57 values
Trying for a Child
Killermare when they first had Crescent, was tough. THIS IS FOR MATURE AUDIANCES, this is also my first time writing smut so lets see how I go-
[ "killer", "killermare", "lemon", "nightkiller", "nightmare", "smutish" ]
[ "Working Late", "Into his room", "The 'experience'" ]
[ "\n\n\n<b><i><u>Nightmare's POV</u></i></b>\n\nI sit at my desk doing some paperwork, but I cannot ignore thus nagging feeling I have. It's almost as annoying as Dream's positivity, and that's <i>very </i>annoying to me. It's like I feel drawn to Killer for some reason. I consider calling him to my office, but would that be a good idea? Ugh, I don't know. I put my pen down and groan, placing my head in my hands in frustration. Eventually I pick my pen back up with my bony fingers and continues writing. Sometimes it's strange being a completely sentient skeleton with thoughts, feeling and emotion. But, I suppose I technically have a layer of 'skin' with the acidic goop that covers my body. I can stop it hurting people, but I simply choose not to. Why? Well I'm the King of Negativity, and the King of Negativity does not like to be touched. He likes negative emotions, if that wasn't already obvious enough. \n\nI hear a light knock on my door. I pause for a second before placing the pen down and turning to the door.\n\n\"Come in,\" I say in a commanding tone. Not to my surprise, Killer stands there. I sigh slightly before continuing \"What?\"\n\nKiller seemed to hesitate, but my glare told him to hurry up, so he did \"Boss, it's almost 1 AM, you should go to bed,\" he says in a soft voice. His voice is so soft and quiet I could almost not hear it which was rare. Nether less though I shake my head in annoyance. Was that all he wanted? \n\n\"I don't care what time it is, and you should be asleep, now leave me alone,\" I tell him angrily, turning away.\n\n\"But Boss-\"\n\n\"Get out, Killer, or else,\" I was about to yell at him to leave, until I heard his footsteps leave the room and the room was filled with the familiar sound of the door clicking shut. I fee slightly pleased that I was alone again and pick up my pen. I had a large stack till waiting to be signed. Ugh, I hate paperwork, but it must be done. I decide to waste no more time and return to writing.", "\n\n\n<b><i><u>Killer's POV</u></i></b>\n\nI had originally gone to check on Boss and try seduce him as normal, but obviously that didn't work out. Being his right hand man wasn't easy at times. One second he's totally chill, the next he's threatening to cut off your head. Many ask me why I still choose to tempt my fate and flirt with him. My answer? Simple. He's seggsy.\n\nAnd seggsy things need to be reminded that they're seggsy. That's what I think anyways.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMoving on-\n\nI slowly make my way back to my room, making sure to tiptoe past Dust's room. He'd murder me if I woke him up at 1 in the morning. I get to my room and open the door. I'm met with the pleasant sight of my messy bedroom. It's not THAT messy, at least I don't think so. I have white walls with a fluffy grey carpet. I have a singular bed and a nightstand with a few ornaments such as 2 books, a small plant, my phone, my phone charger and an unused candle. One of my two panthers is laid comfortably on my bed. It's the female, Snowstorm. She's a white panther. Nightmare got me her because he killed my cats. Since then I started collecting big cats. So far I have 2 panthers, s Siberia Tiger, a Jaguar and a Black-Footed Cat. Quite the collection, I know.\n\nSnowstorm lifts her head a bit and looks over t me. I smile softly and shut the door behind me. I walk over and sit down on my bed beside her and place my hand on her head, stroking her fur. She sat there for a while until my second panther, Thunder, jumped in through the window. I watched as she stood up and jumped off my bed to greet her mate. I sighed and laid bac on my bed. I decided to get ready for bed, so I got in my pyjamas and snuggled up under the covers.\n\nThat was..\n\nuntil I heard the door crack open.. I felt something long and slimy wrap around my waist and tug me slightly. It took a minute in my brain to render that it was Boss' tentacle. I nudged it with my hand and sat up, but then I was yanked from my bed and into Nightmare's arms. I look up at him, his cyan eye shining brightly.\n\nI rub my eyes.ย \n\n\"What boss?\" I ask him tiredly.ย \n\n\"You can summon a female ecto-body, correct?..\" he asks me. I was confused but nod slowly.\n\n\"Yes..? And?\" I reply.\n\n\"Good,\" that was all he said and he dragged me into his room.", "<i><u><b>WARNINGS: SEXUAL CONTENT + SWEARING</b></u></i>\n\n<i><u><b>\n</b></u></i>\n\n<i><u><b>Narrator's POV</b></u></i>\n\nKiller was surprised at Nightmare suddenly dragging him into his room, but he wasn't entirely opposed to it either, assuming that Nightmare was needing him to sign some papers for him.\n\nย But he was surprised when Nightmare shut the door and pinned him to the wall. Killer flinched slightly at the rough behaviour, but a slight blush crept up his cheeks. Nightmare stared at him, as though he didn't have Killer pinned to the wall.\n\n\"B-boss, what are you-\" Killer began, but Nightmare cut him off by covering his mouth with one of his tentacles. Killer gave him an annoyed glare when he did this, but Nightmare didn't seem to even care, as he began talking again.\n\n\"As you know, Dream is getting stronger. He already brought Cross over to his side, hell they even have a child. Lux they call it,\" he starts. Killer looks at him in confusion, at the tangent he just went on, but listened carefully anyways as he continued \"s much as I hate to admit it, I think that paint weirdo may be bringing Error over to their side too. We cannot afford for anymore losses, but we have nothing to bring back the glory we once had. That was what I thought anyways, all the way up until an hour ago. Now, I know the solution..\" Killer was surprised, but he smiled widely. Nightmare had found the solution to their problems!\n\n\"Well?\" He probes.\n\n\"Well what?\" replies Nightmare, with an annoyed huff. He moved away slightly and began to remove his hoodie. Killer tried to ignore this, as he noticed Nightmare's ecto-body was on, and that meant that he could see all the muscles in his 'human' body.\n\n\"What's the solution?\" asks Killer again. Nightmare ignored him for a few minutes, throwing his hoodie onto the floor without looking and unzipping his trousers. Killer blushed a bit harder.\n\n\"You're the solution,\" he said, very bluntly. Killer was confused, and even more confused at why Nightmare was undressing himself in front of him. All Nightmare was in now was his boxers. Nightmare dropped his trousers on the floor like he did with his hoodie, and walked over to Killer, pinning him up against the wall again. He grasped his jacket and slipped it off him.\n\n\"B-boss, what are you doi-\" Killer tried to speak again, but Nightmare cut him off again, this time with a kiss. Killer let out a surprised squeak. Nightmare ignored it though and grasped his grey t-shirt, yanking it off him. He dug his thumbs into the top of his trousers and pushed them down. Killer couldn't stop the blush spreading now, as it practically covered his face. Nightmare broke the kiss off and picking him up, squeezing his ass slightly. He carried Killer over to his bed, dropping him on his back onto it. Nightmare glared down at him.\n\n\"Summon your female ecto-body, <i>now</i>!\" he snapped at Killer, who immediately summoned his female ecto-body out of sheer terror of what would happen if he didn't. Nightmare swallowed a lump in his throat as he sighed and used one of his tentacles to pull off Killer's pants. He removed his own boxers and got on top of Killer.\n\n\n\"Shut up,\" he says to him, before kissing him again. Killer let out another surprised squeak, but it was short lived as he felt Nightmare's tongues enter his mouth. Killer was a bit shocked. He never knew Nightmare had 2 tongues.ย \n\nNightmare and Killer continued to passionately make out for several minutes. Nightmare broke off the kiss again, allowing Killer to get a gulp of oxygen. He took a few deep breaths, but was hit with a sudden zap of pain as Nightmare thrusted his dick into his pussy. He felt tars threaten his eyes. Nightmare mostly ignored him, despite Killer repeatedly telling him it hurt. Nightmare turned to him at some point\n\n\"Shut the fuck up already,\" he ordered. Killer tried his best but as he felt Nightmare thrust it deeper in, he couldn't help but moan out his name. He grabbed a handful of the bed sheets in his hand and squeezed it tightly as Nightmare kept thrusting him. He moaned loudly. Nightmare leaned down when Killer cocked his head back, after a particularly strong thrust, and put his face by the crook of his neck. He opened his mouth and bit his neck. Killer yelped in pain and pleasure. Nightmare felt it coming as he continued to thrust Killer and bite his neck. Killer wrapped his legs around Nightmare's waist, and his arms around his neck for support.\n\nBut then, without warning Nightmare cummed into Killer. Killer moaned again, but the warm liquid inside him felt slightly acidic, paining him a bit more than it probably should. Killer and Nightmare continued like this for about an hour before Nightmare eventually got tired and let his body fall on top of Killers, though he didn't bother to remove his cock from Killer's pussy, cumming into it one last time before he flopped down. It took him a solid 10 minutesย  to remember and take it out. Nightmare turned his ecto-body off, and so did Killer.ย \n\nThey both laid in the bed breathing heavily, Nightmare's tentacles vibrating slightly. Nightmare looked over at Killer and sat up slightly.\n\n\"Show me your soul,\" he demanded. Killer took a few deep breaths, processing what he just said, before pressing his hand to his chest and grasping his soul gently and pulling it into view of Nightmare who examined it carefully. Eventually he nodded and laid down again.\n\n\n\n\n<b><i><u>Nightmare's POV</u></i></b>\n\nGood, it worked. I've successfully soul bonded with Killer. Now I need to figure out how to take care of children, though I'll probably leave the child to Killer, like everything else I don't care about." ]
[ 0.007698090746998787, 0.03791555389761925, 0.9611858129501343 ]
<b><i><u>Nightmare's POV</u></i></b> I sit at my desk doing some paperwork, but I cannot ignore thus nagging feeling I have. It's almost as annoying as Dream's positivity, and that's <i>very </i>annoying to me. It's like I feel drawn to Killer for some reason. I consider calling him to my office, but would that be a good idea? Ugh, I don't know. I put my pen down and groan, placing my head in my hands in frustration. Eventually I pick my pen back up with my bony fingers and continues writing. Sometimes it's strange being a completely sentient skeleton with thoughts, feeling and emotion. But, I suppose I technically have a layer of 'skin' with the acidic goop that covers my body. I can stop it hurting people, but I simply choose not to. Why? Well I'm the King of Negativity, and the King of Negativity does not like to be touched. He likes negative emotions, if that wasn't already obvious enough. I hear a light knock on my door. I pause for a second before placing the pen down and turning to the door. "Come in," I say in a commanding tone. Not to my surprise, Killer stands there. I sigh slightly before continuing "What?" Killer seemed to hesitate, but my glare told him to hurry up, so he did "Boss, it's almost 1 AM, you should go to bed," he says in a soft voice. His voice is so soft and quiet I could almost not hear it which was rare. Nether less though I shake my head in annoyance. Was that all he wanted? "I don't care what time it is, and you should be asleep, now leave me alone," I tell him angrily, turning away. "But Boss-" "Get out, Killer, or else," I was about to yell at him to leave, until I heard his footsteps leave the room and the room was filled with the familiar sound of the door clicking shut. I fee slightly pleased that I was alone again and pick up my pen. I had a large stack till waiting to be signed. Ugh, I hate paperwork, but it must be done. I decide to waste no more time and return to writing. --- <b><i><u>Killer's POV</u></i></b> I had originally gone to check on Boss and try seduce him as normal, but obviously that didn't work out. Being his right hand man wasn't easy at times. One second he's totally chill, the next he's threatening to cut off your head. Many ask me why I still choose to tempt my fate and flirt with him. My answer? Simple. He's seggsy. And seggsy things need to be reminded that they're seggsy. That's what I think anyways. ... Moving on- I slowly make my way back to my room, making sure to tiptoe past Dust's room. He'd murder me if I woke him up at 1 in the morning. I get to my room and open the door. I'm met with the pleasant sight of my messy bedroom. It's not THAT messy, at least I don't think so. I have white walls with a fluffy grey carpet. I have a singular bed and a nightstand with a few ornaments such as 2 books, a small plant, my phone, my phone charger and an unused candle. One of my two panthers is laid comfortably on my bed. It's the female, Snowstorm. She's a white panther. Nightmare got me her because he killed my cats. Since then I started collecting big cats. So far I have 2 panthers, s Siberia Tiger, a Jaguar and a Black-Footed Cat. Quite the collection, I know. Snowstorm lifts her head a bit and looks over t me. I smile softly and shut the door behind me. I walk over and sit down on my bed beside her and place my hand on her head, stroking her fur. She sat there for a while until my second panther, Thunder, jumped in through the window. I watched as she stood up and jumped off my bed to greet her mate. I sighed and laid bac on my bed. I decided to get ready for bed, so I got in my pyjamas and snuggled up under the covers. That was.. until I heard the door crack open.. I felt something long and slimy wrap around my waist and tug me slightly. It took a minute in my brain to render that it was Boss' tentacle. I nudged it with my hand and sat up, but then I was yanked from my bed and into Nightmare's arms. I look up at him, his cyan eye shining brightly. I rub my eyes.ย  "What boss?" I ask him tiredly.ย  "You can summon a female ecto-body, correct?.." he asks me. I was confused but nod slowly. "Yes..? And?" I reply. "Good," that was all he said and he dragged me into his room. --- <i><u><b>WARNINGS: SEXUAL CONTENT + SWEARING</b></u></i> <i><u><b> </b></u></i> <i><u><b>Narrator's POV</b></u></i> Killer was surprised at Nightmare suddenly dragging him into his room, but he wasn't entirely opposed to it either, assuming that Nightmare was needing him to sign some papers for him. ย But he was surprised when Nightmare shut the door and pinned him to the wall. Killer flinched slightly at the rough behaviour, but a slight blush crept up his cheeks. Nightmare stared at him, as though he didn't have Killer pinned to the wall. "B-boss, what are you-" Killer began, but Nightmare cut him off by covering his mouth with one of his tentacles. Killer gave him an annoyed glare when he did this, but Nightmare didn't seem to even care, as he began talking again. "As you know, Dream is getting stronger. He already brought Cross over to his side, hell they even have a child. Lux they call it," he starts. Killer looks at him in confusion, at the tangent he just went on, but listened carefully anyways as he continued "s much as I hate to admit it, I think that paint weirdo may be bringing Error over to their side too. We cannot afford for anymore losses, but we have nothing to bring back the glory we once had. That was what I thought anyways, all the way up until an hour ago. Now, I know the solution.." Killer was surprised, but he smiled widely. Nightmare had found the solution to their problems! "Well?" He probes. "Well what?" replies Nightmare, with an annoyed huff. He moved away slightly and began to remove his hoodie. Killer tried to ignore this, as he noticed Nightmare's ecto-body was on, and that meant that he could see all the muscles in his 'human' body. "What's the solution?" asks Killer again. Nightmare ignored him for a few minutes, throwing his hoodie onto the floor without looking and unzipping his trousers. Killer blushed a bit harder. "You're the solution," he said, very bluntly. Killer was confused, and even more confused at why Nightmare was undressing himself in front of him. All Nightmare was in now was his boxers. Nightmare dropped his trousers on the floor like he did with his hoodie, and walked over to Killer, pinning him up against the wall again. He grasped his jacket and slipped it off him. "B-boss, what are you doi-" Killer tried to speak again, but Nightmare cut him off again, this time with a kiss. Killer let out a surprised squeak. Nightmare ignored it though and grasped his grey t-shirt, yanking it off him. He dug his thumbs into the top of his trousers and pushed them down. Killer couldn't stop the blush spreading now, as it practically covered his face. Nightmare broke the kiss off and picking him up, squeezing his ass slightly. He carried Killer over to his bed, dropping him on his back onto it. Nightmare glared down at him. "Summon your female ecto-body, <i>now</i>!" he snapped at Killer, who immediately summoned his female ecto-body out of sheer terror of what would happen if he didn't. Nightmare swallowed a lump in his throat as he sighed and used one of his tentacles to pull off Killer's pants. He removed his own boxers and got on top of Killer. "Shut up," he says to him, before kissing him again. Killer let out another surprised squeak, but it was short lived as he felt Nightmare's tongues enter his mouth. Killer was a bit shocked. He never knew Nightmare had 2 tongues.ย  Nightmare and Killer continued to passionately make out for several minutes. Nightmare broke off the kiss again, allowing Killer to get a gulp of oxygen. He took a few deep breaths, but was hit with a sudden zap of pain as Nightmare thrusted his dick into his pussy. He felt tars threaten his eyes. Nightmare mostly ignored him, despite Killer repeatedly telling him it hurt. Nightmare turned to him at some point "Shut the fuck up already," he ordered. Killer tried his best but as he felt Nightmare thrust it deeper in, he couldn't help but moan out his name. He grabbed a handful of the bed sheets in his hand and squeezed it tightly as Nightmare kept thrusting him. He moaned loudly. Nightmare leaned down when Killer cocked his head back, after a particularly strong thrust, and put his face by the crook of his neck. He opened his mouth and bit his neck. Killer yelped in pain and pleasure. Nightmare felt it coming as he continued to thrust Killer and bite his neck. Killer wrapped his legs around Nightmare's waist, and his arms around his neck for support. But then, without warning Nightmare cummed into Killer. Killer moaned again, but the warm liquid inside him felt slightly acidic, paining him a bit more than it probably should. Killer and Nightmare continued like this for about an hour before Nightmare eventually got tired and let his body fall on top of Killers, though he didn't bother to remove his cock from Killer's pussy, cumming into it one last time before he flopped down. It took him a solid 10 minutesย  to remember and take it out. Nightmare turned his ecto-body off, and so did Killer.ย  They both laid in the bed breathing heavily, Nightmare's tentacles vibrating slightly. Nightmare looked over at Killer and sat up slightly. "Show me your soul," he demanded. Killer took a few deep breaths, processing what he just said, before pressing his hand to his chest and grasping his soul gently and pulling it into view of Nightmare who examined it carefully. Eventually he nodded and laid down again. <b><i><u>Nightmare's POV</u></i></b> Good, it worked. I've successfully soul bonded with Killer. Now I need to figure out how to take care of children, though I'll probably leave the child to Killer, like everything else I don't care about.
Do you ever wonder where we go while we sleep? Revnium takes place in a seemingly tranquil land where people gather from all walks of life... A place where lost memories can be found. However, this place is solely maintained by a girl with an enchanted quill who stands in the fragile veil between these two worlds. Determined to record and make known the symphonies of the countless travellers who have traversed the land. Who knows? Your symphony may be lying in wait amongst her collection...
[ "acceptance", "drama", "familymatters", "fantasy", "greiving", "healing", "homecoming", "lifeanddeath", "mindwithinmatter", "quotes", "sad", "selfdiscovery", "selflove", "silenthisper", "spokenword", "thought-provoking", "thoughts" ]
[ "Prologue ", "Acacia's Origins: Part 1", "Announcement #1", "Announcement #2: APRIL HIATUS UPDATE", "Acacia's Origins: Part 2" ]
[ "\n<i><i>For people who feel unheard and alone, struggling to navigate the difficult waters of life.</i></i>\n\n\n\nYou may have stumbled upon this collection or been recommended to it by someone. Let me begin by thanking you for taking the time to read this. At the beginning, Revnium was just a collection of spoken words, but it developed into a novel over the past seven years. It is told through the eyes of a young girl who feels alone in a fast-paced and overwhelming world that often casts aside those who are deemed unfit by societal standards.\n\n\nInspired by the life stories of people I've heard in the years before, this is their story, perhaps you may find your voice too within here. Those who are lost, alone, misunderstood and hopeless, I would like to let you know that you are never alone in this world. Though there may be times when the waves seem to be menacing and ready to tow you to the depths, never to be seen again. Nevertheless, I can assure you, the storm will pass. Eventually, the sun will shine again. \n\nA person I greatly respected, may she rest in peace, once said, \"You will always find people fighting their own battles wherever you go. If you listen closely, you would be able to hear their own unique symphony.\"ย Having said that, in this society, many of us are taught... to conceal our struggles and hide our true selves from the world, replacing them with only a shadow of ourselves. You may feel powerless or even exhausted during turbulent times. But make no mistake, you are not weak. It's only human to feel these things. Thus, it is okay to feel vulnerable and weak, even the strongest of us can fall sometimes. What matters most is that we must learn to stand back up again and continue to navigate this complicated journey known as life.\n\nIn light of this, I would like to use this opportunity to ask you a question. When the darkness rises again, would you choose to vanish or flourish? Be mindful that your decision could potentially change your life. With every challenge we face, there is a lesson to learn, and the perspective you hold above all else is incredibly valuable.ย ", "As far as the young girl could remember, hunger and poverty had ravaged the village of Melsa. Often, orphans and beggars wander the streets, struggling to survive and support their families. Yet despite how challenging it may be to live through each day, Ellen Acacia often recalled those days as she still had a home and a family to belong to. Her mind wandered back to when she walked along the stone-paved road, occasionally twirling around as she walked to meet her father who had finished work for the day. Although her beloved father was exhausted after gruelling work each day to provide for them, he nevertheless tried to spend time with her and her brother, Solace Akakios. The smooth midnight blue dress followed her movements as she danced to her heart's content, briefly touching her ankles as she continued walking down the road. Despite her eagerness to see her father again, she gently pranced along the road, letting her caramel brown hair swing gently from side to side. Perhaps had she known what lay ahead... would she have done things differently back then? Oh, how she misses those days. While wandering across the realm in the present time, Ellen Acacia often drifted into these thoughts as she reminisced about those good old days.\n\n\n\n\nEven so, the young girl had already seen those orphans huddling in groups to scavenge for food, or sitting by the side of the road begging for a few coins, hoping to get a meal before sundown. Such struggles among the common population often went unnoticed, rotting away slowly over time. No matter how many times her fellow villagers sought help, their pleas were always met with inaction. As with every other desperate cry of those less fortunate, it would be swept under the rug. Due to these precarious situations, one would expect that the public would grow dissatisfied and their rage would boil over like wildfire. Nevertheless, there were no uprisings. Perhaps the common villagers were so focused on survival that they simply had to make ends meet with whatever energy and focus they had left. As long as people are separated and isolated in their own lives, no uprising can take place if no one is there to rally them around, that is a tactic used often by powerful rulers to quell any potential uprising. \n\n\nIn her distant memory, Ellen Acacia recalls pulling her father's sleeve gently and gazing at him with bright iridescent eyes as she asked, \"Why aren't people answering their calls for help, Father?\" Hearing that, her father chuckled as he gently patted her head and replied, \"That's just the way it is. Not everyone is going to help the less fortunate.. not when they have everything they need in life\". In a moment, the young girl lowered her head, looking at her father with iridescent eyes that glistened like jewels. How could they be so selfish? Looking down on people below them won't solve anything... It's unfair to those who weren't born into the same circumstances as they were...\" Once again, her father smiled warmly at her and replied, \"My jewel, life is not always smooth sailing, but we can learn to ride the waves\". A soft smile spread across the young girl's face as she cocked her head slightly. \"I guess so, father... But what matters is that our family remains together, isn't it? \" In her early years, she did not understand many things, but she smiled and nodded along as if she did. After all, children want their parents' acknowledgement, don't they? Throughout all those conversations with her father, she recalled his reassuring words... \"No matter what happens, family will remain together until the end.\" Her younger self gazed at her beloved father softly and echoed. \"Always till the end, promise? \" As always, her father answered, \"Always, my jewel. Nothing can separate us, not even death\". Ellen Acacia now understood what her father meant when he said this... only regrets might remain should unexpected events arise in the future. \n\nEven with all the hardships, her father provided for her and her younger brother by working on the nearby farm. Maybe if the fates were merciful, they might be famished for once and avoid that horrible feeling of starvation. One harsh winter was all it took for her mother to pass away, after suffering from a strange illness, as the village doctor briefly mentioned this to her father after her passing. The illness itself had never been heard of by the village doctor... and after her mother passed, no music or laughter could be heard in the household, as if the symphony weaved within the household had faded with time. Regardless, sad birds still sing... albeit in a sombre tone, but they live long nonetheless. Having lost her mother, the three of them rarely spend time together. In the absence of their mother, her father worked long and hard to provide for them, while she looked after her brother. Though she was supposedly the youngest member of the Haynes family, the young girl often tended to her older brother, who seemed to be trapped in a maladaptive daydream since their mother passed away. It was often necessary for Ellen Acacia to follow him around the village to ensure he did not wander off and never return, as some strange rumours were floating around the village... of some evil lurking among those meadows. Thus, it was not uncommon for the young girl to take her brother's hand and walk him towards the back of the house, where their departed mother tended to the gardens while their father was away at work... Her brother would sit beside her, often laughing and smiling at her as she drew with the stick she had picked up from the ground. Like a fading memory seemingly out of her grasp, she vaguely remembered how her brother would gaze at her in awe each time the wooden stick she held transformed into a quill, bringing the illustrations to life.As she watched him smile, it dawned on her that she would do anything to ensure his happiness. Since Solace Akakios is her brother, she has sworn to remain by his side until the end of time... perhaps even beyond that. Unbeknownst to her, her brother was thinking the same thing as he looked at her drawing on the ground. In retrospect, this was quite tragic as all families have secrets hidden for too long... until a point of no return has passed. Even though every day was exhausting, there was one thing she looked forward to... the time her father returned home. Because wasn't that the definition of home? Not where you come from, but where you are wanted. For the sake of her family, she was willing to do anything to ensure these simple, peaceful times lasted... even if that meant making a deal with the devil. Sadly, those simple days are long gone; times are now harder than ever...\n\n\nStill, as the conflict between the neighbouring countries continued, numerous people entered the village and nearby towns in search of refuge. Hunger and poverty became more prevalent as people arrived... resources and jobs became more scarce. With time passing and the war intensifying, rumours spread like wildfire through the town, alleging someone was responsible for the land's curse, and because of this, no one offered help to the villagers. As Ellen Acacia realized now... Being raised by cold eyes has taught her not to cry, all she has to do is adjust to the changing environment. Some have even suggested that this may be the reason why the conflict between neighbouring countries continues since they wish to appease certain influential figures. Thus, as the saying goes... bitter are the wars that are fought between brothers, as the issues involved become more personal within the conflict itself. Initially, the rumours were not taken seriously. After all, how could they be cursed by a deity? \n\nFor what purpose would they bother to interfere with mortal affairs? As Ellen Acacia now knows, the deity involved wasn't simply a rumour... but for what purpose did this happen? To this day, she has never known, as some secrets are better left untold since the truth can sometimes lead to destruction rather than relief. At the end of the day, they were nothing more than mere mortals living in a village trying to make ends meet. People still seek an answer, and no matter how hard she tried to maintain peace, her efforts were in vain. Had Ellen Acacia known what she does now... perhaps her mere existence would be scandalous. After all, stars are meant to burn brightly, she may have been the brightest yet most distant star. That led to that dreaded day... her worst fear came true, and with it, her world came crashing down.", "\n\n\nHey everyone,ย \n\n\n\nI am sorry to announce that Silent Whispers will be on hiatus until further notice due to some health-related reasons. Due to my current state, I need some time to recover and I don't want to publish something that is not of the highest quality. Keeping this in mind, I hope you will understand and I apologize for not being able to keep my word to publish Origins Pt.2 according to schedule.\n\n\nHowever, some of you all have been suggesting to create a Discord Community for this collection so that they can connect across platforms (since I am on Tapas &amp; Wattpad), but also have more of a united support group altogether. Additionally, I would be able to interact with you more in this way rather than just individually in private messages.\n\n\nSo... if you are interested in joining the Discord Community, vote for this announcement or leave a comment below to suggest some Discord Server Names! There have been a few submissions already, so once we have enough, I will make another announcement. In the meantime, however. Please feel free to contact me via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and possibly Discord if you have any questions or simply want to chat. I am always available in my private messages.\n\nAdiรณs,Haven", "Hello Hello!\n\n\n\n\nHaven here. It has been a while since I came with an update regarding the ongoing hiatus. Safe to say, I am currently editing my work as it is in the process of major edits! Back then quite a few of you indicated interest in a discord server being made, so I am here to tell you that there will be one coming soon - hopefully by the end of April. Around the end of the month, I will UPDATE this announcement again when the server is completed. So keep an eye out for it!\n\n\nOtherwise, follow me on @silenthisper (via INSTAGRAM) for more updates as I will be fairly active there regarding my progress towards my current work - including introducing the main characters! There is already a post introducing my work! As such, I would like to thank everyone for their patience during this undetermined hiatus. Additional updates regarding the current work will be coming to my socials (Instagram and Twitter).\n\nA Small Notice to Everyone: Silent Whispers will be changing its name to Revnium from now on. Please don't be alarmed if you see a completely different cover by the end of April.\n\n<b><i><u>END OF APRIL UPDATE\n</u></i></b>\n\nHi everyone! \n\nHaven Again. I come to finally announce the opening of the discord server - the Safe Haven! Here's the link to join the community, so be sure to check it out when you can! Please note: there is a small verification process for you to complete, so simply fill out the introduction via the template provided and choose the roles that suit you best.\n\nDiscord Server Link: https://discord.gg/SwEmx23hPF\n\nMuch Appreciated,\n\nHavenย ", "\n\n\nIn the aftermath of that fateful day, Ellen Acacia vowed to never forget what happened when everything she knew and loved was torn apart. To this day, she replays the moments before the fateful intervention, wondering if any of the actions she took would have made a difference. Was her mere existence too scandalous, leading her to conclude that her family's misfortune could be her only downfall? Always the supporter, never the supported... she couldn't help but wonder if everything would have been different had she been somewhere else? Does this downfall ultimately result from her own fault? Even so, she should have known, the moment the young girl saw her father's sunken eyes, that there was something stirring, something uncontrollable, perhaps even dangerous to their lives. In anticipation of his arrival, she sat on a wooden chair, her legs swinging slightly as she awaited his arrival. At the time, she was still a young girl with no idea what was going on around her. Once, she believed that forever could truly exist, but now she is not so certain. Life can be unpredictable and beautifully chaotic, so perhaps forever belongs to memories rather than to people. \n\n\n\n\nStill, the girl held on to a sliver of hope, a tiny silver lining in the hopes that the rumor circulating in her small town wasn't true... 'Something treacherous this way comes'. If only she knew how things would turn out back then, she might have prepared her brother for more of what's to come. Possibly, if she had known earlier, she could have done better, be better... Ellen Acacia wanted to be the perfect daughter, but she knew better than anyone that perfection is nothing more than an illusion. Upon Griffin Alejandro's return, the young girl rushed to her father, letting him know her brother had already been asleep, and there was porridge on the table for him to eat. She urged enthusiastically, \"Father, the day has been the same, taking care of little brother, cleaning the house, and check out-\" However, noticing how her father's eyes are sunken, perhaps due to fear of retribution from the government... the little girl could not tell, but felt concern for him and stopped abruptly midway in her sentence. No matter the circumstances, her father was always kind-hearted and smiling, assuring her everything would work out as long as they were together and not apart.\n\n\nNevertheless, the young girl noticed the sudden change in her father's behaviour, realizing something was seriously wrong. \"W-what's wrong, father?\" the young girl asked quietly, cocking her head slightly as she tugged on her father's sleeve. \n\nIf I cannot return home one day... please take care of your brother. No matter how hard it gets, stay strong for me and for him. Something is coming... and these times will be unprecedented from now on. As I always tell you, shine bright amid the darkness, like the stories I tell you... be unbreakable, like those jewels in the dark caves.\" As she nodded, her iridescent eyes reflected the flickering candlelight, she asked in concern. \"But father, why say this now? Is something terrible coming towards the village? Despite her father's dishevelled appearance, he smiled at her and replied, \"Nothing much, little jewel. I just wanted to ensure you were okay. You are a big girl now, you know?\" Even though her father is trying to reassure her, she knows better now... But a young girl can only carry so much when she has to carry the weight of the entire family on her shoulders, with nothing left to fend for herself. Even if the young girl can handle the burden well, it does not mean it is not a heavy burden one should carry at such a young age. Sadly, the young girl was too naive even to consider that the one thing she treasured could suddenly be taken from her. As she feared, it was her father's last visit home... her father would not return home for days on end and she would be waiting near the dinner table for him to arrive. \n\n\nIn those days where her father did not come home for days on end, her brother would turn to her, his warm amber eyes flickering to life like a warm campfire, asking where their father had gone. Because she could not bear to disappoint him, she always replied, \"Soon. Our father is just gone to get food for us, that's all... just one of his hunting trips.\" However, every time she told her brother this, a small seed of uncertainty would slowly envelop her, like a small seed was planted in her heart. There had been rumors going around the village that her father had been involved in various underground meetings. Every family has its own secrets to keep... But Ellen Acacia never imagined that the secret would blow out of proportion and unfold the way it did later in the week. In spite of her attempts to persuade herself that her father would one day return home, the young girl had her brother to remain inside the house when the sheriffs arrived. In shock, the young girl told her brother to remain hidden as she opened the door, politely asking, \"Why have you come here unannounced? The young girl calmly looked up to the sheriff and asked, completely unaware of what was about to happen. Soon enough, one of the sheriffs announced to her this shattering news: \"Your father is missing under suspicious circumstances. According to the decree, you will be detained for questioning.\" The young girl's eyes widened in fright as she realized what was about to happen. \"I... I didn't do anything, I am simply trying to care for the family!\" She protested as she struggled against the sheriff's restraint. Without her father's protection, she becomes the target of villagers who accuse her of witchery because of her unusual eye color. In an attempt to reach out to her, her brother ran out of where he was and called out her name, only to be separated. \"Ellen, don't leave... I only have you left. Don't leave me alone... please.\" It was at that moment she knew this might be her last time seeing him. Having suddenly found herself subject to the laws and the sheriff's mercy, the young girl gave him a weak smile and reassured him, \"Solace... the stars will shine on us again, so everything will be fine... in time. Stay strong and wait for father, okay?\" With that, Ellen Acacia left her brother behind within their home, she solemnly followed the sheriff as she was interrogated over a report of witchcraft suspicions.\n\nWhat happened that day... that desperate look, that one last plea. Her mind replays it time after time while she is in custody, trapped in the dungeon for longer than the days she has already lost track of. Back then, the young girl would mutter occasionally to herself, \"I just want to keep things as they are, a normal life with my brother and father... I guess that was never meant to be, wasn't it? \" Her voice trailed off as she stared at the wall, her limbs bound by cuffs after being under arrest and questioned despite her constant assertion of her innocence. Her innocence is questioned over the alleged uprising and her involvement with the insurgents... it's all too much for her to handle. She was just a little girl trying to take care of her family after her father went missing for days. What did she ever do wrong that led her to this? As she gazed over the stone wall that had already been engraved with the tally marks of the days she had spent in the dungeon, she often wondered in the back of her mind. In truth, she wonders what she looks like to the other villagers and in their eyes to deserve such treatment. Yet, the young girl couldn't help but realize the weight of her father's words prior to his disappearance. Under these harsh circumstances trapped within these cold stone walls, her once iridescent and expressive eyes have darkened and weary.\n\n\nTruthfully, she never really wanted to leave her brother. While the external circumstances were already tense, she knew better than to cause resistance against the sheriffs, as that would only increase the danger her brother was already in. As a promise to her father, she promised to take care of him if he was gone one day, unfortunately, he cannot be contacted. It is impossible to know if he is even alive, let alone in good health. 'Father... where are you? Are you still living at this point? I... I don't know what's happening. My little brother may be starving while I've been taken away... just like those orphans back then, back before things turned out this way...' Leaning against one of the stone walls, she huddled in a corner, staring out at the barred window. With a shaky breath, she looks up and wearily gazes at the stars, muttering as she tries to keep warm... \"Dear brother, do the stars look back at us?. If they do... would they take pity or mock at this mess of a situation we are in?\" She noticed the guards looking at her strange behavior cautiously muttering to themselves, but to her... she is simply trying to gather the strength in her heart to push forward during this difficult time. Ultimately, she wants to believe that this was just a bad situation, that she too will survive and overcome it, then everything will return to normal." ]
<i><i>For people who feel unheard and alone, struggling to navigate the difficult waters of life.</i></i> You may have stumbled upon this collection or been recommended to it by someone. Let me begin by thanking you for taking the time to read this. At the beginning, Revnium was just a collection of spoken words, but it developed into a novel over the past seven years. It is told through the eyes of a young girl who feels alone in a fast-paced and overwhelming world that often casts aside those who are deemed unfit by societal standards. Inspired by the life stories of people I've heard in the years before, this is their story, perhaps you may find your voice too within here. Those who are lost, alone, misunderstood and hopeless, I would like to let you know that you are never alone in this world. Though there may be times when the waves seem to be menacing and ready to tow you to the depths, never to be seen again. Nevertheless, I can assure you, the storm will pass. Eventually, the sun will shine again. A person I greatly respected, may she rest in peace, once said, "You will always find people fighting their own battles wherever you go. If you listen closely, you would be able to hear their own unique symphony."ย Having said that, in this society, many of us are taught... to conceal our struggles and hide our true selves from the world, replacing them with only a shadow of ourselves. You may feel powerless or even exhausted during turbulent times. But make no mistake, you are not weak. It's only human to feel these things. Thus, it is okay to feel vulnerable and weak, even the strongest of us can fall sometimes. What matters most is that we must learn to stand back up again and continue to navigate this complicated journey known as life. In light of this, I would like to use this opportunity to ask you a question. When the darkness rises again, would you choose to vanish or flourish? Be mindful that your decision could potentially change your life. With every challenge we face, there is a lesson to learn, and the perspective you hold above all else is incredibly valuable.ย  --- As far as the young girl could remember, hunger and poverty had ravaged the village of Melsa. Often, orphans and beggars wander the streets, struggling to survive and support their families. Yet despite how challenging it may be to live through each day, Ellen Acacia often recalled those days as she still had a home and a family to belong to. Her mind wandered back to when she walked along the stone-paved road, occasionally twirling around as she walked to meet her father who had finished work for the day. Although her beloved father was exhausted after gruelling work each day to provide for them, he nevertheless tried to spend time with her and her brother, Solace Akakios. The smooth midnight blue dress followed her movements as she danced to her heart's content, briefly touching her ankles as she continued walking down the road. Despite her eagerness to see her father again, she gently pranced along the road, letting her caramel brown hair swing gently from side to side. Perhaps had she known what lay ahead... would she have done things differently back then? Oh, how she misses those days. While wandering across the realm in the present time, Ellen Acacia often drifted into these thoughts as she reminisced about those good old days. Even so, the young girl had already seen those orphans huddling in groups to scavenge for food, or sitting by the side of the road begging for a few coins, hoping to get a meal before sundown. Such struggles among the common population often went unnoticed, rotting away slowly over time. No matter how many times her fellow villagers sought help, their pleas were always met with inaction. As with every other desperate cry of those less fortunate, it would be swept under the rug. Due to these precarious situations, one would expect that the public would grow dissatisfied and their rage would boil over like wildfire. Nevertheless, there were no uprisings. Perhaps the common villagers were so focused on survival that they simply had to make ends meet with whatever energy and focus they had left. As long as people are separated and isolated in their own lives, no uprising can take place if no one is there to rally them around, that is a tactic used often by powerful rulers to quell any potential uprising. In her distant memory, Ellen Acacia recalls pulling her father's sleeve gently and gazing at him with bright iridescent eyes as she asked, "Why aren't people answering their calls for help, Father?" Hearing that, her father chuckled as he gently patted her head and replied, "That's just the way it is. Not everyone is going to help the less fortunate.. not when they have everything they need in life". In a moment, the young girl lowered her head, looking at her father with iridescent eyes that glistened like jewels. How could they be so selfish? Looking down on people below them won't solve anything... It's unfair to those who weren't born into the same circumstances as they were..." Once again, her father smiled warmly at her and replied, "My jewel, life is not always smooth sailing, but we can learn to ride the waves". A soft smile spread across the young girl's face as she cocked her head slightly. "I guess so, father... But what matters is that our family remains together, isn't it? " In her early years, she did not understand many things, but she smiled and nodded along as if she did. After all, children want their parents' acknowledgement, don't they? Throughout all those conversations with her father, she recalled his reassuring words... "No matter what happens, family will remain together until the end." Her younger self gazed at her beloved father softly and echoed. "Always till the end, promise? " As always, her father answered, "Always, my jewel. Nothing can separate us, not even death". Ellen Acacia now understood what her father meant when he said this... only regrets might remain should unexpected events arise in the future. Even with all the hardships, her father provided for her and her younger brother by working on the nearby farm. Maybe if the fates were merciful, they might be famished for once and avoid that horrible feeling of starvation. One harsh winter was all it took for her mother to pass away, after suffering from a strange illness, as the village doctor briefly mentioned this to her father after her passing. The illness itself had never been heard of by the village doctor... and after her mother passed, no music or laughter could be heard in the household, as if the symphony weaved within the household had faded with time. Regardless, sad birds still sing... albeit in a sombre tone, but they live long nonetheless. Having lost her mother, the three of them rarely spend time together. In the absence of their mother, her father worked long and hard to provide for them, while she looked after her brother. Though she was supposedly the youngest member of the Haynes family, the young girl often tended to her older brother, who seemed to be trapped in a maladaptive daydream since their mother passed away. It was often necessary for Ellen Acacia to follow him around the village to ensure he did not wander off and never return, as some strange rumours were floating around the village... of some evil lurking among those meadows. Thus, it was not uncommon for the young girl to take her brother's hand and walk him towards the back of the house, where their departed mother tended to the gardens while their father was away at work... Her brother would sit beside her, often laughing and smiling at her as she drew with the stick she had picked up from the ground. Like a fading memory seemingly out of her grasp, she vaguely remembered how her brother would gaze at her in awe each time the wooden stick she held transformed into a quill, bringing the illustrations to life.As she watched him smile, it dawned on her that she would do anything to ensure his happiness. Since Solace Akakios is her brother, she has sworn to remain by his side until the end of time... perhaps even beyond that. Unbeknownst to her, her brother was thinking the same thing as he looked at her drawing on the ground. In retrospect, this was quite tragic as all families have secrets hidden for too long... until a point of no return has passed. Even though every day was exhausting, there was one thing she looked forward to... the time her father returned home. Because wasn't that the definition of home? Not where you come from, but where you are wanted. For the sake of her family, she was willing to do anything to ensure these simple, peaceful times lasted... even if that meant making a deal with the devil. Sadly, those simple days are long gone; times are now harder than ever... Still, as the conflict between the neighbouring countries continued, numerous people entered the village and nearby towns in search of refuge. Hunger and poverty became more prevalent as people arrived... resources and jobs became more scarce. With time passing and the war intensifying, rumours spread like wildfire through the town, alleging someone was responsible for the land's curse, and because of this, no one offered help to the villagers. As Ellen Acacia realized now... Being raised by cold eyes has taught her not to cry, all she has to do is adjust to the changing environment. Some have even suggested that this may be the reason why the conflict between neighbouring countries continues since they wish to appease certain influential figures. Thus, as the saying goes... bitter are the wars that are fought between brothers, as the issues involved become more personal within the conflict itself. Initially, the rumours were not taken seriously. After all, how could they be cursed by a deity? For what purpose would they bother to interfere with mortal affairs? As Ellen Acacia now knows, the deity involved wasn't simply a rumour... but for what purpose did this happen? To this day, she has never known, as some secrets are better left untold since the truth can sometimes lead to destruction rather than relief. At the end of the day, they were nothing more than mere mortals living in a village trying to make ends meet. People still seek an answer, and no matter how hard she tried to maintain peace, her efforts were in vain. Had Ellen Acacia known what she does now... perhaps her mere existence would be scandalous. After all, stars are meant to burn brightly, she may have been the brightest yet most distant star. That led to that dreaded day... her worst fear came true, and with it, her world came crashing down. --- Hey everyone,ย  I am sorry to announce that Silent Whispers will be on hiatus until further notice due to some health-related reasons. Due to my current state, I need some time to recover and I don't want to publish something that is not of the highest quality. Keeping this in mind, I hope you will understand and I apologize for not being able to keep my word to publish Origins Pt.2 according to schedule. However, some of you all have been suggesting to create a Discord Community for this collection so that they can connect across platforms (since I am on Tapas &amp; Wattpad), but also have more of a united support group altogether. Additionally, I would be able to interact with you more in this way rather than just individually in private messages. So... if you are interested in joining the Discord Community, vote for this announcement or leave a comment below to suggest some Discord Server Names! There have been a few submissions already, so once we have enough, I will make another announcement. In the meantime, however. Please feel free to contact me via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and possibly Discord if you have any questions or simply want to chat. I am always available in my private messages. Adiรณs,Haven --- Hello Hello! Haven here. It has been a while since I came with an update regarding the ongoing hiatus. Safe to say, I am currently editing my work as it is in the process of major edits! Back then quite a few of you indicated interest in a discord server being made, so I am here to tell you that there will be one coming soon - hopefully by the end of April. Around the end of the month, I will UPDATE this announcement again when the server is completed. So keep an eye out for it! Otherwise, follow me on @silenthisper (via INSTAGRAM) for more updates as I will be fairly active there regarding my progress towards my current work - including introducing the main characters! There is already a post introducing my work! As such, I would like to thank everyone for their patience during this undetermined hiatus. Additional updates regarding the current work will be coming to my socials (Instagram and Twitter). A Small Notice to Everyone: Silent Whispers will be changing its name to Revnium from now on. Please don't be alarmed if you see a completely different cover by the end of April. <b><i><u>END OF APRIL UPDATE </u></i></b> Hi everyone! Haven Again. I come to finally announce the opening of the discord server - the Safe Haven! Here's the link to join the community, so be sure to check it out when you can! Please note: there is a small verification process for you to complete, so simply fill out the introduction via the template provided and choose the roles that suit you best. Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/SwEmx23hPF Much Appreciated, Havenย  --- In the aftermath of that fateful day, Ellen Acacia vowed to never forget what happened when everything she knew and loved was torn apart. To this day, she replays the moments before the fateful intervention, wondering if any of the actions she took would have made a difference. Was her mere existence too scandalous, leading her to conclude that her family's misfortune could be her only downfall? Always the supporter, never the supported... she couldn't help but wonder if everything would have been different had she been somewhere else? Does this downfall ultimately result from her own fault? Even so, she should have known, the moment the young girl saw her father's sunken eyes, that there was something stirring, something uncontrollable, perhaps even dangerous to their lives. In anticipation of his arrival, she sat on a wooden chair, her legs swinging slightly as she awaited his arrival. At the time, she was still a young girl with no idea what was going on around her. Once, she believed that forever could truly exist, but now she is not so certain. Life can be unpredictable and beautifully chaotic, so perhaps forever belongs to memories rather than to people. Still, the girl held on to a sliver of hope, a tiny silver lining in the hopes that the rumor circulating in her small town wasn't true... 'Something treacherous this way comes'. If only she knew how things would turn out back then, she might have prepared her brother for more of what's to come. Possibly, if she had known earlier, she could have done better, be better... Ellen Acacia wanted to be the perfect daughter, but she knew better than anyone that perfection is nothing more than an illusion. Upon Griffin Alejandro's return, the young girl rushed to her father, letting him know her brother had already been asleep, and there was porridge on the table for him to eat. She urged enthusiastically, "Father, the day has been the same, taking care of little brother, cleaning the house, and check out-" However, noticing how her father's eyes are sunken, perhaps due to fear of retribution from the government... the little girl could not tell, but felt concern for him and stopped abruptly midway in her sentence. No matter the circumstances, her father was always kind-hearted and smiling, assuring her everything would work out as long as they were together and not apart. Nevertheless, the young girl noticed the sudden change in her father's behaviour, realizing something was seriously wrong. "W-what's wrong, father?" the young girl asked quietly, cocking her head slightly as she tugged on her father's sleeve. If I cannot return home one day... please take care of your brother. No matter how hard it gets, stay strong for me and for him. Something is coming... and these times will be unprecedented from now on. As I always tell you, shine bright amid the darkness, like the stories I tell you... be unbreakable, like those jewels in the dark caves." As she nodded, her iridescent eyes reflected the flickering candlelight, she asked in concern. "But father, why say this now? Is something terrible coming towards the village? Despite her father's dishevelled appearance, he smiled at her and replied, "Nothing much, little jewel. I just wanted to ensure you were okay. You are a big girl now, you know?" Even though her father is trying to reassure her, she knows better now... But a young girl can only carry so much when she has to carry the weight of the entire family on her shoulders, with nothing left to fend for herself. Even if the young girl can handle the burden well, it does not mean it is not a heavy burden one should carry at such a young age. Sadly, the young girl was too naive even to consider that the one thing she treasured could suddenly be taken from her. As she feared, it was her father's last visit home... her father would not return home for days on end and she would be waiting near the dinner table for him to arrive. In those days where her father did not come home for days on end, her brother would turn to her, his warm amber eyes flickering to life like a warm campfire, asking where their father had gone. Because she could not bear to disappoint him, she always replied, "Soon. Our father is just gone to get food for us, that's all... just one of his hunting trips." However, every time she told her brother this, a small seed of uncertainty would slowly envelop her, like a small seed was planted in her heart. There had been rumors going around the village that her father had been involved in various underground meetings. Every family has its own secrets to keep... But Ellen Acacia never imagined that the secret would blow out of proportion and unfold the way it did later in the week. In spite of her attempts to persuade herself that her father would one day return home, the young girl had her brother to remain inside the house when the sheriffs arrived. In shock, the young girl told her brother to remain hidden as she opened the door, politely asking, "Why have you come here unannounced? The young girl calmly looked up to the sheriff and asked, completely unaware of what was about to happen. Soon enough, one of the sheriffs announced to her this shattering news: "Your father is missing under suspicious circumstances. According to the decree, you will be detained for questioning." The young girl's eyes widened in fright as she realized what was about to happen. "I... I didn't do anything, I am simply trying to care for the family!" She protested as she struggled against the sheriff's restraint. Without her father's protection, she becomes the target of villagers who accuse her of witchery because of her unusual eye color. In an attempt to reach out to her, her brother ran out of where he was and called out her name, only to be separated. "Ellen, don't leave... I only have you left. Don't leave me alone... please." It was at that moment she knew this might be her last time seeing him. Having suddenly found herself subject to the laws and the sheriff's mercy, the young girl gave him a weak smile and reassured him, "Solace... the stars will shine on us again, so everything will be fine... in time. Stay strong and wait for father, okay?" With that, Ellen Acacia left her brother behind within their home, she solemnly followed the sheriff as she was interrogated over a report of witchcraft suspicions. What happened that day... that desperate look, that one last plea. Her mind replays it time after time while she is in custody, trapped in the dungeon for longer than the days she has already lost track of. Back then, the young girl would mutter occasionally to herself, "I just want to keep things as they are, a normal life with my brother and father... I guess that was never meant to be, wasn't it? " Her voice trailed off as she stared at the wall, her limbs bound by cuffs after being under arrest and questioned despite her constant assertion of her innocence. Her innocence is questioned over the alleged uprising and her involvement with the insurgents... it's all too much for her to handle. She was just a little girl trying to take care of her family after her father went missing for days. What did she ever do wrong that led her to this? As she gazed over the stone wall that had already been engraved with the tally marks of the days she had spent in the dungeon, she often wondered in the back of her mind. In truth, she wonders what she looks like to the other villagers and in their eyes to deserve such treatment. Yet, the young girl couldn't help but realize the weight of her father's words prior to his disappearance. Under these harsh circumstances trapped within these cold stone walls, her once iridescent and expressive eyes have darkened and weary. Truthfully, she never really wanted to leave her brother. While the external circumstances were already tense, she knew better than to cause resistance against the sheriffs, as that would only increase the danger her brother was already in. As a promise to her father, she promised to take care of him if he was gone one day, unfortunately, he cannot be contacted. It is impossible to know if he is even alive, let alone in good health. 'Father... where are you? Are you still living at this point? I... I don't know what's happening. My little brother may be starving while I've been taken away... just like those orphans back then, back before things turned out this way...' Leaning against one of the stone walls, she huddled in a corner, staring out at the barred window. With a shaky breath, she looks up and wearily gazes at the stars, muttering as she tries to keep warm... "Dear brother, do the stars look back at us?. If they do... would they take pity or mock at this mess of a situation we are in?" She noticed the guards looking at her strange behavior cautiously muttering to themselves, but to her... she is simply trying to gather the strength in her heart to push forward during this difficult time. Ultimately, she wants to believe that this was just a bad situation, that she too will survive and overcome it, then everything will return to normal.
๐Ÿ–ค๐•ฏ๐–†๐–‡๐–Ž ๐– ๐–—๐–Š๐–†๐–‰๐–Š๐–—๐Ÿ–ค
You run into dabi a member of the league of villains, after being chased by a drunken man who only wanted you for your body He takes you in and falls for you instantly, but the thing is your a mute and you only talk to them by paper and pen or texting.
[ "18andup", "adultlanguage", "anime", "asmr", "dabi", "femalereader", "fluff", "lemon", "mha", "romance", "villain" ]
[ "โ€ข1โ€ข", "โ€ข2โ€ข", "โ€ข3โ€ข", "โ€ข4โ€ข", "Authors note", "โ€ข5โ€ข", "โ€ข6โ€ข", "โ€ข7โ€ข", "โ€ข8โ€ข", "โ€ข9โ€ข", "Authros note", "โ€ข10โ€ข", "Authors note", "IM BACK!!" ]
[ "You run as fast as your quirk will let you. Your quirk is doing everything a rabbit can. Your hair is white so would be your ears and tail.\n\nYou feel something grab your wrist and pulls you close to the scrub. \"Cmon baby let's play a little~\" you want to scream for help but.\n\nYou can't due to your quirk your a mute. And you can't talk, you wish you were never born with the quirk so you could scream for help. But no, doctors around town said there is no chance of getting your voice.\n\nAnd to make things worse it starts to pour hard the only lights are the neon ones on the sides of the buildings.\n\n\"Cmon I don't bite~. Hard~\" he was drunk you could smell the alcohol from his breath, made you feel sick to your stomach. You make a soundless gasp as he trails his hand up your skirt while holding your arm behind your back. \n\nYou hear the pitter patter of rain hitting a dumpster. Your struggle to make him hit his back on the dumpster to draw attention for help.\n\n\n\"Yea yea I got it!\" Dabi yelled as he dragged the black trash bag of needles and blood backs and other trash from the bar.\n\nYou see him through the fog of the summers rain and finally manage to make your capturer hit the dumpster. \n\n\"Ow you bitch!\" The man roars and threw you against the brick wall. Dabi turned and formed a flame from his hand to see, you turn to him and reach out but the man grabs you by the hair.\n\n\"Hey\" dabi walks over looking like he's wobbling, his hair plastered to his face. The flame grew more big and more hot.\n\n\"The little lady doesn't want you dumbass so let her go and move along\" \"pfft or what kid whatcha gonna do\".\n\nDabi let the rain take out the flame and made his foot steps echo through out the ally.\n\n\"This\" he gently grabbed you and pulled you into his chest and buttoned up his coat to hold you close, \n\nWith his hand in his pocket and the other aiming for the man. The roar of the fire blast makes your ears ring. You close you eyes tightly but your head spins with pain, you black out.\n\n\n\"Who's there kid, let's get you inside, I know someone who would love to play doctor\". That was all you heard before your earring was nothing but ringing.", "You wake up feeling dizzy, muffled voices come from outside the door of the room your in. The only light you see is the dark blueish purple LED lights on the ceiling and the half closed blinds that allow the lights from the neon signs of the alleyway peak in.\n\nYou sit up slowly to avoid head pain and look around, a black desk with office chair and monitors a black leather sofa with a matching chair and a black coffee table. And next to the door was a built in closet with sliding glass doors. The floor was a dark wood, the walls were a deep brick.\n\nYou turn to see your clothes on the coffee table, you gasp but realize no one can hear you and look down, your wearing a light brown sweater with a white t-shirt, it was a men's because of the size and smell of a men's perfume. The smell was dark pine red wine and a dark summers night, you fluster lightly at the scent.\n\nFor pants your wearing black leggings. Your hair is plastered to your face as you try to remember what happened.\n\n\nOut in the bar Dabi sits at the booth in the corner at the back, shigaraki sits at the bar, toga sits ontop of the bar while compress stands behind cleaning whiskey glasses.\n\n\"So let me get this straight, her quirk is that she can do everything a rabbit can she's a mute\" shugaraki sighed.\"yeah and?, it's not like she can run out and tell anyone about this place\" \"he does gotta point\" toga said in a agreement.\n\n\"True but paper and pen says other wise\" they nod, compress hands a glass with ice and a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. \"Thanks\".\n\nYou slowly open the door to the room your in, you use your quirk to spot out the creaky floor boards, you hear chitter chatter around the corner. You carefully peak around, you see a girl and three men, one of them catches your eye. You go to step back but the girl spots you and gasps.\n\n\"Your awake!\" You back away but she grabs your hand and spins you into the room, you trip and fall over.\n\nCompress jumps by the thud of you hitting the floor, shigaraki turns and scratches his neck. Dabi grips his glass.\n\nDabi sighs and sets the glass down and refills it, \"hey crazy what did we say about scaring guests?\" His voice was low and almost husky, he set his glass down and pulled out a cigarette and lit it using his quirk.\n\n\"Sorry but I'm so excited!\" \"Ma'am are you alright?\" Compress says as he holds out his hand for you to take so he can help you up. You scoot away from him and curl up next to the wall. \n\n\"Oh well here for where ever you got bruised when you fell\". He hands you and ice pack, you gently take it and place it on your right hip.\n\n\"Sorry about that sweetie just got excited!\" You nod as if you were saying it's ok.\n\n\"No I believe it's time for introductions\". You look up at the man who was scratching his neck.", "\"Now I believe it's time for introductions\". You look up at the man who was scratching his neck. \n\nYou see your skin goes pail. Your scared, you don't know who these people are and what they could do or what their quirks could do. That is if they even have quirks.\n\nThe man with light blue hair and what has to either be wrinkles or scars stands up and squats down and smiles.\n\n\"My name is tomura shigaraki\" his voice was scratchy and he scared you more, \"and I'm toga himiko!\" \"Mr compress\" you looked over tomuras shoulder.\n\n\"Dabi\" he said as she blew the smoke from his lips then took a sip of whiskey. He tapped the cigarette on an ash tray and set it on there, he set his cup down and got up from the booth he was sitting in. \n\nHe sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Just then a man with blond hair and a black under cut came out wearing a hoodie and sweat pants.\n\n\"Toga I had a bad dream\" he whimpered. \"Awww twicey\" she hopped off the counter and grabbed the mane who's name had to be twice by the hand. \"Would you like toga to tell you a story\" he nods with a whimper then the two go back to where ever twice came from,\n\n\"Speaking of dreams I'm going to bed, boss I think you should to, need good rest in order to make great plans!.\" Tomura groaned, \"fine only because I didn't have any coffee this morning\".\n\nYou watched as the others went to bed. While dabi stood there, he looked over at you and turned and walked up to you.\n\n\nYou tried to back up more but couldn't, because of the wall behind you, \"shhhh it's ok I'm not gonna hurt ya\" he placed his hand on the top of your head.\n\nYou close your eyes tight and start to shake, tears fell down your cheeks. You heard a low sigh and feel an arm under you legs and one behind your back.\n\nDabi has picked you up bridal. He started to walk carrying you in his arms to what has to be his room or a guest room. \n\n\nYou two make it to a door and he holds you in one arm while he opens the door and shuts it behind him with his foot.\n\nHe sets you down on the chair and opens his closet, you look around but it takes you a few seconds to realize.\n\nYour in his room!. This is the room you woke up in!!. Your face goes all red with fluster feeling embarrassed.\n\nYou don know Dabi leaning on the arm rests of the chair. His faces inches from yours, \"hey kid, what ya all flustered huh?\" You peak out from behind your hands and feel your face get hot. \n\nYou swallow hard blushing even more, \"ya know for some one who can talk I thought you might know some sign language\" he joked and got closer to your right ear, you feel his cool breath just below your ear and on your neck. \n\nYou feel a chill go through your spine.\n\n\"ใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใ„ใŠๅงซๆง˜ใ‚’็Ÿฅใฃใฆใฆ~~\"\n(your to cute you know that princess~~).\n\nYou hide your face in his shirt, your face his now red, your still shaking from being scared.\n\n\"ใŠใ„ใŠใ„ๆ€–ใŒใ‚‹ใชใŠๅ‰ใจ้Šใ‚“ใงใ‚‹ใ ใ‘ใ \" \n(Hey hey no need to be scared I'm only playing with ya)\n\nDabi pulls his shirt down from under your face and gently placed butterfly kisses on your neck, you jump feeling his lips softly on your neck.\n\nHe chuckled and pulls away and picks you up agin and carry's you to his bed and lays down with you in his arms.\n\n\"ใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใ„ ใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใ„็›ฎใ‚’ใคใถใฃใฆ็œ ใฃใฆ\"\n(Hehe cute now why don't shut your pretty eyes and get some sleep)\n\nHe raps his arms around you more tightly and drifts off to sleep. The smell of the t shirt mixed with the cigar smoke and whiskey from his breath some how calm you, you don't know why but it does.\n\nYou close your eyes and try hard to fall asleep.", "Dabi wakes up to a loud booming sound. He sits up and throws on his coat ready to attack, but it was only the thunder outside, it was 8:30Am still dark and still storming. The neon light was still shining and so where his LED lights, \n\nHe groaned and sat on the edge of the bed and laid back,\n\nYou shuffle in your sleep due to a nightmare. You feel and hear shuffling come towards you. And strong arms rap around your waist pulling you close.\n\n\"Hey relax it's just a damn storm\". You slowly open your eyes and jump. Your face was right in Dabis chest his arms were tightly rapped around your waist.\n\nYour mind flashed back to a band memory.\n\n\"<i>Y/n!!,\" you turn, it was your mother and brother. Your at age four and your brother is five, \"run and take her to the shrine, there a pro hero will be there!\" You leap out of your brothers arms and hug your mother tightly. \"Come with us mama!\" \"Sweetie I can't I\" a fire roared loudly.</i>\n\n<i>Scream then your voice cuts off, ears and tail of a bunny show on your small bruised figure. You mouth mama mamma help!. Your brother picks you up and sets you in the basket and shut the lid. Inside with you were sacks of clothing food money and other things.</i>\n\n<i>You peak out the basket to see your family childhood home blow up, your brother trips by the explosion. But he gets up and runs, you cry in the basket till you fall asleep.</i>\n\nFeeling dabi rap his arms around you made you ball into tears.\n\nBecause that's how your mother held you and your brother. You push him away and cry more,\n\"Hey what the hell?!\" You use your quirk to bounce out of the bed and onto the wall and leaps off and kicks him in the stomach then tucks and rolls to the door. \n\nYou quickly grab your clothes and threw open the door and runs out of the room fast as your quirk will let you.\n\nYou make it down the hallway which seems longer then usual. You see toga himiko up ahead. \n\n\"Toga stop her!\" Toga turns to see dabi and then looks at you. She pulls out a knife and dashes right at you.\n\nYou hop and slide onto the floor going right underneath her like your sliding to home base. You spring up and make it to the door kicking it down just like how you kicked dabi.\n\n\"Damn it!\" Dabi groans \"dabi what happened!?\" \"I don't fucking know all I know is that she pushed me off of her and kicked me in my damn stomach!\".\n\n\nYou rush past people on the streets dodging and shuffling, it wasn't until you bumped into something hard like stone. But it wasn't something it was some one!.\n\nIt was pro hero hawks!. You bow face red and pail. \"Hey you ok there kid?\" You nod yes and takes his hand helping you up.\n\n\"Hawks\" he looks up and eyes narrow. \"Dabi\" you freeze. 'D-dabi!!' You scream in your head. Dabi starts a flame and aims right towards hawks.\n\nHawks grabs you and spreads his wings and takes off into the air. Dabi fires the first shot of flame.\n\nHawks takes off you in his arms.\nYou two land on the roof of a building, \"you ok?\" You nod yes, but hawks groans and gasps.ย  You slide back to see his coat have a small stain of red, it was toga.ย  \"Thanks for watching cotton tail for Dabi mr hawks sir!\" You go to attack but she grabs you and puts a rag over your mouth. You struggle to fight but the chemicals from the rag knock you out.", "Just a heads up \n\nDabi in the next chapter is gonna be a little dominant to y/n \n\nAnd y/n is acutely one of my best ocs I've ever made, I have a good idea for her back story, if you want more story's with this y/n leave comments in this chapter and I will get to them when ever I can.\n\n\nAnd if you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me so, my other story's I write will be either. Oc, labyrinth, Star Wars, fantasy, MHA, and I will try to start writing sequels to movies and what I think would happen next.\n\nSo any way hope your doing well, stay health stay safe and stay positive.\n\nBoi!!! ^_^.", "You wake up slowly then sit up fast. And barely sit up, you look around to see what's holding you down, you look up to see hand cuffs around your wrists with a chain around the metal bed frame.\n\nYou look down at the blanket and try to shuffle it off.\n\n\nYou manage to get it off by kicking it, but when things couldn't get worse, welp it just did. Your wearing some shorts that have a high waist that covers just half way below your stomach. Fishnet stockings with black thigh high socks over them. And your wearing a white button up crop top. With a black leather harness.\n\nYour skin goes pail and cold with fear,ย  not only because of the chains and outfit. But we'll it's the room your in.\n\nBelieve it or not, your in dabis room!. You shut your eyes tight and hopes this is a dream. But you open your eyes to see it isn't a dream. You panic, and try to use your quirk to break the chains. But fail.\n\n\nYou hear the door open and shut, the sound of heavy boots slowly make their way to the desk. \"Well we'll I must say,\" you panic more. \"Your one hell of a kicker. And your fighting skills are amazing, the league could use some one like you around here\". \n\nYou struggle more, you see dabis black silhouette grab something off the desk.\n\n\"Ya know you'd be in a lot more trouble if I didn't save you from that punk\" you give him a look as if you were growling. \"Hey now don't be that way, that horny bastard was only out because of heat, and I saved your ass, literally!\" He joked with a low chuckle. He sat on the edge of the bed and Unclipped the chains from the bed post and brought you to his lap.\n\nHe leaned you back gently resting your head in his hand, you start to sweat as your body feels weak and starts to shake as your stomach turns, you didn't want this, you've shouldn't had gone and done the task as your cruel foster mom had told you to do. You've should've had gone straight to UA high and waited there for the night.\n\n\n\"Shhhh it's alright carrot cake, I'll be gentle\".\n\nGentle.gentle..GENTLE!!. He's a villains he's probably nothing but gentle, you struggle but suddenly you feel his clod lips press against your Adam's apple, your warm sensitive Adam's apple, dabi looks up to see you making a face as if your going to moan, \n\nIn his eyes he wishes you had a voice, to hear those moans he wish he could demand you to sing for him, he kisses lower. \n\nYou hear small snapping sounds as of fabric.\n\nHe's. He's ripping the buttons off your shirt!. You struggle more hopping to fight back, and thank the gods some one knocked.\n\n\"Damn\" he growled low in his throat. \"Who is it?!\" His voice sounded angry and more pissed. \"Compress, boss needs you to bring little white rabbit to the bar so toga can get some blood work done, he says that'll help find out who she is!\". \n\nYou feel his cold hand slightly and slowly slipping down the top of your shorts, you dare not to make any movement to make it more worse. He smirks and whispers in your ear teasingly.\n\n\"Alright carrot cake~, let's see what your name really is~\" he slides you off his lap and tosses you his shirt and a pats of black sweat pants. \"Get dressed I'll be at the booth in the back\" was all you heard before he walked out.", "You sit there for a couple of minutes before changing you use the hood to cover your ears. You felt like crying after what just happened,\n\nI walk to the door and freeze. The neon signs glow calls to you, you could run. But they'll find you again. But if you leave now you could get to UA and they wouldn't of noticed. You bite down on your lip. You can't help it, you start to cry. You let go of the door and fall back onto the floor and curl up into a ball.\n\nYou sob and sob. Yet your forgot once again you can't make a sound, a knock comes from the door.\n\n\"Ellooo!!!~~~...little cotton tail!!~~\" it was twice he seems to nice to be a villain \"CMON RABBIT OPEN UP!\" You jump, never mind he's a villain. You open the door slightly and peak out. \"Hello!!~~~\" he noticed your tears and bleeding lip. \"Oh don't cry cotton tail, we're not all bad!\" He opens the door and holds you in a warm embrace. \"Now let's get to know ya!, and hey if dabi ever scares you again come see me and toga! Ok\" I nod wipping my eyes, the scent of dabis AXE body spray burns your nose. \n\nTwice pats you on the back as his hand is on your shoulder, the two of you walk into the bar. Dabi lays there on the booth he said he would be at.. toga sits ontop of the bar drinking a strawberry milkshake. Compress is putting away the glasses and small plates. \"Hey there hunny bunny!!\" Your ears flip down from how loud she is. \n\nYou see dabj staring at you, his eyes say hungry for leaving more kisses and bite marks on your skin while his eyes say something different but you don't know what.\n\nTwice helps you up onto the bar stool. Toga slides over handing you chocolate milkshake, you take it but dont take a sip. Shigiraki scratches his neck as he pulls on his glove and walks to you. You freeze and tense up, you feel a sharp prick and jump back. Twice catches you.\n\n\"Hey it's ok carrot, it's just toga!\" She giggles and hands shigiraki the syringe with your blood. \"Shouldn't take long, now why don't you eat then get some sleep, your quirk could be of good use to this team\" he gives a creepy yet warm smile and walks off. \"He's right\" compress yawns \"goodnight!\" Toga smiles and says goodnight as she sits next to you.\n\nDabi gets up and walks over going to take you away when toga wraps her arms around you, her face pressed agaisnt your cheek. \"Awwwe cmon staples, let carrot stay with us tonight please!\" Dabi grumbled, \"listen crazy I caught the rabbit so the rabbits mine!\" Twice picks you up. \"NUHUH THE RABBIT IS OURS!\" Twice grabbed toga and dragged both of you into togas room to hide.\n\nYou look back and saw anger in dabis eyes his tooth pick snaps by his jaw clenching. You shiver and swallow hard, your mind goes back to what Davi did to you. It felt wrong yet somehow.\n\n\nIt felt right?.", "In togas room twice sits staring at the tv as toga braids your hair. \"Awe it's ok sweetie that mean old staples isn't gonna get you here!\" You nod you look over at his clothes he let you wear but toga noticed, \"face forward doll\" she turns your head towards the mirror. You start to cry again, your mind replays how dabi made you look in the mirror as his hands explored your body.\n\n\"Shhhhshhhshh\" toga pulled you into her arms. She helped you onto the air mattress and helped you down, your surrounded by plushies blankets and pillows. Twice already passed out on the puffy baby pink sofa in her room. The only light was from the pink night light and the tv. You heard a door open and close and footsteps. Heavy footsteps, you froze. Was it dabi!?. But toga said dabi never came into her room.\n\nYou started to bite on your nails. It was a sign of your anxiety. Voices can be heard as another set of foot prints can be heard. You crawl out from under blankets and army crawl over to the door. Sitting agaisnt the wall you press your ear and let your quirk over hear.\n\n\"Her name is y/n l/n she's from a small country side village. Her mother died in a house fire caused by what people say her father, she has an older brother but no sign on him. Like he's off the grid.\"\n\n\"Well that doesn't tell us much\" \"oh?, please explain\".\n\n\"Well it doesn't tell us why she can't fucking speak\" the sound of a tablets keyboard. \"I looked up doctors report. It's because of her quirk, and it's somewhere in the body, if the right surgery is performed she could speak, but I think it's better she doesn't. Could be useful!\".\n\nThe conversation got heated. You crawled back into bed, not wanting to hear the cuss and argue.\n\nYou laid there staring at the ceiling. The right surgery?. You thought to your self. You place your hand on your chest and one on your stomach, but where would they cut open. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep.\n\nIn your dream your playing in the garden, \"cmon y/n dads in his shop!.\" Your brother laughs as he runs off. \"W-wait! Eren! Dad said not to distract him!\". You and your brother peak inside. The sound of a rock hitting metal echos. Your dad sighs and holds up the sword circles are formed on the blade to make it look like waves or sharp mountains.\n\n\"Whoa\" you and eren jinx eachother, your dad turns, \"hey shouldn't you twitch be helping your mom?\" You both giggle and run you. Your dad sets the blade and rock down and rubs after you scoops you up and covers your faces in kisses. That's the one memory of you hearing your voice you loved the most.\n\n\nYou wake up in the middle of the night tears running down your face. You look to see twice and toga cuddling on the sofa. Twice laying his head on her chest. You get up and quietly leave the room. You carefully peak into dabis. He lays there on his bed spread out. His arm covering his eyes. His white T-shirt rides up his six pack chest with his scars showing. His sweat pants ride down a little. You bite your tongue and rub your cheeks getting rid of the blush.\n\nYou shut his door and walk into the bar. There compress stands there reading the paper a glass of whiskey on rocks sits on a coaster. He looks up to see you. \"Ah if it isn't Ms bunny, how can I help you\" he stands up and goes to grab a glass.\n\nUsing your knowledge in sign you ask for a chocolate milkshake.", "Compress smiles and nods, he does sign back asking if I would like anything to eat.\n\nYour schooled by his ability to speak fluent sign, he chuckles \"indeed I had to learn it when the boss lost his earring from a mission\". You nod and ask for some soup. \"Oh dear child for someone was tiny as you, soup won't do\" he walks over and grabs the apron and ties it around his wait. He starts to stove and sets a pan ontop. \n\n\"How about fried shrimp and ramen!,\" you nod wirh a smile. \"Oh I suppose your not allergic to anything?\" You shake your head no. \"Good, wouldn't want our new friend to get sick!\". He smiles and turns and gets cooking. You watch as he gets to work. You slide up ontop the counter. Turning into a smaller you using ur quirk you sit on ur knees watching in amazement.\n\n\"How adorable, the bunny turned into a baby bunny!,\" he turns to pat your head. He finished your milkshake setting it next to you. He grabs a bowel from the cabinet and pours the ramen in along with the fried shrimp and egg.\n\n\"Enjoy cotton tail\" he pats your head again giving you chop sticks, he starts to clean up as you eat. Your taste buds explode with flavor. Compress chuckles as me makes himself a drink. You two speak through sign, cracking jokes and talking about hobbies.\n\nThen you realized your still wearing dabis clothes. \"Forgive Dabi, he's not the friendly type. Though he try's with everyone on the team, still scary and always the big bad wolf\" you nod as i down the last bit of the broth. \"No time for bed!\" You nod smiling as you hand him your dishes, he picks you up placing you ontop of his hat. You hold,\n\nHe chuckles as he turns off the lights and walks down the hallway. You two make it to togas room.\n\nHe knelts down and lowers his hat so you could get off, you let go and hug compresses arm.\n\n'Thank you mr compress, you twice and toga are the nicest ones her!' Finishing your sentence with a thumbs up you open the door and enter togas room quietly waving bye.\n\nCompress tips his hat and goes to finish cleaning the bar.\n\nThere at the booth dabi sat, his second cigarette held between the tight grasp of his fingers. A bottle of Jack Daniels was already gone he was working on his second bottle. \"You fed her?\" He grumbled, \"oh come now dabi she's frightened to death of you, have some respect!\" Compress walks over and places everything on the table and places a coaster with a glass already ice inside.\n\n\"And next time please use a coaster\" compressed sighed as he turned off the lights except the one above the table dabi was sitting at.", "The next morning twice and dabi wake you up early so you can eat before dabi wakes up. Toga every few minutes checks to see if he still is passed out. After than twice and toga drag you into her room and puts on disguises. The put a black conductors cap. A white button up long sleeve shirt and black legging overalls that go to mid thigh and dark brown leather boots that go under the knee. Toga braids your hair and does your makeup.\n\nAll thought twice wanted to. Toga protested saying he didn't even know how to put on makeup himself!.\n\n\"Fair point\". Twice asighs and puts on sweatpants a giddier and ball cap. They quickly grab their bags and leave pulling you in between them so dabi wont see you as the three of you walk out of the bar.\n\nWhile walking around you already see some of the\n 1-A students flying and running around using their quirks. You frown from under your mask. You wish you could be with them instead of the league of villains.\n\n\"Cmon carrot cake!. We're here!\". Twice grabs your hand dragging you behind toga into the mall. The three of you go around buy shop lifting eating and window shopping. They buy you some things for a room of your own. Doors locks that can lock from the inside. A door with a peep hole. And some decore and clothes.\n\n\"Toga wait don't!!\" Your turn to see toga setting off all four of the alarms at the store your in. Panicking you went to grab her when the stuff in your coat triggers the alarms more. Doesn't help that twice dragged both of you out the doors and rushing to the exit.\n\n\"Stop!\" It was deku and bakugo!. You got to pull down your mask but twice throws you other his shoulder and jumps up high and out of the giant glass window. Toga follows.\n\n\"Not on my watch bitches\" you heard bakugo cuss as a loud explosion forms from his gernade hands. Toga flys pats ready to fight.\n\n\"Get oht if here!!\" She orders as twice and you are already on the way back to the hide oht.\n\n\"Oh no you don't!,\" \"pro hero hawks!\".\n\nYou lift your head up and see deku and hawks gaining. 'Why do I have this feeling to fight back' you thought. Your singe to twice saying you want to fight them, you want to prove you can be a hood help!. \"Really oh boy you mean it cotton tail!!\" You nod. \"He nods and takes the things and rushes off throwing you right at the both of them.\n\nYou turn small curling up into a ball then grow bigger posing as a cannon ball knocking them both down.\n\nYou land like your favorite comic book hero. You pull your ball cap down and leap up at them running like a rabbit then licks deku right in the chest. Sending him back. You love swiftly your quirk sniffing out their weak spots.\n\nHitting each one right on target. Your memory comes back of you dad teaching your brother the German suplex.. you've seen your mom use this move on your dad a few times. Mostly when he would teach us to be little chaotic goblins. You quickly snap back and follow the moves as the memory plays like a video in your head.\n\nYou lean back causing hawks to hit his head on the ground. You throw hawks out of your arms then Sasha bed leaps at deku..wrapping your thighs around his neck and cracking the ground under you as your body weight squeezes Denys neck. When he passes out you see toga running up as if she's trying to warn you. \n\nA fimillary hand wraps around your neck as your picked up and flown off with blue flames behind you.\n\n'Shit!'. Was all you could think seeing the flames under the both of you.\n\n\"Damn honey bunny, your one hell of a fighter~, wonder if you that good on a different fighting ground~\"", "Heyyyooo everyone!!!\n\nGUESS WHOS BACK!!\n\nYep I'm back after a while since I've being busy lately but I promise for more updates as soon as I can!!", "You hear toga and twice banging on dabis bedroom door. And which one the other side. You sit on the floor hands tied legs tied and a blindfold around your eyes.\n\nYou tear up and wish you could scream out for help. Your mind races wishing you weren't born with a stupid quirk. Better yet you wish you weren't here at all. \n\n\"Move aside!!\" Dabi roared from the outside. You struggle and try to knock something over to get twice maybe togas attention. You kick off a bottle of something togas loud voice echos from behind.\n\n\"HANG ON SWEETIE WERE HERE TO THE RESCUE!\" That didn't work because a fight broke out several seconds later. You watched as the bright blue light flashes under the doorway, you hear someone being thrown across the room and things shattering.. you hear two more voices, you crawl towards the door and start kicking in it with your feet. I hopes with whatever strength you have left in your quirk will kick down the door.\n\nThen you pick up on a sound your rabbit ears popped up from the top of your head. You press one to the door and listen carefully.\n\n\"Dabi let her out,\" \"yeah who the hell are you to give orders ashy ass\". It was shigiraki! You listen more.\n\n\"If you keep doing this then what's the point of keeping them\" her cackled. \"My personal pleasure of course it's not once in a blue moon I see a quirk so cute especially how shy they are!\".\n\n\"YOU PERVERT!\". \"STAY THE HELL OUT OF THIS CRAZY!\". \n\n\"DONT CALL SENPAI CRAZY YOUR CRAZY YOU CRAZY PERCERT!\". Twice!. Ok how's your chance you bounce back onto your hands the tips of your fingers supporting your weight.\n\nYour fingers could snap at any minute if you stay like this. \n\n\"Wait for it, wait..\" you spoke to your self using the vibrations of the noises around you.\n\"Now!\". Sprinting off the floor full speed and force you kick down the door. Knocking dabi into the wall and out cold on the floor.you sit there balancing on the tips of your toes breathing heavily. \n\nStruggling you use your strength to break free from the bonds dabi put you in. \"Ughh..\"\nYour ripped off the blind fold then stood up.\n\n\"C-carrot cake?\" Your turned to toga your full and waxy.\n\n\"What the?..you..\". Dabi threw off the door and went to grab you. You pull your leg close to your then extends it out your foot hitting right in his gut.\n\nThey knew your were done with his shit. Either you escape here or not. Your mind goes back to primary school. You sit in the office covered in your bullies blood from his nose and mouth.\n\nYou've being bullied by them for months when today you snapped. Your brother got into the fight too. He sits next to you, you both eat the strawberry and green tea mochi your mom made. And brought for you since they knew you would all be here for a while.\n\n\"Kids\" you both turn and look up, your dad and mom come out of the office and knelt infront of you, \"we told the principal it was self defense but\".\n\nYou worry and hang your head low in shame. \"And their parents may press charges but luckily that won't happen\". Your dad reaches and picks you up your mother placed her hand on your brothers back as you all walk out.\n\nYour brothers ear twitches as you all get farther from the office your brothers quirk activates to hear their conversation as you all walk away.\n\nDabis eyes slightly wide, your back is hunched crouching on your hands and feet your ears pinned back your eyes full and wax like staring blankly at him.\n\n\"Hey..\" they all turned to shigiraki, \"what's going?\".ย  \"Carrot cake wait!\". You leap off the floor and make your second attempt to escape. You hear toga and twice running behind you trying to get you to stop.\n\nYou ignore them as you burst out the door and into the busy city streets. Disappearing into the crowd, toga calls out as she try's to keep up then stops to run back before someone sees her.", "Hey y'all yes yes I know it's being forever, but I'm back.\n\nAnd here to tell you to start reading the first few chapters of my new story rhinestone!.\n\nAnd I promise I will try to update more on this story the best I can!. I hope y'all are doing well!. \n\nAnyways thank you and enjoy the rest of the story!!.", "HELLOO!!! \n\nI just would like to firstly apologize for being gone for so long! I tend to pick up and continue with the other stories I have written! \n\nIt's glad to be back!!" ]
[ 0.9983548521995544, 0.25768184661865234, 0.9484635591506958, 0.9995367527008057, 0.0008247544174082577, 0.997967541217804, 0.980471670627594, 0.9983407258987427, 0.16642700135707855, 0.9886549711227417, 0.001227531349286437, 0.999110996723175, 0.0003868452040478587, 0.00030344462720677257 ]
You run as fast as your quirk will let you. Your quirk is doing everything a rabbit can. Your hair is white so would be your ears and tail. You feel something grab your wrist and pulls you close to the scrub. "Cmon baby let's play a little~" you want to scream for help but. You can't due to your quirk your a mute. And you can't talk, you wish you were never born with the quirk so you could scream for help. But no, doctors around town said there is no chance of getting your voice. And to make things worse it starts to pour hard the only lights are the neon ones on the sides of the buildings. "Cmon I don't bite~. Hard~" he was drunk you could smell the alcohol from his breath, made you feel sick to your stomach. You make a soundless gasp as he trails his hand up your skirt while holding your arm behind your back. You hear the pitter patter of rain hitting a dumpster. Your struggle to make him hit his back on the dumpster to draw attention for help. "Yea yea I got it!" Dabi yelled as he dragged the black trash bag of needles and blood backs and other trash from the bar. You see him through the fog of the summers rain and finally manage to make your capturer hit the dumpster. "Ow you bitch!" The man roars and threw you against the brick wall. Dabi turned and formed a flame from his hand to see, you turn to him and reach out but the man grabs you by the hair. "Hey" dabi walks over looking like he's wobbling, his hair plastered to his face. The flame grew more big and more hot. "The little lady doesn't want you dumbass so let her go and move along" "pfft or what kid whatcha gonna do". Dabi let the rain take out the flame and made his foot steps echo through out the ally. "This" he gently grabbed you and pulled you into his chest and buttoned up his coat to hold you close, With his hand in his pocket and the other aiming for the man. The roar of the fire blast makes your ears ring. You close you eyes tightly but your head spins with pain, you black out. "Who's there kid, let's get you inside, I know someone who would love to play doctor". That was all you heard before your earring was nothing but ringing. --- You wake up feeling dizzy, muffled voices come from outside the door of the room your in. The only light you see is the dark blueish purple LED lights on the ceiling and the half closed blinds that allow the lights from the neon signs of the alleyway peak in. You sit up slowly to avoid head pain and look around, a black desk with office chair and monitors a black leather sofa with a matching chair and a black coffee table. And next to the door was a built in closet with sliding glass doors. The floor was a dark wood, the walls were a deep brick. You turn to see your clothes on the coffee table, you gasp but realize no one can hear you and look down, your wearing a light brown sweater with a white t-shirt, it was a men's because of the size and smell of a men's perfume. The smell was dark pine red wine and a dark summers night, you fluster lightly at the scent. For pants your wearing black leggings. Your hair is plastered to your face as you try to remember what happened. Out in the bar Dabi sits at the booth in the corner at the back, shigaraki sits at the bar, toga sits ontop of the bar while compress stands behind cleaning whiskey glasses. "So let me get this straight, her quirk is that she can do everything a rabbit can she's a mute" shugaraki sighed."yeah and?, it's not like she can run out and tell anyone about this place" "he does gotta point" toga said in a agreement. "True but paper and pen says other wise" they nod, compress hands a glass with ice and a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. "Thanks". You slowly open the door to the room your in, you use your quirk to spot out the creaky floor boards, you hear chitter chatter around the corner. You carefully peak around, you see a girl and three men, one of them catches your eye. You go to step back but the girl spots you and gasps. "Your awake!" You back away but she grabs your hand and spins you into the room, you trip and fall over. Compress jumps by the thud of you hitting the floor, shigaraki turns and scratches his neck. Dabi grips his glass. Dabi sighs and sets the glass down and refills it, "hey crazy what did we say about scaring guests?" His voice was low and almost husky, he set his glass down and pulled out a cigarette and lit it using his quirk. "Sorry but I'm so excited!" "Ma'am are you alright?" Compress says as he holds out his hand for you to take so he can help you up. You scoot away from him and curl up next to the wall. "Oh well here for where ever you got bruised when you fell". He hands you and ice pack, you gently take it and place it on your right hip. "Sorry about that sweetie just got excited!" You nod as if you were saying it's ok. "No I believe it's time for introductions". You look up at the man who was scratching his neck. --- "Now I believe it's time for introductions". You look up at the man who was scratching his neck. You see your skin goes pail. Your scared, you don't know who these people are and what they could do or what their quirks could do. That is if they even have quirks. The man with light blue hair and what has to either be wrinkles or scars stands up and squats down and smiles. "My name is tomura shigaraki" his voice was scratchy and he scared you more, "and I'm toga himiko!" "Mr compress" you looked over tomuras shoulder. "Dabi" he said as she blew the smoke from his lips then took a sip of whiskey. He tapped the cigarette on an ash tray and set it on there, he set his cup down and got up from the booth he was sitting in. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Just then a man with blond hair and a black under cut came out wearing a hoodie and sweat pants. "Toga I had a bad dream" he whimpered. "Awww twicey" she hopped off the counter and grabbed the mane who's name had to be twice by the hand. "Would you like toga to tell you a story" he nods with a whimper then the two go back to where ever twice came from, "Speaking of dreams I'm going to bed, boss I think you should to, need good rest in order to make great plans!." Tomura groaned, "fine only because I didn't have any coffee this morning". You watched as the others went to bed. While dabi stood there, he looked over at you and turned and walked up to you. You tried to back up more but couldn't, because of the wall behind you, "shhhh it's ok I'm not gonna hurt ya" he placed his hand on the top of your head. You close your eyes tight and start to shake, tears fell down your cheeks. You heard a low sigh and feel an arm under you legs and one behind your back. Dabi has picked you up bridal. He started to walk carrying you in his arms to what has to be his room or a guest room. You two make it to a door and he holds you in one arm while he opens the door and shuts it behind him with his foot. He sets you down on the chair and opens his closet, you look around but it takes you a few seconds to realize. Your in his room!. This is the room you woke up in!!. Your face goes all red with fluster feeling embarrassed. You don know Dabi leaning on the arm rests of the chair. His faces inches from yours, "hey kid, what ya all flustered huh?" You peak out from behind your hands and feel your face get hot. You swallow hard blushing even more, "ya know for some one who can talk I thought you might know some sign language" he joked and got closer to your right ear, you feel his cool breath just below your ear and on your neck. You feel a chill go through your spine. "ใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใ„ใŠๅงซๆง˜ใ‚’็Ÿฅใฃใฆใฆ~~" (your to cute you know that princess~~). You hide your face in his shirt, your face his now red, your still shaking from being scared. "ใŠใ„ใŠใ„ๆ€–ใŒใ‚‹ใชใŠๅ‰ใจ้Šใ‚“ใงใ‚‹ใ ใ‘ใ " (Hey hey no need to be scared I'm only playing with ya) Dabi pulls his shirt down from under your face and gently placed butterfly kisses on your neck, you jump feeling his lips softly on your neck. He chuckled and pulls away and picks you up agin and carry's you to his bed and lays down with you in his arms. "ใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใ„ ใ‹ใ‚ใ„ใ„็›ฎใ‚’ใคใถใฃใฆ็œ ใฃใฆ" (Hehe cute now why don't shut your pretty eyes and get some sleep) He raps his arms around you more tightly and drifts off to sleep. The smell of the t shirt mixed with the cigar smoke and whiskey from his breath some how calm you, you don't know why but it does. You close your eyes and try hard to fall asleep. --- Dabi wakes up to a loud booming sound. He sits up and throws on his coat ready to attack, but it was only the thunder outside, it was 8:30Am still dark and still storming. The neon light was still shining and so where his LED lights, He groaned and sat on the edge of the bed and laid back, You shuffle in your sleep due to a nightmare. You feel and hear shuffling come towards you. And strong arms rap around your waist pulling you close. "Hey relax it's just a damn storm". You slowly open your eyes and jump. Your face was right in Dabis chest his arms were tightly rapped around your waist. Your mind flashed back to a band memory. "<i>Y/n!!," you turn, it was your mother and brother. Your at age four and your brother is five, "run and take her to the shrine, there a pro hero will be there!" You leap out of your brothers arms and hug your mother tightly. "Come with us mama!" "Sweetie I can't I" a fire roared loudly.</i> <i>Scream then your voice cuts off, ears and tail of a bunny show on your small bruised figure. You mouth mama mamma help!. Your brother picks you up and sets you in the basket and shut the lid. Inside with you were sacks of clothing food money and other things.</i> <i>You peak out the basket to see your family childhood home blow up, your brother trips by the explosion. But he gets up and runs, you cry in the basket till you fall asleep.</i> Feeling dabi rap his arms around you made you ball into tears. Because that's how your mother held you and your brother. You push him away and cry more, "Hey what the hell?!" You use your quirk to bounce out of the bed and onto the wall and leaps off and kicks him in the stomach then tucks and rolls to the door. You quickly grab your clothes and threw open the door and runs out of the room fast as your quirk will let you. You make it down the hallway which seems longer then usual. You see toga himiko up ahead. "Toga stop her!" Toga turns to see dabi and then looks at you. She pulls out a knife and dashes right at you. You hop and slide onto the floor going right underneath her like your sliding to home base. You spring up and make it to the door kicking it down just like how you kicked dabi. "Damn it!" Dabi groans "dabi what happened!?" "I don't fucking know all I know is that she pushed me off of her and kicked me in my damn stomach!". You rush past people on the streets dodging and shuffling, it wasn't until you bumped into something hard like stone. But it wasn't something it was some one!. It was pro hero hawks!. You bow face red and pail. "Hey you ok there kid?" You nod yes and takes his hand helping you up. "Hawks" he looks up and eyes narrow. "Dabi" you freeze. 'D-dabi!!' You scream in your head. Dabi starts a flame and aims right towards hawks. Hawks grabs you and spreads his wings and takes off into the air. Dabi fires the first shot of flame. Hawks takes off you in his arms. You two land on the roof of a building, "you ok?" You nod yes, but hawks groans and gasps.ย  You slide back to see his coat have a small stain of red, it was toga.ย  "Thanks for watching cotton tail for Dabi mr hawks sir!" You go to attack but she grabs you and puts a rag over your mouth. You struggle to fight but the chemicals from the rag knock you out. --- Just a heads up Dabi in the next chapter is gonna be a little dominant to y/n And y/n is acutely one of my best ocs I've ever made, I have a good idea for her back story, if you want more story's with this y/n leave comments in this chapter and I will get to them when ever I can. And if you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me so, my other story's I write will be either. Oc, labyrinth, Star Wars, fantasy, MHA, and I will try to start writing sequels to movies and what I think would happen next. So any way hope your doing well, stay health stay safe and stay positive. Boi!!! ^_^. --- You wake up slowly then sit up fast. And barely sit up, you look around to see what's holding you down, you look up to see hand cuffs around your wrists with a chain around the metal bed frame. You look down at the blanket and try to shuffle it off. You manage to get it off by kicking it, but when things couldn't get worse, welp it just did. Your wearing some shorts that have a high waist that covers just half way below your stomach. Fishnet stockings with black thigh high socks over them. And your wearing a white button up crop top. With a black leather harness. Your skin goes pail and cold with fear,ย  not only because of the chains and outfit. But we'll it's the room your in. Believe it or not, your in dabis room!. You shut your eyes tight and hopes this is a dream. But you open your eyes to see it isn't a dream. You panic, and try to use your quirk to break the chains. But fail. You hear the door open and shut, the sound of heavy boots slowly make their way to the desk. "Well we'll I must say," you panic more. "Your one hell of a kicker. And your fighting skills are amazing, the league could use some one like you around here". You struggle more, you see dabis black silhouette grab something off the desk. "Ya know you'd be in a lot more trouble if I didn't save you from that punk" you give him a look as if you were growling. "Hey now don't be that way, that horny bastard was only out because of heat, and I saved your ass, literally!" He joked with a low chuckle. He sat on the edge of the bed and Unclipped the chains from the bed post and brought you to his lap. He leaned you back gently resting your head in his hand, you start to sweat as your body feels weak and starts to shake as your stomach turns, you didn't want this, you've shouldn't had gone and done the task as your cruel foster mom had told you to do. You've should've had gone straight to UA high and waited there for the night. "Shhhh it's alright carrot cake, I'll be gentle". Gentle.gentle..GENTLE!!. He's a villains he's probably nothing but gentle, you struggle but suddenly you feel his clod lips press against your Adam's apple, your warm sensitive Adam's apple, dabi looks up to see you making a face as if your going to moan, In his eyes he wishes you had a voice, to hear those moans he wish he could demand you to sing for him, he kisses lower. You hear small snapping sounds as of fabric. He's. He's ripping the buttons off your shirt!. You struggle more hopping to fight back, and thank the gods some one knocked. "Damn" he growled low in his throat. "Who is it?!" His voice sounded angry and more pissed. "Compress, boss needs you to bring little white rabbit to the bar so toga can get some blood work done, he says that'll help find out who she is!". You feel his cold hand slightly and slowly slipping down the top of your shorts, you dare not to make any movement to make it more worse. He smirks and whispers in your ear teasingly. "Alright carrot cake~, let's see what your name really is~" he slides you off his lap and tosses you his shirt and a pats of black sweat pants. "Get dressed I'll be at the booth in the back" was all you heard before he walked out. --- You sit there for a couple of minutes before changing you use the hood to cover your ears. You felt like crying after what just happened, I walk to the door and freeze. The neon signs glow calls to you, you could run. But they'll find you again. But if you leave now you could get to UA and they wouldn't of noticed. You bite down on your lip. You can't help it, you start to cry. You let go of the door and fall back onto the floor and curl up into a ball. You sob and sob. Yet your forgot once again you can't make a sound, a knock comes from the door. "Ellooo!!!~~~...little cotton tail!!~~" it was twice he seems to nice to be a villain "CMON RABBIT OPEN UP!" You jump, never mind he's a villain. You open the door slightly and peak out. "Hello!!~~~" he noticed your tears and bleeding lip. "Oh don't cry cotton tail, we're not all bad!" He opens the door and holds you in a warm embrace. "Now let's get to know ya!, and hey if dabi ever scares you again come see me and toga! Ok" I nod wipping my eyes, the scent of dabis AXE body spray burns your nose. Twice pats you on the back as his hand is on your shoulder, the two of you walk into the bar. Dabi lays there on the booth he said he would be at.. toga sits ontop of the bar drinking a strawberry milkshake. Compress is putting away the glasses and small plates. "Hey there hunny bunny!!" Your ears flip down from how loud she is. You see dabj staring at you, his eyes say hungry for leaving more kisses and bite marks on your skin while his eyes say something different but you don't know what. Twice helps you up onto the bar stool. Toga slides over handing you chocolate milkshake, you take it but dont take a sip. Shigiraki scratches his neck as he pulls on his glove and walks to you. You freeze and tense up, you feel a sharp prick and jump back. Twice catches you. "Hey it's ok carrot, it's just toga!" She giggles and hands shigiraki the syringe with your blood. "Shouldn't take long, now why don't you eat then get some sleep, your quirk could be of good use to this team" he gives a creepy yet warm smile and walks off. "He's right" compress yawns "goodnight!" Toga smiles and says goodnight as she sits next to you. Dabi gets up and walks over going to take you away when toga wraps her arms around you, her face pressed agaisnt your cheek. "Awwwe cmon staples, let carrot stay with us tonight please!" Dabi grumbled, "listen crazy I caught the rabbit so the rabbits mine!" Twice picks you up. "NUHUH THE RABBIT IS OURS!" Twice grabbed toga and dragged both of you into togas room to hide. You look back and saw anger in dabis eyes his tooth pick snaps by his jaw clenching. You shiver and swallow hard, your mind goes back to what Davi did to you. It felt wrong yet somehow. It felt right?. --- In togas room twice sits staring at the tv as toga braids your hair. "Awe it's ok sweetie that mean old staples isn't gonna get you here!" You nod you look over at his clothes he let you wear but toga noticed, "face forward doll" she turns your head towards the mirror. You start to cry again, your mind replays how dabi made you look in the mirror as his hands explored your body. "Shhhhshhhshh" toga pulled you into her arms. She helped you onto the air mattress and helped you down, your surrounded by plushies blankets and pillows. Twice already passed out on the puffy baby pink sofa in her room. The only light was from the pink night light and the tv. You heard a door open and close and footsteps. Heavy footsteps, you froze. Was it dabi!?. But toga said dabi never came into her room. You started to bite on your nails. It was a sign of your anxiety. Voices can be heard as another set of foot prints can be heard. You crawl out from under blankets and army crawl over to the door. Sitting agaisnt the wall you press your ear and let your quirk over hear. "Her name is y/n l/n she's from a small country side village. Her mother died in a house fire caused by what people say her father, she has an older brother but no sign on him. Like he's off the grid." "Well that doesn't tell us much" "oh?, please explain". "Well it doesn't tell us why she can't fucking speak" the sound of a tablets keyboard. "I looked up doctors report. It's because of her quirk, and it's somewhere in the body, if the right surgery is performed she could speak, but I think it's better she doesn't. Could be useful!". The conversation got heated. You crawled back into bed, not wanting to hear the cuss and argue. You laid there staring at the ceiling. The right surgery?. You thought to your self. You place your hand on your chest and one on your stomach, but where would they cut open. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep. In your dream your playing in the garden, "cmon y/n dads in his shop!." Your brother laughs as he runs off. "W-wait! Eren! Dad said not to distract him!". You and your brother peak inside. The sound of a rock hitting metal echos. Your dad sighs and holds up the sword circles are formed on the blade to make it look like waves or sharp mountains. "Whoa" you and eren jinx eachother, your dad turns, "hey shouldn't you twitch be helping your mom?" You both giggle and run you. Your dad sets the blade and rock down and rubs after you scoops you up and covers your faces in kisses. That's the one memory of you hearing your voice you loved the most. You wake up in the middle of the night tears running down your face. You look to see twice and toga cuddling on the sofa. Twice laying his head on her chest. You get up and quietly leave the room. You carefully peak into dabis. He lays there on his bed spread out. His arm covering his eyes. His white T-shirt rides up his six pack chest with his scars showing. His sweat pants ride down a little. You bite your tongue and rub your cheeks getting rid of the blush. You shut his door and walk into the bar. There compress stands there reading the paper a glass of whiskey on rocks sits on a coaster. He looks up to see you. "Ah if it isn't Ms bunny, how can I help you" he stands up and goes to grab a glass. Using your knowledge in sign you ask for a chocolate milkshake. --- Compress smiles and nods, he does sign back asking if I would like anything to eat. Your schooled by his ability to speak fluent sign, he chuckles "indeed I had to learn it when the boss lost his earring from a mission". You nod and ask for some soup. "Oh dear child for someone was tiny as you, soup won't do" he walks over and grabs the apron and ties it around his wait. He starts to stove and sets a pan ontop. "How about fried shrimp and ramen!," you nod wirh a smile. "Oh I suppose your not allergic to anything?" You shake your head no. "Good, wouldn't want our new friend to get sick!". He smiles and turns and gets cooking. You watch as he gets to work. You slide up ontop the counter. Turning into a smaller you using ur quirk you sit on ur knees watching in amazement. "How adorable, the bunny turned into a baby bunny!," he turns to pat your head. He finished your milkshake setting it next to you. He grabs a bowel from the cabinet and pours the ramen in along with the fried shrimp and egg. "Enjoy cotton tail" he pats your head again giving you chop sticks, he starts to clean up as you eat. Your taste buds explode with flavor. Compress chuckles as me makes himself a drink. You two speak through sign, cracking jokes and talking about hobbies. Then you realized your still wearing dabis clothes. "Forgive Dabi, he's not the friendly type. Though he try's with everyone on the team, still scary and always the big bad wolf" you nod as i down the last bit of the broth. "No time for bed!" You nod smiling as you hand him your dishes, he picks you up placing you ontop of his hat. You hold, He chuckles as he turns off the lights and walks down the hallway. You two make it to togas room. He knelts down and lowers his hat so you could get off, you let go and hug compresses arm. 'Thank you mr compress, you twice and toga are the nicest ones her!' Finishing your sentence with a thumbs up you open the door and enter togas room quietly waving bye. Compress tips his hat and goes to finish cleaning the bar. There at the booth dabi sat, his second cigarette held between the tight grasp of his fingers. A bottle of Jack Daniels was already gone he was working on his second bottle. "You fed her?" He grumbled, "oh come now dabi she's frightened to death of you, have some respect!" Compress walks over and places everything on the table and places a coaster with a glass already ice inside. "And next time please use a coaster" compressed sighed as he turned off the lights except the one above the table dabi was sitting at. --- The next morning twice and dabi wake you up early so you can eat before dabi wakes up. Toga every few minutes checks to see if he still is passed out. After than twice and toga drag you into her room and puts on disguises. The put a black conductors cap. A white button up long sleeve shirt and black legging overalls that go to mid thigh and dark brown leather boots that go under the knee. Toga braids your hair and does your makeup. All thought twice wanted to. Toga protested saying he didn't even know how to put on makeup himself!. "Fair point". Twice asighs and puts on sweatpants a giddier and ball cap. They quickly grab their bags and leave pulling you in between them so dabi wont see you as the three of you walk out of the bar. While walking around you already see some of the 1-A students flying and running around using their quirks. You frown from under your mask. You wish you could be with them instead of the league of villains. "Cmon carrot cake!. We're here!". Twice grabs your hand dragging you behind toga into the mall. The three of you go around buy shop lifting eating and window shopping. They buy you some things for a room of your own. Doors locks that can lock from the inside. A door with a peep hole. And some decore and clothes. "Toga wait don't!!" Your turn to see toga setting off all four of the alarms at the store your in. Panicking you went to grab her when the stuff in your coat triggers the alarms more. Doesn't help that twice dragged both of you out the doors and rushing to the exit. "Stop!" It was deku and bakugo!. You got to pull down your mask but twice throws you other his shoulder and jumps up high and out of the giant glass window. Toga follows. "Not on my watch bitches" you heard bakugo cuss as a loud explosion forms from his gernade hands. Toga flys pats ready to fight. "Get oht if here!!" She orders as twice and you are already on the way back to the hide oht. "Oh no you don't!," "pro hero hawks!". You lift your head up and see deku and hawks gaining. 'Why do I have this feeling to fight back' you thought. Your singe to twice saying you want to fight them, you want to prove you can be a hood help!. "Really oh boy you mean it cotton tail!!" You nod. "He nods and takes the things and rushes off throwing you right at the both of them. You turn small curling up into a ball then grow bigger posing as a cannon ball knocking them both down. You land like your favorite comic book hero. You pull your ball cap down and leap up at them running like a rabbit then licks deku right in the chest. Sending him back. You love swiftly your quirk sniffing out their weak spots. Hitting each one right on target. Your memory comes back of you dad teaching your brother the German suplex.. you've seen your mom use this move on your dad a few times. Mostly when he would teach us to be little chaotic goblins. You quickly snap back and follow the moves as the memory plays like a video in your head. You lean back causing hawks to hit his head on the ground. You throw hawks out of your arms then Sasha bed leaps at deku..wrapping your thighs around his neck and cracking the ground under you as your body weight squeezes Denys neck. When he passes out you see toga running up as if she's trying to warn you. A fimillary hand wraps around your neck as your picked up and flown off with blue flames behind you. 'Shit!'. Was all you could think seeing the flames under the both of you. "Damn honey bunny, your one hell of a fighter~, wonder if you that good on a different fighting ground~" --- Heyyyooo everyone!!! GUESS WHOS BACK!! Yep I'm back after a while since I've being busy lately but I promise for more updates as soon as I can!! --- You hear toga and twice banging on dabis bedroom door. And which one the other side. You sit on the floor hands tied legs tied and a blindfold around your eyes. You tear up and wish you could scream out for help. Your mind races wishing you weren't born with a stupid quirk. Better yet you wish you weren't here at all. "Move aside!!" Dabi roared from the outside. You struggle and try to knock something over to get twice maybe togas attention. You kick off a bottle of something togas loud voice echos from behind. "HANG ON SWEETIE WERE HERE TO THE RESCUE!" That didn't work because a fight broke out several seconds later. You watched as the bright blue light flashes under the doorway, you hear someone being thrown across the room and things shattering.. you hear two more voices, you crawl towards the door and start kicking in it with your feet. I hopes with whatever strength you have left in your quirk will kick down the door. Then you pick up on a sound your rabbit ears popped up from the top of your head. You press one to the door and listen carefully. "Dabi let her out," "yeah who the hell are you to give orders ashy ass". It was shigiraki! You listen more. "If you keep doing this then what's the point of keeping them" her cackled. "My personal pleasure of course it's not once in a blue moon I see a quirk so cute especially how shy they are!". "YOU PERVERT!". "STAY THE HELL OUT OF THIS CRAZY!". "DONT CALL SENPAI CRAZY YOUR CRAZY YOU CRAZY PERCERT!". Twice!. Ok how's your chance you bounce back onto your hands the tips of your fingers supporting your weight. Your fingers could snap at any minute if you stay like this. "Wait for it, wait.." you spoke to your self using the vibrations of the noises around you. "Now!". Sprinting off the floor full speed and force you kick down the door. Knocking dabi into the wall and out cold on the floor.you sit there balancing on the tips of your toes breathing heavily. Struggling you use your strength to break free from the bonds dabi put you in. "Ughh.." Your ripped off the blind fold then stood up. "C-carrot cake?" Your turned to toga your full and waxy. "What the?..you..". Dabi threw off the door and went to grab you. You pull your leg close to your then extends it out your foot hitting right in his gut. They knew your were done with his shit. Either you escape here or not. Your mind goes back to primary school. You sit in the office covered in your bullies blood from his nose and mouth. You've being bullied by them for months when today you snapped. Your brother got into the fight too. He sits next to you, you both eat the strawberry and green tea mochi your mom made. And brought for you since they knew you would all be here for a while. "Kids" you both turn and look up, your dad and mom come out of the office and knelt infront of you, "we told the principal it was self defense but". You worry and hang your head low in shame. "And their parents may press charges but luckily that won't happen". Your dad reaches and picks you up your mother placed her hand on your brothers back as you all walk out. Your brothers ear twitches as you all get farther from the office your brothers quirk activates to hear their conversation as you all walk away. Dabis eyes slightly wide, your back is hunched crouching on your hands and feet your ears pinned back your eyes full and wax like staring blankly at him. "Hey.." they all turned to shigiraki, "what's going?".ย  "Carrot cake wait!". You leap off the floor and make your second attempt to escape. You hear toga and twice running behind you trying to get you to stop. You ignore them as you burst out the door and into the busy city streets. Disappearing into the crowd, toga calls out as she try's to keep up then stops to run back before someone sees her. --- Hey y'all yes yes I know it's being forever, but I'm back. And here to tell you to start reading the first few chapters of my new story rhinestone!. And I promise I will try to update more on this story the best I can!. I hope y'all are doing well!. Anyways thank you and enjoy the rest of the story!!. --- HELLOO!!! I just would like to firstly apologize for being gone for so long! I tend to pick up and continue with the other stories I have written! It's glad to be back!!
Hidden in the star, book one
"Warning โš ๏ธ \n\nDepression, cutting and self carving.\nTalk of abuse, abusive relationship and a(...TRUNCATED)
[ "depression" ]
["Chapter 1 Chaos of a fairytale ","Chapter 2 The Perfect Child to the world Present Day","Chapter 3(...TRUNCATED)
["In this world where only the strong survive is an understatement, after illegal human experimental(...TRUNCATED)
"In this world where only the strong survive is an understatement, after illegal human experimental (...TRUNCATED)
Crossover Multiverse
i will create the Crossover characters, the couples, families and friends.
["Carsha: Eternal Bonds","Carlos' story.","Izuocha: Cute Pigtails ","Izuku x Harem: Slumber party ",(...TRUNCATED)
["Certainly! Let's celebrate the union of Carlos Ramon and Keesha Franklin in a magical wedding epis(...TRUNCATED)
"Certainly! Let's celebrate the union of Carlos Ramon and Keesha Franklin in a magical wedding episo(...TRUNCATED)
Rose colored lenses - Bojan Cvjeticanin
"\"This doesn't mean that I like you\" \n\n\"Good because I don't like you either\" \n\nCecelia and (...TRUNCATED)
[ "bojancjvetcanin", "eurovision", "fanfic", "janpeteh", "jokerout", "krisgustin", "nacejordan", "slovenia" ]
["MEET THE CAST","Wikipedia","Chapter 1","Chapter 2","Chapter 3","Chapter 4","Chapter 5","Chapter 6"(...TRUNCATED)
["<b><i>Gracie Abrams as Cecelia McKnight</i>\n<i></i></b>\n\n<b><i><i>โ€โ€โ€</i></i></b>\n\n<i><(...TRUNCATED)
"<b><i>Gracie Abrams as Cecelia McKnight</i>\n<i></i></b>\n\n<b><i><i>โ€โ€โ€</i></i></b>\n\n<i><b(...TRUNCATED)
KINTSUGI ; severus snape
"โ†ณ in which before the ministry of magic gives the position of defense against the dark arts teach(...TRUNCATED)
[ "kintsugi.", "graphics.", "epigraph.", "000." ]
["<b>k i n t s u g i.</b>\n\nโ†ณ (<i>japanese</i>: ้‡‘็ถ™ใŽ, <i>romanized</i>: \"golden joinery\"),(...TRUNCATED)
[ 0.002502047922462225, 0.37191393971443176, 0.001999631989747286, 0.0010766417253762484 ]
"<b>k i n t s u g i.</b>\n\nโ†ณ (<i>japanese</i>: ้‡‘็ถ™ใŽ, <i>romanized</i>: \"golden joinery\"), (...TRUNCATED)
Crk X Reader H/Cs and Stories ^^
I was bored, so im making this! Just some stories and H/C's about Crk characters ๐Ÿ€
[ "characterxreader", "cookie", "cookierun", "crk", "yandere" ]
["Rules/Basics","Yandere Rye Cookie X Fem. Reader!","Raspberry Cookie X Fem. Reader!","Caramel Arrow(...TRUNCATED)
["Welcome! I was bored, so I thought I'd make this! Not much else to say, so I'll just get to the in(...TRUNCATED)
"Welcome! I was bored, so I thought I'd make this! Not much else to say, so I'll just get to the ins(...TRUNCATED)
My avian journey. Guide for mythicals
Non fiction. Title says it all.
[ "Hi", "Abt Rei", "Ok", "Restart", "Day 1", "Omg", "Im back" ]
["So, My name is Dani (nickname) and umm... I am kinda a mythical. I've been in the sub community fo(...TRUNCATED)
"So, My name is Dani (nickname) and umm... I am kinda a mythical. I've been in the sub community for(...TRUNCATED)
Maddam Sir ( Fanmade ) [Vanshaj x Maddam Sir] Maddam Sir S2
"This is a Fanmade story or story suggestions for my favourite serial.\nThe questions, analysis,stor(...TRUNCATED)
["Maddam Sir Story Suggestions ","Maddam Sir Story Suggestions ","Maddam Sir recent story comment.",(...TRUNCATED)
["1. There have been cyber crime stories involved. \nA story on animal department, (Badi door se aay(...TRUNCATED)
"1. There have been cyber crime stories involved. \nA story on animal department, (Badi door se aaye(...TRUNCATED)
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