - once for which gender, with heads being male, and flipping it again for which child, with heads being the eldest. Teddy was born a few minutes before Terry, so that makes him eldest of the twins. We will keep taking turns until all four of us have had a chance to serve you, but if any of us is selected more than twice, mom can instead choose someone who hasn't had a turn yet. She will silently point to the one that is selected, and we will start to suck your cock, trying our best to make you cum in our mouth. You, father, are not allowed to peek or to touch us. To win a round, daddy, you have to guess who it really is, before you cum. And we're all going to try to make you guess wrong."
"So I have to guess based just on how the BJ feels? That could be pretty hard, but I'll try," Richard said.
"After 30 seconds, mom will tap your shoulder and ask you who you think is serving you. She can make any comments she wants, as long as she gives no clues about which child is doing it. If mom gives the kid's name or gender away, the kid wins automatically. Daddy has from that shoulder tap until he cums in the child's mouth to attempt to name which of his kids is sucking his cock. If he cums in a *boy's\_mouth before making a guess, daddy loses, and the boy wins. If he guesses a name \_before* he cums, right or wrong, the child stops sucking, with the cock still in their mouth, and daddy can remove the blindfold and see if he is right, and he wins if he guessed the right name. If he was right at least about the gender, but got the name wrong, he still loses, but he can choose if he wants that child to finish the BJ or not. If he cums before guessing a name, he still has to make a guess, even if he can't be sure, and he might still win if it was a real girl and he guesses the name right. Then he can remove the blindfold, see the cum in that child's mouth, and watch them swallow it," Mandy said.
"What happens when someone wins?" Richard asked.
"If Terry or Teddy fool daddy into thinking they are me or Lisa, or if daddy hesitates in naming a child until after the boy has made daddy cum in their mouth, the boy wins that round, and they can choose any two of the family to have sex with each other, and how they will do it, including himself or his brother fucking their mother or having some other type of sex with mom. They will most likely choose to fuck mom, since there is only one other way they will get that chance."
"If Lisa or I fool daddy into thinking we were his sons, we can choose any two of the family to have sex with each other, and how they will do it, with the exception that the pairing *can't* be mom with one of our brothers."
If daddy doesn't cum in a son's mouth before making his guess, and guesses the gender right, but *not\_the name, he can choose any two of the family to have sex with each other, and how they will do it, with the exception that the pairing \_can't* be mom with one of our brothers. If daddy doesn't cum in a son's mouth before making his guess and he guesses the name right, he can choose a threesome, or two pairs, and what they will do, still with the exception that the pairing *can't* be mom with one of our brothers. But if daddy guessed a boy was doing him before he cums, and then agrees to allow that boy to *finish* the BJ and swallow his cum while daddy watches, then daddy could also choose to allow that son to have sex with their mom. But that's the only other way the boys get a chance to fuck mom."
"That's... a lot to keep track of. Any other rules?" Richard asked. He could see now that no matter how this went, he would end up having sex with every one of his kids at least once, and maybe twice. The big question was, could he last through all of this? He would need to try very hard not to cum in any of the kids' mouths at first, so he could last long enough to complete this game.
"After each round, we all watch while the selected pairing, threesome or two couples have sex. That will also give daddy some time to recover between rounds, if he isn't in the pairing. In any pairing where a guy cums inside a girl's vagina, it is that guy's choice for who has to lick the girl clean afterward. And that means daddy will probably be licking a lot of cum from our cunnies tonight - his own and his sons' cum. And we're going to film video of all of this. We have two cameras tonight, and we'll pass them around to make sure everything gets recorded well," Mandy said. "Now, if there are no more questions, daddy can take off his robe, sit in that chair, and put on the blindfold. Then we can start. Here's a coin, mom."
"One last question," Richard said, as he removed his robe, sat in the chair, and put on the blindfold. "For the rounds I win, can I collect my wins after the end of the game? I'm a little worried that if I win a lot, or if you kids make me cum too fast and too often, I might not be able to keep cumming long enough to finish your game. I'm no porn star, with 'unlimited ammo'. It would be fairer if I could have a rain check on some of these, if I run out of steam."
"Yeah, you can do your wins at the end if you want, daddy, or on some later evening, if we wear you down to a limp noodle," Mandy said with a grin. "Okay mom, dad's ready. Flip that coin, and choose one of us!"
Gretchen flipped the coin twice, and pointed at Mandy.
Mandy passed her camera to Teddy and knelt in front of her father. His cock tip was already poking out of his sheath, and she licked and nibbled at it without using her hands, until she could take him into her mouth.
Richard tightly gripped the arms of the chair, and tried to figure out who it was. She seemed fairly skillful, and he was having a hard time not cumming right away, with the excitement of knowing his wife and the other three kids were all watching them. It seemed like an eternity before his wife tapped his shoulder and said, "Well darling, which of our sexy girls is serving you?"
"Is it... Mandy?" he guessed.
"Take off the blindfold and see, dear," Gretchen said.
Richard removed it and looked down at his eldest daughter, with his cock in her mouth. "Whew! All right, I got the name exactly right, so I get to set up two pairs, or a threesome? Terry and Teddy, each of you pick a sister and get on the bed with them. Fuck your sisters while your mother and I watch you!"
Terry grinned and said, "Hey! I like that command. Somebody else losing in this game sure feels like winning to me! Come on, Mandy!"
Teddy took Lisa's hand, and got on the bed beside their siblings. The boys pulled down their panties just enough to release their cocks, and eased into their sister's already wet folds.
Gretchen and Richard filmed the action as their sons each eagerly fucked their sisters. Terry came first, without tying with Mandy, and said jokingly, "Clean up on aisle one! Lick Mandy clean, dad. I'll take your camera."
Richard gave the camera to his son and knelt beside the bed, as his eldest daughter wiggled over to the edge and presented her sloppy cunt to him. He stared for a moment at his daughter's crotch, with her brother's cum dribbling from her pussy. He hesitated, but it really didn't smell any different than when he licked his own cream out of his daughter. So he closed his eyes, leaned forward, and started licking at Mandy's crotch.
"Way to go, dad!" Teddy said, as he also pulled back just enough to keep from tying with his sister, and flooded her with his cream. "You can clean Lisa up next!"
"It... doesn't really taste any different than my own mess," Richard admitted, as he moved to lick hungrily at his younger daughter. "I guess I can do this much, at least."
They got set up again for the next round of the game, and it as Lisa that Gretchen pointed to. The twelve year old girl licked very tentatively at her father's shaft, and took only a few inches into her mouth, though she suckled quite eagerly on his tip. Teddy grinned and knelt beside her, on the other side of his father's right knee, sucking on his thumb and making "mummmm" sounds, as if \_he\_was the one doing the sucking.
"Which girl now, darling? She looks so sexy, with her daddy's cock in her muzzle!" Gretchen said, after 30 seconds had passed.
"Teddy!" Richard said quickly.
"Wrong! Take a look," Gretchen replied.
Richard slipped off the blindfold, looked down, and saw his throbbing cock in Lisa's mouth, and her brother kneeling near her and sucking noisily on his thumb. "Fooled me, fair enough. What pairing do you want to see, Lisa?"
Lisa grinned wickedly and said, "I want to see my daddy taking his first cock up his ass, from Teddy! Just make sure you wash up good when you're done though, Teddy. You want your cock to be nice and clean for mommy, if you get a chance to fuck her later."
Richard groaned and got on the bed, on all fours. He gasped as he felt his son applying the lube to his virgin tail hole, and felt the boy's finger worming its way into his backside. Then he groaned even more loudly when the boy slowly slid his cock into his ass. "Oh damn!" he exclaimed. "Be careful! I've never done this before!"
"Geeze you're tight, dad! Relax a bit! It feels like you're trying to squeeze my cock right off!" Teddy said, He started slowly humping his father, and grinned for the camera as he picked up the pace.
Richard gritted his teeth and grunted wordlessly as his ass was reamed. He tried not to look at his children or his wife, but was surprised at how hard his cock was getting as his boy probed his prostate with his thrusts. After two aborted blow jobs, and now this new sensation, his balls were aching for a release. He was grateful that the boy didn't try to knot him, as he felt each hot spurt of his son's seed plastering his bowels. When Teddy pulled out, Richard had to wipe his tail hole clean twice before he could sit down again, and even then, he felt a wet spot forming on the chair's cushion under the base of his tail, as more of his son's cum leaked from his ass.
"Great scene, dad! Check it out!" Mandy said, showing him a replay on the small screen of the camera, while they waited for Teddy to wash his cock clean. "So, how do you feel, after your first butt fuck?"
"Sore," Richard said. "I'm not so sure I want to do that again. But I will admit, certain parts of it were pretty stimulating."
"It gets easier after the first few times, I promise," Mandy said. "Blindfold on, and let's see who wins the next round."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 516 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 27, 2010 (Saturday afternoon) - Mandy Blackwell's home, in Pouncefield
Richard put on the blindfold and licked his muzzle clean as he waited for the next one of his children to suck his cock. He could still taste his sons' cum and his daughters' feminine juices, from having licked both boys' seed from their sisters' cunts.
Gretchen silently pointed to her youngest son, Terry, and watched as the eleven year old boy knelt in front of his father, took a deep breath, and managed to take the whole length of his dad's cock down his throat.
Richard gasped and clutched the arms of the chair tightly. Whichever one of his children \_this\_was, it felt unbelievably good, as the tip of his cock popped in and out of the child's throat. The only one of his kids that he had experienced this from was Lisa, and he was pretty sure that was who it had to be. He thought that Gretchen must have given Lisa a second turn, but that this time his youngest daughter was using her full level of skill. He relaxed and savored the feeling, while waiting for his wife to tell him it was time to guess.
Gretchen handed her camera to Mandy and opened her robe. She fingered herself franticly as she watched the father and son's first pairing. Her husband really seemed to be enjoying the blow job that their eleven year old son was giving him, and he didn't seem to suspect that it was a boy this time. She hoped that this would be the round where one of her sons would fuck her for the first time. She almost forgot to ask her husband to make a guess, because she was so wrapped up in the action and in masturbating while fantasizing about fucking her own son.
"Which girl!" she gasped after nearly two minutes, as she saw her husband knotting up, his knot now bumping the boy's nose.
The child's throat felt so wonderful to Richard that he hardly noticed the delay in his wife prompting him to guess. He was almost tempted to just let her finish before he tried to guess, because it felt so good. Just before he came, he called out, "Lisa! Oh God girl, your throat is so tight!" Then he groaned and unloaded his balls into his child's hungry mouth.
"Not me, daddy. Take a look!" Lisa said, as she filmed a close up view her father's cock pumping its load into her brother's mouth.
Richard removed the blindfold and looked down, to see his cock in *Terry's* mouth, still throbbing and spurting. When his dad's cock stopped cumming, the boy opened his muzzle wide, showed the pool of cum to his father, sisters and mother, and then swallowed noisily, before showing each of them an empty mouth. Then he grinned and shouted, "Yay! Mom? Get on the bed! I just won a chance to fuck you!"
Gretchen slipped off her robe and lay on the bed on her back, her legs spread invitingly for her son. "I'm ready, dear. Come and show mommy what your sisters have taught you to do. Make love to me, my pretty, girly boy!"
The young Bernese boy almost jumped onto the bed, crawling up to hug his mother and nuzzle her tits, before slowly easing his shaft into her forbidden depths. She was soaking wet, and he slid in quite easily, right to the hilt. "Oh God! I'm really doin' it! I'm fucking my mother!" he exclaimed, humping wildly.
"Slow down dear, please!" Gretchen pleaded, "If you go *too* fast, I won't get my own pleasure out of this."
"S-sorry mom!" the boy said, slowing his pace a bit as he continued fucking her.
"Tie with her, Terry!"Mandy said. "Knot your mom and fuck her deep!"
"Is... is that okay, mom?" the boy asked.
"Yes dear," Gretchen said, holding her son close to her. "Tie with mommy! There's a good boy! Show me you love me as much as you love your naughty sisters! Make mommy cum!"
Despite having just cum in Terry's mouth, Richard Blackwell quickly became hard again, watching his son fucking his mother for the first time. When the boy groaned and filled his mother with his creamy seed, Richard started to step forward to do the 'clean up', fully expecting his son to demand that of him, as soon as he could pull his stuck cock free.
But Terry held up a hand, and said, "Not this time dad. I want to lick mom clean myself. I want to taste the first time my cum filled my mom. And I want to make you cum one more time too, mom. I love you so much, for agreeing to allow us this chance to mate with you too."
"You did pretty well, for your first time with an adult woman," Gretchen said, affectionately stroking one of her son's ears. "Your sisters have taught you well, but you'll need more practice."
"Thanks mom," the boy said proudly. "I hope I'll get to practice with you a lot more, after this!"
Several minutes later, they set up for the next round, and Gretchen tossed the coin twice, frowned, and pointed to Teddy. She was rather disappointed that the random selections had only picked each of her kids once, with no repeats. If her other son lost, she might not get a chance to fuck him tonight, and she *did* want to experience both of her sons making love to her this evening.
The twins had been diligently practicing with each other, and their technique was almost the same for each of them. Like his brother, Teddy took a deep breath and managed to deep throat his father's full length on the first plunge, touching his nose to his dad's pubic fur before backing off enough that he could breathe and continue.
"Which girl is this, dear," Gretchen asked breathlessly. "A new one, or one you've felt before?"
Richard hesitated, and then said, "Is it Terry again?"
"Dang it!" Teddy said, still holding his father's cock. "I didn't make you think I was a girl! Now I won't get *my* chance with mom!"
Richard slipped off the blindfold and looked down at his son, and the boy looked back pleadingly at him, with big, sad puppy dog eyes. Sighing, Richard said, "You still can, if I allow you to finish what you started, while I watch. Go ahead. Make me cum, girly boy. Earn the prize that you want so badly."
"You mean it? Oh wow! Thanks dad!" the boy said, eagerly resuming his cock sucking, and taking his dad all the way into his throat again. He swallowed several times on each downstroke, milking his dad's cock until his father's knot almost stuck behind his teeth like a ball gag. Then he backed off and let his father's cream fill his mouth.
Richard groaned as he watched his son's throat bulge with each thrust into the boy's muzzle, and he howled when the boy's swallowing made him cum forcefully into Teddy's young mouth. He held the girly boy's head with both hands and face fucked him until that last spurt of this cum squirted into the pool of cream that had accumulated in the boy's hungry mouth. Then he withdrew and said, "That's a good girly boy. Swallow it all, and then you can go fuck your mom."
Teddy showed everyone the cum in his mouth, swallowed, and joined his mother on the bed. "You're really sexy, mom. Thanks for doing this with us," he said as he climbed atop her and began fucking his mother.
"Thank you dear," his mother said, welcoming her son's passionate efforts and hugging him tightly. "Mommy is very happy that her kids think she is still sexy. And \_you're\_very pretty and sexy too!"
"Tie with mom like Terry did, Teddy!" Lisa said encouragingly, filming a close up of her little brother's cock plunging in and out of his mother's wet folds. "Make mom cum a lot!"
"So, you liked my game, daddy?" Mandy asked, as they watched Teddy eagerly mating with his mother and as she filmed it from the other side of the bed.
"Yes, and you were right. Our 'girly boys' are as much fun as sex partners as you and your sister are. So, what do we do for an encore?" Richard asked.
Mandy paused to watch her brother cumming in their mom, and then laying atop her, exhausted. Then she pointed her camera at her dad, and said, "Well, we *could* do the blindfold game again, with each of us getting our asses fucked. Or if you don't think you *need* the blindfold game, I'd just as soon watch you fucking both of our girly boys' asses and cumming inside their tight little butts. Think about it, daddy. Now, when we play together, you can get anal sex from all four of your kids!"
"Mistress? You mean I can do it again with mom tonight?" Terry asked.
"If daddy will fuck both of your asses, then yes, I'll let you and Teddy do a threesome with mom. One of you can toss a coin to see if you get her mouth, or if you get to fuck her again. And if the one in her mouth can keep from cumming before his brother does, you can trade places so you can both fuck her and enjoy her mouth," Mandy said. "But no one gets mom's butt, unless she offers it. Mom doesn't care for butt sex."
"Okay. I'll go get the lube, and dad can start with me, while Teddy's still stuck in mom." Terry said.
When he saw how eager his son was to get reamed, Richard shrugged and said, "I guess we don't need the blindfold, Mistress. I'll fuck their asses and let them do a three way with Gretchen. But may I request that you kids don't ask me to have the boys fuck my ass again tonight? I'm *still* sore back there."
"Well, I'll let you protect your ass *this* time, if you'll suck on both of your son's cocks after they cum in mom's mouth or in her cunny. And if you can make them cum in your mouth, then you can fuck Lisa and I under the tail tonight, if you still can get it up for that."
"I greased my butt for you, dad," Terry said eagerly, as he got on the bed beside his mother and brother. "Fuck my girly butt, daddy!" He had kept his thong on to hide his sheath and balls, even though his cock was poking up above the waistband, by his belly. Easing the back strap of the thong aside, he exposed his tail hole, glistening with lube.
Richard got behind his son, and said, "I think I should call you Teresa, when you're girly like this. But what should we call your twin?"
"Call her Dora. Short for 'Theodora'," Mandy suggested. "At the park, I told Edna they were our cousins, Teresa and Theodora, from Germany. Though Terri and Teddi work just fine as girl's names, if you spell them with an 'i' at the end instead of a 'y'."
Rickard grabbed Terry's hips and positioned the tip of his cock at his son's tail hole, and then slowly eased it into the boy's butt. "Oh God... This is the tightest ass I've ever fucked! You feel very good, Teresa!"
"Thank you, daddy!" Terry said, trying to giggle like a girl and pushing back against his father's thrusts. His dad wasn't quite as big as Hans, but he was definitely bigger than Teddy, and his girth was pushing Terry's limits.
"That's my good girl," Richard said as he humped his son's ass. "Daddy's going to fill your girly ass until it dribbles down to your knees!"
Terry groaned unintelligibly until his father started pumping his cream into his butt, and then he arched his back and howled in triumph. "Ahhwoooo! Oh yeah! Get ready, mom! Come on, 'Dora', give your ass to daddy, quick, so we can double team mom!"
Teddy pulled out of his mother with a wet, sucking sound, and started licking her clean, raising his tail obligingly while his muzzle was still stuffed in his mom's crotch. "Grease me up and fuck me like this, daddy! Fuck me just as hard as I fucked you, while I'm still licking my stuff out of mom!"
Richard growled, moved sideways on his knees and said, "My cock's already well greased from your twin's ass, 'Dora'. This is payback time, pretty girl!" Then he shoved his cock into Teddy's ass to the hilt in a single thrust.
"Oh geeze!" Teddy gasped. "Oh! Oh daddy! Fuck me daddy!"
Mandy and Lisa filmed the scene from both sides as their father hammered the girly boy's butt.
Richard rather quickly unloaded his seed into his son's bowels. He pulled back before the last moment s he wouldn't tie with the boy, and when he was done, he slapped his son's ass and said. "There you go, 'girls'! Have fun with your mother, while my seed is dripping from your backsides!"
Lisa flipped a coin and said, "Teddy get's mom's mouth this time, and Terry gets to fuck her again. Get on your hands and knees, mom!"
"Come here, my pretty boys!" Gretchen crooned. "Show mommy how much you love her!"
Standing beside her daddy as she filmed her mother and brothers mating, Lisa asked, "Got anything left for me and Mandy's asses, daddy? Or did we wear you out?"
"I don't think I could before the morning, sweetheart," Richard said ruefully. "But how about this idea? The boys can spend the rest of the night in their mom's bed, and we can go down to the family room and pull the queen sized hide-a-bed out of the couch. It isn't as comfortable as our regular beds, but none of you kids has a bed big enough for three people to sleep in."
"I'll agree to that on one condition, my love," his wife said, taking her son's cock from her mouth for a moment. "That being that when the boys are done with me, you suck both of them off and make them cum, and then lick me clean as well!"
"Sounds like a plan to me, daddy!" Mandy said, from up by the head of the bed, where she was getting a closeup of Teddy's cock in her mom's mouth. "And maybe sometime soon, you can replace our four twin beds with two queen sized ones? None of us will mind sleeping double."
"Perhaps we could," Richard replied. "Though I expect that more often than not you'll each be sharing a bed with one of your brothers. That will be your choice, children, for how often you mate with each other, and in what combinations. But as much fun as this is, I don't think your mother and I could take it more than once or twice in a month!"
Terry came first, and quickly traded places with his twin. It didn't take Teddy long to pop his load into his mother after that. "Well daddy?" Teddy said, "Time to clean all of us up!"
"I'll do my wife first, thank you," he replied. "Besides, that will give you 'girls' some time to recover."
"That won't take long. Not with this hot stuff to watch!" Terry said. He and his brother slowly stroked their cocks while they watched their dad licking their cum from their mother.
"I think Mom's clean enough, Daddy," Mandy said. "Now remember, if you want us in your bed all night, both 'Teresa' and 'Dora' have to cum in your mouth!"
"Hardly makes any difference now if I suck their cocks or not, with as much of their cum as I've already swallowed," Richard said. "Get over here, girls! Sit beside each other on the bed, beside your well-fucked mother. You're first, Teresa."
Not having practiced the act before, Richard was quite unable to get his son's cocks into his throat, though he did try. He did his best to copy what the kids had done for him, other than the throat-fucking, and managed to get Terry to cum after several minutes of sucking.
"Unghhh! Oh yeah, dad! That feels great!" the boy said.
Richard showed everyone the cum in his mouth, and swallowed it. "That's one. Come here, Dora!"
"Oh yeah!" Teddy said, as his father went down on him. "Ohhhh, I won't last long! This is so hot!"
"Do it, daddy! Swallow his cum too!" Lisa urged, moving in for a close up of the action.
Teddy creamed his father's throat and held his head by the ears, pumping his cock in and out of his father's muzzle. "Oh yeah! This is great!" he said happily.
Richard swallowed his son's offering, and then gave Mandy a passionate French kiss, still wet with her brother's cum. "Thank you, sweetheart. This was a night I'll always remember. But now, I just want to get some dinner, and then snuggle with my girls, and get some sleep."
"So everybody liked this?" Mandy asked her family, as they all went down to the kitchen. "Is it all right if we invite Ashley or Hans and Heidi to join us next time?"
"Ashley first, I think," her mother replied. "We've already mated with her, and from what you have told us, she would love seeing the boys mating with us."
"I agree that Ashley should be first. But when Hans and Heidi join us, can Hans dress like a girl too? At least the first time?" her dad asked, as he set the kitchen table for dinner. "He looks very pretty as Hannah. And it would make the first time with him easier for me."
"When I get a turn with him, I think I would prefer Hans looking like a boy," Gretchen said, as she started cooking some frozen dinners in the microwave. "But I'd love to watch your father fucking Hannah's ass, first."
"Hans' birthday is in two weeks, on the 10th, and we're invited to his party." Mandy said, looking at a calendar on the kitchen wall. "Maybe you and mom could have Ashley over to play with, next weekend? Hans said only a few of his friends are invited this time, because Marie is still recovering from being shot. I'm pretty sure Ashley would just as soon be with you, so she doesn't put a strain on Marie. They when we come back from the party, we could join the three of you for a while."
"Yes, I think that would work. We would still like to play with Ashley occasionally," Richard said. "Keeping up with one horny teenager at a time is easier than with four horny teens and 'tweens."
"All right. I'll let her know when I see her at school on Monday. And I'll ask Hans of we can get together some time after his birthday," Mandy said. "Now, let's eat, and then we can get some fresh bedding on that hide-a-bed!"
"Have fun dears!" Gretchen said after dinner, as she tucked her daughters into bed with her husband in the family room. Then she led her girly sons upstairs to her bed, and got them snuggled close on either side of her. She soon fell asleep, fully sated and dreaming of fucking her sons again in the morning.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 517 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 28, 2010 (Sunday morning) - Mandy Blackwell's home, in Pouncefield
Richard Blackwell slept quite soundly after the family orgy on Saturday, with his twelve and fourteen year old daughters snuggled closely on both sides of him. He didn't even notice that the hide-a-bed in the family room was less comfortable than his normal bed. All night he had been having intensely erotic dreams, in which he and his wife repeatedly had sex with their four children. In most of those dreams, his two sons were dressed like girls, and Richard got oral sex from them and fucked their asses as if they were girls, before allowing them to mate with their mother. But a few times during the night the tables were turned, and in the dream it was \_Richard\_who was dressed like a girl, and both of his sons, as well as their friend Hans, were looking like normal males, and using Richard's ass and mouth for their sexual amusement and treating \_him\_as a girl. In the dreams, at least, \_both\_had seemed equally pleasurable.
As dawn's light began to brighten the family room where they slept, Richard began dreaming that one of his girly boys was giving him a wonderful blow job, taking his father all the way down his throat. It was a particularly realistic dream. His eyes opened and he saw he really *was* getting his cock expertly sucked, but that it was his eldest daughter, Mandy, deep throating his cock. "Oh! It's you, sweetheart? I thought..."
Mandy took her dad's cock from her mouth and grinned up at him. "You thought I was Terry? In your sleep, you were mumbling 'Ohhhh, that feels so good, Teresa! Make daddy cum, pretty girl!' Should I go get 'Teresa', to finish you up?"
"No, you're quite welcome to finish sucking me off yourself, Mandy. That felt really good. But \_why\_were you sucking my cock while I was asleep?" her father asked.
"That's how Hans' sister, Heidi, wakes him up on most mornings, and how Lord Karl's maids, including several of his daughters, awaken him. Do you like it? Would you like to wake up like this *every* morning, daddy, with one of your children sucking your cock until you cum in their mouth?" Mandy asked, taking a playful lick at the tip of her dad's rigid shaft.
"Your mother might get jealous, but I *would* like that, at least occasionally," he admitted.
"Well, one of us can lick her to an orgasm each morning too, daddy. Think about it. Just allow one little request of mine, and you can be waking up *every day* to this kind of pleasure," she said, before swallowing his cock again. She kept eagerly sucking him off until her father groaned and spilled his hot seed into her mouth.
"Oh God, Mandy..." Richard sighed, holding his child's head and fucking her face. "What... what request?"
Mandy finished swallowing her father's cum and licked her muzzle clean, then said, "We *all\_like having the twins act like girls, right? They're even beginning to enjoy it a lot themselves. It's like they were \_born\_to be girly boys!" Mandy said. "Well, I want to make them live like girls \_all the time*. At first, I'll only order them to do it just while they're here at home with the family, and with special friends, like Ashley, Hans and Heidi. Inside the house, or in our back yard, it would be strictly skirts and hair bows for them. But eventually I want them to go to the mall and to parks and just everywhere as girls - even to school!"
"Even if the twins agreed to do that for you, dear, I'm sure the school would have problems with two boys attending school as girls. How could they participate in gym class, for example? Would your girlfriends at school allow two boys into the girl's locker room to change and to shower with them?" Richard asked.
"That *already\_happens at our school, daddy," Lisa said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and sitting up on the hide-a-bed next to her father and sister. "There are at least two kids that I know of at our school that live full time as the opposite to their birth gender. I've met a ten year old collie 'boy', named Ryan, that is really a girl, and an eleven year old Corgi 'girl' named Michelle, that was born as a boy. I've \_been* in the girl's showers with Michelle. None of the other girls minded her having a cock, as long as she tried to act like a girl."
Mandy nodded and added, "That's true, daddy. When Hans joined the cheerleader squad as Hannah, the Principal asked him if he wanted to attend his classes as a girl too. He could have - he just didn't choose to do it. And Hannah \_does\_change clothes and shower with the real girl cheerleaders, daddy."
"Do... do you think your brothers want to *really* be girls? I mean, that's usually why someone would live full time as the opposite sex - because they want a sex change." Richard said.
"Not always, daddy. Michelle is planning on getting a sex change, but Ryan has a steady boyfriend, and she's happy to be a girl for him in bed. She just likes dressing and acting like a boy. Hans dresses like a girl sometimes, and he does like sex with other males, but he prefers sex with girls," Mandy said thoughtfully. "I think what Terry and Teddy want is to please all four of us and to have sex with all four of us. I think they will live as girls if we ask them to do it, for the four of us. If you and mommy also tell them that you want them to live like girls, and that it's part of the deal, if they want to keep having sex with any of us, I'm pretty certain that they will do it. And I think Mom will agree. I saw the sparkle in her eyes when she was admiring her 'daughters' and watching Terry and Teddy licking her cunny. She *liked* seeing them cross dressing, and watching them sucking your cock and getting their little asses fucked by you. You like it too, don't you? If you say yes, I'll have one of them suck your cock every morning!"
"Well... yes. They *are* quite cute as girls. And it's easier for me to accept having sex with them if they look like girls," Richard admitted. "Let's see what your mother and brothers think of this idea. Start by asking the twins to keep dressing and acting like girls this weekend, until they get dressed to go to school Monday morning. If they don't complain about that, and if one of the twins wakes me up tomorrow with a blow job without any complaints, I'll support your request."
"Great! Now, I think Lisa and I both owe you a turn with our asses? Fuck our butts, daddy, and then we'll see if we can turn our little brothers into our little sisters!" Mandy said happily, as she held up a tube of lube that she had brought down from the bedroom the night before.
When Mandy, Lisa and Richard got upstairs to the master bedroom, they found Gretchen Blackwell sprawled on her back in the bed, moaning in pleasure as she French kissed Terry, and Teddy hammered his cock into her. There was a very large wet spot on the bed under her crotch.
"Good morning Mistresses! Good morning, daddy!" Terry said. "We've been having lots of fun with mom this morning!"
"So I see. Gretchen? How many times have our sons mated with you this morning?" Richard asked, as he watched Teddy cumming inside his mom and filling her to overflowing with more of his creamy seed.
"Whew!" Gretchen replied, as she got her breath back from her last orgasm. "Ummmm, I think that's six? Or was it seven? They're very enthusiastic, dear."
"Six times, mom," Terry said. "We each mated with you three times this morning."
"Well! Since you've had so *much* fun as our girly boys, I think you should stay that way for the rest to the weekend!" Mandy said. "Go get your showers, and then put the wigs back on and put on some of our girly clothes. Any skirt and blouse that will fit you - your choice. I want you two dressed like girls until you change in the morning to go to school. That's an \_order\_from your Mistress."
The twins looked at each other, then back at Mandy, and said, "Yes Mistress!" before getting off the bed and heading for the bathroom.
"Does anyone want to clean me up?" Gretchen asked, with a slight giggle. She souneds almost drunk with pleasure. "Ohhhh! I don't think I have cum that many times in a row in... Well, I don't know when I\_ever\_ have! As soon as one of them finished, the other took his place and continued fucking me. It was incredible! And they're so *cute* as girls!"
"I'll lick you clean, mom," Lisa offered, getting between Gretchen's thighs and eagerly slurping copious quantities of her brothers' cum out of her mother.
"You wouldn't mind if I make them dress up like girls a lot more often here at home, would you, mom?" Mandy asked. "They didn't seem to mind the idea just now of spending the rest of this weekend as girls. I was just telling daddy, I want to make them dress like girls *all* the time. First just here at home, but by next school year, I want them going to school as girls, and dressing like girls out in public too. Will you agree to them doing that?"
"*All* the time?" Gretchen asked, considering the idea, and shuddering as her daughter brought her closer to a seventh orgasm. "I suppose it *would* be fun to have two more daughters to buy pretty clothes for. And they \_did\_eventually seem to have fun out in the park as girls."
"We can make it part of the Mistress and Pet game that they play with Lisa and I," Mandy said. "Make them into submissive Pets for all four of us. Make them dress like girls, and wake daddy up with blow jobs, and lick your cunt every day. Wouldn't that be fun? You said you wished they would obey you more, right? You saw how fast they obey me or Lisa now. They could be just as submissive to you and daddy. Can we make them our sexy, girly Pets, mom?"
"Richard?" Gretchen asked.
"Why not?" he said with a shrug. "How can it be worse than how far we've already gone with each other? If the twins will agree to obey that order, then yes. We'll make them live as girls, to serve our pleasure."
They discussed how the plan would affect the twins at school, what to tell friends, and other issues it might cause. But in the end they all agreed that Mandy should be allowed to try her idea.
Just as they finished the discussion, the twins walked back into the bedroom, freshly dressed in their sisters' clothes.
"Well, aren't you both so pretty? And look what they decided to wear! I think they're going to like their new orders just fine," Mandy said.
The boys were both wearing their sister's Lisa's Saint Lovejoys schoolgirl uniforms, though they had on their pink sneakers instead of the dark grey Mary Jane's shoes the girls wore for their uniforms.
"What orders?" Terry asked. "Ummmm, these were the first outfits that we saw when we opened the closet, is all."
"Oh, I just think you look very nice in that school uniform, is all. I have three new orders for you," Mandy said. "First, you are to treat daddy as your Master and Mommy as your Mistress, just as you treat Lisa and I as your Mistresses. I want you to accept being submissive to all four of us, equally. Do you agree to this command?"
"Yes, Mistress," they both said. Then Terry added, "We kind of expected that would be coming, the way you had us acting recently. What else?"
"Second, when you're here at home, I want you dressing and acting like girls *all the time*. From the time you get back from school, until you get ready for the next school day, including all weekend long, you wear your wigs and girly clothes, and act like girls. You can still dress like boys to go to school, or when you leave the house, unless Lisa or I want to take you somewhere in public as girls again. Mom and dad have already agreed I can ask you to do this, and they will let you do it and buy you the extra girl clothes that you'll need if you say yes. Agree to this, and you'll get to have some sort of sex with mom or dad every day. Do you agree to my command, my Pets? "
"Dress like girls *every* day?" Terry asked.
"But we'd get to have sex with mom or dad every day too, Terry, don't forget that," Teddy said, recalling how much fun it had been fucking their mother that morning. "I'm in, Mistress."
"We still get to have sex with you and with Lisa, right?" Terry asked.
"Yes, whenever we ask you to. Probably more often than with mom and dad, if you please all of us well enough," Mandy said. "We already agreed that once a month or so, all of us will have sex with each other all at once, like we did yesterday. Sometimes we may invite special friends, like Ashley, Hans or Heidi. You'd like to have sex with Ashley, and watch her having sex with all of us, wouldn't you?"
"All right, I'll do it too," Terry said. "What's your third order, Mistress?"
"Each morning, one of you will go to mom and dad's bedroom, and wake daddy up with a blow job. Do it all the way, and swallow his cum. The other one will gently wake mom up, and lick her cunt until she has an orgasm. Each day you swap who does who. They have the option of allowing you to do more with them, but don't expect to fuck mom or get fucked by dad every day," Mandy said. "Do you agree to my command?"
"Yes, Mistress," they said.
"Thank you. This is going to be so much fun!" Mandy said with a grin.
March 28, 2010 (Sunday night) - Mandy Blackwell's home, in Pouncefield
The girls spent most of the rest of the morning in their bedroom with the twins, having the boys try on various parts of their sister's clothing, noting what fitted them and what didn't, and what sizes they wore for everything. Most of Lisa's clothes fit the boys, and a few of Mandy's older things did. The twins could also wear Mandy's shoes.
Then they had their mother join them in their parents' bedroom, and the boys tried on all of Gretchen's clothes. Gretchen was quite small for an adult Bernese - shorter and lighter than either of her daughters, though more curvy. She was only a few inches taller than her sons. Except for her bras, the twins could wear a lot of their mom's clothes too. Gretchen took careful measurements of the boys, and between the girls' notes and some on-line checks, came up with a detailed list of what ought to fit the twins, and what wouldn't.
Before dinner, Gretchen went to a nearby department store and bought several girl's blouses and skirts that should fit her sons, as well as some more panties and white knee socks for them. The blouses and skirts were all pinks and yellows and violet and red. Nothing looked remotely like what a boy would choose to wear, and all of them were things that would pass as very normal play clothes for girls their age or a little older.
After dinner, the twins modeled all of their new clothes for the family. Mandy put on music and had them dance and strut as they showed off their girly outfits. By the time they were down to the last change, they were flirting and giggling and having a fun time with it.
"Well! I think you've both done very well today, little sisters! We're pleased with our pretty girls!" Mandy said, "As a reward, Terry can sleep with me all night tonight, and Teddy can sleep all night with Lisa, in your room. Which one of you will volunteer to suck daddy's cock in the morning?"
"I will," Terry said. "What time do you want to wake up, daddy?"
"Get me up at six, 'Teresa'," Richard said with a grin. "And gently wake your mother up first, so she can watch."
"I'll wake mom up!" Teddy said. "Umm, do you want me to just start licking you, mom, or how do you want me to wake you up?"
"A kiss would be nice, my pretty Dora," Gretchen said. "Then lick me after I've had a chance to use the bathroom and wash myself clean for you. I usually need to pee first thing in the morning, and I'll enjoy it much more if I don't have a full bladder. Your father, on the other hand, usually wakes up with a hard on, and giving him a blow job will make it easier for him to relieve himself after you're done sucking his cock."
Before going to bed, Mandy checked her e-mail on her laptop.
"Oh! We have a message from Anna and Will!" she said, opening and reading it.
"What does it say?" Terry asked, as he changed into his red baby doll nightie and bra and panties for his sister.
"Did two at once last night. The two guys I love most, at the same time. Tell Paula she was right. DP is a blast. Love, Anna," Mandy replied. "That means she must have had Will fucking her and Master Karl up her ass at the same time! Or maybe the other way around. Wow... Ten years old, pregnant by her own brother, and fucking her brother and an adult older that our daddy at the same time. I kind of envy her."
"Well, my brother and I just turned eleven and look what you have us doing!" Terry said with a laugh. "Hey... Do you want one of us to knock you up sis?"
"No, I don't think so," she replied. "At least not for my first baby. I think I want Hans to be the father of my first child."
"You really love him, don't you, sis?" Terry said, hugging his sister from behind. "But does he love *you* that much?"
"I think I do, yeah. Him and his whole crazy family. And I think he loves me enough for me to be happy with him. He has enough love in his heart for dozens of lovers, and so do I. I love you and Teddy and Mom and Dad and Lisa, too. And if I marry Hans, I wouldn't have to give any of you up. I don't mind if he likes to fuck his maids and his sisters and even his dad - because he's happy that I get to fuck my sister and brothers and parents. Even if he doesn't decide to marry me, I'd be happy sharing that crazy life that he leads. Wouldn't you? Wouldn't it be cool if our family could always remain lovers? Who knows, maybe someday you \_could\_knock up our mom or Lisa or even me. It would be easier to explain if mom got knocked up, of course. Dad could just claim he was the father, even if it was you or Teddy that really did it."
"That would be pretty wild. Me or Teddy making a baby with mom," Terry said. "But right now, I just want to mate with you tonight, Mistress. What would you like your pretty girl to do first?"
"Lick, me, pretty girl," Mandy said. "Lick your Mistress and make me cum!"
Swiss Mix - Chapter 518 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
March 29, 2010 (Monday morning) - Saint Lovejoy's School, in Pouncefield.
While the rest of the children from Hans' mansion went to school with Phil in the limo on Monday morning, Miss Cheri dressed Meghan in a brand new school uniform and personally drove Meghan O'Connor to the school, to get her registered for classes. She led the young Irish girl to the school's office, and spoke first to the school's administrative secretary.
"Good morning. I am Miss Cheri LeChow. I would like to speak with the registrar, please," she said to the mixed breed feline woman behind the front counter.
"Oh! Hello MS LeChow! Oh dear! You aren't going to be withdrawing Heidi from our school, are you? No, wait, that *isn't* Heidi, is she?" The secretary said, looking rather flustered. "I'm sorry, we recently had another Bernese family remove the youngest pair their four children from our school quite unexpectedly. What can we do for you?"
"You are speaking of William and Anna Steiner, yes? You will be happy to know that Hans and Heidi saw the Steiner children over the Spring break, and both are doing quite well in their new school in Switzerland. But no, I have come not to remove a student, but to add one. I would like to enroll this child, Miss Meghan O'Connor, who has very recently been appointed my ward. I'm afraid it is a rather complicated situation, but I fear that she has had no formal schooling before coming into my care. Is the registrar available to speak to us? Or must I make an appointment and return later?" Cheri asked.
"Oh dear! I'm sure she can find time to see you immediately. Just let me go check," the secretary said. She went away for a few minutes and then returned, saying, "Our registrar and our principal would *both* like to discuss this with you. If you will follow me, please?"
"Thank you, yes. I think it would be wise for both of them to hear what I have to say," Cheri said.
They were led back to the principal's office, where the kindly panda bear sat behind his desk, and the registrar, a middle aged vixen, sat in a chair to the side of his desk. The vixen indicated two chairs facing the desk, and said, "Please make yourselves comfortable, Miss LeChow, and Miss O'Connor. Now then, may I ask how it happens that this young lady has not yet been in school? How old is she?"
"I am six, Ma'am. 'Tis seven I shall be, come the twenty-seventh of May," Meghan replied in English, with a definite Irish accent. She kept her hands demurely in her lap, but her eyes darted constantly about the room, taking in all the books on the shelves and the other decorations in the office.
"This child was rescued from an abusive environment. Miss Meghan knows all of what I am about to tell you, having lived through it, so it is all right to speak of it in front of her. Her mother's husband had been keeping the child and her mother as virtual prisoners in their home, and kept his wife drugged much of the time. They came here over a year ago from Ireland, and the poor dear has hardly been out of the house a single day since they arrived in this town, until the police intervened," Cheri said. "But I'm afraid it gets worse. They had not come here legally. Meghan and her mother entered the country with valid passports, but supposedly were only on a vacation trip. Her mother's husband was using a false passport. He was a known terrorist, and should have been on the no-fly list. He had come here with his wife and her daughter with the express intent of kidnapping the Bernerholdt children that I care for. He died last month, while trying to abduct my Heidi and Hans, and it was one of his men who shot my daughter Marie in the arm, during that kidnapping attempt. Her mother has been deported back to Ireland, and denied custody of her daughter, due to drug addiction and her failure to protect the child from her abusive husband. Miss Meghan has no other known living relatives."
"This... child is from the family that tried to abduct Hans and Heidi? But how then did she come to be in *your* care, Miss LeChow?" the principal asked, looking at the child with concern.
"Her mother was once a close friend of mine, back in Switzerland," Miss Cheri said. "Brianna Sullivan and I trained together to be maids in service to Lord Karl von Bernerholdt. We knew and worked with each other for six years. But when Miss Brianna, who is an Irish Setter, left my employer's service and returned to Ireland, she soon found herself pregnant as the result of a tryst with a married Bernese man. She hastily agreed to marry the first unattached Bernese man she thought suitable. She convinced that second Bernese man that the child she was carrying was his, though she knew it was not. When he found out later that he had been duped, his abuse of them both began. He forced Brianna to tell him all about her past life, lovers and employers. He tried to blackmail the Irish politician that she told him was the girl's real father, and he ended up killing that man. When he eventually found out that she had worked in the home of a millionaire, he tried twice to kidnap Lord Karl's children, using information he forced his wife to divulge."
"We found out all of this when the surviving kidnapper and her mother were tried for their parts in the second kidnapping attempt. Brianna, for her part, had never wanted any harm to come to anyone, least of all to Hans or Heidi. She used to help babysit them both, as well as my Marie, and she loved all our children," Miss Cheri continued sadly. "I could not bear to see this poor child cast into the foster care system, either here in America or back in Ireland. It wasn't Meghan's fault that her mother had made a very bad choice for a husband, before her baby was born. I petitioned both the local police and the appropriate Irish authorities to allow me to care for the child, at least until my former friend was cured of her addiction and judged capable of caring for her child again. Meghan would not be alone if her father had not tried to attack my employer's family and my own, and I felt somewhat responsible, since her father was killed in that attack on us. Lord Karl added his considerable influence to my request, and her mother wholeheartedly agreed to make me her child's legal guardian. I have with me a copy of the court order granting me provisional guardianship of Miss Meghan, and when the final documents are approved by the Irish authorities, I shall get copies to you," she said, handing the principal the court order.
"That was a very generous and heartwarming thing you have done for this girl," the principal said, "But before we can place her in a class, we will need to test her, to see where she should start. Fortunately our curriculum is very flexible with regards to a student's abilities."
"The staff at the 'Happy Hyena House' cared for her while her mother was in police custody, and did extensive testing to determine her mental state, any physical abuse that she may have endured, and the state of her education," Miss Cheri said, taking a thick folder from her large purse and handing it to the principal. "Here are the results of the tests that they ran on her. Meghan speaks English, German, and Irish Gaelic, like her mother did. They had kept her amused with children's television programming on DVD's, which covered most kindergarten subjects and much of what she should have learned this year in the first grade. She is quite intelligent. Her vocabulary has been tested to be on the fourth grade level - well ahead of most children her age. She can read, and knows her letters and numbers, but her ability to write is limited, because she rarely had the opportunity to practice penmanship. She has had very little exercise, and a fairly poor diet, so her stamina is fairly low, and she needs more exercise. She was often spanked with a belt, and occasionally beaten, but no bones were ever broken, and thankfully she was never sexually abused or drugged. We will be giving her physical therapy at our mansion, with swimming and exercises and weight training to build her back up to where she should be. Of course her diet will also be much improved. We are also arranging for psychological counseling for her. Fortunately, she has the stoic nature that comes from the Bernese half of her heritage. This child has endured far too much, but her spirit has not been broken, and her will to persevere is admirably strong. With love and care, she will recover from her past. She will get that with my family. We hope that you can help to educate her properly."
"We will do all that we can, certainly!" the registrar said. "It will take a while to complete the necessary paperwork and to determine a suitable class schedule for her. But I think we can push everything through fast enough for her to start classes on Wednesday morning. Where possible we will place her in classes that Heidi is in, or in classrooms close to where Hans or Heidi are having their own classes."
"Thank you ma'am, Sir," Meghan said meekly. "I've seen what school is like on my TV, sort of. It will be nice to be with other kids, and I really want to learn. I'll be very good, I promise!"
"I'm sure you will, Meghan," the principal said comfortingly. "And if you ever feel afraid or need someone to talk to, come to this office or to our nurse's office, and one of my staff will take care of you. We will not allow anyone to hurt you here. That, I promise."
March 31, 2010 (Wednesday morning) - Saint Lovejoy's School, in Pouncefield.
On Wednesday, Miss Meghan rode to school in the limo with Hans, Heidi, and the other children from the mansion.
"We normally take that school bus to school," Hans said to the younger Bernese girl as they got out of the limo and he pointed to where Cynthia, Pokeinfo, and several other kids were getting off the bus. "It's more fun going to and from school with our friends. But while Marie's arm is healing, we're using the limo, so she doesn't get bounced around so much."
Heidi clutched a copy of Meghan's class schedule, and said, "Come on, Meghan! I'll show you where your homeroom is, and introduce you to Miss Ruby, your homeroom teacher! My first class is in the room right next door to yours. You'll like Miss Ruby. She's a really nice vixen."
"We'll both take you there," Hans said. He kissed Marie and then turned to follow his little sister and Meghan into the school.
"Class, we have a new student joining us today," Miss Ruby said. "Meghan O'Connor is from Ireland, and she is now part of the same family as Marie LeChow. She has been... home schooled... prior to this, so being in a classroom with other children is all quite new to her. Please make her welcome among us. Meghan? Would you like to say anything about yourself to your new friends?"
"Hello everyone!" the puppy said, forcing a smile. "I'm from Ireland, but I've been in this country a little over a year. Miss LeChow became m-my guardian after my... daddy died and my mommy had to go back to Ireland. My mom is... well, sick, and can't take care of me by herself. But Miss LeChow was a friend of hers before I was born, and she agreed to take care of me in her family. So now the kids in the LeChow and Bernerholdt families are sort of my brothers and sisters. Everyone has been very nice to me so far, and I hope to make friends with a lot of you. Thank you."
"Awwww, sorry about what happened to your family!" said a young mouse girl who looked to be about Meghan's age. "But Marie and her mom are really nice. You'll like living with them! I'm Rose. Would you like to sit next to me? There's a desk open over here."
"I'd like that, thank you," Meghan said, sitting beside the mouse girl.
Several other kids also introduced themselves, and offered to help Meghan find her way around the school. The teacher allowed the kids to spend several minutes getting to know the new girl, and was pleased that most of them refrained from asking anything more about the girl's tragic past. Like all of the school staff, Miss Ruby had been told by the Principal about the girl's background and special needs. Yet the child seemed to be adapting very rapidly to her new environment.
When the class bell rang for second period, half a dozen kids who were close to Meghan's age volunteered to walk her to her next class, and to show here where things were along the way. Surrounded by her new friends, Meghan waved happily at Hans and Heidi, and said, "I like it here! Everyone is so friendly!"
April 1, 2010 (Thursday night) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
Catherine Brushtail celebrated her sixth birthday at Lord Karl's mansion, with five of her young friends from the school that she had recently begun attended kindergarten at. When Heidi had mentioned to her father a few weeks earlier that Karla was home schooling Catherine and keeping her on the estate grounds, Karl had soon thereafter called Karla into his office and *insisted* that Catherine be enrolled at the same private school that the maids all attended. He had thought that was where the little vixen *had* been going to school for Kindergarten. He had left it Karla to make those arrangements, as she did for all the estate's children. He told Karla that he wanted Catherine to have more chances to socialize with other children her age. He also told Karla bluntly that he didn't want \_her\_to be the sole source of the girl's education. Her mother had relented, and in the last two weeks the innocent and friendly little vixen had already made quite a few new friends.
The three girls and two boys, all from her kindergarten class, were all amazed at how big the mansion was, and at how beautifully the solarium had been decorated for her party. None of them had ever been to the mansion before.
Two of Catherine's young friends were from noble families, though not as wealthy or as high in rank as Lord Karl's family, and were brought to the party by their governess or nanny. But the others were children of employees at estates similar to Lord Karl's - people with service jobs outwardly similar to Redd and Karla's work, and those kids had one or both of their parents with them. None of the young guest's families, however, were from estates that were part of the Bernerholdt Foundation's programs. To these guests, Lord Karl von Bernerholdt was merely a wealthy local celebrity and philanthropist - a noble dog who made substantial financial contributions to the school and to the community. The staff had all been warned of this, and the maids that the guests saw all wore knee length skirts and panties with their uniforms, instead of their usual miniskirts which came only to mid thigh.
The guests were offered a sumptuous if somewhat early dinner, served in the solarium by the maids for the guests, their parents, and Catherine's family. Then they had cake and ice cream and the kids played party games, assisted by the maids. Redd Brushtail and his wife, Karla, chatted with the parents of the visiting children while the kids played, mentioning that Redd worked here as the chauffeur, and that Karla was the senior maid, and proudly introducing them also to her twin babies, Jan and Jodi.
When it was time for presents, and the last gift from Catherine's family and guests had been unwrapped, Lord Karl joined the party.
"Welcome to my home," he said, as he entered the room from the foyer. "I'm so glad that you could all come to celebrate little Catherine's birthday with her family!"
"You came!" Catherine squealed, running over to hug him. "Thank you for coming to my party, sir! Hey everybody! This is my mommy's..."
"Ahem! May I present our gracious and generous employer," Redd said quickly, interrupting his daughter. "Lord Karl von Bernerholdt, heir to Count von Bernerholdt."
"You and your lovely wife have earned generous treatment from me ten times over, my friend," Lord Karl said. "Catherine? I have something for you. Please bring in her present, Miss Natalie, Miss Kaitlin."
The identical twin red vixens entered the room carrying between them an upright, narrow box that was taller than Catherine, and big enough to hold a child her size. It had gold gift wrapping and a bright red bow and a tag that read, 'For Catherine, from Lord Karl.'
"OOOOHHH! What is it?" the child asked, entranced at once by the size of the gift and the mystery of what it might contain.
With some help from the two maids, the little vixen tore open the present and the gold foil box within, and squealed happily when she saw the life sized vixen doll inside it, dressed in an exact replica of the school uniform that Catherine wore in the first grade. "OH! OH! OH! It's a twin doll! It looks just like me!" she shouted, dancing around the room with the doll in her hands and showing it to everyone. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"Now \_you\_have a twin too, like us, and like your little brother and sister are twins," Miss Natalie said, nodding to the playpen off to one side where the infant twin foxes, Jan and Jody, now slept, after having finished their bottles.
Lord Karl chatted briefly with the adults while the kids played with Catherine's new tea set and with a card matching game that she had been given, and admired her other gifts. Catherine kept her vixen doll beside her for the rest of the party. Then one by one each family headed for home, since it was, after all, a school night, and the children were all quite young.
Catherine hugged her big doll to her chest as she watched the last of her friends driving off after the party. When the last guest was out of sight, and they had returned to the foyer, the child hugged Lord Karl's leg again and said. "That was the bestest party ever! Thank you, Master Karl! And I love my new dolly! I'm gonna name her Cara! She's so pretty!"
"As pretty as you are, my dear," Lord Karl said, petting her hair. "Now go help your daddy to gather up all your presents. The maids will help you to carry it all to your room."
"There's another gift you could give her today, Master," the girl's mother said quietly, as her husband and daughter went back into the solarium. "One only \_you\_can give her. She's already curious about sex, and wants to learn. And she respects you and loves you as much as she does my husband."
"Heidi has mentioned the girl's precocious sexual curiosity," Karl said. "And I am rather certain that you quite deliberately *intended* for Catherine to see you and Redd having sex with Heidi a few weeks ago. I know you want me to start seducing our youngest daughter, Karla. But as I have said the last few times you have made that offer, Catherine is still much too young. You saw how she chatters with her young friends. She almost blurted out that you're my lover or that I was your Master, before Redd interrupted her. You know I won't seduce her without telling her that I am her father first. What if she told one of them that I'm her father, and that she's learning all about sex, first hand, from the three of us?"
"She's only a year younger than Heidi was, when *she* started learning about oral sex," Karla stated. "Heidi never told anyone what she was up to with Taylor, Marie and Hans. Even *I* didn't suspect it for quite a while. I'm not asking you to *rape* your youngest daughter. You don't even have to tell her yet that you're her real father. Just let her have her first taste of a cock from you, allow her to do it again occasionally if she wants to, and give Redd and I permission to start training her to serve you. You should see how sad and disappointed she looks when we tell her she can't join Redd and I in bed and have sex with us. She looked positively envious when she watched Heidi sucking Redd cock. Just *ask* her if she would like to learn about sex from you. I'm telling you, if you offer her the chance to suck your cock, she'll do it as fast as any of your maids."
"I... I said no, and that's final," Lord Karl said, though he was sorely tempted by her arguments. "Not this year."
"But maybe next year?" she asked hopefully, noting that her Master didn't seem as angry at her offer as he had in the past. "It's tempting, isn't it?"
"Not this year," Karl repeated. "I'll tell you when I think she is old enough."
"Very well, Master," Karla said. "We will continue to deny our daughter her birthright as one of your beloved children, until you see fit to embrace her and accept her. I still think you should just do it, but we shall obey your command, my Lord. I promise that she shall continue to go without knowing what it feels like to have a cock in her mouth, until you permit it. By the way, I have stopped taking my birth control pills, and Redd and I are trying to conceive another baby together - one that is really his. That will, I think, be my last child."
"Good. He deserves a child of his own with you. I'll be quite satisfied with oral or anal service from you, or using a condom with you otherwise, so we can be certain this one is his. And I expect you to do the same with young Will Steiner and any other males you may be mating with. No one but Redd should have *any* chance of being the father this time, and that is an order!" Karl said.
"Yes, Master. I promise you, this next child really *will* be my husband's baby," Karla said.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 519 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
April 3, 2010 (Saturday morning) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield.
"Good morning, pretty girls!" Mandy said cheerfully at the door of her brothers' bedroom. "Come on 'Teresa', 'Dora'! Rise and shine! Get dressed as girls, get your wigs on and get down to breakfast. Mom already has a batch of pancakes started!"
Terry glanced at the clock and groaned. "Unghhh. Wha? Mandy! It isn't even eight o'clock yet, and it's Saturday. What's the rush?"
"Well, the longer you take to get ready and get fed, the more people there will be in the mall today, to see you while we take you shopping!" Mandy said with a grin. "Mom's taking the four of us to Pouncefield Mall to get the two of you the rest of your girl clothes, including good shoes and some bras and some nicer quality dresses. Of course, if you'd *rather* sleep in, we *could* go at lunch time, or even later in the afternoon, when the mall is packed and there's a *much* better chance that some of your friends will see you. It's your choice, girls! One way or the other, you're going to the mall today as girls. I just thought you might prefer doing it early, when the mall was the least crowded."
"Eeep! Tell mom we'll be right down, Mistress!" Terry said, as both boys scrambled out of bed, took off their girly nightgowns, and dashed naked for the hall bathroom.
"Good girls!" Mandy said with a laugh, as they rushed past her. "And each of you should wear one of your button-up blouses instead of a t-shirt! You're going to change clothes several times, and you don't want to mess up your wigs any more than necessary. I'll see you in the kitchen."
April 3, 2010 (Saturday morning) - Pouncefield Mall, in downtown Pouncefield.
They got to the mall at nine thirty in the morning, before most of the mall stores had even opened. Gretchen found a convenient parking spot close to the third floor sky bridge between the parking garage and the multi-story downtown mall, and led her four 'girls' into the mall.
'Teresa' and 'Dora' tugged self consciously at their 14 inch long skirts as they crossed the glass-enclosed sky bridge, nervously looking down at the joggers and other pedestrians at street level. "Mistress? How long do we have to stay here?" Teresa asked nervously.
"Well, that depends on how long it takes to find what we want," Mandy replied, as she paused and looked at the mall directory when they stepped into the mall. "Relax and look around you. There's nobody here yet but a handful of mall walkers. The stores mostly open at ten on Saturday, but we can window shop while we work our way down to the street level. Mom and Lisa and I will do virtually all the talking for you, once we start shopping. All you 'girls' have to do is nod or shake your head when anyone else might hear you, and we'll say that you only speak German, if anyone asks why you won't talk to them. All right, I know what shops I want us to go to. We'll take our time getting down to the ground level, so if you see anything in a store window that you would \_like\_us to get for you, just say so! These clothes are for you, after all."
"Ummm, what about the prices?" Terry asked quietly. "I mean, new clothes are expensive, and I know mom and dad are pretty careful with what they spend. How are we gonna pay for all this?"
Mandy reached into her purse and pulled out a shiny new debit card. "The first $1,000 is a gift from Hans. He gave me this pre-loaded debit card and said I could spend up to that much on anything I wanted for you two, as his gift to our family. He wants to see you do this as much as I do. So don't worry too much about the money. Let's go shopping!"
They didn't spend long on the third floor. Mostly they looked through the windows at 'Pimp My Paws', at the pretty shoes and sandals.
"Don't worry, 'girls', I won't insist on high heels for you, at least not on this trip," Mandy said. "You'll have a hard enough time learning to walk and act like proper young ladies, without worrying about twisting an ankle or aching feet."
"Anything more than a two and a half inch heel is torture, trust me," their mother said. Her own shoes had sensible inch and a half high block heels. "The higher heels make our legs look fabulous, but you *really* don't want to walk very far or dance in three inch or higher heels. It can certainly be done, of course. I've danced at a wedding in six inch spike heels. But I regretted it most of the night and all the next day!"
They took the escalator to the second floor, and looked at the window displays for the 'Yippy Wear' store at clothes for grown up women, and also at the shop next door, 'Code 9433', which sold intimate sleepwear and lingerie for adult women.
"What does '9433' have to do with girly stuff like that?" Teddy asked.
"Watch their sign," Mandy said, pointing to an animated sign that showed a cell phone's numeric keypad, with the digits 9-4-3-3 being selected, and then a pause, before repeating.
"I still don't get it," Teddy said.
"What letter on each button lights up when it glows?" Mandy asked, grinning. "Maybe you don't know that word yet?"
Lisa watched the sign with the twins and broke into giggles. "OH! Oh wow, I *never\_noticed that! How did I miss that before? I must have gone by this store like, fifty times, and never realized it was spelling \_that* out!"
"Y - I - F - F. Yiff?" Teddy said, scratching his ear. "What's that mean?"
"It's slang for having sex," their mother replied. "Yiffing is fucking. Oh *God*, I can't believe I'm telling my kids that in public," she said, suddenly realizing what she had just done, and looking around to see if anyone else was close enough to have heard her. But the only other person near them was an elderly sheepdog who was walking briskly by, with ear buds for his iPawed plugging his ears.
"Well, I see some great ideas in that store, but the mall's stores open in ten more minutes. Let's go to the street level," Mandy said.
"\_Please\_tell me we won't be seen by people on the sidewalk, or go out by the street," Teddy said.
"Oh, probably not," Mandy said, as they rode the escalator to the ground floor. "The street side of the Yippy Wear store is mostly display windows. And the girls' clothes and intimate apparel for girls are closer to the inner side of the mall. The school uniform shop only has two small windows facing the street, and the Saint Lovejoy's uniforms are close to the center courtyard."
"School uniforms? But we already have... oh... oh NO! *Girl's* school uniforms?" Terry said, with a horrified look on his face.
"Oh relax! I only want each of you to have a schoolgirl uniform to wear for daddy in the bedroom, so you don't have to borrow two sets from Lisa and maybe get them messy. She needs to keep her real uniforms clean for school," Mandy said. "Besides, they looked *really* cute on you when you wore Lisa's school uniforms last week, didn't they?"
"Well, yeah, I guess they did," Terry said. Then they reached the bottom of the escalator, and both he and his twin shut up, because the ground floor had quite a few people milling around in the open courtyard, waiting for the mall stores to open. Terry could see Cynthia and Pokeinfo over by the video game store, apparently trying to decide on a few new console games to buy. And Edna Foxx was looking in the window of a perfume shop, at some pheromone based perfumes that they were advertising in the store's display.
As soon as the doors to the stores opened, Mandy led her family into 'The Classroom', a store that specialized in private school uniforms for school children, and which also has a small department where they sold adult-sized variants of the uniforms, for cosplay and role-playing purposes.
Gretchen took her twins to the girl's section, and picked out four short, pleated blue miniskirts; four white, short sleeved shirts with a blue peter pan collar, and two pairs of dark grey Mary Jane's shoes for the twins, while Lisa and Mandy found white knee socks and panties for them. Then Mandy and Lisa each took a twin into one of the dressing rooms, while Gretchen stood idly near the changing area's entrance, keeping an eye out for anyone that might disturb them.
"Try all of it on, except the panties, and keep on those socks. The socks you have on now are pretty much the same as the uniform ones," Mandy told Terry, when they stepped into a dressing room.
Terry shrugged out of his skirt and blouse and shoes, and put on the uniform's blouse and very short skirt.
"God! How do you keep everyone from seeing your panties?" Terry asked, tugging down the front of the ten inch long miniskirt's hem. It barely reached below his crotch.
"I \_don't\_usually wear the panties at school. Take yours off, and put the shoes on. We need to make sure they fit," she said calmly.
"Oh... wait... what? You're joking, aren't you?" her brother asked. "You wouldn't *really* go to school with no panties on under a skirt this short, would you?"
"I'm completely serious. You mean you haven't noticed? Well, I suppose Lisa and I *did\_order you and Teddy not to pay any attention to the girls at school and to still act like you think they have cooties. As far as I know, \_most* of the girls at school don't wear panties. I'm not wearing any now, either. See?" Mandy said, raising the hem of her own skirt, which was only about 14 inches long and didn't even come halfway to her knees, and showing Terry her unclothed pink slit, quite damp with arousal. "Take the panties off, and leave them off, while we're in the mall. It's a real rush."
"B-but, I'll get stiff, and it'll make my skirt push up in front!" the cross-dressed boy sobbed, as his cock started to harden. "See? It's already makin' a big lump in front, even with my panties still on!"
"Then Lisa and I will just have to take care of that for you two, won't we?" Mandy said. She knelt in front of her girly brother, yanked his panties down to around his ankles, and lifted his skirt and eagerly started sucking him off.
Judging from the moans they heard through the dressing room wall, Lisa was doing much the same thing to her twin in the dressing room next to theirs. The forbidden thrill of having his sister suck his cock in a public place was driving Terry wild. He struggled to keep his voice down as he almost immediately flooded his big sister's throat with his seed. She kept on swallowing and sucking until his cock retreated back into his sheath, completely spent.
Mandy licked her muzzle clean and said, "Well! That should keep you safe for a little while longer. Now I want you to go out and show mom how cute you look. Go all the way out of the dressing area in front of her, turn slowly, wait for her response, and then come back and change back into your own skirt and blouse. But I'm keeping your panties!" She put them into her purse, and waited for him to return.
Teresa and Dora both stepped out into the store at almost the same time, twirled slowly in front of their mom to show her the schoolgirl uniforms, and then looked pleadingly at her for some sign that they could retreat to the safety of the dressing room.
Gretchen giggled at the cute way that her sons blushed, not realizing yet why they were so completely flustered. She assumed it was because her daughters either gave their brothers a quick fuck or a quick blow job in the dressing room, since Mandy and Lisa had told her that would probably happen. But they *hadn't* told her they were going to take the boys' panties away. "That looks fine. Go change, and we'll get those for you and go to the next store."
The boys rushed past her, and soon came out in their original clothes, still blushing fiercely. Their sisters followed close behind them smiling happily.
Mandy bought the uniforms with her debit card, and then they went next door to the 'Yippy Wear' kid's clothing department.
The store was getting moderately busy, but thankfully no one the twins knew was in sight.
"Lisa and I will find nice party dress or two for each of them, like a girl their age would choose to wear to a school dance," Mandy said. "Mom? Can you help them to get the right size training bras? And see if you can find some lacy ones that fit them."
Gretchen nodded and took her girly sons to the 'intimates' section, and got three training bras for each of them. Then she took them both into the changing rooms, to try on their bras and make sure they fit.
"M-mom? I can't go back out there," Teddy said, wearing just a bra above the waist, and holding both hands against the front of his skirt so it looked almost like he badly needed to pee.
"Why not? You've both been doing fine so far. No one has reacted as if you were anything but a girl, have they?" she asked.
"They will if they see *this*," Teddy said, moving his hands and revealing the tent that his erect cock was making in the front of his skirt. "Our sisters took our panties! I can't keep it from showing!"
"Oh! Well, err... you weren't doing that earlier," their mom said.
"Lisa sucked my cock to get rid of my boner, mom, an' Mandy did it for Terry. Can you help us? Please?" Terry pleaded. His skirt was just as badly tented in front.
Realizing her daughters had set her up, and that they were guarding the door to the changing area, the 31 year old mother of four got on her hands and knees between her eleven year old sons, and said, "Try to keep quiet. Mommy will help you. Dora, you... can fuck me, while I suck Teresa." Then she took Terry's cock into her mouth and started to try to relieve his aching balls, while raising her tail and offering her cunt to Teddy.
"Oh God, mom!" Terry whispered, as he held his mother's head in both hands and humped her face, while looking at their reflection in the dressing room's floor to ceiling mirror.
Teddy pushed the wet crotch of his mom's panties to one side and slipped his cock into her vagina, and started humping her eagerly. "Oh yeah! This is great!" he said as quietly as he could. "Thanks, mom! You're the best!"
Gretchen swallowed Terry's load and with his cock still in her mouth, she looked sideways at their reflection in the floor to ceiling mirror on the side wall of the dressing room. She could hardly believe that she was doing such lewd things with her own sons in a public place. As Teddy finished fucking her, she had a climax of her own.
"C-clean mommy up, or your cum will be dribbling down my legs while we shop," she said to Teddy, when Terry removed his limp cock from her mouth.
"Sure mom," Teddy said quietly while Terry got dressed again. He bent down to lick his own mess from his mother's sloppy cunt, and licked her to a second orgasm.
When the three of them came walking unsteadily out of the changing room, Mandy and Lisa handed the twins two party dresses each, and the girls took the twins right back into the changing rooms. Mandy went with Teddy this time.
The boys managed to try on both dresses before their 'problem' arose again, and their sisters each allowed them to fuck them doggy style in the cramped changing booths. Without prompting, both boys licked their sisters clean when they were done, then got dressed in their girl clothes again.
After buying two more skirts and a couple of good blouses for each of them, as well as a new blouse each for Lisa and Mandy, they took the escalators inside the store to go back up to the second floor.
The mall was definitely getting busier now. They saw Cynthia and Pokeinfo again, but the bunny and her lion boyfriend soon left Yippy Wear and went into the arcade together, and didn't seem to see the Blackwell family.
The second floor was adult women's clothing, and Gretchen got herself a sexy new cocktail dress, while Lisa and Mandy picked out a rather sexy dress for each of the four kids. All of the kid's dresses had very short skirts and low necklines, and a plunging back that went almost all the way down to their tails. When they tried these on, the boys didn't need another blow job from their sisters to stay limp. They had pretty much fucked themselves out, and were too embarrassed to get aroused again.
Unfortunately for the twins, the next stop was 'Code 9433's adult lingerie section. Walking through all the displays of lace panties and flimsy nightgowns got them going again. The girls chose several pairs of frilly ruffled lace panties for the twins, and allowed them to put a pair of the lacy panties on in the ladies public bathroom in the mall, after they bought them.
Going back to the third floor, Mandy said, "The rest of you go into the shoe store and find some nice street shoes for them, and a pair of shoes they can dance in that go well with their sexy new dresses. I need to go to another store and get a few... special items. I'll join you in the shoe store in a few minutes."
She waited for them to go into the shoe store together, then Mandy ducked into a store named 'Ties that Bind'. While this shop was not as much an 'adult' store as some porn shops, it *did* cater to some mild fetish wear and bondage needs, including leather collars and cuffs, and silk rope. She bought the twins each a red leather collar with a gold heart-shaped tag that was engraved with 'Pretty Girl' in a flowing cursive script, and a matching set of wrist cuffs, which could all be linked to each other and the sides of the collar with thin gold chains. She also found a matching gold chain leash with a red leather handle, for each of them. Last, she got several coils of red and black silk ropes. She had all of these things wrapped in purple tissue paper, so the twins wouldn't see what she bought just yet, and had it put in an unmarked black shopping bag, before rejoining her family in the shoe store.
By the time they finished buying shoes for all four of the kids, it was almost time for lunch. The mall was quite crowded, and the twins looked around fearfully as Mandy led them out of the shoe store, and in the direction of the busy food court.
"Shall we stay for lunch?" Mandy asked.
"Please no, Mistress!" Terry whispered, as he looked across the open central area at the food court on the far side of the mall, and saw no less than a dozen kids that he knew, including Edward Foxx and his sister Edna, Hazel Hanson, Ashley, and a couple of kitty girls that they knew were in the cheerleader squad with their big sister.
"Can't we go home now, please?" Teddy asked.
"Oh, I suppose," Mandy replied, looking mildly disappointed. "You've been very good girls, but this has been quite a new experience for you. Let's go home, mom."
April 3, 2010 (Saturday afternoon) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield.
When they got home, Richard Blackwell had a surprise waiting for his family.
"Go look in your bedrooms, kids. I just finished setting up some new furniture for you," he said.
They all went upstairs, and found that the kid's four twin beds had been replaced by one queen sized bed in each bedroom! Lisa and Mandy had a white four-poster bed with a pink floral canopy and bedding, and the twins had a similar sized bed that was also a four poster canopy bed, but in dark stained oak wood, and with a dark red canopy and bedding.
"I tried to get a bed for the twins that wasn't *too* girly, so if they have friends over that don't know we make them dress like girls, their room won't look too much like a girl's room. But it's still more of a girly style than what they had," he said, "Now you'll each have enough room for two or even three people in a bed."
"Thanks for not getting us stuff with flowers and unicorns and rainbows on it, dad," Teddy said, as he looked into the door of his bedroom. "I kind of like this new bed."
"I love it, daddy!" Mandy said, as she ran a hand down one of the sturdy corner posts of her new bed, and looked up at the heavy wood frame that supported the canopy. "It's like you read my mind about what sort of new beds to get us! Ohh, this has a *lot* of potential."
The twins looked at her questioningly, almost afraid to ask what their sister meant by that remark.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 520 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
April 10, 2010 (Saturday morning) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield.
The next week passed quietly, with the twins obediently dressing as girls whenever they were at home, and with everyone in the family only using their 'girl names' when they spoke to them at home. They awakened their parents with oral sex the each morning, but while Gretchen and Richard enjoyed the oral sex with their girly sons, they didn't allow them to have any other sorts of sex with either parent. Lisa and Mandy allowed the boys to have sex with them twice during the week, once with each brother spending the whole night in bed with their sister. But the rest of the week the girls slept in their own bedroom, and the boys in theirs. By the time the weekend arrived, 'Teresa' and 'Dora' seemed almost completely comfortable in their new roles as girls and as the family sex Pets.
"Dad? Hans is on the phone," Mandy said to her father, shortly after breakfast on Saturday morning. "His father is in town for Hans' birthday, and Lord Karl would like to meet all six of us today, before Hans' party starts. 'If it is convenient', he says. Lord Karl would like to talk to you about it. Hans just put him on the line."
"Well, don't keep him waiting. He's not likely to be someone I'm going to refuse to talk to now, is he?" Richard said. "Hand me the phone."
"Here you go, dad," Mandy replied, giving him the cordless phone.
"Yes, this is Richard Blackwell speaking. Hello sir! Why yes, I can certainly bring my wife and myself as well as our four kids over there to meet you. I was already going to bring the kids to your son's party after lunch, and we didn't have any important plans for the morning. ... It would be our pleasure. When should we come over?" Richard said. There was a pause as he listened to the phone, and then he replied, "Yes, that would be fine." Another, longer pause, and he said, "Umm humm... Wait, what? You want us to... Oh! ... I see. Well, yes, when you put it that way, I suppose it makes sense. Well, I don't see why not, given what we've already done with each other and seen each other's families doing, in person or on videos. I'll let my family know, so they can be prepared, and we'll be there at eleven thirty sharp. ... Yes. See you then. Goodbye."
"What did Hans' dad want, daddy?" Mandy asked, taking the phone and putting it back in its charging cradle. "Dad? Are you all right?"
"He... Well, we've been invited to a brief orgy, it seems. All six of us, plus Hans, Lord Karl, and Heidi. He... wants to see us mating with each other, and for us to see him and his son mating with Heidi. He called it 'family bonding', so we could all be comfortable with the idea of Hans and Heidi coming over here and having sex with us and with each other, when we mate with our family members."
"That sounds great! Did he have any special requests? Are you gonna let Lord Karl fuck mom? She'd love him, daddy," Mandy said enthusiastically.
"N-no... requests... he... just said we could work out the details when we get there," Richard said. "Whatever we wanted to do, with whoever we wanted, would be fine. As long as... well, as long as *everyone* does some sort of incest while the other family watches. Go find your mom and your sisters and brothers. We... need to discuss this, and then get ready."
After Richard relayed the Lord's request to his family, Terry and Teddy were told to change back into boys' clothing, and everyone dressed nicely for meeting Lord Karl. Gretchen chose to wear the rather sexy new dress that she had bought at the mall the prior week.
Richard looked at his wife and asked, "Dear? Are... well, are you planning on *offering* yourself to Lord Karl?"
"Should I refuse him, if he asks me?" Gretchen asked seriously. "Should we refuse if he wants to fuck any of our children, or wants us to have sex with Hans or Heidi? I got the impression, from what you said, that he wanted to watch the boys mating with me and you mating with our daughters, or some other combination of us, and that he wanted us to see him having sex in some way with Hans and Heidi. But honestly? I'd... be rather flattered if he *did* ask to bed me. So I may as well look my best. Would it bother you, if I have sex with Lord Karl? How could that be any worse than allowing my own sons to fuck me?"
"Daddy? I don't think Lord Karl *will* ask for a turn with mom," Mandy said. "No offense mom, but Hans' dad prefers girls my age or even younger. But daddy, what will *you* do, if they ask if *you'd* like to fuck Heidi's ass or get a blow job from her, while we all watch?"
Richard blinked, and said, "I suppose I would do it. And if he asks to fuck Gretchen, or to have Hans fuck her while we all watch, I suppose that is all right too, if she wants to. After all, we *did* already request a chance to invite Hans and Heidi to an orgy with us."
"Does that mean we need to bring our girly stuff, and let Hans or his dad fuck us too, if they want to?" Terry asked.
"I don't think so," Richard said. "He specifically mentioned bringing my 'sons', and made no mention of anyone cross dressing. And he *did* say nothing would be required that anyone was the least bit unwilling to do. Do you boys *want* to have sex with Lord Karl, or with Hans, while Lord Karl watches you?"
"Not really," Terry said. "I suppose I don't mind letting him see us fucking our sisters or our mom, and I might even be willing to have sex with you or Teddy while they watch. But I don't really want to do it with Hans while his dad is watching us, or with his dad."
"Yeah, that goes for me, too," Teddy said. "Though... I think it might be cool to watch mom making out with Hans' dad, or with Hans."
"Well, get in the car, everyone," Richard said. This is going to be very interesting, however it works out."
April 10, 2010 (11:30 AM Saturday morning) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield.
They were met at the door of Hans' mansion by Miss Taylor, in her full maid uniform. The teenaged vixen said, "Welcome to Bernerholdt Mansion! You're right on time. Lunch will be served in the dining room, as soon as everyone has gathered there. If you'll follow me please?"
Hans and Lord Karl were standing beside the dining room table. Marie LeChow was the only one seated at the table so far, near one end, with her right arm in a sling. She waved at the new arrivals with her left hand and said, "Hi there!"
"This is my father, Lord Karl von Bernerholdt," Hans said. "Father? This is Mandy Blackwell's family."
"A pleasure to meet all of you," Lord Karl said. "I do have one quick request, and I should have thought to mention it when I asked you to come meet me. There is a little Bernese girl named Meghan staying here, who does not yet know of the... liaisons... in the family. Miss Cheri will be taking her to a therapist's appointment right after lunch. So until they have left, please refrain from speaking about what we intend to do after the meal, all right? Taylor? Please go get Meghan and Heidi, and tell them lunch is ready."
"Of course! I'm Richard Blackwell. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Richard said, shaking Lord Karl's hand firmly and introducing all of his family.
Lord Karl shook hands with the boys, and kissed the hands of the ladies, including Gretchen, which made the Bernese mom blush. Karl also made sure to introduce Marie LeChow to all of the guests.
"Wheeeee!" came a playful child's voice from the foyer. They all turned and saw Taylor at the bottom of the main staircase, catching a six year old Bernese girl who was just at the end of sliding down the handrail of the grand staircase. The vixen spun the child around in a full circle before setting her lightly on her feet. Heidi followed, descending the stairs in a more ladylike manner, though looking enviously at the banister, as if she wished *she* could slide down the railing like their young guest was free to do.
"It's good to see the child smiling and laughing," Karl said. "Meghan was abused as a child, and Miss Cheri just became her Guardian. I believe you all know Heidi and Taylor already?"
"We heard about Meghan last week, My Lord, and Hans and Heidi introduced all four of us kids to her on her first day at Saint Lovejoy's," Mandy said. "I agree. It's good to see her looking so happy. And yes, I think my parents and siblings have met everyone else that lives here."
"If you can all be seated, lunch is ready!" said a young canine maid from the door that led to the kitchen. Hazel and Cheri were each pushing a cart, laden with soup bowls, a soup tureen, and a plate of sandwiches, as well as an assortment of beverage choices. Taylor, Hazel and Cheri served the meal, and then took seats at the table to join them for the meal.
"Where are Phil and Bridget?" Mandy asked, as she started in on her soup.
"Getting last minute supplies for Hans' party," Miss Cheri said. "We *thought* we had enough ice cream for everyone, but two hungry little girls staged a midnight ice cream raid last night..." she said, looking at Heidi and Meghan.
"It was my fault!" Heidi rapidly insisted, noting the somewhat frightened look on Meghan's face. "I got to talking to Meghan last night after we went to bed, about what the party would be like today. Can you believe Meghan had never had cherry ice cream with real cherry bits in it? Or a banana split? So we went to the kitchen and I made cherry banana splits for both of us. And ummm, they were so good that we both had seconds."
"I know. When I found the mess this morning, I checked the security cameras, and found you were both in the kitchen," Miss Cheri said. "Though I half expected it to be your brother. He's started another growth spurt, and his appetite has been increasing."
Meghan said nothing, but she looked terrified.
"You're \_not\_in trouble, Meghan, and neither of you will be punished," Miss Cheri said gently to the child beside her. "You may have as much as you want of anything that we have. We can buy more, if we run low. I just wish you would have asked. I really wouldn't have minded getting up in the middle of the night, for something like that."
"Still, tis sorry I am," she said, calming down slightly. "I could have ruined Hans' party! I didna think it through."
"We said it's all right, and we meant it Meghan. Don't worry about it!" Hans insisted. Then he switched the topic of conversation to other matters, such as who Meghan had made friends with recently at school, and what her favorite things were about school so far. Soon the girl was smiling and chattering away again, the dark cloud of fear lifted like a passing spring shower.
At the end of lunch, Miss Cheri and Meghan got up, and Cheri said, "Meghan and I will be back in two hours or so, certainly in time for the party. Marie can take door duty in case any guests arrive early. It is unlikely that any other guests will arrive before we return, but someone should remain available just in case. Taylor and Hazel are to assist Phil and Bridget in the kitchen when they return, for party preparations. I think that has matters well in hand?"
"Quite well! Thank you, M'Lady," Hans said. "See you in a while, Meghan!"
Once Meghan and Cheri were on their way, Lord Karl said, "Shall we go up to my son's rooms, for our 'activities'? The maids will ensure that no one disturbs us."
"As you wish, sir," Richard said, taking his wife's hand. "Please lead the way."
Richard and Gretchen were amazed at how opulent Hans' suite of rooms was, taking in the sitting room, the hot tub, and the huge bed. Their children had, of course, seen all of this before.
"Well, let us come to the heart of the matter," Lord Karl said, once everyone was in the room and comfortable, either standing or seated on chairs or on the bed. "Your family and mine have become quite close over the last eight months. Your two daughters have been girlfriends to my son, and Mandy still is one of his girlfriends. My son trusted your family with the fact that we engage in incestuous relations in our family, and Miss Mandy seems to have encouraged all of you to follow our example and to break those social boundaries yourselves. We have, it seems, had quite a catalyzing influence on your family. I don't know if I should apologize for disrupting your lives so much, or if I should be grateful that you have embraced the same personal choices regarding incest as my own family have. "
"Don't apologize, sir," Richard said. "I'll admit, eight months ago I couldn't possibly have imagined we would be sitting here today, preparing to mate with each other in a two-family orgy. Three of our children were still virgins, we didn't yet know that Mandy was no longer a virgin, and my wife and I were monogamous and had never contemplated sex with\_any\_ child, much less our own offspring. But now that we've begun enjoying each other in bed, we can't imagine going back to the way we were. I don't think anyone in my family regrets it. Nor do I find your family entirely to be the cause of our changes. Our daughter Mandy was having sex with her cousin Paula before we moved here from Texas. That cousin and two others, we have just recently found out, have also having sex with each other. With the influences of this region on its inhabitants, we might well have ended up just as sexually involved with each other as we are now, even if none of us had ever met Hans. Your son showed us that a family *could* have intimate relations with each other and still remain quite functional and normal in other regards. He took the fear out of it for us. Undoubtedly it happened to us faster, because of your family. But the seeds of it were already in our daughter and in her cousins, and probably in all of us."
"I'm glad you feel that way," Lord Karl said. "I asked you here today because I wanted all of us to become completely comfortable with each other, and to remove any remaining doubts or secrets between us. Mandy and your children already know most of our family secrets, and I think we know everything she has had the six of you up to, plus what her three cousins, Will, Anna and Paula have done with each other. You might *not* know that your children's cousins, Will and Anna, now work for me, and have sex with me. Yes, both the girl and the boy. They are training to be a maid and a houseboy, just like Taylor and Marie and the other girls here are. You also might not have been told yet that Taylor and Marie are both my daughters, and that Marie's mother, Miss Cheri, is sexually active with all of us, including her daughter. Taylor's mother is my senior maid back in Switzerland, has been my lover for quite a while, and is sexually active with Taylor when they are together. So you see, my family has been involved with incest in quite a few ways, and for a long time. My wife and I are separated. She does not participate in our incestuous activities, but she is aware of them in a general sense, and tolerates what we do with each other. We don't flaunt it in front of her, and she turns a blind eye toward it."
"I hadn't told my parents about Taylor or Marie yet, but my sister, brothers and I knew about them already," Mandy said.
Karl nodded and said, "Yes, most of this is for your parents' sake, and for my own reassurance. Because it's one thing to be told that someone else is doing the same things you're doing, and quite another to have done it *with* them - to have seen each other do it with your own eyes. So today, as a 'family bonding' activity between our families, I would like each of us to demonstrate for the others that we approve of and engage in incest, by mating with a relative in front of the rest of us. Then there can be no doubts between us when I say that it is perfectly all right with me that my two children join yours in a family orgy, and have sex with each other, while you mate with your own family members. I have only one restriction on what my children may do with any of you. Heidi's hymen must remain intact. It may seem an odd thing to require, when she can have oral and anal sex all she wants. But for the sake of our inheritance, I don't wish to risk her been seen as 'damaged', when the inheritance is finalized in about one more year. Once that is past us, I fully expect that Hans or I will take her virginity, and thereafter she will have no limits. She already desires that mating with us."
"Ummm, what about some of us mating with some of the people in your family today?" Lisa asked. "I'm kind of jealous that Mandy got to mate with you, and I haven't, sir. And I think my daddy would really like to try something with Heidi."
"If we have time, certainly," Lord Karl said. "But my son has his party in a few hours, and after that we have other activities planned here before I leave tomorrow morning. So for *this* visit, two hours is all can spare you for sensual encounters between us. I would be happy to bed you, Miss Lisa Blackwell. Richard? Once we have had our incestuous fun, would you care to swap daughters, and try my little Heidi's mouth or ass?"
"If she is willing, I certainly would, sir, and thank you. Hummm, I suppose if I mate with my daughters and my wife mates with my sons, that will meet your requirements in the most efficient way?" Richard suggested.
"It would indeed. And while you do that, Hans and I will share Heidi. That should give us all some time for other requests, such as the ones Lisa suggested," Karl said.
Everyone carefully removed their clothes, and Heidi, Hans and Karl got on the big bed first. Heidi happily swallowed her father's cock, while her brother greased her tail hole and entered her ass doggy style.
"You're going to love Heidi's ass, Mister Blackwell!" Hans said, as he eagerly buggered his sister.
"I'm sure I will. But call me Richard, please Hans. If we're going to be this intimate with each other, despite age differences, we should all be on a first name basis," Richard said, as he his daughters and waited his turn on the bed.
"Ahhhh. How I've missed my children!" Karl said enthusiastically, as his nine your old daughter expertly took every inch of his cock down her young throat, and milked him for his creamy seed.
"Mummmm! I don't want to wait for the bed," Mandy said, fingering herself. "The rugs in this room are nice and soft, daddy. Get on your back beside the bed, and let's show them right now just how much you love your daughters!"
"Yeah, why wait?" Terry said, "Come on mom! We can do it on the other side of the bed!"
Mandy mounted her father's cock cowgirl fashion, and Lisa straddled her daddy's muzzle so he could lick her, while both sisters leaned forward and kissed each other passionately.
Gretchen got on her hands and knees, and looked up at Hans' father, saying, "This... this is only the second time I have allowed my sons to mate with me, Lord Karl. The first time was only two weeks ago. I... I hope you enjoy watching us."
Terry got behind his mom and started fucking her doggy style, while Teddy knelt in front of her and thrust his cock into her mouth. Glancing up in the direction of the bed, Gretchen had a good view of Hans' cock sliding in and out of his little sister's ass, and she could see Lord Karl smiling at Gretchen as her sons fucked her from both ends at once.
"This also makes a *great* birthday present for me," Hans said, looking around at Mandy's whole family fucking each other, "Thank you everyone! I'm really enjoying this!"
When Richard came inside his daughter, Mandy quickly traded places with her sister and put her sloppy cunt right above her father's mouth. "Clean me up, daddy!" she urged him. "Lick your own cum out of your daughter!"
Lisa pounced on her father's cock, licked it clean and sucked it hard again, and then mounted him as her sister had done. "Fill me up too, daddy! I want you to cum inside me, too!"
Terry and Teddy climaxed at about the same time, and traded places, with Teddy stuffing his softening cock into his mom and humping rapidly until his erection was fully hard again, and Terry offering his mother a cock covered with her own juices and her son's cum.
Gretchen sucked her boy's cock into her mouth and shuddered as she began to cum. She kept glancing up at Lord Karl, looking for his approval as she debauched herself with her young sons, and feeling pride at the smile he always gave her in return, as he unloaded his seed into his own daughter's throat.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 521 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
April 10, 2010 (Saturday) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield.
The Blackwell family, in addition to Hans, Heidi and Lord Karl, spent several more minutes enjoying each other, until the males had all spent their loads for this round. Then they gradually disengaged from each other and looked around to see who they wanted to mate with next.
Heidi reached a hand out to Richard and drew him up onto the bed. "Can you do it again right away, Mister Blackwell?" she asked. "Here, I'll help you get ready for my butt!" Then she knelt between his legs and started sucking his wilting cock.
"Ohhhh, you're certainly good at this!" he said, laying back and letting the child work her magic on him. He stared at the little girl in awe as she repeatedly swallowed the full length of his cock with no visible effort. Richard soon responded to her attentions, and when he was fully hard again, he tapped her on the head and said, "This has been absolutely wonderful, and you're the youngest child to ever do that for me. But I *do* want to take up your father's offer and try your ass - especially while you're still wet with your brother's cum back there!"
"Okay! Yeah, I'm plenty wet so just shove it in and ride me hard! I love taking a cock up my butt!" Heidi said, getting on her knees and lifting her tail, while holding her butt up.
"Oh God... So damned tight!" Richard groaned, as inch by inch he slipped into Heidi's backside.
"I still have my daddy's cum in me, sir," Lisa said to Lord Karl. "Would you like to fuck me now?" she asked sweetly.
"Gladly," Lord Karl replied, kneeling behind her and sliding his big cock into the twelve year old girl.
"Ohhhh it's so big!" she groaned. "But I love it!" Lisa pushed back against Lord Karl's thrusts, marveling at how deeply he was penetrating her.
Hans went to his bathroom and washed his cock off carefully, and then he returned and walked over to Gretchen Blackwell. The MILF was still on her hands and knees, panting from exertion after being fucked twice in rapid succession by her sons.
"May I have this dance, my lady?" He asked. "I'd love to mate with you right after your sons have filled you up like this."
"So Gallant," Gretchen said. "Thank you, Hans. Yes, please show me how you mate with my daughters. They both seem quite impressed with your abilities."
Hans knelt and entered her from behind, but slowly, reaching around to tickle her clitoris as he expertly fucked the older woman.
"Oh God you're good!" Gretchen gasped. "Take notes, my sons! You could learn a lot from his technique!"
Mandy looked at her brothers and shrugged. "I guess I get you two to play with. Let's get next to mom, and you can do me like you did her!" She got on her hands and knees right beside her mother, and took Teddy in her mouth while Terry started fucking her from behind.
"Damn. I can't believe I'm really fucking the ass of a nine year old girl, with her father's permission!" Richard said, as he humped Heidi's backside on the bed, and watched Lord Karl fucking Lisa beside them on the floor.
"Your youngest daughter is quite pleasant to mate with as well, Richard," Karl said as he hugged Lisa from behind and fucked her soundly. Like Hans, he reached around the girl and fingered her clit, to increase her pleasure.
"OOOOHHHH! Right there!" Lisa moaned, as Lord Karl pushed her over the edge into an orgasm. "Fill me up, sir! Cum inside me!"
Karl smiled and picked up his pace, pulling his rapidly swelling knot out and refraining from tying with the girl, but spewing his hot seed deep inside her as his knot slapped against her entrance. "That's a good girl! Take every bit of it inside you!"
On the other side of the bed, Hans groaned and spewed his load into Mrs. Blackwell, as she shuddered with the force of her own pleasure's crest. "Oh Hans! Oh yes!" she cried out.
Seeing his wife and daughter climaxing pushed Richard over the top, and he flooded Heidi's butt with his seed. "Ohhhh, good girl! So hot and tight!" he sighed.
"Ohhhh, that's nice!" Heidi said with a giggle. "Thank you, Mister Blackwell!"
Richard looked at how happy his wife was after being fucked by both her sons and by Hans in quick succession. Then he double-checked the time, and made a decision. "Lord Karl, sir? I believe we have the time for one more round. And I am certain my wife would appreciate it if you would honor her as well with your attentions. I thank you especially for your permission for me to enjoy Heidi's skills. But once my wife has had a chance to mate with you, we really should be going. We... well, we're meeting with Hans and Heidi's friend Ashley in less than an hour, and I, at least, need some time to get cleaned up and to recover, so I can give that girl and my wife the attentions that they both deserve."
"Indeed?" Lord Karl said, as he came around the end of the bed and looked down at the still-attractive mother of the Blackwell children, who his son was finishing fucking, "*Would* you like to mate with me, Mrs. Blackwell?"
"Yes sir, if you would be so kind," Gretchen replied, looking up at him meekly as Hans pulled out of her. "I know you prefer young girls, but I really would like to experience your talents, even if it is only just this one time."
"Then get up on the bed, Gretchen Blackwell, and I shall grant your request," Lord Karl said, giving her a hand to rise and be seated on the edge of the bed. "But first, allow me to clean you up a bit," he said. Then he eagerly pressed his muzzle between her legs, and began lapping at the mixed seed of her two sons and his own son, which dripped from her gaping cunny.
"Ohhhh! Oh yes!" Gretchen sighed.
Heidi went to Lisa and then to Mandy and licked them clean, while her father mated with their mom.
That left Richard, Terry and Teddy Blackwell, as well as Hans, standing beside the bed with little to do other than watching Mrs. Blackwell as she gave herself to Lord Karl. The boys were quite happy to watch as Karl finished licking their mother clean, and then proceeded to tenderly make love to her, face to face in the classic missionary position.
"Ahhh! Ohhhh, so deep! Mate with me, Karl! Make me yours!" Gretchen sighed, as Lord Karl thrust into her and nuzzled her neck affectionately. It seemed like the slightest touch or caress from him managed to set the Bernese mom on fire with passion. Soon she was moaning incoherently and her tail was thumping happily on the bed beside her.
For several minutes Richard watched his wife moaning and writhing on the bed under Lord Karl. But then glanced over at Hans, and saw that the boy's attention was more on Richard and his two sons.
"So, this was very nice," Hans said, noticing Richard's questioning look. "But ummm, is there anything *else* that you and your sons might like to do before you go?"
"You mean between the four of us?" Richard asked. "No, not right now, if you don't mind. I think my sons and I would be more comfortable with any male on male play between us happening while they, and you, are dressed as girls. Perhaps Hannah and Heidi could join us at our home in about a month? As much as I know my family would like to do more with yours, Gretchen and I really need to slow our kids down a bit when it comes to mating with us, or they'll be expecting to fuck their parents every day!"
"We'd certainly enjoy sharing more time with you, thank you for the invitation. I'll call in a few weeks and we'll see what we can arrange. And I can't really blame you for pacing yourselves. Father usually doesn't usually allow each of his kids to mate with him more than once a week. You know, I'm very pleased with how things are working out between our families. Heidi seems to like all of you a lot as well," Hans said, looking to one side, where his little sister was quite eagerly licking Mandy's crotch, and getting her own crotch licked by Lisa.
"Is Heidi always that... enthusiastic... about sex?" Richard asked. "It seems amazing, in such a young girl."
"She's definitely inherited our father's sexual appetites," Hans said. "Once she's permitted to lose her virginity, I'll really have my hands full, keeping her satisfied. She's the most insatiable of all my sisters and maids. She insists on sucking my cock or having me fuck her butt virtually every day. It's a good thing she likes girls just as much as she likes boys, or we would never be able to keep her sated."
Richard looked back at his wife, who was in the throes of at least her second or third orgasm from Lord Karl, hugging him and moaning softly. "I may be glad that I have my sons to help keep Gretchen sated, after all this. I've never seen her like this. I think I like watching her enjoy herself with others, but it's going to be very different around our home."
Hans chuckled and said, "Well, that's how it goes in Pouncefield, it seems. I did try to warn you."
"That you did. And now I believe you," Richard replied.
There was a knock on the door, and Taylor entered the room, closing the door behind her.
"Masters? Miss Cheri just called. She and Meghan will be here in about half an hour. Traffic is rather bad near the therapist's office. Highway construction work," Taylor said.
"Thank you Taylor, we're just finishing," Hans said.
Lord Karl finally withdrew from Gretchen's sodden slit, kissed her gently on the mouth, and said, "Thank you, Ma'am. I quite enjoyed pairing with you."
Gretchen lay there for a moment, panting and with a dazed look on her face, before she managed to prop herself up on her elbows and say, "That was... fantastic... I'm sure your young girls please you more than I ever could, my Lord, but thank you *so* much for that experience."
"It was my pleasure, truly. You were delightfully responsive," Karl replied with a warm smile.
"Well, let's all get a quick shower," Hans said. "The bathroom is this way, and there's room enough in the shower for about half of us at a time to bathe together."
"We'll go in the second batch," Richard said, patting his wife on the thigh. "I don't think Gretchen is ready to move just yet."
Mandy lingered with her parents while Karl, Heidi, Lisa and the twins left with Hans.
Gretchen remained on her back on the bed, propped up on her elbows, with her gaping cunt still dripping with Lord Karl's seed. She looked hesitantly at her husband and asked, "Dear? Four different guys have just fucked me in less than two hours, while my family watched us. And two of those were my own sons! And is if that wasn't enough, next we're mating with Ashley! Have I become a slut? Are you ashamed of me?"
"If that makes you a slut, I'd hate to think of what the right term would be for me," he replied. "I just fucked and ate out my own daughters and fucked the mouth and ass of another man's nine year old daughter, while he watched us approvingly! And I'm looking forward to mating with Ashley as much as you are. I love you, Gretchen. I could never be ashamed of you, and no, I don't think you're a slut. It was... well it was actually pretty stimulating, watching you mating with our sons, with Hans and with his father. I don't mind, as long as you enjoyed it."
Shortly after Richard and Gretchen Blackwell left the mansion, Hans' other guests started arriving.
Edward and Edna Foxx were dropped off by their father, who didn't come in with them.
"Come on in!" Marie said, greeting the fox siblings at the door. "The party's going to be downstairs in the conservatory. Hans is already down there with his father and sister, the Blackwell kids, and Meghan."
"Oh! Hans' father is here? Wow, it will be neat to see him again!" Edna said.
"Don't expect more than a hug from Lord Karl tonight, Edna. The party's going to be a very tame one, with Meghan here. She's only six, and she doesn't really know what Pouncefield is like, all right?" Marie warned the affectionate young vixen. She remembered all too well that one of the last times Edna met Lord Karl, he has mated with the little vixen and several others of their school friends, in front of the party guests! Of course, *that* party had already become something of an orgy long before Lord Karl arrived, so he was just joining in on what the kids had already started.
"Awwww! Well, it will still be nice to see him and give him a hug! We know how to get down there. See you later!" Edna said. Then she and her brother headed for the elevator to the basement.
The next guest to arrive knocked so softly on the door that Marie almost missed hearing the sound of the knock. She slowly opened the door and found a six year old mouse girl in a pink party dress, holding a very small and slender wrapped gift. An adult lady mouse in a floral print dress - who was sure to be the girl's mother, for she had nearly identical fur and hair and eyes - was standing beside the child, and a rather beat up economy car was behind them at the foot of the stairs. Both of the mice had medium brown fur, light brown fur on their throats and inside their ears, and pink skinned hands and tails. The child was shorter than Marie - barely more than three and a half feet tall - and her mother was only five feet tall, and quite slender, with a modest figure.
"Oh! There \_is\_someone out here! Hello, and welcome to Bernerholdt Mansion!" Marie said cheerfully.
"Excuse me. I'm Chelsea Kimball, and this is my daughter, Rose. I *do* hope we have the right address. Is *this* where Meghan O'Connor and her friends Hans and Heidi live?" the mouse mom asked.
"Oh yes! If you're looking for Meghan, you're in the right place! My name is Marie LeChow, and my mom, Cheri LeChow, just recently became Meghan O'Connor's guardian. This mansion is Hans and Heidi von Bernerholdt's home. My mom and I work for their family, and live here too, and so does Meghan now. Won't you come in?" Marie replied, opening the door wider and ushering them into the foyer. Then she looked to the little girl and asked, "Are you one of Meghan's new friends from school? Heidi told me that Meghan asked if it was all right to invite a friend of hers to Hans' party, but Heidi didn't mention that friend's name."
"Umm humm! I like Meghan," Rose replied, her eyes wide as she looked around the foyer. "Wow... she didn't say her friend Hans was so rich! I... Oh! Now I feel kind of silly, bringing him a handmade gift."
"Well Rose, I've known Hans all my life, and I'm *quite* sure he will cherish your gift all the more for being something you took the time and trouble to make yourself! Don't worry. You really didn't need to bring a gift at all. Hans loves having friends over to enjoy his parties, and he really doesn't need presents. And I'm sure Meghan will be *very* happy to have a friend here that's her age! She's the youngest one living here right now." Marie said. Then she looked back at Rose's mother and asked, "Will you stay and enjoy the party too, Mrs. Kimball? It won't be any trouble, and if this is Rose's first visit here, I would imagine you'd like to meet some of the others who live here, so you know your child is safe?"
"Actually, I've heard the Bernerholdt family name," her mother replied. "I'm in the school's PTA, and I know Mister Bernerholdt has made some significant donations to the school. I also saw the alert guards at the gate, and the high walls around this estate. I've no doubt at all that my child is safer here than in our own home. I just didn't realize that the 'Hans and Heidi' my daughter mentioned were part of his family. And you're the girl that got shot last month, when the Bernerholdt children nearly got kidnapped, aren't you? We had a story in the school newsletter about that frightening incident. I see your arm is still mending?"
"Yes Ma'am. Still hurts, but the doctor says it will heal up just fine. Hans risked his own life to shove the gun aside and keep me from being killed. And you're right. Since then we have stepped up security here," Marie replied. "Still, would you like to at least talk to my mother, Cheri? She's Meghan's guardian now, and she's also Hans and Heidi's guardian while they are in America, since their parents live in Switzerland. So she's the main adult in charge here. I know my mom would like to meet anyone who is family to of one of Meghan's new friends."
"Well, I suppose I can stay for a bit," Mrs. Kimball said.
Marie reached over to a side table with her good hand, and rang a small handbell. A brown furred canine girl in the same kind of maid uniform quickly came out an archway on the far side of the foyer. "Hazel? Could you introduce Mrs. Kimball to my mom, and then take her daughter, Rose, downstairs to the party?"
"OH! I know that girl!" Rose said when she saw Hazel. "She's a cheerleader at my school!"
"Yes, I am," Hazel said. "I remember seeing you around, but I'm afraid I don't know your name? I'm Hazel Hanson. Come with me, please. I think we're only expecting two more guests, so the party will be starting soon."
"Rose Kimball, an' this is my mom," the little mouse said, as she and her mom followed Hazel out of the foyer.
A few minutes later, Cynthia and Pokeinfo arrived, dropped off by Cynthia's mom.
"Hi Marie! Hope we're not late! Traffiic was a mess!" Cynthia said.
"Not late at all. But you're the last ones we're expecting, so now the party can start!" she said to the bunny and her lion boyfriend. "Follow me. It's down in the conservatory."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 522 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
April 10, 2010 (Saturday afternoon) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield.
When Richard and Gretchen Blackwell got home, they found Ashley waiting in their back yard, with her bicycle.
"I came here up the alley, and let myself in. Hope you don't mind. Didn't look like anybody was home, so I figured you were taking Mandy and the others to Hans' party," the bunny said, giving the two Bernese adults a hug and a kiss.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you, Ashley," Gretchen said as they went into the house through the back door. "Lord Karl came to town for Hans' party, and he asked all six of us to come to the mansion early."
"Oh? I knew Hans' dad was going to be here. I gave Hans his present from me yesterday after school, and he mentioned that his dad would be arriving this morning," Ashley said. "Hans also told me the party was gonna be really tame, with Marie's arm still healing and Meghan being there now. So I know I'll have more fun here with the two of you. Why did his dad want you all there so early though? Are things getting more serious between Hans and Mandy?"
"No real change between Hans and Mandy, no. Lord Karl wanted all six of us to join Hans, Heidi and himself in a short incest orgy, while Meghan was away from the mansion, and he gave us permission for Hans and Heidi to visit our home and 'play' with us, when we mate with each other," Gretchen said. "Hans and his father both had oral or anal sex with Heidi, while we watched. And I... I had sex with both of my sons, and then with Hans and Lord Karl. Richard mated with both Mandy and Lisa, and got to have oral and anal sex with Heidi."
"Oh wow, I wish I could have watched all that!" Ashley said. "Mandy told me that all six of you were getting it on now. Are the boys really dressing like girls all the time around the house, and making out with each other and with \_both\_of you?"
"Yes, Terry and Teddy have been dressing like girls around the house for two weeks now. And they take turns waking each of us up with oral sex each morning," Gretchen said. "But we aren't normally going to be allowing any of our children to have any other sort of sex with us more than once or twice a month. Today was only the second time I've allowed my sons to mate with me."
"We have videos of the first time they had sex with us, two weeks ago. And since then, Gretchen has made a few videos of the twins prancing around the house as girls, and waking me up with a blow job and licking her in the morning. Come on into the family room, and we can watch those videos together, while we enjoy each other," Richard said. "After cumming three times in two hours this morning, I'm afraid I'll probably only be up for one time of mating with each of you this afternoon. But we can all still snuggle and do lots of oral sex."
"Oh, that's all right with me. I like a good licking more than a good dicking, when it comes right down to it. And you both are great at licking my bunny cunny!" Ashley said. "I told my parents I was coming over here to see Mandy and to stay for dinner, so we have plenty of time. Hey! The twins know now that you're having sex with me, right?"
"Yes, we've admitted that to them," Richard said, as he turned on the TV and plugged in a USB flash drive that had the family orgy videos on it.
"Well, after you bring your kids back, and after dinner, could I watch the boys making out with both of you? I'd love to see them dressing like girls and having sex with their mom and their dad! And if they'll let me watch them in bed with both of you, I'll give both of them a chance to fuck me. Can we do that, please?" Ashley asked hopefully.
"I suppose we could," Richard said, as they all got undressed. "And after dinner I should be ready to go another few rounds myself. Come and sit on my lap, pretty bunny, while we watch our dirty home movies."
Richard and Gretchen sat beside each other on the couch, and Ashley curled up on Richard's lap, with her left leg draped over Gretchen's thighs, so her cunny was open wide. She reached down and started petting Gretchen's slit, while Richard started stroking Ashley's clit with one hand, and started the videos with the other.
"Ohhhh, they are *adorable!"\_Ashley said, the first time she saw the twins in their girly wigs and baby doll nightgowns. "Mandy was \_so* right! They look *way* cuter as girls than they do as boys!"
She watched for several more minutes, until they got to the point where Terry was sucking his dad's cock for the first time. "Oh wow! That is so hot! Ohhhh, can you fuck me now, Mister B? You feel pretty hard under my butt! I want to fuck you while we watch your boys sucking you off!"
"Rise up, and enjoy the ride," Richard said, pausing the video and guiding his shaft into the thirteen your old bunny girl's cunny. "Ohhhh, so tight! That's a good girl!" he sighed. Then he started the video going again.
"Oh! Yeah! Gotta see that! In person!" Ashley said enthusiastically, as she bounced up and down on Richard's cock.
A buzzing noise began beside them, and was quickly muted, as Gretchen got a vibrator out of her purse and started fucking herself with it. "I must agree. It's pretty sexy to watch the twins with their father," she said, as on the video, Terry moved over to fuck his mom. "Ohhhh! But not as sexy as watching them fucking me! God, look at my face! I haven't really looked at these videos since we made them!"
"You look like you're having a great time with your sons, Mrs. B.!" Ashley said.
"She certainly did. Ohhhh, here it comes, bunny girl!" Richard groaned, as he knotted up inside Ashley and started cumming inside her.
"Ohhhh, that feels great!" she said. "More! I want more..."
April 10, 2010 (Saturday afternoon) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield.
Things were much tamer back at Hans' party. After an initial round of introductions, Hans opened his gifts. When he got to Rose's gift to him the mouse said shyly, "Meghan said she thought you liked to read a lot, 'cause you have a lot of books in your home. It... it isn't much, just a silly thing I like making. But if you do like reading, at least it's something you can use."
Hans carefully opened the slender package, and showed his guests the six hand-made bookmarks it contained. Each one was decorated with a different Celtic knotwork design, and some of them also had phrases written on them in calligraphy. "Oh! I think this one is particularly cute!" Hans said, "See? It says 'This is where I fell asleep', and the last letter trails off into an ink smudge! Very clever, Rose! And you made all these yourself?"
"Mumm humm. Mom got me a couple of books on calligraphy and knotwork designs, and it's fun drawing them. I'm so glad you like them!" Rose said.
"Ye do better at writing and at knotwork than I can, that's truth!" Meghan said. "They are very pretty!"
"I have a bunch more in my school bag! I'll give you a couple on Monday at homeroom," Rose said happily."
"Well, all of these presents are very nice," Hans said. "Including yours, Rose! But this year I got two things that were better than any gift I could have asked for. One was that my dear friend, Marle LeChow, survived getting shot and is healing very well. Marie, when I thought that guy had killed you, my heart went ice cold. I can't express how glad I am that you are getting better, and that you should make a full recovery."
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, Hans. You saved my life, and I'll never forget it!" Marie said softly.
"And the other precious gift is that we now have a new 'sister' in our families. Meghan has come into our lives, and we hope she will enjoy living with us as much as we love having her here. Seeing you smile and making new friends, like Miss Rose, is one of the best gifts I could ever have," Hans said. "Now, we have ice cream, and cake, and all sorts of games to play, so let's have fun together!"
Miss Cheri hugged little Meghan and said, "You have a birthday of your own coming up, and when that day comes, we will have just as nice a party for you!"
"Thank you mama Cheri!" Meghan said hugging Cheri tightly. Then she took Rose's hand and they went into the game room to get their ice cream and cake.
"It's like they've always known each other," Rose's mom said to Cheri. "Hard to believe they met so recently."
"Good to see, though," Miss Cheri said. "I was worried how Meghan would do in a normal school. She's been so isolated. She craves acceptance and friends, and when she finds that offered freely, she positively glows. I worry though, that perhaps she is too eager to seek new friends and to trust others. It would be very easy for someone to take advantage of her."
"She's getting counseling?" Rose's mom asked.
"Oh, most definitely," Cheri replied. "Post trauma counseling, psychotherapy sessions, medical checkups, as well as extensive physical therapy to help her build her strength and endurance. For example, we have her take swimming lessons here, every Friday."
"I really should get Rose enrolled in swim classes somewhere. I don't swim very well myself, and neither does her father. Rose can't swim at all yet," Mrs. Kimball said.
"She could take lessons here, with Meghan," Miss Cheri offered. "Phil and Bridget love to swim, and both are certified swim instructors. They wouldn't mind another child to teach, and I am sure Meghan would love seeing Rose every week. There would be no charge, as well."
"I think that would be very good. Thank you," Mrs. Kimball said. "I'll discuss it with my husband and with Rose when we get home."
Cheri and Mrs. Kimball got their cake and sat with Karl, Phil and Bridget, while the kids played on the pool table or played games on the computers in the games room. Then Cheri led the kids in several fun party games. While the activities were largely geared to what Hans and his friends liked to do, all of the party games were also things that Meghan and Rose could participate in and enjoy. Heidi spent a lot of her time with Meghan and Rose, and made sure they had a good time.
The sun was setting when the guests began to take their leave, to go to their respective homes for dinner. Mandy and her siblings were the last ones left, when Lord Karl tapped Mandy on the shoulder, and asked, "Can you and Hans join me for a moment in the library?"
He led the two kids into the library and shut the door, then said, "Miss Blackwell, I have extended to you and your family an unprecedented level of trust. I hope you realize that. Never before have I allowed so many people outside our household to witness the incest that my family and I engage in. But I think that trust is justified. I think you do love my son, and more importantly I believe that you have a good grasp of where you stand in my son's affections, and that you are comfortable with him sharing those affections with his sisters and with a few other girls that he loves. I am not going to ask either of you for a more formal public commitment between you. And I will continue to do all I can to block any attempts by my parents to force your decision. But, if you two \_do\_decide to become engaged to be married, you have my blessing. I would rather see my son marrying you than any of the girls my mother has been shoving into his path."
"Yes sir, I do love Hans," Mandy said. "We're not ready to take that formal step yet, and might not be for years to come yet. I *would* be honored if Hans chooses me to marry, but at the same time I would be happy just to continue as I am, as one of his lovers. Thank you, sir, for your trust and acceptance."
"Yes, thank you, father," Hans said. "I love Mandy, and Marie, and all my other lovers. Whoever I marry, they will have to be someone that won't force me to choose only them. I think Mandy and I are in agreement that we can keep my grandparents happy by appearing, for them, to have a more monogamous relationship than we really have between us. But that will just be how we present ourselves to the Count and Countess. We're both too young to get engaged or even to go steady, and we know it."
"I couldn't agree more," Karl said. "Now Mandy, I believe I just saw your father's car coming in through the gate, so you'd best be off. Give my regards to your family, and thank them again for this morning."
"I will, sir. And I hope the rest of your visit is as pleasant as this morning was for us. Bye bye!" Mandy replied. She kissed Hans and Karl, and then rejoined her family in the foyer, just as her father came in from outside.
After the Blackwell family left, Karl led his son to the great room, away from everyone else, and asked quietly, "Son? Were your 'security cameras' running this morning, when we were all in your bedroom?"
"Yes sir," Hans said. "I usually record everything, and keep copies of the particularly good sessions. Do you want a copy of the videos?"
"No, but I want you to burn them to a double set of DVD's and keep them locked safely away. Remove all trace of them from the other files that you keep. The only people that should ever see proof of this morning's events should be those who were there," Karl said seriously. "I sincerely hope that, years from now, our family and hers can watch those videos and simply enjoy the memories of this day. And I don't think that anyone in her family would ever betray our trust. But if they ever *do* threaten to expose us, those videos would be more harmful to their family than to ours. Keep them safe, just as I keep safe certain videos I have of your mother."
"Yes sir," Hans said. "You *can* trust them, father. But I agree, it's better to be prepared for the worst."
After the party guests had gone, Karl and everyone in Hans' household gathered for dinner. Lord Karl was given the place of honor at the head of the table, and he insisted that Cheri and Meghan be seated closest to him. For most of the meal, the conversation was kept light, and Karl showed a great interest in getting to know Meghan. They talked about her new friends at school, and what she liked or didn't like about school. She chattered about her favorite cartoon characters, and that Phil and Bridget were teaching her how to swim. But it saddened Karl that at times he thought he saw some fear in her eyes, directed at him, as if she was afraid of disappointing him or making him angry with her answers.
"Meghan? I do hope that you're not afraid of me, or of anyone who lives here?" Lord Karl asked. "I know that Kelly O'Connor was very mean to you and to your mother. And I know I look a lot like he did. But I am nothing like him. I could *never* hurt you, or any child. Do you understand that?"
"Yes sir," she replied. "Mama Cheri told me how kind and gentle you are, and how much you love Hans and Heidi. But the only grownup that I ever knew that looked like me was... him. So I guess you *do* scare me, just a little. Sorry."
"It's all right," Karl said. "You won't have to spend much time around me, and I hope that as you get to know my children better, they will be able to reassure you that I am someone you can trust. I will try all I can to be worthy of your trust."
"Thank you, sir. I'll try not to be afraid of you." Meghan said.
"You know that your mother used to work for me, don't you?" Karl asked.
"Yes sir. Mama Cheri said my mommy was one of her best friends when they both worked for you as maids. That's why Mama Cheri wanted to take care of me," Meghan replied. "Mama helped to babysit your kids, an' Miss Marie."
"That's right. Did your mother ever tell you anything about me?" Karl asked.
"Not much, sir. She liked you an' your kids, an' she really hated Mister Kelly because he wanted to hurt your family," Meghan said. "Mister Kelly was mean. I'm glad he wasn't really my daddy."
Karl nodded and said, "And I am very glad he can't hurt you or anyone else, ever again. Meghan? Did your mother ever talk to you about your *real* father?" Karl asked.
"Well, she told Mister Kelly my daddy was a married guy in Belfast. But she didn't talk to *me\_about that guy, so I think she was fibbing," Meghan said. "Why? Do \_you* know who my real daddy was?"
"Well, that is complicated, Meghan. I think I do, yes. It will take a while to make sure though," Karl said. "If I'm right, it will be important to keep it a secret, because he's also a married man. Your mother defied Mister Kelly and lied to him, even though he was very mean to her, to protect your real father. If I tell you who I think it is, can you keep it a secret? You could talk about it with the people at this table, because I know we can trust all of them. But no one else can know, unless I tell you it is all right to trust that person. Not even your friend Rose."
'Yes sir, I'll keep it a secret," Meghan said. "I wanna know who my daddy is, but I don't wanna get him in trouble. Is... is it you?"
"Yes, I think I am your father, and I want to explain to you how that happened," Karl said. "My wife and I have never loved each other, and she doesn't live with me. I don't hate my wife, and I am not mean to her. It's just that we both have other people that we love more than we could ever hope to love each other. Some day, when you're older, I'll explain why we married someone we didn't love, and why we had two kids together. It's too complicated to explain to you now. But my wife allowed me to have other lovers, and I allowed her to do the same, as long as it didn't become public knowledge and get us in trouble. Your mother was one of my maids, and she fell in love with me and became one of my lovers."
"So my mommy \_did\_sleep with you?" Meghan asked. "Mister Kelly yelled a lot at mom about her sleeping with lots of guys, an' he called her lots of bad names. That... that was true? M-mommy really was a... a whore?"
"NO!" Karl said emphatically. "Your mother\_is not\_ a bad woman. A whore will sleep with *anyone*, and does it only for the money she gets paid. Your mother loved me, and as far as I know, she wasn't having sex with any other men while she worked for me. I tried to make sure she wouldn't get pregnant, and I treated her very well. But somehow she got pregnant anyway. It shouldn't have happened, but birth control pills aren't always perfect. Sometimes they do fail to work. She said when she left me that she was going to have my baby, and that she wanted to go home to Ireland and find a man to marry, so she could have a normal family life," Karl said. "We both knew that with me being married, I could never publicly admit that I was the father of her child. That would get all of us in more trouble than you can imagine."
"So... mommy loved you, but you... didn't love her? And... you didn't want me? Is that why you let her go away?" Meghan asked.
"No, I *did\_love your mother. In a way, I still do love her. And I want to give my love to \_you*, too. You see, love isn't something that you can only give to one person. I have several lovers, and I deeply love all of them. But I agreed with your mother that it would be better for you to have a normal father and home life. So I let her go, even though it hurt to lose her, and to know I would never see our child. But I didn't just turn my back on her and forget about her, or about you. We arranged for me to secretly send money to a trust fund that I set up for you, money that she was supposed to be able to use to help with her expenses in raising you and sending you to a good school. I never heard from her again after she left me. All I knew about her life after that was that your trust fund in Ireland still existed, because the checks kept getting deposited. She never told me who she married, or where she was living, or what she named you, or even if she had a boy or a girl. And I definitely had *no* idea that your lives were so terrible, living with that poor excuse for a man that she married. Believe me, if I had known what a bad situation the two of you were in, I *would* have tried to do something to help you sooner. But now, I will do all I can to help your mother to get well again, and to make sure you are taken care of. Can you forgive me for not having been a part of your life sooner, and for not telling the world that you're my child?"
"Well... I guess a secret daddy is better than no daddy, if he's nice to me. So Hans an' Heidi really *are* my big brother an' sister? That's neat!" Meghan said with a smile. "I always wanted brothers and sisters to play with! Well, Marie's kinda my sister already, 'cause Mama Cheri is her mom."
Taylor and Marie both looked inquisitively at Lord Karl, but remained silent on their own relationship to Meghan when they saw their father subtly shake his head negatively.
"Thank you, Meghan. I'll try to be a good daddy for you, even if it has to be our secret," Karl said. "Well, this has been a lot for you to think about, and you've had a very busy day. I believe it is your bed time? I have an early flight out tomorrow morning, and I will be going to bed soon too. May I have a goodnight hug?"
Meghan rushed over to him and hugged him, without giving him a chance to stand up. "Thank you... daddy. Good night!"
That night, Lord Karl shared Miss Cheri's bed. After a vigorous session of lovemaking, Cheri lay atop her Master, still knotted by him, and relaxed in his embrace. "I am glad you told Meghan you are her father," she said. "You made her very happy. When do you plan on telling her that Taylor and Marie are also her sisters, and that she has other siblings in your Swiss household? Or about who your other current lovers are?"
"Give her some time to get used to suddenly having a new father, brother and sister first, and to get used to living here. I don't want to overwhelm her," Karl said.
"Will she end up being trained like my Marie?" Cheri asked. "Will you train Meghan to become another of your daughters who serves you in bed as one of your maids?"
"When she is older, I hope to give her that choice, yes," Karl admitted. "But first I want to speak to Brianna about that. If Brianna or Meghan refuse the idea, I am fine with knowing she is safe in your household, and not attempting to seduce her. But yes, she's an adorable girl, and when she's older, I would be pleased to mate with her."
"How should we treat her then, Master? When can she be told the truth about the sex and incest that goes on in our household?" Cheri asked.
"She is still too young to train for sex," Karl said. "From what we have been told, she is still quite innocent, and I see no reason to spoil that in her - especially not while she is still seeing therapists and under the supervision of various government agencies because of her recent situation and recovery. Use your own judgment for when she is ready, and if her mother approves, then you may treat her as we did Heidi. Don't flaunt the sex in front of her, of course. But if she sees some of you engaged in sex and asks questions, you can answer honestly. When she shows an interest and curiosity about sex, and indicates she wants to learn, she can gradually be introduced to the idea. But until she is old enough to respond to being licked, she is to have no penetration."
"Yes Master, that is what I thought you would say," Cheri replied. "I shall instruct the rest of the household accordingly, and we shall try to allow her to remain innocent for as long as we can. Good night."
"Good night," Karl said, as he turned out the light. He fell asleep wondering how soon he would end up having sex with Meghan. At least with this child, he was fairly sure her mother and Miss Cheri wouldn't be encouraging him to take the child's innocence as soon as possible. They would likely permit it, but not until the girl was ready for the act. And that suited Karl quite well.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 523 By DoggyStyle57, August 2014
April 10, 2010 (Saturday night) - at the Blackwell family's home, in Pouncefield.
As Richard Blackwell drove his children home from Hans' mansion, he filled them in on Ashley's request.
"So, it looks like we get to do an encore performance, for Ashley," he said. "As soon as we get home, you boys are to become girls again, and we'll all gather in my bedroom."
"Yes sir," Terry said. "I'm not gonna say no to more sex!"
"Yeah! No complaints here! I'd love to fuck mom some more!" Teddy added.
"Daddy? Will you play with me and Mandy too tonight?" Lisa asked.
"If I have anything left to offer after I perform with 'Teresa' and 'Dora' for Ashley, then yes," he said. "We'll see how it goes."
A little while later, Ashley waited patiently with Richard and Gretchen in their bedroom, while Mandy and Lisa got the twins ready. The bunny had stripped down to her bra and panties, and stood at the foot of the bed, while Richard and Gretchen had removed all of their clothes and were seated side by side on the edge of the bed.
Lisa and Mandy came into the bedroom, each wearing red high heels and red silk stockings with a lacy garter belt, and nothing else. The twins submissively followed them, wearing their wigs, makeup and perfume, and their red baby doll nighties with matching lace bras and panties. Mandy smiled at her girlfriend and said, "Ashley? Allow me to introduce our Pets, Teresa and Dora. For the rest of the night you may command these girls, as well as our parents, as if they were your own Pets."
"Oh! They are \_so\_adorable!" Ashley said, slowly walking around the cross dressed boys and admiring them. "Well, let's see what good girls you are! If you perform well, I will let you both fuck me tonight! I want to see how you wake up your parents each morning. Teresa? Get in front of your father, and suck his cock! Don't stop until he cums in your mouth!"
"Yes Mistress!" Terry said, kneeling in front of his father and taking his dad's cock into his muzzle.
"Ohhhh, that's a good girl!" Richard sighed. "You're getting very good at that, sweetheart."
"Dora, I want you to lick your mother until you make her cum," Ashley said next.
"Yes Mistress," Teddy replied, as he got into position and eagerly began licking his mother's slit.
"Mummmm, that's nice," Gretchen said, spreading her thighs wider. "Get that tongue deep inside me, girl!"
"Ohhh, this is \_so\_hot!" Ashley said as she watched the twins servicing their parents. "Mandy, Lisa, I'd love it if both of you would feel me up while we watch them."
"Sounds fun to me," Mandy said. She got on the left side of Ashley and began fingering her girlfriend's slit with her left hand, while reaching around the bunny's backside with her right hand and fondling Ashley's ass.
"I'm up for that," Lisa said, getting on Ashley's right and fondling the girl's breasts while nuzzling her neck.
"Oh, good girls! And here's a little something for both of you, too," Ashley said, reaching down in front of both girls and diddling their slits.
Richard grabbed Terry's head with both hands and fucked his son's face, while saying, "That's daddy's good girl! Get daddy's cock all the way into your tight little throat, Teresa!"
Gretchen leaned back on the bed and pulled Teddy's muzzle into her crotch, saying, "I have a good girl here, too! That's it Dora! Lick mommy and make her cum!"
"I *love\_this! Your parents are so cool!" Ashley said, kissing Mandy and then Lisa. "My parents would \_never* make out with their kids, or let me and my brothers and sisters fuck each other. Incest is *way* too much of a taboo for us bunnies."
"Yeah, it's hot to watch them all right! But... well, we got to watch them doing this just this morning, and there's something *else* I'd rather be doing right now. May I... May I have sex with you tonight, Ashley?" Lisa asked shyly.
"I thought you'd never ask," Ashley said, spreading her feet wider. "Dive in, girlfriend! Lick me good! I need to cum so bad!"
Lisa nodded and knelt in front of Ashley, nosing at the bunny's cunny and getting to know her feminine scent, before she began licking her naughty classmate. The bunny didn't quite taste or smell the same as Lisa's mother, her sister or Heidi. And she was different from Marie LeChow and Taylor, too. But she found it a pleasant kind of different, and rather tasty!
Mandy moved behind Ashley, embracing and supporting her girlfriend while she watched her little sister eagerly going down on the bunny girl. "Mummmm, that's it Lisa! Lick my girlfriend!" she moaned.
"Oohhhh! I'm going to have to ask her to do this more often! She's good!" Ashley said happily.
Richard began to approach his climax. His throbbing cock knotted up and he shoved his cock deep into his son's throat. "Unghhhh! Oh Teresa!" he groaned, as he spilled his load down his son's gullet. "Oh good, girl! Swallow all of daddy's cum!"
"Almost... almost there. Suck my clit, baby! Suck mommy's clit!" Gretchen pleaded. Then she howled as Teddy obeyed her and pushed her over the top.
Ashley came quickly after that, grinding her hips against Lisa's muzzle and moaning into Mandy's passionate kiss.
"Whew! That was a great start!" Ashley said. "Mister B? You have two horny daughters here who need to cum. I want to watch you take care of them. Fuck one or both, depending on what you're up for, but make sure they both cum!"
"Yes Mistress," he replied, getting on his back on the bed. "Come to daddy, girls!"
"Yay!" Lisa said, straddling her father's hips and grinding her pelvis against his to get him hard again.
"Lick me daddy!" Mandy demanded, settling down over her father's muzzle. "Let's give Ashley a good show!"
"And what should I do, Mistress Ashley?" Gretchen asked.
"I want to see you sucking both of your girly sons' cocks, and then letting at least one of them fuck you, Mrs. B!" Ashley said. "Make sure they both cum for you."
"All right," Gretchen said, getting off the bed and sitting on the floor. "Come to mommy, my pretty girls! Let's see what you have in your panties for me!"
Ashley fingered herself as she watched Gretchen lowering the twins' panties, and holding a cock in each hand. "Way to go, Mrs. B! Suck and fuck your sons!" the bunny urged.
Gretchen took one of her sons' cocks in each hand, and sucked first on one and then on the other, switching frequently to keep both aroused. Then she said, "Dora, go ahead and mount me from behind, while I continue with Teresa."
"You got it, mom!" Teddy said, as his mother got on her hands and knees and raised her tail to grant him access. "Oh yeah! I could do this every day!"
"But you won't get to," Gretchen said seriously. "That would be like eating nothing but candy, every day. It wouldn't be good for any of us, and soon we'd all tire of it. I'll admit it is tempting, but we are still going to limit the full sex between us for special times, a few times a month. Now fuck me, dear, and enjoy it while you can."
Ashley watched happily as the Blackwell kids fucked their parents for her amusement. She came twice by finger fucking herself before all of the others were done obeying her commands. Then she got on the bed with the twins and sucked them both until they were hard again, allowing Teddy to continue in her mouth, while Terry fucked her from behind.
When it was all over, Richard got dressed and put Ashley's bike on his car's bike rack, and gave her a ride home, while the rest of his family retired to their own beds, exhausted.
"Thank you, Mister B," Ashley said, as they pulled into her driveway just as the sun was setting. "Think you'll still have any time for me now that you and your wife have all four of your kids as lovers?"
"Occasionally, yes, Ashley dear," Richard said. "Though I admit, it probably won't be as often. I hope you don't mind?"
"Naw, it's okay with me," Ashley said. "Mandy and I are still getting on just fine, and I have other sex friends at school. But any time you do want me, just call! Good night!"
Richard helped her to get her bike off the car, and waited until she was inside before he left. As he drove home, he wondered how wise it was to continue their trysts with Ashley. What would her parents do, if they found out that their daughter was making out with her girlfriends parents, and not just with Mandy? He didn't really want to think about that. Supposedly it was legal, here in Pouncefield, for a child her age to choose to mate with adults. But was it legal for her to be mating with a married couple? There, they were most likely on thin ice. Well, it would be a while before they called on the bunny girl again, so it wasn't a decision he needed to make immediately. He set the thought aside, and returned to his loving family.
April 12, 2010 (Monday) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
The school schedule in Bern wasn't the same as at the American schools. Lord Karl's school-aged staff members got two weeks off from school as their Spring Break, from the 12th through the 23rd of April, and didn't have to resume classes until the 26th. It was Lord Karl's habit to allow his school-aged maids a holiday of sorts, and anyone who would normally not be on duty during school hours was free to use any of the recreational amenities of the mansion. Most of the maids spent the days playing on the playground behind the mansion, or playing games in the games room.
Lord Karl found Will Steiner in the games room with his sister Anna, and he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Come with me, Will," he said. "I have a special request for you."
"Sir? Of course Master," the Bernese boy replied, pausing the game and handing his game controller to Miss Lexi, to finish his game against Anna.
"Walk with me," Lord Karl said, leading the 10 year old Bernese boy down the hall and into the parlor of Karl's private suite of rooms.
"Oh! You, ummmm, want me to serve you right now sir? Is that it?" the boy asked as they entered his Master's private suite, eyeing the huge doors that led to his master's bedroom.
"Not right now, no," Lord Karl said. "But I do want you to start a new part of your training. You've seen how my son changes his appearance to dress and look like a girl, and goes out in public as Hannah Krause. You've even had sex with him as Hannah. But has he told you that as 'Hannah', he has openly served me here as a maid, working alongside the real girls, and been summoned like any other maid to serve me in bed? The maids here even honored 'Hannah' with a set of black garters, for giving herself fully and completely to me."
"Ummm, yes sir. Hans told me about all of that," Will said. "And after I let you fuck my ass last month, on the next weekend the maids gave me some new uniform pants with black stripes instead of white, and a new set of aprons with black silk piping on the edges, see? They said it wasn't quite the same as their ceremony for giving me 'black garters', but they figured it was appropriate for a boy in your service. So, ummm, I guess you want me to get fitted for a maid's dress, so I can wear it for you next time you summon me?"
"Yes, that is part of it. I definitely do want you to get fitted for a maid's uniform, and also to have M'Lady Trixie give you a wig and a makeup set and show you how to wear wigs and makeup, so you will look like a girl the next time that you and Anna are summoned by me," Lord Karl said. "But the request I am making to you *now* is for you to voluntarily go beyond what I will demand from you when you serve me in my bedroom. For the next two weeks, you have no school - no reason to leave the mansion's grounds. I am making this a free choice for you Will, but I would like you to try dressing as a girl all of the time for the next two weeks - while on duty as a maid, and while on your free time as well. It seems to me that this would be a perfect time for you to try getting completely comfortable with cross dressing. Trixie can get you casual clothes as well as a few maid uniforms. If you say no to this request, you will still have to get the maid uniform and makeup and wig, and you will get summoned to privately to serve me while dressed as a maid. But if you say yes, you could get comfortable with dressing like a girl \_before\_I ask you to have sex with me that way, and the maids can have a proper black garter ceremony for you. All of the maids here are used to working with Hannah as one of my maids, and they won't make a fuss about seeing another boy wearing a dress. So, will you do that for me?"
"Well, I guess so," Will replied. "Mandy and Anna both think I will look cute in a dress, and that I ought to at least try cross dressing for you. Mandy even wants to make her brothers dress like girls all the time, even at school! As long as I don't have to go to school as a girl, then yes sir, I'll try dressing like a girl for you."
"That's a good lad!" Karl said, patting the boy on the shoulder. "Let's see what Trixie can do for you, shall we?"
Karl took Will to the Seamstress' office, and told M'Lady Trixie, "I would like you to issue a full set of girl's clothing to William. Maid uniforms and play clothes, as well as a wig and makeup set, with some instruction on how to make himself up to look like a girl. He's volunteered to spend the next two weeks cross dressing around the mansion, on duty and off duty."
"Oh, he's going to be adorable as a girl!" the Pomeranian maid said, smiling as she got out her tape measure and a note pad and pencil. "He's small enough that we should have everything he will need in our stock of supplies that we keep on hand for the girls. What would you like me to do for a bra for him, Master? Should we go with a training bra, or a padded one?"
"Lightly padded, I think. Just an A cup. Make him look like a twelve or thirteen year old girl - no older," Karl replied, taking a seat while his maid measured the boy.
"Very good, sir. Formal uniforms as well, or just regular duty ones? And what about school uniforms?" Trixie asked, as she measured around the boy's chest in two places, and then around his waist and hips.
"No need for the formal ones just yet, I think," Karl replied. "If he begins to *enjoy* wearing dresses, then we can issue him the formal maid uniforms as well. But he won't need the formal uniforms during the next two weeks. He also won't be required to attend school as a girl, but you may as well give him one or two girl's school uniforms, for when I summon him privately."
"Have you ever worn a dress before, Will? Or walked in girl's shoes, with heels?" Trixie asked.
"No dresses, no ma'am," Will said. "I've worn cowboy boots with about inch and a half high heels, but I don't think that's the same as wearing girly shoes, is it?"
"Close enough, for the shoes our maids wear on regular duty," Trixie said. "They only have inch high heels, and they're a good inch square. You'll still find it's a little easier to accidentally twist your ankle than with your cowboy boots' wider heels, but they're much easier to get used to than a set of two or three inch high spike heels. So, ready to try some things on?"
"I guess so, M'lady," Will replied.
Trixie left and came back with a rolling cart laden with several paper-wrapped packets of clothes, some maid uniform shoes and tennis shoes, and a couple of dresses on hangars.
"We'll do the uniform first. Take off all your clothes, please, and try on these black panties. They're similar to the ones Hans wears as Hannah, with a fairly stiff panel in front that will hide your genitals so you don't make a tent in the front of your skirts," Trixie said, handing the boy a thong gaff. "Though with the maid uniform, the petticoat will pretty much hide any arousal, even if you wear no panties under your skirt and apron. Those panties are more for when you have your play clothes on."
"Ummm, how's this narrow bit gonna cover me at all?" Will asked in confusion, as he pulled the panties up, and looked in dismay at the inch wide strip of cloth that formed a 'T' shape with the waistband.
"You have them on backwards," Trixie said. "That's a thong. It leaves most of your butt naked. Here, let me help you to adjust it." She slid the panties down his legs and got them on him the right way, and showed him how to adjust himself to be comfortable. Then she assisted him with the garter belt, stockings, and the rest of the maid uniform.
"There we go! Turn around and give us a good look, 'girl'. We'll get you a wig next, and then you'll be looking quite pretty! Hummm. Should she have black garters, or white, Master?" Trixie asked. "I thought black, since as a boy he's already gotten the black stripes for his trousers?"
"Black will be fine. You girls can do a proper garter ceremony for him next weekend," Karl replied. "You're very cute, Will! Let's see. I think we will call you 'Mina' while you are a girl - short for Wilhelmina, the feminine version of your name. How do you feel, Mina?"
"A bit embarrassed, sir, to be honest," the boy said. "But I'll still try to do this for you, sir. Ummmm, do I have to try to talk like a girl too?"
"I think you can just talk normally, for now. No need to try to speak in a falsetto. But listen to what the real girls say when they talk, and watch how they move, and see if you can copy them, at least a little. Well, I'll leave you both to your fitting and to Trixie showing you how to wear a wig and makeup. I'll go let Karla know the change in your duty status and what name everyone should address you with," Karl said.
An hour later, Will left Trixie's office pushing the cart full of his new girly clothes. He was wearing a curly, shoulder length black wig with two white bows in his hair like barrettes, a yellow blouse, a short black skirt, white knee socks, and yellow sneakers that had white flowers on them.
All the other maids were apparently playing or attending to their duties, so he made it the short distance to the room that he shared with Anna without encountering anyone else. He quickly opened his door, pushed the cart inside, and then closed the door behind him, leaning against it.
"I can do this..." he said, panting slightly and feeling hot inside his ears. He knew he was blushing, and was rather glad that it didn't show much with his Bernese fur markings.
"You can do what?" Anna asked, stepping into the room from the bathroom, dressed in a blouse and skirt similar to what Will was wearing, but her blouse was pink, and her pink shoes had white butterflies on them. "OH! So *that's* what Master Karl wanted from you? Wow, you look so cute!"
"Master... wants me to dress and act like a girl for the next two weeks," Will said. "All the girly stuff on this cart is for me to wear. And.. they're gonna call me Mina while I'm looking like a girl."
"Really? Well, I'll help you get it all put away," Anna said. "So, all the time... for the next two weeks? I was going to go out to the playground and play on the swings before lunch. Do you feel like coming with me?"
"I don't want to go anywhere *alone* for a while, that's for sure," Will said. "But I guess I gotta try to act normal. This feels weird, but wearing this skirt isn't *that* much different than wearing my shorts."
"Mandy and Lisa and Paula will love seeing you like this," Anna said. "We hafta send them a few pictures!"
Will sighed and said, "I guess we can. Oh geeze! I just remembered! I have serving duty for first shift at lunch time today. That means I'll have to wear the maid uniform in front of everyone at lunch!"
"Well, they'll all see you eventually anyway, so just go with it," Anna said. "If I can get used to wearing no panties in public, you can get used to wearing a skirt."
Swiss Mix - Chapter 524 By DoggyStyle57, September 2014
April 12, 2010 (Monday) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Bern, Switzerland.
Will paused with his sister at one of the back doors to the mansion, took a deep breath, and then followed her out onto the playground. He tugged self consciously at his 14 inch long miniskirt, wishing it was longer, and cursing a sudden gust of wind that flipped the back of his skirt up.
"Oh! Hello? Have we met before?" Miss Lexi said with a huge grin, as she ran over to Will and Anna. "Who's your cute friend, Anna?"
"This is Mina," Anna said, grinning almost as much as Lexi was. "She'll be with us for the next two weeks. Maybe more."
"Mina? Well, you're *very* cute, Mina!" Lexi said, hugging Will. Then she whispered into his ear and said. "I love it, Will! The other girls will love you too. Just relax."
Lord Karl watched from one of the mansion's windows as 'Mina' began to play with the other maids. He smiled in satisfaction as the cross-dressed boy slowly relaxed and began to interact with the other girls more comfortably and confidently. He had to admit to himself, Miss Blackwell's plan for making her brothers dress as girls all the time was intriguing. Would young Will take as readily to cross-dressing as his male cousins in America seemed to be doing? Karl planned to observe the boy carefully over the next two weeks, to determine how to proceed with his training.
Shortly before lunch time, the maids that had first serving shift at lunch headed back to their rooms, to change back into their uniforms. Anna was on second shift, but went in at the same time, as did most of the other girls, regardless of which shift they were assigned to for serving at lunch.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked her brother, as they walked down the hallway to their room. "You seemed to have fun playing with us, even though you had a dress and a wig on."
"Well, at least no one laughed at me. The girls were all pretty nice, in fact," Will said. "Lexi, Karin and Sandra even seemed more friendly than usual."
"Yeah, I noticed that," Anna said. "Lexi told me on the playground that she thinks cross-dressed boys are hot."
They went into their room and Will took off everything but the thong gaff, and started putting on his maid uniform.
"Be brave and lose the panties, 'Mina'," Anna said with a grin. "Come on, most of the maids don't wear panties on duty."
"But what if I get a boner?" Will complained.
"With that petticoat, skirt and apron on top of it, I doubt anyone will be able to tell," Anna replied. "Seriously, if you lose the panties, and let Lexi know you don't have any on, I bet she'll be *begging* to join us in bed tonight."
"Is that what you want?" Will asked. "You want to do a threesome with Lexi, while I look like a girl?"
"Why not? It could be fun," Anna replied. "Come on... I haven't worn any panties all month! If I can do it, so can you!"
"Oh all right!" Will said, slipping the thong off. "God, the things I'll do to make you happy."
"That's what love is like, isn't it, lover?" Anna replied, kissing her brother on the lips. "I *do* like seeing you do this, 'Mina'. It's proving to me that you really *will* do anything to make our lives here better. Master Karl may have phrased it so you had a choice, but he wouldn't have asked you to dress like a girl if he didn't want you to do it pretty badly, right? So you're making him happier by agreeing to try this."
"I guess. Can you tighten the lacings on this corset thing for me? I still don't have the hang of that," Will said.
At lunch, Lord Karl stood and said, "Miss Mina? Would you come over here and serve me at lunch today? Miss Evelyn can trade places with you for this meal."
He waited while they moved as he directed, and then said, "I know some of you have already met Miss Mina, on the playground, earlier today. For those who haven't, this young lady will be serving with you for the next two weeks, in place of Will Steiner. I would like to note that she is *not* being punished. She has volunteered for this assignment, to help me in developing part of our new houseboy training program. I expect all of you to treat her with the courtesy and respect due any of your fellow maids, just as you have done before with Miss Hannah."
Will was dreadfully embarrassed at being the center of attention, but all the staff seemed to accept the announcement casually and cheerfully. He kept his mouth shut and simply smiled and waved, then got busy with his serving duties.
A little while later, Will was carrying Lord Karl's salad plate back to the kitchen, and Lexi was walking behind Will in the same direction, with Redd Brushtail's plate. He 'accidentally' droped a napkin onto the floor. "Oops!" he said, bending at the waist to retrieve it, and showing his bare butt and balls to Lexi in the process.
Lexi giggled and as she passed Will, she said, "Nice view, Mina, but you should bend at the knees and keep your hips level if you need to pick something up. And make sure you tell our Master you're wearing the uniform properly. He'll appreciate that touch."
Will nodded and stood back up, then continued into the kitchen and got the next plate of food for Lord Karl's lunch.
"Here you are, Master," Will said softly, as she stood to the left of the Lord's chair and set the plate in front of Lord Karl. Then in an even quieter voice, Will added, "And ummm, Lexi says I should tell you I'm 'wearing my uniform properly'?"
"Oh? Really? Try not to react when I touch you," Karl said, as he slipped his left hand under Will's skirt, slid it up the inside of his right thigh, and caressed the boy's scrotum and sheath briefly. "Very good. Thank you, Mina."
Will's eyes went wide as his Master felt him up in front of everyone, but he managed not to yelp. He took a deep breath as his Master's hand withdrew, and whispered, "T-thank you, sir!" He looked around, but the only members of the household that seemed to have noticed were Lexi and Anna, and both of them were grinning happily.
As soon as lunch was over, Lexi caught up with Will and asked, "So, do you have any special plans for tonight, 'Mina'?"
"Not... really. Why?" Will replied.
The brown furred vixen smiled and said, "Well, I *really* like seeing a boy dressed like a girl. So I was wondering if maybe you'd like to spend the night with me tonight, as a girl? Ummm, you *do* like girls don't you? Or did Master Karl hire you because you're gay?"
"Oh, I'm not gay! I like girls just fine. Haven't... any of the other girls said anything?" Will asked.
"Not really, no. We're not supposed to question each other too much about what we do when we're summoned, or who we're summoned with," Lexi said. "Nobody gets punished if someone volunteers information about themselves, but it's considered rude to be too nosy about others. Now you still haven't answered my other question. *Do* you want to go to bed with me tonight, as a girl? Or do you have other plans?"
"Well, ummmm... I'd like to, but could someone else join us?" Will asked. "There's... another maid that I usually sleep with."
"OH! You already have girlfriend among us? Does she like girls too?" Lexi asked. "I don't do girls all that often, but I will do her too if she wants to, and if you'd like to see us together. And either way, I don't mind sharing you tonight."
"Ummm, yeah. And... she already said that if you asked me to sleep with you, that she wanted to be with us." Will replied. "Ummm, Does that... rule... about not telling what happens when you're summoned... does it also apply to what happens when you spend a night with someone on your own?"
"Well, I won't tell anything to anyone else, if that's what you want, sure. So, who is it?" Lexi asked.
"I'd... rather tell you in my room," Will answered. He told Lexi the room number, and then asked, "Is an hour after dinner all right with you?"
"Ohhh, sexy, kinky *and* mysterious too? You've \_really\_got me interested now. You have a date, pretty puppy girl!" Lexi said.
Between lunch and mid afternoon, Will was again on his own time. He didn't have to start dusting in the Solarium until five o'clock. So he quickly caught up with Anna and went back to their rooms with his sister.
"You were right. Seeing me dressed like a girl really turned Lexi on! She wants to sleep with us tonight," Will said, as soon as he had the door closed. "But she doesn't know my girlfriend is you, yet."
"Told you," Anna said smugly. "Lexi likes Japanese comic magazines where big sisters make their little brothers dress like girls and have sex with them. I saw some of those comics in her room, when I was changing her bedding a week or so ago. One of them even had a sister getting knocked up by her brother. So I think Lexi is really gonna like it when she finds out I'm having your baby."
"I hope so," Will said. "Everything here is *so* upside down from the way we were raised! I keep expecting someone to scream at us for being horrible, sinful perverts. And I suppose someone would, if the wrong people found out about us - like the Count and Countess."
"But that's why we're here, isn't it? Because us staying together and being lovers and having our baby - even though you're my brother - is accepted here," Anna said. "Everyone here loves and trusts Master Karl, and will do almost anything for him. He asks you to be a girl for two weeks, and everyone thinks it's just fine - because he requested it. I think that's great! And besides, you \_do\_look cute as a girl!"
"Yeah, I guess," Will said. "And I suppose that staying cooped up in our rooms isn't gonna help me to get used to dressing like a girl and being seen in a dress. So... want to go play on the swings some more, before I start my afternoon chores?"
Will didn't bother to change out of his maid uniform when they went back outside. He kind of wanted to see what it felt like to have the cool breezes blowing around his nether regions, with no panties on under his skirt. It *was* arousing, but the stiff skirt and apron kept him from embarrassing himself too much more. His cock just sort of wedged itself under the waistband of his skirt, and remained well hidden by his apron.
Several other maids were also playing in their uniforms. It wasn't as if they were playing soccer or doing anything messy. The swings and teeter totters and even the climbing gyms could be enjoyed just as well in a maid's uniform as in play clothes.
After several hours of playing with the maids, Will got fairly used to everyone calling him 'Mina'. Lexi had come out again and was flirting with him, and she also seemed to be checking out the other girls, as if trying to figure out which one was Will's 'girlfriend'. Anna saw that right away, so she made a point of not clinging to 'Mina' very much.
That evening, after dinner, Lexi knocked on Will's door, and Mina opened it.
"Come on in, Lexi," Mina said. She was still wearing her maid uniform from dinner, as was Lexi.
"Nice room," the vixen said, as she walked inside. "So, who will be with us tonight?" Lexi asked.
"I will," Anna said from the bathroom doorway. She was wearing a sexy red baby doll nightie, with no bra or panties under it. "Come through the bathroom into my room. My bed's bigger."
"Anna? Really? Well... I didn't expect that, but you aren't the first siblings making love to each other here, not by a long shot. That's cool with me." Lexi said. Then her eyes got wider as what little she knew abut Will and Anna fell into place. "Wait a minute... Oh... My... God... You're lovers, and she's *pregnant*... Is the baby *yours*, Will? Did you knock up your sister?"
"Yeah. Didn't plan to, but my condom slipped off," Will admitted. "We decided to keep the baby. Tried running away, and got caught. Mom found out we ran away because Anna was pregnant, and mom wanted to send her away and make her give up the baby for adoption. Mom *doesn't* know it was me that did it to her though. She thinks I went with Anna to protect her and so she wouldn't be all alone, and that I volunteered to come here with her for the same reason. And the scholarship wasn't a bad deal for me anyway."
"Okay, I am going to *have* to ask Master Karl to summon me with both of you some time. And I'm gonna have so much fun with you tonight!" Lexi said happily. "Look, all the maids here know that Master Karl, Hans and Heidi have sex with each other, and as far as I know, all the twins that Master has ever hired make out with each other for our Master's pleasure, even if they're straight otherwise. So nobody's gonna get upset that you two are lovers. May raise a few eyebrows when they find out who the father of Anna's baby is, but I think they'll take that in stride too. Heck, if you'd told everyone about your relationship when you got here, I would have asked you both to spend a night with me a lot sooner, and I think several of the other girls here would have too. But I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to."
"Thank you, Lexi," Anna said, hugging the taller vixen and nuzzling her chest. "So, should we all get naked and get into bed?"
"Not yet. I want both of us to enjoy Mina as a girl first," Lexi said. "Mina? I'd love to watch you licking your sister until she cums for us. Will you do that for me, pretty girl?"
"Oh! I like the sound of that idea. Come here, Mina. Show Lexi how much you love me, pretty girl!" Anna said, as she sat on her bed and spread her thighs invitingly for her brother.
Mina knelt between Anna's legs and obediently started licking her slit. She had to brush the wig's long hair back out of her face at first, but soon got everything arranged so she could give her full attention to her sister.
"Ohhh, that's such a good girl! Lick your sister, pretty girl!" Lexi said, reaching under her skirt to finger her own damp slit.
Anna propped herself up on her elbows so she could watch as Mina licked her folds and nibbled on her clitty. "Oh! Oh yeah, suck on my clit! Good girl!" she sighed, her tail thumping happily against the bed beside her as she wagged it.
"Ummmm. I love the way you taste, Anna," Mina said between slurps. "Cum for me sis! Show Lexi how much you like having 'Mina' licking you!"
Lexi eagerly masturbated while she watched Mina licking Anna to an orgasm. As the young Bernese girl shuddered and moaned from her brother's licking, the horny vixen sat beside her and said, "That's a good girl, Mina! Now it's my turn! Lick me, puppy!"
Mina moved over to Lexi, and then she lowered her head and began licking Lexi's cunny quite eagerly.
"Ohhhh, that's a good puppy! Good girl!" Lexi murred, as she petted Mina's ears and hair and enjoyed the surprisingly good oral attentions that she was receiving. "I guess Mina gets a lot of practice with you, huh Anna?"
"Mumm humm. We make love every day, an' Will licks me out before and after we mate," Anna said. "Oral sex was how we got started with each other. I caught Will jacking off to naughty pictures of Heidi, and asked him to show me what he liked doing with his girlfriend."
"His girlfriend? You mean Will was dating Mistress Heidi?" Lexi asked.
"Yeah, for a while," Anna replied. "But he broke up with her after he realized he had got me preggers. After that, he wanted to stay with me an' protect our baby."
"That's so sweet of him! Mummm... Mina honey, your tongue feels wonderful, but I want to see you making love to Anna now," Lexi said, patting Mina on the head. "Stand up and hold your skirts up so she can suck you, and then take the skirt and apron and petticoats off and fuck your sister like you're trying to make a baby all over again."
"All right," Mina replied, licking her muzzle and following the vixen's directions. Will's cock was already hard under the skirts, and it flopped forward when he raised his skirts out of the way.
Anna knelt in front of Mina and took her brother's cock into her mouth. She sucked on it hungrily for a while, and then unfastened the bows that held Mina's skirt, apron and petticoats in place, leaving Mina wearing just a garter belt, stockings and shoes below the waist. "Come make love to me, Mina. Make a baby with me," she said, leading her cross dressed brother to the bed.
"Oh yeah... Fuck your sister, you naughty puppy girl!" Lexi said encouragingly, as she resumed fingering her slit.
"God, I just can't get enough of you, Anna. I love you so much," Mina said, as she slid her cock into her sister to the hilt and started eagerly humping her in the missionary position.
"I love you too," Anna replied. "Now fuck me hard and fill me with your seed!"
As he made love to Anna, Will realized he was even more turned on that usual. Being watched by Lexi was very exciting for him, and looking down at his sister and seeing the long hair of his wig and the feminine uniform on his chest was surprisingly erotic. It didn't take him long at all to cum inside his sister and flood her with his creamy seed.
"Ohhh, that looks delicious!" Lexi said. "I want to lick her clean. You can fuck me as soon as you can get hard again, Mina." She knelt on the bed between Anna's thighs and started licking, while raising her brushy tail out of the way for Mina to enter her from behind.
"That won't take me very long, with such a pretty show to watch!" Mina replied, as she watched the vixen licking her seed from her sister. She got behind Lexi, looking over the vixen's shoulder so she could continue watching her sister getting licked, and as soon as she was hard again she slid into the vixen's hot, moist cleft and started humping her happily. "Ohhhh! Very nice!" she said appreciatively.
Lexi finished licking Anna clean, and said, "Change positions, please. I want to be on my back, so I can see what a pretty girl is fucking me!"
Anna crawled off the bed and asked, "Is it okay if I take a couple of pictures to send to our cousin, Mandy? She wanted to see Will as a girl, and her family is all into incest too, so it's cool with them, what we do here."
"Mandy, as in Miss Mandy Blackwell? The girl that Hans brought here recently as one of his girlfriends?" Lexi asked. "Sure. If Master Hans trusts her enough to bring her here, I don't mind her seeing pictures of us. Can I snap a few with you and Will for her too?"
They spent the rest of the evening mating in various combinations and taking pictures of Will as 'Mina', to send to Mandy. They finally went to sleep with Mina snuggled between Anna and Lexi, and all of them exhausted.
Swiss Mix - Chapter 525 By DoggyStyle57, September 2014
April 16, 2010 (Friday afternoon) - Bernerholdt mansion, in Pouncefield.
A week after Hans' party, Rose Kimball got to ride to Hans' mansion after school in the Bernerholdt limo, with Meghan, Heidi, and Marie. The little mouse girl sat between Heidi and Meghan, and facing Marie.
"Thank you so much for lettin' me come to your place for swimming lessons, Heidi!" Rose said.
"We're happy you could join us, Rose," Heidi said. "I'm glad you and Meghan have become such good friends, and swimming lessons are more fun when you have a friend to learn with you. I learned to swim when I was still in pre-school. You're going to love swimming, and I'll be there in the pool with both of you."
"I'll join you in the pool too," Marie said. "I can't really swim until my arm is better, but getting into the pool and moving my arm against the water's resistance will help my arm muscles to heal faster. My doctor already approved it as part of my own physical therapy."
"That would be really nice, having both of you with us," Meghan said. "I just wish Hans could be there too."
"Well, Hans, Taylor and Hazel all have to do cheerleading on most of the Fridays and Saturdays between now and the end of the school year," Heidi said. "Hans is really strong, and he can hold any of the girls up in the air with just one hand! They need him, so they can do their fancy gymnastics tricks. He'll swim with us later though, when he can."
April 16, 2010 (Friday afternoon) - Mustang Ridge private school, in Pouncefield.
Hans changed into Hannah in the nurses' office at Saint Lovejoy's School, leaving with nurse Susan and joining the other cheerleaders on the school bus to the Mustang Ridge school. Hannah sat with Mandy on the bus, and across the aisle from Taylor and Ashley.
"So Hannah, how is it working out with Meghan living at the mansion?" Mandy asked quietly.
"Well, it's a bit awkward," Hannah admitted, "especially when it comes to \_me\_getting out for cheerleading. We have her busy with swimming lessons now on Fridays after school, so she has no reason to see me at the soccer games. But I'll have to change back into Hans in the nurse's office before I go home. I'm sure I could make Meghan believe Hannah is a real girl. That's easy for me now. But with her living with us, I have no way to explain to her why Hannah disappears and reappears. Oh well, we only have two months before school is out, and after this game, there are only three more away games this season where I'll be participating as Hannah. So it won't be too bad, having Hannah avoid Meghan seeing her. Other than that, she goes to bed before any of the rest of us, so she doesn't see what bedroom anyone ends up in. And she never tries to leave her room at night - not even to use the bathroom."
"Yeah, I guess with the weird way she grew up, leaving her room without permission was never an option, was it?" Mandy asked. "She seems to be acting pretty normal though, right? I mean, she's making friends and playing like a normal kid?"
"Pretty much, yeah. I think that's the Bernese in her. Despite everything she went through, nothing broke her spirit. Her therapists are amazed at how fast she is recovering," Hannah said.
"Yeah, we Bernese are like that. Tough spirits," Mandy said. "So, ummmm, if I wanted to stay overnight some time, I still could? I was thinking maybe on my birthday?"
"I was hoping you would, after your date with Hans that afternoon," Hannah said. "We'll just tell Meghan that you're going to stay in a guest room for the night, and go to school with us the next morning."
"Okay, good. I didn't want to cause any trouble for you," Mandy said.
After the soccer game, Taylor and Hannah stopped to chat with a couple of young stallions that they knew from the rival school's cheerleader squad. The equine boys were both just over six feet tall, but still lanky and slender. Darren and Glen Johnson were also identical twins, with chestnut fur and jet black hair and tails.
"Hey there, boys!" Taylor said with a grin. "I was hoping to talk to you sometime soon. What have you been up to?"
"Not much. Just school and working at the family dairy," Darren said. "We'd both love to have another date with you Taylor. Or maybe make it a double date, with Hannah too to make it a foursome? But, ummm, you haven't really talked to us since our last date with you in January, and we were worried that we did something wrong, so we were afraid to call. What have you been up to?"
"Sorry I haven't called. I've just been really busy, is all." Taylor said. "Let's see... I made two porn films. Then some friends of ours ran away from home, and we were all worried sick about them, until the police found them and got them home safely. Then I made another porn film. And then things got *really* bad for a bit, because some Irish terrorists tried to kidnap Hans and Heidi, right in front of me..."
"Oh my God! What happened?" Glen asked.
"Taylor was very brave," Hannah said. "She protected everyone. One of the thugs had Heidi at knife point, and Taylor calmly shot that guy in the leg, so Heidi could escape. One of the other thugs shot... Hans' girlfriend, Marie LeChow, and was fighting with Hans. He threatened to shoot Taylor if Hans and Taylor didn't give up and listen to their ransom demands. She stood her ground even with a gun pointed right at her face, and then she... well she distracted him by dropping her skirt, and she... killed that one, with a kick to the head."
"I kind of forgot I was wearing high heels," Taylor said. "My martial arts training took control, and without really thinking about anything but needing to save Hans, I did a spinning side kick to the thug's head, and, well, it was a three inch spike heel that connected with his temple. I hit him so hard that the shoe's heel broke off, still stuck in his head."
"Yeesh!" Darren said, his eyes going wide. "What happened to that Marie girl? Was anyone else hurt?"
"Our guardian, Miss Cheri, shot and killed another of the thugs. Fortunately, the police agreed it was all self defense," Taylor said. "Marie took a bullet in her arm, but she survived, and the only other injury was that Miss Cheri got a sprained ankle when the fat one that she shot fell on her. But with the police investigation, and me helping to care for Marie, I haven't had much free time since then. But Marie's getting better now, and I'd really love to go out with you again. How about it, Hannah? Want to make it a foursome, with this handsome pair of stud horses?"
Hannah shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, guys. We've had fun and all, but my social calendar's insane right now. There are also things going on at my home that make it hard for me to go out on dates, okay? But hey, if Taylor wants to go out with you, I think that's great!"
"More horsepower for me then!" Taylor said happily. "Have you two given any thought to my offer about making some porn movies with me?"
"Yeah, we've sort of been working up to that," Glen said. "Darren and I have been telling our dad we're interested in maybe getting into theater or TV acting, and he's actually supporting the idea! We thought he'd pitch a fit, since mom left him to become a porn actress and all that. But we'll be graduating from high school in a few more years, and I think he's beginning to realize that he can't afford to send us to college. So, we signed up for a theater course during the last half of this school year, and kinda lied to him that there could be some internships available. If we come and make some movies with you, he can think we're doing gofer work at the studios, and trying to land work making TV commercials."
"Well, the main studios *do* make TV commercials and documentaries, and several of the porn actors do G-rated stuff with the main studios," Taylor said. "I'll get you the application forms, and tell them they need to make it look like you're doing your screen tests for the main studios. But what I really want is to get you and a few other stallions lined up for some films with me. We only have one stallion on the crew right now. Let me talk to our Director, and I'll see what I can line up. And I will call you soon for a date! But we have to get on the bus to go back to our school now, so you two take care! Bye!"
"We'll be waiting for that call, Taylor, and thank you," Glen said, as the boys turned to rejoin their own squad.
April 17, 2010 (Saturday afternoon) - Bernerholdt Mansion, in Pouncefield.
"So, where would you like to go for dinner tonight, Hazel? Pick any restaurant in town, for our romantic date," Hans said, shortly after lunch time. They were in Hans' office in the mansion, where they could talk without any risk of little Meghan overhearing them. The last they had seen of the youngest member of the household, Meghan was playing computer games with Heidi in the games room.
"Hummm. Well, how about Correlli's?" the little brown puppy girl asked. "I liked it when Ashley took me there with Mandy and Paula. The booths in the back looked pretty romantic, and they have a small dance floor and live music."
"Done! I'll call and make the reservations," Hans said. "Any other requests for tonight?"
"Just to have your undivided attention from the start of the date until sunrise," Hazel said with a grin. "I want you all to myself when we go to bed tonight."
"That was what I already intended to do," Hans said, "Though I hope you won't mind if Heidi wakes me up in her usual fashion?"
"Yeah, I'm fine with her sucking your cock in the morning," Hazel said. "Look, Hans... I agreed to be your maid and to be one of your harem of girlfriends knowing full well that it meant sharing you with lots of other girls, including Heidi. I really don't mind that, as long as I get my fair share of personal time with you. Heck, I've been enjoying sex with the other girls almost as much as I like mating with you! But tonight, I want you all to myself."
"Then that is what you'll have, Hazel," Hans said.
April 17, 2010 (Saturday evening) - Correlli's Italian Restaurant, in Pouncefield.
Phil Connors drove Hans and Hazel to the restaurant in the limo. Several couples and families who were waiting to get into the restaurant watched with a mixture of curiosity and envy - not to mention surprise at the youth of the limo's passengers - as Phil opened the door and Hans stepped out of the limo wearing a full tuxedo, and then offered a hand to Hazel, who emerged in a beautiful yellow formal dress that nicely complemented her fur and hair color, and which really made her green eyes sparkle.
The manager, who was a slender Italian Greyhound, opened the restaurant's doors for them, and said smoothly, "Mister Bernerholdt! How nice to have you with us again! Your booth is waiting for you, and everything had been arranged as you requested."
He escorted them past the other waiting guests and to the back of the restaurant, to a private booth near the dance floor, closed off with red velvet curtains. He opened the curtains to reveal a small round table set for two, with candles and a vase containing a dozen red roses, as well as an ice bucket on a floor stand in the corner, containing a bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider.
"Ohhhh! It's so beautiful!" Hazel said, as Hans held her chair for her and she sat down. "Thank you for the roses, Hans!"
"May I ask if this is a special occasion? The young lady's birthday, perhaps?" the manager asked.
"Not her birthday, no. Just a pleasant night out with a girl who means a great deal to me," Hans replied.
"Ah, very good sir," the manager said. "David will be your waiter. He will be here momentarily. Do enjoy your evening"
Hans had barely got seated himself before a dapper skunk with a silver earring in his left ear came to the table. "Good evening, my name is David, and I will be serving you tonight," he said, handing them both menus. "Would you like to start with anything to drink, or some appetizers?"
"If you would pour the cider for us, that will be fine," Hans said, "We're both familiar with the menu here. Hazel, will you need some time to decide on your meal?"
"Just give me a few minutes, please," she replied. "They have some new specials, and it all looks so good!"
"Of course, Miss," David said, as he opened the cider and poured two glasses for them. "Everything is fresh, flown in daily or grown locally." He made a few suggestions and answered Hazel's questions, and then took their orders and departed, closing the velvet curtains as he left.
"Ohhhh. So private and intimate," Hazel said, brushing a hand down the velvet curtain. "It would almost be tempting to take advantage of the privacy and have \_you\_as my appetizer, Master! But can we open them, please? I just love having people see that I'm on a date with you. Even though I have to share you with the other girls, I still can't believe you're happy to date me too."
"And why wouldn't I want to date you?" Hans asked. "Seriously, you're very cute. Most guys and not a few girls would love to date you."
"Well, I guess... Ashley certainly liked being with me. But getting dumped by the boy that popped my cherry for not being a purebred really hurt my confidence a lot. You wouldn't believe how many times I tried to get myself to ride by your house and chickened out, before I finally got up the nerve to do it."
"Well, I'm glad you finally did, Hazel. I certainly don't regret accepting you as one of my girlfriends," Hans said.
Shortly after their meal was served, a pretty mink girl came by the table and said, "Would you like me to sing for you this evening?"
"Yes, please. A love song would be very nice," Hans said. He reached out and held Hazel's hand as the mink girl smiled and began singing in Italian, then sang the song a second time in English.
"That was very pretty!" Hazel said. "And thank you for doing part of it in English. The first part was beautiful, but I didn't understand a word of it!"
"It was my pleasure," the girl said. "I'm part of the local opera company. Singing here gives me more practice time, as well as earns me a bit of extra money."
"Which you certainly deserve. That was quite beautiful," Hans said, giving the girl a nice cash tip.
"Thank you very much, young sir!" she said happily, as she accepted the gratuity. "And would the young lady like to make a request?"
"Oh, anything pretty. I don't care if I can understand the words," Hazel said, "Your voice is so nice to listen to!"
The mink girl smiled and then began a new song.
Hans and Hazel resumed eating, but listened attentively, and Hans gave the girl another tip before she left to sing at another table. Near the end of their meal, a string quintet started to play, and several couples stepped out onto the dance floor to slow dance with each other
Their waiter, David, was very attentive, refilling their glasses and clearing their plates at just the right moments. When they were done eating, he reappeared and asked, "What would you like for dessert?"
"I think we would like to dance for a while before dessert, but you could bring us a fresh bottle of sparkling cider, please," Hans replied. "Hazel? Would you like to dance now?"
"I'd love to!" she replied, taking his hand.
"Mummm, this is so nice," Hazel said nearly an hour later, as she rested her head against Hans' chest while they danced. "Thank you, Hans, this has been a lovely evening. Let's call Phil and get our desert now. I want to get you in bed soon, stud."
"Your wish is my command, pretty puppy!" Hans said. He paged Phil as they left the dance floor, and then got David's attention so they could order their dessert and pay the bill.
Phil's timing was impeccable. He sent a text message to Hans that he was waiting for them in front of the restaurant just as Hans was paying the bill, and giving David a well-deserved tip.
On the ride home, Hazel snuggled with Hans, and opened his trousers to stroke his sheath lovingly. "Thank you, Hans. You really know how to make a girl feel special. And it's not just because you took me someplace expensive, either. I really felt like I had your full attention all evening, and that was very nice."
"I've been trying harder to give each of you the attention you deserve. It isn't half as easy as my father makes it look, keeping so many ladies happy. But I wouldn't want to give any of you up," Hans said. "I hope I'm managing well enough with you? You're happy as you are?"
"Well, I suppose that *someday* I'll want to find a guy I can marry, so I can be a mom," Hazel said. "Once my training is complete, and I've earned my scholarship, we'll see what works out. But yeah, I'm very happy right now, just being one of your maids."
"I'm glad. Sometimes I worry that I can't give each of you as much as you want. And I fully expect that many of my maids and sisters will eventually want to settle down with a dedicated mate of their own. If you find someone that you want to have as a husband and to raise a family with someday, I'll be very happy for you," Hans said. "But until that happens, I'm very happy to have you as one of my girlfriends." |
Punishment Game: Playtime Is Over by Am bi go us | Hello again all, the last chapters were a pilot so you'll notice some changes, mainly one name Ma'am is now Mistress. The general idea of the Punishment game is to cover as many kinks as possible so I humbly present the next two sections which will now be called Bi-chapters. As always if you aren't | [
"Bad Language",
"Story Series",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/51615-punishment-game-playtime-is-over | Hello again all, the last chapters were a pilot so you'll notice some changes, mainly one name Ma'am is now Mistress. The general idea of the Punishment game is to cover as many kinks as possible so I humbly present the next two sections which will now be called Bi-chapters.
As always if you aren't 18 get the fuck out
Chapter Three: Rocky Horror Quiz Show
Mary stopped her rampage on Exim's testicles now conversing with Osirus who was in all manner, a very hearty individual. "Oh yeah I came here because I heard that there was going to be a massive orgy, you know that old song and dance lassie" Osirus chuckled and brought his hand up Mary's backside giving her ass a pat. "What a fine partner you got there, went for your bum and not your money angle, got to give him some credit for trying to keep you fresh" Osirus looked to Exim who was still a little shaken.
"Thanks dude" Exim coughed and staggered up to the lion male, only to be surprised by a slap to the back which sent him to the ground again. "OH... god... damn.. it" Exim rolled over and coughed, seeing a hand reach down that belonged to his partner Mary.
"Sorry, I.. I got a little jumpy" Mary blushed and covered her naked shame with her hands giving Exim a lady like bow. "So Mr. Osirus is here because he wanted to be, why are the rest of us here?" Mary muttered she was there because she was browsing online and found an add.
"Need money, like competition, come to the corner of seventh and maple, alone you will be taken to a secret facility in which you will compete for a sum of your choosing after the games completion" The add was mysterious and Mary was not the girl bright enough to overcome her sense of curiosity, after all she was a cat. So Mary went to the location greeted by a white tigress with black shades. She was offered a ride and given a small test to rate her applicability. When she was told she was applicable Mary was excited, until the tigress lunged out and injected her with something that made her woozy.When she woke up she was being anally raped by Exim and that was the end of that story.
"I came because my friends dared me to go into this woman's yard and..." Jackie blushed and became quiet. "Pee in her garden" She became really red now, fully embarrassed by her actions. "While I was urinating a guard came around and hit me over the head, when I woke up Osirus was sticking his willy in me!" Jackie giggled, obviously a younger girl unaware of what exactly Osirus was doing.
"Uh huh, so apparently we've all slighted that tigress bitch in some way and this is her way of making us pay, so how do we escape?" Exim coughed not wanting to be the one to explain to Jackie about pregnancy and statutory things like that.
" I fell asleep on a park bench after attending night classes at the local trade school" Zack stood up and coughed, feeling it was his turn to share why he was here. "Then when I woke up Miss Cloe was giving me head... wow wait until my guild hears about this!" Zack chortled and Exim just sighed.
"Aren't nerds cute.. yes they will let you do anything to them, it's all okay because it's all sex" Cloe giggled and walked over to Exim cupping her hands and giving his prostate a good pat. "Unlike shy bunny boys who seem to be nervous about being groped.. my what a cute partner you have Mary dear" The doe smiled and spoke seductively, she was the oldest of them all followed only by Osirus, looking to be a mere 25.
"We were caught having sex in a public restroom, and the court punished us to community service" Brian and Gabriel both responded taking turns with words. "Yeah then we got caught having sex on the job and were transfered, four times, finally we were working in this office next to a factory that made sex toys.. and well... WE HAD TO TRY THEM OUT!" The boys both laughed loudly. "When Boss Lady found us she was mad and said that we needed to play a game if we wanted to stay employed, if we won she'd make us product testers!" Brian and Gabriel continued to fuck each other happily.
The two ursine still said nothing leaving their identities a mystery, even when they finished they were quiet as dormice. They just got up and walked away from the rest of the group down the path of illuminated floor lights wandering deeper into the maze.
"Strange... oh um.. well let's get going then!" Exim shook his head, not feeling like explaining that he was there because he lied to a woman about the quality of ice cream, everyone else had a much better story, he was just an unlucky fuck, as always.
The entire group walked down the pathway after the ursine girls, after awhile they all came to a room with Eight chairs in it. The chairs were illuminated by spot lights with little signs that read "Sit on me"
Exim sighed and looked to Mary who compliantly did as told sitting in the chair. "Oh come on, what the fuck is this THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS!?" Exim would have none of it, but then remembered the shot he got last time he didn't listen. "Fuck" Exim walked over and took a seat as well, followed by Osirus, then Cloe, then Zack, then Jackie, Gabriel, Brian, and the two ursine sisters. The chairs rumbled and with a loud clack locked the players into their places.
"Welcome players, I see you all made the right choices to qualify you for the games, let me show you what happened to the people who weren't strong enough to continue" The camera panned over to a tiny group of people, all wearing black latex bondage suits, strapped into a variation of the rack that instead of pulling them apart by the arms and legs was keeping them spread, as a large dildo on a shaft was being driven into their respective holes the males screaming in ecstasy and the females all whimpering with pangs of pleasure running through their bodies. "These people are now compensation for the price of playing the Punishment game, you all wear the same weight, those who fail will become my property and amount to nothing else in life, be very aware I am serious there are no police or laws to help you here, only the rules of my game" Mistress laughed loudly and threw her whip out smacking one of the captive losers on the head of their penis.
"Enough of that, your goal is to make it through the game without losing an event, do and I will give you a choice of your prize" Mistress licked the end of her whip, now wet with the males pre cum. "The rules of this event are simple, it's a trivia quiz, those who get one right answer will proceed those who do not will become payment.. on those chairs you will notice buzzers go on press them and see what they do" Mistress waited as the players pressed their buzzers.
As the players hit their switches a large hand came from behind the chairs smacking each of the players hard on their ass making them yelp out, spare the silent ursine. "GOD DAMN IT THAT HURT!" Exim yelped and craned his neck, behind them now illuminated was a rough design of what looked like a spring loaded spanking machine. "So let me get this straight you twisted bitch, every time we want to answer, your dumb ass machine is going to what our asses!?" Exim was furious what did he do to deserve this kind of abuse.
"Yes that's the gist, let us see what's stronger your minds or your bottoms, OH and wrong answers will be punished, but you don't want to have to go through that, Anyway the rules are once you hit your buzzer you must answer, it must be clear and precise, any sobbing, whimpering, yelping, or shouting the answer will count as an incorrect, first question.. A cheetah can run up to and including speeds of" Mistress sat like a quiz show host, rubbing her privates in a lewd fashion as she read the trivia questions.
The players were afraid to answer at first though stupidly enough Gabriel pushed his button, the mechanism behind him releasing and delivering a painstaking smack to his soft already sore ass. "FORTY!" Gabriel yelped out and a buzzer went off the rest looking to see what the punishment was for an incorrect answer.
"Sorry sweet little gecko boy, that's wrong" Mistress pulled the camera over to a panel of buttons, there were eight buttons and one BIG button at the end that seemed to run to all eight of them. "Wrong answers must be PUNISHED!" Mistress slammed the button down and a hole opened in each of the chairs a medium sized dildo on a rod shooting up and penetrating each and everyone of the players assholes. "See I told you wrong answers weren't good"
There was a chorus of screams as the players felt a plastic dong rape them then recede into it's safe chamber. "AH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ROCKY!?" Exim coughed his ass hurt really bad now, out and in, if that was for just one wrong answer. "It's mother fucking seventy, god damn it" Exim cursed and spat but then felt the familiar pain of a fake dick shot into his anus. "THAT WAS RIGHT!" Exim yelped and heard Mistress laughing.
"Yes but you didn't hit the buzzer dear" Mistress giggled at how ferocious the bunny boy was, usually his kind liked a good ram up the asshole. "You have to hit the buzzer or that's cheating and cheating must be" Mistress went to hit the buzzer again but was stopped.
Chapter Four: Perverts and Heroes
"NO no I get it, cheating is bad sorry won't do it again can we continue PLEASE!?" Exim panted it felt weird, even as a rabbit he never sexually explored with anyone, male or female, though his sisters had offered a few times he was just above that kind of thing.
"Good bunny, now question two if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?" Mistress smiled deviously as the players began to sweat.
"WHAT THE HELL YOU CAN'T USE QUESTIONS LIKE THAT!" Exim screamed out then screamed again as he was violated, the member now vibrating as it wiggled it's way into his tender ass, his cock stiffening with so much sudden stimulus.
"OW!" Mary hit the buzzer first and yelped a bit. "No?" She asked hopefully then moaned a long sustained "OH GOD" as she felt a hard rubber dick jammed up her already spread out anus, another thing she could have thanked Exim for.
"Oh I know the answer" Jackie hit her buzzer and whimpered when the hand crashed into her backside. "Mommy!" Jackie barked and then became quiet. "It's a trick question right?" Once again a buzzer sounded and Jackie let out a scream as the punishment tore into her tight virgin anus making her sob in pain. "Mommy it hurts.. make it stop.. MOMMY!" Jackie began to sob hysterically unable to control it because she was still a young pup.
"CHRIST ON A CRACKER!" Exim spat out and looked up venom in his eyes. "The answer is yes, if you listen to the wording then you'd realize that you said if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound, you didn't say if no one was around to here it, even without people sound exists.. god damn you fucking bitch" Exim closed his eyes prepared to be punished but then heard a ding. Exim's restraints released and he fell forward holding his now sore and open asshole with growls of anger and rage.
"Next question" The game continued until only three players remained, Jackie and the two ursine girls. Jackie was unable to answer any of the questions because of the first punishment she received her ass hurt too bad to answer, and every time she tried she got raped by the machine, it was looking bad for her. Mistress reveled in the pain and suffering of the girl who so decided to piss on her petunias. "Last question, meaning at least two of you will become my toys" Mistress let out a low purr, the other players watching in horror.
"If a red house is made of red bricks, and a blue house is made of blue bricks, and a brow house is made of brown bricks, what is a shit house made of?" The entire room went silent, wondering if that was really the question. Exim just shook his head, this was retarded.
"I don't want to play anymore, please I'm sorry let me go I promise to never be bad again please miss tiger lady!" Jackie hysterically bawled out and Osirus stood, his eyes twinkling and full of justice
"Oy tiger lady what will happen if she answers wrong?" The lion asked loudly turning mistress's attention. "What if I offer to take her place on this last one, you know a virgin brat like her won't be a good plaything, why not take an experienced perverted man like me?" Osirus laughed at the proposal wondering what made him want to do such a stupid thing.
"No don't Jackie coughed out she didn't want other people to suffer because of her, she was tired of all that everyone sacrificed for her and it made her feel horrible there was no pleasure in seeing people put into pain for you.
"Shut up bitch I will do as I damn well please!" Osirus roared and turned to Mistress. "Say we got a deal?"
Mistress chuckled and thought about it the bonds on Jackie's chair clicking and a pair of masked burly guards coming and grabbing Osirus forcing him to sit in the chair instead, instantly the member on a rod shot up into his ass and began to wriggle and thrash violently making the Lion roar.
"So what's it made of?" Mistress looked down Jackie watching in tears.
"Shit" Osirus laughed knowing it was the wrong answer and then yelled as the chair dropped from view into a separate level of the place where they were being contained his last fading words were "EXIM DON'T YOU DARE LET JACKIE LOSE!" with that he was gone, the two ursine girls answering for the first time in the game together with
"Wood" They both stood and walked to the group, without any red marks on their ass and only a mild anal irritation unlike the others who were sore and ready to cry.
"That ends this event, take a rest before we start the next one" The video feed clipped out and Jackie broke into loud relentless sobs for Osirus.
".. Come on" Mary walked over and curled around Jackie giving her a tight hug and wiping away her tears. "He's not dead, I'm sure he'll find a way out besides... you know I think he wanted to lose, he's the kind of person who likes this sort of thing..." Mary was far too straight forward making Jackie cry even more.
"Come here dear" Cloe motioned to Jackie who ran into her arms and sobbed into her breast, Cloe giving Mary a look. "You can't be that harsh with her dear, children are innocent and gentle, the world you're painting for her has too many dark colors and dull hues. I hope you don't talk to your children like that, right Exim?" Cloe laughed and hugged the bawling Labrador.
"Eh.. right, either way my problem is with those two fucking bear girls, WHAT THE HELL YOU DIDN'T EVEN ANSWER UNTIL THE END WITH AN EASY QUESTION!" Exim was enraged until it was Teri or Terry who said.
"Just because you were too stupid to select your questions and minimize your suffering don't take it out on us, besides rabbits are sluts you know you enjoyed it" The bears laughed smugly and finally revealed who they really were, elitist pieces of trash.
"Ah fuck you with a long metal pole, let's get some rest hell knows what the next test is going to be" Exim fell over and sighed, he was tired it had been probably a day since he last rested, though in the game there was no time, just spaces between events, he was sad that Osirus was gone but glad that he went like a hero and not the pervert he was really like that.
"So you thought it was valiant to save that bitch?" Mistress caressed her new immobile captive plaything taking her whip and smacking the end of his penis with it making it swell and elongate. "So trite, thinking that she can be spared you're all going to be punished one way or another, even if you win the game I've won.. I always win, my courageous little lion" The sound of a hard whip cracking against the flesh of another rang out in the mistress's personal chamber where all the losers ended up.
\*There we go another two chapters Osirus is gone for a nobler cause but the Mistress won't be beat by heroics and selflessness, and how will she win anyway stay tuned to find out\* |
Friends and Enemies by Vanamee | #4 of A Slave's Tail - So here it is! Chapter three is up! I didn't get into any yiffyness this time (Sorry!) But I promise something extra kinky for you guys next chapter! This bit gets a bit more emotional and focuses more on the poor slave wolf and his budding friendships (And his budding... | [
"Character Development",
"Mild Abuse",
"Mild Romance",
"Mild Violence",
"Plot Development",
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/97759-friends-and-enemies | So here it is! Chapter three is up! I didn't get into any yiffyness this time (Sorry!) But I promise something extra kinky for you guys next chapter! This bit gets a bit more emotional and focuses more on the poor slave wolf and his budding friendships (And his budding... err... enemyships?). So I hope you enjoy it!
Vanamee awoke the next morning with an idea in his head. It couldn't really be called a plan, as it didn't result in any sort of change, but it was an idea. The lupine boy opened his eyes and started to stretch, slipping his paw out of that of the still sleeping Kuramee. His cellmate, Edwin, appeared to still be asleep. The wolf wasn't surprised. Vanamee sat with his back against the wall, eagerly awaiting breakfast, and hoping against all odds it was the same guard who had brought them food the day before. After a relatively short wait, the lupine heard the other cells on the wagon getting opened, one by one, until at last the lock on his own could be heard and the door swung open to reveal the face of a tall, thin, grey wolf.
"Morning kid." The guard greeted, handing him two crusts of bread and what appeared to be a bowl of oatmeal. The scent of food instantly woke Edwin up, the rabbit stretching and yawning. Vanamee hesitated a moment to go through with his idea, the friendly Imperial beginning to shut the door back before Vanamee made a move.
"Wait!" The young wolf boy cried, rushing forward to the door. The guard stopped, looking at Vanamee through the half closed door.
"Yeah kid?" The grey wolf replied.
"The other day you said to tell you if I needed anything, remember?" Vanamee said, ignoring the suspicious glance that Edwin gave him.
"Yes." The guard responded, the wolf recalling his name to be Lagano, "Why?"
"Could you... could you please see if you can find a couple of people in the other wagons for me?" The lupine pleaded. For a second Lagano didn't reply, looking about as though to make certain none of the other soldiers were listening.
"Like who?" The Imperial wolf inquired.
"I was wondering if you could find mine and my friend's mothers?" Vanamee expounded. "I'll try. What's yours and your friend's names?" Lagano asked in a hushed voice. Vanamee quickly whispered his and Kuramee's names. Lagano gave him a nod before shutting and locking the door back.
"What do you think you're doing?" Edwin hissed, putting a paw on the young wolf boy's shoulder, "He's just going to get you in trouble!"
"Why would he do that?" Vanamee asked, picking up the food bowl that Lagano had left and starting to eat.
"Because he's an Imperial! Don't you get it?" The long ear groaned, shaking his head incredulously, "That guy could care less about us!"
"Then why did he offer to help?" Vanamee shot back, taking a bite out of his bread crust, the crumbs falling down and sticking to his belly fur.
"I don't know..." Edwin admitted, "But I can pretty much guarantee that it's some kind of trap!"
"I don't think so." Vanamee replied, "I think he genuinely wants to help us!"
"Then why doesn't he let us free?" Edwin scoffed, taking his food and scooting back, leaning against the wall.
"They would probably kill him if he did..." Vanamee responded, laying down now that he had finished his meal. He placed the bowl over in the corner, knowing that the guards would pick it up when they stopped that evening. The two boys sat silently, listening to the rumbling of the wagon and the soft, muffled cries of soldiers outside. It was a long day, but when they stopped that evening, Vanamee felt so full of energy he could burst. The entire day he had been thinking of what Lagano might have to report to him. He had told Kuramee what he had asked Lagano to do, and now as they sat by the fire, waiting or the soldiers to pass out their food, both wolves were eager to see if their Imperial friend had found their mothers. Kuramee's bright blue eyes twinkled in the light of the fire as she shuffled about next to Vanamee.
"What's taking him so long?" She whined impatiently.
"I'm still not sure he'll even show up." Edwin, who was sitting on Vanamee's other side, spat.
"We'll see." Vanamee sighed, looking off into the growing darkness. There were just two many soldiers hustling about for the lupine to discern if any of them were Lagano, especially in this low light. The wolf sighed, hoping he had made the right choice in trusting the Imperial. As he sat there, the shrill sound of someone crying cut through his thoughts. The lupine looked about. On the other side of the fire sat a small wolf boy, his fur a soft grey, marked with bright red head fur and a tail tip of the same hue. Vanamee guessed that he was probably only nine or ten years old.
"Shut that damned crying up!" One of the soldiers commanded. The Imperial walked over, glaring down at the tiny wolf. He was a rather pudgy looking lion with an extremely hateful looking face. Vanamee felt his stomach knot up as the child continued crying, ignoring the soldier. The lion looked behind him at another soldier, whom Vanamee assumed was his superior. The second Imperial gave the lion a nod and the pudgy feline leaned down, grabbing the wolf child by his head fur and lifting him off the ground as he kicked and screamed in both pain and fear. "I warned you ya' little runt!" The lion roared, dragging the struggling child off into the darkness which now surrounded them. The other slaves around the fire sat in fearful silence as the sound of the child's cries got softer and softer. After a moment they stopped completely and were swiftly replaced by the sound of a whip cracking. The screams started up anew now, but they were now screams of agony. All of the captured slaves sat around the fire, looking at one another as the whip cracked and the child screamed, over and over...
At last the sounds stopped. A few minutes later, Vanamee caught sight of the lion once more, walking along the edge of the firelight, something limp and bloody thrown over his shoulder.
"What's wrong runt?" Came a cold and familiar voice, "Going to start crying too?" Vanamee wheeled around to find a muscular husky in Imperial armor standing behind him, holding onto a large, menacing spear. The lupine didn't answer, but looked up at the other canine hesitantly.
"I... I don't want any trouble..." The wolf whimpered, scooting back a little.
"Trouble?" The husky laughed, looking down at him, "You're already in so much trouble, I don't really feel the need to give you any more!" Vanamee whined, looking up at the grinning dog.
"What do you mean?" He asked the soldier hesitantly. Vanamee could feel Kura shifting about uncomfortably next to him.
"I mean that you and your little runt friends are going to be sold in Crown City. I can't think of anything worse than that! You'll all be in a Vore Brothel or a in some noble's little torture room!" The Husky explained with a laugh, "You see, Crown City is where most of the nobles live... and most of them are a bit TOO kinky."
"He's full of crap." Edwin grumbled. The soldier looked down at the long ear and snickered.
"Actually, I know a noble named Gregor Hooffall," The Husky informed him, "who just loves buying long ears. He ties them to his carriage, like Feral horses and has them pull him all about town. He's always on the lookout for new ones... since the old ones die so often." The soldier started to chuckle, pointing to Kuramee, "And I'm sure your pretty little friend over there will find a nice master to rape her pretty ass." Vanamee felt his anger rising as the soldier taunted Kura, the white furred wolfess starting to silently cry beside him. Vanamee was about to lunge at the soldier's legs when another Imperial came up.
"That'll be quite enough sergeant." The second Imperial growled, still standing too far from the edge of the fire for the wolf boy to make out any of his features. The husky turned about, giving a quick salute.
"C...Captain Lagano, sir!" The tormenting dog gasped, "I was just..."
"I saw what you were doing sergeant." Lagano growled, the tall, thin canine stepping into the light, "And I suggest you get out of my sight." The husky turned back and gave the three friends a sneer before marching off. "Hello kids." Lagano said after the burly dog had left, "I have news for you." Kuramee and Vanamee's eyes lit up at this, the Husky's ominous words temporarily forgotten.
"Did you find my mom?" Kura asked excitedly, her tail slapping the ground as it wagged. Lagano paused a moment, taking a deep breath before answering.
"Well... no." The captain told her, "But I did find out SOME good news."
"What's that?" Vanamee inquired, feeling rather crushed by the other wolf's inability to find his mother.
"Your mothers aren't being shipped to Crown City." Lagano explained, "In Jade there is a man who buys slaves and then rents them out as a cleaning service. He bought all the older females from the raid ahead of time."
"How is that good news?" Kura whined, the poor girl curling into a ball and starting to sniffle. Vanamee looked over at her, pushing his own hurt to the back of his mind as he saw Kura's pretty blue eyes tear up.
"It means that they won't be sold into a factory or mine." Lagano explained in a sympathetic tone, "And that they won't be sold to some freak in the capital."
"Wait!" Edwin suddenly interjected, "Do you mean that the stuff that jerk was telling us is... true?" Lagano looked off, obviously having been hoping he wouldn't have to answer that question."
"I... I'm afraid so." The captain replied, sighing, "But that doesn't mean that it will happen to you!" He added quickly as he saw the frightened look on the trio's faces, "I mean... you're all considered 'exotic' slaves. You're worth a LOT of money. I don't think anyone will buy you just to hurt you, and I know for certain that none of those trashy vore brothels will be able to afford you!"
"W...what's a vore brothel?" Vanamee asked, still uncertain as to what THIS particular horror was.
"A disgusting hovel that purchases slaves," Lagano expounded, "for the sole purpose of putting on a show. Basically they feed the slave to some monster, or cook them alive, in front of an audience. It's a favorite pastime for many of the city's upper class." Vanamee whined. What kind of horrible place where they being sent to? Nothing he had heard of Crown City so far seemed even remotely pleasant. "I'm sorry." Lagano spoke at last, "I can't stay over here any longer or they're going to start getting suspicious." The wolf gave Vanamee and his friends one last, sad look. "I'm sorry." He repeated and then stepped out into the night once more.
None of the three slaves said a word as they ate dinner, each lost in their own thoughts as the warmth of the fire danced across their fur. At last Edwin spoke, the rabbit's ears held flat against his brown head fur.
"What are we going to do?" Edwin whimpered, the rabbit's usually calm, collected manner having disappeared entirely, replaced by an aura of fear and dread.
"I... I don't know." Vanamee sighed, looking between the Edwin and Kuramee. The situation seemed utterly hopeless. As the boy glanced over to Kura, he saw tears running down her cheek, soaking her white fur and pressing it flat against her face. The lupine's heart broke in two as he watched her, feeling utterly helpless. Vanamee leaned forward, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him. "Don't worry Kura." Vanamee whined, "I'm sure we'll figure something out!" As he spoke, Kura looked over at him, her blonde hair falling to the side and laying on Vanamee's black furred shoulder.
"That's not why I'm crying." Kuramee replied, reaching one paw up and wiping at her eyes. "I saw what you were going to do. If the captain hadn't come, you would have tried fighting that guard." Vanamee blushed, feeling rather self conscious.
"He shouldn't have spoken to you like that..." The young lupine responded, feeling a tinge of anger rise up as he remembered the husky's cruel words.
"Yes he should have Vana!" Kura groaned, her eyes tearing up once more, "We're slaves! Don't you get it? He can speak to us as he pleases!"
"Kura, why are you..." The wolf began, but Kura cut him off.
"Don't ever do it again!" She spat, "I don't want you to get hurt because of me!" Vanamee sat and looked at her incredulously, not knowing what to tell her. As Kuramee looked up at him with those tear filled blue eyes, the wolf sighed.
"Ok." Vanamee replied, "I won't."
"Promise me!" She sobbed, clinging tight to the young boy. Vanamee waited a moment. "I promise." He answered, holding Kura tight against him. The wolfess cried on his shoulder silently for a moment.
"I don't know what I'd do if... if they..." She stuttered, sniffling. The pair sat there, listening to the sounds of soldiers and slaves alike settling down for the night. Off in the distance, night birds chirped out a long, sad tune. Vanamee looked out into the night, looking at the dark hills and deep woods of the islands, possibly for the last time. He felt Kuramee's hand rub through the fur on his side.
"Aren't the stars pretty?" She whispered, her gaze fixed on the sky. Vanamee looked up, marveling at the sheer number of the stars. They twinkled high above them, like bright diamonds set in a black sea. Vanamee smiled, despite everything that had happened to him and just enjoyed the night sky. The pleasant moment didn't last long, the soldiers herding all of the slaves back to the wagon. Before he stepped up into his cell, Vanamee gave Kuramee one last look, the girl now giving him a weak smile. A moment later the lupine was in his cell, sitting quietly beside Edwin.
"Vanamee?" Edwin spoke, his voice hesitant.
"Yes Edwin?" Vanamee replied.
"I... I'm scared." The rabbit admitted, shocking the wolf. Until now, it had been Edwin who was calm and collected, knowing what was coming. Now the rabbit's voice was filled with fear and uncertainty.
"Me too." Vanamee admitted, turning to look at the wall that divided the two young boys from Kuramee. "But don't say it too loud." The wolf boy added in a whisper, "I don't want to scare Kura." At this he could hear Edwin sigh.
"You shouldn't get too attached to her Vana." The long ear informed him, "You know this won't last. We're going to be split up and we'll never see each other again." Vanamee whined, wincing as the rabbit's words sank in. Vanamee could think of nothing to say to the long ear, his face burning a bright red. "Anyways, sleep well." The rabbit sighed, rolling over and showing his back to the wolf.
Vanamee lay awake for a while, listening to the buck's rhythmic breathing and the distant call of animals in the night. A whirlwind of thoughts ran through the wolf's head, most of them centered around the lovely, young, white wolfess in the next cell over. As he lay there, dreaming pleasant thoughts of what could have been and what could be, the unmistakable sound of the lock opening could be heard. Vanamee's head shot up as the door flew open, a large, shadowy figure standing on the other side. Before the wolf could even speak, the figure leaped forward, partially into the wagon, and snatching hold of the wolf by his arm.
"Bet you thought I'd just forget about you, didn't you?" Came a chillingly familiar voice. Vanamee was forcibly pulled from his cell and thrown to the ground. Looking up Vanamee finally caught a glimpse of his assaulter by the soft light of dying fires. It was the Husky from before! "You got me in trouble you worthless runt!" The dog spat, reaching down with his free hand and taking hold of the wolf's throat. "You're going to pay for that!"
Vanamee tried to pull away, but the Husky's grip was far too strong. The lupine thrashed about, grasping the dog's hand and trying to pull it off of his throat as he was lifted off the ground. As soon as the lupine was in the air, he felt his throat constrict, his air supply instantly disappearing.
"What's the matter you little fag?" The Husky growled, slamming Vanamee's back against the wagon as the wolf continued to struggle, "I'm going to strangle the life out of you!" Vanamee felt tears running down his cheek, the edges of his vision starting to go dark. The wolf's struggles began to weaken as he felt himself drift closer and closer to unconsciousness. Vanamee felt as though he couldn't hang on a moment later when the hand on his throat unexpectedly released, leaving the wolf to fall to the ground, coughing and sputtering.
"Get off me you fucktoy!" The Husky cried out. Vanamee looked up to find the Imperial soldier thrashing around, trying to rid himself of Edwin, who had leapt out of the wagon and latched onto his back. Vanamee quickly got back to his senses and leapt forward, grabbing hold of the Husky's legs, holding on tight. The three thrashed about, fighting for only a few moments before the other soldiers arrived.
"Hey!" One of the Imperials cried, rushing up with a blazing torch in one hand and his sword in the other, "What's going on here?" The three fighting furs stopped instantly, looking over dumbly at the group of about six soldiers who had come to investigate the ruckus. "Well?"
"I found two escaping slaves!" The husky answered, grabbing hold of the two smaller furs.
"He's lying!" Edwin cried, letting go of the Husky and dropping to the ground, "He was going to strangle Vanamee!" The other guards didn't seem to believe the buck and one of them promptly smacked the rabbit across the face. As the blow landed, Edwin crumpled up, collapsing to the ground.
"Edwin!" Vanamee cried, trying to go to his friend, only to be siezed by two of the soldiers, their grips like iron vices.
"Good work Zeke!" One of the Imperials laughed, giving the husky a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. "Come on boys! You know what we gotta do!" Vanamee felt his heart stop, watching as one of the larger soldiers pulled out a hammer from his belt. "Let's find a good stump and tie him down." The soldier growled.
"NO!" Vanamee screamed, kicking and thrashing about as the larger furs began to drag him away. One of the soldiers gave him a hard slap, but the wolf continued to struggle, begging and pleading with the guards. "Oh gods no! Please don't do this!" The young wolf's pleas fell on deaf ears. After a few moments the soldiers gave him a rough toss, the lupine feeling something hard and rough colliding with his rump. Before he could react, the canine was seized by two guards, his arms pushed behind his head and tied tight, his legs stretched out and tied together. The wolf looked about frantically. One of the guards held a torch that flickered and sputtered, illuminating the area for a few feet around. The wolf was effectively tied down to an old oak stump, his feet hanging over the edge. Another guard, a lean looking weasel, stood there glowering down at him, a large, flat headed hammer held in his paw. As Vanamee laid eyes on it, he began to sob uncontrollably, his whole body shaking with fear. "Please! Please nooooo!" The lupine begged, "I'll do anything. Just please don't do this!" One of the guards gave him a hard smack.
"Save your damned screaming till after we've actually hobbled you!" The guard, a short, skinny rat growled. The weasel meanwhile raised his hammer high, aiming it at the wolf's creamy white footpaws.
"Please..." Vanamee sobbed once more.
"Hold it!" Came a booming voice. The weasel with the hammer froze instantly, his head shooting toward the source of the voice. "What are you soldiers doing?"
"Major!" The rat soldier cried, hurrying to salute as his superior stepped into the dim light of the torch. Much to Vanamee's surprise, it was the wolf who had struck him two days ago, when he had refused to tell the human commander his name!
"I repeat," The lupine soldier growled, "what are you scum doing?"
"Sergeant Zeke caught this slave and his cellmate trying to escape!" A third soldier, a hefty pig with bulging eyes answered, "We were just about to hobble him!" The major looked down at Vanamee, examining him with piercing green eyes.
"Is that true slave?" The wolf asked him intently.
"No!" Vanamee cried out desperately, "He... the Husky was going to kill me! Edwin was only trying to save me!" The major paused a moment, looking down at the wolf silently.
"I see." The lupine soldier replied, "Take this slave back to his cell, do the same with his friend."
"But sir!" The pig contended, "Are you really going to take a slave's word over that of an officer?"
"Since said officer has abandoned his post and fled, yes." The major replied. The other Imperials looked at each other dumbfounded. "I recall captain Lagano telling me that Zeke was particularly intent on bothering this slave." The soldiers gave the major a quick salute before picking Vanamee up and carrying him off. The wolf was so relieved that he began to sob, feeling almost delirious as he was dragged back to his cell. As he was thrown inside, he saw Edwin already inside, sitting up and conscious now. As the soldiers were locking the door, Vanamee could hear one of them make a rather ominous remark.
"I'll be glad when we get to Jade in the morning." The soldier groaned, "I'm tired of playing babysitter to these damned savages." With that the Imperials were gone, leaving only Vanamee and the buck to themselves. For a moment, the pair just sat and looked at each other. At last Vanamee could hold back no longer and began to sob. The rabbit leaned over, taking him in a tight hug as he too began to sob. The pair sat there for a while, crying against one another. At last the pair had cried themselves out and fell asleep in one another's arms.
that night the wolf dreamed of the sound of whips, and the screams of children. The lupine awoke the next morning, not feeling at all rested. Across from him sat Edwin, already awake.
"Never expected you to be up!" Vanamee laughed, the sound strained and unnatural.
"I couldn't sleep." Edwin replied, shuffling about anxiously.
"Me either." Vanamee admitted, "But by evening we'll be away from these soldiers." The wolf hung his head, realizing that it meant he would also be away from his mother... forever. |
Conversion Co.: Design B by Riddler | WARNING 18+: ALL LAWS, RULES, AND DISCLAIMERS APPLY Fiction Extremely mindless gay sex and transformation ahead So this is another part of the GenC.Co (Gen See See Co) stories. It's just a different section of the male quarter, and a different experiment. Have fun! It is rather messy. Thanks and | [
] | https://fse.anthro.fr/stories/464149-conversion-co-design-b | It was a rainy day and mud was everywhere in the field. Michael and I had been hanging around in it since the afternoon. The field was quite large, green, and the sky was clouded up, getting darker. It was still nice though, the aromas of two guys out in the rain on the field of nature was pretty sexy. It felt very tranquil as we ran around, getting mud splotches on our clothes. He had taken off his shirt, revealing his well defined chest, abs, and arms. He liked to swim and it gave him that sexy swimmer build. I wasn't a fan, but I had my own ways that granted me a firm body. We were both in a fairly decent athletic state at age 21. He had nice dark brown hair, mine was much shorter, but brown too. He had dark brown eyes, mine were hazel. He had killer looks though, always giving me butterflies when I was near him. I had a special attraction for Michael, but we were only friends, and I would never push for anything... it would be too awkward. I was also very self-conscious about my body, even when I shouldn't be.
"You gonna' take your shirt off too man? Or are you gonna let it turn brown? Haha!" Michael teased.
"I could always wash it more than once." I replied. I guess it wouldn't hurt, who's going to care?
It felt so natural, taking my shirt off in the light rain. I tossed it to the ground, I was side by side with him. I could feel his body heat in the faint wind, my groin was crying to me. I had to avoid that at all costs. And just to my luck a vehicle was approaching. We both turned to look at it. It drove casually out of the distant forest up the lonely road towards our cars.
We looked at each other, rain dripped down his chest leaping off the edges of his muscles. He shrugged. We began to head over to what looked like a unique black van. When we approached it the driver side door opened. I was hesitant. What did they want?
The man exiting the vehicle had a clipboard, wore a suit, black-sunglasses, didn't bother with the rain, and headed around to the back of the car. He turned, located us, and headed towards Michael and I. Was this the FBI? Is he an Agent? It seemed pretty amusing to me.
"One of you two James Hearth?" The Agent asked.
"Yes, that's me." I said cautiously, looking at Michael, who was smirking.
"Two years ago you engaged an online survey about Male Enhancement. You digitally signed and agreed to be selected in one of our special treatments." The Agent began.
It just got awkward. "Yes, I did, sorry." Why did I apologize? This was so stupid... not now... it's been two years you jackass. And to top it off, this was in front of my friend. Isn't this shit private?
"Well I am pleased to announce that your position is now ready." He smiled, looking from me to Michael. "We are also pleased to announce that since our services are free of charge you can bring a friend for the same treatment."
Michael laughed. "Great!" he looked to me. "Come on, we could check this shit out. It sounds like fun. What's the worse that could happen besides some... Natural Male Enhancement?"
He thought it was a joke... but my curious male-side did play around on those websites looking for some enhancement. Not that I needed it, I was just greedy. But I guess if he's willing to and he's cool with it; we could probably settle this "joke" together. I gave it a thought while glancing up and down Michaels smooth body. Maybe something fun *can* happen. Why not? Who's going to care, it's free right?
"Yeah..." I said, "I guess we could check it out."
"Excellent, please sign here." The Agent turned the clipboard to me.
It had a sheet-cover protecting it from the rain. I lifted it up and took the pen from atop and read through the document. It was titled "Augmentation Design Category B" by Gen.CCo. Whatever that was, I've never heard of it. It was probably better I didn't. At the bottom of the page there was a signature line for myself, a few checkboxes, and a guest signature. I only looked at the checkbox marked: By any means necessary. So I checked it without thinking. I signed, handed it to Michael, he signed, then handed it back to the Agent.
"I wasn't sure, but what did it mean by "By any means necessary?" I asked the Agent.
He looked to me, and smiled. "Exactly as it says. We shall proceed: By any means necessary."
I laughed, looking to Michael who found it funny too. But the second we looked back to the Agent, he was holding some sort of black perfume bottle. My smile instantly turned blank, fear shot through my system. What was going on? Before I could react I was sprayed in the face. The pressure of the bottle's release hit Michael too.
I felt dizzy, everything began to fade, Michael fell. I blacked out.
I was extremely tired, my sight was very fuzzy. My head was facing upwards, I was looking at some sort of warehouse ceiling, it was high up. As my vision was becoming less blurry I could tell it was tiled, grated, and had many vents. The lights were extremely dimmed, everything was faint. The room was dull colored, large, almost a dark metal. I was laying on my back, upwards, slanted, elevated, on a table of some sort. I groaned. Why was I on a table? My body began regaining control from whatever happened to me. I couldn't exactly remember. What I could recall was my friend Michael who was with me... and then just pure nothingness. The table was soft, cushioned, but I felt cool, why? I started stretching as I adjusted my vision to my body. I was nude. What? As I stretched my hands and feet I realized they were shackled around the wrists and ankles by mechanical braces. I couldn't make out what they were connected to, but there was some structure directly in front of me. My legs were side by side and my hands were above my head, I could tell I probably looked like a 'Y'. I wasn't as concerned about being naked as I was with where I was or what was going on. The room was still, it had a strange smell, it wasn't disdain, but it was definitely there. It smelled male.
Fear ran through me as I struggled with my shackles. I twitched my hands and feet, it felt completely surreal. Whatever machine I was connected to had a strong bond. There was no breaking free. An intercom noise echoed in the room. It was very scratchy and I couldn't make out what was speaking.
"Sccchsssrrr... Be..Tsrrsss..gin..T...schhrrr..est......" Was it the crackling, static, or just my recovering hearing that was muffling the voice?
After the intercom shut off a few small lights turned white on the machine. I looked at it. Was it becoming active? I panicked more. What was about to happen? Then I heard something, something I hadn't even noticed. I looked to my right. There were four other machines. What?! And the first on my right was Michael! Each Machine had a guy shackled, in the same position as me, lying on a table. The ceiling lighting was increasing just a little so I could see each guy pretty clear. They were all nude. Michael was too. The strangest feeling coursed through me when I noticed that. Was I getting aroused over my friend? No way, it felt wrong. But, looking at Michael I could tell I was in that same state. The table was elevated away from the ground, not too high up, the Machine in front was tall and round. It had another "mechanical" arm below the table with something attached to it and one above. Mine probably had the same features. Whatever those were for, I didn't know.
Michael was groaning. What was wrong with him? On each machine a green light glowed. It was at the top. I looked to the first machine, where the light was. It said "#1". We were labeled. I guess I was machine "#4". The sounds of machines processing mixed with the groaning of the other waking guys. Did they know? Did I wake early or something? Michaels eyes were still closed... I had to wake him.
"Michael!" I was stressing for his attention. "Michael, wake the hell up!"
Nothing... he was too groggy. I struggled more in my shackles, tensing my muscles, trying to break free. They were too strong, I was just tiring myself out. It was then... I heard the first guy wake.
"... the hell?" He slurred. He was fidgeting his body around, just as I did. He realized he was nude as well. He stirred around. I watched... his abs were taught, his chest was flexing, the struggling was tense, it was arousing in the most wrong way. But I broke the focus, I knew I had to get out, and help Michael.
Just then the first machine's light flashed dark green and a subtle boom echoed in the room. Machine one had become fully active and it caught my attention. A slight amount of steam escaped the top. The guy on the table was fighting something. The mechanical arms were shifting his arms wide, I could see his armpit hair was neatly trimmed. He was clean, very clean. Was I the same? I checked... yes I was! I was clean and neatly trimmed. What the hell? I looked at his crotch, it was trimmed... mine as well. Were we on display, what the fuck? He began to yell. I looked back to him. The machine was lifting his feet and arms, spreading his legs. It was exposing his ass... but why. He still remained on the cushion of the table, but that's when I saw the true horror. The intention of the machine's mechanical arm beneath the table began to move. It shifted back and upwards slowly. Attached to it was a rod... it looked soft, but medium sized. It was colored a dark red. Oh... I looked at the second machine, the guy on that one was still waking, but below he had a similar mechanical arm. That one had a brighter red rod. I looked at Michael's, his was a dark brown. Mine obviously had one, but I couldn't see the color.
It was terrifying, my adrenalin was kicking up. I wanted out. Immediately. I heard the first guy panicking. Why? I had to look back. I could see why now, the machine was aligning itself with his asshole. It was going to push the rod into him. He had fear on his face. He was struggling immensely. The second Machine sent off it's boom, steam escaped, and it began its process. The second guy was watching the other dude as well. When he realized his went off, he began to struggle as well. He frantically looked around, he saw me, I looked directly at him. He was yelling for help, but it was covered by the panic of the first guy. We both looked at him. The red rod, which looked more like a dildo now, was leaking, and looked very slippery. It was getting closer to his ass. I could see he was tightening his ass muscles, preparing for the inevitable. All his muscles were tensing, he was so firm, so built. It was disgustingly sexy. The rods tip was at its target, the guy flailed as he felt it touch him. He screamed, he wanted help, but there was none.
It began to push in, he screamed as a slight sweat emerged on his body. It slowly entered him, inch after inch. Pushing forcefully until it was fully in. The liquid surface of the rod made it glide easily. He took it. He accepted it, but he was still struggling. I could see him curling his toes and shuddering his legs. Sweat was dripping down the thighs to his crotch. His face was dripping as well, his eyes were shut. Was he in pain? He struggled and struggled... the room felt warmer. I could smell him. I felt uneasy, but I could smell it all, his sweat, his body... his musk.
The third boom went off... I looked to Michael, his eyes were shut, groggy, and he was just beginning to stretch. As I was watching him the machine at number two had already began lifting its captive's legs up. He was breaking into an early sweat of fear. His arms were struggling with his bonds. There was no escape. He was flailing his legs as the machine brought its darker red rod up to his asshole's level. He was screaming for help, but they were muffled by number one's noise. He was moaning now. Was he enjoying this torture?! Why?! The second guy was tensing up, he was preparing for the invasive arm. Its rod was pushing closer, completely lubed. He spread his toes in stress, the calf muscles tensed, I could make out the veins. It began to push in and fuck him. He yelped, his hand twitched, his muscles stressed. He was kicking, but it did nothing, his asshole leaked liquid as the machine fucked him. It was a mess, slimy, and the smell in the room got thicker. It was making my head light.
My heart jumped when I heard the fourth boom. That was mine. Fear washed over me. I looked at the machine, it was starting up. I didn't want to watch, I looked to Michael. His machine had already begun shifting his arms and legs. He was just coming out of his groggy state.
"Michael!" I yelled.
"...What's going on dude?!...I'm ... Help!" He yelled, but there was nothing I could do!
The machine had his legs spread and feet in the air, I could see everything. He was breathing heavily, he was sweating in fear. We could hear the noises of the other two moaning and groaning as the machines pumped away at them. It was filling them with its liquid. Michael was going to be next, then I was. I couldn't fathom the thought.
I had never seen him completely nude before. His dick was long, gorgeous. His chiseled abs complemented his chest. I felt horny. I shouldn't feel that way! I watched him tense his muscles, it was pushing my sex drive. The machine's rod was raised up and heading towards his hole. I couldn't look away. He strained in the grips of the machine. I was fantasizing with his procedure. I wanted to watch it. All of it. It began pushing it's wet tip into him. His legs tightened, the toes curled, his face clenched. I felt so warm. I wanted to jack off in the worst way. His body glistened in the dim lighting as he flailed. Sweat flicked off his muscles, some small drops hit my body making me shudder. I noticed the previous two guys had growing erections. They were enjoying it now, completely immersed in the fucking. Michael was growing one too. Was this going to be my fate? Was I going to act the same way?
I looked back to my machine, my legs were being raised, spreading. My arms were being lifted. It was happening to me. I could feel my asshole completely exposed. My dick was semi-hard from the aromas and thoughts. I didn't struggle, there was no point. I looked at my feet, the lighting really enhanced my features. The curves up my legs, the muscles that led to my crotch, up my abs, my arms... they looked so firm. My rod was brown... just like Michaels. I could see it secreting a brown liquid. It smelled thick and musky. Heavily male. I began to sweat now. Why? Was it fear? The beads began rolling down my legs. They ran down the side of my ribs. I could feel my backside getting very warm. My body was getting warmer as I watched the rod push closer and closer to my asshole. I knew it was going to hurt soon, I naturally tensed up. Was this really happening? I was giving up. I could feel it brush past my ass-cheeks, it was so close. I was entirely aroused. I hopelessly laid there. And then... I felt it. I felt what the others began to feel. I moaned.
The brown rod was pushing into me. More and more glided in. There was intense pressure. I watched my toes curl, but I wasn't in pain. I felt... good? I was hard. I wasn't flailing in fear, I was grinding to it. The machine began fucking me. I could feel liquid sloshing around my asshole and my insides. Sweat washed over my muscles, I was so hot. My dick was rock hard and upright. It felt so good. I was moaning, throwing my head back. I joined the other three guys in ecstasy. Our moans, our musk, it all mixed. I could barely keep my eyes open, the feeling was unreal. The machine pumped faster and faster. I felt like I was about to climax, but I just couldn't. I wanted more. I wanted it all so badly now. What was happening to me?
In my sexual daze my head rolled right, my legs were relaxed, my arms too. I gave in. I began to watch the others once more as my body vibrated in pleasure. The first guy was in the same state as me. Sweaty, relaxed, taking a fucking from the machine. But something began to change. A final boom echoed from all our machines. Michael was in a hypnotic state of sexual pleasure, but I looked up to his machine. The arm above had some sort of cushioned tube. It was being lowered to him, so was the first guys, the second, and I looked to mine. What was about to happen?! I watched the first guy... his was a little ahead. The tube was being placed over his pulsating dick. It latched onto it. A light turned on and it began sucking. The immense suction from the tube was sending the guy beyond stimulation. He was flailing in pleasure. Was it too much? It was completely attached to him, showing no remorse. It seemed the suction was getting stronger. He was moaning louder and louder. I could see him tensing, he was going to cum. His back arched, opening his chest muscles. He spasmed, and the tube filled white with cum. It was a massive amount. He released. But that seemed to just accelerate the machine, the fucking became much faster and the suction harder. He began to act different. His toes were flexing, turning darker. The nails were growing thicker. The calf muscles were enlarging. His abdominal muscles were growing. What the hell was happening to him? His biceps were filling, the chest muscles becoming slabs of pure muscle. He was growing muscle everywhere. His face looked so defined. His expression was very glossy. There was fur growing on him. Fur?!
All I knew was that whatever was happening to him was soon going to happen to me. I kept watching. His open legs were spasming in pleasure. His feet were kicking, the toes were fusing together. Fur was spreading from his crotch up his abs. It was dark brown and black. His fingernails were doing the same as his toes, thickening, fusing. His legs began to shift, it made him groan. It sounded different, not entirely human. It was deeper. He was snorting. His face was pushing out as the fur creeped up his neck. Two dinstinct bull horns were growing from his head. His muscled ass was flexing. What was happening? A nub was growing, I could see a tail sprouting off the table, fur encasing it, bouncing to his motions. He was transforming into some kind of animal?! The snorts and moans were making me stir. His sweaty furry body was filling out more. His legs began shifting more digitigrade. His feet pushed into hooves, his hands had two thick fingers and a thumb. The suction of the tube increased in power causing him to bellow loudly. His ears pushed out, growing fur, his face was more of a muzzle now. His nose spread wide and turned black. The fur covered his entire body. The final changes started. His dick was causing the tube to throb, inside it was growing larger. I could see his ball sack filling out, darkening, the skin becoming more taught. The musk was filling the room arousing my dick to its limits. I wasn't the only one, Michael and the second guy were watching as well. I could see them aroused just as much as I was. The bulls dick throbbed so hard it caused the machine to release. Just as it did, he arched his back once more, his muscles tensed, and his pulsating dick spewed cum all over him. The second guy had some splash on his chest, it made his dick shoot pre down the shaft. The bull moaned... relaxing... the machine pulled out.
The second machine latched onto it's prisoner - grabbing the guys gaze from the bull. When the light turned on and the suction began he almost drooled. He was getting the same glossy expression the first guy had. He began flexing his feet and hands, he must have been feeling it there. The suction increased, sending waves of pleasure throughout his body. Dark brown fur sprouted around his armpits. His body hair changing into fur along with it. It spread from his crotch up his abs. It creeped from his back to his ribs and up his ass. He was lost in pleasure, his eyes were closed. His ears were pushing out, longer than the first guy's. His face was sprouting fur while muscle and bone pushed out. The other muscles on his body began spasming and filling out even more. His fingers fused into two digits and a thumb as the nails thickened and darkened. The muscles in his arms bulged slightly. His legs were taking on the same features the bull had, but they weren't as thick. His toes were now blackened, turning into hooves. I could see them fusing together, becoming darker and darker. The fur creeped from his feet down his legs following his sweat lines. His scent was overwhelming. His male aroma was causing my eyes to roll back. But I kept my gaze on him. His face had pushed out and he moaned, but his voice changed more into a "HAWW". He was transforming into a donkey. A mane formed behind his elongating head. His face was more donkey now. He was humping the tube as the machine fucked him. A tail bobbed around with his movements. His transformation nearing complete. All that was left was his groin. The dick was growing longer, his balls filling out, darkening. The machine increased power one last time causing his dick to pulsate just like the bulls. It throbbed and soon released causing him to arch, spasm, and shoot cum all over his chest. It shot to his face and muzzle where he tasted himself. The rod pulled out of him. I would have thought this disgusting, but it was making me so horny... I was getting excited for my turn.
The first guy's rod was a bright red, changing him into a bull. The second was dark red, transforming a donkey. Whatever Michael had was what I was going to become. His tube was lowering down to him. He struggled still, fighting the shackles, but it did nothing. The tube connected, and the suction began. He was lost. Pleasure coursed through him, I could see him tensing his muscles, his ass, his abs. He was vibrating to the fucking of the machine and the sucking of the tube. I was so curious watching I didn't notice my machine started directly after his. I wasn't ready. My focus changed to the tube lowering down to me. My asshole was gripping the sliding rod, it felt so good, I was tensing up. The tube was nearly lowered. I wanted it badly. I pushed up into and it latched on. The suction started.
I could now feel what the others were going through. I moaned, I could feel the pleasure shooting through my dick to my lower abs. The suction was making my asshole vibrate around the rod sending more pleasure throughout my body. I had to watch what was happening. I freely flexed my toes, playing with them. It felt warm. I flexed my hands, then my abs, I clenched my ass. Everything was feeling warm and vibrating. And then I felt it. It started in my hands and feet. It was a warm tingling. It coursed around my skin, I kept flexing my feet, I don't know why. Hairs on my feet were growing rapidly. Hair? It was fur. I was growing dark brown fur. I could see it spreading on my toes. The nails were turning dark. I was changing. The tingling started spreading from my armpits. I looked to them, I could see fur creeping up from below across my chest, up my arms, my shoulders, my neck. The fur followed the warmth, it spread down my legs. First it was subtle, but then increased as it lingered. I could feel it crawling down my ass. My asshole began to tingle, the sensation threw my head back, I arched slightly. I could feel my hole pulsating, I knew fur was growing all around. It began spreading up my back. My muscles started to feel extremely firm. I looked at my legs. My feet were hardening, I no longer had toes, they were transforming into hooves. The legs were reconfiguring into the same digitigrade pose. I could see my calves, thighs, and muscles becoming more toned. It was sexy. I loved every bit of it. I watched for my abs to change. They grew, I could feel it in my chest and back too. The muscles were pulsing. They pushed out. I felt so much stronger, so much sexier. My arms felt the same. The biceps bulged, the triceps firmed. I could feel the tingling in my face, it began pushing out. I could feel my ears elongating, a heavy amount of hair was creeping down the back of my neck. I was growing a mane. I soon had a muzzle, and my nose widened, darkening. I could feel pre from all my excitement spilling into the tube. The pressure was building. My ass tightened, firming, I could feel the anus spreading. My hole was now inviting the rod that was increasing speed. I felt a nub grow from the base of my spine. It pushed out into a tail. I could feel the control growing in it. My scent was thick. I began gyrating with the suction. My moist balls were slapping against me as I furiously pumped the tube.
I looked to Michael, he was moaning. The same changes had been happening to him. He was gleaming in the light. He had dark brown fur, similar to mine, his face had pushed out into a muzzle. He was spasming to the fucking and suction too. His cock was growing... it was that stage. He looked like... he had been transformed into a horse. I was the same. The thoughts were pushing me to the edge. I could feel my balls filling out. I watched Michael reach his climax. He looked sexy for a human, but as a horse, it drove me wild. He moaned and neighed, it caused me to let loose a moan. It changed to a neigh. I could only take in his scent, but I wanted him badly. It made my balls churn, I could feel intense pressure. I watched his tube max its suction. I could feel mine doing the same. His dick grew, it throbbed, it bobbed the tube wildly. The pressure in my dick was causing it to expand, I knew mine was growing just like his. It was getting thicker, longer. He arched his back, the machine tube flew off his spasming dick and cum launched everywhere, spilling onto me. A massive wave of pleasure hit me. It felt like the head of dick was going to explode, I could feel the edges of the tube. They were lined with my pre, extremely slick. I couldn't control myself anymore. I arched my back, tensed my muscles. I could feel my asshole pulsating in sequence with my dick. The machine flew off and I exploded. Cum spewed everywhere... it hit my chest mixing with Michaels, it flew at him, the floor, the machine. It was a mess.
It was probably the most amazing feeling ever.
The machines pulled out of us. I relaxed, heavily breathing. I looked to Michael, he was relaxed as well. The machines released our shackles, all of our arms and legs fell limp. We were exhausted, spent. The room smelled of heavy male cum. It was a disaster. I wanted to get up, but I just couldn't. I wanted rest. We were fondling ourselves. We were animals. More moans escaped us. But my hearing caught the sound of something else. A strange clicking noise?
I couldn't see where it was, but it wasn't on the same floor as us. A few sounds of lights flashing on startled me. I looked to them ...the direction the were pointing at. I couldn't make out the figure, but it seemed female. She stood there, merely a shadow... the lights made me squint. She was standing on a steel balcony, hands resting on one of the railings, tapping a sharp finger.
I wanted to speak, but before I could she beat me to it.
"You came out successful." She sighed a soft laugh. Her voice was smooth and almost vibrated. "After our screening process we proceeded with your requested species and type of procedure. We have your paperwork for review. As of now you may be experiencing memory distortion from the previous screen. But worry not, it will clear up within the day. Do know that everything performed today was granted with your permission. We can talk in just a moment." She moved across the balcony to a panel.
I looked back at Michael as I heard some button noises from the panel the strange woman was at. I didn't care. All I knew was that I wanted him. I was feeling aroused. He fidgeted comfortably on the table. I could hear the woman walking grow faint. She must be leaving.
I think I'm going to love this. I just hope he does too. I saw the other two guys begin to get up.
The whole moment was disrupted when our machines made some weird sound. The mechanical arms withdrew. We all looked at them. At the very top, a hose appeared. What in the hell was that?
Water sprayed out...
I was getting soaked. I put my hands and hooves up to block it, but I just gave up. I laid back down. I didn't care, the water traveled along my limp body.
It felt like rain. |
Subsets and Splits